#people won't beat me to death with sticks for this
sequids · 28 days
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haven't really posted about them in a long time so here's a little doodle of shapesmith and my invincible oc/self-insert, ky.....they are silly4silly
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androideql · 1 year
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wtftarot · 2 months
PAC: Judgment
This one is going to be fucking intense, y'all. The Judgement card calls shit the fuck out. The Judgement card isn't judgemental though. It's all about self-reflection, taking a good, hard look in the mirror, and suspending your self-criticism so you can see yourself honestly. It can talk about a reckoning of biblical proportions, things being brought to the surface and nothing will ever be the same.
That being said this reading is for entertainment purposes ONLY and is not a substitute for professional advice in any capacity. Remember, use common sense, and don't be a dumbass.
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Pick The Flag, The Angel, or because some of y’all’s guides have a sense of humor The Ass. And head on to your reading.
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The Horn
Ten of wands, Five of Cups, The Hanged Man, Five of Swords, Death Rx, Nine of Swords, Ace of Cups Rx, Eight of Cups Rx, Seven of Cups Rx, The Fool, and The Six of Wands.
Is it loud where y'all are at? Or is there usually a lot of noise going on where you're at? I don't think that has anything to do with the reading, just something I'm picking up on. Y'all know the Judgment card is not gonna pull any punches right? And you're ready for that? Alright then, y'all are stuck in the past and it's fuckin you over. I'm getting specifically that y'all replay embarrassing memories or replay times you fucked up over and over in your head and beat yourself up over them. Now most people do that to a degree, y'all though? Y'all do it a fuck ton. You need to stop beating yourself up for past shit. You don't have to start singing your own praises or whatever, just learning to stop that train of thought when it comes up would do wonders for you. I kept pulling cards for y'all because they felt empty, that's the only way I can describe it. Y'all are so fucking drained. It's like y'all are hanging around a well that's been dry for a while, but you won't leave cause what if you go looking and never find another one? THE WELL IS FUCKIN DRY SWEETIE. You refuse to let go of the past because what if the future is worse? Or what if you never find that again? Honey, I'm gonna give it to you straight (or bi?) By holding onto the past you are guaranteeing that the future will be worse. Hanging around a dusty ass well is worse than going looking for another one, full stop. I gotta be honest, it doesn't even look like you were happy with what you're holding on to. None of the cards talk about a happy past. I keep getting this imagery of ghosts haunting an abandoned house, but it feels like you're the ghost haunting your past. There's a vibe here too, that y'all are waiting for something to rush in and change things. Like some sorta lightning strike, epiphany, huge catalyst event that's like NOW, my life can start. Sweetie, that's you. You are the change maker in your life. I understand there's a fuck ton in life that's outside of our control, I get that. That's not what this reading is talking about. It's talking about how the choices you are making are keeping you stuck. How YOU are the catalyst for change in your life. Even small steps in the right direction will make a huge difference Your reading started with the Ten of Wands and ended with the Six. The imagery on them is really beautiful for this reading. In the deck I'm using, the Ten/Wands is depicted as ten sticks all tangled together, it feels like being stuck in a dark underbrush. The Six/Wands shows a blue butterfly flying out of a dark underbrush. You have the power to move toward a brighter future. You just need to take that power into your hands and stop trying to go back to the past. I believe in y'all.
Random ass vibes: enchiladas, butterflies, 888, pop-punk, 21, pink, pastel goth
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Seven/Cups, Knight/Cups Rx, Queen/Wands Rx, Eight/Swords Rx, Six/Swords, Wheel of Fortune Rx, Ace of Cups.
I'm seeing a watercolor painting of mountains. Someone painting scenery on a road-trip. This energy feels very soft, not gentle though. Like a cat that's cuddly but will tear you to shreds the second the mood strikes them. I feel like if you picked this group, you are one tough nut to crack. You've either had a rough life so far, are a rough person or both. Probably both. There's a softness that's calling you. A softer life coming your way, you probably feel it or have seen signs about it. It's freaking you the fuck out though ain't it? This life that you're being called to embrace, "being welcomed into" I'm hearing, is so soft and free and you've never felt that have you? It's terrifying. Honey. I fucking get y'all, I get this group wholefuckinheartedly. Y'all may be scared that this softer life will make you lose your instincts, that you will go soft and helpless. I think that's why the cat analogy came up, you won't lose it, babe don't worry. You won't be de-clawed just because you find a safe lap to curl up in. I'm feeling that the people that will come in with this softer life will love your edges and teeth. Knowing you will have their back when shit hits the fan will make them feel so safe with you and vis versa. Cause believe me they will have your back just as you do theirs. This energy is dark and intense and soft and warm all at once. It's so fuckin beautiful. Here's the catch, cause you knew it was coming: You have to start creating room for this softer energy. You have to start being softer with yourself, not judging yourself for wanting that softness. Stop ridiculing soft things, open things. I know you can take the hard times in stride but stop making yourself. Just because you can handle the hard shit doesn't mean you have to all the time. There is so much ease with this energy, it's just like a whisper in my ear. This is a time of rest coming to you but you have to kinda train yourself a bit for it, teach yourself that these things are okay. Otherwise, you may just lose your shit cause it's so fuckin foreign to you. (I keep seeing a flash of a long caption on instagram?? I don't know what that means at all, I hope it clicks for one of y'all. ) I keep getting the sense that y'all are worried about losing who you are if you embrace this energy, you won't. That intensity? The claws? The smartass mouth and edge? All yours to keep. We don't lose the night and storms when spring comes now do we? The only difference now is that you'll have a shoulder to lean on and will have moments of peace. BUT you have to stop judging yourself for even thinking about a softer way, seriously. How the hell are you going to be ready to embrace this fuckin awesome new chapter if you can't even THINK about it without mentally berating yourself? You don't have to do a complete 180 immediately, just stop yourself when you catch yourself repeating those thoughts. Just change the subject, do not engage. You can argue with those self-berating thoughts if you want, ngl this group seems like take no shit types. And let's be honest, we all know that you can't mentally beat yourself into the person you want to be, anymore than you could repeatedly neglect and destroy a seedling and have it grow into a huge ass tree. Things don't get stronger by being repeatedly broken down and destroyed. Y'all have had enough of the tough-love, hustle, push harder to do better. It's your turn for ease.
random ass vibes: art, Hozier, rainy forests, two-lane highways, candy, hammocks, fresh laundry, fire.
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Four/Swords Rx, The High Priestess, Three/Pentacles, Queen/Swords Rx, The Tower Rx, Seven/Pentacles Rx, Ace/Wands and Ace/Swords Rx on the back of the deck.
Y'all's guides think they're fuckin hilarious. Not only did they keep pushing me to pick the person's ass as the picture for your group. When I was writing up the lil intro at the top, I wrote something about a good, hard look in the mirror and I heard giggling and "yea look at the dick in the mirror". (jokingly calling you a dick, not in a really mean way, more like the way you call a friend a dick) They're giggling again as I'm writing this. This energy is very youthful and light. I think y'all tend to be very hard on your past self, very critical. I keep hearing "should've known better". You need to give yourself a break, especially from past mistakes. (Do y'all have trouble focusing? I cannot seem to focus on this group, so I'm sorry if it's coming across as very jumbled. )There's a deep need to go inward and explore your inner self. I think y'all actively avoid going inward, dealing with your own emotions. It's like y'all are running away from your inner child. Some of you may have had a rough childhood but I'm getting that it's more that y'all kinda bully your past self/ inner child, as they are one and the same. It's interesting, it feels like a few of y'all are demanding yourselves to be a way that you're not naturally and it's alienating your inner child. Now, I can't say who you are naturally, not my place. I can say judging by the cards, some of y'all are pushing yourselves to be more of a logical hardass than you are and for others of you it's the opposite, you're pushing yourselves to be more intuitive, touchy-feely than you are naturally. No Judgements for either side, I do want to say whether you figure out you're more or less logical/intuitive, you can still be into tarot and everything. All are welcome. All of y'all are punishing yourselves for not being how you think you "should" be though. I do mean punishing, too. Y'all can be downright cruel to yourselves when you try to be. Pay attention to what you're saying to yourself in those moments, as I'm getting that you may be parroting something cruel that was said to you as a kid. I mean, do you even truly believe what you're saying to yourself? Cause, honestly it looks like you do and value different skill sets and understand that everyone is different and does embarrassing shit sometimes, but you have a different standard for yourself. I'm hearing something like "Yeah but everyone' beats themselves up over embarrassing shit, everyone does this, and everyone hates themselves for past mistakes. Sweetie, everyone cringes at their past, not everyone is cruel to themselves the way you are. I don't think you realize how incredibly harsh your thoughts toward your past self can be. You wonder why you can never seem to connect with your inner child when you've become their biggest bully. I mean no offense and I'm not judging you, I'm just your guide's lil messenger. I didn't intend for this to be an inner child reading, that is what it needs to be, though. The Judgment card talks about calling things to the surface, and facing the truth of you head on. Your self-judgments are leaving your inner child feeling abandoned by you. You're picking apart the foundation of yourself and wondering why you never feel like you're on solid ground. This reading is calling you to go back to basics for yourself. I'm seeing for those of you who never really had a time when you could be a child, not only is this more relevant for you, it'll have more of an impact. Think back to what made you feel safe as a kid, or what you wanted to do to make yourself feel safe that you couldn't for whatever reason. Shows you watched or wanted to watch. The food you wanted. Buy yourself a toy, playdough is cheap as hell. If you're still pretty young and you're reading this, let yourself BE young. The world is so fuckin demanding and puts so much pressure on everyone to be "mature" and grow up as fast as possible and it's bullshit. Being easier on your past self/inner child will give you that spark and energy you've felt was missing. You're never too old to let yourself feel like a kid.
random ass vibes: spinning around til you fall, gardening, 222, birthday candles, art, blanket forts,
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toorumlk · 25 days
Hi I'm so freaking obsessed with your twitter.
