#merlin top gun
littleroosteruwu · 2 years
Incorrect Top Gun Quotes
Merlin looking around the empty place : Slider i told you to bring hot babes
Slider proudly, wrapping both arms around Carole and Goose : And I did !.
Slider side glares at Maverick, who only tagged along to see Ice : And whatever Mitchell is .
( @pollyna is to blame making me ship these three . )
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ayo-cowbelly · 9 months
do you ever watch a movie with your family/friends/people you have to be Normal around and have to resist the urge to go “now kith” and go completely insane when your favorite ship comes on?? because same
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hang-a-roo · 1 year
All the married flyboys probably picked Mav up by his armpits to show their wives the " stray kitten Viper let them keep".
Merlin, holding Mav: Look honey! This is the stray kitten!:D
Merlins wife: …Dear, that’s an adult man.
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manwrre · 11 days
what’s your favorite ship and why is it a feral blonde with anger/daddy/mommy issues and a brunette who tries (but fails) to keep him on a leash?
OR alternatively, psycho, killing machine brunette and his moral compass and handler blonde?
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(the guys are trying to think of how to get Iceman and Maverick together) Hollywood: We could make one of them jealous? (everybody stares at Hollywood) Hollywood:...What? Wolfman: We can't do that. Merlin: There'd be mass casualties. Wolfman: Maverick would run over his competition with his motorcycle. Slider: Ice would kill his competition with a LOOK.
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unlawfulchaos · 10 months
[This is what happens when you trap Maverick on a carrier at sea for several months, in shared bunks with Merlin, Slider, and Iceman. He finds new ways to entertain himself. Namely, antagonising Slider.]
Maverick: You know what I've always wondered? How do tall people sleep at night when the blanket can't go over them right to their toes?
Slider: Maverick, it is three o'clock in the goddamn morning.
Maverick: So you can't sleep, huh? Is it because of the blanket?
Slider: Maverick, I swear to god if you don't shut up I'm gonna-
Maverick: Sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you through the blanket covering me completely.
Slider: I hope you die.
Maverick: Yeah? Well, I hope you step on legos.
Slider: Take it back. TAKE IT BACK RIGHT NOW.
Maverick: Barefoot.
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sdrose93 · 30 days
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TG 86 ❤❤
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carousel-crows · 1 year
i would write more icemav, but it's finals week, so here are some headcanons:
ice gives the best hugs. slider basically taught him how to hug, and since slider is the resident teddy bear, ice is a master
mav definitely doesn't mind this after he accepts that he's touchstarved
chipper, hollywood, wolfman, and merlin specifically make sure that mav eats vegetables when ice and slider are away
speaking of food, ice's slavic background (specifically russian and polish) is often very helpful when showing pete his past. He sticks to kosher (he's jewish), and shows mav pierogi. 
Mav absolutely loves home cooked meals. He got taste of all sorts of cultures and religion while in the system, and there were a few recipes he took with him, but there isn't anyone to teach him to cook. 
ice and mav take bradley on outings all the time. the zoo, the park, carnivals and cinemas. Carole loves that they spend time with him, and she loves that it gives her time to still have friends and time to herself.
tom gives forehead, hand, and nose kisses. Pete gives cheek, shoulder, and chest kisses. 
they started out as angry hookups to "blow off steam", but they very quickly realized that they were a lot more complicated than that. it took them way too long to confess, but they grew softer and sweeter much sooner than their peers had expected
that's all i got tonight, folks, but i hope you enjoyed it. if you have any headcanons to share/expand on, feel free to send an ask or dm me!
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roguefankc · 7 months
It's Flu Season! And because Maverick would be the biggest baby if he got sick...
(Penny, Wolfman, Slider, Merlin, and Hollywood run though the front door of Iceman and Maverick house, with Iceman tiredly sitting on the couch in the living room)
Wolfman: Ice?! what's wrong?! We all got your message that you needed help!
