#mostly in that his baby is born it is not one of the actual episodes part of the overarching plot
castle-dominion · 9 months
castle 6x11 under fire
the firyspo episode liveblog
I knew immediately what episode this was. I was STOKED to watch this with all the gifs i'd seen
k not a fan of the 12 hours earlier thing bc sometimes it's misleading in a good way but this time it's misleading in a way I dislike.
But pretending I haven't seen the ep: She's just lying to jenny & tbh that's a good idea rn. oh no he's dead. or obv not bc there's more of the series after this but then again montgomery died & tory ellis got replaced with vikram. But oh no he's dead.
(yeah I've seen gifs of this ep I was so excited to watch it. I was freaking out b'y)
It's like the time my neighbour across the street was murdered & then there was an arson to cover the murder
WHAT Oh lol she's so adorable with the triple checking & kevjen is just so perfect.
Girl people are late sometimes. Especially because you don't know when the cells attached themselves to the wall.
Oh the first time I watched this I hadn't seen the baby lotto episode yet! But wait y'all decided not to know your baby's sex? RC: May I suggest … Cosmo. KR: No you may not. And rather than pick a name for my kid, you should pick a date for your wedding. RC: Pick a date for my wedding? (he gestures to BECKETT) I was planning on bringing her. XD XD (clipping)
Mark Kimball, buiilding safety. He asked the detectives if they really needed to be in here.
Oh no. Take pics, grab the body, do what you need to, & leave. Don't stay to examine the body, examine it on the slab. KR: Nope. Dude had a wallet, but it was burned to a crisp. Even if he was a dude. It’s hard to tell that. (so ryan was already here? they're always here before caskett. except that one episode in s1 where "he was here before me") RC: I see what you mean. LP: Actually, he is a dude, which is about all I could tell you right now.
KR: This is Lieutenant Delia Burton. She’s the fire investigator with the FDNY. Detective Beckett, Mr. Castle. where's esposito? I like her scarf
RC: So the killer set the fire to cover up the murder? THIS REALLY IS LIKE MY NEIGHBOUR!
"as soo n as I know smth so will you" sounds like SHE'S the killer
There’s a creaking sound and everyone looks at the ceiling. (they are not even wearing hard hats) RC: What was that? DB: The building. You guys should probably go. RC: Sounds good. (he turns and leaves the room quickly) See ya! KR gapes at him. KB: rolls her eye and sighs. KB: I’m … marrying … him. KR: Yeah. KB: Yeah. (could clip)
Art Torino: Maybe the guy was a bum or a squatter or something. Everyone else: AT: But hey, you know, human life, still a tragedy, right? (not clipping) "Who are you again?"
AT: I take offense to that. Just because I’m Italian I’m in the mob? KB: No, I think you are in the mob because you area known member of the Minari crime family and you also have convictions in racketeering, assault, fraud–
What's so special abt that x? Ooh music
Esposito's here!
RC: (sighs) Beats getting roasted alive. LP: I’m right there with you. Me: absolutely. teeth? those things are always good.
Delia Burton is amazing & I love her but oh no her poor partner. I'd watch an entire episode about them.
benzoyl peroxide, isn't that what u put on your mouth to numb it when u have a canker sore?
Serial arsonist? Ooh I like this episode! vacation days to work the case? just like beckett. just called, didn't pick up, just KNEW... Hey in my family watch we have a "the phantom" too!
RC: Sillier than the arsonist, which starts with ‘arse’? At least with The Phantom he’s got some mystique. (not clipping)
MOs about arson. interesting. I am NOT insane but I am a LITTLE bit pyrophillic.
Ferguson, do I know ppl with that name or is that a location in my area or is that smth I'm remembering from this episode?
Oh no place has been trashed rn just remembering the bloopers in the building alone? scary for me bc I know what happens. Ryan is usually written as like... skinny but he has broad shoulders babe! He just looks small compared to brick-shit-house/pos esposito missing car? I have no idea what that means.
He LOOKS like an arsonist. That's what cishet!human!Pyro looks like. But nonbinary!nonhuman!Pyro looks WAY not like that. Ah ha! But he can't be the killer that would be too easy & too soon. Unless he IS the killer & the rest of the episode is about smth else. The thing is, murder mysteries are very formula. You need to have the setup & they need to get close but then it can't be the real killer right away in the episode so obviously it is not them, you need to have a red herring, it really is formula huh. That's one of the reasons I liked the bird watching episode with the light bulb guy & the janitor dad. They got completely sidetracked & didn't have the typical "who was it who was it" thing.
Chat between friends? he put you in prison for five years or smth bro. Or u got out 5 years ago idrk. (weird grammar from castle) "fandom" not "phantom" lol
Fergs: Blake paid me for my time. Plus, uh … (he smiles) .. he let me see some of the photos of the fires. (he laughs) So we both got something out of the deal.
... It's episodes like this that make me concerned for my mental health.
Ferguson: Any idiot can slosh gas around and light a match. But this guy, he knew fire. Knew how it spread. (he leans forward) See, fires are just like people. There’s a weak spot. The soft underbelly. He would find it. Use it. Unleash an inferno with barely any accelerant. That … is an artist. (he's so right. he is genuinely right. I think I was leaning forward on my knees while watching this practically on the edge of my seat bc I loved it sm.) (not clipping tho)
Fergs: An artist like The Phantom? He wants to admire his work. It’s not enough that he sets the fire. He needs to feel the heat, to listen to the music. The roar of the flames, the moans of the buildings as they give in? That’s what he lives for. Which is why, with every fire he sets, he is there watching. (He describes it so... beautifully. Who wrote this episode again?) (still not clipping but UGH I am concerned for me mental health bc this is soooooo sexy)
RC: You know, one thing about his story that does ring true on a character level is about how the arsonist watches his own fires. Castle knows characters.
Was the... wait... the building burned up AFTER he had the files on it... Lol ryan on his phone for his wife I'm love (not clipping but funny)
(no no no no I know what is happening I am Feeling Emotions) Sure they are detectives but HOW do you tell that someone has been inside the building?
JE: Man. Look at this place. Fire would be an improvement. girl... {me: has seen the full ep. JE: is right.}
KR reaches for his phone. JE: Hey! KR: What? JE: Trust me, bro. Your ringer is all the way up. (what if they need to be quiet detectives?) KR: I just want to make sure. Jenny might call me at any minute. JE: Pulling your phone out isn’t going to make it happen any sooner. You just need to chill. KR: And you know this from your vast experience of having zero kids? (Esposito did have tommy & joey) JE: All right, you know what? You’re all emotional right now so I’m going to let that go. (reminds me of "your wife is hormonal bc she's pregnant, what's your excuse?")
If I were them I'd leave someone holding the door open. first names <3 wazoo XD (I whistled at the same tom lol)
Timer & alarm LET the ppl know that there IS a bomb or smth? but um. AAAAAAAAH SCREAMING SCREAMING SCREAMING THIS IS IT THIS IS THE EPISODE I AM DYING RN SDKFAJSLDFJKH (also just yell "run" don't spend the time saying it's not an alarm.) (but also if the explosion blasted stuff out like that I think they'd be dead)
I cannot say anything I am just so klfsdkfjsdlkj
Is castle allowed to use her computer?
How would you press the top of the spray paint if it is on a pole tho?
RC: That must have been the arsonist. Maybe somebody saw them do it. Can we canvass the area? And by ‘we’ I mean obviously somebody else. (unis or ryaposito, which will be how they figure out that they are there)
KB: What are you looking for? And don’t tell me, it’s something completely inappropriate for the workplace. RC: No, not this time. THIS TIME???
Obviously edited smoke lol (it could have been maybe he didn't KNOW what was going on & started filming just in case) How did they know to start filming then? ARSONIST FILMS HIS OWN FIRES Yeah like the metadata & all that stuff. it's like that tumblr post *deletes you* *you still exist as metadata* (but wait how did this vid get bounced around the internet so fast
Transcipt: She brings up a webpage. It’s full of hot girls and fire. Me: Oh yeah Rule 34 bro.
Is tori technically a cop? can she look up ppl & their records?
Got a warrant to enter his house babe? Lol the pyrolicious title on his door if it really is around the globe, I'd kind of expect him to be in like,,, slovenia or smth.
So you don't know who drops off the material but you can TELL it is from the same person? who sends you "choice material"? gosh his phone is starting to bug me. You need a warrant. Of course he has a fire alert lol OH NO *just run away leaving milo confused* AAAAAAAAGGHHGHDKFJSKLDF
becks let the fire ppl do their jobs, they know it better than you (I hate becks sometimes)
maybe the explosion blasted them out from the fire & they are just unconscious across the street from getting thrown against the wall... Becks this aint your fault OH NO. JENNY. (already 12 hours?) see? I just... I didn't like this the first time around but maybe I don't hate it as much now. Lie to her beckett. the woman is pregnant. Lie to her & say her husband got banged in the head or smth & is just walking it off but he'll probably be back tonight.
Look at all my background characters <3 Good on gates shutting off the tv & putting ppl back to work Yay speaking lines
VG, doing the recap for me: We don’t know. What we do know is that Detectives Ryan and Espozito were investigating that building for ties to a serial arsonist. And it’s possible that the explosion in that building was deliberately set by that same arsonist, a man suspected in ten other fires, as well as the murder of a member of the New York Fire Department. And if it is true, then this sick SOB has just added two of our own to his list. (I can't tell the difference between who is saying what)
How long have they been unconscious if the fire spread this much? also if u got knocked out u have a concussion.
EXT – EMPTY WAREHOUSE Fire crews still fight the fire. It’s not any more contained that it was earlier. INT – EMPTY WAREHOUSE (just stuff on ur head. & back. u'r in the debris. u'd be dead) KR and JE are on the ground. They’ve fallen into a lower floor and the fire rages above them. JE moves first, shocked by circumstances, but alive. (I'd describe this as: JE is on the floor with crap on him. there is a boom & he jolts awake, moving sluggishly at first.) also ooh yummy listen to those creaks. JE: Ryan! (love his voice crack) JE: [he scrambles up] (also my man has NO hair on his legs) Ryan! Ryan? KR coughs. JE: Kevin! Kevin, is that you? KR is alive, but he’s pinned under a beam. (he’s going to have broken legs) JE: You all right? [dusting him off] KR: Yeah, yeah. (he struggles) I can’t move. My legs are stuck. JE tries to lift the beam, but it’s too heavy. It doesn’t move. They struggle. JE: It’s too heavy. KR: (sighs) It’s an oven in here. You should get out, man. (yeah go get help) JE: Not without you, partner. (TIL THE WHEELS FALL OFF) KR looks up at the fire above them. KR: Last thing I remember is the floor giving away. How far do you think we fell? JE looks up & gets a pole. JE: At least two floors. (& u have no other broken bones?) KR: (sighs) He must have rigged this place. JE: Probably to destroy any evidence in case he was found. KR: Yeah, including us. (ha…) JE: Not if I can help it. You ready? KR: (coughs) Yeah. JE: All right. Here we go. JE wedges a metal pipe under the beam that is pinning KR down. He tries to leverage it, but it’s still too heavy. (He is putting the pole under the cement beam & levering against the floor but I feel like that would just cause the beam to slide. He is also pulling up with the lever rn I'd like u to note.)
(I totally thought he'd have the ki/chi to fix this)
I don't rly remember my time at the airport fire department but I got to shoot water. I rthink it was stronger than that.) Fire Chief Miller: Move back! Everybody back! KB: *rushes forward* girl?
Babe no wait, they are not giving up, they have plans. Oh no, it's Lanie...
