#wait until he watches v9
peixedobar · 11 months
Me: Convinces a friend to watch RWBY
Him: Gets a bit too attached to Penny in V7
Me, while trying to not spill any clues that she gets killed right in the next volume:
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chaikachi · 1 year
Do you think part of the reason why Ruby was so upset at Blake and Yang in particular isn’t because she’s genuinely mad they got together (or homophobic as I’ve seen some people joke) but because she’s /jealous/ that they were able to take enough time for themselves to even think about their own personal relationship, when meanwhile Ruby has been fighting for her life since the end of volume 3? Like maybe Ruby would love to stop and talk to her friends and sister about her potential love interests (as a girl her age should get the chance to) but she doesn’t have /time/, and seeing Yang and Blake kiss just made her realize what she’s been denying herself in order to be the Heroic Leader. idk I’m in my rosegarden feels and I bet watching Yang and Blake be so close just makes her feel more alone than ever.
LMAO I'VE SEEN THE HOMOPHOBIC JOKES 🤣🤣 how anyone actually believes that allegation is very funny. But yeah I agree. Since the very beginning of the show, Ruby has just wanted to be a normal girl with normal knees who can "paint her nails, try on clothes, and talk about cute boys" with her friends (Note: Oscar has been called cute twice already in show). And Ruby has not had the chance to do so at all because she hasn't stopped moving. Even leading up to v9, everyone else had other things they were focusing on and she's just been trying to hold everybody up. Never taking time for herself to sort out her own struggles. So she's feeling alone and left behind. I went over it a bit in the Treasure Analysis about the framing at the end of v9e6 where the Bees are warm and cozy by the fire, Weiss is warm with her cup of tea, and Ruby is sitting cold by herself by the window across from an empty chair. All alone in crowded rooms without the one person that makes her not feel that way.
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The volume starting with Oscar as the very first illusion that Neo uses - and RG being the only pair that was split up in v8 that didn't end up reunited in v9 - sets up his absence very strongly right out the gate. And that absence just seems to grow with each episode.
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As much as I do love RG, I don't know that Ruby necessarily knows she likes Oscar or has reached that point. At least not yet, but distance makes the heart grow fonder (as we have seen with Renora and the Bees) and I have a feeling we're not ready for how close they're going to end up when everyone is back in Vacuo.
Part of her upset here in the Ever After, is that she is crushed under the weight of so many things that she doesn't even have time to entertain such an idea as a crush. In any other circumstance, Ruby would have been elated about so much of what they're experiencing. She would have been excited for the bees just like she had been in v6 and she would have been all over this fairytale nonsense in the Ever After.
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But she's tired. Weiss is snapping at her every other hour, Jaune is a broken husk of himself and needs their help more than he can offer it in return, and the Bees got to spend time sorting out their feelings and find comfort and support in each other... while Ruby is just dealing with all of this on her own.
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She doesn't feel seen. She doesn't feel wanted. She doesn't feel prioritized. The only person that ever asked 'what about Ruby' is in another dimension and the only one in Ever After that noticed before she broke was Little (who has VERY STRONG PARALLELS to Oscar as I just brought up in a recent ask).
This volume is very rough emotionally on our characters, but I'm really optimistic for Vacuo being an arc of resting, rebuilding, and recovering for all of them. But especially for Ruby. Because there ain't no way all of what was brought up this last episode can be resolved in the 3 we have left until the season is over. But at least Oscar is waiting for her with open arms once she gets there. 🌲💕
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dragynkeep · 1 year
do you think taiyang is a bad father?
I think Tai suffers the worst out of inconsistent and directionless character writing, especially since he's by far the STRQ member with the least amount of time and effort given to him, behind even Summer who was literally barely here for 8 volumes.
Like they wanted to built mystery with Summer. They just didn't care about Taiyang.
And I think people are honestly right in not liking him or being neutral because of this. He's a single father who had to raise two daughters by himself after being abandoned by his first wife and then widowed when his second wife died, leading him to shut down and really fail on being there 100% for Yang and Ruby.
But then they also decided that he was this brilliant dad who Yang and Ruby have no issues with, but then change it again in V5 with Yang calling him by his first name and saying he was never there, and then again in V9 with Ruby now saying that Yang raised her when we're given conflicting information.
Did Tai step back up after a period of understandable grief, with Yang having to do some things as the eldest? Was he a neglectful father to the point that Yang basically had to become Ruby's mother and is rightfully bitter over this?
I also think that some of his scenes are unfairly criticised:
The joke about Yang's arm was only wrong in that Port and Oobleck weren't in the loop, and you really don't make those jokes amongst yourselves when there's company not in on the joke.
Also the backstory of Yang and Ruby sneaking out as kids and nearly getting killed. I know some people think that Tai was so neglectful that he literally didn't see his own kids leaving the house, but Tai was literally at work when this happened. Yang said so in the flashback, she waited until her dad was out of the house before leaving, and since he's a single dad with no one to help, including the alcoholic uncle who is barely there, who could he ask to watch them?
That wasn't an example of Tai's neglect, that literally proved otherwise with Yang having to wait until he was physically not there so she could leave.
And finally him not going after Ruby after Yang left. It's kinda both a mischaracterisation and the writers just... not giving him a good reason not to go.
With Ruby it was reasonable. She ran away without him knowing, just leaving a note, and he couldn't leave when his recently disabled daughter was still with him. Yang also tried to leave with just a note, but he caught her and this is where the reasonable explanations really fall flat.
Because there's nothing left keeping Tai from going with Yang to find Ruby. We know why the WRITERS didn't want him to go, they didn't have a reason for Tai to become part of the main plot, since Qrow was already there to serve that the only role he can fit in, but they forgot that you kinda need an inuniverse reason for why characters can't do things.
Which they didn't. So now we're left thinking "Why is Taiyang just sitting there, watering his flowers, when his two children are out fighting the literal war he's one of the few people that know?"
So a lot of people who already don't like Tai make up reasons about his characters, when it's just simply bad writing.
Why did Tai not go after Ruby and Yang? Same reason why Ironwood suddenly became a one-dimensional villain that bombed poor people. Why Maria and Pietro suddenly vanished from the plot to the point where we didn't even see them when the citizens were rescued, but they made a point to show the racist grandma and the two drunks instead.
Bad writing. Taiyang just feels like they needed a fourth member of Team STRQ and decided to make him Ruby and Yang's dad.
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bardock1991 · 1 year
Fun ask: What are your favorite weapons in RWBY and in what order?
This is actually a pretty easy for me. I'll talk about 4 (see what i did there?) in particular from my least favorite up to my favorite.
Ember Celica: One of the few Gauntlet Weapons in the show & in my opinion, it's the best one. First of all, i like the design. A pair of golden bracelets that can turn into bulky, yet cool looking Gauntless that shoot shotgun rifles by THROWING A PUNCH! (well, until V6, but we don't talk about that scene in the end). I think this is a great representation of Yang's personality & it goes well with her Semblance. If she has to use her BODY to take hits, then she'll use her FISTS to deliver even STRONGER hits. It's a pretty good use of the "The best offense is a good defense" trope, which i appreciate. It's also a good way to show how smart Yang is since SHE'S the one who build it, imagine how much time & effort Yang had to put into making this weapon considering how dangerous it actually is?
Ozpin's Cane (which doesn't have a canon name as far as i can remember): Despite it's simple design, i like the way it's used like a rapier most of the time & above all else, the lore & history behind it. As Ozma passed on from host to host, he imbued his life force into the cane so that when the time is right, he'll use its true power... & BOY, did Volume 8 DELIVER on that front.
Crescent Rose: This probably wouldn't been as high as it is now for it not for V9, especially in the last chapter. I definitely LOVE Crescent Rose, it's an incredible design that's iconic. It made a Scythe that's also a Sniper, 2 things that SHOULDN'T work together, ACTUALLY work. But then we go to Volume 9, where it's used as a way to challenge Ruby's idendity, which i LOVE. I can't wait to see what the rest of V9 has in-store for her, especially Casey's recent tweet about next episode being "Edge City"... Oh boi...
