#tw: Kissing
batwynn · 3 days
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Kiss the cook!
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camilleflyingrotten · 5 months
Imagine « they’re not talking » but only for a week and then this happens:
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akystaracer22 · 4 months
Hey people who have experience kissing someone romantically I need your advice:
Can you pass food from your mouth into someone else’s while kissing them deeply?
I’m asking because the current installment I’m writing includes the scene where Adam ate from the apple and the way it’s done in this AU is that Eve kissed Adam and passed a piece of the apple she had in her mouth into his and he swallowed.
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Blissfully Unaware
Prompt: 'A game of 20 questions that ends with “Can I kiss you?” Requested By: Anonymous (Mystery Prompt Pink 19)
Plot: While making your way back to Camelot, you and Gwaine try to make the time go by faster by learning more about one another. Gwaine uses this, to try to find out if you share his feelings.
Pairing: Gwaine x GN!Reader
Warnings: A "detailed" kiss or two, but that's about it.
Words: 1.5k
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As you looked out over the valley, you sighed "Well, either we missed them already, or we're ahead of them."
Gwaine stood beside you as he looked around. "We can't wait around for them, we should just continue on our way. We'll meet back at Camelot either way."
Nodding, you turned and looked ahead into the heavy wooded area "I really wish we hadn't lost our horses."
Gwaine nodded as he began to walk ahead "But at least we still have our legs."
You let out a soft scoff, "Might not by the time we make it back to Camelot."
Gwaine smiled as he looked back at you for a moment. He had been dying for a few moments to be alone with you, and now that you had gotten split off from the group, he had more time than he expected.
It felt like almost too much time, as Gwaine felt an uncommon anxiousness in his gut. It was not common that someone made him nervous, but you most certainly did.
"We could talk, to make the time go by faster." Gwaine suggested, as he stopped to wait for you to catch up to him.
"Talk about what?"
He shrugged lightly. "Tell me about yourself."
You let out a soft laugh that made his heart flutter. "We've known each other for months now Gwaine."
He grinned. "True, but that does not mean I know everything about you. I only know the basics, tell me more."
You opened your mouth before you shook your head with an uncertain laugh. "I don't know what to tell you, it's all pretty boring."
"Oh, I doubt that." He said with a soft smile.
You smile in return, feeling your heart hammer in your chest. You weren't expecting to be alone with Gwaine, and now he wanted to know all about you? You had never felt more unsure of yourself.
"How about this, I will just ask you questions, and you answer."
"Alright, but do I get to ask you questions too?"
He nodded "Of course."
"Alright then." You smiled, wondering where this conversation would end up.
"Okay, let me see," he mumbled "Why did you pick Camelot? Of all the placed you could have moved to, why here?"
You thought about your response for a moment, as you and Gwaine headed deeper into the woods, and closer to Camelot.
As the mid-day sun hung over head, you and Gwaine sat by a small river, taking a break from your long venture back to Camelot.
"So, you've been in Camelot a lot longer that I have" Gwaine said as he sat down beside you. "But I hardly see you with anyone but the Knights, Merlin, or Gwen."
"Yes? And?"
"Is there no one else in your life?"
You felt an uneasy tightness in your chest at this, but you smiled casually. "Is that not enough people?"
He smiled and shook his head. "I meant romantically."
You felt a bit of tension rise between you, but felt it was surely one sided. You shook your head as you pulled your water canister from your bag.
"Ah. Well, no, there is no one romantically in my life." Standing, you began to head to the river, unaware of the hopeful gaze on Gwaine's face.
"And no one, headed, in that direction then?" Gwaine asked, watching your profile.
You shrugged your head a bit, "I don't know. I tend to be 'blissfully unaware' of that sort of thing, or at least Gwen says so."
Gwaine let out a soft laugh, and you felt your heart beating heavily. As curiosity set heavy on your mind, you asked softly, while trying to sound as casual as you could.
"What about you? Who are you with?"
He shook his head. "No one."
You looked at him with a bit of surprise, he was unable to miss. He rose a brow a bit. "I know I'm labeled the palace flirt, but that doesn't mean I'm always in a relationship."
You let out a soft chuckle. "I thought you liked that label."
He shrugged softly. "I didn't mind it at first, but, I don't want it to become my reputation. The person I have actual feelings for might not think to kindly of me if it is, they might not trust me."
You felt your heart sink a bit as you turned, looking out at the forest, not wanting Gwaine to see your face.
"So you like someone then? In Camelot?"
Gwaine stared at you, wondering if that was disappointment in your voice or if he was just imagining it. "Yes, I do."
"What are they like?"
Gwaine's lip curled up a bit before he spoke. "They're amazing. They're smart, witty, talented, too kind for their own good really. Attractive, more than they're willing to admit. They're much too good for me, really."
You looked down at your feet but smiled softly. "They almost sound made up."
He let out a soft laugh. "I would think so too if I didn't know them. I don't think they realize half those things about themselves though."
You wondered who it was he was thinking of. Someone you knew? It didn't really sound like it. Maybe it was someone he met in the town.
"Sounds like you really do like them."
Was that a hint of jealousy? No. Surely you understood he was talking about you by now.
"I do. Very much."
His voice had grown softer, and you felt a jealousy in your chest, but you tried to push it away. You should feel happy for him. Happy that he has found someone who makes him feel that way, even if it couldn't be you.
Swallowing down your feelings, you turned back around and made your way over.
"So, how long have you been with them? Do the other Knights know about them?"
Gwaine frowned as he watched you set your water down, before you grabbed a rag and went back to the water. You really didn't realize he had been talking about you. He almost laughed.
"I'm not with them."
"Oh." You looked back at him, clearly confused. Wiping your face and hands with the damp rag, you steadied your voice. "So, do they know? How you feel?"
He shook his head softly as he watched you closely. "I don't think so."
"Whats stopping you from telling them?"
He repressed a smile as he cleared his throat and began to stand up. "I've tried, but I don't think they understood what I was saying. Or, they just didn't understand how it could be them I had feelings for."
'Sounds familiar' you thought quickly as you stood. "Maybe they need a more obvious sign."
You mentally kicked yourself for encouraging him, all you were doing was pushing him further away from you.
Gwaine made his way towards you, "An obvious sign? Like a kiss?"
You almost choked, "Uhm, I suppose that would be obvious" you let out a short laugh. "But, you can't just march up to them and kiss them out of the blue."
Gwaine stepped up to you. "So I ask first?"
You tilted your head with a soft shake, "Yeah, then you'd at least know for certain how they felt."
Gwaine continued to stare at you as he nodded softly. A small smile spread across his face as you felt your heart flutter.
"Alright then." Taking a step closer, he was right in front of you, his eyes drilling into yours. You felt your breath catch in your throat. "Can I kiss you?"
As confusion turned into denial, following by realization, you opened your mouth slowly, and spoke softly. "You were talking about me?"
His lips stretched into a grin as he nodded softly. "I thought I was being obvious."
You felt your face grown hot as you failed to repress a smile. "Gwen was right. I am-"
Gwaine's smile turned into a grin as you both spoke at the same time.