INT – EMPTY WAREHOUSE JE tries to leverage the beam off KR’S leg. It’s still not moving. (the MUSIC, the drums the OH SO GOOD) KR: The ceiling’s going to give away at any minute. You need to get out of here, okay? JE: Shut up. I’m trying to save your life. (cliping) KR laughs, but it’s strained. JE looks for something else to help him. He notices an I-beam lying nearby. (LOVE the music) He struggles to drag it over to use to get the center of gravity of the wedge higher for better leverage. (different types of levers, right?) JE: Here we go. There. Ready? KR: Yeah. JE strains, but manages to get the beam off KR’S leg enough for him to move. THIS IS MY SQUEEZING OUT MOPS FOR WORK. You want to not just use your hands tho, you want to sit your bodyweight on it Sito. JE: Go, go, go, go, go! JE: drops the beam & runs to KR. KR: I’m okay, I’m okay. They take a second (& my man's legs aren't broken? seriously? Ok I need a fanfic where his legs are actually broken or at least a little bit cracked up) JE: Can you walk? KR: Give me a hand. ..I’m kind of okay. (lol kind of ok) JE helps him up and KR grunts/laughs in pain. JE: How’s it feel? KR: Oh, I can stand. (he slaps JE on the shoulder and looks up) Where are we? JE: Looks like some kind of sub-basement. (at least smoke rises...) KR: I don’t see any doors. JE: points to an airshaft. There are flames over the top. JE: Looks like that was our way out. KR: Yeah, I don’t think we wanted to go up, anyway. KR coughs. JE: We’re not going to get out without help. [He pulls out his phone. It’s shattered.] Ugh, my phone’s busted from the fall. (& they don't show him try it.) What about you? KR: digs in his pocket for his phone. It’s not broken, but it has no service. KR: Uh … yeah, I got nothing. (boring background on ryan's phone) JE: All right, well … as big as this thing is, the fire department’s gotta be other there. They’ve gotta be on scene. KR: Yeah. We should let them know that we’re down here. JE cups his hands around his mouth and starts to yell. JE: Yo! [High angle.] KR: Anybody hear us? Down here! JE: (voice breaking) Anybody up there? KR: (loosening his tie) Hey! JE: Down here! KR: Hey! There’s nothing. KR: The fire’s too loud. They can’t hear us. JE: I’ve got an idea. JE grabs the pipe he used to get the beam off KR’S leg and starts beating on a metal exhaust vent. It clanks loudly. (it is not that pipe.) (I thought he was going to try to open that twisty water thing actually & stop the firse down here) JE: Maybe the sound’ll carry up. Let them know we’re down here. (fun fact, low sounds carry farther than high ones) KR: grabs his down piece of debris and starts beating on metal. They’re trying to make as much noise as possible. JE: Hey! KR: Down here! JE: Hey! KR: Hey! Down here! EXT – EMPTY WAREHOUSE The noise KR and JE are making is faint, but the fire covers most of it up. (It is implied that the sound is coming from a pipe/shaft like those telephones in playgrounds.) It’s not really working. INT – EMPTY WAREHOUSE KR: Hey! Down here! JE: Hey! They’re making as much noise as they can. JE: Hey! KR stops. KR: Stop. JE: What? KR: (voice breaking) They can’t hear us. JE: We can’t just quit, man. KR sits & removes his tie. KR: We better save our strength. JE: For what? Nobody knows we’re down here. It’s only a matter of time before the fire sucks all of the oxygen out of the room. (right. I forgot about that.) KR: There’s gotta be some way out of here. Some other way of letting them know that we’re down here. JE: Yeah? Like what? KR: I don’t know. Something. (want to clip but I shouldn't) (helpful.) JE: Yeah? Well, unless you have an oxygen tank, a pair of wings, and a Nomex suit, we’re going to cook. (lol but also. hhhhhh were gonna cook. hatred hatred hatred. & yeah they would totally cook rather than burn.) KR laughs mirthlessly. He glances around the wreckage. It’s a bunch of broken and beaten debris, but something catches his eye. In a pile of old electronics is a corded phone. A landline. KR: Maybe not. Me: he's going to use the cords to climb out
rescue vs recovery hhhhhhsdjkfsd
Lanie is allowed thru the police barricades & also allowed to bring in a plus-one. of COURSE she's having a baby. Idk if I knew that before watching this for the first time or if I just knew it bc obviously it would turn out like this for the drama. (also castle dad moments) Girl there's nothing you can do here. Go have a baby safely. You're just making more stress here. You can lend your spiritual strength to the antifire team from anywhere. (also, your husband is schrodinger's cat rn, your baby is there.)
KB: I can’t believe that this is happening. This is like some kind of a dream. I just keep waiting to wake up but it’s like I can’t do anything. (she breaths out heavily) It’s like there’s nothing we can do. (you're right there IS nothing u can do HERE) RC: All we can do is be here for them. & being there for rysposito isn't even anything rn bc they don't KNOW you're there. unless u meant be there for the fire team. You know, what you SHOULD do is go back to the precinct & arrest your arsonist.
He’s trying to be reassuring, but she’s still terrified. He goes back to looking for answers and her phone rings. She answers without looking.
KB: (on phone) Beckett. There’s static on the other side. KB: Hello? KR tries to make the phone connect. He’s playing with the wires. (INDIVIDUAL TECH FELLOW) KR: Beckett? Beckett, can you hear me? The static starts to clear enough for her to make out words. KR: Beckett? Can you hear me, Beckett? The sound of KR’S voice makes RC look up. KB: Ryan? (she doesn’t quite believe it) Ryan, is that you? KR: Yeah, yeah, yeah! It’s me, Beckett! Listen, that building that we went into, it wasn’t the next arson target. It was his lair. He rigged it to blow. Now we’re trapped inside. The whole place is in flames. (reminds me of The Martian where mark watney didn’t know that nasa was watching him, he didn’t know how much they knew. KB: (her voice breaks) Yes, I know. Ryan, we’re right outside. We’ve got the whole fire department here. We thought – (she can’t) – you guys were dead. A beam breaks away and JE grabs the phone. JE: Well we will be soon if we don’t get some help. KB looks to RC. They need a plan. They need help. (I'd say "I lovr you i'm so glad you're ok." or not ok but not dead yet)
EXT – EMPTY WAREHOUSE fire chief miller: Exactly where in the building are you? JE: Some kind of sub-basement mechanical room. (& the mech room has a phone board?) JE: About 20 feet down from the main floor. There’s no windows, no doors. FCM consults a blueprint of the building. FCM: This doesn’t make any sense. KB: What? FCM: Well, according to these plans, this building has a slab foundation. There is no basement area. JE: Well I don’t know what to tell you, pal. We’re in some sort of basement. There’s something wrong with your fricking plans. Something clicks with RC.
I love how castle is the one to talk with gates I NOTICED that they focused on the airshaft in the first scene in the workshop! You don't need the plans tho, you just need to know where the workshop was & then go straight down. in theory.
My man would totally watch more than his own work. it's like fanfiction. Your fics are the ones perfectly tailored to you, but you can enjoy other fics too.
Firebug447, sexy name. I should make that my username.
Gates my beloved. She is so scary. I love her so much & also the music is great
Milo: No. I’d sometimes ask. He did once say why he did it. He said he couldn’t deal with the suffering. That sometimes sick and dying buildings need to burn to be put out of their misery. that's abt the building not the fire.
EXT – EMPTY WAREHOUSE They’re still battling the fire. KB: And you’re sure you don’t see another way out? KR is struggling. The heat and the carbon monoxide are getting to be too much. Both he and JE are moving slower. KR: If there is it’s covered by debris. Any idea where that way out might be? (lol he said way aight might be) KB: Castle’s on the phone with the building department. He’s trying to get ahold of the original blueprints. JE: We’re assuming there even is a way out. (KR looks at him) We’re giving this guy more credit than he deserves. JE sits heavily. KR: We’re both getting sleepy. (Panting) Carbon monoxide’s building up. KB: Ryan, you listen to me. You need to hang on, okay? They’re coming for you. KR: (tries to laugh) Appreciate the pep talk, but we both know the fire’s too hot and they don’t know where to look. KB: (adamantly) No. Ryan – KR: We’re going to lose the phone soon, (says who???) Beckett, so … there’s something I need you to do.
INT – AMBULANCE KB:looks at her phone. She looks from LP to a laboring JoM. KB: Jenny. LP is supporting JoM through labour. JoM takes in the look on KB’S face. JoM: Oh, what is it. KB holds out her phone. KB: It’s him. JoM: (brightly) It’s Kevin? (she takes the phone) Is it you? It’s really you? KR smiles at hearing his wife. (I'm dying dying dying) KR: Yeah. Yeah, it’s me, beautiful. He laughs in happiness. JoM: Oh thank God. Where are you? The baby’s coming. KR: (regretfully) I’m inside. JoM: Inside -? (she looks around like he means the ambulance) (this part KILLS ME but also is a little funny) LP looks at KB. KB gives her the slightest shake of her head, her expression sober. LP slumps. (lanie's look might have meant "where is javi?" & beckett's shake would have been interpreted as "he didn't make it" or smth. not good.) KR: I’m sorry. (on the verge of tears) I know I promised, but – (he coughs/clears throat) – I’m not going to be there. JoM understands what he’s saying. JoM: Don’t say that. Please don’t say that. RC has to turn away, doesn’t want to intrude. He moves to face KB towards him and they share a look. KR: I’m sorry. JoM gasps as a contraction hits. She breaths deeply. KR: I love you more than anything. Remember that. (he tries not to cry) Always remember that. (they have their own always) JoM: Kevin, please – (she starts to cry) – no, don’t leave me. KR: (laughs) Oh, I don’t want to. JoM gasps again, then finds some resolve somewhere. Some strength. JoM: We need a name. For the baby. We need to do that together. KR: (nods) All right. If it’s a boy: Javier. (I'd say Séamhír actually. Javier is pronounced havyed, but x can also be pronounced with an h sound. xavier is the same name as javier. mh & bh in gaelge is pronounced w or v depending on where u are. x can be pronounced like sh z or ctl too so Séamhír is pronounced shey veer, like ekseyveeur or egzeveeur but without the ek. It's all the same name.) JE: looks up weakly. JoM nods. RC and KB try to not intrude, but can’t imagine having to do something like JoM is doing right now. JoM: And if it’s a girl? KR: Sarah Grace, after your grandma. (JoM: name together. KR: names by himself.) JoM cries. JoM: I love you so much, Kevin. I love you. KR: (jumbled) – love – too. The phone cuts out and JoM is left with static. JoM: Kevin? (She sniffles & it is obvious the crying is causing her nose to get stuffy.) Kevin? Kevin! She can’t stop her tears. She holds the phone out weakly. KB sighs heavily before she takes it back.
INT – EMPTY WAREHOUSE KR hangs up the phone heavily. He tries not to cry at having said his goodbyes. He wipes his nose/mouth which is sweaty from the fire. JE is leaning against a block of cement. JE: (mumbled) Javier? You’re going to name a white Irish kid Javier? (you can name a white spanish kid javier... it is not just a spanish/portugese origin native american name) KR: What? (heavily) You’re going to bust on me now for being sentimental. (he is slurring.) JE: I figure it’s my last chance. KR laughs. They share a look & sit quietly. KR: Nah. Nah nah. We’re going to get out of here. There’s a way out and we’re going to find it. I’m not leaving Jenny. I’m not leaving my baby without a dad, alright? As he talks, JE remains slumped over. He’s passed out. KR turns to him and when he realizes JE is no longer conscious he scrambles over. KR: Hey. Hey! Javi! (he grabs JE and shakes him) No, no. Don’t you dare fall asleep on me. Don’ t you dare, Javi. Javi! (he shakes him once more) Javi! JE doesn’t stir. KR lets his head fall onto JE’S shoulder as he cries. (bc at least when he said goodbye to jenny he could still see a way out for him & javi.)
The music
& Lanie is just going to help deliver a baby? She has neither given birth nor assisted in delivery before as far as I know butok. LP: I know, Baby. Lil bro: You know baby?
DB: So I went back through the files, all of the building inspector reports, and he was right. Each of the target buildings had issues. Structural defects, wiring problems, rot. But that's for the sake of the building, not the fire...
It's going to be fire chief miller! or not they have two things in common. They were SICK & signed by kimball. Ah, makes sense. Or it could be his... idk... assistant ig. nvm. So becks didn't recognize kimball from his name & couldn't put a face to him. they met earlier this ep. I have an hour & a half before I need to RACE to work kill me. but anyway now that becks sees this guy's face on her laptop (which has nypd data on it?) she recognizes him as someone who she's seen around here before. He's here dun dun dun! well... of course he is. he records the fires. but this one was not a fire he planned on recording, this was a booby trap. (it'd be so sus to be recording here like this) his phone? srs? I feel like my man would have... a tripod or smth. but that would be sus. delia also has a gun??
Becks getting mad here babes & I LOVE it.
INT – EMPTY WAREHOUSE JE is slumped against a slab of concrete. Me: ryan isn't there, maybe he is finding a way out while his partner is unconscious! KR: *is passed out on the floor in front of him.* Me: oh Neither moves. The flames burn above them, but there’s hope. Part of the far wall starts to cave in as rescue crews try to bash it in. (practical effects my beloved) It crumbles enough for them to crawl through. They crouch down to assess the conditions of KR and JE. The camera only shows KR. It implies that either JE is dead because he is not being checked or he is physically offscreen & not present meaning he is also not present in life anymore; or it implies that KR is dead because he is the one lying on the ground not moving & it would be more tragic & dramatic to kill him & leave the baby. Why would they need to bash out the wall tho?? I thought there was supposed to be a way out. Maybe the arsonist never caved. Maybe he wasn't done setting up his escape route & there WAS no escape route yet. (the MUSIC)
also building dude changed plans of a building? makes sense
EXT – EMPTY WAREHOUSE FCM: Rescue seven, what’s your status? (they had no cell signal down there babe) There’s no response over the walkie talkie. RC fidgets with suspense. KB tries to stay hopeful. FCM: Rescue seven, do you have them? (nothing. KB keeps close watch on the building) Rescue seven, are they alive? (YEAH LIKE... RESPOND BRO) RC: (points) There. The rescue team leaves the building, emerging from the smoke. When they’re clear, everyone can see that they’ve got KR and JE with them. (WHY ARE THEY AWAKE & WALKING?) They’re banged up, but they’re alive. Everyone rushes forward to meet them. (imo it would have been better to have them over the shoulders of the buff firefighters & they start to cry bc "oh no they're limp over that guy's back, they must be dead" & then have them wave or cough. Or have them over the backs & they rush to see them like "yay!" but when they yell at them like "welcome back I'm glad you're alive" they don't respond & then it drops in your stomach & then you hear ryan say "jenny" or the firefighter says "girl get out the way these boys need the ambulance before they can wake up" or smth like that) KB: Espo! (she pushes through to pull him into a hug) Espo! (first name maybe? or the full espoSITO?) RC: You scared us. (he hugs KR) You scared us. (KR puts his dirty hands on RC's coat.) They switch so KR hugs KB and JE hugs RC. RC: You smell great. (like fire or like sweat bc they were in a fire?) KR pulls back and looks between RC and KB. (HOLD ON I DIDN'T REALIZE-- WHEN DID HE LEARN THAT JENNY WAS HERE? HE ASKED BECKS TO GIVE THE PHONE TO HER BUT WHO TOLD HIM HIS PREGNANT WIFE WAS AT THE FIRE? I mean she was preggy so ofc he'd ask abt her.) KR: Where’s Jenny? (clipping)
EXT – EMPTY WAREHOUSE (yay music) RC helps KR scramble toward the ambulance. (BECAUSE HE REALLY DID POSSIBLY BREAK HIS FRICKING LEGS) JE and KB follow behind them. KR turns to see LP helping JoM cuddle a baby. (lol that was a short af labour) JoM: Kevin! (she cries) You’re alive! KR stares at his wife and new baby for a long moment. LP: Javi! (she jumps down and into his arms) You’re alive! KR scrambles into the ambulance and lunges forward to kiss JoM. JoM: Oh. KB buries her head in RC’S neck as they watch the reunion. She pulls back and they smile. KR: You’re both beautiful. JoM: Kevin, I’d like you to meet … Sarah Grace. KR doesn’t know who he wants to look at. He tears his eyes from JoM to look at his new daughter and he strokes her head gently. LP and JE stand close together and smile, as do RC and KB. They’re family. And everyone is okay. They’re okay and it’s amazing.
ok wow
this ep was amazing. I did a stupid tho, I spent a bit over an hour & a half legit reading the transcript & quoting it the other day & then I spent over an hour & a half today & like... yeah I knew I would spend extra long on this ep but this is a bit too long. I have to go back to school soon & I'd like to finish my solo binge watch before school starts so that I can focus on school with only a little bit of fanfiction that I can read anywhen & anywhere.
