#silly rant time
scuorge101 · 16 days
(Probably gonna delete this later)
I honestly do hate it when people try to paint Remy LeBeau as an awful boyfriend/husband to Rogue. He’s not.
Does Remy have flaws? Yes, especially in the beginning! But, he grows from it and they both work through their problems TOGETHER.
I know Gambit did push some of Rogue’s buttons in the beginning of their relationship but he did grow from it if you actually read the comics.
Also to anyone saying “why doesn’t he just get Rogue to wear a collar or something?” Remy wouldn’t make Rogue do that, especially when he knows those collars do drain her. If she wants to put one on he will make sure before she goes through with it. He also experienced how painful one of the collars were!! So no he wouldn’t make Rogue wear one unless she absolutely wants to!!!
TW/CW// Talk of Sexual Assault
Also trying to call him a cheater feels super SUPER wrong to me because both cases of “cheating” I’ve seen people try to point out to me look more like sexual assault/harassment 😭 To me personally it looks that way, with how that woman practically drags him into that room after he constantly says no and then Mystique cornering him in his room and taking Rogue’s form 😐 also before anyone asks about that stupid Mystique situation; No. I do not think Gambit slept with Rogue’s mom. After how he tried to say he didn’t do anything and was shut down by everyone? Yeah no, I don’t think he did anything and everyone else was just being an ass.
Remy LeBeau has flaws, yes, but he’s not a bad boyfriend or husband. He and Rogue both have problems throughout the comics about their relationship that they both talk about and work out together.
God I’m genuinely sorry for all the rants lately. I promise I’m not a ranting blog 💀
Also everyone has their opinions! This is just mine! I personally don’t think either are bad. Feel free to debate with me or something in the comments or something.
I actually debated really hard with myself rather to post this or not, especially with the SH part.
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donkeys-waffles · 2 months
Potential Spoilers
I'm sorry, but with the leaks potentially being true... Did they really just kill Tomura right when he was about to be saved.... No no, he died because he was saved. Being saved killed with dude.... Because AFO wasn't able to gain full control because of Tomura's hatred being too strong. Once his hatred subsided boom dead... Poor Tomura AND Izuku. The kid saved him only for it to be the death of him.
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nanstar200 · 2 months
Hi gueys 🧍 (run away again)
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slugpup2 · 19 days
still feeling sick, here's a vid of all the covers of pass on (as of now) playing at the same time i made a while ago
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i offer one of my favorite frames from aberration short so far,, just to show that i am indeed making progress :]
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thechaoticfish · 9 months
i really love the idea of terms of endearment being food-themed in hobbit culture so hear me out
Bilbo referring to Thorin as his blueberry pie?? or literally anything with blueberry at this point, since, you know Thorin usually wears blue clothes, has blue eyes and is kind of associated with this beautiful dark blue colour
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tenshi-agerasia · 1 month
new enstars characters (nice + 4piece) as tbh/autism creatures ◕_◕ also i color picked them and recolored some pride flags because i can
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fuyume -> bigender
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ibuki -> nonbinary
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esu -> transmasc
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raika -> aroace
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kanna -> agender
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I'm so sorry
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blazethecheeto · 3 months
legends truly is my favourite arrowverse show rn it's so bonkers i just watched the one where we're trapped on tv and i genuinely cracked up and geeked out on how insane it was-
srsly this show is everything to me especially this season like ofc damian comes back then kills himself and they end up on a puppet kids show and ray and nora get married in the span of one episode.
ofc there's a disney channel ahh episode where they make their silly sorority and dionysus himself is a frat boy then the next episode sara gets torn apart by zombies and everyone DIES.
of course the episode before that there was a huge mystery on who kills everyone and it's the TALKING DEMON PUPPY.
legends is truly the show of all time i rest my case
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tobisiksi · 5 months
I'm aware that the message of the final episode of saiki k (when he finally stopped the volcano) is that you may not know your friends completely, everyone have thoughts or things about themselves that they hide for fear, shame or more reasons but that's okay
you will never know a person completely and it doesn't need to be something bad, it's something normal, the thing is that you must accept that fact
maybe wait until the other is ready to spill the tea or just accept that you may never know
saiki's friends may not know saiki completely, at the end they accept it in the episode and wait for him to be ready because that's what friends are for
at least that's the message I got
but damn
I wish they were a little bit more insistent
I know that it could had been a cliché ending if he revealed his powers on the last episode butbutbut
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l3viat8an · 8 months
I feel like Levi would hate impractical uniforms and armor in Anime.
Because, like, yeah, he is an otaku, and it is fan service. I still feel like he would absolutely hate the impracticality of heels on armor.
He was a general! He knows how important the type of clothing you wear during fighting.
I can see it going both ways, but I feel like it's more plausible for him to hate impractical armor
Pls share your wisdom. Oh, obsessed one🙏
Levi definitely loves fan service too much to complain all the time-
Like it’s more 50/50 he gets it characters have to look good and everybody loves a good uniform!!!!
But the other 50 he’s ranting about it; nobody would be moving like that in a dress uniform!! That’s why it’s called a dress uniform!! It’s for dressing up, showing off, an example of your rank and the honor you hold. But the right uniform wouldn’t look as hot so they just ignore that!!!-
Levi just goes on ‘n on- waving his hands around and huffing about how dumb it is-
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yourlocalgrass · 6 months
Event spoilers!!
Yoo so they’re actually making an event kind of serious mood (for once)
From the beginning I thought this was about to be the usual event which we have a competition, characters fight for Mc’s attention, have a turn with each of them with the characters, with Christmas elements here and there, etc.
Like at first I was ready for this “Dark Santa” to be a prank by some lower demons or spirits or ghosts whatever basically who don’t like Christmas but…
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Ok what sudden direction of angst is this.
Then there’s also this.
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Ok I know this isn’t actually going to happen since it’s an event but like- WOW.
And the SAD MUSIC that was playing in this scene like GEEZ I went on OM for a giddy and happy happy event was not ready for this.
But I’m definitely not disappointed because I’m a sucker for angst in fact I’m loving it just surprised because they don’t usually ever pull something like this in events. So I loved that event. Although it took me a good while to process.
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kazanskys-mitchell · 7 months
the fact that tg didn’t give us nearly enough scenes with hollywood and wolfman is CRIMINAL
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goodness-graceous · 1 year
many zel*nk shippers when ANYONE tries to be happy about and enjoy a different ship involving Zelda or Link:
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(this is about b*tw/t*tk, but can apply to any of the games if y’all wish 😌)
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suntraitor · 2 months
mr qi fans how we feeling with the crumbs
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cherrirui-official · 4 months
I FORGOT TO POST THESE HERE!!! But please take the sillies that i did a while back while i work on other art stuff!
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