#the perils of organic gardening...
trigunwritings · 1 year
Books and Badlands
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Summary: A book shop date. An impossible goal.
Relationship: GN!Reader x Vash
Rating: General
Written by @blood--hunter
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In all your years you had never seen so many books. In Noman’s Land there was a lack of them. Perhaps a few families, ones that had the money for it, would have a shelf or two of books—ones that had survived through the years due to careful tending and the lack of moisture in the air. You, like most fortunate children of the desert lands, had been taught how to read. But even with that fortune, the school you had attended had only had three old, cardboard paged books that had been chewed on or ripped up over the years and were barely legible.
But this? This was new.
An entire book shop. Shelves nearly touching the ceiling and each one of them crammed with books, some so much that the shelf itself bowed heavily in the middle.
“Well, how do ya’ like it?” Vash asks, smiling at you. Neither of you had taken a step beyond the entrance.
You snap your mouth closed, at some point it had dropped open in shock. “It’s ... amazing.”
He grins at that, the corners of his mouth widening even more.
As Vash told it, the owner was a friend of his. You were sure this meant he had managed to rescue the man from some perilous encounter by sheer happenstance, as Vash was want to do, but the old man greeted the both of you with a warm smile and firm handshake. He even went on to explain that this was probably the only true book shop in all of the wastelands and that you and Vash were more than welcome to stay for as long as the two of you liked.
It made your head spin, all the books you could possibly read.
But where to begin?
You find yourself, moments later, in the middle of two shelves that are so squeezed together tight that you can barely stand between them comfortably. It seems that all the books are sorted by a system that you can’t quite understand. Not only that, but some of them didn’t even have titles and some of them looked so old and worn that you were afraid to pick them up.
Vash finds you there, his steps so quiet in the little shop that he nearly makes you shout out in surprise when he speaks.
“Ah!-uh... sorry,” He says, scratching at the back of his neck, “I was just wondering if you found anything you like...”
You look down at the book in your hand, it had a red cover with black binding and old, yellowing pages, but no title. “I don’t really know what I’m looking for.” You admit.
Vash gazes at you with those blue eyes, a gentle smile on his face. You had spent enough time with him by now to know that he was reminiscing; something about what you had said or what you had done had reminded him of his past.
“Can I make a suggestion?”
And that’s how the both of you end up parked at a little table, a book with an aqua-green cover and bright white pages planted firmly between you two.
“What’s it called?” You ask as Vash picks it up, flicking through the pages. “Takamura’s Guide to Gardening.”
You tilt your head. You had never heard of such a book.
Vash notices the look on your face and smiles, turning it around to show you. On the page are pictures, so vibrant that it makes you gasp. It shows of green, blue, and red things you had never seen before.
“What are they?”
Flowers? You had never heard of those either. “What’s a ... flower?”
Vash’s mouth tilts into a small frown as he thinks, brow pinching in concentration. “They’re like ... well, like organism that aren’t human or animal. They produce their own oxygen and require soil and sunlight to grow...”
You shake your head. That didn’t make sense, something couldn’t come from nothing. “Just soil and sunlight?”
Vash nods, “I mean, that’s the simplest explanation, there’s more to it than that. You have to have nutrients and seeds and...”
You stare at the pictures. One was labeled “Rose” and another “Morning Glory” you had never heard such strange names.
“Have you ever seen one?” You ask, gently taking the books from his hands. Vash looks away. You also knew what that meant. He was about to lie—a real lie—not a fib he often told people to calm their nerves.
Your eyes widen for just a second but you hide it with the book. Vash had seen a flower before. But where? You push that thought down, maybe the answer was between these pages.
“I think I’ll read this.” You say, flipping to the front of the book before looking up at him again. There was something soft in his eyes now, but you can’t possible think of what could have caused it. “I want to learn about flowers.”
Vash smiles again, that soft look being replaced by something else that you can’t quite put your finger on.
It takes about an hour for you to finish the book. It’s not very long and is mostly full of pictures but you enjoy it. There are more than just flowers, there are things like corn, and wheat, and carrots. The author makes it seem so simple to grow them, but you know it would be nearly impossible to do out in the desert.
Still, you trace the edges of a picture of a beautiful garden bursting with colors of all sorts.
“I want to grow something...” You say outloud.
Vash, who had been browsing his own book looks up at you. “Really?”
“That’ll be pretty hard.”
“I know ... I still want to. I want to grow a rose or ... maybe an orchid.”
He pauses a moment, as if he doesn’t want to shatter this dream of yours. “Well ... we could find a way.”
You peek at him. “Will you help me?”
Again he pauses, wavering, he looks into your eyes and then nods, “Yeah. I’ll help you.”
You smile and he matches it. It’s impossible, you both know it, but it’s something you so desperately want and how could Vash ever say no to you?
He buys the book for you, lets you keep it, and as you leave the bookshop he takes your hand and squeezes it.
Maybe someday you’d have your garden, if Vash was by your side.
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OC interaction game
Thanks @willtheweaver here and @illarian-rambling here!
Rules: describe an OC and pair how they would interact with the given OCs from the people who tagged you!
Will's OC Fen
Fen is a crow. But he does not act like one, having grown up among the foxes of the forest. All his life, he has had to keep his identity a secret. For obvious reasons, Fen does not let too much of himself be known. What he does show is an understanding nature ,and a knack for bringing out the best in others. Storyteller, a good fighter, tracker, and cook, he is skilled in many arts, though you’d never know that from the way he stays humble and modest. He values friendship, and will support those he trust.
Katie's OC Daedryn
Daedryn is a lady knight with one eye and red hair. She's the divine Chosen of Loqang, god of rivers and loyalty. Due to this, she is fiercely loyal to whatever person or organization she has promised herself to, to the point of following orders for orders sake. Outside of battle, where she is a force to be reckoned with, she's very sweet, a little awkward, and loves to talk about her god, who she sees as her best friend.
My OC Lexi
Lexi is a middle school girl (12-13 in the first book) who's popular, talkative and energetic. She has more acquaintances than she can keep up with (but don't tell her that!!! They're all her close friends who she must hang out with and support!!), and a close circle of companions she may hold on a little too tight to. Metaphorically, as her haphephobia prevents her from wanting physical contact. She has a mini backyard garden and indulges in nerdy pop culture, at first for her sister, then she found out she liked it. Lexi is very organized - she has a color-coded schedule she Will Follow No Matter What and her high anxiety will flare up if things become unexpected.
Edit: I forgot to mention she has teleportation powers because I got distracted trying to be concise
Lexi and Fen
Well, Lexi does not have experience with sentient crows. Not sure if Fen talks to humans or not. If Lexi were to discover his identity, she might find it difficult to keep it a secret, but would feel like she Had To regardless, out of loyalty and being true to her word. Fen's knack for bringing out the best in others would definitely highlight Lexi's compassion and love for those around her, as well as the aforementioned loyalty. His humility and modesty would be a fun contrast to Lexi's self-confidence, which means she would try to make him embrace his accomplishments more, and maybe Fen would open up to her more once he trusted her. Their shared value of friendship and supportive nature would make them good friends I think. Who doesn't love the classic young girl + sentient animal dynamic?
Lexi and Daedryn
As someone who also values loyalty and is respectful of superiors, Lexi would probably idolize Daedryn. Lexi also has trouble recognizing faults in those she values, so I believe they would understand each other. I would like to see Daedryn maybe take Lexi under her wing, making her a force to be reckoned with as well. Lexi is an enthusiastic learner. Lexi would be willing to listen about Daedryn's god, especially why he means so much to her, though Lexi would also be very excited to talk about her friends too! There may be some talking over each other, but I think they would have a cute dynamic.
Alright y'all let's pair people up with Lexi:
Tagging @gracehosborn @mk-writes-stuff @little-peril-stories @buffythevampirelover @elsie-writes @winterandwords @theeccentricraven @theelfauthor @space-writes @jezifster @theprissythumbelina @herrmannhalsteadproduction @i-can-even-burn-salad @oh-no-another-idea @eccaiia @dyrewrites + anyone else who'd like to do this fun tag!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites + extra tag if you want to :)
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deny-the-issue · 6 months
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Violent Delights
Happy Halloween everyone! 🎃
This is my submission for the Autumn art and writing challenges organized among friends!
The topics that I mashed together are "Witch ferret" and "heartwarming autumn scene & frightening sight/underlying danger"
YES! It's not just a cozy scene! Read below for the story!