& I have work in an hour. (by which I mean 2.5 ofc.) kms /hj.
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the-music-maniac · 5 months
Not that I read mpreg all that often (not really my thing generally speaking) but I came across some "Sanji is pregnant" fics in the sanzo/zosan tag, and not nearly the same amount for Zoro. It got me thinking about the trope. I think the lack of Zoro fics here is a tragic oversight. I think we as a fandom are absolutely and tragically ignoring the potential comedy gold of Zoro being the one to be pregnant instead.
Because when people write Sanji, the general trend I'm seeing (upon scanning through some of the fics quickly) is that he's cautious about it. Conscientious, careful to make sure things are okay. Which - arguably I could see, Sanji is probably the more practical of the two (not by a whole lot but still)and he didn't have a good childhood. Sanji being pregnant is usually a fic about his heaps of parental issues, childhood trauma and angst - which is fun to read. It's good. It's amazing, even.
Zoro being pregnant is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT gonna be a COMEDY. We're talking about a man who once tried to fight Kuina holding like 20 bokkens. We're talking about a man who got stuck in wax and thought the reasonable solution was to cut off his legs.
The entire crew spends the next 9 months tearing their hair out, preventing Zoro from doing stupid shit (exhibit A: cutting off his own limbs). They spend the same amount of time trying to stop Luffy from gum-gum-grabbing Zoro and yeeting him anytime he needs to get them out of a sticky situation.
The crew (mostly Sanji) is on 24/7 prevent-zoro-from-drinking-alcohol duty (impossible). Chopper is constantly stressed in the later months cause no one puts it past Zoro to get lost somewhere, give birth out in the woods and come strolling back with a baby tucked under his arm. They have to start hiding Zoro's dumbbells.
Franky and Usopp design and build a nursery and spends the entire time suspiciously teary eyed. Sanji tries to pretend he's unaffected but spends an entire night creating a 9 month meal plan of all the nutrients Zoro and the baby are gonna need. Not even a day later, one of the crew finds him up at 2 am making a mountain of food because Zoro made the mistake of offhandedly mentioning he had particular pregnancy craving within earshot of Sanji. In the end Zoro has to sit on him to stop Sanji from running himself ragged.
Robin keeps spouting morbid childbirth facts and quotes from parental advice books in equal measure. Nami keeps going on shopping sprees for cute baby clothes and adding the cost of them to Zoro's debt. Brook keeps writing lullabies and trying to sing them to Zoro's stomach. Zoro 100% uses his pregnancy belly as an excuse to walk around without a shirt 24/7 without getting nagged.
Somehow word gets out that the famous pirate hunter Zoro is pregnant, and at the next big fight with the Marines, half the soldiers refuse to fight him and instead start telling him to sit down, take it easy, shouting advice at him etc. Etc. Zoro loses his shit a little bit and cuts their boat in half.
Mihawk, upon finding out, tells Zoro in no uncertain terms that that is his grandchild and he's expecting them to visit so he can meet the baby when they're born. Zoro vehemently denies that Mihawk is his father (he is). Zeff upon finding out, is almost as bad as Sanji when it comes to being a mother hen. Perona buys even more baby clothes for the baby. She buys one singular shirt for Zoro as a joke, and it coincidentally happens to be the exact same brand of "mama" crop top he was forced to wear in that one filler episode. Zoro tries to chuck it into the ocean (he fails).
I'm essentially saying it would be absolute chaos, and it would be the funniest thing I've ever read. 9 months of Marimo wrangling. Can you imagine the look on Zoro's face if one of the opponents he was fighting were to tell him that he's "glowing"?
PLEASE, I would actually wheeze myself to death. The best part is you can still have plenty of Sanji angst. He still has parental issues except now they're flavoured with "I'm not ready to be a father" and "I'm terrified I'm gonna become my biological sperm donor" and "please don't die because of childbirth complications, that happened to my mother(sort of, I know she died after but it kinda counts), and I can't handle that happening again to you". Lots of cute/tender moments of Zoro comforting and reassuring Sanji. We can even have Zoro angst. He probably views protecting his crew as the one and only job he's good for (not true but that's probably what he thinks). Not being able to fulfill that is probably not helping his self esteem, and that sense of uselessness warring with his need to protect the baby - but the contradictory thing here is that to protect the baby he HAS to sit back and let other people do that FOR him. That plus all the other restrictions, people treating him differently, but him at the same time refusing to view his own child as a weakness. Imagine the havoc that would wreak. Oh my god.
Y'all don't understand, I don't even read mpreg that often and yet this is literally my ideal fic HAHAAAAA
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snackugaki · 1 year
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...visdev really is my enrichment activity for i am just a bored tiger in my enclosure, looking to figure out how to get this steak out of this metal ball.
my tmnt au (where everyone made it past their 20s, splinter’s alive just old, venus is here, and they deserve some goddamn respite and shenanigans)
tmnt au part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
tmnt au omake 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
lny visit 1 | 2
also uhhh... i guess still idw, next mutation, and like 1 mirage spoiler? mostly for the kids who haven’t but were planning to read/watch
you’re about to perceive so much
p r e p a r e
so close to getting this AU looking as crunchy as i want it, almosttttt tttthhhhhere...!
just somewhere tasty between Mignola’s use of deep black shadow, what MTV Liquid Television woulda greenlit re: The Maxx, a dash of 2007, 1 part Next Mutation, 2 parts funny proportions
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh str ugglingggg
Leo’s shortest because haha (family baby gang, get rekt)
this is so much thought for something I’m just doing to give these turtle ninjas some softness and the genx/millenial pop culture references gag comics
Splinter is full of ghosts
(specifically the onryo borne from the murdered Yoshi Hamato and Tang Shen [because oroku saki a bitch])
[ redacted ] and Tang Shen’s ghost gained control and guided Splinter to raise the boys in love and not [ redacted ] to [ redacted ] in [ redacted ]
Splinter was just a regular little rat... who on his 1000th birthday witnessed the death of his friend/unwitting master and his wife, and thus transformed into a wrathful kyūso (minus the kitten eating) and chased Shredder until losing his trail in New York
Shredder’s fuck around and Splinter’s rampaging as the find out caused the tengu to repo some of the mysticism from ninjutsu
now all the (remaining) ninja clans debuffed and mad about it
The tengu bestowed the ninja the ability to summon shit (kuchiyose), enact mystical effects upon people and objects (kuji kiri), going invisible, minor flight (actually just qinggong/light body technique), and manipulation of the 5 elements, and creating doubles (bunshin)
but again, Shredder fucked up so now ninja can like barely control anything bigger than a lit torch or a 16 oz bottle of liquid and that’s if you got in enough hours to do even that
I mentioned elsewhere but for me in any AU I make, Venus is a cultivator and the more I think about it the more I will die on this hill, not only does it fit better than her being a “shaman” or “shinobi” it’s sick as fuck
Jennika’s origin was pretty fkkn metal, she still falls in with the Foot, gets shanked, Leo gives blood-- bam, turtle time
Jennika goes to hang with Venus in China and get a better understanding of her new turtle body
Keno’s here, still tried to infiltrate the Foot (with Jennika) but bugged out when she couldn’t stay without being made (Jennika refused to leave womp)
teaches Leo some arnis techniques for Leo’s dual wielding; Donnie also just in case his bo is shattered... again. :)
Irma has made all the boys blush at least twice
Irma is also soap opera buddies with Splinter
they meet up at least twice a month to gab, gush, and groan over what’s currently going on in their stories, when Venus visits she also joins in, Irma also has a conversational grasp on Japanese and Venus’ regional dialect because of these visits
April has a full out shoujo manga romance with Chu Hsi
and he’s a hot dragon prince uhuhuhuhuhu
Irma is privy to all the steamy details
keeping Leo and Karai as character foils
both received scars from one another
both released each other from sealing wards from [ redacted ]
now they just meet every so often to eat the greasiest fast food and unclench of an hour
Raph still gets his ass worked by Ninjara, folded like an omelette sat on a lawn chair
Vam Mi is also here, she’s fought first (because honestly she should’ve been either brought in earlier in the season or had a few more episodes because that shit coulda resolved better)
Venus is brought to NYC for this antagonist instead of Dragonlord escaping (and murdering her father figure forcing her to seek out his friend Splinter for aid)
Donnie doesn’t take the news of real vampires or real magic well
Donnie and Venus have a knock down drag out fight over it (because they’re 17 at this point and being li’l shits to each other about their respective fields of expertise)
“The nerds are fightingggggg!” cries Mikey, Leo and Raph don’t believe it so imagine their surprise when they get a demo in real time on how scary competent staff fighters are
Leo gets Splinter when one of Donnie’s missed strikes cracks the concrete
Splinter breaks them up like talking a walk in the park and it’d be comical if they both weren’t bleeding from the mouth and peppered with swelling contusions
Venus begins accepting Donnie when his tech prevents her from becoming a thrall of Vam-Mi
Donnie begins accepting Venus when she uses a massive amount of chi to manipulate gravity just before he becomes street pizza when Vam-Mi throws him off a bridge
they also combine skill sets to save Mikey so there’s that
Venus goes from calling Donnie, “Horatio (derogatory)” to “Horatio (affectionate)”
they now have a dumbass long-as-fuck handshake that’s unforgivably nerdy 
April is still a magic drawing-brought-to-life baby, Venus puts her in a painted scroll when she starts phasing in and out of existence (she and Chu Hsi have a great time in the scroll... while everyone is shitting bricks until Venus and her sect stabilize her and get her made real, Pinocchio style)
April’s grandmothers gifted Venus 2 pieces of jade jewelry, and her family’s recipe for sweet potato pudding respectively for saving April
the boss fight against Dragonlord is dope as fuckkkkk, Chu Hsi is being cool as fuck, fiddled with some concepts* that has Leo and Karai being a champion of Genbu, Raph for Byakko, Mikey for Suzaku, Chu Hsi’s retainer (a good dragon, wink wonk) steps in for Seiryu because Donnie and Venus are siphoning and redirecting an enormous amount and variety of mystical power
*i’m just pulling from fushigi yugi honestly
splinter, the boys, and venus (and others) mutating from mutagen laced toxic waste was a pure accident
Splinter was investigating a lead on Shredder’s movements concerning the Foot the same night an animal liberation sleeper cell ‘freed’ some animals from the back of a pet store (that was a front for black market domestic and exotic animal trafficking) that is also the same night a stolen truck driven by some corporate spies filled with a competitor’s chemical waste, which then collides with said liberation sleeper cell’s truck and... ooze happens
Leatherhead, the Mutanimals, Mondo, Mona Lisa, Slash also get mutated from the events of that night, either leading up to or following the aftermath
plus some others etc etc
Venus still washes down the gutter, gets rube goldberg pinballed onto a crate of plums where Chung I finds her and still gets named Mei and taken to live in China and eventually learns to cultivate
Tokka and Rahzar get made, and unmade ala TMNT II; the mutagen made them a little silly tho, April adopts Rahzar and passes him off as a low content wolfdog, Leatherhead takes in Tokka
April went through a couple of major changes so now she’s a journalist with a computer programming background who now does a podcast as an informal neighborhood news reporter with a segment for chatting with people from around the street
Mikey’s the most frequent guest and co-hosts sometimes; Donnie troubleshoots free of charge
Venus brings her province’s regional delicacies when she comes to visit, Splinter and Leo both get pu er tea cakes (she managed to get one the same age as him; Splinter is too old so she got the oldest she could find, Leo has so many tea pets and a nice yixing collection); Raph, Keno, and Casey fight over the pickles, meat jerkies, and chili oil; Mikey has an artillery of cool shirts and a lifetime supply of haw flakes, Donnie has a mountain of doodads with increasingly specific uses, April gets neat accessories and the occasional care package sent with Venus from her grandparents, uncles, and aunties; Irma gets neat frames and coats that never fail to get a “Where did you get that??”
