#which is weird because i swear back then i wanted to get him away somehow because he was 'annoying and nerdy'
Huh. I have some weird thoughts to get out.
Alright, so I’m 90% sure this evolved into flirting. I’m having a hard time keeping it from turning into that because I’m genuinely enjoying talking to him so much. Like this started off as a shot in the dark thinking that he moved on with his life and forgot about me entirely. Which honestly, i should’ve expected that he didn’t. At all. I’m pretty sure that crush he had on me back then has not faded in the slightest.
Today i decided to bring up that i was curious how much he’d changed since I’ve last seen him. Honestly, it was a shot towards the line of flirting. I just wanted to check if i was attracted to him now. I guess I am. Turns out he’s somehow thinner (already a damn twig then. and the ONLY person I’ve heard have that happen through the pandemic) and all I can think about is that one post saying “when you roll down the window in the car and your skinny bf goes flying out like an old mcdonald’s napkin” because this boy is straight up 15lbs lighter than me. I might lose him when going down the highway. This is fine. Also grew facial hair. It’s cute. Like actually cute. And then he literally goes into explaining some bionicle figure that was caught in the picture. I know it was an anxious “oh fuck, toy in pic” thing. But it was cute. Why was it cute? And why am I feeling things for the guy i found annoying in high school?
Though i do wonder if i really did find him annoying or if it was just the shallow social standards that high schoolers normally have because half the school hated him because he was awkward and geeky. Because it’s really starting to feel like i just used to be that shallow. I used to hang out with him enough to consider him a friend though. But I still told others that he was just the weird guy puppy-dogging along with me and was annoying. When he’s really not. He’s sweet and let’s me talk about things most people won’t. I can be childish and nerdy around him with no judgement and I love it.
Oh my god, send help. I didn’t want this to happen. Now i guess i have to live with what he did in high school.... jeez.
As it turns out though, he has also hit a massive wall due to the pandemic so he’s been sitting at home since he graduated college essentially doing nothing because he’s high risk to covid. Though, he’s been finally able to leave the house recently and has been trying out the job market. (Not going well. But i gave him the info for Randstad and stuff. He does NOT need a retail job. He would not survive a week. He’s fragile. It’d kill him. Probably not literally but my god do i want to protect him from that.) We’re already making little plans for when I’ll be back in town and such too. Apparently he hasn’t done all too much relating to finally being an adult and I flat out want to be the one to show him the world. I want to get this guy to eat sushi for the first time and buy him a beer. Vicariously live through the new stuff he’d be going through.
I also made him listen to Tool and finally broke the barrier that kept him from cursing. That was fun. Also, starting to think that showing music is a form of love language for him because it did absolutely trigger an oddly intimate conversation.
It’s been a long time since I’ve had a crush that wasn’t “I want to fuck this person” but more along the lines of me absolutely wanting to cuddle the shit out of, protect, and show the world to this person. Because that’s exactly what i want to do to him. This is new to me oddly enough... It’s been a while since it was for wholesome reasons.
Huh. I’ve got a lot to think about here tbh. Because it’s quickly evolving and I don’t know what to do with this. Literally just sent a goodnight text that i had to fight against putting in my brash and teasing flirting. I’m to that point. I want to do that. But no. Too soon. It’s been like a week.
Only a week. For the love of god. WHY. Am I really just that lonely nowadays or am I actually feeling something for him? Because this feels like actual feelings. I haven’t seen this boy in person since we were both 17 and here I am at 23 deadass wanting to be there with him right now. This is So Very New. Oh My God. I do Not know what to do here.
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jinkiezzsstuff · 4 months
Hate That I Love You
adam x insecure!tsundere(ithink) GNreader
Summary: You’ve been Lutes friend for a long while, and occasionally you ran into Adam; after finding out about the extermination thanks to him, you become a three party group. Except you can’t accept liking Adam, him being obnoxious and egotistical, you pretend you hate him. That blows up in your face.
Warnings: Suggestive, swearing, angst ish, hurt/comfort i think, insecurities around strength (mental and/or physical), implied but never confirmed virgin reader, readers looks get insulted nothing intense nor specific, descriptive panic attack/fainting, reader throws an object at adam’s head, NO YN, GN, No alluding to or mention of bodytype/hairtype/skin colour. oh possibly OOC adam idk, not proofread so sorry luvs, I think that’s it if not let me know! enjoy :3
Word count: 2K
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Your index finger sat atop the straw sitting in your drink, moving it around the glass as you mindlessly listened as Adam ranted to you and Lute, mostly Lute, about Charlie Morningstar. You weren’t an exorcist- no, you actually didn’t know about the exterminations at all…up until recently. Thanks to one of Adam’s childish outbursts, you had a long night with Lute explaining the whole situation to you. Now you were sworn to secrecy, and conversations of the madness that the extermination were and everything they came with, AKA Charlie.
Adam wasn’t ever your buddy, he was just someone who shamelessly attached himself to Lute's hip; but you put up with it because of your good friendship with Lute. Now, he’s somehow weaselled his way into believing you were part of this weird “team” purely based off of association.
“I mean who does this long horned, pointy teeth, pussy mucher think she is?!” Adam screamed slamming his hands against the table, you rolled your eyes at him and his stupid antics. “You’re one to talk,” You replied, his eyes snapping toward you. “You’ve got both horns and teeth. Why don’t you take that funky band mask off anyways?”
Scoffing he rolled his neck side to side. “Because this is my job, my persona, how’re people gonna recognize me without it!? Duh, dumb bitch.” Muttering the insult quickly, he leaned his cheek on his palm and went back to sucking his drink.
“With all due respect sir, this is really bad news, we can’t let Charlie persuade Sera.” Lute piped up, her mask discarded showing the genuine emotion on her face. Sometimes you couldn’t tell if he was a friend, someone she was in love with, an annoying brother-like figure, or just her lazy ass boss. Maybe all of the above.
Which is probably one of the reasons you kept your tiny little crush on Adam to yourself. He was cruel to you anyways, always comparing you to someone faster, funnier, stronger, hotter at least that’s what you told yourself. Instead you chose to be more of a bitch back, acting as disgusted and disinterested as you could, especially when Lute was around as she could sniff out a lie like some psychic canine.
“Yeah, duh Lute i fucking know that. You think I've been jerking off this whole time! No, eyes, ears focused, I haven't cum in days.” He whined, throwing his head back. Lute only scoffed glancing over at you slumped back in your seat barely sipping your drink, eyes casted downward. “You don’t have to be here for this kind of talk,” Lute started saying, her hand inching across the table to yours, but she was stopped by Adam once more leaning forward, gloved palms slapping against the table.
“The fuck are you saying Lute!? We get another fucker in this circle and you wanna cast her out. Un-fucking-believeable. It’s like you want Charlie to win.” Throwing a napkin at Adam, Lute slid her hand away from you. “They’re not even an exorcist Adam, you’re the fuck head who got them in on exterminations!”
“No i didn’t, they walked in on a private conversation.” Eyebrows knitted together you lurched forward, anger fueling you. “Oh piss off Adam, how many times are we gonna go over this stupid situation! I’m not your fucking friend, i’m not ‘in’ on it, i’m here for Lute and you won’t fucking leave!”
Adam had a bored expression on his face while you ranted, unfazed by anything you’d said. Lute however bit her lip clasping her hands together. In a fight between her boss slash friend, and her friend, she didn’t know what to do. “You always have your nose up in Lute's business, it’s so annoying. Lute’s my man, okay she works for me! Guess who comes first in this business chica? Not you.” Adam mocked sticking his tongue out at you.
Standing you picked up your cup whipping it at Adam’s head, he dodge it easily, but your emotionally fueled violence made you quickly regretful as both Adam’s and Lutes eyes looked at you questioningly. You’d never really lost your shit before, and this wasn’t the worst Adam has said, so they were a little confused at your outburst, yourself included.
“Listen, Adam, I’m-“ Before you could finish Adam keeled over, laughing maniacally as you watched. After a few short laughter filled moments, Adam straightened, elbows on the table, hands hammocking his chin as he smiled up at you.
“Got some bite in you for sure huh babe, ha! I’m not surprised, honestly when i saw you i was like ‘this bitch has a face made for hell’, you probably got up here cause you were unfuckable so, like, virgin. Oh! Oh! That makes so much fucking sense dude! Ha! Bummer, I could smell the weak loser on ya, didn’t I tell ya danger tits?” Adam questioned head turned toward Lute after his animated, and very condescending speech.
Lute only looked down, not responding. Meanwhile you were horrified, you’d always felt a little less than Lute, after all she carried out holy duties, ones that you hadn’t fully known up until recently, so hearing Adam say the same things you thought of yourself, shattered you. Your face felt hot as tears gathered on the waterline of your eyes. You didn’t belong here, you said it for the longest time everyone here was mindless optimist zombies, Lute was your only lifeline, and for a few months you suppose-Adam.
You never hated him, but it’s clear he’s only fond of Lute. You’re the intruder, you’re the odd one. Clenching your fists you didn’t even bother with a come back, you slid out from your table booking it to the door. Tears unwillingly slid down your cheeks, your chest heaving as your throat closed silencing whatever weep dared to exit your throat.
You could hear Lute calling after you but you genuinely didn’t want to be followed by her, you were embarrassed; the last thing you wanted was the strong exorcist coming to witness you crumble. Throwing the door to the building open your wings sprung out on reflex, and after a few quick steps you took off. You couldn’t quite see, or breathe for that matter. Your mind lagged behind you, replaying the moments in your head that matched up to Adam’s insults.
You blinked rapidly as you attempted to focus on the clouds beneath you and breeze around you, but you couldn’t. You choked once more, your stomach convulsing inward causing you to gasp, a sob violently escaping you as you rocketed toward whatever surface you could find. Suddenly you hit something solid, stunning your flight and causing you to spin down, plummeting. As you fell, the breeze stabbed you as you cut into it, your wings sagging and loosely flailing above you, it felt so calm and freeing you didn’t feel the will to stop.
By the grace of god, however, you were caught and roughly smacked against the chest of someone, their arms clutching you tightly. You barely heard a ‘gotcha’ before your vision tunnelled, stomach flipped and you lost consciousness.
Waking slowly, your eyes stung the moment they opened, nearly watering at the blinding white that invaded them. Willing yourself to rise, you lazily scanned the room you laid in. A living room, coloured with yellows, creams and whites, it was, in all honesty, way too much. A large portrait of a man with a woman, meticulously scrapped out, hung above the fireplace. You’d never seen this man ever before, and the woman was too scratched out to get any idea on who it was. Suppose these people never existed as it was a painting, but there was something about the man that captivated you so deeply.
“Look who finally rose, sleeping bitchy.” You immediately felt sick, turning your head unsurprised to see Adam standing there smugly. You frowned deeply, it felt nearly impossible to twist your mouth in such a way, but there was no hiding your distaste in seeing the angel. “Why am I here, Adam.” You say scaldingly, eyes closed attempting to shield yourself from whatever foul look took over his face. “Well after your little shit show, a little over dramatic by the way, Lute left to find you, and I went for a fly. Then suddenly minding my own business I see you tryna play asteroid! Then when I caught you, your dumbass went out.”
Sighing loudly you pulled your hand down your face. “Please, admit Lute put you up to it.” Slamming a glass of water down on the table along with a platter of fruit, including oranges, pomegranates and mangos, Adam grunted moving his hand to sit on his hips. “The fuck she did, she’s not getting the praise for this one.” You looked up at him and then down at the fruit and drink on the side table just to your right, you nodded at it. “What’s this?”
You barely whispered out. Blowing air out threw his lips effectively raspberryingring the air, he shrugged. “Stuff for you, duh, you’re like sick or something right?” You nearly smiled at that, you’d never had Adam have that reaction. Quite the array of fruit as well, carefully you picked up a few pieces of orange, as well as mango that had a toothpick sticking up from them you munched down. You hummed, watching like a hawk as Adam walked across from you and sat on the other couch.
“How long was i out?” You questioned after swallowing, gulping down some water feeling the soothing sensation on your raw throat. “Maybe thirty minutes, not long. I texted Lute, I told her you were with me, safe.” That made you pause, you gazed up at him from the bowl of pomegranates you started digging into. “What? Why didn’t she come?” Adam huffed, throwing his hands behind his head and leaned back. “Because I told her not to.” Your mouth fell open eyes wide.
“Why thee holy fuck, would you tell her not to come?” Sitting up straighter you swung your legs over the side, sitting properly instead of lounging. Adam wouldn’t meet your gaze drifting off to the left and right. “Fucking… fuck!” He exclaimed almost in what sounded like exhaustion. Watching him closely, you waited as he seemed to have an inner debate with himself. Then swiftly he gripped his face and ripped off his mask.
The face you were met with was like a punch in the gut, yeah he could be compared to men you’ve seen in your lifetime probably at a gas station or cheap bar, but it was Adam. The man you’ve been trying so hard to hate, getting into cussing battles, throwing insults at each other that rolled off the back, occasionally praising each other's insults, forcing yourself to loathe him when you both kinda knew it wasn’t and now it was real. You got to look in his gold eyes, the dark thick lashes accentuating the uniqueness of his eye colour, the chin hair that crawled just under his chin -which you never expected him to have-, his tousled brown hair, thick eyebrows one eyebrow pierced - also a shock to you-.
He looked like the asshole he was, and it made you fucking sick. Trying so hard to hate him had come to this? Him unmasking himself after saving you? Cruel, you wanted to hate him, get over him not know that all he said about him being the hottest, the dickmaster, pussypounder-whatever, was probably true, that he’s hot. You were embarrassed to feel the nasty hum of jealousy claw at you when you could see the woman in the painting in your peripheral, that was obviously him, with some woman. He was wanted, and taken before.
Flicking his tongue over his lips you caught a glimpse of a tongue piercing because of course the pretty boy would get whatever he wanted without worrying about rules. He shuffled nervously biting his lip as you eyed him shamelessly, which to him was judgemental, his nerves suddenly making him feel sweaty. “Why?” You ask breathily, you were too enchanted to care how he perceived that however. His eyes properly met yours, your legs crossed subconsciously at the zap you felt just by a look.
“Youre fucking dumb you know that? You think I hang with Lute when you’re around because Lute’s there?!” Adam stood after the exclamation, his eyes shooting around the room, hands flying to his hair. “I can’t fucking do this a third time! Fuck!” Tossing a vase across the room you watched unfazed by the sudden explosion, after all this was your thing too.
“I only go round Lute like that because you’re there dumbass, i tried easing up on you; just like Lute said! But you, oh noooo little bitch, just had to be so fucking bratty.” Standing over you sneering, you made no attempts to move, not genuinely scared of his anger but instead, perhaps, a little aroused. You in a way understood where his frustrations came from anyway, you in a sense felt the same way. Might be why you lost it earlier, the yearning had gotten too real, and he seemed so focused on Charlie.
“I am so disgustingly attracted to you, not even in a sex way! And I know how to deal with that a lot better.” Swinging his hand out sassily, he smirked to himself. Plopping next to you he rested his cheek on his hand, elbows rested on his legs. Plucking an orange from the table you watched him eat it, juice moistening his lips. “You think i’d peel fruit, save, house and give water to some broad I genuinely hated? No, stupid.”
Laughing dryly, you looked up away from Adam’s intense gaze. You smiled, eyes falling from the ceiling to your lap. “God i fucking hate you,” Adam’s face looked horrified, opening his mouth to speak, you stopped him grabbing his cheeks and pulling into a searing hot kiss. Your lips crashed against each others’ lazily but passionately, opened mouthed and slightly sloppy. It was slow however, a kiss that wasn’t just a kiss, neither of you wanted to haste past such a moment, such emotion. Adam’s arms wrapped around your hips nudging you forward, understanding the message you moved in closer, your body’s pressing against each other as much as you could from the seated position on the couch.
You dug your fingers into his hair, brainlessly playing with different strands as your tongues slid along one another’s without care, tasting the orange he just ate presently on his lips and to tongue. It felt heavenly being up against him, Adam smelt so good, he was so warm and you could feel how badly he wanted this. His body jittered, his hands gripping you like you’d disappear if he loosened. Pulling away and looking at Adam, he made no effort to move eyes still closed like trying to etched this memory in his mind. You hummed lovingly, brushing hair away from his forehead. “You’re a dumb bitch.” He whispered raspily, opening his eyes, although not by much as they lidded with lust.
You smirked at him brushing your thumb against his bottom lip. “I know. You too.”
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scekrex · 3 months
Hey I was wondering if you could do Adam x reader where reader is a sinner who literally just spawned in the middle of an extermination so not only are they panicked about one somehow being alive, two the fact that they're body is basically completely different, and three that weird winged people are killing others. Adam sees reader and after a second or two of thinking and deciding that yeah they're cute makes up his mind and helps them. I hope you have an amazing day/night!
Thanks for request hun! I swear it was great writing it bc it was tricky to keep Adam as character accurate while also making him sympathize with reader. Here ya go, hope you like it xoxo/p
I’ll shelter and adore you more than anything
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, mentions of death, low-key canon typical violence
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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First it had all been black for a moment, a silent void that your soul seemed to travel through. Then there was light, at first it had seemed reddish, then it turned gold, the golden light transitioned to white and then you found yourself standing on solid ground.
You reached for your head, your hands roamed over your skull, there was soft hair there, no sticky red blood, so liquid that coated your hair and made it all greasy. There was also no sign of your skull being cracked open even though that was what had just happened before the world had faded and turned black.
Your eyes roamed over your surroundings and panic and anxiety fueled you alongside confusion on why you were still alive.
There were winged people, they were fighting other creatures, in the hair, on the ground, all around you. Your body screamed at you to run away, to go seek shelter somewhere, to not get killed again. Which was weird enough because you had just died so why the fuck were you here and where was here to begin with. But your body didn't move, it felt like you were glued to the spot, as if your feet had melted and were now one with the ground.
A thing you noticed quickly was that all of the winged people wore black and white only, their wings matched those colors. But there was one guy, way taller than the others, he wore a purple robe with white details and golden sleeves, his wings were also golden. You assumed he was their leader.
You wanted to hide, from him especially, because if you were right and he was their leader, you were easy prey for them. You didn't understand what was going on, nor did you know where you were. Your arms reached for your legs, you tried to move, to get out of their view, to make yourself as unnoticeable as physically possible. But your body still wasn't moving. So you stood there, body violently shaking from fear and panic, what would it be like to die a second time? Would it be just as painful? Would you come back yet again and live through it all again?
“Fucking run you stupid bastard,” someone yelled at you as they rushed past your frozen body. All you could do was to look at them. Then your legs gave out and you collapsed.
Curled up into a ball your body was still shaking, vibrating even, and you felt hot tears streaming down your cheeks. That's it, you were going to die again, maybe even more painful than before. But most importantly: this time you were going to die alone, no partner by your side.
In the corner of your eyes you saw a shadow that was casted over you, a gigantic shadow with wings that were spread out, the winged creature was basically shielding your body from the few of the other winged creatures.
You saw how he leaned in, how his face got closer to your body, a dead serious expression was meeting your unsteady one. Fuck, he was going to kill you, wasn't he?
