#of all the things that i expected from the show liking ivan and fedyor was not one of them
starlessmistake · 1 year
The problem with S&B S2's magic system
(And why it weakens one of the best moments of the series)
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Before I start, I just want to preface with the fact that I am talking about the show only here as it's own entity. I know that some of my complaints can be said of the books as well. However from S1, the show substantially altered the concept of amplifiers, so clearly they're not above making changes to the way the magic system when it suits them.
Diving right in to my analysis...
S1 for all its faults does a solid job of setting up the magic system within Ravka. The grisha orders are presented as being very strictly defined with no suggestion that there is any choice involved in a grisha’s sub-order.
(This is in contrast to the books where it is established as early as Alina’s carriage ride with Fedyor and Ivan that a grisha’s sub-order is more of a specialisation that they have some choice over.)
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This strict delineation has consequences for the plot of S1.
In S1E3 we meet Genya and are given a fairly comprehensive overview of her powers. As a tailor, her main power is in modifying an individual’s appearance. This includes being able to mend surface level injuries.
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In S1E5 when Marie is attacked, Genya is unable to heal Marie’s wound and Marie subsequently dies. This in many ways is the trigger point for the whole second act of the first season. Marie’s death is what causes Aleksander to leave Alina alone in his War Room, and therefore what gives Baghra the opportunity to convince Alina to flee.
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(The show then goes on to never mention Marie’s death again, but that’s a separate rant of mine.)
Genya not being a Healer (or at the very least, not knowing that she can heal) is important to the story of S1 and established concretely to the audience.
And then we have S2…
S2 makes the decision to expand on the magic system by blurring the line between the various orders. This is not necessarily a bad decision in its own right – many stories successfully add nuance to their magic systems as the audience grows familiar with how it works. However I would argue that the show does not manage to do this successfully.
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We are first introduced to this change through Alina’s travels to Novyi Zem and aboard Nikolai’s ship. Characters like the librarian and Tamar tell us that other countries do not distinguish between grisha in the way that Ravka does. Which is fine in theory, except this is one of the many, many things that we are told and not shown.
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None of the non-Ravkan grisha actually demonstrate any powers outside of their one specific sub-order. With the possible exception of Sankta Neyar who uses a form of blood-bending. However we are explicitly told that this is because there is iron in blood and not because she can control blood itself. Therefore her powers still fall neatly into what we might expect of Durasts.
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So who doesn’t fit into a neat box…? You guessed it - Genya.
Genya gains all kind of powers this season. First of all is healing. In S2E4 Genya is able to easily heal Baghra’s broken wrist -  something that goes well beyond Genya’s established powers in S1. The show could have possibly explained this by having Baghra amplify Genya, but that’s not what happens as Baghra doesn’t touch Genya while she’s working.
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The fact that Genya has the capability to heal is not in itself a problem – given what the show clumsily tried to establish earlier in S2. However, the problem is that Genya should not know that she has these capabilities. Because she explicitly didn’t know about them in S1, and nothing has changed between the seasons to give her this information.
Now that we have all that established, let’s talk about the scene I referred to back at the start of this rant.
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In S2E5 Genya and Baghra find Alina’s underground hideout. In one of the best scenes of the series David asks Genya how she managed to find them, to which Genya replies that she was able to follow David’s heartbeat with the help of Baghra’s amplification.
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This is such a powerful moment due to Daisy and Luke’s fantastic acting, but it’s undermined by the writing. This reveal about Genya’s Heartrending should have been a great shock – to the audience and to Genya – a discovery of an unknown power that she was only able to tap into in her most desperate moment to find the love of her life.
But because we have already seen Genya’s unexplained ability to heal, this reveal instead comes across (at least to me) like Heartrending is a power that Genya has always known about, she merely forgot to mention it earlier in the show.
And so a fantastic acting performance is hampered by weak writing. It’s far from the only such moment (believe me, I could rant for hours about S2’s writing). But this one particularly frustrates me, because it would be so easy to fix! All the writers would have to do would have Genya not heal Baghra’s wrist, or have Genya only be able to heal Baghra’s wrist with the help of amplification.
(rant over. thanks for reading)
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filmmarvel · 1 year
Shadow and Bone Season 2 Pros and Cons
I’ll keep adding to this if I think of more things.
Nikolai. His existence alone bumps this season up to another level of fun.
No I Am Become A Blade scene!! Thank god.
The sets, the costumes, all the little props and details! This show is so gorgeous, and I love the amount of care put into each of these artistic aspects.
I love that each intro is different. They’re always really fun to watch.
It will always be fun to see book characters come to life on screen. Even if they aren’t perfect, it’s still really enjoyable.
The Nichevo’ya looked so cool! As did the Sea Whip.
Overall I really liked the Shadow and Bone storyline! They got rid of a lot of the messier things from the book- Mal’s behavior, the weird Siege and Storm pacing, the overdramatized Nikolai/Alina/Mal love triangle, the unfortunate Ruin and Rising Ending, etc. Plus Nikolai just really gives them the upper hand.
Seeing Dirtyhands for the first time! The only time it really felt like watching Kaz from then books.
The coronation scene was gorgeous, and honestly I thought the Jurda Parem bit was really cool.
Ben Barnes was fantastic as usual.
The Worldbuilding was on a whole other level this season! Even if it was rushed, it was still really fun to get to see so much more beyond Ravka.
David and Genya’s storyline was beautifully done.
Pretty much everything with the Crows. I realize my ‘set your expectations low and you can’t be disappointed’ approach to this season maybe isn’t the best way to think about it. Even when thinking about their plotline from a completely detached-from-the-books view, it was still messy. My primary complaint from the beginning was always the lack of coherency between their two plotlines. After further thought, pretty much everything they did was a mess. In bringing so much of their book plotlines into this season, they rushed the hell out of it and sucked all the poignancy from the books out. And again, I’m not mad because they did some rearranging of book plot lines, I’m just mad that they did it so poorly.
The acting. To be honest I’m surprised that I haven’t really seen many other people mentioning this. I’m not saying they were all bad, but the fact is that Ben Barnes is really the only great actor there. That’s been true since season 1. I try not to let it bother me too much, and to be honest I had totally forgotten how bad some of it was in season 1 until I watched season 2.
The pacing. Honestly I’m sticking to when I said I preferred this rushed pacing over the original Siege and Storm pacing. It was fast paced, and exciting. Unfortunately it was also just way too much way too fast.
Some of the green screens were… obvious.
I can’t be the only one a little surprised that they change the way Alina’s power looks every single episode. But hey, screw continuity, at least it looks cool.
No Fedyor and Ivan :(
What the hell was that look between Inej and Tolya in the finale?? What? This is one of the only times I’ll get annoyed with changes from the book. It just seems really unnecessary, why insert more romance when you have such a beautiful love story between Kaz and Inej?
Obviously I’m not the only one wondering what they’re planning with Alina’s dark powers. That just didn’t really make sense, and her smiling made even less sense. Hopefully they’ll explain this if there’s a season 3!
As much as I love that they axed the whole ‘Alina loses her power and settles down with Mal’ ending, I have to say that I didn’t love that they broke up at the end? It just didn’t really make sense to me. So much of the show is focused around their love for each other, and the fact that they’re each other’s homes. That being said, I didn’t hate every aspect of this ending- I didn’t hate that Alina isn’t giving up her seat at the table, and it made sense that Mal didn’t really want that life. So I don’t think this is 100% a Con- it was just a little confusing thematically. It felt like they tried to fix the Ruin and Rising ending and just swung too far the other way.
Overall I’ll always really enjoy this show, it’s really fun to see material from the books onscreen. I had great time watching this season. Do I think this season was great? Obviously not, but clearly my expectations were low enough to begin with that I wasn’t too disappointed. Anyways, let me know if you agree, and if you have anything you’d add!
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therealwylanvaneck · 1 year
shadow and bone first impression
!! Major spoilers !! Yes, the whole thing was extremely rushed, but I totally get why. I knew from the start they would merge siege & storm and Ruin & Rising. Those two books drag on a bit and I feel it's good that they were merged.
The main thing I care about is the crows. Their story line in the six of crows duology was merged into this season a lot more than the last. I do feel this rains a lot of character development, but I do get why it was rushed. I have a strong suspicion that the producers expect the show to be cancelled. I believe that a lot of subplots and important quotes were shoved into this season to account for them in case they don't get to adapt the rest of the series. In all honesty, I don't really mind how the crows' story played out. As has been said, their story should be treated as fan fiction. I see it as a reimagining of the original six of crows duology. In my opinion, I actually prefer it that way as I get new content from these characters that I love so much. I would rather have the crows story rushed than never get to see it. 
I absolutely loved Jesper in this season. In season one, I was extremely upset that his complex character in the books was reduced to just the 'comedic relief goat guy', however in season two I felt like we got to see so much more of him. Since Jesper is one of my favourite characters of all time, this was really refreshing to see.
Another thing I really liked about Jesper in season two was his relationship with Wylan. In the books, I really loved their relationship and I do feel that the show did it justice. Yes, their dynamic in the books was very different, and I am upset that if we do get the scene with Kuwei, it will be very different, but, given what I said earlier about the showrunners cramming things in, I think the changes make sense.
One part I really hated was the taxidermist. I liked the fact that Ines's weaknesses were shown but the taxidermist was horrible compared to Dunyasha in the original books. I just really don't understand why she was replaced.
Now, onto my second problem. When watching season one, I became very attached to Fedyor and Ivan, but unfortunately in the show they had completely disappeared. It is heavily implied that they both died but I still would have liked to see a sort of farewell to some of my favourite characters.
Although I don’t mind how rushed this season was, I do have a problem with the rushing of Kaz and Inej’s dynamic. In the books, their relationship is extremely slow due to their trauma. In the show, they seemed to recover from this extremely quickly. 
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amiramorozova · 2 years
Secret PenPal within the little palace pt. 1 - The Sorting bag
I've been in the little palace for years, every year the 2nd army soldiers take turns putting their symbols and first initial in a bag and choose from it. I hear that the General refuses every year due to he's working so they choose among themselves. This went on for ten years and every time the General refused not that I cared since I couldn't participate anyway.
Last year, someone said they almost convinced the General to join in but he refused once again. I didn't join in with being the outcast of the 2nd army. One who hides as one thing when she's two so like the General I bowed out. Baghra said it was for the best but I can't hide myself forever as just a Tidemaker. Marie and Nadia all liked the idea of getting to know their fellow Grisha better and I was glad for them.
This year, the year I turned eighteen was the year I decided to join in with everything going on and when Fedyor came he handed everyone a paper. "Rules are simple, you write your Grisha symbol on the paper and you put it in the bag. I'll shake it and then we'll randomly choose." Fedyor said but then he showed an already folded paper. "This year is special, one of you will get the chance to write letters to the General. Hopefully the one you chose has your paper and has been the one writing to you."
To the General?! Why this year! I thought
I'd already drawn my two symbols and put my first initial on my paper folding it before he'd even said anything about the General. I knew that it was not going to do me much good if I couldn't hide myslef. I purposely bent the corner of my card because there were other tidemakers who had the initial A and when I looked up I saw Fedyor notice that. "You can make yours unique Amira, that way I know your card and I can bring you the letters." Fedyor said
Next we had to drop them into the bag as we watched Fedyor shake the bag well as he went around letting people draw one of the folded cards out. I watched as everyone picked one and noticed none of them were the one I had. As I watching soon it was Nadia and Marie's turn as I had insisted going last as I wanted to see who would get mine.
As I waited till Fedyor was infront of me, I got nervous but I reached in the bag and I could feel that there was only two within the bag. I felt mine so I reached for the other one and brought it out. Fedyor looked as he saw there was one in there and closed the bag and walked to where he stood in the middle. I knew that no one here had my card..that meant the General was getting mine.
"You may open your card to see who you'll be writing to. This is a good exercise to know your fellow Grisha." Fedyor said as I noticed he had a paper himself and so did Ivan.
Please don't be Ivan..I can't stand him. I thought
When I opened my card my heart about dropped into my stomach out of nervousness and slight fear on what to write. There on the card was the darkling symbol with the letter A. While I was nervous and slightly in fear, I wanted to know what the A stood for but refused to ask due to he was our General.
"Starting today, you'll be writing the person you have two days to get your first letter out. You may talk amongst yourselves now." Fedyor said as he walked away with Ivan.
The Saints are playing a joke on us...was it truly random chance that I got the Darkling's symbol and he will get mine? Did everyone else get the opposite person or is it all random? Amira thought
When everyone int he room moved off, I was just looking at mine as I covered the initial knowing the symbol alone was going to tell. Nadia and Marie both came over with a smile excited to share what they had. I looked up at them with a smile. "So who did you get?" I asked them casually as Marie showed me. It was the Heartrender symbol with S on it.  "Nice." I said as Nadia showed an Inferni symbol with a P on it. "You have an inferni." I smiled for Nadia
They looked at me expecting me to share but I blushed slightly as I laughed. "Don't freak out or make a big deal...the other Grisha girls will probably make me regret picking last." I said as they were curious. I lifted it up and opened it only partially revealing the darkling symbol on the paper. Nadia and Marie both were shocked but they nod without saying much and then we walked away the three of us to talk.
"So two days to write your first letter. What will you say?" Nadia asked as I shrugged and knew he hardly knew of my existence. Not to mention I put my true nature on the card. "I..I wrote my true nature on my card." I admitted
The gasps were loud enough as they looked at me knowing I'd hid for years but this was an opportunity to share my secret with someone. Someone I could be myself with instead of trying to figure out what to do. Only problem is my letters were going to the person Baghra kept me away from now.
"Well...he has to guess your name. You can't write it." Nadia said as I was surprise but they had done this before so they would know. "I see. Alright." I said
Aleksander's POV:
I was busy trying to figure out what to do about everything that had happened. I'd spent years away from Fedyor's idea of letters to know 2nd army better but this year felt different so I gave in. I was looking over my maps when he walked in. "General" Fedyor said as I was still looking at them. "Yes, Fedyor?" I asked
Fedyor walked over handing me the paper "This was the last one, it's one of our Grisha girls who declined last year." Fedyor said as I took it. Fedyor excused himself as I looked at the paper. All the Grisha girls I figured I already knew so what would make this one different? They all fawned over me with everything that I had done to gain their loyalty and trust.
