#the power of coconut oil
morethansalad · 1 year
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So Matcha Beauty Smoothie Bowl (Vegan)
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Dark and Lovely Beautiful Beginnings 2-in-1 Easy Shampoo
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thelastspeecher · 4 months
Have you been tested for h. Pylori? My sister was having stomach issues for MONTHS before anyone thought to give her triple therapy for it -- the only reason I'm mentioning it is bc it's a relatively easy treatment which might give you a solution earlier than trying to get an appointment with a nutritionist
I haven't been tested for it, no. However, my symptoms tend to be located south of the stomach and don't seem to mesh much with an H. pylori infection. In addition, my GI seems to be on top of things, given that all the tests she ordered except one came back with abnormal results, and she hasn't mentioned H. pylori as a concern.
My issues do seem to be at least partially diet-related. Despite my odd reaction to the low-fructose diet, I do have fructose malabsorption. I also have gluten intolerance and an occasional sensitivity to high-fat meals. I wouldn't be surprised if there's something else sneakily hidden, and even if there isn't, it's enough to merit meeting with someone who can help me make sure I get all my nutrients. Whether my insurance approves it or not (fingers crossed they do - I'm making the call tomorrow), I'll be seeing a nutritionist. As for the wait, well, I've had to push medical things back a lot lately due to illness and a course of antibiotics that would have influenced a particular test. So I'm fine with a wait as long as I know there's an end point somewhere.
That being said, I believe my father may have had H. pylori in the past; I know he's had issues with ulcers at least. So I think when I next meet with my GI, I'll mention my dad's issues, because I don't remember if I told her about it during my first appointment with her.
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bibakartbeautycare · 9 months
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jeefburger · 10 months
pimple stages:
1. notice it and try to ignore it
2. end up pinching and popping it
3. painful aftermath
4. ...it grows back stronger and the cycle repeats
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axonspro · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Banishing Skin Dryness!
Say Goodbye to Flaky, Dehydrated Skin: The Ultimate Guide to Banishing Skin Dryness! Say goodbye to dry, flaky skin with the ultimate guide to banishing skin dryness. Learn proven strategies, techniques, and expert skincare tips to hydrate and nourish your skin for a healthy, radiant complexion. Are you tired of dealing with flaky patches and a lackluster complexion caused by skin dryness? Look…
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marybrownnaturals · 2 years
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neptunes-sol-angel · 8 days
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Just a reminder that everyone has both a masculine and a feminine side, so don't hesitate to read the feminine version of this pick a card too.
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Pile One 👢
Someone could be feeling really entitled to your energy. They could be asking a lot from you, where one demand is contradictory to the other demand, which can be very draining for you. Then on top of that, they could be trying to tell you to change certain aspects of your personality that interfere with their gall to have excessive control over you. They could be naturally intimidated by you and use microaggressive verbiage to get you to submit to them. Like if they’re being passive aggressive with you, your tendency to be direct, would make them label you as aggressive. Or if you’re not even the type to use your voice a lot because of anxiety, they could ask you to communicate instead of being avoidant, and then when you do speak up it’s still a problem. Your masculine side is trying to get you to see that this double-edged sword is not an excuse to continue letting others walk all over you and stagnate your life and comfort. You’re in a situation where boundaries simply aren’t enough for this relationship to be balanced, it’s time to cut ties. You must take that control over your own life back and stop placing so much value on what other people say that they want you to do because the thing about people pleasing, is that whether you’re doing it or trying to recover from it, people will never be satisfied or happy with what you do and how you do it. You're always going to piss someone off or be labeled in some way as “not doing enough” of something, and that’s the other message, which is to learn what’s in your control and what’s not for you to control. If you’re dealing with someone who’s exhausting you that you aren’t biologically responsible for, I’m hearing “do it. It’s ok to do it”. Deprive that person of the resources that you’ve given them to remind them of what they really didn’t deserve in the first place, not as a punishment, but as a way to remind yourself that you are the source of your own power and to stop keeping people around who are pulling you down because they convinced you that you need them.
Pile Two 👢
Give your body a break. Give away this idea that you need to be fighting all of the time to get what you want and need or that you have to sacrifice yourself to provide for others. That message is mostly for those in my collective who are the eldest child and have to bear the brunt of responsibility. Something needs to be done differently, but it all starts with putting your foot down. Call out what’s being done that’s unfair to you. If there's a double standard with your gender, say that, because you’re not crazy. It’s not the coconut oil to all of your problems but changing your mindset does allow for some shifts and changes to your situation to happen. Acknowledge that you’d rather invest your hard work into something else, like getting your own place or making moves towards something that harmonizes with your ambition, because no matter how difficult it may be to accomplish those goals, keeping your focus on that target is what will help make getting to that goal or goals a lot faster without you feeling a loss of motivation on the way. For others in this pile, you need to allow others to help you. When you’re going through a mental crisis or an addiction, it is heavily underestimated how healing socializing can be. You don’t need to be ashamed or feel less than because you need assistance, having a community is so important because there can be times where your own mind can be your enemy and the way to combat it, is having a friend or in general someone, who cares, to help pull you out of that. Imposter syndrome and intrusive thoughts could be something that’s being struggled with and just know that you are worthy and able to get help with it, but remember, even on your worst days, that you are enough and you can do whatever your mind is trying to create doubt around.
Pile Three 👢
If you feel like your love life is nonexistent because it has to do with the way that you look, the answer is both yes and no. You think it’s because people don’t find you attractive, but people find you to be extremely hot, but you know what’s also hot? Your aura, and people don’t want to be burned whether they deserve it or not. Even if you don’t have big expectations in love, you look like you do, or you’re not aware of how you sound when you talk about the things that you like or want. I even have this feeling that if the majority of people who secretly admire you approached you, you would not be impressed with them and that’s ok. Your standards and expectations, even if you don’t think that they are high, are what protect you. Don’t let your curiosity of stepping outside of what you want, be your temptation for something that you could potentially regret. One day you will find that love that you’re looking for and some of you have actually already found it, but you’re not seeing yourself as someone they could have feelings for. You need to start seeing yourself in a better light and having more confidence over your divinely given features, both physical and internal, because it’s so easy to miss out on opportunities in love and your career because you don’t see how gifted you are.
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reality-detective · 30 days
Have you ever tried this combo for colds?
It's packed with immunity-boosting ingredients to help your body stay strong and healthy. You can stir it into plant milk, warm water or juice, or simply eat it right off the spoon.
This recipe is great for cold and flu season, or anytime you want to boost your immunity.
It contains antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties which help to treat digestive issues, arthritis and skin conditions.
So, enjoy 1 tsp a day and feel the power of this Honey Turmeric Ginger Bomb! Cheers to health! Follow for more healing recipes.
You can double the amounts in this recipe. Yields a 1/2 a cup
1/2 cup raw honey
1-2 tbsp coconut oil
2 tsp turmeric powder
2 tsp cinnamon powder
2 tsp ginger powder
1/2 tsp black pepper
Mix all the ingredients together and stir well. Pour the mixture in a glass jar with a lid and store in room temperature. You can always cut down the portions of spices to 1 tsp if you find it too strong. 🤔
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urfavoritewriter · 8 months
Beachside Appetite
Content: M/?, Male Vore, Male Pred, Digestion. Likes and reblogs are very appreciated!
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Brandon lounged on the sandy shores, the gentle hum of the beach around him. The sun kissed his tanned skin, a light sheen of sweat making it glisten in the afternoon light. The serene lull of the waves crashing in the distance, children’s laughter, and distant chatter, were the perfect background noise for his relaxation.
Beside him, an empty towel and a few discarded personal items—a pair of flip-flops, a novel, and sunglasses—were the only testament to the beach-goer who had once occupied the spot. That, and the distinct, rounded bulge in Brandon’s stomach.
