#my handwritings wack sorry
blazingflareon · 24 days
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design notes i guess?? i kept mixing shit up so i made this for myself more than anything but ykno have at it (yes sky guardians are basically just angels i know)
i wanted to draw more refs today but my eye decided no its blur day so i cant fucking see lol
if ur curious abt which oc is which: forest: zephyr / eryl (/ lucian but he's only a concept) spirit: asher / ghost sky: raine / raze / amaryllis (and apollo/maeve/merle but they're also just concepts rn)
and extra guardiansblooded which i didnt mention here but is basically having the magic in ur bloodline forest: drake spirit: darryl sky: phoenix / ariana / avalon (sort of)
me dropping all these names as if anyone knows who the fuck im talking abt
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
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summary: you act out in retaliation to something onyankopon did, earning yourself a long night of punishment…
cw: spanking ( not a whole lot), cursing, written with a black reader in mind.
word count: 5k (plss i didn’t even realize it was so long😭)
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you were pissed. it has been a good week and a half since you’ve last had your guts rearranged. you’re boyfriend onyakopon had been working nonstop making drops and it’s been starting to become irritating how lonely he’s left you. as you laid bored in you and ony’s shared bed, you decided that enough was enough and called your man.
the phone only rang about two times before you heard his deep voice transfer through the speakers. “yea mama?”. it was already hard for you to continue being mad at him but you stayed strong and carried on with your message. “hey pa. i miss you sooooo much.“ you can tell he was smiling through the phone when he replied “i miss you more beautiful. i’ll be home late tonight so don’t stay up waiting for me aii?”. hearing these words caused you to roll your eyes and develop a nasty attitude. “you cannot be for real right now. it’s been so fucking long since i’ve gotten to touch you and you keep on throwing me to the side for some wack ass work.” your irritation began to spread to your lover as he listened to how rude your mouth was right now.
“yo watch your mouth for real bro.” onyankopon commanded. his voice was starting to get you worked up, but giving in wasn’t an option tonight. thinking of all the other times he’s left you all alone until late into the night made you realize that he doesn’t deserve your kindness at all.
”NO. it’s not fair how work gets more attention than me. and i’m not your fucking bro so chill wit that shit.”
onyankopon grips his phone. trying to calmly get through to you. he’s always been pretty patient when it came to you since he knew how sensitive you can be, but tonight you were pushing it. “nah you the one that need to chill. you know damn well all this working i’m doing right now is to keep your little ass happy.”
“i don’t need you to always buy me stuff for me to be happy i just need you to be here”. as onyankopon registered your words he began to feel remorse for how you’re feeling. “i’m sorry mama. i know i’ve been neglecting you a little bit. just one more night and ima be all yours. ima cut back on my work i swear aii?”
listening to your man talk it was becoming harder to stay upset so you decided it’d be better for you to just drop it. “okay boo thank you for listening. and im sorry for cussing at you i didn’t mean to be rude. i was just frustrated and a little lonely.”
“i understand ma it’s all good. i gotta get back to work though so ima see you later. i love you.”
“i love you more baby. byeeee.” as the two of you hung up the phone you felt a huge weight lift off your shoulders. you were a little disappointed in yourself for not being able to stay mad, but being on good terms with your man was always better than being at each others throats all the time. especially when you and onyankopon know that you can barley take him when he’s angry…
as you sat around in your room you were beginning to feel bored again so you decided to call your good best friend sasha. you and sasha met through connie since you usually bought from him and eren. that was until you met up with eren connie and sasha to hotbox in connie’s car. as you snuck out of your moms house to smoke with your friends you approached the car and was stopped dead in your tracks when you seen onyankopon sitting in the back seat wit eren. “you gon keep staring all shy and shit or you gon come sit ma”. as if you were possessed you moved almost instantly to sit down next to the fine ass darkskin man in the car. ever since then the two of you were inseparable and eventually started fucking on the low until you were one day surprised with a beautiful beach dinner, a promise ring, and a card that read “will you be mine?” in onyankopon’s handwriting. while reminiscing on how you and your man met you were interrupted by a loud voice.
“bitch how you gon call me and sit in silence. please don’t tell me you and ony over there fucking and that you called by accident.” you laughed as you picked up your phone to show your empty room. “girl please i’m all alone in this mothafucka. ian seen ony in about seven years.” your words caused sasha to laugh out loud as you rolled your eyes.