I opened it expecting the usual thing of one symbol, as that was what a normal Grisha had was only one. Instead my eyes landed on two, one that caught my attention the most.
Sun Summoner I thought
I looked over all the records of the Grisha at the little palace but none of them were ranked as Sun Summoners. I then looked at the paper again seeing Tidmaker and looked at our Tidemaker list. Most of them I knew but there was only a select few I didn't know and on this list there was one name in particular that was familiar to me. Amira Silina
I can't spoil the rules but let's see. The person is a Sun Summoner and Tidemaker it seems with the first letter of their name being A. A two class summoner how rare...but if they're hiding they must feel isolated. I thought knowing now I just had to come up with something to write and have Fedyor take it to them.
TagList: @lifeisingrey,  @houseoftoomanyfandoms, @mizelophsun11
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jjelliacee · 3 years
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Heartrender Husbands
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Draw your swords, pt.9
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Summary: Darkling’s secrets are soon to be unveiled, just in time for a trip to the Fold.
Warnings: angst, swearing, mentions of alcohol, implied sexual content
Part one // Part two // Part three // Part four // Part five // Part six // Part seven // Part eight  
The Darkling walked with a spring in his step. Residents of Little Palace have gotten used to his skulking in black keftas he wore like second skin. Never before had they seen him smile as much as he did on this particular day – as if he found the secret to happiness.
In truth, the Darkling refused to let himself hope for much. He simply hoped she’d allow him to kiss her now without receiving a death threat for it. It felt incredibly dangerous how foolishly addicted he is to his fickle wife. He never wanted anyone as much as he wanted her.
“General”, Fedyor joined him on his right, while Ivan silently took his left side. They both kept a reasonable distance from Kirigan, two steps behind at all times.
“What reason did you have to knock on my door this morning?” Kirigan’s voice is leveled, but his words are a death trap. There’s nothing more the general hates than his Grisha interrupting his private time – regardless if Y/N is with him or not. Unless there’s a burning issue at hand, he disliked being bothered unnecessarily.
“We’ve intercepted a few interesting stories you might like”, Ivan responds calmly, unafraid of his temperamental general. After all the years they’ve known each other, Ivan could read Kirigan’s mood easily. Despite his discontent, Kirigan is chipper for the first time in a long time. In fact, Ivan can’t even remember the last time his general was this happy...or happy at all.
“What kind?” Darkling asked, but his attention was undeniably divided as he caught sight of Y/N. 
She walked across the hallway with a purpose – determined to raise hell and he found it incredibly sexy. She paused for a moment, her gaze meeting his briefly. When she pursed her lips, his twitched at the corners – a smile starting to form.
“Sun Summoner kind”, Fedyor spoke in a hushed voice.
Kirigan’s smile falters, his eyes leaving Y/N’s. “Follow me”, he barked on order before walking in the opposite direction. 
All his life, the Darkling had been searching for the Sun Summoner. Every whisper of their existence turned out to be nothing but a fabrication, but something felt different now.
Once inside the map room, he leaned with his palms on the table. Kirigan didn’t say anything for a moment or ask for more information, but then his mouth moved on their own accord.
“Is it true?”
Glancing at each other, Ivan and Fedyor silently argued who should deliver the news.
“I asked you a question”, the general growled out, looking at them over his shoulder and the intensity of his glare had erased his earlier happiness.
“Nothing is confirmed yet, but we have quite a lot of accounts from the people surrounding the forest.” Ivan replied.
The Darkling made a sort of a grunting noise that Ivan didn’t know what to make of. The shadows covered the windows swiftly, engulfing the room in darkness as his left eye narrowed ever so slightly.
“The forest?”
Fedyor clears his throat, “Near the border.”
“Near the fold”, Ivan adds.
“I want”, he paused. Running his fingers through his hair, his shadows killed every source of outside light. “We need to prepare for a trip to the armies stationed at the fold.”
Nodding, Ivan looked to Fedyor and his deep-set frown.
“Are we to cross?” Fedyor asks.
The Darkling’s face is stone, his eyes unblinking. “Would it be a problem for you?”
Breath caught in his throat, Fedyor’s heart started to race. “No.”
“Good”, Kirigan remarked. “Prepare everything for departure in no more than a week.”
Sending them off, the Darkling sat in his chair. He wants so many things. His fingers graze his chin as he sighs – there would be no leaving without Y/N following. It’s not in her nature to do nothing and if she learns of the reasons behind his departure, he might lose her. The path of less resistance is to convince her the trip is to prove he’s honored his promise to her. He had sent the instructions yesterday and while she did force his hand on it, he didn’t hate her for it. If he’s bound for hell, at least it’s not a false one. She hates him, but she’s honest with him. He appreciated that.
Finding the Sun Summoner will change everything – for once, he will have a partner who can understand the weight of his past choices. He regrets too many things he’s done, but he was rarely given a choice. They broke the wrong parts of him, in the end, he showed them what happens when they laid a hand on those he cares for. That included Y/N now. If anything, she was a priority. Y/N is the only one he has left in this world.
While the Darkling pondered on the possibility of a Sun Summoner being true, Y/N sat in the library with a pile of books at each side.
The lingering effect of Aleksander’s gaze upon her and his devilish smirk had warmed her up in a way she least expected. For a moment, she couldn’t tell if time stopped or her heart did.
Shaking her head, she flipped the page in frustration. Her skin still burned bright from where he touched her. No amount of bathing can erase the fact she belonged to him now.
Swallowing thickly, she groaned. In all the books she had found, barely few had any information on the shadow summoner. Aside from Morozova creatures that serve as amplifiers, Y/N found mere mentions of a black heretic and the creation of the fold.
Her neck hurt, her eyes felt like they’re being pierced with needles and there was no saving her mind from all the theories she concocted. Leaning back in her chair, she huffed. Rubbing her eyes, she slammed the book closed before standing in frustration.
She didn’t want to love Aleksander, to risk her heart and life. She didn’t want to lay in bed, always afraid of what he might do if one day she’s not careful enough and he learns the truth. Naively, she hoped he’d either stand with her or just walk away but that’s not the Kirigan she knows. He wouldn’t forgive, it’s not in his nature.
Placing the books where she can find them in the morning, she headed to her room. Genya was kind enough to send a servant with lunch, but Y/N missed dinner entirely. Engrossed in books all day, she hardly felt any hunger.
At least not the kind of hunger food could satisfy.
Walking into the room, she hadn’t expected to find Aleksander sat at the bottom of their bed….shirtless.
Standing, he narrowed his eyes at her. “You weren’t at dinner.”
She raised a brow, “Wasn’t hungry.”
Kirigan crossed his arms over his bare chest, the movement making the muscles in his stomach flicker.
“Get dressed”, she quipped.
He smiled, “Do I make you uncomfortable?”
“I’m surprised you don’t have a mirror in every corner of this Palace, since you love yourself so much.”
He laughed wholeheartedly as she just turned away, clamping a hand over her mouth. She couldn’t let herself laugh with him. Every moment like this feels like the world is spinning, making her resolution fragile. She’s aching to let him in, but it would be a mistake. She feels it in his bones, he’s not honest with her.
Caring for a man like him is dangerous, like standing in the eye of a hurricane.
“We’ll leave Little Palace in a week”, Aleksander speaks, “Just as you asked of me.”
She stares at him, disbelief and joy colliding. And it’s the look in his eyes, the hopeful, terrified look in those dark skies that disarms her.
“Why do I feel like there’s a catch?”
Running the tip of his tongue along his lower lip, Aleksander takes a step closer. “You’ll ride with me.”
Pursing her lips, she nods without ever breaking eye contact. “And?”
A breathless chuckle passes his lips, “You’ll have to wear a special kefta. One that won’t let you get hurt easily.”
Taking a deep breath, she tilts her head up, “And?”
Suppressing a smile, he raises an eyebrow. “You’ll be equipped with a weapon of choice. I believe you’re more than familiar with guns as a soldier of the First army.”
Raising both eyebrows in response, she takes a step closer to him. “Swords”, she notes.
Humming, his eyes widen ever so slightly as he waits for her to continue.
“I prefer swords”, she touched his face gently with the back of her hand.
“Of course”, he breathes out. A soft smile spreads across his lips, “Draw your swords if you see an enemy in sight.”
“Even if it’s my husband?” Her lips remain parted, her eyes flickering to his chest where she raised her hand to.
“I don’t care, as long as you keep yourself safe.”
She held her breath as his words resonated with her mind. How can he be so callous one day and then offer up his life for her to take. No game had ever made her question every single word that left someone’s lips before. Sometimes she’d look at him and see through the mask he shows the world and other times she couldn’t see anything other than her own reflection in his eyes as if his soul didn’t exist at all.
“Since when do you care?” She frowns, gnawing on the inside of her cheek.
Letting out a heavy sigh, his eyes flicker to the hand she splayed against his bare chest. Just the simple touch of her hand made him want more. It was becoming too hard to pretend he hates her. What he truly hates is how human she is – what is he supposed to do when her hair turns grey and he’s still young? How will he survive when someone takes her to exact vengeance against him? Will he be too late to save her then?
When your world comes to a stop and the value of life is amplified by those dead before their time in gruesome ways, it feels like an earthquake shakes the very foundations life is built on. But when the walls start falling, past and future no longer exist, only the moment you’re in and the first person that comes to mind when those walls are gone is what your life is all about. For Aleksander, that person is Y/N.
Looking into her eyes, his hands cup her face, “Since I had to spend five days believing you’re dead.”
He wanted to wrap Y/N in his arms and tell her he would never let her walk away, not after he had a taste of what it means to be with her. He wanted to tell her his love is unconditional and that his soul is hers, even if she didn’t want to give him hers. He would wait, as patiently and as stubbornly as he did by now and that she will never lose him because even if he wished, he can’t scrub his heart clean of her. And he never wanted to.
“I thought you’d protect me?” She raised an eyebrow, teasing him.
She had become his heart, his reason to live. She lit a fire within, something he had lost over time and while she’s completely unaware of it, if the world tried to take her from him, the Darkling would wage war to make sure she remains by his side.
Blinking slow, a faint smile upon his lips, the Darkling tilts his head slightly to the left. “Would you allow it?”
There is nothing in the world he wanted more than to kiss her again, but this time around Aleksander decided to let her make the move. She is tender, but fierce. To understand a woman like her, one must realize that the former is who she is and the latter is what life demanded of her.
“Not likely”, she remarks and he throws his head back, chuckling.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, she wets her lips in thought and he can’t help but think this is a well-designed trap for him to say the wrong thing and for her to use it as excuse to put distance between them rather than face her own desires and he was almost certain those desires included him.
“You want me”, he whispers in her ear as his fingertips slide up her spine and to the back of her neck, “And it’s killing you.”
“Physical attraction means nothing”, her voice is low, but unwavering.
Aleksander bites the inside of his lower lip in anticipation of her pushing him away and storming off, but even as he waits, he feels her hips press closer to him as if she’s telling him he won’t be left alone. Not again.
“Yet you’re here”, he grins. Tucking her hair behind her left ear, he admired how firm she stands in her opposition.
“So are you”, she quipped,. 
A cocky smile appears on his lips, tiny wrinkles forming around his dark eyes as he holds her gaze bravely, unwavering even when her gaze becomes a glare.
Biting her lower lip, contemplating the right move, Y/N could hardly fight her desire for him. Her head knew he it would be unwise, but her heart screamed at her to kiss him and those butterflies in her stomach felt more like killer bees as the need to feel him inside her had taken over every rational thought she generated.
One hand caressing his lean cheek, she gave into her primal instincts as she slammed her lips against his and Aleksander’s own heart leapt inside his chest. 
Their need for each other was urgent. Y/N grabbed a handful of flesh and muscle on Aleksander’s back. He gasped and laughed throatily at her haste. When her hands clawed at him again, he grasped both hands in one of his and held them over her head. She struggled to free herself, but he was too strong. When he entered her, she gasped, then moved her hips up to meet his.
He released her hands and she pulled him closer and closer to her. They made love quickly, almost harshly, before they found the sweet release they longed for. Aleksander collapsed on top of her, their bodies still joined as one when their minds gave in, slowly drifting to sleep.
Just like the previous morning, he remained in the bed, his arms wrapped around her tightly. 
She barely saw him during the day as the week progressed, but their nights were spent together – entangled mess of limbs, desperate moans and needy pleas neither held back. She’d close her eyes in his embrace and begin her day the same way.
“You don’t have much time”, Genya warned as Y/N dressed in haste. She decided to dress for the trip, it was the only way she could fit in a few hours in the library.
“I won’t be long”, she smiled at her friend.
Licking her lips, Genya took her by the hand. “What is it that you’re looking for?”
Y/N clenched her teeth, wondering if she should tell Genya. Something inside her warned against it – she didn’t tell anyone his name is Aleksander, feeling privileged to know such information. If she’s wrong and she can trust him, she didn’t want to poison anyone else with her doubt beforehand. A single book remained unread on her pile of very thick books she went through.
“Just trying to learn”, Y/N shrugged.
Nodding, Genya smiles, “In case we don’t see each other before you leave, I have to implore you to reconsider David as an ally.”
“I will”, Y/N promised and she would. Someone in Aleksander’s inner circle could be of use to her.
Going through the pages, she felt exhausted. Spending all her time in ancient books didn’t seem to be of use, but for once the text made sense. It spoke of the black heretic and the many names he’s been called in history.
“He walks the earth with a power only the saints could possess. They call him The Black Heretic, The Shadow King, The Starless Saint, Staski, Eryk, Leonid – numerous names that he exchanged for each lifetime he was given and by now it must be at least a few hundred lifetimes of darkness. His name – true name was lost throughout the centuries, occasionally heard as a whisper carried in the wind.”
Wide eyed, she read through the text of a scholar who described the Black Heretic and his powers, his entire lineage being his mother who remained unnamed and…him.
“He has no descendants?” Y/N’s lips quiver. If he has no descendants and his line begins and ends with him, how would Aleksander even exist?
