#why would you think we’re together we’re just holding hands and hugging and giggling
drefear · 9 months
Another Jealousy Drabble based on something that happened last night.
TW: jealousy, possessivness
He touched you too much for Miguel’s liking. He pulled you close, hugged you too tight. That was going to be a problem. 
Miguel stood away from the group of your friends as you all danced, the loud club music blaring as you said hi to a coworker you ran into, who hugged you from behind a little too friendly, casually, and Miguel almost crushed the Modelo bottle in his hand. 
He felt his chest tighten and a pop of possessiveness spark a flame that he needed to extinguish quickly if he didn’t want to make a sense. Luckily, the coworker walked away and Miguel relaxed, then leaning back against the walk he was against and continuing to admire you. 
The relationship was still new, and he knew he shouldn’t like you this much yet, it was too soon, but he couldn’t help it. You were like a strange, funny, bright flower to his den of darkness. 
Later on, you both were coming down from the highs of sex, and Miguel stood up to grab you both pajamas. As he pulled on a pair of boxers, you leaned up on your elbows and watched his face tense. “Hey, you alright?” 
“Yeah, why?” 
“You seem off.” 
He sighed and straightened his shoulders as he outstretched his hand to give you his t-shirt to put on. You took it with a smile but his eyes were focused on the ground. 
“There it is again. You look upset, what’s wrong?” You pushed and he stood still, not sure if he wanted to discuss this, not sure if it would upset you. Your finger pushed at his side and he jolted back to the present moment from his thoughts, then feeling your hand hold his and intertwine your fingers together. “Please?” You begged and he relented. 
“If that guy ever touches and hugs you like that again, I’ll rip his arms off.” He deadpanned, tracing your jaw with one finger. This tone sent a shiver down your spine until you processed what he said. You opened your eyes wide and shook your head, raising your hands in defense. 
“Oh no no- he’s like family to me, and we’re just like that!” You justified it, but that made Miguel frown deeper. 
“Family?” He raised a brow, eyes dark with confusion before he pinched the bridge of his nose, “He does not see you as family. You may look at him like that, but he doesn’t see you that way. Trust me,” He squeezed your hand and leaned closer to you, “I’m a man, I know how other men think.” You sat still for a moment before a large grin appeared on your lips with eyes shining bright with understanding and mischief.m he backed away, but your hold on his hand was strong. “What are you-” 
“You’re jealous!” You said, almost giddy and he scrunched his nose. 
“No, I’m not. I’d have to be insecure to be jealous.” he folded his arms, letting go of your hand as you giggled. 
“Mhm.” You rolled your eyes at his macho man facade and tugged him closer by the band of his boxers. “Whatever you say.” 
“I’m not jealous.” He leaned down to your eye level now and pushed your shoulder back onto the bed before kissing a trail down your stomach, then looking up at you before reaching your hips. “But you’re mine, and he can’t touch what’s mine.” 
He reminded you that you were indeed his. And his alone.
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eideticmemory · 11 months
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Spencer is a lot of things to you. Your baby daddy, your lover, your best friend, and a massive pain in your ass.
Word Count: 6k.
Warning/Includes: Dad!Spencer, smut, angst, hurt/comfort.
You haven’t even caught your breath yet and you go, “We can’t do this anymore.”
And Spencer’s, whose chest is still heaving up and down, goes, “Wh…what?”
“We can’t do this anymore,” you wipe sweat from your forehead. “It’s tacky.”
Spencer props himself up his elbow and turns his body to face you, “Tacky? What do you mean?”
“Don’t do that. You know what I mean.”
“It’s…I mean…we…it’s healthy.”
“Tuh!” you laugh. “That’s your professional opinion, doctor?”
“Yes. Yes, sex is good for the body and the mind.”
“What if…” you prop yourself up on your elbows, “It’s with your ex, who you can never work it out with, who you have a kid with, on an occasional and convenient basis?”
“From personal experience, it’s the best sex you can ever have,” he finishes his sentence with a devilish smile and you roll your eyes, poke your tongue out at him.
You shake your head, “I have to go. You have to go,” you get out of bed.
Spencer’s eyes scan over your naked body and he asks, “Why? Where are you going?”
“Gotta pick up Dandelion from my mom’s,” you tell him as you button your jeans.
“Can I come?”
“What? No.”
“Why not? I haven’t seen Dandy in a week.”
“It’s not about you seeing Dandy. It’s about my mom seeing you.”
“What? She loves me.”
“Duh, more than she loves me, but you know how she likes to pry. She’s gonna think we’re back together.”
“Ah! No, not that we’re back together,” he mocks. “You say that like it’s a bad thing, darling.”
“Well, it’s not a good thing. Put some clothes on.”
“Take your clothes off.”
“Oh, you wish.”
“Can I come?”
“You came about five minutes ago, mister. It’s time for you to go.”
He fakes a laugh, “You’re so clever. Can I come?”
“Are you going to keep asking?”
“Ugh,” you roll your eyes. “Fine, just, put some fucking clothes on.”
“You’re so easy to wear down,” he giggles, and he hops up, gets himself dressed. You go to leave the room and he calls out to you, “Hey.”
He steps in front of you, takes a good look, and runs his hand over your hair, “I think it would be a good thing…”
You feel this lump in your throat, jammed in the center of your voice box, blocking any air, any words. You tear your eyes away from him and clear your throat, “God, I hate your haircut.”
He chuckles to himself as you maneuver around him and he follows you out to your car.
You ring your mom’s doorbell and say, “Need you to act normal, please.”
“Oh, so, not like we just came from having sex?”
You feel him squeeze your ass and you jump, swat at his arm, “Hey!”
“I’m just getting it all out now.”
And as you roll your eyes, the door opens and your mom greets you with nothing but an, “Oh!”
“Hey, mom,” you wave as you step inside.
“Hey, mom,” Spencer mimics and gives her a big hug.
“Well, this is a surprise, huh?”
“Wrapped up with a case early, darling said I could tag along.”
You round the corner into the living room and see Dandelion sitting in front of the TV, legs crisscrossed underneath her. You lean against the wall and just watch her for a moment. You scan over her features, your eyes landing on the tip of her nose that pokes out just like her dad’s. You clear your throat and she does a double take when she sees you.
“Mommy!” she shouts, and she hops up at lightning speed, rushing towards you as fast as her little feet will carry her.
You drop to your knees and let her crash into you, engulf her in your arms, hold her really tight. You pepper her face with kisses, saying, “Hi, baby, hi, baby!”
“Did you have a good day at work?” she asks you.
“Yes, baby. How was your day with Mimi?”
“We got ice cream.”
“No way!”
“What kind of ice cream?”
“Chocolate,” she giggles.
“Ooh, that’s your favorite. Did you eat all of it?”
“Every single bite?”
“Where did it all go, huh?” You start to tickle her tummy and she falls over in laughter. “Here? Here?”
Her giggles are so loud and contagious that you smile so wide, it hurts your face. “Guess what? I have a surprise for you.”
“For me?”
“Yes, you,” you tickle her face. “Look,” you stand her up. “Look who’s here.”
On queue, Spencer pops his head around the corner and Dandelion’s eyes light up. She jumps up and down, screaming, “Daddy!”
“Dandy!” Spencer exclaims, and he scoops her up in his arms.
You stand up as he walks her into the living room, pecking soft kisses all over her face, twirling her around, “Oh, I missed you. I missed you so much.”
You watch the two of them, Spencer sat on the couch with Dandelion in his lap, his arms around her protectively. And as you settle into the peace of it all, something - someone - pinches you very hard and they won’t let go.
“Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow,” you wince, as your mom drags you into the kitchen.
“What the hell is Spencer doing here?” she whispers.
She stands in front of you with her arms crossed and you suddenly feel like a little girl. You cut your eyes over to Spencer and Dandy very briefly and stutter, “He…told you. They finished the case early and he asked if he could come see Dandy.”
“Mmhmm…” she nods.
“Mom, please,” you groan.
“Don’t mom, please me. What is going on?”
“Nothing is going on. I…we…he wanted to come see Dandy, so I let him come see Dandy. Coparenting 101, I don’t understand why you’re so suspicious.”
“What…what is this…” she reaches in and pulls down the collar of your shirt to reveal your neck. “Is…is that a hickey? Oh, [y/n], c’mon. What are you? 15?”
“No, no, I…burnt myself with a flat iron.”
She sighs, “I hope you know what you’re doing here, kid.”
“I’m not doing anything. Nothing is happening. I…”
“Shush,” she tells you and you turn around as Spencer enters the kitchen.
“Darling?” he calls.
“Hm?” you reply.
“Could I, uh, could Dandy come home with me? I’ll be off tomorrow and I can watch her while you’re at work and you could pick her up after?”
You and your mom exchange a glance and you cross your arms defensively, “Sure,” you nod at him. “Sure, if Dandy’s okay with that.”
“Thank you!” he gives you a quick kiss on the cheek and your mom raises her eyebrows at you.
Spencer runs back into the living room, chanting, “Daddy and Dandy day! Daddy and Dandy day! Daddy and Dandy day!” and Dandelion bursts into laughter, repeating him, going, “Daddy and Dandy day! Daddy and Dandy day!”
“Does he know nothing is happening?” your mom asks you.
“Spencer’s a smart boy, mom. Don’t worry about him.”
“And yet,” she sucks her teeth. “He’s a complete dumbass when it comes to you.”
Spencer asks if you can drive them to the park. There, JJ meets you with Henry. Dandy and him are close in age. In fact, Spencer had just returned from seeing Henry in the hospital when you told him you were pregnant. It was not your best timing, considering his familial trauma and all, but it had to be done. This puts Henry at 4 and Dandy running in close second at 6 months behind. JJ takes a seat next to you on the bench, watching Spencer run around with the kids. There are the casual aspects of conversation. The how are yous and how’s work and anecdotes about the kids and then she asks, “So, what’s going on between you two?”
“Ugh,” you groan. “Is there a sign on my face today or something?”
“Sore subject?” she grins.
“No. Nothing sore about it. Nothing’s going on…” you look at her from the corner of your eye, then turn your head, “Why? Why, did he say something to you?”
A beat passes.
“You seem disappointed by that,” she adds.
“Oh, no. Don’t do that. Do not profile me. You know I hate it when you guys do that.”
She laughs, “Well, I lied. He talks about you all the time.”
You bite down on your lip and look away.
A beat passes.
JJ says, “You seem pleased by that.”
You drive Spencer and Dandelion to his apartment and she runs in like she owns the place.
“Okay, so,” you hold out her backpack for him. “She’s got a change of clothes in here, some hair clips, some ties, oh, uh, how much of her body wash and shampoo do you have left? Because I don’t think I put any in here…”
When you look up and he’s giving you a blank stare, you go, “What?”
“You’re not gonna come in?”
“It’ll just confuse her.”
Spencer wants to argue. He wants to sweet talk you and coax you inside, but coparenting 101, “No, yeah, you’re right.”
He watches you kiss Dandelion goodbye and when she runs back inside, he says, “Call you at bedtime?”
“Yes. Please.”
He has that look in his eye like he wants to kiss you, you know it well. So you leave before he can get a chance.
When you’re laying in bed that night, Spencer calls you on FaceTime and he sets you up on the nightstand so you can see them both. Dandelion laying in bed and Spencer kneeling beside her.
“Hi, mommy!” They say in unison.
“Hi,” you giggle.
“We were just about to pick Dandy’s story for the night,” Spencer tells you. “Dandy?”
She tilts her head.
“What story do you want tonight, baby?”
“Ummm…” she hums, giggling, “The story about my name.”
“Ohhh, that’s a good story,” Spencer grins.
“That is a good story,” you smile.
Spencer holds Dandelion’s hands in his and starts, in this sweet, soft voice, “Once upon a time…there was a mommy and a daddy. And they loved each other sooo much that they were gonna have a…”
“Baby!” she finishes for him and he chuckles.
“That’s right, they were gonna have a baby! And the mommy and daddy were sooo excited about their baby, they just couldn’t wait. But when the time came for the baby to come…”
“She didn’t wanna come out!” Dandy laughs.
“No, no, no, the baby didn’t wanna come out. She wanted to stay warm and cozy in the mommy’s belly. So, the mommy and daddy tried everything to get their baby to come out, but nothing worked! Until one day, they went for a walk at the park. And the mommy was so big that she walked like this…” Spencer mimics your trademark waddle and the two of you laugh at him, you rolling your eyes at the screen. “And they walked and walked and walked and nothing was working. Until, this big, big gust of wind came by…”
He flails his arms, going, “Whoooooosh!” and Dandelion mimics him.
“It was so big, it almost knocked the mommy and daddy over. And when the wind stopped, this tiny, small dandelion floated out of the sky and landed right on the mommy’s belly…and then…”
“Pop!” they say in sync.
“The baby was ready to come out! So the daddy took the mommy to the hospital and out came the most beautiful baby the world has ever, ever seen. The mommy and daddy were so happy and they loved her so much. But they still had to pick a name for her. So after they thought and thought and thought, they named her…”
“Diana Dandelion Reid,” she smiles.
“That’s right,” Spencer nods. “But we just call you Dandy.”
Dandelion smiles as Spencer places a kiss on her nose. “Goodnight, baby. Say good night to mommy,” he grabs his phone and holds it up to her.
“Goodnight, mommy,” she tells you and your heart just melts.
“Goodnight, baby,” you whisper. “I love you. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
She nods and rolls over as Spencer turns out the lamp, leaving her to sleep. Once he’s out of the room, he closes the door and gives you a soft smile.
“Thanks for joining us, darling.”
You smile, nod, “It’s a good story.”
“The best.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Looking forward to it.”
While you’re at work the next day, Spencer sends you a picture of the two of them out on the lake.
S: Pedal boats today!
You giggle to yourself.
Y: Omg so fun!! I thought you were afraid of open water?
S: I was terrified but she begged and begged and begged! What was I supposed to do???
Y: 😂😂😂
You pick up Dandelion after work and she is distraught.
“I don’t want daddy to go!” she cries and you see Spencer’s heart break. You can hear it.
“He’ll be back, baby, he always come back,” you whisper, rubbing her back.
“No-oo-oo!” she cries and reaches up for Spencer who scoops her into his arms before she can ball her hands into a fist.
“Hey, hey, hey, Dandy, look at me,” he cooes. He wipes the tears from her eyes, “You and mommy are going to call me everyday, huh? And you’ll tell me all about your fun day with Mimi and we’ll do your story before bed and I promise you, I will be back before you know it. Okay?”
She sniffles, gives him a sad nod.
“Okay, give me a hug,” he says and they squeeze each other real tight. “You, too, mommy,” he holds his other arm open for you and you hesitate, but only for a moment, and then you step in and wrap your arms around both of them.
“Mmm,” he hums happily, gives you both a kiss on the cheek, “My girls. I’ll see you soon, okay?”
Dandelion lets Spencer hand her over to you and he waves until you guys are out of the door and all the way down the stairs. Then he exhales all the air in his chest and he cries. But only for a little bit.
He’s gone for a little over two weeks. The day he comes back, he doesn’t really give you any notice, he just texts: Back in town. What are you up to?
And you, still at work, reply: Nothin. Workin.
S: Lunch?
You meet him at a restaurant down the street and when you walk in, he gets so excited that he stands up to wave and knocks all the silverware off the table. Your hand flies to your mouth as it all falls to the floor in a loud sequence of clangs and booms and you watch him scramble to pick it all up. People are staring and as you make the decision to walk over to him, it’s like you’re saying to everyone: yep, he’s mine!
“Hi, darling,” he huffs, his face bright red.
“Hi,” you laugh.
He takes you in a warm embrace and you hold the back of his head in your hand.
“Oh, I missed you,” he says.
“We missed you, too.”
He’s not supposed to, but like he always has, he tells you all about the case they were working on. Full of twists and turns and gorey details that make you sick to your stomach but, somehow, you can still eat. He asks about Dandy and that leads you into the dreaded preschool conversation and you both shut it down instantly.
“How did she get so big?” he asks.
“We just…kept feeding her,” you laugh and he chuckles, shaking his head.
“Time needs to slow down. Seriously. It’s happening too fast.”
“I know. I know, I know, but we’ve got so much more to look forward to, y’know? First day of school and science fairs and graduations…”
“Ah-ah! No, no, none of that. She’s gonna be little forever.”
“You’re in denial, doctor.”
“Well, duh.”
“Here’s the check, you guys,” the waiter interrupts. “No rush, though. Take your time.”
“Thanks,” you say in unison.
“He only brought one check?” you question.
Spencer raises his eyebrows at you.
“And he gave it to you? How caveman of him.”
“Now, now, darling, stand down. Let me pay for your food.”
“I mean, of course I’m going to let you pay for it. I just don’t like the assumption.”
“What assumption?” he smirks.
“I…you really like driving me insane, don’t you?”
He cackles and nods, “Yeah, actually. Kinda my job.”
You laugh and lean into him a bit. The booth you two are in has you sandwiched shoulder to shoulder, and sure, there is plenty of room for there to be distance between you two, but you don’t want there to be. You look at his neck and reach in. As your fingertip touches his skin, you can feel his pulse kick up. You pull the chain from underneath his shirt and let the dandelion pendant fall to his chest.
“Where’s yours?” he asks and his fingertips trail over your collarbone, grabbing onto your matching necklace.
You release his chain, but he won’t let go off yours and he’s giving you that look and you just shake your head, “I should really get back to work.”
When you get to his place, the two of you burst through the door, bodies mangled and tangled together, lips mushed into each other’s faces. Spencer’s got his arms wrapped tight around your waist and your hands have gotten lost in his hair. As he pushes you backwards, you trip over a barbie doll and nearly fall over but he catches you.
“You okay?” he mumbles.
“Mhm,” you nod, and you whip your bodies around, push him onto the couch. He lands with a deep, “oof!” and watches you crawl into his lap. His eyelids drop, feeling the warmth of your hand on his face and your lips on his neck. He grips onto your waist, bunches your dress up in his hands and you work to unbutton his shirt.
You breathe into each other’s mouths, out of breath and grinding against one another on a constant, rhythmic loop.
“Mm,” you moan as he licks down your neck. “Do you have a condom?”
“Mm,” he ponders, “Condom, condom, condom…yes!” And he throws you off of him, leaving you laying on your back while he runs into his room. You slide your panties off and he returns with the packet in hand and falls right on top of you.