Also what's your favorite Romione moment in the books and why?
ohohoho thank you, friend, i’m quite proud of some of the stuff i’ve posted on there B)
and as for my favourite romione moment in the books, when i read the question i first blanked out for a couple minutes, thinking of a bunch of smaller, sillier scenes. but then i remembered that i do have a favourite and it’s from chapter 11 of DH, when remus visited the trio at grimmauld place and filled them in on he goings on of the war -including the implementation of the muggle-born registry. ron’s response upon hearing this (after his immediate outrage) was
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and it’s not just the hand holding and the “‘you won’t have a choice’ said Ron fiercely” that played out so vividly in my head like this:
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but this scene demonstrates so perfectly the political weight of this pairing (muggleborn/blood traitor) which i think is the immovable narrative foundation of romione. all of their silly moments and idiosyncrasies aside, there is genuine narrative purpose behind this love. ron has always had an astute understanding of the blood supremacist politics of the wizarding world (need i remind that he was ready to curse shitco at the ripe age of 12 for calling hermione the in-universe slur) and just how wrong it is. ron is a pure-blood wizard and by design has so much privilege in this society bc of it, but by virtue of having parents like arthur and molly, he’s grown up knowing the importance of fighting against blood supremacist ideology. always.
so, after hearing about the completely horrifying muggleborn registry ("People won't let this happen," said Ron. "It is happening, Ron," said Lupin.), he immediately turns to his muggleborn best friend and love of his life and says “i’m making you a family member, i’m going to use the protection my family-name has and use it to protect you from the awful injustice of our situation, no you won’t have a choice but to let me help you”
i remember having such a… visceral reaction while reading this scene like holy shit .. these kids, THESE KIDS!!!!! this is the bone-marrow-deep love that makes me feel insane. this dynamic of the blood traitor/muggleborn always there, from CoS all the way to the epilogue. We get to see that romione is the story’s pure blood/muggleborn that finally made it (rip jily and tedromeda :(). we see it in hermione keeping her muggle last name after they get married (oh my god these two actually got married) and we also see it in the hyphenated Granger-Weasley (granger being first!) in their kids’ last names (oh my gof these two had TWO kids). they are a true symbol of change and progress in their world.
also this is one of those moments where i’m so glad that our only window to romiones relationship development is through harry’s narration because it so brilliantly shows the readers this blossoming love story instead of just telling us about it because harry obviously doesn’t have access to the inner thoughts of his two best friends, he can only witness them fall deeper in love. showing the audience acts of love is always more powerful and my god is this an act of showing your love to your beloved.
(and not to go on an unrelated tangent, but this is exactly why i could never ship my girl hermione w any DE or DE-adjacent character. no fucking way. not when the concept of a muggle-born registry exists in this universe, not when the antagonists in this story wish to eradicate people like her from their society. idk about the rest of y’all but im going to keep taking the narrative seriously bc the worldbuilding obviously has real world ties/implications and i like engaging with the canon. tangently to the tangent, i saw someone (a ron basher) on twitter say that ron, OUR RON FROM THE ABOVE EXCERPT, was “one bad day away from becoming a death eater” ohhhh ohhh i ought to beat you with sticks bc HUH? this is the same kid who said he would’ve boarded the train back to kings cross if he got sorted to slytherin, the house notorious for birthing DEs, at the tender age of 11)
anyways, all this to say is that romione is incredibly, realistically, materially romantic and i love them and i love their love <3
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galazry · 7 months
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Till Death Do Us Part
pairing: Wanderer x gn!reader genre: fluff...? content: Just like they said, "until death do us part." word count: 654 a/n: sooo... have you guys heard the song "Until Death Do Us Part :)"? if you haven't, i totally recommend it. It's a very nice song. It is also the inspiration for this drabble. you know, tags are really important, huh?
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As the music slows down, all heads turn to face the end of the hall. The mahogany doors swung open to reveal you clad in white. Everyone awed at how magnificent you looked. The brightest smile, that could light up the entire world, adorns your face. How could you not when today was the day you were to be wed with your beloved?
Wanderer stood there, his indigo eyes watch as you slowly walked down the aisle. You had always looked so magnificent in his eyes, but today takes the cake. A bouquet of roses, orchids, and jasmines nestled in your hands, though beautiful, it didn't compare to how beautiful you were. God, you really took his breath away.
The crowd of people slowly disappeared in his view as his eyes zones in on you, You were like the precious jewel in the crowd, so perfect, so wonderful. With each step you took, Wanderer remembers all the time he had spent with you, his best friend— all the laughter and joy you both shared, the ups and downs, the tears and secrets you both shared— all lead to this very moment. The yellow tulip in his pocket droops a bit, before he hastily fixes it. It was a special day, so even the littlest mishaps must be corrected. He wants to look perfect, after all.
Once you reach the end of the aisle, he let out the breath that he didn't know he had been holding. He felt faint seeing you up close as he felt tears pricking his eyes. The pastor's words fall onto deaf ears and Wanderer could only hear both his heart beating, and the soft giggles you let out.
The images of waking up by your side every morning and falling asleep with you in his arms every night; The way that you both would be spending all your time together, being each other's anchor, for the rest of your life. Images of you both sitting on the porch, as the sun sets on the horizon, the light refracting off your silver-like hair. Wrinkles on both of your faces and yet the love you both shared was still fresh.
"Do you [Y/N], take this man, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"
The words of the pastor brought Wanderer back to reality as he focused on your face. How he would treasure the bright smile you have right now, forever imprinting it into his brain as his favourite smile of yours.
"I do."
"Then, by the power vested in me, I pronounced you both, spouses for life. You may now both kiss."
The crowd cheered as the bells rung. Wanderer can't help but to let the tears that he had been holding back flow down his cheeks as he sees the love of his life kissing another man who had managed to make you his.
You both looked so happy.
All the scenarios he had imagined with you came shattering down. He won't be the one to wake up by your side. He won't be the one you build your life with for the rest of your life. He won't be the one to dance with you in the kitchen, listening to old sappy music, while the dim light makes your silver hair glisten. Wanderer just wished that he was the one that you chose to spend all your life with, but he couldn't blame you. It was his fault for keeping his feelings a secret and now, it was all too late and you will never know much affection he has for you.
Even so, just like he had promised under the moonlight, on that one summer day, he'll stick by your side.
Just as a best friend.
Until death do us part.
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respectthepetty · 4 months
Pit Babe Colors Ep. 12 The Black Parade Episode
I'm challenging myself with this show and seeing how good my color skills really are, so I'm doing my normal thing of watching it double-speed on mute, but now, the captions are off also. It's just colors and vibes here. Y'all done told be EVERYTHING, so I know the entire plot now.
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I thought it wasn't just sweat last week but knowing he is actually crying as he thinks about their past did immediate damage to me, and now they are ALL standing there in the dark with Way and Pete highlighted by the blue, and, and, and . . . Kentana are you gonna die? You and Waymond are stressing me the fuck out!
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Now that I know they are both enigmas, I can't see them the same. Are they using their superpowers on each other right now? Are they reading each other's minds? Are they trying to figure out how to get Kentana back, so they can make this poly?
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Kentana, how many times are you going to have this man spit in your face before you realize that he ain't shit? Go to your room, turn on Billie Eilish's "Happier Than Ever" and really hear it. "Never told anyone anything bad cause that shit's embarrassing. You were my everything, and all that you did was make me fucking sad."
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The blue keys in front of the red product placement is all I need to be reminded that this show refuses to allow me peace.
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Shocking absolutely fucking nobody, Kentana did not listen to "Happier Than Ever"
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And now someone is gonna die because there are only so many ways for you and Waymundo to redeem yourselves, and if you have Jeffrey in all black, I'm worried it's gonna be your funeral we will be planning next, Kentana.
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There is one episode left and I am death gripping the one time Vegas' Hedgehog wore blue because I will never get it again. I hate them.
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Real question: Is Barbie pregnant? I know he is sad Charles is "dead" *eye roll* but he is taking pills, getting fruit thrown at him, and staring out into space. I would love to believe he is going through his Edward-left-Bella-so-she-was-super-duper-sad era, but now that I know pregnancy is on the table, that's all I can see.
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Oh, thank goodness! Someone actually has a tracker on his phone! But Kimberly has been kidnapped, caught up in human trafficking, and is now beating up children. Bro, what was your life before it all went to shit? Do you ever call your mom and tell her these are your friends now? Are you even still racing? Nevermind. Go catch those kids.
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The problem with black is the shades. Waymond's jacket looks green. Peter's pants look blue. And yet it still feels like we are preparing for a funeral. A real one this time. Not fake like someone else's *cough* Charles *cough*
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Kentana, are you betraying Jeffrey as Big Red watches? Or are you asking him how Peter's been? Has he been well, without you? Is he dating anyone? What is his status with Way? Well, Jeffrey wouldn't know, but Peter x Waymond could be poly if you get out of that fucking house and stop kidnapping people!
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Going from Kentana in that House of Horrors to Pete looking like this makes me understand why Kentana is out there kidnapping people. I'd feel some type of way too if my childhood crush looked like this and was getting chummy with a dude who looked like Way Way. Damn.
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What the hell is this?! The cover of a boy band album? A meeting to discuss poly? The Thai version of Barbie where Ken(tana) explains why he won't leave the Mojo Dojo Casa House? AND WHY ARE ALL OF YOU WEARING BLACK?! Someone is gonna die.
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Did Big Red know Kentana went to see Barbie and the other Kens?! Was he sent there by Big Red?! Kentana is really breaking my heart on his knees hugging this man like this. I want to slap Kentana all the time, but I also want to hug him and tuck him into bed with a moon nightlight calmly lighting up the room.
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Let's stick him in a video game, so he can learn to love himself.
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Push him down the stairs, Kentana! Do it. PLEASE! Shoulder check his ass at least.
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Oh Lord, NO! Waymond, do not take a fucking bullet for anyone. You canNOT die by Whiny Winifred's bullet. I refuse to let you go out like that. You finally used your powers for good, but this is not the time to die.
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This is Mission Kim Possible all over again! How do you not grab the damn bag?! Waymundo looks so damn good in his suit, so thank God he is still alive, but what the fuck guys?! One job! SECURE. THE. BAG.
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I hate how good everyone looks in black because I keep swinging through emotions. I'm terrified for everyone yet very attracted to everyone. All the guys connected to Big Red have been in black this episode regardless if it was their color or not, so I'm hoping that means the funeral will be Big Red's.
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A cult meeting, in this economy? Villains make the dumbest decisions.
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Waymond has some white on . . . over black. Please Mary, mother of God, do not let him do something stupid.
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Alan, did you just say "eff them kids"? No. Not my Alan. He'll be back for them. Right. Right?
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Peter is gonna Regina George his way into this Halloween party that he was not invited to just to cause some havoc. Mad respect.
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How the hell did Charles get there?! Did Barbie's dad tell him to go to the cult meeting? Dressed like that though? Did his spidey sense go off? So many questions, but all I know is Kentana better let them go, so he doesn't have to die.
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Whiny Winifred better not get better at aiming in the final episode because I still need both of these two to wear blue TOGETHER.
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WAYMOND, NO!!!!!!!!!!
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Good to know it only took being kidnapped twice and (possibly) someone dying for Jeffrey to finally commit to the blue.
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My nerves are wrecked. There was too much black this episode. Someone is going to die, and as much as I want it to be Big Red, I just don't feel good that Kentana is still on his bullshit, and Waymond keeps jumping in front of guns. Peter needs both of his boyfriends to live.
Also, Barbara, I already know you are immediately going to hug Charles next week, instead of having a moment to be pissed all the way off at him like you should be, so I'm going to start meditating on that right now. I've been mad at Charles the entire season, so I'll hold this grudge for both of us in the finale.