He adjusted his position slightly, propping himself up on one elbow, the sand molding to accommodate the added weight of his recent indulgence. His free hand lazily traced circles on his swollen belly. "You know," he began, addressing the mound with a smirk, "I always did say the beach was the best place for a snack."
From within, a muffled groan responded, the contours of his belly shifting faintly in protest. Brandon simply chuckled, enjoying the sensation of the beach-goer squirming inside him. The movements caused his taut skin to ripple slightly, drawing the curious glances of a few nearby sunbathers.
A playful breeze swept through, carrying the tang of salt and the tantalizing scent of sunscreen. Brandon tilted his face up, relishing the feel of the sun on his features. "You should be thanking me," he mused aloud, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards. "I mean, you get the best beach view, nestled comfortably inside me."
He sighed, stretching out his limbs, the hot sand gritty beneath him. His belly, with its pronounced bulge, stood in stark contrast to his chiseled abs and toned muscles. But Brandon didn’t mind. In fact, he found it rather... appealing. A testament to his power and dominance.
Feeling a bit more playful, he gave his belly a firm pat, eliciting another muffled protest from within. “Shhh,” he whispered, teasingly pressing a finger to his lips, even though his occupant couldn’t see it. “Let’s not make a scene. After all, I'm trying to enjoy my day at the beach.”
The afternoon sun climbed higher, casting its intense golden rays on the beach. As Brandon continued to bask, his skin warmed, and the bronze tan deepened. The sounds of the beach grew louder, the frolicking beach-goers adding to the merry ambiance. Yet for the one inside Brandon's belly, the surroundings were a stark contrast to his situation.
The temperature inside the confines of Brandon's stomach rose steadily, and the muffled, desperate movements from within grew more pronounced. The tightness was oppressive, the thick muscular walls of Brandon's insides pressing in from all sides, leaving little room for maneuvering.
However, for Brandon, each squirm and wriggle was like a gentle massage, a rhythmic motion that he could feel from deep within, making his relaxation even more pleasurable. He could almost visualize the poor beach-goer, trapped in his heated, constrictive prison, the tightness increasing with each passing moment.
Occasionally, he'd feel a particularly strong push or a kick, and he'd simply chuckle, giving his belly a soft, admonishing tap. "Easy there," he'd drawl, the corner of his mouth quirking upwards in amusement. "I know it's hot, but it's summer, after all. Besides," he added, a teasing note in his voice, "this is what a real beach body feels like."
The scent of coconut oil wafted through the air as Brandon applied a generous amount to his skin, making sure not to miss a spot. His fingers lingered on the surface of his belly, tracing the faint outlines of the person inside. Each time his fingers brushed against a protruding elbow or knee, he'd smirk, reveling in his dominance. "See? A personal sunblock application," he whispered, his tone dripping with mock sweetness. "I really am taking good care of you."
But inside Brandon's gut, the heat was relentless. The combination of Brandon's natural body warmth and the scorching sun made for an unbearable sauna. The beach-goer's struggles grew weaker, exhaustion setting in from the oppressive environment and lack of space. But Brandon, seemingly oblivious to the plight of his captive, simply continued to luxuriate in the sun, his body and mind at complete ease.
As the day wore on and the shadows began to lengthen, Brandon felt a rising pressure in his chest, the result of the slow digestive process and the air trapped within. With a casual tilt of his head, he released a deep, resonating burp, the sound echoing slightly in the relative quiet of the late afternoon beach.
"Heh, excuse me," he chuckled, though there wasn’t really anyone around who seemed bothered by the sound. If anything, a couple of beach-goers nearby simply looked over with a mix of amusement and mild surprise.
Brandon's hands, strong and sun-warmed, settled once again on his belly, applying a gentle pressure and kneading it in slow circles. The motion elicited a few more feeble squirms from within, which only made Brandon's smirk grow wider. "You've been quite the companion today," he mused aloud, squeezing the bulge slightly, imagining the increased discomfort it would cause for his involuntary guest. "But all good things must come to an end."
Slowly, with the languid grace of a big cat, Brandon pushed himself to his feet, brushing the sand off his back and legs. He took a moment to stretch, every muscle in his well-defined body flexing and rippling under the sun. He caught sight of a few friends setting up a net for a game of beach volleyball nearby, the ball bouncing in the soft sand.
Grinning, he made his way over, calling out, "Need an extra player?" As he approached, he couldn't resist adding, "I've got a bit of added weight today, so I might be a bit slower," patting his belly with a wink. The laughs and jeers of his friends carried through the air, but deep inside him, the dread of what was to come intensified, as the prospect of a vigorous game of volleyball promised only more jostling and discomfort for the unfortunate beach-goer.
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Dark and Lovely Beautiful Beginnings 2-in-1 Easy Shampoo.
Embrace the Magic of Dark and Lovely Beautiful Beginnings: Where Gentle Care Meets Unforgettable Curls.
Dark and Lovely Beautiful Beginnings collection: Expertly crafted by African hair specialists for optimal daily care for your child’s hair and scalp.
Experience the Best Protection: Beautiful hair starts with Dark and Lovely, ensuring your child’s locks are well-guarded.
Benefits of Dark and Lovely Beautiful Beginnings 2-in-1 Easy Shampoo:
Specifically designed for delicate hair and scalp of children.
Infused with nourishing Aloe Vera and strengthening Coconut Oil to combat dryness and prevent breakage during combing.
Experience the combined power of cleansing, detangling, and nourishing in one convenient product.
Say goodbye to knots and hello to hassle-free grooming.
Leaves hair refreshed, silky-smooth, and easier to manage.
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smileysuh · 2 years
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🌙 staring. Jeno & Haechan x afab!Reader
🔮 synopsis.  your soccer star boyfriend decides to skip practice to spend some time with you, unfortunately, his frat brother roommate walks in on it.
cw/ tw.  big dick Jeno, unprotected sex, mentions of toys, cock warming, boob worship, boob massage, anal, praise, possessive!Jeno, vouyer!haechan, threesome, hyuck calls reader ‘miss y/n’ cuz he’s a hoe, bickering, soft dom jeno, creampies, cumplay, coconut oil lube, squirting, spanking, dirty talk, ‘you’re gay’ ‘no you’re gay’, etc...
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 4.1k
🍭 aus. frat au, soccer player au, boyfriend!Jeno, roommate!hyuck
☀️ mlist + an. Jeno and Hyuck are a power duo and there's not much more to be said about that
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“Relax,” the man behind you says, pressing a soft kiss to the side of your neck while you writhe in his lap. Two large hands on your hips keep you mostly steady while your walls are forced to accommodate the biggest cock you’ve ever been impaled upon-
Even after dating the guy for months - and having Jeno work you up with his fingers before this - prep is never enough. 
Your boyfriend always fills you up so completely that it’s a miracle your guts aren’t actually completely rearranged.
“Come on, baby,” his hands move away from your waist, and without the extra help keeping you up, you sink further down on his length-
You whine loudly and Jeno is quick to catch his mistake, left hand moving down to cup the front of your pussy, lifting you slightly off his cock while you lean your back against his chest, your head resting on his shoulder.
“Jeno-” you whimper desperately, pressing kisses to the underside of his jaw- you want him to move, but he’s just so big-
“Wait a second,” he says, and you feel him reaching out with his right hand, which comes back a moment later with the bottle of coconut body oil lubricant he loves using on you so much. He’d already coated his cock in it, and you can definitely feel the silky sensation between your thighs still- but more lube never hurts.
“Here,” the man behind you says nonchalantly, flipping open the cap and tilting the bottle before squeezing a stripe of liquid across your exposed chest, which still bare the marks, and sensitivity, of his rough handling foreplay-
Jeno discards the bottle with record speed, his massive palm landing to cup your right breast a second later, spreading the oil across your skin and brushing his fingers past your nipple.
