#oh man this year's been unreal yup
Chapter 7 ~ Trust
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Hidden Depths AU
Previous ~ Masterlist ~ Next
Genre: Fantasy whump
CWs: captivity, lady whump, nudity, dead bodies, shoulder dislocation, setting of said shoulder... painfully, blood, threats of harm and death, knife to throat, panic attack(s), mildly scrambled memories causing confusion and distress, very brief recounting of noncon (piecing memories together, non explicit)
WC: 2800
Taglist: @kixngiggles
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Seriously, I can't take any more of this chapter 😅 Can't say I'm entirely happy with it, but it's passable. I want to move on. I'm ready to move on. And the longer I have this thing, the more I'll change it and... no. I refuse. I KICKETH THEE TO THE CURB. Enjoy my insanity :D
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It felt like waking from a dream. 
A really fucking awful dream. 
Her ears were no longer ringing, and her vision wasn’t fractured. She hurt, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as she remembered. 
Or thought she remembered. Carr blinked up at the white limestone ceiling. 
A pained cry split through the fuzzy feeling of unreality surrounding her, and she jerked up, only to bite her lip against the shock of injuries that turned out to be all too real. Her muscles felt like jelly, quivering with the strain of holding herself upright.
Propping herself on her elbow it would be, then. Had killing Marcus been a figment of her imagination? Had he finished with her and gone after Resh now? 
She scanned the room, heart thumping hard in her aching chest. Not Resh, she couldn’t… her eyes fell on the back of a man who should not be in this chamber. He was wearing dark brown breeches with a black jacket, and his not blond, not brown braid fell over his shoulder.  
He also had Resh pinned to the wall with a blade digging into his throat. Carr saw his arm tense, and a spike of terror turned her blood to ice. 
“Nykim, no!”  
A tremor passed through her when he paused. Oh gods, he’d almost slit Resh’s throat. What was he… why wasn’t he moving away? 
“Please, don’t kill him,” she whispered. 
Resh’s eyes flicked over to meet hers for a moment as Nykim slowly lowered his dagger. When he turned around, she thought she saw relief in his blue-gray eyes. Which confused her even more.  
“Did you just say please?” Nykim asked incredulously. 
Carr flushed. Surely she’d said please at least once before… 
“Why are you here?” she blurted. Like that was the most important question. Fuck, her brain felt scrambled. 
Nykim raised his eyebrows, and it was at that moment Carr remembered she was naked. She glanced down at herself. Yup, the coating of blood did nothing to disguise her breasts or the fact that she had nothing between her legs. Her next breath stuck in her throat, and she couldn’t quite meet Nykim’s eyes when she looked back up.   
“I…” Nothing would come out of her mouth. What could she say? I can explain? I’m sorry I deceived you for the last ten years? Please don’t kill me? She pressed her lips together instead. Her other arm crossed over her chest. Oh gods. 
Something like irritation crossed Nykim’s features, and she flinched when he moved. 
“For fuck’s sake, Carr,”–Nykim only shrugged out of his jacket–“Did you think I would leave you here indefinitely? I gave you time to get out yourself. I was tired of waiting.” He approached her, and she couldn’t stop herself. 
She flinched again. 
The corners of his mouth turned down, but all he did was drape the jacket over her. Carr clutched it to her chest.
“You should lay back down, Carr. You have a lot of injuries. I’ll get you out of here in a moment.” 
She did, and they hurt, but they didn’t seem quite right. Nothing seemed quite right. Where was Marcus? Why was Nykim saying nothing about her being a girl?  
I’ll get you out. His phrasing slammed into her, knocking any other worries to the wayside. She looked over Nykim’s shoulder at Resh, who was pressing a hand to his bleeding neck. His brows were pinched with pain, but the way he looked at her… it took her breath away. 
“Carr.” He cut her off with a warning look. “The boy’s a liability. Are you seriously suggesting we leave him alive?” 
We? There was no way he was asking her opinion as a beta after finding out–feeling a bit woozy, she decided to lie down. Her vision swam, and when she blinked, tears fell free, trickling down her temples. She quickly wiped them away. 
A scuffle broke out. Carr turned her head to find Resh had tried to come to her, and Nykim too, based on how close they were. But Nykim was holding Resh back with an arm across his chest… and a dagger right over his heart. 
“Stay away from her,” Nykim said, his voice low and rough. “She doesn’t like people hovering.” 
“You think… I don’t know… that?” Resh forced out. He was obviously hurting. It was also obvious he didn’t care as he tried to shove past Nykim anyway. “Ah! Carr, you okay?” 
Her eyes stayed trained on that dagger. “Nykim, please! Don’t hurt him.” 
“The fuck is going on here, Carr?” Nykim grunted, shoving Resh back. 
It was too much. Her head swam with unanswered questions and fears she couldn’t assuage because of them. Nykim showing up here was undoubtedly good, but he was trying to kill Resh, which was bad. So, so bad. She couldn’t allow it but didn’t know if she held any sway over Nykim now. She certainly didn’t have the strength to stop him if she didn’t.
Carr covered her mouth to stifle her sob, but it didn’t completely mask the sound. Both men went still as statues. Oh gods. She threw her arm over her eyes, just in case any more tears decided to break free. 
“Did you miss something?” Resh asked, his tone accusatory. 
“She’s still going to be in some pain,��� Nykim said, sounding confused. 
He probably was. She’d never once cried in front of him. 
There was the whisper of fabric over stone, and then Carr felt a presence at her side. She tensed and lowered her arm to see who had come to gawk at her. 
It was Resh. 
She couldn’t look away from him to check on where Nykim was. Resh kneeled just out of reach, the fingers of his left hand digging into his thigh. The positioning had to be painful after the way he’d been chained. His right arm hung uselessly at his side, the deformity of his shoulder obvious without his shirt. Both his wrists had deep grooves cut into them, and blood painted his forearms. 
“Get off your knees,” Carr mumbled. Her chest felt tight; gods, he’d tried so hard to get to her. 
He huffed a laugh while he shifted his weight, sitting beside her head. She finally summoned the nerve to meet his eyes. They were the same deep brown pools she’d allowed herself to drown in while… her brow wrinkled. 
She was pretty sure that had happened, that Marcus had been on top of her… that she had waited, held by Resh’s eyes until the… she shuddered. Until the right moment before wrenching the dagger from her shoulder and slitting Marcus’ throat. Not too deep. No, she’d needed a little time to… fuck. Had she really–had that actually happened? 
“Is he dead?” she whispered, tears clogging her throat. Her fingers dug into the leather of Nykim’s jacket. “Did he… did I… was that real?” 
Resh bowed his head, releasing her from his thrall. “Yeah, it was all real. I’m… I couldn’t… fuck.” His left hand clenched into a fist. 
It wasn’t his fault. It wasn’t, and yet he had never stopped trying. Carr remembered that much. He had begged and pleaded and offered himself up in her place, all while tearing himself apart–she looked at his arm–literally, in an attempt to help. He shouldn’t blame himself; it wasn’t his fault. She didn’t know how to say any of that, though. 
Instead, she steeled herself and said, “I need to see. Will you help me?” 
The shock on Resh’s face was painful to witness. His gaze drifted to the side before coming back to her. “Are you sure? Maybe it’d be better if Nykim helped you?”
She stared at him, trying to figure out if he didn’t want to touch her out of guilt or because of what had happened. More fucking tears pricked her eyes at the latter thought; fucking pits, none of her defenses were in place. They’d all been stripped away. 
Nykim cleared his throat, and they both looked over at him. “If she asked for your help, boy, she means it.” He wiped his bloody hands on his pants. “I’ve got some bodies to take care of. You can have a few minutes, then we need to get out of here.” 
“‘We’ includes Resh, Nykim,” Carr said harshly. Her heart beat wildly though, unsure if he would listen, uncertain if what she wanted still mattered–
He sighed heavily. “For now, yes. Further discussion can be held at the lair.” 
Nykim stood and took a few steps toward the door before he pivoted, changing course. He crouched at Resh’s side, his eyes taking on a stormy gray hue. “You do anything to hurt her, and I’ll strip the flesh from your bones. Then I’ll mount them in my office.” 
His hand shot forward, and a bolt of fear shot through her, stopping her heart, but he only grabbed Resh’s right arm and yanked. All color fled from Resh’s face. The pop of his shoulder sliding back into the socket was audible even over his scream.
“What the fuck, Nykim!” Carr shouted, struggling to push herself up. 
“Couldn’t have him tensing up, now could I?” Mischief danced in his eyes. 
He was up and out of reach before Carr could knock him on his ass as he so richly deserved. She was angry enough that she could’ve done it. Maybe.
To Resh, he said, “Hold that arm close to your body, and don’t fucking use it.” Then he swept out of the room. 
“Shit,” Resh gasped, clutching his arm to his chest. Perspiration dotted his forehead. “He’s… intense.” 
Carr glared at the door. “Yeah.” 
“So, uh, how would you like me to help you?” He looked nervous when Carr transferred her gaze back to him. “I… I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, is all.” 
Her skin prickled, and she suppressed a shudder at the thought of anyone touching her right now. But she was so weak, it couldn’t be helped. Besides, she trusted Resh... 
The thought rocked her to her core. When the fuck had that happened?
“Just help me sit up, and we can go from there,” she said, pushing that revelation away. 
He did as she asked, as best he could with only one arm. The warmth of his palm met the chilled, bare flesh of her shoulder, and Carr was shocked to find she didn’t mind the contact. Which had her thinking that maybe, from him, a hug would feel even better. 
For a moment, she allowed herself to imagine how it might feel to be held, comforted. Resh’s warmth would soak into her, and she could listen to his heart beat, like she had when the tunnel collapsed. The steady rhythm would soothe the ache in her chest, that ever-present need she had to be seen, accepted.  
Anger–at herself–rose swiftly before plummeting just as fast into a hole of dark despair. Her breathing quickened as she mentally castigated herself; she fucking knew better. Gods, she could feel herself unraveling, thread by carefully woven thread. She bit her lip, forcing back that longing. 
Focus on the task at hand. That’s what she needed to do. Focus.     
With Resh’s support, she put Nykim’s jacket on properly, fastening it over makeshift bandages she only now noticed. Her chest warmed, and not from the nasty gash between her breasts. 
“Did you bandage me?” She caught Resh’s nod in her peripheral vision while she fastened the last button. 
Whatever else she intended to say vanished from her mind when she lifted her eyes and caught sight of the body lying not six feet away from them. 
He was very fucking dead. 
Relief, along with a savage sense of satisfaction, filled her, and she clenched her fists while the holes in her memory filled in. He’d fucking deserved every moment of suffering. She wished it could’ve lasted longer. 
She had killed him and–
The heir to the godsdamned throne was dead. 
“Shit, this is bad,” Carr muttered. Gods, all those guards had seen her and Resh in here with the prince. And Resh–what was he thinking? He’d seen her kill Creve, but this… this was on another level. 
Stiffening, she jerked away from where she leaned against his chest. Shit, she had been leaning on him, had felt like he was… safe. A pit formed in her stomach. 
Safety was an illusion.
It was. She’d always known that, had never known any different. The only safety she’d ever known had been the safety she created, and even that wasn’t foolproof. 
The carnage blurring in front of her eyes proved that.
She pressed a hand to her chest and winced when her wound cracked open. Fresh blood slicked her palm while she tried to remember how to breathe.  
Distantly, she recognized she was falling apart. It didn’t matter; she couldn’t seem to stop it. After everything, the thing that broke her was feeling safe? She would’ve laughed if she could get any air in her lungs. 
Behind her sat the one person who had ever evoked that feeling in her. Gods, how she wanted to give in to it. But she didn’t know how. And there was–
There was blood all over her; Marcus had been all over her. Her skin crawled, and she tried to scramble away. 
He had seen it all. He couldn’t… she couldn’t…
Resh caught her before she could fall on her face. “Hey, what’s going on–” 
“Don’t touch me,” she shrieked, but he didn’t let go. 
He didn’t let go, he didn’t let go, he, he, he moved. In front of her. Her hand shot out on reflex, and Resh winced when her palm hit his chest. 
“You don’t want to touch me,” she sobbed, dropping her arm, but he pulled her closer. She didn’t fight it, didn’t want to fight it. 
Resh was warm, and she was so, so cold. She shivered against his chest, holding her breath in an attempt to stifle her crying. Hiccuping sobs rewarded her efforts. 
He wrapped his arm around her in a loose hold. Even as weak as she was, she could’ve pulled away if she wanted to. 
“Breathe, Carr,” Resh said softly, stroking her hair. 
She tried. 
“If you think I’ll judge you for what happened, you’re wrong. I’m glad you did what you did. I don’t care about any of that. But I understand if you truly don’t want to be touched.” He pulled his hand away from her head, loosened his hold even more. “I just didn’t want you to hurt yourself. Tell me what you want me to do. How can I help?” 
She whimpered, pressing herself closer to him. “Don’t stop.” 
His breath caught, and she melted into him when he resumed petting her hair. Just a few moments, she told herself. Then she had to pull herself together. 
“Mother fuck,” Nykim said. “What the fuck did you do?”
She hadn’t even heard him come in. Unacceptable. The tangled, swirling mess of her emotions stilled, and she stiffened at his tone. 
“He d…didn’t do.” Hiccup. “Didn’t do anything,” Carr mumbled. Godsdamned hiccups. Deep measured breaths. She knew how this worked. 
Resh’s arms tightened protectively around her. 
Disbelief colored Nykim’s voice as he muttered a few more choice curses. 
All Carr could think about was how Resh shouldn’t be using his right arm to hold her like that. She squirmed, then thought better of it when he flinched. Instead, she tilted her head to look at Nykim, gauging how much trouble she was in.  
Nykim caught her eye and cocked his head, studying her silently. She could only imagine what she must look like. If being female hadn’t doomed her yet for some reason, Carr knew her behavior wasn’t exactly fitting for one of Nykim’s betas. Carr didn’t even breathe while she waited on his judgment. 
“Okay.” Nykim sighed, and she drew in a ragged breath. That was a sigh of resigned acceptance if she’d ever heard one, thank fuck. 
“I can’t wait to hear this story. But for now, let’s get the fuck out of here. You’re with me, Carr.” 
She nodded and pushed away from Resh. He wouldn’t be able to help her, not with how fucked up his shoulders must be. If she couldn’t get her legs to support her, Nykim would likely end up carrying her. Wonderful.
At least her hiccups were gone. Suppressing a groan, she reached out to take Nykim’s hand. 
Nykim may have questions, but she had some of her own now. Like why he kept shooting Resh those ‘keep your mouth shut’ glances she was so familiar with. 
She wondered if it had anything to do with how she was still alive. 
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Image Description
[ID: The banner is a sepia-colored version of the original blue-green background, with tree branches arching over a set of blue-green eyes, forming an approximation of a face. The words Hidden Depths AU are written in white above the eyes. end ID]
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the-nysh · 4 years
Alright, it’s finally the 10th, so that means birthday time~!
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fr1d4y-wr1t1ng · 3 years
Your “Love Song”
Request: nooooo, I wanted to do an intro kinda writing thing lol.
Can I request?: absolutely.
Genre: Fluffy romantic head canons of the CC’s!
Content Warnings: none, except for swearing maybe. And of course my music taste /j (thought I would put this here, any references to a “her” or “him” has a they/them in brackets just letting y'all know)
CC’s in Post: irl!Dream(wastaken), irl!Sapnap, & irl!Wilbur Soot.
Description: These are the songs that I think would fit for your relationship with these CC’s!
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Cupid's Chokehold/Breakfast In America - Gym Class Heros
Holy shit Dream loves you so so so much it's unreal.
Like he would quite literally do anything for you like quite literally ANYTHING you can imagine.
Your day was shitty and you don't wanna do the dishes? He's got you covered.
You're sore from doing something physically exhausting? Don't worry, he'll do ANYTHING to make you feel better.
You got sick? He's already making soup and nursing you back to health.
He's semi-clingy like that you know?
Sometimes you may have to tell him that he doesn't have to do EVERYTHING for you, and that sometimes you can just do things yourself.
Remind him to take breaks too holy shit!! Like seriously mate go in there and REMIND HIM!!
But that's just because he loves you so much, he just can't express it any other way dude!!
I think the line that PERFECTLY sums up how he feels for you is “if I had to choose [them] or the sun, I'd be one nocturnal son of a gun.”
Just make sure you treat him the same, trust me on this one okay????? Pls?????
“Take a look at my [s/o], [they're] the only one I got!”
That's the only thing you've truly heard since he started streaming. You'd been sitting on his bed, scrolling through Twitter while minding your own business. You hadn't done anything to disturb him given the fact he was streaming and well… he hadn't exactly revealed you yet.
You looked at your boyfriend, just wanting your clingy little teddy bear back, you stared at him for a second, before seeing him mute and turn to you.
You two stared at each other, a slightly awkward but… mostly comfortable silence. His eyes looked like they had literal hearts in them. He chuckled quietly, looking at you until you spoke up. “...Clay?”
You questioned you boyfriend until he muttered, “you know, you're the most attractive person I've ever seen… right?” You started to laugh as your boyfriend got up and sat next to you. He quickly pecked your cheek and went back to his stream, attempting to make up for having chat wait.
To say this happened often would be an understatement.
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Never Ever Getting Rid Of Me - Waitress
I know people like to use this song in a more... stalkerish tendency. But, I don't think that's the meaning, you know.
Sapnap is very much... newer to love. It may come off in the wrong way, but he's trying to show you that he's not going anywhere because he loves you.
He can be awkward, but of course he's just excited!
You're his first s/o!!! How the hell could he not be excited?
Sapnap can be very “clingy” when your relationship starts... but don't worry. He calms down quickly.
Before you even know it, the relationship becomes natural, like you've been together for several years.
You two kind of end up acting like newly-wed’s when you get settled? If you get what I mean?
It's like you've been together for god knows how long, but you're just getting super settled and shit into a whole new level of your relationship.
I feel like the line that really represents how he feels is the line, “Oh, I'm gonna love you so. You'll learn what I already know, I love you means your never ever getting rid of me!”
He really believes that you're the one! So maybe (if you can) try to give the same energy back! Tell him you love him like, a lot!!
“I will never let you let me leave, I promise I'm not lying!”
What the fuck was that? You lay awake, thinking about the nightmare that just woke you. You slowly turned toward your phone. It's 4:08 am. You really shouldn't be up this early, should you? As you try to get back to sleep, you hear a muffled groan from him.
“Babe?” Sapnap asks, barely able to keep his eyes open, “Why ‘re you up?” You turned back to face him, wrapping your arms around his midsection. “‘is nothin’. Don't worry.”
His brows furrowed in thought, trying to stare at you for a second before asking, “Ya’ sure? You can tell me anything-” you quickly peck his lips, effectively shutting him up before mumbling, “it's just a nightmare. I'll be fine, as long I have you with me.” a small chuckle came from him before replying with,
“M’kay… love you.”
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Wilbur Soot:
Telephone - Waterparks
At first when he falls for you he's... really fucking nervous.
He doesn't wanna mess your relationship up AT ALL.
He thinks the you'd legitimently regret being with him, but we all know we trolley want a man like Wil.
But, there's still apart of him that really wants you to feel the same.
But once you start dating, this kind of stressing about making you regret dating him calms down a bit.
Keyword: a bit.
The intrusive thoughts about you two dating can still get to him yk, so, please just remind him that it'll be okay babes-
He's so soft when he's with you though, like, legit it's such a magical experience.
When he's not streaming or making music he's usually spending time with you!
He's just so sweet man, tbh I want a bf like Wilbur 🥴.
I think the lyric that really explains how he feels is “I can be your best yet, future favorite regret.” because he can be the softest motherfucker ever!! (or... well... hm.)
“I’m interested but distant to a fault, and I'd never want to complicate your heart!”
Boop ba boop! Boop ba boop! Your phone's ringtone filled your apartment as you dragged yourself from your bed to your desk. You sighed, looking at the number and realizing who was calling you. “Hey Wil.” you answered somewhat bluntly.
“[Y/N]! Hey!” Wilbur’s sweet voice rang through your ears like a whimsical melody. Your lips perked at his response, “Whats up?” you ask, your cheeks filling with heat as you looked at the screen. “Well I-” Wilbur cuts himself off at the noise in the background.
“...anyways, I'm coming over!” he finished. You realized he was probably walking his happy ass to your flat. You looked around at the mess, a small sigh escaping your lips as you replied, “I'll see you in five then?” a chuckle escaped his lips, “yup! See you in five!”
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Note: AAAAND THATS FINISHED, FINALLY. Why the hell did this take 2 days holy shit!? So, uh, I have an idea for making a part 2 but like... with the song that kinda describes the breakup (if there is one)? So let me know if you want that! Kay, see ya, byeeeeee!!!!
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sunsetcurbed · 3 years
you say we’re just friends
Pairing: Julie/Luke  Words: 1,695  Rating: G  Warnings: none  read on AO3 
Summary:  "Alright, alright, this is actually taking me towards something here," James says, and the entire band looks at him. "The big question," he says, leaning forward in his seat, looking between all of the band members. "The real hunk of a question."
"Alright," Luke nods along, drumming his hands in his lap.
"Are Julie and Luke dating?"
[based off this Shawn Mendes/Camila Cabello interview] 
The screen fades in from black to show James sitting on the left side of the screen and the band, Julie and the Phantoms, sitting to his right.
"You guys are one of the hottest bands as of right now—having gone multiplatinum, earning three Grammy nominations, heading on a sold out world tour, a concert film to follow—you can't get much hotter than that." James says, shaking his head as the crowd cheers and the band on the couch looks to be literally vibrating with excitement next to him. "Guys, that's incredible."
"Isn't it?" the one in plaid says—Luke Patterson. He's sat in between Julie Molina and Reggie Peters, and on the end next to Reggie is Alex Mercer. All four of them are on the edges of their seats, leaning their elbows on their knees. "Our second album and we've already reached this level of success its…" he looks at the others. "I don't think we ever could have dreamed it up."
"Even if we could have it wouldn't have been this fast," Alex says. "We were literally playing in a garage two years ago."
"Yeah, yeah," Reggie jumps in. "Like, okay, two albums, great, we have so much more music, we've been writing for years, we have enough music for five or six albums. Going on tour, that was always the plan. The tour selling out? That was just—that was just incredible."
"And getting our nominations and going multiplatinum?" Julie shakes her head. "Unbelievable. It's unreal."
"No, no," James says, "it's very real. That's amazing though! Two years ago you were in a garage?"
"Yup," Luke nods. He tosses an arm around Julie and pulls her in. "We practically lived in Jules's garage from the time we were freshman in high school until we graduated and got paid. Because they signed us during our senior year, so we moved out on our own as soon as we could."
"Well, most of us," Reggie says.
"Julie still lives with her family," Alex says. "But us guys live together."
"That's sweet that you still live with your family," James says, smiling at Julie. "Or could you just not stand living with these three?"
"A little bit of both?" she laughs. "I'm really close with my family and I know with touring I won't see them often, so I want to spend time with them when I can. But also I'm at the guys' place nearly every day and I could never imagine living there. I clean up after them enough without living there."
"Hey, we do pretty good!" Luke frowns.
