#what’s the phobia for being stared at? because tw for that
lovelesslittleloser · 11 months
Headcannon that with Watcher powers, Grian is able to make anyone think he is staring unnervingly at them when he’s actually looking somewhere else, which he uses in business meetings to play Pesky Bird on his phone while making his boss uncomfortable
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yan-lorkai · 2 months
Haiii can I request some hcs or a small fic of Ruggie with a reader who’s very socially awkward (basically like bocchi if you know the show) but has a very obvious puppy crush on him?
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: I honestly was saving this rq because I wanted to watch Bocchi first since you mentioned it. And I was not disappointed, though I'm still in ep5 I already love them all. Reader in this is pretty much Bocchi coded.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Yandere content, reader stutter and overthink quite a lot here, very soft Ruggie + nicknames ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ
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You can do it, you are capable! You repeated to yourself in front of the mirror for the tenth time that day, determined to do something you'd never done before: have a whole conversation with Ruggie.
It was something extremely small and simple, and other people would judge it as a somewhat foolish wish. But other people didn't have social phobia, they didn't get scared or panicked or feel like thousands of eyes were on them, other people didn't live in your shoes to understand what you went through on a daily basis. But for Ruggie, it was worth trying to overcome your fears, he was worth it even if it drained you immensely to be in the epicenter of the hurricane (in the middle of a bunch of people), feeling as if everyone was looking and laughing at you.
In the mirror a small smile adorned your face. Everything will be fine!
You left your room with confident steps, after all spending time with Ruggie always made you confident as if nothing in the world could bring you down or go wrong. On you, he had this kind of effect. In addition to being calming for your ever-so-anxious mind. Being with him was like playing your guitar, it was natural, comfy even.
You have yet to play the guitar to him as he had asked if he could hear you when he found out you could play. You were already imagining playing alongside him. What you were imagining made you happy, even when you bumped into someone else and apologized, awkwardly, embarrassed by your clumsiness.
Though when you did find him, Ruggie was talking with Leona, the atmosphere seemed tense, as if they were discussing something serious. Or your mind was only creating yet another unprovable scenario, as usual, though even if that's was the case you were already trembling subtly, as a kitten learning how to walk.
Despite being on good terms with him, you couldn't shake off the feeling that Leona didn't wanted you there. Were he staring at you- no, he wasn't. He was still talking with Ruggie, Leona's tail wagging lazily behind him while Ruggie crossed his arms close to his chest. Could you come closer? Or should you go back to your room? Would they mind if you were there?
Maybe you should hide inside a trash can as you usually did whenever you felt overwhelmed and need to escape quickly. Though unfortunately there wasn't any trash can, looking around there aren't any visible dark, tiny places to hide in either. You audibly gulped, paralyzed, the seconds seemed to be passing by agonizingly slow.
'Maybe I should turn around and run', you thought to yourself. But your feet didn't move it.
A soft hand landed on your shoulder and you jumped, a whine leaving your lips as you raised your eyes to see who that hand belonged to. It belonged to Ruggie, his beautiful eyes looking right at yours as he seemed to know what you were thinking and was silently telling you not to worry.
"There you go again, you troublesome kitten," He teased you affectionately and quickly added. "Inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose. Slowly."
You frowned and then realized how much your heart was racing and you could feel the familiar tightness in your chest. Your mind racing with thoughts of whether you're intruding or if they even want you there. And you followed his commands, slowly, so slowly.
'You look pathetic,' A voice in your head told you. So worked up just because of an assumption, so afraid of everything. 'Pathetic.'
"H-hey, um... sor-ry to bother and interrupt you two, ah, I can, like, go away if you want." You mumbled sofly, but truly you were whispering, your voice as low and weak as possible, as you looked at the floor which seemed more interesting than whatever expression the duo was doing.
'They must be thinking ho-' That annoying voice was interrupted by Ruggie's heavenly voice and his hand that grounds you there.
"Don't worry your pretty head too much, we were just talking about the last spelldrive game." He explained, ears twitching as his hand remained on your shoulder, giving you his silent support as you breathed till you were calm again.
Despite your social anxiety urging you to turn back and hide in your room with this failure of an attempt, you mustered up the necessary courage to stay, a tired little smile growing on your lips as you looked at him. At his very green eyes that looked like a beautiful forest.
You still felt as prey surrounded by predators. You still felt as if they were ready to pounce on you and tear you apart. But you knew it was not truth, it couldn't be. Ruggie would never hurt anyo- uh, nevermind, anyways he wouldn't hurt you. You knew this much, you trusted him without a doubt.
Ruggie offered you a reassuring smile. And his lovely eyes made you weak in the knees, your heart beating like crazy inside your chest as you maintained prolonged eye contact with him. All your words forgotten, all your thoughts quietened for a moment. Very distantly you could hear Leona's soft laughter at how you looked at Ruggie without realizing your eyes were shining and a dumb smile was on your lips.
Leona coughed to caught Ruggie's attention back. You too looked at him and his expression was still inflexible but he nodded in your direction as if to welcome you when he noticed you staring. "We were discussing some strategies, herbivore. The last game was lacking."
Oh, spelldrive. You didn't know much about it but even if you did, maybe you wouldn't be able to express your thoughts properly. The courtyard was crowded, people walking and talking and all around you. You took a deep breath again, so far everything was good... Right?
"We should change our tactics." Ruggie said, quite uninteresting with the topic. You could see his little tail wagging behind his back, lazily while he explained his point. He could talk for hours about anything and you would still have a smile on your face while you heard him. It was a tranquil, soft sound, like a bird singing every morning.
"Shishishi, look at you!" His calloused hands cupped your face and you realized you were daydreaming again. Your whole face was warm as fire when you noticed how close he was. "Lost in your head, kitten? Didn't even said a word." He teased a little.
"I, uh, I..." What should you say? That you just wanted to spend some time with him? Was that a good enough reason? But what if he thinks you're weird? What if he thinks you are so weird that he doesn't want to be friends with you anymore? Worse... What if he found out that you had a crush on him?
Geez, you don't even want to think about it. If you had time to thought then you knew that only negative thoughts would live there.
Take a deep breath, it's okay to feel nervous. You told yourself, but his eyes were so mesmerizing, so beautiful that you quickly got lost inside them. Being genuine and honest is usually the best approach. Don't think, just speak. You got this!
"Well... I just wanted to say that I really enjoy spending time with you. You're a great person to be around, and I was hoping we could hang out more often. I know it might sound a bit random, but I value our friendship and I wanted to be honest about how I feel." You said, your whole burning while you fought against your anxiety and stood your ground.
Any other day you would have ran away or just not say everything out loud but you had made a promise with yourself and you were going to stay true to it. You wanted to overcome your shyness and anxiety, you wanted to be able to talk and laugh without worrying about anything. And Ruggie was quite happy with what you said, you realized. He was happy, not angry.
He petted your head and smiled. "Good work, it was hard to say this out loud, wasn't it? I'm proud of you."
Right at that instant you felt an enormous weight getting out of your shoulders. He was proud of you! He was not weirded out by you. A big sigh left your throat as you enjoyed the affection he gave you.
Maybe you should get out of your comfort zone more times.
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leasstories · 7 months
The New Girl
Eddie Munson x fem!reader
TW: SH, blood, drug use, depression, mentions of bullying
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Your family just moved in Hawkins Indiana, you're 18 and this is your senior year. You were your old town's freak, and the fact that you were a girl made it even worse. You were considered the town’s freak because you were mainly listening to metal and Rock N'Roll  but also because you loved Roleplay games. One day, you saw this magazine about Dungeon and Dragons and you really enjoyed the game's concept, you knew pretty much everything about this game but you had no one to play it with. This year means new resolutions and you decided to be the most "normal" that you could be. It means you have to say goodbye to the ripped jeans but also goodbye to the band t-shirts. And you even consider joining the cheerleaders even though you hate what they do. You won't be able to go through another year of bullying, all alone. Your high school years were really hard on you, you went into depression and school phobia and started having self harming habits. This year has to be different. You're even gonna hide your tattoos and you dyed your hair back in your h/c which is far different from their previous color which was claret-red.
This is your first day at Hawkins High, you dressed in a plain white, long sleeve t-shirt and a blue jean, and you only did your make up with foundation and mascara. You rush downstair, take your bag, a pancake and rush through the door while screaming "See you tonight !" to your parents. You hear your mom wishing you a good day before sitting on the driver seat of your car. You drive to school even though you are early and you hope you can find a calm spot in order to hide and smoke your cigarette before heading to class. You park your car on the parking, get out and see a little path leading to the forest, you take it and arrive at a picnic table, you sit thinking it's a very calm spot for your little pre first day cigarette. You sit down, take your cigarette out and start smoking when you hear leaves scrunching behind you. You jump off of the bench, to see a teenager, or young adult you don't know, with brown curly hair, brown eyes and his clothes are very similar to your former clothes. He raises his hands in surrender to show you he means no harm before speaking.
"I never saw you around"
"I'm new in town" you answer
The boy looks at you with his big brown eyes, you can't help but stare at him, but also admire him for being confident enough to wear the clothes he wants, you remember that once, you were like him, but that led you to be in such a dark place that you think it doesn't worth it.
"Then welcome perfect stranger, I'm Eddie Munson !"
You chuckle before answering "I'm Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N"
"Nice to meet you, I actually can't believe you are talking to me, most people would have ran away"
"Why is that ?” you ask
"Because I'm the town's freak" he makes invisible quoting marks with his hands "mean and scary"
"You don't seem mean and scary to me"
"Well thank you,  but you shouldn't hang out with me at school, not that I don't like you no, you are pretty and I enjoy talking to you but-"
You cut Eddie's rambling. "I can manage hanging out with the outcasts, I actually was an outcast in my old town"
"You don't seem an outcast to me, you seem the most normal person I've ever seen, and it's not an insult at all I promise" Eddie is all flustered and keep rambling.
"My style, my real style is similar to yours to be honest, I just changed it because I couldn't take being the freak anymore but I admire you. I admire you for not caring about what others think, and" you take a deep breathe "I want to learn, that's why, if you accept it of course, I'm gonna hang out with you at school"
While you were talking Eddie took a black lunch box out and started rolling a joint.
"I'd be honored to hang out with you, and I'll help you, I'll help you see how unimportant people's opinion is, all that matters is that you are comfortable in your own clothes, that you feel yourself. Do you even feel yourself in those ?"
You look at the ground, ashamed before answering "Not really..."
"You don't have to feel ashamed. I promise to help you be yourself" Eddie lits up his joint, you look at the joint tempted before Eddie asks you "Wanna share it with me ?"
You think about it, and if you're gonna walk into the hall of your new high school with him, you'll need courage, plus you haven't had one in two days now and the withdrawal is getting really strong so you nod.
"Before I share it with you I need you to say it out loud, please"
"Yes I want to share it with you"
Eddie hands you the joint and you take a few hits before handing it back to him. You look at your watch before cursing "shit ! Eddie we're gonna be late !"
Eddie shrugs but then he sees the panic in your eyes and takes his stuff before leading you to the high school.
When you both enter the halls, everyone looks at you. You start fidgeting with your fingers, really anxious for this first day when Eddie says. "You have nothing to be afraid of, if anyone is rude to you come to me and I'll flip them off"
You chuckle slightly before answering "thank you Eddie". Gosh you find this boy really sweet but also insanely attractive, but of course you keep your thoughts to yourself.
Eddie leads you to the secretary office and waits for you outside while you go pick up your timetable as well as your locker number and code. When you head out, you look surprised that Eddie is still here.
"What are you still doing here, you're gonna be late."
"I wasn't going to let you get lost in the maze that is Hawkins high, plus I don't care about being late"
"Thank you, I'm going to my locker and then to my first class"
Eddie snatches your timetable from your hands and look at you, grinning.
"We are together almost all morning !" he seems very excited at the idea of spending the morning with you and deep down you are too. You are also relieved.
"Sounds amazing" you answer
After your last class of the morning, that you had to spend without Eddie, you're going to the cafeteria, you enter and go grab food, once you have your tray, you look around for somewhere to sit when one of the basketball player, you think his name is Jason, goes to you and tell you "Wanna sit with us new girl ?"
You look at him in disbelief because of what he just called you, but you're kinda scared of him, you knew people like that at your old school, one of them used to hit you every single day, you start trembling a bit.
Eddie is sitting at his table with his friends from Hellfire. Gareth, Jeff, Dustin and Mike all look at the scene happening a few meters away which is your interaction with Jason when Gareth says.
"Look at the new girl already being seduced by the King of Hawkins high"
At those few words, Eddie raises his head from his plate and look at the exchange between you and Jason, he can sense that something is off but before he can say anything Dustin speak up.
"Why does she look so uncomfortable ?"
Eddie gets up on the table and scream "YN, you can come sit here if you want"
The whole cafeteria look at you and then Eddie in disbelief and Jason look at you with a glare saying 'don't you dare sit with him'. Before you could say anything Jason turns to Eddie and says "Want somethin' freak ?". The nickname make you wince and you get out of the cafetaria, running, with teary eyes. You run until you reach the picnic table you were sat on this morning.
Meanwhile, Eddie makes a face at Jason before jumping from the table and going to look for you. After 10 minutes of searching the whole High School, Eddie comes to the conclusion that you are at the picnic table. He goes there and see you with a bloody razor blade in your hand, crying. He delicately sits next to you and take the blade from your hands, he doesn't say anything because to be honest, he doesn't know what to say.
"I'm sorry" you manage to say between sobs
"Don't be YN, I am the one who is sorry, I should have been waiting for you at your class. What happened with Jason, did he say something ?"
You start crying even more at the mention of what happened in the cafeteria, Eddie start rubbing your back before he remembers the bloody blade. He looks at your bloody wrists and take one in his hand, he take his bandana and start wiping off the blood while you keep crying.
"I'm sorry if it hurts sweetheart but I have to clean all that blood"
You wince when the fabric of the bandana touch your wrist but you don't back up. You're ashamed that he saw you like that though.
After Eddie finished wiping the blood from your left wrist, he wipes the blood from your left wrist.
He keeps rubbing your back while you sob before asking "do you wanna talk about what happened in there ?"
You take a shaky breath before saying "I've known someone like Jason... back in my former high school, and he-" you start crying again "he hurt me almost every single day..."
"I'm sorry to hear that YN... Jason is a dick but he'd never hurt you like that, and even if he tried I wouldn't let him"
You look at Eddie, still sobbing, with your teary eyes and you mutter a shaky "thank you"
Then Eddie looks back at yout wrists and hesitate before asking "do you hurt yourself often ?"
You burry your face in your hands, ashamed and keep sobbing.
Eddie gets up from the bench and kneel before you, taking your hands away from your face. He lift your chin up so you can look at him before saying "You don't have to answer YN, but I want you to know that you can tell me anything, I'd never judge you or tell anyone what you tell me"
"I do..." you end up answering
Eddie look at you with saddened eyes before searching for a pen and a paper through his bag, he writes down his adress and phone number and hands it to you.
"The next time you want to do that, call me or  come see me, I'll try taking your mind off of it, and if you can't help but do it, I'll at least clean your cuts"
You take the paper after thanking him.
"Do you want me to bring you back home ?" You nod, you and Eddie go back to your car, once you've unlocked the car Eddie opens the passenger door for you.
"What are you doing ?" you say
"Driving you home" Eddie answers
"But what about your car ?"
"Don't worry for me YN, I won't let you drive when you're all shaken up, please let me do that for you"
You nod and climb on the passenger seat. Eddie close your door before climbing on the driver's seat. You give him the direction to your home. The ride is silent, but it's a comfortable silence. Once you arrive, Eddie open the passenger door for you before leading you to your door.
You unlock your door when Eddie says "See ya tomorrow YN !"
"Can you... can you stay please" you ask
Eddie look at you before saying "Of course I can, I have nothing better to do anyway, I can stay until your parents come back"
"Thank you so much" you say with a weak smile.
You lead Eddie to the couch and instruct him to sit down.
"I know you've been wanting to ask me something all the way home, please go ahead, ask me, whatever it is I'm prepared."
"Why do you hurt yourself ?"
You take a shaky breath before answering "Because the pain I feel inside of me is eating me alive, when I cut myself my focus is on another kind of pain, one that hurt less than the pain inside of me"
Eddie takes your hand. "I'm sorry, I wish I could take away some of your pain"
After this conversation, Eddie cheered you up, he made some jokes to make you laugh, you listened to Iron Maiden together, and when it was time for him to leave you kissed him on the cheek and Eddie was all flustered.
The next days, you spent a lot of time together and Eddie was always trying to put a smile on your face, he was doing everything in his power to make you forget the demons from your past, and it worked, every time you were with him  you were laughing and smiling. Thanksgiving holidays were approaching, which meant you would be all by yourself for a week. But you decided that you won't tell Eddie, he has to enjoy Thanksgiving holidays with his family, he needs to take time for himself. You can't ask him to spend his entire holiday with you even though you'd really like that. You can't be selfish, he's done so much for you in the past weeks.
This is the last day before the holidays and you decided to go to school with your style, you put on a black Metallica t-shirt with a black ripped jean, Doc Martens and let your tattoos show, you didn't tell Eddie that you would come to school like that, when you entered the hall, everyone was whispering, you went to class and sat at the last raw, next to Eddie's usual place.