Iceman: It's awful! The whole house is sick! First Hangman came down with the flu, then Phoenix, then Rooster, then Payback, and then all the rest of the Dagger Squad! I was running a sick ward all weekend!
Merlin:...wait, why isn't Maverick helping you?
Iceman (flatly): Because then came Monday...
(Maverick comes out in his bathrobe, hair tousled, pale, clammy, and half-asleep and in his hands a bottle of pills)
Maverick (whining): Ice, honey? Can you open the aspirin for me?
(The whole 80s Top Gun team and Penny stay to help Iceman run the house and take care of Maverick and the Dagger Squad)
(Maverick is in bed, weakly ringing a bell)
Maverick (ringing the bell): Slider...
Slider (in the next room helping Coyote): Give me a minute.
Maverick (ringing the bell): Slider...
Slider (in the next room): I said I'm coming!
Maverick (ringing the bell): Slider...
(Slider rushes into Maverick's bedroom in a panic): What?! What?! What?!
Maverick (weakly): My pillow needs poofing.
Slider (eye twitching):...Mitchell, I don't think you want to put a pillow in my hands right now.
(Maverick is in bed, whining and gasping for breath)
Maverick (weakly): I'm dying, Hollywood. I'm giving up the ghost. Every cell in my being is crying out in anguish. It was a good life while it lasted, but this is it. Hello, Grim Reaper.
Hollywood (with a bottle of cough syrup and a spoon in his hands): Cut the bullshit. The medicine doesn't taste that bad.
Maverick (weakly):...Goose? Dad? Carol? Is that you?
(Maverick is in his bathrobe, still sick, and in Iceman's home office while Iceman is frantically typing away on his keyboard)
Maverick: Ice, sweetie? Can you heat up some chicken soup for me?
Iceman (stressed): Mav, sorry but I'm really busy right now! I need to approve this contract in twenty minutes! Can't you just fend for yourself?
Maverick (whining): But I'm sick, honey...
Iceman: Mav, for fuck's sake, we're not talking brain surgery! All you have to do is open a stupid can and dump it in a pot!
(Maverick disappears into the kitchen and then come back a minute later. In his hands is a pot, and in the pot is a can of chicken soup. The can is open but the contents of the soup are still inside the can)
Maverick: Now what?
Iceman:...now, we talk brain surgery.
(Maverick stumbles in the kitchen where Penny, Wolfman, and Merlin are making soup and orange juice for all the Dagger Squad)
Maverick: Is it time for my aspirin yet?
Wolfman: No, Mitchell.
Maverick: But my throat hurts...
Merlin: Maverick, go back to bed. It hasn't been four hours yet.
Maverick: But my head hurts! My joints hurt! My eyes hurt! My body hurts! (in a baby voice) My itty bitty widdle pinkies hurt!
(Penny sighs and opens the aspirin bottle)
Maverick (smirks): I knew I'd win with that one.
Penny: These aren't for you.
(Penny gives two pills to herself, Merlin, and Wolfman and they all gulp them down immediately)
(Cyclone is back at headquarters in his office, feet on his desk with a small glass of bourbon)
Cyclone (smiling): What a peaceful, quiet day.
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thestarwarslesbian · 7 months
Viper to Maverick, who’s about to marry Iceman: Today, two families are becoming one.  Slider, in an ominous voice: Two families enter, one family leaves.  Rooster, worried: That sounds so threatening…  Merlin, with his hands outstretched like a camera frame: The Wedding Games. Iceman, already planning the deaths: May the bouquet toss be ever in your favor. Maverick, whipping a tear of joy from his eye: Beautiful.  Viper, rubbing his forehead: I should have stopped at one. 
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thatsrightice · 8 months
Slider and Iceman fist bump after their flights.
Hollywood gives Wolfman a fist bump after their flights but Wolfman always responds with an open palm shouting “Turkey!” because they’re flying the turkey.