His lange hand grabbed your shoulder roughly and forced you to lay on your back, he eyed your face carefully before greeting you with a relaxed, “Sup?” You were too stunned to speak. You had expected this creature to kill you, to tear you apart until all that's left of you were little shreds. But instead he greeted you with a simple ‘sup’? Your body tried to get away from his touch, everything inside of you screamed to get away from him, that he was bad news. But you stayed, mainly because his grip on you was painfully firm, but you stayed. “Y’know,” he continued as he raised an eyebrow at you, “It’s pretty fucking rude to not answer.”
A weak and quiet, “Hey,” was all you could get out and while clearly not the answer he had wanted - he made sure you knew that by sighing heavily - he picked you up bridal style. His golden wings were still spread, you supposed he held them up in pride, claiming you as his very own personal trophy. “Where are we going?” it was more of an instinct than actual knowledge you wanted, you were pretty sure you did not wanna know where the two of you were heading to. Most likely he was carrying you in your death. “Dunno, away from the fucking battle for now,” was his response as he walked away from said battle. Why was he being nice? Was he being nice or did he just carry you away to brutally murder you? But if that was his intention then why was he leaving the battlefield? Why not kill you then and there? “Why?” you simply asked, it was all that you could get out, you were too caught up in your thoughts to talk in proper sentences. He looked down at you and for a moment there was confusion written all over his face before he understood, a simple shrug was the answer. “You looked fucking lost,” the creature carrying you explained, “Fucking scared and alone.”
Adam sighed as he forced his eyes shut, you had reminded him of himself after Eve had left him. He was alone, scared even. And then he had crossed the pearly gates and the loneliness continued, he was less afraid but still as lonely, still as broken as he had been on earth. And while you had ended up in hell he couldn't just leave you there, not when you had been looking so much like him when he had died. Adam had died alone, no one should die alone. Especially not someone as gloriously holy looking as you. Because for a sinner, you looked too much like an angel. The wings were missing, obviously they were, no sinner would be reborn with angelic wings, but he could picture you with a pair and he hated himself for it. Because hell was forever and for the first time he didn't like the thought of that, because it included you. The first man didn't quite understand where the sympathy towards you came from, maybe it was just that he had seen himself in you, maybe it was because you seemed different than the others. Has God made a mistake? Adam shook his head, no. God makes no mistakes and neither do angels. But yet he questioned why you looked so holy, so angelic while being reborn a sinner.
The inner conflict Adam was fighting against himself was interrupted by two cannibals that were walking right towards you. Adam rolled his eyes, one hand let go of you and his wing came up to hold you up instead as he raised the hand that had been holding you only moments and a golden battle axe guitar appeared out of thin air. He twirled the shiny looking Instrumental weapon, then sliced their heads off smoothly, Adam's wing had covered your eyes so you weren't able to see it, but you heard it. Heard the blade slicing through flesh, heard their heads hitting the ground. And as surprisingly as the weapon had appeared, it was gone again.
One of the black and white dressed creatures flew towards you, seemingly targeting Adam. “Sir,” the female spoke with respect as she landed next to the guy that was carrying you. She eyed you, then looked at the tall man. “No fucking comment about it, Lute,” he warned with a low growl in his voice and the woman straightened her back with a nod, “We are done, we need to leave.” The masked man looked down at you, you looked so beautiful against his golden feathers, so holy, so untouchable. Yet you were a sinner and he couldn't bring a sinner with him to heaven. So he carefully let you down, the tip of his longest feather ghosted over your cheek, it wiped the tears away. “Promise me to stay fucking safe,” he mumbled as he stood in front of you. You looked up at him with curious eyes, “Where will you be going?” And it was just then and there that Adam realized that you knew nothing. Without him you would've died on the battlefield. “Heaven babes, me and those crazy bitches are going home,” he hummed and pointed to the woman next to him. “And we're currently in…?” Adam's face scrunched up and he bitterly spoke, “Hell.”
Oh. Oh.
So he was an angel? What did that make you? A demon? And yet he had protected you, shielded and saved you. Your eyes widened at that and the man in front of you chuckled. “If you ever see my ladies again,” he once again pointed to the woman next to him, “As for Adam, I'll let these cunts know about you babes ‘n’ they'll lead ya ass to me.” You repeated his name softly, deciding immediately that you liked the sound of it. “The one and only, it's not every day that you meet the fucking og dick,” a cocky grin was sent your way and it took you a moment to process his words. “The Adam? Like Adam and Eve?” That caused the first man's expression to sour immediately, Eve was seemingly a sensitive topic, you took a mental note. “Yeah. That one.”
Lute was once again the one to interrupt, “Sir we really need to go. The seraphims will question why we were gone longer than agreed.” Adam once again rolled his eyes and grabbed your shoulders again, more gentle this time, “Stay safe babes, we'll be back in six months.” And while you weren't entirely sure what he meant by that - because back for what? - you nodded.
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frenchkisstheabyss · 11 months
♡cake ♡
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♡ I got a Big Matthew request ya'll! I love this man so much and never met someone else who loves him so, like, yay ♡
♡ Pairing: idol!boyfriend!bm x chubby!fem!reader
♡ Summary: You've been feeling insecure dating your idol boyfriend but a weekend away quiets your worries
♡ Genre: fluff/smut
♡ Word Count: 1.3kish
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♡ Warnings: unprotected sex, fingering, & that's all babes
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When your boyfriend suggested that you rent a house by the shore for the weekend, complete with your own private stretch of beach, you thought it was kind of excessive given the price. Even still, Matt insisted that nothing could ever cost too much when it came to his girl and you were on your way to the beach house in a matter of days. Now, as you sit along the white sandy beach on your striped towel reading that one book you’ve been putting off reading for ages, you’re happy that he convinced you to come.
Nothing in recent memory has been as soothing as the clear blue water crashing to shore. Birds fly above singing the sort of song that could lull you off to sleep in minutes. The bright rays of the sun are softened by the few clouds that surround it. You smile to yourself thinking of how hesitant you were to come only to find yourself dreading the thought of ever leaving. “Baby!” You hear Matt’s voice booming in the distance.
You peek over your shoulder to glimpse his muscular 6 '1 frame waving to you from the balcony of the beach house, not too far from where you are. In nothing more than a pair of gray sweatpants, your mind can’t help but drift off to the filthiest place possible at the sight of him. “Hey you!” you shout back, smiling sweetly despite your recent thoughts. Matt smiles back, his phone casually held up in your direction, “Say ‘hello’ to the people!”
“To the people?” you ask, eyes squinting as you notice the phone in his hand, “What people?” “I’m on Instagram live, baby. Get up. Come on!” In an instant, your heart’s in your stomach. Instagram? Live? You jump to your feet, wrapping the towel around your sheer black bikini. “Matt, you’re joking right?” you laugh, praying you’re right, “You can’t do that can you?” A part of dating an idol that you never questioned was the secrecy with which you had to navigate your relationship. No one besides his inner circle could know, especially not his fans.
It was honestly a relief for you. Not because you were afraid of how his fans would react but because you were nervous it might be weird for him if everyone knew he was with a plus sized woman. Matt has never made you feel anything short of beautiful yet somewhere inside of you there still exists this fear of how things might change if you went public. How he might change. You feel every single one of these thoughts flooding your brain at once. And, like the little hermit crab scurrying past your discarded book, all you want to do is hide. 
But you won't have to because he’s not embarrassed. From the moment he flipped the camera onto you, you’d officially gone public and the only thing he’s done is look out at you with stars in his eyes. “She is cute, isn’t she?” he says in response to a commenter, “Oh! Baby! Baby! Show them the bathing suit I got you! Her body in this? Oh my god!” “Stop it. You’re just saying that” you blush, softening in the presence of his adoration.
“I’m not. I swear you look so good, Y/N. Your body’s everything.” Matt’s excitement rubs off on you, even from a distance. Before you can second guess yourself you’ve dropped the towel, standing there feeling shyer than you ever have but somehow…liberated? “Yeah! Come on, girl! 360! 360!” he chants and you roll your eyes, offering him a graceful pageant spin. 
“Damn, I love you girl!”
“I love you too!”
You break into a fit of giggles, covering your face with your hands. Matt switches the camera back on himself, throwing up a peace sign. “You guys, I've gotta go. I’m…kinda in a mood now so take care of yourselves, okay?” Hanging up the phone, he leans over the railing, biceps flexing as he grips the ornate metal. “Meet me downstairs” he says in a voice…the voice…that lets you know exactly what he’s thinking. He winks at you, disappearing into the house, and you’re running to meet him like it’s Christmas morning.
Your bodies collide in the luxuriously decorated living room. Matt scoops you into his arms, kissing along your neck as you adjust your legs around his waist. The air conditioning’s off but you still get chills when his lips gently run along your collarbone. “You sure you should’ve done that?” you ask, playing with his short neon green hair. He looks up at you, his expression serious enough that you can’t question a word he says next.
“I know what you were worried about. It could never be that with us. I’m so proud to have you.” You almost tilt your head down, flustered beyond words, but he kisses you before you can. Having his lips against yours, his tongue exploring parts of your mouth only he’s ever been able to reach, is getting you wet already. “So beautiful” he whispers, long fingers slipping between your thighs to stroke your slit. Your bikini might be moisture wicking but there’s no denying how wet you are.
Pushing the material to the side, he presses two fingers into you. You gasp into his mouth, palming the thick bulge in his pants. “You want it?” he teases. “Mmm” you hum, nibbling at his bottom lip, “Just shut up and give it to me.” You’re rarely this bold but it drives him crazy when you are. In the blink of an eye he has you against the wall, a breadcrumb trail of clothes behind you. Your hands ride smoothly across his sculpted body as he caresses the softness of yours, guiding his head to your quivering entrance.
When he raises his hips, pushing into you, you whine and all he can do is groan at how pretty you sound. The way it feels to have him inside of you…it’s like electricity prickling at the tips of your fingers. It’s the waves of his movements washing against your shore, giving and taking from you all at once. He holds you so effortlessly, makes you feel so light, that the only thing you have to focus on is the pleasure that reverberates through your core when he grinds into you.
“Oh…fuck. Just like that” you whimper, nails digging into his shoulders when he hits a particularly sensitive spot. Matt slams into you harder, hitting your sweet spot every time, “Like this?” “Yes…mmph…I’m gonna…” You lay your head on his shoulder and he strokes your hair, his other arm keeping you steady for him. “It’s okay, baby” he coos, kissing your shoulder, “Come.” You’re shaking, doing your best not to scratch him but you can’t help it, when you finally come apart, gushing around him.
You press your face into him, muffling your moans. Matt tugs your hair, gently tilting your head back, “I wanna hear you.” So you let him, filling his ear with every noise you can make. Some you didn’t even know you could. When your body collapses, your muscles reduced to jello, he carries you over to the couch and lays you on your back. “You good?” he asks, caressing your soft belly before resting his head on it. “Are you good? You’re kinda big for this couch aren’t you?” you tease, legs wrapping around him once again.
“Shut up!” he shoots back, lifting his head to kiss your stomach. Nuzzling against you, taking deep breaths of your scent, he stares up at you the way he did on the balcony. “Mine” he sighs, “Now everyone knows it…” And for once the thought of that isn’t scary. In fact, you’ve never been happier ♡
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henrioo · 6 months
꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : "Ace makes the mistake of eating one of your pregnant husband's sweets, you, now he needs to somehow earn her forgiveness. However, it seems that in this dispute, your son has already chosen who his favorite father will be."
꒰ WARNINGS ꒱ : TRANS MALE READER, FTM READER, TRANS MASC READER, PREGNANT MALE READER, MEN PREGNANT, BIOLOGICAL PREGNANCY, GAY RELATIONSHIP, Reader is a little dramatic, pregnancy dramas, unnamed baby but is a boy, Ace and you are married, Ace is a golden retriever and you're mean to him (just a little), Ace is a perfect dad and husband
꒰ WC ꒱ : 917
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : Wow, more babies! Hahah who would have thought... Okay I wanted to say that it's the last baby story but it's not, At least next time I'll try to post another topic or you'd start to think I'm weird. The post was supposed to be yesterday and it was also supposed to be a late ask, but the ask is 7k words long and I'm having a serious problem translating it, so I'm going to post this other story today so I can have more time, enjoy!
"Love, honey, my husband, my man, my sweet, forgive me." Your husband, Ace, whimpered beside you as you lay on the reclining sofa, covered in pillows and with a soft blanket over your huge belly. You had an irritated expression and crossed arms, purposely ignoring him and pretending to pay attention to the television.
"I'm not talking to you," you snorted irritably, and if your feet weren't swollen and your legs weren't aching, you would have kicked his ass out of the house.
"I swear, I didn't know it was your chocolate! I thought it was mine... I'm sorry, my love," he was kneeling on the sofa next to you, his hands clasped together begging for forgiveness, and his puppy eyes were so sad that anyone would have accepted his apologies.
Anyone, except you. No, no, you were a pregnant man dealing with a very active baby and hormones so out of whack that you seemed like a ticking time bomb. You definitely wouldn't forgive your husband for eating the last of your chocolate stash. Especially because it was Sunday! The store that sold your favorite, expensive, artisanal chocolate only opened on Tuesdays. You would have to go two days without your chocolate because of your husband's stupidity in not checking who the chocolate belonged to before swallowing it!
Okay, you weren't exactly craving chocolate in the past few days, and that one had been stored for a long time... But that doesn't change the fact that he shouldn't have eaten it!
"I swear I'll buy the whole store for you to forgive me! Please, don't pout at me like that," he whined again as he lovingly rubbed your arm. Ace hated hurting you, no matter how small the reason. Now that you were pregnant, he tried his best to make you live in paradise, as he was extremely worried when he found out that stress could cause serious complications in pregnancy. Although Marco and Law tried to explain that it had to be an absurd amount of stress, he practically didn't listen and accepted as an absolute truth that even the smallest amount of stress was a deadly risk for you and the baby!
"I hate you," you murmured irritably, and your frustrated pout grew. You didn't like arguing with Ace and usually didn't care so much about something like this, but those damn hormones made you go crazy. One moment you were crying, and the next you were trying to set the house on fire with Ace inside. Then, you would go back to normal as if everything were fine. You could only think that this was Ace's punishment for taking so long to propose to you.
"What can I do to make you forgive me, my king?" he sighed and sat closer to you, kissing your arm and then trying to kiss your cheek, which resulted in you moving away. "You're breaking your poor husband's heart."
"I'll ask for a divorce if you keep annoying me," you said, trying to stay strong, although you were almost giving up on arguing and just getting lost in Ace's warm embrace.
"Ouch... So cruel," he whimpered and carefully laid on your belly, then gently stroked it, giving kisses on the shirt you were wearing. "Come on, little guy, help your old man make peace with your daddy. He'll put me to sleep on the couch if he stays like this," he whimpered, trying to get help from his unborn child.
Before you could reprimand Ace again, a kick was felt by both of you... Your baby had just kicked exactly where Ace's head was, making him startle and jump from the slight blow he received, causing both of you to widen your eyes in shock.
"Our son just kicked me?" he asked, confused and incredulous about the situation.
"Humph, looks like it's two against one now," you smiled triumphantly as you caressed your belly. "Our son is smart, he knows that this daddy here is the only one whose right," you continued teasing Ace, already feeling your mood improve and the anger dissipating.
"This is unfair! The two men in my life are ganging up against me!" he crossed his arms with a pouting expression.
"Think twice before eating my sweets next time," you shrugged. "You heard the baby, today Daddy Ace sleeps on the couch," you laughed, feeling some gentle kicks from your baby, as if he really agreed with you.
"This little rascal will have to deal with me when he's born... Stealing my husband, I was here before you," he muttered childishly as he glared at your belly. "And you, mister grumpy husband, I'm going to squeeze and kiss you until you're forced to forgive me! And if you try to kick me out of our room, I'll cry at the door like a stray dog," Ace made his threat, and before you could disagree, he threw himself on top of you, covering your face with kisses as he hugged you tightly. All you could do was laugh, feeling ticklish from his kisses. You didn't usually get mad at your husband so often, but if it meant having him as a repentant little puppy trying to win your forgiveness through affection and love... Maybe you would start getting mad more often, especially if your son would help you.
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hannie-dul-set · 8 months
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모기 / MOGI — [preview].
SYNOPSIS. in which all of your life, you and beomgyu have been stuck together like glue whether you liked it or not. and as much as you want to change that, life seems to have different plans.
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PAIRING. choi beomgyu x female! reader. GENRE. childhood friends to not quite friends (derogatory) to not quite friends (endearment), romance, humor, very light-barely there angst, pining idiots, college! au with flashes to high school, featuring an ensemble of 01z idols. WARNINGS. swearing, many many (fake) death threats, so much secondhand embarrassment, mentions of sex, might add more as i go on. WORD COUNT. preview: 1.1k | full fic: est. 12k.
RELEASE DATE. within october. TAGLIST. send an ask/dm/reply to be added.
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NOTE. haha here we go again. promise this one will be out within the month 😭😭 didn't know how to label this because they start as not quite enemies and end up as not quite lovers but it's in that scheme of things HHAHAHAHA. mogi means mosquito in korean (beomgyu. beomgyu is the mosquito). thank u google translate. hope you enjoy!
preview under the cut.
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YOU DON’T LIKE CHOI BEOMGYU. He’s been a thorn in your side for as long as you can remember— a far too nimble mosquito for you to catch and swat away, constantly buzzing around your ears like a mild annoyance. Mild, but annoying all the same.
The problem is, you can’t get rid of him. Not when both your families have been friends before either of you were even born. Not when you’ve been half-living in his house for the better part of your life and he’s been half-living in yours. Not when you’ve always been magically assigned to the same class for twelve god damned years and somehow, you’re now even set out to go to the same university.
It’s like the world just wants to stick the both of you together.
“Hey, fuckface.”
“What do you want, dipshit?”
Unfortunately for the world, you don’t want the same thing.
“Remember when I hauled your ass to the emergency room after you broke your leg at the skatepark in 9th grade?”
Beomgyu lets out a grunt upon hearing your question at the same time as he drops down to the ground with a thunk on the playground seesaw. “Right. That happened.” It’s late at night, the streetlights are dimming, and it’s a week before high school graduation. Not the most appropriate time to be playing around the kid-sized rides tucked in the corner of your apartment complex, but things have been penting up, and there currently seems to be no better way to deal with your physical and emotional exhaustion than by being sprung up to the air, down, and back up again.
“You also said— whoa!” You glue your feet firmly to the chalky ground before dangling your legs up once more. “You also said you’d do anything I ask after saving your ass. I’m here to collect your debt.”
The next instance, you aren’t see’d or saw’d back up. Beomgyu stays grounded, looking at with an expression you can only describe as oozing of suspicion. It is weird, you have to admit, bringing up a spur of a moment promise he made three years ago, possibly under the influence of anesthetics. You’d be suspicious of yourself, too. “Alright,” he relents after a long moment of thought. Beomgyu leans forwards, resting his arms over the seesaw handle and burying his chin into his sleeves. “Spit it out. What do you want? I’ll buy it for you.”
You press your lips together. “It’s not something you can buy.”
Now, that definitely doesn’t help your case. Your crypticness is causing his brows to furrow, and Beomgyu is deep in thought wondering what the hell kind of favor your fucked up head is thinking of (especially after the shrimp incident). You can save him from misery and just spit it out right then and there, but it’s not easy for you to pull out of your mouth either. Once this night is over, your throat will be littered with sores and cuts and it’ll all be self inflicted.
