#vampire! venti
harmonysanreads · 2 months
Since your requests are open, might I suggest vamp lord Venti? Or perhaps something with the vamp lords in general?
i'm glad there's one other person besides me who's interested in the archons as vampire!lords lolol i wasn't sure what to title this but please, accept this humble drabble of them being the siblings ever. note : darling's relationship with nahida is strictly platonic!
This is an extension of this and this concept, which are branched from my vampire!alhaitham au :> written with a yandere setting in mind but nothing of that sort is really going on here, unless you squint.
wc : 1.2k
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“Seriously, what was that blockhead thinking when making them share a room with a half-blood vampire of everything?”
“If you can even call this closet a room, Barbatos. There's not even space for us to take an extra step!”
If the word ‘baffled’ would be a person, that'd be you at this instance. You stare questioningly at the figures that now occupy your room, the buzzes of their comments on the poor accommodations that they had provided flies over your head as easily as they leave the lords' lips. A moment’s interlude and five servants enter next, meticulously weaving through the existent personnel.
“Well, I can't say I wasn't expecting this. Half-bloods have weaker impulse control, especially when they have not been ‘fed’ properly. There's no way Morax couldn't have known this. So, he must've had other intentions.”
The lord praised for her unmatched wisdom chimed, inspecting the residual stains of blood on the otherwise vacant walls with curious green eyes. At the side, the lord clad in ocean blue conducts the servants to gather your belongings with haste and the master of songs remained beside your person in his nonchalant haze.
“Uhm, M'lord, am I getting kicked out…?”
Barbatos's gleaming teal eyes meet your tentative gaze. With a chuckle, he places his beret on your head. Instead of words he answers you with a hearty squeeze on your cheeks and you yelp.
“My birdie, how could that thought even cross your head?” even a blind person could feel the pout on the lord's lips. You make a few unsuccessful attempts at riposte and at last succumb to the assault on your cheeks — the sight of which has Barbatos's grin stretched till his fangs peak.
“Cut it out, Barbatos! They've yet to recover from their wounds. You can save your ‘affection’ for a later day.” the lord celebrated for her stage prowess huffs, arms crossed and indignant at the handsy behavior of her fellow Vampire Lord.
The accused vampire frees your cheeks from his clutches. Though you're not gifted with reprieve as his right arm coils around your shoulders next. “You speak as though I'm the most ignorant being to exist! Dear [Name], why don't you tell good Focalors here how much you enjoy being the recipient of my affection?”
You sputter at the heat of the two lords’ gazes. Luck shines upon you and your savior interferes with a cough.
“Allow me to apologize on behalf of everyone, [Name]. Had I been more persistent in ensuring that you wouldn't have to be roommates with that half-blood, this accident wouldn't have happened. I'm truly sorry.”
Nahida's heartfelt condolences paint the atmosphere in a subtle somber hue. Pupils of green flicker to and fro the fresh bandages wrapped around your neck and wrists. You feel Barbatos's fingers tighten around you ever so slightly, it is not until Focalors' chiding words echo that the silence cracks.
“Buer, Buer, Buer. For how long will you continue to take responsibility for others' carelessness?”
“Well, at least she has the courtesy to apologize,” Barbatos idly twirls a strand of your hair, “Unlike a certain brutish blundering buffoon.”
It's quite apparent to you who he addresses so vehemently, though, you're not certain what the cause is behind their blood feud. It's not like you expected to be treated like royalty in a palace full of lethal predators, no one has heard a vampire ever treating a human kindly. You'd even say you were no greater than a slave to everyone in this place, so, the lords' current care confused you greatly.
“Actually, Lord Morax invited me for breakfast this morning. He told me that even he wasn't expecting my ‘roommate’ to betray his command and attack me.”
All eyes snap towards you as those words settle from your lips, you cannot hold back your concern at how quickly they turned their heads.
