#when people associate my fav characters with me i just !!!!
nyaitsu-writes · 2 years
I was JUST thinking of you and you popped in my dash (destiny?)
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Anyway. How are we feeling knowing that THIS card exists? Leo feeding Izumi paella,, I immediately thought of you when I saw it
back when we had the cut? card? the one with just leo and an arm i mean, i saw people arguing on whether that was izumi, tsukasa or ibara? but in my izumiP heart I KNEW it had to be him and i was right of course i was. who else would be forcibly spoon fed by leo
I DON'T SCREAM ANYWHERE NEAR ENOUGH ABOUT HOW MUCH THESE TWO (ft ritsu in the bg) MEAN TO ME. izumi you shut up whatever complaining you're planning to do and eat that paella like your life depends on it. paella is good, it's healthy. plus i'm seeing shrimps so that could be the superior paella de marisco which is the best type of paella ever. trust me i'm spanish. i know my rice <3 (no i don't. i don't even like rice that much BUT i'm willing to make an exception for my boys). izumi cállate con las calorías y cómete el arrocito con gambas <3
maybe this is me taking knights home with me, like i should <3 i want to read the event story sooo bad, i can't wait to see what they're doing this time......
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the-faceless-bride · 3 months
can i have yandere clawd and deuce poly 😪 iltsm( i love yr writing ur one of my fav writers btw 💞)
Omg. I love both of them so much. 🥩🐍 Bluckle the FUCK up, it's a long one. I love them so much. I gave each their own section as to how this started, then the poly together. If you want more of them... Please... Please ask me. P.s. sorry about all the monster puns, I couldn't help myself
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🌕New Ghoul in School🐍
Warnings: OOC Clawd, OOC Duce, OOC Cleo?, OOC Draculaura? Clawd being a kicked puppy, yandere content, controlling behavior, turning to stone, non-con hugging, cuddling and Kisses, forced closeness, UNHEALTHY BEHAVIOR!, accusations of cheating, emotional cheating?
Characters : Clawd × Reader × Duce
Proof read : nope
Requested?: yes
You had just transferred from your normie school, Turns out people are so accepting of finding out you're a monster. So you transferred to Monster High, and being a new ghoul didn't seem so hard until you tripped an orange werecats tail and she picked a fight with you...
"and just Who, do you think you are? I don't know how you are your Normie friends play, but you don't want to mess with me Ghoul. I'll make you sorry-"
"why don't you go and pick on someone your own size Torilie?"
"yeah, Dude. Not cool."
🐾🐍 • and that's how it started. Just two Mansters defending the New Ghoul. They knew Torilie was one to pick fights and figured they would help you stay out of trouble for the time being. And the three of you became three peas in a pod. And while you all thought it was great, their Ghoulfriends... Had other ideas.
🐍🕶️ • Cleo started having problems as soon as you had arrived. Your first day she already knew who you were, what you were, where you came from, and if you were cool enough to be popular and associate with the Ghouls she does. And she deemed you not worthy. And that was putting a strain on your friendship.
🐍🕶️ • Duce was grown increasingly tired and frustrated. He loved Cleo, he did. But she could be... Emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausting. When they go out he has to change his personality to not embarrass her, she dictates who can can hang out with and when, and he has to constantly hear from her that he should be doing as she asks and says and do it happily as she goes against what her family wants to be with him. He doesn't want to do that anymore. He wants to be able to Shoot Hoops with Clawd, sit with Jackson at lunch, and talk about the Hissstory test. Listen to whatever playlist Holt made or play dodgeball with Slow Mo. Without Cleo saying when he can and can't.
But he just can't leave her. He's become so dependent on her. Hell, the last time She went to Scarise without him, he nearly went crazy as he didn't know what to do. He couldn't leave Cleo. Even if he wanted to... Unless. Maybe he didn't need to be dependent on her. Maybe. He could be dependent on you.
🐍🕶️ • Duce began to test the waters, which was the start of his obsession. For example at lunch when Cleo tells him to get the green eyed Salad and a water, he'll then turn around and ask you... Sometimes when you feel the burn of Cleo's raging stare you won't respond or say the same as Cleo, but on the days you don't pay attention or to stressed to care you recommend the meat plant sandwich and the yummy razzberry soda pop you've been drinking the past few days. And he'll pick your recommendation. And it Infuriates Cleo. He likes that with you, he has a choice, where Cleo demands and tells. You offer and recommend.
🐍🕶️ • this intimately ends in an explosive argument that Spectra has a field day covering. And Duce does something, not him. Her. Or anyone else in the school say coming. "I'm breaking up with you Cleo." a long still silence fills the halls as everyone takes a moment to process what he just said. Before Cleo screams and storms away, and Duce... Doesn't feel as heartbroken as he thought he should.
🐍🕶️ • Duce starts spending most if not all his free time with you and Clawd, well. Mostly you as Clawd gets called from Draculaura a lot. And while he's sad he can't spend more time with Clawd he's happy to spend time with you. You help groom his snakes, you help him pick which sunglasses he should wear each day, (even though they are all just different shades of red) as well as his many band sweaters. Rumors spread like wildfire, especially with Spectra's gossip site.
"Duce trades princess for new Ghoul?! Stay tuned for the possible new hot relationship??"
🐾🌕 • when Clawd first met you he thought you were great! He got a new friend to hang out with! Sure Manny, Heath, Gill, and Duce we're cool but Clawd has a thing for fashion and self-care, that's not something he really talks about with them BUT that's OK! cuz now he can talk about it with you! He ended up spending a bit of free time with you, anytime Draculaura was out and shopping or just Fanging out with her Ghoulfriends or catching up with her Cousin, he would spend his afternoon with you. Getting his hair straightened and trimmed, getting manicures so his nails don't get too sharp and ridged. And eventually, when he's comfortable with you, he'll start playing games. Like fetch or chase. The only issue is that when Duce started to come around more and Cleo trying to keep him on a leash, slowly Draculaura started calling him and needed him more and more. He didn't think much of it, until Duce's big breakup with Cleo. A week later Draculaura wouldn't leave him alone for a second, and anytime you started approaching she took his hand and pulled him in another direction.
🐾🌕 • it started becoming draining, he loves spending time with his Ghoulfriend. He truly did. But not when every two seconds she was hinting and implying all the time he spent with you was him creeping around behind her back. Nothing he did or said made her change her mind, now everything he did seemed to set her off. She was so paranoid, that he went out of his way to make her a gift to show that he loved her, but he accidentally made it worse, he had to try and hold back tears and puppy cries as she said, "Bad Clawd!" over and over while tugging his ear. He doesn't understand what he did wrong, he just made a new friend. You nor him did anything. So why was she being like this?
Any attempts to talk about it were shut down, as she tried keeping him away from you. And he just couldn't take it anymore, he liked being clingy but he was clingy because he genuinely wanted to be around his partner not just sticking to them like glue-watching like a hawk to 'catch them in the act'. He would go as far as to say this was worse than the time he was dumped for Valentine the love manipulator.
🐾🌕 • Clawd began to confide in you, Draculaura wouldn't listen to him so he was happy you did. He spent hours just sitting under a tree at the back of the school with you, drawing doodles in the dirt, ears tucked back to his head as he vented about his feelings and how the recent arguments had affected him, you tried to help every time. But eventually, word got to Draculaura about your little meetings, and stormed over one day with her ghoulfriends in toe.
Both you and Clawd had to endure the burning glare of the Ghouls, Draculaura ranting and raving and ultimately giving him an ultimatum. You or her. And Clawd's ears pinned flat to his head, he didn't want to lose his Ghoulfriend but he didn't want to lose you either. But before he could answer Draculaura said something that gave him the push to his ultimate answer. "ugh, I should've known! A guy hangs out with other guys like him! And Duce is a lying, dirty, cheater and so are you! And this new Ghoul sure has some nerve to go around sneaking with other Mansters knowing they are dating someone! If that's the kind of Manster you are Clawd then maybe... Eh *hick* MaYbe we shouldn't Be togEther!" a moment passes where Clawd looks down into Draculaura's wet violet eyes, sighs, then answers. "maybe we shouldn't." the ghoul's Gasp and Draculaura sobs, "FINE! WE ARE OVER!"
🐾🌕 • Clawd thought relieved he wouldn't be interrogated every day and being told he's bad, he's still heartbroken that the Ghoul he thought he'd spend his life with was gone. He clung to you and Duce for security and long talks to make him feel better and eventually, he did. Clawd was back to his peppy, wide-eyed, excitable self again. In fact, he's the happiest he's been. His mood wasn't Even shaken when he found out Draculaura had begun dating his sister, he just didn't care. He was happy.
