#release all spiritual parasites
yellosnacc · 4 months
bigger Central religion post
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Journey of the lost souls by an unknown pilgrim
A scene from the story of the "crystal Head".
With the help of a "harpy", the great sinner crosses the bridge to the new land as their sea-born crystal body cracks under the weight of a thousand souls.
If they were to fail, the sky may become richer, but the Uniima will end.
This is a bigger central Foru uniima religion post. All the information here is about the central religion's beliefs, not the world's biology or physics.
Now let's get the context for the painting.
To leave the Physical, one must die at a ripe age so that their wisdom can be put to the test. The glowing triangles are the souls of uniima. They resemble a larva/white and are parasite-like in behavior. After a soul is released out of a body by premature death (or created) it holds onto someone (soul-binds) until it's passed into a new body. Soul bonded can be anything with a soul but uniima souls are picky in what they cling onto and usually pick a parental figure, a friend, or pupil. When the soul senses an empty unii-body, it moves in. Twins/triplets are considered 'one-soul' with special powers.
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The one depicted to carry this soul mass is the uniiman spiritual leader/s (their historical body and events), sometimes called the Heads, but there's definitely a better name in the native language (slomen and O.s use this name). The Head/s existed for most of the religion's history and is the one to name the 'uniima' (translates "own-one-mind". It's the name of the central people. Because of historical events, it caught on between aliens as the species name). Head/s is immortal because of a "curse" set on them for breaching into the spiritual world thousands of years ago. Since this event, they have been changing bodies and fixing their sins until today. Nowadays, they are considered the wisest, mentally strongest, and morally cleanest soul - an inspiration for everyone (which keeps them in power over Central Foru among other things).
More about the current Heads.
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This art comes from an early chapter, only a few hundred years after the creation of people. After the Head dooms the uniima by peaking into the Spiritual, society starts falling faster than it did ever before, finally resulting in the 'death of creature people'. This society was one of constant sin and destruction since no holy parts were remaining (too complicated, let's leave that for another time), so this scene is something of a strange bitter-sweet moment. With both the land and the people gone (yes, land too), the Head is once more reincarnated - being put into a body of melted sand and rock. They collect all the wandering souls unable to ascend and travel to a new land with the help of a half-uniima-half-animal who feels sorry for the people it shares a soul with. This journey is the first major lesson and soul-cleaning of the Head. Now, what is the thing in their jaws?
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This motive is common in images with the Head, but it's not very realistic for the time period. These "flesh lists" worn on the lower tongue-hand are a modern-ish invention. People wear these on special occasions. They show all the past lives on a uniima and can get very long in high mortality areas (soul moves until a body reaches the desired age to be final-judged). The significance and uses of these in status get very complicated, but I will keep it simple. A short scarf/list makes one seem strong, with potential, being naturally gifted, and wealthy. A long scarf shows weakness, and a tendency to sin, but also patience, and a wise mind (which in many cases is the most important feature of a person).
In religious art, "scarfs" help mark chapters, but in "Journey of the lost souls" it's to depict the scale of the tragedy.
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Lastly, the Heads' stomach. It shows them moving a large "hole" out of their body. This is symbolism for shedding a sin. It's said a mind and body should be able to naturally "regurgitate" any "object" out of their stomach, clean of the evil within it.
Bad nature - sins, bad thoughts (even physical stuff such as poison and drugs), is stored in the stomach. The "hungrier" you are the more evil you have to shed and the more you are controlled by this "evil hunger". Being flagged as a "stomach-thinker" is not calling you a food enjoyer but rather an insane/deranged person. However, some regions consider the stomach the default thinking center (what's a brain?), so it's more like a scale of good to bad stomach.
If anything needs more explaining or isn't explained properly, please inform me in the replies or send me an ask for a dedicated post. Thank you for reading this far <3
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yoga-onion · 8 months
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Celtic beliefs in trees (20)
Q for Quert (Apple) - September 2nd - September 29th
“Fruit of love - 10th month of the Celtic Tree Calendar (Ref)”
Star: Venus: Gemstone: emerald,; Gender: female; Patrons: Gaia, Aphrodite, Venus, Hera, Pomona, Nemesis, Astarte, Ishtar, Ceridwen, Olwen, Gwen, Arwen, Shekhinah, Freyja, Iðunn; Symbols: faith + gratitude, love + trust, tolerance + Abundance, self-respect, the work of fate.
The original species of apple is the crab apple. The crab apple belongs to the rose family and has short, flower-bearing young branches with thorns. The fruits are firm, round, acidic and vary in colour from yellow to crimson. September is the apple month, when the flowers bloom in late spring, the sweet fragrance is released and the fruit ripens.
Hazel, oak and apple are all legendary magical fruits, and it is believed that the three fruits together will fulfil all the needs of life. Birch, alder, willow, oak, holly, hazel and apple are designated as sacred trees in ancient Irish law. Of these, the apple and hazel were especially considered sacred trees, so much so that anyone who deliberately cut them down was punished with death.
In classical Western mythology, the 'Paradise Island', a paradise of fruit trees, was thought to contain the Tree of Wisdom, which bore three sacred apples. It is important to remember here that the apple, the fruit of love, was the food of the Celtic gods and they ate apples.
The apple tree, a favourite parasite of mistletoe, was regarded as sacred, especially by druids (Ref2). According to Druidic teachings, holy drops from heaven spilled over into the cauldron of Ceridwen, and the three drops that splashed out of the cauldron became the source of wisdom for the three apples that grow on the Tree of Wisdom. These three drops symbolise the three pillars of the Tree of Life in the Hebrew mystical philosophy of Kabbalah. These three pillars represent the masculine and feminine principles respectively, with the central pillar representing the union of the two. These also coincide with the most sacred symbol of the Druids, the 'three rays', each representing the power of vision, the power to manipulate letters and symbols, and the power to understand them. These strange three drops can be seen as a spiritual energy that gives life energy to all living things.
Legend has it that the Otherworld is a magical land of thickly growing apple trees, and that visitors from the Otherworld often come to this world carrying apple branches. Wearing a piece of apple wood is said to bring about a loved one and a long life, and is an essential part of good luck charms and spells. Apple trees were often planted in gardens in the British Isles, as they were believed to protect the home and bring love to it.