“yea whatever girl what you up too?”
“i’m laying in my bed bored as shit waiting for my man to come home”
“good then get the fuck up and come shake some ass wit me”
you scrunched up your face in confusion as you thought about your friends words until you came to an exciting realization
“awww shit i forgot jean and marco were throwing that partyyyy. yea we definitely out to that shit.”
“yea bitch get your baddest fit on quick before that shit get two packed. we gotta be the baddest heffas on the flo to remind bitches that we can’t be fucked wit.”
you laugh as you nod your head in agreement. after a couple more minutes of catching up with sasha you both decide to get ready while on the phone to give each other tips on your outfits.
“we look goooood”
“yea we really doooo. lemme text ony and let him know i’m leaving the house. i don’t wanna get my shit beat in for being home late without saying anything.”
sasha laughed at your statement but quickly stopped smiling a made a stank face when connie entered the frame.
“hey y/n how you been girlllll” connie says in his best girl voice making you laugh.
“hey connn i’ve been good.”
“i’m glad you understand the value of communicating wit your man. this one girl i know never do that shit and always end up getting HER back blown out.”
you immediately knew who this “girl” was and looked at sasha with wide eyes and a smirk.
you can tell that sasha was getting a little embarrassed as she pushed connie out of the camera “yeaaa that’s enough. we coming to get you girl see you in ten”
you say your goodbyes as you hang up the phone and make final touches to your makeup. you decided on wearing a long sleeve brown square neck crop top with your tight black flare pants. you had just gotten your toes done a couple days prior so you decided to wear some brown fuzzy slides to go with the shirt. you usually didn’t have to bring a purse with you to these parties since ony would hold your stuff, but since he won’t be there you decided to bring your mini black leather telfar to hold your lip gloss phone and taser (which your man bought you just incase he wasn’t around to beat niggas up for you). you wore your hair naturally in a curly half up half down. looking at yourself in the mirror you decided to take a couple pictures before hearing the loud ass horn from connie’s car. before you walk outside you make sure all of the doors are locked just incase. knowing onyankopon would be pissed if he came home and seen anything unlocked. you hopped in the back of connie’s black charger only to see sasha back there too.
“what you doing back here? connie what did you do?” before connie gets the chance to speak he is quickly interrupted by sasha. “i gotta tell you sum. connie told me not to but i’m telling you anyways bc you my fav bitch and i can never lie to you.” your face began to contort in confusion as you slowly entered the car “what’s going on boo. what you gotta tell me?” you can tell she was nervous as she fiddled with the strap on her purse. refusing to make eye contact with you “ony is at the party right now. he was never working late. eren been in his ear telling him to go get loose and ‘get from up under’ you.“
you stared blankly at her as you began to try to piece her words together “how do you know this?”
“i saw it all in their group chat on connie’s phone. he’s there right now with eren.”
your blood started to boil with anger as you sat quietly in the car. how could he lie to you like this? he was the main one preaching communication and this is what he does? absolutely not. you leaned back in your seat as you started to develop a plan in your head. “don’t even worry about it girl i got sum for his ass”
you can see connie in the drivers seat shaking his head. contemplating whether or not he should say anything. eventually deciding to try to get through to you. “y/n-“
“ion wanna hear nun. what’s done is done. he lied and i am well within my rights to react however i want.” as the three of you approached the house the party was being held at you turned towards sasha and pointed to your phone. signaling for her to keep an eye out for the text you were about to send.
‘do you remember what he was saying in the messages?’
‘not much but i know eren was all up in there’s telling him he need to get loose and when ony said he was gon tell you about the party he was the main one saying no and how you don’t have to find out’
‘wowwww bet’
‘what you about to do?’
‘if he can do whatever he want without letting me know ima do whatever tf i want regardless if he see or not. since he too pussy to get from up under his little friends he better keep that same quiet energy when he see me wit another nigga’
your best friend smiled at you as she began typing away at her phone
‘ohhh shit he about to be sickkkk.’
