#so he'd also be on board with naming a kid after her
penofwildfire · 21 days
If Cole and Geo had another kid they'd name it Milly I think
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grimalkinmessor · 4 months
MP100 Characters Ranked on How Likely I Think They Would Be To Use The Death Note:
(because I like combining my hyperfixations ✨)
Mogami. I don't think I have to explain this one.
Ritsu. He is going on a killing spree IMMEDIATELY the boy practically IS Light Yagami, his name is literally spelled with the kanji for justice and he already went on one power-hungry crusade, he is RIPE on the Kira tree og
Dimple. He already has the god complex down, he just has to get on board with the whole killing people thing—considering he's already an evil spirit, it wouldn't take much convincing tbh
Shou. He would cause SO much havoc with it but only for fun. For the meme. For the vine. He kills the Queen of England with it and cackles as he watches the ensuing flood of Megamind memes. He would also threaten his dad into compliance with it because the Death Note isn't Battle Based, it's Instadeath. "Ever go on TV and embarrass me like that again and you're going out by dysentery."
Takenaka. He's not a bad kid, but being telepathic would make him incredibly susceptible to wanting to take bad people out before they did anything wrong. Plus just getting them to shut up. That idiot that keeps having vivid erotic fantasy in the middle of science class has ONE more again before Takenaka would embrace his villain arc whole-heartedly. The only reason he's this far down is because I think he'd hesitate.
Tsubomi. I think she'd kill someone just to see if she could get away with it. Then she'd put it away and only bring it out when certain situations arose that needed a Quick Solution™. That girl knows what needs to be done and she does it—she decisive. Anything like Suzuki happens again and she just drops them dead on live television Lind L. Tailor style and then goes on about her day like nothing happened. All heroes wear pretty hair clips 🙏
Tome. I don't know how to explain this one. Vibes. She feels like she'd be gripped by the powerful urge to kill someone but it would take her a lot to go through with actually writing someone's name down. She'd want to test the Death Note first to see if it worked, so that's one person down, but anyone else would need to have either hurt her or her friends irreversibly, and even then it would probably be a one time thing. She'd use it far less than Tsubomi—two people might actually be her max.
Serizawa. I hc that people with psychic powers can see the Death Note's bad jujus or whatever, so he wouldn't have to test it to know it would work, but I still think he'd use it. If he found it while he was still with Claw, he'd use it because it was easier to kill someone that way than with his psychic powers. Even if it he found it after Claw, it'd be the same reasoning. He's definitely killed people in the past and if someone hurt his friends or his mother he'd very much take the easy out of simply writing down a name rather than going for a fight. He'd still feel really bad about it though, so it'd probably only happen once.
Minori. She uses it to see if it's real, finds that it very much is, and then locks it away in her room. She won't use it, but it'll be a constant thought in her mind. A very real temptation.
Emi. She uses it once out of curiosity to see if it's real, then buries it in the woods where no one will ever find it...but she can go back for it if she ever needs it.
Hanazawa. He's reformed but his temper is still something to behold. He's only this far down the list because he's got that "I could kill you with my powers why would I need a book to do it for me" swag ✨
Shimazaki. Similar to Teru but less reformed. "I would just kill you with my powers why would I need a notebook" two electric boogaloo. Plus he's blind and idk if the Death Note takes braille or morse code.
Toichiro. The ULTIMATE "I'll just kill you with my powers I don't fucking need that thing"
Shinra. He wouldn't use it, but he'd absolutely make the mistake of picking it up and handing it over to someone that WOULD use it (cough rising sun psychic division cOugh)
Onigawara. Talks big shit about using it, but would never. Likes to think he COULD use it though, even though he's too upright for it.
Reigen. Picks it up out of curiosity and gets a laugh out of it, but doesn't test it. He's seen enough shit to be cautious though, so he has Mob look it over and then burns it once Mob confirms it's got bad vibes.
Mob. Sees bad vibes. Doesn't even pick it up. Blasts it into ash and goes home without thinking about it again. Buys milk on the way there.
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
eddie xfem cheerleader
he was your bff since your freshman year and ever since theyve liked each other , her senior year and his 3rd try she tries out for the team and she makes it and shes the best , so she starts getting attention from other guys but the only guy she wants attention from is eddie , he starts pulling away and she doesn’t know why until she walks in on him practicing how to apologize to her and ask her out & then she confesses and everything
I love a good cheerleader reader :) not proofread
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Y/N met Eddie Munson her first year in high school. She was big eyed and lost in the huge halls. Eddie had a thing for wanting to protect lost sheep that wandered through the halls. She was also beautiful but looked scared. He made sure to introduce himself before others did it for him. She smiled gratefully as he showed her around the school. Eyes staring at his cute cow eyes, curly hair that rested on his shoulders, a small smile always on his lips. He somehow even had perfect teeth. It was like he was hand picked as a favorite in God's world. He walked confidently, chains swaying behind him, and a bandana in his back pocket. Yep she definitely had a crush on this guy.
She never knew that he did too. She had no idea that Eddie was smitten the second she opened her mouth. The first time she said his name he felt like he melted into his sneakers. It rolled off her tongue so soft and delicately. But he never knew she liked him too.
Y/N always wanted to try out for the cheerleading team but all three years of highschool she was too busy to fit it in her schedule. But her senior year, she figured why the hell not.
She definitely didn't expect to make the team with flying colors. She apparently was better than she thought. Chrissy practically squealed excitedly as Y/N tried out. Chrissy took her under her wing, easily forcing her to be an assistant captain.
The hellfire boys were shocked. Their little Y/N was one of the popular ones. She was a cheerleader, and a damn good one. Eddie noticed how gorgeous she looked in the cheerleading outfit. Cute bows in her hair and her own sports jacket covering her arms, no longer needed his. But Eddie and hellfire weren't the only ones who noticed, every damn boy in the school head would turn when she walked by. Eyes following down her ass to her legs that seemed to go on for miles. Eddie hated the new attention she got. He noticed her from the start and now all the jocks want to jump on board? That wasn't fair and what else wasn't fair, was that they all had a better chance than he did.
Or so he thought. But as every week passed, she'd turn down every guy that asked her out. A polite smile and blush on her cheeks as she said no. She somehow made getting turned down even gentle. If she didn't want them, then why would she even want Eddie?
She got busier with cheerleading but always made sure she spent her free time with Eddie. She didn't want to be near anyone else. She secretly hoped maybe he'd see her differently like the rest of the school did....and he did see her differently just not the way she wanted. Because now, he's distant. He lies and says he's busy when she knows he isn't. She'll invite him to parties but he never comes. She stands against the wall patiently and hoping he'd change his mind and show up. But he never did. She understood Eddie didn't like parties or the popular kids, so she offered every Friday after her games and his campaigns they would go to a diner and eat. Just the two of them. No jocks or hellfire. Her heart broke when he said he wasn't interested. That she should spend the night with her team. She smiled bitterly at him, and walked away in silence. She gave up. All she wanted was to be something more than his best friend that he took care of. She didn't want to be a lost sheep. So she made her name known and now he doesn't bother to like the new her. Maybe the cheerleading thing was a mistake, but now she at least had friends that would say yes to a quiet dinner at the diner down the road.
She sat across from Jason, sinking her fries as deep into her chocolate milkshake as she could. Chrissy sat to his left, giggling under his arm. She watched the couple smile and kiss. Why couldn't she have that?
"are you still upset over Eddie?" Jason asked, he felt bad for the girl across from him. All she did was talk about Eddie Munson. So much Jason even began to like him. He stopped picking on him months ago. Jason liked Y/N and she liked how real her friendship was with Chrissy. She took care of his girlfriend so he felt like he owed her, leaving Eddie alone. Eddie still tried to pick fights but he never pushed further. Just simply walking away.
"no I'm fine" she lied, smiling as big as she could. If he didn't want to spend time with her she'd do it with the people that wanted to hangout with her.
"we know you are lying" Chrissy said softly. She also felt bad for the girl. It was painfully obvious how in love she was with her best friend. The way her eyes followed him like a puppy. Always smiling at him, wanting his approval. The way she'd blush when he showed up to her games, whenever hellfire didn't overlap. But it was also obvious how just as in love Eddie Munson was with her, so she wasn't quite sure why he was so distant with her.
Jason's eyes caught the sight of the man of the hour behind her shoulder. Watching as his eyes searched the booths and landing right on them. Her back was turned to him but he could easily tell Eddie knew it was her.
"heads up" Jason nodded behind her. Y/N quickly turned her head to see Eddie walking towards the table. Head looking at his feet and hands in his pockets.
Eddie had this all planned. He was going to walk up and be a man. He will apologize for his idiot actions, tell her the truth and pray he doesn't scare off the only girl that made him feel worthy.
"Eddie?" The second he heard her voice, he looked up. Looking into her eyes as she looked at him confused. He went to open his mouth, and nothing came out. She just kept staring at him, waiting for something. He panicked, he ran right back out the door. The bell rang harshly as he shoved the door open fast. Practically walking as fast as he could to his van.
Y/N looked at the empty space he was just in. Even more confused than ever but very worried. She quickly got up and followed his direction. She found him pacing in front of his van. Muttering something to himself. As she got closer she could hear small bits of it
"okay I'm sorry.....I've been an idiot and not sure what to even say. I like you...well you already know that but like more than a friend. No that's stupid. Look Y/N I adore the hell out of you and had a crush on you since your freshmen year. I've been too chicken to make any sort of move. And now half the school wants you and I'm terrified But if I didn't fuck up too bad, I'd love to take you out on a date? Is that good? Fuck where's Dustin when you need him"
"I think you did just fine without dusty" she spoke. Watching as Eddie jumped out of his skin and turned around fast. A hand on his chest and a panicked look in his eyes.
She smiled at his nervous smile and blushed cheeks
"you heard all of that didn't you?" He groaned. Hands coming up to pull his hair in front of his face. He was definitely dying of embarrassment now.
"yes but at least now you don't have to say it again" she shrugged. Trying to make him less embarrassed. He still refused to come out of his hair.
She laughed at his shyness and grabbed his hands, removing them from his face. Pushing his hair behind his ears so she could see his face clearly.
"I'm sorry" he sighed.
"I know but I guess I understand now. I wish you would have talked to me about it. I've liked you since freshmen year, you idiot" she punched his shoulder
The blush on his face got deeper. He felt like his heart ran three miles and jumped back into his frozen body.
"yes" she whispered as she hooked her arms around his neck
"yes?" He was confused. Did he even speak again? Did he ask a question?
"yes I'd love to go on a date with you" she smiled, pecking the nip of his nose with her lips softly.
Eddie probably should have waited for the first date to kiss her but he didn't want to. One arm sneaking underneath her jacket and bringing her closer.
He leaned down and kissed her, signing in relief when she kissed back without hesitation.
"TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH MUNSON!" Eddie pulled away to see Jason standing at the front door. A smirk and thumbs up.
Eddie flipped him off. Smiling as his girl laughed into his chest.
It may have taken him four years but he did it.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid
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werewolfsmile · 2 months
tysm for answering my qs about werewolf!eliot !! not to keep bugging you lol but i remember you mentioned in the tags of a post one time about a hc/au of parker being some sort of fae or otherworldly being who’s just kinda found herself here in the non-magical world - could you elaborate on that? like how come she’s in the non-fantasy part of the leverage universe, or whether the other characters know, etc? only if you want to of course, no pressure :) i’m really enjoying reading your posts about all these ideas!
You're welcome! And you're definitely not bugging me, I love getting the chance to ramble about my thought lol (werewolf!eliot post here) (link to the post and my tags that started this)
Honestly I don't have as clear ideas for Parker as I did for Eliot, but I imagine her being some kind of changeling or air/wind sprite that was left with humans for whatever reason.
(ooh i'm getting more ideas for this the more i think about it..)
okay, Parker is actually half-fey, half-human
no one really knows who her parents were or how she came to be on her own (me included lol), she was just found on a doorstep as a baby
the people who took her in had their own issues and the state eventually intervened and sent Parker into foster care
she found out at a very early age that she was different to other kids - she could move around without making a sound, she could fit into tiny spaces - all very helpful for a young girl in a foster system that was chewing her up and spitting her out
she also discovered that she could ... not turn invisible exactly, but she could be less visible if she wanted to be; all she has to do is think about not being seen and people's eyes just drift over her
Archie had absolutely no idea what she was when he got his hands on her, but even he knew that she was beyond just a gifted child
he only realised there was something magical about her after she fell off the roof of the warehouse he'd been training her in - then walked it off like it was no biggie
fey creatures love puzzles and riddles, so of course Parker has always had a natural affinity for puzzles (aka locks)
her super artistic talent is a trait that is Entirely Parker and, given that she entered a life of crime early and was surrounded by artistic masterpieces all the time, she never even considered that other people would draw/paint/whatever with any lower skill level
this contributes to her not understanding what the fuss is over art
she gave herself the name Parker when Archie met her and asked her name; it was the first thing that came to mind
she doesn't remember her birth name and isn't bothered by that in the slightest
Eliot was the first of the team to figure out she was fey - being a werewolf, he can smell and/or sense that kind of thing on others
Hardison suspected something was up with her, but then felt bad for thinking that, but then strange things kept happening around her so he started to keep a list ...
pretty much Hardison has a red-string conspiracy theory-style board of Parker Things. He's too terrified of offending her to ask her outright, but he's more convinced every day
(he's also more in love with her and just thinks her fey-ness is another thing to celebrate)
Parker finds Hardison's board of Parker Things and is utterly fascinated. It's like he understands her better than she understands herself. He's super flustered when he finds her poring over the board and tries to make excuses, but Parker's quick to steamroll over that and demands if he knows what she is
Eliot finds them 15 mins later, stuck in an endless loop of confusion over which of them actually knows what Parker is
he just rolls his eyes, says she's half-fey, it's obvious, like, "what? it's a very distinctive smell!"
which leads to how the hell would he know what the fey are and Eliot's like, oh crap, right, they still don't know I'm a werewolf whoops
Hardison and Parker stage a coming-out for her to Nate and Sophie
(Eliot refuses to be involved but still gets roped into carrying the banner. He's still finding glitter in his hair weeks later)
Sophie is thrilled about the reveal and confesses to being a siren (or some other supernatural/magical creature that can manipulate people, idk i have less thoughts about her than i do about parker)
Nate is all like are you kidding me right now what the hell is my life
after a lot of badgering, he confesses he didn't know about Parker, although he has been ... aware of magical beings for some time
no he will not be discussing this any further, can we just get back to the con now??
Parker finds that, now she's aware of her fey-ness, her magical abilities develop further
she doesn't quite gain the ability to fly but ... yeah okay, she can pretty much fly
she wants to test how far this flying ability goes - by, of course, jumping off tall buildings with Hardison in her arms (and no harness for either of them)
Hardison flat out refuses this, so Eliot somehow finds himself the unwilling victim
of course, Parker masters flying while carrying people in no time and proves it to Hardison by just grabbing him and jumping off a building one day
(he's still in therapy for it)
Parker also discovers she can make herself kind of ... misty
this skill is harder to learn but she's already been able to make her hand go misty and whoosh inside a lock
picking the lock is harder in this incorporeal state but Parker's instincts say there's a way to do this, so she keeps practising until she can pretty much disintegrate herself and float through locked doors to rematerialise on the other side
it's a nightmare for the whole team because, sure, it's not like locked doors stopped her in the past. But now she's so excited about it all the time that any concept of privacy completely leaves her brain and she jumps in and out of rooms and safes etc any time of day or night
Wow. This ended up longer than expected! Guess I did have some ideas about fey!Parker after all..
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kirarafelis · 6 months
Character biographies part 1.5 + art!
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Name: Duncan 
Likes: Wild events. 
Dislikes: His given daily schedule and responsibilities. 
Known for: Being the only one not interested in any sort of justice within his family.
Why TDI?: To get something new and different out of life.
Duncan comes from a long line of cops. His dad is a cop. His mom is a cop. His uncle, aunt, grandma, and cousins are cops. Unlike them, however, Duncan isn't that interested in that end of the spectrum; he'd rather get some enjoyment, and he's the type who probably shouldn't be trusted with any sort of authority anyways. So Duncan's parents decided to just throw random hobbies at him to keep him from doing anything too mischievous, such as but not limited to: fashion, knitting, and sewing. He's already gotten some warnings, which his mom had to talk out. He's also been put into boarding school after several school hops and pretty much well indulged by his dad to keep him from screwing up their family line reputation. Duncan doesn't necessarily care enough to get the full learning experience from boarding school, though, in his words, he'd rather do an "innovative, creative" break in to show his artistic skills than go through another art class. He also has street smarts and isn't afraid to use them. Despite his cocky nature, the therapists who have worked with Duncan will say he has potential and wants to do good for the world; it just isn't shown exactly through his exterior. When Duncan isn't being put through excessive work or lectures, he looks for ways to curb his boredom, like signing up for Total Drama Island. Duncan figured it couldn't be much worse than a day at boarding school. and, who knows, it could be fun to mess around there. It's not like he's doing anything else this summer.
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Name: Gwen
Likes: Hosting mold breaking parties from the norm with her little brother.
Dislikes: Following trends.
Known for: Putting beef bouillon cubes in the Community Pool
Why TDI?: To have a good time and the money would really help her mom.
The daughter of a single mom, Gwen was a latchkey kid who grew up taking care of her brother. That's cool with Gwen, because she likes helping out her mom and has tons of fun with her brother, too.
Like the time they put a bunch of beef bouillon cubes into the community pool. (At least the neighborhood dogs were happy!)
