#toga doesnt die
moondaepuppy · 22 days
Debut or die au set in an ancient civilisation where moondae is the heir but is trying to get his amiable distant relative chungwoo to inherit instead
Moondae (after another foiled attempt at tricking chungwoo into overthrowing him): He's too nice, he would never challenge me... Am I going to have to fake my death? *Sigh* call the madman
*cheongryeo enters*
Moondae: Madman, if I needed to kill someone in a way that is convincing yet leaves no body, how would I do this?
Cheongryeo: well, from my experience-
Later, as Moondae is going over his plan:
Lee Sejin, his advisor: Pardon me, your highness, but perhaps if you simply talked to this chungwoo you could persuade him to take the position?
Moondae: ...well, alright.
Moondae: .... And that's why I would be a terrible leader. So don't you agree you should be the heir?
Chungwoo: I'm flattered, truly, your highness, but I think by saying all of this you've demonstrated why you would make a good leader after all.
Moondae: f*ck.
Moondae (begging): Just take the empire. please.
Moondae's failed plans include:
-Trying to use Raebin to threaten chungwoo (but chungwoo sees past his thug appearance.)
- Trying to act like a tyrant, but ultimately he's too kind-hearted to do anything cruel.
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marunalu · 25 days
The leaks are real but something just feels off about the chapter itself. While we’ve seen in a previous flashback(forgot which one), that Overhaul was very likely to be one of the orphan children prior to joining the Yakuza, it’s just the overall flow of the chapter just makes it seem unsatisfying and resulting in plot holes. Like AFO considered training teenagers to be his double but it seems rather forced to ask Kotaro to have another child and Hana doesn’t seem to reached double digits. Or copying the Overhaul Quirk and making decay out of it would mean that Afo and Garaki could’ve fixed the former’s issues unless Touya destroyed it by accident. And then there’s the situation where technically, only Bakugo won while every other student didn’t achieve their goals(Shoto, Ochaco and Izuku) and that chapter 420 is going to match a certain someone’s birthday.
It actually would make sense though to have the side characters beat AFO but having the other fights not mentioned yet be done off screen is still unsatisfying.
We know that in real life, Hori has health issues due to working with Shonen Jump and having the Dragon Ball creator die last month is very likely to make things more somber. I’m not going to be surprised if he had someone else draw some pages(unless the change in artstyle somehow is a plot point).
Isn’t MHA Izuku’s retelling of the events to someone? Overhaul or Eri are likely to be the Macguffins to give Izuku his arms back given what we’ve seen with Eri earlier so we’re going to have some chapters of celebration of the “win” and a small epilogue.
At least we have fan fiction since it’s very likely that people will ignore the ending.
Yeah this chapter feels soooo off! And dont let me start talking about all the plot holes and how a single chapter managed to destroy over the years built up plotpoints. Like you said WHY would afo and garaki not use the overhaul copy on afo to heal him ESPICIALLY because afo told garaki once "then hurry up and fix me doctor" after garaki mentioned that they havent found a fitting regeneration quirk yet and you are telling me THEY WOULDNT USE THE OVERHAUL COPY TO ARCHIVE THAT??? It was made clear afo wanted to get back to full health but he doesnt use the quirk that could fix him in ONE MINUTE??? Or an other plot hole: afo somehow (dont show just tell) managed to convince the shimuras to have an other child because he considered hana to old to get manipulated DESPITE that he owns orphanages full of children older then or around hanas age even TEENAGE touya and chisaki he considered as fitting vessels if tomura shouldnt work out but HANA was to old??? This is literally retconning what was already confirmed as facts!
And about bakugou: well he is horis golden child so OF COURSE only he is allowed to win since his character is all about winning. And unlike izuku, ochako and shoto he had ZERO emotional connection to afo. No deep. No feelings. Just to give bakugoubitch a win by giving the bad guy the final killing blow, immediately praised for doing so as if afo wasnt already half dead and severly weakend by dotzens of other heroes before who did so much more but BAKUGOU gets the praise (to be fair he did say it was a group effort but he still was the one who was praised first as if he did it all alone)! The ironic thing is bakugou did exactly what he always does: winning by killing. How ironic. Just a few chapters before we got afos backstory which revealed he was a victim of society too but I guess simply killing these kind of people changes everything to the better. Their society will not change. There will just show up an other afo or tomura at one point. Bakugou was allowed to beat and kill the main villain he had no relationship with but izuku, ochako and shoto are not allowed to safe their villain counterparts they actually have a relationship with. I mean its very possible that toga is alive because she is nowhere to be found, but touya even if he survives made clear he will never forgive his family and most likely ending terrible disabled (except if deux ex machine eri will be used here as well) and izuku who FINALLY was able to reach tomura has to watch how he gets destroyed by afo. The leaks say afo completly destroyed tomuras mind so that means he is pretty much dead and only his body remains which is now in afos full control. No final confrontation between afo and yoichi. Nope yoichi is just gone and afo doesnt even look that pissed off about it.
There are fights completly left out. We dont really see any of the other students fight, we just get told they won. We dont see the confrontation between aizawa, mic and kurogiri and just need to accept they eventually reached him and if anything we will only get a small flashback of the events. Its so disappointing and lame. It feels like as if hori just wants to end the manga as fast as possible so he uses his beloved "tell dont show" way of writing.
About horis health issues. I get that. As a huge bleach fan I was so dissapointed how rushed the last arc of bleach was but I was able to understand why. Kubo had health issues too and was forced by shonen jump to end the manga in 10 chapters. No one was more pissed off about that but kubo and if he had been healthy bleach would have lasted at least for an other year. But with hori it feels different. It feels like as if he really just wants to end the whole thing because he lost his interest. The last few arcs have been not really well written. I dont know if akira toriyamas sudden death plays a role in this disaster of a chapter. I get that it was a shock for the manga world. I get that mangakas loved the guy. But maybe instead of rushing the plot and retconning already built plot points hori should just have taken a long break to get himself together if it really affected him that much AND to get rest. Toriyama still lives through his work and will inspire many new mangakas for the comming 50 years or more.
By the way Im not worried about izukus arms at all. Its obvious eri will get used as the deux ex machine to restore them. If its not her then overhaul but Im pretty positiv she will heal izuku. The thing is even if izuku gets finally his confrontation with afo its clear he will win and afo will die.... again. Wow, how creativ. The only thing I hope is that if dfo is canon then izuku will somehow reach afo to get at least a little bit of emotion in that fight and will convince him to let tomura go if there is still a chance to safe him. Im still to 100% sure dfo is canon by the way but I dont think it will have an statisfying outcome and will be rushed as hell.
All in all this was a very dissapointing outcome. I know the manga is not over yet so hori could still surprise us, but I dont have much hope left for a good and well written ending of the story. I really need to stop praising hori when he writes a REALLY good chapter like the one before, because everytime I do that the very next chapter is a pile of shit!