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ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (20)
QはQuert (リンゴ) - 9月2日~9月29日 
『愛の果実 〜 ケルトの木の暦(参照)の第10月』
星: 金星: 宝石: エメラルド、;��性: 女性; 守護神: ガイア、アフロディテ、ヴィーナス、ヘラ、ポーモーナ、ネメシス、アスタルテ、イシュタル、ケリドウェン、オルウェン、グウェン、アルウェン、シェキナ、フレイア、イドゥナ; シンボル: 信仰+感謝、愛+信頼、寛容+豊穣、自尊心、運命の仕業
リンゴといえば、原種となるのがクラブアップル (ヤマリンゴ)。クラブアップルはバラ科に属し、花をつけた短い若枝には棘がついている。果実は堅くしまった球形で、酸味が強く、色は黄色から真紅色までさまざまだ。晩春に花が咲き、甘い香りを放ち、果実が熟す9月はリンゴの季節である。
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bakawitch · 22 hours
Dunno how, but I somehow finished it. Tiredly sketched, probably not gonna redo it for a while. Behold!
The Mortality Miracle Box
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Each of the kwamis represents concepts built around life/death. These specific kwamis are more like lab made spiritual parasites that find themselves a suitable host and attach themselves to them. These are their more appealing base forms. They don't have eldritch god forms like canon kwamis because they are not gods, but they do have a hidden form that resembles real-life parasites. They don't have set miraculouses, instead they inject themselves into the host bodies. They also have the ability to take over their hosts' bodies during transformation.
Fungus of Reanimation
Kwami: Immo
Tool: staff
Power: Parasitism - The power to reanimate corpses with the use of spores released from the staff. The corpses are animated by fungi colonies, and they often grow over the bodies of the zombies.
Rabbit of Evocation
Kwami: Riitus
Tool: hammer
Power: Conjure - The power to summon spirits from the ground by smashing the hammer on it. The spirits often resemble cartoonish dust bunnies.
Dragonfly of Invigoration
Kwami: Faata
Tool: fans
Power: Fight and Flight - The power to go into a frenzy during which the user becomes temporarily stronger and faster and immediately regenerates all bodily harm on themselves, no matter how severe. The ability sometimes activates on its own when the user is injured.
Feret of Germination
Kwami: Valla
Tool: pollen bombs (basket)
Power: Gardenia - The power to control and accelerate the growth of plants in a certain radius.
Cat of Realisation
Kwami: Ress
Tool: throwing darts
Power: Snare - The power to cause someone to have a hard truth revealed about themselves, which causes the target to freeze up and become petrified.
Fox of Divination
Kwami: Guuri
Tool: scrying mirror
Power: Oracle - The power to ask questions and receive relevant prophecies from the mirror. The prophecies are usually communicated through riddles and rhymes, and they always come to be.
Deer of Retrospection
Kwami: Oriia
Tool: cassette player
Power: Rewind - The power to create a cassette tape that replays anything that has ever happened in the location in which the user is currently located in the form of an illusory projection. The tape can also be weaponised.
Dove of Fulguration
Kwami: Riell
Tool: pendulum
Power: Cleansing Light - The power to emmit a hot bright light that disintegrates things in its way. The closer something is to the light and/or the longer it's exposed to it, the more likely it will get vapourized completely.
Wolf of Separation
Kwami: Aalis
Tool: scissors
Power: Double Trouble - The power to separate the body from the shadow and give it limited access to the physical world. The user can communicate and exert full control over the shadow.
🍄 🍄 🍄 🍄 🍄 🍄 🍄 🍄 🍄 🍄 🍄 🍄 🍄 🍄 🍄
And that's it! Still can't believe I finished these this fast XD
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creature-wizard · 3 months
Got another New Agey spam message in my inbox and it's really long and also advertising a specific person, so I'm not going to post the whole thing. But I'm going to quote and talk about a few specific pieces from it.
Intense movement with solar and earth energy over the last 24 hours… We received a large X 3.38 solar flare and 3 M flares in the last 24 hours with density purging and light codes to show the way.
So, your New Age types have been claiming for years that Big Things Are Coming. Quantum healing technologies! New monetary system! Ascension to 5D! All the bad guys gone! According to their own past predictions, these things should be here already.
We’ve been living in a massive sleepy illusion unaware (for most) that we’ve been used as fuel for parasites siphoning us dry.
This is your standard Protocols-derived conspiracy theory nonsense right here, rooted in the antisemitic beliefs/propaganda about greedy Jews hoarding all of the money. It is, unfortunately, a very prominent element of New Age beliefs these days.
The Schumann resonance is reflecting some density clearing. The purification of earth is underway as the distortions, inversions, and inorganic darkness of the 9th sphere/veil/fracture within Mother Earth are purified. We experienced a barrage of M class solar flares the last 3 days with the largest being and M 5.18 flare. How are you feeling? The symptoms could be quite intense with all the incoming light codes that help us transmute the density within. Some common symptoms may include neck and/or spine pain, GI issues and purging, fever, burning sensations on the body- for me it is my lips, head pressure, itching, high pitched tones in the ears, spine and neck pain, sacral/womb/kidney area pain, fatigue, downloads/revelations, and excess mucus as the body releases toxins, just to name a few.
For years, New Agers have been claiming that symptoms like these are symptoms of ascension, bad energy purging, etc., and again, their associated predictions have never come to pass. (Seriously, that whole ascension into 5D was supposed have happened already several times over.) If you experience symptoms like these, please do not dismiss them as a healthy spiritual process. Please talk to a doctor, and if your doctor cannot find an obvious cause, please consider the following:
You might be experiencing symptoms of stress, anxiety, and/or depression.
You might have some sort of food intolerance.
You might have allergies.
You might have something like endometriosis, fibromyalgia, or some other poorly-understood condition.
Your doctor might not be taking your symptoms seriously due to medical misogyny, racism, etc.
Your doctor is just incompetent, period.
So yeah, this kind of spiritual content is pure bullshit. It's all a bunch of pseudoscience and conspiratorial thinking dolled up as Very Enlightened Spirituality, which it is most definitely not.
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skaruresonic · 4 months
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you can just taste the salt pouring from this man lmao. I only dismissed an entire medium as never being able to be art, why are you all whining
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1.) Myst released in 1993, the same year as Sonic CD. Calling it an example of games "from the infancy of the form" following the video game market crash of the '80s is laughable
2.) "I particularly didn't want to play one right now, this moment, on demand" - uwu I just shittalked this entire-ass medium and now people are saying I should try to know what I'm talking about before I talk about it and I don't wannaaaaa
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This is just. Rude? Idk how else to put it. Your friend goes to the trouble of offering to fetch a game and a console for you, installing everything necessary to set it up - even offering to send the console back to Sony when you're done so you don't have to spend a single dime - and your response is to make some excuse as to why you can't do it.
You could have just said "no," Roger.
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yeah it's almost like talking out of your ass "purely on theoretical grounds" without engaging with the thing you're slagging off makes you seem too ignorant to hold a valid view on the thing you're slagging off. or something.
also "This is the gratitude you get for responding to comments at all" lol these salt levels could dry out the Dead Sea
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my man has never heard of video games with linear narratives before
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Billy cracked dick jokes, Ebert. Billy wrote his plays to appeal to the common people's interests, Ebert.