as connie went to park the car you told him to drop you and sasha off at the door. instead of objecting he decided to take the smart route and let the two of you out before he got cursed out by sasha for the second time that night. the two of you walked into the party and were immediately hit with the scent of weed and liquor. not thinking of what you were doing you decided to walk right to the kitchen to pour yourself a drink. as you poured yourself a heavy cup of whatever mixture was made in the large bowl you looked around the party trying to find the eyes of your no good lying ass boyfriend. without realizing you started to feel your hands get wet from your over-poured cup of alcohol. “woah shawty calm down. theres plenty more in there for you to get a second cup later.” as you turn around to see where this unfamiliar voice was coming from you end up locking eyes with none other than the person you feel is the cause of this distressful situation. eren fucking jeager. everyone including you knew that eren had a way of getting in peoples ear about shit to get them to do crazy stuff but you’d never thought he’d do it to your ony. but he can’t be the only one to blame. onyankopon was a grown ass man and theres no way that he would agree to do something like this if he truly didn’t want to. after softly shaking yourself out of your thoughts you stopped staring and turned to the person who was talking to you. he was tall with a cute smile, not as cute as your man’s but cute enough to flirt with.
“yea you right. im in my own little world right now so ian paying attention for real” you say with the cutest giggle you can muster.
“its all good sexy. you here wit anybody or can i have you to myself tonight?” his eagerness made you cringe on the inside but in order for your plan to work you needed him.“its just me and my girl sasha” you say while pointing to the clearly aggravated girl on the other side of the kitchen island. “damn what happened to her. I got friends here wit me if she don't wanna be alone”
as if right on time connie comes walking over to comfort sasha. as the boy continued talking your ear off about god knows what you looked around to see where onyankopon was. finally spotting him smoking in the backyard with eren and jean. you turn towards your plaything
“they’re playing my favorite song out there lets go dance.” you command excited as you nodded your head towards the door to the backyard. “yea whatever you want mamas.” he grumbled as he let you lead him outside. you noticed he wasn’t ever really listening to anything you were saying as he just stared as your ass while you walked in front of him. rolling your eyes you continue walking right past onyankopon and his friends not giving them a second glance. you heard all conversation in his area come to a complete stop which made you smile. walking through the other dancing bodies on the grass you made your way to the middle as you started to move your body to the beat of Ku Lo Sa by Oxlade. you let the guy touch all over you as the both of you moved to the rhythm. you were surprised with how well he was keeping up with you as the two of you danced with each other. as the song came to an end and the next one began you felt a soft tug on your arm. after turning around fully you were met with a hard chest under a black t shirt. you notice the familiar gold chain with your name on it immediately signaling to you that it was none other than your no good lying ass boyfriend pulling you towards him.“the fuck you doin here? and who the fuck is this nigga?” hearing his aggressive words you grew even more irritated. but clearly they scared the guy you were with since when you turned around he was nowhere to be found. you sigh. irritated as you turn back towards onyankopon. “what am i doing here? no nigga what the fuck are YOU doing here. you told me you were working and this don’t look like work bitch. you lied to me ony and now im done wit you. go find another bitch to lie to because im not the one.” saying these words out loud caused people to start staring at you which made you storm off into the house with your boyfriend hot on your heals. grabbing your arm again with more force he yanks your body back around and begins raising his voice. “chill wit that bitch word for i really get mad. im not saying you can’t be upset wit me because i know what i did was wrong. but what you not about to do is call me out my name and try to leave me, because im not going for that. we can either talk or fuck it out but you leaving me is not an option.”
“well im leaving you. i refuse to be wit a pussy nigga that don’t have enough respect for his girlfriend to keep his friends out his ear about what he should be doing. now if you’ll excuse me i got my new man waiting on me outside” you say with a big smirk or your face shoving onyankopon out the way. as you were walking away feeling like the baddest bitch in the world you suddenly see everything move around quickly as you are lifted off the ground and thrown over your boyfriends shoulder. you yelled “get off me nigga we not together anymore” to irritate him further which earned you a hard slap to your ass as you’re walked out of the party and into the driveway. as the both of you approached his car you were suddenly put down.
“get in the back now.”
you were going to say “no” but you decided to just get in to prevent yourself from further embarrassment since people were starting to come outside to see what all the commotion was. onyankopon watches you get in before finally entering the driver's seat. after pulling out the driveway he quickly drove the two of you away from the party.
while on your way home onyankopon felt that it was a great time to said his peace. “listen… i feel real bad about lying to you okay? theres no excuse for it and i know better than to be agreeing with anything eren say to me. im very very very sorry mama.” as he spoke you decided to look out the window and try to keep your mind off of the wack ass apology you were receiving. “I see you through the mirror baby can you please be respectful and look at me while im talking to you?” rolling your eyes you brush off what was said. “can you be respectful and NOT lie to the woman you claim to love? seems like you can’t”. his eyes widened at your words and he began growing aggravated. Raising his voice he replies “don’t be sayin that ma you know damn well i love you.”