"I found a pizza box under your bed last month, Luke," Julie says, gagging. "There were still two pieces of pizza in it."
Luke furrows his eyebrows together. "Yeah, that was pretty nasty."
"Alright, alright, this is actually taking me towards something here," James says, and the entire band looks at him. "The big question," he says, leaning forward in his seat, looking between all of the band members. "The real hunk of a question."
"Alright," Luke nods along, drumming his hands in his lap.
"Are Julie and Luke dating?"
Julie and Luke throw their heads back and groan at the same time Reggie barks out a laugh and Alex bounces in his seat, pointing at James. "Yes!" he screams, drawing his hand back and thrusting it forward as he repeatedly points at the interviewer. "Asking the real questions, thank you."
"Oh, shut up," Luke says, waving Alex off.
"No," Alex says. "Well, actually, okay, because I'd love to hear the answer to this."
Luke rolls his eyes and looks back at James. "No, we're not."
James raises his eyebrows. He flicks his eyes between Luke's face and his arm that's resting on the couch behind Julie. "Really? Because you two look quite cozy—"
"Really," Julie says.
"Yeah," James says. "You look like a proper couple."
"Proper couple'a best friends," Luke grins, hooking his arm around Julie's neck and dragging her in closer to him.
"No," James says, monotone. "Like a couple who is dating. Alright, who is Perfect—"
"We're really not dating—"
"Who is Perfect Harmony abo—"
"I don't know what we can say, we're just not dating—"
"Who did you write Perfect Har—"
"We've never even considered dating, he's my best friend—"
"Perfect Harmony, who is it ab—"
"She's like the mom friend of the group, she keeps me in line—"
"Who is Perfect Harmony—"
"Mom friend? I'm the mom friend? I'm the—yeah, okay, yeah I'm the mom friend."
"Who's Perfect Harmony about?" James demands, looking between the two of them, now that there's finally a beat of silence. Alex sits off to the side with a grin that looks like it must ache, and Reggie looks absolutely bewildered at the display of voices that had just gone on. "You're the only two on the writing credit for that song—"
"Despite popular belief, it is possible to write a song without a specific source of inspiration," Luke says, leaning towards James like he's sharing a secret, but in doing so he leans in Julie's space, making James look even less convinced.
"Oh please," James laughs. "I bet you two wrote it about one another without even knowing it."
"Oh, did we?" Luke asks at the same time Alex laughs, "I am loving this."
"I think Luke wrote it about me," Reggie says, cupping his face in his hands like an angel.
Alex nudges Reggie with his elbow. "Dude, don't help them out of this."
"No, no, no, Reggie, help us out of this," Julie pleads.
Reggie looks between Alex and Julie with wide eyes. "I-I-I don't know what to do, I'm equally scared of both of you."
"Now, wait a minute," James jumps back in. "Julie, why do you need help out of this?"
"Because someone doesn't believe me and Luke," she says with a roll of her eyes.
"You're going to have to be more specific because I think the majority of your fans don't believe Luke and you," James presses. "I mean, you have heard of Juke, right?"
"Yeah," Luke nods. "And I've also heard of Lalex but Willie would straight up flatten me with his skateboard if I tried making a move on his boyfriend."
"I don't know, man," Reggie says clapping a hand on Luke's shoulder. "Given how Willie and Alex met, flattening you with his skateboard could be seen as Willie making a move."
"We're getting off track," Alex jumps in, leaning around Reggie to look at his other two band mates. "Willex is going strong, now I want to hear about Juke."
"Alex!" Julie cries.
Alex pulls a face, flattening his lips together and pulling them back in a poorly disguised smirk. "You two always say we need to give the people what they want—"
"Musically!" Luke yells, reaching over Reggie to shove at Alex. Reggie leans back into the couch, eyes wide and mouth turned into a deep frown.
"You two are awfully sensitive about this, aren't you?" James laughs from his chair. Julie buries her face in her hands and Luke sits back in his seat and shifts so his entire right side is pressed against hers. He presses his knee against hers, and she pushes hers back into his. "You're also awfully comfortable for a non-couple."
"To be fair Luke is one of the most tactile people you'll meet," Reggie says.
"I do have to—reluctantly—agree with that," Alex sighs. "We once found him cuddling with our lights designer while we were waiting to go on stage."
"But it's like everyone else is a substitute for Julie," Reggie adds. "She's his first choice."
"Dude! I thought you were on our side," Julie pouts.
"I'm on the side of truth and chaos. And truth that causes chaos."
"Alright, let's talk about this," James says, scooting forward so he's sat at the edge of his chair. "I think—"
"Oh god," Julie groans, falling forward so she's folded in half, her hair curtaining around her head and hiding her from everyone. Luke drops his hand from the back of the couch to rub her back soothingly. Julie mumbles something that no one hears, and Luke leans forward, asking her to repeat it. "I said, don't touch me, James is only going to use that against us."
Luke laughs. "I'd rather have a rumor that we're dating than not comfort my best friend."
"Alright, now we've really got to talk about this." James leans down so he's closer to Julie. "I think that the two of you," he says motioning between Luke and Julie, "love each other, but that you're scared of how it might affect the band."
"I think that Julie and I are just friends—"
"I don't believe you're just friends—"
"I don't—I don't care," Luke laughs. "I don't know what to tell you, man."
"The truth!"
"I've been trying!" Luke yells at the same time Julie shoots up and yells "we've been trying!"
"Alex? Reggie?"
"They tell us the same thing," Alex sighs. "We find it equally as hard to believe but in all the years we've known each other we've never lied to one another, at least not knowingly," he shares a look with Reggie who smirks knowingly at Alex, "so. We can't help you here, James."
James drops his head to hang between his shoulders. "So disappointing. Can you hear the hearts breaking?" he asks Julie and Luke.
"It's deafening," Julie deadpans.
"I can't hear myself think over how loud it is," Luke adds in the same tone.
"You could end it all—"
Julie turns to the camera. "And that's all the time we have today, folks! Thanks for watch—"
"All right, all right!" James huffs, waving his hand in front of Julie. "Don't—don't send them away! You've still got a performance!" He looks at the camera. "Don't listen to the lying liar, stay tuned because we've got a performance of Finally Free coming up after this!" He looks back at Julie and Luke and as the camera and audio fade out, asks, "okay, now that the cameras are off, give it to me seriously…"
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neerasrealm · 4 years
SPEAKING OF LAUGHING JACK FLUFF- whenever you're not busy writing something else, can I get some LJ fluff? I'll accept anything I just need m o r e, sick day fluff, general fluff or s/o, comfort fluff, crack fluff,,,anything just LJ fluff ily and I need to keep loving my man
I had some trouble coming up with ideas for this ngl but then my brain went "how would LJ react to a human asking him out on a date?" And I went with that 😌 hope you like it. It's- actually not that fluffy when I read back over it but....still got a lotta goofy clowning so, I think it counts!
You’re obsessed with him.
You see him every few days, down the local park when you’re out taking a walk. He’s always in the same spot. The children’s playground, surrounded by smiling kids while he gives out candy and balloons and does tricks for them. It’s impressive, honestly, how he’s able to do everything he does. He holds the kid’s attention perfectly, he always seems to have what they ask for just- hiding in his puffy sleeves, he plays the accordion and sings in an angelic voice, creates amazing balloon animals and juggles- oh god the juggling, it’s unreal how much stuff he can juggle at once. Not to mention how flexible he is. You’ve seen him do all sorts of tricks like cartwheels, somersaults, flips and god knows what else. And he has the biggest, brightest smile you’ve ever seen. When he smiles it lights up his whole face and spreads to everyone around him, not to mention his laugh! He’s the funniest guy you’ve ever met, and when he laughs it seems to make everyone around him feel better.
His name is Jack, and you’re hoping to catch him again this evening. He usually leaves just as it’s beginning to get dark, so he’ll probably have more time to speak with you once the kids are gone. There’s so much you want to ask him- he’s fascinatingly weird. You’ve begun to think of him as some kind of supernatural being rather than a cute street performer. You laugh a bit at the thought.
As you approach the playground you glance around. Finally, you spot him. Wispy black hair, feathered shoulder pads, and striped socks. Jack certainly knows how to make himself stand out, as if his height wasn’t already enough. He doesn’t even need bright colours to stand out- in fact he avoids them and wears only blacks, whites and greys. Another thing to make him look weird. Maybe even a little monstrous.
Jogging over to the playground’s entrance, you lean ever-so-casually against the gate and wait until he walks out, past you. You watch him for a moment, admiring the way his hair bounces as he cheerfully strides along. You lean off the gate and walk after him. ‘’Hey, Jack!’’ you call out casually. He stops and looks over his shoulder, blinking at you. Then he smiles wide.
‘’Oh! ‘Ey there!’’ he turns around and waves slightly as you walk up. You can’t help but smile gently. He has such sweet, innocent eyes. They’re a bright blue colour, and always full of emotion. ‘’y/n, innit?’’
You laugh gently. Oh yeah, he’s british. Very british. The thickest accent you’ve ever heard. ‘’Hey.’’ you greet. ‘’Heading home?’’
‘’Yup.’’ he tilts his head at you, his hands on his hips. ‘’Wha’re you up ta?’’
‘’Oh, uh-’’ you panic for a moment. ‘’I was heading home too! Heh- mind if I walk with you?’’ you ask quickly. He smiles.
‘’Course ya can.’’ he turns around and gestures for you to follow. Perfect! So far so good. You stuff your hands into your pockets trying to be casual, and stroll along beside him. He looks down at you and smiles.
‘’How was the day?’’ you ask. ‘’Business good?’’
‘’Ah yeh,’’ he runs a hand through his wispy black hair. Everything about him is fascinating. His outfit, his makeup, his entire persona. ‘’I wuz doin’ candy ‘n tricks t’day. Thos’re some’ve my fav’rites.’’
‘’Oh yeah?’’ you tilt your head at him. ‘’You’re pretty good at your circus tricks. Where’d you learn em?’’
‘’Oh! Uh- jus’ picked em up hones’ly. Lotsa practice over th’ years.’’
You smile. ‘’Huh.’’ he always seems to...dodge questions. ‘’So- where’d you grow up?’’
Alright that’s the answer you expected. Next question. ‘’So is this performing thing your fulltime job?’’
‘’Yep!’’ he seems to become excited. ‘’Makin’ kiddos ‘appy is wha’ I wuz made fer!’’ he laughs, a raspy joyful noise that makes your heart flutter. "Me mum always said I wuz like a daffadown dilly, hah! So 'f course I became a clown, heheh."
You have no idea what that means but you laugh with him. "Your mom said you should be a clown?"
"Yeah mine too, but only when she was mad at me." You grin at him. He breaks into a wide grin and then wheezes loudly in amusement. Perfect, you made him laugh! He snickers and looks at you again. God he's adorable when he laughs. Which is good, because he does it a lot. "So- how'd you come up with the costume?"
"Oh! Er- jussa lo'a mixin' an' matchin'. I already 'ad black 'air an' a lo'a striped fings so I er- jus tossed i' all together." He seems to become fidgety at the question. Odd. He coughs. "So wha' abou' you?"
"Yeh," he nods and smiles at you. "No' often some'ne who isn' a parent asks me abou' me act. I've seen ye a few times b'fore, so ye seem ta like me." He smiles at you. Shit. He has you completely figured out, doesn't he? Well...alright then. You take a deep breath before responding.
"I...find you interesting." You finally answer. He cocks a brow at you. "British guy who performs for kids and does tricks in a big heavy costume- who wouldn't be interested in learning more about him?"
He laughs gently. "Ye like me fer me accen'?"
"It's a bonus." You give him a sly smile. He laughs again and glances down. "So...what do you do on your off days, Laughing Jack?" He seems surprised at being called his stage name.
"Oh! Er- …'uman fings." He responds nervously. You snort, then crack up laughing. He laughs along with you, still sounding nervous. You had no idea he'd be so easy to fluster!
"Alright then...how about next time you're doing human things, I come along with you?"
"Eh?" He seems surprised and confused.
"Y'know- we could...get coffee or something…?"
He blinks, then his eyes widen. His mouth opens as he suddenly realises that he's being flirted with. "Oh- oh! Er- uh-" he blushes a light pink beneath his makeup. "Ye'd wanna...g-go ou' wiv me…?" He sounds like he can't quite believe what you just asked him. You nod. His blush deepens, and his shoulders arch up, burying his face in feathers. You laugh at his embarrassment. "A-ah...I see." He gulps and peaks out at you from beneath feathers. God he's adorable.
"Doesn't have to be coffee, if you're not into that."
"Nah, nah! I like coffee." He coughs, clearing his throat. He suddenly stops walking and looks at you. "Can I er-" he seems completely out of his depth here. You absently wonder if he's ever been flirted with before. "Can I getcher number?"
Score! This is exactly what you'd been hoping for! You reach into your pocket and pull out a small slip of paper you prepared earlier. You wrote your phone number on it earlier in hopes that he'd ask for it.
"Here you go." You say with a smile. He quickly steps forward and takes it, looking down at the small scrap of paper like it's the most important thing in the world. He slips it into the pocket of his shorts and nods at you, still looking surprised and worried. He forces a smile.
"Righ' then." He finally says. "I'll er- I'll text ya la'er an' we can arrange ta ge' sum coffee." His smile is flustered and his eyes are shining with excitement. You nod.
"Sounds good." You step back away from him and give him a small wave. "I'll see you soon, Jack."
"S-See ya!" He calls after you. You walk a little bit away until you're out of sight, then double back from behind the cover of trees. Just as you'd hoped, he's still right where you left him, staring in the direction you just went. Even from your hiding spot you can see his blushing face and wide excited smile. He suddenly jumps on the spot and looks around excitedly. He buries his face in his hands, crouching down slightly. You frown. Is he- shaking?
Jack suddenly explodes back up into the air, his arms stretching out more than they realistically should. He lets out the loudest cry of excitement you've ever heard and bounces on the spot, giggling to himself like a schoolgirl. You grin in amusement and watch him cartwheel over toward the forest, still making loud noises of excitement and joy. He spins and flips, then disappears into the trees. You snort.
He's...so weird. And somehow it just makes him more loveable.
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glacecakes · 4 years
Ocean Waves and Glittering Sand
The gang decides to take a beach day in between trials.
No warnings! This is pure 100% fluff. I wrote this for @honeyxmonkey thank you so much for the other fic ilysm QAQ I hope I did your prompt justice!!
Read more on AO3
“Run that by me again. We’re doing what now?” Varian asked.
“We’re going to the beach!” Yong said, scuttling around as he prepared his bag. “You know, it’s got sand, and water, and sun?”
“I know what the beach is. Just… why are we going to the beach?”
Varian had just woken up, expecting to find himself the first one awake. With any luck, he could get a kick start on reading his mother’s journal and messing with some theories. The sun had just barely risen, the dew already evaporating. Today was going to be bright and hot, he could feel it in his bones.
Varian stepped out of his tent, mind booting up for the day, only to find everyone else awake and packing bags. Not emergency “We’ve been compromised we have to leave now” bags, no no no. That would make sense. Instead Nuru had thrown a swimsuit and shirt at Varian and told him to get changed.
Nuru looked up from where she was folding up her towel. “Why not?” She responded, shouldering her bag. “We’ve been working really hard, we could use a break.”
That was true. They’d just completed the 4th trial and were heading towards the Dark Kingdom, a good three months away. From what Rapunzel told him, this stretch of their quest would not be easy. So it made sense they wanted an easy day before things got hectic again.
Still… Varian’s idea of an easy day seemed wildly different from theirs. He looked to Hugo for help. Surely he’d understand that Varian wanted to work today.
“What do you have against the beach, goggles?” Hugo asked, walking up and dumping a sunhat on Varian’s head. “I know you hate the sun like every other vampire, but it could do you some good.”
The betrayal was unreal.
“Screw off,” The younger alchemist muttered good naturedly. “I don’t hate the beach, but…”
Hugo raised an eyebrow. “But?”
This was a losing battle, it seemed. Varian let out a sigh of defeat. “But nothing,” he grumbled. “I guess we’re going to the beach.” The other three let out a collective cheer.
The sun beat down on sandy shores and crystalline water, and Varian wondered why he ever complained in the first place.
The beach was gorgeous, he had to give props to the others for finding it. Even though it was still early a good number of people seemed to have had the same idea.
“Last one in the water has to bathe Ruddiger!” Yong called, preparing to rush into the water. He was stopped when Varian grabbed his arm.
“Sunscreen first, Yong. Then last one in the water can bathe Ruddiger.” Yong pouted, but didn’t complain as he covered himself. Varian did the same, watching amused as Yong shot into the water like a rocket.
“Hey, Hugo, can you come get my back?” Varian asked, turning to where he and Nuru were setting up the towels. Hugo smirked and sauntered over, and Varian regretted it instantly.
“No pictures on my back.” He warned. “Or I will kill you.”
“Oh please, like you would even try.”
“Spite is a powerful motivator.”
Hugo rolled his eyes but said nothing. “There, go chase Yong or whatever.”
“It’s too early to get in the water.” Varian responded, walking over to their setup. Nuru had gone to follow Yong, so it was just him. He plopped down on his stomach, grabbing his mom’s journal and placing it in front of him. He still wanted to get a little work done.
To his left, Hugo had also decided to stay out of the water, but instead of working decided to build a sand castle. Varian couldn’t help himself, he kept straying from the book, instead watching Hugo work out of the corner of his eye. He stared as Hugo stuck out his tongue in concentration, using the wetter sand as mortar as the castle grew an impressive amount.
For a while, they stayed like this, silently enjoying each other’s presence as they did their own thing. It was a stark contrast to their usual arguments, but not unwelcome. We should do this kind of stuff more often, Varian thought. It’s a hell of a way to the next trial, so it’s not like we can’t have a little fun.
His musings were cut short when a large teen, burly and brash, ran straight through Hugo’s hard work. His feet collided with the sand, sending it everywhere, including into Hugo’s face. He gagged as sand entered his mouth.
“Watch it!” He yelled, and the teen turned back to give Hugo the finger before bolting off.
The annoyed look on his face was too much. Varian fought to hide his snickers behind his book. Hugo sent him a glare.
“Oh you think that’s funny, do you?” He hissed, no actual bite behind his words. His eyes flashed with mirth, but his lips were pressed into an over exaggerated pout.
Varian let a laugh escape him. “Yes, very much so,” He teased. He sat up. “Need some help rebuilding it?”
“Yea, and I got an idea.”
Varian raised his eyebrow with a challenging smirk.
The next hour was not nearly as quiet as the previous, instead filled with laughter and banter as they tried to rebuild the castle. Or rather, Hugo kept trying to rebuild it, Varian was trying to sabotage it.
“I think you had a little door here,” Varian poked a hole in one of the castle walls. Hugo swatted his hand away.
“It’s my castle I say what goes where!”
“Man, I’d hate to live with you. You’re a terrible architect.”
“Well I’m sorry not all of us can reverse engineer ancient automatons at 14 years old. Some of us had better things to do.”
Nuru and Yong had yet to come back, and while Varian liked to be the voice of reason, the example, Hugo just made it so easy to let loose. No arguments over which way to go, or why Hugo shouldn’t steal their supplies. Today, they were just teenagers with a desire for mischief and a hint of vengeance.
“You’re lucky I always bring this stuff with me. Otherwise this wouldn’t work as well,” Varian muttered.
Hugo snorted. “We could have just used a rock, but you were all like no, we gotta do this the right way, I’m an ex-villain and I don’t get to use what I learned often enough. ” He joked. Varian stuck his tongue out at that.
Finally, Varian wiped the sweat off his brow. It was starting to heat up, and he wouldn’t lie if he said the water was looking really nice right about now.
“Are we done?” He asked, and Hugo scooted back. He put his hands on his hips and admired their work.
“Looks good to me.”
Varian eyed it warily. “Shame it’s gonna get destroyed.”
“ If it gets destroyed, it’ll be for a good cause.” Hugo corrected, wrapping an arm around Varian. The younger tried not to blush as his head brushed against Hugo’s shirtless chest.
Sure enough, as Hugo let go, the same guy from before came back around. The two alchemists stepped back as he sized up the castle. The teen smirked, and charged right for their hard work…
In a flash of pink smoke, the teen stopped dead in his tracks. “Hey! What the…” He glanced down to see his feet trapped in goo. “The heck is this shit?” He yelled, glaring at the two.
“Why you don’t mess with alchemists!” Varian responded, ducking as the burly teen tried to swipe at him. “Relax, it’ll wear off in an hour. Enjoy the free sunburn!” With that, Hugo tugged at Varian’s arm and the two ran towards the water. The teen’s screams of anger faded from their ears as they splashed into the ocean.
“That…” Hugo wheezed, choking on laughter. “Was great.”
Varian’s own laughter died as he looked at the taller teen. The sunlight glanced off his glasses, bathing him in a warm light as his laughter continued. His warm smile sent shockwaves into Varian’s heart, which gave a weak tha-thump . If Varian could stare at this forever, he gladly would.
Hugo’s laughter finally died, and he saw Varian standing still, cheeks red and eyes ajar. “Earth to googles? Hello?” Varian blinked the stars out of his eyes. “Sorry. Sorry.”
The water lapped at their legs. The silence stretched on.
At least until Hugo reached down and splashed water at Varian. He snickered as Varian cried out in alarm and reeled back.
“Oh, is that how you wanna do things? After everything we’ve been through, you’re gonna betray me like that?”
Hugo’s chest tightened at how lighthearted those words were.
He didn’t let it show on his face. “Yup.” He popped the p. “Your face was so red, I thought you were gonna catch on fire.”
If anything Varian’s face turned even redder at that. He opened his mouth to speak but Hugo shoved more water his way.
His shirt was now soaked through. “It is on .” He crouched down low, and Hugo prepared for water but instead Varian leaped at him, sending them both tumbling into the water.
Hugo coughed as water entered his mouth. “Not cool!” He yelled, pushing Varian off. “This is war!”
He jumped at Varian, but the skinny alchemist scooted out of the way. He was far more graceful in water than he had any right to be, and took full advantage. With Hugo off balance, Varian jumped onto his back, shouting like a madman as Hugo crumpled into the water.
The blond grabbed Varian’s legs and threw back his back, sending Varian’s upper half into the water. He resurfaced with a shriek.
What a sight they must have been, screaming and laughing as they tried to murder one another. At some point Nuru and Yong swam over to see the ruckus, and cheered them on.
“Go Varian! Take him down!” Nuru cupped her hands over her cheeks.
Yong pumped his fist in the air. “Nah! Go Hugo! Fight! Fight! Fight!”
At this point, Varian had freed himself from Hugo’s back, and the two were circling each other like a dance.
“Give up now, hairstripe.” Hugo grinned. “You’re so tiny, all I gotta do is walk out a bit farther and I win.”
“You forget I’m the stronger one. I can just yank your legs out from under you.”
“Mhm, sure you are. Hey, what’s that on your back?”
Varian frowned. “What?” He turned around, trying to get a glimpse. It was hard to make out, but he could see an H written in paler skin. “Oh my god. You didn’t.”
“I totally did.”
“I thought I said no pictures!”
Hugo laughed. “My name isn’t a picture, it’s a word! Oooh, do you still read picture books, is that why you got it confused?”
