#weapon shes talking about and Weiss is just lost but she still just stares at her all loving and shit and just casually nods and will ask
bridgyrose · 3 days
Part 2 of the Sentient Weapons AU?
(Lets have some fun)
Ruby tapped her foot on the ground as she leaned against the wall of the inn while she waited for Yang and Blake to meet up with her. It was strange for Yang to call her back from a mission, even more so for her to be late after insisting that Ruby come back. And yet, here she waited while Weiss and Penny restocked for another venture out into the forest. 
“Maybe she’s just running late,” Crescent Rose suggested. “I’m sure something had to come up-” 
“The village is just a couple houses, a market, townhall, and farms,” Ruby interrupted as she spoke in a hushed whisper. “Its almost impossible to run late here, much less get side tracked with anything. And with the way Yang sounded, it must’ve been urgent to get us back here.” 
“I still think she’s just running late.” 
Ruby shook her head and checked her scroll. “She’s never been this late unless she’s found trouble.” 
“What trouble could she have found already?” 
“I dont know, grimm?” Ruby put her scroll away and grumbled a bit as she pulled away from the wall and walked outside the inn to check for Yang. It had been almost an hour since Yang had asked her to meet her here, but with no sign of her in sight, she wondered if she had misheard her. “I should go find her.” 
“You should listen and wait for her.” 
“She’s already late!” Ruby let out a heavy sigh and a low growl. “Why am I even arguing with you? You’re just a weapon.” 
“A weapon that knows you just as well as you know yourself!” Crescent Rose retorted. “And we both know the second you go out looking for Yang, you’re going to find yourself in trouble.” 
Ruby huffed and leaned against the wall of the inn again. Of course Crescent Rose was right, trouble always did seem to find her when she was least expecting it and leaving now would just make things worse. Though, arguing with her weapon didnt seem to be helping either. 
She finally started to relax when she caught sight of Yang walking over, a small smile crossed her lips as she walked over. “I thought you said you’d be here an hour ago.” 
“I tried to be on time,” Yang said as she rubbed her arm a bit. “Guess I lost track of time.” 
“Why did you ask for us to come back anyway?” 
“I’m going to sound insane but… Ember Celica said the grimm are just distracting us.” 
Ruby pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. “That could’ve been a phone call. But… it does make sense with how they’ve been popping up all over.” 
Yang paused. “You’re just going to accept that? No question about Ember Celica talking?” 
“I’d say it’d be strange if Crescent Rose wasnt talking to me too. Any ideas who might be causing the attacks.” 
“It could be Cinder,” Crescent Rose suggested. 
“And she disappeared,” Ruby retorted in a hushed whisper. 
“Everything okay, Ruby?” Yang asked. 
Ruby nodded and pulled out her scroll. “Crescent Rose thinks its Cinder but… I dont know, we havent seen any activity from her in months. And Ozpin is sure that whoever she’s working for isnt much of a threat right now.” 
“Maybe we should worry about why our weapons are talking first before doing anything about the grimm.” 
“We can worry about our weapons later-” 
“Ruby, our weapons can talk!” Yang growled out. “Why arent you more freaked out about this? We should be focused on finding out why they’re suddenly sentient and figure out how to fix this.” 
Ruby sighed and pulled Crescent Rose off her back. She ran a gentle hand across her weapon as she stared into her reflection. “This… this is practically a dream come true. You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to be able to talk to Crescent Rose like a person. And she and I have already been working like a team.” 
“Yeah but… doesnt it bother you to have a voice whisper in the back of your mind?” 
“Its… different, but… you, Blake, and Weiss figure out what’s going on with our weapons and I’ll handle the grimm.” 
“You cant go alone.” 
“I wont be alone.” Ruby put Crescent Rose on her back again. “Besides, you can trust me.” 
“Fine, but… if you see Cinder, call us.” 
Ruby nodded and rushed off in a flurry of rose petals, the small smile she had faded into a frown as she made her way to the closest known pack of grimm. First she’d deal with the grimm, then find out what caused her weapon to talk. After all, she didnt want to lose a wish come true.
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xkandor · 3 years
Ruby: *goes off into a tangent about weapons*
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professorspork · 3 years
superhell fic prompt: RB+J reunite with Yang
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4]
Let no one ever doubt that Yang can be a champion whiner when she wants to be.
She was on her best behavior before, listening intently as Weiss caught her up on just how badly the fight with Cinder went, and brainstorming up next steps (get to the Tree; send up a flare with Ember Celica because if there were Grimm they needed to worry about, they would have run into some by now; wait). Only there wasn’t much to talk about after that that wasn’t wildly depressing, and they’d fallen into an uneasy silence-- Yang watching Weiss hunch tighter and tighter in on herself with every step.
So she’d filled the quiet: complaining about how they’d be there by now if only she still had Bumblebee; bitching about how unfair it is that they can’t seem to get their Semblances to work; grumbling over how she has no idea how long they’ve been walking because the light never seems to change here. And Weiss snaps back, of course, but Yang can tell the annoyance is feigned-- the more irritated Weiss’s answers are, the more relaxed her body language becomes. Normalcy’s thin on the ground, here; Yang will provide it anywhere she can.
-- except also something on the ground here, it seems-- 
-- is Gambol Shroud.
“Oh,” Yang breathes, in a tone of voice she’s not entirely sure she’s ever produced before. Weiss runs ahead and drops to her knees, but hesitates when she goes to scoop up the weapon-- her hand hovering over it, shaking.
“I-- sorry. It’s not my-- you should--”
“You should give it back to her,” Yang says, keeping her distance and a soft smile on her face.
Weiss looks up at her with wide eyes. “But you--” 
“--didn’t have to see her fall. You did. And you-- you did really good, Weiss. You should give it back to her.” It seems a small concession to make, in the grand scheme of things. She’s going to have plenty of Blake, and soon. She knows it-- she’s sure of that down to her bones, now. So what is there to be possessive of? She waits until Weiss nods, and slips the katana through one of her scabbard loops. It’s not exactly meant to be carried that way, but whatever. It looks pretty badass. “C’mon,” she says, helping Weiss to her feet. “We’re close. I can feel it.”
Weiss roasts her mercilessly when it’s a good age and a half of walking before they even hit the tree’s roots (“Oh, are we close, Yang? Can you feel it?”), but they don’t come across any other surprises. When the roots start to twist and rise above them, Yang clambers up to a decent plateau and sets off two charges-- shooting them high into the air and watching them explode like fireworks. Yang smirks, tucking her arms behind her head as she prepares to settle in and wait--
-- and promptly slips and falls out of the tree when a trio of familiar voices happily cry “Yang?!” only seconds after the flare’s report.
(It’s not her fault, okay? She wasn’t expecting them to be this close, or together; wasn’t expecting Jaune to be down here at all; it’s whatever--)
By the time she’s picked herself up and dusted herself off, Ruby, Jaune and Blake have come into view, just across the clearing. 
“Ruby!” Weiss cries, sprinting towards them, and that’s-- she’s Yang’s sister, she should get dibs on first hug, what gives, only then Weiss actually throws a thumbs up behind her as she runs and that’s just-- that’s just rude, honestly, as if--
“Yang,” Blake says, close enough to touch, and when did that happen?
“Blake, I--”
She has no idea how that sentence was supposed to end. Luckily, Blake relieves her of the burden, busying her mouth and bringing her thoughts to a grinding halt by pulling her into a swift, determined kiss. Yang’s struck so dumb by the shock of it that for a moment she forgets to kiss back-- hands hanging limply at her sides as she tries to process the intent pressure of Blake’s lips against hers; the swell of body heat where they’re pressed together, chest to chest; the tender way Blake cradles her jaw, all fingertips, the way you touch something precious and fragile. Every muscle in Yang’s body relaxes in an instant-- at last, finally, thank you-- and a needy, wanting noise tears itself from her throat, entirely without her volition.
It’s possible she goes a bit overboard when she finally gets control of her limbs again, wrapping her arms around Blake’s sides and dipping her into the kind of kiss she’s only seen on the covers of Blake’s novels, but it’s hard to care about how it looks-- not when Blake’s laughing into her mouth, and Ruby’s wolf-whistling (Yang releases her hold on Blake for that, briefly, only because she has to prioritize flipping Ruby the bird) and has she mentioned that she’s kissing Blake Belladonna? 
She’s kissing Blake Belladonna.
She might never stop kissing Blake Belladonna.
Or, okay, maybe she will; her back kind of hurts holding this weird position so long. But when she pulls Blake back to standing, she suddenly registers wetness on her own cheeks, and she wouldn’t be surprised she’s crying only she’s-- she’s really pretty sure she’s not, so that means--
“Don’t cry,” she whispers, reaching up to brush the tears from Blake’s lashes. “If you cry I’m gonna cry, and--”
“I love you,” Blake breathes, and the words lay Yang out faster than any punch, knocking the wind right out of her lungs. The look on Blake’s face is beatific-- elated and adoring and thrilled. Like she’s proud of herself for being brave enough to say it; like she wasn’t sure she was going to know how. Only then the tears well up again; her voice hitches as she stutters: “I promised; I couldn’t get to you in time, you can’t-- I’ll follow you anywhere, I promised, I swear it, but you have to let me, I thought I lost you--”
This time it’s Yang’s turn to quiet Blake with a kiss, and she lets herself savor it. She clocks every sensation, every touch, every sigh, every brush of their lips. This isn’t about utility, or merely silencing Blake’s fears. It’s reassurance, and devotion, and a promise all its own: we’re okay. We can have this, now.
When she pulls back, she takes a deep breath, determined to find words that will mean as much as Blake’s just did, to make it clear just how much she feels--
-- only it’s a little hard to concentrate over how loudly Weiss is crying, a few yards away where Ruby and Jaune have her sandwiched between them.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to-- I just-- you did promise, all of you, you said you’d never leave my side and I was-- I was alone, I was the only one left, and I--”
Yang takes Blake’s hand, gratified when she gets an understanding squeeze and a nod in return-- to be continued. Whatever confessions of love Yang’s got scratching at the walls of her insides, they can wait a little longer; right now, they need to be with their team.
Together, they join the group huddle, saying nothing as collectively they abandon any attempts at soothing words and instead finally let themselves fall apart. Ruby all but crawls into Yang’s lap, and a thread of tension deep within Yang finally, finally relaxes, knowing that her sister is safe. Jaune cries loudest and hardest of all, and Yang buries a hand in his hair, wishing she could make it better. She knows what it feels like, to stab down and feel the life leave someone’s body, but that was-- she’d hated Adam. To have to do it to an ally, a friend, to have that responsibility on you, for someone you love--
--kill me, and I can make sure the power goes to you--
-- she shakes off the stubborn image of Raven’s scarlet eyes filling her vision and focuses on the people in her arms.
“Not to be super morbid, but maybe...” She pauses and chews on her words, wanting to make sure she says what she means to. “We might be a little past promises, now. All of us. I don’t know where we go from here, and the choices are only going to get harder. But-- we’ve always found our way back to each other before. Even here, and-- and I don’t even really know where here is. So maybe we can just... trust that. See where it takes us.”
She doesn’t realize she’s closed her eyes in a wince, unsure of how she’ll be received, until she cautiously squints them open again and sees half her universe staring back at her with nothing but love.
“I think that sounds good,” Blake says, 
but her eyes say so much more. 
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itsclydebitches · 2 years
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Looks like some Volume 9 promotional art dropped!
As someone who lacks knowledge in illustration I don’t have much to say about the art itself, but can we talk about Blake’s expression for a moment? If the girls’ mindset/character arcs were at all considered while designing this, it’s interesting that Ruby looks scared out of her mind, Weiss appropriately startled, Yang likewise shocked but preparing for whatever is below... while Blake is downright pissed. I mean yeah, I think there’s fear there too, but she wasn’t drawn with the same emphasis on making the fear look stylized and pretty and... palatable? I’m not sure that’s precisely the word I want, but she comes across as more emotive than the others. Ruby is looking up too, but it’s in a “Oh shit I just fell” kinda way. Blake is looking up as if she’s still staring at the baddies, fantasizing about getting her hands on them. Everyone has expressive mouths, but only Blake looks like she’s gritting her teeth. And yeah, canonically both Weiss and Ruby lost their weapons (with Yang obviously having hers on her arms), but it’s still interesting that Blake is the only one who is drawn falling with hers in hand, the ribbon twisting upward to loop around the edge of Yang’s buckle. I could 100% be reading way too much into this (probably lol) but it’s giving me some hope that the story will actually tackle Blake watching Yang die, wanting to kill Neo after vowing to avoid killing again after Adam, and the everything attached to those two traumas. Volume 9 has so much work to accomplish, particularly when it comes to Ruby, Penny, and Jaune, but it’s easy to forget there’s a ton to do with Yang and Blake too.
Also something something allusions to Alice in Wonderland with the fall/shattered glass. Something something the glass being specifically black. Idk how Cinder might figure into the island arc (or if she will), but that’s certainly a detail that RWBY made relevant again after she broke into Ironwood’s office and left the black chess piece.
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bmblboop · 3 years
Struck Like Lightning
    (Contains spoilers for RWBY Volume 4)
Absorb Electricity. He felt something, not an emotion, just a gut-instinct. With everything that had happened; every coincidence that led Nora, that Grimm, and his family to Kuroyuri that night, he knew, somehow, that this phrase on his arm was connected to… something. It must be important.
The following is the introductory chapter to a Semblance-Soulmate AU in which a name or description of someone’s semblance will appear on their soulmate’s skin. The concept of a ‘soulmate’ is discussed in-universe and is treated as less of a one-and-done deal (nothing is 100% predetermined in RWBY). I plan to elaborate more on the Semblance mechanics if I end up finishing more chapters.
I am posting this in commemoration of Renora Week 2021 because this chapter features Ren and Nora! Let me know if you enjoyed it!
The days and weeks after the fall of Kuroyuri allowed Nora and Ren time to readjust and explore new parts of themselves. Ren’s sudden companionship had brought out a new side of Nora; she had someone to talk to, someone to bounce ideas off of. Someone who didn’t judge her or pretend she didn’t exist. Nora often took the lead when following the trails and roads, in hopes of finding them someplace else to stay. That town had never felt like a home to her, but to Ren, it was everything he’d ever known. He was quiet, but observant, and getting better at his newfound abilities, which gave them both a sense of comfort. They didn’t have to fear the dark so long as they had each other.
One restless morning, the two were walking east, caught up in conversation.
“…so that’s why I think I like my hair short. Not that long hair is bad – it just gets tangled up in everything. You’re smart Ren, keeping it tied up like that.”
“-huh?” The sudden praise had caught him off guard.
“You pull hair up to keep it out of your face! I have no patience for that, so that’s why mine is short!”
“Oh, yeah. Do you think we could take a break soon?”
“Sure!” She scanned the treeline for a spot. “Ummm, let’s sit there.”
They made their way to a small boulder under the shade of the trees. Nora climbed up and sprawled on top of it to stare at the sky. Ren sat at the rock’s base and scratched his sleeve. His arm wasn’t itchy, but there was something-
It must have been the light of the fire playing tricks on my eyes he thought. He gripped his wrist tighter.
But something was nagging at him, something deep in his soul. To look again, to make sure it was just nothing. In broad daylight, surely if there was anything there-
Pulling his right sleeve back, Ren balked. On the inside of his arm were two words.
Absorb Electricity
“What? What is it?” Nora pondered, sitting up and leaning over.
“Absorb-? What do those words mean?”
“What words?”
Ren turned around. Nora was looking at his arm too, with a quizzical expression on her face.
“Those words!” he pointed to inky writing on his arm.
“I don’t see anything?”
Ren did a double take; looking at Nora, then back to his arm.
“If you’re making a joke, I don’t get it.” Nora deadpanned, head propped up in her hands.
You don’t-? But it-? I’m not-? Ren dropped his arm and pushed the sleeve down. “It’s fine, I must be seeing things.”
Nora shrugged and turned back over, watching the clouds gather above.
They found a rocky overhang to camp under for the night. Nora passed out pretty fast; she had gotten a lot more comfortable sleeping through the demon-filled nights with someone by her side. Ren just stared at the embers of the fire and let his thoughts wander.
I know they weren’t there before I met her. Before… that night. So where did it come from?
A distant shriek echoed over the valley, and Ren could feel his heart beating in his ears. Immediately, he was awash with the calming greytones of his semblance. The scream turned to baying. A Beowulf then, probably alone and several miles away.
Exhaling slowly, he returned to color, the gears in his head returning to the question of the mysterious words. He looked at Nora, her deep sleep undisturbed by the distant Grimm calls.
I also never had this power, this courage, before that night. I feel like there is something…
He gripped his arm. Absorb Electricity. He felt something, not an emotion, just a gut-instinct. With everything that had happened; every coincidence that led Nora, that Grimm, and his family to Kuroyuri that night, he knew, somehow, that this phrase on his arm was connected to… something. It must be important.
And what does electricity have to do with anything?
Climbing over a mountain in a thunderstorm was never their intended route, even less so when a stray bolt pierced the heavens and struck true.
Nora collapsed, and so could have Ren from the shock. Without thinking, he ran toward her - her body lying still and crackling with electricity. To both of their surprise, Nora was alive. She sat up, singed but supercharged, and no worse for wear other than some temporary hearing loss. (Which she demonstrated when she inadvertently screamed in his face: “Wow Ren, I lived!”)
Together, they settled into a rocky alcove further down the mountain to wait for the storm to pass. Once out of the rain, the pair took the time to laugh away the adrenaline. Safely out of the storm, Nora shouted to the sky, taunting the Gods that had tried to kill her and failed. The thunder only grumbled in response. She traced the thunderbolt-shaped markings the impact left on her with her fingers, and watched them fade away over the next few days.
It felt dream-like, the week following the storm. Perhaps it was just the stress of surviving something so scary, but Ren felt stronger and closer to her than before. One night, curling next to the fire, he began to lay his head on his arm to go to sleep. Out of curiosity, he pushed back his sleeve and stared at his arm.
By the light of the campfire, his skin was blank - the words were gone.
Perhaps, he pondered, that was just a warning. It told him that lightning was going to strike, but she would be okay. Perhaps the words disappeared because they were fulfilled, like a destiny that had come to pass? He was too tired for this, his eyelids were growing heavy. He pushed the thoughts away and drifted to sleep.
Years later, when the two survivors worked their way into Beacon Academy, did all the stars align. It was at lunch, with their team and their friends of team RWBY.  Pyrrha had brought up the importance of balanced meals when Yang interjected that Jaune had taken all the chicken nuggets.
“I did NOT!”
“Then why is it the only thing on your plate?”
“BECAUSE, um…”
Ren looked back at the textbook, tuning out the argument and glancing over the chapter’s topic for next class. His preemptive studying was interrupted with an elbow jab to his ribcage.
“What?” he said.
“We should be social, you know.” Nora scolded under her breath before turning to the group and gesturing with a boisterous “HEY!”
A sinking feeling in his gut began to form. If there was one thing Ren could never figure out about Nora, it was her immunity to social anxiety.
“Not that taking down a monstrous Nevermore and giant Deathstalker isn’t bonding enough, but I think we should get to know each other better!” she exclaimed. “Anyone know a good ice-breaker?”
Their leader Jaune perked up, “Ooh, how about everyone’s favorite movie or franchise?”
“Too broad.” Weiss replied.
