#xntp aesthetic
blueopinions49 · 1 year
Mistyping on MBTI
The purpose of this post is to understand what are mistyping and how they happen. I’ll explain some of the patterns ive noticed when it comes to some of the mistypings as well as some of examples ive I personally disagree with. Please dont take any of this as a personal insult if any of these examples I give are things you've done in the past or the typings I disagree with are your own. 
Case #1Misunderstanding Functions 
-What I refer to by the misunderstanding of functions I mean it's the general purpose of the function and how does this function work and perceive reality. I understand that functions can be complicated and Carl Jung’s definition of Ni can be convoluted and confusing (sometimes just plain vague) however I do think that typing people/characters  needs at least allot of backing up with your knowledge of functions. Usually the misunderstanding I see with each functions comes out in these ways.
Si- Memories/Any form of previously obtained knowledge 
Se-Impulsiveness and Aggression
Fi-Sensitivy and Emotionality 
Ti- Thinking in any capacity 
Ne- Quirks and Quips 
Ni- just knowing stuff
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Ex-Sasuke Uchiha (ISFP)- Sasuke is often typed as an INTJ due to his preference for Ni-Fi HOWEVER when it comes to how he perceives reality and his way to deal with conflict its pretty clear he is an Fi dom. There is this misconception of Fi=Sensitivity and Emotionality. However this couldn't  be farther from the truth. Fi is simply preferring your Core Values and desire over the other. His goal was always Fi related NOT Ni related.   
Case#3 Simplification of Functions
Following the last case this is usually the more common one I see when it comes to mistyping usually people will flatten functions or just straight up default to god awful stereotypes of each type when it comes to typing them. You'll often see people “Trope Type” certain charcaters. Most of their arguments revolve around the aesthetic of the character and then their functions. Which is why those peoples typing will usually look like this.
ESXJ-Mean Girl and stuck up
ISXJ-Boring ones
ESXP-Immature,Dumb or straight up substance abuse 
XNTP-Quips and Quirks but always the smartest 
XNFJ-Kind Humanitarian
XNFP-Sentimental mess
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Ex-Naruto Uzumaki (EXFP)I know I previously typed him as an ENFP however I've been thinking of the relation of his Se-Ni throughout the show and I might change my typing. However thus far every single Se dom argument I read for Naruto reads like this “ Well he is immature” “he is impulsive and reckless” “ can't be an Ne dom because Intuitive=smart and Sensor=Dumb” sometimes they don't say this word for word but their arguments boil down to this. And I find it quite frustrating cuz those same people look at you straight in the eye and say that you're intuitive bias, even tho they are the ones defaulting to stereotypes. 
Case #4 Positioning of Functions 
Character development in MBTI is more complex than character development in Enneagram. Depending on the movie/tv show the character might either develop their inferior function or their tert function. Which is why understanding the position and model you are using for MBTI and be consistent using it. The position of function is important because they are what defined the person and how they approach data management. Also certain characters might have preference for their tert function rather than their aux functions. Some Characters just use their stack in a very balanced way. 
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Ex- Sokka (ESTJ)- He is often typed as an ENTP due to his exaggerated use of Ne in the later seasons. To me at least he is an ESTJ with a preference for TeNe. Sokka never really uses NeTi in the first book. His priority came in form of TeSi (Organizing the environment with a solid metric and detailed positioning of others). His development came in the form of his Ne not Fi. To the point he ends of sticking to it in Book 2 and Book 3. 
Case #4 Character Traits=/=Cognitive Preferences/Perception
Often people conflate how a character/person acts instead of how they think and proceed with conflict. MBTI isnt really a personality theory but rather and understanding of your cognitive process and preference. It's based on how you perceive reality and how you make decisions based on your dominant function. If anything enneagram would be closer to an actual personality test. 
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Ex- Amy March (ESFP)- I took such a long time to come to this typing because similarly to Naruto people only talked about how she was an annoying immature child. However her monologue points to her stresses and how she must stick to her SeTe rather than SeFi due to how the environment is working and suppressing women in that era. 
Case #5 Just making things up 
This is the most common one I see when people type characters, they usually just make things up. Sometimes there isn't any contextual evidence on what they are talking about and will mostly differ to broad and vague statements that hold no wait or aren't represented in the narrative. Sometimes they'll just take things out of context and will just go with them and end up convincing people even if their argument is 95% fabricated stuff and the 5% is misunderstanding on their part. 