That was it. Varian lunged at Hugo with a yell, but Hugo backed up deeper into the water, and sure enough, Varian fell in. He couldn’t get his balance without going underwater, and he coughed and sputtered. His shirt rode up, floating in the water.
Hugo looked almost bored. “So, you wanna give in?”
Varian sighed. “Alright, fine…” He dipped underwater, letting his toes touch the ocean floor. Using it as a springboard, he leapt out of the water, grabbing onto Hugo’s shoulders and dunking him under.
The younger watched as Hugo surfaced, coughing. “Now I’m done.” He grinned.
A few hours later, they had all crawled out of the water, sopping wet and laughing. They all agreed to stay just one more hour, dry off in the sun before heading back to camp. Nuru and Yong took the last hour to build their own sandcastle, now worry free.
The setting sun warmed Varian’s skin, settling over him like a blanket. It wasn’t too humid, and the breeze from the sea kept him cool enough. Varian stared at the book in front of him, seeing the words but not comprehending them. His eyes fell in and out of focus as he started to drift off. He lowered his head with a pleased hum, and distantly recognized the feeling of someone massaging his scalp. The book slid out from under him, and Varian watched with hazy eyes as a freckled hand placed it by his side.
“This is nice,” Varian murmured. Hugo hummed in agreement, staring ahead at the ocean waves. His hand never left Varian’s scalp.
“Yea, we should take the next leg of the trip easy.” Hugo responded.
“No,” Varian said. “This. Just the two of us, not fighting, just hanging out. Just being ourselves.” He stretched out like a cat.
Hugo’s eyes softened, chancing a glance down at Varian. Varian’s hair ruffled in the wind, a serene smile across his face.
Hugo felt his heart skip a beat. “Sounds perfect.” He said.
They lapsed back into silence, the rushing of the waves more than enough.
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sloanerisette · 3 years
Jyoumi Challenge Day #15: Celebration
I originally had another idea, but at the last minute, I thought of this and I’m super happy with it! Got to finally write more with the rest of the DigiDestined, too, and I had a lot of fun. Hope y’all enjoy!
With tear-stained eyes and shaking hands, Mimi slowly started to type out a message to the group chat she had with the original DigiDestined.
“He finally popped the question,” she repeated to herself slowly, before attaching a picture that had just been taken moments earlier. One of Mimi in even greater tears than she was now, holding up her right hand for the camera to show off her new engagement ring, with Joe sitting next to her, arm around her shoulders, resting his head next to hers. Both were wearing huge smiles, and Joe had been tearing up, too, eyes red and puffy from wiping them.
“And send,” she said to herself quietly, sending the message and the picture to their friends, before moving into Joe’s lap, hugging him tight. “I can’t believe it. I still can’t believe it. I had no idea…” she breathed out, unable to take her eyes off her right ring finger and the diamond that now adorned it.
“I mean, that was the whole idea, right?” Joe asked with a soft laugh, wrapping his arms around her and letting his head rest on the top of hers. Mimi giggled, looking up at him, and Joe wiped away a few stray tears of hers with his thumb.
“I know, but its still just so incredible. I had no clue when you were planning to propose and… I am just so happy,” she told him.
“Me, too. I’m happy you said yes,” he said sheepishly. Mimi looked up at him, a smirk clear on her face.
“We’ve been dating for more than half of our lives, I’d hope you were happy,” she teased him, playfully bumping her shoulder into him with a giggle.
“I mean, you make me happy, you know that,” he assured her with a soft nod.
“You make me happy, too.”
Silence washed over their apartment, the two enjoying having nothing more but just each other’s presence in those moments. Peace and quiet, and after an eventful night, quiet moments as fiances was all the celebration they needed.
However, that quiet was interrupted after a few minutes by the sudden buzzing of their phones pulled them from their reveries, and Mimi started to scramble off of Joe to get to their coffee table, unable to suppress the elation she was feeling as she started to see text notification after text notification pop up.
He did it?
The lovebirds finally did it!
Congratulations you two!
The ring is so beautiful!
You two look so happy!
The messages were pouring in, and neither of them could hold back the smiles on their faces, and Mimi was quick to let her thumbs fly along her phone’s keyboard.
Thanks everyone! We’re SO happy! The best night of my life :)
She sent the text off, Joe looking over her shoulder to see, then grabbed his own phone.
Mine too.
And Joe’s too!
The newly engaged couple looked at each other from the corners of their eyes, smiling at each other just as much with their eyes as their mouths. Another text alert, however, caused both of them to look back to their phones.
How about we all get together tomorrow night after we’re all off? Gotta celebrate the lovebirds finally getting off their butts!
“Does that sound good to you?” Joe asked Mimi, who nodded enthusiastically.
“Of course!” she chirped, quickly sending off confirmations and details of when to come over, just about vibrating with excitement now as she popped up from the floor.
“We have to get the apartment ready!”
By the time they were both able to make it home that next day, they didn’t have much time to get everything tidied up and set up as much as they wanted. Thankfully, the two already preferred their living space to be neat, but given this would be the first time in a long while that everyone would be coming over.
“You reached out to Yolei about seeing her, Davis, Cody, and Ken later this week?”
“Yup! Friday works?”
“Yeah, I’ll just have to meet you all at the ramen shop,” he told her, Mimi nodding, about to wipe their dining table once again before a loud knock rang out against their door.
“Oh! They’re here!” she shouted out happily, pulling the tie out of her hair and shaking her head to let her hair fall. She grabbed Joe’s wrist (her fiance’s wrist, she thought to herself, with a smile that felt like it would never go away) and brought him along to the door, flinging it open and seeing the whole group there.
Immediately they were greeted by a bright camera flash, causing Joe to blink a few times to gather himself.
“Congratulations!” the group of six cheered, the newly engaged couple wasting no time in letting their closest friends in, the group all gathering in their living room. Sora was quick to place a vase with a beautiful flower arrangement on the coffee table, with Matt placing a chocolate cake down moments later.
“You guys! You didn’t have to do this! But oh these flowers are so beautiful! And Matt, that cake looks divine!” Mimi gushed, eyes wide and sparkling.
“Thanks so much, guys. Really, you didn’t have to go all out,” Joe said.
TK shook his head, “Come on, its not everyday two of your best friends get engaged! Celebration is in order! Hell, we would be awful friends if we didn’t go all out for you two,” he assured the oldest of the group, gently pushing his shoulder, offering him a smile. Joe laughed and nodded.
“Ok, ok, if you say so. Mimi and I will cut the cake and then we can celebrate,” he said, standing up. Before Mimi could stand up or he could move, Tai was already on his feet, placing a hand on Joe’s shoulder to lower him back down.
“Hey, the man and woman of the hour aren’t gonna cut their own cake, I’ll handle it,” he insisted, waltzing over to the kitchen once he picked up the dessert.
“Don’t cut your finger off!” Kari shouted teasingly.
“I’ll have you know the last time I cut my finger while doing anything with food was years ago,” he waved her off, before pausing for a beat, “And even if I did, we have Joe here!”
Luckily, Tai didn’t hurt himself, and soon enough he and his younger sister were handing out slices to the group, everyone sitting around, relaxing like the old days.
“You know, Joe, when I first met you, I would’ve never expected you’d be the first one out of all of us to get married!” Tai said, to which Joe’s eyes narrowed.
“Thanks, Tai,” he deadpanned, before Tai realized what he had said, his eyes going wide as he waved his hands in front of him.
“No no no, not like that! I just mean when I first met you I wouldn’t have expected it! But getting to know you in the Digital World, it makes sense that you would! Just look at you, you’re a great guy, always there for people, one of the best guys any of us know, I bet,” he explained, the group nodding in agreement.
“And hot to boot!” Mimi added, sitting up straighter in order to give Joe a kiss on the cheek, relishing in how bright red he was now.
“He’s right, man,” Matt said offering Joe a thumbs up, “You two are perfect for each other.”
All of their friends had said this to the two of them over the years, but with the situation they were in now, now engaged, it felt even more unreal to the two of them.
“You’re all so sweet!” Mimi cooed, setting her plate down for a moment to get a closer look at the flowers, “Sora— you just have to do our flowers for the wedding! They’re so beautiful! I just love them!”
Sora flushed, “For you two? Of course, I’d be more than happy to,” she assured the couple, “And if you need any help with wedding planning, I’d be more than happy to help,” she nodded.
“I’m sure Mimi has a binder full of every idea she’s had since we were kids,” Izzy said, the group laughing for a moment before falling silent, eyes turning to Mimi.
“Yup, I definitely have.”
More laughter followed, and conversation continued to flow throughout the group throughout the night, with stories being told of old trips to the Digital World and plenty of teasing the Mimi and Joe— which Joe took in far greater stride than anyone would’ve expected.
The night wore on, calm and serenity filling the atmosphere.
“Congrats again, guys,” Kari said, reaching over to pull Mimi into a hug, Mimi squeezing her back.
“Oh, thank you so much. You’re all the best for doing this,” she said before the two pulled apart, Kari giving Joe a quick hug, too.
“Matt, where’d you get the cake? It was delicious,” Joe asked.
“Oh, this little bakery a few blocks from here. But I would definitely recommend getting a wedding cake from there because it was pretty good,” Matt grinned.
“Be careful, though, because Matt will probably try and eat it all before the reception,” TK laughed, earning a flick to the back of his head from his older brother.
“Hey, I wouldn’t complain if you got another cake like that,” Sora added.
“And, hey, we gotta get a bachelor party planned! I think its up to us, Izzy!” Tai said, clapping his friend on the shoulders, Izzy nearly jumping from where he was sitting. “I’m thinking lots of drinking and lots of karaoke!”
Joe paled, looking towards Mimi, mouthing the word “Help”, which left her cracking up.
TK caught on, and couldn’t help but snicker, “I think that’s a good plan. Make it the wildest night he may not be able to remember.”
“You guys are going to kill him before he even gets married,” Izzy said, voice wholly serious.
“Maybe a few girls to come along with us?” Matt added.
“You guys, at this rate you actually will kill him before his wedding day!” Sora lectured, yanking Tai and Matt up by their shirts, “It is getting pretty late, too. We should let them relax for the night.”
“Oh, don’t worry Sora, Joe will survive, he always has,” Mimi said, patting her fiance on the arm lightly, a big smile on her face.
“Hey, no worries, we’ll get out of your hair. You two can have a night doing whatever cute things engaged people do,” Tai said, as the group of six headed towards the door, Joe and Mimi following.
“Thanks again for everything, guys. Not just tonight, but you know, always. We’ll make sure to keep you all up to date on all of the plans,” Joe said.
“We’ll see you guys later. Congrats again,” Matt said.
And with goodbyes said and their friends off, Joe and Mimi started to gather up the mess in the living room, both humming to themselves happily.
“I know its kind of late… but can we have a celebratory glass of wine before bed? Please?” Mimi asked, looking towards Joe and batting her eyelashes, knowing full well how weak that would make him.
With a happy sigh, he nodded, “Ok, but just one.”
With a squeal, Mimi ran to the fridge, ready to finish off the great celebration that was the night she and Joe Kido got engaged.
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szopenhauer · 4 years
What type of friend are you?  funny mom friend so like... dad friend? XD 
Have you ever been friends with someone for longer than 7 years? nah
Do you have a family member you hate? could say so
Does your family accept who you are? it’s complicated
Have you ever puked in school or at work? luckily not
Do you hate puking or does it make you feel better? hate 
Have you ever coughed up blood? nope
Do you lie to your doctor? sometimes we all have to but nothing important
Have you ever been misdiagnosed? yup
Do you think you have an disorder but havent been properly diagnosed yet? that too
Is self diagnosing good or bad? depends
Do you think sex is overated? it is
Is it important for both genders to understand eachothers bodies? I’m not dating men, I don’t want to have a son and I am not a doctor so I don’t care about male bodies, sorry
If someone was a virgin and was raped, did they lose their virginity? ...
Have you ever dated someone more than twice your age? nooo
Have you ever been cut off by a bartender because you were too drunk? I don’t drink
Have you ever borrowed money from your mom & lied about why you needed it? I don’t think so
Have you ever dated someone just because they had money? no
Have you ever lied to your spouse about the money you spent shopping? it wasn’t a lie but I bend the truth a little 
Have you ever gone on a first date with no underwear? I might go without a bra but because I don’t wanna wear it and not because I might have sex 
Do you treat attractive people better than others who aren’t as attractive? nope
Are you more comfortable with friends that are less attractive than you? not less but not more as more attractive might make me feel insecure at times
Have you ever hated a job to the point that you tried to get fired? I would if they let me stay in few places but luckily they didn’t care much about me as their worker hahaha
Have you ever lied about your weight on a driver license? there is weight on a driving license? :o
Have you ever lied during a job interview? meh
Have you ever lied to your boss to get out of work? I exaggerated feeling sick once to not get a job in a horrible place if that counts
Have you ever lied under oath in court? I wouldn’t!
Have you ever bought alcohol for someone underage? I said NO
Have you ever switched tags on an item to pay less for it? I only took tag from an identical item, just different color, as someone tore it out before and I really wanted that particular color, so no
Have you taken any pics of yourself that you wont want your parents to see? umm... yeah ^^”
Did you ever tell your BF/GF you like their outfit when you really didn’t? there are different types of like - like as I would want to wear that myself and like as I enjoy it in general but also like it on particular person etc. 
Do you feel accepted by your BF/GF ’s family? could be worse lol
Do you lie about your age? what for if everybody think I’m younger anyway
Would you risk your life to save a total stranger? maybe
Have you ever trashed your ex’s car after an argument? hell no
Have you ever snuck out of the house to go out with friends? not really
Have you ever shoplifted? no way
Have you ever done something because of peer pressure you are ashamed of? yup Have you ever been embarrassed to introduce your parents to anyone? omg
Have you ever held back a well deserved compliment because you were jealous? I don’t recall
Do you guilt people into giving you what you want? hope not, I try not to, it’s manipulative and I already am seen this way due to my BPD so... 
Would most ppl consider you better than average looking? pfft Would you prefer to have hot body or high IQ? good health
Are you embarrassed to tell people your job? I’m ashamed to tell them that I don’t have a job 
Would you give up your car to save the planet? if I had one...
Are you more likely to believe a man or woman? woman :x
Has your credit card ever been declined? I don’t use a credit card
If you ran over an animal would you keep driving? oh no...
Do you think your parents are too critical of you? my mother is
Ever blame a sibling for something you did wrong? I usually have to take the blame for her instead
Have you ever accepted credit for someone else’s work? just my alters lmfao
Did you ever buy something expensive,wear it once and return it? I didn’t, I have no money to buy and no heart to act like this either
Have you ever re-gifted something? shitload of times
Do you really care about saving the planet for future generations? not for future ppl, just for itself
Do you own anything from IKEA? not furniture 
What was the last task that you required the use of scissors for? I just dropped them and let them lay on the floor under the table because I am unable to reach ‘em
Look around the room and name any item that’s grey. stuffed bad from Biedronka that I got on a flea market
Do you know what any of your close friends did yesterday afternoon? me and M. been spending time together while my parents were at home
Can you recall the last time you woke up in a bad mood? Why was that? I always do?...
Who was the last person to send you a message with a heart emoji? my gf obviously
Does your hometown have many good bookshops? none
What would be your typical outfit for a party? I don’t attend parties 
If your girlfriend/​​boyfriend broke up with you tonight, what would you do? oh...
last dream you had: K. 3D printed or smth almost identical album as the ones I had as a baby and her and my current partner gave it to me as a gift :3
do you think a lot of people think bad things about you? I aware of that
is your best friend pissing you off at this exact moment? I informed my father that I dropped scissors and now as I picked them up he asked me when and how they ended up there while I told him about it few minutes ago - I was more worried than annoyed tbh
Why aren’t you texting the last person you kissed? she’s taking a nap
Sex ruins relationships, right? it can happen
Last person to stand up for you? hmm...
The last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them? I lost count which is weird because I cry in front of my family members only (not even my grandma until I was a baby), I know that sometimes I cry in public but because I don’t give a fuck about strangers as much as I used to, close ones in the other hand... Nat hates the most when someone sees him so vulnerable
Something good going to happen tomorrow? doubt it
The last person you kissed hates you. Why? would have reasons
What do you usually do when the clock turns 11:11? it’s a secret you can unlock in a very high level of our relationship
Do you like your cell phone? it’s ok
So, what if you married the last person you kissed? we’re engaged so that dream ain’t that unreal
Have you ever had a really big fight with a best friend? uh oh
Do you plan on moving out within the next year? I wish
What are you listening to at the moment? mom and dad talking <rolling my eyes>
Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? or never
What’s your favorite high school memory? I have a bunch of those
Do you wish you had more money? absolutely
Team Jacob or Team Edward? team hate Twilight
Do you have a problem with bisexual, gay, or bicurious people? with bicurious maybe, definitely not gay
Have you ever held hands with the opposite sex? I have
Are you a patient person? weirdly unpatient Do you think you are a good person? am not
Honestly, have you ever eaten raw cookie dough? ewww
Is there a difference between the word ‘best friend’ and ‘friend’? there is 
How was your week? rollerclaster XD
Does it bother you when an artist remakes a song that one has previously done? usually
When was the last time you cried? recently
What letter is the song you’re listening to under? M if vocalist/band B if title of the song
Would you rather visit the 60s or 70s? 60s I guess
Do your socks say anything on them? I have no socks with anything said on them
Name a TV channel that only has three letters in it. BBC
Gray or Grey? grey
Will you be buying concert tickets any time soon? I won’t
Have you seen the movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower? Did you like it? yasss, it was fine
How many weddings have you been to? less than 5
When you smile, are you confident? I am not
Have you ever not done something because you were afraid of getting in trouble? of course
Was the weather beautiful today? it’s cold
Do you have to have a fan on when you sleep? I don’t own a fan Would you rather have an orange, red or gray bedroom? walls? orange 
Would you ever dye part of your hair blue? why not whole
Is Finding Nemo a favorite movie of yours? I dislike it
Does/Did your school have a uniform? middle school only and that was a great idea
Turn on the TV. What channel are you on? not gonna
What’s your favorite thing to do? nothing
If your house was haunted, what would you do? depends
What’s worse: Slow internet or slow walkers? slow internet
Are you a fast or slow walker? which alter? :P
Do you usually have to wear a belt with your pants? I must buy belt for Nat
Are you usually the person to try new things with your hair? no comment
What age do you look forward to reaching? I live on borrowed air...
What exercise do you hate the most? awkward ones
Do you know anyone that has a gecko as a pet? no
What color shirt is your mom wearing today? she’s wearing a striped pajama and light blue sweater atm
Does any part of your body hurt right now? mor than one
Do you like Greek Mythology? not a fan
When was the last time you had Pepsi? ages ago
What was the last question you answered, not on surveys? it was more an order than a question coming from my mom 
Do you own anything Polo? used to
Do you know anyone with exaggeratedly big muscles? neighbor
What is your favorite endangered animal? are elephants still endangered?
Do you like to dance? kinda, from time to time Who was the last person who screamed your name? mom’s calling me again, grrr...
Which underwater creature do you find the most badass? what do you mean?
How do you usually find out what the weather will be like for the next week? someone tells me, I ignore them, they were wrong all along
Why have/haven’t you joined Twitter? I left as it was boring and irritating Are you good at rhyming? but don’t like to rhyme
When’s the last time you were woken up in an obnoxious way? lately it’s common
Why do you/don’t you enjoy horror movies? they’re disgusting and pointless
Do you have any celebrity’s perfume? I don’t use perfume
How well do you do at Scrabble? in polish or english?
Who is your favorite Scooby-Doo character? Velma I suppose
Have you ever played or been interested in playing World Of Warcraft? been interested, liked the movie
What kind of cake/other dessert treat did you have for your last birthday? nothing?
Who do you think does the best job at cartoon voiceovers? Jarosław Boberek 
Does your dad wear a watch all the time? years ago frequently
How much ice cream do you think you’d be able to eat before you got sick? only a bit
Do you know anybody under 40 with grey hair? I have some myself
Do you think you have the potential to be a good stalker? oh well...
Why did you read the last book that you read? I watched film and heard it has a different ending so wanted to check it out
Have you ever cross-dressed? clothes have no gender but I drew mustaches and such 
Which sport are you the best at playing? unihokej/floorball or however it’s called
Do you know anyone who has gotten pregnant despite using contraception? possibly
What would you do if you were in that situation? I’m an asexual and I’m into girls
Are you planning on buying a house in the near future? not possible
Do you prefer on-campus classes or online classes? online
What was your favorite family vacation you went on as a kid? personal
What’s something about you that others might find unpleasant or off-putting? my skin for example (not color)
What gaming consoles do you own? I only play PC and android 
Have you ever been so sick you had to be taken to the hospital? been to ER few times
Do you know any lesbian couples? I’m in one ;)
Have you ever lived in an apartment building?  just when I was staying with my grandmother
What was the last topic you asked someone for their opinion or advice on? not sure which was last
Is your house visible on Google Street View?- barely
What’s the largest thing you currently have in your refrigerator? *shrug*
Do you know anyone who has never had a pet? I believe
Would you ever get a tattoo on your collar bone? no thx
Would you take the 3 minute beatdown to be in a gang? neither Do you check your texts right away when you receive them? not every single time, it’s impossible!
Does it make you uncomfortable when you receive a compliment? sorta, I think they’re lying/want something or make fun of me (even if just slightly teasing for fun)
When you are home alone at night and hear strange noises, are you afraid someone is going to break in? I’m more “ghost” type of person hahaha
Do you wake up cranky? mhm
What is on your wrists right now? sleeves
Are you a beach, country, or city person? country or small town
Are you an official couple with the last person you kissed? we are 
What’s the greatest thing that happened to you today? ex - I got a gift and found a shirt for Nat and myself :3
How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids? -
Are you waiting for something? food
Something you do a lot? suffer
How many chances do you tend to give people before enough is enough? it’s not about the amount
What’s a fact about the last person you kissed? she likes hugs
How long have you liked the person you like? it’s a long story 
Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed? not our last kiss
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? I worry
Have you ever given your ALL to someone who walked away?
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Have you ever kissed the last person you texted? we kissed 
Are you one of those people who are always cold? not always but often
Do you tend to waste a lot of money? I still feel like it even tho I don’t, I thrift often but spend little for those trinkets
Did you sing at all today? może coś nuciłam, nie pamiętam, w headspace?
Would you rather be able to control the weather or control traffic? weather
Do you own any articles of clothing with skulls on it? gave it away to John
Are you faster at text messaging or typing on the computer? typing on the computer
In your opinion which is the stronger emotion: love or hate? hate
Tongue piercings - cute or trashy? trashy
When it comes to jeans: skinny, flared or boot cut? skinny
Would you rather be a star ballerina or a star break dancer? none
They say diamonds are a girls best friend; what do you say? I don’t care for diamonds
Has anybody ever told somebody one of your secrets? plenty of times
Do you get on better with funny or serious people? smth in between
Do you have mood swings around the time of the month? I don’t need period to have mood swings, it’s stereotypical!
