#this post was basically an excuse to talk about my bisexuality
nekropsii · 1 year
Hi! I've recently gotten into homestuck and I've read quite a bit of it, as well as other people's blogs analyzing and criticizing the media. I've heard a Lot about Dave's arc being centered around internal homophobia and toxic masculinity, so it surprised me to hear taht you disagreed! I was wondering why you think that, and what are your thoughts on what his arc actually is? I know you don't like writing about the alpha/beta kids, so feel free to ignore this ask completely if you want. Thank you, I hope you have a great day!
Hello, Anon! I'm glad you've been having fun with Homestuck lately!! Despite its many flaws, it is a deeply compelling piece of fiction, and I'm always glad to see new eyes on it and new voices being added to the analytical sphere. To answer your question...
Personally, I have never seen what people are talking about with regards to Dave's whole character arc surrounding overcoming Internalized Homophobia and Toxic Masculinity. These are fundamentally not what his arc is about, and this is never what his arc has ever been about. I'd honestly never seen that analytical lens until after DaveKat rose into prominence (mostly due to Post-Canon's heavy featuring of the pairing), and I feel as if these things are related. It is easier to make easy-to-stomach, shippy angst out of addressing your own personal shortcomings than what Dave's arc is actually about. No shade intended. This is because...
Dave's character arc is, and always has been, about Recovering from Childhood Abuse.
This is the conflict we are made aware of in his introduction, and it's a theme that persists all throughout the story. We meet Dave as a 13 year old boy suffering some pretty extreme abuse at the hands of Bro- Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, and Sexually. Dave's home life is such an active threat that he struggles to even admit to himself that it is abuse in the first place- that's an admission that takes a level of vulnerability that he just could not afford, and it's something he's only left to truly unpack during the Meteor Arc.
I have a couple major problems with the "Toxic Masculinity and Internalized Homophobia" takes. Firstly, Toxic Masculinity is not inherent to any expression of Masculinity. The only Toxically Masculine trait we see that's applicable to Dave is that he struggles deeply with vulnerability and sincerity in his emotions. However... These don't really have anything to do with what his views on what a man is or should be. They have everything to do with the fact that he was abused by someone who punishes any display of weakness, because Bro excused his abuse with it being "Training". Secondly... Dave is Bisexual. Even if the process of Dave struggling to accept being attracted to men was a major point in the story, it would not be called Internalized Homophobia. It would be called Internalized Biphobia, because Dave is canonically Bisexual, not Gay. We have seen Dave be attracted to more women than men, and attraction to both genders was present simultaneously. It was not Compulsory Heterosexuality. If it was, it'd be actually written into the story. Bisexual people exist. This is not a Homophobic argument to make; I am literally a Gay man.
It's anthropologically fascinating how this take arose... Basically out of nowhere from my perspective, especially considering how all of Dave's most iconic dramatic lines have something to do with him having to sort through his own abuse. Does no one remember the rooftop scene between Dave and Dirk, where Dave starts telling Dirk all about the horrible way that Bro raised him, and how deeply it affected him?
If not, I'm posting the most striking part of it here.
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[Homestuck, page 7749.]
... So, yeah, no. Dave's character arc is not about "Overcoming Toxic Masculinity and Internalized Homophobia". It's about Abuse. Dave is an Abuse Victim. Point blank period. Any trait even loosely attributable to the ideas of Toxic Masculinity and Internalized Homophobia are a consequence of how he was raised, and how he was abused. This does not mean that this is what his character arc is about. That just means that's included within his character arc. It's a way to show growth, not a way to define his arc in its entirety. That is legitimately not how character writing works. To claim such would be to express a remarkable amount of Tunnel Vision.
Inclusion does not equate to Totality. There is a bigger picture, and that bigger picture is Abuse Recovery.
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dawningfairytale · 7 months
hi here's my thinkpiece on the religiosity of grace chasity (also op is a christian no clowning in the notes) :)
so she's pretty clearly a critique on christianity, specifically american evangelical christianity. that's because that one's got a lot of purity culture fuckery. she lives in a no-moan household. she wears swimmers to the bathtub. i say evangelicalism not catholicism because of the exchange with detective shapiro.
and her purity is what she finds most valuable about herself. and, i would argue that that and swearing are the most christian* things she adheres to. when she finds herself accidentally masturbating (good on her for finding her spot immediately tbh), she wants to do anything to get rid of it. she thinks kissing and carrying books is sinful (there is nothing in the Bible about this). but she's fine when she commits manslaughter (which the Bible doesn't like super vibe with). and that is the biggest problem with american evangelicalism. that sexual immorality** and doing secular things (swearing, non-christian music) are the worst sins you could ever commit. she loves power, and i've found that evangelicals in my country (australia) have a similarly hell-focused theology to grace (her disregarding catholicism, "she's bisexual and dead where else would she be").
so let's talk about the climax (pun intended) of the musical, which simultaneously shows grace in the best light of the whole show and how the church didn’t help her in her faith. let’s start with the positive: grace giving up what means the most to her so neither of her friends have to die. it’s the most wwjd moment she has in the whole show, sacrificing herself for, if you’ll excuse the ocean-ism, the Betterment of Humanity. however, she gives up her chastity. not her faith, or her relationship with God, or church attendance, or her love for humanity. that last one isn’t really in line with grace’s character, and that’s exactly my point. all these things should be valued over her virginity. but they aren’t, because the us evangelical church is really obsessed with (their definition of) sexual morality. i say this as someone who is allosexual (not het but) and intends to wait until marriage to have sex because of my christian faith.
the finale is also telling. she revels in her power, because i think you’ve seen church leaders who manipulate and hurt. there continues to be an emphasis on her prudence.
now, not to hijack my religious analysis post with my religious agenda but, i feel bad for her. i’m not going to say everything about us evangelicalism is wrong, i like nuance, and for the same reason i’m not even going to say that about their sexual ethics. i do disagree with some interpretations (mainly the queer stuff), but i do believe any christian has the right to interpret the Bible to the best of their abilities and act accordingly. i’ll never say “you’re going to hell for your interpretation of the Bible” (with one major and irrelevant exception). i am fine with christians following the sexual ethics they feel are right/called to.
the issue is, grace, in her environment, hasn’t had the opportunity to do that work for herself. she hasn’t been able to flourish in her faith in any regard because she’s been encouraged (considering what i’ve gleaned, birth) to focus on virginity and not even think sexually about someone else. that hatred is fine but sex will send you straight to hell. and like. the Bible says sexual sin is a big bad (i personally interpret that to be things like rape, incest, and paedophilia), but it also says the greatest commands are to love God and love your neighbour. those can be difficult when you’ve been taught to look elsewhere from your faith community
basically i want to give grace a deconstruction arc so she can be a happy healthy murdering christian :)
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steddieficfind · 20 days
Hi! I was literally just reading a fic on the little pop-up safari window you get when you click on a link on tumblr and then my phone died and I lost the fic and arghhhhhhh
Basically I saw a post on my dash earlier today that was someone reccing an author and it linked several of their works with a brief description and the ao3 summary, with a link to the fic on ao3. It was complete and it had 3 chapters but I don’t remember anything else from the ao3 info box.
The plot is that Robin wants to go to a gay bar so she can kiss a girl (or maybe Eddie suggests it?) and Eddie’s taking her (he’s out to Steve but that doesn’t happen in the fic) but she’s really nervous so she asks Steve to come along and he agrees. Eddie gives him this whole talk about how there are going to be gay people at the gay bar and Steve can’t freak out if they’re being gay or if guys try to flirt with him, which kind of insults Steve, kind of makes him feel really weird about the potential of getting gay flirted with, and kind of makes him super determined to show that he’s a Good Ally. Eddie helps Steve get ready and when they get to the bar Eddie pretends to be Steve’s boyfriend to stop guys from hitting on him. A drag queen tells Steve that Eddie’s in love with him and Steve freaks out about it and talks to Robin, who points out that maybe he should just be gay for Eddie. At first Steve is like No Way I’m Straight but then he thinks about it a bit more and decides to test it (his possible bisexuality) out by taking Eddie back to the bar to see if he (Steve) likes the fake boyfriend thing, which Robin thinks is an awful idea. In the meantime Eddie watches a basketball game with Steve and Steve goes to a hellfire meeting. They go to the bar and Steve is like Yup I’m For Sure Crushing On Eddie and I don’t remember what happens next because that’s about where I lost the fic.
