#salem's works
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Don't go sharing your devotion. . . lay all your love on me. . . 🌹
Just a little spotlight on these two sillies :>
Bonus under the cut:
(They're on a box for the shot)
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salemoleander · 7 months
"Also Life Series is coming soon. You didn't- you didn't hear it from me."
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ca-d · 6 months
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Harmony Grove // Salem, MA 🖤
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redactedcrowart · 28 days
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regardless, i wasn't built to be alone
part of this series 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4
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toddycats · 2 months
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Well, it's not the best thing I've ever drawn, but it's art.
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katzenklavierr · 17 days
Minor pet peeve is when there's a piece of art (or even a meme) that evokes a negative feeling and ppl feel the need to make a "positive" edit/sequel/whatever like maybe negative feelings are okay sometimes. Maybe we can express feelings of despair and anger and loneliness and even self-destructiveness through art and we don't always need to turn it into an "everything will be okay tho :)" message just because those feelings aren't nice to have. Like maybe that's the point, dipshit. We all feel bad sometimes, we all get the ugly emotions, and art lets us feel it together and make meaning out of it. I get that the intentions are well-meaning, but it's irritating as fuck.
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salemruinseverything · 5 months
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i need to be put down
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foronceididntlookback · 9 months
nah cos religion in the grishaverse would be such an interesting topic to do an actual study into
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boghermit · 13 days
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thebusytypewriter · 2 months
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Tri-God AU - The Gods of Death
To wrap up the lil introduction, here's a height-accurate ref of the three sillies, along with an official synopsis :>
In order, left to right:
Yun (The Lamb), Peaceful Death (more on them here)
Narinder, Neutral Death (more on him here)
Kaliaphra, Vengeful Death (more on her here)
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Synopsis of the AU:
The position of God of Death has been, for the first time, split between three individuals. Two of these are easy contenders, given one was previously the chained Bishop of Death and the other was his vessel. The third remains a mystery, but not to the few that were there to witness the rise and fall of the Fawn. During the events of Cult of the Lamb, a freak accident involving head trauma puts The Lamb out of commission for some time. An unfortunate follower by the name of Kaliaphra takes up the mantle as vessel for The One Who Waits, and while the job has its boons, it is not without consequences. The Tri-God AU focuses on both past and present within this anomaly of a timeline, exploring relationship and plot changes that could result from adding another vessel to the end of a long predecessor line.
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justbeingayhere · 1 year
any new lesbian shows i should watch?
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salemoleander · 1 year
"My teeth hurt," Martyn says.
He and Scott are on the deck, enjoying the morning sun before it has the chance to get humid; Scott is busy crafting sugarcane into paper while Martyn is (ostensibly) trying to carve a bowl.
"What, like- cavities? We've only been here for a few days, and I know you're eating the same fish and dried kelp as me." Scott pauses, holding a fresh sheaf of paper. "-and if you're not, and you've been holding sweets out on me, I'll be pissed."
Martyn huffs a laugh, then grimaces when pain shoots up through his sinuses. Ambling over to the table, he half-sits, half-leans on the back of one of their deck chairs.
"Nah, same food as you. Man, I don't know what I did. TNT to the face carry over, d'you reckon?"
He grins, and Scott blanches. Well, shit.
"Alright, what's wrong with my mouth?" Martyn asks, stress rising when Scott doesn't answer. "I've still got teeth, right?"
Scott nods sharply. He wavers on an answer for a moment before sighing. "Yeah. You've just got some new ones, seems like."
The hard part of suddenly having shark teeth, Martyn quickly discovers, is that they are not particularly designed for beings with lips, and certainly not ones that talk.
He tells Scott this, nursing several sore spots on his lips and tongue.
"Have you considered talking less?"
"Oh, screw you."
Scott rolls his eyes, and they go back to sorting through chests in companionable silence. Waves gently lap against the edge of their island, while bamboo canes creak and shift. After a few minutes Scott says, "In the- last time. I remember being relieved, a bit, that even though Cleo and I chose each other-"
"Exactly the conversation I wanted to have," Martyn deadpans.
"Would you shut up? Honestly." Scott smiles, but his jaw flexes as he does and Martyn resolves to shut up and let him say this, whatever it is. At least for the next ten or fifteen seconds. Probably.
"Anyways. I was a tiny bit relieved that I was paired with Pearl, because she was human. And I'd seen how it was for BigB getting canine features and Joel getting whatever the hell from Etho, and you, y'know..."
"Eugh. Yeah." Scott looks through their fence-lattice walls and out to the water. "But Pearl didn't stay human."
Martyn raises an eyebrow. (For effect. If Scott is doing a dramatic monologue towards the ocean, Martyn at least gets to make faces, whether or not Scott sees him. Them's the rules.)
"She got kind of... wolf-y? Or more accurately, the game made her wolfy. Not like Ren, not nearly that elegant a combination."
Scott's voice is bitter, an edge to it that Martyn associates with fireworks going off too-close by. "I woke up one morning and my teeth were sharp and there were too many for my mouth. And it hurt, and the worst part was knowing this wouldn't be happening if we'd just done what the game wanted."
Blinking, Martyn says, "Oh." Brilliant. Nailed the response, there.
"I just wanted to tell you. That it might- those might be my fault, because it seems like whatever runs this game doesn't like me very much. There's a reason I set up alone out here."
Martyn- ignoring the ache from his jaw and the kernel of self-interest that tells him to get while the getting is good- scoffs. "None of that, thank you! I don't care if bloody Herobrine has it out for you, we're sticking together."
Relief washes over Scott's face. Martyn adds, "If whoever runs this circus thinks unlimited knives for teeth is a punishment, they're mad."
"Clearly! You were already enough of a menace." Released from whatever tension kept him still, Scott reaches over to flip another chest lid up and starts rifling through. "It's like trying to annoy Joel by giving him too many TNT minecarts."
Martyn snorts. "Right! Once my mouth gets the memo about where everything is now I'll be doing fine- probably better than I was before! A supernatural entity trying to tell me who I can be friends with? C'mon, nothing that stupid is busting the Mean Gills up."
He almost believes it.
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rontra · 27 days
oh yeah apropos nothing here's my mlem playlist btw. it's not super detailed but it's chronological (from setup/meeting, up until the cusp of starting the war)
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[Spotify] [youtube]
i sorted it already so it's best listened without Shuffle 🤔
the lyric excerpts are just highlights that fit the image, there's more behind each pick......i thought about adding more commentary in general but i feel like it speaks for itself. HDBHNFS
(you know it's a diesel playlist when the characters don't meet until song #6)
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boiling-potato · 4 months
Wips that I'm not sure if I'm even going to finish
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And most of them are even animatics ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
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toddycats · 1 year
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"And doesn't it at least look different from up there?"
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another commission, lmao my friend is so tired of me (why are tesla trucks the ugliest things in existence)
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