Have your friends met the last person you kissed? aha
What if you got stuck in a lift with the last person who Facebook messaged you? we would end up having sex? jk
When/where did your last hug take place? today
Have your parents ever told you about their love lives, and any previous relationships they had before they met? kind of
Do you and your friends have any inside jokes? and with family 
When you listen to music, do you ever find that the songs affect your moods and change how you feel? no shit Sherlock!
What’s one thing about today that you didn’t like? don’t wanna talk about all that
Who is the last person that you said i love you to, besides family members? my fiancee
Would you ever go back to any of your past relationships? done
Do you still talk to the first person you kissed? we’re together again
Do you have a picture of you kissing someone? :D
What’s a cuss word you use often? there’s a whole list
Who’s the last guy you texted? dad
Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head? this question...
Do you remember the first conversation you had with the person you have feelings for? I remember how we met
Do you believe that people talk about you behind your back? ha!
If you had twins, would you give them rhyming names? yuk
What are you listening to? Tame Impala - Let It Happen
Did you do something mean to someone today? she deserved it!
Is there anyone that you wish was IN your life who used to be? babcia...
Give us a lyric from a song you’re listening to: The truth of it is it doesn’t get better than this
Is your birthday in less than 6 months? whoops
What brings out the worst in you? better not say that out loud
How’re you feeling right now? bad
Are you afraid of the future? very
Do you believe in true love? I’m trying
Do you believe that every one has a soul-mate? not everybody
Was today a good day? should be better
What woke you up this morning? woke up on my own
Do you look people in the eye when you talk to them? I don’t 
Have you ever played naked twister? wut...
Is your hair longer than your shoulders? not yet and don’t plan to keep it that long
Would you get in trouble if you came home drunk? that would be a shock to my family (and to me)
Do you ever think about things and start to worry? 100% of the time
Are you one to get annoyed easily? that me!
Is the last person you kissed yours? we don’t own ppl...
Was it a boy or a girl to text you first today? girl
Are you scared of spiders? am not
Do you hate the last boy who talked to you? I love my parent
Do you tend to make things complicated? not on purpose
Have you ever gotten to the point where you’ve said “I’m done trying”? gqe1gIQASGCK...
Do you think things will change in the next few months? I’m afraid for worse 
Do you like when people play with your hair? it’s strange
What are you wearing right now? bluzę w czarne i białe paski, zieloną bluzkę z długimi rękawami i szare legginsy z niebieskim wzorkiem
Ever feel like you have been replaced? more than once
Would you rather write a paper or give a speech? write
Are you lying to yourself about something? thx a lot for this ask...
Is the person you last texted single? she’s with me
Do you think any of your exes will eventually want to be with you again? tha hell
If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move to? just my own apartment
Which do you prefer, relationship or a one-night-stand? relationship
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eeveedel · 6 years
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Hey all, I’m back with another rec list, this time of some really fabulous d/s fics! This is a big list and broken down by tropes, AND I marked which ones are sub Louis (SL) versus sub Harry (SH) this time around. I hope you enjoy! 
Established Relationship 
mr. tomlinson by iwillpaintasongforlou (4k) (SL) 
Louis is a billionaire CEO who makes grown men cry and rival companies crumble. He's also an omega. Harry is the quiet cupcake of a man he calls his alpha and the only one who gets to see Louis as anything less than fearsome.
Give Me What I’m Begging For by zedi (5k) (SH)
Omega Harry is a professor at a uni. Louis is his alpha mate, whose rut is coming up soon, so Harry has to take a week off from school to be with Louis. He tells his students it's a vacation but they all can tell the truth and tease him about it. Then Louis' rut comes and they both spend a week at home to fuck it out.
Taste and Plead by larrymylove (3k) (SH) 
The one where Harry wants something, and Louis' never been one to deny his boy anything.
With your body wrapped in stars by starryeyedkids (3k) (SL) 
They had a rule.
The moment they stepped foot inside their rooms, they stopped being King Louis William and his Consort Harry Edward. They were just Harry and Louis here, husbands, partners, equals. No rules of the court or propriety applied here. It wasn’t improper here for Louis to kneel at Harry's feet while wearing a collar made of gold.
Harry nods.
“Very well. You have fifteen minutes to shower and put in the plug I left on the bathroom counter. No need to dress afterward. When you come back, kneel next to the chair on my right. You may go.”
Howls Like a Beast (You Flower, You Feast) by indiaalaphawhiskey (16k) (SL) 
France, 1754. Château de Versailles.
“You don’t love me,” Louis had said, utterly blasé as he callously fractured the heart of a Harry that was just barely eighteen.
“I do,” Harry had insisted pleadingly, green eyes already watering.
Louis had rolled his eyes, exasperated and flippant in the way only beautiful, young boys could be when faced with the affections of a baby prince. He had run his finger down Harry’s cheek then, had forced him to look into his eyes as he delivered the final blow.
“You’ll change your mind once you’ve seen more of the world,” Louis had teased, pressing a brutally delicate kiss onto Harry’s lovely, pure cheek. “Once you’ve been properly defiled.” He had whispered filthily, delighted by the gasp he heard, the frantic pink blush that had rested high on Harry’s cheeks, the power he had felt at knowing he could make the Crown Prince squirm.
Daddy kink
a million roses (bathed in rock n roll) by deLILah (30k) (SH)
au. harry sings in smoky dive bars; louis misses his flight home. they go to coney island in the morning.
(aka - harry is lana del rey, and louis makes him a star.)
Precious little thing by mercutionotromeo (21k) (SH) 
Niall grins deviously and hits “make call”, putting his phone on speaker. They lean in close to peer down at the screen, heads knocking lightly together. Dull rings reverberate quietly around the room and mix with the monotonous buzz of the lights. It rings for a while - maybe six or seven times - then the other line picks up.
There’s a slow, steady inhale, and a low voice purrs, “Hi, sexy.”
Jesus - this guy has barely said two words, and both of them have made Harry's cock twitch in his jeans. That’s not even getting to what those words are, and why he’s saying them, and how Harry’s stomach is dropping into his shoes at the mere thought of him saying... other words. Words like “cock”, and “please”, and “come”.
Also known as: a university AU featuring phone sex operator Louis, copious amounts of sweet, soft kink discovery, and Louis being Harry's Daddy.
White Pages, White Lace, Big Hands, Pretty Face by thechesirepussycat (WIP - currently at 72k) (SL) 
“He touches his sides, his neck, his lips, all the places Harry has just been, all the places that still tingle from Harry’s touch. Such a strange feeling Louis has, so unreal and nerve-racking. He can’t begin to describe what Harry has done to him, what about Harry makes Louis want to call him… Daddy.“
Or, a gratuitous Sugar Daddy!Harry and Student!Louis AU.
Loving You is Free by littlelouishiccups (67k) (SH)
Louis is a workaholic record label CEO who hasn't been on a date in nearly a year. Niall and Liam make an account for him on a sugar dating website as a joke. And then Louis meets Harry.
daddy daddy cool by sky_reid (6k) (SH)
Harry wakes up hard.
Run and I’ll Give Chase by Madalynn_Bohemia (24k) (SH)
“You go out every night and maybe you’re able to drink without hurting anyone, but you’re still thirsty, aren’t you? Still have an itch you can’t scratch. A need you can’t put a name to. You desire a companion.”
“You mean a keeper?” Harry corrects with venom in his voice. “Someone to put a leash on me.”
“Wouldn’t need a leash, love.” Louis whispers sensually, and he is suddenly behind Harry, too fast for his eyes to keep track of. “You’re practically pliant just by being in my presence. Of course, if you’re into that sort of thing, I could always get you a lovely collar with a matching leash once you decide to take me up on my offer.”
Or, Harry is a fledgling vampire without a maker. Louis is graciously offering to fill that role.
Punishment Heavy
know you got that thing (that I like) by lightseep (15k) (SL)
In all the ways he thought about their reunion going, watching Louis finger himself open was not on the list.
Beside Me Like a Silhouette by domeasspreadsheet (3k) (SH)
“Quite the ruckus from someone who thought they were coming home to a sleeping household,” Louis says on an exhale of smoke.
Oh. Harry has been set up.
“Well, maybe if I hadn’t thought you were bailing on me I would have tried harder to be quiet,” he huffs.
Louis levels his gaze at him. “Is that so?”
Call Me Shallow But I Am Only Getting Deeper (7k) (orphaned) (SL)
Harry gripped the back of Louis’ chair and rested his left hand against the table’s surface. He slowly arched his back and let his lips hover just above the shell of Louis’ ear. Louis instantly reacted to Harry’s change of demeanor, his shoulders subconsciously pulling back. A smirk twitched the corner of his mouth when Louis’ thighs slightly parted.
“You want to keep acting like some bratty princess?” Harry quietly asked, lowering the tone of his voice. He slipped his hand from the back of Louis’ chair and clasped it around the nape of Louis’ neck. “Fine,” Harry gently squeezed, “That’s exactly how I’ll treat you, Baby.”
The one where Louis is a brat so Harry spanks him with a riding crop.
Naughty Girls Get Spanked by Erin94 (4k) (SL)
When Louis gets caught trying to steal a trophy from Harry for his sorority, he ends up having a lot more fun than he had planned.
Or the one where Louis wears panties and gets spanked and fucked by frat boy Harry.
Kink Exploration
I Only Ever Want You by itsmiz (180k) (SL)
Louis and Harry's relationship goes through a series of changes while Liam and Zayn discover new things about themselves, as well.
Or: Louis & Harry and Liam & Zayn begin to have sex in front of each other and a lot of kink-discovery results from that.
Sugar, With Just the Right Amount of Spice by ZiamsLarry (6k) (SL)
Harry’s old fashioned when it comes to sex, he loves being face to face with his partner, watching their reactions to everything Harry gives them. He never does anything else then fuck in missionary position. Louis loves his sex life with Harry - but he’s getting a bit bored with doing the same position, all he really wants is for Harry to be rough with him, take control and dominate him for once.
Switch Out The Batteries by istajmaal and LoadedGunn (88k) (SH)
Harry raises an eyebrow. "Sex dice?"
"Yup," Louis nods. "You know the ones we sell, one die for a body part and the other for an action to perform on that… part."
"Isn't that what old married couples buy from you to spice things up?"
Louis frowns and opens his mouth to tell Harry off, but then he catches his absolutely dreamy expression and can only laugh. "Yes dear, we're just like any middle-aged married couple. Except for the fact that we're in our twenties and have a box full of bondage gear under our bed."
Two years after meeting in a sex shop, Harry's just returning to Louis from a month-long tour in the States, and they come up with a wholesome bonding exercise.
a cage for every ugly spirit by sarcasticfluentry (15k) (SH)
First-year uni student Harry gives up orgasms for Lent, featuring a cock cage and weekly prostate milkings on Sundays. Warning for religion kink.
Reduce Me to a Pleading Cry (Break the Skin and Tantalize) by taggiecb (37k) (SH)
As the CEO of Styles & Styles, Harry Styles cuts a brooding and handsome figure at the helm of a very successful business. His reputation for intensity is well known, but you would be intense, too, if you had to work numbers all day, give countless orders, and conduct endless meetings. When all you really want to do at night--ache to do--is give away the reins, let someone else make the decisions, be ordered around for once, just--let go. Harry has reached his breaking point when one touch from a man whose very stance commands attention leads him back to a place he thought he’d never return.
Or Harry is a broody submissive boss, Louis is a natural dom who works in the mail room at Styles & Styles, Niall is a matchmaking oracle, and a slender, dark haired man stands mute at the coffee stand encouraging others to spill their secrets.
Something in the World Today by whoknows (48k) (SL)
It shouldn’t be a surprise, the first time that Louis drops to his knees in front of Harry. It shouldn’t be, because it’s been something that Louis has needed for a long time. It shouldn’t be, because he’s been crawling out of his skin for weeks on end. It shouldn’t be, because Harry always makes him feel better. It shouldn’t be, because he’s needed this even when he didn’t know that he needed it.
Somehow, it still is.
Arranged Relationship/Born a Dom or Sub 
The Brat and the Tamer by Teddy1008 (18k) (SL)
No one can tame Louis Tomlinson. There’s only one word to describe him - brat. He’s been auctioned multiple times and returned every time. It seems like there’s no hope to tame the bratty Sub. That is, until a man with curls and piercing green eyes appear. Harry Styles.
Not that the man will change anything. Pfft. Of course not.
When I need you, I need it quickly by marvelous_things (160k) (SL)
"His wrist almost numb, Louis practically dissolves into the pillow, panting and guilty as can be, his belly splattered with his own come. He wipes himself off with a tissue and rolls over, only vaguely satisfied. And he thinks of how Harry might have actually done it – he might have actually ruined Louis, rendered him incapable of wanting anyone else...anything else.
And how terribly smug he would be if he knew."
or, the daddy!kink dom/sub au nobody asked for.
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
Not From Around Here
A/N: An anon request for a Spencer x Reader where the reader works at a mall and Spencer goes to interview her to see if she’s seen anything related to the case the BAU is investigating. Since she’s so personable, she knows most of her customers and realizes why Spencer is there. 
“Have a good one, Mel!” Y/N called as one of her frequent customers left holding her medium caramel machiatto with whipped cream on top. 
Going to graduate school and working full time was absolutely kicking her ass, but as a barista in the local mall, she did her best to get to know everyone that came in. Her shift provided customers that weren’t too busy to talk to anyone because of the morning rush, so she knew most of them by name and at this point had even memorized a lot of their orders. “Hey, Dan,” she said with smile. “Work go okay?”
“The usual,” he laughed.
“Speaking of, you want a large regular coffee with 4 milks and 1 sugar packet, right?”
“You’ve got a great memory,” he replied, making idle conversation as she prepared his usual order.
It went like this every day and gave her the social interaction she needed. With such a packed schedule, she had little time to hang out with family and friends. Studies were increasingly lonely. 
That’s how she knew that the tall, lanky man with wildly fluffy brown hair, warm brown eyes and glasses was out of place. She always noticed people who weren’t part of her usual clientele. He was a cute one though. She’d seen him around the area, so she assumed he lived here, but he definitely wasn’t a typical mall patron. 
For the most part, he kept it covered, but occasionally his coat would fall open, revealing the little sliver of his gun. Law enforcement was not what she first expected when she saw him, but after seeing him pass the store quite a few times during a short amount of time, she asked the manager of the shoe store opposite her job while she was on break. “You know what that’s about?” She asked the manager, Dillon. 
“What?” He laughed. “You’re gonna have to be more specific?”
“The cute, gangly guy that came to talk to you and a few of your employees over the past few days?”
Dillon chuckled. “Oh, so you think he’s cute. Want me to set you up?”
“I can do that myself thank you very much. Who is he? He’s law enforcement?”
Dillon walked away for a second to light his cigarette before answering. “His name is Special Agent Dr. Spencer Reid, apparently. I’m curious as to what doctoral degree he has. But he stopped by because we had an employee here about a year ago that might possibly be involved in something that he’s investigating. Oh, he’s FBI, not local PD.”
“Ooo, interesting. The employee he referred to, was that the creepy Abe guy that I hated.”
“Yup, that’s the one,” Dillon. “So glad I got to fire that asshole. He tried to apply over by you guys shortly after right?”
Y/N shivered as she remember the year before when he’d strolled into the shop. Reluctantly, she’d given him an application, but when it came time to actually hire people, she begged management not to hire him and they’d agreed. “Yes, I talked Brenda out of it, thank God.”
Looking at her phone, she realized her 15 minute break was nearly over. Way too soon as always.
The next few weeks went by as they always did. Y/N went to school and then came to work, assisting the same customers she always did, with the occasional newbie whose order she didn’t know. And then the not-so-mysterious Dr. Reid showed up again - this time though, he came into her shop. “Hello, my name is-”
“Special Agent Dr. Spencer Reid from the FBI, amirite? Not a mall guy?” She smiled at the look of confusion upon his face. “When you were asking my friend across the way a couple questions a few weeks ago, I asked what it was about and who you were?”
Dr. Reid stammered. “O-oh okay. This isn’t about the same case. And no, I’m not. I’m not from around here. Can I ask your name?”
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N. I’m the shift supervisor. Is there something I can help you with Dr. Reid?” 
When she winked at him, he got flustered, looking at the floor for a moment. “Ummm, y-yes actually. I have a few questions about your co-worker Melissa.”
Melissa hadn’t been in for days, but Y/N wasn’t particularly close with her either. “What about her? I haven’t seen her a lot over the past few weeks. I’ve seen you here more often actually.”
“Do you know her boyfriend?” When he pulled out the picture, she recognized him as the man Melissa had introduced her to - Evan. 
“She didn’t introduce him as her boyfriend, but she did tell me his name was Evan.” A shiver ran up her spine. 
Dr. Reid must have noticed. “What is it? Did something about him unnerve you?”
“I-I’m not sure. It could’ve just been me overreacting.”
“Can you tell me anyway?” He asked, with an edge of desperation. 
“I-I don’t know. He just made me very uncomfortable. Like I wouldn’t want to be caught in a dark alley with him, you know?” He nodded sadly. Although she felt like she knew the answer, she had to ask anyway. “Did something happen to Melissa?” They weren’t close, but it wasn’t for any particular reason.
Dr. Reid hesitated for a moment. “I’m sorry, but Melissa was found murdered last night in her home. It was done in a very similar way to a string of murders that have happened recently and the Bureau was called in to determine whether the cases are connected or not. Evan is a person of interest.”
An immediate sinking feeling took over her stomach. “Oh my god.” Poor Melissa. “Is there anything else I can help you with, Dr. Reid?”
“Spencer, please,” he replied. “Are you okay, Y/N?”
“Spencer. I’m okay as I can be given the news.”
“Okay, well I just have a few more questions. How often has he come here with Melissa?”
“Maybe once a week.” This was unreal. She knew somebody that had been murdered, and she might’ve even met the murderer. 
Spencer seemed to make a mental note. “And is there anything else about him that stood out as being off?”
Y/N cycled through her thoughts. “Actually, about six months ago, he came in with her and they got a couple drinks. Hers was cold and she accidentally spilled it on his hand. He had a ring on - with an emblem of some kind I think - and he got very, very angry. Saying it was a family heirloom and if it was damaged he was going to...I assume he was going to say kill her, but I told him to calm down before he could finish.”
Something sparked behind Spencer’s eyes. Apparently that ring might’ve had something to do with the case. How...she didn’t want to know. 
Grabbing her drink, she took a swig and tried to wipe her mind. If she was going to make it through the rest of her shift, she needed to try and not think about this. 
“Thank you very much for helping me, Y/N.”
“It’s no problem,” she replied. “I hope you find whoever did this to her.”
“We will,” he said. “Do you mind if I get something to go?”
Good, she could get her mind back on coffee. “Of course. What can I get for you, Spencer?”
“A large coffee with 2 milks and six sugar packets.”
“Six?” She chuckled. “Someone likes their sugar.”
“It’s one of my only vices.”
“Could be worse.”
Chuckling, he made small talk with her while she fixed his drink. As confident as she’d been with Dillon, she was always nervous being straight forward, so instead of asking him, she grabbed a marker and wrote her name and number on his cup. “Here’s your drink. And I wrote my number on it just in case you need to ask me anything else.”
He blushed so hard she almost laughed. “I-If I wanted to c-call you for something not related to the case, would t-that be okay too?”
“I think I’d actually prefer that.”
“Me too,” he said, smiling. 
He gave her a small wave and started to head out when she called his name again. “Spencer?”
“Please catch him. I wasn’t close with Melissa, but she didn’t deserve this.”
“No, she didn’t,” he replied. “We’ll get him. I promise.”
@jamiemelyn @coveofmemories @iammostdefinitelyonfire26 @unstoppableangel8 @reddie-for-mileven @rmmalta @lukeassmanalvez @veroinnumera @hogwarts-konoha @lookwhatyoumademequeue
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viasatellite · 6 years
title: Just genjutsu summary: Because what would you do when the man you have loved for half of your life suddenly proposed to you? Slap yourself of course and think it was some silly genjutsu!  Or so Sakura thought. SasuSaku Proposal. Oneshot. notes:  I read an ask here about the possibility of Sakura mistaking Sasuke's proposal for another genjutsu. And I thought it's a perfect prompt!I also got inspired by that scene in Boruto 17 when Sakura was watching the sunset and wondering about the wandering Sasuke (yayy for puns).
"What? Did you just say you're canceling our date?"
Sakura didn't know how else to break it to her, but she just wished her best friend knew how to not overreact sometimes. But well, Ino would never be Ino without her theatrics.
She took a deep breath before starting what would surely be a lengthy explanation on her part.
"Ino, I did not – "
"I barely see you these days! Morning, evening, it doesn't matter. You're always at the hospital or – "
"I promise I'll – "
"with your Sasuke-kun!"
Sakura gaped for a moment, not knowing where that remark came from. She didn't want to elaborate on this, but she needed to inject some normal amount of logic into her best friend sometimes.
"Ok. I've only seen him once ever since his return!"
"See?! You didn't even tell me about that!"
"Mou, I just did!"
"Tell me more then!"
Sakura could only sigh, knowing there was no way Ino would ever gonna live this story down and would even probably read something else into it.
"We just ate somewhere a few weeks ago, okay? But that's it."
"A date?"
"It's not really as big as what you make it out to be, Pig. I just asked him out of the blue after we had ramen with Naru – "
"And he said yes! So, it's a date then, Forehead!"
Sakura could practically see freshly unearthed and glittering sapphires in place of her best friend's eyes, and she didn't have the heart to take their luster away.
"He did not, actually. He just looked at me and . . . walked away."
"But you still went to the place anyway and he still showed up, right? Right?"
Sakura decided she was fighting a losing battle, so she settled with a vague nod.
"Great!" Ino exclaimed, clasping her hands before peering into Sakura's eyes again, suspicious. "So why are you trying to cancel now? I thought you got a day off?"
Sakura bit her lip, not knowing how to issue the reason without Ino exploding into another fit of unnecessary daydreaming.
"Well, actually I'm going to meet Sasuke."
It took seconds before Ino reacted.
"Wow, Sak!" she said in astonishment, her eyes dilating as ever. "You sure have the guts! Twice in a row!"
"No, no. He . . . asked me," she clarified as she felt her face getting hot. She wasn't sure why she was furiously blushing when she knew it couldn't mean something. But maybe it was because she was sharing this piece of news as if it were really something when it wasn't.
Ino squealed before grabbing her hands and pulling her into a tight hug.
"This is it, Sak! After 12 long years, your love's finally blossoming."
The blonde patted her back for effect, but Sakura had to pull away because she'd like to be more realistic about this.
"No. Maybe it's not that . . ."
She would've left it at that, but Ino's brows were demanding her to continue.
"He might be leaving again. Maybe he just wants to say goodbye."
And she couldn't help the trace of despair in her tone.
"Hey! Cheer up, will you? He always comes back anyway, right?"
And as she received a stronger pat on the back, she raised her hand to touch her forehead, smiling at the memory of a warmth she'd always treasure.
Ino then pulled her up before shoving her forward. "Go on now. I forgive you. You wouldn't want him waiting, would you?"
She then sprinted towards the same place where they had their so-called 'date' few weeks ago. As expected, he wasn't there yet when she arrived. She sat on the bench and watched the same sunset they had watched before.
