#rather than just explaining him immediately
shiny-jr · 3 days
- Warning: None really. Gender-neutral reader. 
- Characters: Malleus Draconia, Lilia Vanrouge, Silver, Sebek Zigvolt.
- Summary: You work a minimum wage job when a fae takes an interest after you jokingly asked him "will you adopt me?"
- Note: I planned for this to be a platonic yandere thing, but really it's only silly thoughts so I don't really plan to continue this unless y'all want. I don't even have a name for it.
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Thinking about an AU where...
You were born a regular magicless person in Twisted Wonderland. Which was a travesty, but not too uncommon, as there were plenty of beings in this world that were incapable of magic. It was considered a privilege to be born with such capabilities. A privilege.
Which was likely why the world seemed catered specifically for magic users. Magic users were the cream of the crop, the best of the best. In the social hierarchy, magic users reined on top. That's just how things were. It wasn't discriminatory. It was merely the nature of society. If a company was looking to hire, of course they would inquire if potential employees could use magic. And of course, they were more likely to choose magic users to fill the positions. That explained why you could only find work as a minimum wage telemarketer, but it was better than nothing.
Random numbers generated and numerous attempts, scripted greetings you've said so much you could recite them in your sleep. As soon as you get an answer of "mmmyello?" a casual and exaggerated hello, you go off on the scripted greeting to advertise the product.
Shockingly, the person on the other end doesn't immediately hang up. They merely hum at your words, occasional shifting heard on the other end.
By the tone and voice, you've deduced that it's a rather relaxed guy. A conversation ensues, and although he doesn't sound all that interested in making a purchase, he doesn't get annoyed by your call. In fact, he continues to chat, seemingly amused by you and willing to share details such that he had a son and two others he fondly cared for.
The man, whom referred to himself as Lilia, mentioned he lived in Briar Valley. How odd, as it was common knowledge that the valley didn't have the best connection with technology due to their preference towards magic. He spoke of his well-mannered son and the other two boys he helped raise, one was a loud son of a dentist and the other was a quiet son of longtime family friends. By this time you were imagining an older gentleman with three young boys no older than ten.
He seemed to care so fondly for them that in the middle of the pleasant conversation, you couldn't help but jokingly ask, "Will you adopt me?"
The line was silent and you were mortified as you remembered this was supposed to be business talk, and your calls were likely being recorded. After what must've been shock, he began to laugh on the other end, and you immediately ended the call in your panic.
Why did you say that? You shouldn't have said that– Damn it, right when you were just gonna test the waters to see if he wanted the insurance package! Well, there went your big catch of the day. The rest of the evening was failed attempts, either deadlines or potential customers just hung up as soon as you spoke. Things were looking bleak.
Eventually, not even a week later, you received a letter. A letter, not an email, that was written much like how you expected the contents of a letter from the medieval ages to sound. Starting with: Salutations, Telemarketer–– and after several paragraphs, ending with ––That is why I am now interested in your deal! I will need your assistance, because I have not a single clue about how insurance works.
There was no number, and you couldn't recall the one you had reached him through, so there was no choice but to resort to the old fashioned way. Through letters. Although it would be a hassle and an interaction that would likely last for weeks just for one deal, a customer was a customer, and this would be your first one in so long. However, when you agreed to speak to him, you didn't actually expect him to show up at your doorstep. The voice you recognized, but he was not what you had in mind. He looked to be your age, short with magenta highlights in his black hair and wide red eyes accompanied by a fang-toothed smile. And pointed ears, the sign of fae. Of course he was a fae, that made total sense as to why he spoke as if he were older. He probably was older, much older than you previously thought.
Lilia wore a constant smile, listening but also not listening when you tried your best to explain what insurance was to a fae that had never once needed it.
"Do you get it now...?" You asked finally, after a lengthy explanation to which he barely asked any questions. All he did was nod up and down.
There was a brief pause. "Yesss..." That sounded uncertain, but he didn't appear to care too much as he noticed your bag with only the minimum in it like keys and a thin wallet. Along with the time. "Shouldn't you be on your lunch break now?"
"Yes, but... I don't eat lunch. I'm not hungry." A lie. You were hungry, but it wasn't easy to get lunch on a minimum wage salary alone. You'd eat something for dinner.
Lilia seemed to sense this, somehow detecting your lie. "Hm... Well, I like you. And I'm not about to let a child starve on my watch."
"A child...?" You stared at him incredulously. This fae was practically the same size as you, maybe even shorter. "I'm over––"
"Uh-huh, just nod and come along." He instructed, holding up a finger to gently shush you as he waved you along to follow beside him. "If your age only has two numbers in it, then in my eyes, you're like a toddler."
Lunch was surprisingly nice, as Lilia was quite eccentric but excellent at holding a conversation. He seemed wise and witty, making a great combination. However, you couldn't help but wonder what a fae from Briar Valley was doing here, as it was known that most faes preferred not to leave the valley.
"It's getting late, I do have to be going..." Lilia sighed, before turning to you and his smile softened. "Would you like to see my boys I told you about? It won't take long."
Did he live close by? That was the only plausible explanation you could think of, since Briar Valley was a whole continent away. It only made sense that he lived nearby if he were here now. Maybe he was one of the few fae that chose to leave the valley.
This was quickly disproven when he held your hand and told you to stay still, when it felt like you were hurled through space. A gust of wind slapping your face, your eyes momentarily seeing a kaleidoscope of colors, you felt sick when suddenly your surroundings were darker.
Dark brick walls like black, candles lighting the space, gray stone floors... definitely not the outside of the cafe you were just standing in front of moments ago. Teleporation magic...? He was a fae, and all faes had magic. You only had milliseconds to recover and swallow the rising bile in your throat, as Lilia pulled you into an open space like a courtyard where light filtered in. However, in this space there were training dummies and swords instead of flowers and butterflies.
"Come, come, meet my boys. The ones I've told you about!"
You immediately paled. When you heard boys, you were expecting young children no bigger than half your height. Instead you were met with three towering men with forbidding expressions.
Two of which were dressed in dark metallic armor and lowering sharpened weapons. The one on the left was a bit taller, with green hair and sharp eyes that pierced you like a blade. The one on the right was the shorter of the two, but that didn't make him any less intimidating with his gray hair and aurora eyes on an expression as cold as ice.
And the last, the last was recognizable anywhere. Black robes and majestic black horns like a crown with slitted green eyes that seemed to glow and peer into your very soul. That was the prince of the valley, a fae with unrivaled and frightening levels of magic.
"This is Sebek, Silver, and Malleus. They've so looked forward to meeting you ever since I told them about you after our pleasant telephone chat yesterday!"
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mina-saiyat · 2 days
Rumors Part 2 (Jihyo)
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Part 1 in case you forgot what happened.
After that ridiculous night, Jihyo and the man officially established a relationship. But the content of their dates was not the romantic plot that ordinary couples should have, but rather greedy demands for each other's bodies again and again.
Every weekend, Jihyo would sneak out and head to the man's apartment. It had long become her most familiar place - the quilt on the bed was always in a mess, and there were a few messy clothes scattered on the floor. She can't wait to take off her clothes, lie on the bed and wait for the man's arrival.
And the moment the man stepped into the room, what he always saw was Jihyo's naked body. Without saying a word, he would pounce on Jihyo, turning her over and over, leaving new kiss marks on all parts of her body. Jihyo would kiss him back without shyness, leaving only the most primitive desire between the two of them.
After a lot of love, the two of them would lie naked on the bed and rest for a while. At this time, Jihyo may talk sweetly to the man. But these confession are quickly forgotten, because the next sex will come as scheduled.
Occasionally, men would come to Jihyo's home to stay overnight. Jihyo is living alone after moving out from the dome, although there maybe some cameras for recording the variety show. But when men came to visit, Jihyo would makes things to avoid the camera and stay alone with him in her room. The man would hold her and sit on the windowsill, watching the scenery outside together. But more often than not, they will still choose to go back to bed and get entangled with each other over and over again until they are exhausted.
In this way, Jihyo and the man consumed each other's feelings through countless sexual encounters.
The news that Jihyo was dating with a man quickly spread in the circle. One night, Jihyo was rehearsing on the set when her phone suddenly rang. When she saw it, it turned out to be a message from her manager asking her to call back immediately.
A bad premonition arose in Jihyo 's heart. She hurriedly completed the shoot, found an excuse and ran to the stairwell to call her agent back. She heard a hint of anxiety in the other person's voice: "Jihyo, you go home right now! There are some things we need to talk about."
Jihyo had no choice but to ask the director for a half-day leave and hurried back home. Before she entered, she saw her manager already waiting outside.
"Jihyo, I know the rumors about you being with a man are true." The manager said bluntly, "But I need a reasonable explanation, otherwise this matter may affect your career."
Jihyo was stunned. She originally thought that she had concealed it well, but she didn't expect that the press would find out so quickly. She didn't know how to explain it. If she said that she and the man were just sex partner, fans would be extremely disappointed with her; but if she was asked to admit that this man she didn't love at all was her boyfriend, she couldn't do it.
"I...I don't know what to say..." Jihyo said with red eyes, "Me and him...we are just friends..." The manager was silent for a long time. He saw Jihyo's embarrassment and knew that this matter was very difficult. "Okay, I will discuss with the PR team how to handle it. But Jihyo, you'd better think carefully and don't make a decision that you will regret."
Jihyo nodded, knowing that she had to face reality. She took a deep breath and prepared herself for the coming storm.
Jihyo reached out and grabbed the manager's arm before he turns around to leave. She raised her head and showed a sweet smile: "Manager, even if you send out a press release in the middle of the night, no one will notice it. Why don't you wait until tomorrow morning to send it out? You can stay in my guest room and sleep tonight. "
The manager looked at Jihyo in surprise. He didn't expect her to make such a suggestion. But soon, his eyes were attracted by the rise and fall of her chest.
Jihyo could see what he was thinking. She slowly leaned over and massaged his arm gently: "Oppa has been too tired recently and needs a good rest. How about I massage your shoulders?"
The manager's breath caught. He should have refused, but Jihyo's fingers seemed to have magic power, making his sanity gradually blur. He swallowed and said reluctantly: "That's fine, just do what you like."
Jihyo stood up with a smile. She walked behind the manager and put her hands on his shoulders. Her technique was not professional, but every press could accurately hit his pain point. The manager sighed involuntarily, feeling that the heat in his lower body was also about to stir.
"Oppa, do you want me to take off your shirt for you? It will be more comfortable this way." Jihyo's voice was low and sexy. She bit her lip lightly and traced her fingers across the manager's strong muscles.
The manager nodded. He knew he was taking a risk, but at this moment he could no longer control himself. Jihyo quickly unbuttoned his clothes, exposing his skin to the air, which aroused her interest even more.
"Oppa has a really nice figure." Jihyo knelt down and licked his nipples with the tip of her tongue.
Jihyo knew that if she wanted to get through this difficulty, she had to do her best to please the man in front of her. He is her own manager and controls her own destiny. As long as he is willing to stand on her side, all difficulties can be easily solved.
On the other hand, Jihyo also has selfish motives. Although she had a physical relationship with her boyfriend, she did not really fall in love with him. If the company forces her to break up, she doesn't care. But once she loses her sex life, her body will feel lonely. Therefore, she wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to seduce her manager and turn him into her regular sex partner.
Jihyo has been in the idol industry for many years and she knows very well what men need. She deliberately screamed "Oppa Oppa" and teased the manager's sensitive spots with the tip of her tongue. Her skills were so good that she soon had the manager in a state of lust.
"Jihyo, you're so good..." the manager gasped, grabbing Jihyo's hair and burying her deeper.
Jihyo smiled, knowing that she was half successful. She planned to add fuel to the fire and let this veteran driver try the charm of her idol. She opened her mouth and took his nipple in her entire mouth, scanning the surrounding area with her tongue.
"Oppa, do you want me to lick other places?" Jihyo raised her eyes and cast a wink at the manager.
The manager shook his head, his breathing becoming heavier. He pulled Jihyo and asked her to sit on his lap. His big hands reached under her skirt and kneaded her erect clitoris.
"Oppa, please don't..." Jihyo pretended to be frightened, but her body twisted honestly to meet the manager's touch.
She knew she would get what she wanted soon.
Jihyo felt her skirt being lifted up, revealing her white buttocks and black underwear. She knew that this was one of the most favorite sights for men, so she took the initiative to raise her buttocks to give the manager a better view.
"Oppa, I'm wet down there..." Jihyo grabbed the manager's wrist and led him into the restricted area of ​​her underwear. When his fingers touched her already overflowing pussy, she couldn't help but moan.
"Hmm...Oppa, you are so good at playing..." Jihyo let her moans get louder and louder, and she even took the initiative to spread her thighs to facilitate the manager's invasion. She felt that the little bean deep in her vagina was kneaded by him until it was numb, and waves of pleasure swept through her body like waves.
"Oppa, I want you..." Jihyo fell limply into the manager's arms. Her chest was pressed against his chest, and she could feel his strong heartbeat. She pulled his palms to cover her breasts, letting him knead them wantonly.
"Jihyo, I want you too..." The manager leaned forward and kissed her lips. The tip of his tongue slipped into her mouth and intertwined with her delicious tongue.
The two kissed passionately, until they reluctantly separated due to lack of oxygen. Jihyo's face was flushed and her eyes were blurry. She looked at the man in front of her who had been provoked into losing his mind by her, and the corner of her mouth raised a smile of victory.
"Oppa, do you want me?" Jihyo blinked and whispered into his ear.
Jihyo knew that now was the time for her to show her true strength. She took the manager's hand and placed it on her breast.
"Oppa, I want you..." She bit her lip and looked at him shyly. She held his harden shaft in her hand and moved it up and down. She could feel it swelling and burning in her hands.
The manager was panting heavily, he was also longing for Jihyo's body. He held her waist and asked her to sit astride him. He eagerly pulled off her underwear, revealing the already muddy grass.
"Oppa...I can't wait any longer..." Jihyo held his hard object and pointed it at her swan, and then slowly lowered his waist. She could feel it inserting into her inch by inch, breaking through layers of lines until it reached the deepest core of the flower.
"Ah!~" Jihyo couldn't help but moan. She felt that her lower body was completely filled, as if she had returned to the original wedding night.