“Wait.” Beomgyu suddenly jolts up and sits straight, causing the seesaw to wobble a little. His ears are peeking out the mess of his hair. It’s already way past the school policy length— a privilege of a graduating student, he says. And despite the shadowed sky cloaking the playground lot, you can clearly see the tinge of red painting the thin skin. What is he thinking? you narrow your eyes at him. The blush has spread all over his neck. "You—you—you’re not trying to ask—”
“Beomgyu,” you cut him off, sparing him from an aneurysm. “We’re starting college next month, right?”
His expression tells you he’s completely missed the mark. “Yeah...?” he sounds out, confusion riddled in his tongue. You bite down yours— an early repentance before finally throwing it out in the air.
“Can you do me a favor?” you squeak out. “Can you pretend like you don’t know me?”
Quiet washes over. You preemptively wince, expecting the impending torrent of swear words from your friend, but he doesn’t say anything. He says nothing for a long while, filling the quiet with tension-filled agony before finally saying, “I don’t understand.”
You swallow down a lump in your throat.
“What are you saying?”
There are uneasy creaks on the hinges of the seesaw set, as if it’s unsure whether to go up or down. The scent of iron seeps into your palms with how tightly you’re holding the handle. “Please pretend like we aren’t friends when we enter university,” you inhale sharply. “Better yet, act like you don’t know me at all, okay? Treat me like I was a ghost and I’ll do the same with you.” 
You don’t have the guts to look Beomgyu in the eye. You train your eyes to the graveled ground and hold in your breath, listening as the creaks of the rusty hinges slowly come to a still. He’s not saying anything. He isn’t saying anything and you’re starting to grow scared.
The seesaw finally stops rocking, and you finally hear Beomgyu’s response—
—all while your ass gets dropped to the ground with an even louder thunk when Beomgyu gets off the damned thing. You let out a yelp as your body gets jerked back by the sudden recoil. 
“Hey!” you yell out, stumbling to get off the seesaw in a panic because he’s starting to walk. “Choi Beomgyu— wait up!”
“What?” he snaps his head back, and you flinch. He doesn’t look great. He doesn’t look happy at all. Guilt overhauls your entire being with a single, ringing punch and your tongue is weighed down by sand and soot and it’s difficult to swallow without the threat of choking. “I thought you wanted me to pretend like I don’t know you?”
You frown. “I did, but I didn’t mean it to be—”
Words fail when he turns his back to you once again. You can’t say anything. You can’t bring it in you to justify yourself. You can’t even find the shame to call him back. So all you can do is watch as Beomgyu slowly disappears into the evening, leaving behind more things in the playground than just you.
It’s fine, you inhale sharply. You can give him some space tonight and just talk it out on the way to school tomorrow. And it’s not like you didn’t expect him to be mad at you. It just hurt a lot more than you thought it would.
“I’ll see you tomorrow!” you yell at his disappearing figure.
It stings, sure. But still. It’s something you feel like you need to do, because you don’t like Choi Beomgyu, and all the things he’s cost you.
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모기 / MOGI. © hannie-dul-set, 2023.
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kitthepurplepotato · 7 months
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Chapter 5 - Never enough
Summary: Y/N goes out with Kyouka for a flat hunt. Izuku gets smacked in the face - Once by a random teen and once by his Sweet Pea.
Warnings: Swear words, mentions of a toxic relationship (in the past).
First Chapter Master List
Kyouka comes over a few hours after Izuku leaves; he didn’t really say goodbye after your conversation in the bedroom this morning, which was quite surprising and he also left an untouched sandwich on the table, filled with his favorite stuff, which is also… well… really fucking weird, but okay. To be fair, there is so much happening all at once it’s easy to go all silly, especially at 5 AM in the morning. Maybe it took him so long to make his sandwich he ended up being late and instead of bringing it with him he just left it on the table. Even though, Izuku must be aware that he owns a cat so leaving food on the table isn’t the smartest idea. Thankfully, All Meowt is the laziest motherfucker the word has ever seen and jumping on the table to get some nibbles is way too much of a lbother for him, hence why the food is still in tact.
Sometimes you wonder if All Meowt is even a cat; he doesn’t scratch furniture, doesn’t eat anything he needs to work for, barely jumps on anything and he’s just… a part of the furniture. A furry little sofa pillow. He’s also really smart as somehow he knew you are the one who messed with his automatic feeder because to this day, he didn’t even approach you once when Izuku wasn’t around. Except when you sleep. Then he cuddles. He probably hopes you stay that way forever.
“Okay, I managed to get a viewing for flat 2 and flat 4.” Kyouka mumbles to herself after putting her phone down. You look at the girl incredulously. “Don’t look at me like that, I know flat 4 is pricy as fudge, but with my current salary, I can afford it. I won’t have a bunch to spend for a few months but if I make it to the top 10 next year, it won’t be a problem!”
You know Kyouka like you know the back of your hand; there is no reason to even look at flat 2 at this point, this silly woman has already decided to get that fancy ass flat and there is probably an extremely ridiculous reason behind it.
“Be honest with me…” You look at your bestie, trying your best not to look judgmental. “Why do you want that flat?”
Kyouka looks down at her hands, her cheeks ruddy from embarassment. “My favorite rockstar lives in the same building… you know the one with black hair and the sick angel wing tattoo.” Kyouka answers while she plays with her bangs like a stupid school girl.
There it is. There it fucking is.
“So you decided to spend all your life savings for a few minutes of neighborly banter with your Bae.” You really can’t believe this silly woman.
“Oh my god, you are literally dating your favorite hero, sorry if your stupid love story made me believe in fated love!” She yells and you can’t help but laugh at that.
“Hey, it didn’t cost me anything to fall in love with him though! Plus we are not official yet!” Now it’s your turn to be embarrassed.
“Oh fuck off, Izuku wouldn’t even poke you with a foot long pole if he wouldn’t want you to be his fucking wife in the next few years. My bro isn’t playing around. He’s had enough of that shit when he was young.”
Well, that’s a new information.
“What do you mean?”
Kyouka sighs.
“It’s not my place you tell you this and to be honest I don’t know too much about it, Katsuki is probably the best one to ask but… there was this girl, right after high school who was all over Izuku after his first debut. We told him to stay away from her, we warned him that she’s only after the fame and the money but Izuku was so happy to be liked by someone in a romantic way he didn’t fucking listen to any of us…” Kyouka’s eyes look really sad as she continues. “Izuku was always a sweet boy so most people only thought of him just as that; a boy, not a man. This girl was different, I give her that. I fucking hated her. We all did. Except Izuku.” You really don’t like where this story is going. You can feel the betrayal in the air, it makes your stomach upset and your heart bleed. “After a few weeks Izuku couldn’t even wear his own clothes. She started to point out every geeky thing on him, the shirts, the shoes, his hair… she wanted him to change into something he wasn’t. She even made a comment about his baby fat. Katsuki almost exploded her that day and Izuku stopped bringing her over after that. Things got worse after as Katsuki wasn’t there to reprimand her. I don’t want to say more, Y/N. Ask him. It’s not my story to tell.”
You are rendered speechless. There are so many emotions swirling inside you; fury, hatred, sadness, then there is the urge to protect, the urge to call Izuku home so you can tell him how much you love him and his quirkiness… it’s so much to take in, so much to think about…
“Let’s go before we both start crying.” Kyouka ruffles your hair and motions towards the door, ready for the adventure.
You try your best to keep your focus on the beautiful flats. You look around for flaws, ask the right questions but you are not really there; your mind can only think of Izuku, about how alone he must’ve felt while dating that terrible human being, how humiliated he had to feel around his friends in those clothes he was forced to wear… fuck.
“I’ll walk you home then I’ll come back to do the paperwork.”
She doesn’t need to say any more for you to know that all your thoughts are written on your face.
“Don’t be sorry! You helped a lot. Really.” Kyouka smiles. You are so lucky to have her.
Izuku is not with it at work. He makes a lot of mistakes and he gets punched by some “random extra” who shouldn’t even be able to touch him.
There was a group of teens making a ruckus downtown. Izuku and Katsuki were out on patrol when they saw them yelling at a poor old man, asking for money but somehow Izuku managed to get hit by one of the kids while he was too distracted with his own thoughts.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Deku!” Katsuki yells at him with a red face. “You just let that fucking extra have the time of his fucking life! Hitting the number one fucking hero in the face! He probably thinks he’s the coolest fucking dude right now and has zero motherfucking remorse about what he’s done!”
“Because you were any better, you burned that kids face! Do you want to get canceled?!”
Izuku is frustrated. He can’t do this anymore. He can’t just let Katsuki step over him like that, not anymore…
“Someone had to do something about it! I had to clean your fucking mess up because that’s what friends do, you absolute fucking moron!”
“Since when do you consider me as a friend? I thought I’m just a nuisance.”
“Stop with the attitude. I know what you are doing and it’s not going to work. You won’t push me away. Don’t make the same mistakes I’ve made when I was a kid. You know it more than anyone how much it fucking hurts.”
“I’m sorry, Kacchan.” He can’t take it anymore. The tears fall, his body shakes and moves towards Katsuki on his own and Katsuki catches him just in time.
“If you want to talk, I’m here. Eijirou is here too. You are not alone anymore.” Katsuki mutters into his hair, his fingers deep in Izuku’s curls. Katsuki has changed so much in the last few years; if anyone would’ve told him he’s gonna be cuddled by Katsuki while he cries for the stupidest fucking reason he would’ve laughed in their face.
He knows he’s being an idiot. Y/N loves him, he can see it in her eyes when he comes back after a long day of work, he can feel it in her touches, in the food she makes, in the way she smiles when Izuku cuddles her from behind… he also knows his Sweet Pea loves him the way he is and he has no reason to doubt himself with her but Izuku can’t do anything with his insecurities; he’s been told so many times how weird he is, how unattractive his home wear is, how his unruly hair makes him look like a child and he doesn’t even want to start talking about his “annoying” clinginess.
Maybe he should’ve told her to finish that commission instead of asking her to go to bed with him. Maybe he should’ve let her cook the food alone or ask her if she needs help instead of clinging to her back like an oversized koala. Maybe he should’ve slept on his own side of the bed instead of suffocating his Sweet Pea with his heavy arms. He went overboard. Even his perfect Sweet Pea needs some space. Maybe that’s why she wants to move out. She loves Izuku but Izuku is too much as a boyfriend… he’s too much, he’s always too much…
“Go home, Zuku.” Katsuki sighs into his hair. “Go home and sort yourself out. I fucking hate seeing you like this. I want to blow your face up.”
Izuku can’t help but snort at that.
“I love you too, Kacchan.”
“Fuck you.”
You get home around 2PM; you managed to find some All Might shaped chicken nuggets in the store which you decided to air fry today with some lovely fresh veggies you found in the little market you love. Oh, and rice. Izuku needs more than a snack when he comes home.
Thankfully you manage to finish cooking by 3 so you decide to sit down and finally start working on your commissions; there isn’t much to do, just a few sketches, so you should be done by the time Izuku gets home. Thank god no one commissioned anything detailed, otherwise you would be fucked; there is no way you can do a full, colored drawing in this mental state.
For your surprise the door opens around 4PM; Izuku is already in his civilian clothes, freshly showered, hair still a bit wet.
There is one thing you realize now that Kyouka told you about his past; Izuku’s civilian clothes are quite plain compared to his usual style. It doesn’t sit right with you but that’s a problem for another day.
Today’s problem is…
“You are really early, did you forget something? Want to eat before you go back? I made you something special!” You jump off the chair right away. Izuku looks at you like this is the last time he sees your face; you have no idea what’s going on but you really hate that look on his face, that’s for sure. “Oh my god, please tell me this is not that part of the fanfiction when the hero comes home and tells his wife that he’s going a year long mission to America. I’m not ready for that yet.”
For some reason, Izuku looks guilty. He lowers his eyes, suddenly finding the design of the floor extremely interesting as he fiddles with the sleeve of his jacket anxiously.
“Just a short day, nothing to worry about.” Izuku smiles but it’s fake. So fucking fake it makes you want to gag. “Were you doing a commission? Don’t worry about me, I’m not even supposed to be here, so just ignore me.”
Red flag. A big, fucking red flag. Something happened and Izuku is not telling you jack shit about it.
“Izu, what the fuck, I’ve been waiting to have a few hours with you for a whole week, I can’t just ignore you. With the amount of hours you work I have all the time to finish this fucking scribble, but I only have a few hours with you.” You reprimand, a little bit offended. Just a little bit. Teeny-tiny bit. “You also left without giving me a kiss. You need to give me double kisses today. Also, look at the food I made for you!” You run into the kitchen and come out with the All Might shaped chicken nuggets. You show them off proudly, jumping up and down with the excitement. “Look! It’s All Might! And chicken! I put the magnet that came with it on the fridge, I hope that’s fine! There are 10 different magnets to collect, I’ll try to get them all!”
Suddenly, a loud sob escapes Izuku’s mouth, but it’s not his usual ‘I’m so happy so I’ll cry a river’ kinda sob, it’s the one full of pain and misery. “Izu.” You put the food down on the table to approach the shaking man now sitting on the floor. “I’m sorry do you not want to eat All Might? That’s okay, Izu!” You mutter but Izuku jumps into your words.
“Y/N, stop.” The sound of your own name sounds so foreign from Izuku’s mouth you almost choke on your words. “Stop. It hurts. It hurts so fucking much, I can’t…” Izuku starts to sob again and you are not too far behind him. Without knowing, your tears start to fall, joining Izuku’s in the puddle of misery on the floor.
“What’s wrong, baby? Please, tell me what did I do wrong. I won’t do it ever again, I swear…”
“I know you want to move out. You don’t need to pretend.” Izuku jumps into your words between two loud sobs. “I know I’m impossible to live with, I know my love is toxic, it’s too much too soon, I’m… aware of it and I can change, I can give you space, fuck, I can sleep in the agency if you want me to, I don’t care, but please, don’t leave me. I can change, I can do anything…”
Instead of words you decide to use your hand to tell him how fucking annoyed you are. Because honest to fuck you thought someone died or Izuku is dying or the world is on fire and these are his last words… the sound of the slap is loud in the quiet room but it makes Izuku listen and hopefully he’ll forgive you when this is over.
“I don’t want you to change, you dumb little… waaah!” Great job, Y/N. You are doing fucking well. You slapped the poor sobbing guy then you called him dumb. Great start indeed. “I fucking love you and your nerdy little ass, I love the way you geek out over the stupidest thing, I love how we are glued to each other when you’re home because that’s what I also want to do, thank you for fucking asking, I love those super silly t-shirts you’re hiding at the back of your drawer and I can’t believe you never wear them by the way, I’m not leaving you, I’m not going anywhere, I want to be here, with you, every single second, I can’t believe you really thought you could get rid of me that easily, Midoriya Izuku!” You have no air left by the time you finish your sentence because you forgot to breathe during your rant. “Don’t you fucking dare to change for me. I fell in love with YOU, not with some impostor. Tell me what you want. Do what you want. Act as silly as you want. I’ll probably only love you more, even though it’s quite impossible.”
The silence is deafening. You can see Izuku’s brain going into overdrive. He looks completely lost.
“The notes on the table…” He mutters as he motions towards the notebook. He looks dumbfounded.
“Kyouka is looking for a new flat. I was helping her.”
“I’m an idiot.” Izuku mumbles, mortified. He even forgets to cry.
“Yeah, you are. My idiot boyfriend who I love so dearly.” The words slip out but it’s too late to take it back; you look at Izuku with a terrified look on your face, ready to be reprimanded but Izuku looks at you with nothing but wonder, eyes shining from tears and finally, from happiness.
“Say it again.”
“Say it again.” Izuku’s hand reaches towards you. Needless to say, you take it.
“My weird boyfriend, Midoriya Izuku.” You giggle to yourself. If this would be a fanfiction… ahh, Nevermind.
“I love you, Sweet Pea. Please, never change.” Izuku is all over you, not even caring about the floor being the most uncomfortable surface in the whole entire building. You can’t really hold yourself up with such a heavy weight sitting on your shoulders so you both end up stumbling backwards with a loud yelp followed by a bunch of giggling.
“So what does my boyfriend want to do today?” You mutter into Izuku’s neck between two kisses.
“I want to watch an All Might movie in my silly All Might onesie I’m hiding in my dresser while I eat the silly little all might chicken nuggets my perfect girlfriend made for me.”
Your smile is so big it actually hurts your jaw.
“… Only if I can borrow a silly All Might shirt to match with you.”
Apparently, that was the right thing to say; Izuku is about to combust from the happiness as he attacks your mouth with violent happy kisses.
“Have I told you how much I love you?” He mutters into your lips, already knowing your answer.
“Only a few thousand times but it never gets old.”
“Is that a challenge I hear?” He smirks with such confidence it makes you shiver. You did that. You made him feel that way. Oh fuck, this new Midoriya Izuku is really bad for your heart.
“Might as well be.” You grab Izuku’s hair at the back of his head and yank him forward for a heated, deep kiss. Izuku yelps but he doesn’t let you have all the control; this is Izuku’s day, he’s is completely unhinged and so are you.
The food got cold by the time you managed to untangle from each other.
And fuck, it was so worth it.
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- Some explanations for the this chapter because I feel like it’s needed:
- 1. Midoriya does wear merch, but mostly black ones with a logo on it instead of the super loud, super colorful ones he would prefer.
- 2. Midoriya’s mum said in one of the chapters that Midoriya has never had a girl over before which is still true; the girl was never officially introduced to Inko as Izuku knew the way the girl was treating him would make his mom really sad. Inko has a slight idea about what happened thanks to Katsuki but she was spared from the gruesome details of it. Izuku doesn’t know his mom knows about it.
- 3. No, they didn’t do anything cheeky on the floor. They were just kissing, you dirty little potato.
- In the next chapter, we are going home to Izuku’s mom! I’m so excited!!!!
- I got a beautiful Deku figurine. I try not to talk about my figurine obsession anymore but I have to show this one off. I genuinely didn’t think I’ll be able to get my hands on this one because it’s an Ichiban Kuji (it’s like a lottery but with anime merch) Last One prize, but here I am, I guess. 😂
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TL: @garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @kastuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @thekookiecorner @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai
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immortaljai · 9 months
Here me out on Zoro and Luffy rq.
Back on my bs and I had the most interesting daydream yesterday.
Tw: Unrequited love, Flight Angst, Suggestive themes(?), Poly (3) relationships. (OC maybe??) Based on the OPLA cast and the Anime.
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So boom say that you are a somewhat new strawhat member somehow recruited by Nami (🍊) You may have helped her steal something or maybe helped her in a fight and she think you're a perfect fit for the crew (👒).
You just so happen to be the most hyper ready for action person for her to meet other than Luffy, so you agreed (Who wouldn't) When you got too the Going Merry it was so nice you were practically jumping off the side rails in excitement while Nami went too get the members and explain and (hopefully) get you in.
