#tsuna x reader
rebornologist · 15 days
Omg I can't believe I found a blog that writes for khr <3 I love your writings!! If you're comfortable with it could I request a imagine or fic with TYL!Tsuna x reader where they're making out for the first time and reader receives hickeys for the first time and reader is like shy about it bc it feels weird at first but they don't hate it👀 and once Tsuna hears that maybe he goes hammy or something idk u can start and end it however u want!
I be like, "a fade to black? ew... (slams gavel) GUILTY."
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character: Sawada Tsunayoshi (tyl) warnings: making out, love bites, tongues and teeth and openmouthed kisses, shy reader, sweet Tsuna.
✧ Tsuna really does enjoy his physical affection, but he’s often more reserved with it because PDA always made him feel shy, no matter how old he got or how often it happened. He just gets a little nervous when he becomes hyper aware of how he is being perceived by people. In the safety of his own home, on his cozy comfy couch, he finally gets to be as close to his love as he wishes, and as they allow.
His lips are sweet from the simple syrup in his drink, and soft despite being slightly chapped. You can taste the warm aftertaste of the booze, but you don’t mind. Clearly, neither does he, as he softly cups the back of your neck, threading his fingers through your hair and pressing himself about as closely to you as he can in the plush couch in his living room.
The drinks sit abandoned on the coffee table, and the television might as well be defunct now, the way that your focus is solely on him. And his, on you. The way your warm and soft body feels as he runs his hand over your thigh, brushing against your hip and caressing your waist, pulling you closer to him.
“[y/n], do you mind if I..?” he pauses, dipping his head and brushing his nose against the crook of your neck and pressing wet kisses to the soft, sensitive skin.
He withdraws when he hears your breath hitch, giving just enough distance between the two of you to look you in the eyes. His eyes are like pools of the sweetest honey, darkened by the way his pupils are blown wide partially from the dimness of the room, but mostly the physiological response to his pure adoration for you. He’s about as breathtaking as you feared, and your chest heaves softly as you take in the feeling of his warm and wet tongue against your skin.
“I-I don’t,” you shake your head almost imperceptibly, and you bite back the ghost of a smile on your lips, swollen by kisses.
He smiles, pressing his forehead to yours. “I won’t do anything you’re not comfortable with.” He reassures before moving back to sweetly litter your jaw with little kisses, his fluffy brown locks sticking out every which way as usual and brushing against your neck, making you feel a little more ticklish than usual.
You curl into him, whining softly as you feel a slight sucking and biting at your neck. “Tsu..na..?”
There’s a sound, soft and wet as he pulls back once again, tongue darting out to lap at the corner of his mouth. He's so fucking cute, your heart would be cursing him right now if it wasn't pounding out of your chest.
“Something wrong, [y/n]?”
You shake your head, clearly, this time. “No, nothing’s wrong. It’s just.. not a feeling I’m used to.”
He sits up straighter at that, his concern palpable as he asks if that’s a good or bad thing. His brow furrows, and you see hesitation in his big honest eyes.
“I.. don’t mind it. Not at all, actually. It’s..” your fingers trail up to the spot on your neck where he had left a light love bite, pressing into the softly bruised flesh. A shudder goes down your spine at the sensitivity. He notices the gooseflesh on your arm, and your whole body seems to light up at the feeling.
“It’s nice,” You mumble with a small smile. You could absolutely revel in more of this pleasure, and you know it.
And with his super-intuition, your dear Tsunayoshi knows it as well.
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twohandsrequired · 1 year
He was a good lover, he was sure of it, so why were you looking at that man? Why were you leaning against him and laughing?
Tsuna wasn’t jealous why should he be? He didn’t like that other guys looked at you and wanting to gourge their eyes out was a perfectly normal thought.
His hold on you became tighter his kisses in public rougher and more demanding, he wanted every one to know you were off limits.
The gun was held loosely in his hand blood poured out of the poor man’s leg. He had the gall to grab you like he owned you and Tsuna didn’t like that at all.
Tsuna would die for you and he would kill for you. He had killed countless times and now was no diffrent. Jealousy burned through him white hot, you were wraped up in someone else arms curled around them looking so content. Tsuna didn’t like that at all you were his.
Tears dripped down your face your best friend lay in a pool of his own blood, Tsuna stood over him a deranged smile on his face.
“Your mine, this is just my reminder to you ”
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miraiimoon · 10 days
Кошмар 👻
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Gojo Satoru
Обычно, если Вам снится кошмар, то это заканчивается посиделками на кухне в тишине, чтобы не разбудить Сатору, который и без того сильно устаёт и плохо спит. Но учитывая привычку молодого человека, обнимать Вас во сне, ночные посиделки долго не продолжаются. Шаман с закрытыми глазами идёт искать своего «мишку для обнимания». А после уходит успокаивать Вас в постели своими объятьями. И выслушивать тот самый страшный сон, который помешал спать любимой.
Если Сатору снится кошмар, он либо спокойно просыпается и долго смотрит в темноту, либо резко подскакивает тяжело дыша. От последнего собственно Вы просыпаетесь и пытаетесь успокоить своего любимого. Кошмары Годжо часто сопровождаются последующей бессонницей, тремором и моральным истощением. В такие моменты ему необходимо как можно больше объятий и успокаивающих слов. Что-то с��аденькое тоже иногда помогает, но Сатору не всегда соглашается есть в такие моменты и просто принимает Ваши объятья и нежные поглаживания по голове. Он никогда не рассказывает о том, что ему снится в такие моменты.
― Сатору, ― шаман немного дёрнул головой услышав своё имя, ― хочешь я тебе что-то приготовлю?
― Нет, ничего не хочу, ― он лишь сильнее прижался, как будто боялся, что Вы сейчас уйдёте.
― Может чай?
― Нет.
― А вафельку?
― …
― И конфетки. Твои любимые, я сегодня днём специально выходила, чтобы их купить.
― Ну, может одну чуть позже.
― Хорошо.
Вы так и остались лежать в постели до утра. Правда Сатору всё же уходил съесть свои конфеты, пока Вы спали и утром на кухне будет уйма фантиков, так как блондин не умеет сдерживаться с такой вещью как сладости (и любимая).
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Geto Suguru
Сугуру снятся кошмары время от времени. Всё связано с его прошлым. Даже по истечению такого количества времени, он многое помнит и хранит эти болезненные воспоминания глубоко внутри себя. И временами, это прошлое даёт о себе знать в виде ночных кошмаров. Чтобы не приснилось мужчине, он никогда не будит Вас своим криком или постоянными ворчаньями в постели. После пробуждения, брюнет обычно идёт на кухню, приготовить себе чай и сесть с ним на веранде. Если Вы просыпаетесь, то идёте искать Сугуру, чтобы вернуть обратно в постель и успокоить своими поглаживаниями и объятьями. Если же нет, то маг спокойно допьёт свой чай и после вернётся к Вам в постель. Он Вам никогда не расскажет о том, что ему приснилось, лишь отшутится и переведёт тему.
Когда Вам снится кошмар, всё зависит от того, что именно приснилось. Если что-то незначительное, то Вы сворачиваетесь клубочком и прижимаетесь к Сугуру, он даже во сне обнимает по привычке. Если же что-то более значительное и страшное, Вы долго не можете заснуть и просто смотрите в пустоту. А когда этот страшный сон связан с любимым, то и вовсе может пробить на слёзы. И тогда уже приходится уходить в другую комнату, чтобы не разбудить своими рыданиями мужчину. Но если учесть, что у Гето достаточно чуткий сон, он проснётся сразу же как только почувствует движения с противоположной стороны кровати. Недолго думая, он пойдёт к Вам, чтобы успокоить.
Сугуру сел рядом на диван и погладил Вас по спине.
― Что случилось, милая? Тебе приснилось что-то плохое?
В ответ Вы лишь всхлипнули, пытаясь сформулировать слова в предложение, но из этого ничего не получилось. Мужчина больше не пытался выведать у Вас, что вызвало такие эмоции и просто обнял, нашёптывая успокаивающие слова на ухо.
― У меня был кошмар… Ты погиб, Сугуру, ― Вы прошептали последнее предложение и слёзы с двойной силой покатились из глаз.
― Не переживай, дорогая. Я здесь, рядом с тобой, жив и здоров. Это был всего лишь сон, страшный сон… Может вернёмся в постель? Ты замёрзла.
― Хорошо.
Брюнет поднял Вас на руки и понёс в спальню. Чтобы согреть своими объятьями под одеялом. И помочь заснуть спокойным, безмятежным сном.
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Nanami Kento
Любой кошмар, который снится Нанами в большинстве случаев связан с Вами, а точнее с тем, что он не успеет спасти и его любимая умрёт прямо у него на руках. После пробуждения, первым делом Кенто проверит, действительно ли Вы спите рядом. И обнимает, чтобы проверить, не играет ли с ним воображение. Блондин не уходит сидеть в одиночестве, он хочет держать Вас ближе в своих руках и слушать тихое дыхание. Он может случайно разбудить, из-за того, что очень сильно обнимает и это ��ешает нормально дышать.  Именно в такие моменты Вы понимаете, что любимому приснился кошмар и нужно обнять его в ответ.
Ваши кошмары более разнообразны и затрагивают разные аспекты жизни. В большинстве случаев Вы стараетесь остаться в кровати и успокоить себя присутствием Кенто рядом, но это не всегда помогает. Поэтому Вы выходите на балкон, освежить свою голову и отвлечься от неприятных воспоминаний о страшном сне. На удивление маг быстро обнаруживает пропажу любимой (никто не греет его под боком).
Холодный ночной воздух неприятно скользит по открытым участкам кожи, заставляет поёжиться. Но Вы этого и ждали; холод должен унести с собой все негативные образы из сна, не оставляя ничего после себя. В такие моменты кажется, что каждый кошмар мог быть явью.
Подобные мысли никогда не успевали захватить Ваш разум, они слишком слабы перед любовью Кенто. Которую он Вам дарит, обнимая со спины, и Вы жадно впитываете каждую частицу тепла. Оно заменяет холод и заставляет улыбаться.
