#the burnout got to me ngl
raiiny-bay · 2 months
making something (maybe)
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literary-mafuyu · 1 year
Imagine trying to threathen your child and telling them that theyll do the sewerslide if i dont start being respectful when in reality i was just anxious and shy yet wtf, imagine how to traumatize your kid like that 😭😭😭😭 not me tho lol im used to it 💪💪💪 like bitch im supoussed to do that first i literary just tried to jump off our school building for stupitidity tired but tried suicidal shut typpa almost like 3+ plus times ago like what 💀💀💀💀 bruhhhh
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sigchimera · 6 days
A Heartfelt Gift
If you want some context as to what's going on in this story, please check out my carrd
I hope you enjoy reading about my characters
Zenith was in his gallery, painting. He felt at peace, wondering what world his painting would turn into this time around. As he painted a castle was slowly being made. Once he felt satisfied with it he'd pick up the painting and look for a place to hang it. As he walked all of the walls were covered in paintings already, but he knew that he could find a good spot for it if he kept looking. The halls of this gallery are endless. After around 4 hours of walking, Zenith found a suitable spot for the painting and put it up. He'd then decide to take a nice little nap on the floor, exhausted from both the walking and painting. Once he had awakened he was greeted with the sight of his friend Bloom, who had been guarding him as he slept. He'd rub his eyes, yawning before speaking, "Bloom..? When did you get in here..?"
Zenith was too tired to have a proper response. He was a rather light sleeper, unable to stay asleep for long periods of time, much to his detriment. Bloom would simply smile at him, "Finally awake, sleepyhead?"
Zenith would nod, although he was still half-asleep. Bloom would nod back, "Well, I wanted to get you a present…"
Bloom would pull something out of their pocket, "Here…"
It was a neatly wrapped, yet small gift. The unusually metallic wrapping shined through the gallery, and caught Zenith's attention. Bloom would smile yet again, "I created all of it myself, I hope you like what's inside!"
Bloom would hand over the gift to Zenith. Zenith would stare at the gift for a moment, but then carefully pull the wrapping on the gift off before opening the box. Inside was a set of pink paintbrushes, each with a star-shaped end. Zenith would smile at Bloom, "Thank you, some more paintbrushes on hand is always nice… Especially ones in my favorite color."
Bloom would smile back, "I'm glad you like them. Your happiness is my happiness."
Bloom would twirl around, happy. Zenith would speak, "I'll find a good place for these. I promise…"
Bloom would then turn around, planning to leave as they didn't particularly have anything else they wanted to do. Before they left though, Zenith would say something to them, "I'll find a way to repay you, I promise!" END
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aria0fgold · 1 month
A mystery done well is a mystery well done. Otherwise it's just another story with no mystery.
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takkamek · 9 months
only now finding out about my/sta graduating like.... finding out about nina was a shock to the system even tho i hadn't watched anyone from niji in months but to hear that mys' is graduating so soon after nina just feels wrong. he is to this day the one niji streamer i've watched the most (due to timezones & genuinely enjoying his streams). from what i've read, i totally get why & why now but its still so strange
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graviticdeeds · 1 year
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Some vague sketch practice. It’s been a long time, but I’m getting back into it.
Got some cats in there, a lil Outer Wilds, and the entertainment i was doing it to
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lumilasi · 2 years
Hey, just wanted to drop by to say I LOVE your art and fics, (especially HoG is my fave currently, and its downright criminal how little comments it has! I'd comment but don't havean acc) and just keep up the good work, sending kudos and hugs! (Also I'm SO sorry about your aunt you mentioned in the notes, I hope she gets better!!)
Aww thanks, glad you are enjoying them!
To be fair, HoG is relatively new fic which might explain the small amount of comments, altho I have noticed a trend of in general getting less feedback, even on more popular fics, even the ongoing ones? Some other writers I've spoken to have also felt like there's less engagement, which I hope its either just us or a small passing trend. Getting comments from the readers is the best part about posting them after all, and the best motivator!
My mum keeps us updated about her condition, so far it seems the treatment is working, but we'll see....
