#not really meant to be shippy but i can understand if it is taken that way
raticalshoez · 2 months
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is this too niche.
aka i SWEAR i've seen a total drama life series art thing but when i went to go look for it i couldn't find any SOOOOOOO i made it myself
Alenoah as that one desert duo scene because i was stumped on who i should've drawn for that scene
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sleepingpopplio · 1 year
The depth of Bakugo’s apology
I saw the clip from the anime’s rendition of Bakugo’s apology and was filled with the same emotions as when I first read it in the manga. It was powerful, it was beautiful, it was gentle, and it meant something to people. But while it was great to see Bakugo apologetic for his past actions to Izuku during his time of need, the fandom often neglects the layers to that apology.
I think one thing about Bakugo’s apology that makes it so powerful is that when he says “I’m sorry [Izuku] for everything”, he’s referencing more than simply his bullying. Sure, he’s haunted by his constant guilt for what he did and the long term affects of it, but he’s also sorry that things ended up the way they did.
He’s sorry that Izuku has so much self loathing towards himself and his quirkless past. He’s sorry that Izuku was given One For All without being given the full truth about the quirk and its legacy. He’s sorry that Izuku was given so much responsibly and sorry that Izuku was put under so much pressure as he wielder of One For All— that he had to be the next symbol of piece alone. He’s sorry that Izuku was made to feel as though everything & everyone relied on him. He’s sorry that Izuku feels as though his only value comes from saving people, and that if he can’t save everyone then he’s a failure. He’s sorry that Izuku feels the need to break himself beyond repair in order to be respected as the deku who always does his best.
Bakugo is sorry that Izuku has been through so much emotional torment over the past year, going through a downward spiral since the minute he was given OFA, and he [Bakugo] couldn’t stop him from leaving the hospital and their friends behind in time. He’s sorry that things had to get to this point.
So much can be taken from just a few words. Bakugo knows deku very well, and he knows that Deku’s suffering extends far beyond his being bullied. I think that is another reason Deku has such a strong visible reaction to Bakugo’s words. He feels seen, and he feel like everyone in his class, not just limited to but especially Bakugo, are finally understanding him on a level that he refused to understand himself on. The light comes back to his eyes because Izuku Midoriya has suffered, and everyone knows, and they still love him. Luckily, things will be ok because he is not alone. Bakugo’s there for him. 1-A’s there for him. They’ll heal together.
In conclusion, I believe that during fandom discussions about Bakugo’s apology that we should really take the time to realize just how charged his words are and how he is using his apology to build a level of understanding— not just simply to right a past wrong. He wants to right ALL the wrongs of Izuku’s life, and that can simply be done through empathy and understanding. You can’t undo the past, but you can help one-another heal, because in the words of Bakugo Katsuki, “I/we know.”— I/we get it, and we’re sorry you’ve gone through all that.
Before I go, I also just want to mention how Bakugo’s use of language in Japanese is noticeably softer than how he usually talks. He cares so much, and he wants to make that fact known. In addition, he uses Izuku’s first name, which as many of you already know is a huge deal in Japanese culture. It signifies intense closeness. Bakugo is once and for all reclaiming his status as Izuku’s childhood friend. This has already been happening for a while, but in this moment he finally wants to make that known to the people around him without shame or guilt. As he stands surrounded by water, he apologizes for not taking Izuku’s hand in the river. He also reclaims this moment by metaphorically taking Izuku’s hand in the form of the apology. It doesn’t matter anymore whether he physically takes his childhood friend’s hand, what matters is his intent and his want to connect. What matters is Bakugo Katsuki’s ability to never let Izuku go again.
This isn’t really necessarily meant to be shippy I just love character connections and quotes with multiple meanings. Also when I mention Deku’s pressure from OFA please don’t think that I’m bashing All Might. I love him I just think that some mistakes were made and Izuku just generally feels pressure from his role as the yielded of the quirk.
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sneezypeasy · 2 years
ATLA Original Scripts: Extra Goodies
As I’m sure you may have guessed, the very first script I chose to open at the WGF was The Southern Raiders (I mean, can you blame me? 🤣). But shippy lore and zutara fandom history aside, I did unearth quite a few unrelated tidbits, author’s notes and script changes that I found interesting or funny enough to note down. As promised, here is a compilation of some of these tidbits, with little connecting theme or pattern other than “I thought the fandom might find these snippets interesting” 😁
1. Elizabeth and Aaron Ehasz are genuinely hilarious.
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Credit for finding #1 and #3 goes to my husband, who was with me on Day 2 of Original Script Investigations :3
I don’t mean to say that the other ATLA writers are necessarily boring or unfunny – as I said I didn’t get a chance to read every script and there may have been other genuinely amusing snippets from other writers that I honestly just missed. All I know is, the most entertaining action/non-dialogue lines that I did find were written by these two chuckleheads. I fuckin’ love them, lmao 🤣
2. In Day of Black Sun, Zuko was originally meant to redirect lightning using his dual swords.
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I can see why this detail was changed during the storyboarding/animating process (as he just uses his bare hands in the show, the way Iroh taught him), but at the same time the sword-lightning-redirection thing really intrigues me. Dual swords are strongly associated with Zuko’s Blue Spirit vigilante persona, and there’s several episodes where Zuko uses them as part of obscuring his Fire Nation identity, whether that’s to help him keep his cover or even to help him get away with what the Fire Nation could reasonably consider as acts of treason.
So the idea that Zuko would use his swords to redirect Ozai’s lightning comes across as powerfully symbolic to me: Zuko standing in defiance to his abusive father, channeling some Blue Spirit energy to defend but not to kill; Zuko facing down a terrifying display of Fire Nation aggression and wrath, absorbing it into himself and then directing it back to its source, using a non-bending instrument, one he’d previously used in service of vigilantist or even sabotage/treasonous acts… yeah, I think that’s pretty damn cool, ngl.
From a Doylist standpoint, I like it. Very nice.
From a Watsonian standpoint, I can (grudgingly) understand why they likely chose not to portray this scene the way it was scripted.
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Ah well.
3. In Lake Laogai, Katara’s healing water was meant to “turn black” as a visual indication that Jet’s injuries were too severe for her to heal.
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This scene kind of plays out in the show, but not in the way that the script implies it should:
You can see that in the show version, the water turns black right as Katara appears to pause her work and look up to say “This isn’t good”. Maybe it’s just me, but the show doesn’t seem to imply that the water “turned black” despite Katara’s best healing efforts; I instead get the impression that the water stopped glowing because Katara (momentarily?) suspended her healing efforts upon registering how bad Jet’s injuries were.
The script seems to suggest that the scene should have played out like – Katara tries to heal Jet, the water turns black while she’s still moving her hands and working, Katara might then visibly react with shock or alarm, before finally looking up to remark, “this isn’t good”.
And honestly, I’m actually really bummed that they didn’t animate this sequence out! It would only have taken maybe a couple more seconds, but can you imagine if the writers had been able to employ the dramatic effect of “[Character] is so heavily injured, the healing water turns black” to its maximum potential?
Imagine Katara trying to heal Aang’s lightning wound in The Awakening, but it turns black and then he has that chi-shock attack. Imagine her explaining beforehand that she’d tried healing his wound multiple times over the two weeks he’d been unconscious, and it had always turned black, but she hoped that with him being awake maybe it wouldn’t fail this time - except that it does 😭
Imagine Katara trying to heal Zuko after the lightning scene in Sozin’s Comet, and the water turns black, and Katara grits her teeth “Oh no don’t you dare” and visibly puts all her effort into making that water glow again and finally he wakes -
Argh, it’s one tiny visual clue and yet there’s so much potential for drama and angst (yum!) - I’m so frustrated it wasn’t kept! Huge missed opportunity imo. Ah well, for all you fan-artists and fanfic writers, consider it free real estate. Make it canon, let’s gooo 🤣
4. In The Runaway, after being accused of being “too motherly”, Katara actually slaps Aang when he doesn’t respond fast enough 🤣
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I don’t really have much to say about this one other than that I just found the mental image pretty funny. I do find it interesting that as much as the writing did a better job of developing Kataang in the original script, there also isn’t any serious effort to tone down Katara’s motherly tendencies towards Aang either (in fact, I think one could easily argue that slapping Aang’s hand away makes the whole mom thing come off stronger, but idk). Either way, this was pretty entertaining to read. 😂
5. In Tales of Ba Sing Se, Zuko and Jin are both a lot more expressive in the script, and it’s way more fun:
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In the script, Zuko looks “totally overwhelmed” when Jin asks him out. In the show, he just looks… blank? Expressionless? Idk. I did get the sense that this was unfamiliar territory for him, but to me the show doesn’t animate him to be nearly as flustered as the script suggests he ought to be. He doesn’t scowl at Iroh immediately either, and even when he does he looks more irritated than “furious”, imo. 🤷‍♀️
I did figure that Zuko telling Jin she has a large appetite was his attempt at making polite conversation, but the script makes him come off more sympathetic with that too:
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In the show, the waiter doesn’t roll his eyes at anyone, he just walks away, the shot does pan out to the other diners staring but they move on very quickly, and notably Jin appears completely unperturbed by the whole thing. She doesn’t look sad or “hurt” as the script suggests, and Zuko’s attempt at a compliment isn’t framed as him regretting his outburst and awkwardly trying to make up for upsetting her (as she doesn’t seem to be upset at all).
I’m honestly a little sad that so much of this was cut; it really softens Zuko’s character a fair bit. I mean we already know that underneath his hot temper Zuko always had a deep sense of compassion and empathy for others, but these little details really help bring that side of him to the surface and I’m just sort of bummed that they shaved them off here :/ not sure why they felt the need to do that.
Anyway, we all love awkward turtleduck Zuko, so here, have some more:
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I like that Zuko is explicitly written as being more at ease once he and Jin have found a quiet area to be alone in. Neurodivergent Zuko confirmed? :P
Also, love the little addition that Jin “peeks” through her fingers right before Zuko starts firebending (they didn’t include that part in the show either). Makes you wonder, did she see? Did she see, and accept Zuko anyway? :P
(Too cute.)
6. In Zuko Alone, Zuko stops Lee from hurting himself with the dual swords:
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On the one hand, I don’t mind that the show portrays Lee just having fun with the swords and looking to Zuko for approval (and getting it!). It’s sweet. On the other hand, I think there’s a layer of foreshadowing here that the show missed - without Zuko there to help, Lee’s recklessness and impulsivity will get the better of him (as it ultimately did). I’m sort of torn on this one.
Edit: I’ve been thinking about this a little more and I think I definitely prefer the script version, if only for the fact that Zuko’s “imperceptible smile” is at the end of his and Lee’s encounter. In the show, Zuko smiles at Lee encouragingly after he gives him a swordfighting “lesson” and then lets the kid swing the swords around a bit, which is definitely a heartwarming moment but it has a very different connotation to Zuko smiling with Lee after Lee opens up about Sen Su to him. In the show Zuko is smiling for Lee, to give him encouragement and support. In the script, Zuko smiles during a bonding moment for both of them, in a way that seems to suggest he is grateful/touched that Lee is sharing something so personal with him. It’s a really soft moment for Zuko and upon thinking about it more I’m definitely bummed they cut that little smile. :(
7. In The Chase, after Azula attacks Iroh, Zuko is apparently doing his best to comfort and stabilise him – he is not simply overcome with despair over his fallen uncle:
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And in Crossroads of Destiny, Katara isn’t just angrily pacing the “prison cell” back and forth before Zuko is thrown in with her; she’s actively searching for a way out:
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I kinda wish both of these were kept in too. Zuko and Katara may be hot-headed at times (they are definitely two of the most passionate characters in the show, if not the most passionate) – but not to such an extent that it overwhelms their ability to work through a crisis; I find it more consistent to their characters that they would still try to do something even when they appear to be in a pretty hopeless situation. That seems to be a trait they both share, in the show.
