#with “taking this very personally” attached
thesirencult · 2 days
How Will Your FS See You ?
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I'm seeing a vision. A girl is gathering flowers and playing in the sun between trees. At the same time, a man is looking at her like she is his whole world.
What this tells me is that there is a very clear distinction between you and your future spouse's energies. Your FS is definitely more masculine (no matter their gender) and you are more feminine.
This person sees you as a ray of light. You are dainty like a flower and sweet like honey. I'm hearing the word "yellow" 💛. Whenever they are looking at you, you are draped in golden light.
Now, what makes me sad is that you don't see yourself that way. Your person knows that you are picking yourself apart and they hate it.
You are a shiny little star to them. Some words they might call you are : my little star, pooh bear, sweetheart, honey, sweetie, cutie. They believe you are the sweetest, loveliest, most sincere person on planet earth. You believe that you do not deserve love or that you are not that important but they are seeing "You are important. You are as important as the air I breathe. You are necessary to my survival."
Like the sun is the centre of our universe, you are the centre of their universe. Your FS is very affectionate with you. I'm seeing someone kissing the fingers of someone else and breathing in their scent from their neck/hair. First and foremost they find you sweet and cute. Like, to them, intimacy doesn't mean mindless physical connection but love making. They love your hands and your nose.
They adore your expressions and they find certain quirks you have cute. As an example, when you feel tired and puff air out or if you tag on their hand and look up at them.
This person might be bigger than you and they just want to protect and serve you. I believe that they want to set boundaries between you and the world. They want to hold up a mirror for you and help you see your own light.
Whenever you are sad they want to make you smile.
I believe that you and your FS are going to be really close. This is not a normal bond. To others it might not seem healthy, they way that you are attached to eachother, but for you it's perfect...
Pile 2
Your FS sees you as their dream person, not in a childish way but in a mature way. You are what they need not what they wanted.
This person has had lots of experiences when it comes to love. When they meet you they will be going through a "winter" moment, life will have lost its spark. You might be born in March, cause you are going to wash away the snow and help them see the bright side of life again.
This will not be easy. Your FS will see you as their wish fulfillment, but at moments they will be wondering whether God or the d*vil sent you. You will be triggering their old wounds and stagnant energy.
This person will be very caring towards you. They will constantly remind you to take your vitamins and drink enough water. They will tease you about your height or nose just to get to your nerves.
I'm hearing "They are so draining!". Now, this is really funny cause I heard it in a teasing way, like you are at the next room and they are telling your mom you are a pain in the butt when in reality they love your quirks.
They will be constantly worrying about your well-being lol. They will get mad when you are not taking care of yourself and they will be trying to guilt trip you into doing things that are good for yourself.
Let's say you are really shy and don't want to go to the beach but they want to go and you have a dog that loves the water. They will be telling you "See, the dog is broken hearted. You are not a really good dog mom/dad."
This person will think you are sneaky. They will love the sparkle your eyes have as you have a very "active" inner child.
I believe you don't show that side to others that often and no one will believe what they have witnessed. You could have made a crazy food combination or they found you teaching the dog muay thai, to them you can NEVER be boring. It's like, what is she up to, AGAIN?
I also get that you might give them the "puppy eyes" when you get caught doing something you're not supposed to be doing (ex. cheating on your diet) or playing all coy and sweet and they love that!
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bibibuck · 2 days
on the issue of shannon being the love of eddie's life:
i think that so many people misunderstand those of us who are adamant that shannon is not, and was in fact never, the love of eddie's life as us dismissing the love they had or completely denying that their relationship was crucial and irreplaceable for eddie. but this is not the truth. someone does not need to be the love of your life in order to be incredibly important for you. someone does not need to be the love of your life in order to shape you and impact you in ways that no one else can. this is what i believe to be true for eddie and shannon.
let's ignore the philosophical debates about the concept of "the love of your life" for a second because we could be here all day discussing whether there even is such a thing, whether society pushes us to value romantic love more than platonic love, etc. i think it's clear 911 is having the "love of your life" conversation through the lens of romantic love in its biggest form. they're nudging us to think about "the love of your life" as both the person you romantically love most in the world (the love) and the person you are meant to be with (your life). "meant to be with" in the sense of creating a healthy and loving partnership and life with, one the extends for the rest of your life. and the idea is that this partnership is based on your romantic love for them. not what ties you to them practically or even emotionally in general. this lifelong partnership is a conscious romantic choice. hence, the love of your life.
i think it's clear to see that both henren and madney are shown to us as being couples that are "the love of their lives." they have those practical attachments now in the sense that they are parents together and will always be tied through that but there is the conscious romantic love there. and these are not perfect relationships. these are not couples that have never hurt each other. that is absolutely not what being "the love of someone life" is. making mistakes and cheating on someone and running away does not automatically disqualify you from being "the love of someone's life" let's get that very clear. but those things would and could break a relationship that was not with "the love of your life." you stay with someone through those things because the love you have for them is stronger than the mistakes you make. the romantic bond you have with them is so big and so strong (the love) that you choose them over and over and over again (your life).
there is a very interesting conversation to be had with bathena and the concept of "the love of your life." i believe bobby is a perfect example of someone who could be seen as potentially having two loves of his life. marcy was tragically lost for him but i truly think had she survived the fire it could be a possibility that bobby and her would have kept choosing and choosing and choosing each other through the tragedy and grief. or maybe not! maybe the pain of losing their kids would have pushed them away from each other. we don't know. so we can only take their relationship for what it was before she died: they did choose each other constantly based on the romantic love they shared. so they were, somewhat, the love of each other's lives. and then we have athena. athena had an over a decade long marriage with someone we can see was not the love of her life. and yet michael and athena's relationship could never be matched by anyone else. they loved each other deeply and i believe in athena's case even romantically at points, and yet michel was not the love of her life. bobby is.
because this is another thing about the "love of your life" concept that i think 911 is trying to showcase: there is a reciprocity to it. as i said it's about who you share your life with as much as it is about who you romantically love most so someone will not be the love of your life if you constantly love them from afar, or if you are married to them but the romantic love was lost long ago.
now let's dissect that a little for eddie and shannon.
it could be argued that shannon has been, until this day, eddie's biggest romantic love, or at least that eddie still sees it this way. so sure in the surface this would meet the first requirement to make shannon the love of eddie's life. and shannon died while her and eddie were still married so they shared her life together, so that could also meet the second requirement. but we can clearly see that both aspects just don't hold up at all.
why were shannon and eddie really sharing a life when they were married? was it their love that kept them together through eddie's running away and shannon's running away and the fights and the heartbreak? we have been shown over and over again that it wasn't. christopher was the main reason they stayed together and then came back to each other. there was also the familiarity. and there was love in the mix, yeah, but that was not why they chose each other the times that they did. so they are not the loves of each other's life if the feeling of romantic love was not the strongest thing that tied them outside of who they are to each other (the parent of their child, the first person they were ever with, their spouse on paper.)
and let's be honest, were eddie and shannon really choosing each other through it all? i don't think so at all. eddie was choosing his family, his son, his wife. but was he choosing shannon? shannon as a person? and even if he was (which i personally don't think so) shannon literally asked eddie for a divorce before she died. the reciprocity of "the love of their lives" would be absolutely lost on the fact that, had shannon stayed alive, her and eddie would be divorced by now, hence breaking the second requirement of "the love of your life" concept: choosing each other over and over and over again.
shannon is not, and was never, the love of eddie's life.
shannon is a person who has shaped eddie beyond belief. she has shaped eddie's views on romantic love, family, duty. she has shaped his view of himself, his identity as a husband and man.
shannon is a person who eddie loved and loves very deeply. maybe romantically, maybe not. we can all have our own perceptions here. i think he loved her deeply but not romantically, as i do think eddie is gay. but even if it is romantic, i think the reason this love is still to this day the biggest love eddie has ever had is not because he can't love harder or even with the same intensity, but because he won't allow himself.
those two things can be true (eddie loved her and shannon impacted him) without "shannon is the love of eddie's life" being true as well.
eddie thinks shannon is the love of his life because he still confuses "we got married" with "we chose each other." he confuses "i loved her" with "i was in love with her." he confuses "i wanted to keep my family together" with "i chose her." he confuses "i miss her terribly and will always wonder what could have been" with "i can never love anyone else."
shannon is not, and was never, the love of eddie's life.
whether or not you think buck is the love of eddie's life (which i could write another essay about), i think we should all see that part of eddie's healing has to come from realizing this fact and finally being able to move forward into seeing the love of his life is still out there for him to fully give himself to.
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kiwismitten · 2 days
Tired words | Wriothesley x GN!reader
Angst/comfort: Being the frontlines for the whole country’s fate can really make a man lose sleep. After the events that took place, and the sudden return of his lover he’s very snippy.
spoilers: main fontaine archon quest!
CW: yelling , reader almost ded , wriothesley kinda ooc (let me know if i missed anything!)
words: 1751
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The halls of the Fortress of Meropide have never felt colder as you make your way to your boyfriend’s office. The events of the days before fresh in everyone’s mind. The incident in Poisson only a few days before your return.
You were on an academic trip to Sumeru, learning about the herbal medicines and picking up some fruits and herbs to bring back to Fontaine. As soon as the steam bird articles showed up at your host home’s door the night of the incident, you apologized and began packing your bags. You’ve never moved with such haste. Of course you know about the prophecy, and Wriothesley had told you before he didn’t even know if he was Fontainian and joked a ton about getting turned into water alongside everyone else. You personally, just weren’t willing to let him take that chance.
The rushed trip back still felt like it took twice as long as the venture there. Jogging through the city with your bag still on your back, listening to depressing conversations from the other citizens about their impending fate. Frantically, you reach the Fortress entrance, and make your way down.
That’s how you ended up standing outside your boyfriend’s office, anxiety coursing through your body. Even the fortress was in disarray. Your soft knocks on the door earn no response, so you slowly push the heavy doors open with a loud creek.
“Darling?” Your voice echos through the bottom floor, your eyes gazing over everything before landing on the strange staircase going further down that you never noticed before.You drop your bags at the door before cautiously venturing down. “Wriothesley?”
A strong hand grabs your shoulder from behind you making you gasp.
“What are you doing?” He looks exhausted, his tone of voice far from the playful, carefree Wriothesley you’ve grown attached to. Sounding closer to how he addresses inmates. Heat fills your torso with joy, seeing he’s okay, and you fling yourself at him wrapping your arms around him.
“You’re okay…” His normal scowl doesn’t leave his face. Different again since his face normally softens at your contact.
“Yes, yes I’m okay what are you doing here.” He says the bags under his eyes more pronounced than normal, sparking worry in your brain.
“I heard what happened in Poisson, and I left early,” You stood in front of him staring up at his towering figure. He sighs, wiping his face with his wrapped hand. His exhaustion seemed to be weighing on him harder at your statement.