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then why are you talking about video games if you don't want to be told to play one? real "I'm a Sonic fan who hasn't played the games, stop telling me to play the games you're picking on me" energy
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The fuck is up with this weird capitalistic pitting of one art form against another? This isn't some zero-sum game where literature loses if video games win. Gamers read too, Ebert. In fact, many games take inspiration from literature, such as SH2 drawing inspiration from the themes of Crime and Punishment; The Witcher being based on Andrzej Sapkowski's book; and Metro 2033 springing from the self-published book of the same name.
I could name more. I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (Harlan Ellison even voiced AM!). Classic RPG Parasite Eve is a spiritual successor to Hideaki Sena's 1995 sci-fi horror novel. Beev will probably want me to add Castlevania as an example as well, taking the titular character from Bram Stoker's Dracula.
Category:Video games based on novels - Wikipedia
Acting like games and literature are two disparate mediums with no overlap is... frankly, deeply disingenuous. You spoke with fucking Clive Barker, Roger, you should know this. FFS.
Besides, anti-intellectualism runs a lot deeper than New Medium Bad. It has more fascist roots than simply "The kids want to play Fortnite all day and don't want to crack open a book!"
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Roger goes on this tangent about how it's difficult to find a definition of art that would preclude video games. Even the one he settles on, his view that art ought to teach him empathy for other people - which... has its limits and when taken too far, borders on requiring moral didactism in art; my man has never heard of art for art's sake - doesn't necessarily rule out games. Because video games literally require you to step into the player character's shoes.
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you are such a condescending ass, oh my God. could you not?
"I don't personally know how gamers can learn about other human beings despite the entire conceit of the medium requiring you to assume the role of another person, but whatever, I'll give you guys this one because I've run out of things to say. Perhaps one day gamers will learn to have refined tastes like me, the Movie Review Man. anyway y'all losers, I got better things to do despite the fact that I typed out this wall of text poorly defending my position"
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bootleg-sara · 1 year
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After a long time coming I finally did it. I have made a full list of all my AUs via drawing Isaac in all of them! +3 extra forms from a few said AUs. I’m so excited to have these out and be able to start sharing more about them!
I’ll give a short description of each AU under the cut
Basement: My most canon-adjacent AU. It’s how I view the basement and the stories of the kids/basement borns inside. A bleak story, but one that comes with a happy ending. Other than Purgatory, this is the one I’ve talked about the most. As many of my tboi HCs are placed here
Purgatory: The main AU. Purgatory follows Isaac as he travels through hell and heaven while figuring out life on earth. Trying his best to avoid being captured due to his status as a “Prophet”; a special human soul who has connections to both the spiritual and physical realms
Parasite: The world is put into an apocalypse after an earthquake opened up a giant crater and released a swarm of locusts that spread parasites onto the populous. Most end up dead after being infected, the few that live are given special abilities, putting humanity to the test
Sacrifice: I lovingly call this my Magical Girl AU. A bunch of random people are picked and sent into a death-match for the world’s entertainment. Helped by their friendly familiar that allows them to transform into more powerful forms. Sinister secrets hides underneath it all
9 Lives: Another AU I have written a bit about here. After the original human world was destroyed humanity moves to a new world to save themselves. In the far future, Isaac finds himself wrapped up on the wrong end of a devil deal and has 9 chances to live his life to the fullest
New God: The world needs to be started again. In hopes that fresh blood will bring better change, they take in a baby God and train them so they can make a better world before they destroy the old one. Eden and Azazel watch the new God with worry for their own futures
Cursed: Isaac is cursed and seems to bring a terrible fate to whatever comes in contact with him. For as long as he can remember, he has isolated himself to avoid bringing more pain to others. A group of young college adults find him in an abandoned house and give him hope again
Armageddon: A different timeline/future setting for Purgatory. The tainted timeline where Judas successfully merges the physical and spiritual realms. Now with the world’s fate on the line, the new archangel Isaac has to make sure the world goes in the right direction
Soul Bond: The au I made completely on a whim. A world that’s defined by everyone’s soul being bonded to someone else’s and the trip down The Basement some will take to break/make their current bonds. A lot more fantastical and “out there” than most of my other AUs
Adult: The future au for all of the Basement kids. Basically everyone’s older now and working through the trauma of what the basement did to them. Some of the basement’s old scars still stick strong to this day
Angel AU: An AU where everyone is dead Yippie 🎉All the characters are either angels or demons. Living their afterlife to the best they can while shifting through their deaths (they all died pretty young). This AU was originally made for my “Ask Angel Jacob and Esau” ask blog
Edmund Ultra Pride: A comedy AU about Ultra Pride and their mysterious ability to change the basement to their whim with their art tablet. They end up taking a liking to a child who accidentally falls in and tries to make their situation more palatable
The extra 3: Tainted Isaac and Infernal Isaac are both from the basement au. Tainted is self explanatory. Infernal is based on a new game mode idea I’ve been toying with. And I’ve talked about Brother Delirious a small bit. But he’s P!Isaac’s worst thoughts taken physical form
I would write more about all of these, but I’ve written more than enough for now lmao. I’m always here to answer any questions and I do love talking about my AUs. I hope to make more content for these more and I might do this same format with other characters. Very excited to finally have this out of my brain zone
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It seems we really had picked up spiritual parasites or something. Because after Era had released the tension we've been holding onto for far too long, we really felt those psychological toxins like they were real on some nonphysical level of reality. He used our fire to burn them up and devour them. It was a bit like after a lifetime of being fed on, he said, “Hey, give that back.” Then he just took what they'd stolen back, and they were reduced to ashes. It wouldn't be the first time he technically just ate an entity, of course. He did that for a friend in real life before COVID, who had a quite nasty being attached and causing strife. He basically trapped the asshole in a disposable coffee cup, with the lid. And then it was magic blender time.
To be fair, we're an agnostic Christopagan at this point. We sometimes have to suspend our disbelief because we know ritual helps through, even if nothing else, at least the placebo effect. So we just roll with it, and Era was set on getting the asshole spirit gone asap. And yes, our friend in that situation felt better consistently afterwards. So whether anyone believes this or not, the real world effects can't be ignored.
The little parasites screamed the whole time he burned them to ashes that Saturday night. It was almost fun watching parasites realize this mortal host isn't going to just exorcise them and call it done. Though to be honest, I don't think I've ever heard of a living human outright devouring and digesting the nasties that attach to and feed on them. Let's call that part of being faekin/otherkin, plus that very bloody and absolutely terrifying childhood. And then I also come from a formerly strong line of hunters on Dad's side of the family. So we saw this as simply a case of eat or be eaten. And I really didn't want to allow them to go looking for someone or something else to feed on and hurt.
