#the way izzy says this and then clary's face..... incredible
alexanderlightweight · 11 months
I'll confess, I did read your previous prompt but it had slipped my mind and I was not thinking of it specifically when I wrote mine. I just really like hair lore and long hair and fancy hairdos and can never get enough fics with those. So if you want to extend the previous verse or if you've got a slightly different idea and want to write that instead, I will be entirely happy either way Thanks for picking mine! I'm all excited now ~~ \(^o^)/ ~~
haha you're good. i just was trying to figure out if it was a continuation or not but here we go! new hair lore from a different verse lol
i hope you enjoy!
<3 lumine
“And what will you need for this ritual?” Alec asks, barely looking up from where he’s bent over a screen. Because if he sees Fray with braids other than training ones, he’s going to throw something — probably her — and he wants to finish this conversation.
There is silence and Alec looks up, frown on his face because he isn’t sure why they’re stalling or why they have yet to introduce whoever they’ve brought with them.
“This is, uh Alec this is Magnus Bane.” Fray says and Alec’s eye twitches, ready to rip out the braids currently in her hair and the small little demon bone charm in it.
“Yes, I know the High Warlock of Brooklyn.” Alec allows, nodding casually to Magnus who is watching him with far more interest than he did when Alec was seven and trying to stalk him out of the Institute.  It’s been years since he’s last seen him and Magnus is only more handsome, more beautiful and Alec reminds himself that business has to come before pleasure.
“It’s a sacrifice.” Magnus allows, “nephilim hair is steeped in their grace and the price to pay for nephilim memories must of course, come from a nephilim.”
“Alright.” Alec says and when Jace gives him a surprised but pleased look he adds, “Fray, you’ll supply as much as needed.  If there is more needed, you can request volunteers though no one is obligated to help you.”
“Surely you weren’t expecting me to volunteer?” Alec asks casually as he stares Jace down. “If you and Izzy and interested in volunteering then of course I’ll allow it. If mother asks, I’ll make sure she understands it was a sacrifice for a…” his bottom lip curs into a sneer despite himself, “comrade of yours.” 
Magnus Bane is staring at him curiously, eyes incredibly intent and Alec is trying so hard not to let it affect him, even when it makes him want to stand straighter and turn, to show off the charms on his braid.
“Seriously? It’s just hair! These are my memories.” Fray tries to explain and Alec sighs, because his hair is more important to him than a stranger’s memories and he turns to Magnus.
“What are the specifics?”
“I’m not actually sure—” Magnus tells him and he seems completely at ease with the admittance. “Jocelyn Fairchild didn’t care about how they were protected, only that the memories would be nearly impossible to get.”
“My mother—”
“Shut up.” Alec says at the same time Magnus snaps his fingers and Clary goes surprisingly silent and then her face twists in outrage.  Alec snorts and ignores her, giving Jace a look that just dares him to interfere.
“A price will need to be paid to summon the demon, let alone find out what the cost will be.”
Alec sighs and looks at Clary with a frown and draws a small, ritual knife from his sleeve.  “Take off until just above the charm, that should be enough to figure out what the actual price is.” He holds it out, handle first to Clary and she crosses her arms and snorts.
“You cut your hair!” Clary spits out, the spell finally gone, “you’re the leader, aren’t you! So cut your own damn hair, Alec.” She tosses her red tangle of braids, “you’re a guy. You don’t even need long hair.”
Alec blinks and then he moves.  Clary is on the ground a moment later and he pins her there with his foot on her shoulder blades, one hand in the garish mess of braids.
“Do you want your memories back?” He asks calmly and Jace and Izzy are still, their faces pale from the moment Clary demanded he cut his hair.  The moment Clary garbles out a yes, Alec ignores anything else she adds and he cuts. 
There is a tiny chime, like a gong being shattered and Clary shudders as what little has grown of her angelic power is sheared away.  This is meant to be a sacrifice; it always is when a shadowhunter cuts their hair and Alec feels no sympathy.  The tiny demon bone charms disintegrates and he scoffs as he tosses the bundle to Magnus.
“The charm broke, it didn’t consider any of her demon kills to be valid.” Alec says mockingly, because Jace and Izzy insisted that Clary counted as bloodied even though Alec was sure it didn’t.  The charm dissolving without the connection to Clary’s core makes it clear that she’s not as strong or as capable as they keep pretending.
Clary sobs on the ground, looking up at him in horror and Alec shrugs.
He’s given Clary Fray every opportunity to learn and ask questions.
“You don’t get to pick and choose what parts of our culture you like.” Alec tells her and Magnus hums in agreement as he steps up close and the look, he’s given Alec is so hard to turn away from, but he does. “You want to be a part of our world, then you pay the prices like everyone else and you don’t get to ask others to sacrifice parts of themselves for your own vendetta.”
“Get her to the infirmary.” He tells Jace, “she’ll be fine in twenty minutes with a little adrenaline. Tell them to give her one of the weaker IV cocktails for nephilim children, she won’t be able to handle the amount an actual shadowhunter can handle.” He turns to Magnus then and swallows, “would you like to discuss the array and look over the wards in the rooms we have in our ritual rooms?”
“That would be perfect, thank you Alexander.” Magnus murmurs and he steps up next to Alec and smiles, something daring in his gaze. “Lead the way?”
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x-ceirios-x · 2 months
City of Glass, Chapter 19: Peniel
please see the masterlist for notes about this series/collection of works
Darkness flooded in from the edges of Jace's vision, like dye spilling onto a photograph, blotting out the image. This was it—Sebastian had won. His best efforts to keep him at bay, to keep him from escaping and possibly killing more of the city fell short. Suddenly there was no pain at all. He felt nothing, not even Sebastian’s weight on him, as if he were floating. Sebastian’s face drifted over him, white against the darkness, the dagger raised in his hand. Something bright and gold glittered at Sebastian’s wrist, as if he were wearing a bracelet. But it wasn’t a bracelet, because it was moving. Sebastian looked toward his hand, surprised, as the dagger fell from his loosened grip and struck the mud with an audible sound. 
Then the hand itself, separated from his wrist, thumped to the ground beside it. Just over his shoulder, he saw something silver glimmer in the moonlight, then heard Sebastian yelp and fall forward slightly. 
Jace stared wonderingly as Sebastian’s severed hand bounced and came to rest against a pair of high black boots, rising to a slender torso and a familiar face capped with a waterfall of black hair. Jace raised his eyes and saw Isabelle, her whip soaked with blood, her eyes fastened on Sebastian, who was staring at the bloody stump of his wrist with openmouthed amazement. Just behind her, a little further in the distance but gaining speed and moving forward, was Rowan, their eyes hard and deadset on Sebastian. It was their knife that he saw fly into his shoulder. 
Isabelle smiled grimly as they joined her. “That was for Max, you bastard.”
“Bitch,” Sebastian hissed—and sprang to his feet as Isabelle’s whip came slashing at him with incredible speed. Rowan pulled the chakhram from their belt, prepared to take him head-on, but he ducked sideways. He was gone. There was a rustle—he must have vanished into the trees, Jace thought, though it hurt too much to turn his head and look. 
“Jace!” Isabelle knelt down over him, her stele shining in her left hand. Her eyes were bright with tears; he must seem pretty bad, Jace realized, for Isabelle to look like that. 
“Hold still,” Rowan said, kneeling by his other shoulder. They tore a good chunk more of his shirt—in other circumstances, he would have made a joke that would get him punched—and Isabelle’s stele was on him, drawing.
“Rowan,” he tried to say. He wanted to tell them both to go, to run, that no matter how spectacular and brave and talented and amazing they both were—and they were both all those things—they were no match for Sebastian, not even together. They trained together from the time they were ten, all of them had. Rowan started even earlier with Isabelle and Alec. Their coordination could rival his and Alec’s, sometimes. But they weren’t fast enough, not strong enough, not to face him. There was no way that Sebastian was going to let a little thing like getting his hand sliced off stop him. But all that came out of Jace’s mouth was a sort of gurgling noise. 
“Don’t talk,” Isabelle said. He felt the tip of her stele burn against the skin of his chest. “You’ll be fine.”
Rowan inch forward and brushed a bit of bloodstained hair out of his face. He felt the awkward peel as the dried blood detached from itself and his hair fell back. “I don’t know what he told you,” they said softly. It had been a long time since Rowan spoke to him in such a kind voice. “You’re not Valentine’s son.”
“Clary told us all about it,” Izzy added. The rune was close to finished; already Jace could feel the pain fading. “I wasn’t going to come looking for you after you ran off, because you said in your note not to, and I got that. But there was no way I was going to let you die thinking you have demon blood, or without telling you that there’s nothing wrong with you, but honestly, how could you have thought anything so stupid in the first place—” Isabelle’s hand jerked, and she froze, not wanting to spoil the rune. This went much faster when Jensen was the one in the infirmary patching him up, but he wasn’t one to complain. He was quite happy he hadn’t snuck along with them, actually. This was too dangerous for him and he couldn’t handle someone else dying if he, himself made it out of this alive. “And you needed to know that Clary’s not your sister,” she said, more gently. “Because—because you just did.”
“I pulled a favor with Magnus,” they said. “And we made it sound like it might have been Alec’s idea. Once we knew where you were, all we had to do was sneak through that Portal—”
Isabelle screamed. Jace tried to reach for her, but she was already beyond his grasp, flung to the side. Her whip fell from her hand. She scrambled to her knees, but Sebastian was already in front of her. His eyes blazed with rage, and there was a bloody cloth tie around the stump of his wrist. Isabelle darted for her whip but he was faster. He spun and kickee out at her, hard. His booted foot connected with her ribcage. Jace thought he could hear Isabelle’s ribs crack as she flew backward, landing awkwardly on her side. He heard her cry out—Isabelle, who never cried out in pain—as Sebastian kicked her again and then caught up her whip, brandishing it in his hand. 
A knife flew through the air, blue and silver shining in the moonlight. Jace watched as it landed dangerously close to his neck—no doubt where they were aiming. Rowan grabbed their chakhram and leaped over him, making a beeline for Sebastian. He cursed and whirled around when the dagger hit him. They were already there, lunging forward and swinging their arm forward. They landed a cut across his chest—he watched his shirt tear and blood spill behind it. He cursed and reached out with his good hand. They tried to slice that one off, too, but he was too fast—they lifted off the ground, feet dangling several inches, with Sebastian’s hand around their throat. He’d dropped the whip somewhere in the interim. They tried to kick out at him but struggled to move or breathe, clawing at his hand. 
Jace rolled onto his side. The almost finished iratze helped, but the pain in his chest was still bad, and he knew, in a detached sort of way, that the fact he was coughing up blood probably meant he had a punctured lung. He wasn’t sure how long that gave him. Minutes, probably. He scrabbled for the dagger where Sebastian had dropped it, next to the grisly remains of his hand. Jace staggered to his feet. The smell of blood was everywhere. He thought of Magnus’s vision, the world turned to blood, and his slippery hand tightened on the hilt of the dagger. 
He took a step forward. Then another. Every step felt like he was dragging his feet through cement. Isabelle was screaming curses at Sebastian, who only laughed as his fist tightened. She tried to move but cried out when she tried to stand. Her screams, only interrupted by Rowan’s gasping for breath, drew Jace forward like a fish on a hook, but they grew fainter as he moved. The world was spinning around him like a carnival ride. 
One more step, Jace told himself. One more. Sebastian had his back to him; he was concentrating on Rowan. He probably thought Jace was already dead. And he nearly was. One step, he told himself, but he couldn’t do it, couldn’t move, couldn't bring himself to drag his feet one more step forward. Blackness was rushing in at the edges of his vision—a more profound blackness than the darkness of his sleep. A blackness that would erase everything he had ever seen and bring him a rest that would be absolute. Peaceful. He thought, suddenly, of Clary—Clary as he had last seen her, asleep, with her hair spread across the pillow and her cheek on her hand. He had thought then that he had never seen anything so peaceful in his life, but of course, she had only been sleeping, like anyone else might sleep. It hadn’t been her peace that had surprised him, but his own. The peace he felt at being with her was like nothing he had ever known before. 
Pain jarred up his spine, and he realized with surprise that somehow, without any volition of his own, his lands had moved him forward that last crucial step. He looked over Sebastian’s shoulder and realized Rowan had stopped moving, though their eyes were still open, staring at him, mouth open and desperate for air. He wouldn’t stop there; no, he wanted to kill them. Isabelle was sobbing a few feet away. “God, you’re pathetic,” he said. “You ran at me like a lost puppy when you first got here—I had everyone fooled, didn’t I? I enjoyed killing that brat, by the way. Sebastian.”
“You—” they gasped— “don’t say—his name—bastard—”
Jace brought his hand up, with the dagger in it, and sank the blade into Sebastian’s back. 
Rowan dropped like a ragdoll. He could hear their panting and harsh breath which was the only clue to him that they were alive. Sebastian staggered forward. He turned slowly and looked at Jace, and Jace thought, with a distant horror, that maybe Sebastian wasn’t really human, and that he was unkillable after all. Sebastian’s face was blank, the hostility gone from it, and the dark fire from his eyes. He no longer looked like Valentine, though. He looked—scared. 
He opened his mouth, as if he meant to say something to Jace, but his knees were already buckling. He crashed into the ground, the force of his fall sending him sliding down the incline and into the river. He came to rest on his back, his eyes staring sightlessly up at the sky; the water flowed around him, carrying dark threads of blood downstream on the current. 
He taught me there’s a place on a man’s back where, if you sink a blade in, you can pierce his heart and sever his spine, all at once, Sebastian had said. I guess we got the same birthday present that year, Jace thought, didn’t we?
“Rowan—” Isabelle started, crawling across the grass towards them. They still had labored breath and they fumbled for their stele in their jacket pocket. “Jace!” she called out. “Jace!”
He tried to turn toward her, tried to say something, but his words were gone. He slid to his knees. A heavy weight was pressing down on his shoulders, and the earth was calling him—down, down, down. He was barely aware of Isabelle crying his name as the darkness carried him away. 
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izzymalec · 4 years
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season 1 being iconic/cursed for too many gifs straight [21/?]
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
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Magnus Bane x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2107 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Magnus taking a special interest in you, Clary's human best friend who resembles a lover Magnus had centuries ago
Just a concept I was tossing around. Let me know what you think and If I should work on a mini-series based on this
“Just stay close and don’t say anything” Jace reminded, leading you and the rest of your party into Hardtail, his eyes focused on the surrounding crowd, constantly scanning for danger.
This whole thing should be easy.
All they had to do was find Magnus and get him to give Clary her memories back. All things considered, it should have been an in and out mission, something they had done a million times before.
...but they could never be too careful.
Especially considering that they had been forced to bring along some dead weight, in the form of you, as extra insurance.
Just in case the Warlock in question tried anything.
“This is a terrible idea” Alec grumbled, the words falling on mostly deaf ears, though by this point, even Clary was wondering if bringing you along had been the right call.
You were insistent, as soon as you found out that you could be of help but you weren’t blind. You knew that you were in over your head, heading into a downworlder bar with a couple of shadowhunters without any real idea what you were doing there.
Under any other circumstances, you would have turned tail and ran in the other direction, but this was for Clary.
If this ‘High Warlock of Brooklyn’ could give Clary her memories back, and help her figure out what their next step was, you were going to do anything you could to make that happen.
“We don’t even know if this will work-” he continued, earning an elbow to the side from Izzy, who knew exactly where he was going with that.
She knew what they should have already figured out, that once you found out why you were here, you were going to freak out for sure. After all, it wasn’t everyday that you found out that you bore a striking resemblance to someone else, long dead.
It wasn’t something you would be prepared to hear, so it would just be better if you could all get through this without you figuring out what you were actually doing here.
You took notice of the strange exchange between the Lightwoods but decided to ignore it.
The two of them were known to bicker, even to someone who had known them for a few short weeks, and you had more important matters at hand.
Like making sure you didn’t accidentally bump into a vampire or something as you made your way into the club.
“Keep your head down, and don’t go too far” Clary whispered, webbing her fingers with your own as you passed through the crowd, your grib unintentionally tightening as the reality of the situation set in.
Clary was built for this, it was in her blood, but you weren’t.
It wasn’t until you showed up to things like this that you realized just how far out of your depth that you were.
“I’m not going anywhere, trust me” you whispered back, focusing more on putting one foot in front of the other more than anything. Before now, you were sure that the correct answer to the question Jace asked you was yes.
Now that you were here though, you weren't so convinced.
You understood that getting Magnus to meet with you was a long shot in the first place, and you couldn't afford to mess it up, but you just weren’t sure why they needed you. Out of everyone here, you were the most out of place.
Anyone looking in on the scene in front of them would have seen just how much you didn’t belong. Not that anyone around you was all that concerned with you so far, all too focused on the music and lights.
As long as you did as you were told and kept your head down, everything would be fine.
All things considered, your job was easy.
You just had to stay out of the way, and hope that Jace and Alec didn’t need you for whatever it was they thought you could be useful for. Which could have been anything and you wouldn’t have known any better.
The Shadowhunters were so secretive, only telling you what they thought you needed to know, and even then, they always tended to leave out the important stuff.
It made working with them very difficult.
Still, you did what you were told and kept your head down, doing your best to blend in until something changed, which didn’t look like it was going to happen at first.
All in all, it looked to be a pretty standard conversation, though you couldn’t hear any of what they were saying from the distance you were at.
Of course, It wasn't until someone shot an arrow into some guy in the background that you realized just how wrong you were. Evidently, there had been an assassin in the crowd the entire time and no one noticed until Alec put him down.
Which, in turn, spooked the reclusive Warlock into nearly diving back into his wormhole.
He got his jewel, but from the looks on Jace and Clary’s faces, they didn’t get nearly as much as they were hoping for. The only thing that kept Magnus in place was the redhead’s grasp on his wrist, which likely wouldn’t be enough to hold him.
Clearly, they needed something else, which was exactly why they brought you.
You had inadvertently become the most important part of this mission just now, and that meant it was your time to shine, even if you didn’t exactly know what your part to play was.
Without missing a beat, Izzy shot over to whisper something in your ear, something that really didn’t seem like it would work. Though, by this point, you weren’t sure that you had any right to question any of the shadowhunters.
After all, you didn’t even know they existed until a couple weeks ago.
You shot Izzy one more questioning glance, just to make sure she was serious about this before she nodded, telling you to continue with the plan. If anything was going to get Magnus to stick around, it was this.
“Magnus, wait!” you called, doing your best to cut through all the noise that Alec’s arrow and subsequent murder had brought on, which worked surprisingly well.
As it would turn out, just because the Shadowhunters had neglected to tell you that you looked like the long lost love of his life didn’t mean that Magnus was going to. Even the sound of your voice was enough to ring alarms in his head.
He hadn’t heard that sound in so long.
Almost immediately, the Warlock spun around on his heels, his attention finding you immediately. It didn’t make sense, and there was no way that he could have explained it but there was no denying the truth.
Not when it was staring him right in the face.
It was you, and it didn’t matter how it had happened, not now. All he cared about in this moment was that you had come back to him, after all these years. . It was incredible, but even with as thrilled as Magnus was, staying here wasn’t safe. If Valentine managed to find him here, that meant that he likely already knew where the others were.
Every second he spent away was another second evil had to prevail.
Not to mention the fact that he couldn’t exactly trust the shadowhunters to tell him the truth. For all he knew, Magnus could have been looking at some glamour of sorts, and they were tricking him.
He was just having a hard time believing what he was looking at. After all this time, it didn't seem right to see you again.
“You always did like places like this” he hummed, that same far away look clouding his vision as had been this entire time.
No one had ever looked at you like that.
He was looking at you like the whole building could come crumbling down around you and it wouldn’t have mattered one bit. Like you had physically put the sun in the sky, and you barely knew who he was.
“I’ll be in touch”
...and with that, he was gone.