Raph rides a Kawasaki Ninja because it’s funny
A lot of bodegas give Mikey free snacks because the bodega cats love him, and he’s also saved some from being run over or ripped apart by stray dogs or the few large angry raccoons
Donnie’s the only one of his brothers to wear both a top and bottom with shoes because once he figured out how to integrate a motherboard and miscellany wiring onto clothing... he’s been a walking computing menace ever since
Splinter does his best to enjoy his time with his sons (because as a kyūso, he knows the chances of outliving his precious sons is very high (ᴗ‿ᴗ✿)  ...give or take one of the many opponents and obstacles his sons take on takes him out first ( ◕ᴗ◕✿ ) )
god whathefuck, I was just going to make silly comics for them. how did it come to this.
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presidenthades · 2 months
Alicent and Daemon.. That's a whole pack of worms
How would they even get along enough to make 4 kids 😭
Daemon swearing up and down to despise Otto and Alicent and then marrying Alicent and fathering and targ bro's and Helaena...
It actually would be really interesting how Daemon would treat the targ bro's and Hel,where he isn't insulting them every two minutes 💀
So here’s how I would make a “Daemon and Alicent get married and have the Targbros + Helaena” fic happen.
They probably get married around the same time Alicent married in canon, maybe because Viserys realized it might not be a great idea to secretly see a 15yo girl in his rooms…and then he foists responsibility onto someone else, i.e. his brother. Instead of banishing Daemon from court, Viserys annuls the Rhea Royce marriage and tells him to marry Alicent to show harmony and friendship with Otto. Viserys marries Laena instead.
Otto is horrified. Daemon is also horrified, until he realizes Otto hates it, and then Daemon decides he’s going to use this marriage to make Otto miserable by winning Alicent over from her father. Alicent might disapprove of some of Daemon’s activities, but we see in the Episode 1 tourney that she does seem to find him attractive at least. She is probably secretly relieved not to become the queen, although marrying Daemon would also cause a lot of friction with Rhaenyra.
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I doubt Daemon would be an especially good husband to Alicent, but he would keep up appearances to fuck with Otto. Alicent is probably content to maintain appearances while mostly being left alone to care for her kids. She is less stressed about her kids being murdered, because they are very far down the line of succession, and few people are willing to mess with Daemon’s children.
In my AU, I tweaked the kids’ ages so Aegon, Helaena, and Aemond are only one year apart from each other. Baby #1 is conceived quickly during the honeymoon period. Daemon names him Aegon after his deceased younger brother and the Conqueror. Daemon is happy he has a healthy son so quickly, so this might prolong the honeymoon period.
Baby #2 shows up. It’s a girl, so Daemon lets Alicent name her, as long as the name sounds Targaryen. Baby #3 is another boy, and Daemon just rearranges one letter in his name ➡️ Aemond. So creative.
Rhaenyra gives birth to Jace around the same time Aemond is born, and a few moons later Laena gives birth to Baela and Rhaena. Laena survives and the twins are healthy, but complications render Laena unable to conceive again. Viserys still has no sons, so this cements Rhaenyra’s position as heir. Velaryons are disappointed but ultimately OK with this because Laenor is married to her and already has one legitimate child, so their blood is getting on the throne.
It does not escape Daemon and Otto’s notice that the only Targaryen males of the next generation are Daemon and Alicent’s kids. When Rhaenyra’s next kid is another girl, our favorite good-son and good-father duo reluctantly cooperate to scheme how to get their blood on the throne. The obvious solution is betrothing Aegon and Jace. Alas, Viserys is still in his “keep Daemon away from the throne” era and strongly discourages Rhaenyra and the Velaryons from accepting.
Daemon and Otto are still determined to marry Aegon and Jace for the Iron Throne, and also Aemond and Luce for Driftmark. Then they realize they should have at least one more boy to marry to Baela. By this point, Alicent is no longer starry-eyed about her marriage, but she’s carved out a space for herself at court, and her kids are all safe and healthy. She’s OK with having another child (it helps that Daemon is not a rotting corpse), and so Baby #4 is born. Daemon swaps one letter in his own name ➡️ Daeron.
Rhaenyra gives birth to Joff a few moons later. She has no interest in having any more children, since childbirth is so risky. Her three daughters are the most desirable marriage prospects ever, so there’s a lot of competition, and Viserys is not in favor of the Targbros. Luckily for them, their dad and grandpa 10000% prepared to be their wingmen 😎.
Ooh I almost forgot to answer how Daemon would treat his kids!
He and Aegon bond over a love of partying and roaming around Flea Bottom. Daemon is better than Viserys at keeping Aegon in shape, because Daemon is actually paying attention to his kids and ensuring they are competitive suitors for Rhaenyra’s daughters. Aegon is more inclined to listen to a dad who takes him out to gambling dens and ale houses for father-son time.
Aemond tries very hard to be like his father, which pleases Daemon. They do a lot of sparring together and talk about Valyrian history. Since Laena is still alive, Aemond can’t have Vhagar, but Daemon might take him on a secret outing to Dragonstone so he can claim Vermithor. Even though they are similar on a surface level, father and son probably still argue a lot because their pride gets in the way.
Daeron is very happy and friendly. Daemon has no idea where he gets it from. Daeron is the baby, so Daemon indulges him like everyone else does, but he really starts paying attention after Daeron is old enough to be whacked around the training yard/thrown onto dragonback.
Daemon isn’t sure what to do with Helaena at first, but unlike Viserys, he realizes that her prophecies aren’t just nonsense. Daemon has a healthy dose of skepticism (“dreams didn’t make us conquerors, dragons did”), but he would be intrigued by the idea of his daughter being a dragon dreamer. Considering Helaena’s abilities and the fact she’s Dreamfyre’s rider, Daemon might decide it’s better not to marry her away and just keep her at home. This makes Alicent happy.
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deansmom · 11 months
Everytime I point out that Dean Winchester is autistic, people get mad or look at me like I’ve spontaneously grown a second head, as if this man’s existence isn’t just checking off boxes for the diagnostic criteria
Special interests: westerns, cars, mechanical engineering stuff in general, 1960’s & 70’s music - specifically classic rock, monsters. You’re gonna look me in the eyes and tell me that it’s totally normal for someone who was born in 1979 to have borderline encyclopedic knowledge of two decades of music????? Hundreds of years of monster lore??? — for fuck’s sake, he had a train thing when he was little!!!! Those are special interests!!!!
Restricted diet: it’s mostly for Jokes but dean genuinely doesn’t eat much beyond burgers, diner food and pie.
Dean didn’t speak for months after Mary died and there’s 15 years of canon evidence where he loses his voice during moments of Big Emotions!!! He’s going nonverbal!!!!!!!
Trouble with social cues: literally look at every single instance of Dean trying to interact with strangers, ESPECIALLY in the early seasons. He’s not playing dumb, he just doesn’t get it. Also, watch any scene of this man TRYING to flirt and tell me that he’s any good at it. You know why? That bitch is mimicking the fucking movies and tv shows he grew up watching.
Sensory processing disorder: DO YOU THINK HE WEARS 87 LAYERS FOR FUN???? FOR FASHION????? WHAT DID YOU THINK ALL THE FLANNELS WERE ABOUT. THEY’RE SOFT. Also think about how much he liked the nightgown and the robe. ALSO, ALSO: school!!! It’s loud, it’s smelly, it’s dirty (his germ thing), the lights are too bright, there’s too much sensory input happening at one time. Between being so overwhelmed in school that he couldn’t focus and John pulling him left & right for cases and Sam, no wonder dean dropped out :(
14.04. The comic book episode is an ENTIRE episode about dean and his special interests!!!!!! And his social anxiety, hiding out in his room at the beginning of the episode because of all the strangers in his home 😤
Emotional regulation problems: those angry outbursts?? Destroying the Impala??? LOOK ME IN THE EYES AND TELL ME THATS NOT A MELTDOWN
His whole personality is a mask! He based his whole life and personality around the men he grew up around! John, Bobby, the other hunters - we all know that dean isn’t this rugged manly man he puts on. Sure people can have layers, but my man literally wore his dad’s actual jacket for fucking years
Black & white thinking: this doesn’t need anything else tbh
Strong sense of Justice: “how many people do you have to save?” “All of ‘em. Whole wide world of sports.”
Literal thinking: half the show is about how they both have to learn to look at monsters and not immediately go “monsters bad.” Also literal thinking is hard to explain, but I promise he does this.
Hyperlexic: “what? I read?”
“Too blunt”: all those times you thought “that was kinda harsh Dean” or “wtf that was so mean” - he doesn’t like lying to people when he doesn’t have to!
Hyper empathy: “The baby in the well? My bad.” “I do my best to be brave.” Sacrificing himself for people over and over again. The djinn episode and the speech he makes in front of John’s grave. His whole life he’s been told he cares too much!!!!
As a fellow AuDHD bitch, the most AuDHD thing Dean has ever said was “we know a little about a lot of things. Just enough to make us dangerous.” Also: “I got no idea. But what I do have is a GED and a give ‘em hell attitude, and I’ll figure it out.”
Like I could dive into the nuances of all of these and explain them in great detail and find textual evidence for basically everything, but it’s too early in the morning for that much work when I know that I’m right. Yeah he has adhd, obviously, but I will eat my left hand if that man isn’t autistic.
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cirusthecitrus · 1 month
People of the Galactic Horde (the OGs)
Since I'm working on a Horde Prime origin story, it was inevitable that one day I would have to come up with designs for his species aka the original spacebats. And well, it was a fun challenge!
(click/tap to have a better look!) My first attempt at drawing other bats was with the High Priests of the Four Temples - the most influential and powerful people on the planet, also known as Anillis'/Prime's teachers :)
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See that last guy? That's the emperor of the original Galactic Horde! Though after his unexpected early death his wife had to become the new Prime. Gladly, Horde World was not left without a future heir to the throne^^
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Fun thing is, I never planned on making designs for Anillis' parents, since they never appear in the actual story + even the twins don't remember what they looked like. But idc making fanparents is fun! (In my vision Horde Prime inherited the death stare from his mother and the sly misleading smile from his father >:} )
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(I talk more about the characters and worldbuliding in my fic "Violent Youth". U can find the link in my pinned post)
I also had to design tons, and I mean tons of episodic characters of all ages, genders and backgrounds. Now after all this training I'm ready to fill the backgrounds with bats :3
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Some general notes on the people of the Horde under the cut
Every spacebat is born with a white face. Any deviations were rare and considered a type of skin condition
Facial markings slowly appear once baby bats hit puberty. When spacebats' white faces were seen as blank canvases, the facial markings were their life journey drawn on said canvases. The markings were seen as the real window to the soul. Having no marks as an adult was simply outlandish, people of Krytis even had a belief that such bats "had nothing behind their soul" and thus could not be trustworthy
Facial markings (as well as ears) came in many forms. In ancient times one could tell in which of the four original provinces a person was born by simply looking at their faces. Nowadays it became nearly impossible to guess someone's homeland this way (mostly everyone are people of mixed descent), but to those curious this is how bats used to distinguish one another by their markings:
North - straight lines across/all over the face (e.g. the emperor)
South - wavy lines across/all over the face e.g. (the High Priestess of the Southern temple)
West - straight minimalistic lines (e.g. horde clones)
East - wavy minimalistic lines (e.g. the empress)
Hair never held much cultural significance on Krytis, so the styling was only a question of one's personal preference and fashion trends. Some bats (mainly from the south) saw no point in having hair whatsoever - those would choose to go bald or shave parts of the head to better show off their markings
Everyone had one set of eyes. Only local deities were sometimes depicted having 3 and more eyes. And yes, their eyes and teeth do glow in the dark
I wanted to make colorful bats to futher emphasise their whimsical and peaceful nature :) Well, if u think about it many poisonous creatures are colorful too...
I wouldn't be myself if I didn't say anything about local fashion. I don't have my own concepts at hand sadly, just references, but my main inspiration for the fashion of Krytis are late 90s-early 00s futurism and cyber aesthetic. Here and there u will also see smth similar to mall goth or streetwear style, but it's mostly something what young blood were into
Some bats like the royal family and council members would wear more classy and regal clothes but still more or less modern looking. Such choice of attire was espeically important to the empress, who, unlike her late husband, stayed far away from religion and magic and made it the main goal of her campaign to weaken the influence of the religious community and push for scientific and socio-cultural progress
If you have any questions about the people of the Horde/Krytis, feel free to ask! I'm always happy to talk more about this AU!