🐾🌕 • It wasn't until a late-night Chat; that you and Clawd had stayed over at Duce's house after seeing a new skinwalker Scareitage Boovie that Clawd discovered that not only He had feelings for you but so did Duce... And well, he had always liked Duce maybe even more than just a bro, but this changed everything. And they agreed. A scarily wonderful idea...
"Vampy puts doggy out for good? Or does Doggy like the Dog house with his chew toy?"
🐍🐾 • now Duce and Clawd are softer yandere's than the normal. But that doesn't mean they won't use force if they need to. Duce is a Dependant, laid-back, stalker-type yandere. He's ok with letting you have wiggle room as long as he knows where you are at all times and can get to you in a short period. Whereas Clawd is a Clingy, overprotective, worshiper-type Yandere. Clawd wants to be near you all the time if you let him, but he's ok with letting you go for a while as long as he has Duce he always knows where you are because Duce knows, if at any point Duce doesn't know for some reason or he's not around Duce to find out, he'll use his nose to track you down.
🐍🐾 • You probably wouldn't know they are yandere's unless you start trying to spend more time with others that aren't them. The more you try and hang out with Operetta and Cupid they start to get a little more aggressive and demanding of your time and attention. Which can trigger some alarm bells that something isn't right. The best thing would be to try and talk and compromise they are willing to do that as long as you promise to let them keep tabs "for safety reasons," and you spend time with them immediately after.
🐍🐾 • after a month or two they start to be more openly affectionate and act like a Throuple, it went over your head at first with Duce's laid-back attitude and Clawd's over-excitable personality being normal, but the more Clawd wanted to play fetch and hug you, and Duce constantly being around you despite having the freedom to hang out with his other dudes you start to get the idea they might be romantically interested.
🐍🐾 • You opened to the idea, and the relationship seemed to be working well... Until they started to become, overwhelming. Clawd always over your shoulder, Duce always seeming to know where you are... Even when you didn't tell him where you were. And things took a turn when you tried to tell them you needed space. "You're... Breaking up... With us?" you sputtered, you definitely didn't answer and deny fast enough as you felt your body start to stiffen and cold. Duce had turned you to stone. Clawd whimpered while holding your cold stiff stone body, "im sorry sweetheart. But we can't have you running from us. Just be good ok? Please?" after that you'd been chained to them by that point. Nobody would've believed you if you told them the school's Cool guy and oversized puppy were forcing you into a relationship...
🐍🐾 • they aren't too harsh on punishments. For the most part. Once you tried to run away once, you waited for a moment to be alone before printing off trying to get somewhere, anywhere but there. But you forgot who you were dealing with and Clawd chased you down. Clawd's punishments involve many forced hugs, kisses, and closeness. If he shows how much he loves you at some point you'll see it's true and love him too! Right?
Duce will turn you to stone anytime he gets an idea you're about to run off. He makes Clawd drag you to his house. Which takes a lot of manipulation and convincing. Clawd doesn't want to lock you away to be alone. He wants you to be around them! But Duce scares him into going along with it. Even sometimes provokes him to anger to be more willing to lock you in a dirty old basement.
🐍🐾 • overall. As long as you stay and promise to love them, and don't mind clinginess it's a cute relationship... But if you reject them, you'll spend a lot of time in an old basement in Duce's home, alive but unable to move. To feel. Or scream.
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redr0sewrites · 1 month
ATSV Characters with a Goth S/o
heeeeeyyyyyy guys 😇 *slowly sliding the 100+ REQUESTS in my inbox to the side to make room for a new special interest*
🥀Cw: none, mostly fluff!!!
🥀Pairing(s): Hobie x reader, Miles x reader, Miguel x reader, Spot x reader
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he would LOVE any type of alternative partner tbh- he just LOOOVESSS that ur goth and will support you 100%
people who go against societies expectations/standards and don't fit in with the norm intrigue him, and your style is probably what piqued his interest in the first place
y'all definitely wear matching fits sorry i don't make the rules- hobie just can't pass up the opportunity to match w you!!! whenever you go to meetings within the spider society he always brings you along, regardless of whether or not you're a spiderperson and hobie loves showing off you and your style
look me in the eyes and tell me hobia would not absolutely rock some funky eyeliner LIKEEEEE- he def lets you practice on him and will do your makeup for you too!!!
hobie loves thrifting with you, there is no way he isn't a major thrifter and you both definitely DIY a lot of your clothes
hobie absolutely has BLESSED music taste, but while he usually listens to rock, punk, dad rock, or post-punk type of music, i def see him enjoying more gothic/new wave music- especially if u introduce it to him!!!
i see him enjoying bauhaus, sisters or mercy, scary bitches, etc- he'll also give YOU a lot of music recommendations and help to expand ur taste!
hobie would also accompany you to any protests or conventions that you wanted to attend, and would act as your scary dog privileges
honestly hobie is a lovely partner to have if you are goth, and he's not only supportive but VERY enthusiastic about your fashion and lifestyle!
hes such a sweetheart!!! he definitely supports you if you're goth and asks a LOOOT of questions lmao
miles draws you and your fashion a lot, and will def design makeup or eyeliner ideas for you too!!! while ik this is more associated with punk, i also see miles drawing you a few custom patches and stuff like that
your kind of like his muse in a way, and miles just really enjoys sketching you, especially since you have such a unique aesthetic and such cool outfits
he loves watching you get ready and do your makeup. seeing you do perfect eyeliner wings and heavy makeup in general lowkey relaxes him, and he just loves admiring you
im sorry but miles knows absolutely nothing about goth music or culture, ur gonna have to introduce him to a lot of the songs/bands!!!
while i don't think he's huge on the music at first, i think it would grow on him over time. its definitely the type of thing that he loves because YOU love it, and he sees how mu much you enjoy it so he starts listening to it as well so he can talk to you about it
i think his favorite band would be the cure, and his fav songs would either be boys dont cry or the walk (both by the cure- idk why thats so specific but they just kinda fit his vibe yk?)
miles likes holding hands a lot, and he loves when you wear rings or gloves or something along those lines because it just reminds him so much of you! your hands just feel different compared to other peoples and he just loves how unique you are
if you have a lot of piercings, miles would definitely ask about them or buy you specific jewelry for piercings!!!!
overall, very very cute and supportive about your style!!! (he lowkey gives bi wife energy, and iyk what in talking ab then ily mwah)
he's pretty indifferent to your style at first, i don't see him as the type to judge much based on appearances. its your personality that really throws him for a loop, and a part of him admires your dedication to making yourself look how you want to look and truly living to be your best self, regardless of what others think
if you think miles knows nothing about being goth then be prepared for miguel bc he knows NOTHINGGGG- no music, no history, no political views, zero, zilch, nada, goose egg
if he cares about you i do see him being intrigued about your style, and once you two are officially dating is when he'll show more interest in your personal fashion sense
he strikes me as the type to like, NEVER listen to music, so he literally only listens to the music you like!!! he does find himself occasionally humming the tune of some strawberry switchblade song or casually listening to a siouxsie and the banshees song while he works, and over time you influence him a LOT with your music taste. he definitely associates any and all goth music with YOU, and that's probably why he starts enjoying it.
he's a "hand on you at all times" type of guy, and while he is rarely touchy with others, miguel is definitely keeping you close. your fashion makes that convenient for him, and he loves pulling you into a kiss by grabbing onto your belt loop or something of the sort
miguel loves how you look with and without makeup on and isn't afraid to tell you that, however, he really likes it if you incorporate his colors or color scheme into your makeup one day. he'll never admit it, but you keep catching him admiring you with the smallest smirk on his face every few seconds
if anyone ever gave u shit for what you wear and how you dress, especially someone in the spider society, you'd practically have to restrain miguel from drop kicking them across nueva york- he doesn't want anyone to be rude to you , and while he knows you can stand up for yourself, he just gets protective at times
goth? whats that???
he's lowkey such a nerd, and spends too much time being science-y and planning on how to beat spiderman to actually get caught up on fashion
spot doesn't know how he pulled you tbh, but he appreciates you nonetheless!!! he thinks you and your aesthetic are something to be admired, and will unabashedly tell EVERYONE he knows about you
he will shoplift any clothing or jewelry that you want, and he'll even take you to other dimensions where there are better alternative clothes as well
spot doesn't really have a face to do makeup on, but he'll offer to do yours for you! surprisingly enough he's pretty good at it, though he does work pretty slowly
spot loves fiddling with your accessories, whenever he's standing near you he's always reaching out to touch you in some way shape or form. he loves playing with any chains or necklaces you wear, and will help adjust them so that they lay correctly
he helps you get ready in the morning!!!!! if ur the type of goth to wear corsets, he makes lacing them up SO easy and will gladly do it for you
i personally hc that spot HATES seeing himself in mirrors/pictures, it reminds him sm of what he used to look like, but he LOVES taking photos of you and your style!! whenever you are wearing a cute outfit or have funky makeup on, spot adores just taking photos of you
if you ever did a makeup look inspired by him and his spots he would probably CRY :(
URGRHHRHHRRR I LOVE ATSV SMMMMMMM!!!! this post will DEFINITELY have a pt2 w more characters!!!!! i swear tho atsv literally pulled me out of the most horrendous burnout ever i FELT the artblock and writing block lift off of my body as i watched it. IM SO INVESTED I MADE A SPIDERSONA...
