#treatments for red eyes
Ocular Rosacea Treatment - 7 Tips to Help get Relief!
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demonzoro · 2 months
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i miss our wife tails i miss her a lot
[ID: A three-quarters headshot of Nanami, wearing his usual blue collared shirt and yellow splotchy tie. He has a small smile and has one eyebrow raised, as if softly indulgent. The first image is a lineart-only version, and the second is coloured in. END ID.]
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celestialseamysteries · 11 months
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im hyperfixating on the ffvii compilation again, so have a ref sheet of genesis i drew a few years back (with my own tweaks as well as some design influence from the cosplay done by @vizquiche on t*ktok)
[image description: messily colored digital sketches of Genesis Rhapsodos: a thin, pale man with auburn hair. Next to the blobs indicating the colors used, in the bottom right are three headshots labeled "1st class", "degrading", and "post-DoC". 1st Class Genesis has his hair cropped to his chin and a simple but flashy earring dangling from his left ear. He wears a slight but confident smirk.
Degrading Genesis has a sickly pallor, only emphasizing the shadows under his eyes and the flush across his cheeks and nose. His hair is slightly longer and turning white. He also has a feather--black fading to white--tied into his hair. He wears a grim expression.
Lastly, post-Dirge of Cerberus Genesis has regained his healthy coloring. His hair is significantly longer and tied back, with only the hair framing his face remaining short. He has gold markings trailing down his cheeks, and a brighter, redder feather tied into his hair. His expression remains unchanged from when he was degrading, but the lack of eye bags make him look more determined than angry.
One the left of the image is a full-body drawing of post-Dirge of Cerberus Genesis. He has a feathery black wing on his left side. The cuffs on the sleeves of his coat are now white, and his gloves are now a red/black split. The heels on his boots are slightly higher, and he is wearing dog tags, as well as an amber necklace.
Next to the full-body are some earring and eye close-ups. His right earring is, as mentioned previously, a dangly white crystal earring; his left earring is a silver feather with an amber drop. His eyes are more green in color than in canon. /end id.]
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bpod-bpod · 7 months
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Eyeing Tooth Treatment
Evaluating the best available materials for sealing root canals after clearing to avoid failure of root canal treatment
Read the published research paper here
Image from work by Mohmed Isaqali Karobari and colleagues
Dental Research Unit, Center for Global health Research, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Saveetha University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in PLOS ONE, November 2023
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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saladv · 1 year
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on their way to your local crochet circle
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lifexxxdeath · 2 years
Manipulation is when they blame you for having a reaction to their disrespect.
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somacruising · 10 months
I’m sorry but if I see anyone of my mutuals reblogging the C*stlevania Netflix show then I’m immediately unfollowing
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lunaccult · 1 year
i hate r.hysand but i intend on writing out azriel's inner turmoil over leaving the night court because (like it or not, which i definitely do NOT) that's someone who he spent most of his life (500+ years) loving and respecting and it's going to be hard reconciling the boy from his childhood and the monster he became
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sreemedayurvedic · 1 month
Unveiling the Potency of Farmherbs Herbal Hair Oil: A Comprehensive Review
Herbal hair oils are very appealing to those who want healthier, more colourful hair. Farmherbs Herbal Hair Oil stands out among the many options available because of its dedication to using natural ingredients in traditional formulations. In this in-depth analysis, we examine Farmherbs Herbal Hair Oil in more detail to learn about its special qualities, advantages, and effectiveness.
Overview of Farmherbs Herbal Hair Oil:
Farmherbs Herbal Hair Oil is crafted with a blend of potent botanical extracts and nourishing oils, meticulously selected for their hair-loving properties. Promising to rejuvenate, strengthen, and nourish hair from root to tip, this herbal elixir embodies the essence of holistic hair care.
Key Ingredients and Formulation:
A synergistic combination of herbal oils and extracts, including amla, brahmi, bhringraj, neem, and coconut oil, is the foundation of Farmherbs Herbal Hair Oil. Because each ingredient has the power to nourish the scalp, enhance hair texture, and encourage hair growth, it is highly valued in traditional Ayurvedic practices. The carefully chosen formula restores radiance and shine while addressing common hair issues by utilising nature's healing powers.
Benefits of Farmherbs Herbal Hair Oil:
Stimulates Hair Growth: Farmherbs Herbal Hair Oil's strong herbal blend stimulates hair follicles to encourage healthy growth and lessen hair loss.