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zoros-fourth-sword · 3 months
Scarlett- Chapter One
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Summary: Portgas D. Scarlett  Ace's older sister, decides to join Trafalgar Law's crew as their navigator after her brother's death. At first, she is distant and consumed with grief over her loss, but as she spends more time with Law and his crew, she begins to find comfort in their shared experiences.
As they journey together through the Grand Line, Law, and Scarlett must face off against dangerous foes and navigate the treacherous waters of the New World. Along the way, they grow closer, and Scarlett begins to see Law in a new light.
But their love is not without its challenges, as Law is still haunted by his past and the events that led him to become a pirate. Scarlett must confront her feelings of guilt and loss over her brother's death if she wants to move forward with Law.
WC: 1.7k
Taglist: ???
WARNINGS: grief, depression, mention of death
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Chapter One: Grumpy Pants
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no, it can't be it's a lie It can't be true I won't believe it he can't be dead He can't. I tightly grip the newspaper in my hands trying to fight back the tears threatening to escape it was like my entire world was crumbling under me it was like I was destined to be alone first I lost my mother then Sabo and now my baby brother Ace it's too much how am I supposed to live on without the people I love I need him I can't leave him we promised to stay alive and Luffy we still got to make him the king of the pirates right
"it can't be" I broke as I sank to the floor
"don't tell me it's true old man" I sob looking up at Rayleigh
"I'm so sorry kid" The old man looked at me unsure what to do
'h h he can't be dead" I cry as my heart falls to my stomach causing me to feel sick it was the most painful feeling I have ever experienced I couldn't breathe I couldn't think all I could do was cry I felt so hopeless I couldn't even protect my baby brother isn't that what an older sibling is supposed to isn't that there role in this life to protect their little sibling and I couldn't even do that
"Luffy what about Luffy" I panic as I quickly get up off the floor causing Ray to reach his arms out in concern
"hey hey kid calm down," Ray said as he grabbed my shoulders stopping my panicked self in front of him
"Ray it hurts" I choke looking at the man in front of me seeing he had a concerned expression on his face
"he can't be dead" I sob as I tightly grip his shirt. Burying my head into his chest letting everything I was holding in out. all the pain, the grief, the anger, all of it stained Ray’s shirt
"I can't live without him Ray I can't do it" I choke as my eyes painfully become puffy from the salty tears stinging my eyes
"I know Scar and I'm so sorry kid but you have to be strong for yourself, and not just that Luffy needs you," Ray said as he began to rub the back of my head trying to calm me down
"It's so hard Ray it's so fucking hard what am I supposed to do how am I supposed to face Luffy after this he needed me and I wasn't there I was so fucking busy with everything else that I couldn't even see that my brothers needed me" I cry as I began to beat my hand on Ray’s chest in frustration
"Scarlett I know you're angry and frustrated but you can't let those feelings control your spirit do you understand me you need to be strong," Ray said as he hugged me tighter
"Listen kid I found out where Luffy is and I'm going to head there in a moment," Ray said as he pulled away from our hug. grabbing my shoulders to gain my full attention
"what do ya say kid how about you see your little brother again," Ray said as he whipped the tears off my red and puffy face
"Yeah'' I choke out nodding my head yes
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"wheres Luffy" I demanded as I hopped out of the water with Ray causing my clothes to stick to my body
"kid calm down," Ray said from behind me trying to stop me from causing a scene
"And who are you," a tall man with tattoos harshly asked crossing his buff arms over his chest
"I'm his sister and you," I say placing one hand on my hip while my face showed I was irritated
"I'm the man who saved his life," the man said giving me a harsh glare
"Oh," I say as I calm down feeling bad about my rude approach
"look I'm sorry it’s just-" Before I could finish my sentence the man cut me off
"It's fine he's in the forest with Jenbei" the man said as he began walking away
Forgetting about the man I quickly ran through the forest desperately searching for my little brother soon I came to a path to see two small dots in the distance the closer I got to them the more I realized it was Luffy and Jenbei
"LUFFY" I scream trying to get the boy's attention not caring about the rocks hitting my ankles from running so fast
"SCAR" Luffy screamed once he realized it was me
"LUFFY' i scream again as we get closer desperately missing one another after being away for such a long time
"SCAR" Luffy screamed jumping into my arms causing me to stumble backwards
“I missed you so much” Luffy mumbled into my shoulder as his body slightly shock due to adrenaline pumping through his veins
“I missed you too Lu,” I say against the top of his head squeezing him tighter afraid if I let him go I would never see him again
“I'm so glad you're okay,” Luffy said as he pulled away from our hug giving me a warm smile
“Of course I am I’m stronger than you think” I weakly chuckle as I rub the top of his head slightly messing up his greasy hair
“I know” Luffy smiled causing my heart to ache. After all the stuff he had been through he was still pushing through it
“Old man Ray is here apparently he needs to see ya,” I say smiling past my pain wanting to be strong for Luffy
“Really then let’s go” Luffy said excitedly as he ran back to the camp sight
“Are you alright Scarlett” Jenbei asked as he came up behind me
“Yeah I’ll just learn to cope with it,” I weakly say giving the Fishman a slight shrug
“Confident as ever I see I wouldn’t expect any less from Ace’s older sister,” the big man laughed as he gave me a light pat on the back
“Thank you Jenbei” I say giving the man a warm smile feeling proud to know that I was considered strong for being Portgas D. Ace’s older sister after all I did teach him a thing or two about not taking shit from no one
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎
“WHAT WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TO GO” I scream towards Ray once he tells me his plan apparently he and Luffy are going to leave me to go train on some island for 2 years
“calm down scar I already figured that out we just got to talk to him first and lucky for you he’s looking for a navigator,” Ray said as he tried to calm me down
“YOUR TELLING ME YOU HAVENT EVEN ASKED THEM YET” I scream out angrily my face turning red from anger
“It’s fine Scar I have this under control,” Ray said as he pushed his glasses up his face
“Yea if you screw this up I’m going to kill you I don’t wanna be fucking homeless” I snap as I cross my arms over my chest
“Matter of fact I’ll go talk to him right now,” Ray said as he got up from the log he was sitting on
“Wait you're telling me that there here on the island theres nothing but women here,” I say as I fling up from my log
“You meet him earlier you seemed to get along,” Ray chuckled as he continued to walk away
“WAIT YOU MEAN GRUMPY PANTS” I screamed in panic realizing I disrespected my maybe future captain
“I think it’s a great idea by the way Scar,” Luffy said below me as he sat on his log
“Really I mean I haven’t been in a crew besides Ace’s” I mumble as I take my seat on my log next to Luffy my heart slightly breaking from the memory of Ace
“Yeah and Traffy’s a nice guy” Luffy smiled as he took a bite from the meat that Boa Hancock brought to him
“Traffy” I questionably asked with a raised eyebrow 
“Yea his name’s actually Trafalgar Law but I call him Traffy” Luffy said as he continued to eat
“Oh I see it’s kinda cute” I chuckle as I take the meat Luffy was eating out of his hand to take a bite of my own
“Hey get your own” Luffy growled as he tried to get his meat back
“Nope,” I say popping the p trying to avoid his attacks
“Come on Scar give it back” Luffy growled again as he desperately tried to get the meat
“I’ll kick your ass over this meat” I growl smacking Luffy’s hands away
“Is that a challenge” Luffy growled as he pushed his forehead against mine
“Enough you two” Ray said as he came walking back over to us with the man named Law
Before I could say anything Luffy snatched the food from my hand and swallowed the thing hole including the bone
“LUFFY” I yell smacking the boy on the back of the head causing him to let out a whine
“Scar come here for a sec,” Ray said as he called me over towards him and Law
I quickly head over to them giving Luffy one good smack across the head with my haki making sure the boy could feel it
“Ow what the heck” Luffy growled but I just simply ignored him and went on my merry way
“What’s up” I say putting a hand on my hip once I reach the two men seeing that Law had a bored expression plastered on his face
“Listen I don’t take shit lightly if you're going to join my crew you're going to do as I say” Law huffed as he crossed his arms over his chest
“Of course” I agree not really wanting to argue and besides I do need somewhere to stay and I’m also desperate
“Good all I ask is to not mess up my ship and look out for the rest of the crew,” Law said as he looked me up and down
“Of course, I’ll consider them as my own family I’m sure” I weakly say giving the man a small smile feeling a slight sting from the word family
“Welcome to the crew we’ll be leaving in 30” Law said as he walked back to his ship
“Um okay,” I say surprisingly not expecting the man to be so up front about it
“Seems to me you found your home kid” Ray chucked as he placed a hand on my shoulder
“Yea” I nervously chuckled not really looking forward to my new captain I can already tell we are going to be bumping heads
Next Chapter
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I hope this was good I’m so sorry if it wasn’t please comment and let me know 💕❤️
{A/N this is what Scarleet looks like to give everyone an idea}
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writingoddess1125 · 5 months
Brain bleh!
Freaks like Us
Buggy and GNReader
⚠️ Warnings: ⚠️ Abuse, Implied Deaths, Blood, Witch Hunt(?)
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"You have cursed our village!" Mrs. Yani yelled a another stone was tosses at you- tears rolling down your cheeks as you tried to shield yourself from the assault your way. Bruises and cuts littered your body from the harsh beating you'd woken up to- Having been ripped from your thin straw bed by your hair and beaten with sticks, brooks and fist as you were mercilessly dragged through the village. Your screams and sobs of confusion ignored by those around you till you were tossed to the edge of town-
You sat there sobbing, wrappinng yourself in your arms as if trying to hide from the hurt the words had brought onto you-
"I-I didn't do anything!" You cried, the taste of blood in your mouth as tou sobbed. The people you once thought were your own staring at you with burning hatred.
The elders of your village standing infront of you with disgusted looks on their faces.
"(Y/N) we have humored you enough by letting your wicked self stay here. A creature like you have damned us! I crops won't grow, the weather has only gotten worse! We let you stay cause your mother died but no more Witch!"
"I don't control the damn crops!-" You screamed, but a elder stepped towards you and kicked you hard in the ribs. A cry ripping through you as you fell to your side in pain-
"Silence you damn Vermin! Be greatful we are even allowing you to walk away with your life after this! Damn Freak!" He yelled, spitting on your quivering form. The village soon leaves, leaving you there in the dirt just outside its gates.
Those words echoing in your head as you sat there, the dark thoughts flooding your tired mind- The shivering of cold hitting your body as you were now in the soiled night clothes that was not ment to fight the coolest of nature.
"Hey Kid-" A gruff voice pulled you from your thoughts, Snapping up quickly to see a man standing there with a large group of others behind him. They were all dressed in circus clothes- Which confused you in truth. You'd only seen circuses like this in pictures or posters, no show would come to your tiny farming village.