You were honestly just excited to get away from land and do adventures but oh did that change when you saw a certain moss headed man with a scowl on his face quickly approaching you, you swear everything went in slow motion not hearing a word he said to you as you gawked at him. Then a pair of..arms?? stretched around the green haired man and pulled him back with a tug. Okay now somes fishy here and it's not the sea.
Turns out it was a man named Zoro the first mate and a very interesting captain named Luffy with the cutest curly hair.
It's been a few months since you been around and been across a few..bad people from running from a man with a hatred only for humans, and running from marines you can say things have been eventful.
You also have the biggest crush on your captain and Co-Captain but where's the harm in that? It all started with luffy when he saved you from falling from a high place with his devil fruit then smiled at you while holding you too his chest asking if you were okay in that cute accent.
Zoro didn't really trust you yet, but you were always around him, always asking questions about his swords while he gave short answers, you always sat close too him and luffy basically scooting between them with a smile as if nothing happened. He knew you had a crush and so did luffy but they said nothing.
Until one day you proclaimed that you would marry them both with a swift nod from a successful heist Zoro honestly froze up as Luffy laughed nodding along with your antics as usual.
You see, Luffy made it no better since he gave you all the hugs you wanted and even let you sit in his lap when you asked. It was too the point where zoro called a "Team meeting" with just you three, he only said that as the team there would be no crushes as he had no interest in anyone putting an ephanse on anyone. While Luffy just nodded and said "Plus i'm too focused on being the pirate king"
You understood you really did but that didn't make it hurt any less, then Luffy met Boa Hancock, it was all down here from there you could see how they talked and looked at each other too the point where you started loathing them both because it wasn't fair you thought. Of course Zoro caught on and an argument assumed too where you guys said really hurtful things and even said you'd leave too which he responded with "Good, leave." You three didn't talk for a while after that. You became really silent just around them didn't even look or speak too them small touches and hugs completely disappeared. The whole crew honestly felt weird without that.
Then as you said you would leave you did, you didn't even tell anyone just up and left, Nami yelled at zoro as he started most of the argument and that day was a silent day, no one knew where you went and zoro nearly drank all day, but luffy was so sure he would find you and bring you back.
But would he really?
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Notes: Sobbing real bad, dunno if there would be a part 2 considering this is just an idea I really like fics like this though.
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darsynia · 1 year
I'm gonna let you pick the Marvel man (just not anyone you've done xReader for, lol - you gotta pick someone out of your comfort zone) and do xReader for: 80. crashing your lips together during an argument
I definitely wrote out of my comfort zone here! Peter Quill/f!Reader
Summary: Ever since Peter Quill and his crew rescued you from your dying ship, the man has been an absolute menace. You wish you could get the upper hand, but somehow he's always one step ahead of you, and ogling you the whole time.
Warnings | Length: Swearing/GotG typical banter | 1,574
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Bet Your Ass
“What is your problem, Quill? By the Gods!”
The guy’s been chapping your ass since you were rescued, and you’re completely over it. Sure, he’s got arms, and that face, and those thighs, but by Lumesta, you’re going to need him to shut his mouth pretty soon or you don’t know what you’ll do! It’s been three days, and every time he’s laid eyes on you, he’s made a comment about how he would have rather rescued one of your crewmates.
Your ship had sustained the most unlucky micrometeorite damage ever, and you know you’re lucky to be alive. Two ships showed up to your captain’s distress call, and your three-man crew split up, as the medical ship the other two ended up on was almost at capacity as it was.
To hear Quill bitch about it, he’s brought on a completely useless slave girl, not a mechanic who’s already upped the efficiency of his weird little ship by 4%. It’s all ‘what use does a medical ship have with two renowned fighters’ and ‘we always get stuck with the girls.’ The blue-skinned cyborg woman whose name you struggle with had actually punched him after that one.
Drax has been leaning up against the wall, and after you turn away from snapping at Peter, he nods at you. “He likes your boobs.”
“Oh, here we go!” Quill groans, throwing a food wrapper toward the garbage can. It comes nowhere close.
“I am Groot.”
“I’m getting it, I’m getting it!”
“I am Groot.”
You don’t understand what Groot says, but everyone else does. It’s a disadvantage, but an amusing one, usually. This time, it’s clear the two statements are about very different things-- Quill has straightened in the process of picking up the garbage (which is a shame, because those pants of his hug that ass), so he can look askance at the teenaged tree.
“I am not dignifying that with a response,” he snaps back. “I mean, if we’re going to nitpick, the neckline of her shirt is a little low, but just because it’s eye-catching doesn’t mean--”
You cannot believe this. “Wait, so we went from Drax saying you like my boobs to you objecting to them?”
“Hey! I do not objectify. I’m very respectful!”
“You’re looking at her boobs right now,” Rocket says sardonically from the doorway.
“Weren’t you checking Cleavage Girl’s work? Scram, I’m trying to have an argument here,” Peter says loudly. He actually makes a ‘shoo’ gesture.
“Okay, that’s it. I’m calling you Tight-ass from now on,” you say, crossing your arms over your breasts. You know from experience (as in, pretty much every time you do it) that Quill won’t be able to pull his eyes away.
You’ve made a calculated error, though. Up until now, you’ve left your appreciation of his physique to yourself, and now the man is laser focused on this discrepancy.
“I knew you were staring at me!” Quill crows, strutting over. “That’s why you’re all sulky sexy, you secretly want me, and it’s killing you!”
“I am GROOT.”
Drax points at Peter with the piece of fried food he’s eating. “He’s right. You’re accusing her of what you are doing.”
“Cleavage Girl is new, why are you all on her side??”
Groot shrugs. “I am groot.”
“Woah, speak for yourself!” Rocket yells, making a grossed-out face.
“He’s not wrong. I would enjoy watching them,” Drax smiles.
“Well, now I’m just horrified,” you say, shoving away images in your mind of what the others might be picturing between the two of you. You spin on your heel and start toward the door, but your forward progress is halted suddenly, like you’ve caught your jacket on something. You yank angrily, but though you get free of whatever it was, you only have a few seconds before you’re pinned boobs-first against the wall of the room, with the familiar bulk of Peter fucking Quill pressed up against you.
“Okay, I take it back. You definitely have muscles,” he says, lips close to your ear.
“Get off,” you say, but your heart rate is up, your skin tingling with the pheromone your people give off when you’re attracted to a potential mate.
“Oh, I’d love to. I didn’t think you were into me,” he says infuriatingly. You hadn’t realized the double meaning of what you’d just said, and you rest your forehead on the bulkhead in frustration.
“I’m not,” you lie, shoving back with your hips. You’ve got enough leverage on the wall that he flies back a ways, so you spin around, dropping to a fighting stance.
“Hey, hey, I’m just responding to the signals you’re giving off,” Peter says, but you can see something in his eye; respect, perhaps? Something has shifted since your display of physical dominance. He’s looking you in the eyes, not the boobs.
“You couldn’t handle me anyway,” you snap back without thinking. Instantly, Quill’s face suffuses with an interested grin, and his eyebrows go up lasciviously.
There’s a loud crinkling noise only feet away, as Drax dumps out the rest of his snack into his open mouth. “Go on, I’m not even here,” he says.
“I am Groot!”
“I do not need tips from you on how to get her to want to kiss me!” Peter shouts, clearly affronted.
“Oh, I’ll kiss you,” you say impulsively. “But you have to promise to always look at my face, not any other part of my body.” You cock your hip and arch your back in an overt challenge.
“What if I’m behind you?” he asks, crossing his own arms. The muscles on his exposed arms look so good you wouldn’t mind trying your teeth on them, for multiple reasons.
“If that happens, you have to turn around,” Rocket says. You’d thought he’d left the room, and so did Peter, because both of you look around until you see that he’s sitting faced away in the captain’s chair, which hides his whole body from behind.
“I am Groot.”
Everyone just looks at Groot, and Peter’s eyes go wide.
Their reactions freak you out. “What?”
He shakes his head.
“What?” you press, walking forward. Quill isn’t answering so you decide to remind him that you do, indeed, have strength he respects, even if it’s not your strength of character. You grab the front of his shirt, but his response is to fist pump.
“He said you want me and you’d prove it by coming over to drag me to my quarters… and--” Quill looks down at his own chest and smirks.
You let go right away and groan. “This ship is infuriating! I give up, I wish I went on the med ship, okay? You win!”
To your complete confusion, everyone, even the cyborg lady who was apparently eavesdropping from the hallway, walks in and shoves handfuls of credits at Quill, who looks incredibly smug.
“What the hell--” you start.
Groot walks over and pats your arm. “I am Groot.” Everyone else in the room starts leaving, and you’re still furious and confused.
“I bet them I could get you to say you wished you were somewhere else,” he shrugged. “Easiest bet ever. All I had to do was stare at your body and be myself.”
All things considered, the man could have chosen far more miserable ways to win his bet, but you’re still het up and irritated. “Technically I won that bet for you. You should split it with me.”
“No can do, Cleavage Girl.” He folds his hands behind his back, bulging his arm muscles at you. 
You step forward to shove him onto his ass, but his arms come down lightning fast, one leg planted behind him to brace himself: he’d known you would do that, and now his lips are on yours, one hand cupping your cheek like you are lovers instead of two people who can barely stand to be in the same room together.
The thrill of contact takes you by surprise. It’s like adrenaline has chemically altered into pleasure with the addition of your anger, and suddenly you can’t get enough. The two of you wrestle across the room to the nearest wall, hands grasping at clothing, lips sucking, teeth biting, tongues swiping as if unable to trust the evidence of your attraction for longer than a few seconds.
Minutes later, he’s tracing the line of your shirt along the edge of your breasts when you finally catch your breath, and you realize what you have to do to best him.
“Oh, I’m sorry, your kiss privileges are hereby revoked.”
“What? No!” Peter groans, lifting his head. His lips are red, pupils blown, out of breath, a complete gorgeous wreck of a man.
“What did I say the conditions were?” you say implacably.
He thinks. Peter’s lips twitch to one side, then the other, and then his eyes pop open and he looks horrified. “You don’t mean that. I was kissing you there, that doesn’t--”
“It counts!” you say sadly. “You weren’t looking at my face.”
You have no idea how he’ll react to your bluff (it’s totally a bluff. That kiss was amazing. You have no idea what boring shit you’d have been subjected to on that medical ship, but you definitely won Best Rescue), but what you don’t expect is for him to narrow his eyes and smile.
“This calls for a new wager.”
“You bet your ass it does.”
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imightgetbetter · 1 year
our first kiss
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ahhhhhhh. hi. it's me. this is so weird. i haven't been nervous to post a story like this in years. probably because it's a totally different fan space and group and all that. there's a first time for everything. i have a whole idea for a series of things i want to write, we shall see if they come to fruition. for now, here you go. just a little something. (this is literally the smallest piece of writing i think i've posted in seven years). have fun <3 happy reading!
Outside, everything is quiet in the simplest of ways – the honking that usually busies the streets has subsided, just a few passing cars beneath them, the lights flickering and the occasional yell or holler from someone on the street echoing around the seemingly empty avenue. One light is shining from the bedroom where the landing leads to, and you can hear a faint grunt and murmured swears as your darling company finally makes his way back to the metal escape. His hand is clutching the neck of the guitar you purchased for his birthday, the back of which is decorated in an array of randomized drawings that somehow felt fitting for him – a carton of cigarettes, a mouse with a cookie, a rose that looked awfully similar to the one you have dried and pressed from your first date. Mouth nursing a cigarette, he teasingly pulls it from your lips as he settles against the railing, the guitar now settled on his thighs and his worn-in notebook propped open with a pen. He reaches for the lighter, cupping the fire around the end until it’s lit and ashy with his inhale.
His hand lays on your knee and squeezes it gently, lovingly. “Can’t have you picking up a bad habit from me, darling. Already have too many of those.”
“You were once a bad habit, you know,” you say, peering at him through hooded eyes masked behind wire-framed glasses, the light from your computer lighting your face. He smirks, shaking his head without saying a word, simply basking in knowing that a bad habit had turned into this, into sharing an apartment in a city you love, into late nights on the fire escape, creating your art together, art that is often about each other, even if you don’t know it. And he doesn’t know it, that the collection of essays being stored in your hard drive are about the lessons of being in love, lessons that you learned with him.
His eyes flicker from where he’s strumming at the heart of the guitar to you, a smile printed on his features that you know well – the smile that comes from your favorite bottle of wine at dinner, a stray glass or two in a shared bath. “Am I still a bad habit, my love?”
“Only when you distract me from my work,” you say, nudging your knee into his calf, a smile toying at the corners of your lips as he nudges you back.
His eyes trail from your eyes to your lips to where your fingers are working diligently against your keyboard. “How far have you gotten today?”
“About halfway into this essay,” you hum, leaning your head to the side, trying to get a peek at the lyrics being scribbled into the notebook. “How’s the song coming?”
“Good, I think. Question for you actually,” he says quietly, aware of the sleeping neighbors and easily disturbed animals surrounding the apartment. He waits for you to nod, closing your laptop quietly to give him your sole attention. “Our first kiss, where was it again?”
“In my defense, love, we’d had many drunken kisses before I’d actually kissed you sober and well-intentioned.”
“Are you trying to tell me the other times were ill-intentioned?”
“Yes, I am, actually. I was eighteen, darling. There are no good intentions at eighteen.” His eyes soften when you giggle quietly, the hardened expression washing away from your features as you hum knowingly, and a tiny smile begins itching at your cheeks. “It was during that holiday we took during Christmas. I remember that.”
“Walmart, I think,” you say, the memory suddenly feeling a bit hazy and out of touch. “You’d come to visit me for the holiday break because I couldn’t fly home. I was sick, I wanted a puzzle or something to do while I was stuck alone. You’d grabbed the one I wanted, and I kissed your cheek.”
“I turned my head, and I kissed you,” he says surely, interrupting your recollection of the memory. His smile as he told the story warms you from your head to your toes. He doesn’t need to say that he loves you for you to feel so. “I knew I was going to get the nastiest flu of my life, but I didn’t even care.”
“I yelled at you for kissing me. I didn’t want to get you sick, even though that was a bit of a lost cause considering we were sharing a bed while you stayed with me.”
“And that’s why I kissed you, again,” he says proudly, reaching for your hand and tugging you towards him. You know exactly what he wants you to do, and you do so easily. Closing your laptop, you maneuver yourself over the small space, settling between his open thighs. His arms circle around you, the guitar settled on your thighs, your head laying against his chest. He presses his mouth to your head, “I wish it hadn’t taken so long. I feel like I got years stolen away.”
“Us, you know?” his murmurs, gently strumming the guitar and leaning his head on your head, humming a melody that surely just came to mind. “I wish I would’ve just moved with you.”
“I don’t,” you say quietly, leaning forward and turning to face him, your hands reaching to cup his cheeks and bring his eyes to meet yours. “I don’t because I love seeing you live your dream, and that wouldn’t have happened if you moved with me. All this happened like it was supposed to, you know that.” Matty’s eyes are pouring into yours, the deepest amounts of love washing over you. “Not to mention, if we weren’t apart, we wouldn’t have like, the best love songs to ever exist.”
Matty laughs, rolling his eyes as you lean your head forward, your nose brushing against his. “I want you with me all the time, you know that?”
“I know.”
“I want so many things with you.”
“And you can have them,” you say, brushing your lips against his ever so slightly. “I’ll be waiting, ready to go.”
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call-sign-jinx · 5 months
Endless Love (Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw) - Chapter 5
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summary - Y/N Y/L/N and Bradley Bradshaw have had a rivalry ever since they both attended the same academy. Every chance they took, they always tried to one up each other. One day, Bradley takes the rivalry too far and Y/N ends up in the hospital with serious injuries. Will it make Y/N want to get him back twice as worse? Or will it make her realise that this rivalry between them is childish?
warnings - swearing, enemies to lovers, mention of serious injury, traumatic episodes, reader traumatised from what happened, smut, slowburn, seizures, flashbacks
a/n - hi girlies! sorry that i haven't been posting a lot i got writers block 💀💀💀 anyways, enjoy!! xx
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I've finally come back to Top Gun, Mav caught me up luckily. Somehow he pulled some strings with Cyclone to let me stay here. I'm glad me and Mav sorted everything out. I still haven't spoken to my mum yet... It's been 3 weeks since she visited me at the hospital.
It's been kinda quiet since me and Bradshaw decided to stop the whole "rivalry" thing. Minus for the arguments between Bradshaw and Bagman. It's been nice in all honesty. Except for when Bradshaw tried to throw a right hook at Bagman. Fanboy stopped him before he could make contact. It didn't end too badly. They just death stared each other then walked separate ways.
Bradshaw was late to the briefing this morning so the only chair left was next to me. Great, although we're civil, I hate having to deal with his fucking manspreading. It's so annoying.
Bradshaw walked up to the table I was at and sat down. I was shocked to feel that his leg wasn't rammed against mine. I looked down and saw that he had stretched his legs out and crossed his ankles. I quickly give him a look then begin to focus on the briefing.
"Shocked to see how little of an annoyance I can be when we're not arguing?" I rolled my eyes with a smirk as I tried to focus on the briefing. "Everyone's going to the Hard Deck tonight, you wanna join?" I turned to look at Bradshaw, my eyes narrowing, smirk still apparent on my face.
"Bradley Bradshaw, is inviting little old me to drink with you and the others?" I place my hand on my chest. Bradshaw is the one to roll his eyes now. "I'd love to. As long as you don't sing Great Balls of Fire."
"Now that is pushing it sweetheart. there must be a compromise we can come to." he has desperation in his voice, with a little bit of humour.
"You can sing it once then. No girl on your lap or at your side cause that is just fucking tacky." I chuckle as I try to multi-task and listen to what Mav is saying. I'm partly failing.
"Is that your way of saying you're jealous? I'm flattered sweetheart, but British isn't my type. Neither is hot-headed." His tone was all but flirtatious. Maybe I should've just continued to argue with him, because the flirty tone he's using is grating. Like, it sounds nice but really weird at the same time because he's never used that tone with me.
"Absolutely not, never. Just because we're civil now does not mean I'm going to have feelings for you. And girls sitting on your lap or basically grinding against you while you sing Great Balls of Fire is the cringiest and most disturbing thing to even look at for a second. So no, I am not jealous. And FYI I don't go for your type either." I cross my arms as I finish the conversation and bring all my focus back onto Mav, who keeps sending me knowing glances which I send away with eye rolls.
Today was stressful. Very stressful. Stressful enough to need a straight double whiskey when I get to the Hard Deck. You wanna know why today was stressful?
Firstly, I was paired with Hangman. Which is annoying as it is but he thought he led the whole thing when it was a team building exercise. And he kept ordering me which got us "killed" by Mav.
Second, my flight suit had a stain on it so I had to try and get it washed after the training exercise. It didn't come out, so I'm going to order a new one.
Third, Bradshaw could not stop with the flirty comments. It was so aggravating. I wish we were still arguing cause he was actually less annoying than this.
And lastly, Mav kept pulling me to the side and asking if me and Bradshaw were a thing. Oh my days! Absolutely not! Never in a million fucking years would I date Bradshaw of all people! I'd date Hangman before Bradshaw. Actually no. I would not. I have too much self respect.
