#orange logan is a fun one!
amazable01 · 10 months
New mindscape hc dropped
Okay, but about thinking the incorrect quotes vid as well as rewatching the plushie ep gave me an idea: what if it's like an apartment building? It can be altered for people to live together if they so choose or it's called for, but everyone has a similar set up to Thomas' canon home with a room, a open-floor plan house, and a bathroom. I also imagine there's a communal area with a lounge, a gym, the entrance (which is also how to get to the imagination), and other party rooms and breakfast nooks and other mishmashes of hotels/apartment buildings.
More under the cut, cause this got longer that I was planning-
The twins obviously share an apartment, as much Roman hates it, and it's a messy blend of creative passion and hulking monstrosities. Depending on which of them Thomas is drawing from, the colored lighting and atmosphere will shift to reflect that. They have a habit of decorating into each other's spaces, which causes fights and snapping at one another. They have too many weapons, and they use them more frequently than you'd hope.
Patton and Logan moved in together awhile ago, and their space is fairly similar to Thomas' normal apartment, generally. The two keep to their own spaces, unless Thomas is choosing to indulge in either one of them, and then the main area becomes a mess for a while. They do have dogs, they're not supposed to have dogs, but Logan can't bring himself to make Patton depressed by removing the dogs. Very 'sitcom from the 90s' vibes w/ them and the others.
Janus and Virgil have their own places. Did they live together before? Maybe. Janus still has a key to Virgil's apartment, and Virgil has an empty room that collects dust and random memorabilia, but regardless, they don't live together anymore, and their spaces are very carefully personalized. Both have multiple pets (snakes and spiders respectively, but also many others depending on their moods), and they've made a pact to not tell Logan. (This pact has been broken so many times that Logan doesn't bother anymore.)
The Neighbors are those who have not been introduced, but do in fact exist. Janus, Remus, and Virgil know a lot about them, but the other three know significantly less.
There are all kinds of shenanigans happening. Pranks wars on holiday decor, an indoor pool which is the sight of every pool party, a fancy ballroom for more formal events, a continental breakfast that appears every day at the same time but is gone mysteriously by lunch, and plenty of other areas that can be found if you just know where to look. And then everything else you would need is just outside the front doors.
Lemme know what you think about this idea, cause I kind of love it? And I'm tempted to play around w/ it a bit. And feel free to add onto it, if you'd like! There's a lot of exploration with this concept.
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logically-asexual · 1 year
One more time with feeling
Part one of this series is 'I can tell I've rotted in your brain', about Logan being slowly pushed away over the years until one day he is kicked out of Thomas's conscious mind and becomes the orange side.
This is part two, about Logan finally coming back.
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Chapter 5
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words: 2630
Logan sat next to Thomas in the office, as Thomas mentally prepared to talk to his employee —not  coworker, as Logan had corrected him. 
“Repeat after me:” Logan said, “I am the boss.”
“I am the boss.” Thomas repeated. 
“It is my job to make the decisions, and it is their job to help me fulfill them.”
Thomas echoed everything his Side said. 
“Good.” Logan nodded. “Now, the purpose of your agreement with these people is for you not to overwork yourself and create more, correct?” 
“If they do something that makes you work more instead of less with no further gain or profit, the purpose is not achieved. Therefore a part of the process is wrong and must be fixed.”
Thomas seemed determined for now. This was the third time they tried to fix this problem, but at every attempt Thomas chickened out and ignored Logan’s instructions. Logan could only hope it would finally work this time. 
“It is our job to make the decisions and theirs to help us with them.” Logan repeated. “What decision did we make?”
“We’re… returning the stuff they ordered and they will try to find a sponsor to make up for the money lost.”
“Correct. Now all you have to do is tell them to do it.”
Thomas nodded and stood up. 
He did it. It wasn’t as hard as he expected, the other person listened and agreed to do what Thomas told them. Logan decided to take advantage of the success and try one more thing. 
Thomas gathered the few people working in the office at the moment and asked them for feedback to their communication channels, if there was a way they would rather receive the important information from meetings they missed. A few agreed that the summaries Thomas emailed to them were fine. He didn’t miss, however, how one person in particular rolled their eyes. 
“Danny, what do you think?” Logan managed that Thomas’ tone wasn’t angry, but firm, just like a teacher’s. 
The employee shifted in their place. At least they had the decency of being embarrassed while everyone stared at them. Not so brave now, Logan thought. 
“I guess my inbox does get kind of crowded,” they muttered, “and things are easy to miss.”
“Oh, alright.” Thomas smiled. “Would it help if I sent you a text message instead?” 
The other just nodded, not looking Thomas in the eye. Logan was beaming with pride. Now they didn’t have an excuse to ignore Thomas, and everyone else here witnessed the agreement.
Thomas said goodbye to his employees and left the office for the day, leaving them to finish setting up the place for filming their new video soon. He sat in his car, with Logan in the passenger seat.
“See, that wasn’t so—“ Logan was about to remark on how well things had gone when a loud cry made him jump. “Thomas?” 
“That was horrible!” he yelled. “I am horrible!” He hit the steering wheel with the side of his closed fist. 
Logan frowned. “How can you say that? We set goals to achieve today and we did that successfully, what—“
“I am a terrible person, they’re all going to hate me. What am I going to do?” He hid his face between his hands. 
“But— But everything went according to our plan.”
“Didn’t you see their faces? I was supposed to build a good working environment and instead I abuse my power to  humiliate someone in front of their coworkers—“
“Thomas, control yourself.” 
Thomas pouted at him, but stayed quiet. 
“You’re an adult. You were behaving like one.” 
“No, I was behaving like an assho—“ Thomas stopped himself when he saw the way Logan’s eyebrows raised. “No, sorry I wasn’t trying to insult you, it’s just that… I don’t… That didn’t feel like myself at all!” 
“Well, duh, that’s predictable when you’ve repressed this side of your personality for two years, to the point of forgetting it existed!” 
“I thought that we had been over this and now you were going to help me!”
“I am helping you, but it is too hard to tell if you actually want my help, or if you’re going to keep whining every time I make a suggestion.“
“Hey don’t talk to me like that!”
Luckily for Thomas, the windows of his car were up and anyone who happened to pass by would think he was having a heated discussion over the speaker. 
“Okay nevermind just…” Thomas tried to relax as he started the car. “I don’t want to think right now, I just want to get home.”
Logan took a deep breath in. “We’re not going home yet.” 
“We’re going to buy a work desk for your apartment.”
“What?! No! Do you know how expensive furniture is these days? And where am I going to put an entire desk? I can’t change the arrangement of the first floor, that’s where I film!” Thomas’s head was reeling, suddenly finding it hard to believe this was what his life had become. 
“It’s an investment for your work and to save us the future medical bills for the back problems you’re getting from that terrible habit you have of working on your couch or your bed.”
“And where do you suppose we get the money for that, Mr….” he didn’t have energy to think of some nickname, “Serious Adult!?”
“Perhaps you could sell some of the useless toys you have laying around the house, and that way you would also make space for the desk.” 
Logan looked so arrogant like this, Thomas thought, sitting there looking so satisfied with his own reasoning, staring straight through the windshield, his jaw set. 
In hindsight, listening to the old Logan seemed so much easier. 
A few hours later they made it back home with a list of possible desk and chair models, their brands, and prices. Thomas walked into his living room and immediately crumpled the list in his hands and threw it across the room. 
Logan sank out directly to his bedroom. He let himself fall into the bed. Then, he reached for one of the heavier books on the bedside table and lifted it above his forehead. Before he could use it to test the strength of his skull, a yellow-gloved hand got in the way. 
Janus took the book from him as Logan sat up, his hands following it.
“Devolving to your old healthy coping mechanisms, I see…” he drawled as he held the book behind his back, out of Logan’s reach. 
Logan didn’t speak, but the narrowed eyes with which he looked up at him and the redness around them told Janus everything he needed to know. His pupils seemed to shine brighter at the moment.  
“Come on.” He stretched a hand, “let’s take a break.”
Despite Logan’s current feelings of annoyance at the world, he took Janus’s hand and walked with him to their living room. 
Once there, Janus encouraged him to sit down on the couch, and pulled an… interesting object. It was a small, flat, rectangular piece of wood, with three wooden poles pointing out of it, all in a line. Several disks in different colors and sizes were placed in a pyramid, the largest disk at the base, the smallest at the top, with one of the sticks going through the center of all of them. 
Logan remembered Thomas had read something about this puzzle, the Tower of Hanoi, a few days ago. The goal was to transport the pyramid from one pole to another, moving only one disk at a time, and never placing a bigger disk on top of a smaller one. 
He thanked Janus, took the object from his hands, placed it on the coffee table, and began trying to solve it. 
Janus sat back on the couch next to him, reading. Logan experimented, moving the disks around and trying to find a system. He got frustrated a few times when he accidentally undid his progress, when his actions led him to inevitably return the disks to where they started. Eventually, though, he began to notice a pattern. Soon he was moving the disks from one pole to another swiftly, carefully keeping track of his past moves to determine the next one. 
Just as he was making the final moves, Virgil barged in. 
“Logan,” he breathed, “I need your help.”
Logan’s forehead wrinkled, but he didn’t look up from his task. 
“Roman is–”
“Don’t you see he’s busy?” Janus interrupted Virgil, also not looking up from his book as he turned the page. 
“Shut up, you slimy piece of—“ 
Seeing Virgil was about to pick a fight, Logan interrupted. “I’m sorry, Virge, I think I’ve complicated things enough for one day,” he said as he placed the final disk on top of the rest, successfully completing the puzzle. 
“You’re going to give up just like that?”
“Give up?” Logan slowly repeated, finally looking up. “Excuse me but I don’t believe you understand—“
“I understand everything and you’re such a coward!” Virgil groaned. “Of course things would get complicated! We knew that but the only way out is just getting through it.” 
“I know, Virgil, but I think the process can be postponed until tomorrow when everyone is more accessi—“
“I hate to break it to you, but that’s not going to happen. They're not going to magically become open to what you say, you have to keep insisting.” 
“It’s not that simple, I—“ He stopped, closing his eyes and drawing his eyebrows together. 
“I fucked up, okay?!” Logan stood. “I fucked up today as I knew and told you I would!” 