Some details I remember are as follows: the drag queen is named Connie and she has a bet going with Steve about the basketball game and she promises to buy him a round of drinks in after the game airs in three weeks which is Steve’s excuse for bringing Eddie back, Steve bumps into one person on his way to the bar and the guy starts flirting with him/asking him to dance and that one guy is all it takes for Eddie to swoop in like Nope I’m Your Boyfriend Now, the author refers to the tops that Steve and Eddie wear as “singlets” (which was really confusing to me at first as I could only picture the wrestling leotards until I turned to google), Eddie puts makeup on Steve and it’s black and gold, Eddie give Steve a sword necklace and a spiky bracelet, neither of them return each others clothes because they liiiiiiiiiike each other, at one point eddie says that Robin has experienced being part of a “lesbian sandwich” (a term that Steve doesn’t know) and points out that she has red lipstick on her face
Sorry that’s a lot of details but I was reading the fic literally just a few hours ago before my frantic search to find it again
Thank you guys so much you’re truly doing god’s work o7
Request 904! Send us an ask if you recognize this fic!
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xerith-42 · 4 months
You know you keep acting this feral about Gene and it's gonna be pretty obvious who you are, Foot Anon. I'm just saying.
Anyways for Skinny Jeans size L, I'm just gonna get this out of the way, MCD Gene is bisexual and you can pry this headcanon from my cold dead blood encrusted hands. Before the whole Shadow Knight thing, he was flirting with basically anyone. Dante didn't see if because he was really careful to make sure his brother didn't know what was going on with him.
In fact, Gene hid a lot from his brother. He knew that Dante saw him as a role model, and despite being the worst role model ever of all time, he at least tried to hide his nefarious behaviors from his younger brother. It didn't always work, but Gene got very good at climbing in and out of windows, he was an incredibly fast runner, and he was very very good at lying his way out of sticky situations.
All of this made it easy to become the head guard. He barely even tried. Gene is always looking for a challenge. He does stupid dangerous shit because life is so boring, so monotonous, he has to find some way of making it entertaining. And he has the magic to literally fuck with people's memories, why not have fun with it?
This is why he doesn't actually mind being a shadow knight too much. He didn't fight the calling because he was waiting for an excuse, and he pushed Dante to his breaking point because he wanted a challenger that would be motivated enough to finally beat him. Might as well make it interesting and make it his own brother, amirite? Gene likes the extra power because it means he can explore more fucked up ideas, but it does have the downside of making things even easier for him than they were.
Gene is the strongest out of all the Shadow Knights. You will not be changing my mind about this. While Gene and Zenix fight a lot, half the time they don't even finish the fight because Zenix is clearly losing and Gene spares him, largely to piss him off. Gene likes fighting Zenix because Zenix is one of the few people who makes Gene's mostly still heart start beating, he makes him feel a rush of life and adrenaline, he loves fighting for his life so much.
Like I said in my SK headcanons post, I think Sasha is one of Gene's favorite people. After so much lying, killing, and manipulating, it's hard for him to connect with people. Hell, he actively fucked around with Sasha's memories, but she doesn't hold much ill will towards him for it honestly. Neither one of them care much about it in the grand scheme of things, and more often than not Gene will think of Sasha very fondly. When she escapes from the Nether, he actually kind of misses her and their long talks.
Gene and Sasha fucked, is what I'm saying.
(I just realized you said memory bros... And I kind of fixated on Gene. Oh well, guess Dante will have to wait because I am way too proud of how this post ended)
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gremlintrash · 10 months
Ok but why is there always a reason. When it's about macro all of a sudden it's oh why should I care about the sob story of some bihettie who couldn't ever live through a day of real homophobia. When it's ppl like inosa or swagy or radgoose or countless others getting told disgusting things like that their bfs should kill them, it's laughed off too and it's like oh go back to your hettie world if you're so mad. When it's about catboy it's like oh why should I care if we make fun of the SA of some moid thats praxis actually. When it was ppl saying bi women are just like tims and they're weaponizing their rape it's oh why can't you bihets learn to read none of that matters. When there was a big burst of a bunch of people getting openly attacked by "blackpills" it was oh this is just so online why are the bihetties playing the victim. These ppl are just coming out to advance the position that they won't go after you no matter what you say about bihets. Like the refusal to condemn anything at all unambiguously is very much the point.
Honestly, I've come to the conclusion that people these days (esp young people) are not any more progressive than other generations... I honestly think their politics and values are possibly more conservative than 10-20 years ago - these are just my feelings as a low income bisexual woman who is pretty white passing but I've had friends of other races (esp older friends in their 30s-40s) talk about how they feel the same thing in regards to how ppl are regarding race now and there's tons of posts circulating about how people are more homophobic than 10-20 years ago and we just lost roe v wade, income disparity is worse and social services are cut, etc etc etc
I feel like people such as you described above are highly individualistic and don't really have principles in the traditional way like "x behavior is bad" like if we use examples specific to the recent state of radblr re: the treatment of bisexual users, they don't think that homophobia and misogyny are unacceptable behaviors, they think its perfectly fine to leverage homophobia and misogyny against groups they see as "other" and don't identity with in some way. There's always a reason why the people I have marked as "other" deserve their mistreatment and why my own actions and the actions of people belonging to the group I identify with are excused from scrutiny.
A lot of the time in spite of how they call themselves "radical" (feminist or leftist or whatever) they express behaviors and ideals which are sooo extremely in line with the cultural norm for treating people of marginalized groups.
Examples relevant to this convo: Gay and bi women talking about how they "don't fuck with" bi women because they are untrustworthy and flaky partners and "most of them are basically straight and will end up with men anyway" so they don't need LGB community support
Also, determining that a woman's intimate relationships overshadow all of her other actions, and feeling entitled to information about a woman's sexuality to determine how valid you think her words are and how much support from her community she deserves.
Also, telling a victim of sexual assault and homphobia his problems arent real and he should be quiet about them.
Also, you can't trust women with partners and especially children to take part in feminism because they're going to by default center their lives around their male partners and children, so they're going to at best half-ass things and probably just decide to focus on their families instead anyway, may as well exclude them and write them off.
But its okay because the women in the first example were gay and bi, even though they're saying the same things straight men say about bi women. The second example is okay because it's statements and demands made by other women a lot of whom are gay and bi, not men or gossip rags. The third example is okay because it's gay/bi women speaking to a man. The last example is okay because it's said by other women who call themselves feminists, and not a sexist boss, even if they have the same way of thinking and similar actions with similar results.
And on one hand I get it, these people are trying to pass along their own hurt a lot of the time and they are usually legitimately telling themselves and each other that they aren't doing anything worse than maybe hurting the feelings of individual strangers. But they're adults who are behaving in unacceptable ways, and honestly some behavior should just be unacceptable, like... we should be kind to each other if we want people to be kind to us. Beyond that though, the concept of "punching up" has rotted people's brains and is ruining our community solidarity, is honestly a huge class consciousness issue, and they are doing more tangible harm than they're admitting to themselves.
I see this way of thinking as way more of an obstacle for dismantling these power structures than activists being imperfect in their personal decisions. Like, structural opression does not exist in a vacuum and spring forth from nothing, it requires a culture mindset to continue. Like, the whole deal with structural opression is that the opressed groups "deserve" their structural oppression in some way like it's always "justified". While the power structures/axes of opression/classes DO serve social and economic functions, human beings are emotional beings and most people aren't evil, to get social animals to hurt each other you have to socialize them to do so... like as feminists I think we know that at least.
"It doesn't matter if you shave because you prefer it, it perpetuates the expectation for women to remove their body hair and you are indirectly socializing other women as part of society" but then, if you have a good reason you can excuse homophobia or misogyny and suddenly it doesn't contribute to any larger power structures or the socialization of those in your communities?
