#Pietro Maximoff x Reader angst
togrowoldinv · 5 months
Meet Me At Midnight
College!Wanda Maximoff x Reader
You invite Wanda to spend the holidays with you. Will your true feelings for each other be revealed?
Note: I can’t believe it’s almost new years. Enjoy this Wanda fic!
Wanda Maximoff Masterlist, Main Masterlist
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You’ve casually known Wanda Maximoff for a few months now. You met her in your literature lecture. The girl seemed mysterious, but not in an off-putting way.
Wanda was assigned to be your project partner for the semester. Like typical college students, you two exchanged numbers that first day but didn’t think about working on the project until late in the semester.
She sent you a text a few weeks ago and the two of you began working on the final project. Upon working with her, you realized just how amazing she is. Her and her brother moved to America for college, that explains her enchanting accent.
By the end of the semester, you completed the project and presented it to your class. Wanda suggested celebrating your successful work with dinner. You agreed, and the two of you went out for dinner and drinks that night.
Somehow, the holidays were brought up, and Wanda told you she was not able to go home to celebrate. You asked her to come with you to your family Christmas. She was so excited to see a true American Christmas, and to not be alone.
It went by quickly. Your family took Wanda in and made her feel at home. The girl loved it so much that she decided to stay for the New Year’s celebrations as well. You take her to the grocery store with you to get last minute needs for the holiday.
“Wanda, do you want red or white wine for tonight?” You ask her.
“Oh, I don’t know,” Wanda says. She leans over you and places her chin on your shoulder. You like how affectionate she is with you. “Whatever you like best.”
“Come on, Max, you gotta pick some food and drinks out too, or my mom will be mad at me,” you tell her.
“Fineee,” she says cutely. “White. And can we get some of those chips I liked the other day?”
“Doritos?” You clarify.
“Yes, them!” Wanda says.
“We can get every flavor.”
Wanda smiles and you put the white wine in the cart before moving to the chip aisle. You stay true to your word and get every flavor of Doritos, even the taco ones. Wanda also picks out some candy and other snacks.
You buy decorations for New Years so that you can go all out for Wanda. You don’t typically go this big, but you want her first real celebration to be a special one. Streamers, hats, glasses with the year on them, and all of your dishware needs are in your cart by the time you leave the store.
Wanda is buzzing with excitement when you arrive home and begin to decorate. Your family helps make the food while you decorate with the girl. You stand on a chair and hang streamers from the ceiling.
“Wouldn’t this have been easier if I got up there?” Wanda asks. “I am taller.”
“No, I got this,” you say, but just as you do you lose your balance on the chair from standing on your tippy toes.
You begin to fall backwards but Wanda’s hands on your hips stop you. She helps you stand upright again.
“Are you okay?” She asks.
“Yeah, thank you,” you reply. Her hands remain on your hips, and she pats them softly, a silent gesture for you to get down from the chair.
“Let me finish for you,” Wanda says. She steps up in the chair.
You can’t help but watch as her sweater rises up as she hangs the decorations. Her perfect frame is distracting. You almost don’t hear her when she asks for a hand to help her down. Her soft hand rests in yours even after she is back on the ground.
“This looks amazing,” Wanda says.
“It really does,” you agree.
The two of you get swept away by your mother to help prepare food for the party. Time flies by and soon the guests begin to arrive. It’s mostly family friends, but a few of your friends from college are here too.
Wanda enjoys meeting everyone and hearing stories about you. You try to keep her away from your gossiping mother’s friends but it’s no use. They reel her in and tell her all about your child and teenage years.
“She seems great,” a voice interrupts your gaze on Wanda.
“Natasha, so good to see you!” You tell the woman.
“You too, y/n,” Nat says. She hugs you. “Is she your girlfriend?”
“Oh no,” you reply. “Just a friend from college.”
“Sure,” Nat says. “That’s why she’s staring daggers through me.”
“What?” You turn to see Wanda is staring at you and Natasha. There’s a look on her face that isn’t quite readable, but you can tell she’s unhappy.
You decide to walk to Wanda and steal her away from the gossipers.
“Hey, there’s some more people I’d like for you to meet,” you tell her. She nods and follows you back to where Nat is standing. “This is Natasha.”
“Nice to meet you,” Natasha speaks to Wanda.
“You too,” Wanda replies a bit grumpily.
Another woman walks up behind Nat and wraps her arms around her. Wanda looks at you confusedly.
“And just in time Maria shows up,” you joke.
“I’ve been here,” she replies. “Just got a little distracted by the fondue.”
“Why does that not surprise me?” Nat asks.
“Maria, this is Wanda,” you say.
“Great to meet you, Wanda,” Maria says. “You’ve got a good one here.”
“Oh, it’s not-” you begin but Wanda interrupts you.
“Thank you,” she says, placing her hand in yours.
Nat and Maria get pulled away, leaving you and Wanda standing there together. She still has her hand in yours.
“Are you alright?” You ask Wanda.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” She drops your hand.
“Okay. Let’s just go get a drink,” you suggest.
For the rest of the night, Wanda seems to have shaken off her weird jealousy of you and Natasha. Or really you and anyone that’s not her. But when it’s five minutes until midnight you can’t find her anywhere.
“Wanda?” You call up the stairs, thinking maybe she went to your room. You get no response but go upstairs anyways.
She is sitting on your bed when you arrive. Four minutes until midnight.
“Hey, what are you doing up here? The ball is about to drop,” you say.
“I just needed a minute,” she says.
“Right, okay. I’m sorry. I know that my family and friends can be a lot.”
“It’s not that,” she says. “Well it is, but it’s not.”
You close the door behind you and sit next to Wanda on your bed.
“You’re missing home?” You ask.
“I always miss home,” Wanda replies. “But being with you here has felt kind of like home.”
“I’m so glad,” you say. You glance at your watch. Three minutes until midnight. “What’s bothering you then?”