The manager also moaned in comfort, Jihyo's vagina was tight and moist, tightly adsorbed on his shaft. He couldn't help but move his waist, wanting more comfort.
"Oppa...slow down..." Jihyo felt that her womb was being rubbed to the point of slight pain, but it was more of a tingling pleasure. She held his neck so he could fuck her deeper.
"Hmm...so good..." Jihyo followed his rhythm and swayed her waist up and down. She could feel the pleasure coming from the depths of her pussy, getting more and more intense.
"Actually, I've always liked you..." The manager gasped, grabbing Jihyo's buttocks and squeezing them hard.
"Really? Oppa, you never show it..." Jihyo said coquettishly. She felt the pleasure in her lower body getting stronger and stronger. Her pussy kept squirming, wanting more.
"I can't control myself when I see you...especially the way you look on stage...I know I shouldn't think like this, but I just can't control myself..." The manager blamed himself. The hard object swelled inside Jihyoand the pain was unbearable.
"Oppa is so bad..." Jihyo chuckled. She felt that her lower body was about to fall apart due to the impact. She hugged his neck and blew into his ear, "Actually, Jihyo has been looking forward to having sex with you...but Oppa never gave me a chance..."
"Enjoy it now..." Jihyo twisted her waist to match his rhythm. She could feel her core being pushed to the deepest point by him, and the tingling sensation almost made her scream.
"Oh... Jihyo..." the manager gasped, feeling as if he was in heaven. Jihyo's lower body was wet and hot, tightly wrapped around his cock. He could feel her cervix shrinking and squeezing, as if she was trying to suck all his essence out.
"Oppa, do you like Jihyo's body?" Jihyo asked in a deliberately lowered voice. She could feel his hard object growing bigger and bigger inside her. She twisted her waist, letting his hard object rub against every sensitive point in her body.
"Of course I like it... Jihyo's body is simply designed to please men..."
‘It turns out that Oppa also has this idea..." Jihyo teased him with a deliberate smile. She could feel his cock becoming more and more violent inside her body, as if he was going to tear her apart.
"My girlfriend isn't even half as good as Jihyo... Having sex with her is like completing a mission... There's no reaction at all..." The manager complained, holding Jihyo’s nipples, squeezed hardly.
"Oh, Oppa, don't be angry..." Jihyo pretended to comfort him. She knew that this would only make him crazier. "Then don't have sex with your girlfriend anymore...all the semen should be reserved for Jihyo..."
"Really?" The manager stopped in surprise. He looked at Jihyo with obsession in his eyes.
"Of course... From now on, Oppa, you just fuck Jihyo..." Jihyo blinked her big eyes and looked at him innocently.
The manager immediately nodded excitedly, and he started thrusting again, reaching the deepest part of Jihyo every time. He felt that his desire had reached an unprecedented height, as if only Jihyo's body could satisfy him.
"Jihyo, I want you, and I want you now..." The manager hugged Jihyo's slender waist tightly and hit her delicate body hard. He knew that the feeling of having sex with Jihyo was something he would never forget in his life.
"Oppa, Jihyo wants you too..." Jihyo swayed her waist in line with his movements, and her moans became louder and louder. The two seemed to merge into one, with only the most primitive desires spreading in each other's bodies.
‘From now on, I will arrange all schedule for you alone... I will also give priority to you with Twice’s resources... As long as you are happy..." The manager looked at Jihyo with a gleaming look in his eyes. The cock kept beating inside her body, and it seemed that she had reached the limit of endurance.
"Really? That's great!" Jihyo was ecstatic. She knew how important this condition was to her career development. She immediately increased her speed and swayed her waist in time with his thrust.
"Oppa, you are so kind... Jihyo will always remember it..." Jihyo looked at him with charming eyes. She knew that as long as she served him well, her status in the group would definitely be greatly improved in the future.
"Oh... Jihyo... you're so good..." The manager hugged Jihyo's butt and pushed her hard as if to integrate her into his body. He felt the warmth approaching his cock, and he knew he was about to cum.
"Oppa...I'm almost there..." Jihyo swung her waist in line with his speed. She felt that her sex was getting more and more spasmodic, and a large amount of juice continued to overflow, leaving a mess on the sheets.
"Jihyo... together..." the manager growled. His cock was inserted deeply into Jihyo's body, and then he shot out waves of white turbid liquid while beating violently. Jihyo also climaxed, and her vagina was convulsing, and a large amount of nectar hit his cock.
Jihyo knew that the deal between her and her manager had been reached. She has all night to use all her tricks to please the man before tomorrow's press release. She couldn't help but sneer. It was unexpected that the usually aloof and inviolable manager could be captured by her so easily.
Jihyo looked at her manager, who was still playing with her breasts. She reached out and took hold of his cock, moving it up and down. "Oppa, do you still want Jihyo?" She deliberately licked her lips and seduced him with her flirtatious eyes.
The manager nodded immediately, with a beastly desire in his eyes. Jihyo chuckled and turned over to sit astride him. She slowly sat down holding his hard member until it was completely buried inside her body.
"Ah~" Jihyo raised her head and let out a satisfied moan. She twisted her waist and moved it up and down, letting his hard object pump inside her body. "Oppa, do you like it?" She asked, while deliberately contracting her vagina and clamping his hard object tightly.
The manager raised his head in pleasure. He held Jihyo's slender waist with both hands and moved his lower body in accordance with her rhythm. "I like it...it's so comfortable..." He murmured, feeling that his reason had left him, and now he just wanted to immerse himself in this wonderful pleasure.
Jihyo smiled softly, knowing that she had completely conquered this man. Now, as long as ahe wants something, he will give it to her without hesitation. Thinking of this, she felt a sense of pride, and at the same time she moved her waist up and down harder, trying to give this man an orgasm he would never forget.
The night was dark, and the sound of men and women having sex echoed in the room. Jihyo lay on the manager's chest and allowed him to do whatever he wanted on her. She knew that every night from now on would be like this.
"Jihyo...I want you..." the manager gasped, his harden shaft inserted deeply into Jihyo's body, hitting her sensitive spots every time. Jihyo's moans and gasps came and went, especially clear in the silent night.
Jihyo raised her body and kissed the manager's lips. She knew that this kiss represented her surrender to this man. "Oppa... Jihyo wants you too..." She murmured, holding his face in her hands and deepening the moist kiss.
"Jihyo...you are so perfect..." the manager gasped in response to her kiss, feeling that he was losing himself in this woman's tenderness. He couldn't help but think how great it would be if only he and Jihyo existed in the world.
When Jihyo heard his words, she felt a little proud in his heart. She knew that she had a firm control over this man. As long as he thinks about it, he can't leave her. This realization gave her a rush of pleasure, and she decided to celebrate tonight's victory with more intense sex.
She turned over and sat up, grabbed his hard object and sat down. She swung her waist vigorously, letting his hard object keep rubbing inside her body. "Brother... do you like Jihyo’s pussy...?" She bit her lip deliberately, letting out a sweet moan while looking at him, waiting for his answer.
‘I, I like it..." The manager was caught off guard by her sudden movements, but he quickly regained the feeling under her rhythm. He pressed Jihyo's buttocks tightly and pushed upwards in conjunction with her movements.
"Oppa... you're so big... you fill me up so much..." Jihyo deliberately slowed down, swallowing his hard object into his body inch by inch, and then spitting it out gradually. She knew that such slow thrusts could rub against his sensitive points and arouse his desires.
"Jihyo...you tortured me to death..." The manager was tortured by her until he gritted his teeth, but he didn't want to stop. Because this feeling of being dominated by her was so exciting, he was willing to be played with at will by her.
"Oppa... I will make you feel comfortable..." Jihyo smiled and sped up. She swung her waist vigorously, allowing his cock to be pumped quickly inside her body. She could feel his growing desire and knew he was almost there too.
"Oh... Jihyo..." the manager growled, his cock suddenly becoming extremely sensitive. Jihyo felt a stream of warm liquid flowing out of his cock and hitting her womb. She knew that he was about to climax just like her.
She swung her waist harder, and his cock moved in and out of her faster. She climaxed in time with his speed, and a large amount of nectar poured out of her pussy and poured onto his cock.
The two hugged each other and panted, sweat dripping from their foreheads. Jihyo leaned on his shoulder and smiled evilly, knowing she has another cock that can be used.
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dwaekkicidal · 22 hours
˚ʚfwb!Bang Chan x fem!Readerɞ˚
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ summary: Just a regular session of your best friend helping you learn Korean <3
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ word count: 1.6k
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ warnings: fem!reader, nicknames; ‘honey and good girl,’ pvssy slaps, playful ass&thigh spanking, Chris calls himself Daddy once lol, rough sex, creampie (try to pee after sex pls <3)
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ notes: max and I spoke about this a few weeks ago and it was soo hot so I wanted to write something for it,,, but then I lost motivation for it for a while😭 anyways hope u enjoy <3
OH and thank you for 700 followers!! (im late so now so ~25 away from 800) :''') I have something planned for if/when I hit 1k hehe, Love u guys :>
MDNI!! smut below the cut
DO NOT republish or translate+post my work!
After you had moved to Korea, you made it your sole goal to be completely fluent in Korean as soon as possible. You knew the basics and some vocabulary that got you through day-to-day encounters, but holding an actual conversation past introductions was rather difficult. So, this is how you found yourself in your current situation. Your best friend and fuck buddy of 2 years giving you weekly Korean lessons.
And this? This was a normal thing between you both. Sitting in his lap practicing while he sits there explaining things and kneading your thighs mindlessly. It was a normal occurrence! The only difference is you usually wore sweats or some sort of bottom that would cover your legs more. Today was one of the hotter days of the week, so you disregarded the extras and opted to only wear one of his shirts, nothing else.
His hands rubbed eagerly up and down your thighs, squeezing the flesh like he does with soft pillows. Again, it was normal, but today he seemed to be restless with his movements. You couldn’t help but let out a shaky breath when he mindlessly squeezed the flesh of your inner thigh rather roughly while he translated a word you couldn’t figure out. “What is up with you today? You’re more touchy-feely than usual.”
“Sorry haha. Had a long day so I’m fidgety.. And you know I can’t resist you in nothing but my shirt.” You only hummed in response. You believed what he said, but you also knew that he wasn’t stupid and that the apology was not for his roughness as much as it was for how riled up he knew you were getting. He was never actually sorry about being physically affectionate with you, but you both knew how you tended to get very horny when his hands were on you so desperately.
“Mmmm.. Let me play with you a little while you read, okay?” You shake your head and push your study items away, pulling a laugh from him when you mumbled out ‘Fuck that, I need you.’
“None of that hahaha. Focus on the reading, honey.” He said, placing a kiss on your cheek before leaning down and biting into your neck. You groaned and leaned back into him, grinding against him in an attempt to make him fold in your favor. He let the first few grinds pass as he left hickeys along your neck, but the second your hands cupped him through his shorts he grabbed your hips to still your movements.
“Hey.“ The commanding tone in his voice caught you off guard and had your hands immediately stop in their tracks. “Stop that. You’re going to finish reading this text and then I’ll fuck you nice and good.”
“It’s not that serious, Chris. It's just a few paragraphs, we can do it after or just skip out this week.. Plus it’s your fault I’m this horny anyways.” The attitude in your voice makes him narrow his eyes, and then he grabs your chin and angles you to look back at him.
“Watch your tone. And I’m not gonna tell you again,” His hand grabbed both of yours and placed them on the table before moving to spread your legs open for him. Then, he finishes his sentence and enunciates each word with a harsh smack to your bare cunt. “Finish. Reading. The. Article.” The last one comes off harder than the others and it pulls a squeal from you, making your hands shoot down and wrap around his wrist while your legs slam shut against his hand. He grabs from your inner knee and hooks your legs over his, keeping you spread for him, and he pulls your book closer again.
You can feel the teasing smile on his face after he places a kiss on your cheek and then speaks against it. “You only have one article left, honey. The quicker you read it, the quicker I can bend you over and fuck you into the table~” You can’t help but whine and nod. Once you look down at the material again, Chris’ hands that were previously rubbing your inner thigh move back to rub along your wet folds. 
Then for what feels like the next hour, but was really just 20 long minutes, you slur out the words in front of you as best as you can. Chris’ left hand swapped between drawing circles into your clit and pinching your nipple, while his right hand shoved fingers against your walls. And every couple of minutes he would swap between kissing your neck to sucking hickeys into your collarbone. However, you weren’t allowed to cum and any time you mispronounced something or took too long to read a word, a stern slap was sent against your clit. As long as you continued to read well, he would pump 3 of his fingers in and out of you.
By the time you’re halfway through the material, your mind is foggy and you’re almost drooling on yourself from the constant edging. By the time you’re on the last sentence, your legs are shaking and you're slumped against him letting out quiet moans. Your neck and collarbone were so red from his incessant suckling, and you were desperate to get this over with. And then, when you finally finished, he stopped all movements to place a soft, congratulatory slap on your thigh and massaged your hips.
“Good girl… Now was that so hard?” With that, he hurriedly clears the desk before helping you stand and then standing himself. The chair you both rested on was kicked backwards and your whole world spun as he suddenly pinned you to the desk. You whined as his hand held a tight grip in your hair and pushed your face into the table. His free hand playfully squeezed and slapped at your ass a few times before you heard his shorts and boxers hit the floor.
You sighed out his name as he teased his tip through your folds, silently pleading with him to hurry it up. “Shhhhhh… ‘Atta girl. You did so well, baby. Now let me take care of you, yeah?”
He finally sunk in and nothing but low, whiny moans left your lips as you clenched around him. His free hand grabbed a handful of your ass, squeezing it in appreciation while he slowly sunk every inch he had to offer. Once he bottomed out he gave you only a little bit of time before his thrusts started, albeit slowly at first but quickly ramping up due to his own impatience. It doesn’t take long for him to change to an unforgiving and rougher pace, his hand still holding your head against the table.
“Fff-fuck.. Christopherrr-”
“Yeah yeah, baby. Daddy’s got you. ‘M nice and deep, just how you like it right?” You missed the way he smirked when you let out a desperate ‘Uh-huh’ in response, but you could feel the way it encouraged him when his hips slammed against yours with more eagerness. He keeps this pace up for a while until he feels you tighten around him, and then he changes to slow, deep thrusts that make your eyes roll into your skull. 