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Leon Kennedy headcanons part 2nd
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- Due to the lack of control in his life, Leon seeks control in other things such as his diet, his daily routine, weekly schedule, and even what he buys
- Gets paid a lot since he works for the government but rarely uses it
- He literally lives in a shitty and small apartment that isn’t decorated and sleeps on a bare mattress on the floor
- Cannot relax like ever unless he’s alone in his apartment, but he’s close to relaxed if he’s alone with a trusted person like Chris, Claire, Jill, and Rebecca. Hunnigan would be included but they usually only meet to discuss a new mission for Leon
- Doesn’t listen to new music, but will listen to recommendations from friends and new releases from bands/artists he already listens to
- Bro canonically listens to dad rock and metal and was born in the late 70’s so his music taste can be…interesting
- I know a lot of people say that he would have one-night stands or whatever but not only is this man the most awkward person ever and Cannot Pull, he’s also severely paranoid and closed-off around unknown people, drunk and sober. He most likely doesn’t get any action whatsoever
- He’s super sweet towards kids. Just has the biggest soft spot for them and can’t stand to say no to them 99% of the time
- He gives off Midwest energy so bad, he probably spent a significant amount of his childhood living there (if we’re going off his original backstory n shit he probably got moved there while in foster care and remained in that area until he aged out)
- He can’t stand change (autism and desperation for control) and it’s why his hairstyle remains the same. It’s one of the few constants in his life and he physically cannot have his hair in any other style
- He’s an alcoholic in the sense that he’s almost always drinking. He doesn’t really do binge drinking, just a constant flow of alcohol in his system throughout the day
- Dissociates a lot. After Spain, he was stuck in a dissociative episode for over 3 months, just going on autopilot
- Prefers off-brand items over brand names, mostly due to growing up without a lot of money. It’s more comforting
- Hates being dirty or smelling bad. He showers religiously and throughly, always making sure to apply cologne afterwards even if he’s just going to bed
- No phone case. It would be helpful since he has pretty big hands and long fingers but he just lets his phone rawdog the world
- Leon is a trans man !! Government pays for his T shots and paid for his top surgery (though it was mostly so they could make Leon feel more indebted to them)
- Leon is just so extremely touch-starved it’s actually incredibly sad. Even if it’s just a medic touching him to patch him up, his skin prickles and his eyes sting
- Doesn’t mind sugary things, but if he’s going to drink soda, it has to be diet. He tends to stick with water and unsweetened juice, though
- If he’s going to use pet-names for someone (such as Chris perchance), he sticks with “baby”, “sweet thing”, “doll”, and “sweetheart”. He doesn’t usually use pet-names though, mostly because he thinks it sounds awkward coming from his mouth
Chreon stuff because homosexuality
- Leon absolutely adores hugging, snuggling, and cuddling with Chris. The man is bigger than him and makes the perfect pillow
- Finds it hot that Chris can easily manhandle him
- Favorite thing to do is cuddle with Chris on the couch or lay his head on Chris’ thighs or chest and watch movies with him
- Instead of rings, they have matching watches (canon)
- Leon can get needy and whiny when sleepy, especially after a mission, and will cling to Chris like a leech
- He feels comfortable and safe enough with Chris to relinquish control to him. He knows his husband will keep him safe and has his comfort in mind
- Claire had a fucking field day with them when she found out they were together. Literally got teased relentlessly, and she jokingly gave her blessing
- Leon found it amusing when she gave Chris the shovel talk, not him
- Leon teases Chris about his smoking habit but Chris never really does the same with Leon’s drinking, knowing it’s a sensitive subject and instead just makes sure his husband doesn’t drink too much
May post another part, who knows?
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kenjiyabuki · 4 months
so here are some thoughts about DMD Friendship the Reality while we are nearing the end
yeah yeah its not that deep but actually no one caring/talking about a show makes me want to write a LONG ASS POST bc i cant get gratification from going through the tags and reading opinions lmaoooooo so HERE damn okkk i will make the content i want to see in the world i guess dont mind me......😞
im not even the biggest Domundi fan but i was intrigued by the premise of this show. i mean it's a basically fake dating show (like one of their challenge rewards was getting to sleep in a suite together as if they are there to date for real) and the end prize isnt just an acting opportunity as it comes w the big decision of choosing a looooooong time acting partner. so i wanted to see how they would do it. BOC did a similar thing w The Hidden Character which i dropped halfway in bc it was too long and i found the challenges to be irrelevant to the ending goal. this show is the opposite of that and thats why ive been enjoying it.
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it is edited to be concise (only 5 eps) and honestly, is quite tranquil. all the challenges were about things they will be required to do in the future as DMD actors/idols and stakes aren't even that high. You could always guess who would win before they even started (((like of course broody model guys won the photoshoot challenge and guy w two series under his belt won the acting one, DUH))) but it was still enjoyable to watch. show's goal isn't to generate tension and competitiveness. it is more of a workshop/chemistry building camp and also a way to introduce the new generation and get the fans warm up/attached to them.
as i spent time in bl fandom sphere, i've come to realize introducing a new gen is tricky. i thought everyone would be ecstatic to see new blood and a lil bit of mix and match but BL fans are reaaaaaaaaaaally attached to their faves and generally see newcomers as threats who will take opportunities from their already neglected (!) precious babies (e.g. just couple weeks ago FortPeat fans were protesting the new lesbian side couple in the upcoming show for stealing screen time from their faves, which is a joke in itself). this kind of show is genius way to get people to warm up to idea of new faces. at the end of the the day, these fans' weakness is two beautiful boys indulging in sweet moments they can be delulu over and considering how ships were already born from the first episode, DMD FTR succeeded in their goal.
LETS TALK ABOUT THE BOYS :-) *this starts playing*
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I had to make this during first ep bc they are all dark haired boys w similar builds so I kept confusing them lmaoooooo (Tle not pictured as he joined later)
i will firstly talk about the fan favorite possible "couples";
KengNamping, the quiet visual couple and yes I love em!!!! they were kinda the only "conflict" in this very conflict free competition.
is Keng the CALMEST person I've ever seen? Latte is laid back too but Keng is just seems zen. sometimes (in the face of conflict) he just seemed hard to read but mostly he has such a calming presence. honestly, he should open an ASMR channel if this acting gig doesn't work out.
Namping also comes off very warm and graceful. him being "wow I'm finally in the winner suite" to Keng after finally getting chosen in ep4 made me laugh like DAMN he really was offended by what happened in ep1 and kept letting it slip. Idc, you are so right my prince and don't ever let Keng forget what he did to you...
when it comes to the possibility of them as a couple: i am kinda here for it while also not knowing if i actually believe in their "moments" in the show? Namping definitely set his sights on him from the beginning but Keng seemed nonchalant about it. Keng finally choosing Namping after his win, their sweet moment on the bed etc. seemed to me like classic reality show moment prompted by production to fit a certain narrative WHILE ThomasKong's pseudo-date-night chats seemed very real and spontaneous.
they do visually have chemistry, i'm not gonna act like i wasn't blushing when Keng trying to flirt during dinner or Namping softly touching a sleepy Keng's chin in the bed etc. Or even in ep2, when Namping tries to confront Keng about his pick but they are too timid and just unable to talk about it openly!!! arrghhh it's a hard to watch moment but still, made them more intriguing because they had such a tension between them. it would be a shame if it wasn't explored more. that tension can be channeled into an angsty series, just saying...
So, they def have a long way to go in their bond and arent comfortable like LatteFirst or ThomasKong but still, they are a strong contender and I would be glad to see them as a couple in a show. Namping already got my attention in the acting challenge and wonders can be achieved w a lil bit of workshop. they got the juice already!!!
Now, lets talk about ThomasKong.............
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me watching Thomas relentlessly chatting Kong up since THE FIRST EPISODE
so I knew LatteFirst are set be a side couple in upcoming Love Upon a Time but i was confused to see why everyone on Twitter was already going cuckoo over these two random boys until i saw them interacting... Wow, like Thomas really came here w one mission: get Kong and leave.
because Thomas is such a flirt like DAMNNN😳😳😳😳he needs to be jailed for carrying lethal amounts of charm... IT MUST BE SAID: I love his fits w those thin glasses, he should've been wearing those in those office BLs he was in because he has been serving "office siren". Tiktok girlies eat your heart out.
while Kong isn't the best at acting or singing (he is the best KengNamping shipper tho and i LOVE a fudanshi BL actor), he definitely would win Mr. Congeniality if they were giving that title. he naturally and effortlessly has great on screen charisma. he is a certified cutie and the only one who can get real full belly laughs from Thomas!!!
i think what they managed in the acting challenge is the testament to their palpable chemistry. acting wise they weren't perfect (naturally, their uneven acting experience levels were apparent) but they were the only one who managed to tonal shift in their scenes. it's because they were the only ones who played into the romantic subtext of the scene. they also held eye contact for the longest (because they are comfortable w each other and not shy!!!), which elevated their chemistry and made me AND the judges giggle and roll our hair and kick our feet and shit!!!!!!!!!!!!
they are obviously the most likely to win the show and they deserve it too. no matter the result of the show, i want see them carrying a series as mains because they can and should. i also believe DMD won't fumble their bag, so i am not worried about it.
to conclude, I will quote Zee,
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then we come to LatteFirst, the kinda established couple: in the ep5 preview, we see First trying to choose between Latte and the newcomer Tle, which seemed random to me and could be a production touch to create conflict in this very smooth sailing show.
i loved seeing Latte being nonchalant about the possibility of First choosing someone else, what a laid back guy. like Mio in THC, every BL reality show needs a half asleep and occasionally funny dude.
now i am thinking; what if First chose Tle, would he also replace Latte in LUAT bc DMD doesn't really fuck w mixing matching their couples. i honestly don't know where did all that come from but i feel like the result wont be too shocking, First and Latte are already really close and comfortable and got The Chemistry. need i remind of Latte punching the air a la Judd Nelson at the end of The Breakfast Club when it was announced they both chose each other for the dinner date? and their sweet and comfortable banter on that said date??? let's put our pens to work and write a friends to lovers rom-com for the boys based on that material please...
i dont think they are likely to win but might be strong contender. i just want to see them as a side couple in LUAT (hopefully this year!!!!) so they can develop themselves and their bond a little bit more before getting to a main couple level. their sweet friendship shouldn't go to waste!!! (is it obvious i am more drawn to BL couples who are besties in real life?)
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damn this post is about to be a novella so i will make it short about Gems, TeeTee and Tle, i hope Gems won't be too upset about getting slighted again 😥 like i said, stakes aren't high on this show and results are always obvious: these guys are going back home empty handed, we all know it. they are all charismatic and VERYYY talented but i just felt like none of them really focused on "getting a partner" part of the show, not just the main challenges. even TeeTee who was picked by Thomas and Keng seemed kinda uninterested about partnering up. but you cant really force chemistry and i am sure they will get many more opportunities in the future. they already started their fanbase!!! i cant stand to see Gems so upset, i hope he wont be too sad.
these are my opinions. maybe the ending will do a whole 180 and idk, GemsKeng or TleKong or some other random couple will win, who knows???? cant wait to watch the new overly airbrush filtered, Cheewin directed DMD show up to like 5 episodes and then get bored and drop it and follow the rest from gifs!!! good luck to the boys <3
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Even though I'm aware that Alicent knows that Babey's babies are true-born and all that, I still want her to try and check their hair out of habit, ya get me? Like, Alicent would know that the kid's are Daemon's but she would still feel the urge to check because it's a) habitual at this point and she's used to tormenting women who have recently given birth and b) she's aware that their Daemon's but she's still holding onto an irrational hope that they'll have brown hair due to their miniscule Arryn blood and she can claim bastardy, because at this point Babey has a male heir and Alicent's left grasping at straws.
Babey nesting and worrying if her kid's would like her preparations for them is soooooooooo cute but also comedy-gold; like, dude, they don't know WTF is going on, all they care about is your tit-milk (well, Daemon cares about that too, lets be honest).
Will Babey feed her kids herself or get a wet-nursee? (Haha, wet. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))Babey is so sweet herself and I enjoyed the icky-vibes when Daemon mentioned he remembered how she looked as a new-born. Gosh darn, Aelys was a grumpy kid; my infant in fanfic, you've been born a princess, appreciate your privilege? Rich people, amirite? lol, jk,jk. Daemon is gonna be his daughter's slave I can already tell. 1000% obsessed. And Rhaenar is the quintessential mummy's-boy; nothing could convince me otherwise. Like Babey is going to dote on that kid. The first time he gets an injury in the training yard she will be HYSTERICAL and she'll kiss his boo-boo and everything.
Thanks for the new chapter!!!!
Aaaaaah, thank you so much! I’m so glad you liked!
For reasons, Alicent isn’t going to be seeing any of the babies Babey and Daemon have until we get to around Episode 8 timeline or equivalent (which I’ve ACTUALLY figured out is still about 9 years between Episodes 7 and 8, no idea where I got 5-6 years from; plenty of time for that brood to multiply hehe 😉). Mostly being that, without a GOOD few years for that burning rage to simmer down to a healthy resentment, Daemon would just kill her on sight, lol. But there will be no worries on the legitimacy front, haha - I imagine a collection of platinum-haired snotrags with Daemon’s nose or chin or sneer or penchant for saying “cunt!” just milling about, making it abundantly clear that there can only be one daddy in the mix, you know? Alicent will take one look at ‘em and be like “damn, they Daemon’s, alright!”
And yes, Babey being all nest-y was adorable, but the tit-milk is all that’s on those three’s mind right about now (I’m totally including Daemon in that, horny bastard). I’m thinking there might be a wet nurse hired to make sure the babies are getting enough milk, but Babey’s going to want to do the brunt of it, I believe! Aelys is opening THIS chapter as a grumpy-bum too, she has ‘tude and she does not give a fuck. Rhaenar is a sweet boi. And it is VERY tempting to go full-on Daddy’s Girl, Mummy’s Boy with them, but I am going to do my level best to balance it out as much as I can - they’re both their kids, you know? And I think there’s reasons for them to form a unique bond with each. But I’ll ABSOLUTELY be leaning into the Daemon-and-Aelys-Chaos-Twins-TM thing at intervals, because the idea of a toddler princess just wreaking havoc while the Rogue Prince strolls on by like “terribly sorry, we’re working on changing that behaviour with her lol” is TOO FUNNY to resist! Babey is going to be suuuuuper anxious as a mummy, lol - Daemon’s idea of teaching is drop ‘em in the water, they’ll either float or die.