“Do you like me?” Wanda blurts out unexpectedly.
“What? Of course I like you, Wanda,” you say.
“No,” she says, shaking her head. “Do you like me like me?”
“Because well, I like you,” Wanda says. “And what’s bothering me is that everyone else seems to really like you too.”
“What like Nat?” You ask. She nods. “That never happened, Wanda. We’re friends.”
“But you’re attracted to her.”
“Well, you have eyes,” you try to joke, but Wanda doesn’t smile. “She is a friend.”
“And so am I,” Wanda says with a frown on her perfect lips.
“Yeah, but if you want to be more than friends then we could try?”
“Really?” Wanda asks.
“Really,” you say. “You’re so beautiful, Wanda. And so smart, cool, funny, and passionate.”
Wanda smiles the most perfect smile you’ve ever seen. You hold her cheek in your hand and brush her hair back with the other. She leans in closer.
“Wait,” you whisper. You hold up your watch. “Count with me. Ten, nine, eight…”
You count all the way down to one and Wanda kisses you as soon as she can. She practically straddles your lap as she deepens the kiss. It’s everything.
“Wanda,” you say softly, pulling away to breathe. “We need to go celebrate with everyone.”
“But I want to kiss you,” Wanda pouts.
You kiss her pouty lips and almost lose your will to stop.
“We can do this all we want later,” you tell her. “Right now it’s time to celebrate the new year with everyone. What do you say?”
“You promise we’ll do this again?” She asks.
“And again. And again. And again,” you reply, leaving a kiss to each of her cheeks and her forehead with your words.
Wanda smiles and lets you take her hand. You two walk downstairs together and spend the rest of the night celebrating New Years. It’s the best beginning to a year either of you have ever had.
You hope for many many more with Wanda by your side.
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sebsbarnes · 6 months
works under each character are oldest to newest
last updated on 5/10/24
requests, ideas, n asks are always welcomed, here
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tangerine; bullet train
co-workers ➛ angst, fluff
summary: "if it took you getting shot for you two to finally, maybe, realize you like each other i would've used you as target practice a long time ago." warnings: language, violence, fighting, injuries, blood, weapons word count: 3.4k+
confessions most popular! ➛ fluff
summary: "you're beautiful you know that love," tangerine said softly as if the declaration was a secret that only the space between you could know. warnings: mention of a gun, injuries, blood word count: 1.1k+
the days you meet my fav! ➛ fluff, angsty plot twist
summary: tangerine was feeling the same way. he ran his tongue across his teeth thinking of the way your laugh sounded like a symphony. he shook his head a bit thinking it was wild to even say such things about, truly, a stranger. warnings: none! word count: 2.5k+
a ghost ➛ angst
summary: "are you happy?" the question felt like a burning knife slowly carving your heart out OR! ex lovers see each other for the first time warnings: none! word count: 700+
lover girl ➛ angst, comfort, fluff-ish
summary: tangerine saves you from an awful date, cliche realizing feelings afterwards warnings: mentions of killing, language, talks of insecurities word count: 2k+
summary: he knew you were fuming about his actions and he loved it. the two of you loved making the other jealous. it was a sick cycle. warnings: mildly toxic dynamic, semi-suggestive (no descriptions) word count: 900+
apologizes ➛ angst, comfort
summary: you voice your concerns about tangerine's profession, to which he doesn't take kindly warnings: mentions of injury, swearing, drinking, nothing bad at all word count: 1.5k+
love and grief
summary: you knew no matter how often you two spat with the other, said you hated each other, hell, even nearly killed the other, you two were connected in some weird unexplainable manner. warnings: death, violence, injuries, language word count: 2.4k+
come here
summary: REQUEST! can you do a drabble where tangerine goes to the bathroom and sends the reader a text that says "come here." warnings: 18+!! word count: 500+
psychopomp ➛ angst
summary: it was that moment, underneath the streetlight, that tangerine knew he had no choice but to love you warnings: death, dying, anxiety word count: 1.6k+
a new year
summary: REQUEST! new year’s eve party with tangerine warnings: smoking word count: 800+
friend or foe
alternate continuation to 'the days you meet' summary: REQUEST! where lemon goes to the cafe a few weeks later and talks with reader, they notice lemon wearing tangerine's necklace. reader is also a contract killer and thinks that lemon killed tangerine. warnings: guns word count: 1.1k+
summary: REQUEST! reader is interacting with another guy in a mission and tangerine gets super jealous warnings: none i believe, making the other person jealous word count: 1.8k+
headrest ➛ fluff
summary: REQUEST! reader falls asleep on tangerine's shoulder on the train home after a mission warnings: none word count: 700+
13 weeks ➛ fluff
summary: it was a quiet night when the walls of your apartment learned that the two of you had fallen for the other warnings: none word count: 800
high school headcanon
summary: REQUEST! you and the twins are a trio and they are protective of you warnings: the slightest description of someone being a bully
new friends, new love ➛ fluff
summary: REQUEST! ladybug ditches you at a work event to chat to lemon while you occupy an unsociable tangerine warnings: mentions of injury word count: 1.3k+
bar fight
summary: REQUEST! tangerine intervenes when the creep at the bar puts his hands on you warnings: harassment, fighting word count: 1.6k+
sunlight ➛ tooth rotting fluff
summary: REQUEST! you take advantage of the empty beach after a mission much to tangerine's initial dismay OR! though the moon would watch over him, he knew the sun was far closer to him because you were in his arms. warnings: none word count: 1.1k+
tangerine intervenes a stalker headcanon
summary: REQUEST! you call tangerine after two men follow you from the station to different stores warnings: talks of stalking, nothing descriptive
scarlet flags
summary: you called me angel for the first time, my heart leapt from me warnings: suggestive- minimal descriptions, toxic situationship word count: 860+
summary: tattoo artist!tangerine; you meet tangerine's friends for the first time warnings: language word count: 1.7k+
tangerine has a soft spot for reader
summary: REQUEST! tangerine has a soft spot and dynamic similar to him and lemon with reader warnings: none
too sweet
summary: tangerine is strong and bitter, much like a neat whiskey but you were sweet, like an aged wine, and he wasn't use to that. warnings: none word count: 1.2k+
letters to a loved one
summary: the only form of communication you and tangerine can use when he is on a mission is email, however, as the weeks and months go by, your words have been left unanswered. warnings: angst word count: 1.4k
a house is not a home
summary: for months now you lived two separate lives. existing on two completely different orbits, the distance between you growing into lightyears warnings: angst, lovers to strangers word count: 930+
a melody
summary: so you stood hand in hand with tangerine, admiring your lover one final time. accepting that your love on earth will now be a memory for those who knew you. warnings: angst! word count: 350
pietro maximoff; marvel
hole in the wall
summary: despite barely knowing the brainwashed girl beyond the wall, pietro refused to hurt her, no matter how much she hurt him. warnings: fighting, none rlly?? word count: 5k+
phantom pain ➛ angst, comfort
summary: i'm jealous of the rain that falls upon your skin, it's closer than my hands have been warnings: insecurities, none really?? word count: 2.9k+
vincent renzi; anatomy of a fall
summary: the presence of an old flame causes vincent to reassure you warnings: none! word count: 370+
summary: vincent can't help but struggle through work with you as the prosecutor warnings: none word count: 645
492 notes · View notes
imtryingbuck · 8 months
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x fem!Reader
Summary: you and Wanda were best friends until she left you in the Hydra base.