A desperate moan leaves your lips and you shiver at the contact, earning a groan of appreciation from the man behind you.
“Fuck, you’re already so tight-” he tells you, lips trailing across your shoulder, lowering you an inch further onto his cock while his other hand pinches your nipple roughly- “but playing with your tits always makes you squeeze me like nothing else-”
“Jeno-” you gasp loudly, digging your nails into his thighs.
Your boyfriend presses a chaste kiss to your neck while his fingers continue to toy with your chest, making you squirm. 
“Can you ride me, baby?” He noses at your jaw. “I wanna have both my hands full.”
How could you refuse such a request?
When you let out a whine of affirmation, Jeno adjusts your body, like he’s done a thousand times before. He lifts you a little out of his lap, letting out a grunt of “on your knees” before shifting down the headboard slightly behind you.
In this position, Jeno’s size makes it difficult to move too much, but, more importantly, both of his hands are free to grasp at your oil slicked breasts.
“Put your head on my shoulder,” Jeno says, kneading at your boobs with rough hands that are now avoiding your nipples-
You use Jeno’s upper body as something to lean back against, tilting your head to the side so you can kiss at his neck while you begin to bounce on his cock - as much as possible anyway - thighs straining with effort.
“There we go,” Jeno breathes, “look at these pretty tiddies-”
You mewl when his thumbs brush over your nipples, finally giving them attention after what had felt like eons of neglect-
“How’d they ever get so fucking pretty?” Jeno asks, turning slightly to nudge at the crown of your head with his nose. “How’d you ever get so fucking pretty?”
“Please-” you gasp-
“How’d she ever end up with a guy like you?” a new voice sounds through the room, and it makes you freeze-
Your boyfriend’s roommate, Haechan, is leaning with his back against the door, and you’re pretty sure he wasn’t there a few minutes ago-
“Aren’t you supposed to be at practice?” Jeno asks from behind you, hands covering your tits protectively from the wandering eyes of his frat boy teammate.
“My cleats weren’t in my gym bag so I came to grab them- besides, I’m not the only one skipping- aren’t you supposed to be ‘injured’ or something?” Haechan fires back.
“I am,” Jeno’s voice is laced with amusement when he asks; “can’t you see? I’ve impaled myself on something.”
“I can see that,” Haechan says, eyes dragging down your body to where Jeno’s cock is buried deep in your cunt. “Do you think if I impale myself as well, I wouldn’t have to go back to practice?”
Your skin tingles with excitement and Jeno squeezes your boobs. “You’d have to ask patient zero,” he says finally, pinching at your nipple, “what do you think, baby?”
You swallow thickly, heart racing in your chest, “I think- impalement is a perfect excuse to miss soccer practice.”
“Impalement,” Haechan chuckles, shaking his head while stepping closer to the bed. “Do you think if I suck on those ‘pretty tiddies’, I could skip the after practice movie night too?”
“No,” Jeno says, “you can touch them, but no licking.”
“What?” Haechan makes a face of annoyance as he gets on the foot of the bed. “But she’s so shiny and pretty-”
As if to make a point, Jeno cups your breasts into his hands, smoothing his fingers across the silky sheen.“Yeah, it’s coconut oil, and it’s mine, I bought it-”
“What?” Haechan says even louder this time, “But I love coconut oil!”
“Too bad,” Jeno scoffs from behind you. “Turn around and face me baby,” he instructs, “I wanna see you while you ride me.”
“So if I can’t suck on her boobs, and she’s going to be riding you, where do I join in?” Haechan’s voice is as bratty as ever, and it makes Jeno laugh while you turn in his arms.
“Impale yourself,” your boyfriend says nonchalantly, helping you sink onto his cock with a groan before his hands are once more grasping at your boobs, finally bringing his mouth to one.
There are a few moments of silence while Jeno licks at your nipples, and your moan feels almost too loud when it tumbles out of your lips-
“Impale myself where?” comes a husky voice.
Jeno groans against your breasts, and then both of his hands are reaching behind you, grasping your ass cheeks and spreading them to expose your most intimate areas to the hungry eyes of his friend at the foot of the bed.
“Here,” Jeno mumbles, capturing your nipple between his teeth while one oil slicked finger moves to circle your asshole, “I prepped her with toys earlier but we decided anal would still be too much for her.”
“Too much?” a second set of hands appears on your body, settling on your waist.
“Don’t worry, she’ll be able to fit you for sure.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Haechan growls from behind you, and his hand slips down, thumb smearing through what oil Jeno had left before he easily presses the tip of it into your tight hole.
Your moan does nothing to drown out your boyfriend when he says, “I’m just bigger than you,” and your pussy throbs uncontrollably around his massive length.
You’re a little surprised when Haechan doesn’t immediately fight against Jeno’s blatant dig at his cock, but then you’re reminded that these two men are frat boys who share a room, and play on the same soccer team- they’ve probably seen each other naked more times than they can count-
You realize that all of his friends must know you get split open practically every day-
And Haechan seems to think you can take even more.
“Does his finger in your ass feel good, baby?” Jeno draws your attention away from your racing thoughts, and his hands make you come to a stop in his lap, grinding you down against him so you can feel every inch of his dick-
“It feels so good-” you respond, releasing Jeno’s shoulders in favour of grabbing his face, pressing your lips to his.
Your boyfriend kisses you like a man starved of affection, tongue invading your mouth, his own hand cupping at the back of your skull to keep you where he wants you-
The finger in your ass presses deeper before pulling out completely, and you let out a whine against Jeno’s mouth, wiggling your hips-
“Can I fuck your ass, Miss Y/N?” Haechan’s lips tease past the shell of your ear, making you shiver, “can I fuck your ass while you ride your boyfriend like the fucking champ that you are-”
“Yes- Hyuck-”
“Haechan,” Jeno corrects you, “no nicknames or petnames-”
“But she likes being called Miss Y/N, I can tell,” Haechan protests, as he presses his cock between your slicked cheeks, coating his shaft with Jeno’s coconut oil.
“Whatever,” Jeno shakes his head with a groan before returning his lips to your own, hands snaking around your hips and prompting you to lift yourself off of him-
“God can you wait - like - one second-” Haechan mutters from behind you, grabbing at your waist to steady you-
“Can you hurry the fuck up?” Jeno retorts.
“Excuse me for asking your girlfriend for permission before impaling myself into her-”
“Can you hurry the fuck up?!” you repeat your boyfriend’s words and he’s quick to press his lips to yours, grinning.
“Jesus, this is why you’re a couple,” Haechan sighs behind you, pressing the head of his cock to your ass. “Relax a sec,” he prompts, a warm hand brushing down your back gently while he pushes a coconut oiled intrusion into your hole-
“Fuck-” both men let out groans while your body adjusts to being filled twice over- in fact, Jeno is so much bigger than the average man- maybe this should count as thrice over-
“Someone move-” you whimper, holding onto Jeno’s shoulders for dear life-
Of course, they both decide to move - because- what’s communication, right? - and you dig your nails into Jeno’s skin, letting out a sound of choked pleasure-
“This position is wrong,” Jeno says, adjusting his hands on your hips as he tries to push up towards you while still sitting propped against the headboard-
“Wrong for you, but I’m living the dream,” Haechan groans, breath hot on your back, pushing back into you again with ease-
Beneath you, Jeno growls. “So you expect me to sit here, buried in my girlfriend, while you fuck her ass, is that it?”
“No. Move back, I gotta lie down,” Jeno instructs shifting down the headboard while you and Haechan shuffle backwards- “okay, that’s better,” your boyfriend says with a sigh of relief once he’s laid flat, resting against his pillows while his hands settle on your hips, and he looks up at you with a smile. “Now, we can really fuck you properly.”