“clearly not enough to be truthful. but since you such a follower maybe i been fucking wit the wrong nigga. maybe i should be trying to fuck wit the leader. i know eren known for being a player and all but if this pussy changed you one can only imagine what it’d do to him.”
locking eyes with him in the mirror you noticed how his began to sadden making you instantly regret your words. “m’ sorry i didn’t mean that”. you mumbled on deaf ears as onyankopon continued to drive the both of you home.
“daddy i said i didn’t mean it okay?”
“don’t ‘daddy’ me now. you wanna go there wit me then ima show you wassup when we get in the house.”
his calm demeanor put fear in your heart. knowing that you were done for when y’all were now approaching your driveway. as he finished parking the car onyankopon begins lighting himself a blunt. “gon head inside y/n and make sure you stripped and in that bed by the time i get to the room.” the way he said your name gave you chills as you got out the car and made your way inside. feeling scared as ever you did as you were told feeling that you’ve done enough damage. you first removed your makeup knowing that if you kept any of it on it’d be running down your face soon. then you removed your clothes leaving you in your bed fully naked. you waited fifteen long minutes for your man to come in. during them you thought about your actions and began to think of an apology. you realized that even though your ony lied to you he never went around any other girls and was only really at that party to connect with his friends. his friends that he probably also hasn’t gotten to talk to as well due to his constant work. not to make excuses for him but knowing how you are he probably felt that it was a lose-lose situation given that you’d be mad if he said he wanted to hang out with friends instead anyways. being in your own head caused some tears to fall as you thought about how wrong you tried to handle the situation. letting another man touch on you as the man you loved watched and then bringing up one of his close friends to get at him upset made you feel so ashamed. while you continued to beat yourself up about your fucked up actions you hear the door to your shared room open. as onyankopon entered the room he glanced at you, noticing the tears in your eyes and all over your pretty face.
“whats wrong mama?”
hearing how gentle his voice was despite how angry he should be made you feel even worse about your what you did. as you opened your mouth to respond, a broken sob escaped from your mouth. your man rushes to your aid as if nothing that happened mattered other than your wellbeing. wrapping his arms around you onyankopon began to comfort you “don’t cry baby. everything’s alright. i know you didn’t mean it”
as you calmed down you slowed your breathing you got the courage to reply, “i-im so s-sorry ony. i didn’t mean to act up like that. i p-promise i never do that againnn”
all you could do was keep crying into his arms after you got your apology off your chest. your kindhearted boyfriend lifts you up and placed you in his lap while you cried to him. rubbing your back and hugging you tight to keep you feeling safe. eventually he got you to completely calm and relaxed causing you to begin dozing off. after gently shaking you awake, you look up at your lover.
“I forgive you mama, but you still need a punishment. gon head and arch ya shit for me”. you sit up in confusion as you watch your boyfriend get off the bed and start ridding himself of his shirt and sweats. “what do you mean? you said you forgive me.” you protest with a frown
“i do forgive you sweetheart but it don’t take away from the fact that you disrespected me in front of all those people and claimed you wanted to fuck on my friend in the car”
“but pa-”
“ass up pretty. if i have to tell you a third time ima really fuck your shit up.”
deciding that it’d be better if you just did what you were told you got into the backshot position and made the deepest arch you could to hopefully satisfy your clearly still upset boyfriend.
“rules and colors baby” he mumbled while kneading and rubbing on your ass. too caught up in the pleasure of his touch you were brought back to reality after hearing a hard smack with a hot stinging pain in your left cheek to follow. you moan into your silk sheets as your pussy began to soak from the contact.
“you hear daddy talking to you?”
“n-no running, no to-touching, no cumming without d-daddy’s permission.” hearing how well you listened brought a smirk to onyankopon’s face as he continued to rub on your body.
“and your colors?”