She looked to her side, imagining his profile as the roseate rays warmed his features. She remembered how he wouldn't look at her that time, just staring stubbornly ahead and not even commenting whether he liked the food she had prepared. But it was actually a great chance for her to look at him from such a close distance until he did decide to turn his head and like a deer caught in the headlights, she had to snap her head the other way.
He then continued to eat the rice balls and tomato soup in silence until she herself happily decided they had shared the time enough and they should be heading back. She thanked him for agreeing to her rather ridiculous idea, to which he said nothing, so they spent the rest of the time walking side by side – but not without her giving him sideway glances – until they parted ways. They hadn't seen each other since then because of their busy schedules until he showed up at her office just this morning, asking her to meet him at the same place, and he was already gone before she could take her next breath.
Then with a sad but accepting smile, she admitted to herself that this had yet to be another goodbye.
When she heard the rustling of leaves, she faced the cause with a glowing smile.
To her surprise, he was panting.
"Have you been waiting for long?"
Confused at the question, she just shook her head slowly, humming her response.
He finally settled beside her, and when he didn't look at her to explain like what she expected, she also faced forward, pondering.
"So . . ." she began hesitantly, "What did you want to talk about?"
When he didn't respond, she heaved out a sigh and stretched her arms up before expelling another breath of resigned acceptance.
"So, when do you leave, Sasuke-kun?"
She mustered every ounce of strength she could to conjure up a cheery smile.
When she looked at him though, he looked positively baffled.
"You're leaving, aren't you?" she encouraged with a smile. "That's why you called me out here."
"You're . . ." he started before letting out a sigh, "annoying. Don't assume things on your own."
The severity of his tone appalled her, so she was quick to give her apologies.
"Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't me– "
"It's not your fault. I didn't tell you anything," he said with a softened expression this time which calmed her.
She tried to laugh casually.
"Yup. I thought of the reason why you'd ask me because this can't be like a . . . date so I thought – "
"It is."
She had to look away immediately because Sasuke looking at her and saying something so unreal was too much to bear.
When she hesitantly began to face him again, he just stared back before continuing.
"I'm not leaving. Not yet. I want to stay. . .with you."
She opened her mouth then closed it again and tilted her head to one side, unsure of what to make of his statement.
"I – we'd also like you to stay with us," she affirmed warmly.
"No. That's different."
It was a mere whisper, but she was able to catch it despite not getting it. She then decided to distract the both of them.
"Oh, look! The sun's already gone down! Ahh . . . but even so, it's beautiful . . ."
"Sakura, are you . . . are you still waiting?"
She was met again by his intense gaze, and her addled brain wasn't just registering anything. They must've stared at each other for a while before it slowly dawned on her, what he was trying to say.
"If you – "
She smiled then laughed.
"Sometimes, you're more of an idiot than Naruto," she pointed out amicably and laughed some more at the suddenly cross expression on his face.
Then she continued. "How could I not, Sasuke-kun, when there has been no one else?" she smiled fondly. "I've always . . ."
"Then, marry me, Sakura."
Her eyes grew wide as she took in his words and at the same time wondered how he, on the other hand, could maintain such an unperturbed expression after saying such an unimaginable thing!
Then with realization, she hastily shut her eyes tightly, clenching her fists as she waited for that moment of paralysis to sting her. This can't be real. But after a mere few seconds, she heard him speak.
"What are you doing?"
She slapped her cheeks repeatedly. "No, no, no, you're not real. This is not real. This is just genjutsu! Yes, I must – "
She then felt a tap on her forehead which made her open her eyes only to see him so close, closing the distance between them until she felt that light brush against her lips.
"None of this is genjutsu, Sakura. I won't ever put you through that again," he said, turning away.
But she saw him clenching his fists and thought that maybe he was still beating himself up over that after all these years.
So despite her face reddening by the minute, she reached for his hand, giving it a tentative touch.
"Please don't worry about that anymore, Sasuke-kun. You had to do that for me, didn't you?"
Sasuke then put a hand on his face and sighed. "I was late because I was asking the Dobe how to do it properly, but he ended up telling Kakashi and others, and I just had to do it my way. But seeing your reaction now . . . I should've just waited for their suggestions."
Sakura gulped, taking her hand back. She still couldn't understand why Sasuke would make such a proposition to her when up until a while ago, they were just friends, teammates. The most possible reason then would have something to do with rebuilding the clan, and while she was ready to help him as his friend, she was also worried about her qualifications.
"Are you sure though? Maybe there are other women fit to bear the Uchiha crest and – "
"If you're thinking that I want to marry you for my clan, then you're right. But don't think that it's the only reason. This crest has been tainted with blood and years of shameful memories, and if I could, I wouldn't want you to have to bear it. But I want you as my wife, Sakura. There's no one else I'd like to start a new life with. So please, marry me."
By the end of his speech, she was already crying, helplessly wiping at her tears with her hands and arms.
"You . . . idiot. Of course, I will. I've always . . . wanted, have always . . . dreamt of this."
She laughed in tears when she finished her response despite the hiccups in between. Sasuke just smirked at her as he took her hand, placing it against his cheek. She started caressing it, reveling in the reality of this moment at twilit.
"Thank you," he said softly, giving her his rarest smile as he moved closer and brushed a kiss against her forehead.
And she felt a different kind of warmth, that everlasting warmth of a promise.
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akirakurusufoollink · 7 years
Pegoryu Prompt: Red String Pt 2
@twilightkargarok @celestialxskye
This is the end of the Red String fic . Enjoy, babes! ———–
Ryuji takes the lead and crosses the drawbridge with the new guy following close by. His heart is in the pit of his stomach as he crosses the threshold. The world feels distorted and the ringing sound is warping over and over in his head. He keeps a close eye on the brunet. This guy is really good at holding a poker face, but those grey eyes are saying something else entirely.
They get into the main hall of the school, which now looks like a front entry into one of those fairy tale movie castles. ‘Cept this has Kamoshida written all over it. Portraits of him are all over, including that giant fugly one staring him in the face. It’s disgusting to see an almost nude portrait of the fuck head that broke his leg last year. The scenery shifts and warps around them. One moment it’s the school, the next it’s not. What in the hell is going on?
“Th-That’s weird…Where’s the school…?” He swears his eyes are playing tricks on him. Maybe he’s finally lost it, but this guy sees it too.
“Did we make a wrong turn?” This comes out sounding slightly nervous. The blond turns to look at the brunet. His eyes are shaking. Goddammit. Gotta stay cool. Gotta remain confident.
“N-No! This has to be it! I mean, it…should be…” Damn, he fucked that one up. That doesn’t inspire any confidence at all.
Oh! His GPS could tell them if they went the right way, right? He whips out his cellphone and…nothing? There are no bars, no cellphone provider, and not even 4G. A big lot of nothing. The hell?
“Out of service? Where’d we end up…?” The blond looks up from his phone screen to the brunet, who is looking back at him with eyes that betray all the stress he feels. He is biting into his lower lip slightly. Jesus… Ryuji flushes a little from this. What is he even supposed to do?
The blond looks around, then pauses on the nerdy looking brunet again. This shit is unreal. This is like in one of those anime’s where he would turn out to be some sort of magical boy and start fighting crime or some shit. But he isn’t the magical boy. Could this guy be? Nah, this is a stupid line of thinking. What’s more important is figuring out what the hell is going on with this place.
“The sign was for the school, right?” He just has to check that he isn’t crazy. That they did, in fact, come to Shujin Academy and there is now this giant fucking castle and they are in it.
“Yeah.” Ryuji can barely hear it, but this kid thinks so too.
Out of the blue, these giant goons in full armor come marching out to where they are. These assholes look familiar too. Their faces are blue and stoic. Like they aren’t even real. They just seem like large toy soldiers. But they’re brandishing swords and giant shields. Everything just seems to be getting more and more fucked the longer they stay in this hell hole. But wait…They can’t be anything weird, right? They’re just people in costumes. That has to be it.
“Geez, you freaked me out…” He takes a breath. This has to be some stupid event put on by one of the clubs. Nothing more.
“Who’re you? You a student?” He knows that this is a stupid question. This person…this thing is huge. This isn’t the build of a high schooler. His brain just doesn’t seem to want to reason that this can be anything other than Shujin. He bites his lip.
“C’mon, don’t just stand there. Say somethin’.” This can only end badly.
More guards come flooding in. The incessant clanking of armor pervades the air. More and more come into the space. There is no escape. They are truly and utterly up shit creek without a fucking paddle. Not that a paddle, or any sort of a weapon would help now. God, why is this happening to him…to them? This is the new guy’s first fucking day for crying out loud! Maybe if he can play it cool enough, he can reason with them and they can maybe get away.
“…H-Hey, what’s goin’ on?” Yeah, real fucken slick, Ryuji.
“Is he school staff?” Ryuji turns to the brunet whose composure is now significantly more shaken. Is he trying to make a joke? This shit is hardly what would be called funny. Though Ryuji has to laugh at how fucked this all is.
“Dude, I don’t know!” He’s losing his cool. He can’t come to grips with any of this. They are going to die. One of the knights gets closer. Ryuji can see into the eye holes of the mask. There’s absolutely nothing there. “This shit’s real…”
All of the knights advance on them. They close the space around the boys, not leaving any room to slip away. They should have stayed out of the castle. Fucking Kamoshida. Fucking rain. God, this is the worst way he could think of spending a day. Being in class even sounds better. One of the knights gets up in Ryuji’s face.
“C-Calm down! Time out, man!” He turns to look at his companion, who is also being hounded by a giant asshole in shiny silver armor. There is a small opening in their ranks. They have to take a chance.
“We gotta run!”
“Got it.” This comes with a quaking voice and legs that aren’t moving at all. He has to get this kid to move, or he’ll be dead for sure.
“Stop standin’ around and run!” He takes off at as close to a sprint as he can get. His leg is burning like hell. He looks back to see that the brunet is following close behind. Good. Maybe they can get through this.
Before they can slip away, another group of knights closes off the gap they were going for. Jesus, these guys are persistent.
“Ugh, what’s with these guys!?” Ryuji says this more out of frustration than wanting an actual answer. This blows. And he didn’t even get to find the person from his dream.
One of the guards hits him in the back and he goes down with a painful grunt. His companion stands there, afraid like a deer in the headlights. Still gotta keep it as cool as possible. He wants to live through this. There has to be a way. Pain surges everywhere in his body. His back hurts from that asshole knocking him. His knees hurt from crashing onto the ground. And his head is still screaming.
“Wow… Y-you’re gonna break my bones, dammit!” He turns to try and look at his companion. Afraid. So very afraid. “The hell do you think you’re…gah!”
“Take them away!” The guard captain shouts to its subordinates.
One soldier picks Ryuji up while another punches the brunet in the gut. He doubles over, vomit dripping from his lips. He coughs and sputters as another tin soldier hefts him over its shoulders. Ryuji winces at this. He couldn’t protect him…Why the hell is it so important that he does though? They’re both gonna die, but this guy feels so important. Every time he comes close to putting his finger on it, the recognition slips away. This pain in his head is so intense…His consciousness slowly fades out.
In the black emptiness he dreams of his red thread again. There’s a figure of a guy with dark shaggy hair, a Shujin uniform, and when he turns around…those grey eyes. Holy shit…it’s him! It has been him all along! God, how could he be so stupid! This mess, it’s all his fault. The person that he was meant to be with, he just met him. Now they’re going to die and he can’t do jack shit about it. He reaches out and touches the brunet’s cheek. He leans into the blond’s touch with such a sad smile and weary eyes. He can’t just give up on getting this boy out of this mess. If he can be a distraction then maybe, just maybe his companion could get away. Ryuji regains consciousness. He and dream boy are in a cell together. He looks so peaceful like this. A much better face than his frightened one. He doesn’t really want to wake the brunet, but he has to sooner rather than later. He needs a plan of attack so this nightmare can come to a close. He limps over to the cot where his companion is sleeping. He tilts the boy’s face, checking for any sort of mark. Nothing there…good. He ventures downward, to the bottom of the brunet’s turtleneck. He flushes a little as he pulls the hem up. There’s a large bruise on his stomach where he was hit. Fury fills Ryuji, the desire to beat the shit out of those soldiers is palpable. The sleeping boy below him shivers and groans. The blonde pulls the boy’s shirt back down and gives his arm a gentle squeeze. Just a minute…let him sleep a minute longer. He stares down at the handsome boy for a bit too long, then begins to blush. He kneels down and begins calling to him.
“Hey.” No response.
“Wake up!” He hears a groan and grey eyes flutter open. They slowly focus. Good, he’s okay.
The brunet sits up on the cot. He cradles his stomach tenderly as he purses his lips into a fine line. Ryuji gives a sympathetic look. He is just relieved that his red string companion is still able to wake up again. He stands up and lets his partner have a moment to regain his composure. He looks so delicate right now. All he wants is to comfort this boy and make him feel safe. Everything that he personally doesn’t feel right now. Grey eyes stare at him, perplexed and tired. He looks like he’s barely hanging onto consciousness. Ryuji rests a hand on the brunet’s knee and gives a strained smile.
“You all right?” His relief shows in his voice. It’s weird to hear himself be all tender n’ shit.
“Yup, you?” The brunet sounds just as relieved. A bit of a flush briefly lingers in Ryuji’s cheeks.
“Yeah, more or less.” Ryuji relaxes his posture for a moment. This guy’s concern makes him feel a bit less tense. He looks around the cell, taking in the situation and how hopeless it feels. “Looks like this ain’t no dream.”
Ryuji turns back to look at the brunet. He looks dazed, but maybe a bit more lucid. What in the hell is with this day? This place and everything is just so messed up. All of this is so confusing and frustrating. It honestly still doesn’t feel real. He wants to lash out at everything. None of this makes sense to him. He has to do something to relieve all of this anxiety bubbling around in his head. How the fuck can this guy look so calm?
“Ugh, what’s goin’ on!?” He’s losing control of whatever cool he had left. He charges up to the prison bars and tries to get anyone’s attention. Taking out his frustration on a guard may relieve some stress.
“Hey, let us outta here! I know there’s someone out there!” He slams on the cell door in desperation.
“Dammit, where are we!? Is this some kinda TV set…?” He stalks back over to his cell mate when nothing wanted to pay attention to him. At least he feels that this guy will listen to his bitching. It’s keeping this place from whittling away at his sanity.
Suddenly there is a blood curdling scream. It sounds like a guy is being tortured or killed. The blonde’s heart stops for a moment. The voice sounds familiar, but that is less important than the idea that they may be in line to be tortured next. The brunet stumbles up and joins him. The screaming just won’t stop. He keeps an arm out in front of his companion in a defensive position, just in case he has to fight. The screams turn to wailing, wrenching uncomfortable feelings in Ryuji’s gut. The boys run up to the prison bars to attempt to gage where the noise is coming from.
“Th-The hell was that just now…?” Ryuji has an idea of what it is. The quiver in his voice matches with the subtle shake in his knees. His whole body feels like it wants to give out.
Wet sounds are now accompanying the cries. All the color drains from Ryuji’s face and the brunet isn’t looking so well either. He’s clinging to the prison bars so tightly that his knuckles are going white. Ryuji chances a glance at his companion’s face to see that his face remains stoic, but his grey eyes are watery. He doesn’t even know this person, yet he’ll cry for em? He has to turn away, otherwise he’ll get swept up in thoughts that he doesn’t want to think about yet. There are other cages with other prisoners. They all look pretty bad off.
“Whoa…whoa, whoa, whoa!” Ryuji’s mind is running at a million miles a second. “You’re shittin’ me, right…?” He knows that’s a stupid question. They are here and this is real.
The brunet releases his grip on the bars and takes a couple of unsteady steps back. His posture goes rigid and defensive. The stress is getting to both of them. They have to think fast. Ryuji has to get this kid to engage. He’s too quiet, he can’t peg what is going on in his mind right now. He must be terrified. They both should be in this situation. This guy has been the only thing keeping his mind as calm as it is.
“This is real bad…!” He looks the boy over. He looks like he’s thinking, but he’s being unresponsive. Part of the blonde wants to shake him and snap him out of whatever la la land he’s in. The other part feels this insatiable need to protect him. God, this is fuckin annoying.
The brunet’s eyes dart all over, silently assessing the surroundings. His eyes are still watery. He uses the heel of his hand to rub away all emotion. Ryuji wonders if this kid is trying to put on some sort of a tough guy act too. It’s endearing, but there’s no time to screw around.
“Isn’t there some way outta here!? C’mon, we gotta do something!”
This spurs the brunet into action. He and Ryuji begin to comb their cell over. Nothing really seems helpful. In fact, most of this shit just makes him more nervous. He can’t tell how much time has passed since this whole stupid ordeal started. He can’t see any means of escape. There isn’t even much of a way to perform an ambush, not that he thinks either of them have the strength to pull one off any way. The sound of clinging armor is getting closer to their cell. Time’s up. Ryuji slowly turns around and takes a defensive posture.
“Huh? You hear that?” He looks over his companion, who nods a confirmation.
They both make their way up to the cell door. There they are, the palace goons in all their annoying clanging glory. Their empty eyes send shivers down Ryuji’s back. Sick feelings twist around in his gut. He’s not sure he’s ready for this, but now is not the time to give up. As they get closer, Ryuji takes up a stiff fighting stance. This is gonna be a fight.
“Be glad that your punishment has been decided upon.” The hollow voice reverberates and rings out, like it’s coming from the bottom of a tin can. “Your charge is ‘unlawful entry’. Thus, you will be sentenced to death.”
“Say what!?” Ryuji is stupefied by this turn of events. Death? For going to school? What in the actual fuck is this shit?
“No one’s allowed to do as they please in my castle.” He knows this voice. It may have a weird reverberation to it, but it’s unmistakable.
And of course, there he his. But at the same time, it ain’t him. This Kamoshida in a tacky furry robe and a tiny crown…and not much else to speak of. His eyes freak Ryuji out though. They’re empty and shine with an unnatural golden light. He’s looking at Ryuji and the brunet as if they are trash in need of disposal. He has to make sure that this is him, though.
“Is that you, Kamoshida?” The question comes out more unsteady than he wanted it to.
“Kamoshida?” The brunet sounds uneasy as well.
“I thought it was some petty thief, but to think it’d be you, Sakamoto…” The disdain in the teacher’s voice is real. There’s almost a ring of mockery. The serious face Kamoshida wears turns into a sneer, complete with a ridiculing tone “Are you trying to disobey me again? It looks like you haven’t learned you lesson at all, huh?”
Kamoshida turns and assesses Ryuji’s companion with a knowing look. Ryuji’s heart drops into his stomach. Is this the Kamoshida from his dream? Does he know about this guy? All of his nerves are firing. This guy isn’t safe. What the fuck is this bastard planning on doing?
“This ain’t funny, you asshole!”
“Is that how you speak to a king? It seems you don’t understand the position you’re in at all.” “Not only did you sneak into my castle, you committed the crime of insulting me- the king.” “The punishment for that is death.” “It’s time for an execution! Take him out!”
“S-Stop it…!”
They back off into the far side of the room. Soldiers keep flooding into the space. There’s no escape. Kamoshida is there, wearing that ugly maniacal grin of his. This is it…
This is his chance. Those idiots came in at a bad formation. Maybe he has a shot at getting both of them outta this mess after all. Just gotta use all that pent up rage and focus in. Ryuji sucks in a deep breath, reels back, and charges up the middle of the soldiers with a forceful grunt. Nice! He is able to break through the lines. Time to get nerdy boy’s sweet ass moving.
“I ain’t down for this shit! C’mon, we’re outta here!”
Unfortunately the knight he downed is tenacious. It gets back up behind him. Ryuji turns, but it’s too late. The hulking asshole takes a giant swing at him and connects with his stomach. All of the air leaves the blond’s lungs. God, this sucks! Just as he thought they could get outta here too… His knees give out from under him and he crumples to the ground. Water presses at his tear ducts. He hears a sudden clang.
The messy haired boy is knocking against one of the knights, trying to get through to him. This guy who seems so incapable of fighting is trying to save him. This makes his heart warm up, but it’s too late. There is no chance of him getting out of this. These guys are giant and he has no more energy to try and get through. Fuckin Kamoshida just looks so satisfied with himself. His companion is still on the outskirts though. He can still make it. If he can get this guy out of here, he can die without any regrets. Well, save for a couple. He really wishes that he would have asked him his name. He gives his companion a sad smile. Dream guy can get away. Maybe he’ll still think of him after he’s escaped. The thought is almost comforting.
“Just go! Get outta here…!” He’s still trying to fight them. God, please spare him.
“Oh? Running away, are we? What a heartless friend you are.”
Ryuji has to get this guy moving. There’s seriously no time left. If he doesn’t leave now, he’ll die. He can’t let the person that he’s supposed to be with die. Please, just leave. He has to think of something to make him go. Anything. He may have to be mean…he doesn’t want to, but that’s the only trick he has left to make him go.
“He ain’t a friend…”
It’s true, he doesn’t know anything about him other than what he’s seen in his dream. But he knows, he was supposed to be with him. Everything in his mind and body says so. Looks like he doesn’t get the luxury of having that happen though… He’s still fighting. Why? Why won’t he leave him!? Please… he’ll die! Dumbass, he doesn’t want this brave guy die for him! Tears spill down his cheeks. Anything but that! He’s too important. He’s all the blond has been allowed in this world now. Don’t die!
“C’mon! Hurry up and go!” Ryuji’s voice is choking and tears come in waves, blurring his vision.
“What’s the matter? Too scared to run away?” That bastard is taunting him. Don’t listen, just leave. There’s no point to this if he dies too.
”Hmph, pathetic scum isn’t worth my time…I’ll focus on this one’s execution.” Shit…well, it’s better that his focus is not on the brunet any more.
Ryuji stiffens as Kamoshida pushes through the knights. In a single fluid motion the older man yanks the blond from the ground and hoists him to his feet. He pulls back his fist and strikes Ryuji across the cheek. He keeps on punching him, throwing petty insults to punctuate the pain. Over and over again, he endures the blows. Nothing this asshole can do now can hurt quite as bad as what he’s already done. One powerful hit sends the blond back onto the ground. His world is spinning. Has dream guy gotten away? Please don’t say that he is still here watching this. Or even worse, that he’s being held captive by one of these tin can assheads.
“…Hmph. Where’d your energy from earlier go?” Kamoshida sneers down at Ryuji. He looks back with as much defiance as he can muster.
A knight grabs him by the blazer and tosses him. He rag dolls across the floor and hits hard against the cobblestone ground. Everything sends signals of pain shooting through his body. Why do these assholes have to toy with him for so long? It’s how he imagines a mouse feels when it’s in a cat’s clutches.
“I’ll have you killed right now.”
“Stop it!” Such a sweet sound. His companion is still here, but he really wishes that he had ran.
“Hm?” Kamoshida is turning his attentions onto the poor guy. Ryuji can hardly maintain a coherent thought. He struggles to try and get to Kamoshida before he gets any ideas of hurting the other boy.
“What…?Don’t you dare tell me you don’t know who I am.” Kamoshida gets right up into the brunet’s face and looks him over. The boy looks back with an immovable stare. In this moment, Ryuji almost feels himself swoon with how cool that guy looks. This is the worst time to feel this way. He still has to try and get this guy moving. He sees how rigid the asshole gym teacher is getting.