“He did?” Focalors asks incredulously, the lock of hair Barbatos was twirling falls from his grasp dramatically.
“Yes…he even told me that Lord Shogun had ‘taken care of’ my roommate, whatever that means.” you mutter with uncertainty, gaze flickering between their wide-eyed stares.
Barbatos is the first to recover from that collective befuddlement, “Well, looks like they did something good for once.” he lets go of your shoulder and you almost miss the flash of irritation in his normally tranquil teal eyes. You note how unsettling he sounds with the absence of playfulness. The weight of the lord's beret reminds you of the barrenness of your room and your initial confusion of why they barged in, in the first place.
“Am I really going to be kicked out of the palace?”
Your question comes out more melancholic than intended but, it does its job in getting the vampires' attention. Barbatos begins with a spring in his speech, completely disregarding his earlier odd countenance.
“About that, my birdie, because you're such a delicious mea—ow! I mean, such a precious human, we've decided that from today onwards, your new roommates will be…us!”
Furina's elbow retreats as Barbatos rubs the side of his abdomen with a spiteful look. She takes his beret off of your head and replaces it with her own hat, hurling the former object towards the green-clad lord's face.
“Now, I know what you're thinking, petit agneau. Each of us will be sharing our quarters with you every month. Meaning, one month you'll be my roommate, the next Buers, then Barbatos's and it'll rotate like this. Isn't that the most excellent idea?”
Judging by Furina's boisterous laughter and the sparkles that float around her, you surmise it must've been her proposal. All of this is happening too quickly and too out-of-nowhere. You're not naive enough to believe that their sudden initiatives are born from unadulterated kindness. In this hidden corner of the world where the self-interest of a stronger life form dominates the hierarchy, it's foolish to rule-out any possibilities of hidden agendas. But precisely due to that reason, clinging to the few opportunities of benevolence are inconsequential for survival — that, in itself, is another form of self-preservation.
“So, I'll be staying with you this month, Lord Focalors?” you ask.
“Well… who'll be the first in the rotation actually hasn't been decided yet.”
“I’ll be the first one.” Nahida, who'd been silent thus far proclaimed ; you tilt your head down to find her dainty fingers holding onto your hand.
Focalors and Barbatos remain frozen with gaping mouths for a few seconds, likely because they were about to say the same thing.
“If I may jog your memory, you both have been tasked with arranging this year's annual spring gala. No doubt you'll both be busy with your own work to pay attention to [Name]. So, it's only logical that she stays with me, isn't it?”
True to her title, Nahida leaves no room for further arguments with her reasoning. A ‘you have a point’ full of disappointment leaves the other two in unison. You catch Nahida's wink as you peer down at her and it makes you wonder. You can never guess what she's thinking but, she's been the only one who's shown you genuine care since you signed your contract with the Vampire Lords. There's a certain... peace about her presence that you can reluctantly believe in, compared to the flightiness of the others, at least.
You spare one last look at the place you used to call your room, the splatters of your own blood remind you again of the terrors of this palace. With a deep breath, you choose to swallow your fear and follow their lead, for now, at least.
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hollythius · 1 year
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VANITY | vampire! genshin characters x reader
note | trying something new here! we’re going for multi-chapter, multiple characters x reader, and you get to choose your route! hopefully this goes as planned 😔 general trigger warnings for blood and biting in a (mostly) non-sexual manner.
SYNOPSIS | you receive a letter from a mysterious admirer, inviting you to an exquisite gala. when you arrive, you find various suitors waiting for you— but there’s a catch. they’re all vampires!
first chapter (you’re here!) / next / previous
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Dear Y/n,
You have utterly captivated me. Your charms are like the sweetest incense, drawing me nearer like a moth to a flame. When our eyes meet, my heart erupts with joy in a way that words cannot describe. Simply writing to you makes my hands shake in wistful longing. The quill in my hand is as restless as I; and I hope my penmanship is legible. (It would be my worst shame to write to you and have you not be able to read it) Now allow me to get on with the real point of this letter.
