#that would explain why it's all whump and no fandom blogs
justwhumpythings · 1 year
11 and 13 for the ask game?
11. Favourite whump blogs?
At the moment it's apparently these lovely folks:
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That's @withywhump, @hurt-me-help-me, (3rd one's myself @arcadian-asgardian lol, I don't know how these are worked out), @erdarielthewhumper, @deepwoundsandfadedscars, @kaleidoscope-of-thoughts, @whump-captain, @whumpyinside, and @evilwriter37 💙 I also enjoy the drabbles of @whumpshots, and many friends both old and some absent 💙
13. Favourite type of whumpee?
Gotta be honest, it seems I love a sweet innocent with a pure heart who tries to be brave in the face of the whump but is really kind of terrified but then is revealed to have incredible and quiet inner strength. 2/4 of my main whumpees of my life fit that bill and the other two can be squeezed in with some trying XD
Thanks for the questions!
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whump question challenge by @withalittlebitofwhump! thought it'd be fun to answer these all in one go, it's an old challenge but i found it and said "why not?"
if you're new to my blog, here's some info abt me and whump!
alright, here we go:
1. Favorite whump trope(s)?
answer: hidden injury or collapse, preferably together! also prefer when it's from an abdominal wound (stabbing, GSW, etc)
2. Least favorite whump trope(s)?
answer: anything to do with just regular sickness/emeto. or allergic reactions. not a fan of anything that i see as potentially embarrassing (?).
3. Top 3 whump scenes and why?
answer: this is so hard??? omg. uh, okay:
1. all of the whump scenes in he is psychometric (i can't choose) they're the ones i rewatch CONSTANTLY, jinyoung's acting is amazing and it's got all my fav tropes
2. daredevil episode 2 because damn, they really gave us an entire whumpy episode so early in the series and it's AMAZING
3. the vault scene in be reborn (c-drama), the way it's filmed and also the acting, the length, it's SO GOOD.
4. Top 3 characters to whump and why?
answer: (this is so hard lol)
1. buck (911) because he's got the relatability, the found family, and everything
2. keith (VLD), all the good tropes but only in fics, sadly
3. peter parker (MCU) again, because he's relatable and has (had) found family
5. Favorite fandom for whump (show, series, etc)?
answer: currently it's gotta be 911! it's a treasure trove for found family whump.
6. Do you prefer written or watchable whump?
answer: watchable for sure! though, i'm a huge consumer of whump fics.
7. Do you also like hurt/comfort?
answer: i'm mainly a hurt/comfort person, actually! if there's no recovery/aftercare and comfort, the whump falls a bit flat imo.
8. What do you think the difference between hurt/comfort and whump is?
answer: i'd say whump refers to the act of the character being hurt, and then hurt/comfort is the trope that includes whump.
9. How would you explain whump to someone who’s not familiar with it?
answer: i'd say that whump refers to a character being hurt in some way, rather physically, emotionally, or psychologically. it's a trope that many enjoy, and it adds development and drama to a storyline!
10. Is there any old whump you particularly enjoy? (say, pre 2000?)
answer: hmm, star wars comes to mind, as well as the OG macgyver, and the karate kid trilogy! right now i can't think of much else.
11. Why do you think you like whump?
answer: i think i like it because of the interactions and drama (plus the "whumperflies" lol). i tend to like whump for characters i can relate to!
12. When did you realize you liked whump?
answer: oh god, i've always known i liked it! it's such an integral part of my media consumption. when i discovered the community + fanfic, i was around ten or eleven (young, i know!). so probably around seven years ago, almost eight since i've been actually knowledgeable about the term.
13. Favorite posts with whump (gifsets, picspams, etc)
answer: gifsets or whumplists, they help me find what to watch!
14. Are you “out” to people in real life?
answer: mostly, yeah! my family knows, since my sister also enjoys whump (not as much as me, but still some!) and will recommend shows to me based on that.
some of my irl friends are avid fanfic readers/in fandoms and know the term well. :)
15. How did you find the whump community?
answer: 1980's macgyver whump list :)
16. Any unusual mediums you like for whump (plays, music, vlogs, etc)?
answer: some kpop music videos have really good whump scenes!
17. Any meta about whump you’ve been dying to share?
answer: do not have an answer for this one unfortunately!
18. Whump fic(s) you’d love to see?
answer: MORE. BUCK. WHUMP. also, to the lockwood and co. fandom, please write more gen lockwood whump with minimal/established romance. i need the fics.
19. Whump you’re looking forward to? (Maybe something teased or something you haven’t seen yet?)
answer: AHHH 911 SEASON 6B!!! coma!buck for the win, y'all, i can feel it in my bones.
20. Top 3 favorite whump fics?
1. kindness, what connects us by FandomLife54 on ao3 (911, buck whump, tsunami AU)
2. quintessence blues by SilenceIsGolden15 (VLD, keith whump, magical injuries)
3. of bikes and concussions by datleggy on ao3 (911, buck whump, misunderstandings, concussion)
21. Tropes you think are overdone?
answer: car crashes (especially with little to no aftercare or injury)
22. Tropes you think we could use more of?
answer: i love the "found" trope, where a character is injured and then subsequently discovered by friends.
i also think we could use more of the "injured character calls someone for help and passes out over the phone" trope. it's so good.
23. Favorite sites/archives for consuming whump? (question by @dammittmarie )
answer: tumblr (obv), the whumpapedia is good, ao3 best fanfic site, and that's about all i use!
24. Have your whump preferences changed recently? If so, why? (question by @fyeahvulnerablemen​)
answer: my preferences have honestly stayed pretty consistent! i've always loved hidden injury, abdominal wound, and collapse whump. however, i used to be rlly into panic attack-related whump and i don't rlly like it much anymore!
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genuinehc · 11 months
from a whumper, about your post:
(sorry in advance if this comes off as aggressive, i really dont mean it that way, just bad at talking)
i am aware of the fact that, for some people, whump is a sexual thing, but the idea that its like that for a lot of people is a bit..odd? (at least thats how i read your post, sorry if thats not what u meant)
whether anyone likes it or not, 'kink' is automatically associated with sexual content. one of the things i see most often from whumpers is that whump isnt a sexual thing for them (often stated when explaining to non-whumpers)
yes we get whumperflies but for me at least its akin to the feeling i get at other things i really enjoy. its just a really excited/satisfied stomach feeling, something id also get when playing a high-energy board game or even seeing a non-whump trope i really love in film/tv! for me id say its sorted under the umbrella is excitement, but its not the same at all as sexual excitement like kinks are thought to be. and saying that it has specific feelings (stomach butterflies, twitching fingers, etc.) is kind of.. obvious i suppose. every emotion has that; we pace and bounce our legs when nervous or bored, we get tense and our hearts race when scared or angry.
for me, intimacy has nothing to do with whump. (in fact thats one of the reasons i usually dislike intimate whumpers because they usually venture too close to romantic or sexual content for my tastes)
like someone else said, i think the main reason that whump blogs dont like interactions from kink blogs is that it shifts the idea of it being nonsexual whump to sexual whump (which, given how many people ive seen with rape/noncon as squicks, could be unsettling) (and even for whump blogs have post/reblog sexual whump, the whump community heavily confines whump to fiction rather than reality in a way that isnt followed or obvious that its followed by kink blogs. which may also make people uncomfortable)
sorry for the long ask, just had a lot i wanted to say
You’re totally fine. :)
I do feel like I want to give further context to my frame of reference, though, because I feel like it’s central to why I’m asking:
I am 1000% a neurospicy internet old who is returning to fandom and fandom adjacent spaces after almost 20 years away from being an active participant in them. An entire subculture of a subculture grew up while I was pursuing other nerdy interests and I am equally delighted and curious about what the standards are and how they came to be.
This line of inquiry is an attempt to bridge something that feels very intuitive to me with my observations of the whump community. There is a gap in understanding or terminology or both, and that gap is with me: I’m the one misunderstanding the culture. After nosing around the edges for a couple of years, rather than try to understand through observation alone, I’m finally just asking: what is up with this?
What I’m learning from the lovely people who have been kind enough to take the time to share their opinions and experience is that there isn’t a single answer (and tbh, I wasn’t expecting that there was and would have been disappointed if there had been). The last 30ish hours have had a lot of really good discussion and I’m enjoying getting more insight, especially from thoughtful people with more experience in this community.
Thank you for taking the time to respond!
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You probably know this by now, I don't know if you keep up with Whumptober, but one of the prompts this year includes "blindness". I'm not blind but based on your posts about writing blind characters, and based on how I would feel if one of my disabilities were used as a whump prompt, I'm not super comfortable with it. I was wondering what your thoughts are on blindness being a Whumptober prompt.
(unironically and with feeling) thanks, I hate it.
Yes, I’m familiar with Whumptober, but I’ve never participated myself and I haven’t seen this year’s prompts.
Edit: I later did see the prompts and check out the blog. I think it's a good set of prompts and I look forward to all the promising content, especially since some of my favorite tropes are there. To be clear before you read this, I have no problem with Whumptober2021 or whump in general. This is not the first time blindness has been included for a list of whump prompts, and it won't be the last.
This post directed at the concept of "blindness" as a whump prompt and why I think it's a bad idea. The intended audience is individual writers thinking about future projects.