“And you’d like that, wouldn’t you, miss Y/N?” Haechan taunts at your ear again, teeth dragging across your lobe-
You let out a noise of affirmation, resting your hands against Jeno’s chest to hold yourself up, “please-”
Your boyfriend presses his feet to the mattress, using it as leverage to thrust up into you-
Both you and Haechan moan in unison, and you feel the man behind you rest his forehead against the nape of your neck, his breath fanning hot across your back-
“Fuck me,” he groans, “I can feel him inside of you-”
Jeno chuckles while continuing to thrust his hips up, cock dragging across your walls- “that’s gay.”
“You’re gay,” Haechan retorts quickly.
“Actually-” Jeno lets out a small groan, fingers digging into your hips, “out of the two of us, I’m the one fucking a pussy-”
“Shut up,” Haechan insists before your boyfriend can finish his sentence but the continuation is clear- and you let out a snicker that immediately earns you backlash: a hand comes down on your ass cheek.
“Hey!” you jolt at the impact, turning to look over your shoulder at the man who’s just spanked you.
“Hey what?” Haechan asks, teasing you by pressing his hips flush to your ass, his cock buried in your tight hole while Jeno continues thrusting up to meet you-
“Don’t spank her again,” your boyfriend lets out a growl.
“I thought you both liked things rough,” comes a toying response.
“Don’t forget-” Jeno groans, closing his eyes and resting back against the pillows, “that she’s my girlfriend and either of us can kick you out whenever we want.”
Haechan scoffs. “You would never.”
“I don’t know-” Jeno grins up at you, “should we kick him out for spanking you without permission, baby?”
You return your boyfriends playful smile, “we could… we could also make him watch as punishment.”
“That sounds like a good idea-”
“Fuck off. Both of you.” The man behind you pushes his cock into you even harder; the sound of skin on skin on skin ringing like sin in your ears.
You’ve been doing well at muffling your sounds of pleasure, of bantering with your boyfriend instead of reacting to his friend, but the feeling building in the pit of your stomach is undeniable now-
A hand presses to the back of your neck, and Haechan pushes you down, forcing you into a doggy position for himself, while you’re straddled like a good little cowgirl on your boyfriend, who wastes no time tugging your lips to his own-
“Gonna make me watch-” Haechan grumbles behind you - still pressed about the notion - hands grabbing your hips-
“Gonna make me cum-” you whimper, dragging your lips to Jeno’s neck, gasping against his throat and clawing at him- “so full-”
“You two should cum then,” Jeno says with a grunt, pulling you down so you’re fully seated on him again while Haechan continues thrusting into your ass-
“Aren’t you close?” Haechan asks in confusion-
“I could be,” Jeno says, “but I think I want to make you watch me fuck the shit out of her after you’re done.”
“Fine, then you can watch me fuck the shit out of her now,” Haechan says smoothly, fingers wrapping around your throat to pull you up so your back is flush to his chest.
Jeno’s hands immediately seek out your breasts, and his thumb brushes by your nipple, his eyes fixed on you-
The feeling of them both buried inside of you, and their hands everywhere-
Jeno’s thumb moves down to your clit and you’re done for, pussy clamping down on his cock while your body is wracked with wave after wave of pleasure-
“Fuck-” Haechan groans loudly behind you, hips stuttering as he explodes too, hot mouth finding your shoulder to muffle his sounds-
“Keep fucking her,” Jeno says from below you when Haechan’s thrusts falter, “or whats the point?”
“Fuck- fuck- fuck-” Haechan moans, rubbing his face against your shoulder now, fingers digging into your hips while he continues to plow into you, riding out your orgasms until you’re both nearly twitching from sensitivity and you’re pushing Jeno’s hand away from your clit-
“Was that good for you both?” Jeno asks when you finally finish, hands gliding up your thighs.
“So good-” you respond in unison.
“Even though,” Jeno sighs, “I’m the one who’s supposed to be impaled-”
“I’ll fuck you in the ass- just give me a sec-” Haechan says behind you, and suddenly you find Jeno kicking at him, then hands are flying past your body-
“I’ll fuck you in the ass-” Jeno growls, sitting up so he can fight at Haechan easier-
“Fuck me in the ass and stop fighting,” you say with a groan, wrapping your arms around Jeno in an attempt to settle him. “Haechan, you can watch now, but you have to go sit in your chair,” you point to the gaming station in the corner of the room.
“Yeah Haechan,” Jeno taunts with a grin, hands finding your hips, “go sit in your chair.”
“Fine,” the man pulls out of you, pressing one last kiss to your shoulder. “Are you really gonna let him fuck you in the ass?”
“The real question is: did I really let you fuck me in the ass,” you fire back, lifting yourself off of your boyfriends cock in favour of collapsing onto your stomach on the mattress next to him, presenting your bum with the arch of your back to the man who immediately straddles your legs-
Jeno grabs at the pillow next to your head and lifts your hips with the other, adjusting the bedding under you so you’re elevated for him-
“Comfy, baby?” he asks, double checking on you while his hands begin to explore your body, smoothing up and down your back.
“Very,” you murmur, letting out a sigh as you relax, enjoying the way Jeno’s digits massage at your muscles. 
You close your eyes when your boyfriend’s best friend is finally seated,
“Did Haechan get you all stretched out for me?” Jeno questions next, voice as smooth as the hands that find your ass, pulling your cheeks apart- “He definitely got you all messy for me.”
“You love it,” Haechan insists from his chair.
Jeno does have a thing for cream pies and seeing his cum covering your body- and he definitely doesn’t mind Haechan’s cum either, because a moment later, he’s pushing his dick just past your hole, coating his length in the man made lube-
“Fuck-” Jeno curses, pressing his cockhead into you slowly-
You let out a shakey breath, focusing on relaxing your body despite the feeling of your hole being stretched by your boyfriend’s massive cock.
He thrusts shallowly, allowing you to take his length inch by inch, and there’s more than enough lubricant to make it easy- he could simply push his entire cock into you, but you appreciate the way Jeno goes slowly, resting a warm hand on the small of your back-
“There we go baby- just a little more,” he tells you, thumb brushing your spine reassuringly.
“You’re so big-” you whimper - ‘just a little more’ is a fictitious statement with this man-
“I know, gorgeous, I know,” your boyfriend tuts, and you can hear the smile on his voice. “Look at you, being so good for me-”
“Jeno-” you moan his name, twisting your hand into the bed sheets when his hips press flush to your ass.
Lips brush by the nape of your neck, and then your boyfriend drags his beautiful nose across your skin, mouth coming to test your shoulder. 
“How’s it feel?”
“Like everything-” you whimper, wiggling your hips a little- looking for some friction- “I feel you everywhere-”
“Yeah?” Jeno’s breath is hot against your shoulder blades, and it makes you shiver, pushing your ass back even more- “Can I move?”
You hum a sound of affirmation; “Please-”
His fingers dig into your waist, and he adjusts his body over your own, taking a test thrust that has you groaning with pleasure- “Fuck- Jeno-”
“Be good for me baby,” he says softly, finding a pace that has you burying your face in the pillow to muffle your sounds-
“Wanna hear you,” Jeno states, hand smacking down onto your ass gently, but enough to sting.
When you turn your head to the side to once more let your moans ring through the room, you can’t help but open your eyes to look at the man seated in his gaming chair.
Haechan is watching you with intense interest, lips parted, his hand on his cock-
You mewl louder- Haechan’s rebound time from an orgasm is no joke it seems, and the feeling of his gaze fixed on you sends tingles of euphoria skittering across your skin.