[tw mention of animal on animal violence] [350 words]
There once was a ferret who lived alone in a cozy cottage. Their friends and family shuddered at the thought and ignored the reality, never once coming to visit. It is not a burrow full of the warm fur of loved ones; it is not safe from lurking dangers. But this ferret did not wallow. They did not weep. 
The forbidden moonlight has always called to this little ferret. Tall grass, brush, and bushes never held appeal to them when they could bask in silvery decadence. Scoldings, scary stories, and later, punishments - Nothing stopped them from treading headlong into unseen perils. 
For this little ferret knew something the others didn’t – felt something that others ignored. The elements sang to them in ways they didn’t have words to describe: Vibrating fields of energy within and without, able to be shaped and molded with years of practice. And with these learned skills, they made a home. 
Sat in the middle of a clearing, they had a full view of the world through tall glass windows. Vines and other opportunistic plants sprung up, taking advantage of the new shade. Garden pots and planters overflowing with the ferret’s favorite flowers filled the porch with a sweet decadence. And amidst it all was their favorite chair, the cushion’s padding uneven, taking the shape of the ferret’s favorite perch. They spent many nights surrounded by their beautifully cultivated ambiance. 
Watching. Waiting. 
One particular autumn evening, the ferret conjured a flame to heat their cold drink just like they had on many a cold night before. The flame bathed the surroundings in a comforting orange/yellow light, a contrasting beacon in the blue-tinted night. 
They licked their lips in excitement as the steam rose from their mug. Not for the delicious scent of hot cocoa, but for the glimpse of an owl’s shadow at their feet. 
Shakespearean monologues, dreamcatchers, broth, and meat. 
–So many uses for the feared, feathered menace!
With a flick of the ferret’s claw, the knife flew unaware. Moonlight sparked off the metal edges, ending the fowl’s last flight with the little ferret’s might. 
Tagging the autumn art and writing challenge groups! I love you my wonderful friends <3
@beardedladyqueen @fantadym @purplefangirl42 @roxnpens @silcosentropy @spoczkot @mudd-art
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⭐️Star ⭐️
I think I'll dust off Eden's Deception for this one.
So what you'd never know about Eden's Deception is this story actually went through three drafts.
2018 - The romantic fluff fest hyperfocused on a J/C romance in their scifi "Garden of Eden" on my first rewatch of the series as a 25 y.o. i felt absolutely cheated and teased by the romantic undertones that this episode failed to fulfill. the first draft was wish fulfillment where they frollicked around new earth falling in love, but it kept getting disrupted by my impulse to write scenes with some very intense melancholy about being stranded. Think one second theyre cuddling on a home made couch making out and the next Kathryn is somberly assessing what would happen when one of the died and how she would bury his body all alone by herself. really sad shit. kept breaking the romantic story i had envisioned.
That first draft stalled completely when the romantic fantasy plot peaked at an accidental pregnancy. I was watching Call the Midwife at the same time (hollar at all the ways pregnancy can go wrong for older women with limited resources and no medical care) and I just could not figure out how to move forward with the romantic fluff tone when i had just put my character in this situation of functionally mortal peril. I put the draft down and had a long re-think.
2020: The second draft was a Viidian organ farm horror fic. Mid pandemic. I was very isolated. dark thoughts abounded. and I like everyone else got a crash course in virus behavior from the wall to wall news coverage. So I rewatched resolutions again and this time rather than the lack of romance it was the bullshit virus that needled me. Why had a virus that affected spacefarers evolved on a planet with no space faring civilization? Why was it's only symptom triggered outside the atmosphere? Why did the Viidiians have the cure. I tried to anwer that in the second draft, while still satisfying my wishfullfillment need to get Kathryn a baby. In that second Draft the vidiians had engineered the planet to be a tempting venus fly trap and the virus to first trap victims on the planet and then entice them to have a lot of sex and babies that the vidiians could swoop in and kidnap later. I'd intended pregnant Kathryn to go full rambo on their facility and somehow bs she and chakotay a way off the planet and back to the ship. but i never got that far. that draft was just a little too dark for what I wanted and also the idea of the show's modern vidiians forcing their prisoners to breed new organ donors the natural way seemed dreadfully inefficient for a species that had figured out how to create a whole ass klingon adult in a lab in a day from just half a dna strand. but I did like the idea that the virus was somehow their fault. and I was intrigued by the speculation that their organ harvesting plans might have started out on a much more accessible population than kidnapped passing spacefarers. so i hung onto those tidbits and some of the smut scenes too (one of the smut scenes from this draft became Fever actually).
The final draft was written in 2021. In the US we had the looming threat of losing protections from Roe by then and that really put a damper on my own baby fever. That and I had by then watched like 7 seasons of call the midwife. So suffice to say I had come to see new earth baby was just a horror fic waiting to happen, and felt like Kathryn would just never go through with that while stranded or in the captain's chair. So I had Kathryn put a new earth baby in long term stasis for Parent Trap and I did away with the concept in Eden entirely.
Having also experienced two years of people trying to control a real pandemic by then the vidiians approach to the phage continued to facinate me. I don't think I would have come up with the idea of the New Earth virus as a quarentine measure otherwise. Creating a plot for Chakotay and his own skill set also helped bring the whole thing together. I let the potential of a maquis freedom fighter out to play to create a solution that was definitely the best option and definitely not starfleet sanctioned. He flies under the radar as a self-sacrificing maverick given how often it's Janeway pulling out the big guns. But he absolutely also is one. And that was really fun to explore.
Ultimately I think you see undercurrents of the first 2 drafts in the final story. The romantic yacht that they sail back to Voyager in certainly harkened back to the fluffier iteration. I really was very pleased with how it turned out. Rereading it two years later there isnt much that i would change. And that makes me really proud of it. I loved writing a mystery. I loved exploring a more mature and measured version of a romance. I loved bringing the science into it! (and I lucked out having someone with an anthropology/archeology background betaing it)
One thing I would change is the inclusion of some of Chakotays spiritual elements. It was kinda a trend at the time to have him say "Spirits" in lieu of saying "Oh, God" as a way to honor whatever indigenous beliefs he is supposed to have (as we all know theyre very mismashed/made up/etc.) and to show he wasnt from a judeo-christian background. I've realized that was quite foolish now. Saying "Spirits" doesn't come from the show or from any actual native american tradition that I can find. I'd just have him say "God" or swear or something completely different now. In the same vein I want to eventually go back and edit the vision quest scene. I've grappled for years with how much of his canon beliefs to include since theyre all appropriated from different nations or just made up whole cloth. Vision quests aren't something I have personal knowledge of and not something I can research or give the appropriate respect to. So I think that while I might still have him leave their campsite to do one, I'd change the vision/memory itself into a dream, similar to the way his flashbacks to the war worked in a later chapter.
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foundtherightwords · 10 months
Love in a Storm - Chapter 7
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham (Regency AU)
Summary: A devastating loss threatens the happy marriage of Edward and Christine Munson, Lord and Lady Hurtsfield. However, when Edward is accused of a crime he didn't commit, Christine has to set her grief aside and embark on a perilous journey to prove her husband's innocence.
Warnings: childbirth, stillbirth, infertility, angst, false accusation, wrongful imprisonment, legal drama, some violence (non-graphic), some smut (non-explicit)
Chapter warnings: implied violence/blood
Chapter word count: 4.1k
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6
Chapter 7
The slums of Whitechapel were no place for a lady, especially at night. It didn't have the alluring air of illicit pleasure like Covent Garden, or the desperate yet dashing air of a criminal den like the Rookery of St. Giles. It was simply desperate. The fitful light of the gas lamps was soaked up by the filth piled high on the streets, unable to penetrate into the depth of their narrow lanes and alleys. The noises from the taverns were vicious rather than lively, the shouts of drunken men and women mixed with the crying of children, and the people had a harsh, hopeless look to them, as though life had trodden them down so much that they saw no reason to go on living, and just drifted along, waiting for it all to end.
When venturing into Whitechapel, the best outcome one could hope for was to walk out without one's purse. Sometimes, one would not even walk out at all.
So yes, these slums were no place for a lady. But this lady was at the end of her ropes, and venture into them she must.
Following Murray's advice, Christine had informed the Misses Hargrove of her intentions to find Henry Creel. They had been understandably concerned, but she'd managed to convince them that it would help Edward, and Murray had assured them that he would be having his informants follow them at a discreet distance at all times, and eventually, the sisters had relented. However, for all of Murray's confidence in their scheme, Creel proved to be more slippery than an eel. Though Christine continued to accompany Beatrice and Minerva on their daily rounds to all the slums and workhouses, Creel made no appearance. They questioned all the inmates at the workhouses and the inhabitants of the slums, some of whom did report seeing a fair-haired stranger around, but he never conversed with any of them nor give any indication of where he was staying.