Этот сценарий повторяется из раза в раз. Блондин берёт Вас на руки и уносит в кровать, успокаивает, и Вы снова засыпаете, но уже без кошмаров. Так было всегда и так всегда будет. Нанами не позволит Вам оставаться наедине со своими мыслями. Он хорошо усвоил урок, после того раза, когда чуть не потерял свою любимую.
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Hiromi Higuruma
Изначально Вам не снились кошмары, ведь Ваш мужчина адвокат. Одна из человеческих профессий, ничего сверхъестественного. Но когда он сменил род деятельности и развил свои навыки мага, кошмары начали посещать Вас каждую ночь. Возможно, это то чего Вы больше всего боялись в этом мире ― потерять любимого, и теперь это стало жуткой реальностью. Порой даже сложно было отличить, страшный сон это или настоящая жизнь. Хироми изо всех сил пытался Вас успокоить и убедить в том, что он рядом, жив и здоров, но это давало лишь временный эффект. Ваши сны были ему неподвластны и всё что оставалось ― успокаивать после каждого ночного кошмара.
Брюнет постоянно видел кошмары в своих снах, независимо от того, кем работал, каждая работа давала свой стресс, и он отражался на ночном отдыхе. Хигурума привык посреди ночи вставать и идти на кухню заваривая кофе. Кофеин давно перестал действовать на мужчину, и он может пить его, когда угодно. Когда Вы просыпаетесь (чаще от кошмара) и не находите адвоката рядом, это значит, что он на кухне и Вы идёте к нему.
― Кошмар? ― Вы садитесь к мужчине на колени, обнимая его за шею. Он с удовольствием пускает Вас к себе.
― Немного не спится.
― Ты до сих пор не научился врать.
― Я знаю, но я хочу, чтобы ты наконец-то нормально выспалась.
― Поэтому ушёл посреди ночи пить кофе?
― Всего на пару минут. Ты такая капризная.
― Идём уже спать.
― Хорошо, хорошо.
Хироми быстро допивает оставшийся кофе, поднимает Вас на руки и уходит в спальню, чтобы успеть ухватить остатки сна.
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Sawada Tsunayoshi
За долгое время работы боссом Вонголы, Тсунаёши успел увидеть многое, и это оставило свой неизгладимый отпечаток. Ночные кошмары стали неотъемлемой частью жизни, а присутствие любимого человека рядом, лишь немного сглаживало это состояние. А учитывая частые отъезды, связанные с работой, разлука становилась в разы дольше и спокойно отдохнуть молодой босс мог только, когда вы оказывались вместе. В обычные же дни Саваду без конца донимали кошмары о смерти и страданиях всех, кто ему дорог.
Ваши переживания тоже давались в знаки. Всё время, когда молодой человек отсутствует, голову забивают мысли о том, что он не вернётся или находится в опасности, плену, а может уже и вовсе мёртв. А после это всё всплывает в снах, не давая отдохнуть. Вследствие чего тёмные круги под глазами, усталость и раздражительность.
Пожалуй, самое приятное, это лечь в мягкую постель после тяжёлого рабочего дня на ногах. Но ещё было бы лучше нормально выспаться и успокоить свои нервы. В который раз Вы засыпаете в одиночестве, молясь о том, чтобы любимый был в безопасности жив и здоров.
Утро выдалось довольно пасмурным и дождливым. Но именно в этот день было очень приятно лежать в тёплой постели. Возможно из-за погоды, которая вызывает сонливость, а возможно и из-за того, что любимый наконец-то вернулся домой и теперь согревал Вас своими крепкими объятьями. Ему тоже уже давно хотелось спокойно выспаться и отдохнуть рядом с любимой. Пусть с его работой сделать это сложно, но сон, именно то время, которое вы проводите вместе.
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Сложно определить, когда Шанксу снятся кошмары. Во-первых, это происходит довольно редко, во-вторых, он мастерски скрывает свои эмоции и в-третьих, красноволосый часто пьёт алкоголь, а он выбивает из его головы любые мысли, кроме пошлых. Это же святое дело пощупать любимую, перед, вовремя и после сна. И всё же, если мужчине снится дурной сон, он любит выходить на палубу корабля и изучать уже хорошо знакомое небо. И так до того момента пока ему не стане�� холодно, или же Вы не пойдёте на его поиски, а потом утащите обратно в постель.
Ваши кошмары, это всегда один и тот же сюжет, красноволосый погибает в смертельной схватке с Чёрной бородой. К сожалению, Ваши слёзные всхлипывания во сне будит мужчину, и он сразу же пытается разбудить Вас от кошмара.
― Милая, ― Шанкс начал трясти за плечо, надеясь, что Вы сразу проснётесь. Но капитану понадобилось чуть больше времени, чем обычно, слишком сильно захватил Вас страшный сон в свои владения.
― Шанкс, ― Вы посмотрели на мужчину, мокрыми от слёз глазами, не веря, что он сейчас находится рядом, живой и невредимый.
― Я здесь, дорогая, ― он погладил Вас по щеке, вытирая следы слёз.
― Мне приснился кошмар…
― Знаю, ― голос мужчины был тихим и спокойным, даже больше походил на шёпот, ― но это всего лишь сон. Я ведь здесь и со мной всё в порядке.
Этой ночью вы не смогли больше ��аснуть и лежали в постели до самого рассвета. Шанкс гладил Ваши волосы всё время, пытаясь успокоить.
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mocha-moments · 2 years
"Is that my shirt?" "You mean our shirt?"
Vongola | SFW | No content Warnings
Tsuna – Quickly gives up on the idea of getting his t shirt back from you. Was it because he didn’t want to fight? Or you looked cute in it? A bit from column A, a bit from column B, mostly column A. He was sure he could get another one later… this was the third shirt this month..
Gokudera – Wont let his clothes go without a fight; he’s a very stylish dude. Ultimately this will be a battle of strength and negotiation. You can’t have that shirt, but what about this one that hasn’t been worn in six months? No? We’ll need to reconvene and renegotiate.
Yamamoto – The moment a shirt goes missing he assumes you have it. Honestly, he doesn’t even remember owing that shirt, but if it makes you happy you can take as many as you want. You’d absolutely would be able to cycle through his whole T shirt drawer without him even realizing they belong to him. On you they look good! They look different!
Ryohei – Understands the thought, but he works out a ton! Some of those have got to be pretty old gym clothes.. He’d rather get you clothes of your own, but if you really insist…
Hibari – Is not having it at all. All of his shirts are the same, but none will be relinquished. It’s not because he cares, but it’s the principle of it. If he lets you take one shirt, then you’ll get too comfortable and start to encroach more and more into his space. It’ll take some more time.
Mukuro – Enjoys seeing you in his shirts so he doesn’t mind at all. Having you in his clothes shows a stake of claim on you. Not in a toxic way, but it shows that you claim him and he claims you.
Chrome – Is starting to figure out that this is a ploy to be able to spoil her with new clothes. There’s just no way you’re taking all of her shirts that are too old or dingy and using the excuse “Oh well, I’ll get you more.” Just because you “mixed up your wardrobes”. Something isn’t adding up.
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fandom-go-round · 19 days
Thanks for your amazing works! I love your writing 🥺💕
If you don't mind, can you do nsfw for poly Kintoki and Tsuna (yes, yes, it's me again😔😔😔)
Thank you for your hard works!
I’m glad that you enjoy my writing!! I appreciate it! I was excited when I saw this request come in, I hope you enjoy! Nothing wrong with wanting a part two!
Warnings: Sex, Sexual Situations, Poly Relationship, Kintoki x Tsuna, Implied Dom/Sub Kink, Orgasm Denial, Teasing
Of the two of them, Tsuna is the one who initiates more. Kintoki has a hard time letting either of you know that he’s in the mood, often because he gets so embarrassed. It’s easy to tell when he’s thinking about something sexual; his faces goes red and he can’t make eye contact. Tsuna is clearer about his feelings, even if his cheeks go pink. Both of them think it’s hot when you take charge, either by pulling them into an empty room or asking for something to happen later.
Kintoki loves to be told what to do, boss him around a little and he’s putty in your hands. His favorite place is between your legs, eating you out with everything he’s got. He loves it when you sit on his face and Tsuna fucks him. He feels spoiled and loved and Kintoki doesn’t last long like this. Tsuna likes to tease him, just light dirty talk to rile Kintoki up.
Tsuna likes it when you’re rough with him, biting or dragging your nails down his back. You might be able to convince him to let you spank him and he enjoys every second of it. He’s a little hesitant to be rough back to you but if you ask, Tsuna will provide. He secretly likes to tease you until you beg, tears gathering in the corners of your eyes. He will take pity on you but only after you sound desperate.
Kintoki and Tsuna can be embarrassed about being physical with each other in front of you. You think it’s endearing, if a little silly. They act like star crossed lovers and it makes you laugh. If you want to drive them crazy, wear a tank top and short shorts. Tsuna loves looking at your legs and Kintoki admires your shoulders. If doesn’t take long for them to drag you into bed so make sure you’re in the mood when you wear it. They’ll try to seduce you; it’s flattering and you can’t help but go along with it.
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mx-lovely · 2 years
𝐬𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
╰┈➤ based off of an ask submitted by @outlaw-phantasm. sorry this took a while! i've been a bit busy lately. hopefully this lives up to your expectations!
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐣𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟-𝐬𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐝𝐮𝐭𝐲
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫/𝐬: watanabe no tsuna
𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: fate/grand order
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭: angst, denial of feelings, blood and injury, implied character death (this is a holy grail war), hurt and comfort, assumed unreciprocated feelings, miscommunication, misunderstandings (tsuna you fool just get it together already), intentional lowercase
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watanabe no tsuna had only one role, and he wanted to play it well.
all he had to do was kill ー cut down any monsters or demons that came your way, fight against the other master-servant duos and keep you safe, ensure your victory.
