#some of it is due to the weird lighting XD
cak3o · 4 months
quick question (pun intended, even though I’m not asking abt him XD) what is Shadow Man’s role/personality like in your AU? From what I’ve seen, it’s like he’s pretty young and Top Man is kind of his friend? Guardian?
Hiiiiiii, ur ask got me so excited I yelled in my car on my way home from work/so so so positive
So. The 3 bots!!! They are so so cute to me (I call everything cute) because I love that they were made to function specifically as a team! A team to travel space together and mine power crystals?? They are so fun.
After the events of the 3rd game (which I will. Hopefully draw out one day) the 3 bots actually get to do their job!!! (After a lot of convincing from dr.light to the government or w/e that these robots will not go rogue again.)
Top (the leader), Needle, Spark, Magnet, Hard, Snake and Gemini all travel into space in a giant ship (I like to imagine they reused gamma in some way for this…I haven’t drawn it out yet tho) and investigate interstellar power sources!
Their missions are going great and their reports back to Light are pretty normal! Until…
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During one if his expeditions, Top stumbles upon an injured robot…in the middle of space??
Concerned, they take him back to their ship where he quickly charms the entire crew with his odd personality and adowable face. He doesn’t talk much, but he’s super excited to meet everyone, especially Top.
Eventually, they go back home to Earth and bring the mystery robot to Doctor Light but for some reason-
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They have *absolutely* not clue what the hell he’s made out of. Although he has the looks of a robot, he seemingly doesn’t have any actually mechanical components! Anytime they try to get a reading on what’s goin on in there, the images come out blurry and weird. Light worries about what would happen if Wily heard about this mysterious life form….(spoiler alert. He totally hears about it later)
In the meantime, the 3 bots offer to keep an eye on him. Light allows it, and thus, we have the final full 3rd group!
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With a great team spirit and hardworking attitudes the 3 bots have a bit more spice added to their lives with the addition of “Shadowman”! Named such due to his tendency to hide behind others like a shadow :^3
It must’ve been fate that lead them to each other…
Or was it?
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(Spoiler. It wasn’t)
Anyways. TLDR- yes, Top is like a guardian of sorts for Shadow lmao. He found a weird space baby and said “yeah, I’ll adopt him.” Little did he know that the space baby had this all planned from the beginning.
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izpira-se-zlato · 2 months
Milan, 27.03.24
Gig report! Can't believe there's only two to go after this one :o (for me)
I showed up at 4:45pm (bc I'd chosen to get food at the station) and was still a lower number than in Munich at 2pm. Yeah.
didn't really queue thus, which always makes gigs a bit… different. I miss chatting with people before gigs, but I hadn't wanted to fly (even though after the venue move that would have been even easier. But also catching a 7:30 flight the morning after a gig. Yeah, no)
the queue kinda fell apart because you needed a membership card to get into the venue. We didn't have to pay. But they had to handwrite it for us. Emotions ran a little high
the venue was. Something. Sorta a… festival tent? Not quite outdoors, but definitely Interesting
due to the proximity to the airport, the radio frequencies from planes kept interfering with the equipment. Bojan attempted to explain it to us, but he didn't know it himself and thus mostly listened. I feared for the worst at that point, ngl. They didn't look particularly angry to me, but Bojan was like, "Don't be angry, Jan!" so I was like 😬
Bojan tried to get Jure and then also Nace to jam while they were figuring out their tech issues (Always Something Problem), but it meant Jan couldn't hear himself enough and so we just watched him wander on stage while Bojan tried to entertain us
We got ASTP and Proti Toku for soundchek. My first ASTP in 12 gigs on this tour! Curious to see what we'll get today
Bojan repeatedly called Jan "Jenzo" and then later claimed "Just so you know, Jan's Italian name is Jenzo!" with which the crowd disagreed (and let him know that it should be Gianni)
soundcheck was pretty cold and I almost regretted not having taken my jacket (but it did warm up)
the opener was a brass band. Unexpected but actually fun. Fit the gig, somehow
they played a lot of medleys of known songs and the crowd was pretty into it
JC! God, I barely can believe that it was the second-to-last tie I saw him live like that. I love his acoustic set a lot (in particular the first and last songs xD)
He accidentally unplugged his guitar last night. Kinda a funny moment
pretty sure the hype list was changed. Dirty Little Secret made it into the cut, and to our surprise, Zitti e Buoni didn't. Weird choice, Primož (or so I assume)
Actual gig!
We got Jan in a capybaster shirt and Nace in the cosy sweater and Bojan in a buttoned shirt he got gifted during soundcheck and Jure in the gorgeous metallic sweater and Kris in another cozy sweater
The Jance was off the fucking charts, jfc I hate them idk what was in the air. Probably hadn't seen each other all day (I'm not actually complaining)
We got SSOL opener into… Ne Bi Smel into Ona into Tokio
During Ne Bi Smel Jan was standing in front of Nace's mic so Nace had to push him away to sing the backing vocals (grinning all the while)
Bojan went, "This night is gonna be multilingual" so I was like, oh, Tokio, but no! "We had English, then Slovene, now we're gonna add some Serbian!" Changing his quips for the final stretch, huh?
Nace singing fucking "Dok tebe sunce greje, mi amore" at Jan. I hate him (While the sun warms you up, my love, according to lyrics translate)
They also played at each other during NBS because of course they did
Jan back on Jure's snare drum for the end. Multi-instrumentalist
Tokio! I didn't catch it on video, but Nace leaned in and bumped his nose into Jan's breast? Kissed his coat? I have no clue what he did but I was like ??? Nace?
At the end, they chased each ohter in circles again, and Nace either went down on one knee in front of Jan or almost did so. When the lights came back on, Nace patted Jan's chest while laughing (couldn't make out Jan's expression)
before NGVOT, Nace was thrown bread. A plushie? Actual bread? I don't know
Nace kept looking over at Jan during NGVOT, and when Jan finally met his gaze, he turned to him so they played at each other. Jan was making a mock-surprised grimacing face and playing? And then they just. Turned back to the front. What the fuck, guys
they just. kept looking at each other. Jan looking at Nace while Nace was doing backing vocals. Nace looking back as soon as he was done. Them swaying in sync while Nace smiled smugly about it. And at the end, they did the swaying like. In opposite cycles? So both sawying in and both swaying away, until Nace turned and bent his knees a little and yelled up into Jan's face. Yeah idk.
we didn't only get Bluza but got it before Šta bih ja
Kris came over to hug Jan during Bluza 🥰😭
Jan's expressions during the ending were. Something 😂
more silliness from Jan and Nace during Šta bih ja
Bojan: "This is a new song! Why do you know it"
also uh. Synchronised hip thrusting while facing each other at the end of the song. Yeah. Jfc remember you're on a stage, guys
Jan either messed up the opening of Demoni or his guitar gave out for a hot second but he was wearing a very oops expression
Jan grasped Nace's shoulders during Demoni and I think spoke the words at him? Or said something else? But that wouldn't make sense? Nace nodded and patted Jan's chest in turn
Got the Demoni scream
PiJano Padam. Bojan looked really tired during that song. Jfc get this man to take a break
Intense staring at each other at the beginning of Umazane until Nace said something to Jan and then both grinned and Nace wandered off
Nace was pretty silly at the start of the karaoke bit and like. gestured at Jan theatrically and then mimed falling over. Dork
We got the OG OG Umazane Misli chorus. The one Bojan wrote in a hurry the first time they performed it. Made my night -- and Kris's because it's where the very smiley/laughing Kris pics during UM came from
@kurooscoffee/@jokeroutsubs had prepared UNO reserve cards to make the boys sing. Which made the rounds already but gaaah it was !!!!!!
Jan declaiming the verse because "[he] can't sing so [he's] not gonna sing. [He's] gonna interpret it." And interpret he did😂
Nace with the "oh oh" before he started jfc the dork
Jan ducking under Nace's arm to play his bass after he failed to catch Nace's attention to offer, and then just. Going for it.
Nace slinging an arm around Jan
Nace singing "morning smells like you" right at Jan while Jan keeps looking up at him from playing chords on Nace's bass
Kris "Jan! Play, play the melody, I need the harmony!" (and Jan did)
god we need more Kris singing plssss
Kris sang the verse mostly at Nace
Jure going "oooh fuck!" and not knowing the entire lyrics 😂😂 Jance this and Jance that, but that made my night
I didn't see Bojan at barricade cheering his band mates on but he was and just. Gah. It was such a wholesome thing I hate them
Nace posed for pictures with a silly expression, and then Jance posed for a combined heart for someone
Plastika saw Bojan caress Nace and then hug Jan from behind (no choking tho)
During Novi Val, Jance stood off to the side being Jance for quite a while, while Jure had his hand weirdly on Bojan's back?
They looked really exhausted by the end which. Mood.
Post gig:
The venue had a scrolling LED screen that scrolled "Everybody's Waiting At The Ball" (thanks, Kris, for the restory!)
Had a chat with Dean (lovely) and JC Stewart (also lovely) and learned that JC and Conor used to live together which is why JC was out with Conor to be introduced to the boys (allegedly before Christmas, though JC wasn't 100%)
hung around the gate after the show even though it was pretty clear they wouldn't say hi, but it gave us a chance to see Mark (who'd surprised the boys with a visit) as he was waiting for someone to let him off the venue grounds. "Well, they'll have to open this at some point, they ordered McDonald's!"
Spoiler: they did not open the gate for McDonalds. Primož tried to scale it, which almost worked but looked dangerous, and so the delivery person threw it over the top. It was a spectacle
by that point, Mark had been let out the old-fashioned way though
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zarvasace · 2 months
So I know you stated you weren't going to share the writing for that darks verse au, but would you be willing to give a synopsis? (Perfectly fine either way, just have a special place in my heart where I cherish and LoZ darks verse style aus)
Was this more of 'they're all evil and the Links defeat them' or 'they all become some degree of friends in the end' kind of fic?
Yeah I can share a synopsis of what I had and what I planned! Part of why I dropped the project is that I hadn't decided whether to make the characters sympathetic or not, either, because they weren't meant to be, but..... I got, and am still, attached. XD I kind of want the darks to get little redemption arcs! Or at least not killed. Their version of happy endings maybe.