“That look in your eyes irritates me!” Kamoshida’s face contorts into an ugly frown, bearing gritting teeth. A menacing look forms in his golden eyes. He kicks the brunet into the wall.
“Hold him there…After the peasant, it’s his turn to die.”
The brunet scrambles to his feet and charges at Kamoshida. Two knights catch him though, slamming him hard back into the wall. This knocks the air straight out of him. His face looks desperate. Goddamn…Ryuji just wants to reach him. There’s nothing that either of them can do though. Kamoshida is almost on the blond again. His brown eyes meet with grey ones that seem to be dilating. Please…get away. “My decision wasn’t a mistake and neither is my desire to be by his side!”
Ryuji’s face takes on a deep flush. What is this guy saying? Does he know that they’re connected by a red string? He can hardly think. He has a hard time breathing as a knight hoists him against the wall by his throat. God, why couldn’t he have just said so earlier? He sees the knight draw back his sword. This is the end.
The brunet screams out in insurmountable pain. The entire room seems to stop. What is happening to him? The blond can see the boy thrashing violently against the wall and the grips of both knights. Tears are flowing down from grey eyes. His face twists in agony. The hell is happening to him?
“THAT’S ENOUGH!” Everyone is taken aback by this.
Ryuji feels stunned by the force of his voice. He almost doesn’t feel the relief of the knight dropping him to the ground. He gasps for air in strained gulps.
“You desire to be killed that much…? Fine!”
A knight bashes its shield into the brunet’s face. His glasses go flying across the room. The two other knights cross their spears over his throat. Kamoshida watches this spectacle in a sick amusement. Ryuji feels so useless. His legs won’t hold him. All he can do is collapse against the wall and slide down to the floor. Kamoshida signals his executioner to cut the brunet down. No… Please, don’t kill him. A sudden burst of energy knocks back the executioner. His face… There’s a mask on his face?
Ryuji watches, helplessly as his companion feels out the mask. It seems like it is part of him, stuck to his skin like a shell. He grips it and rips it off ferociously. Ryuji winces at the sight of blood gushing from the brunet’s once pristine skin. After a moment, the blond is able to look into his face. Ryuji sucks in a breath. He looks exactly how he did in the dream, except instead of fearful eyes, this guy is…smiling. Ryuji should be afraid, but in this moment he is consumed by awe. A blue flame engulfs the boy and he can hear a manic laughter that doesn’t belong to him. The boy emerges in new clothes that fit tightly where they need to and a long black jacket. He wears a look of power and defiance. It sparks a fire inside of Ryuji’s chest. This is his red string. The red of blood. The red of flame. The red of passion. And this guy is his.
With a single motion, the creature behind him takes down all of the knights and sends Kamoshida cowering away. Even when they reanimate at Kamoshida’s orders, he is able to make them crumble away again. Awe is no longer the right word. The feeling is like staring into the heart of a storm. He’s terrifying and beautiful. As Kamoshida scurries away like the rat he is, the boy turns toward him. The monster fades away as he reaches out for Ryuji’s hand. He takes hold of it and lets himself get pulled up.
“What’s your name?” Both ask simultaneously.
“Ryuji. Sakamoto Ryuji…” The blond clings onto the brunet’s hand.
The brunet smiles and tears off his mask. The blood rushes down his face as he leans in close to Ryuji’s ear. A breath hitches in Ryuji’s throat. His heart is beating like crazy and his face reddens all the way to his neck. Gloved hands take him by the wrists and lightly push him back against the wall. Lips press to his own in an anxious kiss. He stiffens. It’s all consuming. His head is going fuzzy. This isn’t how he imagined his first kiss going. He feels the warm, sticky blood dripping onto his nose and cheeks. The brunet’s lips are moving in a more insistent manner. Ryuji can hardly keep up. His wrists are released in favor of arms wrapping around him and getting pulled flush against the mysterious boy’s body. His own arms drape around the boy’s waist. They both sink to the ground. The brunet parts from the blond, smiling at the face Ryuji is making. Saliva drips from the corner of his mouth and blood mixes with it. The boy takes off one of his red gloves and wipes the fluids away.
“Akira…” comes out as a breathy whisper.
“Eh?” Ryuji is still caught up in the fact that he just had his first kiss.
“Kurusu Akira. At last we finally meet.”
With that declaration, he plants a quick peck on Ryuji’s lips. Akira smiles as he gets back to his feet. He offers a hand to pull Ryuji back up. He easily pulls the blond to his feet and begins tugging him along.
“W-Wait, wait. What are we doin’?”
“Getting out of here, of course.” Akira’s laugh is like chimes that he hides behind the backs of his fingers. The cutest gesture Ryuji has ever seen a guy do. “Unless, of course, you’d rather stay here for our first date?”
Ryuji is speechless. This guy was so quiet before. Now he’s confidently declaring that they’re going to go on a date once they’re out of here. Not that he’ll complain about it. After all, they are connected by a red string of fate. He feels a new desire welling up in the pit of his stomach. If he’s going to stay by Akira’s side, he will find a way to fight alongside him too. Next time he wants to be the one that protects him. No matter what.
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ineffectualdemon · 7 years
Hey I’m not gay but you look hot today
Ao3 Link
based on this tumblr post
“Hey, I’m not gay but you look hot today!”
“We’re boyfriends Victor” Yuuri said in confusion turning his head to look at the man next to him. They were walking back to Yutopia after practice. The sunset making everything seem soft and unreal.
“Oh yes, that’s right we are!” Victor said gleefully. Yuuri gave a fond little smile and entwined his fingers with Victor’s.
“You’re such a dork” he said fondly.
“I’m your dork though.” Victor told him with a gentle bump of his shoulder. Yuuri gave a sigh and squeezed his hand.
“Yes you are.”
“Hey, I’m not queer but you’re making it hot in here”
“We’re engaged Victor and that was a terrible rhyme” Yuuri doesn’t even need to look to know that Victor has that shit eating grin he gets when he thinks he’s being funny.
“Aw come on Yuuri I put a lot of thought into that one!” Victor whined draping himself over the younger man. Yuuri snorted as he picked up a box of cereal from the self.
“Clearly not enough thought, now stop pouting and help me. I can’t read the labels very well yet.” Yuuri told his fiancé “Unless you want a repeat of the time I almost fed us dog food because I thought it was beef stew” Yuuri blushed slightly at the memory but at least Makkachin had appreciated the hot meal and in his defence Russian was far harder to read than it was to understand audibly. Thankfully the mention of the dog food incident did get Victor to detach himself with a sigh.
“Yeah that’s a fair point” Victor agreed taking the box from Yuuri to give it a once over. Yuuri risked a glance at the man next to him and smiled a happy little smile before looping his arm through Victor’s and resting his head on his fiancé’s shoulder.
Victor glanced down at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Just happy.” He replied with a shrug earning himself a grin of joy and a quick kiss in return.
His fiancé was a dork but still, he was Yuuri’s dork.
“Hey I’m not gay but-“
“Victor we’ve been married for 2 years and you’re literally the gayest man alive” Yuuri interrupted as he laced up his skates.
He could almost hear the pout coming from Victor and he hadn’t even said anything yet.
“Yuuri that’s not fair! You could at least let me finish!” Victor whined and yup when Yuuri looked up his husband’s lower lip was jutted out in an admittedly adorable pout. Yuuri laughed and held out his hand which Victor took sullenly and hauled Yuuri to his feet.
“You’re not nearly as cute as you think you are when you pout” Lies, but a necessary one otherwise Victor would use it all the time. Victor flung his arms around Yuuri in mock despair.
“Yuuri is so mean to me. I should tell Chris how much you’re mean to me” Victor threatened. Yuuri smiled into the crook of his husband’s neck.
“Honey I love you but if you had said ‘I’m not gay’ in front of Chris he would have died laughing. As I said you are the gayest man alive” Yuuri said hugging Victor close.
His husband pulled back to smile at Yuuri.
“Also, the luckiest man alive” Victor said bringing up a hand to gently caress Yuuri’s cheek which quickly developed a light blush.
“Also the dorkiest man alive” Yuuri countered before pressing a chaste kiss to his husband’s lips before Victor could voice his outrage, “and I love you for it. Now, I’ve got to get out there so I can prove that my dork of husband is also a rather good coach.” Yuuri continued watching as Victor’s mouth opened to protest the dork comment before his face softened into a smile.
“I think it’s more that I have an amazing student” Victor replied, “But yes we should get moving”
They made their way to the side of the rink hand in hand and hopelessly in love.
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itsdisneymydudes · 7 years
Pocahontas’ Hair is Unreal
Honestly, I’ve never seen Pocahontas. I know “Colors of the Wind” is from it, but that’s about all I know about it. White men come to the New World and do some stuff (some historically inaccurate stuff, I might add), and yea. So that’s why I’m gonna live-blog it! Leggo!
Alright, starting off with a glorious song about English imperialism. Coolio.
Macho John Smith with his blonde hair and blue eyes. Aaaaaand they just called Native Americans “Indians.” This movie is gonna go swell.
I couldn’t make it out exactly, but I think the song says “for glory, God, and gold” which falls exactly in line with European colonialism.
I hope the storm breaks the boat.
K is this The Little Mermaid or Pocahontas cuz a lot of action so far has been in the ocean...
Aaaaand now the Native Americans are being called “blood-thirsty savages.” You’re the worst, Disney
Lol, Disney has the Native Americans speaking English. Hilarious.
Ok, so we all understand that Pocahontas was actually around 11 years old when she first met John Smith, right? Yup, Disney just sexualized an eleven year old.
Ah the obligatory animal sidekicks. Did that hummingbird just eat a raspberry whole? That’s just wrong on so many levels.
I’m no physicist, but I’m pretty sure a dive from that height would break Pocahontas’ hands and arms (and most likely kill her, too).
Oh, that raccoon is for sure dead, too.
Jeez, another princess movie with a focus on marriage? Why am I not surprised...
Oh my gosh, a beaver would never build a dam right in the middle of a river. That makes absolutely no sense. How would it even start something like that; the river would just sweep the sticks away.
Anthropomorphic trees? Alright, Disney; I see you.
Does Governor Ratcliffe actually know what kind of soil you need for a gold deposit to be under it? It’s usually black soil and not the muddy swamp terrain that he’s staring at.
Ratcliffe’s voice sounds weird. Like I know he’s the villain and all, but just the rhythm/emphasis of his sentences sounds off.
Why is John Smith wearing the armor of a conquistador? Isn’t he English?
These are terrible sailors! Why would you ever bring in your massive ship so close to shore? Are they trying to run it aground?
Lololol you ain’t the only one getting a better look, John ;)
While the presentation is a little strange, this description of white settlers from the perspective of the Native Americans is 100% accurate. Everything said is actually what the settlers will do. Ravenous wolves and all.
Damn, Percy. You bougie af.
Damn, Raccoon. You cheeky af.
Wut. Ratcliffe has like two dudes building the fort. That’s gonna take a while, bud.
K, Ratcliffe realizes that the Spanish took the gold from the Incas and Aztecs, right? Like the Spaniards didn’t dig it up themselves...
I don’t think using explosives like that is the most efficient way to take down trees or open a mine.
Damn! John Smith’s first thought when he sees Pocahontas is to shoot her??? And these two are supposed to fall in love???
Yea boi you best put that gun down. Show some respect, punk.
“It’s alright,” he says. “I’m not gonna hurt you,” he says. Girl, this dude was about to shoot you less than a minute ago.
Just a reminder: Pocahontas was 11 when she met John Smith. John Smith was 27.
Truest line of the movie and of all history: “These white men are dangerous.”
Strange names? Boi, y’all settlers literally just named your landing site the most vanilla name ever. How complex is the name “Jamestown.”
John is actually creepy af...
Aaaaaand here comes the “White Man’s Burden” speech from Smith...
Ooooooo Pocahontas is about to drop some sick bars, yo.
Is that...is that Pride Rock?
Why do they show an eagle on John Smith’s chest? He’s English and in no way helped the colonies reach independence.
Oh I do hope the colonists have a communist revolution against bougie Ratcliffe. That would be quite fun.
I really hope Pocahontas’ father doesn’t die. I like the sound of his voice.
Um...how can EVERYONE suddenly understand English?
Lolololol tree puns. The owls get it.
So at what point is Pocahontas going to contract smallpox from John Smith?
I would just like to point out that 80% of this movie did not even happen. Like not in the true accounts of first contact or even Smith’s dramatized accounts.
Aw...poor Kocoum :( and screw you, Thomas. Thought you were supposed to be a lousy shot.
Kocoum just died, and Pocahontas is still fixated on whether she’ll be able to see Smith or not? Jeez, have a heart, girl. Come on.
Those guards outside John Smith’s prison cell must be really deaf. Like the dude is belting out a song, and no one has batted an eye yet.
Also, when did John Smith’s shirt get so loose and revealing...?
Didn’t Thomas run off before John Smith was captured by the warriors? Plot hole...
Oh my god Ratcliffe is Trump. Holy shit.
So is the arrow in the compass still considered to be spinning if Pocahontas is spinning the outside container? Does that technically count?
What if the village was south of where Pocahontas was? Would she just accept that the arrow wasn’t pointing towards John Smith then? Quite the dues ex machina eh?
Why is Ratcliffe wearing an all-black suit of armor during the day... He is actually going to be cooked alive in that thing.
“I love him, father.” Ariel? Is that you?
This is some Cuban Missile Crisis about-to-go-to-war level of intensity right here...
“If there is to be more killing, it will not start with me.” Oh, it’s pretty clear who started the killing in history (*cough cough* the white man *cough cough*)
Oh snap! Ratcliffe shot John! Whoa whoa whoa did not see that one coming. Oh damn, right in the kidney too!
Yea! The communist revolt is happening! Viva la revolucion!
Hate being the bearer of bad news, but 17th Century medicine was not all that great... John Smith is almost certainly going to die from his wound.
Is Percy the dog really staying? Yea, he isn’t gonna last very long either.
“Come with me,” John says. What he means is, “Come with me and convert to the Anglican Church and change your name to a white name and change your dress to European clothes and forget your culture and tour around England like a circus display and eventually contract foreign pathogens to which you will have no immunity, ultimately leading to your death at an extremely young age.” Yup, great idea, John.
Lol did the village and John’s crew just stand back and watch Pocahontas and John make out? Awkwaaaaaaaard.
So how long until war breaks out again between the tribe and the settlers? I give it about a week or two.
Wow, as cheesy as the ending was, THAT SCORE THO. SUCH POWER. SUCH BEAUTY. DAMN.
One last question: how in the world does Pocahontas keep her hair so luscious???
Tumblr media
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toyfrog · 7 years
A Rotting Fish Always Starts At The Head. Blacklist Breakdown...
There’s no easier way to say it. When an audience is forced [or conditioned] to sympathize with a failed protagonist, and your audience says “F-You”, and your ratings reflect it, admit your mistake because your show is pretty much done. This episode had four writers on it. not one, four, and the cookie cutter execution speaks for itself.
This is my last breakdown of this show. I cannot stomach plot driven storytelling. Its all about fitting square pegs into round holes. The answer is simple, but when too many chefs argue over a simple recipe on how to prepare Fish n Chips, your food critic drops their napkin and dines across the street.
The Rotting Fish starts at the head.
The Show Runner.
This is all on the show runner. Writers Room do as he asks. and apparently the has been no longer has energy or inspiration to write but plot. Reminds me of another show runner that I used to but heads with. My friend still works on his show and is in fact, “the cleaner”. He mops up every plot driven story, tweaks it in order to save face just for emmy submission.
But audience and the writers know, after the story is retconned over and over, they stop caring. Its just a job, a paycheck if you will to get food o the table. Show runner loses the respect of the writers and the cast once they're forced to stifle creativity. In this case, its Plot driven Liz vs. S1 Liz. Its Eisendrath’s Liz vs Bokenkamp’s Liz. Its Lukas Reiter’s Keen 2 Vs his Keenler. and when you have story placement like this:
Tom/Liz discussing Redemption spin off...
Red drop in scene with Harold making Liz the victim and her shooting the attorney general was Red’s fault? You're deliberately pushing two agendas. Blacklist audience loves Red. Its what the show markets. They market the unwavering task force. But they don’t give Red or the task force a voice: just a plot line and its painfully obvious to anyone who’s taken masterclass in screenwriting, script format, editing, directing, that this show has no identity anymore. When that happens, you have no reason to watch. Perhaps thats Eisendrath’s goal? IF it is, then Id consider Season 4 the last of the Blacklist. I don’t think they'll get a full Season 5 and it may not return till January of Next year. Its just that dismal. The BTS drama has now officially spilled into the show.
Not. Good.
Liz: [The most useless protagonist after forcing her to be married to an irredeemable character, and regressing her to a one dimensional self serving teen with a baby. This writing is so childish. Serves no purpose at all except to create phony sympathy for two characters who did this to themselves.]
Liz: When you were a little baby, you lived in a warehouse. And we had bodyguards. Say hi, Baz. And inside the warehouse was... a fake apartment! [Writers using the baby for a filler scene that has no meaning except to make Keen 2 acceptable sympathetic? Sorry, I don’t.] Oh, look! It's your [Fake] daddy in your fake living room. Hey, here's Daddy wondering how much damage we've done to our sweet little girl. [Yes writers TELL US HOW TOM FEELS. Number one rule in story telling is SHOW not tell but they cannot do that because that takes time and imagination and CHARACTER writing and the show is in plot format like when Tom killed the harbormaster. Like I'm supposed to have sympathy for a man who murders innocent people because its all for Liz. Liz is a villain now thanks to Tom. a selfish villain Give this baby up for adoption and be done with it.] Well, it'll make for an intriguing college essay. [If they truly cared about their child, they would've given her up. they don’t they use that baby to create sympathy. Yes writers YOU DID THIS.]
 Tom: Yeah. So, I know we're moving out, but just a quick gut check here. [Its called reminding the audience this is the main storyline, we are wrapping it up the disastrous arc that was only written to steal the keenler baby and push Eggold and the spinoff. The longer this dialogue continues, the more audience turns against them.] Kirk is gone. But according to Reddington, he's, what, dead? Not dead? [this conversation serves zero purpose. filler and an excuse to give Eggold a lead story. it doesn’t work.]
 Liz: He's definitely not in jail. I don't know. 
 Tom: With Reddington, I don't assume anything. He kept you from getting answers about who your father is.[Bad Reddington! Bad!! He’s the evil one. Audience goes...Are you Effing kidding me? After all he's done for her. Filler dialogue for Redemption. I’ll just say it. These people don’t know how to write a spin off. They know what NOT to do. Plot written for 12 months. I give up seriously.]
 Liz: You're the one that told me that's in my past. [You told me how to think. You told me how to feel. You told me what I should do. Liz cannot think for herself because she is in PLOT MODE.]
 Tom: I know, and it is. But I don't know. [Tom going against Liz. Ah how nice. Notice who’s the LEAD OF THE SHOW NOW? Its not Liz and hasn’t been since 311. Do as I say not as I do. Tom can dictate, no one else can. There must be one or two writers that literally behave like this in real life because I don’t think they realize how dysfunctional this all is. And WTF a RED HEADED BABY? CRUEL.] Maybe now that I'm a dad, [why don’t they ever say “father?” I mean my son says “now that I’m a father. Odd choice of words.] I'd... be lying if I said I didn't wonder who my father is. [See? ]
 Liz: That's totally understandable. And another day, I might feel differently, [So Liz is still wishy washy. Go Tom, leave us so you can meet your father. Then come back to us because we need you to screw up the show. I can lay bets when editors are reading this crap…they are scratching their eyeballs there hasn’t been genuine dialogue in 12 months. This is pure fan fiction of the worst kind. Let that sink in.]  but this is our present and our future. That's all that matters. [Yup. Manipulate with a baby. That means no reason for 80% of the audience to watch this show.]
 Yeah. That and getting her into a good college. 
Yeah. Let's start by finding her a place to live. She needs to be able to open up her living room windows and see the sun. [She not WE. Plot point.] Hmm. [ Sighs ] We all do. [We all do Liz? It is difficult having sympathy for a character who doesn’t give a shit about anyone. Just….is.]
And here’s the rewrite.
Cooper:  We spent months hunting for Alexander Kirk at your instance. [No Eisendrath’s insistence to make Tom this wondrous lead. All it did was lower the ratings. I see no change there.] The man is responsible for the deaths of FBI agents, the abduction of Elizabeth and her daughter. –[Notice what is missing here? Cooper’s Navabi’s Ressler’s Aram’s and Red’s rage against Liz. Liz once again is scott free thanks to Plot audience’s feelings not expressed on screen. When audience cannot relate, they shut it off.]
 Red: You're upset.
 Cooper: You're damn right I'm upset. You let him go. And worse, it's clear to me now that was your intent all along. You played us. [Like Harold hasn’t figured this out after 4 years? When is this FBI task force going to get wise and not be the Dummy? Oh gee, that was last year they had that opportunity and Eisendrath trashed it.]
Red: Harold, my objective was to keep Elizabeth and her child safe. I've done that. We've done that. [Yes Liz never thanked ANYONE. No real remorse. ] Alexander Kirk is gone, and he won't be back.[ Gee, they never should’ve created him last season in the first place and derail the real arc.] It's time to move on. [THIS IS THE LINE I HATE THE MOST IN PLOT DRIVEN FORMAT> AUDIENCE MOVE ON ITS OVER BULLSHYT! Bradley Bell’s {ah yes the spats, the arguments and he still has a friend of mine cleaning up his [plot driven, jump the shark, writing characters into corner messes on the Bold and the Beautiful] favorite go to line to give his audience amnesia. What you saw, did not happen….move on…SMDH The formula alienates a viewing audience like a fart in the wind.]
Red: [Here comes the plot driven story. You know this because its Like Kings of the Highway. Has no bearing on the main stories. If it did, Red would be involved in Samar’s plight. He isn’t. If it were Liz and Red would have scenes. They don’t. This entire episode is filler and uses the task force as a B story to redirect wait for it PLOT! ] Last night, a seafood processing plant in Maryland was attacked by armed commandos. Local authorities suspect rogue employees were secretly using the facility to package and distribute narcotics. But you know better. 
Cooper: Now that you mention it, I do. Seven supposed employees were killed in the attack. Photos were circulated to law enforcement trying to connect them to the drug trade. How did you get this? [Who cares how he got it, it has nada to do with him.]
Red: You're not looking at a seafood processing plant employee, nor a drug dealer. That is Hassan Arkani.
Cooper: The terrorist? From Algeria? You're telling me one of the most wanted terrorists on the planet was conducting a secret operation out of the back room of a Maryland fish factory? [SHOW DON’T TELL. It’s not hard.]
Red: You see? No time to dwell on the past. [Bullshyt. If I were Spader, I’d not show up to work until they fixed this garbage. No Inspiration, writers block for 12 months. Pathetic.] If my people hear anything, I'll contact Agent Keen.