The only other thing that Gwen is REALLY passionate about is organizing parties. She believes they can be a substantial form of self-expression; she's been told plenty of her uniqueness for it, and she herself hopes to make the most norm-breaking party ever gain traction without having to go by a single trend for it. One day after all, the last thing she'd do is follow a trend. Maybe a Trent, but never a trend. (wink wink!) Although she's pretty popular for her parties, she is the loner at school. At the same time, she isn’t seen much with others; she spends most of her time instead watching and generating new ideas. But ask someone, and they will say that for a loner, she is a pretty rad one.
Gwen heard about total drama from her brother, and after looking into it, she decided it's just what she'd be looking for in an island retreat. Activities, fun, and relaxation.
Plus, if she wins the $100,000, it would sure make life easier for her mom. Gwen may seem tough as nails on the outside, but when it comes to her family, she's as soft as... well, a marshmallow.
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Name: Geoff
Likes: Art, camping, and hanging out at the beach.
Dislikes: Parties that get too wild and shallow superficial people.
Known for: Always drawing in his free time at school.
Why TDI?: A experience different from the typical partying, if not that there’s camping.
Geoff grew up in a party town on the west coast. Spring break, long weekends, summertime—people came from all around to party in his town. So it's not a surprise due to the fact that Geoff isn’t exactly the biggest partygoer; he ended up coming across as an odd one out, or just quite literally an outcast. Now Geoff has seen, at a young age, how to really party. REALLY. He's the oldest of five brothers, but being the oldest also leads to the most responsibilities. Usually, when a party is over, he takes on the job of cleaning up the mess. (One time, almost the entire floor was flooded with fruit punch!) Now he doesn't hold any grudge against his brothers or parents for this, though; it is his duty as the eldest, but he isn't exactly happy about it either. And he thinks that at times the parties start to become too repetitive and similar. Even if Geoff says he hates the idea of doing parties entirely, thanks to his bohemian parents (who met, married, and conceived Geoff on a beach), Geoff still has chillaxin' party-hearty DNA in his blood, even if not apparent. He's the star quarterback on his high school football team, and they’ve scored plenty of wins, but the thing that truly highlights Geoff is his passion for art. A fair share of the cool kids are pretty interested in his art and hang out with him for it. He couldn’t care less about if they were “cool” or not, though; he’d hang out with anyone regardless of where they lie. Geoff's goal is to take a bit out of life and chew it until there's nothing left but seeds that he can scatter into the wind to start with a canvas all over again. His eventual plan is to become a professional artist who brings emotion and laughs with his works. He thinks that would be the most awesome career ever. He can't even imagine how great that would be, and he would definitely ace it, too. He wants to be able to make people feel together. Geoff also enjoys spending time at the beach or in the woods on weekends and sketching on his pad. Now, being real about it, Geoff wasn't exactly expecting to be on Total Drama Island this year; his brothers just thought he totally should give the show a try, so eventually he gave in and auditioned. He was surprised to actually be picked though he didn't actually expect to be spending his summer on a reality TV show. He doesn't mind too much, though; it might be fun.
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Name: Bridgette
Likes: Strummin’ on her ukulele
Dislikes: People who aren't kind to Mother Earth
Known For: Her sense of humor and creativity
Why TDI?: To spread the message of cosmic love through music.
Bridgette grew up in a small west coast town, and it shows. She’s always enjoyed the simple things, from the rhythm of a waterfall down to the melody of a bird. She’s an expert at riding bikes too; she first learned to ride one before she could even walk! When she’s just on a stroll, though, she's kind of klutzy. She's done her fair share of lead-outs. (And they were all on foot!) Luckily, she's also got a healing touch. Bridgette's strongest attributes are her sense of humor and her creativity. She's a pretty laid-back, go-with-the-flow girl, and her best friend is her mom. They both love flowers, crystals, and everything else that is part of Mother Nature's beautiful bounty. Bridgette's mom is proud of her not only because she's a giving person, but also because she's also on the honor roll at school. She’s also considered pretty cool for her ukulele-playing skills. People will say she can play it in a unique way you don’t see every day. Bridgette signed up for Total Drama Island because she always tries to open herself up to new opportunities. She's already biked off a hill in Peru, helped build houses in a third-world country, and spent a summer making rugs in a monastery in Nepal. Bridgette's goal is to keep the vibe flowing in a good way. That's why she always uses her ability to make soothing music to raise money for charities. She can be seen on social media or performing on the street, but no matter what, she makes sure she stores the money to be put to good use for good causes. Bridgette hopes that her time on Total Drama Island will spread the message of music to communicate nature and cosmic love to a larger audience.
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Name: Trent
Likes: Collecting seashells as well as everything else the shore has to offer… in pairs of nine.
Dislikes: His dad telling him to become an accountant.
Known For: Being a cool guy.
Why TDI?: It sounded like a good way to spend the summer
Trent is a guy who is very interested in the ocean and he believes it has spiritual secrets if you look deep enough. That’s why since he could barely walk he’s been exploring the shore. In fact He’s proud to call himself the most knowledgeable kid concerning the local beaches. Eventually, Trent's goal is to have his own full fledged rockin’ artifact collection. Trent is also peculiarly good at surfing in edition to that all. Trent has never gone out of his way to "get" people to like him. He'd just rather chill and get a good view of everything going on in the world. He's a straight shooter who tells it like it is. He would never say he's the "cool guy." Trent is the kind of guy who gets girls and has the other guys admiring him. He's just too likable to hate. His surfing and scavenging skills seal his status as one cool compadre. In his junior high graduating class he was voted as "Most Mysterious and Irresistible." (It was later discovered that the Voting Committee was comprised completely of girls, all of whom dated Trent.) Despite his good looks and easy going matter, Trent is smarter than he's given credit for. Though his grades don't reflect it, his IQ is well above anyone's expectations, including his own. His Dad wished he would follow in his footsteps and become an accountant, to which Trent has four words... NOT - IN - THIS - LIFETIME! Trent auditioned for Total Drama Island because it sounded like a cool way to spend the summer...and $100,000 would make a nice funding for that scuba gear and other
Footnote: Wow, this was harder than it should’ve been for me to make… if I had to say out of all of them here, Geoff took the longest to come up with. Even then though I feel like I could do better tried as hard as I could though for right now anyways, anddd I’m hoping to not take as long with future batches. Also I’ll definitely draw very cool shots for Tyler, Courtney, and Lindsay later on the future as well even if I already did their biographies.🤩
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mc-lukanette · 7 months
Luka'd never had a sleepover before. It wasn't because he didn't want to, but he didn't know a lot about them. His mother told him once that it was fine to not know things - he was still a little kid, after all - but what bothered him was that his sister had started going on them. They might've been twins but, from what he understood, he was the older twin, which meant that he was supposed to know more so he could help her whenever she needed it.
In his mind, he was not doing a very good job.
He'd heard the word "sleepover" a few times, but in different ways. It was confusing hearing about his sister Juleka going to a "sleepover" but also that she would "sleep over" at someone else's house. Luka didn't know if there was a difference or if both ways of saying it were linked somehow.
Furthermore, Juleka was "having a sleepover" at their houseboat this time. Just when Luka thought he'd grasped that a sleepover must've involved being in someone else's home, he was proven wrong. Wouldn't that mean that they were having sleepovers every night with each other? They slept in the same room and everything too, but apparently that wasn't the same.
He resolved to get to the bottom of it, or else he could ruin his sister's sleepover by accident.
Luka knew most of Juleka's friends. Rose had been over the most out of all of them, but supposedly her sleeping in Juleka's bed when she happened to stay too late still wasn't a sleepover. As for Alya, he'd seen her a few times when she would sneak away from her parents to board the houseboat and show them her drawing of "something cool that happened." Mylene and Alix he'd heard about more than seen, but he could easily recognize them by their dyed hair.
There was only one girl who'd be new, named Marinette. Juleka explained in a whisper to him that it was because she was her group's "secret friend," so they had to be careful about interacting with her because of some girl named Chloe. Luka didn't get it, but he still wanted to make a good first impression on her. He'd even worn his best distressed pants for the occasion.
From what he could gather, the girls had been taking turns going to each other's houses for sleepovers, and the houseboat just happened to be last in their order to try. The girls would spend their time above deck near all the plants and the table was low enough that they could sit around it comfortably or put things on it. That wasn't even talking about the view of the sky at night.
When the time came, Juleka left Luka by himself as she went to the upper deck to greet the other girls whenever they arrived. He'd offered to play "opening music" for each of them as they came aboard - he'd been practicing! - but she rejected the idea. Maybe he wasn't allowed to take part at all then?
Luka laid atop his bed on his stomach, troubled by it. He wanted to be a good brother by ensuring that he was well-liked by his sister's friends, but he couldn't do anything if he couldn't participate. He pouted as he reached for one of the soft, squishy stuffed animals he had near his pillow, squeezing it repeatedly to listen to the squeaky noise it made. It always helped calm him when he was lost in his own head.
He supposed it was possible that he wasn't allowed because he was a boy, but he didn't think that was fair. Alix was more like a typical boy than he was, and he'd been mistaken for a girl a few times due to having not gotten his hair cut in a while.
At the thought, Luka exhaled upwards, blowing at his bangs that were blocking some of his vision. He couldn't play music, he couldn't greet them, and apparently, he wasn't allowed to participate either. He was in good enough graces with most of Juleka's friends, but what if the new girl thought he was a bad brother who didn't care about his sister?
He could not let that happen.
Climbing down from his bed, Luka headed out into the lounge room. He could always get them drinks from the fridge and leave them near the cabin area so they wouldn't see him. That way, he wasn't interfering in anything but he was still being helpful.
Being as short as he was, Luka couldn't even see over the high top, but that didn't mean he couldn't carry what he needed to; he'd just have to find a tray first and balance them properly. Determined, he walked around the high top to get to the fridge when—
Luka blinked, surprised to find himself face-to-face with one of Juleka's friends. Given her appearance - big blue eyes and black hair tied up into tiny pigtails with pink beaded hair bands - she could only be Marinette. He hadn't been prepared either, so he didn't know what to say.
Luckily, Marinette spoke first, bowing to him and blurting out, "S-sorry!"
He tilted his head. "Sorry?"
"Mm!" She looked up, nodding her head at him. "I'm in the way!"
He glanced behind her. Technically, she was in between him and the fridge, but, "You were here first."
"B-but you're Luka?"
He nodded. "So?"
"Juleka's older, so that means you're older!" She held her fists up in front of her chest, insisting, "I-I have to respect my olders!"
He looked away in thought, wondering if that was something common to teach kids.. His mother had taught him how to treat people bigger than him, but only if he needed to throw them overboard.
At his continued confusion, Marinette faltered, her hands going up to cup her cheeks in worry. "U-um, maybe it was elders?"
"It's okay." He didn't really care either way what it was. "My mom says people have to earn that first."
"Earn it?" She pursed her lips, mulling that over. "How do you do that?"
He shrugged, though the topic reminded him of his original task. He looked over her shoulder to the fridge, wondering aloud, "What did you wanna get?"
She whimpered, shoulders slumping. "I-I dunno. Juleka said there was juice, but Maman told me that sweet stuff is bad for sleeping."
Luka, unphased by the comment, walked around her to get to the fridge. He opened it slowly, allowing Marinette time to step out of the way, then reached inside to grab one of the bottles of juice inside. Offering it to her, he asked, "Do you like this one?"
Her mouth formed a tiny 'o' like she'd expected him to have been getting juice for himself, but her hands still raised to take it. She hesitated at first, fingers twitching before she gave in and took it from him. "Y-yeah. How'd you pick it?"
"It's pink," he explained as he closed the fridge, "like you."
"Oh." She giggled, staring down at the bottle but still not opening it. She tossed and turned it in her hand, Luka suspecting that she was still worried about the sugar in it.
"You can tell your mom that I gave it to you if you sleep bad," he assured.
"But won't you get in trouble?"
"No I won't. Not with my mom."
After another second of hesitation, Marinette finally relented and unscrewed the cap, taking a big swig of the drink. A loud and happy "pah!" followed, so he knew she must've enjoyed it. "Thanks. Sleepovers are hard."
Luka perked up at that, seeing an opportunity present itself directly to him. "What about 'em?"
"Mm..." She put the cap back onto the bottle, turning it but not with any real intent to seal it. "A lotta things? I had to try real hard when they came to my house. We've gotta figure out whose house is the best for sleepovers."
So sleepovers were competitive? Luka never took his sister for the type. "Like a game?"
"...Kinda?" She looked like she hadn't thought about it before. "But there aren't really any rules."
His mom must like them then.
Marinette continued, "You go to somebody's house, or they go to yours, and then you...you do stuff? Then you sleep on the floor."
He tilted his head. "On... the floor?"
"Erm." She pouted, frustrated that she couldn't get her thought across well enough. "You sleep on soft stuff, but it's on the floor? You can sleep on a bed too but I don't. It's not fair 'cause there's not enough beds for everybody."
Luka nodded, absorbing all of this. He finally felt like he was getting a grasp of things.
Catching on, she frowned at him, guessing, "You never had a sleepover before?"
He opened his mouth, but stopped short of answering her. Would it be bad to admit that he didn't know anything? What if she thought he wasn't "cool" because he's never had a sleepover with a friend?
But then his mother briefly flashed in his head, talking about the way of a Couffaine. She'd always encouraged him to be himself without any apology and, if he lied even about the little things, then he wouldn't be able to tell Juleka that he got Marinette to like him; it would just be a fake him.
"...No," he answered truthfully. "Never."
"Aw." She pouted. She took another sip of her drink before adding, "Um, you're not missing much?"
He couldn't tell if she was just trying to make him feel better or not, but he remembered her comment on sleepovers. "'Cause they're hard?"
She nodded. "Like, I'm—um—bad at sleeping next to the girls."
He tilted his head, trying to imagine how sleeping could be hard.
Marinette let out a small whine, then began to walk past him. She paused, like something occurred to her, then turned and opened the fridge. Luka watched as she pulled out a blue bottle of juice and offered it to him.
"It's blue, like you," she said, giving the bottle a little shake to encourage him to take it.
He smiled, accepting it, then followed her over to sit in the middle of the room. While he unscrewed the cap of his juice bottle, she screwed hers back on.
"Maman and Papa had t'put stuff around my bed so I don't fall off, 'cause I do this." She put the bottle sideways, set it on the ground, then gave it a push with her arms stretched fully out. It rolled across the floor, eventually bumping up against the table. "I roll in my sleep."
Luka could see how that'd be a problem. He imagined her - even as tiny as she was - rolling off and bumping into the other girls, or knocking into walls and causing a loud noise. Either way, she'd wake at least one of the others up.
Ashamed, Marinette retrieved the bottle and opened it again, taking a frustrated sip. "Maman says I've got too much energy even when I sleep. I thought energy was good?"
He nodded, agreeing with her. He took a gulp of his own drink, enjoying the refreshing, cool taste of blueberries going down his throat, then admitted. "I sleep weird too."
It was only fair, he figured, and maybe it was just because she was Juleka's friend, but he felt like he could trust her.
She gasped. "Really? How?"
He stared down at the bottle in his hand, then held it up to her. It was a little hard, but he squeezed with both hands for emphasis. "I gotta hold stuff in my sleep."
She leaned forward, supporting herself with the hand not holding her drink. She observed his bottle of juice like it was suddenly fascinating to her. "Do y'know why?"
He shook his head. "No, but Mom thinks it's 'cause of Jule. She said we shared a bed when we were babies." He pulled the bottle to his chest as an example. "So we did this."
"Ohhhh." Marinette copied him, hugging her bottle to her chest and squeezing. "But Juleka doesn't do it in her sleep?"
"Yeah. Just me. Mom got me stuffed animals to hold."
He wasn't sure how to make it stop either. If his mom was right, then he must've always been the one holding onto his sister rather than the other way around, or maybe Juleka simply grew out of it faster than he did. He liked the idea of being useful, even beyond Juleka, but at the same time he didn't have many friends. His mom brushed it off, insisting that it was because he was "expressing himself" earlier than most kids, and girls tended to be more into painting their nails and dying their hair at earlier ages, but what if she was wrong?
The thought made him feel bad. What if Juleka was having sleepovers to get away from him because he was trying to help too much? Maybe it wasn't his job as a big brother after all to make her friends like him, or make her sleepovers fun. He just had to leave her be.
Averting his gaze, Luka said pleadingly, "...Don't tell her." Juleka didn't know anything about it and he'd prefer to keep it that way.
"I-I won't!" Marinette assured, waving a hand reassuringly. "It'll be our secret! Um—here!"
He could see her setting her bottle down from the corner of his vision, but the loud noise of her hands colliding together was what fully brought his attention back to her. She looked as if she'd caught something in the air between them, but he was sure there hadn't been anything.
Keeping one fist closed, she brought her other hand down, making a motion like she was opening a box. She put her fist "inside," then opened her fingers again to drop the invisible object into it.
"What are you doing?"
"It's our secret." She used both hands to shut the "box" tightly, even seeming to lock it with a "key." That done, she picked it up, walked on her knees to get closer to the couch, then slid it under the couch. "Now no one can find it."
He considered that. It was a good idea and he even wanted to ask her how to make a box like that, but he also recalled a few times when something had rolled under the couch. "She might feel it if she's looking for something."
"She still can't open it! We have the key." She presented him with the invisible object. "As long as we don't lose it, we're okay!"
He stared, spotting the exact moment that she realized the same problem: that they could still lose it. He put a hand to his cheek, pinching and squishing it in thought.
"Mmm, maybe I'll just drink it?" Marinette offered. She came back to him, legs crossed as she held her hand over her bottle. "I saw it in a movie."
