#tw//self doubt
novasintheroom · 3 months
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Oh don't mind me, just trying to get hyped for the Prince!Vash arranged marriage au I have cooking in my head :) Moodboard it is!
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whump-about-it · 2 months
Someone You Deserve
@whumpril Day 9: Self Doubt
CW: angst, empathy fatigue, conditioned whumpee
Whumpee was already asleep when Caretaker got home from work. Curled up on the couch in a nest of blankets and pillows and a tear stained face as they snored softly in contest with the low drone of the tv show they'd fallen asleep watching. They had a bed, but they preferred to sleep anywhere else. Too comfortable they had told Caretaker, I don't deserve it.
Caretaker sighed and took their shoes off quietly, so as not to disturb Whumpee's slumber. If they woke up they would be a mess of apologies for not being awake to greet Caretaker at the door, and Caretaker wasn't in the mood to talk them off another metaphorical ledge tonight. Anyway, Whumpee almost never slept this soundly.
A cold meal Caretaker had asked Whumpee not to make sat on the kitchen table. Caretaker realized with a pang that they had forgotten to tell Whumpee they would be home late tonight. No wonder they were on the couch. No wonder their face was tear streaked and splotchy from crying themselves to sleep.
Caretaker slumped in a kitchen chair and put their head in their hands. How could I be so stupid? They shivered at the thought of Whumpee cooking for them, cleaning, getting ready for the two of them to eat together once Caretaker had gotten home. Had they been excited? Did they hum to themselves as they cut the carrots? Dance around the kitchen while they waited for the oven to preheat? How long had they waited before they realized Caretaker wasn't coming home? Had their food gone cold too? Had they cried at the kitchen table? Wondering if it was something they had done that was keeping Caretaker away?
After a minute Caretaker stood up and went back to the living room, intending to wake Whumpee up and apologize, but they paused in the doorway realizing they didn't even know what they wanted to apologize for. Coming home late? Forgetting to call? For being the worst possible person for Whumpee to rely on?
The doctors had said that it wouldn't be easy. Whumpee's recovery would be slow, and Caretaker needed to have patience, for both of them. But this couldn't have been what they meant. It had been months and Whumpee had barely made any progress. They still rarely spoke if not asked to. They jumped at the slightest moves. And had even called Caretaker "Master" a few times, which made Caretaker's blood run cold just to think about.
Surely Whumpee deserved better than this. Caretaker was falling woefully short of providing what Whumpee needed and they were so far behind they didn't even know what they were doing wrong. Apologizing wasn't going to solve any of that.
Caretaker sighed again and turned back into the kitchen. Tears pricking at their eyes from their anger about their own woeful inadequacy at caring for their friend. They were exhausted, and in a bad mood. It was probably best that Whumpee didn't see them like this. Instead Caretaker scrapped their cold meal into the trash and poured a glass of water, bringing it into the living room and placing it on the coffee table in front of Whumpee as a peace offering for when they woke up. Finally Caretaker placed a small kiss on the top of Whumpee's head before going to their own bedroom, resolving to call in sick tomorrow and spending the day trying to be the person Whumpee deserved.
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tieronecrush · 1 year
Hi! I loved water in your hands even though I accidentally read part 2 first 😩, can I please request a little drabble from readers pov when Joel just cut her off and missing work etc when he got married? No worries if not! Just wanted to say I really enjoyed reading :)
well thank you anyways for returning to read part 1!!! and i am so happy that you enjoyed reading!
i’m not sure if you checked out the playlist for the series that i made (spotify / apple music), but liability by lorde made it on there because it is literally what i imagined reader would feel during that time. my hopeless romantic who has never felt chosen </3
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drabble for “water in your hands” series
rating: M
word count: 1.2k
They say, "You're a little much for me / You're a liability / You're a little much for me" / So they pull back, make other plans ' I understand, I'm a liability / Get you wild, make you leave
warnings: angst, insecurity, self doubt, mentions of water/drowning
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You didn’t even have any last words from him to mull over. The last thing you’d heard from him was him asking if you were okay as you lay next to him in the middle of that field.
Instead, his silence has sharpened the knife that he’s driven into your heart, his lack of acknowledgment of everything that happened twisting it to carve out a large space for the pain to seep in. And when you’d heard that he was dating someone else, seriously dating, according to Tommy, the knife was pulled clean out and stabbed into your back.
He’d spent one night with you, and somehow that was enough for him to know that he didn’t want you. All of those messages you thought he’d sent now mixed, your recollections of those fleeting, flirty moments poisoned by the knowledge that he didn’t want to be pulled into your storm.