When I got home, I took a hot shower. It was fucking amazing after the day I've had. After I got out of the shower, I dried my hair, did my skincare routine, put some makeup on, and now it's time to decide what to wear. It was between a nice dress Phoenix told me to wear or my tight black shirt with some nice-fitting jeans. I asked Phoenix and she told me to wear the dress, obviously. But only if she wore one too. Not being the only one wearing a dress.
It was a short black dress with criss-crossing straps and a slit on the right leg that goes up to my hip. It was really nice, I've just haven't gotten to wearing it yet.
I quickly put the dress on because I was running late. I grabbed my purse, car keys and vape before going out and locking the door.
The ride to the Hard Deck wasn't too long because I could afford a closer one when I moved here. I parked my car, locked it, then headed to the door of the Hard Deck. Phoenix was outside waiting for me.
When I tell you the whole bar went quiet when they saw me and Phoenix, it would be an understatement. Maybe it was because we were in civvy clothes? But we headed to our group and all the boys eyes were wider than golf balls.
"What's with the eyes? It's not like we're naked is it?" I said, eyes darting between all the lads. They were shocked.
"Y/N, I think it's cause you're wearing that short dress, they've never seen as much skin on you before." Phoenix giggled before dragging me to the bar.
"Hey Penny, two double whiskeys please." Phoenix asks Penny with a smile. As I look around, I see a man. He's tall, blonde hair, greenish-blue eyes, and he's staring at me. I recognise him from somewhere. It's Thomas! I didn't think he'd be here tonight. He said he was going to go home in England for a bit to see his family.
"Thomas?! I thought you went back to England for a few weeks! What yer doing 'ere?" I walked up to him and hugged him, shocked that he was in San Diego but especially in the bar I usually go to.
"Thought yer could use some company, but guess you're already set aren't yer?" He chuckled as he looked to Phoenix then in a different direction, all the lads were death staring Thomas.
"Yeah, guess so. Want a drink? Me and Phoenix just ordered double whiskies." I guided him over to the bar where me and Phoenix originally stood.
"Go on then, one can't hurt." He ordered himself a double whiskey and paid for mine and Phoenix's as well.
We've been at the Hard Deck for a few hours and I'm quite drunk, drunk enough to not be able to drive. Which is great, cause I want to go home.
Phoenix and I have been dancing to The Weeknd, Mac Demarco, ABBA, Jerry Lee Lewis (because Bradshaw sang it, yet again), and some other singers that I'm too drunk to remember.
Me and Phoenix are currently dancing to Great Balls of Fire, as per requested to play again by Bradshaw. Him and that fucking song. It's like he's married to it. Or he can't breathe if it's not playing.
As we're dancing, I feel someone come up behind me. I turned to see who it was and it was just a stranger. He had his hands on my hips and began to basically grind into my arse. the fuck?
"Erm, can you not do that mate?" I stepped away from him, closer to Phoenix. He had this strange look on his face. It made me really uncomfortable.
"Come on babe, just wanna dance with you." His smile was sloppy and sadistic in a way. Gave me the shivers. Not the good kind.
"Well I don't wanna dance with you. So fuck off. Freak." I rolled my eyes then turned to Phoenix with an awkward smile.
"Don't call me a fucking freak you bitch!" He grabbed my arm and yanked me closer to him, his breath stunk of cigarettes and Bourbon. I always hated that smell.
"Get the fuck off of me you prick!" I grabbed his elbow and dug into it with my fingers which made his grip loosen, then I kicked the back of his knee which got him to the floor.
"Touch me again and we will have a serious problem, got it?" He nodded in answer, fear and anger in his face. "Get the fuck out of this bar." He got up and walked straight out, the whole bar giving him death stares as he leaves.
As soon as the door closes Bob comes over to us, weaving through the crowd with a worried look on his face.
"You okay Y/C/S?" He looked at me with worry and sympathy. I nodded my head yes.
"I'm fine Bob, he was just a prick who should listen to people. Taught him a lesson, hopefully he'll learn from that." I rolled my eyes as I took a sip of my whiskey. "Surprised I can still do that, I'm fucking leathered." I chuckle as I begin to dance again.
Bob nodded with a small smile then went back to the others. Me and Phoenix continued dancing until she had to go home cause her friend said her dog needed to be taken to the vet. So I was left to hang out with the lads.
"Hey Y/C/S, you alright? You look really bad." I place my hand on my heart and mock offense.
"Wow Bagman, I cannot believe you could say that. To me of all people. I look fucking fabulous you rat." I giggle as Bradshaw laughs. He'd laugh at anything that insulted Hangman so I'm not surprised.
"Seriously though Y/L/N, you look unwell. How much have you had to drink?" Bradshaw had genuine concern in his voice. I also did not know how much I drank.
"Fuck knows, wanted to have a fun time. I was, till Nat had to go home cause her dog is sick. I really hope her dog's okay. Do you think it'll die?" Just as I finished my sentence, Thomas came next to me and placed his hand on my waist.
"Come on Y/N, let's get you home." He began to lead me out until I felt his hand go lower. Last time I checked, he had a fucking girlfriend.
"One, I ain't going home right now. And two, get your hand off my arse cause I specifically remember you have a fucking girlfriend." i poked his chest in annoyance because his girlfriend is super nice, and pretty. Like drop dead gorgeous. And she treats him so fucking well as well.
"Yes you are going home, yer leathered. And she doesn't have to know if anything happens, can just be between you and me babe." That's it. Absolutely not. Not a fucking cat in hells chance.
"Right, you are a piece of shit for that. i ain't going home and I'm moving out. And I'm telling your fucking girlfriend how much of a shit person you are." Thomas laughed, I knew he could be a dick sometimes but this is just too far.
"Come on Y/N. Firstly, where would you even move to? You don't make enough money for even a small shitty apartment. And second, she won't believe you." Shit, she wouldn't. She's literally head over heels in love with him.
"She will." A voice said behind me, I turned to see that it was Bradshaw. I furrowed my brows in confusion.
"And why's that? She's practically wrapped around my little finger." My face contorts to disgust. Jesus, how did it take me this long to realise he is a complete and utter twat?
"Because in Y/N's bag, is my phone, and it's recording. So she will believe Y/N, because there's proof." All the colour drains from Thomas' face.
"So you best fucking leave now. And I'm getting all my shit in the morning." I look at him with anger an disgust, how could he even think about doing that to such a caring and beautiful girl?
Thomas walked out immediately, slammed the door to the bar on his way out. That's when realisation hit me, I'm now homeless.
"Shit... where am I gonna stay? He is right that I can't afford to live anywhere... Maybe Mav could let me stay with him?" I turn to Bradshaw and he looks like he's just got an idea.
"You can stay with me, until you get enough money for an apartment." Although I was very drunk, that sobered me up quite a lot. Bradshaw was offering to let me stay at his place? I mean, we are civil now, but letting me stay at his home? Jesus, he must really mean it about feeling bad about arguing and the crash.
"Are you sure? Because that's a big thing to offer Bradshaw." I looked at him, unsure myself. But why was Bradshaw offering this? Was it out of guilt? Sympathy?
"Yes. You don't have anywhere to stay. Fanboy only has one room and his couch is fucking uncomfortable. Coyote and Hangman most likely don't want to live with you. Payback lives with his girlfriend. And Bob and Phoenix live with Phoenix's mom. And Mav will probably hate you living with him because he won't be able to have any alone time with the ladies he brings home. So I'm the only viable option." Damn. He must have put lot into this for him to just come up with all that.
“Are you 100% sure that you want to do this? Cause I can just find some place to live I don’t wanna intrude init.” I look at him with concern and uncertainty in my voice.
"Yes of course, helping out a friend, init." He faked a British accent as he said "init", I giggled at him as he pulled a face as well.
"Right okay, thank you so much you don't know how much this means to me..." I have a thankful look on my face. "Please could u come with me to pick my stuff up tomorrow? I don't want to go on my own." He nodded yes. "Thank you..."
"Right, let's get you home. You're so fucking drunk." He chuckled as he guided me out of the Hard Deck with his arm round my shoulder.
As we got to his house, I began to search the outside. It was quite nice.
We both went inside, Bradshaw helped me as I was stumbling everywhere. He guided me to the spare room and placed me on the bed.
"Goodnight sweetheart." Bradshaw muttered as he got to the door.
"Goodnight Bradshawwwww." I said before quite literally passing out as my head hit the pillow.
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whatsupsonnyboy · 2 years
fire and water || Joseph Quinn
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SUMMARY: you and Joseph get to spend quality time together during your holiday and everything’s working quite well until you panic. 
warnings:  smut (poorly written sorry!), mdni!!!, p in v sex, a little angst, mentions of dysfunctional families, swearing, overthinking, fluff, friends to lovers
wc: 5.8k
a/n: So, here it’s part two to burning love. It’d be lovely if you check it out if you hadn’t but you don't have to enjoy this one 😌 Sorry I take too long but I wasn’t at home so it was way more difficult to get to this. I took the name from 1d’s through the dark, if you hadn’t listened you should 😜
           request are open | masterlist
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fire and water
His apartment was not far, a nice ten minutes walk you two used for exchanging opinions about the latest music releases, you had always shared music taste. In the way for his place, you noticed how a few people stared at him, none of them approached him though. It was really weird for you, because it wasn’t like having the feeling of being observed, you were pretty sure those young teen girls were staring. For a second you had even thought they were taking pictures or something of the two of you, but Joseph couldn’t care less, so you didn’t want to bring attention to it.  
The second you stepped in his apartment the both of you dropped the small pep talk. Joe took your coat and his and hanged them on a coat stand next to the door. You followed him into the living room, which was actually an open concept that shared space with the kitchen and the dining room. The apartment was nice and fancy. You could tell the furniture and the decoration had been carefully selected. Everything in the space fit harmonically.
“Want something to drink?” he asked gently and you could swear you hear a little nervousness in his voice. You shook your head in a no and smiled at him, the fact that he was maybe, somehow nervous about everything, was really sweet to you. “I hope this is not weird ok? Like-” you couldn’t help but laugh.
“What?” you asked with a grin in your lips” “You liking me?”.
“I don’t know” he answered shily and he let himself fall into the big grey chaise longue.
“Is it weird for you that I like you too?” you said looking directly to him. You were sure now he was, in fact, nervous. You could see it in the way his feet tapped rapidly the floor under it. A hand rubbing his tight, making impossible for you to not looking.
“No- I guess it’s not”. It was almost a hiss. His hand passed through his hair, messing up with his brown curls and god, how sexy it was… and he wasn’t even trying. “Look, y/n I just… my life is a mess and I just don’t want to mess with your life too” he confessed as he sat up into the edge of the sofa.
You could see how millions of thoughts were floating through his mind, excitement mixed with worries that were making him anxious, and you knew because you had some of those too, but you had the feeling that maybe, you didn’t need try to solve anything yet, the urge to kiss him and feel him close was so intense it almost hurt.
“Joe, I don’t want be rude but-” you spoke as you got closer. “I don’t really feel like talking…” you confessed quietly.
Joseph seemed confused and he was about to ask when you decided to sit on his lap, you didn’t think it twice. You fitted yourself above him and brought your hands to the back of his neck. Joe was looking at you with widened eyes, but he didn’t look mad or uncomfortable. You joined your lips with his in a tiny and tender peck that made the both of you sigh. When you pull away a little to check on him, he was the one to pull you closer again, sealing your lips in a more heated kiss this time. Joseph’s right hand was on your waist, and the other cupping your face, you held back the moan that almost scaped from you when you could taste his tongue against your own. The amazing feeling that went down your body was simply too much.
The atmosphere started to get thicker, hotter. You got your hands to his hair, messing around with his curls as his lips devoured yours in wet and passionate kisses. You felt desperate to feel him closer to you, you needed his body to merge with yours so you couldn’t help to grind against his crotch. The moan that scaped his lips was all that you needed to do it again.
“Y/n,” Joe sighed against your lips, pausing your kiss to trace a thumb along the curve of your lips. “I- I don’t want to sound like an idiot, but I want to be sure you’re 100% fine with this”.
You looked at him in disbelief, it just amazed you how sweet and gentle he could be. You could only nod your head as you leaned again to catch his lips. His breath was heavy and you could feel his heart bumping fast in his chest. He pressed your hips towards his crotch and you could feel the hard-on on his trousers. This time you couldn’t hold back the moan and he laughed against your lips. Your hands get closer to the hem of his black t-shirt, carefully sneaking a hand behind it and caressing his back, getting to feel his hot skin made you more eager, but you definitely thought you could explode right there when his mouth reached your neck and he started to leave warm and soft kisses all along. Your back arching to the feeling of his teeth on your flesh. He was the one pulling his shirt off reveling his naked torso. The sight of the little body hair in his chest and his silver chain hanging there along with his big sparkling eyes filled with desire and his parted plumped lips sent shivers to your whole body. You took then you own top off, leaving you in bra in front of him.
“God, you’re perfect” he murmured just before kissing your lips again. He drew a trail of wet kisses until he reached to your breasts. He kissed them over the thin fabric of your underwear but managed to quiver your center. The whiny sounds you were making encouraged him to unhook the clasp of your bra, he tossed it to the side and continued to kiss the sensitive skin of your tits. When he got to your nipple you moaned loudly and pulled his hair, every second it passed the more needy you felt. The feeling of his hard cock against your core not helping. You grinded your clothed pussy against his erections as he took care of your tits.
“Fuck it y/n” he sighed to the sensation and you could listen in his voice he was as desperate as you were. He suddenly made you to get on your feet so he could stand up too, but he didn’t say a thing. He took your hand and rushed through the corridor into the last room. He pushed you carefully against the big king-sized bed and you laughed when you bounced a little as your body made contact with the mattress. Joseph took his trousers off before approaching you, a pair of Tommy Hilfiger the only thing covering his hardened dick, it made your mouth dry. He kneeled in the bed just to reach your jeans and took them off too, leaving you only in a white thong that made him sigh. He caressed your legs before pulling them apart so he could fit in between. His hands held your hips as he went to kiss your lips again. He rocked his hips against you core and a filthy sound left both of your mouths.
“Joe, please” you almost whined and if it wasn’t because how horny you were, you would have blushed from how desperate you had sounded. But Joseph grinned against your lips and kneeled between your legs again.
“Gosh, you’re already soaked” he said delightfully as he rubbed his hand against the silky fabric covering your cunt. He teased a bit with the hem of your underwear until he finally got his hand inside, getting to feel your wet center. “Fuck” he grunted and your moan was louder this time. You felt his fingers teasingly going around your clit, making you more desperate. When he finally caressed your extremely sensitive spot you felt relieved and really good, he knew well what to do, how to move his fingers to drive a woman crazy. But you wanted to touch him too, so you reached for his crotch, rubbing him over the fabric of his boxers, the guttural sound that left his lips showed again he was just as needy as you. You pull them down to free his hard shaft and the sight of it made lust grow inside you, you really needed him to be inside you and as if he had seen it on your eyes, he fully took off his underwear, reached for his side table looking for a condom and passed it to you.
You carefully opened the metallic package and roll it down his big and veiny dick, he sighed to your touch, even it was the slightest. You get rid of your thong too and he fitted again between your legs, ready to go inside you. Joseph leaned to be closer and you felt the tip of his dick already pressing your entrance. “Go, do it… please”. You didn’t have to ask twice. He slid his cock into you, slowly, stretching your walls and giving you time to adjust to him. Both of your moans melting into vicious sounds that filled the room and made the both of you hornier if that was even possible.
“You’re big… fuck” you let it out in a whine without even thinking. He laughed against your lips, the air leaving his lungs tickling them and making you laugh too. But you weren’t overpraising him, he was indeed, big. He pecked your lips and started moving, his peace was slow and calm, allowing you to feel each inch of him inside you, making your arousal to increase.
You tangled your legs around his but and pushed him against you, he got the message perfectly and started to pump harder into you. The feeling taking over you was simply jaw dropping. “Fuck, Joe…” you whined and he couldn’t help it but fasten up, the way he rocked his hips against yours making your eyes go blurry. You loved how he felt.
He went more and more breathless, the wet sounds of your pussy getting fucked mixing with both of your whiny and filthy sounds. You thought he was getting close to the edge, but you knew you were not going to cum like that, and as if he had read your mind he slowed down and asked you to arch your bag. He put down your lower back a pillow and this time when he started to pump into you, he didn’t hover over you. You missed having his breathy sighs near your face as long as his lips but god, that felt incredibly good. Joe looked straight into your eyes as he went in and out of you relentlessly holding you still with both hands. But you couldn’t hold his gaze anymore when he placed one of his hand in your mound and his thumb started to rub gentle circles on your clit. “Fuck… y/n, fuck”. He groaned as your cunt got wetter and tighter from the way he was touching you. You threw you head back, your hands gripping the sheets of Joe’s bed and you were sure then you could cum from that.
“I… I don’t think I could go much longer” he stated with a shaky voice that made you shiver. You realized then how hard he was holding himself back. “Oh, god y/n”.
“Joe, fuck… keep going, I’m close too” you said as an encouragement and that was the only thing he needed. He speeded up not just his thrust into you but the finger on your clit, instantly making you feel the familiar feeling to grow in your lower belly. “Y/n…” he hissed and it sounded more as warning than as a plea. But he didn’t stop and for you that was it. You felt your orgasm explode deep inside you, shaking your legs heavily and getting your walls to clench uncontrollably round Joe’s dick, sending him to the edge too. He swore and let out deep moans as he discharged all his seed into the condom, still you could feel his dick throbbing as he cum.
You both sighed in relieve and you couldn’t hold the laugh that provoked the sight of him all covered in sweat and a stupid smile printed in his plumped lips. He looked at you with complicity but didn’t say a thing. Joe got out of you before he went completely soft and before laying on your side, he took off the used condom and threw it on the floor.
He pulled you closer to his body, making you rest your head on his chest. You could still listen to his rapid heartbeat and he could feel your messy pulse in the crook of your neck. None of you said a word, it wasn’t necessary. You just laid there, enjoying the peaceful silence, like the one that remains after a big storm.
The following days you two did pretty much the same thing. You tried to spend as much time together as you could and making the most of it, sometimes it’d mean grabbing a coffee at a nice Italian cafe and having a walk through Hyde Park. And others he’d pick you up from your place and take you to a fancy and horrendously expensive restaurant to have steak tartar and a fine wine. But your favorite was for sure spending the whole evening at his place, watching a classic movie such as Donny Darko, having delivery food and sharing cigarettes after really good sex. You two even managed to meet on Christmas Eve just to have brunch at Soho and on Christmas day he showed up at your parents’ house with a present. You were sure that the look in his eyes when he gave you the ridiculously big stuffed animal that pretended to be an oyster would be in your mind forever.
“You’re crazy” you said trying to hold back your laugh.
“Oh I am, indeed crazy-”. He said with the biggest of the smiles. “I am crazy about you” he said in a whisper, as he was confessing a secret.
“God, shut up” you answered back shyly, your cheeks burning red.
“That way you’ll always remember me” he stated and you hit his arm playfully.
“I don’t need this to remember you silly”.
“Oh, no?” he brought you closer to his side “You don’t?” he asked really near to your lips.
“You’re such a dork” he pecked your lips and you laughed against each other mouth.
“Aha, but you love it” he said before plastering small kisses on your mouth repeatedly. “I gotta run, the train leaves in less than an hour”.
