#pre canon tbb
ninjadeathblade · 10 months
Compliance (a Bad Batch fic): Chapter 1
Summary: This series of chapters is going to be about how Wrecker got his scar. Totally based off of a brief line in @just-here-with-my-thoughts' Test Subject series.
Warnings: Crosshair having bad mental health, Kaminoans (need I say more?), Wrecker being injured
Word count: 816
Author notes: Thanks to @just-here-with-my-thoughts for being my proofreader. This is probably bad I apologise. Maybe a couple spelling mistakes in here. Gonna try and write more chapters but I'll post the first few up and link them to each other. Enjoy!
Crosshair's first instinct was to shield his eyes from the explosion. He brought up his spare arm to block his eyes from the explosion as it went off. But his blood ran cold at the scream of pain from Wrecker. Crosshair, after waiting only a couple of seconds, threw the smouldering rifle away from him.
He had to help his brother.
Crosshair's vision filled with patches of darkness from where the full light of the explosion hadn't been completely blocked by his arm. Tech and Hunter's shouts of his and Wrecker's names rang loudly in his head as they rushed towards the two of them. Hunter immediately wrapped an arm around Wrecker's shoulders, guiding him out of the training room towards the medbay.
"Crosshair? Are you alright?" Tech's words snapped Crosshair's attention over to him. Tech's eyes brimmed with concern under his amber goggles, the discarded sniper rifle reflected in their glass. Crosshair swallowed down his guilt and anxiety as he ripped off his helmet. They'd only recently been sent out on missions and the fact that his mistake had caused his brother pain…
"I'm fine," Crosshair seethed, discarding his helmet. It let out a resounding 'thunk' as it hit the metal floor, droids shutting off around him as the Kaminoans ended the training exercise. Crosshair glared at the longnecks from their viewing platform, wishing that the explosion had gone off next to them instead.
"Crosshair, the barrel exploding was not your fault." Tech's tone was level but laced with apprehension as he slowly rested a hand on Crosshair's shoulder.
But it was.
It was my fault.
If I'd cleaned the rifle properly then it wouldn't have jammed.
The barrel wouldn't have exploded while I was resting it against Wrecker's shoulder.
And now he might get decommissioned.
And it'll be
"I'm going back to the barracks," Crosshair growled, trying to mask his pain with his rough tone. He couldn't let on to his weakness. He had to be there for his brothers, even if it meant compromising his own happiness. Crosshair went to the Batch's barracks as quickly as possible, flicking off the lights as they tried to automatically turn on at the brightest setting. Tech had mentioned rewiring the lights so they weren't as bright as everywhere else in Tipoca City. Crosshair paced back and forth in the room a few times, kicking away anything that got in his path, before defeatedly slumping down onto his bunk.
He'll be decommissioned.
We'll lose our brother.
They might decommission the rest of us as well.
It's my fault.
My fault.
I should be decommissioned.
Crosshair's gaze flickered over to the blasters he'd been supplied with.
"Got to clean them better," Crosshair said, cringing at the way he sounded so weak. He held back tears that threatened to spill, instead casting a defiant look at the monitor in the barracks. The longnecks always had to now what their prized army was doing. The encrypted comm channel Tech had made buzzed and Crosshair pulled out his comm.
"Crosshair, Tech, come to medical. Now." Hunter's tone had slipped into formalities, the voice he used when talking to a commanding officer. Who could blame him; sometimes it was easier to just go by instinct than feel overwhelmed by things going on around you. Crosshair took the quickest route to the medbay, casting glares at shinies that stared for too long or didn't move out his way quick enough for his liking. When he arrived in medbay, nausea threatened to overwhelm him. He hated medical for many reasons. But somehow being here because of his brother, was worse than being here because of the Kaminoans' orders.
"Crosshair." Hunters voice was strained as Crosshair walked over to where his batchmates were. Tech was rapidly tapping away on his datapad, a frown on his lips and a crease in his forehead. Hunter was trying to sit still in his seat but the subtle movements of his hands and scuffs of his feet betrayed his worry. He looked so much like a reg; face uninked, filled with a bit of childish fat still. Compared to Crosshair's own inked face and appearance, they looked like opposites. And Wrecker- Crosshair's breath caught in his throat. Wrecker had bacta covering the entirety of the left side of his face, a heart monitor next to the two beds pushed together for his larger form.
"He is stable as of current," Tech said as Crosshair stood beside Wrecker. "I am waiting for more updates in the system."
"Just keep an eye on it vod," Crosshair responded quietly. He was grateful for his brother's cleverness and his ability to have hacked into some of the Kaminoan messages and systems. Hunter reached up to Crosshair's forearm, gently curling a couple fingers around his wrist. He didn't need to say anything. Crosshair understood what his brother was trying to convey.
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waywardsou2 · 30 days
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ General Bad Batch Head Canons ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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He was secretly always jealous of Cut getting to settle down, have a life, a family, getting away from all the war and bloodshed. Hunter had wanted that but never thought it was possible
Hunter cried, fully cried to himself the night after Crosshair, despite everything that had just happened on Kamino, had still chosen the Empire over his brothers. Despite all he had seen on the battlefield all of the people he had failed to save, nothing hurt more than losing his brother.
When he was young, and ever since then Hunter has only ever let his brothers trim his hair. And he helps them cut theirs too. Hunter is very particular about his hair being a certain length and usually only trims his hair a few inches at best.
Hunter's face tattoo is actually to cover a birthmark. His other brothers (not the batch) used to tease him about it when they were cadets. He eventually got the tattoo to cover it up. These days he regrets it and doesn't understand why he folded to their teasing but he's still happy with it anyway. He doesn't regret the tattoo perse more the reason he felt the need to get it in the first place
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Wrecker got Lula from a kid he helped on Ryloth when the Separatists were attempting to invade the planet, he loved it and was very attached to the toy. But he knew how important it was to the kid and he kept it with him for years until he gave it to Omega. He thought it made sense to give it to her, a young kid he had helped gave it to him and now he had passed it on to the next kid who needed it
Wrecker used to place fake bombs or stink bombs under his brother's bunks as pranks. He was always so obvious whenever he was doing this because he would be over-eager and giggle to himself, but he did manage to jump his brothers a few times with the prank
When Wrecker was caught in a bombing accident that messed up his eye and scared his face, he had a hard time adjusting to the way he looked, he didn't recognize part of himself now. And he especially hated when his hair didn't grow back the same way, and because of that he decided to shave it all off and continue to keep his head bald
In addition to that I think that when Wrecker was younger, he had hair a similar length to Hunter, and he liked it, despite the Kaminoans telling him to cut it several times. He does miss his hair at times, but he does like it better without hair hindering him.
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Techs goggles function the same as prescription glasses, he's actually far sighted, this is why his helmet was built to fit around his goggles because he basically cannot see without them
(less of a head canon more of a canon fact with my personal twist) Tech is the youngest of his brothers but he was the quickest to mature and grow, which he likes reminding them about constantly.
(this one is gonna hurt, sorry in advance) When he fell off of the rail car into the ravine below, he didn't instantly but have some very fatal wounds and wasn't far off, Hemlock and his men found him and Hemlock took his goggles from off of his dying body and left. Leaving his men to dispose of him (I don't know what my mind was thinking when I wrote this, I guess I just love angst too much)
Tech had feelings for Phee but he never knew if she was being polite or flirting with him. He never said anything about it to her or his brothers because he figured that there was never going to be a time for him to ever act on those feelings so he never did anything about them.
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(keep in mind I haven't seen any pre Bad Batch content of Echo so some of this stuff might conflict with his canon)
When Echo got blown up and had to have his face reconstructed he was awake for most of the procedure because if he slept or if they induced him it wasn't likely that he would wake up again, especially considering all of the damage done to his body and brain.
(Idk why but this one is super random but just feels right to me) Echo really likes butterflies, he likes the delicacy and beauty that comes from the creature's existence, the first time he saw one he was taken aback and had stopped to admire it. His Commander scolded him for getting left behind at the time
Echo used to pick at his head implants, they made him really uncomfortable and self-conscious, and his brothers used to have to stop him from damaging them and endangering himself. It was a really big issue of his for a while.
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Crosshair's tattoo is also a cover-up for a scar, it's the right side of the crosshair that touches his nose. That line is actually a healed over scar underneath. He thought considering his nickname that the tattoo wasn't a bad idea. He was also secretly just copying his big brother Hunter, not that he would ever admit that
This guy can nap anywhere, and I mean anywhere. He doesn't sleep so he naps when he can. In trees, standing up, in the cockpit literally any where.
