#they're pretty high femme most of the time
erisacolyte · 4 months
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My shapeshifting plasmoid Chaos Sorcerer for a Planescape Torment 5e campaign. They like looking like a 'sexy lady' and have various outfits to play with. They also accidentally fireballed the whole party recently...
All versions of the flats/speed draws will be available for my Patrons: patreon.com/joephilliactheblack Or buy me a coffee: ko-fi.com/A2581GB3
Watch on the TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@joephilliactheblack/video/7332500499763072289?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7181582400987645445
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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This is a three-way poll. Only one of these women will continue to the fourth round of the bracket.
Ava Gardner (The Killers, The Barefoot Contessa)— She's so goddamn hot. Her and Frank Sinatra could've sandwiched me and I would've thanked them for the privilege
Leonor Maia (The Tyrannical Father)— She didn't do a lot of movies but in The Tyrannical Father she is so pretty and charming that there's a guy who's obsessed with her to such a degree he is still a meme 80 years later. Her character's name is Tatão and the guy would stare at her whenever she was there and say her name to the tune of everything. A clock ticking: ta-tão, ta-tão, ta-tão. And to this day one of the lines people know the best from that very quotable movie is "ta-tão". She inspired crushes and horniness of legendary levels.
Louise Brooks (Pandora's Box, Diary of a Lost Girl)—Louise Brooks started off as a dancer and went to work in the Follies before going to Hollywood. Disappointed with her roles there, she went to Germany and proceeded to make Pandora's Box, the first film to show a lesbian on-screen (not her but one of her many doomed admirers in the film), and Diary of a Lost Girl, both of which are considered two of the greatest films of the 20th century. She helped popularize the bob and natural acting, acting far more subtly than her contemporaries who treated the camera as a stage audience. After the collapse of her film career and a remarkably rough patch as a high-end sex worker, she was rediscovered and did film criticism, notably "Lulu in Hollywood," which Rodger Ebert called "indispensable." Also, christ. Look at her.
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Ava Gardner:
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Ava Gardner is one of my favorite actresses of all time. Although a lot of her roles in movies are about her being beautiful and nothing else, there are some films where her acting truly shines.
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Gifset: https://www.tumblr.com/pelopides/721438308726603776/ava-gardner-as-pandora-reynolds-pandora-and-the
Gifset 2: https://www.tumblr.com/portraitoflestatonfire/731899355804598272/if-the-loustat-reunion-doesnt-look-like-this-then
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HER FACE. LOOK AT IT. Also was a life long supporter of civil rights and a member of the NAACP, had lots of fun love affairs with other stars, bullfighters, married several times but was also happy in between to just have lovers and was unapologetically herself.
I literally gasp every time I see her.
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Between 1942 and 1964, Ava Gardner was credited in no less 50 films, and is still considered by some to be the most beautiful actresses that ever graced the silver screen. Despite life-long insecurities regarding her talent as an actress, she weathered public scandal, industry hostility, and outright condemnation by the Catholic Church with fearless grace. She would later in life talk candidly about the reality and pain of living through two (studio approved!!) abortions during her short marriage to Frank Sinatra, and while the two of them could not make their relationship work, they remained in each other’s lives for nearly 30 years. She would forever describe herself as a small-town girl who just got lucky, but always felt like a beautiful outsider.
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Really genuinely one of the most beautiful human beings I have ever seen. An autodidact. Had amazing chemistry with Gregory Peck to the point where I do think about watching On The Beach again sometimes because they're so good together even though that movie did destroy me. Was a great femme fatale in many movies.
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There is no additional propaganda for Leonor Maia.
Louise Brooks:
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"Defined the style of the modern flapper. A gaze that could make a stone fall in love."
"Louise Brooks left a legend far greater than her real achievement as an actress, but even today few people have seen her films. In our own time, the fascination with Brooks seems to have begun in 1979 with a profile by Kenneth Tynan in the New Yorker, which revealed that the actress who made her last movie in 1938 was alive and living in Rochester, N.Y. Such was the power of Tynan's prose that people began to seek out her existing films, primarily this one, to discover what the fuss was about. What we see here is a healthy young woman -- she was 23 when the film was released -- with whom the camera, under G.W. Pabst's influence, is fascinated. There is a deep paradox in Brooks and her career: the American girl who found success in the troubled Europe between two wars; the vivid personality who briefly dazzled two continents but faded into obscurity; the liberated woman who had affairs with such prominent men as CBS founder William S. Paley as well as with women including (by her account) Greta Garbo but wound up a solitary recluse. And all of this seems perfectly in keeping with her most celebrated role in Pandora's Box. For despite her bright vitality, her flashing dark eyes and brilliant smile, Brooks's Lulu becomes the ultimate femme fatale, careering her way toward destruction, not only of her lovers but eventually of herself."
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"She invented having bangs to indicate that you have borderline personality disorder"
"chances are if youve ever seen a "flapper girl" character or even just art of a generic flapper type made after the 20s it was based on her appearance - particularly the bob hairstyle! she had some pretty rough experiences through her life before during and after her tumultuous acting career which ended in 1938 but she made it to the 80s, wrote an autobiography and did a lot of interviews that she was never afraid of being honest in about her own life or peers of the age, and apparently was unabashed about some affairs she had with well known women (including greta garbo!!)"
"She read Proust and Schopenhauer on set between sets. She was one of the original flappers/new women of the 1920s. She had a one night stand with Garbo and was the inspiration for Sally Bowles in Cabaret. Truly a stone cold fox."
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"on her wikipedia page it says her biographer said she "loved women as a homosexual man, rather than as a lesbian, would love them" and while i have no idea if this is true or not i thought that was very gender of her"
"despite being american she was big in german expressionist films and thus her aesthetic was unmatched!!"
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So far ahead of her time in regard to portraying complicated women. Timeless elegance. "I learned to act by watching Martha Graham dance, and I learned to dance by watching Charlie Chaplin act.” - Louise Brooks
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
I just thought of this so you have to, too.
Buggy being genderfluid but the Roger crew not really giving a flying fuck about it. Who cares how you dress so long as you're still you? Yeah, sure, go apeshit, just be loyal, strong, etc. You're one of Us and your pants or lack thereof doesn't impact that.
The crew disbands.
Shanks and Buggy get smth of a culture shock once they are no longer in that protective bubble. Buggy is getting hateful looks, comments, snide remarks. Shanks is at his side, completely taken aback and honestly pretty pissed. Buggy, on more Femme days, faces more animosity, misogyny, and it's astounding to the former apprentices who different men and women are treated. And if you can't tell by a glance, people can get so upset?? What the hell????
Buggy refuses to be anything but themself/himself/herself, depending on the day and vibe. Shanks refuses to comply with this newfound social expectation to be rude and mean for no reason to innocent people.
The Grandline is the most progressive of the seas, due in part to the natural insanity it breeds. The Blues aren't as open, but the East is the more chill of the four. Buggy chooses there for many reasons, but the Big Top and crew is open to any sea. There's an information network, smuggling division, crowdsourcing area, etc.
Shanks will drop tips at places he visits for Buggy to get a foothold if they don't already exist, and Buggy will drop tips for Shanks regarding pertinent information for adventures, expectations, and etiquette.
