#they're so good so safe so nostalgic so soft
littlemissayu · 5 months
this is my first time requesting so if this sucks sorry! You can ignore it if you want!
I was thinking what the dorm leaders favorite thing about the reader, if you can do this request it is much appreciated! Hope you have a nice day<3
“It’s the Little Things” - TWST Dorm Leaders favorite thing about you
A/N: Thanks for sending in the request!! Besides I love writing fluff, and fluffy headcanons!! I hope you also have the loveliest day <3!!
Warning: fluff, reader is implied to be MC/Yuu
Pairing: Dorm Leaders x Reader
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Your forehead - It may seem weird and random but he loves giving you kisses on your forehead. It feels intimate and loving. Every morning and night he kisses you on the forehead to wish you good morning and good night. And sometimes after kisses your cheek he’d look into your eyes and smooth his thumb over his cheek
You groggily open your eyes to see your red headed lover staring at your face, lovingly. In a soft yet raspy morning voice he says “Good morning dearest-“ he kisses you on the forehead “how’d you sleep?”
You loved mornings with Riddle ♡
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Your neck & chest - Leona loves to settle his face into your neck/chest. It feels comforting and warm; he can take in your scent that he ever so loves. Leona is always placing kisses there, marking you. He typically naps on your chest to hear your heartbeat, it’s soothing to know your still there inn his arms, safe and sound. 
The sun seeped into your vision through the leaves of the trees. You relaxed in Leona’s arms; his head on your chest taking his daily nap. He looked so peaceful, so at home, so beautiful. Little did you know that you lion lover was awake and he knew you were staring, for the single second that you blinked he has moved up to the nape of your neck and kissed it
“You enjoyed your view darling?”
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Your hugs - Azul is someone who definitely needs a good hug from time to time(who doesn’t?) and for him your hugs bring him the most comforting feeling ever. It reassures him in ways words can’t. Words can be deceived (he’d know) your actions is what truly reveals your love for him; and your hugs show him how much your truly love him.
Azul was working in his office, seemingly caught in the world of assignments he almost missed the the fact your entered his office until he looked up. “Hello pearl, how are you?” “I’m doing good, how are you hon?” You walked up to him and walked behind him looking over his shoulder, observing the work he was up to. “Just working” he sighed, hou noticed  him didn’t seem to be at his best currently so you did the first thing you thought might help, you gave him a warm loving hug and kissed him on the cheek. The blush on his face was evident and unstoppable. 
“Thank you pearl, you always know how to make me feel better.”
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Your smile - Even though he’s someone who has a smile bright enough to blind the sun, he thinks you have the sweetest smile in all of Twisted Wonderland. Every time your smile he smiles and he’d do anything to get you to smile, it’s his most prized treasure.
The two of you walked around together enjoying the architecture of Scarabia , just talking about random things until you two ended up talking about your home. You find yourself going on and on about everything you loved back home. And feeling that nostalgic feeling while talking about home just planted the biggest smile on your face. Kalim then abruptly spoke-
“Your so stunning when you smile”
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Your eyes - You know how they say eyes are the window to the soul(or something of the sort), I think Vil believes that. And in you he sees this amazing person; someone who’s truly beautiful inside and out he finds it refreshing. He’s someone surrounded by fame and fortune and in the industry not everyone is a ray of sunshine. You are so caring and sweet; like a perfectly ripe apple. 
He truly admires you.
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Your thighs - They're so soft and warm. They bring him comfort when he lays his head in them; and when he’s gaming, you typically sit on his lap and when he gets frustrated he just takes a break to knead your things with his head buried in your neck.
The best way to relax is to simply be close to you.
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Your cheeks - He finds them so adorable. He loved to just kiss/pinch/squish your cheeks. They’re so soft and cute. He thinks you're the cutest person ever, if he could he would lock you up forever and keep you to himself(he can’t because you might be sad). He especially loves the way your cheeks are when you laugh or smile (bonus points if you have dimples).
He do anything in this world to keep that joy on your face.
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A/N: Happy New Years my darlings!! I wish you the best in 2024!! I will also do my best to upload most frequently since I love doing this<3
Heartsabyul Masterlist
Savanaclaw Masterlist
Octavinelle Masterlist
Scarabia Masterlist
Pomefiore Masterlist
Ignihyde Masterlist
Diasomnia Masterlist
TWST Masterlist
Grand Masterlist
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frogspond200 · 9 months
𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝙿𝚎𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚔𝚘v 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝
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Requested by: Anon
Ask: Can we get a yandere Simon Petrikov one-shot please? (It can be any scenario you want it to be, l'm not picky):))
Warning: general yandere behavior
Date: 9/4/2023
Our story begins in the Land of Ooo, where Simon Petrikov, once a kind and gentle archaeologist, is now consumed by the Ice King's madness. He spends his days collecting trinkets and artifacts, desperately searching for a way to regain his sanity.
Upon laying eyes on the reader, Simon is immediately captivated by their presence. The reader's appearance, demeanor, and even voice remind him of a time long gone, the 2000s when life was seemingly more straightforward and ordinary. As the story progresses, Simon's obsession with the reader intensifies, bordering on dangerous infatuation.
"They're perfect" Simon whispers under his breath. He begins to feel a strong compulsion to do whatever it takes to make the reader his own. He starts to devise a plan to make them his, no matter the cost. He knows he must act fast before someone else takes them away.
"Excuse me!" Simon catches up with them, waving his hands in the air. "I-I'm Simon" He pants catching his breath. "Simon Petrikov, you look... nostalgic to me...I-In a good way!" He chuckles. He looks good, even handsome with his dark brown messy hair. Simon looks friendly and kind, with a warm, inviting smile. He has a soft, gentle face, and his eyes sparkle with kindness...
His demeanor was warm and inviting, and his voice was gentle and soothing. He gave off a comforting aura, and it was easy to tell he was a kind and caring person so you introduced yourself back. "I'm Y/n"
"y/n..." He whispered under his tongue. It tasted like sweet natural honey in his mouth... It was clear that he was taken aback by your presence. His eyes sparkled with admiration and a hint of surprise. There was no way you would never notice his true obsession with you. He nervously shifted his gaze away, as if he was afraid of revealing too much.
His cheeks were tinted with a faint hue of pink, a sure sign that he was blushing. His lips curved into a shy smile, and he muttered a soft 'yes'. That he finally found someone like him...who couldn't wrap their heads around this fucked up reality, and he wanted to keep it that way.
He wanted to keep them safe, and he wanted to keep them close. He wanted to protect them, and he wanted to make sure they were happy. He wanted to keep this moment between them forever. And he was going to. No. Matter. What. Even if he has to keep them, even if he has to kill them. He was going to do whatever it took to make sure they were safe and happy. He was going to make sure that nothing would ever tear them apart. He was determined to make this a reality.
You were woken up around 3 a.m., and your body was craving something to drink, so you got up and went to your kitchen in your PJ shorts and an oversized shirt you bought for no reason except that it was bigger than you. You opened the fridge and saw a bottle of water placed there some time ago. It was still cold and you gulped it down in one go. You felt like someone's eyes were on you, making you tense.
Then there was a knock at your door, opening it you saw Simon who looked like he hadn't had any sleep, he was sweating, his hair more messy than usual, he was fidgeting with his finger, he mumbled "I'm sorry for what I'm about to do y/n" you tilted your head. He threw something at you. You can't remember what, you just remember seeing stars before everything turned black.
You slowly gain consciousness, rubbing your head and groaning. You ran your head over your neck, no chains or collars...Then your wrist, nothing...you glided your hands down your body...clothes still on. No bounds, cuts, or bruises. "I'm not that curl dear..." You snapped your head towards the voice, moving away. You couldn't see him due to the lack of light in the room but you could hear him. He stepped closer...
The more you moved back, a hand came into your vision. It brushed a messy strand out of your face. "Are you alright?" it asked calmly. A face came into your vision. You didn't wanna look at it. You had an idea of who it was but you didn't want to admit it was him. He would never do a thing like this. Right? You looked down at the white sheets around your body. "Why?" you asked. Your voice wasn't loud or pissed. It was weak and heartbroken.
You heard a sigh come out of his mouth. He didn't say anything. He just grabbed your hand and squeezed it gently. You knew he was trying to tell you that everything was going to be alright, even though you both knew he just fucked up your relationship with each other. You felt a wave of emotions sweep over you and all you wanted to do was cry, another cry escaped his lips and he sat on the bed, bringing you closer to him, even when you tried hitting his chest and pushing you away he kept you against his chest, running his finger through your hair whispering things like "It's gonna be ok" and "I did all of this for you"
You continued to cry and he held you until you had no more tears left. He kissed your forehead and let you go, looking into your eyes with love and understanding. He wiped away your tears. A smile crept onto his face. It wasn't a possessive one.
He took your hand and slowly pulled you towards him. He hugged you tightly and whispered, "It's going to be alright, dear…You're safe here with me. and with me alone." He kissed your lips gently. His lips felt warm and loving, like a comforting blanket of security and safety. His touch was gentle and reassuring, urging you to relax and take some much-needed comfort...
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homesickn · 1 year
Loki x reader — sick!fic, established relantionship.
No warnings, just fluff and comfort.
Loki takes care of you when you're sick and makes sure you feel better. He's really soft.
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“I feel disgusting,” you say. The words coming out slurred as you struggled to breathe with your congested nose.
“Darling?” Loki asks, concerned. “Can I do anything to help?”
You don't want him to see you like this, in fact, you've been trying to ignore your sickness for a long time. 
You feel useless, you don't want to exist, the only acceptable thing to your mind is the thought of going to sleep, the aching pressure around your eyes begs to be closed. You're almost crying from shame.
“Darling,” Loki reaches around you, embracing his arms around your figure, even as you protest, he lifts you up in his arms. “You can't work like this. I know you're sick.” He watches your puffy face, all due to your crying and sneezing.
“No, I'm not, I'm okay,” your voice rough as you lie, fighting not to cough with your pained throat. “I'm not sick, I can do things just fine.” 
He still keeps you there, now making sure your face rests against his shoulder as he takes you to the kitchen, already preparing some tea for you two.
“Have you taken some medicine?” He asks and you keep your face hidden, ignoring the question. “You didn't?
“Don't be mad…” You begin.
“Why would I be mad, darling? Why would you not take your meds?”