If you have conditions in which you support homophobic or misogynistic (or racist and so on) behavior then first of all, you're perpetuating the cultural mindset and socialization that allow the abusive power structures to exist in the first place which beings me to my second point... it will lead to them being used against you by people who deem YOU as "other" at some point, unless you're the most privileged person on earth and there's no axis of oppression someone could decide to flip on you if they feel you deserve it and we all just keep crabs-in-a-bucketing each other
It's in our own best interests to treat each other as well as possible, that is my belief. Anything else is cutting off the nose to spite the face, who benefits?
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demonic-shadowlucifer · 10 months
Let's talk about Radical Feminists and TERFs: Another collection of hate.
(Content Warning: Pretty much everything, but especially transmisia, particularly transmisogyny, eugenics and other Nazi rhetoric, racism, intersexism, slur usage, mentions of not sfw topics/not sfw sentences and mentions of sexual assault. Reader discretion is especially advised on this, as this is probably one of the most triggering posts I've ever created). Additional Disclaimer: Like with my "Let's Talk about Exclusionists" post, I've collected multiple screenshots of the horrid things TERFs and other Radfems have said or done. Not all of those screenshots are mine, some of them are things I have found on the web. Credits to especially radfemstruggles (Twitter), terfism-harms-women, terf-cringe and other anti-terf pages/blogs I've found these on. As always, I don't condone harassment. Just because someone is a TERF doesn't give you the right to harass them, especially considering a good chunk of TERFs I've noticed are literal teenagers (of course, that never excuses their actions). Just report them and block. Pride month is over, but that doesn't mean queer folks are going away.
However, neither are the bigots, and especially not the TERFs. Nope. They're still out there and as harmful as ever. "Now, wait a minute Shadow. What even *IS* a TERF anyway?" Well, you're gonna be in for one hell of a ride, so buckle up sunshine.
TERF is short for Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. Put simply, Transphobic "feminists". TERFs align themselves with Radical Feminism- Radfem for short, a very extreme branch of feminism. However, not every Radfem is a TERF, though Radfems are still best to be avoided due to their extreme ideology. (Likewise, not every feminist is a Radfem, let alone a TERF). How to Identify a TERF: Common Dogwhistles and Nicknames. TERFs won't call themselves a TERF by themselves. In fact, some consider the term to be a slur (News flash: no it is fucking not lmfao). There are many dogwhistles, and I can't fit all of them in here. However here's the most common ones: Gender Critical - a very *VERY* common identifer by TERFs. MERF - Short for Male Exclusionary Radical Feminist. It basically calls trans women men and also ignores the fact that there are, contrary to popular belief, men that are also feminists. "TERF is a slur/Cis is a slur" - A common dogwhistle. The latter is also used by transphobes in general. Misandrist/Proud Misandrist - Misandrist refers to hatred of men. The term originated from misogynists as a counter to feminism, however the term has been reclaimed by radfems. However, a good majority of folks who identify with this term are transphobic, so it should best be avoided. Womyn/Wombyn and their varients - Alternative spellings of "woman/women". Per Wikipedia, "Some writers who use such alternative spellings, avoiding the suffix "-man" or "-men", see them as an expression of female independence and a repudiation of traditions that define women by reference to a male norm." The term "womxn" is also used in some cases, however that term should not be a sole identifier, as "womxn" is also sometimes used by agender individuals. "Womyn" alone is also not a sole identifier, as there are some who try to reclaim it (that and there's also something about it being used in AAVE, but I can't find much info on that). However, "Womyn-born woman" should be an instant red flag. KAM - Short for K-ll all men (i). Even without the TERFy connections, I don't think I need to explain why this is bad. --It should also be noted that any variation of "all men are trash" is inherently TERFy, no matter how you look at it. You'll see why in a bit. Hygenic - Another term used by TERFs. It also references eugenics, explained further in this post. FebFem - Short for "Female Exclusive Bisexual Female". This term is common in TERF spaces, especially with Bi TERFs. However, there have been attempts to reclaim the term from the group. Similar groups that overlap - Should also be avoided:
SWERF - Short for Sex Worker Exclusionary Radical Feminist. This group is against the objectification of women, sex trafficking and the exploitation of women in pornography. Sounds harmless right? Wrong. While it appears good intentioned at first, most SWERFs are against sex work overall, believing that women can't *truly* partake in sex work willingly. This group also overlaps with TERFs, 99% of the time, though not every SWERF is a TERF. Due to sex work being a topic that gets pretty NSFW, I won't be going over this group in this post any further outside of mentions, since I'm not qualified to talk about NSFW topics as a minor. There are, however, probably several other posts that talk about this particular group. TEHM - Short for Trans Exclusionary Homosexual Males. The same as TERFs, but with homosexual men instead of women. Enby Skeptics - A group skeptical of nonbinary identities, as shown by the name. Some TERFs may identify with this term. Longsword Lesbian/Gravity Knife Gays/Gold Star Lesbian - See here for more information regarding these groups. LGB/LGB Drop the T - A movement that claims that being Trans isn't queer. It should go without saying - TERFs aren't harmless. TERFs aren't just some weird basement dwellers on the internet. Nope. They exist *everywhere*. You know JK Rowling? She's a TERF! And probably one of the most recognizable TERFs out there (she's also a lot more bigoted beyond transphobia, so yeah). However, this post will mostly cover the online aspect of TERFism, since even the online world can seep into danger in real life. So, without further ado, let's get into the hate. Note: This post covers Radical Feminism in general, however the main focus is TERFs and similar groups. Of course, you have the transphobia, slurs and suibait.
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(Image: Two Tumblr anons side by side. One word has been covered in red. One anon reads "You troons sure love playing the victim. 😂😂No won-der people can't stand you". The second reads "Hng yourself gendie". End ID).
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(Image ID: An anon that reads ""They can't even say woman" Not everyone who menstruates is a woman." The reply is "Yes they are. Nonbinary isn't real, only two genders exist. Gender and sex are the same thing. Your personality and clothing preference doesn't define your sex. Your biology does. Have a good day!" End ID) ...Having pronouns is misogynistic? Really? You know women have pronouns too... right?
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(Image ID: A user's twitter bio. Their username is covered. The bio reads "All I think about is karma. Pronouns in bio signify membership of misogynist cult". End ID) Seriously they're not even trying to hide the transphobia.
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(Image ID: A Tumblr bio that reads "trans activism is misogyny").
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(Image ID: A post from user "radfem-moira" that reads "Transwomen are men and it shows when they speak").
However, the transphobia, as despicable as it is, is not the only thing that makes TERFs dangerous. TERFs have also even went as far as to advocate for violence, as shown here.
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(Image ID: A post from user "terf-vengeance" featuring artwork of an individual wearing a crop top covered in blood, reading "I punch trans activists". Below the artwork reads "Is it okay to punch transtrenders? Yes two thousand times, yes, punch them!" Also, here is something I've noticed. Notice how Radfems talk about abuse, particularly sexual abuse. In conversations regarding such a topic, women are usually brought up as the victims. Male victims are almost never mentioned, and when you bring them up they accuse you of not caring about male victims because you brought them up when talking about women. Well, you might not think much of it, but it goes deeper than just misinformation and being insensitive. TERFs don't care about male victims either. In fact, they don't care about sexual assault survivors at all if you look hard enough. In fact, if the victim is a male, they actually *encourage* it. And will sometimes admit to even *wanting* to do the same thing to men. Here's one *literally* repeating a common misogynistic argument, but with men at the focus.
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(Image ID: A Twitter post with the individual's username and profile picture covered. The post reads "Males are only tools for sex and labor. THATS IT". End ID). ...this post makes me sick just by looking at it alone.
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(Image ID: A Twitter post from a person named "aoi". Some information is covered. The post reads "Young boys are degenerates beyond any help. I wouldn't even oppose them getting their ass rped by grown men (they deserve that) if it wasn't for the risk that other grown ass men would also start to advocate for pedophilia on girls. I can't care less about boys". End ID). And this one is even *worse*
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(Image ID: A Tumblr post featuring an anon asking "What are your thoughts on male sex workers?". The reply is "Male "sex workers" make up an incredibly tiny amount of "sex workers", and while I think prostituted men deserve to get out of it as well, they're pimped and rped by men, which makes it a male-on-male issue and not a priority for feminists"). The point of feminism is gender equality for ALL and fighting the patriarchy. This however is not feminism. This only shows that you don't actually care about gender equality. Here's one straight up admitting to want to abuse people.
