#my girl be getting so much hate its unsettling
allastoredeer · 2 months
I love theory/lore time!
I wanted to say that I also agree with both intakes and those who overall theorize that the person/entity that owns Alastor's soul is either Eve or Roo.
Honestly, Idk if Eve and Roo are different or the same. Maybe they started as two separate entities, but after Eve ate the forbidden apple, they slowly became one. Kind of like how it seemed that Roo was an entity and not just a concept, what allowed Roo to get released in the physical world was the ingestion and possession of Eve… or maybe I'm just sippling.
Anyway, I think the main reason why I feel am not Alastor's contractor is because I just have this feeling that she is not a threat. The show makes it seem as if she was sort of conspiring against hell, but it does not make sense to me for a person who was basically that face of the resistance to sort of be a threat to Charlie and hell in general. She seems sketchy, not going to lie, and that whole thing of both Lilith and Alastor disappearing at the same time is highly suspicious, but idk… maybe I'm crazing but I do not feel such animosity from Alastor to Lilith.
One could look at Al's reaction to Lucifer as maybe a remainder to whom he may a deal (if it was Lilith), besides the obvious of him maybe threatening his position at the hotel. But if that was the case, I would think he would not act the way he does with Charlie. Yes, it can be argued that acts that way because he is trying to manipulate Charlie into something regarding the deal (probably… he is but we are uncertain of what he might really go for with the deal he made), but it just does not add. He might have a soft spot for women, but it does not add that he acted mildly with Charlie (the daughter of the person who owns his soul, in this scenario) when just the mention of him being on a leash had him losing his cool like he did with Husk in ep5. It does not add that he had a mental breakdown because he might have almost gotten attached and risked his life for this group of people (also because he might have overestimated his powers, and we do not exactly know how much the deal restricts him in terms of power). I totally see him working alongside her because he must gain what he has, but I just do not see it being so "friendly" with her. Or maybe I am just underestimating his acting skills.
My point is that (at least in my head, and the way I interpreted the situation) I see more possibility that Eve/Roo/something else is the one holding Al's soul and not Lilith. Now, again, it is really weird that both of them went away at the same time. My theory is that, somewhere along the lines (sometime after Al's made the deal maybe) both he and Lilith partner to maybe stop Eve/Roo or Eve/Roo made Al and Lilith confront in a way that made Lilith having to seek shelter in Heaven, and Alastor to go away. But I feel it was Lilith who might have asked Alastor to watch/help Charlie, and he might have agreed because it is convenient as well… and maybe because it was also Eve/Roo's order…
IDK maybe he is a double spy, and despite all this, he is trying to seek the perfect opportunity which is going to give him the chance to "move all the strings". I also headcanon that both might have a level of respect for one another but that is just a crazy thought of mine because they haven't even interacted so… idk
Anyway, sorry for the rant. Love how your mind thinks!
ALRIGHT IM HERE! I know this has been sitting in my inbox for the past week, but I'm here now and ready to get into it!
I've never considered the possibility that Eve and Roo are the same, but hmmm, thinking about it, I'm not so sure. In the opening of the show, it's said that evil already exists.
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Angels shielded all from Evil. So, Roo (the literal Root of all Evil) will have existed long before Eve was even created. If she were using Eve as a host, however... ◉_◉ As being the first one to let evil into the world being the gateway (for a lack of better word) and Roo taking advantage of that...
It was Adam and Eve eating the apple that allowed evil to find it's way to Earth.
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Like, the phrasing here says it all. "For with this single act of disobedience, evil FINALLY found its way into Earth."
So not only has evil existed for a long time, it's implied that it's been trying to find a way to get to Earth. (Also, the Roo theory brain is taking over, this whole scene, with these black tendrils growing, turning into a hand, and curling around Earth, do those not resemble roots to anyone? I'd gif it if I knew how, but it literally looks like roots growing up and wrapping themselves around humanity. ROOT OF ALL EVIL, come on, the symbolism is there.)
And with Alastor, I truly think he cares more than he wants. I think he cares more than he expected to. I know there's a lot of people who just do NOT think he does, and that he's going to be the big bad (or at least an antagonist), and while I don't disagree about the antagonist part (I can see him being an obstacle to get in their way), I just think there's going to be more to his character arc. I don't think he's just going to manipulate the hotel, betray everyone, and get all the power he's ever wanted and that's IT.
For one, as any writer knows, stories need conflict. Characters need conflict. One could argue that Alastor's deal is his conflict, but I think his true conflict is going to be getting attached to Charlie and co. and not wanting to. i think he's going to fight it tooth and nail, but I think, in the end, he's going to be their ally (or as much of an ally as he can be considering someone--most likely the actual antagonist of the show--has his soul).
And I agree with you about his relationship with Charlie. We can already see that he's a good at manipulating. The "Dad Beat Dad" episode gave us numerous examples of him using his relationship with Charlie (saying things like "We're all very proud of her," and that he's "happy to fulfill her bizarre requests") to get under Lucifer's skin, while Charlie is shown to whole-heartedly believe him. He IS a manipulator and he knows how to pin-point that insecurity to get what he wants.)
However, there's also examples in the show where he was kind and considerate to Charlie when he literally didn't need to be. There was no reason or benefit to him for doing so.
One example would be him going with her to assist in getting the cannibals help. He didn't need to do this. He got what he wanted. He officially has a deal with Charlie. He gave her the information she needs in exchange for a favor, there's no reason to linger. But he does, and not only does he freely suggest Cannibal Town, but he's going WITH her to recruit their help.
When Charlie is talking to Rosie to get said help, she's frantic and stumbling over herself, and Alastor pipes in to help her. Later, when Charlie is singing her song to convince the cannibals, he pipes in again (when it's obvious they're not entirely on board) to include that they'll get to eat angels, which is the tipping point that gets the town interested. And another time during that same song when he said "he knew she could do it all along." Charlie wasn't there, so who was he supposed to be manipulating in that scenario?
Rosie? As if Rosie doesn't already know Alastor's whole schtick, she was literally telling him about souls he could go make deals with earlier in the episode. Demons who are in a territory that they can't properly defend, which would make them desperate. Easy pickings to manipulate a few into giving up their souls.
He had faith in Charlie getting the cannibals to join and even helped her along every step of the way.
And that's not even mentioning the fact that he has literally let her use his cane twice. His cane, which Vivzepop has said is like an extension of himself. We haven't seen him let anyone else in the series touch his cane. Hell, he didn't even need to offer his cane in the first place, the microphone she was using earlier was still right there.
One could argue he was trying to get the cannibals to help so they could defend the hotel and have a better chance at, you know, NOT dying. But there's multiple times when he does things he didn't have to do, because there was literally no benefit of it to him. But he did.
Because I think he's more attached than he wants to believe.
Where was I...I went on an Alastor tangent.
But yes! The way I see it right now, I can see Roo going after Lillith because Lillith empowered demonkind.
Lucifer may the the ultimate ruler of Hell, but it's obvious that he didn't really...interact much with the rest of Hell. At least from what we've seen. He was ashamed of what he did and lost his will to dream.
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He fell into depression. I think when he and Lillith had Charlie, it really did make him happy. I think it brought him out of his depression for a bit, but depression doesn't just...go away. At least not for everyone. And we do see that something had to happen between him and Lillith to result in them splitting up, AND something had to happen to him and Charlie to result in them not seeing each other for long periods of time, to the point of Charlie not even wanting to call him for help when she could really use it.
Guys been in depression for a while, and I can't see him getting involved with Hell, which he's ashamed of creating at all. I can see him being more than happy to step aside for Lillith to handle it herself. I don't think Roo would see him as much of a threat so long as he's not getting involved.
Because as the show says:
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She literally EMPOWERED demonkind. Hell grew and evolved, and it became so much more. It became powerful enough for Heaven to not only take notice, but to get worried.
Lillith has MUCH more of an impact in Hell. She has more reach and authority, and I can see Roo being intimidated and/or threatened by that. There's a lot Roo (the Root of All Evil) can do in Hell, where the sinners and wicked go--those who commit evil acts. This should be her PLAYGROUD. But it's Lillith who has authority here.
So maybe Roo needed to get her out of the way? And how much farther can she get Lillith from Hell then having her go to Heaven?
I definitely think there's a connection between Alastor and Lillith. Maybe Lillith did enlist Alastor for his help. Maybe Roo already got Alastor's soul and he helped her, in some way, get Lillith to go to Heaven. I don't know what the connection is, but I'm so eager to find out.
(Also, can we all talk about how Lillith empowered demonkind with her voice, her songs, and Charlie is out here singing every time she wants to help Hell--when she first got the meeting with Adam, when she's trying to convince Adam of her plan, her song with Pentious, etc... And when Rosie asks how she typically tries to get people interested in her hotel, she does so by singing. All of her songs are about love, redemption, being better, working together, almost as if she's trying to empower demonkind with her voice too.)
I think we should talk more about not only what Charlie gets from Lucifer, but what she gets from Lillith as well.
But YES, I'm just so eager to see the whole deal with Alastor and Lillith, and I REALLY think Roo is going to come into play here somewhere. I really do. If not now, then later.
Personally, I still think Roo has Alastor's soul, but who knows? Maybe Lillith DOES have Alastor's soul, but Roo blackmailed/threatened Lillith into going to Heaven, so Lillith ordered Alastor to keep an eye on Charlie for her? Who knows? No one.
Who wants to know? ME!
fgo;fg;sgnsjn AHH I fucking love talking about this show, it gets my brain going.
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roosterforme · 8 months
Always Ever Only You Part 9 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: What are you supposed to do when you don't know how to talk to your husband? How is he supposed to love you and your body when you can't even figure out how to love yourself anymore? You watch Bradley leave for deployment. 
Warnings: Angst, sex, swearing
Length: 3700 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order. Always Ever Only You masterlist. Gorgeous banner by @mak-32
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When you woke up on the bathroom floor the morning after your promotion banquet, and remembered what happened, you started crying. Your dress whites had been so perfect and crisply pressed. The excitement for your new piece of hardwear had fueled you along. You had forgotten about how much you hated your body right now, at least for a few hours. 
Everything ached as you stood up and tried to stretch out all of the kinks you had from sleeping on the bath mat. Bradley was leaving tomorrow. He would be gone for eight weeks. And you didn't even want to leave this bathroom and see him right now. 
But when you opened the door, curious about what time it was and ready to pack your back and go home, you nearly tripped over your husband. He was sleeping on the floor outside the bathroom, curled up with a pillow and a sheet. You braced yourself on the doorway so you didn't fall. 
"Baby Girl," he croaked, his voice still hoarse.
Your eyes were stinging, and you felt miserable knowing he had slept on the floor, too. But he had ruined your night, and you didn't even want to have to listen to him apologize to you. 
"I want to go home," you informed him with a steady voice that betrayed how terrible you felt. 
"Can we talk about this?" he asked, getting to his feet and looking as miserable as you felt. "I wasn't trying to hurt you."
You just closed your eyes and shook your head. The sooner you got home, the sooner you could take a bath and change and start to feel better. "I don't want to talk about this right now."
He ran his hand over his face and swallowed hard, and you slipped past him to get your stuff together. 
You were back home by nine o'clock. Part of you wanted Bradley to vanish and leave you alone. The rest of you was panicking inside, because by this time tomorrow, he would be gone. And then what would you do? It might be weeks before he could call you. But even though you knew you needed to straighten things out right now, you just couldn't bring yourself to do it. 
So you sank down into a bubble bath while he muttered something about taking Tramp for a walk. Good. He was gone now. The house was quiet. And you were left alone to think about how out of control your emotions were. But you decided were allowed to be frustrated that your night got ruined, and you were allowed to be annoyed with Bradley. However, today was also your last chance to see him for two months. And you were ovulating. 
So you shaved your legs and got out of the bath. Then you tried to do your normal routine of drying off and applying lotion, but you could hear Bradley messing around in the bedroom. When you wrapped your towel around yourself and poked your head in, he looked up from his duffle bag. "Hi," he said softly. He had his underwear and some clothing in stacks on the dresser. He was packing to leave. 
You shifted your weight from foot to foot, your fingernails digging into your palms. Never had you ever, not even once, felt this awkward around him. It was disorienting and unsettling. You couldn't have imagined this if you tried. His brown eyes were sad and apologetic, but he seemed to be holding back what he wanted to say. And you were sure your expression was similar. 
You had no idea how to make any of this better. So you blurted out the first thing on your tongue. "You're right. We shouldn't be wasting time. And maybe there's something physically wrong with one of us, but maybe there's not. So I think we should have sex today. While I'm ovulating."
But Bradley didn't budge. He blinked at you and licked his lips. "I'm sorry I upset you. And I really don't know if having sex right now is the best idea, you know?"
It's not like you even wanted to. But you felt like you should. So you let your towel drop to the floor at your feet, because you knew it was impossible for Bradley to feel nothing when you were naked for him. 
His lips parted, his pupils went wide, and his breathing was ragged. "You really want to?"
"Yes," you said softly, lying to your husband even as he took a step closer to you. When his lips met yours, you turned your head so that his mustache skimmed along your neck instead. He kissed down to your shoulder, and it felt good. It always felt good. But you had to force yourself to lay out on the bed as he quickly undressed. 
When Bradley settled on top of you, he stroked his fingers along your slit and then met your eyes. You knew you weren't wet. You bit your lip and had to hold back your tears. 
"We don't have to-" 
"Yes," you said, cutting him off. "We do."
Once again, he looked like you'd physically hit him. He just nodded and brought his fingers up to his lips, coating them with his saliva and returning them to your core. You let your head tip back against the pillow and tried to think about your honeymoon or the way Bradley once gave you a hat trick. You tried to imagine being back in La Jolla. Anything sexy. But all you could think about was how desperately you wanted to see a positive pregnancy test. 
You hiccuped softly, squeezing your eyes shut as Bradley lined himself up with your opening and pushed himself inside you. He just needed to cum. The sooner the better. 
"You okay?" he asked, pushing himself deeper. 
You nodded, barely meeting his eyes. "Yeah."
And so he started to thrust as he kissed softly along your collar bones, but after a few minutes, you could tell he wasn't even as hard as he usually was. Tears stung your eyes. You couldn't do anything right. You couldn't get pregnant. And you couldn't keep your husband hard. You couldn't even seem to go five minutes without wanting to disappear into thin air. 
When Bradley met your eyes, he muttered, "Sorry." 
"It's probably my fault," you whispered, but he pressed his lips to yours and shook his head. 
"It's not, Sweetheart." But he had to bury his face against your neck and stroke himself with his right hand until he was hard enough to fuck you while you laid there beyond mortified. And the sound of his soft grunts as he came inside you was such a relief when you finally heard them, you sank back with your forearm over your eyes. 
Bradley didn't collapse in bed with you. He didn't snuggle up with you in his arms. You felt the bed dip as he climbed out and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. 
It was a long time before Bradley felt like he could walk back out into the bedroom and face you. What was happening here? He had fucked up last night. He knew that. He burst your bubble, tainted the delight you felt when you were being promoted. And he hated that he did that. He was proud of you, and he never wanted to disappoint you. But he'd just disappointed you again today. 
You were gone when he opened the door, and he felt relieved. Embarrassment washed over him again. He wasn't hard for you. He was always hard for you. Even at the most inopportune times, he was ready to go just thinking about you. He didn't even need to touch the porn they gave him when he jerked off to collect a sperm sample for testing. He just pulled up one of the videos you and he made on his phone and went to town. Two minutes of looking at your body and listening to your voice and he was filling up that little cup. 
"Fuck," he grunted, returning to his duffle bag instead of looking for you. Because he didn't even know what to say right now. Tears were collecting in his eyes as he packed his bag. His stomach was growling for lunch, but he didn't think he deserved to eat anything. 
As he put the finishing touches on his uniforms and flight suits, he finally tossed his bag aside. He wasn't even going to be here tomorrow. He needed to fix all of this right now. He hadn't told you he loved you all day, and you hadn't said it to him. Maybe starting there would be a good jumping off place to try to fix things. 
"Baby Girl?" he called out as he walked down the hallway into the kitchen. And he was treated to the sight of your beautiful body, gorgeous face and elegant hands. But you were holding the piece of mail he'd been trying in vain to hide all over the house. And when you met his eyes, you looked angry. 
"I can explain," he said, holding his hands up in surrender. But that just seemed to make you more upset.
"What the fuck, Bradley?" you asked, the paperwork shaking in your hand. "Were you going to tell me about this? Or just try to avoid all of it?"