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saylor-twift · 1 month
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“Don’t tell me you’re one of those people…”
genshin characters i feel would be swifties!!
if you think i’m wrong, i do not care. 🩷
warnings: none (idk how this tag stuff works)
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#1: Navia (obviously)
• One of my favorite parts of Fontaine’s release is how everyone went nuts when she came out especially on tiktok bc she gives such Taylor vibes. Navia Swift fr.
• The type of girlie who stays up till midnight whenever a new album is released so she can listen the second it comes out
• She def gives fearless and 1989 vibes, i firmly believe they are her favorite
• Her favorite songs are Style and You Belong With Me. You cannot tell me she doesn’t freak tf out whenever they play on the radio.
• She would absolutely have a taylor baking playlist for while she makes her signature macarons
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#2: Nilou
• Listen to me when I say all dancers are inherently swifties (i’m joking plz calm down)
• As a former competitive dancer:
taylor swift across the floor is >>>
• She absolutely loves dancing to taylor!!
• I feel like she’s be a speak now and 1989 girlie. also definitely appreciates midnights! (i might only feel this way because she was released roughly the same time as midnights was and i just associate two and two together?? anyways..)
• If they went, I just know her and Navia would have the most gorgeous fits for the eras tour
• the type of girl to stay in the studio after rehearsal is over, just practicing and dancing for fun. she loves to improv and make combos, especially to taylor. (imagine her dancing to epiphany??? like?? absolutely stunning)
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#3: Xingqiu
• just stay with me now- i don’t feel like he listens to her a ton, but since he’s such a little bookworm i feel like he loves her songs and lyrics with deeper meaning to them
• 100% a folklore/evermore/tortured poets kinda guy
• he’s the type of person who hyper analyzes the lyrics and deciphers all of the hidden meanings.
• he is no singer, but he has definitely tried his hand at writing taylor-esque lyrics in his free time.
• HUUUUGE fan of the folklore teenage love triangle
• #1 john mayer hater
• also definitely stans any songs that make fun of her exes
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#4: Barbara
• now i would just be crazy if i didn’t put her here
• taylor was definitely one of her big inspirations for starting to sing
• makes covers of her favorite songs and likes to perform them along with her own originals
• i feel like she’d really be a fan of taylor’s older albums, specifically fearless and red (her fav song is 100% all too well 10 minute version)
• imagine jean and barbara sister bonding time while they do each others hair and listen to their favorite songs together! ughhhh so cute
• i also feel like jean is a taylor appreciator, but doesn’t talk about it much because she feels as the acting grand master she doesn’t really have the time for things like that
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#5: Ayaka
• Similar to Xingqiu, I don’t feel like she’s an avid listener, but we know that Ayaka also enjoys poetry so i feel like she would really enjoy taylor’s lyricism
• loves songs like the archer and this is me trying (probably doesn’t tell anyone because sweetie is embarrassed, but i think she really likes some of the songs that are a little more sultry or flirtatious like dress and false god)
• after a long day of wearing her mask and presenting herself as inazuma’s noble lady like everyone expects, she loves to just relax in her room and listen to her faves :)
• yk those tiktok’s that are like: you’re pretty, pretty like (insert song)? she gives me that vibe but wildest dreams
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Bonus: Itto
hard to say if he’s actually a swiftie or not, but i just think it’s funny because he reminds me of those videos of post malone dancing on stage with guilty as sin? in the background and he would totally do that 💀 i have a whole collection saved they are so funny to me
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kxizoku-ou · 3 months
Have you had any thoughts on hybrid versions of the one piece characters? I love seeing what animals people associate with the characters 😅. Also ears and tails are cute
Hybrid Au, my beloved!!! owo I tend to go heavier with the animal research/xeno than just "ears and tails", but yes, I absolutely have thoughts— here's a handful of my favorites/who comes to mind!
. . .
Kaidou — Auroch bull: The now-extinct relative of modern cattle, closely related to Spanish fighting bulls. Bull feels fitting for Kaidou, I think— they're huge, potentially dangerous animals that get screwed over in blood sports or as slaughterhouse bait, and near-universally seen as aggressive because of instincts that are based in self-preservation or protecting a herd. And of course, ending up as a bull hybrid is just what happens to my favs, by now... (@senjuushi)
Judge — Tawny eagle: His "Garuda" theme implies a bird of prey from the start, so it's an easy pick! Described as "opportunistic", with a habit of feeding on carrion (and stealing other animals' prey), yet still "a bold and active predator", tawny eagles fit well with Judge's vibe of regal, pompous, and trying way too hard. They also tend to mate for life... and male birds are known for flashy courtship habits. Reiju, Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji would be the same species for this Au.
Sanji — Mourning dove: Keeping with the bird theme of his family, but a far less bloodthirsty species. Mourning doves are fluffy, vocal birds that are known for being "prolific breeders". They can be territorial between males, but are also social pair-bonders. Sora would have been a dove too, and Sanji sharing her species is just one more sign that the modifications failed. There's also something very fitting about a "caged bird" theme for his experiences with Germa.
Spandam — Giant panda: Useless animal that would be extinct by now without human intervention. Clumsy, pathetic, and admittedly pretty cute, but not good for much other than existing under careful supervision in a zoo. Of course, Spandam's terrible personality ruins most of the cuteness effect his hybrid species might have— ultimately, he's a needy, spoiled idiot who's eternally dependent on the care of others. And personally, I think he should have a cute, sensitive little stubby tail, perfect to yank on when he's being a brat.
Katakuri — Grizzly bear: Linlin is a grizzly hybrid as well, and the shared species adds to Katakuri's reputation as her "perfect" son. He's huge, powerful, and highly threatening... but would be just as content to gorge himself on snacks and all but hibernate afterward. If it wasn't for his self-imposed standard of perfection, that is. His fucked-up mouth seems even worse on a large predator species, too, which definitely adds to his complex/self-consciousness over it.
Perospero — Red fox: I saw a fanart of him as a fox hybrid on Pixiv, and it convinced me. A smug, sneaky bastard who takes after his mother's carnivore tendencies, but with far less of an intimidation factor to back it up. Annoyingly talkative and far more socially oriented than he wants to admit, as well as capable of being an absolute nuisance when he wants to— all of that sounds very fitting for Peros, I think. And fox whining noises fit his crybaby side.
Cracker — Bushy-tailed woodrat: Prey animals that are described as "vocal and boisterous", and nuisances for "creating general noisy havoc"— seems appropriate for Cracker, an overconfident brat who's far less tough than he acts. Packrats (the overall category) are nest-builders, too, which fits with how he spends so much time hiding in his biscuit soldiers to avoid direct combat. Woodrats also apparently have a foot-thumping tendency; a good match for his clapping!
Pudding — British longhair cat: Babygirl-looking murder machine seems highly appropriate. British longhairs have the sweetest little faces and soft coats, but cats are nature's finest serial killers at their core. Pudding would be perfect as a needy, jealousy-prone kitty who's way too good at playing up the cutesy kitten act to get on people's good sides— right up until a tsundere moment kicks in. Then, she's all puffed-up, twitching tail and poorly stifled purring.
Caesar — Axolotl: Like his pet poison slime thing! Axolotls are apparently "used extensively in scientific research due to their ability to regenerate limbs, gills, and parts of their eyes and brains", which feels fitting for Caesar, as does the fact that they're tricky to take care of as pets (and keep getting put in cages by people who don't treat them well, at that). Also, those feathery external gills are cute!!
Queen — American alligator: Lethal fat fuck of a reptile, exactly how Queen should be! Alligators can be lazy and kind of goofy-looking, but they're still dangerous and very strong. The huge, thick tail is also an obvious plus (the "Brachio-Snakeus" trick haunts me). And really, can't you see him sprawled out all lazy, for gator-style sunbathing?
