#whumpee x Whumpee
pendarling · 1 year
Stockholm Syndrome + Whump
Becoming quiet when asked, sitting still, eating and speaking as told to
When Whumpee convinces themselves that they love Whumper and it's for the best
Whumpers who let their Whumpee do anything after begging
“Escape? From what? Everything I need is right here.”
Cooking, cleaning or fulfilling other tasks without being asked
When Whumper feeds into Whumpee’s delusion that they are fine
“You’re safe with me, right? Because you trust me.” “Of course I do.”
Caretaker who tries to explain to Whumpee that they aren’t safe but Whumper acts so innocent and gentle that it makes Caretaker look bad
Whumpees who deny they were kidnapped or forget that part completely
Not being able to remember how life was like without Whumper
“Please, I need you.” “Oh, goodness. I know you do, I know…”
Whumper telling Whumpee false stories and using those times as a reason to ask for favours
Purposely making Whumpee fall sick constantly just to revive them again and overtime Whumpee becomes reliant on them
“Sorry… for always… being a burden…” “You know only I care about you, Whumpee.”
Whumpee feeling more sympathetic for Whumper when they share their (probably fake) backstory with them to get an emotional reaction
Not being able to sleep without Whumper near them
“You’re acting unusual. Less… fighting, more submitting”
Holding, gripping or touching Whumper so they know they aren’t alone
When Whumpee’s Stockholm Syndrome is so bad it gives Whumper Lima Syndrome
Neither Whumpee or Whumper lookout for reports on the news anymore
“You don’t believe a word they say?” “Not even for a minute.” “You must really like my company then, huh?”
Waking up with nightmares of what happened in the past and then being unable to recall what it was about
Forcing Whumpee to become compliant on the notion that somebody else’s life is at risk
Whumpee faking Stockholm syndrome and feeling disgusted at everything they say or do
^^^ Whumper catching them faking it!
^^^ Instead of confronting them they just make Whumpee do a lot of things to humiliate them until they really do give in
Part 2
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───
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abhainnwhump · 3 months
Whumpee wakes up in the morning and stretches, same as always and looks around their room. They're confused why their significant other is missing, did they get up early?
Then they remember the fight with Whumper, and they know they're gone. The bed feels empty now and they can still hear their voice.
In honor of my baby, Callie. We had to put her down yesterday due to health complications. She was a rescue dog and I had a good four years with her, estimating she was 17. Love you.
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Demon Whumper and Human Whumpee is always a great one.
Demon Whumper that's a curse or accidental summon/possession.
Demon Whumper that shows up in mirrors, where only whumper can see. Only whumpee can feel claws digging into their skin, hot breath at the back of their neck, a laugh hissing in their ear.
Whumpee unable to sleep at night, knowing they'll wake up with gashes ripping into their back, their sides, their thighs- blood spotting the sheets, and their limbs burning. Memories of an impossibly hot body pressing against their own, of cruel taunts and promises of eternal torture. A long tongue sliding up the skin at their cheeks, soaking up the tears that fall.
Whumpee waking up to find a strange tattoo-like symbol on their lower back- but one not imprinted with any ink from this world.
Whumpee choking back a sob as they realise what this means-
Realise they've been claimed.
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urlocalwhumper · 3 months
whumpee couple are both dying of the same ailment. there's nothing they or anyone else can do about it, and they know it. so they decide to just keep up the charade that everything is fine. they don't want to dwell on the inevitable, they just want to be with each other for whatever time they have left.
(bonus if one dies first and the other, despite theoretically being in decent enough shape to live a bit longer, just gives up fighting and dies shortly after, not even getting up from beside their deceased partner)
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whumperofworlds · 1 year
Two bound Whumpees who are lovers who hold hands to the best of their abilities to comfort one another, my beloved. ❤️
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pigeonwhumps · 1 year
Diaries of Eloise and Agatha Stanbury and Ira Waterhouse
Taglist: @painful-pooch (also @octopus-reactivated and @maracujatangerine since your actor pet post sparked this idea I'm tagging you too! Even though there isn't much acting whump actually in this, only the characters...)