"I-" he started before freezing up. Your face was righteous with anger in a way he'd never witnessed before, and he wished he could go back to yesterday and do everything right. 
Then your face melted into sadness. "You weren't going to say anything. Were you?" When he didn't respond, you screamed, "Were you?"
He watched you ball up the papers in your hands before you threw them at his chest with as much force as you could manage. He caught the paper ball, heart pounding and skin on fire. And then you rounded on him. "I can't believe you got your sperm tested without saying anything to me about it!"
He sucked in a deep breath. "I was just trying to help," he managed as angry tears flowed down your cheeks. When he took a step closer, you pressed your palms to his chest and pushed him back. 
"You didn't fucking help anything! It's all my fault that I can't get pregnant!"
"You don't know that," he said as you shoved him harder. "We don't know that."
You reached out and smacked the balled up paper out of his hand and shouted, "Yes! I do! It's actually my fault. It's a fact. I saw it right there on that paper! Your sperm is perfect. So my body must be fucked up!"
"Baby Girl," he gasped in agony. "Don't. Please." To him, you were perfect. And having a child really wasn't worth seeing you like this. Seeing how you'd been sinking in on yourself over the past few months. But maybe right now you weren't wrong. He didn't even know anymore. 
"And you were just hiding the results from me?" you asked, your voice still shaking with rage. "Blaming me quietly?"
"I'm not blaming you for anything!" he said, louder than he anticipated. His voice boomed through the kitchen, and you looked up at him like you didn't even know who he was. Even Tramp had run for cover by this point. 
"That's okay," you whispered, your eyes unwavering even though they were filled with tears. "I'm blaming myself enough for both of us."
He looked at the floor. There was nothing he could do to fix any of this now. And you were literally the last person he wanted to disappoint. As he raked his fingers through his hair, he whispered, "Maybe it's a good thing that I'm going away tomorrow."
He heard you sob as you kicked the sperm test results across the room and stormed down the hallway. 
You were in bed the rest of the afternoon, and Bradley wasn't sure if you were asleep or not. So he avoided the room altogether as he wallowed in this pain that he brought on himself. And on you.
You cried in bed for so long all afternoon, you must have fallen asleep at some point. Bradley's sperm was perfect. It was of higher quality than 95% of men in their mid-thirties. It was ideal for impregnation. The most desirable quality you could imagine. 
And you kept imagining it. He'd come inside you hundreds of times. Thousands of times. Countless times. Even since November, he'd put his Grade A sperm inside you more times than you could possibly keep track of.
So, this was your fault. And now you knew it. You tried for hours to think about work or your friends or even the fact that you should have been able to go to brunch this morning to gush about your promotion banquet. But everything was turning to shit now. It was probably time to think about alternate options. Or consider just giving up completely. 
But why should Bradley have to give up his dream of being a dad just because you weren't able to give him what he wanted? You couldn't be that selfish. As sleep overtook you, disturbing and hurtful ideas filled your mind. You were vaguely aware of Bradley in the room as the afternoon light got dimmer. You could hear him put something in your nightstand. You heard the zipper on his duffle. But you couldn't open your eyes through the haze of pain and exhaustion. 
When you jerked awake in your pitch black bedroom, you heard Bradley's voice next to you. "Are you okay, Sweetheart?" 
You reached for your phone. It was after eleven o'clock. He'd plugged it in for you. He must have gotten himself dinner and taken Tramp out and finished packing for his deployment. 
And then your heart sank as you reached for him. Bradley laced his fingers with yours, and you squeezed your eyes shut at how good it felt to simply hold his hand. 
"I don't know," you whispered, because you weren't really sure. Bradley brought your hand up to his mouth and kissed your fingers. You sighed against the sensation of his mustache on your body. You wanted to keep this feeling alive. This little glimmer of hope. But you muttered, "It's late. Go to sleep," as you withdrew your hand and rolled onto your side.
He was silent for so long, you weren't sure if he was still awake. Finally he said, "I hate leaving you more than I hate anything else. But we'll figure this out. I love you."
But instead of responding, you let him doze. When you both woke up at five to the sound of his alarm blaring, there were several feet of space between your body and his in the king sized bed. You felt like absolute shit. It was hard to breathe as you watched Bradley climb out of bed and head for the bathroom. You knew everything he was going to do: shower, shave around his mustache, apply deodorant. But you didn't want to see it. You went into the kitchen where you had all of the ingredients to make him heart shaped pancakes and strawberries. But you didn't want to make them. 
Instead you made some French press coffee and cried softly. You took a few sips and felt like you were going to throw up. You tried to eat a granola bar, but you gagged. You had forty one minutes until the Admirals would start calling everyone aboard the aircraft carrier. Less than an hour until your husband would be away for two months. But even when he cautiously walked into the kitchen in his uniform with his duffle bag, you still couldn't quite formulate what you wanted to say to him.
Because maybe he was right. Maybe you and he needed to spend some time apart. You hated yourself and your body, so how did you expect him to love you right now? And you resented him for the decisions he was making and the things he was saying to you. It felt like he didn't understand how it feels to be you. And then you laughed darkly, because of course he didn't. And you were doing a shitty job of describing it to him. A horrible job of communicating with him in general.
"Let's go," you said, heading for the front door in the old lounge pants and shirt you'd slept in. You felt disgusting, so you might as well just look disgusting, too. 
But he headed you off, keeping his hand on the doorknob so you couldn't turn it. "I can't go until I know you're listening to what I have to say."
"What?" you snapped, because that was just a lie. He'd be leaving shortly even if you refused to listen or drive him there. That was just a fact. 
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin your night. I didn't mean to hide the test results from you."
"But you did," you whispered harshly. "On both accounts."
"I know," he said solemnly, reaching for you before dropping his hand to his side. "And I'm sick over it. But this doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you or that I'm perfect. And we can keep trying as soon as I get home, okay?"
"If I even feel like it," you sobbed, pushing his hand out of the way and wrenching the door open. "If you even want to. If you can even stay hard for me." 
"Sweetheart!" he called out, running after you as you got into the driver's seat of your car. You'd drop him off in this one instead of the Bronco, just because it would irritate him. 
You were turning the key and shifting into reverse before he even had his door closed. You wanted him gone. Now. You needed the silence of the house without him in it. Keeping your tears at bay was impossible, but at least the drive was quiet. Bradley had his hand over his eyes, and his head was tipped back. You saw the way his Adam's apple worked against his neck as he swallowed hard, but you didn't say anything to ease his mind. If you had to feel bad, then so did he. 
You made it to the docks in just a few minutes, and you were out of the car right away. You saw Bob and Nat on the dock, waving and waiting for the two of you, but you just couldn't go over there. You didn't want to see them or have to explain why the two of you were miserable. 
As you turned to face your husband, you were shaking with tears, and so was he. There was just a foot of space between you, but you hesitated. And it was clear to him that you didn't know what to do. So he just stood there and wiped at his eyes, shaking his head.
"This is not how I wanted to leave things between us," he rasped, and you looked down at the ground. He was the one who kept telling you he wanted to talk, but you kept shutting him out. 
When you opened your mouth to try to tell him that you still loved him, he held up his hand to stop you.
"You deserved more than what I gave you, okay?" he whispered, and your tears just came faster. "You deserved the world, and clearly I wasn't delivering on all of my promises. At the end of the day, if I'm the one responsible for all of your tears, then what fucking good am I as your husband?"
"Bradley," you croaked, sucking in a deep breath. 
But he just kept going, even though whistles were blowing and his squadron was being called. "I love you so much. I'm always going to. And I'm sorry I'm leaving you like this. I should have tried harder, because you are everything."
Your heart was breaking as he wrapped one big hand around the back of your neck and kissed your forehead. You tried to say his name again, but nothing would come out except a wretched sounding sob. So you reached for him and kissed his lips softly. But then he was pulling away, and you felt bile in your throat. 
"I love you." Your voice was so soft and broken, you weren't sure if he heard you. As he joined Nat and Bob, you cried next to your car, overwhelmed by the feeling of finality. You stayed until he boarded the carrier, but then you climbed behind the steering wheel again. You needed to go to work. You needed to go home and change first. When you tried to start the engine, your fingers fumbled the keys. After three tries you screamed and pounded on the steering wheel with your fists. 
Your heart was broken, and now you had nothing to show for it except some bruised hands. But as you finally got the car started and headed home, you thought to yourself that at least your day couldn't get worse. 
That was just wishful thinking on your part. As soon as you walked inside your bedroom with the intention of taking a hot shower, your eyes caught on something gold on Bradley's nightstand. He had left his wedding band. He never took it off. You couldn't recall a single time he had removed it since you slipped it on his finger last November. 
It was cold to the touch when you picked it up. It was supposed to feel warm from being on his finger. You wanted to call him and demand an answer as to why he was going away on a deployment without his wedding band, but you were too scared to hear the answer. And as his words came flooding back, you climbed into bed with the ring held tight in your sore fist. 
You deserved more than what I gave you.
Bradley deserved more, too.
Well. Now they are both on their own for two months. And I hurt my own feelings. Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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peachsayshi · 1 year
by your side. 
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄ gojo x female reader ⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ 
summary: gojo returns home after an exhausting two month trip away from you. 
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ minors / ageless blogs / blank blogs - do not interact.
notes: I’m so h*rny for this man & that tight black tee of his this is my contribution to celebrate satoru gojo and satoru gojo only <3  you can find my other yan gojo posts: here & here. 
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ tags: yandere; lovesick/obsessed/needy gojo; sleepy satoru; oral (f receiving); edging; dub con (ish?); pussy drunk satoru 👀; size kink; dacryphilia 
“Missed you,” Satoru exhales with a strained voice, his long fingers unfastening the knot around your waist, similarly to how you removed the white ribbon of the present he gifted you earlier this evening. 
The elder jujutsu sorcerers frustrated him with too many problems during his isolation period away from you, binding him with the shackles of responsibilities that he never asked for.
Exchanging phone calls, text messages and videos with you wasn’t enough enough to fill the empty void in his heart. Only now, as he smooths down the silk fabric of your robe, does Satoru understand how terribly deprived he’s been. 
How did he survive these last two months without you?
“I missed you so much, my sweet girl”
His words are laced with anguish and his pupils dilate at your soft skin peeking out from under your attire. He pulls the material away from you, watching carefully as it ripples off your body like water. 
Around your neck is the present that he bought for you; a string of white gold links draping down your clavicle with a heart shaped pendant resting just above your chest. He nips at his bottom lip, considering the idea of adorning you in even more jewelry. 
Two sparkling studs for your ears, maybe...a charm bracelet to compliment a pretty anklet... a band that would look complete around your ring finger...
The image makes his dick twitch.
You’re looking up at him from underneath your lashes, shying away from his intense gaze and drifting down to his muscular torso looking snug in his black fitted tee. All of a sudden your bed feels much smaller with him there, and a tingle ascends up your spine when he curves his strong arm behind your waist. The force of his weight pushes you down onto the soft pillows behind you. His limbs taking up most of the mattress, leaving you pinned underneath the expanse of his chest. 
You’ve forgotten how quickly he makes your heart race.  You’re still adjusting to this - getting used to the status of being his girl.
He tenderly touches his forehead to yours, a reminder of why the claim shouldn’t make you feel like a frightened kitten trapped in a wolf’s den.
Those words are pure devotion now, an affirmation of his love towards you. There are many who dream about basking in its abundance, and here you are greedily indulging for free.
Being loved by him is an honor that you have been pleasantly awarded.
You tilt your chin up to brush your mouth over his, initiating the first kiss with a chaste peck against his pink lips before leaning back to look into the depths of his blue eyes. 
He’s exhausted, you can tell, the bright color of his irises are muted and his mouth is twisting downward in a subtle frown. You know for a fact that he carries many burdens as the head of his clan and the strongest sorcerer, but what’s unsettling you is the sullen expression overwhelming his handsome face since his arrival. 
“I thought you would be happy to see me,” you state quite matter of factly, swiping your thumb over the blush blooming underneath his pale skin. 
Satoru leans into your touch, resting his cheek comfortably in the palm of your hand, and you can’t help but think how angelic he looks this way.
“I am, it’s just...I really, really hated being away from you,” he confesses through gritted teeth. 
You brush off the spark of nerves reacting to the visible sickness on his face, and trail your index finger down the bridge of his nose. “You’re home now,” you coo as you circle your arms around his neck, “I’m happy that you’re back.” 
His shoulders relax almost immediately, and he buries his relieved smile in the crook of your neck.  “Yeah?” he mumbles into your skin. “That’s nice to hear.” 
The sensation feels ticklish, but your giggle is quickly replaced by quiet pants as Satoru leaves a trail of kisses down your torso. His large palms find the back of your knees, and he lowers himself while spreading you apart so he can comfortably rest between your legs. The hand on your left leg curls around your ankle and he adjusts your position by bending your knee at a perfect angle. Meanwhile, his other hand lifts up your right leg, exposing the back of your thigh which he litters with tiny kisses and gentle nibbles.
“You don’t know...” he mumbles, “you don’t know how hard it is for me being away from you, it’s...” he interrupts once more, smooching your plush skin, “it’s unbearable...” 
His feathery admission gives you no comfort. Worry twists around your belly, caught between the grips of fright and excitement. A part of you refuses to believe that he is truly helpless without you around. However, it’s battling with your ego that’s showering with pride over the fact that this man would bend at your every will. 
Satoru presses his nose up against your clothed cunt to inhale your scent. The tension on his face dissipates, but his grip around your ankle tightens as he kisses you over the white cotton fabric. 
“M’here, Toru...” you soothe, threading your fingers through the frosty strands framing his facing, and pushing back his hair. “Here just for you” 
He releases an exaggerated sigh, “I feel so much better when we are together...” he admits, pressing his index finger up against the outline of your slit and rubbing over the damp patch that he formed with his tongue, “...when we are close like this.” 
You don't believe he’s lying. As a matter of fact, Satoru is honest to a fault when expressing his feelings about you.
You think it’s detrimental for a person to be this dependent, but your mind always finds a reason to rationalize his perspective.
Maybe it’s because you love him…or maybe it’s because he’s successfully bulldozed his way into your life that he now occupies every territory, making it impossible for you to turn anywhere catching a glimpse of his shadow.
You swallow the lump in your throat.
You don’t want to dissect these unsettling ideas, afraid of what your mind would reveal to you in the process.
Instead, you allow yourself to relax as your lover pulls aside your underwear to expose your pussy. He lightly rubs his thumb over your ankle, keeping you in place for him before placing a sweet kiss on your clit. You slowly massage his scalp as a gesture of encouragement, and whimper quietly when he flicks the tip of his tongue along the nub. 
Your right leg lazily falls over his broad shoulder when he releases his hold, your eyelids growing heavy feeling the stroke of his velvety tongue drag down.
Satoru eats you out for his own pleasure, and the man is starved having not tasted you for months.
He keeps you in this position long enough for you to feel like the room is spinning. You’re lightheaded, delirious, with the way he softly and slowly devours your cunt and slurps your arousal. The sound of tender smacks and his deep humming moans echo around you, and your hips buck against his mouth from how sensual he sounds.  
The brewing heat numbs you from the top of the head down to the tips of your toes, it’s burning so low that you’re desperate to prod the embers just to stir the flame. You lick your lip feverishly, tasting the saltiness of sweat and jab your heel into his back, but the pressure feels like nothing to him. 
Satoru doesn’t waver or pick up the pace because he’s savoring you down to the very last drop, and he looks so content with your slick dribbling down his chin. He goes deeper, pushing his tongue further inside you as he compresses his nose into your clit. The added pressure makes you choke out a pathetic whine, provoking your exasperation and your thighs start to quiver uncontrollably. 
You’re relying on your movements, grinding your hips out of desperation in the hopes to finally snap the rubber band of your pleasure that’s being stretched to its limit. 
“mmph...t-toru?...” you mewl as tears prick your lovely eyes. “toru?” 
“Hmm?” a deep voice replies, and Satoru slowly wriggles his nose as he continues to lazily fuck you with his tongue. 
“Satoru, I-...ah!” you yelp, finally grabbing his attention as you roughly yank his hair. 
He groans with annoyance, but slows down his movements. To your dismay, he doesn’t completely pull away and instead returns back to your sensitive clit. He languidly rolls his tongue over it, licking and sucking the overstimulated bud that the tears start to fall. 