"No!" Luka reached out, snagging her wrist before she could do anything. "I'll do it."
"You made the box. I'll drink the key. It's fair."
She pouted, eyes flicking from him to her closed hand, but she relented to the demand. She reached for his bottle instead, Luka holding the cap off of it so she could drop the key inside. When he bravely took a sip, it tasted like security.
Blueberries too, but mostly security.
"That makes sense," Marinette said suddenly, more to herself than him.
"What?" Luka asked, curious. She must've been lost in her own thoughts, but he wanted in.
"What you said about sleeping. You were doing this—" She grasped at the front of her shirt. "—when we talked."
He tried to summon memories of such a thing, but he couldn't. Had she been watching him so closely that she noticed something he didn't even notice about himself? "Really?"
"Mhm." She put her drink aside to crawl close to him, her two hands patting somewhere between his chest and stomach. "Right here. It's all wrinkly."
His gaze dropped to confirm. He hadn't cared to think about it before, but there were creases in his shirt like he'd been fidgeting with it, just like she said. He must've been grabbing at it without even thinking.
Sympathetic, Marinette tried to comfort him. "I don't think it's bad. I have stuffed animals too 'cause I like ones that all feel different." She flexed her fingers as if squishing an invisible toy. "I think it looks cool on you too."
"Yeah!" She seemed genuine about it. "Like how your pants are all torn up. It's cool!"
The notion that his choice of pants had paid off made him feel confident again, the feeling in his chest lightening. "Thanks."
"Hehe~" She giggled, though she blushed pink like her drink as she admitted, "I got some that look like that, but they don't come that way. I just fall a lot."
At the mental image, he winced. "Ow."
"I'm used to it!" She didn't sound like she meant it, even if it was with a lot of energy. "And maybe one day, I'll be invinc-ah-ble!" She gestured outwards, waving her arms enthusiastically. "Then I'll never get hurt again!"
That would definitely be impressive, though the idea of her getting hurt over and over didn't sit well with him.
He opened his mouth to voice as much, but was interrupted by a knock on the door leading to the upper deck. A voice - one of the girls's - called out, "Marineeette?"
Luka slapped his hands over his mouth, dropping his bottle of juice in the process. It landed on the floor, still sturdy enough to stay standing, but he ignored it in favor of hiding under the nearby table. He wasn't supposed to partake in the sleepover, after all, and didn't want to be caught fraternizing with one of its members.
"I-I'm coming!" Marinette called back. "I was—uh—picking out the best juice!"
He waited, finding himself a little sad that she'd have to go, but a soft sound next to him made him turn. She was hovering beside him, having set his bottle down next to him. She then put a hand to the side of her mouth, whispering, "We should have a sleepover too. We can be bad at sleeping together."
The voice called out again, "Marineeette!"
"Ah—I said I'm coming!" Marinette shot up, hitting her head off the table but not even looking phased by it. Luka thought it was pretty cool how she shook it off, even remembering to take her juice with her to the door.
He heard the sound of the door opening, followed by a conversation about where Marinette kept her crayons that was slowly becoming harder and harder to hear, then Luka was left alone once again.
This time, he caught himself gripping his own shirt, replaying her words in his head. She wants to have a sleepover with me?
Time passed, Luka spending said time finishing his juice, kicking his feet in the air, and listening to music on his earbuds. The music was loud, but that didn't stop him from hearing the multiple footsteps slowly making their way below deck.
Thinking fast, he took off his earbuds and threw them aside, reaching off of his bed for his little guitar. Facing the window opposite of where the girls had planned to sleep - beyond the divider across from his and Juleka's room - he pulled the guitar against himself to feign being busy.
...Huh, he thought, briefly thrown off of his adrenaline rush by a realization. The guitar was his favorite instrument among the ones he'd tried and, going along with Marinette's observation, perhaps he simply liked the combination of holding things against him and having something to do with his hands?
Time to reflect on that had to come later though, as the girls slowly poured into the room. Luka made a point to seem like he was too focused tuning his guitar to listen, but he could still hear bits of conversation. He also heard the sound of the divider being pulled back and things being laid out on the floor. He guessed that everyone was getting ready to sleep.
"Who's sleeping next to Marinette?" Alya asked.
Immediately, a chorus of, "Not it!" followed. He counted five different voices, meaning all of them excluding Marinette herself.
"Someone's gotta," Mylene said pointedly.
Alix huffed, protesting, "I'm not getting hit again."
"I-it was an accident!" Marinette insisted desperately.
Rose whined, not liking the conflict, but argued, "I-I want to be next to Juleka."
Juleka didn't respond with words, but gave an affirmative hum directed at Rose.
Luka's fingers twitched on his guitar as the girls continued debating the matter. He wasn't sure how Marinette felt, but he personally was never crazy about getting the spotlight put on him. Even though he knew he should stay out of things and that she was Juleka's friend (not his), he didn't want to leave her alone.
Then, Marinette's words replayed in his head: "We should have a sleepover too. We can be bad at sleeping together."
Before he knew it, his guitar was off his lap and he'd hopped off his bed, crossing the room to reach the divider. Going back to where the girls were gathered, he blurted out, "I'll do it."
Instantly, all eyes were on him. It was a little uncomfortable, but he stood still, not willing to take back the offer.
"But you're a boy," Alix stated, as if he didn't know that.
Alya looked awkward, glancing off to the side as she tried to explain, "It's just s'posed to be girls, so..."
Rose, having squished herself against Juleka's side, peeked back and forth between Luka and Juleka. Tapping her chin in thought, she suggested, "What if we make Luka a girl for tonight?"
Everyone's gaze turned to her for an explanation. Rose grabbed Juleka's arm, pointing to both twins as she added, "Luka is Juleka's twin, so it's like he's part-girl."
Mylene crossed her arms, head slanted to meet one of her shoulders. "Like an honah—honor—"
Alya interrupted while pointing at her, "Honorary?"
She looked proud of herself. "I heard it on the news when my mom was watching one time."
The girls, barring Marinette who could only stare at Luka in surprise, all nodded in agreement over the topic. It was undoubtedly a technicality - not that Luka knew what that meant anyway - but he wasn't going to complain.
Things were moved around to accommodate having one more "girl" in the sleepover, the lights were turned out save for the nightlights, and that was that. By the end, Luka and Marinette were sitting next to each other while the other girls were all in their own (or each other's, if it was Rose and Juleka specifically) spaces. The others also fell asleep first, probably because they didn't have any sugary juices before bed.
"Why'd you do that?" Marinette asked in a hushed whisper, careful not to wake the others.
Luka responded in an equally quiet voice, "You said we could sleep bad together."
The reminder made her eyes light up, a smile brought to her face. "Yeah, I did~"
He smiled back, satisfied, then went to stand up. "I'll go get my stuffed animal."
"W-wait!" She snagged his arm, frowning in concern. Urgently, she said, "You'll wake 'em up!"
He looked around at the sleeping girls, then to the divider. One of the others must've closed it, and it would probably make a creaking sound if he went to open it. He'd offered to sleep next to Marinette so impulsively that he hadn't planned this far ahead.
Worried, he sat back down, wondering what he could do to occupy his hands. He looked down at his shirt, making the creases worse as he tugged and twisted the fabric.
"Uhm..." Marinette's tiny hand fell upon his as she spoke. "Could I be your stuffed animal then?"
Luka blinked at her, wide-eyed. "Really?"
"Mhm!" She took his hands, dropping them both onto her shoulders. "You can just hold onto me!"
It was hard to argue with that logic. She was the one offering and he already knew that he liked having something against him. Besides, it wasn't like it was any different from what Rose and Juleka were doing. "...Okay."
Luka's sleeping situation had been rushed using some thick blankets since they hadn't had anything prepared for him, but he didn't need it to lay down on anymore. He and Marinette made do with what she had, squeezing close together and only using the thick blankets as extra coverage. She wiggled at the extra texture the blankets provided, covering her mouth to suppress her excited giggles.
He didn't have any particular feelings about how the blanket felt, but it was nice and warm. Marinette even snuggled against him and allowed him to wrap his arms completely around her body, all the while smelling like strawberries.
"Comfy?" he asked.
"Yeah." She stared up at him. "Are you okay?"
He blinked confusedly at her.
"The key!" she whispered urgently, placing a hand on his stomach. "You drank it. Don't you have a tummyache?"
He shook his head. There was a faint fluttery feeling in his chest, but it wasn't painful.
She didn't believe him at first, but dropped it when she didn't feel any bad rumbling against her hand. That seemed to be enough for her to be convinced.
"...Wha'bout your hair?" she asked, the tiredness slowing her voice a bit.
Instead of answering immediately, two hands came up to play with his bangs. His hair left his vision, leaving him to stare only at her as she said, "Long bangs're bad. They hurt your eyes when y'wake up."
He must've been getting tired too, because one moment there were pink hair clips in her bangs and the next they were being put in his. It felt a little strange, but she was right that his hair could get in his eyes if he weren't careful, and she seemed happy enough with it. He couldn't even bring himself to ask if they were important to her, not when she'd so insistently given them to him.
A part of him hoped that she might not ask for them back. It'd be like having a souvenir from his first ever sleepover.
Eventually and inevitably, the sugar wore off entirely. Luka found it even harder to keep his eyes open, his arms only awake enough to tug Marinette closer. She went along with it, too tired to say anything but her hum telling him that she was content with being held.
Feeling safe and reassured, they drifted off to sleep together.
Luka stirred when he felt that something was off. He was still warm and unwilling to move, but the feeling wouldn't stop bothering him.
Forcing himself to open his eyes, he looked up. It took a few blinks for his vision to focus, but eventually he noticed that the girls were hovering over him, all staring with varying degrees of surprise.
At his confused expression, Alya spoke up. "How'd you do that?"
"Mgh, d'what?"
A tiny whine took his attention toward the source of their surprise. He looked down, strawberry-scented black hair tickling his chin and a hand gripping his shirt tightly.
It was Marinette. She hadn't left his side nor rolled away all night. His arms were even in the same place they were before they'd fallen asleep, and he couldn't recall a single instance of accidentally "being hit" and getting woken up in the process.
He'd kept her content, and she did the same for him.
It took Luka a second to remember that they were still being watched. He squinted up against the light from the sunrise through the window - definitely still too early - then took one arm off of Marinette to grab at the blanket on them. It was the only thing that'd shifted during their sleep.
"S'not over," he grumbled.
"What?" one of the girls asked; he stopped paying attention at this point.
"Sleepover," he replied groggily, making sure that Marinette's shoulder was properly covered by the blanket. "Still sleeping."
He didn't need to be an expert to know that a sleepover wasn't over until the sleep itself was over. Fully confident in that, he shut his eyes again and slipped his arm back under the covers so he could continue cuddling her.
Luka'd never had a sleepover before that night, but now he wanted to have more.
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mxlfoydraco · 2 years
What are your favourite fics with Draco in them?
This is a bit broad though isn’t it? I can name a few with varying degrees of Draco focus.
I’m gonna cheat and name Here's Looking at You Kid by @little-shit-soph first, which is a George/Blaise fic but the latest chapter was Draco POV with Drarry and it was brilliant! Also reccing the fic as a whole, I love it.
The Man Who Lived by @e-sebastian (253k)
Draco breaks a cup, and one thing leads to another. A story of redemption, tattoos, dreams, mistakes, green eyes, long conversations, and copious amounts of coffee.
Set in New York twelve years after the war.
Heal Thyself by @astolat (46k)
"Are you going for the course?" Lovegood asked. "You have the NEWTs.”
“What course?” Draco said, then, “No, don’t be ridiculous,” when he realized she meant the notice pinned up on the board he’d been staring at: Applicants To The Introductory Mediwizard Course For The Coming Term Shall Present Themselves In The Chief Mediwizard’s Office By August 24th.
“Oh, I thought you might,” she said. “Well, goodbye.” And off she wandered again in her addled way.
Away Childish Things by @letteredlettered (153k)
Harry gets de-aged. Malfoy has to help him.
There Is Always the Moon by @firethesound (159k)
Draco's life after the war is everything he wanted it to be: it's simple, and quiet, and predictable, and safe. But when a mysterious curse shatters the peace he'd worked so hard to build, there's only one person he can trust to help him. After all, Harry Potter has saved his life before. Now Draco has to believe that Potter will be able to do it one more time. (A remix of If the Sun Goes Black by pasdexcuses)
Nor All That Glisters by @sweet-s0rr0w (110k)
Lonely and frustrated on house arrest, with no prospects for the future, Draco begins brewing Felix Felicis in an attempt to improve his lot. Just in the short term, of course. He isn’t a total idiot.
But before long he finds himself with a thriving business, a nice flat, some actual (albeit irritatingly Gryffindor) friends, and a very satisfying sex life. What’s more, no-one is hexing him in the street. And Harry Potter is single, and gorgeous, and giving Draco decidedly interested looks.
Stop taking the Felix? You must be joking…l
All Life is Yours to Miss by Saras_Girl (114k)
Professor Malfoy's world is contained, controlled, and as solitary as he can make it, but when an act of petty revenge goes horribly awry, he and his trusty six-legged friend are thrown into Hogwarts life at the deep end and must learn to live, love and let go.
A Big Black Sky by alexmeg (90k)
Draco shifts his head as he turns to look at Scorpius, his cheek touching the pillow. "Did you know that…" He pauses, his throat convulsing, and it sounds audible in the silence, besides Michael's steady, even breathing from the other bedroom.
Scorpius is staring back at him, in wait of something new to learn, a beautiful and intelligent child. He has Draco's mind. He has Draco's eyes and nose and mouth and hair. He is his. All his. All he has of Michael are his wild curls and the green of his eyes, and sometimes he looks into them and imagines that they aren't Michael's, but someone else's.
Draco leans his head closer, biting the quiver out of his lips before he breathes a laden and shuddering exhale, and he whispers, "You are my star in a big black sky."
Sourdough by @academicdisasterfic (17k)
Draco writes romance novels and doesn't leave his apartment much. Harry bakes bread and sells it to Draco. Draco is quite weird. Harry might like that.
Waiting By An Open Door by @femmequixotic and @noeeon (29k)
Draco starts following Potterwatch secretly during the War. He wishes Potter would come save him too. But that sort of thing only happens in fairy tales, and Malfoys don't get fairy tale endings, do they?
Soup-pocalypse and The Great Curry Cataclysm by @norelationtoatticus (104k)
Eleven years after the war, Draco Malfoy leads a quiet, boring, and perfectly respectable life, thanks very much. Or, at least he does, until a sudden and very unexpected veela awakening causes him to throw soup all over Harry Potter in the middle of the Ministry cafeteria.
you've got the antidote for me by Kandakicksass (20k)
When Harry Potter unintentionally severs their soulbond before it can fully form, Draco Malfoy resigns himself to a slow death and decides not to burden Harry with a soulmate he's made it very clear he doesn't want.
He's never been selfless before, but for Harry, he can try.
Kept in Cages by @sweet-s0rr0w (76k)
Deep in the heart of the Ministry lies the Beast Division: a hidden room where ancient beasts roam, and winged creatures soar, and grumpy giant ferrets eat all your biscuits unless you keep them well hidden. Draco Malfoy would know – he’s been working there for five years now, after all.
Meanwhile, on Level One, ex-Golden Boy Harry Potter is stuck in another interminable policy meeting, completely unaware of the mysterious comings and goings just three floors below. But when a giant snake emergency requires the assistance of a Parselmouth, Harry finds himself thrust, unprepared, into Draco’s weird and wonderful world – and naturally, he can’t keep away…
Modern Love by @tackytigerfic (61k)
Harry Potter, of all people, knows that life isn’t always fair. And no one gets to be happy all of the time. But surely there’s something more—something better—than a rubbish Ministry job, and a lonely old house, and that feeling that everyone out there is doing a better job of living than Harry is.
And it really doesn’t seem fair that Draco Malfoy is back in Harry’s life, all of a sudden, and even though he’s wandless, and living with Muggles, and making his mother cry with his lifestyle choices, he’s happy. So what's he doing right, that Harry isn’t?
Because things don’t really change, do they? And if Harry can’t be happy, he’ll settle for a good night’s sleep, some posh antiques, and the opportunity to find out what Malfoy has been up to for all these years.
And that’s what starts it all.
Here's The Pencil, Make It Work by @6balls (49k)
Harry thinks "Why is Malfoy working in a coffee shop in muggle London?" is a much simpler question than, "Are you going to accept that auror offer and, if you don't, what will you do?"
Burn the Witch by @lettersbyelise (95k)
When Harry Potter is sent in to investigate Draco Malfoy’s successful potions company, posing as Draco’s bodyguard, he doesn’t know the case will launch a series of events that will change his life — and Draco’s.
A story about choices, scars, Chopin piano pieces, and finding all kinds of love in the most unexpected places.
Who we are in the shadows by @quicksilvermaid (99k)
What happens when you’re forced to become the very thing you despise?
Ex-Auror Harry Potter, tossed out of the Ministry for something he had no control over, has been looking for a way back to his former life. When he comes across Draco Malfoy in the criminal underbelly of Wizarding London and in need of protection, Harry figures bringing him in to face the Ministry's justice is his ticket back to everything he's lost.
But nothing is exactly as it seems. Not even Harry himself. And as he gets drawn further and further into Malfoy's world of honour and deception he finds himself questioning everything he thought he knew—about his childhood nemesis, the Ministry job he misses so much, and most of all, about himself.
What happens when you’re forced to see that you were wrong?