The hand in your hair slides on top of yours on the desk, intertwining your fingers, and he leans forward to place his forehead between your shoulder blades, “Mmmm keep squeezing me, Honey. Fffuck, juuust like that..”
When you’re tipping over the edge, he places a kiss on your sweaty skin and moans against it. “That’s it, baby. Cum for me and I’ll fill you up just how you like it, okay?” You want to nod, but everything hits you at once so you can only cry out against your desk.
As your orgasm starts to fade into overstimulation, he fixes his posture and focuses on his hip movements. A squeaky moan falls from your lips as he suddenly bottoms out and the hold on your hip tightens. He threw his head back and bit his bottom lip as he came, attempting to muffle his whiney moans. He rides out his orgasm by sometimes pulling out and snapping his hips harshly against yours.
“Fuck… If that’s how we end the studying session from now on, I might consider this payment.” He jokes.
You let out a breathy laugh and he starts to pull out slowly, pushing you into the table as he did so. You take the moment to catch your breath when you realize he’s gone quiet and there’s the light feeling of breath on your thighs. Your head snaps back and you realize he was kneeling in order to watch his cum slide down your folds.
“Hey!” you whine and place a hand on his forehead, pushing his face away only for him to resist, so you use your feet to push him harder. He laughs at your embarrassment and stands up, pulling you to sit up as well and lifting the shirt off of you. He uses it to wipe you down before throwing it into your hamper and grabbing one of his spare shirts from your dresser. He steals a kiss before covering you in the shirt, then drags you to the living room to watch a tv show together.
You two spend the rest of the night on the couch, watching tv and relaxing in each other’s warmth. It’s no surprise when soft snores are heard and you look down to see his sleeping face squished into your chest. You huff out a laugh before you snuggle him closer. Then, you’re eyes get heavy until they inevitably close and you fall asleep too.
•⑅♡⑅•⑅♡⑅•⑅♡⑅•⑅♡⑅•⑅♡⑅•⑅♡⑅•⑅♡⑅•⑅♡⑅•⑅♡⑅•⑅♡⑅• Taglist:
@jiminssluttyminx @changisworld @juskz @linohumina
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papirouge · 2 days
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This exchange made me realize that many of you tend to forget that Carmy is a late bloomer who never had any girlfriend before Claire which actually explains his awkward behavior. I know it because I too am an awkward late bloomer (around the same age as Carmy and sharing a lot of common with him) and his behavior totally made sense to me lol
I want you all to keep in mind that when you've been closed off romantic elationships for your entire life, you're not handling them the same way people who started dating in their teens or young adult years (Carmy is most likely in his early 30s and never got into any relationships before).
Carmy, like any late bloomer, was used to never being considered romantically, which explains why he freaked out when Claire started flirting with him and stopped thinking rationally (which is very unfamiliar for emotionally avoidant type like Carmy or I - we'll come back to this later). I understand Carmy's move of giving a false number to Claire yet still accepting to go out with her later may be confusing to many people, but as a fellow late bloomer I immediately clocked it : we are not comfortable with the attention people give to us, but we *know* this behavior is not normal/unhealthy so Carmy eventually giving in may be a way of eventually getting into the mold and abide to the "if you don't open up to others and give them chances, how can you expect building actual relationships?" mantra. Because deep down we want to be like others (because being so closed off all the time can become emotionally draining) and seek to find a way to fit in.
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Another thing about people like Carmy/emotional avoidant type is that by being so closed off to the world, we are also extremely deceptive about who we truly are. It makes sense to me that Carmy hides his feelings for Syd and would rather project them onto Claire. That's definitely manipulative, but we'd rather do that than get "uncovered". We tend to think very rationally and our sense of self perseveration is incredibly strong. I just know that howing his bare feelings has to be one of the most terrifying and embarrassing thing for Carmy.
We also don't mind getting confused as someone we are not in which we feel some sort of relief because it keeps our real self away from others perception (if that make sense???). Carmy passing himself as "Logan" in that party -while being quite extreme- is totally on brand actually lol. I regularly get mistaken as a male (I'm lowkey gnc) but I never bother correcting people lol I'm fine being whatever they see me as, as long it's not the real me.
Talking about self preservation: we don't ask and don't tell. Carmy sister being mad at him for never asking her whether she was okay was extremely relatable because I tend to get the same reproach from my own sisters. Very typical of us. Fleeing to the other side of the globe to cope with a family member death is something I *get* because we are avoidant in nature. We can also be insane hustlers and tend to cope with grief or unhealed emotions through work.
On the positive side, we are extremely independent and self reliant. The scene in the fridge (last episode of season 2) where Carmy loses his shit and says he was mad at himself for indulging in all "this bullshit" (= love and relationships) I FELT THAT. Countless times I prayed to God to remove from my heart my "shameful" longing for love & intimacy that I always felt hindered me in my quest for excellence & satisfaction in any other aspect of my life. Because we are very rational & practical people and lowkey despise "useless" stuff like relationships and feelings. And that's where the messed up part comes up.
I wouldn't be surprised Carmy lowkey despises Claire for being so clingy and courting him so openly. As I just said, we tend to look down on (bold) displayal of love and emotion which lowkey repulse us. I think that's why Carmy dislikes his sister's husband when he's an all around good guy. He may have a resentment (and even jealousy?) against this man that has no issue showing affection - not only to his sister, but also the rest of the family. Which Carmy still struggles to do so far.
This may also explain why Carmy is suddenly so cold with Claire when he's serving her at the table (beside him allegedly previously making up his mind to break up with her). That's why the moment he hears that voicemail of Claire saying she "loves him" he THROWS AWAY his phone. Because that's disgusting.
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I think the CarmyxSyd dynamic is unique because there's a dimension of respect between both. They share the same passion for cuisine, and Sydney constantly pushes Carmy out of his comfort zone. As an avoidant emotional attachment type myself, when I think of the type of people I potentially could be attracted to, I can only think of people I have deeply respect for, and bring objective value into my life AND skills. I've seen people criticize the fact that Sydney was pretty much a "warrior worker" for Carmy (and pretty much the whole Bear crew) and that's true. But regardless it's a good or bad thing, that's pretty much the type of profile that may attract avoidant emotional type of people. Bonding through work & shared passion is our safest field to build romantic connection through. That's why Carmy made Syd sign a partnership agreement instead of a marriage contract 💅🏾 that's the safest way for him to convey his feelings.
Again, we are very rational people and in every type of relationship, we instinctively jauge whether & how this person might be useful for us. It doesn't mean we built relationship with people depending on whether they can be useful for us or not, but that's definitely in a part of our head somewhere. Yes, that's fucked up (1/because we are 2/that's why emotionally distant people can become pretty unlikable - i.e Carmy carmying), but you have to keep that in mind to understand how Carmy moves. Which tracks back to Claire's actual purpose I've elaborated just before. He definitely uses her, but most likely unknowingly.
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theamberfist · 1 day
Sink or Swim | Stolas x Reader
Romantic! Stolas x Swim Instructor! Reader
Description: When Stolas signed his baby daughter, Octavia up for swim lessons, he never expected to like her new instructor so much
(Notes:) (gender neutral reader) (reader is a sinner) (reader is baby Octavia's swim teacher)
Words: 1,640
❀ Fun fact: I've taught parent-infant swim lessons IRL so all the exercises shown in this are real ones we use with infants ❀
Stolas frowned as he pushed open the door to the building in front of him; unable to help the slight nervous feeling that bloomed in his chest. He supposed there should have been no cause for concern, considering he was a prince of hell and easily one of the strongest beings in this ring, but it wasn't as if he'd ever done something like this before. 
He readjusted his arms, where Octavia rested on his hip sleepily. On a normal day, she would have been napping at home now, but not for much longer. He'd specifically chosen this time because he knew that, once she woke up, she would be as active as ever. Stolas reminded himself that this was for her sake, not his; he could hold his head up high for her, just as he always did.
When he entered, the imp at the front desk looked up from his work and his eyes widened slightly. "Prince Stolas..." He managed before finally clearing his throat and regaining his composure, "Right, we were expecting you." Though, something told the owl prince they hadn't actually thought he'd make good on his plans and come in. 
"The toddler pool has already been reserved, and your instructor is waiting for you there," the imp went on to explain as he checked their names off on a clipboard, "I'll let them know you've arrived." 
"Thank you." Stolas nodded awkwardly before turning and heading through the locker rooms to the pools. Though he could have simply signed Via up for regular lessons, he'd decided a private one would be better for the sake of them both. He wasn't aware that meant they'd reserve an entire pool for them, however small, but at least this way, he would have fewer paparazzi to deal with. 
Finally, he reached the pool deck, seeing that the whole facility only had a few people in it right now. There was a large lap swimming pool in front of him, as well as a splash pad to his right and the toddler pool to his left. When he looked over, there was already someone sitting on the side with their feet in the water as they waited. They wore a red swimsuit with the word 'lifeguard' printed in white, leading him to believe this was the instructor the imp at the front desk had mentioned. 
He made his way over to the toddler pool as Octavia began stirring in his arms now. It was a good thing he'd already gotten her into her swimsuit, or he would have had a hard time getting her to sit still long enough for it now. 
Upon hearing them come over, you looked up and smiled, setting the clipboard you'd been holding on the side of the pool. 
"Hello!" You called, "Here for the parent-child swim lesson?" Stolas nodded and you stepped out of the barely knee-deep pool to come over to him. To his surprise, you seemed to be a sinner, rather than an imp or hellhound like he'd expected. Your appearance differed from them greatly, and there was an energy about you that told him you had to be a human soul. 
You smiled and introduced yourself. "I'll be teaching our class every week," you explained, "If anything is too difficult or uncomfortable for you two as we get started, please let me know. Private lessons means I have a little more flexibility in what we do." You winked at the last part, and though it made the prince's heart beat quicker, he was fairly certain you just meant it playfully. 
"Anyway, who is this little one?" You asked, turning to the little owlet in his arms, whose big round eyes were staring up at you. 
"This is my daughter, Octavia," Stolas replied, immediately relaxing now that the topic of conversation had changed, "She's about a year old; I hope that's alright!" You waved him off.
"That's perfect," you said, gently reaching out towards the baby, "I've worked with kids much older and much younger than this." Octavia's tiny hand grabbed one of your fingers and you smiled kindly before looking up at her father. "And you're Prince Stolas, right?" He blinked.
"Just Stolas is fine!"
You nodded before removing your hand from the owlet's grip and standing up straighter. "Well, if you're ready, then we can get started." You said, that professional air returning to you, "I was thinking we'd have her in the shallow area to start with and ease her into slightly deeper waters." Stolas nodded, setting his bag down on a pool chair and then following you to the water. 
Now that you'd been properly introduced, Octavia was eager to follow after you, and he held her little hands as she stepped into the shallowest area of the pool. You giggled, encouraging her along the way. 
Once she stood so that the water was up to her knees, you brought out a dive toy and placed it on the pool floor, asking her to reach down and grab it to get her a little closer to the water. Stolas sat by her as she did so with ease, and then you moved the toy slightly deeper. 
He admired how much energy you seemed to have with his owlet, as well as how kind you were to her. Your soft voice and easy patience was a stark contrast to Octavia's mother; that was for sure. The two of you watched her repeatedly pick the dive toy up from increasingly deeper as if she had no care in the world. 
Finally, he broke the quietness between you two as you congratulated Octavia at another job well done. "Do you often teach lessons here?" He asked a little awkwardly, "I haven't seen many human souls in this ring of hell before." You smiled and nodded.
"Yeah, I teach almost all the lessons we offer here," you replied, moving Via's dive toy again, "It's the same job I had while I was alive, and I guess it's the only thing I've really found that I'm good at."
Stolas couldn't argue with that. Usually, Octavia was much more timid around water than this. She wouldn't even go in it at all if he wasn't holding her hand the whole time. With you, though, she was so enthusiastic that she hadn't even noticed the lack of touch. It was like he'd brought a different baby to the pool altogether today. 
"I see," he replied with a nod, smiling down at his daughter, who was happily splashing some of the water. "Do you have any children of your own?" You shook your head.
"Nope, I mostly kept to myself while I was alive- and, I guess, while I've been dead, too." You shrugged, "But when I found out how few kids in my neighborhood knew how to swim, I started doing lessons to keep them a little safer." 
Stolas nodded, wondering if it would have been too much to hope that 'keeping to yourself' meant you didn't have a spouse or partner, either. 
"If you're ready, we can move to the deeper water exercises." You changed the subject now and the prince nodded, placing a reluctant Octavia back on his hip and bringing her towards the deeper pool nearby. There, you helped him perform the next exercise, which consisted of him resting the owlet's head on his shoulder and trying to get her to kick her legs as he moved her through the water on her back. She was less enthusiastic about that, but you were quick to think; holding a toy up so her focus would shift. 
That calmed her down a lot, and soon enough she was kicking her legs happily as she giggled at you. "Do you get many attendees to your lessons?" Stolas asked in an attempt to strike up a conversation with you again, "I know those who died and ended up here aren't at as much risk of drowning." You nodded.
"That's why I work here," you smiled, "People in the pride ring aren't really concerned about dying unless it's at the hands of angels. I still think water safety is important, though."
The prince couldn't argue there. After all, that was why he'd signed Octavia up for these lessons. That, and he'd thought it would be nice for the two of them to get out of the house together for an activity. 
"Then I applaud you for your work!" He replied, "I'm sure many hellborn children can be quite difficult to teach." You laughed.
"You have no idea how much hellhounds hate swimming." 
The rest of the lesson went on just like that. With each new exercise, you found yourself getting that much more comfortable talking with Stolas, and vice versa. Octavia was also doing extremely well with everything you threw at her, and at this rate, you knew she'd be confidently swimming around on her own soon enough. 
Finally, the lesson ended and you praised the little owl before dismissing the class and hopping out of the water. Feeling warmer than you had when you began, you grabbed your clipboard to prepare for your next class.
Stolas glanced your way as he carefully dried Octavia off. "Same time next week, then?" He asked with a grin and you nodded.
"I'll be looking forward to it!" He didn't say anything, but inside, he knew he would be too. Just as he was grabbing his bag to leave, you came over and handed him a small piece of paper. The owl prince raised an eyebrow. 
"My number," you explained with a smile, "just in case." He nodded at that, feeling his heart flutter as he placed the paper in his pocket, and then you waved them both off as they left.