It would be impossible, would it not?
“Numerous names that he exchanged for each lifetime he was given”, she reads aloud only to cover her own mouth in face of a startling epiphany. It was as she noticed the dark connection between the great mystery, the horrific realization set in.
“Pardon me, miss, but General Kirigan has sent for you”, a servant frightened her.
Taking the book in haste, Y/N stood on her shaky legs. Mouth dry, she pressed her lips in a thin line.
“Thank you”, she walked out so quickly, barely containing her quick and shallow breaths. Sweating profusely, she felt as if the black kefta she wore weighed down on her like battle armor.
Was it not her armor? Was this not a constant war she’s struggled with?
Aleksander…Kirigan…The Darkling…who is he?
“Are you ready?” Aleksander is waiting by the door with a small smile on his lips. His hand is opened for her to take, but she ignores it. If she took his hand, he’d feel the shakiness she’s trying so hard to steady.
Mounting his black stallion, she tucked the book safely inside her inner pocket.
“I’ll take the reins”, she informed him as he took his place behind her.
She heard him scoff, “I’m the general.” 
Is Aleksander even his real name?
Are the stories about him true? 
“On this side of the fold, so am I”, she gripped the reins and the stallion obeyed.
Riding a horse always helped her clear her mind, but this time it seemed impossible. 
When she married Kirigan, she believed she would marry an old, unattractive man…As it turns out, she got the old part right.
A/N - I’m not quite happy with this chapter, but I wanted to post today to keep my streak going. Also, i suck at writing a summary, like WHY IS THAT?! xD It’s Eid, so I’m tired and sleepy, forgive my grammar and prepare for things to heat up in the next chapters. Thank you all for sticking with the story and all the feedback, it honestly gives me life and will to keep writing. I also finally found the books in my native tongue, at least the Grisha trilogy and Six of crows duology and I’m really excited to dive into it and further my understanding of Darkling as a brilliantly written villain that is a multi-dimensional being with, let’s be honest, actually good points. I may not be happy about his willingness to commit mass murder, but I kinda see where he’s coming from and I really can’t wait to know more about the situation as it is in the books.  
Tags: @bruxa0007 @rangotangomango @kaitlyn2907 @thestoryofmylife9 @shelivesindaydreamswme @hxrgreeves @safetyhtom @kaqua @savannah-elliott @all-art-is-quite-useless  @azure23x @girlmadeofavocados @ashdab2611 @acciorudolphx @ladyblablabla @wckedheart @xceafh @sanna2020 @tarkanelima-blog @takethee @mellifluous-cosmos @marvel-ousnesss @tea-effect @starlightofsolaria @p3nny4urth0ught5 @blackbirddaredevil23 @sarcastic-and-cool @slytherinsbiggestproblem @within-thehollowcrown @notthatchhavi @musicconversedance @freakytillthemoon  @lgkoval @honeyofthegods @queenmalhinewahine @misselsbells06  @whatthefluffrichard @aami98 @britriestbr @itsfangirlmendes @padme-parker @readingsssssssss @runawayolives @thehighladyofasgard @emlynblack @keithseabrook27 @dailydoseofchoices @deceivedeer @olympiacosplay @pansysgirlfriend @extrakyloren  @daybleedsintonightfa11 @thoughts-and-funnies @weirdowithnobeardo @folkloresworld​
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cheekygreenty · 3 years
Little Witch- Part 11
The Darkling x Reader
I’m backkkkkkkkk besties 🥰🥰
The rest of the day was spent doused in the work the Darkling had given you earlier, so the time you would have spent otherwise mulling over his plans for the stag had to be pushed out of the way.
You had plenty of time left until the evening's dinner, where you would be formally announced as Deputy General to the Grisha of the Little Palace. You had already signed off on official letters to the camp commanders and First-Army leaders stating your position, but you doubted there would be any fuss from them.
Your own Grisha is who you had to be worried about. They didn't do well with change. Especially not when it came to a mysterious all-powerful Grisha coming and taking control of an army they'd never seen them be a part of before.
Nonetheless, this was happening whether they wanted it or not. Ravka needed to present a united front and adding another person to strengthen said front was essential. All you hoped for was a peaceful transition, no blood-baths. To hell if they whispered or rumored, you could handle that, you've been handling it.
You had a list of ever-changing priorities in your head, and on top of it was always Alina. You cared for your Grisha, no matter how much they hated you or how much you disliked them, and Alina wasn't any exception. You felt a pang of guilt flow through you at the thought of Aleksander using her against her better conscience but you shoved it away quickly. There was nothing you could do but talk to him and question him about the plan.
The plan. The stupid plan. You called it stupid because you didn't know anything about it and against your better judgment, it made you doubt his trust. Was it so bad, so cruel, that he couldn't tell me? Before you came to the Little Palace, you told yourself you wouldn't blindly trust anybody anymore. Aleksander had to be held to that standard too.
Your door was left slightly ajar, you were sick of the knocking at this point so when you heard a feminine voice call out your name you looked up instantly, ready to be hit with more reports.
'Ms.Y/L/N? I have been sent by the General to see if you wish to use any of my help' The red-haired Grisha looked at you with her bright blue eyes. Her white kefta pressed to perfection.
'You must be Genya' You stood up and welcomed her in.
'Sorry about the room, as you can see I don't have a proper desk yet' you laughed and watched her closely as she studied you. 'What do you do exactly? It's been years since I heard of a tailor and I've never had the pleasure to meet one.'
You noticed a look of surprise at your black kefta. If she had any questions, she most certainly didn't feel comfortable asking, he probably told her not to ask.
'I do all sorts of things, change the color of your hair, get rid of pesky scars, anything you don't like about yourself really..... well except your character, there's nothing anyone can do about that' She waved off and sat you down at your vanity, carefully pushing papers to one side.
'So? How about it?' She looked at you through the mirror and you pondered.
'Maybe the eye bags need to go?'
She nodded deeply, 'Definitely' you couldn't help but feel a little offended, but mostly amused.
'What do you propose then, Genya?'
'Hmmm, the eyebags for sure, put some color on your cheeks,-' She combed her hands through your hair and bit the inside of her cheek '-the hair needs something too, perhaps some shine?'
'Perhaps' You mused.
'I shall get to work then' she smiled.
After your pampering session with Genya and prying her open (more like soothing her) to talking about life at the Palaces and her life, you came to the conclusion that you would die for her. She was so kind and strong, no wonder she and Alina were always seen together, they were two peas in a pod. Her humor and wittiness, like yours, was refreshing, a breath of fresh air in the stiff and formal palace.
You didn't bother changing. The truth was you were tired already and a full day hadn't even passed of your new job. How did I do this for so many years? But still, you managed to put on your bravest smile and walk in the domed hall with your head held high and your black kefta on a show like a trophy.
Unlike the other time you and Aleksander dined together here, he was already sitting in his chair. Ivan was standing, ready to announce any war news and casualties. You could see Alina looking at you with a confused look on her face, but she still gave you a welcoming smile.
You sat down and cleared your throat in the deafening silence. Ivan began to speak but you heard none of it. Your head too full with thoughts on how this situation could go. You felt Aleksander move his hand to your thigh in a calming manner. You looked over to him and shot him a tight smile, before looking back to Ivan who was sitting down. Here goes nothing.
You stood up with Aleksander. The Grisha in the room couldn't understand what was going on, who was that person, wearing black nonetheless, sitting at the right side of the Darkling, on her own custom chair. The list of anomalies was never-ending.
He spoke first 'Today is a monumental day for the Second-Army, for all Grisha, for Ravka. Y/N Y/L/N has returned to the Little Palace and will be reprising her role of Deputy General, Second in Command of the Second Army.'
Nobody spoke but if looks could kill, I would be halfway into my grave by now.
'Ms. Y/L/N will play an essential part in our fight for freedom and justice. She is an outstanding leader, sometimes even better than I am, for she leads with compassion and understanding for all. She deserves nothing but the utmost respect and loyalty. If you for one second doubt her abilities, you might as well put cuffs around your own wrists, for disrespecting her is disrespect for me. I put my full faith in her.'
He turns to you and sits down, giving you all the attention.
'None of you will remember my reign as Deputy General, but I assure you I know what I am doing. The Little Palace and your lives are of most importance to me. I am here to protect and care for you, yes I will be giving commands, but rest be assured they are in your best interest.'
'I don't represent one order of Grisha, I represent and unite all of you-' You look towards the Etherialki '-I can summon the strongest of gales and light the Palace's fires-'
You turn your head toward the Materialki '-I can bend any metal, bleed fabric of its color-'
Your eyes meet Fedyor's '-I can soothe a heart and crush every bone in a body-'
You stand straighter '- and I can summon the shadows, call the darkness. With me at your side, I will make the Grisha kind loved once again, we will not be hunted or enslaved. Ravka's borders will be peaceful. I am putting my trust into each and every single one of you to help me achieve our utopia'
You sit back down and only then do you notice your shaking hands. You don't dare look up out of fear but a calming hand on your back almost forces you to. And you're glad because almost every Grisha in the room is looking, no, worshipping you. Their eyes glazed over and their mouths open in shock. Even Zoya looked astounded.
He leans in to whisper in your ear 'I'm so proud of you'
You ate amongst the other Grisha that night, feeling a sense of belonging and confidence pulsing through you. It went down way better than you'd expected. Nobody threw a fit or tried your life. And you were happy. The sleep you had that night was the best you'd had in years.
The next morning, and the morning after that, was taken up entirely by work. Aleksander went away and so you were left with the runt of the jobs. But you had made yourself extremely comfortable in his quarters. At first, you only came to make use of the war room, then you sat at his desk to drink your tea and concentrate on work, and ultimately fell asleep in his bed, enclosed by his scent and those forgiving black sheets.
There was so much work to do and only so many hours in the day, and Aleksander decided to make life that much harder by renewing the search for Morozova's stag. You couldn't keep up.
You were waiting on a certain somebody. You had instructed the oprichniki to bring her here right after she was done with Baghra, no later. And so you stood there, inspecting the war table when a gentle knock echoed throughout the room.
'Come in'
'Deputy General' She addressed you with a curt nod.
'Please Alina, call me Y/N' you looked at her from your place at the table, hands resting on the map. She looked slightly uncomfortable but way less scrawny than when you'd first seen her. Her hair was filler and her skin glowed. She looked healthy now. Aleksander must see this too.
'I can see using your powers has affected you in more ways than one.'
'Oh-yes umm.. my appetite's grown so much since I got here it's rather funny' She was growing more comfortable.
'That's completely normal if you're using your powers more often' You smiled and walked around to her. 'I thought we could have a cup of tea or two, and you could tell me all about yourself Alina, and the things that are troubling you. I don't want you to feel like you're all alone in this place.'
'Dep- Y/N I assure you I am most certainly fine. There’s no need t-’
'I was once like you… and I can sense a troubled soul with my eyes closed.'
She stared at you with her defensive walls up, not letting any emotion slip though the cracks behind her eyes.
‘Alina… I mean you no harm. I’m just worried. Isn’t it nice to have someone worry for Alina and not the sun-summoner for a change?’ You cracked a sad smile and walked over to the tea the servants had brought.
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Part 12
Taglist (tell me if u want to be added!!)
@theonelittleone @searching-for-gallifrey @0-artemis @lostysworld @xceafh @fire-in-her-veinz @patdsinner33 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @wizardwheezes @aleksanderwh0r3 @tomhollandisabae @hotleaf-juice @justmesadgirl @exo-1204 @houseofdupree @oberonpascal @eireduchess
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booksinsteadofdrugs · 3 years
the cast of shadow and bone. was. perfect.
alina was straight out of the books. jessie portrayed her stubbornness, naivety, and confusion incredibly. from the way she denied her power at first, to the moment where she took it back from the darkling and claimed it hers. jessie mei li is the sun summoner, and we couldn't have asked for a better one.
malyen was even better than the malyen we've seen in the books. archie did a fantastic job with the character (he needs to be praised more considering his character is one of the most unnecessarily hated characters of all time and he was given hard time by some fans from the moment he was cast for the show). he was brave, loyal and charming the whole time. they added depth to his character with those keramzin flashbacks and both jessie and archie turned malina's bond into something more pure and more sweet. archie's acting was also one of the highlights of this show for me. he was just perfect.
i believe ben barnes was born to play the darkling, and no. i'm not being dramatic. he's captured the darkling's intimidating, manipulating yet charming nature so well. he wasn't just trying to manipulate alina, he was also manipulating the audience to think he is just a misunderstood man, paying the price of his ancestors' crimes. he was the best casting choice i've seen in a long time. the fact that he's older than anyone in the cast adds more layer to the darkling's image, i believe. in every scene he screams authority. from his posture to the way he's spitting out the words, we can see that ben has been working hard on this character. and personally, i'm so grateful for that.
the crows. they. were. incredible. i have no words. amita suman is literally the inej that everyone imagined while reading the books. she managed to capture every little detail about inej. especially seeing how her faith was affecting her decisions when it comes to killing was amazing. and the way she didn't hesitate to kill when kaz was in danger. and her admiration for alina. god, i just love inej so much. freddie did a spectacular job with kaz. he was incredible. i remember seeing inej and jesper flinching and turning their heads when alexei was shot, but kaz stood their like a statue, not moving an inch. without blinking. because he already knew what was gonna happen. also, i loved how he constantly denied believing alina was a saint until he finally did, and it was for inej. the way freddie always watched amita in scenes, always making sure she's nearby made me smile like an idiot. he had a purpose in every scene, he was never just standing there for show. that's the kaz brekker we know. he always has a plan and freddie portrayed kaz's confidence, his cunning nature and his faith in his crew so well. jesper was incredible. i could feel how much love kit has for his character from the way he played with his guns to the way he walked, he was literally just having fun with his character. i loved how tense he looked in ravka sometimes, not forgetting his character's abilities. he portrayed jesper's playful nature amazingly and it was a delight seeing him in this character. he made me laugh countless times throughout the season, and i can't wait to see more of him (especially with wylan) god, i love him so much.
nina and matthias. their chemistry. dude. i can't even speak. i feel like all the people who complained about danielle not fitting the nina image they had in their mind owe danielle an apology. because she was just perfect. i know i've used this word so many times but there's honestly no other way to describe it. danielle and calahan were literally shining together. the sexual tension was so tense. they were impeccable and netflix, i'm begging you, please give them more scenes in the next season. they made me scream, they made me laugh, and they made me cry. calahan portrayed matthias's superstitious and innocent personality so great. and the way nina was constantly flirting with him to make him embarrassed, they were literally the book helnik. i love them so much.
zoya. my queen. i wasn't expecting her to have this much screentime anf i was scared they were going to use her as a background character since she didn't have much part in the first book but wow, sujaya made sure to steal every scene she was in. she was always fierce, ambitious and gorgeous the whole time. you just can't stop yourself from adoring her. and she portrayed zoya's character development so beautifully. especially in the last scenes. i can't wait to see her more in the next season, especially with nikolai. c'mon netflix, speed things up if you have to. i want to see them together.
genya and david were great too. especially in the scene where we see genya with her new kefta gave me chills. knowing what she had to do to get it was intense. daisy was great as genya, her movements were always elegant, and we could sense the injustice that happened to her considering the few scenes she was in, especially without being explained clearly. luke pasqualino is a comedic genius. i loved seeing his awkward yet adorable david portrayal so much. especially his uncomfortable silence after genya says "see you at the fete". his uncertain movements and the way he raised his finger before speaking was hilarious. i loved their stolen glances at the winter fete. i need more of them, like, right now.
and also i wanna thank the writers for making ivan and fedyor gay. they were the couple i didn't know i need it. the way fedyor was feeding him was so cute. it even made me feel bad for ivan at the end when jesper shot him, although i didn't care for him in the books at all.
long story short, this cast made the characters even more likeable than the books. which is so rare considering all the horrible book to screen adaptations. they were all perfect. and they earned my gratitude for taking time to read the books, and do their job so well.
they did justice to leigh's work and i can't be more proud.
