#ssum fanfic
hecalledme-jagi · 2 years
I'm Happy Too...
Hey, look who decided to show up! AND I COME BEARING GIFTS!
The Ssum is out and I'm on D-52, so of course I just had to write some angst. Also, READ WITH CAUTION, this one-shot includes minor spoiler for those who haven't reached D-31.
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Teo x MC ft. Zen
The health-conscious yet delicious snacks you prepared for Teo slipped from your hands and crashed to the floor. The hustle and bustle of the studio died out, and a deafening silence took its place. The giddiness in your chest vanished into thin air, and your heart sank into a dark place you hadn’t known for a long time.
The one person you hoped you wouldn’t see was now staring at you from across the lot. You should've known this by now. You should've known how much Zen loved this environment and would find any excuse to be part of it. Your hope to avoid him was empty, and now that he's here, old feelings came flooding back. 
You wanted to hear his voice, his laugh. You wanted to watch as his eyes lit up, the way they did whenever he saw you. You wanted his cologne to cling to you and feel his hand wrapped around yours. That is until you saw the heartbreak evident on his face as he stood frozen in place. All your wants, all those feelings, died for a second time. It hit you just how much of you still clung to this beautiful person, and you instinctively took a step back, ready to run away and hide, only to be stopped by the warmth of another person behind you. 
A cheery voice broke the tension and brought you back to the present. “Honey~ you came to visit me?” 
Your boyfriend took your hands, gently guiding your body to face him, and now that Zen was out of your sight, the ache you were feeling whittled away as Teo showed you his bright smile. He was happiness, he was now, and he easily outshined your pain. The wants, the feelings, they weren't gone--not completely--but you were beginning to love Teo more than you ever thought you would.
Zen watched the exchange, feeling conflicted as he noticed the genuine smile that began to color your face. He loved that smile. Correction, he loves that smile, so he smiled in return. It wasn’t bright and foolishly lovesick like Teo’s or a smile of comfort like yours. His smile was bittersweet and painfully beautiful. It went unnoticed and unseen, only there to strengthen his already crumbling resolve. It was a mask and a poorly crafted one at that. If you had just turned around, you would see how terribly he was holding it together and how much that dispirited smile expressed just how much he still loved you.
Zen had chosen to let you go, to let you be happy with someone else, instead of keeping you waiting for a time he couldn’t be certain would ever come. It would be unfair of him to expect you to wait for him. It would be unfair of him to feel anything but happy for the one girl he loved more than any other, especially when he could never imagine anyone ever being more important to him than you. And for that reason, Teo had you now, and you were happy, so Zen was happy too.
I do not own any characters, all ownership goes to Cheritz. Thanks for reading!
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xelasrecords · 1 year
The Great Anguish of Our Separation Means Nothing to Me
Harry Choi x MC
Harry and MC meet again five weeks after breaking up. They never imagined the reunion will be like this.
Took the portion of Harry saying "You might have felt less tired if you cared less. Sorry." when MC was worried because he disappeared and ran with that self-blaming guilt here.
Words: 2.8k
Masterlist Read on AO3
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They had finally run into each other.
It took them approximately five weeks to arrive at the empty bus stop on the same day at the same time, but here they were, late into the afternoon with the rain falling around them. She thought it would be a quick hello, how are you, are you happy, good, good, good. To Harry it was more of an oh, there she is, time for me to go. Who knows what nonsense I would say if I talked to her.
He wanted to run, but she was already approaching him. She was less of a coward than he was.
"You still come here," she said. "I thought you had forgotten about me."
Harry blurted, "Not everything is about you." Then hated himself for the spite he had unleashed. Then multiplied the hatred when she only nodded like she understood. "My room is colder now," he tried again. "My bed is cold."
"Oh?" She raised her brows. "Try turning up the heat or use the blanket I got you."
"Sure, I'll do that."
"Or just stop sleeping naked. That might help."
"It might, yes." Harry made a mental note to cut off the habit of parroting her. Not that he would ever meet her again. That seemed unlikely.
She shrugged. "Happy to help." Why he was still hurting her after they had ended she couldn't guess. She pushed aside the image of his bare body sleeping beside her. Rather than turning her on, it pinched her with a sour feeling in her gut. She had lost the privilege to watch him vulnerable, unguarded. Voyeuristic, he would jokingly call her. The old him would have. She didn't know who this person before her was.
Harry once heard that when one came across an ex, one had to prolong the conversation while subtly digging up truths about their well-being after the great separation. Preferably that they were doing well, but not too well that there was no evidence of their heart having been shattered. Sometimes joy could be reaped from someone else's despair.
"Have you been sleeping well?" he asked.
"Enough to keep me going."
"I see." He didn't. What he saw was the dark shadows under her eyes, but lack of sleep didn't mean she was depressed. She liked to knock herself out when she was. Harry understood that to some degree.
She gave him a wry smile. "How about you? Are you working these days?"
"Yeah, I'm doing great. I'm happy." He pulled at the fabric of his black turtleneck.
"Then I'm glad. I wanted that for you."
Her expression gave nothing away, none of the guilt Harry fantasised she would feel for ending their relationship. "What do you think I should eat for dinner?" he tested, trying to retain her attention. He had already lost forever; this finite time was all he had.
"Whatever you like." She dimly recalled it was how Harry used to show that he cared about her views and felt silly reenacting it.
"Can't you treat me as usual? Don't be so bland. You don't have to act differently just because we're over."
"Do I?"
Harry grunted. "I hate it when you answer a question with another question."
That was her point.
"You might not know this, but everything has changed. You are different. I am different. This is like, the inertia of life. Nothing can be forced to stay the same. Get on with it." She sighed. It was odd; she thought she had processed her hidden resentments about Harry, but now faced with the person himself, her old fury had resurfaced.
Harry shifted on his feet before closing their distance. The copper-red of his eyes was dull. She couldn't recall the last time they had been this close. "I'm sorry," he said after a moment. "I've been thinking about the things I did that drove you away. They weren't good. You went through so much just to hold on to me and I…" He shook his head. "Sorry you had to be there. You wouldn't be hurting as much had you loved me less."
She thought she would be relieved to receive an apology, but it irked her that he seemed sincere, that he could only understand how his mess had messed them up after she pulled the plug. "Who said I'm hurting?"
"We dated for a while. I can tell. You mask your pain with indifference."
She turned away. "I don't like you seeing me in pain."
"Consider it even. You've also seen me in my worst moments, and I didn't like that."