“Why.. did you have to come back now?” he pinched the bridge of his nose between his pointer finger and thumb. Your joy falters at his display.
“What do you mean darling..” Your arms fall to your sides. He stares at your form, his eyes piercing through you.
“I mean I thought with you away I'd have one less thing to worry about,” Venom laces his words. “Especially coming to the fortress during times like this, I thought I’d finally be able to focus on the prophecy, but now with you here you’ll need me to be with you so often.” Your heart jumps to your throat. He’s never been so cold to you. Has he always seen being with you as a chore, or is it just the high stress of the current situation. The emotions thick in the air make it difficult to think rationally. The salty air filling your lungs feels heavy and overwhelming.
“I’ll get out of the way.. I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” Glancing down at your feet.
“Well I am. Now please, I have very important matters to get to.” He pushes past you mumbling under his breath. Stunned in silence, soft tears well in your eyes, but you refuse to let them fall. Slowly, you made your way out of the fortress to stay at a small hotel.
You stayed at the hotel for the night, before the news of an archon going on trial reaches you in the morning. News travels fast in Fontaine, especially when there’s always a journalist creeping in the background. Deciding that staying and rotting in a hotel isn’t how you want to spend your first full day home, and you take a short stroll through the bustling streets. It’s as if no one really minds their impending fate. After reaching the opera epiclese you sit at one of the benches by the fountain. Staring into the water you smile remembering all the times you and Wriothesley sat at the near by benches eating together after his work. How you would lean your head on his shoulder listening to the soft roar of water as it cycles through, but if you were to melt into the sea now, it would be knowing that he brushed you away for being worried about him. A sigh escapes your lips as you continue your stroll, and eventually it gets interrupted by a crowd of people trickling out of the opera house. Gossiping amongst themselves about the archon, and not even batting an eye at the soft patter of rain on pavement.
The rain starts to pick up at an alarming rate, making people rush off under trees, and any form of cover they could find. A somber look rises to your face. “Is this it?” You take a seat on your normal bench, getting soaked in the pelting rain feeling the rain pool at your feet closing your eyes and letting the joyful memories flow through you.
All you really remember is the feeling of water picking you up. Floating through with a peaceful look on your face.Then a graceful arm wrapping around you and bringing you up, and you were suddenly in the air able to breath once again before everything went black.
Waking up in the fortress is never really a heart-warming experience. Especially when it’s in the cold clinical setting of the infirmary. The blurry metallic ceiling is the first thing you see, the bronze color only familiar to the fortress, so you’re immediately aware of where you are. You try to sit up, only to get pushed down by the smaller head nurse.
“Y/N be careful please, you’ve been out for a whole day you’re still healing.” Sigewinne frets over you holding her sticker covered clipboard.
“I feel fine,” You sit up in your bed, feeling the exhaustion hit you. You look around the other beds full of inmates. “I just need some food in me, and I’ll be right as rain.” a smile sheepishly crosses your face at the small joke. Sigewinne frowns and huffs as you pick at the various vital trackers attached to you. She helps a bit and takes out your IV.
“Just like his grace said you would,” you tense at the mention of him forcing a smile. “Just stay here he said to grab him as soon as you’re awake.” Eyes widening, you wait for her to leave before pulling the sheets off of yourself and rushing out of the infirmary. Your vision still blurry from the lack of food. Rushing through the halls, you stop at the canteen, smiling at Bran who waves you over.
“Ah y/n here for your welfare meal?” He smiles softly at your tired form before turning behind him to grab one of the nicer meals. “Courtesy of his grace, eat up.” You slip behind one of the many boxes before sitting on the floor and opening the delicious meal.
Wriothesley walks ahead of Sigewinne his heavy steps unmistakable. When he reaches the infirmary and sees your bed empty he curses under his breath. Sigewinne sighs pouting.
“I did ask her to stay your grace, but they did act weird when I mentioned I was fetching you,” Irritated he walks out, going immediately to the gardes who rat you out immediately.
Too immersed in your delicious food you don’t even notice the heavy steps approaching the canteen.
“What can I do for you your grace,” You stop mid-chew peeking out from the top of the box.
“Have you seen y/n I’m looking for them,” his voice has the carefree energy that you missed so much. His eyes dart around the canteen before meeting yours behind the box where you duck under again. “Ah, never mind, bran.” his heavy steps approach the box, his shadow looming over as you pop back up looking at your hands. He places a heavy hand on your head.
“Wriothesley,” you say breathlessly, tears threatening to fall again. At the break of your voice, he scoops you into his arms his long strides carrying you to his office. He wraps his arms around you as you feel small water droplets fall onto your clothes.
“y/n..” his voice cracks. You’ve never seen him break down like this, he’s the strong one, the one that never lets his strength falter. “I was so scared, i’m so sorry, I should’ve never said any of that shit to you, I was so stressed out after the fortress almost collapsed to the prophecy. I wasn’t getting enough sleep I was exhausted and I took it out on you. I’m so fucking sorry.” Seeing him crumble on top of you was heart-wrenching. His rambling spilling through his lips as his eyes dart across your face. “When Clorinde brought you onto the ship I just wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do, I tried everything but you felt so cold..” He buries his face in your neck.
“I’m okay Wrio, I don’t know what happened but, I’m here I’m fine,” You wrap your arms loosely around his torso. “Honestly I thought I was gonna die with you angry at me, but now I’m here. Getting pushed away hurt, but we’re both okay,” You mumble into his chest.
“I’ll never speak to you like that again, I don’t think I could ever live with myself knowing you left this world with me angry at you when I had no right to be. All you wanted was to make sure I was okay,” He pulls away and holds your face in his hands. “You’re my whole world and I should’ve held that in the front of my mind this whole time. I don’t think I can say sorry enough my love.” His sharp eyes now soft as he leans in to place a soft caring kiss on your lips.
“We’ll be okay,” you melt into his touch, letting him hold you close
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woso-soso · 2 days
You're Going To Do Great
Summary: Jessie gets put to the ultimate test, taking care of the team baby.
Word Count: 1,407
I would love to talk to you all so please shoot a message my way letting me know what you think!
I have not proofread yet, please let me know of any major mistakes but I will go back tomorrow and fix anything then!
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You cover your mouth, doing your best to muffle the giggle bubbling inside of you at the look on Jessie’s face. You stand behind the camera as you watch the robotic baby doll get tossed onto the table landing right in front of Jessie. You had been doing media for the Portland Thorns for the last four years, having been lucky to land an entry level position after graduating from UCLA. Which is where you had met Jessie, the two of you having been together now for eight years, married for three of them. 
“What is going on?” She asks cautiously.
“One of the team predictions this year was that there would be another team baby,” you say off camera. “So far we haven’t had one so the team voted to do this, and you were selected to be the honorary mom.” You can see Jessie's nerves clear as day. It was a challenge to even get her to agree to do a video. There was no way you were going to tell her this was the plan. 
“So what am I supposed to do with it?” Jessie asks, picking the doll up slowly. Turning it over towards the camera, the little Portland thorns onesie on full display. 
“Well,” you start “IT’S name is Rose, and she will be spending the day with you.” You toss a ring of cards towards Jessie hoping and praying that her somewhat fast reflexes actually kick in for once. With a small sigh of relief you watch her catch them easily, well somewhat easily, the robot baby narrowly escapes being dropped on the ground. 
“All day?” Jessie’s eyes go wide as she stares past the camera into your eyes.
“All day,” you confirm. “But you’ll have this to aid you,” you toss yet another item at Jessie, the bright blue baby sling landing in front of her in a heap. “And those cards will be your life line, each one represents something different, feeding, changing, burping etcetera. There is also a panic card but trust me you don’t want to use it.” 
“How am I supposed to train with it?” Jessie asks as she fiddles with the baby sling. 
“You’ll figure it out Jessie, by the end of the day you're going to love ROSE.” You emphasize as the freckled woman glares at you. 
“Fine,” she grumbles, “Come help me with this,” she says as the camera is shut off, the baby sling hanging limply in her hand. With a soft smile on your face you go over to help her clip the robotic baby in. “Maybe this will be good practice,” Jessie whispers her hand resting gently on your slightly swollen abdomen. You were only four months along and no one on the team was aware of the impending arrival of baby Fleming, but you were ok with that. The two of you holding your notoriously very private status like a badge of honor. 
“I’m sure you’ll do amazing, just like with everything else,” You affirm as you brush her hair aside to clip the top of the sling. 
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The camera crew follows Jessie around for the rest of the day, capturing every moment they can. You personally watch from your office window that faces down onto the training pitch. You laugh to yourself as you watch her attempt to leave the baby on the side lines, but the robotic screaming starts almost instantly. Jessie rushes to try and stop the crying, tapping every card on the ring multiple times until you see her visibly relax. Her teammates chirping at her as she heads back on to the pitch. 
You know for a fact that she has set off the panic card multiple times, the app connected to your phone alarming multiple times as she franctiled tried to get the screaming to stop. You watch as practice comes to a pause. Pushing away from your desk you slowly make your way down to the pitch. 
“Y/N,” shouts Olivia, the young girl attaching herself to your hip the second you're in sight. The much younger girl having become like a younger sister over the years as you took on a caregiver role while on the road. 
“Shhhhhh,” Jessie hisses at her “It just got quiet lets please not set it… “a loud screech echoes across the stadium. “Off.” Jessie sighs heavily as she digs out the cards again, starting the process of tapping every card not even taking a second to look at which was which. 
“Jessie, shouldn’t you be looking at the cards.” Olivia quips. “I don’t know if they didn’t have these in Canada but the more you hit it with the wrong card the worse your score is.” 
“IT'S SCORED?” Jessie asks panicked, turning towards you like you’ve betrayed her. 
“I told you to not hit it willy-nilly with the cards didn’t I,” Your eyebrow raised in question. 
“But you didn’t say I would be scored,” she exclaims. 
“Well,” you start, eyeing the cameras around you, “you might want to start making up for it, you might be able to redeem yourself before the end of day.” 
“Come on Jessie I raised you to be better to kids then that,” Sincy says patting the younger woman on the back as they head in for lunch. 
“If you think you’d be so good at it you take the baby then,” Jessie grunts in frustration as she shoves the plastic baby into the older womens arms. “I just need a minute away from the screaming.” Before Sincy can object Jessie is darting off into the cafeteria. 
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By the end of the afternoon your phone has gone off another five times, the notifications popping up indicating that Jessie has yet again messed up and used the panic card. You take your time making your way to the locker room, meeting up with the camera crew along the way. You knock before entering the locker room, the screaming robot baby being all you can hear as people start to pack up for the night. Jessie having shoved the baby under a pile of pennies to try and muffle some of the screams.
“I don’t think that suffocating the baby bodes well for your score,” Your voice causes Jessie to jump suddenly as she whirls around to look at you. Her hand shooting into the pile of pennies to retrieve the robot.  