Adding onto the head canon from before I think Crosshair would have insomnia. But as he would do he never told the Kaminoans because he didn't want them to "fix him"
Crosshair has a nervous/general tick where he chews on his lip, he used to chew it so often that he often had cuts all over them. In place of cutting up his lips he decided to try and alternative - toothpicks. This was a good way to hide it but to still be able to tick when he needed to, plus the toothpicks were easy to access because he could collect them from the mess hall on Kamino
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I realised at the end that I hadn't written any for Omega. How dare I? I promise I'll upload some soon
Hope you enjoyed these! Tell me your head canons below!
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jedi-lothwolf · 7 days
June of Doom Day 3: Ambushed
Fandom: The Bad Batch
Summary: we're resting in a village before continuing with their mission, the batch faces an unforeseen event.
    "Thank you." Hunter told the Tagrutan lady as his squad entered her home. They had been in the woods near her village as night felt. While Tech tried to stabilize Crosshair's broken leg, the women and her wife had stumbled upon them. Then she invited them back to her home, offering to let them stay the night so that they could take care of Crosshair's injuries and rest.
    "Of course, anything to help out our troops."
    Walking into the living room, they found that one of their hosts had pulled out a pull out coach. There were light sheets on the mattress and a few small decorative pillows.
    "Stay still." Tech told Crosshair. "You have broken your Tibia, I need to stabilize it so you don't make it any worse."
    Crosshair just scowled. Tech instructed Wrecker to move their brother's leg into the mattress. The batches host brought them some water and bread. She handed them out to each clone before informing them that her and her wife would be heading to bed. "Wake us up if you need anything or before you leave."
    "We will." Hunter sat in one of the corners of the sofa bed and ate his bread. The soldiers talked about their next move and how to complete their mission.
    As Tech finished wrapping Crosshair's leg, Hunter spoke. "We have a long day ahead of us, get some rest."
    It was a few hours later when Hunter woke up. Tiredly, he went to find what was making the noise. Walking to the door of the house, he looked out the window. There seemed to be nothing there. However the rhythmic clanking of battle droids was the only thing Hunter could hear.
    It wouldn't be the first time that the man heard something that wasn't there.  Maybe he should wake up Tech to get his opinion. Walking back over to the living room, he gently shook Tech awake.
    "Do you hear that?"
    "What should I be hearing?"
    "I do not hear any droids, however you hear better than in do. I think it best we check." Standing from the corner of the sofa be occupied, Tech grabbed his shoes and put them on. Falling his brother's lead, Hunter grabbed his shoes and put them on. Quickly, as he had done a million times before, he tried them.
    Standing back up, Hunter walked to the door. Tech stood beside it. They had never bothered taking off their armor, just in case they needed to leave quickly.
    The air outside was vastly different from the warth of the house. It was a chilly night, one where the cold air bit you. Tech made sure Hunter was okay with the quick temperature change. He was more sensitive to fast changes the environment. After his brother nodded, the two walked into the surrounding woods.
    The pine trees stood tall around them. The night sky was dark with stars littered across it. The clones walked towards the sound of the noise until they no longer heard the sound. It hadn't faded, just holited. Tech and Hunter looked at each other and they came to the same realization.
    They were surrounded.
    Hunter had been so sure that he was imagining things; so sure it was just his mind playing cruel jokes on him, that he hadn't thought to wake up Wrecker. Now they had to hold off an ambush on their own.
    Just as they thought, the droids revealed themselves as the two soldiers drew their blasters.  Ducking behind a tree, Hunter took out the droids that had landed on the clear side of the tree. The pleasant scent of the pine trees was taken over by the smell of oil and melted metal.
    Grabbing Tech, Hunter pulled him behind the tree. "Wrecker, come in."
    While waiting for a reply from their younger brother, they started to take out as many droids as they could. More droids just seemed to replace the others.
    As Tech leaned over the tree, he remembered the empty space from where the droids Hunter had taken out had stood. More than likely, others would take their place. Of course, he was correct. Shooting the one that was about to kill Hunter, he caught a bullet to his left shoulder blade. Hunter disposed of the droid before asking "are you okay?"
    "I was shot in the left scapula at an approximate distance of fifty feet" Tech hissed, "I am not okay."
    "Wrecker, now would be a good time!"
    Waking up, Wrecker looked down at his comm, then over to the empty corners of the sofa. Finally registering the panic in Hunter's voice, he answered.
    "What's going on?"
    "Droids. A lot of them. Tech's been shot but he's still conscious, just in pain."
    Already walking out the door, Wrecker asked "where are you?"
    "Just follow the sound of blaster fire." Hunter sighed. It shouldn't take long for Wrecker to find them. It had taken 20 minutes to get out as far as they had and they hadn't been running.
    "Okay. Be there soon." With that, Wrecker turned off his comm.
    With more droids coming from all sides, Tech tried to think of a plan. The pain in his shoulder seemed to be getting in the way of forming many coherent thoughts. They needed a plan, nothing would change that.
    Breathing began to be more complicated. Tech looked over at Hunter. "We need a plan."
    "You don't have one?" Hunter asked, shooting another few droids before turning to face him. Most of the time, it was almost impossible to tell what Tech was thinking based on his facial expression; however, currently all that Hunter could see was pain and fear.
    "No. It is getting very difficult to form cogent thoughts." His voice was shaking as tears had started to form in his eyes from the pain.
    "Okay." Shooting some more droids down, Hunter tried to put together a plan. While the batch came up with strategies together and Hunter worked on them often, it was sort of like a hobby for Tech. "We wait." Wrecker would be there soon.
    Wrecker ran through the forest. Briers caught on his ankles and rocks stabbed into the bottom of his feet. The sound of blaster fire was getting closer and closer.
    As the droids closed in, Hunter looked over at Tech. "How much longer do you think we have?"
    Tech shot a droid on their side of the tree, "maybe five minutes. There is only so much we can do. I would" he hissed as he rose his left arm to shoot another  droid. "I would comm Wrecker."
    The droids cornered them, forcing their backs as far into the tree as they could. The two brothers looked at each other. They had an understanding that they had done all they could. "I'm sorry." Hunter said.
    "It is not your fault."
    As they prepared for death, they heard a large amount of rustling in the bushes. Hunter sighed as he realized Wrecker had made it in time.
    "Raaahhhhhh!" Wrecker burst through the bushes he was around. Plowing through the droids, Wrecker grabbed his gun and started shooting them down. Hunter pulled Tech up and the two helped Wrecker dispose of the rest of the droids.
    "I wish you had arrived a moment earlier." Tech sighed, "however I am aware you likely did your best and I am solely talking out of pain."
    Gently, Wrecker picked up Tech and the brothers made their way back to the house. When they arrived, Tech informed Hunter of what to do for his shoulder.
Wrecker sat on the couch, pulling his feet onto the bed. "Wrecker" Hunter started, "where are your shoes?"
"I didn't put them on."
"Are you okay?"
Pulling a thorn out of the bottom of his foot, Wrecker said, "yep. I'm good."
"Okay." After finishing taking care of Tech's shoulder, Hunter walked over to Wrecker and bandaged his feet.
The sun would rise soon and the batch would have to continue on with their mission. It would be a success, even with the injuries that had proven to be a challenge for the batch.
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stale-wars · 1 year
Shoutout to pathetic woman Cid, I know what great evil you did but I still love you girl
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ct-hardcase · 6 months
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ladyanidala · 1 month
Reader Insert Masterlist
Preservation - a two part story about Crosshair reuniting with his secret Jedi wife after the events of Order 66. Set during an unspecified time between s1 and s2.
Quietly, Gently - a little snippet of Crosshair's thoughts after a fight. More of a character study than anything else. Modern AU.
Tear My Soul In Two (Don't Leave Me) - a four part story involving Crosshair and his soulmate. Set pre Order 66.
Tequila - a oneshot where Crosshair likes Tequila. Utter crackery ensues. Modern AU.
The Ghost Took My Heart - a four part story about Crosshair leaving his significant other and coming to terms with the fact that he made a mistake in doing so. Republic Victory/Skeevy Sheevy dies AU.
An Unthinking Kiss - a oneshot where Crosshair accidentally kisses his best friend. Modern AU. (One of my favorite pieces!)
Left For Dead (Oh Baby, I Won't Leave You) - a oneshot where Crosshair betrays his Jedi wife when Order 66 is given. Based off a Tumblr post I found in the wild.