I also like that Zuko’s efforts to help Iroh humanises him a bit more and puts the emphasis on Zuko caring about Iroh’s recovery, rather than Zuko just being upset that things have turned out so horribly. I was sympathetic to him before, but I’m even more sympathetic now, if that makes sense. 😭
8. In The Painted Lady, Katara’s disguise is blown due to a hair-loopie malfunction, rather than Aang literally blowing her disguise (off).
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This is more of a subjective thing but I wish they kept this one in too! I think it’s cute :P
9. The Puppetmaster was originally meant to be titled The Dark Side of the Moon, and includes some differences on how Katara regains control of herself in the battle with Hama:
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I understand why the script made Katara “pirouette” and dance under Hama’s bloodbending – it’s a reference to the whole “puppetmaster” thing (which, by the way, I have to say “The Dark Side of the Moon” is a much cooler title, but I can see why they changed that too – it’s way too spoiler-y, sadly). Ultimately though I prefer the show’s version where Katara is forced to her knees and then breaks free – it’s more dramatic, I think, and it reminds me of the earlier scene in The Waterbending Master where Pakku has knocked Katara down, and she takes a breath and steels herself and then gets back up to fight again. I’m not sure if the animators meant to mirror that scene or not, but either way I think Katara standing up after being pushed to the ground is a lot more powerful and compelling, both visually and symbolically, than Katara breaking free of a dance that she’s forced to move to under Hama’s hand. Maybe that’s just me.
I will say though, the ending shot is different to how it is in the script, and I wish they’d kept the script version:
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10. Finally, the ending of The Fortuneteller has Katara actually hearing and reacting to Meng’s insult.
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Which I thought was mildly amusing. Slightly bummed this was cut, but only a little 🤣
I hope you guys enjoyed reading these as much as I did 😊 I actually have about 6 or 7 more tidbits left that I want to share, but I’ll pause this compilation here as 10 is a good number and I think this post has gotten long enough already 😅
Thanks to @korranguyen​ for her effort in spotting and transcribing the Zuko/Jin snippets 😊
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thepenultimateword · 1 year
Do you have any ideas on Villain/Supervillain team up prompts?
I wasn’t 100% sure what you meant by team-up, I assumed you meant team up on a job or start working together, so hopefully these are ok. (A couple went a little more pure shippy than team-uppy)
1. Villain answers a help wanted ad from Supervillain who isn’t very good at keeping employees.
2. Villain and Supervillain have the same power, but Villain is less in control of their own, so they search Supervillain out as a mentor.
3. Villain has a superpower necessary for one of Supervillain’s plans, so they search them out and recruit them.
4. Supervillain and Villain have been through the same traumatic experience concerning heroes, so they team up to fulfill their vendetta against the agency together.
5. Supervillain is the top hybrid expert in the country. Villain has had many bad experiences with prejudice, so they decide to go where they hope they’ll be accepted.
6. ^ but instead of looking for acceptance, Villain is looking for understanding of themself since they were always taught to hide and fear they hybrid side.
7. Supervillain loses their pet, and Villain runs into them putting up signs. Villain is a little surprised but offers to help them search.
8. Supervillain was engineered to be a living weapon and despite their success are very self-conscious about it. Though Villain has always admired this about them, they set out to show Supervillain that there is much more to them than killing and destruction.
9. Supervillain and Villain end up in adjacent holding cells at the hero agency. They’ve never worked together before (never met, dislike each other, were disinterested in each other, to shy to talk to each other, etc,), but they decide to team up for a prison break.
10. Villain is a clone of Hero, created and unsuccessfully disposed of by Hero and the agency. Confused and angry, Villain decides to go to the person they’ve gathered the agency hates/fears most: Supervillain.
11. Turns out Supervillain and Villain have been feeding the same stray cat, when they can’t agree who the cat belongs to, they decide to co-owner.
12. ^ but it’s not a cat, it’s a kid that both villains want to adopt, and they’re forced to co-parent.
13. ^ but the kid is Hero. (Sort of like my prompt 42, but in this case supervillain and villain don’t start off already together)
14. Supervillain is a single parent and can’t keep up with taking care of their child and their evil schemes. They hire Villain as a babysitter who thinks they’re being hired on for villain work.
15. Villain is brutally rejected from their dream job as part of Supervillain’s criminal organization. Years later, Supervillain entire organization is taken out. Now, on the run with no where to go and many enemies on their tail, they go to Villain’s now thriving organization for help. But Villain isn’t going to make it easy for them.
16. Supervillain rejects Villain’s love confession, but now they’ve been forced together for a scheme only they can complete, and it’s super awkward.
17. Villain finds Supervillain wounded and feral in an alley. Unwilling to leave them there, they manage to get them home to take care of them. Once Supervillain calms down they make a silent oath to protect Villain at all costs.
18. Supervillain has amnesia, and Villain is doing all they can to jog their memory. Especially because a lot of big heists are coming up. Unfortunately, the only thing Supervillain claims they can remember really clearly is that they and Villain are together. Which they aren’t. Villain thinks Supervillain is misremembering things, oblivious that Supervillain has always had a massive crush on them, and it’s now leaking out from their subconscious.
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floating-in-the-blue · 5 months
How about tattoos and childhood friends. I like the sound of that one.
How about trying Julie with Flynn and or Carrie or Alex with Luke and or Reggie. (or you can do Willex if you'd prefer - I'll love anything you write)
Oooh, the muse wants to go angsty with this one. And it got surprisingly long so I'm putting it under a cut.
So, Carrie is successful with the Candies, Julie (even more) successful with the phantoms and the two of them manage to stay mostly civil whenever they're forced to interact during awards shows or whatever but everyone knows they don't really get along and that there's beef. The media tries to pry but they're both evasive.
If this isn't a shippy story, Julie is probably married to Luke by this point and she mostly tries to just ignore Carrie's existence and concentrate on her career, her husband and also whatever future plans they may have.
Carrie probably has a string of pretty but meaningless boyfriends, tbh, and I could also see her starting petty beef with the girls in her band so maybe only Kayla is left from the original crew, the other spaces taken over by new candies.
But Carrie is Fine! Everything is Great! She's gorgeous and famous and rich and lives the good life but. ... something is always telling her that she isn't good enough. That she works too hard when other people seem to never have to lift a finger for their success (which isn't true of course but you know).
But she goes to therapy (her Dad insisted) and has a moviestar boyfriend turned fiancé and she doesn't care that the media just found out that Julie is pregnant because she doesn't even want that picket fence life with five kids Julie always talked about.
And then everything starts crumbling. Her moviestar fiancé cheats on her with a costar, her Dad is diagnosed with Something (but potentially fatal) and in the hospital, and she gets into a bad fight with Kayla that has the potential to be the breaking point for their friendship and Carrie spirals out and crashes and drinks too much and she doesn't know what she did wrong! Why was she already so unhappy even when she seemed to have everything she wanted? Why is everything so terrible now?
After a bad night and a morose day, she gets into her car and starts driving and she has no idea how she ends up on the Patterson-Molina doorstep but here she is.
Julie is not happy to see her. She's in the middle of putting groceries away, and waiting for Luke to get home so they can have a nice night out before their nights will be all eaten up by the baby, and the neighbours's gardeners have been going on her nerves all day.
But. Carrie is a mess. And you don't turn away people when they're hurt. Even if they hurt you in the past.
So she invites her in and parks her at the kitchen counter with a glass of water while she continues to pack away the groceries and glances at the clock on the wall, wondering when Luke will be back and how she can get rid of Carrie.
It's awkward as hell for the both of them, Julie is bristling with old grudges and Carrie still doesn't understand what she's doing here but eventually they start talking and then they continue to talk and the more they talk the more it becomes apparent how they both suffered from losing each other as a friend.
Julie is startled when Carrie admits that she never really understood what it meant for Julie with her Mom being sick until now that she might lose Trevor and then apologises for not being there for her more.
Carrie is surprised when Julie admits just how much it hurt to lose Carrie as a friend because Carrie somehow always assumed Julie was just fine and better and more talented anyway so why would she need Carrie (hello inferiority complex masked by a superiority complex).
Julie finds she's starting to forgive Carrie. They were just teenagers after all. They knew nothing. They were trying to figure out themselves and the world.
Carrie realises she really is happy for Julie, for the doting husband and the baby and the band.
The doting husband is, btw, VERY surprised to find his wife's arch nemesis in their kitchen once he comes back, and both of the women laughing about old stories with tears in their eyes.
He ends up ordering food for the girls and sets up a boy's night so they will have more time to talk with each other (but making Julie promise she'll text him 911 if anything happens with Carrie or the baby. Julie rolls her eyes but promises.)
The night grows long, Carrie and Julie ending up outside on the patio, lounging and remembering their childhood and swapping stories of the moments since when they've felt insecure or did mistakes because neither of them is perfect actually. And that's okay.
After a lull in the conversation, Carrie sighs and takes off a wide signature bracelet she always wears and turns her wrist so Julie can see the tattoo there (I'm not entirely sure what it is, a dhalia is more Rose coded so maybe the pattern of Julie's stars and moon necklace or just a letter 'J' or something).
"I've always carried you with me, you know?"
Julie laughs and (awkwardly because pregnant) removes her shoe and sock. She has a little wrapped candy tattoo on her ankle.
"Yeah, me too."
It takes time to heal a broken friendship like that. And once the calm mood of the night has given way to the glaring sunlight of day, things return to awkwardness again but they both decide to make a conscious effort to try and heal what was broken with more understanding of who they are and who the other person is.
Their respective bands/families are surprised but try to support it although Luke, Reggie, and Alex all (independently) give Carrie a shovel talk with the gist of "we're watching you and don't hurt our girl again." Flynn is the one that takes the longest to be won over and she continues to be grumblingly hostile but even she has to admit at some point that maybe Carrie did actually change and that holding teenage grudges isn't the most mature thing to do. From then on the hostility is more teasing than real and Carrie plays along because she knows Flynn has a lot of fun with it.
And of course Carrie manages to rescue her friendship with Kayla and Trevor recovers ;D
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writteninsunshine · 3 years
He’s Going The Distance - Chris Redfield/Ethan Winters - SFWish
Title: He’s Going The Distance
Author: Reno
Fandom: Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
Setting: Medbay, Post-Dulvey Incident
Pairing: Chris Redfield/Ethan Winters
Characters: Chris Redfield, Ethan Winters, Random Nurse
Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Romance
Rating: M
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 1386
Type Of Work: One-Shot, Part of the For All These Times series, Whump Bingo Fill #2
Status: Complete
Warnings: Gay, Slash, Yaoi, MLM, Pre-Slash, Canon-Typical Violence, Dissociating, Blood, Deep Wounds, Trans Male Character, Trans!Ethan Winters, Possible OOC for Chris, Medical Equipment, Medical Treatment, Stitches, Sutures, I.V.s, Pain Meds
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything.