Maverick and Goose high five after their flights because they can never agree coordinate who’s the head and who’s the tail of the turkey.
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pollyna · 2 years
Pete and Tom's wedding, spring '91.
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Source: twitter.
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emmedoesntdomath · 3 months
you mean… you ship… canon… couples?? like. the people that kiss… in the media??? like. the original storyline??? oh…. that’s… interesting… *begins backing away from you slowly with a water spray like you’re a feral cat*
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justmilkplease · 2 years
how can you be homophobic and like top gun (1986) as if the pilots aren't literally homotron 3000, inspector gayget, the lgbtnator, ikissboys69, twinkalink, ilikemenderman, mcqueerson, goose, and draculas gay cousin archmybacula
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blazingstar29 · 10 months
Headcanon that Slider and Ice love how smol pocket sized Maverick is. They do every thing they can to make sure they can always lift him up and plop him on their... hip 😏. So even when they have a full desk job, they are still the fittest of admirals around because y'know. And Maverick gets hot for how they can manhandle him whenever but he likes to give them a challenge sometimes so he gets really good at squiriming out of their hold.
*taking notes* manhandling maverick…
I have my own HC that Slider eventually becomes a commercial airline pilot, but even then…Just six foot something buff ex-navy commercial pilot and his maverick backpack- I mean personal carry on.
Slider is taller than Ice so he’s got more leverage for some more creative ways of carting Maverick around, though Ice still gets his entertainment in.
Maybe a year or so after TOPGUN and they’re bored on a carrier, they figure out they can play helicopter with Maverick because the guy just doesn’t get motion sick. They take turns spinning around whilst holding Maverick by his ankles and for some reason they guy finds it fun. There’s also no gym onboard so after a while the running gets boring and they figure out Mavericks around the same length as a barbell. And whilst he’s no where near the weight any of them lift on the regular, they all have great core because he moves around. It becomes normal to see Maverick sitting cross legged on Slider’s back as he does push ups or for him to be clinging to Merlin’s torso as the RIO does squats. Ice of course is the only one who’s allowed to bench him because of the…hand holds he has to use.
Eventually Maverick gets bored of being the equipment all the time so he decides to start getting his own back. Merlin is his own personal climbing gym, that guy is enormous. But he gets Ice to support his legs as he tries to learn to do near verticals push ups and hand stands.
And when they’re back on shore and all alone, there’s other less innocent ways of making use of their size difference…
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(during Rooster's original time at TOPGUN, the 86'ers (sans Ice and Mav) have a big video call)
Wolfman:...Alright, this meeting of the "Ice & Maverick Support Group" will now come to order. Chipper, read us the minutes from the last meeting.
Slider: - Sorry guys, but I have some pretty big news that can't wait.
Wolfman: In a MINUTE, Slider...!
Slider: IT. CAN'T. WAIT.
Wolfman: OK, fine. So, what is it?
Slider: Well, you guys know Baby Goose is in Top Gun now...
Hollywood: - His callsign is "Rooster"! I love the bird theme...
Slider: - Yeah, well, anyway - I've been talking to Ice about his progress, y'know since Bradley isn't talking to Mav right now -
(mass grumbling from all the 86'ers)
Slider: - And I've corresponded with some of the instructors over there, also, to get some details that maybe Ice may not even be aware of...
Merlin: - How would Ice not be aware of anything that happens with Bradley?
Slider: - Well, just that there may be some details that Ice isn't aware of because the instructors don't think it's relevant to tell him.
Chipper: OK, and...?
Slider(takes a deep breath):...Guys, Bradley has an Iceman.
(the 86'ers erupt in a chorus of "NOOOO...!" and loud groans, some of them are literally banging their heads on their desks)
Slider: Apparently the two of them like to "maintain eye contact" to "intimidate each other" and "size each other up".
Sundown(grumbling): Yeah, I'll tell you exactly what they're sizing up -
Wolfman: - SUNDOWN!!!!
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