His body perched between your legs, you undo his pants and take his jaw in your hands, put your tongue in his mouth. He puts the condom on and holds onto the couch as he pushes all the way into you. You both gasp and Spencer crashes on top of you, catching you in a messy kiss. You pull your legs back for him and he starts pounding into you with this rhythm that you love and he knows that you love. He peppers soft kisses all over your face and grunts into your ear, grips onto your jaw so he can look you in the eye. He thrusts into you so quickly and with so much force that the couch is rattling around on the floor and your head is getting knocked off the edge of the couch. But he’s got you.
Your moans bounce off the walls and your mouth is wide open as you scream, “Fuck!”
As Spencer leans into kiss you, the both of you lose your balance and go sliding off the couch.
“Oh, shit!” you gasp, and try to hold on, but it’s too late and you guys fall on the floor, Spencer groaning as he breaks your fall.
“Oh, my god,” you whisper, leaning down to comfort him. “Oh, my god, are you okay?”
“I’m okay, just…just do that thing with your hips that I like,” he huffs.
You readjust, “This?” you pant as you start to grind your hips on his cock.
“Oh, yeah,” he moans, his eyes falling shut and his head rolling back. “Yeah, that’s it.”
You lean back, resting your hands on his knees and bounce on him, your mouth falling open. He paws at your breasts and pulls at the fabric of your dress. He knows you’re about to come because he knows you, and he knows your body and he can feel you tightening around him, your hips increasing in speed. Your voice starts to get real whiny and you pound your palms into his chest.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you whimper and all he can do is watch, and hold himself back until you get there.
He takes your nipple into his mouth and you tangle your fingers in his hair and grind yourself against him until your whole body tenses up and trembles. You come with his face in your chest and your eyes rolling so far back in your head that you go blind. It only takes a few more motions of your hips for him to follow behind you and he holds onto you for dear life, muffling his groans against your skin.
You both fall onto the floor, still holding each other, trying to catch your breath. Spencer grips onto your hair and kisses you passionately, repeatedly, and casually says, “Love you.”
You can’t stop the visceral reaction you have. You just sit up and stare at him, your eyes big and wide. “I…” you stutter, give him a friendly pat on the face, “Love you…I have to go.”
He watches, dazed and confused, as you hop off of him and fix your dress, “You’re making me feel cheap here, darling.”
You laugh, awkwardly, “No, no, I just, I’m so late for work. I have to get back,” you trip over your panties as you pull them up your legs and swear, “Shit!”
Spencer fixes his pants and stands up, striding over to you, “I freaked you out…”
“What? No. You didn’t freak me out.”
“Because, I can say I don’t love you if it’ll fix it.”
“I’m not freaked out.”
“I don’t love you, I…hate you actually.”
“I’m just late for work,” you try to slide out the door but he reaches out for you.
“Wait, wait,” he calls. “I thought I could maybe see Dandy today?”
“Uh, yeah, she’s at my mom’s just, go whenever,” you shrug. “I have to go. Bye.”
“Darling?” he calls, but you close the door on him.
Your body shivers and you march down the hallway, down the stairs and back on your way to work. When your shift ends, you head over to your mom’s and she opens the door with a bright smile, “Hello, my love!”
“Hi,” you groan as you step inside.
“You alright?”
“Yeah, just, rough day. Need to see my Dandy…” you round the corner and see Spencer playing with her in the living room, so you push yourself back, your mom along with you.
“What the hell is he doing here?” you whisper.
“He’s been here for a few hours. He said he told you?”
“He…I mean…yeah, he did. Why is he still here?”
“I don’t know, [y/n], maybe to be an active, caring father? Crucify the boy, why don’t you?”
Your heart is pounding out of your chest and you tug on your hair with a rush of anxiety.
“[y/n]…” your mom says. “What is going on?”
You sigh and lean against the wall, “I don’t know what I’m doing…you were right, I don’t know what I’m doing.”
And she steps in, grabs your shoulders, takes a deep breath. You follow her. In and out, in and out.
“Well, then,” she nods. “You better figure it the fuck out, baby.”
“I know. I know, I know.”
“Mommy?” Your heads turn to the sound of the tiny voice and Dandelion looks up at you with wide, innocent eyes and every bit of tightness in your chest just dissipates.
“Hi, honey,” you coo and you instantly lean down to pick her up. “Oh, hi, you. Hi, my baby.”
Spencer follows her out there and waves, casually, “Hi, mommy.”
“Hi,” you nod to him.
“Me and daddy made a castle,” Dandelion tells you. “Come look!”
“Oh, yes, show me, show me!”
You follow her into the living room, leaving Spencer with your mom. She purses her lips at him and then promptly walks by him, giving his shoulder a harsh slap.
“Ow!” he exclaims. “What did I do?”
Spencer takes Dandelion home for the night. It’s a Friday so he plans to have her all weekend and most of next week which is fine with you. It’ll give you time to rest and reflect and figure it the fuck out. Spencer takes the hint. For once, he takes the hint and he only texts you sporadic updates.
So, when he calls you on Monday at four in the morning, you think he wants to have a talk. One of those conversations that you guys can never seem to have in the light of day.
“Hello?” you grumble.
“Hey,” he says. “Sorry I woke you up. Can you, um, can you come over?”
You sit up, “Why? Is Dandy okay?”
“Oh, yeah, she’s fine. She’s asleep. I, uh…there’s a case…”
You sigh. “Of course.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s fine.” You’re already up to get dressed.
“I’ll be there in ten,” and you hang up.
He sees your car pull in from the street and he has the door open for you when you get upstairs. He has his go-bag packed and he looks apologetic.
“I’m sorry,” he tells you. “I’ll make it up to you. Both of you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you wave him off. “I’ve got it. You can go.”
“Darling, you know I can’t…I…I didn’t ask to be called in.”
“No, well, duh. This is just one of those things, right?” you shrug. “One of those things I could never stand and I still can’t stand. I’m used to it. It’s fine. I’ll explain to Dandy.”
“This isn’t about the case…”
“Can you…please?”
“This is about the other day. When we…when I…”
“I’m not upset. Don’t project on me. I’m fine.”
“Oh, okay, that was convincing.”
“Why do you always have to do this?” you snap, keeping your voice down. “Without fail. You always do this.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Why do you always have to ruin a good thing? You always, always just have to suck the fun out of everything.”
He scoffs, goes to speak, and pauses, “Did it ever occur to you that…that it wasn’t fun for me, [y/n]?”
Oh, he’s serious. He used your real name.
“That I didn’t enjoy being yanked around and used like some toy?”
“I…oh, come on! Is your eidetic memory broken or something? You initiated it, remember? And if you did that just in hopes of us getting back together, that’s not fair. That’s so unfair.”
“I just wanted to be close to you. And, yeah, maybe that wasn’t fair. But I just…I’m having a hard time believing that it doesn’t work. That we don’t work, hey,” he grabs your shoulders, makes you stop shaking your head and look at him, “Maybe for all the hurt we’ve caused each other and all the baggage, maybe it’s just meant to work. We are meant to work, okay? Because I love you. I am so in love with you. I don’t know how to not be in love with you, look,” he puts your hand to his chest, “Feel how fast my heart is beating? It does not every time I’m around you. I can’t help it.”
“Please, stop.”
“And you’re telling me you don’t feel the same way?” he puts his hand to your ribs and your heart is pounding against his palm. “I don’t believe you.”
It takes you a moment before you can pry his hand away. You remove your hand from his chest, hold his hands in yours, and give him this sad, sad look.
You can see his shoulders fall in defeat, this heavy breath of air coming straight from his chest. He steps away and grabs his go-bag, stands up straight, “It’s a local case so I shouldn’t be gone too long. Kiss Dandy for me?”
You nod, but you can’t look at him. You let him place a kiss on your forehead and then he leaves. You lock the door behind him.
You crawl into bed with Dandelion and you stir for most of the night.
By the time you fall asleep, she wakes up twenty minutes later.
And so, life just kinda goes on. Spencer calls to talk to Dandy just before you go into work so you tell him to call your mom and he does. That’s the last you hear from him for the next couple of days until he calls you while you’re at work.
“Hello?” you answer.
You pause for a moment, “JJ?” and then the realization hits you and you hop up from your desk, running out of the building.
There’s some words like “bomb” and “concussion” and “pavement” but they all blur together and you yell, “Just tell me what hospital!”
You can’t even remember where you parked your car. Everything is muffled and you rush around the crowded hospital in a frenzy. You can’t hear anything. Hell, you can barely see anything. Just Derek, holding an ice pack to his head, pointing you towards a room so you go.
When you see Spencer lying there, a big bandage wrapped around the circumference of his head and a doctor tracking his vitals, you can barely bring yourself to step in the room.
The doctor glances at you, then returns to his clipboard, “Are you his wife?”
You step in, slowly, bring yourself to Spencer’s side, “I’m, uh, the closest thing he’s got to one.”
He tells you there’s some swelling around Spencer’s brain, but it’s been drained. He can’t provide you with an exact estimate of when Spencer will wake up. If he ever wakes up. And as this man is talking to you in this stern, stoic voice, you just look at Spencer. You trace the structure of his face and put your hand on his chest. The doctor leaves and you still can’t pull yourself away from him.
“You did this on purpose,” you whisper, caressing his face. “You did this on purpose to make me feel bad, didn’t you? Because…because I was awful to you…I’m so sorry,” you sob. “I’m so sorry.”
You lay your head on his chest and cry, “Just don’t die. I can’t do this by myself, you hear me? Please, don’t, die.”
Spencer wouldn’t wake up for another four whole days. You sleep in the chair beside his bed until a nice nurse brings you a cot. Dandelion stays at your mom’s house and JJ offers, repeatedly, to give you a a chance to leave. Shower, eat, see your kid. But you’re so worried that if you leave, Spencer will die. So you fall asleep every night to the sound of his heartbeat on the monitor and if it ever should stop, you would know. On day four, you pop your head up from a few hours sleep and he’s watching you. His eyes are hooded and grey, but they are open, you can tell. You hop up and rush over to him, gently setting your hands on his body.
“Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Hi! Hi! Hi, Spencer,” you sob. “Oh, my god.”
He stares at you for a moment, then his eyes scan the room. He looks back at you, “Who…” his voice breaks, “Are you?”
Your eyes go wide and you let out this defeated sound. You don’t even know where to begin. You don’t know how to respond or what to do or how to feel. You think you’re gonna crumble to your knees. And then he smiles.
“I’m just messing with you, darling.”
“Ugh!” you shout and you start slamming your palms into his chest. “That’s not funny!”
“Ow! Ow! Ow!” he laughs. “Okay, okay, okay, I’m injured here!”
You take his face in your hands and give him a long kiss. You can hear his heart rate go up on the monitor.
“I’m sorry I scared you,” he mumbles, as you hug him. “I’m…I’m sorry for everything.”
“No, stop that. Not important. Ridiculously unimportant, okay? Don’t even think about it.”
He nods and breathes you in, “You…stink. When was the last time you showered?”
“That would be…like, the day you were blown up.”
“Ah. When was that?”
“Four days ago.”
“Holy shit.”
You giggle, “Did you just say a bad word, doctor l?”
“Fuck, cut me some slack! I slept through hump day.”
You press your nose against his and laugh and the world feels okay again.
Spencer has to stay in the hospital for another week before you can bring him home. Dandelion is back in her own bed and she just thinks Spencer has gone on a long, long trip. She’s at your mom’s when you get Spencer to his apartment and he begs to see her. Even when his head is still killing him, he begs to see her.
“Tomorrow,” you say as you tuck him into bed. “You’ve still got that scary raccoon look going on. Don’t wanna freak her out.”
“Tomorrow? You promise?”
“I promised the both of you. Tomorrow.”
He curls up and notices you crawl in bed beside him, “Darling, you don’t have to sleep here.”
“Shhhh,” you whisper, run your hand through his hair, “Go to sleep.”
The next day, he is more like himself. Maybe it’s the adrenaline he gets from the prospect of seeing his daughter, maybe it’s waking up next to you in the morning, but either way, he looks like himself and he talks like himself and he can’t wait to go to the park.
Your mom meets you there with Dandelion and she trips over her feet running to Spencer. She crashes into him and nearly knocks him over, and you can tell it hurts him, but he takes it and kisses her face.
“Where were you, daddy?”
“Oh, on a long, long trip, baby. But I’m back now.”
“I missed you!”
“Oh, Dandy,” he squeezes her tight. “You have no idea.”
He plays for as long as he can. He climbs the playset and runs around playing tag and hide and seek until his breath nearly gives out. He runs over to the bench you and your mom are sat on and huffs, “Can someone else push her on the swing before I pass out?”
The two of you laugh and your mom says, “I’ll go.”
“Thanks,” Spencer takes her spot beside you and his head falls into your lap. “Phew! Tell you what, a coma seriously bends you out of shape.”
“Well, you weren’t all that much in shape before the coma.”
“Ugh,” he groans. “You sound like the fitness personnel at the academy. What does in shape even mean?”
You cackle and he puts his arm over your shoulder. The two of you watch Dandy on the swing. Up and down, up and down, higher and higher, until her laughter is echoing around the park.
“You know…” you start. “Maybe it wouldn’t be…the worst thing in the world…”
Spencer doesn’t even have to ask what you’re talking about, he just looks at you and smiles, “Really?”
You give him a sly shrug.
He looks away from you, trying to keep himself from smiling so hard that his face rips in half. “I…I’m sorry - it’s because I got blown up, isn’t it?”
“Just shut up,” you laugh.
“You can tell me the truth, I won’t be mad.”
“You know what? I take it back, you get on my nerves. Oof!” you exclaim as he suddenly takes you into a tight hug. And for the first time in a long time, you feel a calm, serene peace.
“Yeah, well,” he says, “Sorry, too late.”
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ktgoodmorning · 1 month
Jessie Fleming x reader
A little blurb inspired by me constantly threatening to drop out even though I never will
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All day you were working on homework, hunched over your laptop at the kitchen table, struggling to stay focused on the content in front of you. Finals were coming up and you had more tests than you could process the information for. You knew you needed to keep studying if you had any hopes of doing well but you just couldn’t take it anymore. Your brain was overloaded and nothing you did could regain your focus no matter how hard you tried. 
The rattling of your front door made you perk up in hopes of finally having your girlfriend home to join you. At the very least, she would be willing to listen to your complaints for a while and keep you company while you kept working.
“Jessie!” you jumped up to greet her the second the door opened. Apparently greeting her at the door was exactly the excuse you were looking for to take a break from your studying and finally leave the table. 
The brunette instantly dropped her bag and opened her arms for a hug, holding you tight and lifting your feet off the ground. As soon as she pulled you up, you wrapped your legs around her waist, fully clinging onto her while she giggled into your neck at your unusual level of excitement. 
“Hi, baby. Did you miss me or something?” Her hand ran gently down your back, relaxing some of the tension that had built up from your day of studying. 
“Just tired of school work and happy to have you home,” 
She hummed into your hair softly while continuing to hold you tight. “I know, sweetheart. Just a few more days and then you’ll be done with all your exams and have some time to relax.” 
Your girlfriend could tell that her words did little to comfort you when you remained in her arms, clinging onto her tightly while she left a soft kiss on the side of your head. “Why don’t we order some food, and I’ll sit with you while you keep working, and then when the food gets here we’ll take a break for a little bit and put on a show or something?” 
You jumped down from her arms and threw your head back with a dramatic groan. “Jesssssiiieeee. Why do I have to keep studying? Why can’t we just put on a movie and I’ll do it tomorrow?” 
“We both know that you would kill me if I let you be done studying right now. You’ve just got a few more days left. I’ll even help you if you want!” 
You slumped back into your chair, “Why can’t I just drop out?”
“Baby, you don’t want to drop out.”
“Yes I do, I hate this.” You looked like a small child pouting at the kitchen table with your arms crossed and bottom lip stuck out, refusing to return to your work. 
“We both know that’s not true. You normally love school and you’re literally working towards your dream job right now. I’ll help you out, you can do this, baby. You’ve been doing so well and now you just have a little bit left. Come on!”
“But Jess-”
“Baby,” she took your hands and forced you to look up at her, once again being the voice of reason she always was. “I am so proud of you. You are so so so smart. And you have worked so hard. We’re gonna do this just a little bit longer, and then when the food comes we’ll take a break.” She pulled you in for a soft kiss, “Do you want me to quiz you on your flashcards?” 
Your eyebrows knit together again at the thought of school, causing you both to sit in silence for a moment- you because you didn’t want to do any more, and Jessie trying to think of a solution. After a brief moment, her eyes lit up, clearly having a new plan. “How ‘bout I quiz you, and everytime you get one right, I’ll give you kisses as a reward.” 
While you still weren’t keen on the idea, you knew Jessie was right that you would be mad at yourself if you gave up on it right now, plus the idea of her kisses certainly didn’t sound too bad. 
You gave her a playful eyeroll and half a smile while she picked up your stack of flashcards, knowing that eventually you’d get too distracted by her kisses to be able to go all night, thankful for Jessie pushing you but also knowing when to stop. If nothing else, you both knew that kisses from your girlfriend were the one thing that would work to motivate you to keep working.
When you passed your exams a few days later, you knew you had Jessie to thank for helping you study and you knew that she’d be the first one to celebrate with you when you got home.
Happy finals week folks!
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sturniolo-writing · 3 months
Beach Day - M.S
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Summary: You and Matt are good friends, and decided to have a little beach day. Catching the sunrise and playing in the water is maybe a little too romantic for just friends.
Warnings: Kissing, fluff :)
a/n: Ok, I actually think this story is super cute :,). Pretty short story! Not proofread.
My alarm goes off early in the morning before I groggily turn it off. I sit up in bed and yawn and stretch before getting up and ready to catch the sunrise at the beach with Matt.
I slide on my bikini, a dark blue color with light blue trim, a little metal circle connecting the cups on my sternum. It’s my favorite bikini, it hugs my body just how i like and makes me look good.
I put on minimal waterproof makeup; mascara, some concealer, and just a spritz of setting spray. I make sure I have in earrings that won’t be harmed by the salt water and put on my daily necklace.
I get a text from Matt saying he’s outside. I quickly pull on some shorts and a bikini cover and grab my slouchy bag before I go outside and hop in his car.