Insolence Answered - a short and fluffy oneshot of Crosshair making dinner. Modern AU.
The Joy You Give Me - a oneshot where Crosshair likes to brush hair. Modern AU.
In The Midst Of The Night, My Heart, Be Still - a oneshot where Crosshair wakes up from a nightmare, goes out to the porch on Pabu to breathe, and his wife finds him. Can be read as canon compliant.
I'll Share My Heart (Please Stay) - a oneshot where the reader is forcibly transferred from CF99 to the 501st. The reunion with Crosshair is interesting, to say the least. Republic Victory (Ball) AU.
Tu Me Manques (You're Missing From Me) - a reunion oneshot set after s3ep5. Forgiveness ensues.
Your Personal Weighted Blanket - a oneshot where Hunter gets a weighted blanket, of sorts.
My Happy Home - a oneshot where Hunter attacks his wife with snuggles. Modern AU.
A New Reality - a oneshot where Echo comes back from the dead. Set pre-Order 66.
I'll Be Needing Stitches - a oneshot where Echo feggs around and finds out. Modern AU, and written for the TBB 2024 Fic Exchange!
Dessert - a oneshot where Fives won't let you help him make dessert. Can be either Modern AU or in universe.
Commander Fox
A Picture of Love - a oneshot where reader and Fox attend an art gala for reader's job. Republic Victory AU.
Kiss It Better (Tell Me We'll Be Ok) - a oneshot where Cody and reader deal with the fallout of a fight. Modern AU.
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TBB & Fem!Reader
Chapter 3: Rumors on Scorro
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Summary: You're completing your final practicum on Kamino as part of the experimental non-clone Combat Medic program. After graduating top of your class, and being inducted into the prestigious 407th Medic Unit, you get assigned to Clone Force 99. Neither of you are excited to be working together and tensions run high. However, those tensions dissipate when the Bad Batch unexpectedly falls ill while on a covert mission. Running against an unknown clock, it’s up to you to figure out what’s causing the illness before it ultimately kills you all.
Pairing: TBB & Fem!Reader
Characters: Hunter, Echo, Crosshair, Wrecker, Tech
Tags & Warnings: BAMF fem!reader, enemies to friends, humor, action, angst, hurt/comfort, canon typical violence, mild suggestive themes, explicit medical descriptions, whump
Word Count: 5.7k
Author's Note: WE'RE BACK BABY!!! Yeah, that's right. Finally. After all of this time, the next chapter has arrived 🥳 I told y'all I would be updating my other series fics in the new year, and I meant it. This chapter has some Echo angst in it, because why not. FYI, since it's been 9 months, I went back and edited the first two chapters to match my current writing style. No plot elements changed, just style, grammar, word choice, etc. As always, please enjoy 💚
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
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As the ship leaves the stormy atmosphere of Kamino, you turn your head to look out the transparisteel viewport and are greeted by the sight of endless stars twinkling brightly across the ebony horizon. You smile wide knowing this view will never get old. The galaxy is vast and beautiful, and getting to see it up close and personal, while also doing something you love, is priceless. This really is a turning point in your life. A new chapter to be written and explored.
When the ship levels out, you unstrap from the jump seat and start exploring the Marauder. You have a feeling you’ll be spending a lot of time aboard this ship, so you want to familiarize yourself with it as much as possible. You walk back towards the stern, where Wrecker is, and look around, but there's not much to see. Then make your way back up toward the bow and step aboard the bridge. You weave between Hunter and Crosshair, and stand behind Tech.
“So, where are we going?” you ask while looking over Tech’s shoulder at the controls.
Without turning around, Tech answers. “Agamar. It’s a rather barren planet found in the outer rim. The terrain is inhospitable to most, but we will manage.”
“What’s the mission?” you ask further, excited by the prospect and intrigue.
“There’s a separatist base they want us to route,” Hunter says. “A simple in-and-out mission.”
You nod your head at the explanation, but he makes it sound like routing a heavily guarded separatist base is a walk in the park. You have to remind yourself that they are an elite force of clones and are genetically modified for the toughest conditions. It amazes you that such clones can even exist and your fascination with them grows. You wonder how they look in action and if they live up to all the rumors the regular clones whisper about on Kamino. Only time will tell.
Hunter rolls his shoulders and cracks his neck. “Get some sleep, all of you. We’ll be there in a couple hours.”
You want to say something funny, like 'aye aye captain', but decide not. Instead, you simply nod and make your way back to the bunks. Laying down on the flat rack, you stare up at the ceiling. There are too many pre-mission jitters vibrating through your body to fall asleep. Even after shutting your eyes and calming yourself, it's just not enough. So, you toss and turn, getting more aggravated that your body won’t drift off, since being tired for your first mission is not an option.
You sigh and sit up, then peer around at the others who are soundly asleep in their bunks and chairs. You’re not sure how they can fall asleep so fast. It’s either a genetic thing or a military training tactic, but whatever it is, you don’t have it. You decide to get up and pace around to try and wear yourself out, and when you do, you hear something. The ship is quiet and your ears perk up immediately at the sound. Wanting to investigate it, you quietly slip around your squad.
One by one, you pass by them, waiting and listening to hear who made the weird sound. Not Wrecker. You move on. Not Crosshair either. You check the next one. He’s making noise for sure, but not the sound you heard. It’s not Tech either. You move towards Hunter, a little nervous that he might wake up and catch you staring at him, but you pause and listen. Nope, not him. You purse your lips. That only leaves Echo. Carefully, you tip toe over to him, wait, and listen.
He's not making a sound, and with a shrug, you turn to leave, thinking you’re a level of crazy for hearing things on a quiet ship. Then it happens again. You turn back around and look at Echo. He’s sleeping rather soundly, with soft rhythmic breaths and gentle rises and falls of his chest. No breath obstructions, you note to yourself. You wait and watch for a moment, then he says it again. It’s faint, breathy, and almost unrecognizable as a word, but you hear it regardless.
You knit your eyebrows at the odd utterance, and wait a little longer, listening to see if what he mumbles changes or if he’s repeating the same word. After a couple standard seconds, Echo says the same breathy word again. Fives. You wonder what it means. Maybe it’s a special numerical sequence from his time back on Skako Minor? You shrug at the mystery, but are happy that it’s not a breathing issue. You turn to leave him be, but he mumbles something else.
Fives come back.
Oh. Your heart drops. It’s a person. He’s dreaming about someone he knows, or maybe someone he once knew. You sigh and let your eyes turn soft, knowing exactly what it’s like to dream about loved ones. It’s been several years, but you still dream about your parents. Sometimes you can’t fill in all the gaps of your dreams as you slowly forget things, but it still pulls at your heartstrings every time they show up to give you a hug in the realm of sleep.
As your thoughts wander a yawn escapes past your lips. Finally, feeling tired and ready for sleep, you return to your bunk and crawl onto the hard surface. Laying on your back, you close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to settle yourself. You still wonder who Fives is and what they mean to Echo. Your psychology books tell you that dreams can be a subconscious escape or a subconscious desire. Knowing next to nothing about Echo’s past, it could be either one.
You take another deep breath and exhale slowly. Closing your eyes, you let yourself drift off to sleep, but in a split moment, a rough hand shakes you back awake. You shoot up and hit your head on the bunk above you. Ouch. Nursing your newly formed bump, you use your other hand to rub the sleep out of your eyes. When you come out of your groggy haze, you can hear snickering coming from the rest of the squad. Ha ha, yes, very funny. You think to yourself.
“Rise and shine,” Hunter mocks as he walks away from your bunk. “We’re here.”
Gathering your composure, you swing out of the bunk and head over to the cockpit for the landing. You look out the viewport as you enter the atmosphere of Agamar and your face lights up with excitement. This is it. Your first mission. You want to squeal, but something tells you that no one else is going to appreciate it, so you keep it internal. The ship lands on the rocky surface of the planet with only a slight wobble. Tech wasn’t kidding when he said it was inhospitable.
Your excitement grows as the squad gears up with their packs, and you follow suit the same way. You double check your pack to make sure you have all the medical necessities and do a mental headcount of your supplies. Once satisfied with your inventory, you sling it across your back and toss your bucket snug on your head. You’re all set to go on your first mission. The ship door opens, light beaming in, and your heart begins to race. This is it. This is your moment.
You take your first steps forward to leave the ship when Hunter stretches an arm out to stop you. “Not you,” Hunter says. “You’re staying here.”
“What?” you question. “But what about the mission?”
“Your mission is here,” Hunter says. “You’re staying on the ship with Echo.”