I formally invite you to the Dawn Winery next Saturday evening to enjoy a delicious wine tasting and incredible live music. As it is a masquerade, please dress in appropriate attire. I propose a game to you as well— if you can spot me in the crowd, I’ll give you a sweet surprise.
Yours in secrecy,
Your secret admirer.
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The love letters were new. You were used to odd trinkets: windwheel asters, berries, a honeyed ale or tasty biscuit. Never had you received such a flowery parchment. Flush rose to your cheeks, tinting them red as you stood on your doorstep. You shook your head, pushing back inside. Sure, it was true that sometimes you stayed awake at night, thinking of who could be behind the gifts. A rich nobleman? A sweet farmer’s son? A librarian, a fisherman, a baker? At times like these, you longed for the touch of your admirer. The country of Teyvat was large, but the incoming fesitival at the Dawn Winery drew in travelers months in advance. Your admirer could be from any reach of the nation! Could they be from your hometown of Mondstat, or the farthest reaches of Inazuma? You would have to find out yourself, should you attend the wine tasting.
Who were you kidding. You were already gathering money for a masquerade mask.
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please reblog my work! i spend lots of time on my projects, and it really helps me out :) tagging @ilyuu and @hobieist bc they helped me finalize the ideas for this series!
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dkniade · 5 days
Crack headcanon
If Fischl drops her roleplay and speaks in prose when she’s surprised or comfortable around people, and Venti sometimes sings really ancient songs
would Venti theoretically, like, do an inverse and start speaking in Latin or German when he’s too tired or drunk
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wheatcak3 · 7 months
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I see a lot of vampire ventis and not enough werewolf ventis on my tl 👀🐺✨ ( happy late Halloween!)
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cinnabell2 · 7 months
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Venlumi + Namless bard Vampire AU 🩸
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stormynightstorytime · 4 months
**Vampire Lord Venti make me feel some kinda way >_<**
Venti gives a shaky sigh, a small smile flickering on his face as he bares his neck for his wife. Looking at her with needy and loving eyes, she gazes down on him and soon enough crawl down on the bed to meet his level.
She places her hands on his hips and slide them under what little clothes Venti had. Venti's breath hitches as his wife drags the tip of her nose on the exposed v of his shirt. With his wife's cold breath on his chest, the tip of her nose and her finger tips slide upwards. Her fingers slide onto his nipples, earning a shiver and a jolt from him. She shushes him gently before rubbing him slowly.
Venti's breath striggles to leave his throat, each second growing thicker and thicker, his eyes still trained on her, eager and loving.Her nose finally ends up at his neck, venti sighs in relief only to gasp in suprise as his wife gives a gentle kitten lick to the crook of his neck. Venti's widened eyes relax and his arms and legs wrap around her back, his fingertips gently gripping her blouse asking for more.
Venti feels his wife's liips smirk on his sensitive skin.A soft kiss causes venti to jolt, resulting in the rubbing of his nipples on her gently stationed hands. His wife chuckles and gives hina gentle shush, then giving long licks to his neck, causing him to jolt and treat his sesnistive buds even more. Venti now a bit more vocal, whimpers and whines as his wife preps him for the pleasure to come.
After a gentle couple hours his wife gives him on gentle kiss to the neck, then to his cheek.Her name slips out of his lips like the most delicate bottle of wine, then like the sweetest piece of candy. Her teeth pierced his neck, lips sucking and draining his delicious blood, his fingertips curled into fists as she grips her back spilling those pornographic moans she loved so dear.Her hands slide underneath his neck and head, supporting him as he buckles towards her touch.
A clicking sound draws his wife's lips away, he gets up after her, pulling at her arms like a desperate puppy, his beautiful blood dripping down his loose blouse. As his eyes clear from the blurr of affection, he notices a familar knight leaning against the doorframe with a smug smirk on his lips, his wife glares at the knight with familal familarity.