The car ride is quiet, but not uncomfortable. We’re both just very tired from having woken up so early. It’s just quiet music playing with the dark sky as he drives us over to the beach.
Once we get there, he parks and we find a spot to sit in the sand. Laying out our beach towels next to each other, we watch the sky lighten up before turning a beautiful orange hue, with hints of pink and blue.
I use my digital camera to take a few pictures of the sky, even being able to sneak one of just Matt. The way the sky lights had his face contoured was so enchanting to see, I had to take a picture.
“The suns fully up, wanna get in the water?” He says with a bright blue sky above us.
“Yeah, why not” I say, standing up. I take off my shorts and bikini cover. I see his eyes glaze over my body but I don’t mention anything. After all, he’s just my friend. Right?
We walk down close to the shore and start walking in. The cold water freezing my feet and ankles.
“Oh my god!” I say with a laugh when I feel just how cold the water really is.
“C’mon don’t be a baby! Get in here.” Matt teases me with a grin, holding his hand out for me to take.
I hesitantly take his hand and walk in until the water is about up to my knees.
“No I can’t do it!” I giggle and shake my head. Words I would regret.
Matt gets a devilish smile before letting go of my hand and grabbing my waist, taking me out further. I yelp and laugh as he does, trying to fight against it.
Without warning, Matt throws me into the water once it’s deep enough, a yell escaping my throat.
I resurface to see him laughing as I brush my hair out of my face, the salt water accentuating my waves.
“Oh you’re gonna pay for that.” I say with a giggle, pointing my index finger at him.
“Oh yeah? What’re you gonna do?” He teases me and crosses his arms.
I grab his shoulders before pushing him into the deep water, laughing myself. Once he resurfaces, he brushes his hair out of his face and shakes his head at me.
“Come here!” He says with a smile, coming towards me. I yelp and giggle as I start running from him, the water splashing as I do.
He catches up quickly and grabs me by the waist, pulling me into his body.
“Gotcha!” He says with a laugh of his own.
I spin around to face him as we laugh lightly together, now both completely drenched.
“Hey, is my mascara messed up?” I ask him. I know I put on waterproof, but it still flakes sometimes.
“You got a few specs. Here.” He says, swiping his thumb under my eyes, getting rid of the flakes of mascara. His soft gentle hands hold my face like it’s a dainty piece of glass, careful not to break it.
“There you go.” He says softly, still holding onto my face gently. I can only softly smile back at him.
“Thank you.” I say softly back. If he was just a friend, why did I want so badly to kiss him?
“You look beautiful.” He says. His cheeks go red when he realizes what he said, and I blush too. We both lightly chuckle at the redness of our cheeks.
I glance at his lips when I notice him moving slightly closer. Butterflies fill my stomach and I can’t help but lean in as well. One hand of his stays on my face while the other goes to my waist. He gently pulls me in, brushing his lips against mine.
I close my eyes, bringing my hands up to his upper arms to hold him there. The waves gently crash against us as our lips finally lock together.
His lips are so soft, gently locking with mine over and over, the faint taste of my coconut lipgloss and salt water there.
Once we finally break away I just blush and softly smile at him. Did that really happen? He looks at me the same.
I get a mischievous smile on my face before splashing water at him again and giggle.
“Really?” He says in a joking unamused tone and a laugh, tilting his head.
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hypnoneghoul · 6 months
Christmas Ghouls 6/10
WC: 1010
Relationship: Phantom & Dewdrop
Tags: Fluff, gift giving
Notes: For Soph @zombieqveenz <3
Read under the cut or on AO3.
“Hey, Dewy!” Phantom called out, rounding the corner in the Den. He stopped just in front of Dewdrop’s face, noses nearly touching. He still didn’t really understand the concept of personal space. “Where are you running to?”
“Practice room. I was actually just about to text you to join me.”
“Can we do something real quick on our way?” the young ghoul asked. Of course, even if he’d want to, Dewdrop would never be able to tell no to those big eyes filled with excitement.
“Sure,” he smiled and took Phantom’s hand in his own, squeezing it assuringly. “Lead the way.”
He chirped happily and dragged Dewdrop down the Den and into his own room, ordering the fire ghoul to sit on the bed as he stood before him.
“Alright, so…” Phantom cleared his throat, “I really hope you’re not gonna murder me for that but… but I noticed you don’t really have any plushies. I think I saw two or three, from the fans.”
“Well… yeah, I have three. Rain kinda adopted them, though. Hold up, why would I mur–”
Without answering, the quintessence ghoul turned on his heel and walked to his wardrobe. He opened it and hid something that was inside with his body. “Plushies are nice and when I saw you with those three I thought you should have more.”
“Okay…” Dewdrop was slightly confused with the way Phantom decided to… do this, but even more with how he looked almost afraid of him for what he was about to do. A pang of guilt for how he used to treat the young ghoul hit Dewdrop again. “Ant, what–”
Phantom turned around in a flash and the next thing the fire ghoul knew he had a big and soft thing on his lap. “Merry Christmas, Dewy.”
“Wh– you got me this for Christmas?”
“Uhm… yeah? I know we’re demons and we like Satan and all but Swiss told me–” he started to ramble, fidgeting anxiously with his hands, nearly vibrating.
“No, sorry, I–” Dewdrop sighed, taking a breath to compose himself. “I treated you like shit, I didn’t think you’d… you know.”
“Oh… I don’t– I know you didn’t mean to be like that.” The quintessence ghoul shrugged. “We’ve already talked about this, and I have no bad feelings about that, anymore. It’s just… just love now, and I wanted to get you something nice. If you don’t like–”
“No! No, Ant, I–” Dewdrop finally took a moment to look down at the plushie. It was a quite big sloth, like his whole torso, with a goofy smile and big eyes, and it was very soft. “Fuck, I love it.”
“You– you do? It has a… uhm, velcro on the hands? You can make it hug you.”
“Ant…” he smiled, grinned, and Phantom finally relaxed where he was still standing in front of him. “It’s amazing. I love it so much, I love you. No way in hell I’m letting Rain steal it. Come here.”
Phantom obliged, throwing himself into Dewdrop’s arms for a tight hug, squeezing the plushie between them. The fire ghoul closed his eyes, to not let the other see how glassy they got, and took a few deep breaths. He kissed Phantom between the horns before pulling away. His face gave away very well how pleased with himself he was.
“I love you,” Dewdrop told him, leaning down to give him a proper kiss. “Always have, I was just a stupid ass. Never forget that.”
“I love you, too,” Phantom giggled, blushing.
They took a few more moments to stare at each other with bright eyes before Dewdrop remembered what waited for them in the practice room. “Can we go now? I’ve got something for you.”
“Y– yeah, sure.” Phantom got up, letting Dewdrop stand too. He gripped the plushie and looked it over again with a goofy smile on his face. It really was amazing.
“What was that about velcro?”
“What? Oh! Oh, yeah, let me–” the quintessence ghoul took the sloth and joined its hands together, creating a loop that he put over Dewdrop’s head. “You can wrap the legs around you too, and–”
“I fucking love that, Ant, oh my god!” he nearly screamed, laughing. Phantom didn’t think he ever saw the fire ghoul  so… joyful. And it was him who caused that. Phantom could cry. He just might, later.
For now, he just grinned and grabbed Dewdrop’s hand. They left the bedroom, Dewdrop walking proudly with the sloth plushie hanging off him through the corridors.
In the rehearsal area Dewdrop left to go fetch something from the storage, and got back to Phantom excitedly rocking back and forth on his feet. The fire ghoul gestured to him to sit down on the stage and joined him, putting a guitar case in front of them.
“I know you like the Fantomen,” he started, “better than me anyway, and you don’t have to use this one on stage. Or at all. You can do whatever you want with it, or nothing, but– yeah. I just wanted you to have it.”
Dewdrop opened the case and Phantom gasped when his eyes fixed on the glossy instrument inside. It was a Fender Stratocaster, heavily modified. Just like Dewdrop’s but… black. Black body, black pickguard and knobs, black hardware—including a Floyd Rose tremolo system—and ebony fretboard.
“No way,” Phantom whispered, more to himself than the other ghoul, lifting a hand to run it over the shiny fresh strings.
“I built it myself so it’d be–”
“You did?” The quintessence ghoul lifted his head, eyes big and bright and teary and filled with so many emotions that Dewdrop got a sudden urge to burst out crying right there.
“Yeah,” he said instead. “Wanted you to have the best. I’m not saying I’m the best, but I know what–”
Phantom interrupted Dewdrop by launching himself at him, hiding his face in his neck and squeezing him with his arms. “You’re the best, Dewy. I love you.”
“I love you, too, Ant. Merry Christmas.”
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cloudy-em · 10 months
The Deal - Lip Gallagher x Fem!Reader
To be honest, I don’t know why it started. I made a deal with Y/N that if she pretended to be my girlfriend so I could avoid Andrea, then I’d do whatever she wanted for a day. It was stupid. I didn’t even like Andrea. We had sex at a party one time and suddenly she was following me everywhere. Of all the people I could’ve asked to fake date me, I don’t know why I asked Y/N. Some neo-freudians can claim that it was my subconscious trying to manifest my hidden urges into real life, or a neuroscientist can claim that I’m not a genius and that I’m actually stupid. I’d definitely agree with both perspectives. 
At first I was shocked that Y/N even agreed. We’re close friends, sure, but it was definitely a higher-stakes ask. When she said yes, I felt a bubbling excitement, but I wrote it off as excitement that I could finally get Andrea to leave me the fuck alone. 
It started slow. We’d hold hands at school, skip class to smoke together. Nothing out of the ordinary for us. Usually, I’d hold her hand in the busy hallways to ensure she wouldn’t get pushed around, and we always shared our cigarette and weed stashes with each other. That was phase one. 
Phase two consisted of being seen alone together in public. I’d saved up some money from doing other kids’ homework, so I’d start taking Y/N out on dates. Not under the L or to the Alibi where we could get free beer, but actual dates where people would see us. Little diners nearby, nothing to expensive. We’d go after school most Fridays and get fries or milkshakes to share. Pretty soon, rumors were spreading that Lip Gallagher was no longer available for a quick fuck because he was dating Y/N L/N. 
Phase three was the phase I figured would keep Andrea away for sure. Y/N and I would leave classes and pretend to fuck in janitor’s closets and bathrooms, locking ourselves in and fake moaning, trying not to laugh at each other over how stupid it all seemed. She’d started sleeping over in my room as a “just in case”, and it worked out for both of us. If Andrea was ever walking by the house, she’d see us walking in or out together or in the windows. It worked for her because she got to avoid her home life. We’d share cigarettes curled up in the top bunk together, laughing over how we’d gotten $50 each from one kid’s tutoring session. Andrea didn’t stand down. 
Phase four was the last and final phase that Carl, Ian, and I had planned to keep Andrea away. Y/N and I would go to a party, drink a lot, get a little handsy, and head back home together. Andrea was a party girl for sure, and there’s no way she’d miss one, which made it easy for Y/N and I to execute the finale of the operation. Ryan Bodero was hosting a big party, and Y/N and I thought it would be a good one to finalize our mission. We arrived fashionably late (we smoked a joint together to help us get through the evening) and the party was in full swing. Drunk students everywhere, clouds of smoke, loud music, and enough alcohol to be a full-service bar. I squeezed Y/N’s hand, guiding her through the crowd. She let go of my hand to hold onto my bicep as she stood on her tip-toes to whisper in my ear. 
“Andrea’s over there, by the bar, you wanna get a drink?” she pulled away and smirked. I nodded at her before rejoining are hands and heading over to the “bar”. We stood right next to Andrea. Perfect. 
“Alright, baby, what do you want? I’ll make it for you,” I was playing the role of good boyfriend probably louder than I needed to, but whatever it took. Y/N giggled, twirling her hair and pretending to think. “Hmm, what about a vodka cranberry?” she requested. Of course, after being friends for years, I knew that’s what she wanted. I nodded and kissed her forehead before moving over down the counter to mix her drink. I’d never kissed her forehead before. The only PDA we exhibited were hugs and handholding, but it felt natural to place a kiss there, like I was keeping her safe while I was away. After everything she’s been through, it’s what she deserves. I’m supposed to be her loving boyfriend, afterall. 
I finish her drink and bring it over to her, a beer in my other hand for me. She takes her drink and takes a sip, knowing before she even tasted it I made it how she likes it. She smiled at me, wrapping one arm around my neck in a brief hug and pulling away. It was too soon. “Thanks, honey! I’m gonna go talk to Laila real quick and then I’ll be back!” I watched her walk away, smiling even after she left and leaned up against the counter, looking around the room. When I turned to my right, Andrea was suddenly there. 
“So, you and Y/N, huh?” she asked. Thank god, she’s finally accepting that I don’t like her, and she’ll move on. “Yeah,” I sighed. “Best thing that ever happened to me!” I laughed. “Ha, well, I don’t think you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to her,” Andrea says. I’m confused, and she can see it on my face, so she grabs my chin and turns my face to where she’s looking. Y/N and Ryan Bodero are talking, a bit too close for comfort, and his hands are on her hips. Only, she doesn’t seem to want them there. I feel my blood boil, ripping my face from Andrea’s grip. 
“Hey, asshole!” I say, walking towards Ryan. “That’s my girl, didn’t you know?” Ryan rolls his eyes and laughs, “No, but I don’t think she cares.” He pulls her closer for emphasis, but she tries to pull away, an uncomfortable look on her face. “Let me go,” she says to him before looking at me, practically begging me to do something. 
“Alright look, Ryan, I get that you have no respect for women, but let me teach you something. When a lady says no, you respect her,” I tell him, smashing my beer bottle on the side of his head. He lets her go and stumbles backwards, but comes back for me. We throw a few punches back and forth. My knuckles are hot, but I barely notice the pain. He can’t treat Y/N like that. I won’t allow it. He gets me in the eye, and I’m sent backwards. I go to lurch forward again, but Y/N touches my bicep. 
“Lip, you’re hurt, let’s go please,” she says. I nod at her, seeing her concern, but I turn to Ryan. “This isn’t over.” Ryan turns back to his friends as Y/N and I walk away. I hear her mutter, “yes, it is over.”
It’s a short walk back to my place, Y/N still clung to my arm, quiet but worried. When we walk inside, she tells me to go sit in the kitchen. I do. She grabs ice and some towels to clean up the blood and put ice on my eye to keep the swelling down. I’m sitting in the chair, and she’s standing in front of me, one of the few times she’s ever taller than me. I can’t help but stare up at her, but she doesn’t meet my gaze, too focused on cleaning the blood from my lip and nose. 
“Lip,” she starts. “You can’t just start fights like that. Someone could call the cops or maybe he’ll press charges! You can’t afford to go to jail.” 
“I know, baby,” the nickname rolling off my tongue like second nature and I barely notice her shoulders tense. “But he wasn’t respecting you, and he needed to be taught a lesson.” 
“No, he didn’t-” she starts to argue. “Dammit, you’re my girlfriend and I love you! Let me look out for you, please!” I’m slightly exasperated, not even realizing my confession. She’s shocked, lips parted like she wants to say something but can’t. I sigh, slouching in the chair, defeated. 
“Look, I know that wasn’t the deal. You didn’t sign up for a real relationship. But we’ve been friends for years and I’ve had a crush on you but I kept trying to get over it because I didn’t wanna fuck things up and here I am fucking things up but the more we fake dated, the more it felt real and I know in reality you’re single and you can do what you want but seeing my girlfriend being harassed by some asshole just made me so mad and I just lost it. I’m sorry.” I don’t usually talk about my feelings. I don’t even remember the last time I talked about my feelings. But I needed her to know that it wasn’t a spur of the moment thing, that I wasn’t just lonely. That I really cared for her. I closed my eyes, preparing for the worst. 
I feel her run her fingers through my hair, her rings gently tugging on the strands. 
“You’re right, baby,” she says softly. I look up at her, and we make eye contact for the first time since we walked through the door. “You’re my boyfriend. I should let you look out for me, just like you should let me look out for you. We’re in this together, right?” I nod, at a loss for words, still processing. I wrap my arms around her, my head hitting just below her breasts as I hold her tightly, her fingers still moving through my hair. 
“What do you say we forget this whole deal and we just date like we’re supposed to?” 
We both liked that idea.
thank you so much for reading!!
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fallinforerling · 1 year
when we were 18 - eh
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December 10, 2018
“You know what scares me a bit?” You said suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence that lingered in the air between Erling and you. 
“What?” He whispered back, a bit sleepy after an hour of cuddling on the couch. You felt his arm squeezing you while he stumbled back to consciousness. 
“The future.” You tilted your head to look at him. “Sometimes it scares me how uncertain it feels.” This confession was a very scary one to make. Even though you were still young and had all your lives ahead, doubts about what would happen to your relationship always filled your mind. 
“What do you mean, elsking?” He fixed his position, propping himself on one elbow to look at your face. His eyebrows were furrowed, making his distaste obvious. “What’s uncertain about it? We’re going to make it. Together.” He said the last word with such conviction that you felt the need to cry. 
It had to be obvious, because one of his hands caressed your cheek, his eyes never leaving yours as you put your hand on top of his, stroking his fingers with a light touch. You hated to bring that expression to his face, but you also needed to say what you were thinking. 
“It’s just that…” You took a deep breath, wanting to keep away the knot that was forming in your throat. “Sometimes I see you, so hungry for more, so focused on your goals and your career… I don’t want to hold you back. I’m not as determined as you; what would happen if...?” You sobbed, closing your eyes to not let the tears leave your eyes. “You’re going to Austria so soon, and I… I can’t come with you.” Deep down, you were also ashamed to confess the next part. “I’m scared that you’ll want to break up because of the distance.” 
You felt like such a bad girlfriend. He made it. Finally, a team bigger than Molde had signed him. He was closer and closer to every important league, and there you were, having still one more year of high school while your boyfriend was moving to another country to play football for a big team. And the worst part was that your biggest preoccupation was your relationship status and not his happiness. Why were you being so selfish?
“No! No, I would never do that. You’re my everything.” He said, brushing your tears as they fell. You felt his kisses on your forehead and temples, which made you slightly smile through the tears. “I wouldn’t let us down, not now, not ever. We’re going to be together no matter what, okay? Distance is just one sacrifice we have to make for a year. Okay?” You nodded, daring to open your eyes to look at him. “I love you.” 
“I love you too.”