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(Image ID: A Tumblr post with the individual's name blacked out. The post reads "i won't lie the urge to manipulate, gaslight and psychologically torture a man and lead him to suicide has been festering inside me for a while now. studying psychology too, i genuinely think i could pull it off. they grow attachments very easily and if i could just find one that was already mentally ill i think i could do it easily". End ID). ...All I'm gonna say about that one is that I hope this individual never EVER gets into a relationship or has kids, and if they're already in a relationship I genuinely feel sorry for their partner and I hope said partner leaves them. And here's someone who sent a sexual assault wish to a literal *minor* (And when called out on it they said the screenshot was "fake").
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(Image ID: Two Tumblr convos side by side, both have two messages, the first one reads, from stopglorifyingkillers, "I never called you a pedo, please point out where I had.". itchy-astroterf replies with "I hope your stupidity and misguided trust in trans gets you rped. Maybe then you'll see my fucking point.". The next convo reads, the first message from actuallyabused, "ah yes, you totally dont want anyone to get rped.". To which itchy-astroterf replies with "That's copyshopped, you dingus".) Oh yeah. You know how TERFs argue that "Trans women are predatory"? Well... about that. (Full post here - CW: Pedophilia, sexual assault, ableism, uncensored slur).
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(Image ID: Three posts from Tumblr user "homohooker". Reading, in this order, "You look beautiful with makeup on !", "You're so cute 😍😍😍 but this isn't gay babes this would be straight" and "Its a sexual orientation like being lesbian or gay lol you're a fucking"- the final word is blanked out. Next to the username reads either "taling to a minor" or "talking about pedophilia" in red text. End ID).
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(Image ID: A Tumblr User's bio reading "Right back at it again" in bold black text. Below it reads "Riley, 21, femle, lesbian, map, kids can consent, men aren't lesbians". End ID) This one wasn't in the post but it's from the same person sooo.
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(Image ID: A Tumblr post that reads "ok but who doesn't think 12-17 year old girls are cute". End ID) Honestly, it's posts like these that make me *really* hope it's a troll. Also, let's not ignore the fact that TERFs and Radfems are more than transphobic. In fact, they can be other kinds of bigoted for example. Arophobia and biphobia in ONE.
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(Image ID: A tumblr post from user "guncase". The post reads "Men cannot love. It is not in their nature to stay monogamous. You can look at the Bible, you can look at recorded history, you can look at present day - you can even look at your own experiences with men. Their love is one sided. They only love themselves, and not even each other. Find love within yourselves, your fellow women, and keep it safe, because the minute you let a Man find that love, the minute you lose it.") More biphobic crap. (I should also add that there is a huge debate in radfem spaces on whether or not bisexual women are welcome or if their "traitors", just throwing that out there).
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(Image ID: Two Tumblr posts/asks with usernames censored. The posts read, respectively, "because your nullye! stop making thousands of fucking accounds and talking to yourself. go d homophobe" and "first off you're female and if you said that you're actually dating a man that makes you fucking hetero. I really doubt that you're actually dating".) I'd also like to add I had to censor an anti-schizophrenic slur in the first one, so there's that.
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(Image ID: A Tumblr ask from an anonymous user. The ask reads "I hope you di in a violent and torturous way. I hope your genitals get mutilated. You are a disgusting person for even liking a male. Fuck you." End ID). And let's not forget the intersexism! (Disclaimer: Using it/it's pronouns is valid. Using "it" to describe *all* intersex people however... is shitty).
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(Image ID: A Twitter post from an individual who's name is censored. The post reads "If you have XX chromosomes your pronouns are she, if you have XY chromosomes your pronouns are he. If you're intersex your pronouns are it. No way in hell I'm calling an intersex thing 'she'. You are not to appropriate my gender") Oh speaking of ableism, a lot of TERFs can be pretty fucking ableist too. ...Towards each other.
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(Image ID: A Tumblr post from user "femaleinsight". The post reads "i hope all autistic men fucking di the most painful fucking death that could ever be experienced on this earth. signed, a tired autistic woman <3") (First of all, what is it with disabled/neurodivergent terfs and wanting their own kind *dead*?) ...And some can also be PRETTY FUCKING RACIST :D (Had to censor the n-word in this one).
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(Image ID: A Twitter post that reads "You know saying TERF to someone is like calling someone a ner. Which are terms that are insults and pejorative"). For context, MENA is short for Middle East and North Africa. Make what you will of this screenshot.
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(Image ID: A Twitter post that reads "if you see me with a machete randomly k*ll*ng mena males mind your business").
And sometimes, two and two can actually go together! A while back, I reblogged a that talked about TERFs using the word "hygienic" to mean "cis", like this individual shown below (Edit: link and reblog removed since OP fit my DNI + one of the folks adding to it was hacked and became a scambot, and I'd rather not expose people to that).
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(Image ID: A Tumblr post from user "dykexy" that reads "petition to change the word "cis" to "hygienic"". End ID) Now you might be wondering, why am I bringing it up again? Well, someone in the comments of said post mentioned that it reminded them of "Racial Hygiene". Now, what is "Racial Hygiene"? Well... according to Wikipedia, it refers to "an approach to eugenics in the early 20th century, which found its most extensive implementation in Nazi Germany (Nazi eugenics)." So basically, it's eugenics. Specifically, Nazi eugenics. And with TERFs using the term "hygienic", they're saying that Trans people are inherently dirty by genetics. You might think this is a reach, but with everything shown here, there's clearly more to it.
Then again, what else do you expect from folks who do *this*
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(Image ID: A Twitter post that reads "I'm not really going to spend another Saturday taking photos of trans people and running them through the sex-change filter on FaceApp to see what they looked like before, am i? I am". End ID) And act hypocritical (TERFS: "Trans women fetishize real women!" Also TERFS:)
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(Image ID: A Twitter post that reads "It is so weird to me when trans people show a "before and after" when they get their first binder. If you have bad enough chest dysphoria to buy a binder in the first place, why are you showing the whole internet your tits?" End ID) And make nonsensical posts/replies like THIS.
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(Image ID: A Twitter user replying to a post that reads "Me and my good friend texting about the #BodyBlitz thing: "People need to get used to gender non-conforming bodies"". The reply reads "Gee, so you are in favor of rpe culture? Telling women to "get used" to rpists and perverts in women's spaces? Really?" End ID) Seriously. Don't let the "feminist" label fool you. TERFs and Radfems do not care about gender equality or women's rights. They are using the feminist label and women's rights as an excuse for their transphobia and other bigotry. They do not care about sexual assault survivors. They do not care about women of color. They do not care about disabled women. In fact, they only advocate for the very abuse they claim to be against. They advocate for the racism and nazism they claim to be against. Don't let them fool you.
Other posts talking about TERFs, Radfems and the like, as well as additional resources: Caelan Conrad's "Gender Critical" series. A bunch of Jessie Gender videos on TERFs and Gender Criticals. The TERF to Fascist Pipeline by Kayley Whalen. The FASCIST Links Of Anti-Trans Activism Exposed by Owen Jones. Tips for Allies of Transgender People. How Can I support someone who's Trans or Nonbinary? Shinigami Eyes - A browser extension that detects anti-trans content.
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I feel like ive seen you mention Beard being imploed/canonically queer and I would LOVE to hear about it i am 100% here for it but I have not noticed it for myself!