Eddie was late as usual, when he entered the class he saw everyone whispering but paid no further attention, until his eyes spotted you. When he looked at you, his jaw dropped, he didn't think you'd be ready yet. He went to sit next to you and saw you figdeting and your knee bounce, you two had gotten really close in the past weeks so he put his hand on your knee and look at you, a look meaning 'I'm here for you'. The class go by and you keep fidgeting but Eddie keeps his hand on your knee until the teacher notice.
"Can I help you Mister Munson" she says
"I'm sorry Miss, I wasn't feeling well and Eddie was showing me emotional support" you answer
"The freak help the freak" says a cheerleader. Chrissy turn to you with an apologetic smile.
"Mrs Smith, I didn't ask for a comment, Mr Munson just remove your hand from her knee"
Eddie look at you before doing so, you nod, making him understand that it's okay. Deep down it isn't and you know that you aren't going to your next class.
When the bell ring, you don't even wait for Eddie and run to the bathroom, you lock yourself until the bell ring to indicate that the next class is starting.
Eddie enter the next class, he scans the room but doesn't see you, he doesn't care about what the teacher will say, he just get out of the room, ignoring the teacher who was ordering him to come back to class. He knew where you were but he also knew that you were hurting yourself, he knows how hard it had been for you and also know you weren't ready to handle everything that was coming with assuming your style, your mental health was still very fragile even though Eddie had helped you a lot. He had to find you, you needed him now more than ever.
You were sat at the picnic table, looking blankly at your bloody wrist when Eddie found you, he sat next to you and you were so afraid that you disappointed him that you decided to speak first, looking at your shoes.
"I'm sorry Eddie, I couldn't help it"
Eddie looks at you with a saddened but understanding look. "I'm not mad YN, I promise, let me fix this."
Eddie goes through his bag and take out some gauze and a bottle of antiseptic, he always has it in his bag since the first time he saw you hurt yourself, just in case. He didn't have to use it in a while, but he knew that you would probably relapse one day, and Eddie was glad he didn't take it out of his bag.
Eddie put some antiseptic on the gauze and started cleaning your wounds, he then looked at you in the eyes before saying "I really like your style" Eddie is grinning, even though he shouldn't be flirty, he can't help, you're just so beautiful, even more when you’re yourself. Eddie doesn't care about your scars, and even if it saddened him, the fact that you happened to hurt yourself wasn't something that made him run away. Eddie fell for you in those few weeks you spent together.
"Thank you for cleaning this up, and for the compliment" you blush at each special attentions.
"You’re not so bad yourself Munson" you added
Eddie got closer to you and took your hand in his. "I have something to tell you YN, and I know that now might not be the best timing but I can't keep it to myself anymore."
"I love you Eddie" you blurt out without thinking. When you realize what you just say you put your left hand on your mouth and take your hand away of Eddie's, ready to leave.
Eddie grabs you by the wrist and kisses you passionately before saying "I was going to say that I love you more than I should love a friend. And please don't interrupt me, let me finish. I really enjoy every moment with you, and I'm proud of you for coming to school like that, I'm proud of you for not self harming for weeks. Yes you've relapsed today, but relapse is part of recovery and please believe me when I say that you can tell me when you've done it, I'd rather be there for you, help you clean it up and help taking away your guilt than not knowing what you're going through. You've come such a long way YN, and I'm so so proud of you. I love you and nothing can change that."
You have tears in your eyes, what Eddie said is so beautiful, you don't even know what to answer to that, no one as never been this kind to you before and it's overwhelming, so instead of saying anything you hug him and don't let go.
It is Thanksgiving today, your parents left in order to spend Thanksgiving with your grand-parents as well as your aunts and uncles that you don't particularly appreciate, that's why you decided to stay home. You have been trying out outfits all morning long to find the perfect outfit and now you found it, you're gonna wear a black leather dress, tights and heeled boots, you put on some black eye liner, mascara and red lipstick. You've just finished putting your hair in a tight bun when you hear Eddie's van pulling up in your backyard. You rush to the door taking your keys and bag. Your run in Eddie's arms and hug him tight, your legs around his waist. Eddie chuckles and kiss you before saying "Ready to spend Thanksgiving with me and my uncle ?"
You seem a bit stressed so Eddie looks at you in the eyes before saying "Wayne is gonna love you YN, I'm sure of that"
You spend the ride hand in hand, listening to your favorite song, 'Rainbow In the Dark' by Dio.
"Eddie ?" you say, breaking the silence
"Mmh" he answers
"You are my Rainbow in the dark"
Eddie smiles and squeezes your hand. "I love you Sweetheart"
" I love you too Eddie"
And as Eddie predicted Wayne loves you and you spent the best Thanksgiving you've ever spent, surronded by people you feel safe around. Not thinking once about hurting yourself. Eddie is really your Rainbow in the dark.
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If you or anyone you know has to deal with SH, depression or suicidal thoughts please reach out for help. https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/depression/resources.htm
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chaotic-orphan · 4 months
Febuwhump: Day Twenty
Truth serum— @febuwhump prompts
Is it Whump? If you squint, your honour.
TW: needles, fear of needles, needle phobia, being injected against will, restraints, kidnapping, grogginess, fainting, consent issues,
Journalist didn’t wake to their alarm or their phone ringing, both of which were the only things to rouse them from sleep. They groaned as they woke which, to be fair, was a usual thing because it meant they had to get up and work or meet a deadline or something equally groan worthy.
What was not usual was waking up strapped to a metal table. That was a new one, even for journalist.
I bet i am restrained, they thought, then tugged their arms for good measure. Oh, yep. Definitely restrained.
Which meant—
“You’re awake,” said Villain, a smile in their voice. Journalist craned their neck awkwardly trying to see Villain but groaned with the effort and the weight of their head like it was filled with lead. “Oh, yeah, no. Don’t move.”
“Got it,” Journalist groaned as their brain rattled in their head, making the room spin. “Uh, why am I here?”
“We need to have a little chat.”
“We had a little chat like — two days ago,” said Journalist with a groan. “It was far more civil and less dizzying.”
Villain finally came within view of Journalist and they had three heads. That was very different than last time they saw Villain, but alas, who was Journalist to judge.
“It’s actually about something we talked about,” said the Villains. Then they smiled coyly. “And Darling, get your facts right, we spoke three days ago.”
“Fuck,” Journalist whined and pulled at their restraints that clicked taut. “My boss is gonna be pissed—“”
“It’s fine,” said Villains with a shrug, now there was only two of them, the third having left the conversation. “Just tell them you were kidnapped.”
“Oh no, I mean pissed with you,” said Journalist. “You can so goodbye to any more favourable articles.”
Villain snorted then disappeared from view again.
“They will!” Journalist told them earnestly. Villain then reappeared beside Journalist’s left arm. Only one of them now thankfully, and a giant fucking needle.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” Journalist shrieked, kicking their feet against the table trying to get away from whatever the fuck Villain was about to do. The sound of the restraints clacking against the table didn’t do anything to ease their panic. “Wait! Wait! Wait! Villain please, I’m— oh god, I’m terrified of— I can’t—”
Villain’s eyebrows furrowed as Journalist descended into a panic attack. They quickly lowered the needle out of sight but Journalist’s eyes were already rolling to the back of their head and their body went limp.
Villain stared, stunned. Then brought the needle up again and while Journalist was passed out injected them with the contents, thumbing down the plunger. Villain set the needle down on a table faraway from Journalist and sighed.
They should have known Journalist had a phobia of needles. Idiot, but… it had to be done. Villain had to know once and for all.
They walked back over to Journalist and lightly tapped their cheeks to wake them. Journalist moaned in protest, but then blinked up with bleary eyes at Villain.
“Relax,” said Villain softly when Journalist’s eyes widened again. “It’s gone. I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
“Shit, I’m sorry for fainting on you,” said Journalist with a breath, relaxing back against the table. Villain chuckled lightly at Journalist.
“You’re such a polite hostage,” said Villain and basked as a red blush climbed its way up Journalist’s neck and spread to their cheeks. “You’re blushing!”
“Shut up,” Journalist said with a huff, with no real malice behind the words. Villain hummed and stepped closer, brushing the stray hairs from Journalist’s forehead. They loved the way Journalist’s eyes shuttered at the movement. When Supervillain said the truth serum made people putty in your hands, Villain wasn’t expecting this.
Villain ran their hand lightly through Journalist’s hair as they began their gentle interrogation.
“Journalist?” Villain asked. Journalist hummed in response. Villain smiled. “I need to ask you a question, and I need you to be 100% honest with me.”
Journalist hummed again. “Okay Villain.”
Villain licked their lips, suddenly nervous. Here it was. This was it. Journalist was right here in front of them, injected with truth serum ready to spill their secrets and Villain was hesitating?!
“Are you…” Villain began then cleared their throat. “Are you Hero?”
Journalist smiled dreamily. “No.”
Villain paled. “No?”
“No,” Journalist said again. Villain’s hands froze in Journalist’s hair. Journalist let out a small keen in the back of their throat, whining at Villain’s pause. Villain resumed more out of shock than anything.
“You’re not Hero?” Villain asked again. They were almost certain…
“No, I’m Journalist.”
Villain blinked. Okay, they weren’t expecting this. Hero wasn’t Journalist? Then—
“But our conversation, you said your source was 100% about Hero?”
“Yes,” said Journalist with a smile. “It was.”
“Your most trusted source?”
Villain frowned, something like jealousy settling in their throat. “Is Hero… your lover?”
Journalist giggled, actually giggled at Villain’s question. “No.”
“Then who is your most trusted source?” Villain demanded.
“Me,” said Journalist. “The best person to validate facts is yourself, Villain. So I had it on good authority that my information was correct.”
Villain frowned. “But how did you—”
“I’m the Hero/Villain liaison for the city news, Villain, I don’t just have late night rendezvous with you.”
Villain deflated. They really didn’t expect this conversation to go like this, but this— they thought, they were a fool. They should have never done this, curiosity killed—
“But you are my favourite.”
Villain’s heart leapt in their chest. “I am?” Villain asked, their voice coming out in a whisper.
“Yes,” said Journalist. “You’re always kind with me. Hero’s too serious and annoying.”
Villain snorted again. “They are. So… you’re really not Hero?”
Journalist giggled. “Villain, don’t be so cliché. I’m not Clark Kent.”
Villain smiled softly at Journalist. “Though, I don’t like the way you kidnapped me. My boss is gonna be so mad at you.”
“I know, Journalist.”
“And stabbing me with a needle? Not a great look for you, you can’t just do that without consent.”
Villain laughed. “I didn’t even need to give you truth serum did I? You say whatever is on your mind anyways.”
“No time to think up lies, Villain. I’m a busy person.”
“You are,” said Villain.
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chaosvents · 8 months
A post about my ex who fucked me up so bad hahahaha.
Tw this guy is literally pro-hitler so like. If any or the isms and phobias bug you don't read any of my posts about him lol
So anyway one of this guy's wildest beliefs was that your personal politics should be actively NOT self serving. Like he told me that I shouldn't be pro-birth control/plan b/abortion even though I had been sexually assaulted and relied on those things to avoid pregnancy, because my attacker was white. So he was like honestly you would've been worth more in the world if you had his kid. For the greater good or whatever.
And he would lecture me for hours and hours and hours at a time about how I should basically chemically lobotomize myself with mood stabilizers until I had no opinions of my own, because I was a white woman and should really not do anything but repeatedly have kids. And I was expected to be like yep this is the life I want.
When we moved to phoenix, he was aware of my heart condition. I have POTS, which mixes horrifically with heat like that. We lived there for 3 years and most of that time I was in bed sick because the heat made my illness so much worse. I relied on him for everything.
I developed a bunch of shitty coping skills that probably have fancy psychology names like cognitive dissonance (which is like doublethink, which I did constantly for all 5 years and I'm sure it caused brain damage or something tbh) but it all boiled down to me completely buying that he was the only person on the planet who could tolerate me and that I had to bend to his will or be alone forever. It's been years since I even saw him and I still haven't dated seriously or gotten close with anyone.
I hold everyone at arms length, barely text my friends and am disconnected from everything and floating through life atm. Still trying to reverse all the damage he did. I have no self worth and no metric for what it feels like to be loved instead of just owned and controlled. I don't know what I want out of my life.
I don't understand how I could have let myself be so controlled by him. Why did I move across the entire country with him? Why did I let him push all my friends out of my life, change my career (he didn't approve of me being a barber because it was "basically like being a stripper"), and cross 8 states to get away from my life? To be... with him? Why did I let him convince me I was a docile, sweet, straight woman who wanted nothing more than tradwife and babymaking duties?
Even after I came out as what I thought was lesbian at the time, he still demanded sex from me multiple times a day and wouldn't take his computer stuff out of the second bedroom so I could sleep there. I had to sleep next to him and let him do whatever he wanted to me because he was paying the rent. I was forced into it so often that I convinced myself I liked it. Which is probably why now I'm so confused by my sexuality. What's a trauma response? What's genuine attraction? Who knows.
In march of 2020 I lost my job. He immediately kicked me out and I had to find an apartment alone, with no job, across the country from my family, in the middle of a pandemic. I've never had a worse mental health situation in my life and I've been inpatient 4 times. I barely remember any of 2020 because guess what? It isn't like I was allowed to stop having sex with him and showering with him because we didn't live together. He showed up constantly. Stole my spare key and made a copy so he could come in whenever he wanted to.
So why didn't I call the cops or something? Idk. I didn't really register that it was a problem at the time, he had been torturing me with stuff like this since I 19. By the time I was living alone in a shitty studio during a pandemic with no friends and my family a $400 plane ticket away, I just assumed that my life was being forced to perform a blow job, then let him fuck me, then showering in my tiny apartment shower with him while he leered and stared and grabbed my body, and then watch him play video games on his PC afterwards while sitting in silence on the bed.
One time he took away all my birth control pills and made me watch while he flushed them all. Going off of them suddenly made my lamictal way too strong (and of course he was force feeding me the lamictal so there was no such thing as adjusting the dose) and I got what I'm assuming was serotonin syndrome. I was blacking put, vomiting, hallucinating, terrified, and completely alone. I was calling him because he took away everyone else in my life and all I had was him. I drove to his apartment and begged for help. He ignored me and let me lay unconscious in my car outside his apartment for hours and hours in the middle of the day. In phoenix, in July.
I don't know what happened that day. I don't know what he did to me, but eventually I woke up at home. I found my car in the parking lot of a nearby grocery store.
I'm lucky I got away alive and without a baby. No one deserves to inherit half of my shitty genome and half of his. I'm lucky I got away at all, but not until he broke my spirit, took away all my support, dragged me across the country to a climate that made me severely ill, repeatedly forced me into sex after I came out, gaslit me, made me homeless mid pandemic, then continued to abuse his power until it literally almost killed me.
I met this guy when I was in high school. We were together from when I was 19. We moved to phoenix when I was 22 and he controlled me until I moved back home in July of 2022 when I was 26. The final straw was when I went out on my own for the first time in years and the bartender put drugs in my drink. I woke up alone in a swanky downtown apartment and when I called him to pick me up he told me if I was going to behave like a slut he wasn't going to bail me out.
Problem is I'm really REALLY allergic to both alcohol and roofies so I was horribly dehydrated as well as missing medication doses at this point, so I walked in the 100° heat to the ER. I got a sane exam where they found semen, a plan b pill, and a lengthy interview by about a dozen police officers. I couldn't bear to be alone in my apartment after that so I had the cops drop me off at a psych hospital.
I got my meds switched, went home, cleared out my apartment, broke my lease, and went home to my family. I'm safe now. But he's still haunting me. I don't know if I'll ever be okay.
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reagan-the-saunders · 10 months
My OCs' Phobias
TW: R@pe, Loss.
Scale: Severe - Affects them harshly and easily. Moderate - Affects them noticeably when triggered. Mild - Affects them slightly when triggered.
Viper: Thatanophobia (In her case, the fear of the death of loved ones, severe)
Explanation: Viper endured the loss of the only who ever cared for her, therefore, anyone else close to her is so sacred to her that even the slightest thought of them dying breaks her heart to dust.
What she looks like when triggered: Viper may shed a few tears, but will mostly remain stoic. She may seem emotionless as she stares into the distance, it'll take a few tries to get her attention as she melts on the inside. When she actually loses someone, she'll likely let out an ear-piercing scream to let out what silence cannot.
Vyeshna: Fear of Abandonment. (Couldn't find a name that matched, moderate.)
Explanation: After the Red Year, when she lost everything, her newly found lover is all she has left.
What she looks like when triggered: Vyeshna may randomly dwell on the thought of being abandoned. As these thoughts rush through her head, her leg make shake uncontrollably, she'll fidget with her hair or face, or just act unusually quiet.
Lyrandra: Atelophobia (The fear of making mistakes, moderate.)
Explanation: She failed her sister and refuse to fail anyone else. Her rise through House Telvanni, her friends, her husband, even doesn't matter who it is.
What she looks like when triggered: Lyrandra will become over apologetic and emotional if she believes she's not performing well or has already failed. While her loved ones tend to comfort her and it does help, she usually has an unshakeable feeling of guilt whenever she messes up.
Dimik: Acrophobia (The fear of heights, moderate.)
Explanation: It's just a natural thing she's always had and can't fight it off. (I also think it's a cute addition xD).
What she looks like when triggered: Dimik will likely grab onto the arm of whichever of her friends are closest, Xelzaz, Inigo, Remi, you name it, usually yielding different results depending on who it is.