“I don't wanna be sick, and I didn't know which ones to take, I took a pill but it didn't have any effect so I thought I'd just wait some more.” You're scared you'll sound pathetic to that, but Loki only rubs your back gently. 
Loki could sense the effort it took for you to talk, he keeps a concerned look on you as you only rest further to his chest. 
This is better, he thinks. She's accepting my help. My love.
Loki had a secret under his sleeve that could work, he could apply his healing magic to your tea — the magic his mother would give to both him and Thor when they got sick, on their younger days, the spell she taught him.
He remembers those days with nostalgic care, he keeps them in the depths of his heart for when his mind needs some kind memories, these parts are specially occupied with you, now. He misses his mother, but he can express the love he received in a new way.
You're shivering under his hands, so he conjures your fluffy, heavy blanket for you, covering you till your neck. 
He makes a mental reminder to prepare a warm bath as it's early in the evening, it'd help you feel better, and then he'd make sure you wear some warm clothes so you don't get any fevers.
“Love?” He asks you, your eyes are fighting to stay open but they're moist with tears from the cold. 
“Can't breathe,” you whine a bit in pain, closing your eyes and trying to rest but feeling the strong pang in your head.
“I'll make it feel better, love. I'm here,” He tells you, giving you a kiss. He was glad your temperature was normal as he felt it against his skin.
You cringe as his lips touch yours. “Don't kiss me… I'm gross,” your voice goes whinier than you wish for again, which he finds adorable.
“You can't pass me anything, my love. I'm a frost giant, I wouldn't get sick with mortal germs.” He gives you a kiss again.
“But I'm still gross though.”
“I could never find you anything close to gross, when I see you like this, I only wish to nurture you back to health, and make sure you're safe and loved, just as you deserve.” You try to hide your smile against his chest now, he can feel it, and it makes him beam with pride at making you feel a little better. “I hate to see you unwell.”
The tea is ready, he turns your body a little in his arms so you're facing the teapot as he makes two cups for both of you.
He makes sure you see the green sparkles leaving his hands as he puts your tea.
“I hope I'm making this right,” he blushes. “It's the spell our mother would pour on our teas when we were children, Thor thought it was disgusting.”
“Very good, really,” you joke around, smiling at him. “One of the few opinions I have, and little Thor thought it was disgusting.”
Loki gives you a tight lipped smile, but still smiles with his eyes too. He shakes his head.
“I think the magic is flavorless, the problem was just that Thor never really liked tea, and we just discovered a long time after,” he smiles at you. “So, my love, as I know you like this tea, I make sure everything is safe and good to your tastes.” He chuckles and you feel his chest move with the sound.
So you stay there, in his arms, watching his magic with a certain wonder, you'd never tire from this, he always loves the way you look at his magic, the way you look at him. It was never about the magic powers he carries, but the way you're the only person to look at him while he does it and appreciate him, just him, you like it when he does anything, you're the only one to look at him with this clear admiration your eyes always hold for him.
He quietly begins to hum a song for your ears, carrying you to the couch.
You move to take the tea and drink it. 
Loki touches your temple, he makes his fingers blue and —consequently, a little colder, just enough for your body to accept, reaching your forehead and keeping it there as you sip your tea.
He notices you're going quieter, just appreciating his acts, not really forcing yourself to speak anymore. He's glad, it makes him happy to see your body sliding slightly closer to him with each sip, probably almost too sleepy to notice. 
He conjures you the correct medicine, and you take it. With him kissing your forehead as you do so, like a little reward.
“I'd never shame you for being sick, you know,” He says, breaking the silence of the room. “I never want to see you feeling like you can't tell me again, even as your body starts to feel weak, even if the symptoms are just starting, tell me.”
“I will. I'm sorry.”
“I'm not mad,” he reinforces, quickly booping your nose, gently smiling at you. You stay quiet, he accepts that.
“How about a bath now?” The tea was warm like a balm to your throat.
You don't respond but complain with sounds of disapproval at having to move from the comfort of the couch, from under the cozy blanket.
“You'll feel better,” he comforts you, caressing your skin as he speaks in a low tone so as not to hurt your head. “I promise, just trust me.” 
He wraps his strong arms around your legs to push your entire body close to his, gluing you to him as he calmly princess-carries you to the bathroom. Patiently taking the time to hold you as he magically —to be quicker— makes the water warm enough for you and your tired body.
He helps you through the bath, bringing some things to make the bath time more relaxing like different soaps and a pink bath bomb.
“Bath bomb?” You laugh a little, glad the stinging in your head stopped a bit. You point to the product he held.
“It's fun, and I'm not used to these midgardian bath entertainments.” He gives you a kind smile and allows the comfort to surround you two as you take the bath together. 
He carefully washes your hair for you, massaging your scalp, hoping to show all his love through his fingertips and gentle caresses.
He moves down to your shoulders, your neck, pressing a bit harder in certain spots, then he slides down to your back with tender care. You hold your breath, and leave some moans of delight as your aching body feels the blessed touch.
“Are you feeling better, love?” He asks, you hum to agree, not wanting to ruin the moment. He muffles a laugh and keeps his loving touches.
Loki runs his hands across the other parts of your body with extra patience and passion, ignoring how sexual it could seem, he knows you're not wishing for it now. He still keeps a longer time washing you, and pressing his hands on your breasts, your chest, your stomach. Brushing among your thighs, anywhere he could show his love and feel your skin close to his.
He kisses your jawline, and moves your head a little to kiss you. The whole time was filled with loving little kisses, some all across your face, some on your lips as he couldn't have enough of your mouth, or enough of you.
The bath makes you feel clean and relaxed, you're allowing yourself to finally succumb to the peaceful affection he's showing you. It's almost overwhelming, you never thought you could have something like this, neither did he.
When the bath's over, Loki exits first to grab a fluffy, dry towel to wrap your body on. You got up and he immediately wrapped you in so you wouldn't face the brutal chilly air of getting out of the bath.
He takes you to the bedroom, your clothes are already on the bed. You tremble to think of removing the towel and facing the cold, but Loki makes sure that doesn't happen.
He puts you on a cozy green sweater, kissing your clothed chest as he's finished. Matching the sweater, he puts on you some warm pajama pants, then proceeds to kiss your stomach. 
He puts your socks on you, and gives a kiss to each of your ankles, almost reverently. Looking up at you with wonder, rubbing your legs. You almost weep at the sight, feeling overly emotional. 
After he's sure you're warm, he lets you decide on what to do next. You just want to sleep.
He turns off the lights of the house, and dims the one by the bedside table. He reaches for his book, this is one he's been reading without you, he thinks it's a bit too uninteresting to be shared, but now it might fit perfectly for the purpose of getting you to sleep.
You two created a habit of sharing your stories together, you love to sit around while he just reads for you. And whenever you read a story you really like, you get extra giddy to tell him every single detail about it, he loves it when you do so.
He knows how much you love his voice, and in moments like this, in which you need less loud noises, you can't help but pay even more attention to how soft his voice is as he speaks. You could listen to it for days, and thankfully, you can really listen to it all day, for days, he's yours.
He cozies you two under the sheets, the only light being the one by his side, so he can read to you, he makes sure it doesn't bother your eyes.
He holds your body on top of his, keeping a light hold not to pressure your skin, allowing you to rest your head on his neck, unbothered by the little sniffles of the remains of your sickness. He'll make sure to check some more spells later —unharming to humans, to be certain you get even better health soon after you drift off to sleep.
“I love you,” you say. He stiffens a little because it comes unexpectedly, then he relaxes. After all this time, Loki's still unused to these words.
He still gets surprised.
His expression softens and he can only hope you feel all the love radiating off of him.
“I love you, darling. Now rest, you'll feel better as soon as you wake up.” 
He begins reading to you from where he stopped, taking pauses a few times to explain some details to you, quietly. You pay attention to the sound of his voice, and his chest moving under you with each word he speaks, until you drift off to a comfortable night of sleep.
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This is my apology for not having posted anything this week because I, once again, got sick, so I wrote this! Oh to have a Loki taking care of me.
I hope it can bring some comfort to you all!
Taglist: @mischief2sarawr @dangertoozmanykids101 (I don't know if it's ok to tag in a sick!fic but it's ok if you don't feel comfortable with it ♡)
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s-creations · 11 months
Dude DUDE I ABSOLUTELY LOVE ur writing. U have a way of just weaving everything into this beautiful tapestry of a story. I'm in absolute awe. I really like ur YPRG Au!! Anything related to it I inhale. It's so cool and interesting the way every character interacts with each other and the world. And I'm so so soft for both sets of bros🥺. Would it be ok if u did 🌱 and ☁️ for them? Only if u want to of course no pressure!!
First off, THANK YOU! This was an awesome message to wake up to! This is going to sound absolutely corny, but I love hearing from people about my stories. Because there are some times where I really don’t feel confident in what I’ve written. It’s nice to hear/read that I’m somewhat competent. Again, thank you for the kind words!
I too am also soft for the bros. XD
With that said, I’d be happy to answer your emoji asks! (Original Post)
🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
Wario - When Waluigi was born, though he’ll never ever admit it. He swears if he was even remotely artistically competent, he’d be able to paint a picture of what the room looked like, where their parents were, and how it looked when he got to hold Waluigi for the first time. It’s so well stamped into his mind that he recalls it on days he’s really stressed out. As a reminder for why he keeps working so hard.
Waluigi - The first ‘invention’ he and Wario made. He barely spoke at the time as Wario knew what Waluigi needed, so he never had to ask for anything. But working on making a prototype for their ‘Chores Robot’ (so the worry of keeping the house clean wasn’t such a burden), it was the first time that Waluigi took over. Telling Wario what he needed and what part needed to go where. Even if it didn’t work (seriously, why the heck did they think sticks and rocks would be good materials?) Waluigi was still thrilled by the idea of building. 
Mario - It was a conversation between him and his father. Learning about how sick Luigi was and how scary it could be. But also talking about what they could do, together, to keep the younger twin safe. It was the first promise Mario made to anyone. A promise to his parents, said to his father, that he would keep Luigi safe and well, no matter what. Because he loves Luigi, and he wouldn’t let anything keep them apart if he could help it.