"Blissfully unaware."
You giggled softly as you looked down, feeling almost overwhelming embarrassment, confusion and excitement.
Feeling Gwaine hook his finger under your chin, you looked up to meet his gaze. "I was certainly right about one thing. You really don't realize any of those things about yourself do you?"
"I don't really think about myself at all." You admitted.
His smile faded a bit, before he replaced it again with a flirty gaze. "That's alright, I think about you enough for the both of us."
You let out an almost startled giggle as you felt your ears burning hot.
Keeping your eyes locked with his, you felt him gently caress your chin with his finger. "So, about that kiss?"
Your heart was hammering heavily in your chest, as you found it hard to breath. Smiling, you nodded your head.
Gwaine slowly lowered his head, as his lips met yours gently. The soft kiss was deepened as Gwaine brought his hand to the back of your neck and pulled you closer. You brought your hand up and set it against his chest.
Slowly parting, your eyes fluttered open meeting his again. You both had soft smiles on your lips.
"I do trust you, by the way." You whispered softly. "Label or not."
His smile widened, "You really are too good for me."
You shook your head lightly. "Agree to disagree."
Letting out a soft breathy laugh, he pulled you into another kiss, deeper and more passionate than the last. You wrapped your arms around his neck, as he pulled you flush against him.
xx End xx
I had no idea what to write next, so I just ended it lol. Hope you enjoyed it nonetheless <3
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo, @onuen, @witchygagirl
Merlin/Gwaine Taglist: @flourishandblotts-inc, @spuffyfan394, @dominos-palast, @ambitionspassionscoffee, @locke-writes, @multifandomfix,
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kathegoose · 14 days
*me talking to my imaginary minions* MEN...we are out of Good Art to send. minion 1: do I pull the lever? minion 2: heh....amongus kissing lever.. *minion 1 nudges minion 2 to shut them up* me: yes..... pull the lever..............
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happy 5am!!!!!!!!b i am fistfighting SLEEP ITSELF so i do NOT fall asleep i dont want to slape i need to post
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poorlydrawnkankri · 23 days
you should kiss meulin like your alt self would
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[ give him time lmao, maybe > > ]
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xtinyslip · 3 months
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matt hated that he had to keep secrets from will. he hated it. however… it wasn't exactly a secret that will and edgar's wife? ex wife? had gotten along and she wasn't allowed to know where the new HQ was. "can i at least get a chance to say hello to my boyfriend first?" he grinned, moving forward to heatedly press his lips up against wills. not wanting to pull back but knowing that he couldn't ignore the questions. after all, it wasn't going to be only will that was beginning to wonder. still, was he hoping the kiss would distract them both off topic? maybe. "ehhhh, he's still around. i think things took a worse with cecilia. no one's allowed access to her anymore. i don't know. i'm there when he needs me but i've been spending time with bos. making up for lost time. @lcvenderhcze
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benjaminthewolf · 6 months
Mistletoe Magic
I spent the entirety of yesterday afternoon creating this. Totally worth it.
CW: Kissing
     “GOTCHYA!” came the snowball fight war cry of an ectatic child as they slugged their rival combatant square in their unclothed face. Some of the collateral snow spray was resultantly launched onto Girlfriend’s cheek as she shuffled her way through the compact layers of snow, on her way to the inside of her family’s lavish, three-storied, white-colored mansion.
     Whipping away the snow with her red-glove-covered left hand, Girlfriend cheerfully observed the multitude of outdoor holiday festivities whilst she continued her journey to the mansion’s main door. Around the snowball fight war zone lay countless holiday guests, young and old alike, creating snow people and snow angels, ice skating on a nearby ice pond, and sledding, as well as skiing, on a similarly nearby hill; all whilst a constant light flurry of snow provided ample opportunity for snowflake catching.
     Girlfriend was to leave this scene very soon, however, as she made it to the mansion’s porch at last. scraping her feet against the stony floor beneath her before walking up to the door, Girlfriend was instantaneously blasted with the continuous idle babbling of the indoor guests as they went along with their holiday festivities. Christmas song karaoke accompanied by dance floor boogieing overcast the auditory setting, forcing people to stand very close together and speak up if they wanted to say anything to each other. Within these closely-packed partygoers hands lay gingerbread cookies, hot cocoa in disposable styrofoam cups, candy canes, and more.
     And yet, as had been the case since the party had first started, one very special somebody was yet to be spotted amongst the crowds.
     Carefully maneuvering her way in and around various guests and conversing groups of guests as she kept pushing forwards towards the DJ table, (sat atop a platform overlooking the dance floor), Girlfriend was soon to spot her father, Daddy Dearest, standing to the side of the table as the DJ spoke with the next excited guest longing for them to take their song request which they would then sing to.
     The purple-skinned, well-dressed demon-man seemed quite caught up in the whole karaoke scene, and therefore didn’t even notice his daughter approaching until she was right at his side. Turning his head in slight confusion whilst letting out a barely noticeable “Hmm?” noise, and bending down so he could hear his shorter daughter speaking, as a result, Girlfriend was swift to ask him her question, though with a slightly hesitant undertone.
     “Hey, Dad?” she shakily began, “Is…umm…did you invite…him? To the party?”
     Daddy Dearest’s brow swiftly furrowed as his prior jovial smile warped to a serious frown. “If you’re talking about your boyfriend, then no. He was NOT on the invite list.”
     With that, Daddy Dearest stood back up straight with a reinvigorated smile, and re-addressed the ever-elated crowd with a wave.
     Silently stepping down from the platform, her form hunched over in equal parts annoyance and disappointment, Girlfriend eventually gave an eye roll and a heavy sigh once she had slipped back amongst the crowd.
     “Well, it’s a good thing I gave Boyfriend my spell book last time we met…” she internally muttered as she made her way over to the snacks and drinks table. “...all I wanted was a kiss with him under the mistletoe…”
     Now with the aforementioned snacks and drinks table in front of her, Girlfriend calmly asked the people running the hot cocoa station for one hot cocoa with marshmallows as she picked up a gingerbread cookie wrapped in a napkin. Once her drink was finished, Girlfriend thanked its makers before walking around the outskirts of the crowd in order to dip out of the boisterous chaos of the party, and escape into her room for a while. The room which she and Boyfriend had also previously agreed to meet in upon the two’s last meeting, just in case Daddy Dearest didn’t add Boyfriend to the guest list.
     Taking a bite of her gingerbread cookie before adding a sip of hot cocoa to the mix, Girlfriend swiftly opened and shut the door to the stairwell situated behind the backs of the partygoers, immediately giving a relieved sigh now that the party ambiance was significantly muffled due to the wall.
     Trodding up the stairs in pure silence, save for the occasional echoing clack of her boots pounding against the marble steps, Girlfriend eventually made it to the third story, the story where her room was located. Opening and closing the door into the hallway with a creak as she trudged her way towards her room, Girlfriend took another bite from her cookie and sip from her cocoa.
     Finally approaching a door in the middle of the hallway, which possessed a large, pink and purple door plate reading: “GIRLFRIEND” upon it, Girlfriend wasted no time pushing the door open before entering into her room at long last, and closing it behind her. 