"i'll slay any oni i see," he'd said to you, one hand resting on his sword and the other pressed to his chest. "even if it isn't, i'll try slaying it anyway"
i want to keep you safe.
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when you're someone like watanabe tsuna, someone torn by a loss of someone so dear so long ago by now and so deadset on your self-sworn role of cutting down any demon you see, you don't notice things like growing and conflicting feelings.
maybe tsuna should've noticed it sooner, with all the hints that he'd planted for himself ー how he'd so willingly swing his sword for you, point it towards monster or man; how every thought of his was filled with you, your breath, your smell, the way you move, are you injured? have you eaten?
he chalked it up to simple worry: a servant worrying for their master who, in a thing such as a holy grail war, is the only thing keeping them corperal and in the current world.
besides, he thought then, even if he did have such feelings (he didn't), what are the odds that you'd reciprocate it?
kind, beautiful you. stubborn and headstrong, you knew when to be kind and when to draw the line. you treated him with respect and kindness that you'd treat any other respectable human being (the gentle way you touched his arm, the firm way you held his calloused hands, the downright loving way you'd cup his face and scold him for being too reckless in a fight purely for your sake were probably just you being.. affectionate. you could've acted this way towards anyone else. you could've treated someone else this way, well before him
he ignores the the jab in his chest when he thinks of that, the idea of you loving someone else this way)
as soon as the war was over, chances are you'd no longer have need for him ー you'd have the holy grail, the omnipotent wish granter. you'd, quite literally, have everything you ever wanted and more just in your hands.
what other use would you have for him?
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𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐚/𝐧: hmm, while i'm not to proud of the ending, i feel that this is a good note to leave the story off of.
that said, there's a chance for a second part to this in the future. who knows.
anyway, all that aside, i hope you enjoyed reading!
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maya1525 · 9 months
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Toge Inumaki’s 👅 + More
18+ MDNI
Pairing✩࿐Fem!Reader X Toge Inumaki
WARNINGS✩࿐Fem! Receiving and giving oral, virgin sex, riding, cream pie (cursed speech used during the deed)
Word count✩࿐4K
BONUS✩࿐Aftercare and love ❤️
Summary✩࿐semi-innocent Toge and his girlfriend reader give each other oral for the first time and then they have sex for the first time.
A/N ✩ — This is the longer and spicier version of my first request.
Toge snuck his fingers down your panties to gently prod your slick privates, already wet with arousal. He’s only ever fingered you a few times, and each time he’d leave you a needy mess. You’ve never came before and aren’t sure how to. But you still enjoy the feeling of him touching you and you feel happy that he wants to make you feel good. Typically while he fingers you, you’ll give him a hand job, it’s kind of been tradition since you’ve started experiencing these intimate moments together. You brought your hands down his shirtless lean torso and to the button of his pants but he stopped you this time.
You flashed Inumaki a confused look, “Tsuna mayo.” He whispered with a reassuring smile.
“Huh?” You questioned, but he just leaned forward to give you a quick peck on the lips before he went down and situated himself between your thighs. He lifted one of your legs over his shoulder and now his face was down between your legs.
You felt a wave of shyness wash over yourself, “Toge, this position is embarrassing.” You said meekly, trying to wiggle your legs shut but he playfully head bumped your leg away with a sly smile. He sturdily gripped both of your thighs keeping you in place. “Shake-shake.” He cooed, as he kept his gorgeous eyes locked with yours, then lowered his head to your clothed pussy.
He licked your lips from outside your panties, the sensation alone was extremely mesmerizing. You felt a buzz of cursed energy wash over your folds making you shiver with anticipation. “Inumaki… this is… ahh.” Another wave of riveting delight came across you when he repeated the action with a bit more pressure. The new sensation you were experiencing immediately made you forget about your self-conscious thoughts.
Toge was so intrigued at how your body instantly shuddered with the simple swipe of his tongue. He was curious as to what else he could do to you with just his mouth alone. He carefully pushed your underwear to the side to expose your glistening folds. The sight before him instantaneously made his mouth water. Without any restraint, he dove right in and tasted your sweet juices.
“Mmh!” You whined loudly, as Inumaki’s hot tongue flickered inside of you. It was as if he suddenly realized that this is what a true delicacy tastes like, every other flavor in the world seemed bland to him. He gripped your thighs tightly and pulled you into his face. You worried that he wouldn’t be able to get any air, but you could tell by the way he ate you like a starved animal; the air was the last thing that was on his mind right now.
You felt his nose rub against your clit deliciously as his buzzing tongue pumped in and out of you quickly. You instinctively wiggled your hips closer to him, enjoying the friction.
Your needy little cunt was now a sloppy mess for Toge. He couldn’t believe how saturated you’d gotten, which made him feel incredibly proud that it was all because of his doing.
He stuffed his tongue deep inside you, as far as he could force it. Which made you immediately made you cry out in ecstasy. Toge felt your walls clench him immensely with delight. He then swiveled it around inside of you in such a way that it came in contact with your sensitive spongy spot, causing you to writhe in pleasure.
Inumaki could get drunk off the moans and whimpers that came from your beautiful lips. His attractive eyes looked up at you while devouring your pussy in the most alluring way.
You’d become wetter than ever on Toge’s cursed mouth as he continuously flicked your sensitive G-spot with his tongue. He brought his fingers up to your clit and began to run little circles on it. Both of those actions were incredibly overwhelming for your body, you began to moan and call his name uncontrollably.
Suddenly a strange and new feeling overcame your lower stomach, a feeling you couldn’t hold back. You felt an intense bright white as you released yourself into your boyfriend's greedy mouth for the first time. He eagerly drank up your squirting liquids as you instinctively tried to clench your legs shut. He made sure to not miss a single drop of your scrumptious juice.
He decided to lick you clean, he started by licking the outside of your soft slick folds. His tongue moved slowly and gently in every crevice, savoring your taste entirely. He spent a little extra time on your overstimulated clit, giving it a little suck while he was at it. Making another cute gasp escape your lips. Then he wiggled his tongue inside of you, scooping out as much of your sweet nectar as possible. His bedroom was filled with your adorable gasps of delight, along with the sound of his slurping mouth on your drenched wetness.
Inumaki was hooked on this new way to please you, the way you’d squirm and whimper under his mouth. He’d eat your pussy for hours if you let him. His zipping tongue continuously scooped into you, trying to get every last bit of flavor. The rhythmic sensation of his plunging cursed tongue felt explosive. “T-Toge… stop I’m going to-ahh.” You moaned out as you came once more onto his heated mouth. His purple eyes lit up with enthusiasm as he gulped you up eagerly.
While he licked you clean for a second time, he was able to feel your pussy pulsate with pleasure from the aftermath of coming twice. He gingerly pulled his face away from your glistening cunt. You noticed that the entire lower section of his face shone with your wetness. Especially on the cursed speech marks on his cheeks. A faint blush crept across your face when you noticed that.
He crawled up the bed with an adorably smug look on his face, along with a very noticeable tent in his pants. Toge brought his face up to yours and gave you a heart-melting kiss, you were able to taste yourself in his mouth which intrigued you. You pulled Toge close into your body for another heated kiss. Then shifted positions so he was now laying down. His vibrant purple colored iris’ looked up at you inquisitively.
You brought your mouth down to his neck to give a few delicious kisses, he rested his hands on your hips to hold you in place. A quiet groan left his lips as your mouth worked on his neck. You were able to feel his erection rubbing against your thigh in the most appetizing way. You kissed and sucked a trail of small love bites down his chest and lean torso. Purposely leaving a few angry red marks on his pretty porcelain skin.
You couldn’t stand to leave him in such a desperate state, so you undid the button on his uniform pants and tentatively pulled them down along with his boxers. His scrumptious-looking dick sprang free, hard, and ready for action. Your mouth instinctively watered for him. The urge of needing to know what he feels like under your tongue got the best of you and you licked him from the base to the tip. That simple action caused his dick to pulse with anticipation and another small gasp left his lips. You saw a few drops of precum escape from his tip, so you lapped up the salty liquid with a few short kitten licks.
Your molten mouth felt incredibly sensual to Inumaki, the way you licked him like a popsicle; coating him up in all of your drool. He then felt your small mouth envelope his sensitive tip. “Ahh...” He groaned quietly, looking down at you with a flushed look on his captivating features. This new sensation drove him up the wall and it took all his willpower to not finish in your mouth right then and there.
After sucking on his tip gently, you decided to swivel your tongue around him, tasting his precum leaking out every so often. You felt a wave of bravery wash over you and lowered your mouth onto him even further. You felt the head of his penis hit your uvula causing you to gag slightly. He wasn’t even in your mouth entirely, and you weren’t confident he’d fit. So you brought your right hand onto the remaining part of his exposed length to pump him gently. Your hand felt slick with the heavy amount of saliva you left on him. His gorgeous purple eyes rolled into the back of his head from this invigorating feeling.
You loved how hard and warm he was in your mouth. You felt him tangle his hands in your hair with pleasure; lightly tugging on your locks, causing shivers to run down your spine. Knowing how much he was enjoying himself in your wet cavern enticed you to take him further down your throat. You removed your right hand from off his shaft and beckoned him further down your throat with your tongue.
“Mmh… Y/k.” He whimpered out as his whole body shuddered. Your throat squeezed him so comfortably. As soon as he said your name, you froze; the feeling of his cursed energy being directed to you made your body await his orders. Toge immediately flushed with embarrassment realizing he just said your name out loud. “Takana.” I’m sorry. He gritted through his teeth. Out of all the times to slip up and say someone’s name; it was yours while you gave him head for the first time. After a few brief seconds of being still on his dick, your body came back to its senses and you began to suck him off again. This time he clenched his jaw tightly, focusing his breath and making sure he won’t say anything on accident. But it was excruciatingly difficult.
You bobbed your head up and down on him to get used to the movement and each time you challenged yourself to go a little deeper than before. Then you’d hold yourself on him and calm your breath through your nose. You started to get the hang of having him lodged down your throat in no time.