It seemed he'd gotten more enjoyment out of these little swim lessons than expected, and he couldn't wait to come back. 
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pinkandpurple360 · 2 days
Another reason this owl sucks, he extorts someone into fucking him right next to a portrait of him, his wife, and his daughter. Without ever explaining the situation. Imagine all the times post coitus when stolas was passed out, and this portrait caught Blitzøs eye and made him feel some type of way.
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He started the affair as sexual revenge on Stella, the immediate thing he did right before the affair was overhear Stella shame him for his sexual performance, and the immediate thing he did after was rub it in her face. His daughter worries he’ll run away from their family with Blitzø. But stolas refuses to ever stop this affair or at least explain the situation to Octavia. That stuttering mess he gave her in LooLoo Land was pathetic and he’s had time to come up with something better. To find the words.
As far as we know, doesn’t even give Blitzø the courtesy of telling him that they’re divorced. In fact nobody ever says anything about it since Ozzies. It’s a perfect season to be suspect of him, create a misunderstanding, then resolve it by confessing the marriage was arranged, abusive, and failed. It doesn’t make stolas a bad person because we know Stella isn’t a lover of any kind, it adds depth and it adds consistency.
For all we know Blitzø feels like a toy because of the fact that stolas is married to someone else. That would have been a perfect, realistic source of conflict and misunderstanding. But it’s never used. Blitzø says nothing of depth they just have him dramatically kick doors and yell.
Nothing about this feels like a marital affair. There’s none of the sneaky behaviour, or uneasiness, Blitzø doesn’t feel any type of way over the wife aspect it’s like she literally doesn’t exist and stolas is just a bachelor.
He should have said “how dare you ask me to stick around full time when you’re fucking married?!” Or even a very innocent and confused “aren’t you married?” Which would to me be a far more sympathetic reason for stolas to become closed off and shut down. The marriage is a trauma for him. And if Blitzø said “how do I know you won’t betray me like you did to your wife?” And stolas says “you have no idea what she’s put me through.” That’s a good reason to make Blitzø feel regret because he made too many assumptions. Rather than just “oh no he’s crying after I correctly pointed out his racism, that’s reason enough for me to be sorry”
Honestly if I would have written this to be more sympathetic I would have made stolas a widower or something. Because if he was in mourning of a wife he loved but feeling guilty over having feelings for someone new, so soon, and via being upset because Stella’s death was recent, that would work much better. You could even keep in the fact Stella was abusive and difficult to deal with towards the end because the illness had such a toll on her. Or maybe to make it more grey maybe they were close to divorcing, but Stella became ill, and as of now is still in treatment and stolas found it hard to cope without her, sexually that is. Men do this all the time. Now his guilt, broken heart, feelings of wanting to escape are far more believable, complicated, and sympathetic, but still don’t paint him as entirely innocent.
As it stands. This is not a complicated relationship. Blitzø says this is in his song, but never elaborated why. Stella is an entirely evil villain, Octavia is just blind and will “see the truth” and do a 180, and Blitzø is the hero who must save princess stolas. This is babyish.
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igotanidea · 6 hours
One step closer: Jason Todd x reader
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Summary: Jason being terrified of the storm and reader helping him.
At first the sky was crystal clear blue and without a single cloud.
The weather, however has a unique ability to change in a blink of an eye – maybe that’s why people believe nature is a woman, with its specific humors and whims.
The droplets of rain started hitting the pavement when Y/N was walking home from work. Deprived of the umbrella, as usual. And even thought she liked a little bit of precipitation it was one thing to enjoy the musky scent of ozone and ground, and the other to be drenched. Therefore, taking cue of the other people, rushing to find even a makeshift shelter, upon realizing that the rest of the evening was going to be filled with October like weather, she took off running. In her best hope to get home before all hell break loose.
As the raindrops started to intensify, she swiftly swiveled on the puddles, miraculously avoiding slipping and stepping into the treacherously shallow waters, only to discover it was ankle depth.
Getting home in time to save her porous hair from frizzling into a mess on her hair, but not soon enough to miss the lighting and thunder echoing through the space.
“Oh no…” she muttered to herself, opening the door to the tenement, where she was sharing a an apartment with Jason.
Jason. Precisely.
She climbed the stair jumping two steps at a time, all to reach their place faster, knowing well enough what she was going to find there.
“Jace?” she called his name, kicking off her shoes and hanging the wetted coat on the hanger. “Jace, are you here?”
“In here…” weak, shaky voice came from the living room.
“Oh, baby…”
Jason was crouched on the couch, away from the window, almost paralyzed by the flashes of light and sounds outside. It was nothing new to her. After all, her poor boy was scared of the storm, not that she could blame him.
When they started dating, hanging around in the city and having fun, the first time the storm came in during their time out, he just stopped in the middle of the street with wide eyes, unable to move a single muscle. Scaring the shit out of her making the girl believe he was going through a stroke or something. Using whatever strength she could gather, Y/N grabbed the arm of the mountain of stiffened muscles Jason turned into and dragged him into the nearest roofed place.
In between ragged breaths and trembles, Jason tried to explain himself and prevent the damage of her thinking he was crazy or something. And even though all she was doing was holding his hand, soothing him with her voice, trying to ground him and not demand any words, he managed to stutter that the storm was reminding him of the time Joker was hitting him with a crowbar.
Lighting was like a flashes in his eyes, recollection of blood and pain.
Thunder was like a sound of a vicious laugh, echoing in his ears, a remnant of incoming ending.
And that broke her heart.
Since then, there was not a time she allowed Jason to be alone during the storm. Reaching him in any way possible. When at work – text or call. When at home – cuddles and kisses. When out – immediate retreat and doing anything possible to help him focus on her rather than surrounding.
So now, her course of action was almost innate.
Closing the windows, which he was unable of, due to immediate panic attack. Drawing the curtains. Sitting on the couch next to him. Opening her welcoming arms and surrounding him with her warmth.
“It’s okay Jason…” she whispered pulling his head to her chest. “It’s okay. Just listen to my heartbeat, baby.”
“I’m so scared, Y/N.” he almost sobbed, like a 15 year old he was when Joker was mutilating him. “I don’t want to –“
“Shhh. Shhh, my love.” Her fingers danced in his hair, touch as soft as possible to not startle, but help him. A single wrong move, too intense or in the wrong place could be catastrophic, considering he was one foot in the past “I’m not letting anything happen to you.” A gentle soft kiss placed on his forehead was supposed to serve as an assurance of her love, presence and protective shield “I got you, Jason. I got you…”
“He’s coming after me!” as another thunder tore the sound of humming rain he snuggled closer to her chest “He’s coming!”
This was worse than anything she has experienced before and she was forced to think and act quickly and with new methods, to avoid him spiraling out of control and rooting in the tragic memories.
Pulling him closer, Y/N started to hum some melody. Quietly as first, but then letting it grow a little louder and more intense, leaning towards him to make sure it was the only sound reaching his ears.
“I have died every day waiting for you, darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more…..”
His hands tightened on her waist, almost bruising but she didn’t care.
“One step closer, one step closer….”
Slowly, her voice started to replace the bad memories.
One step closer – to her.
One step closer – to the present and not the past.
One step closer – to breaking from the nightmare.
“Y/N….” he whispered, allowing himself to relax under her caresses.
“Yeah, I’m here.”
“Thank you.” He nuzzled into her chest, loosing the grip but not letting go. Never letting go.
“I’m here…” she only responded, with a tiny smile, as if that was the entire explanation needed. And it was.
“Stay.” He whispered, not opening his eyes, not changing the position, not moving even in the slightest to avoid breaking the fragile peace.
“I’m here.” She said for the third time.
She was there. And the weight of her dedication, devotion and touch the made the door to the past close. Like a book that still describe your life, but stays on the shelf, being nothing but a memory. Painful, gory and traumatizing, but still – just a memory, making place for the new story.
And maybe it was time to commence it.
She was there.
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skullhorn59 · 2 days
Heavenly Hell 2
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A/N: second chapter! no spicey here just yet. sorry!~ im not that good at writing yet. xP Tags/Warnings are added progressively, design changed/fixed with time. mostly proofread! Summary: you have always been a fan of the show Hazbin Hotel in your life - and as you are spawned in a Hell identically matching the Show, you can't believe your sheer luck. you're immediately on your way to eagerly meet the celebrities (at least they are in your world), but your arrival hadn't gone unnoticed... Pairings: Lucifer, Valentino, Adam, Alastor, Vox, Angel Dust, Sir Pentious, Husk x Fem!Reader Warnings/Promises: self aware and insecure Reader, Spoilers for the Show, Vox, Attempted Manipulation, successful Manipulation
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Minors DNI 🚨🚔
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"so, tell me, what useful information could you, someone this new to hell, possibly have?"
Vox sits down and leans back in his chair, watching you with a bored expression on his screen. urgh. right. he probably watched you spawning (arriving?) in hell. this is gonna be a hard one to explain. fiddling with your fingers anxiously, you look everywhere but at his screen.
you already regret coming here first, and not getting yourself a fidget toy first or something. or some pills to help keep your anxiety down. shit, you probably look scared out of your mind right now. he's gonna think you're really weird and rude if you speak up like this. or straight up lying. but for fucks sake - you can't bring yourself to look directly at him.
instead - you take in your surroundings. Vox's office. you only know it's impressive size from the Screenshots of the show, and literally sitting in it now is even more impressive. it consists of a gigantic room, an equally gigantic shark tank below, and a big round platform in the middle, which is connected to the door with a long passway. no idea how this could possibly fit into the tower without having it collapse from the sheer weight of the water alone - the only logical answer would be it being underground.
your eyes wander back to the platform, which is decorated with Vox's emblem. illuminated by a bright array of screens behind it, a round control pult sits at the back end of the platform. infront of it in a spinny chair with it's tips pointing upwards, is a rather impatient looking Vox seated.
you better get to answering his question.
you clear your throat and swallow, unsure how to even start. thankfully, you get your own chair - manifested with a wave of Vox's hand - to sit into. hoping you aren't sweating too visibly right now, you collect your thoughts. if you know one thing, it's not to sell yourself short.
"well, you see, that's hard to explain. and, you, as the head of.. technology.., surely understand that information is a valuable resource. I can't just.. give it away for free."
taking a deep breath, you lean back a little, trying to at least look more relaxed than you actually are. nervousness isn't even close anymore, like, are you panicking already?? well, at least you can mask it pretty well, you think.
"but I can say this much: I have so much information on Alastor," you think you hear a slight glitch coming from Vox at the mention of the name, "and the others in the Hotel, it's not even funny. Just.. I have a few small questions for you first."
a short glance up into the TV Demon's face tells you he raised an eyebrow. is he interested?? you hope he is. with all you got.
"go on, ask your questions."
wait. isn't he usually more talkative than that? nono, you can't spend a thought on that right now. you need to focus.
"When did the last extermination happen?"
"about a week ago."
"okay.. any interesting or unexpected turns of events? I just have to know what happened and what didn't. I-I know this sounds cryptic, and maybe even crazy, but I need to know at what time I got here."
silence fills the room for a moment. you dare to glance at the Overlord again, and he musters you with an expression you can't quite place.
did you mess up?
But Vox interrupts your thought before you can continue it. "... the hotel members fought back against the Angels, and won. that's all." relieved, you let out breath you didn't realize you were holding. okay. that's good to know. so the extermination already happened. it makes a good bunch of your information useless, but still. you can work with that. now you just need to-
"I think I provided enough information to you now," the Overlord begins, interrupting your thoughts again. his voice is oddly sweet. "its time you return the favor, my dear." - of course, he's trying to get the info out of you without paying for it.
how greedy.
you adjust your position on the chair, crossing one leg over the other, before looking directly at him. he's wearing his signature smile, his digital eyes looking  almost affectionately at you, but you know better than to trust the façade he put on.
"I told you, I'm not going to just give it away for free. And don't even try to fob me off with stuff like any of your products, pins, an autograph or similar worthless knick-knacks. That won't work on me. Trust me."
you glance at him again to gauge his reaction, and he seems surprised to hear you use his own slogan against him, but he quickly regains his composure. good. now just don't get any hypnotizing ideas, Vox...
"No, what I want is... actually quite simple. I want to be able to come and go to the entirety of this tower how and when I please. and.." you can't help a small smile at the thought of the Moth Man, "I want to see Valentino. preferably after our conversation."
and again, silence fills the room. you watch him tap the armrest of his chair with his fingers, thinking about your demands. you can't tell if he's going to give in to them or just declare you as crazy and throw you out, but you hope dearly it's not the latter.
just as the silence begins to get uncomfortable, the TV Demon clicks his tongue and stands up. your eyes dart up, and you automatically stand up too. what's happening? is he gonna throw you out now? - "alright. I accept. you may come and go freely, I'll get you your meeting with Val, and in turn, I get all the information you got on the Hotel and it's residents. Deal?"
Staring down at the hand he holds out, your mind whirls for a moment, overwhelmed with the action. you never thought he'd also make deals like Alastor - another detail they're matching each other in. you always thought he'd just somehow get peoples souls with sneaky contracts being signed when buying a Voxtek product or something.
as soon as you take his cold hand, he gives yours a firm shake, his smile widening to a grin as his face glitches momentarily. bright blue electrical currents and sparks begin to flow around the two of you for a moment, together with an intense blue light and a metallic screech. but as soon as it came, it's gone, and before you can waste a thought on it, Vox lets go of your hand, instead placing his around your shoulders as he guides you towards the door. "fantastic. now that that's done, how about we go check if Val's got some free time for you, hmm?"
you're confused.
doesn't he want your informations now?
on second thought - you don't mind too much. this way you have more of a reason to stick around and return.
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─❲♡❳▷Hazbin Masterlist
─❲♡❳▷Main List
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lazysublimeengineer · 13 hours
Isagi and his Football Theories of Personality
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I knew at some point in this manga we will have an intervention of personality types attached to players based on how they play lol.
Sometimes I really think that the author himself has read numerous books about psychology such as Theories of Personality by Feist. How did I have a random thought like this? Just looked at Isagi's inner monologue about World Type Ego and Self-Type Ego.
That is the closest thing you can compare it to the MBTI of people.
At first it's amusing to read to have Isagi categorized the players according to what motivates them to play soccer. But it's also creative because the author is injecting another angle and subject other than playstyle and strategies out there in the field.