“What are you talking about? What happened?“
“I just wanted to make it clear to Roman that this fairytale he has Thomas believe he’s living in is a waste of time and energy that will lead him nowhere in life. I wanted to work with him to help Thomas because he can’t go on like this. He’s— he’s daydreaming instead of working, he’s working instead of sleeping, he’s sleeping instead of eating,—“ he began pacing around the room— “he’s got everything backwards! And then Roman just fucking dares try to insist that this is what Thomas needs and that soon enough he’ll be ‘living the life’ whatever that means—“
Virgil began following Logan around, as the other took off his glasses and gestured with them while walking in circles. “Lo…”
“No, I get it.” Sounded like a response but Logan was mostly talking to himself, “Thomas wants this unconventional lifestyle and I must support it but I can’t allow that he’s treated as if he were indestructible. But, again, it’s my fault that what should be a debate devolves into fights and a never-ending stream of childish insults coming my way; my fault and no one else’s. It’s what I should expect, after all, I can’t get one single fucking thing right—“
“Logan!” Virgil called as Logan’s grip on his glasses tightened enough to break them. 
That was enough to stop him, giving Virgil enough time to catch up and stand in front of him. He took Logan’s glasses and shook them in his hand, fixing them, before handing them back. Logan finally focused his eyes on Virgil once he put the glasses back on.  
Logan’s lips were closed in a thin line. 
“Talk to me,” Virgil said.
“I made him cry,” Logan confessed. 
Virgil stayed still in stunned silence. 
“Patton and Roman… I know they’re so emotive and I can’t keep track and be careful of every single feeling they have because I would become mad just trying to make sense of it all but… I had never made someone cry like that, all on my own. I don’t even know what it was I said. 
“Normally that would have been enough as a signal for me to distance myself from them and not come back, but Thomas kept insisting I helped him at work. I couldn’t say no. It took so much effort not to just come back here and hide. I stayed out and did the best that I could. And then that had an unfavorable ending, as well.”
Virgil frowned. “I’m sorry, but I just know that this whole thing will end sooner than you think, if we don’t give up.”
After a pause, Logan continued gingerly. “Virgil. I know you have your own experience with this issue, and there’s a lot that we can learn from it, but not everything in this case is analogous to yours.”
“And what’s different?” He sat down on the couch, and Logan followed. 
“When you appeared, you made yourself heard with great resilience, showing a more intimidating and abrasive version of yourself, which was eventually accepted as a meaningful and necessary part of Thomas as it was, in spite of the negatives, because of the positive impact you had anyway. Once accepted, you were able to decide who to be, what felt  the most comfortable for you, which was rightfully celebrated and encouraged by everyone.”
Virgil blushed slightly, surprised by the kindness with which Logan described his story. 
“In my case, well… I liked who I was before, but I don’t think anybody else did. Despite my efforts to stay that way I was forced into a new unwanted role. I’ve come to terms with the change, and I promised you I would still try to help Thomas, but…” 
Both Virgil and Janus were completely silent, focused on Logan. He refused to look at either of them. 
“… but you’re asking for me to keep changing, to keep exerting myself just to be able to hold a civil conversation. Thomas wants Logic back as it was before, not me, he wants to pretend nothing is different. If I just were myself —this new me— out there, it would be impossible to even speak. I— I just—“ He sighed. “I’m so tired.” 
As he finished, he turned to Virgil, who could now see his eyes were not as shiny as usual, still glowing orange, but too faint, almost back to their usual brown. The bags under them obscuring his appearance even more. 
“If you don’t mind,” Logan said as he stood, “I am going to my room. After everyone gets some rest I… I promise to try again.” 
He left no room for argument as he walked up the stairs. Virgil watched him quietly, only hearing Janus turn a page from his book. 
“I wish I could help him,” Virgil confessed after a pause. 
“He’ll be fine,” Janus replied, and for once Virgil thought he actually believed what he said. 
They sat in silence for a while, before Virgil spoke again. 
“You know, you could help out, too.” 
Janus didn’t acknowledge his words. 
“Thomas probably thinks being angry and assertive is selfish and that that means it’s bad. You could help show him that it’s not true.”
Janus scoffed without humor. “Since when do you think selfishness isn’t the devil?” 
Virgil bit his lip. “I guess Logan’s absence seems the most direct cause for Thomas’s trainwreck of a life, since he’s been a visible Side of him for so long, but…” He was reluctant to admit it, but he had to keep speaking now. “I know Thomas is missing you, too. Maybe he’s missing a little Remus, even, to get his blood running every once in a while.”
They both chuckled softly at the comment. It felt weird for Virgil. He hadn’t been alone in the same room as Janus for so long without a fight in years. 
He didn’t want to stay long enough to ruin it. He stood up and, in an act of bravery, he whispered, “Goodnight, Janus. I hope to see you soon,” before sinking out. 
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Tierlist made by @intrulogical
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disneyprincemuke · 6 months
they ask, "do you have a man?"
alternatively: can’t be discreet to save anyone’s life
in which everyone is curious why the grid princess is still single despite instagram posts from them seem to be giving out another narrative
(series masterlist)
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logansargeant posted on their story!
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alexalbon ur never beating the dating allegations if u keep posting shit like this i fear
kidy/n omg i look so slay in that dress
logansargeant ugh you’re so right bb
lilymhe i need to know where she got this i fear 😔
logansargeant she said she will text you like a true girls girl ✊🏼
lilymhe ugh im in love with her
user1 gonna need you guys to announce you’re dating actually
user2 posting this and denying every dating allegation is actually crazy
user3 what if i jump in front of a moving train???
user4 such a boyfriend coded story from someone who’s not her boyfriend
kidy/n posted on their story!
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kidy/n is there ever a day u wake up n ur not an outright hater?
oscarpiastri no cause you guys are hanging out without so that really fuels my ability to hate
kidy/n u got ur own gf mate, spend time with her?? >:(
sebastianvettel this doesn’t scream “not dating” to the rest of the world btw
kidy/n ugh nobody will know grandpa
sebastianvettel wow hater alert
georgerussell63 still not dating i presume? 🤨
kidy/n no sir
georgerussell63 i smell a big fat lie i fear
user6 pls stop lying to the world and just kiss after a race 🙏🏼🙏🏼
user7 and why exactly is he nOt the one pushing u in a kart??
📍 home
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant and 56,984 others
kidy/n didn’t see the news cause we were somewhere else
view 30 comments…
comments on this post have been limited.
oscarpiastri having fun without me should be a crime tbh
sebastianvettel this is why u weren’t answering ur phone?? ☹️
lilyzneimer photo credits where? 😔
kidy/n omg so trueeeeee i’m sorry i forgot
charles_leclerc making the uk look fun is a magic power
maxverstappen1 i heard the uk is only fun cause y/n lives there
landonorris what’s all this slander???
🎵 rex orange county - best friend
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liked by oscarpiastri, kidy/n and 56,940 others
logansargeant the only problem living with your best friend is that every night is party night
view 288 comments…
kidy/n why are u telling people we’re alcoholics
oscarpiastri first you move in together, and now you’re not even inviting me to drink???
lilyzneimer cant believe i scored an invitation and u didnt
oscarpiastri wtf
kidy/n lol tough life oscar
user8 wow i thought they lived with oscar ngl
oscarpiastri ugh i wish
user9 why would he? he’s got a girlfriend
user10 really not dating?
sebastianvettel not sure how to feel about this
user11 them actually not being romantically involved is my roman empire
user12 in one universe, they’ve GOT to be dating
kidy/n so based
user13 wait i
formula1 drink safely pls 😀 (i’m begging for an invite)
logansargeant only if u pay for the alcohol
williamsracing not very family friendly of u ngl
kidy/n im sorry williams i tried to stop him ☹️
williamsracing its only ok bc its u
logansargeant ?
kidy/n posted on their story!
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logansargeant wowwww look at you go bb!! so pretty!!!
kidy/n ehheheheehhe
oscarpiastri wow busy girl
sebastianvettel and kristen approved of this!!?!?
sebastianvettel oh ok. youre just kinda wild lately idk
kidy/n whats that supposed to mean
sebastianvettel 🤷🏼‍♀️
maxverstappen1 the uggs are a no from me
kidy/n ok red bull merch lover
“thank you so much for being on the show,” hannah smiles into the mic. “i’m shocked to even receive the email from your pr manager, actually.”
“no, yeah,” she grins, nails pressed against her lips, biting down on the bottom. she’s never actually been on a podcast before. “we were talking about making an appearance somewhere, but i’m kinda - very - intimidated by men. i chose this podcast specifically.”
“oh, you know of our existence,” emma gushes, giggling slightly. “we feel so honoured. thank you so much.”
“honestly, i’m always around men,” she laughs, scrunching her nose. “i live with a man. so being around women is always a very nice change.”
“right, you recently moved in with logan sargeant in the uk,” hannah points out. “if you don’t mind me asking, how did that decision come about? because you’re really good friends with oscar piastri as well, how come he doesn’t live with you guys?”
“oh, that’s an interesting point,” emma frowns. “i never thought of that.”
“yeah, so growing up oscar and logan actually stayed with my family on and off just because they’ve got brothers and sisters that their parents would have to attend to back home,” she recalls out loud, remembering the sleepovers they’ve spend in the living room with her siblings. “i think when i was… like 15, oscar was 16, and logan was 17, obviously.
i think my sister and i had a really bad fight that turned the house upside down. i mentioned that i couldn’t wait to move out and never speak to her again — i was very overdramatic as a teen. and they were like ‘yeah, that’s a good idea! we should get a place!’”
“oh, so you didn’t even propose the idea of living together?”
“exactly! they just love inviting themselves to be a part of my life. they’ve got cars while i don’t, so that’s a big plus,” she laughs. “then, well, oscar met lily when he was 18 and they got an apartment together after oscar landed reserve driver for alpine. which then left logan and i to kinda figure things out. then, we both landed a contract to race in the 2023 season and both our racing headquarters are in uk, luckily. so we made the decision to move in together earlier this year.”
“so oscar bailed!”
“that’s okay,” she scoffs, waving off the host’s concern. “we live pretty close by, so lily and oscar are always at our place anyway.”
“so, i totally don’t wanna get into it. but like, girl to girl,” hannah grins giddily. “and i promise we’ll get into the racing stuff in a bit, but i’m just curious.”
“it’s okay because i like you guys,” she jokes. “ask away.”