Though, the thought of walking away from you a second time was nearly enough to break his heart, he didn’t have a choice.
There would be no opportunity to talk to you if he was dead, besides, if they wanted to get Clary’s memories back, they were going to need his help.
“Who was he talking about? Who does Magnus Bane think I am?” you started, already asking all the questions that they should have seen coming but no one bothered to answer them.
They weren’t even sure they were going to need you when they asked you to tag along, and just because you had helped them out a little back there didn’t mean the Shadowhunters owed you anything.
You were still just some mundane.
The only reason you were still here was because of Clary, that and they needed you once Alec realized that they were going to have to meet up with Magnus in the first place.
Someone had to get him to agree to help.
“Don’t worry about it. All that matters is that he agreed to help us” Jace shrugged, ignoring you, which by this point was par for the course.
You were so tired of everyone acting like you weren’t here. .
“Come on. I did you a favor back there, can’t you at least tell me what I did?” you sighed, turning your attention to Izzy and Clary instead, because you already knew the males in your party couldn’t care less about what you’d done.
To them, you might as well not be here and you had come to terms with that. You just wanted to know who he thought you were, that was it.
In the grand scheme of things, it wasn’t even that big of a deal.
“The last partner Magnus had, she looked a lot like you” she allowed, recalling the photograph she’d seen, which might as well have been you a couple hundred years earlier.
You couldn’t believe it.
All this time, you were masquerading as someone else, someone that you didn’t even know existed, and everyone else knew all along.
It was ridiculous.
Though, before you could inform the surrounding Shadowhunters of just how ridiculous, Jace chimed in just enough to let you know that, even still, it wasn’t really your place to ask questions or have opinions.
“We were hoping to catch him off guard, we needed the upperhand” Jace shrugged, truly not seeing how wrong this whole thing was. Not only did they use you without bothering to tell you what was going on, but they exploited him too.
It wasn’t right.
“You should have told me!” you scoffed, thinking that at the very least someone would have had the decency to fill you in on the plan but it would appear that no one thought about that before now.
Jace didn’t even look all that interested in having this conversation at all.
“I would have helped even if you told me beforehand, you know? It would have just been nice to know what I was walking into” you continued, well aware that you were basically talking to yourself but not caring enough to stop.
You couldn’t be both the mundane they didn’t even care enough to address by name and a member of the team that they used when they needed help.
You could be one or the other, but not both, and certainly not at once.
“Well, now you know. Congratulations! Can we get going now?” Alec called, several paces ahead of all of you by now, and not stopping even still. He didn’t care at all about whatever little moral dilemma you were having.
He was much more interested in getting back to the institute before another assassin got the better of one of you.
“Thanks Alec, I appreciate that” you countered, not bothering to cover up the sarcasm flowing from your lips. If he could talk to you like that, there was no reason you couldn’t give it right back.
The truth was that it didn’t matter what they said or how much they pretended this wasn’t a big deal. What had happened back there with Magnus was a big deal, at least, it was a big deal for you.
After all, you just found out that you looked like some dead chick that was hooking up with one of the most powerful warlock’s of all time.
How was that not supposed to be a big deal?
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closedmadness · 3 years
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summary: you and alec hated each other — or at least, pretended to in front of everyone. behind the scenes, however, you two are insanely in love with each other
pairings: alec lightwood x male reader
warnings → fluff & nsfw・swearing・fake arguments・make-out session・blowjob・anal penetration・slight possessive alec
a/n: please i didn’t mean for this to be short nsfw but my fingers moved on its own✋😭 it was supposed to be just cute, fluffy and sweet💀
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“you can’t tell me that it wasn’t your fault we failed our mission today.” alec’s voice boomed in the institute as soon as all of you got home, irritation clear in his tone.
rolling your eyes, a sigh escaped your lips. you really don’t want to do this right now after that particularly bad, failed mission — a bunch of female mundanes swarmed over you while on duty, disturbing you and making you unable to guard over the demons that were wrecking havoc on that club itself. those females were a distraction; they wanted to get into your pants, thirty for some love from a incredibly good-looking man like you.
deciding not to deal with his crap as isabelle and jace scolded alec, you went to walk pass him before being stopped quickly with a grab on your arm. “i really don’t want to do this right now, lightwood.” you immediately said after turning around, refusing to let him talk first. “i feel responsible of this mission as much as it’s hard to believe that, and i don’t want you constantly nagging me about it.”
“as you should.” he retorts with the same cold, emotionless face he always plastered on. “and of course, i will nag you about it, it was an important mission! we got to kill those demons but we didn’t get to find out their intention.”
you scrunched your brows together, “why didn’t you ask any of them when those mundanes were crowding over me? i’m sure you had plenty of chances.” eyes glinting with suspicion, you stepped forward towards him. “or maybe you just didn’t want to do anything so you could frame me on the failed mission.” you accused.
alec’s brows furrowed and his lips curved upside down in a frown at that. he narrowed his eyes, offended and upset. “you’re accusing me now? great, (y/n)! of course, you would find a way to accuse me somehow!” he exclaimed sarcastically.
you scoff and rolled your eyes, done with his bullshit before storming off the heart of the institute towards your room.
“seriously, alec?” isabelle gives her brother a look, hands resting on her hips, but all the male lightwood did was glare at her and storm off as well.
she didn’t know why you and alec are always on each other’s throats; it’s almost as if you’d kill each other when left alone together, there isn’t even any clear reason you two should hate each other yet you still do. it’s probably because of the feud between maryse and your mother, but even then, she still did not understand. in her eyes, alec was longing for your touches and just you in general, yet he’s pushing you away. isabelle has been wanting the both of you to get along — though, it might be the hardest one to achieve.
jace and clary glanced at each other, knowing how she feels about this whole feud thing. “they’ll come around soon, izzy.” the former comforts, placing his hand on her shoulder.
“yeah, let’s just believe in them.” clary joins, taking up the space opposite jace. “you know what they say; the more you hate, the more you love. who knows? they might actually get along someday.” she tried her best to cheer up, which worked miraculously as isabelle reveals a smile.
perhaps, she should be patient as the universe works in its own wonderful ways. all these small, petty arguments are getting tiring and she just hopes something will change for the better.
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walking down the hallway leading up to your room, alec looks around first cautiously and makes sure no one’s witnessing anything before eventually stopping in front of your door.
it was already unlocked, with you peeking from the tiny bit of space between, grinning up at him. alec smiled and assured you there was no one around, which made you open the door wide and pull him in. giggling together, he closed the door behind him and made sure to lock it as you captured his lips on yours, cupping his face with both hands.
he smiled into the kiss, moving to wrap his arms around your waist while yours wrapped around his neck, pulling each other close. feeling a gentle squeeze on your butt, you took that as a signal to jump and wrap your legs around him, alec not missing a beat to catch you. with lips still attached together, alec moved to sit on the bed, his hands beginning to roam around your body. breaking the kiss to catch your breath, he took it as an opportunity to run his lips and tongue across your neck, licking, sucking and biting. you moaned, tilting your head back to give him more access.
“alec...” you whimpered breathlessly as he sucked harshly on your skin, creating a pretty visible hickey. “they will- don’t make one where they can see it.” complaining, you slipped your fingers through his soft hair but didn’t stop him from continuing his work.
he hums, the vibration making you shiver. “you can always cover it, (y/n). i know you like it when i leave my mark on you.” he mumbled against your skin, tightening his hold. a moan once again leaves your lips when he bit on your sweet spot, the blissful sound making him groan and slip his hand in the back of your pants. “you know today was not your fault, right?” he suddenly whispers, staring into your (e/c) eyes that never failed to make him lost.
you stared back at his hazel eyes, nodding your head and resting your forehead against his. “of course, darling. i never meant anything i’ve said either.”
this is always what you did — argue, act like enemies, be nasty, throw insults at one another, speak with distaste in the front, but once behind the closed doors, you apologize to each other and make sure the other didn’t take it to their heart, as well as show love, so you’d be reassured of everything.
alec smiles, his eyes shining with admiration and love. oh, how angelic he looked with that smile of his. only you could see him so soft.
“truth is, i couldn’t ask the demons because i was focused on you.” he admitted, looking down for a second before returning his gaze on you. “those mundanes,” distaste filled his tone at the mention of those creature, “had no right to touch you like that. acting like you’d sleep with them, be their man.” his lips pouted at the thought as jealousy clouded his chest.
chuckling, you pecked his lips when found his jealousy cute. “alec, darling, you know i’m only gonna do that with you. i’m completely yours.” talking with a loving tone, your fingers played with his hair that always made him feel good.
alec smiled in fondness and gently pulled you by the back of your head, capturing your lips in yet another heated kiss. you bit on his bottom lip, erupting a groan from him as he pushed the jacket off of your shoulders, it falling on the floor along with your black shirt. alec only ever broke the kiss when he removed his jacket and shirt, and quickly smashed his lips back on yours, tongue slipping in smoothly and exploring your mouth, fighting against your own wet muscle for dominance.
he then flipped you both to lay your back on the soft mattress, never breaking the kiss as his hand ran across your chest and abs, tracing every bit of your body. you moaned into the kiss when he palmed your cock through the thick layer of pants.
“mhm, alec...” calling his name breathlessly, you unconsciously buckled your hips onto his hand, trying to get some sort of stimulation.
alec groaned in arousal at your reaction, quickly unzipping your pants and tugging it off of you along with your boxers. a cool of air hit your manhood as soon as it was released, making you shiver, eyes closing in response.
the lightwood took his time to admire you completely; your eyes glistening with lust, lips swollen from all the kissing, chest rising up and down with every breath you take, fully naked, presenting yourself to him without shame or hesitation. no matter how many times he looked at every part of you, you never ceased to take his breath away. it was sort of amusing, how even after all this time you still have him wrapped around your finger and willingly refusing to ever unwrap.
god, he’s so lucky to have you.
alec starts kissing your chest downwards slowly until it reached your hard erection, laying a peck on the tip which had you twitching. giving your tip a kitten lick, his hand pumped your cock painfully slow as you whimpered. he licked off the dripping precum before fully taking you in, the walls of his mouth rubbing against your shaft making you moan and throw your head back, eyes almost rolling to the back of your head. he didn’t stop until he took all the way in and starts to bob his head upwards and backwards, twirling his wet muscle skillfully on your shaft while doing so, keeping his gaze fixed on you.
you gripped the sheets tightly until your knuckles turned white, wave after wave of pleasure hitting you like a tsunami as an uncontrollable moans escaped your lips. “fuck, alec! t-that feels so good.” you praised, arching your back to get more stimulation.
alec kept you in place with his hands as he continued sucking you off, the bulge in his pants implying his intense arousal upon the delicious sight in front of him. his cock was painfully hard underneath that thick fabric.
saliva as well as your precum dripped his chin, but he couldn’t careless as he only wanted you to feel amazing. and indeed, you were feeling just that.
he could see your legs quiver in the corner of his eyes. you were close, he could feel it by your cock twitching and pulsating in his mouth. an all too familiar feeling builds in the pit of your stomach as tears blurred your vision, your mind reminding you how close you are to your climax. “ohhh, fuck! alec! i’m close- aghhh!”
“cum for me, (y/n).” alec speaks, and although it was muffled due to your cock still buried between his lips, you understood. he fastened his pace, slowly sending you over the edge until finally, you let out a loud moan of his name as white seeds shoots out from your cock in his mouth. your hips jerked while you ride out your orgasm, his lips still wrapped around the manhood in an attempt to swallow everything that spills out of it.
he then released your cock from his mouth with a loud ‘pop’ and hovered above your panting body again, capturing your lips in a gentle kiss. you could taste yourself along with his saliva as your wet muscles danced together lazily.
a shaky sigh leaves his lips after feeling how painfully hard he was and finally moved to remove the rest of his clothes, pants and boxers altogether — his hard-on springing up as he released a relieved sigh from the freeness. his pants were getting too tight with his as-hard-as-a-rock manhood inside.
“alec,” you breathlessly called, bringing your hands up to cup his face. “go ahead and put it in. i want you now.”
“but without preparation-”
“it will hurt, i know.” you cut him off, giving him an assuring look. “we did it yesterday, it’ll be okay. please, just fuck me right now,” you placed your lips just above his ear, “show me those mundanes aren’t better than you.”
“you really...” he growled. you really knew how to rile him up.
without a warning, he slammed his cock into you in just one go and ripped out a scream from your throat, eyes rolling to the back of your head from the sudden feeling of being filled with his thick shaft.
thrusting his hips, alec groaned at the warm feeling of your tight hole around him and kissed your collarbone to muffle his own noises while his ears are blessed with your constant whines, moans and whimpers.
“shit, ah! alec! more!” you desperately whined, hips moving on its own to meet with his rhythmic thrust.
“fuck, (y/n)...” he grunted right into your ear, making you shudder.
his pace was fast and rough as he fucked you mercilessly into the mattress while leaving hickeys everywhere he can, angling his thrust so he’d perfectly hit your prostate. “you’re only mine. no mundanes, or shadowhunters, or downworlders can get to lay their hands on you but me. i’m the only one who get to fuck you like this...” his words went straight to your already hard-enough cock, arousing you even further.
it’s always hot whenever alec gets possessive over you, and you loved that.
“oh my god, alec— right there!” you moaned, now tears rolling down your flushed cheeks. his thrust starts to get sloppy as both of you near the edge, you could feel his cock pulsing and twitching inside your hole.
it took three harsh and hard thrust to completely throw you off as your eyes rolled to the back of your head, loud moans that sounded almost like a scream erupting from your throat, back arching and body squirming underneath him as white loads shoots out again from your manhood, landing on your exposed chest and stomach, cumming hard. your walls tightened around him while you cum and that was enough for alec to spill his hot seed inside you, filling you up good like always.
pulling out, he collapsed on the bed beside you, catching your breath together and slowly calming down from your high. “great thing your room is soundproof.” alec comments, making you both chuckle.
“yeah, that’s one thing i love about this room.” you laughed and he did as well before pulling you so you could rest your head on his chest, listening to his even and rhythmic heartbeat.
cleaning up can wait tomorrow. for now, you two wanted to cuddle up with each other knowing there has to be a lot of pretending again.
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jace, isabelle, clary and magnus all sat exasperated on the couch as they watch you and alec go back and fourth over the cup and valentine, both arguing and insulting each other for about an hour now.
it’s a usual day, with you and alec hating the other using the sharpness of your tongues, but they were getting tired of this constant bickering and slight sexual tension that always rose in the air.
magnus had just recently discovered your hatred for each other and at first he found it amusing, but that soon turned into boredom when it became an occasional sight for him. though, he can admit that your tongue is sharper than alec’s and he’s impressed by that.
“valentine is a shadowhunter, alright? he’d be able to get the cup from here.” you argued, giving the lightwood a pointed look.
alec folded his arms, “not if we guard it.”
you raised your brows and a ‘really?’ look crossed your face. “have you forgotten that he killed thousands of shadowhunters and downworlders, or did you become so old that your memory gaps is getting worse?” he shot you a death glare at that, not liking the tone you use on him.
“okay so,” clary stands up, “why don’t you both just calm down and figure this out in a friendly way?” you and alec snapped your gaze towards her, eyes practically sending daggers. she held her hands up, “or maybe not. but can’t you just... uh- not fight, for once?”
“not my problem he’s irritating.” you retorted with arms folded above your chest.
alec rolled his eyes, “well, not my problem either that he’s annoying.” he exclaimed while his index finger pointed at you.
“you two look like an old married couple.” isabelle comments with a teasing smirk dancing on her lips. you and alec froze in your places and looked at her with unreadable expression before turning back at each other.
it felt good hearing that, since you two are dating.
the conversation were interrupted when maryse approaches, her hands fiddling with each other and a nervous look on her face.
you sighed, stepping away to walk out, but maryse quickly stops you when you walked pass her. “stay, please. this involves you, too.” confusion laced your face at that, but didn’t say anything as you stepped back.
“i know that the feud between (y/n)’s mother and i have caused some troubles within you, and we’re very sorry for that. we decided... it’s better to forget what happened between us rather than drag it down and have it affect all of you.” she turned around and gestured for someone to come, your mother walking up to her, their hand intertwining in a friendly manner as smiles coated their faces.
surprise filled everyone’s face, brows raising. “wait, does this mean you two are friends now?” isabelle asked.
your mother smiled, nodding her head. “we had a genuine conversation last night and found out we had more similarities than we thought we would.”
jace, clary and isabelle smiled at one another while magnus sipped on his drink, feeling quite happy for them. this meant you and alec had no reason to hate each other.
“so this isn’t a joke? you’re not pretending?” you asked, suspicion on both yours and alec’s face. they shook their heads and smiled.
you stared at them before turning to alec who looked back at you, silently conversing.
finally, a sigh leaves his lips as you simultaneously looked at the two mothers with a smile. “that’s a great news, mother. i hope you have fun together.” he congratulates, smiling. “now, (y/n) and i have somewhere else to go. i assume there won’t be any missions for today.”
surprise looks coated everyone’s faces and their eyes almost popped out of their sockets when you intertwined your hand with his. you waved at them, alec beginning to drag you two away.
“hold on a second, where are you going? and what does that mean?” jace quickly asked, pointing at your intertwined hands after he stood up from the couch.
“isn’t it obvious?” alec gives him a look, “we’re going on a date. now, make an effort not to interrupt us.” he continued to pull you.
“have fun with mom, mrs. lightwood!” you said with a smile before disappearing out with alec.
everyone still looked shocked.
“well, that took a turn.” magnus smirked, drinking his tequila.
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© prettymadness — all rights reserved. do not repost or translate without my permission. plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
in holt's voice: Pain. That's it.
He looked exhausted like he hadn’t slept at all.
I'm already sad and ready to murder
the baby...
David had never lost someone he loved.
this is fucking foreshadowing isn't it
But real strength was not in surviving the presence of pain. Real strength was in suviving the absence of love.
despite the chaos I'm glad to see these two interacting
The Consul leaned back in his chair and ran his hand through his beard. David had to admit, he looked damn good with it. Even if it made him seem even more intimidating than before.
yes boy YES
it's really hard not to smile right now but my camera is on and im supposed to be finding meanings of foreign words based on my own knowledge so-
“Max is too old for me to tell him what he is and isn’t allowed to do,” the Consul said – although he didn’t sound very happy about it.
It’s going to be okay. It’s going to be okay. It’s going to be okay.
let's hope so
Facts and figures, babe, Max had kissed his cheek last night. Dad likes facts and figures.
deep breathes
it'll be ok
“You’ve done your research,” the Consul nodded. There was a hint of approval in his voice that made David want to do a cartwheel.
“I’d like to take care of the New York institute,” David said now. “Because Jace Herondale and Clary Fairchild took care of me.”
And for the first time that evening, the Consul smiled. David wanted to burst into song.
this is beautiful
David couldn’t help but find that endearing. He wondered what it felt like to be loved like that. He wondered what it felt like to have a father like that – a father who couldn't stop loving his child even for a moment.
A love that was endless and tireless.
Every time he was in the presence of the Lightwood-Bane family he was reminded of what he had lost and what every child deserved.
It made him sad.
But then he would remember. He would remember that Max had grown up knowing nothing but this. Max had grown up with nothing but love.
It made him happy.
alright come here let me hug you
UHUHSCUICDUH "Why do you not like me"
“I know I worry too much about Max,” the Consul said, his smile sad now. “But I can only worry now. I won’t always be there to worry over him.”
it's 9 am boy
"Why are you scared of me" HSUHYUKDUMKDS WELL YOU SEE-
all we can really do is replace the bad memories with happier ones...
“No,” the Consul said, and David’s heart almost stopped. “I mean, of course I care. But I don’t have to be hard on you to show you that I do. There are many ways to show people we care about them without hurting them.”
David thought of his father then. He remembered the way his father had drawn the agony rune on his wrist and promised him it was because he loved David and wanted him to be strong. The memory hurt.