"Don't I know it." She glanced at Harry. He was studying the busy road stormed by the rain, mimicking her. There was a time when one of those couples in cars linking fingers and pressing the back of their hands to their lips was them. "What makes you think I didn't want that pain?" she asked. "If I had cared less about you, my life wouldn't be as meaningful. You saw me the way I wanted to be seen. That meant something to me."
"And look what good it did."
"You must think you know what's right for me."
"No, that's not what I mean." Harry rubbed the back of his head and sighed. "Do you regret it?"
"Regret what? You?" She tilted her head at him. "Never. I wouldn't be in that much pain if I didn't love you as much. Love spent on you was not love wasted." If she had to be honest—which she just was—this vulnerability made her want to regurgitate her lunch.
Harry's jaw tightened. "Not for me."
Instantly she regretted telling the truth. She had to clear her throat before asking: "You regret me?"
It humiliated her to be caught pining alone. On a subconscious level, she had hoped he would share her sentiment. However distant he was, the pain was bearable if she knew they were bearing it together. The separation would only feel final if she was left grieving alone. Hopeless, helpless, hating having to learn how.
"I didn't know you could still make a joke," Harry remarked. The wind was blowing the rain in, stamping the locks of his overgrown blond fringe onto his forehead. He didn't push them away. "When you were with me, I never gave you the best that you deserved. I regret that. I should've done more when I could."
"You tried." She was perversely relieved to hear his response. "Would you like a star sticker as a token of appreciation?"
"No." He gave her a look. "And trying isn't the same."
She agreed.
Out of nowhere, a car rushed by a puddle in front of them and Harry's arm shot out before her, retreating them deeper into the safety of the bus stop. There was a muddy splash on his shoes. She was fine. Her stomach was warm from the press of his arm.
"I don't know what I deserve actually," she conceded. "I wanted it to be you, but I was a lot sadder than I was happy. Maybe it was a me thing. Maybe if I don't know what I deserve, I can't be happy with anything given to me."
Harry shoved his hand into his pocket. "Or maybe you weren't happy because of me. You used to get angry a lot and I was annoyed by that. I blamed it on your unpredictable moods, but it was actually me. I set you off. I was the problem."
She let out a flat, humourless laugh. "I tried to be patient until you crossed the line. I thought I could put up with your rudeness, but I couldn't take it anymore. I can't be with someone who's only nice to me but mean to everyone else, Harry."
His gaze on her was hard. "Good, you shouldn't have."
"But that doesn't mean I didn't love you." She braved herself to face him and put a hand on his shoulder. He tensed. "All my happiest moments were with you, however scarce they were. You tried so hard to make me feel loved, and it isn't that I loved you because you loved me, but because you were willing to try for my sake." Her hold clawed into a grip, but Harry didn't flinch. "You should know that you are the best person I've ever dated. There isn't, and won't be, anyone like you."
His head tilted forwards almost imperceptibly. "I know," he muttered. "I know you loved me. I was there too."
Silence settled over them. It wasn't a silence that filled in the blanks, the comfortable kind lovers loved to fawn over. This silence was agonising, brimming with words they couldn't confess. They could have, if they wanted to risk showing their hands, but hands and cards and everything that required vulnerability were never on the table. They never stood a chance.
She listened to the harsh patter against the bus stop roof. The conversation was dwindling. Every time she wanted to leave, the illusion of the past pulled her back. Like how one graduating from school would mourn the ending of that life phase despite the hardship they had faced, she was bowed under the loss of something that was already over. Letting go was a whole different thing than breaking up. She had to do it over and over until it slipped free from her clutch. She did not want to let go of her misery. Who would she be without him? But who would she be if she continued to be with him?
"Was it the same for you?" she croaked. She felt her eyes wet with tears, but it was a faraway feeling like she was performing the mechanism of crying, yet she couldn't really feel it.
"Don't cry," Harry gritted out. "I hate it when you cry."
"I'm not. It's the rain."
"Do you think I'm stupid? Stop lying. Just stop it."
Did he think she didn't know him? That he feared he wouldn't be able to hold back if he saw her cry? His rudeness was not all bad when it served as his mask. If she could save him from her pain, she would. It was her last gift for him after the havoc she had wreaked. It was the only thing she could do after leaving him.
She blinked the tears away. "All right, I'm sorry."
"Don't—" Harry's voice cracked. "Don't be so polite to me. You're supposed to fight back, do the opposite of what I asked. That's how you were. You were always straightforward with me and yourself, not like this."
"I'm still honest."
"Now you lie with a straight face."
"Something you do naturally." She smiled and fought to keep her voice from wavering.
Harry put her hand away from his shoulder with a deep, shuddering breath as if it physically pained him to separate her from him. "Not to you. I've always been frank with you."
She looked down at his hand covering hers for a second longer than needed. His hands were always cold. Time would make her forget how they felt in hers, she thought with aching sorrow. "Then tell me. Did I mean anything to you?"
"No point in answering that now." Harry could hear the thrum of the bus engine and feel the heat emanating from it beside him. His bus had arrived, but he couldn't move.
"I don't understand you. One second you look like you still want me, then you swat me away like a fly in the next. I'm not a fly. Why are you doing this?" she demanded. "You've questioned me and I've answered. Now it's your turn."
"Does it matter what I want if we can't—" Harry pressed his lips into a tight line. "Never mind."
"It does."
"And then what?" he challenged. "We get back together? That's impossible."
"No, I don't want that," she said. She felt a responsibility to set him free from his looming guilt. Perhaps he could not be good enough for her, but he could be for someone else. There had to be somebody who could appreciate him as who he was. She wished for his happiness above all else.
Harry huffed out a derisive laugh. "Me neither."
When he presented it as an impossibility, it had been an attempt to lower his expectations in case she didn't want him anymore. And she didn't. And it hurt just the same. Harry didn't know there was no limit to heartbreak.
She took a step towards him. "If you hate me, curse at me. Yell at me. I give you permission. Only don't do it halfway through. Commit to what you actually want for once."
"Why should I? You only want me to hurt you to feel better about yourself," he spat. "If I'm suffering, you have to suffer along with me. Except I'm not, so I guess you'll just have to suffer alone. Good luck with that."
Harry looked away before he could catch her expression and noticed that the bus had left. He didn't understand why he always resorted to scathing words as his defence. He thought he was capable of change, but how did one become kinder and retain the goodness inside? Harry didn't feel worthy of being kind. He owed it to himself to hurt. Times like this made his living inside his skin unendurable.