“I can’t take this...I can’t take this...”  you sniffle, easing your hold as you try to push his head away. “need to cum, wanna cum so bad...” 
Only then does he look up from the mess between your legs, strings of your slick catch onto his chin and you contemplate how unjust it is that he looks this beautiful, contemplate how unfair it is that you are meant to temper your sinful thoughts around a man who is Adonis incarnate. 
His hazy eyes blink away his dream like trance, and you can see his senses returning back to the present. He arches his brow with slight amusement at your flustered expression but maintains an innocent tone when he replying.
“I got a little carried away...” he states before placing an apologetic kiss on your lower tummy. “Not enough for you, huh?” 
You pout slightly and shake your head no, attempting to lift yourself up on your forearms despite your shoulders trembling from how frail your body feels tipping so close to the edge.
Satoru envelopes you in the protection of his embrace. He kisses you deeply, and you can taste yourself on his tongue and over his lips. He molds into your frame and your body lights up with sparks feeling how stiff  the length of his hard cock feels as he delicately ruts his hips over yours. 
You moan with every calculative thrust, spread your legs wide enough to feel his impressive bulge rub against you.
God, it makes you want to ride him senseless.
You’re yearning to have him inside you.
He pulls away from the sloppy, wet kiss then eases the grind of his hips as he pecks your cheek and jawline. He wriggles down, stopping to suckle on the tips of your pointed nipples and your heart stops when you realize that he still has no intention of making you cum yet.
“Toru, please...” you beg when he returns to his previous position, a gasp following your plea as he buries two fingers inside you. 
“I’m feeling much better, baby, I love you s’much...” he reassures, a wicked grin tickling the corners of his mouth as he steadily drags his digits back and forth, “I promise I’ll fill you right up…just need to make up for some lost time, kay?” 
The blood drains from your face, and you realize that you’re completely at his mercy.
“s’good to me, so perfect ‘n pretty...” he praises into your glistening cunt, but you’re too enraptured by the sensation of his tongue stroking your folds to notice the way his eyes darken as he looks at you.
If you did, then you would remember the danger of nuzzling up with a wolf whose bite would bleed you dry. 
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a sin you were made for │Daemon Targaryen x Daughter!Reader
See my Masterlist for more works!
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Please note: this is a ONE-SHOT unrelated to my terms of endearment series.
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Synopsis: Your stepmother Rhaenyra thinks it is time you get married. Your father disagrees.
Um, I’m really sorry about this one. It’s awful. Thank you to @ewanmitchellcrumbs​​ and @randomdragonfires​​ for being my unwilling victims during the writing. Some notes: you are Laena and Daemon’s firstborn daughter in this one, born before Baela and Rhaena. As such, this is POC reader, though I hope it can be - well, not enjoyed - by everyone. Plus, this is technically ‘smut’, but it’s arguably the worst thing I’ve ever written so if you ain’t into it I do NOT blame you.
Triggers: non-con, NON-CON, incest, age gap, breeding kink, forced breeding kink, major angst, Daemon’s a creep and a bad man, and a bad father, and overall bad.
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“Do you love me, my girl?”
“Yes, Papa,” you say, lip quivering.
There is no man quite like Daemon Targaryen. He is vicious and unrelenting as he is warm and doting, a being of such utter extremes that one’s head may very well spin off its mount before truly comprehending the individual before them. Sometimes it is frightening to linger in his presence; he has a way about him that keeps you forever guessing, unsure of which side of the coin he has landed upon at any given moment. You see, his capriciousness does not spare you—not even you, his eldest, the apple of his eye. Today, you sense that it is one of those days.
He snorts, eyes cold.
“Your stepmother wants to arrange a match for you,” he muses, almost to himself. The calm of his tone unsettles you, unnerves you. “Some cunt from the Vale, methinks. Tell me”—he leans forward at this, fingers clasped together like a penitent’s, only you know he will never be sorry—“is that something you want?”
You swallow. “No, Papa.”
His brow quirks. “No? You don’t want a strapping young lad from the Snakewood to make you his wife? Fuck a few pug-nosed, brown-haired vipers into you? Hm?”
Your heart sinks. No, no, no… You hate it when he gets like this.
“No, Papa,” you try again. It comes out as a whisper.
“No.” He sits back, a darkly pleased tilt playing at the corners of his mouth. “That’s what I told Rhaenyra. Alas, she’s quite determined. Thinks it’s unnatural for a young lady your age to take company with her father. Do you think she’s jealous?”
“I—I cannot say.”
Baela and Rhaena had bonded well enough with your stepmother, folding easily into something resembling family, but you… Long has she watched you with carefully assessing eyes, darting back and forth between you and her husband, suspicion written in the planes of her visage but never voiced. You wish she had. Perhaps he would never have stumbled into your rooms soused on wine after celebrating the announcement of little Viserys’s impending arrival; perhaps he would never have seen you there, asleep, so much like your lady mother (and oh, how you miss her laugh and the sound of her heartbeat thumping through her chest and the riotous spring of silver curls smelling of rich Myrish spices even now); perhaps he would never have conceived the notion to claim this fresh Targaryen maiden, because Targaryen maidens belong to Targaryen princes and he was a Prince in all but deed, and so you had belonged to him before you truly knew what it meant for bodies to conquer, to take all and leave nothing behind. Perhaps you would never have awakened to the leaden weight of man over you, foreign fingers pressing between your legs where they ought not to go, this part of you is for your husband one day, dearest, you are to save it for your marriage, but one look up at the glow of pale hair in silver moonlight and the face you had known and loved so well contorted wild and sinister—lust, it is called, you know this now—and you had quailed, for is it not a daughter’s duty to be good and obey her father? And so he had brought the parts of himself you knew not the name of and pried your own open, apart, asunder, hand shoved up against your mouth to quell the sounds sprung from your belly at the agony of it, too much, Father, it’s too much, and sh, you’ll take it, you’re mine to have and I’ll do as I like, and you had felt your brain rattle in your skull at the vigour of his driving thrusts slapping into you, worse than a strike across the face because he had told you all the while I love you, daughter of mine, Papa loves you, and that is all you had ever wanted to hear from him.
No, you cannot say how Rhaenyra feels. You are sure she has her own ideas as to what he spends evenings with you doing—but she will never make the move to ask. Thus, you will never be free.
Your father grunts. “Well,” he says. “I’ll have to put a stop to this nonsense. Can’t have my daughter married off to the Vale, not when I went to such lengths to escape my own incarceration to that bronze bitch.”
This again. You school your expression into something placid. “Of course, Papa.”
He stares at you. “You’re quiet tonight. What—no words of praise for your father? No gratitude?”
“Tha—thank you, Papa.”
“Stopping my match to the—to the Vale.”
“For keeping me with you.”
“That’s right.” He nods to himself, bringing the cup he has held loosely in his fist to his lips. A droplet of wine treks down his chin—you imagine it is blood. My blood, my life and body and soul and blood, it is all for him whether I like it or not. “I’ll be causing a lot of strife,” he says, “preventing this thing going ahead. Your stepmother will be positively wrathful.”
What else can you say? If you stay silent, you risk incurring his ire; he does not like for you to behave like a mindless doll. I like a bit of fight in them, he had said once, drunken eyes roaming and drunken fingers fumbling around your throat. Meekness bores me. He is angry when he is bored.
Papa smiles, the action transforming the hard planes of his face into something softer, gentler. You know better than most how deceptive a thought that is. “I think I’ll need reminding. Of how much you love me.” He taunts you with the word, as though love is as meaningless as any other mundane feeling. But it’s not. It’s not. Love is what allows him to break you. “You can do that, can’t you, pet?”
“Yes, Papa.” Your knees knock beneath your skirts, heart racing. He will ask. Any moment, he will ask. “How do… what do you wish of me?”
There. A glint. In the eyes. The kind curve of his mouth turns razor sharp, a knife with which to ribbon your flesh into a thousand thousand pieces. “Take off your dress.”
When you were younger, you had possessed a gift. At times of strife, of extreme and undesired emotion, you could just… slip away inside your mind, if but for a small while. Whatever would happen next would seem as though it were occurring below, and you were above your body watching on, detached, the performance continuing in spite of the fact its main character had departed the stage. You had floated above, looking on as Vhagar bore your mother to blackened bone and ash; the taste of that ash coating your mouth, of burning flesh sometimes awakens you still, but the memory of it is dim, lost to that nether space where time is meaningless. You had floated above when your mother, mama mama please come back save me mama, your sweet, loving mother had been returned to the seas she missed all your life, and the scent of the saltwater sets your nose to streaming in rare bouts. You had floated above as your papa had destroyed you then built you anew for his own desires, pain and the hot lick of pleasure-shame distorting sleep into a hellscape.
Papa’s command leaves you damp between the legs. Sometimes, you think it is your maidenhead bleeding afresh, just like it did that night. You wonder if he will come away stained red again.
He does not like it when you are not readily available to him, so your gowns are easy to remove. A tug here, a shuffle there. The fabric slips to the floor with nary a sound, chased swiftly by your shift and your underthings. When he asks you to remove the dress, he asks for you to remove it all. You had learned that the hard way.
Your toes tingle with the desire to run as he stands, reminding you just how much more he is than you. Older, wiser, stronger, taller. His fingers trace the curve of your breast, pale upon brown, languid as only a man possessed with surety in his claim ever could. Up, up, up he moves, eyes following the path, scorching fire in his wake. Those fingers knot in your hair, crumpling curls between callouses, pressure forcing you down, down, down.
“You know what to do,” he says.
Papa is too big, or you are too small. Whatever the reason, it is why he sits upon your mattress after you tug off the belt, tug down the breeches, shoving the leather strap under the bed so that he does not catch sight of it and decide to use it on you again. He cannot force his cock between your lips when he is standing and you are kneeling. He is too—and you are too—
Hand on your nape. “Go on,” he murmurs.
It is graceless, but you know by now how to make it easier. You work your tongue in your mouth to draw forth the saliva, letting it spill past your lips and track slimy down your chin as you lean forward. Papa is half-hardened, curved like a dagger against his thigh. You start how he likes, by taking him in your grasp at the base and pressing your lips to the tip like you would kiss his cheek.
“Look up.” He grunts when you follow his wish. “Smile.” You do. “Gevie,” he praises. Beautiful.
You do not feel beautiful. You feel wretched.
He tastes caustic, bitterer than the ale you had once snuck from the cellars, but this is a flavour you are accustomed to. It hits your tongue wrong, and you chase that feeling of wrongness, that feeling that Papa seems to have done away with entirely. Knowing that this is against the laws of gods and men is, strangely, the one thing that makes you feel better. A reminder that it is not your fault, perhaps. That it is his.
His fingers tighten against your scalp, pulling, pulling. “Hen hynge sētetāks bībagon raqā, gaomo daor?” You love sucking the cock that made you, don’t you?
The reminder sours in your belly. For a moment, you wonder if you might gag up on him again. Last time, he had jerked you off him and, when he had cleaned himself up, held you close, soothing you with wine-soaked kisses as you cried. It is tempting to make yourself heave if only to have that version of your father back.
A light slap to the side of the face grounds you. “I didn’t say stop,” he says above you, stern and cold.
You push yourself further along him, breathing through your nose until you no longer can, until he has stuffed himself so far down that you feel lightheaded and sick. Salt-musk sticks to your palate and curdles your insides as you fight for air. He cares little, gripping your skull between his palms like he intends to crush it to pulp, taking command of your body to slide along a rhythm of his choosing. Wet, choking sounds fill the room along with his panting moans. All you can do is fist the covers on either side of him and try to recall what it had felt like to slip free of the shackles of reality, to ignore the strike of his sweat-soaked stones jostling against your chin and the winded groans of the man who is supposed to love you.
Not like this, you think. Not like this.
It is only when you splutter around him, the sting of bile making you retch, that he finally takes pity on you. “That’s a girl,” he croons, patting your back as you spit up on the stone beside his feet. “You did better this time.”
Better is not good. He had said that to you once.
Hoisting you up to the mattress with little fanfare, you lay winded on your belly as he rearranges you to his liking. Quickly enough, you are bent almost in half with your face pressed to the covers, knees close to touching your shoulders. In this position, there is no hiding—the cool night air caresses whisper-soft along the split between your legs, forcing you to bloom.
“Pretty cunt, such a pretty cunt,” Papa is muttering behind you, the head of his cock nudging through the grool that slips from the opening he has tilted high for his viewing. Sometimes, he teases, makes it feel nice, makes it just a little harder to feel so awful when he touches you like this. “Desperate fucking cunt, look at all this, you little whore—”
He departs; a firm pass of tongue up from where you are most sensitive, and you cannot help the sound you release as his mouth slurps greedily and messily, and oh, it feels nice, it feels better than a full tummy or a warm summer’s day or a soft fond hug, and maybe he wants to make this time special—
His tongue travels upward, circling the furl of your other hole, the place he has always threatened to stick his cock into whenever you have made him very, very unhappy.
He laughs. “What”—he sits back, thumbs spreading your rear wide so that his spit dribbles sticky and warm down your back passage—“you don’t like that? I think you would. Sluts like you love getting fucked here.”
You shake your head, terrified. “I don’t—I don’t, Papa, I don’t—” I’m not a slut, you want to say, all that I am is what you’ve made me, but you also think that he’s made you into a slut anyway, and perhaps that is why he had wanted a daughter in the first place. His own personal slut.
“Alright, alright, calm down.” He is still chuckling when he prods himself through the mess of saliva and slick, notching himself at your cunt and beginning the slow push in, always slow because he likes the feeling of you fighting to keep him out. “Stop fighting,” he murmurs as you wiggle, an instinctual drive to get away, “sh, sh.”
Papa holds you down by the back of the neck as he sinks in, never rocking in-out to wet the way and ease the path, no, the panicked clenching and the slight grit of entry excites him, makes me feel like a man, your stepmother’s too fucking loose from all that cavorting about she’s done, do you know how that makes a man feel, my girl?, and you feel like he is shoving the air from your lungs with his own length as it tears its way through you. Fingers digging into the tendons is what keeps you still, battling to keep the tears at bay, for he only gets belligerent when you cry, ungrateful girl, after everything I’ve done for you, I could’ve just left you with your grandmother and grandfather but I took you with me, you owe me, and sometimes you think that maybe you would have been better off with strangers like your mother’s parents than you are with the one that remains to you.
“Papa—it hurts, please—”
“I know it does,” he says, damp kiss to the shoulder, “but you’re a good girl, aren’t you? Be grateful. Stop complaining.”
You hear the warning for what it is. Stop complaining. Your sisters wouldn’t. Maybe I should seek them out instead. Rhaena, kind little Rhaena, perhaps she’d be more grateful than you.
He growls when he hits home, an unkind knock that whites out your vision for a moment, deep and visceral.
It is the only part that is slow.
“Fuck, you’re tighter than Laena,” Papa is saying, grip turned to palm flattening your head to the mattress as he punches through you in short, sharp thrusts, stabbing and burning like a wound. “Tight little cunt just for Papa, no one else, no one but me—”
You bite into the sheets so hard that you think you may just slice straight through, grind your bones into dust and your flesh into ash like your mother’s, and would that not be a fitting end for yet another of Daemon Targaryen’s prized conquests? Like mother, like daughter.
He smacks you across the backside and you try to rear up, squealing, but you are stuck beneath his hand and on his cock and can go nowhere. There is something about it that he likes because he does it again, and again, and again. You are grateful that your skin does not redden like Rhaenyra’s, like your little half-brothers’, that most of the marks will bruise below your mother’s colouring for only you to feel and to know.
“Only thing you’re good for, getting fucked, letting Papa fuck you”—every time he says it, you cry, but you cannot help that, it hurts to hear him say it like it hurts to feel him in you—“don’t know how I’ll ever let this go—”
“Papa, Papa—”
His teeth sink into the meat where your neck and shoulder meet, painful like most of his touches are, and you yell at the sting of it, yell until his hand slams clammy over your mouth to hold you close and quiet and still. “Shut up, shut the fuck up, be good—”
Fingers worm below you, pinching at a nipple and rolling between rough pads, pleasant enough any other time but now it only hurts, only makes you choke on silent sobs like a fist has come around your throat to steal the life from you.
His hot breath rasps over the indentations he has left in your flesh. “I’m going to come in you, get you fat and full of me. Give you a little babe, ruin you for anyone else. What do you think?”