Recently digitised diary entries of former pets Eloise and Agatha Stanbury, and their guardian Ira Waterhouse. All three were British pet liberation activists in the early to mid 20th century. These entries are from before they set up the Dockside Boarding House, commonly regarded as the first and longest-running safehouse in Britain.
[note from Calixte Văduva, Assistant Archivist to Raphael Fiori, Apprentice Digital Assistant: take out longest-running, you idiot. You want people to know where they live?]
CWs: BBU, pet whump, film whump, recovery whump, broken jaw mention, non-con nudity (non-sexual) mention, PTSD, whipping mention, gagged mention, kidnapping mention, beating mention
Diary of Eloise Stanbury, January 1927 - August 1928
Related topics: Eloise Stanbury, Agatha Stanbury, Ira Waterhouse, Pet Liberation History, World Pet History, 1920s Britain, Social History, British Diaries
Transcribed by Calixte Văduva, Assistant Archivist at Rising Sun Bay Archive, Rising Sun Bay, ON
1st of January 1927
Dear Diary,
Agatha is teaching me to rede and rite, and as it is a new year I am of a mind to rite down sum of my thorts. I am asured this is entirely privat. We shall see.
Master's film studio went bankrupt last month. I cannot express how relieved I am. Surely now they will stop serching for us. I hope so. If we ar found we ar ded, I no this. The collaps has, however, stirred up my memories and the titeness in my gut again.
One of my strongest memories of the studio is wen we filmed propaganda during the Great War. It was the only time Agatha and I wer involved in filming for the war effort, but it was time enuf. Agatha and I spent ar time not filming counting the ways the film munishons factory treated pets differently to ar real one. And Agatha sumhow laffed so hard, she disrupted the paid crew and snorted thin gruel out her nose.
Then the camera operator broke her jaw so she culd not disturb them agen. It was okay, cos she did not need to talk and they only needed to film her back anyway, but then Master bete her later for showing him up, until she culd barely work. That part was wors.
My dremes ar confusing, full of fire and drowning even tho I was never in the fire. Ira ses it's cos I am so scared of fire. Agatha ses it's cos I almost drowned. I am not so sure of either. Maybe it is a punishment, for burning down the studio. Maybe I should not hav dun that. I am a free pet but a pet nonetheless, and arson is a crime.
Agatha's braver than me. She makes me braver too. I would never have dared laff before she was rented to Master, let alone run. I'm not sure the defians was always good for her tho. She has many scars, inside and out. I luv her, scars and all, but I don't no how she can be so brave.
There was a servis on Christmas for the local heros of the Great War. Mr Foster was mentioned. That scares me. He scares me, and I do not understand how Agatha is not scared. He was her owner for over a decade, after all.
She scoffed at that, wen I asked. She sed that there's no reason for her to be afrade, and she wuld like to find and thank the soldier who killed Mr Foster. She also sed he's not a hero. I think she should be careful. We didn't see the body. Wat if he comes back?
It's stupid. I no it's stupid. Even if he was still alive he'd hav better things to do than come after Agatha. He'd hav to, right? And I am grateful that he's ded. If he wasn't, I may not hav been abl to stay with Agatha after the Great War ended. It just feels wrong to celebrate so much wen we never saw a body.
Ira's talking about buying a bording hous, away from here. We're so close to the site of the new National Pet Training Centre, and it feels like there ar inspectors around every corner now. Also I do not understand half of wat Ira says about lacking in the gud food and spase, cos this is the best I hav ever eaten and I can live on far less, but I think that is also a reason. I do not no why a bording hous tho. I am scared to move, this is the safest I hav ever felt, but I will hav Agatha and Ira, and I will not go back to being a pet.
My name is Eloise Stanbury, sister, possibly, to Agatha Stanbury, ward of Ira Waterhouse, and I am a free woman.