The timing of this is almost too perfect because I read a fanfic earlier this week that would meet that prompt exactly. Tags included whump, blindness, and angst with a happy ending. Now whump, hurt/comfort, and angst with a happy ending are tags I enjoy reading, but blindness as whump has a specific message to it.
To explain that message, I want to discuss what whump is. Many readers are already familiar with the genre, but I think taking the specific definitions and picking apart what it means and what expectations we carry when reading whump fanfiction
Urban Dictionary defines it as: taking a character and putting them through physical and/or mental torment and is typically followed by the same character being treated for their traumas. To indicate the characters place in the situation they’d typically be called a whumpee (the character being hurt/comforted), the whumper (the character that causes harm and trauma), and the caretaker (the character designated the helping/healing/comforting the whumpee).
Fanlore has a page for whump that explains it in depth, including where it started in fanfiction, examples of whump, and even a list of “popular targets” in different fandoms. (Warning: you might find yourself called out on the popular targets list)
“The term whump (or whumping) generally refers to a form of Hurt/Comfort that is heavy on the hurt and is often found in gen stories. The exact definition varies and has evolved over time. Essentially, whump involves taking a canon character, and placing them in physically painful or psychologically-damaging scenarios. Often this character is a fan favorite…”
To add to that, I think an important detail is the distinction Fanlore makes between hurt/comfort and whump:
“While some communities and fandoms may use whump as a synonym for hurt/comfort, there is still a recognition that whump refers to darker and more extreme scenarios. And there are still whump fics been written that have very little, or no comfort at the end of the story.”
The big appeal of hurt/comfort is getting to both explore the darker sides of pain and then experience the catharsis of being taken care of, of being supported by your loved ones as you recover from the trauma. The character is the proxy for experiencing those highs and lows while you yourself are safe at home.
I personally don’t read much/any whump without some h/c involved, but I’m happy there are stories out there for people who do enjoy it. I’m not here to judge what you like reading or what you do to your characters.
What I want is to express how blindness, my disability, used as a whump prompt personally makes me feel and what message it sends to me, to others, and how that message affects my daily life.
Whump undeniably involves watching a character suffer through something painful and traumatic.
My use of the word “suffer” is what I want you to focus on.
Vision loss can be painful and traumatic. I personally developed an anxiety disorder in response to vision loss. Others experience depression. For some it might result in relapsing into old, maladaptive coping mechanisms like drug use, self harm, or eating disorders.
A big part of my anxiety was how people reacted to my vision loss. It was a cause of their stress. They were worried because they genuinely believed I would never live a happy life without normal vision, and that my life would only be struggle and pain.
I recently saw an old friend who hadn’t heard about my vision loss. The conversation was awkward, but the worst part was how they reacted as though I had experienced an insurmountable tragedy. And even when I assured them I’m happy with my life, they clearly didn’t believe me. They acted like I was just lying or in denial.
I love that people want to empathize with my situation and ask themselves what they would do in my situation, but I hate when the conclusion they come to is something along the lines of “I could never do that, I’d be too miserable thinking about everything I lost, I’d never be able to do anything I enjoyed ever again.” But I did go blind. And I’m not miserable, I’m actually happy with the direction my life is going, and I still enjoy my hobbies, even if I engage with them differently.
I’m not suffering. My life didn’t end with vision loss. It’s not ruined, broken, or worthless.
I read a fanfic that was tagged with whump, blindness, and angst with a happy ending. A general synopsis of the plot: the whumpee had gone blind due to a curse. It was true love’s kiss that broke the curse. Even from the summary I knew it was going to end with whumpee being cured somehow and that I’d leave that fanfic vaguely dissatisfied no matter how good the rest of the fanfic was.
I can say this for the fanfic: the whumpee had already accepted that they would likely be blind for the rest of their life, but everyone around them was treating it as a tragedy that needed to be fixed, working tirelessly for a cure despite the whumpee’s protests that they didn’t have to.
It actually hit home to my personal experience.
I still left it dissatisfied with the ending. I might love curse fics in that fandom, and I love the “true love’s kiss” trope, but it wasn’t enough to distract me from the fact that: an actual person out in the world thought the best happy ending, maybe the only happy ending, would be if the character got their sight back.
(note: I clicked kudos and exited out of the story's page because no fanfic writer deserves unsolicited critique or hate, especially for content I consumed for free and at my own volition.)
Why read a story I knew would disappoint me?
Because blindness representation is so damn rare that I feel like I’m wandering in a desert, dying from thirst and desperate for that oasis. But sometimes that oasis is a mirage and the author is unintentionally telling you that your life is actually awful and you’ll never be fully happy like this. And that is a shit mentality to walk through life with.
I don’t appreciate blindness being a whump plot. I hate it. Hundreds (thousands?) of fanfictions featuring blind characters are about to enter the internet and the overall message is going to be “You poor thing! You must be in so much pain, you must be miserable! Who’s going to save you? Who’s going to comfort you? Wouldn’t it be terrible if there was no one in your life to take care of you? You poor helpless thing!”
And I feel objectified. I feel trivialized. The mirage in the desert is going to become a starch, empty room filled with dozens of water bottles, almost all of them poisoned. My representation is going to hurt me personally, and it’s going to reinforce that idea strangers have about how awful my life must be.
(I returned to school this past month, and every day I’m hesitant to tell someone I’m visually impaired because I don’t want to be treated differently. If I’ve managed to pass as sighted this whole time and then suddenly reveal “oh yeah, I’m visually impaired” I feel this instant silence, this pause of awkwardness as people suddenly question how they’re supposed to treat me. They treated me like a person, and now I’m something strange and unfamiliar.)
I’ve worked so hard to improve representation for blind people, to give internet strangers the exposure to a blind person they need to normalize blindness because I hope that if they’re ever so lucky as to meet a blind person, they’ll treat that person with respect. That hope that another person in the blind community will find a friend they feel comfortable and accepted with. I hope that I’ll meet people who accept my blindness as just another aspect of me (like being bisexual or gender fluid or a writer or a cat lover).
Please don’t turn me and my community into a caricature. Don’t erase everything I’ve worked for with this blog.
To be clear, this is not just me saying "I hate the cure trope" again. This is me saying "the purpose of whump is to painfully hurt your favorite character, and I hate that your idea of pain and suffering is my daily (wonderful) life."
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whumpmatsus · 3 years
Yeah man like i said i have no idea how NSFW requests work XDD but ive been curious to ask esp since i usually see ppl ask some specific stuff in other fandoms and it makes me go," ...wait i wanna know how ppl can do that" XDD but thats okay! Thank you for explaining how these stuff works💕 ....hmm well since you work more on angst, i do have a nice idea for the choukei dynamic👀 its been something that has been on my mind and got me real curious.
Karamatsu and osomatsu falling for the same person, but the thing is the person of their interest has a crush on one of them and sees the other as more of best friend they can confide in. Now i debated with myself a whole lot and since osomatsu is the eldest.. seeing him step off accepting his role silently while watching the person he likes so dearly stay so far yet so near to him, encourage them to confess to karamatsu all while feeling his own chest tightening wanting to lament himself for not confessing sooner is just👀👌👌
it's all good!! no worries~ it varies between people I guess, haha, I mostly wanna keep my whump and heavy angst stuff on this blog, so for any requests that aren't painful or angsty, you can send those to my other blog @kisskissmatsu, including requests for NSFW stuff!! that's just my personal preference XD
THIS IS SO GOOD THO... I love that Choukei angst, it's SO good
I did some headcanons for this concept, it hurts so good!!
When the whole thing first begins, Osomatsu thinks he’s pretty lucky to even be considered a friend by (Name), so he doesn’t complain too much. None of the sextuplets have that many friends outside family and, man, isn’t it just cool that they can hang out with someone like that? He just likes to be around them, having fun, and honestly, Karamatsu does too. They both just feel so relaxed and comfortable and themselves with this person.
Karamatsu falls first… or, at least, that’s how Osomatsu has to think of it. The truth is, the two of them probably fall for (Name) around the same time, and it’s impossible to tell who was ‘first’. Osomatsu needs to think of it like Karamatsu falling first, because if he does that, it’s easier for him to step aside, justifying to himself, My little brother fell for them first, so I can’t get in the way.
Especially, it’s almost certain that (Name) sees Osomatsu more as a best friend and Karamatsu is their crush, just due to the fact that Karamatsu oozes charm in every interaction with them while Osomatsu is much more laidback. Karamatsu acts like a potential romantic partner, while Osomatsu acts more like a potential friend. Even though the perfect rule would be that a romantic partner should be a friend first, Osomatsu still thinks that since their mind jumped right to Karamatsu as a crush first, there’s more there for the two of them than there would be for Osomatsu and (Name). He can see how they look at Karamatsu versus how they look at him. It’s… only proper for him to let Karamatsu have the first shot, isn’t it?