It's a good dynamic. They go for years like this.
Buggy's stint in Impel Down was.... not fun. Aside from the misgendering, general torture and absolutely overwhelming energy there, it was stifling.
Marineford was a hot mess, but by the end, Shanks offers Buggy a ride to the Big Top's docked location, and on board, he just leads Buggy to this little chest in his cabin. Says, "here, take your pick. You wear whatever is most comfortable for you." There's a dress or two, a few skirts, tops, pants, shirts, and while most of it is in different sizes, there's belts and loops. Buggy bites back tears when they find their old skirt. They'd left that one on the Oro. How did Shanks even get this??
The time skip goes down, and by the time Cross Guild is running, Buggy has had to decide between masquerading as a Cis person or just... being themself. One morning, they wake up and everything feels too TIGHT, too STIFF, too much and she's left eying her leotard, half skirt and thigh highs.
Well. If she dies, might as well die authentic.
Crocodile and Mihawk nearly do a spit take when she struts out of her tent or into the announcement hall. She is a bit nervous by this, but she has COMMITTED.
It... also helps that so many of her men are singing her praises and Ritchie is bouncing happily, Mohji and Cabaji are smiling, Alvida is giving an approving nod-
She's happy. She's not going to let fear rule her, even if she can feel the gazes of two very powerful men tracking her every breath.
((They're not mad, they're fighting every urge to swoop her into a kiss and maybe more, but also the fact that WHO GAVE THE CLOWN THE RIGHT TO BE SO HOT??? IT WAS BAD ENOUGH BEFORE, NOW THIS????? they're not good at flirting, they cannot HANDLE this-))
I adore this. Buggy being genderfluid is actually so important to me as a genderfluid person-- My beloved. The concept of cold reality suddenly hitting them both (because they were so, so supportive back at the Oro Jackson) when the crew disbands is so good. Shanks is extremely protective of them when that happens, refusing to let anybody talk shit about Buggy. It's just so sweet of him. Tbh, it hurts so much to think about Buggy having to hide that part of himself,,, But then they come out to Mihawk and Crocodile and it's not only that they support them but they also absolutely love them. These two men are having a whole crisis over a clown again (as usual). But yeah, it's actually really sweet to see Buggy finally being free with them in that way,, Thinking thoughts about Crocodile going full mafioso with money and buying Buggy all the clothes she wants (he does it more for himself and Mihawk but yeah).
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purrpleowl · 1 month
Because these concepts have been haunting my head for a while now.
Also Velvette will be in a separate post because Tumblr won't let me put more than 10 pictures in one post 😡
• Instead of having no fashion sense, she has a small understanding of it because that's what's expected from a woman in our patriarchal society, but it is to this day trapped in the 50's (because she's not that into fashion, it was more an obligation to fit in than an actual interest) so she still needs a bit of help from Valentina and Velvette when she's not wearing her usual everyday attire.
• Speaking of her everyday attire, I picture her having more or less Charlie's style, wearing a lot of suits, like a feminine take on masculine fashion, with the ocasional business skirt when she's feeling/intending to present as more feminine.
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• When she goes to Fancy™ events she likes to wear long dresses that have a more "conservative/classic" vibe to it. Idk how to explain this properly, but here's some examples:
(The fact that most of the dresses that appeared when I searched "conservative gown" and "classic gown" were blue fits Vox so much lol)
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• Also not having hair in hell is to this day a HUGE insecurity for her. If it was hard to get over this fact for masc Vox, fem Vox just can't get over it. Her TV head fits right into her Hellish Technological Sinner Persona, but every single day she misses being pretty with her pretty hair. In life, I imagine she had her hair mid to short, and styled it everyday like those classic wavy 50s hairstyles, like a brunette (because I headcanon Vox having black hair) Marilyn Monroe.
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• Valentina has the exact same fashion style as Valentino. Maybe a tiny bit less masc clothing, but still. Showing a lot of skin, very slutty, VERY femme fatale. Also, this woman doesn't wear anything lower than 15cm (about 5,9 inches(?)) high heels on her feet. She can and will start a physical fight while wearing high stilettos, and she will win.
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• To Fancy™ events, she would wear long dresses, but they're always tight fitted to show her curves, and most of the time they have a huge slit, and the cleavage is always showing a lot. Still slutty, but make it ✨fancy✨.
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• Valentina is also VERY insecure of her lack of hair, and it's actually something she and Vox bond over. But Val has it better because of her fluffy antennas that she usually wears down behind her head so it resembles hair. In life, I like to imagine that her hair was more or less like Donna Summer's hair. Beautiful huge curly hair. She wore it loose most of the time, with the occasional hat.
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Click here for Velvette's
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pinktom · 5 months
Hi, what do you think about the recent rise of tomarry haters who ship bellamort?
I have a feeling this one won’t go over as well as my anti-Tomione post.
However, what the server wants, the server gets. 🐍
If you like Bellamort, if you will be offended by opinions that are anti-Bellamort, do not expand this post.
I am not putting this in the tags; I am not shoving this in anyone’s face. Don't click it. Don't send me pissy anons about it. Unfollow me and move on.
Background context
First of all: a concession. I know every Voldemort-related passage in Harry Potter like the back of my hand. If you don’t think Bellamort can be found in the subtext, you’re either biased or due for another close reading. Unlike Tomione (which almost always depends on a complete fabrication of their personalities) and Tomarry (which requires a significant tone shift from the books), you can easily write Bellamort as an extension of canon. 
I don’t hate Bellamort because it’s nonsense. I hate it because it is not nonsense; it feels very real. Voldemort’s and Bellatrix’s relationship, in the canon text, is that of Master and Servant—and for me personally, any such dynamic between a man and a woman is disgusting and I have absolutely no desire to read it.
Here's some specific icks it gives me.
Fanon Bellatrix is bullshit; her real form is repulsive, whiny, and pitiful
There’s this common fanon misconstruction of Bellatrix that portrays her as a thoughtful femme fatale who enjoys a close, intimate relationship to Voldemort on nearly equal terms. I find this tacky at best.
Really, Bellatrix is a pathetic, sniveling wimp who would crawl around on her hands and knees and bark like a dog if Voldemort asked her to do so. She’s not strong; she’s weak-willed and pathetic. She's the kind of pathetic woman who accompanies a man on his killing spree and kills her own kids for said man’s affection.
This passage from Order of the Phoenix pretty concisely captures their dynamic.
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Also, Tomarrymort writers love to make her past love of Voldemort and (*pukes*) it makes my tummy ache
Ever find yourself reading a fascinating Tomarry fic only for—midway in—Voldemort to reveal his true love is Bellatrix?* Or wax poetic about how beautiful she is, how special to him she is?
It's 2024. I immediately close the fic when this happens. If I’m reading a Tomarrymort fic, I don’t give a fuck about Voldemort’s past domestic abuse trysts with the most spineless woman in the entire HP series.
And the kicker is . . . for what? Because Bellatrix proved herself to Voldemort by licking his boot and wiping his asshole? Please do not try and convince me she is a sinister spooky gal, she plainly isn’t. She’s an embarrassing blithering pissant who does not foil any of Voldemort’s traits.  