Eloise Stanbury
Diary of Agatha Stanbury, October 1926 - February 1927
Related topics: Agatha Stanbury, Eloise Stanbury, Ira Waterhouse, Pet Liberation History, World Pet History, 1920s Britain, Social History, British Diaries
Transcribed by Calixte Văduva, Assistant Archivist at Rising Sun Bay Archive, Rising Sun Bay, ON
26th of December, 1926
Dear Diary,
Eloise asked me yesterday whether I am still afraid of Mr Foster. I think I managed to convince her that I am not, but we shall see. She has enough on her plate without worrying about me too. She's terrified already, and if she knows I am scared it will make her worse.
I am scared, though. So scared. Mr Foster is dead but I cannot forget everything he did to me. The decade when clothes were an extremely rare occurrence, when I almost forgot my own name. He once claimed that training was half the fun in owning a pet, and it showed. I came to London for the season and was kidnapped to be his pet instead. The scars are never going to leave me.
I cannot sleep alone in the dark anymore. I used to love it, until Mr Foster, but now it's like I cannot get my mind out of his house. Even after being owned by Mr Hayes instead for over ten years I cannot do it. How can it be legal to leave a person in your will, anyway? I confess that the lack of pet owning in my parents' circles has left me rather ignorant in the matter, but it still seems wrong.
Mr Foster was terrifying. He still is. I see him in half the faces on the streets, when I am brave enough to leave the house. Eloise says I'm brave, but I am not so sure. If I was so brave, surely Mr Foster's rules and sadism would not still be so affecting?
Ira does not agree with me. She says it is perfectly reasonable, that soldiers still have shell shock so why shouldn't I be affected by being scarred? I am unsure what to do with that.
I have fought, but it was not a war. Soldiers are not caged naked and gagged with horrible experimental gags, or whipped and beaten by sadists. They are not scarred on film simply because the starring pet is too valuable to be damaged herself.
That sounds like I blame Eloise. I do not. None of this was her fault. I hope, if I had ever become an actor as a person, I would have paid attention to the pets forced to perform, but most likely I wouldn't. I try not to think about that.
Mr Foster still haunts me, awake and asleep. Eloise does not know. She cannot know. She has enough nightmares of her own, and I do not want to wake her up from mine. I am so, so glad Mr Foster is dead, and I think (I hope) that Eloise thinks that is all I am. I told her the truth, just not the whole truth. I really would like to thank the soldier who killed Mr Foster. But I also wish I was not constantly so scared.
With love
Agatha Stanbury
Diary of Ira Waterhouse, December 1926 - October 1927
Related topics: Ira Waterhouse, Agatha Stanbury, Eloise Stanbury, Pet Liberation History, World Pet History, 1920s Britain, Social History, British Diaries
Transcribed by Calixte Văduva, Assistant Archivist at Rising Sun Bay Archive, Rising Sun Bay, ON
Wednesday, December 8th, 1926
Not content with having a London office, the WRU are now building a large training centre nearby. It's too close. Far too close. The numbers of inspectors and recapture officers are increasing daily it seems like now work has started, and my girls haven't left the house for days. Even when they do, they come back spooked, especially Eloise. If she was a cat, her hair would stand on end constantly.
The supporters of this new 'pet' class claim that it's entirely voluntary. Maybe for some it is. Maybe they really believe that. But if you're signing a lifetime contract, and being given a drug that's supposed to induce amnesia, making you more compliant and reliant on your owners, I'm not sure that it counts.
It is not always voluntary, anyway. A few weeks ago, Agatha told me her story of being kidnapped into it. How she tried to show an inspector her lack of a seller's mark and number, and he had her tattooed for a bribe. There must be others like her. As bad as the pet trade is, it feels even worse without even the pretence of volunteering.
We need to move. We are so close to the training centre, and one day our house is sure to be inspected. The girls will certainly be taken and killed, with no regard to even Agatha's kidnapping (I have my suspicions about her upbringing but I cannot find any living relatives in the society pages). And I won't come out of it well either.