“green,yellow, a-and red. and my safeword is cookie”
onyankopon’s eyes widened at the way you went above what was asked of you to please him. ‘damn she must really want forgiveness’ was the first thought to come to his mind after hearing how much of a good girl you were being. this made him almost feel bad for what he was about to do. but almost wasn’t enough. spreading you open onyankopon noticed how wet you already were all from getting spanked once. “no prep tonight ma”. onyankopon began lining himself up with your entrance and thrusted forward roughly. “fuckkk daddyyyy”. his roughness caused you to curse out loud, earning you another hard slap to your ass. “watch your mouth. you want me to go deeper?” you never understood why your boyfriend was so against you cursing, but you didn’t get the chance to dwell on it as he began to thrust harder and deeper into you. hitting all your favorite spots that you’d never be able to reach on your own. even when you were getting your back blown out you still kept your arch real deep which surprised your man. “you taking me so well mama. you tryna make me nut fast?” hearing him talking in your ear so deep made it really hard for you not to cum quick without permission. “im so so so sorry for reaaaaal”. you heard him chuckle behind you as he continued to quickly thrust in and out. “you sorry?”
“yes papa. so so soooo sorry.” as onyankopon took in your words he quickly replayed all the events from tonight again. quickly removing all remorse from his body he laid both of his hands flat on your back an pushed down. causing you to feel him hit even deeper inside of you than ever before. “i don’t know baby you gon have to do better than that for me to ease up on you.” quickly pulling out and turning you over onyankopon notices the many tears in your eyes followed by the spit covering your lips. “c’mere lemme taste you”. dropping to his knees onyankopon began to sloppily eat you out while using his middle and ring fingers to keep you full. your back arched off the bed as a wave of pleasure went all over your body. “what’s rule three?” curling his fingers upward onyankopon smirks up at you. watching you moan so loud it almost sounded as if you were screaming. “oooooh my god daddy pleaaaseeee.” he started to move his fingers faster and rougher as you grew closer and closer to the edge.
“what’s rule three mama? talk to daddy.”
“n-no coming without y-your permission”
your compliance causes his dick to twitch. “thats right. so why do i feel you getting so wet? you about to disobey me?” your face contorts into one of displeasure. as if the mere thought of you disobeying your man made you feel uncomfortable. “i'll hold it pa i promise” onyankopon quickly removes his fingers from your warm heat and stands up abruptly. as you watch him line himself up with your entrance you silently thank god for having him stop because you were really about to cum. “you being such a good girl right now. just keep being good and you'll cum okay?” nodding your head you quickly stop, realizing the mistake you just made. hoping he didn’t notice, you opened your legs wider to show him how ready you were for him. your lover slowly licks his lips while looking at your wet awaiting pussy sitting pretty all for him. “your shit so fat mama, but im not a dummy. i’ll let it slide just this once since you’ve been good so far, but the next time i ask you a question you answer with your words understand?” looking deeply into his eyes you feel a weight lift off your shoulders “yes daddy” onyankopon slowly trusts into you giving you long and deep strokes. while he was holding your legs over his shoulders you felt him start to penetrate your g spot over and over again causing you to start scratching down his back.
“papa’s so sorry for lying. it won’t happen again.” not registering what was being said all you could do was rub on your boyfriend’s back while he continued to hit your sweet spot. “you don’t deserve that at all. i promise you ima do better.” finally understanding what his message you moved your hand up onyankopon’s back and absentmindedly began to caress the nape of his neck. “it’s okayyyy. im s-sorry tooo.” as he kept his steady pase you began to feel a tight knot form in your stomach along with the urge to pee.
“baby im close. please please please-”
“gon head baby im right behind you”
as if your body knew exactly what he said, you were no longer able to hold it in as you came all over your bed and onyankopon’s stomach. soon after you came he began to quicken his pace as you shook in overstimulation. after a few more strokes you felt him fill you up with his hot cum. after both of you finished you were overcome with a wave of exhaustion finally letting sleep overtake you.
when you woke up you seen that you were already clean and wearing a t shirt that clearly belonged to your boyfriend due to how big it was on you. pain ran through your lower half as you tried to sit up which caused you to let out a low whine. as if sensing you were in pain onyankopon enters the room with a glass of water and an aspirin. “i know mama i gotchu.” smiling up at your man you gladly accept the water and medicine.
“thank you so much boo”
“its my job baby no need to be thankin’ me.”
smiling to yourself you quickly took the aspirin and drank a couple sips of water. how did you get so lucky? you really have the best man in the world. your happy thoughts were interrupted by the vibrations on your phone. “oh yea i forgot to tell you sasha been calling for over an hour now. ian wanna bother you so i just put your shit on vibrate.” you look at your phone and see a bunch of messages from sasha.