Venti sighs and gets up from bed, giving her a quick yet gentle kiss as a promise to return.Quickly getting dressed he follow the knight out to discuss whatever matter needs his attention now, looking back at the last second to see the immaculate image of his worn wife making herself comfortable for the night. Breath hitching, he shakes his head and leaves as she tucks herself in for another lonely night.
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Pretty little eyes pretty little lies
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Dark Imagination_ Part 10
A.N: 👻Happy Halloween!!! I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable one! 🎃🕯️
Thank you for reading this story!! I hope you enjoyed it!! This final chapter has guest stars abound!!
Genshin Impact MasterList
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You entered the glittering ballroom. This was your first time traveling in this world. It had been three months since your arrival in this world. Your coven was invited to an affair, and they thought it was a good time to introduce you. You took in the sights with no small degree of interest. 
You heard a deep chuckle from besides you and ducked your head. You hoped you hadn’t been that obvious. But these were things you’d only seen in movies. 
“Do not worry, my dear. The night is young. We will show you all there is.” Zhongli spoke, raising the back of your hand to his lips. 
Neuvillette’s hands draped over his cane in front of him, “Indeed.” 
Alhaitham only sighed. He was bored already, and his elders refused to let him bring a book with him. They even double-checked before they left. 
However, you barely got in the door before you heard, “ZHONGLI!!” 
You blinked as at the whirlwind and looked up to see a young girl, dressed in brown with long twin pigtails and black nail polish, had thrown her arms around Zhongli. As tall he was, she was floating as she did so. Despite her gothic demeanor, she was all smiles as she squeezed him tighter, “You made it!! Welcome!!” 
Zhongli sighed, “Hu Tao, must you do this? I haven’t even been here for two minutes, yet.”
“But how else am I to greet my sire? I haven’t seen you in a long time!” 
“We saw each other last month. For us vampires, that is hardly a long time. Now, get off of me, please. I have a Blood Mistress. It’s time for you to stop being so childish and pay some respect to her.” 
You blinked when Hu Tao popped in your face with a grin. You clearly saw her sharp canines as she took in your appearance, “I’m Hu Tao, one who was turned by the Lord Rex Lapis! You are his coven’s Blood Mistress, yeah? It’s nice to meet you, Y/N L/N. Yes, I know all about you! No need for introductions!” 
You had to fight to catch up with everything she said before you smiled shyly, “Well, nice to meet you anyway.” 
Hu Tao threw her arms around your shoulders chummily, “Aren’t you a cute one! You are human, right? Hey, have you thought about the great beyond? We are having a two for one deal….” 
She was snatched away from you and your eyes widen as Rex Lapis glared down at her, “I suggest you watch your mouth, little one.” 
Hu Tao waved his words away, “I wasn’t talking about for the two of you but perhaps she…oh right, she came from another world, didn’t she? Never mind. I’m sorry! Hey, let me introduce you to my Blood Master and coven sisters Xinyan and Xiangling! Listen, if Xiangling offers you anything ask what’s in it before you eat, okay? I will not have my sire’s Blood Mistress passed out, Zhongli can and will kill me. She’s a great cook, but she has some weird tastes, you know. Let’s go!!” 
Your eyes were wide as you look over your shoulder at Zhongli who gave you a reassuring smile. You relaxed. If he was letting you go with her, it must have been okay. 
“I never thought she would leave. How can a vampire be that sunny?” Alhaitham growled, raising his hand to massage his temple.  
“Hey, you guys made it!!” 
“Speaking of sunny….” Zhongli sighed. It hasn’t been 15 minutes, and he was already tired as he turned to the newest group with a ginger head in front.
“Zhongli! It’s been awhile!” Childe grinned.  
“So your coven was invited as well.” Zhongli eyed the men behind Childe,  “Is your Blood Mistress, here as well?”  