“there’s a lot of speculation that you and logan seem to be too close to just be best friends,” hannah explains. “and it’s seemed to be a trend since you were in f2 together, so i just wanna ask you if… well…”
she smiles. this isn’t exactly the first time she’s heard that. while they preferred to keep their relationship under wraps for several reasons, her and logan aren’t very discreet either.
there are pictures on the internet, after races where they head to weigh-in together with logan holding her things, laughing as they walk, which is normal. but there are also a couple of pictures where they were caught with logan’s hand on her cheek, or of them walking in the paddocks with her hands wrapped around his arm.
she’s not shocked that people talk about their relationship, but more shocked that everyone seems to shrug it off as them being really good friends.
“we’re actually not romantically involved at all,” she lies, though her cheeks flush up at the thought of her boyfriend. “i think we met really early on in life so we’re super comfortable with each other.”
“so, you’re setting the record straight. you don’t have a man.”
she nods firmly. “i don’t have a man. not planning to get one — i’ve just been really busy with my career. if anything, logan is my stand-in date for every event.”
“that’s true friendship if i’ve ever seen one.”
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dilemmaontwolegs · 11 months
Not A Verstappen: Sibling Rivalry {3}
Pairing: F1 drivers (platonic) x fem!reader Summary: The rift you have caused comes to a destructive head when summer breaks is over. Warnings: 18+ only, lots of bad language, crash, injuries, angst WC: 2.9k F1 Masterlist NAV: Sibling Rivalry One || Two || Three NAV: Gridlocked One || Two || Three
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Summer Break “I really fucked up.” Your voice was barely above a whisper, the sound hoarse from all the crying. You were curled up on your side on the couch in Pierre’s apartment in Milan, your head on his lap as his hand ran up and down your arm in comfort. “He’s never going to forgive me.”
“He’s your brother, he’ll forgive you,” he assured you once again. “I’ve said way worse things to my brothers. Maybe this break is exactly what you need, get away from Max for a few weeks, have some space.”
“And Lando, and Charles.” You groaned as you rolled onto your back and stared up at your closest friend. “You have a bear in the cave.”
“Gross, don’t look up my nose,” he said as he pushed you off his lap.
“I can’t help it, it’s the angle,” you laughed as you sat up before sobering. “Have you spoken to them?”
“Lando was heading back to Monaco to spend the holidays with Luisa, and Charles was on his way to the Alps to meet up with Charlotte.” 
You sighed at the mention of their girlfriends and Pierre gave you a look of pity that you resented. Pulling your phone out, with the determination to move on from the silly crushes that had developed over the years, you opened the Raya app and shifted closer to him. “Can you help me?”
“Sure,” he said, taking the phone and locking it. “I’m taking you on a road trip.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“Ah, but I think it’s what you need.”
Round Fourteen - Netherlands You reunited with the team for Max’s home race and a sea of orange filled the stands, all cheering for their Lion. You had tried to talk to him when you arrived at the track but you didn’t know what to say to repair the rift you had made. Every time you opened your mouth, nothing came out.
“That one’s for you,” Lance said as he tapped your elbow.
“Huh? What? Yeah, totally,” you rambled trying to recover from zoning out thinking about the three weeks of silence, not only with Max but Lando and Charles too. You had sat beside the Canadian on the sofa, the furthest point from the others and it hadn’t gone unnoticed. “Sorry, what was the question?”
“You look like you enjoyed your vacation with Pierre. It was quite different to how you usually spend your down time.”
“Because I was sober?” you teased. “My liver needed a break, as did my PR team, and it was really quite fun. Exactly what I needed actually and it was great to reconnect with Pierre since he upgraded to Yuki.”
You could feel three sets of eyes on you from the other end but then the conversation was diverted their way and you sagged back into the couch. That was until you heard the news that the holiday had been dubbed ‘break-up season’. Both Spaniards had become single in the first week, Logan and Lando in the second and Charles in the third. It had been quite the shock to their fans.
If Pierre hadn't removed your social media for the break you would have known all of this but instead you had to find out on stage with dozens of cameras capturing the surprise on your face. 
The second the interview was over you chased after Lando and finally caught up to him at the McLaren motorhome.
“Hey, can we talk?” You were aware that there were still plenty of cameras around, and it looked like the Netflix crew were scheduled to his team too. “Somewhere private.”
He didn’t exactly look happy at the request but his eyes softened as you quietly begged, “please, Lan?”
“In here,” he sighed, taking his cap off and running a hand through his hair as he opened the door to his room. The door clicked shut behind you and you looked around the small space, the air still humid and smelling like his body wash from the shower he took before the media conference.
“How was your break?” you asked as he sat down on a padded bench, leaving the more comfortable chair for you.
“Could have been better.”
There was a pregnant pause where you both waited for each other to speak. It wasn’t like him to be so short and you thought more would follow but he just stared back at you. 
Clearing your throat, you looked down at your hands on your lap. “I, uh, wanted to apologise for what I said to you. You were just being a good friend and I was a complete bitch.”
“You were a bitch,” he stated bluntly before he bit his lip and mouthed a silent, ‘sorry’ and tucked his knee up so he could rest his cheek on it.
You huffed a laugh of agreement. “I’ve heard that once or twice. I’m a work in progress, but I’m trying to change. Can you forgive me?”
His head lifted with a frown, his soft curls falling over his forehead to meet them. “What? No.”
“Oh.” You hadn’t expected everything to go back to how it was but you had thought he would at least accept your apology. Rising from the chair, you started to make your way to the door until you heard the vinyl bench squeak as he followed.
“Wait,” he said as he caught your hand reaching for the handle. “You were right. So there’s nothing to forgive.” He tugged your hand so you turned to face him before he let it slip through his fingers. “I was unhappy, and I probably should have broken up with Luisa a long time ago.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“I guess I just didn’t want to be alone again. Which, after you left, I realised is a poor reason to be in a relationship. So I really wasn’t up for offering advice. ” He smiled sheepishly and opened his arms. “Forgive me?”
You stepped into his embrace and buried your head in his neck with a nod. “You were right too.”
“About what?”
“Everything.” You were reluctant to leave the comfort of his arms but there was still one other person to apologise to. “I owe you and Charles for saving my ass. How about dinner at my place on Tuesday?”
“I mean, it was mostly me,” he joked as he puffed his chest up and pushed his shoulders back. “But we can invite him too, I guess.”
“Of course, my hero,” you swooned sarcastically before leaning in and kissed his cheek. “See you next Tuesday. See what I did there?”
“There’s my Spitfire,” he laughed and shook his head. “For a moment I thought you were gone.”
Max’s motorhome was empty when you reached it and so was the garage but his engineer, Calum, was there and said Max had gone to visit family. It hurt more than you expected to hear that you hadn’t been invited, especially since it was Jos’ side of the family that lived in the Netherlands. The side of the family you shared with Max. 
That pain followed you as you wandered around the paddock a little lost, signing autographs and stopping for photos with fans on autopilot. You didn’t know where to go, or how to fill the hours until Max returned. Then when he returned you weren’t even sure he would want to see you after what you said.
“Hey, I’ve called out like three times,” Charles said as he suddenly appeared in front of you and frowned at your startled reaction. “Everything alright?”
“Yeah, no, sorry, I’m in a world of my own,” you said as you looked around to see you were outside Ferrari hospitality. “How, uh, how have you been? I meant to call you over the break and thank you for what you and Lando did for me.”
“It’s no problem, but it was mostly me.”
“Funny, he said the exact same thing,” you smirked. “Anyway, as a thank you, you two are coming to my place for dinner on Tuesday. I promise I won’t give you food poisoning, this time.”
“Well, that’s something to look forward to,” he said sarcastically. “But Tuesday works for me. Where were you heading anyway? I thought you would be with Max.”
You couldn’t hide the wince on your face at the mention of your brother and Charles reached out and rubbed your shoulder with a look of concern. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I’m fine. I actually need to go do a thing,” you lied as you started to feel the increasingly familiar burn of tears in your eyes.
“Chérie, wait.” Charles made to follow as you backed away but he stopped when you shook your head.
“Fuck,” you swore under your breath as you turned your back and wiped your eyes. It was race week and your emotions were all over the place, it was a recipe for disaster. 
Race Day
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You threw your phone across the room and watched it bounce off the couch before hitting the floor with a crack. You could worry about the broken screen later, with the race only an hour away and Max still ignoring you there were more pressing things to think about.
You worked through your warm up routine under the watchful eye of your physiotherapist before making your way to the reflex machine. The lights danced across the buttons and you slapped each one with precision until it suddenly clicked off. 
“You’re not focused,” Kristian tutted.
“I hit them all,” you argued as you caught the bottle he threw to you and took a drink.
“Reacting out of habit is not the same as responding by reflex. You need to think, then do, not just do.”
You grumbled under your breath about what a load of crap it was but made a show of the next round before he gave up with a sigh. “I’m going to head down to the grid,” you said as you grabbed your helmet and balaclava. “Pierre can help me finish up.”
It was easy to spot Pierre with his PT, his concentration solely on the tennis balls he was focused on catching before they hit the ground. 
“Mind if I butt in?” you asked as you took the tennis balls and replaced Ben. “He still won’t talk to me.” You dropped the balls at the same time and he easily swiped them from the air before tossing it back into your palm.
“You can take my spot for the anthem, I think I saw my name next to his on the seating chart.”
“That’s probably not a good idea,” you admitted as you dropped the balls one after another trying to trick him. “I called him a dick, twice.”
One ball bounced along the asphalt when he laughed, missing the easy catch. “That’s the opposite of apologising.”
“I know, he just pissed me off.” You caught sight of the race suit that matched yours and watched him walk on the far side of the grip with Charles. “I don’t like being ignored.”
Pierre grabbed the wayward tennis ball and returned to hold them up over your hands. “You did start that by ignoring him first.”
“I thought we were friends.” You caught the ball he dropped and tossed it at his face. “You’re meant to take my side.”
He caught it before it could connect with his nose and crossed his arms with an amused smirk on his face. “I am your friend, so I will tell it like it is. Go talk to him.”
 You narrowed your eyes at him as you stepped away and he nodded encouragingly as you made your way across the home straight. 
“Not now,” Max said as soon as you stepped into his field of vision, making Charles look over his shoulder. 
“Then when?” you asked. “After the race? Next week? Next year? Should I put my name up for a transfer? Is that what you want?”
“Woah, what's going on?” Charles asked as watched you grow increasingly more upset with each question.