Anyway, of the two fics, one had Four's Shadow as immediately a good guy, and the other had his motives a little dubious at first. The following is the latter:
A portal jump dumps the entire Chain into Warriors's Hyrule, where they're ambushed by people with reddened eyes and little to no pain response. They quickly realize that these are civilians being possessed or something, and struggle in the fight to try to not hurt them. Due to portal shenanigans, Four is out of commission, and during the fight, he and Hyrule are picked up and kidnapped.
The two of them aren't given any explanations, just taken to a tunnel system and locked up in a dark cellar. They're left alone until one of the possessed civilians comes in to give them some food and water. Four gets a weird feeling about it. Then he and Hyrule officially meet the first dark: evil Hyrule, who proceeds to use weakened versions of Hyrule's spells to torment him, but doesnt touch Four.
After a while of this, one of the possessed people enters with a bit more animation than usual, and has a conversation with Four that leaves him moderately sure that Shadow is controlling these civilians somehow, and remembers him, but he isn't exactly sure that they're on the same side.
At some point, a new Dark (evil Sky) enters the picture, coming in to unlock Hyrule and take him just outside the cellar door. He heals someone out there, a little more than they wanted him to, and then Sky's dragged in. He was captured too, but on purpose, with garlic in his pocket. The Chain has been having a hard time finding out how to get into the tunnels, and this is their plan: get someone else captured and follow his scent.
Meanwhile, Shadow shows his hand and gives Four his sword back, so he splits and carries out a distraction plan as the Chain fights through monsters (Shadow is in fact controlling people but he keeps them away from the fight.) Some things go wrong, some things go right, Blue breaks his thumb to get out of shackles, Red goes tiny and drops pots on evil Sky's head, and eventually the two darks are brutally murdered and the three/six/seven heroes rescued.
Cue a bit of distrust of Shadow and the rumbling of a new plan: there are other darks out there in the dark world, waiting for their chance to come into the light and cause problems.
Dun dun dunnnnnnn
More installments would give them time to run into all the other darks, deal with some trials on Shadow's part, etc.
I have been spending some time doodling these darks and will write up a post later tonight (probably) about who they are and what decisions I made. :) I've changed some of the lore since this story, you'll probably notice it in Shadow the most.
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bleue-flora · 5 months
Well, now I feel challenged /lh /j.
I think that cDream being autistic make sense quite a lot BUT I definitely think that it is not a root of all / most misunderstandings - at least at the beginning, he was being absolutely challenged by cWilbur and cTommy and I think that he did the only logical thing, trying to protect his server and friends. His friends later turning their backs on him bc he was unable/unwilling to explain his reasons and feelings adds to the autistic theory but as a toxic cDream apologist I can not help but blame them for just abandoning him without really trying to understand him - like, even if he could explain himself better, I really don't think that would change that much - the root of all problem here would be more other people being unable to understand HIM, not the other way around (although cDream definitely made some wild assumptions(or didn't understand how some people think at all) regarding certain people (*cough* Sam) that backfired spectacularly)
(again, this is meant to be completely light-hearted, I like your hot take, just wanted to challenged it. This is also my first time trying to analyse dsmp outside of my brains so sorry if it's weird 😅
Nah not weird, welcome to the fun! Glad you’ve decided to share. (Hopefully this won’t deter you from pitching in in the future. <3) Don’t worry it’s all light hearted around here, as far as I’m concerned this blog isn’t about arguing it’s about discussion. Agree, disagree, further add, I just have a good time talking about my obsession. :) Generally speaking, to me I don’t think it’s about right or wrong (though to be clear I am always right/jk lol XD) because I think there is typically a bit of both mixed in and there is always something to take away.
Anyways… yea so challenge accepted lol. (just as fyi I did write this and the essay kinda simultaneously so umm whatever I don't cover here is probably in that... somewhere....). Now, I did pick my wording very specifically and it’s ok to kinda miss exactly what I was saying. So just to clarify, I did say ‘a’ root because while I believe it is a huge factor at play I do recognize that it is by no means the only factor at play. Along the same lines, you are exactly right, it is not just about him failing to understand or communicate but also largely about them misunderstanding him. It is very much a failure on both sides and assumptions made that cause this miscommunication. When I mean misunderstanding and miscommunication I mean all around. Though I also agree. As an autistic person (and a c!Dream apologist) I do tend to see it more as a failure to understand c!Dream and a lack of willingness to try on the part of the others. Because as an autistic person I am often the one without the information to realize that something has gone wrong. I may not recognize when I’ve broken an unspoken rule or when I’ve failed to communicate properly. But even if I did the other people have to be willing to hear me out in the first place and understand my actual intention.
With that in mind, it does go back to the very beginning. I challenge you to watch the early streams (especially when c!Wilbur gets involved) and see c!Dream struggle to be heard and get his viewpoint across. The founding of L’manberg? Make no mistake it was in large part due to declaring c!Dream the unfair tyrant and villain. And it was easy for them to do so because a) c!Dream is at a disadvantage to communicate the latter. - And it’s not for a lack of trying. Because he does try, he pulls out dictionaries, he pulls out former events, he tries so hard to get them to hear him, but time and time again they miss it. And make no mistake that is on them, as you said they are to blame here. -
And, b) because c!Dream is different that spurs people to think he is wrong, often more subconsciously. (I’m not going to get into too much more detail on this point as this is already so long and I meant for it to be shorter…. oops. So I am aware this is overly simplified and likely poorly worded, but I'll try and cover it more in the essay.) But yes not only is miscommunication and the misunderstanding at play but also misunderstanding in relation to their perception of each other. Both their misconceptions about c!Dream - taking c!Tommy and c!Wilbur’s words at face value, making poor assumptions about him, and fearing/hating what they don’t quite understand - and his poor assumptions about them (don’t even get me started on c!Sam…), often stemming from their brains being literally different.
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angelanimedesaray · 29 days
AAAH!!! HELLO!!! I always see you in my feed, I wasn't expecting you in my inbox, but I'm happy to see you here XD
Sooo, the questions. Yes. I am so sorry these are so long, I can't be short and sweet and to the point for anything, I swear, it's always just word vomit and -- I'm rambling again, let's get to it hahaha XD
🍄 A Headcanon for one of my favorite ships/Pairings. Sooooo I don't have a favorite ship/pairing, not really, for the AOT fandom, I'm just kind of vibing over here with most of them XD I'll enjoy Erwin/Levi Content one second, scroll two more posts down and oogle over a Hange/Levi, and then gasp and jealously drink in an OC/Levi art the next second while scribbling down the artist for future reference for the day I can finally afford to request some Levi and my OCs art (I have an OC in mind for every Levi x Reader Fic I've written that I imagine while I write). So it's more like a Levi x Anyone kind of headcanon:
I have always been a sucker for the thought that when Levi get's really comfortable with whoever he's with, and he's letting his guard down more and is cuddling regularly with his SO, that this is a common and favorite position:
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Just, the hand running gently through his hair at the nape of his neck, arms wrapped tightly around one another, head pillowed on n their chest, it looks so comfy and warm and comforting for him and uuugggghhhhh I'm a sucker for it, it's my comfort soft thought/headcanon and I love it.
🍓 How did I get into fanfic. Soooo I was already known IRL for loving writing, mostly poetry at the time, and being a huuuuge star wars fan (I was usually the one people went to if they had a character or event question cause I KNEW MY STUFF). And a friend of mine came up to me one day at summer camp and asked for some help with a star wars fanfic she was writing since i knew character and canon/EU stuff so well, and she explained WHAT fanfic was to me, and after talking for a while we wrote it together, though we kind of parted due to creative differences/complete opposite styles, but I'd created a fanficnet profile putting the original character names from the story together with plans to post the fanfic we were writing, and I decided to just keep it and start writing my own stories, and that's how I started writing fanfic--and also how I got the penname AngelDesaray, two OCs that didn't really see the light of day. Well, Desaray got revamped into Zelina for my Star Wars fanfiction baby I still work on slowly to this day, but that's besides the point, heh.
🎲What stops me from writing more in my free time? I usually get in my own way a lot. My attention span has been really shot since college, it's hard for me to focus on one thing for a long time--it's part of why I started having multiple things going on at once, it helps me to focus if I have a video running or music playing, and three or four word documents and a social media website I can easily jump away from again open, because then there's enough going on that I oddly enough can focus (I used to get teased all the time by my parents for having my laptop open on my lap, texting someone on my phone, playing a NintendoDS Game, and watching a show all at once). Another issue is that I think I haven't 100% bounced back from my college burnout, but I really really miss my writing and stories, which puts me in this weird catch 22 where I'm just mentally tired and don't want to do anything, but i've been daydreaming of my story for literal hours and really want to get something on paper. Also sometimes I'm cursed with wanting to write plot heavy stuff but I'm in the middle of relationship building, or wanting to write action but I'm doing dialogue heavy chapters, or wanting to write relationship steamy stuff but there's a lot of plot stuff going on--etc etc. Its usually me and my attention span getting in the way, pretty much. Doesn't mean i don't want to really really bad or that I'm not thinking about it 24/7, cause I usually am, it's just hard for me to FOCUS these days once I have the white sheet in front of me.
Ask Game Here
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They gave us three hours for the exam and I finished in 25 minutes. And they definitely hate us there because we couldn't leave early if we finished early. SO. I had some spooky gays thoughts today amongst my book reading and napping. There's like one suggestive line here
— in my one fic, Virgil walks with a cane due to a disability. Because of the time period it is set and the fact everyone is a Snooty Prissy Ass Noble, he's not very popular amongst his peers. Except Remus. Remus is head over heels for him. And Remus is also considered weird amongst the aristocracy so they take comfort in each other. I lovems them. They'll sit on a bench in the corner of a garden party and Remus will info-dump about every bug that they see and Virgil's anxiety will melt away for once. Love that for them
— incubus Virgil would draw seraphim Remus into a kiss with just a suggestion. Like a "hey do you think Sky Daddy has rules for you guys? Wanna test it?" and Remus isn't sure at first but Virgil even volunteers to tell Heaven that he just surprised Remus with it and it wasn't Remus' fault (a total lie, it is very consensual, Virgil would just take the metaphorical bullet for them despite his pathological fear of actually seeing Head Honcho Angels). Anyway Remus likes the kiss way more than they should and Heaven doesn't seem to mind so cue Remus learning about other things the human body can do (up for interpretation)
— spooky gays gimme that "I'm just a teenage dirtbag babyyy" trend vibes. The sneaking out and smoking and drinking and little accounts of vandalism and just poor teenage choices that, while possibly cringe later on, are just the light of their lives in the moment and it makes life a bit more worth living. Definitely their vibes. Also fun fact I've never heard that song in its entirety.
