#red route
tarticawhat · 29 days
Nameless Route Review - Red: Another Name on My List of Genki Red-haired Faves
Here’s my final route review! Except not because there is a short finale route as well that ties everything together plot-wise. When it comes to anime, generally red hair signals a loud, outgoing, confident, vibrant, passionate (and often impulsive) personality. It’s no different with otome games! And I tend to, for whatever reason, really like these guys. They’re not all exactly the same, and…
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aneverydaything · 11 months
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Day 1857, 24 July 2023
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willcodehtmlforfood · 7 months
az olcso gumicsere visszavag rovatunkban kaptunk ma "tilosban parkolt merte leallitani az ocskavasat" cimu iromanyt mert red route
mondjuk van egy ilyen mellette (parkolo box)
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es csak addig a 2 percig alltam ott amig elzavart a gumis nehogy megbuntessenek
raeresztem chatgpt-t tfl-re
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mapsontheweb · 3 days
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International shipping routes before and after the Houthi attacks in the Red Sea
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lilybug-02 · 1 month
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Weird Route...
Spoilers for CT Weird Route below.
Please check tags for anything triggering ❤️
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This is not cannon, as the weird route is finished and it will not be added upon. But.......I often find myself wanting to draw for it. So here you are...
The weird route ends abruptly and without art for a reason. I wanted to make it painfully obvious that as YOU continue the route/story YOU stop getting anything out of it. You're only hurting the characters, and by the end, there's nothing left to do except start over.
I had thought of Asriel discovering Chara...well, dead. But I think that would have been too much for the scene. I didn't want to get any more depressing than it already was.
tbh I only hope that I can make an ending even half as good as this one. I still think about it often and I'm proud of the amount of work I put into it.
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northstaffstv · 2 years
Red routes to be introduced on two city roads
Red routes to be introduced on two city roads
Stoke-on-Trent City Council will be starting work on red routes across two roads in the city today (Monday 13th June 2022), with the roads being operational and enforceable on Monday 20 June. The work will take place on College Road (Shelton) and Station Road, by Stoke Station. All comments and objections that were received during a prior consultation period have been considered in the design…
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dragonsbluee · 18 days
I have a request for batfam/Jason Todd fanfic writers:
I love the "Jason Todd is a bookworm/theatre nerd" fics as much as the next person, don't get me wrong, but can we please diversify his interests?
90% of the time when I open a fic with that tag, we see Jason reading Jane Eyre or Pride and Prejudice or quoting Shakespeare. And not to say that there's anything wrong with any of those being his favourite but even if he loves to read "classical" books, come on!
You're telling me Jason raised-in-crime-alley-spent-his-formative-years-between-an-eccentric-billionaire-and-an-assassin-cult Todd only reads books by dead white people?!
I refuse! Give me a man who takes to books more than ever after his return to Gotham. Jason, who reads books like I am Woman, A Really Good Brown Girl and White Tears/Brown Scars, then recommends them to the working girls as he establishes his territory. Who reads in multiple languages, and who loves Arabic poetry.
Give me a little "Robin is Magic!" Jason scouring Bruce's library and picking up a copy of The Mahabharata after he's done The Iliad, and spends weeks obsessed with Journey to the West.
Give me a Jason who's read Things Fall Apart, and One Hundred Years of Solitude! The number of quotes and references he could pull that would further support his dramatic tendencies? It would make him so happy!
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ghost-bxrd · 1 month
The blond splutters, glaring at Jason with all the heat of a pissed off golden retriever.
“Did you seriously chloroform me?”
Jason shrugs, entirely unapologetic, and tosses the gag in the trash.
“You didn’t shut up. I had to make you. Can’t have you lookin’ too springy in the pictures.”
“Springy for what, exactly? Because, dude, if this is about the tumblr blog I totally wasn’t serious- no, wait, I was, but c’mon, I said way worse about- wait, what pictures!?”
— sneak peek of “Modern Day Cain”
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xierru · 3 months
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got a bit of stain on your cheek there
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cicicolorao · 3 months
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BEHOLD, WHEN YOU LISTEN TO AN OLD ASS VOCALOID SONG ON LOOP! Ya gotta mix it in with your hyperfixation
This took me days :)))
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jungle-golf · 6 months
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Lost Girl ❄
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possiblycringe · 8 months
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Everybody wants to see you fall in love!
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shirai-ru · 2 months
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let's go red flag enjoyers
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sixoclockuty · 17 days
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wish upon a shooting star.
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sleepyistinky · 29 days
Many people don't realize this but Bruce never neglected Tim. I love that okay Tim he was a frustrated Robin who went through shit dealing with Batman I might be getting that wrong too though because I don't have access to the comics but I've been reading what I can BUT Tim was never neglected as a Robin. I see how many people heavily mischaracterize the Batfam members, from making Bruce a shitty and abusive dad even though he just isn't that good at communicating, to making Dick a pushover and making his ass his whole personality, and uwu-ifying Tim and making Jason the 'angry' robin even though that mf was a boy scout as a Robin. HOWEVER.
Tim Drake who just fucking gets so sick of everyone's shit. Batfam supporter to the day I die I do not hate any of them however I am not an apologist. I can recognize when a character is wrong because even though they're fictional they're still human. Tim sick of Batman just taking his help for granted. Alfred who sees what's going on despite being a solid rock in the past and not doing anything about it. Jason seemingly hating Tim simply because he is his successor and Damian hating Tim because he is his successor. Dick who is at best lukewarm with him. I'm not going to mention Steph, Cass, Duke, or even Helena because as far as I know they haven't really done enough I'm still pretty new to DCU and was introduced through spider-man crossovers but from what I've seen in some tim-centric fics he has it ROUGH. Tim who just is so fucking tired that he just says fuck it Bruce doesn't need me anymore I'll do my own shit elsewhere and see if I ever do shit for you guys again and watching the Batfam fall apart with Tim because HE was the one who pulled Bruce's head out of his ass when Jason died. HE was the one who basically had to take care of this grown-ass man so that he didn't fucking keel over when he was THIRTEEN. He was the one who had to stop Bruce from using such excessive force against petty criminals. HE was the one who sucked it up when Jason came for his ass in the Titan's Tower because hey he'd be pretty upset if he was forcibly brought back to life to find someone else had taken his spot. and this is his favorite Robin we're talking about! HE was the one who dealt with Jason's bullshit after everything was said and done and was one of the only members of the family to treat him normally. HE was the one who refused to give up on Bruce after he 'died' and went through so much trauma for YEARS and dealt with Ra's bullshit. He literally had his spleen removed leaving him immunocompromised. He ISOLATED himself from the people he cared about for BRUCE. He literally traveled through time for him. And on top of all that, he had his Robin mantle forcibly taken from him and given to this assassin child who hates him. And actively tries to kill him. Plus Dick think he was absolutely crazy all the time, which, yeah, fair enough. I might be wrong but didn't he successfully clone Superboy? That's some crazy person shit DIDN'T HE MAKE OUT WITH SUPERBOY'S EX THINKING ABOUT HIM? that's some crazy homosexual shit that I won't be tapping into today. So, yeah, excuse Tim if he's just finally so done with everything and everyone.
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crocrubies · 10 months
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