Harbinger: This is LITERALLY Ragna The Bloodedge's Weapon, but with a Shotgun feature, how can i NOT love it?! Whenever i see Qrow fight with it, i ALWAYS think to myself that the writers (especially Monty back when he was alive, RIP) played A LOT of fighting games when developing some RWBY characters & their weapons. Look at Penny for example, she's a CLEAR reference & homage to Nu-13 from Blazblue. Can't say i blame them for it, this shit is lit! I also like how the scythe form of Harbinger itself is rarely used in the show, as if it's only used when Qrow is going to fight seriously, which is always hype. It's not as plot thematic as the last 3, but it's definitely the coolest & most fun to watch out of these 4 weapons i mentioned... & Now i want a scene where Qrow & Ragna are shooting the shit in a bar. Someone write a fanfic about that, i'd read it! XD
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pugsbone · 1 year
Sooo... V9, huh?
Favorite and/or least favorite bits of it are? Mine least favorite parts are the parts where everyone except Little & Neo ignore Ruby's mental state. No, saying "Are you ok???" and not following up on it are good replacements for actual dialog.
I enjoyed the vibrancy of the location, even if I was not a fan of why they were there. The show is draws a lot from colors, so it was nice to have a whole place full of wild and crazy colors like they had in the Ever After. Looked a lot better than almost all of the Atlas Arc, in my own opinion.
Now, while are a lot of things from this volume that I am not a fan of, the biggest one is about the use of suici- no wait, I mean "Ascension." The great journey of watching this woman getting broken down by everything that's happening, feeling the crushing weight of her failures, as everyone else acts like nothing is wrong. There is no shoulder to lean on, no words of love and support, just more pressure put on her to solve things, to make it all right. And when she finally cracks, there is no immediate trying to calm her down, to assuage her feelings, no, she gets at by Jaune the moment she lets her feelings be known. Yes, he is in pain for losing the paper people, but he did not help. From there, she keeps broken and beat down over and over again, until finally, a man she saw die in front of her, after she gets beaten up by those she feels she failed, that she couldn't save, tells her to end it, to make everyone's lives better. There is no heroic stand, there is no last minute save from her friends and family, no, Ruby kills herself.
She drinks poison, to which neither she nor Neo knew that it wasn't that, and is swallowed by the world, and the show gave no warning to the audience about what they were about to see, it ended up being the fans who did that. Now, for something personal, that I don't talk about that often here, I deal with depression a lot in my life, and in a way I can relate to what Ruby was dealing with, so I don't like hearing that most of the time, nor to find out that killing yourself makes everything better. Drink down that poison friends, if you do it at your lowest, you'll suddenly realize that it's a-Ok to want to end who you are, to kill what you were. What a fucking joke. Then to have Neo do the exact same thing, jumping into the depths below to destroy who she is, and it's shown to be a good thing, that she'll be able to have a fresh start by killing herself. What a fucking joke.
So yeah, tldr, not a fan of how much suicide is used in this past volume.
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Soooo as I thought, v9 caught with me before I had a chance to finish my rewatch, but no reason to cut it when we have 7 days in between episodes lol so back for v5!
I gotta admit this was not my favorite volume, the pacing issues really show in this one and some things felt not well expressed/explained, but still the story and character moments are very great and it contains some of my favorite scenes in the whole show.
Also there's lots of Raven and Ilia how can I complain about that??
Anyways, lets get in!
I gotta say that Triumph is definitely my less favorite opening, I never liked it that much, but it's not saying a lot, because it's still a no-skip when I listen to the rwby playlist and it still fucks. Jeff and Casey don't miss. So basically, it's not bad, it's just that all of them are so good that it's hard to compete lol.
The scene where Blake and Sun talk about how Blake sees every person as a word it's one of those things that live rent-free in my mind <3 Blake's love for her friends is so loud in its quietness, it's beautiful <3
Also her saying that Adam is Spite<3 I love it because while watching reactors they almost always think 'Hate' or 'Violence' but as soon as they hear Spite is like...something just clicks into place. Of course he is spite, it's the only thing that make sense!
I gotta admit that much of why I'm happy about this volume is really just the fact that we got so much Raven lol. I seriously enjoy Raven so freaking much I can't believe it! I can't wait until we finally see her again! Please RT???
No but seriously, every scene with Raven is so enjoyable to me because I really feel there is so much hidden meaning behind all of her interactions. She's another of those characters I can see the bravery and love practically trying to claw their wait out from, but damn this woman is so stubborn and traumatized smh. I hope Tai is able to knock some sense into her sometime.
Also while on the topic of Raven... I still believe that Vernal and her were in some kind of relationship??? Like... There was something there! And Vernal has such a big lesbian energy to me
Also while on the topic of Vernal... Vernal can also step on me. Her design is honestly so sexy???? The short hair, the dark skin with light blue eyes, honestly top tier. Why did v5 had to be the volume were sexy women were introduced just to be killed???
Yes that last line Is about Sienna... I'm still so mad we only got five freaking minutes of Sienna Khan, how do you make such an awesome design and interesting character and then just inmediatly kill her off?? Why? 😭
Anyways, leaving my list of rwby crushes aside... This volume was one of Blake's best<3 I still remember how proud I felt when I heard her speech after battling Ilia and the Albains. My girl was born to lead a revolution<3 also, that speech is just amazing, I think we should all remember it along with Ren's advice to 'take action every time'.
And then she goes and tells Adam to his face that he's not that important? That he's not the center of her life and She's not letting him act like it anymore? That moment was top tier! I can't wait for v6 it's my favorite <3
Yang and Weiss' reunion 🥹 and how tiny Weiss looked while they hugged 😭 I love these two so much!!!
And the moment when they meet with Ruby again and Ruby is panicking in guilt and Yang just hugs her and tells her she loves her because last time we saw them together in v3 Ruby told her she loved her and Yang didn't respond 😭😭😭😭
And then they just inmediatly call Weiss to join them because of course you silly touch-starved princess you're family too!!!
Seriously this volume is just full of character moments that make me all soft 🥹
Listen, I love Nevermore and Bmblb and Armed and ready and Wings and can you beelieve how many songs the ship has already?! as much as every bee shipper...but All that matters Is just my favorite Bee song <3 I love the angsty bees, and I love how undeniably romantic and devoted this song is even if it doesn't mention love a single time.
Cinder really be there insulting Raven's cleverness and inteligence while I'm still 100% sure she doesn't have a single braincell in her head because Neo took it hostage seroously woman, I love you but you're stupid as hell!
Emmerald's little breakdown thinking that Cinder was dead</3 you'll be ok baby
Also Blake asking 'what was that?' after the Salem vision and Oz saying 'that was Salem' and I can just imagine Blake thinking 'that doesn't clarify things at all but ok' because at this point She's not 'in' yet lol.
Ilia, honey... You were right there. Right in the same room as Weiss, at the same time, after the battle ended... Why couldn't you just talk to her???? I'm literally asking for the crumbs of one (1) interaction between them!!
I love how cute and innocent Jinn's statue looks in the school lol once we actually meet Jinn... She's nothing like that lol but we love her anyways.
Jaune's semblance!!! He deserved that moment! He worked so hard and Cinder Is a bitch but she didn't get her way because Jaune is awesome!!!
also that Pyrrha line 😭
While I don't hate Ozpin as part of the FNDM does, that part where he looks at Yang and tells her he's not gonna lie of tell half-truths is one of those that annoy me after v6 lol I get why he is the way he Is .. but still, Yang being angry at him after that was deserved.
Also I've seen that conversation like fifty times already ando the thing that bugs me the most about The volume is that I don't really get why they treat Raven and Qrow turning into birds like it is some kind of abomination lol that's one of the moments I feel didn't translate so well. I get that the actual problem goes way deeper than that, but "why would you do something like that?" Still sounds a little overdramatic lol
Oscar and Ruby training hand to hand has to be one of the cutests scenes this volume lol both these kids are so pure and cute<3
"you can't lose to a girl that wears a skirt" "Ruby you wear a skirt" lol <3 I love the Ruby-Weiss moments<3 also combat skirts FTW!