It was the only reason you could think of that maybe drove him away. You knew that you weren’t settled, that you had your own issues to grapple with from everything you’d been through prior to Jackson, but you were secure in yourself. Maybe Joel didn’t want to deal with your shit on top of his own.
You were a little too much for him; a liability to his own healing.
You were on your own at the end of the day, superficial friendships and mere acquaintances belonging in the daylight. The only seemingly real friendship that you’d grown here was with his brother, and the saying goes “blood is thicker than water.”
Returning to a lonely house, yellowy lamplight bathing your space but doing nothing to warm your insides. You spent nights on your own, re-reading your favorite novels from the worn shelves in your cozy living room or spinning a record to dance around and forget for a few minutes. In those times, you were thankful that you were still looking out for yourself, that you still had your own back despite all of the doubt your own mind had grown.
In those solitary hours, all you had were your thoughts, which revolved around him, throwing you into a cyclical whirlpool of heartache. Only when you thought you’d pulled yourself out, had finally felt the heat of the sun on your face above the surface, one single memory of his fingers brushing your thigh or his lips ghosting over yours or a whisper of your name rips you right back into the current.
He left you behind and moved on.
Dating someone else, ignoring you for days that turned into weeks, that’s now become months.
You remember the day you found out that they were engaged.
It happened at the end of your shift, your coworker Tracy popping in to have a nightcap. She was tipsy already, spilling where she had been prior to coming to the bar. There was a party at Tommy and Maria’s, she’d said, a wide drunken smile on her face as she excitedly gossiped.
“They threw Joel and Heather an engagement party! How sweet is that?”
Engagement? Engagement. Engagement.
Engagement led to marriage.
Marriage was meant to be for life.
And Joel never does anything half-assed.
One time, a few weeks after Joel had returned to Jackson, you’d let yourself daydream indulgently. It’d been about him, about what you envisioned a life with him would look like. You’d pictured your own wedding, the closest people to you both the only ones in attendance. In your imagination, you’d seen your brother there, your sister, too.
It was a dream because, even if you ended up with Joel, you never thought he would get married. He was loyal, devoted, committed no matter what jewelry was on your fingers. Those traits were intrinsic to him. You didn’t think something like that mattered to him; he would be a husband, a partner to you without any ceremony.
Clearly, you didn’t know him as well as you thought you did.
Their engagement was fast. You’d heard from Tommy about a month later that the wedding was happening at the weekend. Bile coated your throat, burning acid settling there for the rest of the afternoon that you spent at work. You’d returned home that evening, crawling into bed and crying yourself completely dry and numb.
You didn’t leave that spot for days. Skipped out on work. Ignored the knocks at your door from Tracy, Maria, even Tommy. Limbs felt too heavy to move, bones ached deeply, dull pain sawed at your constricted heart.
Thoughts kept steamrolling each other, your brain was unable to shut them out as you spiraled silently alone.
A toy. A plaything. A little doll.
An achievement to be conquered.
He’d played with you; bantered with you. He was flirty -- suggestive at times. But once you’d given him everything, unveiled your thoughts and feelings to him in hopes of him returning them, even just accepting them, he’d gotten bored. There was no more chase. You’d rolled over like prey, submitting to anything he could have wanted from you.
You were only exciting to seek in the night, ghostly touches in the bar and a chance encounter under the moonlight.
Naive. Childish. Too much.
Delusions of a perfect summer with Joel changing with the leaves and eventually becoming rooted together had blinded you from his true intentions with you.
You were better off on your own, so it seemed the universe was telling you. Losing your siblings, your family, lacking friendships, and now your prospect for love slipped through your fingers in a rush, fleeting efforts made to contain it like water in your hands. No matter what, it would have found cracks to drip through, and eventually drained completely.
He evaded you, leaving you in an unrequited romance. You were in love with him. And now he was married to someone else, in love with someone that he could easily be with no disadvantage or opportunity for embarrassment. There were no means to confess your found feelings, so you lay for hours in your bed while tears soak your pillow and words are branded into your mind.
I’m in love with Joel Miller, and he won’t ever love me.
You repeated it so many times that it sounded like the truth, like gospel, and then, at a certain point, like a foreign language. The words eventually meant nothing in their countless repetitions, the weight of your self-confessional lessening with each second passing. Your limbs felt lighter, bones less sore, and the grip of pain on your heart loosened.