‘bitchhhhh what is going onnnnn’
‘everybody is so shockedddd. nobody’s seen ony act like that before omgg’
‘now connie mad at me for telling you but idc im grown asf’
‘oh shit now we leaving’
you giggled as you read through the messages from your best friend, deciding to put an airpod in and call her back. “hey bitchhhh” you hear sasha rasp quietly “girl what happened to youuuu” you snicker out as you look at sasha’s hair in a crazy bun. she moved her camera to the side to show none other than a sleeping connie. “i got my shit beat DOWNNN” you continue to laugh until you remember the current situation you're in as well. “i can’t even move my legs” you whisper as low as you can to keep onyankopon from hearing, but he clearly still heard you. “and if you wanna ever feel them mothafuckas again then i advise you take your ass to sleep.” turning towards your man you see that he was already staring right at you waiting for you to hang up and go to bed. you roll your eyes as you hear sasha laugh at you. “ion know why you laughing mami im boutta take your legs along with that throat if you don’t hang that shit up and go to sleep. gon end up being bed rest buddies wit y/n if you keep playing with me.” connie’s sudden speech made your eyes widen as you both silently communicate that you’ll hang up the phone to keep from being fucked up again. as you hang up the phone you cuddle up closer to your man. “are you really gonna make more time for me?” as if expecting you to ask, onyankopon gives you the slowest nastiest kiss ever, causing you to do nothing but start cheesin mad hard. “yea pretty i'm all yours tomorrow. if you can walk i'll take you to the mall.”
hearing the word mall immediately excited you as you cuddled up to him more in love than before and drifted off to sleep.
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taxfruad4ever · 6 days
hiii could you do something abt shadow x reader where they go in a fight with a villian or something but the reader sacrifices their self to save shadow ? (the reader lives but its badly hurt tho)
You sluggishly fluttered your your eyes open, an incandescent glow seeping through your eyelids as consciousness neared you. You felt dizzy —weak— as if you had been spun around in circles for hours on end; you wished someone was there with you to comfort you, to fend off the dizzying haze that consumed you wholly.
Staring at the dull white of ceiling tiles, —for what felt adjacent to an eternity— You paid no attention to your surroundings. Although, you did notice a tv tray filled with flowers and "Get well soon!" Cards, a woven basket of baked goods with Amys swooping cursive handwriting on the card, and a heavy weight that laid over your legs with tranquility; It was Shadow, his eyes pink and puffy, as if he had been crying. You gently placed your hand on the side of his head, making him jolt upright and stiff.
As he realized who had awoken him, however, his face changed from his regular brooding facade into a relieved simper; his shoulders relaxing with ease— or exhaustion, rather—.
"I get the feeling you've been here a while." You joked. You had ment for your voice to come out clear and jovial, but instead, it came out tired and weak.
"I've been here just as long as you have." He stated gruffly.
"Which is...?" You trailed off, hoping for him to finish the sentence, but to no avail. Silence hung thickly in the air.
"You know damn well that I'm Immortal, yet you put your life on the line— for what?" He spat. His eyes welled up with tears, but he tried to keep his cool as best he could. Pressing his lips together in a line.
You furrowed your brows. You knew outbursts like this were completely unlike him. The thought that your reckless actions— your idiotic conduct— caused him this pain put a lump in your throat.
"For you...!" You trailed off, fiddling with the edge of your hospital gown as your shoulders slumped.
"Besides, it was barely a flesh wound..!" You continued.
"Barely a flesh wound you needed 42 stitches for." He spat with venom in his tone. Another long pause drawing out in between you and him.
"I'm sorry." You breathed, barely audible as the harsh weight of shame — of guilt — settled over you like a thick veil.
"I don't want you to be sorry." He reached out to you, holding your shaking hands in his. Finally holding eye contact, his eyes glistening with warmth and tendresse.
"I want you to be safe.."
"But I failed to make you so." He looked away, shutting his eyes tightly.
"I failed you.." he choked out, berating himself, fists clenched with a white knuckle grip.
"No. You didn't fail me," you insisted; sitting up more tall and confident then before. "This was my fault, Shadow. It was my choice to save you; my choice to put my life on the line— Not yours—." You stated firmly.
"I could have escaped easily." He said, his quills stiffening in annoyance.
"And if you hadn't?" You quaked.
"Your death would have been better than my short absence?" He shouted sternly.