Kona Dreki: Atelophobia (The fear of making mistakes, severe.)
Explanation: Being created by Akatosh, Kona doesn't really fear anything other than failure. It's not the what Akatosh will do if she fails that scares her, it's her own dignity she wants to protect, and the divinity of Akatosh.
What she looks like when triggered: She'll get severely angry when she fails, tending to stab the ground with her sword before yelling slurs at herself. This only triggers when she fails.
Maevynn: Anthropophobia (The fear of people, mild.)
Explanation: After everything with her family, the reason why she's a pirate, she lost trust in people, finding it hard to be friends with let alone love someone. She usually will betray people based on her fear of them backstabbing her first, not because she outwardly hates them. She doesn't want to distrust people, but she doesn't know how not to. Even though her fear is mild, it still affects her everyday.
What she looks like when triggered: She tends to be silent, eyes flicking around the room with her wits about her, watching everyone's movement. Other than her crew, she doesn't want others nearby who could potentially harm her or those on her ship.
Marina Green: Genophobia (The fear of sexual intimacy, mild.)
Explanation: At a young age, Marina was taken by the Thalmor and assaulted in a multitude of ways. That scared her but she was strong enough to move on... mostly. She doesn't have an outright "fear" per say, as sex is a natural thing but when forced upon someone obviously isn't okay, but it's not something she seeks after that. Thankfully, she trusts her loved ones and her lover isn't into that kind of thing (Cary is seriously the perfect match for her).
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unhoax · 1 year
TW ED/ Per weight convo: harm reduction is multi faceted. In the choice between “lose weight” or “don’t lose weight” I would like to pose this for you to consider: what stress/pain is easier to tolerate or compartmentalize? I was 200+lbs for many years with an eating disorder (not a binge eating disorder which may be surprising) and I found myself in a similar predicament- I needed to either be okay with being fat or fight it. At that point in my life I found it was easier/more holistic on my mental health to try to learn to be ok with being fat. My intuition knew that the way society interfaces fat people is not too dissimilar from any other marginalized or “less savory” group of people- you mentioned skinny people may actually just be better people but would you make that argument around racism? That because white people get treated better black people and other POC may actually just be worse people? I’m hoping you don’t/wouldn’t feel that way, but if you do agree with the latter statement then maybe addressing your beliefs is the first step before making any changes. Internalized fat phobia is as real as internalized racism, misogyny, etc. Long story longer, I focused on changing my brain. I actively rejected the opinions of people that were anything less than loving and supportive and. As exhausting as it was, I began laying the ground work for not needing external validation. My brain said I couldn’t wear something because I was fat? I wore it anyway. I actively stared at myself in the mirror and said only nice things, when a hurtful thing came out of my mouth I would correct myself out loud to myself and apologize. I only followed HAPPY and shameless fat people on social media, I unfollowed anybody that triggered my desire to be skinny. I went to the Emily Program and got lots of therapy too. I focused on making my internal brain space the safest and most loving place so that when the inevitable bullshit of people came knocking at the door, I didn’t automatically believe them. This is HARD work (and a continuous practice!) but it’s also so rewarding because not only do other people’s opinions stop mattering but the self’s opinion of self improves and matters the most. The craziest thing is I lost weight naturally over this process. I started eating more intuitively, I found ways to enjoy working out my body (Yoga with Adrienne is free on YOUTUBE and she’s amazing!) and in general all my focus was on feeling peace and loving myself- REGARDLESS OF HOW MY BODY LOOKED. the more those practices were practiced and took root the more my body seemed to settle into itself. I’m by no means skinny now, and honestly I LOVE the extra pudge on the bottom of my belly or under my arms, they make me soft like a cuddly bunny, nor is the moral of the story to love yourself so you can lose weight, but the point is there is roots to this struggle and pain: the shame, the insecurity, taking on other peoples opinions, eugenics based trauma (fat phobia impetus in many ways, along with racism) maladaptive coping skills, lack of boundaries, lack of discipline, etc. I also learned so much about the American food system- are you American? There are so many Americans that go abroad and eat more and STILL LOSE WEIGHT while traveling. Our processed food in the states is not our ally.
The point is do the thing that feels like it would empower you: would taking on a weight loss journey be more empowering for you or would detaching from societal paradigms be more empowering? Can you blend the two together and get creative to better support yourself- hell maybe exposure therapy and get fatter? There is no right answer, I would meditate and journal on this for yourself and trust your heart and soul- are you a spiritual person? While I say fuck the church, don’t abandon God if that would be a helpful addition to your self care. what you deserve is to have your own brain on your team. You’re brilliant and more than good enough whether you’re obese or underweight. You’re a blessing. Don’t let yourself be brainwashed further you can fight back and you can find peace and love with your body/ yourself. And only subconsciously or consciously insecure people ever say less than supportive of loving things. If you have loved ones saying things like you shouldn’t wear certain types of clothes, consider setting boundaries or even cutting these people out if they can’t speak kindly. Criticism has a time and a place but good criticism also understands that it is SUBJECTIVE and it sounds like you’re surrounded by a bunch of judgmental dinguses!! I understand how this can make it harder to be kind to yourself but then RUN! Save yourself! Protect yourself! Love yourself! Your body is doing it’s best and it needs your love compassion and support to do or be better. Kicking a misbehaving dog is just abuse. I love you, there is nothing for you to be ashamed about you are a gift you just are in the process of learning to see that and value that in yourself <3
this is very sweet i appreciate u. i more meant that skinny people are treated better and such so its more desirable to be skinny. but most ppl can change how much they weigh, no one can really change their skin color. so no i dont think poc are “worse”, nor are fat ppl. being prejudice is of course bad. everyone is worthy
i just think that actually changing my body might bring me more joy in the long run. but its a mix of it all. the physical and the mental. maybe plastic surgery too? #loveyouself
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witchwolflea · 1 year
The New Girl
A/N : I'd recommend reading this One shot while listening to 'Rainbow in the dark' by Dio
TW : SH, drug use, depression
Your family just moved in in Hawkins Indiana, you're 18 and this is your senior year. You were your old town's freak, and the fact that you were a girl made it even worse. You were considered the towns freak because you were mainly listeing to metal and Rock N'Roll  but also because you loved Roleplay games. One day, you saw this magazine about Dungeon and Dragons and you really enjoyed the game's concept, you knew pretty much everything about this game but you had no one to played it with. This year means new resolutions and you decided to be the most "normal" that you could be. It means goodbye to the ripped jeans but also goodbye to the band t-shirts. And you even consider joining the cheerleaders even though you hate what they do. you won't be able to go through another year of bullying, all alone. Your high school years were really hard on you, you went into depression and school phobia and started having sefl harming habits. This year has to be different. You're even gonna hide your tattoos and you dyed your hair back in your h/c which is far different from their previous color which was claret-red. 
This is your first day at Hawkins High, you dressed in a plain white, long sleeve t-shirt and a blue jean, and you only did your make up with foundation and mascara. You rush downstair, take your bag, a pancake and rush through the door while screaming "See you tonight !" to your parents. You hear your mom wishing you a good day before sitting on the driver seat of your car. You drive to the school even though you are early, you hope you can find a calm spot in order to hide and smoke your cigarette before heading to class. You park your car on the parking, get out and see a little path in the forest, you take it and arrive to a picnic table, you sit thinking it's a very calm spot for your little pre first day cigarette. You sit down, take your cigarette out and start smoking when you hear leaves scrunching behind you. you jump off of the bench, to see a teenager, or young adult you don't know, with brown curly hair, brown eyes and his clothes are very similar to your former clothes. He raises his hands up to show you he means no harm before speaking. 
"I never saw you around"
"I'm new in town" you answer 
The boy looks at you with his big brown eyes, you can't help but stare at him, but also admire him for being confident enough to wear the clothes he want, you remember that once, you were like him, but that led you to be in such a dark place that you think it doesn't worth it. 
"Then welcome perfect stranger, I'm Eddie Munson !"
You chuckle before answering "I'm Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N"
"Nice to meet you, I actually can't believe you are talking to me, most people would have ran away"
"Why is that ? » you ask
"Because I'm the town's freak" he makes invisble quoting marks with his hands "mean and scary"
"You don't seem mean and scary to me"
"Well thank you,  but you shouldn't hang out with me at school, not that I don't like you no, you are pretty and I enjoy talking to you but-" 
You cut Eddie's rambling. "I can manage hanging out with the outcast, I actually was an outcast in my old town"
"You don't seem an outcast to me, you seem the most normal person I've ever seen, and it's not an insult at all I promise" Eddie is all flustered and keep rambling.
"My style, my real style is similar to yours to be honest, I just changed it because I couldn't take being the freak anymore but I admire you. I admire you for not caring about what others think, and" you take a deep breathe "I want to learn, that's why, if you accept it of course, I'm gonna hang out with you at school" 
While you were talking Eddie took a black lunch box out and started rolling a joint. 
"I'd be honored to hang out with you, and I'll help you, I'll help you see how unimportant people's opinion is, all that matters is that you are comfortable in your own clothes, that you feel yourself. Do you even feel yourself in those ?"
You look at the ground, ashamed before answering "Not really..."
"You don't have to feel ashamed. I promise to help you be yourself" Eddie lit up his joint, you look at the joint tempted before Eddie asks you "Wanna share it with me ?"
You think about it, and if you're gonna walk into the hall of your new high school with him, you'll need courage, plus you haven't had one in two days now and the withdrawal is getting really strong so you nod.
"Before I share it with you I need you to say it out loud, please"
"Yes I want to share it with you"
Eddie hands you the joint and you take a few hits before handing it back to him. You look at your watch before cursing "shit ! Eddie we're gonna be late !"
Eddie shrugs but then he sees the panic in your eyes and takes his stuff leading you to the high school.
When you both enter the halls, everyone looks at you. You start fidgeting with your fingers, really anxious for this first day when Eddie says. "You have nothing to be afraid of, if anyone is rude to you come to me and I'll flip them off"
You chuckle slightly before answering "thank you Eddie". Gosh you find this boy really sweet but also insanely attractive, but of course you keep your thoughts to yourself. 
Eddie leads you to the secretary office and waits for you outside while you go pick up your timetable as well as your locker number and code. When you head out, you look surprised that Eddie is still here.
"What are you doing still here, you're gonna be late."
"I wasn't going to let you get lost in the maze that is Hawkins high, plus I don't care about being late" 
"Thank you, I'm going to my locker and then to my first class"
Eddie snatches your timetable from your hands and look at you, grinning.
"We are together almost all morning !" he seems very excited at the idea of spending the morning with you and deep down you are too. You are also relieved. 
"Sounds amazing" you answer 
After your last class of the morning, that you had to spend without Eddie, you're going to the cafeteria, you enter and go grab food, once you have your tray, you look around for somewhere to sit when one of the basketball player, you think his name is Jason, goes to you and tell you "Wanna sit with us new girl ?"
You look at him in disbelief because of what he just called you, but you're scared of him, you knew people like that at your old school, one of them used to hit you every single day, you start to shake.
Eddie is sitting at his table with his friends from Hellfire. Gareth, Jeff, Dustin and Mike all look at the scene happening a few meters away which is your interaction with Jason when Gareth says.
"Look at the new girl already being seduced by the King of Hawkins high"
At those few words, Eddie raise his head from his plate and look at the exchange between you and Jason, he can sense that something is off but before he can say anything Dustin speak up.
"Why does she look so uncomfortable ?"
Eddie gets up on the table and scream "YN, you can come sit here if you want"
The whole cafeteria look at you and then Eddie in disbelief and Jason look at you with a glare saying 'don't you dare sit with him'. Before you could say anything Jason turns to Eddie and says "Want somethin' freak ?". The nickname make you wince and you get out of the cafetaria, running, with teary eyes. You run until you arrive at the picnic table you were sat on this morning. 
Meanwhile, Eddie makes a face at Jason before jumping from the table and going to look for you. After 10 minutes of searching the whole High School, Eddie comes to the conclusion that you are at the picnic table. He goes there and see you with a bloody razor blade in your hand, crying. He delicately sits next to you and take the blade from your hands, he doesn't say anything because to be honest, he doesn't know what to say. 
"I'm sorry" you manage to say between sobs
"Don't be YN, I am the one who is sorry, I should have been waiting for you at your class. What happened with Jason, did he say something ?"
You start crying even more at the mention of what happened in the cafeteria, Eddie start rubbing your back before he remembers the bloody blade. He looks at your bloody wrists and take one in his hand, he take his bandana and start wiping off the blood while you keep crying.
"I'm sorry if it hurts sweetheart but I have to clean all that blood"
You wince when the fabric of the bandana touch your wrist but you don't back up. You're ashamed that he saw you like that though. 
After Eddie finished wiping the blood from your left wrist, he wipes the blood from your left wrist.
He keeps rubbing your back while you sob before asking "do you wanna talk about what happened in there ?" 
You take a shaky breath before saying "I've known someone like Jason... back in my former high school, and he-" you start crying again "he hurt me almost every single day..."
"I'm sorry to hear that YN... Jason is a dick but he'd never hurt you like that, and even if he tried I wouldn't let him"
You look at Eddie, still sobbing, with your teary eyes and you mutter a shaky "thank you"
Then Eddie looks back at yout wrists and hesitate before asking "do you hurt yourself often ?"
You burry your face in your hands, ashamed and keep sobbing. 
Eddie gets up from the bench and kneel before you, taking your hands away from your face. He lift your chin up so you can look at him before saying "You don't have to answer YN, but I want you to know that you can tell me anything, I'd never judge you or tell anyone what you tell me"
"I do..." you end up answering
Eddie look at you with saddened eyes before searching for a pen and a paper through his bag, he writes down his adress and phone number and hands it to you. 
"The next time you want to do that, call me or  come see me, I'll try taking your mind off of it, and if you can't help but do it, I'll at least clean your cuts"
You take the paper after thanking him. 
"Do you want me to bring you back home ?" You nod, you and Eddie go back to your car, once you've unlocked the car Eddie opens the passenger door for you.
"What are you doing ?" you say
"Driving you home" Eddie answers 
"But what about your car ?"
"Don't worry for me YN, I won't let you drive when you're all shaken up, please let me do that for you"
You nod and climb on the passenger seat. Eddie close your door before climbing on the driver's seat. You give him the direction to your home. The ride is silent, but it's a comfortable silence. Once you arrive, Eddie open the passenger door for you before leading you to your door. 
You unlock your door when Eddie says "See ya tomorrow YN !"
"Can you... can you stay please" you ask
Eddie look at you before saying "Of course I can, I have nothing better to do anyway, I can stay until your parents come back"
"Thank you so much" you say with a weak smile. 
You lead Eddie to the couch and instruct him to sit down. 
"I know you've been wanting to ask me something all the way home, please go ahead, ask me, whatever it is I'm prepared."
"Why do you hurt yourself ?"
You take a shaky breath before answering "Because the pain I feel inside of me is eating me alive, when I cut myself my focus is on another kind of pain, one that hurt less than the pain inside of me"
Eddie takes your hand. "I'm sorry, I wish I could take some of your pain"
After this conversation, Eddie cheered you up, he made some jokes to make you laugh, you listened to Iron Maiden together, and when it was time for him to leave you kissed him on the cheek and Eddie was all flustered. 
The next days, you spent a lot of time together and 
Eddie was always trying to put a smile on your face, he was doing everything in his power to make you forget the demons from your past, and it worked, every time you were with him  you were laughing and smiling. Thanksgiving holidays were approaching, which meant you would be all by yourself for a week. But you decided that you won't tell Eddie, he has to enjoy Thanksgiving holidays with his family, he needs to take time for himself. You can't ask him to spend his entire holiday with you even though you'd really like that. You can't be selfish, he's done so much for you in the past weeks. 
This is the last day before the holidays and you decided to go to school with your style, you put on a black Metallica t-shirt with a black ripped jean, Doc Martens and let your tattoo appear, you didn't tell Eddie that you would come to school like that, when you entered the hall, everyone was whispering, you went to class and sat at the last raw, next to Eddie's usual place. 
Eddie was late as usual, when he entered the class he saw everyone whispering but paid no further attention, until his eyes spotted you. When he looked at you, his jaw dropped, he didn't think you'd be ready yet. He went to sit next to you and saw you figdeting and your knee bounce, you two had gotten really close in the past weeks so he put his hand on your knee and look at you, a look meaning 'I'm here for you'. The class go by and you keep fidgeting but Eddie keeps his hand on your knee until the teacher notice.
"Can I help you Mister Munson" she says
"I'm sorry Miss, I wasn't feeling well and Eddie was showing me emotional support" you answer
"The freak help the freak" says a cheerleader. Chrissy turn to you with an apologetic smile.
"Mrs Smith, I didn't ask for a comment, Mr Munson just remove your hand from her knee"
Eddie look at you before doing so, you nod, making him understand that it's okay. Deep down it isn't and you know that you aren't going to your next class. 
When the bell ring, you don't even wait for Eddie and run to the bathroom, you lock yourself until the bell ring to indicate that the next class is starting.
Eddie enter the next class, he scans the room but doesn't see you, he doesn't care about what the teacher will say, he just get out of the room, ignoring the teacher who was ordering him to come back to class. He knew where you were but he also knew that you were hurting yourself, he knows how hard it had been for you and also know you weren't ready to handle everything that was coming with assuming your style, your mental health was still very fragile even though Eddie had helped you a lot. He had to find you, you needed him more than ever.