Summary: Was Ethan truly so used to pain that he didn't notice that?
AN: Hey guys, it’s me again! Just thought I ought to say, if you want vague updates and to talk to me more, I have a writing Tumblr, too! Twitter is Sunshinecackle, and Tumblr is Writteninsunshine! I also have a writing Discord that is currently pretty dead. xD If you want it, please contact me on Twitter!
More whump fic bingo! I’m really enjoying these, they’re too much fun to write. Oops, I like to punish Ethan even if he doesn’t deserve it. He’s so whumpable. I hope you guys are enjoying this, I know I sure am. This one is for my editor, Gryph, who is the best editor I could ever ask for. MAJOR shout out to her!
Resident Evil Fic Masterlist
Ethan Whump Bingo Fic Masterlist
He’s Going The Distance
There was an old thought resurfacing as Chris looked at Ethan. A man who could live through anything was what S.T.A.R.S. had wanted, Ethan would have been welcomed into the fold. The man was a machine when it came to surviving anything. Despite this, he seemed too oblivious to notice when something was wrong with him. All the healing fluid in the world couldn’t help the man with how much constant pain wracked his body. It was almost impossible to discern one pang of pain from the rest. That hand was a nasty wound, the staples not quite sanitary when they’d been secured into his skin.
But that wasn’t what he’d noticed just now.
“Ethan,” He began, his voice soft and wary as if speaking too loudly might shatter the other man. “You’re bleeding.”
“I am?” His voice sounded exhausted, hoarse, and so soft Chris barely heard him.
Tugging him closer for inspection, he unbuttoned Ethan’s shirt and pulled it away like a pair of curtains. Yanking up the undershirt he wore, Chris paused a moment to stare. Unable to help how his fingers splayed over the other’s stomach, eyes taking in the thick scars beneath his pecs. His thoughts turned away from the injury for a second, he only stopped when he reached the center of Ethan’s chest. He took in the soft peach fuzz there with a quirk of his lips he wasn’t in control of. Finally, his fingers fell over the thick gash leaking over Ethan’s pale skin, and the touch made Ethan recoil some. 
“Don’t,” Chris warned, eyes narrowing a little as he reached around, pulling Ethan close again by his waist, a hand on his middle back, “You’re hurt. I’ll fix you right up.” 
Leaving Ethan for a moment, he returned with a basin of warm water and a few washcloths. Where he’d gotten them from, Ethan didn’t know, and he couldn’t find it in himself to care. 
Dragging one wet cloth over the blood, he cleaned Ethan up despite his hisses and gasps of pain. What was the best option was going to hurt, so Chris started by applying a local anesthetic gel to the area around the wound. He must have found it when he brought the rest of his supplies, Ethan figured. He winced, flinching when Chris’s hands got too close to the weeping injury, but he sucked in a deep breath and bit the thin skin on the inside of his lip. It was all he could do to keep himself from making any more noise.
“I’m going to have to give you stitches.” Honestly, Chris was worried that Ethan was going to start leaking organs. It was deep, and he could almost touch the other’s rib bones. Ethan had really taken a beating, and it was hard to fathom how he hadn’t noticed this. Then again, he was in shock after everything that had happened, after all of the mental and physical trauma he had taken. Maybe it wasn’t such a strange occurrence. 
After all, he was a civilian. He hadn’t been meant to find these kinds of things. If he had stayed away, he would have been blissfully unaware, but there might have been a worse problem on Chris’ hands by the time they arrived at the scene.
“Okay.” Letting out the breath he’d been holding, Ethan nodded just slightly to save him from aggravating his pounding headache, “Just… Do it quickly. I don’t feel good.” Swaying, he felt his knees begin to buckle, and Chris caught him in a tight embrace. This wasn’t going to work with Ethan standing, anyway.
Hefting him up bridal style, Chris carried Ethan like he weighed nothing. Sitting him down on a nearby gurney, he removed his shirts and set them aside. They were stained, torn to hell, and bloody. He’d have to get him a change of clothes. Helping ease him to lay down so that his right side was facing out, he ran a hand over the other’s chest in a hope to help calm him. Maybe it wasn’t entirely innocent, but he was trying to stay focused here.
“This might hurt, but I promise I’ll be quick.” All Chris got in return was a soft murmur he couldn’t hear, let alone understand. If nothing else, Chris was efficient, and Ethan looked like he was going to faint. That might help him do this without Ethan bellyaching the whole time. Stepping away, Chris grabbed a first aid kit, opening it up and setting it beside Ethan on the cot. Digging out a needle, some antiseptic, and surgical thread, he worked the thread through the eye of the needle and set to work.
The laceration was likely already infected, if not by something typical, then by the mold Ethan had been exposed to. With a little sigh, Chris poured some of the liquid over it, making sure to use gauze to get it inside. The forceps he had grabbed entering it made Ethan grunt, but he was too tired to try and fight it. Chris diligently worked on cleaning him up, wiping at more blood before grabbing the sterilized needle. He wiped it down again with a clean antiseptic wipe before starting with the initial stick. Ethan didn’t seem to notice this, due to the numbing gel, and Chris was glad for it.
With the easy glide of the needle and his skillful hands, he made quick work of the stitches, hoping not to bother Ethan too much. Once they were tight, he cut the cord and cleaned up the wound once more, wiping away the gel with a few medical towelettes, before drying the area. To make sure it would stay clean, he rubbed another cloth damp with warm water on the site before running more of the wipes over it. A dry rag then worked over the glistening flesh, and he didn’t stop until he had patted him dry.
“Ethan, I need you to sit up. I have to wrap this.” Chris spoke, breaking the silence in the room they were in. Unfortunately, it seemed that Ethan had fallen asleep, or maybe passed out, so he had no choice but to gently shake him awake. “Ethan, you have to sit up.”
Ethan nodded absently, slowly pushing himself up with the other’s aid. Bracing himself on his shaking arms, he let Chris wrap him up with gauze from his stomach to his shoulders, surprised by his gentle hands. Once Ethan was bandaged up, he was allowed to lay back once more, and Chris didn’t think about his next action. Kissing Ethan’s forehead gently, he petted a hand over the skin and the other’s sweat-damp hair.
“You should be alright, now. I’ll keep an eye on this.” Voice quiet, he smiled slightly, hoping to keep him at ease. It didn’t seem like Ethan was going to panic, though, too worn down to do much but flutter his eyelashes. “Sleep, now. I’ll get you some pain killers when you wake up.” God knew he’d need them. Moving the gurney around so that he could be more comfortable and closer to the setup for the I.V., Chris sighed in relief. Already asleep, or so he hoped.
Settling in a nearby chair, Chris pulled out his phone. He’d be stuck here for a while, for sure. It wasn’t like he had anything better to do, he’d been set to guard Ethan while his tests were being done.
Ethan didn’t wake for what felt like hours, and when he did it was with a groan of pain. Chris was quick to give him water and a shot of morphine that he was instructed to administer through the I.V. that a nurse had given Ethan. At the very least, he was going to be taken care of.
“Thanks.” Ethan managed, his voice cracking halfway through. 
“You need care.” That much was obvious. Chris combed a hand through the other’s blond locks once more. “If that means I have to do it, then so be it.” There was an odd fondness he felt for Ethan in this moment, watching him nod, his eyes glassy and distant. “You’ll be okay.”
With any luck, he’d bounce back from this. He’d been through hell already, what was another ordeal to save him?
AN: There we go! It’s not super shippy but I’ll still tag it, just in case. Also, this probably makes more pain for the start of The Village, but that’s okay. I might write something about it when I’ve seen more of the game. I got it preordered for my birthday but it’s at my friend’s house until I can see her again. I’ve been watching it, however, so I’ll get there eventually. I hope you guys enjoyed it!
Prompt: Ethan Doesn’t Realize He’s Injured
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For Hermits + Word, may I request... Team ZIT + "Nap"...
Why yes I AM going back to the angst of Tango burning himself out working on his minigames why do you ask? 
Would just like to remind everyone that nothing I write is meant to be taken as shippy. Any moments of intimacy are always 100% platonic. Just a reminder :)
Requests are still open! See this post for details. 
  After a few… “incidents” of Tango collapsing from exhaustion, the rest of Team ZIT have been keeping an eye on their friend, making sure it never happens again. They’re usually pretty good at getting him to look after himself sufficiently, but sometimes, they can’t be as vigilant as they need to be. 
  One morning, Zedaph awakens at sunrise, rather uncharacteristically. Sensing that something’s wrong, he immediately flies over to check on Tango and finds his best friend’s bed empty. He then flies over to Impulse and wakes him to tell him that Tango didn’t make it to bed last night. 
  Impulse groans. “I should’ve known he wouldn’t change his habits. Let’s get over to Among Us and knock some sense into him.”
  When they arrive, it takes them only a few minutes to locate Tango, working on a circuit amongst a mess of redstone repeaters and comparators. 
  He jumps up as he spots them. “H-Hey, guys. Good morning.”
  “How much sleep did you get last night?” asks Impulse firmly. 
  “Tons! Absolutely tons! Never slept so well in my entire life.”
  Arms crossed, Impulse raises an eyebrow. “Tango.” 
  “I tried to sleep!” Tango protests immediately. “I swear I did! I just wasn’t tired enough so I lay awake for like two hours then I just got up and got back to work. I tried, Impulse. I really did. It was just too hard.”
  “What are you working on right now?” asks Zedaph.
  Impulse, who had been about to speak, shoots him a frown but Zedaph perceptibly shakes his head.
  Tango sighs, clearly not noticing any of this. “I’m just trying to figure out this one specific bit of redstone. I don’t understand why it’s not all going together like I planned it to.”
  “How about we all work on it together?” Zedaph suggests. “Will you give yourself a break if we get it done?”
  “Absolutely,” says Tango, nodding. “It’s driving me crazy.”
  “Okay.” Zedaph gives Impulse a pointed look. “How about it?”
  Impulse hesitates for only a moment. “Sure thing. Let’s do it.”
  It takes them just under half an hour to find the problem. Tango lets out a long sigh and a laugh as he watches Impulse and Zedaph fix the issue that’s been bugging him for hours. “I can’t believe it was so simple.”
  “That’s what happens when you don’t get sleep,” says Impulse pointedly. “You get your brain all scrambled.”
  “You keep treating me like a kid, but I remember a certain period in your life where you lived off two hours of sleep and a few raw carrots a day,” Tango retorts. 
  “Uh huh, and I learned from that. And I never passed out from tiredness, like someone I could name.”
  “Guys, can we stop arguing and just appreciate the fact that we solved the problem?” Zedaph interrupts, yawning. “And I would very much like to take a nap now.”
  Impulse and Tango are both unable to suppress a yawn as well. “That’d be nice,” the former says.
  Tango wordlessly jumps down from the redstone line and lands neatly in the grassy area. He starts heading towards his chests to put away some stuff but the soft grass just looks too inviting. After a moment, he lies down on the grass and closes his eyes. 