Sorry, if I sound so aggressive and harsh by the way, but this chapter really pissed me off. The ONLY thing I liked about it is the fact that its to 100% confirmed that afo can change his appearance which is a huge win for dfo. Also sorry for the rant and for possible gramatic errors but I wrote this whole thing in a hurry and most likely left a few dotzen things out that pissed me off. 😅
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class1akids · 10 months
I really would like to know if its just me or do you think Shouto had the same 'connecting' and 'hand-reaching' moment with Touya as Deku with Tenko and Ochaka with Toga? Especially when comparing the child images I personally feel a big difference. Within the one where Shouto and Touya are back to back he looks simply vicious (not that Touya looks any less angry) but also within the both boys crying panel Shouto is fighting and not reaching towards Touya in any way. This is also the case for Shoutos word towards Touya - he not once said, that he cares about him or wants to know him. You also point out, that Shouto saved Touya, but I actually feel more like he wanted to save everyone else. This is not meant as hate or anything, but for me it feels so devastating that between the villian-hero trios (even if Deku and Tenko are still to come) Shouto doesnt seems to reach out for Touya and I wanted to hear another perspective.
Despite the many common points, their situation is not at all the same. Toga was seeking acceptance pretty much from anyone, while Touya wanted validation ONLY from Endeavor. Toga wanted to live with the things and people she loved, Touya wanted to die with the object of his hatred taking others with him. Toga wanted Ochako or Deku to accept her since forever, but Touya had no personal interest in Shouto other than using him as a tool to hurt Endeavor or prove his superiority. Touya is clearly suicidal from the start - and Shouto's biggest challenge is to keep him alive despite his best efforts to burn himself to death.
Shouto never had the means to give Touya what he wanted - and let's not forget that he's been advocating since the PLF war for Endeavor and him go together to find Touya only to be let down by his father every single time. Plus Shouto believes his existence was the breaking point for the family (it's a belief nobody dispelled yet).
But still, Shouto showed up for Touya personally only to be told immediately that he's not what Touya wants:
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And yet Shouto is saying that he can't be a hero if he just ignores Touya's pain (like Endeavor did). Shouto rather not be a hero, if he cannot help his brother. He's the ONLY person in the family who properly faces Touya (even if he's the one Touya doesn't want at all). He listens to Touya's story and he didn't attack him the whole time. It's Touya who escalates the fight deciding to kill Shouto and take him as a trophy to Endeavor.
Now, you also need to remember that the villains' love languages are different. Toga's emotions are expressed in blood. Touya's "love language" is his quirk. It's his bonding experience with Endeavor,
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and he rejects any other quirk or move anyone else wants to teach him.
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In the Todoroki family, quirk and who you are as a person and what is your worth is completely intertwined. Endeavor's flashfire connects Touya and Shouto even more profoundly than blood does, as out of the four siblings only the two of them share this.
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so Shouto reaching out comes also essentially in a language unique to them - he makes an ultimate move just for Touya.
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It's a move specifically made to stop him without hurting him. It's coming from Shouto's literal heart, from his healing, from him asserting who he wants to be as a brother and as a hero. It's also proof that there is a different way than the path that Endeavor has set them on. Instead of raising the fire and destruction with it, Shouto's quirk can be used to nope out from the toxic competition and save the family.
Touya's reply is rejecting Shouto - saying that they are not at all similar and that they cannot "mingle" - which Shouto counters with mingling with Touya anyways, refusing to accept their "separateness" - that leads to his power-up and copying of that very same move - the first proof that despite what Touya says, they are not completely different.
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Shouto also tries to call Touya back when he tries to leave - this is a parallel moment when Ochako shouts at Toga how they haven't talked about love yet.
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But Touya leaves, because Shouto despite pouring his heart out in his phosphor move, calling him Touya-nii, facing him properly - he cannot give to Touya what he ultimately wants: Endeavor's attention, approval and love (along with the attention of the other members of the family that Touya felt rejected by) and proof that his existence matters.
And it comes together in this brief delusional happy moment for Touya - getting the attention and validation he craves from his family.
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And it's incredibly heartbreaking because it also makes it clear that Shouto could never give this to him, because it's not something Touya ever wanted from him. Because Shouto never denied him the way he perceived it from the others.
But also, this "perfect" moment falls apart almost immediately with Touya's realization that all he needed was just this small thing, something he could have gotten so easily, and he's unable to stop the explosion accumulating inside himself.
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It's the symbol of all the rage he's been holding inside and it just seeks an outlet. And despite coming all together, Endeavor, Rei, Fuyumi and Natsuo are not enough to do anything about it.
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And that's where Shouto comes in a second time - hits Touya again with Phosphor - just absorbing / neutralizing all that accumulated heat.
We don't get much of what Touya thinks of Shouto at this stage, but we his approach from Touya's POV in the moments when Touya is thinking about how it was all too late.
First he sees Shouto as this pupil-less monster, but then all the confrontation with Shouto and with the rest of the family makes Touya realize that he doesn't want to die anymore. He wants more time, he wants to say more things and at the same moment he sees Shouto finally as a crying child - as someone who is desperate to help his family, to fight for them and finally can give something to Touya that he wants - more time, a chance to say those unsaid things.
And sure, Shouto wants to save everyone - his friends, the pro heroes, the civilians in the blast radius. But also remember, Shouto doesn't know Rei, Natsuo and Fuyumi are there. Only Touya and Endeavor. And knowing his father, probably both All Might and Shouto knew that even if Endeavor had no ice to stop the explosion, he would take Touya up into the sky like he did with the nomu. I'm sure they both knew Endeavor's only option and the route he'd take.
So what All Might is truly asking Shouto is if he can live with himself if he doesn't try to save Endeavor and Touya - the two people who hurt him personally in very deep ways.
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And while it's true that Shouto saves everyone (because Rei's intervention stops Endeavor's murder suicide), it's with Phosphor - the move he made specifically for Touya. And if that's not clear enough, then Shouto goes on to praise Touya in front to Endeavor - for his quirk, for how he was the one who finally did what Endeavor wanted and kept surpassing the heat limits going as far as saying that he can't do that, putting an end to the competition. He gives Touya the win he wants. He also rejects the "masterpiece" label and with the same move, freeing Touya from the "failure" label.
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So maybe the ways Shouto is reaching out is not as straightforward and cutesy like Ochako or Deku in the spirit world vision - but Shouto keeps fighting despite Touya's rejection for his family, including Touya and when there is finally something he can give Touya (like a chance to live or ridding him of the "failure" label), he gives it to him.
He's been clearly paying attention and thinking what to do since he woke up in the hospital. Preparing for a chance to save his brother with training a move that serves no other purpose than to keep Touya alive. He's choosing the confrontation that's clearly emotionally very hard for him because he knows that Touya needs the family. He is the first one to ask him why he didn't come home, the first one to acknowledge his quirk and skill, the first one to tell him he's not a failure, but a masterpiece. And I think given what Touya's character is about and how his wants and needs differ from Toga's - it's really Shouto's best effort to save to him (being painfully aware that he's the last person Touya wants).