Jace and Clary bestest
“I’m sorry for whatever I did to intimidate you,” the Consul apologized.
that is so alec oh my god 😭
David looked him in the eye. “You’re Alec Lightwood.”
The man looked confused. “Is that supposed to mean something?
I'm smiling so much right now because yeah
yeah I get what he's saying
David hadn’t known that boys were allowed to kiss other boys – not until he heard about Alec Lightwood’s Accords Hall kiss.
David hadn’t known fairy tales existed outside of books - not until he heard about Alec Lightwood adopting a warlock baby with Magnus Bane.
David hadn’t known love can literally change the world – not until he heard about Alec Lightwood changing the world for the man he loved.
don't make me cry during linguistics
“Well,” the Consul chuckled. “To be entirely honest, I did all of that for Magnus.”
as he should
“Everything I have ever done has always been for Magnus,” the Consul said, his voice oddly soft.
we're talking about some wall in class and im here trying not to cry
my teacher just asked why some of us have our cameras off WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY
“I don’t want to be a hero,” David confessed honestly. “I just thought if I ran away to a city full of heroes, they would protect me if someone tried to hurt me again.”
“What’s that?” the Consul frowned, pointing at his neck.
By the angel! David was going to have words with Max when he saw him again.
“Uh,” David said. “Mosquito bite.”
“Do you remember when Izzy got attacked by a demon in Edom?”
“And you drank my blood,” the Consul rolled his eyes.
“Aw,” the Dean of the Academy chuckled. “You do remember.”
poor David is stuck between them talking like this IM SCREAMING
He remembered the way Consul had blamed himself when Max had found the spoils room at the York Institute. The way he had believed he should have done better when his eldest son had been traumatized by foul rumours of the Clave.
oh honey no
There were people who got mad at themselves when things went wrong.
There were people who got mad at everyone around them when things went wrong.
While Alec Lightwood was the former, his son and David’s boyfriend, was definitely the latter.
I'm definitely both
“It wasn’t your fault,” David spoke up then. “When bad things happen to people, it’s because of the people who did those bad things. We shouldn’t atone for someone else’s sins.”
“Yeah. Stop atoning, dude,” the Dean said chuckled. “Listen to the boy.”
“And be careful,” the Consul said, his tone a little different now.
“I will keep an eye on-”
“No,” the Consul said and pointed at the hickey on David’s neck. “With Max. Be careful.”
David was pretty sure his face on fire.
“Um, we have the internet,” David pointed out.
The Consul blinked. “Right. Of course. The internet.”
ao3 and Wattpad
“If he gives you a hard time, don’t give up,” the man whispered like it was a secret. “You just need to weasel your way into his life.”
David chuckled. “Is that what you did?”
“Yeah, and then he had the audacity to get accidentally get drunk and confess his love in the middle of the night.”
“I did have a latte,” her mother said with a straight face.
Georgia didn’t find that funny.
I almost said "BECAUSE IT'S NOT FUNNY" before I realized that is exactly what I would've said
She knew her mother, like so many other people in her life, preferred to use humour to cope with the pain. They preferred to hide their pain away from other people.
Georgia never understood why people did that. Did they think others didn’t know what pain felt like? Everyone was in pain all the time – some kind of it at least. Everyone knew how to cope with it. So, it made more sense to share it than to carry it all by yourself.
i...I never look at it that way
Apparently, hand holding had special healing abilities at times like this.
yeah it really does
Georgia had hoped to find out herself. She had wondered so much about the baby.
tears. literal tears
It didn’t matter that Georgia had wanted to name the baby Abigail after the first iron sister. It didn’t matter that her father wanted to name the baby Jonathan to piss off Uncle Jace.
Abigail Jonathan Lightwood-Lovelace
People said that poison was a coward’s weapon. But Georgia didn’t think so. It wasn’t easy to make poison. It wasn’t easy sneak it into the right place at the right time.
Whoever did this, they were not cowards. They were smart and they should be feared.
yeah, what did happen during the trial?
uh is Selena ok?
like genuinely
is she just a very heavy sleeper or...
Because sometimes the only comfort you needed was your mom.
Except for random parts of the house that were incredibly organized – a sign Uncle Jace had been there
“I’m staying in New York, mom. I’m going to help Selena and the centurions find out who did this to me,” her mother said, her words a promise. “And once I do, I’m going to strangle them with my whip.”
Yes you will
Anjali and Rafe
please be ok. please
ok I know that's not how it works but IM DESPERATE
her bedroom seems amazing though
Rafael gave so much shit to his dad because the other man had the habit of watching his husband sleep.
But now he sort of understood the fascination.
“You do ballet?” he asked, holding up the ballet shoes.
slightly reminds me of rosa
the red binder
it's fucking genius
David can keep his flowers and cookies and scarves.
This, what he held in his hands right now, was the best thing anyone could ever give him. A file full of reforms to make the clave better.
“You think I want to die and leave the Council in your cishet hands?”
“I don’t care what the Clave needs,” Rafael snapped, and Anjali momentarily looked taken aback. “I need you.”
he needs her
“Bulgaria is known as the land of roses,” Rafael told her. “The Sofia Institute is built in the middle of a rose garden.”
“Oh,” Anjali’s eyes momentarily softened. “I like roses.”
you know that tiktok trend? the one which goes "listen it's a good joke it's a great joke even but i need you to stop" or smth like that?
His hand was itching to reach out and hold hers. So, he did just that. He reached out – very carefully – and took her hand in his own.
“I need you to get better, Anjali,” he whispered. “Cause I would very much like to take you there.”
no she's not becoming a vampire
The part that was the shadowhunter – which told him she didn’t deserve to die over some angelic mishap.
The part that was the future Consul – which told him he needed Anjali on his side.
The part that was a Lightwood-Bane – which told him he should never give up fighting.
And then there was the part that was Rafael – just Rafael.
It told him he had to save his heart – no matter the consequences.
we're talking about some powerplant in geography and I'm crying over this
Anjali please please don't die
“Not everything,” Rafael told her. “I know someone who can help.”
“Well, now we don’t know that for sure!” Max grinned. “Who knows what they get up to? Maybe there is someone occasional boning in the bone city.”
“How does manage to get more insufferable every time I meet him?” Jackson demanded.
i...never looked at it that way
Max grinned widely at the other boy. “You wanna be my immortal buddy, Jack-Jack?”
“The boys are back” he yelled, hugging David and Jackson. “Ty, our boys are back! Yas! The London Boys are back!”
“Okay it’s a little disrespectful when you call her by the same name you call me,” Max pointed out.
“True,” Jackson nodded. “Irene shouldn’t be disrespected like that.”
"It’s hard being a celeb,” Max sighed dramatically.
“He is referring to the chaos you unleashed the last time you went there,” Jackson rolled his eyes. “People still remember you.”
“I’m memorable. It’s not my fault,” Max shrugged.
Max no more gambling bestie
“If the assassination attempt on Magnus had been successful, we wouldn’t be sitting and talking like this,” Kit pointed out. “The nephilim and downworlders would be at war.”
As they should. No one hurts Magnus
“So the target isn’t just Magnus Bane?” Jackson asked.
“Possibly,” Ty nodded. “The Consul and his husband…They are the ones who united the shadow world – with the Alliance. With their marriage. So, it’s not surprising that someone – seelie or not – wants to break it all down.”
with every line, I get closer to a breakdown
“There are people all around me to protect me from demons and crazy assassins,” Max smiled. “But you…You protect me from myself. So, don’t give me that I’m not good at protecting bullshit.”
so precious...
“Now let’s go find out which dumbass thought it would be a good idea to try and kill Magnus Fucking Bane.”
i have a few torture methods in mind
If shadowhunters couldn’t fight demons, it would put both downworlders and mundanes in danger. His father’s Clave – small as it was – did their best to keep the demons at bay. They were the only thing keeping the shadow world safe from demons.
Ikr?? Like David said earlier Alec's clave is literally the one doing the actual shadowhunting.
“Jackson is incredibly smart and perceptive. He knows what is good for him, David. He chose you to be his best friend. He has accepted that his family is gone for good and is finally focusing on his future. If this is what he wants to do and if this is who he wants to be, then you should trust that he has thought this through. He wouldn’t have chosen this life if he thought he wouldn’t be happy with it.”
i just want to talk 🙂
“Great,” Max said, feeling frustrated. “So, someone created a fancy new poison just to kill my parents.”
“They did say something else,” Kit said, his tone worried. “The poison…It’s not entirely made of demonic properties.”
“Oh?” David said.
“It’s a mixture of angelic and demon properties,” Ty Blackthorn said. “And we know that-”
“Seelies,” Max whispered. “They have both angel and demon blood.”
Is anyone else scared?
It's an angel and prince of hell working together?
ok that seems highly unlikely
“I don’t think you have a choice, bud,” Kit giggled. “Mina will have your head if you don’t get married. She has been working on a Pinterest board for years now.”
I'm absolutely loving all this angst so much. You said chapter 9 was the most angsty and frankly I can't wait :p
I love how you are complaining but also thirsting for angst yall crazy.
I hope you are taking care of yourself and working on your entry for the competition!!!!!
Also the "we're talking about some wall in class" killed me lmao I laughed so hard fdhvjd.
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takaraphoenix · 3 years
Clary fray for the pride headcanons??
Thanks for playing! ^-^
Headcanon for their sexuality:
Believe me, I have thought about this one a lot. Because usually, when I ship a character with both guys and gals, they also give me a distinct "ah, this one's [insert sexuality here]!" vibe. Usually. Clary... doesn't. Neither of the polysexual labels I've come across so far feel right for her to me.
I see her leaning more toward women and I do blame Kat's incredibly gay acting for this (seriously, girl brings some incredible wlw energy to her characters). In the end, I settled on her identifying as sapphic, though she also has some minor attractions to guys. But far as queer identities go, I think that she'd leave it at the umbrella of also including girls in her attraction and not "narrow it down" further.
Have they came out? If so, how:
When she was really small already, because she always liked girls too and that was just a part of her world view so she would casually say things that tipped Jocelyn and Luke off even when she was small, so a real coming out with them and Simon was never needed.
How their friends/family took their coming out:
Simon always was excited, because he is just totally bi and he liked having a queer best friend. Luke and Jocelyn were supportive, though Luke definitely played the cop card when Clary got bullied in middle school, driving up in the car and in full uniform and warning some snotty nosed brats about hate crimes and their sentences.
Do they go to Pride/With whom?:
Oh yes, just with their whole queer little gang, Simon, Izzy, Alec, Jace, Magnus, Maia, Bat, and she paints everyone's faces in pride flags. Even Alec's, though he tries to escape her.
Do they show their colors? (Flag-wise):
She's an artist and I imagine she does creative ways of using pride flags in her art and definitely has versions of the sapphic flag somewhere in the house!
Pride Ask Game
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echo-bleu · 3 years
carve our names with fire
Clary gave Alec a wedding gift before losing her memories and her runes. Alec does with it what he does best: change the world to right an injustice (and become a BAMF immortal warlock along the way).
Alec & Clary Brotp with a side of Immortal Husbands, Angst and Fluff and Emotional Hurt/Comfort. Betaed by Bsgoddess (SorryTheUsernamesTaken). Takes off after Alec and Magnus announced their wedding, but the show happened over 3-ish years and the wedding is about a week after they come back from Edom, not the next day (because Timeline). The last part was loosely inspired by prompts on the Malec Discord Server, though it grew more world-building than I expected.
Read on AO3.
“You two will make amazing husbands.”
Alec looks up from his paperwork, realizing that he’s been unconsciously twirling his ring while reading. He didn’t hear Clary come into his office, but she’s leaning against the door frame, a small smile on her face.
They haven’t had time to talk properly since the announcement of Alec and Magnus’ wedding, with Jonathan wreaking havoc all over the world. But Jonathan is dead now, thanks to Clary.
“Thank you,” he grins at her sincerely. “I know it’s a little rushed, but with everything that’s happened, we decided we didn’t want to wait for the next catastrophe. At this pace, we’ll never find time to plan a proper wedding.”
“That’s fair,” Clary snorts. “We never seem to get a break.”
They’re still reeling from the deaths of several hundred Shadowhunters, just days ago. Alec has done his best to go to as many Rites of Mourning as he could, especially for people he knew, but even he couldn’t make it to every one of them. After being surrounded by so much grief, he’s more than ready for a slice of happiness. Magnus is in a frenzy preparing everything for the wedding tomorrow, and Alec can’t wait.
“I’m sure it’s going to be beautiful,” Clary continues, walking into the office fully. She closes the door behind her, and Alec frowns. “I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Of course,” Alec gestures for her to sit on the couch, while he stands up and comes around his desk. He sits down beside her. “What is it?”
Clary looks down at her lap, biting her lip, and Alec feels dread pooling his stomach. She’s so uncharacteristically quiet that it can only mean bad news.
“I haven’t told anyone else yet,” she starts. “I don’t want to ask you to keep it a secret, but I can’t carry it on my own anymore.”
Alec places a hesitant hand on her arm. They rarely touch, but it seems appropriate. “Clary, what’s wrong?”
“I saw my mom the other day,” Clary breathes out.
Alec stares in shock. He lets go of Clary’s arm and glances down at his hand, the same hand that once ripped Jocelyn Fairchild’s heart out of her chest. Even now, almost two years later, he doesn’t feel clean of that. He can still feel the blood, see her face in his nightmares, Clary’s face accusing him. He has plenty of newer traumas to dream about, and it’s started to fade, but it’s not gone.
“What?” he croaks out. Is Clary having the same nightmares? Is she seeing things? It doesn’t match the way she said it, with that intense conviction in her eyes.
Clary’s eyes widen like she just realized how that sounded. “Not like… She was a...ghost, maybe? I don’t know. She felt real. She said she was sent by the Angels to give me a message.”
“A message,” Alec repeats slowly.
“I know how it sounds, but I think that’s the truth,” Clary says. “Because what she told me would happen...it’s started.”
“Clary, I don’t understand.”
She closes her eyes, her face screwed up in anguish. “She said that my rune ability was against the wish of the Angels and that if I kept using it, they’d take it away. They’d take everything away. Everything that makes me a Shadowhunter.”
Alec blinks for a moment, trying to make sense of it. “When was that?” he asks.
“The day after we got back from Edom.”
“You used a rune to kill Jonathan,” Alec breathes.
Clary looks up at his face then and nods minutely. She rolls up her sleeve, showing off unmarred skin where Alec saw a Silent Brother draw the angelic rune just a year ago. “It’s already started,” she murmurs. “They’re fading. One by one.”
“So you’re being...deruned? No,” Alec realizes. It’s different. Deruning is a Nephilim punishment, a human one. It strips them of their runes, but not of their identity, of their blood. “It’s more than that, isn’t it?”
“I think…” Clary hesitates, tears falling down her cheeks. “I think when it’s over, I’m going to be mundane. Fully. Without the Sight, and any memories of the Shadow World.”
“Fuck, Clary,” Alec mutters. “There must be something we can do—”
“I don’t think we can go against the Angels’ wish, Alec.”
Alec closes his eyes, his mind desperately running through possibilities and scenarios. He doesn’t see a solution. She’s right, the Angels’ wish is untouchable, they all know that. There’s no army to fight, no law to circumvent, no obstacle to overcome.
He pinches the bridge of his nose and feels the knot in his throat grow until it’s nearly choking him. He’s not ready to lose another friend, not now. And Jace… Fuck. Jace will be devastated. Izzy, too. None of them can take another disaster.
He takes in Clary’s red and puffy eyes, the way she’s looking at him like a lifeline. She’s become a friend, over the years. They didn’t start that way, but they’ve grown close. She’s the person closest to Alec outside of his family and Magnus. He blinks back tears.
“You’ll still be alive,” he murmurs. “But—”
“I’ll forget you. All of this,” she gestures around them. “Everything. I’m scared, Alec.”
Alec holds out his hand, and she grips it tightly in hers. He covers them with his other hand. “How long?” he asks.
“I don’t know. I only have two runes left, so not long. Tomorrow, maybe the day after.”
Alec closes his eyes. She might not even make it to the wedding. “Fuck,” he repeats.
“I don’t want to forget,” Clary murmurs, sobbing.
“It’s going to be okay,” Alec says softly. Neither of them believes it.
At least she’ll be okay, most likely. If she forgets everything, loses her angel blood, she’ll be just another mundane. She’ll be safe. Alec tries hard to hang onto that and not on the pain to come.
Because if he even lets himself imagine it, he’ll crumble.
“Why tell me first?” he asks.
Clary hesitates, biting her lip. Her sobs have receded, though tears are still running down her cheeks. She sniffles. “You’re in charge of the Institute, so you need to know. For, you know, patrols and stuff. I didn’t want you to be caught by surprise.”
Alec swallows, touched by her foresight. It’s hard to remember sometimes that she’s the same girl who once trampled on every rule without care. She still doesn’t follow orders blindly, but she’s come to care about the Institute and its Shadowhunters like they’re her family.
And in a few days, none of that growth will matter anymore. She’ll be gone. Alec wants to retch at the injustice of it all. She’s come so far, and this punishment is truly unfair.
But then, why should the Angels be fairer than the Nephilim? Alec once sat in this same office waiting for his sister to be convicted of treason and deruned. He watched his mother be stripped of her runes and her identity. Clary herself was sentenced to death for bringing Jace back to life.
They both know all too well that life isn’t fair.
“There’s another reason,” Clary says after a moment of silence. “I wanted to give you something. It’s a wedding gift, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to hold on until then, so I wanted to give it to you now.”
She pulls back her hands and takes a folded piece of paper out of her pocket. Alec carefully unfolds it, expecting some kind of drawing, but what jumps out at him is a rune, carefully inked onto the thick paper. One he doesn’t recognize.
“I can still create runes, even if I don’t dare activate them,” Clary explains. “It will work, I know it.”
“What is it?” Alec asks. It has similar elements to the Alliance rune, Clary’s most beautiful invention to date, but it’s also different, rounder, and more complex.
“I didn’t give it a name,” Clary says. “You can name it if you want. Or keep it to yourself and never use it. It’s your choice.”
“You’re rambling,” Alec says, almost amused despite the gravity of the moment.
“Sorry. It works kind of like the Alliance rune, but it requires a strong emotional bond. There are elements of the Wedding rune and the Parabatai rune in it.”
Alec tilts his head, and he can recognize it now, the familiar runes almost intertwined with each other.
“Shared between two people,” Clary says slowly, “it should bind souls and bodies together. You’d share blood, powers, emotions. And it’s permanent.”
Alec’s eyes widen as he takes in the implications of that. “Sharing powers…”
“Yes. If you do it with Magnus, you should be able to share his eternal youth.”
“Clary, this is—” Alec breathes, unable to formulate his overwhelming gratitude. “It’s an incredible gift.”
Clary swallows. “I wanted you to have it before—” she gestures vaguely. “I didn’t talk about it earlier because I wasn’t sure I could make a rune that powerful, but I know this one will work.”
Alec closes his eyes briefly to clear them of tears and pulls her into a hug. She melts into his chest, sobbing. “I want you to know that I’m incredibly grateful for everything you did for us,” he says over her shoulder. “We owe you so much.”
“Even if I didn’t obey the rules?” she hiccups. “I caused you a lot of trouble.”
“But you saved us over and over too,” Alec says. “You brought Jace back to life. You’re the reason we got Magnus back. You’ve been through so much in the past few years, but you’re still here coming up with the most incredible gift for my wedding, even when you’re running out of time…”
“I can’t tell Jace and Izzy,” Clary sobs into his shoulder. “Izzy just asked me to be her parabatai. And Jace… I can’t say goodbye. It’s too hard.”
Alec hugs her tighter. “It’s okay. I’ll tell them for you if you want. Anything you need.”