If she didn't know Harry better, she would have believed him. Beneath his callous words was his calloused heart that she failed to care for. If this was the last time he could use grief as a weapon, then she would let him. Eventually, his feelings for her would fade and she would be just another person he loved. While her love for him would live on, he was not the kind to linger in the past.
She wouldn't be any different to him, she had to believe that.
Harry started when he felt her palms closing around his clenched fists. She slowly pried them open, revealing crescent marks on their surface. He didn't realise he had been doing it. "All these months we have been suffering alone, have we not?" she asked, voice surprisingly gentle. "Just as you cannot love me forever, your hatred won't last either. We're only this sad because we were so in love. Those feelings had to balance out somehow. You'll be free soon enough."
Harry felt ashamed in the face of her blunt forgiveness. She looked at him like she knew of the war inside his mind and understood it. There was a transparent understanding in her eyes that he couldn't stand, reflecting himself to him. The emptiness was too much to handle. "I don't hate you," he finally said. "I never did."
"I left you. It's fine if you do."
"But I don't."
They stared at each other. A ghost of a smile on her face and palpable guilt on Harry's. None of them were happy.
"I should get going," she said.
Harry hesitated, then pulled her into a hug. His body remembered hers, how her curves felt against the hard planes of his, and how comforting her arms that embraced him back were. No more would there be someone he could go and hide with when the world closed in on him. How did he ever let go of someone like her? Where had the strength come from? But he had done it once, he could do it again.
Harry let his arms fall. Looking at her, he was reminded of things too late to speak of. The compliments he hadn't found the chance to tell her before their breakup, the promises he wished he could still keep, the trivial matters of his life that he wanted to share with her. How his conviction had stuttered when he saw her earlier. It didn't matter now.
Harry fetched his black umbrella that was leaning against the bench and handed it to her. "Take it."
"What about you?"
"I'll wait for the bus."
She seemed amused. "You know how to take the bus?"
"I don't forget the things you've taught me," Harry said. It was the one honesty he could offer her.
"Well, then." She took the umbrella and clicked it open. "Have fun waiting."
"Be careful on your way home."
"You too. Don't walk in the rain. Don't get sick."
"I won't," he said.
At her retreating footsteps, Harry tipped his head against the glass wall behind him. He would always regret her. He swore it. How else would he keep the memory of her alive? Some happiness was not to be learned. He would not ever forget her.
If she turned around, she would see him watching her diminishing figure, harbouring a pointless, rabid hope that she would look back. Hadn't they shared the same habits at one point?
But she walked on.
Bus leaving before Harry could get on mirrors his inability to move on.
To me, this story is that feeling of when you meet your ex and feel like you don't know them anymore because they look different now, but after a few exchanges, you can see that they're still the one you fell for, then came the dawning realisation that you were right to break up.
Does regret mean anything in an expired relationship? Can forgiveness from your loved one free you from the guilt of hurting them? I like to toy with the idea of forgiveness and whether an action could objectively be forgiven or understood, and how far you can forgive someone when those wrongs come in the form of the person you love.
If you noticed, they never actually say "I love you" in the present tense and avoid strong emotional words. They can't admit it because that requires being vulnerable. They think the reason they broke up was only because of Harry's rudeness, but it was also their fear of vulnerability and tendency to assume things instead of communicating. These things had piled up as resentment and exploded.
I wanted to explore another type of post-breakup meeting where Harry isn't as bitter and MC isn't the one to blame as in the original bad ending. I also wanted to do something different after seeing a lot of breakup fics where the pair is super angry and hates one another.
Buy me a glass of something that's definitely not coffee because I can't stand it but it is the website's name if my story touches you in some way? No worries if you don't. I'm still grateful you've read all the way through here.
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starvingreader · 9 months
I will build you an altar
Harry Choi x fem MC
TW: Self-harm
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst.
Harry discovered that MC was not the naive sunshine she appeared to be in the chatroom.
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It was impossible to find the right words to say to her, to express his anguish. She was lying beside him, his arm wrapped around her shoulder and her face snuggled into the side of his neck. The moonlight shined through the windows casting a shadow of their figures on the wall. They had never been so close. In fact, Harry hasn't been this close to everyone for years, both physically and emotionally.
But he wasn't at peace. Harry struggled to fall asleep. Maybe because it was an unfamiliar bed or because he didn't cocoon himself with a blanket. Those were the possibilities. Or at least, that was what he tricked his brain into thinking so.
But after some attempts, he gave up. There was no point at all. It was crystal clear that it was her. Only she could make him crumble.
His hand traced the scars on her arm. Gently, so he didn't wake her up. Her flesh felt strange under his finger. The sensation of the scars had him thinking about the past - something he didn't share with her, and she didn't mention it to him either. A sense of powerlessness hit him suddenly. Her pain left such a bad taste in his mouth.
Harry didn't realize she was struggling for so long. She was a weirdo, yes, but at the same time, MC was the brightest person he knew. Harry had a lot of words that he associated with her.
Like caring,
Or warm,
Or understanding, or patient.
But never sadness. Sadness simply didn't fit her. She was so strong.
But here she was, with a bloody arm he bandaged clumsily and scars, lots of scars all over her body. Some were healed, some were not. It would have taken her years of suffering to cover her body with these.
He couldn't comprehend how bad it was for the pain to show through a body. You would have to break, break and break until a crack was formed on your skin. Harry thought about that a lot.
He couldn't stop thinking about her lifeless eyes when he barged into her apartment. She wouldn't even move until he was near. It was hard for her to move, no, even breathing was a task.
They didn't talk much the whole night. He was just there. Harry didn't require any explanation, he didn't want to disturb her anymore. Surprisingly, Harry didn't feel much of a betrayal about MC not telling her stories despite their bond. He just felt sad but sad was not the right word. It was something more, something so intense he wanted to reap his heart out and hold it in his hand so he didn't have to face it anymore.
The night was cold in a different way you would describe the weather. Harry didn't understand much at that time. He only knew how to hold his hands out for MC to place hers in. They both trembled a bit when they touched. She told him a little about her scars, so little he had a hard time connecting her words. MC didn't cry the whole time, but her tears were clear to him. She spoke of her stories like a stranger relaying the news. Like a small talk, that was the best he could picture it. MC was numb. The agony held her shackles to the point that even when she went insane, she couldn't scream for help.
After a while, MC fell asleep in his embrace. Harry had turned back to his god-knows-why self-destruction. He didn't know he could feel like this for another person. He couldn't have guessed at all. He thought he had gone crazy.