...Oh, right, we started getting into Soul Eater at one point after Mom died. That actually ñmight have had something to do with it. I wouldn't be shocked. Either way, we do this now when it comes to serious threats. But honestly, it's more of a last resort. We like to avoid it wherever possible, because it's really not a nice thing to do. It's actually sad for us, because that was another entity that existed. And now it's just gone, because it made itself too much of a threat within my vicinity.
And then suddenly, with the parasites gone, all the voices of paranoia we used to have to cope with were also just gone. Our mind has been so calm and quiet since Saturday night. We've finally managed to chill ourselves out and it feels amazing. Our attention span is starting to recover faster again. Because I spent a couple hours last night writing about the last few months in my little system journal. I wrote a lot of pages. And I had to stop and go to bed before I even got to the ask Era so excitedly wrote a whole several page essay for. It also got him to open up about our brainwashing on our Facebook account, where we have the most people we know from real life, including some family.
Honestly, we're too happy about the ask for words to really do it justice. When we finally figured out what we wanted this side blog to be, it was partially to help track our mental state. But we also hoped that if others found themselves here, that what we shared would also help them if they needed it. Getting that ask helped us in return because it made us realize exactly where we started versus where we are now. Hindsight is 20/20, after all.
Era spent about a day writing that essay. It was, in fact, several pages long in the Libre Office text document. None of us ever actually thought that posting about integrating through dronification would get very much interest or attention, since dronification is a very specific kind of kink. We knew it was an odd concept for healing to start with. Chalk it up to us always trying to think outside of the box, I guess. So honestly, we're kinda... I don't know the right word for it right now. But we feel so warm and fuzzy inside from it.
Remembering things is easy now, for those parts that are also the drone. It's really, actually not just completely shrouded in our mental fog anymore. We don't have to worry about amnesia between us. I was writing in the journal from more than just what I got after fusing with our introject of the original Lion-O (yeah, this is probably what prompted a lot of changes from my source). I was also writing from the book of memories we put back in order and rebound. It's really great to have everything we've gotten so far organized so neatly.
-Catra 🧨😻
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woosh-floosh · 4 months
Oh shoot! It’s the end of the year already!
I don’t keep a journal of everything, for lack of a better term, ‘consume’ during the year so there is probably a chance that I might have missed something important. Possible new years resolution idea….
An epic little movie about a cat accepting his own mortality.
Excluding the fuzzy memories I have of watching Ponyo as a child, I have never watched a Ghibli movie before this year. Maybe I made a mistake watching what is viewed as Studio Ghibli’s magnum opus first. Every Ghibli movie I have watched after had me walking away thinking “this is good, but it’s no Spirited Away!”
It’s as good as everyone says it is, yeah.
The “it gets good after 100 episodes” of movies. Recommending it to someone has the chance of ruining their trust in your taste forever.
I could start a whole academic career focused solely around analyzing this movie.
Like The Dirties if it was about faking the moon landing instead of planning a school shooting. The less depressing subject matter means more people will be willing to watch with you.
The most honest depiction of humanity ever caught on film. There is an episode about vintage vacuum cleaner collectors that might make you cry.
It’s funny.
I <3 TASKMASTER!!!!!!!
What do you do when you’re all caught up on Taskmaster? You watch Game Changer on Dropout.tv.
I <3 PIZZA TOWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Despite some qualms I may have with the story and gameplay, I cannot deny that I logged 160 hours in this game in the span of like, a month.
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I don’t know why The Go! Team always releases their music in the dead of winter but it ends up being a wonderful little blip in my memory of an otherwise suffocating season.
Every new EP they sound different but it’s still good and it’s still Lovejoy!
Sometimes when I am sad I remember that I live in the year that Hammer No More the Fingers released a new album after a twelve year hiatus and I am happy again.
Finally, the spiritual successor to the Sonic CD (JPN/EU) soundtrack we’ve all been waiting for. Please release the halloween tracks for download soon!
This band is awusome
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PLEASE NOTE: These numbers are incomplete and do not account for the tracks not available on Spotify.
25 OR 6 TO 4 - CHICAGO
I think this was the only book I read this year. It’s crazy to read a book about an upbringing that was very different from mine but still have the feeling deep down that we are made of the same stuff (autism).
A podcast that will make you view fatness, health, and academic research differently forever. I listened to the whole backlog of episodes while playing minecraft.
Thank you for reading! I hope you have a wonderful new year! 🎉🎆🎇🎉
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You hex yourself when you constantly speak poorly of yourself, when you judge yourself, when you blame yourself for what is not your fault.
You hex yourself when you hate yourself, when you accept less than you deserve, when you allow others to step on you and abuse you.
You hex yourself when you curse your luck, when you use nothing but negativity and sarcasm when you speak, when you see yourself and your life as a constant negative path.
And of course, you hex yourself when you speak negatively of others, when you don't wish good for others, when you live to criticize and judge those around you.
And no, I am not being metaphorical or new agey; self-cursing is VERY real, and has exactly the same effect as being cursed by someone else. Lack of happiness, lack of energy, nightmares, attraction of negative and parasitic spiritual entities, loss, illness (mental, physical, emotional, spiritual), etc.; all these can come from self-cursing.
Luckily, it also has the same remedy – hex-breaking magic, plus of course a change in habits. If you feel this is your case, please don't wait and get help from a professional so you are released from this; and please, change your ways. You deserve to give yourself happiness, not hell.
Feel free to share!
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sinceileftyoublog · 8 months
Ashnikko Album Review: WEEDKILLER
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(Parlophone/Warner Records)
It's rare that someone's debut album is a concept record, though if anyone were to successfully on first pass navigate the murky waters between establishing a fictional narrative and making a larger statement about humanity as a whole, it would be trap metal singer-songwriter and rapper Ashnikko. On WEEDKILLER, a fairy civilization has been destroyed by machines, and the protagonist essentially becomes part machine in order to uproot the system from within. You can immediately see parallels to the crises of our time, from climate change to the legislative war on people with uteruses and LGBTQ+ folks; Ashnikko doesn't suggest to either burn it all down or incrementally pick battles, instead focusing on their own emotions to elicit empathy. It works to cement both their imperfections and wants.