Word count: 963
Warnings: abuse. death (starvation). no happy ending.
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Today is the anniversary of escaping Hydra for Wanda, it should have been a happier time since it meant that she was no longer in the clutches of those that used and abused her, but everyday she was plagued by the constant memory of what she had done that day, and just like everyday the last words you ever spoke to her play on her mind, day in and day out.
"You were my family.”
The way your voice cracked broke her heart, she remembers the way you stuttered as you willed yourself to look at her through the thick glass window, the way you turned around and dropped your head along with your shoulders in defeat as you moved further into the room, into the darkness.
Leaving you in the Hydra base wasn’t something she wanted to do, she wanted the life you both had planned and dreamed about with each other. However, Wanda was selfish as she walked past your cell door, you clocking her straight away and begging for her to let you out, but all she said was she needed to find her brother. You told her you would help her, she told you just to wait and she’ll come back to you.
You knew, you knew she wasn’t coming back for you and you accepted it. She didn’t have any obligation to do anything for you but you still begged anyway, thinking-hoping that everything you two had planned together would become a reality.
But she left, left you alone scared and confused for what what’s happening and what was to come. 
It wasn’t until Wanda was safe up high in the sky that it dawned on her that she had left you behind.
Every night since being at the tower she sits on the soft fluffy carpet in her room and talks softly to herself through the a hole she had made in the wall. 
Every night she’s cries when you don’t reply. The realisation that you’re not there, safe just the same as she is hits her hard. Every time.
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As the years passed she thought of you daily, hoping that you were safe, hoping that you was with Pietro and causing mischief wherever you two were.
She tried to justify what she had done not like it made any difference. She tried to live her life like she thought you hoped she would, but it didn’t make it any easier as you weren’t by her side.
The only people that knew what she had done was her, you and Pietro and since you and her brother were no longer here, it made it easier for Wanda to suffer in silence.
Though Wanda did smile and laugh more there was always times where the Avengers - her found family - would notice her smile or laughter fading away quickly. Never knowing that she would torment herself for wondering if you would have smiled or laughed at the thing that was being said or done.
She didn’t have many regrets in her life but leaving you behind was number one.
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Wanda couldn’t breathe or take her eyes off the screen.
Her chest tightened painfully, her vision blurred with thick burning tears.
“-Wand? Wanda? Are you alright?” Steve asks when he noticed the change in his friends demeanour.
“I-I know h-her” she rasps.
The teams eyes bounce from Wanda to the woman in the photo. The woman was found by SHIELD chained to a wall at the Hydra base they overtook, the bruises and deep lacerations that covered her very slim frame made Steve gulp and Tony’s eyes drop down to his hands.
“She was with me when I was with Hydra, her cell was next to mine” She stutters out.
“Was she not there when we found you?” Steve asks again.
“I-I told her I’d come back for her but-but I didn’t  I didn’t go back” Wanda cries.
“I know alright I left her all alone”.
“I’m sorry”. Steve sighs, a beat or two go by before he speaks again “Wand did she have any abilities?”
“She can heal faster than normal”
“What was the main reason for her being there? Do you know?” Tony now asks.
“Because…so we-the experiments could train on her, they would make us do awful things to her but she always survived it.”
“Was-was it quick?”
“Yes or no Steve was it quick?”
Finding his eyes filling with tears, he looks at his friend with remorse. “No. Sh-she died of starvation, Wanda I’m so sorry”
“Do they know when she died?”
“Don’t do this to yourself, it’s not going to cha-“
“Steve please!” She begs him to tell her the truth no matter how much it was going to pain her.
“Th-they estimate that s-she died seven hours before they found her”
All this time and you was still alive, because she left she assumed you had died. You were alive and being tortured by god knows who. You were all alone, probably thinking no one even cared about you and it was all her fault, if she had gone back or even got you out first then you would have known the love and warmth of a family. 
You had given up, lost the fight seven hours before you were found. And it was all her fault.
The team watches as she stands up and walks away, she doesn’t get far as the heart breaking, gut wrenching scream tore through the barrier of her lips causes her to drop to her knees.
She didn’t have many regrets in her life but leaving you behind was number one and the second biggest regret she had was never being able to tell you how much she loved you.