Drake — Rottweiler/Border Collie mix: A strong, intelligent, capable, and work-oriented animal, that would (as a dog-experienced friend put it), "tear a house down to the foundation" if left without enough to occupy it. Drake gives me "beaten dog" vibes, in general, and it feels fitting that his hybrid species could easily have been sweet, if not for the trauma and DEEP psychological issues.
Law — Shorthaired silver tabby: Law is so very catboy-coded. He's a grumpy, fussy kitty who will both claw your arm open if you try to touch him, and could just as easily be reduced to a purring puddle if his guard gets torn down enough to allow it. Cats are highly effective agents of violence (and can be total bastards, when they want to), but also absolute babies. And imagine tiny, angry catboy Law getting scruffed by Rocinante to prevent the aforementioned clawing.
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 1 month
hi bestie do u have any ff writing advice ?? ur flow and imagery and STYLE is so so good i love it. how do u come up with such good ideas??
hi ! first of all thank you SOOOOOO much that means sm to me it genuinely makes me so happy to know that you enjoy my writing. !!
speaking of writing..it took me a while to figure out a system i was comfortable with. i'm a little all over the place in general and that translates a lot in my drafts ESPECIALLY LMFAOO if you caught one glance at my drafts it's mostly just a prompt of a few sentences and w spelling mistakes in every word cus i write them down so fast so as not to forget them LMFAOOO. but it really works for me !
i know a lot of people say it but it really works, literally just write ! it doesn't have to come out as a full beautifully crafted piece immediately, just write down anything you can and polish it up all you want later ! forcing inspiration to come to you almost always has the opposite effect, for me anyways !
for flow, i think i like to mostly write dialogue between characters out first and then write my descriptions and actions around that ! i always get more excited about writing dialogue more than descriptions (not that those can't be fun ofc !)
oh , this might help for imagery ! and idk if you've noticed but the structure of a lot of my writing is heavily based on animes and manga. like the set ups and punchlines. (massive nerd ik) like if you read some of my one shot's like this one, this one (probably one of my fav fics i've done btw) or my first born series FBRC, (especially this part) (this part was actually the one i was most excited to write, and it's heavily based off of kobayashi's dragon maid's actual good and not weird moments and soundtrack, listening to music also helps me out a lot too!)
i try to model my speech to what i think an anime episode of the scenario i thought about would look like. visualizing my writing helps me write a lot as well, if that helps ! a little fun fact for you, fujimoto's writing has influenced a lot of the way i describe situations in fics, since i really like the sorta 'childish' descriptions over super fancy ones (cus i can't write those, but i don't really like them veerry much, but a lot of them are enjoyable to read!!) i find it very endearing and it's one of the reasons why i enjoy writing childhood friends to lovers so much. it's this sorta simplistic level of thinkin that kids have if that makes sense and it works out really well if you wanna write fluffy pieces if that makes sense
some examples ! :
"he drags you around a little too hard but it's to show you something he knows you'd like and you repay him by being patient with him and letting him drag you around to his hearts content. he let’s you use the crayons he’d just denied another classmate seconds ago and when it’s really early in the morning and you’re still sleepy unlike your more energetic friend, he waits for you. sitting with you in the reading corner quietly commenting on a little bit of everything in the book you’re sharing until you’re awake enough to start the day because katsuki wanted you to be together through anything no matter what, starting the day without you was simply unimaginable."
"despite his quieter presence he always seemed to stand out to you. his bag is big enough to carry everything he needs without having to shove anything inside or leaving it half opened. he wipes his mouth with a tissue after he's done eating his lunch alone and his handwriting is pretty. his lashes are long and he's pretty."
"you hated it when people said that because the shoto you knew wasn't like that. he knew people talked about him and he hated being associated with his father. he likes the caramel you sneak in for him at school and you like the way his eyes light up when he guesses the flavour of fruit candies you make him taste. the shoto you know that ties your shoes for you and shares his umbrella with you, the one who half heartedly stomps into wet puddles with you, the one with the pretty lashes and pretty smile and pretty handwriting isn't like that."
there are a lot of other examples (im OBSESSED with this trope can you tell.) i like these sorts of simplistic childish ways of love. tiny little specks of affection that make the heart so much fonder in such little big ways..if that makes sense :>
i dunno if im just very..special, but since i have a lot of oc's and scenarios constantly flowing in my brain, most of my ideas just tend to be what i dreamed about the night before, or what i daydreamed about LMAOO. even random things that happened to me at school sorta go from "oh it would be funny if this happened to [insert character]" and then they snowball into more and more thorough ideas !
and of course as cheesy as it is the most important part is to have fun ! i cannot stress enough how important it is to be in the mindset when you're writing. it's like when people say to force yourself to draw so you don't 'lose it.' and i do think it can work to jog inspiration, but i believe that as long as you enjoy it, you'll never truly lose it. so i say, write when you feel like it and don't write if you don't, it can truly be very draining. but it's all up to what feels better for you !
anyways, i hope my insane ramblings helped you out a little bit, and have fun writing !!
much luv xxx
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hezuart · 6 months
Ignoring everything about Helluva and Hazbin. Who would you say is your favorite character in both and what character are you most excited to see in Hazbin? For me my favorite characters are Blitz and Angel Dust, but I’m most excited to see Husk and what his deal is.
Before my disappointment in both series these two were my favs: Alastor. I liked that he seemed like a classic serial killer in some ways. He was charming and nice, but cruel and sadistic beneath the surface. It was sort of inferred he preyed on the innocent and tore to bigger bads to shreds. But part of him also was just some old fashioned guy into fashionable parties, old radio technology, and is an aro/ace rep. It left things open for interpretation. Maybe he just wanted to join Charlie to laugh at other people's failures. But also maybe he wants to protect a fresh talent; help Charlie realize her true potential and give into her demonhood instead of denying it. Maybe he sought validation for his misdeeds- that turning back was never an option despite perhaps secret regrets within. Maybe he wanted to interrupt the status quo, he knew Charlie was going to stir up chaos, everyone was already talking about her, she is a HUGE news sensation regardless of positive or negative, and that would be good for his radio business since he is in a big rivalry with Vox, the TV overlord. But also, perhaps, he was manipulating Charlie because he had a secret bigger goal, maybe trying to get to Lucifer or the throne. Maybe he's just securing more power for himself by associating with the King of Hell's daughter. There was just a lot of potential to his character.
~ As for Helluva, I think Stolas was my favorite. He was a posh, manipulative, selfish high-class demon with connections who cheated on his wife and kinda left his daughter (who he once cared deeply for) for some low-class asshole imp. The entire operation is an illegal power trade for sex. He's not only destroying his reputation amongst Hell, but he could also get all of Hell into trouble because IMP's carelessness- the video evidence of demons being real... he's violated the statute of secrecy and can have everything taken from him potentially. It's such high risk for little reward. Makes you wonder if he just got bored with his life, or was unhappy in his marriage but didn't feel like it was socially acceptable to divorce his wife and leave his kid. Just feels like whatever the case, it was a thrill for him. He hires Blitz as his "knight in shining armor" to "protect him" when he is literally a powerful demon that is so uninterested and unworried about demons attempting to kill him. It's all a fantasy. It's all fake. He never needed Blitz's protection (when he wants it anyway)
Until he started catching feelings over his fantasy Blitz, so he started asking him on dates only to get shut down. When Blitz finally asks him... he's ecstatic, only to realize they don't actually have any chemistry with each other. That Blitz actually only used him and didn't actually wanna go on a date with him. And then, Stolas finally realized he doesn't actually know who Blitz is outside of his current status as an assassin. The relationship is taboo and Blitz doesn't even seem to want him. Stolas realizes he gave up the life he had (a bad and boring one maybe) for a fantasy (not real) He's ruined everything. He isn't even aware that his wife is trying to get him assassinated. He isn't self-aware of his disrespectful manipulative classism that upsets Blitz so much. ("impish little plaything" / "Little ones") He isn't aware how much he's hurt his daughter and how much she blames him for everything since he would and has chosen Blitz over her. He isn't even aware that Blitz has legitimately protected him and has his own personal baggage with relationships that holds him back. The potential to see a prince and a pauper on-screen develop respect, go from fake one night stands to potential actual lovers... there's so much you can do with this.
Stolas was a pompous prince dethroned and turned humble by his misdeeds and mistakes. Unrewarded in his arc for change. Set up for destruction, set up for failure. He's a tragic character. The chaos his arc creates is so boundless and entertaining.
The potential behind these two, the initial set ups... who they are... what they could be... I loved it.