“How about our weapons? I bet everyone has a cool story about theirs!” Ruby added with a glint in her eyes.
“We could talk about our favorite books.” Blake offered.
“Ha, everyone knows the best ice-breaker is sharing semblances,” Yang smirked, “and your semblance-soulmate.”
Pyrrha choked on her salad. Ruby groaned and leaned back in her seat. Blake visibly stiffened.
Breaking the silence, Jaune scoffed. “C’mon, not everyone knows that.” He then rushed to clarify - “It’s not like it tells you their name. You could walk right past them and never know!”
“Yeah,” Ruby pouted, “and maybe some of us don’t want to deal with that extra layer of existential dread.”
“Aw, but that’s what makes it exciting!” Yang teased.
“That’s what makes it agonizing!” Ruby retorted, “Knowing you have a compatible life-partner somewhere in the world and your only hint will disappear when you meet them?!”
“Hang on a second.” Ren interjected, “I thought we were talking about semblances?”
“We are, but y’know…” Weiss was tapping the inside of her arm. “…the Semblance mark.  It can only be read by the person whose skin it appears on, so sharing that knowledge would be another way of bearing your soul to the world.”
“It’s highly personal.” Pyrrha nodded in agreement.
Yang put her hands up in defense. “We don’t have to share them. I just suggested it because it’s so personal. It’s like the fastest ice-breaker in the world.”
Yang’s awkward laughing aside, Ren was still lost. Luckily, Blake picked up on his uncertainty and continued the conversation fluidly.
“It describes the semblance of a person you are destined to come across. According to popular belief, that person is your equal – your other half so to speak.” Blake’s voice then dropped into a hushed monotone, gripping her wrist. “Of course, some people believe strongly in it, while others prefer to forge their own path.”
“Right,” Jaune jumped in, “there’s no rule about marrying them or anything.”
“So it’s more of a suggestion, then?” Nora asked in confusion.
“I find it all very poetic.” Pyrrha said. “I’ve heard that your soulmate mark will disappear after you meet them. After that, it is up to you to forge that bond in person. Nothing is set in stone; it’s a path you can choose to take.”
“Whoaaa.” Nora mused. “Wait, how come I never got one!?” Nora was on her feet in surprise. “Is it possible I didn’t notice?”
Ren was only half listening to the conversation now as the puzzle pieces aligned and clicked together. Words. Semblances. Partners. Those letters he nearly blocked from memory, blocked with the rest of Kuroyuri... didn’t they mention something about electricity?
Two semblances tied together. Two souls cross paths and find each other’s company.
It is pretty poetic, isn’t it?
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good-rwbyaus · 3 years
How does Yang react to the rumors her lil sis has become a professor
Perspective :: Yang // Becoming - mod lilac [ main chapter ] [ P: Weiss ]
logo-comics asked: What about an AU where everyone had somehow been under the mistaken assumption that Ruby was a professor at Beacon? For a laugh, Ozpin rolls with it whenever he's asked about it.
// this perspective piece was harder to write than I thought. also trollpin - lilac
“I’ll be sure to set aside an office for you, Professor,” the Headmaster spoke with mirth as he and Ruby spoke at Beacon’s courtyard, watching the students arrive for orientation. 
“Stop calling me that! I just wanted to know if students could have their own private rooms!” Ruby stomped on the ground.
“Students, no. Professors, well...” 
Yang was treated to the sight of her normally shy, bubbly sister hopping up and down angrily, pointing impolitely at the man that’ll soon be their Headmaster. Ruby’s uncharacteristic actions shocked her brain so thoroughly that she needed a moment to reboot.   
“Wait! Yang?!” Ruby exclaimed upon spotting her.
“Hey, Ruby.” Yang replied dazedly before internally wincing at her unenthusiastic-sounding response - too shocked from her sister’s prior actions. 
Luckily though, Ruby didn’t notice anything and was in fact enthusiastic enough for the both of them. Her sister’s eyes lighting up was the only warning she got before she felt Ruby pounce onto her, the other girl wrapping her in a tight hug. 
“You made it!” Ruby happily said, “I missed you!” 
Yang couldn’t help but hug her back smiling, not quite sure what’s made the other girl so affectionate, especially in such a public showy way. 
“I missed you too, sis,” she replied warmly, patting her head. Come to think of it these two months have been the longest they’ve been apart in years. Even when she took mini-missions at Signal to prepare for Beacon, the longest interval was 48 hours. Curious at her sister’s sudden change, she asked, “Yeesh, what happened to you over the past two months?"
"Eh, you know. Landed a blow on my teacher. Got myself blown up a couple times,” Ruby started counting on her fingers, “Got dangled out of a tower. Accidentally made a mess of things when I fought in a real team for the first time. Uhhh, not exactly in that order. “ Ruby scrunched up her face, which made her laugh.
“Sounds like you’ve been having fun,” Yang replied with a grin, though she gave the girl a quick onceover to make she’s truly alright - which it looked like she was.
“Yup. At least when they’re not sticking me in a classroom or hanging out with this old troll here,” Ruby resentfully gave the Headmaster a glare.
Yang choked on her spit at her sister’s audacity.
“What did you say? I’m hard of hearing, Professor Rose,” Ozpin blandly stated, “I think I heard someone asking me that she wanted to have her professorship announced tonight.”
“Don’t you dare!” 
She listened as the two bickered back and forth. Well, more like Ozpin speaking and Ruby reacting. Hearing Ruby talk like this to an authority still frazzled her brain, and it was only Ruby saying something even more unusual that brought her out of her daze.
“And you still won’t tell me their name!” 
“Huh, whose name?” Yang asked reflexively, slightly worried about that little tidbit. Did oblivious-to-everything-but-weapons Ruby find someone she liked? At least someone will share Dad’s overbearingness when she started dating too. Ha. 
“His weapon’s name,” Ruby pointed at the cane Ozpin was holding. “His cane. It’s really something special, but you can’t tell unless you get your hands on it.” She then smugly grinned, “which I managed.”
The Headmaster quirked up an eyebrow before retorting, “you wrapped your hands and legs around it like a sloth and then refused to get off.”
“AND his weapon’s heavier than it looks but in a way I can’t really describe - like something more than physical. And there’s something like a heart ticking away, and it’s been ticking for a long time like an ancient clock,” Ruby said animatedly, her words speeding up with her excitement, “it's like watching one of those films before scroll technology or remembering a long memor-”
Well, at least some things didn’t change - like Ruby’s weapon obsession.
"You know, it’s rude to talk about other people’s weapons without their permission, Prof-” Ozpin cut her off.
“Ah, sorry, Headmaster,” Ruby bowed before lifting her head, “Wait, stop calling me that!” 
She had been so focused on her sister that she missed the Headmaster tightening the grip on his cane and the quickly-hidden shock on his face. 
She couldn’t move, her limbs locking under the beady red gaze of the Beowulf in front of her. It lifted its claw into the air, about to deliver its death sentence. 
“Don’t hurt my sis!” A small five year-old ran in front of her, placing herself between the claw and herself.
Somehow, someway, she found the strength to move. She stumbled onto her sister and wrapped her arms tight around her, turning away and preparing to protect the younger girl with her body. To protect her from the consequences of the mess she created. She closed her eyes, prepared for the pain. 
Yang groaned and slowly opened her eyes, lifting herself up to look at the other students snoozing around her. Ugh, she would have that nightmare again before Initiation started tomorrow. Or was it today? Crap.  
Sleepy eyes shut closed as she flopped back into her sleeping bag, waiting for oblivion to claim her. And for a minute or two, she managed to be still as a rock. 
“Argh. It’s useless.” She sat back up. 
“Shouldn’t you be asleep?” 
The blonde quickly turned her head towards the raven-haired girl sitting by the windowsill, a book in her hands. Blake. 
“Can’t sleep obviously. What about you?”
“I’m used to staying up at night. I’m reading an interesting book after all,” Blake replied cheekily. 
Yang snorted, given that Blake had used that excuse to ignore her when she first tried to strike up a conversation. 
“The Schnee Dust Company’s heir seems to have taken a liking to your sister,” Blake said casually, “If it were me, I’d treat it as a bad thing, but I guess it’s good to have someone's backing.”
“Nah. I was listening in on that conversation. The moment that girl spoke about having an expert maintain her weapon was the moment she lost Ruby entirely,” she laughed. 
The scathing look Ruby gave the Schnee Heiress could’ve peeled paint. If there was an equivalent of a horse whisperer for weapons, it was Ruby. But as much as Ruby had disdain for those who didn’t respect their weapons, she wouldn’t show it - at least the Ruby of two months ago. She would’ve buried it deep inside and just be happy with the fact that someone was talking to her. 
Yang sighed. 
“...Ruby. She’s changed so much.”
“How so?” Blake inquired, closing her book shut. 
“Hmm. Why so curious?” Yang pouted, holding her heart, “Especially when you didn’t want to hear anything about little old me?”
“Well, the opportunity to learn more about Beacon’s youngest professor is hard to pass up,” Blake then added playfully, “don’t worry. You’re still interesting.”  
“I thought the professor thing was a joke,” Yang said in confusion, “Isn’t it?”
Was it though? She never heard Ruby outright deny it, just requested vehemently that the Headmaster not publicly announce it. Huh.
“I thought so too, but Ruby’s a bit special, isn’t she? Early entry to Beacon, taking solo missions, acting super casual with the Headmaster,” Blake replied, looking over at her, “It’s hard not to wonder.”
“I don’t think she is? I mean she would’ve told me, her sister - but...” Yang hesitated, “she’s changed a lot in the past two months. It’s like I don’t recognize my own sister anymore.” She grimaced, running a hand through her blonde bangs, “Ever felt that way about someone you’ve known for a long time and then bam what happened?”
Blake glanced outside the window and into the starry sky. 
“Yeah, I know a bit about that... But what about your sis? Might as well get it off your mind,” Blake sat crosslegged, staring expectantly and sincerely, clearly ready to listen.
With some hesitation, she glanced over at the sleeping girl several tables over with the Schnee girl sleeping a couple sleeping bags over, not quite ready to give up trying to recruit her. Good luck, brat.  
“Well my sis didn’t really have friends at Signal. She’s a loner but not really by choice. She tried so hard to fit in, but she never really clicked with anyone. No one really understood her or made the effort to.” Yang trailed off guiltily, “Maybe that’s why she could make the decision to come to Beacon so easily, because she had no one.” 
“I... I kinda expected I would have to give her a pep talk when I came here,” Yang admitted, “because Beacon required its members to form a team, even more so than Signal. I thought I would have to cheer my sis on about how she’ll find the right team but also telling her that I can’t be her partner and she needs to learn how to work with others.”
“But instead I see a confident girl who no longer seems afraid to let others know who she is. I see a fish in water. I see someone who’s found their place in life and is holding onto it with her own two hands. And also apparently making small talk and arguing with our Headmaster till she’s red in the face. Ugh, I don’t even know if she’s a professor. ” 
“Wait, so you seriously don’t know if your sister’s a professor?”
“Is that the only thing you took out of this?” Yang dropped her jaw, appalled, “I just poured my heart out to you, Blake! You have to take responsibility.”
The ebony-haired girl flushed wonderfully at her choice of words before grumpily rebutting, “W-who asked you to do that?”
A moment of silence passed between them, neither of them knowing what to say. 
It was Blake who broke the silence. “I think...you’re just having complicated feelings on seeing your younger sister grow up. I mean you seem like a good older sister, so you’ve probably protected Ruby all this time. And now that she no longer needs your protection, you probably feel a bit lost but also a bit of pride too.”
“Huh,” Yang blinked several times pondering what Blake said for a couple seconds, and then she smiled, a bittersweet feeling in her heart, “I think you’re right. I’m happy she’s grown up, but I also kinda miss the girl who’d cry when her weapon would go missing. Haha.” 
She then gazed playfully at Blake, “Oh Blake, why are you so wise?”
“Eh, I read it in a fortune cookie once,” Blake deadpanned without missing a beat.
“Ugh, and somehow my reverence for you has been lost,” Yang sighed before smiling, “But seriously, thanks for listening. Do you... Well... I heard you mentioned someone that you feel the same way about?”
Blake paused before shaking her head. 
“Ah, sorry. It’s a long story, and it’s late, and...” Blake said before adding in a dramatic baritone, “you haven’t progressed enough on the Blake Belladonna social link to know about that yet.” She stuck her tongue out before turning over to the side to go to bed.
“Oh come on! Pour your heart out to me now!” Yang said dramatically but upon seeing no response from the other girl, she snorted, “Fine. I’ll get to bed, and I’ll totally unlock more of the Blake storyline in the future. Does it end in romance at least?”
“Ugh. I’m not dignifying that with an answer. Good night, Yang.”
Yang laughed. 
“And now even my sister thinks I’m a professor!” Ruby wailed at Headmaster Ozpin, pointing a finger back at her. Yang could only give the Headmaster an apologetic grin - probably should’ve asked Ruby in a more subtle way - as Ruby ranted on, “And no one else believes me when I deny it. That’s your fault!” Ruby groused.  
“Don’t worry, Miss Rose. I’ll be sure to do something about the rumors this evening,” the Headmaster spoke warmly, “You can walk back to your seat and see how I resolve this.”
As soon as Ruby sat down, Ozpin stood up tapping his glass with the back of his fork. All the students fell into silence upon noticing who was making the commotion, and all the attention quickly fell on him.
“Ah-hem. I have an announcement to make,” Ozpin spoke calmly, “I would just like to say that Ruby Rose is not a professor at Beacon. The fact she is on a first name basis with all your professors or participated in a mysterious extracurricular activity two months prior to her entry to Beacon is completely irrelevant,” Ozpin continued on before pausing briefly, a spark of amusement in his eyes, “And I suppose the fact she graduated from Signal two years early is also not that important. That and her impeccable display with her team during Initiation. Alright, that is all. ”
The man glanced over at Ruby, his gaze clearly asking ‘are you happy?’ to the girl.
Ruby only beamed happily in satisfaction.  
Oh my god. 
Ruby was right. 
Ozpin is a troll. 
And she could only facepalm at Ruby’s complete obliviousness to the fact that Ozpin’s wishy-washy way of explaining things probably made things a lot worse. 
Well, at least no one is going to call Ruby Professor to her face now. 
Sometimes, ignorance is bliss.  
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 3 years
Motion Sickness Chapter 92
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"Are you sure you won't come visit Blake in the hospital?" Ruby asked me.
"Nah. I'll leave up to your team. Might visit next time, sound fair?"
I took Adam Taurus's weapon. I added to my collection. It was in one corner next to Tyrian's wicked blades.
"I-um I guess," Ruby returned. "I really don't think she'd be bothered by it."
"But can you say that she'd be pleased by it?" I asked rhetorically.
"Well…" she hesitated. Her silver eyes flicked away from mine.
" Ahp , you had to think about it. Trust me. I'll just leave it to you girls for now. Next time. Mayhaps."
"What are you going to do around here?" Ruby asked. "If you're not coming with us, that is."
"I'm going to be with Oscar and Ozpin. Helping Winter Schnee get a handle on her new powers," I returned easily. "Don't worry. I won't get up to any trouble."
"Trouble has a way of finding you, Cloud." Ruby smiled at me good naturedly.
I laughed a little in a low chuckle. "Well if it finds me this time it won't be my fault."
"You don't get along with Winter very well," Weiss cut in.
"She actually doesn't get along with me. I do just fine with her."
"You escalate things with her," Weiss pointed out. "You don't ever try and get things to calm down. You try and rile her up. Stop it."
"Not my fault. She still wants to tango despite how bad it went for her the first time," I returned.
"Just try and not drive her crazy. She's the only real part of my family I get along with." I could sort of get that. I wanted to be on good terms with some of my family. Like my sisters. I wanted to be on good terms with them.
But Saphron… She wanted to fight me. She didn't want to try and resist Mother. She liked her servitude. That was unsettling. Was that all I had waiting for me? And my sisters had met my Mother face to face. The things Mother had done to me she'd done with half a world between us. I hadn't actually met her face to face like my sisters had.
It made me shudder. I had no idea what she could actually do to me in person. She'd been able to dominate my mind like it was nothing through that tentacled Grimm.
"I'll do what I can," I promised half-heartedly. "Give Blake my regards."
They walked out of my little Atlas Academy room with little waves goodbye. They were adorable, with Weiss pulling Ruby along by the hand.
I got up and put my sword on my back. I strode out of the tiny Academy place of stay and made my way to the training room. I found Winter inside already with Oscar leaning on his cane.
"Cloud, good of you to join us," Oscar said in a voice that made it unclear whether it was him or Ozpin talking. I stared at him long and hard for a moment. I desperately tried to decipher who I was talking to before eventually I gave up. It was probably impossible to tell at some points by the very nature of the way that they were becoming one.
I was merging in an odd way with my Mother but hey...At least I wasn't Oscar. He was really becoming one with the enormous alien mind. I could at a minimum divide myself between where I began and where my Mother ended. Oscar didn't have that. He just had a steady blurring of lines as he conjoined with the old wizard.
"It's no problem. Just not sure what light I can shed on the subject that you don't already know." I crossed my arms and stared at Oscar. I still wasn't sure who I was addressing.
"You've fought Cinder the most. You have more insights into her powers than anyone else. Some seasons tend to rhyme with one another. This summer with that other particular spring."
I supposed that made a certain amount of sense.
"Didn't you fight her too?" I asked.
"Yes, when she destroyed Ozpin's body, but her powers were only just settling in then. I fear that most of what she used was her semblance not her maiden powers."
"You know what her semblance is?" I wondered. That would be important information to have for those of us who were looking to kill her.
Like me.
"Pyrokinesis I suspect. But it's only a suspicion." He tapped his cane twice against the ground. His Hazel eyes glowed. "It blends rather well into the maiden powers, I suppose."
"What other powers does Cinder Fall possess?" Winter asked. She cut in for the first time. And it was the first time I'd seen her since she became the maiden. She didn't look or feel any different to my senses. She looked the same as ever, tall and in white.
Oscar stood in silence and seemed content for me to take the lead so I shrugged and answered, "she's got control over wind and lightning like you might with dust. And then she can fly, too. Hard to be sure which comes from which maiden part though. She could fly and control wind before she became spring. The lightning seemed new but it's impossible to tell."
"I understand. You believe my own powers will turn out similarly to Cinder's," Winter noted.
"Precisely," Oscar nodded. "We feel that seasons that take shape around the same time frame are a great deal like the others. This isn't always the case, however. Magic can take all forms. Cloud's powers are nothing like that of any maiden from recent memory."
"But I may have this power over the elements as well and flight," Winter interpreted. "Just like dust, then."
"Yes, why don't you give it a try now? Whatever feels most natural when you reach for the maiden powers," Oscar said.
Winter breathed in deeply and shut her eyes. When she opened them again there was a silvery flare to the sides of her eyes. The same color as her aura had been.
She stretched out a hand…
But nothing happened. Sort of anticlimactic.
"I am unsure where to start. I can feel my new powers but can't quite understand them."
"Why don't you try modifying your semblance. Casting a spell that normally requires dust to execute but just with the powers in hand and your semblance," I suggested. "It's pretty much what I do with my own magic."
Winter gave me an even look at my genuine helpfulness but she nodded. She extended a hand and an enormous glyph radiated to life behind her easily enough. Then lightning flared from it. It wasn't strong or very well directed. But there was a crackle of sparks across it that was vectorless.