It all comes back to Shouto's arc - actions, not words.
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It reminds me a bit of Midoriya vs Todoroki - where Shouto didn't want Izuku for more than to prove a point to Endeavor, and Izuku had to keep fighting and breaking himself just to get his attention. Or how Izuku was aware that after beating Shinsou, there are no words he can give him - it has to come from someone else. Or the time Deku let Kirishima take the lead to reach out for Bakugou, because he knew (thought) it wasn't his hand Kacchan wanted.
Like, sure, there are situations like Toga vs Uraraka, where Uraraka had the key all along to Toga because Toga wanted her. But there are also plenty of times in the story that are like Shouto's situation, where he knows that his hand is unwanted, but he still has to give it his best shot.
At the end of the day, it always takes a village to save someone. That was the point of the Eri arc. Uraraka is not doing it alone either - maybe the endpoint yes, but she couldn't have gotten here alone.
And I believe that Shouto's actions also matter for Touya eventually, we just haven't really seen it yet so expressly (but I hope we will), because the Todoroki plot is the darker, more nuanced plot and that comes with more complexity and less fairy tale-like turns.
TL;DR: Each villain's situation is different. Shouto is reaching out the ways he can, the ways that make sense for his and Touya's relationship. He is rejected, because Touya and Toga are different people with different wants, but Shouto despite that rejection keeps reaching for his brother to save him, to give him and their entire family another chance. And maybe, one day, all his actions will pay off with Touya also opening his heart to him. Sometimes, these things take time. But that doesn't make Shouto lesser, because connection is a two-way thing and Touya was clearly not ready to connect with anyone until he found some closure with Endeavor.
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baejax-the-great · 7 months
ao3 exists, plus it doesnt even matter what terms i search for on tumblr 100% of the time theres fanfiction. literally you can search any words on this website and some kpop guy/ reader fanfics flood the results every single fucking time. plus some of us are not here for fandoms??? your circus/clown analogy is stupid
So I'm incredibly allergic to shrimp-- to the point where if I ate a single shrimp I would die, to the point where I don't really consider shrimp food anymore--and it's the weirdest thing, yesterday i went to Target to buy hair conditioner, and they were selling shrimp. Don't they know it wasn't what I was looking for and I can't eat it anyway? Why would they do this? Totally fucked up of those shrimp catchers to try to poison me like that.
But analogies clearly aren't your thing, so let me break this down for you.
AO3 does indeed exist, but your suggestion that fanfic live there and ONLY there is akin to saying that imgur exists, so nobody should be posting images, whether they be photos or art, on any other website. Twitter exists (sort of), so really nobody should be posting shit posts or hot takes that are fewer than 140 characters or whatever.
Not everyone uses AO3. There is no law saying that if you write fanfic, you must post it on AO3 and nowhere else. There will never be a law that says that, because that's not how the internet works. Tumblr, one of the few social media sites that allows longform blogging, is in fact a great alternative to AO3 for one-shots. It's a little trickier for multi-chapter posts, but I've seen people make it work.
AO3 is not social media. People can't DM there, send asks, make friends, bump their post to the top of the feed (unless they are an asshole who is about to get blocked by half of fandom for pulling that move). Do you like social media? I mean you're here, on tumblr, bothering a total stranger, so you must see some value to it. Guess what--fanfic authors also enjoy being on social media and sharing what they've been up to, including their WIPs.
Things you aren't looking for being part of your searches is literally just life on the internet at all times forever. Earlier this month I was looking for a reference of draped fabric for drawing purposes. I googled 'chiton drawing' (chitons like the ancient Greeks used to wear), and all I got were drawings of molluscs of the genus 'chiton.' Alright, I did a google search for "toga drawing" and learned that there is an anime girl named Toga and people very much enjoy drawing her. Were the artists of the molluscs or the anime girl to blame for me having to slog through a bunch of irrelevant pictures to find one that could help me with my drawing? No. They correctly labeled what they were doing. That's just life.
Seeing fanfic in the tag doesn't harm you. At all. It doesn't matter if you find it cringe, or it's a ship you don't like, or it's xReader. For like ten seconds you looked at words you didn't particularly like, and then you moved on. How is that different from literally any other post on tumblr? I see bad takes and essays I don't care about on this site all the time. It's called scrolling. Again, this will be the case for every website on the internet forever. Are you telling me you read every tweet in your feed? Every reddit post? Sometimes you see irrelevant stuff. I guarantee some of my mutuals have already deemed this long ass post irrelevant and are scrolling on by. What makes fiction that much more abhorrent to you than the rest of the nonsense?
If you really hate seeing fanfic, tumblr has content blocking and tag blocking. You can block the phrase "x Reader." You can block the tag "fanfic." You can block all sorts of things, and if that doesn't work, you can just block the writers whose existence annoys you.
Sorry man, you personally not liking fandom and not using tumblr for it has really no bearing on what everyone else is doing. Like it or not, tumblr is a hub of fandom, and fanfic authors are going to be a part of every fandom on this green earth. Just because you came to the circus in order to admire the pretty fabric used on the tents doesn't mean the performers are in the wrong for doing their thing.
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League of Villains Redemption Discourse;
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Its been a while since i’ve been talking about redemption for villains because it kinda become obvious that it will happen at the end of Bnha and all but there is still some discourse for villains, especially league of villains. That ‘Gentleman and La Brava fits redeemable’ type of villain better. That characters like ‘Twice are redeemable’ but Dabi isnt or Dabi can be saved but Shigaraki is bad blah blah blah. Like, the idea that ‘certain type of villain deserve to be saved’ while other doesnt. It is also ironic that people think characters like Shigaraki, Dabi and Toga are too far gone or they think this wasnt hinted. Well, here we go.
I would like to focus on league of villains to try to explain why i disagree with those opinions.
First of all, Shigaraki and Dabi’s redemption is hinted since the beginning.
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The first time we saw Shigaraki, he was heaviely hinted that he is abuse victim and he was groomed. This his literally first introduction and story is telling you that this character is victim. And he had a conversation with Deku at the mall. Loosing his mind while saying ‘He hates Allmight because people are laughing as if there is noone he couldnt save’. And we get a little flashback form his childhood, ‘Noone saved you, didnt they?’. His entire character literally screams ‘SAVE ME. WHY NOONE SAVE ME? I HATE EVERYONE BECAUSE THEY DONT SAVE ME’.
And Overhaul arc. It is abour saving Eri who is parallel with Shigaraki, once again it is about saving Tomura in a parallel and we also seeing Shigaraki is capable of caring about other people which is a positive character development. And MVA arc is even more obvious. Not only story making his story more empathic because it is showing how tragic it is but also because we meet with Tenko who is kind kid who would help outcasts and well, Tomura even after ewvrything does the same with league. Showing that his inner kindness didnt disappear. Which is even making it more obvious.