Again with Yang and Weiss, I couldn't not talk about Alone together <3 again, I really love Weiss taking care of her team with the coffee first and then talking to Yang <3 Weiss reaaaaaally became the best teammate the girls could have.
Also Weiss and Sun being wingman/woman for the bees is my favorite thing<3 they could bond over it maybe lol
Yang crying over Blake 🥹 again, she is the living embodiment of 'I don't care, I say caringly, while I care a lot' and I love that <3
Also Ruby making me cry when she said 'combat ready' and immedialy thought of Penny and just... Lost her light... That was a low blow, still is
And yes I'm still very much angry about Penny 🙂 better move on
Leonardo being an actually cowardly lion and Ironwood an actually heartless tinman make me worried about Vaccuo's headmaster... I gotta buy the CFVY novels to learn a little more about him *puts on birthday list*
The Cinder vs Raven fight is probably my favorite one in the volume though Yang vs the Bandits is hot af and I loved Weiss vs the Lancers but honestly, I can't not laugh when they get out the giant swords lmao what was that? What was the use of that? Lol I love it
The fact that RT didn't make Pilot boy explicitly gay because they were gonna kill him off and then regretted it because the fandom just latched onto him lol that's still one of my favorite v5 funfacts
I gotta say I kinda love how this story is way bigger than any of the characters involved. I remember how many people were mad that they just ended the white fang plot with the quick capture of the Albains and the Faunus army, and then how many more got angry when Adam was finally killed next season, but it makes sense because the end goals are bigger than these villains... And sadly bigger than the heroes too, hence why Nobody is trully safe.
Yang proving again and again that she has gotten smarter while fighting is so sexy of her<3 She's learned to prioritize, to slow down and, as Taiyang told her, find out of there's a way around the fight, which is why her final confrontación with Raven is so rewarding to watch, and why it makes sense.
Again I really want to see Raven again <3 pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!!!
I get they wanted to end the volume on a kind-off cliffhanger/hint of next path, but Oscar, my dear, you really didn't need to try so hard to deliver that message lol I'm sure they could've waited a couple hours for you to say it.
There's probably a lot I'm forgetting but like... I kind of really want to keep going because my favorite volume is next!! So I'm gonna leave here!
Overall, team rwby is back together and that's how it should be!! Also, bees<3
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fadedneonzzz · 3 years
My Top 10 RWBY Characters
Because I feel like it, and I’ll give a brief explanation for every character on this list.
First up, Honorable Mentions. In no particular order
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I know it seems lazy to put them all in one, but they’re here for essentially the same reason: lack of meaningful screen time. I appreciate they were amazing in the books, but it’s optional material. Also if it weren’t for Velvet’s popularity, CFY wouldn’t even exist.
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While I do enjoy her for the most part, I feel there are other villains that are way more interesting. I also don’t enjoy villains who act like gods without something else going for her. However she is a master of destroying hope and has a terrifying presence, I will definitely give her that.
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This might come as a shock to many of you as all I do is complain about Neo, but I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t some kind of charm with her. My distain for her isn’t really her fault as it stems primarily from the FNDM overhyping her along with CRWBY doing the same. I think many people would agree with me that Neo is by far RWBY’s most overrated character. But damn did I love her in V2 and V3.
Blake Belladonna 
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This may also come as a surprise because at one point Blake was in fact my favorite character. But everything about her arc V4 onwards was pretty weak, though V5 was actually pretty good for her, it wasn’t enough to stop her from falling to Honorable Mention status. A lot of what made her interesting is gone, though I still like her a lot.
Emerald Sustrai 
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While I have enjoyed her character since V3, her redemption arc was by far the weakest part of V8 and if it doesn’t continue in V9 or V10, it’ll be one of the weakest redemption arcs I’ve ever seen. On a more positive note, I found her snark to be great and she was probably the second most interesting of the villains around V3. As it stands however, I cannot put her in my top 10.
Now on to the top 10!
10) James Ironwood
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Now don’t worry I’m not one of those crazy Ironwood stans that think he was right all along and RWBY was stupid not to follow his orders, but he was one of the best written antagonists in the show. Seeing him “lose his heart” was one of the most heart wrenching scenes in RWBY because you know he means well, but his methods aren’t. You didn’t want to see him turn antagonistic, but he did, and in the end it’s what causes his ultimate downfall. 
9) Neon Katt
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Nothing really too special, I just think she’s a fun character to watch and I love her bubbly personality. That and she really likes talking shit to people, but wants to be your friend afterwards (after you beat her ass of course). She’s been a favorite of mine since V3 mostly due to her fight with Yang. I hope to god she’s still alive.
8) Jaune Arc
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Ironically he became a better character with worse hair. Honestly, it wasn’t until V7 and V8 where he really started to grow on me. I loved that he grew as a character, I’m glad he’s not fixated on revenge like some of his fans want him to be. He has shown time and time again that he is the most level headed of the main team. It seems now he understands what Pyrrha’s sacrifice really meant and I hope he keeps growing.
7) Winter Schnee
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Thanks to V7 and V8 doing wonders for her character, Winter has become a delight to watch. I can’t wait to see where her character goes now that she’s the winter maiden. I like that she had to change as a person before inheriting the powers. At first she wanted to do it because Ironwood said so, but then she used the powers for something more important. In a way, she cut her puppet strings like Penny did.
6) Ruby Rose
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The thing about Ruby that I’ll always love about her is that she stays optimistic even during the darkest of times. While she may not be as interesting as other characters, she definitely grows and matures which is all I really need. In V6, it was cool to see her take charge after being sidelined in V5. Now Ruby is the light that everyone needs to keep moving forward. She is becoming the heroine she always dreamed of becoming.
5) Nora Valkyrie 
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All I really ask from any character is 2 things: either be interesting or have character growth. Nora represents the latter as for the first 6 volumes, Nora was just there for me. She wasn’t particularly interesting, but not boring or annoying. However that all changed when V7 hit. She showed she’s more than just the comic relief character. It’s also very mature of her to want to find out who she really is, it may have taken a while, but better late than never I always say. She has quickly became my favorite member of JNPR.
4) Arthur Watts
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Also known as Revolver Mustache, is my second favorite antagonist in RWBY. While he hasn’t directly interacted with any of the main characters, I do like his connections to Atlas and the people there. He had a pretty good fight against someone who could’ve easily beaten him. And his voice is amazing. 
3) Yang Xiao Long 
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One of my all time favorite characters since the beginning, I loved seeing her get back up from having her arm cut off and maturing as the series went on. Some of her highlights include her talk with Weiss in V5 where we see a more vulnerable side to her. I liked her final confrontation with Raven as well, and so far she stuck to what she said. Yang might be afraid of Salem and all the future hardships she may have to endure, but she won’t run.
2) Cinder Fall
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In my opinion Cinder is the most interesting character and the best villain in RWBY. Some may disagree with me, but she is just as much of a main character as the heroes. Her story arc is very relatable and compelling. What keeps me hooked to her character is that the writers can go whichever direction they want with the character. It’s rare to see a villain go through character growth that doesn’t (immediately) lead to a redemption arc. Villains are mostly static characters who are for the most part set in their ways, but not Cinder she became a better villain after so many failures. Some hate her because she fails so often, but honestly that’s more realistic than one would think. I’m really excited to see where her character goes in the future.
Now who could possibly top Cinder?
1) Weiss Schnee
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Probably the most consistently well written character in RWBY for the past 4 (arguably 5)  volumes. Even when RWBY at it’s lowest point, Weiss was a joy to watch. I loved how she started off as a cold hearted bitch, but in V4 we found out where it stemmed from. Like her jumping into Yang’s arms after reuniting with her just shows how much she has grown as a person. While it took many of these characters a while to become my favorite, Weiss managed to be my favorite throughout. I also love how she managed to stitch her family back together by the end of V8.
So what do you think of my list? What’s your top 10 characters?
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sixthousandbees · 3 years
okay I’ve kinda ruminated on the latest RWBY episode (V8E13) and I’ve finally got some hints at thoughts about it. Obviously major spoilers after cut, but it mainly contains musings on what might happen in V8E14
first off. OOF.