Luigi - When he was able to go outside for the first time. While the twins were a little older at this point, Luigi’s early early memories consisted of white walls and doctors. This was the first solid memory he had. He remembered it was nearing the end of Spring, if not already in Summer, when he saw something outside the window that he really wanted to see. He was well enough to leave the house, but still fearful, until Mario agreed to take him outside. While he could only reach the edge of the patio, he was still able to get a better look at the flowers that interested him. Mario told him they were looking at roses. Those are his favorite flower to this day.
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
Wario - He loves to hear Waluigi snoring. It lets him know that his brother’s still there. He wouldn’t listen to it on end, but it’s a comforting reminder.
Waluigi - He started to learn how to cook so it was one less burden Wario and his mother had to deal with. But he says it's because no one in the family besides himself knows what spices work together.
Mario - He’s very shy about it, but he loves to sing. Mainly to Luigi with a lullaby from their childhood, on days when they're feeling nostalgic and missing their parents. But…if asked…he wouldn’t say ‘no’ if Peach asked to hear him. 
Luigi - He took up baking as a way to stay close to their mom, as well as to learn how to embrace every second given to him. Because nothing lets you think about life like waiting for cake to rise.
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little-nobody · 2 years
byler headcanon go
omg i love headcanons 🙏
ok so, a big ones I always like to do hc's for are favorite physical feature (plus a bunch if random stuff oopsies I went off)
Hehe oh no...
I like to think that Will really REALLY likes Mike's freckles!
He likes to count them, brush his fingers across the few on his back, stare at them and admire his face.
The people who read that one little fic thing know that I really enjoy having Will compare Mike's body to the galaxy, his freckles being the stars.
Mike has grown to adore this, the moments when they're alone and Will has the feeling to just touch him and shower him with poetic words and feathery touches
Will unintentionally has a way with words, and almost everyone knows it, especailly Mike
Just as he is good with drawing and painting, he is good at writing poetry and wording things in a way that could captivate the reader
Mike, while a great writer, had never been able to live up to that artistic way of writing (he gets jealous sometimes, but turns it into lovingly teasing and compliments)
Will still has nightmares and sees things sometimes, and he writes to Mike or draws pictures because sometimes it can be too hard to say out loud.
Mike keeps these in a binder he hid somewhere in his room (sure, it's sad and rushed art, but it's art Will gave to Mike! He can't just get rid of it!)
For Mike, he wouldn't be able to chose between Will's eyes or his lips...
Mike had always had a staring problem, and it was obvious to literally everyone except for the two of them
Mike has some trouble keeping eye contact; Will's eyes are beautiful, sure, but his lips are also just so pretty to look at
When Mike looks into Will's eyes, it feels nostalgic with a warm tint to it
Like the scene of the basement while playing D&D for hours on end, like sweet goodbyes on the under the Byers yellow-tinted porch light, like stargazing at the highest point in Hawkins, be it with their friends or otherwise.
His lips just remind him of everything good
Soft pink hues like one of those pinkish sunsets, a beautiful curve that fits just right on his face, the way they would move when he would say things as vast as laying his heart out to babbling about things that he likes
Mike could never really say these things out loud, of course, but Will never really asks
While Will is a man of beautiful words, Mike is a man who loves to take physical actions
He loves physical contact; holding hands, hugging will from behind, burying his face in the shorter boy's neck, just holding him in his arms
It gives him a great sense of security, like a reassurance that Will is still there, that he is safe and okay
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misty-groves · 6 months
Revelations (Mari & MacCready)
Rating: G
Pairing: Pre relationship Mari/MacCready or MariCready as I've dubbed them.
Summary: MacCready and Mari share some time after clearing a building. Mari shares more about herself than expected.
Warnings: Canon typical filth, guns
Other: If I missed anything, please let me know
"You're gonna get us blown up." MacCready scoffs as he looks at the woman beside him.
"You worry too much, we just cleared the place." Mari says as she leans against the wall.
"I do not. I need to stay alive. You're welcome to get yourself killed if you want."
"Wow, I feel so loved, Mac."
MacCready just rolls his eyes. He's not got much to say to that.
So, he watches the door that separates the studio apartment-esque room they've holed up in.
He knows they cleared the place. But still.
He hears Mari light up a smoke, and as much as he's trying to quit he misses it sometimes. He's not going to begrudge her the vice though, she so rarely uses it.
"You know, I think I should redecorate my apartmen. This room is just soQ10 inspiring."
"There's a pee pudle in the corner." MacCready rolls his eyes as he turns to really look at her.
She laughs, cigarette held between her middle and pointer finger.
The light in the room is enough to see the amusement in her impossibly green eyes.
He's never seen that shade of green on anyone besides her twin.
"Yeah, I'm not that trashy." She says before taking another drag.
"Good." MacCready says.
He sets about cleaning his gun. They're safe. And really, if anyone shows up Mari will do something.
Because if he's honest (and this is totally objective), Mari is a badass that's taken down a super mutant with a few well placed slices. And the whole judo flipping a raider.
Clearing out a gunners' base by herself.
Yeah, he's fine. Mari seems to have some sort of honest care for him, as more than a hired gun.
Besides, they cleared the place themselves.
"You're overthinking again." Mari says as she snubs out the half smoked cigarette.
"You're wasting smokes."
"Yeah, maybe. But I've committed worse sin."
"You make it sound like there's a god out there that cares."
"There used to be." Mari says softly, getting that bittersweet tone she gets sometimes.
"Did you know that god?"
"No. But I remember learning about it. It's a nice thought."
"You must have grown up somewhere else."
"You'd never believe me of I told you."
"Try me." MacCready challenges.
Mari looks at him, and she has a funny expression on. Bitter amd nostalgic and trying to ignore both.
"I am from here." Mari says after a minute.
"That's not out of the ordinary. Lots of people live and die in one area."
"I'm from here, before the bombs. I grew up before the bombs hit, I remember the war that started it."
"Yeah? How did you even survive?"
"I was frozen. I was a military experiment put into cryo-freezr when I was seventeen."
"You're messing with me."
"If you say so." Mari says with a shrug.
After all, the only person she's told that believed her was Daisy. Though, Hancock at least pretend to.
"Ypu say that like you're being honest."
"Have I ever lied to you?" Mari challenges, turning her gaze back to him.
There is nothing but curiosity there.
MacCready rubs the back of his neck. He knows she hasn't lied to him. Yet. (Dosen’t everyone lie eventually?)
But he has to admit, as far fetched as it sounds it makes sense.
She sings songs he's only heard in the Capital Wastes.
She's got a softness in her heart that no one else has besides her twin.
And hell, she references things that only the ghouls seem to understand.
Maybe she's being honest.
"It's hard to believe. You gotta admit that."
Mari just gives that bittersweet smile again. She can't bring herself to respond.
She can't lie to MacCready about anything they're talked about so far. And she isn't starting now.
But she can't make someone believe something.
"Just- tell me something. If you're really from then, how are you so - good at this stuff?" MacCready asks.
Mari laughs softly. Of course he asks.
"I was a military experiment, they wanted to make immortal super soilders. They didn't have the stuff to make us immortal so they froze us."
"Really? They couldn't make you invincible?"
"You've seen me get thrown around like a rag doll and walk away from grenades with almost no injury. They got close."
"Do you miss it?" MacCready asks after a moment.
Because he's realized she isn't lying. She really does have some odd quirks that being from back then explains. She keeps eating utensils and almost always uses them.
She walks with perfect posture and her smile is entirely too charming for her own good.
Mari just shakes her head. "Sometimes. But I was taken from my family without warning when they started experimenting on me. So it wasn't a great last year there."
"Yeah... But hey, I'm a he'll of a shot so it's not like I'm in bad shape these days."
"Yeah." MacCready echoes.
"You know I've been thinking about recording some of the songs I know. They seem like they aren't really in circulation."
"You can sing?"
"Of course I can. I play piano too... though that's not nearly as helpful."
"Huh. You're all educated then?"
"Got my GED and everything."
"Your what?"
"General equivalency diploma. It's an alternative to a highschool diploma."
"You should let Teddy ramble about history or art. He's all English and art smart."
"That explains why he likes Publik Occurances."
Mari laughs again, shaking her head. "Yeah, that's why. It has nothing to do with Piper, like, at all."
"Oh shut up."
"You know I can't."
MacCready just breathes. He can admit he has a soft spot for Mari, but the way his heart squeezes when she gets cheeky with him is unhealthy.
He's probably just sick. Yeah.
When he looks back over, Mari is fiddling with an old pipboy she's had for a few weeks. She'd raided a vault outside the common wealth.
The green glow is familiar.
Diamond city radio turns on, and orange colored sky plays quietly.
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rosescries · 2 years
I've got a ask for 'there's still magic' :D. What if teen!MC was raised like a Fell? Like being mean to keep people away from her? And just being sarcastic alot BUT when she dose something she likes and feels safe doing she becomes really soft? But still defensive?
Well, that's essentially just Can I Keep You? Just with Mc actually being raised as a Fell and a bit older.
And I feel like I answered this before, but I really can't remember. Anyway, it'd just make the Fells take more of an interest in her. Specifically Red and Edge. She'd probably end up with a pretty good relationship with Red. He likes a bit of banter and her comebacks always tickle his funny bone. He does help her realize when she's going a bit too far and needs to reel it back in though. She's like Edge in a lot of ways, and it's a bit nostalgic for him. And it's a big headache for Edge.
Black and Mutt are actually a little bit at a loss. Mutt was always softer than usual, so Black never really had a whole lot of attitude to deal with from him. He also listened pretty well. They had the snippy, sort of mean banter, but that was always teasing and they knew none of it was actually meant to hurt. So Mc is a bit of new ground for them. They're still going to try, because they do understand more than the non-fells. But there's still a little bit of a learning curve here.
The Fells would definitely handle her rearing a lot more. The softer universes just don't know how to deal with her as well as they do. But they would try to help her soften up a bit, and show her that it's okay to do so. She's safe in their house and no one's going to judge or hurt her there.
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commissionsdarian · 11 months
Do you think that modern popular movies are better than older ones or vice versa?