It’s hell for him to push (Name) into confessing to Karamatsu. It’s pure hell. He cares for them so much and would want nothing more than to tell them just how much he wants to be able to hold them and kiss them and take them out on dates and all that sappy romantic shit. But… not only do they like Karamatsu, he feels guilty even for that. What kind of big brother would play ‘steal-yo-babe’ with someone his little brother likes?? He’s already the shitty eldest, and that would make him extra shitty because he knows both of them have feelings for each other. He’s not gonna be a dick and step on his baby brother’s toes like that. So he nudges at (Name), in little bits, telling them how he’s heard Karamatsu writing a song for them or talking all lovesick to him about them. “He likes you, and I’m pretty sure you like him, so why don’t you just go for it, y’know?”
For him, it really sucks. It hurts so bad, like a weight on his chest, and he could just kick himself for not telling (Name) about his own feelings. Even though he knows he has the right to be happy too, he doesn’t think it should come at Karamatsu’s expense. Karamatsu gets enough shit already, he deserves a fucking win for once. So Osomatsu suffers in silence, not saying a damn word to anyone. Not even any of his other brothers, not his parents, probably not even Totoko who he feels like he can talk to about anything. He just feels like bitching about it makes him selfish because he shouldn’t act like this is all about him.
Of course, Karamatsu tries to act like he doesn’t really know what’s going on. He’s horrible at communication sometimes, so it might seem like he’s oblivious, but… he sort of understands what his big brother is doing for him. He’s grateful for it, because it’s not often he gets the first shot at someone that more than one of them has a crush on. He’s forever the underdog, and having someone throw him a fucking bone for once means a lot to him. Particularly because it’s his older brother trying to give him a chance with (Name). It’s something he really, truly appreciates.
All things being equal, Karamatsu does his best to make the most of the chance Osomatsu is giving him. He’s the ideal gentlemen for this person, opening doors and kissing their hand and showering them with romantic gestures at every opportunity. If Osomatsu is around, he may try to tone it down a bit; though, that’s hard for someone like Karamatsu to do. He just doesn’t want it to seem like he’s rubbing it in Osomatsu’s face now that he’s seizing the opportunity. It’s… also difficult when (Name) initiates things, because if they lean in for a kiss, it’s not like he can just not go with his feelings. He melts into them quite a bit, even when he doesn’t mean to go so far.
Osomatsu doesn’t even change his behavior around (Name), despite the fact that he’s drowning in his own regret. He has to keep being their dutiful friend, to be there for them no matter what. Because when all is said and done, regardless of his romantic feelings for them, he loves being their friend too much to mess that up. If that’s all he can be… well. That’s just gonna have to be enough, isn’t it? He’ll just have to make it enough.
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embyrinitalics · 3 years
I wouldn’t mind if you did explain the difference between Whump and Angst :)
But let me just preface this whole thing by saying that everyone’s got different definitions for what whump is, which seem to be expanding all the time, and this post is just my personal take on whump. So if whump means something different to you and it’s making you happy, then that is fantastic. Keep doing your whump. 👍
Defining Whump
As the story goes, the term whump first came out of the Stargate fandom in relation to Daniel Jackson and the varied and numerous ways he has been hurt and/or killed throughout the show. So first thing’s first:
Whump is about pain. Suffering. Torture. Torment. It’s usually physical, but can also be mental, emotional, or (best combo!) all three.
It is related to Hurt/Comfort and Angst and shares things in common with them, but in my opinion is different. Specifically, I tend to think of it as h/c dialed up to 11. It’s the more intense form. Where h/c tends to focus on the caretaking and/or recovery side of things, whump focuses on the infliction of the pain. And I think most importantly of all, whump needs to push the character to their physical, mental, or emotional limit.
If the character is walking away from this experience with little to no lifelong emotional scarring, were they really whumped? 🤔
(And I know what you’re thinking, “But your whump isn’t like thi—” YEAH I KNOW. I TOLD YOU I’M BAD AT IT OK??)
Why Whump?
Again, this is different for everyone. For me personally, I enjoy bringing characters who would normally face physical, mental, or emotional pain with a lot of strength and courage (eyyyy, guess who!) into a situation where the trauma is so bad that they can’t. What happens to these figures who are normally stoic or brave or level-headed when you push them beyond what they can take? And what would bring them there in the first place?
And then BONUS POINTS, how do their relationships with others change or respond when that happens? Do they try to push others away when they’re that vulnerable? Do they struggle with feeling ashamed of it? Or is it a gateway to a stronger bond between them?
EVEN MORE BONUS POINTS, what is the aftermath like? How do these characters adjust to life after the whump? Best case scenario, not very well, and living with the trauma and/or their journey to recover from it is riddled with potholes they have to struggle through.
So this is totally different from bashing, where you make a character you dislike miserable because... you dislike them. This is about taking a character I do like and putting them through extreme situations so I can explore their character and their relationships with others more.
Having Trouble Picturing It?
Remember that scene in Winter Soldier where Bucky gets brainwashed?
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Or that part in Far From Home where Peter gets hit by a train and passes out?
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Or that episode of SGA where the Genii have a Wraith feed on John?
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Whump! :D
More Resources
There are a ton of whump-focused blogs out there if you need more info, and events/prompt lists like “Whumptober” and “Bad Things Happen Bingo.” A few blogs off the top of my head:
@whumpster-dumpster  @the-wandering-whumper  @whumpthisway 
You can also search #defining whump to see what the rest of tumblr has to say about it, or check out my #whumpology tag for things I’ve reblogged.
Thanks for the ask!
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Some more info 🎁
Alrighty, first of all I can’t even tell you how amazing you guys are, the feedback came even earlier than I thought and lots of you pointed out some pretty important things I forgot about in the first post, so thank you all for that 🤗 Now, let’s get down to business
There’s finally a blog for this event! So from now on, all the stuff about this event will be found here (so if you have any more questions, don’t hesistate to send an ask or a message, I’ll try to respond asap 😊)
@misscrazyfangirl321 made two pretty good points - first about alternate prompts - I gotta admit I completely forgot about them 😅 but I’m definitely gonna add them now! There are only 8 main prompts, so I’d say 2-3 alternate prompts should be enough? If you think otherwise lemme know 😊
 The second point was about adding some small bonus mini-prompts which would be released the day they’d take place - I think it’s a great idea, but I’m honestly not sure if I’d be able to execute it properly while still keeping up the theme 😅 but I’m gonna think about it!
@erdarielthewhumper also pointed out some stuff I should have mentioned before - if you have to produce content for all the prompts and if it can be fandom and original stuff. 
You definitely don’t have to do all of them, you’re free do only those you want to do, whether it’s all of them or maybe just one!😃 And of course you’re free to make original content as well as fandom related content!
So, most of you agreed it’d be best to post the prompts early, so, I will release them on... 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
🎄🎇🎄🎇🎄     ✨November 24th✨     🎄🎇🎄🎇🎄
One month before Christmas 😃 Hopefully it’s early enough and it also gives me enough time to do something with the calendar’s design, I’m still not quite happy with it 😂 
So yeah! If you have any more questions, ask away!
@blue-flare10 @whump-me-all-night-long @whumpfigure @whumptywhumpdump @thatsgonnaleaveamark @misscrazyfangirl321 @cupcakes-and-pain @midnight-mismanagement @latenightwhump @whumpology @theladyoffangorn @softsharpdaydreams @whatgoeswhumpinthenight @sleep-deprived-dragon @erdarielthewhumper @whumpforthewhumpgod @vickytokio @books-and-starss @technom0ose @straight-to-the-pain @just-a-fan1234 @realcanadianmoose @thatsthewhump @beautifullytorturedsouls @imposterellie @professional-idiocy @raigash @lektricfergus @ambigiousgelpens @tormentum-ab-intra @rose12335 @morgaylol @starrysky-whumpfics @whump-softie @why-am-i-on-this-website-anyway @satansonecornchip @girlwithacoolcat @eatyourdamnpears @greeneyedmonst3r    
sorry if I didn’t tag you in the previous post 😅 if you want to read it you can find it on this blog, right bellow this post😃
Also since there’s now this blog that’s dedicated solely for this that you can follow without being flooded with posts irrelevant to the event, I won’t be tagging you in every upcoming info-post I make, but if you’d prefer to still be tagged, lemme know 😊
That should be all for now, I’ll explain stuff like tagging your post and other rules when I post the prompts 😃 stay safe 👋
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someillplanetreigns · 3 years
@nildespirandum tagged me in this writing questionnaire - thank you!
Name: I’m actually seriously thinking about going by Planetope on tumblr, it makes me laugh (with credit to @violetvapours).
Fandoms: To write, MCU/Marvel, with a particular Loki focus (and one Norse mythology fic written for a fun challenge!). I would like to expand into more fandoms though, because I read for more than that.
Most popular oneshot: What We Are Made To Bear - my first Ao3 fic! Thor and Wanda bonding over sibling grief.
Most popular multichapter: Incantation-Fetter’s Arms. Confession time: this is very much the writer thing of being grateful people liked that fic but wishing the interaction it got could be swapped with another fic. The Play’s the Thing (Wherein I’ll Catch the Conscience of the King) is my favourite and the one I’m most proud of. It’s always strange how that plays out!
Actual worst part of writing: At the moment it’s definitely finding time, honestly. Lockdown 3: Temporal Drift is making my evenings seem to vanish (not even in a having no energy for anything but TV way; I’m not even watching TV at the moment, where is the time going?), and then that leaves so much to do at the weekend! Which is frustrating, because I really want to be writing!