In the next moment, all you could think about was feeling the warm summer air on your face again. Finally, after days isolated, you were going to take a chance to disappear into the sun. You’d pulled yourself out of bed, changing into fresh clothes.
With one glance out of your window, the plans were soured when you saw it was sunset, that you’d have to wait until morning for your walk in the light. You decided to stay up all night to be able to catch the sunrise in the grazing field. To occupy yourself, you milled about your kitchen and living room, doing the small pile of dishes that had accumulated and straightening up the place. The clock on your wall read the early hours of the morning, and with no other chores to do, you turned towards your collection of books.
As you thumb through your shelves to find another novel to escape into for a few hours, the sound of knuckles lightly rapped on your door.
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tagging the usual mutuals: @swiftispunk @joelsversion @johnwatsn @midnightswithdearkatytspb @pedrit0-pascalit0 @theelishad @undrthelights @ladamedusoif @ruinedbylanadelrey @thetriumphantpanda @pedgeitopascal @dinsdjrn @thepascalofus @pedgito @soaringcloud @somedayauthor @alloftheimagines @pr0ximamidnight @beskarandblasters @atinylittlepain @scrambledslut @lunapascal
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 11 months
Infinity: LuLu, you think I’m smart, right?
Lunar: You’re the smartest.
Infinity: So I’m not dumb?
Lunar: Not at all.
Infinity: And I’m not ugly?
Lunar, now holding a knife: I’ll kill whoever told you that.
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qtubbo · 6 months
i wonder how much of tubbo's skewed ideas about death come from fred and how much is from purgatory. i think fred and the funeral is meant to be the main factor, but tubbo has also made it clear that he has not forgotten purgatory. at the beginning he was stuck in an endless loop of dying, then he became the killer, and then the final battle was centered around who died first. in the past month death has been one of the most significant parts of his life.
You get so used to death it hardly seems real anymore.
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self-dx-culture-is · 28 days
self dx culture is oh god what if im wrong. what if im being dramatic. what if nothing is wrong with me. what if im being a hypochondriac again. what if im wrong oh god what if im wrong.
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magicdonuts-supreme · 11 months
Hello, this is my first time ever requesting something on here, so I will keep it simple. Could you do something where the reader’s f/o comforts them and reassures them that they’re not a burden and they aren’t too much(personality wise) after people have made them feel that way their entire life? You don’t have to if this is too much :)
Thank you!! p.s. I absolutely love your work, it’s so comforting <333
aww, thank you, anon! /gen and thank you for reading my work. also this is my first request, so at least we’re in this together :P sorry if this took too long, btw
You didn’t understand. Couldn’t fathom it.
Your F/O… well, they’re them. They’re awe-inspiring, the one who hung the moon and stars in the sky yet could make any light seem dull when compared to them. Even if not many see it, just seeing them makes your world sing with Shakespearean rhymes.
Then… there’s you.
The off-key note. Your thoughts summed you up as the screeching in the background that would wake your F/O from their love-filled dreams, not be the star of them. And they’d notice that soon enough, right? That’s what your thoughts told you: Wait and see how the apple of their eye rots. The other shoe will drop. And…
It never did.
Not because your F/O is blind to your flaws, but because they accept them. 999 days of misery are worth it to see your smile on the 1,000th day. Even so, they don’t love you for your smile. Not for your looks, nor for a specific aspect of your personality.
After all, if your F/O wanted a “perfect” partner who didn’t do anything but wear a sewed-on smile, they would’ve married the shadow tied to their feet. Your F/O loves you for who you are. From your skin to the marrow of your bones. From your despair to your bursts of hyperactivity.
No one curses the Sun when it’s shrouded by clouds, and it only shines brighter when a new day dawns. So what reason do they have to stop loving you the moment you frown?
What reason do they have to stop loving you the moment you need it most?
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undeadunalive · 5 months
Btw I'm aware that I don't chat to people as much as I used to. Over the last year my anxiety took a drastic turn where I pretty much regressed back into really struggling to go outside the flat or being okay with being seen. I'm still extremely paranoid about how I look, hence why I don't post photos of my full face anymore, and while I'm more able to talk to people in person and actually look at them when interacting, I do still stutter and panic a lot. Even last week I went down to check the mail, my neighbour looked over at me, I froze, panicked and legit just ran back upstairs. 😂 When it comes to online, I get the exact same thing but you can't see that the reason I'm not replying is because I've panicked and ran away so it just comes across as me just not wanting to interact. I really want to work on this this year and feel more able to chat to people without being so afraid, but please be patient with me. I promise you that it's nothing against you, I do want to chat it's just something I've been struggling with.