  A few minutes later, Impulse finds him and chuckles. “Zed, he’s here.”
  Zedaph joins him and stares down at their sleeping friend. “Oh, he looks comfy.”
  He settles down next to Tango, resting his head on his best friend’s chest. A lot of the time, he doesn’t wake up before noon, so he’s tired enough to fall asleep immediately. 
  Impulse chuckles again, shaking his head. “Oh, you two are morons,” he murmurs affectionately.
  But he can’t deny that they look comfy, so he lies down on Tango’s other side. Almost immediately, Tango’s arm moves around his shoulder, almost of its own volition. Impulse smiles and snuggles closer, Tango’s body heat relaxing him. 
  He too falls asleep within seconds.
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silverducks · 3 years
Game of Thrones - Jaime Lannister
A rambling character study of Jaime Lannister from Game of Thrones.
Ok, so nearly a month since I finished watching Game of Thrones, and I’m still not over how it ended. Like some things I can reconcile myself too, some things just annoy me when I overthink what happened and some things - ok one thing in particular - is just not letting me go.
And that is the way the show ended for Jaime Lannister.
I know I’m like 2 years too late on the GoT bandwagon and no one cares anymore. But I’m writing all these posts because I still care, having recently experienced what you all went through 2 years ago. And I know what I’ll be posting will have all been posted countless times before and discussed in the fandom years ago. But I kinda need to still get my own thoughts written down and outta my head.
Before I go on though, I just want to add in here that I do still love this show and, even right to the very end, think the acting, crew, music, sets/scenery, costumes, basically everything was pretty much amazing. That is except the writing, which, went downhill after series 4. Before then it was pretty much amazing too (not always perfect (is anything?), but so darn good!)
Now, turns out when I came to write down my thoughts on Jaime’s ending, I had even more than I realised. Basically it’s turned into me writing one massive analysis of Jaime’s character based on the show. So I’ve split it into separate posts, with this first one more of an intro, a summary of my thoughts and overall opinion on Jaime and a bit of context on my own experience with Game of Thrones.
Now, spoilers for Game of Thrones ending
I’ve read/watched a lot on the internet since I saw those episodes (series 8, episode 4 and 5 in case you weren’t sure) and I know a lot of people don’t like how they ended Jaime’s story in the show either. But I’ve also read a lot of comments where people did like it, or at least thought it made sense. The reasons they give make no sense to me, but it’s made me think and overthink and analyse way too much about how they did end his story.
So, in order to try and get them out of my head, I’m putting them down here. It’s a long, pretty rambling read, split up into a few parts because it got so long. Across the posts I’m going to go through my own understanding and perception of Jaime’s character and his arc and why I think they completely ruined it in episodes 8.04 and 8.05. I’ll then focus on some of the main reasons I’ve seen why people think it did make sense, and why (even though I maintain everyone is entitled to their own opinion) I completely disagree. Jaime’s character arc was annihilated in the show even more than Kings Landing. And that is more than a bit frustrating.
Now, just a bit of background to add some context to my thoughts; I basically only got around to watching the show a few months ago (I’ve not read the books yet). I basically binged watched the entire show and am now just a little bit reeling from it all! LOL! Also, as I did binge watch it, it meant I didn’t spend time between episodes/series really analysing/theorising etc. I had a few ideas and thoughts, but not to the depth it would have been had I needed to wait impatiently for each new episode. This means I think my viewpoint is of the show as an overall whole, rather than each separate series, because it kinda all rolled into one. This may, or may not, have affected my opinion and so this analysis of Jaime Lannister and my disappointment in his ending. It also means, having only watched the show once, I’ve probably forgotten or missed bits. However, since I finished the show, I’ve watched a lot of YouTube videos and read a lot of stuff on the net about it, including in comparison to the books. (And I maybe rewatched some of my favourite scenes just a few times…) And now I am analysing and theorising and thinking about this show way too much! LOL!
So I guess my viewpoint isn’t one of ignorance, but it might not be quite the same as someone who’s been invested in the show from the start.
Like most viewers, I pretty much thought Jaime = evil villain for most of the earlier series. He had the odd moment, but it wasn’t until he did that speech with Catelyn about the conflict of all those oaths he’d taken that I even started to take note of his character. And then series 3 happens, where he has his road trip with Brienne, loses his hand, saves her from a bear and basically starts his wonderful path of character development. And basically manages to go from a guy I pretty much do not like at all at the start, to one of my all time favourite characters ever.
Also, I’m definitely a Brienne/Jaime shipper and did wish them to have a happy ending. However, I pretty much never thought the show would actually even go there, let alone make it happy. In fact, I actually did my best to NOT ship them for such a long time because, being Game of Thrones, I knew it was very unlikely to end well. But, then yeah, their intense staring contests kept on happening and darn it, the way that Jaime’s voice breaks when he says Lady Brienne and him giving her a priceless sword, and what the sword represents and…
Ok, well, yeah, I could gush about them all day, but anyway, I ended up not being able to fight the ship any more after series 6 and THAT tent scene. But, even then, I still didn’t think the show would make it canon, like it would just leave it all open ended/make up your own mind kinda thing.
And then we get to series 8. Like we have a whole episode (that is actually named for their very storyline) with Jaime just staring at Brienne, being all dorky around Brienne and then, if that wasn’t enough, he even KNIGHTS Brienne! I mean, this is epic for this ship! And I would have been ok (not happy, but satisfied) as a Brienne and Jaime shipper if that had been it.
But then no, then he barely leaves her side in the fight against the dead in the next episode – they fight side by side with their two halves of one whole swords, each risking their own life for the other multiple times. And then in the next episode (where I don’t think there’s barely any scene where they’re NOT right next to each other) the show DID make it canon. Like it actually did go there, they slept together (in an adorably awkward scene I love). Heck, Jaime then even chooses to stay in the North and be with Brienne, even though he hates the North. Like this was just epicness of all proportions and I got so excited and all those shippy feels I was trying to hold back just came rushing out and then... and then...
THEN that scene happens. He leaves her. Like WTH…
Anyway, more on that in another post. I guess what I’m trying to say is that as much as I ship them, my issues with Jaime’s ending is less about his relationship with Brienne, and more just his complete 180 on character development. Jaime’s arc has been heavily influenced by Brienne, but it is still amazing in its own right. As I didn’t expect Brienne/Jaime to ever happen (so when it did and then got taken away in the very same episode, it’s incredibly frustrating and gives even less credence to what does happen), it’s not why I’m so annoyed and disappointed with what happened to Jaime.
I’m annoyed because they took all this amazing character growth over 7 series and then screwed it all over in less than two episodes. No, that’s not enough. It was a complete and utter character assassination that completely undermines and destroys 7 series worth of investment and development, completely nullifying everything Jaime went through as a character.
So, yeah, I’m a bit annoyed, but that’s because it makes no sense and it’s bugging me enough to write this whole series of posts. Because I can’t let it go. And having read people justify, even like it online, it’s made my inner analysis thought train go into override. And I’m sorry if these posts are like I’m preaching to the choir, or writing such obvious stuff and repeating myself, I’m just trying to get it all out my head as coherently as I can. Hopefully allowing me to move on a bit.
#Urgh #I need to sit in a corner and try to cheer myself up again before I can write anymore #Maybe watching some Brienne and Jaime fan videos will help cheer me up #And also simultaneously depress me even more.
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fanartfunart · 4 years
Prom Date
Me: *listens to Prom Dress by Mxmtoon* ...Ah, time to write a fic.
Summery: Logan’s at prom. Alone. Roman’s gonna fix that whether Logan likes it or not. 
Ships: Platonic all around basically, w/ emphasis on the platonic Logince & miss-it-if-you-blink implied pining Dukeceit. (It’s not like, shippy-shippy, but there’s some mild flirtation & talk of crushes.... if you’d like, please feel free to imagine that it turns into Analogince or LAMP eventually, because that’d be where it would headed. >w<)
Warnings: Um, being lonely? Hh, Remus is an absolute dork who intends to do a prank?? ....idk man, I think it turned away from the key inspiration a bit and turned fairly cute for the most part.
Words: 1751
The clouds were a hazy orange as dusk fell over the courtyard. The air was brisk and cool now. The muggy heat of summer only just at its start.
Logan tugged at his tie, adjusting it for what must’ve been the hundredth time this night. Half his suit was borrowed, the blazer a different shade of black from his slacks. Awkwardly tight across his shoulders and chest.
Music was blaring at a level that was certainly harmful to one’s hearing. If he could hear it from out here, the doors closed, it must be absolutely deafening inside. How could anyone hear themselves in there? Logan was clearly much saner than the rest of the crowd for having migrated outside.
Logan let out a huff, fixing his hair back. (For perhaps the 15th time tonight. Surely it was messier now than before he began fixing it back). 
Boring when you’ve got nobody to go with.
He glanced back towards the inside of the building, lights flashing and dizzying. Shadows of people dancing- having fun. He turned his head to look at the early stars of the night. This was stupid. He didn’t like the social climate of traditional high school, why would he ever agree to go to their prom?
That was the thing, wasn’t it? It was Their prom. He was just an intruder none of these people had seen since middle school. He groaned and leaned his head against the wall. God even the wall was vibrating from the music. How could any of them stand it?
The music was briefly allowed outside as the door opened, and Logan sat up, excuses ready on his tongue if it was a chaperone who was supposed to keep them inside.
Instead it was an individual he didn’t recognize. (however, Logan was rather confident that the groups he once knew were busy with their prom.) 
Their attire was… interesting. Possibly homemade, now that he inspected the shimmering golden embroidery, swirling on the draped skirt swishing around their ankles and the dress shirt cuffs. The mostly white outfit was accented with a red vest peeking out from under the unbuttoned white blazer. A corsage that nearly held the whole rainbow in flowers was tied around their wrist in a way that only half-worked with the ensemble. Eccentric. That was the word for it.
They swore under their breath, glancing back through the windows as if searching for someone… that they were avoiding. 
They finally glanced at Logan, blinking rapidly. “Oh.” 
A polite smile flickered across Logan’s face, although he was rather more inclined to ask them why they were so inclined to interrupt his silence, he uttered a polite, “Hello.”
“How long have you been out here?” The individual opted to ask, pleasantries apparently the least of their problems. 
“Approximately 30 minutes,” Logan responded, pushing his hair back and adjusting his glasses, he glanced back through the window, “Why did you come out here?”
They sighed so heavily Logan was mildly concerned they had expelled the entirety of their lung’s capacity. “I needed an escape from my brother.” They gestured at the bench Logan had taken to himself, and he shifted so they could sit next to him.
“What about you, what’ve you been doing out here for the past 30ish minutes?”
“Um. Thinking, I suppose.” Logan gestured towards the building, “It’s loud.”
“Is it?” The individual tilted their head, “Must be used to it.” They leaned back on their palms, glancing at Logan, green eyes examining every inch of Logan’s face. “Have I seen you around before?”
“Unlikely,” Logan huffed, “I’m Homeschooled.”
They hummed, “Nah, I think I know you from somewhere- I’m good with faces- admittedly bad with names- but!” they gestured to the whole of Logan’s face, “Good with faces!” 
“Ah, so I assume that’s why you never mentioned your name then?” 