How you choose your titles: I don’t have a great answer here. I find titles really hard. It’s mostly phrases that sound meaningful and literary quotes at the moment.
Do you outline: Yes, though I could definitely do it better. I have a nasty habit of thinking I’ve outlined to the end, then finding my outlined ending is very watery and needing to try to sort it out when I get there. But I find if I don’t have a plan of the story I just don’t write it.
Ideas I probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?: I’ve actually been thinking about doing a post series of Fics I Would Love to Write Someday, because I have a lot of ideas that fall under this category. The one I’ll put here is something I’m going to try and rustle up a one shot teaser for soon(ish). So I’ve always found the idea that Loki-as-Odin would send the Aether to the Collector a bit hard to buy. Not having two Inifinity Stones on Asgard I understand has a logic behind it, but let’s be honest, they’re surely safer on Asgard than anywhere - as proved in Infinity War by the fact that Thanos couldn’t get the Tesseract until the Asgardians were drifting through space. So, what if the Aether Loki sent to Knowhere was a fake? A convincing enough forgery to distract Thanos, but not the actual Infinity Stone, which he’s kept safe on Asgard - and, when they have to flee, on his own person. This would mean that when Thanos attacks the Statesman to get the Tesseract (the one gem he knows Loki has), Loki has the Reality Stone up his sleeve. My idea is that what we see at the start of Infinity War - the attack, the destruction, so many deaths, Thor tortured and Loki killed - that is all Loki’s illusions augmented by the Reality Stone; he conjures an entire corporeal Statesman for Thanos to attack and believe he has taken the Tesseract, whilst off to the side, watching all of this happen and having to remain perfectly still and silent as they see this horror, are all the real Asgardians. It’s like emotional whump witnessing the physical whump. In an ideal world I’d then rewrite all of Infinity War and Endgame to fit with this new situation where Thanos thinks he has first one and then two Infinity Stones that it turns out don’t actually work. But angsty one shot first!
Callouts @ Me: Did you start this scene grounded in a specific event just to have the character disappear into their own thoughts, often reflected through a previous event you’re only just telling in the narrative now as an emotionally-inflected reminiscence? Oh yes I did.
Best writing traits: Character introspection. I like to think I do quite a good job with characters’ voices, both in speaking and in following their thoughts through third person narration.
Spicy Tangential Opinion: Err okay, so this is an aspirational one because I’m sure if you wanted to deep-dive on my blog you could find examples of me not doing a good job with this myself. But I think there’s a bit of a trend of talking a big game about fandom being ship and let ship, let people enjoy what they enjoy etc etc, and then posting or reblogging great long character/ship/show hate posts with no tags to allow people to block it, and that seems sort of unhelpful? I totally support your right to dislike things I like, and to make and reblog posts explaining why you don’t like them. I also, which I get complicates this, think you aren’t obliged to have a tagging system on your blog. But I wish that tagging ‘[character/ship/show/film] negativity’ was more normal, it would make fandom life much easier (and I’m endeavouring to do this myself). It would just be nice to have an option in between ‘put up with unexpected hate crossing your blog’ and ‘unfollow blogs you like but who disagree with you strongly on one thing’, yknow?
I don’t know who’s not done this or who would like to. @violetvapours do you fancy it?
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blinded-and-bloody · 5 years
Prompt: The whumper re-captures the whumpee, but this time they also capture the caretaker, and force the whumpee to watch as the caretaker is tortured. (Also I love your blog :D)
So, I have so many reasons this is so late, but I’m not gonna explain them all here. Thank you for the request, I hope you don’t mind them mediocrity, and thank you for the compliment!
Fandom : NA
Characters : Caretaker [he/him], Whumpee [they/them], Whumper [he/him]
Whump : Blood, Crying, Implied Torture
There is a lot more crying this time around, Whumper had noted. Before, Whumpee almost never cried until the pain got to be too much. Now, with this friend of theirs, it was constant. Whumper was now giving them extra water, just to make sure they could keep crying.
It wasn’t his favorite noise, but it did remind him that yes, the lesson was getting through to them.
“You know, if I had known it was going to be this easy to make you cry and beg, I would have taken him much sooner,” Whumper says, facing them.
Caretaker had finally passed out from the pain, head lolled to the side. Whumpee can’t move, can’t wipe away the tears, strapped down as they are, and for once they’re not shouting at Whumper to let them go. They’re begging Whumper to let him go.
“Please, I’ll tell you whatever you want, just let him go!”
Whumper almost laughs, stepping towards them, taking off his blood covered gloves, and tossing them to the side.
“No, I don’t think I’m going to do that, [Whumpee],” he says quietly.
His clothes are splattered with blood. They’re too used to it being their blood, and for half a second they do think it’s theirs. Whumpee’s eyes shoot from the blood, to Whumper’s face. Their eyes are red.
“Why not?” They ask, voice cracking.
“Because, love, it’s not about the information this time, I already have it. This time, it’s about the fact that you thought that you could get away from me… Eventually, I’m going to kill [Caretaker], and it’s all just to teach you a lesson.”
“What sort of lesson would that be?” They ask, frustration clear through the tears. “That if I ever escape again, I should just die instead of getting help?”
Whumper laughs a little bit. “Something like that, yes… Hopefully, though, you won’t try to escape again. Now, [Caretaker] looks like they’re going to be out for a little while, so I’m gonna go get some work done. I’ll be back in a little bit, alright?”
He ruffles Whumpee’s hair a little bit, and then… he leaves. He leaves the two of them in the room together.
“[Caretaker]?” Whumpee calls quietly after the door closes. They’re not tall enough to properly see all of him on the table, but they definitely see a lot of blood. Was he already dead? “[Caretaker]... Please, please…”
They don’t know if they’re asking him to let go or hold on. They just know that they don’t want to be here anymore. They quietly break off in tears again.
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burtlederp · 5 years
BTHB About Page
Guidelines + Rules
(home ask)
What is this? — Getting Started — How It Works — The Rules — FAQ —
What is this?
This is your motivation to write that fic. Always fun to take prompts when they’re in the form of games you remember from elementary school birthday parties.
You may have seen some bingo cards floating around in the fanfic community. People make a card featuring 24 prompts, and other people will submit a request for one of these prompts to be filled, as well as choosing which character(s) will prominently feature, and occasionally other details as well, depending on the cardholder’s preference. The cardholder then writes the fic and marks it off on the card.
Sounds fun, right? Right.
We all know that some of us are here to get DARK. So, why not make a bingo game focusing on Bad Things?
At this page you will find a list of tropes and scenarios. Currently, there are over four hundred listed. Most are whump-focused, some are more angst, and a few are centered around the ‘comfort’ part of hurt/comfort. Some are fairly general, some are very specific. Some are fairly lighthearted, and some take you right into the heart of Sadism Land.
These are the fics we’ll be writing.
Getting Started
Once you’ve finished reading the rules and FAQ, click on the ‘request a card’ link on the home page or here. This will take you to an application. Let us know the tumblr url you want us to send the card to, and if you want, what fandoms you intend to write for.
Next, you pick your tropes. We’ve got a lot of them, and of course, not everyone would be interested in writing for all of them. Some tropes may not work in the setting you want to write for, some may be difficult to get inspiration for, some may be too dark for you or not dark enough. Go ahead and check off the box next to every trope that you ARE okay with having on your card. You must choose at least 25, so every space on the card has a prompt. (There is no free space; freedom is an illusion.)
There will be a couple of additional questions at the end of the application, then, just submit! Make sure you have your submission box open on your tumblr, with the option to submit a photo, so that we can send you your bingo card. If your submission box is not open, you will not receive a card.
How It Works
When you receive your bingo card, you can start writing! You can write at your own pace and in your own time frame. Go ahead and post your bingo card if you’re making the fics available to your followers, and don’t forget to keep track of which spaces you’ve completed! Doesn’t have to be anything fancy; you can use anything from Photoshop to MS Paint to a text post with strikethroughs to track your progress.
For fic bingos, many people like to take prompts from their followers. Someone will send an ask requesting one of the tropes from your card and a character(s) for the fic to focus on. If you’d like, you can also let your followers prompt other details such as which character you want to have hurt and which one should be the comforter, whether it should be romantic or platonic, an AU to set it in, anything at all. Sky’s the limit. However, prompts are not required; you can select which combinations of tropes and characters you want to write and in what order you want to write them on your own.
Once you’ve written a fic, post it! If in your application you gave us permission to reblog your work, we’ll put it right here on this blog to share with other players and readers. Be sure to tag it with #badthingshappenbingo, or @ us in the post, to ensure we see it. Additionally, please tag the trope featured in the fic, and the fandom you wrote it for.
If you cross-post the fic on AO3, we have a badthingshappenbingo collection, which you can find here! Feel free to add your fic to the collection!
Once you’ve completed five squares in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, you will be added to the Hall of Fame! But don’t feel like you have to stop once you’ve gotten a Bingo; the Hall of Fame will also give special prominence to those of you who get a Blackout - that is, completing every space on your card!
~ You must have your submissions open in order to receive a card.
~ Although you may request a new Bingo card, you can only have one card in play at a time. We urge you to try to complete your current card before getting a new one if you can.