Very good question. Obviously this is personal perspective, but it's important to take into account the development of the quality of media
Older movies are good. What they may lack in visuals, they make up for in storytelling. Toy Story, even if it's a more recent example, showcases this- with it's somewhat questionable 3D animation appearances, what was really focused on were the characters and the story, leading to it's success. Older movies, while still maintaining incredible visuals at times, do excel with their stories and characters
There's also the benefit in that older movies were nearer to the defining of film as a media. The first recorded motion picture was around the 1880s, and so what proceeded was a period of time where film making was an experimental process. This obviously would result in iconic movies, being the first of their kind. This is something I think modern movies struggle with in that they're trying to create something that's memorable, iconic, and is set apart from everything else. But because of how full the film industry is, and how much newer movies want to take inspiration from previous successful works, it's unlikely that they'll be creating something that can be considered different
It's also dependant on the time period and current events. The Golden Age of Cinema is generally defined to be post WW1- 1960s. A lot of great and memorable movies were made in this time, and the time period for cinematography is generally considered to be an aesthetic today, with the Atlantic accents and the soft rose/yellow hues. Given the time period, it's safe to assume the rise in the film industry came as a reaction to devastating global events, the wars, the financial collapses. As with many art forms, film serves as a form of escapism, a way to distract from the world, or on the opposite end, a way to search into and find answers to the world around us. There would've been an excessive focus on the storytelling taking place in order to provide such distracts or deep searches
However, there's also the personal psychological role that plays into this. We, as humans, will always prefer things we view as nostalgic, things that we associate with happier times, things that represent familiarity and security. For many, this nostalgia is present through the media they were exposed to when younger, meaning movies you watched when you were younger are more likely to be preferable. But there's also the whole "I was born in the wrong era" mindset. Younger people who can't feel nostalgic about older movies because they weren't around can still easily prefer older movies. It often comes with the whole aesthetic, rose tinted glasses, yearning for a life that isn't yours. Obviously this mindset is questionable in itself, but it can be pointed to as an explanation for younger people's old preferences
There will always be the fact that older movies have more media presence. Movies such as Stephen King's (and Stanley Kubrick's) "The Shining" has been referenced thousands of times in other medias. You might not have watched the actual movie, but you'll still recognize the creepy twins in blue dresses, the phrase "Red rum" or the visual of a man carrying an axe whilst dragging his foot. Older movies have been referenced so much because they have had the time to have been, but also because they've left a lasting impact
Newer movies can still be good, but it's hard to set yourself out from the crowd. This is seen a lot with animated movies at the moment, that new "Elementals" movie by Disney isn't unique, it's the exact same style they've used time and time again, and will likely have the same message we've been given many times before. There's modern movies that try to bank on popular trends, like the (dreaded) "Emoji Movie" which was practically dated before it even reached cinemas. And then there's the questionable late sequel category, where a new sequel of older movies is attempted to be made. Famously, this hasn't gone down too well with the new Star Wars movies. The new Indiana Jones movie was questionable too. "Blues Brothers 2000" was a massive fail. All of these can be seen as trying to bank on the previous success of their franchises, trying to recreate the origin magic, trying to bank on the older generation's nostalgia or trying to draw in younger audiences. However, their attempts to capture the original magic hardly ever works, because they'll never be the originals. The original movies were the ones that made the name for the franchises, they're the ones that set themselves apart and gained audience approval. Trying to do that again won't be taken well. Especially when the newer storylines for these late sequels don't match, or don't feel like they match, the energy of the original's
So, for all these reasons, I just prefer older movies
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griefbringers · 1 year
re: your post about muses' grief/loss/nostalgia. delirium grieves delight, even though she doesn't really understand why. she knows that she was different, and that people liked her more back then, and maybe sometimes she tries to emulate delight, but it always comes out wrong. idk if she dreams exactly, but she definitely gets lost in her head and her daydreams about what she used to be so. kind of counts.
persephone feels a profound sense of loss, too, though she can't quite place it. i think it's a sense of belonging - when she's above, she dreams of quiet and cold, a sort of comforting, safe claustrophobia. when she's in the underworld, she dreams of an endless open sky, and vivid colour, and the feeling of a warm summer rain. no matter where she is, she is always dreaming of the other place, and she often wakes up dissatisfied.
i don't think you're familiar w jean moreau but he doesn't really remember where he grew up (marseille), nor his parents, except to know that they weren't good people. that doesn't stop him dreaming of belonging and a better time, and sunshine glinting off the wide, blue sea. big nostalgia vibes.
kieren walker! god where to start. for one, he grieves rick (both times). i think he dreams about him from their lives before either of them died, and what could have been. obviously he's very happy with simon and loves him to pieces, but he definitely has dreams about what his life might have been with rick (and he always wakes up angry that it was taken from them. twice.). obviously he often has nightmares about corinthian 1, and he's angry about everything there. sometimes he dreams about what his relationship with jem used to be like, how they were so close and how his death/rising took that from them - but that's nostalgic and hopeful because season 2/post-canon they're working on it and he knows that things are getting better. same with his parents (and he knows they feel awful guilt about the circumstances of his death, how they didn't know he'd been murdered for days and just assumed that he'd gone off on a bender with rick). kieren's dreams are much more nostalgic than he is when he's awake - when he's awake, he knows that things are getting better every day with his family.
uhhh anyway there's probably others but ttfn
firstly fuckin bless you. you understood the assignment. you get a GOLD STAR. i'm gonna split my responses up per character to keep things readable LET'S GOOOO
Delirium: YEAH!!! Mourning a past sense of self is [chef kiss] - I think Johnny actually has something similar to that in that like… He knows he isn't the original Johnny; he looks a lot like them, functions in a similar way, has--to his understanding--the same sort of personality with a more humanized slant from his time in the Waking… but he doesn't have the first Johnny's memories, and wouldn't know how to begin 'being' him. If anyone could do it, it'd be Graves, but Graves is… well. A nightmare, for one thing, and not interested in trying to be their old self again, for another.
I don't imagine Johnny can visit Delirium as a /dream/, but I think that if he was around her in person then, like Graves, he can sort of 'feel' when people's sense of loss 'aligns' with his intended purpose, if that makes any sense… Both he and Mykonos would be drawn to Delirium for that reason (but ESPECIALLY Mykonos, whose purpose often revolves around calling people back to the past--or past selves--they long for).
Persephone: First of all CHEF KISS because this makes perfect sense for Persephone and I'm thriving on it actually. I think the Cassidies would be drawn to her just on a personal level, though I can't fully articulate why (fun fact as a sidenote, just to give you an idea of what they're like: one of the Cassidies reminds me a lot of Sila, though they're much softer - more like Sila when he's at his most loved and comfortable and feels safe being soft, if that makes any sense; the other is a little more of a performer, puts more of a charming front up, probably because the actual real-life Cassidy WAS a performer and her death is why those two exist--ANYWAY).
For dreams though, I imagine Graves and Mykonos would be drawn to her, possibly working in unison; nightmare to dream, dream to nightmare, an endless cycle where it's never quite clear which part is dream and which is nightmare. Mykonos is HUGE on nostalgia and the feeling that things were better in the past (or better somewhere else); Graves likes to dig up those deep, unpleasant feelings of 'something was taken from me/there's something I want back' and [gestures]
Jean: I am not familiar with him! HOWEVER I already fuckin KNOW Graves and Mykonos would once again be drawn to him for similar reasons to Persephone. Maybe the Cassidies too actually, I can see them giving him really vivid natural landscapes + other beautiful, nostalgic scenes in his dreams (and music, too, always music).
Kieren: YESSSSSS. This is so tasty, ESPECIALLY the way his dreams are more nostalgic/called back to the past than he is in his Waking life. You KNOW Graves is coming for that poor guy: nightmares about his own death and more importantly his Rising, the things he did as a consequence of it, the things other people did; Rick, of course, and both of his deaths, and the loss of what could have been. Johnny and Mykonos I think would also visit him; the nostalgia is all Mykonos ofc, but I think dreams about repairing his relationships with Jem and his family are something Johnny can work with too (even on just a personal interest level, which he isn't really meant to do but like…. shhhh).
Also Johnny in particular would feel IMMENSE sympathy for Kieren's SHITTY LIFE holy fuck. Graves doesn't really feel sympathy for him but he can acknowledge that it's fucked up (not gonna stop him from doing his job though, sorry).
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thejungleline · 1 year
What happens to dead blogs?
Tonight as my son gets out of the tub I throw a towel over him. My mother, standing by the door remarks on how he resembles me more as he gets older. I too had large grown up teeth jutting down from the top of my mouth at his age. There is a photo she recalls of me. If it's the one I'm thinking about, it's in Spain, out in the yard. I'm kneeling down and petting a puppy who is rolled over exposing his fuzzy tummy. That dog was a stray we found.
My son has always looked like me in the way that children take after parents but we have very different coloring. I was dark as a child with jet black hair and a life in the sun, skin a coco brown. My son is almost blond with pinkish white palor. He wears thick glasses and they conceal our resemblance. But when they're off it's evident and it brings me joy. Inexplicable joy that I suppose all parents feel when they look in the face of their offspring to see themselves. We see beauty in that youth, we indulge in its familiarity.
I gather my son up in a bundle of towel and carry him to the bed where he struggles to get away as I slather him with lotion. He giggles at our fight. He's strong and longs to run naked around the apartment. But it's 8 degrees out and I want him to put clothes on, even though we are so fortunate to be warm and safe in this often cruel world.
I'm somewhat successful. His surfaces soft and taught. I remember not giving a dam about my skin for most of my life. The aforementioned youth in the sun was spent at the beach amongst tanning topless tourists, at least 4 years of it. In Spain I'd come home with so much sand in my thick hair. Was the sun less harsh then? I never burned like I do now. The atmosphere is thinner, the ozone gone from our aerosols. Now I look at my neck in the mirror before bedtime and notice the wrinkles and lines. The skin under my chin will sag soon. It was always a zone of insecurity for me.
Curious because the girl I loved in high school also had loose skin there. But I found her beautiful even thought I knew that spot would droop down from her skull with age. I see pictures of her on social media and she looks good though. About as good as she should look for our age. The same as myself.
My hair is white now and there's no hiding. I could dye it but I'm too lazy. What would that do for me anyway? I still feel young. I work out. I'm thin now since the divorce. I couldn't eat for a month. It's amazing how much weight is lost in that type of fast. Now I'm not sure if it will come back. I suspect not. This is the beginning of my old lady body. Much like my mom, whose skin sags in all the places I expect mine will. Yet she is spritely in her early 70s, and she is thin. She looks good in XS clothing. She jokes our family has no butt. She's right. My sister has always been thin. My father now as well. We are smallish people. Not skeletal but lean.