You were sat at the picnic table, looking blankly at your bloody wrist when Eddie found you, he sat next to you and you were so afraid that you disappointed him that you decided to speak first, looking at your shoes.
"I'm sorry Eddie, I couldn't help it"
Eddie look at you with a saddened but understanding look. "I'm not mad YN, I promise, let me fix this."
Eddie go through his bag and take out some gauze and a bottle of antiseptic, he always has it in his bag since the first time he saw you hurt yourself, just in case. He didn't have to use it in a while, but he knew that you would probably relapse one day, and Eddie was glad he didn't take it out of his bag.
Eddie put some antiseptic on the gauze and started cleaning your wounds, he then looked at you in the eyes before saying "I really like your style" Eddie is grinning, even though he shouldn't be flirty, he can't help, you're just so beautiful, even more when your yourself. Eddie doesn't care about your scars, and even if it saddened him, the fact that you happened to hurt yourself wasn't something that made him run away. Eddie fell for you in those few weeks you spent together.
"Thank you for cleaning this up, and for the compliment" you blush at each special attentions. 
"Your not so bad yourself Munson" you added 
Eddie got closer to you and took your hand in his. "I have something to tell you YN, and I know that now might not be the best timing but I can't keep it to myself anymore."
"I love you Eddie" you blurt out without thinking. When you realize what you just say you put your left hand on your mouth and take your hand away of Eddie's, ready to leave.
Eddie grab you by the wrist and kisses you passionately before saying "I was going to say that I love you more than a friend. And please don't interrupt me, let me finish. I really enjoy every moment with you, and I'm proud of you for coming to school like that, I'm proud of you for not self harming for weeks. Yes you've relapsed today, but relapse is part of recovery and please believe me when I say that you can tell me when you've done it, I'd rather be there for you, help you clean it up and help taking away your guilt than not knowing what you're going through. You've come such a long way YN, and I'm so so proud of you. I love you and nothing can change that."
You have tears in your eyes, what Eddie said is so beautiful, you don't even know what to answer to that, no one as never been this kind to you before and it's overwhelming, so instead of saying anything you hug him and don't let go. 
It is Thanksgiving today, your parents left in order to spend Thanksgiving with your grand-parents as well as your aunts and uncles that you don't particularly appreciate, that's why you decided to stay home. You have been trying out outfits all morning long to find the perfect outfit and now you found it, you're gonna wear a black leather dress, tights and heeled boots, you put on some black eye liner, mascara and red lipstick. You've just finished putting your hair in a tight bun when you hear Eddie's van pulling up in your backyard. You rush to the door taking your keys and bag. Your run in Eddie's arms and hug him tight, your legs around his waist. Eddie chuckles and kiss you before saying "Ready to spend Thanksgiving with me and my uncle ?"
You seem a bit stressed so Eddie look at you in the eyes before saying "Wayne is gonna love you YN, I'm sure of that"
You spend the ride hand in hand, listening to your favorite song, 'Rainbow In the Dark' by Dio.
"Eddie ?" you say, breaking the silence 
"Mmh" he answers
"You are my Rainbow in the dark"
Eddie smiles and squeezes your hand. "I love you Sweetheart"
" I love you too Eddie"
And as Eddie predicted Wayne loves you and you spend the best Thanksgiving you've ever spent, surronded by people you feel safe around. Not thinking once about hurting yourself. Eddie is really your Rainbow in the dark. 
A/N : Thank you so much for reading this fanfiction. I'm not really good at endings tbh so sorry the ending is so bad. Don't hesitate to comment your thoughts on this One shot. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it ! Stay tuned, more stories are coming soon !
If you or anyone you know has to deal with SH, depression or suicidal thoughts please reach out for help. https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/depression/resources.html
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billiebeanhoward · 3 years
Rise up - Ally Mayfair-Richards
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A/N: This was requested by someone who chose to remain anonymous  :)
And by their request, Ivy was never married to Ally in this oneshot and Ally has always known your unconditional love and support
Prompt: Reader helping Ally through her phobias/anxiety/panic attacks and takes care of Ally when she needs it with the song Rise Up by Andra Day
TW: anxiety, trypophobia, mention of medication, fluff, comfort
Word count: 1115
gif is mine
"Al?" you ask tentatively. Your wife has been staring blankly at something for the last two minutes, but her body is in the way so you can't see it. You try to get a look at it but it's no use. "Ally, what is it?" She was making Ozzy his packed lunch for school tomorrow, but something clearly caught her off guard. You see her shoulders shaking a little as silent sobs wracked through her frame. "Baby," you're not sure what's causing this right now, so you slowly walk closer and place your hands to her elbows which only makes her flinch but thankfully she's distracted from whatever it was she saw, turning to face you, tears streaming down her face. Your eye catches the cheese grater in the corner. You scold yourself for not putting it away after preparing Ozzy's favorite cheesy pasta for dinner this evening. You give her a guilty look, to which she just shakes her head before wiping at her face.
"It's not your fault," she says to you with a wobbly voice. You quickly put it out of sight, in the one cupboard Ally avoids because it contains items that trigger her and you go back to the brunette, wrapping your arms around her tightly. Her head falls to your shoulder and her grip around you tightens as you hear her soft sobs again "I'm just so tired," she breathes, "So tired."
"I- I know, baby," your voice bubbles as you rub soothingly up and down her back, until her sobs subside, "Have you taken your meds?" you ask carefully, knowing this probably isn't the time but if she didn't take them this anxiety she's feeling right now could only get worse. She nods into your shoulder before placing a kiss there.
"I think -" she lifts her head to look at you, the concern you have only growing further as she looks at you with such sadness in her eyes, "I want to -" she looks away, frustrated she can't find the words, her breathing getting heavier with every single thought rushing through that pretty head of hers,
"Ally," you say, hands reaching for her again "Take deep breaths for me," you instruct but she just shakes her head quickly, her hands coming up to grip at her hair.
"I can't, I can't do this anymore!" she sobs, falling to the floor, but you catch her just in time and you pull her into your lap.
"Shh," you say, tears forming in your eyes. It always hurts you seeing her like this, it breaks your heart, it kills you. You take a shaky breath as she tries to calm down in the comfort of your arms, she's inhaling through her nose and exhaling loudly out her mouth, "That's it, baby," you coo as she holds onto you tighter as she does her breathing techniques and you just comfort her the best you can,
"I'm just so broken down and tired of living life on the merry go round," she says after a moment once she catches her breath, "I can't find a fighter,"
"But I see it in you so we're gonna walk it out," you say to her, giving a kiss on her forehead but she scoffs, lifting herself up from your lap.
"I'm ruining our lives, I'm ruining our son's life, being like this isn't -" she turns her head trying to avoid your worried gaze,
"No, Ally. You're gonna move mountains, we're gonna walk it out,"
"This is just," she pauses, wiping her nose as she gets up from the floor, "I think I'm gonna go to bed," she says and you don't stop her.
You take a deep, shaky breath as she leaves the room. It takes you a moment before you finally find the courage to get yourself up off the kitchen floor and you quickly clean up the mess Ally left on the counter and finish Ozzy's lunch for tomorrow.
"Mom?" you hear a soft voice from behind you and you turn your head to your beautiful little angel
"What is it, baby? Why aren't you in bed?" you ask him softly, quickly drying your hands on a towel before going over to him and he wraps his arms around your middle.
"Mom, didn't say goodnight," he mumbles, his face squished into your stomach.
"She's having a bad day," you tell him, not wanting to be dishonest with him, "She'll be okay though, I promise," you tell him, bending down slightly to look into his light blue eyes as he rubs them sleepily, "You go back to bed okay?" he nods at you and you ruffle his blonde locks, "I love you, Ozzy,"
"I love you too, Momma. Tell Mom I love her too, a lot," he says before he makes his way back up the stairs and you follow behind him, making sure to turn off all the lights downstairs.
When you enter your bedroom, you find Ally wrapped up in the blanket facing away from you, but you hear her sniffling. Your heart breaks all over again and you make your way over after shutting the door quietly behind you. "Ally," you say as you climb into the bed, wrapping your arms around her, "You will rise up," you say quietly as her sniffles continue to grow into sobs, "You'll rise like the day," you say and she turns her body around and snuggles her head into your chest, "You'll rise up unafraid and you'll do it a thousand times again," you lift her chin with your fingers to look into her soft brown eyes and her chin quivers at you, "You'll do this,"
"I know," she whimpers, bubbles rising in her throat again as she speaks "In spite of the ache, I will rise up," she says, a small smile on her lips as she looks at you, not taking her eyes off you this time not even for a second, "And I'll do it a thousand times again, for you,"
You give her a soft smile in return, your fingers tickling over her cheek, "And you," you say pointedly.
"I'll do it for me, Oz and you, us our family," she says
"When the silence isn't quiet, and it feels like it's getting hard to breathe and you feel like dying, I promise we'll take the world to its feet," you say and she snuggles into you closer, wrapping her arms around you "All you need, all we need is hope and for that, we have each other," you whisper to her, placing a soft kiss onto her hair.
"I love you, Y/N," she says, her voice now muffled by your shirt and you place another kiss onto her head.
"I love you too, Ally, and Oz loves you too, so much."
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anchormuses · 2 years
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        so this is gonna be me talking about morse’s shooting from series 1. obviously that means spoilers for series 1 ( though if you follow me then these particular spoilers are fairly hard to avoid ) and also trigger warning for discussion of many things ( tw shooting, gunshot wounds, injury, blood ) but especially images of blood below the cut. 
screenshots from the ending of the episode.
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        so ok look at him here. in the top right image, you can hardly see it but the tail of his shirt where he’s tucking it back in is all bloody. top left: bloody rags. he’s just had the bullet taken out. so. here’s morse DAYS after being shot, finally getting the bullet removed. to be fair to him, he did have other things on his mind ( his father was dying and he needed to travel to get there, and then his father did actually die and he had to deal with that ) but still. morse sweetheart. you’ve been actively bleeding for days.
        the doctor tells him he should’ve come to see him earlier because now he’ll probably have a limp. great thanks doc. morse just doesn’t say anything because FUCK if that isn’t just exactly what he needed to finish off this clusterfuck of an experience. as if the scar wouldn’t be enough, now he gets a limp to remind him of this. and he just... looks away. stares out of the window. and he looks so YOUNG in that bottom right picture. idk why. he just looks like the baby he is here. 
        also, we never see the exact location of the wound but it’s somewhere in his hip/leg, and.... the pelvis is possibly one of the more painful places to be shot ( because nerves and stuff. idk, i’m not an anatomy person, shhhh ) so combining that knowledge with the fact that morse quite literally has a phobia of blood AND the fact that being shot traumatises him ( we see his ptsd symptoms come up later ).... just think about how brave he needed to be to get up and go “i don’t have time” and get in a car and go to see his father. 
        his father, whose last words to him were “i never liked the police”. his father, who bought little 12 year old morse a GUN for his first gift since his mother died and forced him to shoot rabbits. his father, who left morse and his mother to go live with another woman. morse’s misguided loyalty shows up a lot throughout his timeline but i have to say this is probably one of the biggest times. it would be so extremely valid of him NOT to drop everything and go to his father’s bedside as it is, never mind after he’s just been SHOT. but he does. 
        also also, morse has a whole reckless thing, he runs off into danger and gets in trouble for it. his stabbing earlier this series was the result of him chasing a lunatic under the library without waiting for backup ( though tbf he did tell someone to call for backup ) but this time?? no. it wasn’t a result of him being reckless or going off on his own, he was calling a fucking ambulance. all he did was pick up the phone. 
        this whole thing, all the pain he goes through here, and it’s his overwhelming attempt to do good that makes it so bad. he’s trying to call an ambulance, and gets shot for it. he doesn’t get it taken care of in hospital because he’s travelling to see a man who’s caused him so much emotional pain over the years. he ends up with a limp because he puts off getting it looked at for days to support his stepsister and his ABUSIVE stepmother after his father dies. he’s trying so hard to be so kind to everyone but himself. he just... breaks my heart. 
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taxicabinmemphis · 4 years
Janus gets a snake!! Maybe it's a human au and his partner adopted it with him and they're living together, maybe someone gave him one as a surprise (this could be human or not. Maybe they just conjured it.) The possibilities are endless, but I need Janus with a snake
it is a common fact that I can’t write anything without two people being cute with each other so this is gonna be shippy
tw food, swearing
Janus picked up the box. It had a lot of minuscule holes in it and was sealed tightly with tape. Janus looked up at his best friend with a raised eyebrow, pulling his pocket knife out of his pocket and cutting the tape covering the box. He went to open the flaps, but a scarred hand met his elbow to halt his movements.
"Be careful, Snexy," Remus warned, "this birthday present moves."
Janus slowly turned back to the box, and as cautious and slow as ever, opened the flaps. His eyes widened and he flinched when a blur that looked like a large, bright yellow noodle flung itself his way.
Janus fell to the floor and slid away from his two-eyed, squiggly birthday present and into the wall behind him. His eyes widened as he realized he was cornered and was too distracted by the fear of being devoured by a yellow power cord to register the implications of Remus' wickedly delighted laughter.
He was only able to bring the pool noodle into focus when it crawled onto his left arm. He would have flinched at the boundary violation, but he was frozen in fear. When the longest piece of penne pasta stilled, he was able to see that he was much closer with the power cord analogy than the pool noodle. A somewhat small yellow snake a little more than twice the thickness of a power cord was coiled around his arm and was looking at him with dark brown eyes too innocent-looking to belong to a reptile.
Janus swallowed, his relief that it wasn’t anything he had a phobia of not showing too well on his face. He stared into the snake’s eyes, its innocence not preventing it from looking like it was gazing into the depths of Janus’ soul.
“You got me a snake.”
“Yep!” Remus exclaimed happily, laughter calming down. “One that is just like you! Small, yellow, and brown eyes.”
“Yes, Remus, my scales are definitely yellow. It’s not like they’re green or anything.” Janus rolled his eyes, electing not to comment on the “small” jab of Remus’ remark so as not to provoke him into a session of height-teasing.
“Irrelevant,” Remus dismissed, bounding towards them. “Do you like it?”
Janus bit his lip. “I will have to decide as we get to know each other better. Though, considering it was you who conjured it, my hopes aren’t too high.”
“Virgil and Roman helped me, actually. I mentioned my present idea to them and they didn’t want you to be stuck with an annoying snake or whatever, so they helped me to make sure the snake wouldn’t be too unbearable or disturbing.”
“How kind of them.”
Footsteps were heard descending the staircase, prompting the two dark sides to turn. Patton was standing at the bottom of the steps and looked as though he was trying to figure out what was going on.
“I got Janus a snake for his birthday!” Remus told him cheerily.
Patton visibly paled. “That’s...awesome, kiddo! I hope the opening of the present didn’t rattle Janus too badly.”
Janus rolled his eyes. “Brilliant, Patton, truly. And no, I’m fine.”
Remus scoffed. “You’re on the floor like a-”
“Anyway,” Janus interrupted, getting to his feet, “what can we do for you, Patton?”
Patton shook his head. “I just heard the noise and came to check things out.”
Janus nodded and looked at his arm. Despite Janus standing up, the snake was still coiled around his arm and was now looking up at him.
“Does your snake have a name yet?” Patton asked excitedly, walking over to where Janus was but keeping a substantial distance.
Janus shook his head, indicating a negative. “Definitely. It’s not like I just got him or anything.”
Patton gasped, putting his hands over his mouth. “I’ve got it! Let’s name him Jake the Snake.”
“So my snake is just a tool for alliteration for you?”
Patton made a sound of offense. “I just think it’s cute.”
“And I seem like the type to give my snake such a name?”
Patton gave a small laugh and shook his head. “No, but it would be fun! It’s not like you have a better name.”
Janus narrowed his eyes playfully at Patton. “Watch me find one.”
Pamela the Snake had adjusted to Janus’ room nicely, for an atypical species of pet. While annoying at times (quite often), Janus had created an attachment to the yellow nuisance. The two serpentine figments of the imagination were now perfecting semi-telepathic communication.
(You see, Remus is this exhausting thing called “extra” about 784% of the time and told Janus that if they worked at it, he and Pamela could communicate through means of telepathy and minimal hissing.)
Janus didn’t like to trap Pamela in one place, and he could tell his snake felt similarly. So, Pamela slept in a terrarium, but either roamed around Janus’ room or coiled around his neck or limb(s) during the day.
‘Janusssssss, get a ssssnack.’
‘I’m working, Pamela. And dinner was two hours ago.’
‘Take a break. sssss.’
Janus stepped away from his laptop and sunk out of his room, Pamela coiled around his shoulder. He walked into the kitchen and was pleasantly surprised to see that the large bag of pretzels Virgil had opened earlier was not yet finished. He got a bowl from a cabinet and poured in some pretzels. He spotted Roman approaching from his peripheral vision.
Janus picked up his bowl of pretzels and greeted Roman with a half-smile.
“Greetings, Janus!” Roman said loudly.
“Is Pamela with you? Should I greet them too?”
Janus nodded. “Pamela is on my shoulder.”
“Hi, Pamela!”
‘Hi, Roman. sss’
“They say hi.”
Roman grinned happily and went into the kitchen as Janus left it.
‘How is Remussssssssssss? I wanna sssssssay hi.’
‘He’s alright. We will see him for game night in fifteen minutes.’
‘Okay. sssss’
Janus diverted his focus from his conversation with Pamela to find Logan descending the staircase.