Harry started praying to a god, a star, or the moon. Whatever that you needed to pray to, he prayed. For they would take her pain away and give them to him, he would shoulder all of that, even if it meant death. But nothing happened, the scars didn't magically disappear from her. Harry was devastated, he had already known the answers but he was devastated.
Harry felt like a dumb shit. A dumb little shit that couldn't help her at all.
Harry wished her to be happy, be absolutely happy. She was his shelter, his home. He would build her an altar. He would build her an altar for her to know that she was strong and beautiful. He would build an altar for her wounds so she wouldn't be ashamed of them.
He would build an altar for her existence and preach her like a god.
But for now, he would just hold her. He would hold her so tightly that they melted into each other. For someday, her pain would be his, and he would be hers.
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cheritzheadcanonz · 7 months
The Crobidoll company is more than meets the eye. Inanimate objects aren't given souls just for the hell of it. Maybe most other dolls and toys just naturally have souls anyway in the Cheritz universe, but Crobidoll dolls have exceptionally strong and powerful souls, capable of some having special powers, and for their souls to even be recognised by people.
Is Crobidoll aware of the Forgotten Toys Room? Is it connected to it? Did it...create it?
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"The Crobidoll company is more than meets the eye. Inanimate objects aren't given souls just for the hell of it. Maybe most other dolls and toys just naturally have souls anyway in the Cheritz universe, but Crobidoll dolls have exceptionally strong and powerful souls, capable of some having special powers, and for their souls to even be recognised by people. "
Like, what's is this room? A limbo? Something created by crobidoll or the Wizard? Is that related to Ssum?
The Crobidoll is rescuing those lost souls and putting into dolls?
I need more theories... I loved a lot!
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annbourbon · 4 days
Harry was not sure when she started looking different in his eyes. Maybe since the very beginning. The way she answered back was unlike anyone he ever met after all. Maybe it was because of her childish behavior. Or the day they went together on a trip.
Or maybe it was since the angel came and tried to take her away from him. His possessiveness towards her took him by surprise. The bird couldn't be more happy about it of course, but somehow, he managed to shut it up.
Surely the stupid song she suggested was playing tricks on his mind. Because under the led lights, and with the moon behind them, something in the spring air made him realize her eyes were glimmering in a different way.
A strange feeling sank on his stomach while he held her in his arms and led her to the dance floor. Her shampoo reached his nostrils and made him hug her, she looked confused for a moment but returned the hug, all Harry wanted was for that moment to last forever but it was starting to get awkward. She was way more tiny than him but that didn't stopped him. Dancing was also not his best skill but she loved it so they there were, sharing their first dance together.
Once he finished hugging her, his companion looked like she was about to disappear in his arms, like some kind of twisted spell. And the worse thing was that he could not bring himself to say anything but his anxiety kept creeping in. Apparently his usually chatty friend was experiencing something similar because she didn't say a word. He felt his cheeks burning and had to step a bit to breathe leaving her in middle of the dance floor.
"What is this?" He didn't want to ruin something that was already perfect.
"Is it, really?" asked the bird on his phone like it could read his mind. He turned around but couldn't find her anywhere near him. A cold breeze went through the place and she appeared near him with beverages for him and herself.
"You looked like you needed sparkling water..." Said her, but the moonlight made her look lovely and there was no way she could do anything at the moment with her hands busy holding the drinks, so he looked at her for a good minute before he cursed under his breath and reached for her lips.
She shivered under him, but returned the kiss. And the night couldn't be more perfect now.
"No~" Said she, lightly pushing him away. He could see her heart breaking into tiny pieces. That damn angel was holding her captive in a mental prison. Unless he found it she would never be able to free her from it. She had been distant. Cold even. And Harry hated it. He wanted her back.
Harry woke up sweating and cursing the full moon again, because when he tried to reach for her, she was not there.
N/A: Just something I created because my laptop is not working rn (updates and stuff) and I've been crying a lot after the angel appeared... seems like Harry truly doesn't like me.... even more, he hates me, according to the angel... I never really realized that one of my biggest fears is being hated by someone I like... no, I love, so much. I think I also owe a huge apology to whoever I have ever hurt with my words. If the pain you suffered it's similar to mine... I'm truly sorry. I'm in so much pain I cannot think properly so this has not been properly edited but I still hope you guys like it.
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artimisu · 11 days
I need you with me.
Character: Henri
Fandom: The Ssum: Love from today
Summary: After the events of Henri's route, (Reader)'s choice is brought to life.
CW: small use of (y/n), might be ooc henri and jumin han, Jumin han and the Mc from MM is together here btw, (Reader/Name) and Mc is two different people, reader is fem and not?, and most importantly SPOILER WARNING!!!
The last messages Henri sent to you before you drift off to sleep while he took off in the plane with Jumin;
"See you tomorrow."
"My (name)."
* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊
As you fell into a deep sleep, Henri couldn't help himself but think about you, think about life with you. His (name). He sighs, missing you already. He looks out the window, Jumin Han's private jet has been in the air for not that long, off to the private island where June also is.
Henri couldn't help but look back at his and your conversations, no matter if you didnt reply some times. He couldn't help but smile at his phone, displaying the texts which catches the attention of Jumin Han.
"Why are you smiling at your phone?" Jumin asks, raising an eyebrow at Henri, who quickly hides his phone due to habits.
"Uh.. No one that you should worry about." Henri replies, going back to look out the window at the night sky and everything below.
"I have a feeling that you are talking to someone you like, correct?" Jumin asks Henri. Henri immediately gets embarrassed, but quickly tries to hide his embarrassment by clearing his throat.
"What makes you think that?" He says, finally looking at Jumin.
"I have someone at my island like that, she's my... How do i say this... She's my lover. Her name is (M/C)." Jumin responds, a blush creeping onto his cheeks, clearing his throat now too.
Henri proceeds to look at Jumin, baffled to know that the man beside him, who has no care for romance, cold, and whatnot. Has a lover?! Then again, so far, Henri has no one to talk to about (Name) besides (Name) themselves. Henri sighs.
"Yes... The person I was smiling at my phone was... Someone i like. They... I-" Henri smiles down at his phone, a gentle and genuine smile.
"They- They're just so amazing. I- I can't even explain how wonderful they are in words or numbers." Henri adds on, trying not to ramble to Jumin about (Name).
"I'm still indebted to you since you are willing to come with me to take care of June, so..." Jumin trails on, leaving Henri to think of what Jumin is trying to imply.
"Are you asking me if i'd like to have them come to the island as well...?" Henri asks, trying to make sure that him and Jumin are on the same page.