He doesn’t normally spend inside you. Your mind whirls, near-hysteric. Brother-son, sister-daughter, brother and son or sister and daughter. Little sibling tucked up in your own womb, put there by your father.
“See if she tries to rid me of you then,” he snarls, grabbing you by the hips to grind desperately into you, as though he is trying to worm his way into your flesh in some sickening reverse of birth. “Fucking bitch… You’re mine. I seeded you on your mother, I can do what I want with you. I made you for me, no one else.”
If he could, he’d beat Rhaenyra’s head in with a rock like he did his first wife and marry you. He’s said so on some nights; only when he drinks, though. If he were any other man, the talk of marriage might ease the bite of your misuse—but Papa collects wives like knights collect favours. When he tires of them, they die.
Papa’s thrusts turn quick and uneven, piercing, his growl a steady rumble where he joins with you. “Going to come,” he gasps, nails digging into your skin with the strength of his grip. “Going to come in you, my girl—”
“No, no—”
“Yes, give you a little Targaryen babe like you deserve—”
“No, please—”
It is too late. He blusters against your back like an angry bull, wordless noises of animal pleasure driving against your flesh, and warmth bursts inside you, coating you up with the same essence that had given you life. It feels nice, almost comforting, swilling there.
By the time he slips out and rolls you to your back, your tears have dried. You are able to give him the wan smile he wants, mechanically accepting his lips on yours like he is a lover and not the man who sired you. When he kisses you, it is easy to pretend that this is something that you want.
“You’re not going anywhere.” His breath tastes of the wine. “I’ll speak to Rhaenyra.”
“Okay, Papa.” You are resigned to it. There had never truly been any possibility of him letting you go, anyway.
You remain splayed out on the bed as he pulls up his breeches and seeks out the belt you hid, staring up at the canopy, your father’s seed leaking out and seeping through the covers, the sheets, the mattress. They are the only witnesses of your sin.
Papa stops at the door, violet eyes—your eyes—glowing in the night. Even from here, you can see the threat that looms in his expression. “If I find out you’ve been to Gerardys again… you won’t like what happens.”
“I know, Papa,” you say quietly.
For good measure, he locks the door, the key grating in the mechanism as it always does. And so, you are trapped in, unable to seek out moon tea as you had done the last time he spent in you. It is cold now. The hearth ought to have been lit. But the maids know better than to disturb Papa when he comes to visit his firstborn.
Wincing, you rise from the bed. It is like walking on sea legs. As you go in search of your nightgown, you see your reflection in the mirror.
Riotous silver curls rumpled and untidy. Deep circles beneath your eyes. Hollowed out cheekbones. Swathes and swathes of dark skin mottled in places, distorted and marred by your father’s touch. Thin knees, thin elbows, thin arms and legs. A doll left wasting away in the corner, forgotten and alone.
And there, right along your middle, a barely noticeable swell.
Your hand falls to that spot, the place where your brother-son or sister-daughter grows in secret, and your eyes fill with tears again. When he finds out, you will never escape. You will never be free.
The whisper carries eerie through the silence. “I know.”
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lakesbian · 11 months
alright this one is getting its own post instead of a reblog on a post that is Entirely Not About That. presenting the 'what if we put amy and alec in a room together' manifesto because the thing is that it is interesting but not in the way amy/alec shippers think
Amy shook her head, talking over her, “She’s always been emotional, passionate, unrestrained, and she’s channeling all this new emotion into hate, because it’s the closest equivalent.” “New emotion?” Regent asked.  “You mean you mindraped her.” Amy looked like she’d been slapped across the face.  I wasn’t surprised, but hearing it said out loud was unsettling.
“Nice,” Regent said.  “She could be a human-spider hybrid.  Add some insult to injury with the mindrape thing.” I could see Amy tense.
it is relevant to his character that he's the first person to cut through amy's euphemisms (and everyone else's avoidance of saying the unsettling part out loud) and outright say "you mindraped her." he calls the euphemistic language out and then intentionally repeats it a second time for no other reason than to bug her about it. it's vaguely reminiscent of something he says to sophia during his interlude:
“You and I are more alike than you’d suspect, I think,” he said. “We’re both arrogant assholes, yeah?  Difference is, I admit it, I don’t dress it up and tell myself that I’m a bitch and that that’s a good thing.”  He burned Emma’s face out of another photo.
he has a repeated habit of making people uncomfortable by calling something out for exactly what it is, whether it be "yeah sure cape groupies, my dad's girls, people i used my power on towards the end" or "you mean you mindraped her." he's desensitized enough to really all forms of violence to be unbothered by committing or witnessing them, but he seems to harbor a genuine pet peeve for people who obscure or unreasonably justify what they're actually doing. as uncomfortable as he can make taylor, it's often not that he's doing things worse than the other undersiders, but that he's the person most willing to openly admit what he's doing--or to pettily call out what someone else is doing.
i think it more or less boils down to the fact that he's never gotten to be the person on the peripherals of violence making up neat and tidy ways to talk about it: he spent his entire childhood being hurt in every way imaginable & being coerced into doing the same to others. i think it left him with a sort of genuine distaste for being expected to talk in circles around the viscerally awful things he had done to him or did to others, and subsequently, for people who have done similar things but can't fucking fess up to the reality of it. it's like he's been walking around his entire life just absolutely drenched in blood, witnessing so much else get covered in it, and he's starting to get legitimately bothered over people standing around twiddling their thumbs and pretending it's red paint. he knows it's blood. he's been tasting it since he was 6. he would really like if everyone else could also grow up and admit it's fucking blood.
it's always funny to me that amy/alec shipping is, like, a Thing--a niche thing, but a Thing, because i could not think of a rapist more hand-crafted to piss amy dallon off than alec vasil. he cannot go Three seconds in her presence without going "oh you raped her? you mean you raped her? with your mind? like she doesn't just have new feelings you specifically mean you mindraped her?"
she, on some level, views herself as someone who did harm because she's irrevocably, ontologically evil, and is sort of desperately obsessed with minimalizing or half-justifying her actions to herself so that she can avoid recognizing that she feels like she can't be better. she's clinging to the idea that she can be "redeemed" if she does something of equal measure in the opposite direction (e.g 'spending the rest of her life healing people' as she mentions), but because she can't even directly acknowledge how bad her actions actually were without crumbling under the weight of the idea that she's doomed to be that bad, she's fundamentally incapable of looking directly at what she did at this point in the story.
alec, on the other hand, is really fucking upfront and fairly objective about his actions--he never ties them into some Inarguable Truth About His Soul, and he's pretty honest about whether or not he thinks they're justifiable. in 14.1, he has this dialogue with cherie:
“When daddy had you practicing your powers, you ‘hijacked’ a few people at a time, used their bodies to get high with no consequences for you, you threw orgies for yourself…” “Again.  I was a kid.”
but despite the fact that sophia is, on some level, justified in his mind by his "eye for an eye, this is a favor for taylor" rhetoric--he's fine with admitting that he's also just doing it because, yeah, he's an arrogant asshole and he feels like it. some of it was because he was a kid being groomed, and some of it was because He Felt Like It.*
*sure, he only Felt Like It because he has a comically large cocktail of unpacked psychological issues--but he doesn't know that, he just knows he felt like it.
in other words, he doesn't subscribe to the idea that any of his actions are, like, Ontologically Predetermined By His Inner Being or even necessarily all related. he's like the fuckin' "might do it again, prolly not" dude from the sex offender shuffle. okay, sorry for saying that in my seriouspost. but his philosophies would clash hilariously badly with amy--he insists on accepting his own & others actions for exactly what they are, he's generally very invested in not being his father (being asked if he intends to turn out like his dad is one of the only times something briefly upsets him), and he's actually doing pretty okay at that. he's like...shockingly well-adjusted given the circumstances. his entire arc is more or less a slow upward climb.
i think having to be around someone who both believes and would outright admit "yeah i raped people, no i dunno if i feel that bad, no i'm not raking myself over the coals for it, yeah some of it was because i was a kid, yeah some of the other stuff wasn't, no i'm not Predestined To Suck," would like. clash with her beliefs abt 'ontologically evil' being a real thing, abt punishment as justice, etc. in a way that would really bother her. she spends a lot of her time in her head trying to twist things around until they feel salvageable to her, but alec is 0 amount concerned with rationalizing to make him feel alright--he just does things, some bad, most shitty attempts to be better.
it's, funnily enough, far more functional for improving than what amy has going on--he operates on material actions as opposed to her Self-Flagellating Thought Labyrinths, and the fact that he's busier moving on from things he can't materially change than he is kicking himself in the face means he can actually achieve some form of progress towards more functional approaches wrt human interaction. i think if amy had an extended conversation w/ him about the subject, she'd both be disgusted with him for not thinking thoughtcrime is real and deeply resentful that this fellow ontologically evil villain is doing better at moving forwards as a person than her despite not 24/7 flagellating himself + yearning for "redemption" like she is. it'd throw a disturbingly large wrench in her worldview, and she would not be happy about it.
oh, and alec would think she's weird and mopey and dumb and annoying and "why do it if you can't even admit it." and he would probably tell her as much. which is the point where i unlock the door to the room so alec can sprint out to escape amy's attempt to put tastebuds on his asshole.
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wildandsmile · 7 months
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Summary : Despite your ongoing conflicts with your boyfriend, you found the strength to call it quits when you discovered him with another girl or so you thought.
Tw : Toxic Gojo, Self Conscious Reader, Possessive Gojo, Gaslighting, Manipulation, Bullying and Belittling
Kink : Growling,Fingering, Bite ,Breeding, Cream-pie, Dirty talk, Hate sex,Unprotected sex, Penetrative sex (p in v) and Rough sex
Wc : 2.3k
An : Happy Day 6 of Kinktober, Once sorry if the smut bad I’m tried man give me a break please. 🧍🏾‍♀️
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You and Gojo had yet another fight this time it was about his problem with flirting with everything that could walk, talk and think on its own but it seemed like every time he would convince you that it was all in your head that it's perfectly normal for people to do things like that. It wasn’t until you walked in on him kissing another girl in your own apartment that you realized it had all just been him.
"Pack your things, Gojo! I want you out of my place!" you shouted, frustration boiling over as you witnessed the girl hastily collecting her belongings scattered around your apartment. Yet, even as she left, leaving tears in the corners of your eyes, Gojo remained unmoved. He had the audacity to sigh as though you had disrupted his good time, and in that moment, you painfully realized just how much he had shattered you.
You wouldn't leave the house unless your outfit met his approval. If he hinted at you looking a bit bloated or gaining weight, you'd work out until you couldn't breathe.
Overwhelmed by your thoughts, you decided to take matters into your own hands. Grabbing a suitcase from your closet, you stormed into your room and began tossing all of Gojo's belongings into it. He stood in the living room, motionless, as you spent hours stuffing and cramming his things inside. It was a challenging task, but you managed to do it.
With all his stuff packed, you returned to the living room, where he still sat with his feet up on your coffee table, engrossed in one of his latest school dramas. Just looking at him filled you with anger. While wiping away your tears, you made your way to the front door, flung it open, and threw his belongings outside.
Approaching him, you boldly reached for the remote, turning off the TV. Then, you pivoted to face the door and declared, "I've packed all your belongings, Satoru, and tossed them outside. Now, I want you out of my house immediately." In that moment, you felt a sense of empowerment, as if this was something you truly desired and not just an action you took for Gojo's sake.
However, your triumphant thoughts were shattered when Gojo stepped closer, his eyes locking onto yours intensely. His breath grew heavy, and before you knew it, he had you pinned against the wall. His legs were positioned between yours, forcing you to spread them for balance and space.
"Listen carefully," Gojo hissed in a viper-like tone, his words laced with an unsettling intensity, his piercing blue eyes seemingly peering deep into your soul. But you remained steadfast, your desire for freedom burning brighter. You turned your face away from Gojo and replied, "I don't give a damn what you say. I want you out of my house, and that's final."
At that moment, just as you finished speaking, Gojo wrapped his arms around your throat, not to the point of suffocation, but enough to make it a struggle to breathe. He continued, "I hate to break it to you, but you're nothing without me. Do you honestly believe anyone would care about you if you broke up with me? Your girlfriends only hang out with you because they want a piece of me, and guys only flirt with you to prove they're better than me. There's not a single person who truly wants you except for me. Do you understand that?"
Hearing those words escape Gojo's lips cut deep, not because he said them, but because you couldn't deny their truth. Before dating Satoru, no one had paid much attention to you or tried to get to know you. It hit you like a ton of bricks that if you were to break up with him, you'd be left with nothing. You'd become just another ordinary person trapped in an unending cycle. That was the thing about Gojo—you liked that he had the power to either free you from that cycle or keep you in it, and it was all his choice.
Yet, as you stood there, torn between your own desires and the reality of the situation, you couldn't help but wonder why it was so difficult to push him aside. Why were you gazing at him as if he hadn't just shattered your heart, and why did he still manage to look so alluring to you?
Your mind felt like a chaotic mess, torn between what it wanted and what it couldn't let go of. Gojo had you tiptoeing on eggshells every day, and you were fed up with it. But at the same time, you couldn't deny your lingering feelings for him. Little did you know that this was precisely what Gojo wanted.
He hadn't started dating you because of your intelligence or wealth; it was your willingness to do anything for him with just a word that had drawn him in. Whenever you resisted, he enjoyed breaking down your bratty attitude, knowing you'd eventually come crawling back to him as if nothing had happened. And that was something he appreciated about you.
So when you seized him by the collar, pulled him into a passionate kiss, and slowly led him into your shared bedroom, he wasn't the least bit surprised.
┈━═☆ Smut Time ☆═━┈
"You know I'm still-" you try to murmur, but your words are silenced by Gojo's tantalizing touch, his finger tracing a path of desire along your lips. In an instant, his lips descend upon yours, igniting a fiery collision that leaves you breathless and craving for more. His hands assertively clasp onto your delicate jaw, his tongue sensually swirling within your mouth, engaging in a passionate battle for dominance alongside yours. You were completely caught off guard as he forcefully pressed you onto the bed, his lips never breaking contact with yours.
"Gojo ," you moan, desperately attempting to hold on, but your breath grows heavier and your mind becomes clouded with desire. Gojo then lets out a low cut groan and pulls his pants down, revealing his firm cock, which was already leaking with per-cum. With that, he sensually pulled you closer, his lips meeting yours in a passionate embrace. The intensity of the kiss heightened, lingering for a tantalizing moment longer than before. You could fill his tongue and how it probed every inch of his lips, and you could even taste the sweet taste of Gojo lip balm, which he would be caught dead without.
You pull back from the passionate kiss, feeling your breath hitch as your lungs involuntarily tighten, even though the tantalizing exchange of lips had only just begun. "Mmm, you're such a cruel tease," you purr, your teeth sinking into your luscious bottom lip as you coyly avert your gaze. Even as you passionately express your frustration towards him, he remains undeterred, his desire evident as he sensually grasps the edge of your enticing lingerie, teasingly pulling them down, revealing your throbbing cunt. With a tantalizing touch, he caresses your wet cunt, skillfully gliding his fingers along your sensitive lips, while tenderly applying pressure to your throbbing clit.
"You've certainly trained your sweet little pussy to accommodate me so perfectly, despite any difficulties you may have had in the past," he whispers, gently caressing your luscious lips. Can't believe you're already dripping with desire from just a few tantalizing kisses, you're such an insatiable little vixen, aren't you? He smirks as his fingertips glide along the softness of your mouth, ascending until they reach the hem of your hip . With a deliberate motion, he gently parts your legs, unveiling every intimate detail, a sight reserved solely for his eyes.
"Don't just stare at me like that," you purr, your voice dripping with desire, as you tilt your head seductively to the side, deliberately avoiding Gojo's intense gaze. You couldn't resist the intoxicating allure of how he made you feel in this very moment, even if it was a sinful pleasure that consumed your every desire.Come closer, you yearn to gaze into those captivating eyes of his. Gojo whispers seductively as he trails a trail of soft kisses along your neck, sending shivers down your spine. The gentle touch of his lips against yours brings a fleeting sense of tranquility, but as he descends back down to your neck, his desire intensifies. With a primal hunger, he sinks his teeth into the tender flesh of your nape, marking you with a beautifully shaped bite that leaves a deliciously sweet ache. "Did you just bite -" your words were silenced as he forcefully plunged his fingers inside you, his touch so intense it felt like he was take over you.