Nourishes and Conditions: This herbal elixir leaves hair feeling soft, silky, and manageable thanks to its rich concentration of oils and botanical extracts.
Calms the Scalp: Farmherbs Herbal Hair Oil nourishes and calms the scalp, reducing irritation, dryness, and dandruff while fostering a healthy environment that encourages healthy hair growth.
Strengthens and Protects: Applying Farmherbs Herbal Hair Oil on a regular basis helps to prevent environmental damage and oxidative stress while strengthening the hair shaft to prevent breakage and split ends.
Application and Usage:
It's simple to include Farmherbs Herbal Hair Oil in your hair care routine. Just gently massage a tiny bit of oil into the hair and scalp, paying particular attention to the tips and roots. After applying it for at least an hour or overnight for a more thorough treatment remove it with a mild shampoo. Use it frequently as part of your hair care regimen for the best results.
In a market inundated with hair care products laden with synthetic chemicals, Farmherbs Herbal Hair Oil offers a refreshing alternative rooted in nature's wisdom. This herbal elixir fulfils its promise to revitalise, strengthen, and nourish hair, leaving it healthier, shinier, and more resilient, thanks to its powerful blend of herbal extracts and nourishing oils. Farmherbs Herbal Hair Oil is a great addition to any hair care regimen, whether your goal is to promote hair growth, ease a troubled scalp, or just bring out the best in your hair.
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justsomeunsurefancat · 4 months
Today in Khan Yunis! This might be our last call, we are dying! Gaza is completely collapsing! Everything in it collapses. There were dozens of raids and three hospitals were besieged in Khanyounis: Al-Amal Hospital affiliated with the Red Crescent, Al-Khair Private Hospital, and Nasser Medical Complex, the largest health institution in the Gaza Strip. People killed in the bombing were buried on front of our eyes in the hospital yard due to tanks blockading the streets, the wounded were on the ground without treatment and there was not enough medical staff! Massacres are still being committed On the 109th day of the war, Khan Yunis, the largest governorate in the Gaza Strip and the one that receives the most displaced people, is under bombardment, and the number of displaced people in Rafah is more than one and a half million people, in an area of 151 square kilometers!! We are facing hepatitis and intestinal diseases in the southern Gaza Strip, and starvation to death in the northern Gaza Strip! Yesterday, people in the northern Gaza Strip began grinding animal feed to get flour! Take to the streets, protest, strike.. make pressure on the decision makers by striking the economic movement! Call for a ceasefire!
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i-am-aprl · 5 months
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wizard_bisan1 Today in Khan Yunis! This might be our last call, we are dying! Gaza is completely collapsing! Everything in it collapses. There were dozens of raids and three hospitals were besieged in Khanyounis: Al-Amal Hospital affiliated with the Red Crescent, Al-Khair Private Hospital, and Nasser Medical Complex, the largest health institution in the Gaza Strip.
People killed in the bombing were buried on front of our eyes in the hospital yard due to tanks blockading the streets, the wounded were on the ground without treatment and there was not enough medical staff! Massacres are still being committed
On the 109th day of the war, Khan Yunis, the largest governorate in the Gaza Strip and the one that receives the most displaced people, is under bombardment, and the number of displaced people in Rafah is more than one and a half million people, in an area of 151 square kilometers!!
We are facing hepatitis and intestinal diseases in the southern Gaza Strip, and starvation to death in the northern Gaza Strip! Yesterday, people in the northern Gaza Strip began grinding animal feed to get flour! Take to the streets, protest, strike.. make pressure on the decision makers by striking the economic movement!
Call for a ceasefire!
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bibakartbeautycare · 9 months
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bharti5 · 10 months
How to Identify Warning Signs of Squint Eye
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Squint eye, medically known as strabismus, is a condition where the eyes are misaligned and do not work together in tandem. While it is common in children, it can also affect adults. Identifying warning signs of squint eye is essential for early detection and treatment. In this article, we will explore the various symptoms and signs of squint eye, along with the importance of seeking timely medical attention.
Understanding Squint Eye
Before delving into the warning signs, it's crucial to understand what squint eye is. Squint eye occurs when the eye muscles do not work together to align both eyes on the same point in space. As a result, one eye may turn inward, outward, upward, or downward, while the other eye remains fixed in a forward position.
Recognizing the Warning Signs
Visible Misalignment: One of the most apparent signs of squint eye is the misalignment of the eyes. When looking at a person with squint eye, you may notice that one eye deviates from its normal position.