You noticed how his eyebrows were knitted together with focus and how he clenched his jaw while looking down at you. There was so much want in his eyes. You pulled your mouth off of his glistening rod.
“Tell me what you want me to do Toge.” You said almost angelically, as you lazily pumped his spit-covered dick.
Toge shook his head ‘No’, he didn’t want to take advantage of you in such a lewd manner. “It’s ok. I want you to use your cursed speech on me.” You said as you locked your pretty gaze with his, while lowering your mouth to his tip, teasing him with your tongue. He shook his head negatively a second time, but that didn’t deter you from taunting him. This time you brought your mouth down to his balls, and you slowly dragged your tongue across his sensitive skin. You swirled around each one in a figure-eight pattern. Causing Toge’s breath to get more ragged. You then gently suckled on his left ball, your teasing tongue lapping at his soft skin. Then you switched to the right, you brought your hand to his shaft to pump him while your hot mouth gave love to his sacks. His dick was now leaking precum profusely.
As you did those inappropriate actions, Inumaki felt his release begin to come to the surface. He lightly pumped his hips upward, enjoying the feeling completely. You noticed that and pulled away with a cute smirk on your face. “Tell me what to do.” Toge’s dick twitched at the thought of controlling you, but his mind told him that it would be immoral to do such a thing. Forcing you onto him sounded so pleasurable, but it felt so inappropriate at the same time. You then coaxed him down your throat, his hard dick blocking your airway. You calmed your breath and focused on breathing through your nose. Your eyes darted upward to see that Toge’s jaw went slack with pleasure, his chest rose and fell rapidly, and his violet-colored eyes looked down at you with approval. Your mouth watered on him uncontrollably, enjoying his smooth shaft taking up space in your throat entirely. You were able to feel his cock twitch with delight; the movement caused you to gag slightly. You moved your mouth onto him in a steady rhythm, your vision began to blur with tears. You looked so pretty to Toge; especially with your mouth full of his dick and your glossy eyes looking up at him. He snaked his fingers into your hair to gently coax your mouth further down on him. You then reluctantly pulled away from him with a sly smile, “Control me.”
Inumaki felt the heartbeat in his chest increase tremendously, and he caved for your request. “Take me down your throat.” His sexy voice makes you go weak.
His cursed speech rang through to you instantly; without having time to process your actions, your mouth was glued down to his lengthy dick. You sucked him further into your mouth so he was down your throat entirely. Your face was flush with his pelvis. “Ahh...” He groaned out in pleasure at how tight and wet you felt enveloping his shaft. Having him control you so easily, turned you on so much more. Your pussy began to dampen for him uncontrollably.
Inumaki couldn’t believe how amazing your throat felt on his raging rod. Your greedy little mouth sucked him off deliciously. He tangled his hands in your hair with a firm grip and began to pump your face gingerly on his dick. You brought your hand up to gently caress his balls as you let him throat fuck you. His sighs of pleasure were becoming more frequent and increased in volume. His smooth voice was music to your ears. Being the one responsible for him to pant you a choir of scrumptious sighs and groans made your pussy ache for him. The urge for him to claim you spread through you like a passionate fire.
Toge was lost in pleasure; the way your throat squeezed and squelched around him in the most rejuvenating way. Your mouth felt like a broken faucet by how you drooled on him. Then there was your viper-like tongue swirling and swiveling around him erratically. The amazing sensations overwhelmed him completely and he released himself down your throat with a guttural gasp.
You felt his dick pulsate with delight as he emptied himself inside of your eager mouth. You could taste his hot salty seed, it reminded you of the taste of tears. You sucked him gently as you felt his final spurts greet your awaiting tongue.
Inumaki looked down at you lovingly as you drank him like a straw. You always looked beautiful in his eyes; but right now in this moment, you left him speechless. He watched as you pulled your puffy red lips away from his glistening semi-hard dick. You sneakily removed your wet panties as a small shy smile formed on your pretty features. You crawled up his breathless body. You straddled him so you hovered above his spent rod. He leaned forward to give you a ravenously sloppy kiss. The kiss grew more heated and desperate, as you felt his warm hands clutch your waist.
“T-Toge…” you flushed with want, as you reached down between the both of you to grab ahold of his slick cock. “Can you put the tip in? I want to feel you.” Your pussy felt so empty and craved to be claimed by your boyfriend's dick for the first time.
Inumaki shuddered at your request and an adorable blush crept across his upper cheeks. He felt your nimble hand hold his penis upright while you lightly teased your dripping folds onto him. He couldn’t believe that his sweet and innocent girlfriend could get so incredibly horny like this. He felt proud that you wanted him so blatantly. Excitement rushed through his veins and to his dick, to feel you in such an intimate way.
The sensation of simply rubbing his cock’s head against your opening sent you over the edge, he felt so big and hot. He seemed to grow bigger as you teased yourself on him. You weren’t sure if he’d be able to fit into your tight virgin hole; but with how saturated you were, you knew it wouldn’t be a problem. Toge kissed you once more and then pulled away to study your pretty face, leaning back on his elbows. “Shake-shake.”
With his affirmation, you carefully settled yourself a bit lower onto him. Feeling the tip of his shaft squeeze into you. It slightly stung being stretched out like that; but you were so excited and turned on with this new experience-the pain didn’t feel as bad.
You felt so hot and tight around Toge’s tip, it was almost painful by how you clamped down on him. His violet eyes were glued to your face, studying your reaction to having him inside of you. Your gaze was shifted downward towards your sweet boyfriend, his platinum white hair was a disheveled mess. His lips were parted slightly, and his cheeks were lightly colored pink. His eyes were glued to yours, he was in a trance-like state from this new experience. All while his grip on your waist felt vise-like.
Inumaki began to sweat, but not from how hot he felt; but rather because of how he was trying to calm himself from not dropping you down onto himself. He wanted to know what it would feel like to be in you completely, but he also didn’t want to hurt you.
A wave of courage overcame you, in times like this you should just dive right in. You plopped yourself down onto him without warning. And a loud moan of pain and pleasure came from your lips. You felt so full and stretched out with him lodged inside of you. You had no idea how close you could be to him.
Toge bit his lower lip, trying to restrain himself from pounding up inside of you wildly. You felt so hot and juicy around his extended dick. He leaned forward to kiss your neck and shoulders with appreciation.
His molten fluttery mouth caused shivers to run down your spine. Your breath became ragged as you got used to having Inumaki’s cock deep inside of you. You instinctively ground your hips against his, which immediately caused a wave of desire to wash over you both.
Inumaki gave you a heated kiss on your lips as he pushed up inside of you deliciously, “Ride me.” He whispered against your lips, and as his cursed words took over. Your willpower was corrupted and you began to gyrate against his hips. The sudden movement felt both amazing and painful. You were able to feel every part of him, the way his dick arched into you perfectly and the way his veins rubbed the inside of your walls. All while this felt good, the stinging pain was still there.
The look on your sweet boyfriend's face was one you could never forget. His gorgeous features were contorted with pleasure and his purple eyes looked up at you almost pleadingly.
Toge was lost in the tight feeling of your pussy, there was nowhere else in the world he’d rather be right now. Being wedged inside of you felt so heavenly. Your rhythm began to change to a more desperate and fast-paced one; the more you moved the better it felt. You felt so snug and warm around Toge’s cock; you should just keep him here forever.
Inumaki’s intrusive thoughts got the best of him and he roughly lifted your waist a few inches above himself. Then he bullied his dick in and out of you rabidly. His speed was so much faster and more efficient than yours. You let our sweet whimpers that enticed Inumaki to go faster. His cock slid in and out of you effortlessly, because of the mix of your slippery juices along with his leaking precum.
Inumaki wanted to see if he could go deeper; so he whirled you around on his slick cock so you weren’t facing him. And then he pushed you down into the mattress face down and ass up. He ruthlessly plowed into you, making you cry out in delight as your walls clenched around him.
Toge’s purple eyes lit up at the new position he discovered. The sight before him was one to behold; he loved the way your plump ass jiggled every time he smacked his hips against yours. Your back arched so sexily and he adored your lean muscles. He rested one hand on your hip and the other had a firm grip in your hair, lifting your head back roughly. The way your kindhearted boyfriend fucked you ruthlessly caused you to become a whining and dripping mess all over his lengthy dick.
Each time he plunged into you he came in contact with your sensitive G-spot, causing you to clench around him wonderfully. He could tell that you were close and continued to pound into you relentlessly. You felt your legs give way as your body succumbed to pure ecstasy. Inumaki felt you cum all over him like a waterfall as he chased after his own release. His balls tightened, then he rammed into you, with one final hard thrust. Emptying himself completely inside of you. You were able to feel his dicks pulse as he held still inside of you. After a few brief moments, he pulled out his spent member, suddenly making you feel empty and missing the closeness the both of you just had.
You felt his hot liquid leak between your legs as you got up from your position on the mattress. When you faced Inumaki he eyed you with a romantic look on his beautiful face. He pulled you into his lean chest and kissed you sweetly. Even though he just tirelessly banged you he wasn’t sweaty, just a little warm. Then again, you noticed that he doesn’t sweat that easily. Toge is extremely agile and has great stamina when it comes to his physique. You blushed slightly when he caught you staring at his lean abs.
He gave you a gentle kiss on your forehead and guided you under his covers, holding you close. You snaked your arms around his waist to hug him back. Feeling utterly blessed that you both just lost your virginity to each other. “I guess this means that we’re meant for each other.” You said quietly, about to drift off into a peaceful sleep.
“Shake mentaiko.” He murmured back, giving you a little squeeze of appreciation. He pulled away to grab his phone off his nightstand, quickly typing up something. He brought his phone's screen over to you with a faint blush on his handsome features.
The screen was in his notes app and it said:
I’m happy to call you my girlfriend. And I know for a fact that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you so much!