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dollya-robinprotector · 2 months
You got doxxed? If youre comfortable with it would you mind sharing more on that? I always associated doxxing with big named online people as a kid but now I realize it happens to just anyone. How does someone deal with that? How do you protect yourself from future cases? I know you aren’t an expert or anything but I’d like to know your experience.
Sure~ though, I doubt I have any experiences at all since, well, I ran away from it.
So it was back when I was still in Genshin fandom. I'm a very enthusiastic fanartist of two very scandalous ships in the fandom at that time, when Liyue just landed. Ah wait, thinking back, it was 3 ships, one "pedo", one "incest yaoi" and one "underage" ship. Also, my fav character is Xinyan, and according to some people, I "white washed" her.
As I was being on Twitter, I was witch-hunted. They commented, sent me harassment, bombarded my DM with death-threats,... They screenshot my twitter wall and posted it on public and "warned" others that I'm a "pedo, sexualized underage children",... They somehow even stalk my facebook and gmail and spammed the heck outta me, traced all the way back at my old post to comment hate. Then they somehow found even my phone number and sent hate too...
It was painful to be honest. BUT I have friends and other fanartist who were willing to protect me. They helped me to report hate comments, told me those DMs were bullshit and redirected my attention to other things. Us Asian fan have very different view from Westerner, and we're so chill with pro-ship I still can't understand how those hater can assume I'm a bad person just because they don't like my ships?? Fellow Asian fanartists got my back too. We continued to exchange drawings and cheering each other up and laughing because we knew those haters must be fuming with rage as we did so. I can't change the phone number, but luckily I had other numbers to use, and I made other gmail to take commissionsnd too. I sorta got used to the harassment as things kept going on, and the haters sorta fell out of it when they can't get my atention anymore.
Still, it's mentally strained to maintain such a strong front. And then to add more to the already-bad-enough, one of my friend passed away due to SLE. That was when I lost my final resolve and became a grieving mess. I made my final post on twitter saying farewell, and then never look back, never draw anything for genshin ever again. I ran away and closed myself, only socialized with irl friends, not drawing or posting online,etc... For years before I joined DoL fandom on tumblr.
So there you have it! I don't really know how to tell story, so I write down whatever I remember. Even if this can't count as experiences to deal with doxxing, it was how I got away with it. Man, really makes me appreciate the tumblr DoL fandom even more.
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planet-poptropica · 3 months
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⋆ So....I was scrolling through Instagram the other day and I saw one those fav character charts, and I thought it would be fun to make my own! ⋆
⋆ Poptropica mutuals, tell me about your favs, not just your main favs, your side favs! I will include the transparent version below, and my explanation to my choices down below if you are interested! I'm interested to see your choices. ⋆
⋆ Tada! Have fun! ⋆
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⋆ Now, an explanation to my choices: ⋆
⋆ Your Favorite: Director D ⋆
I think it's no surprise to ANYONE that knows me that Director D has always been my favorite, since day 1. There was a moment where he was almost replaced by Binary Bard, but he is a close second. Director D is my favorite because he is associated to my nostalgia of a time when I was obsessed with being a spy or ninja when I was a kid. (Spy kids may have played a BIG role in that.) Playing as an agent in that island was so exciting for me, but I do remember having trouble with certain parts like the decoder. (In hindsight I probably would be horrible spy XD.) Now that I'm older, his island is still one of my favs for that reason, but it's not my number one. I wish we could have gotten a bit more backstory for him, but, what can you do. (But create a backstory for him and I have.)
⋆ You Relate To: Black Widow ⋆
Black widow is a character I don't really talk about or draw like....ever, which is crazy because she's probably the character I relate to the most, just like many other artist do too I'm sure. I relate to her in the way of being jealous of other people's art success, and the constantly comparing yourself to others. They say you are your worst critic after all. I don't so much anymore. I'm actually proud of where I am in my art journey, but I used to do that a lot when I was younger, especially when I just started doing digital art.
You won't catch me stealing or ruining other people's art though... girl what-
⋆ Your Favorite Design: Ringmaster Raven ⋆
Look at him, 'nuff said. His design is amazing. I love the color palette, the mask used to cover his true look, the raven theme with the wings and mask, the hat with eyes, everything. His design is the best because it matches with the overall theme of the island, it being a MONSTER CARNIVAL, and he is the Ringmaster. I remember how hipped I was when his island trailer released. One of the best islands for sure.
⋆ Is Underrated: Count Bram⋆
Yeah, remember when I was constantly drawing him for a short period of time? It's for a reason. I love my vampire peepaw who's confused about everything. I'm curious, do people consider him a villain? I kind of don't for the reason that he kidnapped Katya because he thought she was Anabelle, and once he was cured and was bought back to reality, he apologized for it because he didn't know. You want to talk about villain? Christopher is the real villain, you can't change my mind. Anyway, I was looking at the old art I drew of him, and he looked familiar to me. Then it all came together. You know who he reminds of? Exactly? Simon Petrikov, you know, Ice King from Adventure Time? Not only do they have the same hair style and would have the same personality, but they were both humans at some point with a partner, and once they became what they became, all they thought about was their partner, aka Anabelle and Betty.
Poof, mind blown. Vampire peepaw deserves more love.
⋆ You'd get along with IRL: Amelia ⋆
Amelia is another character I don't really talk about or draw, mainly because I associate her with the new era of Poptropica. But, I don't think that's fair. Amelia is actually a very sweet character that I think little me would have appreciated if she came to the game sooner. I would probably get along with her really well, considering how silly, and nice she is. Not to mention, her love for cute stuff. Imagine her unicorn bedroom but replaced with bunnies. That's my room right now. I think that even traveling with her would be really fun. She would have gotten under the "you relate to" category too but I didn't want Amelia on here twice. XD
⋆ And finally...Your Favorite Side Character: Dr. Spyglass ⋆
I... do not know how to explain this one. Dr. Spyglass only gets a few words of dialog, and we know nothing about him in canon, besides him working for HQ, and being an eye doctor. I won't lie, I actually had a crush on this guy years ago, hence why I shipped him with Muddy. (I cringe at that ship now. XD) Probably because...he looks like Director D...with a lab coat. >_> Look at both of them and TELL ME they are not related, I dare you. My version of them are. I love the idea of this silly scientist being hired by his brother after failing the entry agent exam, not because he pitted him, but because he understood how incredibly smart he was and is. Constantly being compared to his brother and what he could have been. So, you can say I like MY version of him... a lot.
I should dedicate a post to him some day, eh?
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buckyarchives · 1 year
BuckyArchives Masterlist
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Welcome! I know my username says ‘Bucky’archives, but I do occasionally post character other than him and outside of marvel! Anyways, I’m Sophie and I go by any pronouns, I don’t share too much about myself but I promise I’m friendly and my inbox is always open. Enjoy reading and below is my full Masterlist and almost everything you need to know! Notes, reblogs and comments are VERY important, i don’t know what readers life or don’t like if you don’t interact so please, I beg — interact with me. Even if it’s small.
DNI! basic dni criteria (racist, homophobic, misogynistic .etc) under 16. just don’t come here to just stir up drama, don’t like what you see? Scroll. Not hard to grasp.
My AO3 | want to request something? Click here!
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GUIDE | 🎞️=personal favs. ⚡️=smut. 🍂= over 5k. 🎟️= unfinished
Metal Arms and Short Skirts ⚡️🍂
Waltzing in as the new head of Avengers medical decision, impressing everyone and… scaring Bucky Barnes your incredibly short skirts. While Bucky is having a hard time seeing his arm as anything other than a weapon, you’re more than happy to help him
The Balcony scene 🎞️🎟️🍂
The one where theirs two winter soldiers, and now it’s time to make amends. Untill you and Bucky Barnes run into a homicidal 5’4 talk problem
The Domestic Life of Living With a Runaway Assassin 🍂🎟️
You hate many things in life. You hate soulmates, you hate the avengers, you hate guns, you hate loud snorers and complicated relationships. Bucky Barnes is associated with all those thing yet you can seem to hate him (Soulmate!AU)
One-shots + Two-parters
The Trials and Tribulations of Getting Bucky Barnes a Second date.
Bucky Barnes hasn’t kissed someone since the 40s and he needs some practice…
Little mermaid🎞️🍂
A mission gone rogue and Bucky Barnes has to depend on you to save him, and a few of your unlikely friends found midst the Atlantic Ocean.
Relapsing wasn’t great, ever. But Bucky Barnes is there. (SH WARNING)
Day After Tomorrow 🎞️
Bucky Barnes’ enhanced hearing is both a blessing and a curse. Eavesdropping, loud music, footsteps and when his sweet neighbor has been coughing her pretty head off all day.