What becomes of this space as I come and go? And when I'm really gone? Will my son dig through my online presence, my hard drives and my media? Does this service purge pages that see no updates for many years. Or will they just let it languish until the platform itself withers away?
I am currently uploading photos to a unique Instagram account that will ultimately be a finite series. The pics are from a party back in 1999 we called Valloween. The party took place in a loft on Java street in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. There are many face I don't know in the photos and many I do. I find them beautiful and nostalgic. They are full of kissing, drinking, and some nudity. They are full of youth. I've sequestered them to a unique account so they don't mingle with my personal Instagram. And I wonder why I chose this.
So much of my online activity I have done under pseudonym, much like this blog. There is no obvious way to trace this to my real name. Is that wise?
In my obsession over my therapist (which has only grown since my last blog entry) I have searched her name over and over again. Her name returns myriad results but not like mine. I do not exist online other than in association with Christy&Emily the band. Then I'm there. But now that it's over, that project and that love, perhaps I should set the record straight. What have I been hiding. Of what am I scared?
So here it is. My name is Christine Edwards. I work for Bloomberg QuickTake as a video producer. I've played in many bands over the years including: The Lil' Fighters, The Pill, The Totallys, The Sumerians, Christy&Emily, on occasion with the Nightingales, and in my most recent project called Momsomnia.
I am a somewhat prolific songwriter and still play my early songs today. I will attempt to name every song I've written now.
Lil' Fighters: Bright Tomorrow, Freedom School, Little Mai, Tricky, Better Place, NYC, Teenage Heartbreak, Oheyoheyo
The Pill / Totallys : Jaywalker, Dream, Aurora Borealis, Yes Not No, TV Song, Life is a Drag, Star Song, White Liar, Back in Fashion, Frankenstein, Rock-n-Roll and Bicycles, Ad Naseau, Biology, Crush, Bang Bang Bang, Digital Millennium, Bawdy Party, Biology
C&E: Ghost, Noah, Birds, Chicken Little, Superstition, 105 & Rising, Beast, Firefly, Sundowners, Guava Tree, Idle Hands, Tesseract, Railroad, Airport, Haruki, Rolling Ocean, Something Easy, Florida
Momsomnia: Youth in Asia, Turner, Carousel, Covid Holiday, Transference, Digging For Love, Whole Lot of Nothing, Space Miner
These are songs I've played with ensembles, but I've written others. It is my goal to get the song I've written for my son recorded in some form that I'm happy with. It's a simple song that evokes a Bossa Nova. It is called Affirmation.
Right now my son sleeps and I try to focus on where my creative energies should go. This post is the result. It is futile though. The only difference between this and scribble in a notebook is that this will be public. It occurs to me that most every diary is not public. Once upon a time stores sold diaries with locks on them, so little girls could bear their souls in those pages without fear of being found out or understood. But now people live out their every thought in public forums online. Is there any desire for privacy or anonymity? I who have just decided to break mine has come to the conclusion that there is not.
This is a lyric in my song Youth in Asia. I write: They're not like we are, lulled into complacency. Taking comfort in the vast digital anonymity. They're not like we are. Where will it lead? Chaos and anarchy, gas on the streets under the cloud of Beijing. I wrote this song for the Hong Kong protestors back in 2018. I can't believe it's so old now. But this subject is still relevant. It is a movement of our time, of the current youth to rally and feel pathos for. At least I hope.
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damnprecious · 4 years
17 questions, 17 people
I got tagged by @little-escapist, thank ya!! 
Nicknames: Mostly go by Noopa, but occasionally go by my last name in nickname purposes
Zodiac: Very much a scorpio
Height: 167.5 I believe, so like 5′6?
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Last thing I googled: Witch’s broom nebula, which is a hella pretty nebula you all need to go google it
Song Stuck In Your Head: tragically at the moment it’s Erin’s Ei taida tietää tyttö bc it was playing on the radio when I was picking up my post packet and I do not like thissss 
Number of Followers: apparently 565 which sounds fake but okay then
Amount of Sleep: this week’s sleep can be described by ‘started summer job with a messed up sleep schedule as a result of the spring, started going in at 5am from Tuesday on and made some terrible decisions to stay up later than reasonable’. I’m fairly certain this week so far is averaging around 4.5 hours per night. I was gonna fix the sleep schedule before work started but...I failed
Lucky number: That’d be 9
Dream job: Translator or an interpreter
Wearing: an anchor shirt with 3/4 sleeves and yoga pants
Favourite song: I’ve been pretty into instrumental stuff lately, like Apocalyptica’s Farewell, Nightwish’s All the Works of Nature Which Adorn the World and Concerning Hobbits from the Lotr soundtrack (all of that soundtrack but that’s the cheery mood one needs rn) and Hans Zimmer’s Time. Also Arvo Pärt’s Spiegel im spiegel (this version specifically is what I’ve been listening to). For non-instrumental songs ummm I quite like James Blunts’ Bonfire Heart, Alan Walker’s Faded (which is weird bc I’m usually not a fan of that type of music), Nightwish’s Islander and idk maybe I should shove in at least one longer-time fave so let’s go with Enkelille by Yö and Juha Tapio’s Kelpaat kelle vaan.
Favourite instrument: I really like string instruments, violin and cellos are very good. 
Aesthetic: Sunrises over water, fresh green baby leafs, shiny dice, worn out books, sea foam on rocks, uncovered bedrock, gobble stone roads, sunlight filtering through the tree branches, rooftops in warm nights, kitchens with pulla scent, sitting on anything but chairs, bonfires by the sea shore, snoring kitties, delicate forest flowers, forest paths crawling with ants, bay windows, dialectal words, colorful shoes and wooden watches.
Favourite Author: Tolkien for me, please. Also Rick Riordan.
Random animal noise: Screeches of the seagulls 
Random: I feel like I should apologize for the answer to the ‘favorite song’ question. It may have gotten slightly out of hand. 
I shall be tagging @mustetahra @doggytail-duck @ropsus @h-hany @qayalec @when-shes-gone and @damatris if any of yall feel like answering to the thing ^^ 
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Having a kind of bad day... Could I just have some soft Time headcanons, they can be part nsfw too, to feed the thirst
🌙 anon (if it isn't taken)
Soft Masky/Timothy Wright Headcanons
There is NSFW here so, Minors DNI
I feel I should mention here I also write Tim and Masky as entirely different people as well. Same situation as Brian/Hoodie.
Tim is trying to cut back on cigarettes but it's honestly not working lmfao. To combat this, he's taking those wint-o-green mints like crazy.
Tim likes to drive! Will go on mindless drives just to clear his head.
He listens to all kinds of music during the drives.
Sometimes he sees a bunch of like, opossums on the drive. He likes to name them.
Tim has a habit of talking to himself and humming.
I feel like we've established Tim is a DILF, so like, the dad jokes from him are IMMENSE.
His humor is so dry but also highkey unmatched. It's just great and makes you cringe.
Tim is always the guy driving. He does it so his teammates can sleep. And to be completely honest? He doesn't trust Kate or Toby driving.
He wants Hoodie to have plenty of rest though.
Tim likes to go to places at weird hours of the day. Waffle Houses at 2 in the morning? Hell yeah.
I actually think that's a common thing between all the creeps.
Tim gets ultimate say on the temp house his group is staying in and I swear he's keeping track of the bedrooms and baths because he views his group as his 'family,' and I use family extremely loosely. He's responsible for them, and part of that is wanting their comfort.
Other than Kate, his team comes to him for advice because he won't sugar coat anything and makes you feel safe and secure.
Tim makes friends with the local wildlife wherever he and his group are staying.
He still plays the ukulele. You can often hear him playing it around noon or in the early evenings, just having a nice time in the sunshine or when it's raining and no one wants to go out.
Tim sometimes tells stories while he's cooking.
Tim does a lot of cooking.
He's pretty good at it. He's also pretty good at baking too.
Tim also makes some really good sweet tea for when it's hot outside.
He doesn't always like to say it, but the missions in Alabama are his most favored. He knows Alabama sucks, but it feels nostalgic.
Tim has spent entire days in home depot.
You can't change my mind on that one.
Tim also has a habit of making warm drinks for his proxies when they're in weird moods. The drink usually depends on the situation and is often accompanied by a pastry he thinks fits the situation.
Honestly, he's a caretaker. He's not always gentle about it with Hoodie or Toby, but with Kate? He's super sweet.
Tim is honestly a dad to Kate. He values her opinion and treats her relatively well. He treated her especially well even when she was subject to the hazing process, where as Hoodie and Toby didn't really hold back.
Tim is a sarcastic, witty guy!
He still likes roller skating.
Yes, the roller skates are often pink.
He has a strong, strong sense of debt to Brian/Hoodie because of what happened when Brian died the first time. He would do anything for his best friend.
Honestly Tim is a really loyal guy.
He still coughs. He still needs those pills. And weirdly enough, he's not the only one.
He honestly helps out newer proxies because he knows how rough it is.
Tim wouldn't admit it, but he has Jay's hat. Never wears it, just... Keeps it.
Tim has a hard time hurting things smaller and weaker than him. He falters, and Hoodie or Toby need to step in.
Tim takes joy in the little things. A smile from a friend, the breeze in summer, how snow falls in winter, the rains in April, flowers springing up, the sound of distant conversation, it reminds him that he's grounded.
Some NSFW Stuff
We've established that Tim is a DILF. When he's not being a total dom, he's such a sweet and attentive lover??
Like, he's so good at praise and making you feel loved.
Wonders if you're okay as he pushes in, just biting his lip and watching as you struggle to take him in.
Lots of quiet, soft kisses and breaths in your ear and on your lips.
He touches you like you are fragile.
Will call you cute nicknames.
He's so aware that he's bigger than you and will often have you ride him.
Sometimes, he just lets you rest on his chest while his hips do the work.
Soft, gentle touches!!
Early morning sex!! It's before the world is awake!! Just huddle with him under the covers, his arms wrapping around your waist as he pushes slowly in, kissing your neck and telling you how good you're taking him.
He looks at you with so much love.