“I love you too Toge, shake-shake.” You smiled up at him with the most gorgeous heart-stopping smile he’d ever been privileged to see come from your face. You leaned up to his face to give him another loving kiss and then burrowed your face into the crook of his neck. That was your spot; whenever the two of you cuddled or took naps, you’d gravitate to the spot where his neck met his defined shoulder. Simply being close to him made you feel safe and secure, nothing else mattered. As sweet slumber began to take you in like warm honey; you vaguely remember the feeling of cursed speech taking hold of you when Inumaki whispered “I love you.”
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Cherry Blossom Rests 🌸 Inumaki Toge x Reader
Pairing: Inumaki Toge x Reader (can be read as any gender, no pronouns used) Genre: fluff Word Count: 1 223 Warnings: mentions of wounds, blood Summary: After a mission, Toge and you rest under a tree
Sakura Festival Masterlist - Masterlist
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“Toge, can you move your arm away? My neck hurts.”
With a groan you sat up enough to be able to grab Toge’s arm and move it away from where your head had been resting on it. Any other day you would have appreciated him offering his arm up as your headrest, but not today. You were sore all over from the mission you had just returned from. Your body was littered with small cuts, dust stuck to your skin and your sweat drenched clothes, and every muscle in your body felt like it had been robbed of any and all strength.
The mission itself had not really been dangerous, only exhausting. So much even, that you had fallen asleep in the train back home, and as soon as you had made it up the sheer infinite number of steps to the school, Toge and you had collapsed under the closest tree, not even bothering to make it back to your rooms. Here, on the school grounds you were safe from the prying eyes of public, so you had not made the effort to go further, and instead decided to rest here for a moment. Or a few moments. You had been laying underneath the blooming cherry tree for almost an hour now.
Toge protested loudly as you flopped back down, spread out like a starfish, but without the support of his arm this time. You knew he considered it his sacred duty as your boyfriend to always make sure you were as comfortable as possible.
“Toge, my neck hurts, stop it,” you protested as he tried to wriggle his hand back under your neck. “I just want to lay like that for a moment, okay? We can cuddle later.”
At your side, he whined, but pulled his hand away. You sighed quietly, focusing on the way your spine seemed to stretch out on the ground. It felt like a weigh was being removed. Experimentally you turned your head, trying to stretch out the tension in your neck, when suddenly something warm and heavy flopped down on your chest.
If you weren’t so familiar with this exact sensation, you might have been startled, but you knew what had happened, and so you just groaned a little from the way your chest got compressed by the suddenly added weight. Toge had thrown himself on top of you, arms around your waist, head resting on your chest, his bright hair tickling your chin.
“A warning next time,” you grumbled, but brought your hand up to his head anyway, running it though his strands. They were sweat and dirt coated. It had been over an hour since the fight had ended, but his body was still warm underneath his by now chilly clothes.
“Saamon Tsuna,” You should have seen it coming.
“You’re such a spoiled brat,” you sighed, craning your neck to press a kiss to the crown of his head.
Toge turned his head, resting his chin on your sternum and glanced up to you, indigo eyes scanning over your face as if he was uncertain whether you meant it. Of course, you didn’t, and he knew that, but sometimes you couldn’t shake the feeling that he still doubted your feelings for him. Was it really so hard to believe that you loved him? That idiot. But he was your idiot, and if you had to, you’d reassure him of your love for him until he got sick of it… which was a bold statement considering he always insisted he could never get enough of you.
“Okaka”, he pouted. I’m not a spoiled brat. “Takana-zuke.” You are.
“Oi,” you complained. “What did I do?”
Toge just kept pouting, giving you a moment to take in his appearance. You had been too exhausted to give him a proper once over, earlier only having made sure he was not injured too badly. Like yours, his skin was littered in cuts, his uniform dirty and still wet from sweat. At the corner of his mouth, he had missed a droplet of blood, that had by now dried and turned a dark shade of brown against his pale skin. He had used his technique too much, again. Over the past months he had gotten quite good at estimating how long he could use it, and how the impact of different commands shortened that time. But there were still moments where he went over his limits, and you hated it, hated seeing him hurt.
Reaching up, you ran your thumb over the corner of his mouth, trying to brush the dried blood away, but instead Toge turned his head to kiss your thumb.
“Hold still,” you demanded, “you have some blood there.”
Toge just rolled his eyes and pouted, but let you clean the small stain away, before looking at you expectantly.
“Tsuna Mayo,” he requested.
You furrowed your brows. “What do you want me to do?”
He rolled his eyes again, signaling you that he had expected you to understand him, before he pushed up on his hands and shifted himself so he could kiss you on the lips.
Something about Toge’s kisses always took your breath away. Sure, there were the heated kisses you shared in the privacy of your rooms, but even the smaller, almost innocent ones always made you swoon. His lips were soft and warm, his breath fanning over your cheeks in a familiar way as he pulled back after a moment to look down on you underneath him.
“Okome,” he whispered, making you smile. I love you.
“Okome,” you repeated to him, and satisfied you watched as a smile of his own spread over his face.
“Sujiko,” he smirked, lowering himself down again, so he could rest his head on your chest again.
“What’s that supposed to mean,” you complained. “You can’t make fun of me for saying I love you when you were the one who started it!”
“Shake.” Yes, I can.
“You’re awful,” you whined, your hand immediately finding its way back into his hair. “Why am I putting up with you again?”
“Takana-zuke okome.” You love me.
“Yeah, unfortunately.” You picked a cherry blossom petal out of his hair, the colour of the petal almost identical to that of his strands.
“Okome.” And I love you. Toge’s voice had gotten quieter, heavy, and you knew he was about to fall asleep.
“I know,” you whispered, carding your fingers through his soft hair. “And I’m so happy you do.”
Toge only hummed in affirmation, his eyes fluttering shut as he kept his ear pressed to your chest, listening to your breath and heartbeat. Warm sunbeams fell through the branches and blinded you, making you close your eyes too. Rationally you knew you should get up, go back to your room, shower, get patched up and write the mission report. But you really didn’t want to disturb your sleeping boyfriend. Besides, when would you get the next chance to cuddle with him on a spring afternoon under the blooming cherry trees? You sighed, relaxing against the ground. Nobody would mind if you took a little longer with that report. And if they did… their offence, no matter how big, could not compete with the feeling of peace that flooded your body from feeling Toge sleep with his arms wrapped around you.
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queenendless · 28 days
💗 Cafe Time 💗
A/n: Imma count this as an April Fool's prank cause it's kinda nonsense.
AU centric where JJK cast here are chibis, as is everyone else in this world, and you are the sole normal sized human there.
Cute fluffy filled crack nonsense that is short as hell and cause I've wanted to write chibi stuff for a long time.
Itafushi, NobaMaki, and HaiNana crumbs here and there but SatoSugu x GN!Reader in the end.
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The tale of a regular sized normie getting teleported to a Japan where everyone but themselves is chibi sized.
Their resisting negation to cursed energy that in the strongest in the country leads to your immediate discovery and recruitment into a place to stay as well as work by a burly mid aged bearded man with shades.
Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College Cafe.
Your newfound workplace and home. Where you met some regulars that quickly became your favorites.
“L/n-san~!” Dear Yuji lifted the cookie atop him, smothered in whipped cream with a bright smile and a wave reserved for you. “Eat me~! Just kidding~!”
Your pinky finger gently ruffled his salmon haired head. “Your teasing is very much warranted, you precious boi.”
In the parfait cup filled with ice cream, whipped cream and berries, a storm cloud raged atop Megumi's brooding head. “Get me outta here or I will shatter this glass.”
Yuji's face became pale with doom, hissing at you conspiratory. “He ain't kidding.”
You reached down and pulled out said grumpy Megumi who took the shinigami dog shaped candy, bashfully thanked you, and shyly pecked you on the cheek, compelling you to smooch him right on the nose. “Favorite tsundere here.”
You dropped him down on table level for Yuji to smother his boi in a good old bear hug; his infectious smile causing his emo bae to blush and ease into it and smile back.
“Maki-san~! Nibble on me~!” Nobara sung suggested cozied smack dabbed in her macaron.
“You idiot. Why did you have to admit that out loud? Here of all places?” Maki murmured, bashfully blushing, looking away amiss her red bean filled pancake sandwich.
“Maki-san! I love you~!” An unashamed Nobara rushed outta her macaron to tackle Maki into a bean pasted draped hug.
“Here.” You lifted off their pancake cover before handing a decent sized handkerchief to the girls as you passed by, earning winks of thanks from the pair before their stained faces grew messier as they commended a make out session under said hankie.
“Konbu! Tsuna Tsuna! Mentaiko!” The orange topped Toge waves eagerly at you from his perched spot on his own cupcake.
“I see you my boi and I've missed you too.” Your offered finger was taken by the rice ball speaking boi, swinging him to land before Panda lounging in the middle of a smore treat.
“Give me a hand, little buddy, tall buddy.”
“Takana!” Toge's mini hand and your long finger were more than enough to pull the fuzzy cursed doll out, though the chocolate sauce and marshmallows stuck to his fur.
You magically pulled out a wet rag to clean him up, humming at the now pristine baby. “My gift to you, my precious Panda.”
“L/n-san! Lift off please and thank you~!”
You picked up Yu's back collar to place him atop his fruit sandwich for him to slide down the creamy path, bumping right into Nanami. “Sandwich slide, hazah~!”
“Why must you condone this nonsense?” Kento commented through a mouthful of his subway sandwich, lightly bopping Haibara on his noggin as an attempted scolding.
“He's your partner. You tell me.” Your sassiness made the stern Nanami purse his lips at you in defiance but had Haibara chortling to his further annoyance, firmly tugging on his cheeks to gargle those noises, only amusing his partner more, finally doing here and now to kiss him just to keep him quiet.
Haibara's face glowed all smitten like. “Aw I love you too – !”
“Hush you and eat.” Nanami couldn't suppress a grin as he ate his subway with his favorite boi.
“Job well done, fellow yaoi buddy.” Shoko snorted at what she just saw, lounging in her lemon tea sponge cake, raising her small palm for you to give a carefully slow high five indeed.
“Keep your hands to yourself, assassin.” Riko narrowed dagger eyes at the scarred man across the room, cherry atop her head as she floated in a literal ice cream soda float.