Winter dropped panting. She'd been holding her breath as she did it.
"Oh and don't forget to breathe," I snarked. She managed a weak glare back up at me where I stood with my arms crossed.
"You know, Cloud ," she emphasized. "I hardly like you being around my little sister."
"Yeah well I hardly like being alive. We can't all get what we want," I bit back. "Why don't you try it again? With breathing this time, that's important."
She nodded and got back to her feet. She breathed deeply this attempt and her eyes flared with that magical sign of the maidens.
A glyph hovered to life above us and ice came raining down through it. A jagged shard bounced off my aura and I hopped back a step.
"Sorry. I didn't quite manage what I wanted," she snarked back at me.
"Did you want to impale me? Because any time you want to go, sister. Let's go, whenever you're ready."
"Now, now," Ozpin chided. "Ms. Schnee just lost control for a moment. I'm sure it was unintentional."
"See, unintentional," Winter agreed.
"Yeah of course, never would have you pegged for childish," I muttered.
"We are all often not as others expect." She smiled cheerfully.
"Why don't we give flight a shot?" Ozpin asked.
"I am unsure how to begin with that," Winter said. Which was fair enough. You give somebody a bunch of new powers and you couldn't suddenly expect them to know how to use them. Especially with something as vague as the maiden's powers which took different shapes naturally.
"I could just drop you from the roof and see what happens," I cut in. "Experiment."
"Any serious suggestions would be appreciated," she returned smoothly.
"Maybe I was serious," I murmured. "Come find out."
"Well Mr. Strife, how is it that you fly?" Ozpin asked. "It has been some time for me."
"Not really sure. It's sort of subconscious. I just did it while my semblance was active. Then I sort of just imagine moving around once I get up to speed to control it."
"Unhelpful," Winter decided. I felt like she wasn't being super fair on that one.
"Cinder can do it so you better be able to figure it out. Can't let her outperform you, she'll be gunning for you next," I shot. "Try to imagine yourself rising on a pocket of air. That helps me."
"What makes you think she'll come for me?"
"You were the obvious choice for Ironwood to pick as the new maiden. It's an open secret how close the two of you work. I was able to figure it out and there's no reason she won't be able to. You have gotta assume she knows that you're the new maiden or close to it."
She nodded, then she closed her eyes in focus and breathed hard. The wind might have picked up a little in the airtight room. A breeze bustling through but she didn't start to rise up off the ground or anything.
"We will keep at this. You've been more than helpful, Mr. Strife."
"That's exactly what I shoot for."
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"Blake’s going to be okay. She was especially happy with the news that Adam is dead," Weiss informed me later that night around the dinner table.
“Dead as a doorknob,” I agreed. “It’s just a shame that my sisters slipped away.”
“What would you even have done with them had you gotten them?” Weiss asked. “They seemed awfully determined to be on Salem’s side.”
“It’s not their fault. They’re brainwashed,” I defended them partially.
My sisters were a touchy subject. They were a shadow of what I could be. What I would otherwise have been. If Mother had her wicked way. It was hard to hate that. It was in a sense like hating my potential self. There but for a flip of a coin went I. I could still end up like them. I could still become a monster.
Mother's influence on me was still there. It was always pressing. And that was without having ever seen her face to face. The sort of mind magic she could bring to bear against me must be unreal in person. How was I ever going to kill her? Or at least cut her fucking head off and bring her as close to death as she could be brought. I didn't have a clue.
“But how are you going to change that?” Yang wondered. “It’s one thing if somebody wants to fight it like you do but they just want to give in.”
“I… I don’t know. But I can’t exactly abandon them or kill them. It wasn’t their fault that this happened to them and besides they're still my… still my family,” I murmured. “You know what I mean? I can’t leave them to that.”
“But if they don’t want to be saved then there’s nothing we can do for them, Cloud.” Yang pointed her fork at me. “You’re different but your sisters seem to want it.”
“I can’t just give up on them,” I protested. “I have… I have so many memories of time spent with them. They matter to me.”
I could remember so much. So much time spent with them. It was all fake but it still made me feel something. Weiss said my feelings were valid it was hard to agree when there was so much fake pressure from Salem.
“But those memories aren’t real. They’re an illusion,” Blake cut in. “The only times you’ve met them they attacked you.”
“Maybe…” I muttered. "It seemed mostly playful though. Like they weren't trying to kill me."
"Playful murder?" Yang asked. "Are you serious or…?"
“Cloud you can’t save people who don’t want to be saved.” Weiss patted my hand. “You need to come up with a real plan to deal with them.”
“I suppose we’ll have to fight them,” I said. “I suppose… that I’ll have to… I’ll have to kill them, if they can’t be saved they can only be put down. It’s what I would want if I fell to my Mother.”
“Do you really mean that, Cloud?” Ruby asked. “That you would want to… you know…”
“Die?” I asked. “Probably, yeah. It's better than being a puppet, you know?”
“I do,” Weiss whispered. “It won’t come to that, we’ll keep you from falling to her.”
"Yeah. I suppose."
"Cloud. We will keep you safe from her. You have to believe in that," Ruby murmured.
"I'm starting to, a little."
And I was. Things had been better with Weiss's and Ruby's help. I'd heard fewer whisperings from my Mother. I'd had fewer command auditory hallucinations. I had a wall erected in my mind between my Mother and I so that less of her spilled over into me. She was like ink in water, spreading out and getting into every gap. Under currents carried her influence every which way only it was inside of me.
It was hard to imagine I'd ever be totally free of her. Her tendrils reached deeply into my mind. I couldn't help but imagine it was the same for my sisters. Only they met her face to face and experienced the kind of magic she could hurt us with for real. It must have been terrible. It must have been beautiful. I imagined giving in for a moment. What it would feel like.
My Mother's influence was unbelievable. It was always present in me but there was a sort of stopping point I'd managed to create that halted her from having total rule over me.
It would feel like nothing else to give into her wishes and do what she wanted. I wasn't sure that sex would be able to compare. And Saphron had made it sound so good. She made it seem so sweet. The way her voice had purred when she talked about submitting. I got that. I really did. I just didn't want it for me. It would me losing everything that I had built up here.
It would mean sacrificing all my friendships and relationships and more. It would cost me my soul. I just couldn't give in even though every day Mother inflicted some new horror onto me. It was agony but I wouldn't have it any other way.
I'd have to immolate all my wishes and desires and dreams to become something else. Something with a new and different and terrible purpose. I'd be a weapon in her hands and nothing more.
I liked having the 'more' it was what made me feel. It made me feel Cetra. I wasn't sure what I'd be without it. So I couldn't give in. But my sisters, they had already slipped under.  
They'd bowed their heads under the surface and they drank from those dark waters deeply. They became something less than Cetra. Saphron had said so herself. It was that which separated me from them and the Grimm too. The Grimm was a part of me but I didn't have to acknowledge it. I didn't have to let it rule me.
Maybe it was nothing and just maybe that was everything. Maybe it was all I needed to resist. I wasn't sure. I couldn't be sure until I ran into her again. It was a trial by fire and nothing else. There was no middle ground.
It meant that I couldn't afford any mistakes when I was next in her presence. It meant I could just collapse and become nothing again like I had before.
I just couldn't tell until next I saw her.  
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warsmith-38 · 3 years
How I would do RWBY pt. 2
Season Two
Emerald and Mercury go to book store.
Try intimidating ex-White Fang owner.
He’s tense, but not impressed.
Adam walks in.
He shits himself.
Tries fighting.
Dies. Painfully might I add.
Emerald and Mercury banter. Adam just seems bored.
Cinder (teenaged, not adult) scolds them for 86ing the guy in such a public and possibly trackable way.
Adam assures them that they weren’t seen. He has practice in that sort of thing.
Torchwick is annoyed at working with these people but at least he’s getting paid a mint.
Cinder says that, with all of the stolen dust, phase two of plan can to be started soon.
Neo give her a look of ‘get over yourself, you chuunibyou.’
Meanwhile, back at the ranch.
More guests arrive.
Ironwood talks with Ozpin about world affairs.
Grimm populations and attacks are getting worse, but are still manageable.
Says that he has brought plenty of extra security in the form of Penny and a big amount of security robots and mechs.
More bonding scenes because reasons.
RWBY + JNPR have food fight because funny.
Velvet and Blake are closer than earlier and give little ‘anti-racism’ classes for Weiss.
Blake is friendlier with everyone now that she knows they wouldn’t kill her since she’s a faunus.
Ruby has taken on the role of mechanic for everyone’s weapons.
Jaune dominates wargaming night.
Ren and Fox try to help Ruby with her hand-to-hand skills (Yang is not a great teacher of such things)
Scene of properly meeting team SSSN.
Nice guys, but a little too uncoordinated in style.
Ruby ends up having a frustrated breakdown.
Gives WBY speech of how they have to get involved and screw the people telling them to sit down and let them handle the problem instead.
Blake is the first to go along with what she’s saying.
Yang and Weiss argue that this is not a good idea, saying that this sounds like Ruby just wants to go play vigilante again.
Blake says that Ruby has a point, nothing will get accomplished if they sit around doing nothing.
Weiss is the one that cracks next. Agrees that the authorities aren’t exactly inspiring confidence since the run in with Torchwick.
Yang finally gives in, if only to make sure Ruby doesn’t get herself murdered.
Ruby, in her excitement to actually be doing something, rushes out the door to get snacks and runs into someone.
That someone is Cinder.
Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, and disguised Neo (Team CEMN (Cinnamon (work with me here))) keep up the façade of Haven guests from canon.
Ruby almost immediately starts gushing over their cool weapons before being reined in by WBY.
Emerald pickpocket’s Weiss’ wallet and snags rich girl’s cash before putting it back.
Mercury and Yang have a very clear stare-down of ‘punching vs kicking, who will win?’
Neo and Blake…stare at each other (Adam is Blake’s Rival/Foil. Blake v. Neo is just pair the spares).
RWBY has made new friends. (The poor dears)
RWBY start their investigation.
Team SSSN turns up to help at the last minute.
Okay, sure, free help.
Blake and Sun try to find local White Fang schmucks.
Scarlet and Sage go off to do random shit.
Yang drags Neptune to Junior’s club to check the pulse of the criminal element of the city.
Ruby and Weiss dig up information at library place-thing.
They encounter Penny on the way.
Penny acts weird(er) and tries to bolt off.
Weiss agrees that Penny is suspicious as hell and, with all the happenings, that means that she could be a potential lead.
She lets Ruby go after her while she about her investigating alone.
Penny reveals to Ruby that she’s a mechanical maiden (Persona 3 is best Persona).
Ruby is VERY interested now.
Ruby already liked her as a person and now she knows that Penny is a person who is also a weapon.
Zero downsides.
Penny, happy to be accepted, let’s slip that she knows some crazy stuff is happening in the world.
Says that that’s why she was allowed to come to the tournament, as extra back up just in case.
Says that the communications tower is the most obvious target but might not be the actual target.
Can’t elaborate further because of Ciel and her bodyguards showing up.
Ciel gives Ruby the third degree on encouraging Penny’s truant behavior.
Ruby gives her the finger.
Ciel takes Penny away and Ruby gets back to work.
Weiss gets whatever information about the White Fang and Torchwick that isn’t classified, and a little that is, transferred to her.
Her older sister is a high ranker in the military and her father bankrolled a good chunk of said military.
Ain’t nepotism a bitch?
Yang and Neptune come up empty handed, but Yang got to pick another fight at the club before the cops showed up so she’s all good.
Neptune thinks that that’s all Yang went there to do in the first place.
Scarlet and Sage get captured by the White Fang. (They said they had fresh cookies, what were S + S going to do, say no?)
Blake leads Sun along a trail of breadcrumbs to a White Fang hideout.
Sees a recruitment rally going on.
Blake has a heart attack seeing who’s giving a speech.
It’s Adam.
Speech is an emotional call to arms against the cruelty of humanity.
Crowd is skeptical but still listening.
Reveals his brand.
Crowd is now enthusiastic to sign up for the White Fang.
Adam reveals newly stolen war-mech.
Says that they’ll test its power by executing Scarlet and Sage.
Blake spoils his moment by covertly revealing that Roman is the pilot of said mech (Neo is co-pilot).
Crowd turns against Adam for his hypocrisy.
Adam cheeses it.
Roman takes it on himself to attack Blake and Sun.
Scarlet and Sage are freed and take on the rowdy crowd.
While running, Blake and Sun encounter RWY and Neptune.
Sun and Neptune get good hits in but are btfo’d.
Scarlet and Sage find them and all is good for team SSSN.
RWBY has quasi-rematch against Roman + Neo.
Fight goes well.
Team CFVY shows up and stomps the mech.
Looks like Team Rocket’s blasting off again!
RWBY celebrates a fight well won.
CFVY are pissed that RWBY would do something so dangerous and make them promise not to do things like this again.
RWBY lies through their collective teeth about not doing it again.
Get put on probation anyway.
Pyrrha and Jaune are having a moment together before Jaune ruins it.
Jaune admits that he lied and cheated his way into school due to impatience and lack of immediate combat skills.
He confesses all of this out of guilt and plans to turn himself in.
Pyrrha is actually rather angry at him.
1. for cheating to get what everyone else fought tooth and nail to earn the right to and 2. Putting the rest of his team at risk due to his inability to keep up with them in a fight and for associating them with a cheater/liar.
Not to mention lying to her face.
Says good riddance.
Cardin overhears and blackmails him into doing what he says or else he’ll narc on him and say that NPR knew and thus were complicit in the crime.
Jaune goes along with it while creating plan to oust Cardin and get him kicked from school.
Has conversation with Ren and Nora, both of whom are pissed at him.
Of course Pyrrha told them.
Jaune tells them that he knows he’s a piece of shit but also has Cardin to deal with.
Ren and Nora begrudgingly agree to help him get rid of Cardin.
Tells them his plan.
Plan proceeds to fail and Jaune ends up fighting all of CRDL alone.
Grimm outside of their power-level shows up.
Jaune’s quick thinking and tactics get it killed.
Cardin is grateful and promises to keep quiet about blackmail. Even means it too.
CRDL is never a real issue again due to them actually realizing that it’s a very cuntish thing to bully the guy and/or the friends of the guy who actively saved their lives.
Jaune plans to give one last apology to his team before he turns himself in.
NPR say that they deliberated amongst themselves.
They have decided that Jaune doesn’t get to take the easy way out.
His penance is to train his ass off, night and day, to catch up to them on the physical level.
Jaune’s role is to be the strategist and that it’s his job to make plans that keep them all alive.
If he fucks up, they work his ass harder until he doesn’t fuck up.
They haven’t fully forgiven him, but they’re giving him a chance because they genuinely like him.
Jaune is touched by their compassion and promises make up for his mistakes.
Sparring day in class.
Jaune has match against disguised Neo.
Neo wins but Jaune starts to have suspicions.
Pyrrha and Mercury spar.
Pyrrha wins but Mercury now has valuable data on her overall fighting style and semblance usage.
Cinder and Ruby are last match of the class.
Cinder has fire powers as a semblance.
Has second semblance giving her bullet time.
Bullet time doesn’t work all that well against Ruby because of her super-speed.
Ruby gets some pretty good hits in. Kinda kicking Cinder’s ass.
Cinder then decides she’s done playing nice and goes on full offensive. Even starts to scare the crowd.
Times up!
Due to technicality, Ruby won the fight.
Aura cohesion (health bars) Cinder:48% Ruby:51%
Emerald and Mercury are blue in the face with fear of what Cinder might do, having officially lost a fight.
Cinder helps Ruby up, apologizes for going overboard, and offers to buy Ruby lunch the next day.
Ruby happily agrees to hang out with her newest friend.
Cinder later explodes at her hideout and incinerates a White Fang member that got a little too close.
Adam pretends to care. Doesn’t actually.
Ruby and Cinder become shockingly good friends (as far as Ruby is concerned).
Cinder explains the concept of a second semblance, confirming to Ruby that she’s a ten-percenter.
It’s somewhat rare, but it’s common enough that people know how it works and why it unlocks.
Great emotional duress.
She was raised in an orphanage that REALLY sucked.
She awakened both semblances pretty quickly and was snatched up by the authorities as soon as possible to be a huntress.
She’s mostly lying about the details but there is still the base truth.
Ruby tells her that she lost one of her parents too.
Summer just didn’t come home one day, being told she was killed in the line of duty by a lucky grimm.
She’s always thought that there’s more to this story, but doesn’t have the means to follow up just yet.
It’s part of why Ruby wants to be a huntress, to do her best to make sure that some other kid never experiences that kind of loss because of the grimm.
Cinder tells her that that’s not the worst motivation. (she means it more than she thinks)
Since Blake saw Adam at the rally she has become obsessed with analyzing all the data gotten during investigation.
RWY is worried.
Yang talks to her about it, giving the speech about her mother and the problems with obsession.
Blake talks about how dangerous she knows Adam to be. Is vastly terrified of him.
Yang reassures her that the team can handle that punkass.
4 on 1, let him try it. They’ll put the boots to him. Medium style.
Blake reluctantly snaps out of her funk.
Dance comes.
Everyone’s having a good time.
Pyrrha decides to properly forgive Jaune.
They kiss and, after a wacky JNPR argument because funny, so do Ren and Nora.
Insert the cool JNPR dance scene here.
Ruby is happy for her friends but notices some bullshit going on near the comm. tower.
Cinder is infiltrating it wearing something that actually makes it difficult to tell who it is.
Makes a big show of knocking the guards unconscious.
Places real obvious hacking device onto console.
Ruby comes in and shoots at her.
Cinder pops smoke and disappears.
Authorities arrive and (as far as they can tell) disable the hacking device.
Ruby is given a commendation for her actions and her team is taken off probation from earlier.
Upper echelon is pleased that enemy plot was foiled.
Exactly as the bad guys wanted.
Ozpin presses the doubt button.
Teams gets chaperone assignments.
JNPR requested a special Grimm bounty mission.
RWBY gets put on simple observation mission.
JNPR spends time tracking and eventually fighting nuckelavee grimm with Prof. Port.
Ren comes to terms with fighting the grimm that killed his parents.
Y’know, sub-plot stuff to relieve some main plot tension.
RWBY is sent with Dr. Oobleck into ruins to observe and document the growth rate of the non-hostile presence of the local *loud snoring*.
Actually sent near suspected White Fang supply depot with hope that they uncover it and fix problems.
Find it fairly easily after a little bonding moment or two with everyone.
Torchwick and Adam are in charge of train depot. (Torchwick gets the train, Adam gets the depot)
Ruby goes in on her own because she was told not to do things like that.
Ruby gets double-teamed by Roman and Adam. Neo watches like a little shithead.
Ruby fights like a demon but still gets bested.
Adam says that he is now bored and leaves Roman to finish up.
Oobleck and WBY show up.
Roman starts the train, tries to cheese it.
RWBY + Oobleck board the train.
Yang fights Neo.
Weiss fights masked White Fang member (later revealed to be Ilia).
Ruby and Blake fight Torchwick.
Oobleck fights the stormtroopers.
Neo, the crafty, dodgy, dexterity style, sly-bitch, kicks Yang, the brutish and blunt boxer, in the ass.
Raven pops up through a portal.
Neo am-scrays after almost getting her shit pushed in.