AHDJSJDJ ok yes ofc i’d love to talk about this and i’m also going to use this as an excuse to talk about the show’s (previously) hidden queerness
a large part of beard’s persona is he dates a lot and is a sort of sexual deviant whatever that means. like when he mentioned being paid to bite people. him fucking/dating men would be the most boring thing about his sex life
he danced in a bar called ‘man city’ in college. i think that speaks for itself
idk if you’ve seen the latest episode yet so if you haven’t umm spoilers ahead but at the end he gets out of a car with a bunch of dutch guys dressed fully as david bowie full makeup ziggy stardust outfit and all. as i’m sure you know bowie’s a major queer icon, implying beard’s queerness
and now for my thoughts about how queerness was always a part of this show but they only explicitly included it this season
keeley’s comments about wanting to fuck rebecca but especially the line ‘dip my toe back into the lady pool’ specifically using the word ‘back’
colin’s grindr comment and keeley’s reaction to it. firstly, his comment was clearly setting up queerness specifically for queer audiences. many straight viewers would just shrug the scene off as a joke even if they did know what grindr was but queer people are always aware of small displays of queerness with ties into keeley’s reaction to the scene looking slightly confused and then almost like she had a realization tying their queerness together
trent in the bg with a guy in the bar in s2 ep7 right before he asks for a comment from ted. the way he talks to the man and touches his arm even if only for a few seconds looks like they are ‘more than friends,’ which again is something only queer people would pick up on which (and here’s where it gets speculative) mirrors in some ways the scene with colin and keeley, as in queer people recognize others queerness and he is around ted who i believe to be bisexual basically for no other reason than i think it would be neat but i still believe that trent likes ted romantically for a number of reasons that i’m not going to get into but i could make a separate post if you’re interested in that
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outrunningthedark · 1 year
While we're still on the subject on Timothy shifting focus to LS, I kinda remember seeing people complaining/mentioning that OG fans have been asking for a baseball episode but LS got them first instead. Not to mention LS's gay wedding proposal using a few notable elements of Buddie's legal guardian reveal. Not to mention LS having Bi rep first when people have been asking for Bi!Buck or Bi!Eddie, regardless of the can of worms I just opened.
I really don't want to be that person with "the grass is greener on the other side" mindset and I'm afraid you answering this will start a discourse on your back, but doesn't it feel like Timothy takes either what works on OG or what OG fans want and applies them on LS instead to boost the latter while keeping OG... what it is?
(I'm not worried about the discourse. People get mad very easily when they misinterpret the meaning behind a post and don't ask for clarification.)
Yes to the baseball episode! The Eddie fans in particular have been pushing for it due to Ryan's love of the game/his role in Everybody Wants Some!!, but LS got it because...idk. It looked "cuter" for Carlos to root against his own people for TK? It was an opportunity to revisit Owen's anger issues? The proposal scene...boy. What makes it extra hard to digest is that Tim worked with Bob Goodman (as in, his name is in the credits) the same way he admittedly worked with Kristen to create the hospital scene. It's pretty easy to see, in my opinion, how Tim took something from a year ago and went "What would that scene have sounded like if they were actually together?" and applied it to the canon gay couple. If Buddie were canon when that convo took place, it wouldn't have *just* been about Christopher. It would have been about Eddie not wanting to waste another moment without Buck now that he came close for a second time (just like the Tarlos proposal happened after TK & Owen talked about living in the moment because "that's all any of us have").
The sudden bi rep...you gotta laugh, almost. OG fandom is so caught up in its own feelings that not having a canonically bi Buck or Eddie meant Tim was allergic to bisexuality. Except...no, He's not. He just didn't want to make either of THOSE characters bi. He (yet again) took something from OG and found a way to make it juuuust a bit different. OG has lesbians. LS has bi and trans rep. "A little something for everyone", as they say. There's also the way that a concerted effort is made to keep Grace and Judd connected despite their schedules, whereas OG fandom has to make excuses like "It makes sense that Madney can go more than one episode without interaction when they work different hours." Judd...literally drove to the dispatch center to check on his pregnant wife. Grace...talks to her husband while he's trying to perform a rescue. Even Sierra previously said that she believed Tim knew better than to have Judd MIA for Charlie's birth 'cause he'd get grief from the fans, but OG fan base's opinion was irrelevant when deciding to write Chimney out with no explanation? That's how it is now? Following the 911verse has basically become a game of "If you don't like the way OG did something, just wait to see it end up on LS." Maybe being too predictable is a bad thing in this case considering LS can't keep up ratings-wise. But don't fret! The Big Gay Wedding that fans actually get to enjoy will help. 🤪 (In all seriousness, I do hope the numbers are good that week, but the effort given to Tarlos vs. the long established lesbian couple in 5x18...what exactly was I supposed to be praising Kristen for? Not making the blink-and-you-miss-it ceremony about a couple of hets?)
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BFCD Reviews by Nesha: Puppy Dog Pals - Bob & Ana
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Not a lot of content for this show, because its for the youngest audience, and they only need a few things, so this show isn’t really a show that would do big on this site. BUT, I did find a few things, probably from kids in the area or people with kids in their lives, whatever, and a few posts I saw that were surprised about Bob being a straight man who has a romantic relationship. So, now I am on a journey to talk about Bob and Ana.
I watched this show because I watch kids shows both to feel them out for kids in my care at work and to decompress from all of the content out there that gets draining and painful to endure because of grit and grime and grimness. And, I think I have found something that I can have as an alternative for Paw Patrol. Kids can see puppies solve mysteries and go on adventures without the copaganda. 
Firstly: This is a show where nobody is going to address sexuality. It will not happen, and so his sexuality can be whatever the audience member who wants to branch out into that sort of thing wants to do. But, let’s say for my journey with this series that he is an asexual man - because the show addresses him with he/him pronouns only, it is a preschool show that does not explicitly give sexuality, and I am ace, so we’re first viewing him from an asexual perspective. 
Ace people can have relationships, love, affection, and even physical intimacy. The option of doing all these things doesn’t necessarily become futile in this orientation. So, Bob could still have himself some human connection, as a treat. Even if you were used to him being a single man with his pets and inventions who didn’t seem remotely interested in having relationships with other people in a standard way.
Even if we presume he has some other orientation - hetero being the most represented in children’s shows, but bisexuality and fluid orientations are making their way into mainstream content for older kids more and more all the time and kids with other orientations may still see this show for a younger audience and see elements of themselves in Bob. A gay child might be confused as to why Bob has a female love interest when he comes across to them as homosexual, etc. 
The conversation about how many queer people get involved in relationships with the opposite sex, and sometimes even begin families is a huge discussion that this is not the place for, but I did want to bring that up, because while I don’t think that’s Bob’s situation, it could be an explanation for a gay audience observing the relationship between these two characters.
The site I was watching this on had delayed captions, so I had to cut them off and I didn’t write down the exact wording, but it was basically both of them taking accountability for running into each other, Bob asked the kitty if he could help them off his head, they exchanged that they thought the other was good with animals, introduced themselves (she was in charge of the volunteers and he was violunteering), then they left their pets to play in the dog park while they went and did their thing for the pet adoptions. (I think if you click on the image it becomes clearer. Will try to have captions in the future ones)
Personally, I think Bob’s nose was wide open the moment he literally bumped into Anaelle. This is the first time we see her, and while they initially collide with each other simultaneously, she soon shows that she's still more coordinated when she catches him from falling a second time moments later.
"Excuse me." "No. Excuse me." Was cutish.
The "you're pretty good with animals " "So are you!"
Ma'am. Sir. That cat, in particular, is traumatized, and Lollie look like her life momentarily flashed before her eyes. The cat saw the moment they effed up and stayed on high alert the rest of the scene. 😅
Since I’m watching this as both an adult who has been in relationships and one who has watched things for a long time, I am used to characters being introduced specifically to become an interest for the main. This is a program created by someone who seems to identify as a man, who seems to be married to a woman. It isn’t a stretch for me that they would introduce a love interest, especially because he already has a steady home life, sort of. Their universe is not exactly like ours, but the nature of things here - the problems are all situational and hardly ever at the hands of a villain, when someone does something wrong or harmful, they almost immediately regret it and apologize... this is a very small child’s show. It is showing very primary connections. 