Double Vision: People with squint eye may experience double vision, a condition known as diplopia. This occurs because the misaligned eyes send conflicting images to the brain.
Squinting or Closing One Eye: Children with squint eye may often squint or close one eye to improve focus and reduce double vision.
Head Tilting: Tilting the head to one side or adopting unusual head postures while looking at objects can be indicative of squint eye.
Eye Fatigue: Squinting requires extra effort from the eye muscles, leading to eye strain and fatigue, especially during activities that require intense focus, such as reading or using digital devices.
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Importance of Early Detection
Early detection of squint eye is crucial for several reasons:
1. Preventing Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)
Squint eye, if left untreated, can lead to amblyopia, commonly known as lazy eye. Amblyopia occurs when the brain ignores the input from the misaligned eye, resulting in reduced vision in that eye. Timely treatment can prevent the development of lazy eye.
2. Preserving Depth Perception
Squint eye can disrupt binocular vision, which is essential for depth perception. Detecting and correcting squint eye early can help maintain proper depth perception, which is crucial for activities such as sports and driving.
3. Enhancing Eye Muscle Coordination
Early intervention through vision therapy or eye exercises can improve the coordination of the eye muscles, allowing the eyes to work together effectively.
Seeking Professional Help
If you notice any warning signs of squint eye in yourself or your child, it is vital to seek professional help from an optometrist or ophthalmologist. They will conduct a comprehensive eye examination to diagnose the condition and recommend appropriate treatment.
Treatment Options for Squint Eye
The treatment for squint eye may vary based on the severity and underlying cause. Some common treatment options include:
1. Eyeglasses or Contact Lenses
In some cases, wearing prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses can help correct the alignment of the eyes, especially if the squint is caused by refractive errors.
2. Vision Therapy
Vision therapy involves a series of eye exercises and activities designed to improve eye coordination and strengthen eye muscles.
3. Eye Patching
For children with lazy eye, patching the stronger eye can encourage the weaker eye to develop better vision.
4. Surgery
In more severe cases of squint eye, surgical intervention may be required to realign the eye muscles and correct the misalignment.
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Identifying warning signs of squint eye is crucial for timely intervention and successful treatment. Whether it's visible misalignment, double vision, or eye fatigue, recognizing the symptoms can lead to early detection and prevent complications like lazy eye. If you suspect squint eye in yourself or your child, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Early treatment can make a significant difference in preserving vision and improving the quality of life.
Our Best Eye Surgeries in Delhi include:
Refractive SurgeryCataract SurgeryContact LensLaser Cataract SurgeryRetina SurgeryGlaucoma TreatmentPhacoemulsification SurgerySmile Eye SurgeryLasik Eye SurgerySquint TreatmentCornea TransplantPediatric OphthalmologyOculoplasty And Aesthetic
Visit our Website:  Bharti Eye Foundation
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ridingthatd · 4 months
sukuna, nanami, choso, gojo, geto, toji, higuruma, itadori, yuta, megumi...
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disgusting was always a word that was used once people find out about your loyal 10 dogs that you own. more like sex slaves? they looked more like dogs drooling at your feets, begging to have a taste of your pussy.
+18, nsfw, heavy smut, this shit is really kinky, pet play, sex slave, cumdump, a lot of begging, pussy drunk, sex drunk, sex toys (vibrators, plugs, pumpers, chasity belt is a locking item of clothing that goes around the groin region, used to prevent sex/masturbation.), simulation, squirting, rough sex, switching from sub to dom, there's a lot more so be warned.
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you never thought you would be in such a situation. you never thought ten man would be under your feets. you never thought once you joined the most exclusive BDSM club in your city, you would meet ten man who are willing to share you with each other. who are willing to go this far just to get a taste of you. ten successful dangerous man acting like a dog in heat.
their fat cock leaking. puffy, sensitive, red clit. drops of warm cum dropping down their cock, sliding down the twitching veins that surrounded their throbbing cock. eyes crossed, flushed face, jaw hanged open as spit coat their red lips. fuming at the mouth like a dog in need of a pussy to fill. a crave for their cock to be teased, touched by you.
this is the type of man they were in private. this is the type of man they were with you. they needed to please you. to make you squirt, piss, coat them with your juice. they want every inch of their body to be covered with your wetness. they would beg for you to oil them up with the wetness of your pussy.