Changing Tides by @carpemermaidtales (109k)
Draco has spent half of his life spouting the things his father has taught him without much thought about how he feels about what he says. When he unexpectedly comes face to face with the Dark Lord, he grapples with the harsh realities of the world and struggles with his changing views on life. Instead of doing what’s expected of him fifth year, he joins Dumbledore’s Army and learns how to defend himself, how to make his own choices, and how he can be something greater than his father’s example as he grows into his own man rather than his father’s shadow. The choices he makes change both his and Harry’s fates, intertwining their paths until they converge.
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sxeraphfic · 1 month
Donnie Darko x goth!reader 🙏🙏🙏
WARNINGS; basically none! Slight swearing and bullying but that's it. 
A/N: Gender neutral prns used in this for readers! I'm assuming by goth you mean trad goth (which fits the time era honestly) or maybe romantic goth (my style hehe lol) so I'll keep that as a reference.  Theres also a pov switch half way through. Hope it isn't too jarring!
˚ ‧ ₊ ♱ ༺ 𓆩 ❦︎ 𓆪 ༻ ♱ ₊ ‧ ˚
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Donnie had never had a particular taste in people, really, he’d be surprised and feel lucky enough to have someone even glance over at him in a slightly romantic regard. Sure he had his ex-girlfriend Gretchen show interest in him but that didn't really assure him of how attractive he was, he could barely comprehend how others perceive him other than the obvious being that he's a little out of it. He liked all sorts of different styles of people, who was he to judge? It's not like he was particularly fashionable outside of the average late 80s young mens fashion.  
This statement wouldn't last long though, as he placed his backpack on the back of his chair and sat down he saw an unfamiliar person sitting at the front of his class alone from the others. The teacher smacked the chalkboard with her ruler to gain the class's attention, “Attention class! Good morning everyone”  she announced. “Today we have a student transferring from the other class to join ours” students began to whisper to each other, “Dear, why don't you come up here and introduce yourself?” she clearly had good intentions with asking this. But this is like.. The number one way to make a kid embarrassed, Donnie pondered to himself. 
The transfer stood up in front of the board “um.. hey.. my name y/n l/n,  i've moved from the class next door” -- “no wonder you had to move '' one of the kids called out jokingly, y/n sighed in an annoyed tone. Donnie stared at you, you were well.. Clearly alternative, goth? You were dressed in the normal school uniform but your hair, makeup, piercings made it obvious you weren't like the basic kid. He felt his insides twist a little, you were beautiful. You looked so mysterious and otherworldly compared to the other students and he was enamoured by your appearance. 
Apparently some of the less emotionally intelligent people in our class didn't see that though, not even ten minutes after finishing your introduction and sitting back down you had some kids throw paper balls at you from across the classroom. And as the average lame ass teacher does she ignored your clear bullying situation. Donnie wanted to say something, but bit his tongue. Glancing at you pitfully only to be met with a glare in return, ‘oh god, did i make them feel even worse?’ He worried to himself. ‘Of course I did. God, I'm bad at being chill.‘
A few hours after school, as the dark began to dawn upon the sky donnie found himself lying on his bed daydreaming of you, what type of music could you be into? Surely Dark wave or post punk right? Did you dress even more extreme outside of school? Were you secretly kind and sweet underneath your intimidating appearance? Were your lips as soft as they seemed? Donnie snapped out of it, what was he thinking… he felt kind of creepy daydreaming about someone he's never even spoken to before. Ever since he had gotten home he'd been more zombie-like than usual, his parents even asked him at the dinner table if he had been taking his meds and he scoffed, for once that wasn't the issue. The issue was he had fallen in love at first sight. 
Morning came around, Donnie walked with his doofhead friends aside his sister and her little group. “Donnieee” Samantha groaned “we’re all gonna be late for the bus we took too long!” Donnie and his friends shrugged and Samantha retorted “well my friends and i aren't gonna miss the bus. Have fun slow pokes” she said as she signalled her friends to start running up to the bus stop.  
Samantha for once in her miniature life span was right, Donnie and his friends did in fact take too long. Now they had to walk all the way to school and be late. This wasn't all bad though, as the one and only y/n pushed between them to get through clearly having also missed the bus as well. He could hear your music practically blasting through your walkman, funny. Wasn't that a metalhead thing to do? Donnies friends began to snicker to themselves “what a loser” they whispered in reference to you. Donnie gave them an annoyed glare, before speeding up to walk next to you and speak. 
 “Uh.. hey uh-” he began, you looked at him in confusion, taking your headphones off. 
“What?” you said bluntly, internally you were nervous, you'd already gotten the shit bullied out of you yesterday. You don't need another total dweeb ruining your day before you even manage to get in the school gates.  “I'm uh.. Donnie Darko, I figured I'd say hi since we’re in the same class now right?” he smiled awkwardly and attempted to shake your hand. You gave him a wonky smile back, “oh uh.. hey nice to meet you Donnie.” The handshake failed miserably, you tried to shake his hand but took too long to process the action.  
 What the fuck am i doing? Donnie thought to himself, he was incredibly nervous. The two of you had been walking in essentially complete silence for 5 minutes now, Donnie felt like an idiot for assuming someone as cool as you would be interested in talking to him, he gave you a slight glance and you returned it back
Sighing, you figured that indulging in a little conversation wouldn't kill you. Besides, if he came up to you in the first place and has stuck around walking with you for this long without saying anything outlandish surely he wasn't all bad.
“Sooo.. Darko huh? Kind of a cool last name isn't it?” you initiated. “You think it's cool? I swear people just make fun of me or think it's weird” he looked at you with giddiness in his eyes and smiled, ‘oh. He's cute.’ you thought to yourself.  “So is there a particular reason you've decided to be nice to me Donnie?” he shrugged nervously “Oh well- i mean i don't know, i'm not exactly popular myself so i guess i understand how it feels to be judged” you thinly smiled in response before you began to hear high pitched exaggerating moaning noises from behind you, Donnie’s friends were acting up. “Ugh fuck im sorry about them.” Donnie groaned, “it's chill, i've dealt with worse” you shrugged, before continuing “ever jigged school before Donnie?” he raised his brow at you “sure have y/n.” you giggled “let's ditch these losers i know a spot.” 
You lead him down an old path through the forest before sitting at what looked like some sort of strange concrete circle on the ground. “Jesus y/n how’d you even manage to find this place?” he voiced in shock “Someone who looks like me has their ways,” you smirked. “Y'know y/n i may end up regretting this, i actually have some major sleepwalking issues. I'd hate to wake up down here at 6am” he chuckled softly before sitting on the ground with you. “Sleepwalking? At this age too? Why's that?” Donnie smiled looking down to the ground “oh well uh.. We all got our own problems right?” “amen to that donnie.” you started to soften up, he seemed genuine. 
“Hey, sorry about glaring at you the other day. And being kind of rude when you tried to speak to me earlier” his eyes stared into yours “it's fine y/n, and understandable.. You have all sorts of people targeting you at the moment id be no different at first sight” he continued “i mean, with the way you look and all. You don't seem to care to live up to others expectations of what you should be, you're more free than m-majority of the people in our school will e-ever be. I'm uh envious really.” he started off saying this quite assertively, but his words tangled in soft stutters at the end as the intensity of your gaze made him recoil into himself. “Wow Donnie, I didn't expect that many words to come out of your mouth.. Let alone be so true..” “It feels good to have someone who gets it for once.” you warmly smiled. 
“Do you listen to music, Donnie?” you inquired “you mean do i listen to your type of music?” he snickered, you rolled your eyes in response “duh.” He thought about it for a second “well yeah i guess technically, nothing super niche but i like new wave.” you nodded your head “we should uh.. Y'know hangout sometime and listen together, i could introduce you to some stuff " Donnie perked up "in a going together type of way?” you gave him a confused look. “Ah sorry i meant to say going out ugh” he looked flustered and you giggled, before standing up and proceeding to pull him with you. You embraced him, gazing into his eyes beginning to lean in closer to his face. 
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Hehe cliff hanger. Maybe you guys kissed, maybe you pushed him away and called him a weirdo! Who knows, hope you enjoyed my lovelies 
partially proof read. will check for mistakes.
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rorywritesjunk · 3 months
The stars in their courses will run and bring their hearts earthward to hear her.
Buggy brings his son in to the bakery to get a treat for his birthday. You like decorating cakes. Rating: PG-13ish. Warning: These two are trying their best. Birdie's got some issues. Buggy's got some issues. Together they have a subscription. Talk of child abandonment, Buggy doesn't want to talk. Bath time. Boundaries, Buggy. Also Buggy tries with compliments. A/N: Now that Birdie has a name I think of her a lot tbh.
Title comes from “Girl in the Garden” by S.J. Tucker.
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Darby really thought having you on board the ship was the best thing ever. You let him help you cook meals, read him books (he had ten books to choose from and you reread them to him as many times as he asked), and you loved playing with him. Sometimes you got tired and had to sit down, but even though you couldn't chase him around like his daddy did, you could still do other things.
His least favorite thing was getting a bath, even though it was only once a week. He hated being in the water, hated having his hair washed, face clean, everything that came with a bath and he made a fuss about it, whining at you, pouting, and crying for it not to happen. Buggy was there to support in case you needed it, but honestly he made it worse once he saw Darby’s big, sad eyes while he sat in the little wash tub. He'd insist that maybe Darby didn't need one, but you didn't back down.
“You're next, Buggy.” You warned him as you were letting Darby have an extra few minutes of playtime in the tub. Once the washing was over, he usually settled down and wanted to have time in there to splash around and play, which you allowed, giving him a toy whale to play with. “You're pretty stinky yourself.”
“What! No, I don't need one.” Buggy insisted, shaking his head. “I get by fine with a rag.”
You rolled your eyes and shook your head. It had been a month now since you arrived. Routines were put into place, even some boundaries, but every night while the two of you were in bed, he'd ask a question to get to know you better, still insistent that he was in love with you. And you gave him one-word answers, especially when he'd ask about family.
After a few minutes, you grabbed a towel and lifted Darby out of the wash tub and wrapped him up in it. Buggy was ready with his pajamas, though he was fine to let you handle everything because you were just so sweet and gentle with Darby. You had told him a few nights ago when you were putting Darby to bed how you always wanted kids, wanted to be a mom, but there was never an opportunity until you met Buggy, but it wasn't like you were expecting to get pregnant. It was something that just happened. It was probably the most you opened up to him so far.
“How come you're so good with kids?” Buggy asked as you helped Darby with his clothes. You paused for a moment, thinking about your answer, before you made sure Darby's hair was dry. You picked the boy up and went to sit down at the table, keeping him in your lap as you looked over at Buggy. “It just… comes so naturally to you.”
“Do you want that to be your bedtime question?” You asked as you grabbed a comb and ran it through the kid’s hair carefully, being mindful of tangles. 
“Will I get a real answer?” He retorted as he put his hands on his hips. “You have given me a lot of one word answers since we started our little romance, y’know, and I think I'd like another full sentence now.”
You shrugged, setting the comb down before wrapping your arms around Darby and hugging him. He squirmed around in your arms, trying to hug you back, but settled for letting his head rest over your heart while his thumb went to his mouth. He sighed and closed his eyes as he relaxed against you.
“I helped Mama with the babies and little ones at the orphanage.” You told him as you rubbed Darby's back slowly. Buggy frowned.
“Your mom ran an orphanage?”
You hesitated. Did you really want to get into this right now? You were tired, Darby was starting to settle down for the night, and you wanted to wash up before bed. But now seven months pregnant, it was a little harder to wash up, especially since you did it standing up with the wash tub. 
“I'm going to put Darby to bed and… if you refill the tub with clean water, I'll answer that question next.” You told him as you stood up. Buggy didn't look convinced. “I promise, Buggy. I'll answer that question if you… help me out with my bath. It's getting a little harder to do some things.”
Buggy frowned at that, wondering if you really would or if this was all a ploy to get his help. You brushed past him but he stopped you with a hand on your arm. 
“Look, if you got things you can't talk about-”
“No, I just don't want to talk about it, but maybe I should.” You shrugged. “I'm going to put him to bed. Will you please change the water for me?”
You walked out after that, heading to Darby’s room to put him down for the night. He woke up for a moment, frowning at you as he rubbed his eyes sleepily. You handed him his stuffed penguin, tucked him in, and kissed him on the forehead. Once you were certain he was asleep, you went to grab some dry towels from your room before you went back to the kitchen, pausing when you saw Buggy filling the wash tub with boiling water. You raised an eyebrow, watching as he stuck his hand into the water only to jerk it back in surprise at the temperature.
“Are you going to cook me, Buggy?” You asked. “Because I don’t know if I’m edible.”
“I’unno, I find you pretty tasty.” He grinned and winked at you, giving you a look over. “Y’know, this is the first time I’ve got to help you bathe. Do we need to lay down rules about what I can’t do?”
“Is this your attempt at flirting?” You chuckled as you sat down at the table, lifting one of your legs up. “Can you take my shoes and socks off for me? It’s… it’s getting hard for me to do it.”
“Well, you’re the size of a whale, I’m surprised you’re moving as much as you are. ” He shrugged as you made a face at his compliment. He took notice and frowned. “What? You are!”
“I guess I’ll take the compliment, but Buggy, people usually don’t want to be compared to something like a whale, so… try a different animal.”
“What? Whales are beautiful, so it’s a compliment!” Buggy shot back, his face flushing as he walked over and knelt in front of you, pushing your skirt up to your knees before he started to unlace your shoes. You reached down to tug on his hair to get his attention, and when he looked up you stuck your tongue out at him. He tossed your shoes aside before he started working on your socks. “You wanna use that tongue of yours for something, babe?”
“Oh hush.” You crossed your arms and leaned back in the chair, looking over at the washtub. You strummed your fingers against your arm as you considered your next question. “So, um, did you still want an answer to your earlier question?”
Buggy placed your socks with your shoes and looked up at you with an unreadable expression. He stood up and sent his hand to the tub to check on the water temperature, it felt fine so he held his dry hand out to you. You wondered why he was so quiet suddenly, wondering what he was thinking as he led you over to it and started to help you undress. He was kind enough to drape your clothes over the chair to keep them from getting dirty on the floor, even helping you step into the tub. 
“Yea, I want an answer.” He said as he grabbed a clean washcloth from the pile of towels and dipped it into the water. “Your mom ran an orphanage?”
“It’s what she wanted us to call her.” You shivered when he brought the cloth to your back, running it across your shoulders. You collected your hair, pulling it away to give him better access, now wishing you put it up first. “I don’t… really remember much, but she says I was three when my parents left me there at the orphanage.”
You felt him pause, the water dripping from the cloth and onto your skin, rolling down your back. You glanced over your shoulder at him. “You good?”
He only nodded, his mind spinning as he took in what you just told him. He turned his attention to your back once more, putting a hand on your hip to keep you steady as his other hand wiped the cloth over your back. “Why were you left there?”
“I used to wonder, y’know, because I have faint memories of my parents.” You replied, shivering again at his touch. He dipped the cloth back into the water and wrung it out before moving it under your arms. “Um, said they didn’t want me. Said that they always wanted a little boy, but then they had me first and… kept me around until they had my little brother a few years later.”
Buggy inhaled sharply and you looked over at him again. It was surprising to see him mad, but given what you just told him, you figured it stirred up memories about Darby’s situation. You reached back and touched his cheek, his gaze softening a bit as he sighed.
“You don’t have to keep telling me.” He mumbled. “You’ve said a lot.”
“It wasn’t the worst place, Mama did what she could. She wasn’t cruel to us. Tried her best to take care of us.” You continued as you turned around to face him. “Sometimes we went hungry, and sometimes we were cold, but she tried. I learned to bake and cook from her, and when I got older I helped take care of the little ones that were left with her.”
“Stop talking.” Buggy snapped. “You don’t have to keep telling me. Shit, it’s already depressing you don’t have parents, I don’t need to hear about the orphanage!”
“You want to get to know me, Buggy, so I'm telling you, okay?!” You shot back. 
“I don't want to hear about it!” He said, throwing the washcloth into the tub as he pulled away from you. “I can't listen to this.”
You glared at him as you started to reach to pick up the washcloth, but being off balance already from the baby and where the washcloth ended up made it difficult to grab it. You felt yourself start to fall forward out of the tub but Buggy was there to stop you, catching you and pulling you upright to steady you. You grabbed onto his arms for balance until you were upright. There was a moment of silence, the water in the tub no longer sloshing from the sudden movements  when you sighed and looked up at him.
“Buggy, you can't pick and choose what you want to know about me if you're certain you're falling in love with me.” You said firmly as you kept a hold on him, feeling a little unsure about letting go just yet. He looked away from you, keeping his arms around you while his hands grabbed a towel to wrap around you.
“Just don't want to hear about orphanages, okay?” He mumbled. “I could have lost my kid to one and… makes me wonder somethin’ about this little brat that's on the way.”
“What are you wondering?” You asked as you wrapped the towel around yourself before stepping out of the tub. He was still holding onto you, not trusting your balance now even though you were fine. 
“If that kid has my nose, would you have dumped them off somewhere?” He asked. “Darby’s mom was going to do that. Not only did she not want a kid, she didn't want a kid with a nose like mine, y’know, didn’t want a kid that looked like me and… what if this one has the same nose, would you have done that?”
It was hurtful he would think that, but he was guarded because of those features. You learned quickly he didn't want you touching his nose, whether on accident or even to kiss it. Darby wasn't sensitive like his dad about his nose, but you had already seen how protective he was over his son. He probably wasn't aware his nose made him look different from other kids.
“No.” You sighed. “I wouldn't have done that, Buggy.” 
You pulled away from him to grab your clothes. It was a little frustrating your bath was cut short but neither of you were in a great headspace right then. You pulled your skirt and top back on before looking back at him.