An explanation of World Type Ego vs. Self Ego Type is also helping the reader to get a glimpse of the character's motivation and reasons for playing that sport.
In this chapter, it is revealed that Kaiser has a World Type Ego just like with Isagi since in the previous chapters he couldn't ascertain which type he is alongside with Rin, Ness and the others. To get a gist of it, a World Type Ego is motivated by the external factors of their surroundings or environment such as prestige, fame, money and other tangible elements that can be calculated and explained in a pragmatic sense. From the start, reputation is an important thing to Kaiser. He doesn't hesitate to immediately assert his top and special position in BM when the Blue Lock players such as Isagi and the others joined their team in NEL. In the recent chapter, Kaiser had shown to abandon everything and go back to "zero" because his playstyle with Ness doesn't work anymore. His position and offer bid is being now threatened by Isagi's presence and skills so now he decided to do what is best even if he doesn't do it usually: teamwork with the other Blue Lock players such as with Raichi and now with Kunigami (or as the orange haired guy as he aptly calls him lol).
Well, in this part you can actually ask then what the hell is all of this and how does it connect with everything?
It's connected because this can also explain why his partnership with Ness is now in shambles and getting worse in each new chapter. Clearly Ness and Kiyora's type is not revealed yet. But well, as a reader we can prolly surmise what Ness and Kiyora is which brings me to the other type of ego according to Isagi: Self Type Ego.
According to what is being explained in the franchise, their motivation is determined by internal or intrinsic factors such as their beliefs, morally right or wrong actions and other personal factors that are important to them rather than the external and pragmatic factors. From the moment we were shown of Ness' character, his interpretation of events and surroundings around him is according to his personal values and beliefs. He makes decisions based on what he feels at that moment and that's a clashing thing to his family who greatly values logic and sound reasoning above everything else.
He decides to follow Kaiser because he sees a potential in him that no one else has and showed him the "miracle" of soccer. His interpretation of his character is independent from the other people's remarks about him being a diva and an asshole. His personal belief about Kaiser is so great as the statue of Liberty that it extended to great lengths of serving him until the end.
Which is quite ironic because in reality they really don't understand each other and their judgment of each other is distorted. For all Kaiser yapping that he molded Ness into being his servant and such, he doesn't really understand him in the end which explains his bafflement in the last chapter of the manga when Ness still declared his loyalty to him despite discarding him out there in the field. One can be the said to the other as well because his reassurance to Kaiser is the last thing that Kaiser wants to hear or see from him and fails to see the bigger picture which is now they're in this mess in the field because they're motivations are clashing: World Type Ego vs. Self Type Ego.
I remember someone asking me, but what about Reo? He's the same with Ness right?
Not really.
Isagi has put Reo in the World Type Ego because first and foremost his original motivation is to win the World Cup which is an external motivation alongside with prestige and money. Reo is shown to be a logical and strategic person well, except for Nagi when he met him. But he is different from Ness. Their situation is different.
That's why when Nagi is losing motivation to play soccer again after beating Isagi and offering the millions of bid that he can gain to motivate him, it doesn't move Nagi as much because he doesn't need it. Nagi is motivated by intrinsic factors in playing soccer and that's why he was clashing with Reo at times. This is quite evident during the second selection.
Well, I can already guess what Kiyora's type of ego is but I'll reserve my judgment on that after we get more from his character in the future chapters.
Guess this is where this ends and my shower thoughts. If you've reached this part then congratulations for wasting your precious time to read this ramblings of mine.
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coraniaid · 23 hours
A random ask if you're up for it: what's a terrible take about the Buffyverse you've seen on tumblr but have not yet publicly kvetched about?
I'll be honest: this question prompted a moment of minor panic on my part because my very first instinct was to say something like "hmm, no, I don't think I've ever seen a bad take about Buffy on here I've not immediately complained about". Which is an admission that, were it accurate, should probably prompt rather more introspection on my part than I'd enjoy.
Thinking about it though, I don't think that is really true. In fact, I probably don't say anything negative about most of the bad Buffy takes I see, either because they're not particularly widespread (I try not to publicly disagree with other people's headcanons or even argue against popular posts if it would be obvious who I was responding to) or because they're about characters who I just don't talk about on here at all (either because I don't find them interesting or because my understanding of them is so at odds with the wider fandom's we'd be talking at cross-purposes).
(Or, sometimes, I don't say anything negative because I'm too busy enthusiastically reblogging the post in question, if we're being brutally honest about what counts as a "bad take".)
One concrete example I don't think falls under those headings and which I don't remember complaining about before is the way people talk about Buffy's speech in Selfless. Now, I'll be honest: I don't really like Selfless that much. It's in the top half of Season 7 episodes for me, possibly even the top third, but that's a pretty low bar. But what I do like a lot are Buffy/Faith parallels, and this episode has a big one in Buffy's speech towards the end of the episode:
At some point someone has to draw the line and that is always going to be me. You get down at me for cutting myself off, but in the end the Slayer is always cut off. There's no mystical guidebook; no all-knowing council. Human rules don't apply. There's only me. I am the law.
Obviously this reminds the audience of Faith's similar speeches in Season 3's Consequences, when she tells Buffy that the two of them are "better" than ordinary humans and then later that "you know I'm right. You know in your gut we don't need the law. We are the law."
We obviously aren't meant to agree with Faith in Consequences. (The fact that she follows this speech up by almost immediately defecting to work for the Mayor, commiting at least one cold-blooded murder, having a sobbing emotional breakdown where she begs somebody to kill her and then turning herself in to be judged and punished by the very human laws she sneered at earlier is something of a clue.)
A lot of people point out the parallel but then try to explain that what Buffy is saying is actually substantially different from Faith, and that Buffy is right while Faith was wrong. in Myth, Metaphor and Morality Mark Field (who I don't think is actually on Tumblr, technically, but who I'm referencing to avoid talking directly about the many people on Tumblr who agree with him) ties this in to the wider themes of Season 7, and describes the difference between Buffy and Faith as being that Faith is trying to avoid responsibility (for accidentally killing Allan Finch) while Buffy is taking responsibility (for doing what has to be done and killing Anyanka).
And yes, Buffy is doing something different to Faith here. She is not trying to say that she doesn't have to be accountable. She is not making excuses for her own mistakes or bad behaviour. She is trying to do (what she perceives as being) the right thing.
But Buffy is wrong as well. She is proved wrong within this episode. She doesn't have to kill Anya: in fact, she fails to kill Anya (indeed, given what we see of vengeance demons in The WIsh and in Older and Far Away I don't believe Buffy could possibly have killed Anya, but I know that vengeance demon lore is even less rigorous than vampire soul lore). The problem of Anya being a vengeance demon is resolved, not by Buffy, but by the people she was giving her speech to. The people who she was arguing didn't have a say.
Buffy is wrong, too, within the show's established lore. There is a mystical guidebook (even if her Watcher didn't have her read it), and there is a Council (even if they're far from all-knowing, Buffy could have been making use of their resources ever since she asserted her importance to them in Checkpoint, but she chose not to do this). And Buffy isn't alone. (At least Faith got the number of Slayers right in her speech!)
And Buffy is also wrong in terms of the wider season arc. Season 7 is not about Buffy saving the day by heroically taking all the world's burdens on to herself and making all the decisions. Her attempts to beat the First this way end disastrously; cutting herself off from her friends and her family and the very the Potentials she's trying to protect.
(Yes, the climatic scene in Empty Places is poorly written, but the season does very deliberately have Buffy fail to establish any sort of rapport or connection with the Potentials and spend less and less time with her friends. Buffy isn't blameless for those relationships falling apart, even if having her friends and sister kick her out of her own house is absurd.)
Instead of being the lone voice of judgment, Buffy beats the First and saves the world by not isolating herself. By working with her friends; by realizing they can do things she can't; by sharing her power with the Potentials (because "my power should be our power"); by reconnecting with Faith; by accepting help from Angel and from Spike; and by realizing that the people who "made up the rules" for Slaying thousands of years ago made a mistake.
The whole point of Chosen is that it is a refutation of the vision of being a Slayer that Buffy outlines in this episode.
Quoting it uncritically as if it sums up who Buffy is as a person is like, well, using Andrew's speech about "the Dark Slayer" to describe Faith. (Which ... oh, yeah, people also do.)
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harleyquilt · 3 days
JinMao hc: Jinshi has a cold and Maomao is one to treat him.
Note: This is just a short ficlet, but set somewhere in the future, where they're both comfortable enough to show some affection, but within reasonable limits lol.
Laying in his bed, Jinshi sniffles, an unseen pressure tightening around his head. He groans, turning his head side to side against his pillow. Through half-closed eyes, he sees Maomao grinding some herbs with a stone pestle beside him.
“Tell me, apothecary.” He sobs. “Am I dying?”
He reaches out to her and glaring, she smacks his hand away. It falls pathetically back to his side, as if she has knocked the last of his energy out of him. If anyone were to see such behaviour, she would surely be executed, and thinking this, Maomao sighs. She's at least thankful for Jinshi's tolerance towards her.
“No, sir, you are not dying.” She says, sounding rather drained herself. “Please don't say such things aloud, it'll cause needless panic.”
“But…” His words fall back into quiet whimpers.
“It is a mere cold, sir.” She explains, now stewing the leaves in hot water. “You will live yet.”
“Mere,” he scoffs. “Why do I feel so terrible then?”
Maomao's disgust melts into pity, though considering Jinshi's position, reverence would be preferable. Not that it would be possible, with how he's acting. She's seen children handle colds with greater dignity than Jinshi. She could tell him as much, but he was sure to moan even more.
“Here,” she helps him sit up and hands him his tea. He takes a sip and sighs, letting its soothing effects wash over him. Maomao then takes a damp cloth and dabs away the sweat on his brow. “You need to rest for the next few days, sir Jinshi. Rest is usually the best remedy.”
“Rest…” He grimaces, taking another sip. “The longer I rest, the more work I'll have afterwards.”
Maomao nods, truly understanding his plight. She dunks the cloth into a bowl of cooled water and rinses it, moving it to Jinshi’s neck. His skin is hot and clammy, but still remarkably smooth and soft. She pauses, her eyes drifting up to his face. Despite his exhaustion, there's still a distinct prettiness to be admired. Like a woeful painting brought to life. Jinshi looks up to Maomao, silently questioning her. Swallowing, she quickly looks away and frowns. It's perplexing how someone, even while sick and bedbound, can retain such beauty.
“Maomao,” he reaches up, a hand over hers. She stiffens, but chooses not to move away. “I really appreciate this. I feel well taken care of, because of you.”
She keeps her eyes on the bedside table, her hands cold from the water, but her face growing warm. “I still think a court physician would have been more appropriate.” She mutters.
Jinshi smiles, lifting his hand up to brush aside her hair. Reaching her limit, she steps back, turning her head away. Jinshi tuts.
“You don't do well with compliments, do you?” He remarks, leaning back into his pillows.
Maomao glares back at him, suddenly offended. “The same could be said for you,” she lifts her chin. “Sir.”
“What does that mean?” Jinshi raises a brow.
Maomao flinches before collecting herself, returning to his side. She silently reminds herself of her position. “Nothing at all–”
“No,” Jinshi places his cup aside, his cold no bother to him now. “I want you to clarify.” Maomao hesitates, testing his patience. “That's an order.”
Flinching again, Maomao takes a deep breath, gathering the willpower needed to make her next move. If Jinshi is to challenge her, then Maomao simply has no choice but to bite back.
“Then, sir Jinshi,” she leans forward, her eyes meeting his. “Despite your shortcomings, I find you to be a rather remarkable specimen.” She reaches up, pauses, and brushes aside his fringe. “I admit, I enjoy the time we spend together. I like studying you.”
She could go on, but she can see that it will not be necessary.
The damage is almost immediate. His face turns beet red, his lips quivering as he fails to string together a coherent sentence, and before he's given the chance to, Maomao smiles smugly and quickly retreats from his room. He reaches out, intending to call her, but his words are pushed down from the immense embarrassment he suddenly feels. He falls back onto his pillows, dazed. Hiding his face with his hands, he wonders if Maomao truly meant the words she told him, or if she was merely trying to win against this game between them. Either way, Jinshi has been utterly, completely, and ruthlessly defeated.
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damn-stark · 18 hours
Chapter 42 IFHY
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Chapter 42 of Sugar
A/N- This mc is one of the most human mcs I’ve written in my opinion and I will miss writing her and her technique so much when this series comes to an end!
Warning- Swearing, ANGST!!!, talks of death, VIOLENCE, SPOILERS!!!!
Pairing- Choso x Gojo!fem-reader, Suguru Geto x Gojo!fem-reader
Episode and or chapters- Chapter 260-261
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
There he is, in all his glory. Standing right across from you. The brother you thought you lost…your hope revived, your joy, and your cure to your solace.
How is it possible that he’s alive after being sliced in half?
Then again, he is Satoru Gojo and Shoko probably had something to do with it too.
Not that it matters now, he’s alive just as you thought you lost everything.
“Satoru,” you whisper breathlessly and step forward with a wobbly growing smile.
Said man draws out a deep breath and stays quiet. He stays where he is and doesn’t greet you with something smug. Which is odd, but considering he was dead his lack of witty comments is not concerning.
However, as you get closer to him he shuffles back and finally begins to lift his head. You watch his face the entire time and notice a rather unusual displeased frown. You want to comment on it and assure him that it’s all fine, but you then notice something trailing on his forehead, something particular that you’ve only seen on one other person.
But it can’t be…
Yet it’s believable. He survived so long for a reason—But it can’t be Kenjaku can it? It can’t be him taking over your brother's body, you killed him with your own hands. It can’t…
But it is.
“No,” you mumble in horror and come to an immediate halt. “No,” you repeat with a flicker of change in your tone.
The man pretending to be your brother doesn’t show smugness, not like when he pretended to be Suguru, he seems rather uncomfortable and still displeased.
“No,” you cry out and step back, making the pretender step forward with his arms out.
“It’s not Kenjaku,” he says in his voice, in that soft yet deep and stupid smug voice Satoru had.
“It’s,” he pauses and glances over at Shoko, but you don’t follow his line of gaze, your eyes stay glued on him as you prepare an attack.