I have been thinking of starting a boarding house. There must be others like my girls in need of a kind hand and an escape from the wretched pet system. I had to stop giving Agatha cleaning chores because she'd tremble in fear until I declared the house spotless, and Eloise sometimes stays in one spot for hours, forgetting that she is allowed and able to move. Even, maybe especially, if she's uncomfortable. They are both scarred, inside and out, and I'm sure there are others who could use a safe place to stay, at the very least.
I haven't brought my idea up to either of the girls yet, although I feel certain that neither would object to it. They're both kind people, although Eloise wouldn't like me calling her that. She gets prickly when anyone except Agatha says nice things about her.
If Eloise was an animal, she would definitely be a cat.
Ira Waterhouse
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mry-2 · 3 months
Touch starved but sex repulsed whumpee X touch repulsed but hypersexual whumpee
They're in love with each other, but they're unable to love each other.
That's it. That's the thought.
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mothmxwhump · 1 year
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A day late but a valentines drawing of my and @wormywhumpbabeyy ‘s ocs Bastet (mine, left) and Silas (his, right)
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chiharuuu22 · 4 months
Shhhh! Keep your voice down and don't be loud. Whumpee is sleeping (or has just fallen asleep).
In Caretaker's arms after being rescued.
In a hospital bed in a recovery ward (or perhaps an ICU) after receiving care and treatment or perhaps emergency surgery.
On a bed in a room in a recovery house. Bonus points for the house are that the house belongs to the Caretaker and the bed BELONGS TO CARETAKER (AND CARETAKER'S BEDROOM)!!!!
In the passenger seat. Sleep on your back in the back seat or sleep in a half-sitting position after the seat is lowered slightly on the driver's side seat. Bonus points Caretaker puts on the jacket or coat to cover Whumpee.
On the sofa in front of the fireplace.
In a wheelchair while taking a leisurely walk.
On the couch on the terrace.
On the Caretaker's lap. Bonus points with the accompaniment of Caretaker's soft voice lulling Whumpee to sleep and caressing Whumpee's hair.
Sleep leaning on the Caretaker's shoulder when sitting side by side. Bonus points when they are in a discussion with the team members and Whumpee suddenly falls asleep exhausted.
Anything you want to add?
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valcaira · 7 months
Attention Whump Community!
Clogging disability tags is a massive problem that we need to address. Many tags, especially those surrounding permanent injuries, paralysis, vision loss and certain illnesses have become unusable due to being flooded with unrelated things. Yes, that includes your writing. Those tags are not for you. It's isolating, frustrating and depressing to try finding a community and other people who share your issues but all that comes up is whump, fandom shit, gifs, headcanons, etc.
I'm newly paralyzed. I have looked at many tags surrounding paralysis, trying to find support, a community, anything of people struggling with the same thing. Nothing. There's barely anything for us in the general disabilty tags. I am BEGGING you to understand and recognize how AWFUL it is.
So, I have a proposition. A tag you can and should use exclusively for disability content in whump writing. Not any other tag surrounding disability, lest you'll clog it up.
#disabled whumpee
It's tempting to use more specific tags, I get it. Due to being in the whump community myself I know #medical whump is already a tag. You have those tags. Use them. Don't use the disability tags. Don't clog up the few spaces us disabled people have.
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bamber344 · 2 months
ok so superhero whump scenario:
Villain is Hero's favourite 'bad guy' to fight. Villain never really hurts anyone with their actions, and anything they steal is usually anonymously returned within a few days. The worst crime they've really committed is property damage. Hero is convinced they're just doing it for fun, as evidenced by Villain's very melodramatic and performatively cheesy attitude during their confrontations
Eventually, Villain disappears. Hero assumes they just decided to put down their cape and mask, though is a little saddened that they now don't have any real 'comic relief' in their day-to-day villain fighting.
A few months later, Hero is in Superhero's HQ when they come across a locked door they hadn't noticed before. Overcome with curiosity, they figure out how to get it open and take a peek inside.