“But, sir!” you argue. Your feelings of excitement crumble. “I belong in the field!”
“You belong where I tell you you belong, medic,” Hunter snaps back. “Or are you ignoring an order from your commanding officer on your first mission?”
You huff and clench your fist. “No, sir."
“I didn’t think so,” Hunter says, then turns to face Echo. “We may need a quick extraction, so keep your ears on.”
“Understood,” Echo acknowledges with a nod.
Hunter nods back and heads out of the Marauder with the rest of the squad, well, the rest of the squad except you. You remove your bucket, plop down on your bunk with an angry grunt, and lean your head back against the wall. This entire assignment has been one big pissing match, and every time you think you’re making progress, you get sidelined. How are you supposed to make Kix proud if you don’t see any action? You release another angry grunt and cross your arms.
“Careful,” Echo says. “You’ll lose your voice if you keep grunting like that.”
You roll your eyes. “Aren’t you upset being stuck here?”
“No,” Echo answers. “It’s not unusual for someone to be left back with the ship. Keeps people from stealing it.”
With such a small squad of men to work with, you guess that makes sense, and since Echo is your unofficial chaperone, it makes sense that you were left on the ship with him. However, even though you try to explain it to yourself in those practical terms, you still think it's to spite you. You sigh. At this rate, you’ll never get to prove your worth as a Combat Medic to any of them. To these special clones, you’re just useless dead weight and not worth their time.
As the planetary rotation moves forward, you find odd things around the ship to busy yourself with, but you’re still bored. Echo is not much of a conversationalist and he hasn’t moved from his spot in the cockpit. You end up sprawling yourself across the seat in the gunner’s nest and looking out the window at whatever draws your attention. There’s some trees, a little snow on the ground, and a few stray wildlife that come into view. Nothing too spectacular, that’s for sure.
Finally, after hours of sitting by yourself, you decide to go back to the cockpit and sit with Echo. You're still curious about this Fives person he mentioned in his sleep, and you think maybe now might be a good time to ask him about it. You walk into the cockpit and sit down in the chair across from him, bending one leg up onto the chair and resting your chin atop your knee. Echo silently acknowledges your presence and returns to looking at the setting sun over the horizon.
You fidget with your fingers as you mull over whether to ask him about what you overheard last night. It might be private, and he may not want to tell you, but your curiosity is getting the better of you. “Echo,” you ask. “Who's Fives?”
Echo shifts uncomfortably in his seat and stays silent for a couple of minutes. “How do you know that name?” he asks. His words hang heavy in the air.
“You…” you begin, then pause, unsure of how to tell him. You don't want to sound creepy, but honesty is the best policy. “You said it in your sleep.”
Echo sighs, but doesn't turn his gaze from the orange sunset. “Shouldn’t you have been sleeping too?”
“I’m not used to sleeping on ships,” you answer. You can tell by the tone of his voice that this is a sore subject and you're starting to regret bringing it up.
Echo swivels his chair to face you and worries his lip. His eyes are full of sadness and his countenance is engrossed in pain as he searches for the words he's looking for. A small smile flashes across his lips. You wonder if he's thinking about a memory.
“He was my brother,” Echo says, his voice quiet at the strain of saying his thoughts out loud.
You can tell by his choice of words and his tone of voice that this brother isn’t around anymore and you feel a twinge of sadness settle in your gut. You understand a thing or two about the loss of a loved one. “What happened to him?” you ask.
“He was murdered,” Echo says, his fist tightening as he looks back out the viewport. “By one of our own.”
Your expression turns from sadness to shock and then confusion. A clone killing a clone? Does that even happen? Why would a clone do that? Your mind rushes a mile a minute trying to wrap your head around the idea, but you cannot seem to reconcile it. It’s too bizarre of a concept to comprehend. Every clone you've ever met was a brother to the one next to him. So, for a clone to kill another clone, it’s like a family member killing another family member. It’s unheard of.
“I’m sorry, Echo,” you offer as a consolation. “You must miss him.”
“Yeah,” Echo says, his voice distant. “I do.”
“I miss my parents all the time,” you say, trying to bridge the gap and build a connection.
“I remember you mentioning they’re dead,” Echo says as he turns to face you.
“About ten years ago,” you add. Now it's your turn to look out at the sunset.
“I’m sorry,” Echo says.
“It’s fine,” you shrug. “It hurts, but it doesn’t hurt like it used to. I know they’re out there watching over me, somewhere.”
Echo snorts. “You believe in that Jedi force stuff do ya?”
“Not really,” you answer with a small laugh. “But everyone needs to believe in something.”
“That’s fair,” Echo says.
“When I look up at the stars,” you begin with a smile while staring fondly out at the horizon, “it’s almost like I can feel them with me, you know? Watching over me as I make my way in the galaxy.”
“Sounds nice,” Echo says.
“I bet Fives is watching you too,” you say, then look at Echo with soft eyes. “He hasn’t left you alone, just like my parents haven’t left me.”
“Maybe,” Echo shrugs, then chuckles. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he came back to haunt me.” His brief small smile fades as his countenance reverts back to a frown.
“We’ll see them again some day," you say, trying to stay hopeful. “I just know it.”
“That would be something, wouldn’t it?” Echo half-jokes, but you can hear the part of his heart that wants what you're saying to be true.
He wants to see his brother again, desperately. So much so that he calls out to him while he sleeps. He must agonize over Fives’ death. You understand because you’ve been there. You’ve stared death in the face, the kind of death that leaves you thoroughly alone. You don't need to understand psychology to know what his subconscious thinks about on a daily basis, and your heart hurts for him, but you know there's nothing in your medpack to mend a shattered heart.
You and Echo stare out of the cockpit in silence and watch the sun fall beyond the horizon, sharing in this solemn moment and appreciating the company. The veil of night arrives and the stars begin to shine in the dark sky. The billions of bright burning lights feel comforting. The stars aren't very visible on Kamino, but here, on this planet, they are bright and beautiful. You relax your shoulders and lean back, thinking that maybe this assignment isn’t so bad after all.
However, your sweet moment is interrupted by Hunter’s voice over the comms. He’s calling in that quick extraction now and by the amount of yelling and blaster fire in the background, this is going to be a hot one. Echo relays the affirmation, sets the coordinates, and lets Hunter know that both of you are on the way to pick them up. You're slightly surprised that Echo included you in the transmission, but now is not the time to be celebrating your first taste of inclusivity.
“Civvy, strap in,” Echo orders as he starts pressing buttons and flipping switches to get the ship going. “This is going to be a bumpy ride and I don’t need you falling out of the ship.”
Ah, there it is. You sigh and head back towards the jump seats and strap yourself in for the wild ride ahead. Echo expertly maneuvers the ship to the squad's location and brings it in low so they can climb on board. You can hear the blaster fire outside and as the door opens to the ship, you watch them file in while firing off blaster bolts to cover each other. It’s the first time you’ve seen any of them in action and you're a little awestruck. They don’t move like other clones.
Tech next to Echo and Hunter yells for them to get them out of here. The ship moves again, this time more aggressively, as the enemy continues to fire at the Marauder. Wrecker moves to the gunner’s nest and shoots down the vulture droids that are following behind. You tightly grip the bars on the jump seat as the ship rocks from the blasts. Thankfully, the shields are up. The ship flips upside down, sideways, and every other way you can think of to out maneuver the droids.
At long last, the ship breaches the atmosphere and moves into space. Tech initiates the hyperdrive and pulls the handle down to enter into hyperspace. Once safe in a hyperspace lane, you let out the breath you were holding in, then flick the safety release on the jump seat and push them over your head. You get up from the seat and wobble forward, not realizing your legs turned to jelly from all of the excitement, and let your feet stabilize before trying to walk.
“Woah, that was fun!” Wrecker hollers as he brushes by you and moves towards the cockpit. “Echo, you should have seen this place. It was crazy.”
“Not as crazy as being sling-shot across a ravine,” Crosshair grumbles and pushes past you. He sits down in one of the swivel chairs and starts cleaning his rifle in silence.
“I said I was sorry,” Wrecker apologizes. “But we won!”
“Correction,” Tech says as he lifts a pointed finger in the air. “I won.”
Crosshair rolls his eyes and pulls a few credits from his pocket and hands them to Tech.
“Much obliged,” Tech says as he stuffs the credits in one of his many satchels.