Very concise. I feel like I’ve been winded. Got the Sads. A lot of bad shit happened this episode, and its very bleak. This is the first time I’ve had to wait a week for the finale episode, so I’m not sure how much worse this one would feel if I had the others as a “live” experience. But I don’t have a lot of hope, yaknow?
What if Yang gets Pyrrha’d?? what if eight volumes was all she was meant to appear in? The shows done these types of hard turns before. Like “obviously, OBVIOUSLY, this is an anime with the firm goal of ‘good triumphs over evil in the end’” is a sentiment I’ve heard a lot wrt these dark turns, but theres a sizable body count already.
to be fair, I am treating this sadness and grief and hopelessness like a fine wine. I know in the back of my mind that it isn’t going to last, and theres some interesting flavours that we rarely get to experience.
Onto the next epsiode predictions, going with scenes in “remembered” order.
Winter - Ironwood fight:: I have No Idea whos going to win this, but my gut says Ironwood, (but its basing its ““logic”“ on the tone of the episode). Winter needed the element of surprise and a group of teens to take down Ironwood in the previous episode, so her odds aren’t great. She does have *some* plot armour, but the plot armour only lasts around 2/3rds of the next episode. As soon as the last of the stragglers get through the gate, Winter loses that plot armour and will take a hard hit.
After that, I think the fight will be decided on Ironwoods plot armour. Does he still have any mileage left as an antagonist? Without Atlas to defend, whats his motives? Wait. Whats his motives now? Is he going to try and get the people of Atlas back??? Theres a very slim chance he might survive this and get teased with a redemption arc. A bit like Hazel, I guess. So now, does Winter have more use as a compatriot or as a martyr? I’m... hoping, that the shows core of Hopepunk saves Winter here, because right now its looking like a coin flip.
Yangs Fall:: I reckon we WONT get a Yang scene AT ALL until after the credits, where we might see her coming too in a whited out place with a SURPRISE V9 CHARACTER making an appearance. Theres a few possibilities. Someone Dead: Pyrrha (hello again! unlikely, but I want it), Vernal (Raven backstory maybe, Yang gets to find out more about her mother), A Horde Of Oz (lol), Villains??, Dead Maidens? ((note, while looking up “deceased characters” on the wiki, I found out the thirsty moms died?? ouch.)) Someone Not Dead: Favourite is Raven portalling in, but Summer (like, REALLY lost) could also be fun. “wait, Yang? is that you? has it really been that long outside? I’m so sorry” Not Someone: the GOL (the silver eyed warriors implies more meddling than just throwing ozma back in, he might still be watching), another genie-like character tasked with overlooking the inbetween, Other Dieties “theres only two brothers” riiiight, and finally just some cthulu-esque monstrosityies of the void.
Inbetween Fight, RWB + P v Cinder and Neo:: Its going to be bad until Penny gets hurt which snaps Ruby out of it, Ruby takes out Cinder with her special eyes, Neo.. takes advantage of that. Unsure if Ruby is going to have some bad wound at the end, or if she gets Yang’d again. I am not confident on this prediction, and I’m leaking nervous energy just thinking about it.
Vacuo:: Theres a lot thats going to happen next episode, and this will get like 3 small scenes, 1 showing shits going down and the meager resistance, 2 SSSN & reinforcements showing up saving the day, 3 “wheres Yang?” as the last come through with a wounded and sad Ruby to close the episode off on.
BORDS::they’re going to win right?? I don’t know anything about this. I think it would be HILARIOUS. if the nuke was still primed as everyone escaped. And Salem reforms. Deep raspy gasp. looks over at the beeping. Wide shot as she embraces the geography. The beforements of the fight? no idea.
I don’t believe I’ve missed anyone, but I do think Raven and Tai will make an appearance. I’m glad I’ve typed this out for two reasons, ONE I want to see if I CAN predict things and then get to say HA I guessed it!!, and TWO I don’t feel the weight of the sads as much anymore :)
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Hold It Together (As We Fall Apart) - Chapter 3
Thanks for all of the likes/reblogs/messages. Hope you guys like this chapter! Violence warning?
“Nia!” Nia was stirring copious amounts of sugar into her morning latte when she heard her name being called. Her brow furrowed in confusion, she looked up, turning her head to see Alex walking toward her with Kelly hot on her heels. “Hey, Alex.” Nia glanced over Alex’s shoulder at Kelly. “Morning Kelly.” Kelly offered a smile of her own in response but she didn’t have time to say anything before Alex cut in. “Is Kara avoiding me?” Nia blinked at Alex in surprise. “No? Why would she be avoiding you?”
“We were meant to meet for lunch yesterday and she didn’t show,” Alex explained, concern evident on her face. “That’s not like Kara. Late? Absolutely. But she never just doesn’t show up for something. At least without letting me know first.”
Nia opened her mouth to answer but she was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. She noticed a line forming behind her and her eyes widened. “Oh! Sorry.” She quickly put the lid on her coffee and moved out of the way to allow people access to the counter. “She probably just forgot, Alex.” Nia reasoned as she made her way out of the coffee shop with Alex and Kelly. “She has a lot on her mind.” “Like Lena?” Alex guessed. “Yeah. She’s just confused. Trying to figure everything out.” Nia sat down at one of the outside tables and took a sip of her coffee. “I don’t think she even really knows what all of this means yet.” Alex sighed. She didn’t want to admit it herself. “I think it’s obvious what it means.” “Yeah to me and you but Kara’s too focused on what it means now that Lena ‘hates her’.” Nia frowned at the thought. She was sure that wasn’t true. She hoped it wasn’t, for Kara’s sake. “She doesn’t want to be rejected.” “Wait...what?” Kelly glanced between the two, noticing surprise on Nia’s face and confusion on Alex’s. “Something tells me that the two of you aren’t talking about the same thing.” “Oh!” Nia’s eyes widened in realization. “Kara hasn’t...I thought she’d spoken to you about…I’m just going to shut up now. Actually, I’m gonna go. I realized I have a-a thing…see you two later!” Alex was silent as Nia hurried away with her coffee. “Alex?” Alex slowly shook her head. “Kara is in love with Lena Luthor. How didn’t I see that coming? Of course, she’s in love with her.” Kelly sympathetically rubbed Alex’s arm. She was well aware of how close Kara and Alex were and she knew that Alex would be beating herself up over not being able to recognize Kara’s turmoil for what it was. “Why wouldn’t she talk to me about this?” Alex seemed to be talking more to herself than to Kelly. “When I realized I had feelings for women she was the first person I spoke to.” “It’s a little more complicated for her,” Kelly said gently. “It’s not every day you fall for someone who used to be your best friend and now potentially hates you...is it?” Alex let out a heavy sigh. “I really need to talk to my sister.”