The trips weren't wholly wasted, though. The more Christine saw of the slums and their appalling conditions, the more she understood why Edward had been so passionate about improving them, and the more her anger towards him was stripped away. One could not witness such misery without wanting to do something, anything about it. And the more she understood and admired Edward for what he'd been trying to do, the more she yearned to free him from prison. He was only trying to do the right thing, and he was unjustly punished for it.
And yet the key to his release remained elusive.
Perhaps Creel didn't dare follow her in broad daylight, with so many people around. If he had seen her - and provided that he was loitering around the slums, he couldn't have missed her, as the Misses Hargrove always made their presences known - Christine suspected that he would wait until dark to make his move. Murray agreed with her, but when Christine tentatively brought up the idea of her going out after dark, the barrister put his foot down. It was too big of a risk, he said, and he couldn't rely on his informants to keep an eye on her in the dark.
Christine was forced to comply, until she learned that the trial was set for April 17th.
"But that's next week!" she exclaimed to Murray. Panic chilled her chest and sent burning bile to the back of her throat. "Why so soon?"
"They have already decided on the verdict," Murray said grimly. "The trials are just for show. The only reprieve we have is that the prisoners are going to be tried separately, and his lordship's trial is last. Five of them have pleaded guilty, so it should give us about a week to ten days at the most, to prepare."
"Who is going to be tried first?" Christine asked dejectedly.
"Arthur Thistlewood." The ringleader. Naturally. The Privy Council would want to secure his guilty verdict, so all the others would look guilty by association.
A week to ten days, to find a dangerous man that didn't want to be found, while it had taken them a fortnight just to find Jane. Christine decided she couldn't keep taking precautions while Edward wasted away in prison. And so she had recruited Owens.
"Accompany you where, my lady?" the butler had asked, wide-eyed with shock, when she first breached the subject to him.
"To the slums."
"But—my lady—you can't—"
"I need to gather some information that could help his lordship," she said. If she gave a detailed explanation, Owens might refuse, so she kept it as vague as possible. "I know it's not safe, that's why I need you to accompany me. Please."
In the end, Owens had reluctantly agreed. To Christine's surprise, he'd even brought along an old pistol. "I was in the Peninsula," he said, by way of explaining, and Christine had nodded at him gratefully. Almost all of the servants hired in London had given their notice after Edward's arrest, but Owens had stayed on. He might be a snob, but he was a loyal snob. Christine reminded herself to be nicer to Owens from now on.
As Christine picked her way through the cobblestoned streets of Whitechapel, she was reminded of another night, four years ago, when she had been lost on a street just like this in Covent Garden, heartsick and frightened out of her wits, only to run straight into Edward. It was the night they had first met, and also the night he'd proposed to her. What an unconventional courtship they'd had. The memory brought a smile to her lips, but it quickly vanished when she was reminded of her task. Edward had saved her that night. Now it was her turn to save him.
She kept walking, intending to go a full circuit of the slums before the night was out. She turned off the busier thoroughfare and headed down a quiet lane. Here, away from the taverns and the public houses, people wandered about listlessly, men and women and children, clad in little more than rags, their eyes furtive or sullen or, worst of all, completely expressionless. Some of the livelier ones glanced at Christine as she walked past, or even followed her. Low voices in strange languages reached her ears; she could make out their pleading tone, but she couldn't tell if they were Italian or Greek, Russian or Polish, and the unfamiliar tongues lent their words a sense of menace. She had taken care not to bring any money with her to prevent a recurrence of the scene outside the St. Andrew Holborn workhouse, but even so, she felt fear creeping up her back like icy fingers.
As she approached the docks, the crowd thinned. The only sounds remaining were her footsteps, and, behind her, those of Owens, fainter, slower, but always there.
But were those the only sounds? Somewhere in the distance, Christine heard a high, thin noise that became shriller and shriller as she drew near. A scream, she realized. Someone was screaming at the top of their lungs, a terrified and terrifying sound. It was coming from the direction of the docks.
And, as if awakened by that scream, the inhabitants of Whitechapel trickled out from their houses, rooms, and street corners, one by one at first. Then, as the scream continued, they came by droves, temporarily invigorated by the prospect of someone else's misfortune, the vacant look in their eyes replaced by a ghoulish curiosity. They rushed down the mouth of the alley, toward the docks, and Christine couldn't do anything other than getting swept along with them.
A crowd had already formed by the dockside, next to a tower of old crates and ropes. The scream turned into sobs, while other shouts and cries went up, no less terrified. Some fell back upon seeing whatever was behind the crates, their eyes popping, hands clamped over their mouths. Others were rooted to the spot, too petrified to move. A woman ran past Christine, crossing herself, muttering, "Il Diavolo!" Christine's grasp of Italian might be strenuous, but even she could tell what that meant. The Devil.
Nobody seemed to pay attention to the screamer - a young woman around Christine's age. She stood to the side of the crowd, shaking like a leaf, tears streaming down her face, pressing a corner of her shawl to her mouth, as if to hold the screams inside. Christine went to her. "What happened?" she asked.
The young woman turned her huge eyes upon Christine, eyes filled with fear and incomprehension, and only kept shaking.
Christine reached out a hand and tentatively took hold of the young woman's limp, ice-cold fingers, pressing them gently. "Do you speak English?" she said, bending closer so the young woman could hear her over the noise of the crowd. "Could you tell me what happened?"
Perhaps it was the touch of Christine's hand, or perhaps it was her soft voice, but somehow the young woman came out of her daze and slowly lowered the shawl from her mouth. "It's—it's—Patsy—" she said, her Irish brogue still obvious despite her tremulous voice. "I told her not to go with that man... but she just laughed... she said, 'A wee lad like him? I can handle ten of him!' And—and now..."
"What man? What does he look like?" Christine asked.
"Never seen him before. He was good-lookin' enough, that's why poor Patsy—" The young woman clamped the shawl to her mouth again to suppress a whimper. "But I didn't like the look in his eyes. And that scar..."
The icy fingers of fear gripped Christine's heart once more. A constable's whistle rang out sharply in the distance, causing the crowd to scatter like leaves in the wind, and she finally had a good look at what was behind the crates - a woman lying on her back, her neck bent at an unnatural angle, her chest a mass of gaping wounds, from which still oozed a viscous-looking liquid that glistened darkly under the dim light of the gas lamps.
Christine didn't remember how Owens had gotten her away from the docks and back home. She only had a dim memory of the cab ride, and next thing she knew, she was in the parlor, with a glass of brandy in her hands and Owens telling her, "This folly cannot continue, my lady. I'm sorry, but if you insist on my accompanying you to places where women could be carved up like pieces of meat like that, then I shall have to—I shall have to hand in my notice!" Apparently, this was the worst deed Owens could think of.
She hardly heard him. All she could see was the woman by the dock and the wounds on her chest; all she could hear was the screaming of the victim's friend. It was Creel, she had no doubt of it. What had poor Patsy done that had caused him to unleash his wrath on her? Had she refused his advances? Had she demanded too high a price for her service? Or perhaps she had simply caught him in a bad mood. Jane's words came circling her mind, echoing horribly in her ears. He is mad because I dared to stand up to him... He enjoys inflicting pain... He calls them animals... How could such a monster be reckoned with? How could she even hope to discover him?
Thistlewood's trial started on Monday. Christine was too nervous to attend, but Murray did and reported back diligently. According to him, the witnesses' testimonies were believable, but it was clear they had memorized these events - when cross-examined, they tended to repeat them exactly, like schoolboys reciting their lessons. Murray believed he could use this to his advantage. But clearly, it wasn't enough of an advantage for Thistlewood, as he was found guilty after two days of trial.
In the week that followed, one by one, his co-conspirators were also found guilty.
Despite orders from the government forbidding the reporting of the trials, some papers still went ahead, as the sensational story was too good for their business to be passed up. In the days leading up to Edward's trial, the papers went into something of a feeding frenzy. A peer, to be tried for treason! Such a thing was unheard of, and a sure sign of the government's impartiality and the power of justice! Christine could only laugh bitterly at all the headlines. If Edward had been a wealthy man, if he had been on friendly terms with members of the Privy Council, if he hadn't spoken against the government so publicly, he would've gotten away with murder.