~ Fics can be NSFW, but they MUST be tagged as such, and all NSFW content MUST be placed under a Read More.
~ There is no word minimum. There is no word maximum.
~ You are allowed to cross-post works you wrote for this event on other platforms, such as AO3, FFN, etc., but we’d like you to also either post the fic on tumblr, or post a link to it, so we can find it.
~ Your entry must be completed before you can mark off its space on your bingo card. The exception is if you are writing a multi-chapter fic, but the chapter featuring the prompt must still be completed.
~ Your entry must be newly written for the bingo, not retroactively tagged or added on to a pre-existing fic.
~ Please indicate somewhere on the post or in the tags which fandom your fic was written for.
~ Feel free to message the blog if we missed reblogging a post you created for this event.
~ Only one prompt per post counts. You can include multiple tropes in a story/chapter, but you can only officially tag/mark off the square for one of them.
~ We love drama in our fics, not on our dash. If a fic is written for a work or a ship that you don’t like, don’t read it. That’s all there is to it. ~ RPF (Real Person Fic) content is not allowed.
~ Although the official Bingo game is a writing-only challenge, you can also participate in this event as an artist. Find the details in this post here!
Q: How long does this event last?
A: Forever and ever, I guess. There is no time limit for completing your fics.
Q: How long does it take to receive a card after applying for one?
A: Anywhere from several hours to one week. It depends entirely on how busy the mods are, how frequently applications are coming in, and how long the waiting list is. All of these factors fluctuate wildly from day to day.
Q: Which fandoms can we write for?
A: You can write for any fandom you’d like. This even includes original work, which we like to view as one-person fandoms. The only exception is that we do not allow RPF (real person fic) content. Let’s stick to hurting FICTIONAL people.
Q: I sent in an application, but did not receive a card. Why is that?
A: Most likely, it’s because your submissions were closed. If, however, your submissions are open and you still did not receive a card, it’s probably because either the Google Docs form did not go through, or tumblr ate the submission. Message us off of anon and we’ll get it sorted out.
Q: I posted a filled prompt and you didn’t reblog it. Why is that?
A: We aim to reblog all filled prompts. However, due to tumblr being tumblr, occasionally we will miss a filled prompt due to the post not showing up in the tag and/or an @ not making it onto our activity feed. So if you have posted a filled prompt and it has been 48 hours or more without us reblogging, that means we didn’t see it, so you can go ahead and submit or direct message the link to us and we’ll get to it as soon as possible.
Q: Can you add [trope] to the trope list?
A: Probably. As long as it is succinct enough to fit in a space on the bingo card. We would love for the masterlist to be continually expanding. We also want to ensure that all aspects of this event are inclusive to gen writers and to aromantic-asexual characters, due to the fact that they’re so often overlooked or left out of fandom events and activities, so no prompts that inherently require the protagonist/whumpee to be alloromantic and/or allosexual (Unrequited Pining, Cheated On, Left at the Altar, etc.) will ever be included in the masterlist.
Q: Why are some of the tropes on the masterlist hotlinked and some not?
A: Some of the tropes are unusual, complex, or use fandom jargon. Those tropes are hotlinked on the masterlist to take you to a page or post that expands on or explains the trope. Those that are not hotlinked are self-explanatory. However, if you do not understand what one of the non-hotlinked tropes means, send us an ask, and we’ll answer and link the trope to that answer.
Q: Can we make our own cards, or do we have to get them from you?
A: In order to keep track of who’s participating, we ask that you specifically request a card from us. The mods are active, and should be prompt in getting you your card. If you’d like to make your own, feel free - we don’t own these tropes. However, if you make your own, don’t tag the completed fic as #badthingshappenbingo. Only cards made and distributed by us are included in the event proper.
Q: Do we have to post the fics we write for this event?
A: It’s not required. You can request a card for personal/private use if you’d like.
Q: Are there any prizes?
A: Bragging rights, a spot in the Hall of Fame, a sense of accomplishment, and a boost to your grand total fanfic word count. That’s all the reward you need, right?
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himecchi · 6 years
keith trapped in a burning building, his dad saves him but his dad ends up dying ((also i already love this blog. i live for keith whump))
Summary: While learning about Altean sensory alteration rooms, Keith is shown an image that triggers an unwelcome flashback. 
Fandom: Voltron
For: @badthingshappenbingo
Square filled: Trapped in a burning building
Note: this was partially inspired by this art by @zuspacey 
An Altean sensory alteration room. The paladins were fascinated. They’d never seen anything like it before and, as they stepped inside, Coran began to explain how it worked.
“Alright Paladins, listen up!” Coran paused for a moment, then continued “This is an Altean sensory alteration room. It’s similar to the virtual reality chambers you have on Earth, but it’s a bit different. This here, alters your senses. All five of them. What you experience in here will feel real in every respect. For example…” Coran trailed off as he turned towards a large digital screen and began typing, “If we do this…”
Suddenly, the environment began to shift. An icy tundra materialized before them and, just as Coran had said, it truly felt real. They could taste the bitter air, feel the chill on their skin, smell the frosty wind, see the snow-coated landscape, and hear the dull roar of bone-chilling breeze whooshing past them.
“Wow…” Pidge began, “This is…”
“Amazing…” Hunk trailed off, taking everything in.
Lance began forming a snowball, then reached back, preparing to launch it. “Hey, Keith! How about a sensory alteration room snowball to the fac-” Lance called out, but was cut off by an orb of cold snow smacking him in the face instead.
“Heh, nice try.” He could hear the confident smile in Keith’s tone and, sure enough, as the snow slid down Lance’s cheeks, Keith’s smirking face came into view.
“Oh, you’re so gonna get it,” Lance retorted, looking unamused.
As the paladins began throwing snowballs at each other, Coran watched them at a distance, shivering from the cold. He wasn’t used to these freezing temperatures as Altea’s climate tended to be fairly mild.
“A-alright, paladins!” Coran called out, teeth chattering slightly, “That’s enough! Let’s turn up the heat!” He then typed another command into the digital screen, and suddenly, the surrounding area was on fire.
“Uhhh… Coran?” Lance questioned, cocking an eyebrow, “Is this supposed to happen…?”
“Yeah, I don’t like this,” Hunk said, knitting his eyebrows together slightly, “Can’t you make this into… I don’t know… a nice, tropical island or something?”
“Yeahhh,” Pidge began, “This is a little extreme, Coran. I mean, I know none of this is actually happening, but it feels like it’s actually happening and I’d rather not feel like I’m burning in a fire.”
“Right, right! Sorry, paladins!” Coran spoke, “It seems I accidentally input the wrong data. Just a moment.” Coran began typing into the digital screen once more…
But for Keith, it was already too late.
His eyes grew wide as the vibrant reds and yellows danced before him, his breath quickened at the overwhelming scent of smoke, and suddenly, he found himself back there.
He was 10 years old again, inside a building surrounded by the crackling of fire. Thick smoke was filling his lungs as he struggled to breathe. Vivid colors jumped into his vision. Terrifying heat engulfed his body… and the taste. A bitter, ashen taste was sharp in the back of his throat. He looked around frantically, searching for an exit - for any possible way out - but he couldn’t find anything. Terror began to set in as he realized he was trapped.
“Help!” He cried out, choking on his panicked breaths, “Somebody please! Help me! HELP!”
Hot tears began to soak his cheeks as he coughed, gasping desperately for air. Everything began to shift in and out of focus as the stifling heat intensified and the thick smoke clouded his vision.
“PLEASE! Dad! Somebody! Anybody! HEL-” he cried out, choking on the last word.
Tears continued to spill past his eyes as they stung from the ever-increasing smoke. He could feel the painful sting of cinders against his skin as the raging fire began to close in around him.
“No… I don’t… want to die…” Keith choked out weakly, “Please… somebody…”
Just as his world was about to go black, he saw a figure moving towards him. The figure quickly hoisted Keith into the air, cradling him close to his chest.
“Everything’s alright, son. I’ve gotcha.”
Keith recognized the voice instantly. It was his dad.
“D-Dad?” Keith managed to breathe out.
Suddenly, Keith registered bright light meeting his eyes as he was enveloped in cool, fresh air. The change in environment was sudden, and it jolted Keith into a state of slightly greater alertness, but everything in his vision swam and still appeared blurry to him.
He managed to pick up on bits and pieces of the commotion: flashes of red and blue, his dad’s hand brushing back his bangs, and the sound of sirens in the distance.
“Take him… going back…”
Fragments of conversation flooded Keith’s ears.
“… too dangerous…”
“Take care of Keith…”
“…building could collapse…”
“…I have to…”
Keith’s weary mind was too exhausted to piece all this information together, but something in him understood the gravity of the situation and, at the realization that his father was in danger, he suddenly found himself hyper-alert.
He sat up, finding himself in a pair of unfamiliar arms. He began frantically looking around, then caught a glimpse of his dad just as he was about to turn and run back into the building. Keith struggled free, running towards his dad, calling out to him, “Dad! Wait! Don’t leave me!” he cried out. “DAD!”
Before he knew it, he felt unfamiliar arms wrapping around him once again, holding him in place. “Let go of me!” Keith screamed, “Dad! Dad!” he yelled again, as tears began to pool at the corners of his eyes. “DAD!!!” Keith cried out with every ounce of strength he had in him.