they wanna taste it, drink it, eat it. lap on every drop. smudge their face against your pussy. purring like a cat against your wet cunt. it's like a napkin for them, an obsession that they can't even control. that their own body can't deny. stumbling on their words as they plead to sleep with their face on your bare pussy. pleading to have their cock in. pleading to have their fat cock always enveloped by your tight pussy.
stumbling on their "yes! yes!" as you squirt your warm pee while they pound their fat cock inside of you. eyes rolling back their skull, grinning from to ear as they tremble at the feeling of having your boiling squirt coating their cock. dripping down their cock into the bed sheets, into the floor.
soon after you feel their cock swollen up, twitching against your womb before hot cum starts shooting out of the tip. they wouldn't stop sliding your poor pussy against them till you milk the last drop. till their seeds start gushing out everywhere from the force.
but they won't forget about your wetness, your juice. they wouldn't let it go to waste. bending down the floor just to peak their wet tongue out. maintaining eye contact with you while they lick your squirt, your piss out of the floor. groaning and moaning at the taste of you, showing you how much they enjoy it.
not forgetting the bed sheets that was coated with your juice. they would suck on the fabric. sucking every drop of your wetness that was left, milking it dry. they would give you the same treatment, making you their own personal cumdump.
filling your tight pussy to the max. filling each hole of yours. they want their cum to leak out of your nose, they want their cum to fill your brain. their seeds would start gushing out of your pussy sloppily. dripping from your cunt till it reachs your plumpy ass that was also filled with warm cum.
they mean it when they say they want every inch of your body coated with their seeds. shooting their cum on your arms. face. stomach. thighs. turning you into a painting. your abused pussy would be barely recognized after. gapping open, clenching as it leaks out of their seeds. so swollen up that your clit would be proudly peaking out.
before going to work. always filling you up. it's like it's their own "good morning kiss" for you. you are still asleep but that doesn't stop them from having two cocks inside your pussy. two cocks inside your ass. two cocks inside your mouth. two cocks in one hand. two cocks in the other hand. and two cocks fucking your tits. when they are done they won't forget to put in a little pink plug so you will not feel empty without their seed.
not wearing any panties in the house was a strict rule. when they come back and sees you cooking they wouldn't think twice before quickly taking out the plug and replaces it with their cock to fill you up again. greating them in the entrance on knees. ass up. pussy spread like a good little cumdump you are.
each of them enjoyed different kinks. each of them had their own favourite filthiness.
being tied up with a red silk rope. from their suckable huge tits to their huge fat cock that was twitching against their abdomen. the rope was squeezing their cocks tight. preventing their sensitive cocks from spilling their seeds.
but choso didn't seem to have a problem with that. being the horny dog he is- the robben didn't stop his cock from leaking drops of cum, from shooting them each time you squeezed the robben around his cock harder, tighter.
because he enjoyed it. you knew it from the way his eyes cross even more every time you squeeze the red rope harder, enveloping his cock till it's flushed red. all it takes just a touch from your nail on his red clit for warm liquid to explode.
while the two brothers were quite the opposite. their huge nipples being simulated by the pumpers you placed. suckling hard on their sensitive nipples. but they couldn't cum- the robben stopping them from cumming just from having their tits simulated.
while yuta begs you to stop squeezing the robben tighter on his cock. beg you to stop forcing every last drop of his seeds out of him. the twins, itadori and choso beg you to let them cock. beg you to let them free their seeds out.
but you wouldn't. you would go as far as place a mini string inside their clit. yuta would lose it as he spills his cum even with it on, his seeds pushing against the string and gushing out hard, shooting in the air causing the string to fly out from the force.
while the twins don't spill from their cock- instead milk start gushing out their nipples...
at first it was only toji. you were only fucking with toji. he was one the man you met at the bdsm club. but his son had to have his taste once he got a glimpse of you. and of course toji had to teach his son how to please a woman.
but once megumi got a taste he never was able to stop. he as drunk of it. it was his new addiction. something that he couldn't get enough of, something that he needed all the time.
here he was between your legs, slurping and lapping your clit. eyes closed as he whine and groan savoring the taste. but it wouldn't be enough. it was never enough for him. and toji of course knew that about his son- he knew that his son craved what he craved and more.
shoving a tube up your pussy was the solution, megumi eyes widen as he can see the inside of your pussy clearly now. he immediately warp his lips around the tube and suck on it like a straw, he whimper once he feels your liquid gushing out and hitting his tongue. more and more starts coming out.