“Maybe I should sleep in my room tonight, Buggy.”
“Why?” He demanded. “You know that mattress is shit for your back.”
“I think you need to collect yourself and I need a breather.” You told him as you collected the damp towels to hang up. Buggy shook his head and crossed his arms as he frowned at you.
“I don't want to.” He said stubbornly. “Besides, Darby will be upset if you're not in there.” He looked away, itching his cheek before glancing back at you. “I’m not used to sleeping alone now.”
“Boundaries, remember?” You told him. “I think a night apart would be good and I need you to respect that.”
He didn't like the idea, he liked having you in his bed at night, but if he wanted to keep you around then he probably needed to listen to your needs. He was sulking, giving you a dismissive wave as he looked away from you. You managed not to roll your eyes as you patted him on the shoulder and walked out of the kitchen, leaving him by himself.
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brbzonedout · 10 months
Earth 42 Miles needs glasses.
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This one is inspired by another piece in a fic series and the fan art that goes with it by @moralesmilesanhour. Also I don’t know when Jeff died in this reality so, let’s just say it was around the time Miles was 11 for now.
“Is this even legal?” Miles mumbles and squints as a small flashlight shined in his hazel eyes.
Ms. Alisha Miless’ 6th-grade teacher chuckles and walks behind the nurse examining the boy. “You’ll still have plenty of time for recess, I just needed to see something.”
A few minutes pass as the nurse takes Miles through the steps of a typical eye examination.
As he looks into the screening machine the letters start to get harder and harder to read, eventually just turning into little black blurs before he even gets to the 10th row.
“Can you read the next row for me sweetheart?” The nurse asked in a sweet yet concerned tone.
He doesn’t answer.
“Miles?” Ms. Alisha calls out.
He sighs slightly annoyed. “The first letter is a D…or B after that I- I don’t know…” the boy huffs and sits back in his chair. “Can I go outside now?”
He was starting to grow impatient, his 11-year-old brain ticking with excitement about everything he’d rather be doing.
Lately, he'd been feeling a little better, not as sad as usual after the events of his dads death a few months ago. He’s finally wanting to partake in things that kids normally do again, like before everything went downhill.
“In just a minute..” The nurse spins around in her chair to speak to his teacher. “Was Miles having trouble reading from the board…or in general before today?”
“Yes…” She side eyes the boy as he sits there arms crossed and a pout on his face. “..yes he has been. He was one of our fastest readers but lately, he's been slipping a little bit but, you don't have to be ashamed Miles.”
Miles reframed from rolling his eyes and groaning. If she wasn't his favorite teacher, he would’ve been on the blacktop by now…
“We done yet? It's been…” He attempts to look at the wall clock but gives up, instead opting for the digital one on the nursess’ counter. “…almost 15 minutes-”
Ms. Alisha squints at her student while he displays the exact behavior she's concerned about. “Alright, alright go ahead..” she says waving her arm for him to stand up.
Miles smiles slightly and stands up, quickly and swiftly pulling his olive green puffer jacket over his arms causing an audible swishing sound before he runs straight out the door.
“Zip up that jacket young man!” The nurse shouts out but, he's already long gone too far away to hear her.
At 3:10 on the dot the last bell rang, Miles was the first one to pack up and head out of the classroom.
As he walked out of the big front doors the sun shined brightly in his face making it so that he couldn’t see very far ahead of him.
Making his way down the schools' pathway he began to place his headphones over his ears before hearing what sounded like his name.
“Miles!! Hijo por aquí!” Rio waved her hand out of the car window trying to catch his attention.
The boy looked around trying to see where the voice was coming from and as he finally found it she starting beeping the car horn.
“Vamos! Cariño, tenemos un lugar donde estar!”
Miles quickly made his way to the car not wanting to draw any more attention than necessary.
“I didn't know you were picking me up… I could've walked you know.” He said while entering the car.
“Your teacher called- seat belt hijo..” The woman said gently pulling her son closer to kiss him on the forehead. “We’re going to the eye doctor…why didn't you tell me you were having trouble seeing?”
The boy shrugged and stayed silent for a moment clicking his seatbelt into place.
Miles knew he needed glasses for a while now but was able to fly under the radar enough so no one noticed.
“Well it’s not like i’m going blind, it's not a big deal.” He stated in a whiny tone. Though it was starting to frustrate him.
“It's a big enough deal for your teacher to be concerned right?” The woman shook her head and pulled off onto the busy school road watching for passing kids. “It's not the 90s anymore baby people aren't gonna make fun of you for needing glasses.”
Miles started to pout and turn towards the window watching as the brick building got farther and farther away until he couldn’t see it anymore.
Rio glances over and smiles at him for a moment.
“Besides..who could make fun of that face!” She says poking at Miless’ sides causing him to giggle begrudgingly despite himself. “Ugh! Solo quiero comerte!!"
The two arrive at the office, Miles looked up at the building. The blue sign above him flashed blue and white lights spelling out “Brooklyn Optical Boutique”.
As they walked in Mrs. Morales tells Miles to walk around and scout out anything that catches his eye while she signs him in.
He nodded and started to walk around ignoring her request and instead pulled out his phone and opens Pokemon Go to see if there are any in the store.
After about 10 minutes or so Miles heard his name once again.
“Miles Morales?” A tall man with brown hair and an “if you can read this you're at the wrong appointment” pin on his lab coat.
He couldn't read it.
Rio stood up and ushered Miles along with her to follow the man back into the examination room.
“Ok…Hi, my name is Doctor Andrew, you must be Miles.” The man smiles.
“Hi…” He says flatly. Wearily glancing around the room.
“Hi I'm Rio,” she extends her hand initiating a handshake. “Yes this is Miles, he's a little nervous.”
“I just don't wanna look like Urkel..” Miles mummers under his breath just loud enough for the doctor to hear.
The doctor laughed to himself genuinely amused by Miless’ statement.
“Don’t worry buddy..” He turned off the lights in the room causing everyones eyes to relax. “I'll make sure you leave here looking like Stefan Urquelle.”
The grumpy 6th grader began to smirk but turns his head away hoping no one noticed.
The doctor walked back to usher Miles up out of his chair. “Alright, Miles just look forward for me…and cover one eye with your hand.”
As the appointment ended Miles rubbed his eyes trying to adjust back from all the blurry images.
The doctor walks them out of the room and to the front desk to explain.
“So his eyesight isn't too bad, he's at about 20/40. He can see without them but just so he's not straining we’re gonna prescribe a pair.”
Miles pouts once again, catching the attention of the doctor.
“How ‘bout I ask the front our receptionist to scan your insurance card and I take you around the store to pick some out?”
Miles shrugs and turns to his mom waiting for her approval.
“Is that ok with you Mrs. Morales?”
“Yeah that's fine, go on ill be right over there if you need me, papa.” The women nods to the desk across the room and smiles letting him know it’s alright.
As Dr. Andrews walked around with Miles he threw out ideas along the way.
“What about these?” he demonstrated by placing the blue glasses on his face.
Miles shook his head causing his long afro to sway along with it.
“My favorite color is green if that helps….”
The tall man's eyes started to dart around for a moment as if someone manually started to turn the cogs in his brain.
“Gimme on second,” The doctor walked over to a section with glasses sorted by color. He unlocked one of the drawers under it and pulled out a pair of neon green frames.
Miles cocked his head to the side observing the frames from a far and walked closer to the guy holding them.
“Can I try them on?” Doctor Andrews handed them over. “‘preciate it.”
While he walked over to the nearest mirror placing the glasses over his eyes the boy watched himself in the reflection getting closer.
They weren't awful, they fit his face well and didn't make his eyes seem bigger than they actually were but, he's definitely not wearing them in school.
“Like ‘em?” The doctor chuckled walking up next to the young boy.
“They're cool…” He nods, continuously watching himself at different angles in the mirror.
Suddenly Miles heard familiar foots steps walk towards him but kept his gaze on the mirror.
“See anything you like ba- aw…you look just like your dad.” She wraps her arms around his neck from behind lightly squeezing him.
Miles smiled slightly, raising his eyebrows and a nodded in agreement with what she said.
“Yeah a little bit…” He quickly snatched the frames off of his face then turned around to face his mother. “But I’m not wearing these in school” he said shaking the pair in his hand.
Rio snorted a laugh and patted both hands on Miless’ shoulders twice. “We’ll see about that”.
Ok so! For anyone that didn’t get the Stefan Urquelle reference here’s a clip. He basically just turns from a nerd to a hot guy.
Now thank you for reading!! Again i’m always open to constructive criticism and feedback. I hope you enjoyed it<3
(P.S- Requests are open rn so if you have any feel free to ask!)
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mysticalsoot · 11 months
peer pressure and canned beer
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oh? yet, another fic of my self-indulgent boarding school au
A/N; lilly and I came up with this idea when we were sad so it's very angsty and I'm still very set on it so- do not do what wilbur does, maybe don't pick a fight with a drunk guy, and please for the love of god DO NOT KISS YOUR EX ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU'RE IN A RELATIONSHIP okay that's my disclaimer (also maybe communicate w your partner-) ooooh also!! there will be a part 2!! i just have to write it! also a quiet lil ty to everyone that helped me describe canned beer, yall are lifesavers<33
summary; wilbur gets convinced to hang out with some kids on another team. he gets peer pressured a bit, gets drunk, makes a mistake and when he sees you back in the dorm building, he makes a few more
tw// swearing, underage drinking, peer pressure, kissing, undertones of cheating, may is a bitch, some homophobia if you read between the lines
words; 3k
pairings; cc!wilbur x gn!reader
pronouns; none!
Wilbur rarely ever found himself in situations where he would be pressured by his peers into anything. He was a wanderer who enjoyed his quiet time on the edge of situations, a watcher. A hawk--or at least you called him a hawk. He liked to observe, note everyone's behavior. From their body language, to the tone of voice they would use, to how they use words--he noticed it all, and he noted it all as well.
But when it came to people's intentions, he was alot worse at being as aware as he is with other things. It wouldn't be the first time he'd get peer pressured into something without realizing he was being pressured in the first place. He wouldn't be able to tell someone had malicious intent, especially if they held a smile, like most shit people do.
So all in all, when Wilbur told you a group of boys from another team had asked him to hang out with them, you were a smidge worried. Wilbur didn't clarify who these boys were, but he seemed excited when he told you so you smiled and uttered a small "That's awesome, bee!" and told him to go have fun.
This wasn't fun.
Well, it wouldn't be for you.
But for Wilbur? He was being accepted into another group, he was more a part of his peer group, of his school--or this is what he felt. He wasn't sure.
"Come on, William! Loosen up!" One of the boys, by the name of Dan, smirks as he lifts the beer up and towards Wil's direction. He tries to hide the grimace building up on his face as he looks at the beer and decides to take it in his hand. He pops the tab and takes a sip, groaning after he swallows it. Its disgusting, that's what conclusion Wilbur has come to. He can't tell if it tastes like nasty rust water or stale piss. Either way, it's fucking disgusting.
"That's- god, that's gross," Wilbur shakes his head as he grimaces, nearly gagging at the aftertaste and memory of it.
"Cheap bear is gross," Another student in this group speaks, a girl this time. The one Wilbur noticed you always had a distaste for, the one that made you insecure. He feels like he remembers hearing something about this girl, May. Maybe about her liking him? He wasn't sure what but what he was sure of? This girl couldn't like him. Not a chance.
"That's a fucking understatement," Wilbur giggles slightly before hiccuping.
"So, William-" 
"You can just call me Wil, that's fine."
"Okay, Wil- how's it in the loser group?" Yet another student, there's only about five besides Wilbur, but too many for Wilbur's tipsy mind to make note of at once. The boy's name he seems to remember being Sammy, which he feels doesn't fit him. Chad or Brian would fit the bill and he has to hold back giggles at that thought.
"Loser group?" Wilbur asks almost incredulously, eyebrows knitted in a confused expression. 
"Yeah, what's it called- Team Andromeda?" The one with the teacher's pets, those gay kids- everyone knows Andromeda is where the weirdos get placed, y'know?" Something about Sammy's voice started to grind his gears, but his mind was so muddled he couldn't get very angry, so he sighed.
When Sammy mentioned the "gay" kids, it really rattled him. It made his blood boil, he wanted to yell and punch and scream at this kid. But he had to restrain himself, these other guys weren't so bad. 
"I don't think they're that bad, I'm on Andromeda." Wilbur shrugs, looking down at the can he holds, trying to keep himself composed and for the most part--it works.
"Well, you aren't one of them. You don't fit there." May pipes in, a sickeningly sweet smile on her face. If it wasn't for how.. icky the conversation made Wilbur felt, the smile would be soft and sweet in his eyes. But his nauseated stomach at the words that cross his ears, skews his view of the word with green tinted glasses.
"Come on, let's not dwell on those kids-- just drink, have fun! Let loose!" Another kid, Dean, speaks up. He feels a lot less.. venomous. He seems kinder and as if he doesn't hold the same hurtful opinions as the others do.
"Why don't we do truth or dare?" Sammy smirks from behind his beer can, eyes glistening with mischief and the mere look makes Wilbur want to projectile vomit, but maybe that's because he's nearly finished off his own beer. Stale piss water.
Wilbur shrugged as various confirmations of agreements are muttered, a few 'sure's and a couple 'alright's were scattered between. 
"How about…" Sammy eyes the group and when his attention lands on Wilbur, he smirks, "You, Wil- truth or dare?" 
Something sunk into Wilbur's stomach, it felt like all of his internal organs--but it was probably just his heart. This didn't sit right with him, maybe he was being targeted? But his mind was so fogged and swimmy from the alcohol--his beer can was empty and he'd started on a new one. His logic flew out the window long ago.
"Uhm…" Wilbur takes a moment to think or rather, he pauses and looks down, his mind a blank slate without a scratch written. He lifts his head, tilting it to the side for a moment before he slurs confidently, "Dare."
Sammy nods as he eyes Wilbur up and down before he speaks again, much clearer than any words Wilbur could possibly dream to muster, "I dare you…" He trails off as his eyes glance over at May, who was sitting beside Wilbur, "To kiss May."
Wilbur knew it was coming before the words had even been spoken. God, he wished he could erase the entirety of eighth grade from history right about now. He then turned to face May, her cheeks flush pink as she tugs on his sleeve. Everything in his heart was screaming for him to stop, to run away and get as far from this situation that he could. To find you and wrap you in his arms and kiss all over your face and apologize for everything he could've possibly ever done--but his logic is out the window and god-- his body feels like quicksand and he can barely move.
It happens so quickly he doesn't know how it even starts, or who initiated what. But now his lips are on hers and they're kissing and it's much too deep for his liking. He should be kissing you, under lamplight in the dorm, sighs and giggles muffled between lips and mouths. Hands exploring each other innocently and with that sweet spark of love.
Yet instead, here he is with his hand behind May's head, his lips intertwined with hers and her tongue in his mouth. This is horrible, he's decided. He's vowed to never drink again, and never touch lips with anyone but you. But he doesn't stop, he doesn't pull away. He's enticed, he's enraptured by it. Its new, but old. He's kissed her before, not like this of course. But he has kissed May, years ago. This now feels foreign and exciting and new. 
That guilt crawls up him, makes him sick and he finally pulls away. His lips curled in a grimace, when May's curl into a smile. His face has a green tint, and hers has a pink sheet of color. They mirror each other in completely opposite ways. She kissed him because she wanted to.
He kissed her because he felt trapped.
It wasn't more than an hour longer that he hung out with them, it got late and there were enough sightings of leadership staff to scare all of them back to the dorms. Which by enough, was two. And they were leaving work. Either way, Wilbur found his way to the side door of the dorm building. The front is always open but Wilbur felt that it was too obvious and he was much too drunk to risk getting caught so he walked over to the side door, hunkered down and texted you.
wilb&lt;3 2:45am // by sidef dooorr, pls get me
you 2:46am // wtf are u doing there??
you 2:46am // be down in a sec, hang tight
He shut his phone off and tucked it in his pocket after smiling at his messages. He leaned against the outer wall and slunk down to the ground. His mind felt like sludge, his body felt like bags of rocks were weighing him down and the way his eyelids kept slipping shut wasn't helping either.
A moment later and his shoulder was being shook by you, eyes shooting open only to glance at your worried expression. Concern plastered on your face and all your eyes saw was a mess of the boy you loved. Face tinted green with splotches of red, eyes glazed over and somehow-- lip gloss on his lips? Its messy and it looks like-- 
Your heart sinks. He kissed her. Or maybe, she kissed him, he couldn't hurt you like that. Even drunk, he had a heart and logical thinking.
Words weren't spoken as you help him to his feet, practically dragging him to the elevator that no one actually uses but comes in handy now. Your boyfriend's arm slung over your shoulders and his lips messily kissing the side of your hair as his words slur.
"Love you sooo much, baby-" It hurts to hear it, to hear the promises of love as he's so desperately drunk. The elevator is slow so as you hold him beside you, you keep yourself from snapping. Maybe a little prying won't hurt, will it?
"So, what happened?" Your voice is low and soft, a mere whisper as the elevator dings, signifying being on the second floor. Another two to go.
"Mm- Nothin' jus' truth or dare-" He slurs, leaning against you.
"So you didn't kiss May, then?" 
Something flips in him, some sort of mild regulator switch flips and he clears his throat. Now leaning away from you as he looks around the elevator, somehow a bit more sober as he speaks, "And if I did?"
"I'd worry about you. I am worried about you." 
Ding, third floor. Almost there.
