#witchy wonders
witchywondervibes · 7 months
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Some candle magic tonight 🕯️
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mascaraandmojitos · 11 days
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Source: http://fit-lifting-girl.tumblr.com
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psychopomp-recital · 1 month
Unpopular Opinion Time
The doodle you make or the picrew you use, the poorly executed poetry or basic bare bones prayer will ALWAYS be better than AI generated offerings.
I am sick of having my feed flooded with practitioners, pagans and other polytheists using AI. Specifically deities like Brigid should never be offered AI in my opinion, it’s essentially a slap in the face.
AI generated spells aren’t shit, it’s what a computer assumes will work based off of what it can gather from internet trends and research. MAKE IT YOURSELF, ask a human for help anything but AI.
There is no place for Artificial Intelligence in these spaces.
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rosypotions · 1 year
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Cute witchy dividers for you! Reblogs are very appreciated when you safe/use!
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moodboard-d · 6 months
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cylleona · 11 months
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was gifted a beautiful piece from @littlestpersimmon of my baby girl 🥹
I've never received a commission before in my life and I couldn't be happier with who she chose to do it.
Please check out their socials and give persimmon some love. They do incredibly unique work.
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orangesandsnails · 3 months
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I wanna buy Pretty Holic so bad😭😭😭😭
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oceanblv · 1 year
I fucking love Fleetwood Mac
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majoworldxx · 1 year
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witchywondervibes · 7 months
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This is the coolest little thing 🥹 I adore it
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brightgnosis · 7 months
Whining About Community Means Nothing When You Continue To Poison The Well
It never ceases to amaze me exactly how much the people in the Pagan / Witchcraft / Occult blogosphere here on Tumblr will whine, and haw, and cry about the "lack of community" here, and how "no one talks to one another anymore", and how "Tumblr's Witchcraft / Pagan / Occult Community is dying" ... But will then go on, afterwards, to continue making absolutely zero true and legitimate effort to correct that, or be the very change they constantly complain that they want to see in the Tumblr blogosphere.
They won't leave comments on posts- nor will they respond to comments left on their posts ... They won't send asks to people anymore ... They won't ask questions about things that are new to, intrigue, or even confuse them ... They rarely reblog anything that isn't another regurgitated "educational post"- and they certainly don't write any kind of original (non-educational, diary or journal like) posts about their own experiences or practices anymore, either (and instead always insist on branding themselves as Grimoires, Teachers / Educators, or Aesthetic blogs) ... They generally just refuse to build well networked community connections as a whole ... They no longer really bother to correct misinformation, or go out of their way to help practitioners find solid information- including referring them to practitioners who actually know the subjects being asked about.
Instead they repeatedly, actively, seem to go out of their way to be the exact opposite of everything that actually makes any kind of a community work and function.
Just throwing the barest bones hyper-regurgitated information (that's frequently incorrect, and sometimes made up of outright lies) out there, and stepping into lanes that often aren't even theirs in the process ... Handwaving away all legitimate educational or conversational attempts made in good faith as "to each their own" instead of actually fully engaging with peers and having dialogues about different ways of thinking, working, and being ... Expecting nothing short of absolute perfection even from the newest members- and being completely unwilling to accept any new information themselves, on top of it ... Acting in bad faith, with a bad attitude towards others; assuming everything said and done towards them is in bad faith, too ... Automatically blocking people for no legitimate reason- and frequently either (1) Without any actual interaction with them first; or (2) Just on an automatic assumption of foul play, bad faith, negativity, or general difference in method or belief leading them to act persecuted and be offended- when in reality they could've just asked for clarification; opened a dialogue and built a real bridge ... Making zero effort to actually speak to others around them and build bridges at all in general.
The list just keeps going on for eternity- and none of the actions are really good or conscionable.
Genuinely: How on Earth can you claim to want community when you maintain a vicious wall of self isolation which you refuse to let down for even a nanosecond, and are intent on being virulent and hostile towards the very people you would be in community with? Genuinely: How on Earth do you claim to desire interconnection and unity when you are completely unwilling to accept (or even tolerate) any amount of perceived difference in belief and practice- and are unwilling to attempt to understand or learn about those differences outside of the bubbles and echo chambers you have placed yourself in? Genuinely: How on Earth do you claim to stretch out your hand in Companionship when it is still stained red and you hide a knife behind your back, waiting for someone to make the first, slightest, perceived misstep so that you can attack them? Genuinely: How on Earth do you expect to build any semblance of community when you continuously tear down the very supports it needs to stand on in the first place? Genuinely: How on Earth do you claim to want community, when you do nothing but poison the community well where we would all drink in the first place?
To quote something I all too often have to, from a similar conversation had far too long ago on this very same platform (because we've unfortunately had it many, many a time, and the lesson never seems to get learned): "You cannot poison the well and then wonder why no one drinks from it" ... To form Community, you must first quit poisoning the well. Until you do that, you will never be able to do anything but continue whining about its lack.
This is an opinion piece based in 20+ years of experience. If you found this helpful or interesting, please consider Tipping or Leaving a Ko-Fi (being Disabled, even $1 helps); you can see my other "Original Content" here.
This account is run by a Dual Faith «(Converting) Masorti Jew + Traditional NeoWiccan» & «Ancestral Folk Magic Practitioner» with 20+ years of experience as a practicing Pagan and Witch. If that bothers you, don't interact.
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mascaraandmojitos · 11 days
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Source: http://dress-this-way.tumblr.com
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kedsandtubesocks · 2 months
A Soft Spring Celebration with Pero Tovar for Laura 💛
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With the colorful flowers filling the small cabin, Pero thinks he might have married a fae instead of a witch.
“You’ve brought the springs indoors, mi amor.” He quietly comments, but gives you a soft kiss to the side of your head. You continue weaving flower crowns for the children in town.
“It’s a way for us to celebrate the new season, to embrace it all.” You explain with all the kindness of a saint.
You turn to look at him with bright eyes and place the finished floral crown on top of him. His face scrunches in a scowl at the floral headpiece.
“My handsome husband, the may king.” You grin so fond, bright enough to rival the sunflowers on the table. He thinks you might be his favorite bloom of all.
for @lowlights who is truly pure magic and is such a guiding light!
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rosypotions · 1 year
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The stars and the moon, they shine for you!
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girlinthetardis04 · 8 days
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I will not be taking criticism btw
(and since they weren't available: Cure Bright is yellow, Cure Windy is blue, Cure Empress is white and Cure Pekorin is pink)
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