And PLEASE do not try and convince me she offers Voldemort something Harry doesn't in terms of being an equal partner or someone he respects, because I cannot fathom how the woman who squeals "MASTER MASTER PLEASE I'M SORRY DON'T HURT ME - I'll wash your anus with my tongue, PLEASE master!" is somehow more respectable than brave, upright, dignified Harry.
*I’m NOT referring to a specific fic. I have been in this fandom since 2011, and I have read it dozens of times, on FF and AO3 alike.
Lastly - they're not a pretty picture
I'm just going to say it... you know those people you kinda knew in high school who now post about their kinky sex life on Facebook? The girl who posts "Daddy 🥺 ?" and the dude responds "Yes, kitten?" in the comments? The chick who has no shame in posting her wolf-tail butt plug or joining a bunch of kinkster groups?
The girl who later ends up getting the shit beaten out of her by said repulsive scrote (no shock) and posting about it on Facebook only to repeat the cycle again and again?
That's literally what Bellamort makes me think about. It's not even like it's deeply upsetting so much as it's disappointing: A reminder of the lowest very promising, very beautiful women can get for men who ought to be curb-stomped and thrown in a ditch.
Tbh the best ending for Bellatrix in canon would've been if she disemboweled and slaughtered Voldemort for ruining her fucking life with his ridiculous tacky cult. He's my baby, but he's a vile scrote first, and I wish Bellatrix had realized what a toxic, life-draining narcissistic psychopathic moron he was. But alas, she too was a pathetic worm.
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cherriteaa · 5 months
hi hi hi omg i love ur draken post so much 🥺🥺 everything on that was so perfect and exactly Him
and i love all the cutesy pinky girly thing bc while yea i dress high femme goth 24/7 literally nothing else of mine is and akxjdkxjd so cute thinking of him going to his pretty lil goth gfs apartment for the first time and it just being decked out in the most pink, girly, frilly, sanrio covered stuff imaginable
in other news, my recent brainrot has been the tokyo rev boys reacting to my tarantula akxndkdnd shes my baby girl but shes such a unique pet that i love to just sit and imagine all of them reacting to finding out their lil gf has a giant spider pet that she loves w her whole lil heart (yes i have put a pink lil bow on her for the ~coquette~ tiktok trend rn)
anyway i look forward to seeing more of ur stuff!!! - 🦌 anon
Hii!! Tysm for hopping in my inbox LOL I LOVEE talking with u guys and having anons <3
I feel like some of the ones who would freak out a little but try and play it off would be Chifuyu, Mitsuya and Angry. Them mfs would STAY glancing at the enclosure to make sure the spider is still there LMFAOO they are most definitely keeping their distance. They're all afraid of like looking away for .2 seconds and the spider gets out.
Draken, Mikey, Baji, Kazutora, and Smiley would think they're SO COOL. Baji probably randomly offered to get an artist to sketch up a design to get it tattooed??? He probably calls her his daughter too. He thinks the bow on her enclosure is cute. Draken and Kazutora would just be fascinated by it. I think they were one of those kids who are/were really interested in animals. They want to see her at least once every time they come. Mikey probably likes to pull up a chair and just space out while watching her if you're busy.
Dont even think about putting Takemichi in the same room. He can and WILL cry
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buried-in-stardust · 1 year
⚠️ Content warnings: homophobia, hate crime, knife attack, graphic violence, murder ⚠️
Fong Hiu-tung, 26, and Lau Kai-hei, 22, were stabbed to death by a 39 year old man in a Hong Kong shopping mall on June 2nd, 2023. The man had purchased a knife just before stabbing Fong Hiu-tung in the back. Lau Kai-hei tried to fend off the assailant and pull her partner away, but failed. After stabbing both of them multiple times, the assailant waited calmly for the police to arrive. The police believe the assailant and victims had no connection and did not know each other.
Fong Hiu-tung was a waitress in a high-end restaurant, while Lau Kai-hei was a hair stylist at a nearby salon. Lau Kai-hei also worked part-time at a bar, which is where they had met. On the day of the attack, the couple had planned to meet with Fong Hiu-tung's family to attend her grandfather's birthday party after visiting the mall.
Fong Hiu-tung and Lau Kai-hei loved each other and died for it. May they rest in peace.
Thread has links and information, but contains a graphic video and pictures. Please proceed with caution:
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Some details on being a lesbian in China below the cut:
From Naomi Wu, an explanation of what lesbians face in China/Hong Kong:
When men attack Toms (butches), they think a lot of things- sometimes in Chinese we say "one lesbian steals two men's wives"- herself and her partner. And for bitter middle-aged, unmarried men like this attacker, they've been told their whole life they are owed a wife to wait on them hand and foot- and they feel robbed and wronged by a young handsome Tom taking what's "theirs". They are angry, entitled, jealous- they want to teach her a lesson. They want to punish her for having what is rightfully theirs when they don't. Then it's "Oh, if you want to act like a man, I'll treat you like one". Most need to justify it to themselves to get started. Of course, the femme/Dee/P is always next, because we will fight to save our Tom, and once we do, they can justify turning their violence on us next. In their twisted head, they decide their unprovoked attack was "fighting 1-on-1" and it's our fault for getting involved. All Toms know the deal, they cannot win, all Toms tell their girls again and again "if something happens, just run, I can take it". When the time comes, all Toms try to buy their girl time to get away- even as they go down under fists and boots…or knives😭 They want to buy us time, but no femmes can bear to leave them, so it never works. But they always go for our Toms first, then us. Every time.
And Naomi Wu on how the assailant would know they were lesbians:
Good questions "how would he know they were lesbian?". See pictures below- Chinese lesbians with a Tom are pretty obviously lesbians, at least to our eyes. Chinese lesbians basically come in three varieties- T, P, and H. Historically that's 99% of us, these days, probably 95% with a bit more variety coming in. Very, very, very loosely mapped- T- Tom/Butch P-Dee/Femme/Pretty Girl/Po H- Half/Futch (Amber [Lau Kai-hei] kind of gives H vibes but not my place to say.) If you see a butch girl like Daniel [Fong Hiu-tung], or my Kaidi [Naomi's girlfriend], or the other Toms you have seen me with, they're lesbian. I'm sure there are some non-lesbian Chinese women out there with that clear Tom aesthetic- but I've never met one. I suppose there are also some straight guys that look like Tom of Finland Leather Daddies walking around with similar-looking straight male friends- it's just not common. That gender expression is as clear a signal to you, as ours is to us. Some girls that look H are straight, some boyish girls are straight- but almost never Tom presenting women like Daniel or Kaidi. Now two Chinese women with more conventional gender expression simply holding hands would leave plenty of room for doubt, and there is the polite obliviousness of Chinese who will pretend they don't know a LGBT couple is a couple, but if I'm out with Kaidi- or with any Tom, basically zero people don't actually know we're a couple at a glance. That's just how LGBT works here, we have a look. Amber and Daniel were, likewise, for lack of a better word- and in a bit of celebration- flamingly, gloriously lesbian and easily picked out of a crowd as such- as Kaidi and I would be. More here: https://popula.com/2019/03/27/the-t-on-chinese-transmasculinity/
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self-loving-vampire · 4 months
Re: shonen-and-shoujo as someone who is hoping to write her own girl shonen someday: It is nice to see some more thoughtful additions to the shonen v magical girl thing! Thanks for breaking it down in that post.