------- “Is it time yet?” Lex rolled his eyes skyward at the gruff question from the impatient speedster in front of him. He reclined back in his chair with a soft exhale. “I told you, it will be the time when I say it’s the time.” Lex drawled, looking away from his chessboard to watch white lightning crackle over the suit of the speedster. He supposed he should be at least somewhat afraid of the self-proclaimed god in front of him yet all he felt was irritation at the incessant questioning, coupled with excitement when he thought about what was to happen. He almost wanted to draw it out for the sake of the anticipation. Still, he thought, he couldn’t put off the chance to take down a Super. With all of the resources, he could hope for at his fingers, courtesy of the Monitor, he would be a fool to wait. He got to his feet, reaching into the inside pocket of his blazer to draw out what looked like a ceremonial dagger. “Here.” In a flash, the masked ‘man’ across from him moved over and took the knife from his hands. “Careful,” Lex warned as he sat back down. “What you’re holding may be impossible to recreate.” He was sure he was the only person in the universe to ever have created such a thing. He was sure not even his sister had considered fusing two types of kryptonite together. She didn’t have his ambition. His drive. “What is it?” Godspeed looked at the dagger, noticing the metallic purple hue to the blade. “A Kryptonian’s greatest weakness,” Lex replied smugly. “Do you have the V9?” “Yes.” “And you remember what I requested of you?” Godspeed nodded in response. “I know what must be done.” Lex nodded and turned back to his game, moving his knight further onto the board. He would kill Superman but not before getting rid of the Kryptonian’s cousin first. ------- Nia walked out of the elevator with her head lowered, her rapidly cooling cup of coffee held in her left hand while she gripped the strap of her bag with her right. She couldn’t believe that she had outed Kara after all she had done for her. She had just assumed that Kara would have spoken to Alex already. It seemed to her like the Danvers sisters could speak to each other about anything, not like herself and her own sister. Given that she was staring intently at the floor as she walked, Nia didn’t see the woman walking toward her until it was too late. She walked right into Lena Luthor. Lena grabbed Nia’s arms to steady them both and gasped as coffee spilled onto her white blouse. Fortunately, it wasn’t hot.”Damn it…” “L-Lena!” Nia squeaked out, surprised to see the woman at CatCo. She looked down at the coffee stain on the front of Lena’s blouse, her own hand dripping with the warm drink. “I’m so sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going.” Lena grimaced as she tugged at the front of her shirt to keep it from making contact with her skin. “Evidently.” Nia swallowed thickly. She glanced around and quickly Lena over to a nearby desk so she could put her coffee down. “Here, I-I’ll give you my sweater to wear. You shouldn’t walk around in wet clothes. I’m so so sorry.” “It’s fine,” Lena replied simply. She watched, trying to hide her amusement as Nia tugged off her sweater, leaving her standing there in a black t-shirt. “There’s really no need.” “No, it’s fine. This is my fault so I insist.” Nia pushed her sweater into Lena’s arms. “Your um...blouse is turning see-through.” Lena pressed the sweater close to her chest. Of course, the one day she’d left her blazer at home would be the day someone would spill coffee all over her. “I’m sorry, I was lost in my own thoughts,” Nia apologized again, guilt written across her face. “Wait...why are you here? Did you come to see Kara?” Lena’s mood soured at the mention of her ex-best friend’s name. “You mean Supergirl? No. I had a meeting with Andrea, that’s all.” “Oh…” Nia bit her lip and perched on the edge of the desk they were standing next to. She was relieved that there only seemed to be a few people in the office that early in the morning. Certainly, nobody who’d be interested in overhearing their conversation. “Kara told me she went to see you last night.” “Did she now?” Lena raised a questioning eyebrow. “Why is that?” Nia sheepishly shrugged. A few weeks ago she wouldn’t have felt so anxious around Lena but now that she knew Lena was angry with them she couldn’t shake her nerves. “I asked her where she was and she told me. She’s...she’s sorry, you know. She feels terrible for what happened.” Lena shook her head slightly. “Sorry isn’t good enough. She kept this from me for years. And yet...she told you after a few months, didn’t she?” “I-It’s complicated. She was trying to help me.” Lena pursed her lips, staring intently at Nia for a moment. “I should be going. Thank you for the sweater.” “Of course.” Nia quickly stood up as Lena started to walk away. “Lena!” Lena turned to Nia. “Yes?” “Kara being...you know who is a big deal. I get it.” Nia stepped forward, her hands clasped in front of her. “But it’s not the most important thing about her. There are a million things more interesting about her than this. I don’t think there’s much you don’t know.” Lena let herself think over that for a moment before she shook her head. “Have a good day, Nia.” Nia sighed heavily, her shoulders slumping. 
---- Alex turned away from the screen she was staring at as she heard Kara land in the DEO behind her. “Anything?” Kara grimly shook her head as she walked forward to meet Alex. “Just some debris. I didn’t see anything else out of the ordinary.” Alex let out a heavy sigh and glanced back at the screen. “No evidence of where it came from? Nothing?” “No,” Kara replied sheepishly. She wished she could say more. “There doesn’t seem to be anything that would cause this. Brainy?” Brainy was staring at the screen intently from his seat. “I am in agreement with you. From what you described nothing seems to be especially unusual. Certainly, nothing to cause this...dark matter to seep through. Supergirl, you mentioned that you’ve seen something like this before?” “Maybe. I don’t know.” Kara frowned, rubbing the back of her neck. “Not on this earth. Barry mentioned it a few times. But I don’t see how it could have gotten through unless someone from his earth somehow traveled to this earth.” “We know it’s possible,” Alex said thoughtfully. “We’ve done it ourselves. But how would anyone get their hands on an extrapolator? Unless…” Kara shook her head in response even as her heart rate quickened at the thought. “Barry is fine. He has to be.” “Barry?” Brainy questioned, raising an eyebrow at the conversation between the Danver’s sisters. “The Flash from Earth 1. He’s…” Kara was cut off by the sudden sound of an alarm. “BREACH!” Alex yelled, quickly drawing her gun. Around her, she heard agents unholstering their weapons. She held her gun up in front of her, slowly turning to scan the perimeter but as suddenly as the alarm had sounded again it fell silent. “False alarm?” Brainy turned to his computer to run a security check, worry evident on his face. He hadn’t noticed any issues with the system. “A-Alex…” Alex turned toward Kara. She noticed her sister was suddenly deathly pale and instinctively jumped to the conclusion that Kara had seen something nobody else had. “What’s wrong?” “I…” Kara drew her hand away from her stomach, shock evident on her pale face as she held it up. Alex’s gaze drifted to Kara’s hand and a jolt of panic ran down her spine at the sight of blood dripping from Kara’s fingers. Her eyes flicked to Kara’s stomach and she inhaled sharply when she saw a circle of dark blood spreading out over Kara’s suit, originating from a clear puncture in the supposedly impenetrable material. Her gaze locked with Kara’s wide, fear-filled blue eyes and for a moment Alex found herself glued to the spot, her heart in her throat. Kara started to fall forward though and Alex sprung into action, rushing to catch the Kryptonian before she hit the ground. Alex barely managed the catch Kara and she was forced to her knees from the impact of Kara falling against her chest. “Alex.” Kara choked out, tears at the corners of her eyes. “Alex...” “I’m here. I’m here, Kara. I’ve got you.” Alex pressed her hands to Kara’s wound, struggling to stop the Kryptonian’s bleeding. Kara’s eyes widened suddenly. “L-Lena.” She hit her fist against the floor, trying in vain to push herself up. She barely managed to push herself up an inch before she collapsed back down, darkness forming at the corners of her vision. “She...She needs...me…” “Kara!” Alex exclaimed, her own eyes flooded with tears as Kara’s eyes fell shut. “Wake up! Supergirl!” She looked up, looking around to find agents gaping at her. Even Brainy looked too beside himself to do anything. “Somebody get me a gurney! Brainy, help me get her to medical. Agent Dox!” Brainy finally seemed to snap out of it and made to move forward only to stop as Kara seemed to disappear right in front of his eyes. “KARA!” Alex fell forward into the pool of blood Kara had left behind, her arms suddenly empty. ----- Lena sighed softly, tapping her pen against her notebook. She needed to focus on her work yet her mind was constantly straying back to Kara Danvers. Supergirl. No matter how hard she tried, her mind kept going back to the Kryptonian. Even something as simple as going for lunch led her to think about the many lunches she’d shared with Kara. She set her pen down and leaned forward, bracing her elbows against her desk. She wearily rubbed her temples, closing her eyes. She needed to focus. “Lena Luthor.” Lena flinched at the sound of a gruff voice saying her name. Her eyes flew open and she instinctively jerked back, pushing her chair back from her desk at the sight of the suited man standing in front of her. Lightning crackled around his body, seeming to emanate from him. “Oh my god.” The man gave a dark laugh. “That’s right.” Lena swallowed thickly and reached into the pocket of her suit jacket, shakily gripping the watch. She gasped as a gust of wind whipped her hair up and the watch seemed to be torn from her hand. The stranger who’d stood in front of her reappeared again, a couple of steps from where he’d been before. He held up the watch by the strap, inspecting it closely. He pushed the button himself before he dropped it to the floor, crushing it beneath his boot. “Don’t worry. Supergirl won’t be coming to your rescue.” Lena stood up on shaky legs, unconsciously counting the seconds until Kara showed up. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Don’t I?” The man held up his right hand and for the first time Lena noticed he was holding a knife, blood glistening on the blade. “A final gift from your brother.” Lena felt her heart sink at the comment. “You’re lying.” Even as she said that she realized something was wrong. Kara should have been there by now. It had been almost a minute since the button had been pressed. The speedster shook his head before he zoomed out of the room, white lightning trailing behind him. For a moment Lena felt relief at the fact that he’d left but after what could have only been five seconds he was back, unceremoniously dropping a limp Kara onto Lena’s desk. “You’re welcome.” 