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~ banner credit goes to @sweetpeapod ~
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fandomnerd9602 · 6 months
Forever (1/2)
Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader
Warning: here there be angst.
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You never should’ve let Wanda go on that mission. But Clint insisted. He said the team needed the Scarlet Witch. Wanda agreed to it and left. How you wished you had stopped her.
You got a call from Clint right before you were supposed to pick up the boys. Wanda came back in critical condition.
You drove down to the hospital at speeds that surely would’ve gotten you pulled over if it weren’t for the fact that the cops recognized you as an Avenger.
You got to the hospital to find Pietro in the waiting room, he tried to stop you.
“Let me go, Piet”
“Wanda’s find it was a minor head injury but-“ he tried to say before you ran out of his arms and right to her room.
You threw the door open to find your wife, the mother of your two boys, bandaged and bruised. She looked back at you, a warm smile plastering her lips. You threw yourself to her bedside, crying your eyes out.
“I’m so sorry” you tried to say. “I should’ve tried to stop you a little harder. I’m just glad you’re alright.”
“Thank you” your wife looks at you in confusion, “who are you?”
The color drained from your face.
“Are you on the same team as Clint?” You barely heard your wife’s question. How could she not remember you?!
“Wanda it’s me” you tried to articulate
“Oh right…you’re one of my doctors, right?”
You could feel your vision blur. It was like your whole world came crashing down.
You felt a strong pair of arms grab you and steady you.
“Bratok, who is this?” Wanda asks Pietro.
“I’m…” you try to formulate. Pietro gives you a sad smile.
“Y/N’s is your detka, Wanda” Pietro tries to explain. “We’ll give you some rest.”
Pietro guides you out of the hospital room. You practically break down. Your brother in law explains it as total amnesia. Wanda couldn’t remember the last several years. Your courtship, your marriage, even the boys, all of it was erased in her mind.
Your phone buzzes with the caller id of your neighbor and friendly witch, Agatha. You answer to hear your little three year old son, Tommy.
“Poppa? Is Momma okay?” You can hear Billy on the phone with his brother.
You regain your composure, your boys need you to be strong for them, “mommas gonna be in the hospital a little longer pal, so she’s gonna need our love big time”
“Will she get better?” Billy asks.
“Y-Yes” you say as tears form in your eyes. Pietro gives you a strong brotherly hug.
“We are Maximoffs” you state through the phone to your sons, “and family is forever”
“Family forever” the twins state through the phone.
You’d find a way to help Wanda remember. No matter how long it might take.
To Be Continued…
Tags: @ma1egamer @lifespectator @aloneodi @deafeningsharkslimeempath @konstantin609 @holiday-house-of-m @family-house-of-m @scarletquake-n7
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heyy, ignore this till ur requests are open, but i just had the best idea EVER. I've been needing some angst so... can i please get hc w reader saying their safe word w pietro and tan? xoxo
(btw can I be 🇺🇸🦅 anon?
hii lovie!! I couldn’t wait til when they’re open😭 when you sent this in, I was having thoughts about writing something like this, on the EXACT same day!! so I had to write it straight away. sue me but I love stuff like this. and yes you can:) thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
tangerine x fem!reader || pietro maximoff x fem!reader
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word count. 761
warnings. angst (bc I love it) with comfort!! suggestive but minimal use of sexual words or descriptions. contents of ask
I feel like tangerine is always very attentive, always looking at you - studying your reactions, watching how expressive you are while he's inside you. so he frequently checks you're okay ( he's probs really big, so he's worried (??) about hurting you ) he'd see how your brows knit, but different than usual - not in pleasure. he'll pause movements, asking if you're still okay, and you'll say yeah ( trying to brush off the tinge of pain you're feeling ) because of the way you said yeah, he's a bit hesitant, so he goes extra slow. his brows would furrow and his neck would cock - watching you intently, seeing how your eyes screw closed, how you'd bite down on your lip or how your features contort
then you'd quietly murmur the safe word, maybe covering your face with your hands as if you're shielding yourself. he doesn't need to hear you properly to know what you just said. he'd very slowly pull out ( not wanting to cause you any discomfort ) he'd balance on one arm beside you and with the other would try to pry away your hands so he could see and cup your face. he'd be very soft and loving, whispering, "what's going on? love? talk to me, tell me what's going on," maybe he thumbs away and/or kisses your stray tear, his face very empathetic. "did I hurt you? did something happen?" he kinda rambles with it, not knowing how you're feeling or what to say or do. maybe it's the first time you've said it, and he feels awful about it. he tells you how sorry he is and kisses your cheek, asking you to tell him what's wrong
he's very sweet with you, and you appreciate it, maybe you don't feel like talking right now, so you ask to cuddle for a bit. he doesn't try to pursue anything else with you, even if you ask for it. you'd cuddle in silence ( spooning ) but his head would be very loud - questions and guilt spinning around. he tells you he loves you, softly speaking behind your ear, you tell him that you know and kiss his hand, holding it close to your chest ( heart bc 🥲 )
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I feel like with pietro he often gets a little carried away with things, so he'd be working you up in more ways than one - his hands and lips all over you. maybe he forgets you don't have the same stamina and tolerance as him, so time slips his mind sometimes. maybe it's been a couple rounds, and he's been teasing you too much - doing you too good for too long
he'd have his eyes closed, maybe his face tucked into the crook of your neck - he can't really see you. maybe you make a cry-like noise, but he's not able to differentiate it from the others just yet. you'd have silent tears streaming down your face and would mumble the safe word - barely audible. he thinks it's a choked-out mutter and that you're rambling, so you say it again a few times - mushing the words together because of how quickly you're saying it. he'd piece it together quickly and would whip his head up to look at you, his face would display like 7 reactions in 2 seconds - guilt, shame, upset etc and he would snatch himself from you. his hands would instantly cup your cheeks, blurting out how sorry he is. talking very empathetically, "no— aw, no baby, i'm so sorry. you okay? what happened?"