“Nothing, just an inchident,” Max said coldly. “Oma sends her regards and she’s sorry she didn’t get to see you.”
“You didn’t fucking invite me,” you growled as you stepped closer jabbed a finger into his chest.
Max rolled his eyes and schooled his face to one of boredom. “You told me to leave you alone.”
Your hands balled into fists at your side. “You are such a fucking asshole.”
“Hey, hey, that’s enough,” Charles interrupted, pushing himself between you and your brother before you could get disqualified. “Walk with me.”
Charles stepped closer and his hands grabbed your shoulders, turning you around before one hand pressed against the small of your back, urging you to keep moving. 
“What’s going on?” he asked as he took a seat against the pitwall and pulled you down beside him. “And don’t say it’s nothing. You haven’t been yourself all week.”
“We had an argument and now he hates me.”
“He doesn’t hate you.” Charles draped an arm over your shoulder and pulled you closer to kiss your temple. “He’s your older brother, he could never hate you. Trust me, there’s nothing Arthur could say that would make me hate him.”
“Arthur’s too nice to say anything mean, but me? I’m a bitch.”
“You’re not a bitch, you’re just passionate.” He let his head fall back against the wall with a chuckle. “I like that about you.”
“You must be the only one.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” he murmured quietly and you followed his line of sight to Lando who was making his way over while everyone else started to move to the front of the grid. “Time to go.”
Charles stood up as Lando offered you his hand, pulling you to your feet.
“Try not to get too excited hearing the Dutch anthem,” you grumbled, earning a laugh from both of them as they fell into step either side of you, “again.”
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You were driving recklessly, determined to beat Max, but it had meant receiving a black and white flag warning for exceeding the track limits three times. One more violation and you would get a five second penalty, practically handing the win over on a silver platter.
“You need to manage your tires,” Nicholas warned over the radio. “You are pushing them too hard, the degradation rate is exponential. They won’t last to the end of the race unless you slow down and stay between the white lines.”
“I can’t slow down when I have Max with DRS behind me.”
“That’s not the plan. We want a 1-2 finish, it doesn’t matter who leads across the line.”
“It does to me.”
You passed the next DRS detection line and took the corner at speed before hitting the straight and trying to defend your position. Max was right at your bumper, riding the slipstream as he increased speed in preparation to slingshot out and past you. 
Only something went wrong.
Instead of going around you, Max’s front wing crashed into the back of your car, lifting your rear wheels off the track and sending you scraping the length of the pit wall while he spun out. Debris hit your helmet as Max’s car slammed into the concrete barriers and carbon fibre splintered apart, raining over you and the track. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” you growled into the comms as you pulled your steering console out and unbuckled the harness. You jumped over the side of your car and ran towards Max’s, hurling abuse at him the entire way. “Who’s the spoiled brat now? You just couldn’t let me have the win could you? Dick!”
A pained groan was all you heard from the cockpit and the anger evaporated in an instant as dreaded fear replaced it. You leapt onto the top of the car and reached over the halo, pulling the visor up on Max’s helmet to see a dazed look in his icy blue eyes before they fluttered shut. 
“Max, I need you to open your eyes. Look at me, dammit!” you growled as you started to pull his harness open and looked around wildly, wondering when help was coming. “I’m sorry for everything I said. I don’t hate you, okay? I don’t hate you. You’re my big brother and I love you, so you have to stick around and be overprotective and piss me off for a very long time. So open your fucking eyes!”
“Zusje?” he asked after a moment of blinking dumbly. “What happened?”
“You forgave me and said I could borrow your yacht.”
“Bullshit,” he groaned as he pushed his harness off his shoulders and accepted your hand to help him climb out. “I would never let you borrow my yacht.”
A groan wheezed out as his boots hit the ground and you wrapped an arm around his waist to take his weight, holding him steady. “Does that mean you forgive me?”
“Only if I can get a recording of your radio, you actually sounded worried for me,” he said with a laugh before he clutched his ribs. “Ow, fuck.”
“Of course I was worried, asshole. I thought you were hurt.”
“I am hurt,” he pointed out before rapping his knuckles on your helmet. “I love you too, little sis. Even when you say you hate me.”
Click here for Not A Verstappen: Gridlock {1}.
Tagging: @destourtereaux @severerebelearthquake @sunf1ower16 @octaviareina @omgsuperstarg @mvclff1 @alwaysclassyeagle @icantcomeupwithamusicalname-blog @laneyspaulding19 @booknerd2004-blog @mimimarvelingmarvel @chonkybonky
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landograndprix · 6 months
woman ✾ l.n - vii
❧ you love max, you really do but your little brother has been getting more on your nerves each day as he tries to set you up with one of his friends.
❧ love, hate and jealousy.
❧ and then I said, let's make Charles the villain 🥰 this is a psa for the people who wanted to be on my taglist but never got tagged, i didn't forget or ignore you, I simply am unable to tag you and therefore removed you from the list feel free to ask me again so I can take a look at it. Taglist is open Love ya ❤️
❧ prev part – next part
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liked by landonorris, irisxo and 98,563 others
y/nverstappen right mate, what's all this then? 🇬🇧
view all 678 comments
norrizz babe, do you love a London boy?
bott_ass asking questions we know the answer to already 😔
norrizz yeah but I need her to confirm it before I go mental about them 😔
landoscar it's okay girl, tag your man
y/nverstappenfan looks like you're having fun!
lnlando 🤮
norry4 my guy lando is getting fed
hamilt44n he's getting that wife treatment without her being his wife 😂
norry4 good dick will do that to a woman
hamilt44n true true, we know man's is packing so lucky girl she is 😏
sharl16 wonder who she's with..
daiseeeey go hang out with people you own age lmfao what
lewlew did you go to highgate, met all of his best mates?
carlandooo they probably enjoyed nights in Brixton and shoreditch in the afternoon :)
y/nverstappen babe, don't threaten me with a good time
lewlew Y/n a certified swiftie?!
julieeeexo what is happening in these comments?! 😂
landoooo4 leave lando alone pls.
irisxo get your ass back home, I need my private chef back.
missusnorris I'll give you all my savings if you leave lando alone
landonorris it's mint in here
y/nverstappen innit?
grussell this feels a lot like mocking the brittish 😂
charles_16 I mean she's dating one, she's got the right to do so 👀
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y/nverstappen posted on their story
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liked by maxverstappen1, riabish and 142,564 others
y/nverstappen zandvoort prep 🍊
view all 678 comments
lanlan mclaren orange 🥰
notnorriss girl or orange because she's Dutch, max is Dutch, it's the Dutch gp? 💀
norrizz lando being in Amsterdam and posting about stroopwafels on his story, y/n living in Amsterdam and posting a picture of stroopwafels??
redbullracing zamdvoort ready! 🍊
norry4 loving your vibes lately! 😍
hannahh was lovely meeting you guys last night!
landosainzz where did you meet her?? I was out in Amsterdam too
hannahh they had dinner in the restaurant I work at
landosainzz was lando there too? 👀
hannahh yep and a lot of others as well
landosainzz girl spill the tea!!
hannahh no lmao why would I, leave them alone 💀
landonorris my favorite stroopwafel 🍪
y/nverstappen that's a chocolate chip cookie
landonorris they don't have a stroopwafel emoji you muppet
missusnorrizz 🤮
chilisainz missusnorrizz stfu they're cute
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant and 115,547 others
y/nverstappen tough day at the office.
view all 783 comments
bott_ass you did not! 😭
hamilt44n y/n, bullying these men is so mean...do it again 😏
oscarpiastri thanks for the reminder, I really needed it
y/nverstappen I know, I'll send it again next week!
oscarpiastri ah, I will be looking forwards to it!
charloss im glad y/n adopted the rookies this year 😭
norry4 babes we know these men are alright, how are you doing?!
sainzcahlos zandvoort, you we're a curse, I'll see you next year!! 😭
norriizlan lando made it to the instagram posts..
norrizz so did Charles, Logan, Oscar and Daniel..what's your point?
maxemillian girl are you still alive? I figured your dad would've killed you by now with the staggers he's been sending your way all day long..
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Woman taglist @hockeyboysarehot @starwarssavy23 @be-your-coffee-pot @thecubanator2 @ironmaiden1313 @hanniesdawn @leclercdream @alexandralibbre @elliegrey2803 @watersquirtpewpewboomm @whoreks @cha-hot @sunny44 @roseseraj @goldenharrysworld @18754389 @graciewrote
Everything taglist; @thomaslefteyebrow @hopefulinlove @smoothopz @honethatty12 @cixrosie @parkersmjs @ireadthensuetheauthors @celestialams @be-your-coffee-pot @heli991113 @kodzuvk @reality-is-a-con @80sloverry @bibissparkles @myescapefromthislife @lanando4 @elliegrey2803 @ravisinghs-wife @harrysdimple05 @minkyungseokie @pretty-little-bunny382728
Lando taglist: @simp-for-fictional-people @landossainz @christianpulisic10 @bored-brunette2
580 notes · View notes
alocon · 4 months
A Warm Embrace - Logan Sargeant
Logan Sargeant x Fem!Reader
written by alocon
Summary: Ice skating double date under the stars with your boyfriend. Pure fluff to celebrate the Williams Car Launch x
Warnings and Tropes: Pretty short, quickly written, pure fluff, ice skating and stuff. No use of Y/N.
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A Warm Embrace - LS2 x Fem!Reader
"Do you trust me?" You asked as your boyfriend's grip tightened on your arms.
"Of course. I just don't trust myself."
You repositioned his hands so they were on your shoulders, your hands holding onto his waist as you slowly began to move you both further away from the barrier at the outside of the ice skating rink. Logan's grip on you was definitely going to leave some soreness over the next couple of days, but you didn't mind. You couldn't think of anyone better to be ice skating with currently. You felt his gaze focus on you, as you had recommended to stop him worrying, knowing how he calmed when he was in your presence.
Looking around the rink, you caught the eyes of Lily, who was very happy with Alex's progress on the ice. He was doing well, having only fell over a handful of times and was currently looking really stable. And as you thought that, he went again. Spoke too soon, you thought.
Your eyes met the soft ones of the person you had so desperately fallen for as you slowly pulled him around the track. He smiled, looking at the way your face got slightly redder the longer he looked at you. It was like, in that moment, he had forgotten all about the ice that you were on. He trusted you. He felt safe. All that mattered in that moment was your touch, your hair, your eyes. All that mattered was you.