“Riko-sama, be cautious, now.” Misato cautioned her, doing her best to stay blended within her fruity spread.
“I think he's retired from that lifestyle now.” You assured the pair, settling their nerves down when you handed them a plush doll with two eyes, eight legs and horns for them to cuddle and ride on.
“Suguru~ They're so pretty~!” Satoru plopped red bean paste sweetness into his mouth as he watched you move to and fro throughout the cafe.
Suguru munched on the cherry that sat atop with him on the cupcake. “Despite the major height difference, I will admit they look docile.”
“In that case – !” Gojo got down on one knee. “Marry us please~!”
Geto nearly choked. “Toru, we're still dating!”
Gojo got up to kiss him fully on the lips. “Well, we've practically been wedded since day one so …”
Geto's eyes crinkled with tender mirth, humming as he kissed back. “Can't argue with that logic.”
Grabbing his hand, the albino of the two floated them both on up high to reach you. “Plus, a poly ship is very sexy~”
The fact that the iconic strongest pair landed on either shoulder to kiss you simultaneously on your cheeks touched your heart.
“Aw, I – MMPH!”
The super human chibi that is Toji threw his bagel like a Frisbee disk right into your mouth. “Oi. You. This donut ain't cuttin’ it for me. Get me some beer, huh?”
“Dad!” Megumi snapped on your behalf.
“He is a beast.” Yuji anxiously sweated at the alarmingly impressive feat.
“I wanna duel him even more now.” Maki, a fellow non-cursed fighter, got fired up after peaking outside to witness his simple yet stellar stunt.
“Eh!? We already called dibs!” Gojo flared up, steam coming outta his ears.
“Hands off, monkey.” Geto emanated pure unfiltered hatred for the brute killer.
All three men had their eyes cast in shadow as literal sparks of agitation flew between them, ruining the cozy vibe of the cafe.
Able to chew and swallow that bagel up, you could speak again. “Knock yourself out, you beast.” Whisking out a jug of booze outta the blue, you knew the superhuman killer could take it, his smug self already chugging it down with one hand.
“Physically gifted,” Yuji and Maki breathed out in amazement.
“As I was gonna say,” you cupped your hands out for GoGe to sit on, your e/c eyes sparkling down at them, “Of course I'll marry you two. Size and all.”
A giggling Satoru and an amused Suguru are over the moon with your acceptance, bringing them close enough for them to smooch your lips in unison.
However later, you got an earful of “Goddamn” from your chibi sized boss at giving someone alcohol at his fine establishment.
But, you could tolerate it.
All these cuties make it all worth it.
Especially your new beaus.
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rebornologist · 1 year
What kinks do you think Tsuna has? If you don’t mind answering. 💜
Hiie anon! I'm so sorry to break it to y'all but... I think Tsuna is a vanilla ass mf.. he's .. kink-less... I can't imagine him being very into anything under the bdsm/kink umbrella, just takin good care of his partners and having a good time ;w;
BUT I think the closest thing to a kink for him is praise (giving/receiving) because he's a sweetheart and will always want to communicate how well his partner is doing and what feels good. He likes when his partner dresses up in cute lingerie or outfits for him, but he's most definitely equally likely to jump your bones even if you're wearing a t-shirt (likely his t-shirt) and shorts :) He looowkey has a secretary fantasy, but that's mostly in the realm of dressing up nice and pretty for him.
In an alternate universe where he is waaaay freakier, I'd say puppy play just for the giggles LOL something about making him your dog boy... He would be so,, obedient. eager to please.. but I don't think he's normally the type of get off on something so intense, power-dynamic wise.
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twohandsrequired · 11 months
CAN YOU PLEASE WRITE MORE TSUNA X READER??? Wholesome to be more specific maybe??? 🥹
One wholesome piece coming your way
Please enjoy!
The lights were dim around the Namimori base, small scuffes of feet could be heard around the manor as subordinates passed through the halls. Your own feet moved towards a few of the unopened rooms a smile upon your face, wide enough to plump the apples of your cheeks up. Muffled giggles sounded behind one of the doors, pressing your body to the wall you gently opened it listening for the squeaky laugh of your child.
The head of fluffy hair peeked up, the spitting imagine of your lover stared back at you. Cooing a soft 'i found you' you watched with bemusment as your child ran past you shrieking for their father.
With long quick steps you followed behind with a playful 'coming to get you!' Laughing with them as they moved.
Turning around the corner a gasp left your lips, youd ran straight into your lovers arms. The soft but firm embrace kept you close to the warm body, almost a full head taller you tilted your head back to look at him marveling at the gentle smile and soft look in his eyes.
"Anata," softly cooing at him you watched Tsunayoshi melt, "youve let our child escape. How cruel of you." Your own heart burst full of warmth as he chuckled a deep sound pleasing to the ears. The years did your lover well.
"tesoro mio, our child is behind me but you wont escape. We've allied for a noble cause." He joked lightly with a fond smile as your child squealed and laughed over how youd been caught in their brilliant trap. The trap being papas arms just as Tsuna came out of a meeting. Somewhere down the line you could hear Gokuderas grumbles of how Tenth shouldn't be doing something like this- firmly believing that his precious tenth should be doing greater things. Tsuna brushed all that off. Using a filthy tactic of pressing a kiss soft enough to your lips to steal your breath you barely noticed your feet leave the ground.
Squealing out a laugh of your own your hands found purchase on Tsunas shoulders , the little scurry of feet at Tsunas side told your that your child was following wherever Tsuna was taking you.
"And with our plan successful a victory snack is in need!" Jolly laughter left his lips a wide smile upon his face causing his eyes to look warmer than ever. With a small hum you pressed a kiss to his lips in agreement. Listening with a smile of your own as the spitting image of your love yelled out their want for pudding and cuddles as a reward. Tsuna himself nodded along like it was the will of god being spoken.
Pudding and cuddles lasted well into the evening as the three of your pilled into a pillow fort hiding away from the world for a moment of peace only given in short burst.
These were the moments you wouldnt trade for the world. Moments youd savor forever.
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hwaseonghwasworld · 3 months
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Arranged marriage chapter 3: Wedding Ceremony
Summary: being a popular model isn't enough for Y/n’s parents so they decided to get her married with a 6’1”, protective male who is also a mafia, all the secrets and lies everyone kept from her will soon come into the light, what happens once the truth comes out?
Yunho x Reader
Word count: 1k
Genre: series Mafia au!, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Media au!
Warnings: murder, graphic violence, kidnapping, cursing
Updates: Probably Thursday at 7pm BST
I hate this…
Getting married to a guy I only met once, and watching as people took pictured with me then going to go sit down at the main area, I rolled my eyes as people actually thought I was I love with this stranger, my grandma walked up to me and I tried smiling just for her, “you two look like such a beautiful couple, how did you two meet? Why didn’t you tell me about him?” I looked at my mom who decided to take a picture with both of us and she just smiled and laughed a little.
“You know kids these days, mother, they’re always keeping secrets” I sighed and they stood up and hugged me then walked into the main room. My friends hugged me and we sat down and took pictures, I nodded at them about the plan and we started, “Y/n your bun is loose” “really? Let’s go to my changing room to fix it” we walked away apologising to everyone and we walked to the changing room, I look at Setsuna since she’s the one that decided to switch with me. “Tsuna are you ready to get married again?” She nodded and we quickly switched clothes.
After putting the veil over her head and a cap on mine, before we stepped out Nina said something “why don’t we just run out of the venue instead” I look at her like she’s dumb “you know how obvious it is if I just run out, did you not see the amount of bodyguards here, it’s even risky doing this” she nodded and the girls and I went to go sit down at the main area, while Tsuna was getting ready to walk down the isle, my father got her to hold his arm while she made sure not to look at my father.
“Y/n I understand that you’re mad at me, but… this is for your safety” as soon as Tsuna was standing next to Yunho, Yunho could feel that something was wrong when she was avoiding eye contact
~ Yunho pov ~
Y/n was acting weird… when we first spoke she always kept eye contact even when she didn’t want to, now she was playing with her dress and avoiding eye contact. As soon as I finally got a good look at her… it wasn’t Y/n I look over at the seats and see a girl in a cap who hid her face with the cap but by looking at her lips it was definitely Y/n.
“This isn’t Y/n!”
~ Y/n pov ~
“Shit” I got up and was about to run out buy got stopped by two large body guards who grabbed my arms and dragged me towards Yunho “GET OFF ME” they finally let go of me as soon as I was face to face with Yunho, I looked into his eyes in anger. “I don’t know you enough to marry you” he took my hat off and ran his hands through my hair he grinned touching my cheek and bent down to my height and whispered something in my ear “Y/n trust me, please” i was confused but nodded, why should i trust him is my dad up to something?
As soon as the vows finished we were meant to kiss, he grabbed my cheek and kissed me, I looked shocked but closed my eyes to make it look like I’m kissing him back, once he broke the kiss and smiled while everyone that didn’t know the truth plus my parents clapped. I broke the kiss and looked at how Yunho was just smiling at me.
After a while my older brother Hyunjin pulled me outside while I was talking to my friends, “You can’t be with that guy” I looked at him confused not knowing what he meant, I didn’t want to bring up the fact that it was forced upon me so I just asked him why “is there something wrong?” “I-It’s not being don’t worry” I looked at him pissed since he just bring me out here for no reason then “you can’t just do that asshole” he walked away and I ran up to him and slapped his head in anger “Hyunjin what is it?!” “I said don’t worry!” Yunho pulled me behind him and I could feel the tension between Hyunjin and Yunho.
I decided to just leave cause I didn’t want anything to do with this.
~ Yunho ~
“Stay the fuck away from my sister” “we’re married dumbass” Hyunjin rolled his eyes “look just don’t hurt her cause I know your group is pretty fucking sadistic” “I would never hurt her I love her…” “oh yeah right you had a crush on her in high school” him being that up reminded me about how she acted when we first met again at her house “why can’t she remember me” Hyunjin sighed passing me a cigarette.