If you swallow his cum when you're sucking his dick he's gonna call you a "good X". Thinks you look adorable.
If you've got your legs wrapped around his waist, he will rest his forehead against yours and just roll his hips, allowing you to feel the full weight and fullness. Praises you for even letting him bottom out. He knows he's girthier than more men,,,,,,,,,,
Aftercare with him so GOOD.
Will carry you if you're too weak.
Praises you some more.
Lots of kisses.
Maybe a bath together???
Honestly when he's in a much more sweet mood, the whole thing becomes giggles and warm faces from just a sweet type of love. It's not feral at all, just Tim holding you and telling you how much he loves you while he makes you see stars.
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flufffysocks · 3 years
let's talk about andi mack's worldbuilding
sorry this took forever to make! i've been pretty busy with school stuff and i kind of lost my inspiration for a bit, but i ultimately really enjoyed writing it! i wish i could've included more pics (tumblr has a max of 10 per post), and it kinda turned from less of a mini analysis to more of an extremely long rant... but i hope it's still a fun read!
i've been rewatching the show over the past few weeks (thanks again to @disneymack for the link!), and i’ve been noticing a lot that i never did the first time around. this is really the first time i’ve watched the show from start to finish since it aired, and it honestly feels so different this time - probably a combination of the fact that i’m not as focused on plot and can appreciate the show as a whole, and also that the fandom is much, much smaller now, so there’s a lot less noise. so the way i’m consuming this show feels super different than it did the first time, but the show itself doesn’t - it’s just as warm and comforting to me as it was the first time around, if not more so.
i think a lot of that can be attributed to andi mack’s “worldbuilding”. i’m not quite sure that this is the right word in this context, to be honest, because i mostly see it used in reference to fantasy and sci-fi universes, but it just sort of feels right to me for andi mack, because you can really tell how much love and care went into constructing this universe. for clarity, worldbuilding is “the process of creating an imaginary world” in its simplest sense. there’s two main types: hard worldbuilding, which involves inventing entire universes, languages, people, cultures, places, foods, etc. from scratch (think “lord of the rings” or “dune”), and soft worldbuilding, in which the creators don’t explicitly state or explain much about the fictional universe, but rather let it’s nature reveal itself as the story progresses (think studio ghibli films). andi mack to me falls in the soft worldbuilding category. even though it takes place in a realistic fiction universe, there’s a lot of aspects to it that are inexplicably novel in really subtle ways.
so watching the show now, i’ve noticed that the worldbuilding comes primarily from two things - setting and props, and oftentimes the both of them in tandem (because a big part of setting in filmmaking does depend on the props placed in it!).
one of the most obvious examples is the spoon. it really is a sort of quintessential, tropic setting in that it's the main gang's "spot", which automatically gives it a warm and homey feel to it. and its set design only amplifies this:
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the choice to make it a very traditional 50s-style diner creates a very nostalgic, retro feel to it, which is something that's really consistent throughout the show, as you'll see. from the round stools at the bar, to the booths, to the staff uniforms, this is very obvious. the thing that i found especially interesting about it though is the choice of color. the typical 50s diner is outfitted with metallic surfaces and red accented furnishings, but the spoon is very distinctly not this.
instead, it's dressed in vibrant teal and orange, giving it a very fresh and modern take on a classic look. so it still maintains that feeling of being funky and retro, but that doesn't retract from the fact that the show is set distinctly in modern times.
of course, this could just be a one-off quirky set piece, but this idea of modernizing and novelizing "retro" things is a really common motif throughout the show. take red rooster records. i mean, it's a record shop - need i say more? it's obviously a very prominent store in shadyside, at least for the main characters, but there's no apparent reason why it is (until season 2 when bowie starts working there, and jonah starts performing there). a lot of the time, though, it functions solely as a record shop. vinyl obviously isn't the most practical or convenient way of listening to music, but it's had its resurgence in pop culture even in the real world, mostly due to its aesthetic value, so it's safe to say that it serves the same purpose in the andi mack universe.
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the fringe seems to be nostalgic of a different era, specifically the Y2K/early 2000s period (because it's meant to be bex's territory and symbolic of who she used to be, and its later transformation into cloud 10 is representative of her character arc, but that's beside the point). to be honest, exactly what this store was supposed to be always confused me. it was kind of a combination party store/clothing store/makeup store/beauty parlor? i think that's sort of the point of it though, it's supposed to feel very grunge-y and chaotic (within the confines of a relatively mellow-toned show, of course), and it's supposed to act as a sort of treasure chest of little curios that both make the place interesting and allow the characters to interact with it.
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and, of course, there's andi shack. this is really the cherry on top of all of andi mack's sets, just because it's so distinctly andi. it serves such amazing narrative purpose for her (ex. the storyline where cece and ham were going to move - i really loved this because it highlights its place in the andi mack universe so well, and i'm a sucker for the paper cranes shot + i'm still salty that sadie's cranes didn't make it into the finale) and it's the perfect reflection of andi's character development because of how dynamic it is (the crafts and art supplies can get moved around or switched out, and there's always new creations visible).
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going back to the nostalgia motif though, the "shack" aspect of it always struck me as very treehouse-like. personally, whenever i think of treehouses, there's this very golden sheen of childhood about it, if that makes sense. i've always seen treehouses in media as a sort of shelter for characters' youthful innocence and idealistic memories. for example, the episode "up a tree" from good luck charlie, the episode "treehouse" from modern family, and "to all the boys 2" all use a treehouse setting as a device to explore the character's desire to hold onto their perfect image of their childhood (side note: this exact theme is actually explored in andi mack in the episode "perfect day 2.0"!). andi shack is no exception to this, but it harnesses this childhood idealism in the same way that it captures the nostalgia of the 50s in the spoon, or the early 2000s in the fringe. it's not some image of a distant past being reflected through that setting; it's very present, and very alive, because it reflects andi as she is in the given moment.
some honorable mentions of more one-off settings include the ferris wheel (from "the snorpion"), the alley art gallery (from "a walker to remember"), SAVA, the color factory (from "it's a dilemna"), and my personal favorite, the cake shop (from "that syncing feeling").
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[every time i watch this episode i want to eat those cakes so bad]
these settings have less of a distinctly nostalgic feel (especially the color factory, which is a very late 2010s, instagram era setting), but they all definitely have an aura of perfection about them. andi mack is all about bright, colorful visuals, and these settings really play to that, making the andi mack universe seem really fun and inviting, and frankly very instagrammable (literally so, when it comes to the color factory!).
props, on the other hand, are probably a much less obvious tool of worldbuilding. they definitely take up less space in the frame and are generally not as noticeable (i'm sure i'll have missed a bunch that will be great examples, but i'm kind of coming up with all of this off the top of my head), but they really tie everything together.
for example, bex's box, bex's polaroid, and the old tv at the mack apartment (the tv is usually only visible in the periphery of some shots, so you might not catch it at first glance) all complement that very retro aesthetic established through the settings (especially the polaroid and the tv, because there's really no good reason that the characters would otherwise be using these).
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besides this, andi's artistic nature provides the perfect excuse for plenty of colorful, crafty props to amplify the visuals and the tone. obviously, as i discussed before, andi shack is the best example of this because it's filled with interesting props. but you also see bits of andi's (and other people's) crafts popping up throughout the show (ex. the tape on the fridge in the mack apartment, andi's and libby's headbands in "the new girls", walker's shoes, andi's phone case, and of course, the bracelet). not only does doing this really solidify this talent as an essential tenet of andi's character, but it also just makes the entirety of shadyside feel like an extension of andi shack. the whole town is a canvas for her crafts (or art, depending on how you want to look at it. i say it's both), and it immensely adds to shadyside's idealism. because who wouldn't want to live in a world made of andi mack's creations?
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and, while it's not exactly a prop, the characters' wardrobe is undoubtedly a major influence on the show's worldbuilding. true to it's nature as a disney channel show, all of the characters are always dressed in exceptionally curated outfits of whatever the current trends are, making the show that much more visually appealing. i won't elaborate too much on this, because i could honestly write a whole other analysis on andi mack's fashion (my favorites are andi's and bex's outfits! and kudos to the costume designer(s) for creating such wonderful and in-character wardrobes!). but, i think it's a really really important aspect of how the show's universe is perceived, so it had to be touched upon.
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[^ some of my favorite outfits from the show! i am so obsessed with andi's jacket in the finale, and i aspire to be at bex's level of being a leather jacket bisexual]
and lastly, phones. this is a bit of an interesting case (pun intended), because the way they're used fluctuates a bit throughout the show, but i definitely noticed that at least in the first season terri minsky tried to avoid using them altogether. these efforts at distancing from modern tech really grounds the show in it's idealist, nostalgia-heavy roots, so even when the characters start using their phones more later in the show, they don't alter the viewer's impression of the andi mack universe very much.
so, what does all of this have to do with worldbuilding? in andi mack's case, because it's set in a realistic universe and not a fantasy one, a lot of what sets it apart from the real world comes down to tone. because, as much as this world is based on our own, it really does feel separate from it, like an alternate reality that's just slightly more perfect than ours, which makes all the difference. it's the idealism in color and composition in andi mack's settings that makes it so unmistakably andi mack. even the weather is always sunny and perfect (which is incredibly ironic because the town is called shadyside - yes, i am very proud of that observation).
the andi mack universe resides somewhere in this perfect medium that makes it feel like a small town in the middle of nowhere (almost like hill valley in 1955 from "back to the future"), but at the same time like an enclave within a big city (because of its proximity to so many modern, unique, and honestly very classy looking establishments). it is, essentially, an unattainable dream land that tricks you into believing it is attainable because it's just real enough.
all this to say, andi mack does an amazing job of creating of polished, perfect world for its characters. this is pretty common among disney channel and nickelodeon shows, but because most other shows tend to be filmed in a studio with three-wall sets, andi mack is really set apart from them in that it automatically feels more real and tangible. it has its quintessential recurring locations, but it has far more of them (most disney/nick shows usually only have 3-4 recurring settings), and it has a lot more one-off locations. it's also a lot more considerate when it comes to its props, so rather than the show just looking garish and aggressively trendy, it has a distinctive style that's actually appropriate to the characters and the story. overall this creates the effect of expanding the universe, making shadyside feel like it really is a part of a wider world, rather than an artificial bubble. it's idealism is, first and foremost, grounded in reality, and that provides a basis for its brilliant, creative, and relatable storytelling.
tl;dr: andi mack's sets and props give it a very retro and nostalgic tone which makes its whole universe seem super perfect and i want to live there so bad!!