 [Why? What’s the point? She should be reaching out to HIM after all this. this is so plot driven. Bokenkamp wants to take it to S1 Day one except Keen 2 now have a kid and just forget all those people tom killed or all the people Liz and Tom used...youre supposed to care about the long suffering duo. Audience goes...1.0]
Cooper: Agent Keen. Did you forget her agent status was revoked? [This is Young and the Restless Soap Opera repetitive style dialogue. This is seriously, not good. They even have the “another day” wait till they say, “oh the other day?” Unreal. PLOT PLOT PLOT. Harold and everyone called Liz Agent in Esteban. Lousy Lousy execution.]
Red: I did not forget that, or the plea agreement I worked out with Laurel Hitchin that kept her out of jail after she shot your Attorney General. 
[Oh yes, this episiode is a TOTAL REWRITE. I wasn’t sure at first but it is. This is what you state redirecting story, remind the audience of what they saw. If this were truly part of the episode, you would’ve seen flashbacks of Red and Liz signing her plea deal. This is pure drop into the dialogue to change direction]
Cooper: You don't want to dwell on the past, then dwell on this-- the loss of her badge was a stain on Elizabeth's name and reputation, which you are ultimately responsible for. 
{STOP RIGHT THERE! So Eisendrath now wants the audience to blame Red for Liz losing her license? Liz shot the attorney general! Like Navabi said, “No one told her to pull that trigger! No one told her to kidnap tom in the hull of a ship, lie to Reven wright harboring a fugitive, or cover up a murder of an innocent man. Oh no this RETCON not only makes me LOATHE her character and all the characters defending her. Now I can’t stand Cooper! Its NOT how you write story.]
Cooper: Your presence in her life has turned it into what it is today. [No. Liz did that by herself!]  You've brought her nothing but pain, grief, and regret, [Wheres the regret and grief? We haven’t seen it. None of it.] which you seem utterly oblivious to, [Actually it’s the writers room that is utterly oblivious to the feelings of their faithful audience. Your lead heroine doesn’t care who she uses, who she hurts, but its Red’s fault? Yeah this won’t get anyone to watch your show.] and surprisingly powerless to rectify. [Who wants to fire Harold for such a horrible speech? Writers Room want you to think he's the best boss.]
Red: Good talk, Harold. [ Door opens ] [DROP IN SCENE. Cooper to redirect. No. Sorry. This is not a good storyline.]
Hassan Arkani. Algerian born. He was a munitions expert linked to the New Martyrs Brigade. The NMB is deadly enough to rank number six on the Group Threat Index. Based in Libya, they have loyal supporters in countries throughout the region. I have documentation of attacks in 17 different countries. Yeah, but none on US soil. So what was Arkani doing in Maryland? And whatever it was, he's not doing it anymore. 
So is Reddington saying the New Martyrs were building some kind of mass casualty weapon to use here?
Cooper: It's possible. We don't know what they were building or who took it or where it is now. I've notified Homeland, the CIA, and NSA. Ressler, Navabi, get to that factory. Keen, let the locals know we're taking over. [Tell not show story format is killing the show. No follow up. No visual. No experience. That is NOT storytelling.]
Samar: Uh, wait, where's Aram? Hey. Cooper told me. 
[PLOT We did not see Cooper tell her anything. This show is a hot mess! Go back to season one, read the transcripts and see if you can find any of these little plots dropped in? Yeah you won't!.This is a rewrite so is the Elise my girlfriend is a mole.Its an addendum to redirect the original arc and they use Bokenkamp’s and Eisendrath’s story plot to show you. ]You have nothing to worry about. [No he doesn’t but still in all this is a total rewrite. Unbelievable.]
Aram: Really? I'm being questioned in connection to a Justice Department investigation into whether my girlfriend committed espionage. [YES WE ARE TOLD. WE WERE NOT TREATED TO AN ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE THRUSHES BECAUSE THE ARC IS GUTTED. Who was the Mole Elise referred to? Ah yes you don’t get to see who that was because its been rewritten. For now.]
You didn't know.
Aram: So I'm either a traitor or a moron. [This is what Panabaker mouthed to Ressler over the damn phone in Cuba. So word for word Aram says it? Redirecting the arc. Originally they had Ressler, which means two things. This “mole” crap is just a plot device to delay a bigger story in the back nine, or it was scrapped from Eisendrath’s hitlist altogether. Ressler was your traitor. The writers are either protecting or killing Ressler this season I’m not sure anymore. I’d say hes up in the air like I stated in September. Your third lead male to have no lead story for 12 months because Eggold took Diego’s lead status. Not good But about that 1.0 teetering on a 0.9…great story placement. That Tom/Red/Liz arc is just bringing the masses in, right Sony?]
Samar: A moron. Definitely. [Samar was not even implicated nor did they foreshadow in the first episode that she was doing this. This is all plot. No wonder the cast is acting like zombies. Samar is the patsy to a fallen story arc.] Ah, you always know just what to say. Aram, you're a trusting person who assumes the best in people. Be yourself and they will see that. Everyone does.
Woman over radio: What is your ETA, please? Agent Ressler?
[Like I said. Go back to 0318 when Tom goes, “What’s our ETA?” The show runner gave Tom Ressler’s dialogue. Tom is not a fed. And here it’s much like the same only this time, Samar is getting the shaft.] This is Andrew Wyatt, the factory manager. Thank you, Detective.
Mr. Wyatt, thanks for your cooperation.
[Like in Drexel. Like in Quon Zhang, Ressler has dialogue in just the sub plot. That means any actor can take over this role. He’s the lead male hero, yet has no characterization beyond plot since the Director. And until a true 180 flip happens, you’ll see this for the rest of the season.]
Yeah, of course. Whatever I can do to help. You've seen the images of the people who died last night? Yeah, like I told them, two of the guys, they've worked here for about a year. The other guys I've never seen. And this man, have you seen him before? No idea. Hey, if it wasn't drugs, what do you think they were doing? We're going to need to see the footage from these cameras. I wish. The cops had me check first thing. Looks like they turned off the whole system right around 9:00. You need to see this. Excuse us. Thank you. You got something? Nothing good. Whoever ran this place had it wiped down before they ran. Between that and the fire, they wasn't much left. We found shavings from some kind of titanium alloy, and this. It's definitely an integrated circuit timing chip, but I haven't seen one quite like this before. Timing chip, that's used in-- Everything from traffic lights to railway switches—To bombs. [ Indistinct conversations ]
What's up with Aram? [I cannot recall who said what I lost patience with Cooper. Its pointless even Liz had no scenes with Aram. Doesn’t she care? Nope! I mean this is what a rush job looks like count the holes. Yeah I went there. I don’t care. This script is the equivalent of turning in your unfinished homework assignment, and praying you don’t get an F. the subplot is fine. It’s the main plot that is horrible. ]
I don't know, but he said it was urgent.
Is this about the deposition?
Uh, no, actually, this is about a different nightmare scenario. I've been running diagnostics on the timer chip you recovered from Arkani's factory, and it is far more impressive than anything we've seen from the NMB or any extremist group for that matter. In fact, it is as good as anything the United States can make because... we did make it. Good Lord. More specifically, the defense contractor Blackthorn Kincaid made it. Well, they make everything from our own ICBMs to Israel's Iron Dome. So how'd Arkani get it? Our national security threat just became a national security leak.
Cooper: Get to Blackthorn. Tell them we expect full cooperation. Aram, let's move. The deposition starts at 2:00. [Oh yes Gratuitous rewrite Liz scene. ] Panabaker's gonna be at the deposition. I'm gonna push her to get you reinstated as an agent.
[This is what we call OUT OF THE BLUE STORYTELLING.]
Liz: That would be... amazing. But do you think that's even possible? [This is probably the worst reaction to a life changing moment I’ve ever seen. Megan is officially phoning it in.]
Cooper: [This dialogue just sickened me.] After all you've been through and all you've done,
[Never mind the task force. After they did for her. After all they’d done. She is the antagonist to Red and the task force now. ]
Cooper: I think it's crazy they haven't done it already. {Yeah this scene told me enough and I pretty much lost interest. This is all plot driven garbage so the show can redirect after wasting a year on a failed story. Like ISHTAR and Howard the DUCK!.]
I resent any implication that we would be less than forthcoming. Your classified technology was found in a facility being run by a known terrorist. Now someone in your position might be inclined to close ranks. Well, that won't happen. Everyone here has dedicated his or her life to protecting the American people. Tell us about the timing chip. It was manufactured within the last four months as part of a surface-to-air missile teleguidance system. Can you tell us who manufactured it? Specifically which employees? Well, a chip like that would travel across several of our divisions. We're talking 60, maybe 80 people. We're gonna need to see a list. Of course, but maybe we could suggest a more targeted approach. James Maddox. At one time, he was one of our best programmers. Was? He had a drinking problem along with anger issues. We tried to help, but, uh, in the end, we-- we had to part ways. [You got this line in the script regarding a potential sub plot character as a drunk and Red setting up an alcoholic. That’s a mistake. It means two stories were not written together and remain separate. ] Given what we perceived to be financial problems, he might be a person of interest. He had access to the chip? Yes. I knew Jim. I find it hard to believe that he would betray his country. 
[Original story. This doesn’t pertain to Samar because she did not betray her country, She is NOT A TRAITOR. WHO Told secrets to the CUBANS that US kept one of their traitors a mercenary? You see? Dialogue doesn’t lie only show runners. This is why this episode is anti climatic. The Red getting Liz pardon filled in the gaping hole.] Well, we'll get on that right away. In the meantime, we're gonna need to see that list. Patch: Just make some calls. Yeah. [ Dialing ] [ Dog barking ] All right, I'm gonna check the pier.
RED: {I literally skipped the above. Sorry its filler.] Wendy, dear, your ears must be burning. Dembe and I were just talking about you. [No introduction from Red plot she calls him. No lead in just cut to:]
Yeah? You figure out how I'm-a get my 13-year-old to soccer at the same time as Liam's piano lesson?
How are the boys?
Another day in paradise. Leo took up the baritone, the Supernovas won the regional championship, and Lionel started dating some college freshman with a nipple ring.
 Almost enough to make a woman hope Larry gets early parole.[Filler.]
 Mnh, not on your life, sugar. Let him rot. The boys are happy, I'm happy.
 To what do I owe the pleasure, my love?
 I got word that you're looking for the 411 on the New Martyrs Brigade.
 You got something?
 A little chatter. You know I'm always tracking the buzz on who's moving what and where. I hear the NMB's America bound. [Show is testing out a new asset for Red besides Glenn, Dembe, Brimley, and now Kaplan is gone. They have not finished writing her story arc. Back nine. Pathetic huh?]
Red: How many?
Wendy: I'm hearing six. Coming in scattershot.
Red: Their papers will be flawless. Who's running it? Al-Hambri?
 Wendy: Ha! You wish. They sent Farook.
Welcome back to the United States. You have a nice day now.
 Thank you, my love. You're like a human divining rod. You always know just where to look and just what to look for. Oh, and for what it's worth, I dropped a little extra something in the mail this month. Thought it might help with the orthodontist bills.
You wanna help? Come and fold some laundry. [ Dog retches ] I gotta go. Lazy Bones just barfed in the kitchen.
 [ Phone beeps ] James Maddox-- born August 1970. I don't know. What do you think? Does this look like the face of a traitor to you? Anybody's capable of anything. You know that. 
Yeah, well, there's a special level in hell for people who provided arms to terrorists. [Samar did that? No. One guess who Eisendrath had originally lined up to do such a thing.]  Heads up. James Maddox? Move! [ Tires screech ] FBI. FBI? [ Handcuffs click ]
Yeah. Yeah, I understand.
Uh, that was Agent Keen. [Oh really? Did you see her? Now Aram can say she's Agent Keen yet Harold balked at it? Plot driven garbage again both stories like in 323 DO NOT BLEND. Filler dialogue. Rewrite.] 
Mr. Reddington says NMB leadership sent six operatives to reclaim that bomb or, um, uh, whatever it is they lost at that factory. [ Door opens ] [Of course it does. SMDH.]
 It's time.
 Does Reddington have a name?
 Oh, yeah, one. Farook Al-Thani.
Agent Mojtabi, walk us through this again. Tell us exactly how you met Elise Nickerson. 
[YES WRITERS TELL US NOT SHOW. She just showed up NAked in Aram’s apartment to squash the traitor story. then they realized, oops, we wrote further into that. Let’s redirect it. Uh oh. Writers room war. Sabotage to the “character with a moral heart so that “he owes” Tom. Yeah hell no.]
 Aram: Okay, I was at the gym, and she had been waiting for a friend and asked to borrow my phone. [Pointless dialogue. None of this advances story. None of this advances Aram’s character. Its plot.] Uh, she said hers was lost. And then, you know, one thing led to another and...
And the next thing you knew, she was using your personal laptop to access classified data. Well, when you put it like that-- You expect us to believe you knew nothing about this?
 Aram: Yes, because I didn't. I love this country. I take my job very, very seriously. If I'm guilty of anything, it's-- it-- I have bad taste in women. A sort of blindness to-- Shauna Boyd was a kleptomaniac. Julia Hernandez was legally married. April Roderhorst had a little bit of a secret p0rn addiction. Um, that's a funny story, actually.
This is a deposition, not a memoir. [Eisendrath thinks this is amusing???]
 Let's keep the focus on how your computer was used to breach national security.
Yes, ma'am. [ Chair scraping ]
As-salamu alaykum. Farook. We didn't know our location was exposed. I had no idea an attack was coming. Yes. That's the problem. Look, I'm handling it. I'll find them. I... I have security camera footage from the attack. I convinced the police there wasn't any. Look, I know they sent you to warn me. Just... tell them, warning received. They didn't send me to warn you. They sent me to replace you. [ Gunshot ] [ Shell casing clatters ] It's Farook.
We need to talk.
Mmm. He's here.
I'm not here. [ Laughs ]
This meeting never took place. [now this we keep hearing in the original arc. Oh yes TWEAKING. What did Ressler say to Tom when he gave him the stupid Russian lead? “For what? This never happened. Before that Ressler touted, “I could go to jail...” and the Keens went....”Yeah um pops bubble gum so you think like you could hep us anyway Ressler? we need people to support us and even though in truth, you wouldn't trust me for lying and betraying everyone, your mine and tom’s lapdog now. ] 
And you will never be in the same room with the President-elect. [ Utensil clatters ] [Never say never in a storyline it means the exact opposite. the way we avoid the Never say never charge is using the word NOT. Blacklist however violated that rule last season.]
Red: You really should try Ginny's Cheeseburger Chowder. The ground chuck and spices, the melted cheese. I highly recommend it for the inaugural balls. [Proof the fish line is all they could muster to keep Red tied to the sub plot. They literally are using Spader.]
If you think you can maintain your immunity agreement by blackmailing the President-elect for allegedly taking illegal campaign contributions from Alexander Kirk, you're not as smart as everyone says you are. [Maintain your immunity agreement. A man without a country. Red will be going bye bye. unless they rewrite it the next day.]
Marlin, your boss made a campaign promise to me, and I intend to make sure he keeps it. [ Taps tabletop ] Tell Robert I'll be in touch. [ Typing ]
 How was the deposition?
 I'm sure you were great. [ Scoffs ]
 Aram: In your eyes. In theirs, I look a lot like this guy. Yusuf Tillisi? 
Mr. Reddington said [No Mr. Reddington did not we didn’t see it therefore it doesn’t exist and isn’t crucial to main plot.] six NMB members were dispatched to the US in the last 24 hours. He gave us one name, [BUT WE DON”T SEE RED SPEAKING DO WE?] but not the other five. Do you have any idea how many people fly into the country every day? So I had to customize an algorithm to search for-- Five needles in a huge haystack. 
What makes you think Tillisi is one?
Well, he's the right age. He works for a Middle Eastern trade organization that I'm not sure actually exists. He lives in Lebanon, but flew into Libya last month, and I am not seeing a return ticket out. Thing is, he flew into JFK almost 72 hours ago, so that doesn't fit Mr. Reddington's intel. He's probably legit, but it's probably worth tracking him down, verifying his reason for being in the country. Let me do it. Based on the places he flew, I have channels that might be a bit more comprehensive. You're going to be cleared. And when you are, we will celebrate. [Foreshadowing. However, There’s nothing in the dialogue to support eventually. Once again the writers prefer no happiness just plot driven gloom and doom.]
Our people know the penalty for disloyalty. I don't think you gave it to them. I think you sold it to them. Look, tell me the truth now, and maybe I can still help you. Too late. [Plot driven dialogue.] [ Sighs ] Mr. Maddox, we just executed a search warrant at your apartment and found a bank passbook hidden in a bathroom vent traceable to an account in Madrid. That's a lie. Oh. And we also found a burner phone taped underneath your kitchen table, one with a string of international calls-- to Libya. Okay, what the hell's going on? I'm being framed. I swear, none of that is mine. [ Door closes ] [Drop in] What are you doing here? I heard the FBI-- That is under control. I need your assistance. No. No, no, no, forget it. I knew it was a mistake letting you talk me into configuring that chip. A $200,000 mistake. Look, like it or not, we are in this together. If I go down, we both go down. What do you need me to do? This is the, uh, surveillance footage from last night's attack. I want you to run the facial tomography software on the attackers. If they had masks, it's gonna take a minute. Can you just do it? [ Door opens, closes ]
[Of course. how did I know this. DROP IN]
 Forget it, Keen. I know that look. Don't tell me you believe him. [There was zero partnership in the interrogation room. ]
Liz: Something's off. It's just a read, but his denial seems genuine. I might take that bet. [Now this would’ve been good CHARACTER filler. Ressler bets Liz but did they do it? No. Zero human emotion displayed in the war room and no follow up. Because plot driven has no bearing to the back nine. Wasted opportunity.] Blackthorn called. Another programmer came forward. Says he saw Maddox handling that timer chip a month ago, just before it dropped out of inventory. What about an eyewitness, Keen? Does that change your mind?
Take Navabi and get a statement. Where is Agent Navabi? ♪ [ Keypad beeps ] Ezra. We've got a problem. One of my colleagues at the Bureau flagged Ezra. What does he know? Nothing yet. I volunteered to verify that he's in the country for a legitimate reason. Defending our homeland from extremist savages? Doesn't get more legitimate than that. [Yes according to the Blacklist Samar and Mossad are our greatest Enemy. See how STUPID this rewrite is? They can't even promote their show honestly.] Mossad carried out a black op on American soil. If the FBI finds out about it, it will be an international incident. [But its not TREASON. We are not at war with Israel. This does not fit the original story at all. Samar is defending Israel I don’t know of ONE American in office that goes against Israel. Do you? Horrible. They did it again. Originally Ressler’s storyline this time they give it to Samar. First Aram then Samar. Unbelievable. So Eisendrath STILL has no storyline for Ressler except that he could go to jail, and Tom owes him.]
Where's the system? It's here. Safe. For now. Reddington says [Again DID YOU SEE IT?] the NMB sent Farook with a team to get it back. You need to take the system and go. You all need to leave the country. What about you? I will do what I can to keep the Bureau's attention elsewhere. Besides, I don't think Alma would appreciate me tagging along. Alma? Yesterday's news. You're-- you're right. Better get moving. Be safe. [ Door opens, closes ] You did it? Wasn't easy. Most of the footage was too remote. But I did find an image that was close enough to scan. Our program creates a computed tomography map, which I had to convert into a 3-D image. [ Typing ] Based on the data, we got a 96% match. My God. Do you know her? She's FBI. [ Typing ] According to our profile, she's Mossad.[Yeah not ISIS. This is so stupid.] Mr. Deavers. Tell me you found our system. Not yet. But don't worry, Farook. I know just where to look. You can't do this. I wasn't driving recklessly, and my navigation system will prove that I wasn't speeding. What's your name, anyway? Hey, are you listening to me? You're about to make a very big mistake. Pick up the phone and call my-- [ Car door closes ] [ Huffs ] [ Car door opens ] [ Groans ] Oh, boy. [ Clears throat ] Isn't this a sticky wicket?
You son of a bitch. 
As I mentioned, Senator Diaz made a campaign promise that I intend to hold him to. 
You what, uh, bribe them? [establishing character. As if audience never saw season one.]
I've been known to make the occasional charitable contribution. In exchange, my back is scratched by the good men in blue. Yours, not so much. You blew a .12. I what? Blood alcohol content. Next time, call a cab. 
[ Laughs ] Are you out of your mind? I've been sober for 12 years. 
Which is what makes your relapse that much more tragic. 
The President can't have a dipsomaniac serving as legal counsel. Happily, there is a way to avoid the drunk tank. 
The inauguration is in two weeks. How the hell do you expect me to get you a private meeting? I have no idea. Let's hope you're smarter than everyone says you are, Marlin. Marlin-- that's not a very common name. I knew a Marlin when I was young. Marlin Trout. One boy, two fish names. Funny. Set the meeting, Marlin. [ Door thuds ] [Drop in Scene.]
[ANOTHER DROP IN SCENE] I got your text. What's up? 
We're rolling out. Gotta take a witness statement. Someone from Blackthorn? A programmer who claims he saw Maddox with the timer chip. A month ago, but for some reason didn't bother coming forward until after the company had already served up Maddox on a silver platter. 
I'm telling you, something's off about this. There's only one way to find out. Will you give me a second?
Cooper: I spoke with Panabaker about your reinstatement. [Did you see that scene? Exactly. ] She said there's nothing she can do.[LIAR. Seriously I LOATHE PLOT FORMAT.]  
Liz: No remorse or act of contrition. I specifically tweeted Bokenkamp this last night. He's got to know his heroine is bordering the point of no return here.] 
Nothing she can do now or ever? Sir, what'd she say? [They are Telling not showing.]
She said the Attorney General would need to okay your reinstatement. Since you pled guilty to killing his predecessor, that's... not going to happen. I'm so sorry. [But Liz takes no responsibility. No remorse. Just pouting poor me, I am the victim I am the one who pays no one else. I am so sick of this.]  Yeah, so am I. 
Hey, I ran down Yusuf Tillisi. The trade company he works for, it's real. The CEO put me in touch with him directly. He's here for a few meetings then flies out at the end of the week. I'm sorry, but he checks out. Mr. Cooper got word from Main Justice. I am officially... not a person of interest.[BUT YOU NEVER SEE COOPER GIVE HIM THE NEWS. PLOT DROP IN SCENE] 
Samar: That's great news. 
Um... Yeah, right? Um... Hey, I've never been so relieved to be told I am not interesting. Uh, I thought we could, um, could maybe celebrate over... dinner. 
Samar: It's a date. You pick. And make it somewhere amazing. [ Knock on door ] DROP IN!
Mr. Atwell? FBI. Agent Ressler, this is Agent Navabi.
That was fast. [HAHAHAHAHAHAHA WHEN WRITERS HATE REWRITING DROP IN SCENES.] We understand you have information regarding a James Maddox and a theft at Blackthorn Kincaid. Uh, yes, please come in. I'd prefer the neighbors didn't know anything about this. Is everything okay, Mr. Atwell?
Agent Ressler.
 We were set up. There was no witness. It was an ambush. [IT WAS A REWRITE.] They were inside the house. The NMB took Samar. [Samar plans this raid but Ressler never gets the opportunity to lash out? Yeah this is a bad rewrite and id expect more drop in scenes up until redemption airs. This show officially blows.]
The NMB?