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hazelhearts · 2 years
You're Perfect
Niall Horan x Fem!reader
summary: when insecurities get in the way, your boyfriend is always there to make you feel like the most important person in the world
content/warnings: mentions of insecurities
word count: 609
note/request: "Could I get a Niall Horan x reader where she is sensitive but offensive about how she looks. Niall shows her he doesn't mind any look even if it looks messy or weight sensitive. Maybe he could like show her how beautiful he thinks she is. Reader would be female, light skin, brown hair, brown eyes. They could be long time friends that turn into a relationship" - anon
I stuck as closely to your request as I could without getting to specific about the readers appearance so everyone could insert themselves. I also kind of was at a loss for how to extend this since I struggle writing hurt/comfort but I hope you love it!
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Standing in front of the mirror crying was a very common thing for you. Your insecurities had always been a very big part of your life. They held you back from doing a lot of things. Currently, they were preventing you being able to leave the house.
Niall had a reservation set up for the two of you at one of your favorite restaurants to celebrate your anniversary. When he told you about it this morning, you already decided what you were going to wear.
You had impulsively bought a dress a few weeks back that you didn't really have any purpose for. You loved the way it looked on the model. It accentuated every curve perfectly and highlighted every breathtaking feature she had. But when you wore it, it did the opposite.
"Babe? You almost ready? We've gotta-" Niall's voice cut off as soon as he saw you. He slowly raked his eyes up and down your figure, his eyes darkening the longer he stared.
Your eyes immediately started watering as every thought he must be having began running through your mind. Every negative thought you had ever had about yourself sprang to the surface. Every negative emotion you've ever felt clouded your mind.
"I'm sorry, I'll change. I really thought this dress was perfect and it was but I ruined it and-" Niall pulled you into his arms suddenly, guiding your head to rest in the crook of his shoulder.
"Baby, you look amazing. You always do." You never knew that two sentences could push you over the edge, but they sure as hell did as violent sobs began wracking through your body.
Niall slowly led you over to the bed, sitting you on his lap as you continued crying. He repeated over and over how perfect you are as he rubbed soothing circles on your back.
As your sobs slowly began to die down, you raised your head just enough to look into Niall's eyes. You took the moment to study his features. Everything from his perfectly-styled hair that is usually sloppy to his gorgeous blue eyes with the faintest bit of green was engraved into your mind, a constant reminder of just how perfect he was.
"Hi." You carefully wiped your eyes, hoping to save whatever makeup was still on your face.
"Hi petal. D'ya feel any better?" You nodded, cuddling back into the crook of his neck.
"Alright then, let's get ya cozy hm?" He moved his hand towards the back of the dress, slowly starting to unzip the zipper. Your hand flew back as soon as you comprehended what was happening, pulling his hand back between the two of you.
"Ni, what're you doing? We gotta get going." He shook his head, hair flopping wildly around after he had spent so much time fixing it.
"Nope. We're gonna stay right 'ere, in this bed, cuddlin all night long." His head moved down to your chest, leaving kisses across the open skin.
"But what about the reservation?" A small pout made its way onto your face, quickly followed by Niall's thumbs smoothing out the creases and manually lifting your lips up into a smile.
"Screw the damn reservation. I'd rather be cuddled up with m'girl any day." His hand traveled back to the zipper, you no longer fighting it.
When you both finally changed into more comfortable clothes, you cuddled up in bed and turned on one of your favorite movies. Your laughs echoed all throughout the room, redirecting Niall's focus to you every time. Honestly, he would much rather watch you watch the movie than actually watch it himself. You're just so pretty.
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rookofthekingom · 2 months
if I’m ever feeling down I just think about that one time (today) when someone I know (me) had a nervous break-down and realized (managed to convince myself) that they actually didnt know how to do anything (play the violin) and had only tricked the world into thinking that they did for their entire life (the past 7 years) and somehow managed to do this while simultaneously doing something (playing the violin) and therefore completely undermining the argument by proving their own competency
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alexthesillybilly · 3 months
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news flash: being disemboweled by my f/o (probably) wont fix me
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New Moon, trying on a dress: Hey, Dads?
Halo: Yes, child?
Horizon: Yes, Moon?
New Moon: Do I look stupid? I feel pretty but am I dumb? Is something wrong with me for liking dresses and feminine stuff?
Halo: There is nothing wrong with you.
Horizon: Is this about that woman calling you a slur earlier?