(Side note: you can actually leave a comment without an acc, it just asks for your email, probs to notify you if it gets a response maybe? IDK, I always comment using my account haha!)
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senlinyu · 3 months
Hi Sen, I apologize in advance for the intrusive questions 🙈
I Remember you had some health issues last winter, so how have you been?
I know you've got a lot going on with you moving house, {please forgive your wicked greedy fans} , did you find inspiration/motivation to write some of LTDI or it more a matter of lacking time?
Take care 🤗
Hey, I am doing... pretty well. Last year I started forcing myself to prioritize my health more. I have a very bad habit of pushing myself to the limit and ignoring warning signs and then collapsing and getting incredibly sick for weeks or months, and I decided last year that I need to stop doing that. Alternatively I also sometimes push myself so hard I end up with burnout. And sometimes I do both at the same time, which is the most fun. Anyway... at the ripe old age of thirty something I figured I should stop killing myself for the sake or art, or social expectations, and it kind of had to happen cold turkey.
There has been a lot going on lately but I have been pulling out LTDI's next chapters and working on them. Unfortunately one of the issues I'm trying to get resolved currently is all the illegal sales, LTDI has already been listed even though it's not even finished and ngl, it's hard to push on and press towards the finish line while knowing that the instant I get there, I'm potentially going to see listings propagating across the internet. So one of the things I've doing over the last several months is communicating with the OTW's legal scholar to figure things out, and that's been another thing that's been really eating into my fandom/hobby hours.
However, even though that's not altogether taken care of, there's still quite a few chapters left before LTDI is complete, and life is settling down, so a February update is very high on my list of priorities and so is trying to get to point of having a semblance of a semi-regular update schedule so people at least know what to expect.
I really appreciate everyone's patience with me. <3
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thatskynews · 19 days
Hello! I hope this ask finds you both well.
So, I mostly wanted to ask, what is you two's opinion on sky making most items iap lately? There's been very few igc stuff since some seasons ago and it's been disheartening for a lot of players. I don't see tgc acknowledge this in any way (if they did, you can show me, i often get things wrong)
Anxy: Thanks, I hate it (*hides the money reserved for said items*)
But I agree. It was actually one of the complaints that I wrote in the survey. Sky is getting more and more expensive and it's not looking good in the long run. I only convinced myself that this is better, buying something that you will get with 100% certainty, than wasting my money over gacha with little probability (*also hides the money reserved for genshin's welkin*)
Ymir: I also hate it! I understand why they do it, but I... hate spending more money on games than I need to. The last time I bought anything from sky was the little prince pass I think, and even then I was barely getting by.
Sky's current model is off of probably a push from investors ngl? but also just sucks for most people since they are leaning into pushing for people to either candlerun burnout orrrrr buying the candles straight up. I've used up many candles over the years on friends! I was a social little guy when I was most into sky!!
honestly the price going up pattern has been fairly steady since prophecy(as much as I hate to say it :( ) and I doubt it shall go fix itself entirely anytime soon... but I do miss the ability to just get everything I need in the seasons with weeks to spare... and the inbetweens being fairly long (I think they used to be about.. nearly 3 weeks?). I'm hoping TGC changes things around- I remembered when the iap having only one item without any other rewards deal first occurred and how upset everyone got. I love sky, but I can not deny the fact it has negatively affected me multiple times because of this specifically :(
I typically do complain to tgc when given the chance though, because of these changes are the reason I didn't play sky for nearly a year straight... and why I still struggle to actively play as much as I did.