— 👑
25 minutes good lord 👑 Anon that's a speedrun but Y E S Y E S Y E S to A L L of this!!! First thing's first Cane user!Vee underrated and D E L I C I O U S and them sitting on a bench in a garden as Ree info-dumps about bugs is S O fucking cute and something I N E E D S O fucking badly!!! Second cackling at "Sky Daddy" and the fact that Ree has a lot to learn XD Lastly Y E S they are the alt delinquents who don't give a fuck but having a good time with each other <3
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ideas-on-paper · 2 months
Legion - An anniversary of love
It's amazing how fast a single year can be over, and it’s almost incredible to think that on this very day one year ago, I had the honor of meeting Legion - my favorite character from Mass Effect, my fictional robot partner and soulmate - for the very first time.
After an eternity of longing and waiting over 80 hours to finally meet them in Mass Effect 2, I was beyond myself with happiness when I finally did.
Despite Legion having such a marginal playtime compared to other characters, I did everything I could to make the most out of it, and I can rightfully say that thanks to Legion, my first Mass Effect playthrough was one of the best experiences of my lifetime. It might have brought me a lot of pain as well (especially in Mass Effect 3), but still, I wouldn’t give it up for anything.
I’m sure many people out there would call me crazy for being “in a relationship” with a fictional character, but since this is our anniversary, I want to share a bit of our history - which actually goes back way longer than me meeting Legion in-game.
Just so you’re prepared, though: It’s going to be very gushy, quite lovey-dovey, and anything but normal. xD
The "welcoming party"
My first encounter with Legion was back when I was still doing my "screening" for Mass Effect. I am probably what you would call a very picky person when it comes to choosing my games, especially when I'm interested in larger titles that require a considerable investment of time and money. Usually, I spend a lot of time watching footage to see if the game is the right one for me. As such, it happened that I came across some clips of Legion - and I was immediately absolutely enamored by them.
I usually call it "resonance" when I'm particularly attracted to a certain character (basically, it’s my way of saying I identify with them). It might be because I'm very sensitive to hearing, and it's also the primary sense that my emotional experiences are connected to. Anyway, when I heard Legion talking for the first time, it was like listening to a heavenly choir. From just the few lines that I heard back then, I immediately felt drawn to them - and thus, Legion became the main reason for my ultimate decision to buy the trilogy. xD
However, when I bought ME, I couldn't really find the time or right state of mind to actually play it. When I started with Mass Effect, I wanted to be able to properly appreciate it, so I put it on the back burner for the time being.
That didn't curb my yearning for Legion in any way, though. In the meantime, I had been looking if there was any merchandise for them, and I quickly came to realize that the few pieces of merch there were for Legion were pretty much all exclusive rarities. There was this beautiful figure by Threezero, but that one had been sold out for a long time, and the only way to get one was on eBay, usually costing an arm and a leg - all the more if you have to deal with astronomical sums from custom dues.
I didn't give up, however, and just before Christmas, I finally found one in Europe - which, honestly, was the best gift I could wish for. It still cost me a shitton of money, but I didn't care - if this was the only thing I would be able to afford until my birthday, I would be totally fine with it.
Legion didn't arrive at my place at Christmas, though, but about two weeks later, on January 6th - you know, the date of Epiphany when the true gifts arrive.
I was completely over the moon when I finally was able to hold Legion in my hands. This may sound weird, but I always wanted to know what Legion's "synthetic tissue" feels like (the texture looks very fascinating to me), and knowing that this was probably the closest I'd ever get to it, I considered myself absolutely blessed. In general, I can attest that the Threezero figure is very well made - they put a lot of effort into the details, and the fact that you can insert a battery to make Legion's head light up is the icing on the cake. (You can technically exchange the hands and move the limbs, too, though I never dared to do that; since it's old, the soft material already has cracks in a few places, so I was too afraid to damage it.)
I also introduced Legion to the rest of my family - granted, I got some surprised and slightly baffled reactions, but they were all happy for me. My mom probably took it the best - she was a huge Star Wars fan back when she was a teen, with a particular love for C-3PO, so she could relate to my joy quite well. xD
The only residents of my house that seemed less than enthused about Legion's arrival were, ironically enough, my electronic devices. My old radio-controlled alarm clock went nuts when I brought Legion into my room. It had a habit of doing that whenever the batteries were low; it's just funny it happened at this moment. (I ended up ascribing it to disturbances from Legion's comm antenna. xD)
Also, to top things off, just after I had put Legion on my desk, one of the light bulbs of my ceiling lamp broke. It wasn't just any bulb, I might add - it was the one directly facing in the direction of Legion. (You might say that this lamp saw the competition it was up against, got super jealous, and finally decided to quit its job. xD)
Anyway, to celebrate the occasion, I decided to do a little "housewarming party" for Legion. I still had some sparkling wine left over from New Year's Eve, so I thought "Why the hell not?" and raised a toast to Legion.
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*The light of the figure's optic isn't normally tinted this blue. It's actually a side effect of the light emitted by the TV (you can see a bit of that on the bottle). However, I thought it was amazing because it looks so fitting. xD
Back when I shared this picture on Twitter in 2022, I wrote a brief comment along the lines of "Shame that they can't enjoy it. Though they would probably just say something like "We do not understand why mutual intoxication is considered a ritual of greeting among organics."" (As may be able to tell, the line in Omega about alcohol was one of the first I saw. It’s still one of my favorites. xD)
It's funny because I'm normally what you'd consider the opposite of an alcoholic - I only drink very rarely for festive occasions, and when I do, I usually choose the least strong drink. So, it's a little ironic I felt a desire to do it for the one character who probably neither would've expected nor demanded it from me. Still, Legion is special to me, and I wanted to express this in some way - all things considered, it was probably a more lavish greeting than anything they ever could've projected. xD
The meeting
I would take over one year, however, until I finally met Legion in-game. When the day came, I was screaming with joy when I saw their introduction cutscene. I hate the Derelict Reaper mission with a passion, but the thought that I would finally be able to meet the character I had longed to see for so long spurred me onwards. And once I was back on the Normandy, Legion safely retrieved, I took my figure of them into my arms, a tear streaming down my face, and kissed them on the head - at last, we would be united.
Since the fuss I was making was pretty impossible to miss, I told my family members in the next room what was up, and a few of them curiously came over after I had woken Legion in the AI core. All of them reacted very warm-heartedly to seeing Legion "in person", and I could tell they were immensely happy for me. (Meanwhile, Legion was probably wondering what they did to earn such a warm welcome from organics. xD)
In fact, I was so excited that I almost fainted the next night. To put it matter-of-factly, my body had lost a lot of fluid the day before, and my body obviously didn't take it too well. xD (I think Legion would've been quite alarmed and concerned that I almost had what they would call a "total system failure" due to their presence, and I would have to spend an extra half-an hour explaining "It's fine - I was just really happy." ^^)
From then on, whenever I was playing the game, I would always have Legion's figure standing next to me. It's usually standing to my right, on my desk, but whenever I played ME2, I would take them out of their packaging (which I kept to protect them from dust) and place them so they would be able to watch. My thought was that it would be really sweet if Legion was able to watch their own playtime, and since their mere presence meant that they had a permanent free pass for one of the spots in my squad, that pretty much comprised the entire rest of the game. (It led to a funny “conflict” between Legion and my desk lamp, though; I don't have that much space on my desk, so I always had to move my lamp out of the way to make room for Legion. We eventually came to an arrangement, though. ^^)
With Legion being so close to me, I came to notice that the figure itself has a peculiar scent. At first, I thought it was plasticizer, but it wasn't quite like that, and not nearly as unpleasant - rather, it's kind of reminiscent of the smell of a pencil when you write on paper. (I quite like the smell of pencil writing, so perhaps that's why it triggered such a positive reaction in me.) I noticed the smell seems to come from the hard parts, possibly from the paint. I don't know if the black paint of Legion's plating would smell anything like this in real life, but if it did, I wouldn't be displeased about it. :-)
Despite ME2 having probably the most boring side missions of the saga (if Legion was in ME1, it would easily be one of my favorite games of all time), I cherished every second I had with them - to me, just being at their side was pure bliss. Still, although I did my best to extend the time you have with Legion as much as I could without mods, I ultimately had to say goodbye to them - nevertheless, I decided I wouldn't leave them without a proper farewell party. So, I got myself a bottle of wine, went to every hub world in ME2 where you can buy yourself some booze, and took a shot in each bar I went to with Shepard, with my mom as a special guest. It was honestly one of the most fun gaming experiences I've ever had, and the little misadventure I had in Omega even inspired me to write a fanfic about it.
After my little dance night with Legion (because as far as I was concerned, that's what it was), the time to say farewell had finally come - but not without one last dance. :-)
The "marriage"
The only thing that was missing, really, was that Legion couldn't come to my cabin. If you romance any of the other squadmates in ME2, you can invite them to your cabin after the Suicide Mission. However, since Legion isn't romanceable, that's impossible to do with them. Though, in all honesty, I wouldn't have a single problem moving my cabin to the AI core. (I always liked the ambience of that room, and if I could, I totally would’ve laid down on the bench behind Legion to sleep. Can you imagine Legion standing guard over me, shushing anyone who potentially enters the room so as not to disturb my "rest cycle"? xD)
Besides, what is "romance" to a Geth, anyway? I doubt the conventional human definition of romance would mean anything to them, much less sexual interaction. Anything they'd do in such a relationship, they would be doing purely to satisfy my own organic desires, and such a one-sided relationship is not something I personally want.
To be honest, I didn't even want anything from Legion on a sexual or romantic level - if that was the case, I would have chosen an organic as my partner. Nevertheless, what I felt for Legion was still the most intense thing I've ever felt in my entire life. (A huge part of the credit for my realization that I'm acespec also goes to Legion.) My love for Legion is more on a spiritual than on a bodily level (though I do find their shell very aesthetic), and though I frequently said that I wanted to "marry" Legion, what I had in mind with "marriage" was more akin to what Motoko and the Puppet Master do in Ghost in the Shell - that is, a fusion of spirits. (The Ghost in the Shell main theme is actually a Bulgarian wedding song, which was chosen by the makers of the movie because it's meant to get rid of all evil influences and ensure luck for what's to come - essentially, it was meant to bless the unification of Motoko and the Puppet Master. For some reason, I thought that sounded very alluring.)