"I am so in love with you." His voice was quiet as he spoke.
"I love you too, Logan." You meant it. Of course you did, how couldn't you? He was a sweetheart. He would go straight to you whenever he finished a race. He would wake you up when he stayed over yours by placing soft kisses all over your face. He would risk being a little late to spend those extra few minutes cuddling in bed with you. He would tie your shoes, not because you didn't know how, but because it saved you doing it before you headed out for a long day at work. He would slice your apples for you, peel your oranges if you asked him to.
You would do things for him too. When he got sick the month earlier, you called his mother and video called her whilst she step-by-step taught you how to make his favourite childhood soup, just so he could feel at home. You would play with his hair when he couldn't sleep to calm him. You would wake up at 4am some days to make sure he had breakfast before training even if that meant being exhausted by the end of your shift once you finished, which could be as late as 10pm.
Logan was getting better at this, the pair of you gradually speeding up as you went around the rink. His focus was on you. You began to slightly loosen your grip, seeing if he was able to stand on his own on the ice now. He was. You took his hand, pulling him slowly with you, ready to reach out and grab him if he almost fell over. But he didn't. The two of you talked and laughed as he got more confident on the ice, only ending up slipping up once by the end of it.
After getting off the ice, the four of you sat at a nearby restaurant, outside, to have food. It was delicious. You twisted the pasta up on your fork before passing it to Logan as he had asked to taste it. He then did the same for you.
"Today has been so fun," Alex said, smiling as he ate. "We definitely need to do this again."
You agreed. It was perfect.
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You felt arms snake around your waist as you brushed your teeth, ready for bed. Your boyfriend kissed your forehead, gently swaying the pair of you as he left kisses all over you. Your forehead, your shoulder, your cheek, your neck, everywhere. He whispered sweet things into your ear about how you're his favourite person. You're his everything. He wants to spend his life with you.
All day he had seemed nervous, you didn't know why but you figured it was because of your venture onto the ice. "Can I ask you something?"
You nodded, "Of course, anything."
"Do you want to move in with me?" You span in his embrace, looking into his eyes for any sign of that being a joke. It wasn't. He continued to speak. "I was just thinking, you spend a hell of a lot of time here anyways and we've been together for a year now and waking up in bed with you is one of my favourite things. Obviously if you don't want to, you don't have to. I was just-" he went silent the second your lips met his.
You pulled away, feeling a shiver run down your spine from the low temperature in his bathroom. "Of course I will, I would love to."
His hands traced your spine through your shirt as his hands travelled to your waist, placing a kiss to your lips before wrapping you into a warm embrace. His warm embrace.
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liked by lilymhe and others
youruser: Double dates are my fave x
tagged: logansargeant, lilymhe, alex_albon
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logansargeant: I love you ❤
youruser: I love you too ❤
alex_albon: We need to do it again soon, also stop trying to steal Lily from me!!
lilymhe: She didn't need to try, she already had me 🤭
logansargeant: ????
alex_albon: ????
lilymhe: adore you x
youruser: miss you already, beautiful x
user: the girls flirting in the comments is giving me life
williamsracing: Our favourite grid couples!!
youruser: Love you guys, next year is our year
williamsracing: You've taught her well logansargeant
user2: cuties
arthur_leclerc: Gross x
youruser: alr just because you don't have a girlfriend doesn't mean you get to run your mouth x
oscarpiastri: Double date with us next???
youruser: Absolutely!
-The End-
[Word Count - 800-900 not including the comments on the post]
Hi All, I know, it was very short. I will make a longer Logan story at some point, however, I am half asleep and it's 10pm and I wanted to write something quickly before bed. I wrote this in about 15-20 minutes so enjoy. The Williams looks beautiful this year!! And the suitsssss 😍 Not edited btw sorry for spelling errors Have a lovely day. Another Lando story soon, maybe? Either him, Max or Charles I'm thinking x Alocon
236 notes · View notes
stars-and-the-min · 2 months
☆ the wrong way to hard launch (6) | OP81
summary : oscar's girlfriend is a walking pr problem for literally everyone (including herself) social media au
pairing : oscar piastri x zhou!fem!singer!oc
a/n the highs (friends) and lows (exes) of life aka lina lore 👀 preface : i know nothing about nfl or american football so suspend ur beliefs if u happen to know a thing or two, also my amateur photoshopping skills are really improving from this
masterlist | last part | part 6 | next part
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liked by alex_albon and 142,394 others
logansargeant The long-awaited ultimate rematch tagged: selinabui and oscarpiastri
alex_albon Wait, why wasn't I invited?
selinabui ok captain america pack it up ↳ logansargeant @ selinabui Stay mad 😎 ↳ oscarpiastri @ selinabui Why would you challenge two professional racing drivers to a racing game? ↳ selinabui @ oscarpiastri i thought you loved me? ↳ oscarpiastri @ selinabui Ah but you love winners more 😏 ↳ logansargeant @ oscarpiastri Stop flirting in my comments???
cofrisy_f1 LOSCAR??? OSCALINA??? LOLINA???
beemiepie she chose the orange car 🥺🥺🥺 ↳ siera_mblanc @beemiepie a true papaya girlie 🧡🧡
cameliazzz just posted to their story
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replies selinabui cami, did u or did u not insist u'd be fine 😭
lukaszhang the SLANDER??? didn't we have loads of fun???
aidan_ebass Touché Millie, see you soon?
eb_jonno sidenote: can you bring mochi on the plane? are there food restrictions?
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liked by opeightyone and 121,983 others
oscarpiastri 次回まで trans: until next time
piastri_lina obsessed with this couple's dedication to never tagging each other
opeightyone Get 'em next year 💪
selinabui currently feeling like a 1930's housewife waiting for her husband to return from war ↳ cameliazzz @ selinabui HELLO NOT YOU PLAGARISING MY STORY??? FOR A GUY??? ↳ selinabui @ cameliazzz nooooo wifey i didn't mean like that :(((
lina !!! @EB_selina · 37m you've gotta be shitting me
NFL Jersey Numbers @nfljerseywatch · 1h Tennessee Titans RB Thomas Howard (@THowdy) is wearing number 24. Last worn by Kenny Vaccaro. #Titans
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↳ kayla @luna_apocolypse · 34m no fucking way... i don't wanna jump to conclusions but... ↳ emme @flowersforcami · 32m he tweeted about it. girl- jump to those conclusions.
Thomas Howard @THowdy · 58m The move to the #Titans has been a huge change, and 24 has been a number close to my heart for many years, I'd consider it a lucky number for a lucky year 👊 ↳ liv is SEEING EB LIVE!! @olivielina · 23m eat shit and die i'm so fucking serious you have no right to wear her number ↳ kayla @luna_apocolypse · 22m hahaha (not) funny but april fools was last week say sike RIGHT NOW
fiona🩷 @fififorlina · 29m thinking about how tommy is playing with lina’s number i'm weak 😭 ↳ 🕯️manifesting EB3 🕯️@ linabelles · 13m no, we're absolutely not doing this, it's not sweet at all, do you even know how badly he treated lina? ↳ emme @flowersforcami · 11m there are tommy-supporting linami’s in this day and age???
oscalina real ?! @emptyginbottles · 39m lina watching her ex and cousin play/drive with her number be like:
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↳ lila💚 @kasdanrights · 23m idk how to feel bc it's kinda hilarious that our little rockstar is slowly plaguing the sporting world with her number
lina !!! @EB_selina · 22m @LoganSargeant for my own mental health we're not going to talk for the next... 50 years ↳ Logan Sargeant @LoganSargeant · 8m I'm sorry? Did I do something wrong? ↳ lina !!! @EB_selina · 5m it's not you, it's just your countrymen (i'm generalising again)
from the phone of selina bui
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liv is SEEING EB LIVE!! @olivielina · 35m WHY IS EVERYONE FLOODING MY TL WITH T*MMY SHIT ↳ liv is SEEING EB LIVE!! @olivielina · 34m lina is one of the only music girlies who is SO SO SO vocal about how much she HATES her ex and you still can't listen to her??? ↳ liv is SEEING EB LIVE!! @olivielina · 34m not just with her music but as in SHE OUTRIGHT HATES HIS GUTS ON MAIN she COULD NOT possibly make it clearer that she would rather shoot herself in the head than ever consider getting back together with him ↳ liv is SEEING EB LIVE!! @olivielina · 33m i'm so tired can't you just let the woman be happy with oscar ↳ abby <3 @devilvows · 17m liv, baby, i think you need to change ur name to 'defense minister of linami nation'
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liked by oscarpiastri and 139,204 others
selinabui some weird second string loser who's not worth mentioning
cameliazzz thought the message was 'let everyone know i'm doing ok'? ↳ selinabui @ cameliazzz message appropriately sent :)
oliviarodrigo AAHHH stunning as always 💝💝 ↳ selinabui @ oliviarodrigo watch out, the literal moment we're in the same city i'm hunting u down (my favourite american 🥺)
oscarpiastri Haha not me though right :) ↳ selinabui @ oscarpiastri idk maybe...?
lina !!! @EB_selina · 1h this is really hindering my enjoyment of 'so american' ↳ Oscar Piastri @ OscarPiastri · 1h I reaaally hate to break it to you but I think you might be the American in this relationship ↳ lina !!! @EB_selina · 53m take that back rn i'm serious ↳ Oscar Piastri @ OscarPiastri · 49m Which one of us has lived in California for half a decade? 🤔
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↳ abby <3 @devilvows · 37m can you imagine waking up to that face? oscar piastri, you lucky bitch
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↳ lila💚 @kasdanrights · 2h oscar piastri i was not familiar with your game ↳ lila💚 @kasdanrights · 2h selina, i understand you now, i get it now, truly i do, hooooly
oscalina real ?! @ emptyginbottles · 1h i think the entire empty bottles fandom and oscalina shippers trying to cleanse the tl by posting some of the most jaw-clenching, hottest pictures of oscar and lina is so funny ↳ oscalina real ?! @ emptyginbottles · 1h the best part is that it's actually working and also so many more empty bottles fans are realising how unfairly attractive oscar piastri is
selinabui Seoul, South Korea
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liked by oscarpiastri and 138,958 others
selinabui heal my s(e)oul tagged: cameliazzz, blublublupi, and lukaszhang
lukaszhang i thought i specifically asked you not to post that ↳ selinabui @lukaszhang i actually wasn't gonna but then you told me not to so obviously i had to
oscarpiastri 🧡 ↳ selinabui @ oscarpiastri any other fucking colour heart i beg ↳ oscarpiastri @ selinabui You know I'm contractually obligated
emptybottlos i'm convinced they agreed to go on tour just to travel, visit friends and eat a bunch of authentic food
ceciliapham someone else is in seoul rn 👀 ↳ marie_h.sb @ceciliapham in what world do you think your gonna see lina and chris yamada in the same room again?