"Its not like it matters, so what if I kissed a girl?" He snips, tone sharp and quick as he fully leans off you, standing on his own almost as if he hadn't a drop of alcohol. You knew that wasn't true, and you hoped he was shit faced drunk when it happened. You knew it happened.
"You'd be cheating if you had. It isn't right, okay?" Your voice is so even, clear and regulated. You keep your composure and his only cracks more.
"Just forget about it, nothing happened. Just leave it the fuck alone." He huffs slightly as the elevator dings and the doors slide open, you both step out and you lead him over to the bathroom to help him clean up just a bit.
It didn't last long when he pulled out of your grasp, "Why don't you just leave me alone and stop prying? Jesus- May was right." He mutters the last part as he stares daggers into you, and you move to walk beside him as he finds his way by your dorm room.
"Can you just tell me what the fuck is wrong?" You're breaking, cracking at the seams more and more as every word of his slips past his lips. Enraging you with every syllable.
And now, with his snarl and angered stare, you felt like an afterthought at that moment, and you wondered if that was his goal. Snapping at you, disregarding your concerns and feelings you were bringing to him. Suits you to argue with a drunk guy.
"You're too fucking obsessed with me anyways-- You're always hanging off me like some desperate lost puppy. I swear- It'd be better if you just left me alone." He rolls his eyes as he stumbles into the dorm, despite his louder than proper reaction, no one stirs or makes any noticeable action.
"I'm obsessed with you and she's not?" Your eyebrows knit in confusion as your lips curl into a frown, frustration boiling up inside you, soon to turn to anger.
He leans against the doorframe, rolling his eyes in a dramatic and drunk way as he huffs, "Yes, yes you are. At least she respects my boundaries," He shrugs as he steps back into the dorm and you feel tears prick at your eyes, frozen in place and boiling with anger, the frustration completely gone. Now you're just hurt.
"She manipulated you and forced you to go out with her and her asshole friends! You want to know something? Those guys you just spent two hours with and had so much fucking fun with? Fucking bullied me since middle school!" You step back, so close to walking away but you need this last word, just something to make him realize, "But you wouldn't know that, would you? You're too in your head to know anything about me!" It seems unrelated, and to him it was. But to you, his words were the last straw. You were done.
"Bullied you? I never took you for the delusional kind."
If it was possible, your jaw would be dislocated and on the floor, but instead you drew your lips into a thin line and let the tears ricochet.
"Fine- Y'know what? Go date May instead- get back with her, see what happens, huh?" Your blood boils as you speak through hot tears and you feel regret surging through you as you shut the door for him, turning on your heel and down the hall. It's a night to sneak into your dad's dorm.
He doesn't wake as you carefully creak the door open, tiptoeing in and finding a spot in the chair in the corner. Not caring or bothering with pillows or blankets, it isn't like you'll be getting much sleep.
Your eyes locked on the walls of the dark room, your mind replaying the last ten minutes like a broken record. You couldn't escape it, the guilt, the fear, the hurt. Your tears were silent but they had no plan of stopping as they fell down your face in clumps of salty water. Your throat felt like it was going to shut, sore and aching as you held back sobs. Your heart felt the same, yet instead of being shut off, it ached like it had been ripped into and at this point, it might as well have been. 
Maybe he was right, maybe you were too clingy and 'obsessed' with him. Maybe you did spend too much time around him or too much of your breath speaking about him. All of the maybes ran through your mind like a pack of ants fleeing from the rain. It wouldn't be long until you were full on sobbing and so you did your best to hide your whimpers and breaths of heartache with the sleeves of your sweater--Wilbur's sweater.
You heard a creaking of a bunk, one of the three levels that were in the dorm, you weren't sure which but you still froze in place as a response. You hoped someone was just readjusting but as the lamp beside the bottom bunk clicked on, you realized someone was awake. You knew it was Andy even before you lifted your head to see him. Out of him, your dad and Evan, he was the lightest sleeper. So he'd most likely have been awake since the fight, you knew this but you only hoped that he would turn the other way and ignore it, let you wallow in your heartache.
"Kiddo?" He spoke softly, voice cracking with sleep as he patted the spot beside him on the edge of the bed. You simply eyed his hand, making no move to sit beside him, to get up out of the hole you've fallen into.
He gave you that look, that look only a dad would give you. The one that says "Tell me what's hurting, kid, please?" It's so unspoken, no words being muttered but every meaning and intention still finding it's way into the air and floating around like dust particles--unseen in darkness but when light shines, it's clear as day.
"Wilbur." You mutter it out, voice breaking at the end as another silent sob breaks through and he moves to stand, walking over to you and kneeling in front of you, hands on either side of your legs.
"What did he do?" Andy tilts his head to the side as he looks up at you with worry and concern splattered all over his face.
"He got drunk with those- with May and her friends," You paused as you sucked in a shallow breath, doing your best to calm yourself.
"And?" He prys, but you don't mind. He's just trying to scrape at the layers you've wrapped around your heart and mind, the layers that hide the truth beneath. He's doing a damn good job too.
"He yelled at me, I know he kissed May and- he's so mad at me, Andy. So mad." You know you sound like a broken child, a kid left behind on the playground. You can't help it, it's how you feel. You love Wilbur, you loved him. You gave him your heart and he discarded it in a ditch.
"I heard- I'll set up the trundle, you sleep in my bed, okay? Tomorrow is Saturday so I want you to take some breaths-" He starts instructing you to breathe in deeply and to let it out. He does this with you for a few more seconds until all the tears you have left have dried and you feel a tingling feeling of peace. As much as you can muster. And he smiles, patting your knee and turning around to do as he said he would, setting up the trundle, and then he ushers you over and you settle into the bottom bunk.
"We'll deal with this tomorrow, okay? We'll talk with your dad and Evan, and Cati too. Just rest now, kiddo." He smiles softly before settling into the trundle below and you let your eyes slip shut, welcoming sleep with open arms.
Your last thought before you drifted off, was hope you didn’t have to see Wilbur the next day.
taglist; @ella-fella-bo-bella @sleepyburs @lillylvjy
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keyh0use · 8 days
We know how well Barry comforts Rafe, but I’m curious if you have written about Rafe comforting him (or trying to, anyways) when Barry cries either openly in front of him or when he thinks Rafe can’t hear/see him? Can’t help but wonder how he’d deal with it
Have I written published pieces about this? Probably...you don't read my stuff and I write too much to even remember what happened in the previous chapter of whatever I'm currently working on, so really your guess is as good as mine. Unfortunately I can never settle on a proper hc for how Barry was brought up; big, loving family who lend support and thrive off physical affection or a broken, abusive one. Which plays a big part in how I think this scenario would go. Regardless, I do make him very emotional because I feel he is underneath all the sarcastic comments, and that his chill persona is only 50% real. But he masks well after so much practice, either from his upbringing or the army or drug dealing.
Rafe doesn't care about some stranger whining about a breakup in the country club bathroom or one of Rose's snobby friends sobbing in the pool house after one too many margs BUT he's not unfeeling or clueless when it comes to those he cares about. I've written and hc that Rafe was responsible for his sisters a lot of the time growing up, mainly Wheezie, because Ward was very untrusting when it came to who he let around his children unsupervised. (In case they revealed something, embarrassed the family name, got a reputation for not looking after his own kids, etc.) So Rafe is a pro at making a slow, calm approach followed by easy questions, picking away at the tension until whoever is ready to let it all out. He'll side-hug and shush softly and then provide solutions, because solving the problem is how he would show he cares.
At least that's what worked with Wheezie when her ant farm smashed on the driveway after show-and-tell (Rafe helped her order a new starting kit and cleaned up the broken glass and dirt) or when Sarah had a project due the next morning she forgot about. (He knew where the key to his father's office was and broke in to raid the supplies closet, then spread out on his sisters bedroom floor to help her glue information cards to Bristol board)
But would Barry appreciate Rafe trying to step in and tell him what he should do? I doubt it. Chances are Barry already knows what needs to happen and is just frustrated and overwhelmed. In the early days he could lash out, act angry in place of hurt and it would be convincing. He would tell Rafe to leave him alone, or he'd rush outside with the excuse to smoke or take a call and hide around back. If Barry cries, there's a chance Rafe would be able to tell, so he practices breathing to calm himself down like he's taught himself to do when he was hiding away in his childhood bedroom or surrounded by dozens of other men in the barracks. (I mean think of when the pogues robbed him. Was his first instinct to hunt down Rafe at the country club and subtly ask for help? Yeah. Is it likely he went home and kicked the now empty bag his stolen money was stuffed in before collapsing on the bed to shed a few tears? Also, yeah. I hc that Barry sends all his spare cash home but even if that's not the case, there goes his car payments and rent/mortgage, and rainy day fund and any potential trip to the emergency room.)
So...I don't know that this would happen before there's something serious between them, because I think Barry would go to great lengths to avoid any potential slip-up with big feelings, besides anger, since men don't tend to think that's an emotion. (And this isn't just about crying, either. He'd fall for Rafe hard and keep his mouth shut, suffer through months of lingering touches and longing stares because like hell is he showing his belly first) I mean I could write it, but I don't think it would be very interesting..
Alright, so they're dating or whatever, and Rafe comes back to a silent trailer. Barry's definitely off work and his truck (or whatever vehicle you want buddy to have) is parked in the usual spot in the makeshift driveway. Fishing poles are by the front door right where they were left last night, worn-out wallet is on the scuffed-up kitchen table, dirty boots are left by the couch. Rafe would creep down the hallway and peek into the cramped bedroom to find Barry on the edge of the bed, face in his hands and shoulders shaking. It wouldn't be loud and whiny and dramatic, frankly, like Rafe cries but it's unmistakable what the older man is doing.
And it would naturally freak Rafe the fuck out because it's such a foreign sight. Rafe would tell himself to approach the older man as if he's dealing with Sarah or Wheezie but abandon that the moment he hears a sniffle, rush in and kneel and try to get Barry to look at him, talk to him, give him one single hint about what's wrong. And Barry would be so embarrassed even though he's been on the other side of this interaction a million times before, tears are dripping off his jaw and his face feels so hot and Rafe is bombarding him with questions. What happened? Did I do something? Is it your mom? Barry, what happened? Are you mad at me? Did I do something? (He's insecure, of course he is, and is so used to being the problem so Barry can't blame him for worrying) And Barry would shake his head but wouldn't answer. So Rafe would lay him back, hold him and it's strange for both of them. Rafe would untangle unruly curls with slender fingers and chew on the nails of others, trying to keep from prying and upsetting the dealer any more. Barry would feel so, so embarrassed; open his mouth and close it, contemplate shrugging the whole thing off and pretending everything is fine. Then something small would make him cave like Rafe wrapping him up in an awkward hug (that's crushing, despite the odd position they're in) or kissing his head, and then he would have to let it all out.
Or, better, Barry would know he's safe with Rafe and seek his boy out when upset. This feeling inside him has been building and building until it reaches a dangerous crest and if he doesn't get it out, he'll probably lose it. So he waits with wet eyes for Rafe to show up, long legs barely over the threshold when Barry knocks into him. Yeah, it's the first time Barry has cried in front of Rafe and so what, the kook is relieved and grateful he's being trusted. (Even if his heart was beating erratically when he felt the collar of his (pink) shirt dampen) In either scenario, or any scenario the older man is crying really, I'm sure Barry would be plagued with doubt about the whole thing. Since the very beginning of their relationship, they fell naturally into certain roles...would Rafe think of him as less of a man now? Would Rafe stop crying to him? Would Rafe treat him like he's fragile? Was Rafe laughing with his little kook friends behind Barry's back? No, of course not. All his worries are settled when Rafe doesn't look at him differently afterwards. Once Barry's tears have been wiped away, his kook is being just as bratty and arrogant as usual, expecting Barry to act as a guard dog (when Rafe is quite literally so fucking capable of handling himself, not that Barry's ever complaining) and carry in all the groceries and let Rafe be passenger princess and toss him around in bed, not even bringing up what happened earlier that day.
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castleofcuntdracula · 2 months
So I've been watching The Great (shout-out to @just-a-silly-little-guy for dragging me into it!) And watching hoult playing a guy obsessed with his baby is making me really want postcanon Renbecca babies. Not to be comphet about this but I DO love fankids and babies ever after... and I think it would be something he'd genuinely want? There's happy families on his vision board, and we know how much he regrets his failure as a father. Ramblings under the cut.
I think it would be a big step forward in his recovery, too- being stable enough, financially and mentally, to even consider having another kid. And I think Rebecca has considered it before, but never seriously- she doesn't have a mom, so it would probably be difficult for her to picture being one.
Once they're committed and have their shit a bit more together, I think she'd agree to it- and then they'd be on WILDLY different pages for a hot sec, because "starting a family" for Rebecca means 2.5 kids and a dog, and for Robert it means "I sure do miss hanging out with my sister and her THREE BACK TO BACK SETS OF TWINS". It's hilarious to me. She'd ask how many he's thinking about and he's like "Well, I know birthrates have fallen significantly since I was last married 🤔 so probably not more than five?"
They agree to one-maybe-two. The first pregnancy absolutely blows his mind because the sheer amount of progress that's been made in prenatal care. He'd 100% cry his eyes out at the first sonogram because he's just awed that you can SEE into the womb. He'd be taking this blurry incomprehensible black and white picture everywhere, showing it to everyone he knows like "🥹 that's our baby..." and his friends are like "that's great man, it looks like a bean."
It would also basically give him another anxiety disorder. There's been a lot of advances in maternal health since the 1920s, and his ex wife probably smoked a pack a day and drank while pregnant, because nobody knew that you shouldn't do that yet! Rebecca has to confiscate his phone so he doesn't go on Instagram and get himself hysterical over her eating pepperoni on pizza or candies with food dye. On the plus side, she will DEFINITELY have prenatal vitamins just completely on. Lock. (He brings them to her on a little china plate). The fretfulness would definitely bother her- it's not like she's suddenly made of glass! But he'd make up for it by being equally indulgent of her the entire time.
I think he'd be incredibly happy to have kids in the modern world, too- there's so much less they have to worry about in terms of disease and dangers, and they'll get to go to school all the way to 18, no matter what! If they have another daughter, she'll be able to do anything- she could be a doctor or an astronaut or even the president! Can her nursery be space or medicine or government themed?
All of his ideas for baby names are horribly outdated and all of Rebecca's are from a list she made when she was 14 and daydreaming about marrying one of the boys from supernatural, so they're out of luck there for a while- she doesn't want to name her baby Agatha or Eustace, but she also doesn't want to explain why they can't name it "Castiel".
I also don't think Rebecca would like being pregnant much- she likes that you get a baby at the end, and it's an exciting time for anyone, but that's hard to keep in mind when the little snot is kickboxing your organs all night. And she really wouldn't enjoy the way it alters/reduces her mobility, especially in the second half- she's pretty much five foot nothing and the average newborn is a third of that, let alone Renny's NBA all stars "one week old in 3mo clothes" sproglets. At one of the scans, the ultrasound tech says their baby "looks like they're gonna be tall! :)" and Rebecca just GLARES at him because she has to haul the kid around for another few months still.
They have a little girl and are both instantly besotted. Never shut up about her, total first time (for Rebecca at least) parent madness where the baby blinks in a new way and they both burst into tears of joy and grab the cameras. Robert having been on the night shift for a century means he's very useful in the newborn phase- he's sleep deprived anyway, waking up every two hours for feeds is nothing compared to a week stalking the streets all night for victims.
He'd probably be the stay at home parent, given that he doesn't legally exist- he's the absolute talk of the town at daycare dropoff and has to go full wife guy to defend his honour. This means that everyone at baby sensory and what have you had a fantastic impression of Rebecca before they meet her, because he can't stop gushing about how cool she is after he's started.
Rebecca is more neurotic than she'd expected about babies, and it causes her a lot of stress at first- she's the youngest sibling, so she has very little experience with them, and her daughter is so tiny and fragile and squishy! She gets better about it once baby is a bit less wispy looking and newborn-lanky, which I think would happen by 2-3 months. Kiddo has a lot of growing to do, and consequently gets delightfully chubby before shooting up like a weed as a toddler. Neither of them want to put her down EVER, to the point where she takes a little longer than average to be crawling and walking because she can only make it a few feet before someone scoops her up and transports her expeditiously to her destination.
Baby two is a couple years after the first, once they're confident that they can get a kid to running-around age without completely fucking up. Her older sister, thanks to the accidental attachment parenting from the sheer amount of snuggling and carrying, would be confident to the point of being slightly feral. By the time baby 2 is old enough to play with her the dynamic is very much as so:
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They're smart on their own, but get them both in a room at the same time and their collective IQ is halved and someone ends up with their arm jammed to the elbow in the VCR tape slot.
Despite this, Robert manages to beg and plead his way into one (1) more, just one, this is the last one he P R O M I S E S, three is lots!
They have twins.
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enam3l · 2 years
someone also asked for her to be a friend of reader who she sets up with Steve and someone asked for a backing singer for corroded coffin... so let's have both and give our boy his fairytale ending.
steve harrington's happy ending (rockstar eddiverse) 4.7k / fluff / steve and ed being flirty bffls
i don't write for steve so im not super confident with this but our boy needed his happy ending. added a lil mood board for his wife. you can see all rockstar eddie x reader stories and lore at #enam3ls rockstar eddie or the masterlist!
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A boys weekend was what was promised by Eddie. You were away visiting family and told Eddie to invite Steve to stay at your New York apartment for some brotherly bonding. Another relationship had gone up in smoke for poor Steve and even if getting out wouldn't make him feel better, it would grant Robin a moment of peace. Since he'd been dumped, Steve had set up camp at Robin's and was really ruining the vibe of her last few months at college before graduating. The breaking point had occurred last week as Robin brought a girl home after a date only to hear a screech from the lounge. The poor girl had walked in to find Steve moping on the in his boxers. She quickly ran out accusing Robin of setting her up for a threesome. 