“I love them. I love you. I love you all so much. To think that I won’t remember anything…”
Alec runs a hand through her hair, gently. “We’ll make sure that you’re alright. And… I’ll keep looking. Maybe there’s something we can do to make the Angels let you come back. If not, maybe we can figure out how to bring you back ourselves. I won’t give up.”
“Thank you,” Clary murmurs. “Take care of Jace for me. He’ll need you.”
“I will. I promise.”
They hold each other until Clary’s sobs subside, and she’s able to compose herself. Alec keeps a tight grip on his own emotions, even though they threaten to spill over. He’s long learned to compartmentalize, and he can’t afford to break down in the middle of a workday. But before he goes back home to Magnus that night, he takes out the folded sheet of paper again and studies it until his sight goes blurry and he has tears running down his cheeks. He goes to the roof with his bow, working his anger into the arrows he sends out in the sky, and he runs to Magnus’ loft without a speed run, his lungs burning.
When Magnus asks him what’s wrong, he can only shake his head and hug him tight.
 He’s dancing with Magnus when Clary leaves. He’s tried to keep an eye on her most of the night, once the ceremony was done, but he misses her running out and only realizes she’s gone when Jace starts to look for her.
The party is coming to an end. Alec excuses himself to Magnus for a while and he tracks Clary down, two blocks away, where he finds her looking around her in confusion.
“Who are you?” she asks when he calls her name. “Don’t come any closer!”
Alec sighs, the knot in his throat threatening to explode, and he raises his hands in a gesture of peace. “I don’t mean any harm,” he says. “You just seemed lost.”
“I’m—” She looks around again, frantically. “I don’t know where I am.”
“I’ll call you a cab, okay?” Alec offers. He falters, realizing that Clary doesn’t have a home to go to anymore. Jocelyn’s dead, and Clary will have to suffer the loss of her mother all over again. “Is there anyone you can call? A friend?”
“Yeah,” Clary says. She pats her dress. “I’ve...I think I lost my phone.”
“I’ll lend you mine,” Alec says. “I’m Alec, by the way.”
Alec forces the pain away and attempts a smile. “Nice to meet you.”
 “I told you you’d make amazing husbands.”
Alec looks up from his paperwork in surprise, and he’s overtaken by a strong sense of deja-vu. It isn’t the same office or even the same city, but the way Clary is leaning against the door frame reminds him exactly of the day before she left. She seems aware of the parallel, grinning at him conspiratorially.
“You did,” he smiles. “Welcome back, Clary.”
She looks different, and yet the same. Her skin is free of runes, and she has a new haircut that makes her look older, but there’s the same light in her eyes. It’s been a year. A year of Jace moping around the Institute, his pain a constant tug on the parabatai bond. A year of missing her, more than Alec never thought he would.
“Thank you.”
Jace called Alec just hours after Clary recognized him at her show, three weeks ago, but Alec hasn’t been able to join them in New York yet. She regained her memories quickly, in only a few days, once it started. Jace and Izzy have been keeping him updated.
“So that’s where it went,” Clary says, staring at the large abstract painting on the wall. “I thought it was you and Magnus, but I wasn’t sure. It’s hard to reconcile those memories together.”
Alec looks up at it, at the signature that looks suspiciously like a rune in the shape of a C and F in the bottom right corner. “It was us,” he confirms. They’ve been to every single one of her school’s shows, buying multiple paintings while having to pretend they didn’t know her. “We have more of them at home. Magnus felt it was a way to keep you with us. He’s missed you a lot.”
“I know,” Clary says. “We had lunch a couple of days ago. He didn’t tell you?”
Alec laughs. “He did. He recounted every minute of it. He was excited.”
Clary tilts her head playfully. “Is he the only one who missed me?”
“I’m pretty sure Jace thought of you once or twice. Izzy, too,” Alec smirks. “Of course we all missed you. Come here,” he stands up and opens his arms.
She bounces up to him and hugs him tight around the middle, the top of her head barely reaching his shoulders. Alec laughs and leans into the embrace. “I’ve missed you,” he murmurs.
“I’d say I’ve missed you too, but—” Clary shrugs, pulling away to look up at him. “I felt like something was missing, the whole time. And ugh, I didn’t remember you were so tall.”
Alec raises an eyebrow. “You didn’t remember me at all,” he deadpans. “More seriously, I meant to come to see you, but things have been hectic over here.”
“I heard you made Inquisitor. That’s amazing, Alec!”
“Yeah, it’s, uh, very recent,” Alec blushes. He still hasn’t learned to take a compliment, but his promotion is something he can take pride in. It’s an incredible testimony of how far the Clave has come in just a couple of years. Not so long ago, a Shadowhunter who chose to marry a Downworlder would have been cast out or at least kept carefully out of any politically significant position. And now he’s here, barely turned twenty-five, in the second highest Clave office. “Magnus is the High Warlock of Alicante now,” he adds. Because of that, the Clave asking his husband to help Downworlders move back into Idris after centuries of fleeing the Shadowhunters’ increasing restrictions, is something Alec will never not be proud of.
“You haven’t changed,” Clary observes, smiling. “I was worried you’d turned into a high and mighty prick, now that you’re such a big name.”
Alec rolls his eyes and snorts. “I’m not Jace,” he reminds her. “Come on, let’s sit down. Do you have some time? I can take my lunch break, there’s a restaurant around the corner.”
“Sure,” Clary nods. “I have an appointment with the Silent Brothers to determine if my body’s ready to take runes again, but I came early to see you.”
“Great. We have a lot of catching up to do.”
 “Did you use it? The rune?” Clary leans in over her dessert in curiosity. They’ve been catching up for the past hour in a booth at the back of the restaurant, and it almost feels like they saw each other yesterday, for how comfortable and easy it is to get back into their banter. Alec has missed this.
He leans back in his seat, his stomach full. “Yeah,” he says, placing a hand over his heart where the rune is located. “We exchanged them two months ago.”
“Does it work?” Clary asks with a spark in her eyes.
Alec turns his hand palm up over the table and focuses. It doesn’t come easily to him, not yet. He’s been training with Magnus, but magic is much harder than it looks, so they’ve been focusing on controlling his random outbursts whenever he’s stressed more than developing his active magic.
Blue strands of light encircle his hand briefly, leaving in their wake a yellow rose. He hands it to Clary, who gives him a wide smile and turns it in her hands to observe it. “Wow!” she exclaims. “Yer a wizard, Alec.”
Alec bites on his finger to contain his laughter. He’s learned far too many mundane cultural references through osmosis with Simon and weekly movie nights at the loft, while Clary was gone.
“We had my blood and magic analyzed by the researchers at the Spiral Labyrinth, and they say I’m immortal too,” he says. “Or more exactly, tied to Magnus’ immortality. But since he’s tied to my life force too, it makes us functionally invincible. Someone would have to kill us both at the same time for it to stick.”
“That’s amazing,” Clary breathes. “More than I even thought of when I made the rune.”
“We have a lot to thank you for,” Alec reaches out to pat her hand. “More than you know.”
“What do you mean?”
“This rune allowed us to make huge strides in magical theory, and specifically angelic magic. It’s part of the reason why I’ve been so busy because I’m also working with our researchers on several projects.” Alec pauses, realizing he’s getting ahead of himself and Clary can’t follow. “Okay, so when you gave me the rune, I told Magnus about it right after our wedding. He was blown away that you would give us such a gift, by the way. I’m sure he’ll want to thank you himself.”
Clary smiles. “He’ll have plenty of time for that, now that I’m back for good,” she says.
Alec nods. “Since you said it was permanent, we took our time to make the decision. Immortality is not something to be taken lightly. For me, it wasn’t even really a question, but Magnus wanted me to be sure that it was what I wanted.”
“That makes sense,” Clary nods.
“We also wanted to make sure that the rune would work the way you said it did, that it wouldn’t have any…unforeseen side effects.”
Clary frowns. “I never had a problem with my runes.”
“Honestly, Clary, you used them mostly in emergencies, with no regard for safety. Maybe it was warranted then, but this time we weren’t willing to gamble both of your lives on it. Especially when it came to using a rune on a warlock.”
“Of course,” Clary says sheepishly. “Ugh, I was rather impulsive, wasn’t I?”
“You could say that,” Alec grumbles, remembering all the times her hasty decisions landed him in hot water with his parents or the Clave. “Anyway, we researched the hell out of it. Every text we could find on rune creations, on the wedding rune and its variations, we even looked into warlock archives that hadn’t been opened for centuries. And that’s how I figured it out.”
“Figured what out?”
“How you created runes. And why the Angels hated it.”
 “This is what we’re working on,” Alec says, letting Clary into the lab. “It’s all confidential, but since you’re the one who started it all, I figured you deserve to know. And I’m the one who decides who is read in on it anyway.”
Clary looks around in wonder. The room has some of the equipment she’d expect in a lab and some she doesn’t recognize, but what attracts her gaze is the large corkboard in the middle, covered with sheets of paper.
On each of them is a rune. A rune she’s never seen before.
“They’re all new runes?” she asks.
“Yes,” Alec answers, leaning his back against the wall. “What clued me in was how you used elements of several existing runes to create a new one. I copied down every rune from the Gray Book and all of your runes and I started looking for patterns. We’ve always known that some basic elemental runes existed, but not that they could be combined. It took me a few months, but I came up with this.” He points at a rune at the top left of the board, which Clary can see is based on the Deflect rune, with two additional strikes going through it.
“Of course you would,” she mutters. “That’s some kind of armor rune, isn’t it?”
Alec smiles. “As it turns out, everyone can create runes, at least in theory. It’s very hard and requires a strong theoretical background unless you’re named Clary Fairchild and you have additional angel blood. Or maybe just an amazing instinct, I don’t know. Yes, this one imitates armored plates around your body. It’s more effective at stopping blows than the regular Deflect rune, but it doesn’t stop people from tracking you.”
“That’s amazing,” Clary says.
“As soon as I saw it work, I told Magnus and we worked on it together. It’s the biggest discovery about angelic magic that we’ve made in centuries.”
“Why did no one find it before?”
Alec pushes away from the wall to face her fully. “Soon after I used this rune for the first time, I started experiencing the same thing you did: push back from the Angels. Even drawing normal runes became harder. We got scared that I might be deruned like you were, so Magnus and I decided to go ahead with your rune, bind ourselves together. If I had magic, the Angels couldn’t take away my Sight or my memories.”
“That sounds like a plan me or Jace would have come up with, not you,” Clary quips.
“Yeah, well, things were evolving quickly. I could barely hold a stele at that point,” Alec says, frowning.
Clary blinks. “Wow, the Angels really were angry.”
“The bond fixed it. I’m out of reach now, they can’t do anything to me. And now that I knew what I was looking for, I found accounts of other people to whom it happened, who lost their Nephilim blood because of this. You have to read between the lines because it became taboo to even talk about it, but it looks like the Angels don’t want us to have this ability. Jonathan Shadowhunter probably had it, he had more pure Angel blood than you and he’s the one who created all the original runes, but since then, no Shadowhunter has been able to create new runes. Until you.”
“But I got punished for it,” Clary says, wringing her hands. Her memories of the last few days before she was stripped of her runes don’t feel fresh like the events happened yesterday, but they also don’t feel like they’re a year old. She can still see her mother’s ghost, or whatever it was, telling her what would happen if she kept using new runes.
It’s been a year, but without her memories, she hasn’t had a chance to process all the trauma, all the emotions.
“Yeah,” Alec sighs. “You certainly didn’t deserve it, but you were.”
Clary shakes her head, trying to get rid of the darker thoughts. “Obviously you didn’t stop there,” she says, gesturing at the board. “So what did you do?”
“Well, since my warlock blood protects me, I started thinking about who else might be protected. I reached out to Helen Blackthorn, you remember her?”
“Oh, she’s half-Seelie, isn’t she?”
“Yes. She and her brother. They were both willing to try working with us, especially since Magnus and I were fairly sure we could stop the process if we were wrong and the Angels were able to harm them. As it turns out, they did fine. So I found more Shadowhunters with Downworlder blood. At this point, we have eight people creating new runes, including me.”
“That’s incredible,” Clary says. She looks closer at the runes on the board. She can instinctively tell their purpose, which is proof that her ability hasn’t gone away. Alec lets her observe them for a while in silence, and she thinks she can discern a pattern in there like the runes have a signature. “That’s yours,” she points at a rune in the middle of the board, once she’s fairly sure she’s understanding her instincts right. “And this one.”
“You’re right,” Alec says, sounding impressed.
“You have a...tell,” Clary smirks, looking at him over her shoulder. “They feel distinctively you. I can probably find Magnus’ too, but I’d need a place to start since I’ve never seen him draw a rune.”
“Here,” Alec points to one on the right side of the board. “Can you tell because of your rune ability, or because you’re an artist?”
“Maybe a bit of both,” Clary shrugs. “I’m not sure. I should have known this was Magnus’,” she laughs when she looks at the rune. The flourish and artistic strokes look exactly like something Magnus would go for.
“We definitely need you in our group,” Alec mutters, jotting down a note on a pad on the desk beside him.
“I don’t know,” Clary says, taking a step back away from the board. “I don’t want to tempt fate. I don’t think I could stand to lose my memories again.”
“No, of course,” Alec says. “But I don’t think it would happen.”
“Magnus’ theory is that if enough Shadowhunters start creating runes, the Angels will just have to accept it since they can’t cast us out. Since our wedding, there are more and more mixed Nephilim and Downworlder couples, so there will probably be a whole generation of people with mixed blood. They’ll be able to create runes.”
“What does that have to do with me?” Clary asks.
“I don’t think it was a coincidence that the Angels chose to give you your memories back now. The breakthroughs that we’ve made aren’t going away. I think it’s their way of telling us that they won’t fight us anymore.”
Clary blinks at him, trying to process that idea. She remembers asking Maryse, at the wedding, if the Angels could forgive. The picture of the Angels that Alec paints is cold and calculating, matching with what Clary saw of Raziel — and to some extent, even Ithuriel. What if she wasn’t forgiven, but instead simply reinstated in her rightful place? What if Alec managed the unthinkable, and made the Angels themselves change their minds?
“Is that possible? I mean — wow.”
“Why not?” Alec shrugs.
Clary has a sudden flashback of the Alec she first met, over four years ago, who was terrified of coming out and upsetting the order of things, who was killing himself trying to meet his parents’ expectations. The man standing in front of her now has grown so much, just like Clary has, that they’re barely recognizable. To hear him talking so casually about changing the world-changing immutable laws such as those of the Angels?
But then, they’ve changed so much already, haven’t they? They participated in the destruction of Edom. They defeated the Mother of Demons. They explored and even created whole new sections of magic. Alec and Magnus’ marriage and their careers changed the laws of the Clave and opened the way for so much more.
They’ve already changed the world. So why not a little more, indeed?
Clary jumps at Alec’s neck, making him grunt in surprise. “This is amazing,” she says. “You’re amazing. And I’m so glad I’m back.”
“Me too,” Alec laughs, resting his chin on the top of her head. “Welcome home, Clary.”
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facialteeth · 3 years
Faking It | Ao3.
This is my ‘fake relationship’ square for @shadowhunterbingo.
Simon had only been a shadowhunter for a few weeks when he asked Jace to sneak out and help him break into a police station to steal something for his friend. Jace agreed because it sounded fun, because sending Simon out on his own wasn't an option and because he'd secretly wanted to help him, just because he knew it would make Simon happy.
He hadn't quite expected to get slapped on that adventure, nor did he expect to be leaving the police station with his new boyfriend but Jace supposed that stranger things had happened before.
Jimon, no warnings.
When Jace ran into Simon at the club and realized that Simon had the sight, he’d initially assumed that Simon was just a mundane who knew of the shadowworld. Simon was clearly not a shadowhunter. The clothes he was wearing, the distinct lack of pronounced shadowhunter muscle, the fact that he wasn’t carrying any weapons, the way he spoke, even the way he carried himself - It all screamed to Jace that he was just a mundane, so when Simon inevitably proved Jace wrong, he’d been shocked enough that he hadn’t known how to process it.
How could someone like that be a shadowhunter? Someone so innocent, someone so unburdened? But adamas didn’t lie and when Simon picked up that sword, the answer was undeniable. Simon was a shadowhunter and in that moment, Jace became enthralled. He tried to hide it of course but he was fascinated by Simon. He hung onto every word he said, even if he tried to play it off like he didn’t.
He pretended to be annoyed by him because it came easier than the alternatives. He snapped at Simon because he thought it would cover up the fact that Jace found him so very interesting but in the end, only really Simon seemed to buy that act.
Isabelle and Alec noticed where Jace’s attention was at instantly but they at least had the decency to stay quiet about it. They didn’t quite understand why Jace had taken such an invested interest in this one mundane-shadowhunter to be and honestly, Jace didn’t either.
He wasn’t interested in anyone. He wasn’t curious about people the way he was curious about Simon. Even the mundane things Simon would rambled about, no matter how hard Jace pretended to find it all very annoying, it was interesting to him in a way that nothing mundane ever had been before.
Then, there was Clary who Jace somehow found even more annoying than Simon and this time, it wasn’t an act. The way Clary hung around Simon irritated him. The way they seemed to understand each other irritated him, even if he knew that wasn’t quite fair. He wished that he understood the things Simon said as easily as Clary did. He wished he could relate and talk about the stupid shows Simon liked but they’d grown up in completely different worlds. So, Jace pretended that he didn’t care about Simon at all and Simon seemed to buy it a little too much.
Jace overheard Simon telling Izzy that Jace hated him one day. She’d responded with amusement, telling him that Jace certainly didn’t hate him but it had been obvious that Simon didn’t believe her.
Jace had felt bad hearing that. He’d decided that he’d try to stop acting like everything Simon did bothered him and he’d stop acting so annoyed when he was actually interested in what Simon had to say but then, he’d walked out to them, Simon had opened his mouth and Jace had a sarcastic quip falling off his tongue before he could stop himself.
Old habits die hard, he supposed.
Valentine’s resurgence just happened to coincide with Simon showing up, something that the Clave had found very suspicious but in the end, they’d run an investigation and decided that Simon really had nothing to do with Valentine. He was just a child born to an unknown shadowhunter father, one that his mother hadn’t even known wasn’t human.
Though Simon had done nothing wrong, the Clave had also decided that he had to stay in the Institute. He had no training. He had done no studying. Valentine was on the loose and there were more demons running amuck now than in the past few months combined. It was too dangerous for him to leave, though Simon didn’t take too kindly to this.
He insisted that he wasn’t even sure if he wanted to join their band of tattooed, sword wielding heroes and that he didn’t think he was cut out for it. Jace insisted that he was a shadowhunter through and through and that he just needed to train more. Simon didn’t believe he’d ever be able to do what he, Alec and Isabelle did and he also missed his family.
He’d been pissed he wasn’t allowed to go see them but Jace convinced him that it was too dangerous and that being a shadowhunter made him a target of Valentines. In the end, Simon’s family assumed he ran away and Simon sent them periodic letters to solidify this, insisting that he was okay and that he loved them but that he was just going through a typical teenaged crisis.
Jace jokingly told him to tell them he’d run off to join a gang and after a moment, Simon wrote that he met a boy who was in a biker gang and that he swore they were in love and they were going to stay together forever. Jace didn’t comment on his choice of gender but he’d filed it away for later. He was a little more interested in that fact than he’d have liked.
Eventually, Simon had been cooped up in the Institute for so long that he insisted he needed to leave and he practically begged Jace to just take him somewhere. Now, Jace didn’t particularly care about breaking the Clave’s orders. He broke them quite often, much to Alec’s aggravation but it was the fact that the Clave had a point that worried him.
It was a dangerous time to be a shadowhunter and Simon was barely even one. A couple weeks worth of training wasn’t going to make him able to protect himself if they encountered a stray flock of demons or were attacked by Valentine’s men while they were out but in the end, Simon wore him down.