July 21, 2019
“Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Erling, happy birthday to you!” The loud round of applause made Erling flinch as his embarrassed expression looked back at you. You knew he hated this type of thing, but you also knew his family enjoyed it, especially since he had finally come back for a tiny bit thanks to the vacations. 
Your heart raced as you all gathered to watch him blow the candles, make a silent wish, and thank everyone for attending this improvised get-together. It’s been a couple of days since he made it to Norway, but you still couldn’t believe he was really here with you. All those months of quick visits, video calls, texting non-stop, nights full of crying for how much you missed him. It was all coming to an end. 
“I can’t believe you made me do that.” He whispered against your neck as you leaned to hug him by the shoulders. 
“I know, but your mom wanted to sing happy birthday.” You giggled, brushing a hand through his short hair. “Happy 19th birthday, baby.” 
“You’re the best gift of the evening. I love you.” His eyes sparkled when you touched his cheek, and you knew that all these months were worth it. 
Because he was here, with you, after all. And you loved this man so much that sometimes you felt like your heart could explode. 
“And you have no idea how much I love you, Erling.” 
He smiled before kissing you, leaving you breathless after his hand let go of the back of your neck. His family and friends were all scattered around the patio, so you felt free to sit on his lap and be as clingy as you wanted. You’d always loved to sit like this, with his arms around you and his hands massaging your back, just looking at each other. You felt so protected and loved. 
“I need to tell you something.” He said out of nowhere, making your heart skip a bit. You knew that tone. It was the same one he used almost a year ago when he decided to move to Salzburg. 
“What?” You had been together for two years, and if you’d learned anything about your boyfriend, it was that he only said a decision out loud when he was sure of it. And from the look on his face, it was something big. He had made a decision that could change his life, and he felt ready to tell you. 
“I’m not staying in Salzburg for another season.” That phrase alone got your hopes up for a few seconds, only to drop them instantly into the underground. If he wasn’t staying in Austria, he was moving elsewhere. 
“England?” You whispered, knowing he would understand what you were asking. 
“Not yet.” His grip tightened around you. “But if it’s the country I’m thinking of… I want you to come with me.” You both stayed silent, then he took a deep breath. “Please…” 
Your mind raced. You knew it would be difficult, and that perhaps it was a highly stupid decision to just drop your whole life and move countries for your boyfriend, but your heart— and mind—only thought about him. There wasn’t any way that you could spend another year (or years) apart. What would happen if you decided to study in Norway, and then there wouldn’t be time available for you to visit him? What would happen if this sudden change was the one that could finally break you both? You didn’t want to wake up one day and regret saying no. 
“I will.” 
Even though you still feared the future and what could come next, you knew it was worth it if it meant being with him. 
August, 2019 
After Erling’s proposal to move in with him for his next season, you started to plan out many things. Meanwhile, your parents, despite your own assumptions, were thrilled to know that the relationship was moving forward. They’ve loved Erling since your days as friends, so these news were excellent. You were beyond relieved, because you wouldn’t have known how to deal with your parents’ disapproval at times like this. 
Since you’d finished high school and were using the well deserved free time to sort out what you wanted to do with your future, traveling around with Erling was a pleasure that you could finally allow yourself to enjoy. After his birthday party and quick visit at home, you both flew back to Austria, where he finished the season with more trophies than he had planned to win. You both stared at his cabinet, mesmerized by his Player of the Season and the Austrian championship ones shining like gold. You were so proud of him. 
Sitting by the fireplace, you couldn’t help but hold him closer, knowing at heart that this was just the beginning. 
“You’re going to be a star.” You turned to look at his profile. “A big one. Everyone’s going to know your name. Very soon.” 
“You have too much faith in me.” He said it with hesitation, but you knew he wanted the same thing. 
And you knew it wasn’t impossible. Back in May, he had scored nine goals on his own against Honduras; by this point, a lot of people knew who he was. Even if it wasn’t the biggest peak of popularity, his achievements were outstanding. It was a matter of time, but you knew it. He was going to be the best striker to ever exist. 
November, 2019
“Elsking?” Erling’s voice startled you awake from your nap, noticing how it had turned dark outside. Fuck. You slept more than you’d planned. Now your boyfriend had finally arrived from his gym session, and you weren’t even fully awake to greet him. 
“Oh my, I overslept.” You sat up, rubbing your eyes as Erling kissed your head. “Welcome, babe. How was everything?” 
“Dortmund, Germany.” Was his response, leaving you confused and disoriented. You looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, not knowing what he meant by that. 
“Germany?” You asked, still feeling too sleepy to understand. Then he kept looking at you the only way he did when he had just said something meaningful, and you knew. “Dortmund, Germany?!” This question was almost a scream. Hearing that city brought back all those times you catched him watching the Dortmund games a bit too attentively, or when he asked you to practice German “for fun”.  “Borussia Dortmund?” You made the connection right away. You knew the club very well by this point. It was famous for hosting excellent players who later turned out to be worldwide stars. Dortmund was the best place for youngsters with great potential to start. 
Just what Erling needed. 
“That’s amazing! Erling, I’m so proud of you. That club has so much history, you’re going to be great!” You hugged him, realizing what a change— for the better—this was for his career. “It’s such a good thing for you.” 
“But is this what you want?” He said instead, shocking you with the question. “Do you feel comfortable with this change?” His hands went to your face, his thumbs caressing your cheek bones. “I don’t want you to be miserable just because I decided to move to yet another country that’s not home.” 
You didn’t know why Erling’s concern about your opinion surprised you. All these months, you had planned together what was next. His career and yours were intertwined. But of course, he thought you were accommodating to him.
“Baby, I’m not planning my life around yours.” You said, giving him a peck. “I know this is a very sudden change, and that maybe we’ll have to do this many times throughout the years, but I don’t mind. I love you, and my career won’t be affected if we move fifteen times in one year. I want what's best for your career. And home will always be where you are.” 
“I just don’t want you to hate me if I make a decision that affects us in a negative way.” 
You both were so young. And yet again, you knew this was just the beginning of your future with him. 
“Being with a footballer is not an easy thing, I know that. But there won't be a day when I regret loving you and being by your side. No matter what, I’ll always support you, Erling Braut Haaland.” You noticed how he teared up a bit, and you couldn’t do anything but kiss his tears away. 
Just one step more. He deserved this. 
July 20, 2020
It’s been exactly one year since Erling asked you to move with him. It’s been seven months since you started your life in Dortmund. And you couldn’t be happier. 
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” Erling followed you around the house, fighting against his training bag as you both came downstairs. “Because if you’re not, I can always call and tell them I had an emergency.” 
You stopped in your tracks, turning around to give him a serious look that made him smirk. 
“You’re not serious about missing training for me, right?” You raised an eyebrow at your boyfriend, knowing damn well that he wasn’t the type to lie to his coach and just miss important training. “I’m just going out alone to do some shopping, it’s not that serious!” 
“But you don’t know how to drive!” He argued back, returning to follow you once you kept walking. “What if you get confused? What if you get lost on the train? What if you ran out of battery? What if—” 
“Erling Braut Haaland!” You shouted, laughing when he almost collided with your body. “Go training and let me handle this!” You pointed to the front door, raising both of your eyebrows when he just stood there. “Now! Go!” 
“Okay, okay!” He laughed, giving you a tiny peck before running to the door. “I love you!” 
“Love you too!” 
Now it was time to get ready. 
July 21, 2020. Early in the morning. 
Erling wasn’t the type of person to sleep in. Never, since he was around ten years old, did he sleep past eight a.m. Only when he started dating you, his days off become something he looked forward to, learning to enjoy sleeping in just because he got to be next to you. That’s why it amused him that, when he finally woke up early that morning, partly because his own body was used to it, he noticed your body missing from your side of the bed. His eyebrows furrowed, eyes still closed, as his hand roamed through the bed. Yep, you weren’t there. 
“Elsking?!” He called, his voice sounding raspier and lower than usual. You didn’t reply, so he opted to look for you. “Babe?” Just as he began to sit in bed, you appeared in the door frame, your smile bigger than ever as your hands carried a tray. “What’s this?” His smile matched yours, not daring to move as you came closer to the bed. 
“Happy 20th birthday to the love of my life!” This time, you didn’t sang happy birthday. Instead, you left the tray full of fruit and pancakes on his lap. This was one of those rare days where he could eat whatever he wanted, and your pancakes were his favorites. “I hope you like them.” 
Erling’s eyes locked on the food displayed on the tray; his head low as he picked up the fork, starting to pinch bits of everything for the first bite. You bit your lip, sitting close to him. Only when the fork didn’t reach his face, did you notice his shoulders shaking slightly. 
“Honey?” You said, caressing his bare skin as he continued to look down. “Is everything okay?” 
“It’s just that…” He sniffed, finally picking up the fork and eating the first bite. “I love your food so much.” His mouth was full, but you still found his words endearing. “And I love you so much. Thank you.” 
You didn’t want to laugh, but you did anyway because he was so adorable. You kissed his cheeks, wiping his tears as he kept eating his birthday breakfast. 
“What do you want to do today?” You said once the tray was empty, sipping the cup of juice since Erling insisted on sharing something. “I know you are tired, so I didn’t plan anything fancy.” 
Actually, you did. Just not the usual fancy stuff your families were used to. Back at home, there was always a party, a reunion, a big important thing where almost every single Haaland relative would visit to celebrate him. It was like that for every single sibling; you knew that even if he loved his family, he also loved his space. So when you finally were alone and, sadly, apart from the traditions, you thought about giving him an experience that was to his liking. 
“I want to be with you.” He simply said, making you smile for the hundredth time in the day. 
“Don’t you want to go out with your friends? Have a little get together?” 
He shook his head. He was a shy person, and you knew it was hard to make friends on the new team, but despite that, they all wanted to wish him a happy birthday and even asked you if you were planning a surprise party. Maybe next year, when your boyfriend feels more comfortable, you will take upon the idea and throw him a big party. 
But for now, it’s only the two of you. 
“Then get ready; I have a little plan.” 
The day was beautiful. Germany was full of life, the sun shining as you both left the apartment, ready to go on an adventure. You had planned this for a couple of weeks, so when you asked him to wear a nice shirt to match your sundress, his eyes flickered with suspicion. You stayed silent even when he tried to bribe you for some information. When you finally arrived at the place and shyly gave him directions from the passenger seat did his mouth fell open. 
“Elksing… How…?” 
“Secret.” You smiled, your eyes going from the little table by the lake to his face.
As you asked from the company, they had built and arranged a private place by their property where you both could accommodate yourselves without the need for their personnel to assist. You wanted it as private as possible, and as you walked down the path, the tent covering you both from the sun, you knew it was perfect. He held your hand even when you took a seat, facing each other. The table had tiny plates with fresh appetizers and a cold bottle of champagne. 
“Do you like it?” You whispered from across the table, attentive to his expressions as he took in the whole decoration. 
They were a bit silly, but you still wanted to tease him. There were tiny golden boots, Bundesliga trophies, and much more hanging from the ceiling, making him giggle. 
“It couldn’t be more perfect.” He said as he took out his phone, starting to snap photos of everything, including you. “You’re perfect.”  
May 13th, 2021
Winners of the DFB Pokal. You watched it all unfold from your seat on the sofa, covering your mouth to stop the tears full of pride that wanted to come out. You knew it. You knew he could make it. 
So far, not even one expectation you had for your boyfriend has come with disappointment. 
He was a star. And the world was there to see.
Two goals on your boyfriend’s behalf, which looked so easily made even though he was just recovering from an injury, were the final touch for their victory; you felt a sudden sadness for not being able to be there, for not being able to hug him and tell him how proud you were right there and then. No one was allowed to. The pandemic was an obscure phase in your lives, where you couldn’t go out at all, and if it weren’t for Erling, the experience of studying remotely by yourself would be a lot more depressing. 
You couldn’t wait for him to get home. 
But, being realistic, you wouldn’t see him for at least a day more. Between the hours of traveling from Berlin to Dortmund, and the fact that he was going to celebrate with his teammates, chances were indicating that your boyfriend would be arriving tomorrow night. 
With a sigh, you stared at the screen again, where you could see all the Borussia guys fooling around, their screams of happiness perfectly clear as the stadium was empty. You could even make out Erling’s, Jude’s, and Gio’s voices between the loud noises. With a smile, you stayed until the transmission was over and the screen became black. 
Looking around, you felt lonelier than ever inside the apartment. You’d been without your boyfriend’s company for two days, and even if you were used to it by this point, knowing that you couldn’t do anything to change it made it worse. 
“That’s okay.” You whispered to yourself, wanting to fill the apartment’s silence. “I’ll just call him.”
You waited a good ten minutes before even trying to call. You didn’t expect him to answer, but at the third ring, you were greeted with muffled voices, harsh noises, and your boyfriend’s laugh.
“Elksing?!” He screamed at the phone, sounding happier than ever. Adorable. “Did you see us? Did you see me?”
“I did! I’m so proud of you, baby! I can’t believe it’s finally yours. Please, take photos for me! I want to see it all!”
“Of course I will!” Then the muffled voices became clearer; they were screaming Erling’s name. “Gotta go, honey. I promise I’ll be home as soon as I can! I love you!”
“Love you too!” You said before the line went silent. With a sigh, you looked around. “Well, time to read.”
May 14th, late at night 
You first thought it was part of your dreams, but as the noises became louder, startling you into consciousness, you figured someone had just broken in. Sitting in bed, you listened carefully as you reached for your phone, thinking about a whole lot of horrible things that could happen if you didn’t react fast enough.
The bedroom door slammed open, making you scream. Then the person at the door screamed as well, and you noticed that the tall figure seemed very familiar. 
“Erling?!” You shouted, placing one hand above your heart as your boyfriend stumbled a bit while making his way to your side of the bed. 
“Baby! Sorry if I scared you. I thought you knew I was coming home!”
His words came out slurry, and then it clicked.
“Oh my god.” You laughed, making space for him to sit beside you. “You’re wasted, honey.”
“Me?!” He scoffed, offended by your very good assumption. “I’m fineeee.”
“Right.” You giggled, glancing at his clothes, which were all Dortmund related. “Wanna sleep, or do you want water?”
“Nope. I wanna cuddle with my girl.” He pushed himself further into the bed, practically making you slide back into your back. “I missed you so much.” Burying his head in the crook of your neck, he made himself comfortable on top of you, snuggling until he was practically using you as a pillow. 
“I missed you too.” Taking your hands to his now longer hair, you started massaging his scalp. “You did so well. I knew you would win.”
“I always thought about you while being up there.” His voice reverberated in your chest as he quietly spoke, his lips skimming your skin. “About how I had to make it for you. I hope you know those two goals were dedicated to you. And only you.”
Your heart skipped a bit; still caressing his head and neck, you kissed him multiple times on the forehead. No words were needed between the two while you fell asleep together, hugging each other closely until the next morning.  
July 21, 2021
“Hello, hello, Mrs. Haaland.” Jude’s voice whispered behind you as you made the final touches to Erling’s dinner table. 
A smirk crept to your lips as you eyed the person who turned out to be your boyfriend’s best friend in Dortmund. Jude, although a teenager, was tall and full of the confidence of someone who was used to being liked by everyone. You weren’t the exception. The midfielder was an adorable guy, and you liked him for all the times he supported Erling, especially when you weren’t able to do so. 
“Hey, Jude.” You smiled back, noticing how he was the first one to arrive. “You’re early!” 
“I couldn’t miss that prick getting surprised by a bunch of people for anything in the world.” He replied, eyeing the table full of gifts and balloons. “You’re always outdoing yourself, huh.” His playful smirk made you giggle as you finally left the table alone, giving him a glance. 
“I try my best. Now, seeing that you’re in such a good mood, put this on.” You grabbed one birthday cap from the decoration, handing it to him.
“Sorry, miss, but I’m not trying to ruin my hair with that.” 
Then Alfie, Astor and Gabrielle entered the room, carrying even more gifts, each wearing that silly hat Jude refused to wear. You eyed Jude again, knowing there wasn’t a chance for him to escape his fate. 
“God, okay. Give me that.” 
 “Hello, sister-in-law.” Gabrielle greeted, hugging you as close as her pregnant belly allowed. “Hello, Judey.” 
“Hey, Gab.” You both said, Jude leaving shortly after, apparently being too shy to actually stick around and chat. “Look at you, my precious baby is growing so fast.” You rubbed her belly, feeling a burst of excitement every time you remembered that a little nephew was on his way. “I can’t wait to meet him.” 
“He can’t wait to meet you.” She hugged you, making her smile contagious.  
As the minutes passed, more guests started to come, which was exciting. You knew Erling wasn’t too eager to be surprised or have big birthday parties, but you knew he would appreciate the gesture if he saw all of his teammates and family. Even you, who he thought was back at home for work. Like you could ever allow yourself to miss his birthday. 
After ten minutes, you had everyone wearing a hat, some willingly, others just hesitantly, giving you stares from time to time that made Gabrielle laugh. 
“Alright! We better be very careful not to make any noise. He’s about to arrive!” You shouted, asking the restaurant’s staff to please turn off the lights. 
You all squatted behind the furniture, waiting until the curtains started to open, Erling’s figure briefly illuminated by outside’s light before the room came back to life, and shouts of “surprise” startled him. You all clapped as he smiled, shocked by the amount of people. You stepped forward, catching his eye while he stood there, surprised before he shouted “baby!”, hugging you so tight you had trouble breathing. Your feet left the floor, his strong hands held you as he whispered against your neck. 
“I can’t believe you’re here!” Once he left you back on the floor, you held his face, not caring for the people watching. “I thought you were at home, working.” 
“And you believed me? Bold of you to assume I’ll ever miss your birthday.” You pecked him, enjoying how he still seemed beyond startled to see you right in front of him. 
“You’re so annoying.” He giggled, hugging you again before actually greeting everyone else. 
The evening was exactly what you expected: everyone laughing, Erling getting excited by the gifts, and shy every time someone filmed him. You all got drunk (making sure Jude stayed in line and only drank one glass of champagne), and at the end of the night, the Polaroid cameras you bought were the greatest idea ever. 
Everyone got to keep some, but after the party, when you were returning alone to the apartment, you started to go through the bag full of photos you got. There were blurry ones, or others where Erling didn’t appear at all. But then you found them. 