So that's where Steve found himself, skulking round yours and Eddie's apartment looking at all the photos of the pair of you loved up as Eddie spoke to his manager on the phone. Steve was proud that the gangs meddling had resulted in Eddie finding the love of his life but he couldn't kick the nagging jealousy inside him that wondered when it was his turn. Ever since the events of 86, Steve Harrington for the first time in his life knew what he wanted to be - father. Nothing he ever achieved compared to the fulfilment he found in helping the kids although now they were all eighteen, he really needed to stop calling them that. No record on the swim team, monster slain, pay check or fight won made him feel as good as the look on the kids faces when he did something for them. And nothing made Steve's heart ache with want the way seeing how in love everyone around him was. He noted every word Joyce and Hopper said in their vows, the way you and Eddie looked at each other the first time you met, the admiration in Jonathan's voice whenever Nancy did something amazing and Lucas' pride when Max overcame whatever was thrown at her. 
He wanted it all for himself but true love continued to evade him. The latest girlfriend was beautiful and kind but she wasn't the one, Steve knew that and in reality his wallowing was not about the loss but about being back at square one - again. 
'Steeeveeee,' Eddie's voice called as he appeared from the bedroom, he sang Steve's name sweetly in a way that screamed 'I have bad news.' 
'Yes?' Steve sighed. 
'I'm really, really, really sorry but can you forgive your best friend because he has to delay boys night for some music video reshoots?' Eddie had donned his biggest puppy dog eyes, his eyes swirling hypnotic shades of chocolate - something you'd discussed with the group at length believing it to be sorcery. 
'Ugh,' Steve groaned, eyes rolling, 'fine, fine.' He was already getting his jacket on knowing he can never say no to Eddie and that the chaos of a filming set might distract him. 
Steve blocked the doorway before Eddie could follow him out, finger wagging at his chest.
'Although... Robin is my best friend,' Steve smirked. 
Eddie's jaw went slack as he mimed a dagger to his heart. 
'Hurt people, hurt people, Steven!' he declared dramatically before wiping a fake tear away. Steve's eyes rolled at the dramatics. 
'That's not even my name...' Steve whined and Eddie dragged him out the door. 
Steve's inkling that the set would be chaos was correct. From what he could see from beyond the lingering fog from the fog machine, people were scurrying everywhere, moving lights, positioning cameras and mics and shouting orders. Corroded Coffin stood with their instruments in a fake barren forest. Smoke rolling between bare trees and rubble as the scene was lit gloomily except for flickering cracks of orange light. To the corner, Steve could make out to backing singers stood on a platform. Both women had black mini dresses, over the knee black boots and a pair of black angel wings. He couldn't help the snicker that escaped as he watched thee Eddie 'freak' Munson, his wild and carefree friend have his hair perfectly teased by a girl on set. Eddie coughed as she violently sprayed another can of hairspray at him and Steve suddenly realised why there were so many 'NO SMOKING' signs around the building. 
The whole bizarre scenario a reminder that his friend really was a rockstar. Steve supposes Eddie has always looked like one but he feels a sense of pride that his friend has stayed the same sweet, ridiculous weirdo he's always been. Never letting celebrity get to his head and never taking himself seriously. The boys had been in fits of tears a few minutes earlier as both of them along with two women from the costume department spent the best part of an hour trying to squeeze Eddie into the tightest pair of leather trousers known to man. 
'Christ, man. You look like Olivia Newton-John in Grease,' Steve had wheezed between laughing. 
'You'd love that, wouldn't you Harrington?' Eddie challenged, eyebrows wiggling. 
 '5...4...3..' the director had started counting down, finally ready to begin the filming now. Between the backing track, the wind machine, flashing lights and smoke, Steve had no idea how any of the band were managing to concentrate on playing. Steve was finding himself immersed in the scene, forgetting this was just a music video as the set got more intense as the song reached the chorus. The lights flashed brighter, the music louder and the band playing harder and moving around with more vigour. Eddie was a natural performer, his body rippling in time with the notes he was playing, legs spread in a power stance. Even if it wasn't his type of music, Steve still loved seeing the guys play, his head bobbing in time with the beat until a shout led the music to screech to a halt. 
Just as Eddie was getting into his guitar solo, his knees bent, putting his all into it he suddenly yelled 'OH MOTHERFUCKER!!'
Steve whipped his head round as he saw everyone fluster round Eddie.
'Woah what? Everything okay man?'
'Dude what the fuck what happened?
The directors and cameramen flocked over. 
Eddie's palm hit his forehead, his cheeks flushed.
'Yeah... shit,' Eddie laughed, 'guys, I told you these pants were too tight!'
Everyone looked around in confusion until Eddie span around. 
'The fucking split man, LOOK!' Steve snorted as Eddie's ringed finger pointed to the rip at the burst seam of the leather trousers revealing his ass.  'Mannn, you guys are so fuckin lucky my girl makes me wear underwear to these things!' Eddie grinned. 
Steve had gotten up now and was stood with his friend, the pair of them in stitches again over the ridiculous trousers. 
His brows quirked up 'are you saying you don't usually wear underwear?' 
Eddie shook his head 'fuck no, not if Y/N is around. Need easy access always, have you seen how hot my girlfriend is?'
Steve shook his head, groaning in disgust. He knew all too well that Eddie was a fan of easy access, wishing he didn't know the noises you and his friend made during ... intimate moments. Too many times had Steve had to angrily knock on a bathroom or van door. 
Clearly the people running the shoot did not find the wardrobe mishap as funny as Steve and Eddie. The director and first AD were running around frantically, shouting into walkies 
'Where is costume? We need them on set now!'
'Fucks sake, can anyone here sew these damn trousers up for Munson?!' The AD wailed. 
A sweet voice chirped up from the far side of the stage, 
'Oh! I can!' Steve whipped his head round to see one of the winged backing singers trotting over. 
'Alright Ed, let's see the damage,' she chuckled. 
For the first time, Steve could see her properly, no longer obscured by the artificial fog. The way he suddenly felt himself struggle for air made him wonder if he'd inhaled too much of it. But it wasn't the smoke, it was her. She was tall and leggy with exposed skin sun-kissed. Her hair similarly sun-bleached, perfectly undone and beachy, he's pretty certain he should hand his crown as 'The Hair' over to her immediately. Everything about her looked effortless, the make up added to her by costume being completely unnecessary. Steve's sure she was ethereal without the make up or the wings. 
'Oh of course you know how to fix this,' Eddie playfully chides her. 
She chuckles and it's lovely, her voice his soft with a little grit. 
'Yeah, yeah. Wonder Woman over here. Wait there, I'll go get a sewing kit,' she lands a little punch to Eddie's shoulder and skips off. 
Steve is left blinking dreamily off in the direction she went off to, his hand seeking out Eddie, hoping feeling something tangible would bring him back down to earth. 
'Munson! Who. The. Hell. Was. That.' 
'Huh?' Eddie was fiddling with the wires of his guitar, not yet noticing his friends bewildered face 'what? Marissa?' 
Steve nods frantically, jaw still dropped. 
'Marissa? Yes! Tell me more!' he gasped. 
Eddie answers, half distracted as he hands his guitar off to someone. 
'Oh yeah, she went to college with Y/N. They're good friends. Did the same course but she can sing so got her a spot doing backing singing for Corroded Coffin...'
Finally Eddie turns around properly to see the state of Steve who is currently stood there like a cartoon character, gawping with hearts popping out his eyes.
'My god... Steve Harrington has a crush, doesn't he?' 
Steve looks at his friend with the most tragically lovesick expression, he gulps and nods. 
'I think I might have to marry her.'
Eddie sympathetically pats his friend on the back, suddenly now aware how he must've looked when he saw you for the first time. 
Steve finds himself alone, sat in the dressing room with Marissa as she artfully stitches up the rip. Eddie had feigned an excuse to leave them alone, deciding Marissa may heal Steve's broken heart a lot better than the bottle of whiskey they would've drank later. 
'So you sing, you're creative... Eddie said you did the same course as Y/N and you sew,' Steve croons, 'what can't you do?'
Marissa flashes him a dazzling smile, 'we just met but I might keep you around, Steve Harrington. You're good for my ego!' 
He has to stop himself from begging her to keep him around so he lets out a laugh and tries to play it cool. 
'But seriously, how do you know how to sew?' 
'Well...' Marissa starts as she carefully threads a needle, 'I have like, five siblings. All younger. Mostly boys. You have no idea how many clothes you'd get through with little boys if you don't know how to sew,' she chuckles. 
Steve's heart aches in a way he's never felt before, his chest feels warm like something is blooming under his rib cage. 
'That's really nice...' he smiles, 'guess you like being in the city now though? Get away by yourself.' 
Marissa stops and shakes her head adamantly, 'no, actually I hate it. I miss them all the time. The city is cool and stuff but I don't know... nothing compares to home.' 
Steve nods, he knows exactly what she means. The city is fun, he likes coming on adventures with Eddie but he's never having more fun than when everyone is round at his usually empty house; filling it with noise. 
'You got siblings then?' She asks curiously. 
'No... well... technically no,' Marissa looks puzzled at his response, 'I'm an only child but I guess when I was like eighteen I ended up kind of adopting a bunch of twelve year olds and now I'm kinda stuck with them.' 
Marissa grins like she knows what he means, Steve's words not even raising any questions and he can't help but grin in response. 
'Is that Dustin and the others? Eddie and Y/N have told me all about them. They seem great. It's sweet that you took them under your wing... really sweet.' She emphasises then last part as she looks at Steve's kind, warm caramel eyes and she hopes he knows she actually means that he is really sweet. 
The pair of them chatter none stop until she's finished stitching the trousers. They continue even as Eddie is putting them back on. They talk until Marissa is practically manhandled by the AD and put back in front of her microphone. As they begin filming again, Steve almost forgets that he's there to watch Eddie. As far as he's concerned, the only person in the room is Marissa. The soft lights illuminating her, almost adding a halo to match the wings. The second the director calls 'CUT!' She is rushing back over to Steve to carry on chatting. 
'So has accidental teen fatherhood put you off being an actual dad then? Guess you've got enough kids already,' she laughs. 
Steve shakes his head adamantly as he realises he's not afraid to tell Marissa how much he wants kids. He's been hesitant to ever mention it to exes, knowing that the reaction of those he's told has been of confusion or disappointment. Groaning that the infamous Steve Harrington doesn't have worldly ambitions, he just wants to have a family. 
'Hell no,' he can't help himself confessing, 'I'd have a whole Von Trapp family if my partner would let me.'
Marissa's face falls slightly, she can't hide her disappointment.
'Oh... you have a girlfriend?' She whispers glumly. Steve shakes his head frantically 
'God no!' He snorts, 'I'm notoriously cursed in the romance department. Ask Eddie or Y/N!'
She smiles at how cute he looks when he's self deprecating and lets her fingers brush his arm. The hairs on Steve's body stand on end at her magnetic touch. 
'I find that hard to believe,' Marissa smiles coyly. Steve thinks his heart is lodged in his throat, he coughs trying to scramble his thoughts together. 
'Wh-what about you? Changed enough nappies from your siblings to put you off for life?' 
She shakes her head, her soft waves shimmying and brushing against Steve's skin. 
'Never. I think... I think having a big family of my own is all I've ever really wanted.' 
The pair had been walking towards Marissa's dressing room, well, she had been and Steve had been following her hopelessly. They stop outside the door, their eyes meeting and both of them with the same soft hazy look. Both wondering if the other can hear how fast their hearts are beating. 
Marissa doesn't want Steve to go and knows he's too sweet to press forward but she's pretty certain that's what is special about him. So she takes control and digs for any reason to keep him here. 
'C-could you help me?' Steve cocks his head 'my wings... kinda tricky to get off?' She points over her shoulder at them. 
'Oh-oh! Yeah, shit, yeah of course!' 
He follows her inside and she stops, turning her back to him. 
'They're just kinda attached to the dress... sorry, they're a little difficult.'
They both nervously chuckle. Steve takes a deep breath before carefully gathering her hair  and draping it over her shoulder revealing her bare back. Across the span of her shoulders are a series of freckles mapped out like constellations. As his long fingers fumble with untangling the straps he sees her tan lines and he can't help but think how beautiful Marissa probably looks on the beach. His breath hitches at the thought and he reminds himself to concentrate at the job at hand. But it's hard not to get lost in her scent radiating from her hair and skin, she smells like summer. Radiating warmth in a way he's never known anyone to before. 
Marissa feels her skin prickle with goosebumps each time Steve's fingers glide against her. She never felt a man with such soft hands before or such careful touch. He untangles the wings as if she's made of precious crystal and truthfully, Marissa feels precious just from how Steve looks at her. 
That night your phone rings you yawn and stretch over to get it. Barely a sleepy 'Hello' leaves your mouth before Marissa barrages you. 
'Oh my god, Y/N why have you never told me about him before? Shit, I feel thirteen. I don't think I've ever had a crush this bad before. He's like something out of a romcom. He's perfect. He's so kind and gentle and sweet and OH ugh the way he talks about those kids?' 
You chuckle, 'so... I take it you met Steve?' 
Marissa nods frantically before she realises you can't see her through the phone, 'YES! And I'll never speak to you again if I don't see him again.' 
In all your time knowing her, you've never heard her like this over a guy before and the fact it's about your sweet, unlucky in love Steve makes you want to squeak. Maybe, finally, you can return the favour for him helping introduce you to Eddie.
'I'll see what I can do.'
In a bar back in New York, Eddie is listening to the same manic ramblings from a tipsy Steve. Eddie blinks as he trips over his words. 
'Oh mannn, think she's s'cool! Who made her? WHO?'
Eddie shrugs, 'I don't know man, her mom and dad I guess?'
Steve presses two fingers to Eddie's lips who's eyes just widen at the contact.
'No, Edward,' Steve whispers, 'the big man did.' He gestures to the sky as Eddie struggles to hide a smirk. 
'Ozzy?' Steve just groans and swats at his friends teasing. 
'Sorry Steve, sorry. I'll talk to the missus. See what we can do.' 
Everything quickly falls into place for Steve and Marissa. It's the most natural thing to happen to either. For the first time, Steve doesn't feel himself trying to be someone for a woman, Marissa sees him for who he is. The first time she goes to Hawkins, Marissa knows immediately this is where she was always meant to be. This felt like the small town she dreamt of having her big family in. It no longer takes the whole gang to stop Steve from feeling alone in his big empty house, just Marissa's presence alone fills the space. Gradually, Steve pieces together who he's supposed to be in this world. When Robin graduates in summer that year, they open up a coffee shop and record store. It quickly becomes a place where people and kids of all kinds come to relax and a sense of true pride that Steve has never felt before, fills him. He's proud of himself for making something special. 
Over Christmas, Steve meets all of Marissa's siblings. Five that despite all being in their teens now, look at her like she hung the moon and stars. He watches how she loves them, paying each one equal attention, knowing everything about their lives despite no longer living in the same house as them. Marissa watches in return as she sees how the six people she loves the most, merge together perfectly. Her sides ache from laughter watching her four brothers tackle Steve. She notices how he teaches them new games and keeps them all entertained. How he instinctively knows how to fix or set up their Christmas presents. Her heart aches seeing how he goes out of his way to make time for her only sister, April. Sharing with her all the girly knowledge he's absorbed over the years from Robin, Max and Eleven. 
Whilst she's occupied with washing the dishes, Marissa is blissfully unaware of what's afoot. When discussing hair products with April, the young girl breaks off the conversation to scan her surroundings before beckoning Steve to lower his ear to her mouth. 
'You're the nicest boy she's ever been with. I hope you stay together,' she whispers. Steve's cheeks blush, he hopes so too. 
Clearly April had initiated a meeting of the siblings which is where Steve found himself now. Sat in the basement, five loving siblings sat facing him in a circle. Were they not teenagers, Steve would've felt like he'd been called into a meeting with the mob. 
The oldest spoke first, despite being eighteen, he was taller than Steve and frankly, alarmingly intimidating. 
'As you know, Marissa is very, very special,' he began with a serious tone, 'she is more than our big sister, she is like our mom. So who she dates is very VERY important.'
Steve gulps, nodding. He looks around the room, each sibling wearing a somber face - until his eyes meet April's. She is grinning, the hand dangling at her side forms a little thumbs up and Steve lets out the breath he's been holding since he got cornered fifteen minutes ago. 
'So far,' the oldest continues, 'our sister has dated a bunch of fucking losers... and then she brought you home, Steve. We have seen it and we have discussed it, we can confirm none of her exes have made her as happy as you do. And none of them have taken the time to get to know us like you have.'
The others all hum in agreement, faces easing slightly now. 
'Therefore, we collectively, grant you our blessing. You are the first man in history to have received this, if you want to live then you best make sure you're the last to receive it too.'
He then walks forward and shakes Steve's hand, it's the firmest handshake Steve has ever received and it squeezes out the rest of the breath he'd been holding. 
'Well guys,' Steve begins, 'first of all, thank you. It's an honour. It's also an honour to be with Marissa. I mean, I haven't told her this yet... we only met in May but... shit. Fuck it. She's my soulmate.' 
The boys all nod in approval, the moment only broken by April who stands to her feet and erupts. 
'Well good god, Steven. What are you waiting for? TELL HER!'
He quickly realises that once again, a little girl is the scariest person he knows. Max would like April. 
'Agh! Alright, alright, I will! But... that's not actually my name.' 