Suddenly, his dad paused, then turned towards him, “I love you, Keith,” he said smiling softly, eyes wrinkling gently to form the loving expression Keith knew so well… then, he turned and ran into the burning building.
“DAD!” Keith screamed, “No! Don’t go! DADDD!!!”
Without warning, an explosion was heard as the fire intensified and then, right before Keith’s very eyes, the building collapsed, his father still inside.
Keith stood in place as time suddenly froze. Reds and yellows and blacks and blues all merged together in his vision, and Keith felt himself completely disconnect from reality. This wasn’t real. This couldn’t be happening… and then it all faded away to black.
Keith’s eyes fluttered open and he awoke to a ceiling washed in fluorescent lighting. He groaned, placing his arm over his eyes.
“Wh-where am I?” he mumbled to himself.
“Good to see you’re awake.”
Keith turned to see a nurse peering down at him.
“How are you feeling?” the nurse asked kindly.
Keith paused for a moment, trying to process everything.
What happened? How did he get here? Why was he here? Where was…
“Dad!” Keith yelled out, as it all rushed back to him. “Where is he? Where’s my dad? Is he… is he okay? Can I see him?”
The nurse gazed into Keith’s young eyes, wide and innocent, and slowly, she turned away, shifting her eyes towards the ground and swallowing hard.
“Just a moment,” she mumbled as she walked out of the room.
Keith watched her as she left, continuing to stare at the door until a new face appeared before him. He recognized this man as Jeff, one of his dad’s colleagues.
“Hey, kiddo. How ya feeling?” Jeff smiled awkwardly.
“Jeff?” Keith questioned, “What are you doing here? Where’s… where’s dad?”
The pieces were beginning to fall into place for Keith, but he didn’t dare allow himself to consciously acknowledge what he already knew to be true: his father hadn’t made it. Somewhere in his heart, he knew, but he just couldn’t bring himself to accept it.
Jeff drew in a deep, shaky breath, then moved to sit near Keith. He didn’t have it in him to break the news to the kid, but he knew he had to. One look into Keith’s eyes, glazed over with concern, was enough for Jeff to know it was no use trying to dodge the subject.
“Listen, kid,” Jeff began, “Shoot… I don’t know how to start this……” Jeff closed his eyes for a moment, attempting to compose himself. “Your dad… I just… before I tell you this, I want you to listen to me, Keith. Your dad… he loved you very much, okay? You were his entire world… all he talked about - his pride and joy. Do you understand?”
Keith nodded silently.
Jeff took another deep breath, “Okay… now listen, the thing is… that fire… your dad… he went back in to save the last person in the building and… it collapsed, Keith. He… ummm… he was inside when it collapsed.”
“I… I see…” Keith stuttered, swallowing hard, “Well… is he okay? Can I see him? He’s probably in this hospital then, right? I… I’m sure he’s worried about me, so… I should go see him and maybe-”
“Keith.” Jeff cut him off. “He’s… not here, Keith.”
“Well where is he?” Keith asked, feeling irritated.
“Don’t say it. Don’t you dare say it,” Keith’s mind was screaming as he watched Jeff begin to speak.
“He’s dead, Keith. He died… I’m… I’m so sorry. Your dad… he was a true hero. He… he knew the building would collapse, but he… just ran in there anyways and…” Jeff trailed off, voice breaking.
Once again, the whole world froze around Keith. No, no, no. This wasn’t real. This couldn’t be happening. It wasn’t… it couldn’t be… none of this was real. The neutral tones of the hospital room began to shake and… wait… the hospital room wasn’t shaking. Keith was shaking. His vision began to blur as fresh tears welled up in his eyes and overflowed, leaking down his face.
“Keith,” Jeff spoke softly as he moved to place his hand on Keith’s shoulder.
“DON’T TOUCH ME!” Keith screamed at him, slapping his hand away with the ferocity of a wounded beast, eyes wide as tears continued streaming endlessly down his cheeks.
“You’re lying!” Keith yelled, “I know you’re lying! I’m going to find my dad… I’m going to… see him…”
Keith’s breathing was beginning to quicken as panic set in, causing him to struggle to get the words out.
“I’m… he’s… I have to… have to see him… where… which way…” Keith began frantically looking around the room, trying to orient himself as his breathing picked up pace yet again.
“Keith…” Jeff began moving towards him, unsure of what to do.
“GET AWAY FROM ME!” Keith screamed, slicing his arm through the air in an attempt to make his point clear.
“I just… have to… dad… which way… dad… dad…”
Huff. Huff. Huff. Keith’s erratic breath was now ringing in his ears and, with the way he seemed to be choking on air, he felt as if he were back in that burning building all over again. He was suffocating - completely consumed by the thoughts whirring around in his mind.
Keith… Keith… Keith…
He felt a hand on his shoulder.
“I thought I told this guy to leave me alone!” Keith thought.
He angrily slapped the hand away. “I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE ME ALONE!” he cried out.
Immediately, Keith paused as he was met with a familiar set of eyes: Hunk.
“Keith… hey, calm down,” Hunk spoke in a soft, gentle tone, “Are you okay?”
Keith blinked several times, eyes darting around the room in a panic, trying to process this sudden change of scenery.
“Where… where are we?” Keith asked urgently, “What happened? The fire… there was a fire…” Keith was still looking around the room, terrified.
“Keith,” Hunk tried again, placing a hand on Keith’s shoulder. This time, Keith accepted the touch. “Calm down, buddy. We’re in the sensory alteration room. Remember? The fire was just a sensory illusion. Coran accidentally typed in the wrong code.”
“Are you okay, Keith?” Pidge asked, features tensed in concern, “You completely zoned out.”
“I… I did?” Keith asked, swallowing hard as he brought a hand up to his head in confusion.
“Yeah,” Lance spoke, “We called your name again and again, but you were just… it was like you were in another world…”
As reality began to set in, Keith started regaining his senses.
“That’s right,” he thought, “I remember now… we’ve been in here the whole time… but it felt like I was…”
Keith could feel fresh waves of panic rising in the back of his throat as the flashback he’d just had resurfaced in his mind. He felt sweat begin to pool on his skin as his face went pale.
“I… I’m fine, guys,” Keith spoke, trying to keep his voice from shaking, “Sorry… I think I’m just t-tired… I’m gonna go.”
It wasn’t at all convincing, but Keith’s fellow paladins felt it would be best not to push him, so they decided to let it slide, instead exchanging worried looks with one another.
After several moments, Hunk spoke, “Maybe we should go talk to Shiro?” he suggested.
“Yeah,” Lance said, looking at the ground, “Yeah, I think that’s a good idea.”
“Shiro probably knows best when it comes to Keith,” Pidge mused.
Shiro was in his room reading, when suddenly, his double doors slid open to reveal Pidge, Hunk, and Lance. Shiro cocked an eyebrow. This was certainly out of the ordinary.
“Hey guys,” Shiro said, closing his book and walking towards them, “What’s up?”
None of them spoke, instead they awkwardly stared at the ground, unsure how to begin the conversation.
“Okay… you’re kinda freakin’ me out,” Shiro noted, eyebrows raised, “Seriously, what’s up?”
“It’s…” Lance began to speak.
“It’s about Keith!” Hunk blurted out.
Shiro’s demeanor immediately shifted, his casual stance becoming alert as his eyes flooded with concern.
“Keith? What’s wrong? What happened?” Shiro questioned.
“Well…” Pidge began, “We were in the Altean sensory alteration room and Coran accidentally put in some incorrect data. It made everything seem like it was on fire, and-”
Pidge didn’t even get to finish her sentence before Shiro was pushing past them and running down the hall.
Keith sat on the floor in his room, head between his knees, body shaking.
“Calm down,” he told himself, trying to steady his breathing.
It was no use. The flashback had really shaken him up, and he couldn’t keep the panic at bay any longer. It was now at full force, wreaking havoc on him. Each time he told himself to calm down, he felt a fresh wave of alarm rise in his chest. The air around him was stifling and he felt as if it was suffocating him. It was an endless cycle: whenever he had a panic attack, he’d find it hard to breathe, which would remind him of the feeling he had when he was trapped in that building, choking on smoke the way he was now choking on air. This would cause his panic to rise even more, which would make it even harder to breathe, and it would continue on like that for what felt to Keith like an eternity.
As fresh memories flooded his system, Keith began to sob. These were the memories he’d buried deep within himself - the memories he’d wanted to forget. They resided in the darkest depths of his being and he had intended to always keep it that way… but today, it was all too much. It was all too real, and it had opened the gate he’d built to keep these memories locked away.
“Get out!” Keith screamed in his mind, “Stay out of my head! Just stop! Please stop!”
“Keith!” Shiro’s voice came out in a panic as the doors to Keith’s room slammed open.
Suddenly, Keith felt familiar hands wrapping around his shoulders, pulling him into a comforting embrace.
“Sh… Shiro?” Keith choked out, confused.
“I heard what happened,” Shiro explained. “It’s okay, Keith. You’re okay.”
Shiro rubbed comforting circles into Keith’s back, trying to help him calm down.
“You’re safe, Keith,” Shiro reassured him, “It’s okay.”