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Ex-Ada Wong (IXTJ)  Ada Wong’s Ti is non existent and no one online has ever written an argument where I there is enough evidence on what they are saying. Ada isnt a person who is interested in analytical process and internal understanding. Even character development comes from XiFi not Fe. Sorry but liking Leon but not really isnt a good argument for low Fe. Her development isnt about understanding the emotional state of the other or in relation to the other but rather the self. Even OG Resident Evil its stated that she struggles with her own values and emotional state . It's almost as if their argument hinges on ISTP=Spy characters. 
Case #6 Misogyny (yeah...we are going there). 
Often in typology you'll notice a dichotomy between Female characters vs Male characters. You'll notice that female characters are twice as likely to get typed as Feelers even when they dont show much usage of any feeling function. Often the arguments I see its in reference to either showing the character struggling emotionally or reacting in some way to something bad happening in their life. But when male characters such as Homelander and Patrick Bateman who have multiple emotional outburst in their runs but most people type them as Te doms. While Female characters that have emotional outburst such as Asuka and Jennifer Harding (Both Te doms) both get typed as ESFP because=SeFi=angry and emotional. It often happens in cases such as Bakugo who gets typed as an ESTP but if a female character does the same thing she gets typed as an ESFP. Im not calling you a misygonist  if you typed any of this characters like this I just think that you should reconsider your typology process. 
Ex-There are allot of these so I just gonna point to a few 
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Alice Liddle (INTP) - Being typed as an INFP but very clear her struggle is between Ti-Si and understanding her Fe.
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Nancy Wheeler (ESTJ)- Being nice=/=Fe she has always preferred TeSi (organizing and structuring things in step by step processes) Over using Fe. 
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Madison Montgomery (ESTP)- Her character is pure SeTi and her struggle with her Fe is shown in both S3 and S8. 
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Yenneffer (INTJ)- NiFi reaching the ideal self is her goal also her Te is very on your face. 
Part 2 will focus on the enneagram 
Please dont take any of this as an attack its an analysis on things ive seen and read if you are gonna disagree please be civil. 
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captainpettie · 4 years
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Gemini // XNTP // Chaotic Neutral // 6w5 // Pessimist for anon
“ Curiosity is, in great and generous minds, the first passion and the last. ” - Samuel Johnson
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endless-nife · 5 years
having a crush on an entp like
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barjavelle · 5 years
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... Eurêka ? You know, Archimedes. Iconic.
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delightfullygrace · 5 years
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• Analysts as Colors •
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enfpuppy-blog · 7 years
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xNTP | 3w4 | 379 | Neutral Good | Melancholic | Hufflepuff | Pukwudgie | Aries (requested by: @arvacska)
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ttalwins · 6 years
Having an ENTP Professor
I’d just like to inform you all of what it’s like to have an ENTP professor because wow it’s a trip
-The first day of school he walked in and announced he likes intelligence and that’s it
-He’s a digital designer because he enjoys “manipulating the masses”
-I made him laugh Twice, once by telling him “Only honors students cheat” 
-The other time He was wearing orange and I told him he looked “Very Fall” He heard “Very Bald” I thought I was going to die, but he just laughed.
-in his ideal world everyone has a gun because the world’s at carrying capacity. He said he’s slow to react and that he’d definitely be one of the first to die but that’s just how life is so it’s cool.
-I said that I love pigeons to a girl next to me jokingly, he overheard and retorted with “I eat pigeons they don't taste extraordinary or anything”
-His comments on assignments are either “nic job” or *Insert three paragraphs of criticism that ends with “good attempt though”*
-His favorite word is research, he told us because he was “Tired of hearing our answers so he might as well give us a better answer to say”
-He stays up til 3 AM watching Kitsch Samurai Dramas It’s apparently a bad habit
-He told our class that since we suck at using Illustrator he took aftereffects off the syllabus. In reality there wasn’t enough time to cover it
-He whispered to an Art museum representative that his comfort food is fried chicken during a presentation about the influence of culture.
-He dislikes chain restaurants and religious holidays vehemently 
-He likes taking his relative’s kids giving them sugar and then giving them back
-Over thanksgiving break he assigned us Ethnographic research where we had to literally stalk people and watch them struggle with way finding
-For our final we’re giving a presentation to a museum director on why the museum currently sucks at attracting a large audience and how we plan to fix it better than his current design team.