Look, they wanted to kill me and abduct her. That makes no sense. Why would the NMB single out Agent Navabi? They're in a black SUV, no rear plate, shattered rear window. All right, sending an alert to local law enforcement now, rolling all backup units to your location.
Liz: [Her gratuitous scene for the arc to give her some fake contact with Daddy.] Reddington, we need your help. Samar's been abducted. The NMB just took her. Slow down. I'm putting you on a speaker. [ Beep ] [Meaning no scenes with James. Pure rewrite.]
We're sending you everything, all the search results for possible NMB members coming into the country, all the flights and profiles we've ruled out. Maybe we missed something. Have you identified anyone other than Farook?
No. My program's vetted tens of thousands of possible candidates but only one real suspect so far, and Agent Navabi cleared him.
His name is Yusuf Tillisi. His photo was part of the file we just sent you. But Samar spoke to him-- said it was nothing.
Yusuf Tillisi isn't a terrorist. He also isn't Yusuf Tillisi. His real name is Ezra Mandell, an operative for the Mossad. Samar knows him. She's worked with him. [BUT SAMAR IS A TRAITOR RIGHT? SMDH]
Why would she lie about that?
To protect her fellow countrymen. To prevent you from linking the Mossad to the attack on Arkani's operation.
A Mossad strike team was operating here? Without permission? [THIS IS NOT A TRAITOR this is a BAD SCRIPT! This show cannot make up their minds.]
At least we know why the NMB took her. The question is where and how long they'll keep her alive.
 Tell me where the system is.
 Save yourself an immense amount of pain.
 I'm good.
 I can't remember a time when I wasn't fighting Israel. As a boy in Gaza, I threw rocks at soldiers. As I grew, so did the weapons. The rocks became guns, the guns became rockets. For me, life is war. And that war changed with the creation of the Iron Dome, the most advanced missile defense system in history. Over 1,200 of our rockets were intercepted. [So Mossad is America’s Greatest enemy? Nice work Blacklist. You step in it every chance you get. Unfair to rookie writers having to clean up your garbage because you cannot decide on story direction.]
The NMB realized that the best way to defeat a superior technology is to turn an engineering designer. James Maddox. Mr. Maddox was just convenient. The NMB's money bought them someone much higher up the food chain. I promised them a teleguidance system capable of getting past the Iron Dome. After six months of work, I do not intend to start over. So... where is it? Don't make me ask again. We're all set. There's a Hawker 900 on the tarmac at BWI. Take the system. Use one of those SKB cases. Put this in the car. [ Door thuds open ] [SO MANY DROP IN SCENES RIGHT?]
FBI! Hands in the air now! Levi Shur. You don't call, you don't write.
How'd you find us? [PLOT PLOT PLOT]
Mossad opened this safe house with the Bureau's assistance. I know because our agencies share intel. At least I thought they did. [He knows because its in the script. Audience never experiences any of this so there’s a build up. NO SUSPENSE] The NMB has Samar. We know you hit Arkani's factories, and so do they. How? I don't know, but she was taken by Farook Al-Thani almost an hour ago.
She-- She lied to us. Tried to protect you when she found out Mossad was behind the raid.
I don't know what you're talking about. No?
 No. Samar didn't find out about the raid. Samar planned the raid. [ Grunts ] [And no fall out. Only with Cooper. WHOLE THING IN ONE SETTING. NO Fall out with Ressler [You're a fine Agent Navabi.] 
 Enough. We need to escalate this. [ Laughs ] What the hell is so funny?
She won't talk. We're both the same. Both true believers willing to die for what we love. Farook, we may have something. There's an entry for someone only under the letter "L." The number's on the list we have for possible Mossad operatives. Call it. Now hang on, if it's the Mossad, they might be able to trace the call back. There's no strategic reason to contact them. Unless they are willing to trade their agent for our system.
That wasn't the plan. She's seen my face. She can't be traded for anything, understand? She's never leaving this room.
You are not my concern.
 We had a deal. I'm not signing off on this. Then it seems you are the one never leaving this room. [ Gunshot, shell casing clatters ] [ Body thuds ] What about the CIA? Homeland? Nobody in your government has intel as to where they may have taken her? What about Mossad? You guys know Arkani's building a bomb, but you don't know whether he's got a safe house nearby? No. [ Sighs ] And it's not a bomb. It's a missile guidance system designed to defeat the Iron Dome. In the wrong hands, it could jeopardize the lives of thousands. 
Then I'll feel better when it's in my hands. Get it. Fine. Take it. All I care about is finding Samar.  She's an operative, Levi. She knew the risks. I'm not letting her die. You said it yourself-- the wrong step now could jeopardize the lives of thousands of innocent civilians. Hey, neither of you is gonna do anything. This is an FBI matter now. Are we clear? I'm still going to that park. [ Cellphone ringing ] Get him back here. Now. [ Beep ] Cooper: Agent Ressler, no word on Agent Navabi. You have the system? Yeah, we have it right here. But look-- Levi! 
I've got him. Do I stop him? It's our careers if this goes wrong, but... No, let him make the drop. Just make damn sure that system doesn't get out of the park. This goes nowhere until Samar is brought here. [ Computer beeping ] It's been authenticated. Where is she? [ Tires squeal ] That's her. That's her! Uh, South Drive. All units move in. Stop that van! Ressler, move your team in now. Hands! Hands where I can see 'em. [ Drone whirring ] Bring it down! [ Whirring continues ] I'm not the one controlling it. [ Gunfire ] Cover him! [ Gunfire ] [ Sirens wailing ] Aram, I lost visual. What do you got? Nothing. It just-- it disappeared. Well, whoever was controlling it had line of sight to this park. Cooper: Somebody saw it. We're monitoring for reports or complaints. Oh, oh, I got one. I got one. Reports of someone flying a drone from the roof of the Mazelon Hostel. All right, the address-- I got it. Call in security! Aram. I gather we have a picture of Farook. I might have him leaving the hostel on 92nd. On the ground! On the ground! Move.[AND THAT IS DIEGO’s BIG SCENE SINCE EPISODE 401. AND PPL DONT THINK EISENDRATH ISN”T TRYING TO WRITE RESSLER INTO A CORNER?] We're ready for you this time, Jonathan. Been working on my Paso Doble. [ Chuckles ] Fred Astaire, look out! Bobby's lost six pounds. Ah, now, two million people may watch the inauguration, but the dance floor's all Miriam cares about. And my girl and I are gonna tear it up. Uh, sir, sir. Huh? Huh? [ Laughs ] What's wrong with him? Sir, there's a... situation. I'm so sorry. I would've told you about it earlier, but-- 
There you are. Dance lessons. What fun! What the hell is he doing here? Oh, my God. You're-- Just hoping the jackals and mongers will give you the time and space you need to settle in before they start feasting at your doorstep. What the hell are you doing here? Robert, I know your dance card is full, but we have an appointment that I must insist you keep. The mustache is an interesting choice, sort of a Grover Cleveland look, I suppose. Marlin, call security. No, just... give us a moment. You and I are even. Not quite. The hell we're not. I halted my presidential campaign and launched a Senate hearing into Alexander Kirk's links to terrorism. [WHY DIDN’T RED JUST BLACKMAIL THE CURRENT PRESIDENT? USUALLY ITS THE OUTGOING PREZ WHO PARDONS NOT THE INCOMING. BUT THIS IS PLOT PLOT PLOT.] And in exchange, you received a generous donation and an appreciable bump in the polls, and now look what's happened. Robert, the man you're replacing as the leader of the free world has a legacy he'll want you to help burnish by keeping certain people and policies in place. He'll want favors. To get them, this is one of the things he'll have to do for you. [SO THIS FAR FETCHED MONSTROSITY IS FOR RED TO HAVE DIAZ BLACKMAIL THE CURRENT PRESIDENT. NOT RED. YEAH. OK.] This is over. You and I are done. Then perhaps I should speak to Miriam. I'm sure she's dying to know what kind of business you and I have been conducting. It's up to you, Robert. Would you prefer to be in the White House or the doghouse? [WEAK ARGUMENT. THEYRE EMASCULATING RED.] Robert? [ Early Winters' "Vanishing Act" playing ] [ Radio chatter ] You put our country at risk to get me back. I don't know whether to hit you or hug you. [ Chuckles ] Well, you know what Ezra said about Alma-- I broke off our engagement. I'm sorry. Don't be sorry. Be happy. ♪ and insatiable ♪ ♪ video game ♪ Cooper: 
Yes, to protect my country. 
Your country? While you're on this task force, the country you're protecting is the United States. 
And today, I protected both. Almost died in the process. ♪ where do you go to... ♪ 
You need to think about where your allegiance lies. 
No, I don't. 
Fine. You're clear about that. Let me be clear about this-- You can't lie to me. You can't operate without my authority, ever. I feel I've earned your trust and respect. Now go home, get some rest, and think about whether you agree with that. If you do, I'll see you in the morning. If not, I won't. 
He's right. You should, uh, get some rest. Dinner can wait. 
You sure?
Thank you for the rain check. 
You know how I told you that deposition was terrifying? Yeah, 
it was worse than terrifying. It was... embarrassing. There I was on the record, testifying to what horrible taste I have in women, my, uh, habit of falling for people who aren't what they appear to be, what I make them out to be. What happened with Elise was kind of soul crushing. [SHE WAS IN TWO EPISODES. ARE U EFFING KIDDING ME] To find out that the person that you love... ♪ say we were abducted... ♪ ...the person that you can see yourself marrying and having a family with and-- and growing old with, to find out that... 
Is a spy. Someone whose allegiances you can't trust. [YOU CANT TRUST ISRAEL? THIS SHOW IS JUST...SMDH] 
TOM: I thought Panabaker told Cooper you'd never be reinstated.[ Rewrite was set up so Tom coul pontificate on his dad to set up his redemption arc on blacklist,[not even dick wolf does this.] Liz could get her pardon, SAMAR takes the fall in EISENDRATH’S SCRAPPED ARC TO REDIRECT THE TRAITOR STORYLINE.] 
She did, why? Woman: ...precedent for commuting sentences in the final hours of an administration. But the full presidential pardon of Elizabeth Keen for the murder of Attorney General Tom Connolly is certainly the most surprising in recent memory... 
LIZ: [This dialogue is NOT necessary. none of it. the best scene if this were written by a writer who cared? it would go off with Liz’ reaction. not a hug fro Tom. Liz soul searching or looking back at her FBI cases, something to show she's longed for this. Like Knauf did in Gregory Devry. Liz moving into her new apartment. Liz looking at her FBI pic She wasn’t thinking about Tom. She was focused on herself. This? Does none of that. Its just a storyline plopped in OUT OF THE BLUE that was planned to get them out of ratings hell.] 
Did she just say... You've been pardoned. Oh, my God. Liz, you've been pardoned. [ Gasps ] [ Laughs ] [ Gasps ]...continue to speculate on what was behind the President's controversial decision to pardon Elizabeth Keen. The White House issued a statement that the President will not be commenting.
 Look, I was thinking about what you told me. Well, like I said, I hope you're happy about it. 
There's someone else. I've been waiting a long time for this, for us, for you. But... I am in love with someone else. ♪ and if we can stop a restless night ♪ I
[Horrible dialogue. THIS IS WHAT YOU WRITE:
Liz: I never thought this would happen. How did you...” [And by the way this is still a drop in scene even though you don’t see Liz going through the door or leaving. one dimensional sets to rewrite story. done in soaps all the damn time.]
COOPER: “It was Reddington.”
Liz: [Tears appears brave.] “I can’t describe how I feel except. Im so angry with my self.Truth is, I don’t deserve it. I’ve hurt so many people I love. Even Reddington.”
Cooper: “You’ve been given a second chance. One most people never get in a lifetime. Use it wisely. [ Drawer opens ] I'm just glad I can finally say... it's good to have you back, Agent Keen. ♪
Then you hold on her face and split screen with Red’s. but they don’t a shyt about this story. If they did, they'd write decent filler, and stop the egos. Four writers on ONE script and this is the result. Editing is bad. Dialogue choice is bad. Concept of the procedural is good but main plot does not match rest of theme, and that is a no no. “we’ll fix it later...” Meanwhile 12 months later....since The Director....]
  Read more at: http://transcripts.foreverdr
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cameronwjones · 6 years
INBOUND 2018: Tips from 15 Veteran Attendees
INBOUND 2018 is one of the biggest marketing events of the year. We spoke with 15 experienced marketers to glean best practices and tips for getting the most out of this major happening.
Held in the city of Boston, INBOUND 2018 is a three day event filled with high energy, tons of amazing sessions and (as of 2017 numbers) 21,000+ potential networks for you to make. In brief, there's a lot to do.
To help bring out the best of your time at INBOUND, we've asked 15 industry professionals about their past experiences at this mega event. Our respondents shared a wide range of perspectives, offering insights into how they organize their time between networking, attending sessions and still ensuring they have enough energy to pace themselves throughout the event.
While the below responses are inspired by INBOUND, they can easily be applied to other event you attend, as well.
Britta Schellenberg, VP Corporate Marketing Ops, Brightcove
Your attendance should cover: sessions, sponsors, Inbound booth and people you need to meet up with. Conferences are a great way to not only get inspired, but to meet with technology partners, learn some new tricks, and network.
First go through the agenda and mark off what sessions you want to attend. Make sure you leave some open slots. Use these open slots to mark down what sponsors you want to connect with (they are all listed on the event website) and save a big time slot to visit the Inbound booth. Finally, see from your network (I suggest LinkedIn), who else is attending and reach out to schedule a coffee date.
This will transform the event experience and help drive more perceived value to the role that events play in overall marketing strategies.
"This might sound trivial, but spend time to plan your day(s) thoroughly."
Jenny Mudarri, Content Marketing Manager, Wistia
My best piece of advice would be to do your research ahead of time and really try to determine what sessions you'll benefit the most from attending. If there are sessions that overlap, find a friend or colleague and ask them to take notes! There's nothing wrong with spreading the wealth. Also, definitely bring water and an emergency snack, just in case.
"If there are sessions that overlap, find a friend or colleague and ask them to take notes!"
Oren Smith, Marketing Manager, Precision Marketing Group
INBOUND is such a great opportunity to learn and grow as a marketer, but the sheer size of the conference can make staying organized a challenge. A few words to the wise: Familiarize yourself with the convention center map.
Either select to attend a few sequential break-out sessions that are close together or be prepared to make a quick exit and move on to your next location – particularly if you aren't pre-registered for a presentation you'd like to see.
Be sure to get plenty of rest the night before. And finally, don't forget to update your LinkedIn profile and bring plenty of business cards! You never know who you'll meet—a potential partner, an industry peer, or even a prospective lead for your business—and it's important to make a good impression.
"Don't forget to update your LinkedIn profile and bring plenty of business cards!"
Kristen Onsgard, Marketing Ops Specialist, Towerdata
Be prepared to be flooded with enlightening and actionable inbound marketing thought leadership. Because the content is so dense, INBOUND can be overwhelming — in the best way possible. Grab your coffee and come armed with your favorite note-taking software. I used Evernote to create a different note for each session, and followed up with speakers afterward via LinkedIn or Twitter to download a copy of their slides.
"Followed up with speakers afterward via LinkedIn or Twitter to download a copy of their slides"
Jessica Hennessey, Director of Marketing, Wakefly
I distribute my time across different sessions for specific objectives I wish to achieve. I always like to pick 1 or 2 sessions that helps with personal development that challenges my personal thinking or exposes me to something I had never thought of.
Then I pick 1 or 2 sessions that are targeted to the C-suite. This is to help me learn more about what CXO's are focusing their energy on so that I can look for opportunities in my job to be proactive about it and bring it to their attention.
As someone that manages staff, I also look for a session or two that helps me be a better manager. The rest of the sessions are dedicated to the day-to-day work of my current role and career development.
"1 or 2 sessions that helps with personal development... 1 or 2 sessions that are targeted to the C-suite... 1 or 2 sessions that helps me be a better manager."
  Allison Casey, Digital Marketing Director, WSOL
With such a wide variety of tracks and session topics at INBOUND, it can be a little overwhelming to put together your schedule. I recommend honing in on a few topics areas (such as product knowledge, or improving conversions, etc) and building your schedule around learning the most you can about those topics. Oh, and wear comfortable shoes!
"I recommend honing in on a few topics areas and build your schedule around learning the most you can about those topics."
  Lauren Connors, Account Coordinator, Spot On Agency
In order to get the most out of sessions as well as your time at INBOUND, definitely research the sessions that are available and register ahead of time! Make sure you seek out a few topics you know very little about as well as a few you are fairly knowledgable in but would like to learn more.
"Definitely research the sessions that are available and register ahead of time!"  
  Allen Finn, Senior Product Marketing Specialist, Wordstream
Hot take alert: the secret to a successful first INBOUND experience is not the programming, it's the people. Are the keynotes inspirational? Yup. Is there a ton of value to be gleaned from the myriad breakout sessions? Absolutely.
But don't be so quick to push to the front of the crowds milling about before throngs of smart people take the main stage. Don't schedule yourself to the hilt during breakouts. More than 21,000 people attended INBOUND 2017 last year; that's more potential clients, employers, and friends than you'll probably talk to in the next decade.
There are plenty of opportunities to sit and listen: save some of your time for exploration and good old fashioned conversation. Each day you should give yourself permission to wander. Chat with the shirt and koozie-hocking people manning sponsorship booths. Sidle up next to someone you've never met and introduce yourself while you're milling about at 7:30am waiting for coffee. While the knowledge you glean listening to the unreal gallery of speakers might yield new skills and strategies, the relationships you forge between bites of your porchetta sandwich and sips of beer will prove far more fruitful over the course of your career.
"Save some of your time for exploration and good old fashioned conversation. Each day you should give yourself permission to wander."
Will Curan,                                                 CEO, Endless Events
Two things. First, INBOUND is an incredibly high-energy conference so make sure you're equally as energetic throughout the week! You'll definitely get more out of the event if you are.
Second, create a solid game plan for session attendance. Prioritize the ones that you think will be most helpful and get there early as many of the popular sessions fill up quick.
Also, don't feel the need attend sessions that will be recorded because you can look back on those when you have time. Similarly, there will be certain sessions that will be put on again as "encore sessions" so keep a close eye on the agenda each day to see which sessions will be held a second time.
"Keep a close eye on the agenda each day to see which sessions will be held a second time."
Amanda Nielsen, Internal Marketer,    New Breed Marketing
It's no secret that outbound events are expensive, so make sure you calculate your estimated expenses and compare with your goal ROI so that you can get the most out of your INBOUND experience.
Once you've crunched the numbers and identified a goal ROI, you can determine how many leads you'll need to generate in order to meet this goal. Sure, this seems like an intimidating task, but here's how you can break it down simply: If you spend $1000 to attend this event and you want to see an ROI of at least 150 percent, you will need to capture enough leads to translate to $1,500 or more in revenue.
Work backward from your revenue goal, use your historical benchmark data on your lifecycle conversion rates to determine how many leads you need in your marketing and sales funnel. Doing so will ensure you can effectively track your progress while at the event. 
"Work backward from your revenue goal, use your historical benchmark data on your lifecycle conversion rates to determine how many leads you need" 
Frank Isca, Senior Inbound Marketing Consultant, Weidert
As a veteran INBOUND attendee, I feel I've learned a lot in the six years I've been attending. My first year attending was in 2012 which was only 2,800 attendees, so it was a little easier to navigate the conference matrix and decide on which sessions to attend. Now with the INBOUND conference exceeding 21,000+ attendees in 2017 and the number of sessions continuing to grow, it can be overwhelming for an experience INBOUND attendee let alone a newbie!
My #1 strategy for building a game plan for your INBOUND schedule is to sort and research the sessions by presenter. A lot of sessions sound great from the title but the quality of the presenter can make or break what you take away. So, do your research on which presenters are in the schedule that you're already aware of and the ones that come highly recommended. In addition, be aware of how much distance you have between sessions since the BCEC is a huge venue!"
"A lot of sessions sound great from the title but the quality of the presenter can make or break what you take away."
    Erin Durham, Vice President,
Waypost Marketing
  Inbound is huge, overwhelming, inspiring, and incredibly motivating. You'll take in far more information than you can digest in the few days that you're there.
  To keep a leash on your spinning brain, I recommend bringing a fresh notebook and creating sections in it. Obviously, you'll want a section for well-labeled session notes, but you'll also find yourself needing a section for Action Items, a Reading List, a Writing List (if you're like me, you'll be inspired to create content — to add your own voice to the discussions you're hearing around you), and a General Ideas section where you can jot down all the random thoughts that float through your head.
  Spend time in this notebook during free sessions and at night, reviewing your notes, finishing half-written thoughts, and fleshing out ideas, so when you return to work, you're ready to hit the ground running! Trust me, you will not have time to do all that once you're back at your desk.
"Spend time in this notebook during free sessions and at night, reviewing your notes, finishing half-written thoughts, and fleshing out ideas, so when you return to work, you're ready to hit the ground running!"
Mikita Mikado, CEO, PandaDoc
Inbound started as a conference for marketers as well as agency owners. However, it got a lot more diverse in the recent years. You can easily meet people from sales and operations there.
Going to specific educational tracks, parties and talks will help to focus on the right crowd. Inbound's mobile app or agenda is a huge help for that. And don't be afraid to approach people! You'll meet many fun and innovative folks there.
"Don't be afraid to approach people! You'll meet many fun and innovative folks there."
Kevin Benson, Senior Global Event Director, G2 Crowd
Always attend ancillary events when you are at a conference, whether it be INBOUND or any other. Professional networking is just as important whether attending a session or going to a dinner. I have found my most fruitful connections to be at smaller, hosted events such as a margarita happy hour or a concert. Find a great customer to join you and pick several prospects to wine, dine and enjoy each event!
"Find a great customer to join you and pick several prospects to wine, dine and enjoy each event!"
  Kaylynne Hatch, Marketing Manager, Inflow
My recommendation would be to check the map against your session schedule as soon as its available. When I attended in 2017, I completely filled up my schedule without checking the map and wound up spending all of my time between sessions making a mad dash across the building to get to the next one in time.
Not only did I wind up exhausted by the end of each day, I lost out on opportunities to stop and network with those around me and I didn't have much of a chance to check out the expo hall. Make sure you schedule enough time to not only get to your sessions but to also appreciate the rest of the event as well!
"Check the map against your session schedule as soon as its available."
Wrapping Up: Your INBOUND 2018 experience
The INBOUND Conference is a huge event for all marketing, sales and operations professionals. With its influence and popularity increasing year after year, this is an event which definitely pushes your limit as an attendee (in the best way possible).
Here's a quick breakdown of what our 15 experts have shared to maximize your time at INBOUND:
Double check your session timings and location—the venue is huge.
Always take notes, you can't remember everything without it.
Dedicate time to networking.
Rest well to keep up with the high energy levels at the conference.
Have fun!
Hopefully you can employ these tips and tricks to your own arsenal of event attending secrets to maximize your time at this annual event.
You can find more tips for winning at INBOUND here.
On a separate note, Bizzabo will be exhibiting this year as well. We hope to see you there!
  from Cameron Jones Updates https://blog.bizzabo.com/inbound-tips-from-veteran-attendees
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