“Oh! I’m Roman-” they-Roman, threw out a hand and Logan glanced them over before accepting the hand.
“Logan. He/him pronouns.”
“Oh, frick, pronouns are a thing-” Logan laughed, taking his hand back to cover his smile. Roman let out a gasp, “Hey, don’t hide that shining smile, it just made you 5% cuter!”
Logan quirked a brow, “Only 5%?”
“Well, you were already cute, and I need to give all the rest of your features a percentage of the pie.”
“That’s not how percentages work in that context; but, I’ll take it. Clearly the classic brick and mortar schooling system has done you a disservice.”
“Who doesn’t it do a disservice to?” Roman scoffed.
Logan shrugged, eyes flickering over the other, “Returning to the previous topic of introductions, pronouns?”
Roman glanced over Logan, smiling a little lopsided- Logan might presume they were a little nervous if he was confident at all at understanding emotions. “They/them is preferable.”
“Perfect, thank you.” Roman’s smile grew. A small silence followed. A timid space where each of them were searching for something to say. 
Roman’s eyes lit up, “Oh, wait, Logan-”
“Yes, that is indeed my name.”
“Logan Sanders?”
“That is the other half of my name-” Logan tilted his head, raising a brow.
“You’re that mysterious nerd who dominated the debate club in like, 8th grade, aren’t you! Virgil complained about you a whole year, and then complained about another two years after you dropped.” 
Logan glanced up at the stars, taking a breath of the cold air. “I, hadn’t considered anybody would have- cared enough when I stopped.”
Roman laughed, “To be honest, I think he had a tiny crush.” Roman’s nose crinkled up when they smiled, bright and wide, “I can see the appeal.”
A soft “Oh” is all that left Logan’s lips, feeling the hint of warmth rush to his face. Out of embarrassment or from the compliment he wasn’t entirely sure.
The music intruded on the quiet space again. “Excuse me, but shouldn’t you two be inside?”
Roman spun, eyes wide. They clutched their chest, and laughed, bright and boisterous, “Pat! You scared me!”
Patton raised his hands, “What? You’re not supposed to be outside, you’ll get in trouble!” 
“Well there’s hardly anything they can do at this point. We’re graduating soon. It’s not as if we’re doing anything wrong in of itself, and I don’t even go here-”
“Ohmygods he doesn’t even go here,” Roman whispered.
“I have no idea why you found that amusing, it is simply true.”
“Well it’s cold out here- oh and Remus is looking for you, said he needed you to help him with something?”
“He wants me to help him slime the prom royalty because he likes the Prom King and doesn’t know how to deal with it.”
Patton glanced back through the doorway, “Oh geez-”
“He can’t do it without me, I hid the slime and I doubt he’ll be able to scavenge more unless he gets real creative. He might dump water on them though and somehow blame me when he gets in trouble. Virgil’s supposed to be watching him anyway.”
“Still!” Patton squealed, promptly turning heel, to, Logan assumed, find one or more of the involved parties.
Logan’s eyes flickered over the door as it shut again, and he curled his legs against his chest.
Roman leaned back again, eyes looking up to the sky. “Have you had a chance to dance yet?”
Logan shook his head, “Again, homeschooled, loud. Not- This isn’t my usual scene.”
They nodded, “What’s the usual scene then?”
A far away look fell over Logan’s features, inspecting the stars. “I don’t think I really have one.”
Roman huffed, “You’re starting to sound like Virge. You two would get along, I think.”
Logan practically whispered in response, “A bit late to be making highschool friends.” A laugh bit through the quiet. Logan turned to glance over at them, “Did I say something amusing?”
“Sorry, it’s just- Better late than never, sometimes, right?”
“Well it’s bound to fail after we go to college, as most relationships do when stressed by a decrease of face to face communication and communication overall.”
“Mm, sounds like somebody’s just scared.”
Logan turned sharply to stare at the eccentrically dressed teen, leveling a glare.
Roman tilted their head, a melancholy smile flickering on their face. “Can’t lose a friend if you don’t try to keep one, right?”
Logan folded his arms, he glared at the corsage rather than Roman’s face. With all it’s paled, mismatched colors- Logan considered the possibility that it too, was homemade. And maybe that was part of the charm.
“I get it. I even actively pushed people away sometimes. 10th grade was rough, ok?” Roman laughed, “Look, I know I don’t know you, and you don’t know me, but, I would very much like to try to be your friend. Even if for a summer.” 
“That’s stupid.” Logan grumbled.
“Eh, stupid is fun though. Remus is stupid 24-7, and he’s the happiest guy I’ve ever met. He’s absolutely terrible and I want to defenestrate him, but my point stands.” 
Logan kicked at the ground, and sighed, “I’m- not amazing at friendships. I don’t understand people. And I’m exceptionally unpracticed at social interaction.”
“Perfect, we like ourselves some terrible social interaction. Adds some flavor, can’t bake a cake without the salt and awkwardness!” Roman smirked.
“I’m quite sure you can bake a cake without awkwardness. And also probably salt, given you replace it with another ingredient that fulfils the role of salt-.”
“God, you and Virgil are gonna get along perfectly-” Roman muttered in a way that Logan was unsure if he was meant to hear or not.
Roman abruptly stood, and held out their hand, “Anygay. May I perhaps have this dance? It is prom, you gotta dance at least once. If not for yourself, then to tell your parents that you did.”
Logan scoffed, “That’s true. At least to tell my parents I did.” 
Roman smiled, bright and wide and a little lopsided. Logan stood, brushed off his jacket and straightened his tie. He took Roman’s hand and smiled in return, gentle and soft and a little awkward. And in a fashion fairly similar to the rush that was their entrance, Roman pulled Logan back into the blare of music. It was loud, and probably still too loud for the safety of one’s ears, but it wasn’t quite as intimidating as it had been before.
Prom. Boring when you’ve got nobody to go with. 
And there would never be another dance where Logan had to go alone again. That was for sure.
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evalieena · 3 years
35 Questions for Fanfiction Writers
well since dearest @bachint​ asked, here goes nothing!
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
well if no downplaying’s allowed i guess i’d give it a 3/5? some mistakes since i’m not a native plus i”m still working on getting my english style better! i like what i come up with all the same, i’ve improved a lot these past two years, and my grammar isn’t that bad i guess?
2. Why do you write fanfiction?
to do what developers didn’t do in the first place to make good use of my imagination, to cope with the fact that some characters don’t exist and i will never follow another one of their adventures, to forget about a boring real life...
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
my writing doesn’t stand out lmaooo but i guess i’m always trying to focus on the character’s psychology, struggles and all that, so if someone likes my work, it’s ‘original’ bc it’s usually quite different from the usual stories where there are a lot of dialogues and interactions.
4. Are there any writers that inspire you?
i’ve been inspired a lot by @welcometogressenheller​ (i wish i could do as well as she does.....), @aceklaviergavin​ (kudos to you even if you never see that post and you probably don’t know who i am), and some others whose name i forgot (sorry!)
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
i didn’t write much but i guess that my latest fics are really nice (There’s No Light In You Anymore, and the whole Faith series on AO3). also my big project “Now That You’re Gone”, i’m glad i’ve been able to write that much for it and i intend on continuing as soon as i find the motivation!
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily?
pain, struggles and all that comes with it as long as it’s in the character’s mind, because beware here you step in a dark space
7. What element of writing do you struggle with most?
ordinary scenes of life? i always find my writing lacking as soon as i step out of my comfort zone, i’m all for rambling and never-ending pain
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write?
desmond/descole surely
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write?
all the good guys (and dimitri allen because i’d love writing about him but i’m? just unable to?)
10. What’s your favorite genre to write for?
that may come as a surprise! angst!
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
a mix of question 8 and 10 and you’ve got your answer
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
professor layton and the shattering secrets!!! i’m so happy of what this AU will look like when i’ll be done writing the following chapters, at first it probably looks annoying but heck i wanna promise anyone who’s reading it that the plot twists are gonna be worth it even though the overall background isn’t that original because i’ve mixed up different elements from other games (aaaand we’re back in our oh-so-amazing comfort zone that covers up a massive lack of imagination)
13. First fandom you ever wrote for?
ummm? the vampire diaries maybe? back when i was 10 or 11 lol
14. What’s your favorite fandom to write for?
hands up... pROFESsoR LayTON
15. What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve ever written for?
i didn’t write for many fandoms but back in my younger days i used to do self-insert fics with the vampire diaries cast and it was so odd and i wish i hadn’t just confessed that on my tumblr blog
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
nothing that comes to mind
17. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
dunno either
18. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
PL and the shattering secrets! huge canon divergence and one heck of an AU (also its original version is much worse, my mind was going crazy when i was 15)
19. Do you prefer canon-compliant, AUs, or something in-between?
i love reading AUs, writing some requires solid imagination which i have not, but honestly i don’t really mind
20. Gen fic or shippy stuff?
21. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
desmond sycamore x his wife / randall ascot x hershel layton (be it romantic or platonic) / randall ascot x basically anyone from the MM i guess though i didn’t write anything about that yet (it’s about to change guys)
22. Do you listen to anything while you write?
yea i can’t write without listening to music - any playlist does the trick as long as i like what i’m listening to but usually i listen to sad soundtracks, or i’m inspired by some random lyrics
23. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
i’d go with challenges bc my horrible ass has very few ideas but i usually come up with independent ideas
24. One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
one shots!
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
i don’t remember ;_;
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
i’ve got one OS in mind with randall/layton but i don’t want to be the talk of the town because it’s probably going to be awful? also any other fic including the PL3 crew
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
@welcometogressenheller telling me she believed i was a native!!! i struggle so much trying to improve my writing style in english and i have a lot of insecurities so it was so heartwarming and incredible to read...
also basically any other comment where people tell me they like what i write. i love that writers feel the need to take some time reviewing my works bc i need constant validation
28. How well do you handle criticism when it comes to your writing?
well i’ve never really received ‘harsh’ criticism or anything, save for some very rare remarks on my grammar so i guess i don’t know? at first it’s always sad to see that what i’ve done isn’t perfect but i guess it’s impossible to be perfect so i’m really happy that people take some time to underline what looks wrong to them
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
currently trying to with shattering secrets and it’s actually a great way to improve!
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
i wish i could but it would perhaps be a huge spoiler so i don’t wanna say much about them...
i have 1) annabell sycamore, des’s wife, whose personality fits very much mine. she’s a playwright, spends lot of her time writing and acting in front of des AND WITH des. also she’s a very realistic person and some people usually tell her that she’s being too pessimistic 
2) aurelia from the shattering secrets and on her i really cannot say much... if anyone’s read this far it would be so nice if you could give SS a shot by the way!! 
32. Summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less.
desmond sometimes finds happiness but it’s always taken from him
(isn’t that a summary for everything i’ve ever written?)
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
i don’t translate my works from my original language to english, i write straight in english. i spend a lot of time making sure i haven’t done any grammatical mistakes, checking the definition and the use of some words i’m not sure about, and sometimes it’s quite a pain and it can be also very discouraging bc i end up believing what i write comes from a random internet dictionary while deep down i know it’s not true but hey what can i say. huge insecurities laid bare here.
(if any reader of mine’s reading this, i apologize)
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
(beware: spoilers for the whole prequel trilogy!!!)