The coven that Childe belonged to was….questionable in his eyes. Not one, of them, was sane in his opinion. Dottore was a mad doctor, Pantalone valued mora a bit too much and Capitano was, in fact, a werewolf, and a bloodthirsty one at that. Childe was the sanest, and that was saying something. He always felt bad for their Blood Mistress. What did she have to put up with, with them? 
“Yep! It seems Hu Tao is winding up all the Blood Mistresses and Masters here to introduce yours!” Childe laughed at the growing group that was surrounding you. You hadn’t realized there would be so many. 
“Are we sure, we shouldn’t intervene? It looks like she might be feeling overwhelmed.” Neuvillette observed. 
“Ah, let’s leave them alone!” Childe spoke, “More to the point, Rex Lapis, we should have a fight sometime!” His eyes swept over the group, “Or, rather, I’ll fight any of you!”
Neuvillette gazed calmly at Childe, “Do you really think you wish to get into it with me?”
Alhaitham added, “Don’t involve me in your stupidity.” 
Zhongli just sigh, “Why? So you can lose again?” 
“Each lost brings me closer to victory. We shouldn’t ruin our friendship so something so petty as how many times I lose.” 
“We are not friends, Childe….” 
“You wound me.” 
“So this is where the party is….” 
“Heya, Kaeya!!” Childe greeted, then he gave a cool grin toward the red-haired behind him, “Diluc…it’s been a minute.” 
Diluc bared his fangs, “Don’t try me.” 
Childe laughed, “Bring it on! Let’s go! We can step outside now!” 
Zhongli growled silently. Why did this young vampire insist on fighting everyone he came across? So help him, if he tried that with you. 
“I will not!” Diluc retorted, folding his arms, “This is a formal occasion, and we should conduct ourselves accordingly!” 
Venti laughed as he stepped between the two of them, “Now, now! Why should we get into fights when we have such a wonderful gathering. It’s been since five years since we had a coven gathering like this!”
Kaeya spoke, “Yes, we have much to celebrate. We’ve found more Blood Mistresses and Masters in the past five years than ever before. Let’s not forget the reason for this gathering.” 
“Like you and Venti need a reason to celebrate.” Diluc grumbled, “I ask everyday I wake up, why, why was a chosen to be part of a coven with the both of you.”
Kaeya laughed and threw his arm around Diluc, “You do not wish to share a coven with me, my brother?” 
“I will end you.” 
Zhongli turned to Venti, “It’s been a long time, old friend.” 
Venti grinned, “Likewise, old man.” 
Zhongli just sighed in response. Barbatos, known as Venti, was considered one of the seven vampire lords on par with Rex Lapis. He never could figure out why a vampire lord could be so childish sometimes. 
“Pardon me, am I interrupting?” 
They looked up to see a girl, dressed in orange, lingering on the edge of the group. 
Zhongli smiled, “Yanfei! Good to see you!” 
“And you as well, my lord! I was just meeting your Blood Mistress!  We had prepared in case she wanted to leave, but I’m happy to see that she had decided to stay.” 
“I must thank you, Miss. Yanfei. You and your coven’s help was indispensable!” Neuvillette smiled. 
“I’m glad that we could be of service!” 
Yanfei was not a vampire. She was part of a witch coven. Zhongli, Neuvillette and Alhaitham had contacted her coven, consisting of her, Ganyu and Keqing, bringing you to their world. They were the highest and most powerful witch’s coven in the land. 
Neuvillette and Yanfei had moved to the side, started talking quietly. 
Childe turned to glare at Diluc, “Despite this being a formal affair, such an affair needs entertainment, don’t you think? 
“You are like a dog with a bone.” the red-haired remarked, “First off, we have a set of magicians, who will be performing a magic show later and second, you should think of your Blood Mistress. If I kill you, how will she feel?” 