Theme of Bnha is questioning the meaning of hero. Main character who wants to SAVE people in a fake hero society and his enemy who is entire character is about SAVE MEEEE, never really had choice because he was kidnapped by big evil, turns out still caring people and even helping them just like he used to be as kid. Its so obvious when Deku is like I WANNA SAVE PEOPLE and Shigaraki is like SAVE MEEE so yeah, well, it was always hinted that Shigaraki will be saved by Deku. Of course, he could die by being saved, we wouldnt know at first but one thing is sure that he would be saved. Shigaraki’s story didnt change. He was always redeemable and waiting to be saved. And the more story goes on, he only proved this more. Because in stories, positive character developments usually means noble death or redemption.
Btw, i dont think he will die because after everything happenned in story, there is no point of him dying. It also loose the point of being saved.
And Dabi.
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This one is tricky since Dabi was mysterious character. I think two things make kinda hint that he will most likely get redemption. 1- He is heaveily hinted that he was Todoroki. He is doing what he is doing because he was failed by abusive hero. He is very similar to Earlyroki. So there is family drama there. Shouto is already tragic character in a positive story, so i dont see him ever killing his brother or something. Not to mention, if he is Todoroki, it would mean, he became villain because of his hero father so killing victim of hero, instead of saving would be very bad look. Not to mention, during the story, Dabi acts like dark cop or something. (Not to mention Frainkeinstein parallels). Despite revenge plan, he seems to care about morals, justice and even feeling remorse. What happens later, it doesnt change his story because he is parallel with Shigaraki a lot too.
 2- Save the cat moment.
A “save the cat” is a moment, very early on in the story, where we meet or see our hero do something nice that makes us like him and say, “I want to follow this person's story.” It's important to have it because you want your audience to be sympathetic or empathetic towards your protagonist.
This was mentioned by @hamliet​ and other people. The scene when Dabi decides to spare Aoyama, despite noticing him. Note; Dabi didnt know Aoyama was traitor. ‘Save the cat moment’ for a villain can be hint as a possibe future redemption for him.
And others. League of villains. I think their redemption werent necessarely hinted or it was necessary. I think for them MVA arc hinted it.
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For Toga, we didnt know her full story and life until MVA arc and it turned out she is also victim of society, not just crazy villain. She is parallel with one of the main kids like Shigaraki and Dabi so assuming that ‘if Shigaraki and Dabi are gonna be saved by Deku and Shouto, Toga will be most likely be saved by Uraraka’ wouldnt be weird. Not to mention is this whole arc was about the family bond between league, that they are capable of caring other people. Same for Twice, Spinner and Mr Compress too. Because story is telling you that those people are here because society failed them and they have still humanity in them, they are not doing what they are doing because of evil but because they are victims so it wouldnt be weird to assume that whether they will get redemption or noble death, like Twice did.
‘Characters like Gentleman and La Brava are better example of redeemable villains’
No, they are not. They are not even real criminals. They never even did serious crime. I like them but they are like joke villains, they are not meant to be ‘actually’ villains. Whole point of ‘redemption’ is people who did commit serious crimes. If there is no actually wrong action, then we wouldnt need redemption at first place. I think redemption exist for characters like league.
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Note; Of course, other villains can get redemption too, i am just focusing on them because they are good example to use. Especially since even characters in story told them, characters like Stain and Overhaul and even Redestro seen as ‘better person’ just because they have ‘goal’, just because they dont want destruction, like Tomura did. But in the end, Tomura proved them wrong because despite being at the lowest of low, he still showed more humanity and positive character development than them, just by treating his comprades better.
And i also dont like it when people see one league of member more redeemable than another. Especially with Twice and others. Because Twice is very obvious when it comes to showing how much he cares about others. He is obvious victim. He is not ugly victim like Tomura, Dabi and Toga. But the thing is;
Every member of League has side that makes them look irredeemable but also they have their own redeemable features.
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Tomura's desire to destruction makes him look ireedemable but he is the only villain who never had a choice at life, he feel miserable with his life and he is very kind leader to his comprades.
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Dabi’s distancing himself from others, using people he cares, even trying to kill his brother just for revenge against his father makes him look irredeemable but he is the only villain in league that feels remorse for killing others. He has strong sense of responsibility and he doesnt think its justified. He doesnt even plan to live long. He just wants to punish his father for his sins and thats it.
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Toga’s self centered side, not caring about others without remorse makes her look irredeemable but one, she is the only one who born with serial killer quirk, with urges, like damn and second, this one is interesting. Compared to Shigaraki and Dabi, Toga never once had a grudge against people who hurted her. She never hated the society, heroes, people for calling her monster. She just accept this monster label and decide to live her life according to it.
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Twice, Spinner, Compress arent different from them. Their redeemable side is how much they care about league and how much they go for their friends but they also kill many people and they dont seem to care which makes them look irreedemable too. Basically, it is pointless to separate one from another.
Also, i think it is kinda wrong to decide who ‘deserve’ redemption (i am talking about hero characters because you can always hate bad writing) because it not up to you to decide. It is up to you to do right thing by giving them a chance to rehabilate and changing or not will be theirs. Well, it is complicated.
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Point of league of members isnt that they are just pitifull victims or they are just evil. The thing is they are bunch of losers. And thats what makes them beautiful.They are mentally ill victims. They need help and they need to be stopped at the same time. They lash out because they are messed up. Their violence arent justified because there is no such a thing that violence that can be justified. Violence is bad. But you can understand where it comes from. The thing about league is especially main villain trio, they are written to be metahpor for pain of abuse/society victims. Some victims never get saved, some of them make wrong choices and they messed up but some of them can still be rehabilate which is why redemption is exist. It makes sense why they get redemption because they are not bad people. And redemption isnt a bad thing either, it means taking responsibility and healing. It also fits to their characters so its good writing, well, hopefully it will written good later as well.
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vriska · 9 months
i dunno if it makes sense narratively, characters do worse things to themselves than what has happened to himiko this arc and yet she just. dies. what
well the idea is that Toga can't exactly exist freely how she wants to in this society nor can she just stand by and let Ochako die because even an easier world to live in is meaningless without her
So it makes sense rather than be captured and force to live as a villain by society's standards (because obviously you can't just undo everything she's done at this point even tho i fully support her getting off scott free, i accept her for who she is, the atrocities are a part of her and i've decided they're funny) she'll give her life so that Ochako will survive
Ochako for the first time made her realize she could do more than just take blood, she made the selfish Himiko Toga act selflessly!! the only way I see out of this that other people have brought up is maybe having Hawks be the one to save Himiko's life after what he's taken from her and you know maybe he could use his influence to absolve Himiko of some of her crimes if he doesn't die saving her but idk, Horikoshi rly needs to follow through with society itself needing to change and adapt so that the league of villains doesnt happen again, all of them were failed by those around them, they weren't inherently evil people at all
Himiko Toga does deserve a world that's easier for her to live in and Ochako deserves to be the one who saves everyone, her quirk is not meant for hurting people and her losing Toga after all this would just feel so so bad but I literally don't trust hori cos like, its the GUYS who survive the insane shit, but Midnight, the USA lady, and even Lady Nagant were killed by shit other heroes would've survived easily
in conclusion no matter what its clear Himiko was deeply in love with Ochako and Ochako loved her back and it was the love of another girl that 'saved' Himiko
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mha-quotes-and-such · 9 months
Okay, the Pokémon AU is great and it deserves some more thoughts! So...