Though I do have a point to kind of add to the convo: I think a part of the reason why I was more eager to suggest magical girl stuff to people who wanted a shonen but with girls *was* because a point I had heard a few times from a couple of people was how they disliked that female characters in shonen had to “act like men” in order to be strong. Which was where my point of confusion came from.
People who say they want a girl shonen that specifically has more tomboyish characters makes a lot more intuitive sense to me, and it will be what I aim for in my project. But I think that might be one reason why some people do instinctively rec magical girl stuff.
To be frank, I’m not fond of the dismissiveness around female characters who “act like men” in these circles. Like, I am a woman who can be classified as pretty feminine, and I get why people would be annoyed at like, not having the traits they typically inhabit be framed as strong. But on the other hand, like, media rep for masculine women is also pretty sparse. And at least for femme girls, we do have something close to that. (Also tbh a lot of women in shonen aren’t even masculine).
(Tangential thought, but it is worth noting that a lot of currently existing media which could be classified as girl shonen does feature feminine girls. I think Soul Eater is the big example.)
Anyways, apologies for rambling. This is something I have quite a few thoughts on and I had wanted to share them with someone. 😅
Yeah, I agree. A lot of the time there's this idea that female characters are somehow obligated to "act like men"[1] in this kind of media, but if you actually look at it those characters are generally still feminine[2], just strong and willing to fight as well.
I think part of it might just be that a lot of people have such a strict view of gender roles that even that comes off as overly tomboyish to them. That's probably how we get stuff like "the butchest girl twitter can handle before they start getting scared" or that one sad mormon conservative losing his mind over princess Peach wearing pants for a little bit in the Mario movie.
When acceptably gendered behavior is extremely narrow, practically anything (especially anything that would make you all that relevant in a series focused on training and fighting) makes you non-conforming.
[1]: And why gender behavior like this either way? What does "acting like men" even mean when men are not a monolith and women also have a high degree of variance to their personalities and interests?
Personally I think most people have varying combinations of traits considered "masculine" or "feminine" but social expectations and upbringing may force them (sometimes through abusive means) to suppress this variance in order to conform.
So I don't think women, fictional or otherwise, ever really "act like men" because I don't believe "acting like men" is a coherent type of behavior to begin with. Gender roles as a whole are just blatantly fake in my opinion.
[2]: Soul Eater definitely fits as an example of this. It has a lot of really cool female characters, but they still tend to largely abide by the social expectations forced on women. If we translate "acting like men" as being gender non-conforming, then they definitely don't seem to be doing even that to a significant degree.
Like, I love Maka and Tsubaki but if someone called them GNC I'd be kind of concerned for the reasons explained above.
And the same is true of shonen women more generally. A lot of them don't even wear pants. How are we going to scandalize the trads again if they're not wearing pants?
P.S. Read Fate/stay night and the Tsukihime remake coming to Steam soon! They have some nice, properly violent fight scenes that women have very major roles in.
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asmrtist-brainrot · 5 months
Redacted Listeners (Dari Ver.)
This is me mostly talking about like clothing aesthetics.
Also establishing how I see these characters and giving them names!
This is my interpretation and gives me a chance to think about character design a little more! And to help me remember how I plan on dressing/representing their clothes.
~ Dari
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Angel | Malak or Mal - (they/she) [27]
Name Meaning: Angel (Arabic origin)
Short and heavy set. Shaved head and darker skinned, big black lashes, and dark brown eyes.
AFAB//Fashion and general expression leans femme, shifts between not wearing and wearing a binder. Hair is buzzed so is seen as more androgynous. Clothing style waives more in the light academia casual, wears lots of high waist and crop tops. Also, hoodies, hoodies for days - all types - zippered, pullovers, sleeveless, oversized, cropped, etc.
Baabe | Apis - (they/him) [25]
Name Meaning: “Bee” in Latin
Messy, curled, dyed blue hair pulled in a half-bun. Eyes are a deep green. Skin is midtone. Silver ear cuff on right ear, key on chain necklace.
AMAB//Mostly traditionally masculine features with the exception of longer lashes and silky skin, hair is grown out and curly. Well groomed, with a mid tone voice that could be construed as any part of the spectrum. Notably broad shoulders and strong arms. Simple and clean fashion, professional more often than not, if not in athleisure wear.
Bright Eyes | Lux - (they/she/he + primarily uses they/them) [20]
Name Meaning: Light (of Greek origin)
Unkempt blue-white hair worn short with bangs. Eyes were an electric blue before their change. Vamp eyeballs, almost cat-like eyes. Double helixes.
AMAB//Notably considered somewhat of a pretty face, mostly from Freddy's recollection of their high school years - though people found them too intimidating to approach. Bounces all over the spectrum in terms of style. Sticks pretty heavily to the Decora Kei style, somewhat allowing themselves to take all the attention away from Fred. It's a bouncing dichotomy from their foul mouth and sweet face... Frederick and them took somewhat a darker look after their turnings.
Cutie | Hadley, Haddie, or Lee- (they/him)[28]
Name Meaning: Named after Lieutenant Hadley from Star Trek
Short cropped dark blond hair paired with very pale blue eyes. Peachy skin with lots of freckles! Tattoo behind the ear that says "mind over matter" as nod to their powers. Double lobe piercings, labret, purple gemmed necklace.
AMAB//Generally sticks to a sort of academia look, layered items with focus around jewelry pieces. Loves silver and rings and watches! Generally pretty soft in appearance, sweater vests and jumpers and hoodies. Doesn't do baggy pants unless they're cargos.
Darlin' | Barrett or Rett - (they/she/he, no preference)[26]
Name Meaning: Quote from site: "While some sources say Barrett is of German origin and means “as strong as a bear,” others say it's derived from a Middle English surname meaning “strife” and often given to argumentative people".
Short bobbed, messy brown hair. Brown skin and deep gold eyes. Muscular. One gold tooth. Right brow has a slit. Gold ear cuffs.
AFAB//Aligned with wolf pack norms, dresses pretty simply with leather jackets, bomber jackets, etc. Still somewhat fashionable, ranging in aesthetics and gender representation. Pretty confident most of the time despite being covered in scars. Athleisure wear if they're not dressing for a formal event.
Doc | Apollo - (he/him)[30]
Name Meaning: Apollo is the god of healing
Dark skinned with twists in dark hair. Big lips and pretty blue eyes, labret cuff and dimple piercings. Double lobe piercings.
AFAB//Minimalist style. Enjoys soft, flowing fabrics. Black and white and tans, isn’t a fan of all black. Something of a beige enjoyer, sticks to solids. Has an affection for boots and pantsuits! Lots of statement earrings!
Dreamer | Roya - (he/they)[29]
Name Meaning: Dream (Persian Origin)
Dark skinned. Deep teal eyes. Dark hair in braids, extensions are a pretty teal.
AMAB//Style is truly grunge, jackets and ripped jeans. Sleeves ripped off every shirt, paired with beanies and combat boots, multiple types of chunky jewelry… Hates shorts though. Lots of piercings!!!
Freelancer | Caron or Ronnie - (they/them)[22]
Name Meaning: Loving (Welsh Origin)
Black bobbed hair with dyed tips. Pretty dark eye bags. On the bigger side. A lil' pale. Scattered tattoos. 