“I….” Jessie stammers. 
“It’s okay, give me the doll.” Your hand stretched out to take the screaming doll from her. Quickly flipping it over and turning it off. 
“She could have just turned it off all day?” Sophia shouts from across the locker room. 
“She could have,” you start with a smirk “but it wouldn’t have ended well for her if she had.” Jessies normally red cheeks flush even brighter. “Now, who here wants to know what Jessie scored on caring for our lovely Rose here?” 
“ME!” Exclaims a good portion of the crowd gathered in the room, the cameras panning across the grinning faces before settling on a flustered Jessie. 
“Mrs Fleming here has scored an impressive,” you pause for a moment to raise the intensity “57 percent, not too good there Mrs Fleming, looks like you might have some learning to still do.” You can make out a few digs and laughs in the locker room, most of them poking fun at Jessie for being as smart as she is. You hear quite a few questioning if that's the lowest grade she's ever gotten. 
You check behind you to be sure the cameras are off before making your way over to the shorter brunette, her cheeks bright red and eyes turned downward. She doesn’t necessarily look upset, more so uncomfortable with all the attention on her. 
“Am I really going to be that bad?” She questions quietly, her eyes moving to meet yours. “Am I going to break our baby,” her voice even quieter than before, wanting to maintain this secret from everyone for as long as possible. 
“Jessie Alexandra Fleming you are going to do great, amazing even. Trust me, I wouldn’t have a baby with anyone but you.” Your hand takes hers, your thumb gently running across the back of her hand. 
“Really?” She asked.
“Really,” you say gently, leaning down to place a soft kiss to her lips, her cheeks instantly flaming even more brightly at the very very rare show of affection in public.
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hattiewritesalot · 5 hours
Azriel x Reader
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Summary: At an event hosted by High Lord Beron, Azriel's closest friend Y/N seems to be incredibly wasted. The only problem? Azriel knows that she doesn't get drunk. Ever.
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, poison, vomiting, a drunk love confession, a bit of angst but it is all in all quite fluffy
A/N: So this may or may not be inspired by the scene in Wicked King where Cardan gets poisoned... enjoy!! :3
Y/N is, as always, on high alert as she follows Rhys into the ballroom. Something combined with her dislike for social events and her lack of trust for the High Lord of Autumn meant her eyes and ears were everywhere, keeping constant watch over everything. Azriel’s large hand gently splays over her bare back, the rough fingers a gentle reminder that he’s there, and possibly to tell her to stop being so tense. She shoots a glare at her best friend, who responds with a badly-concealed smile.
She’s dressed in black, they all are, as is custom in the Night Court. Her dress is floor length, the black satin offering a nice hold around her figure, the neckline a low plunge, and the slit on her left side allowing her some freedom. The fabric is littered with silver threads and diamonds, meant to represent constellations, and also to match the sparkly heels on her feet. She looks pretty. She feels it.
A servant welcomes them warmly, almost immediately offering the group a drink of champagne, which she takes. Cassian snorts, and teases her for taking the only glass that the poor servant had, but she rolls her eyes and takes a sip.
She rarely drinks. She doesn’t like it. She’s seen enough of the boys’ drunk shenanigans to be put off it for a lifetime. She usually stays sober, if not tipsy, whenever they go to Rita’s, opting for escorting a stumbling Rhys back to Feyre rather than being the one stumbling.
But one drink won’t hurt. Not tonight. Tonight, she’ll need it.
The Inner Circle split up around the room, Azriel hot on Y/N’s trails, scarred fingers just barely tracing her bare shoulders. She sighs, leaning against a wall, him doing the same. “Time check?”
Azriel snorts. “You’re the one with the watch.”
She clicks her tongue, and checks the time, leaning back with a groan. “Two more hours of… this.”
“Always a ray of sunshine.”
“Says the shadowsinger.” she grins. Azriel was the first person she’d met in the Inner Circle, and coincidentally, her closest friend. They’d been attached at the hip the moment she’d introduced herself. They know everything about each other, inside and out. 
She’d never admit it, but her heart longed for the Illyrian. He was always so clever, so considerate. And, not to mention, his sharp features and hazel eyes made heat rise in her cheeks; hot, blissful, lovestruck heat.
“I think Cassian wants me for something.” Azriel muses, tipping his chin towards where Cassian was very unsubtly gesturing for him to accompany him. Y/N narrows her eyes at the redhead he’s standing with, and laughs. 
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say that were Eris Vanserra. Good luck, Az.”
Azriel groans, playfully tugging her hair as he walks over to his brother.
All alone, now. She drinks her champagne, downing it almost immediately. She liked champagne. It never got you too drunk, never made you too irrational. “Enjoying the festivities, Y/N?” Beron’s voice purrs out from behind her. She forces a smile.
“I’d say yes, but it appears I’ve run out of champagne.” The High Lord cocks a brow at her words, and offers her another glass with a different, more vibrant liquid. “Try this. It’s exclusive to the Autumn Court. I believe you’ll enjoy it, it’s not too strong.”
She eyes the glass, before taking it, taking a sip. It’s a subtle flavour - fruity, slightly bitter. “Thank you, my lord.” His smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes as he walks away. 
Cauldron, this drink is good. She drinks every last drop, and places it down on the table next to her, looking for a bottle of the same-
Oh. Oh. This is fun. Fun, fun, fun!
Why isn’t she having fun! Tonight is amazing!
An uncontrollable giggle tears from her throat, the sound throwing her off slightly as wave after wave of lucid dizziness hit her. She laughs, clutching her chest. This is so fun!
Where’s Azriel? Is he having fun? Oh, she loves him. Loves him so much. Where is he!?
Azriel cracks his neck, obviously not wanting to engage with the eldest son of the High Lord, who clearly would rather be anywhere else. Cassian is long gone, with the excuse of seeing Nesta, and now Azriel has been left to deal with Eris. This could not get any worse.
Until it does.
Y/N beams at him, tripping over her feet to get to him, stumbling as she slumps into his arms, snorting and giggling. He freezes. Eris chokes on a laugh. Her hands reach up to grab his face and tug at his hair.
“Y/N?” he murmurs, taken slightly off-guard by her strange behaviours.
“Azzy!” she squeals, laughing and kissing his cheek. Eris cocks a brow. “Looks like your little Y/N’s had too much to drink.” His words echo around Azriel’s head. No, that can’t be. Y/N doesn’t like drinking. And why would she get drunk here of all places? And why-
His heart sinks. Her pupils are dilated. Her body is trembling. Her skin is turning clammy. 
This isn’t alcohol. It’s poison. 
His eyes go wide as he pulls her form into his arms. “Y/N?” he mumbles, a little firmer now. “Y/N, what’s going on?”
“Nothing, silly!” she squeals. Eris laughs again, and Azriel’s head whips towards him. “What the fuck did you do to her!?” The eldest son’s eyes widen at his harsh, almost growling tone. 
“Me? I’ve done nothing. She’s just drunk, shadowsinger.” He sneers at him down his pointy nose. Azriel clutches Y/N closer, ignoring all of her babbles as she squishes his cheeks and tugs his dark locks like a child. 
“I love you!” she squeals. “I love you sooooo much. So much. I wish we were mates.” she slurs. Azriel takes a shaky breath at her words, and Eris gestures to her flailing form. “See? Drunk.”
“She’s not- she’s not drunk, she’s- fuck, where’s Rhys?” His tone is desperate as he searches for the High Lord. Y/N’s knees start to buckle, but he wraps her arms around her thighs. “Stay with me, sweetheart, you’re gonna be okay.” He manages to catch the attention of Rhys, whose eyes go wide at the sight of Y/N’s slumped form, and he rushes to them. “What-”
“She’s been poisoned.” Azriel chokes out, panic surging in his veins as he hugs his girl as tightly as he can to his chest. “We- we need to get her out.” Rhys takes a breath, and seems to send a message to Feyre, because she starts to round everyone up. “She’ll be okay, Az, just calm down-”
“I’m not going to calm down! She could die!” He snaps. Rhys backs off at the protective gaze in his brother’s eyes. “Get her back to the Night Court, I’ll sort out here.” Azriel hooks one arm under her knees and the other on her back as he closes his eyes, winnowing back to Velaris. 
She squirms, shoving herself onto the cold floor of the Moonstone Palace, and she pukes, gasping and gagging. He shushes her gently, his shadows swirling around her and stroking her hair back as she retches. “It’s okay, you’re okay. Get it all out.”
As she vomits, his mind can’t help but flick back to what she said in the Autumn Court. ‘I love you!’ ‘I wish we were mates.’ His heart flutters at the recollection, but he silently growls at it to shut up. She’s been poisoned. Her head isn’t right. She was probably just saying words for the fun of it. She doesn’t mean it. She doesn’t mean it.
But still…
No, heart, stop it.
He pulls her up against his chest when she’s finished, gently rubbing her back. She sobs, slurring unintelligible words. He kisses her sweaty temple and carefully carries her up to her room, murmuring sweet nothings to keep her calm, but her body thrashes. Her eyes are rolling back. His hands are shaking. 
He just about manages to get her writhing form onto the bed when Rhys arrives, Madja hot on his trails. “She’s been poisoned?” she asks. Y/N screams in response. Rhys winces at the noise, but the expression worsens at the fury on Azriel’s face.
“Go on.” He growls. “Give me one good reason I shouldn’t storm back in there and kill them all.”
“Because first of all, that’ll be a lot of paperwork for me, and second of all, I don’t think Y/N wants you to leave.”
Rhys is, frustratingly, right. Y/N has taken it upon herself to latch onto Azriel’s arm, clutching him and mumbling profusely, cheek squished against his bicep. He sighs, and gently pats her hair, shooting a glare to the High Lord of Night in the process.
He sits with her the entire time Madja treats her, his fingers tightly intertwined with hers. The healer concludes that she’ll be okay, but not without side-effects. She says he was clever to get her home so quickly. It wasn’t out of intelligence, it was out of fear.
She gives Y/N a sleeping draught, just so her aching body can get some rest, and then she leaves. Azriel stares at his best friend’s face, and figures he should do the same. He presses a soft kiss to her forehead, smiles at her fluttering eyes, and moves to leave.
Standing in the doorway, however, his eyes flit back to hers, the hazel of his irises connecting with her soft hues.
And then he feels it.
Like a string pulled taut, it snaps within his chest, flooding his veins with the pure bliss of finally having something to protect, to care for, to love. It roars throughout his body, his heart burning with the golden flames of the bond.
lol hmu I write for acotar now
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shall-we-die · 2 days
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What do they do if they are jealous?
↬[Fandom]•⊰ {Jujutsu Kaisen}࿐
↬[Warnings]•⊰ {Angst}࿐
☰[Main list]•⊰ ────┈┈{0059}┈─╮
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When Yuji is feeling jealous, he tries to act tough and calm, but he has really bad poker face. So, he gets grumpy, and it’s very obvious he’s annoyed or upset.