     The room itself was of a mainly pink and purple color palette. Pink walls, pink carpet, pink rug, pink bed, pink gaming chair. Purple curtains over the windows in front of her brown gaming desk and gaming setup, and purple bed sheets, with a TV laying on a stand at the bed’s right side. High up on the wall behind the TV were posters from Girlfriend’s favorite video game, Hating Simulator, including one of the protagonist, Senpai. Upon Girlfriend’s bed lay a plushie of the same character.
     Carefully sitting down on the edge of her bed, Girlfriend only continued to munch on her gingerbread cookie and sip her hot cocoa, as she anticipated the arrival of Boyfriend. She had no idea whether her beloved would actually be able to show up, seeing as there were many obstacles in his way (not the least of which being her father), however, she did know that he absolutely would not go down without a fight. Thus, Girlfriend began her silent wait, her hope still twinkling in her heart.
     It had still taken Boyfriend a couple of tries to get the invisibility spell down, but luckily for him, the spell was in English this time.
     Nonetheless, despite his current invisible status, Boyfriend still knew he needed to be very, very, very careful trying to sneak up into Girlfriend’s room, especially considering he was dealing with the hatred of a powerful magical demon-man. Thus, whilst keeping track of all the partygoers circling around him, Boyfriend attempted to fit his footsteps into the previously made footsteps lying in the snow, so that nobody would notice a random trail of prints being created by seemingly nothing, and get suspicious. Boyfriend also knew he needed to avoid the snowball fight warzone at all costs. Getting caught up in the crossfire would immediately blow his cover. Inching his way closer and closer to the front door, Boyfriend began planning out what his next move needed to be from there.
     He obviously couldn’t just walk up and open the door. So he needed to wait until somebody else opened the door, and sneak in while it was still open, yet without bumping into someone, somehow. To this end, once Boyfriend made it up to the mansion’s porch region, he began to wait on the side of the door with the doorknob, so that once somebody walked in or out, he could slip in right behind them.
     Ultimately, this step of the plan was highly luck-dependent, but thankfully, it wouldn’t take any longer than two minutes before somebody opened the door from the inside, holding a hot cocoa, and thus ready to take on the cold. Boyfriend watched each and every move of this individual very closely within those preceding seconds, awaiting the perfect time to make his move. Once the one opening the door had stepped out far enough to where there was enough space behind them for Boyfriend to fit through, he snagged the opportunity by the horns and dashed his way in. Internally sighing with relief once he was safely inside the mansion, the invisible man backed himself against the nearest wall, as to reduce the chance of someone bumping into him by accident, before assessing the current situation.
     Needless to say, there were a lot of people at the party. It became immediately obvious to Boyfriend, then, that his best bet was to cling tightly to the walls and use them as a guide towards the door to the stairwell.
     Flattening his back to the wall and sidestepping along as he watched the outskirts of the clamorous crowd very closely, Boyfriend would soon make it to the corner between the wall he was currently up against, and the wall that led towards the door. The only problem was that this wall ran adjacent to the food and drinks table, and the people running the food and drinks table were a little too close to the wall for comfort.
     Thus, Boyfriend concluded he was going to have to sidestep very, very fast through the region, if he wanted to make it to the other side without being found. Edging towards the section of the wall adjacent to the edge of the table, Boyfriend took in a breath, before heaving it out in silence. 
     Shuffling across the length of the wall with hastily moving feet and adrenaline rushing into his veins, Boyfriend kept his eyes glued to the many many backs of the people running the table as he continued his perilous plight. And then, just like that, it was over. 
     Boyfriend could hardly believe it went by that fast, but now was not the time to contemplate that. Now was the time to get into the stairwell. The invisible man proceeded to side-step the rest of the way along the wall, until he reached the next corner. Moving across to the wall which the door to the stairway was located on, Boyfriend was quick to make it all the way.
     Unlike the previous door he had encountered, Boyfriend was certain that he was kind of forced to open this one himself this time, since it was pretty safe to presume that literally nobody but Girlfriend had even touched that door since the party began.
     So, grasping onto the handle and gazing intently into the crowd so he could be absolutely certain nobody was watching, Boyfriend yanked the door open just as far as he needed to get in, swung his invisible body inside, and closed it.
     Not yet daring to give an audible sigh, as a lack of screaming people in the stairwell did mean his own noises were far easier to detect, Boyfriend merely continued with his journey, now faced with two flights of stairs he had to climb without making any noise. With extreme caution in each step, Boyfriend gently tip-toed up the stairs, one foot after another. Slowly but surely, he made his way to the top, thus bringing him to the mansion’s third story.
     Not wasting any time in opening and closing the door into the hallway, Boyfriend still knew he couldn’t let down his guard, thus continuing at a controlled walking pace through the hall towards his girlfriend’s room. Luckily, thanks to her door plate, he never needed to guess which door was hers.
     And so, at long last, there he was. Now all that was left to do was open the door to her room, and greet his beloved Girlfriend..
     Girlfriend had just finished her final sip of hot cocoa when her attention was instantly snagged away from everything else and hurtled towards the door upon hearing the knob turning from the outside. Her heart leaping straight into her throat, Girlfriend’s quivering hands involuntarily let go of the empty cup, causing it to plop to the floor.
     The moment the door swung open, however, unveiling to Girlfriend nothing, an emotion rushed through her heart which can only be described as equal parts overjoy-ment and equal parts relievement. Upon her invisible Boyfriend closing the door behind him, Girlfriend eagerly called out the spell: “Re-appear!” in order to make the invisibility on him go away.
     There would not even be a second between Boyfriend’s Christmas-clothed form becoming visible, and Girlfriend rushing up to him to give him a tight, passionate embrace. Boyfriend let out a sudden: “Beep!” from the shock, before his cheeks began to glow a light red whilst a warm smile formed on his face. With his girlfriend’s arms currently wrapped around his own, Boyfriend attempted to wriggle them out in order to reciprocate the hug, something which Girlfriend swiftly caught onto and allowed to happen, causing Boyfriend to throw his arms around Girlfriend’s body and bring her closer towards him, just as she brought him closer to her.
     “Thank you so much for coming!” Girlfriend shakily spoke, her eyes tearing up with joy.
     “Anything for you, my love!” Boyfriend softly responded.
     Boyfriend and Girlfriend would remain in each other’s arms for just about a minute longer, before Girlfriend eventually loosened her hold, and Boyfriend followed suit.
     “You’ve still got my spell book with you, yes?” Girlfriend asked.
     “Of course! Just got it tucked away in good ‘ol cartoon hammerspace!” Boyfriend cheerfully replied, before pulling the book out from behind him.
     “I knew I could trust you with it!” Girlfriend beamed out with glee as Boyfriend handed her the book. The book itself was approximately seven by ten inches, and read: “Girlfriend’s Grimoire of Enchanted Incantations” on a black cover with a pink heart in the middle, donning demon horns and a demon tail. Girlfriend placed it on her bed for the moment being, before turning back to Boyfriend.