“It’s Yuta…Okkotsu…” he trails off, and you only become more horrified. Perhaps even more so than when you thought it was Kenjaku in that split second because it can’t be the same boy that killed Suguru, it can’t be him who took your brother too, who is using him the same way Kenjaku used Suguru.
It can’t be the boy who Satoru saved from a death sentence. It can't be the boy Miguel vouched for or the boy you forgave. It can’t be him…
“I wish I could explain,” he keeps talking in a stolen voice he somehow manipulated to sound like his own awkward one. “I wish you didn’t have to find out this way. I’m sorry.”
He’s sorry? Sorry?
And that’s all he has to say to explain this madness, this…robbery. A crime, a betrayal of the highest offense before he just waltzs off without even meeting your eye?
Why? Why? Why? Why?
You keep asking yourself why him once again. You look to Shoko for the answer, but her attention is on Choso’s body getting picked up by the people helping her, so she misses your cry for help, therefore missing the window she had to talk you down and try and comfort you.
Choso wouldn’t have missed that window, he would’ve clocked your growing anger, and your soul shattering even more at the knowledge that Okkotsu is using your brother's body as if he were some weapon to be picked up and used at his convenience.
Choso would’ve been surprised too at the sight of those stitches but when everything was explained he would’ve heard your silent cry for help, he would’ve stopped your grief from twisting to rage. But he’s not here, and Shoko didn’t catch that window, Kirara was beside you, but they couldn’t read you so deeply, so that grief so obviously painted on every perimeter of your face and body, and every inch of your soul gets tainted by this display of monstrosity and betrayal that only you saw because he had already taken the man you loved last year.
Yuta Okkotsu is the reason Suguru Geto is dead. And now he’s taken your beloved brother only a year later, and all he has to say is sorry…but he didn’t even meet your eyes either, he stood stiffly in that same spot before walking away as if nothing was wrong.
Why is no one reacting? Why is no one as livid as you?
Why? Why? Why?!
You…should've killed him a long time ago. Why did you ever forgive Okkotsu? Why is he using your brother's body the same way Kenjaku used Suguru? Why is this happening again?
Why is he getting away? You can’t let him get away, you can’t let him take someone else you love. Satoru was your brother and if no one else will do anything about it, you will.
You will!
So with nothing else in your mind but livid anger, you slowly turn with your hand curling into a fist. You summon fire to start this attack, but as you try to bask your fist with your reliable flames all you get is a spark which has never happened before—well not since you first started training…
Yet, you don’t think too deeply about your complications, instead, you act quickly and dig in your pocket. Your Worm cursed spirit balled up inside doesn’t fail to hand you the blade you wanted, a blade that Shoko doesn’t see since she's lost in her own thoughts, and Kirara doesn’t get to notice because your back is turned, leaving you an opening, letting you dig your heels on the ground before you charge at Okkotsu from behind.
The pretender doesn’t expect you to charge at him so he doesn’t watch his back. He doesn’t even hear you coming right away. Everything is happening fast to everyone else, but for you time moves slowly.
You have time to clench your jaw and twist your face into a wicked sneer. You have time to get near him before you blurt out a broken cry from so deep inside your chest that it hurts your lungs and brings streams of tears to your eyes.
And in your unexpected fit of rage, you actually manage to swing your blade and slash the pretenders back before he spins around and jumps back to dodge your next swing.
“I’m gonna kill you,” you snap at Okkotsu and this time you pretend to swing your blade. Okkotsu swings to the other side to miss being cut, but he steps right into your line of fire so you manage to swing your fist and land a hard jab across his face.
Shoko shouts your name and tells you to stop, but you kick your leg and hurl the pretender back.
“I won’t,” Okkotsu mutters with new blood trickling down his nose and his busted lip. “I won't fight you out of respect for him. He loved you.”
He…loved…you, but now he’s gone too…
And Okkotsu has the audacity to say that so casually while being in his body.
“I hate you,” you snarl and lunge at him again, this time you manage to throw your arms around his waist and tackle him to the ground.
Kirara tries to stop you, but you grab onto the pretender's shoulders and roll your bodies out of reach, and quickly try to make quick work of him before you’re eventually stopped. Even if he doesn’t try to stop you, you slam your fists across his face again and again until he’s bleeding from one eye, and his nose is crooked.
You pull your arm back to swing again, but as Okkotsu watches you with your brother's bright blue eyes that had been so unique, you suddenly halt in your attack and meet his gaze with a sense of guilt.
You see your brother, the only brother you had. The brother who would let you sneak into his bed when you were little kids because you were terrified. You see Satoru Gojo, your daughter's Uncle, your best friend, and the brother who loved you regardless of all you did. You see him and you have the sudden need to stop this foolishness.
But…that ever so heavy grief stabs you in the heart as a flash of him smiling at you like everything was great in the world passes through your mind, and you can’t help but grow rabid almost as if it had been a switch.
“You motherfucker!” You bellow at him as you pick up your blade from the ground and swing up. “You’re going to fucking die!” You cry out of agony and rage and don’t hesitate a moment longer before swinging down.
Satoru once hesitated last year when you fought. He had you pinned and he was going to make a finishing move, but he hesitated. You don’t. You bring the blade down.
Albeit just as the tip nears the pretender’s forehead, a force manages to grab your wrists, stopping you just in time.
“Stop,” you recognize that deep voice.
“Yuta!” You hear a young woman yell.
“Stop it,” the voice beside you whispers sharply.
You look over and expect your husband, but you actually see Miguel.
“He has a job to do,” he tries to get it through your head so you’d cooperate, but betrayal blares throughout your head.
“You knew?” You ask, almost frightened.
Miguel scoffs. “No, of course not. I pieced it together just now and even I know you can’t kill him.”
You look back down at Okkotsu in your brother's body and shake your head. “But he’s my brother.” You whisper heartbrokenly.
“And what Okkotsu has to do is much more important than that, don’t you see it? This is not like Kenjaku and Suguru. Focus.”
Strong heart Choso would say.
But you can’t. Not when he’s gone too.
However, Maki walks over and pulls the pretender out from under you so you won't snap again and actually finish the job this time.
“Go,” you hear her tell him. “Who knows how much time you have left now.”
“But…” your whisper quivers, “he’s my brother.”
“Yes, he was,” Miguel corrects you between trying to sound comforting yet affirmative.
Not like it actually eases anything. You don’t continue on your rampage, you just sit there brokenheartedly and watch Okkotsu take away your brother's body with him into the disaster Sukuna made with nothing but his raw power.
It almost feels like your brother is leaving you behind all over again. You’re watching him walk away and it feels like that day 11 years ago when he left you behind. You feel that same ache. You know it’s not the same, not at all, but in the back of your mind it feels like the same thing.
“Get up,” Miguel says a lot kinder than before as he takes the blade away and pulls you to your feet, which would make this the second time someone has helped you up as if you were some wounded animal. You really hate it, it makes you feel so weak, but you also can’t help it, you can’t muster that much strength, not anymore.
“We could both use some rest now,” you hear someone else interject, and when you look over you notice Larue. He’s wounded but alive.
“You’re okay,” you point out with a sense of relief.
Larue narrows his eyes and his eyebrows slowly knit together before he releases a disbelieved gasp.
“Bring her with me,” Shoko interrupts before you can press Larue for an answer about his sudden confusion and then ask if what you asked for worked.
When you look over at Shoko, however, that anger returns. It’s not violent like the anger you had for Okkotsu. it’s livid yes, and blinding too, but filled with nothing else but betrayal.
She doesn’t see it though, she doesn’t hear it in your voice or in the way your body stiffens and stays in place rather than trailing after her.
“Get Choso’s body,” you tell Miguel, who doesn’t fret to follow after the man carrying your husband's body, causing Shoko to stop in her tracks and turn around to face you. However, the moment she does turn you avert her gaze and watch Miguel gently take Choso from the hand of strangers.
“Will we finally leave, I admit perhaps I made a grave mistake by coming,” Larue interjects with exhaustion weighing his voice down.
“Almost,” you assure him, making Shoko probe.
“What do you mean?”
You ignore her and begin to turn, but she strides over in a hurry and grabs your arm to stop you and turn you around to grab your chin and pick your head up, and look into your eyes.
You don’t understand what she’s doing nor do you care to, so you quickly pull yourself away and step back with your face twisting in anger. Shoko doesn’t understand your sudden precaution, she actually finds it hurtful as well as worrying that you were so quick to pull away though.
“Are you okay?” She checks on you, but you let her words be carried away. You have things to say, but you can’t or want to entertain her any longer. It’s petty, you know, you tend to just give people the cold shoulder when they’ve deeply wounded you, but you just can’t help it, or be the better person, your words just get stuck in your heart. And since you no longer feel like you have such a thing, the words fall into the abyss, leaving you silent and angry.
Shoko is quick to grasp what’s happening, she doesn’t know why, but she’s starting to pick up on your silent treatment and that anger embedded in your deep and long frown, as well as your fisted hands. Thus she calls out for you loudly and demandingly.
And this time you react by slowly lifting your head and meeting her worried and puzzled gaze, letting her see once and for all what she suspected in full glory, the eyes of the woman you used to be, the eyes that Satoru claimed were where he found his home. They aren’t infused with flames, not anymore, they’re the eyes you were born with, the eyes Shoko met for the first time when you started school. Only now your eyes are a strangers for a third time.
Albeit this time she won’t let you be estranged.
“I’m sorry,” Shoko finally says out loud as she starts to grasp what’s going on with you. “It hurts, I know, but you can’t walk away. I won’t let you walk away, not again.”
Her words sting. They feel like getting stabbed and or being robbed of breath. But it doesn't stop those words that you had lost find their way back.
“What do you know about my hurt?” You snap back with your eyes narrowing and your brows pinching together. “What do you know about anything I feel? Did you even try to stop them? He was your best friend.”
Shoko’s breath catches but she doesn’t falter, even if her watery eyes say otherwise. “Humanity relies on certain sacrifices. He knew that…Satoru knew that…”
You gasp as if his name coming out of her mouth physically hurt you.
“…that’s why he let it happen.”
You swallow thickly and understand what she says, it sounds like something he would do, but you can’t accept it. Not because you don’t want to believe it, but because you’re angry she didn’t stop him.
“He would do something stupid like that,” you feign a laugh and sniffle. “But that’s when you stop him. That’s when you fight him. Did you even try? Why didn’t you tell me?” You ask with a quivering voice.
Shoko steps forward and doesn’t hide to spare you. “Because he knew how you would react.”
You process her words and think about how considerate your brother was. He never failed to think about you.
Why did you realize that so late into your life?
“Because he knew I would stop him from doing something stupid,” you argue. “This was stupid. He never lived his life, he never actually thought about what he wanted, he always thought about everyone else. It’s why I would’ve stopped him because it’s stupid!”
“And what you’re doing now isn’t stupid?” Shoko quickly counters, making you clench your jaw and exhale deeply with frustration. “People still need you.”
“It’s not the same,” you defend your actions. “You know that, so don’t throw it at my face like it is.”
Shoko sighs deeply and takes another step closer to you, which doesn’t make you move back. You stay put and hold her tear-filled gaze.
“You should’ve stopped him,” you leave no room for her to interject. “You should’ve stopped them from using his body like some kind of tool the same way Suguru’s was. And you shouldn’t have lied to me about why you needed Kenjaku’s brain.”
“You would have understood?” She quickly spats.
You stay calm and shrug. “Kenjaku was Choso’s father, it was for him to decide, not me. And I’m sure he would’ve given it up if you asked. Instead, you lied about it and about Satoru.”
Shoko parts her lips to argue back, but she instead drops her gaze and swallows back nervously. “Okkotsu needed Suguru’s body too,” she throws out rapidly and shakily.
And now for you, it gets hard to breathe. You can’t breathe. Your chest is too heavy.
Suguru was yours. Yours and Satori’s. You just got him back from the clutches of some insane sorcerer. He could finally rest and she…they…
“I’m sorry,” is all Shoko says.
You still can’t breathe. It hurts too much.
Shoko sees that and grabs your shoulder to try and soothe your growing panic.
You cut her off by slapping her hand away and taking a big step back while you look at her as if she had just literally stabbed you in the back. You then point an accusing finger at her, but nothing comes out, you’re crippled with betrayal.
After a second of you and her just growing tension, a shaky breath finally makes it past your lips but words don’t follow. They’re lost for good this time. Shoko calls out to you in an attempt to hear from you, to continue this argument so she could try and mend what she could so you wouldn’t leave, but it’s too late and the wrong choices were made. Choices for the good of humanity perhaps, but you don’t see it that way in your agonizing grief.
You see blaring betrayal and your silence loudly displays it as well as the tears that crawl down your cheeks.
“Kirara,” you direct at the only person you can speak to, someone you don’t blame because they’re young, and they don’t carry that same history with Satoru or Suguru. Perhaps they accepted snatching Satoru’s body, but it’s not the same as Shoko accepting it. Not in your eyes.
“If you need help, call me, I won’t be far. I’ll be watching over Kinji from the broadcast,” you let them know as you step back.
“Where are you going?” They quickly blurt in confusion. “You can't go.”
You sigh and just hold their gaze. “I’ll be close to Yuji. Or as close as I can be.” You assure them and then spare one last glance at Shoko, catching tears rolling down her cheeks and a deep grief that mirrors yours. But you can’t look past your own pain to care. You just let your gaze linger as you ache for things to be different for the sake of your friendship and the love you bear for her, but you can’t…no matter how hard you try, you can’t look past her letting them use Satoru, and taking Suguru’s body from you.
Even if it isn’t her fault, or if it is, you don’t care. You just turn away and leave her behind the same way Suguru did, and the same way Satoru did.
You almost find yourself leaving it all behind and just giving up on everything, it’s what they deserve after dehumanizing Satoru the way they did. And you don’t care if it’s for the greater good, who cares if somehow you would have understood in a different life, you don’t care. Just like you don’t care about trying to understand Shoko. They took something from you, they hurt you, and you can’t look past it, you aren’t that big of a person because he was your brother, and no matter what happened he was always there. Now he won’t, now they’ve taken him, just like they took Suguru.
However, as much as you want to leave, as much as you hate humanity as a whole now, people you still care about are out fighting with their lives. They’re the only reason why you stay behind.
