#please go follow!
meya-lily · 8 months
Hey, go follow my new sideblog for Garak x Reader content.
Don't hesitate to send in prompts and such!
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pissed-whizard · 6 days
my blog is a gateway drug to cooler and better blogs (my mutuals)
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saphira-artandoc · 1 month
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A champion's purpose
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detriot become human lethan au...
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Time limits and being late for dinner
Danny, pinned down by gunfire on top of a wounded red hood who caught him in his territory and chased him into a rivals warehouse:
"Hey hood, soo... hypothetically, if I was to remove your helmet how long is the detonation trigger?"
Jason starting to lose conciousness and slur from blood loss:
"Like half a second after it triggers, it'll blow before you can clear my head, why?"
"Cool, that gives me half a second to see why my sister is obsessed with your ugly ass!"
"What? Wait... who's your sis-"
*grabs Jason's head by the helmet and phases it straight off and through his body using the momentum to throw it towards a group of shooters in a single move*
[There's a loud bang and the shooters duck for cover as two go down screaming from the shrapnel]
"-ter... hey! How'd you do that?"
"Ugh, I was right, you remind me of Johnnie. Oh well, c'mon man, well be late. Not something you want to experience when jazz is waiting"
"Jazz... Wait! Are you kidding me, the bookworm Jazz, is your sister?"
Danny braced his arms across hoods chest under the arms like they were floating in water and leaned backwards, red hood and himself suddenly unburdened by gravity slid through the wall covering their backs and disappeared from sight (if not sound as Jason dazedly kept commenting on the cute girl he'd mistaken for babs and if she actually liked him back)
They were late, jazz was definately gonna be mad!
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messrsbyler · 2 years
ao3 authors who have no social media are are so mystical. they really be writing and posting some of the most perfectly crafted pieces of media and then disappearing without a trace
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bunnwich · 2 months
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Thank you for 250 followers.
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buggbuzz · 10 months
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samipekoe · 4 months
sorry I'm diseased in evil and peculiar ways right now
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shitpostingkats · 5 months
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When I tell you I fucking sobbed my eyes out.
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bara-izu · 6 months
Part 1/?? of drawing my moots BG3 Tavs:
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Starting with @necromosss's Mira & @maatdraws' Iorek I hope you both know seeing them on my timeline brings me so much joy, love them as characters and their visual designs are 10/10
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muffinlance · 4 months
Wait, what’s going on with Embers???? That fic has been on my read later list since 2021, what’s happened with it???
Brief overview, then I'm likely never touching this topic again, because this is not a Drama Blog:
Context: Embers is a super old AtLA fic that was written during the early fandom days, read widely at the time, and was the origin of the widely-used fanon name of "Wani" for Zuko's ship (kind of by default that it was one of the first popular fics to give his ship a name, I think?), even though most fic writers don't seem to realize it's from there anymore.
"What's Going On": I used to include a link in all my stories to it, because I believe in crediting other writers for borrowed elements, and I was using "Wani" in all my fics. But BOY did I not want to be sending readers that way anymore, so I've adopted a new name for Zuko's ship, and removed all Embers links.
None of the criticisms about Embers itself are new; I'm assuming they date back to when the fic was being written, because this isn't an "it aged badly" thing, this is an "actually yeah this gets worse the longer you think about it and I shouldn't have ignored my bad feelings just because some of the worldbuilding was interesting" thing.
An Incomplete List of Why I Made the Change:
I don't actually like the story that much anymore, and don't want to rec it
I tried to re-read it recently to see if some things were as bad as I remembered and it turns out they were So Much Worse Oh Yikes. More specifically, the treatment of Katara and Aang and their respective cultures has... rather a lot going on. One example: The Fire Nation and Air Nomads are both given multiple backstory elements in an attempt to make the average Fire Nation soldier's participation in the genocide/war in large part the fault of the Avatar and the Air Nomads themselves, and also fully justified from the Fire Nation perspective. And I do mean fully. One of its core tenants is "People from the Fire Nation (and only people from the Fire Nation) who don't follow orders Literally Die, therefore murdering pacifists and babies and continuing the war (and their regularly scheduled war crimes) is the only thing it is physically possible for them to do". I cannot emphasize enough how literal that is.
Also the name "Wani" means "Alligator" and is... objectively a pretty lame name for Zuko's ship? Where's the personality, where's the deeper meaning, where's the resonance with Zuko's themes? @tuktukpodfics initially thought I was calling the ship "Wanyi", and that's what I've switched to, because it is Objectively So Much Better. In their words: “Wànyī (萬一): Literally ‘one in ten thousand,’ ‘perchance.’ Used grammatically in Chinese to mean ‘what if’ or ‘just in case.’ I think a ship called ‘The Perchance’ is perfect for a boy clinging to false hope.”
TL:DR; I don't rec Embers anymore, because I don't actually like the story anymore, and there are things about it that get worse the more I think on them. I've removed links to it and renamed Zuko's ship to "Wanyi" ("The Perchance") because our boy deserves a ship name that reflects his character arc.
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zahri-melitor · 8 months
Just because it needs to be said: Tim pulling Dick off someone who he’s punching in a righteous rage is a GOOD THING. Dick feels intense guilt after these incidents if he actually hurts the person.
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(Cue minor breakdown)
If you care about Dick as a character at ALL, Dick’s anger having a rein on it is avoiding SO MUCH ANGST later on.
Because it needs to be said again: Zdarsky is clearly, CLEARLY referencing Transference.
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(Gotham Knights #10)
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(Joker Last Laugh #6)
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(Batman #138)
Dick’s righteous fury about harm done to a member of the family. Tim pulling Dick off because he knows how Dick will feel about this when he calms down.
And if you don’t believe me that Zdarsky is thinking about Transference:
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(Gotham Knights #11)
Here Bruce installed a mental block to stop himself accessing his memories until someone recited the Oath.
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(Batman #138)
Here Dick’s override access to Bruce’s central computer includes reciting the Oath, and he’s doing it to protect them from a mentally-controlled Bruce.
It’s obvious to me what is being referenced here and while I love watching Dick lose it and start punching as much as the next person when someone deserves his rage, I also am aware of the eventual fallout. So you know, maybe think on that.
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cauliflowertree · 1 year
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
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anartistwhowrites · 11 months
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