I think he tries to shrug it off, and pretends that he’s not feeling that jealous feeling. Like a little kid, he tries to say that he’s unbothered and everything is fine.
But the expression on his face will tell you that he is bothered. It’s cute honestly, and he’s never done anything over the top while he’s jealous.
When Yuji is in a relationship with someone, he’s very loyal and he doesn’t want to hurt his partner emotionally in any way.
He has a hard time saying no, so if he makes plans to see someone else, he’ll be stuck between wanting to see you and them.
He is very clingy when he starts a relationship, and he just wants affection and attention from you all the time.
When he’s super attached and clingy though, he can easily get jealous, but he does a good job at keeping it in check.
Jealous Toge is a sight to behold. He would become slightly more possessive and clingy, trying to get your attention back.
He might even make a small remark in his usual sushi speech, like 'Salmon' to express his desire for your focus.
He'd probably try to do something special for you or surprise you in his own subtle way to regain your affection.
When Toge is feeling jealous, he might engage in a bit of playful teasing.
He's not one to openly confront his feelings, so he might engage in a bit of teasing, like making sushi jokes or referring to the object of his jealousy in a humorous way, perhaps saying something like 'Tuna, salmon!' or 'Takana, maki'!
However, beneath the witty remarks, he'd likely be secretly observing your interactions closely, hoping for more attention from you.
He'd be subtly showing his possessiveness without explicitly stating it.
If his s/o were to give a lot of attention to another person, Megumi would feel jealous, but he wouldn't admit it. He would become quieter, and might even leave the room without saying anything.
He would observe his s/o from afar, trying to understand who the other person is and why they're so special to be receiving such attention. He might not express his feelings too much, out of fear of coming on too strong or appearing "desperate".
megumi would secretly follow his s/o and the person they're giving attention to, to see if they're behaving "suspicious".
He might not say it, but he would start to miss his s/o a lot more than usual.
Would probably become more clingy, asking his s/o to stop seeing that person because "it's affecting his concentration with his studies"
When he is jealous of someone his s/o give more attention to, he will usually avoid showing any visible signs of jealousy.
He may appear calm on the outside, but he will feel a sense of unease and annoyance within.
He will start to monitor the situation and may make subtle attempts to get his s/o's attention back.
He may also try to avoid any interaction with the person his s/o is paying more attention to, and may become more reserved and distant.
Despite his attempts to keep his emotions in check, he may still slip up and show flashes of jealousy in his tone and facial expression.
When Sukuna’s jealous of his s/o paying more attention to others, it's like a volcano ready to erupt.
He hates sharing their affection and will do anything to make sure they're only his.
His possessiveness takes over and he'll get more controlling and overbearing, making sure his s/o is constantly under his observation.
He could get so jealous that he'd get violent. This violence could range from grabbing their arm tight enough to leave a bruise, or even going as far as hurting his s/o physically.
He's irrational and unreasonable when he's like this, and his anger is dangerous and unpredictable.
All his thoughts revolve around making sure his s/o pays more attention to him than anyone else.
He'll use fear, manipulation or violence to keep them close and make sure no one else takes their affections from him.
He’s overprotective and possessive when his s/o is close with other men.
He hates people’s affection towards his s/o but doesn’t want to directly tell them to not do that because that will make him a hypocrite.
He will get sulky and will stay away from his s/o to pout for a while before his s/o can notice. When his s/o finally realizes he’s mad, they will try to coax him, which he will accept because he is weak when it comes to them.
After he accepts their affection, he will then tell them that he doesn't want them to get too close with other men like that.
His s/o will find his jealousy cute and then give him more affection and attention.
His mood will become better and better as his s/o shows him more love in return, which will make him cling to the. more and become more possessive.
Gojo is usually calm, collected, and extremely powerful, but when it comes to his s/o, he can be quite possessive and protective.
If he feels that his s/o is giving more attention to others, he may become jealous and try to monopolize their time and attention.
He may also become more affectionate and attentive to his s/o, trying to prove that he cares about them more than anyone else.
In some cases, he may even use his powers to scare off anyone who tries to take his s/o's attention away from him.
Gojo's jealousy might also manifest in playful teasing and jokes, or even in physical gestures like touching and hugging his s/o more frequently.
If he's really feeling threatened, he might become more serious and confrontational, demanding that his s/o spend more time with him and less with others.
He may also use his charismatic and flirtatious personality to remind his s/o how much they mean to him and why they should prioritize their relationship.
Overall, Gojo's jealousy is a complex mix of emotions driven by his deep love for his s/o.
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Coming next week
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clairedaring · 2 days
why is ming such an interesting character - a thoughtful essay originally posted in the my stand-in mdl comments section
By MDL user Liltsu (reposting with permission from OP, just added some gifs to illustrate OP's points) - original comment link
Probably an incoming unpopular opinion ahead (read with caution lol, disclaimer that I am not attempting to justifying Ming's wrongdoings to Joe, more so trying to understand for myself and anyone else why I find his character so interesting):
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Am I the only one who doesn’t hate Ming, and wouldn’t consider it to be a sad ending if Ming and Joe ended up together? At least as of now, especially from what I’ve seen currently and how I can imagine the direction the rest of the series might take. Let me expand.
For context, I went into this drama not expecting very much, and felt extremely sceptical of the trope of the ‘stand-in’ it uses, because one of my pet peeves in romance dramas is the ‘transfer’ phenomenon. If you haven’t heard that term before, it’s basically a psychological term about how a person (let’s call them A) will ‘imprint’ on someone else (person B). So to have a ‘transfer’ regarding someone else, for example, would mean that person A might have liked a person in the past (person C), and then meet someone new (person B) who resembles that person (C) in some way, and purely because of that, person A starts to also like or believe that they genuinely like person B. The problem with transfers is that they typically are rooted in a person’s (A) unwillingness to let go of the past person, and don’t truly love/hate (whatever emotion it is) the new person (B). This drama, reverses that trope.
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This will link to why I find Ming’s bond with Joe to be more genuine than I’ve seen be believed on here (just based on a few comments tbf). My theory is that, ironically, it was Tong all along that was Joe’s metaphorical stand-in from the start. Why? We see a short flashback of Ming going to the cinemas and seeing the ad/clip of ‘Tong’s’ back, doing a martial arts scene, but we only see his back. That very shot/scene is what made Ming feel entranced by Tong and motivated him to seek Tong out with his sister for an autograph. He even mentions it himself to Tong. However, I believe that the ‘back’ that Ming saw, was Joe’s and not Tong’s. Ming « fell in love » with Joe’s acting/aura/presence on the screen first, but mistook him for Tong who is the ‘known’ actor of the film he saw. So all along, his feelings for Tong are somewhat illusory, and obsessive. Tong, who in my opinion gets off of happily at the notion of someone being infatuated with him, simply strings Ming along (and uses him), as we’ve seen.
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In my opinion, Tong represents the side of Ming that was raised in a classist, materialistic family that rather obsesses about ‘spectacle’, in a way that harms Ming in the long-term. That kind of lifestyle or way of life makes him petty, distrustful, overtly and unreasonably jealous, and aggressive. Behaviours that manifest very evidently when Ming sees Joe with Sol, but particularly in correlation to scenes in which his affinity for Tong has been strengthened (Tong only sharpens the conditioning Ming has been raised through, that of being sceptical and always needing things to go his way, and fuels this, either by being in his direct company or feeding him seeds of doubt indirectly). Tong represents attachment and obsession but not love. Particularly the scene in which Ming renders Joe unconscious and keeps him captive is the most blatant example of Tong’s influence, which brings out all of the qualities of Ming that reflect the wealthy and entitled background he is born from and still lives off from.
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Ming’s interest in Joe is different in my opinion, and the series carefully points to this in a nuanced way. If my theory is correct about Ming having been drawn to Joe first, rather than Tong, and the feelings that were initially meant for Joe came to be directed toward Tong (and became twisted due to that fact), we can assume that Ming’s feelings for Joe are more…instinctual. They awaken something in Ming. And to me this is perfectly shown in their first interactions: Ming hugs Joe from behind, believing he is Tong, but if my guess turns out to be true, he subconsciously went toward Joe and embraced him with the original feelings that he felt at the cinema (when he truly ‘first’ saw him), rather than the other way around, which the series makes us believe at first glance. Then, in their interactions after, Ming is consciously reluctant to open up to Joe (showcasing the walls he has up, even toward Tong), but is still intuitively interested in Joe, wants to be around him, and cares about what he is up to. In my opinion, he sets unfair and unequal conditions in their relationship at first because of the self-défense mechanism he has kept up (someone with his background would find it difficult to trust and be vulnerable with someone else easily). This is why the most crucial interactions between Joe and Ming, in my view, are the scenes at Joe’s home. We see that Joe had said that Ming had fulfilled HIS dream to come back to a lit home and with someone welcoming you back warmly. I believe this is something Ming has long craved as well for himself, and Joe expressing this, and being the way he is, makes Ming feel safe and allows him to become more open, more intimate, more honest, more ‘himself’.
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I feel that Ming struggles to fully understand these sides of him, and has even more difficulty communicating it to others (especially Joe), but that his gentler moments show indeed the equal, and dare i say, even ‘healthy’ potential of this couple. We see this from the last scene of this episode. Instead of Ming indulging in luxuries for someone of his status, or succumbing to some kind of greed, he has pertained to what he has truly desired all along in his heart: a warm home, where he can lead an honest and loving life with the person who sees him past his social persona of the rich, pampered, entitled and obsessive kid. This is symbolised by the fact that he has continued to live in Joe’s home, waiting for him for the last two years, which reflects his commitment and earnestness which he had gradually developed for Joe, even before.
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I think what people get (understandably) confused or feel betrayed by, is the scene in which Joe realises he has been a ‘stand-in’ for Tong by Ming, especially during sex (because this is somewhat what Ming consciously believes for himself too). For me, I saw it more so as, on one level, the revelation of what I just mentioned about Ming’s prior conscious intention (which evidently is form of betrayal to Joe), and on another level, it is a defining moment of transition, where Ming is still somewhat clinging on to Tong (because of the feelings he first felt for him at the cinema, which could really be Joe again), but also clinging still to what he knows and about his way of going about things (through manipulation and violence).
