#the hedone
pleucas · 1 year
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most feared duo in yokohama
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waambles · 1 year
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No more trans doom scrolling! Today we are embracing trans hedonism!
T4t love, polyamory, queer platonic relationships, and friendships are so beautiful! Embrace pleasure, embrace rest, embrace yourself and all those you love! Eat that cake, kiss that person, take that nap, enjoy your life! Today I call for an era of radical trans joy!
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allmythologies · 5 months
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greek mythology: goddesses & personifications
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everyones-bean19 · 4 months
He said I couldn't unbutton them until they popped or I finished my drinks and food....whichever comes first......
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mcnostril · 1 year
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Hedon's resident Tactical Genius/Murderous Glutton continues taking anything that's not nailed down and getting away with it through the power of unlimited mulligans.
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Burp* I’m just a little bloated…
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fattonibabe · 6 months
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Rounding out
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I’ve done it. It’s over. 
I let out a deep breath that turns into a burp. My belly lets out a gurgle. 
Another gorging come and gone. A party sized fast food order completely inside my fat, burgeoning, hefty gut. 
All that remains outside are wrappers, a few empty bags, and an empty cup. 
I lean back in my chair. It creaks slightly. I’m so full I can barely keep my eyes open, my body devoting all my energy to digesting my oversized meal. I let out a long, breathy sigh. 
The buttons on my shirt are straining and it has ridden up. It’s my favorite shirt. Soon I’ll grow out of it. It bothers me. But I cannot stop giving my stomach what it needs. 
I let my shirt just roll up the rest of the way. My full, satiated belly softly plops out in my lap. There isn’t really any space for anything else. My stomach easily covers about half of my gigantic thighs. I rub my huge, sensitive, engorged gut. Involuntary moans escape me. My smooth skin is soft and warm, my squishy fat presses in with my hands as I firmly push and precede over the swollen, fleshy orb in my lap. 
I’m so tuckered out. My whole evening. My valuable and limited free time…gone. Just like the 1000s of calories of food, my needy, heavy, inflated gut has consumed that entirely too. I have no choice now but to sleep off this multi person gathering sized meal. I can’t remain conscious much longer. 
I must get up. It’s so difficult. My belly weighs me down. It all sloshes inside me as I stand. I’m so fatigued, and downright sluggish from the new contents of my stomach. My breathing is labored and short. I’m simply out of breath. 
I waddle out of my dining room. My heavy steps are slow, I can’t manage anything fast. I feel dazed, so encumbered, so overladen with delicious food. My belly doesn’t jiggle as much in this state. It’s so solidly filled. 
I stop to inspect the damage I’ve dealt in the bathroom mirror. My shirt is draped over my torso like a tent now. 4Xs don’t fit like they used to. I slide it off. My belly is taunt up top. My stretch marks more pronounced. Soft, squishy flab hangs off of me and sags low. My deep overhang shocks me as usual when I turn to the side. I am so wide, and even wider like this. I scoop my prize up in my arms, lifting it. This pushes out another burp. It’s a relief taking the pressure off my back for a moment, achey from lugging this enormous thing around all the time. 
Thoughts dance through my mind as I hold up my bloated stomach. 
Why do I do this? I eat so much food constantly. Entire evenings, hours on end devoted to consuming it all and digesting it and cradling this fat, overfed gut. 
I drop my heavy belly on the counter. A loud, meaty plop echoes off the walls. It has been sagging slightly into the sink. I use both hands to manhandle my squishy, overstuffed pride. Pure ecstasy. My bellybutton gaped more fully open. My thick, blubbery side rolls squished against the edge of the sink. My gut has become a solid, fleshy sack of pleasure. A bulging, globular trophy of unrestrained gluttony and hedonist overindulgence. It’s simply covered in decadent fat. My whole body is overladen with lard. 
Why? Because my belly always gets what it wants. It’s pampered. Spoiled. It needs to be filled until it no longer can be. I must oblige. I have no choice. It is a command. I must obey. 
Why? Because it feels so fucking good. 
This is why.
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peacheebea · 6 months
I love the idea of someone secretly fattening me up
Taking care of me, making sure I always have food or drinks in front of me
Showing me and everyone else how much they care about me with how fat I've become
I'm so oblivious to the weight gain but I feel loved and cared for and that's all that matters
Everyone can see how much they love me
Relationship weight gain is literally the hottest and sweetest thing in the world
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shazzbaa · 2 months
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Samuel is dealing with the horrors just fine! hes fine. just needs a lil laudanum to take the edge off. Just a little, tiny, several bottles of laudanum,
wheezes and collapses HI HELLO I HAVE FINALLY FINISHED..... THIS!!!!.... I don't know what possessed me to make this out of pixels but im v pleased with how it came out!!
[Everyone has been extremely cool abt this!! but just to be sure: no Fallen London spoilers/suggestions/hints in tags, replies, etc. please! I'm still in the middle of some of the stories referenced here and I'm excited to discover it all for myself! ]
Nightmare sources referenced here:
A small, velvet-lined box from Light Fingers
The coiling spire bit from Light Fingers
Poor Edward from Light Fingers
I Shot the Albatross from the southern wind zee dreams
and of course, the Comtessa
At some point during Light Fingers I finally grabbed some laudanum to help with nightmares before some zee trip or other, and discovered that once you're Important, taking laudanum gives you "A Less Than Laudable Laudanum Habit" and that the initial, normal result is locked once your habit gets over level three. Naturally, I HAD TO KNOW.... WHAT HAPPENED AT OTHER LEVELS.....
I'd also decided to finally do the rest of the Watchful MYN at University, which I'd already heard about from several friends as a place where you are constantly going insane from the mundane stress of just, like, uncooperative witnesses while trying to solve a murder. The timing ended up perfect -- Samuel just coming back from the horrors of the Orphanage in Light Fingers and Trying To Be Normal And Hold Down A Normal Job For A Bit, and maybe just a lil laudanum to keep it together for class, and when withdrawal is ratcheting up everything, some annoyances like "can't find info for your murder investigation" might just tip you over the edge,
hilariously he hit level 8 on the laudanum habit -- helpfully labelled "a wretched slave to the hellish stuff" and the point where it stops working altogether -- IMMEDIATELY before running into a step of light fingers where you have to get rid of all your nightmares before you can proceed. HAHA OOPS.
ANYWAY HE STILL HAS IT BECAUSE IT TURNS OUT, IT TAKES A REALLY REALLY LONG TIME, TO KICK A LAUDANUM HABIT...... i, uh, dont recommend giving urself a laudanum addiction but narratively im having a great time lmao
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snowberry-pie · 2 years
new survey time. what Main Thing did you project onto your ocs. lay your heart out on the table in front of me i wanna see
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cow-dolly · 3 months
I had to take a video to show y’all what it takes for me to sit up these days lol 😂 Sometimes when I eat myself round I just stay where I’m at until I’ve digested a little because my gut’s always in the way 😅 This is going to be an interesting problem once I start breeding 🥵
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thedarkacademian · 11 months
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wouldst thou like to live deliciously?
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everyones-bean19 · 4 months
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Guys I'm fucking BEACHED. Pad Thai, Pad Gai, crab Rangoons, fried duck and rice, 3 alcoholic drinks, a bunch of chips, and a protein shake all in my gut........ I'm stuffed to CAPACITY l, I just keep expanding and stretching .......I need a food coma now.
I took a couple clips as well.....
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animentality · 10 months
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God what a fucking glutton
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