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deviliciousdev · 3 years
appreciation post for the types✨
from your local intp🖤
✨The Sensors✨
estj (the executive)
Oh the executive, the most organized and loud boss bitch to ever exist. You cut through the bullshit and do not let anything stand in your way. And yet, like you're intuitive counter part (entj) you are quite sensitive if and when something hurts your feelings. Even though you're an expert at being all business during business hours, you still know how to have fun. and omg you have such a dorky sense of humor and love random facts, we love that. you are/can/will be a great leader/parent. All in all you are THEE boss and everyone knows it. keeping leading and kicking ass. 👏🏼
estp (the entrepreneur)
i absolutely adore estp's. you are the epitome of one of my fav character arcs. which is the charismatic rogue, who possibly drinks a lil more than they should, but can handle their liquor like a sailor (amazingly). you never back down from a challenge. you are so fun and wild in a han solo type of way, that just makes everyone want to be around you. but the best thing about you, is the way (deep down & to those you let close know) you are actually such a sweetheart. you would get hit by a bus trying to rush to make sure a friend is ok. you would take a bullet for any of your loved ones and let them cry on your shoulder. you're secretly the white knight but you're happy to let everyone think you're just the brash rogue. you're one of my best friends and someone i will adore with all my heart till the end of time.💕
p.s if you don't have an estp in your life, get one ASAP. they are a necessity for a complete friend group.
istj (the logistician)
oof, yes istj's. so sublet in their charm, and ready to die for what they believe in. i love the istj because you have two of an intp's fav qualities at your core. badassery & humility. you're like this pillar of certainty. even if you are uncertain about something, no one would ever be able to tell. you have a way of decision making that's not loud or overwhelming. which is why intp's love when you plan things.  you're also quiet at first, but if you're challenged, you would never let someone walk all over you or something/someone that matters to you. i also love that you're one of the types (alongside infp & entj) that is sooo funny and goofy when you're drunk. like a lil toddler. #adorable
istp (the engineer)
ahhhh, the intp's sensing counter part. istp's fucking rule. truly. you believe in many of the same principles intps do. the main one being, keeping an open mind without fore fitting you're own beliefs. your exterior calm and collected nature makes you cool af. AND you also have such a FANTASTIC sense of sarcastic humor. like yes bitch. i love the way intps are the idealists and istps are the doers. if an istp and intp got together, ooof the world better beware the chaos that would ensue. also you guys have thee COOLEST fictional characters. the first one that always comes to mind is Arya Stark from Game of Thrones. like suchhhhhhh a badass who also roasts literally EVERY single person in that show no matter if it's the fucking leader of the house you're at war with. out of all the types i think you would be the best assassin. to sum up i think the word i always relate to you is... cool. 😎 like plain and simple. 💀🤘🏼
p.s let's be partners in crime. 😁🚨🚓
esfj (the consul)
ok, ok, so first things first, because you are so opposite of the intp, i know we can butt heads sometimes. the main reason this happens is because nt's will see you're want to make others happy as a negative. HOWEVER, as i have gotten to know and respect an esfj as they are a part of my family (irl). i can say that the perceived notion of esfj's wanting to please everyone to get them to like them is a bit misguided. while esfjs DO want everyone to be happy, it's not always about being the popular kid. it's actually because they care about others. AND not just others but like situations. they really care if a party or a dinner is going smoothly. because they want events and people to have an enjoyable time and be happy. so esfj's I SEE YOU. and i genuinely appreciate how much you care about even the smmmmallest things. you are very dependable and high key you've taught me a lot. like how/why it's important to always say please and thank you. and you showed me that having emotions (like being nervous) isn't a weakness and it actually shows us what's important. esfj's are HIGHLY underrated, and much more wise than anyone gives you credit for.