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wingsofhcpe · 2 years
“you stayed?” “of course i stayed. why wouldn’t i?”
For our heartrender husbands?
TRAUMA PROMPTS // “you stayed?” “of course i stayed. why wouldn’t i?” [ASKS OPEN]
It is scarcely a month after they’ve officially started dating, that they have their first argument as a couple.
Ivan has been spending the evenings in the company of General Kirigan, assisting him in military tactics and the organisation of field operations. Fedyor is usually asleep by the time he returns to their chambers. Well- Fedyor’s chambers, but they’re sharing for obvious reasons and have not yet requested to move to more spacious living quarters. There’s a single bed in the room, and they are forced to huddle in it together if they want to sleep side by side. Ivan is unused, to say the least, to that amount of physical contact during moments of repose, but he does not object to it. He likes it, even. He likes to watch Fedyor’s chest rise and fall with calm, measured breaths, he likes to gingerly tuck errand strands of dark hair behind his lover’s ear as he sleeps. There’s a certain peace in such moments that he has never felt before. He would be content to sit there forever and watch the man who holds his heart sleep, safe and sound.
Unfortunately, the General disagrees with the sentiment.
“I’m not against my Grisha having the occasional tumble,” he says one night, when the two of them are sitting by the carved map table in the war room, “not as long as it doesn’t influence your work.”
“Have I displeased you in my duties, moi soverenyi?” Ivan asks, jaw and shoulders squared, posture impeccable as ever. Yet his heart twitches with worry- he has not neglected his duties to spend time with Fedyor, not as far as he can tell, but maybe the General has noticed something Ivan himself is blind to.
Kirigan shakes his head a fraction, dismissing the question. “No, of course not. But I must express my worries. You and Fedyor seem to spend every waking moment together… but to sleep in the same room makes it more official, does it not?”
“Yes… I suppose.” Ivan says stiffly, unsure of what the General is trying to say. Kirigan hums thoughtfully, sipping kvas from a crystal glass.
“Your priority is the Second Army. The cause.” He says, and Ivan rushes to nod, afraid to disappoint his General.
“Yes, of course. I would never neglect my duties for Fedyor.”
As soon as he says it, he knows it’s a lie. It startles him, the simplicity of it all; the knowledge that if he had to choose between Fedyor and the Second Army, it would be hard to pick the latter without having second thoughts. He might not actively decide against performing his duties as he should, but part of him would always think of Fedyor first.
If the General realises he has been lied to, he refuses to show it. He only inclines his head just so, choosing to show that he trusts into Ivan’s better judgement and sense of duty.
“That is good to hear. But I would like you to spend all but one nights of the week separately.”
He voices it as a request, but Ivan knows it is an order. He flinches inwardly, but his face remains closed off and as impassive as ever when he nods.
“As you wish, moi soverenyi.”
As expected, Fedyor is less enthusiastic when it comes to complying with their new set of orders.
“I don’t understand.” He says, his brow creased in worry first, then outright anger. “What right does he have to ask that of us? So what if we want to spend the night together, huh? We’re just sleeping, after all.”
They’d been hesitant to do… other things when in the secluded company of each other, both because of Ivan’s inexperience, Fedyor’s reservations and the pragmatic fact that Ivan usually returns to their shared living space after Fedyor has already fallen asleep. Ivan tries to ignore the flustered heat that spreads across his face, and looks away.
“It is… improper.” He manages. “I’m second-in-command. I cannot sleep around like…”
He bites his lower lip and doesn’t say it, knowing how bad it’s going to sound. But Fedyor is more than clever enough to piece the words together, and Ivan can feel his heartbeat spiking up in fury.
“A whore? That was what you were going to say, wasn’t it?” He snaps. “I know you don’t think me the most modest of Grisha inside the walls of the Little Palace, but I thought at least you wouldn’t be critical of that. Guess I was wrong. You’re always critical- oh, unless it comes to the General’s orders, of course. Then your critical thinking skills revert to those of a lump of mouldy cheese!”
He shouts out the last part, much louder than Ivan would have liked, and he cringes despite the knowledge that there’s nobody else inside the room. He’s not sure how to respond to that; tell Fedyor the truth? That the General believes Fedyor is going to leave Ivan eventually and move on to his next plaything? The younger Corporalnik does have quite the reputation of a massive flirt, after all. But he’s told Ivan nobody has made him feel like that before. Was that a lie? Ivan hadn’t detected any hint of deceit in Fedyor’s pulse, but after all, who would want to stay with someone like Ivan for more than a few months, at the very best? He was hardly boyfriend material and he was perfectly aware of that fact- he was grumpy, solitary, he couldn’t always properly express his emotions, he simply did not know how to be a good partner. He had always been by himself in every sense of the world, barring his peculiar and prickly friendship with Zoya Nazyalensky. How could he expect the living ray of sunshine that was Fedyor to chain himself to him? Fedyor would leave him eventually- not because Fedyor himself was a whore or anything close to that, but because Ivan simply wasn’t good enough for someone like him.
He knows he could try to voice out these worries. To articulate the fears and insecurities that have been plaguing him for so long, to apologise to Fedyor for the harshness of his words and to ask him to help him find a solution on how to deal with the General’s demands. He could ask Fedyor to do this together with him. To act as the brave man Fedyor so unflinchingly believes him to be.
Instead, he says the stupidest thing he could have thought of at that moment.
“Maybe the General is right.” He drawls, voice emotionless as Fjerdan ice. “Maybe we’re nothing but distraction to each other.”
He turns his back and heads for the door, but doesn’t make it out before Fedyor’s panicked voice reaches his ears.
“Wha- what’s that supposed to me? Are you- are we-… a-are you breaking up with me?!”
There’s heartbreak in his tone, and Ivan doesn’t know whether it’s his heart or Fedyor’s that he can feel shattering into a million tiny pieces. His shoulders slump, but he forces himself to remain silent as he walks out of the room.
He slams the door behind him and leaves Fedyor to wonder, his silence more of an answer than his words could have ever provided.
Ivan doesn’t see Fedyor for the rest of that day, or the day after. He attempts to talk to the other man, but the door to Fedyor’s room is locked, and he receives no answer when he knocks on it. He’s not even sure Fedyor is inside; he can hear no heartbeat, but Fedyor is an exceptionally skilled Heartrender. He might as well be masking it to make Ivan believe the room is empty. Regardless, the result is the same- Ivan is forced into an undignified retreat, sulking back towards his chambers and feeling as if the world has come to a violent end.
The third day after that particular argument, Ivan is sent to the field near Kribirsk to intercept a group of druskelle that have infiltrated the border. Normally it would be nothing but a chore for someone as strong and experienced as him- but his mind has been preoccupied with gloomy thoughts, with regret and with an inexplicable amount of anxiety ever since he’d argued (broken up? He frankly has no idea) with Fedyor, and he cannot bring himself to focus on anything but the last conversation they had, playing his cruel words over and over in his head and condemning himself to eternal damnation for his heartlessness.
Needless to say, he’s quite… distracted. He’s nowhere near as careful and precise as usual on the battlefield, and as the universe seems to have set out to kill him one way or another, he earns a druskelle dagger to the side for his efforts. Kefta protect you from bullets, but not from blades, apparently. Fabrikators sure seem to have their priorities straight. Why make something that protects you from close-quarter, common weaponry at all?
The wound isn’t nowhere near fatal, but it’s painful enough to startle him and break his concentration, which results in his attacker swiftly gaining the upper hand and grabbing Ivan by the neck, bashing his head against the nearest tree trunk. His world explodes in million bursts of tiny lights, and all sound dulls into a distant echo as darkness closes in.
His last thought before he passes out is something he has never thought he’d ever say or even consider:
‘The General was wrong.’
It isn’t Fedyor presence that distracts him.
It’s the absence of him.
When Ivan wakes up, head throbbing and side aching as if someone has poured gasoline into his wound, is that he’s back home. Or, well- in the infirmary. Still, he’s safe and inside the walls of the Little Palace, which is comforting enough on its own. At least he didn’t die, though he might as well when word of his blunder out there reaches General Kirigan.
For now, though, he’s quite alive, but considering how much everything hurts he’s not entirely certain that’s for the better.
With a frustrated groan, he flutters his eyes open and lets his vision adjust to the dim afternoon light that’s pouring in from the windows. His blurry vision slowly clears, and the first thing he comes face to face with upon fully regaining consciousness, is…
“Oh, thank the Saints.” Fedyor gasps from his perch by Ivan’s bedside, warm brown eyes luminant and lively as molten chocolate as he gazes down at Ivan. He hasn’t been crying, but Ivan finds he knows him well enough by now to figure that he was close. Fedyor is on his knees the following moment, having abandoned his chair and sliding to the floor next to the cot. “How dare you scare me like that, especially after what you pulled the other day!”
Ivan blinks, reconsidering the fact that he might actually be dead and that this may be heaven or hell- to be honest, he’s not exactly sure which is which, not yet. But Fedyor’s hands cradle his own, warm and steady and alive, and Ivan can hear his worried heart kicking against his chest like a panicked horse. For a moment, he wonders whether the past three days had been a nightmare, that they never really argued. But- no, the hurt in Fedyor’s eyes is still there. Their argument had not been a dream. Still, Fedyor doesn’t seem inclined to leave anytime soon, which fills Ivan’s cold heart with warmth and happiness and confusion and delight, and emotions that he cannot even begin to find words for. Normally he’s not a man of many words, but suddenly there are so many things he wishes to say; that he’s sorry, that he didn’t mean a lick of what he said the other day, that he’s never, ever leaving Fedyor and the General can go to hell for all he cares, that he has never been in love before but he’s pretty certain this is what it’s supposed to feel like, that he was half a man without Fedyor and that he’d rather die than be without him. That even if Fedyor left him, the time they’d spent together would have been worth it, that Ivan would hold it close to his heart as a man holds a candle while wandering in a dark, endless tunnel.
He wants to say all of this, and so much more. But in the end, all he manages is a hoarse, broken “you stayed…?”.
It’s Fedyor’s turn to blink, momentarily startled as if he, too, cannot believe Ivan’s complete and utterly disappointing lack of eloquence. But a moment later his face breaks into a grin as bright as the sun itself, and he lets out a sound between a chuckle and a sob.
“Of course I stayed. Why wouldn’t I?”
Ivan almost shouts ‘why would you? Why would anyone stay for me?’, but he forces himself to be a little more vocal about it, lest he causes another misunderstanding.
“I thought… After everything I said to you… that you wouldn’t want to.” It’s not enough, not nearly enough, but it’s a start. Fedyor lets out a sigh, his eyes looking down at their joined hands as if contemplating what would be a logical answer.
“You’re an idiot.” He says in the end, and Ivan flinches despite himself. “But you’re my idiot, Ivan Hartvigsen, and I’ll be damned if I ever leave you just because you’re an absolute moron.”
Ivan is, as is often the case every time Fedyor opens his mouth and says something particularly nice to him, rendered speechless for a few seconds.
“You… mean that?” He manages eventually, and Fedyor just laughs to himself.
“Yes, you brute, I mean that.” He murmurs then bends down, bringing their foreheads together. “And I don’t care whether or not you believe me, because it’s true. I’m not leaving you. Nobody will ever make me feel the way you do.”
Not ‘nobody has made me feel that way’. ‘Nobody willmake me feel that way.’ The difference is only slight, and Fedyor might have not even altered the sentence consciously, but to Ivan it means so, somuch more. A promise; that’s what Fedyor’s words are. The promise that he will never love anybody as much as he does Ivan.
He doesn’t realise he’s teared up, not until Fedyor places a warm, gentle hand on his stubbled cheek and wipes a tear away with his thumb.
“Look at you,” he croons, “tearing up on me. And I thought that between the two of us, I was supposed to be the lovesick fool.”
Ivan snorts and looks away, but as hard as he attempts to scowl he cannot hide a small, delicate smile that’s tugging at the corners of his lips. Fedyor laughs again, and leans in for a kiss. He’s slow, hesitant, letting Ivan push him away if he wants to- but Ivan would have liked nothing more than to kiss Fedyor like that for hours, days, for eternity if possible. He kisses back with unexpected eagerness, and Fedyor gasps surprisedly into their lips. The kiss is deep, slow, passionate, and even as his side protests the movement, Ivan sits up and pulls Fedyor close to him until the latter is sitting haphazardly on his lap.