His skilled fingers delved deeper into the depths of your throbbing cunt, your velvety walls eagerly embracing his every movement, causing a moan to escape your lips, muffled by the intensity of the moment. The tantalizing sound of your wetness mingling with his touch only heightened the intoxicating atmosphere. "Cat caught your tongue, slut?" he snaps, sucking bruising down your neck and shoulder as he pumps his thick fingers in your pussy, pleased as he sounds the squelching begin to drip down his fingers.
As the heat spreads across your flushed cheeks, you sink your teeth into your delicate hand, stifling the sweet sounds of pleasure that threaten to escape your lips. You were consumed with a delicious sense of desire, your body yearning for more as this tantalizing encounter unfolded. Helpless to resist, you found yourself unable to deny the intoxicating pleasure he was giving you.
"Yeah, oh baby, don't you dare hide that sinful voice of yours ," he purrs, his voice dripping with desire, as he firmly secures your delicate wrist above your head. “Come on you enjoy talk my head off just a few minutes ago what stoping now”
"Fuck no ah they'll hear me" You're desperately trying to retain your dignity, but it all goes away the instant your body lifts into the air.
"You're nothing but a dirty whore," he laughs, his eyes black and his lips twisting, because this was not your Gojo, no, this was the Gojo who handed you a single handle and ruined your life with only a few words and a sweet grin that went cold in an instant.
"You're nothing but a naughty whore," he chuckles, his eyes smoldering and his lips curling, because this was not your Gojo, no, this was the Gojo who handed you a seductive proposition and ignited your desires with only a few words and a tantalizing smirk that turned wicked in an instant.
"I wish you would drop
"Is that everything you've got? I thought you didn't like me," he wondered, your intense words making him feel a rush of warmth coursing through him, sending energy through his body and dick.
"You're so annoying" You groan as he aligns his pulsing cock with your dripping wet folds and pumps his huge cock to your words, still able to hold you up.
"If that's how you really felt then why are you so wet right ?" He's almost panting.
"Fuck you," you exclaim in a venomous tone, but Gojo didn't care about your tone, your feelings, or your attitude; all he cared about right now was fucking you senseless. So he threw you down on his cock, forcing you to take his full dick inside till your eyes welled up with tears.
You gasped as he stretched you out on his cock, and he snarled as your slick walls gobbled him up greedily. "Fuck your such a needy whore and I like." He pushed deeply into your cunt until he was entirely submerged, then delicately pulled his cock out, leaving only the tip within.
“Ohh! S’ so deep, fuck feels so goood..”
“Such a slut, you know that? Fuck yourself on my cock.” He demanded before pulling almost all the way out and stopping. You whimpered and pushed him back inside your cunt with your hips. It felt fantastic. You moaned in delight and repeated it, and it continued getting better and better. You started fucking yourself on his cock swiftly, his groans and moans encouraging you. He let you exhaust yourself for a few moments before grabbing your hips and slamming into you, the force of his pelvis against your ass generating filthy sounds.
“Gonna fuck you so good.”
He repeated himself. His forward thrust would be met with a hip-yank that would impale you on his thick cock.
He persisted till you felt your cunt fluttering and twitching around him. His pelvis rutted into your ass cheeks, and your screams were almost as loud. He let out a deep sigh and smacked your behind, leaving a beautiful hand print behind. "Are you going to cum for me?" Are you going to smother my cock with your cum? Do you want to use me? "I'm sure you want my cum on the inside, dirty fucking whore." He hauled you up against him, grabbed another mouthful of your hair, and said something sarcastic into your ear.
“Yes fuck, fuck I’m cuming I’m cuming”
You mumbled like a chant as your eyes rolled back in your head and he continued to pound your screaming cunt, gasping into your ear and nipping at your neck. As the saying goes, "That settles it. Do it cum for me. "Cum on my cock, whore."
With only a few more hard thrusts, you were able to gain the upper hand and almost slow him down with your cunt. Even though you spilled part of the milk on the sheets, it made a beautiful ring at the base of his cock.
"Fuckkk... I'm going to stuff this slutty cunt of yours with my cum." I'm going to put a fucking baby in there. Do you want it? Huh? "Would you like me to fuck a baby into you?"
You nodded brainlessly and madly when he asked. He gasped and grabbed your hips with a power he'd never used before. He fucked you a few more times on his cock before his hips stuttered and you felt a warm material fill you. You felt absolutely full, as if you were entirely packed with no place to spare.
He didn't pull out; instead, he stayed motionless and made sure that when he did draw out, he wasted as little of his cum as possible. You lay there, desperately trying to regain your breath as he pushed his cum deeper inside of you with small, delicate thrusts.
"I love you, Gojo," you murmur in hushed tones, but he does nothing but nod and kiss you on the forehead.
With he that he got out of bed without looking at you or even asking if you were okay; all he did was grab his phone and stroll over to the bathroom, closing the door so he could hear the shower running. And as he opened the curtains and let himself in, you started crying because you knew this was going to be your life for the rest of your life, and it was all your fault.
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nellasbookplanet · 10 months
Book recs: vampires
Listen, vampires are a classic for a reason, but they have also been done to death (pardon the pun) to the point that finding books that are creative with the premise can be a bit of a slog through tired old tropes. Hopefully this rec list can be to a bit of help for all vampire fans out there wanting something fresh!
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For details on the books, continue under the readmore
Previous rec posts:
Really cool fantasy worldbuilding
Really cool sci-fi worldbuilding
Dark sapphic romances
Mermaid books
Sci-fi vampires:
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Fledgling by Octavia Butler
Octavia Butler my beloved, literally you cannot go wrong with one of her books. Fledgling follows what at first seems to be a ten-year-old amnesiac girl, who finds out she is in fact a decades old vampire on the run from others of her kind. The vampires here are a separate species from human, not supernatural, and are as a whole very fascinating and unsettling. Come in prepared for fucked up power dynamics.
Blindsight by Peter Watts
Vampires and aliens and questions of the nature of consciousnesses, oh my. Not a vampire novel so much as a scifi novel about aliens in which there also happens to be vampires (one of which is captain of a spaceship sent to explore an alien ship just entering the solar system). Another example of vampires as an entire separate species, but more horror focused than Fledgling. No, seriously, this book will fuck you up, highly recommend if you're okay with a lot of techno babble and existential horror.
Peeps (Peeps duology) by Scott Westerfeld
Young adult. Vampirism as a sexually transmitted parasite that turns most people into bloodthirsty monsters. Cal is an asymptomatic carrier working to find other infected before they hurt people, including his own former girlfriends. But there is something else lurking in the dark, an ancient enemy of the vampire parasite...
Post apocalypse vampires:
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The Hallowed Ones (The Hallowed Ones duology) by Laura Bickle
Young adult. Katie is an Amish girl eagerly awaiting her rumspringa, when she gets to try out the outside world. But before she has the chance, something happens to the Outside; a nearby town is wiped out, and something evil stalks the night. To protect their community, the Amish elders decide that no one can leave and no one can enter the sacred ground that makes up their home. That is, until Katie finds an injured young man and decides to help him.
The Company of Death by Elisa Hansen
Wild mix of genres, where a zombie apocalypse has struck and vampires gather up humans to keep their food source from going extinct, a robot travels across America with a young man she's tasked to keep safe, and former-vampire-hunter-recent-zombie Emily teams up with Death himself to stop the apocalypse. Features bi and ace characters! Bonus rec: the author also runs the youtube channel Maven of the Eventide, where she talks about various vampire media. Check it out!
The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden trilogy) by Julie Kagawa
Young adult. Another zombie apocalypse (well; feral vampires) scenario in which vampires gather humans up to keep their food safe. Allison Sekemoto hates vampires, but when she ends up on the brink of death and is offered a way out, she has no choice but to take it. Hunted by a mad vampire and forced to flee the relative safety of her city, Allie must enter the post-apocalyptic outside world and team up with the free humans roaming there, seeking a cure for the undead plague that ravages the world.
Urban fantasy vampires:
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Certain Dark Things by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Queen of fucked up gothic horror, Silvia Moreno-Garcia, comes for vampires in this gritty novel following Domingo, a garbage collecting street kid in a Mexico City where vampires walk the streets. His life gets turned upside down when he meets Atl, a vampire descendant of Aztec blood drinkers who’s on the run and needs all the help she can get.
Sunshine by Robin McKinnley
Urban fantasy on a level of its own, where dangerous magic exists alongside humans. It keeps you guessing and much is left unexplained; if you want clear answers and explanations to everything you might be disappointed, but if you want a world that feels mysterious and dangerous and lived in you'll probably like it. It follows a baker who, after getting kidnapped by vampires, gets embroiled in a dangerous struggle and has to team up with one of them to survive. The vampires here are really inhuman and unsettling.
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black
Young adult. After vampirism swept the land, special Coldtowns were built to quarantine anyone bitten, whether they have turned or not. After having survived a massacre at a party in which her ex-boyfriend got bit, Tana sets out with him and mysterious vampire to reach the nearest Coldtown, not knowing if she’ll ever be able to leave it again.
Modern vampires:
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Let the Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist
Swedish literary novel set in the 1980s. Follows twelve-year-old Oskar, a troubled and bullied boy who befriends his new neighbor, Eli. But there’s something strange about Eli, such as her only coming out at night. Also available as two separate movie adaptations (I highly recommend the Swedish original; the American remake is perfectly adequate standard horror fare, the original is a masterpiece).
Woman, Eating by Claire Kohda
Literary novel following Lydia, who’s grown up as a vampire under the thumb of her mother, who’s been obsessed with self-hate over their existence as blood drinkers. Finally on her own for the first time in her life, Lydia moves to London hoping to make it as an artist. But surviving alone as a vampire is harder than expected. Slow and fairly light on plot, but utterly captivating.
Companions of the Night by Vivian Vande Velde
Young adult. After Kerry saves a young man from three attackers who claim he's a vampire, she's drawn into a dangerous game and forced to work with a manipulative vampire. Pre-cursor to the modern ya vampire genre, Companions of the Night utilizes many of the same tropes but in very different ways, making it a unique experience.
Historical and fantasy vampires:
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A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson
Dracula inspired novella, following Constanta, who’s turned from a medieval peasant to an undead bride. As time passes the relationship between Dracula and Constanta grows all the more strained and potentially dangerous. Teaming up with his two other consorts, she seeks to unravel her husband's secrets. Sapphic and polyamorous.
The Gilda Stories by Jewelle Gomez
Having escaped from slavery in the 1850s, young Gilda is taken in by a vampire, and eventually finds herself turned as well. Consists of a series of novellas following Gilda throughout the centuries, from the past to the present to the future. It’s also sapphic!
House of Hunger by Alexis Henderson
In a world where the rich drink blood to preserve their health, Marion applies to a position as bloodmaid in a notorious noble house far from home. Suddenly showered with luxuries and debauchery, Marion soon gains the interest and favor of Lisavet, countess of the house. A fresh take on the idea of vampires and deliciously dark sapphic romance.
Bonus AKA I haven't read these yet but they seem really cool
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The Hunger by Whitley Strieber
Ancient vampire is on the hunt for a new partner, none of which tend to last long.
My Soul to Keep (African Immortals series) by Tananarive Due
I keep seeing this one described as a vampire book, and once stumbled on the description "almost a vampire book" and listen by now I'm simply curious to see what it's about.
Team Human by Justine Larbelestier & Sarah Rees Brennan
Young adult. As far as I can tell, a satire on typical ya vampire romances.
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The Madness Season by C.S. Friedman
*chanting* vampires in space vampires iN SPACE
The Lost Girls by Sonia Hartl
Young adult, sapphic. Three vampire girls turned and abandoned by the same vampire get together to stop him from turning yet another girl.
The Balance of Fates by Raquel Raelynn
Young adult, sapphic. A girl enters a competition against vampires and werewolves, complicated by her feelings for one of her vampire competitors.
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spacedlexi · 3 months
Wait, people think Carver is the best TWDG villain?? I always thought he was basic as hell, and the fact that he was beefing with an 11-years old girl... Now Stranger on the other hand was great, he was super intimidating and off-putting and I was genuinely so scared he would hurt Clementine. I also liked Minnie for the same reasons (she was so creepy/off-putting), but I still think Stranger is the best villain bc he had a great setup while Minnie was kind of a secondary villain. But going back to Lilly/Carver, I also definitely prefer Lilly over Carver even though neither are my favorite... And now I'm kind of curious how you would rank the rest of the TWDG villains? 🤔
carver being the best villain is a sentiment ive heard for years 😭 im sure its coming from the "S2 is the best season" crowd tho which i also dont agree with 💀
the stranger is an effective villain. hes not exactly the typical villain type people expect. but hes very unsettling and him stalking clementine for who even knows how long through the walkie talkie is 🤢 he really makes me feel sick. she was using that talkie to deal with the loss of her parents, and this fucking creep took advantage of that so hard he was able to convince her to trust him. ugh he makes me feel so gross. and think of all the guilt clem must have about that situation. trusting this freak to help her find her parents, when if she had just stayed then lee wouldnt have gotten bit looking for her, and her parents were already dead the entire time anyway. oof. theres no way that isnt one of the biggest regrets of her life
carver is fine. i definitely think his character wouldve made more sense if they put kenny in that role instead. that way theres less "i am a grown man beefing with an 11 year old" and more "this is a child i helped look out for once, and im gonna make sure shes raised Right". but i agree that carver as he is is just over the top. overly villainous to the point of it being a little comical. like when villains are all tough like that my reaction is usually "god i WISH youd fucking kill me already so i dont have to hear your bullshit anymore do you know how GOOFY you sound??". if it was kenny in that role i definitely think they wouldve been able to tone it back a bit, and him "having a good side" wouldve been way more believable. as he is carver is kind of one note
joan.... definitely the weakest of the bunch. i dont really have much to say about her. david isnt even technically a villain but i definitely saw him as the better antagonist for the season. i mean hes definitely a villain in clems eyes. and is a constant semi-antagonist towards javi throughout the whole season. joans just kinda.. there.. doing things behind the scenes to cause conflict until the final confrontation. and then she can just disappear... okay
i like the way the antagonists work in S4. theres more of a discussion around what actually makes someone a villain and the difference between a person who fucked up and made (very horrible) mistakes, and a person who is straight up a threat. and i like that it connects back to the idea of lee and his murder of that senator. did he do something horrible? yes. did he destroy his relationship to his family? yes. does he regret what he did? i think so. and he definitely has guilt about his fucked up relationship with his wife. in S1 they mention how non-guilty people got sent to prison all the time. while lee is Definitely a murderer, we get to see over the season that hes a good guy who just wanted a family and in a moment of rage and betrayal did something he can never take back. this is why i never hated marlon. did he fuck up and do horrible things? of course. but he was a scared fucked up teen leading a group of other scared fucked up teens. he knows he fucked up, and continued fucking up to cover for his previous fuck ups lol. but he can be talked down. its a shame it ends the way it does, but i really like being able to teach aj the difference between people like marlon and people like lilly
lilly takes that kenny/carver idea and applies it to a clementine that has grown up and has been looking out for herself (and baby aj) for years now, instead of the 11 year old trying to figure shit out she was in S2. shes too old for lilly to be able to sway her in a way she couldve been more susceptible to in S2, and when lilly finally realizes this she just turns her attention to aj instead, seeing the potential in him (a potential clem does NOT want aj to live up to, wanting him to get to be a kid and not just a survivor, let alone a killer). lilly is fun because you can see in her that she WANTS clementine on her side, and throughout the season progressively realizes that its just never going to happen. both lilly AND clem come to the realization that this person they once considered family is beyond reason, their views too different, and so the fighting begins. their fight at the end of EP3 really feels like a "so its finally come to this" moment for both of them, their final fight. i always shoot her.
whats interesting about minnie is seeing her evolve from secondary antagonist in EP3 to straight up primary villain in EP4. the things shes done, the way shes been broken. she becomes her own downfall, seeing herself as someone beyond redemption. that this is just who she is now, its how things have to be. because if they didnt have to be this way? well then theres a lot more guilt she'd have to deal with. yelling at her in EP4 to just STOP FOR THE LOVE OF GOD YOU DONT HAVE TO DO THIS ANYMORE but she has been changed (in her eyes) so irreparably that she cant see any other option. and she progressively sees clem as the one who fucked everything up for her, instead of accepting that it could all finally be OVER. after killing sophie, the delta was all she had left. it cant have all been for nothing. and so she blames clem for taking it all away from her, even tho clem is just trying to protect her family. the family that used to be minnies. and so in her rage she gets bit. something else that she couldve avoided. but shes just too lost to her own downward spiral, unable to be reasoned with. by that point she just wants it all to be Over. and she wants to take tenn with her so she can finally pretend things can all go back to the way they used to be. her, sophie, tenn, and their parents all together again, where no more bad things have to happen to them. shes super tragic and i love her for that. and i love how she holds this dark mirror up to clem. clem struggles to let go of her past too, and the guilt she has over the things shes done and people shes hurt. and that if she cant learn to let go and move on she could get lost to it the same way minnie did. theres a reason clem is so quick to accept her fate, but shes finally able to leave that guilt holding her to her past behind in that barn. and she returns to ericson a much happier and lighter person, so much weight finally lifted from her shoulders. its finally over for her too
so yeah. my fave villains are definitely the S4 ones due to their nuance and layers. then the stranger, then carver, then joan. if i had to put david on this list he'd probably be above carver. but thats mainly because he has more nuance than carver ever did
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aihoshiino · 1 month
different anon! but i 100% upvote other anon's comment of you being the professor of hoshino-aiology 😎👍 your posts about her give me a newfound appreciation for her and imo you should be the one writing 15 year lie frfr 🤧👏✨️
and if you haven't written anything abt it, could you share your thoughts abt the spica ai chapter? i liked ai and saitou in it but i was shocked at how intense the b-komachi bullying was :0 poor ai 😢
THANK YOU ANON…….. god can you imagine what this manga would be like if i had been given that kind of creative control. you're going to read my 15 volume hoshino ai backstory flashback and you're going to love every single chapter of it!!!