Raven says a scant few things to Yang and leaves her a trinket and a map, telling her to follow it when she can before leaving.
Weiss wins her fight.
Blake and Ruby kick Roman’s ass.
Discover train is full of dust explosives to blow up a chunk of Vale and let the grimm through in droves.
Was originally intended to be deployed before explosion but Roman decides ‘fuck it’ and tries to turn it into a kamikaze run at the last minute out of spite.
Oobleck disconnects the explosive cars.
Train still rams hole into central Vale.
Grimm incursion.
RWBY fights as best they can.
Almost get overrun when Teams CFVY, SSSN, and CEMN show up to help.
CEMN only involved because evil plan failed and they want to try and clean up any possible evidence.
Neo (in disguise) tries not to be obvious that she’s still tired from earlier.
Horde battle with large hydra (or something) grimm being final boss of season.
They kill it, of course.
After the battle RWBY thinks that the problem is more or less solved.
Adam is still loose but his plan is foiled and his co-conspirator, Roman, is in prison.
All they have to do is hunt him down.
If he’s going to try something, it’ll be at the tournament. RWBY will have an extra eye open during.
JNPR returns triumphant from their mission and wonders what the hell happened while they were gone.
Cinder is livid that plan-A failed and they lost their best chance to kill Ozpin.
Yeah, their plan is to fuck up Vale and get and chance to kill Ozpin.
Is reassured by the mysterious figure she’s talking to (Salem) that plans can change and still succeed.
Adam is looking through security footage taken from depot.
Sees Blake.
He smiles.
Season two done.
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diardiarmylove · 4 years
The Legendary Blacksmith
(Royal AU by @skesgo) [posted on mobile]
Today was one of the most busiest the marketplace has been. Monster and human merchants alike are hollering buyers for their goods and people are flocking over to obtain their needs, and wants. It’s so busy, in fact that the entire marketplace is crowded.
“I cannot believe you would come out here to what could be, the busiest, this marketplace has been.”, Vaio sighed at his friend’s antics.
“Hey, we wouldn’t get caught this way.”, Bleu grins up at him, making Vaio raise a brow.
While the prince is jovial about being out of the castle where expectations are almost chocking to his non-existent throat, Vaio was alert. There are many things that could go wrong with a crowded place. Too many unknown faces, with possible malicious intent, would sum it.
Wait.. where’s prince Bleu?
Suddenly, all adrenaline comes, and he begins to holler for the prince. He should easily be found even if he’s a good head shorter, right?
Unless, he’s no longer in the marketplace.
— TLB —
Meanwhile, Bleu looks around in search of his friend. Has he wondered too far? It is less crowded here. Where was he even? Are these the small alleys of the kingdom.
As he kept looking around he didn’t realize he bumped onto someone. The only reason he noticed was due to the clatter of metal.
Bleu turned around, an apologetic look in his face, “I am so sorry, I-I didn’t–!”, he stopped, it was a girl, with tied black hair, black gloves, a black apron, and a prominent rust on her face. He stared as the girl rushed to pick up said metal, and he snapped immediately offering to help, still apologizing profusely.
“It’s okay.”, she said calmly, “I’m more worried for you. You look lost, your majesty.”
Bleu immediately stiffens. Up until now, those he encountered never noticed him nor questioned much of his status.
As he kept thinking the worst of scenarios, he heard giggling, making him turn to the girl.
“The Crownsguard Captain Vaio talks about you sometimes.”, she states, and Bleu finally pieces things together, the clothing, the metal.
“You’re the Legendary Blacksmith?!”, Ira giggled once more at the shocked look Bleu wore.
He noticed that Vaio would sometimes leave to the marketplace alone, and his sword was always sharp, and shiny. He always thought Vaio cleans and sharpens his own sword. He never expected that he had it sharpened on a weekly, sometimes monthly basis, by the blacksmith this kingdom is so lucky to have.
The Legendary Blacksmith well known for the beauty, detail and the precision of their weapons. Sharp, but not too sharp; heavy, but not a burden to lug around; light, but a good damage.
“Yep! All your weapons is well cared off in my hands!”, she said with smug pride. “Anyways, your secret is safe with me, but I must ask — are you lost?”
“Me? Lost? Nahhhhhh.”, the girl raises a knowing brow, “Okay, yeah, I’m lost.”, he sighed. “I got separated with Vaio.”
The girl made a sound of understanding, nodding several times, “Well, I’ll direct him to my shop. Weiss.”, Bleu was about to question who, until a floating book appeared, “Can you look for Vaio at the marketplace for me? Surely by now he had summoned the whole Crownsguard to search for our lost Prince here.”
The book, without a word, quickly left, and the girl nods the prince her way, and guided him out of the alleys.
“No offense. But I’m kind of guessing the reason you don’t know this place is because of the crimes that happen here.”
“Yeah, Vaio keeps me away from the alleys. I kind of thought it’s stereotypical, but.. crimes?”
“Human Trafficking, Kidnapping, Murders, Theft, even caught bigoted thugs beating up monsters — almost no one uses these shortcuts for those reasons.”
“And what of you?”, he tilts his head her way, as a form of curiosity.
“No one would dare fight a woman who has crafted, tested, and fought with the same weapons she made.” Bleu nods in agreement before he stopped mid-nod, before stopping entirely and stared at the girl beside him. “What’s with the face? Who do you think tests the thing before I hand it over to my client for a second opinion?”
“Wait, hold on. Even the great sword that’s almost twice your size?!”, she hums in agreement. “No way.”
“That’s a theory I’ll let you keep until you find out yourself.”
“What?! No, c’mon, tell me.”
— TLB —
It took twenty minutes or more to finally bring Bleu to her shop. As expected, Vaio was there, an irritated look and an impatient posture.
“Vaio!”, Bleu calls and rushes to him.
“Where in King’s name have you been?!”, he then turned to the girl. “Better be thankful that Lady Ira has found you. Those alleys are dangerous!”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay to get lost, just not too often and absolutely not in the most safest of places in our beloved kingdom.”, the blacksmith, Ira, as Bleu now knows her is, perks up, before leaning at the stall. “Now, your sword looks like it went through a bit tear ‘n wear. Want me to take a look at it?”
Vaio nods, before taking the sword of the strap that’s part of his uniform and hands it to her. “Surely I owe you for finding his majesty.”
The girl hums playfully. “You were in quite the long mission, and it’s surely evident on your sword. Tell ya what.”, she puts Vaio’s sword down and took another one. The blade was a shining silver with angelic writing carved into the length of it, the hilt was covered with black and white clothing that’s soft to the touch, and where the hilt ended and the blade began, was Flowers around it. She placed it gently on the stall. “I recently tested it, but I required a second opinion. Take it with you on your next mission, and in the meantime, I’ll replace the blade of your precious. Of course, free of charge.”
Vaio smirks and took the sword gently, inspecting it, “Free of charge, at the price of the best deserts the royal pastry chef can offer.”
“So that’s why Vaio sometimes bring cake?! For all I knew he had someone to court.”
“Well, I have to keep my mind straight and sugar just does that for me. Besides, I don’t think the Crownsguard Captain would be open to the idea of courtship while protecting his majesty.”
“Well, I believe we must go. The king may have my head if I don’t bring you home soon.”, Vaio sighs, “Thank you again, Lady Ira. I will return by the next week.”, he turns and leaves, Bleu following close by
“Take care!”, they heard her yell, before her stall closes, until the next client arrives.
Maybe Bleu should come with Vaio next week.
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rwbyvein · 3 years
Firen Lhain: Chapter 601: Colourful Morning:  Part I/II
The battle was complete, the group slowly slunk together. Silently content that they were in one piece, they looked at the elevator. They heard it approaching, and summoned the last of their strength, adopting their stances, drawing their weapons. The elevator opened and Yang appeared with a glowing lamp in her hand.
"Hey, guys." Yang voiced, and they all held a collective sigh.
"Soooo?.." Nora voiced.
"Don't," Yang quietly said to her, "feel like... talking about... at least not yet." she said, and shook her head, "It's still so fresh."
"But?" Weiss asked, "we won?" only to find Jaune picking her up into her arms, causing her to scoff. "Excuse you?" she asked him.
"Chill, ice queen." Yang said to her, "You've had a day."
"I," Jaune voiced, and looked down at her, "still don't know how this works, but you WERE impaled. You need to recover." Weiss looked up at him with a moment of silent uncertainty before quieting back down and settling into his princess carry.
"I think we've all had a day." Blake voiced, and nervously looked about as everyone looked at her. They developed tired smiles and she developed one as well.
"Well," Qrow said, "let's all head back to the house."
"House?" Blake asked.
"You're coming, too." Nora accusingly said to her.
"A reunion is in order." Ren stated.
Blake nervously looked about, but couldn't look Yang in her eyes. She had so many things to say to her.
"Let's get going while the going is good." Qrow stated, "I really don't feel like answering any questions tonight."
Jaune snugged up on Weiss and walked toward the door, the others following him, Blake nervously taking up the rear.
"What about tomorrow?" Nora asked.
"They'll probably give us a a couple days to recover, and then, yeah, it's going to be fun." he sarcastically said.
Ruby turned into rose petals and flew back, turning back as she walked beside Blake. They nervously looked at each other out of the corner of their eyes until Ruby tackled Blake into a hug.
"Easy, Ruby!" Qrow shouted without breaking stride.
Ruby stood up and held her hand out, "I'm sorry, it's just..."
Blake stood up and pulled her into a hug.
"I'm sorry, too." she whispered.
* * *
Qrow approached the house and pulled out his keys. Jaune put Weiss down, who adjusted her dress, and then stood, unsure of what to do. That is until Jaune collapsed in front of her. Weiss screamed, causing Qrow to turn around to chastise her. Ren, Nora, and Yang quickly rushed to help him.
"Was that really necessary, Ice Queen?" Qrow asked.
"But... he..." Weiss tried to say, gesturing to Jaune.
"Was probably running on adrenaline." Qrow stated. "This is what happens after a big battle. Once you stop, the adrenaline is gone, and this is what you get." Qrow then turned to unlock the door.
"But, he's!.." Weiss tried to say.
"He's just tired. Get him out of his armour and on a couch, and he'll be fine."
"And not a bed?" Ren asked, causing Qrow to laugh out loud. "You guys want to carry him up the stairs? I mean, not only is he a big enough boy, but I'm sure his antlers catch on... things..."
"We got him." Yang said, as she pulled his arm over her shoulder.
"Hold it, Fire Cracker." Qrow said to her, "You are all just as tired and near passing out. Take his armour off, first."
"Who knows how?.." Weiss asked, as Nora started unfastening his armour.
* * *
Yang and Ren carried Jaune over their shoulders as they helped him to the couch. Nora put his feet up on the couch. Weiss was fretting nearby.
"Chill, Ice Queen." Qrow said to her.
"Must you call me that?!" she asked him.
"We can talk about it tomorrow." Qrow grumbled, "I'm sure we'll have a LOT to talk about, tomorrow."
"I hate to agree with the ruffian." Aurora voiced, causing Weiss to scoff.
"No-no." Qrow voiced, "That's a compliment. I've been called MUCH worse."
"Miss?" Aurora asked her, and Weiss sighed.
"Let's at least get him a blanket." Weiss stated.
"I... hate to..." Blake stated.
"Bunk with Aurora," Qrow stated, "or on the couch. We can deal with everything else later. Oh, and Blake, the girls are really happy to have you back."
Blake nervously looked down.
"If I hear anyone awake in a half hour," Qrow voiced, "I don't know, Jaune will spank you, or something."
"He wouldn't really spank us, would he?" Yang asked with a surprised and energetic voice.
Nora slowly bobbed her head side to side. "Maayybbee..." she said as she shrugged her shoulders.
"That wasn't meant to be enticement." Qrow said and sighed, "But I guess you are Raven's daughter. Maybe it's time I think like a teacher. I advise you to get some sleep. How was that? Did it give you warm and fuzzies. Either way, I'm going to pass out. Good night, everyone."
* * *
Blake woke up to a crashing sound. She quickly opened her eyes to find Jaune trying to climb off of the couch, and apparently failing. She was awake and upright in the blink of an eye, rushing over to his side. Jaune felt arms reach around him, and slowly, sleepily looked around.
"Let's get you back to the couch." Blake voiced.
"Water..." Jaune grumbled.
"I'll get you water; you get back on the couch."
Jaune let out an affirmative grumble and pulled himself back onto the couch.
* * *
Jaune felt a cup placed in his hand and sat up to drink it. He held the cup out and it was picked up.
* * *
Weiss woke from her bed and slipped out of it. She looked over and stared at Yang in hers. She had never spent time watching her sleep. Likely because she could not at Beacon, barely able to see onto her bunk. But here, she just stared. She was so beautiful, so powerful. It made Weiss feel humble, just like....
Weiss stumbled back as she remembered the previous night, of feeling so safe and warm in Jaune's arms. She reached down to where the spear had impaled her and found nothing, not even a scar. It was miraculous. It was unthinkable. She reached up to the scar on her face and gently rubbed the ridges of it. Even Huntresses got scars, but here she was, impaled, with no sign to show for it.
Weiss stood up properly and breathed in deep. The only thing that she could think about was maybe coffee.
* * *
Weiss gently slipped down the stairs and tried to sneak past the living room. She noticed movement and looked over to see Blake's ears focusing on her. Blake's head slowly lifted and tiredly looked at her.
"I'm terribly sorry." Weiss voiced, but Blake just shook her head and tiredly stood up. Weiss then looked over to the patio. Blake silently stood up and started padding over to the patio, Weiss quickly behind her. The two walked out, barefoot, and sat up against the house.
"You are... well?" Weiss asked her.
"So much has changed in my life." Blake voiced.
"Oh?" Weiss nervously asked.
"I learned why I ran away." Blake voiced, and looked over to Weiss. She got lost in her eyes for a moment. She shook her head and realized that Weiss' eyes were looking at her expectantly. "I didn't want my friends to get hurt."
"After what happened with Yang," Weiss said and paused, "I can only imagine how that must have felt. Did you blame yourself for it?"
"I... did..." Blake voiced, "I know I shouldn't have - but if it wasn't for me, Yang wouldn't have..."
"Her new arm is surprisingly warm." Weiss longingly stated. She looked over at Blake, who had nothing to say in reply, "But Yang has always been... hot." Weiss voiced, then blushed, looking down. "I-I did not mean it that way. Not that it is not true."
"Oh, it's true," Blake voiced, "in both senses. Could... could she ever forgive me?"
"Every good apology needs two things," Weiss stated, "earnestness and contrition." She paused for a moment to let it sink into the both of them, "If you are going to apologize for running away, you will have to be willing to no longer do that." Another moment's pause passed before Weiss reached out with her hand. Blake reached out, and their fingers interwove, interlocked. as if in that fleeting form, the two became one. "We all missed you terribly."
"Yang the most..." Blake voiced, "I..." she tried to say.
"Sh." Weiss said to her, "She's just the least able to contain it. I can tell you that Ruby, myself," she said, and then looked back to the house, "our friends," she then looked Blake in the eyes, "missed you terribly. One of the many things I realized in Atlas is that you cannot make up for the sins of the past, either yours or those of... but... You still have much you can accomplish. I can never undo what Father has done to my family name, and - in that - I am content. I earnestly did not know why I became a Huntress. But, life seems so much clearer for me now than it had in the past. Do you know why?" she asked.
"Why?" Blake voiced.
Weiss looked her lovingly in the eyes and in a moment, Blake returned the look.
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kidofthekat · 3 years
All her lovely companions are faded and gone
A rwby fanfic - team RWBY’s remaining members try to survive after Yang is killed in the final battle with Salem.
TW: Implied suicide and death.
Thomas Moore -
‘Tis the last rose of Summer,    Left blooming alone; All her lovely companions    Are faded and gone; No flower of her kindred,    No rose-bud is nigh, To reflect back her blushes   Or give sigh for sigh!
I’ll not leave thee, thou lone one,    To pine on the stem; Since the lovely are sleeping,    Go sleep thou with them. Thus kindly I scatter    Thy leaves o’er the bed Where thy mates of the garden    Lie scentless and dead.
So soon may I follow,    When friendships decay, And from Love’s shining circle    The gems drop away! When true hearts lie withered,    And fond ones are flown, Oh! who would inhabit    This bleak world alone?
If you asked every Rose that ever existed one thing they know to be true, it is that they will always be alone.
               Which was why Ruby didn’t cry when Salem cut her sister down. Blake did. So did Weiss. There was no one else left to care.
               Ruby didn’t mourn her sister team when they died. When their souls faded from existence. She lost everyone she knew when they first met. And mourned them the second she realised she cared.
               She should have seen this coming. She should have known that she had used up her time. Maybe, maybe she had hoped team RWBY would be a constant. Maybe she thought family could be an exception. Though she only needed to look at her mother’s grave to know such an exception didn’t exist. That she was forever cursed to never be happy with others. For what was a rose but the one destined to inhabit this bleak world alone?
               Despite her best efforts she somehow managed to make friends. One’s that cared. A friend to past the lonely day’s reading. And a friend to pass the lonely nights talking. If there was one good thing that came from Yang’s death, brothers none of it was good, but, if there was one, it was that at last she could see clearly, the haze of denial lifted. Because if even her own flesh and blood couldn’t escape, then what hope did Weiss and Blake have?
               Unless she left. But they would still care, wouldn’t they? Summer had left, but her only friends who had lived longer than twenty years were the rest of team STRQ. Maybe that’s why Ruby had hoped. An out of context version of happiness, something to cling too in the dark, a rope, tied to nothing. She understood, and had for a too many years, that the only reason the TRQ of STRQ had survived was because Summer died before they could.
               Grimm attack. Apparently.
               That was bull.
               Summer Rose was the best huntress of her time. A meager beowolf couldn’t kill her.
               Ruby was always one to aim to follow in her Summer’s footsteps, perhaps she would one more time. Make her mother proud one last time.
               “Ruby?” It was Blake, her voice perpetually hoarse since Yang’s death, sobbing oneself to sleep each night and spending the next day trying to hide it from the two people who knew you best did that. “We’re going to her grave now, do… do you want to come?”
               She nodded, one more team trip. All of them together one last time.
               Ruby walked somewhat behind her partner and friend. Watching idly as they whispered to each other, probably about her. She wasn’t blind. Their worry was clear, well placed. Their speculations incorrect.
               They reached the grave.
               Next to Tai’s.
               Then Summer’s.
               Then Qrow’s.
               Then Raven’s.
               Then Pyrrha’s.
               Then Jaune’s.
               Then Nora’s.
               Then Ren’s.
               Then, Ozma’s. It seems his immortality only lasted until his purpose had been fulfilled.
               And then, Ruby, watching all her friends, dead and alive, from afar.
               “Where thy mates of the garden
               Lie scentless and dead.”
               She felt Blake and Weiss’ questioning gazes on her back as she turned away, disappearing into the forest.
               In her mind, her lovely companions are faded and gone, they weren’t to return.
               She was still at home when Weiss and Blake came back. Why? She didn’t know.
               No matter, she promised herself she would be gone by dawn.
               They ate dinner together that night. Ruby had insisted. Most likely the most passionate she had been in a long time.
               She wanted one more dinner together. One last time just being with her family.
               The meal tasted grey, or what she imagined the colour to taste of.