you kinda shake your head, quickly wiping your eyes - maybe shifting up the bed ( to make it extra angsty😏 ) he wouldn't let you get away, he'd follow you, eyes fixed on you - head moving to follow you sorta thing. he'd apologise profusely, telling you how he didn't mean to hurt you and how he got carried away and he was being selfish. he'd hesitantly hold you while you calm/ come down, softly stroking your arm and/ or hand
you'd roll into him, hugging him back and asking if he's okay - and that you're sorry for scaring him. you reassure him you're okay and tell him you love him because you know he feels awfully guilty 
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to sum, I think you'd say it with tan bc of how consuming and intense he can be, but with pietro, you'd say it bc of how much he does at the same time or bc of his crazy stamina
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
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That wasn’t my plan
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Stark!Reader
(reader is tony stark’s adopted daughter)
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words: 4.8k
warnings: 18+ (Minors DNI), Violence (getting hit by a bullet), Mentions of Hulk Attack. Angst, Fluff, Making out (no actual smut/graphic details) Kissing, Crying, Blood. This mostly very very angsty with some fluffy moments
a/n: Hi!! So this is the first time I wrote for Pietro, but this idea just came into my mind and I had to work on it. some things might not make logical sense but please go with it 👀 I really wanted to focus on how the loss of their parents affected the Maximoffs and how they wanted justice against the wrongs. Also I’m very upset we just got to see so little of Pietro because we deserved MORE!! Anyway, I’m in my Pietro phase now (and Bucky) so expect more stories with them. This might be not very good but I really got emotionally invested in the story. Hope you all like it.COMMENTS AND REBLOGS ARE APPRECIATED.
taglist for this fic: @tangerinesgf @swiftly-heart
The Maximoff Twins lost everything, even most of their own identity. After being experimented on by Strucker, they fought for their freedom and succeeded. Now they had only one mission, to get justice against the Avengers, especially Tony Stark.
It would not be easy, they knew that. Even with Wanda’s mind controlling powers, getting close to the Avengers won’t be that easy. But what if they could reach someone very close to the team, especially close to Tony Stark.
They did their research and that’s how they came to know about you, Stark’s adopted daughter. You were always very close to your father, sure he was a complicated man but he always made you his priority.
The New York Attack had left a huge impact on your father, his team and even you. The world had changed. Tony was always over protective of you, and after the attack he preferred to have every little update about you, regarding your safety.
The twins had divided their different targets, and you were Pietro’s. Wanda felt she could use her powers on you but Pietro felt you are not that important and she didn’t need to get involved, she could take care of bigger targets, maybe Banner. And you? Pietro was more than enough for you.
The Maximoff twins knew you were adopted so technically it wasn’t your fault that Tony Stark was so horrible, but you lived a life of luxury, all because of Tony and his money, so yes, you were somewhat at fault, and it wouldn’t even matter in the long run any way.
That is what Pietro reminded himself when he spotted you in your favourite coffee shop. You didn’t have a lot in your everyday schedule so it wasn’t very difficult to track you. Plus he was fast.
You ordered your favourite drink and were about to come out of the coffee shop when felt like you were pushed but you couldn’t really see anyone, you were about to fall down when a stranger caught you.
“Are you alright, miss?“ He had an Eastern European accent, silver blonde hair, and such pretty eyes. Oh you shouldn’t stare at a stranger but how could you not?
“Yeah, yeah I’m okay thank you.” You stood up properly but your drink was spilled. A frown came across your face.
“Can I buy you another?” The man offered.
“Oh no, please. It wasn’t your fault. Just not a good day I guess.”
“Well then how about I make it better? Let me buy you another, I insist.” You probably shouldn’t have accepted. But you did.
Pietro charmed you off your feet, literally. The two of you sat down in the coffee shop and started talking.
“Your accent it’s-“
“It’s Russian” Pietro clarified. You smiled. For such a horrible person’s daughter, you looked quite sweet. Maybe because you were adopted. Still, Pietro thought living the luxurious life you have, you would be some snob. You were sweet.
“Thank you again, you really didn’t have to buy me another drink but I appreciate it.”
“Of course, hope I could make your day better. Wouldn’t be fair if a sweet girl like you doesn’t get to enjoy her day.” Your cheeks heated up and you looked down to hide your flustered expressions. It would be easier than Pietro thought to win your trust.
If they couldn’t attack Tony from the front, they would break him and his team from the inside. It was very simple, Pietro would create problems for you and your dad, and hit Tony hard on his sensitive spot. Stark should get a taste of his own medicine right? See how it feels to lose everything?
“I didn’t get your name by the way, I’m Pietro.” Maybe giving out his name was risky, but nobody knew much about them. After they escaped Strucker’s lab, the twins made sure to erase all data from their files.
You gave Pietro your first name. Somehow your last name often changed people’s perception about you, when the connected the dots about who you actually were.
And when Pietro asked for your number, you hesitated but something in you told him to trust him, and you did.
Pietro texted you. Just a hi at first, but soon it developed in a full conversation. You learnt that he was new in the city, he came from Russia and was currently looking for a job. You thought about suggesting Stark industries but no it was too soon. So you just wished him luck.
He didn’t waste much time to ask you out on a date. He was fast, you thought. You didn’t know what to do, the logical part of you was hesitant, you barely knew him, but then again, that’s what dates are for right? to get to know people, that’s what your heart told you. So you went with that.
“Where are you going?” Your father’s voice pulled you from your thoughts. You lived alone in your own apartment but he visited from time to time to check in, and he couldn’t have had a worse timing.
“Just going out, probably will go to a book shop, get some coffee.”