p.s you are so much fun to prank and you always give as good as you get. 🤘🏼
esfp (the entertainer)
holy shit. that's all i can think when i think of the memories we share. we somehow bring out the worst/best in one another. you and infp are the ones i tell first when i get good news because i know you'll hype me the fuck up. we have sooooooooooo much fun together. you are so absolutely awesome and one of my best friends in the whole wide world. if i have a passing random idea, YOU WILL DO IT. i can be like "wouldn't it be funny if someone got on the hood of the car and twerked" and you're hilarious crazy ass will literally jump out of the car and do it. just because it's funny. you can party soooo hard, like rockstar level. you 100% need you're own reality show. your presence makes my introverted self feel more confident even when i'm at my lowest. with all that chaotic-ness said, you are actually a REALLY good parent/s.o?? such a crazy bitch, but also wife material?? like are you real?? anywayyyyy, just wanna say esfp's are the bad bitches of the types (no gender intended, bitches is gender neutral). and i can't wait for our next adventure. 🤩💜
isfj (the defender)
ok so even though you're a feeling type, i would have to say you're the most logical out of ALL the feeling types. i think it comes from you're mama bear (no specific gender intended) core. you don't put up with anyone's shit when it comes to those you care about. and dayummm will you fuck someone up (metaphorically and literally) if they come for your loved ones. you are VERY intelligent and people often underestimate you. the word that comes to mind when i think about isfjs is... resolve. your resolve in the face of hardship is so inspiring and something to be feared. i really love the way you seem so chill and even sweet and gracious and then it's like... oh fuck mamas here... but you don't even have to raise your voice to get your point across. like the istj, you've got a certainty and loyalty that intp's lovvveee. we never have to guess where you're loyalties are, because you don't just say, you show, through real actions. and we love that. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🐻
isfp (the adventurer)
oh the isfp, no one and i mean no one can match the intp's weird out of the box thinking like you. can. you view the world in SUCH a unique way. you not only see things in deep meaningful aesthetics, but you make them a reality. you love to push the envelope of what are perceived social normals. and we lovvvvvvve that shit. you're life can be so out there, but you still respect and can make friends with just about anyone. you're so sweet and creative. and you always show me something sooooo interesting. a hidden gem, a beautiful view spot, a hole in the wall place to eat. you've got that thing that xntp's sort of fall head over heels for, but in a subtle way to where we don't even realize it. and you can make time the illusion it actually is, not even noticing that we've been hanging out for like 12 hours, because it felt like 30 minutes. and omg talk about talented! anything that requires creativity you are always so good at, like wtf?? 😂👏🏼 i will end this by saying; you're simultaneously the most tranquil yet exciting person i've ever met. and truly one of a kind. keep doing exactly what you're doing and i can't wait to see what you come up with next.
p.s you are my top choice, to go to Bali & Tulum with✨🤍☯️
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aesthetics-for-u · 7 years
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Slytherin/Horned Serpent/Leo/xNTP Aesthetic for @bucket-full-of-clouds
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random-esfp · 4 years
I thought G-dragon was more of an ISFP?
His Se isn’t high at all, it is hugely displayed in how he craves for art and extravagant aesthetic things but he isn’t that “impulsive” or “physically reactive” as an ISFP. But I’d say he’s pretty healthy so he could manifest a decent Fi use as well. But definitely, GD is not the type of person driven by his emotions/ideals to reach his goals.
But it’s extremely interesting how a person can be seen as its MBTI opposite? Like BTS Jin some people see him xNTP others xSFJ. CL seems ESTP but also INFJ?? Also, Bang Yongguk former B.A.P is a clear ISFP for me but I’ve seen him typed as ENTJ so I’m done with this opposite things because it definitely has a meaning. 
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pixelated-bird · 6 years
MBTI plays Mario Kart
ExFP - Drives awkwardly, eventually gets good enough to get 4th place. Likes exploring the track and using items impulsively. (Only likes Rainbow Road from 64 because there are rails.) More likely to get 3rd-1st on 50cc. Likes courses that are easy going, prefers wide roads and a pleasant aesthetic.
Favorite tracks:
GC Luigi Circuit, Baby Park, Sherbet Land DS Cheep Cheep Beach, Yoshi Falls N64 Rainbow Road, Sherbet Land MK7 Daisy Hills
xSTP - Tries to come up with strategies, sometimes using shortcuts. Uses green shells and bananas for defense. Can get into 1st place occasionally, but ranks 6th-1st most of the time. Likes courses that involve risk taking, parkour, speed, and wide roads.
Favorite tracks:
MK8 Electrodome, Toad Harbor N64/DS Wario Stadium GC Mushroom Bridge/City Wii Coconut Mall, DK Summit, Koopa Cape
xNTP - May potentially sandbag to get good items early in the race. Places bananas/fake item boxes inside the item boxes, or places them right off of a cliff/ramp. May take enjoyment out of using items cleverly and blockading shortcuts, rather getting 1st. Likes courses that have blind spots for placing traps, along with multiple shortcuts and paths. 