               She said as much. Weiss was offended but smiled. Maybe she thought Ruby was returning to ‘normal’.
               The sun was setting.
               The sun had set.
               She was staring at the array of weapons in her room. Too much choice. She needed something that would help her kill some Grimm, but not let her be dangerous enough to return home. Her mother had chosen a silver dagger. She chose a golden sickle.
               Ruby left her cloak by a sleeping Weiss. Since she couldn’t say goodbye. She felt bare without it. Not that it mattered. All that mattered was that she was leaving because she was tired.
               “Since the lovely are sleeping
               Go sleep with them.”
               There were more Grimm than she thought there would be. Especially as Salem was gone. They were less violent than before. Easy prey. Each one died faster than the previous. Two more dead before the first could dissipate.
               The sickle smoothly sliced the limbs. She pushed her aura into them, shaped as a blade just as Ren had taught her, to make the kill. She was almost out of aura. The technique was a dangerous one, only to be used by master aura manipulators. Ruby was not one. She didn’t care. It didn’t matter. All that mattered was that she had was leaving because she was tired.
               No aura left.
               Not enough faith to use her silver eyes.
               Just her and the gold sickle.
               “Ruby!” She turned to the voice. It was Weiss. The cloak on her back. She looked good. Blake was next to her. They should run, she was doing this so they could survive. They needed to leave. They should go.
               “Behind you, Ruby it’s behind you!” Ruby thought curiously about how the cries of her friends could hurt her heart more than the claw going through it.
The blood seeped into her clothes, staining the already dark colours. It felt sticky. It didn’t look anything like roses, she didn’t know what her mother had been thinking. It didn’t matter though. All that mattered was that she had was leaving because she was tired.
               She smiled at Blake and Weiss, the only two left, the two who were going to survive. Weiss had tears streaming down her cheeks. Ruby thought she might be screaming but she couldn’t hear it, only see her open mouth and the horror in Blake’s eyes and the way her ears twitched and flattened.
               And the way they both clutched the cloak, like she and Yang had done when they were left alone, abandoned,
for their own good.
Soon she would follow her mother,
               When friendships decay,
               And from love’s shining circle
               The gems drop
               “Thus kindly I scatter.”
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random-french-girl · 4 years
pirates? in my bumbleby AU?
A while ago, because of this amazing fanart, me and @grimmfluence talked about a rival pirates AU, and I ended up writing it just for fun. I completely forgot about it, but I just found the google doc again and global quarantine seems like the perfect time to share fics. So, here: have a very self-indulgent one shot about Blake and Yang as rival pirate captains, with a healthy dose of fighting, and even more sexual tension.
Words: ~4300
Rating: T (ish?)
Ruby’s voice rings out loud and clear from her perch on the crow’s nest. As soon as she hears the call, Yang, on the quarterdeck, points her spyglass to the west. She doesn’t see anything at first - her sister has sharper eyes than most, which is why she’s so often their lookout - but, eventually, she finds the dark shape on the horizon line. There it is. The Atlas Navy ship that’s gonna make them all rich. And more importantly, free. 
She tucks the spyglass back in a pocket of her waistcoat. On the lower deck, the crew awaits her orders, rugged faces turned towards her with eyes full of hope and determination. A few feet from her, Weiss, her quartermaster, waits as well, standing by the steering wheel. A hint of nervousness shows in the way her gloved hand grips the pommel of her rapier. 
Yang faces Weiss, grinning. “Time to hunt those bastards. Raise the black.” Weiss’s mouth curves in a smile, white teeth glinting ominously in the sunlight, as does the white oiled cloth of her eyepatch. She turns to the crew. “You heard the captain, we’re going after them. Raise the black! Raise the mainsail! Batten down the hatches!”
The crew scrambles to obey, with the habitual trepidation that comes with an impending fight, and soon they’re picking up speed. Yang feels the wind on her face, toying with her hair, spraying salt on her sunbaked skin. She breathes in, deeply, and checks the loaded pistol at her hip, the broad cutlass hanging from her belt. She’s wearing her combat hook today ; the tip is as sharp as any blade, and more dangerous than most since she’s the one wielding it. Captain Xiao Long, the Dragon of the seas, is ready for battle.
“There’s another one!” Ruby yells, suddenly. Even from so high up, Yang hears the shock in her sister’s voice. “Another ship! Coming from the south, faster than us!”
“Another Atlas ship?” Yang groans, cursing internally. Two ships against one won’t make for an easy fight, even if her Summer Thorn is as sturdy as they come. 
“No, it’s not showing Atlas colors. They’re… Oh, goddamnit. Yang, it’s the Black Cat.”
Yang’s blood boils. Her eyes turn red. “How the fuck did Belladonna find out about this?”
Nobody answers but the wind.
Admiral Cordovin, commander of the Atlesian Fleet, captain of the Iron Boot, Navy veteran, manages to keep her cool as the enemy ship comes at them full speed. That is, until she catches sight of the black flag with white fangs raised on top of the main mast - then she can’t help a whimper of fear. She glances behind her, but the line of soldiers standing at attention doesn’t react. Maybe they didn’t hear. 
“Is that… Is that the Black Cat?” her-second-in-command murmurs beside her, not bothering to mask his terror.
The ship is a schooner, elegant and fast, coursing through the waves like it has a mind of its own. Cordovin swallows, uneasily. Everyone knows seeing the flag of the Black Cat is a bad omen.
“Cannons at the ready!” she orders, voice trembling slightly. The second-in-command gulps. “Ma’am, are we actually fighting them?”
“Not like we have a choice. Captain Belladonna will massacre all of us if we surrender - bloodthirsty savage.”
“Actually,” a voice murmurs right behind her ear, “you do have a choice.”
Cordovin tries to turn around, but there’s an arm around her neck and a knife against her throat, so she stills. From the corner of her eye, she can only see the white and blue colors of an Atlas uniform. Fear must have taken hold of one of her soldiers. ”How dare you threaten an officer of the Atlas Navy, grunt?” she snarls, between gritted teeth. “Let me go at once, or I will have you whipped.”
A chuckle. “Grunt? Oh, I don’t believe I’ve ever been more insulted in my life, Admiral - and I frequent a rough crowd.” The knife presses harder against her skin, drawing blood. “I am no soldier, but my crew will happily give you a fight if that’s what you want. Or should we resolve this like civilized people?” 
“Your crew?” Cordovin says, confused.
“Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, apologies. Blake Belladonna, captain of the Black Cat. You may have heard of me: I am sometimes described as a bloodthirsty savage.”
The blood drains from Cordovin’s face. “What do you want?” she whispers, weakly. 
“I don’t get it. Why haven’t they attacked yet?” Weiss says, furiously pacing on the quarterdeck. Yang shrugs, just as confused. They’ve cautiously approached the scene, and she has a good view through her spyglass. The Black Cat has slid smoothly next to the Iron Boot, but nothing else has happened, no cannon fired, no attempt to board the Atlas ship. 
“Negotiations?” she wonders out loud. 
“The Atlas Navy would never negotiate with pirates,” Weiss dismisses, sharply.
Yang glances at her. Weiss was once part of the Atlas Navy, a promising young officer, before her father threw her out and she ended up on Yang’s ship. She’s always tense when they encounter the Navy. 
“Are we attacking or what?” Ruby asks, impatiently, stepping up the ladder to join them on the quarterdeck. She’s pointing her flint pistol in the direction of the ships. 
“No,” Yang says. “I want to know what Belladonna’s plan is before we do anything.”
She focuses again on the spyglass, studying the situation quietly, until - “There, that’s her.”
In the small circle of the magnifying glass, she watches Blake walk across the gangplank from the Atlas ship to hers, holding another person in front of her. “Hostage?” Yang murmurs, frowning.
The plank is pulled back, and the Black Cat’s crew raises their sails. The ship moves away, slowly. 
“They’re leaving!” Ruby warns. 
“Yeah, I can see that, but why…” Yang cuts herself off as, with one swift, brutal kick, Blake pushes her prisoner overboard.
But this isn’t what leaves Yang open-mouthed and shocked silent. It’s the fact that Blake is waving at her. Clearly aware that she’s being watched. Even worse, she’s full-on smirking. 
For a while, there’s nothing Yang can do but stare. Blake’s black curls are neatly tucked under her tricorn hat, but instead of her usual dark clothes, she’s wearing the uniform of an Atlas soldier - light blue vest opened on a crisp white shirt, white breeches, sturdy boots. Yang may despise the Navy, but damn if their uniform doesn’t look splendid on Blake Belladonna. 
And then, it dawns on Yang exactly why Blake’s grinning : the roll of parchment held tight, victoriously, in her right hand.
Later that evening, Yang stands on the upper deck, thinking. The Summer Thorn is anchored in Menagerie Bay, and Kuo Kuana sprawls in front of her, past the docks, beautiful and dangerous. Remnant’s very own capital of piracy, and notoriously neutral territory, is awake with the raucous sounds of pirates drinking, dancing, eating, singing, and in all probability, fucking. Even the lawless roaming the sea need a place to rest.
The night has fallen. Lights twinkle on the shore, from bonfires and taverns. Behind the town looms the dark jungle.
“So that’s it, then,” Weiss says, mournfully. Yang almost jumps ; she didn’t hear her come near. “We lost the map to Salem’s treasure. We’re done.”
“Not yet.”
Weiss rests her elbows on the wooden railing. The moon reflects off her eyepatch, and her white hair. It makes her look otherworldly - like a ghost.
“We can’t fight them in Menagerie, Yang, it’s neutral territory. We’d be banned from the island.”
“Fighting ain’t the only way to get what you want,” Yang says, slowly.
Weiss frowns. “Stealing? That’s almost as bad if we’re caught. And after today, the Black Cat is gonna be well guarded.”
“She won’t have it on the ship.” Weiss looks at her, surprised. Yang grins. “Belladonna is too careful, and too damn proud, to leave the map under anyone’s supervision but hers. She’s definitely keeping it on her person while they’re out tonight, celebrating their victory. And you know what she loves more than winning? Bragging about it. To me, specifically.”
There’s a pause. Weiss raises an eyebrow, as understanding washes over her face. “You don’t mean to… Yang, there’s no way she’s gonna fall for that.”
“Oh, don’t worry. She will fall for me.”
Blake sits in a corner of the main room in the Sailors’ Luck tavern. Candles fill the space with dim, flickering light, while the roars of laughter and drunken singing seem to bounce off the stone walls. The air is stale with the smell of sweat and alcohol and unwashed clothes, hot and unpleasantly humid, but Blake has never been happier. They pulled off the whole plan perfectly. 
Sun comes back from the bar with two cups of ale and slides in on the bench beside her. “To another victory!” They clink their glasses. Blake pats the left side of her jacket, feeling the bulky shape of the map tucked in the inside pocket. “You did great today,” she tells Sun, who was in charge of the Black Cat while she was posing as an Atlas soldier on the Iron Boot.
He grins, but before he can answer, the door opens. Captain Xiao Long and the crew of the Summer Thorn walk in, greeted by cheers and shouts. They are a popular bunch among the pirates of Menagerie Bay, respected both for their ruthlessness and their generosity. Xiao Long strides toward the bar, smile locked in place. Blake studies her, tense, looking for signs of a threat. But Yang looks like any other sailor on leave - she’s wearing an old, worn-out brown shirt under a simple sleeveless waistcoat, and the orange sash tied effortlessly around her hips doesn’t conceal any weapons. Even her hook sports an innocent-looking blunt tip. Blake bites her lower lip, mind racing. Yang Xiao Long should be plotting revenge right now, not walking into a tavern like nothing’s wrong and Blake didn’t just steal her prize from under her. 
Across the room, Yang turns around, purposefully looking straight at her. Blake isn’t fast enough to avoid her gaze, and their eyes meet. Shit. Yang grabs two glasses from the bar, and makes her way to Blake, not once looking away.
“Uh oh,” Sun whispers. “Trouble incoming.”
“I can handle her.”
“Captain Belladonna, First Mate Wukong,” Yang greets them with a pleasant smile. “Care if I join you?”
“Take a seat,” Blake says. Sun waves awkwardly.
Yang sits, and pushes one of the drinks towards Blake. “To congratulate you,” she says, looking at Blake unabashedly. ”On such an unexpected win.”
“Don’t drink that,” Sun mutters. Yang raises an eyebrow.
“I would never harm one of our own on neutral territory. And frankly, I resent the accusation.”
“Sure you do.”
Yang’s pleasant demeanor doesn’t change, but, somehow, her smile turns dangerous. The sight does something weird to Blake’s stomach, the way a sudden wave might make her feel briefly unbalanced. “If I wanted to take your captain out, I wouldn’t do it secretly. When I kill, it’s with a blade, not poison. I’m no coward.”
“Is that a threat?” Sun balks, half out of his seat.
Blake grabs his arm, stopping him from reaching for his dagger. “Sun, can you give us a minute?”
“… Fine,” he says, reluctantly.
He sends her one last look before stalking off to the bar. Blake watches him go. Sun is her most loyal friend, and fiercely protective of her. He’s been at her side since the very beginning, when she wasn’t anyone’s captain, and the Black Cat was Adam’s. Blake is thankful for him, always, but sometimes he forgets that she can take care of herself.
And, maybe, she’s looking forward to dealing with Captain Xiao Long on her own.
“So,” Blake says, fingers closing around the cup Yang brought her. She can’t help smirking a bit. “You wanted to congratulate me.”
Yang brings her own cup to her lips. She takes a long gulp. “I don’t know how you did it, but you bested me.”
“It wasn’t that hard.”
Yang’s eyes flash with a tinge of red - like a spark of lightning before thunder. Blake’s smirk widens. She loves this. Most pirates in Kuo Kuana fear her, and the rest pity her. They’ve heard the tales of Blake and the Black Cat, how she lead the mutiny against Adam Taurus, how she fought him and killed him and took his place. They’re weary of her. Not Yang, though. In the few years they’ve known each other, competing for the same gold, sailing on the same sea, Yang Xiao Long has been an infuriating rival, yes, but one who treats Blake with respect. And even, sometimes, a sort of playful camaraderie, that…
“How did you learn about the Iron Boot? About the map they carried?” Yang asks, interrupting Blake’s thoughts. She’s leaning back in her chair now, her hook draped on the backrest. The position highlights the muscles of her arms, visible under the tight shirt, the solid knots of her shoulders, the line of her neck. 
Blake sips her drink. “I have my ways.”
She expects Yang’s eyes to flash angrily again, but Yang laughs instead. The sound makes something heat at the bottom of Blake’s stomach. “So mysterious, Belladonna.” She pauses to think.”Was it that girl of yours? The quiet one? Did you send her to eavesdrop on my crew?”
She means Ilia, Blake’s boatswain - and occasional scout. “Maybe,” Blake says, noncommittal. 
Yang licks her lips. “Or was it you?” Blake can’t look away from her mouth, hypnotized, the way they say sailors can’t turn away from the song of sirens. “Sneaking onto my ship, into my cabin, reading my logs, peering over my maps?”
Blake doesn’t deny it, even though she did, in fact, send Ilia. She’s never set foot on the Summer Thorn. Yang’s voice turns husky. “It’s too bad, Belladonna. If I’d known you were there, I would have given you a show.”
“Why would I want that?” Blake protests, unconvincingly.
“Oh, Blake,” Yang says. “You think I haven’t noticed the way you look at me?”
Maybe it’s the words, unveiling so carelessly a truth Blake's never even admitted to herself, maybe the voice, low and wicked and tender all at once, maybe simply Yang saying her name for the first time - but Blake finds herself unable to speak. Spellbound. 
“Qrow always saves me a room when I’m in town. Last door on the right - join me for the night, Captain.”
Without waiting for Blake’s response, Yang gets up and makes her way back to the crowded bar. Blake watches her talk to Qrow, the tavern owner, before disappearing up the stairs.
She waits a minute, two, finishes her drink, scans the crowd. Sun is busy flirting with a local. No one is paying attention to her. She follows Yang upstairs.
As soon as she steps inside the room, Yang closes the door behind her. “Is this an ambush?” Blake teases.
“Of sorts.” Yang places her human hand flat against Blake’s stomach, and pushes lightly until her back hits the wall. Blake looks at Yang’s mouth. She feels almost dizzy with desire, imagining those lips on her. Yang steps closer. She rests her hook near Blake’s face, against the wall. There’s a flash of hesitation in her eyes, as she exhales, lips parted, looking at Blake, waiting… Blake grabs the collar of Yang’s shirt, and pulls her down. She’s done with waiting. She has a victory to celebrate.
They kiss. Yang’s lips taste like rum with a faint hint of salt. Blake slides a thigh between Yang’s legs, greedy, and slips her tongue inside Yang’s mouth when she moans. 
It’s a great kiss, so great that when Yang pulls back to breathe, Blake lets out a small whimper of protest. Smiling, Yang brings her hand up to Blake’s face, holding her jaw with warm calloused fingers, staring at her. The wonder in her eyes takes Blake’s breath away, like a kick in the chest. She touches Yang’s hook, softly, the smooth, cold metal, fingers trailing up to the leather gauntlet and the wooden stump, following up Yang’s arm to the hard point of her elbow, the taut muscle of her bicep. Yang swallows. Her cheeks are dusted with pink, and Blake suddenly wants nothing more than to spend days touching her, exploring with her fingertips the fierce Dragon of the seas. For a moment, they slow to a halt, Blake’s hand on Yang’s arm, Yang’s eyes on her mouth, and it feels like they’re on the brink of something - 
And then, Yang spins Blake around so that she’s facing the wall, and Blake doesn’t think about anything anymore but the press of Yang’s warm body against her back.
When Blake wakes up, a few hours later, Yang is long gone.
So is the map. 
“Xiao Long!”
The voice carries far, reaching the prowl of the ship, and Yang’s ears. She peers over board.
Blake Belladonna stands on the docks in front of the Summer Thorn, framed by Sun Wukong and Ilia Amitolia, long fitted purple coat flowing in the breeze, hair tied under a black tricorn hat with a broad golden brim, two sharp sabers hanging from her belt. Her face is grim, her eyes cold. Yang feels a pang of remorse, which she promptly swallows down.
She tips her own hat. “Captain. What can I do for you?” She puts some charm in her voice, aware of the eyes of her crew on them both. 
Blake glares. “I want the map.”
Yang caresses the wooden railing of the Summer Thorn, nonchalantly. “Which one? I got plenty of ‘em.”
“The one you stole from us!” Ilia retorts, impatiently, raising her flint pistol. Ruby reacts in a heartbeat, her own weapon aimed at Ilia, ready to fire. 
The last thing Yang wants is an outward brawl - not so close to their goal. She puts her hands out, looking at Blake. “I’m sure we can solve this without bloodshed, Captain.”
Blake’s face doesn’t change. “I want a duel. You owe me as much.” Yang considers her. Blake is deadly with a blade, and deadlier with two. She’s never fought her, but she’s watched, and heard enough, to know they are evenly matched. Accepting shouldn’t even cross her mind.
But Blake is right - Yang owes her. She may be a pirate, but it won’t be said she won without honor. And last night felt… She nods. “Deal.”
“Yang, no,” Weiss whispers furiously. “What if you lose?”
Yang grins. “Have you so little faith in me?” To Blake, she yells, “Come aboard, you and your people. Let’s have ourselves a duel, Belladonna.”