“Yes Dad!” You didn’t like lying to your father but, if he got to know about Pietro he would ask too many questions, you wanted to keep things simple. Besides the date might not even be good, so why involve your father in such an early stage?
“Alright, take a car.”
“No I wanna walk.”
“Sweetheart…” He used his fatherly voice.
“Dad…” You mimicked his tone.
“Ugh, fine but be careful okay? and call me-“
“I know I know. Alright then, see you later.” You gave him a hug and went out.
You both met at Central Park, it was a beautiful sunny day.
“You look beautiful.” You smiled.
“Thank you, so do you.”
“I’m so happy you said yes to the date.”
The two of you walked around the park. You asked him about his life in Russia, and he seemed sad.
“Well my parents they- they passed away, and I felt like my life there made no sense any more, so I decided to come here.”
“Oh I’m so sorry to hear about that.” Must have been really hard on him. Pietro looked at you with an expression you couldn’t exactly read.
“Well, that’s why my focus is to now get a job and do something good.”
“That’s great. I’m sure it will all work out.” You smiled. You had such a genuine smile, Pietro thought to himself. You told him about your father and who he was. Pietro maintained a neutral expression at his mention.
The rest of the date went pretty well, you got some food and then walked more, you sat down on a bench to watch the sunset.
“There’s something about you, I can’t help but admire you.” Pietro told you. “From the first moment we met, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.” You felt all warm and flustered listening to his words. “Maybe coming to New York was meant to be, just like meeting you was.”
He gently took your hands in his.
“I had a great time, hope you did too?” Pietro asked.
“I did. It was really good.”
“Would you like to do it some time again?”
“I’d love to.”
After the date, all smiley and giddy you went back home. There was a missed call from your father but you opted to text him back a reply, he might understand the excitement in your voice so it was better to avoid it.
The next few days, you both kept texting about this and that. Few days later he mentioned about getting a job interview.
You: That’s great, good luck
Pietro: Thank you, beautiful ❤️
The heart emoji made your heart flutter a bit.
You really hoped it worked out for Pietro. Later that day, you got another text from him.
Pietro: So, I don’t think I’m going to get this job. The interview didn’t go well
You: I’m sorry Pietro, I’m sure something will turn up soon.
He doesn’t reply, so you text him again.
You: I was thinking, would you like to meet? We can get ice cream?
Pietro: I’d really like that.
You both meet up to get some ice cream, you give him a treat to cheer him up. Mentioning Stark Industries was something you were still hesitant about, but you didn’t like seeing Pietro sad.
“You can try for Stark industries, I can talk to my dad-“
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“I appreciate it, but I still have some other interviews lined up. Let’s see what happens.”
You took his hand in yours. Maybe this was a slow plan but it was already working. Pietro could feel it. He tried to ignore how soft your hands felt.
Later he walked you back to your apartment. You thanked him, but before you could go in, Pietro held your waist softly and kissed you.
It had to be done, Pietro told himself, to make sure you got attached to him.
“I um- I’ll see you later then?” You asked him, still giddy about the kiss. “Good luck with your interviews.” You smiled so sweetly at him. “I- I don’t know if this is the right time to say it but, I really like spending time with you. And.. I really like you”
“The feeling is mutual, дорогой” Pietro didn’t realise the nick name would sleep up so easily from his mouth.
“What does that mean?”
“It means- darling” Pietro admitted with a slight blush.
You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before going inside.
The plan is working. The plan is working. Pietro kept repeating it to himself.
“What happened?” Wanda asked immediately when Pietro returned.
“It’s all going accordingly.” Pietro avoided eye contact, not that it mattered with Wanda, she could see through him.
“You kissed her?”
“Don’t read my thoughts. And yes I did, it had to be done. Now I know she is totally attached to me. She even mentioned Stark Industries today, I think soon I can get to turn on her father if needed.”
“I hope you’re not the one getting attached” Wanda remarked. Pietro scoffed.
“I may not be as talented as you sister but I know what I’m doing, I’ll hurt Stark where it hurts. His precious daughter is now wrapped around my finger.”
Wanda decided to not engage on the topic and let Pietro do his work.
Your father called you up to meet him. You were nervous, you had been avoiding talking to him for a few weeks, just texting.
“What is going on with you?” Tony asked. You tried to be oblivious.
“What do you mean?”
“You’ve been avoiding me.”
“I’m not. I was just busy.”
“With what? or with whom should I say?”
“Look, just be careful, how many times-“
“Hold on a second, are tracking me or something?”
“No I haven’t… yet”
“Are you serious right now? Dad I can take care of myself. I’m not answerable to you for every little thing am I.”
“Look, I don’t want to fight, I trust you, I just don’t trust the world. You’re too nice, for your own good.”
“I’m done with this conversation. See you later, father.”
Tony sighed. You were clearly hiding something, avoiding his questions, you didn’t usually get angry with him.
You were upset, to think Tony literally said he might track your movements if needed. You realised he is concerned about your safety but what about your private life? And to think you actually considered telling him about Pietro. But no, you won’t let you father’s opinions decide how to feel about Pietro, so you decided you weren’t gonna say anything about that.
You: Can you come to my apartment? I- I’m not feeling good.
Pietro: What’s wrong?
You: I don’t want to talk about it via text, Could you please come? Unless you’re busy… I get it.
Pietro: I’m not busy, I’ll come soon.❤️
When Pietro arrived you hugged him. You didn’t know why but his presence always calmed you so much, made you feel everything is gonna be okay. You didn’t even know him that well but you trusted him.
“You want to talk about it now?”
“It’s about my father.” Wheels started turning in his head, this was his chance.
You both sat down on the sofa. Pietro held your hand.
“He- he is always trying to control my life. I know when I say it like that it seems he is a controlling person, I know he is not, he just wants me to be safe. But I can make my own decisions right?”
“Of course you can дорогой”
“I don’t like fighting with him but-“
“I understand.”