Fedyor draws back after a while, breathless, cheeks flustered and lips bruised from the intensity of their kiss, but he’s glowing like the brightest star in the night sky.
“You should rest.” He says softly, although his hand remains on Ivan’s cheek. “I… I’m going to get back to my room. Before the General descends on both of us like an avenging warrior of old.”
Three days ago, Ivan would have accepted this, would have even praised Fedyor for his adhering to the rules Kirigan had set. But now…
“You don’t have to do what the General says.” He cannot speak ill of the man that gave Ivan the life he has now, of the man that is, after all, responsible for him and Fedyor meeting, but he will not let his beloved walk away, either. “I mean- you can, if you want to. But you can also stay. If you want. Because I want. I want you to stay, that is… why are you laughing now?”
Fedyor has nearly keeled over with laughter, a sound so lively a joyous Ivan thinks his heart might burst out of his chest cavity.
“Yes, Ivan, I would very much like to stay with you, in case you haven’t noticed already.” He manages amidst the laughing fit that’s overcome him, and Ivan finds himself smiling along, so happy he can barely register the thrill of it.
He shifts a little and presses himself against the wall next to the cot, wordlessly inviting Fedyor to lie by his side. It’s exactly what the other Heartrender does, and soon they’re snug in each other’s arms noses touching, as if not a day has passed from the last time they lay like that together in Fedyor’s bed. The cot isn’t nearly as comfortable, but Ivan doesn’t care. He would sleep in a bed of hot coals or of never-melting ice, if it meant he’d be with Fedyor.
And no matter what the General says, he’s certain there’s no changing his mind about how he feels. Ever.
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Sorry this occurred to me when I was re-watching the show for like 10th time (lol)but the whole scene with Fedyor and Ivan where Alina goes on a rant about how hard it is for a half Shu girl out makes no sense to me. I mean both of them are soldiers they would know about the anti Shu sentiment/racism in the country plus you’re telling me Alina’s the first half Shu Grisha that comes to the LP when we’ve seen so many different ethnicities among Grisha? Really?🙄 It’s actually very interesting we see so many diversity groups of people in the Second Army in contrast to the First one but I’m not sure if that was deliberate considering we got the “Grisha bullying the First Army”nonsense in ep.1 I just find it hilariously bad how the writers standards for bad/expendable characters is how overtly racist they are to Alina.😒
I think with this scene they were trying to show the different perspectives of the first army vs the second army. Obviously in the first army, as you pointed out, they are mostly ravkan, there are not many other ethnicities at all and so Alina does face alot of prejudice and racism from those around her, this has been her experience and so it effects her opinions, views and perspective on everything. However on the opposite side of this you have Ivan and Fedyor who have a completely different experience having grown up at the LP surrounded by various other ethnicities. Whilst they might be somewhat aware of the anti shu sentiment within the first army I feel like the first and second armies kind of keep themselves to themselves so they may have heard about it but not necessarily seen it all that much, unlike Alina who faces it on a daily basis. Therefore I don't think they are going to understand or rather really think about it all that much because as I mentioned above it is our own experiences that shape our perspectives and views, Ivan and Fedyor are unlikely to have seen first hand the anti shu sentiments and so they don't really understand them until Alina has her rant about it because they come from an environment where grisha are grisha regardless of what colour their skin is or what nation they come from.
But the other thing this scene highlights is the way the first army see the grisha and how they seem oblivious to the racism and persecution they face. Through Alina we see that the first army see the grisha as being privileged, they get fancy tents and fresh fruit and sugar for their tea, they have bulletproof uniforms which are all things that the first army don't have. It's not until this conversation that she really learns what the grisha have to face and why they have those tall walls to hide behind. When I first saw this scene I actually thought it was an interesting commentary on how because of their own experiences and through the fact that they don't really communicate with each other there is this divide and misunderstanding between the first and second army, there is this kind of tension between them and so seeing two sides of that come together and talk about their own experience and opening that dialogue that might lead to a better understanding was interesting to me. But unfortunately they don't really explore this any further than just this one scene. This makes Alina's views and choices later in the season more frustrating because come the end of the season you would expect that Alina has a better understanding of the grisha and all they face and yet she still seems to have that same opinion of the grisha aren't being oppressed and persecuted anymore. Also come the end of the season they are still comparing the racism she faced to the position the grisha are in and to me they are different situations. Both bad but I'm not sure they handled it as well as they could have and it seemed more like they were trying to use it as a way of bringing M*lina closer together than actually using it to teach a valuable lesson to the viewers. But hey this is all just my interpretation and opinion so.
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mearcatsreturns · 3 years
/whispers/ So maybe I now have to ask for Ivan and the No Good Terrible Very Bad Day Attempting to Babysit a Grisha Child Who Can Summon Light and Shadow. How could this possibly go wrong.
Once again, this got long, so here's the first chapter of A Day in the Life of Ivan, Or: Ivan’s Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day.
The worst day of Ivan’s life begins years before the fateful day itself, if that’s possible. He’s grateful not to know the precise day, but he knows who—or what, rather—is to blame.
It’s the damn heterosexuals. They just won’t stop fucking, and they’ve made it everyone else’s problem now.
The heterosexuals in question are, of course, Kirigan and Alina, or as they’re known now, the Tsar and Tsarina.
About three years before the Worst Day™, Ivan is minding his own business, just trying to find some decent food after returning from a mission to the northern border. It wasn’t a bad trip; Fedyor had been with him and they’d enjoyed the opportunity to spend some time together outside the political games of Os Alta.
Nevertheless, Ivan is eager to eat some food that isn’t dried and to sleep in his own comfortable bed. He’s already debriefed with the Tsar and bathed, so he’s delighted to find it’s time for dinner. It’s to be a small group tonight, just the king and queen, Nikolai, Zoya, Tamar, Nadia, Fedyor and him. He can tolerate them all (except Fedyor, who of course is the light of his life), though Alina remains permanently on thin ice. She makes the Darkling light and happy, and it’s just unnatural.
They settle around the table and fall into comfortable conversation. Tolya is on an assignment and intends to travel to Kerch after this. Tamar and Nadia are beginning to formalize their union and are looking for a house. If their bickering and the obscene looks Zoya and Nikolai are giving each other are any indication, Ivan expects some kind of announcement from them any day. The Tsar intends to invite some dignitaries from Novyi Zem to the palace in a few weeks.
And Tsaritsa Alina is pale and...unwell. She looks queasy, and Ivan feels a moment of alarm. Grisha can’t get sick, not unless they don’t use their powers. Given that Alina is the Sol Koroleva, the renowned Sun Summoner, that seems unlikely. Few things lead to such ill appearances. Maybe some kind of poison? If she or her food are being poisoned, they need to know as soon as possible.
Ivan does his usual first step; he counts the heartbeats, checking their speeds. One, two, three, four, everyone is normal, five, six, seven, eight, nine...ah, the ninth is faint and fast.
Wait. Nine? There are only eight of them here at dinner, and the attendants have long since departed.
It hits Ivan like a lightning bolt, and he gasps aloud in shock and horror. The most reasonable explanation for the extra heartbeat and Alina’s ill looks is—oh, saints protect them all—a baby.
Everyone turns to look at him, as though he is the one who’s done something strange and dangerous.
Ivan gapes at Alina and points a finger accusingly, “You’re pregnant! With a baby!”
Beside him, Fedyor closes his eyes and shakes his head, letting out a sigh. Tamar and Nadia exchange a knowing, amused look, though they manage not to laugh. Zoya raises one shapely eyebrow.
Nikolai grins. “One generally is pregnant with babies, as opposed to anything else. Except perhaps with genius ideas, in my case and David’s. Alina, moi tsar, congratulations to you both.”
Alina glares at Ivan. What? He’s not the unholy saint about to unleash terror onto the earth from their womb.
Once he glances at Kirigan, though, Ivan stills. The Tsar is ashen and looks as though someone has dropped an iron on his head, or told him that his beloved horse is Grisha too.
“Aleksander, I wasn’t sure. I was waiting until I was to tell you,” Alina says, one hand on her husband’s forearm. “Are...are you all right?”
The Tsar opens his mouth, but no sounds come out.
Tamar and Nadia stand, hand-in-hand. “We, ah, think we’ll take our leave now. Thank you for a lovely dinner, Sol Koroleva, my King,” Tamar says, and she and her fiancée flee.
Zoya clears her throat and gives Nikolai a look that is very different from the hungry one Ivan so despises on faces that aren’t Fedyor’s.
With a nod at her, Nikolai stands and helps her to her feet. “Indeed. Your hospitality is, as always, boundless, though I can’t help but feel we’re trespassing on it every second we linger here. Erm, do let me know when I can get you a gift.”
“Congratulations,” Zoya says, and to Ivan’s disgust, she actually sounds sincere. He watches as she and Nikolia leave, one of the Lantsov pup’s hands at the small of her waist. One would think the heterosexuals would have learned from this evening that touching each other is dangerous, but apparently some of them are just utter fools.
Fedyor elbows him, and Ivan turns to scowl at his beloved. “Wha—”
A point of his head in the direction of the Tsar and Tsaritsa quiets Ivan.
Alina is kneeling beside her husband’s chair, stroking his arm. Aleksander Kirigan, King of Ravka, Shadow Summoner, the Black General, sits still as a statue, eyes wide with shock.
“We’ll head out now too,” Fedyor says.
Ivan nods, grabbing Fedya’s arm and hauling him from the room. Over his shoulder, Ivan yells, “Good luck!”
Fedyor smacks him, whispering furiously as they close the door behind them. “‘Good luck’?! You’re supposed to say ‘congratulations,’ or ‘have a nice evening,’ you utter troll.”
“I’m a troll now? See if I give you a massage when we get back to our rooms,” Ivan grouses. He pulls Fedyor along, pulling him away from where he seemed inclined to linger by the door. Eavesdropping, pah. He can’t believe he’s married to such a busybody.
Who would want to stay to hear whatever nonsense the Darkling and his wife are about to say or do? He’s had enough of that for one lifetime, thank you very much.
Ivan shudders. The two most powerful Grisha on the planet, one a sun summoner and the other a shadow summoner, having a baby? The world is definitely doomed.
The next day, Ivan receives a summons to go see the Tsar. Dread churns in his stomach, and he rubs his eyes. He hadn’t slept well, especially after he and Fedyor had a tiff about “inappropriate behavior and outbursts.” And now he’s to see his boss, probably about said outburst the previous night.
He accompanies Anton, the young oprichnik to the Tsar’s quarters, and the boy brightens with excitement to be talking to one of the Tsar’s most favored Grisha. “Thank you, Andrei. I’ll make my way from here.” The boy’s face falls, but Ivan dismisses him with a nod. If the oprichniki got any more friendly, they’d start calling him Vanya without his permission. Appalling.
Ivan takes a deep breath, then knocks at the door. He’s long since learned the value of knocking after Alina and the General got together, especially now that they share their quarters. Unfortunately, no healer has yet to find something to wipe certain sights from his brain.
“Come in,” Kirigan’s faint, disembodied voice commands.
Ivan lets himself into the room, waiting while the Tsar steps around the corner from the bedroom he shares with his queen.
“Good morning, Ivan.”
“Good morning, moi soverennyi. I hope you rested well,” Ivan replies, tone funereal. Saints, he prays he’s not about to be sent to Tsibeya permanently. He runs his hand under his collar, annoyed to find he’s actually sweating.
Kirigan’s face gives nothing away. “I did, thank you. The Tsaritsa is with Genya and one of the healers.”
“And she...she is well?” Ivan gulps.
“Yes. She was apparently a bit surprised last night herself, as she’d only just begun to suspect she might be pregnant.”
As much as Ivan hates when the Tsar’s feelings show—it’s usually him making soppy, annoying faces at Alina—he wishes Aleksander would just say what’s on his mind.
“My apologies, sir, I was also surprised. She seemed unwell, and I wanted to make sure she wasn’t, say, being poisoned.”
“You thought someone might be poisoning my wife?” Kirigan is incredulous.
“Things have been very calm with Fjerda lately. I don’t trust it.”
The General mutters under his breath, something about not trusting anything.
Ivan waits. Finally, Kirigan breaks the not-so-silent silence. “Well, thank you for your concern. And, ah, the surprising news.”
“You’re most welcome,” he replies gloomily.
“You don’t seem thrilled.”
“Forgive me, moi tsar, but I don’t see a need for excitement at a natural result of your conjugal activities. Sir.”
Oh, saints, is Kirigan frowning at him? Ivan mentally starts packing his belongings when the frown becomes a smile and then a laugh.
Perhaps Aleksander still isn’t quite recovered from the shock of his impending fatherhood.
He’s not paying attention to Ivan anyway. Kirigan makes his way to the table, shuffling the papers there unseeingly. “I didn’t think it was possible, you know.”
“I did not.” And Ivan would like to keep it that way.
Alas, Aleksander seems inclined to continue talking. “In all my long life, longer than you know, I’ve never fathered a child.”
Ivan grimaces. The world is probably grateful, though now it has much to fear. “It would have been challenging to have had a child during the wars, sir.”
Kirigan waves this aside, and unfortunately continues speaking. “Still, for it to happen with Alina...I’m so thrilled, Ivan.”
“And I am...happy for you, General.” Make it stop. Ivan is queasy.
“Of course, it’s probably for the best that it didn’t happen when Alina and I first got together, especially now that I know how possible that was.”
Ivan wants to cover his ears and sing “la la la la la,” but the implications of what his boss is saying finally sink in, and his horror at this whole situation increases exponentially. “Wait. Do you mean to say you weren’t using, ah, preventative measures?”
Kirigan’s face grows sheepish. “Until my conversation with Alina last night after you all departed, I wasn’t aware there was such a thing. In my day, one simply planned around the time of the month or withdrew from—”
“I beg you to stop talking. Moi soverennyi,” Ivan adds as an afterthought.
The Tsar falls silent, and Ivan sighs with relief.