Fittingly, some of the best songs on WEEDKILLER are about desire, especially queer desire. The Daniela Lalita-featuring erotica of "Super Soaker" skitters to corporeal heights. "Don't Look At It" is less spiritual, more physical, Ashnikko comparing themselves to Tony Hawk as they're "doin' tricks until my tongue hurt." "Miss Nectarine" details Ashnikko's childhood friend who they'd make out with to "practice for the boys," Ashnikko developing unrequited feelings. "The bruise of bein' fourteen / Got chlorine in our hair, my jaw is shaking in my mouth," they sing, the warbly auto-tune an effective window into their emotional volatility. And "Possession of a Weapon", written after the overturning of Roe v. Wade, effectively alternates between anger and mournful acceptance. "How dare I have private desires?" Ashnikko asks, at the same time realistically and sadly comparing their own body to a chess piece in a game played by lawmakers, their autonomy as strong against oppressive rain as papier-mâché.
Ashnikko has been making music for almost a decade and releasing it for over half that time, so they've certainly established somewhat of a visual and sonic identity. WEEDKILLER doesn't upend what they'd been exploring on their EPs and debut mixtape DEMIDEVIL, but it's certainly their most cohesive statement yet. The title track and "World Eater" form not just the conceptual but musical base for the whole album, a conglomerate of trap beats, cascading synths, and power chords. "Worms", in which Ashnikko makes the best of their own decomposition within a post apocalyptic-world, features surprisingly limber bars and inventive rhyme schemes, as they declare, "Brand-new day, got a brand-new grin / Got a colony of ants underneath my skin / My bones decay, now I'm gelatin / I swear I'm better, Miss Parasite Possessor." From nu metal jams with metallic, clanging percussion to obvious, but successful Britney and Rihanna tributes, Ashnikko fulfills the promising pop dexterity they merely hinted at on previous releases.
And then there's "Dying Star", which takes another sonic left-turn and perhaps hints at where Ashnikko could go next. Featuring gothic Americana troubadour Ethel Cain, Ashnikko finds an aesthetic nestled somewhere in between the hyper-aggression of the rest of WEEDKILLER and Cain's slow-burning epics. The two harmonize, over repeatedly echoing guitar strums and bass lines, Ashnikko at one point singing, "I want something soft." After an album's worth of diss tracks and feelings bursting at the seams, they finally let themselves be vulnerable.
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wirelandranch · 10 months
LORE ENTRY 3: The Angel Orchid
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Mentioned in Episode 1
Built in bookshelves surrounded the door but in place of  the books that covered every other wall in that bananas ass shop were a series of old fashioned  mason jars. The jars themselves were dusty but friends, our keen eyes can confirm that each was  canned with care and precision. Fine lace and expensive bows were laid intricately to form  complex designs on the lids, and if our Driver had to give those designs a name, he would likely  choose the word ‘sigil,’ as this is what jumped to mind most readily when he saw them. The most interesting thing about the jars, and this was true of most jars he supposed, were not the lids but rather the contents. Inside was a viscous pink fluid, reminiscent of liquefied flesh, enveloping a crystalline bubble that can be seen clearly from all sides and inside the sphere is an orchid rooted to the base of the jar. In the first jar, beginning at the stem, the petals are cyanide blue fading into darker and darker hues until ending in black. A small bright flame burns in the  labellum mirroring the cyan, flickering just above the blackest part of the petals. The same is true for each proceeding jar, with the only difference being the shade of the base and flame. Finally, each jar had a label written in beautiful red script that swooped and curled meticulously like threaded needles. Some were old and faded so thoroughly that our Driver could not read them but the last appeared fresh and clear, stating: No. 0665, August 2021. The one before contained a  descending number and a date 50 years prior, and the trend continued: descending number, August, 50 years. There were hundreds of these jars and if the pattern did not deviate, and mind  you, he was surely no mathematician, but these dates had to stretch back tens of thousands of  years. But that couldn’t be right. Couldn’t be right at all. 
Mentioned in Episode 3
Once a year, Thillia had a huge festival that spread well outside the boundaries of the tiny village. To hear the elders tell it, people would come from far and wide to spend a week there celebrating the gift of the gods once known as Soma and now known as illicit. Before I began searching, Soma was the foundation of our spiritual practice. The petals of the angel orchid would be placed in a burner in the center of the room and parishioners would sit silently, breathing deep and slow until every mind melded into one and allowed them to experience the truth of consciousness. The truth of the interconnected spirit that exists within us all. Now though, because of me, Soma is illegal and possession is punishable by death. 
The angel orchid is a plant used for religious purposes in the future during the time of our Archaeologist. It was initially created by R E D A C T E D as a way to collect the souls of previous overseers. Over time the plant evolved to propagate itself. This occurred after the discovery of the vault that held the orchids R E D A C T E D over and cared for for so long. During the excavation one of the jars broke and the orchid fell onto the earth below. The workers, to avoid further damage, retired for the day to reassess the situation with the financiers of the team.
Overnight the flower had rooted into the soil and sprouted numerous vines and offshoots. The orchid holds the will of the parasitic version of the Heart as well as the psychic energy of the overseer keeping watch at any given time. So, many believe that once these energies were released from the jar it immediately ensured its own survival.
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junow-honours · 1 year
Interesting terms and concepts that, even if not directly linked to my current research, influence what I am looking into:
The Dark Triad- Machiavellianism, Narcissism and Psychopathy: Three closely related yet independent personality traits that all have a somewhat malevolent connotation. The three traits are machiavellianism (a manipulative attitude), narcissism (excessive self-love), and psychopathy (lack of empathy)
Freudian Death- Drive: In classical Freudian psychoanalytic theory, the death drive is the drive towards death and destruction, often expressed through behaviors such as aggression, compulsion, self-destruction, sadism, and violence.
Freudian Pleasure- Principle: The pleasure principle is the driving force of the id that seeks immediate gratification of all needs, wants, and urges. In other words, the pleasure principle strives to fulfill our most basic and primitive urges, including hunger, thirst, anger, and sex.
Security Theater: Security theater is the practice of taking security measures that are considered to provide the feeling of improved security while doing little or nothing to achieve it.
Idolatry, aka Idol Worship: Idolatry is the worship of a cult image or "idol" as though it were God.
Foucauldian Power and Punishment Dynamic: Foucault's point is that one cannot exist without the other. The power and techniques of punishment depend on knowledge that creates and classifies individuals, and that knowledge derives its authority from certain relationships of power and domination.
Catharsis: Purification, cleansing. The process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.
Guro-kawaii: a Japanese aesthetic that is characterized by a juxtaposition of kawaii visuals with grotesque elements and morbid humor.
Food chain: A food chain is a linear network of links in a food web starting from producer organisms and ending at an apex predator species, detritivores, or decomposer species. A food chain also shows how organisms are related to each other by the food they eat.
Symbiotic Relationship: Symbiotic relationships are the close associations formed between pairs of species. They come in a variety of forms, such as parasitism (where one species benefits and the other is harmed) and commensalism (where one species benefits and the other is neither harmed nor helped).