“Salutations, Janus.”
“Good evening, Logan.”
‘Hi, Logan. How hassssss your day been?’
‘Logan can’t hear you.’
‘But he can hear you. ssss’
“I hear your hissing. Is Pamela trying to say something?”
Janus sighed, annoyed at his snake. “Yes. They want to know how your day has been.”
At this, Pamela uncoiled from Janus’ shoulder and slithered on top of his hat. They then slithered as far off the hat and in Logan’s direction as they could, looking at him with expectant eyes.
Logan tilted his head up to meet Pamela’s gaze. “My day has been satisfactory, Pamela, and I hope yours has been similar.”
‘Ssss thank you, Logan.’
“They say thanks.”
Pamela leaned their head close to Janus’ ear.
‘Kissssssssss him.’
Janus’ mouth dropped. ‘What? What are you talking about?? No!’
‘You know you want to. ssss’
‘No, no I don’t!’
‘Why not? I told you to get a ssssnack. There’s one right here.’
Janus sputtered. ‘Many reasons!’
‘Pssssss Logan. Janusssssss wantssss to kissssss you.’
‘If you think I’m relaying that to him, you’ve got another thing coming, Pamela.’
Logan put a hand over his mouth, and Janus could see his eyes crinkle. Was he smiling?
“Does your snake have something to say to me, Janus?”
Janus huffed. “No. Not at all.”
‘I don’t, but you do. Ssssssso tell him.’
“I think that may be false.”
Janus put a hand to his forehead, looking at Logan through his fingers. He could now see from the way Logan’s eyes were alight and the hand that had moved a couple of inches away from his mouth so he could speak that Logan was indeed smiling. Janus swallowed, knowing his embarrassing conversation with his snake was almost definitely the reason for that.
‘Pretty Logan sssssmile.’
‘If you’re so keen on him then you kiss him.’
‘I’m a sssssssnake, you moron. ssss’
Janus groaned into his hand, trying to give Logan a look that could make him pity Janus and set him free from this conversation.
“Is Pamela troubling you, Janus?”
“Very much so. Would it be alright if I permanently relinquished care of them to you?”
‘Villain! sss’
“I don’t think Pamela would be fond of that idea.”
Janus rolled his eyes. “Maybe not. All the better; make them miserable.”
‘If you kissssssssed him you could ssssshare cussssstody.’
‘For the last time, I do not want to kiss Logan. I do not see him that way.’
‘Asssss your love would sssay, falssssssssehood.’
Janus wasn’t able to dignify that with a response because Logan took a few steps closer to the pair. He made eye contact with Pamela.
“You clearly have something to say. Is Janus unwilling to relay it to me?”
Pamela stuck their tongue out at Logan in a hiss and slithered their head up and down.
“Ah. Janus, you seem to be making Pamela,” he pulled out a flashcard, “angy. In order to properly deal with this, I would suggest telling me what they have to say so you can eat your pretzels without any disturbance.”
Putting Logan’s adorable flashcards and uses of modern slang that made Janus want to pepper kisses across his entire face aside, Janus was annoyed that this conversation had yet to be over. He, a master of deception, figured that it would be wise to craft a lie that would satisfy Logan and get him out of here.
“They’re offering you pretzels. I don’t want to give you any, though.”
‘Sss liar. sss’
Logan exhaled. “Well, that is very kind of you, Pamela. Since they are Janus’ pretzels and he wishes to keep them to himself, I think I will pass.”
“Great,” Janus said quickly.
‘Look how hot and ssssse-’
Janus’ face paled. “Bye!”
He raced past Logan and up the staircase.
Logan tapped his pen to his chin. Over the past week, he’d had several interactions with Janus and Pamela that occupied his mind, starting with the pretzel incident seven days before. Throughout these interactions, Pamela and Janus seemed to hiss angrily at each other, and Janus refused to translate. This worried Logan, and while at first he was fooled, he worried that something else was going on. After all, most of these interactions ended awkwardly and even the oblivious Logan could tell that Janus was trying to avoid him. While their interactions over the week needed two hands to number, that was over a seven day period and they lived in the same area. Logan had interacted with Roman probably thirty times or more in the past week. Logan could only count six with Janus.
More than that, Janus was clearly trying to cut their interactions short. One time when Janus had looked particularly uncomfortable, he straight-up ran out of the conversation without so much as a goodbye and didn’t even let himself be seen by Logan for the entirety of the following day. There was no other way to interpret his behavior except that he was ignoring him.
Not to mention, Pamela had been hissing in every single one.
Was the snake trying to convince Janus to insult him? Did Pamela know of malice Janus held for him that Logan didn’t?
Logan was startled from his thoughts when Virgil appeared in his room.
“Hey, dude. I can hear anxiety coming from here.” Virgil conjured a chair and dragged it to Logan’s desk, sitting beside him. He put his elbow on the table and rested his chin on his fist. “I rarely feel anxiety from you, so I thought I’d check things out. What’s up?”
“You have confused me, Virgil. I do not feel any anxiety,” Logan said genuinely.
Virgil made a noise communicating doubt. “I know I didn’t hear wrong. Here, how about you tell me what’s on your mind and I’ll see if I can spot any anxiety in your thoughts?”
Logan nodded. “That seems adequate. I do believe I may need another intelligent mind to help me make sense of these findings.”
Virgil bit his lip at the compliment. “I’m happy to help, L.”
Logan nodded and turned to face Virgil properly. “So, it’s about Janus.”
“Snake dude.”
“Yes. About a month ago, Remus gave him a snake, Pamela. Recently, Janus and Pamela have been communicating through telepathy via hissing that no one else can understand. This has been fine until about a week ago when they started hissing at each other anytime Janus and I would interact. The hissing seems to be angry on Janus’ part, he won’t translate for me, and he ends up ending the conversation awkwardly and then running off.”
Virgil frowned. “That’s weird. Maybe Pamela is insulting Janus or something?”
Logan shook his head. “I’ve heard and seen him interact with people like Patton with no trouble at all. Whenever Pamela hisses, he’ll translate, and that’s that. Unless you have had similar-”
“No. Whenever Pamela hisses when Janus and I are talking, he translates. We haven’t had any awkward interactions in a while since Janus is usually good at keeping things from getting awkward.”
Logan sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Then what could they be saying?”
“Did you think of anything? If you tell me what you’ve brainstormed so far, I can tell you if any of those can be sources of anxiety.”
“Well, my first thought was that Pamela was trying to get Janus to insult me, or knew of concealed malice Janus held for me. Could that elicit anxiety?”
Virgil snorted. “Of course. Your brain is mistakenly telling you that Janus hates you.”
“It’s certainly a possibility,” Logan defended. “Considering how he has been ignoring me, it is a logical conclusion.”
“Yeah, but I think the more logical conclusion to make is that Pamela is saying something related to you that is making him uncomfortable in your presence.”
Logan frowned. “I don’t like that either.”
Virgil laughed. “Why not? That’s their problem. They’ll sort things out and things’ll be back to normal between you two. It has nothing to do with you.”
“But it does! The only person Pamela is saying those things around is me!”
Virgil’s movements halted. “You really care about this, don’t you?”
“What?” Logan asked. He shook his head. “Certainly not. I simply want to make sure I haven’t upset Janus in any-”
“Bullshit,” Virgil said in a sing-song tone. “You care. I don’t kno-ohhhhhhhh.”
Virgil adopted a shit-eating grin and leaned his head closer to Logan with a shake of his head, wondering how he didn’t come to this conclusion sooner.
Virgil snickered. “You like him.”
Logan shrugged. “Sure. He is an intelligent and intriguing side who does his job as Deceit in an acceptably functional manner and we have conversations I would consider intellectually stimulating. He is a fellow side, a fri-”
“No. You like him.”
Logan’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “That’s what I just confirmed, Virgil.”
Virgil sighed. “No. Like as in, you probably want to back him against a wall and kiss the living daylights out of him. Maybe watch romantic documentaries together? Have a debate littered with sexual tension that ends in a make-out session? All of that? None? I don’t know what smart people do when in love.”
Logan’s mouth fell open. He started to stumble out a response. “I- No...that is a blatant lie-”
Virgil shook his head firmly. “Nope. It isn’t. I’m shocked I didn’t see it before. Looking back, I see the way you’ve looked at him, laughed at unfunny things he says, and smiled at him for no reason at all. You’re in love~”
Logan stared at him for a few minutes with a blank expression. He then put his head in his hands. “Oh my god, I am, aren’t I?”
Virgil awkwardly patted his back. “It’s okay...but yes, you are.”
Logan groaned. “And he hates me.”
Virgil drew back. “What? No! Of course he doesn’t!”
“How would you know? His actions seem to be communicating that he does.”
Virgil pursed his lips, thinking. “If I see any sign of hatred, or lack thereof, in any of your conversations in the near future, I will tell you. Okay?”
Logan nodded.
“Okay. I’ll leave you to your pining, Logan.”
Pamela would not shut up around Logan, and frankly, Janus wasn’t sure how much more of it he could take. They were constantly hissing about how hot Janus must think he was (essspecially in that outfit, Janusss, that sshirt is making you go crazy, I’m ssssure of it), telling Janus to kiss him, among other things. Janus could not keep his cool around Logan and always had to leave. He knew he wouldn’t act on Pamela’s suggestions, but they still prompted embarrassment and a desire to escape Logan’s presence.
So, for the past week, he had been trying to ignore Logan as best he could. He predicted his typical meal times, breaks, and when he would normally get water based on observations he had made throughout their friendship (for totally not gay at all reasons) and tried his best to stay in his room during those times. Of course, there was margin for error and days where he wasn’t as adamant to escape Logan as others, but he managed to have a full week of having only six interactions with him.
Did Janus miss him? Maybe. Did Pamela miss Logan? Definitely. Did either of those facts matter? Not in the slightest. Janus was fine with only keeping constant contact with four of his five fellow sides. And things would’ve continued to be fine if it weren’t for fucking Pamela.
‘I wanna sssssee Logan, Janussss, go talk to him. ss’
‘Not unless you behave. We’ve already had thisss talk and you alwayss sssay ssomething out of line, even if you promisssed not to beforehand.’
‘But I wanna ssssee him, and sssssso do you.’
‘I do not!’
‘How would you know, anyway, if I did?’
‘Caussse you’re not ssssubtle about it.’
‘I take great offenssse to that.’
‘You sssssshould.’
Janus grumbled out some incomprehensible nonsense, electing to get some dry cereal for a snack. Pamela wrapped themself around Janus’ neck and rested their head over Janus’ ear. Janus sunk out of his room and appeared at the bottom of the staircase, where he then made to the kitchen. He poured some dry cereal into a bowl and headed for the sofa, deciding to eat there.
About halfway through his bowl of grainy dryness, he spotted with terrified eyes, Logan walking down the staircase. He realized he didn’t check his list of times Logan was normally in the kitchen or living room, and that now was one of those times. He wondered bitterly if a part of him purposely forgot just so he could see Logan again, for the first time in twenty-eight hours.
‘Go talk to him. sss’
Janus opened his mouth to respond, but closed it and looked to his food when Logan’s head started to turn in his direction. Janus took another bite of his dry cereal, pretending like he didn’t notice Logan’s presence.
Janus heard footsteps making their way over to his spot.
‘I don’t think I’ll have a choice, Pam.’
The footsteps stopped. “Good afternoon, Janus.”
Janus looked up and plastered on a small smile.
‘Oh my gosssssh look at that outfit, Janusssssss, you must think he issss ssssso hot!’
“Hello, Logan.”
Janus turned back to his cereal to take another bite.
‘You’re a rude friend. ssss’
‘Bold of you to assssume I’m a friend.’
‘Logan deservesssss better.’
Pamela angrily hissed at Janus.
“How has your day been, Janus?”
Janus looked back to Logan. “As well as a day can be with a snake hovering nearby all the time.”
Logan gave him an amused smile. “It can’t be too terrible. I’ve heard Patton say he would love having a pet that talked to him.”
“I think even he would get tired of Pamela.”
“That bad, hmm?”
Janus chuckled as another hiss sounded loudly in his left ear. “At times. They’re fine a lot of the time, but they’ve also been rather annoying over certain topics.”
“At least it’s not all the time.”
“It feels like it.”
‘Tell him you love him. ss’
‘I will not.’
Logan’s eyes finally spotted Pamela. “What’re they saying, if I may?”
“Nothing of importance.”
‘Are you kidding? I am the mossst important thing in your life right now, but it would be Logan if you weren’t a coward. ssss’
Logan frowned, noticing that no matter how stupid something was, Janus would always translate what Pamela was saying to him with any other person. “Are you sure? Pamela seems quite incessant.”
‘I am! Your boy isss quite attentive. ssss’
‘He’sss not my boy, nor is he a boy, conssssidering he is an adult. Sstop.’
“They are indeed being incessant. It doesn’t mean it is of any importance.”
‘I think you sssshould take him out on a date tonight. You’ve done all the work you need to already, and you need to make up for the rudenesssss you’re dissssplaying right now. ss’
Janus stood promptly, bowl in hand. “Thank you for your concern, Logan. However, I have a bunch of work left to do today, and I need to return to it.”
He started to sink out, but Logan’s hand clasped around his wrist and pulled him back up. He took the cereal from Janus’ hand and set it on the table. Janus looked at him with wide eyes.
“Apologies, Janus, I did not mean to catch you so off guard,” said Logan, noticing Janus’ shock. “However, you have been avoiding me.”
“Where did you get that from?”
Logan rolled his eyes. “I asked Virgil, and he said that he’s had normal, regular interactions with you over the past week. I can’t say I’ve seen you more than seven times.”
“Do you need to see me more often?” Janus asked.
“Um, well, no-” Logan stumbled. “But I was worried. Have I done something to offend you in any way? I sincerely apologize if I ha-”
“No, Logan, not at all,” Janus said, his voice suddenly softer. “You haven’t done anything of the sort and don’t need to apologize.”
‘Now look what you’ve done! He’ssss feeling guilty for no reassson, and it’ssss your fault. Maybe we sssshouldn’t be pursssuing him if you treat him like thisss.’
“Is Pamela saying something again?” Logan asked solemnly.
“Yeah,” Janus answered. “They’re chastising me.”
Logan snorted. “I can’t imagine what for. Either way, I want to know your reasons for ignoring me.”
Janus put a hand on his neck, brainstorming good lies.
“I don’t want you to lie to me. If you lie, we can’t sort things out.”
Janus sighed, dropping his hand. He instead pondered the pros and cons of telling Logan the truth, that Pamela was trying to matchmake them.
“Does Pamela know something you feel towards me that I don’t?”
‘I told you you’re not fucking sssubtle.’
‘Who taught you sswear words???’
“Do you hate me?”
Janus was startled out of his conversation with Pamela at those words. He opened his mouth to respond but he was at a loss. He didn’t understand how Logan could ever think he hated him. Where did he go wrong?
“Ah. I see you are unwilling to respond. You don’t need to figuratively sugarcoat anything. I was simply curious. The improvement of our communication with each other depends on our understanding and sharing of the opinions we have regarding each other. Only then can we work together properly. I don’t mind. This will be good, so we no longer have any questions-”
Janus was too busy being worried over the future of his friendship with Logan to appreciate how cute he was when rambling. “I honestly don’t know know if you’re blind, insecure, and/or deaf but everything you’ve said in the past two minutes has been baseless and wrong.”
Logan stopped short, looking at Janus like a deer in headlights.
“You heard me. What, in all of our interactions, makes you think I hate you?”
“I’m talking with Virgil more than I’m talking to you. Do you know how much Virgil and I used to hate each other, how much shit we’ve gone through? Yet, he and I are still talking normally. You really think that I hate you?”
“It was the logical conclusion from the facts at hand-”
“You were jumping to a conclusion based on cognitive distortions-”
“I resent that!”
Janus stopped to look at Logan’s face. He looked so indignant, impulsive, and so so very confused. Janus didn’t need Pamela for there to be a voice telling him to kiss Logan in that moment. Janus needed to approach this with more care than he was in the present. Logan had clearly been caught up about this.
“This is bothering you, huh?”
“I want our working relationship to be as functional as possible.”
Janus laughed with no humor, shaking his head. “No.” He exhaled. “You want me to tell you, Logan?”
Logan nodded.
Janus put a gloved hand on Logan’s shoulder and gently pushed him to sit on the sofa. Janus sat next to him.
He closed his eyes. “This will negatively affect our working relationship.”
“I imagine so, considering my conclusion came to be quite negative.”
“Not for that reason,” said Janus. “Pamela can read me like a picture book for infants. I do have feelings for you that you are unaware of. Pamela has been harassing me over it. Every time you and I have a conversation, they always implore me to do something that would ultimately end our friendship.”
“Pamela hates me?”
Janus shook his head, repressing a scoff at Logan’s obliviousness. “They always remind me of my desire to be in a romantic relationship with you and try to get me to act on that wish. The result is me feeling a bit...awkward. So, I leave.”
Logan’s lips parted. He didn’t respond for a couple of minutes.
Janus swallowed and nodded. He rose from the sofa and made to sink out. “It was nice being your friend, Logan, you’re a wond-”
Janus didn’t notice that Logan’s hand was still on his wrist. It was, and it tightened around his wrist for the second time in this interaction, stopping Janus from leaving. Logan turned his head to meet Janus’ eyes.
“I wasn’t aware you were able to feel the same.”