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So a transition from that, into the growing feelings, appreciation, and warmth Ming did start to exhibit at Joe’s house (the symbol of vulnerable space). We see this through Ming buying the couple mugs with THEIR names (Ming and Joe), or the meaningful moments of genuine happiness that Ming feels in the simple, non judgemental moments between the two of them. This is something his sister comments about, that seeing Ming with Joe is surprisingly pleasant because it is the fist time in a very long time since she has seen Ming happy and so smiley (this is one of the biggest external piece of evidence to the idea that Ming’s « feelings » for Tong have a very different nature to his feelings for Joe). And we see this very clearly in the scene in which Joe bought a watch to Ming (and which I believe we see him promote now two years later on the poster he is). That scene is extremely significant because it shows the shift and differences of Ming alone with Joe compared to with Tong or how he is used to being. The watch is a gift from Joe, who believes it to be the « top » watch in terms of ‘quality’ and price, something we see Ming ALREADY HAS (and doesn’t have particular personal feelings toward). The top watch he has reflects his status, his wealthy background and the expectations on him by others and himself (to be considered societally the ‘best’, but in a rather vain way). However, Joe’s watch isn’t the top watch in a societal, classist sense, but it holds more value to Ming because it represents Joe’s sincerity and that matters more to him. The watch, which is typically a common symbol of time, also reflects, in my opinion, the difference in how Ming spends his time. By taking Joe’s watch and wearing it, his way of using time is also more personal and sincere, wanting to lead a life of authentic connection with someone on the same wavelength as you. In his act of taking of his old watch, which was the ‘top watch’, Ming leaves behind his old lifestyle, or at least takes on more step toward exiting it (the life of vanity and falsehoods). So all these signs of Ming’s genuine interest, endearment and feelings of care for Joe are sprinkled there from the beginning, and the series deliberately is setting a constraint between his potential for warmth and healthy sincerely with the baggage he still has from his past through Tong and his family (something he both feels and is to some extent very much controlled by).
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The series has really made me invested, and that has really been invigorating for me (as I binged the episodes today) because I haven’t really felt that as much with a lot of BL series lately - not that there aren’t don’t get me wrong, just that it feels like fewer have my engagement than usual. And to me, the series’ strength at this point (excluding the very good acting etc) is the writing, so I am very hopeful that for the parts of Ming that would require a form of redemption, or improvement, that the series would allow him to have that arc by the time that Joe and him supposedly get back together (if they do). In the case where my interpretation is close to the series’ intention, then i believe that although it doesn’t make the previous scenes justified, that it would be very much possible for Joe and Ming’s relationship to take on a healthier, more mature turn, where their relationship would become more patient, communicative and understanding, just like the interactions they shared in their own shared home.
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I’ll probably end my train of thought here, but would really like to hear if anyone disagrees or agrees with my opinions, would be happy to hear from anyone hihi. Thank you to those who read this whole e s s a y, i’m appreciative of that :).
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teojira · 2 days
I saw that you had transformers on your fandom list, will you be willing to write a 'bot of choice x human reader jealousy/protectiveness fic? Like in that one scene from Transformers 2 where the Deception Pretender tried to seduce Sam but Bee absolutely wasn't having that but had to stay in car mode?
[Aren't you supposed to be more mature than this?]
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Summary: Optimus knows better than to get attached to you (too late), he can't help but side eye you and a stranger interacting. (Based on Knightverse Optimus, after ROTB!)
Word count: 800+ words!
Pronouns: They/them
Warnings: Optimus is bad at feelings, Optimus being down bad, extremely self indulgent. Mainly Optimus' Pov as well! Lmk if I need to tag anything!
A/N: Everyone who knows me knows of my obsession and love for this man it's so bad, I have him tattooed and have a whole ass shrine I love HIMMM, Thank you sm for the request! He is the love of my life.
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Optimus Prime has been called many things, many of which are true, things he'd accept with pride.
A great leader, a good friend, a valuable teammate, A war criminal.
A jealous bot was never one of them, until recently.
He wasn't sure when he started to take a shine towards you. Was it after Unicron? When he held you in his servos, cradling you to his chest as he transformed back into his bipedal form, only letting go of you after the confused looks from Bee and Mirage.
Maybe it was a while after that, when you offered to help clean him up, Noah was too busy rebuilding Mirage to offer his services to the big man himself.
Optimus could never wipe the feeling of your small hands gently running across his frame, taking extra care to mend any scratches you found, constantly checking in to make sure he was comfortable.
He's ashamed to admit, but he kept shuddering under your touch, his senses overwhelmed by your presence. Every time his cooling fans turned on, he'd wave it off as it was just hot outside. (it's 60 degrees out, liar.)
He tries to recharge that night, but the feeling in his chassis makes him restless. He can see his sensors go haywire at the mere thought of you. He is so fucked, he shuts his eyes and groans deeply, his mask shooting up to mask the sound, lest he wakes the others.
Primus help him.
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With his new revelation, Optimus tries his best to distance himself towards you, always making excuses as to why he can't drive you home or to work (a flicker of jealously when Arcee offers, no one catches his digits curling ever so slightly into his palm), saying he must go on patrol for the time being. He waves you off when you try and care for him, asking if he'd like any help with any scrapes and dents, saying he can live with them, he's been through worse.
Its only natural that you'd give him some space, that's the kind of person you are, kind, loving, respectful, loyal to a fault, but it doesn't escape his notice when your smile falls after he politely tells you you're not needed, his spark aching when you turn around to go find another bot.
Optimus watches you now, stationed on the street.
He has no right to be upset when you're stopped outside of the garage by an older man, the man so clearly taking interest in you while you're very politely listening and nodding, shooting that oh so pretty smile to a man who he's sure is not fit to be anywhere near you, not worthy of the warm smile you wear.
It makes him seethe in jealousy, and it's scary.
He can not remember a time when he had ever been jealous. He's a prime. He was supposed to be a calm and collected leader and yet. And yet, he's so close to blowing his hor-
You suddenly whirl towards him. If he was any better of a man, he wouldn't immediately think of how cute you looked, how your lips moved as you let out a yelp.
It isn't until that thought passes his mind that he realizes he used his truckers horn. Embarrassment trickles through his body, although now he has your attention, and you are making your way towards him. The man following behind you keeps the conversation going, not catching a hint.
Optimus is ready to honk again, especially if this man keeps following so close behind you, way too close for comfort.
You beat him to it, turning around as you rest a hand on Optimus’ cabins door handle, shooting the man a polite smile.
“Sorry about that, but my husband is actually here to pick me up, so I have to go. Have a good day!” And You hoist yourself up, quickly buckling your seat belt, gently patting the dashboard in hopes Optimus fucking drives before you're bothered anymore.
Optimus’ processor buffers, his engine revving as he goes on autopilot to tale you both away. Does he know where to drive to? Certainly no, but you're with him now. He's sure you could ask him to take you to distant planets, and he'd make it work for you and only you.
“Thank you for the save, big guy.” You smile brightly at his steering wheel, your eyes lovingly trailing across the autobot symbol that sits in the center.
“It was nothing, I am glad to be there to assist.” The cabin rumbles with his voice, soothing your anxiety. You curl into your seat, resting your head.
“Where are we going?”
“If I'm not mistaken, you mentioned wanting to go to upstate New York to drive along some scenic routes? I'll gladly be your escort.”
He is so ridiculously falling for you, but he can't bring himself to hate it, especially when you excitedly hop in your seat.
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ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇᴀʀ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏᴏɴ!
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lxmelle · 1 day
Gojo was once described by Gege as a “man of resignation”.
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It is a facet of enlightenment - in which the concept of “non-attachment” is a big part of (attachment is viewed as the root of suffering).
We can interpret “resignation” in so many ways, as it explains so much about his immense capacity for love / acceptance, but also his tendency to... simply resign himself to an outcome / fate I guess - a form of passivity that can be either considered positive or negative, perhaps depending on outcome.
Going with the flow, neither chasing nor halting anything in particular with his immense might and potential. He swayed things to gently influence an outcome. Followed a designated path trying to rebuild the sorcerer world through being a teacher... which he couldn’t fully commit too either, because he had a role as a special grade who had to keep working.
That’s not to say he didn’t achieve anything - because of course he did. But nothing revolutionary. He said so himself to Geto: he didn’t see a point in it. There were just some things he didn’t think would change - someone else would replace the higher-ups.
And thus. Despite his massive strength, he never did ever manage to go all out. Perhaps this is symbolic of an inherently gentle/accepting nature? But there was indeed a monster inside him too - the one that thrived on the thrill of killing and defeating. It was a beast he seldom let out. It was a beast with a thirst.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll paraphrase: like a sprinter limited to go at 8kmph, like a singer who is only allowed to whisper her song, a painter unable to use any paints for their desired masterpiece - how dreadfully, painfully unfulfilling.
So of course it was FUN to have this final brawl with Sukuna - to give it his very best, especially when he also didn’t feel lonely anymore with a bunch of monsters he can pass the gauntlet (his body and his will) onto in the worst case scenario.
But of course Gojo doesn’t have the ability to predict the future, so how can anyone expect that he make decisions and judgements perfectly or accurately? All he can do is consider based on his own judgement. Alone. As the only other person who help him plug those holes in his judgement, Geto, had left him.
It is up to interpretation whether Geto was left behind first, but this really isn’t a competition or about assigning blame… because where do we even start?
One cannot hold Gojo totally accountable for things that happen around him or how others interpret his actions. He was born different to everyone else. Probably treated as if he had this role to fill where people had an idea of what they wanted or needed him to be, but never gave much thought over what it would feel like for him.
Gojo, Shoko, and those left behind have had to suffer the same resignation. After all: What else are you supposed to do but resign yourself, in the face of a reality where even to things you don’t wish to happen, have to happen? All you can do is what you can... and if you can, you wield it with all your might.
Geto tried it to the best of his ability.
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He wasn’t Gojo, who could do it if he wanted to.
Understanding that Gojo wasn’t, and accepting that he (Geto) shouldn’t change that about him (Gojo), as he was likely more suited to be at the school - essentially following nanami’s words and “leaving it to him” as Gojo was in his element / thrived on it, but Geto couldn’t be complicit in the system that would lead them to watch their own kind die one by one — Geto left to follow his ideals.
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Gojo was referred to as the only one who can take that curse into his own hands. I used to see it as “the only one to kill Geto” after he failed and almost lost his humanity for the sake of power (killing Yuta would go against his principles) but now it also has a new meaning: the only one who can take charge and pursue the ideals to actually change the world.
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The curse is the sh*t that is in the world of sorcery in jjk. Gojo seemed to (imho) now feel the need to catch up and hold the reins this time.
It is the end of Resignation Man Gojo Satoru. The emergence of The Monster Gojo Satoru (who Geto assisted in helping Gojo keep at bay through being the “model of humanity” that Gojo could follow) who was then fully ready to take the stand. Like Geto on that stage.
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Bye higher ups.
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Before, despite his immense strength, he didn’t force his way through. Perhaps this was the outcome of having been forced to be born and live with no choice but to be the six eyes + limitless. You do not actually have freedom.
Unless, you’re willing to become a pariah. To wield these cards that were dealt to you and completely become the extraordinary.