“Hershel Layton was puzzled. A funny emotion to feel for someone who loved puzzles that much, but nothing could ever describe better the way he’d felt for hours now, hours that seemed like ages.So much did happen in the span of a few hours.
First he’d learned his parents could be targeted by Targent, then Aurora had made it clear that she didn’t want to live anymore, all so she could protect them. Then Desmond—no, Descole—had taken the key from her hands, and revealed himself as the dangerous scientist Layton knew him to be.
Then they’d fought. Despair was filling the air, though Hershel didn’t understand what Descole meant when he cried that the Azran legacy was all he had to live for.
And as if there hadn’t been enough betrayals as it was, Emmy was soon to follow. Luke had been abducted. He’d had no other choice than siding with Descole to prevent Bronev from unleashing doom on Earth. Misery didn’t seem to end.
Just when he’d thought he’d finally be able to change things, Descole had been ready to sacrifice himself to save Luke. And then…
Then everything just collapsed.
He held his agonizing brother in his arms; the one who’d wanted so hard to take him down only a few hours back was now confessing, fearing death was on the way.“
from ‘Six Times Hershel Layton Remembered, Plus The One Time He Didn’t’
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
oops i haven’t got anything more to say but thank you for reading? perhaps?
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sanchoyo · 4 years
You wanna gush about the LoV?
(I’ll do the unpopular opinions bc I assume that’s what you meant, if I’m wrong, I could do more. always.)
-spinaraki is a better ship than shigadabi. I said it. I LIKE all three characters! But every single time I’ve tried to read a shigadabi fic, they always have them wildly ooc?? either they make Tomura a Weirdly uwu waifish type or they totally swap their personalities. The day I find an in character shigadabi fic... But I loooove spinaraki dynamic SO much, it’s so interesting to me!!! And you know what? if Spinner was a typical prettyboy itd be more popular 🙃
-I cringe when people make the lov ~pretty~ like removing scars n stuff. I can kinda understand with Dabi because they’re like ~what if he got away from Endeavor in time~ or those kinda scenarios and they could just be curious to see what he’d look like in that sort of au, or wanna see how much of a todoroki he looks like, but when people do it and are like ‘omg theyre actually hot under all that!!’ as if people with wrinkles, scars, burns, can’t be hot??? 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫 
-when people sexualize toga I lose it. 🔫🔫🔫👁_👁 (this includes in canon. or all the young girls tbh, not just Toga)
-speaking of toga!!! I wanna see more toga-centric fics!!! or shippy ones with her that are actually the other person reciprocating just bc I love to imagine how she’d react and act in a relationship. ajkdfhkj 
-^adding on to that, why are all the lov fics so centered around either dabi, shigadabi or villain!deku???? I want...fics of the other characters!!! (the lack of shigaraki-centric fics drives me nuts all the time. WHY!!! HES LIKE. THE MAIN VILLAIN NOW!!! HELLO???)
-villain!deku bad 90% of the time. i swear I JUST ranted to my good friend abt this. and I’ve ranted about it before on this blog, I looked thru my tags for a min and it was a rant in my tags, but it still stands:
#ppl always try to give deku in that au shigs backstory everytime!!!! like its always he gets orpahned and taken in by villains or smth!!!! #you want a sassy bratty smart villain!!! shig is there!!! #ppl really just mesh shigs personality/backstory with kurogiris aesthetic and slap dekus face on it!!! #that might as well be a fandom oc bc its SO FAR REMOVED FROM IZUKU!!! #tell me im wrong bc im NOT #this isnt me saying u cant enjoy it its just me Saying…#IM NOT GOING TO STOP SCREAMING ABOUT HOW FUNNY THIS IS. Deku villain au is just #shigarakis backstory and personality + kurogiris aesthetic in a trench coat…..
I could go more in depth about this and write a full essay why I think villain!deku is sooo poorly written and thought out and just...not good. But if people enjoy it, idc. I’m just tired of trying to find lov-centric stuff and seeing Him Everywhere. He’s already the main character. Why do u gotta shove him into the villain group too. JFC. 
-I wish we saw more of Mustard!! wheres that funky little gun boy. What if we never see him again??? makes me sad... I don’t care much about moonfish or muscular, but the lov could’ve had a 14 yr old baby which is SO funny. Gun son. Him and Toga could’ve had a fun sibling relationship where she teases him endlessly and bothers him all the time and he pretends he hates it. COME ON. WHY IS THERE NO CONTENT OF THAT.
-this is gonna be a REALLY unpopular opinion. I almost didn’t include it, but fuck it 4 am time for REALLY REALLY unpopular opinions. Aside from Muscular, Moonfish, AFO, and the doctor, (basically the lov ppl most people don’t care for...) ...Twice is my least fav in the league. 
Gonna say it: he is a REALLY good character...a compelling backstory, relatable, funny, full of heart!!! But that weird pervy stuff Horikoshi adds for no reason!!! If he didn’t hit on Toga I wouldn’t say that!! Most people say just try to ignore it, and I do when writing him bc who cares about canon, right, but it’s hard to look past!! I KNOW it’s the Horny Lens this manga has a gross undertone of, but god!!! 
Him and Toga could’ve had a fun bff dynamic where he tries to make sure she has the family and care he didn’t get at her age!!! Why!!! It makes me so sad and angry. That I struggle to fully enjoy his character to what I know is his full potential. Bc of a few lines that were totally unnecessary and gross and added nothing at all, that were intended to be funny but were just fucking gross. >:”( 
Ty for asking again!!!
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voltronside · 4 years
snippet 1
Summary: In which Lance serves some quality smooches to (almost) everyone.
Relationships: Keith/Lance, Lance & Voltron Paladins
Word count: 1,015
Tags: platonic kisses, found family dynamics, vaguely blasphemous (??) stuff about Catholicism (i.e. Lance does a pretty minor Catholic no-no)
“And if you finish flight training early, we can stop at a nearby outpost to do some restocking,” said Allura. She looked up from her holopad to find Lance grinning. “Yes, Lance?”
“When you said ‘restocking,’ you totally meant ‘shopping,’ right?”
“You know, I have beaten Killbot Phantasm 1 like, thrice now,” said Pidge. “I wouldn’t mind looking for more Earth merch.”
“Oooh,” said Hunk. “I’ve been waiting for a chance to get some spare parts. I’ve been thinking of upgrading the healing pods so that no one has to fall on their face when they come out.”
“Now that you mention it, that sounds like a feature that maybe--no offense, Lura--should have been there all along,” said Lance.
“None taken,” shrugged Allura, pointedly not thinking of the first time she met Lance.
Lance continued, “Honestly though, I’d still rather fall into your beefy arms.”
“Hard same,” said Pidge.
“Aw, stop it, you two,” said Hunk demurely. Then, he pouted his lips and struck a ridiculous pose. The three of them burst out laughing.
Shiro cleared his throat, and they quieted down. “First of all,” he said with all the calm authority that befitted the Head of Voltron, “agreed. Hunk’s beefy arms are really comfortable to land in. Second, Lance, didn’t you ask Allura a question?”
“Yes, thank you, Shiro,” said Allura, clearly struggling to keep a straight face. “The outpost likely only has the essentials, but you’re all more than welcome to--oh, Keith!”
Everyone turned to the open doorway where a freshly showered Keith approached, still rubbing a towel over his head. He froze when he realized that everyone’s eyes were on him. “Um. Hi.”
Lance grinned. “Keith! Keith, my dude, I didn’t think you were ever gonna join in on these meetings.” “Well, yeah,” Keith shrugged. “I just. You know, responsibility and all that.” He glanced at Shiro, whose eyes were gleaming with that good ol’ Dad Pride. That explained things. He moved to sit next to Pidge, who was tapping away on her holopad. “Anyway. I’m here.”
“I’m glad you’ve come to join us, Keith,” said Allura. “As I was saying, we can all visit an outpost tomorrow if you finish flight training early. That’s really all there is to brief you on for tonight.”
“All righty, then.” Lance sprang off the sofa and stretched as the others chorused their acknowledgment. He sighed and announced, “If that’s all, I’m gonna get some shut-eye. Goodnight, folks!”
Then, he fluttered around the room like he usually did, kissing everyone goodnight. He gave Hunk a kiss on the forehead (Hunk leaned to it) and planted a loud, wet smack on Pidge’s cheek (“Ugh, why are you so gross!”). He kissed the top of Allura’s head (she pinched his cheek) and gave Shiro a peck on the cheek (Shiro ruffled his hair). Then, he turned to Keith. Keith, who wasn’t usually part of this routine.
When he was six-ish or seven-ish, he spent an afternoon with Rachel at their Abuela’s house. She’d taken a tin off the high kitchen shelf and handed it over with a wink. Inside was a very large, partly-eaten bag of unconsecrated Communion wafers.
They’d gotten a thrill from having so many pieces of host at hand. Lance and Rachel hadn’t even had their first Communion yet, but they could probably eat more wafers in an afternoon than even Marco had ever eaten in his whole life! They sat in front of the TV, snacking on the bland, crisp wafers, and this was how Papi found them hours later when he came to call them home for dinner. Rachel had grinned at him and offered him the bag of wafers.
At the time, Lance had never seen his father that furious. He’d sputtered in a confused rage and went off to argue with their Abuela. Before long, he emerged from the kitchen and ordered his children to go back home. As they crossed the street, their father lectured them about the sanctity of the Eucharist and other things Lance didn’t understand. He and Rachel were too busy crying guilty tears, though they weren’t sure what they did wrong.
Just before they entered their house, Papi took a deep breath and ran a hand over his face. “Listen, you two,” he said, crouching down to look them both in the eye. His knees creaked as he did. “I know you didn’t mean any harm. But you need to learn that some things are too sacred--too important to do without meaning them with your whole heart.”
Some people might say that Lance faltered when he turned to Keith, if they were generous like Allura. A traitor like Pidge, however, might say that his entire system shut down, an old memory dinging around in his brain like a pinball as he stood there bug-eyed and slack-jawed and staring at Keith like a jackass. Keith, surrounded by their freshly-kissed team, was tense.
See, a Hunk kiss meant, “I love you, you’re my best friend (I would die for you, buddy).” A Pidge kiss meant, “I finally have a little sister to piss off now (and I’m so glad it’s you).” An Allura kiss said, “I trust you with my life (I’d help you carry some of that pain if you’d let me).” A Shiro kiss meant, “You remind me so much of Marco that it makes me ache (sometimes when I think of him, I end up imagining you instead).”
Keith looked as if he’d been caught with his hand in the wafer tin, legs poised to run and eyes wide as plates. He waited for Lance’s next move.
Some things are just too sacred.
“Welp, g’night!” Lance tossed him a jaunty salute and a wink before sprinting out the door. He ignored Pidge’s snort of laughter when he tripped into the door frame.
About an hour later, he’d cleansed, exfoliated, and moisturized. He lay in bed, dozing off as a thought drifted through his mind, lazy and meandering like a mosquito on a summer night: Lance didn’t know what he’d mean if he kissed Keith.
I’m pretty sure shippy fics usually involve the romantic interests kissing instead of having Person A smooch everyone except person B, but oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ This is the first fic I’ve ever posted so yay!