You thought for a beat, unsure of what to say next.
He took a deep breath, his nerves briefly relaxing.
"You need to rest. They should be able to release you by tomorrow afternoon." He stated, walking toward the door without a single word more.
Sorry for the wack ending lol. I've been working on this for months now, and I felt horrible not posting it as soon as possible. So thank you for your patience!
Baiiiiiii 💖💖💖
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sillyman-inc · 2 years
Nonchalantly slides in on my cool wheelie shoes
Here’s a short Mario comic I made.
I pray that you can read my handwriting.
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Sorry if my wording is wack and I apologize if you just cannot read my handwriting ahaa
But anyways aroace Mario slays
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redwoodrroad · 1 year
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eridunis gets a little Defensive about arkus’s fields of interest, even when arkus can get a little..... unnecessarily loquacious when he talks about it 💖 they’re perfect for each other. dummies at heart
transcript under the cut because my handwriting is wack:
1st cell
Rama: So you like some of this sigil stuff, huh?
Arkus: I do! Not only the spiritual aspect but the cultural importance as well.
2nd cell
Arkus: After all, I specialize in the fields of Anthropology and Archaeology.
3rd cell
Arkus: And also Geology, as an aside. Not to brag about it.
(massive arrow pointing to him that says “definitely bragging”)
4th cell
Arkus: Naturally, my fields benefit from adopting a non-ethnocentric and intersectional, cross-cultural lens, so I delve into Geographical Sociology and the evolution of societies and languages, so my interest in Kurzick sigils is largely aligned with all of these fields, and their translations have immense relevance to, well--
Rama: Uh, right...
Arkus: Oh, I must just be rattling on and on now.
Rama: No, it’s just a lot to--
Off-screen Eridunis: Hey!
5th cell
Eridunis: Look, man! You’re the one that asked about my husband’s many, MANY fields! Now you’re gonna listen to him talk about it! He is a PUBLISHED SCIENTIST
Rama: Woah! Sorry, I didn’t mean to make it seem like I wasn’t interested, I just--
6th cell
Eridunis: Well good. Now, MAGISTER Hypericum, tell me more about your linguistical interests in this Kurzick sigil.
7th cell
Off-screen Arkus: Happy to, Commander ♥
Rama: ...
8th cell
Rama: -silent-
Gorrik: -silent-
9th cell
Rama: So I’m guessing the whole Recollector business didn’t actually go too well with him, huh.
Gorrik: Oh no, that was a trainwreck. Is it obvious?
Rama: Oh yeah.
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star-girl69 · 4 months
Damnnn fake gagging??? 😭😭I didn't know I was that baddddd. What can a girl do when she's soooo down bad.
How is your maths working out sooooo neat. I have the worst handwriting ever and then my thought process is wack so like everything always ends up in different areas yk.
Chemistry calculations are the worst and it doesn't help that I also despise chem with a passion but bio calculations make me actually wanna drop school and pursue other career options(🤭).
Mrs.B sounds like a B fr fr like why sooo mean. Don't stress about your writing too much. As always I believe in youuuu❤️
- ❤️
(Nooooo don't beee sadddd I'm sorry honey. I think our time difference is hugee. I am also training and working a lot so I sleep a lot and my schedule is haywire but trust, you always on my mind❤️❤️)
(also sorry AGAIN i read this in the middle of my 2 hour class and then spent a lot of time smiling at the floor instead of paying attention but now i’m home and can sit down and properly reply it’s like we’re exchanging letters LMAO)
NO LIKE i mean i’m having fun! i like it if you couldn’t tell LMAOO i’m giggling and kicking my feet! i think you are doing exactly what a girl should do when she is down bad 🤭🤭 she just hates to see a real bitch (me) win (be happy) (im mostly kidding we love each other fr)
omg i thank god everyday that i have at least somewhat decent handwriting but real on the thought process being wack… especially w math like i go all over the place that’s probs why it’s my worst subject
boooooooo you just don’t understand the magic of chemistry it’s amazing!!!!! like omg nomenclature??? i loved that unit sm!!!! the first test of the year i literally got a 100/100 likkkeeee also i LOVE nuclear chem but anyways.