"Yes. That is what I'm asking, so would you like that to be arranged?" Jumin pulls out his phone, opening it to make a note for later for his assistant.
"I- uh- You're being serious, right?" Henri stutters over his words again, hope in his voice as he makes sure.
"Yes." Jumin says in a blunt voice.
"I- Yes please, but may I ask them first? If they'd like to come with me to your island, I mean." Henri is now estatic, filled to the brim with joy! But one must not show it, not now at least.
* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊
You wake up, your alarm blaring at you from where it's charging. You check your phone, opening the app, Henri hasn't entered the chatroom yet. You sent a quick good morning before getting ready for the day, occasionally checking your phone since you got used to chatting with Henri daily.
Piu-Piu greets you in the chatroom with a good morning and a picture of Henri just getting off the plane, clearly tired from the flight. Piu-piu chats with you in place of Henri, Piu-piu detects that Henri might take until lunch to text you back.
Breakfast passed, no text. You tried to assume that nothing bad happened to Henri, but it was hard. Then lunch rolls around, you get a ping from your phone from the app. It's Henri!
"You said you wanted to come with me, right?"
"If you still want to join me, pack your bags"
"One of Jumin Han's chueffer will come to pick you up and bring you to the airport"
"Just pack for a week, don't worry, we can get more clothes if you need."
"I'll see you soon, My (Name)."
A/N: Omgee- This is my first post thats an actual post- Im so happy i finished this!! Im so sorry if this is crappy but i really wanted to see content on Henri!! And all i saw was "June this" "Harry that" "Teo this", but what about my boy!! (i might make this a two or more part if this does well). So uh- hope this is alright!! N E ways, hope you have a good day, see you next time!
A-bye bye~
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emeorin · 1 year
I'm not really an "established" fanfic author, but requests are open if anyone wants me to write something with their Idea!
I'm okay with pretty much everything, BL, GL, reader insert, Ocs.
I won't accept any rape/ non-con request.
One Piece;
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint;
Mystic Messenger;
The Ssum;
Fire Emblem (Mostly Three Houses/Hopes but I'm fine with other characters too);
Genshin Impact;
Our Life series;
Octopath Traveler;
Attack on Titan;
Harry Potter;
MANY OTHERS It would be just a struggle to make a super long list lol, try asking and I will do my best ^^
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agorejessstone · 2 years
One - Shot - Ask?
I really want to do a one shot, but I'm not sure WHO or WHAT.
Toss something below and I'll sort out what I want to do with it.
I'm thinking it can be anything as long as I know about it, so even if you've never seen me post about it, still suggest it?
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libertyxm · 10 months
[Harry x MC] Rain of stars. Part 1
Hello guys! I'm back again after a looong hiatus. This is the first part of my new fanfic about Harry.I've already told you that it's about the cold and rude Harry from the planet Cloudi, but it will get better and better as the story progresses. I'm also going to publish this same story on planet Sensitive (you can find me there with the same username libertyxm), in case you want to follow it from there. Anyway, I'll stop talking so much and let you enjoy the story. See you soon!
"And this is all for today's class" that's the only sentence I paid attention to since the lesson started. I let out a sigh. I was tired after yesterday work shift and the last thing I wanted to do is have to assist a class at 8:00 a.m.
"I need coffee, like right now. A big cup with extra sugar, coffee, and caramel" I smiled at my best friend sitting next to me. "Okey but today's coffee is on you" I replied to her as we started our way to the cafeteria. " I know, I know... by the way, did you hear about that super famous film director visiting our faculty?" "Not really, and since when do you care about these things? " I asked my friend. " Because rumors said he is really handsome but sadly, he almost always covers his face with a horse mask" I laughed " A horse mask? come on, stop kidding me, who would go out with that" She rolled her eyes " I don't know, maybe he's afraid to blind us with his pretty face" We both laughed as the cashier was taking our order " Why is he coming?" I asked, suddenly curious. " It looks like he wants to take some scenes for a university students documentary... oh, our order is here"
After we took separate paths after we had been talking for a while since both of us had different subjects. As I headed to class, I opened my cell phone to check the status of my bank account. Seeing as how the situation was, I would probably have to work more hours or find something that paid me better. As I keep wondering about these thoughts I felt the impact of something (or rather someone) against me and I was near to taste the floor, but thanks to God, I could maintain my balance. The culprit? was a tall guy with short grey hair and deep blue eyes. Wow... so... handsome but guess what, he was looking at me with a frown on his face as if I had been the one who had attacked him.
I pulled myself together and stood in front of him waiting for my apology, but all I got was a snap and him dodging me to keep walking. "Excuse me, sir, have you not been taught manners?" I told him a little bit angry. "Why should I do it?" is all he said.
"Sir, you almost knocked me down" I pointed out the obvious "It was you who bumped into me" and he just walked away. I took a deep breath and tried to count to ten as I imagined what would happen if I threw my bag at him.
After a long day of classes and assignments, I went to the coffee shop I work in. In general, my coworkers are nice but there was this guy called David who always piss me off. For him, I make everything wrong. Somedays I just take it and shut up, but others… well it's better not to talk about it right now.
Today, although I had to work alone for a few hours, it was not crowded and I could relax a little.
"I would like to take an americano and black tea, please" I took the order before I look at the two men in front of me but when I looked up, I was stunned to recognise the same blue-eyed boy from this morning.
We both gave each other withering glances before I start to work on their order. If it wasn't for the workers' code and my contract… I let out a sigh, trying to get out of my state of frustration but, exactly two minutes later, the boy was standing in front of me with that "I hate you" expression of his.
"What's wrong?" I asked and I wish I hadn't. "The tea, it doesn't taste good." "Okay, what have I got to do with it?" "You're the one who made it, so I demand good tea."
I gave her a withering look before taking a deep breath for the fifth time this day.
"Sir, either be more specific with what you want or I won't be able to help you."
"Throw it away, it's useless to come here for a drink" Maybe the best solution would have been to shut up, smile and offer him another one that suits his taste, but by the time I realised, I had already thrown the tea (which was already cold) on top of his shoes. Well... at least I did the shut up part, right?...
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i have successfully made it halfway there.
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jaflol · 5 months
Basically I have never written any fanfic or anything for this tumblr but this year I want to and since I’m on winter break…
I will do head canons and short fanfics for the following Otomes:
Mystic Messenger
Ikemen Prince
Ikemen Vampire
Ikemen Revolution
The Ssum
Send me your request on the questions box or through my DMs, will do nsfw and angst too
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xelasrecords · 1 year
Lovely Walk
Harry Choi x Reader
Harry has rejected you for the most ludicrous reasons with the most ludicrous attitude. So what's there to do except to pester him by asking him out again and again?