“I’m gonna cum-” you moan, gripping at the sheets again an arching your back, pushing your ass towards Jeno, who proceeds to fuck you even harder.
“Yeah?” Jeno groans, “gonna be my messy little princess and squeeze me till I pop?”
“Fuck- yes please- please-”
“Gonna let me fill you with my cum till you’re fucking dripping?”
“Cum for me baby, cum like the good little princess you are.”
“I’m your good little princess-” you whimper as your orgasm crashes into you, pussy throbbing around nothing while the man using your ass continues fucking you- making you cry out in overwhelming pleasure-
“Fuck-” Jeno groans, hips spasming as he coats your insides with his cum, fingers digging into your waist-
You can feel liquid between your thighs, his cum or your cum- you have no idea, and you don’t care, too lost in the feeling of Jeno while he works you through one of the most mind boggling highs you’ve ever had-
Then you hear another moan, higher in pitch than the usual grunts and groans made by your boyfriend- and you open your eyes to see Haechan cumming too, his head thrown back, pretty neck on display while he spurts his load onto his lower abdomen.
It’s like you’re hit with a second wave of pleasure, which makes you and Jeno moan from the way your body throbs around the intrusion still buried in your ass.
“Fuck-” Jeno rests his forehead against the nape of your neck, hot breath fanning across your back, “Baby, you squirted-” his hips shudder against your ass, “that was so fucking hot-”
You realize he’s right- the fluid between your thighs is definitely of a different texture from the kind of stuff Jeno shoots into or onto your body on a daily basis-
“She takes big dick, she likes anal, and she squirts?” Haechan groans loudly from his chair. “This isn’t fair.”
Jeno chuckles at his friends whining, letting out a deep sigh before his hands press into your hips again, holding you down while he slowly pulls out of your ass.
“Stay still, baby,” Jeno tells you when he’s removed his cock from your tight hole, “I’m gonna clean you up, just give me a sec.”
You turn your head to the side and watch your boyfriend throw on some boxers before grabbing at a towel and a package of baby wipes that are kept for oily and cumfilled sexcipades like this one.
“Okay,” Jeno says as he gets back onto the bed, “open up those pretty legs for me-”
“Lets see the damage,” Haechan cuts off your boyfriend as he approaches the two of you, eager to get a look at the mess you’ve all made- “Damn dude, your bed is fucked.”
“Is it bad?” you ask, suddenly very self conscious- and a warm hand rests on your ass, keeping you from wiggling too much while a towel is gently run between your thighs and against your pussy-
“You just squirted a lot, but it’s no problem,” Jeno assures you. “I’ll clean you up, get you over to Haechan’s bed- we can strip the sheets, throw them in the wash-”
“This whole mattress needs to be aired out,” Haechan states.
“You’re making it sound worse than it is,” Jeno rolls his eyes, thumb smoothing across your ass.
“Y/N,” Haechan draws your gaze to him and he grins, “just wait till you see what you did to the bed.”
“Jeno-” you groan, wiggling in his grasp-
With one last swipe of the wet wipe across your entrance, Jeno pulls away, allowing you to roll away from the spot he’d just pounded you into.
“See?” Haechan says, as your eyes widen at the wet spot so very visible on Jeno’s mattress cover- “looks like Jeno’s gonna be crashing in my bed tonight while this shit dries-”
“Fuck off,” Jeno shakes his head, “this will dry-”
“You don’t wanna sleep with me Jeno?” Haechan asks in a mocking tone, “but we touched dicks through your girlfriend-”
“And if you repeat this to anyone-”
“Yeah yeah,” Haechan waves a hand, “you’ll kill me, I get it.”
“I was going to say; if you repeat this to anyone, it’s never going to happen again.”
You’ve never seen Haechan’s jaw drop before- not like this, and your own drops a little as well. You’d had a great time, but after the bickering between them, you’d honestly assumed this would be a one time deal-
And it’s clear from the way Haechan’s eyes shift to you, that he’d been under the same impression.
“You’re both fucking with me right now,” your boyfriend’s roommate declares.
“Maybe, maybe not,” Jeno says with a grin, standing and pulling you to your feet. “But if you speak a word of this to anyone, I guess you’ll never know.”
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✘ thanks for reading :) ✘ Please find the teaser for the accompanying patreon exclusive extension bonus of this fic below :)
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✘ [synopsis]: after joining a few more times, hyuck wants to upgrade from ass to pussy  ✘ [word count]: 2k - 300 words in teaser  ✘ [warnings]: threesome, boob worship, vouyer!jeno, switch!haechan, pet names, dirty talk, softdom!jeno, unprotected sex, nohyuck bickering, etc...
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“You know,” Haechan says, as he tears off his shirt before joining you and Jeno on the bed, “I’m super flattered you guys keep inviting me to do threesomes but-”
Your boyfriend groans from where he’s burying his face in your chest, adjusting the way you’re straddling his hips, “No buts.”
“Exactly,” comes a quick-witted response, “I’m tired of only doing butt stuff.”
“Tired of it?!” you and Jeno pull away from each other to gawk at Haechan-
“Not tired of it- I just mean-” your boyfriend’s roommate presses his body against your back, one hand slipping down to cup you through the front of your jeans, “your pussy is so enticing-”
“You always want what’s not yours,” Jeno notes from under you, looking down at the fingers that caress past the seam of your pants.
“And what’s the harm in that?” Haechan asks, pressing a kiss to your shoulder and pulling his hand away- you can feel him grinning, even as your boyfriend stirs below.
After a few tense moments, Jeno lets out a deep sigh, eyes raking over your form. “Fine,” he concedes, “if she agrees, you can fuck my girlfriend’s pussy.”
“Really?” There’s a gasp of shock at your back. “You’re giving in that easily?”
Jeno shrugs, wrapping his arms around you so he can pull you flush to him, his cheek resting against the swell of your breasts. “I can wait today,” he says, “if you get her ready for me, it might actually be more like a favour.”
“A favour?” Haechan repeats, his lips finding your neck, where he zones in on your sweet spot.
“Yeah,” Jeno applies pressure to your form, forcing you to grind down on his cock, “as much as I love foreplay and stretching her out - getting her all prepped for me - I’m a little worn out from this morning’s practice, you know, being the star athlete and all-”
✘ To read the full bonus, subscribe to my Patreon - then - click here
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© smileysuh — all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any fic, reaction, or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed
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spirit-amplified · 4 months
The Magickal Properties of Carrier/Base Oils
In ancient times, our ancestors revered the power of oils, utilizing them in sacred ceremonies, rituals, and magickal workings that spanned centuries. Today, we have the privilege of carrying on this tradition by creating our own blends using the same flora & fauna that have been cherished for millennia. The practice of crafting sacred oils connects us to our roots, offering a meaningful way to honor the past while enriching our present-day experiences.
Carrier/base oils play a crucial role in the world of magick and holistic practices. These oils, derived from plants, seeds, and animal fats, are believed to possess unique energetic properties that can enhance the potency of essential oils and other magickal ingredients we add to them. Whether used in aromatherapy, massage, ritual work, or spell work the choice of carrier oil is significant, as each oil is associated with specific magickal attributes, such as grounding, protection, or amplification of intention. Understanding the magickal properties of carrier oils can empower practitioners to create custom blends that resonate with their intentions and desired outcomes, adding an extra layer of enchantment to their craft.
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Magickal Properties of Carrier/Base Oils:
These plant and seed-based oils come from my own grimoire based on my own traditions and practice.