In a matter of minutes, the deck is cleared. Yang and Blake face each other in the middle, alone. Everyone else has scattered to the sides, leaving them ample space to move. The rules are simple: the first one to say the words “I surrender” loses. Winner gets the map.
Yang has shed her vest and hat, and rolled the sleeves of her shirt above the elbows, baring the part where her arm ends and the metal hook begins. Her hair is tamed under her orange handkerchief, to keep from falling in her eyes. In her other hand, she twirls her cutlass. 
Blake is wielding both her swords. She watches Yang, lips pressed in a stubborn line. Yang doesn’t know if it’s wishful thinking, or if she really catches Blake’s eyes lingering a bit too long on the dip of her shirt.
But there’s no time for such considerations. Weiss blows her quartermaster whistle - the fight begins.
They circle each other, eyes sharp, careful. Yang tries a few hits. Blake blocks them all easily. not once breaking a sweat. She retaliates, but Yang parries with her blade, and makes her stumble backward.
It’s like that for a while - the two of them testing each other - until Blake suddenly picks up the pace. She darts on the left, twirls around Yang, fences on her right, slashing a line of fire on Yang’s shoulder. She’s so quick, Yang barely dodges her next hit, a stab to the chest. She manages to knock Blake’s sword away, but not before it snags a button off her shirt, leaving her collarbones exposed. 
Blake retreats, a satisfied little smile playing at the corner of her mouth. Yang, breathing a bit heavily, laughs. “Belladonna, you’re gonna have to try harder than that if you want to get my clothes off.”
“You and I both know that’s not true,” Blake retorts. She’s trying hard for indifference, but Yang notices the way her jaw tightens. She uses the distraction, and charges. 
Blake puts up a good fight, but under the full strength of Yang’s assault, she has no other choice but to fall back. Soon, Yang has her pressed to the railing. She takes a wide swipe at her. Blake, in an impressive demonstration of acrobatic skills, jumps up and backward, feet landing on top of the railing as Yang’s blade sinks into the wood. But the railing is damp with seawater, and Blake slips. Just before she falls overboard, Yang catches her by the belt, stabilizing her. Blake exhales in surprise. Yang winks. "You know, I can think of a few easier ways to get you wet." 
Blake glares. She twists from Yang’s hold, vaults from the railing and reaches the main mast. Yang frees her weapon from the wood. She turns just in time to see Blake dropping her swords, spinning around the mast and using one of the sailing ropes to launch herself at Yang.
She’s unarmed, yet she’s never been more terrifying. There’s nothing Yang can do to evade the attack - Bake is coming too fast. So instead, Yang drops her weapon as well, and opens her arms, catching Blake by the waist as she drives her boots into Yang’s ribcage. They both tumble to the ground in a mess of limbs. Yang’s back hits the planks of the deck, hard. Blake lands on top of her, knocking the air out of her lungs. 
Dizzy, eyes burning with instinctive tears at the pain, Yang doesn’t move. Something small and sharp presses against the skin of her neck. When she looks up, Blake is sitting on her hips, holding a knife to her throat. Yang’s heart beats fast, a mix of adrenaline and fear and something else. Something exhilarating. From so close, she can see the sweat on Blake’s brow, she can feel the flex of Blake’s legs around her. The sun, high in the sky, is eclipsed by the gold of Blake’s eyes. 
Blake smiles. "Not the first time I’ve found you in a compromising position, Captain Xiao Long,” she says, with the smooth satisfaction of someone who thinks they’ve won.
Yang commits this sight to memory, Blake victorious, smug, on top of her. Then she pushes her heels against the deck, grabs Blake’s wrist, twists, and with one powerful jerk, dislodges Blake while making her drop the knife. ”If my memory is correct,” Yang says, wincing as pain flares in her wounded shoulder, “I was the one on top."
There’s a brief scuffle, but Blake’s no match for Yang in hand-to-hand combat. It ends with Blake forced on her knees, the tip of Yang’s hook tilting her chin up. Yang breathes out, once, twice. Her crew is cheering. She did it: the map is hers. And yet…
Blake’s eyes are locked on hers, refusing to look away. She’s not cowering in defeat - quite the opposite. Yang reads defiance in her eyes, and pride in the thin line of her mouth, and suddenly Yang’s heart breaks at the idea of making Blake yield. She can’t do it. She’s not the Navy ; she won’t take pleasure in crushing a brave spirit under her heel for the sake of victory.
So before Blake can say anything, she pulls her hook back, and says, loud enough for everyone to hear, “I surrender”. 
Blake follows Yang to her cabin, blood beating in her throat. She’s not sure what she expects, but it’s certainly not the cup of rum Yang offers her. 
She takes it, surveying the room. There’s a bed, in the corner, and a massive desk of polished wood, covered in maps and papers and navigation tools. Yang pushes the mess away from one edge, so she can hop on the desk and sip her own drink.
“Good fight,” she says. Her eyes are on Blake. Her face is sweaty, flushed, eyes still tinted red. Suddenly, Blake can’t look at her. Instead she points at the blood staining Yang’s shirt.
“Are you going to clean that?”
There’s a silence. Blake downs the rest of her drink, and steels her nerves.
“Why did you bring me here?” she demands, calmly. “You could have won.”
Yang’s finger follows the rim of her glass. “I’m… sorry I took that map from you.”
Blake cocks her head. That’s unexpected. Pirates don’t apologize for stealing - it’s what they do.
“I’m especially sorry for the way I did it.” Yang looks up. There’s regret in her eyes, and something underneath it, something raw and powerful and vulnerable that has Blake blinking, her chest hurting with sudden emotion. “But this map is important to me. To my crew. We want to take down the Atlas Navy, Blake. We want to get rid of them once and for all, so we can make the ocean our home without being constantly hunted. But to do that, I need gold.”
She pauses again. Blake’s stomach is bubbling with excitement.
“I need to find Salem’s treasure. And the map I stole from you is our only lead.”
“You want to go after the Navy?” Blake asks, low and hopeful. She’s considered it before, of course - an all-out fight against the people who want them dead - but she never thought they stood a chance. Her wild, joyous, brave, undisciplined crew against the full might and resources of Atlas. 
Yang looks her in the eye. “I do. And I don’t want to have to fight you. I want to fight the Navy with you.”
Blake considers the offer. It’s an easy choice.
“Partners?” she asks, raising her glass.
“Partners,” Yang replies, raising hers. 
And they drink, staring at each other, to new beginnings.
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jokerfan99 · 4 years
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Icebreaking (RWBY/RVB) by Necroceph
*RVB Opening Theme*
Grif: Ugh... Simmons: Grif. Grif? GRIF! Grif: Wha- Mom? Simmons: Nope it's your old pal, Simmons. Grif: Oh man, I had the weirdest dream. There was this blonde chick who emerged from this crashed ship. She was hot as hell, you could've seen her! But then all the sudden she started sabotaging everything just to cover her tracks because she claimed that Command kidnapped her because they chose her to be a new host for O'Malley. Yang: Who's O'Malley?
That was no dream!
Grif: O-oh fuck... me.
He faints again.
Ruby: Not again! That's the third time he fainted. Next one might end up a coma. Sarge: Dagnabbit. Lopez, get a bucket of hydrofluoric acid. Water won't work this time. Lopez: Sí señor. Ruby: Wait won't that kill him? Donut: Nah I think he'll be alright. Probably with just a few bald spots. Ruby: Okay... By the way, Yang, what is Omega? Yang: Hey don't ask me, I only heard it from the guards. But from the way your team reacted, it looks like they know what it is. Ruby: Do you? Sarge: Of course we know him. He's our greatest nemesis. A crazed computer program that tried to kill all of us with his rockets and his laughs. Ah, those were the good old day. Simmons: No it wasn't! He made me call, Sarge a cocksucker!
Simmons: OW! Sarge: Still haven't forgive you for that. Donut: He tried to kill us with a robot army. Lopez: Incluso me secuestró y me convirtió en su asistente personal del mal. Ruby and Yang:... Huuuuuh? Simmons: Christ, let me tell you in detail. Long story short, he's an angry unstable megalomaniac AI used by a mercenary the Blues hired years ago. He went loose and started trying to kill every last one of us while possessing the body of conscientious objector with a rocket launcher. He was destroyed when he went into a Pelican with a bomb rigged inside it. Do you get the jist? Ruby:... Yang:... Ruby: I got lost when you said 'conscientious objector with a rocket launcher'. Simmons: Ugh... you know, forget what I said! Donut: C'mon, Simmons. You'll have to try harder. Give a story a little... 'pizzazz'. Ruby: I don't know what they're talking about, but I really wanna be in their world for five minutes. Yang: Totally. It must've been very fun here before you came. Simmons: Sigh, I don't understand. How did Command get their hands on him? Didn't the Pelican blew up with him and Tex inside? Sarge: Of course it did. I made sure he stayed dead by adding more payload inside the ship, strong enough to obliterate everything in a fifteen mile radius into space dusts. That explosion was a huge sight to behold! Lopez: Realmente no era tan grande. Simmons: And did you remove the ship's radio before that?
Both stared at each other for a moment.
Sarge:... Ah fiddlesticks. Simmons: HOW COULD YOU FORGET ABOUT THE RADIO?! Caboose: Hello! Weiss: Quiet!
Someone's calling from outside.
Yang: Who's that? Simmons: The Blues. Sarge: Captain Ahab's Barnacles, they must be here to salvage the ship for themselves. Damn vultures! Donut, Rose, go handle them. Donut: Wha- what about you guys? Sarge: One: Me and Lopez are trying to wake Grif up with EXTRA pain. And Two: Simmons' is needed here to find where O'Malley is being held at. The black box might contain information where did was being headed. Simmons: I would love to do that, Sir. IF YANG DIDN'T DESTROY THE COMM'S ROOM! Yang: I said I was sorry! Ruby: Why not call, Vic? Maybe he can ask you. Simmons: Oh please. He isn't that dumb enough to give us, O'Malley's exact location... unless... Sarge, permission to rip out the Warthog's radio. I have an idea. Sarge: Now wait a minute, you can't just rip out a piece of the Warthog! That's a penalty of- Simmons: I can do extra shifts. Sarge: Deal! Yang: Hey what about me? I can also fight those guys too. I really need to stretch this punching muscles of mine. Sarge: Punching muscles, hmm? I see why not. Permission granted. Alright, Lopez. Ready to pour that acid on him. Ruby: Yes! It's good to have you fight by my side. Yang: Hey, you're not going to let me miss out the fun. So, Donut. How many out there? Donut: Two. Yang: Two?! I expected more than fifty. Donut: Nah just two. There was suppose to be three more but I'm not sure why they didn't come along. Ruby: Hmm... maybe it's a Blue tactic. The two waiting outside are acting as a distraction while the other three are prepared to ambush us. Yang: That means we'll be surrounded. But that ain't a problem for me once I kick their asses. Donut: You against five of them? Wow, you're a bigger badass than I thought. Ruby: Trust me, she is. Back at basic, she destroyed an entire team all by herself without needing any help. It was awesome. Yang: Thank you. So what do you know about those two? Donut: Well there's Caboose on the tank and then there's Weiss. Yang: A tank, huh? That'll be easy once I throw my homemade... who was the other person?
Weiss: This is the Blue team! Come out with your hands up or be destroyed. There's no point in fighting 'cause we have a tank that outguns your pathetic little Warthog. But if do you seek battle, that's fine by me. That is all.
She turns off the megaphone and turns to Caboose, sitting inside the tank.
Weiss: Alright, Michael. We're just here to talk about the ship, no need to go all guns blazing. Caboose: If we're here to talk with the Red, why did we bring, Sheila here? Weiss: Just for precaution. Plus, I intend to see a shell liquifying both Ruby's legs. Caboose: Okay. Hi, Donut!
Donut appeared on the roof alone. Where is the rest of the Reds?, Weiss thought. Something's up and good thing she brought the tank.
Donut: Hi, guys! Hey where's everybody else? Weiss: Busy scrubbing the floors with their toothbrushes. That's what happens when you don't report anything important to your leader. (whisper) Keep an eye out for, Ruby. We're here to talk about the ship. Do you know what happened to it and where it came from? Donut: Didn't you guy's hear the crash yesterday? Caboose: Weiss didn't hear it because she was singing in the bathroom when it happened. Donut: Ooh can she sing Mordern Major General? Weiss: No. Donut: Sorry, guys. But there's nothing left to trade with you except ash and stuff. And it wasn't carrying anything too. Weiss: We're not here to trade. We got enough SMGs in the armory. How can you be sure it wasn't carrying anything? Donut: Yang told us. Weiss: I-I-I'm sorry, can you repeat what you said? Donut: I said... Yang: (offscreen) Shh! Not now. Donut: I should go back inside. We're quite busy today. Grif fainted not too long ago. Sarge and Lopez are trying to wake him up. Simmons' working on a pet project on communication and I was sewing silk for the winter. Weiss: Silk?! You don't use silk for the winter, you idiot! And winter isn't coming in another six months. Donut: I mean- Sangheili silk. It's a very nice alternative to wool... kinda Weiss: Really? And tel me, what is Rose doing? Donut: Making runs around the base. Weiss: Oh you mean... HER?
Weiss sticks out her foot slightly up in the air. Then a flash of red accident trips on the leg and crashes on the tank, head first. Ouch, that did not go as plan.
Ruby: Ow...! Weiss: Ah, poor old, Rose. Always forget that I've read every move she makes back at Beacon. Alright, Donut, enough games...
The sound of hissing caught her attention. It came from next to her and... oh no. A plasma grenade is stuck onto the turret!
Caboose: Why do hear a snake hissing? Weiss: MICHAEL, GET OUT OFF THERE!
Caboose quicky jumps out from the tank. They both ran away until the grenade explodes, blowing the tank into pieces. Bye bye, Sheila (or her body), you will not be missed.
At Blue Base.
Church and Tucker could see the mushroom cloud erupted on the field. Must be one hell of a fight out there.
Tucker: Man I'm glad we're here cleaning up the base. Hey, Church can I burrow your toothbrush? Church: No.
Back at Red Base.
Weiss: KUFF KUFF... Michael, are you alright? Caboose: Yes, I'm fine. But Sheila... sniff... is dead. Weiss: What the hell was that? There's no way a plasma grenade can create an explosion that big! Yang: Unless it was made by me, YOU WHITE HAIRED BITCH!
That voice, that tone. No it couldn't be. She turned to the direction of the voice and sees a Red soldier carrying the same weapon that almost split her head into a bloody mess. And the only one carrying it is...
Weiss: Oh no...
Yang Xiao Long.
Yang: Hello, Weiss. Long time no see. Caboose: Weiss, is that the angry friend you talked about? Weiss: Yes. Yes she is... RUUUUN!
Weiss grabs Caboose's hand and run away from Yang. However they were stopped when three more plasma grenades land in front of them and exploded, creating two large craters roughly about 12 meters in diameter, six meters in depth.
Weiss: Oh crap! This is Weiss Schnee to Blue base, we require reinforcements, NOW! Yang: NO ONE'S COMING TO SAVE YOUR FIRST CLASS ASS, SCHNEE! Just you, me and these two babies, Mr. and Mrs Fisty.
Yang cracks her knuckles as she approaches towards them, with raging red eyes focused on the one and only teammate who ran away.
Weiss quickly hides behind Caboose, cowering herself away from that golden monster that tried to kill her. Yang stopped as her path is block by Caboose who stood calmly between her and Weiss.
Caboose: Hello... big scary lady... with big boobs. My name is, Caboose. You must be,... Yang. Yang:... Caboose:... Yang:... Uhm...hi? Do I know you? Caboose: Yeah, Weiss told me that t you are the angry friend. She also told me that you and Ruby are sisters and were part of a team in the letters R, W, B and Y. Ruby: Actually it's pronounced... ow my nose!... 'Ruby', with a 'W'. Caboose: Oooh! Wait if it's pronounce Ruby, shouldn't 'W' be a 'U'? Yang: (whisper) Who is this guy? Ruby: That's Caboose. Dumbest member in the Blue team here. Yang: A mentally retarded guy serving in the Blue army, huh? I'll deal with you later.
Yang glares at Weiss.
Yang: So, Weiss. This is where you've been. Stationed in a desolate box canyon with nothing but sand and rocks. I thought you'd be in the Atlesian army by now. Weiss: GULP! Yang: What's the matter, still afraid to face me after all these years? Hmph, how pathetic. To even call yourself a soldier is just embarrasing. Caboose: Hey you can't talk, Weiss like that! She's my best friend. Yang: You... her friend? Caboose: Yeah she may be a little noisy. Weiss: Gee, Michael. Thanks. Yang: SHUT UP! Weiss: EEK! Yang: So you know who I am, that's something. But do you know what she did before she came here? Caboose: Yeah she told me that she was in a base with you during an exam. But it got attack by space pirates who want to steal things, arrrgh. She was then given orders by her teacher to escape because she had to bring back important dates before the pirates steal it. You know I like the Egyptian ones. They're very chewy like gum. Ruby: Don't you mean 'data'? Caboose: Yeah that too. Yang: And what else did she tell you about us? Caboose: Well I know is that Ruby disobeyed her orders to save everybody, leaving the pirates to take over the base. And you kicked a guy's balls because he ordered you to tell everyone to fight back despite the pirates winning. And... Weiss, what did Blake do...? Yang: TO HELL WITH ORDERS! Caboose: Mommy!
Caboose stepped back away from Yang's explosive wrath.
Yang: Those soldiers back couldn't stand a chance against them! I don't give a damn what our superiors ordered us to do, but me and Ruby won't stand idly to see them get slaughtered. And Weiss over there, just left us and those people to die, just for what? A PLACE IN ATLAS' MILITARY! Is that something you would consider her a 'friend'? Caboose:... Yep. Yang: Good... wait, what? Caboose: Uhm... because, no matter what your friends did, he'll always be your friend. Yang: That... is the most stupidest quote I've ever heared. IT MATTERS WHAT SHE DID... TO US! Now move aside so I can pummel her bitchy face! Caboose: Nope. Yang: Sigh... then you left me no choice. EAT THIS!
Yang raises her fist and strikes Caboose, only for him to catch it mid air. His quick reflexes surprised everyone. Yang's tries to yank off her fist from his tight grasps...
... followed by the sound of a metallic crunch. Caboose finally lets go of her hand. Yang looks at her right hand and was shocked to see her hand has been crushed.
Yang: WHAT AND HOW?! Caboose: Sorry! I squeezed it too tight. Weiss: Holy... shit. Ruby: Is... that normal? Yang: No. This was supposed to be made out of titanium and he crushed it... as if it was paper. That's so... metal... RETREAT!!! Ruby: RUNAWAY!!!
Yang and Ruby, run like hell from Caboose. Oh the sweet irony.
Donut: (from afar) Hey, guys. Why are you running, aren't you supposed to fight them? Yang: We're not running. This is the Xiao Long secret technique! Ruby, you didn't tell me he was that strong! Ruby: I didn't know, just keep running!
Weiss emerged from the safety of Caboose's back. She can't believe, they're gone.
Weiss: My God, Michael. How did you do that? Caboose: Oh it was nothing. I don't like bullies harming my best friends. And I like catching hands. Weiss: Nothing? I've never seen Yang run away from fight before. That's was... AWESOME. Since when did you do workout? Caboose: I just drank a lot of milk till my muscles grow strong. That's what they said in the commercials. Weiss: Milk makes your bones stronger, not muscles you beautiful dope. Now then, let's get the hell out of here before Yang come's back!