Jace wasn’t even sure why he agreed. Maybe, it was the fact that he was bored or maybe it was the fact that going out somewhere alone with Simon seemed appealing. Maybe, it was that it would make Simon happy. Either way, Jace agreed and in the early hours of the morning, when Jace had officially been released from his duties and was supposed to be in bed, they snuck out together.
Simon rambled happily as they left, holding the sword Jace had given him very much unlike a shadowhunter (he wasn’t even holding the blade the right way to snap it up if a demon lunged at him and he needed to act. Jace considered correcting him but in the end, he decided against it. Jace was there to protect him after all, if something happened). He told Jace all about this coffee stand he knew and how he was sure Jace would love it.
Jace simply nodded and they headed off to said coffee place. No demons jumped out at them on the way and when they got there, they both ordered coffee and took a seat at a small table. Jace inclined his head, raised an eyebrow and listened to Simon ramble about how vampires would use a french press (Jace was pretty sure that didn’t happen but he decided not to say this and burst Simon’s bubble).
Jace tried to listen. He nodded. He tried not to act annoyed enough to ruin Simon’s mood and in the end, he seemed to strike a good balance because he threw in an annoyed quip or a snide comment every once in a while but Simon still kept talking, undisturbed.
Maybe, Jace was getting better or maybe, Simon was just getting used to him. Either way, Jace sipped his coffee and he tried to ignore the fact that this felt so incredibly similar to a date, not that Jace had ever been on a real date before. If this was a date, it was his first and it was certainly his first with anyone he actually liked.
Jace didn’t share this out loud. He had no reason to think Simon thought of this as a date. Simon just wanted to get out of the Institute and Jace had simply been there, willing to break the rules for him. That didn’t mean Simon liked him or considered this illegal excursion anything but them getting coffee.
But later, when Izzy asked where they’d gone and Jace told her, she’d laughed and called it a date. Jace pretended to be offended by that but really, his heart had started beating fast the moment she said it. So, it might have been a date then, he thought. It wasn’t just him that saw it.
In the end, he didn’t have the balls to ask Simon what he thought of that but on their next date, this time at some mundane restaurant Simon liked, Jace went through it in his head and tried to list the reasons why this might not be a date. He couldn’t think of many.
For a while, Simon had honestly stayed out of trouble, snuck out with Jace every other day and trained like he was supposed to but then, he’d inevitably gotten them involved in a mess. Now, Jace wasn’t too clear on the details if he was being honest. All he knew was that Simon woke him up one morning and asked if Jace would help him steal something from a police station for Clary.
Jace hadn’t quite wanted to do anything for Clary and he most certainly didn’t care about whatever mundane story there was that lead to her needing something stolen from a police station but what he did know was that Simon said he’d do it himself, if Jace didn’t want to help and that sounded like a horrible idea.
First of all, letting Simon leave the Institute alone wasn’t an option and second of all, Jace didn’t think Simon would get a foot in the door before he’d be caught. He didn’t even know how to use his glamour rune. Third of all, Jace knew that it was an excuse to spend time with Simon, doing something that to him would seem exciting and ‘dangerous’, even though they were shadowhunters and they’d face no real consequences for breaking into a mundane police station.
Jace groaned, said yes and then promptly got up and got dressed to go break into a police station with Simon. That wasn’t quite a date but if Jace did want to count it, it was about their fifth or sixth one and Jace had to admit that it was by far the most exciting thus far.
Outside the police station, Jace pulled out his stele and demonstrated to Simon how to activate the glamour rune he’d just drawn on his arm. Now, Jace has assumed that Simon activated it and if he was being honest, that was probably a mistake on his part. It’s just, Jace drew it for him. He’d known that Simon would probably mess it up if he had to draw it, so he did the hard part himself and then, he left Simon with the easy part - swiping his stele across it to turn it on.
Jace didn’t watch Simon do this because he really hadn’t thought there was anyway Simon could mess it up. All he had to do was move his stele across it but apparently, Jace had overestimated him because when they walked into the police station, talking rather loudly about exactly why they were there, everyone inside had turned to look at Simon, who to them had just walked inside talking to himself.
Jace could have slapped him when Simon turned to look at him absolutely panicked (which Jace was sure looked amazing to all the people who only saw Simon looking off into space) but then, it had gotten worse. Someone from across the police station had exclaimed Simon’s name and it was then that Jace realized in the mundane world, Simon was a missing runaway - though he was technically an adult, he was still a missing run away who’d just walked into a police station talking to himself.
Jace threw his arms up in the universal sign for ‘what the fuck Simon’ before he turned without a word and marched back out of the police station. Jace heard Simon yell after him (which again, Jace was sure looked amazing to everyone who couldn’t see him) but Jace kept walking and outside, he let out an aggravated sigh, swiped his stele across his arm to deactivate his glamour rune before he turned again and marched back into the police station, this time entirely visible.
The relief on Simon’s face when Jace came back almost made dealing with all of this worth it. Almost.
“Simon!” Jace snapped, his voice echoing across the police station, making everyone who’d been previously staring at Simon in concern look over. Jace made his way up to him and grabbed Simon’s hand, tugging him gently as if to make him move towards the door. “You’re overreacting,” he snapped, staring at Simon’s wide eyed face. He really wasn’t the best at improv. “I only cheated on you once, you don’t have to go home,” he snapped, which is when Simon’s eyes widened a fraction more and he seemed to realize exactly what was happening.
Simon had told his family he’d run away to be with a boy in a biker gang. Jace was a boy. He was wearing a leather jacket and if posing as Simon’s boyfriend was something Jace was a little excited to do, well no one needed to know that.
Simon ripped his hand away from Jace’s as if he was infuriated and Jace couldn’t help the amusement that he was sure was shining on his face. This situation was just so ridiculous but Jace had to admit that it was fun to play around and cause a diversion when their lives weren’t on the line, as they often were. Jace was hardly emotionally invested in stealing for Simon’s friend, so he really didn’t care if this plan failed. There would be no dire consequences for failing, so Jace was more than okay with having some fun with it.
That is, until Simon brought his hand back and slapped Jace across the face, something that seemed to stir all of the police officers who’d been previously standing around doing nothing to jump into action. Two of them came instantly grabbing Jace as if he wasn’t the one who’d just been assaulted in front of them.
“Stop following me!” Simon snapped at him as he made his way across the room to a desk that it seemed Simon was more than familiar with. He ripped the drawer open and started looking through it as casually as if he owned it. “You’ll never see me in your crappy apartment again!” Simon yelled over his shoulder, which Jace really thought was a little bit of overkill.
He was already being held, he’d been slapped and Simon really didn’t need to make Jace look any worse than he already did but regardless, after a moment, Jace jumped into action, calling across the room to him. “Simon! I just need you to know that it only happened like two or three times- it only happened a couple of times!”
Simon looked up at him, snapping as he slipped something into his pocket. “Shut up!”
“Babe, come on!” Jace yelled, finding a bit too much enjoyment at calling Simon that. He’d never been one to call people ‘babe’ before but if it was Simon and if Simon would look at him with that adorable surprised expression every time, well Jace wouldn’t really mind incorporating it into his vocabulary
Finally, a police officer made their way over to Simon, asking why exactly Simon was going through someone’s desk and where he’d come from. Jace heard Simon say something about a key he needed for Clary and about how, no they shouldn’t call his parents, he was on his way to see them anyway. Jace took that as his cue to make his exit. Simon had gotten what he needed and though Jace could get out of it, he really didn’t feel like being locked up in a mundane jail cell.
Jace pulled his arms away from the people holding him and turned to make his way back outside, where he stood around and waited for Simon, who finally came out a few minutes later. “Slapping me, really?” Jace asked as they turned and started walking down the sidewalk, towards wherever Simon had agreed to meet Clary.
“I thought it would make it look authentic!” Simon said as he reached into his pocket to pull out his phone, probably to text Clary herself. “You cheated on me, dude. I’d be pissed.”
“I’d never actually cheat on you,” Jace said instantly, the words rolling off his tongue before he could really think them through.
Instantly, Simon froze, his phone held limp in his hands as he looked up to Jace, frowning. “I didn’t think you’d ever date me either,” Simon said slowly, laughing as if it were a joke even though there was something about the way he said it that made him sound tentatively hopeful.
Jace glared, stopping next to him and crossing his arms over his chest. He was speaking before he could think about what he wanted to say and how he wanted to say it, which was apparently something that Jace did a lot around Simon. “Well, maybe you shouldn’t assume,” Jace snapped, his words sounding far more confident and contained than Jace really felt.
Simon blinked a couple of times before blurting out, “You’d want to date me? Me?”
Instantly, Jace rolled his eyes and turned to keep walking. The answer was clearly yes and Jace didn’t understand why Simon couldn’t just tell him if he was interested or if Jace had just humiliated himself. “Never mind,” Jace said, only stilling again when Simon’s hand snapped out to grab his own.
“Wait, Jace.”
Jace finally looked to him, his jaw tight in his mouth.
“I'd be open to dating if you uh- if you wanted to.” When Jace failed to speak right away, Simon continued. “I just assumed you wouldn’t be interested. I mean you’re all-” Simon gestured to Jace vaguely, “-and you always get annoyed with me and I’m uh, well I’m me.” Simon blinked a few more times and when he spoke again, his voice was suddenly soft in a way that made Jace’s heart melt a little. “That would be nice if you were serious.”
Jace’s shoulders relaxed slowly. He took a moment to process what exactly Simon said and then, he rolled his eyes but it was a lighthearted, playful motion. At least, Jace hoped it appeared that way because really wasn’t good at this kind of serious conversation. “Of course, I was serious,” Jace insisted without looking at him. “We’ve been on like six dates. Why would I do that if I didn’t like you?”
Jace turned and started walking again, intent on getting wherever they were going to meet Clary so that Simon could promptly give her whatever he’d needed and they could get back to the Institute, before the police were out looking for Simon when he failed to go home.
“Wait, those were dates?” Simon asked as he darted after Jace, trying to keep up with his quick pace. “I thought you just liked trying new foods.”
Instantly, Jace scoffed. “Simon, I’ve never gone into a restaurant to eat with anyone in my entire life. The food was okay sure but I did it because I wanted to spend time with you.”
For a beat, Simon was silent and then, he was exclaiming, “Holy shit. I really do have a boyfriend in a gang.”
Jace paused to look back at him incorrigibly. “I’m not in a gang,” he snapped even as the word ‘boyfriend’ was ringing through Jace’s head. He’d had people call him that only a couple of times and it had always been something Jace associated with panic before he promptly cut them off and never talked to them again. This time, Jace heard the word a little differently. This time, Jace thought it sounded nice.
“Well, the tattoos-”
“Runes,” Jace corrected softly.
Simon ignored him and kept going. “-the jacket, the weird ritualistic things you all do-”
Jace rolled his eyes yet again. He didn’t think that quite sounded like a gang but then again, he’d never been in one. “If I’m in a gang, then you are too,” he insisted.
“Yeah,” Simon said, suddenly smiling. “I’ve been indoctrinated by my hot boyfriend.” A moment after he said it, Simon’s smile faltered. “Too early?” He asked nervously.
Jace stared for a moment before he shook his head, trying and probably failing to hide exactly how much he liked hearing Simon say that. “Not too early,” he murmured in response.
Simon hesitated for another moment, looking as if he was debating something before he finally reached forward and took Jace’s hand into his own. That too was something Jace had never really done before. Like the word ‘boyfriend’, hand holding was all too personal for the people he’d been with before that he had not cared about. Now, the feeling of Simon’s hand in his own made Jace feel fuzzy and warm.
“Too early?” Simon asked softly.
Jace tightened his hand on Simon’s own. “Not too early,” he repeated before he was walking again, pulling Simon by his hand until Simon finally started walking again, clutching Jace’s hand tight in his own as if he was scared Jace would let go if he loosened his grip. “Let’s get to Clary and get back to the Institute before you get us involved in some other mundane mess.”
Jace expected Simon to have some witty remark back but Simon didn’t. He simply squeezed Jace’s hand and nodded. It occurred to Jace after a moment that Simon might want to get to the Institute to be alone with him and as the thought occurred to him, Jace felt his stomach light up with what he could only describe as butterflies.
He’d never understood when people described that feeling to him but he understood now. Jace tightened his grip on Simon’s hand and kept walking, a touch faster now, suddenly looking forward to getting home for more reasons than simply safety.
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half-bakedboy · 3 years
I know there's only a handful of hours left of femslash February... BUT what about a "The Happiest Season" Clizzy AU? Very random suggestion inspired by no conversations at all. (Also you are great let's be best friends and go to a concert)
Kelly, you wonderful, incredible, perfect human being you. This might be my favorite fic I’ve written this weekend. Obviously, this prompt was inspired by no conversations at all, so you had no idea I would’ve preferred Abby with Riley. So you would definitely not expect that Abby is Clary and Riley is Izzy in this fic. So ENJOY IT. YOU’RE GREAT. AND I WOULD LOVE TO BE BEST FRIENDS. 🥺💜
Clary wandered the streets of the small New York town alone, wishing that the cold air would quell the annoyance bubbling inside of her. She wanted so badly to just be with Heidi while she explored the town she grew up in, but instead, she was on her own, doing anything she could to stay away from the house she had thought she was invited to as herself.
She wasn’t supposed to be Clary Fray; an art student, out and proud lesbian, strong and brave feminist. No, she was supposed to be Clarissa; a business student, as heterosexual as they come, and an orphan who relied on Heidi for a family. She should have left the moment Heidi asked her to be anything other than herself, but she wanted to make their relationship work. She had never been so in love with someone before, or so she thought. 
“Hey,” a vaguely familiar voice knocked Clary from her thoughts and when she glanced up from the snow-wet cement, Heidi’s childhood girlfriend, Izzy, stood in front of her. 
“Uh, hi,” Clary said nervously, wiping beneath her eyes to ensure it wasn’t obvious she was crying over her dinner a few moments earlier. 
“We meet again,” Izzy teased, widening her eyes playfully. Clary huffed out a laugh, grateful that she still had the ability to do so, and nodded slowly. 
“Yeah,” Clary agreed lamely.
“No Heidi?” Izzy asked and Clary nodded quickly, gulping down the leftover emotion in her throat. 
“No, uh, she’s with her family? I’m gonna meet up with her in a little bit!” Clary said overly enthusiastically because she couldn’t really say anything else without sounding completely pathetic. She glanced down at the bag Izzy was holding and changed the subject easily, “What’s that?”
“Oh, it’s--” Izzy cut herself off and glared at Clary with a teasing glint in her eye. “I can’t tell you that because it’s for the Yankee Swap,” Izzy said, hiding the bag behind her back and out of sight. 
“Oh, you go to that?” Clary asked. It wasn’t that she cared that Heidi’s childhood love was still so close with her girlfriend, but it definitely seemed strange that Clary didn’t know that before the trip. 
“Yeah, our families get together every year, unfortunately,” Izzy said with a roll of her eyes. She seemed to notice who she was speaking to and corrected, “I mean, it’s like the best party of the year!” Clary couldn’t help but laugh again and Izzy laughed along with her, both of them nervously rocking back and forth on their heels. It was like neither of them wanted to go their separate ways, but Clary knew they couldn’t stay.
“I’m, um, really glad I ran into you, actually,” Clary began in mock seriousness, “cause I’m having this thing where if I stick my finger in my eye, it, like, really hurts.” She finished with a joking smile on her face. The one conversation they had prior revolved around people asking Izzy for ridiculous medical advice the second they found out she was a doctor so Clary had to play around with her a bit. She thought for a moment that Izzy hadn’t remembered their talk until she replied.
“Oh, hmm. That sounds like a classic case of,” Izzy looked up in thought as if scanning through years of textbooks in her mind before glaring back at Clary, “contact stupiditis. Because it’s a stupid thing to do.” 
“Wow,” Clary said, mock impressed as she crossed her arms over her chest. 
“Yeah, very dangerous. Once you get to the finger-poking stage, you’re pretty much on your deathbed,” Izzy said, looking almost regretfully at Clary. 
Giggles bubbled out of her again and before Clary could think about it, she blurted, “I would really like to drink some alcohol. Do you know where I could do that?” Izzy considered the question and glanced up at the sky before her gaze met Clary’s again. 
“Yes, but only if I can tag along?” Clary nodded because there was no way she was drinking alone again. 
The last place Clary expected the small bumpkin town in upstate New York to have was a bar complete with drag queens. When they walked in, Clary grinned at the two women up on stage with their makeup impeccably done and their wigs perfectly placed. She had always appreciated good art and drag makeup definitely counted as such. They were playing what sounded like joyful Christmas music but Clary was pretty sure the lyrics were probably raunchy. 
“What can I get you both?” The bartender said as they walked up to the counter. 
“I’ll have a whiskey and coke,” Izzy shouted with a wink and Clary held up two fingers to tack on a duplicate drink for herself. She wasn’t sure what she was in the mood for, but whiskey sounded like the best way to drown her sorrows and warm her frozen body. They both watched the queens perform, laughing and clapping along to their wonderful songs, the tension easing from Clary’s shoulders every passing minute. 
“Alright, so, you have to tell me,” Izzy began once the bartender handed them their drinks and gestured to the newly open booth a few feet away.
“What do I have to tell you?” Clary asked as Izzy held out a hand, gesturing for Clary to head over first. They sat down together on the same side of the booth so they could both see the performers and Izzy glanced at Clary consideringly. 
“What are you doing here with Heidi?” Izzy asked with no hesitation in her voice. Clary choked on her drink and sputtering, grabbed at the napkins on the table. Before she could get a hold of them, Izzy held her chin in her grasp and wiped at her face gently with her thumb, a teasing smile on her lips. 
“I can’t believe you just asked that!” Clary mumbled, not making a move to pull away from Izzy even if she knew she should have. Izzy looked so good from up close. Heidi’s eyeliner was always overdone and she never wore any lipstick, but Izzy was the exact opposite. There was barely any makeup on her eyes, just mascara darkening her already stunning brown eyes, and dark red lipstick drawn flawlessly on her supple lips. Still, Clary was drawn to her beauty in almost every way she had presented it. 
Izzy laughed and leaned back, sipping her own drink before she said, “She must have told you that I was a straight-to-the-point kinda girl. You and I are alike in more ways than one.” Clary looked away, unsure how to tell Izzy that there wasn’t much Heidi told her besides the bare minimum to prepare her for their eventual meeting during the trip. She was supposed to hate Izzy on principle, but she found that it wasn’t that easy. 
“I mean…” Clary trailed off and sipped her drink slowly, already starting to feel the effects of the alcohol easing her nerves. She stared over at the drag queens, wishing it was enough to drop their current subject, but she should have known Izzy would push it. 
“She--” Izzy gaped at Clary who held back her laughter by pressing her lips together. “What has she told you about me?” Izzy asked. Clary couldn’t blame her. If she had her ex’s current girlfriend in reach during her last relationship, she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from getting all the dirty details. 
“How are we alike?” Clary countered, but when Izzy said nothing further, she sighed. “She told me that you were her first girlfriend in high school,” Clary offered, “that’s about it.” Izzy seemed to consider the lack of information for a moment and chewed on her bottom lip like she wanted to say something. Clary prompted, “Is there more?” 
“Yeah, a little,” Izzy said unhelpfully. She continued to stare at Clary and after a few moments, she sighed as if relenting to Clary’s pleading gaze. Clary was glad her pity was clearly evident on her face. “We were inseparable as kids. Best friends turned lovers turned almost enemies in the matter of a few years.”
“Enemies?” Clary asked. When Izzy glanced away, Clary reached out to grab onto her hand, lacing their fingers together in what could have been seen as a friendly gesture if she hadn’t hidden them underneath the table. 