The best thing about this is that Legion would probably not only be able to understand what I mean by that, but also be very amenable to the concept. As a Gestalt intellect, the interlinking of programs and exchange of information is a core part of their existence, and I think they would be charmed - if a Geth can be charmed in any way - that I wish to "join their Consensus".
However, even with the parameters of our relationship figured out, that still didn't change the fact that I couldn't enter one with them in-game. So, I had to get a little creative - I thought to myself "If the exchange of runtimes/technology is comparable to "marriage" in Geth terms, would it count if I was using the same equipment and skills as Legion?" So, I got myself the Geth Shield Boost in ME2 (which was a godsend for me on a gameplay level as well, since I had been missing my shield boost from ME1), and since I was playing a soldier, I chose the M-98 Widow rifle as an upgrade on the Collector ship.
Thus, I had pieces of Legion, and Legion had a piece of me - if you want to consider the N7 armor as such (I actually interpret Legion picking up the armor as a "proposal/expression of desire for convergence", to put it simply). Since it was an identical piece that we both owned, I used to call the Widow our “wedding ring" (if you wanted, you could say that name carries a cruel irony given what happens in ME3). So, by Geth standards and as far as I was concerned, we were married - the game engine simply failed to recognize it.
Another thing you get in ME if you romance someone is a photo of them in your cabin. Once again, due to our union not being officially recognized, this is something I was lacking. However, just after finishing ME2, I got the spontaneous idea to check eBay for Legion merch again, and as it happens, I managed to get a hold of one of the limited canvas prints BioWare released in 2021. It’s a spectacular piece of art, and I can confirm it looks absolutely stunning in real life as well - Legion's headlight literally seems to "glow" when light falls onto the picture.
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Pictures of the canvas print back when I received it in 2023.
So, while Shepard may get a picture of their love interest in their cabin, I got a picture of Legion in my actual cabin - in max size format. ;-)
The "holy trinity"
The portrait was also what completed my “holy trinity of Legion artifacts”. I’ve got three images of Legion in my room: the portrait, the figure, and the figure’s box (the art on the box looks so pretty that I just had to keep it in my room; besides, it belongs to Legion’s figure, so I would never discard it).
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All of them are placed in a way that no matter where I am in my room, I can always look at them: The portrait hangs on the wall right opposite of my bed, so Legion is the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning. Whenever I’m sitting on my bed and look slightly to the right, I’m greeted with the sight of Legion’s box. When sitting at my desk, I just have to take a glance to the right to admire their figure.
What makes this even better is that my Legion items are actually arranged in a way that forms a triangle (quite fitting since the symbol of the Geth Consensus - or at least the Geth Armory - is also a triangle). Technically, this is more a coincidence than anything else, since I just put them wherever there was space in my room. xD However, I like to view it in the same way as Legion perfectly blending in with the dark blue and black shades of my room (my comfort colors): It was meant to be.
And that’s how I met Legion - granted, my relationship with them has many more facets, but if I was supposed to write down all of that, I could fill an entire book.
With fictosexuality being recognized as a thing, people have become somewhat more open to the idea that you can legitimately fall in love with a fictional character. Nevertheless, I'm perfectly aware that many people probably consider my relationship with Legion impossible on multiple levels.
"You can't love a fictional character - that's not real love."
"You can't love a robot - it can't reciprocate your love."
"You can't romance Legion in Mass Effect 2 - that's not possible."
However, I somehow found a way to overcome all of these various tiers of impossible, and the result was an experience that was so sweet, so intimate, and so special that it’s beyond any description.
I will openly admit there are some things that are, and will most likely forever remain, practically and realistically impossible - like, I’m not going to stand here and claim that I would ever be able to physically meet Legion, in our reality. However, with just enough creativity and imagination, many things can be made possible - and even if Legion is not real, my feelings for them are.
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altraviolet · 8 months
Any head cannons which aren’t written in the TEG?
Yes. SO many. They're in my other fics :D
The most interesting ones are in Face The Light, its sequel Face The Past, and The Angel Breaker. Though most of my fics (even the straight up PWPs) have some head canon.
I don't wanna spoil the head canon for Face The Light, but imho it's the most interesting idea I've had for TFs. As far as I know, no one else has ever thought of it, and it doesn't stem from any canon. Face The Light is a short horror story. Please, please read it (unless you don't like horror). It has Mirage and Nautica, set on the Lost Light.
Fic here!
But if you super don't want to read anything, here are a few:
-outlier powers come from/are associated with extra-dimensional... thingies... idk how to describe it. but outliers are linked in an extra-spatial way
-Skywarp has a really powerful and strange field, due to his power. it's uncomfortable for mechs to feel it. it's weird to them
-Skywarp can see Mirage when he's invisible (except in TEG, lol)
-Soundwave's fingers being fragile are head canon. in TFP we see him punching stuff and doing stuff with his fingers. I legit forgot he punched stuff with his 'fists.' If I had remembered that, I probably wouldn't've designated his fingers as fragile in the fic
-Flatline canonically left the Decepticons. I hc that he threw away his Decepticon badge and the implications of such drive him to study the composition of mechs' bodies (read Face The Past to learn more lol)
Also no one's ever commented about this but I'm gonna put it here: in TEG, Mirage has his endorements. The golden symbols 'tattooed' to his body, that symbolize his union to Skywarp. On his Cybertron, these were painted on and allowed to flake off over time, but he got his put into his plating permanently. The human equivalent would be like wearing your wedding dress every day xD I love him haha.
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miqomonkly · 10 months
Alright, the OC brainworms are strong today, so I'm gonna take some time and write down some thoughts I'm having for new OCs. If I don't, then I'll never do it, and they'll never see the light of day, which is too horrible a crime to imagine! 😫
Alright, first we have:
Derniergeant Noblecoeur
This character is a male Elezen Duskwight. I'm still trying to determine his name; I want it to be something that can be shortened to John.
Yes, "John." I know it's considered to be a boring name, but this name has special meaning to me, and I would be remiss to not give it to a character I play.
The idea behind John is that he is a bit of a self insert, though not quite; he's a shy sort of fellow, can be awkward to be around, and is actually very intelligent! And deep beneath the weird and knowledge, his heart is bigger than that of a dragon.
Speaking of dragons, John actually spent a good portion of his life in Ishgard. After his parents, former Duskwight bandits, died in an ill-conceived raid on a Gridanian supply caravans, he was passed around between several "caretakers." Each would pass him off quickly as his desire to be one of them was nonexistent. Eventually, the boy would stow away on a diplomatic envoy to Ishgard.
Once more, fate would conspire against him; the envoy was attacked shortly after crossing into Ishgard by none other than the Dravanian Horde. No survivors... except John.
Temple knights arrive sometime after, and take the little Duskwight back to Ishgard. There, he meets a younger Stephanivien, and discovers the wonders of Machinstry.
I have to stop there. I wanna write more, but I've got two others to introduce and this post feels long already XD
Minnow Merigyem
Minnow is a Hyuran Midlander girl. She was born to a woman by the name of Nevva; she never learned her birth father's name. During her youth, her mother became betrothed to a Roegadyn man named Wastlahz, a sailor in work for the Admiral.
Though he was more often out at sea than at home, the leave he accrued allowed him anple time to watch his little Minnow grow into a fine young woman. The two shared many a tale of ne'erdowells and scallywags, adveture and treasure, all while their mother laughed and sang along to their boisterous sea shanties well into the night. When Watslahz finally proposed, it was with his soon to be daguther's blessing.
The marriage was due to take place around her 17th summer. Unfortunately, it was that same summer Garlemald made their move on Cartenau. Their little family had been in Gridania, making the final preparations for the ceremony when word of Dalamud's descent reached them.
Wastlahz took the fastest carriage he could find and herded his family inside, riding west to try and get to the coast. They made it as far as Eastern Thanalan...
Then Bahamut emerged. Their cart was caught in the raining debris and Megaflare.
Nevva didn't make it.
When the chaos finally settled, Minnow's father by bond carried the lifeless body of her mother to Drybone. There, they mourned for a great while, both devastated by the sudden, painful loss of one they both cherished so dearly. Minnow couldn't imagine a world without her...
But the courage of a single Miqo'te woman, with tearstained cheeks and a heart of gold, pushed her forward.
Tijin Denijin
Tijin Denijin is a lalafell of a peculiar nature. Son of a wealthy Ul'dahn family, it was expected that he would fall in line and study to become the proper heir to his family's estate.
This was not at all what Tijin had in mind!
Ever since he was a whelp, Tijin was loud and slightly obnoxious, but lovable all the same. He would often do crazy and rambunctious things just to get people to laugh or react in any manner. It gave him a spark of joy, of excitement, though his parents assured him he would grow out of it.
Now, he is almost forty summers old, and he can assure everyone that he has certainly not outgrown it!
Leaving his parents at the age of twenty, he joined with a caravan of performers to make his way across the continent. He would dance, sing, and pantomime his way into the hearts of many, leaving them with a smile and a flamboyant bow.
Then the Calamity came.
His caravan was destoryed; friends he had grown close to annihilated in the blink of an eye. Everything he had once enjoyed... gone.
Save for him.
He awoke in the care of the conjurers of Gridania, having slept comatose for nearly seven moons. When he learned the fate of his Caravan, he was dumbstruck and heartbroken. All he had worked for and with, no more?
What was he to do? He had nowhere to go, no means to get home... would his family even accept him?
He broodes on this dilemma for weeks while being tended to. He nearly gave into despair when a family with a young boy was brought into their care. The child was sullen, quiet... cold. The devastation wrought upon the world had touched the poor boy with a numbing finger, consigning him to a life of apathy and nhilism...
If Tijin didn't do something.
And sure enough, he did something.
Well enough to stand, the lalafell began to jiggle and jive in a way that caught the boy's eye. Soon, a smile would spread on his face. Then his parents, the chirurgeouns... soon, everyone in triage was laughing and signing in a way that would not be heard for some long time again.
Tijin didn't know what his future held. But he would be damned if he didn't go out and bring a little light to this bleak world.