The papers tried to excavate, and, in some cases, even fabricate, any lurid detail they could about Edward and the Munson family. The servants reported being accosted by unscrupulous journalists on the streets, and the more brazen ones had taken to encamp outside their house. Finally, unable to endure it any longer, Christine ordered Owens to stop buying papers and to keep the front door and the shutters firmly closed. She was only glad that the papers hadn't been able to find out about Jane, though she hated the idea of the girl alone in that little room in Southwark, with nothing but her own fear for company. But to move her would be too dangerous. The Misses Hargrove had found her passage on a ship to America and had written to their friends in Philadelphia, asking them to take Jane in. Now they only had to wait for the ship's departure.
It was not being able to see Edward that made the waiting so painful. To help him prepare for the trial, Christine had sent him some fresh clothes and a cheering letter, even though it was short and pale compared to all the things she wished she could have said to him. Those things were held in her heart; her mind could not form them into words, her hand could not put them to paper. If she could only see Edward, she could let him know. But after Murray heard about the murder in Whitechapel, he had explicitly told all three women to cease their wandering about the slums at once, even during the day.
If it hadn't been for that, she would have risked another trip to Coldbath Fields to visit Edward before his trial. Murray insisted she only left the house in a case of absolute necessity, and she was unable to convince him that visiting her husband was absolutely necessary. In fact, she'd had to grudgingly admit he was right. The thought of Creel lurking out there was enough to freeze her blood with terror, while a fire burned in the pit of her stomach for Edward. Christine existed in a perpetual state of restlessness as the two feelings fought each other for control, sending her into wild palpitations. One minute her heart was hammering in her chest and her blood burned in her veins, the next it was slowing almost to a stop, causing her extremities to go numb with cold. Worst of all, Edward's time was running out, and she was besieged in the house, powerless to do anything to help.
Of course, there was one other way to help Edward - Joshua Craven, the Duke of Hauxwell. Christine had tried to push the idea to the back of her mind while she focused on finding Creel. When there were only a few days left before Edward's trial, though, it had crawled to the front again and refused to budge. She was well aware that the chances of her finding proof of the bribery might be slim, and that Hauxwell was not to be trusted, but as the guilty verdicts piled up, the battering ram of anxiety started wearing down her rational mind. This inactivity was unbearable. She had to try to save Edward, by any means necessary.
Christine's hand trembled slightly as she lifted the heavy, ornate knocker on the front door of the Hauxwell's residence. Her apprehension had nothing to do with Henry Creel - the mansion was on one of the most fashionable streets of Mayfair, and it was the middle of the day; she doubted Creel would be so bold as to follow her here. No, it was because of Joshua himself. It had been nearly four years since she'd last seen him, and she didn't know how he was going to receive her. She briefly touched Edward's letter, which she had stuffed into her bodice, to remind herself why she was here. Edward trusted her. So she needed to trust herself as well.
When the door was opened, she presented her card and was ushered into the front hall. Compared to their modest townhouse, this was a veritable palace, richly furnished with the most fashionable mahogany furniture, silk damask hangings, and Oriental carpets. Christine looked at it all with a critical eye, noting that there seemed to be rather too many marble pillars, too many gold-leafed friezes, too many crystal chandeliers, too many gilt candlesticks and gilt-framed pictures and objets d’art, all piled up in an ostentatious display of wealth. Her mouth quirked up wryly. Clearly, the Duchess of Hauxwell had had a generous dowry.
As she reflected on the Duchess, another thought struck Christine. Despite their simple furnishing and general clutter, their townhouse here in London and Hurstfield Hall both had the feel of a home, a lived-in place filled with life and love. This house was as cold and silent as a tomb, its lack of human warmth only heightened by all the rich decorations. Christine wondered where the Duchess and her two young daughters were, and what their life with Joshua was like. Suddenly she felt sorry for the woman whom she'd once considered her rival, though they'd never met.   
The butler, who was just as ostentatious as the house, reappeared. "His Grace shall receive you in the drawing room, madam," he said. Christine had chosen to go alone to be discreet, but now she found herself wishing she had brought Owens along. He would've given this butler a run for his money.
More gold and crystal and silk and velvet awaited in the drawing room. Christine stood by the fireplace, which was so big it threatened to swallow her up, and tried to gather her thoughts. She wouldn't be able to secure concrete proof of the bribery, she knew - it was not as if Hauxwell had it written down in an account book and would give it to her willingly - but perhaps she could appeal to his sympathy, or his ego, and convince him to use his influence on Lord Sidmouth and the Privy Council.
The door behind her opened, and Joshua strolled in, still looking as handsome as ever. Her heart skipped a beat, though she quickly realized it was a mere reflexive reaction born out of habit. She felt nothing for him now save for a mild contempt, and from his cold smile, it appeared the feeling was mutual.  
"Lady Hurstfield," he said. "It has been some time since we last met. Won't you sit down?"
Christine's pride stung when she remembered at their last encounter, she'd told Joshua that he would never see her again. But she said nothing and sat down on a luxurious-looking but uncomfortable chair.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Joshua asked, as a maid served them tea before beating a quick retreat. Christine took note of the girl's fearful glance at Joshua.
"Lord Hauxwell," Christine replied, trying to force some warmth into her voice. "Forgive my imposition, but I'm in need of your assistance. No doubt you have heard of the charges against my husband..."
Joshua's eyes went, if possible, even colder, but he only gave an almost imperceptible dip of his head and said, "Yes. My condolences. It must be quite hard for you."
He spoke as if Edward was already dead. Christine felt an angry retort rising to her lips, but she reminded herself to remain civil. Being sharp with him would not help Edward. "Thank you," she said.
"So how can I be of assistance?"
Christine licked her lips, which had gone dry. "I know the Home Secretary, Lord Sidmouth, is your godfather. I was wondering... if you could... if you would be so kind... to acquire me an interview with him, or speak to him on my behalf, and convince him to remove those charges."
A slow, condescending smile appeared on Joshua's face, mocking her naïveté. "You are well aware I cannot do that," he said. "Any connection I have with Lord Sidmouth is strictly personal."
"And yet you didn't hesitate to use your own money to pay off witnesses for him," Christine retorted before she could stop herself. At least she had the satisfaction of seeing Joshua waver for a moment. Obviously, he'd expected her to come begging on her knees, not attacking him with all her guns blazing.
"How do you know that?" he asked.
"I have my way," she said. She wasn't going to make life even more difficult for Mrs. Adams and her children by revealing her as the source.
Joshua eyed her for a moment, probably to calculate how much she really knew. She returned his look with a calm, impassive gaze. Then his lips curled up in an imitation of the smile that had once gotten her weak at the knees. "It appears we both have what the other wants, Lady Hurstfield," he said. "Why don't we work out a trade?"
"What do you mean?" Christine asked warily.
Joshua left his seat and walked over to her. Refusing to look up at him, she got to her feet as well. When he pressed on, she turned away from him and headed toward the fireplace. Joshua faltered a moment, then followed her.
"I shall ask Lord Sidmouth to drop the charges against your husband," he said, leaning an arm against the mantelpiece. "And in return..."
Christine hated to ask, but she did anyway. "What do you want?"
Joshua glanced at the door, making sure it was still firmly shut. Then, with that horrible, patronizing smile still pasted to his face, he lifted a hand to her face. Christine whipped her head away, so only the back of his fingernails dragged across her cheek. "My dear Christine," he said, "you know I've never stopped loving you..."
"You've got a funny way of showing it," Christine hissed through her teeth. Every fiber of her being was screaming at her to leave, to get away before she suffered worse humiliation, but she was hemmed in - Joshua had placed his hands on the mantelpiece on both sides of her, and the fireplace was behind her.
"Oh, I wish you would stop holding a youthful mistake against me," Joshua said lightly, as though he hadn't broken her heart by discarding her, and then hadn't degraded her further by offering to make her his mistress. "I'm not asking for your forgiveness. All I'm asking for is one last chance to show my love for you," he murmured, lifting his hand to stroke her cheek and her neck again. "Just one night... or even right now... Amelia and the girls have gone to my country estate. No one has to know..."
Anger and disgust rose within her. Her skin crawled from the slightest contact with Joshua; even the heat from his body was unbearable. She shouldn't have come here. She should've listened to her instinct. Joshua would never help her, even if she accepted his horrible proposal. He simply enjoyed toying with her, enjoyed her desperation and mortification. He was as much of a monster as Creel was, even if he didn't inflict bodily harm on others.
Her shame turned into fury. "You bastard!" she snarled.
Her knee went up and caught Joshua between the legs. As he yelped out in pain, she shoved him backward and away from her, sending him crashing into the back of a chair and sprawling on the floor.