Favorite tracks:
DS Waluigi Pinball, Tick Tock Clock, Luigi’s Mansion Wii Wario’s Gold Mine MK7 Wario’s Shipyard MK8 Twisted Mansion Bowser’s Castle
xSFJ - Drives like ExFP, but is more cautious and less impulsive with item usage. Isn’t concerned about getting 3rd-1st place usually, only wants to have fun playing. Prefers courses that have a natural, elegant theme, with a lot of smooth turns.
Favorite tracks:
N64 Koopa Beach, Kalamari Desert, Mario Raceway DS Peach Gardens, Shroom Ridge, Desert Hills MK7 Music Park GC Peach Beach
IxFP - More focused than ExFP, can usually strike 3rd-1st if they respond to opposing players accordingly. Holds a shell/banana behind for defense most of the race, will back out of 1st if a blue shell comes. Prefers a fun, relatively open track, that has optional, more challenging paths to take.
Favorite tracks:
Wii Mushroom Gorge, Maple Treeway DS Delfino Square, Wario Stadium, Rainbow Road GC Yoshi Circuit, Dino Dino Jungle N64 Koopa Beach, Yoshi Valley
xxTJ - May sandbag to start off with a good item, and carries it up to 4th-1st place. Uses mushrooms to cover any off-road/shortcut they can, deeply analyzes how actions, items, the road, all affect how well they can race. One of the types that may spend most of the time in time trials, wanting to master a course in the most time efficient way possible. Likes tracks that offer well balanced shortcuts more centered on skill.
Favorite tracks:
Wii Grumble Volcano, Toad’s Factory, Moonview Highway DS DK Pass, Airship Fortress, Bowser’s Castle GC Waluigi Stadium
Best racers of MBTI:
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vegainzandcrossfits · 6 years
Singular Things that I relate to mbti aesthetics
XNTP- a Creative Lightbulb
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XNTJ- a Classy Watch
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XNFP- a Fluffy Animal
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XNFJ- a Firework
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XSFP- a Hand with Paint on it
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XSFJ- a Single Red Rose
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XSTP- a Pair of Combat Boots
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XSTJ- a pair of circular glasses
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odium-amare · 6 years
Not to sound narcissistic (lol,) but at this point, I literally only trust myself on figuring out (accurate uwu) mbti types of people and characters uwu
And here’s why...
INFJ: “Heeeey, I’m an INFJ and I only exist as 0.000023u4134specialsnowflake7456262 of the population! Oh, I relate to her. She’s probably an INFJ. Oh she’s so mystical and misunderstood, must be an INFJ. If not, probably an ENFJ! Wheee the extroverted version of me!”
ENFJ: “What’s mbti?”
ISFJ: *probably are the ones who mistyped themselves as INFJ or INFP and do exhibit 1 or simply does not exist on the internet*
ESFJ: “What’s mbti?”
INTJ: *can’t type for shit*
ENTJ: *can’t type for shit*
ISTJ: *Too busy only bothering to type whatever’s currently edgy*
ESTJ: “What’s mbti?”
ESFP: “Oh she’s sexy and knows aesthetic, she has to be an esfp. Aren’t enfps as a rule suppose to be chronically clumsy and goofy?”
ISFP: “They’re artistic and beautiful. Of course they HAVE to be xsfps.”
INFP: *are the ones who mistype themselves as ‘fe users’ and do exhibit 1*
ENFP: Unless you’re me or Charity (FunkyMBTI,) don’t bother trying.
xNTP: *too busy being edgy*
xSTP: *crickets chirp* 
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HAHAHA is trying to be typed as intp a running thing on your blog?
Actually I tend not to get that many asks of that sort and it’s more a composite of other asks I have seen plus people who are just trying SUPER HARD to embody the stereotypes of their type.
Like the NTP meme thing: if you follow a few NTPs or know them, often they really aren’t actually constant meme types? They tend to like weird surrealist stuff more than anything, or like...cyberpunk or steampunk or anime aesthetics*. Or they just actively delight in kitschy and tacky and weird things. But they actually tend to either move on quickly from any specific meme, unless it is to deconstruct it and mess with it.