AFAB//Not really one for any fancy dressing, enjoys dressing casually if at all possible. Style preferences lean gothic, mostly in comfortable hoodies and bracelets - also likes fishnets and arm warmers. Dresses pretty diversely; but likes skirts/dresses for the ease of not needing to put on pants.
Love | J. A. A. I. or Jai- (no preference, referred to with they/them)[physically 21]
Name Meaning: J. A. A. I. stands for “just an artificial intelligence”, Jai is of Indian Origin and meaning “triumph” or “victory”
White, nearly gray skin. Hair is black and long. Eyes are bright green with a ring of white around the pupil. Panelling is subtle.
INTERSEX//Not strictly interested for any type of fashion one way or another. Likes soft, plush or fuzzy items though, scarves and shirts in particular. Would live in pajama pants if they could.
Lovely | Beau - (they/them)[25]
Name Meaning: Beauty, Handsome (French Origin)
Soft strawberry blond hair, short 2 block haircut with white tips. Mid-tone brown skin. Yellow/gold eyes. Has gauges with hoops in them.
AMAB//Pastel goth babe. A truly deeply ingrained affection for sweet, bright colors but also the macabre. Only started incorporating more black into their fashion after being turned. Lives in demonias and dramatic black makeup. Lots of pink to match their dyed hair.
Mentor | Nason - (she/they)[24]
Name Meaning: Helper (Biblical/Anglo-Saxon Origin)
Long side bangs and short blond hair, side bangs are dyed a light blue. Lightly tanned skin and soft blue eyes.
AFAB//Our casual girly! Loves animal prints and necklaces, heels basically all the time. Sticks to simple combos; wears primarily pencil skirts and tight slacks at work.
Professor | Dai - (he/they)[25]
Name Meaning: Peace, Calm (Japanese Origin)
Blasian! Light-skinned and covered in freckles from head to toe, long, black curly hair tied into a ponytail. Snake bite piercings and tongue ring, both gold.
AMAB//Soft boi fashions!! Layers on layers! White sweaters and collared undershirts!! Lots of different crew neck sweatshirts, loves his converse and cuffed pants.
Seer | Aya - (he/they)[33]
Name Meaning: Sword (Old German Origin)
Has albinism. Wild bleach blond curls. Masked their completely white seer eyes with brown contacts; usually but wears sunglasses too. Small lips and covered in freckles.
Smartass | Akira or Aki - (she/he, no preference)[28]
Name Meaning: Bright, Intelligence (Japanese Origin)
Bobbed soft lightish brown hair with silver dyed tips. Mid-tone skin. Baby blue eyes. Wears black framed Warby Parkers. Also has a gold necklace. 
AFAB//Our business casual hoe, tight slacks and multiple types of button downs/collared shirts. Fun pops of color and unique types of collar pins and cufflinks. Patterned sweaters and blazers!! Likes it a lil’ fancy.
Starlight | Juno or Jun - (they/them)[24]
Name Meaning: Child of June, Youthful. Named after the Queen of the Gods but more in reference to the constellation (Greek/Latin Origin)
Baby purple hair styled in a half-shave with yellow tips. Honey brown eyes. Light freckles. Crescent moon earrings.
AMAB//Space prints for days, lots of chokers! Plays with different types of fashion, doesn’t really stick to one type of style but wears mostly dark colors.
Sunshine | Sol - (xe/xir/xim)[23]
Name Meaning: Sun (Spanish Origin)
Messy, short dark hair. Dark eyes. Vitiligo. Freckles. Sun earrings.
AFAB//Sweaters, sweater vests, hoodies - anything comfortable. Off the shoulder, usually layered. Shorts too, always shorts. Will wear leggings underneath if it’s too cold.
Sweetheart | Nox - (he/they)[24]
Name Meaning: Night (Latin Origin)
Somewhat wavy dark hair, pulled back into a high pony or bun. Eye color changes based on colored contacts. Skin is lightly tanned. Double lobes pierced, black choker. E-girl hearts on cheeks.
AFAB//Vintage babe, film noir type beat. 1950s type, lots of simple button downs and pattered shirts. Biker/bomber jackets, layered over a solid shirt. Clean and slick… Does like leather though, harnesses and jackets and boots.
Warden | Pyxis - (they/them)[??]
Name Meaning: Name references the box, or compass of the ship Argo
Tall and on the light skinned side. Hair is dark blue and white. Eyes are a deep purple/lavender. Horns are white and similar in style to Avior's but fade into their skin. Wears silver horn jewelry. Echo eye bolo tie. Lavender butterfly on the inside of the left wrist. 
???//Casual. Lots of long sleeves and business type looks, mostly as the time they spend in Elegy is always due to business. Likes cool colors, leans masculine but pops fun textures and patterns. Likes lace and ruffles in particular. Likes jewelry for their horns and bolo ties.
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little-klng · 1 year
look honestly the thing no one really thinks about with the content of the stupid wizard game (prof fig dies and rookwood cursed anne while framing the goblins btw) is that the game itself isnt transphobic beyond like... one single trans character having a dumb name. like, its not directly transphobic aside from the royalties going to jkr get put straight into trans eugenics legislation, but we already knew that and its not related to the games actual content or why it exists. it doesnt matter that the game sucks, that its buggy and barely functions, that it funds transphobia, it doesnt even necessarily matter that "there is no ethical consumption under capitalism" (not what that means and it doesnt even apply here). primarily it serves one function, pushing radf*ms (censored to avoid tags) further down the radicalization into alt right, qanon, and neonazi pipeline
the game is marketed mainly to transphobes who will throw whatever amount of money at the first thing some shitty childrens book author who fell off 10 years ago and currently floats her career and reputation on ragebait says will "own the libs/troons". while it doesnt contain any actual transphobia (just promising to fund it), the main message, themes, and story are explicitly pro slavery and antisemitic, and are designed to put you, the player, in the position of a "master race" that has "the right to own slaves" and the slaves "love being enslaved" except when "the hook nosed bank controlling elite" try to "convince" the slaves "to rebel against their masters" in an effort to "destroy and take control over the whi-[COUGH]wizard race". its just blanket coverage over every white supremacist and neonazi conspiracy belief and then gamifying it for the enjoyment of transphobes. and because jkr juices up her fandom on the ragebait so hard that she gets them hungry for whatever political statements shes gonna feed them next, they're just gonna eat that shit up because "troons mad"
we all already know transphobes are just conservatives with a stupid feminism hat, we already know their basis for hating trans people is one singular step away (and most of the time not even that) from white supremacist eugenics and phrenology. you take one single look at "transvestigators" and realize just how bad it really is with them and demanding exclusively eurocentric "pretty and femme" white standards of beauty to even be considered a passing cis woman, its not even subtle. this game doesnt actually have any of that, its just the end piece of the pipeline getting installed for turning transphobes into qanon neonazis, turning their hatred of trans people and trans activists (or basically just anyone who doesnt pass their specific idea of eurocentric traditional gender/sex) into hatred of anyone who isnt "pure" white and christian, which just feeds straight into the "master race/slave race/elite controller" ideology that nazism comes from. transphobes playing this game dont talk about the slavery or the weird way the plot centers around putting down a civil rights movement or the way it belittles "lesser races" for wanting "their worthless artefacts [sic] back" (goblins and their "horn for rallying troops and annoying wizards" with a wedge of cheese shoved in it to mute it, anyone? thats a shofar, which is a jewish rams horn trumpet used during high holidays)
"pureblood"/"mudblood" is already an established part of wizarding world lore as "pureblooded wizards" vs "nasty mixed-blooded wizards", which is already white supremacist anti-interracial bullshit that jkr fully and unironically roots for. this is the same woman that named her only black character "Kingsley Shackebolt" and wrote a slave race to actually love being enslaved and not mind seeing their taxidermied friends heads on the walls getting decorated with santa hats over the holidays. its not surprising that shes a nazi at all, and i feel like all the people who are (rightfully, dont get me wrong) talking about it funding transphobia are not giving the antisemitism/nazism/pro slavery portions of the content enough credit in making this game evolve from "shitty childrens media IP game that barely functions and would be irrelevant by next week" to "$60 ticket on the radf*m to slave cop nazi pipline that is steam+ps5's most preordered game of all time".