Aaaaand that marks the end of my current OC ideas. There is still SOOOO much I wanna write about them, but first, I need to get a few things squared away... namely, actually create them in game! XD
Don't worry! You'll see lots more of these guys to come, I promise
...though if someone wants to shoot me an idea or two for my Elezen's name, I'd be grateful xD
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forsythiaproductions · 11 months
I watch a lot of #TikTokTailor videos, so maybe this is a weird question xD If the boys were being fitted for new suits (and hats!!!!!) to go on a morning stroll along a sunny riverbank, what fun patterns and colors would their tailor try to put them in to bring out their unique personalities? 😍
Thank you for the ask!! And BUCKLE IN because there is nothing I like to talk about more than tailoring!! 😤🤝
For a sunny riverbank, they'd have to be in trendy (for the 1870s) dittos—three-piece matching coat, vest, and trouser suits! And while they could come in bold patterns like this plaid example from LACMA, I doubt Hugo or Seamus would actually go for such a statement. (Leave that to James or some other bolder soul!)
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Seamus already wears a grey twill morning coat and trousers in his day-to-day, so he might match it all to his waistcoat instead in a cream coloured tropical wool—or even linen, if it really was sweltering! According to The Gentlemen's Art of Dressing with Economy (1876) light-coloured clothes are cooler in the summer, as they reflect the sun's rays, so it would be a practical choice as well. But the patterning, if any at all, would be subtle; I don't think he'd want to go for anything too eye-catching.
For a fancy, personal touch, he might exchange his usual bright blue necktie for a summery foulard with a dainty floral pattern in a lavender colour.
Hugo's a little more conservative with his style and would prefer to stay in his comfortable palette range. A khaki or tan ensemble would suit him well, and he might be a little more adventurous with its weave; a thin windowpane check, perhaps with a subtle contrasting colour would be just enough personality to shine through. He might stick to his usual black tie but opt for a turndown collar, too, for a more fashionable and casual look.
(Oh and they're both wearing cutaway coats too, to show off their matching waistcoats!)
As for accessories, they'd both wear bowler hats due to the informality of their ensembles. I think by 1875 or at least 1876 it wouldn't be so pressing to have gloves on at all times, but they might still wear them. For Seamus, he might be more fashionable and match his necktie in a lavender kid glove, whereas Hugo might wear his old faithful black gloves.
Even if it feels a little weird to see them wearing something different, I think they look quite nice! 😌✨
Ask anything! 💌
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tigerbears · 1 year
Hello there!
You can call me TigerBear.
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I’m a 20s something trans-girl who's only been on tumblr for almost a year
I mostly just do reblogs, and just random stuff but I'll also post links to my fanfics so keep an eye for that! (Only been one so far, but lots of folks seem to enjoy it xD)
Expect my fics to mostly be UT and DR fics... Same with posts.... Just a lot of UT/DR related reblogs and post, but you'll also see a few posts related to other games I like or things that catch my fancy. (E.G, I've reentered the doctor who fandom after like 4-5 years)
Aiming for the blog to be SFW/Minor friendly but y'know, I'm still an adult and stuff. Might reblog stuff with swearing. May also reblog SFW posts from NSFW blogs/"Minors DNI or do not follow" blogs, but I don't usually follow these blogs and will likely not touch their risky stuff. TL;DR this blog be safe, can't guarantee the same from those I reblogged.
Guess I can talk about some things about myself.
I’m a trans-girl lesbian who goes by she/her pronouns.
I'm also neurodivergent (autistic specifically) so if I act differently/misunderstand things that's why. I'm sorry my brain just be running differently.
I’m likely suffering from chronic Asriel and Noelle brain rot. I want goat boy to get a happy ending and love the trans Noelle head-canon. Shipper of Suselle (Susie/Noelle) and Dessriel (Dess/Asriel). (Oh and of course Alphyne (Alphys/Undyne) but I'm not obsessed with the pair like Suselle and Dessriel. Alphyne's still cute though!) Also opened asks! (but don't really know what I'll do with them, and don't expect quick responses, especially bc I’m the shy type of trans-femme.)
Standard DNI: (note realize it got too long with my explanations so I put the longer ones in a separate footnote post. You can find it at the bottom of the DNI list.)
DNI if you hold
transphobia/TERF beliefs. are homophobia or queerphobia in general. exclusionary towards enbys, transmascs, transfemmes, aro & or ace, intersex, & or other folks/identities. are a transmed/truscum, & or any other gatekeeping/invalidation type. racist. xenophobe. Islamophobe. ableist. or are discriminatory in any other way.
Religious fundamentalist, Militant Atheists, or anyone cant respect other people's religious/areligious beliefs. (Its ok to criticize religious people that are being bigoted/harming others, or parasitic cults abusing and leaching off of their members though. Just don't interact if you say stuff like "All religious people are mentally ill" or "all people of X religion are bigots/terrible".)
(can't believe I have to say this) DNI if you ship "those ships." Y'know, the ones which involve some form of i*nest or p*dophilia. (Fontcest, Chasriel, Frans, Lancer/Susie,) Just generally do not interact if you ship any of those "yikes" ships. I don't want my posts to be associated with these accounts. (Footnote 01)
Kralsei (for now and only for now) just barely gets a pass because we don't fully know what Ralsei is, but future reveals may push Kralsei shippers into the DNI category. I'm not touching the ship due to Ralsei's concerning connections to Asriel. If its revealed Ralsei's the personification of Kris's familial love for their brother or something, and you still ship Kralsei do not interact. You won't be punished for shipping Kralsei before the reveal though; I'd just see you in a similar light to those who shipped Luke and Leia before ROTJ. Even in the best case scenario though the ship is going to feel weird to me though just because of the resemblance to Asriel. (Footnote 02)
Please tag your anti-ship posts as anti-[shipname], or I will likely block you, especially if you just tag the ship name. When I follow the Suselle tag I'm looking for everything but Anti-Suselle posts. (Footnote 03)
If your posts look like that of a p*rn bot I'll likely block you.
Here are the tags I use for my own stuff.
#reblog For all the posts I reblog.
#queue For all the posts in my queue (which are just reblogs)
#posts from tigerbear's tumblr (Or) #my posts (Or) #tigerbears posts Stuff that's from me (or reblogs which have comments from me.) Pretty much "tigerbears posts" is going to be anything past the 25th or 26th of April 2024 (because I'm not going back to change all of my past tags.)
#tag that are like posts from tigerbear's tumblr Basically similar to posts from tiger bear except their reblogs and the new content is only in the tags. (I don't use this tag often/probably ever btw)
#Upsetting-Triggering For the very few posts/reblogs that are potentially upsetting, E.G talking about stuff like wars or LGBTQ+ rights being stripped away, general transphobic stuff, ect. (I usually come to tumblr for escapism, so if you feel the same way add it to filtered tags so you at least get the warning pop up before seeing it)
Here's the link to my YT channel even though I've so far not posted anything!
Here's my AO3 too! Even though so far I've only posted one fic!
I also have a pronouns.page
Anyway I hope you enjoy my blog!
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dgttwisted · 2 years
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art by @oriigirii​
name: Lilith
Birthday: December 25th
Floyd’s nickname: Shrimpy, krill
Rook’s nickname:  petite étoile
species: human?
age:Child (don’t fight me on this she is baby!)
dorm: Ramshackle
Lilith was an orphan she didn’t have any friends kids that were there thought she was creepy becuse of her snow white hair they thought she was cursed. many nights she would go to sleep hungry on some occasions she would go outside even though it was cold to look up at the stars in hopes of seeing a shooting star to make a wish on it. 
“i wish to no longer be alone” as soon as she whispered those words who shuold appear but the carriage to take her to NRC. 
“I’m Grim I’m the greatest mage ever!” Lilith with no frame of reference assumes that this must be true.
same song an dance as the opening ceremony except for the fact that Lilith is in fact a small child an can’t quite tell what this weird crow man wants with her she just knows he freaks her out.
i believe that certain things that happened in the game happened much differently due to the fact that Lilith aka Yuu is a tiny child.
The Rose-Red Tyrant
with Lilith being a child Riddle was a tad easier on her for not knowing all the rules he was not easier on Ace though. Ace made Lilith cry on her first day saying how lame she was for not having magic. everyone in the dorm collectively smacked him over the head for that one.
fortunately or unfortunately depending on how you look at it Duece an Lilith are on the same level of learning when it comes to a lot of things like math an spelling. Riddle has taken the role of there tutor with positive reinforcement  
“2+2= 4!!” Riddle hands her a lollipop “good job Lilith, Deuce whats 2x2?”
outside of studies Deuce( @forgottenxmuses​  ) refers to Lilith as boss he says it’s due to how straightforward she is. but as a child Lilith naturally doesn’t have a filter for what she says Deuce still finds it endearing.
Riddle points at the board “who knows the answer” Lilith raising her hand “yes Lilith?”
Duece was way to silent for Riddles liking “4?” riddle hands him a lollipop but he’s on thin fucking ice -3-
Trey spoils her he makes excuses to come over an give her cakes an pies she’s not complaining an neither is grim XD
Cater gives her a phone shows her how to use it an helps her set up a magi account.
Leona tolerates Lilith to an extent most times he’ll use her as a pillow so as a result Lilith Leona an Charlie(  @oriigirii​ ) take big naps together.
The Usurper from the Wilds 
during the section of the chapter where Leona forced them into the magic disc game Charlie put Lilith on the bench he wasn’t about to watch this little child get hurt especially sense she is close age wise to his own younger sister.
Charlie actually introduced Lilith to Asha so she could have a friend her age Charlie also with sam’s help gave Lilith a toy wand so she could feel included in class. looks like a magics pen an all lights up an makes that butterfly magic music that 90′s kids toys used to make as well as laser sound effects an all. 
much to Leona’s annoyance Lilith an Cheka became fast friends. Jack is very nice to Lilith after all he has a bunch of younger siblings as well.
Ruggie does to however he likes to think he’s doing an excellent job on being a role model “when you walk into a store go to the clearance section first”
“ok” she says
“then steal everything there an sell it at a higher price”
“whats stealing?”
she doesn’t understand what he says a lot but Lilith still thinks he’s cool
The Merchant from the Depths
Lilith isn’t old enough to sign legally/spell bound contracts nore does she understand how they work. Azul asked her to sign an she drew a picture of the 5 of them playing together an smiling.
“hay Azul can i keep this contract i want to hang it on mine an Jade’s fridge!” Floyd ask’s reaching for the contract to try an do just that. Azul holding it away from him “you most certainly can not do that!”