     “That’s not all I’ve got in hammerspace though!” his voice began to rise with excitement as Girlfriend immediately became enthralled with starry-eyed curiosity. “Ta-da!”
     Girlfriend gave an elated gasp.
     Yanking her spell book back from off her bed, Girlfriend flipped through it with joyous intensity, piquing the slightly confused interest of Boyfriend, before at last, she landed on the right page.
     “...is…is it umm…” Girlfriend awkwardly tried to articulate, with a growing blush. Eventually deciding to turn the book around so Boyfriend could see it before attempting to talk again, Boyfriend’s eyes widened in wonder once he realized Girlfriend was on the page for a shrinking spell.
     “...is it ok if we make this year’s kiss a little more…special?”
     And that was when Boyfriend realized he knew exactly what Girlfriend was trying to tell him. She didn’t just want to kiss him whilst he was in a shrunken form, but bring him even closer.
     Boyfriend lit up with a radiant smile. “Of course, Girlfriend! We can do that!”
     “Yes!” Girlfriend cried, positively flooding with bliss. “Sit down on the bed, then, so you won’t end up on the floor when I shrink you!”
     Without skipping a beat, Boyfriend practically launched himself over to Girlfriend’s bed, the mattress rebounding just a little as the teal-haired man sat down next to Girlfriend. Girlfriend gave Boyfriend a warm smile before wrapping her arms around him once more, and letting go after about ten seconds. Picking back up her book, Girlfriend readied herself to perform the spell.
     Girlfriend was naturally far more proficient in magic spells than Boyfriend was, and could therefore perform spells non-verbally. Still, Boyfriend could most certainty sense a light, magical grip forming around his body, before the world around him began to grow larger, whilst his own body shrunk. Once the magic hold had gone away, Boyfriend was approximately the size of a house mouse.
     Upon the completion of her spell, Girlfriend gave a high-pitched squeal of infatuation, before placing her hand down next to him on the bed, so he may climb up onto it. Boyfriend swiftly obliged.
     Steadily raising her hand up to her mouth, Girlfriend took a second to longingly gaze down at Boyfriend. To this, Boyfriend could only close his eyes and give a giggle. At last, Girlfriend’s hand lay close and parallel to her mouth. Boyfriend took a few steps forwards on his beloved Girlfriend’s hand, got down on his knees, and leaned forwards, lips pursed, into her own.
     Boyfriend could already feel the pressure by which Girlfriend’s lips were drawing him in deeper as they grew even more pursed, thus forcing Boyfriend’s head in towards their center to keep his own lips in contact with hers. With her lips forming a small circle-ish shape rather than staying flat, Boyfriend was forced to choose one lip which his own would say in contact with. Thus, he moved his head upwards towards her upper lip, and pressed his smaller lips against it. Boyfriend and Girlfriend would remain in this state of deep kissing for approximately a minute, before Girlfriend maneuvered her lips into an even more rounded state, causing them to surround Boyfriend’s head. One swift suck inwards, and Boyfriend was tugged in along with the air surrounding him, all the way inside Girlfriend’s maw.
     “Mmp!” Boyfriend happily vocalized as his body lay flat upon the slick, heated form of Girlfriend’s tongue. Sprawling his form out across the squishy surface, the shrunken man softly nuzzled his cheek against the smooth, pillowy muscle of his beloved’s, causing her to give a pleased trill; a noise which naturally echoed around inside her maw whilst Boyfriend began to slowly shuffle his way further down the length of Girlfriend’s tongue.
     To Girlfriend, her beloved lying upon her tongue exuded the taste of a blue raspberry slushie, mixed in with just a hint of strawberry. Her taste buds tingled with sensory delight as her salivary glands oozed forth more of the clear liquid.
     Girlfriend, cautiously raising her upper jaw as far as comfortability would allow whilst keeping her lips closed, (so Boyfriend wouldn’t be at risk of scraping his head against the alveolar ridges of her hard palate), simultaneously raised up the back of her tongue just slightly. This caused Boyfriend to come to eye level with the plump, bulbous, sack of flesh dangling down from her soft palate, which was her uvula. Gently grasping onto the projection of connective tissue and nuzzling it against his cheek, Girlfriend let out a joyful giggle as Boyfriend gave it a gentle kiss before letting go.
     Proceeding to turn his gaze downward towards Girlfriend’s pharynx, the very first thing the shrunken man saw was her open larynx, exposing open vocal cords leading into her trachea. His eyes then noted her epiglottis, the muscle flap at the ready to close up the larynx once the upper esophageal sphincter opened up. It was upon this very mental note that Boyfriend could feel himself slipping down the back of Girlfriend’s tongue, sliding swiftly into her orthopharynx. Boyfriend’s eyes grew in enthrallment as the epiglottis flipped over to prevent him from going through the laryngeal inlet as he entered into Girlfriend’s laryngopharynx. Her upper esophageal sphincter opened up at last, and just like that, Boyfriend’s entire form was dragged down into his girlfriend’s esophagus with one powerful swallow.
     Girlfriend let out a rather satisfied exhale as she could sense her boyfriend’s body getting squelched deeper into her esophagus by the involuntary motions of peristalsis. Knowing this motion would take care of the rest of the work, Girlfriend decided to flop herself down on her back upon her bed, before placing a couple fingers over the slight bulge Boyfriend was making in her throat. It wouldn’t be very long, however, before Boyfriend was squeezed past her collarbone, leaving Girlfriend to place a hand over her midsection in preparation for Boyfriend’s arrival.
     Boyfriend, meanwhile, locked within the tight, constricting esophageal walls of his girlfriend, was now able to detect the heavy throbbing of her heartbeat laying deep within her being. Closing his eyes with a smile as to merely enjoy the moment while it lasted until he was squeezed through Girlfriend’s lower esophageal sphincter, Boyfriend focused in on the muscle contractions and complementary relaxations occurring around his body as they rhythmically pushed him deeper and deeper.
     Eventually, Boyfriend picked up a low grumble emulating from below, which told him he was getting very close to Girlfriend’s stomach. Opening his eyes so he may catch the lower esophageal sphincter when it appeared, it would only take a few more contractions for said circular muscle to appear. Watching intently as the lower esophageal sphincter opened up in order to squeeze him into Girlfriend’s gurgling guts, Boyfriend was thus soon squelched out into the churning organ, doing a sort of half-somersault into the harmless liquid pool below. The pool, as Girlfriend had previously drank an entire cup of hot cocoa, was light brown colored and rather warm, almost like a natural jacuzzi. Swiftly resurfacing after his deep plunge into the stomach, Boyfriend calmly treaded his way over to the nearest stomach wall, nuzzling up against it as it softly churned about.
     Girlfriend on the outside, meanwhile, was positively ecstatic from feeling her shrunken boyfriend comfortably settling down within her stomach. So content and trusting of her during one of the most intimate experiences two people can have. Girlfriend silently patted her growling stomach as Boyfriend continued to lie up against her goopy, cushiony stomach walls.
     “Thank you so much, Boyfriend!” Girlfriend calmly spoke as she gently rubbed over her middle. “You risked so much to be here, and all for me. That is the greatest Christmas gift I could have ever asked for!”