Thank you so much for reading the latest chap!
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silentxxsoul · 2 years
I am thinking soooo many thoughts
 Drunk buds Hen and Buck are back ahhh!! Look at their cute little faces 🥰
((Buck saying clearly he wouldn’t have an issue while gesturing at himself pls help me I’m 💀))
I cannot believe the fandom nailed this one. Like full on nailed it and the dilemma.
Hen and Buck both drinking makes me wonder if when Buck came over for her perspective (bc of her and Karen’s past experience with the donor option), they also got to talk about her own dilemma of school v. paramedic. I’ve always loved the big sister/little brother thing they’ve had and I hope we get more of that tonight! Bucks always been so supportive of Hen and I hope we get to see her leaning on him for a bit, because that woman deserves a break for as hard as she’s been working herself for the last few seasons.
There’s just*so* many implications that can come from this story line. Hen nailing it with her line at the end because can he actually walk away? Buck who obsessed over Mitchel and Thomas, Red, the group from last episode, etc. etc.? The man who obsessively baby proofed Maddie and Chim’s apartment months before Jee was even born—to the point he locked their upper cabinets with baby locks? The same man who built a whole ass skateboard for Christopher after talking to Eddie one (1) time after the fall incident? That man isn’t really capable of being detached and with Hen’s line I don’t know how Buck goes through with it.
We don’t know if it’s a one time donation for one child or if they will attempt to have multiple embryos, meaning Buck may have to face the reality of fathering multiple children and being involved with none of them.
Buck wants a family of his own so badly that the idea of him having kids but not really having kids would eat away at him. The Buddie in me hopes that Buck goes to Eddie after Hen for his thoughts and perspective and we get a “you’re already a dad” moment. Because I will not survive that, even a little bit. I do think they will talk about it though, because there’s a zero percent chance Buck goes through something this massive without consulting his best friend.
Also, the possibility of Buck having to consider his family history with cancer before making a decision — like maybe he makes it to the paperwork portion and realizes in the screening what he could be passing on to a child, and has to reevaluate a few things in that moment. Or maybe he and Maddie talk (which, I really hope we see him talk to his sitter about this) and she brings up the potential health risk—something we saw her concerned about even after Jee was born and she had to take her to the hospital last season. What happens if he has to go back and break the news to his old friend and their partner that his family had a history of juvenile leukemia? That his brother passed from it and they (Buck or them or both) decide not to move forward? I think that could very well crush him, honestly — and not just for being a donor, but for having to consider future children and what he could pass along. It might jar him a little to consider that he really doesn’t know the full scope of his family medical history and if Daniel hadn’t come to light a few years ago he may have never known. Buck likes to fester, so I can see him ruminating on all the ‘what-ifs’ and that could further lead to the much speculated breakdown.
That small little scene had so much packed into it I just —
There’s so much more to unpack, mostly centered on how fucking phenomenal Hen really is. She always sees through the nonsense and can pick out exactly what is eating at a person—and here she knew exactly what Buck needed to hear. She’s such a rock for this show and I love, love, love her for it.
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canmom · 1 year
seasonal animes: Oshi no Ko 01-06
I mentioned a bit that I was watching this one but I never wrote anything very substantial about it, so lets remedy that!
Oshi no Ko is wild. Every time I think I know where it’s going, it goes somewhere else.
The premise already sounds pretty deranged. Here’s what I knew going in. A gynecologist is visited by the idol Hoshino Ai he’s obsessed with, who’s pregnant with twins. Just before the twins are born, he’s murdered by a stalker. He’s reborn as one of her kids, along with one of his previous patients who was also obsessed with the same idol; they’re now named Aquamarine and Ruby and have... a less than easy time containing their otaku impulses.
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This sounded like a setup for some kind of Spy x Family-like comedy where the two babies with the minds of adults have to keep secret that they’re reincarnated and so forth. Maybe with a dash of Paripi Koumei with ‘unlikely strategist and hopeful young performer’ dynamic. You could easily wring a whole season out of writing scenarios around that premise.
But... hahaha it’s not that at all.
By the end of the first movie-length episode, Ai is killed by the same stalker, who then kills himself. The protagonist convinces himself that the only way the stalker could have known where to find Ai is if her secret lover, the father of the two reincarnation-babies, deliberately leaked her location. So he makes his new mission in life revenge, and we timeskip forward to when the twins - raised by Ai’s producer’s wife - are about to go to high school.
So it’s a revenge drama in a high school setting, right..? You know the type of thing, a class of genius schemers enacting plots against each other..?
No. It’s actually mostly about the entertainment industry.
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An episode plot might be, the protagonist reunites with an actress he met on set during his brief stint as a child actor. Realising that it might be an opportunity to get a DNA sample of one of his list of suspects, he gets involved in the shitty TV drama she’s involved in, playing a one-episode antagonist. And despite his ulterior motive, he decides he should do the actress a favour. So, applying his nigh-supernatural analysis skills and willingness to sacrifice his own dignity, he figures out how to elevate the final episode of the production.
His sister meanwhile is dying to become an idol herself. And our ridiculous scheming boy wants to make it happen, despite underlining at every turn how harsh the entertainment industry is for performers. He emotionally manipulates the same actress girl to join.
So it’s actually one of those special-interest anime where the world revolves around one activity, and here that thing is performance (film acting and music). But it’s also a comedy and a ridiculous drama as well. It’s fun.
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Visually, it’s very shiny. There’s an interesting blend of highly stylised designs for the MCs and other teens, (each MC inherited exactly one of Ai’s six-pointed eye stars and could easily lead a romance manga), and a more realist approach taken with the adults. Are we at last at the peak of eye highlight escalation? Can it go further? It makes effective use of coloured lines; there’s some very strong boards and in general the animation is solid, with moments of real greatness. Shoutout to Kenji Sawada’s excellent depiction of our boy acting as a stalker in episode 4, and whoever animated the uhhh masked strength training youtuber in episode 5. Animating realistic muscles for such a long dance sequence is a hell of a task lmao. (Good ‘long take’ gag too.)
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Compared to Paripi Koumei, it has... simultaneously a more grounded view of the entertainment industry as cynical, grubby capitalism. In some ways it’s kind of a tour of the different ways people relate to the industry, the different methods people might pursue to get ahead, and it isn’t just a simple ‘path to success’ sort of thing.
But it’s also a very heightened manga spin on that, with much larger-than-life archetypal characters. It has a bit of a tendency to reiterate and underline what happened and why it’s important to a level that sometimes feels a little much (and now another round of ‘the acting sucked in this TV drama but the last episode was good’), but on the whole, it has momentum, and a talent for coming up with non-obvious scenarios and resolutions. And a great deal of it is about the actual craft of acting; it likes to play up contrast between performances and behind the scenes characterisations, and a lot of time is spent on characters talking about the right way to perform for a particular show.
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Anyway, then episode 6 comes along, and things get rather Perfect Blue after the relatively light-hearted previous few episodes. This episode’s plot sees Aqua involved in a dating reality show, but the story mainly revolves around a girl who is pressured into a reckless but ultimately harmless action that gets her hard cancelled online, which she seriously takes to heart and attempts suicide. The whole show uses voiceovers heavily in the classic anime fashion, but in this episode, it’s particularly effective. ‘Storm of cruel social media comments’ is a recurring motif in a lot of anime over the last decade or so, deployed to greater (the end of Devilman Crybaby) or lesser (Belle) effect; here it’s done well, with a lot of care to recreate the UI of various social media sites, and honestly I wasn’t sure if they were going to kill this girl off or not (in the end, Aqua intervenes at the last second).
So where is this going to go in the long run? Its interests are becoming clear, Aqua talks a big game about being hard-headed but just can’t help intervening to help people out of various Situations. But I still have no idea how it will bring it together in the end!
I absolutely need to go back and watch the widely praised adaptation of Kaguya-Sama: Love is War which was by the same mangaka.
The other gift that this series brought is is one of the longest and silliest threads of fansubber drama on the whole of Nyaa, which is really saying something.
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marine-indie-gal · 9 months
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Dedicated to anyone out there who did their own Tribute to Stephen Hillenburg, I'm pretty sure we all know we're all know that I am indeed exactly Five Years late for this 😅
Considering that Today is the 62th Birthday to SpongeBob's creator who already passed away, I wanted to share my own tribute to him by drawing my own personal interpertation of Salacia hugging one of her pals (SpongeBob) knowing that Hillenburg is still there for his own creation (even if he may not be alive anymore).
Speaking of which, I wanted to share my own personal history with my own relationship with Hillenburg's creation throughout the Years.
As someone who was born in the 2000s era, I was never born in the 90s which always made Me the Youngst growing up as I was born around in a Crazy Blizzard around 2005 in the month of Christmas. There were a lot of popular things in life around my childhood like Angry Birds, Minecraft, Cut The Rope, My Little Pony, Hello Kitty, and even some First Modern Cartoon Network shows (before that studio went down) and all kinds of Early 2000s/2010s stuff that I've seen in life. One of my first exposures around in Pop Culture of that era when I was young was Disney and even a little addition of Dr. Seuss. I've watched SpongeBob around in its Seasons 4-8 when I was a Young Kid, growing up, I've always adored the Little Sponge Guy around in my childhood considering that it was one of my favorite shows from my childhood. Well, techincally, back then, I was actually more of a TAWOG Person being that Gumball was actually my very exposure of a very first fandom growing up as a kid (I even remember being obessessed with that CN Show until when I stopped watching it. Either that I was too busy on other things or that I was always stressed out on School).
I saw its First Movie when it came out One Year after I was born. I myself had watch that movie all the time as a kid, as I still enjoyed it at the very least to this day. Looking back at it, I actually haven't re-watched the film for quite a long time as it has been such a wicked long time considering that a lot of things change over the past few years of decades. Some things don't certainly age well in our childhood, others do age like wine.
Being a 2000s kid, I actually did had a few DVDs of Old Episodes from the Show from Seasons 1-3 as someone who always had a family moving place to place for weekends of vacation, I would always watch Movies and Shows all the time with my Parents. Sometimes, even if my Parents weren't around, I would sometimes watch a Few Movies and Shows by myself (mostly the obscured ones) on streaming services. Growing up, I had a fascination with Beach Life. I would always collect Seashells, Explore around the Sandy Places, and even most of the Time swim underwater where the Fishes would swim by. Though, oddly enough, SB wasn't the only Aquatic Media that I always loved as a kid since there were a few others that were also Aquatic as well like The Water Babies, Finding Nemo, Shark Tale, Disney's The Little Mermaid, and even Bubble Guppies. So yeah, you can at least pretty much tell that I was already born to be a Marine lover person who always had a life for Life under the Sea.
But when things start to change as I was around in my earliest Teen Years, I had no such more focus on SB anymore considering that like again, I had much focus for other things in life. New fandoms, Better Days (some were also terrible if you could put it that way). In 2018 (when I was 12 at that time of year), when I found out that SB's creator (Stephen Hillenburg) had passed away, I was completely shocked about his death and I had felt bad for the Other Hardcore Fans who missed him dearly partially because on how that he helped everyone's own childhoods with his own creation. I still remain a SB Fan that day but as someone who actually did not seen his New Seasons during that time, I still had no focus on looking back at it but whenever people pass away throughout decades, you'll always know how much you're gonna miss them, even if they were famous people from your childhood, especially for the ones who happen to inspire your own creaitives. Even losing a family member is hard for someone who has lost a few of them in their own life.
Then, around in the year, 2020 (when I was around 14), when SpongeBob was going to release its Third Film after it's Second Film in 2015 ("Sponge Out of Water" when I was 9), that Year itself was hell considering most of the horrible things that happened during that year that I'm pretty sure no one hasn't forget and still remembers that Worst Year to this day (My Mom broke her own Leg during that Year despite that she now broke her Arm in this Year, Kobe tragically died, and even COVID was the reason why we all had to be inside). Not to mention that I already lost my own Grandfather in December and my Mom was extremly heartbroken losing her own Father. When "Sponge On The Run" (Originally titled, "It's A Wonderful Sponge") was annoucned, it had so much delayed troubles I couldn't even be looking forward to seeing it, even after when it finally released around in August in Canada and then in March of 2021 on Netflix (though, it's not really on Netflix anymore last time that I've checked). But when I heard about the Controversy surronding it all because of the Spin-Offs that a lot of people on the internet were saying stuff like "STEPHEN DIDN'T WANT SPINOFFS!!!!!" or "NICK IS SPITTING ON HILLENBURG'S GRAVE BECAUSE HE ASKED FOR NO SPINOFFS!!!!!!" Look, I know that was all History stuff but if a few people are still acting like it to this day, they should get over themselves now. 
In case if you didn't know (or never watched the Third Movie), Sponge On The Run actually started the Whole Spinoffs in segments of Flashbacks to the Days where the Gang were at a Camp which was a brand new fresh start for SB considering after when Steph died, it was only up to his crew to take care his creation. Despite the fact that if you'd had watch all the episodes from the show, you would know that the franchise actually has its own Lore from Each Episode from the Past which people pointed out on how it was ridicolus to restart the lore (even I myself used to believe that). But looking back at the show, and how one of the Writers (Vincent Waller) pointed out that Steph knew about Kamp Koral, it turns out for what people have mislead in the past (if some still do to this day), I think what were all blind is that Steph actually said "He didn't know IF he could have seen in the potentails in wanting give his own Creation a Spin-Off" which, come to think of it, despite the show's genre of Surreal Comdey, I think we've been just living under the rock this whole time judging by how when we grow up, we start to realize that there is no such thing as "Canon" in a show like SB (usually, you'd see different types of canons in every other franchise like Sonic or Angry Birds). But even for that, sometimes a Story has no connection to the Other in terms of speaking in Timeline.