“I miss him so much,” Keith cried out, choking on a stifled sob. “I… he died when he went to save the l-last p-person in the building… th-that means… if… if I hadn’t been there… m-maybe he’d still be-”
“Don’t say that,” Shiro shushed, “Don’t blame yourself. It wasn’t your fault. None of it was your fault.”
“I don’t… I just… I never knew how to feel back then… sometimes I still don’t. I was so angry. I didn’t understand why he’d leave me. I was so lonely. I missed him so much… but… I was also so proud… so proud to have such an amazing dad… but… I… I just… why… why did it have to be this way? I just…… I miss my dad,” Keith whispered the last words, as if he was admitting a secret to himself, and with that, the flood gates had been opened. Keith was now crying freely, the grief too intense to hold inside himself any longer.
“I know you do,” Shiro said softly, rubbing gentle circles against Keith’s trembling back.
Shiro reached back behind him and grabbed a blanket, draping it over Keith’s shoulders, then pulled him in closer as liquid grief continued to spill past Keith’s weary eyes. Shiro knew nothing he said right now would help, so instead he let Keith bury himself in his shirt as tears cascaded down his face like waterfalls.
“You’re okay, Keith. I’ve got you.” Shiro whispered soothingly.
Eventually, Keith had cried himself to sleep in Shiro’s comforting embrace.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed! Thank you so much for the prompt @koganewest! I’m glad to hear you’re liking the blog! I lowkey highkey live for Keith whump too :) 
 If anyone else has prompts, feel free to check my bingo card (updated version can be found on my page) and send any that haven’t already been requested my way :)
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aceofwhump · 5 years
21, 27, 28 for the ask the blogger. ☺️
Thanks for the q’s!!
21. Does anyone around you know that you’re a whumper? If so, tell us the story of how it went when you told someone.
My sister knows I’m a whumper. She even knows I have a blog dedicated to it. She’s always known I liked that stuff and wasn’t surprised I made a blog for it. She thinks I’m weird but will also tell me when an episode of something I haven’t seen yet is whumpy. And one of my best friends knows that I enjoy a certain type of television show but he has no idea what whump is or how much i exactly enjoy it. I’m gonna leave it there with him lol
27. Do you write fics/create art? Is it whumpy? Give us a link if you feel like it. 
I do! I write fics and I make gifs (as evident by the massive amount of TUA gifs I’ve made in the last few days lol). 
I started writing fics recently and that’s only because the whump community inspired me and encouraged me. If not for making this blog and meeting you all I would probably never have written any of the things in my head because I was too afraid. You can read all my stuff on my blog under the tag #ace writes stuff. It’s mostly my ocs but i have written a few fandom fics and I have a few more in the works. I cross post those on ao3 under the same name as this blog. 
fic link: https://aceofwhump.tumblr.com/tagged/ace-writes-stuff
I have been thinking about trying my hand at whumpy art since i draw a little but I’m not brave enough for that yet. Not sure I’m skilled enough. One day I might try.
28. How do you feel about noncon/dubcon? 
I’m pretty sure I’m in the minority for this but I don’t really mind noncon/dubcon. I can’t explain why because I have yet to figure that out. However I can only handle it in writing and I can only handle it for certain characters. When it’s written I enjoy (for lack of a better word) it but I absolutely can not watch it on tv or in movies. I think it’s too real for me if I see it on screen. It feels different when I’m reading it. I don’t know. It’s weird and complicated. For the most part yes I am okay with noncon/dubcon. Hopefully that doesn’t turn anyone away. 
Ask me stuff!
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piracytheorist · 6 years
The Moment of Truth
Let’s see if I’ll regret this at some point...
*clears throat*
First of all, I don’t wanna scare any of my followers. The content you’ve been seeing here won’t change, not even a bit, and if the “new” content does appear here, it will be tagged.
Second, I really really don’t wanna scare you. I’m just like you, a safe, sane person to spend time with online and offline. There’s already one person here who can attest to the latter.
But there’s something I’ve been wanting to admit about myself, and now I feel a little more comfortable sharing it in this blog as well.
So, without further ado...
*big breath*
I am a whumper.
I love whump. I love seeing my fictional faves suffer.
There are many ways to explain what whump is and how we love it, but the easiest way I can tell you, is that:
Remember the scenes from 5x12 to 5x15, when we see Hook all bloody and tortured?
I loved those scenes. Even though I still hate the way the consequences of that were completely brushed off... for me it was so good while it lasted. Yeah, I might not have been vocal about it... but to be honest back then I hadn’t even admitted it to myself. I just felt a big attraction to those scenes, an attraction I couldn’t really explain.
Wait. Don’t leave.
As I said, I’m completely safe. I only focus on pain of fictional and only characters. If there was any real-life, nonconsensual whumping involved, trust me, I wouldn’t be here, since I doubt there’s any wifi in prisons.
I have a whump blog, in case you like that stuff too and want to check it out, though most of the whump fans here already follow me there.
I’m @justsomewhump. Hi there :)
One warning: if you’re new to whump and haven’t heard of my whumpy blog before... tread carefully. There’s not only physical pain in there. There’s... other things too. My description and About page there will probably cover that up.
I remind you, the content posted here won’t change, and if any post does appear here, it’ll be tagged “whump”.
Some thank-yous under the cut.
First of all, I personally want to thank @sherlockianwhovian, thanks to whom I now feel very comfortable with sharing this information. I know we haven’t actually talked, but the amount of whump fics you’ve shared with the world, as well as fics that are, let’s say, less common to find in the Hook fandom (but not any less awesome!), and yet the positive response I’ve seen to them... it made me feel like my confession would be very accepted, you know what I mean? So thank you, Leanne. Thank you so much <3
Second, a shout-out to @cocohook38 and @hookaroo, for they’ve known my “secret” for quite some time now, and they’ve respected the fact that I wanted it to be a secret. And for generally being amazing people, and discussing whump - and other things! - with me. Thank you, lovelies <3
And last, but certainly not least, my beloved @killian-whump. I owe it all to her. Did you read above, how I said that I didn’t know why I liked the tortured!Hook scenes? Well, because of kw, I found out why. She literally normalized whump for me - and I’d bet she also did the same for the Hook fandom in general - and, like, she opened my eyes, made me see the world through a whole new looking glass :)
I’m getting all mushy. But it’s thanks to her that a whole part of me that has been a part of me since I was... 6? 7? years old was finally accepted and normalized in my eyes. I finally allowed myself to like something that many people would look at me weirdly if I admitted it in the open, and allowed my brain to delve in that kind of storytelling and writing... which has ended up in me actually having written a (very depraved) complete multi-chapter, as well as other fics that all together count at 115k+ words. Nearly double the words I’ve written on my “normal” AO3 account, and as a whump writer I’ve also received almost double the kudos, five times the bookmarks and four times the hits. I think you can feel how important even that small thing is for me. How my... “secret” writing has been not only more popular, but has also helped me connect with certain people more. Because no-one can understand a secret whumper’s issues like another whumper does :)
So yeah, for all of that and many more, I want to thank you, Shari. Thank you for inspiring, encouraging, and supporting not only me, but also many more whumpers out there, and for being an overall amazing person. You mean so much to me <3
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are there, like, rules? If I request a card do I have a time limit to write the prompts?? Do I chose the one I want to write or what?? How does it work? I'm sorry, is just that I don't get it :(
From our About Page:
This is your motivation to write that fic. Always fun to take prompts when they're in the form of games you remember from elementary school birthday parties.
You may have seen some bingo cards floating around in the fanfic community. People make a card featuring 24 prompts, and other people will submit a request for one of these prompts to be filled, as well as choosing which character(s) will prominently feature, and occasionally other details as well, depending on the cardholder's preference. The cardholder then writes the fic and marks it off on the card.
Sounds fun, right? Right.
We all know that some of us are here to get DARK. So, why not make a bingo game focusing on Bad Things? At this page you will find a list of tropes and scenarios. Currently, there are over two hundred listed. Most are whump-focused, some are more angst, and a few are centered around the 'comfort' part of hurt/comfort. Some are fairly general, some are very specific. Some are fairly lighthearted, and some take you right into the heart of Sadism Land.
These are the fics we'll be writing.
Once you've finished reading the rules, click on the 'request a card' link on the home page or here. This will take you to an application. Let us know the tumblr url you want us to send the card to, and if you want, what fandoms you intend to write for.
Next, you pick your tropes. We've got a lot of them, and of course, not everyone would be interested in writing for all of them. Some tropes may not work in the setting you want to write for, some may be difficult to get inspiration for, some may be too dark for you or not dark enough. Go ahead and check off the box next to every trope that you ARE okay with having on your card. You must choose at least 25, so every space on the card has a prompt. (There is no free space; freedom is an illusion.)
There will be a couple of additional questions at the end of the application, then, just submit! Make sure you have your submission box open on your tumblr, with the option to submit a photo, so that we can send you your bingo card.
When you receive your bingo card, you can start writing! You can write at your own pace and in your own time frame. Go ahead and post your bingo card if you're making the fics available to your followers, and don't forget to keep track of which spaces you've completed! Doesn't have to be anything fancy; you can use anything from Photoshop to MS Paint to a text post with strikethroughs to track your progress.