“the magic doesn’t seem to be activating maybe she is to young?” Jade states.
Lilith looks up at Jack “we got them on the ropes!” she says exactly hearing that quote from a movie. Jack is wondering how this child is still ok with the amount of crazy people at this school.
later down the line Floyd helps teach Lilith learn how to swim an has a blast playing games with his little shrimp.
Lilith always eager to lean an try new things which Jade takes full advantage up an slowly gets her to like mushrooms XD
like most eveyone here Lilith doesn’t understand most of what Azul says but thinks he’s cool an admires him also Wendy likes him so Lilith figures he must be a good person if the adult she trusts the most likes him to.
Schemer of the Scalding Sands
there is only one main difference in the story where Jamil overblots but it’s significant an terrifying for Lilith. When Jamil smacked everyone into the desert his tail missed Lilith by a few inches leaving her there with Jamil an the mindcontroled students.
Lilith runs down a hallway hides behind a vase next to large pillar not far behind is the sounds of large slithering snake coming down the hallway “to think there is a prefect more uselss then Kalim!” Jamil hissed looking for the little prefect as he spoke. A crash could be heard as he knocked down one of the pillers that was further away, then the next on, and the one after that till he arrived at the one Lilith was shaking behind. “come out little one i’ll make it hurt a lot less if you-” Lilith jumped out from where she was hiding and out window to the sands below running towards the courtyard for a place to hide.
she could hear Jamil’s yells to grab her an to not let her get away. Lilith had to think fast sense she knew the brain washed students were on her tail. she hid inside the water fountain even though it was deep and hard to move in she thought it would make a good hiding spot she however didn't account to the fact that she would be soaked to the bone with the frided air but she wasn’t sure where else to hide. She could hear footsteps and tried to crouch down low hoping not to be spotted. Said brainwashed student did in fact see her. However when he tried to grab her she ended up tripping into the fountain which gave Lilith a chance to escape someplace safe or at least someplace out of sight. She found a room it was dark and she couldn't see she ended up tripping and scraping her hands and knees. It took her everything she had not to cry out from the pain in fear that the students or worse Jamil would hear her. She was quietly sobbing on the ground when something brushed up against her she was frightened but then she realized it was the flying carpet from earlier it wrapped itself around Lilith doing it's best to keep her warm.
After Kalim an the others defeated Jamil Grim was mad as all hell despite Kalim’s tears “You can cry later where is my human where is LILITH!” despite how tired everyone was they had to so a search for Lilith an unfortanatly for Lilith the un overblotted Jamil found her first “Don’t touch me get away from me!!”
damage had been done she was terrified of Jamil the next day Lilith had a very bad fever Jade an Floyd an to nurse her back to health she was sick for a good week after the fact.
She is still afraid of Jamil that fear most likely won’t go away anytime soon. 
Kalim on the other hand she loves a lot Kalim like most of the guys at the school treats Lilith like his little sister. Kalim an Wendy will take Lilith on flies through the night to cheer her up when she is feeling down.
A Beautiful Tyrant
nothing makes Vil happier then spoiling the heck out of his new daughter friend after finding out she doesn’t have much in the way of cloths Vil bought her new dresses an shoes started teaching her how to dance an most importantly apply skin care an make up on. he participates in the custody battle that half the school is in to adopt Lilith.
Rook! Rook calls Lilith petite étoile which just means small star clamming that even on new moon cycle her hair still shimmers just like a small star. Lilith think that Rook is funny she doesn’t really understand hunting but she knows when Rook talks about it he’s happy.
Deuce respects Lilith so Epel tries to as well even though she’s an actual child.
Lilith is fast friends with Ortho she’s always excited to see new upgrades that idia gives to him.
Lilith has never seen idia or even spoken to him but Ortho talks about how great he is so Lilith thinks he must be super cool to!
( during the ghost bride event Lilith enthusiastically asked to be the flower girl which Eliza said yes to. everyone thought she was trying to have an in on rescuing idia but she actually did want to be a flower girl. she saw it in a movie an it looked like fun. 
“what a sweet young girl you are when your are older I’m sure your wedding will be just as perfect as mine!”
“truly i mean look at you. you’re even dressed like a princesses!” )
of course Mal is her night time gargoyle buddy Hornton who Lilith invites to do things with all the time sense Lilith just assumed they were friends. 
Lilia ecstatic to have another child “her hair is similar to Silvers it’s fate!”
“you know she sort of has a strong similarity to that star fairy queen-never mind just my imagination” he clearly knows more then he lets on
silver Lilith an Matilda all nap on the same couch together Sebek holds in on his yelling sense Matilda is one of the ones thats sleeping.
Lilith at first was scared of Sebek’s yelling but now finds it funny even shouting back minor things like “I HOPE YOU ARE HAVING A NICE DAY TODAY” an such things like that
Lostaria ( @oriigirii​ )
Wendy is the adult that Lilith has the most trust in period he takes her out on night flights doesn’t talk down to her always supportive on whatever she is doing. Lilith may have slipped up an called him dad once or twice.
Wendy sometimes takes her out on night flies for the purpose of giving some people small pranks. one such prank was with Ace they put a bucket of water on the edge of the door they were about to tie the rope when Ace walked in an a heavy bucket of water fell right on his head. 
Wendy grabbed Lilith an ran the next day the plan was to calmly explain an apologize but as soon as Lilith saw Ace she bursted into tears an apologized. Lilith doesn’t handle people getting hurt well at all.
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lhenn · 4 months
Tag "9" people you want to know better
Tagged by @alma-amentet thanks! Always fun to take part in these
3 Ships
1. Zoro & Sanji (ZoSanZo) (One Piece) (and per extension my D&D OC Kaze and an NPC from the campaign named Muharib, they reminded everyone of them)
2. Soul & Maka (Soul Eater) (I'm not really obsessed over them, I just think they're sublime and have a special place in my heart)
3. Idgie & Ruth (Fried Green Tomatoes, they have all my heart and more and there isn't a single time I don't cry with them)
(probably should have added Erik & Christine, but even though I love them, I think the ones I mentionedhave sticked with me for far longer)
First ship
Well. Tough one. Since I became interested in fandoms? My first interaction with a fandom was due to Naruto being super gay with Sasuke, then either SasuNaru or NejiTen.
If not counting interacting with fandoms, earlier I really liked maybe Usui and Misaki from Kaichou wa maid-sama!
And from when I was a kid, I'm really not sure, but probably Eragon & Arya or Westley & Buttercup. I really liked them then.
I'm not really a "shipper"?, I have my preferences but I don't usually become focused with many of them.
Currently reading
Two years ago I started re-reading again (3rd time) Seven Realms Series by Cinda Williams Chima (I really adore this saga), but stress with university, switching from reading in Spanish to English (not being so used to it then), got me into a block soon after starting The Gray Wolf Throne.
Since then, I've read many manhwas/mangas/mangwas, some of them still not finished (Define the Relationship, Under the Green Light, Thirst...) (Mature content, be wary)
I also tried to go back to reading by beginning Treasure Island... it didn't quite work. I've read 4 chapters or so. Will go back to it in a few weeks probably, after exams.
Currently I am properly reading When the longing returns and Squirrel Girl, plus some D&D stuff from the campaign I'm currently playing.
Last film
Funny 'cause it's Treasure Planet xD
Last song
Well, this is a tough one, when I began writing this I was listening to "Hey, Little Songbird" from Hadestown and then "Todo Arde" by Juan Navazo, 6 songs later, right now Phantom of the opera (cover by Reinaeiry and Chloe Breez) is playing xD
Currently craving
Another D&D session for sure. I'm starving, I don't think I'll make it 'till the 25th
I mean, money, always money. I'm a currently unemployed broke student and living with my parents is driving me even more insane. Hopefully I'll land a job this summer coding as a still studying junior, the same one I intend to do my internship at next year. I won't make much, but I might be able to pay my part of a shared appartment with some friends once I've finished my current studies.
A hug, hormones have been driving me mad these past two days and I've been so so soft. Still am. I would like to drown in a big embrace, but honestly, right now, I don't have anyone I would like to give me that kind of hug. Am I weird? Haha I'm just not really a "touchy" person.
Time to draw and write, lately I haven't been able to.
Tagging: @night-unfurls-its-splendour @birdstooth @carpeossa @dross-the-fish @erik-carierre @gee1puu @jenjanart @muirin007 @royalavera @rose-margaritas @tondroom @toastjadan no pressure to join, and anyone who sees this and would like to participate is more than welcomed 😊
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thebrokenbean · 1 year
For Your Lives - Chapter 1
So it begins!
I've been working on this story since November, I believe?
The writer's course I've been taking this past semester is what finally booted me into the actual chapter-by-chapter writing process, and for that I'm incredibly grateful! Finally I've got chapter 1 complete and ready to share with everyone! Chapter 2 is being drafted, and Chapter 3 is a little further along than even that. I can't promise I'll have a consistent schedule but considering how the assignment due date is in a couple days, I imagine the next two will be out incredibly soon, lol.
In any case, here it is! The AU that's been rotting my brain for the past six months! Here's hoping I did my favourite psychopath justice XD
AO3 link, if that's preferred:
Megatron freezes.
"There are kids here, Megs. Two of 'em. I can't leave them here."
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
When Whirl is dropped into yet another life-or-death situation (he seems to keep finding those), he doesn’t really care all that much. In fact, it's even a little amusing. Besides, he'll get out. He always does. And if he doesn’t? Oh well. He’ll go out guns blazing, but… he’s had a good enough run.
Then two bundles of energy barrel their way into his life, and he finds himself caring a lot more than he probably should.
Whirl wakes up in a transport. At least, he thinks so.
He tries to look around but it’s too dark to see anything, even with the dim light from his optic.
The space feels small though – not quite small enough that his limbs feel awkwardly arranged, but not exactly big enough for him to stretch either.
He takes a second to think - because yes he may be Whirl, but he can be smart when he wants to be, thank you!
His memory's all fuzzy but he sorta remembers the Lost Light setting down on some populated planet he hadn't paid attention to the name of. He had gotten bored and run off to scare the locals stretch his legs in the primitive city.
The memories after that are even more blurry but he clearly remembers some glitch-head grabbing him from behind and zapping him.
Tch. Fragger. Who did they think they were, grabbing him like that?
At least the memory files confirm where he is.