Even without their iconic costume or mask, Hero would recognise Villain anywhere. Villain looks awful. Emaciated, bruised, scarred, curled up in a shivering ball in the corner of what Hero now recognises as a cell. How long has Superhero kept them here? And why? Hero doesn't know, all they do know is that this is wrong, and that their old rival needs their help, Superhero be damned.
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jump-in-the-whump · 9 months
the weary feverish whumpee aesthetic™
I love it when a whumpee is so weak that they:
are bedridden, much to their discomfort. They long to leave the bed, but cannot because they are too weak, and their legs shake at the thought of taking even a single step.
can't keep their eyes open. Their eyelids flutter but due to tiredness and too much light, they always close again. However, the whumpee has learned to rely on other senses, and is able to recognize the caretaker's voice or touch among a thousand others.
have to always lie down. They try to sit up, perhaps to eat something, but after a few minutes their head starts spinning and their body starts screaming because of the effort. Much to their chagrin, they have to force themselves back down or else they will likely pass out.
are not hungry. Their body can't handle even plain broth, making them queasy and dizzy. So they continue to refuse food, their only source of livelihood, and this obviously worsens their condition.
are too sensitive to touch. Their skin that seems to boil with fever, the bedsheets that rub down their limbs like sandpaper, the hair that sticks to their sweaty forehead, even the simple touch of the caretaker, a touch that is supposed to comfort them, is too much. They start to hate all these little things.
Please, feel free to add more.
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ms-write-a-lot · 2 months
Villain stared at Hero, who stood bleeding all over his expensive doormat. ‘Hey.’ The Hero croaked, swaying to a side. They tried for a charming smile, but there was blood in their teeth. ‘Mind if I…crash here for tonight?’
And then they did crash. Into the fucking floor.
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echoingalaxies · 2 months
Whumpee is dying, nothing can stop it anymore. Instead of a goodbye - when Whumpee closes their eyes for the last time, when they take their final breaths, when their hand in Caretaker's goes limp - Caretaker whispers "good night."
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solar-eclippse · 2 months
Oh, to love a living weapon. A being whose entire identity centers around violence, who finds far too much comfort in being an attack dog, a source of hurt, because embracing violence means they have SOME form of agency. Oh, to love someone who has been broken down for years upon years, until they're more scar than skin. And maybe they don't want to heal. Maybe they don't know how. Maybe they adore their abuser too much to even consider breaking away from them. They have always known that they're something dangerous, and they have finally found someone who is happy to make use of their violence. They're more than willing to be broken down, in exchange for finding a place to belong.
Oh, to love a living weapon. To love a monster, an attack dog. They're kneeling at your feet, and their grin is hesitant, their fingers shaking, because they only ever want to be loved. If you don't provide that affection, they might just fall apart.
You wash the blood off their hands. Whatever messed up dynamic goes on between them and their handler isn't any of your business. You're the one who takes care of them afterwards.
Oh, to love a living weapon. Oh, to kiss their cuts and bruises.
You embrace them for what they are - not despite of it.
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youneedsomeprompts · 11 months
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requested by: @rainywolfden & anonymous request: protective prompts. especially some family based ones, but just scenarios where one character thinks they need to protect another character would be nice
Feel free to use and reblog!
defending the other when someone says something only slightly criticising about them
"You take that back!"
jumping in front of the other, no matter whether they're being physically or verbally attacked
putting a hand on the other's shoulder to show their support
not accepting hate/critique of the other because no one knows their real struggle
"I actually think A is doing a great job. You shouldn't judge when you know nothing."
getting furious when someone takes advantage of the other's weaknesses
noticing the other struggle without them having to say a word
always feeling responsible to protect their younger sibling(s)
never letting their children out of sight because something could happen in these two seconds
"Leave my baby alone!"
accompanying the other home at night
looking out for potential dangers all the time
comforting the other as soon as they're alone
"Hey! What did you just say to my sibling/child/friend/etc.?!"
seeking the one who hurt the other to take revenge
"You messed with the wrong one!"
not leaving the other's side 'just in case'
only stepping in when the other can't handle it anymore
"You've got some real nerve."
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