But something bothers him. “Did you not get any sort of talk about how to prevent pregnancy when you were training? Even I did when I was young, before everyone knew I wouldn’t have to worry about that.”
“Like I said, there weren’t those kinds of options when I was young, as far as I know,” Kirigan says with a shrug.
Ivan begins to realize that his boss is, in fact, much older than he thought. That explains the herring and rye, too. He hesitates before venturing to speak. “Do...was Alina—the queen, that is, did she explain the different kinds of birth control, or…?”
“Well, I can’t get her more pregnant, Ivan.”
It’s too horrible to even contemplate, and Ivan shudders.
Kirigan laughs and slaps his shoulder. “Don’t worry, you don’t have to give me The Talk. Alina was so upset I didn’t know that she told me everything last night.”
Ivan’s lips twist in dismay at Aleksander’s rapturous expression that indicates there was a demonstration of some practical applications. Ugh. “Small mercies.”
“Well, hopefully you’ll consider this next a mercy: I want you and Fedyor to stay close through Alina’s pregnancy, especially once word gets out.”
Staying in Os Alta won’t be so bad, but the idea of dancing attendance on Alina, all while some parasite hijacks and distorts her body...well, hopefully he’ll get a good field assignment once this pregnancy is over. “Of course, moi tsar. And when will it end? I mean, ah, when is the blessed event?”
“In seven and a half months or so, perhaps eight. She’s about five or six weeks along, the healer says. And that, well…” Kirigan smiles at what is clearly the memory of this child’s conception.
Ivan fervently wracks his brain, desperate to keep his boss from offering more information that will give him nightmares about heterosexual intercourse. “And is there any way of knowing whether the babe will be a shadow summoner or sun summoner? Or both?”
A stricken look comes over Kirigan’s face. “Both?” He clearly hasn’t considered this possibility yet. “But that…” He doesn’t continue, instead going to fall into his chair and stare into distance.
It’s going to be a long few months.
It’s roughly eight months after that when Ivan is rudely pulled from sleep by Genya bursting into his and Fedyor’s room like she has the right.
It’s obscenely early in the morning, Ivan is, as is his usual habit, sleeping on his side facing the window. Fedyor, as is his usual custom, sleeps with his arm slung over Ivan’s waist and his head buried between his shoulder blades. It’s very soothing, normally.
Not today, though. The door opens with a bang, and Genya yells, “It’s time! She’s here!”
Ivan, suddenly wide awake, goes to jump out of bed. Instead, he finds that Genya has slowed their heart rates enough that hurrying is impossible. He glares at her. “What the fuck are you doing in our room? Who is here?”
“The baby is here. The tsarevna.”
“It’s a girl?” Fedyor asks with a smile.
Genya grins back. “Yes. She’s adorable.”
Ivan does not smile. “I’m glad she’s arrived. But why are you here in our bedroom at—” he glances at the clock and continues, “4:52 in the morning?”
“Everyone is going to see here. You’re the Tsar’s right-hand man, Ivan, so they’ll be expecting you.”
“Well, Genya, darling, you’ll have to let our hearts do their normal thing if you want us to do that,” Fedyor adds.
She shakes her head and drops her hand. “Of course. Sorry. See you there in fifteen minutes, and please be wearing pants. And shirts.”
Ivan grumbles, but gets out of bed. It’s difficult to want to leave when Fedyor is looking over him like that, but Kirigan probably will be upset if they don’t come to fawn over his spawn in what he deems a reasonable amount of time.
He and Fedyor make their way down the halls of the palace to Aleksander’s and Alina’s private apartment. The door is open, but Ivan nods at the guards and knocks anyway before stepping inside, Fedyor on his heels. He walks back to the bedroom, where he can hear hushed, happy conversations.
Alina is lying on the bed. She looks sweaty and disgusting, but in a radiant and maternal way that the Tsar seems to find beautiful, since he can’t look away from her. Typical, and exactly what got them into this mess.
The mess in question is wrapped in a blanket in her mother’s arms. Ivan glances at the small bundle, which seems to be sleeping. It is certainly very red.
Kirigan sits in a chair beside the bed, as close to it and his wife and new daughter as he can. He’s resting one hand on Alina’s shoulder, while the other trails along his daughter’s tiny head.
“The tsarevna is lovely,” Fedyor says, smiling down at the family.
Ivan thinks that’s a bit of a stretch, but he nods. “She looks like a baby. A healthy one.”
Fedyor elbows him, but Alina just rolls her eyes. “Thank you, I think.”
“She’s beautiful,” Aleksander says firmly, his face still disturbingly dreamy. “We’ve decided to call her Anastasia.”
Nastia. That seems about right.
Just then, the wee girl stirs and starts to wail. As her cries grow louder and Alina shifts to be able to feed her, shadows creep into the room. Then through the darkness, Ivan sees little flashes of light coming from the baby.
Fuck. This tiny child can summon shadows and light.
Nasty little Nastia indeed.
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Watched SHADOW AND BONE and ohmygod the show was way better than I expected.
One of the best book adaptations to exist.
And the best part? - They removed a lot of sexist clichés from the books and replaced/ changed it w something better. One of them being The Darkling asking Alina for sexual consent.
Also they made Mal somehow likeable in the show.!? I did not like him in the books, can't say that I hated him but he was def annoying.
And don't even get me started on the Darklina scenes, like saints the chemistry!🥵
Ik the Darkling is the bad guy but I still hope for a Darklina endgame. The thing is, when I read the books, the chemistry seemed real and much more passionate between Darklina, though he was the Evil bad guy I still hoped that he might get an redemption arc, but unfortunately he didn't and my hopes were crushed. And a lot of ppl wanted Darklina endgame, and because of how the Darkling's storyline was going in the books, a lot of audience didn't want to continue reading the books, I hope it doesn't happen for the show tho.
In the show, the Darkling is not evil as he was in the books, yet.
And I just truly wish that Netflix and the writers listen to the audience and give him a substantial redemption arc. Malina is sweet but c'mon Darklina is superior, gorgeous, passionate and powerful.
Can Netflix just renew this show for like 10 seasons already!
Also Kaz and Inej ohmygod, I died, dead, literally.
Jesper and Milo carried the show damn.
Genya, Zoya, Marie, Nadia, Baghra, Nina, Ivan, Fedyor were all so perfectly casted.
Amazing, brilliant, gorgeous, breathtaking cast.
The visuals, casting, direction, lgbtq characters, writers, poc and Asian actors -- INCREDIBLE, one of the few Netflix shows which fulfilled my expectations.
Also totally crushing on Amita Suman, the woman is breathtaking. And Ben Barnes that man definitely has my whole heart. Jessie, Archie and Freddy etc, like this cast makes me question my sexuality.
Tbh this show is so good that I can't believe that it's a Netflix production.
Fingers still crossed for a Darkling redemption arc and Darklina endgame.
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sumsebien · 3 years
Idk if you take requests but could you do an imagine with matthias? I dont really have much of an idea but maybe much like the show. I thought him and nina were adorable and the reader is an inferni or maybe a heartrender? I’m not sure. I just want to see a story with the progression shown in the show. I thought the scene where they were messing with each other and then he saved nina was so flipping cute.
hi! so i tried writing this 🥲i actually got great ideas for it but i’m getting a bad case of writer’s block. so for now, here are the headcanons for it. i’ll come back to writing it when i feel like myself again 🥺
i put my own spin to this. i hope it’s alright 🥲
(also yall, i am thinking about doing a blurb night aka a night of just writing short requests. should i do it???)
So I was thinking what if that day, Fedyor had brought Matthias back as captive???
And he was getting beaten up while being dragged through the camps to his cells when you saw him.
The soldiers were throwing rocks, shoving Matthias around.
And he couldn’t fight back because he was unconscious from before.
You stepped in like the badass you were.
“What are you doing?”
“Fighting for our country, darling. So one day, I may come home to you,” one of them said.
The rest began laughing, praising their friend for the “smart” comeback.
Yeah, they ain’t laughing for long though.
You threw a punch, knocking the soldier to the ground.
No one could have another word.
Then, you brought Matthias back to your tent to heal him.
Even though you knew fully well how Aleksander would react once he found out.
And he did just before you finished healing him.
You were immediately summoned to his tent where you saw the soldier from before again.
His nose was badly bent, positively broken from the blow.
You were proud.
When he saw you, he tried to lie, “That’s her! There she is, sir! The traitor! She pushed me.”
You snickered.
Aleksander was having none of it.
You were his trusted Healer and he was not about to stand there and have this idiot slander you.
“Miss Y/N Y/L/N is a Healer, my Healer. So, I would suggest you watch your tongue.”
The soldier shut up
“Is it true? Did you-push him?” he asked, eyebrow raised.
“No. I punched him.”
Now it’s important to note that Aleksander had always had a soft spot for you.
He was almost a brother to you, swore to protect you and all.
So for your punishment, you got a warning.
Of course that was before he found out that the rumors were true.
About you saving a Drüskelle.
He ran a hand down his face. “Why?”
“Because! They were bullying him. He was already in handcuffs in transit to his cell. Don’t you care that your prisoner-”
“Are you so naive to believe that if he had the chance, he wouldn’t hang you on a pyre and burn you alive?”
“He was unconscious! He couldn’t have-“
It pained him, almost, to look at you and hear all these words you were saying right now.
“I didn’t want to do this,” he said, shaking his head. “Ivan, make sure Y/N doesn’t leave her tent.”
“You want to lock me up?”
“I can’t have you in danger.”
You were brought back to your tent.
But of course you had no plans on staying still.
Not until you had finished healing him.
When Ivan was distracted by Fedyor at dinner time, you sneaked out to the makeshift prison, the keys in your hand.
You found your heart beating twice as fast when you got there, sneaking in and essentially putting yourself in the same room as a Drüskelle.
There, you found Matthias on a bed of straws in the far back, slumped against the moldy walls.
Even in the horrible lighting, he was still gorgeous.
You slowly made your way over before crouching down by his side.
He was asleep, chest moving up and down with each breath he took.
You quickly healed the bruises by his cheeks, watching them fade underneath your fingertips.
And then after they had completely disappeared, you had to fight the urge not to caress his cheeks.
They looked so soft.
Almost kissable.
You finally ended your internal debate by brushing your thumb over his cheekbone.
You had fully expected him to still be asleep.
It had been a long day after all.
But his russet lashes fluttered open, revealing a pair of clear blue eyes.
You almost jumped out of your skin, falling back, slamming your hand against the cold floors.
If he jumped forward, he would be able to strangle you easily. And you’d be dead in minutes.
“I am not trying to hurt you! I swear!” you threw your hands up, keeping them apart. “i’m a healer!”
“Are you alright?” he asked, sitting up.
You were too shocked to be able to say anything. Instead, you blinked in silence, scanning his face. What?
Matthias thought you didn’t understand so he held up his chained hand and gestured to it with the other one.
“... I am okay.”
He grinned weakly, “Good.”
He had the most endearing lilt in his voice when he spoke. It scared you, almost. It was not your intention. You were here to heal him. Not swoon over him.
What was this madness?
He held out his hand, “Thank you.”
“What for?”
“For saving my life.”
You decided to take his hand in that moment, abandoning all the things Aleksander had taught you about Fjerdans.
“Matthias. My name’s Matthias Helvar,” he said, looking straight into your eyes.
His eyes were the color of the sky on a sunny summer day, the color of the calm True Sea.
He nodded, squeezing your hand gently before letting go and leaned back against the block of straws.
“So you don’t want to kill me...?” you asked after a pause.
He looked at you as if you just asked the oddest, stupidest question ever. “You saved me. Even though, I may not be alive for much longer. Thank you anyways. You should leave soon though. They’ll come looking.”
You looked at the entrance. The guards were too busy with their dinners right now to care about a prisoner.
Matthias had his face turned away into the shadows, his chained hand hanging limply on the ground.
He had accepted his fate as a prisoner in Ravka.
But you hadn’t accepted that.
You stuffed the key into the lock, your hands trembling as you watched it fall apart.
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lostysworld · 3 years
My dar(k) ling – The Darkling × reader
Part 13
Pairing: The Darkling x reader
Warnings: none?
Summary: Another fete, another challenge for you and Aleksander. Another person between you and the man you love.
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– What the hell is that?
You step on the training ground that you usually keep during archery trainings with young grisha. But seems this time your today's training started without you. Instead of empty space on your usual place a tall young woman is standing next to the line of targets with children not far from them.
Unfortunately, Baghra is here too.
– I found a replacement for you for this day, - the old woman waves her hand and a dark-haired woman sends a suspicious glance towards your side.
– Once it's for a day, and then for a life.
Baghra only rolls her eyes on your barely audible mumbling. When she brings you closer to that woman, you realize you've seen her before during trainings.
– It's Zoya, one of the best grisha in the Second Army.
You trace her slim figure in navy blue kefta with critical glance, waiting patiently for her any reaction. Not that you are against new people, but definitely not today, the day after your latest conversation with the general.
– Zoya Nazyalensky. A Squaller, - she extends her arm for a handshake, and you notice familiar pattern on her sleeve and smirk.
– Yes, I can see that.
Nevertheless, you extend yours in response, with a blank expression.
– She will train them, - Baghra nods towards kids. – While I am dealing with you, young lady.
– What else? - you grit your teeth in annoyance. You still have some lessons with Baghra, but usually they are about one and the same.
– I'm not done abusing you. Not yet.
– I am done.
– What? - the woman raises her brow and stops, turning to you.
– I don't need your lessons anymore. Though I'm grateful for the things you taught me, Baghra.
– Did my son brainwashed you with his teary puppy eyes-
– He has nothing to do with it. I just learned everything I wanted.
You already turn to leave her on the gardens' line, but the old witch doesn't intend to let you go.
– Your ancestors could do incredible things, and you only learned how to summon two elements and think, that you can outdo those grisha, who are here from the childhood.
You freeze on one spot, slowly exhaling and inhaling to calm yourself down. With one swift movement you are standing in front of her again.
– Air I can summon is still in your lungs, so be careful with your words, Baghra.
The corner of her lips twitches, as if she's waiting for a reaction like this. When the first wave of rage passes you relax a bit and you step back.
–And I still think that you are wasting your time here.