Alhaitham sighed. This was precisely why he hated these gatherings. You get all the covens together, and you end up with this mess. He folded his arms, “Are we going to stand around trading barbs all night?” 
“Why? You got something better to be doing? All you do is read! This is why your personality hasn’t developed! I see you still haven’t gotten any new hobbies since the old days.” 
Alhaitham rolled his eyes at the group led by the blond, “I did not come here to get any form of opinions from you Kaveh! And I don’t need any new hobbies. I read, and I take care of my Blood Mistress, can you say the same?” 
“You!” Kaveh groweld, “I will not have you insulting our Blood Mistress. Our coven takes care of her well enough!” 
“Let’s leave our Blood Mistresses out of this fight?” Tighnari cautioned. 
“I agree. It’s beneath us to involved them.” Alhaitham agreed, “My apologies.”  
“You were the one to bring it up!” Kaveh snapped. 
Cyno shook his head, “I cannot understand why you insist on picking a fight with Alhaitham every time you see him. Especially when you always lose.”  
Kaveh growled, “Because every time I see him, I get angry all over again!” 
“For what? Existing or paying my bills on time?!” Alhaitham snorted. 
“We are vampires! Unlike mortals, we don’t have bills!” 
“You still do! That debt is still lurking, the only hold over from when you were a human. Now that’s just sad. You are a vampire with indispensable power at your fingertips yet paying a simple bill is beyond you.” 
“You act like you were never a human!” 
“I never said I wasn’t, but I don’t have any outstanding debts either.” 
“Did I really get dragged here for this?” a voice snapped. 
Cyno glanced at the man behind them, “Do you want to disobey Lesser Lord Kusanali, one of the seven ancient vampire lords? Be my guest, but you will reap the consequences of such actions.”
Wanderer growled and looked off with a pout. They did not need to bring up Lesser Lord Kusanali to him! He knew what was owed to her. It was the Lesser Lord that saw value in his puppet-like status after being tossed aside Raiden Shogun, one of the seven ancient vampire lords. He still harbored hate, the one who was supposed to be his mother and would have eventually been driven mad because of it. 
He was a failed puppet that was supposed to be a vampire like his mother creator, but was now currently a zombie. It was the vampire Lesser Lord that showed him that despite his status he still had worth and was even taken into the coven consisting of Kaveh, Tighnari and Cyno. 
“Fine!” snapped Wanderer, “Kaveh, shut up!! I hear your loud voice every day, I do not suffer it over this den too.” 
“Then go somewhere!” Kaveh snapped, “I’m trying to have a conversation here.” 
Tighnari sighed, “That’s not what I hear happening.” 
“This is enough. I’m done. Call me, when you idiots have something important to say.” Alhaitham growled before walking away from the group. 
Wanderer unfolded his arms and turned to walk away, “He has the right idea. I’ll be over here. And don’t invoke Lesser Lord Kusanali either because I’m still here.” 
Cyno rolled his eyes as Tighnari just sighed and held his head in his hands. Whose idea was it to gather all the covens together again? Childe and his coven just cackled at this. Neuvillette looked up from his conversation with a frown, as he watched Alhaitham migrate away. Well, he supposed it was better than him being in a book. While he didn’t mind, he wanted Alhaitham to be present today. But perhaps getting some distance from Kaveh was wise before it escalated. 
Zhongli shook his head as he gazed coolly at Kaveh, “I see that the grudges of days pass has not been laid to rest.” 
Kaveh smiled nervously, “You mistake me, my lord. I hold no grudge against your coven brother.”
“What would you call it then?” 
“A difference of opinion.” 
Kaveh glanced nervously at Cyno and Tighnari who were more interested in suddenly watching the gathering of Blood Mistresses and Masters. You had laughed at something their own Blood Mistress had said. They smiled. If their own Blood Mistress could break through the barrier that was Wanderer, then becoming friends with you would be a piece of cake. Kaveh growled, finding no help among his coven brothers. 