New Moon: Yeah…
Horizon: She’s not worth the space in your thoughts. If you are indeed discovering about yourself that you do not identify as male, there is still nothing wrong with you.
New Moon: And if I want to be a girl?
Halo: You are still loved and accepted, nothing is wrong with you. She is factually incorrect. You are a perfect person. You are smart, kind, pretty, and much more important that she will ever be.
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anti-endo-haven · 1 month
Vent warning!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaa THERES SO MANY OF US 😭
like genuinely though, we're a C-DID system that is 15 years old bodily and there's 500+ of us here. We feel so fake. Why is there so many of us? Our trauma wasn't severe,, I know we have a really low split tolerance but that doesn't explain it!! And I know lots of us are only fragments but still
I feel fake because of it, I'm so scared to tell people of our alter count.. what if they think we're faking?? :((
Polyfragmentation can be one of the reasons.
Your alter count doesn’t mean anything on if you’re faking or not. There’ll be people that will say you are, but your brain might need that amount to better handle something.
It might not be severe now, so healing might take those fragments and the count down, but it could have been very severe to you when you were younger and that’s why there’s so many there.
Though I don’t know the cause for you, specifically, it’s okay to have a high alter count and a low split tolerance. That doesn’t make you fake. Every system is different and it’s alright that you are as well.
You’re able to be accepted as you are, it’s okay for you to have that amount of alters and fragments. You’re still able to be loved.
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drumlincountry · 2 months
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I read this line in a Reddit thread yesterday (~6 hours into a 14 hour stint of travel) and I screenshotted it because like. surely. Surely I was misreading this. Misunderstanding. Who would content warn for suicide in this way? I'll reread tomorrow with my brain functioning. It will make sense then. But no I reread it today and that is still what is happening!! There are so many people in the world.
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magicdonuts-supreme · 2 years
TW: intrusive thoughts. self-hate and -doubt. insecurity.
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I’ve always seen countless F/O imagines with a repeated (and correct) theme of “Your F/O loves you.” Let’s make it known that I appreciate that, I really do, but…
What happens the moment the Voices in your head ask “Why?”
“You don’t even know my F/O! I doubt they’d love me. And even in the slim chance they did, I don’t see a reason why they’d love this half-human screw up—”
I assure you that your F/O doesn’t care if this is the 9,999th time you come to them, they'll always be there because you make their life brighter just by being. Try to exist— right here, right now— for a minute or two and whittle those voices away to the best of your ability (and don’t worry if the best you can do is “nothing”). Your F/O can see how hard you’re trying, but they aren’t with you because they think you can move mountains; they yearn to share their life with you because you’re you. Dear reader, there is simply no other reason.
Your F/O won’t think twice about your trauma, whether it comes from a horror-like past or because you stared passive-aggressively at a dog the other day and feel guilty about it. They just know it affects you and they won’t hesitate to comfort (and spoil) you like there’s no tomorrow. Your F/O doesn’t care if you feel like you’re going through Hell everyday and “whine about it too much” or are “too clingy”, they’re your safe space. They’re perfectly content knowing that when you falter, they’ll be there to catch their beloved and give you a place to rest your head, if only for a minute.
Your F/O sees you in a way you can’t imagine. They accept every magnificent part of you that you call a flaw, thanking whatever celestial force they believe in that they have the pleasure of knowing you. Those Voices inside your head are lying, and just the idea of them being right is something your F/O could never fathom, but they’ll more than happily rush to prove to you how wrong the Voices are.
Your F/O has no wish to stop sweeping those incorrect thoughts away, so please let them. They full-heartedly know they’re doing important work.
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treehuggerthegreat · 2 months
whump inspiration/writing exercise
(A fictional writing exercise, this is NOT a vent post. This is me messing with my ocs)
TW: In depth description of depressive thoughts self doubt, domestic abuse, and passive suicidal ideation
I have friends now, I told myself once I had friends they’d be able to help me. I could get away or at least feel a little happier, but they can’t help. I can’t even ask them for help. Would they even care? What if I end up scaring away the one girl who has ever seen me. Why won’t anyone help me. Am I even worth saving? Is it even worth saving me if i can’t save myself?
I want to leave. I want to move out. But i can’t, can I? She could just… leave. But she doesn’t. She could leave me here with grandma. Yet she continues to suffocate me. There’s not enough from for me here anymore. What does she want?
Why does she hate me so much?
what did I
Do I deserve this?
What if i just
let her
Would any of my friends miss me?
But why would a friend miss a girl
when her own mother hated her enough
To kill her
would she really do that?
Would she kill me?
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