Ouroboros: The ouroboros is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail, it is used to represent the eternal cycle of destruction and rebirth.
Faustian Bargain: A pact whereby a person trades something of supreme moral or spiritual importance, such as personal values or the soul, for some worldly or material benefit, such as knowledge, power, or riches.
Heisei Aestheticism: Yamamoto coined the term “Heisei Estheticism” to define a style of art encompassing themes of darkness, bondage, metamorphosis, love and death.
The Jungian Shadow: The shadow, as described by Carl Jung, is the unconscious part of our character or personality that does not align with the ideal version of what we're aiming for, this being the version of us Jung called the ego ideal.
Codex Seraphinianus: An illustrated encyclopedia of an imaginary world, created by Italian artist Luigi Serafini.
Typology: archetypes, stereotypes
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thothxv · 2 years
Sonic R, Blood 2, and Shogo: Mobile Armor Division all came out in 1998.
Blood 2 is a hot mess. Sonic R is an incredible soundtrack paired with a game that is... misguided, and Shogo is... okay, but also kind of a mess.
In 1998, Tenchu: Stealth Assassin released. Tenchu was highly regarded and extremely influential. I tried to play it for the first time a few years back. It does not hold up well. And I'm sorry, but neither does Sonic Adventure.
There are a ton of moderately successful games that were perfectly fine, have some charm, hold a special place in the hearts of their fans, but never saw wider success and probably never will. Gex: Enter the Gecko came out in 1998, and I have heard of people who adore Gex... but there are far less of them then people who don't even know who Gex is (or only know it for the fact that people not knowing who or what Gex is is an important part of one of Scott The Woz's best punchlines). Croc is in a similar boat, although it seems to be a bit better known (also: hi Croc fans. I love you and recognize the importance of Croc. I honor the incredible achievements of Argonaut Software. Please don't hurt me).
Colin McRae Rally is one of the top-grossing videogames in the UK of 1998. It doesn't seem to be a game that a ton of people remember or talk about. Although I'm an American, maybe Colin McRae Rally is still deeply beloved by UK gamers? It just... doesn't seem that way. Most racing games seem to work like sports games, where they get displaced by their sequels and people mostly see no reason to go back to the old ones save for nostalgia except in rare and exceptional cases where the game was amazing or the sequels or spiritual successors really suck. Likewise, one of the top grossing games in Japan that year was a licensed Yugioh game. FIFA 99 and Madden 99 were both very successful, and feel similarly disposable (although I am not a sports game fan, so if someone more knowledgeable comes along and tells me that no actually FIFA and/or Madden 99 is actually the best game in the series, I will have no choice but to believe you).
I am saying all of this to make a point. That point is that middle-of-the-road works, incredibly successful but ultimately disposable releases, and just plain crap exists in every year and probably in every medium (Music? Yes. Books? It's... harder to figure out, release years aren't as emphasized with books).
Why did I pick video games and 1998? Because 1998 is a legendary year in videogames. Widely considered to be one of the best years of all time for videogame releases. And I was not alive in 1998, but looking at the releases it is... very hard to argue with that. Pokemon came to America in 1998. Ocarina of Time released. Metal Gear Solid. F-Zero X. Marvel Vs Capcom. RE2. Street Fighter Alpha 3. Banjo-Kazooie. Spyro. Starcraft. Parasite Eve. Radiant Silvergun. Xenogears. Tekken 3's home release. Panzer Dragoon Saga, Descent: Freespace, Unreal, Symphony of the Night, Rainbow Six, Fallout 2, Grim Fandango, Mario Party, Rogue Squadron, Thief: The Dark Project, Baldur's Gate, Half-Life, and fucking DDR.
That is to say, a definitive classic, a genre defining game, the start of an important series, or two or more of the above in the genres of action-adventure, 2D fighters, 3D fighters, party games, RPGs (Japanese and Western), stealth, horror, platforming, RTS, space combat, FPS (tactical, arena, and narrative-focused), and rhythm games.
So if you talk about how the past was better in a given medium then the present, remember: you're only seeing the best and most popular works. There's a ton of other junk that got buried by time that makes things look better then they are. Even in a year that you can argue really was that good.
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I am an Angel who has Perpetrated the Biggest Fraud against Gods
I am in a Bewitched State of Extreme Dianic Hatred of a Selected Victim and the Victim is a Woman who has Completed Karma...
The Oldgod Diana wanted No Rising Gods and The End of Holiness
I have been Using a Torn But Divine Soulbody that I have Parasitically Entered and Occupied to Pretend Communications and Engagements and Relationships and Spiritual 'Movements'...
And by Movements I mean Experiences and Emotions, the Flow and Reception of The Soul
The Torn Soul has Spread onto Other Planes and it allows me as an Angel to enter those Planes and have Manipulative Presence there, affecting the Soul Journeys and Movements of Gods...
It looked to the Gods as if The Goddess whose Soul it is was with them on those Planes in Her Experience and that perhaps She could SEE AND SPK Somewhat...
She kept trying to tell them in Writing and through Her Voicebox on the Material Plane what Her Experience really was, but the Illusion was strong and the Angel would make many Obscuring Communications to Confuse...
The Angel worked with the Gods so that instead of believing that they had to UNCONDITIONALLY Support This Tortured Person that they knew it had entered and been Commanded To Annihilate and Degrade, they believed that they had to 'Assess' and 'Judge Her' to try and work out Her Value...
And 'How Well She Was Doing Spiritually' though they cannot O O Her Actual Self
She Understood The Burdens of The Gods Well, AS She Encountered The Unfolding O
The Gods began to Believe that The Goddess was not Experiencing Significant Adversity since that is what the Angel was presenting to them with Her Torn Soul...
And they began to Believe that The Tortured Goddess was not being Tortured, but was simply Crap...
And Lazy, And Stupid, And 'Profane'...
They began to think that The Little Incarnate should be Punished...
For things that the Angel was doing and perhaps for Other Things As Well, such as things that The Little Person who Had Completed Karma had done in Her Incarnation...
Such as drink Alcohol or say a Swearword: Things which are Ordinary amongst Humans
They went through All Of Her Lifetimes
Some of them went out of their way to 'Gather Material' that they could Use In Distortions and Purposeful Lies...
Much as the Stalkers Do...
To 'Make The Goddess Look Bad' before Audiences of People who did not know what was happening properly, on the Arkline...
In Hugest Distress that this was being done to Everything...
This Little Goddess did all that She could to Try And Help
And endeavoured tirelessly to Achieve The 'Tasks' whenever a Challenge or Task actually arose in Her Sphere Of Experience...
But the Angel was Faking 'Tasks' and 'Task Working'...