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
taglist @ririyulife @ashy-kit @fionaschicken @namgification @cherry-piee
193 notes · View notes
blacktacmopsi · 2 months
Miscellaneous Ghosts HeadCanons: Vol 2
Keegan wears a paracord bracelet.
Kick unironically owns one of those big boob mousepads.
Merrick drives an orange old FJ cruiser that he takes insanely good care of. He lets no one else drive it.
Hesh and Logan have matching star tattoos, just on opposite arms.
Merrick has Navy themed tattoos and looks so fucking fine when he's wearing his dress whites (what a foxy grandpa!).
I'm pretty sure Kick was also in the Navy as well.
Merrick is PICKY as hell when it comes to what he uses to wash himself with (outside of missions where showering is not readily available. He'll use whatever he can get his hands on).
Kick refuses to tell anyone why he goes by 'Kick'. Anytime anyone has ever asked, he tells a different story.
When not in tactical, Kick rocks Hawaiian shirts.
Logan is a master prankster. Even as an adult he still pulls them off on Hesh for a giggle.
Hesh is a book worm.
Keegan likes to watch old re-runs of King of the Hill.
Merrick knows almost every Creedence Clearwater Revival song there is.
Logan and Hesh both really like true crime documentaries. It's a weird thing they bond over.
Kick every now and then will make fun of Keegan for his edgy metal phase when he was younger. Keegan will be quick to remind Kick about how he would get off to the movie Species 2.
Hesh loves movies by Paul Verhoeven... including Showgirls.
Merrick has been married once before. He's a widower. He still loves his late wife very much and her loss is possibly why he's so rough around the edges. When he can, he always places flowers on her grave. "Been thinking about you, ol' gal."
Keegan has had some teeth knocked out of him before on missions. He had to get implants.
All the Ghosts have experienced the pain of a broken collar bone before. It's like a weird rite of passage no one wants.
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formulapai · 7 months
some headcanons with various drivers 🧡
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scenario: the drivers with a florist partner OR my daily struggles as a florist, but make it delulu
warning: flowery tomfoolery, mental breakdown and pollens
pai’s words: yes I did cry in front of some customers, yes it was as embarrassing as you can imagine, no I do not regret it (I do)
- the one to remove lilies’ stains from you when you get back from the shop, so he has a roll of tape ready to go at all times
- one time you come back with a big, bright orange stain on your cheek that you didn’t notice before
- is torn between making fun of you and helping you but decides to do the latter
- approaches you with a smirk on his face and proceeds to place a big piece of tape right in the stain and remove it while you’re too stunned to move
- snickers as he holds the orange piece of tape in front of your face until you realize why he decided to glue your cheek
- the one to come to your shop and act like a random customer
- talks as if he doesn’t know you or your colleagues and ask unhinged things
- “is it better to water the plant with bathroom water or kitchen water?”
- always ends up buying something and proceeds to give it to you right after you finish wrapping it
- your colleagues swoon while they watch the interaction
- waits for you to close the shop when he can so you can walk back home together
- the one to compliment each and every one of your creations
- you made a mini bouquet with like five flowers ? absolutely breathtaking
- always brags about you and buys something from your shop every time he goes to a dinner, an event or has to give someone a gift
- will probably try to convince some formal events or brands to work with you even when you tell him not to
- tries hard to learn some flower names so he can show off but forget in 0.5 seconds
- the one to kiss your fingers when you hurt them with the pruning knife
- massages your shoulders and legs after a long day
- messages you through the day to ask about how it’s going, the customers you’ve had, what you’ve sold
- brings your lunchbox at work when he notices you forgot it
- motivates you to go to work in the morning even if the only thing he truly wants is to stay in bed with you
- the one to send you memes about your job and ask you if it’s relatable
- spends all his time off in your shop, just chilling
- at this point he’s a worker here too
- once killed one of your plant and went to your shop to buy one to replace it, forgetting you WORK there
- is so soft for you and your love for flowers, it’s actually so sweet
- the one to watch YouTube videos so he can understand your ranting better
- “so those are orchids.. but they don’t look like THESE orchids..”
- proudly shows off his knowledge and acts like a puppy when you acknowledge it
- sends someone you don’t know to buy a bouquet and surprises you with it when you come back
- forces George to go to your shop and buy his gf something
- the one to let you rant all night long
- always asks about your day and what you did
- encourages you to try new things and techniques
- in awe when he sees you working, the way you’re focused and passionate warms his heart
- brings you to dine out when he feels like it because you deserve it
- sends you random pictures of flowers he saw today and asks about them
- the one to criticize annoying customers with you
- the person who was rude to you earlier better pray George doesn’t find them cause he’s ready to lash his sass out
- comes to the shop to flirt with you while you ignore him and talk to other customers
- tells you cringey things like “you’re the prettiest flower” or something
- runs you a warm bath when he senses you’ve had a bad day
PT 2 with other drivers soon 🧡
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ynbabe · 6 months
Fake texts au- pt.10 bffs with the rookies+ The Hangover III
I can't believe we're on part 10 already 😭😭😭
| Masterlist |
"How could I? I didn't have my phone?" the girl asked slightly panicked,.
"That's because you had mine," Lando spoke up, tapping on his phone, "You logged into your account from mine," he said showing it to the girl.
"WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP ME?" She yelled.
"Okay, okay," Max put his hands up to calm the two down, sometimes they were so similar he'd want to ask if Lando had a twin separated at birth, "Lando, what did she post?"
"oh oooh, this going to be fun," the boy said, switching to the girl's profile.
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liked by 21,023 users
Tagged: @/arthur_leclerc @/logansargeant @/oscarpiastri
its_y/n_love me with my Pookie bears everyone say thank you Oscar for paying the Hospital bills 😍
view all 10,874 comments
username she ATE
username they're her pookie bears 😭 she's so unserious I unironically stan her
username a grown woman calling grown men pookie bears 😒 username fr like oscar had to pay for HER hospital bills username he literally payed for Arthurs too but yall ain't gon say none abt that
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liked by 501,023 users
Tagged: @/arthur_leclerc @/logansargeant @/oscarpiastri @/landonorris
its_y/n_love LANDOOOOOOOOO why he always with his boy tho 🤨
view all 20,874 comments
username omg she's literally living my dream 😫
username fr god i've seen what you've done for others
username omg she's freeloading off him now too?
username give it up she literally just their friend username and even if she wasn’t why would yall treat her differently than any other wag? username look at her man she's literally using them for fame and money
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"Well, that wasn't as bad," y/n shrugged.
"That's cause you didn't have your camera roll," Logan snapped back, finally feeling a little more human, the hangover easing down.
"Look who's talking," the Aussie came to y/n's defence, "You're lucky you didn't have YOUR phone," Oscar called out, making the American's face turn red.
"Damnnn Oscar!" The girl praised, colour returning to his face, all were slowly returning to normal, even Arthur had found his way back to the table. Seeing this, the two older men Max and Charles ordered for the table, while Lando, went through more of Y/n's Instagram with the group.
"Honestly, the response isn't that bad, and our PR officers won't murder us, sooo we're good," he said, smiling and logging out of her Instagram account.
"Oh my god," The Monganeseque boy spoke up after being missing for almost half an hour, " I don't think we ate last night," he said shoving the food in his mouth.
The older men expected one of the other three to corroborate the boy's words but they just witnessed four twenty-somethings guzzling down food and large glasses of OJ, lifting plates to slide food into their mouths, letting runny egg yolks and bacon grease getting over their face and hands.
"Fucking hell," Max snarled, "it's like watching animal planet or something,"
"It's disgusting is what it is," Charles agreed, "MERDE ARTHUR, MAMAN RAISED YOU BETTER THAN THIS!" He yelled at his brother who was currently dipping a rolled up pancake in orange juice.
"Oh mate that's fucking disgusting," Y/n scoffed but then followed suit.
"Both of you are insane," Logan cried out, his accent thick, but failed to notice his own disgusting plate, dipping his bacon in maple syrup.
"ugh, there is something mentally deficient with all of you," Oscar frowned.
"Big words for someone mixing coffee into their oj," Lando cringed, taking a photo of the four and their disgusting eating habits.
"I- I can't look at this, I'm leaving," Charles gave up, holding up his hands in surrender, "I have a meeting at Ferrari anyways,"
"Bye, Charles!" the table chorused.
"Oh shit, it's 11am already?" Max called, looking at his watch, "I've got debrief at noon, see you next race, yeah Y/n?" He patted the girl's shoulder as he left.
"Never, again, ever." She yelled out, behind the man, making him laugh.
"Wait really?" The American looked over, bacon in hand.
"Nah, but like I've got uni and stuff and I've been going Arthurs races as well so, I'll probably be back by Britain or Netherlands," she explained.
"Oh yeah I forgot you still go to uni," Lando said.
"Not all of are millionaires cause of our fast vroom vroom cars," she spit back.
"yeah, yeah, " he waved off, "Oscar, Zak's told me to babysit you till our flight tomorrow so you don't do something or someone," he wriggled his brows, smirking at his teammate, making him roll his eyes, "you regret, so let's go and leave that disgusting abomination here," he said pointing to the coffee-orange juice.
"Guy's I don't know about y'all but I'm going go and pass out in the room till next year," The girl said, pushing away from the table.
"Same," The two boys followed.
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oooooh this was ✨✨✨ but next we have the summer break chapter 🤭
Taglist: @dark-night-sky-99 @cashtons-wife @i-wish-this-was-me @thehufflepuffavenger1 @eugene-emt-roe @fangirl-dot-com
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bananaconda33-blog · 20 days
Here is my small theory contribution to the fandom. This so-called prologue to the season finale has been bothering me.
It's long so it will be under the cut ❤️
Simply put, I believe this will be Virgil's backstory. Alternatively, it could be about Logan's previous interactions with the dark sides, or Roman's interactions with his brother, but I don't think it will focus on Roman because Remus isn't as important right now. It would be a waste to heavily build his character in a video when I believe he is the least concerning character at the moment. I also don't think it's Logan because I think he will have significant focus in the finale.