You won’t fight anymore, you’ll just look out for them away from Shoko, and from the depths of your solitude that drowns out the concept of time, the conversation Larue and Miguel hold, and the calamity of battle in the far distance.
Even surrounded by people that loneliness that you so feared still plagues you, how funny is that?
Nevertheless, you don’t break from your trance until Miguel taps your leg. He notices your lack of know-how and sighs before probing, “what did you do?”
There’s no need to ask what he's referring to because you know from the silence of the wind, the coldness that outran the heat that once ran through your veins as if it was blood, the unwelcoming earth that doesn’t eagerly speak to you, and the ignoring water that up and left you from ever feeling its delicate touch, that he’s referring to the binding vow that has yet to prove it worked.
Binding vows aren’t known to fail, but this binding vow is different, you’re exchanging powers for life. It’s different therefore there’s a high chance all you get is played.
“I can still see curses,” you don’t give Miguel the answers he seeks. “I’m not a non-sorcerer.”
“No, but you’re basically nothing now,” he hits you with the truth, something that Larue quickly rebuttals in your defense.
“She’s not nothing, you’re just being cruel—”
“I’m being honest,” Miguel cuts Larue off. “She’s useless in this fight now. What you did was stupid.”
You blink and try to look over at Choso, but you can’t bring yourself to look at him. You haven’t been able to look at him because if it doesn’t work all you gave up will be for nothing and you’ll end up just repaying for all the evil you’ve done.
“You don’t know what I did,” you retort and slide your eyes up to pierce your annoyed glare at him.
Miguel sighs and glances at the man you left behind you before looking back at you. “I have an idea,” he assumes right. “Giving everything you are for something that has never been done before is stupid. What will you do now?”
You drift your gaze to your hands and mutter. “Nothing. I won’t do anything. Even if I had my technique I wouldn't do anything because I don't care about them anymore. Humanity can die for all I care.”
Larue watches you with pity after knowing how much you deeply cared about the sorcerer side of humanity. He almost doesn’t recognize who you are, but just like Shoko, he knows this is you grieving. You’re at your worst and all the people who could’ve pulled you out of it are gone. You’re alone and he knows it’s drowning you.
Larue almost wants to try and comfort you even if he knows it’d be a useless endeavor, but Miguel pushes off his attempts.
“Why didn’t you ever do it for Suguru then, what you did now for this man?” Miguel asks.
You’ve thought about that too during your time on this roof, and the answer is simple, you had your brother so you weren’t writhing in your loneliness like you are now. You love them both the same way, you just…had…Satoru. Now you don’t.
“Satoru was here. The twins. Nanami. Now I don’t have anyone…” you trail off and fist your hands so hard your nails pierce a layer of skin. Yet it doesn’t hurt like you thought it would, no matter how hard you keep pressing, or if blood spills.
“You have us,” Larue breaks the silence and pulls your eyes away from the blood you spill. You offer him a smile but it’s far too short-lived.
“I’m going to kill Okkotsu,” you blurt with more emotion than you’ve shown over the past several minutes. “And neither of you are going to stop me.”
Both Miguel and Larue look at you with surprise, even if what you want is like you, the way you say it so bluntly and carrying so much pain catches them off guard for a moment until Miguel steps towards your sitting figure and argues back with frustration.
“You’ll doom humanity if you do…” he trails off and you don't care to follow up with what catches his breath, you don’t look at him right away either, but when you do you snap your eyes up and glare at him with a fuming anger that blinds you.
“I told you I don’t care about humanity,” you spat back and don’t get curious about what he and Larue are suddenly lost on. It isn’t until you hear your name being uttered by a familiar voice that your attention is fully captivated, and there in the barren cold relives a warmth you thought was forever lost.
However, you don’t look back right away, you’re too scared it’s your mind tricking you. After all, you've seen an illusion of Suguru before, and as beautiful as it was, it was only an illusion. You don’t want to be let down again. Thus you let him call out to you again to assure yourself that you heard that deep but gentle melody of his voice before you slowly turn with your eyes downcasted but widened and filled with tears.
A part of the spot you left him on was now empty and lacked a part of his body, and there’s no way a dead man could move by himself. But you still don’t face him because now you’re plagued with the thought of what if he’s somehow still dead and your vow was somehow twisted.
You can feel the shocked stares from Larue and Miguel, they fill the silence with disbelief and impatience for you to react, while…Choso…waits, but also finds himself trying to grasp how he’s back and how his heart is beating once again.
“Is it really you?” You have to ask for your own sake.
You hear shuffling before your breath catches at the sound of his voice. “I think. I’m not sure…one thing I do know is that I’m naked under this sheet.”
You muster a breathless laugh while fat tears run down your cheeks and the shattered heart inside you mends together.
“You…” you trail off and he fills your silence.
“Burnt….I remember. I remember it all. I remember you,” he pauses and sighs. You’re tempted to look but you still can’t.
“I’m sorry,” he brings up softly and filled with sorrow that makes your chest tighten. “I’m sorry. I did the one thing I said I wasn’t going to do. I’m sorry.”
You swallow back thickly and sigh deeply. “Then you understand why I can’t bring myself to go over to you, why I can’t look at you? I don’t want this to be a dream and be hurt all over again.”
“I understand,” he assures you right away before you hear him shifting against the roof in the distance.
“We’ll…be back,” Larue excuses himself and Miguel before they climb down, leaving you and Choso alone under the white sky, and occupying the silence with the sound of his unique footsteps approaching you.
“I would understand if you’re mad at me too,” he says and makes your heart ache in a good way because, of course, he would say something so sweet.
“…I really hurt you. And even if I was dying I hated myself for it because as good of a goodbye I had with Yuji, yours was agonizing,” he continues softly as he stops before you and gets on his knees that are covered by the sheet Larue had put over his body. “I’m sorry, my love. I didn’t want to leave you, I really didn’t. I meant what I told you, I just had no other choice and it proved to be worthwhile, you’re here!” He exclaims proudly as you see his large and pale hand reach over for yours clawing the ground.
“You’re alive, and…” he trails off for a long while. He even stops in his attempts to grab your hand, and honestly, his stillness tempts you to finally lay your eyes on his body, but you keep your eyes glued on the ground since your mind is still protecting you from potentially being disappointed.
“…you’re not hurt,” he mutters with a sense of disbelief that he doesn’t actually show because he focuses on comforting you. “My sacrifice worked. That’s all I wanted. I’m sorry it hurt you, I’m sorry I made you feel so distressed, but my love,” he coos and finally places his hand on yours, making you gasp at the shot of electricity that his fingers pass to yours.
It’s all so reallike, his hand feels so soft, and warm. It’s not an empty touch conjured by your heart's deepest desires, it’s heavy but gentle. Real.
“…I’m here,” he proclaims with a honey-dipped voice he’s using to comfort you. “I’m here because of you…I think.”
You scoff in amusement and then blink when he lifts your hand and presses it against his chest, over where you feel the rhythm of his heartbeat racing when your fingertips first make contact with his chest, but then when he presses your palm harder against his chest his heartbeat eases.
This time you can’t deny the instant connection you feel when your palm feels his heart and makes yours run at the calm pace his heart runs, almost as if connecting them once again was the comfort they needed.
“Choso,” you cry happily and focus just for a single second longer on his heart beating under his chest before you slowly trail your eyes up his body, finding it unchanged and still as toned and perfectly sculpted as it was before. However, when you reach his neck you notice a burn scar that wasn’t there before. And you would know, you traced his whole body multiple times in your short time intimately together.
The scar isn’t big from the front, it’s sprawled over as if the tips of the flames had been wrapped around his neck, but it’s because it’s only peeking forward that you know it’s hiding its true result on Choso’s back where the fire hurt him the most. And when you start seeing his face the mark of what happened continues to spread, but now that doesn’t catch your eye the same way his inviting pink lips do.
The mark that came with his technique isn’t there anymore, it’s completely gone from his nose, meaning that he is probably just like you now, but you don’t focus on that matter now, or the fact that a thin line of fire now replaced the blood mark on his nose. You instead put all your attention on those beautiful eyes that were unchanged.
His eyes are still so sweet and the same rich brown that you loved, and that were uncoincidentally the same shade of brown as your favorite color.
You notice the guilt he carries, the disbelief that runs behind them, as well as the softness painted by his love for you, but what you fixate on the most is that lively gleam in his eyes that had left his eyes when he died. That gleam is back and brighter than before.
“Choso,” you muse and slide your hand over to grab his hand whilst you reach your other hand over to feel his face and set it in your mind that the flesh you feel is real, it’s not a trick, he’s real, he’s back, and the binding vow you made worked!
He’s back!
“Choso,” you laugh and cry at the same time but don’t throw yourself on him. You continue to move your hand up until you reach his head that’s missing his hair but doesn’t take away from how handsome he still is. Some men can’t pull off a bald head but he makes it look hot.
“I’m sorry,” he means his apology as he watches your eyes study his head.
“Don’t worry,” you assure him. “It’ll grow back. It’s just hair, all I care about is you. You’re back.”
Choso nods his head as a smile spreads on his lips. “I am,” he reassures your worry before he brings his hand up to cup your jaw and look into your eyes, trapping the next words you were about to utter in your throat as you remember the change you went through too.
“The eyes you met in the darkness last year won’t ever return, I’m sorry,” you tell him the truth right away just in case that somehow kills the love he has for you. “I…gave up my technique and yours in order to have you back...I’m sorry Choso. I’m sorry.”
Said man sighs deeply and drops his gaze to ponder and nod softly.
“You are a non-sorcerer, I’m sorry,” you break it to him pitifully only because now he can’t use his technique to protect his brother, or feel the twins.
“Choso?” You press impatiently. “I understand why you’d be mad, and why you wouldn’t love me.”
At the sound of those words his eyes fly up to meet your perplexed gaze and he shakes his head before he leans in. “No,” he whispers and cups your face with both hands to gently caress your cheeks as he looks deep into your eyes.
“The day I saw you and your fire-kissed eyes for the first time is something I won’t ever forget, and it’s a change that I will have to get used to, but sweetheart, just know that as I look at you all I see is my sun, my moon, my stars, and my beloved. You.”
You beam at him and can’t hold back anymore, you throw your arms around him and pull him for a tight embrace to make sure you can feel his heart beating against your chest as you hold him.
“I love you too,” you finally tell him what you didn’t have the chance to say when he was sacrificing himself in that fire. Words that don’t actually hold the true meaning of how deeply and passionately you love him.
“I love you,” you whisper again and sob into the crook of his neck. All while Choso holds onto you as if breathing and his life depended on it, as if he would somehow lose you if he let you go.
“I love you too,” he redirects sweetly before he finally assures you about your previous worry. “And…I’m not angry, I'm nothing more than ordinary now. I’m human now. Truly human because of you, and I will miss my technique because it made me strong, but…I can be human with you, my children, and my brother. So thank you.”
You pull back and look at him with a bright and awestruck smile. “You were human to me before, now you’re just a little bit more fragile.”
Choso chuckles softly and nods before his face falls. “Do you still love me as I am now? I know your feelings towards non-sorcerers.”
“Don’t worry,” you assure him as you caress his cheek. “I love you as you are. I don’t care if you're a non-sorcerer and not holding as much power. All that matters is that you’re alive again. That’s the deal I made and my feelings won’t change. Not negatively anyway.” You smile at him.
Choso sighs with relief and just as he’s going to share something you interject coldly. “Besides, I don't care about the sorcerers or non-sources. Not anymore.”
Choso blinks repeatedly in disbelief, and you clench your jaw out of anger while your eyes scream your grief.
“Why?” He asks as he feels thrown off by this sudden change. “You don’t really feel like that do you?”
You clench your fists and scowl as the memory of Okkotsu announcing his identity inside your brother's body plays in your mind and reminds you why your ideals changed so drastically.
“They took the reason why I gave up. They’re using my brother's body like they used Suguru’s. They’re using him and now…” you swallow thickly and huff. “I see Okkotsu in his body and all I hear is the clapping I heard when Riko died. All those people clapped their hands over the death of a little girl…and now that’s all I hear and I can’t care anymore.”
Choso feels a weight over his chest as he hears the cold way you speak. He partially blames himself for the way you think now, even if you just explained the reason why you hate the world, he still finds it in himself to put on some blame because you watched him give up his life to save yours. So even if he was going to help you already, he does it now with more passion.
“No, no, I know that’s not really true. You’re just grieving,” he tries to calm down your anger. “It’s happening again and you’re just using anger to express your grief.”
The creases between your eyebrows crease deeper as your eyebrows pinch further with your heightening anger.
“But whatever they’re doing, they’re doing for the greater good, he would understand that. He would want that.”
“He would want to live and do it himself,” you argue back sharply. “He wouldn't want to get used. He fought the higher-ups for that reason. He wanted to change sorcerer society for that reason!” You exclaim your frustration as you get up and turn to try and breathe as it gets hard to do.
Choso follows you up but doesn't grab you yet, he lets you catch your breath first.
“I would be angry too,” he tries to form some connection since he has brothers too. “I would cry, but then I would think about what they would want. And we as siblings have a better understanding of what they want, don’t you think? Because we have that connection no one else could feel?”
You nod. “That’s why I know he’d want to live…” you trail off and he finally approaches you and grabs your shoulder, making you find your breath and ease some tension off your shoulders.
“You really think that? You don’t think he’d let his students do anything possible so you could all win? Even if not for them then for you and Satori?” Choso pulls right at your heartstrings, causing you to break and sob because in the back of your mind you know that’s all he’d want.
“But,” you try to argue in your brother's defense. “Why did they have to use him like that? Why didn’t he tell me?” You ask softly and then face him.
“Because it wasn’t easy for him either I’m guessing…” Choso coos and gently cradles your face to wipe away your cheeks. “Because he knew if he told you, you’d fight back and it would just make it harder,” he shares because as an older brother that’s what he’d feel.
“I’d fight to keep him alive because that’s what he deserves,” you argue back but that anger you held onto moments ago is faltering. “Because…I wouldn’t want him to leave me alone.”
Choso sighs. “I know, but now you have to support the decisions he made. He’d trust you to do that, right?”
You nod softly even if you don’t want to accept it and the agony in you takes over the next words that come out. “But he promised…he promised to protect me and be with me.”
“He always will,” Choso assures your crying heart. “For as long you live, but now he’ll be closer to you. That’s why you need to have a strong heart, hm?”