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Mmmm'kay, I'm loving this arranged marriage au, the possibilities are endless. But... imagine if once they got married and they went to their shared home for the first time and they found only one bed? The tension. And then they're both like, "I don't wear a shirt to bed..." 😂
Yeah anon, it really grew on me too. It was going to be angstier as I was writing, and then I realized, wait, this has so much potential, so I softened it up a bit.
So “there was only one bed” in the “arranged marriage au”, huh, got it.
Here’s the first part
cw and tags: angst, trust issues, double entendre noises, naked cuddling, pining, sleep deprived Runaan has his own opinions, light bdsm but for angst reasons, biting, falling asleep on someone
Runaan stalked in through the tree house door ahead of Ethari, dropping his flower crown carelessly atop a side table. Ethari slowed to catch it from sliding to the floor, hanging them both on pretty silver hooks set into the wall. The hooks were meant to hold the flower crowns as they dried and became a nostalgic reminder of Moonshadows’ vowing night, a permanent decoration to be seen by all who entered the home. Every vowed household had one.
Ethari stilled as Runaan’s footsteps retreated up the curved staircase and faded from earshot. He ran a soft fingertip along the edge of a lunabloom petal and felt a heaviness settle on his shoulders.
“My vowing night,” he murmured, so softly that only the flowers could hear him. “I imagined it very differently when I was a wee lad. With more kissing, for sure. I barely got any--”
A soft cough outside the door perked his ears with alarm. He whipped the door back open and stared out at a sheepish Lain.
“Hey, bro.” The rangy assassin straightened up from a crouch near the door’s crack and slouched easily against the tree’s thick bark. “How’s things? Need anything before you two tuck in for the night?”
Tucking in doesn’t seem to be on Runaan’s to-do list, I’m afraid. But Lain’s smirk told Ethari that he might be missing something. “Lain, what are you doing?”
“Vowing vigil, bro. Assassin thing, you wouldn’t understand.”
Ethari’s feet hurt from hours of dancing beneath the full moon’s light, and he was starving and exhausted. But for the sake of his brand new husband, he pasted on a smile and asked curiously, “Maybe you could explain it to me? ...Bro?”
Lain blinked, and then a broad grin sidled across his face and decided that it liked it there. “Sure, bro. Assassins have each others’ backs, yeah? No matter what. When one of us falters from injury or falls ill, the others gather around to keep them safe. When one of us lets his guard down, we gather, too, and hold ours high.”
Ethari squinted in puzzlement, not following Lain’s secret assassin lingo.
Lain flicked his gaze up toward the various branches overhead, belonging to half a dozen different trees. “Runaan’s our leader now. But he’s gonna let his guard down tonight, for you. And we’ll hold vigil to defend him while he does it. No matter how many times he does it,” Lain added, with a giant, cheesy wink.
Despite Lain’s suggestive joke, Ethari’s cheeks flushed hot with embarrassment and his tummy miserably curled in on itself. He recalled Runaan’s clipped words on the day they’d finalized their betrothal: “Don’t you dare kiss me again. You’re lucky I didn’t stab you.” Runaan wouldn’t be letting his guard down, in any respect, today. Or possibly ever.
“Thank you for your courtesy,” the woeful craftsman managed, before turning away and closing the door in Lain’s face.
His feet found the stairs, and he trudged upward with a heavy heart, just wanting to find a place to crash and sleep. High narrow ceilings that slotted up through organic gaps in the tree gathered darkness overhead, winking with mushroom light and the odd moonfly. Delicately carved walls and living lattice windows showed him various rooms along the side of the stairwell that wound upward around the heart of the tree itself.
This place is beautiful... I’ll have to explore later, after I catch some sleep. Where is the bedroom in here, anyway? Ah, here-
He came to an abrupt stop outside a graceful wooden arch twined with soft glowing vines and nearly bumped right into Runaan, who was swiftly exiting the bedroom with an armful of blankets--as well as cheeks the color of moonberries. Their eyes met--Ethari’s seeking, Runaan’s vulnerable, darting away. Ethari glanced over Runaan’s shoulder, seeking the source of his seeming distress, but saw only a spacious, neat, empty room behind him.
“Where are you going?” he asked Runaan.
Runaan studied the blankets he held, then raised a wry gaze to Ethari’s face. “There is only one bed here. I will sleep elsewhere.” He moved to slip past Ethari into the hallway.
Ethari’s hands clutched at Runaan’s shoulders. “No, you can’t do that.”
Runaan’s gaze was cold. “Take your hands off me.”
Ethari jerked his hands back as if they’d been burned. “Sorry. I only meant that... the assassins are watching the tree house tonight, and they’d know that you... that we didn’t... uhh...”
Runaan’s eyes widened and his gaze sliced toward the nearest outer wall, looking vulnerable, hunted even. Ethari’s heart clenched at the sight. Had the assassins’ supposed vigil slipped his mind? Was it just a prank Lain was pulling?
“That’s... really a thing, then?” he asked.
The quirked frown that snapped into place on Runaan’s face seemed to indicate that it was.
“It seems we’re trapped in here until moonrise,” Runaan grated.
Wow, that makes me feel great. Thanks for that. Ethari let his shoulders slump as Runaan spun and retreated deeper into the bedroom.
The assassin plopped his blankets on the foot of the broad bed. Ethari approached and stood beside him at a safe distance, studying it analytically. Runaan shot him a side glance and opened his mouth sharply, but Ethari spoke first. “No one needs to sleep on the floor. Look at this bed. It’s enormous. Five elves could sleep here and not even touch.”
“You exaggerate. I only see room for three.”
“Oh, should I go invite Lain to sleep between us, then?” Ethari teased, before he really grasped the words he just said.
Runaan rounded on him. “Is this funny to you? Have you no respect for--?” The assassin managed to snap his mouth shut before he said anything further, and he huffed a furious snort.
Ethari backed away, his guts swirling with guilt. He’d fooled the village council into choosing him as Runaan’s marital ally, hiding his feelings from them, and from Runaan too. And then he’d tried to steal his first kiss, blurted the truth, and confessed what felt like an innocent, wholesome, clever chain of events. Except now Runaan didn’t trust him. Their union had meant to strengthen Moonshadow relations, but Ethari had brought the seed of deceit into its very heart.
He looked down at his boots, silent, waiting. This was no time to try to earn back Runaan’s trust. That would be a long and painful process as it was. Better to start when his husband wasn’t actively yelling at him.
Maybe tomorrow, after a good night’s rest. If we can manage to figure out how and where to find it.
When he peeked up at Runaan through his lashes, the assassin was staring at him with wide intense eyes. Ethari raised his brows. Runaan kept staring. Not fondly, either. Ethari’s shoulders slumped, and his gaze found the smooth wooden floor. The grain was beautiful, he noted, full of deep blue-silver swirls.
Runaan tucked his hands behind his back, cleared his throat, and took a deep breath. “I apologize. This is no way to begin our... arrangement. If we must share a bed, then I suggest we get to it. We’ve had a long day of... of getting married. You must be as tired as I am.”
Ethari offered him a tired half-smile. “Do your feet hurt too?” he asked softly.
Runaan’s brows evened out. “I’m on my feet all day. Hours of dancing are no hardship.”
Ethari let his eyes slide toward the outer wall of the tree house, beyond which he knew several assassins were pretending not to eavesdrop. “That’s a real shame, Runaan.”
Runaan’s eyes zeroed in on him with intense focus. “Explain.”
“Ah, right there, push harder,” Runaan moaned, writhing lightly on his stomach atop the soft bed. His long hair sprawled, tousled and tangled, across his bare back.
“You sure you can take it?” Ethari’s question breathed through closed teeth as he bent to his task, hands working over the assassin beneath him, lending his body weight to the sweet, insistent pressure he offered.
“I’m going to be sore when I wake, no matter what,” Runaan said breathlessly against the pillow he clutched. “Your hands are v-very skilled--aah-- Please, please, continue... hnngh... aahhh...”
Ethari chuckled softly at the sweet, desperate noises Runaan was making. The lanky assassin looked delicious all stretched out before him, all long legs and tousled hair and breathy gasps. He dared to hope that, one day, Runaan might make them for another reason besides getting an intense calf massage to work out the knots from too much dancing.
Runaan’s other foot kicked helplessly atop the blanket as Ethari pressed a knuckle into a new knot high on Runaan’s calf. “Hhhgh, moon and shadow,” he cursed.
Ethari’s hands paused, holding Runaan’s muscled calf protectively. “Too hard?”
“Mm’mm. Keep going. It’s good for me.”
“I’ll slow down,” Ethari offered. “I don’t want to break you on our first night.” He couldn’t help but say that last line with a sassy grin.
Runaan’s head popped up from his pillow, and he shot Ethari a hot glare over his shoulder. “You couldn’t possibly--”
Ethari drove his knuckle deep into the knotted muscle.
“AAH-ha-haagh, moondimmit, fuck!” Runaan swore. “Light and shade of the sacred cycle, have mercy on my s-soul...” he squeaked.
“Ooh,” Ethari cooed, “I like it when you plead.”
Runaan’s gaze could’ve stripped the bark off the entire house in a single slice.
A sudden sliding scuff on the branch outside the shuttered window drew their attention. It was swiftly followed by a quiet yelp as someone outside lost their footing.
Ethari paused his hard kneading and flicked his eyebrows with another sassy smirk. “Well, that’s three assassins we’ve overwhelmed so far. How many more do you think will want to listen in?”
Runaan let his forehead plop into the pillow as he caught his breath. “It’s been an hour. We’ve made our point. And I’m not sure I can walk at the moment.”
“You want me to carry you somewhere?” Ethari offered softly. He rested a light hand against the back of Runaan’s knee.
“No, I just want to sleep with you now.”
Ethari blinked, unsure he’d heard right. “S-Sorry?”
“We’ve established that I can’t sleep anywhere else, Ethari. So I have to sleep with you. All I meant.” Runaan groaned and rolled into a sitting position at the edge of the bed. One hand reached for Ethari’s scarf. “You don’t plan to sleep in that, do you?”