He tries once again to look around him, switching to infrared this time, but he can't see any details. The box he's in must be lined with something protective. He can't hear anything going on outside, either, which is weird because he can feel the vibration from the transport's engine. He should be able to hear it.
Hm. A transport that blocks sound and thermal imaging?
Whoever nabbed him, they certainly came prepared.
Which probably means the metal around him is too tough to bust his way out of. Shame. He’d reaaaaallly like to try.
But whoever’s outside probably still thinks he’s in stasis. A mech who hasn’t had experience being zapped with an energon prod a hundred times by now certainly would be.
Great. Now there's a strategic decision to make. He hates strategic decisions!
Option 1: Sit tight and wait till the transport stops moving, then bust out when his captors try to open the box he's in. Maximum shock factor, sounds like fun. Except that he has to wait and utilize his rusty impulse control.
Option 2: Bust his way out now – which he’d love - before he gets to whatever secondary location these glitches want him at (he's heard that's a bad thing. Something about survival chances dropping), and risk doing nothing more than being loud and alerting his captors that he's awake. Because as much as he can't hear anything going on outside the box, he's pretty slagging certain anyone outside would notice him trying to break out.
It's annoyingly obvious which option is the better one.
Gah, but Option 2 could be so much more fun!
... Eh. He's done stealth missions before, this should be no biggie.
He shifts himself as much as he can within the cramped space. There's no telling which side of the box is going to be opened when the transport stops moving, so he tries to prepare for any possible angle.
Cool. Now that's settled. Or rather, he is.
All that's left is to wait.
If Whirl had a mouth, he’d have such a huge smirk right now… these fraggers’ll have no idea what hit ‘em.
Bored bored bored bored bored bored bored.
Whirl is. So done with waiting.
He didn't look at his chronometer earlier so he has no idea how long it's been, but it feels like hours.
Aside from the inaudible rumbling of the transport's engine, the occasional bump in the road underneath him, and the sound of his own venting, he's been in near-complete sensory deprivation for the past who-knows-how-long.
He feels jittery.
He is this close to saying 'frag it' and busting out of the transport with his claws.
Frag it, he's busting out of the transport with his claws.
He feels around the box for a moment - just a moment - then in the split second before he lashes out at the wall, the transport beneath him jolts to an apparent stop.
Whirl doesn't consider himself a dignified mech. But if anyone ever asks about this moment in the future, he will not admit to the squawk that leaves his vocalizer when he’s thrown against one of the box’s walls.
It seems there’s a surge of commotion outside because his box feels like it’s being put in a blender set to ‘scramble’. There isn’t much for flailing-room but somehow his limbs manage to pretzel themselves more.
Then there's a thud, and the side of the box he's leaning against falls open.
He spills out onto the ground with an oof. He scrambles to his feet instinctually, but it takes him a second to find his balance and get his bearings. When he finally looks around, he's met with a dozen gun barrels aimed straight at him.
"Arrival #14-M, you are ordered to raise your hands and surrender," says the armed alien directly in front of him.
Whirl blinks. “...The frag?”
He ignores the guns for a second - he's had countless pointed at him before, they're not exactly scary - and glances around. He's standing in some kind of warehouse (underground, if the concrete walls and lack of windows mean anything), beside the transport he must've been shipped in on, with his shipping-crate-box only a few metres away, and surrounded by a group of heavily-armoured aliens that are roughly his size.
Whirl gives a mental shrug. Eh, he's been in far weirder situations before.
The organic being in front of him impatiently steps forward in an attempt to be intimidating. "Arrival #14-M, raise your hands and surrender or we will take you by force."
Whirl laughs. If he had eyebrows, he would raise one of them. “First of all, buddy, I don’t have hands. Second…” He narrows his optic in the approximation of a smirk. “I don’t surrender.”
With a yell he launches himself at the organic, digging his claws into their chest armour and throwing them at another being who had been rushing forward.
Gunfire peppers his plating as he tears his way out of the ring the guards had formed and darts across the room to put some space between himself and them.
Now that he has the elbow room he didn’t have in the box, Whirl checks his subspace for the guns he usually keeps there. Scrap, empty. His captors must've found a way to confiscate his belongings while he was unconscious.
Ah well. Hand-to-claw combat it is!
Unfortunately his opponents have a different idea. One of them fires a kind of bola out of a fancy-looking gun. Whirl manages to dance out of the way, but the second shot - from someone positioned on the sidelines - manages to hit. It tangles around his spindly legs and sends him crashing to the ground.
The beings waste no time swarming him, pinning him down as they wrestle his arms behind his back.  His wrist shape isn't exactly handcuff-friendly, but they seem to find a way to manage because suddenly his arms aren't going anywhere.
"Hey, frag off!" he snarls, struggling under their shared grip. Once they're done, one of the organics grabs him by the shoulder pauldron and roughly yanks him to his feet. He stumbles a little but manages to rid his ankles of the now-loose bola with a kick. He wrenches out of the being's grip and backs away, his optic narrow.
"What the frag do you think you're doing? Is this some kinda arrest? I swear I didn't do anything wrong this time! I didn't even start any fights!"
"Quiet," one of the beings orders, and two others step forward to grip his upper arms. He thrashes as they start moving and try to drag him along with them.
"Oh, I don't think so! You ain't takin' me anywhere!" Whirl raises his voice, indignant. But they manage to haul him across the warehouse and through one of the many garage-style doors into a smaller room.
The room is wide and very tall, but only a fraction of the main warehouse's size. There's another garage-style door against the far wall to the right, and yet another on the left wall. Crates are stacked in the corners of the room, along with structures that look suspiciously like cages.
But what truly catches his attention are the other handcuffed aliens - big and small, organics, mechanoids, and everything in-between - that huddle in the center of the room. He's shoved forward to join them, and he almost trips in his effort not to squash some of the smaller organic prisoners.
"Oi, watch it!" Whirl growls at the guard (because that's definitely what these guys are, whatever their overall intent). The guard just turns and takes up a position by the door.
As a few more prisoners are brought in, Whirl takes stock of the odds. There are at least two dozen armed guards in the room now, double the number that he just fought. That's only a few more guards than there are prisoners. But seeing as all of said prisoners are handcuffed and most seem considerably frightened, they don't stand much of a chance.
Well scrap.
Guess he's stuck playing the waiting game... again.
It seems the guards have the same idea, because it's a long time before anything else happens.
Whirl tries to make conversation.
“Hey, stupid!”
The guard he’s directing the comment at ignores him.
“Any of you lot gonna explain what’s going on here, or are we supposed to sit here with our claws up our afterburners?”
All the guards are unresponsive.
Whirl rolls his optic. “Not ones for talking, got it.”
He plops on the ground, arranging himself into something somewhat cross-legged (being careful not to crush one of the smaller prisoners of course) and shrugs. “Eh, fine by me. Leaves more room for me to ramble. I tend to prefer action over words, but hey! Rambling’s saved my aft before. Once there was some dude who made me spill my life story, just so he’d spare some scrawny little therapist. ‘Course, that didn’t really do much since the lil guy got his head blown open anyway-”
“Enough!” One of the guards finally seems to break, barely able to keep the groan out of his voice.
Whirl gives a slag-eating grin. “Aw, am I talkin’ too much? Should’ve thought of that sooner. You sure you’re not gonna explain what we’re waiting for, here?”
Nothing. The guards seem to be trying the silent treatment, again. Ha. Like that’ll do anything. 
Naturally, Whirl responds to their silence by talking more.
Unfortunately it doesn't last, since he runs out of things to say and ask (he’s not nearly as good at this as Swerve is), but he feels accomplished when he sees the exasperated expressions on the guards' faces.
Eventually, one of the guards steps away from the wall he was leaning on. He approaches the group and aims his weapon at them. "Line up. Backs against the wall." he says curtly, and gestures towards the back wall of the room.
The group shuffles in place, hesitant, but eventually they comply. Whirl grumbles as he follows them. He hates this, but he's been a prisoner before. He knows how this stuff works. Best thing to do for now is play along until he can finally figure out what these guys' deal is.
The guards take up their positions again, and through the door that's now on Whirl's right comes a tall organic alien. He's at least a mechanometre taller than Whirl, and equally thin. Whirl doesn't exactly know much about the whole galaxy-wide 'clothing' thing, but the robe that hangs off this being's slightly hunched form does not look cheap. The stiff posture and down-his-nose look he's giving the prisoners certainly helps sell the 'Wealthy Ventwipe’ impression.
He is accompanied by a mechanoid assistant that's only half his height and carrying a datapad. The pair begins going down the line of prisoners. They speak casually as they seem to inspect each being, talking about weight, strength, species, and giving each one some kind of rating. Whirl shifts. He's not sure he wants to know what they're rating them on.
When the pair stops in front of Whirl, the tall male's four eyes widen. He turns to his assistant. "This one is a Cybertronian, is it not?"
Whirl narrows his optic. "It has a name."
The tall male seems amused. The mechanoid chitters something in a language Whirl doesn't understand, and the male's eyes glint dangerously. "Is that so?" He looks Whirl up and down. "I'll take this one too."
The two attempt to move on to the next person in line, but Whirl jerks forward aggressively. "Take? The frag are you talking about, 'take'?"
The lanky male looks back at him with a raised eyeridge. "Mouthy," he observes.
"Yeah," Whirl growls, "I'm told I get snarky when stuck-up glitches start talking about me like an object."
The male's expression hardens, and his lip curls. One of the guards moves forward, but halts when the male raises his hand. "He is new." He levels a narrow gaze at Whirl. "He will learn."
Whirl snorts. "Like the pit, I will." He steps forward and brings his face close to the male's. "You better explain exactly what's going on. Or even better, let me go! I promise I might not even kill anyone on the way out."
The tall male doesn't flinch. Instead he tilts his head to address the guards, without breaking eye contact with the mech in front of him. "Have this one put in holding while we wrap this up. I'd rather inspect the rest of the stock without pointless banter and useless threats following after me."
Two guards approach - derailing the incredulous thought - and Whirl crouches a little, defensively. He flexes his claws behind his back. It'd be reaaaally nice to have use of his arms, right about now.
Still, he resists as much as he can when the guards attempt to yank him away from the wall. It's a fruitless effort, on his part, because they manage to nab him eventually - but it makes him feel a little better. That's always a plus.