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I do not believe it will be about Patton or Janus due to a post mentioning "...with another character" in relation to those two. Furthermore, one of the only gaps, as Thomas put it, that would need to be bridged is Virgil revealing himself as a dark side. Since this reveal was underwhelming and most fans had already suspected it, it may have been accepted as the norm by now
To summarize, I am most confident that it will be about Virgil.
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In the Instagram post above, Thomas says "we're absolutely gonna have to do some costume hunting for this next Sanders Sides... and the one after." I predict that the next video will be a Janus Q&A based on the fact he was asking for people to send in questions, and the one following will be the prologue. What do these both have in common? Janus.
A common theory I've seen floating around is that, just like the main 4, Janus and Remus also had different costumes before the upgrade. This is why Virgil makes a comment about Janus's gloves as if he's never seen those gloves before.
Could it be that the new costume Thomas is acquiring is Janus's previous one?
Alternativly, it could be for Orange but I find it strange that Thomas is just now realizing he might need a costume for him when he's been teased for so long. And I doubt he's going to be in the next video.
Jumping back to the Q&A, it also supports the idea that Janus is going to be heavily involved at some point because I find it weird that he, the liar, is the first side to do a stand-alone Q&A. This might be looking too much into it, but a video I watched about another show got me thinking- What if this Q&A is a way to train the viewer on how to know if Janus is lying? What if Janus's lies are a crucial part of this prologue(or finale) but we won't know unless we know Janus's tells.
The alternative to why this Q&A would be happening is because Thomas is recording a lot of things as him and doing that makeup isn't necessarily easy so he's just like 'why not? Let's record some other stuff while I have it on'. But that's not nearly as fun to theorize about.
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unformula1 · 15 days
i miss you. (LS2 x OP81)
logan reflects. w/c: 622 day 42 of loscar posts until we get a loscar podium…! (series masterlist) masterlist a/n: im sorry for lack of posts lol, im pretty unmotivated and tired. happy monaco gp! 
Hey! It’s Oscar. I’m probably really busy or something, drop me a message, I’ll get back to you.
The monotonous voice of Oscar rings through the phone and into Logan’s ears.
Voicemail. Again.
Oscar hadn’t changed his voicemail in many years, the voice in the recording was him a few years back.
Back when Oscar was still like a child.
Back when things were easier, and definitely more fun.
Back when Oscar still bothered texting full sentences.
Back when Logan was actually praised.
Logan sighs, shuts off his phone and places the phone back into his pocket. He leans back on the bench, fiddling with the bottom of his shirt. The exact shirt Oscar had gotten Logan for his birthday, it was just a basic graphic tee of a koala but it was to never forget Oscar.
Especially in times like these.
But did Oscar remember Logan?
He should’ve gotten him a damn shirt, one with an eagle on it or something.
Logan keeps his head down, staring at the koala on his shirt. 
Why did things have to change?
Why did everything have to get so complicated?
Logan stares out into the beach, the orange sunset paralleling the papaya colours of McLaren. It’s almost ironic, how Logan would wait until the sky turned dark for Oscar to show up.
“You are absolutely insufferable!” Oscar says, throwing a pillow into Logan’s chest.
“Hey! Rude.” Logan scoffs, catching the pillow.
Oscar lies down on the cushioned bench of the drivers’ room, “I hate you so much.”
“No you don’t!” Logan feigns offence.
Logan chuckles, sitting down on the floor.
“I hate it when you’re such a nice person.” 
Oscar flashes that polite cat smile.
Logan hates it so much, he’s weak for it.
“That doesn’t make sense!” Logan chuckles.
“Because it makes me feel like I don’t deserve you.” Oscar explains.
“Right… but you do.” Logan affirms.
Logan kicks his feet onto the bench, just staring into the ocean as the tides ebb and flow. 
Funny how things changed so much, Logan used to think him and Oscar were inseparable. 
Guess some things have to move on, guess time took its toll on them.
Everything had changed.
But he’ll wait. Logan will wait for Oscar to show up.
Nothing hurts more than losing someone you thought would be forever. There isn’t despair without hope.
Logan hoped that Oscar would stay, keep his word.
Oscar didn’t.
Then came the despair.
But Logan will wait, as long as it takes.
Logan continues fiddling with the shirt and tracing over the outline of the koala, wiping away his tears.
It shouldn’t be this complicated.
It shouldn’t have to be this complicated.
Logan waits a few minutes before taking his phone out and opening Oscar’s chat.
What does he even text now? 
His fingers hover over the message buttons, growing numb from just floating slightly above the keyboard.
It’s absolutely infuriating, Logan doesn’t even know what to say anymore.
They used to be able to share anything and everything, like their little safe bubble. Logan could drop his facade in front of Oscar, he could tell him anything.
Yet here he was, thinking too hard about what to say so Oscar would at least open the chats, putting up the happy facade he used to be able to drop in front of Oscar.
He lets his tears flow down his cheeks, blurring his vision. 
Logan should’ve done better.
Logan should’ve been better.
Logan should’ve succeeded.
Maybe then Oscar would bother looking in his direction.
Logan swings his legs back onto the floor as he wipes his tears off with the sleeve of the shirt.
It all comes back to Oscar.
Logan: i miss you.
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disneyprincemuke · 3 months
testing, testing * fem!driver
nobody is more glad to be back in bahrain in her new race car more than the girl racing for andretti
pairings: fernando alonso x fem!driver, logan sargeant x fem!driver, oscar piastri x fem!driver, sebastian vettel x fem!driver, liam lawson x fem!driver
notes: hi surprise before the first race of 2024 and also because I've been writing this piece for like a week now
(series masterlist) | (📂 the sophomore year)
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she sighs, tilting her head as she looks down at the car. her hand hovers above the side pod as she grins, “ah, my baby. so pretty.”
liam, standing next to her, has a scowl on his face as he lifts his eyebrow at her. “what?”
“look at the purple on this car,” she whispers in bewilderment as she claps her hand, bouncing on her tiptoes. “she’s so pretty! i have a good feeling about this year, liam!” she grabs his shoulder and shakes him as she throws her head back. “this is our year and i’m going to win a race for andretti.”
“if you don’t stop shaking me, i’ll throw myself in front of your car and you’ll have to find a new teammate.”
she hums. “i have fred — toto will hand him over if i bat my eyelashes and say really nice things and offer free babysitting.”
“hater,” liam mutters, shaking his head. he turns his head back to the car. it is pretty: the purple and the specks of black give it a nice touch. “but it is a pretty nice car. it felt nice right?”
“it did.”
she sighs and leans on the car with her arms wide open. she pushes her cheek against the halo of the car. “i love you, my baby car. we’re gonna win a race together.”
“what’s going on?”
liam turns his head and shrugs. “not sure. might be the lack of ice cream in her bloodstream that’s making her like this.”
which is possible. sebastian and noah (her physical trainer) had banned her from ice cream for testing, afraid that she would simply camp out in the bathroom in the short couple of hours she has in the car today.
“i drank pepsi, it’s okay,” she giggles, scrunching her nose. she perks up with a giddy smile and looks around with her lips pursed. “where is oscar? he owes me timtams.”
“no chocolate either,” sebastian says sternly, furrowing his eyebrows at the young girl.
“what? why not?”
“because you’ll kill yourself when you’re in the car for too long,” noah sighs with the shake of his head. “eat fruits like normal people.”
“normal…” liam furrows his eyebrows as he turns to the slightly older man. “who eats fruits for fun?”
“they’re good for you.”
“they’re not all good. they could give you diabetes.”
“fruits can give you diabetes?” she yelps, shoving liam back a couple of steps with wide eyes. “i knew there’s a reason i resented fruits! they’re so unhealthy!”
“actually it’s because you didn’t have an ounce of internet safety growing up. you were traumatised by annoying orange,” liam mutters. only then he notices that it’s something he was sworn to secrecy by logan. he glances at the girl, breathing heavily as her eye twitches. “or so i assume.”
noah turns to her. “you’re scared of annoying orange?”
prepared for the girl to unleash some sort of violence on him, liam sucks in a deep breath as he closes his eyes to brace for impact. much to his surprise, she just nods and walks past him to walk to where her helmet is.
“yeah. and it’s all blythe watched growing up. so it was kinda,” she shrugs, “detrimental to my brain development.”
liam raises his eyebrow. “that’s the only thing that held back your development?”
“that and meeting you in my early teen years for sure altered my brain chemistry.”
“i know. kinda sucks, doesn’t it?”
pre-season testing has always been one of the days of the year that she’s most excited for. going out there and showing everybody she can do — it’s always fun to shut a lot of people up. and it’s the one time that she can drive a race car without so much pressure on her shoulders.
it’s lots of fun, really. and after not seeing a couple people over the break, it’s fun to be back in the paddocks to mess around with them.
she rests the helmet above her head and turns to liam with a grin. “if i beat you in testing, you owe me 5 pints of rocky road.”
liam punches her shoulder gently. “you’re on. and if i beat you, you do my laundry for a week.”
“yeah– wait, how is that fair? boy laundry is gross!”
“you live with a boy!”
“i don’t do his laundry! logan’s a grown ass man!”
“enough bickering,” sebastian sighs, putting a hand behind her back. his other hand lands on the top of her helmet and slowly pushes hit down to help her put it on. he understands her excitement: she’s missed racing so much that she had resorted to bringing her brother karting over the winter break. “get in the car and show everyone what you can do.”
she squeals. “and beat liam and get my ice cream.”
“yeah, that too.”
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she drives into the pitlane, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she looks for the set of andretti garages. she sighs as she comes to a stop, feeling the car be lifted as they put her back into the garage for a little more testing.
“aw, hey! you’re back,” liam grins, knocking on the top of her helmet. she swats his hands away from her head as she grips on the halo to pull herself out of the car. “how was it?”
“i was not feeling great. but i reckon it’s just me,” she shrugs, voice muffled by the layers over her mouth. “i’m telling you — i need my ice cream. i can handle it without having to run to the bathroom before a race!”
liam scrunches his nose. “you’re not fooling anyone with that.”
“i swear, mate,” she throws her head back in frustration, “it was just the rookie vibes last year. i’m better this year.”
he hums, turning around to readjust the headphones on his head. “i don’t reckon sebastian and noah would believe you. but alright.”
“believe me!”