“Why are you so nice to me Pietro?” The question took him aback for a second, did you doubt him? No no you didn’t, you were just too nice.
“Because you deserve it, you are so nice so sweet. And because I really like you.” You smile back but Pietro’s expression changed slightly.
“But now- hearing about your father, I’m afraid he might not approve of us being together. You know I’m not rich or anything.”
“That doesn’t matter to me.”
“Well I’m sure it will matter to him. He wants the best for you-“
“I just want you.” You told him earnestly. “And if my dad can’t understand that, then…”
“Then?” Pietro almost had you.
“I- I don’t want to think about that now.. please.”
“It’s okay. I’m really happy to here you care about me so much.”
“I do, and I want you to be happy. I see how much you’re struggling with your current situation. Plus I can’t even imagine what you went through after losing your family.” You hugged Pietro tightly. No- no this wasn’t supposed to happen.
“I’m really so sorry. You are so nice Pietro, I’m sorry life is being unfair to you. I don’t know if it means much but I’m here for you, I promise. You always make me smile and I want to do the same.”
It felt like Pietro’s body was working on its own. You felt so warm. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer. In that moment, he forgot about his rage and the need for revenge, he just let himself feel the loss, and how much it truly affected him.
“I just, I want them to be proud of me, you know?“ Pietro murmured against your neck and you softly pulled away, touching his face softly with your hand.
“Of course they are proud of you Pietro, you’re working so hard to get a better life. I know they are proud of you. And so am I.”
Next what happened wasn’t something you were expecting, Pietro pulled closer with one swift motion, capturing your lips and practically taking your breath away. Things got heated pretty quickly. You both ended up on your bed. No words were exchanged, only looks.
Pietro kissed your neck, as if learning your body. You softly tugged his hair. Pietro simply couldn’t stop himself. He became addicted to your touch, and how you felt against him.
Before things could go any further your phone started buzzing with notifications. And Pietro’s phone rang up as well. It brought him back to reality.
“Um- I should get that.” It was Wanda, he excused himself. You nodded and decided to check your phone. You had received several messages from the Avengers, you quickly opened Clint’s text, which was latest.
Clint: Get to the tower ASAP. There has been a Hulk attack. It’s out of control. Tony and Nat are at the scene. It’s a messy situation. Get here now.
How could it happen? Bruce was much bette at controlling his rage now. You went out to look for Pietro.
On the other hand, Pietro heard from Wanda that she had succeeded to reach Banner.
“The world will now see who the Avengers truly are, as they destroy everything.” Wanda told him over the phone. Too much was going on in Pietro’s mind. He could imagine the destruction, and somehow his rage was subdued by his other emotional instincts.
“Wanda- did we do the right thing?”
“What do you mean? This was the plan. To show the world who the Avengers truly are. To let them destroy each other.”
“But we caused the destruction. Does that- does that make us the same as them?” There was silence at the other end. You came out and Pietro hung up. Quickly shooting Wanda a text that he would talk later.
“I don’t know if you have heard but- there has been a Hulk Attack. I have to go, my dad- I have to go.” Pietro stood there silently as watched you. You were worried.
“You can come with me Pietro. You’ll be safe.”
“I can’t”
“I really can’t. I have to go, and seems like you do too. I’ll talk to you later.” And he left, instantly, too quickly you thought, or did you just imagine it?
When you arrived at the Avengers tower, Tony and Nat had already returned, and Bruce was back as himself again.
“I didn’t know how it happened- but the world saw the real Hulk again.” Bruce told everyone. He was shaken.
“No buddy, I’m telling you, I saw your eyes. It was all different. They were red.” Tony argued.
“That’s right Bruce, I’ve become quite good with the lullaby, but nothing worked till Tony knocked you out. Something must have happened.”
“Mind Control.” Clint spoke up. “Happened with me, so I know it.”
“You guys would wanna see this” Agent hill comes in. “The attack left the media all over you guys and I’ve been trying to find out Hydra’s possible involvement but something else came up. Remember that Strucker was killed some time ago? And almost nothing was found about it? Well data has come up regarding the involvement of two of Strucker’s own experiments.”
Hill went on about more details. She said she tried to track down more information about the two.
“The two enhanced have been identified as Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Twins, originating from Sokovia. We don’t know their agenda but they have been seen in the city. The girl has mind controlling powers.” Hearing the name Pietro, made you look up. It was just a common name right?
“Find out about their whereabouts.” Steve told Hill. Just on cue the alarms in the building started going off, Tony’s A.I. informed there had been a breach.
Pietro and Wanda entered the Avengers tower, they realised their identity might be out any moment, so it was better to take matters in their hand. It was now or never. They had to come in light. Pietro knew your were gonna be there. But he had a much bigger goal than thinking about you.
“You stay here, Clint is gonna be with you. We-“
Before Tony could finish, Wanda and Pietro came directly in front. Everyone took their weapons out. Steve got his Shield and Tony called for his suit.
“Easy there, we are unarmed, or is that how you Avengers go on with it? Kill unarmed people?” Wanda asked.
“What is it that you want?”
“Justice” Pietro told with conviction.
You couldn’t believe what was happening, that was him, your Pietro.
“Pietro?” You asked him, still not grasping the reality. It didn’t make any sense. He looked at you but didn’t say anything.
“You know him?” Tony asked.
“He- I- Pietro what- what is this? who is she?” You were hopelessly looking at him for answers.
“We are Pietro and Wanda Maximoff and we are here to get justice for the death of our parents.” Wanda told everyone.
“Either give us justice by taking accountability all of your wrong doings, for the destructions you have caused, or we will do it ourselves. The world doesn’t need fake heroes like you, who kill innocent people.”
“Your father is a murderer” Pietro finally talked to you. “And he will pay.”