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yutaholic · 4 months
Thank you for even making that post because I honestly feel like I’m going to explode!! Championing every issue is EXHAUSTING. I have such empathy fatigue. Bombardment of “rules”, behavioral guidelines, services, companies, networks + food brands & PEOPLE to boycott ALL THE TIME. Fandom is space many of us come to unplug from reality…it’s certainly my hyperfixation & ppl be like “well then get another one because you shouldn’t support–” IT DOESN’T WORK LIKE THAT. Fuck. I can’t take it anymore. Calls to action being in EVERY single place have weakened my mental state even more than it was before which was already on “pending disability” level of severe & now I’m just. burned t-absolute-f out….at everything!! I can literally FEEL myself unraveling. Kpop stans & their toxic activism can go to hell. They’re so worried about making sure to condemn others for “not doing enough” or being bad people, that they don’t even realize their actions are making them into bad people. This shit takes a toll on mental health, there is science behind this, it is real and what happens to human beings when inundated with constant terrible news, and it’s not just being ~too privileged to care~ but these performative mfs have no concept of blacklisting anymore and just want to assume the absolute worst about someone, call them names & wish harm on folks who are at the end of their ropes! It’s maddening! So even if compassion fatigue isn’t why you didn’t go out of your way to Denounce and Drag™️ him (bc you totally have the right to simply not want to do that on a fanfic blog!) I’m just glad someone else stated that this is supposed to be an ESCAPE. fuck.
Baby, burnout will fuck you up. Don't do that to yourself. Take the time you need and recoup. Life is a constant war and you can afford to lose a battle here and there to focus on your own health and well-being. Getting yourself back into a good place mentally will be a huge win. We both know the ppl obsessed with performative activism aren't doing anything from a place of compassion. The real ones are out there making change, not sending people death threats online from the comfort and safety of their mommy's basement.
When I posted the pic of NCT Dream and Big Time Rush, I wrote in the tags how BTR was something my sister and I loved and bonded over. We watched the show even though it was obviously a kids show and we were both adults. It was just something that gave us joy. My sister passed away years ago and anything BTR-related will make me teary because I think about how much we laughed together over it.
So the first thing I get are messages over how problematic BTR is, that I should delete the post or I'm pro-genocide if I don't dislike them. Ngl that made me so upset because I got a bunch of faceless people trying to taint some precious memories of me and my sister. If they came at me trying to educate me on things I didn't know that would be different, but it's straight to judgment and hatred toward me over something I posted that was totally innocent.
Meanwhile I get criticized for posting about a kpop group instead of reblogging every call to action post. I donate my money to these causes, but I don't post about it because I don't need my ass kissed for doing what I know to be right. I am 1000% sure the anons in my inbox that try to police me have never given a dime to anything, but are policing people's blogs for not reblogging posts or talking about it more.
I feel bad that I haven't been very active on here this year so I try to come on when I have some free time to interact with you guys. I make a silly post about Doyoung and get anons tearing into me for it like I'm his social media manager. Okay so because the world is going to shit we aren't allowed to enjoy anything?? Can't make jokes about anything. Can't show support for anything. Just wrong on every fucking count.
Believe me I am so goddamn aware of how lucky I am that I can sit here and say I'm very privileged that I live comfortably in the life I have. I know what's going on in the world and I do my part to help where I can, but I also have to keep functioning. I don't want every minute of my life to be seeped in anger, I did that for a long time and it not only eats away at you, it makes you ineffective in actually changing the things making you angry in the first place.
This was just supposed to be a blog where I posted my stories. One of the few places I could go and not constantly be reminded of how fucked up the world is. I've always said that people who told me reading a fic of mine made their day a little better or helped them escape for a bit were always my favorite. That was what I came here for and I loved being able to share the tiniest moments of peace and quiet with others through stories with guaranteed happy endings.
I'm frustrated because I have 4 drafts ready to go next year. I got the story posts done and made all the headers. But I don't want to post them. I have no problem admitting I'm selfish and spiteful. Even though I can turn off anon, I can't block these miserable people and I don't want them reading my stuff. They don't get to consume my content and then tell me to off myself right after.
A massive fuck you to those of you that ruined this blog for me.
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fanby-fckry · 3 months
Ngl, Husk’s chapter in the survey fic got me feelin a little bit like a Husk myself.
Idk why this is the chapter to give me burnout but it just is.