So, whenever Ana is introduced, she could very well be as a love interest or as a background character. She doesn’t show up and automatically become a main, but she does become recurring and Bob does speak of her and talk to her. He calls her “My friend Ana,” because we aren’t sexualizing them and they don’t have a romance brewing, but They do appear to be being set up for that from the moment she shows up and Bob seems interested in knowing her. That spin of his bow tie when he says, “I’m Bob!” Guys. That was this corny cornball of a man flirting, in his way. And any time you see Ana or hear about her after this moment, there is excitement on Bob’s part. 
Yes. Bob is a very excitable man. He very much gives you that certain, “Me and the Bad Bitch I Pulled” energy. But, he also is a heightened worrier at times... when it comes to Ana, he tends to generally not worry specifically about something until it clearly goes wrong and she winds up being a person who tells him not to worry in those moments. (Not so much in this episode, because they’re just meeting.)
If Bob weren’t going to wind up with Ana, this would still likely be a very special friendship for him, because we don’t get to see a lot of characters interact with Bob in that way. If anything, I don’t know that we ever really got much of why on Earth Ana was interested in Bob, except that maybe, she’s just a cornball of a person, too. It’s cute.
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biscuitbakerbecca · 4 months
Zoe Murphy for the character ask
Favorite Thing About Them
I appreciate that she is a very resentful character. Zoe not wanting to view Connor as a good person because she was wronged feels so cool to me. She isn’t wrong, Connor likely abused her and she shouldn’t have to miss him because of societal expectations. Love her. Best girl.
Least Favorite Thing About Them
I think Zoe (especially in fannon) is played a bit too dumb. Given her reactions to Evan in early act one I don’t think she would ever actually fall for Evan. I really don’t like the you made my brother a good person now kiss me thing she has going on. I feel like she wouldn’t do that if she was a real person. I know she’s like 16 but…she clearly didn’t like Evan up until the end of YWBF. She rejected him after IICTH, she didn’t sing in Disappear, and I know she’s supposed to have her moment of acceptance that Connor “was a good person” in YWBF but it feels kind of forced. She’s smarter than to believe the lies imo and the fandom really ran with the idea of her being easily manipulated for quite a while
Favorite Line
Why did you want to meet here?
I wanted to be sure you saw this.
But you told me that he…that you would talk about me and that he would… How could you do this? *runs away to cry*
Zoe and Jared being friends is top tier, I love writing their dynamic!
A snippet of my own writing for explanation, excuse the horrid grammar it was 2020/2021:
Zoe apparently decided to copy her brother, as she's in a black dress and heels.
"Woah, who died?" Jared asked, trying to repress a smile as Evan locks their elbows.
Zoe sighed, "Our great uncle. We are leaving after second hour to go to his wake."
"Oh, so that's why Connor didn't dress like a complete dumpster fire," Jared hummed, watching said teen walk over. His tie doesn't match what he's wearing but whatever.
—I don’t know what I want, but I need you. Chapter 5
They call each other insults and they stay out late to gossip. Bad bitches supporting bad bitches. They fight like scorned lovers but they defend each other to the highest degree. Chaos gremlins.
Alana/Zoe— I know I know I’m basic but it’s the only sapphic pairing I can make in canon
If we extend the boarder to other musicals I’m a slut for Zoe Murphy/Brooke Lohst. They’re both betrayed by their love interest, they’re meant to be. In 2020 I started writing a comic where they would meet post BMC and DEH (Up to Words Fail) and become best friends and then fall in love. I wrote four pages and lost energy
Obviously nothing gross, but logical pairings that give me the ick are Zoe/Jared. They are Friend Zoned so hard. (mostly because Jared is gay in all my writings of him) Also BandTrees can sometimes rub me the wrong way but as the show is I’m cool with them for the most part
Random Headcannon
Zoe has red hair is a common one but goddamn do I like the idea of her trying to separate from her rich parents by looking different.
Also bisexual with a preference for girls
Also drummer Murphy Kids
Also Murphy Twin Truther (Connor got bumped up a grade because he’s good at school when he is there)
Unpopular Opinion
They shouldn’t have written out Zoe’s best friend character that was in the original draft of the show. Yes this is because the best friend was named Becca. But also Zoe needed a teen to bounce off of that wasn’t Evan because she never interacts with Alana or Jared. She’s isolated for the most part and would have been a stronger character if she had a friend in her corner. Her only “friend” we see in the show is her mom
(Friendly reminder that Zoe has a friend named Bea in the book (I think that’s the name it’s been a hot minute since I read the book—either way she has an actual friend with a name) and I hc them as enby)
Song I Associate With Them
I haven’t actively thought about Zoe in a hot minute hang on…
Okay I know she can already drive in all forms of canon media but drivers license feels like something she would listen to on loop after breaking up with Evan
I would say traitor instead of drivers license but Zoe knows that Evan didn’t originally have ill intent nor did he ever cheat on her so just a sad song to cry along to because she used to drive him around feels right.
(Book moment where she cried while sitting on/near her car. Movie moment where she nearly kills herself while driving)
Favorite Picture Of Them
We have options for this one (yes one is a gif but it gets the point across)
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babochkas · 1 year
i'm putting this post under a read more because it's long & i'm sorry it's related to the drama but, i really need to clear up the situation on my end:
to start with, i've never sent anyone anon hate. i don't support that at all because i know how shitty it is to get it. my post today was absolutely a vague, but not about anyone in the rpc and i specifically stated it was related to twitter lesbophobes that spread into the tumblr community (NOT THE RPC COMMUNITY, i never specified rpc & my wife clarified in their post as well it was not the rpc) and specifically mentioned seeing topics of conversion. this post i made didn't even specify if it was about bronseele. i never mentioned their names. but because i posted it on seele, my current main blog, it's tied to that. accusations of anon hate and biphobia. it was absolutely horrible timing, absolutely looks suspicious, but: i had no way of seeing this because i don't follow. i do not keep tabs on the people i block and avoid them from my radar entirely. i never talked nor judged anyone's portrayal or interpretation. people are making accusations STILL because of a matter of shit timing and coincidence related to someone ive had blocked. i want to say clearly, i did not send the anon that was received. i did not even know of it, nor the post that prompted the anon. i have not ever sent anon hate, and have not vagued about anyone in the fandom's portrayal.
again, my original post was kept vague in wording because i woke up (around 3pmest, i have bad insomnia so my schedule is weird) starting my day seeing people on twitter erasing the canon rep of my favorite characters (i'm not talking just up for interpretation characters, i mean seeing people straight up talking about leona/diana in league - excuse vulgarity - "taking dick to cure their mind.") & then while looking at fanart on tumblr shortly after, saw more of the same with other ships i like art of. of course, as a lesbian, i am very passionate about these cases of rep, and of course very triggered by seeing the lesbophobia i was seeing on twitter (the conversion i mentioned in my post, which i followed up with by saying i was seeing more of it on tumblr) not the best wording & def should have clarified but, i just woke up for the day, i was tired, and my brain hadn't fully kicked into gear so i opened my tumblr app to check my notifications and make a quick vent post. it had nothing to do with bisexuality, nothing to do with a bi interpretation, nothing: it was about the disgusting and harmful conversion posts and discussions i was seeing. i had no idea about what was going on hours before because i was asleep. i was logged in on seele, so i just made the venty post (again specifically about conversion therapy comments) and didnt think anything of it because i didn't know what was going on, basically until i started finding out about the accusations.
i do want to note again, i did try to unblock to send an IM clarifying before everything really blew up, but IMs were off & i was already being told of more being said by others so i did make a heated post. it isn't deleted, though i did make it private because i don't like leaving drama up. as with rule updates, they're tagged as "tbd //" and later removed.
on a related, but separate note:
people who talk to me and know me, know the kind of person i am. i have been in way more fandoms than hi3, hsr, or even genshin. i've been on this site a long time and multiple people have known me for years. they know that i keep to myself a lot of the time & only seem to get dragged into drama when it relates to setting boundaries. as stated in my rules, i am exclusive and not dupe friendly. this often leads to me blocking simply for comfort. otherwise, i have only ever blocked people for breaching my rules. breaching my triggers. have i always handled my blocking in ways people prefer it to be handled (via a DM beforehand, knowledge of why first, etc?) absolutely not. especially not when it's related to my triggers, as i state in my rules, seeing those untagged/unfiltered sends me into a trauma response. i have, in the past, contacted people prior to softblocking or hardblocking to let them know why - and these instances have ended in things varying from my mental health being invalidated, being called names (bitch, most often) & often, honestly, end up escalating to something worse.