This is rough, and it’s probably gonna be a small scene in a much larger fic (hence the lack of context), but I just wanted to get it out there. Lance’s childhood memory is basically a direct retelling of an actual childhood memory I have, except his dad was nice about it and mine yelled at me and my sister lol! Anyway he was raised Catholic like me because I said so and want to project. And yes there’s a (sad) AtLA reference in there.
Please let me know what you think!!
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starswallowingsea · 4 years
Secret Santa Time
I have been waiting to post this forever!! I don’t normally write shippy stuff but I think this turned out pretty cute. 
This is a gift for @lestis, for the event hosted by @opsecretsanta2019, who I think is pretty great and a really sweet person that y’all should follow! That said, here’s my gift! 
Waking Up 
Fandom: One Piece 
Word Count: 1623 
Ship: SanUso 
Notes: CW for nightmares, see the end of the work for more notes
He was running again, the buildings around him familiar but strange. That didn’t matter now though. He saw his friends sailing away, towards their next adventure without him. 
He shouted at them, apologizing for acting the way he did, but they couldn’t hear him he thought. So he yelled louder, his words becoming more jumbled and mixed with sobs that he could barely understand himself anymore. But they kept sailing. 
And suddenly he was falling. Falling? Or drowning? He couldn’t breathe all the same.
Usopp awoke with a start, drenched in sweat and breathing heavy, he knew he had another nightmare. They had become so normal to him that when he actually got a good night's sleep it meant he didn’t dream at all. 
It was the same every night, reliving Water 7 and begging to be taken back by his friends and being left behind anyway. He tried every trick in the book to get them to stop but nothing worked.
But at this moment he knew he couldn’t go back to sleep, not yet anyway. His heart was beating too fast and breathing ragged, it would be endless tossing and turning in his hammock which would probably do more harm than help right now. 
So he swung his legs over the side of the hammock and jumped down quietly to avoid waking the others. He tiptoed out of the room and carefully opened and closed the door, cringing at the slightest sound he made and hoping it wouldn’t wake anyone else up. 
Instantly the cool night air began to calm his nerves. He stood still, just outside the door for a minute. 
Breathe in. 
Breathe out. 
Breathe in. 
Breathe out. 
He pulled his hands to his face and stood like that, taking deep, calming breaths. It helped a little, but not much. 
He turned to walk onto the grassy deck, lay down and look at the stars. Maybe he could get better sleep out here. It couldn’t hurt to try anyway. 
Once on deck, it appeared he was alone and he let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. Usopp walked over to the railing and stared out at the sea, just thinking, trying to calm himself down. It was so quiet, the only sound coming from water hitting the side of the ship and the gentle breeze that rocked it back and forth. 
He heard footsteps approach from behind and jumped a little as someone stepped up beside him.
“Relax, it’s just me.” 
Usopp looked over and saw it was Sanji, who was putting a cigarette to his lips and pulling out a lighter. Usopp wondered how Sanji could smoke like he did but not fall into a coughing mess all the time, but he shoved the thought aside, saying he would ask about it later. 
“What are you doing out here so late?” Usopp asked. 
“I could ask you the same thing.” 
“Couldn’t sleep?” 
“Something like that,” Sanji said, moving to put his shaky hand on the railing, using the other one to take a drag of the cigarette. 
“Me too, if I’m being honest.” 
They stood in silence for a moment, just letting the wind brush past them, leaving smoke trails from Sanji’s cigarette. 
“Hey, uh, can I ask you something?” Usopp said, breaking the silence. 
“Sure,” Sanji responded, taking another drag. 
“Do you get nightmares? Like of your past or anything?” 
Sanji put his hand with the cigarette on the railing, shocked at the question Usopp had asked him, unsure of how to answer. 
“It’s okay if you don’t want to answer, I was just wondering is all. Y’know how it is ri—” 
Usopp paused for a second at the answer. He had expected it in all truthfulness, but hearing the confirmation come from Sanji shocked him. He always seemed so put together, like nothing could make him lose his balance in life. 
“... How do you deal with them?” 
Sanji took another drag of the cigarette, knowing that his habit had developed as a response to both trauma and working with food. The nicotine helped calm the brain down when he was stressed over something and kept him from feeling hungry in the kitchen. 
“Cooking, I suppose.” That was the easier answer. 
“Could you maybe show me how to cook? I… 
“I... had a nightmare.” 
Sanji paused at Usopp’s confession. He had also suspected that Usopp hadn’t been sleeping well. He was more irritable in the morning than normal and seemed spaced out more often than not. But he wasn’t a doctor so he didn’t want to ask him directly, although he had told Chopper that he thought Usopp might not be getting enough sleep. Turns out he was right. 
Sanji pulled out a mini ashtray, stubbed out the rest of the cigarette in it, and put it away before answering. 
“Can’t hurt to try. Come on.” He said, turning and waving for Usopp to follow him. He, too, had been having nightmares recently and maybe cooking with someone else would help distract him enough to get a few more hours of sleep tonight. Just enough so he wouldn’t fall asleep standing at the stove again. 
They agreed on making a carrot cake, since that was Usopp’s favorite dessert and there was really no better way to help calm down than eating a little comfort food. 
He tried to recall the recipe his mom used when she had made the cake for him as a child, but he quickly realized that he could only remember small parts of it; helping shred the carrots and mix in the nuts and spices. 
Sanji took the information Usopp gave him and used his own knowledge of carrot cakes to make the batter. Sanji would mix the dry ingredients together and Usopp the wet ingredients. They both shredded carrots and portioned out the various nuts and mixed them all together with the rest of the batter and poured it into a cake pan. 
Once the cake was in the oven, Sanji began to work on a cream cheese frosting while Usopp worked on cleaning the dishes. He would rather do them now than after they had already decorated and eaten the cake he said. 
Sanji pulled the cake out of the oven and gently took it out of the pan and onto a wire cooling rack. Usopp took a deep breath, enjoying the smell of the carrot cake fresh from the oven. He felt like a kid again in Syrup village running around the kitchen while his mom made dinner. It was a nice feeling. 
Sanji and Usopp both sat down, wanting to take a little bit of rest while the cake was cooling enough to frost it. Usopp closed his eyes and leaned his head back, feeling a little more relaxed than he had earlier, and let his mind wander to his mom, the Usopp Pirates he left behind, his home. 
And they stayed like that, in peaceful silence, for a minute. 
Sanji took a drag of another cigarette now that the cake was baked and cooling, letting the nicotine calm his senses again. He really needed that, joking with Usopp in the dead of night while they made a cake together, allowing him to forget why he woke up in the first place. It felt nice, he thought. 
“Feeling better Usopp?” he said. 
“Yeah, a bit. Thanks.” 
Sanji put out his cigarette in the ashtray on the table and stood up again. 
“We should frost the cake and see if we can catch a few more hours of sleep.” He said, already moving towards the bowl of cream cheese frosting he had made. 
“Oh, yeah.” Usopp responded, feeling a little disappointed that the moment was over so soon. He could stay like that, just him and Sanji in the soft glow of the kitchen for hours. Maybe they should do that more often. 
He also stood up, moving to the fridge to see if there was anything he could maybe use to decorate the cake with. 
Meat, milk, meat, cheese, more meat, some fresh fruits and vegetables, carrots maybe? No, that’s just too much carrot. Hmm… 
He scanned through the shelves when something bright purple caught his eye and he pulled it out. They looked like flowers, but why were they in the fridge? 
“Hey Sanji, what are these?” He said, holding the bag of purple and white flowers up for him to see. 
“Hmm? Oh, those. Just some edible flowers I picked up at the last island. Thought they might bring a bit of color for desserts. Did you want to try them with the cake?” 
Usopp’s eyes lit up at that. He had tried a few flowers while he was at Greenstone, including some that looked similar to the ones in the bag. Orchids, he thought they were. 
He placed the flowers in a circle on top of the cake, carefully trying to space them evenly so everyone would get to try one. He pulled out one more after all the ones he wanted were placed on the cake and plucked a petal off it. 
“Do you want to try it together?” Usopp asked, holding out the rest of the flower to Sanji. 
Sanji nodded and took the flower from Usopp’s hand and plucked out another petal. 
“I had a lot of fun tonight and it really helped calm me down. Thanks, for real,” Usopp said, holding his petal up. “Cheers?” 
Sanji chuckled a bit at the gesture but raised his own petal nonetheless. “Cheers.” 
“Not as much flavor as I was hoping for,” Usopp said, swallowing the petal. 
“Most flowers don’t have much of a taste, they are garnishes after all.”
Bonus gift: A playlist I decided to make last week on impulse after hearing one whole song that I thought fit Sanji and Usopp 
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raendown · 4 years
HashiTobi, can be shippy or not your choice, "Anija, what are you doing?" "I'm sciencing"
Tobirama had big plans for the end of his day, plans torelax and enjoy the quiet serenity of his private laboratory where he couldwork on any number of projects that had been waiting so patiently for hisattention all week long. As he well knew, however, the best laid plans often goawry. Never was this more apparent as when he opened the door to the lab andfound what could only be described as a catastrophe inside.
Several of his carefully organized beakers were laid outhaphazardly across the worktop, each of them filled with different coloredliquids. A couple had residue in the bottom of the mixtures that he wasn’t surehe even wanted to identify. In between the beakers lay a mess of paper,droppers, measuring columns, and all other manner of paraphernalia that he knewhe’d put away correctly the last time he used each of them. In the center ofthe mess sat Hashirama. Long hair pulled back in to a low tail uncomfortablyreminiscent of Izuna, he wore protective goggles over his eyes and thick rubbergloves on his hands when he turned to blink owlishly at the door with the mannerof a child caught in the act of doing something naughty.
“Anija,” Tobirama murmured as he came slowly in to the room.“What are you doing?”
“I’m sciencing!” Hashirama declared proudly
“That’s not a word.”
He deflated just a little but puffed up again quickly with abig beaming smile. “You’re always in here with your science things but I neverunderstand what’s going on when you talk about it. I want to! I think it wouldbe nice if I could share what makes you so happy. So I came in here to do myown research just like you!”
A quick glance at the labels of everything he’d taken down assuredTobirama that he had somehow managed not to pick any chemicals that were toodangerous to mix together, nothing that might explode or create toxic gases.That much was a relief. Before saying anything he reached over to turn off the Bunsenburner his brother had been hanging over top of. That, unlike the rest, couldhave easily ended in disaster.
“This was a very dangerous thing for you to do,” he scolded.When Hashirama sniffled he cursed himself for a weak man and reluctantly added,“It was also very sweet.”
“Really? You’re not mad?”
“I’m not mad,” Tobirama admitted. He should be and yet hewasn’t. It was hard to stay mad at his most precious person.
“Thank you! I just…I just wanted to understand you a littlebetter.” Hashirama shuffled his feet under the stool he was perched upon andreached out with both hands, fingers curling repeatedly in a grabby motion.
Only because they were alone did Tobirama step closer so hissibling could pull him in to a hug that he would never admit to enjoying. Itwas embarrassingly touching that Hashirama would go through so much troublejust to try and be closer to him in a manner suited to him, taking the time todelve in to a subject that he didn’t understand but that he knew meant a lot toTobirama. It was an effort that not a lot of people would think to putthemselves through. Hashirama just wasn’t like most people.