Words: 1.5k
Masterlist Read on AO3
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What do you do when you confess to a man who manages to turn his insufferable demeanour into his allure, who then hurts you with that same quality? Harry's rejection of your earnest confession was harsh. It was cutting words reinforced by his belief that love doesn't exist, as if what you feel is anything less than that. He does not want to date you, yet he expects you to remain with him as it is.
It doesn't mean Harry doesn't like you. You have concrete reasons to believe that he does. It's in the subtext of him texting you every day without fail, how he remembers details about you that you didn't think would be significant, and how he treats you better than everyone else. But it's unfair that he doesn't want to end this ambiguous relationship, especially when he has callously conveyed that he has no desire to be with you. Therefore, there is no reason you should be civil either.
The only sensible thing to do is to push back.
Amidst the faint floral scent permeating the air, you catch Harry on the pavement watching the cars passing by, his back turned from the cherry blossom trees lining the path. You increase your pace, ready to strike him with your new plan. You have not been well-rested and standing tall and attractive in an ivory sweatshirt in front of you is the thief of your sleep.
Harry turns to you before you can make any noise. "I thought you'd be too offended to talk to me so soon. How did you find me?"
You ignore his first remark. On this bright afternoon, the sun is deceptive with its glare. The breeze is cool on your cheeks and weaves through your hair. Not a bad day to ambush him. "Our beloved Piu-Piu told me. An emergency meeting as compensation for your rejection."
Harry cocks his head to the side. "How come it conspires with you more than me? It never grants me that privilege."
"You didn't even want to meet me," you point out. "You said that it's a waste of time."
Harry seems to be distracted by your billowing hair, his fingers twitching slightly before he buries them in his pockets. "I'm bothered by it favouring you over me."
"And that surprises you?" You arch your brows. "Anyway, I'm here because I want to ask you something. You said you don't like me, correct?"
Harry shifts on his feet. "I don't get why you're bringing this up again. As I've said, you intrigue me, but I don't want to date you. Let's leave it at that."
You shrug. "Okay, but do you want to go out with me?"
Harry stares at you, assessing if it's another joke you tend to make around him. "What's wrong with you?"
Being rejected never gets easier, but you won't let it deter you. Eventually, his defensive exterior will crack. You just have to keep marching on.
You take a step nearer, inclining your body towards him. Up close, you hear his breath hitched and see a guarded mask shuttered over his face, but he doesn't draw back from you. "If you're worried about me, then have dinner with me later."
"I have food at home and you're not invited."
You nod grimly. "I understand. A horseman should eat his carrots alone. It's a wonder you haven't turned orange, you carrot hogger."
To your surprise, Harry chuckles at your acknowledgement. It's a low, rich sound which sends a delicious tingle down your spine. "You told me to savour my food. That's what I'm planning to do." He starts walking down the pavement. "Alone," he adds.
Alarmed, you rush to his side, sticking close and ready to sling your arm around him if he decides to bolt. It wouldn't be out of character for Harry to pull an outrageous stunt. But instead, you notice him slowing down his strides, arm briefly tensing whenever it brushes against yours. It may be a small reaction, but a small win is still a win.
Harry is not totally indifferent towards you.
"So I've rubbed off on you. Does that mean you hate yourself?" you ask.
Harry frowns. "What?"
"You don't like me, but I've become a part of you. I've influenced your decision and now you live according to my suggestion. That must mean you hate yourself."
"I didn't know a human could spew out as much nonsense as that bird," Harry grumbles. "Are you doing this because I rejected you?"
Harry may be handsome, but every time he opens his mouth, it has the unfortunate effect of making you want to deck him and then kiss him with spite. It's probably too early for the latter. If a mere confession has driven up his walls, you don't want to think how far he would run from you if you voice out your thoughts.
You swivel around to face him and resume your walk backwards. "I'm doing this because you were rude when you rejected me. Don't get me wrong, I can take rejections, but you didn't even consider my feelings when you said those things. Do you know how much sleep I've lost over you? You're always on my mind."
Harry glances at your shoes dragging on the gravel and gives a cursory check at the space behind you. "Stop confessing and go find something better to do."
"The best thing I can do is to stay beside you." It's a century-old pick-up line, but you could repeat it all day if it means rattling this insensitive hunk of a man beyond belief.
Harry lets out a long, tortured sigh. "What do I have to do to make you stop?"
"Go out with me."
"Aren't we already out right now?" Harry looks around. "And stop walking in reverse. You'll fall," he chides, pulling you back by his side. You had assumed he would be rough in exerting force, but the smooth fingers rounding your wrist are surprisingly gentle.
"Wow, you're dense," you comment, too aware that he hasn't let go of his grasp on you. Not that you mind.
Harry snorts. "Have you looked into the mirror when you called me rude?"
"I have, and guess what I saw?"
"A weirdo."
You shoot him a glare before flicking your hair at him. "A magnificent person that everyone can't help but fall for."
"Not me."
"Not yet." You hold up your wrist that Harry is still holding. "I wouldn't be so sure if I were you. Look at you, not wanting to let me go."
He drops it immediately and clears his throat. It's a shame that you lost his touch, but knocking the realisation into him is worth it. "Hah." Harry shakes his head. "You're more persistent than Big Guy."
"Thank you. I like that quality in me too."
"I never said it was a good thing," says Harry.
"Part of my charm is that I don't care about what you think," you quip.
"And yet you want me to like you back?"
"Haven't you already?" you tease. When Harry scowls at you, you dissolve into laughter. "All right, I'll stop. I'm meeting Tain there later." You nod at the cafe opposite the street. "Thank you for walking me. I'll head over there now, goodbye."
Not a second later, Harry halts in his tracks. "Wait, what?"
You get the reaction you were looking for.
You look at him through your lashes, completely innocent. "I thought you wanted to get rid of me fast?"
It must have been too innocent that Harry doesn't take the bait. "Why are you meeting my friend without me?" he presses.
Harry having a jealous side is something that he would never admit. He thinks he hides it well, but it's as blatant as day. It tends to sneak out when he notices you paying more attention to the people around him or when you insist that Big Guy is cute, a fact that he rapidly refutes.
You pretend to mull over his question, taking your sweet time to stretch the silence out. Let the tension build; Harry can afford to be on his toes for a while. "He's also my friend," you finally answer in a sing-song tone.