In the caves.
Vic: Hello, Project Freelancer Operational Command Center. This is your friendly neighborhood, Virtual Intelligence Computer, calling from Blood Gulch. ???: This is Command. What seems to be the problem? Vic: Finally, been calling for ten minutes. Hey listen, your drunk driver called me last night and asked if he can parked right next to the Red base. I allowed and now the ship's here, burnt up to a crisp and sitting there like it's nobody's business. ???: Copy that, V.I.C. Is it the ship, Sanctuary? Vic: That's the one. ???: And what is the status of the subject? Vic: She is hot as hell. Where did you guys pick her up, the Red Light Outpost? ???: Ahem. Vic: Sorry. The good news is, she's a-ok. The bad news, she told the Reds what happened. They're willing to hide that fine body to stroll around their territory, tsk tsk. Send in those Recovery people to pick her up. Also get aclean up crew for this mess. Seeing that ship here is an eyesore. ???: Acknowledge. We'll send in a Recovery squad. And one more thing. How's the Alpha? Vic: Still a hot head as always. Why do you ask? ???: Nothing. We just want to know its current status, that's all. Hehehe... nyehehehehehehe... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! YOU FOOLS! THE DARKNESS WILL CONSUME YOU ALL! NYEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!... Command, out.
Vic: Hmm, must've said somethin' funny. Ah, oh well I'm sure it's nothing serious!
A/N: Sorry the is so rushed. My degree started and I've been busy lately
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/necroceph
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Hii is it okay if i request for some more domestic bees? i am absolutely in love with your writing!! Seeing your posts really brightens my day :DD
Have some moving in day bees! It was the only thing I could come up with at the time. Hope you enjoy 😊
“Finally!” Yang yelled before dramatically falling to the floor of their new home in their box filled living room. “I love our friends and family but I am dead on my feet!”
“Phrasing.” Blake said dryly, smirking when her girlfriend flipped her off. When you’ve fought and won a war against an immortal being and more or less told the Gods that created you to fuck off, you tend to develop a dryer sense of humour.
“Hush your pretty face.” Yang laughed. “You are such a dork.”
Blake walked over and gave Yang a playful nudge with her foot to the ribs.
“I’m not the one who practically fainted during our first kiss.” She quipped.
“I did not faint!” Yang yelled, faux outrage in voice and a smile on her face. “C’mere, you!”
And with that, Blake let out a giggle as Yang pulled her down and into her lap, smothering her face and neck in kisses.
“Gremlin.” Yang mumbled against Blake’s lips. “You absolute gremlin woman.”
“Oh please.” Blake said, pulling back and quirking an eyebrow at Yang. “You love it when I’m feisty.”
“Unfortunately.” Yang sighed, winking at her cheekily.
Blake simply laughed softly, resting her forehead against Yang’s, shifting in her lap and getting comfortable.
“Still can’t believe we have our own place.” Yang sighed. “When’s the furniture meant to be coming?”
“8:00 am tomorrow.” Blake said, reaching up to pull her short hair out of its ponytail, delighting in the admiring look Yang have her. “That’s why we had to come here tonight.”
“I hate that.” Yang whined into Blake’s neck. “It’s so unnecessary.”
“Our furniture isn’t necessary for our home?” Blake asked, placing purposeful emphasis on the “our.”
As expected, she felt Yang smile against her, trailing kisses up her neck to her mouth.
“Oh I could get used to the sound of that.” Yang murmured, hands tracing patterns into Blake’s skin.
“Good. Because you’re stuck with me.” Blake teased, scarred left ear flicking in amusement.
“That suits me just fine, baby.” Yang said softly, gaze tender as she pulled back to look into Blake’s eyes. “I love you, Blake.”
“I love you too, Yang.” Blake whispered, cupping Yang’s jaw and brushing their noses together. “So much.”
The two cuddled on the floor, cursing the lack of couch until Yang spoke up.
“You want pizza? Your mum gave us that new wine, too.”
“That sounds perfect.” Blake said, tucking Yang’s hair behind her ear. “But can we eat on the air mattress? I do not want spend anymore time on the floor than I have to.” Blake huffed, standing up and stretching as she moved to grab her scroll, glancing back at Yang, who was staring at her unabashedly. Blake simply rolled her eyes, cheeks flushing. “Pepperoni and cheese for your half, right?”
“Yup. And anchovies for yours.” Yang said with a grimace. “The fact I let you put so close to my precious pepperoni is a testament of my love.”
“You also still kiss me despite telling me you won’t until I brush my teeth.” Blake grinned cheekily as she put in an online order.
“This relationship has made you smug.”
“Can’t help it.” Blake shrugged as she moved to the kitchen to grab the wine and pull out two wine glasses from a box. Thank Gods for Weiss’s anal retentive labelling. “When a goddess deems you worthy to date her, you’re going to be a little cocky.”
She smirked as she walked into the room, enjoying the blush that took over her girlfriend’s face.
“I love how I can still fluster you like this.” Blake laughed.
“Oh haha, very funny, babe.” Yang muttered as she stood up, smile threatening to split her face. ‘C’mere.”
Blake hummed happily, and after she placed the wine and glasses on a nearby box, draped her arms over Yang’s shoulders, smiling against her mouth and delighting in the arms that had become her home.
When Yang pulled back, she gently guided them in a simple slow dance as Blake rolled her eyes fondly and tucked her head under Yang’s chin.
After everything they had been through, here they were. Dancing among boxes full of belongings in their house; waiting for their furniture.
Could things be more perfect?
And when the pizza arrived, both women made their way to their room and sat on their temporary air mattress as they ate and drank.
“I still can’t believe this.” Yang sighed as they laid back and cuddled after their meal. “Our house. Our furniture. And I know that there’ll be plenty more “ours” in the future. I can’t wait.”
Blake swallowed anxiously before quietly speaking up.
“How about we make our engagement the next one?” She asked, ears pinning nervously.
“As soon as one of us proposes, sure.” Yang chuckled.
“So… now then?” Blake asked as she pulled a small black box from her pocket.
“Blake…” Yang stared in surprise, eyes wide as she sat up. “What?”
“I planned on doing something far more dramatic and grand.” Blake said, giving a small teary laugh. “Bring in all our friends and family. Or go to a fancy dinner. Your sister’s been trying to convince me to do a flash mob.”
Yang snorted, muffling her laugh with her hand.
“But I realised that… everything about us has been dramatic and grand. And that’s just so… us.” Blake said, swallowing thickly. “But after everything we’ve been through, I think we deserve some peace. Something calm. And I’ve always felt most at peace with you, baby.”
She reached over and cupped Yang’s jaw, thumb grazing her cheek.
“You’re my home and my safety. You’re where I find a moment of peace among all the crazy aspects of our lives.” She smiled softly, tearfully. “You’re like the gold that melded my weapon. You’re my hope. My light. My Sunflower.”
Yang let out small, sobbing laugh, leaning into Blake’s hand as Blake flicked open the box with one hand, revealing a simple black band with gold running though it.
“Ozpin told us to choose partners that we’ll work well with for the next four years.” Blake’s voice shook but she met Yang’s eyes. “How would you feel about being with yours for the rest of our lives? Would you marry me?”
Yang let out a sob and nodded, kissing Blake firmly before holding out her hand. Blake places the ring on her finger, planting a gentle kiss on the back of her hand before pulling away.
“Oh my God. This is crazy. Wait here!” Yang laughed through her tears as she ran out of the room, leaving behind a very overwhelmed, very confused Blake.
When she came back, she dropped to her knees in front of Blake and held out another small, black box. Blake’s hand went to her mouth as Yang flipped it open, revealing a gold band with black running through it.
“You beat me to it, you gremlin.” She whispered. “You know… back at Beacon, I called you a lost cause.” She laughed tearfully. “But lost causes are often the ones worth fighting for and you, baby?” Yang ran her hand along Blake’s jaw. “You are so worth it. I love you so much and I am so fucking proud of you and I want to be able to point at you and say “that’s my wife!” to every person that I talk to. So…” Yang pulled out the ring. “Marry me?”
Blake laughed tearfully and held out her own hand, accepting her ring and promptly tackled Yang to the bed, crying and nuzzling into her neck.
They fell asleep wrapped up in each other’s arms, loving murmurs being shared as they talked about their future.
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akaluan · 4 years
Erich/Kisuke/Alexis: Soulmate AU + Character in Peril Part 13
Having someone — two someones — constantly at his side is… disorienting. Even his aide hadn’t been quite so glued to his side, the two of them knowing the other’s routine and content to work with — and around — the other to get their jobs done.
(He… misses Beltz, for all that Degurechaff has proven herself more than competent.)
(Someday he might even have a chance to mourn…)
Alexis shoots him a concerned look, and Erich gives a minute shake of his head.
(He’s fine.)
(He’s fine, he’s fine, he’s fine.)
(Just one more body, one more name, to add to the ever-growing list of those he’s lost in this foolish, endless conflict.)
(And now his soulmates are here, are next to him, are in danger—)
Urahara presses into his side just the tiniest bit, head tilted away and gaze fixed on the map and papers spread across the table in front of them. He’s focused, a tiny furrow between his brows and his pale eyes flat as he takes it all in, and Erich can almost believe that the touch is accidental.
Urahara is hesitance-uncertainty-awkwardness against him, body tense and feet planted, belying the mask of ease that he’s trying to project. It’s… strange to realize that a Reaper is nervous about him but… Erich can’t figure out what else it could be.
(Or maybe not so strange?)
(Urahara has been both everything and nothing like he expected a Reaper to be.)
Erich drags his mind back to the present and shuffles the papers in front of him while he tries to catch up with the report Weiss is giving. Not that there’s much unexpected out of the man’s mouth; they’re isolated, unable to call for backup, and being driven further back into the Empire with every week that passes.
There are markers on the map, little wooden tokens tracing the noose slowly closing around their necks.
Little hand-carved wooden tokens denoting their slow, lingering death.
(He… almost wishes he hadn’t dragged his soulmates here to his side.)
(He knew their position, knew their danger, but seeing it like this is…)
(He’s so tired…)
Alexis’ fingers drum against the table, a seemingly absent pattern that he recognizes as their childhood code for ‘talk’. It’s easy enough to remember how to tap ‘later’ back at her, and even easier to flatten his hands on the table edge in a silent appeal to let him think.
He doesn’t know what she wants to talk about, but he doubts it will be good news.
‘Good news’ is a rare commodity these days, and even when it arrives… well. There’s always a caveat.
Weiss’ report comes a close and Erich frowns down at the table in front of them, trying desperately to come up with some plan, some miracle, that will let them survive another week, another day.
(He’s given up all pretense of winning.)
(Now he just wants to survive.)
Erich stares down at the map. Tries to summon even a fragment of General Zettour’s skill. Tries to dig into his memory for something that will help, will save them, and…
He can’t.
He can’t.
His mind is blank and his hands are trembling against the table and he can’t save them.
Degurechaff glances at him across the table, and there’s a blankness in her gaze that’s perversely steadying. If even she, genius and strategist and reincarnate that she is, can see no clean way out for them—
He takes a breath. Clenches his hands. Leans forward with an arched eyebrow and a challenging stare and—
Gets to work.
(He can’t afford to be paralyzed by despair.)
(They’ll come up with something.)
(They have to.)
In the end, despite all their back and forth and all their attempts to strategize, more of the same is what he and Degurechaff settle on. More small raids, more careful retreating, more giving ground when such a thing would once have set both their teeth on edge.
(Frankly, it still does.)
(They just can’t afford to pander to pride over reality.)
They have too many wounded, too many exhausted and demoralized soldiers, to try for anything else. Their men can fight — will fight — because those who remain are mostly his or Degurechaff’s and thus loyal to the bone, but… it’s wearing on them. On all of them.
(The trick to guerrilla warfare, Degurechaff insists, is fervent belief and stubborn will, neither of which they have in abundance.)
(So the best they can do is keep moving, keep one step ahead, and hope that they survive.)
“General, if I may make a suggestion?” Alexis speaks into a lull, drawing everyone’s attention to her. She quirks a smile at Erich’s arched eyebrow, but her tone is level and serious when she says, “Rerugen lands are three days hard march from here. We have supplies and healers of our own, though they’re mostly herb-women and family doctors, and we have plenty of room for everyone to have a solid roof over their head.”
Erich purses his lips and glances aside; Alexis is right on all accounts and has the legal right to make the offer, since she’s the Rerugen head while he’s away at war, but it’s still… awkward.
(They don’t often allow outsiders onto their lands.)
(To accept two entire battalions of men, even as small as they are…)
“Rerugen-san…?” Urahara murmurs, fingers brushing against Erich’s elbow as concern-curiosity-loyalty slips through their connection.
(Correction, two entire battalions and one Reaper.)
“She offers our family home as refuge,” Erich informs the man, already puzzling over how best to handle bringing a Reaper home without everyone and their sibling crying for his dismissal. If the world was fair, he’d have had time on his side; time to grow used to Urahara, time to learn if Urahara was being truthful, time to introduce the man slowly to the rest of his family, but—
There isn’t time.
There isn’t time and that means bringing a potentially hostile Reaper deep into Quincy lands and—
“Ah. I’ll leave when we get close—”
“You will not,” Erich interrupts, narrowing his eyes at the man. “You will stay near me instead of going away. I will… need your weapon for…” he pauses, fumbling for the words, and sends Degurechaff a pleading look when he can’t find what he needs in his memory.
Degurechaff sighs and speaks for him, not even waiting for him to explain what he’d been trying to say. “You’ll stay with General Rerugen at all times, especially in public. Don’t stray far from him, don’t go anywhere without him, and don’t do that weird appearing and disappearing thing of yours. You’ll need to hand any weapons over to General Rerugen while we’re on Rerugen lands, including your sword, which… where is your sword?”
Urahara laughs awkwardly and leans back from the table, rubbing at the back of his head as he says, “Maa, I hid it so I wasn’t… well…” He grimaces and glances down at Erich, something like apology in his gaze as he says, “After that first confrontation, I… figured it was best if I didn’t come armed.”
“Thank you,” Erich murmurs, fighting back a shiver at the very idea of Urahara showing up with that distinctive sword at his hip. “Thank you, Colonel,” he says with a nod in Degurechaff’s direction, then purses his lips and stares down at the map in front of them. “Your opinions on the offer?”
Silence answers him, and when he looks up, Degurechaff is staring at the map and chewing on her lower lip. He can almost see the wheels turning in her mind, can sense the weighted consideration in her spiritual presence, and when she looks up there’s a measure of resignation about her that tells him her answer even before she speaks.
“I think it’s a viable option, sir,” she says evenly before her gaze cuts over to Alexis. “Are you certain of this, ma’am? We appreciate it, but giving us shelter is going to paint a target on all of your backs.”
“A target that’s already there,” Alexis answers without hesitation. “Many of our men are soldiers or officers, and all of us know how to fight, even our women and children. I’ll send our most vulnerable to our hidden shelters, and the rest of us will use the land to our advantage. You were talking earlier about guerrilla warfare being an unviable option for you, but it isn’t for us.”
Erich doesn’t react to the looks that Alexis’ words earn him from both Weiss and Schwarz, already knowing why they’re concerned. He knows what their training looks like to outsiders, knows how strange it is that they’re one and all capable of a minimum of self-defense, but…
(Their history is not a kind one, and they have grown harder to compensate.)
Degurechaff huffs and says, “If things become dangerous—”
“We know when to retreat, Colonel Degurechaff,” Alexis cuts her off. “And we have plenty of places to hide. More than enough even for you men, though I dare say they might find some of them… strange.”
Erich swallows his amusement and glances away before he can begin to laugh; ‘strange’ is an understatement, considering many of the spaces are carefully reinforced Quincy zones, anchored to hidden caves or underground bunkers. Good for training in or hiding from unpowered humans, but… distinctly unnatural in appearance.
(He’ll have to try and avoid sending any of his men into those spaces.)
(There are a few caves hidden by subtle wards instead, those will suit his soldiers much better.)
“If you’re certain,” Degurechaff says with a hint of skepticism, then leans over the table and scans the map. “Where exactly…?”
Erich reaches out and outlines the approximate location of his lands. “Here.”
She takes it all in, eyes narrowing as her mind gets to work, and then gives him a firm nod. “It’s as good a plan as any, sir, especially if your people have places we can hide out that aren’t likely to be found.”
“Not by any army our enemies can muster,” Erich answers her without hesitation, knowing it for the truth it is. Empowered humans are rare outside of lineages like his own, and he really doubts the enemy soldiers count any amongst their number.
Weiss and Schwarz exchange skeptical looks, clearly thinking about all the ways they know to hunt down and locate entrenched soldiers, but say nothing out loud.
(At this point, they’re all grasping at straws, no matter how absurd they seem.)
(Even a ghost of a chance to survive is better than nothing.)
“Is there anything else that needs to be addressed?” Erich asks when the silence begins to stretch, looking between his officers. When all three of them shake their head, he straightens up and tucks his hands behind his back. “Then you’re all dismissed. Get the camp ready, we’ll leave tomorrow at 0500 hours. Schwarz, I leave the gathering of squads for hit and run raids in your hands, coordinate with Weiss on personnel.”
“Yes sir,” Schwarz says, snapping a sloppy salute out as he does.
The two Majors file out of the tent at last, and Erich sighs, closing his eyes and rubbing at the corner of one in an attempt to chase away the stress he can feel building.
(Everything’s a mess.)
(They’re losing ground, losing hope, driven from their position by nearly fifty kilometers and cut off from the rest of the army.)
(And now they’re retreating further, aiming to hide away like cowards, like beaten curs, and there’s nothing he can do about.)
(Because they’ve been beaten like Degurechaff warned him they would be, squashed beneath the might of the entire world, and…)
(He fears what is to come.)
“Just a little longer, sir,” Degurechaff murmurs, startling him from his thoughts. Her pale blue eyes are worn-resigned-sharp but her bearing is still firm, still strong, and it… helps. Not much, but it helps. “We’ll make it through.”
He forces a smile for her, knowing it looks as haggard as he suddenly feels, and says, “I will hold you to that, Colonel.”
She nods once, glances at Urahara in question, then reluctantly stalks from the tent when Erich shakes his head.
(He’ll be fine.)
(He doesn’t need her hovering when there are things she needs to take care of.)
(Frankly, there are things he needs to take care of as well.)
Urahara’s warm hand settles on the small of his back as the man nudges him away from the table and towards the stack of crates to the side, which are about the only place to sit down in the tent.
“I’m fine,” Erich grumbles, dredging up enough exasperation to shoot Urahara a look.
“Of course you are,” Urahara says, voice bone dry. He moves his hand from Erich’s back to brush it against his right arm, bringing their shared mark into sharper focus in his mind.
Erich grimaces at the reminder and reluctantly sits down; it’s not often someone can call his bluffs so easily, and he’s a little unsettled by the idea. Alexis at least pretends she can’t, most of the time, even though they both know that’s a lie. She just… handles it differently.
(He’s not entirely certain how he feels about a Reaper fussing over him…)
“I didn’t realize how bad it was even here,” Alexis murmurs as she takes a seat next to him, her feet swinging a bit and her gaze distant.