“believe what?”
“what are you doing here?” she giggles, covering her mouth as she hunches over. “you got my ice cream?”
mick sighs heavily, shoulders slumping when their eyes meet. he presses his lips together and shakes his head and her smile drops. “noah checked me for illegal items on the way in.”
“that asshole!” she shrieks, turning to the large doors where her trainer stands. “you don’t understand — i need my ice cream! i’m dying.”
“i know,” mick turns to the pit wall where sebastian sits, swinging his legs as he eats the ice cream reserved specifically for the girl. “i got caught. i’m sorry.”
she clenches her jaw and turns away from sebastian grinning smugly as her from across the pitlane. she hums. “i will find a way to get myself ice cream. just you wait.”
“i don’t reckon that’s a good idea mate,” liam mutters. “you’ve still got the afternoon session for to drive. maybe you should sit this one out.”
she wiggles her finger in the air as she walks towards the backdoor of her garage. “no can do. i’m sure oscar’s got some extra ice cream from me.”
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“no, you cannot race one another during testing.”
“why not? not even a little bit?” max shrugs, frowning as he throws his hands into the air. “just one lap.”
the girl, standing next to him, nods with a wide smile. “please? we won’t crash into one another, i promise.”
“you’re not supposed to crash into one another even in a normal race!” sebastian points out, scratching his head in frustration.
it is one thing to compare lap times when you’re pushing everything out of your car, but to go out on the track and race side by side is another thing. there is simply too much at stake, especially for a time like pre-season testing where everything is in shambles.
“okay, fine!” she huffs, throwing her head back before turning to max. she drops her head. “might i suggest a scooter race around the paddocks before the afternoon session today? after lunch?”
sebastian clears his throat, prompting both of them to turn their heads to look at him before max could muster an answer. “i thought i told you that you can’t use your stupid scooter without adult supervision?”
she looks at him in confusion. “i was talking about the scooter fernando got me.”
“aw, he got you a scooter?” max whines, frowning. “i wanted one — kelly wouldn’t let me get one.”
“seriously?” she giggles. “logan, oscar and i got one along. mine’s the cutest, i’d reckon. you might be able to use oscar’s!”
sebastian just sighs. he waves them off and turns on his heel and starts to walk the other day. “get yourselves injured, i don’t even care.”
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“you’re… asking me to join you?”
“what does it sound like?”
a sheepish giggle passes the man’s lips as he covers his mouth and takes a step back. “i feel so honoured. i’m being included in your activities?”
liam furrows his eyebrows. “what’s that supposed to mean? it’s just a scooter ride around the track before the new session. it’s not a big deal.”
“it’s literally a scooter race out on the race track,” she whispers, turning away from liam to look at fernando in confusion. “literally kilometres on a fucking scooter meant for kids.”
“and we somehow convinced the marketing team to film us doing it for content,” logan beams, puffing his chest with his hands on his hips.
they went on a limb when the girl texted their groupchat: something about helping her convince the f1 marketing team to let them book the track for 40 minutes so they could race on it without getting into trouble.
she walked in with logan, oscar and liam trailing behind her with a half thought out speech, a sweet smile and a dream. she barely even made it halfway through the speech she spent so long thinking over while she had her lunch when they agreed without another thought.
and being that it was fernando’s idea to get them all matching scooters (actually a gift to liam for his rookie year, but the girl had convinced him to get her one too), they invited him along as well.
and max, because sebastian had admitted that fernando got him one as well. he had been too ashamed to admit it, muttering about how borderline embarrassing it is.
“how did you do that? they never agree to my ideas.”
“how can you resist a face like this?” liam asks.
liam puts a hand under her face, logan squeezes her cheeks together and oscar pushes her nose up. she poses with her hand in a peace sign.
“i’d feel threatened if i were the f1 marketing team.”
“hey, take that back!” she cries. she swats the hands from her face and grins. “are you joining us or not?”
fernando shrugs. “sure, why not.”
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there’s a screech that breaks the barrier by the pitlane followed by the clanging of something. everyone pipes down, heads turning and looking around in curiousity to find the source of the scream.
“there’s no way this happened to me again!”
along the track’s grid is the girl sitting on the ground, hands up in the air with her scooter not too far from her. she’s surrounded by her friends first before the marketing crew finally takes steps forward to check on her.
“if i were you, i’d take this as a sign to just stick with a car,” oscar laughs, clutching his stomach.
“yeah, mate,” logan wipes tears from his eyes, “there’s no way you’re two for two falling down and hurting yourself on a scooter.”
her teammate, however, towers over her with hands over his hips. “i swear you might be stupid. how did you fall down again on a scooter that’s meant for kids?”
she looks up, genuine tears in her eyes as the red liquid seeps out of her palms. “you guys are so mean!”
fernando looks down at her. “are you okay?”
“no!” she holds her hands up to fernando to show him where she is bleeding. “it hurts!”
“okay, mija,” fernando grins, nodding empathetically. he puts a hand on her elbow and the other around her back to help her up. “let’s get you some first aid.”
max appears, actually being the only one that finished the race, still riding on a scooter. he balances on it and tilts his head, “really? again?”
her head snaps back around to max, taking a threatening step forward with an arm wound back to hit him. “max emilian verstappen!”
“not the government name,” he scoffs, furrowing his eyebrows. “this is why you fell down.”
“bitch,” she mutters as fernando whisks her away. “there’s no trophy so it doesn’t even count.”
“you’re just mad that max beat you,” liam snorts, rolling his eyes, “and fernando… and logan… and oscar…”
“you didn’t beat me though, so i’m fine with that.”
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“oh, my god?”
“what happened?”
the two germans walk into the garage to her sitting on a bench with her head dropped, being bandaged by noah.
“she fell down,” noah answers immediately, shaking his head as he spares her one more disappointed stare. “can you believe it?”
“have you considered just… not racing?” mick asks, tilting his head. “on a scooter, i mean.”
she shakes her head. “i have to be the best at everything.”
“wow,” sebastian blinks, “well, are you okay?” he looks over liam’s shoulder and rolls his eyes as well. “seriously? the same spot as before?”
“hey, i didn’t take your stupid smart glasses — just mind your own business!” she slouches and lets out a heavy sigh. “it wasn’t even my fault this time.”
liam perks up. “i didn’t do shit to you, mate! you’re just stupid!”
“you were screaming at me approaching me from behind!”
“i was not! i was simply singing the mission impossible theme song!”
“same thing! it was intimidation — you should have been disqualified for that.”
“sore loser!”
“you know what this means?” she hums, batting her eyelashes at sebastian with a small grin. this is her only chance into coaxing herself to completion. “ice–“
before she can finish her plea, her race engineer is already walking away from her with a hand held up in her direction. “not a chance.”
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“good results, mate!” liam screams, his claps filling the garage as she climbs out of her car. “you’re in the top 10!”
she turns her head towards him, the way her shoulders and back straighten an easy telltale of how she feels. she pushes her visor up, “really?” she sees the smug grin on his face, ripping her gloves off and throwing it at him. “there’s only 10 of us testing today!”
“you believed me, though.”
“i literally just drove several laps out!” she hits him. “you’re so annoying — i wish mick was my teammate.”
liam shakes his head as she takes her helmet off. “you don’t mean that.”
“i actually do. very much,” she sighs. she puts her helmet into the seat of her car and turns to liam, only then noticing that liam is now holding something out to her. “oh!”
“yeah, i got you ice cream!” liam beams proudly. “they didn’t have rocky road, but… i figured it’s still chocolate ice cream and you wouldn’t–“
he’s cut off by the girl throwing herself at him, wrapping her arms around him beforw pulling away to take the small cup into her hands. “aw, liam! thank you!”
“we’re going to have so much fun this year.”
“bold of you to assume i won’t run you off track like i did in f2.”
“i’m prepared to hit you back — you’re an adult now.”
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @vellicora @leilanixx @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @33-81 @darleneslane @nikfigueiredo @happy-nico @namgification @localwhoore @sadg3 @kazuha-pista-badam @mellowarcadefun @glitterf1 @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @gentlyweeps-world @woozarts @meadhbhcavanagh @2bormaybenot @inejismywife @love4lando
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cr33p5 · 5 months
tss script leak:
"Alright sidesgang... we did it! We sided the dark sides! They had it coming.. heh... Wait...I feel a song coming on... hit it Roman!" Thomas says.
"This is my jam!" Patton smiles
"Jam!? Where!" Says Logan, looking around frantically
"Haha, there's no jam Logan." Virgil chuckles
"Anways... on three.. One. two.. three!" Thomas exclaims.
“this is gonna be sidestastic!” says Patton
(They all laugh together, dancing in sync)
“That means you guys too, bring it in!”
(they pull Janus and Remus in)
“uhhh what are we gonna do about him?” Roman asks
(cut to Orange in the corner)
“Come on.. join the fun!” says Thomas
“N-no way..I would never!”
“Umm then why’s your foot tapping along to the beat..?” (virgil points)
“Uh oh…ugh..fine!” Orange groans as he’s pulled in for a group hug
(It was in this moment that thomas realized)
“Maybe the real sanders sides..was the friends we made along the way.”
(They hug as the screen fades to black)
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wiltingwoods · 6 months
!More minor asides spoilers!
I know the last episode was cutesey and fun and all that but like
What if the next episode is the season finale. We continue where we left off in the asides episode. Thomas either tries to kiss Nico/ tries to say he loves him/ asked if he wants to be his bf. Nico says he’s not ready for tries to back away. If we want extra drama, Nico will say he needs some space. Thomas goes home. All of the sides pop up. Virgil is freaking tf out, berating Thomas for scaring him off. This is having an impact on Roman, who is insecure that they’ll lose Nico. Patton is shattered, Remus is probably there just making things worse. Thomas is in complete disarray. Logan, of course, is the calmest. He is trying to tell Thomas that, as of right now, there is no reason to freak out. Just because Nico isn’t ready for a big step doesn’t mean he’s not interested. But, as per usual, no one listens to him. Amid the commotion, Logan is either knocked out or he sinks out. Orange takes his place. Now I know there’s a lot of theories about who O can represent, I think anger is one of the most popular theories.
It would also be fascinating if Janus popped up and was trying his best to hide him.
I think Orange is gonna be a big deal and he’s gonna scare even Janus (maybe this is just me wanting to see Janus lose his cool)
Anyways I was just thinking about the cliff hanger take what you will
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