Sometimes Tobirama even meant that in a nice way.
“Can I stay and do more science?” his brother asked himafter finally letting him go.
“First let’s clean this up because I am not letting you runaway and leave me to deal with all of the mess. Then afterwards would you likeme to show you some simple experiments you can do on your own?”
“Can I blow something up?”
“I’ll show you a few chemical reactions,” Tobiramabargained. “With supervision I might let you set some things on fire.”
A brilliant smile was his answer and Hashirama didn’t evenbother complaining about having to clean up the mess he’d made. He still seemeddetermined to go through with learning more about science but he seemed, ifpossible, even happier to do so with Tobirama’s company. Having a brother,Tobirama thought, wasn’t always terrible. Sometimes it was downright wonderful.
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izzyizumi · 4 years
Digimon Adventures + Tri AMV ~ x Kagerou Project [subbed original: here] “Yuukei Yesterday” AMV [Music (C) Jin, singer: IA {Vocaloid}] (Title translation: “Yesterday Evening”) Featuring Duo/Ship: Taichi Yagami [“Tai Kamiya”] x Koushiro(u) Izumi [“Izzy Izumi”] [Taishiro(u)] (This amv initially completed around 8 AM on December 18, 2019) PAST AMVS / VIDEO EDITS IN THIS SERIES: Kagerou Daze (Heat-Haze Daze) / Children Record / RED / Additional Memory and Imaginary Reload music edits for KageDaze / Days (short edit) / Lost Time Memory ( * It’s ok to start on this current AMV “Yuukei Yesterday” ! ) [ *You may understand the story/implied timeline of things better if you begin from “Kagerou Daze” though it’s also not required! “Children Record” is also recommended as a starting point! ]
Note: Many more AMVs for this series have been made since this particular one, which could be considered an “End point” (or in-between End point) of the first phase/set of AMVs! {As in, the first series of AMVs I had initially planned to make; many more have been Inspired to be made since!!} Please see this post, made later than this post was, for most of the rest of the AMVs + edits currently in this series!
- part of my Taishiro [Taichi x Koushiro] REPEAT?_ ficverse (please note any and all notes/trigger warnings for said ficverse!!) [seriously, please note the warnings, the plot is kinda heavy] (please note any and all warnings for Kagepro’s plot too if you look into that!!) - no, it’s not a direct parody (but very inspired) (if you can’t tell) - no, the Digimon characters aren’t meant to portray those (specific) characters exactly or even at all; though inspirations were taken from all the Kagepros - Digimon Tri minor non-plot related spoilers; through to "Kokuhaku” [Tri Part 3] - further Tri spoilers may show up in the other amvs but THIS ONE IS SAFE - note: the amv at the direct youtube link has somewhat better quality if you change the definition to high definition / 1080p!!!
Further trigger/content warnings (also re: the series it originated from) / lyrics under the read more!! + links to the non-subbed version & comparisons video!
If the AMV appears broken at any time, Please check back, as it may be a video player issue; or ping me {or leave a tag about it!} to let me know! {You can also watch at the direct Youtube link!}
- there are some other vaguely implied side pairings in the overall story besides Taishiro but Taishiro is the main focus so please note that !!! - in other words, THIS AMV PARTICULARLY IS TAISHIRO-FOCUSED. - PLEASE DO NOT COMMENT if you don’t ship them. I don’t care to hear that. - PLEASE DO NOT TAG AS SIMPLY “BROTP” (A STRONG RELATIONSHIP IS INTENDED) unless you also tag as ship, please. - ( Basically please just acknowledge that yes, this is more of a shippy amv, but I also have no issue with others’ LGBTQIA+ headcanons for them!! )
- basically, to make a long story short,           T I M E L O O P S - with something like a not-quite-soulmates AU     BUT VERY CLOSE - ( ok but it’s still not really a soulmates AU ) - ( MORE LIKE A DECONSTRUCTION *WAVES HANDS WILDLY* ) - ( I HAVE A LOT OF COMPLICATED THOUGHTS RE: SOULMATES AUs ) - ( AND MY FRUSTRATIONS WITH THEM Y E A H ) - Tri is here because … ah … … - let’s just say it’s probably AT LEAST ONE part of the “start” of it all ah - Koushiro voice: ( ‘ W H Y ’ )
- THEY GOT IT BAD . VERY BAD .     VERY VERY BAD - TAICHI GRINNING LIKE THE SUN        " HEY KOUSHIRO " - KOUSHIRO IZUMI                              " O H hhHHHH " - " WHAT IS THIS !!     STRANGE !1!      FEELING !!!1! "
- " I WANT TO TELL YOU " - " PLEASE , "               " GOD " ,               " LET ME !!!! "
- SPOILER: the song creators' next song AT THE END OF THE SAME MONTH OF RELEASE was basically m O R E ........... // W E L L //
- FUN FACTS: their expressions around the last chorus are from the “Keep On” ending theme (the 2nd Japanese ending theme for Digimon Adventure!) - as seen here and here and yes I tried to match it up with the K@gepros version near exactly just because it was THAT CUTE
- I do not care if you dislike/hate Digimon, Adventure/s, 02, Tri, or 02′s epilogue, etc., or, again, if you don’t ship this pair. Please keep it off this post. This is a Digimon Adventures positivity post / Taishiro post.
* In the K@gepros version, the girl in this video, “Takane Enomoto” is later implied to have died in one of her earlier videos “Headphone Actor”
* The boy, Haruka, also dies the same year as he is seen in this video
* HARUKA KOKONOSE (THE BOY) IN K@GEPROS IS VOICED BY MAMORU MIYANO OF VARIOUS ANIME FAMES IF YOU DIDN’T KNOW: - Tamaki Suou (Ouran High School Host Club) - Tokiya Ichinose (Uta no Prince-sama!) [ WHERE HE ALSO SINGS ] - Rin Matsuouka (Free!!) / that swimming anime - Gym Leader Dent(o) [Cilan] (Pokemon Best Wishes [anime]) - AND TOO MANY OTHERS TO LIST HERE those are the ones I know best - if you know Mamoru Miyano you can probably assume perfectly how he sounds as this boy Haruka when in-character IT’S CLASSIC MIYANO just add in an extremely sleepy/slow drawl AND WHOOP THERE’S HARUKA
“Ta-ka-ne~~~ aha~~~ um, your headphones.....” - BASICALLY (non-canonical but inspired quote /mine)
[1st verse] in this place with lots of merry people basking in the sun I cut through the crowds while glaring at their happy faces; a morning after an all-nighter
[2nd verse] Past the offended people who dodged me, And who are now looking down at me, " Good morning! " he said, as he stretched out, With messy bedhead, that guy stood in front of me.
[3rd verse] As I finally came to, ... a young love, at first sight I'm not really interested in that... So, I wonder, why can't I look you in the eye? "Well, it doesn't matter, because... aah, how irritating!!"
[chorus verse 1] Glaring at the sun, I found While hiding this throbbing heart Ah, I can't supress this emotion, it makes me sick! (What a strange feeling...)
[chorus verse 2] (Wow-wow-wow!) My face is like an open book For some reason I get so nervous that even my voice squeaked! "What's wrong with me?! This is pissing me off!" I'm such a fool!
[1st verse] I take another YAWN in the classroom today next to our very own window (I'm really) nervous! Even if I act bored, While listening to the radio
[2nd verse] As I stood up, I made a CARELESS MISTAKE And so you FOUND OUT, that my 'headphones' which I was listening to always had been disconnected...
[3rd verse/interlude] "I'll forget about him with time!", I stubbornly told myself But for some reason, I can't put my feelings into words, Staying upset, I can't talk at all
[chorus verse 1] Carefully trying to "show it" through my behavior, But I still ended up hiding my feelings today too, "Maybe this feeling isn't so bad after all?" WOW, I'm surprisingly timid...
[chorus verse 2] WOW-WOW-WOW "You seem to be really cheerful today!" "Don't you see I'm in a BAD mood??!" I hate that kind of insensitive attitude! What should I do? Today's already ending
[chorus verse 3] ONE-MORE-TIME ( “ MOU IKKAI !!! ” ) I stare at the sun again, "Please don't set just yet!" I took a deep breath, My throbbing heart hurts so much, What a strange feeling...
[chorus verse 4] "I want to tell you!" I thought as I started to run I don't understand my feelings any longer, BEFORE THE SUN SETS, I JUST  WANNA  TELL YOU SOMEHOW!
- translation credit: jellification @ youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZ67rjQ_0EA
Raw/non-subbed version amv:
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razberryyum · 5 years
A Gintama episode a day keeps the ending away...Episode 108
Episode Title: Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid
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MY 12 FAVORITE MOMENTS IN EPISODE 108 (manga chaps 185 and 186):
I forgot how unbelievably sad this episode was: I was a weepy mess last night after watching it. I got sad reading the chapters for this Guardian Dog arc, but I always go into full blown cry mode for the anime because everything was just so much more emotional with the amazing voice performances and score. 
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1) I wish Gin-chan had been around to hear the way both Kagura and Shinpachi defended him to Kyoujirou. He would’ve been so touched.
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2) So much love!
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3) I’m so glad Kyoujirou was taken in by Kaguzou and got to experience a childhood filled with familial love.
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4) My tears started here.
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5) Kyoujirou and Utsuzo were both such cute kids.
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6) The sad thing is, Kaguzou probably showered Kyoujirou with more affection because he wanted to make sure he felt like he was part of the family, so that he would be more protective of Utsuzou like he would be of a brother. He was probably also assuming Utsuzou would understand because he’s his own flesh and blood. So it was especially heart-breaking that not only did Utsuzou not understand his father’s intentions, but his belief that he didn’t measure up to Kyoujirou and was a disappointment to his dad was probably what drove him to take his own life. So much sadness all around.
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7) Gintoki making a really badass entrance: he basically knocked out ALL of the yakuza big wigs as if they were nothing.
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8) Of course I will always love back-to-back support moments like this.
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9) This can probably count as yet another proof that Gintoki is immortal: he survived the gut shot Kyoujirou gave him like it was nothing, and yet when the same thing happened to Kyoujirou, the dude never recovered from it.
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10) I just really loved how considerate and kind Gintoki was towards Kyoujirou. He said everything the man wanted to hear in his last moments.
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11) Ugh, this really got me. His resemblance to Hijikata didn’t help. I really, REALLY wish the ending had been different. Even though he tried to poison Gintoki and shot him in the stomach, I still found myself attached to Kyoujirou by the end of the arc so that I kept on hoping he would live through that gunshot somehow. So sad. 
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12) They changed the end credits by including this image and it just made my heart ache all over again.
Gintoki x Kyoujirou: I would’ve loved to see this ship try to challenge the high place in my heart that GinHiji occupies, especially since Gintoki definitely had some chemistry with Kyoujirou, but sadly it was never meant to be. 
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Disclaimer: Gintama is not only about shipping. Gintama is hilarious, clever, exciting, poignant, heart-breaking, loving, brilliant, and just completely unbelievably amazing.  It is only due to Sorachi-sama’s immense generosity that I am able enjoy Gintama on an extra another level, the shippy level, and I am forever grateful for that. GINTAMA IS LIFE AND LOVE.
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