Which team do you think the League would be on? Team Rocket? Team Aqua? Team Magma? Team Plasma? Other? Are they actually from different teams and butt heads when they meet?
(And Bakugou as the protagonist would get SO PISSED when his quests got sidetracked by Team Whatever and their shenanigans)
The villain lover in me is LIVING for this ask. I’m so tempted to just say all of them as Team Star because they’re almost entirely young folks who hate the system and want a community who cares for them but I had to give it more thought than that
One of the ones I would put in Team Star would be Magne. Her entire reason for becoming a criminal was so that she could live her own life the way she wanted to, free of societal pressures. I think she’d really dig Star’s pro-community anti-society thing, especially where they have a heavy influence on accepting and lifting up outcasts. I think Toga and Twice would likely fit for similar reasons, since they both turned to crime/the league in part because they were outcasts. It’s obvious one of the things that they both want most is to be loved not in spite of their flaws but because of them, and I think Team Star would really appeal to them due to their sense of community and unconditional acceptance
Mr Compress I would put in the Aether Foundation. Theyre professional, a little flashy, and their goal is to help Pokemon, but they do it in a less-than-legal way. Both their appearance and goals align with Compress's, where he and his great-great grandfather aim to help the general population the Aether Foundation aim to help Pokemon. I considered making him Team Flare but I think their whole "blow up the planet" gig was a little too aggressive for Compress
Kurogiri is Macro Cosmo. I know their status as villains is super highly disputed and theyre typically not considered villains but hear me out. Most Macro Cosmo employees are just that. Employees. It can be assumed that they didnt exactly sign up for a villainous organization, they just ended up a part of it. Thats exactly what happened to Kurogiri; he never wanted to be a villain, but now its just a part of his job
Shigaraki and Dabi would both be Team Skull. Theyre similar to Magne, Twice, and Toga in the sense that society doesnt appeal to them, and theyre outcasts who wanted to rebel. The reason I went with Team Skull however is that Team Star feels a bit... too friendly? Theyre both pretty cold, and dont want much to do with a team. Team Skull feels a little less found family and a little more "group who support each other for a common goal" which I think would appeal to them more (not that they wouldnt just become a found family later on anyway)
Spinner is Team Yell because he too spends every waking moment stanning someone more well-known than him, to the point of being a criminal
Giran is Team Rocket because money defies all moral expectations
(Oh Bakugou would HATE these guys. He would either have to be completely inconvenienced (typical "you will die if you dont help" type shit) or be offered WILD compensation for his time. At some point it would become personal tho and he'd be annoyed with them and enjoy beating them for fun)
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elliotthedork · 1 year
Oh! Do you have any league of villains tickle hcs? Those are kind of rare!
But yes i do have a few headcannons for some of them. I dont have some for a few of the characters so i will probably update this list from time to time!
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*ler asf
*i feel like because of his scars he would be difficult to tickle (it would probably hurt more then tickle tbh
*is ticklish but doesnt let most people tickle him. And he would most likely only be ticklish in the spots that aren't covered in scars
*likes to steal/pluck hawk's feathers and use those against him
*he gets Toga very often when shes being either annoying or too hyper for his liking, so he'll tickle her worst spots to get her too chill out
*however she 100% gets him back by trying to start tickle fights with him, which is the only time he ever lee's
*he also has gotten twice a couple times
*a very menacing ler and definitely doesn't give his lees mercy easily
*he has little fangs so he likes nibbling hawk's ribs and stomach >:3
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*is decently ticklish but would rather have a heart attack and die then admit it
*he didn't even think he was ticklish until Toga was in a ler mood and jumped him once
*she almost died that day, both accidental and intentional
*he is almost always moving his hair away from his neck cuz of how ticklish his neck is
*doesn't really care for tickling but will tickle attack someone if they tickled him first *cough* *cough* *toga*
*his most ticklish spots are his neck, behind his ears and ribs
*when he lers he LOVES chasing his lee(s) down
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*50% lee 50% ler
*she really likes tickling and finds it really fun (as both a lee and ler)
*she is really sneaky and suprise tickling the other members
*she mostly gets shigaraki, twice, mustard. And some times dabi on occasion
*likes tickle bites and *carefully* biting down on her lees tickle spots
*she is a really squirmy lee. So be careful for her legs and arms because she will most likely accidently punch or kick you
*she has a super cute high pitched giggle laugh :3
*loves raspberries (as both a lee and ler)
Mustard/Hayate (Hayate is my name headcannon for him)
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*he has ler energy but tends to end up being a lee
*Toga CONSTANTLY starts tickle fights with him because she finds his reactions funny. Also when he's grumpy and she thinks he needs to 'cheer up'
*has gotten her back for it plenty of times though
*really menacing ler
*toga is the only person who he allows to tickle him. Anyone else who tries WILL get smacked in the face
*he's decently strong for a 13-14 year old so he likes to either pick up or pin down his lee
*he is really stubborn so most of the time his laughter is really choked up but adter a while he'll get more giggly
Thats all i have for now! Like i said i will probably update this from time to time with more characters!
(Btw my ask box for both non-tickle and tickle requests are open! Just read my rules and fandoms first!)
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junikshanasar · 2 years
so bakugou is dead (?)