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jittyjames · 4 months
(once again these are personal headcanons idc if the historical canon says other wise 🙈 these are just fun)
very poor relationship with his family (especially henry). part of the reason he joined the military was to get away from him and his expectations. he's closer with his mother, but it's still strained. he adores his siblings tho, even if henry kind of pitted them against each other
he's a skilled painter and spends his spare time sketching. he once tried to teach alexander, but quickly realized that it was one skill hammy would never possess (this would make such a cute fic ngl)
his favorite season is autumn because he likes the colors and the crispness of everything
he's protective almost to a fault
in my mind she will always be a beyond talented pianist! like to the point she's like a virtuoso. she writes her own music and secretly dreams of publishing it. she pens music after major life events, and it sort of acts as her diary (after she met alex, when angelica moved to london, when she had philip, after the affair.) she's basically taylor swift
smells so incredibly good (shhh I know it's the 1700's but let me live) but she smells like expensive perfume (you know the type) sugar, and strawberries
she's a cat person!
she has an aptitude for mathematics, and that's why she would act as alexander's advisor so much. she's educated in literature, philosophy, and history as well, but angelica has always been more vocal about it, so she doesn't get a chance to shine as much as she should
oh my beloved burr :(((( he has a lot of unresolved trauma. from the pressures of his family's legacy, to his (canonically) abusive uncle, and the religious trauma of being jonathan edwards' grandson, he has a lot of pent up sadness that he won't let himself feel. he's an anxious mess most of the time, and all of these reasons are why he feels like he can't rush into things and make mistakes.
also a cat person. he loves cats so much. he dotes on them. he would have twenty if he could. in the war, he would go out of his way to feed any strays around and would protect them, sometimes sneaking them into his quarters in his coat if it was particularly cold
he's a hopeless romantic, even if he's not vocal about it. he wants to be loved and to share the love he never got to give anyone. he wants to do all the courting things with someone, and make a life with them. his love language is practically all of them
after alexander's death, if he would go to any tavern or party or anything where there was music, he would request they sing how stands the glass around because that was what alexander sang at the last party they were at together. it's a form of punishment, but it's also because he can close his eyes and imagine Alexander is still there, even for just a moment. sometimes he thinks he can hear his voice interweaving with the others
he and dolley are a power couple. everyone wants to be them. they are the only really healthy relationship in canon. they are each other's best friend and madison's favorite place is by her side. he's not afraid to admit that she's the better half of him. (this is probably not true lmao but I'm too tired to look it up)
he very much has "gifted kid burnout" if you can call it that in the 1800s. he's tired. he's unwell. he just wants everything to work out for everyone, and for the people around him to chill and stop yelling for five minutes. he's like a long-suffering parent, and all but keeps jefferson on one of those backpack-leash combinations that kids wear in malls
actually doesn't mind hamilton that much. he doesn't agree with him on most things, and thinks he's annoying, but he still feels a bit worried about the man he once called friend. they were pretty close when they wrote the federalist papers, and they would often have dinners together where he found he actually enjoyed the company
he prefers the quiet. he finds it comfortable. he doesn't find it awkward if conversation lulls into silence (though it rarely does with the company he keeps)
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scary-lasagna · 4 months
So sorry to hear ignorant people are in the askbox- I swear people who say this kinda stuff really should just try writing. Just for a week. Ungrateful people really don't understand the energy, effort and research writers put in to their writing and characters. I'm so tired of readers taking writers and artists for granted ngl. Feel like the past years silent reading has gotten so much more prevalent too, and it just makes me sad.
Please know you and your work are seen, and appreciated, and make sure to take time for yourself ❤️ You have inherent value, even when you're not creating. -S
Thank you :)) I really appreciate you for this :]] It is hard, and it was even worse when I used to pump out 4 asks per day. It’s draining and constant writing and idea you have to put out, and you even have to make it sound good which is hard in itself no matter what you’re writing about.
I wanted to boost my queue number and I literally took my chromebook I got to use for school and sat in a Panera for about 4 hours just writing enough asks to last for a week or so.
Its definitely harder than it looks because of all the things you have to look out for, like pacing yourself from burnout, rereading, working your way around Tumblrs algorithm, and even deleting 2,000 words because they didn’t match the ask the way you wanted it to.
On top of silent reading, I feel like things like Char.ai have made a negative impact on the fanfiction scene as well.
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nsharks · 1 year
I just read BB and AAAAAAA THE WAY YOU WRITE IS SO GOOD. I could kiss you (platonically ofc) everytime I read what you put out for the fandom because it's always so good.