It was Janus’ turn to be taken by surprise. He searched Logan’s gaze for a lie, but he could see nor sense none. His hand covered his mouth and he sat back down.
Logan seemed to adjust to the new information, no longer being the one caught by surprise. He moved his free hand to the human side of Janus’ face, taking his hand from his mouth.
Logan made no move to hide that his gaze was fixated on Janus’ lips. “And the methods of acting on these feelings you have been encouraged to engage in...”
Janus caught his lips in a kiss. Logan kissed back, dropping Janus’ wrist to rest a hand on his scales, the other going around his waist.
They pulled apart after a minute, both of them smiling.
‘My work here isss done.’
‘Don’t you dare think you’re ever leaving my cussstody.’
‘Wouldn’t dream of it.’
Logan chuckled. “What is it?” He brushed a lock of Janus’ hair behind his ear.
“They’re happy for us.”
Taglist: @somehow-i-got-an-account @justanotherhumanstuff @merlinfreya27
Thanks for the prompt! I really loved writing this and there isn’t enough Loceit anywhere. I know this was probably supposed to be snake-fixated but I really liked the idea of the snake making Janus get his act together and kiss the boy. I hope you liked it!
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bitchin-beskar · 4 years
Rating: M
Warnings: TW (mentions of panic attacks/confronting a phobia about spiders) no smut this time y’all I apologize, but there is plenty of hurt/comfort and cuddling to be had!
Word Count: 4.1k
Pairing: Din Djarin x Reader (no use of Y/N)
A/N: So, watching 2x02 was a bit rough for me, because I hate spiders. So, so much. Soooooo, this is a self-indulgent little fic (okay, not so little) that was 100% encouraged by/discussed with @mxndoscyarika! She’s honestly amazing and y’all should check her stuff out!!! 
Please consider reblogging and leaving a comment! I love to hear what you guys think!
You’d tried telling the Frog Lady that it was a bad idea. You knew Mando would want the two of you to stay with the ship, especially with the rapidly dropping temperature. Mando got... antsy in areas that it weren’t easy to secure, and with the Crest damaged...
But she wouldn’t hear of it, insisting that she had to get her eggs warm. So, when she marched off in search of hot springs, you trailed after her helplessly, grabbing a blaster just in case.
You sat by the pool after scanning the icy hills covered with rocks behind the two of you, your blaster in your hands and ready to be fired at any hint of danger. Frog Lady was happily soaking in the warmth of the hot springs, and while you’d love to join her, something about this area gave you the creeps.
You looked up at the sound of crunching snow to see Mando marching towards the two of you, with the little child trailing not far behind. You could tell by the set of his shoulders that he was mad.
Standing to intercept him, you moved in his path, resting one of your glove-covered hands over the beskar chestplate. “Mando, she just needed to get her eggs warm.”
His helmet turned to stare at you, but you wouldn’t back down. “It’s not safe. I can’t protect the two of you here.”
You shrugged. “That’s why I brought this,” you gestured with the blaster. “I did try to stop her.”
Mando sighed deeply. “I assumed as much.” He tried once more to push past you, and this time you let him. He immediately began gathering the Frog Lady’s eggs, ordering her to get out.
You watched for a moment, before turning to try and spot your wayward little green son. You really really didn’t want him eating any more of the Frog Lady’s eggs.
There was a sudden rumbling, and you looked around, now a lot more worried than you had been before. You spotted the child waddling as fast as his little legs would allow towards the three of you, his arms already stretched out in a plea to be picked up. His whimpers were distressed, and in just moments, you saw why.
Those icy hills covered with rocks weren’t actually covered in rocks. They were covered in eggs. Thousands and thousands of eggs that were hatching.
A roar shook the chamber, and you watched in stunned terror as a giant, horrifying snow spider climbed over the hill, it’s grotesque mouth growling at you.
“Run! Run! Get back to the ship!”
Mando was yelling, urging the Frog Lady to move, starting to run as well, but you couldn’t. You couldn’t move. Your feet were rooted to the ground in terror. Your breath was shaky, you were gasping but couldn’t get in enough air. You hated spiders. They terrified you. And now there was one that was as big as the Crest looming over you, about to eat you.
Suddenly there was an arm around your waist, and you were being yanked backwards off your feet. Mando was beside you, tugging and pulling as he tried to get you to move.
“Come on! We have to go! Now!”
You managed to force your body to move, and although you were shaking from head to toe, at least you were actively moving away from the creature.
Stumbling through the ice tunnels, the three of you ran. The Frog Lady kept stumbling while carrying her eggs, so Mando quickly shoved the child into your arms before grabbing the canister from her, urging you all to move faster.
You refused to look back, even when Mando threw some charges back into the fray, and you heard the explosion.
You were so close to freedom when come of the smaller spiders leaped out into the tunnel in front of you, blocking your exit. One of them leaped at you, and you screamed, but Mando quickly shot it down with his blaster. Reaching out to you, Mando grabbed you by the arm, pulling you close.
“Don’t look.”
You buried your face in his cowl as your heard a hissing noise before there was an intense heat at your back. The squeals from the spiders as they died sent shivers down your spine. Mando’s arm stayed firmly wrapped around you as his flamethrower ignited hundreds of the little spiders.
When the squeals died down, Mando once more began urging you to run. “We’re almost there!”
When the Crest came into view, you could have sobbed with relief. Mando’s hand was heavy against your back, pressing you forward. “Go! Up to the cockpit! Hurry!”
You moved as fast as you could, the snow not doing any of you any favors as you tried to run. You ushered Frog Lady into the hull as fast as you could, helping her get her eggs up the ladder. You handed the child up to her, before climbing the ladder yourself.
You heard muttered curses, and you turned to see Din getting shoved further and further back into the Crest, the spiders overwhelming him. You climbed as fast as you could, stumbling into the cockpit right as Mando reached the ladder.
Immediately scooping the child up in your arms, you backed up, pressing yourself up against the control panel, as far away from the door as you could get. Mando rushed through, and the doors tried to slide shut, but the spiders were there, forcing their way inside. You shoved the child behind you to try and protect him, even though you were terrified.
One spider leapt for your face, and you barely had time to scream. Right before it grabbed you, Mando’s fingers closed around it, crushing it’s body in his grasp. He turned back to the door, igniting his flamethrower again, trying to force the spiders back.
There was a sudden blaster shot that wizzed behind you, and you turned in shock to see a spider being blasted off of the baby’s head.
Frog Lady held your blaster in her shaking hands, but she nodded at you when you whipped around to see her.
Scooping the child up in your arms, cradling him against your chest, you thanked her profusely.
“Are you alright, dear heart?” You murmured, looking down at the child who was shaking in your arms. “Did it hurt you?”
You were inspecting his little head and body for any injuries when a warm hand landed on the small of your back.
“Are you both okay?”
Mando’s voice was urgent, and his helmet scanned up and down, looking for any cuts or bruises on the two of you.
“I think so,” you muttered, your voice just barely shaking. “I think we’re okay.”
“Good. Let’s get out of here.”
Mando helped you sink down into your seat, his hands hovering slightly, as though he wanted to help, just wasn’t sure how.
You buckled up, securing your arms around the child as Din prepared to take off. He was rattling off some reassurances to the Frog Lady, but you didn’t hear any of them, too caught up in trying to hold yourself together.
The ship slowly started to rise, creaking and groaning, and you finally let out a sigh of relief.
There was a loud crash! The viewport windows darkened as something big and heavy landed on top of the Crest. You screamed as giant spider legs began stabbing through the transperisteel, one narrowly missing you.
The mangled, burned face of the giant snow spider leered at you, it’s circular mouth banging against the viewport, trying to break through.
Your breath was coming in quick pants, not nearly enough for you to get any oxygen, and you were beginning to hyperventilate. You were aware Mando lived a dangerous life, and that you might lose yours in the process of trying to find the kid his home, but you never imagined death-by-giant-snow-spider.
There was the sound of a weapon discharging, and a giant red blaster bolt slammed into the spider, knocking it away from the Crest. As more blaster fire rained down, Mando got up, turning to go investigate before he looked down and saw you, barely breathing.
He fell to his knees, his gloved hands cupping your shoulders. His helmet was tilted up at you, although it took you a couple moments to realize he was speaking.
“Hey, hey, you’re okay, just breathe. Breathe with me, sweet girl, just breathe.”
He grabbed one of your hands and placed it over his chest, exaggerating his breathing so that you could feel the rise and fall of his chest under the beskar. Your breathing began to slow.
“That’s it, just breathe. I’ll be right back, okay?”
He waited for you to nod before standing again, opening the cockpit doors and shoving his way through the spider corpses that filled the hallway.
You refused to look behind you, resolutely staring forward as you tried to stay calm. You could not afford to freak out right now.
The child was seated in your lap, playing with your fingers as you held him tight. He didn’t seem to mind, and his presence helped to ground you in reality.
The blaster fire ceased after a while, and it was another short wait before Mando made his way back into the cockpit.
“Good news is, those X-Wing pilots killed all the spiders.”
You turned slightly to look at him, pointedly ignoring the open cockpit door. “And the bad news?”
“They won’t help us fix the Crest.”
Your expression was incredulous. “Seriously? They just left us here?”
Mando just nodded, and you sighed, sitting back heavily in the seat. “The two of you should stay in here. I’ll get the heater online and re-route it up here. That should keep you guys warm while I patch up the hull. Looks like we’re gonna be here for a while longer.”
You mumbled your agreement, looking down at the baby in your lap. The sooner you could get off this kriffing planet, the better.
“Mando? You should come inside, it’s getting too dark.”
You stood by the hull of the ship, wrapped up in one of the spare blankets. Mando was busy welding one of the torn panels together, trying to restore the integrity of the cargo hold. He’d made a lot of progress, but it was getting late. And cold.
He turned his helmet slightly to look at you. “I’m almost done on this panel. Where’s the lady and the kid?”
You sighed, watching as your breath condensed in front of you, a clear indicator that it was too cold to be outside. “The lady is sleeping in the cockpit. I helped her get some blankets set up, and she has a little bed. The kid is snuggled up in his cradle. It took him a while to fall asleep but he’s out now.”
Mando nodded once. “Go on inside. I’ll be done soon.”
You started to nod before you had to cover your mouth with the back of your hand as you yawned.
“Get some sleep. It’s been a long day.”
You sighed. “Yeah, tell me about it.”
There were still spiderwebs decorating the inside of the cargo hold, but with the lights on it was easy to avoid them.
It looked as though the spiders had bypassed your bunk, which was a relief. You change into your sleep clothes quickly, crawling inside and curling up, falling asleep almost as soon as your head touched the pillow.
You were running.
A never ending tunnel stretched out before you, the ice slippery and treacherous as you tried to escape the thousands and thousands of spiders chasing you.
You couldn’t breathe, your lungs burning and your legs aching as you sprinted as fast as you dared on the icy ground. Mando was nowhere to be seen, and neither was the Child. You were alone, trapped in the ice, about to be eaten.
Something landed on your face, and you awoke with a scream.
Your eyes wrenched open, and you frantically batted at whatever was covering your face. You sat up, eyes adjusting in the dark, only to realize the thing that you’d yanked off of you was a spider.
You screamed again, falling backwards out of your bunk as you scrambled to get away. You fell against some spiderwebs, the sticky strings clinging to your arms and your shirt, and the more you struggled, the more tangled you got.
A broken sob escaped your lips as you wrestled with the webs. You were hyperventilating, crying, your continued screams echoing off the metal walls of the Crest.
The lights suddenly powered up, and through your tears you saw Mando rushing towards you. He crosses the hull in four strides, his hands grasping your forearms as he hauls you up and against his chest.
You grip the fabric of his shirt tightly, your whole body wracked with sobs as you tried to press yourself closer against him. His arms are around your waist, holding you in a crushing grip as he tries to calm your frantic whimpers. 
He leans back against the wall of the Crest, spreading his legs slightly and bringing you to rest between them. One of his arms is tight around your waist, his hand gripping your hip tightly. His other hand is slowly stroking your hair, carefully removing the spiderwebs that still cling to you. 
You sag against him, gasping as you try to suck in lungfuls of air. It’s been one thing after another today, and you’re exhausted.
By the time your heart has stopped feeling like it’s about to leap out of your chest, Mando has managed to remove most of the spiderwebs from your hair. You still have webs covering your bare arms and legs, and you shudder as you feel the residue adhering to your skin. You pull back from Mando slightly, trying to pull at the webs, but it doesn’t work, they’re stubbornly stuck to you.
Mando grasps your hands tightly in his, and you realize he’s telling you to stop. “You’re only going to hurt yourself doing that, hold on.” He starts to move towards the ‘fresher, his arm around your waist the only thing keeping you upright on your shaking legs. 
He turns on the water, letting it run, the steam slowly filling the small room. He grabs your waist and hoists you up on the counter, your hands flying to his shoulders to steady yourself, not expecting the movement. He waits for you to let go before grabbing a clean washcloth, wetting it with the warm water before beginning to gently run it over your skin. You watch as the web residue softens, detaching easily from your body, and the more he removes, the more you calm. 
The washcloth is warm, and Mando keeps his other hand anchored on your thigh, helping to ground you. He squeezes gently whenever there’s a particularly difficult section of webbing, and the heat from his palm melts the icy fear that still has a grip on your heart. 
It takes a long time for your skin to be free from the webs, but Mando takes his time, making sure you’re completely cleaned before dropping the washcloth in the sink and turning off the water. 
He tugs gently at the hem of your sleep shirt. “Take this off.”
You blink up at him, shocked. “W–What?”
He sighs. “Your clothes are covered in webs. Take them off.”
“What else am I going to wear?” Your other sleep clothes are with the rest of your stuff, covered in webbing like the rest of the ship, and you really don’t have any other options. 
Instead of answering, Mando reaches over and shuts off the lights. There’s a rustling of fabric, and suddenly there’s warm cloth being pressed into your hands. “Wear this.”
It takes some fumbling in the dark, taking off your own clothes–not your undergarments, thank Maker–while still perched on the counter but you managed it, slipping the shirt Mando had given you over your head, the long sleeves falling over your hands as it settles around your hips. 
“Are you done?”
You jump a little at Mando’s voice ringing out in the pitch black. “Y–Yeah, I’m done.” 
You actually squeak when, a moment later, Mando scoops you up in his arms, cradling you against his chest. Your hands rest against bare skin, and you realize the shirt your wearing is the one Mando had been wearing minutes ago, which meant–
Your cheeks burned as you realized you were being cradled by a shirtless Mandalorian. His skin was hot, almost fevered, and you welcomed the warmth in what was still a very cold ship. 
“W–Where are we going?” You murmur, reluctant to break the calm stillness that surrounds the two of you. 
“You–” Mando says, his grip tightening slightly. “–need to get some rest. You’re exhausted.” 
You immediately begin to squirm. “No, nonono, I can’t, I can’t go back in there, Mando, please–” Your voice breaks as you plead with him, desperate to stay away from your bunk. It takes you too long to realize the rumbling of his chest means he’s trying to shush you.”
“Shhh, sweet girl, I know. Shh.” He stops moving, standing still, just cradling you in his arms in the darkness. “I won’t make you go back to your bunk, I promise.” He begins moving again, easily dodging obstacles in the dark. 
“Where else am I supposed to rest?” 
You hear a hatch slide open, and Mando sets you down on something soft. “In here.”
You feel around, scooting back into the little cubby that barely seems big enough to hold you. “What is this?”
“It’s my bed.”
You stiffened, head whipping around to stare at where you thought Mando was. “No, Mando, don’t be ridiculous, I can’t take your bed, where will you sleep?”
Mando sighed deeply, resting his hand on your ankle. “I can keep working on the ship. You need the rest, sweet girl.”
Before he has a chance to turn away, you lean forward and wrap your fingers around his wrist. “Don’t–” You start, your voice breaking. “Don’t go. I don’t want to be alone right now.”
You feel warm fingers brushing against your jaw, tucking your hair behind your ear. You lean into his touch, closing your eyes.
“Are you sure?”
You nod, knowing Mando can feel it. He sighs again. “Lay down.”
You scoot back, feeling around the edges of the mattress. There’s really not a lot of room, so you lay down, pressing against the cold wall of the cubby. You hear a hissing sound, followed by a metallic thunk. The mattress dips as Mando crawls in behind you, and you try to make yourself smaller so that the two of you fit. There’s not enough room for the both of you to lay on your backs, so you roll onto your side to make more room.
The hiss of the hatch door shutting makes you jump. It’s pitch black, you can’t see anything at all. Your whole body is tense, and your mind is racing.
You jump as Mando wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you back from the edge of the wall, and against his chest. He throws the blanket over the both of you, tucking his face against where your neck and shoulder meet.
“A–Are you wearing your helmet?”
You feel his chuckle vibrate through his chest, and his lips press against your skin.
“What do you think, sweet girl?”
You don’t have any words to answer him, sitting in stunned silence as the ramifications of what’s going on right now strike through you at lightspeed.
“Relax,” Mando rumbles against you, drawing the word out as he breaths it against your skin. “I’ve got you.”
You close your eyes. How are you supposed to tell him that that’s the problem? He probably thought you were still freaked out over the spiders, which, to be fair, you were. It’s just... he was a nice distraction.
You force yourself to relax, letting the tension drain out of your limbs as you sink further into the mattress. You settle even more against Mando, his body a barrier against the outside world.