     Boyfriend gave a sheepish chuckle before responding.
     “I wouldn’t pass up spending Christmas with you for any amount of money whatsoever!” he firmly stated. “Because doing just that, and…especially in a manner like this…that is also the best Christmas gift I could ever ask for. So…thank you as well, Girlfriend! I love you!”
     And that was when Girlfriend began to get teary-eyed once more.
     “I love you too, Boyfriend!” she exclaimed through suppressed tears. “I love you, too!”
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madmanwonder · 6 months
(Prompt, Crossover College Student) Goten is flirting with Professor Kawasaki, who is flustered because of the bikini, but also her handsome stud being this forward. She will try to deny him that they won't kiss, but that is clear bull, since she is making out with him while in the water.Sadayo is worried about getting caught, but Goten suaves his way to continue making out with his hot teacher. Rias in the meanwhile is recording this, already thinking how she can have fun with this. (2Koma, Public Affection Display, Recording)
"You look so damn deliciously sexy in that bikini, Sadayo-Chan~ Sexy enough for a kiss~!"
Professor Sadayo Kawasaki cheeks turned red, from mixture of being in this embarassing bikini swimsuit and Goten being aggressively forward toward her.
"Mr.Son. I am your elder and teacher. And not some harlot you can woe with your...."
Rias soft pink lips curled into a devilish (pun very much intended) as she captured the sight of Professor Kawakami making out with her kohai Son Goten in the waters, hidden away from the public eye and yet not to her eyes...or the eyes of her camera which was filming them.
"You are certainly fast in your action, Goten-Kun~?"
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mamamittens · 6 months
Safe and Warm
This is part 1/12 of the 2023 December Event
This art piece is specifically for me since it was the only art slot not taken.
I thought it would be cute for them to be cuddling, like he came in from the snow and had to get rid of his wet clothes to warm up. Which... well, kissing would also help. It's not like Nikia would have a lot of men's clothes lying around. Or that he'd argue.
I feel so scandalous having drawn this, look at my degeneracy.
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rosey100 · 5 months
It had been almost a month since they started "hanging out" after the party and JJ and Varina have gotten closer each passing day, But unotified by both of them (mostly JJ) have been super close where they gave each other pet names while getting to know one another. It wasn't in til they're repeated siblings find out about them it was honestly( Zoe first) Mazzi and Vera who noticed how they act like Varina would be daydreaming out of nowhere with lovey dovey eyes or JJ could be making hearts with his breakfast. JJ was not sure if he could love someone else after the party but he gotten over it slowly and didn't wanna be hasty with anyone else and Varina wasn't sure that JJ would feel the same way about her.Mazzi agreed til she stated the times he was talking to someone on the phone way different when he would be if his friends and how he was going out almost literally of two and a half months without his skateboard or book bag and he would be all smiley when come home (JJ couldn't deny those facts ).For Varina though it was a shocker that her sister Vera figured out of all people who would notice she was the doodles she made and all the time she sneaks out when theirs parents are too busy or when everyone wasn't gonna be home (Varina couldn't try denying it).It took a lot of thinking and a lot of convincing (from mostly Mazzi then friends) for them to finally realize they're true feelings are to
"Just say it already!"
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(OK,just a casual night time picnic.. with a girl...just the two of us...alone together far away from your friends and now you're sweating now before you even get the chance to tell your feelings to her-)
*Running to JJ waving*
"VARINA! *cough* Varina Hey! I didn't see there."
"Got here sooner then I thought, man you have no idea how hard it was just to make sure my parents- "
Meanwhile JJ's mind
(Wow this is really really happening, she's actually here..with me..and I thought she wasn't gonna be able to come and i ¢an'tevenwa!ttot@llher- hold on J! JUST CLAM DOWN! Just clam down man! You got this J! You got this! )
"Not gonna tell you what took me so long to get here when I got the chance but thankfully I found a quick route here. So we're watching the fireworks form here? "
"Ha? Oh!! Yeah the fireworks! Yeah right here, watching them right here yeah!."
"Ok haha?"
"Hopefully you don't mind, *hovering a bag and shaking it* I thought I could bring some snacks for us tonight."
"Oh that's pretty good, I just got us some drinks too. It RC and lemon lime soda."🤷🏽
*Giggles* " Alright then you lay down the blanket, I'll see if we have enough snacks and we'll get ready. "
In JJ's mind
( WOW! I almost forgot how much smarter she is and she's so cute when she talks like that -)
"Alright you got the blanket?"
"Huh I got a blank chest!?"
"The Blanket! Did you bring a blanket to watch the fireworks on?!"
"Oh the blanket I think I..I ?!"
"Please... don't tell me, you forgot "
"I mean it's not like I am the one who has it- I did bring the blanket" *pulls out a dark blue plaid blanket out of his backpack*
"You can be sure a darling dork "
*Lays down the blanket on the ground*
**Sits on the blanket**
"Ahh I definitely picked the best place for tonight."
"It sure is, I haven't seen this many stars since I was 7."
"Oh really now?"
"Yay I was a Wild kid then a Wild Kratts kid to be exact."
"Cool, Hey was one too when I was 5, though my mom would be frantic for the stents and crazy things that I and the other get into" 😄
"Seriously I was the definition of a wild child" 😌
"Ya right Goody Two-shoes,even my sister Zoe couldn't lie like that time she was stuck in a cave to get a tarantula when she was 8 even my Uncle Chris almost went to get a jackhammer and she still got out with over six of them."
Six tarantulas at 8 are not even crazy for anyone who would try🫢😆
I'm not joking it happened my dad was the one trying to wake up my mom when she faded.🤣
|*Both laying down laughing and talking for a half hour when waiting for the fireworks to come was getting more different*|
"The sky really pretty at night"
"Yah sure is pretty"
"Varina? I want to come clean."
"Yes J?"
"I didn't tell you to come to just see fireworks."😔
"I lured you here to..to -"
"JJ? *nervously*
"I wanted to tell you that I...I "
"You what JJ!!"
I love you
"You uh Love me*😳
"I..I mean... I love UVD lights"
"I mean you just a friend for comfort after all, I mean"😅
" I think I should go* stand up walking away angrily*
Huh what!?
*quickly walks to her after realizing*
"You know? It's not every day you could've said it's shright before you got me over here!!"😡
"No! Wait Varina!"
"Leave me out of this JJ!"
"No! Listen I'm sorry I didn't mean it"
"Oh I'm sorry*turns around* , Guess you mean a friend for laughs huh!"
"No Varina it's not like at all"
"Then what do you want for me "
" If you listen to me I'll tell you if you weren't yelling at me and Why you are getting mad for was it because what I said!"
"It's not that "
"Then what did I do "
"You're so serious"🤦‍♀️
*Whisper to herself * "Cause I love you "
You lor-
"I..I You love me?!?!"
*😮‍💨 "Cats out the f**king bag "
"Ya but I threw him out first."