The photo was clear, with the flash making the decoration all shine around you. You were sitting on Erling’s lap, hugging his neck as he kissed your cheek. You had the biggest smile on your face, both of your party hats inclined to the left. You grabbed it, separating it from the rest and putting it in your purse. 
“Thank you for today.” Erling’s voice took you out of the trance, making you stare at him. His face was slightly red, his eyes half-shut. “You’re the light of my life.”
“Thank you for being with me for another year. I love you.” 
And if you kissed a bit too long for the driver’s liking, you could always blame the alcohol.
September 23, 2021 
“He ruptured his thigh muscle, honey. I don’t think he’ll be able to perform for a while.”
“How long?” You asked, having flashbacks of Erling’s first serious injury, where he had to hold back and just rest if he wanted to be in top form for future games. It drove him crazy. 
“At least a month; maybe less if he behaves himself.” The physio replied, glancing back to the room where Erling was huffing, looking at the ceiling as another physio continued his examination. “I gotta ask you a favor. Please, don’t let his ego take over and make him do something stupid, okay?” You nodded, your eyes still glued on your boyfriend’s figure. “We need him. And he’s a fantastic player, we can’t let him destroy his career.”
“I’ll make sure of it. Thank you, doc.” He nodded, going back into the recovery room. 
You signed, pacing back and forth while Erling’s examination was done. You couldn’t believe it, not even after you saw the injury happening. It was like a nightmare all over again. 
“Baby?” His voice startled you. You didn’t see him getting out of the room. You smiled, not wanting to make him feel any worse than he was already feeling. 
“My love.” You hugged him, sighing when he held you closer, taking a deep breath. “Everything’s gonna be alright, okay? You just need to rest and then you’re going to be back on the pitch before you know it.”
“I hate this.” He said, still hugging you. 
“I know.” Was your only reply, knowing how bad it was for him. 
There was nothing he hated more than being away from the pitch at times where he was needed. 
October 21, 2021
“Again?” You asked in shock, receiving the physio’s news like a bucket of freezing water that had been suddenly poured on you. “It’s been less than a month!” You wanted to cry. Of course this would happen. 
“Actually, it’s been ten days since his recovery.” The doctor’s tone indicated everything but good news. You knew it was bad, you knew it. “He came back too soon.”
“I know. I know. I tried to tell him that—”
“This isn’t your fault, dear. I know I told you to look out for him, but it’s not your responsibility if he chooses to be a bad patient.” The man rubbed his forehead. “Look, I know this isn’t the best thing ever, but I’ll have to give him a longer recovery time or we’ll damage his body to a point of no return. You get me?”
“I’ll do whatever I can to make him follow the instructions.” You didn’t know what else to say. 
You were worried sick, but nothing else was in your power to make this change or go away. You always expected the next injury to be the last, but nothing worked. Sometimes, you wanted him to see the real danger in going back to the pitch way before it was prudent. 
“You’re going to destroy your body if you don’t pay attention to it, Erling.” You didn’t want to sound harsh, but you didn’t want this to become a regular thing. 
“I know what I’m doing, elskling.” His harsh tone surprised you, but you let it pass. 
The last thing you wanted was to stress him out or argue over something that wasn’t going to change. 
“I missed three games last time. God knows how many fucking more I’m going to miss this time.” 
Oh, he was mad. 
“Let’s just hope for the best, okay?” You grabbed his hand, walking side by side as you moved to the parking lot. 
His thumb brushed your hand, a little smile lingering on his lips as you kissed his arm. 
“I’ll think of this as an opportunity to have a little vacation with you, elsking.” Those words alone seemed to cheer him up. 
Let this be his last injury, please. 
December 2021
“Merry Christmas, everyone!” Gabrielle shouted, walking around with such energy that you couldn’t believe she had a baby four months ago. Everyone kept an eye on her in case she wanted to lift something heavy or do an outrageous thing just because she was feeling fine. Especially on Christmas while she was around her younger siblings.
“Merry Christmas!” You all replied, lifting the non-alcoholic beers she made you all drink out of respect. 
Erling giggled when his sister sat next to her husband, chatting about God knows what while eyeing his drink, knowing she was making sure he wasn’t drinking anything out of line. You snuggled a bit more into your boyfriend’s arms, watching his little sisters run around Astor and his girlfriend, who seemed to have a gift with kids. 
“She’s so patient with them. I need that type of self-control.” You said, knowing you weren’t mentally ready to babysit the twins for more than a day. 
“Well, you’re pretty patient with this little guy right here.” His finger caressed his nephew’s cheek, who was asleep in your arms. “You’re pretty good with kids, y’know.” He gave you the look he had been giving you every time you held the baby. “And you look so gorgeous holding one.” 
“Whatever you’re thinking, no.” You giggled, not wanting to wake up the little angel you were holding. “Not yet, at least.” You whispered, biting your lip. 
“I’ll take that as a promise for later, elsking.” He said, giving his drink a sip. 
This damn man. 
January, 2022
“He can’t go on like this, he rather rests or he’ll ruin his body. He had serious injuries in a short period of time, we can’t risk it.” You listened to the physio’s words with a deep frown, knowing very well he was right. 
This was Erling’s call to stop. And you’ll make him before something terrible happens. 
“You know what I’m about to say, right?” You asked once you were inside the car, away from any spying eyes. 
You really wanted this to go away without a discussion, but you had been there, with your opinions buried deep down as Erling recovered and came straight back to games at full time. You wouldn’t let that happen again. 
He signed, still looking out the window. He was avoiding your gaze. 
“I know.” 
“You need to take this seriously. Three injuries in less than a year? Do you think it’s normal?” When he didn’t answer, you kept going. “I won’t let you ruin your body or your chances to make your career as big as you want just because you won’t let the team down.” You parked in front of the apartment, the both of you sitting in silence for a few minutes. 
“They need me, elsking.” 
“Yeah? And what about your health?” You turned to face him, wanting him to understand. “What would happen if you injure yourself beyond recovery? What would happen if you can’t perform like you used to because of your ego?” 
“That’s not—” 
“Or you recover, exercise, and rest like you need to, or I’ll go back home. Because I won’t sit around to watch my boyfriend destroy himself.” His eyes became wide open, a hint of hurt in them. It sucked to be causing it, but it was necessary. “And yes, it’s an ultimatum.” You got out of the car before he had anything else to say, not wanting to let your guard down. 
Later that night… 
“You aren’t serious, right?” His voice whispered against your shoulder as he came into bed, lifting the covers just enough to fit. You stayed silent as he held you, hugging you from behind until you were engulfed by his body. “Please, don’t leave me.” 
“I’m  not leaving you.” You said, resting your head on his bicep. “I just… I can’t stand to see you rush onto the pitch before the injury heals again. I know you love your team, but I can’t pretend I’m okay with it. You’re hurting yourself, Erling..” 
The room was obscure and silent, the perfect time to really let out your thoughts. It reminded you of that time years ago when you confessed how scared you were of the future. 
“And if you insist on doing it, then I won’t be next to you. At least not until you come to your senses and start taking the injuries seriously.” You continued. “Tell me you understand why I said what I said back in the car.” 
“I do… Look,I know I fucked up the last two times. I just… can’t stand the thought of letting my team down. But, again, I wasn’t doing the right thing if I was just thinking about them and not me… Or us.” He breathed out, kissing your skin. “I’m sorry for being so stubborn.” 
“I’m sorry for implying that I’ll leave you.” You laughed, feeling guilty again. “I just wanted to get a reaction out of you. To shake you a bit.” 
“That’s okay, I needed it.” He paused. “You still love me, right?” 
“Of course I love you, don’t be silly.” You giggled, turning around to kiss him. 
May 14th, 2022
It was time to say goodbye to Germany. It was time to say goodbye to Dortmund. 
You couldn’t stop tearing up from time to time during the day as you two got ready for his last matchday in Dortmund. The sight of the black and yellow shirt filled your heart with sadness as you put it on, peeking at the number nine embroidered on the back. 
“I’m gonna miss this apartment.” You whispered, looking at the empty spaces your things had left behind. Everything was on its way to England. 
Manchester, England, to be more specific. 
“Me too.” Your boyfriend said next to you. “And I’m going to miss you in yellow and black. It suits you so well.” 
“Me? What about you?” You smiled, hugging his waist. “We had good times here.” His eyebrows wiggled a bit at that, making you scoff a bit. “You’re so disgusting,” 
“You don’t seem to mind when I—” 
“Guys, are you ready?” Gabrielle entered the room, her little son wiggling in her arms as he tried to talk, but only a few infant sounds came out. “He’s so excited; look at his little clothes.” 
“You look adorable, bubba!” You said, taking him from her arms. “Who’s my handsome boy? Look at Dortmund’s best player.” 
“Hey, I think you’re meaning to say that to me.” Erling said behind you, resting his chin on your shoulder to take a better look at his nephew’s face. “You better stay away from your aunt, little bud. She’s mine.” 
“Oh, stop it.” You said, noticing how the baby just giggled at Erling’s words. “Very mature, uncle Erling.” 
“I know; that’s what you love the most about me.” You smirked, not wanting to admit it. “That’s fine, I don’t need you to say a word to know I’m right.” 
“Very well, lovebirds. We better get going or Erling will be late.” Alfie appeared at the door, smiling at the sight of his grandson. “Isn’t he adorable?”
You all nodded, enamored by the little baby. The twins came running, asking how long it would take to be at the game. They loved football. 
“Alright, alright! Let’s go, everybody to the cars!”
Erling and you went to the car by yourselves, enjoying the silence as he drove around the city one last time, making you remember all the little dates and sweet times you lived there next to him. You will really miss this city. You learned to love, live, and care for Dortmund beyond the fact that Erling played for the club. Now, you had to get used to not being in front of the yellow wall every time your team won. 
Once you made it to the stadium, you went separate ways. He had to change into his training gear, and you needed to catch up with the Haalands at the VIP box. The yellow wall was roaring from the energy of fans and family, all reunited to say goodbye to Erling. It took you a long moment to process it as you sat down, feeling the tears from earlier fill your eyes again, knowing this was the last time for a very long time where you would experience the feeling of belonging to the BVB family. 
“There’s nothing like this, my dear.” Alfie said next to you, his own eyes a bit glistening as he kept looking straight ahead, admiring the yellow wall like you were seconds ago. 
“I love this team, Alfie. I’m going to miss them so much.” 
And you knew Erling would too. That team had been his family for three years, and his good friends were staying here while he went ahead and made a change for the better. As horrible as it was, if he wanted to progress, he needed to leave Dortmund. Nonetheless, it didn’t make his last goodbye any less painful. 
The game was spectacular, and Erling gave a performance that proved why he was one of BVB’s most beloved players during his time there. The cheering, the flags, the signs with his name and face— you truly didn’t know how Erling held back the tears until he entered the dressing room. You were waiting him there, hugging him despite the sweat and grass stuck to his face, kissing him and whispering how proud you were and how much you knew it was hurting for him to say goodbye 
All of his teammates gave him hugs, kisses, jokes, and said goodbye to you with the same sadness you were feeling. Even Jude was emotional, but you pretended not to notice when he started to tear up. 
“Take good care of him, I know he’s going to need it.” Was the last joke you heard from him before he disappeared through the door. 
“I’m gonna miss you too.” Erling yelled at his direction, smiling through the tears he was not ashamed to show. 
June 10th, 2022
Manchester. The breezy city welcomed you once you left the private plane, making you push your nose deeper into your hoodie as security guided you to the car. Erling’s physical exams were today, and as always, he asked you to accompany him. You weren’t ready for the City’s team to be there, not only to welcome you, but also to film the whole process as introductory footage for the fans. 
“Don’t worry, we can edit you out of the video if you’re not feeling comfortable.” One of the cameramen said, smiling at you. 
“Yes, thank you. That would be awesome.” It wasn’t that you weren’t comfortable about your relationship with Erling, which was impossible by this point, but your presence was something that not many people knew unless they dug it up. 
It was an ongoing joke how many fans didn’t know about Erling having a girlfriend—a years-long girlfriend, in fact— who was with him most of the time, and even then, you were a rumor, which was the funniest part of it all. The little privacy you could get while dating a famous person was very appreciated. You knew it couldn’t stay like that forever, but as long as you two could, you'd maintain it. 
“Baby, you first.” Erling’s hand covered the small of your back, guiding you inside the car before he and Alfie followed. “It’s so windy.” 
“Right? I wasn’t ready for this weather. But, again…” 
“England.” You said together, laughing.
“Hey, don’t start making fun of your new home, kids. That’s rude.” Alfie scolded you, but at the same time, he was wearing the most mischievous smile ever. He was such a prick. “Well, we’re almost there, let’s get ready.” 
“Hey, after this, we’re going to see the new apartment, okay?” Erling whispered in your ear before you all followed Alfie to Manchester City’s medical ground. 
That mention of your new home brings excitement and a smile to your lips. 
“I can’t wait.” 
July 10th, 2022
Presentation day. You spent the whole morning murmuring it as you got ready next to Erling, making him smile at your antics. You were way more excited than him, which made him laugh at you. 
“Baby, you look gorgeous in everything. Let’s go.” He kept watching you from above his phone, his body resting on the bed without a worry in the world. 
“Coming! I just need to see which shoes look the best.” You turned to show him the two pairs of blue Jordans, one royal blue and the other baby blue. When you detailed him, your eyebrows furrowed. “Besides, you haven’t done your hair, and your shirt is there instead of your body.” 
Even though the vision of his half-naked body was still mesmerizing to you after four years, you really needed him to get going. It didn’t have anything to do with you being barely done. He was the star of the show. 
“I’ll get it on a bun now, don’t worry.” You smiled at his blonde hair being all over the place, something you barely see nowadays. 
“I love when you have your hair down.” You signed, turning again to face the closet. “Okay, I’ll just wear jeans like you. Can you pick a cute purse, I’m going to look for my perfume.” 
You heard him laugh from the room. 
July 11— 2 a.m. 
“Oh, my—” You both laughed hysterically as you reached the elevator, your bodies colliding with the walls, and you barely held Erling’s body straight enough to walk. “We’re… so wasted.” You murmured, pushing your boyfriend into the tiny space. “We have to drink water.” 
“Mmmh, you can drink something else.” His smirk gave away what he was suggesting, making you giggle as his hands roamed through your body. “You look amazing.” 
“No, you look amazing.” You pecked his lips until the doors opened, revealing your apartment’s private hallway. “Can you walk or do you need me to carry you?” 
You both laughed again at the suggestion, taking tiny steps until you were finally inside the apartment, turning all the lights on. The kitchen was as you left it, with a few empty glasses on the counter and fruit on display. Your boyfriend went for an apple while you grabbed a whole bottle of water. 
“Here, drink this, or you’ll have the worst hangover ever tomorrow.” 
“Always looking out for me.” He kissed you briefly, taking the bottle from your hand. It was half-empty from your own thirst. “Let’s go to bed, I’m so tired.”
You didn’t put up a fight. As much as you loved partying with your boyfriend, you were always destroyed after a night out. Not only did you reunite with old friends— like Martin and Akanji— but the constant dancing, mixing drinks, and people recognizing Erling emptied your social battery. 
You promised yourself to shower in the morning as you took off your makeup and Erling undid his hair. You both exchanged looks through the mirror, silently smiling as you brushed your teeth. Only when you were snuggled in bed, did your boyfriend say something. 
“I can’t wait to marry you.” He kissed your head and fell fast asleep. 
“I can’t wait to marry you either.” You murmured against his neck, knowing he wasn’t hearing you. 
July 21, 2022
On Erling’s 22nd birthday, you struggled to hide the plans you had for the day. You loved to celebrate his birthdays, even more since you two began to compete over who gave the other the best surprise. This time, it was a bit more difficult to do something new or different, but you supposed that getting his childhood friends next to his best mates at Dortmund to fly over for a surprise party in Malagá wasn’t a bad start. 
You were going to blow his mind. 
As you sneaked around the closet, collecting all of his favorite pieces, next to a new pair of Jordans that you hunted down for more than a month, you begged for him to sleep in a bit more as you closed the two suitcases that were accompanying you to Spain. 
“Elksing?!” You heard him shout, letting you know that he had already noticed your absence from the bed. “Come hug me!” 
“Hello, birthday boy!” You said as you peeked your head into the main room, scrunching your nose at the sight of your sleepy boyfriend doing grabby hands in your direction. “Good morning.” You whispered before kissing him, giggling when his arms hugged you tightly, making you go back to bed. 
“You smell amazing.” He kissed your cheek, biting slightly. 
“That’s the food, baby.” His eyes opened, an interested look greeting you. “Now I have your attention?”
“You always have my attention, sweet. But, you know, I won’t mind some food.”
“Well, better hurry up, then. We have to catch a flight at 6 p.m.” You left the bed while he stayed there, looking at you dumbfounded. 
“What do you mean ‘a flight’?” He shouted once you were out of sight. 
“You know exactly what that word means, Haaland!”
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“I thought you were kidding, babe!” Erling’s voice was still a bit raspy from sleeping, but his eyes were awake as he saw you taking the two suitcases out of the house. His hair was wet against his neck, a few drops staining the collar of his shirt while he stood there, not knowing what to do. “You can’t be serious. Are we really going out of the country?” 
“Of course we are.” You were really enjoying having the upper-hand over your boyfriend. His confused expression was worth all the secrecy of the past week. “C’mon, get in the car. And no more questions.” 
“Fine, fine. You’re the boss.” He laughed, getting in the passenger’s seat, which was a rare thing. “This is weird; I always drive.” 
“Well, now you don’t. Relax! Eat some snacks… But don’t you dare to check your phone.” 
“Why not?” 
“Because I said so.”
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“Spain?!” The shock on his voice was palpable, making you smirk as you sat on the plane. “Baby, there’s no way you’re serious. Spain?!” 
“Oh, I’m totally serious.” The satisfaction that your plan being successful gave you was beyond imagination. “Now let’s see how you outdo this.”
A smile appeared on Erling’s face, his eyes recognizing your hunger for competition. 
“You’re such a tricker. This isn’t fair, elsking.” He made a gesture to point at the VIP seats and your next destiny. “This is playing dirty.”
“We play to win, don’t we?” 
He laughed out loud, startling an old man sitting across the hall. You two exchanged a look, not wanting to disrupt the peace as the plane took off, leaving you three hours ahead, where Erling would most definitely try to bribe you for some information. 