its to radf*ms and transphobes what tucker carlson is to your parents, and what rush limbaugh was to your grandparents, and what turning point usa is to your college frat siblings, and what ben shapiro is to your highschool debate team cousins. shitty content designed to make you mad and slowly melts your brain until you're a paranoid wretch that cant stop seeing The Elite Agenda(tm) everywhere you look until you're willing to drop thousands on donations to anyone and anything that promises to protect your freedom to say slurs on the internet and make teenagers kill themselves for being weird. its just not often that it skips a lot of the dogwhistling and just straight up gives you an escapist fantasy where you're a part of the aryan master race and those stupid pesky slaves keep asking for "freedoms" and "equality" because all those evil jews keep trying to tell them what they're missing out on by not genociding white people instead, and you get to violently murder as many as you want to preserve the status quo
tl;dr transphobia is hand-in-hand with alt right conservatism and nazism and this game is just one more stepping stone added to an already decently clear path between the two points. if you paid $60 for a game that barely works because "troons mad", your dignity is pathetically affordable and its no ones fault but yours that you're officially the type of person who would pay money for the ability to own your own slaves and kill jewish people the first chance you get. did you know nazis during the 1930s and 40s offered financial rewards to people turning people in to the government? just thought that was an interesting fact
btw dont reply to this post with some bullshit "well im gonna pirate it so its fine" or "you're just making it more popular by talking about it" im a tumblr blog with less than 1000 followers and its the #1 most preordered game on steam and the ps5 store, and if you insist on still playing master race slave owner simulator through piracy then its whatever, i can just put you with the hundreds of transphobes on my blocklist so you can get along and play together in a nice farm upstate and away from me
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ranger-ribbons · 9 months
Not sure how to go about the headcanon things, but here's some for the comic timelines we both see and only got little hints at during Shattered Grid and Graphic One-Shots:
Eric Myers is not as big of an asshole as he was in the live action Time Force, or he never would have GIVEN Jen a hug.
Cam missed every single member of his team and his dad while stuck in Beyond the Grid, but was mostly worried that Drakkon got his slimy hands on his cousins when he saw a lot of the villains throughout the dimensions and timelines out on the battlefield.
Mia ACTUALLY learned to cook in the second month on Promethea when she lost her powers, because Tyler Navarro, Dana Mitchell, and T.J. Johnson were all there and all of them would have recognized something was not right when she didn't cook chicken and thought a Carolina Reaper made a great condiment.
Fun idea about the World of the Coinless: the Comic Relief or Secondary Characters are all badass and pretty much evolved like Pokemon when Drakkon took over. Fran got shipped to Pai Zhua with Casey when Skull finagled them out of the dungeons they were in for stealing bread and was given Orange, which made her perfect for dual combat in the field with RJ; Victor and Monty got found by Bulk trying to protect grade school children some sentries were bullying after curfew and turned out perfect to help out Trini and the first assault fighters in the field; Ben and Betty got split up during a bombing that killed their dad--with Ben getting picked up by the Coinless and taken under the wing of Rocky and Aisha, whereas Betty got caught by the sentries to be turned over to the Mastodon Division BUT got a final hour diversion into palace housekeeping because Adam is a big softie even if he can't stand up for himself. And so on~
Spike Skullovitch DOES NOT have a mother. Make of that whatever you want.
Animals still exist in the RPM universe, but are kept underground in a specialized, secondary location not terribly unlike the Son Doong Cave.
Cassidy and Devin are actually exceptionally competent when paired up with the Rangers in their high school to do literally anything; largely because the Morphin Grid sets up certain people to assist their Rangers from one team to another and these two were perfect. Though...for some reason they work 90% better with Trent than any of the Primary Rangers?
Orange is the rarest Grid Color and most of those who end up wearing it are female or have a lot of femme qualities and/or some form of mental illness.
When the Psycho Rangers were left to their own devices in the aftermath of the Psycho Path, Yellow never took up a different name and none of them ever went looking for the person that they used to be.
J.J. Oliver is a trans man and Anara is a trans woman and they're both pansexual. They go to Pride together every year and there is a MASSIVE betting pool on when they finally figure out they're basically dating.
Clare might be a massive klutz and Leelee might still be getting used to the whole being human thing, but both of them are the most responsible people in their circle of friends and family.
Sharing your headcanons is just sending me headcanons to enjoy/share with me, with I'm 100% down for. Asking me about mine is just asking me about headcanons surrounding specific teams or people. As a precaution, I haven't seen the comics at all.
I fucking love all of these!
Thank you!
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afewmarvelousthoughts · 8 months
Just gonna talk about my current WIP
... and life. Because this is a nice cozy place where I can do that and only one of you knows me IRL.
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So, in July, I was laid off. Well, my team was laid off. One of the many casualties in the "who needs DEI" wave. I can't even be particularly mad about it because that job was horrible. I dreaded work every day and I'm pretty sure that had I stayed, my health would have suffered more than it already had.
Then came the burnout. That shit hit me like a freight train. I've spent the majority of the last 2.5 months trying to give myself space to rest as much as possible (while also job hunting because I'm not exactly in a position that I can just BE unemployed). And y'all, rest is hard. Like really hard. But we're working on it.
While I 100% view this as a time I can and must rest, it also feels like an opportunity to actually focus on writing.
Hell, if I'm being honest, it feels like the universe went, "You said you would do this if you only had time to dedicate to it. Here you go." Now I've just gotta do the thing. Which... is also hard.
I've had several WIPs bubbling away for years now. Ones I've shared with folks, ones people ask me about. But the one I'm focusing on right now I haven't shared with anyone.
It's too personal, but not in a way that folks would assume. It's not autobiographical (though it is set just outside of Boston, where I'm now calling home) or anything of that sort. It's simply that I'm so in love with the two main characters I'm nervous to say anything about the story to folks close to me until it's finished.