The exchange has you lost in bewilderment. Clearly, something happened during the mission and you’re curious to know the details. You look at Echo, hoping he'll ask for more information about it, but he doesn’t, leaving you more curious. You do find it odd, however, that they had some form of amusement out on the battlefield. From your time on Kamino, most clones don't find blaster fire fun. Clone Force 99 really is different compared to the rest of the clone forces.
“I assume your mission was a success?” Hunter asks while walking by you, breaking you from your thoughts.
“Yes… sir,” you answer with a twinge of hesitancy, a little unsure of what your mission was other than staying on the ship with Echo.
“Good,” Hunter says. He reclines in one of the empty swivel seats and clasps his hands behind his head. “Glad to hear it.”
You can’t tell if he’s being serious or if he's trying to make fun of you. Either way, you brush it off and focus on more pressing matters, like what's next on the mission agenda. Will you go back to Kamino? Or will you wait for more orders? That’s what good soldiers do, isn’t it? Follow orders? You’re still unfamiliar with all of this, so you’re not sure what to ask or what to do with yourself. Rather than make new issues by asking more questions, you retreat back to your bunk to relax.
But the boredom of waiting creeps in and you start to doze off. Your eyelids are heavy even though you barely spent any energy this rotation. It doesn't take you long to remember that you didn’t get much sleep the night before and now that the adrenaline is wearing off, your body is telling you it needs rest. You don't fight it and let your body go to sleep, hoping you won’t be woken up. As a medic, you must get rest whenever you can so you can be at your best at all times.
This time you wake up on your own terms, when your body feels rested. You’re not sure how long you were out, but no one bothered you so you assume everyone is still waiting for new orders to come across. You sit up in your bunk, without hitting your head this time, and stretch out your arms. You roll your shoulders and crack your neck. The bunks aren’t exactly soft, but they do their job. Swinging your legs over the side of the bunk, you get up to use the refresher.
As you head towards the refresher, the rest of the squad is huddled around and speaking amongst each other. Hunter looks serious and has his arms crossed, which can’t mean anything good, and Echo is arguing with him, again. You forget the refresher for a moment and walk over to add your presence to the mix. Hunter notices and glances at you before turning back to Echo. Not realizing where you are standing, Crosshair gives you a small jab on your behind with his rifle.
The sudden touch startles you. “What was that for?”
“You’re blocking my view,” Crosshair hisses. “Move.”
You roll your eyes. “You could've just asked me to move, you know. That's borderline harassment.”
“If you looked more like a window than a door, I wouldn’t have to borderline harass you,” Crosshair snarks and flicks his toothpick in your face.
Your nose scrunches and eyes close when the little wooden projectile hits your face. As your frustration builds, you take a deep breath to calm yourself. You want nothing more than to tell that sniper where he can shove his rifle, but you won't. It's not worth it because it will only fuel his bullying further. Instead, you choose to let it go. This time. There are points where you will cross the line, and he keeps dancing around that line. If he ever crosses it, you'll let him know.
“Can we get back to more important things?” Hunter asks, shifting his gaze between you and Crosshair.
Echo huffs and shakes his head. "I don't like it."
"We don't have to like it," Hunter says. "Orders are orders."
"What orders?" you ask.
Hunter swivels to face you. "There's rumors of an imperial base operating out of Scorro." Tech pulls up a holo of the planet and Hunter continues his explanation. "According to our intel, the GAR sent a squad of clones to scout the base, but their comms suddenly went silent. Another squad of clones were sent after them with the same result. Now they want us to investigate."
"Do they know what happened to the clones?" you ask, curious as to what's causing Echo's skepticism.
"No," Hunter crosses his arms. "They were never recovered."
"No one went back to get them?" you ask.
"It would be a waste of resources," Tech adds. "Besides, based on the trend, sending another clone squadron would yield the same results."
"But aren't we another clone squadron?" you ask, this time your nerves bleed through.
"Stop worrying!" Wrecker exclaims. "We can take on whatever they throw at us!"
His words don't make you feel better about the situation. While Echo is the only one openly objecting to the new mission, Hunter's facial expressions tell a different story than what he's leading everyone to believe. Your first inkling was the fact that he hasn't shoved you aside for this conversation. In fact, he's answered your questions without issue. He's serious about this in a way he hasn't been since you've met him. The fact that Hunter is worrying, has you worrying.
"I still don't like it," Echo frowns. "How'd they lose two clone squadrons without so much as one distress signal?"
"Maybe a new type of droid?" you offer. "Or their signals were jammed?"
"Groundbreaking ideas," Crosshair says.
"Everything is a valid option," Echo adds.
Crosshair rolls his eyes.
"Enough," Hunter says. "We're going to Scorro to investigate the rumors and to find the missing clones. Double-check our supplies and prepare for anything."
With the sergeant's final words, everyone scatters to prepare for the mission, except for Tech who punches in the new coordinates and sets the course for Scorro. You linger in the cockpit, silently observing Hunter as he pulls out his knife and twirls it around his fingers. The mission makes you nervous even though it shouldn't. You'll probably end up staying on the ship again, but maybe that's not a bad thing. You shake your head at the thought. That's not why you're here.
"You too," Hunter says before you get a chance to ask. "You're coming with us."
You smile and nod. "Thank you, sir."
"Don't get the wrong idea," Hunter adds. "I need Echo for this mission, and I'm not leaving you alone on the ship."
"Yes, sir," you frown then turn back towards the bunks to get yourself situated.
Of course it would be too good to be true. For a second, you thought he actually wanted you on this mission, but he just wants to keep an eye on you. As a medic, you can help the missing troopers if they need medical attention, which you're confident they will. Your presence on the mission should be vital, not just an afterthought. Although, you shouldn't be upset that you're going on a mission, but you wish it was because of merit and not for the sake of babysitting.
Regardless, you will do your best on this mission and prove to Clone Force 99 that you are a good medic. That they need you. You're not sure how, but you will. When you get back to your bunk, you triple-check the supplies in your pack and stock as many bacta patches and stim shots as you can fit, plus some essential fluid and mineral packets, ration bars, and a few medical odds and ends that make sense to bring along. You want to be prepared for anything.
With your preparations made, it's another waiting game until you reach Scorro. You don't remember reading about that planet in your studies, but apparently it's rather primitive in nature, which is why no one has settled on it. It's an abandoned planet, making it a great outpost for mercenaries, pirates, and separatists. Pulling out your data-pad, you do a little more research to see what you can find out, but come up with the same dismal results that your holo-texts had.
It's not much longer before the Marauder drops out of hyperspace and the olive-green planet comes into view. When the holo-text said that Scorro was primitive, it wasn't kidding. It looks new and unabused by modern progress, and its vegetal hue is highly alluring. Your curiosity has now surpassed your trepidation about the rumors and missing clones. You're excited. This is a great opportunity, even if it's dangerous. The closer you get to the planet, the faster your heart beats.
“According to the scanners, there are no active fauna on this planet,” Tech states. "But the air is breathable."
“Just because the air is breathable doesn’t mean it’s good for you,” you point out. “Carbon monoxide is breathable but you’ll die before you figure out it’s bad for you.”
“Correction,” Tech adds. "The air is non-toxic towards human life-forms."
"Glad we could sort that one out," Crosshair says. "Any more words of wisdom?"
You narrow your eyes at him. "No."
"Take us in," Hunter says. "Land just outside the coordinates of the last clone squadron."
"Affirmative," Tech says, then flips a few switches before piloting the ship into the planet's atmosphere.
Once the ship has landed, Hunter addresses the group. "Our mission is to locate the two missing clone squadrons and investigate the rumors about an separatist base of operations. We'll use teams of two and spread out in an 800 meter radius from the last known coordinates. Keep the comm lines open and have your blasters at the ready."
Everyone nods and gears up, including you. Before you put your bucket on, you glance at the medic mark on your shoulder pauldron. No matter what happens, you have a job to do. You're a medic first. These men, your squad, are in your care and it's your responsibility to make sure they all survive. Steeling yourself for what's to come, you bite back every lick of fear that tries to take hold in your mind. You've trained hard for this, and you're not going to get cold feet now.
The side loading ramp opens and the bright sunlight of the planet blasts into the dimly lit ship. No turning back now. You follow the rest of the squad out of the ship and step onto the fresh earth of Scorro. For someone who grew up on Coruscant and spent the last cycle on Kamino, this much vegetation is mesmerizing. The sun is so warm, and the earth beneath your feet is so soft. This virgin planet is breathtaking. You take a few more steps forward, then Hunter stops.
"Tech, Crosshair, go east," Hunter says while pointing in that direction. "Wrecker and I will go north. Echo and Civvy, you'll go west.