"What happened to you?" He said, you watching the man as he kneeled down to meet your gaze- His eyes like the crashing waves of the sea that both drew you in terrified you.
"They kicked me out- They say im a freak who cursed their village! I-I didnt do anything!" You sob, word vomit getting the better of you- Fat tears starting to roll down your cheeks as a sob left you. Both in fear and pain of what had happened- You assuming the man would stand and kick you away as well, seeing you as Freaks like your village had.
The Blue-Haired man glancing back to his crew, a grin stretching over their paintwd lips as he gave a simple hand movement and they all ran past you towards the village laughing and hollering. But the man stayed behind-
However he just stared at you, His eyes drifting over your form. Almost amused by it-
"Whats your name kid?" He asked calmly, pulling out a long handkerchief from his pockets and handing it to you. You accepting and taking the multicolored fabric to wipe the blood and dirt from your face.
"(Y/N).. What about You?" You ask softly, feeling yourself start to be at ease with the strange man.
"See- People like your village are afraid of people like us- Freaks" He said sharply, gesturing to his own face. The realization then hitting you that the big cherry nose on him really was real-
"Buggy the Star Clown" He said calmly, you watch as he wiggles his fingers at you like doing jazz hands. Before flicking his wrist and a flower comes out, holding it out to you which you accept givibg a weary smile.
"T-Thank you.." You say softly, looking over the cloth flower as he stars over you.
"So kid- tell me more about what happened"
You begin to spin the tale of how you were yanked from your bed, beaten and so forth. The words they said to you and the tragedies of your life- Buggy listened quietly, his eyes watching you as if you were a new toy. Your string of conscious only stopped when the sound of screaming from the village tore you away.
Fear hitting your chest as you lurched forward to rush back to the place you once called home. But a gloved hand held you back gently.
"You're in no condition to be a hero kid- besides why would you want to save them?" He said coldly, making your blood freeze.
'Why would you want to save them?'
"Have they done anything that makes them worth saving?" He stated calmly, patting your bruised shoulder with a very gentle hand. The echos of the villages screams starting to fade and change as your mild swirled with his words.
"But- Isn't that the right thing to do?" You questioned, Buggy smiling softly at you like you were so innocent to the world.
"By who's standards? Theirs?
He helps you to your feet, supporting some of your weight so you could get a good view of the chaos. The circus people returning, now covered in blood, some Carrington away shackled people, others with the wealth of the village and a few dragging some of the elders of your village with them. The elders who had lead for your abuse-
You look back at the villagers, watching how a man in green stepped forward with a canister of lamp oil and began to pour it over the elders with messy glee. Your heart beating like drums in your ears as you watched-
"They will laugh at us, hate us, shun us. But when the shoe is on the other foot-"
He gestured to the townsfolk now staring at you with pleading eyes. Fear in them as they stared at you, the one who they had just done the same to you. Leaving you there afraid for your life and pleading for mercy.
"Suddently they ask for compassion and mercy. Tell me, did they show that to you? Did they give you mercy?-"
The clown held a hand out as a touch was placed in a waiting gloved palm, before passing the torch to you- making sure to watch you grasp it firmly.
"You see what they do to freaks like us, So tell me. What are you going to do?"
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dark-side-blog3 · 9 months
How would you rank each yandere Team Bucciarati member from least to most terrifying to be considered a rival marked for death by?
This is based on my opinion, but the top two are definitely tied in terms of how scary it is because it really depends on what you find worse. I personally find it way scarier to think about a sudden violent death than one that's still going to be violent, but has you waiting for the shoe to drop. One of those you at least get to steel yourself for, and prepare mentally to die. The other one just happens. Way scarier, at least to me.
Also some of the guys on this list (MISTA) are the absolute worst to be marked as a rival for, but death itself isn't that bad. So when you asked for death specifically, I just focused on the aspect of dying.
That said, I hope you enjoy~!
Leone is the least dangerous by far. He is still a force to be reckoned with, but he's the least dangerous because he hardly ever feels insecure enough to kill someone else for you. It's like that statistic on how cows kill more people than sharks a year: that number would change drastically if people waded waist-deep in the water with a bunch of sharks and poked them with a stick for hours every day.
Leone will bribe, blackmail, intimidate, and steal from anyone that catches him stalking you and intends to inform you--- If he's doing it right, you'd never know you've been tailed until you die. But if someone catches him watching you, or worse: A stand user discovered him stalking you because he was using Moody Blues, and insisted to do the right thing by telling you, then Leone would have to kill them. Before they can tell you.
The best option for a surprise attack like this would be a gun, but there's no guarantee that will work. And Moody Blues isn't a combat stand. Leone will taunt and beat them up just enough to entice them to chase after him as he runs away instead of telling you about the stalker.
It's cowardly, but so is killing someone after getting caught peeping. Leone takes zero pride in luring them into alleyways; with lower-rank thugs in passione that will gang up on the rival with enough "persuasive" blackmail and bribes Leones gives them in advance. If a group won't overwhelm them, it at least gives Leone enough time to call for backup from a more combat-oriented stand user like Narancia or Mista, and study how his rival's stand works.
They won't be walking out of that alley alive that night. Leone's taken too many precautions to get caught like this.
Mista is scary to be a rival of, but being marked for death is a blessing.
Mista isn't above torturing or kicking the shit out of people who really overstep their boundaries; like if they try to pick on you the same way he does. And he'll make his displeasure known. Dickheads usually back off if a guy who's clearly carrying drapes himself over their target, staking his claim with a little PDA. If they want to press the issue further, Mista will gladly take the time for some entertainment.
Mista likes taking a little time in torturing someone; get a little creative with glass shards shoved under fingernails and into the roof of their mouth-- at an angle so there's no chance of the little shards being plucked out easily. And there's something to be said in using someone's teeth to open beer bottles and stubborn pop can tabs for him, even if it means their teeth chip or they cut their gums. And usually, one night of this means you won't have to worry about them anymore. People rarely come back for seconds of Guido's sadism.
But, under rare circumstances, there comes a time when Mista can't just let someone keep meddling anymore. And kicking their ass three times didn't work... So he's gonna light 'em up.
It's not like he didn't give them a fair warning. Mista won't make it as impersonal as a drive-by, as much as the idea of being the cool guy is, he could be cooler if he delivered a kickass one-liner while breaking their back over his knee. Or said something badass as he shoves his gun's muzzle into their mouth, something Brad Pitt or Nic Cage would say to a low-time villain in an action movie, right before blowing their brains out. If the one-liner ain't cool... Then he'll just say a better one after they've died. No one will know but him, anyways.
Bruno can and will make their death public. He's already been shown to torture people on the bus and no one will say a fucking thing, and he knows that making an example by killing someone will serve as a good warning to others. Granted, Bruno will fudge a bit of the story...
He's not killing them because he likes you and they're someone you're interested in! Bruno is killing them because they stole millions of dollars from the city, acted as a money mule for a more violent organization that doesn't have this town's best interest at heart, and also just so happened to almost kill a civilian who made their payments on time because they wanted to sleep with them! This guy is the scum of the earth, even for a thug!
During their fight, Bruno will spit out these phrases that allow the audience to piece together the (fake) story on their own. Bruno is once again being a good guy doing bad things, and he's selflessly fighting against a more dangerous thug to keep everyone safe-- including that poor victim of molestation and near rape! Which, for his story to work, has to be you.
Bruno knows that he can only get away with so much, however. Torturing someone to death is fine, and he's done so before. But this story needs to have him being the righteous hero for you. Ripping them apart with his stand isn't the way to do this-- at least not in a way anyone can see. He'll use sticky fingers to unzip the internal organs inside of their body, letting them die in a way that mimics being beaten to death. Less blood spray means people won't panic as much, which makes him look better in the eyes of the people while scaring the shit out of future would-be rivals.
The public humiliation aspect of their death is horrifying; imagine being brutally beaten to death in public, and all the people who should be helping you are just watching, some with a sadistic glint in their eyes because you "deserve" this.
Fugo is the scariest member, depending on what you'd find scarier: Certain death that you know is coming, and you just can't tell when it's going to happen... Or just a sudden violent death, like an aneurysm, with no idea what you did wrong. If you're more afraid of the anticipation of dying, knowing it's coming, yet unable to do anything about it but wait... Then Fugo is by far the scariest yandere of the gang to be marked for death.
Pannacotta is possessive, and on a hair trigger for violent outbursts, so he's scary to be around even if you aren't a rival marked for death. It's only worse because even before getting into range, Fugos stares them down with a look that only means whatever he wants to do is premeditated.
He won't bring out purple haze unless he's picked a fight with someone way stronger than him-- his stand could kill him too. Beating the fuck out of them the old-fashioned way is going to have to do. And it's not like he can't fight on his own. Fugo uses anything in reach to bludgeon or stab at them.
It's animalistic. Every hit or scratch Fugo gets back as he's caving their ribs in enrages him, triggering an animalistic need to kill. He tries to sit on top of their broken ribs, hoping his weight is enough to keep them pinned to the ground as he
There's no planning. If he's lucky enough to tail or lure them into somewhere secluded, it's obviously better, but if it's public, then it's public. People know better than to try to pry someone in the middle of a fight off each other-- at least if they're known members of Bruno Bucellatis's gang, and by implication: the mafia. Everyone smart will mind their own fucking business and get the fuck out. The only people stupid enough to intervene are tourists, that quickly get roped into the carnage when they grab Fugo's shoulder to pull him off the other corpse, only to wind up bludgeoned too.
If we're talking about how scary it is for a guy to just charge at you like a rabid dog with zero regard for his own safety or pain so long as he kills you, then Narancia is definitely up top in terms of fear factor.
The level of certainty in being hunted by Narancia is terrifying. You will not survive. You won't even last an hour-- once he gets it in his head that you're a nuisance to him or his darling, he is going to hunt you down. Using his stand to spray the streets with bullets, going up to random people and slamming them into walls or kicking them to the ground to see if they're who he's looking for, starting fires to smoke them out of buildings or die in the burning rubble.
Narancia at the very least has to be provoked into killing someone, so that does put a damper on how scary he is... And unlike provoking Fugo, its easier to tell if you're going to get yourself killed. Narancia isn't going to kill someone for talking to his darling, or trying to hang out with them when he's not around (because that's easy: He'll just tag along).
But that doesn't make it any less scary because if Narancia decides you're going to die, it's something he does right away. There is no warning, no way to mentally prepare yourself. It just starts. Narancia is hunting them down, screaming and swearing as he pounds himself against any doors or walls in the way, slashing wildly with his switchblade, spraying the streets with bullets, setting fires, and trying to bite them-- and they're probably not going to know why he wants to kill them suddenly, because the inciting incident maybe warrants a punch in the face, not a knife in their kneecaps while Narancia fucking bites their nose off, and slashes across their chest with his other switchblade in front of everyone, promising to slice them small enough to cram down a toilet and piss on.