“Uhh. Nope.” Ethari tugged his scarf free. “I don’t sleep in much, actually... I get hot... uh...” Like right now. It’s really hot in here all of a sudden!
“Hm. That’s fine. I don’t sleep in anything at all.” Runaan stood up and shucked off his trousers with zero ado whatsoever.
“Hrkk!” Ethari choked against a fist. “Are-Are you s-sure you...” Moon help me, I’m just infinitely gay, infinitely, did he just, did he-- Help....
Runaan turned around and looked down at him, hands on his narrow hips. Ethari desperately locked his eyes onto his new husband’s turquoise ones, feeling his cheeks burn.
“I’ve got about five minutes of consciousness left before I crash,” Runaan said in a cool tone. “And I’m not falling asleep around someone I don’t trust, unless I can control the risks he poses.”
Ethari gulped. “Wh-What does that mean? Are you going to tie me up or something?”
Runaan raised a speculative eyebrow.
“Not too tight?” Runaan murmured, kneeling at Ethari’s side as the craftsman lay on his back, wearing nothing more than a soft pair of sleep shorts--which was more than Runaan was wearing. His fingers lightly adjusted the soft bindings around Ethari’s wrists.
“This really isn’t necessary, I promise,” Ethari began. “I’ve already agreed to--”
“I know what you’ve said. I also know the depth of your capability for deceitfulness. If you’d been truthful, we wouldn’t need restraints.”
We. How “we” does he mean that? Ethari wondered.
“Now roll onto your side,” Runaan ordered. “I’m not turning my back on you again, and I’m keeping you right where I can find you.”
With his eyes wide and dark, Ethari rolled over and felt Runaan tuck his bare body behind him, nestling close. Ethari’s breathing stuttered as Runaan hooked one leg atop the craftsman’s hip, pinning him in place. He clutched his softly tied hands to his chest to reassure himself that he was still breathing. This was torture of the worst kind! To be in love with such a beautiful elf, to be allowed to marry him, to share a bed, to watch him strip down and snuggle tightly--and to have it all mean something entirely different than what Ethari had begged the universe for--it was the sweetest dagger in his heart. He knew he’d never recover from its wound, and he wasn’t sure he even wanted to.
Runaan’s hand snaked between Ethari’s arm and his ribs and clasped his wrists lightly, tucking one seeking finger under the bindings. The touch was so intimate and gentle, as if Runaan were admitting that he too were bound the same way as Ethari was, that it brought a shaky tear to the corner of Ethari’s eye.
His struggles to smooth out his breathing did not go unnoticed, however, since the assassin was pressed skin to skin against his back. Runaan’s fingers gently rubbed along Ethari’s wrists, soothing the cord’s rub.
“Sometimes I don’t trust myself, either.” Runaan’s voice was slurred with sleep. His five minutes had come and gone, perhaps a couple of minutes ago.
“I swear to you, Runaan,” Ethari said, breathing his words like a prayer, “I never meant to hurt you. I never wanted this.” He wriggled his bound wrists against Runaan’s grip.
Runaan squeezed the bindings possessively. “Maybe I did.”
Ethari gasped slowly at Runaan’s sleepy confession. Then he gasped harder as Runaan’s mouth closed over the skin at the base of his neck. Runaan instinctively clasped him still with all his limbs, holding Ethari in his control with a soft hum that grew gentle teeth against his skin. Ethari froze, entirely breathless, trembling with a heady concoction of delight, fear, and arousal. “R-Runaan?”
Runaan’s mouth nibbled gently, sleepily. “Mmmm.”
“Runaan, are you... awake?”
The assassin’s teeth grazed his skin and claimed his ear, biting gently, sucking on its tip. “No. And don’t you dare tell me about this in the morning.”
A waterfall of helpless, confused, ecstatic noises tumbled from Ethari’s mouth. Runaan’s hands began roaming him, and his teeth dragged and nipped in their wake, drawing gasps and curses from Ethari’s lips, making him writhe against his husband. Runaan’s nibbling became insistent, and he crawled across Ethari, pushing him onto his back, pinning his bound hands over his head even as his mouth worked along the lower curve of Ethari’s left pec.
Ethari bucked helplessly and groaned until his voice shredded into a needy whine. “Runaan, please... aah...”
Runaan nipped his way across Ethari’s heart and along the side of his neck, drawing ever louder sounds of pleasure from Ethari’s lips. He eased down flush atop him, tucking his long slender legs outside Ethari’s sturdy ones. Rampant heat flared between them. But while Ethari was getting worked up, Runaan was relaxing bonelessly, his breathing slowing.
He pressed his mouth to Ethari’s ear, nipping gently at its lower edge. “Hold me, Ethari. I want to trust you so much.” And he let go of Ethari’s bound wrists and nestled his head against his husband’s muscled shoulder.
Ethari tensed, as desperately confused as he was aroused, but he lowered his arms to hold Runaan close, craving the smell of his hair, the weight of his body, the warmth of his breath. “I... I have you, Runaan...”
“Mmmm.” The assassin’s breathing slowed and evened out as he passed fully into slumber, sprawled without a stitch atop the elf he claimed not to trust.
Ethari felt his body throb hot against Runaan’s lax weight. With a tiny whimper, he let his head fall back against the pillow. No...This really is torture of the worst kind! He flexed his wrists against Runaan’s bindings as they rested against the small of the assassin’s back. How am I supposed to survive this kind of cruelty?
He bemoaned his indecently unfair fate for several minutes before exhaustion claimed him, too. His last waking act was to kiss Runaan’s temple and murmur, “Sleep well... husband.”
At Ethari’s soft words, Runaan let out a deeply contented sigh and snuggled closer.
Alone in the dark, and yet not quite as alone as he had been, Ethari thought he might cry, for every single reason at once.
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morguenecrosis · 3 years
I finally got over 50 followers!!! I know it isn't a lot, but it's more then I thought I'd ever get, so thank y'all for dealing with my stupid shitposting, cursed knowledge, and of course Mishapocalypse 💛💛💛
So, as was promised...
Blessed foods✨
if you don't completely understand why making this post is necessary then see all the parts of my 'Cursed Foods' series (so far... Believe me there will be more just not today) here:
Parts 1, 2, 3, 4-A, and 4-B
Today's post will consist of foods (but no drinks... maybe another time) picked out by some of my mutuals and me, I'm sorry if I didn't ask you to pick a food! I wanted to keep the amount limited to around five. I still love all of you! Don't you dare think I don't...
So Continue for...
Black Russian Bundt Cake, Lokma, Bacon Wrapped Pickles, Baked Mac & Cheese, and Silpancho... This is gonna be a looong post...
1. Black Russian Bundt Cake✨
This one's for @the-plague-doctor-17 💛
Yum yum chocolate cake of any kind is good, so I'm very excited...
Quick Summary:
What's in it? (Recipe... Sorta)
Vodka(hehe), Coffee Liquor, yellow cake mix, pudding, and other things you would expect to be in cake...
Go here or here for the recipe and instructions
Is there a non-alcoholic recipe?
I think the main point of this cake is the the alcohol so...
Yum? Would I eat?
Yessssssssssss djsbsBajajajiwhsisvkaya give. Give to me. NOW. Putting this on my bucket list of foods...
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Sources: X | X
2. Lokma✨
(Or Loukoumades? Greek Donuts? Honey Balls? I don't know anymore my life is a lie)
F-for me you shouldn't have...
So... I didn't even know they were called Lokma or Loukoumades till I had to look it up for this post... like for real I always just called them honey balls (hehe innuendo) or something. I grew up eating these!!! But only like once a year... We get them at the local Greek Church when they have their yearly bazaar... Idk I've always gone there every year (except in 2020 which is sad) mostly because we know a lot of people there you know like family and family friends and all that stuff... and it's very nostalgic for me...
Quick Summary:
How it's make? What's in it?
There kinda made like a donut... You fry balls of dough in oil and then coat them in honey and maybe some cinnamon and walnuts (optional)
Full recipe and instructions here
My personal experiences of how it tastes:
Yum yum... Little crunchy on the outside but it's kinda soft and airy on the inside and then it's sweet and good and yum. It's sticky because of the honey so it can be messy. Eat them fresh or they're not as good like. I mean they just made them and you shove all of them into your face immediately, okay? Okay.
Would you eat them?
Please try them if you haven't already it's so good ksbsiavnabbxbbdjsuqghahha
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Sources: X
3. Bacon Wrapped Pickles✨
Hello @is-misha-horny-or-just-sad ... is he horny or just sad?
Quick Summary:
Pickles wrapped in bacon and then you bake them... That's it. Some recipes have cream cheese or ranch involved in the mix.
Go here or here for the recipe and instructions
Would I eat it?
Maybe. I don't like pickles that much but I might be willing to try it because... ✨BACON ✨
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Sources: X | X
4. Baked Mac & Cheese
with extra cheese of course ✨
Is this the cheesy madness you wanted @misha-me-father ? huh? Is it?!
Quick Summary:
Haha cheese?
Yes much cheese...
How is it made?
Cook pasta, make cheese sauce, combine and layer with shredded cheese and bake.
Go here or here or recipe and instructions
Would I eat?
Yes I have before. Any kind of mac & cheese is good mac & cheese...
I've only eaten SpaghettiOs today and I'm very hungry and this is not helping...
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Sources: X | X
5. Silpancho✨
@horrorhorizon I've actually never heard of this before but I'm very happy
Quick Summary:
Okay I took a break to make grilled cheese before doing this one because I was very hungry...
What's in it? How it's made? (Recipes)
Rice, potatos, meat, tomato, onions, beats, parsley, and eggs
From my understanding it's a layer of rice then sliced potatoes, then a layer of pounded flat meat, and then on top of that is the other stuff and the eggs...
Go here or here for recipe and instructions
Would I eat it?
Yeah this seems like it would be like a good comfort food. Like something you'd eat when you haven't eaten much and are also sad... Does that even make sense idk I'm tired and hungry
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Sources: X | X | X
Bonus Food...
6. Nothing✨
@lumiicriesinthiscorner I hope you're happy with the suffering you've caused with the cursed knowledge you so carelessly unleash unto poor unsuspecting people (:
...cus I am
Cursed food will be back tommorow so don't think that you're safe, because part five (5) is going to be pretty awful...
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