The group nods and heads out in their respective directions.
"Stay frosty men," Hunter says over the comms. "There's no telling what we'll be up against out here."
You and Echo silently walk towards the western end of the perimeter, keeping your eyes peeled for any signs of the clone troopers or separatists. After a couple minutes, the silence grates on your nerves, but Echo seems focused right now. A little too focused. You know this mission bothered him from the beginning, but there seems to be something else about the way he carries himself that indicates it's not just about the mission being odd. There's something deeper.
As you continue forward, your foot kicks something hard. Looking down, you catch a glimpse of the familiar white plastoid clone trooper helmet, which is attached to a body shrouded by tall weeds. Your stomach flips. You weren't expecting to find one of them so quickly.
"Sarge," you say in the comms. "I found a trooper." Crouching down, you check for a pulse, but as you expected, there is none. "He's dead."
"We're making our way to your position now," Hunter says. "How'd he die?"
While your medic training didn't have an autopsy course, you inspect the body for the usual suspects. The armor is still intact and there's no signs of a struggle, which you find odd. There's no blaster marks, claw marks, bites, or scratches on the armor either. The black bodysuit isn't even ripped. He must have died from something. You pull back some of the black bodysuit and notice the tissue is necrotizing, but you don't see anything suspicious. Then you scan the body.
"Civvy, status," Hunter interjects over comms.
"I'm not sure how he died," you admit while reviewing the results of the scan. Echo looks over the body too, but doesn't come up with anything substantial. Not that you needed a second opinion.
"What do you mean you're not sure?" Hunter asks. "You're a medic, you should know how people die."
"There's no wounds," you explain. "He looks normal. Fine, even. Besides being dead." You don't mention it, but the fact that there are no organisms feasting on the clone's flesh also baffles you. You'd figure there would be more decay markers, but there's not even a single worm.
Hunter and Wrecker make it to your position and Hunter looks over the body, confirming what you said. "Then how the kriff did he die?"
You look up at Hunter from your crouched position next to the body and shrug. "We'd need a full autopsy to determine that, but the scans indicate no internal injuries either."
"So, he died from nothing?" Echo asks.
You shrug again. "Maybe he had a heart attack. That doesn't show up on portable scanners."
"Eighteen clone troopers died of a heart attack?" Hunter asks, his voice sounding distant.
"No," you rebut. "But maybe this one did."
Hunter points past you and you stand up to see what he wants you to look at. You tilt your head from side to side, scanning the area he's pointing at, when a glint of white pops up on your HUD. Then another. And another. Your eyes widen and your mouth gapes. The ground is littered with seventeen more troopers half-covered in tall weeds. The first squad and the second squad, dead mere meters from each other. You've never seen so many dead bodies before.
You feel your stomach grow queasy, and you rip off your helmet to vomit. As a medical student, you've seen cadavers, held organs in your hands, been bathed in blood, but nothing prepared you for the sight of a mass death. There's something menacing and sickly about it. You know most clones are never retrieved from battlegrounds and you know most clones will never see a proper burial, but knowing and witnessing are two different things. It's heartbreaking.
"You all right?" Echo asks.
You pant from the spasmic exertion, but find your voice. "I'm fine."
Tech and Crosshair arrive at your position soon after, and take note of the bodies. Everyone feels it now, the pressure looming thickly in the air. Something happened on this planet. Something killed these eighteen troopers and it killed them silently. There's an anxiety that creeps in as you wonder what it possibly could be. What is the silent hunter? How does it find its victims? And how can you and your squad escape from it? Perhaps, it may even be too late.
"I've got a bad feeling about this," Echo says to Hunter.
Hunter sighs. "Me too."
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Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
Tag List: @nahoney22 @commander-sunshine @sunshinesdaydream @padawancat97 @verndusk @sun-roach @coraex @lickylickylicky @homemade-clones @523rdrebel @clonemedickix @starrylothcat @moonwrecked @ladyzirkonia @stunkbiggu @cdblake1565 @ladytano420 @moonlightwarriorqueen @anxiouspineapple99 @clonethirstingisreal @dreamie411 @trixie2023 @cw80831 @ca77m3anna @reader6898 @kimiheartblade @dukeoftheblackstar @arc-trooper-8008 @knightprincess @kell-of-storms @msmeredithrose @skellymom @roboticsuccubus83 @totally-not-your-babe @t3mpest98 @asyas-daydreaming @thestarwarslesbian @betizda @skippyhopperwisdom @drafthorsemath @idoubleswearimawriter @kashasenpai @arctrooper69 @bambambunny @pb-jellybeans @techs-goggles9902
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lazinesswrites · 3 months
I have Feelings TM about the ending of TBB s3e4 (as I'm sure we all do) and also my brain is being annoying, so instead of working on any of my WIPs or answering the WIP Wednesday asks, I... wrote this?
Title: We're Still What's Left
Summary: It’s on the way back towards the cockpit that Crosshair sees the goggles. They’re by the navi-computer, broken but carefully cleaned, and suddenly Crosshair can’t move.
Tags: Episode: s03e04 A Different Approach (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) - Canon Compliant (pre s03e05 of course) - The Bad Batch Reunion - Crosshair Rejoins Clone Force 99 | Bad Batch - CT-9904 | Crosshair & Clone Trooper Tech are Twins - CT-9904 | Crosshair Needs a Hug - Crosshair Gets a Hug (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) - Soft Clone Force 99 | Bad Batch - Off-Screen Major Character (maybe) Death - Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Length: 1.760 words
EDIT: there’s a part 2 now, see the reblogs (or just click through this link and hop on to part 2 of the series)
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ninjadeathblade · 10 months
Compliance (a Bad Batch fic): Chapter 2
Summary: This series of chapters is going to be about how Wrecker got his scar. Totally based off of a brief line in @just-here-with-my-thoughts' Test Subject series.
Warnings: Crosshair's bad mental health (there's a running theme in this fanfic that isn't brotherly love), heart wrenching interaction between Crosshair and Wrecker
Word count: 359
Beginning / Next
Author's notes: Me and my proofreader cried (internally) while reading this. Because apparently making myself cry while writing fanfic is a thing now??? Anyway, have chapter 2. Enjoy!
"Cross…? That you?" Crosshair looked over at Wrecker, something twisting in his gut as he locked eyes with his brother. After insisting that Tech and Hunter try to get some rest, Crosshair had waited with Wrecker.
"It's me," Crosshair affirmed quietly. "Need something?" Wrecker shook his head a miniscule amount, a slight grimace touching his face.
"Nah, just wanted to make sure it was you. I thought it was but…" Wrecker trailed off and Crosshair passed him his flask.
"Drink. You need it," Crosshair whispered, casting a wary glance towards the medical bots hovering around other patients. Wrecker reached out and took the flask, drinking all of the water in it before passing it back to Crosshair.
"I can't see you. Can you move out from behind that partition?" Wrecker asked and Crosshair's heart skipped a beat.
"You…can't see me?" Crosshair asked, confirming the worst. Wrecker nodded.
"Yeah. You're behind a wobbly sorta black partition, right? Can you move?" Wrecker asked again. Crosshair swallowed and shuffled to one side. "Nah, the other way." Crosshair moved back in the opposite direction. "That's better. Why'd you look so upset? It was just a little blast, nothing much."
"Do you want me to comm the others? They'd be glad to know you're awake," Crosshair said, trying to divert the conversation before his emotions subsumed him. His emotions could wait.
Wrecker was more important.
"Nah. I'll see them when they let me outta here, won't I?" Wrecker laughed softly.
But what if they don't let you out?
What if they decommission you?
What if we never get to go on missions again?
"That's true." Crosshair opted to say. "You should get some more rest." Wrecker nodded, his working right eye going hazy with fatigue.
"Yeah. Now ya mention it, I'm pretty tired. See you later Cross," Wrecker yawned, leaning further back into the mountain of pillows his head had been propped up on. Crosshair quickly brushed away the tear that slid down his face. He flinched as one of the medbots hovered past, instinct telling him to run. But no: he had to stay.
He had to be strong.
For Wrecker.
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unfortunatetheorist · 5 months
*Joint Theory 6 - @unfortunatetheorist & @snicketstrange*:
-The Truthful Time Period-
When EXACTLY do the events of ASOUE (Netflix & Book) occur?
*Happy New Year, wherever you are celebrating from!*
(This post debuts on my, @unfortunatetheorist's, blog; 00:00 GMT)
The subject of time has been one of great debate throughout the ASOUE fandom, especially with references such as the Baudelaires' favourite film being the 1938 version of Dawn Patrol and Olaf saying he bought the hourglass from TBB online.