Similarly: conspiracy theories. NTPs are fascinated by the concept but healthy NTPs don’t typically actually believe them because they’re more like “huh, maybe the moon is made of green cheese! Or maybe it’s not! Doesn’t really make sense that it would be, right?”. The real tin-foil-hat conspiracy theorists are typically unhealthy low Ti users (and especially unhealthy NFJs, since Si users can sometimes - sometimes -  snap out of it when confronted with physical evidence). Meanwhile healthy NTPs just like to make stupid Illuminati jokes.
But you get people who are like “No I swear I’m an INTP/ENTP! MEMES AND CONSPIRACY THEORIES” to the point where they’re like a caricature. Kind of like the “World domination/evil overlord” INTJ blogs.
*this is a very incomplete list that also includes 80s goth and vaporwave and weird sea creatures and the ‘cursed image’ aesthetic. It’s definitely a case of “I know an xNTP aesthetic when I see it”.
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xNTx Friends
Crazy schedule, still manages to hang around with friends.
Insanely driven. Vital necessity of being The Best™.
Doesn’t have time for bullshit, ever.
Generally sweet, scary when mad (emphasize ‘scary’).
Highly motivated and ambitious.
No drama, thank you.
Flawless facial control (low-key scary as well).
INTP’s recklessness makes her have a mini heart attack every now and again.
Manners matter.
Has been super busy lately.
And by ‘lately’ we mean since always until forever.
Common phrases include:
– “You might find this of some help”. – “This is so interesting”. – “Yes, I’ve read about it”. – “Sorry, I already have plans”. – “I’d actually prefer to do it myself”. – “Really, just let /me/ do it :)”.
Sharp tongue.
Comeback generator.
Laid back attractiveness and incredible charisma.
Bulldozer mode when mad.
Put-together and confident.
Has a fame for being flirty.
Hasn’t had that many partners at all.
“wrecking ball” (- mother mother) is his life theme song.
Is actually quite delicate.
Almost all his facial expressions are masks.
Hiding his real emotions seems to have become a life purpose.
His deep interests surprise most people.
“Is very intelligent, but way too lazy at school” squad with INTP.
Is seen as a bad influence.
Actually has a pretty solid moral code.
Fashion style score: BADASS. (the aesthetics are real).
Common phrases include:
– “Think about it this way”. – “Why, am I bothering you?” + smirk. – “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention to your bullshit”. – “Why does everyone believe I’m lying?”
Works silently because success speaks for itself.
The library is his natural habitat.
Very specific fields of interest.
Seems very polite, and he is.
(Doesn’t actually believe in politeness itself, has only learned to follow formalities in order to make his life easier). 
Crisis over personal traits of which the analysis were thought to be concluded. 
Really brain, why this again. Why.
Has learned to master several skills that he doesn’t even enjoy.
Common phrases include:
– “No”. (Default reply to INTP’s proposes). – “That is /such/ a bad idea”. – “Actually…” (*insert unasked correction*). – “I’m still considering it”. – “What do you mean it’s not polite to tell them how wrong they are?” – “Of course I cannot change my schedule” (to ENTP).
Has strong opinions on matters that she has given a lot of thought (and we mean a lot).
Gets overwhelmed by being the center of attention.
Became an Ancient Rome expert overnight.
Comfy discrete clothes.
Deadlines are a very flexible concept.
Actually, every concept should be prone to constant revision.
Study time is the perfect time for introspection and/or new ideas development.
Either absolutely hyped or completely indolent.
Common phrases include:
– “My nights are a mix of insomnia and belated lunch”. – “What if we…” (Proposes crazily awesome plan to INTJ). – “There are pubs in which you can hear a much more refined language than in the Congress”. – “Because apathy is the foundation of my being” (as a response to ENTJ asking her why she doesn’t just /do/ the stuff).
Shared traits
Difficulty to compute feelings (we know, we know, ‘such a cliché’. Still true).
Allergies: stupidity, ignorance, illogical social rules.
“WHY do people refuse to THINK”.
Rich lexicon (xNTJs’ default mode, xNTPs’ show it when the situation is worth it).
Best debates between them, NFs are sometimes invited.
Would always choose knowledge over ignorance, even if it implies unhappiness.
“What do you mean it was offensive? It’s the truth!” (As a response to ENFJ).
IxxJ squad
xNFx squad
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xntp | ravenclaw | wampus | elephant patronus | taurus sun | gemini moon | wand details aesthetic for @minnegammi
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