Izzy nodded and continued, “We kept it a secret - obviously - and when one of our others friends found out, Heidi, she, uh--” Clary squeezed Izzy’s hand tightly, reassuringly, needing to hear the story almost as much as it seemed Izzy needed to share it. “She wasn’t ready and that was okay for me, but she told everyone I was bi. She tried to tell me later that the only reason she said anything was because she thought I was ready to come out, but--”
“But it should’ve been your choice, not hers,” Clary finished. All Izzy did was nod in acceptance, but when Clary said nothing further, she spoke again. 
“Everyone found out. I mean, small town high school meant everyone knew everyone’s business, you know? And they were so awful. I mean, I had my siblings - Alec and Jace, you haven’t met them yet - around to beat up anyone who made a noise about it, but that didn’t stop me from knowing what was happening. Kids are cruel,” Izzy finished, holding her glass up for a cheers as if pretending the past didn’t hurt her as much as was evident on her face. 
Clary clanged their glasses together and muttered, “I’m sorry. I-- I’m really sorry.” She knew it couldn’t make much of a difference, but she still felt like she needed to apologize for Heidi. Having the choice to come out on your own terms taken away was horrible, especially when it was by someone a person thought they loved. 
“Yeah, so…” Izzy cleared her throat like the conversation had gotten just a bit too serious for her to handle, “what I meant is that we’re alike because we were - or are in your case - in love with someone who’s too afraid to show the world who they are and brings us down with them.” The word hit Clary like a ton of bricks, freezing her heart and causing her stomach to tighten. As if sensing her discomfort, Izzy squeezed Clary’s hand before she added, “But hey, that was a long time ago and--”
“No,” Clary interrupted, removing her hand from Izzy’s. “It might have been a long time ago for you, but that insight just proves that Heidi is exactly the kind of person she’s been proving herself to be this entire trip,” Clary explained, tossing back the rest of her drink just as one of the drag queens wandered over to their booth. 
“What are we celebrating, gorgeous?” She asked, twirling a strand of Clary’s fiery hair in her perfectly manicured finger. 
“I am celebrating the end of my unhappy and unhealthy relationship,” Clary cheered, glancing over at Izzy who shook her head with a wide grin on her face. Izzy gulped down the rest of her drink in solidarity and laced their fingers together again. Izzy’s hand felt like it was meant to fit in hers and Clary wouldn’t dare to let go. 
“And you?” The performer asked, leaning across the table and resting her very real looking breasts on Clary’s arms. She laughed loudly in pure enjoyment and felt the alcohol heating her skin and muddling her brain already. It was the first time in the entire trip she felt pure joy and it was all because of Izzy. 
“I’m celebrating being able to take this beautiful woman home with me tonight without any qualms, if she’ll let me,” Izzy tacked on, shooting a questioning glance at Clary. The shyness in her chocolate eyes had Clary’s heart warming out of its frozen state and her stomach erupting with butterflies as they gazed at one another. 
Clary hoped that the passionate kiss she pressed to Izzy’s lips was enough of a resounding yes. 
Send me WLW prompts for Femslash February
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welldressedllama · 4 years
Fave characters from the last 5 things I’ve watched/read/seen/etc:
I was tagged by @a-lil-bi-furious forever ago, and I’m finally doing it. Yay. Go me. Long rambly post ahead.
1 - Isabelle Lightwood (Freeform’s Shadowhunters)
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Izzy, Izzy, Izzy. There are so many good things to say about her. I love that she's so versatile; she's one of their best warriors, she's the Weapon's Master, she's a skilled forensic pathologist. She's incredibly intelligent and strong and also unabashedly feminine. She's faced demons and warlocks and rogue shadowhunters, and she beat them all in five-inch heels.
I love that she's so in control of and unashamed in her sexuality, despite her mother's and other's comments and snipes about it. She's gorgeous and enjoys sex and she owns it, and I'm so proud of her. I wish she got better love interests (like Clary), because I realize I didn't particularly like Raphael or Simon.
One of my favorite things of the whole show is her love for her family, most showcased with Alec. Her unwavering support in him, and trying to help him be his best, authentic self, is so pure, and her supporting him and Magnus is so refreshing compared he rest of their family just...not.
2 - Bonnie Bennett (The CW’s The Vampire Diaries)
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Bonnie was my favorite from the moment I started (and probably one of my favorite characters of all time), and it broke my heart how the show treated her. She was a bold, brave, and powerful black Bennett witch who was controlled by racist writers and manipulated by selfish vampires.
But even with those obstacles, she did some incredible feats. She went up against (and beat) Originals multiple times, the first after she'd only been a practicing witch for a few months. She singlehandedly held back hellfire for a time and saved Mystic Falls (and all its residents' undeserving asses) numerous times and never got the appreciation she deserved.
She deserved her happy ending with Enzo and I will never forgive Plec (or Stefan) from taking that away from her. Even with everything she went through, she was kind, she was compassionate, she was understanding, and she was more forgiving than she probably should have been. Her interactions with Nora in season 7 warmed my heart.
3 - Maria DeLuca (The CW’s Roswell, New Mexico)
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As Liz said, “Maria DeLuca is her own savior, every damn time.” And it's really unfortunate that the show (and the fandom) really make her keep proving it. This woman has so much on her shoulders, a sick mum and running a business. She's constantly alone, left out, and used as a prop for other's stories, and I hate it. Making her the obstacle for the fandom's favorite-gay-ship™️ was a bad move on the writers' part, and the treatment Heather Hemmens has received in playing her is horrendous.
With all that, Maria is still lively and outgoing and fun. Her wit is phenomenal, and any scene with her and Isobel snarking at each other is a hoot. Her little interactions with everybody are my favorite honestly. She's fiery and strong and bold, but I also so appreciate when we get to see her vulnerable. (Also, she looks like a goddess in that first gif.)
Full disclosure, I had a hard time deciding between Maria and Jenna Cameron as my favorite, and they literally have had like two scenes together at the end of S2 but I ship them hard. So if the show could just get on that, that'd be appreciated.
4 - Olivia Baker (The CW’s All American)
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Words cannot describe how much I love Olivia. Just gotta get this out of the way, Samantha Logan is exceptionally gorgeous, and even my gay ass can't decide if I should pay more attention to Olivia or her brother when they're both on screen. But that's not important.
Something about Liv and her story just really resonated with me, and episode 1x12 had me bawling. Watching this good, kind, bright girl feel so alone and isolated was heart wrenching. She deserves the world, and I'm glad she's finding a good support system.
My favorite thing about Liv is how much she cares. If she sees something wrong or unjust, she does not hesitate to call it out, and if something is happening to her family or friends, she does everything she can to help. And that's a good thing, but I worry she focuses to much on others, at the expense of herself. I'd love if, in the coming season(s), she learns how to and is allowed to work on and take care of herself.
5 - Anissa Pierce (The CW’s Black Lightning)
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My kick-ass superhero baby. She's a black, lesbian medical student and part-time teacher. Her love for her family is undeniable, as is her hatred if injustice. This drives her to become a vigilante superhero after only days/weeks of discovering her powers, and she fought her dad to a standstill (neither of them knew who the other was, but he was far more experienced than she was).
She's shown to be perhaps the physically strongest in the show (which I fucking love), and her fighting prowess is near unmatched. So like, that's obviously all cool, but it's only part of why I love her so. She's a force to reckoned with no matter what identity she's in (Anissa, Thunder, or Blackbird). She's passionate and loving.
Speaking of loving, her and Grace own my heart. An interracial wlw badass superpowered couple is basically everything I could want. They (and this whole damn show) are SO GOOD.
I'm tagging @rosaortecho and @wonderdoves, but like, no pressure. Or anyone who wants to, just say you were tagged by me so I can see y’alls opinions.
First Bonnie gif is from @bob-belcher, second from @imaginingxmen. For some reason I cannot get the formatting done with hers, just the others, so.
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rhosyn-du · 3 years
Never make a mess when a total catastrophe will do - Chapter Four
Pairings: Jimon, past Clace, background Clizzy, a bunch of other minor background pairings Rating: Explicit Art: @cor321​ Beta: @all-thestories-aretrue​ Tags:  Alternate Universe - College/University, fake dating, oh my god they were roommates, friends with benefits, idiots to lovers, pining, miscommunication, holidays, drinking games, mistletoe, symbolically significant Oreos, domestic fluff, brief mention of past character death, Jace’s self-worth issues deserve their own tag Summary: What do you do when you find out your sister is not only dating your ex and love-of-your-high-school-life but is also bringing her home for Christmas? Bring your annoying, hot, annoyingly-hot roommate as your fake boyfriend to show them you're totally fine with it, obviously! There's no possible way this could backfire. Link: AO3 , Tumblr Master Post
Chapter Four
Clary, it turned out, was very good at Land Mines. But so was Izzy. It only took a couple rounds for them to admit they played the game all the time, and a couple more rounds (both of which the Lightwoods lost) for Izzy to drunkenly (and loudly) explain that she thought it was hot when Clary got competitive.
Jace told her he didn’t want to hear about it, and he hoped he wasn’t tipsy enough for her to notice what a hypocrite he was in saying it. Because competitive Simon? Was so hot. And Simon was pretty much hot all the time, even when he was annoying the hell out of Jace, but Simon going all-out trying to prove himself, and doing it every damned time, was something else. It didn’t help that right now he was doing it dressed in a tighter than usual t-shirt that proclaimed him a “Jedi in the streets, Sith in the sheets” that Clary (who most definitely noticed Jace’s appreciation of how tight the shirt was) gleefully informed Jace had been a present from her.
“Another win for Team Fray-Lewis,” Simon proclaimed as his coin spun to a stop without touching any of the glasses on the table. He and Clary bumped fists without even looking at each other, and Simon flashed Jace a smug grin that did things to him. “Let’s see you top that, hotshot.”
Jace returned a cocky grin of his own. “You should know better by now than to question my skills.”
Thankfully for Jace’s ego, and his liver, his own spin came tumbling to rest right before hitting a double-size shot glass of tequila. The same shot glass Clary’s coin hit moments later.
Clary winced. “Sorry, Si.”
“All right,” Simon said, narrowing his eyes. “All right.” He downed his shot and licked the excess from his lips in a way that Jace found very distracting. If he didn’t know better, he’d think Simon was doing it on purpose. “We’ve still got this.”
“Damn right we do,” Clary agreed, knocking back her own shot and then grabbing Izzy for a messy kiss. “A kiss for luck,” she announced.
“I’m not even on your team, silly,” Izzy giggled.
By the time they finished the game, Jace and Izzy having only just squeaked by with a win, the party was in full swing, and Jace was feeling pleasantly buzzed. With several hours left to go until midnight, he decided to pass on the cocktail Magnus offered him in favor of plain soda. As much as he’d joked about hangovers, that was the last way he wanted to start the new year, especially since he had plans with Alec and Magnus the next day, and they both seemed to be somehow magically immune to hangovers.
Jace let himself get swept up in the atmosphere of the party: dancing, joking with his siblings, getting into an inane argument with Magnus’s friend Ragnor about which of Scott Joplin’s works was most influential. And somehow, he always managed to find himself back by Simon’s side. He should have been doing it as part of keeping up the appearance of being his boyfriend, but it was less that he was intentionally trying to spend time around Simon and more that he was allowing himself not to not be around Simon. The realization should have annoyed him, but somehow it didn’t.
Especially since Simon seemed just as drawn to his side. Which was probably Simon keeping up appearances, since he’d proven himself to be incredibly good at it so far. It was almost comfortable. Right up until it was something else entirely.
Jace and Simon had been chatting with Dot—a friend of Magnus’s who’d apparently been a neighbor of Clary’s and Simon’s when they were kids—when Clary, who had clearly not stopped drinking after their game, interrupted by throwing her arms over Jace and Dot’s shoulders. “You guys should come dance with me,” she told them. “Izzy’s busy talking to Magnus about shoes, and I wanna dance, and you guys are like three of my very favorite people who aren’t Izzy, so I want you to dance with me.”
“Of course,” Dot laughed, wrapping an arm around Clary’s waist and twirling her toward the makeshift dance floor Magnus and Alec had made in their living room.
“You guys, come on!” Clary called over her shoulder, tripping and nearly falling before Dot caught her and turned it into a shaky dip.
Simon looked at Jace and offered his hand. “There’s really no point in arguing. She’s even more stubborn drunk than she is sober.”
“That’s a terrifying thought,” Jace said, taking Simon’s hand and following him onto the dance floor.
Jace lost track of how long they spent dancing, first with Clary and Dot, switching partners every few minutes at Clary’s enthusiastic insistence, and then just with each other after Izzy reappeared and Clary abandoned them to go cling to her girlfriend like some kind of hyper-affectionate koala.
“I honestly can’t believe she’s still standing,” Simon said. “She’s had at least three margaritas since we finished our game, and I didn’t even want to think about drinking after that many shots.”
“She was probably consoling herself after you guys lost so badly,” Jace said, moving closer than the music or space strictly demanded. “I wouldn’t know what it’s like, but losing sure seems like it would suck.”
“Uh huh,” Simon said. “Because you winning by a single shot was so very impressive.”
“It really was,” Jace agreed.
The music made a surprisingly smooth transition from pounding bass to Duke Ellington, and Simon grabbed Jace’s hand to pull him into some kind of swing dance that Jace was not at all familiar with.
“Really?” Simon asked with obvious relish. “You don’t know how to Lindy Hop?”
“I’m not an old man or terminally nerdy, so no,” Jace answered, not quite managing to follow Simon’s steps, but not making a complete fool out of himself either. He supposed that was one good thing to come out of that ridiculous mandatory high school PE swing dance unit.
“So, are you calling Magnus old or a nerd?” Simon asked, nodding to the other side of the dance floor, where Magnus was twirling Dot like they were both professional dancers.
“Magnus is a special case,” Jace said.
“Because your brother would murder you in your sleep for saying anything bad about him?” Simon suggested.
Jace snorted a laugh. “I plead the fifth.”
“You know what I think?” Simon asked, doing a rock-step then smoothly maneuvering Jace into a gentle twirl.
“I’m sure you’re going to tell me,” Jace said.
“I think you just don’t know how to deal with not being good at something. So you’re an ass about anything you aren’t good at.”
“Nah,” Jace said, attempting to mimic Simon’s earlier move and managing to awkwardly spin him into a twirl of his own. “You just always react so well when I’m an ass to you that I can’t resist doing it.”
“Ah, got it. So you’re basically saying you never matured past middle school.”
“You’re one to talk about maturity. Do I need to remind you that the first thing you did when I introduced you to my sister was ask to see her Lego collection?”
“In my defense,” Simon said, “I was trying to save us all from probable food poisoning.” He executed another twirl, this time one that ended with his arms wrapped around Jace from behind, which Jace definitely felt no way at all about. “Also, it was a really great Lego collection.”
The music changed again, back to a modern club beat, and Jace felt some of the tension leave his body. This was the kind of music he knew how to dance to. And maybe there was just the tiniest bit of truth to what Simon had said about him not knowing how to be bad at things.
It was just natural and not at all pettiness over Simon being right that had him rolling his hips with the beat of the new song, which just consequently happened to grind his ass back against Simon’s crotch. And, okay, there was maybe just the tiniest bit of satisfaction in hearing Simon’s sharp intake of breath.
“Just try not to do that when someone you’re actually dating brings you home for the first time.”
Jace wasn’t entirely sure how to identify what he felt when Simon leaned forward to speak directly in his ear. “And what do you think I should have done?” Simon’s breath was hot against his skin. “If we were actually dating?”
Jace spun around to face him. “If we were actually dating, Alec would have been on his own defending dinner from Izzy, because I wouldn’t have taken you back downstairs until I was done very thoroughly showing you my bedroom.”
It came out sounding much less like a joke than he intended, the truth behind his words bleeding through his shaky bravado. And he knew Simon heard it, could see it in the soft surprise of his parted lips, could feel it in the faint tremor of the hand he still held.
“I guess,” Simon said, tongue darting out to wet his lips, drawing Jace’s eyes, “it’s a good thing for our digestive systems that we weren’t actually dating.”
This had been a mistake. Dancing with Simon like this, touching him like this. Inviting him to the party in the first place. This whole damned fake dating plan. Jace wanted desperately to lean in and trace the path of Simon’s tongue with his own.
“I don’t know,” he said instead. “I think it probably would have been worth it.”
They weren’t even pretending to dance now, Simon standing stock still, watching him as if trying to puzzle him out. Finally, he took a step back, loosening his hold. “Jace—”
“Attention, dearest friends and tolerated acquaintances!” Magnus’s voice rang through the loft as the music came to a sudden halt. Jace stayed as he was, unwilling to bring himself to let go of Simon entirely, unable to look away, and Simon seemingly similarly caught.
“We have invited you here this evening to help us ring in the new year, which, if you direct your attention to the clock right over there, you will see is now a mere thirty seconds away. So, grab your drink, grab your sweetie—or an attractive stranger, I won’t judge—and get ready to count down to a brand new year!”
Jace barely noticed as the countdown began around him, focused as he was on Simon. He only really caught on to what was happening when Simon’s lips began to move, softly counting down with the crowd even as his eyes never left Jace’s.
Jace had plenty of time to think through what he was about to do, with enough left over to second- and third-guess himself. Some people might have said thirty seconds wasn’t long enough to make a reasoned choice, but for someone like Jace, who made an art out of making impulsive, split-second decisions, thirty seconds was practically an eternity. He watched Simon’s lips form the final count of “one,” heard the crowd around them erupt into shouts of “Happy New Year!” and then he was surging forward.
Simon met him halfway, the kiss bruising and desperate. Jace was dimly aware of people around him laughing and cheering, but his entire world was narrowed down to this one moment, to this kiss. If their previous kisses had been chaste and family-appropriate, this was anything but. Simon kissed like he wanted to crawl inside Jace, one hand on the small of his back, pulling him close, the other tangled in his hair. Jace kind of wanted Simon to crawl inside him.
When Simon finally broke the kiss, Jace had to hold himself back from chasing his swollen, spit-slick lips. But whatever Simon saw when he looked at Jace had him muttering a soft “shit” before diving back in for more, so Jace considered it an all-around win.
Jace licked into Simon’s mouth, sliding the fingers of one hand under the hem of his shirt enough to trace along the waistband of his jeans, just above his hip. Simon shuddered and made a soft, desperate sound, and Jace made it his mission to elicit more of those sounds, to drive Simon just as crazy as those sounds were driving him.
When they broke the kiss for the second time, it was prompted by a sharp whistle that Jace would have recognized anywhere as Izzy’s followed by a cheer of, “Yeah, get it, Simon!” from Clary.
Simon looked slightly embarrassed at just how carried away they’d managed to get in the middle of a party, but Jace just smirked and threw a wink at his sister and her girlfriend.
A quick look around showed that, despite Izzy and Clary’s very loud attention, most of the partygoers were too involved in their own celebrations to be paying much attention to Jace and Simon, although it also seemed like the rest of them had long since finished up their celebratory kisses. The only other people paying them any attention at all were Magnus and Alec, who were standing nearby.
Alec wore the look of long-suffering fondness he often wore around Jace. “Please don’t have sex in my living room,” he said when he caught Jace’s eye.
“We weren’t—” Simon spluttered. “We wouldn’t—”
“At least use the guest room like civilized people,” Magnus added. Much less fondly, Jace thought.
“Oh god,” Simon muttered as Magnus swept off to speak with other guests, Alec in tow. “I’m never going to live this down. Fray is going to be teasing me about this until the day I die. And I think your brother hates me now.”
“Alec doesn’t hate you,” Jace said. “You would know if Alec hated you; he is not subtle. I’m sure he considers this one-hundred percent my fault.”
“Okay, but Magnus definitely hates me.”
“Dude,” Jace said, squeezing Simon’s shoulder, “Magnus doesn’t hate you, either. He wouldn’t have offered us his guest room if he hated you.”
Simon gave him a flat look. “Pretty sure he didn’t actually intend for us to use the guest room. We’d have to have basically no shame to just ditch the party and run off to the guest room to have sex after Clary and Izzy drew so much attention to us making out like horny teenagers in public.”