First impressions ⚡️
Who’s would guess that meeting Matt Murdock’s best friends for the first time involved drunk giggling and impressive cock-blocking. (Male reader)
Second, first meeting 🎞️
After the meteor, Chishiya notices the all too familiar person. Their pull towards you - like maybe you’ve met somewhere? (GN reader)
Night Shift🍂
After months of Bruce Wayne being a regular at the waffle house you work at, you soon realize you have been messing up his order the entire time (GN reader)
You don’t trust the new masked vigilante, the batman, but after a couple flirty interactions and him saving you from a possible mugging — you begin to change your mind.
Untitled 🎞️
After many stressful nights dealing with the riddler and his fathers past, all Bruce Wayne wants if for you to stay.
We’re not really strangers 🎞️🍂🎟️
You got cheated out of your life and now you can’t trust. Sebastian stan doenst know how to love full heartedly. He’s in a movie you didn’t write, but you did, but you want admit it - or do you? Loneliness begins to consume sebastian, as for you but you are two people from two different worlds: yet this tug is so intense it will eat you both raw
5 Years of Peace🍂
You and Bucky go to Vormir
Graceland too.
Ellie Williams didn't care much for trusting new people, she needed to keep the ones she had. Until you came around.
Just A Game
if anything, you and Bucky Barne's relationship was just a game. Who will win and who will break?
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katymay-xo · 2 months
What if Amy Rose had her own spin off??
With the release of Princess Peach: Showtime has got me thinking…imagine if we had gotten that similar experience for our fav pink hedgehog Amy Rose? Sure, you could make the argument that due to the bad reception of Shadow The Hedgehog (2005) when it was released indicated that Sega was not going to make any more sonic spin off games in the future (though I will defend that game for the entirety of my living existence because I whole heartedly loved it) but theoretically it could be a great concept to bring back because you could do so much with each character.
But in this case, I want to talk about the many ways of what I personally think could work if Amy had a spin off game.
1. Good Character Writing
Over the course of the Sonic franchise, there have been many interpretations of Amy some range from very bad to very good if you know what I’m talking about. If you want an in depth discussion of Amy’s evolution throughout the years read @ratrrriot post they do a great job of explaining it better than I ever could. But basically in short terms: showcase her love and compassion but is a fierce determined hero and willing to stand up for the people whom she cares about but retain both her bad qualities such as her stubbornness and so it would make feel more grounded and like a real person.
2. An Open World Format
Sonic Frontiers was a definite refresher for the format of Sonic games. The open world really helped how the open world is a great fit for Sonic games show casing how alive the star fall islands were and immersive gameplay experience can be. I know some people were mixed on that aspect but personally it was a welcome addition that helped with the story. In my mind, Amy would be going on her adventure led by her tarot cards as well as expanding her horizons and come across this magical and unknown land associated with love and kindness (one of Amy’s defining traits). The land would like some fantasy/ fairy tale inspired world with each level being more beautiful than the last and in a sense still being rooted into Sonic’s world with creative lore but with a girly twist on it one of the many things that definitely defines who Amy is and that some of the locations/ levels within the game could be off real life places or folklore.
3. Story
Sonic Frontiers and to an extent The Murder of Sonic The Hedgehog were praised for being the first Sonic games in years to have a good story probably since Sonic and the Black Knight. Definitely can work if they have good writers. Amy would be in the game for obvious but maybe two or three more friends along for the ride too but having them be in the story instead of them just being in the background like Cream, Blaze and Silver or something? Have them develop into by Amy had impacted them in so many ways and how they want to return the offer. Explain how the fantasy world in the game came to be, the culture of it and their way of living, sacred treasures they may hold to keep the world in balance. Introduce characters from the fantasy world so you would feel more invested into the journey and having one of the inhabitants be the main antagonist an trusted ally to the team.
3. Costume Upgrades
Amy has had some very cute outfits upgrades most notably in Sonic Dash or Sonic Forces Speed Battle but you would have to unlock the outfits doing certain tasks or completing each level zones in the game that also help progress the narrative feeling as that they are essential. Again it doesn’t have to be the case but it would be a cool feature to have be put in the game as well as her friends getting costume upgrades too.
Again, this isn’t trying to force the game if it would happen. It’s just me ranting some of my ideas if an Amy Rose spin off game were to actually happen but I doubt it’ll be the case any time soon.
My Synopsis of names of the world in the game, the levels/ zones it can contain and what it would look like;
Location of the Story: The Petula Isles
Levels/ Zones:
Valley of Love:
Dreamy Skyline:
Crittered Cove:
Wintered Wonderland:
Jubokko Forest:
Crystal Caves:
Link to @ratrrriot’s post on Amy’s Evolution:
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roseworth · 7 months
hey <3 heres what i think of every scene that rosenberg has written with rose
disclaimer: most of this is me being very nitpicky. rose was a side character for all of these appearances so obv i understand that its not gonna be perfect characterization. but i rly like talking about rose characterization so this is just me pulling apart her appearances for fun <3
ok lets go
i LOVE the jason & rose dynamic. im not much of a jayrose fan but since its happening im glad that its like this. i love that its so much "rose is excessively horny and jason is giving her nothing" bc its so in character for both of them. shes fucking with him and he does not know how to reciprocate. they r so sillies
HOWEVER. rose would not just hang around him like shes doing. as much as i like that dynamic i feel like he also has to at least sometimes show that hes. you know. interested in having her around. shes just kinda tagging along and i wish there was a reason why she would put up with him never giving her anything, especially since she has a tendency to leave at the first sign of not being wanted
on a completely different note, im a little disappointed that shes wearing her old costume instead of the new one she has in btbatb/kt ravager. i appreciate that shes still drawn like an adult but i rly like her new costume so im sad that she doesnt have it
man who stopped laughing #9
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STRONG start. beats up a bunch of cops, then right after she appears she does her stupid flirting thing then immediately says that she doesnt want to associate with the batfamily. queen.
not to mention right before this is my fav failgirl moment where she goes through her whole plan to crash the car and break jason out of prison. then just goes up and knocks on the door
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flips the car over then walks up and says "hey its the fire department. open up" and not a single person believes her. i love her
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lesbian rose crumbs <3 i still choose to believe shes talking about cass here idc. shes so silly and this was a cute lil panel
so yeah. she was on one page of this issue but that one page was great and i love her
mwsl #10
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shes so lame <3 i talked about this moment a lot when this issue first released but i love it. "somebody had all the fun without us" upon finding a body, then realizing someone else was there and just. starts shooting. she doesnt hit anything. she doesnt even know where the other person is.
my big problem here is that she does not carry a gun and pretty much never uses guns. honestly now that im thinking about it this is one of the only times shes ever used a gun on panel (the other times i can think of being: shooting wade off a cliff after her mom died, shooting starfire in n52 outlaws (but new 52 rose barely even counts as rose), and using deathstroke's gun when she was pretending to be him in deathstroke 2016)
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shes not anti-gun or anything but it still bothers me just a little that suddenly she has a gun (hence why i fully believe she stole jasons gun <3)
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if i want to nitpick, kate should not have been able to hit her. rose should've seen she was coming wayyy before (bc precog) and she wouldnt be knocked down from one hit. i fear we are headed down a path of her becoming jasons incompetent girlfriend but i wont be too dramatic about her getting hit one (1) time
but other than that i thought this was a fun moment of rose getting hit then jason immediately fighting the person that hit her. toxic girlbesties fr
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then also her needing to be held back after she gets up so she doesnt start attacking the person thats helping them <3 i love her
mwsl #11
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this is a nice issue for her just because in true rose tradition she LOVES to have homoerotic fights with every other female character she interacts with. the kate & rose dynamic was soooo fun i love it when shes mean to people for no reason <3
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i did not like this part though. i feel like there are a lot of implications about rose here that are unfair to her character & her place in the dcu. i'll meet the book on its own terms and say that we're only talking about post-52 rose (blah blah everything's canon rn but this book is very clearly not using pre-52 rose lore) but even then? theres no real reason for her to be ducking superheroes or for superheroes to keep an eye on her. shes not a villain or even much of a killer, the fact that shes "staying off the radars" of good guys doesnt make much sense. and the fact that kate knows her and "studies" her (fellas is it gay to study another woman despite never meeting her) implies that rose is like. a threat. shes just kind of around there is no reason kate should know her like that
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cute moment! but also it bothers me. i think its fun that she refused to go since its not her fight and she doesnt want to get into a joker mess. HOWEVER. when has she ever in her life passed up an opportunity to get involved in someone elses problem. to me she wouldnt have even delivered the list of addresses without a fight if she wasnt gonna go along
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other than her using a gun again (where the hell did she even get that) i like this <3 her showing up and saving manhunter after she said she didnt care what happened is so her. also i just like the fact that she shot joker
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gay gay homosexual gay
the rest of this issue is fun <3 just kate & rose fighting together then getting blown up together <3 this was a nice issue for her despite the problems i had with it
gotham war red hood #2
gotham war break!!!