He gently starts to trace patterns on your skin underneath his shirt, his touch featherlight, even though you feel as though he’s burning you every time he touches you.
You’re relaxing even more, although you doubt you could fall asleep. Your nightmare from before still strikes fear into your heart, and you really don’t want to wake up with a dead spider on your head again.
The shudder that runs through you is an unconscious reaction to your previous ordeal, although Mando seems to take it as a sign that you’re cold. He draws his knees up, curling his body inward as he wraps himself even further around you, until the only thing you can feel is him.
The silence is heavy, but not uncomfortable. It covers the two of you like a blanket, pressing down and filling every nook and cranny, bringing an odd sense of peace.
You’d think that Mando was asleep if it weren’t for the fact that he was still tracing shapes on your stomach.
“Why don’t you ever call me by my name?”
His question is so quiet, you almost miss it.
You’re so tired, your brain doesn’t want to process anything more complex than simple yes or no questions, so humming is all you’ve got.
Mando seems insistent though. He nudges you a little bit until you’re laying on your back, and he’s leaning on his side, partially hovering over you.
“My name. I know you know what it is. You were there when Gideon said it.”
“Why don’t you ever use it?”
It takes you longer than it should to process his question.
“Haven’t given me permission.”
There’s silence. And then:
You shrug your shoulders. “You n’ver gave me permission. ‘S not my place.”
There’s another beat of silence, and you’re teetering on the edge of sleep when you feel the gentle pressure of lips against your forehead. You sigh, relaxing into the touch. 
Mando’s warm hand cups your cheek as he rests his forehead against yours, his nose bumping against your own with the close proximity. You can feel his breath on your face, mingling with yours. This close intimacy is something you never knew you wanted, but now that you’ve tasted it, you don’t want to let it go.
“Call me by my name, sweet girl,” his plea is whispered into the darkness, his lips just barely brushing yours. 
You tilt your face up slightly, closing the gap, and just before you’re pressing your lips against his, you whisper his name. 
His lips press ever so gently against yours, swallowing your sigh. It’s sweet and soft, and warm, and you could lay here under him for hours, if only he’ll keep kissing you like this. 
His tongue coaxes your mouth open, gently, slowly. There’s nothing rushed or hurried, just gentle exploration in the dark. His hand falls to your waist, pushing his shirt up and stroking at your warmed skin, revelling in the skin-on-skin contact.
You cradle his cheeks in your palms, pulling him down so that his weight is resting just barely on top of you. It’s calming, soothing, being pinned by someone whom you trust with your life, someone who would rather die than hurt you. 
Din kisses you until you’re breathless, and then keeps going. It’s as though his goal is to sear the memory of your lips against his skin, and it’s not something you’re at all opposed to. 
You’re not sure how long you lay there, kissing in the dark, but by the time Din lets you breathe, your lips feel swollen and warm, and your whole body is tingling. 
He maneuvers the two of you so that your back is pressed against his chest again, and he’s touching as much of you as he can possibly reach. Your legs are tangled with his, one arm is under your shirt and around your waist, the over crossed over your chest, palm resting over your beating heart. His face is once more buried in the skin of your neck, lips pressing gentle butterfly kisses against the skin. 
You’re so relaxed in his hold, it’s easy to start to drift off. As your consciousness fades, you hear his whispered promise to you. 
“I’ll protect you. Always.”
Tags: @theocatkov, @cosmicbug379, @marydjarin, @perropascal, @mxndoscyarika, @hayley-the-comet, @phoenixhalliwell, @ahopelessromanticwritersworld, @pedroepascal
Please fill out this survey if you’d like to be tagged in any of my works!
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chvndlcr · 3 years
hey everyone, i’m elle! i’m in the est timezone. i’m nonbinary and i use she/her pronouns. i’m very bad at doing short intro posts but i’m gonna try to keep these short and sweet. so now let’s talk about my boy chan. he is my oldest oc - i've been writing him since 2014. 
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[ alex fitzalan, cis man, 22, he/him ] did you see who just walked in? it was that SENIOR, the ╳ + ASSIDUOUS AND  - GUARDED ╳  one? you know, the one who lives OFF CAMPUS, CHANDLER LINWOOD! i heard they are majoring in BUSINESS and they can’t wait to get out of here to FIGURE OUT WHAT HE WANTS TO DO.  crap! stop staring, here they come! 
name. james chandler linwood // when chandler was five, he found out about middle names at school. after asking his dad what his was, he immediately decided that chandler was a way cooler name than james, and has gone by his middle name ever since. one of his pet peeves is people referring to him as james.  hometown. wayzata, mn // suburb of minneapolis major. business // chandler has no clue what he wants to do with his life. he’s been doing some photography gigs on the side since his freshman year of college, so he decided it wouldn’t hurt to get a degree in business so he could run his own shit better. he knows he doesn’t want to do photography as a career long-term, though. birthday. february 11th, 1999 // twenty two years old.  gender. cis man orientation. biromantic asexual // chan is completely out as ‘bi’. most people assume that means he’s bisexual and he doesn’t correct that idea. he’s a lot quieter about being asexual. a lot of people don’t understand what it is, and ask invasive questions, and he’s a naturally private person who wants to avoid all of that entirely.  hobbies. photography, cooking, video games phobias. acrophobia // fear of heights allergy. bee venom
[ BIO ] [tw. abuse/neglect, alcoholism, drug addiction, self harm, depression]
chandler is the only child of john and susan linwood. susan is a doctor while john works for an advertising company. susan has always been a bit ‘out there’, with no brain-to-mouth filter and some very problematic viewpoints and opinions. john started drinking when chan was eight. actually, he relapsed into drinking again, but chandler doesn’t know he had an alcohol problem before that. chandler knew his parents loved him; one of their better parenting traits was making sure he didn’t forget that. but they weren’t mentally present enough to be very good parents. gradually his dad became angry and violent while he was drinking and that, coupled with chandler’s rebellious teenage years, made the linwood home a less and less safe place for chandler.
in high school, he was known for hanging out with the “wrong crowd”. he partied a lot, trying to mentally escape from his home life and normal teen angst stuff. he often mouthed off to teachers and got in trouble on a regular basis. but he also worked really hard in school, taking mostly AP classes while managing As and Bs. not many people knew what to make of that, and acted like he was just a troublemaker that was naturally gifted. but in reality he was juggling challenging school work, a busy social life, and doing all of the cooking and cleaning at home. 
another thing chan had a reputation for was quickly rotating through girlfriends (and boyfriends, but there weren’t anywhere near as many guys to date at his suburban high school). but it wasn’t the situation everyone thought it was. as relationships became more physically intimate, he became more uncomfortable. as soon as sex was suggested, he would end the relationship. in hindsight, this wasn’t the best way to approach dating. but at the time, he had no idea asexuality was a thing and that he didn’t owe anyone sex just because they were in a relationship.
his longest high school relationship was madison. they had mutual friends and started hanging out. madison had a fairly obvious drug problem, but that didn’t bother chandler. a part of him was more attracted to her because of it, although he’d never admit that to anyone. plus she was asexual. this not only was how he found out that was a sexual orientation, but it also took a lot of anxiety out of the idea of dating and chandler fell hard. 
madison easily grew jealous. she was biphobic, hated sharing chandler with anyone, and was often bossy and controlling. yet chandler noticed none of the red flags until it was too late. by the time he started trying to untangle himself from her, he couldn’t. he was scared what she would do to herself if he ended things, and as she became physically violent he was scared of what she would do to him as well. since he couldn’t get out of the situation, and had never learned healthy ways of coping with the stress and trauma in his life, he turned to binge drinking and self harm.
his way out came in the form of an acceptance letter from suffolk university. as soon as he graduated high school, he left for boston and never looked back. 
while he had a great inner drive in high school, that came to a screeching halt once he started college. his motivation had always been to get out of wayzata. but now that he was finally free, he had no idea what to do. at the same time, he was dealing with the aftermath of both his dad and his ex-girlfriend’s abuse towards him. 
while he continued pushing forward, he never found that motivation to really care about school or his future again. he’s in his final year of college and still hasn’t figured out what he wants to do with his life. he feels stuck and frustrated.
most people don’t know about his parents, or his struggles with mental health and self harm. he’s in total denial that he has a problem with alcohol. he simply doesn’t open up easily, preferring to surround himself with a shell that can become spiky if he feels uncomfortable. but he’s always cracking jokes and acting like he doesn’t take anything seriously, putting up a front so nobody looks too closely at the cracks.
while chandler is shit at taking care of his own needs, he’s amazing at taking care of other people. he will hold your hair back at a party while you throw up, make sure you drink enough water and electrolytes, then make you breakfast in the morning. he’s definitely a bit of a ‘mom friend’, although he doesn’t think he is.
he may act apathetic, but he cares. a lot. he’s a rather empathetic person. unfortunately he has the emotional intelligence of a spoon, so this isn’t always a good thing
sometimes when he’s drunk, chandler starts rambling about video game and/or cartoon conspiracy theories
his yearbook quote was “would you woohoo me in sims yes or no”
also he really likes cooking for other people so if he asks to cook for you please just humor him and say yes
some sort of family member // he’s an only child, so probably a cousin. they don’t have to be from minnesota.
exes // guys, girls, nonbinary people....doesn’t matter. 
fake relationship // for some reason, these two pretend they’re dating. maybe more happens, maybe not.
restaurant service // they can’t cook, so they’re always coming over and eating what chandler makes.
roommate // they could be the best of friends or hate each others guts. lots of room to find the right dynamic
best friend // one of the only people chan trusts, and they know everything about him
classmate // self explanatory
i know some people get really touchy about aces being portrayed as sex repulsed so often. asexuality is a lack of sexual attraction, that’s it. some aces like sex. however, chandler does not and that’s okay too!
also i know he has some heavy topics in his writing. i will tag any post that involve these topics accordingly, and always do my absolute best to handle this kind of material in a respectful and empathetic way. 
so yeah that’s chandler. so much for making this short, but i actually left a lot of small details out. please like this post or send me a message to start plotting with my son.
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hyperfixationtimego · 3 years
awwww poor mukuro 👊😞
//tw poisoning, paranoia
mukuro has a very bad distrust in food she doesn’t see prepared herself, so with her rbf people would just...see this menacing, buff lady staring at them from across the kitchen and immediately get scared.
sakura ends up making her food mostly, and she lets Mukuro inspect the ingredient before she adds it; Sayaka tried to help, but she’s very insecure about Mukuro “not trusting her” with food so she disengaged from the making. Kyoto had a book on warning signs of poisoning, and she lends it to Mukuro, who just about cries when she’s given it.
also 💛 I think I have him ✨✨majorly mischaracterized✨✨ but I really want a friendship between Mukuro & the short mob blond (ends in hiko maybe? fuyuhiko?? idk), and as such Peko prepares food for Mukuro. She talks herself through tasks when she’s bored, so Mukuro likes listening to her explain what she’s doing - queer eye anon
first of all I love everything about this and second of all this is. reminding me of one of the sdr2 anthology things where hebesbhsdhvd teruteru is preparing food for nagito and nekomaru while they’re in the hospital (I don’t remember why they’re there) and they see him preparing the food and he just. Looks SO fucjing angry
they’re like “oh??? he’s going to kill us????”
honestly one of my faves because a) Nagito is drawn rlly cute in most of the panels, and b) teruteru and the reason he was acting all scary and angry,,,,🥺 it’s so good I love it hdbsbsbsbsbw
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+ hanamura’s weird I’m CRYING
ok ok ok sorry anyway back to mukuro
but yeah???? literally????
highkey it hurts teruteru’s pride as a chef to be distrusted like that, but he can mostly deal with the way she stares at him as long as she stays out of his way while he’s cooking hdvsbdbd (it’s his art!! he gets lost in it very easily, so it’s pretty simple for him to block out external stimuli, including scary soldier ladies who look like they want to wring his neck)
also I feel like she’s probably the ONLY person the other students have ever seen been able to make Kirumi visibly perspire and become nervous lmaooo like!!! Kirumi’s used to this sort of thing, and she’s willing to accommodate Mukuro’s needs bc ofc she is, but??? There’s just something???? about how intense the staring is that just. REALLY puts her off (although not enough to get her to stop doing her job 💛)
and yesssss 🥺 Sakura is a godsend highkey bc of how patient and understanding she is?? Like not even just with her girlfriends, either, but with everyone??? freaking support system friend and we love her for it
but yeah mukuro rlly appreciates it?? she knows it can seem a bit peculiar to others, but for her, the fear is incredibly real and detrimental to her wellbeing if not dealt with appropriately. She doesn’t want to skip meals, but if the people who are cooking won’t allow her to see what’s being put into the food, she won’t eat unless she makes something herself. So Sakura being patient is rlly important to her
And :( it really is pretty devastating for Sayaka, especially considering how she’s usually so proud and excited about her cooking. She hates not being able to surprise her girlfriends with romantic meals!
Ultimately, of course, she recognizes that Mukuro’s comfort and safety comes before any of that - just means she has to find other means of showing her affection ❤️
It probably takes Sakura having to sit her down and chat with her about how Mukuro’s paranoia is nothing personal and there’s nothing to take offense from; their gf just needs a little love, compassion, and understanding !
Afterwards Sayaka’s like Ah. (*sayaka protag voice* nOw I uNdErStAnD-)
and !!!!!! freakingnggffnfbdbdb id die for gift giving kyoko because vsvsbwbwvsgw and also??? Mukuro would ALSO die for her because holy shit???? that’s so sweet????
Kyoko: *shows affection and concern through sentimental action*
Mukuro, crying, unsure how to deal with people caring about her: fucking superb you funky little detective
!!!!!! Yes fuyuhiko!!!! and it’s not a mischaracterization dw dw!!!
honestly 👀👀👀
Mukuro/Fuyuhiko/Peko friendship hours oh my GOD
highkey I imagine mukuro and fuyuhiko’s first interaction involved a lot of death threats and getting angry/annoyed at one another to the point where physical violence was threatened, at which point Peko stepped in with her sword skills and knocked Mukuro on her ass (if only because ikusaba was caught off guard) and muku was like oh???? this woman could potentially kick my ass??? that’s so hot I wanna be her friend
and then they all got to know each other a bit better and now they’re all friends!!! Muku and fuyu still like to get up to some aggressive banter, but it’s (mostly) pretty baseless. Empty threats and mean-spirited jokes, but, in like, a cool platonic way dhsbsbdbsb 💛
they probably all hang out in the kitchen together while Peko cooks - it’s rlly nice!!! Peko gets to both keep an eye on both of them to make sure they’re not murdering each other, while also having company and conversation to keep things light-hearted and nice! Fuyuhiko loves it because spending time with Peko is always 👌, plus he can definitely understand where Ikusaba’s coming from in regards to her phobia because, y’know, being part of the yakuza.....that’s pretty similar to some of the shit he has to be careful of y’know?
and Mukuro !!! gets to eat nice food that a friend makes her!!!! because she knows for certain that it’s safe to eat!!! and she gets to distract herself, too, sometimes and ease the fear factor a little bit when she loses herself to conversation - even though logically she knows that she’s safe, Fuyuhiko, Peko, and Sakura help to make her feel safe as well!!
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theymakemegayer · 4 years
Reputation: Chapter 2
author’s note: In a few hours we will have another QB update, and I have so many mixed emotions about the next chapter... Here’s something I hope can make you guys feel better.
PLEASE TAG POEPLE WHO WANTS TO READ POPPY X MC FICS. I know today’s update will mess up the tags for Poppy.
TW: for a little cursing, I tried to censored it tho
Chapter 1
After parting ways with Zoey, I enter my classroom for my first subject. My eyes scan the vacant seats. I had just put my laptop down when someone spoke behind me.
 "Well, isn't this very exciting. Bea Hughes." Her voice was dripping with sarcasm, turning around I was met with Chloe frowning at me.
 "You've got to be kidding me. You again?"
 "You think I enjoy seeing your face early in the morning? You must be still asleep and dreaming newbie." She crossed her arms in front of her. 
 I laughed humorlessly, "Don't try to be funny."
 Her lips tugged into a smirk, "You know what would be funny right now?"
 I raised my eyebrow, a part of me starting to get nervous. This was definitely bad news. Plastering a smile, she casually dumped her coffee on my laptop. My eyes grew wide. She laughed at my reaction.
 I scowled at her, "What the hell is wrong with you?" 
 A voice interrupted us. "What is going on here?"
 I turned around and my eyes landed on Ina standing at the top aisle, a briefcase in hand. Holy Shi-?
 Chloe smiled at her, "Nothing Professor Kingsley. I'm just helping Bea clean up the coffee she spilled in her laptop. She is so clumsy."
 My mind blacked out for a moment, all I can think about was Chloe calling her Professor. Like falling down on the ground and being slapped by reality, realization hit me.
 "Y-you're my professor?" I managed to voice out.
 Ina cleared her throat then plastered her professional smile. "If you're in my Behavioral Science in practice course then yes." Then she proceed on the podium ready to start the class.
 I sat weakly trying not to look at Ina. I took a couple of breaths calming my racing mind and heart. 
 This should be some kind of joke right? I cast a look at her surprisingly she also looked at me at that moment. I avoided her gaze.  I groaned internally. God this is so awkward and messed up.
 After my grueling and awkward first period I rushed out of the classroom calling Zoey and wanting to meet her in our dorm. 
 I was already in our dorm building when someone called me out.