Lena was sure that her heart stopped as she saw the bloody wound on Kara’s abdomen. She leaped forward, frantically pressing her hands against it to stem the bleeding. “Kara?! What the hell did you do to her?!” “What you couldn’t.” The speedster answered, moving his hand to brush his lightning emitting fingers over Kara’s hair. “Shame. She’s a pretty one.” Lena lashed out automatically, slapping the man’s hand away. “Don’t fucking touch her!” She growled as tears prickled at her eyes. The man stared at her for a long moment before he took his leave, running from the room in a flash of lightning. “Kara?” Lena leaned over her desk, one hand going shakily to Kara’s neck to seek out a pulse. She felt one, but faintly. “Kara, can you hear me?” “Lena…” Kara rasped, the corners of her lips turning up for a split second. “I’m right here, Kara. I’m…” Lena gasped as Kara started to seize on her desk. She quickly did what she could to hold Kara down, fumbling for her phone in her pocket. Tears tracking their way down her cheeks, she dialed a familiar number while trying not to let Kara throw her to the ground. “Alex?! I need help!” Kara would be okay. She had to be okay. TBC. 
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
RWBY Musings #69: A Proclamation of Love. What if…Oscar confesses his love for Ruby before sacrificing himself to be captured by Salem for the Atlas Arc?
cloudburst-paint-water asked
“ Good day! So I’ve seen a lot of people tossing around the theory that either Oscar or Ruby (perhaps both) are going to be kidnapped in the Vol. 7, given that Salem has her flying monkeys ready AND the Tyrian and Watts trio are headed there, not to mention Cinder and Neo. What do you think about it? It makes me pretty excited at the prospect of both Oscar and Ruby having to depend on each other in the face of Salem, but I’m also leaning towards an Atlas central arc? ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+ - Cloud
Squiggles Answers:  
‘Sup Cloud! 
Wait…people are now tossing around this idea of a Dark Domain Arc? Tsk, tsk, ya’ll whippersnappers are late to the party. Not to toot my own foghorn but this squiggle meister has been singing that theory since V5. 
For almost a year, I’ve been dropping mentions of a potential Dark Domain Arc where Ruby and Oscar get kidnapped and taken to Salem and have to survive the Dark Domain on their own. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve brought this theory up. I brought this up before V6 ended. Heck I even talked about flying monkey Grimm long before it became canon. Both here and here along with my prediction of Grimmzilla.
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I guess this is the plight of when you talk too much and share too many theories. At some point, they all become one big blur XD
But yeah, to actually answer your question Cloud, (sorry for the ramble) if you can’t tell by how passionate I am about the potential of such an arc, I am totally down for a standalone Dark Domain Arc in RWBY where it’s just the Rosebuds---Ruby and Oscar, left to survive the Land of Darkness far away from their friends depending only on each other.
Like I said, it’s a theory I talked about before on my blog and with the flying monkeys being official canon now, the possibilities of that actually happening are growing closer and closer. However I don’t think the Dark Domain Arc is going to happen in V7. As I mentioned in this response post here, I feel like there is a differentiation in the timelines of the finale after credit scenes. Even though the V6 finale after credit scene revealed Salem creating her army of Winged Beringels, my theory is that this scene actually takes place during the heroes’ time in Atlas.
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Like while this is happening, the heroes have already settled into Atlas. I’m not banking on these critters showing up until possibly the end of V7 or V8. Take the V5 after credit scene for example. Although V5 teased Raven reconciling with Tai Yang, V6 gave no real follow up to that so this led me to assume that Tai and Raven’s reunion is happening at a different time than what the after credit scene made us to believe.
For all we know, Raven going to Tai might be a premature foreshadow to a future season that follows after the Atlas Arc. With the exception of V4’s after credit scene, my hunch is that both of the succeeding finale after credit scenes for V5 and V6 take place at timelines during the Atlas Arc meaning that while these events are happening, our heroes are already safe living in Atlas. At least…for the time being.
I’m not expecting the Winged Beringels to officially appear until V8 unless they do arrive to try and kidnap Oscar but get easily gunned down by the Atlesian air forces.
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I’d also like to think that in addition to their air forces set up outside the kingdom’s walls on 24/7 surveillance, Atlas is probably heavily safeguarded by a powerful force field like the one used during the Vytal Festival.
Since Salem ordered Watts and Tyrian to go to Atlas to prepare, I’m wondering if the Winged Beringels have something to do with that.
In the Wizard of Oz story, the Wicked Witch of the West used her army of winged monkeys to conquer the western quadrant of Oz. So my theory is that at some point during the Atlas Arc, Salem will probably send her army of Winged Beringels to invade the kingdom of Atlas. She must’ve sent Watts and Tyrian ahead to prepare for that invasion by disabling and taking control of the Atlesian defences, the same way they did at the Vytal Festival which would then allow the Beringels to enter the kingdom and spark chaos.
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I’d like to believe that part of Salem’s plan is to also use her new beasts to kidnap Oscar since she’s targeting Ozpin. In the Wizard of Oz, the winged monkeys were also used to capture Dorothy Gale and the Cowardly Lion, dismembering and destroying the Scarecrow and Tin Woodman in the process.
Some theorists are already speculating that the Winged Beringels may possibly kill or perhaps severely hurt Qrow Branwen and General Ironwood.
Perhaps…this is will be how Salem gets Oscar to be captured willingly. Imagine…the Beringels being too much of a threat for our heroes and after one of them practically takes General Ironwood apart and prepares to make the same of Qrow, that’s when Oscar makes Salem an offer she can’t refuse.
I’m picturing a scene where Salem communicates with Oscar (and technically Ozpin) through the Beringels. I want a moment where the Alpha of the Beringels speaks to Oscar and its Salem’s voice you hear coming out of the Grimm to show that there is a magical link between Salem and the primal abominations.
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With his friends in danger, Oscar does the one thing he could do in that moment. He surrenders; offering himself to be taken prisoner by Salem in exchange that she spares his friends and the innocent people of Atlas.
Oscar has been hinted at drawing inspiration from two signature Wizard of Oz characters:  Dorothy Gale and Princess Ozma/ Tip. There’s also been talk that Oscar’s official huntsmen gear connects him to the Little Prince.
In the Wizard of Oz, both Dorothy and Ozma ultimately become prisoners. Dorothy is captured and taken to the Wicked Witch of the West in the Wonderful Wizard of Oz. In the Lost Princess of Oz, Ozma is kidnapped and it is her dearest friend Dorothy Gale who comes to her rescue with a search party. Then in Glinda of Oz, both Dorothy and Ozma are captured by the wicked Queen Coo-ee-ooh while trying to stop a war between two races.
 Imagine…Oscar being captured to be taken to Salem and the very last thing he says to Ruby before he’s taken away is that he loves her?
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Imagine…the CRWBY spending two whole volumes of the Atlas Arc developing Oscar further as his own character, naturally building on his friendship with the other heroes especially Ruby who he’s seen to be the most attached to.
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Picture…V7 and V8 really establishing the close bond between Ruby and Oscar to the point that it confirms their blossoming love for each other. Or…at least it confirms Oscar falling in love with Ruby. But before the audience can get the chance to learn whether or not Ruby reciprocates those feelings, in comes the Battle for Atlas in the middle of the Atlas Arc.
Since the Battle for Haven took place only the second volume of the Mistral Trilogy, I’m banking on the CRWBY possibly following the same routine. V7 will probably deal mostly with Weiss’ side of the story with the Schnee Family affairs and the Crimes of the SDC being the backbone of the plot while V8 will most likely bring us into the eventual fight to defend the kingdom in the sky. That’s my best guess.
If things go accordingly, V9 could be the standalone Dark Domain Arc which is set as part of the Atlas Trilogy since it falls directly after the events of Atlas.