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okay first of all i LOVE that he took her along. there was no reason for rose to be here but jason was told to meet someone and said "ok ill go but my weird friend comes with me" its so funny
ive seen a lot of people complain about the "you're my only friend" line but i LOVE it. not necessarily because she doesnt have any friends but because she would not in a million years ADMIT that she has friends. she would rather be shot in the head than say that she actually likes the people that she hangs out with.
but to be fair.... she also doesnt have friends. "what about the lazarus island gang?" the only person she actually liked there and showed any friendship toward was damian, and they ARE friends but she considers him more of a little brother than a friend. "what about the teen titans??" a) she would NEVER admit that she is friends with any of them b) its technically.... not really canon that she was ever on the same team as them. like i said before, im meeting this book on its terms, and rose being a teen titan hasnt been mentioned since flashpoint :( i wont go on a whole tangent about her friends but given that she hasnt really made a friend in years and never talks to anyone else, i think its fair for her to say that she has no friends
so yeah all this to say: she has friends, but it is 100% in character for her to say that she has no friends. i stand by this line
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i dont have much to say here i just think shes so cute <3 i also love the fact that jason jumped straight to "rose is robbing a dead person" instead of "rose is inspecting the body"
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but im OBSESSED with the fact that she DOES rob him. i feel like we're not talking about this enough. she saw a dead body and took his money. im not even mad about it because its so fucking funny to me
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im sorry jay/rose fans this makes me want to vomit. this feels too "earnest emotions" for both of them. the rest of this scene was fine but this panel specifically feels so :/
"i just need help" "always" and "please take care of yourself" and "meet at our spot" "promise?" "i promise" does not feel like them at all. its a very sweet and genuine moment but they would NOT have sweet and genuine moments! neither of them would ever express their feelings and they would not have this conversation
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this does not feel like rose at all idk who this is. where is the rage!!!!!! where is the anger!!!!!!! why did she stand there for hours just. worried about him. why isnt she lashing out
comparing this to the scene in tt03 where she's worried about eddie:
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she gets angry! shes worried about him and starts yelling at everyone around her because hes hurt and she doesnt know whats happening. i would have LOVED this energy in this book and its sooooo disappointing that she just. stands there like 🥺 when she doesnt know what happened to jason
mwsl #12
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i rly liked this part fhdkjfhakjdfd i thought her pretending to be him just to get batman out of the way was so good and so real. shes helping out AND fucking with batman
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very minor complaint here but this isnt even true . she DOES try to run into him in ds16 when slade kidnaps damian and rose gives bruce the ransom terms. also i feel like this line is vaguely implying that she HAS found him (/he found her) on accident before which is also not true given that their only interactions are in ds16 and being in the same general area in shadow war. and also reiterating that shes not a villain so batman has no reason to track her down or cause problems for her but. whatever. this is entirely just me jumping to conclusions about what this one throwaway line means and then getting mad about it
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LOVE this. she inserted herself into the situation then complains about it. this isnt her business and shes making sure that jason knows it. but also she completely volunteered for most of this
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BOOOOOOOO she would not fucking say that. "sorry about that whole chase" no she would not apologize. "please dont kick my ass" she would NOT say that!!!!! first of all given that this is after gotham war she would probably kick his ass just for what he did to jason. even besides that she would not be afraid of him even a little. comparing their convo in ds16 #5 to this is so sad bc </3 why is she afraid of him instead of being a huge bitch and yelling at him
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this ending is really good for her though. she absolutely would dive into the water with joker gas, trash, and dead bodies just to save her friend <3
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this is more like it!!!!!!!! shes worried for him and takes initiative to save him by jumping in the water despite it being a very dangerous decision and then insults him while she saves his life <3333 its a tiny bit more of her being mean to express worry which is nice <3 its not perfect but its closer
in conclusion: there are many good moments. there are many parts i like about it. but there are just so many things that dont feel like rose </3 most of the broad strokes are there but it just doesnt feel like her when shes not full of rage and going out of her way to piss people off
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belit0 · 10 months
Indra with prompt 7 where reader and him have just gotten married?? Btw, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR WORK AND YOUR WRITING IS SO GOOD!! ALSO, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WRITING FOR INDRA HE’S MY FAV ❤️❤️❤️
7) Them exploring each others' bodies, but not in a sexual way.
He is also my favorite, and it destroys me how he has so little recognition and content to his name. People need to appreciate the hell out of this man HE'S THE CREATOR OF ALL THE CHARACTERS WE LOVE OMG
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(Y/N) never heard him speak, at least not directly to her. From the moment Indra chose her as his future wife, she has only heard his voice from afar, addressing her parents or people in her village. He never paused to even greet her, introduce himself, or explain.
Indra came to her small village looking to hire manpower for construction in his territory, having heard rumors (Y/N)'s family was the best in the area when it came to edification. The Otsutsuki had recently become famous after destroying his brother and winning an ancestral war, crowning himself as a man to be feared and respected.
No one wanted to be in the spotlight of his attention, and people preferred to give him whatever he wanted to avoid perishing in the attempt. The man arrived at their home with blueprints to execute his new settlement, having changed his last name so as not to be associated with his father's or younger brother's image.
It didn't take long before he crossed paths with (Y/N) by pure chance, while he was finalizing details with her father on how they would carry out the constructions and with what materials. They were sitting at the main table one night, as she entered her house to go to bed. The girl observed how her father was tense and alert in front of the presence of such a person, and when they exchanged glances, tried to warn her wordlessly to hide.
The Otsutsuki fixed his eyes on her, and that was the moment he decided to take her as his wife. For the remaining days, he continued to make arrangements with her family, and no one could stop him from taking her with him when everything was planned. Saying no to Indra was inevitable doom, and (Y/N) understood she had to obey his orders if she wanted to protect her people.
He took her along with a convoy of villagers from her hometown, who went to the new and recently founded Uchiha territory to lend a hand. The work lasted months, of complicated execution and with no room for mistakes under the frightening gaze of the most villainous man in the world, but it was accomplished.
When everything was finished, her family had to leave, and (Y/N) could not join them.
There was no formal wedding, with the Otsutsuki reluctant to follow such protocols, and simply proclaimed her as his wife in front of the entire Uchiha clan. People knew not to mess with her and respected her as Indra's legitimate wife, but that was all.
Life continued to go on as usual, and the woman had to adapt to her new destiny. Her so-called husband dedicated himself to ignoring her, pretending her existence was unimportant and attending to a million other matters before even looking at her.
(Y/N) did not let his attitude discourage her, and she thrived despite his indifference. She found friends and supporters, and learned about Indra from them. At the moment, the Uchiha clan consisted of all those who supported him on the battlefield and chose him as their leader. Everyone spoke with respect and admiration about the Otsutsuki, and the girl came to know his life story from the accounts of others.
Indra was a tormented and haunted man, someone hurting, and perhaps he just needed space before he could approach her in a concrete way.
She waited, and found a way of life that made her happy in spite of everything. Her husband never limited her or gave her any orders, letting her be free and able to build her day-to-day life as she wished. If she wanted to devote herself to learning ninjutsu, she could. If she preferred to dedicate her time to more mundane tasks or do nothing at all, that was fine too.
It took a couple of months of cohabitation before the man finally got a good look at her, and it happened on a night of a full moon and pouring rain. Usually, the Otsutsuki disappears with the fall of the sun, and (Y/N) presumes it's for training, but with the weather as such, there's no way. The ground turned to mud and there is no visibility because of the rain, the water bringing icy winds in tandem.
Taking no qualms about his presence, the girl continued with her evening routine as if the man was not there, playing the same game of indifference. She finished with all the actions required to get into bed, coolness not helping to keep her away from the sheets.
What she didn't expect was to feel the mattress sink a few seconds after she laid down, Indra settling down next to her for the first time in months. Not speaking to her also came with not sharing a bed, and (Y/N) always wondered where the Otsutsuki slept.
Her heart races and she suddenly becomes nervous, never having had to face this situation in all the time they've been together. She fixes her gaze on him, determined not to be intimidated by the man with whom she is supposed to share her life, and for the first time, she gets a closer look.