Narancia is the scariest because there is no restraint. If he's killing you, it's violent and erratic.
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
How would each of the Riddlers ask for your hand in marriage, and what would the wedding be like? 💍💒
Riddler Headcanons ok so i don't think they would all be on board, but i think they could be persuaded, if not for nefarious or sneaky reasons u-u wanna make them all my malewives i swear, sister wives if you will 💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: some suggestive things
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he has so many ideas for a proposal!!
he could have bombs go off around the city, spelling it out!
he could have some rats bring it to you in their little paws!
he could spell it out in the blood of the corrupt gotham elite!
all very romantic and creative gestures
and he'll live stream your wedding!
a quiet affair, just you, eddie and the judge he's holding hostage
a public marriage will really show everyone who said he was a loser
he is 100% only marrying you if the situation calls for it
and not romantically, more financially or for the sake of visitation
since only spouses are permitted private 'meetings'
don't assume that your conjugal visits will be hot and sweaty
you're there to conspire with him and plan his escape
also he will marry someone out of spite
but there won't be a proposal
more a sort of vague suggestion and then a certificate to sign
you really have to want to marry him
because only then will you be able to focus your energy
otherwise his little treasure hunt for the ring will bore you to death
but he's so excited because he loves riddles, and questions
and "will you marry me?" is the best question!
the wedding will be so sweet, so vintage, so fun
swing music for your first dance obviously
but there's always a chance oswald will gatecrash
it would take him a while to admit that you were too good to let go
luckily miss tuesday is on side to convince him to propose
with a spouse, that means less work for her to do
you can bet the proposal will be creative, artistic... criminal
a grand gesture, perhaps involving a helicopter
which you two can then make a grand escape in
officiant waiting on board as you make your getaway
you don't want to spend your honeymoon in the conjugal rooms
he would get married, sure
it would make him look better, like someone wanted him
not that people don't want him, but a binding contract
that might be necessary for someone like him
he's not having a wedding though
he'd like to be able to keep his options open
not make a public statement that he's off the market
OH COME ON HE'S KIDDING come back, please marry him
young justice
definitely going to need you to propose
there's absolutely no way he'd have the confidence to do it
why would someone like you ever say yes to someone like him?
but that's ok, because he's adorable
and you'd do anything to keep him forever
it'll be a small wedding, too many people makes him nervous
mabye you could elope!
that way he can get to the sweet kisses and hugs and other stuff sooner
marriage for him is more of a comfort arrangement
he needs someone to look after him in his old(er) age
but if you annoy him less than other people
he'd be keen to make sure you stick around as long as possible
the wedding would be a very traditional one
but he'll insist that you don't wear anything "virginal white"
that's a treat to himself, an inside joke
making sure everyone knows he's already had his way with you
he absolutely loves the idea of having a spouse
someone to come home to, to spoil, to take trips with
also, it would be good to have something to use when begging
"please, i have a wife, don't beat me batman"
just enough that he can distract him before smacking him
i think it's the shirtless thing
but he's definitely a beach wedding guy
white linen pants, matching shirt wide open, bare chested "i do's"
an excuse to be the centre of attention?
to get dressed up and look like a fancy little gentleman?
for people to bring him gifts and say nice things to him?
yeah, sign him up!
get ready for the most eddie-centric, expensive affair ever
he won't propose though, he's not the begging type
he's malewife material, a kept husband if you will
and he'll reject you if the ring isn't big enough too
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project-sekai-facts · 10 months
have you seen that theory about vbs not being the original owners of their sekai, and if so what are your thoughts about it?
i stared at this post for a few minutes wondering if you were talking about a post that was written by me and then i checked twitter and a post about RADder being the original owners popped up on my fyp so i'm assuming that's what you're talking about (also i realised that my post is. still in my drafts).
i go full pepe silvia under the cut. uh. sorry.
yeah anyway i do agree with that theory. kinda. The Street SEKAI is mentioned multiple times in the initial cards to have been around for a while, though this could be referring to the fact that SEKAI take time to grow before they manifest fully to the owners (think about School and Wonderland SEKAI, which probably took years to reveal themselves). But it could also imply that someone else contributed to the SEKAI before VBS. I actually talk about the theory briefly in that first linked post, so we'll continue from there.
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so I don't think it was RADder. And yeah basically my only reason is that they're too old. MEIKO was released in 2006, considering the only date mentioned in the game is (Autumn) 2021, this is after An was born, when RADder was already pretty successful. Also we don't know enough about SEKAI physics to confirm this, but Miku seems to be more important than MEIKO so maybe space-time wasn't broken until 2007, and RADder is probably even more successful at that point because of the CDs they recorded when An was a baby.
the SEKAI just doesn't work in the time frame. What we know is that the Street SEKAI was formed by dreams and aspiration. Which is kinda the case for most SEKAI but Street SEKAI was more specifically formed by the passion its creators have for these dreams. and while RADder had big dreams to be top musicians in the world and was passionate about that, they were like realistically never gonna achieve that, but also they were at a point where they were doing very well and were very successful and on their way there. they didn't really need the help from Miku as much as VBS needs it.
Now the way Nagi talks about some things in Light Up the Fire definitely could be read a certain way, especially when she talks about passing on RADder's dream to the kids in the audience at RW, but I still don't think RADder being the original owners entirely works. Honestly the easiest point to argue for that claim is that the Street SEKAI has a very strong attachment to RAD WEEKEND, which on the one hand could be part of the fact that Taiga very clearly never moved past it and never fully processed the death of his sister, but it makes a lot more sense to be a trait tied to the people who aspire to surpass it. also MEIKO outright says that's why the attachment to RW is there in her initial 2*.
I don't think it's entirely out of the question for some of the other side characters to have an influence over the Street SEKAI. As I've mentioned, the SEKAI has a strong attachment to RW, and all of them have the same goal of surpassing the event. Also the 4 older VSingers in the SEKAI (MEIKO, KAITO, Luka, Miku) all takes traits from the members of RADder. Which makes a lot of sense for the main mentor figures in the SEKAI to be based on the people that the kids look up to.
There is an argument to be made though that they gave up on their dreams to easily. In LUTF, Taiga decides to crush all their dreams and Tatsuya (+ his group), Arata and Kotaro all leave, like, they just give up while (an admittedly very shaken) VBS sticks with their dream.
Tatsuya and EVER leave because all this time they'd been just carrying on until they eventually saw victory, but after taking a beating from Taiga, they realised that there's some things that you won't be able to overcome and give up.
Arata leaves because even though he has skill, Taiga was able to get through to his weakness - Souma. Taiga realises that Arata has experienced a similar loss and grief to he did, and although Arata is trying to carry Souma's dream on his behalf, Taiga knows from experience that Arata is just clinging on to Souma's dream as a way of coping with his loss, rather than actually trying to uphold it (basically he calls him selfish). Arata isn't able to argue back, feels a lot of guilt over that, and leaves.
Kotaro is like. particularly interesting and also most eligible for Miku therapy. He's genuinely really scared and overwhelmed by Taiga's challenge, and gives a poor performance when he has to stand up to him, and straight up gets called shit and weak by Taiga and the audience. Dead serious. Afterwards he literally has a breakdown, calls himself an idiot for not being able to sing and then goes on about how he's shit at everything and apologises because should've given up ages ago because all he's ever done is drag everyone else down before literally running away and DAMN do I hope he gets development on that in the Toya event.
all things considered i'd honestly say that all of them to some degree could've contributed to the formation of the SEKAI, Souma included (honestly he seems the most passionate about it even though he was forced to give up). all of them were passionate about it but then there's always the fact that they all gave up really easily, although they were reluctant. that said, toya did the same thing in the main story so...
There's still an argument that the Street SEKAI was just formed by the four of VBS, and Kohane was just the final piece of the puzzle that made it reveal itself. Three passionate people who are wholeheartedly devoted to their dream and one ordinary girl who wants to do something that she can dedicate herself to and feel passionate about. inverse MMJ if you will. fate is probably canon in project sekai also like i've mentioned this a few times before so that could play a part in all this.
but come to think of it, the sekai doesn't even reveal itself to Akito and Toya until really late in the main story. supposedly they still heavily influenced it but that's a bit... odd? don't you think? like the only other times that happens is N25 and WxS, wherein the SEKAI was made by only one person and let the others in later, but this was a SEKAI that was supposedly made by all 4 of them. so if you think about it hard enough, could the street sekai maybe do that again?
Nagi is very important to the VBS story and lore despite the fact that she was very obviously written in much later in development. Going back to the fate thing, at RW she states that since RADder is over and she's over, she now has a new dream, that being that she wants the next generation to be inspired by what they achieved and carry on their legacy. While when she says that, she's talking about An and Akito in the audience at RW, it's stated multiple times that the "next generation" includes all of VBS, and all the side characters. so yeah, the fate thing. I doubt the game will ever do anything about it since they're side characters, but I think it can be argued that they contributed to the SEKAI a bit.
i wrote this in so many increments and in the wrong order and now it lacks any cohesion whatsoever and i have no idea what i'm even saying at this point and i think i sort of proved it and disproved it simultaneously but like. yeah. it's an alright theory. i have some thoughts on it.
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fifthpilot · 2 years
So About the New Asra Tale by Dorian...
The plot was, not great. It was pretty boring, but it did touch up on a few interesting points from Asra's main story; like how much of his memory did he loose, his past before MC's death, and what extremes he had to go through because of MC's death like erasing his own memories of certain spells, which in my opinion is a very interesting scenario. Things did seem rushed considering the fact that the story had two endings depending on whether you chose to use the spell or not; and how the supposedly "bad ending" kind of implied that you and Asra somehow may have brought back the plague? or Lucio i.e the plague? It was left up to interpretation. The writing was, not good. I think they did try their best to stay true to Asra's tone even if it was a bit too on the nose at times and a little overbaord. But it was mainly the MC and the Magician that felt most off note to me.
That all being said, I like many others don't consider this a part of canon, it does ultimately give off a very wattpad feel. But in all honesty so did some of the main content after probably halfway through the main 3's routes. I think many people forgot just how erratic and disorganized the Nix Hydra Team was and how many people who came up with the original storyline had left the company before the end of the M3 routes. But a lot of people don't seem to notice that because all the content was in one place, the arcana app. Which brings me to my next point.