and man i gotta say, what a cool and emotional death
this panel right here is super cool
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and dude, does he really carry the all might card aronud with him? that’s cute, maybe it’s like a good luck charm or something
i loved the end of the chapter and the build-up towards the panel’s reveal too, witht he whole “oof i wanted all might to sign my card” and “man that kid of ours doesn’t like rain” and it starts raining like yayy i love that sorta stuff
anyway with that aside, this was a completely unnecessary “plot twist”
shouto may be my favourite, but I like bakugou’s character, he truly has a wonderful character arc and is definitely the most dynamic of the origin trio. ofc, i don’t want him to be dead, but i wouldn’t be opposed to it either
while the death itself was pretty sick, the reasoning behind it and it’s (current) effect on the story is just absymal
storywise, this pretty much plays like,
uh, spoilers for jojo’s part 2
this pretty much plays like caesar’s death, and if you didn’t already know, caesar is one of my favourite characters in the series (i finally understood all the caesar salad jokes my brother made ಠ_ಠ)
anyway it’s unexpected, adds shock value, and it’s very emotional
but what does it add to the story and fight? nothing! nada! it pretty much just takes a strong character out to showcase how strong our mc is. however, the difference is that storywise caesar doesnt rlly add anything to the major plot rip, but on the other hand-
bakugou is literally one of our foils and the main rival. he’s not like sir nighteye or stars and stripes who sorta appear and then disappear (altho sir nighteye was infinitely more useful to the story and a better character than star, but that’s irrelevant rn)
well, there’s been a lotta weird choices in this ‘final battle arc,’ so let’s start with deku not even being here. with all their careful planning, it only makes sense for smthing to go wrong. it’s like one of the rules of storywriting: everything that can go wrong, will go wrong, or at the very least everything should not go completely according to plan or you won’t have any tension or interest
that being said, there's rlly no narrative tension at all to things ‘going wrong’ with deku ending up in the wrong area. his presence literally does nothing for uraraka, toga and the rest, and he literally skedaddles right away. that’s one wasted opportunity for, idk smthing. def NOT a monologue tho, thank god Tsuyu cut that off it would’ve been such a waste of time, especially during battle 
but okay, i understand the real tension comes from his absence where bakugou, the big 3 and aizawa are, but when we watch their battle and see just how badly they’re doing, it makes deku’s presence who we’re waiting on (for way too long, might I add) feel like it a deus ex machina of sorts, rather than the final key to their plan
it rlly just feels like wowowow shiggy too stronk we need op deku to save the day like bruh
on that vein, the reasoning behind bakugou’s death is straight up whack. ig it’s not super out there that bakugou would die, he’s all battered up after all, but here’s what it felt like we were building up for:
when deku finna arrives, bakugou and deku would hafta work together, deku with his whatever op power he's gonna one-shot shiggy with (maybe talk-no jutsu XD, idk), and bakugou with his understanding and quick pick-up of how shiggy thinks, fights and moves. together they would not only be able to anticipate shiggy's moves, but also have the firepower to carry through
but bakugou dying straight up nopes that, like what were you even building towards with bakugou predicting shiggy’s moves then???
Starting with that, one of the potential reasons for bakugou dying is that he feels the urge to help, because a hero doesnt stop fighting until they die, he must keep fighting, he needs to win
ok and? mans is one of the weakest fighters there + he’s not even in peak condition, he’s literally all beaten up. yes, afo is intimidated by him, but that’s because he’s literally kamikaze-ing this fight, when there is no reason for him to do so. his continued fighting is acc a burden on the others, since we can see they need to go out of their way to protect him (not that they succeed rip)
with all that said, i do understand it’s not in bakugou’s character to just sit back while he can ‘still fight,’ it just feels so immature and unstrategic of him, especially when he seems to have worked out shiggy’s fighting patterns which he could then communicate to the others, namely deku when he arrives. but, ig I hafta remember that bakugou is literally a kid and they are in the heat of battle, so I will put this argument aside for now
A counter argument is, he may have wanted to test out his theories on how shiggy fights, by acc fighting him. brilliant! he was clearly right! he also has absolutely no reason to do so, when earlier he was clearly observing through watching shiggy fight the others.
he coulda left it at that because a) pros like best jeanist and miruko who can still actively fight are there, b) the BIG THREE of ua are there, you cannot say that bakugou is on par with the big 3, that's just unrealistic. even if they cant handle it, what's he supposed to do? 
with regards to the big three tho, it’s obvious they’ve been shoved aside and are just sorta there. despite all the hype for tamaki’s big ko move, it ends up falling flat
Well, in the end bakugou is bakugou, he will join the fray regardless, so let me just BRING UP THAT LAMEASS FINAL LINE
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like in a certain context, this would be perfect. yes, this is exactly what deku has been doing for most of his battles up until now. but deku’s not even here
if bakugou and deku had been fighting together, and then bakugou got hit since he's injured and not at his best and then died? that would made a lot more sense, and had more of a narrative, but also emotional impact
yes, i admit it, i was not sad at all by bakugou’s death. shocked? yes. but sad or emotional? not rlly.
if bakugou had died while he was fighting together with deku, not only would it be a blow because deku's intelligence source abt shiggy fight patterns is out, thus tipping the supposed fight in shiggy's favour, but we also acc get that emotional tension from deku reacting to his death
acc, this is pretty much what happened when bakugou got stabbed like everywhere during the war arc while protecting midoriya. now that, i felt smthing. back there, it was done quite well and effectively, even tho bakugou didnt die. it affected the fight because deku went sicko mode (as most shounen protags tend to do), and it was in-line with bakugou's character arc
this death was too rushed! does it feel like parallels, like bakugou is experiencing what deku felt as is spoonfed to use by the top three text panels? 
no, not really. it feels like  we hafta show just how powerful deku has gotten by having his 'rival' literally kill himself trying to catch up to him. this death could’ve acc played out really nicely, and this line could’ve been really solid because ‘catching up’ has always been one of the themes between bakugou and midoriya. 
im just upset they did his death so half-heartedly, it's so obvsly more of a shock-value thing
phew, ok, had to get that off my chest. after that entire rant, i’d like to mention that bakugou might not be perma dead lmao
i’ve seen some ppl arent believing in the death until the whole fight is over, since bakugou is literally THE most popular character according to polls. i’ve seen others mention that gran torino also had an emotional ‘death,’ but he didn’t acc die
i’d like to point out that upon rereading, they never acc say mans died, just screamed abt his heart which got desecrated here:
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we only saw the image of bloody bakugou, but the last time we were only told and not shown smthing was when they were looking for the UA traitor and the chapter ended off with hagakure, who we all know is NOT the traitor
I’d acc be cheesed if after all those dramatics mans comes back to life without at the very least permanent consequences, but yea, there’s also a lot of references to the vestiges. afo relates bakugou to the second user,
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so we can also mayyyybe assume the second user might have an ability that can heal/help bakugou? in any case, we know the second user and bakugou are very similar, which i think most people suspected anyway
but also just all his interactions with the vestiges. we can see here that right before shiggy does that ‘final blow,’ bakugou’s eyes are shaped like stars
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plus all the star spars around him, so he might be connecting to the vestige world or maybe their powers in some way?? because right after that we see him talking to vestige all might in his head
maybe this is a sign he’s somehow connected to the vestige world through a panicked afo who did smthing idk, but regardless I suspect this isnt the end of bakugou
or i just overcomplicated things! who knows, who knows, gotta wait for the next chapterヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪
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cornmaeleon · 2 years
Okay so this has been said 1000 times before probably, and i will say it again. Because its just been on my mind for a while. Horikoshi has done a good job at bringing into light the injustice and straight up occasional disregard for basic human rights that villains face when being "dealt with" by the heroes in MHA. We see it second-hand through the ideologies'/views and experiences of the league, stain , and other villains we've encountered throughout the story, and this was especially shone down upon in the Liberation War Arc.