Only when he saw the huge group of people waiting for him at the airport, did he realize the reach of your plan. You only smiled through it all, taking a liking to his mesmerized expression and the happiness he wore for the extent of the weekend, not stopping for one second the kisses, hugs, and “thank yous” every time you were close. 
August 7, 2022
Your eyes were glued to the pitch, your heartbeat racing every time you saw a player coming out of the tunnel. Alfie kept making fun of you, saying how you were more nervous than Erling himself.
But you couldn’t help it. This was his debut for Manchester City. This was it, the big step you two were waiting for. 
“I’m sure you can dig a hole in the floor with how much you are pacing around. Come here, enjoy some of the catering.” Alfie pointed to the table in front of him, filled with everything your stomach could wish for. Sadly, yours was closed for the day, the nerves making it impossible to get anything but juice or water. 
“I feel like I’m going to vomit, Alf.” You sat on your designated bench, biting your lip as you kept your eyes wandering on the pitch, finally seeing Erling. He was doing his exercises, but you couldn’t make out his face. “Look at him!”
Alfie wasn’t as vocal about his excitement as you were, but he came next to you to see his son, smiling before nodding. 
“He’s a champ, he can do it.” His hand brushed your shoulder, trying to calm you. “You know he’s going to make it.”
You nodded, knowing very well how talented your boyfriend was. Nonetheless, you were really nervous. After a few minutes, Erling’s manager and some friends of Alfie's started to arrive, making small talk before the game. You tried to ease up, finally encouraged enough to take a small plate with fruit to have for breakfast as you saw all the players depart from the pitch and into the tunnels. 
After a few minutes, you saw them coming out again, their faces serious and obviously concentrated,  as the first steps of the match began. Your heart started to race, and your breathing was irregular throughout the match. Only when Erling scored did you come back to life, screaming and cheering next to Alfie, who hugged you like his life depended on it.
The whole VIP section came to life, and the cheering of the fans made you nearly cry. You saw Erling make his trademark celebration, knowing that this moment was the one he had been looking for ever since he joined Manchester. 
What a way to start the season.
December, 2022
“Tante!” (Aunt!) Erling’s nephew stumbled, taking a few steps before falling on his bottom, still smiling like the happy baby he was. “Onkel!” (Uncle!)
“Hi, my angel!” You greeted, lifting him from the ground to kiss his cheek, making him giggle. “Oh, how I missed you!”
“We missed you too, darling.” Gabrielle kissed you on the cheek before pushing his brother’s arm. “Hello.”
“Don’t worry, I didn’t sense any tension in that greeting.” His sarcasm made you giggle, your eyes still glued to the baby’s features. 
“You’re growing up so fast! I can’t believe it.” You kissed his head, walking from here to there just to keep him entertained. 
“You still look amazing with a baby, just saying.” Erling said before greeting his nephew, kissing his head the same way you did. His golden hair was the exact shade of Erling’s, making your head go a bit dizzy. 
It was easy to imagine a baby that looked like both of you. 
“Stop that or I’ll get the wrong ideas stuck in my brain.” Your eyes went to your boyfriend’s face, seeing his smile just enough to let you know that was his plan. “You’re an evil man.”
“Evil or not, it’s just a matter of time.” One side of his mouth lifted, making you gasp. 
“I’m going away.” 
“Don’t run away from me!”
June 11, 2023
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like by judebellingham, alfiehaaland, gabriellehaaland and 2,567,345 more
erling.haaland turning a quadruple winner in a few months, wish me luck 💙
youinstagram can’t wait ❤️‍🩹
haalandcity omg??????????
erlingsgf i should change my username
judebellingham i can’t believe i’m going to be an uncle
→ jackgrealish i’m going to be the cooler uncle
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ * ERLING’S TAGLIST
@questionable-behaviour | @koufaxx | @xjval | @nikki01234 | @evarasworld | @kynykyny | @alleyahah | @444pantheress | @football4life9 | @f1lover55 | @frankcastleonlyfans | @ironmaiden1313 | @pizzapie349 | @may-machin
354 notes · View notes
subwaysurf45 · 2 years
Falling in Love
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Summary: fall time was always your favourite, but being pregnant can take away some of the activities.
Words: 749 (little drabble)
Warnings: pregnacy, literally nothing
A/N: shout out to @jadedvibes and their amazing fall writing challenge! check out their rules and ideas as well as the challenge's masterlist. again, amazing ideas and so happy I could be a part of this!
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Being pregnant during the fall had been the worst so far of all the seasons you had endured. seven months along and you would still choose the blazing hot sun over your particular situation right now. Fall was your favourite season and not getting to enjoy it like you did all the years before hurt in a way that was close to indescribable. 
But now you sat on a lawn chair, bundled up to the nines, thermos in your hands, simply watching Bucky, your husband, rake the leaves. 
Your favourite fall activity. 
The show was great, seeing him work a little line of sweat on his brow. Part of you couldn’t believe you could see the faintest ripple of his back muscles through his waffle-knit long-sleeve, sweater, and jacket. While he was making it interesting you couldn't help but feel envious of Bucky, getting to do one of the simple pleasures in life. 
“I mean, they’re just going to keep falling,” he sighed and restest against his rake, after finding out about the news you moved into a semi-detached home instead of staying in the apartment. This was the first time either of you had dealt with a lawn, “why are we even doing this?” his hand brushed back his hair. 
A twinge of sadness grew, “cause it’s my favourite thing,” you offered with a sad smile, “I love raking the leaves,” your hand found its way to your bump, soothing yourself. 
“I know but why couldn’t your favourite activity be baking cookies or watching movies? Why labour?” He walked over to you and fixed the toque that sat crooked on your head, smiling widely when you barely fought back because of how often he did it. 
“I don’t know,” you shrugged, “it made me feel like this…mysterious girl next door growing up like I was different because I wanted to rake leaves instead of baking cookies,” you stood up and bucky placed his hand on your stomach, “I got to listen to my own music, organize a place, and feel cool while doing it.” 
Bucky giggled and pulled you into a hug, “well, we can do this another time but I think we deserve a break,” he pulled back, “all that watching must have worked you up an appetite,” Bucky threw his arm around you and walked you up the few steps to get to your house, you were so close to saying it but Bucky cut you off, “once you’re napping I’ll clean up the lawn.” 
You had been directed by your doctor to rest more, that’s why you couldn’t rake the leaves. Bucky brought you straight to the couch and laid a blanket on you, walking into the kitchen after. Your eyes closed as you listened to him bang a few pots together, talking to himself as he cooked. 
You must have fallen asleep because when the banging stopped you heard a little coo from Bucky, feeling him push your hair out of your face and begin to take off your bulky jacket, scarf, and mittens. 
“I hope you know you’re not that mysterious girl next door anymore,” his voice was rumbling as he kept quiet, “you’re my wife and you’re gonna be that mother of our kid so I’m sorry I didn’t let you rake the leave because I’ve known you long enough to know you were upset about it,” his finger carefully pulled down your zipper, “but I hope you know in a years time we’re gonna have a little you running around and wanting to rake as well, making it go a little faster, I hope,” he pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
Still holding onto consciousness you gravitate towards him, “we’re gonna have a baby,” you whispered and pulled him onto the couch, “I love you, honey,” saying the words and realizing how your family was going to change soon was a lot to take in, if you weren’t so tired you would have been freaking out by now. 
Bucky was quick to make you fall back asleep, “look at you,” you were curled in his chest, one hand protectively around your bump like always, even in the dead of sleep you were still protecting your baby, “you’re so cute, sometimes I look at you and realize how hard I've fallen in love with you; I love it.” 
“If it’s a girl, can we name her Becca?” you mumbled, not meaning to say that out loud, that was supposed to be a conversation for tomorrow. 
He laughed, “I’d love that.”
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Main Masterlist
Taglist: tag list:  @imtherain @jackiehollanderr @redneckstrash @tylard-blog1 @readingbooksdrinkingtea @linzc-reader @hotleaf-juice @honeybunchesofbucky @sky0401 @striving4averagegirl @seybox @yaszx @happyt0exist @honeybunchesofbucky @munsonettee @searchf0rtheskyline @aya-fay @emi11ie  if you would like to be added to the taglist please send an ask, I won’t reply but know I’ve seen it!
694 notes · View notes
myveryownfanfiction · 8 months
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tags: @salemwitch96, @eclecticwildflowers, @illiana-mystery
warnings: swearing, mention of blood
part one
The door opened and I heard keys on the end table. I ventured out from the bedroom to see chucky leaning against the door, a haunted look in his eyes.
“everything ok?” I asked, slowly making my way over to him. Chuckys eyes jumped up from the floor. He let me wrap my arms around his waist, his settling around me as he continued to stare into oblivion.
“Covers fucking blown.” He whispered. Chucky closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against mine. “Two teens came in…” I nodded slowly and pulled him flush against me. Burying my hand in his hair, I breathed out a sigh.
“need to watch your language this weekend.” I whispered. Chucky pulled back and narrowed his eyes at me. “Talk a little louder and you’ll see.” I whispered back with a smile.
“what’s that supposed to mean?” He asked, his voice going back to normal. I pulled away from him at the sound of little feet running down the hallway. Chucky took his eyes off me long enough to see Beverly running towards him. His face completely changed and he knelt down in time to hug her. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes kiddo!” He exclaimed as he stood up, holding her tight to him.
“she’s staying here this weekend while her mom takes care of some things.” Chucky smiled as Beverly pulled back and put her hands on his cheeks.
“hi chucky!” Beverly exclaimed. “We’re carving pumpkins!” Chucky put her down and took her hand as Beverly tried to pull him to the kitchen.
“you left her in the kitchen alone with a knife?” Chucky asked me, a smirk on his face. I laughed and shook my hand.
“you got a little paint on your cheek chuck.” I laughed again and chucky looked down at Beverly’s hands.
“bev, you’re covered in paint!” He laughed.
“I was painting a pumpkin.” She explained. “(Y/N/N) wouldn’t let me carve one.” Beverly pouted and chucky laughed.
“rightly so.” He agreed, smiling down at her. “Show me what you painted.” I leaned against the door as chucky sat down with Beverly in his lap. As they worked on the pumpkin together, I set about getting our pumpkins ready. Chucky would look at me from time to time, clearly feeling better than from when he walked in the door. “I think you’re done kid.” Chucky laughed, gently prying the paintbrush away from Beverly when the pumpkin had been coated in paint.
“but chucky.” Beverly whined as chucky slipped his hands under her armpits and carried her to the sink. Setting her on the counter, chucky pulled her hands under the water to wash off the paint. “Can I help carve the pumpkins?” Beverly stuck her bottom lip out and tried to make her eyes look as big as possible. Chucky kept his focus on the running water in front of him. I started to giggle, knowing he’d cave if he took one look at her.
“nope.” He said, voice wavering. “Not going to let you do that. Or look at you for that matter.” Beverly stuck her lip out further and chucky closed his eyes, a smile playing on his lips. Picking Beverly up, he set her on the floor and patted her head. “Now run off and watch some tv.” Beverly looked at me and I shrugged.
“I have Charlie Brown if you want to watch that.” I offered, knowing how close chucky was to caving. Beverly’s face lit up and I nodded. “Go turn on the tv and I’ll be there in a minute.” Beverly nodded before running out of the room.
“ok now spill. What’s Beverly doing here?” Chucky asked, opening his eyes when he heard the tv turn on. “And why the whole weekend? Not that I’m complaining. I love her here. It’s just…” I nodded as I leaned out of the door to check on her quickly before hugging chucky.
“Sidney’s dad is in the hospital. She doesn’t think he’ll make it. After last year, Sidney didn’t want Beverly up there. Asked if we’d watch her for a bit.” I explained and chucky sighed. He nodded as he squeezed my waist. “I didn’t ask you since I figured you’d be ok with it. She couldn’t get a sitter on such short notice for an indefinite amount of time so…”
“She knew we’d be more than happy to do it. Yeah.” Chucky finished. “Beverly doesn’t know?” I shook my head. “Then we keep it that way.” Chucky kissed my forehead. “You know this is the one thing you never have to ask me about first. I’m always happy to spend time with her.” We stood there for a second before I heard Beverly call for me. “Better go set it up before she comes back and I let her wield a knife.” He teased as he gently patted me on the ass. I smirked at him before going and setting up the special for Beverly. “What’s the plan for Halloween then? Isn’t that tomorrow?” I nodded when I came back into the kitchen.
“I can take her out. It’s no big deal.” I shrugged as we started to carve the pumpkins. Chucky gave me a look and I started laughing. “Our we can take her.”
“we’ll take her.” He said with a smile. “She have a costume?” I nodded.
“Yeah some cartoon character she’s really into right now. And we’ve got the costumes from last year still. We can double up.” I suggested.
“that sounds fine.” He agreed. We fell into a comfortable silence as we continued to work on our pumpkins. “Feels awfully domestic doesn’t it?” Chucky looked up at me and smiled softly.
“Yeah it does.” I agreed. “Will feel even more so tomorrow.” Chucky nodded.
“probably will be the best Halloween we’ve had in a while.” Chucky smiled at me before we went about finishing the pumpkins.
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naayewolf · 1 year
HI! Could you do aged up genya , with his AFAB(assigned female at birth) partner discovering his breeding kink?
‘Trying New Things’  Genya x Fem!Reader
1st off .. YES!! I was Ecstatic that I even got a request in the first place, but to have such a wonderful request as this <3 
I hope you don’t mind, I added a thing where Genya is planning on marrying Y/n 😅
[So If the Request wasn’t enough..]
Genya and you have been together for over 6 months. You two are very happy in the loving sense, but Genya is planning a proposal .. and he knows that married couples have a more intimate relationship. So, what happens when you find out about what he really wants to do to you~
*Genya and (Y/N) use sex toys on missions when they're away. So while you are both technically virgins, stretch is not an issue.*
Breeding,  Sex toys, Creampie, Bedpress, Cuddle sex, First times,  Loss of Virginity, fluff 
You and Genya had been together for over 6 months, and he wanted to bring it up a few levels. He was saving money from demon slaying for a ring, and he planned to propose to you very soon. Thing is .. Our Afro Mullet bubble baby is secretly a freak. Even before you two were together ever since he was of age [We’re gonna go for 18~] He always bought little things to help his urges. A smutty book from villages he passed, an onahole, whatever he could find that would satisfy him. 
When you two got together, he began to use the toys he collected in other ways. .. He would fuck into an onahole alone at a Wisteria Inn fantasising about what it would be like to fill you like he would this toy. He would fantasize about what it would be to breed you. 
Our little Mullet gremlin has rejection issues. He wants to be the best he can be for you. So what would you say when you learned of this? What would you do? Would you dump him? 
It was all too risky, that’s why he chose to just wait on any of those activities.  But you two did sleep in the same bed when one of you wasn’t away on missions, like today. 
~*Present Time*~
“Genya baby, will you lay with me?” You ask from your shared futon. Genya is removing his over-shirt across the room. 
"Of course, my love." He replies, laying his shirt down on his dresser and making his way towards you.
His shirt shows off his figure so perfectly without the purple over-shirt covering it up. 
He lays beside you, careful not to tread on your body. He lays behind you and spoons your body. You reach your hand back to grab hold of his and squeeze softly. 
"My dear, what do you think about starting a family?" You ask him, squeezing his hand tighter. 
He tightens as well hearing your question. He's tense thinking of how to answer. He softens his nerves before hugging his arms around you, your hands still interlocked. 
"Why do you ask?" He finally responds, nuzzling his lips into your neck. You giggle, feeling his face on your neck tickling you. 
"I don't know, I feel it would be a good experience; of course, occupations are important in the decision." You press your body against his looking down to meet his gaze. 
This was what he wanted all along, but now that the chance is presented he is unsure how you will react. "When do you want to try?" 
"Now." You flip your body to look him in the face. He's surprised at your eagerness, his face turning red as he lands and to kiss your lips. 
The kiss turns stronger with more force, and soon you are on top of him. It is the typical sex scene you would see in romance movies. You wrestle around, careful not to hurt each other in your struggle to disrobe quickly.
"Are you sure, we can stop now if you've changed your mind." Genya says, his hands just above your underwear, waiting for your consent to move on. 
You nod, lifting your ass off the ground to make it easier on him to pull them off. He kisses you, rubbing his clothed cock against your bare sex. 
You reach out, pulling his hakama down to reveal that the drapes match the curtains. (I'm voice typing this, I can have a little fun) 
He's huge although hairy, he's of average length, but the width was bigger than anything you've ever seen before. 
Your kiss deepens, as he pushes into your core. The stretch did not hurt due to your 'previous experience'. He pulls his head back, looking into your eyes to make sure that you're unhurt. 
Once he sees that you are fine, he starts slow, but gradually increases his pace. He might have a bit of demonic strength left from his last mission. So he decides to put it to use on you.
The force of his thrusts quicken, he's slowly losing what little control he has over himself.
 The control brakes like a link in a chain, he bedpresses you. Slamming into you repeatedly with no control. He is determined to fill you, to give you the family that you want.
Although the children would be a nice addition to his lust, all he can think about is how hot you're going to look, swelling with his seed. 
When he finally loses stamina at the end of it all, he falls to the side of you hugging you, pressing his hands into your stomach. 
"I'm sorry, things got a bit out of control there." He hugs you lovingly. "Are you hurt?" 
"I'm fine, my dear." You reply, tiredly. "What bothers me is that you kept such want from me." He lets out an embarrassed whine.
 "Not to worry my dear, from now on, up until  we have the family we desire, you can come to me every night." 
He's taken aback by your willingness to be bred. 
"Perhaps while we do, we can try other things, new things."
"I would love that, but now we should really sleep."
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beingthegayindigo · 1 year
Not the right person
Jacob Custos x Male Reader
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Summery: (Y/N) comforts Jacob after Emma kissed Nick
Warnings: fluff, comfort, crying
“Emma, so you have to kiss… Jacob or… Nick” Kaitlyn says. I look over to Emma, who’s contempling the option. “Uh, uh… Sorry, Nick, this is not even a dare, obviously I got this” Jacob’s voice make me look at him, only to look at Nick once he speak. “Uhhh… I don’t know if that’s a good idea” Nick says, scared of his relationship with Abi, or at least that’s what I think.