"Look I'm sor-
"No Varina listen"
"I know I said that time I was love with her and all that but I was love blind then, I never saw her the way I see her now and tha-
"That's over now, I don't have those feelings her I have for her ever since that party and I never thought it'd would be you"
"There not once I haven't stopped thinking of you, I never once thought about anything else it was you, but you were already heartbroken and at first I figured nothing but me feeling sorry for you."
"I didn't think I would feel the way I do or if I ever know how I feel now!?"
"I didn't know if you felt the same way I thought no one would since the night but you were first person to be there for (besides my friends and my little sister who planned to kill her if she knows where she live) me."
"And here I think you're going with me to get a rich kit friend fam."
"Varina, I never thought you felt that way"
"As rich kit"
"As just a friend "
*😔 "Varina"
"You are the best thing that ever happened in my life and you're passionate, you're inventive , you're kindhearted and you're the most beautiful person I've seen inside and out."
"Wow! 🥺 Its just feels so strange yet better to let all that ou-
*Places both hands on her face pulling her to his lips *
*Steps back*
"I..I'm sorry I just got.. ugh I uh." 😨
"Have you ever been closer to someone?"
"For a hug?"
A kiss * come close to him hand on his chest*
"Well.. I guess...I don't know...we should you know?"
"Just shut up you big dum dumbing head"
*Pulls him by the caller*
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Varina and Vera Varmitech belongs to @jokerislandgirl32
Zoe, JJ, Mazzi Z belongs to me @rosey100
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birinboom · 2 years
I Know You Better Than Most
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Ashido Mina x Male!Reader
Word count: 2,151
Summary: You decide to join Mina at the yearly anime convention in your city for the very first time
Genre: Quirkless!AU, fluff, very light angst, ASD reader
Warnings: Food/eating, kissing, pet names (Mina calls the reader ‘honey’)
Note: This is a birthday gift to @knuckles8864​. I hope you have a lovely birthday 💖
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You surveyed the crowd, back pressed against the wall so hard you felt that you might phase through it. Not that it would bother you too much if it meant that you could get some space to yourself. You couldn’t remember when you had last seen a crowd this big.
Wiping your clammy hands on your thighs, you looked over the crowd again, trying to find a head of bubblegum-pink hair. You spotted a few throughout the throng of people, but none of them was the right one.
Where is she? you thought, watching people join the crowd ahead of you.
Finally, you spotted Mina as she pushed towards you. When she saw you looking, she raised a gloved hand and waved, a wide smile spreading on her face.
You returned the wave with one of your own, feeling your lips twitch into a grin. The world felt calmer already.
“Sorry!” Mina cried as she got closer, trying to be heard over the constant hum of voices. “I had a wardrobe malfunction last minute and I missed my train.”
You shook your head. “It’s fine, you’re here now. And you look amazing!”
Giggling, Mina spun in front of you. “I do, don’t I! It was worth all the effort it took to make!”
Nodding, you looked at her costume again. The pink and purple top which she wore underneath her armor was one she’d owned already. But the armor itself - covering her abdomen and one side of her chest - was something she had made on her own. You had often spent an evening next to her while she worked on it, so you knew well how much time she had devoted to making it. Same with the short tan skirt which she had sewn from multiple pieces of fabric, making it look as ragged and worn as it was supposed to. Her outfit was finished off with thigh high boots with foam greaves strapped to the front, and leather gloves with a fluffy fur trim at the wrists.
You had to admit that she was the spitting image of the character she was cosplaying. You’d never gotten around to watching the anime she was from - a fantasy story full of fighting and adventure - but Mina had talked about it often enough that you felt like you already knew the character pretty well.
Mina grabbed your hand, tearing you out of your thoughts.
“So?” she said, beaming up at you. “Are you ready for your first anime convention?”
You nodded, squeezing her hand. “Now that you’re here, I’m ready for anything!”
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Breathe, you told yourself, trying your best not to panic.
Mina squeezed your arm tighter. “Just a little bit longer. The check-in line always creates a bottleneck, there’s plenty of space inside, I promise! And once we get our badges, we can enter through the side doors, we won’t have to join this line again.”
You just nodded, forcing another stuttering breath into your lungs.
A space opened up and you moved forward, the crowd following close behind. Just a little bit longer.
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“Where do you want to go first?” Mina asked as she led you through the convention center.
You could feel her almost vibrating with excitement and it killed you to dampen her. But you knew she understood you better than most people did.
“Can we find a place to sit for a few minutes?” you asked.
Mina smiled at you. “I meant after you’ve had a moment to gather yourself.” Stopping, she pointed at a little group of cafe tables overlooking the main escalators. “Sit. I’ll get us something to drink.”
She returned a moment later with two sodas.
“You gotta be conscious about drinking enough,” she said. “We’re gonna be on our feet a lot. There are water coolers and cups all throughout the venue so don’t worry about bringing a bottle. Just don’t forget to drink.”
You nodded.
Pulling her phone out, Mina checked the schedule. “The opening ceremony is in an hour, it’s usually pretty funny but we can skip it if you want to. And there’s a panel I want to go to at seven, a bunch of voice actors being goofy, those are always a riot. But we gotta line up for that one early if we want decent seats, it’s always really popular…”
You swallowed hard. You knew that it would be busy, Mina had been very clear about that. But you hadn’t realized just how much time you’d be spending in line.
As if she could read your thoughts, Mina reached out to grab your hand. “The check-in line is the worst by far, I promise you. The other lines are a lot more chill, people don’t push as much, at least while we’re just waiting. But we can go somewhere less crowded to start with.” Thinking for a second, she added, “The artists’ alley should be decent at this time, they should’ve just finished setting up. And you can skip the voice actors’ panel if you want to, find someplace quiet to rest while I go.”
You nodded again, a small smile playing on your lips. Mina really did know you better than most people.
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Your head swiveled from side to side, trying to take in all the merchandise around you. The sheer amount of it was overwhelming.
Mina once again managed to ground you. She pulled you over to a table in the corner. “We start here and work our way up this row. Try to focus on the franchises you might want to buy something from and ignore the rest. And don’t worry about looking at every single booth, we can always come back.”
You squeezed her hand to thank her, then started browsing.
The second booth you looked at had some interesting Nintendo pins. You had trouble deciding between buying Kirby or Link and Zelda.
Mina, who had been leafing through a binder of drawings at the other end of the table, moved over to you, looking at the pins.
“Oh, those are really cute!”
“They are,” you agreed. “But I can’t decide which one to buy. I kinda want both this one -” You pointed to Kirby in the middle of inhaling a cake. “- and this one with Link and Zelda together.”
Mina grinned at you. “I have a pretty easy solution for that.”
You raised your eyebrows questioningly. “And that is?”
“I buy Kirby as a gift for you, then you buy Link and Zelda. That way you don’t have to choose.”
Your face broke into a smile. “I appreciate it, Mina, but you don’t have to. I can--”
Mina held a finger to your lips. “I’ve decided already, I’m buying the pink dude with the cake. You can call it a memento of your first convention. Or…” She gently nudged you in the ribs while winking at you. “You can do the same for me when I’m waffling between two things. As long as they are of a similar value, I don’t want you to go broke.”
“Alright then,” you said, your smile widening, “I accept your deal!”