He is devilishly handsome, with defined and dreamy features, a sharp jaw, and elongated fox-like eyes. He wears his hair tied in a bun, with a few pieces raining raggedly down his face. Indra is a dream, and (Y/N) gets even more nervous.
"You're agitated...would you rather I spend the night somewhere else...?" According to people's accounts, Indra seems to spit fire when he speaks, but the way he phrased the question carries a hint of teasing and sarcasm.
"No... I do believe it's about time." She decides not to flinch in front of him, and face him with the same level of intonation. They both glare at each other, a duel of stares (Y/N) is not willing to lose.
The girl analyzes the man, sitting on the bed against the headboard and imitating his posture. Indra is not wearing a T-shirt, only some baggy pants. There is a huge scar on his chest, dangerously close to his heart, and looking fresh. Fearlessly, (Y/N) runs her fingertips over it.
It has a terribly smooth texture and decorates his body as if it was meant to fit in that particular spot. "Where did this come from?" she asks without looking him in the eye, sight fixed where her fingers still touch his skin.
"Family squabbles, if you might call it somehow." She can hear a smirk in his words, as the Otsutsuki puts his hand against her cheek, touching a mark (Y/N) has carried since being little girl.
"What about this?"
"Learning to chop wood with my father, if you might call it somehow." She dares to connect with his eyes again and sees him smiling genuinely. The stories and narrative construction people provided about Indra portrayed him as a cold and heartless being, a tyrant with so many murders on top of him as to be uncountable, an evil and sinister man.
Perhaps they were all wrong, and no one really knew him.
Feeling reaffirmed by him, she takes his arm and looks at the skin closely. Another huge scar looking much older decorates the surface. "First time I made use of one of my techniques to defend... someone." There is a hint of nostalgia in his words, and (Y/N) assumes he is referring to a too-distant past.
A huge hand closes over the curve of her waist and draws her close until they are mouth-to-mouth. Surprised by his boldness, she allows herself to indulge in the sweet, first kiss she shares with her husband, feeling his fingers roam her figure over her clothes.
"I wondered what it would feel like to touch you once and for all."
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qftim-shadows · 5 months
After finding the first of many parts of the fabled Ink Machine, we begin to follow our questers as they continue to unravel the mystery behind what could be the cure for "The Ink Illness." Where could their mission take them next?
Character Roster:
Bendy Drew
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Boris Drew
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Cuphead Porselana
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Mugman Porselana
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Felix Sullivan
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Arlecchino Morningstar
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Trigger Warnings, Ships, Boundaries, etc.:
Trigger Warnings:
death/character death, discussions of mortality, mentions of and insinuated suicide, drug usage+abuse, alcohol consumption+abuse, domestic violence/abuse, violence, minor gore, depictions and inspiration of satanic+religious imagery, etc. (will update as necessary)
Disclaimer about Shipping:
This blog includes canon (to this story/AU) ships such as:
Arlecchino (OC)/Cuphead
Arlecchino (OC)/Bendy
Arlecchino (OC)/Cuphead/Bendy
We also have the standard Mickey/Minnie pairing, as well as Donald/Daisy. I would like to mention that romance is not all that important in the main storyline, and is rather secondary. There will be moments of relationship development, but I will try to keep it at a minimum. If you do not like any of my ships, you can either block this blog, or just ignore any of the romance segments.
Boundaries/Further Disclaimers:
Before anyone asks, I will seldom draw anything for "can i hug/kiss/etc __" requests because they have literally nothing to do with the story. I may open a week where I do doodle requests, but don't expect it.
I am okay with general questions about the story+characters, but please do not rush me, and don't criticise my work if I don't specifically ask for it.
I will not respond to asks that I deem weird/uncomfortable, so if I don't respond to yours, maybe rethink what you said lol
You may ask about sexualities, genders, characterisations, etc. but please don't ask me if whether or not your OC/persona can romance a certain character. If you want me to draw those things, just go to my main blog when I open doodle requests, or pay me for a full art piece.
No, I do not support, associate, or approve of both rouge (original creator of qftim) or qftim-c's creators either. I will not entertain any of those accusations/questions. They are bad people, and my work is taking something that was left to rot and creating what I believe to be an interesting and compelling story.
Don't ask me to draw your fav pairing together if it isn't established already in the canon. Go to the main blog for that. With money.
I have my own headcanons for each character, so I'm okay with questions about that!
Will update in the future!
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felikatze · 2 months
I forgot did I ever ask for chrom facts? I remember asking for Roy and Marth facts. Anyways If I already have then tell me facts for a character of your choosing
This one is surprisingly more difficult as i've made so much unhinged Chrom content that i need to remember what is blatantly my five layers of headcanons and what isnt. uhm.
Chrom's base Falchion (legendary sword passed down for generations) has the same might as an iron sword. It's an unbreakable iron sword.
Despite Robin being the literal self insert, Chrom is the only character force-deployed on every map, and the only character with convoy access
Chrom (and male Robin) is the only dad in awakening to have a child associated with him. All other kids are associated with the mother instead.
Chrom is very clumsy. When he was a kid, he smashed a wall while training, and it never got fixed, so he and Lissa presumably covered the incident up by moving shrubbery over the hole.
This smashed wall is a legitimate plot point as it allows Lucina to inflitrate Ylisstol Castle and stop Chrom from being permanently wounded by an assassin
Speaking of Lucina, he really like. Post timeskip he's like, 25 MAX, and father of an Infant, so when a like, 18yr old girl shows up and says he's her dad. He's just like. Ok. My daughter now. Truly dad of the year. All his shortcomings as a father are External Circumstances he had no influence over ok
Literally all Chrom seasonal units are so mad to be seasonal units. Chrom hates wearing anything besides his stupid onesie. My respect tbh. I get it.
I'm a firm believer he has resting bitch face. The Autism Stare
I fear if i say more I'm going to get into deranged headcanon territory. I've written enough fanfic abt him tbh.
My fav thing abt his characterization is that he sees himself as a tool of violence yet deeply admires pacifism. It's like. He loves peace in theory. When its personified by his sister. But he just. doesn't know how to put it into practice.
This is especially notable in his first meeting with Gangrel, where Gangrel has a hostage and is demanding Emmeryn negotiate. And Chrom just immediately gets aggressive amd escalates the situation into a fight. Yeah sure he was being goaded, but the guy has a surprisingly short temper!
It's a very inch resting dualism and I am a total sucker for everytime fanworks do more with that than the game does. Bcuz most FE protags. Love peace obviously. But they see violence as the means to the end, they still see themselves as holier than thou, whereas Chrom really doesn't. Death is death. Gives him flavor.
It's blatantly obvious in his behavior and skills that he was NOT meant to be the leader. Most FE protags had their parents die to become king, but he had his SISTER die. He would've been behind any of HER heirs (if she had any) in the line of succession and probably only ran a militia because he never expected to be king at all. He can't negotiate for shit on a political level, only convince people on a personal one. He's very blunt and honest (...autism swag...), and not cut out for intrigue, as well as easily manipulated.
For real he would he fucked without Robin.
Can you tell I love him and think about him a normal amount. Chrom my wife
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litl-rat-dude · 1 year
Your art style is cool. How did you come up with it?
I have mentioned b4 that i take a lot of inspiration from early 2000s cartoon artist and other online artist with inspo from western media (eg some like kimquatz, farvannn, delaneyjanuzzi)
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with many of the characters i also stylize them based on the character that they are twisted from. Chenya is the most obvious case as its more subtle with other characters
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sometimes i base the way i stylize them on characters (mostly from western cartoons :p) that have a similar archetype or give similar vibes, sometimes ill base it on my own perception of a character, sometimes ill use my fav drawing tropes, ill base the way i stylize characters on things thats related to their lore (ie the bat wings hair and the little connecting nose to eyebrow to mimic medieval drawings for lillia)
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sometimes ill base my takes on characters on other peoples stylizations of characters.
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with some characters the shapes i use are related to symbols that they are associated with. of course i use shape language a lot, much of it also depends on clothes, even characters with similar body types can give off completely different vibes from small changes between characteristics and different clothes
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idk if u also are asking about coloring but i've recently been using this technique (u probably saw me mention this in the shroud drawings) for fully colored stuff, i use tons of different guache and charcoal brushes and shape the blurbs into whatver the drawing is. i really like seeing random colors used on a single colored object but i do not know how those artist are doing that so im just trying to mimic it :'J. I also really like when the drawing come out looking a bit rough n sketchy, it just scratches my brain :>
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