“You’ve known me how long, and you still operate under the misapprehension that I’m capable of shame?” Jace teased.
Except. Except he was only half-teasing, because he would absolutely ditch this party to go have sex with Simon in the guest room if he thought Simon was even a little bit interested in that. Hell, he’d ditch the party to have sex with Simon in the fucking closet.
And he was pretty sure Simon knew it, because Simon was staring at him again, with that same intensity he had right before they’d kissed. Jace smirked and very deliberately ran a tongue over his lower lip.
“I hate you,” Simon said without heat before dragging Jace into a quick, filthy kiss. “Where’s the guest room?”
Jace didn’t answer, just grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the hallway that led to the guest suite.
It took them several minutes to actually make it into the guest room because Jace decided halfway there that he kind of desperately needed to be kissing Simon again. It was like a dam had broken, and now that he was allowed to kiss Simon, really kiss him, he couldn’t seem to stop. But that was okay, because Simon didn’t seem interested in stopping, either.
When they finally stumbled into the guest room, Jace found himself promptly pinned against the door, Simon’s body pressing against him in a long, hard line, a situation which Jace found himself more than okay with.
“This,” Simon muttered between kisses, “is probably a terrible idea.”
“Yeah,” Jace agreed, sliding one leg between Simon’s leg to press against the bulge in his jeans and trying to ignore the bitter twist in his gut. “You want to stop?”
“Fuck,” Simon panted, grinding against Jace’s leg. “Really no.” He slid his hands beneath Jace’s shirt, pushing it up in a clear indication he wanted it off. “Just making sure we’re both on the same page with regard to our mutual terrible decision making.”
“You know me,” Jace said, raising his arms obligingly and helping Simon tug his shirt over his head. “Making terrible decisions with pretty people is kind of my thing.”
Jace’s shirt fell to the floor, and Simon just sort of froze for a second before reaching out and sliding his hands up Jace’s chest almost reverently. “God,” he muttered, “you are just unfairly hot.” His hands stilled suddenly, and he met Jace’s eyes, brows furrowed. “You think I’m pretty?”
“Yes, dumbass,” Jace said, reaching up to cup Simon’s face. “Did the last ten minutes not clue you in?”
Jace silenced whatever Simon was about to say with another kiss. With as much as he was feeling right now, kissing was safer than talking. He’d probably said too much already.
He flipped them around so he was pressing Simon into the door, breaking the kiss just long enough to say, “Oh, hey, I found an effective way to make you stop talking. Should have thought of this sooner.”
“Fuck you,” Simon mumbled against his mouth.
“Maybe later,” Jace told him, tugging at Simon’s belt. “Right now I just need to get my hands on you.”
“Yeah,” Simon agreed dazedly as Jace worked open his jeans. “Yeah, okay, that sounds really—” He broke off with an almost wounded noise as Jace reached inside his boxers and wrapped a hand around his cock.
Jace kissed him again, slow and deliberate just like the hand on Simon’s cock. Jace felt back on firmer ground, now. This, sex, was something he understood, something he was good at. Slick tongues and writhing bodies were far more straightforward—far less dangerous—than feelings.
For a few strokes, Simon seemed content to just take what Jace was giving him, but then he was kissing back with almost bruising intensity and fumbling open Jace’s pants to wrap a calloused hand around his dick, and it was everything.
Jace lost track of things at that point, lost in the feel of Simon’s deft fingers around his cock, of Simon thrusting into his hand, of Simon’s mouth on his own, of Simon. And then Simon was murmuring something unintelligible against Jace’s mouth as the movement of his hips became erratic and then he was shaking apart in Jace’s arms, coming all over his hand and abdomen, and Jace thought, as he followed Simon over the edge seconds later, it might have been the hottest thing he’d ever experienced.
“Holy shit,” Simon said after they’d both caught their breath. “That actually just happened.”
Jace let out a soft huff of laughter. “You noticed, huh?” He stepped back just enough that he could see Simon’s face and was dismayed at the wariness he found there.
“I guess,” Simon said, “I should probably get cleaned up and, like. Go?”
There was a pit forming in Jace’s stomach, and he hated it.
“Alternate plan,” he offered with far more assurance than he felt. “We both get cleaned up, and then we find out how nice the sheets are on Alec and Magnus’s guest bed. I was planning to sleep here tonight anyway.” Whatever this was, Jace wasn’t ready for it to end yet.
“Oh,” Simon said on a heavy exhale. “That’s—” He swallowed hard. “I don’t want to, like, intrude, or—”
He broke off as Jace took his hand, the one covered in come, and slowly and deliberately began licking it clean, eyes never leaving Simon’s. Simon watched, entranced, barely breathing.
When Jace was satisfied he’d gotten every drop, he smirked up through lowered lashes. “Simon. Come to bed with me?”
“Yeah,” Simon said breathily. “Okay. But if Magnus decides he hates me, I’m blaming you.”
“Do me a favor, and don’t talk about my future brother-in-law when I just had my hand down your pants.” Then, because it had proven such an effective way to get Simon to stop talking in the past (and definitely not for any other reason), Jace kissed him.
By the time they’d finished cleaning up and tumbled into bed, Jace was feeling loose and sleepy. He abandoned his previous, half-formed plans of getting Simon’s dick in his mouth in favor of lazy, unhurried kisses and caresses that were maybe too gentle for what this was. There would be time for blowjobs later. In the morning, maybe. After sleep, in any case.
Jace wasn’t aware of when kissing Simon in reality bled into dream.
Jace wasn’t hungover when he woke. He kind of wished he were hungover, because that would provide an explanation for why the world didn’t seem quite set straight and he felt vaguely nauseous that had nothing to do with the cold, empty bed he woke up in.
It was stupid to be upset Simon hadn’t stayed. Jace knew it was stupid. He’d known going in that it wouldn’t be more than a one-time thing. Simon had flat-out said it was a mistake. But there was a part of him that had thought—had hoped—maybe Simon would change his mind.
Telling himself he was just upset over having lost the chance for that morning blowjob he’d been planning, Jace forced himself out of bed and into the shower. The shower in Alec and Magnus’s guest suite was kind of amazing, with one of those rainfall shower heads and hot water that just never seemed to end. It helped ease some of Jace’s tension, and by the time he finished showering and pulled on some clothes, he was feeling almost back to his normal self.
Alec greeted him as he stepped out into the living room, already having claimed a spot on the couch. The room was back to its normal configuration, couch and loveseat facing a large, flat-screen TV. The coffee table held a giant plate of nachos, a bag of dry roast peanuts, and a disgustingly large tub of Red Vines.
“Welcome to the land of the living,” Alec said. “I was starting to worry you were going to miss the opening kick.”
“Please,” Jace said, flopping down onto the other couch. “I haven’t missed the opening kick of a bowl game since I was eleven, and that was only because you gave me the stomach flu.”
“Don’t blame me for that!” Alec protested. “Izzy was the one who started barfing first. If anyone brought that into the house, it was her.”
“Izzy didn’t give me big, sad puppy dog eyes and ask me to hold her hair back.”
“Hey,” Alec said, “we don’t talk about the hair, okay? Everyone makes at least one big mistake in their life, and mine was my seventh grade Zac Efron hair.”
“It’s my duty as your brother to make sure you never forget any terrible fashion choices you’ve made,” Jace said around a mouthful of nachos.
“You know that means it’s my duty as a brother to do the same for you, right?”
“You can try,” Jace said breezily, “but you and I both know I’ve never made any terrible fashion choices.”
“Two words for you,” Alec said. “Parachute pants.”
“They were on trend at the time,” Jace insisted. “My parachute pants were cool.”
“Keep telling yourself that, Jace. Parachute pants were never cool.”
Jace decided to be mature about the whole thing and chucked a Red Vine at Alec’s head. Alec ducked, then picked up the Red Vine from where it had landed on his shoulder and popped it into his mouth.
“That’s disgusting,” Jace told him. “I can’t believe you still eat those things.”
“It’s tradition,” Alec said with a shrug. “I only eat them on New Year’s. Besides, I like the sweetened wax aesthetic they’ve got going on.”
“Disgusting,” Jace repeated, pulling a Red Vine out of the tub for himself.
“Hey,” Alec said, suddenly serious, “you didn’t have to stay, you know.” When Jace just stared at him in confusion, he added, “You could have gone to Simon’s family thing with him. I wouldn’t have minded.”
Jace scoffed. “Of course I couldn’t.” He hadn’t even known Simon had a family thing today. “It’s tradition, like the Red Vines. Just because I’m dating someone and you’re about to get married doesn’t mean I’m going to flake on our New Year’s tradition.”
“Well, you should probably be prepared to make it up to your man when you get home,” Alec said. “He looked kinda upset when he left this morning.”
Jace’s earlier nausea returned suddenly, with full force. “He did?”
“Oh, don’t look like that. I’m sure he’ll get over it. The guy clearly adores you.”
“Yeah,” Jace said, pasting on a smile. “He does.”
“And I am glad you’re here,” Alec added. “I love Magnus, but he doesn’t understand football.”
“Not a fan, huh?”
“Worse,” Alec groaned. “He’s a Big Red fan. And he always gets so smug when they win.”
“And you’re sure you want to marry this guy?” Jace joked.
“Yeah,” Alec said, his whole demeanor softening. “I really am.”
“Which is a good thing, because our catering deposit is definitely non-refundable,” Magnus interjected, bringing a wings-laded plate to join the rest of the snacks on the table. “Besides, if I can get over the fact that you actually attended Columbia, you can deal with my allegiance to the clearly superior Ivy League team.”
“I’m not sure you can say you’re over it when you still say ‘Columbia’ like it’s a dirty word,” Alec observed.
“Nonsense,” Magnus said, settling onto the couch next to his fiancé. “I say dirty words with a great deal more relish. That was, in fact, an insult to dirty words.”
“You’re lucky I love you,” Alec said, rolling his eyes.
“That, we can agree on.”
“If you two are done being sappy,” Jace said, grabbing the TV remote and unmuting the pre-game commentary, “there’s about to be a game on.”
They were not, it turned out, done being sappy, but their cheerful bickering was almost enough to distract Jace from having woken up alone. Almost.
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L&L - Chapter 16. Avoiding [Alec Lightwood x Reader]
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Title: Love and Leather - Chapter 16. Avoiding ➔ Chapter 17. Here! Pairing: Alec Lightwood x Female!Reader Published: 23 June, 2020 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore Love and Leather Masterlist | Masterlists
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The next couple of days, when you met Alec, you just acted normal. No more teasing, no more joking, no more extra attention on him. It was incredibly hard, but you weren't just known for your determination, but also for keeping your words. You promised to Alec not to get in his way and you were keeping yourself to that. When you met on the hall way or on the corridor you just said a simple "Hi!" to each other and just passed by. When you were eating together with Alec, Jace, Clary and Izzy, you put all of your attention on the last three mentioned. You didn't do it, because you wanted to be rude. You did it to help yourself get over him quicker. Which meant trying to close him out and avoid him as much as possible.
Talking about it seemed to be an easy task, but experiencing it was cruel reality. Seeing the person you have liked, dare to say maybe even felt more for, and trying to avoid him was a mission on its own. Especially when the person appeared every five minutes wherever you went.
At some point you were thinking that your behaviour had some effects on him as you were feeling like he was looking at you, almost like staring at you more often than ever.
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But you just took it as your brain was playing a game with you. You just pushed those kind of thoughts to the back of your mind and locked them away for good.
You were preparing to go out at night as Magnus invited you to the Pandemonium with the others. This time it wasn't a private party though. You were just going clubbing, like a normal night out. You washed your hair, done your make up and laid out your cloths - chosen by Izzy - on your bed.
However before getting all ready, you put on some tracksuits to attend to the meeting Alec arranged, to discuss some things about the mission you were preparing for. The vampires were still causing issues and the other two teams have failed, therefore it was your turn to get into action. You walked to the hall, where everyone was waiting for you. Once again you seemed to be the last one to arrive which started to become an annoying habit of yours. You joined the table they stood around and nodded at the others as a form of greeting.
You tried completely closing out Alec's presence and tried to only focus on the information given. It was only a brief meeting about some of the last things to discuss as you had only 1 day left before you were all going on the mission.
When Alec finished his monologue and made sure that everyone understood the plan, all of you started leaving the hall to return to the rooms. However Jace had a different idea. He followed you and stopped you halfway the corridor.
"Y/N." He called our for you. You turned around to face him and looked at him questioning.
"Don't give up." He said, but he just made you so confused. You didn't have a clue on what he was talking about. "Don't give up on Alec." He clarified and you just rolled your eyes in response. "I am not joking or trying to make you feel upset. I am being genuine." He explained.
"And why are you coming to me with this?" You asked with bored tone.
"Because since you have stopped teasing him, he has changed." He smiled gently.
"Yay, I guess." Your sarcasm clearly showed your interest in the subject matter.
"I am being serious. He misses the attention you have given him." He continued enthusiastically.
"Buy him a dog then." You snorted and started walking away.
"I am telling you, since you have stopped hanging around him, he feels empty. He said it himself.  He has been looking at you all the time and it seems, this time it's you who doesn't realise it." You didn't want to believe him. It would have been too painful to. You were on the way to finally put Alec and your feelings behind you. Or at least to try harder. But then Jace ruined it. "He misses you." A gentle smile spread across his face as he said the last three words.
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However for you, when you heard those particular three words, that was the last strike in the conversation. "Let's stop this discussion now. I do not want to ever hear about it, are we clear?" You were firm and waited for no answer. You have left the dumbfounded boy standing alone in the hallway and walked back to your room to get ready.
The conversation stirred something up in you and you felt like a heavy object was sitting across your chest. You wanted to forget the whole conversation that just happened between you and Jace, but how could you? You were giving up on him, in a way finally successfully, when Jace appeared with those ridiculous ideas. As if it was true. You were mad at him for trying to ruin the wall that you built back around you again.
It took you a long time to destroy it, but it was worth it because you gained new friends, a soul mate in your parabatai and a person you fell for, since you have left England. But it took you such a short amount of time to get it back. You were surprised that Jace thought that he could change you just by those few words, but he was clearly wrong. He shook you for sure, but it wasn't enough to turn back to the way you were especially as your words bound you. And what were you supposed to do anyway? Walk up to Alec and tell him that you knew he liked you? What a ridiculous idea. As much as you wanted to do that, you weren't confident in him when it came to your feelings. Hell, you weren't even confident about yourself. You decided to just forget about your conversation with Jace for now and let all the steam out in the party. You needed out and you needed a bit of fun.
Notes: If you enjoyed it, don’t forget to like the chapter. Thank you :)
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need-a-new-hobby · 4 years
moo shu to go
alright, i remember parts of this episode, and i know there's a jalec conflict (and by jalec i mean purely friendship). i’ll be honest, there isn’t much to comment on except clary’s dumbassery and a jalec conflict. thus, not much to unpack either. 
right off the bat, i have a theory. so right after the whole memory demon s*itstorm that happened in the last episode, clary sees the whole vision thing. now they don't really show us what happens after so here's my theory:
so obv, clary yells for jace and gives him the rundown of what she just saw. very conveniently, alec shows up. now, it’s possible that jace yelled for him too, but the more likely and more attractive notion is that he came to apologise to clary about what happened with the memory demon (see previous episode)
after writing this, a more unpleasant theory occurred to me. so in the books, alec threatens clary to not out him to jace. however, i have pushed that unbidden and incredibly unattractive theory out.
alright, so we see the first traces of the jalec conflict emerge here. so as soon as alec hears about valentine speaking to clary through the necklace, you can kinda see him panic a l’il inside. instantly he starts interrogating her a little too aggressively. i love this bit, particularly cause you kinda start to see the shadowhunter part of him.
it’s also part of why i think moo shu to go is one of the more important episodes in the season. you start to see alec on his own, independent of jace.
and clary’s getting hyper again. this matchstick needs to calm down and think. she finally has another possible lead and they desperately need to know where valentine is. on top of that, a nuclear power plant isn’t exactly obvious, but there are identifiable traits in it. 
ugh, i need to go to my happy place. 
okay, i’m back. clary has unnecessary attitude here. sure, alec’s being abrasive, but he’s trying to help and her emotions are clouding what little she can still remember from the vision. i mean, he asks her what she saw and her only response is ‘valentine has my mother, that’s what i saw.’ like yeah, clary, we know that. anything else?
ofc she likes jace’s idea. except that it would have all fallen apart if raphael hadn’t handed simon over. plus jace’s idea to get to valentine would’ve gotten them killed. 
‘vampires. bored, decadent, self-involved vampires.’ ha! raphael would not appreciate that language (though it does explain a lot about camille)
also is she seriously comparing his hare-brained scheme to save simon from the vamps to trying to capture valentine?
‘he can’t be handled by 3 and a half shadowhunters’ i mean is he wrong though?
also jace is just casually holding a spear in the background.
this next scene just unpacks why i love izzy so much.
first off, how well she understands alec. she knows the pressures her older brother’s under but also how abrasive he can be towards others, especially to strangers. which leads into my next point
despite understanding alec’s intentions, she still decided to find clary, knowing the latter probably didn’t understand the consequences. izzy’s empathy in the show makes her so much more likeable than the way she’s characterised in the books. 
even more importantly though, she’s shown in the beginning to be this free, wild spirit who doesn’t know what the word ‘consequence’ means. but here you start to see that she does understand the implications of their unsanctioned missions. right here when she talks to clary, you can see how izzy is beautiful, wild, confident and smart but overall just a beautiful soul.
final point on izzy: she knows exactly how to cheer up clary. she knows in this moment, they have no plan, and that they’re gonna need time to figure things out. instead, she gets clary to focus on what her mom is like.
ooh, maryse’s entrance. instant badass vibes. i like it. also kinda terrified.
first of all, whoever came up with costuming and hair did a brilliant job.
second, maryse really offsets jocelyn after we hear about the whole ‘more like a friend than a mom’. 
third, the way she brushes past both of them kinda gives you an insight into how the lightwood siblings’ childhood was.
four, why is it that despite alec being the acting head of the institute, maryse instantly goes for jace? guess we’ll see...
‘shadowhunters aren’t big huggers.’ maryse proceeds to hug jace
again window into alec’s childhood with the instant life lesson; ‘You should be prepared, whether you expect me or not’.
also alec’s little ‘I am. We are.’
i feel really bad for alec and izzy right here. let’s recap:
izzy’s getting scolded for having a friend in the downworld, in other words, sleeping with meliorn to get information. clearly maryse doesn’t condone this, perhaps because of the risks or the blatant morality questions that come with this.
alec’s role as head of the institute has turned into the Fairchild babysitter, he’s getting shade for being unprepared and you start to see why alec was so uptight all season.
meanwhile jace, who has limited expectations on him considering that he’s adopted, is seen to be consistently doing well. it’s not really his fault, i presume, considering that he never really had much of the responsibility for the institute. all of jace’s decision are actually alec’s in the eyes of the clave. to them it looks like alec can’t maintain control and is instead approving unsanctioned missions
clary, for some reason, is still involved in their discussion despite this clearly being a lightwood family matter. literally anyone else would have excused themselves. reason #13 why i hate clary fairchild. everything has to be about her.
oh, what a surprise, clary fairchild being shocked by another family’s drama. first of all, personally i was always taught to respect another family’s relationship chemistry. every family is different, every parent has a different style. clearly clary’s mother was more libertarian in her parenting style, which is great for her. except she’s missing the fact where the lightwoods are a high-status family with an institute to run. alec was consistently groomed to follow the rules and take over the institute. clary’s mom was much more libertarian except when it came to clary’s safety. moving on...