When it comes to Spica, I have pretty mixed feelings on that first chapter. For transparency's sake, I broadly dislike the novel overall and I think it takes away from the relationships it depicts more than it adds. Like I mentioned in a previous ask, my issue with Spica (and its depiction of OnK's world and characters) is its tendency to flatten and simplify many of the interesting interpersonal wrinkles that characterize these central dynamics in the main story. This is much more evident in the GRSR chapters (as outlined in that post) but you can absolutely see it in Ai's chapter as well.
POST-WRITING CLAIRE EDIT: So while this post initially started as me broadly skimming some of the issues I had with chapter 1, it has ballooned into a much, MUCH longer essay about what it is about Spica that I disliked and why, broadly, I think it fails to work both as a standalone piece and as an addition to OnK as a canon. I'm pretty negative about the book in this post and very critical of the writing so if you really liked Spica and it would bum you out to see me take it apart, feel free to skip this post.
On the surface, Ai and Saitou's dynamic is pretty true to the main story and I will admit that I do enjoy their rapport in this chapter and just that we got a chapter focusing on this relationship full stop. Ai and Saitou's relationship is one I've always been particularly soft for and getting a whole chapter that was basically just exploring its early days was really nice. But it's also a very rose tinted view of that relationship in a way I think does it a bit of a disservice. I discussed this in my OnK anime rewatch but Spica's take on Saitou (and thus on his relationship with Ai) frames him as a wholly positive and supportive figure whose desires for money and success in the entertainment industry are explicitly, textually said to be secondary and unimportant to his uncomplicated kind desire to support them as they succeed. There's almost this sense of "wow, isn't it so noble and cool that saitou is kindly allowing these tweenage girls to work themselves ragged making money for his company!!!" that's a bit icky to read.
This is in line with the bizarre ways Spica portrays idol culture, in particular the 'oshi'/fan dynamic. This is another thing I've discussed before, so I'll borrow my previous words on the topic:
The Japanese text of [chapter 137] takes this dehumanization a step further: Rather than the wasei-eigo term アイドル (aidoru), when calling [Ai] an idol, Gotanda uses the word 偶像 (guzou) - an idol by its original definition. It goes beyond just reducing her to an animal - it’s objectification in the very literal sense. Ai is an idol, a ceremonial object of worship, an inanimate vessel for the dirty desires of the people around her. [...] Spica [...] depicts the moment that Ai starts down this road, committing herself to being an idol who will love and support everyone, even people who hate and scorn her. This is framed by the novel as being something of a breakthrough for her and being liberating for it but I came out of it feeling deeply unsettled in a way I don’t think the novel wanted me to be. [...] Spica depicts the moment that Ai goes from アイドル to 偶像 without seeming to realise that’s what it’s doing and thus does so in a way that is not just uncritical but wholly celebratory. In a lot of ways, this makes sense - Spica, broadly speaking, is about the “oshi” part of Oshi no Ko: the emotional fulfillment of not just receiving support but in the act of giving support yourself, in cheering someone on and seeing them succeed. Spica depicts these sorts of relationships in a straightforwardly and uncritically positive light, even in cases of parasocial relationships between fans and celebrities.
There was a lot on that topic that I left out just because that chapter review was already getting so fucking long and unhinged but Spica's entirely uncritical and celebratory view of idol culture in general always leaves me feeling deeply uncomfortable every time I engage with the text. There's a degree to which this can be excused, because Spica takes place in the POV of characters who have drunk the industry kool-aid and thus would not necessarily interpret some of this stuff with the same critical lens as a reader. A charitable interpretation of the material is that, like Viewpoint B and 45510, the story is choosing to refrain from commenting on these troubling elements for the purposes of allowing the reader to have their own take on it.
This would be nice… except it's just not how Spica handles emotional beats at all!
When talking about Spica in the past I have jokingly referred to it as being written like 'the emotional equivalent of the Superdictionary' and by that I mean that it has absolutely no restraint or subtlety when it wants you to Feel Something. When Spica has an emotional beat, it hammers it in until any organically resulting resonance with the material has been reduced to a fine paste. When it has Thoughts and Opinions about a topic, it will explain them to the reader in excruciating detail so there is no risk of the reader taking away anything that wasn't intended by the author.
My point is that there is every indication that Spica's straightforwardly celebratory portrayal of idol culture and the way fans respond to idols is something intended to be taken at face value with no further interrogation. Spica is, by and large, entirely uninterested in acknowledging the ugly underbelly of exploitation, dehumanization and misogyny that drives idol culture and idol fandom.
I think the best way to illustrate this is to look at the scene near the end of the chapter where Ai finally sits and reads her fan letters. The first two are genuinely warm and sweet but the third always jumps out at me in a way I don't think was intended by the author;
“Hello, Ai-chan. I'm a devoted listener to your streams. B-Komachi's songs and talk shows have honestly become my sanctuary. I'm currently stuck working to the bone at a terrible company. They hardly pay me anything, and every day I just want to die. But what keeps me going is knowing I have your streams to look forward to every week. I’m not even kidding. Ai-chan, you're my reason to live!"
The story does not for a second pause to linger on this letter but I want you to stop and really take it in. While we know nothing about this letter's author outside of what's written here, but given that they have a job they can be presumed to be an adult. In addition, the final line of the letter in Japanese is 『アイちゃんは俺の生きる希望!』, using the masculine first person pronoun 俺 (ore), implicitly gendering the writer as a man.
An adult man writes to Ai to traumadump on her uninvited about his suicidal ideation and telling her in no uncertain terms that she is the sole, singular reason he is alive. Ai is a twelve year old girl.
Spica frames this as an entirely good, wholesome and affirming moment for her. It's one of many similar moments where Spica's celebration of idol culture clashes so strongly with the main story's that trying to make them tonally cohere is almost impossible. In fact, mild tangent, but I was working with the Spica TL team on chapter 1 right around the time chapter 137 dropped, and reading the ending of this chapter back to back with 137's tearing down of Ai's exploitation at the hands of the idol industry was some real injury-worse-than-whiplash inducing shit.
To be clear, I don't need Oshi no Ko to have a huge UM ACKSHULLY THIS IS WHY THIS IS BAD!!!! digression every time characters have positive interactions with the concept of idols. It is fundamentally dishonest and lacking in nuance to portray idolhood as something entirely and unrelentingly negative or to act like idols hate every single second they spend as idols. Sarina and Gorou's POV chapters do a very good job of highlighting what I talked about earlier - Spica's ruminations on the 'oshi' part of Oshi no Ko and how a relationship of support can be emotionally fulfilling both for the person being supported and the person unreservedly providing it. But that's purely from a fan perspective and I think it would be really interesting to Spica to take the opportunity afforded to it by being in Ai's POV to properly interrogate what Ai enjoys about being an idol.
But the way it chooses to do so just feels atonal both with Ai's arc and relationship to idolhood as portrayed in the main story and ways the manga has talked about 'oshi' culture in chapters published before and after Spica's release. It clashes with Oshi no Ko in ways I find difficult to satisfyingly reconcile.
This sense of clashing with and contradicting Oshi no Ko is an issue Spica has more broadly, in big and small ways. Some of this is just small, incidental details but other issues are larger and added all together, it results in a sense that Spica was not written by a person fully keyed into Oshi no Ko's world and characters. Like, just off the top of my head, here's some things that stuck out to me just from chapter 1:
Ai notes that she was separated from her mother a long time prior to the story's timeframe but given the ages give for her in 131 and here in Spica, it cannot be more than three years max since she was removed from Ayumi's care.
B-Komachi's formation and Ai's joining the group are both said to have happened 'three months ago' as of chapter 1's timeframe and thus to have happened more or less at the same time. This contradicts the Akasaka written material that consistently frames Ai as being one of the senior members, yes, but as having joined the group after Nino, Takamine and Watanabe.
The portrayal of Ai's bullying by the other B-Komachi members in no way matches Nino's account of it in 45510. This isn't even in a way you can put to Nino being an unreliable narrator. The details are so different that the only way to reconcile them is to assume these are two separate instances of bullying and that Nino just. Didn't mention the first time it happened for no reason.
On the subject of the bullies, the two girls targeting Ai are implied by their physical descriptions to be Takamine and Mei. While we don't really know anything about Mei yet, the vicious and unapologetic hostility Takamine displays clashes with her 'tough love' roughness that we are shown in the main story. In addition, this contradicts 45510's very explicit statement that Ai's bully was IMMEDIATELY fired from B-Komachi, no questions asked, the instant Saitou knew who she was. There is no indication in Spica that Ai's bullies so much as get a slap on the wrist for their behaviour.
Spica attributes B-Komachi's current success almost entirely to Ai and portrays her as working very hard on set and communicating with every other member of staff almost excessively to the point of annoyance. Not only does this contradict the early manga's portrayal of Ai as being antisocial and uncommunicative on set prior to her being sent to Lala Lie, it also contradicts chapters that were released following Spica that explicitly credit Nino as the key figure for B-Komachi's initial boom of success and states that Ai joined the group after Nino had cemented their popularity.
There are absolutely ways that you can handwave these contradictions and sew up the internal logic but to me, the nature of these contradictions matter to me less than the fact that they exist in the first place. This implies, especially given that some of these are in material written by Akasaka after Spica was published that he and Tanaka were, to some degree, not on the same page about the book's material.
There's some other things scattered about that aren't necessarily direct textual contradictions but nevertheless feel really out of step with OnK's takes on these characters. And like… I have tried to be relatively measured and good faith in my critiques so far but there is a part of chapter one that makes me so just bees buzzing around in my brain flames on the side of my face blood boiling in my veins insane that you must allow me to just uncharitably tear into it.
[Ai:] “Ah, now I get it. Are you buying a gift for your girlfriend, President? You like them young, after all…“ Finally, it clicked. The president, being considerably older than his girlfriend, needed the insights of a girl closer to her age in order to pick out the perfect gift. If that was the case, that explained why Ai had been roped into this. [Ai:] “Well, not that I should be getting into your business or anything, but…President, be careful when you mess with underage girls, okay? Nowadays, you’ll seriously end up in jail.”
This moment actually makes me so angry that it is difficult for me to clearly and calmly articulate what I find objectionable about it. I understand that it sounds very dramatic, but this is the first in a very consistent line of Spica bringing up the idea of adult men engaging in romance and/or sex with underage girls with this blithe, jokey and dismissive tone that entirely undermines everything Oshi no Ko itself says about CSA. The fact that it starts off this trend by putting these words in the mouth of Ai, WHO IS HERSELF A FUCKING CSA VICTIM, and treats the entire exchange as a throwaway joke honestly makes me feel a little bit sick.
This is part of a much broader and more troubling trend in Spica of Hajime Tanaka simply not being able to write young women in a naturalistic and human way. It's difficult for me to express exactly what it is that feels so off other than to say that it's Covered In The Fucking Ooze in a way typical of Men Who Can't Write Women. Ai's bullies in chapter 1 are so cartoonishly and stereotypically catty and mean that they barely feel human and they are written with all the distinct individuality as Thing 1 and Thing 2. The more complicated, two-sided conflict between two flawed people as seen in Ai and Nino's relationship is totally absent here. It's just the most vapid, stereotypical depiction of Teenage Girl Bullying you can imagine.
On top of that, there is a consistency with which Tanaka puts the topic of sex into the mouths and minds of these young women that fees… icky and offputting to me in a way I find difficult to articulate. In general, the voices of these young girls feel off and inauthentic in a way the main series never struggles with. For all I've criticized Oshi no Ko for in the past, something I think Akasaka is consistently and surprisingly good at is writing female characters who feel just as distinctly well realized and fleshed out as his male characters and that he does so in a way that does not rely on completely degendering them - their experiences as women are important to and inform that their characterization but does not entirely rule it. Despite overwhelmingly centering girls as the heart of its narrative, Spica barely feels capable of writing them as people.
All this together gives Spica this really strong sense - to me - of not really fitting in with the spirit of Oshi no Ko as a story. It's not just that the narrative voice is different but that there is an underlying flavour to Spica's takes on this world and its characters that clashes with the original. The cast as a whole just feels off, not blatantly OOC in a way you can directly point to but just enough to feel uncanny and give me a THEY WOULD NOT FUCKING SAY THAT!!!!! moment for almost every single person with a speaking line. It feels, as I put it on the Oshi no Brainrot server, like a thing that exists not because there was a part of the OnK narrative that worked best as a light novel but because somebody, somewhere thought a Oshi no Ko light novel would make some money and decided to have one churned out.
oh my god anon I'm so sorry lmfao you did not ask for this GIGANTIC ODYSSEY OF A POST!! This was just one of those asks that tapped into a topic I had already been having extensive conversations with myself about in my brain (I have a very boring job with a lot of time spent alone lol) and the more I typed, the more of those thoughts spilled out. I think a big part of why I am so compelled (derogatory) by Spica's missteps and mishandling of its material is that there is so much potential here and so many points where the material really comes close to just being flat out good.
A moment in chapter 1 that I think about a lot is Ai thinking about why she hasn't been reading any of her fan letters - because the last letter she got was her mom's lawyer telling her that Ayumi had gone missing after her release from custody, thus confirming for Ai that she had been abandoned to the system by her. Because of her association between those emotions and the act of reading a letter, she simply can't bring herself to open any of her fan letters because of the lingering anxiety.
Not only is this an entirely human and believable traumabrained anxiety kid fear for her to have but it's totally in line with Ai's flaw of avoidance and unwillingness to engage with or confront things that make her anxious or uncomfortable. It's also paid off wonderfully and in spades when she does finally confront that fear and is rewarded for it by an avalanche of love and support from her fans. It's one of the few moments in Ai's chapter where I think Spica really does well in conveying what a person like Ai gets out of being the 'oshi' in the oshi/fan relationship.
But this otherwise great moment is ruined by like… all that shit I said up there lmao. Spica is just laced through with this issue where moments that come so, so close to working and being really good are just marred by other issues in the text around it or trip themselves up in other ways. It's frustrating both because it comes so close to doing fresh and interesting things with the characters and because… I didn't want to dislike Spica! I was so, SO excited for it to come out and so willing to give it the BOTD even as summaries leaked and I was put off by the plot beats. But the more time I give to it in my brain and the more I try to engage with it in good faith, the more I come away frustrated and feeling like my time has been wasted.
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School Days Review
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School Days is one of the most infamous anime series to ever air–from its inception, it has been considered to be one of the worst anime of all time. The finale, which had gruesome content similar to a murder that occurred the day before airing, was replaced with footage of pleasant and calming European landscapes. The early internet meme ‘Nice boat.’ would spawn out of this–it’s still synonymous with the anime to this day. There’s also this video and this video, which have stayed imprinted inside my head for more than a decade at this point. If you know, you know. Anyways, you probably already know about School Days, considering that it’s in pretty much any ‘Top 10 Worst Anime Ever’ list out there. I already watched School Days once a decade ago, giving it a 20/100. Considering that I was way more lenient on rating anime back then, that had to mean that I really hated it...which is a perfect reason to dive back in and rewatch it! 