But no one is likely to see this so I'm gonna share a bit here:
Toni. Bless Toni. She's a little me and probably a little you too. The definition of someone running toward something even though far too many people think she's running away. She is a woman who refuses to accept good enough and deals with the repercussions of that--especially as a fat woman (a through line in most of my femme MCs). In her case, she chose to end a relationship with a man most people considered a catch--ya know a catch who thought he could convince her to have a baby she said she didn't want--and move across the country rather than allow herself to stay in a situation that made her miserable. Now, alone--save for her best friend a few towns over--she's rebuilding her life and unpacking the baggage that says she's unreasonable and unreliable for choosing her happiness.
And y'all... Cillian. Lord. He's a local boy--complete with that Bahston accent--and built like a tank. Everyone around him can see how golden his heart is, not because he wears it on his sleeve but because he has an aura of goodness that is almost impossible to miss. Were you to tell him that, he'd tell you you're full of shit. The thing about Cillian is that he's the kind of good that comes from going through hell. In his case, hell was literal war. Now, 10 years out of the military and 8 sober, he's still reconciling with parts of himself he'd rather bury. Think a little Bucky Barnes with a dash of Frank Castle and then the rest, well the rest is just Cillian: The boy who should have been a musician, not a soldier. The man who runs his family's bar and escapes to his property in New Hampshire when the world is too much. The 6'2" 275lb brick of muscle that collects floral robes and buys expensive sheets and falls so in love with a gorgeous plus size powerhouse of a woman that it undoes him a little.
I love them. I love how they're going to open up with one another, to allow the other to see the parts of them that are still bleeding and know that it will be ok.
(They also fuck like rockstars so there's that.)
I'm still working on the first draft, but I think I can have it done in the next couple of weeks. From there, revisions and then MAYBE eyes that aren't mine.
Hopefully, someone other than me cares about their slow conversations, the softness of their fall, the low stakes but high emotion of it all.
Anyway. That's been my world of late. Thanks for being the void tumblr.
Love ya.
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ragnar0c · 1 year
Gonna talk about my main guild too... I gotta...
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Yes, it's going to be long, the effects this game has had on me... LISTEN...
Anyway... I'll try to not say anything I'll regret since... I am writing about these characters.
1. Alope
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Did you know I am Alope's BIGGEST HATER?? Jk I love her sm, it's just that since she's a gladiator she's prone to missing a lot when I need HER
But she also comes in clutch the most. Nine smashes when she has TWO target goggles on + pop flares + she actually smashes 9 TIMES??? Amazing!! LET ME TELL YOU, THE TIMES SHE LANDS CONFUSION??? I never doubted you once girl!! (I doubted her the whole time.)
During a fight I used to have a ridiculously hard time on with each new guild, she landed confusion twice in a row and made the poor thing unable to move AT ALL. She is *chef's kiss*
I yell at her a lot bc during all the dragon fights, she is stunned over and over to the point where she can't hit much, but I realized that no other offense class would be able to take that many hits...
She used to be the highest leveled before post game, but slipped up in some unfortunate times (mostly right before the enemies would die) but she is her own unit and I love her for that.
2. Ignis
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I picked his portrait bc my old guilds were primarily femme little kids. Let's spice it up! Old man!!
I usually tried to avoid hoplites and would sub a princess as one ( a MISTAKE). The game is just so much easier with him. Tho his subclass is a little weird, it made it easy for exploration.
He's a Hoplite. He never does anything wrong anything bad that happens is MY FAULT NOT HIS!! (Or its everyone else's)
I've almost maxed out his parry skills and hes been doing so well!
Whenever he got koed I felt bad, it's always last minute so he got robbed of EXP a lot. I also tried to replace him due to his subclass, but he came out to be the better hoplite in the end.
Only bad thing I can think about (besides his subclass which isnt really THAT bad) is how I maxed out anti fire and volt before anti ice which made the beginning of the post game awful since almost every postgame boss has an aoe ice skill.
3. Tank
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The power crawl this man had... he was okay damage at first. I think now if he's set up correctly he can do several thousand damage a turn.
He's never done ANYTHING WRONG. (Actually when he's confused he has a habit of killing Enid??? That's pretty wrong. But idk maybe Enid deserves it. Oh yeah... and his alcoholism... that's bad too SJSKSK)
Tank is notoriously one of the last ones standing when my guild gets f-ed over. Which put him over Hana and Alope for highest leveled. (He survived a few tough fights they didn't.) But they're close behind him!
I also picked his portrait in retaliation to my girls only phase. My first Arbalist, whom I never used, was named "Tanaku". I named Tank after her.
4. Enid
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Fun fact, Enid was in older versions of Ragnarok but was a different gender and or character each time. So gender fluid!!
Enid does their job, unless they don't...
Enid has a thing that when they get bound or have an ailment they'll be stuck that was for 5 million years which has got to be the most annoying thing... (other than my fingers slipping and picking the wrong skills) but I just prioritize defending him more.
I have him equipped with the speed dagger bc Enid HAS to move first. The times I've forgotten that thing and got wiped is... oddly high.
She's also with Tank for the last one standing. (Best friends till the end) an example of this was the Anemone fight where the both of them had to frantically bring Hana back to deal damage. (I'm not writing that fight so it's not a spoiler.)
More recently, when Alope and Hana get koed, Enid, Tank, and Ignis have a party set up that can kill a super boss with just the three of them.
5. Hana
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(Her stats are in the previous post, I ran out room so pretend they are here!!)
The OG. She remains the offense ever, even with Tank. Enemies remember her patterns just to stop HER. And when they slip up and focus on hindering another member she obliterates them. (Probably full of rage too.)
She's just a real champ and pulls through so often it's normal. Though... recently her Berserker vow puts her in danger.
She always has the last hit, especially against bosses. She recovers from ailments the fastest too... (Her, Ignis, and Tank.)
She also has two fighting styles, which is nice bc the other two fighters spam the same move over and over. And the Elemental scrolls too... she is just so fun to play as.
Anyway, hands down my fav guild to play as. EO3's enemies are just so quirky by reading my inputs I come back to it more than the other games.
I might buy EO2 or the original bc... I don't know the untolds felt weird and I didn't get as attached to my guilds as I did for EO3 and EO4.
But yeah. I kinda... don't know what to do with myself now. I cleared the game I hadn't in like NINE YEARS it feels funky.
I need a fix of smt else... or this will fester in my mind LMAO!!
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honeyviscera · 1 year
i would like to hear the rant !!