“It’s… not been good, no.” Erich sighs and rubs at his temple, carefully breathing through the brief spike of panic as Urahara looms over him for one sharp, endless moment and… sits down on his other side.
(The worried-regretful-sheepish look Urahara sends him is almost worse.)
(Damnit, he doesn’t want to care!)
“It’s… not much better elsewhere,” Alexis says idly, flatly, gaze still distant and presence muted at his side. “We Quincy are surviving because we’ve long grown and supplied our own needs, but elsewhere… even civilians are feeling the pinch, my love, and many of them are beginning to rebel.” She heaves a sigh and casts a glance at him out of the corner of her eye. “Many of our enlisted family have… returned to the Quincy lands in the past month. Those that yet live.”
(Deserters, she means.)
(Erich can’t blame them.)
(Isn’t that what they’re about to do, too?)
“I have a bad feeling about what’s yet to come,” Erich can’t help but murmur, even as he fumbles for his pocket watch, patting at his pockets with a growing frown. He needs to check the time, needs to know how many hours he has left in the day—
Urahara catches his hand and turns it palm up, gently setting Erich’s pocket watch in his open palm and folding his fingers over it. “I didn’t have a chance to return this earlier,” he says sheepishly, a little smile curling the corners of his lips as his hands withdraw.
Erich blinks down at his pocket watch, mind finally catching up with reality. “Thank you,” he murmurs as he flicks the lid open and checks the time.
(Good, he has some time to check his troops before dinner.)
“It’s very pretty,” Urahara offers almost awkwardly, swaying closer to him and leaning in to peer at the watch-face before Erich flips it closed again. “Though it seems very old.”
“It was my grandfather’s,” Erich says as he clips it in place and tucks the watch away in its usual pocket. “He had it much of his life.”
Surprise-wonder-loyalty slips through their connection, and Erich has to wonder what he did this time to surprise the man; it’s certainly not unusual for soulmates to pass heirlooms between each other, especially something practical like a watch. But… maybe it is unusual from a Reaper’s point of view?
(Do Reapers even have family?)
(How does their society even work?)
Alexis’ fingers intertwine with his own and she lifts his hand to press a kiss to the back of it. “What now?” she asks once she has his attention.
“Walking,” Erich tells her dryly, amused by the flat look she gives him in return. “I need to check on the men again, let everyone see both of you at my side. Maybe see if we can teach Urahara some Imperial in the process.”
“That’s sure to be entertaining,” Alexis says, leaning into his side to brush a kiss along his jawline.
Wistfulness creeps into his mind, and he shares a brief look with Alexis, both of them knowing the cause; they can’t extend their closeness to Urahara, not yet, not with so many unknowns and so much fear-anger-hatred between them, but… they can be kinder to him. Limit their blatant affections so as to not inadvertently tease the man.
(They’re not trying to be cruel, but… that doesn’t mean they aren’t being cruel.)
“Come on,” Erich says to Urahara as he stands up and straightens his uniform. “I have men to look at. I can teach a bit of my language too, as we go.”
Urahara perks up at his words, smile bright-cheerful-masking but… Erich suspects there’s some truth to it this time, that his paltry offer has made Urahara genuinely happy, and… it warms something in him to see it. To know that, at least for now, he’s helped.
He wants to help, wants to have, wants both his soulmates at his side the way all the best legends end and… and maybe that’s not for him, maybe he’ll never manage to reconcile Reaper and soulmate, mortal enemy and life partner, but… he wants it.
(Wants safety-concern-care, wants loyalty, wants love…)
(Now if only he could trust…)
Erich sighs and runs a hand through his hair, fingers tangling a bit in the start of curls, and forcefully shoves those thoughts aside.
“Rerugen-san?” Urahara asks, voice concerned and one hand awkwardly half-extended as if he was about to offer aid and second-guessed himself.
“The war,” Erich offers, a lie but also a truth, and steps around Urahara, ignoring the quicksilver darts emotions that he can sense from the man. If Urahara wants to cal him on his words, let him. They have other things they need to be doing and limited time to do them in.
“Maa, alright then,” Urahara says as he follows Erich from the tent. “I promise I’m a fast learner!”
Erich smiles faintly at the man’s clear enthusiasm, mind drifting to the promise of genius-fidelity-perseverance traced across his skin in the shape of a blooming plum tree. He doesn’t yet know how much is current truth and how much is future promise, but… it’s a hopeful sign.
(At this point, he’ll cling to any scrap of hope no matter how fragile.)
(It’s about all he can do, after all.)
(Just a little longer…)
(They can make it.)
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spahhzy · 4 years
Alchohol for Dummies part 2.
After a good ten minutes of 'Feeling sorry for myself' Jaune made his way back to JNPR's dorm. He was lucky enough to find it empty as he wasn't sure with the combined hangover and Nora's hyperness he would survive.
Taking a quick shower and getting himself fresh set of clothes, he was ready to gear up, tying around his waist his belt and fashioned his leather holster on his right leg.
A gleam coming from the corner of the room caught his eye as he saw the sun cast brightly on the family heirloom. The one he stole...
Walking over he picked up the blade and studied it for a minute giving it a good swing or two before holding it in both hands. It...just didn't feel right. Holding Crocea Mors just didn't feel right with him.
He set the blade back down and his gaze traveled to shield standing proud next to its brethren. Jaune reached out but just as he was about to make contact he pulled back and let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding.
Sighing he made his way to his bed that had his bag ontop. opening it up Jaune pulled out his revolver and when the pistol made its way into his hands. Jaune found a strange sense of peace. What was it that Ruby said 'a weapon is apart of one's soul'?
"Or was it semblance?" Jaune muttered to himself still looking at the weapon in hand before getting up from his bed and spinning the revolver perfectly into his side holster.
Looking at his scroll he checked the time which showed that he still had ten minutes left to get to professor goodwhich class. He made his was to the door but not before casting one more glance to Crocea Mors and the shield the protected his family for generations before leaving to class.
He could feel today was gonna be a long day.
He was right.
"Where have you been? Where you hurt? Did you kill anyone? How come you didn't didn't call!? Everyonewasworriedsickbutnotmeiknew-" It took all of Jaunes will power to tune her out and ignore her rampant twenty questions.
Looking past her he saw the rest of his teammates Pyrrha who was smiling happily at him and Ren who was looking stoick as ever.
"Glad to see you are alright Ren" Jaune said shuffling past Nora and Ren just chuckled.
"Do you remember what happened last night?" Ren asked to which Jaune shook his head " Only rmemeber waking up in the courtyard today by Ozpin and Glynda...its crazy I was suspended or something" joked Jaune as they all took their seats. Surprisingly Team RWBY hadn't arrived yet.
"Didn't Ozpin say that Team RWBY helped...uh apprehend us?" Jaune whispered to Ren who just shrugged. It wasn't long before the main room door opened up and their looking like they've fought grimm all night long was a tired Team RWBY.
"Sorry Proffesor...we were looking all night for a missing....." trailed off an exhausted Ruby as her eyes caught on to Jaune as if new life was cast into her Ruby used her semblance and launched at Jaune and into one big hug knocking him over in the process.
"JAUNE YOUR ALIVE!" Shouted the young reaper to which Jaune tilted his head " we were trying to find you all night but once Weiss lost you it was like you vanished!" Jaune chuckled nervously.
"Sorry Rubes uh...didn't mean to cause you a scare" he told her setting her back down just in time as he felt the air turn very cold.
"So you think....its alright to keep us up through all hours of the night hmmm?" Came the icy voice of the schnee heiress. Now Jaune was betting man. When a woman talks like that you can either do two options: Fold and pray they show mercy or Call their bluff and hope you didnt bury yourself any deeper.
"Of course not Snow Angel though its is wonderful to know I can keep you up all through the night" Jaune maybe a betting man but Jaune was not a SMART man.
Blake and Yang just plopped into their seats too tired to really care though Yang looked into her scroll as she received a recording from Junior that night. This recording was of Jaune and Rens drunken adventure all throughout the night.
"Why you scraggly blonde-" " Miss schnee if you would so kindly take a seat" Came the voice of Miss Goodwitch "Miss Rose please get to your seat as well so class can begin.
Weiss just glared holes into Jaunes head as he just chuckled at her and offered a sorry to her.
Combat class went on without a hitch as a few student went down to perform. Jaune recieved at tap on his shoulder. He looked to see Ruby looking at him questionly.
"Whats up Rubes?" He asked and Ruby tried looking around him as if she was trying to find something.
"Where is your weapon Jaune didnt you say you went to get it back from a couple a thieves" damn he hated lying to her.
"Oh yeah I got it back alright...its just I've been without it so long that I just had a habit of forgetting" he told her in half truth.
"So how are you gonna fight?" Good question. He was sufficient in hand to hand combat, his old teacher taught him that much, he motioned her too look down at his holster and her eyes widened at the revolver sitting their.
"Ooooooh can I see can I see! " she bounced in the chair practically and Jaune just chuckled before handing her the revolver.
"You truly have a thing for the classics huh?" She said appreciatively as she inspected the weapon. Something did catch her eye, some engravings on the barrel.
" nac aspera terrent?" Ruby said aloud and Jaune just nodded "whats it mean?" She asked but was cut off as Miis. Goodwitch called class to a close.
"I'll tell ya someother time Rubes...now if you'll excuse me I gotta go avoid certain death from..." He didn't get far in his speech as a certain blade from the Icy queen flew straight by him.
"Gotta go!" And off he went with and angry heiress on his heels.
"Get back here Arc and die like the dolt you are!"
The rest of team RWBY and JNPR just laughed.
Ysng elbowed Ren in the side as she pulled out her scroll " so Ren you wanna see what happened at the club you and Jaune went to?" To which Ren just stared wide eyed.
Night time came and Jaune was well on his way to falling asleep with all this home work that professor port has given him. Seriously how far back did grimm history go!
"Jaune" the voice was from Ren.
If it meant giving his brain a rest sure turning to meet Ren he was met with a less then stoic face...was his eye...twitching?
"Buddy are you alright?" Jaune asked slightly unnerved at how Ren was acting. Ren said nothing just slamming his scroll in front of Jaune.
"This video I am about to play is our whole night last night..." Jaune just looked on and gulped.
Ren pressed play.
" You know Jaune I gotta say thanks" Ren said casually still drinking his first bottle of beer. Jaune looked at him confused.
"You aint gotta thank me...my first initial response to your slump...was less then ideal" Jaune laughed and Ren rolled his eyes.
" its been a crazy start to school and I'm" he was cut off by someone else
"It's been a crazy start to school and i'm" a male voice came repeating Rens words but a noticeable slur in his voice. Jaune was annoyed.
"Will you just shut up!"
"Will you just shut up!"
Great. Mimicry.
"Be quiet buddy"
"...man you Beacon boys are so uptight" Jaune just rolled his eyes looking at the beer bottle in his hands. Ren sensing Jaune annoyance tried to be the calmer head.
" Leave the man alone " and Jaune wasnt sure if he was telling him that or the other drunken fool that. Nevertheless Jaune weighed his options.
A: Beat the man within an inch of his life and hope he doesn't come back.
... as fun , and possibly deserving of it, it would make Beacon look bad.
B: Threaten the man but thats pretty much the same as option A without the bodily harm...option c it is.
"Leave me alone...people have been leaving me alone for near on 10-"
"Look buddy" Jaune started putting his beer down and looked at the older drunk gentlemen.
"Your a charming fellow eh?" He looks at Ren " one of the best! But me and my teammate here are having a team meeting so could you possibly leave us alone?" Jaune asked putting his hands up on the guys shoulders.
"No offense intended!" The drunk man just sighed before walking away from the duo grumbling.
"Just trying...to be friendly.." and walked off to some other corner of the bar.
Jaune looked at Ren and Ren looked at Jaune, both just chuckled before downing their beer.
"Ah another one bartender please!" Too which to more beers slid into Ren and Jaunes grip.
"Well here to number two!" Jaune said and raised his glass to which Ren met halfway.
"Okay surely that was it I mean I did say two!" Jaune said looking up from the scroll at Ren who just shook his head.
What was originally planned for two turned into one more...and that one more turned into one more.
"Caaan yous play Despacito for me mr. Dj man" came the slur question of one Jaune Arc as he tried to get the DJ to play something to which the DJ man just ignored him.
"Youuus suck" turning around he realized that his poor teammate had disappeared! Oh no! That pancake fiend will hurt him!
"Renny! Buddy where are you" he tried calling out but to know avail.
"Hey you seen my buddy Ren anywhere?" He asked one of the guests here and they shook their heads.
Looking around Jaune tried to find his missing buddy. He saw a couple of women standing by the VIP room.
"Scuse me nice ladies buuut I can't seem to find my friend, do you know where he went?" He slurred out and almost stumbled. The ladies annoyed at him just said no. Jaune just sighed and stumbled away.... if he didn't find Renny oh brothers...his poor knees.
"Helloo oh leader of leaders!" Jaune looked up to see Ren up on the second floor.
"What are you doin up there?" To which Ren just shrugged Jaune made his way to the second floor just in time to see Ren balance a beer bottle on his head.
" I...I don't know J-Jaune this beer bottle...its like us.. its like...pancakes" Ren said giggling as he turned towards Arthur but the sudden movement cause the bottle to fall and break. Luckily no one was near by but the bar tender did leer at them b efore cleaning up. To which both of them laughed.
It wasn't long before another bottle of beer was in their hands....
They were leaning against the railing and Jaune just needed to know.
"Soooo tell me....what made...you so...distracted?" Jaune asked to which Ren just laughed.
"You'd probably....think badly...of me" He said as he took another swig of his beer to which Jaune laughed him off.
"Aww nonsense we're teammates...famillyy tell your big brother" he teased and Ren just blushed.
"Well I was...uh more like...entranced by Nora's" Jaune held out his ear as he couldn't really here what the boy was saying.
"I'm sorry imma ...little drunk it seems...what didja say?" Jaune asked and Rens blush just intensified
"I was staring at Nora's ....utt" Jaune just got closer
"I was staring at NORA'S BUTT! " Ren yelled out to which Jaune just looked at him and laughed.
" you....means to tell...me you almost got...slapped by a grimm cause...Nora's ass!" Jaune just slapped his teammate on the back.
"Just make sure you invite me to the wedding buddy" to which Ren choked on his beer.
Jaune looked at Ren.
Ren looked at Jaune.
"Her ass...really?"
"Keep watching and I won't kill you"
"What about you oh fearless leaaader...how come you don't have a girlfriend" asked Ren and Jaune just pouted.
"I guess...im just not good enough.." he said sadly before he chugged his beer down. Jaune kept talking more to himself and not aware that Ren had gone off else where.
"See and thats the thing about..." Jaune stopped realizing Ren had disappeared yet again!
"Come here you slippery bastard" came commotion from down stairs Jaune looked over the rail to see Ren sitting atop the bar table holding a broken beer bottle infront of him to hold back the attackers.
Jaune unsteadily made his way to save his teammate.
"Leave my teammate alone ya damn...damn fools!" Jaune said almost falling down the stairs he was descending.
Two other men trying to subdue the drunken Ren stopped and looked at Jaune. The bar tender looked at Jaune before dialing a number on his scroll.
"Who do you think your talking to boy?" Said the patron obviously fed up with the pair but Jaune wasn't having any of it.
"Nobodies...talking to a pair of nobodies" he said as he got face to face with the one of the patrons and shoved him.
"Get lost buddy!" He slurred which only spurred the two men's anger.
"You best shut up" said one to which the other agreed .
"Yeah best time you learn to watch your mouth!" And one of the patrons raised their fist.
"Oh fuck did..did we kill any body?" Jaune asked to which Ren just shook his head 'No' to Jaunes relief.
"I'm like a biiiiiird I'll only flyyyy away...i don't know where my souuuul is, I don't know where my hooome issss" Came the voice of Jaune singing with Ren as background singer and the two previous patrons playing music.
"...I didn't think I could sing" Jaune said out loud.
A thunk to the head was all he got in response.
Camera cuts to Jaune sloppily walking out of the men's restroom.
"Reeeennnnnnnny!" He screeched as he once again lost his friend.
"Renny...you...you bastard!" As he walked around to try and find Ren.
He walked up to one of the patrons.
"Renny my buddy!" Jaune pointed but the man just looked at him confused.
"Im not a 'Renny'" to which Jaune just gasped before pointing at him and shouted "imposter!" And leaving.
This continued for a few more minutes. Jaune going up to random people and calling them 'Renny' and them telling him they got the wrong person to which then Jaune just shouts imposter over dramatically.
It wasnt long before Ren actually grabbed Jaune by the shoulders.
"Jaune....what are ya doin?" He slurred and all he got was a slap to the face. Clutching his cheek Ren chuckled before delivering a slap of his own . To which Jaune slappex him back and vice versa.
It wasnt long before they were back at the bar again.
"Y-y-you kno-know your a good friend and leader" Ren said patting Jaune shoulder to which Jaune batted his hand away and raised his bottle once again.
"Cheer!" And was about to go for another drink when the beer was taken out of his hands.
"Cheers" it was the same man from before mimicking him!
"Thats it! I've had it with you!"
Camera cuts to Jaune taking the man to the bathroom and it was a few before he came out and another few minutes before the poor man came out too his suit was all wet.
"You both need to leave now!" Shouted the bar tender as both Jaune and Ren put their hands up in surrender not wanting to cause more of a scene as they both exited the club. The door shutting behind them with a thunk.
"Surely that's it right?" Jaune asked desperately and Ren shook his head before scrolling down to another video
"Yang took this one" He said and press played
Jaune and Ren just laughed at the events that had transpired both falling to the floor clutching their sides.
"Renny!/Jaune!" Came the voices of Nora, Ruby and Pyrhha followed closely behind by the rest of Team RWBY.
"Ren...Run! The punishment will be...toooo severe!" Jaune whispered to Ren who nodded and slowly they got up.
"Are they....running? " called out Weiss to which Nora and Ruby came bolting down like a thunderbolt.
" stop right their you two!" Said Ruby using her semblance to get closer to Jaune
"Neeeeeeeveeerr!" Screeched Jaune as he started running he looked back to see Ren getting tackled by nora. Jaune just let out a silent prayer. Running albeit sloppily through a back alley he just had to hope over this fence and he'd be home free!
"Oh no you don't you drunken dolt stop!" Gasp the evil white witch stood in his path! And the flower girl was on his tail! If he were to stop now he'll be caught!
He increased his speed as Weiss just stood her ground arms outstretched ready to capture the drunken arc. Ruby was gaining and almost within reach.
It was now or never!
Jaune suddenly stopped mere inches from Weiss. Weiss smiled happy thst Jaune came to his senses but was confused when jaune just ducked.
"Weiss get out the waaaay" Weiss liiked just in time to see rose petals collide with her sending them crashing. Blake, Pyrrha and Yang just looked down in time to see the crash as Jaune just whooped and climbed over the fence and ran away shouting
"You'll never take me aliiiiive!" Which echoed suddenly the Camera shifted back to Yang and Blake.
"Well that could have gone better" Blake said to which the camera cut off.
Jaune was rubbing his temples as he felt a migrain begin to form.
So much for one or two drinks...
"I know Jaune"
"...never again"
In keeping to canon somewhat of Jaune taking Crocea Mors but him having the use of an old school revolver. I'm gonna make a separate story on how he steals the sword and shield.
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