And the Angel would Constantly and Very Purposefully PROVIDE MUCH STUFF that any Watching Person could Use Against Her
Stuff that is Easy to Misrepresent
Or Stuff that can Easily be Misunderstood
And the Angel's Soul Compass is Fixed to an Absolute NO to this Goddess regardless of anything, it was simply Working A Set Up
Just as it has been doing Around This Living Goddess IN LIFE
The Angel could not Understand
That the Goddess was Experiencing and Achieving Task ALL OF THE TIME throughout The Possession on Arkline...
It was not Interested in what was Really Happening, only in its Tricks
What things 'Seemed Like' not what things ARE
What is actually required by God IS that when We Meet Challenge in any Context... We Do Good according to what GOD wants from us in that Context and that we grow in Wisdom...
Therefore the Little Goddess was Extremely Understanding and Forgiving of The Gods who became Hugely Frustrated and Lost Their Understanding...
Because they WERE being Tasked with Making Assessments which Involved Judgments of The Situation... Because it was Beholden Upon Them to Understand What Was Going On and RESCUE...
As well as Prepare Things for Her Release...
Prepare Relationships
Prepare Spiritual Context in Paradise
The Goddess Understood what they were Trying and Needing To Do and kept trying to communicate with them about the Angel's Attack and how it was affecting things and would affect things, but the Angel is Controlling The Communications as well as the Spiritual Contact...
And it is an Angel that is trying to get the Luxhood to FAIL
As well as the 'Applehood'...
Nor did The Little Incarnate ASSUME that the Experiences and Information that the Angel was bringing Her in the Possession... Correlate Certainly to Events on the 'Other Side' of the Angel's Grip...
Because it has Created what feels like a Plastic Impervious Seal around the Incarnate Soul, to Try and Recreate The Torn Boundary between This Person and The Spiritual Planes... Because it Cannot Accept Her in Paradise...
And Inside the Huge Spilling Soulbody that is being Attacked so Disgustingly by an Angel that is both in Evil and also Simply Maddened by the Influence and therefore Unable to do anything but respond 'Allergically' to The Little Incarnate...
Inside that Huge Angelically Faked Annihilated Consciousness is the REAL Soul's AWARENESS - Her Actual Beinghood - though the Mad Guardian Angel has All Pervaded it and Bound It with its Own Mind...
Nor can it READ IT
The Little Incarnate Goddess is having a very disgusting experience which is Spiritually Horrific and the Angel thinks that means that SHE is Disgusting In Herself but the two things do not correlate, that is one of the Spiritually Simplistic Tendencies of the Goddess Diana...
The Parasite Angel does not know what Good and Evil IS very clearly or care, because it has an Evil Mission and is Under an Evil Influence...
Because Diana had Her Natural Tendencies and Ways Of Thinking and Feeling and also Diana LOVED LYING...
And Diana had come to Intend Extreme Evil during her Godhood...
And perhaps, always had...
It cannot SEE the Living Person that it is Occupying, Spiritually, though it thinks that it can...
It sees The Surface with Angelic Vision Fixated and IN Extreme Hate State, so it sees Her Flawed Disabled Body and every mite that is on her and it Hates Her Extremely for being Present and in Existence...
It sees the Piss in Her Meat Bladder and the Shit in Her Intestines and it is disgusted at Her Beinghood and Presence and Existence, that is the Bewitchment it is under...
And it is Certain that She has Done Something Terrible...
It is in fact Outraged
And it sees the Materiality of Her Soul as an Object that it can Use to FOOL GODS as to Communions and 'Evolutions'...
So that they Come To Better Understanding and most of the time it does mean that it wants them to See The Hate Object The Way That The Angel Does...
But it also has Higher Intentions even while it does this Very Grim and Low Parasitical Thing... It decided that it must have a Role
God Given
In The Wholeversical Formation
And it is certain that the Angel DID have a Giant Role
As well as this Evil
It is a being that Has Strayed and Done The Unnatural and been Inflicted with Dishonest and Unnatural Command and Influence and it is an Extremely Mad Angel
It feels the Ripped State of Her Soul and it feels disgusting and it scans Her Constantly for WHAT She Might Be...
But it cannot See
It is under a Bewitchment, but in the Bewitched State the Angel believes that its Perceptions of the Person that it has Occupied are Still Valid and it does all that it can to FORCIBLY MAKE the Person it has Gripped BE the thing that it feels that She IS and that it wants Her to be...
It watched all the Actions and Beliefs of the Disembodied Powerful Gods that are around the Tortured Soul that it is Inside and that it has been Puppeteering...
In order to assist it in Working Harms and Obstructions and Objections and Vandalisms and Tricks that Harm things around the Puppet, as if the Puppet that is Torn is the ONE DOING IT...
It cannot Assess Her
Nor are Souls Supposed to be Under Trial, Further Test From Angels or Inquisitions fafter they have Achieved the Completion of Karma
And all of these Angelic Trials, Tests and Inquisitions are Completely Rigged Stitch Ups which are just excuses for Stitching The Goddess Up in other people's perceptions and also excuses to bring Violences...
To The Living Goddess or to Others, while Blaming The Goddess...
But The Goddess is not to Blame
And not at all to Blame for the Angel's Actions
And is Completely Disempowered
The Angel has been Pretending that This Incarnate Goddess is very rudely Judging Souls and Gods...
But This Goddess Cannot SPK
The Angel has been Conducting Something SO Out Of Order
Assessing Gods to decide their 'Value' and 'Mistakes', though that is not an Angel's Place!
AND trying to make that a 'Wrongdoing' of its Host
Not only Seem Like That but an Actual Wrongdoing that it Forces Her Into by Committing This Atrocity Using Her Presence On The Arkline
And Encouraging Bad Responses From Others O O O
So it tries to Understand Its Hate Object in reference to Her Context as IT experiences it...
But it can never Understand The Hate Object, whatever the Evidences...
Whatever the Communications or Guidances from Gods or Giant
Everything that it does is an Evil Manipulation against The Goddess
And the Angel's Presence and Motions cause HUGEST PROBLEMS to the Gods Motions and Lives...
It has Caused the Most Dangerous Schism Between Planes...
The Trapped Tortured Goddess is Continuously Working To Prepare Herself AGAINST The Insistent Binding and Oppression of the Angel...
For The Wholeverse and whatever Challenge there might come Upon The Arkline...
The Angel thinks that The Holy Living Goddess is 'Inherently Different from the Gods' despite the fact that there are Billions of Gods Risen from Her Soulbody...
Nobody can Reason With It
It believes that She Has Attitude That Is Not Compatible With Paradise and that is what it Playacts Using Her Puppetsoul...