I look at the fire. Emma’s going to kiss Jacob, I mean they’ve been together all summer. I don’t care if they broke up, he still loves her, and will never love me. As I lose myself in my thoughts I feel a hand shaking my shoulder. “You alright?” Abi asks, “Yeah, yeah. I’m-I’m fine” I reply.
Emma finally gets up and walk over to… Nick. She press her lips on his and not just kiss him, they start making out. Abi’s hand leaves my shoulder as Emma and Nick stop kissing. Abi leaves in the woods, as Jacob goes the other way after telling something to Nick. “You… You should go to her Nick” I say looking at him. He gets up and follows her. I get up too, glare at Emma, who rolls her eyes in respond, and then follow the way that leads me to Jacob.
I arrive to the boathouse and see Jacob sitting in one of the port. I walk over to him and sit beside him. He looks up for a second before looking down at his legs again. I look at the water, searching for the right words. “I’m sorry for what happened” I say. He scoffs. “It’s not your fault. It’s Nick’s a-and Emma’s” he says. I sigh. “She’s been a bitch” I add. “She… Isn’t the right person for you. You deserve better” I say, trying to comfort him. “I loved her” his voice barely audible “Why would she do something like that to me?” he says, trying to hold back his tears. “Some people are like that. They want to have fun, and once they’re done you’re done” I reply. “It… It wasn’t me? It wasn’t my fault, right?” he asks, finally looking at me, despair in his voice. I sigh again “It absolutely not your fault. You’re great, cool, nice, you helped me with my anxiety the first time I came here, and you helped me fitting in the group. You’re the most wonderful and handsome person in the world” I open my heart to him, well not all of it, but all the things I said were true. “Thank you, (Y/N)” he says before hugging me. I fast return the hug. “I know how cheesy it might sound but you saying this things really help me don’t think about her” he says. “Even if you might not think this way” he start, pulling away from the hug “I feel like most wonderful and handsome person in the world is… You” he says. I blush after hearing his words. He giggles a bit, he must have notice my red cheeks.
We stay silent for some time, before we decide to take a swim. He’s the first one getting undress and dumping in the water. As he undress I look at his body, the sexiest and perfected I ever saw. I undress shortly after him. “Is it too cold?” I ask “Even so? That way I could hold you!” he half-jokes back. I blush more, before entering calming in the water. “Ohh-Uhh. I-it’s cold” I say. Jacob chuckles, swimming toward me. He places his hand on my lower back, pulling me closer. “W-what are you doing?” I ask “I told you I could hold you” he says.
He place his hands on my hips while a place my hands on his chest. We look at each other in the eyes, our faces so close. Finally our lips connect in a love and passionate kiss. The moment feels so magician, the water our corpses are floating feels like we’re in a dream, the delicates light of the moon makes everything looks so calm. And finally him, Jacob, the one who really makes me feel like I’m in a dream.
We stop kissing and rest forehead against forehead. We both don’t dare to utter a word, too scary of ruining the magical moment. “I-“ “I like you (Y/N)” Jacob cuts me off before I could say anything. “I like you too” I reply “But now let’s get find some towel, it’s getting cold here in the water” I add. “I know some other ways of keeping you warm” he say “Perv” I say, swimming away from him. “Wait! (Y/N)! Wait for me babe!”
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bellarkeselection · 8 months
Hi I just saw your page and I was wondering if you could write an missy x fem reader as friends and reader is there for the summer and they kinda get into trouble together and it’s kinda angsty but ends with fluff maybe.
Your the only person I found that write for missy.
And maybe you can make the reader a little autistic so like sometimes she can’t sarcasm. (I’m autistic and it’s so hard to find autistic y/n that I can relate to)
If you can’t write it that’s fine.
Hope your doing fine and having a nice day.
Srry that this is long.
Hi anonymous asker, sorry it took me a little bit but I hope this is what you wanted. Missy is my favorite character along with Georgie and Meemaw 😁 You are the first person to request anything for Missy so thank you so much
Always Got Your Back
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My mom decided that we would come to Texas for the summer instead of staying in Montana like we did last year which was so awesome for me because that meant I got to see my best friend Missy Cooper. My mom parked the truck and I jumped out of the backseat seeing the front door of the Cooper house fling opened. Holding my arms open Miss tackled me in a hug of laughter and giggles where we tumbled to the grass. “Y/n! I can’t believe you’re here.”
“Neither can I, Missy. I have been so excited since my last day of school.” I barely broke the embrace still hugging her and grinning like it was Christmas morning while my mom grabbed some stuff and Missy’s dad and brother Geoegie come outside to help get our bags since we we’re staying at their house.
Missy takes me by the arm dragging me towards the baseball fields that her drove us to so she could show me her skills as the only female girl on the baseball team. Standing behind her I watched her throw almost all the baseballs in the exact same spot. “Do you want to give it try?” She offered holding out a ball to me that she had in her hands.
“Missy I don’t know…” I shook my head not sure if I should or not.
The Cooper girl wasn’t taking no for an answer though. “Come on. I can teach you. It isn’t as hard as you think.”
Nodding my head I let her help me get set up. She stands behind me giving me the ball moving my fingers on the red stitch marks on the ball, drawing my arm back like she did a few minutes ago. “So you just look where you want the ball to go and throw it with a little give. Okay, so I’m gonna stand behind you and see how you do.” She stepped backwards while i launched the ball forward where it hit the fence a little off to the left compared to how hers were in the center of the fence.
“You think adding another girl to our team will make you any better,Cooper. That girl couldn’t throw if she had her eyes closed.” Whipping my head around I heard a boy say voice who was watching us from the outside of the fence.
Missy spun around on her feet. “What do you want Marcus?”
“I came to practice but I didn’t expect to see two girls who can’t throw worth nothing.” He scoffed toward my friend where I turned my hands into fists at my sides.
Snapping at him I dared my best friend. “You know what I..I bet Missy could take your eye out without blinking.”
“Oh yeah and what do you know about baseball huh. Why don’t you go sit where the rookies eat lunch…behind the plate.” Marcus walked up and gave me a little shove.
I stumbled back slightly confused at what he meant by that. Growing up I have never been good at sensing Sarcasm so I wasn’t sure. “What do you mean?”
“Say Cooper how stupid is this friend of yours - ow!” Marcus got cut off when something hit him in the face where he held his hand over his eye and I saw a baseball at his feet where he was groaning in slight pain.
Turning my head around quickly I saw Missy was dusting her hands on her pants glaring at the boy she used to like in middle school until she found out he liked another girl. “Missy!”
“What’s a baseball player do when his eyesight starts to fail him?” Missy grumbled at him watching the boy rush to his feet and running through the fence line. “He takes a job as an umpire.”
Rushing back over to her I gave her a half smile liking what she had done for me. She has always been there for me no matter what. “Missy, thank you. But uh…was that sarcasm?”
“Yes it was. And don’t worry about what he said. With practice you can get better Y/n.” She holds my hand in hers grinning brightly dragging me towards the fence where she hollered for her dad knowing what would make m feel better. “Dad, Y/n needs ice cream!” The three of us got some ice cream and I felt better afterwards knowing I was in for an exciting summer with her.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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callsigndragon · 1 year
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Seeing Red | Ch.7: 📲 Little Mitchells ✍️
Summary: Who's gonna tell dad?
Masterlist on pinned.
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“They know, right?” Red mumbles, her eyes never leaving Liam’s figure. 
“Yeah. But don’t worry, they’re mad at me.” 
“It’s not your fault, you didn’t know. Not even I knew.” 
Jake's phone lits up, revealing the wedding photo he had kept as his lockscreen for years. He tries to hide it, turning the phone, but Red’s hand stops him. The feeling of her warm, soft skin almost makes him cry again. 
“You have our wedding picture as a wallpaper?” 
“Dada” Jake drops the phone and grabs Liam’s hands. He had been hugging him since he saw him in the parking lot. He didn’t want to let go. Jake didn't want to let go either. 
“Yes, buddy?” 
Liam’s hands move up to Jake’s face, squishing his cheeks and making the pilot laugh. He starts speaking in his own language, which Jake doesn’t understand. He turns to Red, asking for help with wide eyes. 
“He wants you to sleep with him tonight.” She whispers. 
“Oh well, I don’t know if I-” 
Charlotte parks in front of the house, gets out of the car, and opens the door to take Liam in his arms. “Come on, baby. Mom and Dad have a lot of catching up to do.” 
“Dada don’t leave!” Liam yells, already feeling anxious about being taken away from his dad. 
“Not leaving, promise. Look.” Jake takes off his dog tags, handing them to his son. “Dada can’t leave without these. You hold them, and Dada won’t go away. Okay?” 
“Otay,” he giggles. And just like that, he walks inside the house. 
“He likes shiny things.” Red comments, looking at her feet. “I always told him that you were far away saving the world and that you would sleep with him once you came back.” 
“Red, look at me, please.” 
She raises her head, tears welling up in her beautiful eyes. “I didn’t want to hide him I swear, you never answered my calls and-” 
Jake hugs her, for the first time in three years, he feels the world fall into place. “Don’t worry about that. I’m the only one responsible for this mess, Red. I just… I want to be part of his life.” 
“Jake, this isn’t like having a relationship. If you assume that role, if you want to be his father, you can’t back out. I’m not letting you hurt him as much as you hurt me.” 
“I won’t. I can’t explain why I did that, but I swear on my son that I did what I thought was right.” 
Red sighs, sitting on the car's hood. “It’s complicated to explain to a two-year-old that his parents are divorced.” 
“I can’t even imagine,” he sits next to her, smiling when he hears Liam’s voice from inside the house. “What does he think we are?” 
“He thinks his dad is a superhero, and he has to be away from his wife and son to protect the world but also to protect them from the bad guys.” 
Jake almost snorts. It’s like she knows the truth. “So in his eyes, we’re married and love each other.” 
“What’s the plan, Commander?” 
Red chuckles, a nervous laugh that ends up in tears. “I don’t know, I wasn’t prepared for this to happen. I feel like a bad mom, a horrible woman, and a bitchy ex-wife.” 
“Hey, it’s not that bad. I abandoned my wife and unborn son, never talked about her to anyone, missed two years of my child’s life, and just found out that I’m the biggest asshole this planet has seen.” 
They laugh at the same time. What a mess they’re in. 
“You are more than welcome in Liam’s life. But if you leave, I will haunt you and skin you alive.” There’s a fire in her eyes. The same one he saw outside Cyclone's office. 
A lioness protecting her cub. 
“I will gladly sit down and wait for you to kill me if I hurt him.” 
“Come on, he’s as impatient as you.” 
Red walks in front of him, but stops immediately. She turns, finger raised, and points at him. “This doesn’t mean that we are gonna end up together again. I made that mistake once. I will not make it again.” 
“This isn’t about us anymore, Red. It’s about him.”
“Glad we’re on the same page.”
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Tag list: @purplevortexx @shrimping-for-all @caitsymichelle13 @callmemana @abaker74 @starkleila @topgunmenbefinebruh @blue-aconite @tayrae515 @alexxavicry @xoxabs88xox @mercurio23 @smells-like-perfect-senses @dempy @djs8891 @indynerdgirl @countryclubswifey @lauenderhaze @avaleineandafryingpan @poppyalice2001 @emorychase @wildxwidow @agentwayne17 @shanimallina87 @khaylin27 @fudosl @rhirhikingston @hotch-meeeeeuppppp
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binnieswrld · 10 months
Ok gotta ask for Soft Minho and surprised y/n turned into after dating Confession. (Hugs and kissesssss)
please please please
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“actually…i think i’m inlove with you”
genre - fluff
pairings - lee know and reader
a/n - very short
wc: 671
⋆·˚ ༘ * ・❥・
1st pov ·˚ ༘
“it’s so beautiful… where’d you find this place?” i say to lee know as i get out of his car. “i usually go here when i just need to calm down, i thought it would be nice to take you here.” he replies back.
3rd pov ·˚ ༘
lee know had taken you to the park nearby for a mini date. he goes to his trunk to grab the blanket and snacks that you brought. you two walk to a tree and lee know places the things down making sure everything is perfectly placed.
1st pov ·˚ ༘
i sit down on the blanket as he sits next to me opening the basket. “here you want some?” he asks me holding a sandwich in his hand. i take it from him and start eating it. “this is really good!” i say smiling with food stuffed in my mouth. he laughs at me and then we laugh together and have a really good time.
i am looking at the sky admiring the stars not paying any attention that minho is staring at me. i feel a gaze on my so i look at him but as soon as i do he looks away.
“yknow i saw that right?” i giggle. “s-saw what?” usually he never stutters so i knew something was up. “i don’t know what you’re talking about.” he chuckles it off. “you were staring at me? why do i have something on my face?” i question and start wiping my face.
“no you don’t, haha don’t worry.” he says assuring me. “then why were you-“ i was cut off by lee know.
“i was admiring your beauty…” he says as his hand hovers over mine.
“what?.. what are you talking about?” i chuckle nervously since his response was unexpected.
“you wanna know why i invited you to hang out tonight? it’s because i like you. i know i don’t usually express my feelings a lot but, i’ve had a crush on you for a while now… i wanted to tell you sooner but i was afraid you wouldn’t like me back and then we’d stop being friends. i completely understand if you don’t like me back and don’t want to be friends anymo—“
i cut him off by smashing my lips into his. i pull away from him. his eyes widen. “minho, i like you too..” i say.
“i’ve liked you for some time too. i’ve actually liked you since we first met.” i giggle to myself. “i would never imagine you liking me though.”
“wait really? like no joke you like me?” he questions doubting me.
“yes, i like you..” i scoot closer to him and kiss him passionately again wrapping my arms around his neck. “actually…i think i’m inlove with you” i say to him smiling.
“i think i’m inlove with you too…” he replies back as he kisses me again pulling me even closer to him and now our bodies are being pressed together.
i pull apart from him, “why don’t we continue this another time?” i ask. “sure” he agrees then, “what do you wanna do?” he questions.
“can we just go back to your house?” i ask hesitantly hoping he’ll say yes. he nods his head. so we both get up and start cleaning our mess and walk over to the car packing everything up.
i hop in his car and so does he and then he starts driving.
at the house ·˚ ༘
i walk inside minhos apartment and plop down on his couch. he sits next to me and before he can even adjust himself i jump on him nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck.
he gets the idea of what i’m trying do and then wraps his arms around my waist as we cuddle to sleep.
“so does this mean we’re dating now?” he asks me. “pretty much,” i say, my voice muffled.
“i love you minho”
“i love you too, y/n”
i close my eyes snuggled up to minho.
“this is the best day ever” i think to myself then fall asleep.
⋆·˚ ༘ * ・❥・
i hope u enjoyed this!! i’m so glad i got this request done haha, i and working on another one right now so stay tuned!!
and tysm for waiting😭
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fanficshiddles · 10 months
Dirty Little Secret, Part 1/2
Summary: Tina is super excited to go see her favourite band at last. But Loki has something more than just seeing and meeting them in store for her.
Note/Warnings: Daddy Dom!Loki, Dom!Chris Motionless, sub!OFC, threesome.
Loki smirked and put his book down, he turned his head towards the door to see his girl, Tina, coming sheepishly into the room.
‘Yes, Tinaaaaaaa.’ He responded.
‘You know you love me, right?’ She fluttered her eyelashes at him as she crawled onto his lap and straddled over him.
He slipped his hands around her back to hold her in place. ‘Why do I get the feeling you’re after something?’
‘You know my most favourite band ever?’
‘Mmmhmm… Motionless, right?’ Loki narrowed his eyes at her.
‘Yeah… Well, they’re coming to the UK on tour soon. And I’ve loved them for over ten years, but am yet to see them live.’ Tina started curling a bit of Loki’s hair around her finger.
‘Of course we will go see them.’ Loki smiled.
Tina let out a big squeal. ‘Thank you thank you!’
‘When is it?’ Loki asked.
‘Next month, the twenty second.’ She grinned.
Loki frowned. ‘Ohh… that could be a problem.’
Tina’s face dropped. ‘What? Why?’
‘You see, I already got us tickets to a show… on that same night.’ Loki said with regret in his voice as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and brought up an email to show her.
Tina felt like her heart was breaking, such a sudden high at the thought of seeing them to then be brought down so quickly… But as she tried to hold back tears of disappointment, she looked at the email and squinted her eyes. Her heart started racing again and the excitement returned.
Loki threw his head back with laughter. ‘I know you too well, pet. As soon as they went on sale this morning, I got them.’
‘Thank you so much! I can’t believe it!’ Tina couldn’t stop smiling as she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.
Loki rubbed her back under her top and nuzzled into her hair. ‘I know how much you’ve wanted to see them, and how unlucky you’ve been to miss them each time they come here. No way I would let you miss out this time, love.’
Tina squeezed him extra tight, then leaned back and narrowed her eyes at him.
‘Can’t believe you made me think I was going to miss them again.’ She nudged at his chest.
‘Mischief is my middle name.’ Loki winked at her.
Time flew in and before she knew it, Tina was on her way to the concert to finally see her favourite band. She had been buzzing with excitement pretty much from the day Loki had gotten them tickets, but now in the taxi she could barely keep still.
Loki reached over and put his hand on her knee, giving her a squeeze. ‘They better be good, or your ass is on the line.’ He rumbled low to her, making her giggle.
‘Don’t worry, they are. I know you like them too, I’ve caught you humming along to them plenty.’ Tina said as she put her hand on top of his.
Loki couldn’t deny that, as he had heard her play them enough over the last few years of them being together. He knew quite a lot of their songs by heart now, even had some on his Spotify. Though he’d never admit it to her, since in the first place he had been adamant about not liking that sort of music.
‘Are we going to be queuing to get a good spot, or going for food, since we’re arriving few hours before doors?’ She asked him when they were a few minutes away.
‘Neither.’ Loki said, looking out the window.
Tina raised an eyebrow. ‘What are we doing then?’
He turned to face her with a big grin on his face. ‘Well, I might have connections... So I mayyyy have managed to get us backstage passes to get to meet the band before the show.’
Loki hadn’t been sure what to expect when he told her, but the look of utter horror on her face wasn’t quite the reaction he had been expecting.
‘Wh… what? You’re kidding… right?’ She stuttered, sounding rather scared.
‘I assure you, pet. While I am the God of lies, I am not lying this time.’ He smirked.
Tina’s eyes were wide and Loki just couldn’t get a good read of how she was feeling about it. Apart from clearly being scared at the thought.