Almond: Prosperity, Money, Wisdom
Apricot: Happiness, Contentment, Love
Argan: Healing
Avocado: Love, Lust, Sex Magick
Borage: Higher Mind, Truth, Clarity, Legal Matters
Canola/Rapeseed: Neutral Base
Castor: Protection, Absorbs Negativity
Coconut: Purification, Cleansing, Protection
Corn: Abundance, Luck, Divination
Evening Primrose: Psychic, Glamour, Clarity
Flaxseed Oil: Beauty, Protection
Grapeseed: Fertility, Money, Strengthening Mental Abilities
Hempseed: Meditation, Psychic, Healing
Jojoba: Healing
Meadowfoam Seed: Protection
Neem: Fortifies, Protection
Olive: Healing, Fertility, Protection
Peach Kernel: Fertility, Love, Fae Magick
Peanut: Grounding
Pomegranate Seed: Divination, Love
Pumpkin Seed: Health
Rosehip: Self-Love, Beauty, Glamour
Safflower: Sex, Baneful
Sesame: Hope, Faith, Positivity
Shea Butter: Calming, Longevity, Patience, Healing, Soothing, Beauty
Sunflower: Happiness, Health, Wisdom, Sun Magick
Vegetable: Neutral
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saturnbellfromhell · 1 year
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I'm taking a minor break till next week writing "The Energry Series", since I want to perfect it, seek more knowledge, do better all in all! So today I'm writing a gitty and playful post.
Rising signs are important to the extent that they rule over our outer appearance and how we come across to the world around us. They are the sign showing up first on the eastern horizon the moment we are taking our first breath. Most of the time it is described as the "mask" or "shell" we put on for the world, but I think the energy of your rising sign cannot be a changeable nor is it a mask. It's a natural stance you take on while heading out the door. The second point in the " Big Three" in astrology. Also the planet ruling your rising sign is the main ruler of your chart. Meaning if you are for example a Pisces, the ruler Neptune will be prominent in molding your appearance. Also called the Ascenendant (AC), meaning "rising in power/influence".
So let's get started!
We start of with our energetic baby Aries. These girls win over the color red, that's for sure. Even though I can see Aries rising in a short skirt with a crop top and a ponytail, they also look amazing in street style/baggy clothes in my opinion. For the makeup I see a simple false lash, rosy cheeks and some fake freckles. Cute with a bit of sass!
My beautiful Venusian girls, who just look right with wavy hair drenched in the smell of argan oil and patchouli perfume on their wrists.These girls in my opinion look right in any boho, hippy, loose clothes. They also can make any long non fitting dress look amazing. For the makeup I would keep it very neutral, with grounding colors and a soft lip color. Also for some reason white looks amazing on them aswell, so angelic looking.
Oh my, o my here come the funky babes of the group! Gemini risings are known to be a slimmer frame, so I would suggest to play with silhouettes. You can always count on a Gemini to brighten up your day, because of this not only does a bright personality suit them but bright colors and crazy patterns also! They look amazing in anything that stands out. I also se our Gemini rising girlies with some sort of facial piercing, a septum maybe? Or a cute navel piercing, sounds good to me to be honest. For the makeup I can see any dramatic looking eyeliner, eyeshadow or lip...Anything experimental for that matter
Here come the mini Venuses with their stunning eyes and round face. They also look so good to me with their hair in some sort of updo, messy with clips. Their body is know to be also rounded, with a prominent chest and hips. Cancerian girls look good in anything delicate and soft, the risqué look isn't really for them. For jewelry I can see them wearing dainty silver rings or a shiny necklace. I mean pearls are their best friend being the sign connected to the sea and ocean. Think of the mermaid look, fresh, young and mysterious. I also don't know why but Cancers suit coconut scented anything on their skin...again going with the beach theme.
Leo's are just the moment, we have all agree on8 that. With their athletic frame and crazy hair I can see why they get the attention. They look amazing in any colors. I would say royal purple, pink, red and gold are my top picks. They look amazing in anything that's dramatic, skin tight or just plain sporty. I can also see them wearing very classy perfume like the Chanel 5.
I absolutely adore my Virgo risings, they can step out in a button down and some jeans and just look so put together. They are the queens of the minimalistic look. In my opinion greens, greys, soft browns and muted colors look great on them. Jewelry wise maybe some stud earrings and a tiny pendant necklace? The fragrance I see when I think of a Virgo rising is the Armani Aqua de Gio. Think Bella Hadid, she is the opitime of the Virgo rising. Chic but so simple.
Their don't need a lot, and they absolutely know it. Being the second Venusian babe in our signs they imbody the extravagant look. Think anything trendy, but they also look good in anything classy. I can see a Libra rising with a white corset and puffy skirt, filled with jewelry around her hands and neck smelling of lavender and lemon. Red lipstick and a little bit of mascara. Hair in some sort of braids and big sunglasses! Also I can see them in long sleek dresses making everybody fall in love with them!
O Morticia Addams, the goth queens and killer looks girlies. The color black is their best friend, but also dark blues, grays, browns, greens. Silver, only silver for the jewelry. They look really good in tight long dresses, leather pants or skirts and platform shoes are a must! They really embody the the dark princess look to me. They are gracefully creepy and I mean that in the nicest way ever!
Sag girlies are the girls how can pull of a lot. On their it days they look amazing in bright colors, high heels, any type of skirt or dress. On their off days they best suite the lazy athletic type. With a matching gym set and some cute uggs they rock the city streets. The perfume I see them in is anything with a little bit of spice, that has pepper undertones and are on the "stronger" side, the Versace "Eros" for example.
My beautiful Caps with their high cheekbones and piercing eyes. They are the classic rising. For some reason Caps always look serious and put together, even when not trying. They love dark colors and maybe a statement piece. Like a ruby ring or extravagant necklace piece. White button downs, skinny jeans, knee length skirts, black corsets and lace anything. Also a suit really is your best friend.
These girlies are the trend setters of the zodiac, everybody loves how creative Aqurius risings are. They love to look put together just like their sister Capricorn but when it comes to spicing up they are the queens for that. I think they look cool in metalics too. Their hair looks good sleek backed or maybe some fun pixie cut? Bangs also, not gonna lie. They also need some fruity perfume to add to the look.
Lastly my etheral babes, with their glossy big eyes and tiny frame they look stunning in anything made out of silk. They also look good in airy dresses and skirts. Also a small winged eyeliner with some white dots to to make their eyes pop. For some weird reason Pisces rising are made for white dresses and clipped back hair.
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4theluvofsapphos · 4 months
Shiver - NSFW (18+)
Melissa Schemmenti x Neighbour!Reader
a/n & etc: porn w/o plot realness! fingering, begging, cunnilingus, dommy reader, subby melissa, fwb type deal, fucking w/feelings!! this was lots of fun to write eek! lmk thoughts x
The air was cold against Melissa’s skin. Sudden, cold, and sobering. The three glasses of wine seemed to leave her cloudy conscience in seconds. What with the wild haired woman sinking down to the floor— having hiked Mel’s dress up over those delicious hips.
“Mmm…I can smell the soothing oil you used. Coconut and Pomegranate? Must’ve waxed…” You hummed to yourself, lacy red panties were swiftly pulled to the side, exposing the redhead to you.
“Y..yeah I- I uh- waxed for you. Thought you’d appreciate it..” manicured nails raked affectionately through your hair. “Seems like you do…” the nerves that Melissa was having began to ease, thinking of all the places the night might go.
Gentle, slender fingers swiped over puffy lips, drooling with want and desire. You hummed in amusement, savouring the way that Mel trembled at the touch. Like it was second nature, you laid your tongue flat against your plaything’s folds, pulling a heavy groan from the redhead above.
“I-inside…” Melissa murmured through light breaths.
“Hmm?” You quirked an eyebrow, piercing eyes stirring with question at the redhead’s remarks.
“I need you inside- fuck..”
You grabbed both of Melissa’s thighs, nails creating half moon craters in their wake. Spreading them further, you quietly obliged, parting the redhead’s lips with two fingers, pulling away to spit in your hand and firmly slapping Mel’s cunt.