I still remember that time around in 2021 when I was introduced to SMG4, I remember seeing SpongeBob in other parody videos and even that one time I made my own SMG4 Fanfic featuring their own potrayal of the SB Characters (which I believe was kinda embrassing to Me to this day now that I've actually been thinking about it). 
Anyways, now as someone who has already gotten old, I have been looking back at some of my very old nostalgic things around in Childhood since 2022 while still looking forward to new things ahead. Mainly because after so much stress and grief upon everything that I once had in my old life, and now that my own Mother lost her Brother (who was my Uncle), I've already made my own descion Last Year of going through a New Life where I would have to face everything in my upcoming Adulthood, but I still missed my own childhood days. I've watched the Modern New Episodes (Seasons 9-12) for the very first time and honestly, I'm gotta have to admit here, but I actually like the New SpongeBob so much better than the Old One (apologises to those who still prefer the Classic), I still don't have nothing against the Old One but the New One feels so much improved with such Cartoony Whacky Animation that I like to think that I prefer the New Style over the Old Style (but still support both). I had watch the Third Film for the first time as I did used to think that it was bad (like how a lot of people say they would) but overtime, the way that I draw Poseidon somehow makes Me like that Third Movie since the Writers did want to put much heart for how much that Friendship truly meant around SpongeBob and his Friends.
I also couldn't thank Other Artists who done their own versions of Greek/Roman Gods into my own Personal Versions if the Other Gods in the Pantheon were in the Same Artstyle as King Neptune and King Poseidon in a Silly Show as inspiration for those (like my own friends) who have done interpertations of what Other Characters from the Source Material that never been adapted would look like in a form of the Artstyle. Ever since that I did my own personal take on Salacia, it completely took over Me as it made me have a strong fond for both the Sea Kings (even Poseidon and Amphitrite just became my New Mythological OTP alongside with Hades and Persephone thanks to Myself). Not to mention, I also had a long-passion for Old Stories for a long time, it also help Me to inspire to create my own personal versions of these said stories to interprete them in a different way which once lead me into my own Prequel Headcanon Project about the Lives of both King Neptune and King Poseidon in my AU if they weren't from different timelines. 
Overtime, as I always kept looking back at my old self, remembering the Days that I actually did had a Good Childhood, I'll always never forget my own Glorious Days where I grew up with such Nostalgic Things around in my life since SpongeBob was always truly one of my most favorites since the very beginning when I was came to the World. It just makes Me feel so much inspired by Hillenburg considering that he's a Marine biologist like how much I have a huge love for Nature and even a soft spot for Animals. Not only did I once feel hope for having a better future, but for a fact that I was born as a Sea Lover when it comes to looking into Other Aquatic Cultures and Media (New Ones like Splatoon, Ruby Gillman, and even Luca) and even old ones that I didn't saw as a child until Teenhood (The Sea Prince and The Fire Child).
It has come to my conclusion that SpongeBob as a show has always helped us build our childhood as things will always inspire us to give our very own bright imagintation, even to People who have Autism like Myself. While I do respect for those who are not into the show anymore because of its recent seasons, I still support it, even in my heart since I have not look back into it for such a long time as I believe it was my fault for not looking back at everything in my childhood. 
Thank You, Stephen Hillenburg. For reaching all of our own childhoods, even if we don't know what would life would be like without your own Magnificent Sea World.
Salacia (c) Me SpongeBob SquarePants (c) Stephen Hillenburg and Nickelodeon 
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tomyo · 8 months
Maka Supplementals
Hey welcome to my "Maka Supplementals" post aka when you become so obsessed with an anime character, you start to treat any other character that looks like them as that character. I've been in this fandom and ancient amount of time and for some reason, I'll just notice a very Maka like quality in them.
Neiro from Kaiba
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I'm probably ruining myself by starting with the best. Kaiba (2008) is really a series you can easily project not just Maka AND Soul but the rest main cast onto. I stg I thought Bstar and Popo had the same VA (they definitely have the same god complex). Naturally the pigtails and droopy eyes were a huge connector and the orange/green color scheme is frequently used to represent our fav duo. As for the story, it's mostly around Kaiba and Neiro being just out of reach of each other and a new technology that allows people to store and transfer memories to new bodies. Neiro also makes a good Kaiba type as a stern person in the present but soft and kind in the past/later on. She also has family trauma which may be a theme. On its own it's a masterpiece but I actually made my first SE friend in part due to us both separately coming into SExKaiba au art.
Mikan from Gakuen Alice
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I only ever read the series but I figured anime art would pop more. Mikan, the mc, our classic lightish hair color in pigtails and you could possibly call her eyes droopy shaped. Tbh I can hardly remember this series since it's been 11+ years since I last read it but I do remember Mikan having mother issues. If I remember right it's a magic academy shoujo and I probably wouldn't have included it but I wanted to show off that cute angel outfit she's wearing.
Shizuku from Tonari no Kaibutsu
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When I watched this series in 2014, this was the first time I said "Oh, this character is just Maka" and thus this list was born. Did you ever want to experience Maka in a Shoujo where her love interest looks like DtK but acts like Bstar? Here you are, the most frustrating romance ever. Shizuku Mizutani is a pretty perfect Maka type, she's quiet, serious, extremely studious, and constantly annoyed by everyone else's shenanigans. One day she's sent to deliver socially maladjusted Haru Yoshida his homework and naturally a classic nightmare romance starts. I'm not kidding when I say every episode one of the two confesses to the other who then turns them down. Honestly, that's the plot. The first confession is right at the end of episode one and it doesn't stop. Can't lie though, I love high school tropes and aesthetics so it's a fun way to reimagine the crew's life going.
Kirin from Gakuen Babysitters
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Absolute baby. If you want to imagine was toddler Maka was like then Kirin is pretty good for that. She's not really a main focus of the story but Gakuen Babysitters is still surprisingly good. Kirin really feels like the tiny Maka we saw in Chrona's soul, very outgoing and friendly to those who aren't as confident. She often fights with a Black Star like nursery mate and has an aggressively doting dad that aligns perfectly with Spirit. One small story arc with her is wanting to be a witch. Not really a lot of anything but a cute detail to point out.
Marnie from Pokemon
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She has pigtails and 2011 me drew Maka in the exact same outfit. Ngl, this is a real head empty one but I'm still not over that happening.
Nino from Fukumenki Noise
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Sorry this is actually just another kind of annoying shoujo. Outside of the hair, Nino is pretty much nothing like Maka. Unlike most series where the story is a string of misunderstandings, Nino's naivety is often a major problem where she cheerily sings over listening to her best friend/crush's home problems and doesn't reflect on the ways her actions could be affecting others. So why is she on here? The music segments. There's this raw and unpolished nature to the singing that really just brings something special to it. Honestly just watch the singing proportions, ignore the bad cgi (in 2017 no less) and pretend its Maka "I don't get music" Albarn singing it.
Sana from Kodomo no Omocha
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Probably the only series I've watched before Soul Eater on this list. I recently rewatched and kept feeling weird about the Maka vibes I was getting off of it. Sana does start the series pretty annoyed her schooling is being interrupted and her middle school uniform looks like the Sparoi uniform but her more core characteristics is being a child star and is extremely hyperactive because of it. So what was it? She's voiced by Laura Bailey. It's very interesting to hear her distinctive wobble in Sana's voice. Of course that isn't all, Sana has family issues and her genki personality is related to people pleasing so it's interesting to see when that facade drops. While the manga leaves a stronger impression, the end of 17- start of 18 has a few particularly beautifully scenes of animation.
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Also something I want to point out is Sana's amazing wardrobe. Despite being 90s, the bright colors work great for Y2K looks that feel right for Mala's style sense. I wish I could use more than 10 photos to show them off. The anime uses a lot of long sleeves and skirts and the manga has some more trendy fashions like the fur trim cardigans that are popular right now so I'd look there for some outfit Y2K revival references.
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typho-draws · 7 months
Can you drop some Fred lore??? I'm rlly curious
hi hi yeas sure!! info under da cut. i wrote a bit more than i expectedddd. i tried splitting it up as best i could.
**cw/tw for unreality dealing with death, alcohol**
ok it'll be a little all over the place and i'll give the bare bones because it's a lot. he's a dude that i like fitting into maaaany universes (like most my dudes) but i'll explain the two main ones.
**CW/TW alcohol**
basic info bout fred: he's a 30 something year old fruity german guy who is, unfortunately, a werecat. fred's got a lot of mental disorder type issues (for example he every now and then has explosive self-destructive episodes.) both bc of past stuff and the whole... werecat thing... he uuuused to have a really bad drinking issue, but it's not as bad now.
his personality type is mostly quiet and solitary. he can talk to people if he wants to/needs to, but prefers being alone. he loves being helpful when he can and is def a problem-solver. fred also cares deeply for others even if he generally seems distant!! very righteous guy too who will take matters into his own hands. big initiative taker.
the whole werecat thing isn't something he was like... 'infected' with. i have a couple sketch pages i intend to pretty up and post at some point explaining ailuranthropy. it's either an infection thing or genetic thing. FOR FRED it's like a recessive hereditary disorder that was forced out by like. human interference if that makes sense? ailuranthropy's not necessarily cyclical with full moon phases either. it *can* be by coincidence, but in fred's case it can happen at random sometimes (or on different phases.) say... 80% of the time he's on a schedule with it; the other 20% are the fun moments when he least expects it!!! yippeee!!!!!
and when he's shifted to werecat, fred's like a hungry rabid animal. and it's always a 50/50 waking up to something regrettable (cough cough dead people cough. or ending up on the news somehow as a "panther-like creature.")
ANYWAYS yea he has a lot of issues :-D!!!!!!
#1 ----- the major timeline i think of and have thought about a lot started sometime early highschool? maybe earlier?? in this universe (and the other) fred's kind of like... an anomaly. and there's tons of other people in his same circumstance (with or without the whole werecat problem.)
**CW: UNREALITY /W DEATH** to make a long story short, fred was born quite a bit ago! give or take a hundred or so years. he ended up dying (bc of someone else who's an evil asshole and who also shows up again later on) but some weird shit happens where he comes-to in a different time and place. it's kind of like that theory people have where if u perish in one universe, your consciousness or something will pick up in another (and u dont actually die die.)
HOWEVER he still has some good memory of pre-death stuff. as time goes on it's less and less on his mind (although it does come up in... usually valid outbursts.) he has to readjust to the timeline he's in too.
IT'S MORESO LIKE... death and time travel and not necessarily death + completely different universe (like alien environments or sumn. or soooo far forward into the future that humans dont exist no more.) it's kinda like donnie darko type stuff (not directly inspired, but that's something i can think off the top my head that has a similar time thing going on.)
in THIS universe thingy he starts off having to skip town to town because of stupid werecat incidents. eventually he ends up in a little town (US east coast baby!) that he hasn't had any issues in... yet.
i like to think he probably works as a university philosophy + history professor (adjunct probs) or something in that field. the past towns he was in will have been other jobs... probably not to that level of profession though. my thought process for him being able to land that job (or any really) was that lev (another oc of mine who i MUST make more art of) would help fred forge shit bc lev coming across him was like "OMG HEY I KNOW YOUUU!!!!" from waaay back pre-death time. and wanted to help him! but that also means he's back to gleefully annoy fred 😭
#2 ---- the second timeline type thing was one i thought up with my bf a handful of years ago. still the same death and time switch type thing except he ends up like. way further in the future. he's all nasty and smelly like a dirty sad little stray and the luckiest thing happens to him. world's richest ginger named alfie finds the loser sitting all alone by himself and takes him in <3 and then they get married (yaaay!)
tbh if i were to start a project of sorts with fred, which i have seriously thought about since early highschool, i'd prob go off of timeline #1. i have other ideas and dudes for that story too other than fred. i'm going to start animating (or trying to) a bunch of things having to deal with him. i have an amv/pmv cooking thats like. 7 minutes long. that i HOPE to be able to work on again soon :-p
THANK YOU FOR ASKING ABOUT HIM AND THANK YOU FOR READING!!!!!!!!!! i tried condensing it down as much i could ; _ ;!!
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reduxulousoctopus · 5 months
DnDCAU Character Updates
Still occasionally plugging away at my Justice League animated series/D&D thing as I do more research, figured I'd update any of y'all who are interested.
Just to refresh, my two rules for picking species & classes for this AU are:
Focus on what a character "is" (their history, personality, thematic archetype, vibes, etc) rather than what they "do" (their specific powers & abilities). There are plenty of actual DC-inspired builds out there which do try to replicate the characters' specific powers, and those are great (and take a lot more knowledge of D&D than I have), but I wanted to put my own spin on things and haven't seen anyone come at it from this specific angle before.
Because it would be boring if half of the cast in a D&D setting were humans, canonically human characters can be reimagined as any of the "common" species, with exotic and monstrous lineages reserved for canonically alien/otherwise inhuman characters.
As always, suggestions are welcome. This got kinda long, so if you just want to know the League's races & classes, scroll down to the bottom for the TL;DR. Otherwise...