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Next to the artists’ alley was a room with a few arcade machines. And - you noticed to your pleasant surprise - a Dance Dance Revolution rig for two players.
You pulled Mina towards the rig.
“Wanna give it a try?” you asked. “See if I can beat you today?”
Mina’s face lit up. Then a cloud of uncertainty passed over her features. “You don’t think it’s gonna be too much for you?”
You shook your head. “I’d like to get rid of some of my nervous energy. And I think it’s better to do it now, before the place gets more crowded.”
“Well, if you’re sure…” The smile returned to her face. “Don’t think I’m gonna go easy on ya!”
Grinning back at her, you said, “Wouldn’t want you to.”
You knew well that you were still far off from beating Mina at any dancing game. She had danced for years while you were still new at it. But it didn’t make the game any less fun, especially not when you had Mina shout encouragement at you throughout it.
The two of you had to stop after a couple of rounds. You could probably have gone for one more - and you knew that Mina could’ve gone for longer still - but a crowd had gathered, cheering the two of you on. It made your ears burn, especially since they cheered nearly exclusively for Mina. She was amazing, there was no denying it, but it sometimes made you wonder why she had picked you, someone who didn’t even compare to her.
Mina bounded up to you - completely unaware of your thoughts - and threw her arms around you.
“That was so much fun!” she squealed. Then she looked up at you, noticing your gloomy expression. Her brows furrowed. “What’s wrong, honey?”
You shook your head. “It’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing,” she insisted, “something’s wrong. Is it the crowd?”
“Something like that.”
Mina pressed her lips into a thin line. Then she grabbed your hand, pulling you along with her.
She led you outside the convention building to a bench under a secluded tree. Sitting next to you, she turned to face you.
“What’s going on?” she asked.
You stayed quiet. The last thing you wanted to do was ruin the day for her.
Mina squeezed your hand. “Tell me, honey, I promise I’ll listen.”
“It’s just…” Heaving a deep sigh, your gaze glued to the ground between your feet, you finally let the words you had tried to hold back fall out of your mouth. “Why are you with me? You could find someone better, someone who shines as bright as you. I just weigh you down.”
She squeezed your hand again. “Stop. You know none of that is true.”
You kept looking at your shoes. “Isn’t it though? You saw the crowd cheering for you, not me.”
Mina’s words grew imploring. “No, it isn’t true. Well the part about the crowd might be, but the rest isn’t.”
Reaching out, she laid her hand on your cheek, pushing your face towards her. “You want to know why I love you? Why I’ve spent three years with you?”
Finally meeting her eyes, you nodded.
“It’s because you’re you,” she said. “You’re sweet and kind and gentle. You make me feel safe. You’re respectful of my boundaries, you never judge me. You may sometimes get your words mixed up and say the wrong things, but I know you don’t mean to. You listen to me. I always have a great time with you. Is that enough reason?”
You let out another sad sigh. “But I don’t shine like you.”
“Of course you do,” Mina replied. “You hide it pretty well, but I saw it when you were dancing.”
You furrowed your brows. “Really?”
“Yeah! It might not be very bright yet, but it’s definitely there! And it’s growing every day.”
Leaning in, she gently pressed her lips to yours. “Don’t be too hard on yourself just because the crowd only see that I’m more skilled at dancing - you’re being unfair to yourself when you do that. The crowd doesn’t matter. All that does matter is that we both have fun, right?”
Flinging your arms around her, you pulled her close against you, burying your face in her hair. “You’re right,” you mumbled. “Thank you.”
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The two of you spent the time before the voice actors’ panel just wandering around, admiring the amazing cosplays you came across, and trying out random snacks that you found on sale. Still feeling a little bit downcast, you decided to brave the crowds to attend the panel with Mina rather than finding a quiet spot by yourself.
Sinking into your seat, you let out a sigh of relief. While Mina had been right about the line to the panel being a lot more relaxed, there had still been some pushing to get into the room. You had spent nearly all of your energy for the day.
Mina wrapped her arm around yours, leaning against your shoulder. “How are you doing, honey?
“I’m getting close to being people’d out,” you answered earnestly.
She nodded. “We can go home after this, there’s nothing interesting for the rest of the night.” Twisting in her seat, she looked up at you. “Are you so done with people that you want to be alone tonight?”
You shook your head. “You know that you don’t count as ‘people’. I don’t mind you staying over if you want to.”
“Then I’ll stay over,” Mina replied, resting against you again, “get my cuddle quota in.”
You just nodded, leaning your cheek against the top of her head, looking forward to a little bit of respite at the end of a busy day.
Next to you, Mina let out a gasp of glee. “Oh, look, it’s starting!”
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Thank you so much for reading! Likes, comments, and reblogs are always greatly appreciated! If you like, you can check out my other works here. Love, Birin 💖
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afoolandathief · 11 months
Last line tag
Tagged by @zmwrites and also I'm especially proud of the ending of this chapter of Fire & Wine, even if it does come from me putting off Something Wicked rewrites:
Here, smart boy. Taste how bitter you are, how bitter you’ve made yourself. But he was smiling when I pulled back. Eyes ticking to the road, he thumbed something from my lips. “How is a god like you so pretty?” he asked. I could barely hear the question. “Well, I was raised a girl, for a time,” I said. Then a thought came to me. “So, think you’re as smooth a ride as the rest of your machines?” He actually laughed at that. The wind whipped and snapped against us as I fell into my seat. Reflective paint on the road blurred and glowed. We were grinning, showing our teeth. We were unstoppable. We were gods, and the world was laid bare before us.
Tagging, with no pressure, @fictionalbullshitter, @writing-with-melon, & @faytelumos
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make-me-imagine · 1 year
Mistletoe Distraction
12 Days of Christmas: Day 3
Plot: While in the office late at night, Lou uses a familiar tradition to distract Y/n from the stress of work.
Pairing: Lou Ransone x Gn!Reader
A/n: Though it is about mistletoe, Christmas is not mentioned in this oneshot
Warnings: A kiss obviously lol, and a slightly suggestive conversation, but that's it.
Words: ~1k
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Sitting on the edge of Lou's desk, you read through the report one more time. You had been stuck on this case for the whole day, making no new headway and it was getting to you. Catching no new information you could use, you closed it.
Setting it down on his desk, you sighed and stood up, stretching "There's nothing in these reports we don't already know."
Lou closed the file in his own hands as he nodded "Yeah, I know. Maybe we should take a break for the night."
Walking into the doorway and looking out into the office, you noted that most of the lights were off as everyone else had already gone home.
Looking at the clock, you saw it was close to midnight. You had known many cops and detectives to stay well past working on their own cases.
Turning around, you leaned against the doorway and looked in on Lou "Why does it feel like we're the only one's that care about this case?"
Lou smiled and shook his head "We're not, we just happen to be the only two obsessed enough with it to stay after work until-" He checked his watch and peered back at you "Midnight."
"I've seen cops stay longer for their own cases." You mumbled before you leaned it against the doorway. "And I'm not even tired."
Lou watched you for a moment, before his eyes slowly rose, catching on the decoration hanging above you. He felt a small jolt in his chest as he remembered seeing one of the deputies hang it on his door as a joke earlier in the day. He was on the phone so he had forgotten about it.