“On her 18th birthday something happened and the trauma made her forget stuff” “what happened?” Hyunjin looked at me like he remembered that we hate each other “it’s not my part to say… just don’t ask Y/n about it she already hates her birthday cause of it, just don’t remind her” Hyunjin walked away and I said something before he went into his car. “Where’s your group at?” “I’m not bringing them here, I’m not trying to ruin my sisters wedding with rivals.”
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xxsabitoxx · 2 years
Just For You
Inumaki x Fem! Reader
Warnings: loss of virginity, first time, fingering, blow jobs, spitting and soft sex
Request: If your requests are still available could I request a mini-smut with inumaki? Maybe something along the lines of he taking care of reader with it being her first time?
A/N: I dead ass had to look up a guide to know what each ingredient is meant to represent what word / phrase / tone LMFAOO so please don’t quote me if some of them are off or not used right. Also fucking Christ almighty I was dying writing some of these scenes just because of Toge’s limited vocabulary 😭
Word count:
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You knew it was going to go further than other times. You could feel it, especially with the way you were kissing down Toge’s neck. The man below you was holding you so tightly you swore you’d be left with bruises the next day. “T-toge…” you pulled away the moment you felt it. The subtle twitch of his groin under your hips. “Salmon…” this was where you usually stopped, you weren’t exactly ready to lose your virginity yet. Not because you didn’t want to, but because you were kind of scared. Toge respected that, when you were ready to stop, he’d stop.
This time however, you felt ready to venture a little further. “Toge… I think I’m ready.” You sunk your teeth into your inner cheek, searching his eyes for a reaction. “Tsuna…” it was soft, his eyes widening considerably. He was surprised, all the while you could tell by his gaze that he was asking you if you were sure. “I’m sure…” you whispered softly, hand coming up to gently caress his cheek. Your thumb softly traced his curse mark as you let your hips lower fully against his.
A soft sigh spilled from his lips, you moved to kiss them again. Your hips found a steady rhythm, rocking softly against his hardening cock. You and Toge had done many other things, the only thing that was left was… penetration. With that being said, oral sex and mutual masturbation were usually go-to. But tonight was different, you felt ready to take it further and finally get over your worries. It was Toge after all, if you trusted anyone to take your virginity, it was him.
You moaned into his mouth as both hands came up to grab your ass, guiding your hips against him. Your hands tangled in his hair before pulling away again. “Toge… can I talk this off?” You were tugging at his t-shirt, a smile tugging at your lips as he eagerly nodded. You admired his face for a moment, hands reaching down to pull the hem of his shirt up. His cheeks were flushed, lips swollen and wet from your kisses. His hair was sticking up in every direction, similar to the way he wore it when he was a first year at jujutsu tech a few years ago.
“You look like a little cloud.” You laughed softly as you covered his face with his shirt. His pale, toned skin was revealed to you. It was a familiar sight littered in scars. You loved each and everyone of them, you knew each story behind them from Toge’s writing. It was your primary form of communication beside sign language… and the occasional words he felt confident in whispering to you. You tossed his shirt off to the side, hands freely roaming his skin as your lips returned to biting his neck. All the while you let Toge guide your hips into a rhythm that was good for him.
“I’m impatient, Toge.” Your tongue ran across the area you had just bit. You sat up again, reaching for the hem of your shirt and pulling it off as well. Toge helped you, pulling it from your hands and tossing it to the end of the couch like you had done to his. “Do you mind if we skip a few steps?” Your nerves were getting the better of you, you wanted nothing more than to feel him. “Okaka.” He shook his head, brows furrowing as if he was scolding you. “But Toge…” you drew out each letter, batting your eyelashes at him. “Okaka.” He repeated, his tone was stern. His hands stilled your hips, freeing one had to sign something to you.
“I’m not rushing your first time. You’ll just have to be patient.”
You groaned in defeat, trying to shimmy your way off his lap and drop to your knees. “Takana?” There was concern in his eyes, it caused you to soften a bit. “I’m taking my time, Toge.” Your eyes shifted down to his lap and then back up at him as he let you go. You settled on your knees, watching realization dawn on his face. “Get comfortable.” You commanded softly, reaching to undo the zipper on his pants. Toge relaxed when he caught on to what you were doing.
You fished his cock out of the confines of his pants. You gave him a few eager pumps, smearing the precum along his length before moving to lick up the underside. “Tsunamayo.” Toge stopped you, hand reaching down to undo his pants the rest of the way. You smiled as he lifted his hips, allowing you to pull his pants and boxers off till they pooled at his knees. “Always so picky.” You tease him before wrapping your lips around the head of his cock.
You wasted no time, mouth suctioning to his tip as you used your hands to pump the rest of him. You weren’t fully serious when you said you were going to take your time. You wanted to do it before you lost your courage again. You were spurred on by his soft gasps followed by low moans. You’d never get tired of your usually quiet boyfriend making such pretty noises. Your throat relaxed considerably as you took a little more of him in, throat constricting as he nearly hit the back of your throat.
Your hands pumped from his base to where your lips were, repeating that motion over and over until you felt him twitching. Toge’s hands buried in the couch cushions, face turning red as he tried to compose himself. He wasn’t oblivious to your little game. “Okaka…” he choked out, as if trying to warn you. Naturally you didn’t listen, if anything you sped up. A low moan tumbled from his lips, eyes squeezing shut in embarrassment. Toge was hot on your tongue, heavy enough to make you struggle. You could feel every vein and ached to take more.
Again, if he wasn’t going to give you what you wanted right away, you’d just have to tease him until he did. Toge, on the other hand, knew you well enough to know that this little bratty act would crumble soon. As eager as you were to feel him inside of you… and as eager as he was to take your virginity… he knew your previous anxieties over the topic would return. That was the real reason he didn’t go straight into it, he didn’t want to scare you more than he knew you’d be. You knew it was coming when his thighs began to tremble, the noises he tried to suppress wouldn’t stay hidden.
You hummed, hoping it would act like an encouragement for him to cum. A gurgling moan spilled from him just as he spilled the contents of his release down your throat. He was embarrassed for a moment, the back of his hand coming up to press to his trembling lips. “See, I took my time. Now…” you were standing, not giving him a moment to recover. You began undressing fully, removing your bra all the way down to your panties before crawling back into his lap.
“Please… Toge. I can’t wait any longer.” It was the simplest praise that broke his self control. He began signing to you with shaky hands. “I have condoms and lube in my bedside drawer.” The butterflies in your stomach turned into a frenzy, a familiar pulse returning between your legs. You got off the couch without much hesitation, moving across the room to grab the items from his bedside table. “You’ve been preparing for this, Toge?” You smirked at him, watching as he shifted on the couch. A small nod followed. Of course he’d been preparing for this, hell he’d even been counting down the days.
You made your way back over. Instead of crawling into his lap, you sat beside him. “Do you want me to lay down?” He nodded, a soft whisper of “salmon” leaving his lips. You did just that, ignoring your racing heart as you spread your legs. “Sujiko.” He smiled softly as he crawled over you, one hand reaching down to skip two fingers between slick folds. “Why are you surprised?” You giggled softly, nerves easing for a moment as your hands came up to cup his face.
You didn’t get an answer, instead two fingers slipped easily into your entrance. You felt little to no discomfort as he slowly scissored you open. After a minute or two, soft squelches filled the room. For a moment you were convinced you could come just from his fingers. The tension in your gut was enough to have you whispering his name. You wanted more, you needed more from him. “Toge… I wanna come on your cock..” again, you know how to wear down his self control.
“Okaka…” he scolded softly, slowly introducing a third finger just to see you wince. He knew you needed to get used to three before he even introduced his cock. Your hand reached up to grasp his forearm, nails digging into the skin as you felt your orgasm building. You wanted to wait, save that for when he was inside of you. Toge had other plans, he knew you much better after all. Apparently more than you knew yourself.
Warm liquid coated his fingers as your thighs trembled. He worked through your orgasm, not slowing until he saw tears form in your eyes. “Toge…” you whined, hips arching in hopes of getting him to stop. His fingers left you a moment later, a slick pop following them as he stuck all three into his mouth. “Am I ready now?” You pouted, hand soothing where your nails had dug into his skin. His fingers left his mouth a moment later, signing to you once more. “So impatient. Fine, we’ll try now.”
You watched as he reached for the condoms you grabbed, tearing open the foil wrapper. He slipped the material over himself, eyes focusing more on your reaction as he did. You felt breathless, eager to finally conquer your anxieties. It was amusing to him as he watched your eyes follow his hand’s every movement. He was almost tempted to make a show out of smearing his cock with lube. The tension was too high, he was worried you’d get genuinely mad if he did so.
You tried to steady your breathing when you felt his blunt head press between your folds. Toge signed one last thing to you before both hands gripped your thighs. “I’ll go slow.” You nodded, bracing yourself for what you imagined would be rather painful. Instead there was only a moment of discomfort as his head penetrated your walls. “Takana?” His voice was strained as he looked at you. You nodded, body slowly relaxing as he pushed forward. You whispered words of encouragement to him as he bottomed out.
You were both still for a moment, Toge was allowing you to adjust to his size. He wouldn't move until you were ready for him to. Your walls were suctioning to him, leaving him a little breathless as he waited for your green light. “Y-you can move.” You felt no discomfort now, the stretch was rather pleasant had he drew back out. Half way out he pushed back in, studying your face to gauge your reaction. A loud gasp left you, taking that as a yes, he continued. It only took Toge a few seconds to find a rhythm that accommodated both of you.
His hips drew back and forth, most of his concentration was on your face. He watched as your breasts jiggled with each movement, it was an aching reminder that you didn’t give him the opportunity to play with them like you usually did. The couch creaked with his force, eyes trained on you and you alone. Every little twitch, he felt it. Every noise, he heard it. He was absolutely engulfed by you and it was mesmerizing. “You’re beautiful, y/n.” It was soft but loud enough for you to hear.