What's been bugging me, though, the most really-- as we've seen the story progress from that arc and continue on up to this point; Is the question of like, whether or not Hori actually plans to maybe show us some repurcussion (ik its probably spelled wrong I KNOW.) As in, if he plans for anything to come out of this obvious issue, or if hes just going to go "shits fucked, oops" and not do shit about it. I mean dont get me wrong its his story hes free to do whatever technically but like 
At this point, with dabi's capturing, twice's death, spinner probably losing idk im not super up to date, and like literally basically everything thats going on with shigs and midoriya and EVERY OTHER FUCKER. like lowkey i feel like everythings going to turn out like those rehab fanfics you see on wattpad where "everyone is good and happy and the todorokis reunited, shigaraki became the hero he always wanted to be, toga's quirk was turned off permanently ETC ETC" Like. 
It feels like an excuse for the heroes to maintain the appearance of these demi god figures that are "holier than thou" that can do no harm and have come to rescue those "tainted" by like darkness or some bullshit. Like, nothings gonna change, it looks like? 
I honestly, do want to see Dabi, and Shigaraki, and Toga, And Spinner (really the ENTIRE LEAGUE.) Be happy and healthy and live laugh love and all of that but 
Not as some kind of plot device to further give depth or development to their respective hero counterparts 
And plus. In some cases, (ahem-* dabi) it just. It doesnt even seem possible, much less realistic. 
Like id love to see the two brothers interact, cause, its INTERESTING, and it would be nice to observe their dynamic outside of battle but like, for someone like DABI? WHO BUILT HIS ENTIRE PURPOSE AND LIFE around revenge against his father. ts so ingrained into him that to take that away from him in the form of rehab would probably be like ripping out a part of dabi, that part of him that practically is the foundation for who he is today, like DABI, the guy who "rose from touya's ashes' was literally birthed by the hatred and anger in touya, and your just going to take away his one dream. His plans after killing endeavor was to literally DIE, JUST DIE, AND THATS IT. DIE. 
I just dont see how this "saving" theyre trying to do with the villains works out in anyone elses favour but their own. Id love to see me be proven an absolute idiot by horikoshi but also im just not holding my breath. Or maybe i am. Idk.  Its almost one in the morning ₩#¥#--(@ i would love to see a good ending for my babys thats written in a way that gives justice to their characters 
Note: i will say, though, i probably would ignore everything said in this post if dabi ever got a happy ending, proudly an apologist (/HJ) i just want him to be happy in a healthy way and not in the "gonna kill my baby bro" kinda way for once holy shit 
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haemosexuality · 2 years
Heres an opportunity for you to rant about your life, how you're doing or something that interest you
"something that interests you"OK SO TOGA HIMIKO is a character from boku no hero academia. like everyone in that universe she has a personal superpower she was born with called "quirk", and hers is that she can temporarily transform into whoever she drinks the blood from. shes a villain (like, literally. in that world after ppl with powers began being born ppl started calling criminals "villains" and idk ppl beating villain ass "heroes" so she Literally calls herself villains) and shes a 16/17 yr old girl. bc of her quirk, she always viewed blood as really pretty and cute and attractive, and her parents did NOT like that. when she was a toddler, she found a pretty red bird she thought was cute, so she bit into iy and drank its blood. doing that just comes naturally for her, its her normal, and she didnt see anything wrong with it until her parents were horrified. its kind of implied her parents abused her bc of her quirk, and they def made her suppress it and "act normal", which resulted in toga attacking (possibly killing but i dont remember is thats confirmed) and drinking blood (with a straw) from a boy she had a crush on in middle school. its like, being denied blood and made to bottle up her urges all her life only made them stronger and stronger, until one day she, and possibly her mind, broke. after that she ran away, and killed+drank the blood from several more ppl while living on the streets, until eventually she decided to join the league of villains. shes crazy, doesnt understand that making ppl bleed is probably not good for them, and the DEFINITION of a yandere. whenever she ''likes'' someone (aka looking at them once and immediately becoming obsessed), she feels the need to become more and more like them, seeing literally becoming them using her quirck to be a declaration of love. she feels the urge to stab and drink blood from the ppl she loves, and she also thinks people look extremely attractive when beaten up and bleeding, which is why she "always cuts them up in the end". shes almost always extremely and uncannily happy and upbeat, even when almost dying or trying to kill other ppl, but she has what her va called a "personality gap", cause she can go from upbeat to dead serious to boiling rage in a heartbeat. sh basically has no concept of ""personal space"" and """boundaries""", declaring shes friends w these two girls immediately after meeting them and while actively trying to kill them, and calling them "-chan" (honorifics u use w ppl ur for example friends with), and immediately pinning one of them to a tree while complimenting the fact shes bleeding (gay behavior). shes bisexual btw, the creator of bnha wrote that in her concept art. all that she wants in life is to be able to "love, live and die [her] way, [her] normal way" and be ever more like the ppl she loves. and says that like how ppl want to kiss the ppl they love, she wants to suck their blood. i could write way more ab her but im tired. here s some screenshots from the anime and panels from the manga
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marunalu · 10 months
Hope you realize that the story isn't going the realistic route and all the LOV will be saved and rehabilitated so they won't need to hide from people anymore.
Hope you realize that neither you nor I know what hori has planned, because neither of us is a fucking mind reader and it could go any way!
Toga literally just confirmed in this chapter that she isnt sorry about the things she has done to others and will not get herself arrested not even from ochako! She willingly choose death OVER rehabiliation in a hospital, jail or whatever, because she still sees no fault in her actions. She said herself, that she is himiko toga and she will live her life the way she wants to. And she doesnt want to get arrested for her crimes so instead she choose to sacrifice her life for the girl who showed her kindness to get her back.
If you dont feel sorry for your crimes you cant be rehabiliated! And society, even if it changes for the better, will not forgive the lov all their crimes against humanity just like that! No sad backstory is an excuse for togas and rest of the lovs actions! Personally the only lov members I see surviving for sure are mr. Compress and spinner. Im NOT saying toga will surely die, because after the bullshit with bakugou and lady nagant I cant take any "death scene" in this manga serious anymore. All Im saying is IF the lov members will survive I dont believe they can get back living a normal life and being accepted in society after everything they did. Again, the lov members are all MASSMURDERERS and I honestly cant see a way for MASSMURDERERS rehabiliated if they dont feel sorry for their actions! Thats why I said earlier IF the lov members will survive they will live somewhere isolated far away from civilization.