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The way how I see it. A Dark Domain Arc could be done one of two ways. It could end in both Ruby and Oscar getting captured and taken to Salem before escaping and having to survive on their own without their friends, as I’d originally envisioned.
Or…it could involve this new alternative---where Oscar sacrifices himself to be captured in order to protect Atlas and the Dark Domain Arc will instead focus on Ruby leading a small rescue party into the dark lands to get Oscar back.
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Picture this…The Atlas Arc ends in another successfully executed victory in favour of the villains. Not only does Salem manage to spark further backlash between the remaining kingdoms and Atlas but thanks to the ingenious works of Arthur Watts and Tyrian, she manages to claim two of the Relics.
The Kingdom of Atlas in under siege. The city and its people are in turmoil overrun by Grimm now left to invade the kingdom after Watts disabled its defences. The heroes are once again outnumbered and overpowered and even Ruby’s Silver Eyes aren’t a match for a massive army of Grimm.
At some point, Salem speaks to Oscar in particular and gives him an ultimatum: Surrender to her or watch the People of Atlas and everyone he loves die.
So Oscar has no choice but to give himself up. The only people there to watch him get taken are an incapacitated General Ironwood and injured Qrow Branwen bloodied to the point that he resembles Aizawa from My Hero Academia after he got his ass pummelled into the ground by a Nomu.
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And of course, Ruby is there too, equally wounded and exhausted from overexerting her Silver Eyes. She and Oscar were alone fighting together beside Ironwood and Qrow when the Beringels came and overpowered them. I’m picturing a Beringel holding Ruby in a firm chokehold threatening to strangle the life out of her or snap her neck on Salem’s command to further affirm to Oscar’s watchful eyes that the Wicked Witch wasn’t playing around with her threats.
So to protect his comrades including the girl he loved, Oscar surrenders. Oscar leaves with Tyrian and Watts and to make sure that Ruby doesn’t try to come after them, Salem additionally threatens Ruby with if she tried to prevent Oscar’s sacrifice, she’d kill both Ironwood and Qrow.
So Ruby has no choice but to watch Oscar get taken away by the villains; possibly to his own demise. The last memory Ruby has of Oscar is his tear stricken face locking eyes with hers one final time.
“…I love you” is all Oscar gets to say to Ruby before Tyrian heartlessly knocks him out the instant he steps foot in the airship. After that, Salem surprisingly kept her word and spared Atlas with her Beringels leaving as soon as she got Oscar.
Or…so Salem leads Oscar to believe. In my imagination, the instant Salem has Oscar/Ozpin in her clutches; she orders Tyrian or Watts to detonate the grandmaster thingamajiggie which would send the entire kingdom of Atlas plummeting to its demise below taking the Kingdom of Mantle with it, killing millions.
As Oscar regains consciousness in the dock of the airship, he looks outside just in time to watch in dismay as Atlas in blown out of the sky with the Kingdom plunging to its doom above the unsuspecting People of Mantle. So…Oscar’s sacrifice had been in vain. Salem still went ahead and killed everyone anyways.
And to add more insult to injury, as Oscar falls to his knees crying over the deaths of his friends, he’s not even allowed to grieve in peace as Tyrian, feigning sympathy, cups his face in faux concern and tells Oscar that he should be counting himself lucky that the gentle goddess showed him enough pity to whisk him off to safety as a opposed to leaving him to die in Atlas. According to Tyrian, Oscar should be grateful instead of mournful. A remark which only serves to set Oscar off which, unfortunately for Oscar, is exactly what Tyrian was hoping for. The instant Oscar makes an enraged attempt to lash out at Tyrian, the scorpion Faunus stings Oscar in the neck.
The last thing Oscar recalls is the kingdom of Atlas in flames falling from the skies before his world turned to darkness. Literally.
I was told that in The Little Prince story, the little Prince fell in love with a rose however the rose was vain. But by the time the rose realized her feelings for the prince, it was too late and he returned home or something to that liking.
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While Ruby Rose is far from being vain, I do love the concept of the Atlas Arc building upon a potential romance between Ruby and Oscar. However by the time Ruby realizes her own feelings for Oscar, he gets captured and taken away from her to Salem and the last words Oscar says to Ruby is “I love you”.
Wouldn’t that be a real kick in the teeth? Ruby realizing she loves Oscar too but can’t say it because he gets taken away to possibly be tortured and killed by Salem while she and the others are left to do what they can’t to salvage and save Atlas before it hits the ground.
Speaking of Atlas, while I am in love with the overall design of this skyward kingdom, the very first thing I thought of when I saw Atlas is that it’s giving me huge Age of Ultron vibes. In Avengers: Age of Ultron, the villainous Ultron levitated a huge chunk of the Earth into the sky in an attempt to cause further destruction to the world below.
It wouldn’t surprise me if Atlas ends up falling from the sky for the Atlas Arc. What would actually be interesting is if Atlas ends up falling with the Kingdom being forced to return Mantle and rebuilt itself. Or even better, what if Atlas falls but it’s the ingenuity of the People of Mantle who help save their Atlesian brethren. After all, Atlas wouldn’t exist without Mantle. The Kingdom might have forgotten of that over the years. All the more reason to have Mantle come to Atlas’ aid when their kingdom is in great peril. Wouldn’t that be a nice twist?
But…we’ll see.
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Imagine…Ruby wanting to lead a search party to go to the Dark Domain to rescue Oscar. However there is tension in this idea because by the end of Atlas Arc, Salem gains the Relics of Knowledge and Creation which forces the heroes no choice but to head for Vacuo immediately to make sure the Sword doesn’t fall into Salem’s hands too.
Of course claiming the Relic of Destruction becomes a major priority since it is believed to be the most dangerous of the four Relics and if Salem were to get her hands on that Relic then the heroes would lose for sure. But with Oscar becoming Salem’s prisoner and with his close comrades, particularly Ruby, worried for his safety in Salem’s clutches, his life on the line also becomes a priority.
Imagine…the heroes dividing for a second time only this time it’s on good terms and for a very valid reason. While one team heads directly for Shade Academy in Vacuo, another heads for the Dark lands.
I know folks were excited for a Dark Domain Arc involving Ruby and Oscar, but I raise you another possibility. What if…we get another volume where it’s the RNJR squad of Ruby, Jaune, Ren and Nora traversing the dark lands on their way toward Salem’s Domain to rescue Oscar?
While this is happening, Weiss, Blake and Yang head for Vacuo to rendezvous with their comrades in Vacuo---like Team SSSN and CVFY to rally together to protect Shade.
I know fans didn’t particularly enjoy the split up stories for V4 and V5. To be fair, I’m actually one of the folks who didn’t mind that format. I don’t think the Writers did a terrible job either with V4 and V5. My main issues were the Writers lack of ‘show, don’t tell’ back in those volumes where characters would just tell the audience that certain things are a certain way without much on-screen build-up.
 For example; Weiss accusing Whitley of manipulating and double crossing her when there is no real on-screen evidence to support him committing such a heinous action towards his sister. Yet he accepts the accusation anyways.
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Who knows? Perhaps after two more successful seasons of improvement, the CRWBY Writers may be daring enough to try another season where the story is divided between two factions---the heroes in the Dark Domain and the heroes in Vacuo.
As much as I would love for a single arc where it’s just Ruby and Oscar surviving a Grimm-infested dark world together while learning more about each other in the process (since it would be a welcomed first for the series), I also wouldn’t mind another season of the RNJR squad this time working together to save Oscar while WBY are off in Vacuo to soak up some SSSN and CVFY!
I mean our Rosebuds working together to survive is amazing and all. But imagine if they’re separated from each other, forced to believe the other was dead while clinging desperately to the belief that they’d see each other again somehow. Picture Ruby fighting through hell just to get to Oscar and how it would be like to see them reunite after such an intense separation.
Picture…how powerful a moment it would be for RoseGarden to share their first kiss after a full season of watching them both panic for each other’s lives, reminisce of the fond memories they shared together and cling to any bit of happiness and warmth they felt from those good memories to help fuel what little hope they each had of seeing each other again---hearing each other’s voice and getting so much as to hold each other’s hand again. Or seeing each other’s welcoming smiles again.