– What should I do? - you throw a glance to her, throwing arms to the sides in grim surprise. – To destroy the Fold with my hands?
– It's time for youto decide whose side you are on, girl. Are you with Aleksander, or you are helping to destroy him from the inside.
Your blood turns cold. No wonder, Aleksander became so impulsive with a mother like that.
– As far as I know, the boy still trusts you, Y/N.
– It is the perfect reason for me not to trust you.
The woman shakes her head, seeing the girl in front of her as a lost one for her to save. Worse that her son's influence is her own stubbornness and youth.
– What was Aleksander like? - you draw her attention. – Before the Fold.
– He laughed... A lot.
– Well, he seemed to do this with me either.
– That's what I am talking about, - she comes closer to you making you flinch. – You may bring some light to his life, but you won't change him.
Nonsense. You shake your head. Every new conversation with Baghra leads both of you to her attempts to turn you against the general. Every time. Always.
– I would never ask him to change-
– But it doesn't mean you won't want him to, Y/N. He is used to ruin people who are dear to him.
You lower your gaze, observing the ground. Loud noises from the training ground reach your hearing. Seems Zoya entertains young grisha more than you.
– Well, - you take a step back to show the woman, that your conversation is over. – Seems, my life has been already ruined before I met Aleksander.
The woman scans you with a mixture of judgment and motherly adoration in her eyes.
– There will be no happiness between you, if you are so alike on this point.
– Be that as it may, - with only one sentence Baghra gets to set your mood up and down.
As soon as she nods towards your side, you turn away, heading to the palace, passing by the training ground. Your head is full of useless information and whirlwind of emotions, so you at least can be used as a bad example of a trainer now.
When you get closer to your room, where Genya should meet you to try the fete dress on, you notice a familiar figure behind you. Even not turning your head, you know who it is.
– That's what the general meant, when was talking about constant pressure.
Ivan smirks smugly to himself.
– Oh, shut up, please! - you reach the door and halt to face the intrusive heartrender behind you.
– I am not a little girl, I can cope with it.
– And I am glad to hear it, - his face just perfectly shows how he enjoys himself at the moment.
– Shouldn't you look after your husband, hm?
– He is not my husband-
– Well, he should be.
With that you slam the door in front of Ivan's face, making him drop this mean smile from his face. If you two go on with communicating like this, you will become besties for sure.
You have never felt yourself so stupid and uncomfortable in your entire life like right at the moment, standing near the wall of the ballroom.
Genya abandoned you about a half an hour ago, and you are standing looking at the only one person here, that may draw your attention.
Aleksander spends his time discussing something with lieutenants on the opposite side of the room. Seems he is not interested in the fete or, what's most important, in you.
Not this gorgeous dress you are wearing, not your hairstyle, nothing can make the man turn his glance on your. After your last conversation none of you dared to speak with each other or look at.
Most of dates to the dance are already preoccupied with their partners, and you have only to throw sympathetic glances to Fedyor and Ivan, where one of them sometimes salutes you with a champagne glass by turns.
Not that you are just standing alone, some of familiar grisha join you from time to time having a small talk. And you may even easily escape from this party, but the chance that Genya will catch you somewhere in the corridors is pretty high and unpleasant.
But one small detail doesn't go unnoticed for you. Only couple of seconds ago the music becomes quieter, and you casts a quick glance towards the orchestra. There from their side, Aleksander is looking straight at you.
But it is not a problem at all. This detail doesn't seem to you; as soon as you follow others' glances with yours you notice a person coming to you.
The one you don't expect to see next to ever.
White coat with golden epaulettes, blond short hair and unusual charming smile instead of dull glassy glance.
Vasily Lantsov is walking straight to your side.
People around are not used to see the part of the royal family dancing with someone at parties like this one, so even musicians slow down a bit.
You are not nervous, but the whole scene is like not happening with you, so you just watch.
– Miss Y/L/N, may I have the pleasure of the dance?
His voice pitch is not high, not low, but something in the middle, although not unpleasant to hear.
You hesitate, but feeling of the general's burning glance on your figure makes you smirk slightly and nod, laying your hand in prince's one.
The music halts, but when the young man leads you to the center of the ballroom, it starts again with new force. The constant thoughts, that you are the only couple now and everybody is looking at both of you vanish as soon as Vasily's hand lays on your waistline, pressing you closer to him.
He doesn't talk, but the man is always looking at you, attentively, with the hidden interest, and you unconsciously compare this dance to your first one with general. It is stupid, because, honestly, it's nothing compared to the first fete.
You were kind of in love, charmed by a handsome stately man, who you trust with your life, and what's now?
Lost, without direction, still in love, but more love than in love, you are dancing with the prince, but not enjoying it. Though the dress is charming. With long waves it waltzes with your every movement, black and red.
Your lips touches a one sided smirk and you can only imagine what an impression this dance has on Aleksander. Surely, his subordinates will have a hard day tomorrow.
Fortunately for you, the music stops soon and the man, as a perfect gentleman, lets go of your palm and smiles in the end. You curtsy and step towards another wall, closer to the exit. One dance is pretty enough for tonight.
But when you intend to leave the room, someone's hand wraps around your wrist, slightly squeezing it, and you turn around immediately.
Lantsov doesn't go away, but stands still peering at you.
– Would you like to join me this evening, miss Y/L/N? - your eyes narrow in suspicion. Carefully you try to take your hand away from him.
– Don't think me to be rude, your Highness, but you are not known for spending time with ladies.
The young man smirks to you and you literally feel that burning gaze from another side of the room.
– I am not, but you will rescue me, if do that, - you clearly don't understand his intentions and wince.
– Otherwise, I will be sentenced to never-ending grumbling of my mother about searching for a bride.
– Oh...
– "Oh" indeed.
You barely hold yourself from chuckling, but the the prince steps closer to you, and suddenly you think that this scene can be used as a motivation. Of course, not for you.
– What do I get out of it? - you take his hand, that Vasily gladly offers to you.
– A way out of your difficult situation.
His words lit a sparkle inside of your mind, your thoughts find a common point, and you switch your interested gaze on him.
He waits for a second and casts a glance on that side where the general should be, but you decide not to test your luck, and keep staring right at the blond man in front of you.
Suddenly you remember that the ring Aleksander gave you with the letter is left in your room, on a night stand.
A nasty rotten feeling crawls inside you and all your previous thoughts vanish away.
When you turn to the direction where Kirigan stood, you see no one. There is definitely not a good sign, and you quickly look around to sneak out of the hall without Genya noticing you.
You excuse yourself and runs out of the ballroom. All this evening leaves your head full of conflicting thoughts and feelings, so you just need more fresh air.
Usually it's Aleksander who comes to your room either to make up or to take his time alone while your sleeping. But something is telling you that this day is not one of them. You need to talk to him first.
The door behind general's back slams loudly, he can even hear some of the pictures on the walls shaking. Everything in the war room is left like it was before he left for the fete. But the man isn't the same.
He ruffles his hair, exhaling tensely, marching from one corner to another in strange mix of helpless rage and jealousy.
He doesn't know, what is going on with him. All these day it was not so hard not to pay attention to this girl, and now, when Lantsov shared a dance with her, the Darkling is furious.
He unconsciously registers his own shadows crawling to his figure from the darkest sides of the room. If he goes on like this, he will surely have troubles with controlling his powers in future, leaving it to his anger.
The full moon is in the night skies and millions of glittering stars are shining radiating a slight pale light. The sudden thought of leaving the palace and having a night stroll dies with a barely audible knock.
Not many people afford themselves a luxury of disturbing the general so late at night, but anyway he heads to the door.
He opens the door rapidly and he blesses himself for wearing a usual cold mask, the general doesn't give his surprise away.
– Zoya? To what do I owe your esteemed company?
The girl's hesitating, but determined expression almost makes him smile, but he holds himself back.
– You left the fete so soon, I was afraid something happened.
Aleksander steps aside inviting her in. Honesty, he may even use this night visit to forget his predicament, but something holds him back. Something is telling him, it is not his way out.
Unconsciously his hand slips into the pocket of his kefta, fingers find the ring of black metal and green stones. He knows the similar one is somewhere here, in Y/N's room.
But when the squaller walks in further into the room, straight to the table, both of them hear one more knock. Loud, clear one. Aleksander will never mistake him for any other.
– Come in!
He doesn't busy himself opening the door, and when it's opened by the woman he is afraid to see, Kirigan finds himself enjoying the moment.
– Am I interrupting? - the witch's cold voice rings in the tense silence of the place, as she cocks her head to the side. Zoya straightens her shoulders.
– I was just keeping company with the general Kirigan, - the man follows Y/N arching a brow without any other visible signs of displeasure. – People tell it helps when you are alone. Isn't it convenient? You should know about it.
Venom in Zoya's voice is clear, but it's not enough for freaking the young woman out.
– Yes, I'm forgetting all my troubles the moment someone breaks into my chambers in the middle of the night.
Kirigan presses his lips in thin line, trying not to smile or smirk. Despite this difficult situation and visible intentions of Zoya towards him, he can't not to admire his forest witch. The little girl turns into his queen. It's just her character, that doesn't let her admit it.
– Zoya is already leaving, - Aleksander pushes himself from the wall, attentively looking at the squaller.
The dark-haired woman passes by you, not even sharing a last glance, and when the door behind her closes, you feel like finally relaxing.
– Don't like the company of the royal family?
The general locks the door and comes back to you, eyeing your figure with a silky arrogant gaze.
You, in turn, don't leave his eyes too, but with completely different expression. The man, who adored you so much, when we first met and developed your feelings towards each other, who worried about your opinion about him, now only pushes you away as hard as possible and even harder.
You indeed are not recognizing the same man you loved. But maybe you should learn to love him again.
– What was that? - your quiet voice seems to shake him to the ground. This strange calm power on the bottom on your eyes frightens him.
– What was what?
– What made you what you are? - you come closer to the man knowing that he won't go away. There are no more places where he can hide from you. – Tell me, Aleksander, what have burnt the heart out of you?
His glance is a mix of shame and disgust. He can't just not look at you and solve his problems with that. With the woman who sees through him.
– You don't want to know, Y/N.
– Well, I'm here..., - you throws your arms to the side.
Kirigan turns away and comes up to the table with maps leaning on his hands. His glance is slipping to the documents and plans, but he feels you're coming with his back.
You can't wait anymore, come closer to your lover. Lean with your hip on the table to face Aleksander, desperately staring into sharp lines of his features, trying to find that very young man he was once, so long time ago, beyond all the darkness that surrounds him.
– What do you want to hear? I was killing people in their backs all these years. I have terrified them, terrorized using my shadows, I was Ravkan punisher. Fouler than death itself.
– I understand, - you say quietly, wondering if there is still soul inside of this man. Burnt down black desert. That is all he has instead of it.
– Do you regret?
You flinch, when low voice rings in complete silence after a pause. Instead of answering you just shake your head.
– Not a minute of it...well, - Kirigan's gaze switches to yours, when you highlights last words.
– Aside from the moments when you tried to send me away.
One-sided light grin touches his face.
– Don't tell me later, that I didn't warn you.
– Even if I ever regret about my decisions, I will never blame you, Aleksander.
Something in him clicks and he straightens turning his head to you. Need in the glance only softens you more.
– Call me that again, - everything inside you clenches, as you hear his broken voice.
– Aleksander-
– No, not like that.
On a short moment you don't understand his words, but then you are finally lighted up with an idea. His hand that lays not far from you appears under your gentle touch.
– Sasha.
The walls he was building for so long are crushing down at this very moment. You make a quick move to embrace him tenderly and tightly. The man immediately hides his head in the crook of your neck.
– Has the darkness in me won over the light, Y/N? - you feel these words as he touches your skin with his lips while speaking.
– I don't know, darling. I don't know.
– Maybe they are right, - he raises his head, and you see these two burning pools of pure madness in his eyes. – Maybe the beast should stay with his own kind-
– Shut up!
Kirigan blinks and fever in his glance vanishes. He definitely doesn't expect this outburst from you.
Your hands laying on his shoulders and chest before, now are cupping his face, making the man look you in the eyes.
– Stop talking nonsense, - his eyes are searching for something on your face, something that gives up your true feelings. – I love you, Aleksander. And you are not even close to a monster. Don't you dare taking about it again.
You bring his head a bit down so your foreheads touch. Only a moment before you notice tears gathering in his eyes.
– I thought I had lost you, Y/N. My dearest love.
You move closer to finally connect your lips, savouring the perfect moment of peace. Your name sounds like a lament from his lips.
– How can you still stand me after knowing who I am?
Kirigan steals one last kiss from you touching the tip of your nose with his. This tension he felt before slowly leaves him.
– I choose to love you for the things you have control over. Yes, I may not approve your methods, but I know that you want the best for your people. That's enough for me.
– If I knew that you become the only thing I needed, I would not come into that forest.
You chuckle and this turns into light laughter, that Aleksander catches too.
– I'm taking it as a compliment, dear.
When you two stop, you realize that it is pretty late already. You won't forget yourself tomorrow's morning for the lack of sleep.
– May I stay with you? - you are searching for the answer on his face.
– Come.
Aleksander leads you to his bedroom where you stayed a couple of times, laying his broad palm on your back.
He gets rid of his own closer and changes it, handing a new clean shirt for you to change as well.
Honestly you have a small collection of his shirts in your wardrobe now, and the whole palace will probably know about it, if you ever done wrong with Genya.
When you take you places on the bed you notice, that the man is still restless.
– Just try to fall asleep, - his hand twitches under your soft touch. – Don't think about anything else, okay?
He is silent, and you go on.
– I see how you talk to your people, Aleksander, I know that you are trying for them. Grisha are dedicated to you, because they know you care about them, - your fingers start brushing circles on the back of his hand. – Though, as I said, your methods are questionable for me.
– I want grisha not to be afraid anymore. Anyone.
– I know. But I can't advise you anything. I'm sorry.
He shakes his head, covering your hand with his.
– It's okay. I'm grateful, that you are here at all, and...
Emotions overwhelm him, and the general falls silent. Suddenly you move closer and hug him tightly, placing a chaste kiss on his brow.