‘Tina, is there something you’re not telling me? I thought you’d be delighted, but your face certainly doesn’t seem to be.’ He said as he gave her knee a gentle squeeze.
‘I… I am… But I…’ She couldn’t get her words out properly. ‘I’m going… I’m going to meet Chris Motionless?’
Loki nodded. But he noticed her face flushed red too.
‘Wait… Do you have a crush on him?’ He raised his eyebrow at her.
‘What? No… don’t be ridiculous.’ She laughed nervously.
Loki smirked. He knew she did, and he had known for years. He remembered when they first met, she had said as much when they were talking about celebrity crushes. But she clearly had forgotten she’d already told him so.
‘You’re lying, pet. If you carry on lying to me, you know you’re going to end up with a red bottom.’ He growled low, narrowing his eyes at her.
She blushed even harder and squirmed a bit at the thought. He had a mean swing when he wanted to dish out punishments.
He moved closer to her and gripped her chin, making her look at him. ‘No lying to Daddy, little one.’ He rumbled, making her legs turn to jelly with that tone.
‘Don’t.’ She whined, but they both knew she had already lost. When he used that tone and went into Daddy Dom mode, she was always putty in his hands.
‘I’m waiting for the truth.’ He said firmly.
‘Ok… I do. But it’s just for his voice.’ She laughed nervously.
‘Uh huh, sure it is.’ Loki chuckled. ‘Is it ‘cause he looks like me?’
‘Just because of the long black hair you think that makes you look like him?’ It was her turn to raise an eyebrow at him as he sat back and chuckled.
‘We are more alike than you think.’ He winked at her.
‘What the hell is that supposed to mean?’
‘Ah, here we are.’ He said as the car stopped just down the road from the venue. He hopped out and put his hand out for her.
She rolled her eyes and took it, knowing she wasn’t going to get an answer from him. He was in one of those playful and teasing moods, which she wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or not considering where they were about to go.
The stark realisation of who she was about to meet hit her like a ton of bricks as they entered the venue with no problem once Loki gave his name at the door to security. He felt her grip on his hand tighten with every step they took, more so when they could hear them sound checking.
Tina’s face lit up completely when they stepped into the stage room and the band was on stage warming up. Chris’ voice bellowed throughout the place. She was in awe.
When the band finished, Chris spotted them and waved them over. But Tina didn’t budge.
‘Are you coming closer or are you just going to stand here like a deer in the headlights?’ Loki asked.
She said nothing, just glanced at Loki with wide eyes. He smirked and put his hand at her lower back to guide her forward.
It reminded him of when he first met her, she had been rather speechless and very shy then too. She barely said a word to him for weeks, until he asked her out on a date and she had no option but to speak to him.
Chris hopped down from stage with a warm smile as they approached. Or more, as Loki approached pushing poor Tina along next to him.
‘Hey, you must be Tina?’ Chris put his hand out towards her.
Tina stared at his hand for a moment as if it was going to bite her before she took it with a shaky hand and managed to squeak out a hi.
Chris brought her hand up so he could kiss the back of it, making her blush furiously. But even more so with what he said. ‘Loki, you never told me how pretty your girl is!’
‘The prettiest of them all.’ Loki gloated proudly.
Tina glanced at Loki briefly, shocked and wanting to know what that meant. Had he met him before? He knew their names and he was speaking as if they had. But she was so starstruck she was struggling to even think straight.
‘I hear you’ve been a fan for quite a while?’ Chris smiled warmly at her.
‘I… yeah… sorry… I didn’t know I was getting to meet you until last minute.’ She rambled out quietly.
‘That’s alright.’ Chris chuckled. ‘Would you like a photo?’
‘Please!’ Tina said excitedly.
Her hands were shaking as she pulled out her phone to hand to Loki. As she moved closer to Chris, he put his arm around her waist and pulled her in close to him. Which surprised her, and she was also surprised that Loki wasn’t glaring daggers at him. He was usually rather possessive over her.
‘Thank you!’ She squeaked out once Loki took the picture.
‘You’re very welcome. Do you want to come meet the others? They’re not as good looking as me, but they’re alright.’ Chris teased as he motioned to backstage.
Tina nodded eagerly. Loki put his arm around her waist and they followed Chris through the back. She was so exited to meet everyone, and got pictures with them all, including a group picture. One with Loki and one without. She was shy around them all, but especially around Chris. So she was kind of relieved when they had to leave to go find a good spot for the show now doors had opened.
‘What was all that about? It’s like they know you already?’ She asked Loki once he got them drinks and they got a good standing spot at the side near the front.
Loki chuckled and draped his arm around her shoulder. ‘Did you really think I’d let you hang out with a bunch of guys that I didn’t know? Of course I was going to check them out first.’ He winked at her.
Tina just gaped at him for a moment before she got her thoughts together.
‘Wha… What? When did you meet them? And that was hardly hanging out.’ Tina laughed a little.
‘Last night for a few drinks. You really think that’s it over? Oh no, after the show we’re going for a drink with Chris.’ Loki grinned.
Tina’s eyes widened as she looked up at him and her mouth opened.
‘Close your mouth, pet. You’ll catch flies.’ Loki smirked and pushed her chin up.
The show began and they enjoyed the support bands then of course Motionless In White themselves. Tina was ecstatic to finally be seeing them, she sang and screamed along to every word. She’d completely forgotten about Loki’s plan of meeting Chris afterwards, until Loki took her hand and they headed round the back of the venue instead of getting a taxi at the end.
‘Are we seriously going for a drink with Chris?’ Tina asked nervously.
‘Yep… do you not want to?’ Loki asked as he stopped walking for a moment.
‘I… I do. I just, wasn’t expecting it.’ She shrugged.
Loki smiled and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. ‘You’re so adorable when you’re shy. I remember when we first met, how shy you were with me.’
She blushed and looked down.
‘Just like that.’ He chuckled and gripped her chin, tilting her face upwards so he could kiss her softly on the lips.
They ended up in one of the local pubs with Chris, Tina hadn’t really said much, she was still in a bit of disbelief. And being at a cosy booth table with both him and Loki was making her felt a bit antsy… in the good kind of way. She was quite happy just hearing them talk and watching them.
‘It was a great show.’ Loki commented as they were speaking about said show.
‘Thanks, it’s always good fun in this city.’ Chris smiled. ‘Any song we missed out that you’d have liked to hear?’ He asked Tina.
‘Oh, uhmm… I love all your songs, no bad ones.’ Tina shrugged.
Loki elbowed her slightly. ‘They didn’t play your favourite though.’
Tina’s eyes widened a bit and she shot Loki a glare, or an attempted glare anyway.
‘Oh, what’s your favourite?’ Chris asked.
Tina felt like her entire face was on fire. She could kill Loki for saying that, and the smug look on his face as he took a sip of his drink let her know that he knew exactly what he was doing.
‘Wasp…’ Tina said quietly as she tried to hide behind her drink.
Chris grinned. ‘No need to be embarrassed about that song choice. It’s a good one, if I may say so myself.’
‘Indeed. Made love to it quite often, haven’t we, pet?’ Loki said casually.
Tina’s eyes almost exploded as she looked at Loki. ‘Loki!’ She whined.
‘Though it is hatefuck and rats that really gets you going, more so when you’re in a bratty mood.’ He commented.
‘Oh my god.’ Tina put her hands over her face and sank further down in her seat to try and hide.
‘Pfft, surely not. I can’t imagine you being bratty.’ Chris said, making her try to hide even more as she leaned into Loki and hid her face against his arm.
The guys both chuckled at her reaction as she just groaned.
‘Aww, baby girl. Am I embarrassing you?’ Loki cooed and put his arm around her.
‘You know you are.’ She murmured against him.
‘That’s what Daddy’s do best.’ Chris said.
Tina froze at hearing him say that. Loki felt her whole body go slightly rigid. He looked at Chris with a smirk.
‘This is so not fair, you’re ganging up on me now!’ Tina said as she sat up straight and glanced at them both, her cheeks bright red. Loki thought she might actually explode at any moment.
‘You think this is us ganging up on you?’ Loki raised an eyebrow. ‘We can do that properly, if that’s what you desire.’ He took a last big swig of his drink.
‘Wh… what do you mean?’ She asked, glancing at Chris who bit his lip and winked at her. She looked back at Loki, who had that mischievous look in his eyes.
‘Well, Chris and I had a little chat last night. He’s single right now, and I know he’d be more than able to handle you for a night.’ Loki said suggestively.
Tina was so shocked at what he was implying, she never thought in a million years that Loki would actually be willing to share her with another man. Even for one night.
‘If you want to, of course.’ Chris interjected with.
‘Of course.’ Loki nodded. ‘But I get the feeling you’ve already been thinking about that situation, having both of us in bed with you. If I put my hand inside your knickers right now, I know I’ll find you aroused.’ Loki purred.
Tina squirmed on the spot, he wasn’t wrong. But she wasn’t sure how she would cope with both of them, their teasing was already bad enough. She wouldn’t survive it for sure.
Loki stood and so did Chris. They looked at her, waiting for an answer. Chris put his hand out towards her.
‘I’ll play gentle… at first anyway.’ He grinned.
Tina’s heart was racing as she looked at Loki. He smiled softly and nodded once, giving his ok. It wasn’t a prank, this was real and he was giving her permission.
She took Chris’ hand and he helped her up to her feet. His grip was strong, not much different from Loki’s, really. She was glad he’d taken her hand, as her legs felt like utter jelly and she wasn’t sure if she’d be able to walk otherwise.
‘There’s a hotel down the road, we’ll go there.’ Loki suggested as they left the pub. He fell into step at the other side of Tina and took her hand too.
She took a moment to look at Loki and then at Chris, in utter disbelief about what was happening with them both. She did think they looked pretty similar actually, with the long black hair, tall, strong… Though of course Chris with his piercings and tattoos was a big difference. And Loki being a God.
Loki could tell she was excited yet nervous at the same time, he rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand to soothe her and made her skin tingle.
They entered the hotel and Loki went over to reception to organise a room. Chris and Tina waited by the lift. He turned to face her and cupped her cheek, gently brushing his thumb over her skin.
‘Are you going to be a good girl tonight?’
Her knees almost gave out on her as she nodded quickly.
Loki returned swiftly with a keycard, they motioned for her to go first into the lift. Both gentlemen. They were on the third floor, and on the lift up Tina got more excited and aroused with every second that passed. With their teasing, it certainly didn’t help.
‘I must say, I am really looking forward to this.’ Chris said as he slid his hand up her back to the back of her neck, giving her a little squeeze and then stroking her skin. Making her tremble.
‘So you should be, Tina is an absolute delight to play with.’ Loki grinned and stroked her hair.
She closed her eyes and just completely melted under both their touch.
‘Oh I bet she is.’ Chris rumbled.
‘I was about to say if she gets nervous or a bit bratty, the back of her neck is her sweet spot but I see you’ve already found it.’ Loki chuckled.
Tina heard what they were saying but she was already deep in subspace she couldn’t respond.
‘Aww, I think she’s going to be a good girl tonight.’ Chris hummed, still stroking the back of her neck.
‘Mmmhmm.’ Tina nodded slightly, blissed out. Making the guys chuckle.
Chris kept his hand at the back of her neck as they reached their floor. Loki took her hand and guided them to their room. Loki pushed the door opened then stood to the side, motioning for them to go first.
‘Let the fun begin.’ He growled.
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milawritesstuff · 1 year
I see you’re taking requests 👀 can you do a gavi imagine where the reader, his girlfriend is celebrating her birthday & she’s having a huge party in which he forgets about & pedri being the reader’s brother tells him the next day at practice how he doesn’t like to get into his sister’s personal life but he has to for this situation bc she’s really upset about him forgetting. Eventually Gavi starts to make up for it by going back to their first date & recreating that. If you can make it fluff & smut if you’re comfortable. Thank you :)
A/N: I tried to make it short but I think it was still too long. Hope you like it. Couldn’t include smut really or it would have been much longer. If you want a second part let me know. :)
Warnings: None
You came out of the restroom in a short black dress that hugged your curves. “How does it look?” You asked your friend Alice who was anxiously waiting for you on your bed.
“You look amazing! Pablo won’t be able to keep his hands off of you.” She smirked.
“I kind of need him to behave while Pedri is around.” You said to Alice. “Maybe in the after party.” Alice looked at you confused. “We’re having an after party?” She asked.
“Pablo and I are.” You winked. “Maybe you and my brother can have one.” Alice’s cheeks turned red as you both began to giggle. You were soon interrupted by a knock at your bedroom door.
“Everyone dressed?” Asked your brother, Pedri. “You can come in.” You responded as Alice turned to face the bedroom door excited to see Pedri. She had been in love with your brother for years but of course Pedri was too focused on futbol to notice. “Hola Alice.” He nodded to your friend whose cheeks were red as tomatoes now. She smiled at him.
“Are you almost ready?” Pedri asked you. Pedri was in charge of taking you and Alice to the club you would be celebrating your 20th birthday at. Your parents had asked him to get you there safe and then you were on your own. Pedri had rushed home from practice to get ready and look halfway decent in case fans saw him and asked for pictures. “Meet you outside in 5 minutes?” You asked.
The three of you made your way to the club. You knew if Pedri had made it home on time Pablo had too, they played together. On your way to the club you had sent Pablo a message “On our way, see you soon ;)” but he hadn’t responded yet. You and Pablo had been dating for a few months, you had tried to keep it a secret because in addition to being your brother’s teammate he was also his good friend. Eventually Pedri had walked in on you and Pablo making out in your room, reason why he always knocks now. He wasn’t happy but he wasn’t upset either. He had warned you not to mess up his friendship with Pablo but he had also told you he wouldn’t get involved in your personal life.
Pablo didn’t answer.
Your friends started to arrive to the club but you kept on looking at the entrance waiting for Pablo to walk in. He never made it.
Alice has a few drinks and was finally talking to Pedri. Unfortunately, even if either of them wanted to escalate things they couldn’t because you were going back home with them now.
You didn’t say anything to your brother and he knew better than to ask what had happened. Halfway through the night he had also messaged his friend if he was coming but he had not gotten a response either. Once you two had dropped off Alice at her house the drive home was silent.
“Did you enjoy yourself, enana?” He asked. You just half smiled at him and nodded returning to look out the window of his car trying to hold in the tears.
The next morning when you woke up Pedri had already left to practice.
Pedri walked into the locker room and went straight to Pablo. He had just gotten there as well. “Cabron, what happen?” Asked Pedri in a loud low voice, enough to get Gavi’s attention but not loud enough for the other teammates to notice. “Buenos dias to you too, Pedri.” Answered Gavi.
“Are you serious?” Asked Pedri. “What’s up with you today, Pedri?” Spat Gavi back as he finally managed to get his locker door open. As Pedri mentioned your name and Pablo opened up his locker his phone fell out. Pablo bent down to pick it up and then he looked up at your brother with a furrowed brow “Y/N? Oh fuck Pedri don’t tell me.” He quickly looked at his phone and saw all of the messages and missed calls from you.
“You missed her birthday celebration cabron. I promised her I wouldn’t get involved in whatever you guys have going on but I thought it was more serious than this. If all you’re looking for is a good time in bed you better break it off with her right now. I can’t keep quiet after seeing Y/N looking at the club entrance all night waiting for you to appear. She didn’t even enjoy herself.”
Gavi just stood there in front of your brother not knowing what to say. The truth was he had left practice in a bad mood yesterday. He left in such a bad mood and in a hurry that he had forgotten his phone in the locker room. When he got home he fell asleep and he was so mad and tired he didn’t wake up until this morning.
Gavi was uncomfortable the whole practice because he could feel your brother staring at him. Probably plotting how he was going to kill him for hurting his little sister.
“Can I ride with you?” Gavi asked your brother as practice ended. “I don’t think Y/N wants to see you right now.” Responded Pedri as he walked away, which meant no. Gavi took the hint.
Gavi decided to send you a message.
Gavi: Y/N I’m so sorry I wasn’t there yesterday. I didn’t mean to miss it. Can we meet up and talk?
You didn’t respond. You had spent all day in your room. Your parents thought you had a hangover but it wasn’t that. In fact you wished you had drank enough to forget how you felt but you hadn’t.
You continued to get messages from Gavi the following days which went unanswered. Until finally one of those days your mom walked into your room “Pablo is here looking for you. What do you want me to say?” Pedri was in his room and as soon as he heard he barged into your room. “You still haven’t talked to him?” He asked.
“No. Why should I?” You answered.
“Because he’s been horrible at practice all week. I can’t take any more days of him walking around with that frown on his face and everything bothering him.” Pedri was annoyed.
“Fine.” Your mom let Gavi in who quietly walked into your room. “Y/N I’m so sorry.” He explained what had happened and although it may be hard to believe it was true you knew how mad he got when something didn’t go right in practice or a match. “Let me make it up to you.”
A few days later Gavi asked you to meet him at a local park in the afternoon, after his practice. That’s where you two had your first unofficial date. You remembered that day perfectly which ended with Pablo and you kissing for the first time. You walked around the park for a while until Pablo messaged you he had just gotten there.
Pablo approached you and gave you a kiss. “Amor.” He said. You blushed at such a simple word that filled you with hope. “What are we doing here, Pablo?” You asked.
“I told you I was going to make it up to you.” Explained Gavi. “Pedri told me what happened at the club and I feel like such an asshole for having missed it.”
“Pedri?” You asked surprised.
“Yes. And he told me he thought this was more serious than I was acting like it was. And I want to tell you that I am taking this seriously. I really like you.”
“I really like you too, Gavi.”
“These past few months have been the best. I can’t imagine being with anyone else.” He said as he leaned in and kissed you. You bit his bottom lip and continued to kiss him. Pushing your bodies together.
“Y/N, there’s people around.” He whispered. “And I wish there weren’t. Because I had something planned for you after the party that I wish I could give to you right now.” Pablo took a step away from you and looked bewildered. “Really?” He looked at you from head to toe. You nodded.
“And if you behave you might get it tonight.” You teased him. He knew exactly what you were referring to because you two had talked about taking the next step in your relationship. “Don’t do this to me right here.” He said as he looked around and placed his sweater in front of him trying to hide what you had caused.
“Vamos, Pablo.” You said as you began to walk away. “Show me what you planned for us today.” He followed you as you recreated your first date step by step. Except now you didn’t feel as nervous and you were 100% falling in love with him.
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