I think a good portion of the hate Dorian is getting is mainly due to the fact that their app is terrible. The UI is confusing, the app lags a lot and it's very slow. The game looks different on the dorian app, the font is wrong, there's no music, the character sprite animation is messed up, and the LI never says your name. And a lot of people have demanded that Dorian uploads the new conent to the Arcana app. But after thinking about it I personally think it's a good thing that the Dorian content and the "original" content stay physically seperated, so we know where one starts from where one ends. And I know a lot of people would disagree because using the Dorian app is a hassle, but like I mentioned before. Dorian is making fanfiction (but worse). They're using whatever's left of the arcana fandom to make some cash. This whole thing with Dorian creating new routes and new content is just another marvel-like tactic of beating a dead horse with a stick. And, they're even using the same Nix Hydra trick of placing the best content behind a paywall.
I'm personally not even upset at how terrible the app is, or how rushed and boring and generally just bad the tale was, I think I'm more upset that we won't put the Arcana Game to rest. And instead we have to watch as corporation after corporation uses the story for whatever means it wants to make money. I'm more upset that things can't just end and be celebrated for being. And how the way we engage with media has mutated into something more greedy and gluttonous.
What I'm saying is, we had a beginning and ending, we had prologues and epilogues and hidden scenes. We had plenty. We don't need more. Sometimes enough is enough.
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gungoo4lifer · 9 months
First impressions
summary: gun's ugly ass meets goo for the first time
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Goo lets out a chuckle at how ridiculous that sounds. "Test me, huh?.. You damn bastard. Is that a death wish?''
The fake blonde dares, the smirk on his lips getting wider in a mocking way. But it seems he wasn't the only one who was annoyed by the other.
''Im annoyed too.. I've been ordered to start with a test.'' The obsidian eyed guy with white irises replies, his teeth clenched in annoyance, both of his hands resting on his pockets. Goo looks up and down at the guy, who was wearing a dark gray jacket with simple black pants, a light blue scarf with white strings completing his outfit... this guy may be good looking, but come on now, who in their right mind wears a scarf when it's not even that cold?
It's alright. He can choke him with it later.
He'll keep that in mind.
Park Jonggun, huh? Well, Goo heard about him several times at the center, but he never really saw him face to face. He didn't even know anything about him either, only some ridiculous rumors about how ''strong'' he was and his name was all Goo knew about Gun.
''Tch.. Bring it on then.''
''You want me to test this guy?''
''Joongoo Kim, yes.'' Charles confirms, both of their gaze on the picture of that blonde guy, who's name Gun just learned. ''JoonGoo Kim, huh? If the chairman himself is commanding that i should test him, maybe he's not just some useless guy.. ''
''And i'm assuming that he'll be the next genius in the ten geniuses then?'' Gun asks, moving off his gaze from the picture of the blonde to look up at the chairman's face, Charles nods slightly as a reply before continuing,
''If he's good enough to join us, of course. I've heard that he fights pretty well and violent, considering that he only beats up people for a nice price, he'll accept our offer without even thinking since we'll make a lot of cash.''
Gun stays silent, only nodding in agreement to the chairman's words.
But in reality, he was utterly annoyed with every inch of his body. He tried his best to not show any sign of annoyance in order to not be disrespectful towards the chairman, but Charles could clearly see that Gun was annoyed anyway.
After some time of Charles giving informations about this guy named Goo to Gun, Gun was now ready to go and test him. Or in other words, beat him up to a bloody pulp until he agrees to join.
And now, he's outside of Goo's school, his gaze carefully on the school gate as he leans against a wall with a cigarette stick between his lips. ''This is ridiculous.''
30 minutes. It's been 30 damn minutes since Gun started looking for Goo outside. Yet, this damn piss haired bastard just won't fucking come out.. Does he knows that Gun is looking for him? Is that why he didn't come out? Gun made sure to go there when the school was almost over so that that Goo guy can come out soon and he can end this quick. The sooner is starts, the sooner it comes to an end. Yet, almost every single student left school, and even the teachers are starting to leave, but he still hasn't see any tracks of Goo.
''Did i miss him? fuck..''
You know what? To hell with this bullshit. He's been waiting for half an hour just for a fake blonde bastard to come out, but why in the world isn't he coming out? Perhaps he didn't go to school today?
After a minute of debating if he should just walk up to a random student and ask if they've seen Goo around, he finally decides to just go and ask someone.. not so professional, is he..
Shaking her friend's arm that she was grabbing firmly, she whispers to the other girl with an excited tone, ''Shh! Myeong! Myeong!''
''What?! Geez, whats wrong with you all of a sudden?!'' The other girl whispers back, not even knowing the reason why they were whispering.
''Oh my- Look- look at there! Oh god- do- DO I LOOK GOOD?! DOES MY HAIR LOOKS FINE??'' The confused girl slightly turns his gaze to wherever her friend was pointing with the side of her eyes, and oh god.
Did she.. die and went to heaven? or did she just saw an angel.. (more like a devil if she knew him)
Her eyes widens in excitement, a red tint spreading across both of her cheeks as she stares at the guy that was walking towards them in pure awe displaying in her eyes.
''Push me!! push me!! NOW!!'' she whispers, receiving a sly chuckle from the other. ''okay! okay!''
Walking up to the 2 students, Gun prepares himself to start talking as he slides his hand down on his pockets to get his phone, ''Hey, did you girls see-''
His speech gets interrupted when he sees that one of the girl was ''accidently'' falling right onto his body, luckily, his reflections was quick enough to catch the girl and gently holds her on his arms, ''You okay?''
The girl's cheeks gets redder than it was ever before as she gazes upon Gun's invisible eyes caused by the sunglasses Gun was wearing, her hands slightly trembling in excitement. ''kyaah!! this is just like in k-dramas!!''
''U-uhh- y..yeah! I-im okay- t-thank you for catching me, haha!'' She puts up a smile nervously as she backs away from Gun, even though she didn't want to.
''Hey! You're not from this school, are you? Why are you here, oppa?'' The other girl asks, Gun can't help but get annoyed by the sudden nickname. He decides to ignore it.
''You're right, i'm not from this school. I came here to, ask you girls something'' He says as he puts his hand in his pocket to pull out his phone, the girls looks at each other even more excited, they can't read each others minds, but they know damn well what they're thinking right now. 'Oh my god! Is he going to ask for our number?!''
''Is there any chances that any of you know this guy right here?'' He asks, showing them a picture of Goo, and receiving a reaction he didn't expect at all.. the girls were suddenly.. terrified?
''Oh- uhm. T..thats Goo.. K-Kim.. you know him?'' The girl asks nervously, Gun raises one of his eyebrows slightly 'Hes pretty popular, isn't he?'
''..Kind of.''
Both of the girls looks at each other before turning back to Gun, ''Uhm.. yeah we know him.. but.. w-why are you searching for him though?''
Letting out a deep sigh, he continues, ''Just- did any of you see him around here today or not?''
Both of the girls shakes their heads to left and right. ''Goo rarely comes to school, oppa, he didn't come to school today either.. are you his frie-''
''Oh for fucks sake..'' Gun grumbles under his breath in annoyance as he turns his back to walk away, but a shout stops him in his tracks. ''O-oppa! Wont you give us your number?'' One of the girls asks, Gun just raises his hand in reply without even turning his back to look at them, continuing to walk.
''Ah, he's a hard one to get, isn't he..'' The girl mummers, then immediately turning to the other girl. ''lets go find his social medias."
''Mother fucker.. Stupid mother fucker.. wasted a whole fucking hour of my damn life.. does he thinks that my time is as cheap as his is? fucking idiot..'' Grunting under his heavy breath, ignoring the glances he got from the others while taking rough steps with both of his hands clenched, a cigarette between his lips.
''If he's not in his school, where the fuck is he? that damn chairman.. he knows damn well where Goo is, yet he just wants to make me suffer.. oh for fucks sake..''
While grumbling, he stops on his tracks, both of his eyebrows slightly raising in surprise, a smirk creeping on his face. ''Finally.''
A light blonde hair, glasses, a dark jacket with.. two dragons on each sides? Gun can't really tell what those two creatures was since the blonde guy was a little further away from him, he could see that Goo was talking to a short, black haired guy who also had glasses, his friend, perhaps? the corner of his lips curving into a satisfied smirk, Gun flicks his cigarette to a near trash can and leans his back on a wall, watching Goo and the other guy carefully. They were talking, but of course he couldn't hear what they were talking about, but it doesn't take long for Gun to realize that the other guy was probably a customer of Goo, considering that the money the shorter guy took off from his pockets and gave it to the blonde, or maybe Goo was threatening him and forcing him to?
Whatever, Gun couldn't care less. The only thing Gun desired and cared at the moment was to beat up that guy's pretty face.
...''pretty'' face?
Yeah.. he has such a pretty face, doesn't he? judging from his flawless face, it probably costs him lots of skin care products and routines, Gun thinks to himself.
Whatever! Pretty boys arent his type anyway.
Shaking his head to left and right, Gun clears his thoughts, now going back to watch the two guys. He sees Goo count all the money that was in his palms with a wide smile, after saying a few words to the other guy, he finally turns his back and prepares to leave, so does Gun.
''Now its time to think what i should do with all these money Cicada just gave me! A brand new anime merch? A new, soft plushie? Oh, oh, i should just buy a-..'' Someone dares to interrupt his thoughts with throwing a cola can at the back of his head to get his attention. ''The fuck?''
Turning his head back to see who the fuck in the world just dared to throw a damn cola can at HIM, the great Joon Goo Kim, aka the most strong, dangerous, handsome, muscular, pretty, strong, handsome, intimidating, handsome, perfect, strong, stunning, dangerous, pretty, handsome, pretty, good looking man in Korea and worldwide, he can't help but get slightly surprised to see a face he has never seen before.
''What the-..Did-.. did you just throw a fucking cola ca-'' He gets interrupted, getting hit by a cola can once again, but this time, instead of his back, the aim was right into his face.
''Oh look, theres more cola cans,'' Gun's smirks gets widen before continuing his sentence, ''People really drink a lot here, huh? Dont you think so?''
Glaring at him with a stern frown, Goo remains silent, debating on if he should kill the guy for disrespecting him, or if he should kill the guy for mocking him. (hes too dumb to realize that they are quite the same thing)
''..You're not a familiar face..'' Goo mummers, adjusting his glasses and staring up and down at the guy, 'are you one of the guys's friends i stole money from?' stays at the tip of his tongue.
''Anyways! It's quite disrespectful to throw a cola can at someones head, ya know. If you really wanted my attention, you could've jus-''
''Fight me.''
A confused ''Huh?' leaves Goo's lips on its own at the guys sudden request, even though it sounded more like an.. order. Also confused at how fast the guys attidute changed. He was playful just a minute ago, and now he looked utterly stern and stoitic.
''Lets make this fast and quick, Kim Joongoo. Dont even dare to think of running away.''
'Running away? does this fucker thinks that i'm a coward or what?! or does he thinks he's so damn intimidating?!' And why the hell does he wants to fight me so suddenly? Helping someone?'
Despite his rage, he still somehow manages to smirk. ''You know my name too? I mean, i'm quite famous around here.. but.. let me get your name first.." he narrows his eyes, "Mr. freak eyes.''