“So, if we are done with this foolishness, perhaps we should migrate over to our Blood Mistresses?” Diluc asked. 
You gave a sigh as you slipped out into the night for a breath respite. You weren’t the most social of beings, and after a few hours your battery wasn’t doing too hot. You had gone to the restroom, but the garden invited you to gather a few more moments to yourself after you came out. You breathed as you looked up at the moon. 
Everyone was currently staying at this compound until the night after tomorrow when they will all disperse. All the Blood Mistresses and Masters had decided to spend the day together, getting to know each other tomorrow.  Hence, all the humans were going to retire early tonight. This was going to be the first time you spent with other people since you came to this world. 
Although you were nervous, you were kinda of looking forward to it. Hu Tao’s Blood Master, was quite lively like her, and had already promised to take care of you. In addition to Kaveh’s coven Blood Mistress and you had already become fast friends, sharing much in common it seems. She seemed eager to put you at ease as well. You were a bit nervous around Childe’s coven Blood Mistress. You were a bit taken aback that the first thing she asked you, was if you could fight. You met Venti who was one of the Seven Vampire Lords like Rex Lapis. His coven’s Blood Mistress, was quite a bit friendly as well. 
“So here you are.” 
You turned with a smile to see Alhaitham leaning on the wall behind you. 
“Sorry, I guess I got caught up.” 
Alhaitham shook his head before coming to stand quietly beside you. The two of you stood for quite some time in companionable silence before: 
“We sent you to get her, not join her.” Neuvillette spoke, his cane tapping lightly on the ground, followed by Zhongli. 
Alhaitham folded his arms, “Do I look like a social butterfly to you?” 
“We….” you stressed, “Do we look like social butterflies to you?” 
Neuvillette forked an eyebrow, “You two say this as, if I am one. I’m not that good at socializing, even with our own kind.” 
Zhonglik spoke, “I admit, sometimes, even I get lost.” 
“No, you just go on long-winded tirades that no one asked for.” remarked Alhaitham. 
Zhongli stared at Alhaitham, “I’m surprised to hear that from you. How often do you engage in conversation with me, thinking I can spit trivia on demand?” 
“You’ve read most of the books of the library ten times over, as I have. It helps to have someone else speak on that knowledge. You can discover a new angle that way.” 
“But you are proving my point, young one, and thus I shall repeat, I'm surprised to hear that from you.” 
“I don’t mind the diatribes, but others may not always appreciate your…peculiarities.” 
“Enough.” Neuvillette spoke, “Both of you have your faults.” 
Alhaitham gave him the side-eye, “Like you don’t? You both made sure I did not have a book on me to be present in the conversations. Aside from Yanfei, I did not see you talking much either.” 
“Miss. Yanfei and I discuss topics of a specific nature, not relating to most people, and we enjoy it.” 
“I have read several law books, but I do not find them that interesting. They are hard, cold facts to memorize and move on.”
You raised your eyebrows silently at this. Law books were not the type of material you’d find to memorize and move on, much less understand them.  
Neuvillette replied, “This is why I’m a Judge and you are not. You memorize the facts of law in the books, but do you know how to apply it? I think not. Miss. Yanfei understands the particulars and this lends to an engaging conversation. A conversation I had, unlike you. You barely spoke to anyone.” 
“Don’t call me out, when Wanderer was doing the same.” 
“Wanderer is not my coven brother, you are, and as such….” 
The three blinked when they heard your giggle. They looked to see you had taken a seat and was watching them in amusement. The three shuffled once, remembering where they were. 
Zhongli turned towards the door, “Well, come along. I hear that you and the other Mistresses and Masters will be retiring shortly. And it would be impolite to keep them waiting any longer. Especially since all of us disappeared.” 
“And whose fault is that?” Alhaitham mumbled under this breath. 
He got the full glare from both Zhongli and Neuvillette. But Alhaitham didn’t seem nervous instead, he suddenly became engrossed with the surroundings. 