Harry crosses his arms and eyes you with suspicion. "Since when do you two hang out?"
"I like him a lot," you simply say. Teasing him turns out to be more entertaining than you had thought.
"More than you like me?"
Well, that was an unexpected response.
"I guess that's something you'll have to lose your sleep over." You flash him a dazzling smile. "No need to wait up for me later. So long, my friend." You accentuate your last word, reminding Harry of the line that he drew last night.
This is exactly how you want to end the meeting. An abrupt start, a long-suffering middle, then comes the abrupt end. It's sure to leave an impression on Harry. You pat his firm shoulder and leave him frozen on the spot, his mouth agape.
See if he could get a wink of sleep tonight.
Buy me a glass of something that's definitely not coffee because I can't stand it but it is the website's name if my story touches you in some way? No worries if you don't. I'm still grateful you've read all the way through here.
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brighteststar707 · 1 year
Hi Faye! Do you think you'll ever write a fic for Harry? NOT pressuring you to do it I'm just wondering if it's something that you're interested in doing in the future, seeing that you love Harry a lot too🥰
Hi Xela!
Soooo... I've actually written exactly one Harry fic before! It's floating somewhere in the fanfic planet of the Ssum app along with a few Teo fics I wrote once upon a time. It's not very good, I wrote it in a rush on the bus in an attempt to get a scene out of my head and I never looked at it again after posting.
As for writing something that I'd ever share here, I'm not sure! It's been about two months since I finished his route, so I'm a bit removed from him and the feelings his route made me feel. That being said, I have some stray ideas floating around that I wouldn't mind working on turning into proper fics!
I think it would be really interesting to dissect his character in a fic one day. There are some cute quirks and Harry-isms that I'd like to play with, so maybe one day?
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roxannarambles · 2 years
Roxy’s Top Tags Hub
Hello, everyone! This post is designed to give you easy access to the content I’ve created or reblogged in various fandoms over the years. I will list the tags I use the most often here. Usually it’s focused on particular characters or ships that I hyperfixated on at some point.
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❤ Nemona   ❤ Rika
❤ Guzma     ❤ Lord N
❤ My Nemona/Juliana Fanfic
Breath of the Wild / Tears of the Kingdom
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❤ Sidlink
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❤ Spamton  ❤ Ralsei    ❤ Gaster  
❤ Ralsei/Kris (Assuming Ralsei is not Asriel)
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❤ Sans    ❤ Alphys    
❤ Soriel  ❤ Sansby
Ace Attorney
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❤ Narumitsu     ❤ Franziska von Karma
Mystic Messenger
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❤ 707       ❤ 707/MC
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❤ Ssum Guides
Fire Emblem
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❤ Legault     ❤ Heath    ❤ Heath/Legault ❤ My Legault/Heath Fanfic    
❤ Seteth   ❤ Byleth/Seteth   
❤ My Byleth/Seteth Fanfic
❤ My FE Support Conversations
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❤ Snufmin    ❤ My Snufmin Fanfic  
The Owl House
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❤ Goldenlight  ❤ My Goldenlight Fanfic  ❤ Lumity 
Yuri!!! on ICE
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❤  Victuuri
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annbourbon · 9 months
Fandoms I'm into *Master List* *no links for now*
Which is in no way an extensive list, but hopefully it'll give you an idea of who I am. I'll keep updating because, it's fun. If you have any recommendations please drop them on comments section. I'll be thrilled. If you want to know more on depth about the fandoms I'm into, you should watch my ~holic master list
Most of these ones however I'm into them but I don't have any material, theories, fanfics or collaborations, yet. If I say you can click on it, then you should expect a master list of each fandom. Otherwise, they're just there for fun (until I get into them far enough to create some content.)
*I may or not repost something I liked just as a form of sharing it with the people who follow me but I will never post it on my master list as it is not mine. If you're uncomfortable with me reposting something please let me know and provide me with the link too, to take it down. Thank you.
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Mystic Messenger *click here for the master list*
The Ssum
Ikemen (all of them are so good 😭💕)
★ On my list ★
★ Currently playing ★
Mystic Messenger
The Ssum
✨Musicals ✨
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Mamma Mia (both movies!)
Into the woods
Les Miserables
✨ Anime ✨
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Black Butler
Shaman King
My happy Marriage
Ouran Host Club
Spy x Family
Kokkuri san
Kaichou wa Maid Sama
Kamisama Kiss
*needs their own category*
Code Geass --- Tsubasa Chronicles --- XxXHolic --- Sakura Card Captors --- Kobato --- Wish ---
✨ Movies ✨
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✨Marvel ✨
*needs their own category*
Black Widow ~~~ Civil War ~~~ Avengers ~~~ Winter Soldier ~~~ Endgame ~~~
*needs their own category*
Tangled --- The Little Mermaid --- Sleeping Beauty --- The princess and the frog --- Mulan --- Brave --- The Beauty and the Beast --- The Lady and the Tramp --- Pocahontas ---
**Please do not hate me but I do not like Snow White, Alice in Wonderland and Cinderella movies cause, the animation was the cause of all my nightmares as a kid and I still do not get over this. Which is fun considering I have seen way worse, but as an adult, and that's a whole different thing. 💀
Also if it's not listed here either I don't know and haven't watched or I just don't like it.
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W: Two Worlds --- Crash Landing on You --- Little Women --- Sisyphus --- Mr Sunshine --- Queenmaker --- My name --- Law School --- Descendants of the Sun ---
✨ Chinese Dramas✨
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Princess Weiyoung --- Mr. Ling please be at ease ---
✨J-dramas ✨
*I cannot include an extensive list books & Manhwas cause it's a really long list but I'll put some of my favorites and again, the extensive list will be on ~Holic.
★Currently moving everything to their respective list on Holic. So if a link doesn't work, let me know.★
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spitdrunken · 2 years
guardian angel ( ray x reader)
i’ve been playing a lot of the ssum lately and unlocked ‘the canals of sensitivity’ which is basically like. a place to post fanfic LMAOOO so i cleaned up a ray x reader i wrote like two years ago and posted it there. the original version is orphaned on ao3 and kinda sucks but shhh
notes: obsessive behaviour, stalking, unrequited feelings, vague religious themes (because of mint eye’s influence on ray), mentioned selfharm (biting)
summary: The two of you have never met. You aren’t even aware of his existence. But Ray knows you, knows how you laugh when you think no one is watching, knows the videos you find comfort in late at night, and the friends you only talk to through messages on a screen. It pains him how he can’t reach out to you yet. He’ll give the hope that has dimmed from your eyes another chance to grow ablaze.