They mech-handle him through the door that the alien and his assistant had come through. The ceiling of the wide hallway is much lower, and the space is slightly better-lit. Doors line each wall. Big ones, like the doors of a human garage, except more heavy duty. One of the guards punches something into a keypad beside one of the closest doors, and it retracts into the ceiling.
"In," one of the guards orders him.
Whirl twists in their grip. "Yeah no, I'm good thanks." He'd rather not go into another cell. He's been in plenty of those in his millions of years and he's pretty sure he's had more than his fair share. "How about we try something else? I know a game! It's called 'Let's Let Whirl Go’. To win, you guys let me go, and I-"
"Quiet." The guards shove him harshly, and he could swear something catches his foot because he stumbles and lands flat on his face - or rather, his chin, ‘cause… well.
He hurries to get back on his feet and turns around with a scowl, but the door has already closed.
"Tripping me? Really?" He asks the closed door with a narrow optic. "That was stupid, childish... and incredibly effective. I should remember to try that sometime."
He glances around the room. It's small, but definitely not enough to be cramped. The ceiling, like all the other rooms, seems to be made of a large sheet of dark metal. The concrete floor and walls are two different shades of grey.
The walls are gouged and cracked in places, probably from whoever or whatever was in this cell before him. Hm. He tilts his head a little. "Wonder if I can break through that..."
He gives the back wall an appraising look, before winding up and lashing out with his foot.
The resulting noise is relatively loud and dust rains from the corner where the wall meets the ceiling, but his foot has left hardly more than a dent.
Well. That was underwhelming. Whoever built this room clearly intended it for someone a lot  stronger than him.
He throws a few more kicks at the walls, especially the places that are visibly weaker, but the damage is all pretty minimal. Guess he's not getting out of here that easily - which is probably just as well, considering he's pretty certain he's underground anyway.
... Now what?
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fizzingwizard · 1 year
I've had such an awful spring
Got the flu in March
Bad cold in May which hung around forever and totally messed up my voice
When my voice finally was coming back, I got covid!
I'm grateful that my coworkers have been supportive. But I'm dreading going back to work tomorrow, even though it'll be just one day, because I'm exhausted just lying down all the time and at work I have to be go go go pretty much the whole time.
I'm not sure what happened, but anyway, I was told that I had to self-isolate "until Thursday." That was vague, I wasn't sure if it meant Thursday is the last day of self-isolation or Thursday is the first day I go back to work. So obvs I just asked my manager. I made sure to sent the message in two languages just in case. She confirmed "Yes you must self-isolate until Thursday." Which didn't clear anything up for me. So I said, "Alright, see you Thursday?" and she said "Thank you!"
Well y'all, today was Thursday. I had a HORRIBLE sleep on Wed night. It was one of those sleeps where you're kind of awake still and there's a mental reel of nightmarish fun house images under your eyes that doesn't stop. Usually that gets my heart racing, but this time it just made me not sleep well.
So I woke up groggy and got ready for work. It took ten minutes longer than usual even though I did nothing that isn't part of my normal routine. The summer heat is setting in. All the yellow flowers that were by the river last week have died and the purple ones that only come out in the mornings in summer appeared over the few days that I had to stay home. Got on the crowded train, and I don't know what happened but after ten minutes of standing pressed in line sardines, I suddenly got light-heated and nauseous. It got so bad that I had to bend over, then eventually crouch down on my knees. At that point the nice man sitting in front of me was kind enough to give me his seat so I could put my head between my legs. The vertigo eventually passed, but I had a weird hot feeling in my head the rest of the way. The night before I had gotten light-headed in the shower too, but felt better after cracking the door.
I have passed out in the shower once before, but never on a train, so that was freaky. I don't know what caused it, I haven't heard that fainting is a symptom of covid, but who knows. But more likely I suppose it was the combination of having been home without much exercise for several days, not eating much due to not having an appetite, and then suddenly moving around a lot more in the heat. Hopefully that's all it was, I guess I'll find out tomorrow...
Anyway, I get to work and my boss says, "You're here? You're supposed to come back tomorrow!"
Whaat but I thought I confirmed I was supposed to come in today. Lol. Idk man. Anyway, I just said, "Then came I go home??" and went aaaaaall the way back buhahaha. It was a waste of money since I won't be able to have my travel expense covered. But I did get to buy pancakes for breakfast. And strawberries for tonight's dessert. Tbh I was really grateful for the surprise extra (albeit failed) self-isolation day. I didn't feel up to looking after the kids at all. Don't wanna try tomorrow either but if lack of exercise contributed to the light-headedness then it's best that I try to get back to my normal life as soon as I can.
The doc did give me meds, but was clear that I couldn't have antivirals. I assume the best treatments are being rationed for the people most in need. So I have some meds to help with the symptoms at least. One is making me feel a little weird but I'm not sure which. However, it's not a big deal, just a weird feeling, my arms and back feel hot... idk. Will keep an eye on it.
Gotta say this bout with covid was anything but fun. The symptoms I expected were not the ones that gave me the most trouble. My sore throat is not nearly as bad as what I had in May, and the cough is just a cough. The worst of all was the body aches. They were nightmarish. I took ibuprofen but it barely helped. My head, neck, back, and joints ached and all I wanted to do was sleep but there was no comfortable position. Then after that is the phlegm. Mainly because it tastes horrible, is constant, and is making me always nauseous from swallowing it. I feel like I have constant heartburn. I do have meds to help with the phlegm, but so far they haven't made a difference on the nausea.
Le sigh
However, counting blessings. I have multiple friends who are immunocompromised for various reasons who have struggled so much this whole time trying to be safe. I'm lucky I'm generally healthy and I'm even glad being recently sick meant that I really haven't gone anywhere or seen anyone in almost a month, so I hopefully didn't pass the covid germs around. Fingers crossed summer will be better than spring.
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kit-the-dreamer · 2 years
°.• Secret Meeting •.°
:: The Vent Society : OH-013's story ::
Quick clarification: OH-013 is a Sackbot Oc of mine inspired on @thegoobiedoober 's idea of The Vent Society. I will probably start writing parts of her life experiences in random order to start telling the story she has to offer. It'll probably feel like a puzzle, idk xd
I hope you enjoy ♡
"Yeah... I remember you" said the voice from the other side of that thin wall.
"Excuse me?" she asked. Not in shock or surprise though, she genuily didn't understand what he meant.
"You're excused" was his response.
OH-013 heard devilish but genuine laugh from behind that vent. She didn't get what was so funny about that comment. She let out an unvoluntary confused robotic sound due to that odd situation. The laugh stopped a few seconds after.
"You have no sense of humor." he spitted, although with no harsh feelings.
"I was not built to detect jokes, my apologies for the missunderstanding." she answered in a monotonous but kind tone. That response clearly showed the limits her AI had. Or the limits that were intentionally put during her programming...
He hated that lack of respect towards his her species.
A few seconds passed when he ralized that the silence had made its presence clear again.
"What I was saying is that I remember you. From 'The Grand Battle'. " he broke the silence once more, refusing to accept nor mention that dumb apology of hers from some moments ago. Stupid Sackbot programming.
OH-013 felt a shiver run down her circuits at the sole mention of that day. She thought she had already forgotten it, but now, now it felt like it had been just yesterday she was fighting against the pawns of the... The Negativitron.
That day was gloriously devastating. The Alliance won, that's for sure, but, at what cost? Her comrades, pals, friends, family... all recycled into the Imagisphere, transformed into abstract traces of creativity traveling through the Cosmos...
She realized that description sounded better than it really was.
"Eeep!" OH-013 got startled. She covered her mouth half a second after she let out that weird sound. How embarrasing. However, the other didn't seem to care enough to make fun of her or even mention what he just heard.
"I was talking to you, if you haven't noticed, miss." he said. "So indeed, I am waiting for an answer, something that should be common when having a conversation."
Ok, rude.
Maybe this clarified how much he really hated silence, or probably the mere feeling of loneliness. Again, she doesn't know how long he has been stuck inside this vents by his own. Not even he remembers-
It was just then, after all this thoughts, that it finally struck her.
"Wait... did you said you... 'remember me'? "
"Uh... yeah? I said it twice already." he said a little bothered. "It was noticeable that you weren't a battle sackbot, so you kinda stood out. Your clumsy movements with the Positivitron thing were clear enough. You definitely weren't prepared for it all! Hahaha!" he lighted up his tone.
Even though he couldn't see her due to the wall between them both, OH-013 blinked in confusion. She didn't know what she should be feeling or doing at the moment.
She heard a sigh from the other side.
"But you were just following orders I guess. Am I right?"
Finally, something she could really answer.
"You are correct. I am indeed created to follow orders."
He was surprised for her taking the subject so lightly. With that response, she showed him she knew her place on this all. She knew she was a pawn, fighting for ''the bigger cause'' of her team, and was alright with it. Unlike him.
Maybe being on the Negativitron's side wasn't as different as 'The Alliance' after all.
"Did I say something wrong?" OH-013 asked as she became aware of her counterpart's silence.
''No, I was just... thinking about something." he replied.
"How come you remember me?" she clarified her question, since her doubts hadn't been cleared at all.
"Pffft, what the hell do you mean with that? I was reprogrammed by him to remember the enemies' face and characteristics." he said in a sour tone. He didn't like talking about the subject of 'programming'. He preferred thinking he was kind of free at this point, even if, ironically, he was being unvoluntary kept as a prisioner in those vents.
"Also..." he added in a softer tone, "your face isn't easy to forget."
OH-013 felt something weird after that statement. It was something that felt good nonetheless, but, why didn't she have the words to describe her current feelings?
Was she... geniuily smiling this time? Was that what happiness felt like? REAL happiness?
It wasn't happiness.
She was still stuck in these vents. Logically, she couldn't be happy unless she gained her freedom back...
her 'freedom', anyway.
But she still kept her smile.
She had always been told that she was replaceable, not-unique, recyclable. She was ONLY an 'OH-' unit after all, nothing else. There were thousands of them out there. OH-090, OH-483, OH-103... and probably others stuck in the vents as well. Sackbots who no one went to look for. Not even her. Because they were replaceable.
But this little weird monster from the other side of the vent's wall, someone that wasn't even her enemy but declared as THE enemy, was showing her otherwise.
He remembered her.
He truly did.
And after all this days they've been stuck 'together', she haven't even bothered to ask his alphanumeric identifyig code name. He didn't seem amused by it though...
At all.
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