“A-ah fuck…fuck!” A high pitched squeal ripped from Melissa- to both your surprise.
“Of course a slut like you would like that. Again~”
Two more smacks followed, and before Mel could voice any complaints, she buckled at the sensation of two strong fingers curling into her. Her mouth fell open, eyes squeezing shut in ecstasy.
You chuckled, deep and low. It made Melissa’s thighs twitch. You always enjoyed the power you had, seeing your whorish neighbour crumble to dust in your hands. You brought your lips back to Mel’s cunt, focusing in on her clit with firm sucks and licks that left your chin dripping with juices.
“Y-Y/n! Jesus fucking- f-ffuck!” Melissa cried, her head tossing back and hitting the wall. Mel’s head span with pain and pleasure, the whole ordeal making her dizzy with need.
Another curl of your fingers sent the redhead careening over the edge, brought on and prolonged by your mouth enveloping her entire cunt. Her back arched, body going taught like a bow— before violent waves of overstimulation hit her. Melissa allowed the pleasure to fade into overstimulation, coming a second time shortly after the ravenette added a third finger.
“y/n— y-y/n…y/n..y/n…” She breathed, pulling your head away from her cunt. She saw how smug your face was, making her scowl in mock annoyance.
“Was it good? Better than your loser guy lackies?” you teased, chin dripping and shiny in the late night light.
“Mmh..I may need a larger sample to make any substantial determinations…how about you take me upstairs..?”
“…of course, my dear.” You hummed, sweeping Melissa off of her feet, the two of you giggling the entire way upstairs…
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written-in-flowers · 1 year
Aegon ii Targaryen x niece reader where it's like Damon and Rhaenyra, Aegon and reader go to a brothel but they actually fuck and now they have to marry but there okay with it because they love eachother?
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Molding and Shaping
Warnings: incest, slight dub-con, virgin!reader, slight dumbification(?) or allusions to it in the future, somnophilia, vaginal fingering, multiple orgasms, breeding kink, creampie, no protection, manipulation, cock-warming, power-dynamic, older/younger dynamic, 
He found you laying in one of the brothel’s private rooms. He’d lost you ages ago during a trip into the city, and spent a good stretch of it looking for you. Aegon knew his mother would flay him alive if he returned without you at his side. Rhaenyra already coveted her daughter so much; if she should have gone missing on her uncle’s watch, he’d never hear the end of it. So, rather than bury himself in wine cups and whores, he’s been searching for you. A man whom he often gambled with in a tavern up the street said he’d seen someone of your description wandering through the Street of Silk. 
Perhaps you hoped to find him here, in the Flower Garden, an establishment known to have the finest maidens in King’s Landing?
Or, you hoped he might find you there, vulnerable and oblivious to his presence?
Aegon’s body grew warm seeing you laying on a cot in an empty room. The madam told him she’d taken pity on you, and let you sleep quietly in one of the private rooms. A small room, the walls draped in red and gold curtains, he saw the plush furniture and amenities the place offered. He spotted small vials of different scented oils on a table near the bed, a comfortable mattress with red and white sheets, and his mind began to turn. 
For as long as he could remember, your uncle desired you. He watched you grow from an annoying, whiny brat into a blossoming young woman who made him hard in a single glance. Aegon needed to have you, but he knew his sister would never willingly agree to a marriage. She most likely planned on giving you to Jace, your brother, but he refused to let that happen. Rhaenyra took much from him, and he planned on taking you from her. Aegon spent most of his teen years flirting and seducing you. He knew you felt the same. He knew because he still thinks about the time he cornered you at Driftmark, tugged down his trousers and convinced you to stroke him. He thought about your soft hand sliding up and down his length, sending shivers of pleasure over him while people feasted right on the balcony above you. Aegon continued small trists like this, slowly bringing you to him with promises of undying love and devotion mingled with passionate kisses and touches. You were a lonely girl with very few friends to guide you. You were perfect for molding.  
Aegon started carefully removing his clothes. He couldn’t avoid the arousal stirring in him. You’d worn your peasant clothes tonight. A cloth and linen gown that cinched at your waist sat over a chair, and he saw your corset beside it, so you only wore your small clothes on the bed. He could make out the shape of your breasts underneath the chemise; the thin fabric rode up around your thighs as you tossed over to one side, your bottom exposed to him. He’d be gentle. You saw his cock plenty of times over the years, but he rarely saw your body. Mostly because your family lived on Dragonstone and had not visited in years. But, the times you had met, you often pleasured him. 
He finished undressing and slowly walked over to the bed and sat down. You didn’t stir at the shift in the bed, so he took that to be a good thing. Carefully, he reached over to the collection of oils, finding one that smell of coconuts, and dripped it onto his fingertips. He then gently applied it between your thighs. He bit his lip at the feeling of your soft folds on his fingertips. The oil made it easier for him to move around, wetting your pussy and touching on your clit. He sometimes lowered his hand to your thighs for a soft squeeze, before running back up to your bottom. He gave the one cheek he could touch another tender grip. He’d have you tonight whether you knew it or not. Aegon’s cock started to harden touching your parts: he slid his oiled fingers back over your pussy slowly, and even spat on them to make it slippery. Visions of this tight heat around his cock, squeezing and milking him, made his jaw drop. You’re temptation personified. You’re the one thing he can’t have but desperately wanted. 
“Mmmhm,” he heard you stir in your bed, “Uncle...”
“Shush,” he quieted you gently, watching your pussy glisten in the candlelight. You said it so sweetly, so innocently. “Just relax for me, Princess. I’ll do the rest.”
“Uncle...it tingles.”
“It’s supposed to, love.”
He loved it when you played innocent. You spread yourself a bit further out, and Aegon took advantage of the access. He smiled at the soft gasp you made once he slid a finger inside. Yes, just as tight as he thought. Your walls clenched at the intrusion, the slippery digit massaging against them as he curled inside. He watched you clutch the pillows as his fingered you. Your low whimpers made his cock twitch; the feeling of your pussy clutching his fingers caused him to bite his lower lip. Gods, you were perfect. He often had to pay extra for maidens. He once bought a girl at auction. But even those common girls paled in comparison to your sweet, untouched, virginal cunt. Aegon knew nobody ever touched you this way before. He could tell by how easily your pussy spread for him. You’ll be his by the end of the night. Nobody will be able to take you away; not Rhaenyra, not Daemon, not his mother and especially not his corpse of a father. 
Aegon chuckled at the sound you made when he pulled out his finger. “Don’t worry, pet,” he said into your ear, rolling his fingers over your clit once more, “You’re going to get something much better soon.”
“Two fingers?” you asked shyly. 
“No, sweetling,” he laughed, kissing right at the edge of your ear, “Something bigger and longer than my fingers. I think you’re really going to like it.” He kissed down from your ear to your neck, then to your shoulder. “Stay still,” he said when he noticed your grinding into his fingers, “And let me enjoy your cunt.” 
He felt the hard pearl of your clit brush on his fingers, and you shuddered. Aegon continued running it between his fingers, rubbing over and under it every so often to hear you moan. Finally, a pussy he didn’t need to pay for. It’d be all his. If he takes your maidenhead, his family will have no choice but to marry you both to avoid scandal. Then, your body would be his to do what he liked. He couldn’t possibly wait. The tip of his cock began hitting his stomach as he leaned down to rub your clit with his other hand. While he pumped two fingers inside you, he circled right on the nub that sent sparks through your body, causing you to jolt each time. Your heat pulled his fingers fully inside you, fluttering and coating them in your juices. 
“Uncle,” you moaned, tugging down the neckline of your chemise underneath your breasts, “Please, go faster.”