Christine watched him struggle to get up, wishing she could give him another kick for good measure, but she didn't want to be arrested for assault.
Just then, the door flew open and the butler came in. "Is something the matter, Your Grace? I heard shouting—" His eyes widened as he took in Joshua rolling around on the carpet, whimpering, with Christine standing over him like an avenging Fury.
"Oh, I'm afraid His Grace has had a bit of an accident," she said sweetly. "Could you take care of him, please?" And, leaving the butler staring after her in shock, she stalked out of the Hauxwell mansion.
Chapter 8
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A/N: Some readers felt that Joshua/Jason got away with it too lightly in "Love in a Mist", so here's my just dessert for him. It may not be that big of a deal, but I want Christine (and the reader) to have that cathartic satisfaction of kicking the jerk down :))
Also, some spice is coming next chapter!
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dailycharacteroption · 7 months
Conversion Corner: Even More Bloodstained Spells part 1
We’re back with even more spells from Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night! I still love this game, so why not convert a few more shards into spells?
This will probably be the last time though, too many of these shards are very similar to spells that already exist in Pathfinder, making them a bit redundant.
To start us off, I’ll be doing one of the “summon” shards, one of many shards that conjures a replica on one of the game’s enemies to attack. While many are just glorified attack spells that don’t have much motivation of their own, they can be quite powerful and damaging, especially once upgraded.
Our first subject is the Flytrap shard. Acquired from the moco weed monster, this shard drops a replica of the carnivorous plant at Miriam’s feet, resembling an organic bear trap that damages and immobilizes some enemies, making it a useful trap in the right circumstances.
While laying down a single trap wouldn’t be so useful in a game with 3 dimensions, if we modify it to create more, it could be used to seed the battlefield and control it.
Ravenous Garden
School conjuration (creation) ; Level druid 4,ranger 4, sorcerer/wizard 5, summoner 4, witch 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M/DF (dried leaf of a flytrap)
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect one carnivorous plant/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw none ; Spell Resistance no
Carnivorous plants like living bear traps spring up in the squares you select, even growing on walls and ceilings.
The plants have no actions of their own, but can make a number of attacks of opportunity equal to your spellcasting ability modifier per round against creatures that move through or near their space, having a reach of 5 feet. They make attack rolls with a base attack bonus equal to your level and a strength equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. On a hit, their bite deals 1d6 damage plus their strength bonus, and immediately make a grapple attempt against the target, ignoring the normal rules for size difference. They also have a CMB of 10 plus their base attack and strength
Upon grappling a target, they deal their bite damage each round as part of maintaining their grapple. The act of a creature breaking free, no matter the method, destroys the inner workings of the conjured plant, effectively destroying it.
The plants are Tiny and cannot provide cover, but they are fairly sturdy (AC 7, hp 30, break DC 20). Creatures can move through squares containing plants as normal, though their movement may be stopped by a successful grapple attempt.
I based this spell on the garden of peril spell, making it higher level to reflect the damage and semi-reusability of the conjured plants.
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unrivalling · 5 months
5, 18, 29?
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
So I don’t like saying never, since things could always change. Some ideas never take off and some ideas seem dead before rising up out of the ground like zombies to torment the living.
I do have a Lot of Sk8 multichapters that there just simply is not enough of me to write. Maybe I’ll pick one of these up if/when we get an S2, or if I manage to publish an original book between now and then and feel better about writing longfic. They include:
1) a three part Fodlan AU epic where the Sk8 crew starts as a group of Robin Hood-esque outlaws before being arrested by the notorious Hubert von Vestra and conscripted as agents of Adrestia. Starts as adventure but turns into a war epic where they all struggle to recognize not only each other but also themselves.
2) Sk8 pirate AU
3) Sk8 thriller/murder mystery where someone dies via overdose of a mysterious new drug at S. Adam is caught between the yakuza, who think he’s branching out into dealing on their turf, and the police. The crew has to solve the crime before either party catches up to them.
4) Not a longfic, just not high on my list per se because it’s a little too bleak even for me.
Eden. Zombie apocalypse fic where skilled skateboarders, cyclists, rollerbladers etc are the best way to get messages or resources around the island. It starts out as the 8 of them but the crew dies one at a time as the years go on, until Adam and Langa are the only ones skilled enough to still be alive. They find comfort with each other in their shared history and shared solitude, and by the end it’s the only thing keeping them going.
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
Oh man this is a good question. There’s a lot I’m genuinely proud of, but probably this bit from From the Garden. (Sorry, including the whole paragraph because my fave lines doesn’t make sense without it)
Then there was Tadashi.
They’d been close, then far apart, then close again. The stubborn silence and hurt of the last seven years lived in Ainosuke’s bones right along with them coming back together, wanting to build a future after wasting all that time in an emotional standoff. No matter which way he looked at his life, it was a palindrome, with him and Tadashi growing distant and then close again.
Finally, he settled on memories of being a child with Tadashi, of that spectacular summer where Tadashi taught him to skate and they’d spent every day together. No matter what else had happened, Ainosuke had just needed to see Tadashi and their decks and he’d feel like he could fly. It was the happiest he’d ever been.
If he was fading, those were the memories he wanted to fade into.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
HMM there was an original draft of the Grell peril scene in Passing the World By that was a little hornier (inspired by a scene in the second Elvira movie), to the point where I decided to cut it and possibly expand it into its own fic at some point. This text won’t stay the same, but I want to repurpose the scenario.
To his surprise, he arrived in a chamber that was dimly lit by oil lamps. A desk littered with papers sat at one end of the room with a messy bookshelf behind it. All around the room, old torture devices lay in all sorts of configurations, rusted, dusted, and covered by cobwebs.
Sebastian fought the urge to stop and organize things. Just because someone was an occultist was no excuse for mess. In fact, he’d seen plenty of examples for why one should keep a tidy workstation when communing with the nether reaches of reality.
However, a steady, loud, clicking sound coming from the next room drew his focus instead.
When he opened the door to a spacious antechamber with a stone dais at the center, the person inside made eye contact and grinned wildly, tinged with a panic he’d rarely seen in a Reaper’s green eyes.
“Bassie! Oh my, how long has it been? Thirty years?!” She shifted uncomfortably, her back against stone. “I know I always say this, but I am glad to see you. Your timing is impeccable, you know that?”
Sebastian stepped through the entryway and took stock of the situation.
Grell Sutcliff was bound to a stone dais in the center of the room, her arms held over her head in a pair of strong metal stocks, while her ankles were locked in a second pair at the end of the dais. A matching metal collar was wrapped around her throat, her hair bunched up underneath it at the hinges as it kept her from lifting her head too high. Her captor had left her glasses, which didn’t seem like a mercy, considering the circumstances.
Overhead, a bladed pendulum hung in the air, swinging ominously back and forth directly over Grell’s stomach—it would have been nearly imperceptible to a human, but Sebastian could see that it was dropping further down. The sharpened blade glinted in the light, and it was easily identifiable as a reaper’s scythe.
He caught himself smiling. What an interesting predicament she’d found herself in.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you arranged this.” Sebastian leaned over, then glanced up at the blade overhead as it swung and ticked a notch closer. “Did you really miss me that much?”
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palaceofimperium · 1 year
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While Raguel is letting everyone in the dining room know what has gone on, Abriella and Cruz are still out in the garden.
Abriella tried to assess the situation around her as her shock began to wear off. She still was having problems taking in the fact that her uncle Damien had seemingly lost his mind and attacked not only his daughter but his highest General in a fit of rage that eclipsed anything she could have previously imagined him capable of.  The fact that Lucifer had known that something like this was coming and had made preparations chilled her even more.  He hadn’t shared that information with her, or anyone for that matter, before it had happened.  What else was he hiding?  It was something that she and Cruz would have to discuss with him later.
At the moment, Lucifer was escorting Kaylin to her suite so that she could get cleaned up and rest.  Arioch and Mithos had taken Asher to the infirmary to get further healing and so Arch could give him some medicinal herbs specific to dragons.  While they could heal to a point, if they tried to completely heal him, there was the potential that they would miss something that  had they let it finish healing on their own would have been taken care of.  For that reason, all supernatural healing rarely went beyond 75%.  This also took into account that not all beings had organs and such in the same place and sometimes trying to heal a being with an organ system different than your own could cause more damage than good past that point.
The only two members of her Royal Guard not otherwise occupied, Orpheus and Andronicus, were currently cleaning up the garden around her as Abriella was lost in her thoughts and trying to still digest it all and turn it over in her mind.  Cruz was off to the side, watching everything transpire with an indecipherable look on his face.  From his words earlier, she knew that he was unhappy about what Damien had done to both Asher and Kaylin, but beyond that she did not know the thoughts of her brother.  Were she to be completely honest, she wasn’t sure if she was ready to broach that subject with him either.  Often his thoughts leaned to the darker and more violent side.