It wasn’t often you were graced with Toge’s voice, you thought of it as a rare treat. Now you felt tears burning your eyes, praise mixing with pleasure was overwhelming you. “Toge…” you wailed, arms reaching to drag him forward. Your bodies crashed together as your hips met his with bruising force. You couldn’t get enough of him, you couldn't get closer, as if he wasn’t already buried inside of you. Just like before, your orgasm hit you out of nowhere, your walls clenching down on him as tight as a vice.
Your cries were muffled by his lips, his own noises mixing with your own as you nearly forced his orgasm out of him. The contents, of which, spilled inside of the condom. Though he really wouldn’t have rathered it spilling inside of you. You were both silent, Toge’s arms were threatening to give out on him. “Takana?” He choked out, head lifting to meet your eyes. “Y-yeah… I’m good.” He smiled softly, placing a kiss on your forehead. “Tsunamayo.” You began to laugh, pulling him down to rest on top of you. “I’m glad you enjoyed it, I did too. Very much so.” Your fingers began running through his messy hair.
“You’re beautiful too, you know.”
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fandom-go-round · 1 month
Hi, it's me who was late last December but I'm back! I hope everything been well for you and your charger.
Anyway, I would like to request for FGO. Kintoki and Watanabe poly 🥹
Thank you for your hard works, kind words and patience!
Thank YOU for being so patient! I appreciate it! These two are so cute, I’m glad you came back with this!
Kintoki and Tsuna are always fun to be with. Kintoki is a bottle of sunshine and loves to go do things, dragging both of you on dates to where ever sounds fun. Tsuna is calmer but no less adventurous, he just hides it better. He’ll say he wants to go somewhere and then it turns out to be training on the side of a volcano. It keeps you on your toes but you love it.
The two of them love to ‘spar for your affection’. It’s a game that they take very seriously. Usually Kintoki starts it, saying something like ‘I dedicate this golden victory to you!’. It’s cute and Tsuna agrees until Kintoki keeps taunting him and then Tsuna has to up the stakes. The best part: normally you’re not there. It’s the two of them in the simulator, making these bold declarations with no one else there.
The three of you had a very serious conversation with Raiko when you started dating. She didn’t find out right away but once she did, she was determined to ‘talk you through it’. She’s surprisingly supportive of the three of you together but wants to make sure you know what to expect. Afterwords, Raiko gives her blessing and is asking about grandkids. Kintoki wants to crawl into a hole and Tsuna does his best to ignore her.
Your favorite moments are the days when you get to sleep in. You usually take the middle and it’s nice to see your partners relaxed. Kintoki snores like a freight train and you often giggle to yourself, Tsuna’s face pressed into your back. The two of you wake up before Kintoki, Tsuna holding you close and soaking in your attention. Once Kintoki wakes up, the three of you have a moment together before breakfast. It always makes you feel recharged, spending time together and not fighting for your life. It makes you hopeful for the future.
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neeneee · 5 months
✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼ Haunted House ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼
Gojo x Reader
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> reader gets ghosted every few months 😔
> Gojo uses light mode, because he’s a freak and let’s face it, only freaks use light mode
> Ren’s faceclaim is Rin Itoshi (real original ik), Kiyo is Junji Ito’s Tomie and Tsuna is a random ai generated black girl ✌️😜
> reader is not boy crazy, she just craves romantic love bc 🤷🏽‍♀️
>Kiyo and Ren dated right before she came out as Gay, but they stay friends anyway (but they still argue like a married couple, but there’s no romantic feelings there. He just like playing the victim)
> Tsuna is the mom friend
>in my world NO ONE DIES !! 😭
>they’re all between 21-23
>forgot to mention that reader is fem! 🥹
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dreadsuitsamus · 1 year
Getting Together with Tsunade Headcanons | Tsunade x Reader |
author's note: i just really love her
pairing: tsunade senju x fem!reader
warnings: modern au, alcohol, also reader realizing they're not straight, making out, heavy petting
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You've been friends with Tsunade for a long time now, and when you first met her you were taken aback by how fuzzy your chest felt when you first saw her
You're introduced by a mutual friend, Jiraiya, who you had a friends with benefits situation with
Jiraiya said he needed a wingman, and since he was paying for the drinks, you obliged him and dolled yourself up for a night at the club
You warm up with a few shots, tossing back a second shot of tequila when you see her
She's speaking with Jiraiya at one of the couches, and at first you think he's already gotten his bag
The way she punches his gut, however, proves you wrong
Surprised, you rush over to check on Jiraiya, who laughs through his pain and introduces you to his assailant
"This is my longtime friend Tsunade."
Tsunade analyzes you with her warm, amber eyes. You find your throat to be dry and lick your lips, turning your head so you don't have to feel her gaze as harshly
"Hm... You're much too pretty to settle for Jiraiya's hookups."
Jiraiya makes an offended noise, but she ignores him in favor of taking your wrist. "We'll be drinking!" She tosses over her shoulder to Jiraiya, leading you back to the bar
She orders a round of shots after asking your preferred poison, smirking when you respond with tequila
"Oh, we'll be friends in no time if you keep this up."
You two get to know each other that night, and once you've fulfilled your promise to Jiraiya to get him laid, you pull out your phone to get a ride home
Tsunade takes your phone and adds her number in. "I like you. Let's do this again sometime, but without the sleeze next time."
You smile and you hope you're not outwardly showing your adoration, as your insides are warm and overjoyed that she wants to be your friend
You two are indeed fast friends, both having military experience. She on the medical side, you on the engineering side
Your personal interests overlap as well, and oftentimes you and Tsunade go out for small vacations, or new movie releases, or just about anything
Your interest in her skyrockets, and Jiraiya looks bored one night at dinner as you talk about her and your latest trip to Vegas
"So did you hook up or not." He deadpans.
"W-What?" You stop mid-story, cheeks burning with embarrassment
"Yeah, yeah, the whole 'stays in Vegas' thing, I get it."
You frown, and he perks a brow right at you. "You look awfully confused for a simple question."
"Why would I have sex with Tsuna?"
If looks could kill, you'd be Yamcha right now
"Because, I dunno, she's beautiful, sexy, you have a crush on her... I could go on but I won't for fear of her spawning out of nowhere and putting me in traction for a year."
"I..." You blink and really think about your friendship with Tsunade. And how you've always felt so fond of her, even from that very first moment you saw her. And how those feelings have lingered for a long time
"I've never loved a woman."
"You do now." Jiraiya smirks. "And what a woman to fall in love with, hm?"
"Oh my god..." You whisper to yourself. You really do love Tsunade Senju
When Jiraiya drives you home, he smiles gently at you. "For the record, I think she's gonna be a lot more receptive to your love than mine."
You look into his eyes and realize he's probably loved her his entire life, and he's still 100% supportive of you trying your luck with her because of how much he loves you too
You smile back at him and lean in for a hug, kissing the corner of his mouth. "I love you too, Jiraiya."
He laughs softly and kisses your temple, making sure you get inside safely before he drives home
You're nervous the next time you see Tsunade. It's been around a week since you went out with Jiraiya, and she's finally got some free time after the Vegas trip
She invites you over for a sleepover, and you realize just how much effort you've been putting in for her with your clothes and makeup choices as you pack a bag
You're greeted with her brightest smile and hug when you get to her place, and you rest your hands comfortably on her hips
"It's been so long." She whines softly in your ear. Her breath against your ear makes you shiver
"It's been ten days, Tsuna." You laugh softly
"Too. Long." She whispers before pulling you by your hand into her house. She's got the living room set up with snacks and saké, and lots of pillows and blankets on her sectional couch
You chat for a bit to catch up, though Tsunade's doing most of the talking
You just can't stop focusing on how beautiful she is. Her lips look so soft, her skin is flawless and her hair is perfect every time you see her
Eventually Tsuna starts pouring alcohol while you focus on putting on a movie. You settle on some rom-com and lean back into the cushions, taking the drink Tsunade's delicate hand holds to your mouth
And just like every time you two get together and drink, you both get tipsy after some time
You're watching her as she watches the movie, your chest feeling full and like it would burst with how much you want this woman
Tsunade turns her head, gazing back at you with that little smile on her lips. Her cheeks are flushed from the saké and her eyes have a mischievous glow in them
She turns her body to face you more and you swallow thickly, forcing your eyes to stay met with hers. And it's difficult because she's wearing a tank top with no bra underneath and you're lit up from the alcohol
"When are you going to kiss me?"
"Hwhat." You deadpan.
Tsunade smirks and moves to her knees, leaning forward so her lips are a hair's breadth from yours
"I'm tired of waiting for you to make a move."
You swallow and gaze into her hooded eyes. "If you want something right, do it yourself." You dare to challenge back
Tsunade never did back down from a gamble
She presses her soft mouth to yours, both of her hands coming to your head and kissing you like a pro
You've never responded to someone so viscerally like you to do Tsunade kissing you. You shiver and your body is littered in goosebumps, and you swear she's smirking against your lips
She straddles your lap without ever breaking her momentum on your lips, pressing her chest to yours and looping her arms loosely around your neck, grinding her hips lightly as she slips her tongue into your mouth
You shudder at the heat she brings, tentatively putting your hands on her thighs
Tsunade kisses you til you're almost breathless, literally
You have to pull away or you'll suffocate, though dying because Tsunade Senju is kissing you is one of the best ways to go out
She steals a few quick smooches anyway, settling the movement of her hips
You get your bearings back and look her dead in the eye. "I am in love with you."
"Good." She winks at you and reclaims your lips, murmuring between her warm, messy kisses. "Otherwise this would be awkward."
When you wake up in the morning, you can't even feel the hangover. You're on top of Tsuna, head pillowed on her chest and enveloped in the smell of her as she's got her limbs locked around you
She's asleep still, drooling and snoring with her messy hair and all, and even then you still find her to be absolutely perfect
You kiss her chest softly and settle back in, smiling to yourself
She's grumpy when she eventually wakes up, but giggles and blushes so beautifully when you silence her complaints of a headache with a kiss
Tsunade Senju really does love you
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