And with those beautiful and soft words, the fight you were so stubborn to have falls completely and all that’s left is a grieving woman that’s left small and broken, and that only Choso could comfort.
“Strong heart,” he whispers and places his hand over your heart.
You gently cup his hand and keep it pressed on your chest as you fall to your knees and let yourself cry over the loss of your older brother, Satoru.
“Strong heart,” Choso’s words echo as he falls on his knees with you to be close and comfort you in the way he knew how. In an intimate way that gives you strength to keep fighting no matter how much you lost already because you both know that the fight for life and survival of humanity is not over yet.
At least not for the ones still standing, but for Choso and you without the strength of your techniques, it is…
A peaceful silence fills the night and you and Choso take advantage of it to find peace and time to relax after being caught up in such a hectic but blissful day.
You find time for your passion that still burns hot after having twins and losing so much, but neither of you struggle to sleep when you can. Not anymore. Those sleepless nights where you admired the serene sky are gone, but, and this is important, the reason why you find sleep so easily wakes you both up with their crying that rings loudly throughout your house.
“It’s okay,” Choso whispers hoarsely. “I’ll go, it’s just Tsukuyomi crying.”
You wipe your eyes and squint nonetheless to look at him through the darkness of the room. “Are you sure?” You probe. “I don’t mind.”
Choso hums and caresses the back of your head so you’d get lulled back to sleep. “Yeah, I’ll go. Go back to sleep.”
You hesitate but your exhaustion wins this fight so you drop your head back on your pillow, letting Choso walk into the twin's room and find his baby boy wailing while his twin sister sleeps throughout it on the cradle beside his.
“Tsu,” Choso coos as he turns a lamp on so the baby can see that he doesn’t need to cry anymore because his father heard his cry.
“What's wrong, hm?” Choso asks as if the three-month-old baby would answer him—well in some ways he does because those sharp cries turn to whimpers the moment Choso picks him up.
“I know you’re not hungry,” he speaks softly but clearly to his baby because he read that’s what’s good for them to hear—“your mother just fed you before bed. And you don’t smell like your diaper is full either.”
The baby boy blinks repeatedly and watches his father with a trembling lip. He continues to breathe heavily, leaving Choso confused about how to comfort him. He knows it doesn’t take much, but he can’t find a way to comfort him, not the way you can.
You were so loving right away—not that he wasn’t, he cried when he saw the twins for the first time, and that need to protect them only heightened when he held them both for the first time. He would die for them, he’d kill for them too if the need arose. It’s just…he doesn’t feel that connection to them.
He doesn’t know why. He aches to feel it, to know right away what it is they need in the same way you know without as much as double thinking, but he’s struggled and it’s killing him.
He thought that he would feel that instant bond with his son at least because all he had was brothers after all, but that failed to manifest with his son.
They also have your eyes and he loves to get lost in them. They share your unique white hair too, he’s failed to hold onto that bond he now aches for. So maybe having you tend to baby Tsukuyomi would be the best thing, you would know how to put him back to sleep. He can’t if it doesn’t involve a bottle of warm milk.
“Why don’t we get your mother,” he tells the baby boy. “Hm?” He hums and doesn’t wait for a response now before turning off the light.
However, the moment the room is dark Tsukuyomi jumps and begins to cry, making Choso quickly turn the light back on so the cries won’t wake Suki up and lead him to more trouble.
“It’s all right,” Choso soothes the baby boy heaving and pouting. “You’re all right.”
Choso wipes away the little tears rolling down his round cheeks before he starts gently rocking him. “See I’m here. Did you have a nightmare?”
Tsukuyomi lets out a shaky breath and Choso now gently caresses his head in the same way he caresses your scalp when you’re cuddling in bed, and that seems to comfort baby Tsukuyomi the same way it calms you down.
“Yeah,” Choso laughs softly. “Your mother likes that too.” He smiles gently and confesses to his son. “Your mother has nightmares too. I’m sure she’ll tell you why she does when you’re older, but as for now, when she has them I caress her head too.”
Tsukuyomi blinks and his pupils dilate while his lips suddenly lift to a gentle smile. Choso can't help but smile proudly over that simple but beautiful gesture before he’s caught by surprise by Tsukuyomi stretching out his chubby arms and grabbing his face.
“Oh,” Choso gasps and holds his son's gaze, while Tsukuyomi coos and smiles brighter as if admiring his father.
Choso’s breath catches and Tsukuyomi refuses to let him go just yet and insists on keeping him close. In that moment sparking that forever bond Choso was aching for.
“You’re one of the best things that’s happened to me,” Choso tells his son with tears running down his cheeks. “You, your mother, your sisters, and your uncle Yuji. I’m grateful every day to your mother for gifting me a chance to be in your life. I love you Tsukuyomi.”
The baby boy drops his arms and wipes his eyes before snuggling his head against Choso’s chest and yawning, leading Choso to rock him back to sleep once and for all.
However, instead of returning him to his crib he picks up baby Suki too and lays the twins on your bed instead to keep them closer, at least for tonight.
“I hope you don’t mind them sleeping with us tonight,” Choso whispers to you, who's only half awake.
“No,” you tell him breathlessly and drag yourself over to connect yourself back to his warmth.
Choso holds you close so you can fall back asleep but as he watches his twins sleeping peacefully he smiles and whispers in your ear. “I want another baby.”
You manage to chuckle and pat his back. “Okay, lover boy let’s first watch these babies grow past two years old, and then we’ll talk. I’m not sure you’ll want more when they’re two.”
Choso’s shoulders shake as he laughs before he contradicts you. “I told you I wanted 10.”
You pull your head back and scoff in amusement. “When you can birth a child then you can ask for ten, as for now let’s stick to our plan, hm? I want more cute babies with you too, but let’s get these babies past two first.”
Choso offers you a comprehensive smile before pressing a reassuring kiss on your forehead and then pressing your head back on his chest. “We can still practice though, right?”
You grin against his chest and nod. “Oh definitely.”
He smiles proudly and returns his gaze to his sleeping twins, finding happy tears return to his eyes, as well as a deep sense of gratitude he can’t hold in. “Thank you,” he shares.
You open your eyes and probe. “For what?”
Choso presses a kiss on the top of your head and responds endearly. “For giving me a second chance at great cost to what you loved.”
You sigh gently and close your eyes before you remind him what you told him several months ago. “I told you I would die for you. It might’ve not been literally at the end but I did mean it and I will never regret it because you are the love of my life. I love you.”
Choso sighs softly and whispers, “I love you too, my love.”
A/N- Two more chapters of domestic Choso and Mc? Also, let’s pretend gege gave them a somewhat good ending to that fight. Yes? Yes!
Tagged- @deniseabad1928 @secondary-character-25 @starlightanyaaa @notsaelty @d4rno @moonnime @kodzukein @yozora7154 @heijihattorisgf @elegantweirdorchest @natakina
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windwenn · 4 months
The implications of that scene where olruggio makes sure qifrey gets a warmstone are just. Theyre just so. The gentle way they spesk to each other. The visible shock on qifrey's face when he realises that its for him. The way you can SEE how important it is to him that someone would look out for him the same way he is constantly looking out for his students. Olruggio deflecting slightly to make it sound like no big deal, demanding neither thanks nor explanation for why qifrey isnt sleeping. Even the way olruggio throughout the entire scene is picking up all the books that had fallen onto the floor thus saving qifrey the effort
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lululeighsworld · 10 days
decided to play the heirs of fate dlc this weekend (ive been meaning to for awhile; admittedly my knowledge of it all comes from browsing the wiki, and i really wanted to experience the anankos characterization for myself). this isn't even the part i was excited to get to BUT I AM REELING OVER IT..........FOR REASONS I WILL DISCLOSE IN THE TAGS (from part iv: light's sacrifice)
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#during shigure's explanation about why there's gaps in the kids' memories my brain IMMEDIATELY flipped to krad's post about whether --#gunter actually remembers how much he loved his family/is the revenge really for them or is it more so for his own satisfaction --#and like. OH MY GOD. IS IT NOT SO UTTERLY CRUEL THAT PERHAPS THE TRANSITION OF HIS REVENGE BEING FOR THEM ---> BEING SO FOR HIM WAS IN --#FACT BY ANANKOS' DESIGN ALL ALONG RATHER THAN JUST AN UNFORTUNATE SIDE EFFECT OF THE POSSESSION..........#gunter honey you may have been more under his thrall than you realized#this would totally align with how he's only able to tell corrin about his family once he's free from the possession. cuz anankos is no --#longer deliberately stealing his memories to make him more willing to act on his behalf.......ough........#of course i still think gunter purposefully indulged in that power from anankos.......latching onto it as an opportunity to exact his --#revenge without really being aware of all the consequences that would coincidence along with that#and of course this is just a lil tidbit for my own self insert lore but if anankos stealing memories is a thing he purposefully does to --#make his victims more malleable that would explain why he would not remember his time in askr or leigh upon returning to the world of --#revelation :''''') and perhaps it would slowly come back to him post game#teehee. having many thoughts. brain exploding. typical behaviour.#once again fates storytelling is fucking exceptional like is it not brilliant that the degenerating dragon who has lived among his people -#far longer than one likely should. and has been scorn by those ppl he so loved as now their memories of him are only full of fear and --#hatred. ends up stealing people's memories to make them more useful in his plan to destroy the world. much like how his own memories have -#been lost to time. and he is a victim to time just like anybody else. OUGH AAAAA MY HEART MY BRAIN IM SO SAD ABOUT FATES AGAIN.#anyways i still gotta play part 5 of the dlc but im saving that for either tonight or tmrw
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dennisboobs · 8 months
do you guys ever sit and remember that dennis takes a mental health day is an episode that exists
#ada speaks#i think i could probably recite the entire one sided phone conversation he has with daisy by heart and i havent seen the ep in months#i don't know how to explain it but#from what little ive read of ross' writing it feels like. when you click onto a fanfic and you feel immediate deep trust of the author#like it just clicks#the cookbook characterization specifically. is like.#i would put my life in your hands#and im sure we will get more eps by him and i really hope that continues because i think its been a very long time since the shows had#writers that i feel Get the characters in a way that feels effortless rather than. overcompensating.#like you can smell that writer's signature no matter how hard they try to cover it up with jokes and subversions#which isnt always a bad thing and im sure if we do get more maloney eps i'll pick up on his writers quirks too#but it doesn't feel like he's trying to copy anyone/pull from old eps it feels like he has a good grasp on things which makes it feel fresh#i find that long running shows hit a point where episodes start to feel less cohesive and more like. segmented short films#but if you have a really good group of writers and they find their groove its like. yeah. ok.#i think season 3 is a good study because marder and rosell's influence is all over the entire season#later seasons you can literally just. Feel which eps they worked on because its got a completely different vibe from the rest of the season#16 still suffers from that segmentation but#i think all the first time sunny writers (and nina's first solo ep) were all absolutely fuckin bangers and they've got a good team in there#anyway. characterization of dennis flipflops a lot. but the rest of the gang arguably gets it worse at times#i think megan's dee is the absolute worst aside from conor galvin's#and i understand wanting to write her as a girlfailure who is just. horrible. but.#ok. comparing self help book dee to ross' cookbook dee. i dont even have to say anything do i.#she's like. The Woman. in the self help book. and i fucking could not stand it. ross' dee is so perfect though#and his frank. MAN.#EVERYONE FUCKING RUINS FRANK.#i think marder and rosell's frank is a lot of fun because hes clearly based on marder's dad and acts believably#a lot of writers struggle to capture his. frank-ness.#he's sort of suffered from like. bland pervy senile old man writing for a long time#and ross brought back him actually being a competent businessman#IM OUT OF TAGS IM SHUTTING UP
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martyrbat · 11 months
so many of you talk about the cruel adults in your childhood that negatively effected you and caused lifelong insecurity yet you're still perfectly fine with being that mean stranger to any kid that has the misfortune of existing around you and thats just really gross !!!
#like i get kids can be overwhelming for a various amount of reasons but its not going to kill you to treat children with basic human decency#adults can be just as overwhelming or annoying—if not more. yet if you talked to an another adult the same way you do to a kid#then ppl would fucking hate you and not want to be around you because youre not being cool and witty—youre just mean!!!#everyone has experienced the frustration of being a kid being mistreated by an adult. some more than others#rather its ignoring your bodily autonomy (from sa and assault to hugging you when you don't want to be touched to not letting you#make your own harmless choices like a haircut or whatever). everyone has been talked down to or had their opinion treated like its nothing#or that their thoughts or input doesn't matter. everyone has a childhood experience with a mean or judgemental adult#yet over and over ppl are fine just repeating that cycle of abuse and hatred#like youre a young adult and youre still getting treated like shit by older ones. but youre able to have a drink or you graduated or smthn#so now you feel like you earned that right to be judgemental & angry & mean to a group of people that didnt fucking do anything to you#anyways. this is because im sick and had to go to the store to get groceries and meds#so its a 20 minute walk to the nearest store in 108 degrees bc i dont have gas money and then in the store im ofc using a face mask#like im sweaty and feel disgusting and like shit but this kid was SO fucking excited about his spiderman toy and wanted to talk and#his mom said ‘i told you no one wants to hear about that crap leave her alone’ and like?? no fuck off let a kid be happy?? hes not fucking#doing anything wrong?? so we talked and he showed me the little tiy that lights up and asked if i saw the new spiderverse movie#and i told him i havent! so he asked why so i explained i have photosensitivity and what that means and why i cant see it#(‘even though i heard its super cool!’) and HE WAS SO SWEET... like immediately hid the toy because oh! flashing lights can hurt me!#and then immediately said dont worry because he'll tell me about it so its like i saw it instead!#and like. guys imma be honest with you. i stilm got no fucking idea what this movie's plot is.#but you bet your fucking ass i was pretending like i was following along & was going ‘no way!’ ‘so it's a parallel universe...?’ ‘oh wow!’#like yea its unnecessary. i felt oike i was gonna collapse and im still struggling to breathe at home now. but also i been the kid#who just wanted to talk about my interests and no one wanted to or was dismissing it.#i know it's not a end of the world deal but i also know that crushing feeling. you gotta be the kindness you want to see in the world yknow#anyways. be nice to kids or im not going to be nice to you. they're one of the most vulnerable members of our society and deserves kindness
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