“Faster?” he said, eyeing your bare breast from the side. He groaned watching you start pinching and grazing your nipples. 
“Yes, please.”
He moved his fingers faster. He wriggled them inside and continued teasing your clit until you were shaking in his grasp. Aegon groaned at the squirt of juices covering his hand. God, you squirt. He loved that. He continued fingering you even after you’d finished making a mess, unable to stop himself from giving you another orgasm. He sensed you must be overstimulated, since you squirmed around every time he brushed your sensitive clit. Keeping you on your side, Aegon finally withdrew his fingers. He pressed them to your lips, moaning when you sucked them. Relief finally sparked when he pushed his spongy tip to your pussy. Your body immediately spread your cum over his tip. He ran the head over your throbbing clitoris, letting his length side between your thighs to wet his shaft. This slight teasing drove you wild. He watched you grind into his cock, whimpering incoherently about him putting it inside you. 
“If I take your virginity, Princess,” he said, prodding your entrance with the head, “I will cum inside you.” It was not a fact. It was a promise. “I will fill you with my seed. I will keep filling you over and over until you’re pregnant with my child.” 
Then your mother has no choice. He liked the idea of you round, swollen and carrying his baby. Aegon did not particularly want children or to be married, in fact. He simply liked the idea of you holding his child. He smiled imagining his sister’s face whenever you walk by, heavily pregnant, and remember who put it in you. 
“Please, Uncle,” you moaned out the title, a word you used so innocently but which caused him so much arousal, “Fuck me.” 
“Fuck you?” he questioned coyly, still teasing you, “Not ‘make love’? Not ‘take me’? Do you wish for me to fuck you, little bird?” 
“Then that’s what you’ll get.”
He aligned himself with your entrance, then slowly sunk himself into you. Your eye widened at the length and girth stretching you, possibly breaking your maidenhead and causing slight bits of pain. Aegon did not particularly care. The pleasure surging inside his loins made him blind to all sense. Your pussy felt unreal. He’d taken plenty of virgins; he’d rammed himself deep into whores from dawn until dusk, yet yours was so much sweeter. Aegon straddled one thigh, holding the other up and pounded deep into you. Each moan came in a small squeak, still adjusting to his size in spite of the gradual pace. He looked down to his thickness forcing you open; your pussy gripped him tightly, and he couldn’t help being mesmerized by it. He pictured himself fucking this hole constantly. He’d fuck you everywhere and anywhere: his bed chambers, his mother’s apartments, your mother’s apartments, Aemond’s bed (for laughs), and maybe even the throne room. His wild fantasies filled with you riding his cock right on that stupid, ugly chair everyone wants so badly. Your tits bouncing as they did now in each thrust; you moaning his name and pleading for more even when you’d finished. You’ll be his pretty, dumb cocksleeve; his little sex slave who will do anything to satisfy him. 
“Such a good pet,” he growled in your ear, the new angle making your eyes roll back. He grabbed you by the throat, forcing you to stay fully still as he pounded your cunt. “Taking my big cock so well and being so good for me. Don’t worry about anything. You stay right here and be a good whore for me...a pretty, dumb, silly little whore...”
And that you did. Aegon watched with satisfaction and amazement when you climaxed a second time. He loved how you clawed at the pillows and sheets; you held them bundled up against your body for a shred to hang onto. Aegon withdrew to see a small sliver of pink mix in with the cum streaming from the tip of his cock. You'd bled. More dropped onto the sheet he used to wipe it. He could’ve cummed just from that alone, but no, he wanted more.
"Ride me," he said, laying on the bed and bringing you with him. He laid there to watch you straddle his hips and sit there. "Well?"
"I...Uncle, it hurts..."
"I know it does, pet," he cooed, running his hands on your thighs, "But it's supposed to. It'll start to feel better soon. Now, get on my cock like a good girl."
You grabbed his shaft and guided him into you, moaning as he impaled you. Aegon groaned at the pulsating heat swallowing him. He gazed down to see your clit rubbing on him, the friction making you grind on him gently. He allowed you to go whatever speed you liked for a while, content to enjoy your hot pussy instead. He grabbed at your tits in the meantime, cupping and palming them as much as he could. Hard nipples poked at his palms, and he pinched them tenderly. The additional pleasure caused you to start bouncing. The sound of skin on skin broke him, and he began bucking his hips to meet yours. He knew your insides would ache in the morning, but he did not fully care. He'd fallen too into his desires to care.
Soon, Aegon tightened his grip on your breasts, hearing a soft moan of pain as he came. As promised, Aegon pumped every drop he could deep inside you. Trembling, his eyes fell closed as he savored your pussy shuddering around him again. He didn’t stop until his cock softened, still twitching somewhat at the stimulation, and you finished cumming over him. Aegon did not pull out. He rolled you onto your side, lifted your leg over his to keep your bodies together, and held you. Under the glow of your orgasms, you rested in his arms. He pushed hair from your face, kissing your cheeks, nose, and lips and muttering praises. 
“You did so well, pet,” he muttered, kissing your lips. “You took it all like a big girl and made me so proud of you.” 
You smiled brightly, “Don’t pull out of me, Uncle. Please. Not yet.”
“I wasn’t planning to, sweetling,” he replied. “I told you. I want to keep filling you.” 
He’d let you relax for a while before having you again. Aegon won’t stop until he is sure you’re pregnant. If you prove not to be, then you have the rest of your lives to do so. Idly, he spent a good while kissing and caressing your body while stuffed in you. As he slipped out, admiring the thick substance spilling from your hole, he looked over to the doorway. Behind the shadow of the curtain, he spotted a small street urchin watching them. He smirked at the boy before he scurried off. A spy. One of Otto’s? One of Larys Strong’s? He didn’t care. The more people who knew about it, the better his chances will be. Aegon began kissing and nibbling your breasts as he imagined his sister hearing about this treachery. The victory felt too sweet. 
“Aegon, how could you? How could you be so blind? To do this? To do this to her?”
For once, Aegon was not bothered by his mother’s tears or fury. He watched with a sly smirk as she raged in front of him. The boy must’ve been Larys Strong’s spy after all, since it’d been her who approached him first. She’d come into his bed chamber, ripping the covers from his body and tearfully confronting him. He worried she might have gone to you first, giving you moontea and killing any chance of a child. But, that did not matter. He’d taken your virginity, which in a society like theirs, made you worthless to anyone who’d want you. 
“What were you thinking?” she asked him. “With her? You do understand that Rhaenyra favors her daughter immensely, and will take this as a slight on her and her family. You’ve spoiled her for any potential matches.” 
He almost told her you weren’t innocent either, and had asked him to do it, but he refrained. “I was thinking about my family.”
“Your family?” she huffed. “How is bedding your niece thinking of your family?”
“In order to avoid any more scandals and rumors,” he began, “Rhaenyra will have to agree to a marriage between our house and theirs. She loves Y/N. She adores her. If I’m married to her daughter, who is over the moon about me, then when she ascends the throne, she won’t execute us all.”
Aegon knows there are many flaws in his plan, but that did not matter. Rhaenyra’s always been his father’s favorite child. He’s willfully blinded himself to her treasons, and always came to her rescue whenever a problem arose. He showed time and time again that he cared more about her than the rest of his children. Aegon knows he’ll never be king, and he doesn’t want to be king, but he’d once wanted acceptance. He’d once wanted his father’s love. The night he realized he’d never have it, he decided if Rhaenyra can take things from him and his brother, he can certainly take things from her. Such as her pretty little daughter. By the time Rhaenyra saw her daughter again, she’ll be completely under Aegon’s control and influence. 
You’ll belong to him. 
A/N: this ended up a lot darker than I originally intended, but I’m happy with how it turned out. I hope you enjoyed it too!! <3 
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