Clark is still an aasimar Paladin, and hasn't changed much from the original post. At the risk of taking the name "Small"-ville a bit too literally, Clark grew up in a village mostly populated by halflings, Ma and Pa included. As such, he pretty much always knew he was adopted, but assumed he was a normal human until his aasimar abilities began manifesting when he was a teenager, at which point his parents showed him the various celestial artifacts they found with him when he was a baby. In D&D terms, he has the Folk Hero background. He'd start out as your classic Truth, Justice, & the American Way-style Devotion Paladin, but after the events of the episode "Legacy" (or in this AU, the finale of his previous D&D campaign), his subclass changed to Oath of Redemption. I guess Darkseid would be replaced with... Bane? Maybe? I still don't know a whole lot about the D&D pantheons tbh, but he's the god of evil and tyranny and he wants to take over all the planes, which sounds pretty Darkseid-y. I briefly considered making Justice Lord Superman an Oathbreaker, but they seem more the type to revel in their own villainy, whereas Lord Clark unquestionably still thinks he's the hero. He's just completely lost hope that criminals can be redeemed, so instead they must be ruthlessly controlled and, if necessary, exterminated. Ergo, Oath of Vengeance.
Bruce is now a half-elf (inspired by various attempts in the comics to retcon Martha Wayne's ethnicity), and although I considered multi-classing monk to get all of his ninja stuff, I decided to stick with a pure Inquisitive Rogue build--he is the world's greatest detective, after all, so we gotta go all-in on the detective subclass. Besides, there's enough overlap between rogues and monks that you can say that he learned stealth and swordsmanship by training at a temple, anyway. Other than that, his backstory is what you'd expect from D&D Batman. I've seen builds that give him the Noble background and yeah, that makes sense, but who is the Faceless background for if not Batman? Born to wealth and privilege as the son of a nobleman, during a mugging gone wrong, he witnessed the murder of both his parents and thereafter vowed to avenge his family by preventing anyone else from losing their loved ones to criminal violence. He traveled across Faerun as a wandering adventurer, learning the skills that would help him on his crusade, before returning home to don a masked identity: the Bat-Man of... whatever city on the Sword Coast is the equivalent of Gotham. Oh god there's still so much research to do.
As evidenced by the original post, it was a struggle picking Diana's species but I settled on earth genasi as a nod to her being sculpted from clay. She wasn't completely turned into a human in this version because this way is more fun. Hippolyta and the other Amazons are preexisting figures from Greek mythology who could therefore easily fit into the D&D universe, so I've decided that Themyscira is located somewhere in Arborea, the same Outer Plane as Mt. Olympus. Souls of women and girls who died at the hands of men, if claimed by the goddesses of Olympus, are reborn on Themyscira as Amazon warriors. Diana is a War Domain cleric and her patron deity is Athena. I was very tempted to go with Hera & Strength Domain, but alas, some of that subclass's bonus spells don't really fit and Hera's domain is officially listed as Trickery, which definitely doesn't fit. Athena makes sense, anyway, considering there's a big statue of her overlooking the altar where Diana gets her armor. That could also lead to a character arc where Diana starts out really good at the War Domain side of being Athena's champion but initially struggles with her goddess's other domain, Knowledge, reflecting her early naivete and hotheadedness, which eventually matures into genuine wisdom--symbolically represented by Diana unlocking her lasso's ability to compel the truth from people, since Truth is an aspect of Knowledge.
I've more or less worked out what the Green Lanterns are in this AU--basically, I saw that Lantern Archons are a thing and ran with it. In this AU, at some point in history, the Archons began granting magical abilities to select mortals who would be entrusted to enforce Law & Good on behalf of the Seven Heavens without being affiliated with any specific god. They send Lantern Archons out across the planes to select worthy mortals, and to act as their assistants if they agree to the terms of the Archons' boon. To avoid drawing too much attention to themselves, these agents started hiding their Archon assistants within special cases which resembled lanterns made of opaque green glass--for which they came to be known as the Green Lantern Brotherhood. John specifically is a variant human Battlemaster Fighter/Celestial Warlock multiclass (maybe ~5/15 level split?). That keeps him from the higher level Warlock stuff, but John didn't use many advanced constructs in the show anyway, so that kinda fits. As someone still figuring out how D&D even works, I was reluctant to multiclass any of the characters at the risk of making things even more complicated for myself. However, there was really no other way to fully represent John as a character, given that he has two such distinct "modes" in combat (the man/marine vs the Green Lantern) and how often the show explored that dichotomy. I still can't decide on his Pact Boon, though. On the one hand, Blade would make better use of his Fighter levels. On the other hand, Pact of the Chain could give him a homebrew Lantern Archon familiar, and *gestures to above paragraph* they're kind of important to this AU's version of the Green Lanterns.
...Oh lord. See, in the first version of this, I said that Shayera was an avariel (aka, winged elf). That wasn't actually my first choice, though. Because if you're going to put Hawkgirl in a D&D setting, what are you even doing if you don't make her a literal Hawk Girl? Obviously she has to be an aarakocra, right? However, her romance with John is THE big emotional centerpiece of season two of the Animated Series and quite a lot of Unlimited. And I say this with all love to the bird furries out there (featheries?) but I can't take their romance seriously if she's a bird. It's not even the sex, it's specifically because of how stupid birds look from the front.
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But again, hawk girl Hawkgirl! So I don't know. Maybe John's having a less tragic (but far more embarrassing) time romancing Wally instead, and John and Shayera are still best friends? Of course, none of this is even getting into how either the winged elves or aarakocra would end up in the role of the Thanagarians; neither of them are exactly world-conquering societies. Idk man, I'm losing my mind. Oh, she's a Berserker barbarian btw. I considered Ancestral Guardians, re-flavored as the Hawks' reincarnation thing--like her past lives are manifesting as spirit allies or something. Ultimately though, I stuck with your classic "screaming and hitting stuff" barb.
I've changed Wally's species so many times, it's really getting out of hand. You ask me again tomorrow and I'll have probably changed it again. For now, though, he's a tiefling. I'd love to say it's because of some deep comic book lore (his dad was in a cult and got with a succubus!) or a clever reference to his first episode in the DCAU, "Speed Demons", or even just a stupid pun about him being a horny devil. Really, it's because I couldn't come up with a character design that was clearly recognizable as the Flash, so I just gave up and made him red with lightning-bolt shaped horns. Yep, I'm a hack. The one cool design element I came up with (by which I mean it's basically stolen from Karlach Baldursgate) is a glowing magical Lichtenberg figure scar on his chest, as a way to evoke his lightning-bolt symbol without being too obvious. Speaking of lightning, I originally had Wally as a Storm Sorcerer, but decided to save that subclass for characters like Static & Red Tornado. Instead, Wally is now a Wild Magic sorcerer, which suits him better as a comedic character while also reflecting the more dangerous side of the Speed Force and his fear of what his powers could do to himself/others. As for his backstory, this is breaking from DCAU canon (where he was given an origin more like Barry's), but Wally is a Celebrity Adventurer's Scion. He's a superhero nepo baby and I love him.
For a long time, I just kind of assumed J'onn should be a wizard. "But wait," you say, "Martians don't technically have superpowers. J'onn didn't learn how to shapeshift or fly or read minds by studying ancient tomes or whatever, that's just something innate to his species. You're focusing too much on what he can do, and not who he is! Doesn't that break one of the rules you established at the top of this very post?" Yes, yes it does. Also fuck you. They're my rules, I should be able to break them if I want. J'onn has to be a wizard! He was the one high INT character on the team! Who is going to solve the puzzles, now?! ...Alright, so J'onn isn't a wizard. What is he, then? I've got an idea, but let's figure out his species first and come back to it. My initial "vision" for the series had mind flayers standing in for the unnamed alien invaders from Secret Origins, with J'onn as an ancient gith from before they split into the githyanki and githzerai, who (through some kind of time magic or undying sleep or something) had survived to the present day. But that doesn't quite capture the vibe of the Martians or the tragedy of their genocide, so I came up with a real wildcard alternate option, depending on how willing I am to homebrew shit: J'onn is an original oortling, from before they were enslaved and genetically altered by the mind flayers. So rather than being completely wiped out, J'onn has to live with the knowledge that his people have been genetically altered into helpless livestock and fed upon by mind flayers for centuries. Like that's some fucking All Tomorrows type shit (and like All Tomorrows, it'd be clear by the end that there's still hope for the oortlings, not to return to what they once were but to become something new which still carries the spark of what came before). With all that in mind, Gloomstalker Ranger. Favored enemy: aberrations. The Martian Manhunter is now the Mind-Flayer Slayer.
Clark - aasimar Oath of Redemption Paladin
Bruce - half-elf Inquisitive Rogue
Diana - earth genasi War Domain Cleric of Athena
John - variant human Battlemaster Fighter/Celestial Warlock
Shayera - aarakocra(?) Berserker Barbarian
Wally - tiefling Wild Magic Sorcerer
J'onn - original oortling (homebrew race) Gloomstalker Ranger
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fandomwe1rd0 · 24 days
the heck even happens in Rick and morty
Just gonna infodump on you cause you asked for it! Spoilers ahead! Infodump under the cut
So there is the Smith family, they are the main characters, you have Beth Smith, the alcoholic mother, Jerry Smith, the bumbling unemployed dad, Summer Smith, the badass sister, and of course Morty Smith, the 14-year-old anxiety-ridden poor boy, and the main character, Rick Sanchez, he's around 70 and is Morty's grandfather, and he has A LOT of issues. He's an alcoholic, definitely depressed, hates himself, and loves Morty more than he loves himself (Which isn't saying much since he hates himself, but still, he loves the kid a whole lot)
Ok, now we got them, I'll just quickfire everything that happens in season one, Rick has Morty shove megaseeds up his butt so they cam go through interdimensional customs with the megaseeds, and he almost gets kicked out due to pulling Mourt out of school, but the megaseeds dissolve just in time giving Morty temporary superintellgence, leading Beth and Jerry to believe that Morty spending time with Rick is making him smarter, when it's not, they leave and that opens to the first garage rant and brings up the iconic quote "100 years Rick and Morty!" Which will come back. Next Rick incepts Morty's math teacher to give Morty As in math, Scary Terry follows them, but they end up becoming his friend after Rick and Morty stop him from having a bad dream, and they get Morty's math teacher to get him an A. Next Morty goes inside a human body and tries to save anatomy park, a park inside of a human body, it breaks down at the end though soooo. Next up Rick gets trapped inside a simulation that aliens trapped him in so they can get his recipe for concetrated dark matter, the fuel for accelerated space travel. Nothing much of note, but we do get a cute protective Rick moment, when he finds out Morty was simulated, his first response was "You simulated my grandson's genitalia!? You diabolical sons of bitches!" He even tries to attack them, but is held back. Next up in a personal favorite of mine, Rick and Morty make a bet that Morty can have a simpe, fun adventure. It starts off rocky, and gets even rockier when we get to that infamous Mr. Jellybean scene, I assume I don't have to talk about it, you already know it probably. Thankfully, Rick is super sweet and understand, not only does he throw the bet so Morty will be happy, but he also kills Mr. Jellybean which has me CACKLING!
Next up is a plot important episode, Morty asks Rick for a love potion to make Jessica fall in love with him, for context Jessica is Morty's crush, Rick at first says no, but eventually relents, but since Jessica has the fuel, it spreads to the entire school, Rick comes to get Morty since he isn't affected by it, since the love potion doesn't work on any related to Morty gentically.A VERY tasteful choice in my opinion, Rick tries to fix it, but just makes a bad situation worse. Rick travels to another dimension where they died, Morty understandably freaks out, but then Rick explains the plan, they just slip into the places of their dead selves, and continue as if nothing happen. Morty is understandably traumatized from this experience, and then we move to the next episode.
Next up is a pretty meh episode, Morty gets an uhm robot, but it was actually a birthing machine, and because of this Morty gets a chld, he tries to be a good father, but fails since well, he's 14, and the baby was naturally very aggressive from the day he was born. There is a sideplot with Rick and Summer, but it's mostly just Rick being a sexist asshole
Next up is an episode I admittably really like, basically it just resolves around Rick and Morty watching interdimensional cable, and it's just nice to see them bonding, there is a pretty good side plot with the rest of their family seeing what their life could've been. Eventually Beth and Jerry divorce but get back together when they realized that they would've gotten back together in a nother dimeson. It's a very sweet scene
Next up Rick drives Summer to work and meets the devil, where his store sells cursed items, eventually he beats the devil by setting up a store that uncurses his items for cash, yeah, he's petty, and I love him. There's a side plot where Jerry goes to Pluto, but there's nothing of note there, we do however gets a sweet moment where Rick is happy to see Morty but hides it, he sees Morty and says while smiling "Hey!" then clears his throat, frowns and says "Hey." very slick Rick.
Next up is a really really good episode, its the first canon episode and it is amazing. We get to meet two iconic characters, Doofus Rick who is a precious cinnamon roll, and Evil Morty who is an evil boy. The council of Ricks think Rick is killing other Ricks, but Rick found out it was evil Morty, we also find out an important detail, Rick hangs around Morty because he uses his brainwaves as camoflague. And we also get a sweet moment where Rick cries from his memories of Morty as a baby
The last episode of season one is eh, it's not great, but it's not bad. We get to meet Rick's friends Squanchy and Birdperson but they don't do much, basically Rick just throws a house party when Beth and Jerry are out of town on their titanic themed getaway. We also get a sweet bonding moment between Rick, Summer, and Morty which is cute.
So that's season one, there are 6 more seasons, go watch it, it's great!
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