wait hold on i already took bio but i don’t remember CALCULATIONS??? but i think it might be diff considering my bio course is called living environment where i live
today she gave me and my bff honey chocolate hearts and once she gave us bread (there’s a picture somewhere of me and my friend walking through the hall with slices of bread in our mouths) and also she brought in a crockpot of spaghetti and force fed me I DONT LIKE MARINARA SAUCE i was like “no thank you!” and she said “ADDIE WHAT!! NO NO YOU EAT THE PASTA”
haha… i’ll try not to stress but i think we all know how that will work out…
(i headcanon england for you btw or like some sort of european country around there bc like…. “mathS” and “apologiSe” and also the whole cm thing. wait what are you training for like a marathon or is that just supposed to mean like you just go to the gym? anyways i hope you don’t overwork yourself ☹️ ☹️also i think YOU should tell ME about YOUR day 😍)
(well ig i feel a little bit better if i’m always on your mind 🤭🤭🤭) (you’re always on mine tho 💋)
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proxythe · 8 months
Hi! I love your art style! What art program do you use and what sort of brushes are your favorites? Would you ever consider posting a coloring tutorial bc i think one of my favorite aspects of your art is how you put colors together! I hope you have a good day !
haiii thank u!! i use procreate !!
i’m really bad at explaining things, especially my process since i’m not a professional artist or anything and i just draw on autopilot 😭 but under the cut i tried to put some stuff together that i hope will make sense to u !!
ill put stuff in the alt text in case my handwriting is hard to read ‘^_^
first of all, these are the main brushes i use:
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i’m sorry but unfortunately i can’t remember where i got any of them, so hopefully if you google it u can find ones that are similar if not exact. & btw all brushes i use are free downloads so there shouldn’t be any problems if u find & want the same ones i use
i like to look for brushes for my lines that remind me of pencils & honestly i’m still looking for a perfect free lineart brush bc my current one is unsatisfactory for me sometimes in my vision for a drawing.
now for coloring i put some visual “guides” together but, like i said i’m rly shit at explaining my process so i really hope this makes sense for u:
this is normally how i color skin:
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& this is how i color hair:
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if ur confused about any of it i can truly try my best to explain but i am Truly genuinely sorry if this shit makes no sense 😭
LASTLY, this is the finishing touches i put on my drawings:
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i’ll try to explain further here if this is too little info.
so to begin my final touches on my art, i flatten the entire drawing into one single layer, then i duplicate that layer.
on the duplicate layer i apply this:
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and i look for a gradient map thing i think looks best with my coloring. occasionally (and for this drawing specifically) i look for a layer setting that looks good with the gradient map. most of the time for me they’re kinda wack but for this one i enjoyed it and applied it
after the gradient AND layer setting are applied, the drawing looks like this:
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and finally:
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after the coloring & filters is all done with, i flatten the entire drawing into one layer and apply noise to it. like barely any tho, 1 % or 2 % is good for me, and then the drawing is done.
i hope this helped 😭😭 like i said i’m not a professional artist. i don’t study colors or color theory. my initial lineart is my lineart for the whole drawing, i don’t do a rough sketch. i honestly don’t really know shit about drawing i just do it LOL that’s why i needed to show u visuals bc i don’t know the actual names for any of this stuff. i hope u understand & enjoy
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reallyromealone · 2 years
The amount of homework im given is unbelievable 😭(also sorry for my wack ass handwriting even if its not seen that much)
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Im at the seventh sheet now and what's worse this is only one subject 💀 i still got 3 more 😭 at this point this is child abuse💀
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pigeontuxedo · 2 years
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i look up at the gaps of sunlight,
i miss you more than anything.
lyrics from francis forever by mitski
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samarecharm · 3 years
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They’re going ghost hunting!
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sketch-cat · 4 years
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Made a comic about Grizzop meeting Vesseek for a fan exchange!
I've always seen Vesseek as a little brother to Grizzop, and thought they might have met/bonded through Being lone goblins in a human world.  (also please ignore the fact i used village instead of clutch it sounds too awful)
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omaluv · 3 years
19 20 21 and 22 for your handwriting asks :D
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send me a number and i'll handwrite the answer for you!
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meowmeowmessi · 4 years
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I made a dumb comic
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unkn0wnpng · 2 years
a lil harv i did a couple weeks ago :)
(it says: "hey, honey" in case you can't read my messy handwriting :^) AND yes, i know that hand looks WACK 😔)
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(click/tap for better quality!)
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tamakiyoin · 2 years
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I physically can't draw humans sorry if Kyle and Sam looks so janky
original image
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