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dabistits · 2 years
i am SURE you have gotten endless asks of people talking about hox and for that i am truly sorry but not sorry enough to not dump this in your inbox </3 i have been malding about the gunga villa fight ever since it came out and what horikoshi did to both twice + hox's characters...it feels kind of silly to say this now but i used to kind of have faith that horikoshi wouldnt fuck up the tdrk family drama by giving endvr any sort of redemption arc and for a second there i thought he was doing pretty good at it (i would have preferred endvr die in a fire but as an abuse victim the way horikoshi was going about it felt... respectful enough) and then!!! AND THEN...i always had mixed feelings about twice's death bc hori's weird like. running gag that hes in love w/ toga always put me off but his character is also incredibly relatable and like. idk he tugs on my heartstrings a little (a lot) but the... idk the implications of having hox ultimately kill him after he refused to stop struggling+their entire exchange prior to dabi showing up was like. i agree a lot with that post you made talking about how horikoshi could (and SHOULD) have taken hox's character in an entirely different way after that point instead of just having him support a serial abuser and keep going on like what endvr did doesnt matter because he feels bad about it. personally i think its incredibly unrealistic for hox to just...not only turn a blind eye but also continue to actively support endeavor especially considering his own past? like sure there could have been a tasteful look into having to re-compartmentalize his perception of this man who was not only his idol growing up, to a colleague, to an ally with the new information he now has from dabi that shows like. hey the only difference between this man and your own piece of shit father is that one of them is publicly regarded as a hero and that the system you are sacrificing so much of yourself to uphold is likely full of these people, and protects them in the interest of maintaining a status quo that continues to trample on people like jin and dabi, all but forces them to become villains to survive and then profits off of killing and incarcerating them. the current hawks is just so unrecognizable to me at this point that the only thing that keeps me from wanting to see him eat shit is the emotional attachment i have to the character he was like, 200 chapters ago that just so happens to share his appearance. twice didnt have to die but like god if horikoshi was going to kill him off anyway i wish he would have made his death have more of an impact on hawks' character instead of the bullshit in like chap. 299 where hawks is like: man i want to be more like this guy who i killed. let me go honor his memory by supporting this serial abuser and overall resident piece of shit for No Conceivable Reason. sorry for dumping this in your inbox i am a little too embarrassed to care this much about bnha on main;;
posting without commentary. bnha ranting is welcome in my inbox❤️
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delku · 9 months
"395 is meaningless if toga doesnt die" alright so the villain sacrificing herself for the hero who showed her kindness is nothing, understood
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Hi! I hope you are doing okay ❤
Do you think All Might will die? And if yes then who will kill him?
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Thank you so much, anon ^^! I am trying to be better, i am fine. I hope you are doing well, too :)))).
I dont know that he will die or not but i see possible parallels between him and Endeavour in future chapters.
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The last time in manga we saw Allmight, he was rushing to somewhere and i assume its most likely Shigaraki and Deku' side. He always wanted to talk with Shigaraki even since Shimura reveal but he was powerless and now, he thinks Midoriya shouldnt carry all the burden and it is his responsibility so i expect him to go there.
It is mentioned that Allmight will be brutally killed by some villain in Overhaul arc by Nighteye. But we also saw that future can be changed so it is no certain that whether he will die or not. Maybe he can die to save Shigaraki but i think Shigaraki wouldnt like that another person (other than his mother) die by trying to save him. It might be terrible for him so maybe, this time, he and Deku whose flaws are being self destructive heroes might try to live. Which would be better conclusion for their arc.
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Another reason why i think he will most likely be involved with Deku saving Shigaraki mission is because Endeavour is involved with Shouto saving Dabi mission right now. (It seems author decide to make adult heroes involve with kids 'saving plan' too). (There might be parallels to Bakugou apologise Izuku moment because Bakugou and Endeavour characters/redemptions etc is parallels but i hope it doesnt happen because that is terrible writing). Allmight is indirectly failed Shigaraki and Endeavour failed Dabi in any way possible. It is their responsibility after all so before Deku and Shouto save their foils, Allmight and Endeavour will take some responsilibity for their past actions. Of course, Allmight is nowhere near as bad as Endeavour and the fact that Allmight will choose to come to Shigaraki while Dabi had to chase after Endeavour to make him face...even this shows the difference between them. So yeah, this is what i think it will happen. Whether they will save them together with kids or they will help kids from behind or they will say 'Sorry' or they will show some sort of remorse action to make Shigaraki and Dabi calm down and meanwhile, kids definitely will show there is hope for future so they can stop killing themselves and others.
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Though, there is another thing will most likely happen to save them. Recently there is this repeated theme in league chapters. 'Friends'. Afo made fun of Dabi for not having friends. Spinner asked help from Kurogiri to save Shigaraki and others in a chapter named 'Friend'. Kurogiri is having identity crisis in war by saying 'f-f-frie-friends' and trying to help league and Aizawa-Mic at the same time. Mirio made Shigaraki mad when he said 'You dont have any friends' and Shigaraki screamed 'No! I do have them!'. Dabi and Toga recently bond through Twice's death. Toga is having crisis because she feels disconnected from her dear friends because she cant become them. Even Afo seems to be suspecting about someting with his plan because of it.
If we connect all this together with 'Shouto saying He felt saved because he has friends (class 1a)' and 'Deku shouldnt fight alone, he needs his friends', this friendship theme will definitely have a big role to defeat Afo/solve the problem and save them. They all need their friends. Separating them wasnt really a good plan. They need to come together eventually. Kids will be the key to save them, to change their minds but eventually, it might even big help for them. Especially for Shigaraki since 'save me' is main theme of his arc and since he saved league by giving them a home, they (especially Toga and Dabi since they never showed how much they love league and Shigaraki) might play a role for him to be saved from Afo. The answer is everyone coming together for a better future since this is the story of how everyone become heroes together. And this time, actually saving everyone. (Maybe reaching but if Afo turns into child, maybe he will even be saved idk, maybe this will be Bakugou's role since there is some parallels between them idk and well, the one who dont have friends is him since he used them all so karma too, well, we will see).
Anyways, friends are the key, here.
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ao3feed-snape · 1 year
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/sa8nY9J
by v8ny8
Jupiter Etsuko is an up-and-coming duelling champion. Dominating the juniors at national level, she's stuck completing her Hogwarts education until she can graduate and move onto formally beating the international competition. Wise beyond her years thanks to extensive spell knowledge, Jupiter spends as much free time possible in her head of house's classroom creating spells to slip up her opponents with. Until one day an unfortunate mishap with a new spell and a discarded potion sends her careering off to somewhere far far away, where she'll have to navigate her way around. She's still a student - but now at UA High!
Words: 2059, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Original Female Character(s), Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Severus Snape, Bakugou Katsuki, Uraraka Ochako, Nedzu (My Hero Academia), Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Toga Himiko, Albus Dumbledore, Bubaigawara Jin | Twice, Iida Tenya, Yaoyorozu Momo, Kirishima Eijirou, Shinsou Hitoshi, Kurogiri (My Hero Academia), Ojiro Mashirao, Jirou Kyouka, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki
Additional Tags: Supportive Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Time Travel, Slytherin Original Character(s), Not Beta Read, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Has One for All Quirk, Parental U.A. Faculty (My Hero Academia), Class 1-A (My Hero Academia) - Freeform, Mentioned Class 1-B (My Hero Academia), Canon Compliant, Tired Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, sorry if theyre out of character, My First Fanfic, except i once wrote a doctor who one 7 years ago that doesnt count, Major Original Character(s), League of Villains, Alternate Universe, Dadzawa, stuck in another universe, Canon-Typical Violence, ie bakugo, no beta we die like this fic after 2 days probably, im at university so updates may be slow to non existent, Slytherin OFC, Smart OFC, Duelling
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/sa8nY9J
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