– Shh, sleep. We will think about this in the morning
@aleksanderwh0r3 @all-art-is-quite-useless @carlywhomever @cynthianokamaria
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sirenprincess15 · 3 years
Please Don't Leave Me Chapter 2
Title: Please Don’t Leave Me
Author: SirenPrincess
Description: What if Aleksander hadn’t answered the door when Ivan interrupted the war room kissing? What if Aleksander and Alina had a bit more time to get to know each other before Baghra told her his true identity? Alina is the only one who can comfort Aleksander through his nightmares. Will she leave once she knows who he is?
This story is based on the show version and features a soft on the inside, hard on the outside Aleksander with an emphasis on emotional hurt/comfort and angst. If you are looking for lots of hurt!Aleksander thoughts, then this story is for you. Mal exists but pretty much solely to cause Aleksander some angst. Don’t worry. It will be a Darklina ending.
Chapter 2 takes place alongside Ep 5 and then diverges from canon there.
Pairings: Aleksander Morozova/Alina Starkov, bits of Ivan/Fedyor
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Grisha are oppressed in this universe, and I don’t shy away from showing the horrors of that. There may eventually be mentions of canon-typical torture (Fjerdan pyres), death of family members, and cruelty to Grisha children. It’s not the focus, but that backdrop is definitely there and comes up as characters discuss their past.
Catch up on any previous chapters you might have missed.
Chapter 2
Seeing her in the black, his color, marking her as his, well, it was going to be his undoing. Aleksander could barely concentrate on even pretending to make small talk with the king or his court. As soon as the demonstration was over, their obligation fulfilled, he couldn’t wait to be alone with her. Or was it the power she had demonstrated that was driving him crazy? She was finally showing who she truly was, and now that she was no longer trying to hide who she really was, her strength showed straight through.
No longer caring who might notice, he grabbed her hand and led her to his war room. He’d intended to make it farther toward the bed chamber, but his body decided he’d been waiting long enough … hundreds of years, truly, for an equal. His lips found hers and the spark of electricity, power, warmth that shot through him was indescribable. He tried to go slowly, to kiss her softly as she had kissed him before. When she didn’t pull away, he could not stop himself from kissing her more and more, as if he had been starving all his life and she was finally providing the nourishment his soul needed. He lifted her hips straight up onto his strategy table. Who cared if they knocked a few army markers out of place? She was responding to him, arching up into him, and everything just felt right, as if this was always what was meant to be.
Suddenly, he stopped himself. He was losing himself too quickly, and he feared that if he went much further, he wouldn’t be able to get himself back under control. “Are you sure?” he asked.
A moment of confusion flickered across her face until he spoke, and then she smiled and nodded. That was all the encouragement he needed. Her hands were all over him. Every place her hands touched felt alive, as if her hands alone could burn away the shadows in him.
A knock came at the door. She laughed and started to pull away. “Go away!” He growled. The knock came again. “Not now!” He did not care if the king himself were on fire; nothing was tearing him away from her.
Once he sensed they were alone again, he began unbuttoning her kefta. Why did the fabrikators always add so many buttons on them? His fingers deftly removed each and every one from their loops until he had her to her undershirt. He left the kefta, though, over her arms. It would be a pity to remove the black so quickly, and she would look so amazing with the kefta and only the kefta on. He tore her shirt from her. There was no way to get it off properly with the kefta still on, and he hadn’t the patience for it anyway. He pulled back just a moment to appreciate her beauty. He could have admired her for days, but his body had other plans. He pressed himself to her and felt the power flowing between them, his body calling to the power within her, and hers responding. Her warmth washed over him, through him. It took his breath away.
“Aleksander?” He was so awash in pleasure that he almost didn’t notice except for that flicker of joy he felt in his heart at hearing her use his real name. He ran his hands over her now naked chest, but then there was this flood of anxiety from her. He glanced at her with worry.
“Aleksander, could we just stop for ...”
His heart crushed inside his chest. Of course she was scared of him. He had sliced a man in half using only shadows right over her head. She had made it quite clear how uncomfortable that had made her. There was a darkness to him, not just his power but all of him, that had always been there. He was sure if he could feel her warmth radiating through her touch, then she could feel his blackness. It was so stupid of him to think that just because she was becoming comfortable with her own power that she might accept his. Her smiles and her impromptu kisses had convinced him otherwise, but of course now that she could feel the power and darkness deep within him, she was terrified. He pulled back as he inwardly chastised himself for messing this up.
“It’s okay. I understand,” he interrupted. His voice was hoarse, but perhaps she would chalk that up to his difficulty stopping himself and not the pain he felt at her rejection.
She looked at him with confusion. “I don’t think you do …”
He had gotten so caught up in the potential of their destiny--finding her, her power, the Stag--he had forgotten that she might remain horrified at what he was. “I wouldn’t want to sleep with the monster of Ravka either,” he said, hoping to reassure her that he wasn’t mad. Maybe with time, once she saw how fragile mortals were, once she realized what it was like to see everyone die around you ... “This doesn’t change anything with our plan. Please don’t think that I expect …”
“That’s not what I meant,” she interrupted him.
Now he was the one confused. “What?”
She reached out her hand and caressed his cheek. The anxiety was gone, replaced by a feeling he could only describe as love and concern. “Aleksander, I want to. I’ve been signaling that to you all night. It’s just when we started to … I realized I’ve never …” She was nervous again.
“Are you a virgin?” he asked with surprise. Why hadn’t he considered that? Had it been so long since he had tried to woo a maiden that he had forgotten such things?
“No, not that. It’s …” She stopped herself abruptly. “Are you disappointed?”
“Not at all,” he said with certainty. He reached out and stroked her hair. “You are perfect as you are.”
She leaned into his touch. After a moment, she let her concerns tumble out. “I’ve never with a Grisha … or as a Grisha … and it’s just … is Grisha sex different? Am I supposed to do something differently? My power is so greatly affected by being near you. What will that do if we’re …? I don’t want to mess this up with you.”
He smiled. Such a small worry for him to have gotten so worked up about. Hadn’t she realized she could never disappoint him? “Ahh, that. It will be different. Because I can do this,” he said, brushing his fingers along her arm. “And your power will respond to my touch. Do you feel it like I can?”
She nodded, her breath catching as she shivered in pleasure.
He looked straight into her eyes. “And your body will do that. And I can feel it. And you can feel me responding to how you feel. Before we even bring in anything else, our powers touching alone could be enough to cause orgasm.”
She kissed him passionately, urging him to return to letting his mouth nearly devour her.
“And then, just when you think you cannot hold out a moment longer, I will carry you to my bed and make your body sing.”
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mizelophsun11 · 3 years
Mizeloph's Tale Chapter 4
Pairing - In the beginning it will be General Kirigan x OC Sun Summoner then switch to Kaz Brekker x OC Sun Summoner
Summary - Anna has a lot to learn in a very short period, there is nothing like almost being killed to appreciate life. Only nature can understand the pull a Sun and Shadow Summoner have for one another.
Word - 1694
A sudden jerk of the coach woke Anna up, she looked around noticing that the sun had risen and that the coach had come to a stop. She looked at Ivan and Fedyor, seeing that they had  worried looks across their faces. Ivan was talking to one of the soldiers about something but Anna was still a bit groggy from just waking up.
“What is going on?” Anna asked while looking around
Fedyor looked over at Anna smiled a little “well good morning sleeping sunshine, it seems like there is a roadblock, it could be a ploy for an ambush, so be careful, I am going to go check on it with Ivan, do not leave this coach unless it is with a Grisha or Oprichniki”
Fedyor stepped out of the coach, closed the door, then followed Ivan to help in any way that he could. As they were trying to see if anyone was out there, someone yelled ‘Fjerdan!’. It had been an ambush after all, Drüskelle swarmed the Oprichniki and Grisha catching them off guard. From the coach Anna could hear yelling and the sound of weapons clashing. Anna ducked in the coach as she barely missed being hit by a bullet that flew through the window she had just been looking out of. She tried to stay close to the ground but a gas grenade was thrown under the coach, a thick gas was let out making Anna cough. As she made her way out of the coach to try and get away from the thick gas she was grabbed by a Drüskelle.
“Grisha!” the man yelled at her with his thick Fjerdan accent, he dragged her away from the fight then held her down
“No! Please let me go! I am not Grisha! Please I am just a map maker! Let me go!” she tried fighting with the man on top of her
“What you are is a witch, now die!” the man said as he went to raise his axe to kill Anna
Darkness, but to Anna it felt different, very familiar and almost comforting. General Kirigan had arrived along with his following shadows. The Drüskelle on top of Anna turned around still holding the axe above his head realizing that this is where he would die instead of Anna.
“Darkling” was the man's last Fjerdan word as he watched General Kirigan create the Cut and then thrust it at the man splitting him in half
Anna gasped as she watched the man above her be sliced in two then fall off of her, General Kirigan walked up to Anna and held his hand out to her “are you hurt?”
“No..” she took his hand and got up “I’m not hurt.. Just a little bit shaken by what just happened” that same feeling of comfort she felt in his tent earlier washed over her, it was strange to feel this way with General Kirigan, only a few moments ago Anna thought she was going to die but now those worries had been pushed down
“The others will have fled by now, they should know that I am here. Everyone else will continue on but you will ride with me to the Little Palace” General Kirigan brought Anna to his horse
They got onto his horse and started their ride to the Little Palace, there was a long journey ahead of them. Anna continued to think about what had just happened, she was attacked and almost killed. She knew that with General Kirigan she was safe, but Anna wondered about the deeper feeling she felt in his tent and just now. Riding together was their first close interaction and she felt like there was an even stronger natural pull. Anna tried thinking reasonably, if she was the Sun Summoner then she was the natural opposite of him, the Shadow Summoner. Eventually it was decided they would take a small break, the horse had been going for a while and they had put a lot of distance between them and where the attack had happened.
As Anna stretched glad to be standing for a little bit, General Kirigan held out a handkerchief, she looked at him with a confused look “for your face” he gestured to the blood on her face from the Fjerdan that had almost killed
“Thank you” she took the handkerchief and whipped her face “Never in my entire life have I felt like I was going to die, until today. Even in Ketterdam I knew how to survive.. But today was something else”
General Kirigan watched her “I am glad I got there in time, I couldn’t imagine.. Not being able to save you”
“About you saving me, you cut that man in half with a shadow. I am thankful that you saved me.. But it was also a little bit scary to see” Anna was seeing and learning so many new things today and that was some of the terrifying aspects of her new life
“Would you rather I have used a sword?” General Kirigan asked looking at her curiously
“Oh.. uh I don’t know, it was just something I was not expecting” she said looking down feeling bad for what she had said
General Kirigan stepped closer to her and lifted her chin up with his hand for her to look at him “it is alright, I understand that this is new and scary, but know that I will always be ready to protect you” he let go of her chin and Anna continued to keep eye contact with him. She looked up at him, their height difference a bit more obvious, she had only stood this close to him once and that was when he cut her arm. She wondered if General Kirigan felt the same comfort and natural pull that she felt. Anna wasn’t planning on bringing it up, but it was something that she was thinking about, maybe a bit too much.
Anna knew that there was still more to being Grisha than what she knew, her conversation earlier with Fedyor was helpful in understanding “I do want to learn more though, after all this is starting to becoming my life”
“Well, we can start small, think of how there is matter to everything, in air and shadow, but it is too small to see, does that make sense?” he asked her wanting to make sure that she understood what he was explaining
“Yeah that makes sense” Anna appreciated him taking the time to make sure everything made sense to her
“For example, The Cut is something a Summoner can do, but it requires tremendous skill and I try to use it in a last resort situation”
“Last resort like that ambush.. ” Anna wondered how often this happened, an ambush on Grisha “how did they even know about me? It has barley been a day since everything happened”
“Well your little light show from the Fold was visible from miles away, they must have been on some other mission and abandoned that to come and find you” General Kirigan knew that there was a chance of this happening “this is why I wanted you to leave Kirbisk right away, and since you were attacked like I feared, it is better that you travel with me until we arrive to the Little Palace”
“They are really that scared of you?” Anna knew that General Kirigan could be scary, but for skilled enemies to not want to attempt anything while he was around really spoke volumes to her
“I think that they are more scared of you” He reasoned, this was not what Anna was expecting him to say, she was no threat. She had no training with her powers, the only reason she was able to do something in the Fold was by pure unknown instinct.
“Why? I have no control over whatever I am and you can cut people in half from many paces away. What damage could I do?” Anna wanted to understand since this would impact her life
“Miss Mizeloph, your power means a lot to the people of Ravka, you could be the first of your kind, we have always had a name for you. You have the potential to do so much, the people hope for what you can do, when you eventually enter the Fold and destroy it from within. With the proper training and some amplifiers..” General Kirigan went to keep talking but Anna stopped him
“Wait..” this was becoming very overwhelming for Anna. “I haven’t even been Grisha for a day and I feel like my destiny is already being set up for me without my control.. I mean, I am trying to take this in strides and accept who I am becoming, but there is so much more. I was just dragged away from my friends, I never asked for any of this... I mean I was always a freak, an outsider, but this is just just so much…” Anna played with a strand of her white hair that was kept out of the pony tail, it had always been a symbol of her being different, something she could never change
“Miss Mizeloph you are no freak, you are Grisha, no matter what, there will be other Grisha with you along with myself to help you every step of the way. This might seem like a lot, but you will have so many others to help you along the way to taking down the Fold” General Kirigan held her hand in a sense of comfort wanted to make sure that Anna knew she was not alone, they where two sides of the same coin, they would always have each other.
They got onto the horse and rode to the Little Palace, this would be the day when Anna Mizelophs life changed forever. She would not be the map maker she had continued to convince herself that she was. A Sun Summoner, maybe she still had one more step to prove that is who she was, but starting this day as she passed through the walls of the Little Palace she would become something new.
Author Note - I am so sorry that this chapter took so long to get out. I wanted to be happy with this chapter before it was put up, it took a few hours of editing and getting through the holiday to finally be happy with it. I also wanted to thank everyone who is reading my story. If anyone wants to talk about it please feel free to pm me!
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