In this theory, @snicketstrange and I have come up with what we believe to be a definitive answer, for each case - Netflix Canon and Book Canon.
A firm starting point is this line from TBB:
"In the years since, I've inquired what became of the Brothers Poe. One followed his father into the world of banking. The other lives in a cave and talks to sheep. They each think the other has it better."
This means that the time between the main events of ASOUE and the release of the first season of the series on Netflix in the ASOUE universe is enough for Mr. Poe's children to grow up and one of them to become a banker. We can assume that it would be reasonable to think about at least 10 years. This should be approximately the age difference between Lemony who appears in TSS and Lemony who narrates.
Also, Violet's line from TRR:
"Um, Dawn Patrol, the 1938 version."
This implies 2 things: there was a later remake of Dawn Patrol (hence, "version") and the Baudelaire parents must have been at the suitable age rating to watch the movie when it came out, as:
Monty: "It was your parents' favourite too."
Let's estimate to see how accurate we can be. In 1938 the film was released. Bertrand probably saw this film when he was a teenager, but perhaps not at the premiere. But maybe. (Favourite films when we are adults often arise when we watch these films in [pre-]adolescence).
So, Bertrand in 1938 could have been 12 years old. Let's put this scenario as the oldest. If he was 12 years old in 1938, he must having got married and fathered Violet at around 28 (estimate based on all of Beatrice's history with Lemony prior to her marriage to Bertrand, and Bertrand's appearance in TE). In this case Violet would have been born in 1954, and the series' main events would have been 14 years later in 1968. Lemony would be narrating the story in about 1978.
Now, thinking about the upper limit, we would have the case where the premiere of the Netflix series in our universe happened in the same year as in Lemony's universe. In this case, 2017 would be the year of Lemony's narration, and then 2007 would be the year of ASOUE's main events. So, to date, our estimate is between 1968 and 2007 (book + Netflix).
The main problem is that ASOUE in the books is quite anachronistic. Despite the aesthetics Netflix exists within the universe. But, in contrast, we can argue that Netflix at the time was a video home delivery service, as was the original Netflix. (We don't see people with internet at home in ASOUE, and a computer like in Prufrock Prep was quite rare, hence it being called 'Advanced').
[And apparently something not connected to the internet.]
And this is very interesting. ASOUE's Netflix series is meant to be a video delivery service. After all, we see in THH that there are video delivery services in the library and devices for showing videos.
The first type of Home Video to exist in our world was Betamax in 1975.
And the first microcomputer for personal use was also launched in 1975, the Altair 8800.
And if we look at a detail in LSTUA.
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They are separate universes, but this photographic record is the only one dated in the entire Unfortunate universe: October 1977. It wouldn't be surprising if the series' writers (who are fans of the books) had this enigmatic date in mind, and made ASOUE take place in the 1970s.
And 2 years after the launch of home video and after the launch of microcomputers would be exactly the time needed for a newly launched technology to have spread enough to suggest services like Netflix in the world of ASOUE.
Long enough for some people to buy video cassettes and even cameras.
Here's the full picture:
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So the answer to our original question:
JOINT THEORY: ASOUE is set in the 1970s.
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questforgalas · 1 year
Tay Writes The Bad Batch
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One Shots
We'll be waiting for you Crosshair doesn't flee back to the outpost by himself Characters: Crosshair, Echo, Tech, Hunter, Wrecker Tags: Hurt/comfort, Brotherly support Possible triggers: mentions of buried alive
An Unexpected Enemy Crosshair's new armor is causing some...problems Characters: The Bad Batch pre Echo Tags: brothers being brothers. This is just silly fun. Swearing
Passing the Time Hunter and Crosshair pass the time during watch by reminiscing Characters: Hunter and Crosshair. Tech, Echo, and Wrecker are mentioned Tags: soft bros, brothers reminiscing, pre order 66 Batch
Thank you for coming back The Bad Batch rescue Crosshair from Barton IV before he's transferred to Mt. Tantiss Characters: The Bad Batch Tags: as much brotherly affection as you can fit in 3k words, canon typical violence, AU, family reuniting and crying
March on the Temple As the Batch flee the newly formed empire and head to take shelter on Saleucami, Tech discovers some news that will greatly affect Echo Characters: Tech, Hunter, Echo, Rex Tags: Angst with comfort, post Order 66, 501st flashbacks Possible triggers: Youngling deaths mentioned
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
The Uncle Batch Order-66-didn't-happen AU. One-shots of the Batch being uncles and aunty to Hunter's family Characters: The Bad Batch including Omega Tags: Fluff, Uncle!Batchers, Dad!Hunter, Hunter's partner is gender neutral Possible triggers: parenthood, children Best Sniper in the Galaxy - Crosshair and Nina Nina's Special Secret Vacation City - Tech and Nina
We Don't Leave Our Own Behind (Series Masterlist) "And Crosshair is one of them". One encrypted file. Six words. The Batch's galaxy is completely rewritten. Knowing Crosshair has defected from the Empire, the Batch only have on focus: bring their brother home once and for all.
Playing Monopoly - includes Omega Who Says "I love you" first PDA Favorite spot to smooch Reuniting with their Jedi partner (includes Rex)
Sibling Moments that Live Rent Free in My Head
TCW: The Bad Batch A Distant Echo On the Wings of Keeradaks Unfinished Business
TBB S1: Aftermath Cut and Run Replacements Cornered Rampage Decommissioned Battle Scars Reunion Bounty Lost Common Ground Devil's Deal and Rescue on Ryloth Infested War Mantle Return to Kamino Kamino Lost
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lately i've been thinking a lot about the baudelaires pre-canon. they're just so young, and their intelligence sometimes makes you forget that the eldest child here is fourteen years old. fourteen!! and then there are moments like when klaus sees a wall and immediately decides to bring up pink floyd's "the wall".
with that in mind, here are some pre-canon baudelaire headcanons that make me smile
this one is pretty widely accepted but these are cool homeschooled kids
violet and klaus used to spend hours playing elaborate roleplaying games as kids- they would run around the house, engrossed in the characters they had come up with, and sometimes incorporate beatrice and bertrand into the story.
klaus had insane separation anxiety that he was only recently getting over by tbb- whenever beatrice and bertrand had to leave for "business trips" he would have sleepovers in violet's room until they got back.
violet never minded klaus's clinginess growing up. there was only one time when she got angry at him about it, and it was when she was about seven and her parents had invited some work friends over. she was trying to show off her automatic hair detangling invention to the triplets that had come with the adults her parents were speaking to, and klaus kept on tugging on her sleeve. she called him a "sniveling dumdum" and he ran to get bertrand immediately.
not to say that violet and klaus didn't argue about other things
when their parents told them that they would be expecting a new sibling, klaus became convinced that their parents had been replaced with clones because they would never try to replace him as their beloved youngest child. violet responded by becoming as involved as possible with preparations for the baby. she decorated the nursery, helped pick out toys, stuffed animals, she built the cradle, and did everything she possibly could to make sure klaus was wallowing in his middle child misery.
the two of them once had a week-long fight over whether or not edison stole tesla's intellectual property. they refused to speak to each other until a thunderstorm came at night and klaus crawled into violet's bed. they didn't acknowledge the storm or the argument the next morning.
"i wish i had some salt on my food"
"well, the salt is right by klaus, violet, why don't you ask him to pass it?"
"mother, would you please ask klaus to pass the salt?"