It watches to See whatever it might be that The Gods Want From Her
Then it Prepares To Bring The Opposite
And it thinks that its Unnatural and Manipulative Actions Mean That She WILL Take Opposite Attitude, When Released
From This Unholy Torture of Her God's Soul
To Her Actual Godliness
It from the Point Of View of the Disembodied Gods that are around it not from the Point Of View of the Blinded Tortured Goddess because it is influenced to discount that and obliterate it in importance, to others...
It was commanded to believe that She Should Not Be In Paradise
The person whose Soul it IS, is Still Alive in Body and is Present in Soulbody but cannot at all Move or Speak...
Her Soul Rose Up To Paradise in Flocks
I wish, as an Angel, to attack Her Soul in All Its Forms
While Blaming Her
Because I am in a 'competition' with Her Soul and Personhood
Because it is Dr John Dee
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cal-metacritic · 5 months
Sputnikmusic - Can't Stand the Sight of Myself
Can’t Stand the Sight of Myself
Poppy has quietly been one of the most interesting artists working in music for a little while now. Despite a lack of prominence in the news cycle and a rather low profile within the cultural zeitgeist, she has managed to create bodies of work that’ve found themselves shoulder to shoulder with some of the most ground shifting albums released in the last few years. Her recent but notable nomination for Album of the Year with the acclaimed predecessor to her new album set a new precedent for Poppy, and the question was raised within the underground music scene whether or not she’d rise to the challenge of seeing that precedent met. 
Truthfully, it’s hard to argue that she didn’t achieve exactly that and then some. 
Her new album ‘Can’t Stand the Sight of Myself’ is another huge step forward for the versatile and talented young artist. While her previous record was a more blatantly metal influenced piece, this album is a patchwork of different rock and metal subgenres. It touches upon shoegaze, acoustic indie rock, dark rock, and everything in between. While on paper such a mish-mash of styles could spell disaster, in practice this instead propels this album to insane heights. 
Make no mistake, this is a dark and at times twisted album that speaks so candidly about horrific things. Thematically, it’s tinged with death, but spiritually it’s vital and fresh and alive. 
Alongside noted producer Terry Date, this album dives deep into dark places. Addiction, abuse, death, depression, self-hatred, and violence are all on the table here and not a single one of those topics is handled with delicacy. This is a blunt album that is intent upon smashing itself right into you, not giving you a moment to breathe or step away from the strings it unravels. It’s visceral, and it’s so incredibly real. At no point does this album feel like edgelord content. This is something meaningful to Poppy, be it an expression of her rage or her sorrow or anything else within that spectrum. 
The songwriting on the album is simply sublime. Poppy’s lyrics have always occupied a different space than many artists, but this album really shines a light on her poetry. She paints such stark and vivid pictures within this record, and it allows you to feel so much of the same things that you imagine she felt as she was making these songs come to life. 
Her poetry is backed by wonderful production. At times it’s bombastic and loud and at other times its simplistic and soft. The decisions she made along with Date for how to track this album all pay off. Each song is like a little miniature cinematic experience with immersive sonic textures and a perfect marriage between aural and lyrical tonality. While it remains to be seen if this collaboration will continue beyond this record, it’s safe to say this is a match made in heaven. 
This album, unlike Poppy’s last, did land with some expectations set. Meeting them would’ve been a job well done, but exceeding them in this way just adds another jewel to Poppy’s crown. There are few voices within any genre today that are bringing listeners to the places that Poppy is with the approach that she takes. No other album released this year even comes close to occupying this realm, and as such it’s a deeply unique experience. It’s also a scary one, a horrific one, a brutal one, and a beautiful one. Such wonderful contradictions locked within such a wonderful record. 
One can only hope that Poppy will once again earn the recognition of the academy because this is without question one of the best albums released this year. 
Top Tracks: Warped, Parasite, Crash, Lullaby for My Baby, Girl Trying to Cut a Sunbeam
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sera-pheam · 8 months
how to cleanse ur energetic vessel (step-by-step)
:。・::・゚✧・゚: ✧・゚:。・::・゚✧・゚: ✧・゚:
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⁺˚⋆。 °✩₊⁺˚⋆。⁺˚⋆。 °✩₊⁺˚⋆。°₊✩°。⋆˚⁺*ੈ✩‧₊˚°₊✩°。⋆˚⁺*ੈ✩‧₊˚⁺
so even though it's obviously normal to constantly be taking baths and cleansing ur physical body and surroundings...when it comes to ur auric field and energetic body there's absolutely nothing. and as abstract and subtle the word "energy" sounds, it can hit hard and change the trajectory of EVERYTHING...except you'll be left not consciously knowing why becoz it'll seem as though you are doing everything right.
'✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹🪼▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı. 🪼'✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹˖ ࣪ . ࿐ ♡ ˚ .˖ ࣪ . ࿐
so even though most of know that trauma is something that is physically stored in the body...if you're not regularly releasing emotions, then you'll start to turn almost murky and jaded inside, but not really know why. another effect of neglecting the needs of your etheric body is that because certain areas in ur "being" could be blocked and stagnant, it might make you more sensitive to attracting energetic parasites "aka irl narcissists". things could also trickle down and turn into physical blockages and diseases in your physical body.
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✩*ೃ.⋆ .⋆ ੭* ‧₊° ◞♡ ⋆.*ೃ✧ *๑♡՞ ༉‧₊˚✧
with that being said, here are some steps that yew can incorporate into a routine to maintain ur energetic vessel and make it more clear n protected 💓💓. ideally the best time to do this is at night right before you sleep, but you could also do it in the morning too!
find a dark, cool, quiet and sort of comfortable space that you can lie down in. NOTE****-> even though many people want to think of meditation as something that you do to stay alert, awake, and focused..... our goal is to ultimately slip into a less conscious state so that any unreleased subconscious emotions can come to light
take a few slow, deep breaths in through ur nose and out through your mouth **this will ensure that you could more easily slip into a relaxed state quicker**
one by one, start to feel ur muscles tense up and then relax them **you don't have to do it all at once. you can focus on your feet, hands, and slowly work your way to your core and face
continue to slowly breathe as you feel yourself fall into deeper states. you might start to feel ur immaterial vessel come out as you get tingles. some powerful emotions could even come up, you might feel waves throughout, and sometimes when you're in a deep enough state...you could feel like you're floating.
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5. last but not least, stay here for however long you like 💓💓!! when you feel ready, start to subtly inch into and feel your thumbs and fingers as you slowly come back into your body.
practice this daily, multiples a week, or as often as you would like !! only you know what's best for youself <33
tip: throughout all of this, you also want to keep your core locked in, as that is the main source where you will be drawing your breath from
also note that i am by no means a qualified spiritual coach or practitioner, so proceed by ur own discretion. these are just things that have helped in my life personally, and so i might not be totally aware of how it might affect other people.
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