Also, the way my heart dropped when I saw that the skeleton was Soap-
Ngl I got a massive flashback to TLoU when Blue was saying the wound hurt and Ghost goes "I know baby, I know." Like that's what Joel said and knowing that Sarah didn't make it made me worry a little bit tbh. The way we see Blue call Ghost "dad" though! And he refers to her as something other than "Blue"! Progress!
Anyways I absolutely love your blog so much and I can't wait for more :). Please take your time and take care of yourself though! Burnout is the worst
Ohhh thank you for the feedback! I love hearing your thoughts. You’re so sweet
Ghost calling his lil Blue baby :(((<333
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obeymematches · 15 days
Hello! Are you taking matchup requests? If yes, I'd like to send one in for Obey Me. I'd like a pina colada please
I'll go by ⭐. My pronouns are she/her and I'm demisexual
Appearance: I am South Asian with long wavy black hair. Usually tie my hair in a half ponytail at the back because I like how it looks and I don't really like the feeling of hair on my shoulders. I am 165 cm tall and reasonably fit
Personality: I'm calm, collected and hardworking. I can be a bit aloof and arrogant sometimes, but I make sure it doesn't get out of hand. I am curious and perfectionistic, and I'm also pretty academically smart (though I sometimes struggle with impostor syndrome lol). The gifted kid burnout syndrome is catching up, though. People say I do have a bit of a cold facade, but once they get to know me, they say I'm much warmer and gentler than they initially thought. I care deeply for my friends and my family, so I'll do whatever I can for them. I do face a lot of pressures too from having to be the perfect oldest daughter, the therapist friend (despite psychology not being my major, more of a special interest) and from having to do well in school (as much as I enjoy engineering, it is kicking my ass low-key). It may not look like it, but I'm very much a romantic, but I'm more practical about it if that makes any sense 😅😅
I often bake my closest friends and family a cake on their birthday with a silly message written on it. I also has a soft spot (special interest) for outer space and love to stargaze wherever the skies are clear. Don't know if this is important, but I do make some pretty mean South Asian food if I do say so myself
Likes: Books, herbal tea, art, lofi hip-hop, video games, anime, drawing, spicy food, affogato, outer space
Dislikes: Incompetence, unnecessary conflicts, bullies, fake friends dishonesty, cruelty, dog-eared book pages, anyone who dares threaten my family, loud noises, itchy fabrics
oh! we've done an exchange not too long ago.
I've decided to match you with Solomon.
• Your academia vibes definitely match his; don’t get me wrong, although he is a master of many things, unfortunately he isn’t a fashion icon (yet?) but he thinks academia style looks elegant / cute depending on the day. • It just means that he is attracted to you at first sight. Which is always a good start, even if you don’t elope into a long talk the very first time you meet. • (Bet she looking 🔥 when she feels comfortable and cute!) • To be fair he isn’t here to make friends with humans; he was fine neglecting the human world for several decades. He isn’t going to care more, now that another human is here…. but curiosity got the best of him and eventually he made sure to meet you before classes. (No. He didn’t attend that class.) • After your quick chat it became a weekly habit of his, to meet you there and then, start some kind of conversation (you’d think he was awkward and you’d be very wrong. Listen he communicates and manipluates his ways into forming a pact with almost every person there.) • It only starts getting awkward when he starts to like your personality for real real. For example this week he arrived 5 mins earlier and was waiting for you. • After a while you two found yourselves in front of your class’s door 20 minutes (!) before it would begin. Huh. • He liked your cold facade ngl, he likes a challenge. However, his ice cold frozen heart slowly, very slowly starts to melt as you warm up to him more and more. • He learned that you are reliable and trustworthy, which he very much appreciates. It lowkey made him want to get closer to you, I mean spiritually. Please help him with this or that, let me show you something, you must see this, etc. • This went on for months, you were truly good friends when he asked you the question you were excited to hear; Would you date me? Shall we go on a date? • Of course he jokes about it being a human thing and at first you can’t tell if hes just being funny or he is serious…. • By now he figured out that you like romantic stuff so if you agree to date him he is going to make the first date romantic just to please you! Possibly stargazing as you like that, or maybe a museum if you are not comfortable with meeting at night. • He secretly craved for a long time to have this level of intimacy with someone and so he’d make sure to please you; whatever you r love language is he does it to make you feel loved and secure! • The fact that you can and will cook is going to be life saving in the long run! • Some downsides of this relationship include him making dog ears to some of the books, he is always up to no good, very known public image so it’s hard to go out in public without anyone stopping you two (in the devildom, the human realm is safe).