“Okay…” you said in a sigh. You completely understood he had to go but that didn’t mean you were happy about the fact that you couldn’t spend more time together.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” you kissed again before letting him go.
You waved goodbye as he got on his car. You didn’t want to admit it, but you were absolutely head over heels about this man.
Joe was supposed to spend Christmas day at his mom’s in Liverpool and get back the next day around dinner time, but your texts had been left unread even before he had supposedly caught the train back to London. Saying you were panicking would have been an understatement. He never took too long to answer, even less these past days. You’d tried calling twice, the first time the phone getting unanswered, the next time you had been sent directly into the voicemail. If you were realistic, the most likeable scenario was that he had run out of battery and that he would get to you once he had arrived at his apartment and charged his phone. So, you tried to be patient and wait for him to call you or text you back, he always did and there was not a single reason for him to not do it.
But as hours passed by, and without any news, your anxiety only got bigger. By half past eight you were absolutely desperate and done with waiting, so you decided to go to his place and check if he was there. A part of you had started playing worst case scenario… so you just need to check on him to stop your mind. You quickly got ready and left your house without even saying a word, ordered an uber and commanded the driver to Joe’s.
You called a couple of times into the entryphone, not getting lucky. You called again to his phone, getting to the voicemail again. Fuck it, what the hell was going on. You were dead worried, and maybe even a little angry. Not being able to understand what was happening made you frustrated and frustration got you moody. You picked up an uber again back home and when you entered the house it was like your family sensed you bad humor and decided to make it worse.
“Weren’t you with that kid?” your dad was the first to talk. You just look at him but didn’t say a word. “Look like fun’s over uh, you gotta spend the rest of your vacay here with your family” he said in a hurtful way.
“Oh god, don’t do this…” you said as you rolled your eyes.
“Don’t talk like that to father” your brother snapped.
“You shut up, okay? At least I’m not over 30 and still trapped in here”.
“Oh, sorry if Ms. Manhattan don’t find this house to be the royal palace she thinks he deserves” your dad grunted.
“My goodness… just drop it!” you couldn’t keep your voice quiet anymore.
Thankfully, your dad and your brother didn’t say anything less, but the look in their eyes was enough to make you feel shitty plus the feeling on the back of your neck from the glacial look of your mother, who was silently judging you as she always used to do.
You stormed out of the living room and went upstairs determined to pack your stuff and leave the place, it was not worthy to stay there even if you had to sell a kidney to pay for a room in the city or sleep in a fleabag hotel.
When you had picked up almost everything, you sat down for a second to check your phone in case you had news from Joe… but there was still nothing. And that’s when it occurred to you that maybe, you could check online. You knew he had told you not to look up his name on any social media, that it could only bring headaches and an annoyance, but you were feeling so helpless that you couldn’t resist it.
You typed his name on twitter and regrated it the second later. All kind of content would come up, news, photos, rumors, really weird stuff… it was a deep hole in where you weren’t feeling comfortable. Yet you couldn’t stop scrolling down the pages, it was uncanny and at the same time curiosity kept you going even you were not liking a single bit of what you were seeing. And then you found them. Pictures of him and some blonde girl around Paris from like a month ago, you two were already talking on a daily basis. You of course knew he had been there for work, what you didn’t know was that he had been in such good company. You feel sick in your stomach, guilty mixed with disappointment hitting you hard. You knew it wasn’t okay to look at those picture, those had been taken without his consent, invading his privacy and being posted into the internet was horrible but…. who the fuck was her and why hadn’t he told you about her? Fuck it. Despite your conscious telling you to log off, you clicked on the post, unfolding a whole thread of photos from his week on Paris, there were a big amount of pictures and of many kinds, but in too many of them if they asked you, he was with this blonde girl. The stupid jealousy was killing you, you were getting a headache and you could almost feel your stomach tighten. But you had already been stupid, you were not going to stop there already. You were going all the way down, reading the terrible things that people would say about that girl just because he happened to be with Joe. Your hands were trembling when you clicked to see the whole account. Your phone suddenly drowning in Joseph’s photos, mostly of them taken without his awareness. It was disgusting but you couldn’t stop. And then it popped up. You knew you were being observed, now you had the proof. It was a short video showing the two of you sharing a cigarette while walking towards his apartment. But by far the worst part was the replies to the post. The comments were a massacre. Or maybe it wasn’t, maybe there were just a few bad comments about you, but god… how it hurt. These people behind a screen talking about you in such a horrible way because of…  nothing. Your heart was racing faster than ever and the weirdest of the feelings was making your whole body feel heavy. You couldn’t take it anymore.
You tossed your phone away trying to hold your tears and your need of screaming. You needed to focus, the first thing you had to do was getting out of there and finding somewhere to sleep. Next, you could deal with all that. Maybe.
“I’m so fucking sorry!!! Run out of battery before I even got in the train back home and I absolutely forgot I got this stupid promo thing at Harrods… don’t hate me please 😔 I’ll make it up to you!”
You read the text a hundred times but you didn’t feel like talking, you didn’t even feel like being in London at all, all you wanted to do was run away and hide from everything and everyone, you knew that wasn’t the most intelligent thing to do, but facing your family, or Joe, wasn’t on the table in that moment. So, your dad’s calls got unanswered as well as Joe’s. You only texted your mom the hotel you were staying so they wouldn’t report you missing to the police and you were completely certain that none of them were going to look for you, they were too arrogant to do that.
Next morning, you texted Joe back but you didn’t call, you really wanted to talk to him but you were feeling so overwhelmed about the whole thing that you didn’t even know where to start, so you just hide in the hotel room as if that way things would get better. But he wasn’t stupid, he knew something was going on, the simplicity of your answer made it pretty obvious and especially, you not answering his calls. So he just decided to go to your parents where your mum, without any detail, just told him that you had left the night before, but Joe was charming enough to convince your mum to tell him where you were staying so that he could bring you back to them, of course that was the last of his intentions, he just needed to see you and check that you were okay. Maybe he was kind of pissed off, because why all of a sudden were you acting like that, it didn’t make any sense, you were mad okay, but what was the point of not being honest… what did you win by avoiding him like that?
It caught you by surprise when you heard the knocking on the door of your room. You hadn’t ordered anything from the room service so they might got it wrong, but when they insisted you didn’t have another option than to stand from the bed and go and tell them.
“What are you doing here?” was the first thing that came out of your mouth at the sight of him on the frame door.
“I’m glad to see you too…” he said and you could tell he wasn’t really happy, he look in fact kind of angry, what the fuck was he angry about.
“Listen, I don’t want to” he didn’t let you finish.
“What? You don’t want to this… that might work you with your family, but not with me y/n” he stated dead serious.
You knew he didn’t mean to hurt you but damn, that wasn’t something fair to say, or at least you felt that way because you were already hurt and angry so that wasn’t helpful at all.
“Oh, and what works with you? Going mia for hours? Laying maybe? Tell me Joe, what does work for you?” his eyes widened and he for sure couldn’t believe what you were saying, but he was way more sensible than you, managing to stay calm and not making a scene in the middle of the corridor.
“Why don’t you let me in and we could talk about… whatever you feel like talking about”.
You took slow breathes because you wanted to scream, you wanted to cry, you wanted to kick him out and hide between the sheets until you could wake up in New York. But you not only knew that wasn’t possible, you knew that wasn’t the solution and if you care about him, he deserved that you were honest and maybe he had something to say that was worthy of listening. When you moved from the door to let him in, he muttered a soft “thanks” and your heart skipped. If you were so mad it was only because you were so crazy about him.
Joe walked around not knowing where exactly to sit or even to stood up, you went directly to the bed and sat on the edge of the mattress, you think that being sat down maybe would make you less anxious. He turned over his heels and looked at you, for a moment his heart melt to the sight of you, sat down with your legs crossed, a pout in your lips and your finger nervously tangling a lock of your hair once and once again. He was nuts about you and the way you were behaving was breaking his heart.
“Talk to me y/n… please, be honest and tell me what’s the matter” his tone was soft, almost paternalist, not that you father talked like that ever.
You went from anger to shame in a second, because he was simply too much. He was kind, and sensitive and thoughtful and funny and everything a women could’ve ever asked. And you… you had only acted childish as a 28 year old woman that isn’t able to confront his problems and would rather runaway… just the same as you did back when you were 18. But the truth was you were having a hard time about the whole situation, and you didn’t even know how to start. Maybe the beginning was a nice starting point.
“I- I was really worried about you yesterday” Joe didn’t say a word, he was listening carefully to you. “If I’m honest I’d say I was panicking and started overthinking and you wouldn’t pick up your damn phone and you weren’t at home either and then I saw those pictures and read the horrible stuff people say on the internet and…” you didn’t even realize how frenetically the words were slipping from your mouth, your eyes watering,
“Woah, woah, woah… slow down, would you?” Joe was still calm and he came close to you, getting down so he could make eye contact but you wouldn’t look at him. “I know you were worried; I’d have been too… I’m so fucking sorry about yesterday, I really am y/n” you looked over until your eyes meet and all you could see among the tears was pureness and honesty in his big chocolate eyes. “I lost track of time and when I realized that I had to take that train my phone was dead and as unbelievable as it sounds, not a soul in that damn train had a charger I could borrow, and I forgot mine at my mom’s. Then I got to London and there’s my agent to get me into a car and drive me to Harrods, throw me into a stinky bathroom to get changed and styled only to lock me into that dead boring event for hours where, again, not a fucking charger” you couldn’t help but laugh and he smiled at the sound of it. “It was like this children's novels… A Series of Unfortunate Events”. You laughed together this time and he sat down next to you.
“You’re being kind of dramatic…”
“Am I?!” he pretended to be offended.  “Part of the job”
“Yeah…” your eyes still a little watered, because that was not the worst part, that was next.
“Now, tell me about the pictures and comments and all you’d just mentioned, and if you are kind enough, be really clear about the part where I lied to you if you don’t mind”.
“I’m sorry okay?” he frowned to your apology. “As I said I was panicking so I did the last thing I should’ve done and went into social media to see-”
“What? I told you-” he tried to interrupt you but you didn’t let him.
“I know, I know you told me… please, don’t make me feel worse than I already do”. He sighed and nodded his head in a sign for you to keep going. “Last night it didn’t seem that terrible so I just did it and gosh, If only I could unsee what I saw”.
“Who’s being dramatic now” he tried to make you laugh but you weren’t pretending to be funny you actually feel like that.
“I know you were not alone in Paris last month, when you told me you where there for work” he frowned* again and stayed silence for a second, you could see he was thinking, trying to figure out what you were talking about. “I saw you two Joe”.
“Oh god, you talking about Amanda?” you shrugged your shoulders, you didn’t know what her name was and you didn’t want to either. “She’s a friend, fuck… not even a friend I’d say… she’s a model I worked with during the shoot for the brand and she was nice so we hanged out, not a big deal”.
“Not a big deal?” you said in disbelief. “Maybe we should ask your minions on the internet… they wouldn’t agree”.
“Are you kidding me?”  Joe’s tone showing how uncomfortable the whole situation was making him. “You telling me now you care about these… about what some random people say on the internet?”
“Oh I shouldn’t give a fuck about you not telling me about Amanda? And of course it doesn’t matter shit people calling me a slut and a gold-digger and not to mentions being recorded without consent!” your tone increased until you were almost shouting in his face.
“Well, you shouldn’t” he stated and stood up. “Those people are no one to us y/n and of course I know it’s not nice being followed or recorded without permissions but there’s nothing I can do about it”
“Oh so I got called those horrible things and I’m supposed to be all chill about it?”
“For fuck sakes, why do you even care?!” his tone raised a little this time. “Y/n… I didn’t lie about anything okay? And I don’t give a fuck what some mean people post in the internet and you shouldn’t either”.
You somehow knew he was right, you had never been the type to care a lot of what other people had to say about you but it was a hard pill to swallow to be exposed in such way, you felt unexplainably vulnerable and small. And about that Amanda girl… he sounded honest, why would he lie? It didn’t seem necessary… but you had to ask again anyway.
“Why didn’t you tell me about her?”
“Because I didn’t see the point on spending time talking with you about this random girl who I don’t give a single a fuck about, specially not during those days in which the only thing that made me sane in between the fucking chaos where those ten minutes we get to talk to each other”.
Your heart skipped a bit to his words and not because he was being flattering but because you felt exactly the same. It didn’t really matter how crazy the world had been for any of you, sharing time together made it safer, cozier.
“I’m sorry Joe” you said and your voice was shaking. “I’m sorry I acted like this I just… panicked”.
“It’s okay… I think I panicked a little too” he smiled and came closer to you again. “I’m okay with panicking as long as we do it together” he confessed and you bursted out in a laugh, maybe it was the nerves or the odd way of him confessing.
“You trying to say something?” you picked on him a little and a grin appeared on his lips.
“Oh, yes I am indeed” he sat down next to you and placed his hands in both side your hips to bring you closer. “Listen carefully, would you… maybe you have a hard time swallowing it” he teased you this time. “As I told you I know my life is a mess but, as long as you agree, I’d love to mess with your life a little too because I wouldn’t forgive myself if I let this chance pass, I lost you once and I’m not willing to lose you twice”.
You were completely out of words, your heart racing in your chest and your mind working 100 miles per hour.  Millions of things in the tip of your tongue but none of it coming out when you opened it.
“Yes” it was the only thing that you could say. Joe’s confused expression forced you to continue. “Yes, you can mess with my life as much as you want, you can tear it down into pieces actually” he laughed out loud to your words and then he leaned to join your lips.
It wasn’t a heated and crazy kiss but a soft and sweet kiss. A kiss that tasted like promises and future. Of course, it wasn’t going to be easy, both of you knew well, but you were also certain that it was worth it. Yes, his life was indeed a mess, and it was way far from what yours was and what you were expecting but you didn’t care because the universe bringing him again into your life could only mean that maybe you needed a little messiness on it and you couldn’t imagine anyone better to shake your world in such a beautiful and breathtaking way.
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sungbeam · 3 months
𝐆𝐎𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐗! — eight
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viii. is that my shirt ?!
2.1k written (omg im sorry)
in which sungchan's so-called plan includes a dash of jealousy, a pinch of friendship, and ... jisung's shirt??
park jisung x f!mc ; humor, mentions of alcohol, swearing, uhm ur wearing jisung's shirt at some point so if u think that's uncomfy...
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a/n: surprise 😭? ik u all probably don't even remember what's going on cuz it's almost been TWO YEARS since the last update,, im sorry btw 😭 anyways, it's only this long bc i was stupid when i outlined this and i had to write more to make my stupid idea not sound as stupid
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You could already tell that Mark was given speaker privileges when you pulled up outside the house and you felt the bass pulsing through your car. Your brother Mark had a few different aux cord modes: bass boost, lo-fi hoe, Celine Dion, and just plain stripper. You didn't particularly enjoy the latter because that was your brother (gross), but all of the others were quite enjoyable.
Chaeryeong told you earlier she would be coming with her dance club friends, so you had coerced Sungchan to carpool with you. Well, you actually hadn't needed to do any persuading. He somehow just… asked you. Huh. Weird.
"I didn't even realize I stole this shirt," you told him as the two of you hiked up the front lawn of the house, narrowly dodging a couple giggly boys stumbling down the street. You wrinkled your nose at the distinct "Beatbox" logo written in charmingly messy bubble letters on the front, signifying that one charity event the boys hosted a year ago. The back had been decorated in more pen inked doodles and a scrawl you guessed was close to Mark's. Or maybe it was Jeno's… either way, Sungchan had found it tucked among the rest of your t-shirts and you threw it on with no further complaints.
Sungchan shrugged, holding the door open for you as you both entered into the throes of the party. "You didn't realize you stole my pen that one time."
"A pen is different than a whole damn shirt though."
You glanced over at him to see if you had lost him to the crowd, but you should have known better since he towered almost everyone here. He seemed to have gotten a text from someone, but he was quick to tuck his phone away and search the crowd. "Who're you looking—"
He slung an arm over your shoulders and steered you toward the living room. "No one. C'mon, Mark hyung just asked me to bring you over to the DJ booth. Something about cashing in a song suggestion."
That immediately drew your attention. "I can't believe he remembered."
(And Sungchan couldn't believe he just got away with that. He looked over his shoulder toward the hallway where he saw Jisung's face appear in the crowd, then caught his eyes. Sungchan grinned to himself. It was time to get started.)
When you and Sungchan finally reached the DJ booth, Mark greeted you by handing you his phone. Mark and Sungchan exchanged looks over your head—everything was going perfectly.
"Hey, I'm gonna get us some drinks," Sungchan told you with a reassuring pat on your shoulder. You nodded to him as you scrolled through your song choices, but Sungchan was practically gone.
Not even a few steps away, Jisung appeared before him, his dark bangs hanging in his eyes. "Oh, hey."
Sungchan chirped back at him, "'Sup, man."
Jisung narrowed his eyes just slightly, head cocking to the side. "Is Yn here?"
Sungchan almost laughed at how well this was going. "Yeah, she's back with Mark. I was actually just gonna get her a drink—"
"I can get it," he said, and his eyes widened as if even he was surprised he just said that. He cleared his throat, cupping the back of his neck. "Uh—I mean, I can get all of us drinks. I was actually gonna ask if Mark hyung wanted anything."
Suuuure, Sungchan wanted to say. But he could respect this guy's quick thinking. "Oh, cool. Thanks, dude. I think Mark hyung says he's okay, so it's just Yn."
"Cool." And then he was gone.
As Sungchan turned back to the DJ table, he realized Jisung hadn't even asked Sungchan what you wanted or liked to drink.
When he returned to the DJ table, you threw Sungchan a confused look. "I thought you were getting drinks?"
He shrugged helplessly. "Jisung said he'd get them."
"Jisung?" Now, why in the world…
As if your brain had magically manifested him, you spied Jisung carefully maneuvering through the crowd. In one veiny hand, he clutched the necks of two bottles of some mystery liquor, most likely beer, while he raised a little can of ginger ale into the air over his head as if scared the bodies around him would spill it (yes, spill a sealed can of ginger ale).
You couldn't help but eye his attire—the white tank top beneath a dark bomber jacket, paired with a pair of black jeans. There was a silver chain link choker around his neck, and Sungchan even raised his eyebrows at the way your eyes made a generous sweep of the newcomer's form.
You hated him, huh?
Jisung set the beer bottles on the cleared off space on Mark's table, his eyes meeting yours first. He passed you the ginger ale, "Hey, for you."
You accepted it with a hasty nod. He must have asked Sungchan what you wanted.
"Oh, thanks." You took the bottom hem of the Beatbox T-shirt you wore and swiftly swiped it over the rim of the can, before cracking it open with a satisfying click and hiss.
Jisung clasped the back of his neck instinctually, but when he saw the shirt you wore, he thought offhandedly that you and he could've matched. Not that he wanted to match with you. Definitely not. Why would he want that?
You were probably wearing one of your brothers', but he could've sworn the little doodle on the corner of your shoulder looked… familiar.
Wait a goddamn second.
Jisung's eyes widened in alarm.
Sungchan held back a snicker. "Uh, you good, Jisung?"