You stood with a smile, “Yes, we should probably return. However….”
They raised an eyebrow when you crooked a finger at them. Then they glanced at each other. 
Through silent mutual decision, Zhongli stepped up first, “Something wrong, my dear?” 
You reached up and planted a kiss on his cheek. He gave a warm smile, “Ah, how quaint.” 
Then you turned to Neuvillette and did the same thing, followed by Alhaitham.  
Neuvillette was looking away from you, “Thank you, ma cherie.” 
Alhaitham just stared at you, his green-red eyes riveted on you. 
With a small laugh, you bounded back inside. Whatever dark imagination this was, you hoped you’d never wake up.
Coven Spinoffs:
Dark Sanity : Dottore, Childe, Pantalone and Capitano
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crownedinmarigolds · 6 months
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A "blooper" sketch of @chiss-ticism's Percy that I still adore.... I love the newer posing better but I do like his kingly poise here!
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huniipum · 2 years
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Venti Vampire AU! Sweaty Gamer!Luc in a bunny suit
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moary-art · 6 months
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vampire au!
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harmonysanreads · 1 year
Please please please expand on those Vampire Lord!Archon thoughts! Vamp!Zhongli who seems the most calm but you forget the fact he is one of the most feared lords for a reason. Vamp!Ei who wants to keep everything in a stasis, the one most tempted to turn you because it would lock your appearance for eternity. Vamp!Nahida who you trust the most due to her child appearance as compared to the adults, not telling the difference between her wisdom and lies. Vamp!Venti who teases you by playing songs of freedom which both soothe and hurt you. In love with it-
So am I :>
Vampire!Zhongli's sophisticated countenance is such a far cry from what lies underneath, regardless of how politely he treats you, you're never left feeling as though you aren't walking on eggshells around him. As the eldest vampire lord, he behaves and expects things to be in a certain way. You can tell that the characteristics of his youth still lay slumbering somewhere from how concise he is of his intentions to you and from how hard he bites down. Really, you would've never gotten the vaguest hints of something far more terrifying and carnal inside him had it not been for such moments.
Vampire!Ei is seldom present in the throne room, a puppet instead taking her place as she contemplates the affairs of the world. You were astonished when you came to know of this, for, what kind of artificial life form looks this scarily live? Who knows what else the Vampire Lords have hidden. Despite the vacancy of the feared actual Raiden Shogun, her claim is engraved in your being. She's the most adamant on eliminating the ephemera of your beauty since the start. You could put her obsession against Zhongli's possessive behavior and it would almost emerge victorious.
Vampire!Venti is unpredictable, a little too unpredictable perhaps. If you ignored his agonizing teasing, then he would seem to be so great. Granted, he's always dragging you wherever he pleases and maintains a suffocating hold throughout, never shy of his bloodthirst but still, at least you can be unrestrained in his presence. Though, you could appreciate his melodies more if they weren't always intent on hypnotizing you and required the interruption of the other lords to save your sanity.
Vampire!Nahida (platonic) has always had a soft spot for weak things. She's also second to Ei in terms of turning you. She's been neglected quite a lot by her people until recently so she knows the feelings of powerlessness, inferiority and fear better than the other Lords. She actually feels, thus, she has managed to earn a special place in your heart and you, in hers. Nahida is attached to you to a degree the wisdom she's crowned for steps down from making decisions. Her youthful appearance and erudite reputation always kill any suspicion at its incipiency as well. But you can trust this much that her care for you is far more sincere than the others'.
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thefirstinkred · 2 years
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Vamp night best night
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verntheauthor · 1 year
I haven't checked how many words the diluven WIP is yet but I'm scared just because of how long it takes me to scroll to the bottom and I'm NOT EVEN DONE
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wheatcak3 · 6 months
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little guy!!! 🤩
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littlestpetship · 1 year
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ok grandpa lets get you to bed
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