 "Bea! Wait up!" I turned around and saw this random guy power walking towards me.
 "That clapback against Poppy yesterday was all over my social media. It was epic!" He said once he was in front of me.
 "Oh... thanks?"
 "You don't know how much it means to me that someone is finally standing up towards Poppy. I'm totally on your side."
 "Thanks. I'm happy to stand up too towards people like that."
 He grinned, "I'm Benji by the way. Your residence advisor. If you ever need anything, I'll be here."
 "Thanks Benji, but I need to go already." I glance at my wrist watch.  "I need to meet up with a friend. It was nice meeting you Benji."
 "Sure! it was nice talking to you, Bea." He said waving goodbye to me.
 Once I arrived at our shared dorm memories of my dilemma and stress came back into me in full swing. I was pacing back and fort in our living room area when Zoey arrived.
 "Hey you okay?" She slouched on the couch facing me.
 "Zoey..." I pouted. 
 "What happened? It's sounded like some kind of emergency when you called."
 I sighed and plopped down beside her. "It is." I huffed before telling her what happened.
 "Okay you what now?" She exclaimed looking me dead in the eye.
 "Ina... Professor Kingsley she was the one I met at the speakeasy last night." I groaned hiding my face on my hands.
 "You guys kissed?"
 "We made out to be exact. Thank God you called me last night Zo. I don't know how messed up it will be if I happen to sleep with her." I groaned again. 
 "You sure you don't like her Bea? Almost everyone in Belvoire has a crush on her. And you happen to even made out with her. Heck you were so close with sleeping with her too."
 I groaned removing my hands on my face I looked at her in the eye, "Please don't remind me and Zo having a crush is different with practically making out with her."
 "Oh then let me add that apart from having a crush I'm sure some of the students thirst for her." 
 I sighed, "Well yes Ina is attractive, but knowing that she's my professor. I just can't Zoey. Seeing her a while ago became so awkward to me."
 Zoey wrapped me in her embrace. "Sorry I should have known you're really different from the people around here Bea." 
 "This scholarship I have is really important to me Zo. I can't afford to be this careless and lose this." My voice was muffled in her shoulders.
 She caressed my back soothingly, "I'm sure you won't lose this. Have you talked to Professor Kingsley yet?"
 Sighing I withdrew from our hug, "Not yet. I was so shock seeing her a while ago. I can't talk to her yet nor be left alone with her."
 Zoey frowned, "You seem really stressed about this Bea. Wanna go out again tonight?"
 I raised an eyebrow, "What's on your mind?"
 She grinned, "Let's crush the Alpha House's Welcome Week Bash tonight! It'll help with your ranking, you'll have a good time and maybe will bump into Poppy there and piss her off." 
 The moment she mentioned Poppy, I swear I was already sold to crush this party, but of course I won't admit that to anyone specially not to Zoey. She'll get mad if she knew.
 I beamed, "Okay you had me sold with pissing Poppy off. " A little lie won't hurt right?
 We arrived at the party an hour ago. The only 'almost' mishaps we had was getting inside - which was an easy job if you had me and Zoey; with the right charm and words Michael let us in. The music was blasting loudly, the people occupied with different games and drinks, and the frat boys diving once in a while in the jello pool - the party was in full swing.
  "Bea! Bea! Bea! Bea! Bea!" People chanted as I won another game. I grinned at them when a clap suddenly cut through the cheers.
 "How lovely. Luis and his brothers already done with their charity work for this semester. Don't mistake it for kindness Farmsville."
 I turn around at the sound of that voice and came face to face with Poppy. She's with Chloe and I think that was Veronica who was busy with her phone.
 I rolled my eyes, "I was starting to think when you will show up and grace us with your presence, Poppy."
 She rolled her eyes, "I must say hanging out with the boys is definitely a step up from this another nobody." She gestured dismissively towards Zoey without taking her eyes off me. "You know I think we can be friends Farmsville. You clearly learned how to dress up too." Her eyes roamed at me. Oh God. Please this is torture. I tried to school my expression even though my mind was about to explode. Her eyes finally landed on my face a smirk ghosting on her lips. Bea focus.
 "And why would I want to be friends with a bully like you?" I crossed my arms staring at her hard.
 "Because I ran this school. You have two options here, I can make your stay here like a living hell or..." She grinned sweetly, "I can make it heaven. All you have to do is leave the dead weight here." She smirked at Zoey who was glaring at her.
 I frowned not liking how she addressed Zoey, "You know what Poppy? Zoey is better than you in every way." I step closer at her standing in my full height. "If you wanna be friends with me" I smirked, "Here is a little tip." I leaned closer and I swear did her breath hitched?  I whispered, my breath tickling on her ears making sure she was the only one who can hear it, "I just need you to be Poppy, not Poppy Min-Sinclair or any of these masks you wear, just you." I leaned back and plastered my sweet, sweet smile as I watch Poppy's dumbfounded reaction - and something I can't name flickered in her eyes.
 Not even a second passed when she scowled at me, "You wish Farsmville. We ran by my rules not yours."
 I sighed dramatically, "Well it's your lost then." I stepped back and smirked at her. 
 She was about to speak again when Ford interrupted us , "Hold that thought." He ran towards the pool and dived.
 Poppy shrieked darting away from the spraying jello. Carter - which I found out to be Poppy's boyfriend slung his arm around Poppy. "It's just a little jello babe. C'mon let's jump too! It'll be fun." 
 Wriggling free from Carter she glared at him, "Do I look like I am dressed for a swim on that colored sugar?"
 "But -"
 "Hang on!" Luis suddenly interrupted. "Sorry bro. I'm just thinking, Bea seems really cool I bet she'll love to join the fun and swim in the jello pool. What do you think?"
 "I mean, I'm always up for new experiences." I stated with a grin. 
 "See! Come on Bea!" Luis cheered.
 Grinning as an idea popped in my head I yelled, "Poppy hold your breath!" 
 Shocked she spoke, "Why would-"
 But before she can even finished her sentence I was running towards her and pushed her towards the pool. She shrieked, "BEA HUGHES!"
 "Can't let her have all the fun." As I leaped in the jello pool I can hear people cheering, a bubble of happiness surged through me.
 When I finally got up I saw Poppy completely mufunctioning, "There's like jello... in every crevice of my body."
 I inched closer to her, "Was jello pool that bad?" I laughed when she threw me a glare.
 "This is your fault Farmsville." 
 I raised my hands in mock surrender, "Hey I just wanted you to let lose a little." 
 "Stop talking to me." She growled. Oops is she really pissed off now?
 "Cannon ball!" Luis yelled only dressed in his underwear as he dove spluttering more jello towards Poppy and me. 
 Poppy shrieked again. I can hear Chloe desperately saying, "Somebody help her. She has a jello phobia." While Michael laughed, "Nice look Pops! The green really brings out your eyes."
 Poppy screamed finally reaching her limit. Carter finally helped her out of the pool bringing her some towel. 
 "I AM GOING TO KILL YOU ALL." She yelled one last time before sprinting inside, while Chloe and Veronica followed her.
 Feeling a little guilty I decided to get out from the pool to dry myself up. 
 "Bea!" Zoey called out for me. I sat at the edge of the pool and she swam closer to me. She smirked, "Love how you pissed off Poppy."
 I smiled at her trying to bury the feeling of heaviness inside of my chest. "And I love how pretty you look right now." 
 Zoey laughed, "Flutterer."
 At the corner of my eyes I saw Veronica and Chloe entering again. Okay, where's Poppy? It was probably not helping at all that Carter just dove passed us towards the jello pool. Oh damn it.
 "Hey Zoey. I just need a little bathroom break." I stood up carrying the towel with me. "I'll be back." I winked at her before power walking inside the house. 
 I almost gave up on finding where Poppy might be when I stumbled on the garage. She was standing - her back facing me and mumbling to herself. "I hate that Farmsville." She groaned.
 I suppressed my smile before speaking, "Don't you think hate is a strong word to use?" 
 She whipped her head around so fast and threw a glare at me once she saw me. "What are you doing here Farmsville?" She said through gritted teeth.
 "I can be anywhere I want you know. You don't own this." I gesture on the garage where we are.
 "Didn't you pissed me enough today? Do you really want a death sentence so bad?" She glared at me.
 I laughed and raised my hands in surrender. "Okay, okay. I'll stop teasing. I just stumbled here, I swear." 
 She raised an eyebrow, "Then get lost. I don't want to talk nor see your face." 
 I crossed my arms, "What are you even doing here alone though?"
 "I'm waiting for my driver. I'm going home since I feel so grossed out thanks to you. Now will you leave me alone." 
 Instead of following what she said, I stepped closer towards her. 
 "Are you deaf? I said get lost." 
 I lifted my hand holding out the towel I had in me and ignored her as I wiped out some jello remains on her hair. She flinched the first time the towel touched her hair. 
 "Relax. I swear I was just cleaning a jello out of your hair." I mumbled. 
 She remained silent which was surprising, so I look at her and that was when I realized I was standing too close to her. My hand stopped wiping her hair in mid-air and my eyes grew wide at the realization. Poppy was looking at me intently. Her eyes wasn't glaring at me, but it was searching for something in me. I can feel the heat creeping on my cheeks because of the way she looked at me.
 "W-What?" I stuttered stupidly.
 "Why are you doing this Newbie?" She whispered like her question itself was not meant to be heard by anyone, but I heard it - I heard her. The tone of her voice was softer and clearer than her usual tone.
 I gulped, "I'm doing nothing. What do you mean?"
 "You..." She was still looking at me before sighing and averting her eyes from me. "Whatever. Forget I asked anything." 
 She took a step back and turned her back towards me. "Just answer this one thing." 
 "Yeah?" I spoke my voice quivered a little as I fidgeted with the towel in my hands.
 "Did you mean what you said earlier? That tip. You only need me to be Poppy and you will be my friend?"
 I grinned as warmth blossomed in my chest, "Yeah." 
 At that moment Poppy's car arrived.  A man opened the door for her. Before stepping inside Poppy halted like she wanted to say something. She shook her head a little before finally entering the car. What were you gonna say?  I tried to bury that curiosity as I watch her car leave. I finally let out the breath I wasn't aware I was holding back. 
 "Today had been weird." I mumbled as I started walking back inside.
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spookyboywhump · 4 years
*leaves this here before fucking off again*
TW: mentions of child abuse to a minor/very clear child abuse of an adult (if that makes sense), arachnophobia, exploiting a phobia
He’d never liked bugs.
 Insects, arachnids, anything with too many legs and especially wings made him stressed at the best of times and break down completely at the worst. 
 As a child he’d run to his mom over ants or flies, not that they were much of a problem in their pristine home but no amount of cleanliness could rid the outside of them. Beetles and centipedes and crickets made him cry, spiders and bees and even butterflies and dragonflies made him scream and panic and he’d be on edge for the rest of the day, even after his mother assured him the “threat” was gone and he was okay. 
 His mother was kind and understanding of his fear, she had no problem checking his room for bugs when he was nervous, shooing them away when they were outside, assuring him he was okay and they wouldn’t hurt him. His father was a different story.
 His father kept tarantulas. In his office, several small glass tanks held various kinds of tarantulas, spiders that his father cared for more than he probably cared for Cain. He avoided the room as much as he could, he hated to be in there, in general if he was in there he was in trouble, it was just a bad room. The spiders made it worse. His father was never understanding of his fear, he would mock him for it, intentionally bring him near the tanks in order to scare him, chastise his mother for babying him. He seemed to hate that his son had a phobia, almost as much as Cain hated him.
 It didn’t get better after his mother disappeared, abandoning him to be raised solely by his father, and among the other parts of him he wanted to get rid of, he wanted to do something about his fear. He was lucky to spend most of the year away from his father, locked up at an expensive boarding school, but when he was home it was hell, and a visit never passed without some terror being followed by a punishment.
 At thirteen he’d caned his knuckles for crying when a wasp got too close to him outside.
 At fifteen he was whipped ten times for fainting at the sight of one of the tarantulas outside of its tank.
 At eighteen he’d been shocked over and over and over again for refusing to set foot in that goddamn spider infested office. It took every ounce of courage he had to say no to his father, he never said no to his father, but he was an adult now, legally anyway, and he wasn’t scared of him anymore.
 Except he was. He was so fucking scared of his father and that office and those spiders. 
 On his twentieth birthday his father called him into his office, and he went willingly and without complaint because by now he had learned no matter how old he was, he still belonged to him. It didn’t mean he was any less nervous though, his father never remembered his birthday. If he remembered, if he had something planned, Cain knew it would be anything but a pleasant surprise. 
 “Sit down.” He ordered him when he arrived, and Cain obediently did so, watching him anxiously as he stood near those fucking spiders. The collection had shrunk and grown over the years, never to Cain’s satisfaction, never to completely zero. He’d never feel safe in this room as long as all those spiders were around. He wanted to ask what he wanted from him but he knew better than to speak before his father told him to, he’d just have to wait patiently and silently. 
 “You’re twenty years old now, yes?” His father asked, Cain’s heart hammering in his chest as he watched him take one of the spiders out of the glass tank.
 “Yes- Yes sir…” he said softly, wincing as his voice wavered. His father wouldn’t like that. He couldn’t stand seeing how the spider settled on his hand, it was like a palm sized monster to him. The thought of letting one of those things on him made him nauseous, he wanted to get up and run but he knew better, forcing himself to stay in place despite the clear fear on his face. There was no use hiding it from his father, he could pick him apart easily, he always knew when Cain was uncomfortable or nervous. 
 “You’re twenty years old, and you’re still scared of these?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. Cain glanced away from him.
 “I… I’m not scared…” He lied. “I just… don’t like them… that’s all…”
 “Oh, so you're not scared?” Cain almost jumped out of his seat when he stepped towards him, gripping the armrests of the chair tightly.
 “I’m not.” He said with a nod, eyes trained on the tarantula though, watching it move up his father’s arm. He didn’t know how the man could stand it, the feeling of something crawling on him. He was sure he’d told him before but he couldn’t remember if tarantulas were actually dangerous, if they bit or stung or anything. It didn’t quite matter, they were all dangerous to him, they all needed to stay far, far away from him. 
 “Hold out your hand then.” He ordered, reaching up and taking the spider from where it had made its way to his shoulder. For a moment Cain just stared at him with wide eyes, the word “no” on the tip of his tongue but unwilling to go any further. He had gone deathly pale, and though he tried to breathe evenly he felt like he just couldn’t, going lightheaded as he tried not to hyperventilate. “I gave you an order, Cain.” His father said sternly, and finally he held out one trembling hand. 
 His father placed the spider in the palm of his hand and the only thing that kept Cain from flinging it off him was the knowledge that his father would kill him for it. He was gripping the armrest so tight with his free hand that his knuckles had gone white, he needed to hold on to something though, focus on something because if he thought too much about the spider in his hand he would have a complete meltdown.
 But then the fucking thing moved.
 “Get it off!” He shrieked, looking desperately at his father with big, tear filled eyes. The spider slowly made its way up his arm and he swore he was just going to die, even if it didn’t kill him the fear and panic would. It was halfway up his arm and he couldn’t hold back his tears, even as his father watched disapprovingly. For just a moment, there was something scarier than Charles Whitaker though, it was hairy and had eight legs and was absolutely going to be the death of him 
 “Honestly, Cain, you’re twenty fucking years old. You should be over this by now.” His father sighed, sounding exasperated.
 “I-I know- I know, I’m sorry, I’m sorry I- I’m scared, I’m sorry just please get it off of me!” He sobbed, all too aware of the spider on his neck, and if it made it to his face he was sure he would die, or at the very least faint, and the last time he fainted his father was so angry but right now he would much rather his father be angry and take any punishment than let this go on for a moment longer. He could hardly think straight, all he knew was the spider crawling up his neck and the sharp pain in his chest and shiver that went up his spine. 
 He practically wailed the moment it was on his face, body shaking from the intensity of his sobbing. If he was going to die he wished it would just happen, this was nothing short of torture, being forced to endure one of his biggest fears like this. He squeezed his eyes shut, because if he saw even a little bit of it he feared he would vomit, god if he vomited in his office his father would murder him.
 He was so deep in his panic that even as his father finally, carefully, got the spider off his face he couldn’t stop crying, hands going to his face to frantically wipe away tears, wipe away the feeling of it on him. He tried to stop crying, he knew his father hated it when he cried but he couldn’t calm down no matter how much he wanted to, his whole body was shaking and he felt weak and cold and just sick.
 After returning the little demon to its home his father came back to him, roughly grabbing him by the hair. Cain had no choice but to face him, struggling to hold back the onslaught of tears so he wouldn’t look as pathetic as he felt.
 “Don’t you ever lie to me again, understand?” He said sternly. 
 “Y-yes- yes sir…” He whimpered, a cry forced from his throat as his father yanked hard on his hair, forcing him to get to his feet. He was used to this, it was unfortunately familiar but so much better than a spider on him. He was more or less dragged from the office, roughly thrown to the floor outside the room, his father slamming the door shut now that he was satisfied with torturing him. 
 It took all his strength to get to his feet, he still felt sick and dizzy and he couldn’t stop crying, but he needed to get out of the hall, carefully making his way to his room. He shut the door behind him and collapsed against it, taking slow, shuddering breaths. He reached up to wipe at his eyes again, the spider was gone but he swore he could still feel it on him, feel spiders all over him, his stomach in knots at even the thought of that. 
 He was twenty years old. He still hated bugs.
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