And now, Yuta embraces the same resigned acceptance of becoming a monster. After all... only a few will be able and willing to turn into a Monster.
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Out of love. A Monstrous love indeed.
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Geto had monstrous motherhood in him. I guess this extends to others now too. To cast away humanity because nobody else will. Nobody else can. So they have to wield it. Become it.
Yuta represents both the old and new world... in some way, he is like Gojo and Geto combined... power / strength + sincerity / kindness. Of course, like the yin and yang, each half has a bit of the other in it - so Gojo and Geto had a combination of power and compassion, but they symbolically represent each,
Arguably, had Geto someone else by his side, things may have been different.
All of this mess… ugh.
It didn’t have to come to this, right? Nor did it have to be the extermination of humans, but it could’ve been a collaboration of the special grades (Yuki, Gojo, Geto) all trying to solve the 3 different factors to the problem: humans as the origin of curses (research), the old-fashioned higher ups + clans, and the elimination of the curses. There may be others, but you get my gist.
But alas, this is the jjk world.
Just some thoughts, I’ll end it here before it’s more word vom.
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brainrot-of-a-thot · 13 hours
forward thinking, forward acting.
or, you don’t try to hide your feelings from them, featuring: bofurin + shishitoren
a/n: I decided to try and include more than just 5 characters max, so I had to switch up the format for this (for some reason, the tumblr app only allows a max of 10 pictures on one post, so I’m unable to attach a picture of each character) and I hope it’s not too… plain looking. anyway, on to the head canons!
c/w: language, and some brief suggestiveness. mostly just fluff, headcanon blurbs
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sakura haruka.
of course, he’s taken aback by your blatant display of affection. from the instant you’d met him, you were practically throwing yourself at him, smothering him with attention that he’d never received before.
it had been happening ever since he enrolled at furin and wandered into this strange town; handshakes, shoulder pats, head pats, choke holds, even hugs — but that was all friendly or familial affection. and, even as dense and romantically challenged as he was, sakura could tell that your affection had much deeper roots.
you were always complimenting him, bringing him handmade bentos and baked treats, slipping love letters into his pocket or hand, hugging him, and even at times, gifting him with flowers.
it was flustering and overwhelming, but for some reason, sakura didn’t find himself angry about it. affection, admiration, and attention from you felt oddly… natural. and though he would grumble and even at times demand you to knock it off, he secretly loved it — and it made him strive to be a person worthy of that affection and praise.
hajime umemiya.
oh, gods, this man finds it so endearing.
you’re so bold about it, greeting him every day with a bright smile and even the occasional gift. you’re quick to offer any and all assistance to him simply to spend more time with him (which you very readily admit). you listen intently when he rants about his plants and favorite foods, all the while doing so with this look of sheer adoration on your face — like you could listen to him talk for days and never get tired of his voice.
simply put, your brazen affection makes umemiya feel like he’s on top of the world, standing alone as the only man in the solar system. and, to you, he is. and that wasn’t going to change.
hiragi toma.
he’s flustered as shit. I mean, you like him? you? like him? it feels like a fever dream to hiragi — you’re pretty, sweet, upfront, bubbly and charismatic, and he’s — well, him.
you’re always quick to reprimand him when he looks down on himself, and then you proceed to follow it up by every single thing you like about him. you ask him on dates constantly (some he agrees to, some he’s simply too busy to attend), and you shower him affection that could, to some, be described as smothering.
but it doesn’t feel that way for hiragi. truthfully, it doesn’t take him long to fall for you. your attention and love is like a drug — one he’d happily get addicted too.
suo hayato.
is nonchalant and reciprocating on the outside — completely screaming on the inside.
suo was used to hearing girls whisper about him; about how charming and mysterious he was, how strong he was, how much they’d love to get to know him. but they’d never had the gall to attempt to — whether it was because they were too shy or too certain of rejection was lost on suo.
but you — you completely flipped the script. you were brazen, bold, and unapologetic about it. you were immediately complimenting him, immediately expressing your blatant interest with a cheery, “suo, you should go on a date with me! I think we’d get along great!”
and of course, suo wants to play off how nervous and flustered you make him — so he agrees to your dates, reciprocates your advances and compliments back, until, somewhere along the line, he’d stopped doing it just to cover up his true feelings — suo hayato, for the first time in his life, had caught legitimate feelings, and was acting on them.
nirei akihiko.
boy, oh boy is he flustered. in some cases, when you offer him affection, and he’ll look at suo as if silently demanding if somehow the patched man had put you up to this.
nirei doesn’t think of himself as an attractive, pursuable man — but, as you’ve stated before, that’s something that you love about him.
you want to get to know him, not just on a friend level, but on one more intimate. his kindness and logical thinking had drawn you in, you said. his freckles remind you of constellations, and you wondered aloud if he had them anywhere else on his body (cue sakura fainting).
you bought him new notebooks. all the time. when you’d give him a new one, you’d smile at him and say, “watching you indulge in your hobby makes me happy.”
you legitimately liked him for him, and for a while, nirei struggled with that. but over time, he grew to believe in your intentions (how could he not? you were always so forward with them). and before nirei knew it, he was a taken man — and his girl was just as smitten with him as he was with her.
ren kaji.
okay, but why?
kaji isn’t objective to your advances — he doesn’t mind them, but he also doesn’t put a lot of stock into them. upon meeting you at first, he just assumed that was your personality; after all, he’d met his fair share of people who were just naturally flirty.
but it was when you began bringing him tokens of your affection that kaji realized it was different. before he knew it, he had a large bowl full of multi-flavored suckers in his room, courtesy of you bringing him a couple new ones every day, an entire drawer full of little charms and bracelets you’d hand crafted for him — even a couple new pairs of headphones for “just in case.”
you were constantly around him, your face brightening significantly upon seeing him, and you always asked him on dates.
and the moment he finally agreed to one, he wondered why he hadn’t sooner — because, wow, you were one hell of a woman.
choji tomiyama.
he just found his damn soulmate.
man is reciprocating your advances tenfold — you’re just like him, unapologetically brazen and forward with your desires. how could he ever hate someone like that? it makes him want to know you, to discover what kind of person you are, if the two of you can continue to resonate so well.
not to mention, you’re extremely pretty, and your energy levels can sometimes rival his. you indulge him in whatever activity he wants, even if it’s a little childish. when he’s with you, he feels giddy and happy, his chest lighter than ever.
it seems like in no time at all (it was three days) you two are courting with the intention of pursuing a relationship.
jo togame.
he’s smitten with you from the second he lays eyes on you.
you haven’t even approached him yet, but he’s already crushing. at first, he was too nervous to talk around you. the first day the two of you only swapped a couple words. togame had assumed the rest of the days would be the same, but the next morning you ran up to him as if the two of you had been friends for years.
“hey, toga! wait, can I call you toga? I like to give nicknames to the people I like!”
togame’s heart had leapt at that, but he kept his hopes low. he was sure you’d only meant it in a friendly way. togame had never been happier to be wrong.
the cute nickname was just the tip of the iceberg of your affection — it became blatantly obvious that your love language was physical touch and acts of service. you were constantly asking to accompany him whenever he went somewhere, butting into his chore of handing out sodas, amping him up before a fight and tending to his wounds afterwards.
and you were never hesitant to remind him that you liked him, that you hoped that someday explore something deeper than friendship. nearly every day.
you were perfect, in every sense of the word. and though it was difficult to believe this wasn’t just some sort of dream that he’d wake from soon, togame let himself relax and bask in your warmth in its entirety.
by the way, he’s marrying you someday.
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maliciousblog · 22 hours
Bodyguard (Mingi)
It all started the night you made the irresponsible decision of coming back home drunk from a party.
Your father's peaceful slumber was disturbed by the sound of you staggering and stumbling into your home.
It wasn't the first time you had pulled one of your immature stunts.
But he couldn't really blame you.
It was your age to explore and make bad decisions.
He just couldn't let that happen if it was preventable. You were his little girl after all.
He watched as a distance as your wobbly legs brought you to your room.
Once he was sure you were out.
He tucked you in laying a tender kiss on your forehead as he lovingly gazed at you.
You looked so much like your mother it made his heart warm.
That was exactly why he could never say no to you.
Anything you wanted he gave you.
He could barely even get himself to raise his voice at you.
Maybe he'd have to outsource the task to someone else.
You needed structure and discipline in your life and if he couldn't give that to you he had to find someone who could.
He had been contemplating the topic for a while now.
He needed a pair of eyes on you at all times.
His secretary had suggested the idea of hiring a bodyguard.
He would keep you safe from others as well as yourself.
Your father spent the next couple of weeks looking through resumes sent by security firms all trying to get his attention given that he was a wealthy man that would need the extra security and obviously he wouldn't hold back any expense when it came to you.
After weeks of searching for the perfect fit he settled on Song Mingi going by his professional name Ghost.
He was ex-military with a stellar record and high recommendations.
Given his expertise this job would just be quick and easy money for him.
He had already settled in his quarters when he was called into your father's office for a debriefing of his responsibilities which was to be your shadow.
You couldn't help but eves drop on the conversation.
Blood boiling you weren't a child and you surely didn't need this big oaf of a man constantly tailing you wherever you went.
It was frustrating trying to convince your father that you didn't need supervision it was like talking to a brick wall so you just decided to give up.
How bad could this man possibly be.
He wasn't the worst companion to have he took you to and from work.
Took you shopping
Took you to meet your friends complied to most of your requests as long as he deemed them reasonable.
Never speaking more than a couple of sentences at a time to you.
You tried to pry out personal information from him the best you could but at most all you out of him was an annoyed grunt.
The constant surveillance made you feel uneasy.
It was like you couldn't breathe freely in your own home.
The one place you are meant to feel at ease.
Tonight was one of those particular nights you woke up around midnight craving chocolate chip cookies a quick inspection of the pantry proved fruitless as you lacked the ingredients to make them.
The store was only a couple of blocks away a quick drive could easily fix your stubborn cravings.
As you were about to turn the door knob towards freedom you could feel a familiar presence engulfing you.
His muscular arms close the slightly ajar door.
Yanking you back inside.
"Where do you think you're going "
I want cookies.
"It's 1 am. Go back to your room."
Please. I'm craving them so bad.
"Well that's not really my problem. Go back to bed I'll take you in the morning. I don't want you pulling one of your stunts on me and trying to run away"
I wont. I'll be good I promise. You can cuff me to you if you want. It would be impossible to run off with Goliath attached onto my arm now wouldn't it.
"Very funny. I'd appreciate it if you kept your jokes to yourself. I'll take you if you promise to behave try to pull something and I'm locking you up for a week and before you start whining like a bitch and going to cry to daddy about how much of a big bully I am. He left for a business trip earlier in the evening so you'll be under my care for the next month or so.
So make it easier on the both of us and try not to be too much of a pain in the ass. I would hate to have you force my hand and with your daddy not here who knows what I would do to you."