For fic bingos, many people like to take prompts from their followers. Someone will send an ask requesting one of the tropes from your card and a character(s) for the fic to focus on. If you'd like, you can also let your followers prompt other details such as which character you want to have hurt and which one should be the comforter, whether it should be romantic or platonic, an AU to set it in, anything at all. Sky's the limit. However, prompts are not required; you can select which combinations of tropes and characters you want to write and in what order you want to write them on your own.
Once you've written a fic, post it! If in your application you gave us permission to reblog your work, we'll put it right here on this blog to share with other players and readers. Be sure to tag it with #badthingshappenbingo, or @ us in the post, to ensure we see it. Additionally, please tag the trope featured in the fic, and the fandom you wrote it for.
Once you've completed five squares in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, you will be added to the Hall of Fame! But don't feel like you have to stop once you've gotten a Bingo; the Hall of Fame will also give special prominence to those of you who get a Blackout - that is, completing every space on your card!
~ Although you may request a new Bingo card, you can only have one card in play at a time. We urge you to try to complete your current card before getting a new one if you can.
~ Fics can be NSFW, but they MUST be tagged as such, and all NSFW content MUST be placed under a Read More.
~ There is no word minimum. There is no word maximum.
~ You are allowed to cross-post works you wrote for this event on other platforms, such as AO3, FFN, etc., but we'd like you to also either post the fic on tumblr, or post a link to it, so we can find it.
~ Your fic must be completed before you can mark off its space on your bingo card.
~ Feel free to message the blog if we missed reblogging a post you created for this event.
~ Only one prompt per story counts. You can include multiple tropes in a story, but you can only officially tag/mark off the square for one of them.
~ We love drama in our fics, not on our dash. If a fic is written for a work or a ship that you don't like, don't read it. That's all there is to it.
Q: How long does this event last?
A: Forever and ever, I guess. There is no time limit for completing your fics.
Q: Which fandoms can we write for?
A: You can write for any fandom you'd like. This even includes originally work, which we like to view as one-person fandoms. The only exception is that we do not allow RPF (real person fic) content. Let's stick to hurting FICTIONAL people.
Q: Can you add [trope] to the trope list?
A: Probably. As long as it is succinct enough to fit in a space on the bingo card. We would love for the masterlist to be continually expanding.
Q: Why are some of the tropes on the masterlist hotlinked and some not?
A: Some of the tropes are unusual, complex, or use fandom jargon. Those tropes are hotlinked on the masterlist to take you to a page or post that expands on or explains the trope. Those that are not hotlinked are self-explanatory. However, if you do not understand what one of the non-hotlinked tropes means, send us an ask, and we'll answer and link the trope to that answer.
Q: Can we make our own cards, or do we have to get them from you?
A: In order to keep track of who's participating, we ask that you specifically request a card from us. The mods are active, and should be prompt in getting you your card. If you'd like to make your own, feel free - we don't own these tropes. However, if you make your own, don't tag the completed fic as #badthingshappenbingo.
Q: Are there any prizes?
A: Bragging rights, a spot in the Hall of Fame, a sense of accomplishment, and a boost to your grand total fanfic word count. That's all the reward you need, right?
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icypantherwrites · 6 years
Do you have any advice for writers that want to start doing commissions but have been accepting prompts since the beginning of their blog? I've wanted to do commissions for a long time but I'm afraid what people will think.
I’m not sure I’m the best answer for this as I’ve never really taken prompts, but my advice would be thus:
You obviously have fans that enjoy your writing (doubly so if you get repeat prompters) and want to see more content from you. That’s awesome ♥ And it can certainly be hard to make that switch from freebies to paying products (you know those people at the store with the free samples and then they have the full product easily on hand for you to grab? I still get all flustered when both trying to avoid their sales pitch and see if it’s food I want to eat xD) when your readers/followers have come to expect things a certain way.
But change is good. 
I would explain that you love doing prompts and appreciate all of their support and ideas, but you are at a point where you feel confident in your writing and would like to branch out to paid commissions to help support yourself and further writing habits. You’ll want to chose a price (and don’t ask me on that; I still have no idea how to price for writing, hence why I didn’t do it for so so long and even now I’m like, is this okay? Is this too little? too much? Don’t ask me xDD) that is both fair to your skill level and your value of time. And make sure you value your time, okay? ♥ You could, given that you’ve been doing free prompts, start a little lower to ease people in (like a sale!) and then increase to where you feel most comfortable, but you can certainly go any way you choose.
You may also still be open to prompts (going cold turkey is a bad marketing move; ask JCP (I *told* them, Dios)) but perhaps limit it to those larger ones you see circulating; like whump bingo or a weekly challenge. Put a cap on the word limit. Possibly offer free prompts drabbles (just a few hundred words) to first time potential buyers (but make certain they aren’t the same anon over and over ;p). 
There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for a little support for all of your time and effort that you put into something (a discussion I have had to have multiple times with friends xD) because as I’ve learned the hard way, if you only ever give you will eventually run out. Whether that be out of inspiration or time or happiness or sanity or even the love of a fandom, you have to be willing to take things sometimes too to replenish yourself. 
Best of luck to you hun! ♥
(If I have any followers who offer both prompts and commissions or have made this segue, please feel free to chime in too!)
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xshinormx · 6 years
Why did you start writing fanfiction?
I don’t know if there was a specific moment where I decided to dip into fanfic and basically never leave, so I’m just gonna explain how I got into writing entirely.
So, back in 7th grade, before I knew I wanted to be a writer, let alone that an entire fanfic community existed, my LA teacher gave us an assignment: Change the ending of a movie. And this was back when Hunger Games was popular, so I did that to fulfill my Katniss/Peeta angst needs (I didn’t even know there was a word for shipping, or a whole genre of angst, so I’ve just always been my angst queen self). And… I liked it.
She assigned some more creative writing projects throughout the year, and I had fun. So much fun. I wasn’t good, obviously, they were complete crap, but she wrote a comment on the last assignment that she wanted to read more. And surprisingly, I was eager to comply. So I kept writing (never actually showed her anything though. I regret it, and fully plan on thanking her in the little dedication section when I publish my first book).
I stuck with original stuff at first, but writing is hard, you know? I did a little bit of roleplay with a then-friend of mine on the playground at recess, as well as acted out my own stories with my stuffed animals as I tried to fall asleep, based off the Warriors books by Erin Hunter. So I just moved them to paper (well, Word, anyway) - I took some OCs and stuck them in the world she had already created, bending it to my will as I pleased. The stories and writing still completely and utterly sucked, but I was having fun, and at that point, I was leaning towards making writing my future career.
And then I got obsessed with Merlin. Arthur and Merlin were my brOTP, and I was obsessed. And then I got to the ending, which killed Arthur and Gwaine and technically everyone and left Merlin immortal and alone. And that didn’t sit right with me, so in all of my inexperience, I took it upon myself to write down the ending I wanted and write stories of the whump and deep friendship the show had only ever hinted at. I had discovered FF by this point, and I read the work of others, but I couldn’t get up the courage to post my own.
And then. Marvel happened. I thought superheroes were the stupidest thing - I saw Iron Man 3 in theaters and was utterly bored - but SHIELD looked decent enough, so I watched that when it premiered, and I surprised myself by actually liking it. And come November, I figured I should watch Dark World, since that was gonna tie in, and I loved it. By the time Christmas rolled around, I was in love with the MCU.
Winter Soldier was the first MCU movie I obsessed over before its release. (It started my tradition of watching a Marvel movie for my birthday every year.) I was so excited. And then it left Steve alone on the riverside, with no idea Bucky saved him? “Screw that,” I thought, and in the half hour of down time I had at school, I scribbled down a blurb on my iPad, pretending Steve was conscious during the river rescue. And a few months later, I worked up the nerve to post it.
(My first fic was a Captain America fic. Most of my early MCU fic was, until the Maximoffs entered my life. You wouldn’t think that looking at my blog now, would you?)
And then it got positive reviews. And I realized just how much I liked taking my favorite movies and playing with them, amping up the angst and twisting canon to suit my desires. And it was a good way to practice whatever aspect of writing I wanted without the pressure of coming up with everything else, because canon was there to prop me up. So, encouraged, I kept going.
And obviously, I never looked back.
And I never will. My books, if you look closely enough, you’ll simply find them to be a collection of my favorite ideas, my favorite characters, my favorite settings, all picked up from years of being a fangirl. You’ll find the angst I’ve been honing for years, the humor the MCU taught me, the brOTP hugs I’ve always wanted for my boys. And all I did was remove the elements I didn’t like and twisted the rest to fit what I want, just like I’ve been doing since middle school. I’ll probably even be the writer looking up fanfics and fanart and everything and praying for crossovers with the fandoms that inspired every single word I’ll ever write.
And you can bet that I will never - never - stop writing fanfic. Will I be 50 and still writing for Loki? I don’t know. I mean, there’ll probably be a reboot or two by then, so there’s not even a guarantee it’d be Tom’s Loki. But I’ll be writing for somebody. I love fanfic far too much to ever stop. It’s the one hobby that I’ve actually stuck with, and writing is the one thing I love enough to make a career out of. People call me crazy for loving fictional characters as much as I do, but- they are literally my life. And I hope that never changes.
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