School Days is a 2007 adaptation of the 2005 visual novel going by the same name. The anime follows Makoto Itou and his ‘relationships’ with Sekai Saionji and Kotonoha Katsura. Following the plot of a standard visual novel, Makoto’s choices advance the plot along. 
Visual novel adaptations have been some of the biggest hits this millennium–most anime fans think of either Clannad, Steins;Gate, or Fate/stay night when it comes to visual novel adaptations. Anime adapted from visual novels have also the unique option to have an omnibus format, which allows for the studio to adapt several arcs, instead of picking one and sticking with it–something that worked for Amagami SS. Of course, choosing this option forgoes almost any chance that your anime is considered a ‘classic’ in the wider anime community, but considering that Amagami SS was made to promote the Amagami visual novel, it does its job good. School Days takes the more traditional route for visual novel adaptations, choosing to adapt a single route…at least I think.
The first problem with School Days is that it seemingly doesn’t know which route to adapt. I know it’s common in a dating sim to bounce back between girls (or boys, or those in-between) until you find the one that you ‘like’ the most, but it’s jarring to see in animation. This leads to many continuality issues that disrupt the anime to the point where it’s unwatchable. Someone antagonistic towards Kotonoha in one scene acts friendly to her the next, only to be mean again in the scene after that. Makoto changes personality at will like he has multiple people controlling the thoughts (what little there are) in his head. Kotonoha is implied to be ‘popular’, but she only gets asked out by two boys, and seemingly has no friends other than Sekai, if you could call them friends. I don’t want to sound like CinemaSins too much, but for an anime that was adapted from a visual novel, it seems like they were winging it when it came to the plot. Like they wanted to include every girl that could be interested in Makoto, even if it made no sense relative to the plot. If Makoto was likable, the experience of having multiple girls like him would be at least bearable. But instead, we get stuck with what I consider one of the worst main characters of all time.
Makoto is fundamentally an unlikeable character. There are no redeeming qualities about him, with Kotonoha and Sekai having feelings for him for really no reason other than the plot demanded it so. His character is the representation of the teenage male’s id taken to its extremes. The disconnect that unsettles me (and many others) is that he seemingly gets rewarded for this behavior. While others may temporarily be disgusted by his actions, he nevertheless gets wanted more by more girls as times go on. The ‘love triangle’ between Makoto, Kotonoha, and Sekai is especially puzzling. We don’t even get to see any build-up of a relationship between the three. Makoto and Sekai are seated together and instantly become best friends. Makoto somehow attracts Kotonoha by gawking at her while on the train. Both girls recognize that Makoto is a moron, but both delude themselves into thinking that he’s a ‘good guy’. He’s a horndog and a huge loser. He has no personality, which typically would make it easier to ‘self-insert’, but who the hell would want to self-insert as Makoto? He has all of the worst traits a young man could have. It’s hard to watch someone who sucks as a person get rewarded for said suckiness. I have a feeling that Makoto can actually be a good guy if you tell him to in the School Days game, but the anime seldomly shows him being anything other than a villain–by the time I got to see him do something commendable, it was far too late in the game for me to ever change my mind on him.
There’s also the problem with Sekai–the anime starts with her pushing Makoto and Kotonoha together, but even before they ‘get together’, Sekai develops feelings for Makoto (for whatever reason). Still, even when it looks like Kotonoha has little interest, she pushes them together for seemingly no reason. Like she just wants to let herself suffer? And it’s not just a one-time thing–Makoto often puts off Kotonoha, and instead of thinking ‘maybe those two aren’t as good matches as I thought’, she thinks ‘I’ll keep pushing those two together even if it clearly isn’t going anywhere’. Then she sits and gets sad about it, like Makoto and Kotonoha, who have NO charisma together, is ‘meant to be’  That’s your own damn fault dumbass! And it’s not even like Makoto doesn’t ‘like’ her–it took him all of about five minutes of ‘practice’ with Sekai for him to cross the line and force himself on her. What I’m really mad about is that there’s no build-up to Sekai having feelings for Makoto. She just instantly does, and yet pushes him away at the same time. This whole love triangle doesn’t have to exist. It shouldn’t exist. I didn’t want to use this word, but Sekai’s ‘dilemma’ is the second most hamfisted thing about this anime (the first being Makoto’s existence). 
At times it feels like I’m watching two different shows. In the anime, no one actually knows who Makoto is dating. Apparently, to everyone in the anime, it looks like Sekai and Makoto are lovers, even when reality, Kotonoha and he were (at the time). All of this could be solved with one simple “Who are you dating?”, but that makes too much sense I guess. It doesn’t even get asked until the second half of the show. Instead, you have to watch Makoto’s classmates continuously assume who he is dating, and watch him do nothing to clear the situation up since he’s a huge piece of shit. The fundamental lack of communication skills that all characters in School Days have compounds the many other issues with it. Makoto’s non-commitment, which is in character with his lousy self, opens a myriad of issues concerning other characters. Sekai, who at least feels some guilt about her flings with Makoto, doesn’t help the cause either, insufficiently pushing Makoto to cut things off with Kotonoha. You would think that Makoto’s cowardness would turn off Sekai–it would be a huge red flag for any self-respecting person–but not for Sekai apparently! Kotonoha, for all of her timidness, does try her best…it takes her half the anime to tell other classmates about her and Makoto’s ‘relationship’ through, long after Makoto’s infidelity ramps up.
While the consensus about School Days is that it’s a bad anime, the opinion on whether it’s ‘so bad it’s good’, ‘bad on purpose’, or ‘straight-up unwatchable’ is dependent on the viewer. The first two opinions pop up a lot more in the reviews of it on AniList than I originally thought–with multiple reviewers giving School Days a positive rating not despite its terrible flaws, but because of its terrible flaws. To them, School Days is a guilty pleasure. Something that is meant to be mocked at, like how people watch The Room. I don’t share this opinion, since I find that School Days lacks any charm that makes it likable. It’s hard to derive anything other than disgust while watching it. It’s more like watching your wife cheat on you for four hours rather than watching a shitty b-movie. There’s little funny about it, even unintentionally. Giving it a rating boost solely due to it being ‘so bad it’s good’ is a bit silly, but at the same time, I understand that ratings are: subjective; and based on quality AND how it makes you feel. It wasn’t intended to evoke this reaction…at least not in this fashion. This brings me to the second opinion–that School Days is the ‘deconstruction of the ecchi/harem/rom-com anime genre’. I find this observation absurd. Just because an anime is terrible enough that it enlists a negative reaction in almost every viewer doesn’t make it thought-provoking in the good sense. One reviewer that shares this view states that “You feel uncomfortable watching School Days because the anime exposes the harem genre for what it really is - a misogynistic fantasy world.” Yes, it’s common to feel uncomfortable watching School Days, but to say that it’s ‘exposing the harem genre’ is foolish. Keep in mind that School Days is an adaption of an eroge–one that contains multiple sex scenes and fanservice, just like the anime. There’s no hint of introspection in any fanservice in the anime. Hell, we see fanservice of Sekai at her worst moments. School Days ‘exposes’ the harem genre like Grandma's Boy ‘exposes’ stoner culture. Clearly, School Days does evoke much thought out of its viewers, but pretending that it was the emotion the anime was going for, and not a byproduct of it being such a mess, is naive. Sometimes a spade is just a spade.
I tried my hardest to keep this spoiler-free, but due to the nature of why the anime is known, you probably already know how School Days ends–it would be silly to pretend most people reading this didn't. With that in mind, I’m going to talk about it in the spoilers below:
School Days famously ends with Sekai killing Makoto, and then Kotonoha killing Sekai. While Makoto did have it coming, there’s little to no payoff in getting to see it. It took eleven episodes for anyone to recognize that Makoto’s not a good person…by that time, I was already sick of this show and would’ve dropped it if not for the sake of this review. Perhaps if Makoto was ever shown as a good person in the first place, it would have some pull. But Makoto was never a good person. Instead of School Days being a tale about how anyone has the potential of becoming evil, you instead just keep saying “yeah, no shit moron” to yourself for twelve episodes. Breaking Bad worked so well because Walter White was originally a do-gooder under-paid Chemistry teacher–someone that viewers could empathize with. There was never a moment in School Days where I felt any empathy for anyone (other than Kotonoha). Everything about School Days makes the viewer feel disgusted. Some praise School Days for this. I think this is nonsense. While I think adapting a bad ending is quite a cool idea, the execution results in some of the worst anime I’ve ever seen. I have no reason to care about any of the characters–even Kotonoha, who can be easy to be sympathetic to at times. Makoto is such a huge piece of shit that I believe that Kotonoha, along with every other girl in this anime, is too good for him. There’s no actual tragedy because anyone with a pair of eyeballs could have seen this coming. There was never a point where Makoto was ‘good’. There’s little comfort in knowing that Makoto gets stabbed by Sekai when it took about eleven episodes to have anyone even recognize that he’s a piece of shit. You could’ve watched The Room twice in that time!
Some may say that going through this slog is worth it for the ending–while I’m glad Makoto gets what he deserves, it isn’t worth watching 4+ hours of the absolute worst shit I’ve ever watched. It’s so much worse the second time around. I have no idea how I was able to stomach this in two days the first time I watched it. School Days is pretty much unwatchable. To say that it’s ‘so bad it’s good’ would be doing a disservice to shows that actually are. There’s no reason to watch this ever. This is the type of stuff they torture prisoners at Guantanamo Bay with. Only watch this if you want to inflict psychic damage on yourself. If you want to watch a parody of the harem rom-com genre that’s actually good (and funny), check out The World God Only Knows.
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willkatfanfromasia · 8 months
Hey guys! I'm out with chapter 3. Caution: mild smut ahead (under the cut)
A Night to Remember - 3
He sauntered in like he owned the blood place. Well, he did, but Nandini wasn’t too happy to remember that.
“well well well look what we have here” he smirked. Confident at first glance, his slightly curved shoulders belied his weariness.
Nandini was mulling over what to say – but there was no need as he continued
“couldn’t stay away, could ya? Irresistible as I am” his goading tone instilled unwarranted shame in her. She snapped at  herself – why must she be shamed? THEY sought her help. HIS ego can’t change the truth.
“sure, if you consider near-insolvency to be sexy” she barked “ after all that drama, chellam, they didn’t need my help falling into a pit” Nandini was certain she looked crazy right then.
She noticed his jaw clench and bemoaned how badly she wanted to throw herself at him. But only after wacking him with the tv remote.
He took measured steps towards her and she momentarily feared she’d poked the bear.
“I’m not here to pick a fight…”
“So you’re here to be an ungrateful pri…” 
“Aren’t you hurt- given how often you jump to conclusions ?”
“nothing you should be concerned about. Enjoy your vacation in the mansion you’ll inherit for sure now” she deadpanned.
“I thought you’d hate to return..to this place .. and its inhabitants!”
“A girl’s gotta look after herself- and you guys can look after your fancy mansion” she sighed, there’s no point recounting the sleepless nights preceding her visit here.
Her heartbeat rapidly. Work stress was predictable and she looked forward to it.
Returning to this place, the graveyard of her innocence, unsettled her. From the first moment of her return she could feel the tense cold air.
Kundhavai looked constantly like she was swallowing something bitter- nervous for a way out for her family but unhappy with Nandini’s presence.
Aditya’s dad and great-aunt hid themselves in their room except for discussing important documents.
Every moment was fraught with anxiety – she feared being called vengeful should she fail to pull them out of their deep mess.
The restraint of the last few months finally broke..
“Just great! I try to make an honest living and I’m doomed to help the ones who uprooted my childhood. Gloat and get over it!”
“That’s more reason to thank you- you could have just left us to fall” Aditya’s still voice announced.
“and I’d have relished that- But I didn’t “ Nandini challenged, stepping close enough for their noses to kiss.
“But you didn’t” his warm breath caressed her cheeks.
The drizzle outside was the only rhythm hosting this exchange.
“You could have… it would’ve been fair. Don’t say professionalism- it’s just that your heart can’t be rid of me. What we could’ve been”
She bristled at this insinuation of weakness “How dare you presume I’ll fall into your arms after all everything”, her voice low and threatening. She moved away to collect her rioting senses.
 Aditya’s eyes momentarily displayed sympathy before they returned to a confident gaze.
“Because I know you want me back. Just as much as I crave you" he said, gaze unbelieving that she couldn't get the obvious.
“Why did you take up this project? Your company deals with many other clients”
“Why else? I thought it’d be fun to see your snobbish family and employees put in their place, by the kid they kicked out. Wanted to rub their failure in their face- but don’t you worry, I’m a thorough professional “ she smirked , hiding her nervousness.
“I can see that “ his eyes fixed on her as he stepped closer. Aditya’s calm face belied an inner torment.
“Then why did you run" he prodded." My family organised this party to celebrate their financial saviors, you, mostly”
“I couldn’t bear to hobnob with those posh nincompoops. "She chuffed "Carelessly gossiping as they sip wine and chew snacks, like they’ve done a honest day’s work in their life..
Do you know how many sleepless nights it took me – and my colleagues? To restructure your family’s ancient way of extracting profits? To teach them to budget as per 21st century standards and not like a mediaeval polygar? To remove their blindfold and make them rework their trust funds?” Nandini’s voice quivered, hoping to mask her envy.
“I’m willing to reimburse….. the sleepless nights. Just yours” he winked, running his eyes appreciatively over her form. He hoped his shameless flirting will mask his inner self – a little boy desperate for love and acceptance.
She gulped- climbing up the social ladder alone made her a cynic. But something about him turned her into a babe-in-the woods, believing or true love, destiny and other such fluff.
“Too bloody late. I’m a hired worker- and my work just ended” her mind turned just as she uttered it.
How much longer was she going to slog for others?
Her intelligence used to improve the lives of those she hated….
Rich clients viewing her as dirt the moment they no longer needed her. She was twice the women they were yet they're her social superiors?
No matter what – she’ll never be good enough for him.
Neither attain nor forget him. Like an annoying preteen crush on a Jonas brother that refuses to fade.
She wanted him.. unprofessional conduct be damned! She deserved this.
Just an itch to be scratched, right?
“Aren’t army boys notorious for womanising” she blithely challenged, her eyes teasing him
“I wouldn’t know– haven’t had a proper break in years “ his exhaustion creaked through his attempt at sass.
“Welcome home, soldier” she smiled sarcastically. She was gonna get back at them – and have fun doing it.
She kissed him, her lips furious. Fury over his snobbish family, his lack of contact, of disappointed hopes and frustration that her fury only turned him on. He reciprocated passionately, desperate to stake claim over her while accepting her ministrations.
His fingers teasingly ghosted over her back, attempting to find a closure.
Unwrapping that sinfully wet sari gave him more pleasure than successfully defending territory. He was also pleased she was no wilting flower, furiously pushing his military jacket off his shoulders and attacking his shirt buttons next.
Well this is what happens when passion is suppressed for too long, they mused- their busy careers requiring them to be on best behaviour.
He laid her on the couch, admiring the vision of his greatest conquest – and aware that he would soon become her’s- before quickly joining her. His patience was wearing thin, she sensed as his grip grew tighter while grabbing her. The sight of him, the perfect aristocratic officer, losing control over her made her feel powerful.
More powerful than graduating or transforming near-bankrupt businesses.
“Don’t make me wait anymore, Nandini” he hoarsely whispered, exciting her more than ever before.
This is happening her mind giddily said butterflies invading her tummy. He laid the blanket she used, beneath her and ensured her comfort before kissing her again.
He gently cajoled her, speaking sweet words as their hips met. It was anything beyond what either of them had imagined as lovelorn youths-  the pleasure so sinfully divine that the world that tried to part them became immaterial.
The downpour increased in intensity, almost encouraging the duo to keep pace.
She kissed his chest, as he pleaded her not to close her eyes when she attained euphoria. She egged him on, desperate to make him break resolve – and succeeded when he moaned.
He laid next to her, admiring her confident display, and sleepily smooched her shoulder.