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To me, a Dark Domain Arc with Ruby Rose leading a rescue party of herself and JNR (RNJR Squad) to save Oscar is beginning to sound just as compelling---maybe even a bit more, than a Dark Domain Arc with just the Rosebuds. Maybe both can be done since both stories were done for the Wizard of Oz. Buuuuut….who knows, y’know?
As always, this is just me spouting ideas. But damn, would an idea like this be awesome. Especially for the future of RoseGarden.
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More Squiggles’ RWBY Content
 ~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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callmedeeper · 5 years
When we face our Pharaoh...and fail...
I have just spent a lazy Saturday morning in bed reading Exodus 5 & 6…and it’s breathtaking. And challenging. And a sweet reminder of our choices in times of discouragement.
Exodus 5 talks about the first time Moses and Aaron go before Pharaoh, and not only does it fail…but things get worse for the people of Israel! Now Pharaoh takes away their straw supply but still demands they make the same amount of bricks. Which of course leads to Moses and the people becoming so discouraged after one failed attempt that Moses protests to God that he has “done nothing to rescue them!” (v23).
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We sit back in hindsight and think this is silly. God had told Moses in Exodus 4 that he would harden Pharaoh’s heart so he would refuse to let the people go. We know God is about to do miracle after miracle until eventually Pharaoh begs the people to leave – they just need to be patient and wait. But don’t we do the very same thing? I pray for something once, step out in faith, fail…and get overwhelmed with discouragement. Failed job role or promotion. Didn’t get to buy the house or church building you were believing for. Another failed relationship attempt. It would have taken real faith for Moses & Aaron to go before Pharaoh. He could have had them killed in an instant for what they asked for. So like them – anytime we believe for something and step out in faith, confident God can come through…and He doesn’t…it’s discouraging and heart wrenching. For some, it even causes them to walk away from God. But these chapters remind us that God uses these same opportunities to teach us perseverance and endurance if we let Him.
Exodus 6 starts with God reminding Moses who He is, in reply to Moses’ protests at the end of the previous chapter. Moses is fixed on who Pharaoh is and what Pharaoh can do. He is more focused on Pharaoh then he is on God…the same way we can get caught up so focused on our problems and circumstances that we forget to fix our eyes on God also. So God reminds Moses who HE is. He reminds Moses that He is in control. That He has heard the groans of His people, and that He is WELL AWARE of His covenant and promise (v5). Then God tells Moses what He will do. Not what Moses or the people need to do. No. This is God’s story to play out. God’s miracle. He is in control even when it feels like He let Moses fail and when things seem to be getting worse.
“I will free you…rescue you…redeem you…claim you…bring you…give to you”. (v6-8). THEN the people will know that HE is the Lord. This isn’t about Moses succeeding or trying harder. It’s not about if Moses said the right or wrong thing to Pharaoh and what he needed to do better in the future. This was about realising that sometimes when things look like they are getting worse or more impossible, it is creating the ultimate set up for a God miracle!
But….the people, and in turn Moses, refused to listen because they had become too discouraged (v9). Sometimes…well often…this is my response too. When it feels like you are drowning in discouragement, the pain and grief is so loud in your life that it’s all you can hear. All you can see. You can’t find it in yourself to hear God’s voice. To remember His goodness, promises and power. We let our discouragement be all we can see and all we can hear, instead of remembering who God is and what He can, and will, do.
“God was teaching Moses to be persistent in his obedience. Not to look at Pharaoh, at his Israelite brothers and sisters, or even at himself – but to look at God and God alone. Moses wanted to quit after the first setback. God had much to do in his heart before Moses would be ready to deal with all the discouragement ahead as he led Israel to the promise land. God was building endurance in Moses; the ability to stick with God’s plan and will even when it didn’t seem to work. This is faith; this is patient endurance in the Lord”. (David Guzik, Enduringword.com, 2015).
This makes me think back over the last 5 years of my dating life. When I think back to the early days – I was in such an unhealthy place. Some of the guys felt like my first attempt going before Pharaoh. And when things failed – I was a mess. My self esteem was so unhealthy. I blamed myself for their unacceptable behaviour. I go so discouraged and so overwhelmed when it didn’t work out – I would drown in sorrow when something ended even with a guy I didn’t yet know very well. In hindsight, I wasn’t ready for marriage. I didn’t know how to be honest and stand up for myself when a guy would walk all over me. I would have settled for someone who was not healthy for me, just to not be alone. I would have been an unhealthy wife in an unhealthy marriage. And then as I reflect on the following years when I dated other guys, I can see how God has been using these opportunities to heal me and strengthen me on the inside. I now realise I will be honest with someone if they hurt me – willing to lose them in order to fight for myself and my value. I won’t get walked over or treated badly any more. And I realise their unhealthy behaviours is about their journey and issues, and not a reflection of me. I don’t have a breakdown every time it doesn’t work. I hold it lightly and trust God to open or close the door on the opportunity. And I am not saying it’s easy or I am doing it perfectly – but I am not getting taken out in my spirit any more. I am choosing to wrestle my way to believing God is good and not only that He CAN, but he WILL, bless me with His plans. My trust is growing, even though with each day it can feel like I am getting older and things seem more impossible…I am choosing to keep trusting God and to obey Him, even when it’s really hard and when I feel overwhelmed with discouragement.
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Steven Furtick just uploaded a little video on his Instagram on Jeremiah 29:11 “ For the I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord”. But Steven reminds us that we shouldn’t read verse 11 without also reading verses 12 & 13.
“In those days when you pray, I will listen (v12). If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me (v13)”.
God knows the plans He has for me. It’s not the same as presuming His plans are the plans I have for myself. His plans might be different, and that is where faith kicks in.
God tells us to pray to him and seek HIM wholeheartedly. Look for God. Seek God. Not the plans. How often do we pray and look to God ONLY to ask about the plans? God doesn’t want a relationship where it feels like that’s all we care about. God wants us to look for Him with our whole heart. Talk to Him. Trust Him. He has the plans – we don’t need to worry about them or fight to be in control by knowing what they are. No. God is building faith & trust in us, and He does that in times of discouragement, failure and “going backwards” more than any other times in our life. Those are the tests and trials that build our obedience and persistence & endurance.
When failure comes my way, I need to watch where my focus is – what I am fixing my thoughts and vision on. It needs to be on God and not on the ‘pharaoh’ of my life. I need to fight to not let discouragement take me out. I need to keep choosing to grow and trust and obey even in the midst of ‘failure’ because, just like with Moses and Aaron, it is not the end of the story.
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dragynkeep · 3 years
lol im so glad someone else mentioned that canon rule of maiden power transferral because that has been driving me bonkers whenever ive seen the jaune justification meta for the finale. since we had that scene in the airship where ruby and weiss were cuddled up to penny, i was genuinely kind of shocked when, out of the remaining characters of weiss and jaune, jaune was the one who took penny out. i know the weiss and penny relationship was VERY thin but there still would have been more emotional resonance if weiss had been the one who “needed” to kill penny (especially since she would have been doing it to enable her sister to receive the powers). i mean of course ruby would have made the MOST sense but i feel like weiss was the most obvious second choice with the very limited penny related relationships we’ve seen. i honestly i was mostly fine with rwby until the most recent season because i was a very casual viewer but my desire to watch the ninth season has been totally wiped out
honestly yeah like if it wasn't ruby, winter or weiss — my preference would've been winter out of the two — would've been far better choices than jaune having yet another maiden's death to angst over like i'm sorry. they could twist the story a thousand ways to justify miles fauxtagonist getting put back in the spotlight again & it would still be marred by jaune's previous mistakes & the fact he co opted all the grief about pyrrha.
rwby fans are often so fond of telling critics to just wait it out but why should we when the writing is on the wall in mkek's previous writing? how are we supposed to believe that this time they'll do it better when miles has straight up said he doesn't take criticism because often times, it's voiced too mean. like?? i wish i could have the blind faith rwby stans do but mkek's writing & abysmal behaviour has burned that bridge lmao.
unfortunately you're not the first one to say to us that they don't have the desire to watch v9, & i would love to see the analytics on how many people have dropped watching the show / quit their first membership.
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