‘what did you do to piss off your mom?’ ummmmm.... who’s gonna tell her? oh wait, alec does nvm
‘I'd guess, for a start all the unsanctioned missions on your behalf didn't go over that big with the Clave.’ this little quip along with izzy’s speech before really combine in this episode. hopefully she understands that she’s a part of something bigger than herself with real-time consequences on her new ‘friends’.
okay, i have to admit, i love how jace know something’s up with alec. and that his assumption is that alec threw my leather jacket in the washing machine. again, just with this one line, 
alec does laundry which for some reason is really funny
he’s thrown jace’s leather jacket in the machine before
clearly when he did it, jace must have gotten pissed off if he assumes alec’s wounded face is ‘cause of that
okay, i refuse to believe that jace is this dumb. even clary understood that the guy is gay, how is it feasible that jace hasn’t figured this out yet?
alec’s nervous smile after this little scene
i love alec and clary’s fight scene, just cause a) i get to see clary knocked on her ass and that’s just a different kind of joy and b) i feel like it’s so cathartic for alec
also if she’s saying that all a leader does is make decisions, i need to take a very deep breath. the leader is popularly misconceived as aspects of power, popularity, showmanship and wisdom. what a true leader has is vision, long-term planning skills and uses these to accomplish goals. in this setting, we have to add another criterion; protection. alec is meant to be a leader, but he’s still subordinate to the clave. and as for his decisions, clary doesn’t respect them because they don’t service her. alec’s decisions have to be made for the good of the institute, not for clary, another reason why she constantly undermines his authority. on top of that, she expects him to stand up to his mother, which would be perfectly reasonable except for the little, tiny detail in which maryse lightwood is head of the new york conclave. if he debates her decisions, if he doesn’t follow her orders, they’re all screwed. and that’s the difference between him and jace. 
that’s not to say jace doesn’t make sound decisions. the way they stormed pandemonium and the hotel dumort with just the 3/4 of them is admirable. but while jace makes sound decisions on each mission, on each battle, alec has to make decisions on the war against valentine.
okay, these next lines should reealy grind my gears but i can’t be mad. so clary essentially tells alec that he needs to find valentine and stop him. ‘i need to find valentine and help save my mother.’ and then he kicks her ass and says ‘you need to work on your defence.’
‘what’s the big thought on not thinking?’ hahaha!
omg my two babies. s1 malec is so adorable. also, ‘you seem... sympathetic.’ really? he’s been alive for centuries and the best he could come up with is sympathetic? and why does the matchstick keep disappearing? 
alec just yeeting through the institute to find clary is so funny
‘what’s the point of an invisibility rune if you don’t keep your phone on silent?’ excellent question.
also how did alec know she was at the brooklyn academy of arts? she didn’t leave anything to track so did he just, like, pay attention to who she was and guess? i mean it is canon that he has a fantastic memory for people. book!magnus mentions he loves the beach ONCE and alec remembers it for their wedding. mindblowing! (i’ve just realised how low the bar is)
‘mundanes. look at them. running around like ants.’ i can’t be mad at that. it’s actually very accurate. also, i know where this is going and my heart is palpitating.
oh ma gawd she said it. *face-palm* why would you say something like that? he already doesn’t like you. it’s like she’s trying to get him to hate her. did she actually say ‘busted, no?’ i really wanna slap her. can i slap her? just a l’il?
i mean, at least he didn’t threaten to kill her? i don’t even... i don’t even know what to say. i’ll probably rant about it after.
okay, i have to say this. valentine is smart af. picking chernobyl was genius with the only mundanes around willing to do whatever it takes to cure their cancer. i thought it was genius because noone would think to look there, but this. evil genius. i feel so bad for them.
haha. ‘world’s been ending for a thousand years. you get used to it.’ 
simon jumps up onto a ladder. ‘have you been doing parkour or something?’
‘climbing a fire escape excites mundanes. i’ll never understand these people.’ as lovely and unoffensive as that sentiment is, it’s a little clunky in my opinion but it’s alec so eh. not really out of character for him.
ooh nooo, simon. alec’s starting to get suspicious.
‘you were engaged? i’m almost certain i don’t want to hear this story’ but... simon tells it anyway.
‘She was protecting you.’ ‘Let's see how well that worked.’ ‘You're alive, aren't you?’ good point
okay, so i have to make one point about my archer boy before we go ahead. i kinda feel like alec’s reeally misunderstood by simon and clary. like the way he treats them is curt, sometimes arrogant and a l’il abrasive. but despite that he really does care about their wellbeing. you can see it in the way he pushes simon out of the way. while simon construes his behaviour as offensive and taking him for granted but i think in reality he’s protecting simon. jocelyn’s been careful enough to burn down clary’s room so there’s reason to believe that there might be booby traps or some kind of protection spell around it. he does it again when they hear something behind them. he just instinctively moves in front of them.
noo, don’t leave them alec. not good. on the other hand, archer boy!!
also they never actually sprint. it kinda feels weird that way they all run, like they’re afraid they’re gonna hit the camera or smth. idk how to explain it.
dear lord, the jalec conflict is coming and i want to curl up into a ball and cry. but also punch a wall at the same time. 
so something i wanna address is how clary doesn’t realise that her actions, though they are hers, are attributed to the people around her. she sneaks out of the institute and that action is attributed by jace to alec. in simpler terms, he blames alec for clary sneaking out of the institute which izzy picks up on. ( ‘and yet you’re blaming our dear brother? fascinating’) and alec blames himself for it too, which isn’t great either. reason #31 why i dislike clary fairchild. the consequences of her irresponsible actions fall on the people around her.
my god, jace can be savage sometimes. so something they’ve established later on in the show is that you can only track someone if they’re on land. seeing as clary and simon have been taken to the docks, technically they’re not on land. so obviously the tracking isn’t gonna work, but jace doesn’t realise this (obv, since he doesn’t know or can’t predict she’s on water). 
something else i should point out. jace is using a charred sketch to track clary when they have her bag RIGHT THERE.
first he blames alec for clary sneaking out of the institute. then he blames him for her getting kidnapped (which, i have to admit, maybe he should have stayed inside with them and then gone out as a group rather than secure the fire escape which is what he would normally do with jace and izzy). but then he says stuff i can’t forgive him for: ‘Then maybe your mother was right, and your best is just isn't good enough.’ that stings.
‘why do i keep getting kidnapped?’ that’s true. hasn’t the kid been through enough?
haha, inexpensive cocktails.
it always strikes me that these scenes happen after dusk. why? does it really take them that long to get there?
when did they teach her runes?
the way she holds the stele like it’s a wand. ridiculous. ‘you know you can’t cast spells with that thing?’ every time people say patronising stuff like this, i always start getting mad, but then i remember that none of this would’ve happened if she’d just stay put at the institute.
the way luke manhandles her is so funny. she’s like a rag doll.
poor luke. just got beat up by jace for saving clary
izzy is a queen PERIOD. ‘i’m getting seriously sick of saving your life.’ ‘i am not.’ i mean getting kidnapped would be worth it if you got to be rescued by the lightwood siblings.
do they seriously have to keep hugging each other? they’re right outside a werewolf den.
‘i didn’t screw up everything.’ technically he didn’t screw up anything. none of this would have happened if clary had just listened to him.
i also love how the lightwood siblings all instinctively touch simon to pull him back as the werewolves approach.
just the series of dialogues
alec: he’s challenging the alpha
clary: he’s helping us
simon: or cutting in line to kill us.
has clary not watched twilight? it’s like her questions get dumber every episode.
another thing i hate about jace; he says in the beginning that clary is his responsibility but then refuses to clean up her messes, telling alec and isabelle to report back to maryse who is not going to be happy.
the first time i watched the ending i was kinda disappointed. not by the luke plotline, just by the choice of song. soldier, by fleurie, is a masterpiece and i just feel like they wasted such a good song.
well, thank the lord that’s over. i hate watching jalec fight because they’re so good when they’re on the same side. ep 6 coming up
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okay so i saw a post ages ago and i suppose people have probably already done this, but i really wanted to because it’s hilarious; this oneshot suggestion:
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absolutely ALL credit to this idea goes to you @cloudburst-ink !
It had been a long day for Alec. Some drama with this Institute and that Institute, and all he wanted was to go home for some cuddles with his husband, and the kids. As he approached the door to the apartment, he could hear Magnus yelling and Max and Rafe laughing their heads off. What the hell was going on?!
Alec opened the door slowly, creeping in. He could hear Magnus yelling commands, and could see the mischievous yet adorable smile on little Max’s face.
Then he heard it.
“Alexander, turn off the lights!”
“Turning off lights.”
“Alexander, make the lights different colours!”
The lights funnily enough became an array of colours, but that was not Alec’s main point of concern right now. He stood in the doorway of their living room and coughed loudly. Magnus turned around immediately, looking more pleased with himself than Alec liked. He briefly bent down to hug Max and Rafe, and then they ran into another room to play.
“Yes, darling?”
“Why the hell are you calling the Echo Alexander? And why does it sound alarmingly like me?”
Magnus grinned. “I’m not telling you, because you’re just going to figure out how to change it.”
Alec put his head in his hands. It would’ve been easier if it was say Izzy. Everyone else he knew called him Alec. Magnus was the only person he allowed to call him Alexander, and now there were two.
Except one was a tiny machine thing.
There had been enough confusion when Magnus bought the thing in the first place- Alec had thought it was a spy camera that recorded everything you did and had no idea how it worked. It took him two weeks to get used to it, and those two weeks meant enduring all of Magnus’s torture about how he’d been alive for four centuries and knew how to use it better than a 23 year old. And the fair amount of complaining about Shadowhunters.
“I just want to know why, honey,” he said.
Magnus didn’t reply to this, just smirked and lifted it up. “And by the way I’m hiding this, because I know you’ll try to break it too.”
For not the first time, Alec wondered why he had to fall in love with such an incredibly adorable and annoying idiot.
For the record, only Alec is allowed to call him an idiot. Because Magnus is his idiot. Anyone else can get an arrow through the eye.
As the week progressed, things got worse. Magnus had somehow managed to get the thing to say ‘I love you.’ Max and Rafe found it the absolute pinnacle of comedy.
“Magnus, please stop. Every time you use this goddamn thing I think you’re talking to me.”
“At least it’s here for me when you aren’t,” he retorted, making a dramatic oh-woe-is-me face. “You spend all day at work, and what about poor me? I get stuck with cleaning up Max every time Rafael convinces him to do something stupid. You know, one day last week he looked less like a blueberry and more like...a rainbow berry. If that exists.”
Alec’s eyes widened. “He WHAT?”
“See I knew you’d freak if I told you. It’s fine, he just got some paint on his clothes. But with my new and extra Alexander, I can have you here even when you’re not, and it actually convinces me to do chores and stuff.”
Alec blushed. “Wait that’s actually-it’s actually kinda sweet to be honest.”
Magnus smiled triumphantly. “Exactly!”
Magnus stopped what he was doing and took Alec’s hands in his. “Look, I promise if you don’t like it I’ll throw it out. I just thought it would be funny. And I have to admit watching your adorable little face of frustration every time I call out to it is fun. But if you don’t want it, I’ll stop.”
“I don’t mind it, although I do prefer it when it’s me you’re calling Alexander, not some tiny thing.”
“But you are tiny too. So tiny. So small. So short.”
“Magnus, I’m six foot one.”
He bent his head slightly and kissed Alec’s soft hair. “That’s still two inches shorter than me so therefore I am legally required to bully you about it.”
Alec moves his head away and their eyes locked together. Magnus’s eyes were so beautiful; it pained Alec to think someone would ever bully him for them. So what if they were like cats’ eyes? They were still gorgeous. The mesmerising swirl of green and gold with the stark black pupils.
Magnus banged his head against the wall. “Goddamit I can’t ONE MINUTE PEACE WITH MY HUSBAND?!” he yelled as he stormed out. Alec rolled his eyes and laughed.
Later, Jace and Izzy came around for a general catch up. Of course, Uncle Jace and Aunt Izzy were in favour of the Alexander Echo Thing. In fact, they were encouraging the boys to use it. “If you and Clary ever have kids Jace, I really hope Clary is the only one allowed near them.”
“Are you accusing my parenting skills of being trash?”
“No, I just know that Clary wouldn’t be the type of mother to encourage her child to do this.”
“Hey! They’re having fun, right little guys?”
“Daddy inside MACHINE! Cool Daddy!” Max exclaimed.
“No, daddy is not inside a machine and daddy is cool enough already thank you very much.”
Rafael snorted.
“Hey! Mean.”
Magnus high-fived Rafael.
“You guys should give me it. It’s Simon’s birthday soon!”
“And he’d want this?”
Izzy looked like she didn’t know why Alec would even doubt that. “Obviously? I need to get back at him from last time.”
Jace sniggered. “Oh, when he scared you with that fake rat?”
“STOP IT!” Izzy said, sniffling. “I still have nightmares.”
Izzy had managed to convince Magnus to part ways with his precious Alexander for the sake of torturing Simon. Alec just thought it was better Simon than him.
“That was literally the most chaotic week of my life. I hate you.”
The two were lying on the couch watching movies, as Max and Rafe were in bed. “No you don’t. You love me.”
“Who says that? Huh?”
Magnus shuffled in closer. “Our marriage certificate, hun.”
Alec hummed with peace and happiness. “You’re right. I lied. I love you.”
Magnus smiled. “And I love you too,” he said.
“More than some stupid piece of technology.”
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fictionalrambles · 4 years
Shadowhunters Fandom Story - Part Twelve
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Submitted by notquiteascrazy
Five Favourite Stories
 The Stars Aligned series by @lecrit​
WHY I LOVE THIS FIC:  The only thing I knew for certain coming into this “picking faves process” was that there had to be something by Lecrit on this list. The way Lu writes Magnus & Alec enraptures me every single damn time and to narrow it down to just one was so hard. So I cheated & picked a series ;) It was one of the first Malec fics I read and just the whole AU is perfect.
I re-read it when Oscar Nominations are announced and on the day of the ceremony (I don’t even care about the Oscars). And probably 5 or 6 times throughout the year on top of that. The mutual pining is so strong to begin with, there’s some very light angst with some classic “bad guy” action by Camille and when they finally get their shit together, well, it’s just beautiful. Jace being an idiot, Izzy being the most supportive ever, nerd Simon… It’s got the works. If you haven’t already read it, why the hell not? Go. Now.
FAVORITE QUOTE: “I know we usually don’t thank our agents in these things,” he says, still scanning the room, “but my agent is also my PA and one of my best friends, and I just won an Oscar so I think I can do whatever I want tonight and he won’t hold it against me.” The audience laughs, as much in amusement as it is in surprise but Magnus doesn’t really notice, finally giving up. “Okay,” he exclaims in the mic, “I can’t find him. Has anyone seen Alec? Tall, dark, handsome and probably glued to his phone right now?” [Trying to cut this entire speech down into the best bit? Impossible but I decided to go with the start]
 2C by Oumy
WHY I LOVE THIS FIC:  I love the antagonism between Alec & Magnus to begin with and while the source of this is revealed in an additional fic later on, while reading 2C you can entirely predict what started it all. And within the main work itself, it doesn’t need saying because the way the characters are written subtly folds in all these personality traits that we know & love. Even before they finally get it together, they’re pushing each other & challenging each other to be the best versions of themselves. The way it builds from rivalry to romance is just *chefs kiss*
Plus, the mental image of Alec & Magnus as incredibly skilled musicians is Hot. We’ll ignore the slight “Magnus can’t play the charango and it’s awful every time he tries going near an instrument” thing… In this universe, they’re musical maestros!
FAVORITE QUOTE: Alec moved from the door, his long legs already eating up the distance to the entrance, and the competitive side of Magnus, the one that reluctantly thrived on their rivalry, refused to let him have the last word, so he blurted out at the retreating figure “Bite me, Lightwood” Alec turned around, walking backwards and spread his free hand, that perpetual half smile still etched on his face “Only if you ask nicely”
 Between the Lines by @msalexiscriss​
WHY I LOVE THIS FIC:  The plot is fantastic. The entire concept that Magnus is a criminal didn’t necessarily sit well with me at first but then as the story progresses and you realise why, it all starts to come together. And so much of their characteristics & traits are woven into it in a really fun way, e.g. Magnus’ love of glitter. From the very beginning the chemistry between them is so well written considering they’ve barely interacted in person. The way Magnus taunts Alec, the way they play this cat & mouse game. About halfway through I had this sudden fear that I would not enjoy the ending. I just couldn’t see a satisfying conclusion where no-one’s morals were compromised and they still got their happy ending but it really came together and did all the characters justice!
FAVORITE SCENE: The entire “first date” on the rooftop. The way Alec ends up there, the way Magnus has it all planned out. The conversation & the teasing from Magnus. The prying for information from Alec. The way they both dance around each other while enjoying the company & getting to know one another. 
 Deeper Than the Truth by insieme
WHY I LOVE THIS FIC:  Can you really compile a list of favourite fics without including at least one coffee shop AU?! And this one is so much more than just a coffee shop AU. I love how Magnus’ unbridled passion & enthusiasm jumpstarts Alec. I love the slow burn that builds up between them & how their relationship develops. I love the quiet moments of their relationship that are interwoven with the bigger moments. I love the balance between Alec hating the lies he’s telling and knowing that he could hurt Magnus and the inner turmoil he goes through. I love that the reveal is realistically handled and not just swept under a rug but they actually talk about the communication issues. I just love it all.
FAVORITE QUOTE: “Well Alexander, I would love to continue this conversation at the present except I have a whole room of ladies with sharp sewing needles who are not going to be too pleased with me if I keep them waiting any longer. Perhaps if you’re here tomorrow, around the same time, we could bump into each other again, and you could tell me your ridiculous dislike for Mr. Archer over a cup of coffee?” Magnus looked at Alec confidently, like he had no reservations whatsoever that Alec wouldn’t accept his offer. He was right. “Tomorrow. Yeah, okay. I’ll be here.” Alec said, unable to stop the smile that crept onto his face. Magnus was already on his way out the store when Alec realized what Magnus had said. He called out after him, “My name is Alec!” Magnus just waved over his shoulder, calling out “See you tomorrow, Alexander!” He was so screwed. [What I have learnt about myself going through this exercise is the early moment of relationships in fics are my favourites. They set the tone of what’s to come & build the chemistry from there!]
 Choose your weapon by @steakandvodka​
WHY I LOVE THIS FIC:  Clalec BROTP ftw. Honestly, this is just cute and shows such lovely character growth & their relationship develops so beautifully. Alec is shown as supportive & a good leader and very typically Alec in response to Clary. But it also shows a softer side & how him & Fray become friends.
Meanwhile, we see a struggle from Clary that isn’t shown in the show about how not being brought up in the shadow world means working harder to get up to scratch & her insecurities around it.
FAVORITE QUOTE: “Look, I know better than anyone how much pressure it can be to be perfect all the time. Especially when you have people doubting you — the drive to prove them wrong can overshadow every other responsibility in your life. But hard work isn’t always a good thing, not if you don’t go about it in a healthy way. It can set you back, and more importantly, you can get hurt” [Alec Lightwood finally embracing healthy work-life balance <3]
 Author Story
At first I felt a little bit like a fraud trying to write this. I’d hardly consider myself an author - I’ve barely really written anything (politely ignoring my terrible contributions to the HP fandom well over a decade ago)
I’d never really considered myself particularly creative, much happier to just absorb the fruits of other people’s creativity and be glad that there are so many talented people in the world writing stories and making art. Shadowhunters changed that for me. The characters have resonated with me and I found myself inspired on a couple of occasions to actually put pen to paper (Well, fingers to keyboard)
I still consider myself very creatively challenged but I’m enjoying exploring the little bursts of inspiration, even if I find myself wishing I’d paid more attention in English class! Reading has always been my escape from reality, writing is now giving me that opportunity to create my own escapes. So if there’s anyone else who’s new to this and nervous about trying to write/sharing their writing, I feel you! But if you have a story you want to tell - go for it! You might surprise yourself :)
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