Jisung coughed, glancing over at Mark in case he had caught him staring, too, but the older Lee brother had already turned the opposite way to speak to Vernon from the SVT fraternity. Jisung popped open his beer bottle, then passed the other to Sungchan. "Yeah, ahem, I'm great. Hey, Yn, is that Mark's shirt?"
Your eyebrows furrowed, and you ducked your head to look at the shirt. "Actually, I'm not really sure."
"Oh really? 'Cause… I… I think it's mine."
You sputtered a laugh. "Good joke."
He grimaced. "Can you… turn around?"
"Turn around? Why?"
If Sungchan's eyes weren't deceiving him, he was certain Park Jisung was blushing.
Jisung sighed, a stressed sound. He pressed the back of his hand to his forehead as he inspected the shirt you wore closer. “Because I would've written my name somewhere on the back,” he mumbled with a wince.
You could feel your face and neck warm after he stated his reason, and in an effort to get this matter solved so he could stop staring at you, you turned around. After a moment of silence, you twisted your head over your shoulder to peer back at Sungchan and Jisung. “See? Not your shirt.”
“Except, it definitely is his shirt, Yn,” Sungchan said, lifting his free hand up to cover his grin.
Jisung had gone quiet, eyes widened like twin saucers. Not a thought passed behind those eyes as you attempted to look at your back to confirm exactly what both Sungchan and Jisung were telling you. It was impossible—how in the world could Jisung's shirt appear in your closet?
“Sungchan, is it really his shirt?” You asked your friend, pleading for him to tell you this was all a huge misunderstanding.
Sungchan had the decency to look sheepish. He reached over and gently grabbed your shoulder, pulling a part of the T-shirt edge so you could see. This brought you and him closer together as he pointed out Jisung's name to you.
The movement did not go unnoticed by Jisung, who watched this interaction with a wariness he didn't know what to make of. You were wearing his shirt, and somehow looked… good in it…? His eye twitched—why weren't you as friendly with him as you were with Sungchan? He could totally be a good friend—
Acceptance, swiftly followed by immense embarrassment, swept over you. It seemed it wasn't just Jisung who had gone quiet; neither of you could look the other in the eye.
After stepping away from you, Sungchan's eyebrows arched high as he sipped his beer and his gaze flickered between the two of you. “Well, this is awkward,” he mused unhelpfully.
That was enough to snap Jisung out of his daze. He clasped a hand on the back of his neck. “Would you be more comfortable in one of your brothers’ shirts? I can go grab one for you to change into—”
“Oh, uhm, yeah. I can just go upstairs and raid Mark's closet or something. I'm sure you'd like your shirt back.”
“No—I mean,” he sputtered, “yeah. It's no worries, really, if you don't wanna go through the trouble.”
Sungchan suppressed a screech akin to a pterodactyl. He hadn't thought you two would be this awkward around each other. It all played out a lot differently in his head, but… wait. Where the fuck did you go?
He realized quickly that you and Jisung were no longer right in front of him. Sungchan's head swiveled around nearby to search the crowd for you and Jisung, but it seemed that both of you were nowhere in the vicinity. Maybe you were headed up to swap shirts after all; that made his life easier.
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As soon as you'd changed out of Jisung's Beatbox T-shirt and into one of Mark's Justin Bieber tour T-shirts, you prepared to step back out into the party. When you opened the door to Mark's bedroom, you found Jisung right where you'd left him, stationed outside while nursing his beer and holding your can of ginger ale.
“Here's your shirt,” you said to him, drawing his attention to you.
“Ah, thanks.” He traded you his T-shirt for your drink, but still, neither of you could hold eye contact.
For a moment, you racked your brain for something to say to loosen all this tension. “Uhm, you did great at the showcase, by the way. Your performance, I mean.”
Jisung's head perked up. “Oh, you stayed for it?” There was an intonation in his voice just now—you’d actually stayed and you also complimented him? He didn't understand why his heart was rattling around in his ribcage like a stampede of galloping horses, but he guessed it had something to do with the fact that he was pleasantly surprised. Something like pride filled his chest.
You gave a small nod, and if he wasn't mistaken, it almost looked shy. “I did end up staying. The thing I thought I had planned…” you trailed off and you filled the silence with a nonchalant shrug.
“Well, thanks for watching and I'm glad you thought I did well,” he said with a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Was he finally getting through to you? Were you warming up to him at last?
He couldn't help but search your face then in the dim hallway light. Were your eyes always so pretty? There was a small smudge of silver glitter on the side of your cheek that glistened like diamonds, and he recognized it from somewhere on his shirt. It must have gotten into your face while you were changing.
He raised a hand, then froze. “Uh, you've got a little—a little something—” He pointed to his own cheek to tell you where it was.
“Oh!” You used the back of your hand to rub at it, but because glitter never listened the first time, it stayed put. “Is it gone?”
He winced. “No, it's, uhm—right… right there…”
You tried again, and he awkwardly tried to point it out without actually touching your face.
On your fourth attempt, he huffed. “Here,” he muttered, lifting his hand and gently brushing the glitter off.
When he was done, his hand fell back to his side like a dead weight as reality came crashing back. He coughed. “It's gone now.”
You averted your eyes. “Oh, cool, thanks.”
“Anyways, I should probably go put this away,” he said, gesturing down the hall toward his room with the shirt in his hand.
You gave an eager nod. “Right, yeah. I'll just—I’ll see you back down at the party then?”
Jisung bobbed his head in agreement. “Yeah, for sure! See you down there.”
Like two rats, the pair of you scurried away from each other in opposite directions. Even as you were descending the stairs, you threw a look back at Jisung, who was opening his bedroom door at the end of the hallway. Unbeknownst to you, Jisung had tossed you a glance just milliseconds before.
You swore you could still feel the brush of his fingers against your cheek, but it wasn't like it meant anything, right?
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permanent taglist: @flwoie @vatterie @seomisaho @hqrana @ja4hyvn @outrologist @rikizm @tinkerbell460 @kaaimins @meosjinn @hyunjaespresent-deobi @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l @ethereal-engene @gyulfriend @polarisjisung @jaehunnyy @shakalakaboomboo @littlestarjasmine @bless-311 @justanotherkpopstanlol @w3bqrl @kangfication @dior-15 @pxppxrminty @thesunsfullmoon @haechansbbg @moonyswolf
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this-is-krikkit · 2 months
Hii! If you're taking prompts then can you plz do some levihan on this:
'I've been born in the wrong timeline and the wrong gender!'
'And you realized that after sixteen years?'
hello! you're the first anon i don't feel i have to apologize to for taking too long to reply to a prompt lmao, hope you'll enjoy this!
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of swords and crushes (1.4k words)
tags: levihan, modern AU (coffee shop AU if you squint), game of thrones references but you don't need to be a big fan to get em, GOT-typical violence mentioned
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“I’m telling you, I was born in the wrong timeline and the wrong sex!” Hange exclaims, trading their branded apron for their civilian coat and giving a last minute check to the coffee shop for any obvious task they might have forgotten.
Levi clicks his tongue at them, not for the first time that day, and gestures for them to leave out the front door with him.
“And you only realized that after sixteen years, while watching a blockbuster series about sword fights and magic?”
“Yes! No? I don’t know, I just know I want to be a knight!” they whine, using the tone they know their coworker can hardly stand.
“You want to be a knight, or you want to do one of them?”
“Levi! How dare you put your dirty thoughts into my pure and innocent mind!”
“I may not watch that shit show myself, shitty glasses, but I’ve seen enough screen caps and memes to know no one innocent watches it. Not with those casting choices anyway.”
Hange’s glasses reflect the setting sun and hide their eyes even as they grin devilishly at him, and he groans at his own slip up.
“Oh, you’ve seen enough screen caps to have an opinion then? Tell me, which one strikes your fancy, Neat Freak? The sadist bastard who tortures people into becoming his slaves, or the annoyingly rich golden boy who had three kids with his own sister?”
He just stares at them for a minute, then shakes his head as he locks the front door.
“I swear this show gets worse every time I hear about it,” he mumbles under his breath. “Either way, the one I like best has green eyes, and I think his father was in Lord of The Rings or something?”
“Oh… You mean, Robb Stark?”
Levi glares their way, because how the fuck would he know, again? But Hange, as always immune to his stink eye, just pulls their phone out and hands it over after a quick search.
“Here, is that him? Oh my God, you’re blushing, it’s totally him!” they squeal before Levi can even confirm it with words.
“Shut up and help me pull this down,” he requests, gesturing to the iron shutter they have to secure before leaving. “He is cute,” he still feels the need to argue defensively as Hange complies.
They chuckle and bump their shoulder to his when they squat down to help him with the heavy padlock that secures the system in place.
“He is,” they agree with a reassuring smile, before letting a sigh out. “Shame that he dies in season three though.”
“What? I thought he was, like, the main character!”
“Well, he is, until, you know... he gets his throat slit at his cousin’s wedding, right after he sees his pregnant wife getting stabbed straight into her belly.”
Levi picks up his jaw from the floor and turns to face his coworker, waiting to see if there’s any chance they could be trying to pull one on him —they don’t usually have a strong enough poker face to actually trick him, but they’ve surprised him before in the year they’ve been sharing shifts on this shitty part time job.
“She dies too, of course! Along with everyone who was with them then,” Hange adds right away, like that’s somehow reassuring.
“Why the fuck do you watch this shit, Four Eyes?” he asks, genuinely confused about it all.
“Ah, sorry, I know you’re weird about this stuff. We can talk about something else if you want,” they offer with a sheepish smile, scratching the back of their neck in discomfort.
“I’m not weird about it,” Levi corrects, dismissing their concern with a wave of his hand, “and it’s fine to discuss. I just don’t like violence for the sake of violence, or for shock value. Feels lazy to me.”
“That’s not all there is to it!”
He gives them a pointed glance, and Hange has the decency to blush a little.
“Okay, it’s probably a big part of it… But the plot does justify it most of the time so far, and some characters are really interesting and fun to try to figure out, I think you’d enjoy it! Besides, the fighting scenes are so badass, Levi!”
They launch into a mock choreography of what he can only assume is one of those scenes, and Levi doesn’t bother holding back a chuckle as he walks alongside them. He ignores the puzzled looks from people who pass them by, throwing a glare or two whenever someone dares to stare for too long with judging eyes.
“How do you have so much energy after the shift you just pulled on top of a day in class, for fuck's sake? I really feel like I’m the older one here sometimes.”
And alright, Levi does have another, early and demanding job to go to while other kids his age are in school, which might explain his own state of tiredness. But Hange truly is something else, stamina-wise.
“That’s because you’re an old soul, Levi, whereas I’m brand new and enthusiastic about what the world has to offer! And about swords!”
“Yeah, right. Why don’t you sign up to fencing lessons and get it out of your system for good?”
“Sure, let me give up this side job I only took for the fun of it, ask my imaginary butler to fetch my thousand dollars allowance from my billionaire parents and I’ll do just that!”
He bites the inside of his cheek to prevent his smile from stretching too wide, even though he knows Hange will be able to tell they got him with that one anyway.
“Point taken,” he gives in.
The walk back to their subway station is silent, a little less comfortable than usual when they’re both painfully aware that Hange’s now thinking about their own financial issues —the unfortunate reason they even took this job and met Levi in the first place.
He looks around the industrial neighborhood they’re walking, and spots two long rusty metal pipes hanging out from a bin nearby. In a fit of renewed energy he didn’t suspect he could have, he rushes over there, grabs them —heavier than they look, but he knows they can both handle it— and throws one at Hange’s feet.
“Here you go, Sir Hange Zoë,” he declares, feeling absolutely ridiculous as he stands in what he hopes looks like a sword fighting position —he sure hopes Hange will give him a break, it’s not like he has a wide frame of reference for this. “Fight me.”
They chortle, the sound immediately brightening the mood —and Levi’s day.
“You don’t have to do this, Levi. You were right, it’s kind of childish.”
He frowns and charges, hitting their shin lightly with his shabby weapon. Hange’s eyebrows shoot up on their forehead, and he can tell they’re slowly giving in.
“Levi! You can’t attack a defenseless maiden, that’s not gentleman-y at all!”
“You’re not a maiden, dumbass. And who said I’m a gentleman?”
Next time he lunges, they block the blow thanks to their own pipe and send him stumbling back —with a force that would surprise anyone else considering how lanky they look in their baggy clothes, and a fire in their eyes that would no doubt freak them out too. Levi, however, has known for months now that the tall nerdy weirdo look is only a mask hiding a fierce, passionate kid who might just be the strongest person he’s ever met —in more ways than one.
Sadly, they’re also much more —how did they put it again? Oh, right— enthusiastic about the whole fighting thing than he’d foreseen, and he soon finds himself having an actual hard time holding them off. One of their well placed hits shatters the pipe he was holding in his hold, and he thanks his lucky star that the combat has to end as he puts both hands up.
“Alright, I yield! You’re right, Four Eyes, you would have made a great knight.”
“Thank you!” they reply with a wink and a graceless curtsy.
Hange throws their pipe back into the trash can, before holding out their hand to ask for the some of the hand gel Levi’s already rubbing on his palms. He throws them a disapproving look, more for show than anything else, and gives them some —really, he’s kind of excited that they’re finally getting some of his neat freak habits, as they always call them.
“So, I won, right?” they ask him when they start walking again.
“Tch, I guess you did,” he grants them, not up to point out how questionable that statement is when really, breaking your opponent’s weapon has to be against the rules, right?
“Then my prize is... that you have to watch the next season with me!”
He spends the rest of the walk and the three subway stations they share trying to get out of that commitment.
(He fails.)
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lovesickry · 11 months
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- the devil is in the details.
┈⋆⭒ daniel ricciardo x fem!reader [2.7k] ┈⋆⭒ part 8 !
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⎯ find all parts here!! .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⎯ contents: 18+, swearing, ANGST, fluff. all the good stuff is all in this chapter it’s self indulgent SORRY. kinda long. .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⎯ a/n: okay this is slightly over dramatic yes, but I promise it'll be cute and domestic for a bit longer after this so just buckle in.
the words theo said are running through your mind.
“yeah, even back at school, any of us would try and talk to you and he’d say some weird shit like “she’s not ready to be in a relationship” or “don’t mess with her she just got out of a messy breakup” he’s a nice guy and all but he’d always be weird when it was about you”
so that was why no guy talked to you in year 12, why every guy ran away from you. it was because of him. wtf was the messy breakup bull shit for anyway. god what the fuck was that and if he liked you then, why didn’t he fucking say anything instead of acting like a dickhead. no wonder as soon as you went to uni and got a boyfriend he was distant. he had a fucking schoolboy crush on you that more so or not ruined your grade12. though you couldn’t give him that much credit it was still annoying that you never knew that he’d been controlling your life like that. along with the study frustrations, grade 12 was probably the most sexually frustrating year for you and you remembered that more than anything. that yearning and frustration. FUCK. he’d gone and opened you back up again only for you to find this type of shit out. no.
it’s been 2 days since the race and you left for bahrain in well 6 days. you’d been kind of lazing around. eating, sleeping, running, sleeping with theo, talking to grace, trying to actively not think about daniel. you’d nearly called him. daniel. late one night. after dropping theo to the airport. after you drunk too much and his words sept into your skull. you’d pressed the call button, watxhing it ring and then abruptly pressing the end button. you woke up the next morning to a hangover and a “why did you call me last night” message. you responded with a “sorry didn’t mean to” and he hadn’t responded, or said anything. until exactly….. 3 days later.
9:54pm (3 days before you leave for bahrain):
from “daniel ricciardo”
wanna come over
haven’t seen you in a while
commeee obbberrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
you wished you could ignore it, god, you wished you could, but you were already in the car, damming yourself for it, but still in the car.
arw you in the car yet?
you laugh at his texts, he knows you well apparently. you don’t respond, you’re driving. but somehow the drink texts are endearing, reminding you of the friendship you used to share, he used to text you to come pick him up when he’d had too much to drink and you’d pick him up and drop him home, usually spending the night huddled into him, his arm over your shoulder. the next morning you would both blame it on daniels drunkenness, deep down you both knew.
your car pulls up to the driveway and you drive up. he’s at the door before you even knock. drink in hand. he smiles immediately.
you offer a weak smile, if he wanted a reaction you’d need more alcohol in your system first.
“come in come in”
he ushers your inside like a pet and sit down on the couch. it’s a newer couch you notice, harder than the first one, you notice. he mumbles a little bit and then talks about getting you a drink, which he does and you do gladly accept it. but you don’t forget what he did on sunday. what he did in school.
“so why’d you want me to come over” you figure you might as well come out and say it. you’re glad he did
“i just wanted to you know-say sorry.”
he pauses
“ for sunday you know and theo”
you nod, waiting for him to continue
“i was a dickhead, you know. i don’t know why, but yeah i’m sorry”
“hmmmm” you move your head around a bit, signalling your hesistance.
“oh come on” he nudges you
“he’s a bloody dickhead anyway you shouldn’t be seeing him”
oh wow he was just going to come out and say it okay.
“oh come on daniel seriously.”
this time it’s him who waits for you to continue.
“and you’ve been saying this for what, ever since school”
he looks slightly caught now.
“yeah theo told me, no wonder i took you to formal because everyone else said no that year, cause what was it? oh yeah you told them to “stay away” because i’d “gone through a messy breakup” and “didn’t want a relationship””
“theo said that?”
“oh it doesn’t matter, daniel what the fuck, you can’t act like that. seriously. you didn’t get to dictate who i dated then and you don’t get to do it know when we’re grown fucking adults okay?”
“theo doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about, come on dylan you know im just trying to keep you away from all that shit”
“ ‘all that shit’ meaning what? any man who isn’t you?” you let that one sink in before continuing.
“christ if you had a crush on me why didn’t you just like fucking tell me? instead of treating me like i was your little pet” you spit the last word. getting that out was satisfying.
“so you and theo-“
“CHRIST. ENOUGH OF THEO” you take a deep breath, feeling a bit bad youd raised your voice.
“we’re not. okay”
he twists his brow
“not what dylan”
“we’re not dating me and theo, it’s just like a sex thing”
he laughs.
the fuxking nickname he had in high school and he has so much scorn in his words and he’s so angry and bitter and jealous and his emotion is written all over his face and NO.
“you suck”
he laughs.
“no he does”
“bet he doesn’t even get you off”
always vulgar.
“shut up daniel”
“oh and when’s the last came you got off, haven’t seen you with any models lately?”
it was getting toxic again. the anger seeping into whatever this was.
your in the mood to push him, see how far you can take it. why not? he did this all to you years ago. just in a different way.
“you’re just bitter cause you haven’t been getting any, not my fault” you put up your arms in surrender.
he laughs, bitterly.
“ i’m not jealous of mr fucking tiny dick”
you tilt your head
“sure sounds like you are”
“so his dick is tiny?”
“shut up your not so big yourself” poor choice of words, since you knew the opposite.
“oh don’t kid yourself, i remember that night, you telling me just how much i was “so big”” he usss the last words in air quotes and you blush
“oh fuck you” you stand up from the couch done with this shit. never had he had the nerve to bring that up before.
“commit everything i say to memory?”
he smirks
“only when your squirming under me”
fucking enough. you turn around to leave but feel his hand on your wrist.
“oh come on, of course i remember that night, don’t you?”
your heaving a little bit, the anger rising and rising.