That night, Steve flops into bed with Marissa, both of them exhausted from the day. They both lie on their backs, staring at the ceiling whilst their fingers seek each other and intertwine. 
'So... you met the siblings. They scared you off yet?' Marissa chuckles nervously. 
Steve squeezes her hand. 
'No... in all honesty, i'm probably going to spend the rest of my life with you,' he admits like it's the easiest thing in the world, but with her it really feels like it is. 
'Oh...' she croaks. 
Steve turns to face her now, his thumb rubbing her knuckles. 
'Is that okay?' he whispers. Marissa turns to him too, her free hand stroking away a fallen blade of his perfect hair. 
'Yeah. That's okay.'  
From then on, the pair were as good as married. The next spring Marissa moved to Hawkins, the place she was always meant to be. By the end of the year (1991) Steve finally sells the house that had never been his home. Without needing to say it, him and Marissa choose an old house they can work on together to make into a home. Between Marissa's brothers and Steve's boys, the perfect home they both grew up dreaming of was finally completed. Dustin can't help his mouth speaking before his brain can stop him, 'anyway, man... what do you even need a house this big for? There's a shit tonne of bedrooms!'
Steve can't deny it so he comes clean, 'nuggets, Dustin. I'm going to fill it with a bunch of nuggets.' 
In March 1993, Eddie is refusing to speak to Steve. Only two weeks after proposing to you does Steve overshadow the news by announcing Marissa is pregnant. Steve knew Eddie was proposing, having given him the ring for safe keeping in October until it was the perfect moment. You weren't bothered, you were mainly thrilled that two of the people you loved the most had ended up together and were about to start a family. They were both getting everything they ever dreamed of and you knew Eddie realised that deep down; sometimes he just needed to sulk. Steve has an inkling as to how he can win Eddie over. 
Eddie is hunkered away in his studio at home when you knock on, startling him. 
'Hey sweet boy, you've got something in the post. It looks really important, thought it might be contracts so I brought them straight up,' you try to keep your best poker face on. 
Eddie swivels round in his chair, scooting closer and making grabby hands for you to come and sit on his lap - and who are you to refuse your fiancé? 
'Ah thank you, sweetheart. Keeping my life together? What would I do without you?' He presses a kiss on your cheek as he tears the envelope open. 
Inside is a card with a blank front, Eddie looks at you puzzled as your try to contain the smile creeping up on your lips. Carefully he opens it and squints attempting to analyse the photo inside and then he gasps. It's a baby scan. Underneath in Steve's handwriting it says 
'Eddie Munson, I offer you your greatest quest yet - are you ready to be a godfather?'
Eddie jumps to his feet, forgetting you're even there causing you to stumble. 
'Is this??' he practically squeals. 
'Steve and Marissa's baby,' you grin. 
You barely finish your reply before Eddie is out the door and running down the stairs before you catch up to him, you hear him find what he was going to go and look for. 
Steve and Marissa had come round to deliver it, hoping Eddie wouldn't be able to resist the baby picture. When you get down the stairs you find the pair looking like kids, embracing each other and jumping up and down. Marissa catches your eye and you both crack up that you've both found yourselves spending your lives with the biggest kids around.
When Eddie pulls away you can see his eyes are red with tears and he's so overcome with emotion his words are barely a whisper. 
'I'm so sorry man. D-do you really mean it? You want me to be god f-father... not Dustin?'
Steve's teary eyed as well and shakes his head. 
'No way bro, I had to repay you somehow for introducing me to my baby mama!' Marissa playfully slaps his arm for the nickname. The boys are quick to continue their embrace. 
On the 2nd January 1994, a baby boy with the greatest hair the world has ever seen is born. Robert 'Rob' James Harrington. The second Steve holds his firstborn and a tiny hand clenches round his finger, Steve knew that he'd been right; his purpose in life was always to be a dad. 
Rob is barely one before the pair announce baby number two in April 95. A couple of months later, you and Eddie are announcing the same thing for the first time. Once again you and Marissa witness your partners hug and jump around this time over them both being dads. The pair wait on you and your matching bumps on hand and foot, constantly calling each other and comparing notes about their girls' pregnancies. When you and Marissa discover you're both having girls, Steve and Eddie can barely look at each other without  bursting into tears. Having babies at the same time bonding them for life. In hindsight it only made sense that Steve and Marissa's Corey ended up together with yours and Eddie's Sloane. 
In October 97 Steve and Marissa have double trouble - twins. A boy and a girl Jacob Dustin and Sophia April Harrington. It's once they watch their new twins asleep in their hospital cots and Rob and Corey curled up on the sofa that Steve realises something. He whispers, careful not to wake his tribe,
'Marissa, babe... we forgot to get married.'
Steve's initial musing when he first met Marissa, that she'd look beautiful on a beach was correct. He'd never been so speechless as her oldest brother, who'd given him permission all those years ago, escorts her in her floating white dress. Steve's teary eyes look towards the front row where you and Eddie sit with his gaggle of kids. It's not exactly the Von Trapps, but Steve thinks four out of six nuggets is pretty good going.
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that1nkyone · 6 months
Mamook Pear
(So, I have a lot of little backstories for my Warrior of Light. Ash'li Jinjahl had humble beginnings - and his Mum, Ashul Jinjahl, is a big part of it. She's a rowdy lady with seven children, whom she's affectionately named her Seven Hells.
Ashul's also full of stories about her children. And this is one such story I heard her yammering about in my head all day yesterday - and it turned into a little exercise in dialogue. I picture an Irish accent of sorts as she speaks. Imagine she's telling this one to the Scions while Ash'li's burying his head in his hands.
Anyway, enjoy this silliness)
"Did I tell you the time when Ashi here was adopted by a chocobo?"
"Ashi's already told you some of it? No, I'm going to tell it. I tell it the best way - we're doing this. We're starting from the beginning. Sit back down, Ashi.
"Alright, so, this was when Ash'li was about five summers old. He wasn't quite talkin' yet. Now, this might surprise some of you, but Ash'li likes chocobos. Shocker, I know. Well, he's liked chocobos since he was old enough to walk around and wander up to the stables. You know the one in Bentbranch, in the Shroud? Everyone knows that one.
"It was actually handy! You know how sometimes you bribe kids to do what they don't wanna do? Even Koh - that's one of my girls, Koh - would prompt Ash'li down a tree if it meant he got to go and see the chocobos. Worked most of the time, unless he was really grouchy. An' even then, he'd just slide slowly down the tree, scowling.
"Anyroad, one day, I was off helpin' repair one of the fences. Ashi was with me, even though I told him that I was here for work. Didn't care, he just wanted to see the birds.
"Of course, one of the porters decides to bring up the fact that there are some chocobo chicks on the way. And I think, 'oh, that's lovely, we'll have to come back after they've hatched and have a look, Ashi would love that.'
"Now like I said earlier, Ashi wasn't a talker, then. And the older he got, the more he tended to wander where he pleased. So he had a habit of disappearin' on me.
"Which, you know - is the worst when you live in the Shroud. I was too busy appreciatin' how quiet Ashi was compared to the rest of my kids that I didn't stop to consider how bloody stressful it is to have a quiet child wander off and vanish on you. That's how you know he was one of my Hells.
"Anyroad - Ashi heard the words 'chocobo chick,' and decided he needed to try an' see one. And he was already mad about chocobos, so imagine the way he was about chocobo chicks. We're all mad about chocobo chicks, though, don't lie to me.
"So while I'm lining up another board to hammer in, he's ducked through the fence and wanderin' around the inside of the stables. And because he's so bloody small, nobody notices. He's just this little kit wanderin' around with nobody noticin' 'cept maybe a bird or two, and they're probably mindin' their own business.
"And he reaches the brooding yard - nice little place in a stable for a mother chocobo to set up a nest on her own. Because here's some interesting trivia for you - some chocobos are extra protective of their eggs when they're brooding, and they need some space. You get too close, and they'll give you a solid peck or a kick for good measure.
"Now, Ashi doesn't know this. Nobody's told him. But he sees the mama bird and wants to get closer, so he just does. And this story could've ended with him gettin' a solid peck to the head, I know, but this is what happens instead;
"The mama chocobo sees this little Miqo approchin. He's larger than a chocobo chick, but still bloody tiny. And this is a big, broody mama who's seein' a little creature nearby all alone. And I want to know what was goin' on inside that bird's head, because she clearly didn't think Ashi was a threat. More like 'What's this little chick doing on its own? Is it mine? What's it doing out here?'
"And that's when she just reaches on over with her head and just scoots him under her wing, shoving him there for good measure and settles down in her nest.
"Now, I bet you're wonderin' - why didn't Ash'li at least scream for help? Well, Ashi here remembers being startled at first - but you know, under a chocobo wing, it's kinda muffled and quiet, and it's also nice and warm - and those feathers can be pretty soft. Ashi, I remember you sayin' all that - and I also remember you and Jakkra - that's another one of my girls, Jakkra - piecin' together that you just nodded off in there. For an entire bell.
"Oh, you're laughin' now, and I'm laughin', but gods, at the time I was panickin'. There was no sign of you for an entire bell, and I had no clue where you were. The porters were running around, the stablehands were looking - even some of the older chocobos were peckin' about the stables, lookin' for ya.
"And I think you must've heard my yellin' at some point because one of the stablehands sees you poke your head out from under the mama bird's wing. And they start panickin' because this mama bird's been extra nasty to anyone who's tried to check in on her eggs. So they call for everyone, and me, who's been close to hysterics.
"An' at first I think my poor boy's in a dangerous situation - but then I see him all cozy under a chocobo wing, blinkin' at all the drama like it's some shenanigans his siblings are up to, and he's in no way distressed. He's just starin'. And even while the mama bird's pecking and kweh-ing at the stablehand trying to get close, Ashi just occasionally looks at me like nothing's out of the ordinary.
"And at this point I've gone from hysterical panicking to hysterical laughing, because for one, I'm relieved my boy is safe - and two, he seems like he's enjoying himself. I asked you that too, Ash'li - "Are you havin' fun, there?" and he just nods and goes back under the wing after the stablehand starts cursin' with a nasty peck on his hand.
"And I start tellin' off the mama, "That's my baby! What d'you think you're doing?! You've already got one on the way, don't add more to yer plate there!" I'm still laughin', mind you.
"Anyroad, dangerous or not, it was a strange little hostage situation - and it was agreed that we needed to bribe the mama bird into givin' up Ashi. Now, usually chocobos like their greens - good old Gysahl greens and the like - but mama bird wasn't going to give up her chick for any old chow. No, it needed to be the good stuff.
"I remember her givin' some leafy greens a glance. And to her defense, she shrugged off a lot of offers. She even turned away from a Thavnairian Onion. In the end, she finally gets off the nest for two Mamook pears.
"And I was relieved - but I'm scoopin' Ash'li up from the nest, and I'm thinkin' to myself, 'Oh, I was almost rootin' for her - she was willin' to overlook mountains of greens for my boy, but she caves to two pears?'
"And I tell her that - I tell her "Ashi's worth more than two godsdamned pears! Shame on you!"
"But here's the kicker. My nerves are shot at this point, because the next thing that leaves my mouth is "How many pears are ya worth, Ashi?"
"And Ash'li - look, the poor dear's a little disoriented - thinks real hard about this, and then holds up five fingers. And I'm on the verge of tears at this point, going "Oh, five pears! Five pears at least! Ya hear that, Mama Bird!? You shoulda waited for five!"
"Yes, Ashi, I know you thought I asked how old you were. But once his siblings caught wind of this incident, they ran the 'five pears' joke into the ground with him. He was tired of it by the time he was ten, poor dear.
"Anyroad, that's how Ash'li was adopted by a chocobo. And that's also why he makes a face if Jakkra hands him a pear of any kind. You're in on the joke, now.
"If you ask me, though, Ash'li's worth five hundred pears, by now. I see you laughin' there, dear, don't try to hide it!
"Alright, love, I'll stop. Who wants more tea?"
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ladylilithprime · 5 months
Not So Silent Night
Event: Secret Santa Exchange via @spnfanficpond
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Wincest
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags/Warnings: Alcohol Use, Dean's Pining, Sam's Awkward Flirting
Summary: The hunt was a bust and Dean just wanted to kick back and a bar and pretend he wasn't missing his little brother like one half his lungs. Turns out the bar he picked was a better choice than he'd thought.
Gifted to: @a-nah
Read on AO3
THE BLUE FLANNEL shirt had stopped smelling like Sam three months ago, but Dean still wore it over his t-shirt and beneath his dad's old leather jacket like he could duck his head and catch a whiff of sweat and deodorant and cheap aftershave. He knew that if he did he'd still get a whiff of the deodorant and aftershave from his own morning routine, but despite being the same set of scents it still hit... differently. Different notes in the sweat from Dean's devotion to bacon cheeseburgers versus Sam's burgeoning preference for eating raw vegetables.
Freak. At least Dean could be sure with his thoroughly cooked meat that he wasn't gonna spend the night blowing chunks from food poisoning because of the questionably clean lettuce.
He didn't even know why he was still wearing the shirt that, by all rights, should have been tossed in either the laundry or the motel room trash weeks ago, why he had bothered spending half an hour with a gas station sewing kit painstakingly stitching up the torn cuff on the left sleeve after it got caught on a rusty nail. It wasn't even the shirt that he had been wearing all that day, having spent most of the daylight hours stuffed into a suit and tie. Something about the bar across from the library had bitten at him, though  and he hadn't been able to leave the motel room to get a beer until he had changed out of the monkey suit and into that blue flannel.
The bar itself wasn't anything special: polished wood that didn't hide the scuff marks, a dart board and a pool table off to the side, and a flatscreen TV up in the corner over the bar for folks to watch whatever game was on. Three mediocre beers on tap, a handful of brands by the bottle, and a liquor selection pretending to be more high class than it really was. He'd been in a couple hundred bars across the country just like it from before he was legally allowed to order anything harder than a Coke. He clocked and dismissed the handful of local barflies and a smattering of college students that might be easy marks at the pool table later, ordering a beer and settling in to unwind a bit from a hunt that wasn't worth the name.
His thoughts derailed when the bartender set a shot glass of something iced and amber at his elbow next to the beer bottle. Dean's eyebrow went up in question - he knew he hadn't ordered that - and got pointed in the direction of one of the tables of college students. Not sure what to expect, he carefully adjusted his lean against the bar and looked over to the indicated table.
He would have been able to tell which table it was even without the direction. Four widely grinning students, two dudes and two chicks, were arranged on either side of a fifth whose head was face down in folded arms that left Dean with only the view of a mop of brown curls. As Dean looked over, toying idly with the glass, one of the girls elbowed her apparently mortified friend into looking up and--
Dean lifted the shot glass in salute to the achingly familiar eyes that locked onto his. The last ones he had been expecting to see in this bar, and also the ones he had been missing the most. Holding his gaze, Dean took a deliberate sip of the drink, eyebrows going up at the rich, oaky flavor that spilled over his tongue. The kid's friends apparently had good taste to be sending him a shot of good bourbon like this instead of the usual paint thinner.
The incredulity that bloomed across Sam's face at the blatant flirtation was probably deserved, but then again this was really good bourbon. Dean raised an eyebrow and quirked one finger in a clear invitation, sparking a vivid blush across Sam's cheeks that was absolutely worth whatever yelling Dean was going to be enduring at whatever volume Sam decided was appropriate. To the tune of the playful catcalls of his friends, Sam got up, downed his own drink, and managed a credibly steady stride over to where Dean was leaning against the bar.
"What are you doing here?" Sam bit out as he got within low conversation range.
"Really? Just right into it?" Dean tried not to pout, but come on, after he'd gone and done the kid the solid of pretending to be a stranger at the bar he could conceivably be hitting on in front of his college friends? "Not even gonna ask if I come here often, or say my shirt would look better on the floor next to your bed?"
"I already know you don't come here often," Sam huffed with a remarkably expressive eyeroll. He eyed Dean up and down and frowned. "And that's my shirt."
"Got left behind in my bag," Dean said with a shrug that he hoped disguised the way his neck was heating up, pulse thundering in his ears. "You want the chance to steal it back, maybe you should hit on me properly, convince me to take you back to my place like your friends expect. Single room," he added when Sam started to look uncomfortable.
"Dad let you out by yourself?" Sam raised an eyebrow, smirking when Dean scowled.
"Dude, I'm twenty-five!" he protested. Sam folded his arms, and Dean rolled his eyes. "Shut up. Hunt was a bust, anyway, just a regular human sicko."
"Lovely," Sam grimaced. "So you won't be running out in the middle of the night to go dig up a grave?"
"Nope," Dean said, popping the 'p' and raising the shot glass in salute. "You wanna come home with me, I'm all yours for the whole night."
This was the moment, Dean knew. This was the point where Sam could just as easily laugh it off and go back to his friends, maybe with some story about how Dean looked too much like someone he'd gone to high school with, or even looked up close exactly like his older brother if he wanted to go that route. Or, if Dean was very lucky, Sam would be willing to play along and come back with him and maybe...
"So," Sam drawled at length, tilting his body to incline towards Dean as he leaned on the bar. "If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?"
Oh, yeah!
"All night long, baby boy," Dean promised and downed the rest of the bourbon in a single gulp.
"Yeah?" Sam licked his lips, trying to look unimpressed as Dean dropped a twenty on the bar. "Gonna tell me not to worry, he's sleeping, for old time's sake?" Which, okay, ouch, point taken. And yet....
"Aw, Sammy," Dean murmured in his ear as he draped an arm around his little brother's shoulders to guide him out of the bar. "If you manage to sleep through this, then I ain't doing it right~!"
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