@nashibirne @nspwriteups @favcolourrvibgior @vibishalakshman @thelekhikawrites @dr-scribbler @kovaipaavai @budugu @dosai-maavu @matka-kulfi @curiousgalacticsoul @harinishivaa @chiyaanvikram @celestesinsight @inveter @deepti1011 @itszhunotz @babayagahunt @thegleamingmoon @maisadalawa @ragkee @inlovewithfictionalbeings @happysharkdragon @gowrimenonop-1 @ramcharanobsessed @nature-writes29 @voidsteffy @whippersnappersbookworm @hollogramhallucination @thereader-radhika @sowlspace @rang-lo @nirmohi-premika @love-ps1ff @canonless5 @sampigehoovu @ambidextrousarcher
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honoriotsusuki · 4 months
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WARNINGS: talk of drinking and alcohol, swearing, implications of murder/ violence, ragbros
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🕊 Ah, Mondstadt. Nation of freedom and wine. Can't forget wine
🕊So, with all that alcohol who reigns Supreme as the most immune to its hilarious effects?
🕊Well. Let's see.
💫 Honestly she would be higher if she actually had the money to afford a drink in the first place.
💫but since she never gets the chance, the few times people pay for her bill she passes out after a drop
💫You take her out to a bar, prepare to haul her back to her cheap apartment
🌼 Jean doesn't drink, not alcohol at least.
🌼She drinks like eighteen espressos per day to keep her awake after pulling another all-nighter, but she doesn't like alcahol
🌼Since she doesn't spend much time with Barbara she doesn't want the few times they can spend together to be her drunk.
🌼So yeah. When she does have alcohol she is out like a light. Will straight up just fall over like she died.
🍷 He will never admit he's a lightweight. Ever.
🍷sure he hates alcohol and its taste but he's too embarrassed to admit he can't stomach it.
🍷Kaeya makes fun of him. Alot.
🍷which is rich coming from Kaeya since he's a sad drunk and just starts crying and apologizing to Diluc when he's drunk.
🍷yeah it gets real awkward.
🍷but let's just say he did get drunk. He gets...happy? Like he breaks into fits of giggles.
🍷It is genuinely unsettling.
🧪Ah chalk boy.
🧪He's not that bad tbh
🧪Like it takes maybe three glasses to knock him out
🧪He's a weird drunk.
🧪Like oddly honest.
🧪He will speak his mind when he's drunk no matter how uncalled for those thoughts are
🧪So yeah, avoid him if he's drunk. Unless you have an unbreakably high self-esteem, it's for your own good.
🐰Il be perfectly honest I don't know much about Amber's character so I just put her as the middle.
🐰But what from I can gather she would be a happy and loud drunk
🪈you might be surprised to see him this high and I don't blame you-
🪈Like we see this fucker drunk constantly!
🪈but in my mind heactually has an above average tolerance.
🪈he's just drunk. Alot.
🪈Also, he's another sad drunk. But he has to get really drunk to become sad. If he's not absurdly drunk, he's just absurdly clumsy and loud
🔮This woman doesn't drink much
🔮but she is a menace when it comes to appearances
🔮you'd think at first glance she's a lightweight but no.
🔮she can down whiskey like it's no problem
🔮Also she doesn't really change when she's drunk
🔮just a bit more tired.
❄️Okay so we already talked a bit about Kaeya in Dilucs section.
❄️This fucker can down so much alcohol that his blood content is more wine than water.
❄️He's such a prick about it too.
❄️if you are a lightweight he will rub it in your face that he can drink you under the table.
❄️But when all is said and done and he gets drunk shit gets sad.
❄️He just starts crying- and apologizing to everyone.
❄️like mostly Diluc but he will apologize for everything he can. It's just sad.
❄️nobody tells him he gets like this because they're sorta scared of dealing with the aftermath of telling Kaeya he's trauma dumped on an entire bar at least four times
⚔️like it's scary how immune to alcohol she is.
⚔️she doesn't even drink that much. She just has this natural alcohol immunity.
⚔️Nobody has ever seen her drunk.
⚔️well, some treasure hordes did. But they didn't lice to tell the tale.
✝️ We all knew this was coming
✝️ Homrgirl could drink god under a table
✝️I mean, she technically did with Venti, but that's not what I mean
✝️ She might as well be drinking water.
✝️girl drinks hard-core vodka too.
✝️Rosaria is scary. But in a hot way.
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thegeminisage · 4 months
ok, its time for a QUICK tng update before xm*s proceedings. saturday we did "best of both worlds part ii" and "family" and last night we did "brothers" and "suddenly human."
best of both worlds part ii: I LOOOOOVED THIS EPISODE. mwah. EVERYTHING i wanted. creepy little cyborg implants. brainwashed picard. his beautiful perfect cgi tear (which may or may not have been cgi, this is a point of debate, experts please weigh in). data bravely doing a robot mind meld. 1000000/10 more borg episodes please please PLEASE
can you imagine if the borg has ben in tos btw. what a thought experiment, except for how i quite literally can't think about it or i'll get so excited i'll pass out
did guinan imply she and picard were lovers in this ep...girl you can do better
my one nitpick with william riker was him promoting that lady he hated instead of someone who deserved it, like worf or data. it probably would have given worf ptsd but can you imagine that enterprise having a captain and first officer being gay on the bridge again...wonderful. except this time there would also be deanna <3
"how much do you remember" "everything" AHAHAHAHA GREAT. GOOD. WONDERFUL. anyway
family: extremely unusual episode but i loved it nonetheless. i was really shocked worf's parents were so sweet!!! i fucking loved them. they're like the cutest people on earth i can't believe they raised such a taciturn and stoic guy like worf...
picard's family i wasn't sure about at first until the wrestling match in the mud. sometimes you need to punch a guy and his brother stepped up to the job admirably. i kept thinking he looked like michael caine, which would have been an incredible choice.
WESLEY.....................................................we don't need to talk about it
everyone's accents in this ep were wack. why does picard have a totally different accent from his brother. why is worf's accent different from his parents. ik its not that deep but its making me crrrazzzyyy
brothers: i didnt even get a look at the title of this episode before we started bc vumoo (the shady site im using to watch) doesn't display them but it was SUCH an unexpected pleasure to get a data episode
absolutely scuh-reaming at the ease with which he hijacked an ENTIRE goddamn starship. he's so competent i love that. a real "glad he's on OUR side" moment, not unlike spock commandeering the enterprise in "the menagerie" (rip i wish that had been a better episode).
lore grew on me really fast. i was neutral on him during his last appearance, the meme aside, but in this episode he was really fun and unsettling. brent spiner can do horrible, horrible things with his face
this ep felt a little cut off? i expected another confrontation with lore, a getting back of the chip, or at least some kind of burial or funeral for dr soong, but we just quit like 3/4 through the episode. maybe less time spent on the opening section of the hijack could have fixed this
anyway i love the foil between data and lore...one has support and the other does not...but it doesn't make sense for lore to get the emotions chip because it seems like he already HAS them??
oh yeah and data repeating "i am not less perfect than lore" got funnier EVERY time he did it. little man was really going thru it i was cracking up genuinely <3
suddenly human: this episode was wack
ok, did you guys read face on the milk carton when you were in school? i did when i was way too young to be reading it and it fucked me up real bad and i completely forgot about it until i watched this episode and then i got to unlock that memory in real time
anyway, while it is obviously the correct choice to return a child to their family when they are kidnapped as babies, it is also hugely traumatic for an older child to be ripped away from a loving home* and transplanted with strangers, which those books explore in horrific detail. so the whole episode i found myself going "i KNOW it's bad politics but could they not just CONSIDER leaving him with the only family he's ever known as a possible choice" and then they DID THAT and i wanted to be ill because it was obviously the worst choice in the world
* this is a different scenario than the first tng episode involving kidnapped children, which strongly resembled the residential schools from real life. THIS particular situation, minus the method of kidnapping (during warfare), more closely resembled the crazy cult shit happening in those books, where the kidnapped girl was being raised by people who thought they really were her biological grandparents and weren't bad people and her biological family also weren't bad people. a "no fault" situation EXCEPT FOR HE KIDNAPPENED THAT BABY DURING WARFARE.
anyway this is the second time tng has dropped the ball on this subject so i think from now on they should not do episodes like this anymore. really really really really bad.
NEXT TIME: "remember me" and "legacy"
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
Hey, i was wondering if you could make a Eddie Munson & a plus-size girl or reader ? Write everything you want, with smut or not :)
Yes. Love.
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I hate swimming.
As a child, I never wanted to go to the beach or the local Hawkin's pool or even get remotely close to wearing anything revealing. I didn't want to wear something I was uncomfortable with or feel the pressure to wear something that I wasn't comfortable with but growing up, there was a sense of pressure always, especially in teen years.
With puberty, I gained weight, my hips got fuller especially but so did the rest of me. It was extremely hard to watch the other girls around me have such an easy time with growing up and filling out. They were all proportional and even if they did gain some weight like I did, they seemed to rock it better than anything. Then there were girls like Nancy Wheeler and Robin Buckley, both of who I'm close friends with, who were blessed with beautiful cheekbones and a high metabolism.
But swimming, yeah, I always hated swimming.
But diving into Lover's Lake after watching Steve slip under the surface and not come up left me no choice but to jump into the water without time to think. But now as I'm following along with the group, my hands wrapped around me anxiously as my clothes stick to my wet skin, I feel like crying.
"Hey, are you cold?" Eddie appears to my left with a soft smile on his lips, his eyes trailing over my body as I cringe. He's never known about my deep rooted body anxiety, only knowing how much he loves my curves and every stretch mark that lines my body.
"No, just hate being wet." I huff, pulling my shirt away from my body with a frown, wishing I had a change of clothes, a sweatshirt and sweatpants, something to hide under and not feel so exposed.
"I could argue that-"
"Shut it." My hand whacks against his arm as he chuckles, his bright smile soothing my anxious thoughts. Silently, he slips off his jacket, holding it out to me as my brows furrow. His eyes are knowing, almost as if he can and has been reading my mind since we've come out of the water.
"I can tell you're uncomfortable and I can see the looks you're throwing Wheeler and Robin." Helping me slip my arms into the warm jacket, I already feel ten times more comfortable as the jacket covers me down to my thighs. I let out a breath of relief as he wraps an arm around my shoulder, pressing a kiss to my temple as he whispers. "I see you, you don't have to explain." Tears prick at my eyes as I shake my head, feeling so stupid for worrying about something that seems so middle school, so childish. But Eddie made me feel real, he validated the worries and anxiety. "And if it means anything, I think you're beautiful and the sight of you makes me melt." My eyes close at his reassessment, feeling him so close to me, in such an unsettling environment with so much discomfort, it does help more than he'll ever realize.
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy
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I read about your daughter!Reader and Daemon dub-con WIP, and I'm just wondering when you plan to release it? Before you get into the next part of your story? Absolutely no pressure, but I do enjoy morally questionable Daemon, especially when it's you that's writing him!
Hey, nonnie!
I've gotta admit, it's totally fallen by the wayside. Work is beyond hectic right now (semester reporting deadline is Friday), and I'm just barely finding time to eke out little bits of my editing process. I can share what I have so far, which I'll leave below under the cut.
No title yet, though! Have fun reading!
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“Do you love me, child?”
“Yes, Papa,” you say, lip quivering.
There is no man quite like Daemon Targaryen. He is vicious and unrelenting as he is warm and doting, a being of such utter extremes that one’s head may very well spin off its mount before truly comprehending the individual before them. Sometimes it is frightening to linger in his presence; he has a way about him that keeps you forever guessing, unsure of which side of the coin he has landed upon at any given moment. You see, his capriciousness does not spare you—not even you, his eldest, the apple of his eye. Today, you sense that it is one of those days.
He snorts, eyes cold.
“Your stepmother wants to arrange a match for you,” he muses, almost to himself. The calm of his tone unsettles you, unnerves you. “Some cunt from the Vale, methinks. Tell me–” he leans forward at this, fingers clasped together like a penitent’s, only you know he will never be sorry– “is that something you want?”
You swallow. “No, Papa.”
His brow quirks. “No? You don’t want a strapping young lad from the Snakewood to make you his wife? Fuck a few pug-nosed, brown-haired vipers into you? Hm?”
Your heart sinks. No, no, no… You hate it when he gets like this.
“No, Papa,” you try again. It comes out as a whisper.
“No.” He sits back, a darkly pleased tilt playing at the corners of his mouth. “That’s what I told Rhaenyra. Alas, she’s quite determined. Thinks it’s unnatural for a young lady your age to take company with her father. Do you think she’s jealous, my girl?”
“I—I cannot say.”
Baela and Rhaena had bonded well enough with your stepmother, folding easily into something resembling family, but you… Long has she watched you with carefully assessing eyes, darting back and forth between you and her husband, suspicion written in the planes of her visage but never voiced. You wish she had. Perhaps he would never have stumbled into your rooms soused on wine after celebrating the announcement of little Viserys’s impending arrival; perhaps he would never have seen you there, asleep, so much like your lady mother (and oh, how you miss her laugh and the sound of her heartbeat thumping through her chest and the riotous spring of silver curls smelling of rich Myrish spices even now); perhaps he would never have conceived the notion to claim this fresh Targaryen maiden, because Targaryen maidens belong to Targaryen princes and he was a Prince in all but deed, and so you had belonged to him before you truly knew what it meant for bodies to conquer, to take all and leave nothing behind. Perhaps you would never have awakened to the leaden weight of man over you, foreign fingers pressing between your legs where they ought not to go, this part of you is for your husband one day, dearest, you are to save it for your marriage, but one look up at the glow of pale hair in silver moonlight and the face you had known and loved so well contorted wild and sinister—lust, it is called, you know this now—and you had quailed, for is it not a daughter’s duty to be good and obey her father? And so he had brought the parts of himself you knew not the name of and pried your own open, apart, asunder, hand shoved up against your mouth to quell the sounds sprung from your belly at the agony of it, too much, Father, it’s too much, and sh, you’ll take it, you’re mine to have and I’ll do as I like, and you had felt your brain rattle in your skull at the vigour of his driving thrusts slapping into you, worse than a strike across the face because he had told you all the while I love you, daughter of mine, Papa loves you, and that is all you had ever wanted to hear from him.
No, you cannot say how Rhaenyra feels. You are sure she has her own ideas as to what he spends evenings with you doing—but she will never make the move to ask. Thus, you will never be free.
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iuuua · 2 months
oooh i forgot to talk about hazbin hotel after i finished it.
loved it. satisfied the musical deep inside of me. the characters are so charming and its a really fun show expressing incredibly horrible stuff. if u think abt it even just a little past face value its really deep and sends u down into a rabbithole about what the characters are, what it really means to be a sinner, and how loopable the songs are.
my only complaint is that its so short. its 9 episodes including the pilot where every key moment is perfectly encapsulated in those episodes yes, but because they chose to develop the characters per episode (which was absolutely the right choice btw) the whole "friendship" theme suffered. let me explain; the characters are well developed enough and interact enough for you to get what their overall dynamic is, but theres no episode that really focuses on them getting closer with each other. the show was so busy, im not sure where they could have put it; basically im saying the show wouls have fared well with a little filler. in 8 episodes they breezed by 6 months... those interactions would have made the finale soo much better. i was not *convinced* of the found family trope thing (bc thats what it is you cant tell me otherwise), but its a good idea to let the audience fill those gaps themselves.
i have mixed feelings whether to support vivzie because i heard her treatment of animators was horrible-- thats the worst part about this whole series honestly. idk if vivzie is a good person or not... but hazbin hotel is definitely amazing.
EDIT HERE: i watched a video saying the accusations against vivzie are false so, thats out of the way, i guess. dont worry too much about it, im not gonna do more research but if any of you do pls lmk!
my favorite song is poison, apart from the fact that its the closest to my usual genre, i love the mv. the choreography is so fluid and unsettling. the little details, you can tell angel is putting on a mask and the voice acting? chefs kiss. love it. the mv is so r18 but i cant help rewatching it its just so good the choerography videography the subtle meanings RAH. i also love the instrument solos in hells greatest dad, it really surprised me when lucifer pulled a violin out of nowhere lmao but god do i hate that minty girl, ruined such a good song. stayed gone is also so strong and its funny to see vox put in his place lmao. im addicted to alastors radio filter, such character. i reluctantly love adam and lute's song parts because their voices are so good and i love rock music but fuck i hate the characters.
charlie is just so lovable and would be generic in literally any other setting but because of the nature of the show she sticks out and that forces readers to pay attention to her and if you didnt already love her you WILL.
not sure what else to say but if ur 18+ GO FOR IT!! lots of tw since its hell, off the top of my head sex, abuse, cursing, cannibalism, assault, violence. there must be more but itd be better to look that up instead. have fun watching!
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