ALRIGHT so. last summer im working for a summer camp, and in the training phase us staff members are all trying to get to know each other yknow and the higher-ups leading the training seminars and stuff are asking for us to go around and share names and pronouns. and see at the beginning of the summer i was like. trying to figure out what exactly is going on with my gender like. i know something's a bit off but im not sure how i want to express that, and like im also not super ready to share that with everyone.
and just in general, im not super loud about my queerness, and it's taken me a while to become even somewhat comfortable being out as queer irl. but anyways back to the story.
so at this point im like, to myself well, im still okay with she/her, and im not super ready to add they/them or anything like that, so i'll just say im ocean, she/her. (using ocean here in place of my real name, you get it.) anyways we were asked this in the morning, and i was fine saying it then. but then every time a new presenter for a new section of the training would come in, all of us would have to go around and introduce ourselves to them again. hi, im ocean, she/her. now im becoming increasingly uncomfortable with this, because i present pretty femme, i have a high voice, tits, all that, so i just know that the box im being put in by everyone when i, afab, say my pronouns are she/her, is "cis". i am being read as cis. and i have to repeat myself maybe five times in one day. but it gets worse.
now all of this comes to a head when the whole entire staff comes into our training area and. you know the icebreaker game that's like. everyone stands in a circle and says their name and what they're bringing to our imaginary "picnic" and the next person has to say everyone before and add their own? ie:
person 1: im sally and im bringing apples! person 2: that's sally and she's bringing apples, and im joe and im bringing bread. person 3: sally brings apples, joe brings bread, and i'm lily and im bringing pie 4: sally apples joe bread lily pie and im wally and im bringing juice
and so on all around the circle. the goal of this game is to get to know everyone's names. now we were going to do this, but somebody spoke up and suggested that instead of picnic offerings, we say our pronouns.
so i had to listen to everyone during that game (which we played TWICE bc the group was so large so we had to split into 2 groups and then switch) look me in the eyes and say ocean, she/her. over and over again. ocean. she/her. ocean. she/her. ocean. she/her. and i had to say ocean, she/her. so. many. times. that is definitely the most times i have ever had to say my pronouns in a single day ever.
see, i usually never experience dysphoria. im very comfortable with how i look, sound, dress, act, and present. like i am very comfortable with myself. dysphoria is not a thing i normally experience. but that day for the first time, having to say my pronouns over. and over. and over again i just. i felt so so viscerally wrong. i knew everyone was reading me as cis and i didn't want that.
and it didn't stop there bc the staff had a discord server to communicate over the summer about work related stuff, and the requirement was for you to put your server nickname as [name] [set of pronouns]. a month into looking at my name with she/her attached to it i got so fucking fed up that i changed it to she/they on impulse and that's how my summer job basically forced me to out myself before i was super ready.
dear fucking god. i know that sharing your pronouns is supposed to make spaces more welcoming, but all that this fucking did was make me feel violated and dysphoric, for the first time in my fucking life. i hate that i was required to share my pronouns and there were so many better ways to go about this. one of my coworkers and i were talking about this later in the summer (they also use she/they publicly) and she agreed with me that the "pronoun game" was horrible and that she was going to make a complaint about it bc it was so unnecessary.
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youareallowedchips · 10 months
sexuality/gender headcanons about the sherlock gang
18+ (not really nsfw) content under the cut ♡
post author is bi & nonbinary! these are just my own personal hcs that i keep in mind when i write fic, it's 100% fine if you don't agree c:
sherlock holmes
homosexual, grey-aromantic transmasculine.
sherlock, despite public perceptions, has an absolutely average sex drive, but had never really felt romantic attraction in his life until he met john, and he can't imagine falling in love with anyone else. he spent a fair bit of time on hookup apps prior to meeting john. sherlock is KINKY.
he's known he felt more aligned with masculinity since he was very small, but never felt the need to go on hormones or have surgery, because he finds society's expectations of trans people restrictive and doesn't want surgical recovery to slow him down. he binds (sometimes unsafely, much to john's annoyance), and it does wonders for his dysphoria.
john watson
allo, bi cis man.
dating sherlock from the great game until the fall, and after mary's death. john's romantic attraction STRONGLY leans towards women and femmes, but sherlock is The One for him. he had a purely physical relationship with sholto when he was still in the army.
john's sex drive is actually super high.
mycroft holmes
allo, gay cis man
a lot of people assume mycroft is aro/ace, because he never seems to get himself involved with anyone. mycroft is married to his work, in the truest sense of the word, and simply doesn't have time for sex or relationships.
mycroft is in a bonded pair with his right hand.
greg lestrade
allo, straight cis man. (token cishet white man!)
dating molly, unofficially just after aSiB, officially asked her out in tSoT, when they were tipsy at john & mary's wedding. greg is super comfortable with his sexuality/masculinity and he's experimented plenty. before john & sherlock got together, he kissed john in the pub once, just to see if he'd like it. he had a fling with a bloke in police academy when he was young, but decided in the end that dudes weren't for him. he appreciates beauty in all genders, and isn't afraid to point out an aesthetically pleasing man. he's also VERY much an ally, most of his friends (and his girlfriend,, uwu) are queer. he fiercly protects his queer friends and coworkers.
greg is an absolute HORNDOG. filthy filthy filthy. he'd be doin' it every day if it was up to him. he's a pleasure/service dom and
molly hooper
demisexual, bi, cis woman.
dating greg. is pretty much split 50/50 in her attraction, maybe with a slight lean towards men. even though she's shy, her sexuality is one of the few things she's open and proud about.
mary morstan
haven't really thought about it much, but if there was a gun to my head, i'd say shes a bi cis woman?
mary doesn't like to label anything about herself, much less her sexuality. she goes with the flow.
(i don't think about her much bc i don't like her, also amanda abbington is an unspeakable terf)
irene adler
allo, lesbian cis woman.
irene didn't come out until her late 20s, struggled with A LOT of comphet, explaining what she thought was an "attraction" to sherlock. they're seriously just bros now, though.
irene actually couldnt really care less one way or another about how often she has sex, but she knows she's good at it and can use it to make money.
sally donovan
allo, bi trans woman
sally is t4t, and dating anderson. she lives stealth, almost nobody knows other than
philip anderson
allo, straight trans man
dating sally. anderson is quite insecure in his trans identity and used to be truscum, explaining the animosity between him and sherlock. he blamed himself a lot after the fall, and took a long hard look at himself and his politics, helped along by a kick up the arse from sally.
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ota-division · 2 years
Taria's Thoughts on Saitama Division
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Sayaka Miyuki
"She looks familiar. Who is she again...?" Taria taps her forehead in thought but suddenly looks up. "Oh yeah! She's that woman Kira often goes to look up dead bodies or something. ...No offense, but she looks kinda... soft, for a job like that. But then again, who knows? She may have something deeper or darker hidden inside of her. It wouldn't be the first time I've seen a person who looks fine on the outside but is actually mean and ugly on the inside." Taria looks away, looking somber.
"My father is living proof of that..."
Lola Takahashi
"Hey, Lola! This girl is awesome! For one thing, she's hot as hell! And two, she knows how to have a good time! I think I've been a fan of hers since she first appeared on the fashion scene. I'm glad to hear that being in the high life hasn't affected her personality any. I've seen how some people can change the moment they get a little bit of money and fame. It's disgusting."
Kureha Koizumi
"Ugh, I know this girl. Chinami's a big fan of her. Apparently, she's an artist or something. Don't ask me how my blind older sister can see art when she can't see anything else. But apparently, this chick likes to paint dark moonlit settings or something. Guess that's why she's called, 'Eclipse'. While I'm a fan of the night 'cause it makes the best time to get up to some shit, I also need a little bit of sun too."
"...And looking at how pale this chick's skin is, I'd say she could do for some sun too. ...Either that, or she needs to stop skipping breakfast or watching those cheesy vampire movies..."
Femme Fatale
"Besides Ms. Doom & Gloom over there, I think this team is pretty cool! Like Kira said, they're pretty popular and have been here longer than most teams. I saw their battle against KLN Dream to determine Saitama's reps, and they were awesome! I'm really looking forward to seeing who they face off against next! If it's us, I have a feeling it'll be a match neither team will soon forget. I know I won't, at least."
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