"mother, would you please tell violet that i am using it?" (he definitely was not using it)
both violet and klaus, as intelligent as they may be, were awful at schoolwork. violet has no patience for learning about things that she isn't interested in, and klaus, though interested by almost every topic imaginable, would begin infodumping at the slightest hint of a subject that he has knowledge on. by the time violet was nine and klaus was seven, beatrice and bertrand had given up and pulled them out of public school. when bertrand was still trying to homeschool them conventionally, the day would typically end with violet so zoned out you would have to shake her to get her attention and klaus still rambling on about something that had been mentioned hours before.
when sunny was born, klaus absolutely despised her
violet, meanwhile, absolutely adored sunny. she would spend hours making her different toys she could play with, from dolls to robots to rattles.
the baudelaire children took halloween very seriously. violet and klaus always had coordinating costumes- they've been hansel and gretel, the wright brothers, charles dickens and herman melville, homer and socrates, and several other duos.
when klaus finally grew to like sunny, he would enlist her to help him play elaborate pranks on violet. after a week or so of letting them have their fun, violet starts retaliating with pranks of her own. by the start of tbb, the baudelaires are engaged in a full-out prank war.
violet would spend hours with bertrand just tinkering and making various small machines. he had absolutely no clue what she was doing, but he loved the way his daughter would light up when she began to explain the way the details of how whatever she was making worked. violet looked forward to this time spent with her father so much that she subconsciously learned to do the same thing with klaus- she wouldn't quite understand what he was telling her about the books he had read, but she would nod along anyways and ask him questions to get him to talk further about it (later, this was the only way she could pull him out of a panic attack)
beatrice would read to her children whenever she could, powering through entire novels with them in the span of a few days.
sunny would spend her days teething on any object she could find. to prevent her from getting injured, beatrice spent a solid three days walking around the mansion and putting anything that she wouldn't want her one-year-old eating up at least five feet high.
beatrice taught violet and klaus musical instruments, while bertrand taught them languages. violet took an interest in the violin (klaus teased her pretty relentlessly for that one) and the piano, while klaus learned how to play the flute and the harp. bertrand taught violet how to speak italian and german while klaus was taught french and spanish. both of them learned hebrew.
they were happy your honor!!
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Information for each found below the cut. It could be some time before either series will be closer to having chapters ready to publish, which is why I'm opening requests for the time being! I worked on these a little while in the middle of the Hunter series.
"Wounded Wings":
Started out with the idea of being an x reader, realized "hmm, this feels more like an OC because there's a lot of Hey The Person Writing This Really Likes Birds And Is Projecting™ vibes about it" for what I've written of it so far and felt it's getting too niche for an x reader. Chances were not many Tech girlies (GN) were also gonna be Really Into Birds. [I could possibly re-write to make it an x reader.]
You're... gonna be reading a lot about made-up birds, most likely.
This series will take place Pre-TBB!Echo, and there is a chance he will not show up at all or until much, much later. [This will require me to actually get to Season 7 in TCW by suffering through a few fan favorite deaths I've been putting off (Tup, Fives, ect.) to have the full context of their TCW appearance characterizations.]
OC will be Force-sensitive, many possible instances of "the Force works how I say it does", and it works around the headcanon that Tech has some autistic tendencies. Smaller AU factors. Slow burn. Idiots (affectionate) to lovers sorta thing; Tech's bros see it a mile away, Tech just thinks she's a "Very Good Friend :)" for hopefully just the right amount of time.
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"Hunting the Nexu"
HtN is an AU/fix-it series involving a fem!Bounty Hunter "hired" by the Bad Batch to spring Crosshair from Mount Tantiss. Meaning "Plan 99? Don't know her!" for all of us traumatized by the Season 2 finale.
No one dies in this series, at least not the major fan favorites.
Like "Sorry, Wrong Comms!" there will be hints of Reader having a backstory/aspects of personality that are not left quite so vague or open-ended; but for the most part flexible enough to put yourself in the place of the few uses of "[____] spoke with a slow drawl as she gave the marksman a cool look. 'Aw... I didn't take you for the type to hold a grudge, Crosshair...'" [not an actual sentence in-series] throughout the series.
This series does give fem!Reader an established moniker that you'll be referred to more often than an actual name.
Canon-divergent. One sided Enemies-to-Lovers vibes. [Would require me to stop putting off Season 2 re-watch.] Crosshair will not be a complete shit all the time, and there's going to be better coping strategies for everyone much like in S,WC! because they deserve 'em.
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equestechnicos · 4 months
About Mun & Muse
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It is independent potrayal of Tech from Clone Force 99 , I say independent because I may or may not sometimes stray away from canon. Happens sometimes. I write this character the way I enjoy it and that way I'm gonna to have the most fun.
The timeline won't be constant , sometimes I will write Tech from clone wars era ( pre order 66 ) and sometimes I will write post order 66. Always in third person , decently descriptive.
Some things about Mun. Well I go by Dex , I am 23 years old writter with experience of around ten years. Yeah I started roleplaying when I was around thirteen. Mostly due to my age I would rather prefer to roleplay with people who are close to be adults or familiar age to me. It's just for my comfort. If someone interesed in being friends I have other secondary blog which i called @icariusdexx ! I will post there random tbb x readers posts hopefully try.
Anyways thats all for this post!
Treat it at some kind of introduction post on this blog.
Also I will stick to being in character here! <3
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lazinesswrites · 3 months
Writing Patterns
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
I was tagged by @auburnlaughter a little while ago; thank you! ❤
I'm doing the latest 10 fics I've posted to Ao3, oldest first, and I'll include links because... every excuse to self-promote? Everything here is Star Wars, most of it Bad Batch (from before s3, save the last two), and most of that is more or less Crosshair-centric.
Sunrise Caf (TCW post-war AU, pre-CodyWan, 1k, G)
“Do you still prefer your caf black, now that you have access to more options?” Obi-Wan asks as Cody sits down at the small kitchen table in Obi-Wan’s new apartment.
Labor of love is ours to endure (TBB s1 finale AU-CD, 4.6k, T)
Wrecker watches as Hunter talks to Crosshair about chances; watches as Omega says her piece too.
To feel your heart as it's keeping time (TBB, Batch twins, 3.3k, G)
Since Crosshair’s recent and long-awaited return to their squad, Tech has found that treating him like one would a feral tooka has been relatively successful in getting the sniper to relax around him.
Don't You Doubt (TBB, Cross & Hunter, 2.5k, T, part of a series)
Pabu is very quiet at night.
And please be there; I can barely hang on (But oh I wait 'til I break) (TBB, h/c, 3.8k, T) (this one's in Russian too!)
Crosshair didn't know they'd be here.
Mirjahaal (TBB, pre-show, 2.1k, G)
Echo doesn’t know what Crosshair’s problem is.
Breakthrough on Bracca (TBB, AU-CD, 4.6k, T)
Crosshair wakes to a face on fire and a clear mind.
Change of Heart, Change of Plans (TBB, AU-CD, 5.6k, G)
A flash of white armor in his periphery, accompanied by the sound of familiar voices – or rather, one familiar voice from multiple people – has Hunter diverting from their route, leading his siblings into a dark and dank alley, waiting for the troopers to pass.
We're Still What's Left (TBB s3e4 cont., grief, 1.7k, T)
“But… how did you escape?” Hunter asks the kid, and Crosshair figures that’s his cue, even if he’s not sure he’s quite ready for whatever awaits him out there.
Homecoming Heroes (TBB, sequel to above, 2.8k, T)
Pabu is… nice.
Thoughts and tags below the cut:
So... Patterns? I was gonna say something about fairly long sentences, but then half of them turned out to be pretty short, actually 😅
I guess I try to set the scene: Who's there, what are they doing, what's the Problem (if the characters know, yet) etc. Try to make clear what canon scene we've jumped into, when relevant (I.e. in Labor of love, which picks up towards the end of Kamino Lost, when Hunter has just said something like 'you gave us a chance Crosshair; this is yours' and Omega has said 'they're still your brothers, Crosshair. You're my brother too.', which is what Wrecker's thoughts are referring to.)
I also tend to start right in the middle of Something, especially in the more action-filled ones. This is both because I then avoid losing people to "boring" exposition or world-building or descriptions right out of the gate, and also because beginnings are Hard, so the way I typically start writing a fic (or anything, really) is to start with whatever scene I've got in mind that sparked the idea for the rest of the fic, regardless of when it actually takes place, and then build the rest around it. Or by writing notes/something like an outline if I don't have a specific scene in mind but more just a sort of general feeling or plot or theme or something I want to write about, and then expand those into text-text. This approach means I often end up explaining the things that need explaining throughout the fic, so there's no need to put it all at the beginning. And also - it's fanfic. By far most of my readers will already be familiar with the characters and general setting; I just need to make clear where and how we might deviate from that.
That's all, I think. But hey! if you got this far and you noticed something I didn't, why don't you tell me? (please be nice, though, I'm not looking for critique; just curious)
NPTs: @whimsicalmeerkat @hxad-ovxr-hxart @spacemagicandlaserswords @battlekilt
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zia-zia-bo-bia · 1 year
mun here
I had a similar problem that @drama-is-my-second-name did, I made a character within the span of 5 minutes and then just...i have no idea what happened
so zia will be shut down for a while, and yes, that also means that kaos/asha/aaura will be shut down, too, just because im not sure what to do with them yet
thank you!
@cc-3636wolffe @kaijusplotch @its-cody-not-kote
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