Gun raises his eyebrows, taken aback by the sudden nickname.. oh, right, he forgot that he took of his sunglasses. 'Mr. freak eyes?'
''..Park JongGun.." he narrows his eyes back, "Mr. Piss hair.'' He says with clear disgust showing on his face. 'MR PISS HAIR?!'- oh wait! that name sounds familiar!'
''Ah! Now i recall!" He smiles widely. "Park JongGun, huh? I heard about you a lot at the center! Haha, it feels as if i'm meeting a celebrity.. so you came all the way down just to meet with me, huh?'' 'How romantic.'
''But say.." his smile fades away, now replaced with a stern expression. "First you throw a cola can at me, then you ask me to fight you out of the blue.. you think im a joke?!''
''Not ''ask'', it was an order.'' Gun fixes his mistake, ''Like i said.. lets make this fast and quick i need to test you.'' Gun says, his face stern as usual. 'A test?'
Goo lets out a chuckle at how ridiculous that sounds. "Test me, huh?.. You damn bastard. Is that a death wish?''
The fake blonde dares, the smirk on his lips getting wider in a mocking way. However, considering their overwhelming air, it seems he wasn't the only one who was annoyed by the other.
''Im annoyed too.. I've been ordered to start with a test.'' The dark eyed guy replies, his teeth clenched in annoyance, both of his hands resting on his pockets. Goo looks up and down to the guy, who was wearing a dark grey jacket with simple black pants, a light blue scarf with white strings completing his outfit... this guy may be good looking, but come on now, who in their right mind wears a scarf around their neck when it wasn't even that cold?
It's alright. He can choke him with it later.
He'll keep that in mind.
Park JongGun, huh? Well, Goo heard about him several times at the center, but he never really saw him face to face. He didn't even know anything about him either, only some ridicilious rumors about how ''strong'' he was and his name was all Goo knew about Gun.
''Tch.. Bring it on then.''
And thats how their fight, which lasted for hours starts.
'Oh for fucks sake.. im not in the mood for a fight right now.. Anyway! whatever, i'll just beat him up as soon as possible and then-' A heavy punch on his face was enough to interrupt Goo from his thoughts, luckily, he was fast enough to take of his glasses before he got hit. ''Mother fucker.'' Glaring at the guy who just punched him, he notices that Gun already took his jacket off, ''Damn you're a quick one, aren't you?'' He says with a smirk, wiping off the blood running down his nose.
''Stop grumbling. Let your fists talk, not your damn mouth.'' Aiming in for an another punch right into his face once again, he gets suprised when his punch goes on the air, a feet kicking his head behind him 'He dodged it?'
Dodging Gun's nonstopping punches and kicks, Goo debates on if he should use a weapon or not as he prepares himself to throw an another kick right onto Gun's guts, 'No. This bastard is probably like the other weak trashes, he wouldn't worth using a weapon.'
Or so he thought.
How weird.. he's the one on the ground right now, feeling the pressure of Gun's foot on his chest. Damn it. ''Well? Is that all you've go-'' A crowbar hitting on his face interrupts him, completely taking aback by the sudden move. 'Huh? A crowbar? Where the hell did he even find that?'
Frowning, Goo swings the crowbar at Gun's head, moving off when Gun's leg attacks the crowbar and gets up, his fist aiming for Goo's guts.
Two hours.
It's been two fucking hours since they started fighting, and it didn't stop a single second since then.
What the actual fuck? How was this guy this strong? Or was he getting weaker?
Pure annoyance was displayed on Goo's now bloody face, along with his bloody clothes. Damn this fucker, he paid a lot for this shirt.
And for Gun? His face expression showed nothing but.. pleasure. That huge, wide grin that reached his ears, his wide obsidian eyes, making his white pupils look smaller…
Maybe his face was too bloody, Gun's cheeks seemed even more redder in Goo's eyes.
And his clothes? What clothes? Gun immediately torn off his shirt when the fight got overwhelmed, earning a grimace from Goo.
The pain coming from the sharp point of the wooden stick grazing through his chest only makes his grin widen.
That's it. That's fucking it.
Finally. He finally received the overwhelming, violent fight he has been craving, hell, desiring with every inch of his body for years, he never thought that this day would come, but here it is. So there really was someone as strong as hi-
"Yo, jackass!" The blonde's voice and attack interrupts him from his thoughts, creating an another scar on his cheek. "Focus."
Grinning, he wipes off the blood running through his cheek with the back of his hand. "That's it. That's it, Goo Kim. Come at me. Don't hold yourself back in the slightest." Dodging the stick that was about to insert in his neck, he grabs Goo's arm, throwing him onto the ground, the crack on the wall being enough to show how hurtful it must felt for Goo.
Gritting his teeth in utter annoyance, his grip on the wooden stick tightens. This fucker. He just ruined his soft and smooth skin! His shirt is barely even a shirt at this point! Was he trying to get him to rip off his shirt? Goo couldn't tell.
As Gun was about to aim an another punch onto his face since Goo was already on the wall, he lets out a groan in both pain and surprise when Goo kicks his face with full force, not giving him a second to get up, immediately sitting on top of him, extending the sharpest point of the wooden stick on his neck.
As he panted in exhaustion, Goo's eyebrows knits, frowning down at the male under him. "What's… huff.. what's your last words… you.. mother fucker.."
Gasping for air before responding, the widest grin Goo has ever witnessed in his entire life displays on the raven haired guy's face. "You have no fucking idea how turned i am right now."
.. what?
Wide eyed, Goo now realizes the hard bulge under him. As he was about to look down, Gun's fist stops him, now being able to get up since Goo was no longer on top of him. "Fuckingh- pervert! Did- did you seriously got hard by fucking?! Are you a masochist or Wha-" The kick on his face seems to be enough for him to move off his gaze from Gun's hard bulge.
Hiding his hard bulge with his hand, Gun frowns. "Don't fucking stare at my boner when we fight."
That's it. That was the last drop.
Grabbing the scarf that was already on the floor and had dust in it, he runs toward the raven haired guy, wrapping the scar around his neck without even giving him a second to adjust, then tightening the scar around his neck, pressing his foot against Gun's head with force, as he was now on top of him, once again. But this time, he was standing, with one of his foot on his head, and the other on his back, Gun's grunts making him want to kill him right there right now even more.
Because he couldn't tell if those grunts were caused by of pain or pleasure.
Leaning in closer to the guy's face, Goo moves his foot away from Gun's head, now, harshly grabbing his dark locks and making him stare at him with his narrowed eyes.
A wide smirk spreads on Gun's lips, as saliva drooled down on his bloody lips. "Is this all you've got?"
Goo finds himself thrown at the air the next second, now the scarf wrapped around his neck instead of Gun's.
The pants of the two guys fills the alley, the scent of the blood surrounding around them, every inch of their body feeling sore, now noticing the sun slowly going down, the area darkening. And how many hours have been passed? None of them could tell.
The other guy extends his slight shaky hand to his pocket, praying that his cigarette package wasn't smashed enough. The desire to smile takes over when he sees that one of the cigarettes was still good enough for him to smoke, yet, his aching body doesn't lets him to do so.
Placing the cigarette between his lips, he lights it, not noticing the glare he got from the blonde lying next to him.
After exhaling a deep drag of the cigarette, he pulls it out from his lips and extends it to Goo, silently asking 'want a drag?'
Smacking his hand away was the first thought that pops in his mind. Yet, he couldn't even move his body at this point. Instead, he says between pants, "I.. i don't smoke."
Gun takes another drag but now in annoyance as his attempted indirect kiss ended up with failure.
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heliosthegriffin · 7 months
Shadow Knight and Magic Girls XVI
Ao3 Link
Chapter Sixteen
Jaune sat down at his table, his grandfather sitting parallel to him, still cleaning the gun. "So, who taught ya how to clean a gun?"
"Self-taught," Jaune answered honestly. "Watched some scroll-videos."
"Should have watch them again."
"It's a backup, I don't use it regularly," Or at all, he had just snatched if off some-guy who had tried to stick him up awhile back, then just kinda of forgot about it, it was just a .22 pistol, it just wasn't going to go through Shadow-monster (Or Grimm, he supposed) bone plating, or not very far.
Jeremiah Arc stared at his grandson with icy sharp eyes. "I could tell," His grandpa shrugged. "Though, considering what you're up against, It doesn't surprise me."
Jaune thought about denying it for a second, but considering how his grandfather had already raided one of his caches, and had plenty of time to investigate his workshop, and his white-board with his notes on Grimm. Yeah, that'd be just stupid.
"So, what do you want to talk about?"
"Well, my only grandson comes in next best thing ta dawn, I hear rumors of a maniac running around saving people from 'wild animals' and criminals, and I happen upon a workshop full of dangerous gadgets and shit, and said grandson looks like he's had the shit beat out of him. What do you think I want to talk about?"
"Maybe, 'hey, Jaune, I know it's been over a year since we last talked, how's school going?' or perhaps, 'Jaune, what do you think about doing after you graduate? It's only a year off.' Something like that."
"Yeah, It'd be great to talk about that, if you weren't running around with a death wish."
"And how is that any of your business? I don't need your permission."
"You're my grandson, you're life is my business until one of us dies," He stared Jaune in the eyes, putting the gun in the middle of the table. " And, it won't be you."
They took each other's measure for a moment, neither willing to break eye contact first. In that moment of eye contact, they both say each's other unbending will, and the warrior spirit within.
Jaune saw that his grandfather was old, but he was weathered into shape, forged by experienced, and endured the whole of the world having thrown itself at him, yet he still stood strong. He had fought from one end of Sanus to the other during the Great War, and was still active now in his nineties, doing work men a quarter of his age would be terrified of.
Jeremiah saw in his grandson a young man, but he was carved by circumstances, ambushed by a situation beyond his understanding, but remained unbowed to destinies whims. Nor, was he anywhere close to being done. His will burned any bright, and his spirit burned hotter than anyone he met.
The younger Arc broke eye contact first. Having a firm understanding that his grandpa while was old, he was old in the same way a oak was old.
He may have lost much with age, but skill and experience was not one of them, and more than likely he was the more dangerous of the two in the room despite the massive age difference.
"Hehehe," Then his grandfather started laughing. "Good, good. The Arc spirit burns brightly within you." He breathed out. "So, why not start from the beginning?"
"What?" Jaune looked puzzeled. "You're not going to stop me?"
"Fook no, I've seen you're measure. Had I found you lacking, I'd have knocked you're punk-ass out and dragged you home, but you're a warrior, and I'll respect that." He gave a grandfatherly warm smile. "Now, why do you tell grandpa here a story."
Jaune relaxed. Then looked at the time. "I'd like to, but I have school today, and I need sleep."