Finally the blood was off the grass, or at least what was left blended in with it.  Being that Asher’s blood was golden colored, it didn’t quite clash with the green grass like red did, so it had seemed to fade away faster.  A troll and a goblin that worked in the garden were draining the fountains and running something through the piping that would take care of the blood there so that when it was turned on again that the water would once more run clear.  Pixies and gnomes were out tending to the flowers, bringing out their frogs and snails to help.  There was a flurry of activity everywhere.
With everything being handled, Abriella went over to stand next to Cruz, who still was as stoic and unmoving as a statue.  “Should we increase patrols around the Palace? I know that we have increased the wards, but Damien may have friends and contacts already here that we would not have looked askance at before.”  There was no one within the Palace that she trusted more than her brother, certainly not when it came to the security of those who she cared about.  Kaylin and she may not have been the closest, but they were family and family was always first.
“It would seem most prudent.”  Cruz looked down at his sister and sighed.  This was not a situation he wanted either of them to be in.  It would not be the Princes that would bring war to their door next, but their own kin.  “No one should leave the Palace until Damien has been dealt with.  We dost not wish to hand him a hostage.  His sanity is most certainly gone and anyone who did fall into his grasp would be in great peril.”  This happening on the day that Abriella’s friends had come to the Palace was a tragic coincidence and he was sure that it was not escaping any of the males that remained in the dining room that they would not only need to help the females adjust to life in Imperium, but also to be more vigilant than normal.
Abriella’s head nodded, her face serious.  Inside, her emotions churned and her thoughts tumbled. There was no stillness in her mind or soul. It was not as if they had not been fighting almost constant wars and battles for several years with the Princes, but this was different.  Some of those that they were facing would have previously been allies that they had fought alongside in the past.  Would they truly come against the forces of Imperium that backed Abriella and Cruz?  Or would they decide that they were not as loyal to Damien as he  believed them to be?  She did not know, but the thoughts were weighing on her heart along with others.  By now everyone would have heard some version of what had happened from Raguel.  While no doubt he would have done his best not to scare everyone, she knew her friends who weren’t from Imperium would be worried and possibly even scared.  Hopefully her grandfather, father, and the others who were from there could reassure them that they were all safe.  But for how long?
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developerwith1 · 1 month
From Wikipedia to Google Rankings: The Strategic Impact of Backlinks on Your Website's Visibility
Ever wonder how some websites seem to magically appear at the top of your Google search? It's not Hogwarts at work but rather the strategic use of backlinks, particularly those from a powerhouse like Wikipedia. Before we jump into dreams of skyrocketing our website's visibility, let's get one thing straight: the journey from Wikipedia to Google's first page isn't about finding a shortcut or looking up how to buy Wikipedia backlinks. It's about understanding the art and science behind backlinks and using them wisely. Ready to become a backlink wizard? Let's dive in!
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The Magic Behind Wikipedia Backlinks
Wikipedia backlinks are like secret passages that lead directly to the treasure trove of your website. They signal to Google that your site is a credible source of information, worthy of being ranked higher in search results. But remember, true magic requires skill and ethics, not just a wand wave (or a credit card swipe).
Why Google Loves Wikipedia
Google has a crush on Wikipedia, and who can blame it? Wikipedia is the encyclopedia of the digital age, respected and trusted. When your website is linked from Wikipedia, Google sees it as a nod of approval, boosting your site's credibility in its eyes.
The Ethical Path to Backlinking
Walking the ethical path to backlinking means contributing valuable content and knowledge to Wikipedia, not just sneaking in your links. It's about being a good citizen of the web, not just hunting for SEO gains.
Crafting Content Worthy of Wikipedia
Creating content that Wikipedia will love is like preparing a gourmet meal for a top chef. It needs to be rich in information, impeccably sourced, and relevant. Serve up a dish that Wikipedia can't resist, and you might just earn yourself a backlink.
Navigating the Waters of Wikipedia Submission
Submitting to Wikipedia is akin to navigating a ship through stormy seas. You need to know the rules, understand the etiquette, and sail with precision. It's about making contributions that matter, not just dropping anchor anywhere.
The Guardian Role: Protecting Your Backlink
Once you secure a backlink from Wikipedia, your job isn't done. You need to monitor and protect it, ensuring that your content remains relevant and your link stays intact amidst the waves of edits that Wikipedia pages often see.
Decoding Google's Backlink Algorithm
Understanding how Google views backlinks is like unlocking a secret code. Google values quality, relevance, and trustworthiness. A backlink from Wikipedia is like having a VIP pass in Google's eyes, giving your site a boost in the rankings.
The Dos and Don'ts of Acquiring Backlinks
Do: Focus on creating quality content that naturally earns backlinks. Don't: Fall into the trap of buying backlinks, which can do more harm than good to your site's reputation and rankings.
The Power of Visibility: Beyond Wikipedia
While Wikipedia backlinks are gold, don't put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your backlink portfolio with links from other reputable sites to maximize your website's visibility and authority.
The Perils of Purchasing Backlinks
Thinking of taking a shortcut and buying backlinks, including those from Wikipedia? Think again. This practice is fraught with risks, including penalties from Google that can send your site plummeting in the rankings.
Building a Natural Backlink Portfolio
The best backlink portfolio grows organically, nurtured over time through quality content and genuine engagement with the web community. It's a garden, not a factory.
The Synergy Between Wikipedia and SEO Strategy
Incorporating Wikipedia into your SEO strategy should be done with care and respect for the platform's guidelines. When done right, this synergy can propel your website to new heights in Google's rankings.
Success Stories: The Wikipedia Backlink Advantage
Many websites have seen their visibility and authority soar after earning backlinks from Wikipedia. These success stories are testament to the power of ethical engagement and quality content.
The Future of Backlinks in SEO
As Google's algorithms evolve, the importance of quality backlinks remains constant. The future of SEO will continue to favor websites that earn backlinks through credibility and valuable contributions to the internet.
Conclusion: Your Next Steps in the Backlink Journey
Embarking on your backlink journey with Wikipedia is a step towards greater visibility and authority for your website. Remember, it's about contributing value, not just seeking gains. Start by enhancing your content, engaging ethically with platforms like Wikipedia, and watch as your website climbs the rankings, propelled by the strategic impact of backlinks. Forget the notion of trying to buy Wikipedia backlinks; the real magic lies in earning them through merit and contribution
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shinoko-violence-fun · 5 months
Chapter 1: The Silent Shadows
In a hidden village, Shoko, a mysterious shinobi with unparalleled skills, moved through the shadows. Her silent footsteps echoed the secrets she carried.
Chapter 2: The Forbidden Scroll
Shoko uncovered a forbidden scroll containing ancient techniques. As she delved into its pages, a dark force stirred within, setting her on a path of both power and peril.
Chapter 3: Shadows of the Past
Haunted by a forgotten past, Shoko confronted her memories. A long-lost friend emerged, revealing secrets that threatened to unravel her carefully crafted identity.
Chapter 4: Dance of Blades
Shoko's mastery of the blade was unmatched. As she faced a formidable rival, the dance of steel unfolded, leaving the village in awe of her lethal grace.
Chapter 5: Whispers in the Wind
A shadowy organization sought the forbidden scroll. Whispers of betrayal and conspiracy surrounded Shoko as she navigated the intricate web of ninja politics.
Chapter 6: The Hidden Enemy
Shoko uncovered a traitor within the village, forcing her to confront the harsh reality of trust and deception. The line between friend and foe blurred in the shadows.
Chapter 7: Moonlit Serenity
Amidst chaos, Shoko found solace in the moonlit serenity of a hidden garden. Unveiling her vulnerabilities, she forged unexpected alliances to protect what she held dear.
Chapter 8: Forbidden Bonds
A forbidden romance blossomed, challenging the traditions of the ninja world. Shoko's heart became entwined with another, threatening to shatter the foundation of her loyalty.
Chapter 9: The Cursed Mark
Shoko discovered a cursed mark on her arm, a dark legacy intertwined with her destiny. As its power grew, so did the danger it posed to the village and Shoko herself.
Chapter 10: Shadows Unveiled
In a climactic battle, Shoko faced the true mastermind behind the chaos. Secrets were unveiled, alliances tested, and the fate of the hidden village hung in the balance.