Soon, he’ll be the angel guiding you to paradise. So keep clinging on to his hand until then, okay? 
You’re wearing something new today.
The sight makes Ray perk up in his seat, his eyes glued to the screen. The video quality from the surveillance camera is so poor that he has to lean towards his screen to make out every detail. It hurts his dry eyes even more, but it’s a price he’s willing to pay. You’re still just as beautiful. You’d look nice no matter what you wear. Would you let him pick out clothes for you once you get here…? The thought makes his face flush. He’ll buy some in advance, just in case.
Thinking about your arrival makes him restless. He’s been busy enough combing through your social media to figure out what items you’d like in your room and what food you might enjoy. Now he has to consider clothing as well… It all has to be perfect, you deserve nothing less. The wishes filling his prayers are often about you these days. That you would be happy with what he did, that you would like his company, that you wouldn’t want to leave…
He’d expected a challenge in picking a single person from the masses. It was an order from his Saviour however and, for her, he’d take on any task. No matter what. He’s already pushing himself to his limits day by day, drowning himself in Elixir on her command, though each drink leaves him sicker than the one before. His body is simply too weak and foul. Regardless, his doubts had turned out to be unfounded. He’d stumbled upon you, after all: the perfect lost lamb to guide to Paradise. Someone who he could save.
There had been some unknown factor that drew him to you. You didn’t stand out in a crowd. In fact, it looked like you were trying to pull yourself away from the gazes of others, shoulders slumped and staring at your phone as you walked. You were indifferent to the world, and it returned those feelings. There, he saw a tiny part of himself. Ray couldn’t tear his eyes away from you. Such a pull had to be fate, and nothing else. (Though there were many others that looked to be in similar spirits to you, you were the only one to hook him in such a way. He doesn’t know why. Ray doesn’t like things he doesn’t understand, but to keep feeling like this… He’ll bear it.) 
The two of you are destined to end up together in Paradise. He had been praying for guidance in his mission, and his wish brought him to you. His resolve only strengthened as he watched you struggle through your daily life, hitting low upon low.
Ray switches the camera. You’re a creature of habit, often stopping by the same places. Right now, you’re at the cafe you frequent. He has your entire routine jotted down; habits, hobbies, dislikes, and quirks that make you unique all compiled in a single document. He’s been fleshing it out over the course of multiple days, researching the things you enjoy. It makes his work easier.
You always take the same table, as long as it’s free. Thankfully, the quality is far better inside. He can finally see your new outfit clearly. Ray takes a screenshot, labeling it with the date and time before saving it to a folder named after you. It’s a good thing he’s been allowed to focus more on the tester at the moment, rather than collecting information on the RFA. He’s tried to get you off his mind, but to no avail.
One time, he had asked one of the Believers who was next on schedule for recruitment work to leave a rose on the seat you usually sat. They hadn’t questioned him or, at the very least, not in front of him. (“It’s essential to the mission I received from our Saviour,” he’d said.) You’d actually taken it with you upon finding it, carefully putting it in your bag after spinning it around in between two fingers. You smiled. He could’ve died happy at that moment.
Is it strange to yearn for someone he has never met, or spoken to? Ray likes to think he knows you through the way you present yourself online, and your body language in real life. Sometimes, he likes to pretend you aren’t texting your friends but, rather, responding to him. He’s been finding himself zoning out more and more often, forming a drawn out fantasy. 
Once everything is perfectly prepared, he’ll contact you and you’d come here, entirely trusting his word that everything would be safe. You’d help out with the project. You’d tell him you liked spending time with him more than the RFA. You’d let him guide you by the hand, let him gently push you in the right direction. You’d trust him and stay close with him, forever, that’s the  most important part. 
(He’s been bordering on treacherous thoughts. Deep down, Ray wants you to depend more on him than the Saviour herself. He would be the one who literally brought you to Paradise, rather than her. Couldn’t you go to him for advice…? He wants to look after you, to keep you satisfied and safe. He wants you to thank him.)
It hadn’t been his intention to scroll through hundreds of messages when he hacked your phone. He’d only done it to download the app when all preparations were complete. With all of that information at his fingertips, he couldn’t resist. With every message he read, you became more perfect in his eyes. It’d be difficult to hide that he’s aware of the most private thoughts you had shared online, but he’d have to make do. He’s gotten his hands on a couple of voice messages you left as well, and he’s been listening to them on loop. Not being allowed to contact you yet was already torturous enough. And that was before he knew how wonderful your voice sounded.
Besides your wardrobe, there’s another irregularity in your routine today. This one doesn’t make him perk up. An unfamiliar fact takes the seat opposite of you. 
He’s gathered bits and pieces on your friends, very basic information. In case you were in contact with someone dangerous, he wanted to alert you about it. But whoever this is, he doesn’t recognise them. A stranger? Ray hates unpredictable factors. He wishes the world were as programmable as the code he’s so efficient in, then, everything would run without issue. He wants you to tell him to go. He wants you to leave. You don’t.
You speak to them. You’re having fun, you’re smiling. His chest tightens up all on its own, and Ray doesn’t recognise the feeling. Shouldn’t he… Have been glad? He wants you to be carefree, to look at the world with bright eyes, but this… He sinks his teeth into his finger, sudden and hard, tasting blood. This plan can’t fail. Not for your sake, or his. If, after observing a specific target for so long, he would fail to capture them… He can’t imagine the Saviour’s wrath, which he’d be deserving of after such a great failure. The idea of you slipping through his fingers makes his breathing stuttery. 
Everything is fine. It is, it has to be. This isn’t an issue at all! They can’t grant you the happy ending, the comfort, that he could. You would realise that. He’d never spoken to you before though, and this hits him harder than ever now. You couldn’t possibly know about the salvation heading your way, the lengths he’s gone to orchestrate it. 
Ray’s fingers twitch on the keyboard as he types, and his report on your behaviour is filled with typos. He doesn’t want you to smile at  him like that, doesn’t want you to start growing enamoured with them. People in the outside world are cruel. You’re like them. Too weak and soft for your own good. You’d surely be trampled by the very person you’re now laughing with. He’s sure of it. He needs to get you out of there, and soon. It’s for your own good.
It takes serious effort to close the tab. To put his aching fingers on his keyboard. He’ll turn this pain into motivation to get you by his side as quickly as possible. Salvation is never painless.
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