Muttering under your breath would get you anywhere neither will trying to reason with him.
So you just shook your head and followed him into the car as he held open the door for you.
The trip to the store went smoothly as now you were putting in the balls of cookie dough into the oven laying down on the couch waiting for them to bake.
As he came in to check on you he found your form curled up on the couch.
He had to admit you did look cute like this when you weren't running your mouth to him.
He did understand your side as well it isn't exactly pleasant to have someone constantly hover over you and micro manage your every move but that was his job and he did gain some sick pleasure in having so much control over you.
He could dictate anything he wanted and you had to do it.
He managed to manipulate your father into letting him have full control over you feeding him lies about your behaviour and giving him empty threats of quitting.
This is where his obsession of control started,  it was never really innocent.
All his life he got orders when he was in the military no matter how humiliating they were he had to follow them.
As a soldier he had to do whatever his superiors asked of him. No questions or negotiation ever available to him.
It often hurt his ego and left him bitter.
For the first time in his life he had complete and absolute control over something.
He could ask anything of you and you would have to comply out of fear of him limiting your freedom and with your father out of the picture he would only indulge into it more.
He would control everything from where you went to what you wore to whom you met.
All under the guise of keeping you safe. Your father was a wealthy man he had his fair share of enemies.
In his eyes he was only protecting you doing what was best for you.
The pleasure he got out of turning you into his obedient pet was just a bonus.
He picked up your sleeping form with ease laying you down on your bed.
Before turning off the over leaving the freshly baked cookies to cool grabbing a few with him.
That he ate while watching your sleeping form through the cameras he has installed throughout the house.
It was like his own personal television show starring you, his favourite doll.
Just a quick drabble. Might do a part 2
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000-pawz · 1 day
how riwoo loves ( zodiac series ) ˚ · .
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how i think riwoo would navigate relationships/love/communication based on his natal chart/birth chart!
wc: 1k+
more under the cut!
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riwoo is the definition of "thoughtful, doting, and stable" <3
he's such a stable lover, it's actually insane. riwoo is one of the most sincere, loyal, and honest people ever. with his moon sextile venus, i feel like people fall for him very easily? he's very charming, well-mannered, and polite, so many people have puppy crushes on him. if he has a crush on you, i feel like he'd be very reserved, but deeply sensitive and caring. he'd show that he likes you in little ways. he's very thoughtful and remembers things you would've never thought he'd remember.
with his libra sun, he's very romantic at heart. combine that with his venus in scorpio, and he will have full tunnel vision on his partner. he wants his partner to confide in him. because of his virgo moon, he's amazing at offering support, lending an ear, and helping his partner navigate their struggles. he wants to lift as many stressors from you as possible and he doesn't mind taking them on himself.
his main goal is to make his partner feel special, so i think he'd like those stay-at-home intimate dates like a candle lit dinner, or picnics at the beach and stuff! i think he'd also enjoy relaxing dates, like a puppy cafe or paint and sip ^___^
he's an introverted feeler, no doubt. that phrase "i want to be alone with you" is literally riwoo in a nutshell. he needs quiet time away from the world to recharge and process, but he wouldn't mind his partner being there with him. he prefers to stay out of the limelight when it comes to his personal life, so he may want to keep your relationship relatively private.
i feel like riwoo is most compatible with those who can balance out his reserved nature with emotion, or people who can resonate with his need for stability. he would like a partner that can "take the lead" and set boundaries well. he also has a big thing for aesthetics because of his libra sun, so he'd prefer a partner that is fashionable or shares the same taste/style.
tbh i think he might prefer a partner that is older than him or has a sense of emotional maturity. riwoo is very faithful, but he sometimes has low confidence when it comes to navigating relationships, so he needs a strong and stable foundation for him to feel the most safe. <3
he appreciates the little things in life; those often overlooked every day moments like waking up beside his partner and seeing how beautiful they are. holding hands while walking down the sidewalk. seeing the stars reflect in their eyes. he values simplicity and doesn't need lavish shows of affection to feel loved!!!
he's full of so much adoration for his partner. i see him as the type to take a lot of pictures of you in soft moments, like when you're sleeping on his chest, or if you get frosting on your cheek, or when you're running up to him after not seeing him for a long time <3 he thinks you are the cutest thing ever and wants to cherish every single moment because there's never enough time, so he wants to spend it all with you.
although riwoo has a pretty healthy attachment style, that doesn't mean he has no flaws. because riwoo is such a deep and gentle feeler, he internalizes many of his negative emotions. he has a tendency to over-analyze his partner's behavior and therefore, he overthinks a lot. one thought leads to another, and then he can easily be overridden with his own assumptions. he might take things really personally sometimes and although this doesn't necessarily stem from insecurity, he can fall into deep doubt and self-pity. he can go from being extremely talkative and social one day, to completely silent and detached the next simply because he was thinking for too long.
sooo how can you make him feel loved? this is probably the easiest answer. praise praise praise! ^___^ because his moon is in virgo, riwoo has an innate desire to serve others. he feels most fulfilled when he feels useful, so i see his love language as acts of service and words of affirmation. tell him that you appreciate everything he does for you and that you feel safe with him. he'll give you the world if you let him. alsoooo because of his libra placements, he's pretty sensitive around his lower back, so back massages and back hugs are everything to him!!! even rubbing his back while cuddling can lull him to sleep in like three seconds ><
with his mars in pisces and his mercury in libra, riwoo's communication style is... how do i put this...>< very, very passive? he tries to avoid conflict as much as humanly possible. he feels uneasy when there is conflict, but he has difficulties with asserting himself and always seeing both sides, so he never has any strong opinions on anything. this can be frustrating for his partner when trying to seriously resolve an issue.
he hates being in the wrong and he hates when his partner thinks he's in the wrong because he just wants to make them happy. i feel like his go-to lines are "okay, you're right." or "i'm sorry." without even addressing anything specific </3 he may sometimes let his true feelings on a situation stew because he takes so long to understand them himself and because of his libra mercury, he can be a messy communicator when he finally does speak his mind, usually going off on tangents to explain himself or giving a thousand disclaimers before making an opinion.
riwoo has a hard time confronting his emotions verbally, but he opens up like a flower when his partner provides a safe, understanding, and non-judgemental environment for him. he's his most authentic, raw self when he feels understood on a deeper level. hold him and remind him that you are there for him no matter what. <3
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reblogs are greatly appreciated! lmk what u think or if you have any other takes!!! i'm always open to learning more :o thank u...<3
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wyfy-meltdown · 3 days
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I FINALLY DID IT!!! SHE IS DONE!!! Meet my first Madoka Magica OC: Komoe Mimura!!!
Below the cut is more info about her ♡✧⁠*⁠。
Bio / Base Information
Name: Komoe Mimura
Wish: "I wish I could grant wishes!"
Age: 16
Height: 5'2
Weapon: Magic Wand
Power: Grant Wishes*
Soul Gem: Purple, Rabbit Head Shaped
Witch Name: Velveteen
*Her ability to grant wishes is limited to things that can be created or destroyed.
Ex: she can grant the wish "I wish I had lots of money" but she cannot grant the wish "I wish I was rich" (one implies gaining something while the other implies altering the current reality).
Ex2: she can grant the wish "I wish [Name] would break up with his girlfriend" and/or "I wish [Name]'s girlfriend died" but she cannot grant the wish "I wish [Name] broke up with his girlfriend" and/or "I wish [Name]'s girlfriend didn't exist". (1&2 implies events that can occur in the future, 3 is past tense [meaning it would have already had to happen, thus altering the reality], and 4 would alter reality).
Design Breakdown
She has a very optimistic outlook and determined personality. She tries her best to get to know everyone, and her soft voice contradicts her upbeat personality. She absolutely loves magical girls to a stalkerish extent: she's willingly gone into witches labyrinths with hopes of meeting magical girls, and has a diary where she keeps all her information on the "magical girl secret world". She's very girly, and loves feminine things: dresses, long hair, and cuteness are all things she adores. Her favorite pastimes are watching tv, sketching, and hanging out with friends. Often times she can come off as pushy or intimidating (especially to girls she scouts to be magical girls) but she genuinely means no harm, and doesn't ever realise she's acting poorly. She takes great pride in being a magical girl, and her current goal is to thank the magical girl that saved her.
I'm not sure if I fully like the design (mainly the waistcoat thing, and I should've given her gloves) but I'm happy I managed to actually draw her. This was a very self-indulgent design (not a sona though) and so I included ungodly amounts of ruffles and pastel pink!
Underneath her skirt is layers and layers of ruffles to the point her legs are not visible, and she has a double sleeve situation (also with ruffles underneath). The teacup & saucer hat is... rough, but I loved the concept and wanted to include it! Her rabbit ears are attached to a headband which has a ribbon on it. Her soul gem is located on her monocle chain; the alternate locations were the rabbit ear headband, one of the hairtie ribbons, and an anklet. I went with heterochromia because I could not decide whether I liked the pink or purple more (I also debated on mint, but I wanted to keep the colour palette analogous), I also struggled with very light purple vs very light pink for the hair; and went with very light pink (but I'm not sure how I feel about it). Those hair flicks near the top of her head aren't real rabbit ears, but are meant to resemble floppy rabbit ears. I wanted her overall design to invoke the feeling of "magical girl" strongly, and I hope I succeeded in that!
Her magic wand shots a magic beam(?) thing from the top (between the ears) and functions like a whip; the hand-guard is based off a rapier's, and the bottom has a sphere that looks like a rabbit tail. Her soul gem features a rabbit head on top, and a clock face (sorta) as the bottom symbol. ALSO! I promise her purple eye is the same colour as the soul gem, the glass shading from the monocle makes the eye look lighter!
Her original wish was "I wish to be a magical girl!" but Inkyuu (the resident incubator) told her to pick a different wish since she'd become a magical girl regardless
She was aware of magical girls before being approached by Inkyuu due to being saved from a witch by a magical girl; she has gained an obsession with magical girls as a result
She uses her power of granting wishes to scout potential magical girls for Inkyuu
Her white rabbit theming is because she leads girls down the rabbit hole of becoming magical girls (the day I stop using metaphors and symbolism for everything is the day I die)
[Adding onto above] She has no particular love of rabbits or Alice in Wonderland, but thinks her theming is cute and so plays into it
She'd either be a mentor figure or an antagonist or possibly both
She either knows the secret of witches or if she found out about the secret of witches she'd probably be supportive of incubators (maybe even intentionally becoming a witch[?])