Chapter 11: The Silent Legacy
As the dust settled, Shoko emerged from the shadows, forever changed. Her legacy became a tale whispered in the wind, a silent reminder of the sacrifices made to protect the hidden world of the shinobi.
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thewesterncanon · 7 months
The Benefits of Raised Garden Bed Kits for Your Home Garden
Home gardening has become an increasingly popular endeavor, and for good reason. It offers a range of benefits, from providing fresh, organic produce to enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your property. One key element in this horticultural journey is the use of raised garden bed kit, which have gained widespread recognition among gardening enthusiasts. These kits offer an array of advantages that can make your gardening experience more efficient, enjoyable, and rewarding. In this discussion, we will delve into the numerous benefits of raised garden bed kits and how they can contribute to the success of your home garden.
Effortless Setup
Raised garden bed kits are a game changer for gardening enthusiasts of all levels. Their effortless setup simplifies the entire gardening experience, offering a quick and hassle free installation process. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced gardener, these kits provide a convenient way to get your garden started without the complexities of traditional ground level gardening.
Optimal Soil Control
These kits empower you with unparalleled soil management capabilities. You can tailor the soil to the specific needs of your plants, herbs, or vegetables, ensuring they thrive in the perfect growing environment. With the ability to customize your soil composition, pH, and nutrients, you'll witness your garden flourish like never before.
Enhanced Drainage
Raised garden beds are champions in moisture management. They prevent waterlogging and promote efficient drainage, safeguarding your plants from the perils of root rot and other moisture related problems. This means healthier, more resilient plants that can withstand varying weather conditions.
Weed and Pest Management
With raised garden beds, implementing effective weed control measures becomes a breeze. These kits also help protect your plants from common garden pests by providing a physical barrier. This enhanced pest management system ensures your garden remains pest free, promoting healthier and more abundant harvests.
Ergonomic Gardening
The elevated design of these kits is a boon for gardeners concerned about back and knee strain. By bringing your garden to a more accessible height, raised beds reduce the physical toll of gardening. This means that people of all ages can comfortably engage in gardening, making it an inclusive and enjoyable activity for everyone.
Extended Growing Season
Raised garden beds excel at regulating soil temperature. This means that even in colder climates, your growing season can be extended. With better temperature control, you can enjoy fresh produce for more extended periods, ensuring a continuous supply of homegrown goodness.
Aesthetic Appeal
Beyond their functional benefits, raised garden bed kits also enhance the visual appeal of your garden. They provide a structured and organized appearance that complements your outdoor space. Your garden will not only flourish but also look well maintained and aesthetically pleasing, adding both functionality and beauty to your home garden.
In conclusion, raised garden bed kits are a valuable addition to any home garden. They offer a host of benefits, from improved soil quality and drainage to easier maintenance and pest control. These kits allow gardeners to customize their growing conditions, optimize space, and create a more accessible, enjoyable gardening experience. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, raised garden bed kits can elevate the productivity and aesthetics of your home garden. With their convenience and versatility, they empower individuals to cultivate their own fresh produce and cultivate a deep connection with nature right in their own backyard. So, consider integrating raised garden bed kits into your gardening efforts, and watch your home garden flourish.
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adamfinchley · 7 months
What came first, the dinosaur or the bacteria?
Less than fifty years ago the population of this planet was four billion and today it has just passed eight billion. That's a scary fact, and the only good news is that it is estimated to stop rising in the middle of this century. After then, it may even start to reverse. Such a startling fact also reminds us that humans have existed on Earth for just a tiny fraction of the age of the planet. We think we are masters of this place and we do so at our own peril. To try and get some timescale of our existence, we should remember that dinosaurs were here before us, two hundred million years ago and only disappeared sixty million years ago. Homo sapiens only evolved two hundred thousand years ago, started to look human just sixty thousand years ago, and are only considered to behave in anything resembling civilised groups, twenty thousand years ago. We also seem to be on course, as the most destructive creatures, to ensure we don't exist for many more generations to come. Whenever I think of dinosaurs roaming the Earth and films with humans it makes me laugh. No human existed literally millions of years back then. But there are some creatures that have changed very little since then. The turtles that live near my beach in the Eastern Mediterranean are thought to go back to the beginning of the dinosaur age. As do the lizards in the garden. But there are some creatures that go back to an age that may predate the dinosaurs and still live with us, most notably in our gut. Collectively we call them our microbiome and with these trillions of creatures, they account for around two kilos of our total weight. Bacteria could claim to be the oldest creatures on Earth and they could argue that we, along with the dinosaur, our the aliens on their planet.
Just like the adverts for liquids that will kill ninety-nine percent of all known germs in your kitchen, there also used to be other adverts to kill bacteria on your hands and even in your gut. The truth is, we rely on gut bacteria as much as any other major organ, The collective bugs of our microbiome have also been described as a vital part of our brain. There is a powerful link between the two and when one of them is out of sync, so too is the other. Our regrettable love of ultra-processed food, sometimes can cause problems in the intestines. A supplement like Oxy Powder is not intended to kill good bacteria, but by introducing oxygen it should stimulate them and encourage loosening of waste.
Any supplement in this area should only be taken if there is a careful look at diet and lifestyle. We are all guilty of snacking, and rushing poor meals containing so many unnecessary additives.
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The Fundamental Pillar Of Human Interaction
I personally think trust is such a beautiful thing; It operates as the melody that blends our interactions, the orchestration that coordinates our bonds, and the fundamental thread uniting us. It’s an inherent aspect of human disposition, meant to flow as effortlessly as our breath. Yet why is the concept of trust so unknown to so many people nowadays? It all boils down to society. Those malevolent individuals disregard the value of trust, exploiting and maneuvering it for their personal gains. They have shattered our naivety, tainted our faith in the inherent goodness of others, deprived trust of its untainted nature, and transformed it into a rare commodity. In this age of skepticism and duplicity, the genuine currency of trust has been debased, leaving us in a state of relational bankruptcy. This erosion of trust has seeped into our collective consciousness, breeding skepticism and making genuine connections harder to forge.
Some claim that trust must be earned, a notion that has been ingrained in our heads. But I think this is untrue. Trust is not simply an object to be traded or bartered for. It is not a privilege reserved for the elite few who prove themselves worthy. No, trust is our birthright, ingrained in the very core of our being. It is not for us to prove our worthiness to trust, but for others to honor the trust bestowed upon them. It needs to be maintained. Like a living organism, trust requires nurturing, care, and constant attention. It's not a static monument to one's achievements, but a dynamic force that thrives when reciprocated. Just as a garden flourishes when tended by diligent hands, trust blooms and strengthens when we honor the commitments it entails. Just as a flame dances higher when sheltered from the wind, trust intensifies when protected from the turbulence of deceit and betrayal.
Think back to the moment of our birth. Our first instinct is to trust. We instinctively gravitate towards our mothers, finding security in their embrace. We immediately seek comfort from our families, knowing that trust is an unspoken guarantee. Yet, as we grow, society's relentless waves of deception and broken promises erode that natural inclination, and the consequences of this are far-reaching. As the need for trust intensifies, the ability to trust diminishes. It becomes an insidious cycle, where the more we long for trust, the less we are capable of giving. Our world becomes a barren landscape of skepticism and suspicion, the fertile ground where trust once flourished lies fallow, and the delicate flowers of vulnerability struggle to bloom amidst the harsh winds of caution. From a tender age, we are cautioned against trusting strangers, warned of the perils that lie in wait. And so, the seeds of doubt are sown. Little by little, the walls of skepticism we build brick by brick become a fortress that separates us not only from potential harm but also from the richness of sincere human relationships. Our interactions become transactional, hesitant dances where authenticity falters, and the true rhythm of connection remains stifled. So how can we expect people to maintain this innate nature when it is systematically stolen from them? 
The erosion of trust often finds its roots in the quirks and vulnerabilities of individuals and it's easy for people to attribute it to personal flaws or the insecurities that lurk within. Some might even lay the blame at the feet of overprotective parents. But perhaps, in this convoluted web of shattered trust, we should turn our gaze towards those who deliberately break these fragile bonds. So why are people chastising those who struggle to trust? Their apprehensions arise from a place of validity, born from a world that has taught caution as a survival skill.
Instead, start directing your attention to the architects of this crisis. The ones who knowingly dismantle the bridges of belief that we painstakingly construct. It is high time we address the root of the problem and restore trust as the fundamental pillar of human interaction.