Looking past you and out into the office, his eyes scanned the empty precinct before he looked back at you, seeing you were clearly lost in thought as you stared into space.
He watched you for another moment before a small smile crossed his face. It would be a shame not to take advantage of this moment. Especially since the two of you were now alone and technically off the clock.
The two of you had given into your shared feelings a few weeks prior. Your professional relationship stayed the same, never showing any signs of a relationship during work.
Lou would be lying if he said he didn't hate how long he had to wait everyday to focus on the non "professional" part of your relationship. And he was fairly certain some people knew about it, but never said anything.
Rising from his desk, Lou casually made his way towards you before leaning on the opposite side of the doorway from you. His eyes scanned the precinct one more time, and he was confident there was no one else around. Even the janitors had gone home already.
His hands sat in his pockets as he watched you for a moment, wondering how long it would take you to leave your own thoughts.
It was only a few moments before you noticed his closer presence. You looked up and met his eyes, seeing a soft smile on his face, you felt your heart jolt lightly.
You couldn't stop the small smile that spread across your own face "What are you smiling at?"
Lou tilted his head slightly as he spoke, his face showing his amusement "For someone who tends to notice every small detail, you sometimes miss big ones."
Confusion showed clearly on your face as you processed his words. Was he talking about the case? Did you miss something obvious? If that was so, why would he be smiling?
"What do you mean?" You voiced with confusion as you turned towards him fully, arms crossed.
Lou smiled as he motioned his head upwards.
As your eyes shot up, you immediately noticed the obvious. A green plant tied with red ribbon, hanging from Lou's doorway. You felt heat rise up your neck as you repressed a smile. How had you not noticed it? How long had it been there?
Looking back into his eyes, you spoke with a mix of mild amusement and bewilderment "Mistletoe?"
"Hastings put it up earlier, as a joke."
"Funny joke." You said with a note of sarcasm. You knew Hastings had a not so secret thing for Lou.
He shrugged as he pushed himself away from the doorway, and stepped closer to you, staring down into your eyes.
"It has it's usefulness."
You tried to repress the grin tempting it's way onto your face as you narrowed your eyes and tilted your chin up "Oh yeah? Like what?"
Stepping a bit closer, he leaned his arm on the door frame above your head, as his face hung just above yours "Like, providing a distraction from the work we're focusing too hard on."
Your lips twitched into a small smile as you saw his eyes flick to your lips briefly.
"And what kind of distraction were you hoping for exa-"
Your sentence was cut short as Lou leaned down, and pressed a kiss to your lips. Without hesitation, you deepened the kiss. As he leaned closer to you, his hand cupped your face, your hand gently reached forward and grabbed onto the collar of his shirt.
Lou's hand moved to the back of your head as he deepened the kiss. A few moments later you broke apart, breathless. You stared into each others eyes for a moment before you smiled.
"My favorite kind of distraction then?"
Lou smiled as he pressed his forehead against yours "I think I saw some more mistletoe in the elevator. You still determined to work the case, or do you want to get out of here?"
You smiled up at him "There's nothing else we can do tonight anyways."
"Exactly." He said softly before pulling away, moving to go grab his jacket.
Looking up at the mistletoe you smiled, before you felt Lou's hand slip into yours as he pulled you along with him and towards the elevators.
xx End xx
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
911/Lou Taglist: @spuffyfan394, @webreathfandoms, @locke-writes, @persephonesportal, @pockyandme, @soultrysworld, @averyhotchner, @iinmysights, @that-marvel-simp, @gatefleet, @will-grammer
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lasscass · 2 years
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needed a new phone wallpaper since mariner and jen broke up, and my ongoing negaishipping brainrot answered the call!
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thegreatobsesso · 11 months
Happy STS!
I'm having a tired brain day and failing at coming up with a good question, so just give me something you wrote recently. A few lines you think I'd get a kick out of, a few lines you got a kick out of, whatever. Share something tasty with me 💜
I love you! You've left me some amazing comments about Riley/Nauxial so here's an intensely spoilery, extremely tasty bit at comes at the very end of book one. 😈 It's more than a couple of lines but I kinda want you to know this happens. The context is that Nauxie has just finally gotten his wish and taken the body of someone close to Riley, with her help. So he's alive and outside her head for the first time in the story!
Riley POV
“You’re so quiet,�� he said, looking into her eyes fondly. He reached up, caressed her face. “I’m no longer privy to your inner workings and I miss it already. Tell me what you’re thinking.” 
He spoke to her like a pet. He always had. She had no desire to share her thoughts for his amusement, so she reached behind his head and pulled his lips to hers. 
It surprised him; that was good. It only took him a moment to recover himself, and when he did he gripped her tighter. She opened her mouth and pulled him closer; let her magic out and sent it around him. He felt it as he slipped his tongue against hers. It drew a ragged breath from deep in his - Mark's - lungs. She moaned softly into his mouth before he could start to think. 
An echo of him was still inside her. She could still feel it. Just a single thread, ready to snap. His burning blood; his relentless hunger. 
His magic. 
She’d spent enough time hunched over Petri dishes the last few years to know what Extraction felt like, and had enough practice in shifting fields to know she could reach it on her own. She could probably only sustain it for a few seconds, but a few seconds was all she’d need. 
She clamped down and pulled. 
And when he jerked back, his lust already doused by the shock, it was too late. She was all through every cell in his body. He’d let her in, just like she did him, all those years ago. 
“You can’t,” he gritted out, even as his skin shriveled and greyed before her. “You need me.” 
“I need your power,” she said, setting the spell loose and tearing it out. 
It ripped through her, changing her into something like the monster he’d been - powers she’d never known and could never have imagined, running through her veins, shorting out her cells, overcoming her body. Her muscles threatened to burst with the strain. 
Maybe it felt like this for Callie; maybe just a little bit like this, with Peter’s solitary power. Nauxial had them all and more. 
He drained out of Mark’s eyes and the body that held him crumpled to the ground. 
In that sliver of a moment where his soul - or whatever it was that made a person alive - was suspended between life and death, she turned back to her own power, now buried underneath a teeming mass of stolen ones. She found his dying spirit, took hold, and flung it far beyond the in-between place where he might be able to reach her, into whatever lied beyond, into what she hoped was absolutely nothing or worse. 
The work wasn’t over; every power he’d ever gained was burning in her body, churning like a wild sea. She bent over, breathed, and directed it. She saw where it fit and led it to intertwine where it belonged; she drew in deep breaths and changed. 
An unnatural amalgamation. A monstrous mess. Everything he’d been, inside her now. Twisted. Violent. Wrong. 
When it was done, the air smelled different. The world around her looked small and malleable. If she raised her arms and let herself go she could reshape the earth, or break it beyond recognition. She was the monster now. 
That was for Mark, she thought, as her synapses fizzled and Nauxial’s mangled magic settled into her bones. It was made of pure spite; it tasted sweet, like revenge. 
She breathed in the new world and wondered, distantly, if it would be the last human thing she’d ever feel. 
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