aside from trying to defend myself, i have only ever, ever said anything about drama in relation to someone harassing me, making violent threats, calling names, etc. i've kept to myself, blocked these people to keep my distance, and it's still somehow a problem. they are still coming to my accounts to keep tabs or, if they deem fit, find ways to stir the pot again. i know people were keeping tabs on my posts, because these people who i've had blocked for years now were making posts about mine. not even knowing what it was about. honestly, after being told of some of the people who have been known to stalk and harass the blogs of myself and other mutual friends, i got paranoid. because it was not only just straight up block evading me, but these people i've been avoiding have harassed, have made violent threats, have called names and been disrespectful when i tried to end on peaceful terms. i won't say names because it doesn't matter. i'm not here to start a witch hunt, and on the same note, i'm not wanting a target on my back when i've already had problems of varying degrees with these people.
that brings me to my dni. in regards to my dni additions, i did add a new group on there due to a prior callout, and this situation: namely, because i felt this was on a level of baseless accusations as a previous callout mention and it did heavily upset me after seeing what i was accused of because of this. my dni does not change according to fandom, and has remained the same (with minor updates) since my time in the league fandom. the recent update including the lesbian erasure dni rule was added as it was in my original rules on my caitlyn blog (my caitlyn carrd can be found here, the last rule being established as i also have a diana, and planned to write neeko - canon lesbians to the league universe. it's something i've been vocal about there as well.)
i am a very firm believer in curating your own space of comfort. write what you want with who you want, but my rules and dni are for my space. to explain why i do not want to engage with certain topics or people who have made me uncomfortable, often due to situations that are related to my triggers and ocd. regardless of this, i do not condemn anyone for who they decide to write with, because at the end of the day this is just writing. i wouldn't accuse or try to instigate drama between two people without first talking. just wish i had been extended the same courtesy.
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teaveetamer · 2 years
I think other people, and maybe you too, have explained this before. As I've seen it, Edelstans like to pretend that they're pro LGBTQ by insisting the church of Seiros is the Catholic church (even when it actually uses Buddhism imagery like Nirvana/enlightenment etc). But in doing such, the stans conveniently ignore Rhea, Catherine and Shamir. I think this is also because to the stans, lesbian/bisexuality needs a young, cute waifu face attached (Egg) and that alone "counts" in their biased view
Real talk, wild but ever since the whole thing went down I've gotten some new followers and even some people willing to dig back through my old 2020 posts and it's wild because I swear I'm just repeating what myself and many others have been saying for years at this point about basically everything 3H discourse.
Anyways, to be fair, I do know there's a fair few queer folk who also hop on the Church of Seiros = homophobic train and I think that's just because so many queer people in America have significant trauma when it comes to religion, thanks to how America as a whole treats religion. That said, there's also a fair few straight fans who hop on that train as well as an excuse to, again, villify the characters they don't like and prop up the characters they do. And again, it comes down to being unable to discriminate your experiences from the content of the media you're consuming.
Here's my other rant about this: Assuming the Japanese devs, who come from a culture which follows Shinto or Buddhist beliefs primarily, would be specifically writing something to cater to your western world view instead of drawing from their own culture and experience is... certainly something. And not only are you dismissed if you point out the potential ties to Buddhism in the game, a portion of this fanbase actively mocks you for implying that Japanese people might integrate Japanese cultural concepts into their Japanese game. It's ridiculous that "hey, maybe this religion is drawing on Buddhist beliefs and NOT explicitly criticizing western Christianity" was ever a controversial take but, well, it's the year of our lord 2022 and Edelgard Discourse will never let us leave.
Anyway, I'm not going to go into the details of the CoS's ties to Buddhism, I believe @ezralahm did a whole thing on that already. I don't know nearly enough about the topic to do it justice.
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There is something so fucking special about growing up and claiming or reclaiming the parts of yourself that you shoved down because society expected you to.
I grew up in a strict religious setting, desperate to keep my parents happy and prove I was just as gifted as they said I was.
And I know a lot of people have grown up that way. And there are still people being raised that way.
I remember watching Avatar The Last Airbender the summer I turned 18 because it had been forbidden for religious reasons. That damned show had nothing evil in it but it felt so rebellious to watch that I had to wait until I was an adult before I did it. I felt so ashamed hiding behind my laptop with my headphones in, jumping at every creak in the house.
And I've been on the outskirts of DnD groups since I was 13 but I only started playing last summer at 29. That's 16 years of communal storytelling and community and joy I missed out on.
Not because I thought it was wrong, or evil, or something I wouldn't enjoy. Because I had held on so damn hard to the identity that I had formed in my formative years that I just assumed it 'wasnt for me' and completely ignoring how envious I was of those who did play.
And I almost dated my (female) best friend the year after graduation, but we were renting a room out if my mom's place in a new city neither of us knew enough about to really be independent. And my mom caught us holding hands one afternoon, actually the very first time we were holding hands and blushing at each other and working up the courage to talk about it. . We didn't get the chance before my mom found an excuse to get me alone and then furiouslydemanded to know what was going on and saying the kind of words that aren't commonly spoken unless they're being used in a reclaiming way these days.
I spent the rest of the summer basically overdosing on melatonin from the near constant panic attack, wishing I knew how to get something stronger to numb myself out, and pushing this kind and gorgeous girl away so much she moved back to our hometown and we haven't talked since.
And when I was fifteen I looked up to my uncle so much and wanted to hang out with him all the time because he's be playing video games and listening to black sabbath and metallica. But I knew that was a boy thing, that girls weren't supposed to be into that. Especially not well mannered, straight A, college bound kids like me. I remember hearing adults talk about how his music was garbage and he needed to grow out of it and I spent that summer reading books in my room and pretending I wasn't also listening to the music through the walls.
But today, a month out from turning 30, I started playing a black sabbath song I thought I remembered from back then and I started bawling my eyes out because I liked it SO MUCH and it was so different from everything else.
And I reminded me of the all the times I passed on hanging out with friends at a local concert or begged off early from a hangout because the music wasn't appropriate. Wasn't something I out to like and so of course I hated it.
And at the end here you might be thinking this post is about regret and nonconformity and the 'cult shelterd gifted kid' to 'twenty-something burnout' pipeline.
And maybe it is all about that. But it's also about how today I'm editing a paranormal lesbian romcom series, plotting a very queer centric high fantasy, and incredibly open to everyone in my life about my bisexuality.
It's about how fucking excited I am to be turning 30 and finally getting to jam out to these songs, share that love of music with my uncle.
How I can watch whatever I want and decide for myself if it's good for me or not.
How I can discover how boring I find playing a sorcerer and just multiclass into a rogue and my DM will just roll with it because it turns out I'm not entirely a sorcerer and I'm not entirely a rogue.
I'm a little bit of both, and I've finally got the confidence to explore those parts of myself without shame, without listening through a thin wall or watching a show in secret, or pushing anything away that brings me joy.
Turns out growing up isn't the worst thing in the world and maybe it's actually a little fun.
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spicycoffeebean · 1 year
If you don't want to answer that's COMPLETELY fine and you can ignore this entirely, but if your comfort zone permits: I happened across your tag and am. curious how someone could use reddit to try and get someone to detransition. Like, do you mean she made a post about it to get people agreeing with her or??
Hi Anon! I'll be honest and say I'm glad somebody took notice enough to actually ask. Because I still refuse to believe it happened.
No! She did not make a Reddit post. She just sent me several posts from r/detrans to get me to detransition.