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seosydneyy · 10 months
Cracking the Code of Successful SEO: Overcoming the Overlooked Off-Page Mistakes
Unlocking the mysteries of search engine optimisation (SEO) can often feel like navigating a labyrinthine maze. In the vast digital landscape, where countless websites compete for visibility, understanding the intricate algorithms that determine search rankings is no easy feat. But you can do it with the helping hand of Sydney SEO experts to be updated. 
While on-page factors like keyword usage and meta tags are often emphasised, the off-page elements play an equally crucial role in successful SEO.
In this enlightening article, we will delve into the realm of off-page SEO and shed light on some commonly overlooked mistakes that could be hindering your website's performance. 
The Power of Quality Backlinks
Linking the strands of successful SEO together, the power of quality backlinks emerges as a crucial factor. These digital connectors not only attract search engine algorithms but also build credibility and trust among users. However, beware of low-quality or spammy backlinks that can harm your rankings and reputation. Instead, focus on acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable websites within your niche. By doing so, you'll create a virtuous cycle that boosts your visibility and sets you on a path toward long-term SEO success
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Dangers of low-quality or spammy backlinks 
The perils of low-quality or spammy backlinks in the realm of SEO are akin to walking on treacherous terrain. These nefarious links, often generated from untrustworthy sources, can wreak havoc on your website's reputation and ranking. 
Picture this: just as a beautiful flower garden thrives on nourishment and sunlight, your website needs high-quality backlinks to flourish in the vast digital landscape.However, low-quality or spammy backlinks are like pesky weeds that infiltrate your garden, choking the life out of your organic growth. These links can come from dubious websites that have little relevance or authority within your industry. Search engines, with their ever-evolving algorithms, are quick to spot these weeds and penalise websites associated with such disreputable practices.
When faced with these digital dangers, it is imperative to perform regular link audits with the proper assistance of Sydney SEO experts to identify and eliminate any harmful backlinks. By pruning away these detrimental connections and cultivating relationships with trusted sources, you can pave the way for a thriving online presence that will be rewarded by search engines and appreciated by your target audience. Remember, just as a well-tended garden blooms with vibrant colors and scents, so too will your website flourish when nurtured with high-quality backlinks.
Guest Blogging for SEO Benefits
Now, let us explore the enchanting realm of guest blogging and uncover the multitude of benefits it bestows upon your SEO endeavors. This ethereal practice not only allows you to make your mark on authoritative platforms but also helps you forge valuable connections with industry influencers. By sharing your expertise through captivating guest blog posts, you are granted a gateway to expand your reach and attract a new audience, all while boosting your website's visibility in search engine rankings. 
Exploring the benefits of guest blogging 
Exploring the benefits of guest blogging:Guest blogging, a symbiotic method in the realm of SEO, offers a plethora of advantages. By contributing guest posts to authoritative websites, you tap into their established audience base, expanding your reach and enhancing your brand visibility. Engaging with a new audience fosters trust and credibility, positioning you as an expert in your niche.
Avoiding Black Hat SEO Tactics
In the vast digital landscape, where algorithms reign supreme, it is imperative to steer clear of the treacherous realm of black hat SEO tactics. These deceitful practices may yield short-term gains, but they come with a hefty price tag and can lead to catastrophic consequences. Engaging in activities like keyword stuffing, hidden text, or link farming is akin to tiptoeing on thin ice—a single misstep can shatter your online presence.
However, fear not! The path to successful SEO lies in ethical practices that build trust with search engines and users alike. By embracing white hat techniques, such as creating high-quality content that aligns with user intent and adhering to search engine guidelines, you lay the foundation for long-term success. Remember, honesty and integrity may take time to bear fruit, but they will solidify your online reputation and pave the way for sustainable growth.
In the vast realm of SEO, where algorithms evolve and competition intensifies, it is crucial to not only focus on on-page optimisation but also address the often overlooked off-page mistakes. The best part is you can seek help of Sydney SEO experts to understand the power of quality backlinks, you can elevate your website's visibility and credibility. So, embark on this journey armed with knowledge, adaptability, and an unwavering commitment to excellence in order to unlock the true potential of successful SEO.
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laneelectrical · 1 year
Professional Electrical Maintenance Services For Your Business
Professional Electricians Melbourne are basic for keeping up with the usefulness and security of electrical frameworks and our administrations are regularly presented via prepared experts who are educated about electrical frameworks and parts. Electrical support administrations incorporate many exercises, from routine investigations and upkeep to crisis fixes and substitutions.
One of the essential targets of electrical upkeep administrations is to forestall electrical shortcomings and disappointments. This is accomplished through customary reviews and support of electrical parts like wiring, switches, and outlets. Normal examinations can assist with recognizing likely issues before they cause harm or represent a danger. What's more, routine upkeep exercises.
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One more significant target of electrical support administrations is to guarantee that electrical frameworks satisfy security guidelines and guidelines. Electrical frameworks can present critical dangers if they are not introduced or kept up with as expected. Standard investigations and support can help distinguish and address potential well being risks.
Electrical support benefits likewise assume a basic part in limiting margin time and boosting efficiency. Electrical shortcomings and disappointments can disturb business tasks and cause critical monetary misfortunes. By recognizing and resolving likely issues before they cause free time, electrical upkeep administrations can assist with guaranteeing that business activities proceed continuously.
Crisis electrical administrations are likewise a basic part of electrical support administrations. Electrical crises can happen whenever, requiring fast and proficient reaction to limit harm and guarantee wellbeing. Prepared experts can answer rapidly to crisis circumstances, analyze the issue, and execute the essential fixes or substitutions to reestablish usefulness and wellbeing.
Electrical administrations are fundamental in our advanced world, giving power and lighting to homes, organizations, and businesses. These administrations cover many exercises, from wiring establishments to electrical fixes and support.
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General Electrical Services Melbourne alludes to establishing, fixing, and maintaining electrical frameworks and gear. Our administrations incorporate wiring establishments, electrical examinations, lighting establishments, electrical board redesigns, and that's just the beginning. Electrical workers for hire are experts who offer these types of assistance to homes, organizations, and businesses.
Electrical administrations likewise help to guarantee wellbeing. Flawed wiring, electrical shocks, and flames can happen if electrical frameworks are not appropriately introduced or kept up with. Electrical workers for hire are prepared to recognize possible perils and guarantee that electrical frameworks are introduced and kept up with securely.
Considering everything, electrical upkeep administrations are basic for keeping up with the usefulness and wellbeing of electrical frameworks. These administrations can assist with forestalling deficiencies and disappointments, guarantee consistency with wellbeing guidelines, limit margin time, and give speedy reaction to crisis circumstances.
For More Info:
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jvslandscaping · 1 year
The Solutions of JVS Landscaping can Help you Maintain your Property
One of the quintessential facets of your home is the exterior. Not only does it help shape your house, but it can also greatly improve its value. The exterior of your home sends others an idea about what you are like as a person and how you live, which is why having a well-maintained yard is so important. Whether you are looking for just a cleanup or Driveway sealer a full-fledged garden makeover, JVS Landscaping has got your back. JVS Landscaping is a family-owned and operated company that has been in business since 1986. With more than 30 years of experience, we have become a leader in the landscaping industry. We work year-round to ensure you have the best quality services from start to finish.You can give us a call at (201) 664-4022 to know more about our services.
One of the compelling reasons why you should consider getting rid of the leaves, twigs, and any other debris from your gutters because that debris works as nesting and breeding places for pests may give rise to various lethal ailments.Additionally, the rubbles in your gutter may decay to transform into an organic matter that promotes the growth of tree seedlings, fungi, and other plants. Indeed, insects like mosquitoes, rats, and other bugs that breed in a blocked sewer may spread fatal diseases. You can also connect with us to hire gutter cleaning service.Landscaping is a��perilous process that boosts the allure of your home. Moreover, adding beauty to your home, landscaping also augments the value of your home, regulates temperature extremes, and increases your home's comfort and liveability.However, did you know that a congested gutter can affect your landscaping? Boisterous water from crowded gutters can turn into the source of soil erosion, sweep away your lovely flowers, or even eliminate the plants that you selected for your landscaping. Even when it comes to landscaping, we can help you. You can get a quote right away. We are one of the best Bergen County landscapers.
 JVS Landscaping can help you maintain your home by offering a broad range of solutions, such as ground care services, spring & fall cleanup, flower & tree planting, and more.If you don’t have enough time to maintain your property, let our professionals accomplish this task for you. When it comes to your home, then you want the best for it. We help you get the best that’s why don’t wait more and hire us for snow plowing. Now, you do not need to spend your free time in maintaining your property; just give us a call and we will be there.
Visit https://jvslandscape.net/
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