She hasn't been a magical girl for very long, but is very enthusiastic about it so she's fought many witches
She's very close with Inkyuu and carries him(?) around with her
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sapphim · 2 days
reverse unpopular opinion: sebastian
i like him and i'm braver than a marine for that
WE are braver than any marine for that.
sebastian suffers in part, in my opinion, from the same problem that many other characters in this series suffer from, which is that his backstory is really complex and compelling but then his actual writing is very one-note and fails to really elaborate on any of it to the level of depth it deserves.
like, he was the cast-off youngest child, disowned by his family, who were later murdered in cold blood. he's done a complete about-face from hedonism to asceticism. his closest attachment in the wake of, again, the murder of his entire family and their household, immediately prior to the start of the game, is to a woman whose standards he is always trying to live up to but never quite seems to fulfill. he has no idea who he is or who he should strive to be, torn between two different paths set out for him, but feeling inadequate to both. there's a great amount of depth to work with there.
but what I like most about sebastian is that. he's just a good guy! like, genuinely. and he wants to be a good person, genuinely. he strives to be good. but he doesn't always, like, succeed? he's sheltered and naive. he trusts the people he trusts and is prone to harboring misconceptions about others. he very often won't examine his preconceptions without prompting. his definition of "doing good, helping others" is often motivated at a base level by "doing what I want to do (being a murder gremlin with my best friend hawke) and then telling myself I'm doing this to help others."
but take all of his flaws and even when he is at his worst, his most vengeful, hot off the murder of the person who took him in after his (also murdered!) family booted him out, seeing the face of her murderer on every mage in the gallows—all of his flaws, and say to him "andraste would not have stood for this. she would have sided with the victims." and what does he say? he says "you're right" and also "I shouldn't have needed you to remind me." good. guy. genuinely.
is he the most tragically underwritten character in a series of tragically underwritten characters? yes. but you know what? he's free real estate. he's mine now. I've picked him up out of the cardboard box he was dumped in off the side of the road and have rehomed him
[reverse unpopular opinion - send me a topic and I'll say what I like about it (or die trying)]
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if you're a new follower of mine or just don't know who I am and where I am coming from: hi! I am a middle eastern arab woman who is seeking asylum in a western country. I am an atheist ex-muslim lesbian and I left my family, my home, and country because it was not safe for me to stay and I wanted to live authentically according to my own values and who I am. a lot of people said I am brave for what I did but tbh I really didn't have any other choice, I didn't choose any of this like how I didn't choose to be born in the middle east to a muslim family.
I avoided talking about islam and ex-muslim issues even though I passively engage with content made by ex-muslims, because I wanted to move on with my life and not risk it by attaching my face and name to any activism related to being an ex-muslim, but after october 7th I realized that it isn't really as simple as putting physical distance between myself and islamic terrorism/islamofascism because it is making itself comfortable on my doorstep, and our jewish neighbors and friends don't feel safe anymore. antisemites cheered on the biggest massacre against jews since the holocaust, and jews didn't have time to mourn or comprehend the tragedy before they needed to put on defenses against the mob who want to destroy the only country in the world that will protect them. speaking out against antisemitism in this small blog is consistent with everything I believe in as a human being and I don't know why that surprised a lot of people who think of themselves as anti-racists tbh, and this became even more personal to me cause I have a loved one who is jewish and I would very much like them to stay safe and not be bombarded with daily reports of antisemitic hate crimes and worry that they or their family and community are next.
I know that I can't ever go home in my lifetime and that it isn't a safe place for me. I also perfectly understand where hamas is coming from in terms of religious endgoals for their group and why they do the things they do, I support the right of all innocent people to live safely and freely, but you can't guarantee your individual human rights under an islamic fascist state, this is something that people in the west don't understand because they take their rights and liberties for granted and are blinded by their privilege, they don't seem to grasp that others fight so hard just to live as they do. they also don't seem to understand that things can and will get worse if they don't wake up soon. they can absolutely extend their support to people in the middle east, but they are being very disrespectful and racist when they parrot slogans instead of actually understanding the region and its complexities.
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haitanology · 6 hours
a study on the orchid, ran haitani
— a character analysis (yapping session, mostly) on the eldest haitani brother.
part i. the petals, who is ran haitani?
when one thinks of ran, charisma might just be the picture inside their minds. it’s exactly what he represents, and part of the reason as to why he is so loved. on the surface, he’s stylish, charismatic, and cocky.
ran knows how to present himself in such a way, others have no choice but to admire him. he’s confident and very strong, appearing so sure of himself before outsiders. one might think he has no weaknesses, his success explained by the single emotion he parades around everyone else.
you barely get to see him out of his shit-eating grin in the manga, always teasing and mocking. putting others below him, so successful and incredibly popular —one thinks.
but, is that all there really is to him?
part ii. complexity, what makes ran— ran?
ran haitani, behind the façade he puts up to appear so grand, is in fact, a boy much like the rest. confident, sure, but with a heart of his own and a hint of tenderness that is hard to acknowledge for most.
a sleepy, moody, boy who would much rather sleep than attend parties and get-togethers. a boy who loves his sweets, and taking care of himself to look his best. a boy with a dream, that we get to see him chasing by how he carries himself.
ran haitani is smart, having keen instincts, but deep down a kid that wants to have fun. gangs aren’t all to him, violence not the solution to his every problem and his motive, but rather a way to be what he has always wanted to —a celebrity of sorts.
it’s hard to pinpoint ran’s upbringing due to his lack of a proper backstory, but i believe him to be a spoiled kid who has always wanted more. stepping out of the shadows of his family to cast his own, while his brother stands beside him (and not in his shadow like rindou himself thinks, but that’s a different analysis).
he’s vicious and greedy, wanting to be at the top because it’s what he’s seen and admired ever since he was a low-ranking member of a gang. he wanted what those boys had, taking it away from them in the worst way possible —but in the most effective one in the world they are part of. he uses his intelligence for this, and the success is palpable.
but that’s only the half of ran that swirls in violence, written in the tattoo taking a part of his body. the other half, however, is the empty skin where the puzzle piece fits —rindou’s tattoo, the heart of his brother that completes his own.
because above all, ran haitani is caring and kind. the people he lets into his heart are absolute, attaching himself to and understanding them well. he cares for the hidden bonds that izana denied out of anger, but that were there for tenjiku, and he respects them and is mindful of those that can break it because he’s human.
he cares for rindou, and stays by his side no matter what. their strength remains in their brotherhood; it collapses when his younger brother is defeated, because the concern clouds the mind. ran and rindou are one, even remaining together in the future despite the difference in their dreams. (and considering their occupation, it seems ran was the one to step down to help rindou with his dream). although not very present or relevant, ran remains one of the best examples of an older brother throughout the series.
though i feel like, if there’s one moment where ran’s real character (and potential) shines more than any other time, it’s during izana’s death. the only real instance where we get a peek on who ran really is, the personality underneath the cocky viciousness and unfaltering grins. his heart is exposed and vulnerable in front of everyone else, giving full closure to izana’s own dream of creating a family of his own. ran’s heart is just as soft as any other, just tucked in with multiple layers of indifference and ego.
unfortunately, ran suffers from what many other characters in different animes do, the lazy face and arrogant smile syndrome. and, as well, got extra damage from the characterization that inevitably came with all of bonten.
part iii. bonten, why is ran so mischaracterized?
man, why is bonten so mischaracterized would be the better question. could do a whole series from it, too. most characters reduced to a single trait or sentence said throughout the arc.
what has ran been accused of? i’ve seen it all i think: a manwhore, cheater, abuser, alcoholic man who probably wouldn’t even care about anyone at all. and two ideas sprouting from this make me extremely upset. one, this characterization has been carried down to tenjiku/rt/kmg ran, and two, people will argue that this is true to ran’s character and who he really is.
is it? no. with the lack of bonten information, we can’t pretend this is how they behave. none of these men aspired to become criminals in the future, only did it for izana’s sake (in most cases). obviously, as part of a criminal group, it’s safe to assume he’s done some terrible shit. but does that include all listed above? let’s see.
why is it that ran is seen as a manwhore? he’s attractive and charismatic, a celebrity in his own territory, but this is probably only referring to the delinquent world. i doubt ran gets a girl every time there’s a party in his apartment when he doesn’t even appear to like those much. and i find it hard to believe that he’d spend his entire nights in nightclubs with strippers in his bonten days. why is that the normal with bonten fics? it has been said that bonten is involved with prostitution, but bonten is much more than those 8.
now, let’s make up these two cases. one, ran haitani has an established partner heading into bonten. he cares, cares and loves so much he’d make sure nothing would happen to them. wouldn’t even think of getting them involved. yeah, maybe the relationship grows a little gloomier. it is bonten after all, and mikey’s dark impulses are kind of just slithering into everyone’s lives. but i think that, assuming he just instantly becomes a cheater and abuser is just losing the plot. let’s try not to reduce the little personality we got of him even more.
second case scenario, ran haitani doesn’t have a partner. i believe this is the most likely choice, i don’t believe ran to focus so much on potential partners, or being a womanizer enough to charm every woman he meets. he’d much rather stick close to the people he calls family, and not rope in someone innocent to this whole mess. as much as i love ran (i love him a lot i think it shows) i personally believe he’s a person that does well on his own without a partner, not actively looking for one. focusing on his life and his brother’s, and the deep shit they are stuck into with bonten.
no tokyo revengers character is fully good, that’s what makes them so intriguing! and while ran haitani has a lot of questionable traits that make a terrible person to come across as an enemy, he has as much of a heart as any other character. the man has emotions, they just haven’t been explored by the author :(
part iv. respect, dignity & admiration, afterthought
in no way am i the haitani police (i am actually, just undercover) to tell you how to interpret a character. the fun in those who don’t get much information is to make up a background for them ! no correct answer since nothing has been said. however, i simply do not like this whole thing about ran being a horrible person and treating someone like they aren’t even a human being and people pushing it so hard to be canon. bonten has hurt many, and wattpad books too, i know they have some kind of fault.
ran haitani is such a beautiful character to explore, there’s many layers to him even if there’s none to see at first. a bratty, childish man who appears cold and cocky but is actually incredibly smart, and so vulnerable and caring. but that doesn’t do well in the world he moves around in doesn’t it? he’s such a silly little guy, and in my own little twist of things i believe him to be quite the loser.
i’m sure that while, it could be hard to approach him and get close, once he has a partner he’d be so loving and loyal. angst assured bc he probably would try to push them away at some point, but all efforts to be with him would be so worth it. he’d be a little possessive, maybe sometimes a little bit toxic, but with its up and downs it would be a beautiful relationship.
sad to see he has fallen into the fuckboy character stereotype, and bonten doesn’t do any of their members justice either. but despite all of that, i’ll always headcanon ran to be the hopeless romantic type, just keeping it well to himself. but once he loves, he loves. and it makes it so worth writing for him.
at the end of the day, all the different versions one comes across is what keeps the character alive, like them more or less. still, he shouldn’t be just reduced to a so called sex god who also doesn’t even know what an emotion is. or those theories that were so popular back then, shivers.
so yeah, happy birthday to ran <3 what a character am i right.
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