My second option for you was Barbatos, honestly the only downside of that relationship is that neither of you is going to start and try to have a good conversation…. so it’s a rocky beginning, but if you get past that phase somehow, it’s going to be pretty solid if I do say so myself.
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ollovae3 · 1 year
Currently in a bit of a brain-is-mushy state still, wrote most of this days ago, but thought I'd toss this at y'all who remained through my hiatus (depression and burnout followed by school is,,,, fun)?? Like I said before, I've gotten hooked on The Walking Dead—also got my mom hooked on it somehow, so I'm cackling. As usual, that means my lil OC brain is churning a mile a minute but with no ability to choose, so I'd love y'all's opinions?
No art atm since I'm still recovering from literally drawing every day w the fear of 1000 gazelles (if that makes ANY sense), but I've got some picrews and info for em!! Not all the info tho cause I straight up have about 3 pages per character, in 2-column, 10pt font format. 💀 So here's their picrews and their initial moodboards!! Appearances changed since the boards so sorry abt that. 😅 Bless Canva tho, been addicted to that damn site since HS 👌
And yes I got attached to Daryl, leave me be w my love for the grump-w/-a-golden-heart trope— 🫣💀
Warning for some TWD-typical violence below, as well as mention of addiction/withdrawal.
Halina Waldron:
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Halina Waldron essentially had the Worst Vacation of Her Life. Went on a post-grad celebration trip, only for the Outbreak to start JUST as they got to their new stop for the trip (near the Atlanta area).
Managed to find the Dixon brothers before they found the Quarry, and essentially annoyed them into letting her tag along and learn from them. She hopes to find her family back in Vermont, but her story follows mostly along the canon route with the rest of the survivors.
Admittedly am tempted though to have her end up working for (not a soldier for) the Saviors at some point, as a way to change canon/put in some interesting conflict? But we'll see 👀
Brigid Hassall
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Brigid Hassall, the Granny Witch from the Georgia portion of Appalachia! Personally designed her to be of partially Melungeon descent, as well as visibly Autistic?
Lived in the same lil town as the Dixons, with the talents of/later studying to be a medicine witch (variant of Granny Witches afaik). Was good friends with Daryl in school, and helped both brothers whenever they needed patching up or Merle needed help trying to quit whatever he was on. She turned semi-agoraphobic after losing her family, so the boys didn't see her and couldn't find her after The Outbreak. She did survive though, and kept growing things and hunting when she needed, helping travelers or defending her home from them.
Shows up around S3, during the Prison-Era. Got sought out for help w medicine and associated horticulture knowledge.
Andromeda Shaw
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Andromeda Shaw, also called Meda [mee-dah], is a bit of a harsher character? She and her family were out camping with friends to escape the nasty flu going around when things hit. They lost their friends, who Meda had to stop from biting her family or getting into their RV, which hardened her, but broke her sibling (understandable ngl-).
After that, she and the family have been wandering in the RV, hoping to find people to trade with or somewhere safe to stay. Her parents had to focus on protecting and stabilizing her sib after that camping trip, so Meda's placed herself as the defacto family shield of sorts, there to have her dad's back and to help provide when the others can't.
The Shaws end up muddling with canon a bit, but don't show until around the Post-Governor Prison-Era in late-S3/S4? Eventually become more of a staple in canon during S6, when it turns out they're runners and residents of Alexandria.
So yeah!! I'd love any opinions on which of these girls you think I should run with more? I rlly like all of em so I'm just stuck blue-screening about which to work with, and I'd appreciate anything you might have honestly 😅.
Happy to answer additional questions abt em if that helps at all!! 💖
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