“no i don’t” you struggled with those words, choking back the truth everyday, i remember it everyday.
he looks at your eyes and you try and look away.
“liar” he scoffs.
his grip on your wrist is not tight by any means, but it is there and somehow without any pressure he is still holding you down, holding you there. keeping you together, tied to him.
“where’s theo now?”
you’re trying to calm your breathing now, but he keeps pushing it.
“he left 3 days ago asshole”
“oh really”
“yeah dropped him to the airport” you felt like sneaking a lie in there somewhere.
“i rode him in my car you know”
his face twitched
“i had sex with him on the same bad that you fucked me”
his nostrils flared and his eyes were rid of all their softness.
maybe your glass of tequila had gotten to you, but something about daniels clear, burning red anger made you. idk. different. seeing the anger on him, you in control. it was nice. you’d remembered his sensitivity to the comment about him getting off recently so you did what you thought would get him to shut up faster. you hand reached out and gripped the hem of his shirt. his eyes looking for any sign of what you were about to do, you walked backwards until you’d hit the empty wall behind you, finally touching his bare skin. he was searing, and you ran your hands just around the skin below his waist. grazing the skin.
“what are you doing?” he puffed
“a favour” you say.
“can i?” you look up at him slightly then.
you smile.
your hands are exploring his upper chest, grazing the muscle and the skin, cherishing it. gentleness is something that if you never spoke of, you could always show him. your touch being searing but gentle. unlike the hand which reaching lower and lower quickly pulled down his short. an elastic waistband making easy access. no boxers and he was bare and thick and just as hot as the rest of him. you lean over and kiss his jaw, his eyes shutter and close, you kiss the top of his ear before whispering something he thought he’d only imagined.
“so big danny”
you said it in a slightly ironic way, referencing his own confidence regarding his size but oh christ. that has an effect on him. he groaned at that and his dick was pulsing now and he looked like a fucking god. you swirl your finger in your mouth briefly before tracing it up the length of him, his hips bucking slightly and him leaning his head down onto your shoulder, fuck you guess he really hadn’t had it in a while. you tease him for a little bit, just lightly touching the tip, the sides, the base. but when you spit in your hand and finally start slowly stroking him. oh god the noises he makes is enough to make you question cumming in your pants. you’re just jerking him off but fuck it’s so perfect and he’s leaning heavily into you know, the weight of him against you. as you stroke him faster and faster. you know he’s getting close when his legs start to tremble slightly and he’s screwing his eyes shut and all the noises he makes are cut short and much higher in pitch and when he cums with a long drawn out groan, he lifts his head slightly and kisses your neck up to your jaw. a show of intimacy and affection and it makes you melt slightly. the anger gave you passion it gave you fire, but there was always love and softness with you too.
“oh fuck” he’s panting slightly, gripping your shirt harshly holding it up. the shirt that you’d pulled up so he could cum on your stomach. his head is still in your neck for a few moments following the calm down. producing a list of “thank you’s” and “fucks” and “oh dylan”. when he finally leaves the space between your neck and shoulders he sees the sight of you, fully clothed and yet, flushed and desperate and oh god. his cum on your stomach. he hadn’t even fucjing noticed and he felt so bad that he just. but oh you looked so hot, so wanton. you’re about to push yourself off the wall before you keeps you there, pressing a hand next to your head and looking at you again.
“doing you a favour dylan.”
“ bet you need this just as much as i did”
“i know theo didn’t treat you right”
you gulp and you’re sure your blushing cause fuck, of course he’d bring theo up. of course his voice sounds like that and of course his hands are stroking your waist, barely but enough to make you buck your hips slightly begging for any friction.
“yeah-fuck-need you danny” it’s hard to choke out the words, his touch searing your skin and daring you to lose control.
“atta’girl” you hate the effect that nickname has on you, your core tensing and warming at it.
oh god. you nearly stop breathing when he kneels down in front of you, looking up at you as he licks your stomach clean. he can feel your fractured breaths, your shallow breathing. you need him so bad.
he fiddles with your waistband.
“can i?”
you don’t respond, zoned out.
“dylan” he stands up and looks at you
you snap out of it, nodding towards him. breathing harsh and hot.
he returns to the floor and god you wanted to take a fucking photo, he was so perfect. he took your panties and pulled them down your legs, lifting your calves to help you out of them. putting them aside before moving your legs just a little wider. you gasped when he started kissing your inner thighs, his hot tongue against your thigh, licking and biting a little, you were practically squirming.
his name fell from your lips much too easily and he relished in it. taking the chance to move to where you needed him, his breath fanning over your clit, just slightly.
“fuck” you push your hips just slightly forward, his nose meeting your clit and you let out an embarrassingly loud gasp, or whimper or some incoherent noise. but god it felt so good, it was just there and it was just right.
“yeah, that good?” it’s nearly taunting how he says it.
“so good hmm” your hands are in his hair and your pulling the back just like you remember he likes it. he groans into you and his hands are quickly holding your hips down so you don’t break his nose. because christ he’s kissing it now and it feels so good and your eyes are squeezing shut and you can feel his hair in your hands and his mouth on you and oh god you’re so close. he’s moving his mouth through your slit now, his tongue dipping inside you just for a second and you’re a whimpering mess, struggling against him, squirming, begging for more.
“more” his hands ease their grip on your hips slightly for a second and your shocked at the change in pleasure when you’re allowed the friction. you guide his left hand resting lightly on your hip to where you need it, slipping a finger in and he’s using his mouth too and it’s too much now and your hips are stuttering and your hands are gripping his hair relentlessly. you come on his face keeling over and heaving. lifting him up and kissing him, tasting yourself on his tongue. the kiss is feverish and filthy. noisy and his one of his hands is holding the back of your head and another is on your waist, uou break part and it’s this moment of awe as you both stare at each-other, panting. he speaks first.
“god i missed you so much” it’s said in one breath and he falls forward on your shoulder. your grab his face and pull him in for a kiss, fearing if the words that you missed him too, left your mouth you’d start tearing up. you pull apart.
“let’s go to bed, hey?”
his eyes are glazed over, the anger, the lust: gone. replaced by admiration? you’re not sure.
he pulls his pants up, not worrying about his shirt and he pulls your knickers back on. you walk to his bedroom where he tells you to wait while he gets a towel to clean you up, he cleans your stomach and your in her thigh and you wipe his face and his legs and his stomach. once you’re both clean he hands you a shirt and you climb into bed. it’s so familiar and it’s so much of what you needed, the feeling of him pressing against you. you talk about things for a while, lying in bed talking about the holidays you used to take, the property, the bunk beds you used to share, the dirt bikes you couldn’t ride. you fall asleep with your hand under his neck.
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shesthejukeboxhero · 1 year
Don’t Blame Me
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Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader (AU)
Warnings: Angst, Violence, Swearing, Alcohol, Parent Loss (flashback), Bullying (flashback) MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH!
Summary: What would have happened if instead of Billy being flayed, it was his girlfriend? (Title and ending inspired by “Don’t Blame Me by Taylor Swift)
A/N: I apologize for not posting in such a long time! I just needed the time to sit down and write this fully because who would want to read a part 2 when I could easily finish it in one part? Anyways, I hope you guys really enjoy this, it has been in my mind for a long time now.
“Oh Lord, save me, my drug is my baby, I'll be usin' for the rest of my life, Usin' for the rest of my life”
You had made plans for after graduation. Work hard all summer, move to California the day after Labor Day. You knew the day he asked you out formally that the two of you were endgame.
He got a job at the pool, you got a job at the new record store in the mall. Some days, he’d meet you at the mall for lunch, or you’d drive up to the pool to see him on your break. Sometimes, the two of you even rented a hotel room to spend the night together without fear of your families noticing. That’s what you were doing that night.
After stopping at your house to get some clothes for the night, you were driving to Motel 6, where Billy was waiting for you. Singing along happily to the Blondie song on the radio, you knew tonight was going to be a good night, until it wasn’t.
It came out of nowhere. The object shattered the windshield of your silver Ford Escort, sending your head straight into the steering wheel. Stepping out of your car to inspect the damage, you notice a weird gooey substance on the windshield.
“What the fuck…” you mutter to yourself when a random squeal and rustling in the bushes sounds out just a few feet from where you are now.
“Who’s there?” You say, suddenly becoming more panicked.
You move towards the bushes to investigate the sound but you suddenly get swept off your feet and you start getting pulled towards the steel mill.
“Let me go! Please, let me go!” You scream as you’re pulled down the stairs, gripping onto the top stair for your life, but the force is too strong. The creature now towers over you, like a giant tentacle. It latches onto your face and drowns out your screams.
Somehow, the creature lets go of you long enough for you to sprint out back to your car and drive away. You don’t know what the fuck just happened, but you know you HAVE to get away from that steel mill.
Eventually you spot a pay phone on the side of the road, and you pull over and sprint to it as fast as your legs can go. Dialing 911, you start getting flashbacks to being pulled down to the steel mill.
“911, what’s your emergency?”
As the flashbacks get more rampant, the lights start flickering more and more, when suddenly, it goes dark. It’s too quiet, not even the dial tone of the phone can be heard. Stepping out of the pay phone, you look around cautiously. As you walk back out into the road you spot a group of people hiding in the fog.
“What do you want?”
Dead silence.
“I said, what do you want?”
Suddenly a figure starts walking towards you. As they get closer, it’s a clone of yourself.
“To build. I want you to build.” Your clone says in a distorted voice, much different from your own.
“To build what?” You say, scared for your life.
“What you see.”
“I don’t understand.”
A crack of lightning sounds and the next thing you know your clone and the crowd are gone.
“I don’t understand! What do you mean, I don’t understand!”
Billy waited all night for you to show up, but you never did. He knew this was unlike you, and figured you’d have a good explanation when he came to visit you at work today. As he walks into the record store, he sees you wearing short shorts and a tank top, something you never wore unless it was incredibly hot out (which it was not that day.)
“Where were you last night?” He says, point-blankly.
“I had a change of plans.” You say, with no emotion in your voice.
“Take him, Y/N. He’s perfect” The voice says in your head, and you feel yourself losing control.
“Please, Y/N, tell me what I did wrong.” He says, looking into your eyes, which just feeds the monster’s desire to take him as the next victim. Feeling your control start to slip almost completely, you realize you have to get Billy out of here, quickly.
“GO AWAY BILLY, PLEASE!” You yell at him, and you see the hurt expression on his face.
“Fine.” He says, leaving without another word, and you mentally sigh of relief. He’s safe, for now. The black veins go back into your skin, and you run to the break room and grab one of the water bottles out of the fridge and chug it, grabbing the other one to cool your face down.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Your co-worker, Daniel says as he checks back in from his lunch break.
“Take him instead.” The monster says into your head. Without thinking, you approach Daniel and grab him by the neck.
“Y/N what the fuck are you doing?” He chokes out as he starts to lose consciousness.
“Relax, it will all be over soon.” You say with a soothing voice.
The days blend together, where your body is moving without you even knowing. Taking whoever the flayer tells you to take. The old lady at the grocery store, the little boy throwing a baseball against a brick wall downtown, anyone. You don’t even feel like yourself anymore, a shell of a girl who once had it all.
Meanwhile, Billy was working hard to figure out how to get you back. Max filled him in on the supernatural beings of Hawkins, so now he knows what happened to you.
“So, what worked for Will was getting him super hot. Is there a way to do that?” Max asks Billy.
“I don’t know… maybe trapping her at work?” He says, trying to come up with a way to save his girl.
The plan is to trap you at work on the day you work by yourself. Billy will barricade the doors from the outside while Eleven turns the thermostat up from outside the shop, while Max and the rest of the party stand outside. As Billy hauls all the materials to the back door, he feels his anxiety rush over him, worried for how you’re going to react. He shoves that feeling aside and quickly barricades all the doors beside the glass front one so you don’t see him until it’s too late. After returning to the front of the store, Eleven starts turning the thermostat up. As the numbers get higher and higher, the control over your mind is lower and lower. It’s getting too hot, and you know that he will be angry.
“It’s up all the way.” Eleven says, wiping the blood from her nose.
“Now we wait.” Max says, standing just behind her brother as he nails the wood planks into the walls of the store to barricade the door.
Your hands clench under the counter, fighting to keep any sanity you have left, but it’s getting to be too much to bare. Meeting Billy’s eyes through the window, your eyes start to water. Walking over to the door’s window, you desperately call out to him.
“Billy please…”
“I didn’t mean to!! He made me!”
“Who made you do what?”
“The.. the.. the black thing… the giant shadow!”
“Y/N, please, we only want to help you.” Billy rests his hand against yours through the glass window, and that’s when it snaps. Punching through the window, Billy jumps back in shock. Kicking the wood planks away from the door, the group knows they need to act fast. Lucas fired his wrist rocket at her head, but that just made it angrier. The veins blacken all over your body and you smash through the door, but Eleven slams your body hard against the back wall of the store. Getting her weak enough, you reach your hand out and strangle her but that’s when Mike slams one of the wood planks against your head, giving Eleven enough time to throw you through the back wall of the store.
You walk down the steps to the basement of the mill, where Daniel is waiting, with all the rest of your victims.
“What happened.” Daniel says calmly.
“They know. They know I’m the host.” you say angrily.
“Who attacked you?”
“The girl. Nearly killed me.”
“She cannot kill all of us though.” He says, gesturing to the large crowd behind him.
A few days later, after meeting up with Nancy and Jonathan, the group decides to search for the flayed in the void. You, Daniel, Daniel’s Parents, The Holloways, and Doris Driscoll are all confirmed victims of the mind flayer.
After the attack at the hospital, you and Daniel stand waiting as the mini flayer, comprised of Daniel’s father and Tom Holloway’s bodies, returns to the mill, you look at him and say, “It’s time.”
Back at the cabin, Eleven is deep inside the void searching for the flayed. While the kids argue about why she shouldn’t be in the void for as long as she has been, Billy and Nancy are busy calling local businesses to ask if they have any missing chemicals. Suddenly, Eleven removes her blindfold and says, “I found her.”
You’re sitting alone on your bed in your bedroom, surrounded by floral wallpaper and music posters. Suddenly, you look up and see Eleven. A tear slips from your eye as you show her the possessions you caused, before slipping into an old memory of your own.
It’s the day of the annual Halloween party at Tina’s. You park your car and walk up to the party, dressed in an angel costume. Sipping on red punch, you bump into a shirtless Billy behind you.
“Excuse me, angel.”
“Billy. Billy Hargrove.”
“Y/N. Y/N L/N.”
“What do you say we leave this lame party and you can show me what heaven looks like, doll.”
Suddenly, the memory starts to fade away as a new one starts. In this memory, there’s a much younger version of you, kneeling beside a hospital bed. She sees it’s a woman who looks a lot like you… your mother.
“Daddy, when will mommy wake up?”
He doesn’t respond.
That memory fades into a new one, where you’re no older than 8 years old, where you’re sitting on a bench outside at recess, when a group of girls come up to you.
“You know L/N, you’d be a lot less ugly if you actually tried.”
“Yeah, you need a makeover.”
Looking up at them, you say, “No thanks…”
“Too bad.” One of the girls pulls out a pair of scissors, cutting a chunk of your hair off. They laugh as tears fall from your eyes and that’s when it fades to one last memory: the night you were flayed.
She watches as the object hits your windshield, to your desperate call to 911, to getting dragged down the stairs. Not being able to take it anymore, Eleven returns to the cabin to find it empty. Lights flickering, Eleven calls out to Mike.
“He can’t hear you.” You say, in a deeper voice than normal.
She gasps as you step out from one of the rooms.
“You shouldn’t have looked for me.” You say, stepping towards her menacingly. “Because now I see you. We can all see you.”
Eleven backs away, scared.
“You… let us in. And now, you are going to have to let us stay.”
Eleven trembles as you step close to her.
“Don’t you see? All this time, we’ve been building it…. For you. All that work, all that pain, all of it, for you.”
Eleven sobs as you stare at her, intimidating her.
“And now it’s time. Time to end it. And we are going to end you. And once you’re gone, we are going to end your friends.”
“No!” Eleven yells, sobbing.
“And then we are going to end everyone.”
Eleven returns back to the cabin she came from, sobbing. After telling the group everything, they hear a snarl from outside. Will’s neck flares up, and he says, “He’s here.”
Nancy arms herself with a shotgun, and Jonathan and Billy arm themselves with axes. The cabin shakes and then suddenly stops, and that’s when a tendril slams through the window towards Eleven. Billy slams his ax down on it, but it turns to attack Billy. Nancy distracts it long enough for Eleven to tear it apart, but then 2 more fly in. Struggling, she finally tears them apart, but then the mind flayer itself destroys the roof, wrapping one of its tendrils around Eleven’s ankle. Jonathan severs the tendril with the ax while the rest of the group pulls Eleven away from the monster. The piece wrapped around her ankle embeds itself in her leg but Mike rips it out. After Eleven tears it apart, they flee the cabin in Nancy’s car.
After stopping at the supermarket, they flee with fireworks in tow. The flayer sends you out to find them there, but you were too late. Dipping your fingers in the blood left behind from Eleven’s leg, you use it to track where they’re headed— Starcourt.
When you arrive, they are outside working on Nancy’s car, which was tampered with. You rev the engine of your car, getting the attention of the group. They hurry back inside while Nancy fires at you as you floor your car towards the mall, when suddenly a car slams into yours- Steve Harrington slammed the rich guy’s car into yours, giving them time to escape. Spotting Mike, Max, and Eleven trying to escape through a back entrance, you hurry out of the burning car to get them.
“Take the girl, ignore the others.”
Cornering the kids in the hallway, Max starts telling you positive memories, like when you and Billy went to prom together (you promised him you’d make it worth his while afterwards…), and when you helped her get ready for the snowball. None of it works though, and you slam both her and Mike into the wall, knocking them out cold. Knocking Eleven out as well, you hoist her over your shoulder and carry her out to the center of the mall to present to the mind flayer.
Leaning over her, Eleven starts to wake up. She starts telling you details from the memory she saw— the one of you and Billy on Halloween.
“It was Halloween… Billy was there… he called you angel… your little halo and your wings gave it away…. You were pretty, very pretty. Billy loved you the moment he saw you…”
Hearing the memory, a tear slips from your eye. Climbing off of her, you turn to face the mind flayer. As it shoots a tendril out to take Eleven, you stand in front of her, taking the tendril in your chest.
“NO!” Billy yells out, watching the tendril sink into your body as you fall to your knees. The flayer lets go of you because Lucas begins firing fireworks at it, distracting him. Billy runs over to your shaking body, barely conscious.
“Angel, please, don’t leave me…” he says, caressing your tear-stained and blood covered face.
“Billy, it’s okay…” you say softly. “I’ll be okay…”
He lifts you into his lap and holds you close. “But I won’t…”
“I’ll love you forever… just put the blame on me…”
“It’s not your fault, Y/N. Don’t blame yourself.”
You cough up blood. “Billy please, let me go… I love you…” you say, holding his hand before slipping into unconsciousness.
He stays right there, feeling the muscles in your hand fall weak as he still holds your hand, even when the paramedics try to remove you from his grasp. He sits in front of your grave, knowing you wanted him to move on, but he just can’t let you go. You were his drug, and he’ll keep on using the memories of you for the rest of his life.
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