unafratanti 4 months
I know I'm late as f**k but... I just saw the last episode of Sherlock yesterday and I don't seem to be able to recover from it. Like yeah, I was fond of the Johnlock ship and in the 4 season suddenly it sunk. The authors just had to pull out of the hat Irene Adler, I thought she was gone 4ever but no! In the second episode Sherlock received a message from her and in the third episode it is implied that they had sex!!!!! And in the last minute of the last episode we can see he is typing "you know where to find me" (my mistake, this text it was to Lestrade 馃ぃ as I watched the last season now and the other three years and years ago, I didn't notice it was the same scene from the first season... A nice way to say that no matter what happens and the changes that take place, something never change). There my ship was pulverised and I can't recover from it.
Just WHY? We didn't hear from her for a long time and then this! Untill these scenes I was still able to dream about Johnlock, but now it's impossible. I can no more make this couple work in my head.
Yeah, John was married, John had a lot of girlfriends (all of them left him because he was too much into Sherlock lol) and John kept saying "I'm not gay!" but it's different... John goes from one woman to another easily, and even though he married, he is now a widower with child.
But Sherlock... I think he is really engaged in relationships. He started off not caring about others but in John he found a flatmate, a colleague, a partner in crime, a friend... And from there he starts to open to other people too, and when he cares I think he does totally, there no half measures for him. He was convinced he needed no one, he thought that emotions and feelings were useless, an hindrance to logic. He believed that all he needed was himself. But then John happened and all his beliefs shattered and his traumatised heart warmed up. If it wasn't for Watson, Sherlock wouldn't be alive, if it wasn't for Watson he probably wouldn't have opened up to The Woman. He got involved with John and he started to feel, to be emotionally alive.
So to hell with Irene Adler, I hate that she popped up like that at the end and destroyed all my fantasies. I can't erase her because she is canon 馃槶
I just want John and Sherlock together forever with no one in between. The hurt in Sherlock eyes is real at John and Mary's wedding, like there is no place for him anymore, like he is losing someone really important, like he doesn't want to let go and he is feeling lonely. Why did they bring Irene Adler up like that...
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unafratanti 6 months
Ci ho stretti cos矛 forte nel mio pugno per non perderci, che avevo i crampi. Le unghie scavavano nella pelle. Faceva male. Se questo per貌 voleva dire non rinunciare a noi, non perderti, allora non importava. Ma tu... tu hai rotto una dopo l'altra le mie dita, finch茅, impotente, non ho potuto fare altro che guardare mentre scivolavamo via, lontani. E nonostante tutto questo, nonostante sia stato tu, impugnando un martello, a fracassarmi la mano, la colpa 猫 ricaduta su di me, io che non sono riuscita a mantenere la presa.
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unafratanti 6 months
This anxiety is so unbearable.. it feels like someone is stepping on my chest, crushing me. I feel so suffocated, breathing is hard, my head is in turmoil and my heart is racing like it's going to tear apart.
Am I to live like this, like a prisoner of my own mind? A cage from where I'm unable to escape... This anguish about living is maddening.
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unafratanti 8 months
Se gli occhi sono lo specchio dell'anima, o io ne sono priva o la gente 猫 analfabeta e non sa leggere ci貌 che porto dentro.
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unafratanti 8 months
Why does it always seems like it's the end of the world, like I'm going to drop dead, mentally exhausted and pained? And yet here I am, going through some other shit again... I know it's just "a moment", but this moment is tearing me apart. I don't want to deal with this shit anymore. The hurt is killing me.
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unafratanti 8 months
I so fucking hate myself because I'm hurting and I'm doing nothing about it. I'm hurting and here I am. I know in my fucking mind what I should do to be better... Running away from this place, cutting ties with more than one or two people. And yet I'm incapable of doing so. My mind is so fucked up that it does really seems as if I like it this way. Maybe this is all I know and I can't let it go. Yet ... The only way I can see to escape from my inadequacy is death.
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unafratanti 9 months
Persone, esseri estremamente rimpiazzabili.
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unafratanti 11 months
Nell'epoca digitale, in cui la vita virtuale conta pi霉 di quella reale, si pensa che bloccare contatti, cancellare conversazioni ed eliminare delle foto equivalga a gettare un colpo di spugna su tutto... Modificare il passato, rendere dei trascorsi inesistenti. Che senso di potere e di controllo che d脿 compiere tali azioni, come se la vita fosse un racconto di fantasia che stiamo redigendo e in cui possiamo cassare le cose che non ci piacciono, spostare dei fatti in altri punti del testo, rivisitare la scena. Ma questa 猫 solo una facciata, non la vita.
In verit脿 si stanno solo rimuovendo, per modo di dire inoltre, dei dati dalla rete, dei post dai social media. Le persone non sono fatte di byte, bens矛 di carne e raschiare dai propri account e dalle proprie pagine degli attimi immortalati e caricati non servir脿 a togliere degli accadimenti dal vissuto, a cambiarlo. Ci貌 che 猫 successo 猫 successo, che ce ne sia o meno prova; delle parole sono state pronunciate, dei momenti hanno avuto luogo, del tempo 猫 stato condiviso... Si pu貌 formattare un telefono, una memoria esterna... Ma non si pu貌 rinnegare il passato. Le tracce restano dentro di noi, con noi.
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unafratanti 1 year
"I'm just a would've been, could've been, should've been, never was and never ever will be."
Bring Me The Horizon, "And The Snakes Start To Sing"
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unafratanti 1 year
It hurts so much that I want to hurt myself in the hope of purging me of this sorrow. I want to bleed it all out and welcome the numbness.
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unafratanti 1 year
In attesa sull'unico binario di una piccola stazione, le campane risuonano, il profumo dei fiori aleggia nella brezza e tra le fronde degli alberi gli uccellini cantano. Mi circonda la primavera, ma dentro 猫 pieno inverno.
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unafratanti 1 year
I miss you. But you're not mine anymore. You're not by my side anymore. You left and walked away. What to do with this troublesome sense of loss?
Miss you ... These words linger in my mind but I can't say them. I can only swallow them back where they belong, locked inside me. Killing me slowly.
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unafratanti 1 year
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unafratanti 1 year
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unafratanti 1 year
A sapere che era tutta una farsa, almeno mi sceglievo un coprotagonista pi霉 bello.
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unafratanti 1 year
Phones are full of LIES
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unafratanti 1 year
Please, be kind. Don't come tonight and let me sleep peacefully. I can't bear to see you anymore. What's worse is that it's not the lovely and tender you that I used to know but the one I hate the most. The harsh and disrespectful one. The one who only likes to hurt me. I don't know this person and I don't want to see them anymore. Just stay at bay and away from my dreams, because you keep on turning them in nightmares. I can't go on like this. Give me some peace of mind.
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