he couldn't help the way he started humping his hips against the sheets of the bed. all while toji shoves his cock deep inside your throat. the tip of his fat cock hitting the back of your throat not giving you any time to breath as he sloppily keeps sliding in.
toji would spit inside your mouth, he would do it every second just to mix it with your spit that coated his cock...
they loved to your their huge hands on your pussy. they loved to feel every inch of you with their hands. they loved to shove it up your ass, up your throat up your wet cunt.
using everything on your poor body, stuffing everyhole you have with their tongue and fat cocks. they would make sure to tear through your pussy with not one but both of their fat cocks, squeezing them together and shoving them into your tight pussy.
while one of the four hands, you can't tell whos hand is who. tied up and spread wide open with a blindfold on as one their hands make its way toward your ass. they would at first add two fingers, then four and four would turn into his whole fist going in and out your little ass. the wetness that your pussy is gushing would coat your ass, causing sloppy wet noises to fill the air...
dog collars on. on their hands and knees. rubbing their faces against your legs. purring as your run your hands against their hair. who knew a huge man like them would be so pathetic, so desperate acting like little puppies.
giving your attention to sukuna who was whining as he humps your leg more aggressively than gojo and geto. giving you a sign that he needs more. that he was a greedy little slut.
you harshly use the tip of your heels to poke the tip of his cock. causing sukuna to growl, pushing against you harder. needing more, and you do exactly what he wanted. you put your full body weight on his fat cock as tears start slipping past his eyes from the feeling.
crying ashamed as he feels the warmess of his cock leaking through his boxers into your heels. you force them to cum in their boxers, purposely grinding your heels against their hard on as they beg you to slip your hand inside- they want to feel your warm hands on their leaking fat cock, sloppily stroking it but instead you tell them you won't touch their cock unless they squirt their warm seeds, filling their underwear with hot cum.
and that's exactly what they do, it only took you a couple of strokes through the fabric while you suck on their tongue to get them cumming hard in their boxer. the lay down trembling, while they watch you stripping their underwear away. taking it in your hand just for your tongue to peak out and nastly lick the cum that's on the boxer. they groan watching you.
but you don't stop there, you take the boxer and place it on your dripping pussy. grinding the cum filled fabric against your pussy, coating it with their seeds. you start humping their underwear, eyes rolling behind your skull at the feeling of the rough fabric against your clit and the warmess of their cum grinding against your pussy...
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sunburndrink · 11 months
The first-ever sunburn recovery drink is here.
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slvttyplum · 3 months
acting up on purpose just so toji can dick you down is something you did so often that you couldn't even think back on the times you didn't.
toji was always in his own head, and you hated that. you wanted him to talk to you, pay attention to you, be there for you, but he was always in his own head that you could be right next to him, and he would only hit you with "huh?" and "what?"
so of course you being you. you decided to just do things your own way and make sure that he could never leave you alone, so you made him mad, pissed him off, got on his nerves, anything that you knew would get a reaction out of him.
recently, instead of just murmuring something under your breath and giving him the silent treatment when he actually decided to talk to you, you would just "act" like you were going out in the most suggestive clothing.
doing this only three times, your favorite outfit already was jeans with a g string visibly showing and a cami top with your tits practically slipping out the top. his eyes going wide and even wider once he sees that you're by the door slipping on your shoes, a sly smirk sliding on your face when you see him stand up.
"don't play, im not doing this shit." his face red and his hand reaching out to grab your arm, but you step back and put your hands on your hips as you stare him down.
now this was the part where you had to play into it, or it wouldn't work, and he would go back into the living room and sit down. so you did what you always did, ran that smart ass mouth.
fortunately for you, that got you put on your knees.
"do you like being treated like this, hm? like a slut?" one of his hands pushing the back of your head onto his dick, while his other hand is gripping your jaw and wiping the tears that continuously slid down your face.
the only thing coming up your throat was more saliva and muffled moans. your aching core grinding against the floor as you feel the tip of his dick hitting the back of your throat. your hollow cheeks puffing out from the saliva that was building up, strings of it dripping onto the floor.
"look at you... mm fuck." his hips pushing forward as he can feel himself about to cum. before he cums, he decides that you don't deserve his cum. quickly sliding himself out of your mouth and plopping his dick on your face and releasing.
"there... just what you wanted."
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