His grandpa looked at him confused. "You do you're nightly business, and still go to school?" He shook his head, then typed a message into his scroll.
"What are you doing?"
"Tellin' my boy, something."
"Dad? What are you telling dad?"
"To call the school an tell'em you're having a family emergency. You're with me today, now." He smiled deviously. "Get to spinning that yarn!"
Deep in the mountains of Vale, in a valley secluded from the rest of the Kingdom, at the foot of a mountain there was a overhanging cliff three-hundred feet up, where icy runoff sped off the cliff into a pool of crystal clear-water.
At the top of this cliff, was a magnificent mustache attached to a glorious specimen of a man, along with his four proteges. "Boys, you've come far in the time I've known you." He turned around, his shadow falling over them as the sun-rose. "But, now is the time to put your mettle to the test!"
"Yes, teacher!" They stomped in unison, slightly shaking the cliff, voices echoing across the valley.
Peter Port proudly nods at them. "Follow me, boys!" Then charged off the cliff, taking the three-hundred foot dive with no hesitation.
His students looked in awe for a moment, then Cardin boldly stepped forth. "I shall follow!" Then took a swan dive off the cliff, as Sky, Dove, and Russel followed suit.
Up above them, a crow watched puzzled for several minutes, before then flying off, after they all resurfaced at the bottom, everyone but Port shivering and battered.
"So, what have you done with the Lien from the Xiong?"
"After everything I told you, you're curious about the money?"
"Well yes, as a matter of fact, I am."
"I stored it away, I wasn't sure what to do with it. It doesn't really feel right to use it, considering it's origins."
"But, you're fine with using the equipment they give you, and other such benefits?"
"Point taken."
Jeremiah shook his head. "See boy, they're criminals that for sure, but it's really not going to help anybody by sittin on it. Besides, if you want to get anywhere in life, you got to invest wisely, and if you want to get out from under the Xiong's thumb, doubly so." He paused. "Besides, not like the Kingdom's are much cleaner, and I raised your daddy on money from the Kingdoms."
"Ok, but what should I invest in?" Jaune didn't exactly have any ideas where to start.
"Hmm, good question, and I'm no money guru. Hmm, well you're daddy is pretty well off, you're sisters are all doing well. Vale's a big place, though. You could try reinvesting into the local economy to stimulate it, and it would be great PR for you, and by extension, the Xiong if you were to start investing in local businesses. Besides, even if you lose all you're money, that's just one month's allowances, and you gain some experience on what works and what doesn't. Kinda of like learning to fight, just in a different way."
"Huh, that doesn't sound too bad, I mean, not like keeping it stored away is helping anybody, if do use it, I might as well use it to help people."
"That ah boy!" His grandfather smiled, then got up. "Now come on, we got places to be."
Jaune yawned, but got up. "Ok, uh, where?"
"To the Arc Crypts."
Ciel looked at the clock, he wasn't here yet. How curious. He usually arrived just on time for they're lessons. Was this an attempt to subvert her? So, that they were meeting on his terms, instead of hers? Was this his attempt at a power-play, to exert his desires over her?
How devious. Truly, his was a lecherous mind that could not be anticipated. But, she would not bow to his whims, Ciel was not that easily bowed, despite how casually he might overpower her.
She had seen the reserved strength he moved with, how his muscles bunched and stretched, nearly humming with a unseen intensity that was seconds away from being unleashed upon a unwitting fool.
Ciel was no fool, though. Even if, she knew that with one hand he could pin her to a desk, looming over her with scalding eyes, while his other hand roamed over her, knee falling between her legs as he pinned her down, hot breath on her face-
"Ciel." She saw Pyrrha in the doorway, truly a model student. "I thought I was the one to tutor Jaune today, why are you here?"
"Oh. Is that so?" The poor girl, she hadn't the faintest idea the danger she barely kept from taking them. "I was not informed."
Pyrrha smiled. "That's not problem," The model student took a seat next to her, Pyrrha wasn't expecting anyone else this morning. Though, Ciel was fine company, and everyone knew that she was practically divorced from the ideas of romance and passion, so she was a perfect tutor for Jaune when Pyrrha herself wasn't able, Weiss was a close second, with her denial of her feelings, she'd never make any moves on her chosen rival.
Though, rival felt the wrong word to use against Jaune, Pyrrha thought. He was just a man, not like the Shadow Knight, who was clearly operating on a higher level than a man. But, he may just be a man, he was strong, and tall and broad-shoulder, even if Pyrrha could swat him down with her magic, he...
She could see him slapping a hand against the wall behind her, the hall echoing with the sound of his rough, strong hand against concrete. His eyes piercing into hers, blue eyes like the deepest, cleanest pools of water, no expectations, only pure want.
He wanted her, carnally, physically, skillfully, romantically, platonically. Jaune was a typhoon of desires, and Pyrrha knew she was the only one who could satisfy them all. His broad, stone-dense chest only inches away from her and she could feel the heat and power off his body, like it was crushing her underneath. His leg moving between her own, keeping her from escaping.
The blonde leaned forward his breath on her neck-
"Pyrrha, Ciel." Weiss greeted them. "What are you doing here?"
The two tutors looked at her in puzzlement. "Waiting for Jaune?"
"Waiting on Arc."
The Schnee looked at them confused. "Did you two not check your scrolls? Ms. Goodwitch sent us messages, He's having a family emergency, he's not going to be coming in today."
"Oh." Ciel said flatly.
Pyrrha bowed her head. "Well, I guess I'll go get ready for class, then."
Ciel nodded. "I shall do the same."
Leaving Weiss alone in the room.
In her mind, a blonde pushed a rough, calloused hand against her blouse and the other lifting up her chin -
Then snapped out of the day-dream, she did a scan with her mystical senses, but didn't find anything. She made a mental note to ward the room later, or at least check if they're was any enchantment in there.
Outside, a pair of mismatched eyes watched curiously, she hadn't done anything, yet. So why were they all spacing out?
It was noon now, Jaune had fallen asleep between getting in his grandpa's beat-up truck, and getting here. Wherever here is. He looked from side to side, but all he saw was a cave in a cliff-side and miles of dense lively forest.
"Where are the Crypts?" Every member of the Arc family knew about the family crypts, but it wasn't like Jaune himself had actually been there, the dead had already called dibs on it.
Granpa Jeremiah was holding a wooden torch, a sword on his hip that Jaune recognized as Crocea Mors, the family blade. He thrust the torch into Jaune's hands. "Here take it."
Holding the burning fire a safe distance away, Jaune nodded. "Ok, but-"
"You're going into that dark tunnel down there, don't worry, this is something every Arc Warrior has to do."
"My dad never-"
"I said every Arc Warrior."
"Ok, but-"
"I didn't fookin stutter, go into the cave!"
"Alright! I'm going," Jaune took a step back, surprised by the energy from the oldest Arc. Walking to the entrance. "What am I going to do down there?"
"Tested. Probably beaten to within a inch of yer life. Have a laugh with my pappy if he's still down there."
Jaune turned to look at Jeremiah. "What?"
"What?" The old man limped forward at surprising speed. "Not afraid of the dark are ya?"
"No, it's just. You're ancient, Great-Grandpa Arc is-"
"I know! He's long dead, now go and talk to him, before I push ya down to meet him!"
"Alright!" And, Jaune headed down into the caverns, a oppressive darkness swallowing him up and the light of the torch as well, soon the sound of his footsteps was gone, and it was like he had been eaten whole by a great and terrible beast.
Jeremiah pulled out a pipe and went to puffing smoke. He put his blade to the ground, and leaned on it like a walking stick, his leg having started to ache.
"AAAAHHHH!!" A blood-curdling scream echoed out of the cave. Jeremiah nodded. Looks like he met their family, now to see if their family let him leave.
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notmorbid · 10 months
black light.
dialogue prompts from black light: stories by kimberly king parsons.
how can you stand it?
you make it sound like everything is going to be okay.
don't shrink yourself. take up your space.
stop it. don't put yourself down.
good luck with all the guts.
people respect the truth.
stop being so sorry all the time.
i don't apologize for anything. ever.
we have to take what we can get. everyone is disappointed.
in my professional opinion, you're going to be just fine.
is this my chance to be a calming presence?
i want to sleep alone tonight.
did you take something? what did you take?
you're more brightly lit than the rest of us.
i can't sleep in a room that's quiet.
i don't know dick about alpaca.
you make me brave.
you know what the beyond said to me? it just said 'go to sleep'.
you can't just wish for something and really get it, can you?
tomatoes are too wet to eat.
i want a death that comes from the inside. something i won't have to watch while it's happening.
i've been having feelings i'm ashamed of.
moms usually hate me.
bless your precious heart.
i still love everyone i've ever loved.
anything good is a lull between the next devastation.
close your eyes and stay here.
everything that scares you is something to poke at with a stick.
getting through it is the only way to get through it.
we take the trip we need to take.
it's an act, right? all of it.
i'm never asleep. i've tried all the tricks.
what's worth happening, happens in deep woods.
patience is a messy.
there's a long beat between learning something and knowing it.
you are sweet, and smart, and definitely not extremely strange.
i've been working on my psychic powers.
there are times when i don't hate you all that much.
where i'm from, there's no point in locking the door.
you don't have to explain.
i know less and less about what you're thinking.
what were you like in high school?
after this, i'm done. even if i say i'm not.
tell me about you when you were little.
are you sure you're married? is it serious?
i love the shape of your head.
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bengiyo · 8 months
Kiseki: Dear to Me Ep 8 Stray Thoughts
Last time, this episode leaked early, and so the team has decided to just release it and continue the schedule properly in two weeks. Bai Zong Yi's family came to visit for some reason and now they're all staying in Zhe Rui's apartment. Zong Yi and Zhe Rui shared their trauma and expressed commitment, so it's time for the horrors. They captured one of the people dealing at the school, and Ai Di decided to stick around for the costume contest. However, Chen Yi being injured made him rush back. Zhang Teng death flagged and I am mad.
I'm glad we get to see the Little Red Riding Hood spin again.
Here comes the drama. Chen Yi is about to fail to protect Zhe Rui.
Regular reminder that queers can marry in Taiwan.
Oh lord, they are beating my boy Zong Yi.
Oh shit did Zhe Rui beat Zhang Teng to death?
This shit is piling up. Zhe Rui has a major head injury and now Bai Zong Yi's dad is dying.
I was wondering how they'd motivate Bai Zong Yi to take the fall.
Biting in place of a ring? Unhinged.
Girls, this is sad. Bai Zong Yi is going to never become a doctor and Zhe Rui won't even remember him.
Wait, who just hit my boy over the head like this? Has he not suffered enough!?!
Well, this sucked. I had to watch Wayne die. Zong Yi's suffering for his dad and his man, and now he's bleeding out on the floor. His man won't remember him when he gets out. What even is there for him under the open sky at this point?
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