More below the cut! Idk how long this will be, but cw for transphobia and all around shitty/questionable behavior
For those who don't know (I can't track down the post, but I commented in tags) my own mother (60) has been very actively against my transition (ftm) since I began taking testosterone in November 2021(I have been openly trans and using he/him prns since 2018, so it's not like any of this was "new" information to her) On top of blatant misinformation, my mom tried to source REDDIT, the detransitioner's subreddit to prove that yes, people do detransition. Never once denied her that. My issue here is that no, she did not make a post, she was ~browsing~ the detransitioner subreddit r/detrans to push me to detransition. She was "sourcing" it (I wanna say she said in the same conversation that she doesn't trust sites that have LGBTQ+ flags despite the statistics being very real and very present. I'm an analytics/statistics student.)
I have a million issues with this, but very simply, she is using people's struggles and real trauma to fuel a transphobic agenda to get me to detransition (I was so much happier when I chose to be openly trans let alone when I actually started T last year.) If you actually read the subreddit, 99% of those stories are OP saying "Transitioning did not work for me" but not once do they denounce transitioning. They make it clear that their experiences with it did not work out.
“I talk to detransitioners all of the time” she said “Why don’t you talk to a real trans person?” I asked her “Because I know their story.” is what she said word for word Bitch I’m trans and I don’t know trans people’s stories. I just am trans?? I made it super easy for her. Talk to a doctor or a real trans person. She makes any excuse to NOT DO THIS. A cisgender doctor in California will tell you that you are out right wrong and doing more harm than any good you might see from it.
Less than 1% of people detransition, and the majority of those who detransition ARE STILL UNHAPPY. Even then a handful of people detransition because of society, family, or something simple as healthcare. People are denied healthcare because doctors don't want to provide basic care to a transgender person. (I live in the US where this practice would be illegal) My mother acts like I myself deny that people detransition while she literally won't acknowledge WHY people detransition at all. LGBT clinics are apparently shutting down in the UK, Norway, Sweden etc. Yeah cool cisgender people are losing healthcare too. But apparently that doesn't matter. My brother's(cis) bisexual and he could be denied care if he lived in such a place. I don't think she'd take kindly to that, knowing she was the most supportive when my brother came out well over 10 years ago.
I do not want my story or trauma to be used as fuel for a fire to hurt somebody else. I doubt any of these detransitioners would be happy knowing this either. Their stories are not for my mother to tell
anyway she sends me to college(to study analytics/statistics lol??) and insists I'm brainwashed and need an autism diagnosis(YES, SHE ASKED ME 3 TIMES TO GET ONE. NO I JUST HAVE ADHD. I ASKED DOCTORS FOR 5 YEARS ABT IT LOL)
She's just in denial she spent 1 million usd and 2 years of paperwork on a China doll because "[She] didn't want to try for another son" I was told this my entire childhood and it's haunting me almost every day now.
That's the super dumbed-down version of that Reddit comment. Let alone EVERYTHING ELSE she put me through the last 14 months.
TLDR; She did not make a post to get people to agree with her, she was just taking people's stories and struggles to fuel a hate agenda detransitioners themselves do not agree with (she cannot read.)
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vintageseawitch · 1 year
someone on fb shared a post full of photos of a male celebrity i'm not familiar with who tbh doesn't necessarily have a Hollywood heartthrob face - which is absolutely fine btw - but it was only for this person who shared it (who is a he/they lesbian) to state that this celebrity has "the face of a frog" & when someone commented basically saying they found the celebrity attractive in a self-deprecating way (like they would giggle uncomfortably if stated in person for fear of coming across to harshly or something i'm sure since op has a history of being upset when being called out for something they talked about/posted in the past because they were being "misunderstood") & the op was all like, "well, i'm a lesbian, so that's why i don't find them attractive" or something along those lines.
like. not to downplay the very real struggles lesbians have had to endure for, like, ever, but BULLY FOR YOU. i'm REALLY REALLY HOPING the op wasn't aiming for coming across as, well, a "gold star lesbian" because all i saw was "i'm the most lesbianist of lesbians. NO MAN OR MASC PERSON IS HOT TO ME. only women, femmes, & non-binary folks here. NO CIS MAN EVER. no man with a peen shall EVER be attractive in my eyes. NONE" & it's so incredibly silly, insecure, & gate-keep-y. like, op is trying way too hard. they usually SEEM like they're more inclusive & open-minded, but they're almost a decade younger than me & despite feeling ancient compared to them for this, their age isn't an excuse. i'm a cis she/her bisexual. am i not a good little chaotic bi for not finding the celebrity op posted about as attractive either? like, why is this feeling almost like bi & pan-erasure? i call myself sapphic sometimes & i feel like with this attitude i don't deserve to do that in op's eyes & it's beyond laughable. i know plenty of lesbians who aren't afraid to admire a man (cis, trans, non-binary) for their looks. please know if you ever do that you're not a lesser lesbian or something as ridiculous, & if you don't express finding a man attractive that is ALSO fine. like, calm down, Greatest, Most Lesbianist Lesbian of All Time. your pfp in the past had literally included the lesbian pride flag & it states in your bio that you're a lesbian. you're absolutely fine there, i assure you.
it's so bizarre they had to share a post with almost a dozen pics of a person they find unattractive to stand on a soap-box to loudly proclaim their sexual orientation. i'm just so weirded out that i needed to vent about it a little. i'm such a bad little bisexual myself because i'm apparently supposed to find EVERY man, woman, & non-binary person attractive with the attitude op is showing. glob, it's embarrassing to shamelessly show display such gate-keep-y tendencies, on top of making fun of someone with looks you don't care for (IT WASN'T LIKE THEY WERE SAYING HE'S THE SEXIEST MAN ALIVE LIKE DAMN WHY WAS IT NECESSARY). what in tarnation lmao
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mrmallard · 1 month
I think you're psychotic. Who even speaks like that
Can you elaborate on what you're talking about? This could be twelve or more different things I've said recently, and I'm genuinely curious about what got under your skin enough to call me psychotic. That's an honest invitation too, I'm not immune to feeding the trolls - let's hash it out.
But also, given the ass-blasted tone of the ask and general unfamiliar feeling of your wording, I'm going to make a mockery of your ask and hopefully make it fun for my followers.
* The character limit made it hard to describe this one. Basically, after trying to draft a post for hours asking about the term "transandrophobia" and why it was so contentious at the time - I decided to scrap it all because I felt like there were several leaps of logic happening in that discourse that hinged on the assumption of blanket passing privilege for trans men and transmasculinity being inherently assimilationist.
I disagree with both of those assumptions, and so I decided that instead of trying to be a centrist and give people an excuse to build strawmen in my askbox, I was going to validate transmasc struggles as unique to the transmasculine identity, recognise the united struggle that trans men have with trans women and nonbinary people under a broader banner of transphobia, subsequently validate transfem struggles as unique to the transfeminine identity and recognise the broader transphobia they face with trans men and nonbinary people - and in doing so, my intent was to reject the notion that my support of trans men could ever supercede or undermine my support of trans women, when I offer my allyship to the transgender community as a whole.
The emphasis of phrasing it like that is informed by the years of divisive rhetoric I've seen in the queer community, specifically against bisexuals, asexuals, transgender people as a whole, nonbinary people and then trans women. It seemed like the same divisive rhetoric as always with a new coat of paint, pointed somewhere slightly different than before, and I decided to reject that framing and instead pledge my support and allyship to trans men because it seems like the right thing to do. And I stand by that.
tl;dr I feel this might have been the viewpoint that inspired this anon hate.
** "Religious anarchy", at least the viewpoint I've come up with, is in support of religious freedom and personal faith and community born of shared interests etc. - but it's critical of adding some sort of hierarchy, i.e. appointing a priest to preach the gospel, who answers to another guy, who answers to another guy, who answers to another guy, who answers to God. I'm not here to beef with someone's personal faith, as much as I don't subscribe to that way of thinking - but I have a lot to criticize about evangelism and I have a lot of rage regarding abuse of power in religious institutions, whether it be endemic child abuse in the Catholic church or the atrocities committed in residential schools around the world. And while my focus in this description leans very Christian, my disillusionment with religious institutions leaves me wary of any faith-based system where somebody has dominion over another person. I'm strongly in favour of religious freedom and freedom of expression regarding all faiths, but I am endlessly wary of The Church. Power to the people, not to Hillsong.
tl;dr - this one's like throwing a molotov cocktail into a rabbit warren
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