“What are you saying? The Avengers help people, they don’t-“
“Shut up. You’re either too stupid or delusional. Your father kept you in this protected world while people like us suffered. I wouldn’t expect you to understand, Miss Stark.” You were taken aback by his harsh tone. Was that really your Pietro?
“Is that what your think of me?” You asked him with tears in your eyes.
“Don’t you get it? It doesn’t fucking matter. You don’t matter. You were just a means to get closer to the Avengers.” Pietro informed you harshly. “But my sister accelerated things and I think that was for the best. My plan was too slow.”
“Was that all I was to you? Just a plan? Everything else, a lie?” You knew the questions were rhetorical but you couldn’t help yourself. It all felt so real? The way Pietro looked at you,. the moments you shared, how could it all be a lie?
Pietro couldn’t look into your teary eyes. Why did it affect him? It didn’t matter if you were hurt. No. He didn’t care about you. That wasn’t the plan.
“Tell me Pietro, look into my eyes and say that not even for a second it was real to you.”
“You are so fucking self obsessed that you can’t even focus on the reality.” Pietro knew it wasn’t true. You were nice and caring, empathetic. “This is so much bigger than you and your feelings. Fuck I should have just killed you instead, that would have taught your monster of a father a true lesson, he would have realised how it feels when you lose someone so close.” Pietro was in the flurry of rage.
“Pietro…” Wanda could feel Pietro was fighting a battle within himself. Things were getting messy.
“Enough!” Tony shouted. “Your fight was with me and the Avengers, you shouldn’t have got my daughter involved.”
“Scares you doesn’t it? Knowing I could have killed your precious daughter? Fucking hurts doesn’t it?”
Tony took out his blasters and Pietro attacked him as fast as he could, Wanda used her powers to throw Steve and Clint away, Thor took up his hammer- It all happened so quickly.
Before you knew what was happening, you felt your body move, Nat shot a bullet towards Pietro who was fighting Tony, and you came in front of him. Taking the bullet yourself. Immediately you fell to the ground.
“No!” Tony yelled. “Take her to the medic, Honey why did you do it? Why?” Everyone rushed to you as Pietro stood their in shock. Did you jump in to save him? Did you take the bullet for him?
“Why?” Pietro asked as he looked at you on the ground, in Tony’s arms.
“Because I know you’re not the bad guy. You’re a victim of an accident.” You were losing too much blood.
“Looks like you’ll get your wish Pietro, I hope you’re happy after this.” You managed to speak out before losing consciousness.
Pietro pushed everyone away and got close to you within a second. Tony was about to push him away when Pietro took you in his arms.
“Where is the medic?” Pietro asked while carrying your unconscious body. “WHERE IS THE MEDIC?” He yelled.
“Third Floor.”
“Call the doctors to be ready.” And in an instant you rushed to the Medic with you in your arms. He put you on the medic bed.
Everyone else came as quickly as they could, Clint and Nat had their eye on Wanda. Tony was too broken to fight with either Pietro were Wanda.
“You both will face the consequences.” Nat told them.
Wanda moved closer to her brother who was intently watching the doctors operate you through the door.
“She took the bullet for me. And I said I should have killed her. I don’t want that Wanda- I don’t her to die. None of this was her fault then why did I get her involved? Did we really become that driven by the need for revenge?”
He couldn’t stop his tears. “She comforted me you know. Listened to me. And for a second it was real. Fuck who am I lying to? You and me both know it was real. I know that wasn’t the plan but it happened. And now she is lying unconscious. Because of me. She protected me.”
After a whole agonising 24 hours, you gained consciousness. Meanwhile Nat and Clint interrogated the Maximoffs. Pietro didn’t speak a word. To lost to say anything. His mind only had one thought. You.
Wanda answered some questions. Told them the details about their parent’s death.
“We only wanted justice. We didn’t want to physically hurt any innocent people. But I guess the Hulk attack changed that. Suddenly the reality set in on us. The consequences of the destruction. We were too driven by rage. But we couldn’t back down.”
“Look Kid, these people who you hate so much, give everyone a chance for redemption. Trust me. You’ve got powers right? Do you know how many people you can help with that?”
They talked to Wanda more and as soon as Pietro heard about you gaining consciousness he was in front of the room you were in. So were the rest of the Avengers, including Tony.
“Don’t even think about going inside.” Tony told him.
“I just want to know she is okay.”
“She is. Now go away before I do something to you.”
“Kid, you should back away.” Steve told Pietro.
One of the doctors came out and informed them you have requested to talk to Pietro. Even against Tony’a wishes, Pietro finally got to go in.
“I-“ Pietro didn’t know what to say.
“I’m sorry you didn’t get to hurt my dad by seeing me dead.”
“Don’t say that please.”
“That’s what you wanted right?”
“I thought it’s what I should do, to give my parents justice. But if they saw what I did, what we did, they would have been so disappointed.”
You kept quiet. Facing away from him.
“Losing someone close always hurts, and I don’t think I can do that again.” Pietro confessed as he sat down beside your bed
“You were right, it was real, what we had. That wasn’t the plan but it just happened. I didn’t want to admit it. Didn’t want to divert from my goal.”
“What matters is what you do now”
“I’m in too deep now, I became what I wanted to protect the world from. It’s too late.”
“It isn’t. You were a victim, consumed by rage you did everything. There is always chance for redemption. You have powers right? You want to protect the world right? The people you hate so much are trying to do the same. Maybe I don’t agree with all of their methods, you don’t have to either. But they are not bad people.”
“Will you- will you give me another chance?”
“I don’t think I can trust you again.”
Pietro deserved that.
“Take care дорогой”
Wanda and Pietro were taken in by the Avengers. The twins realised, they themselves had been manipulated by various people. If they had received the powers, why not use it for good.
You hardly went out anymore. Nothing felt right. You were happy to hear about Wanda and Pietro, but you felt like part of yourself went missing forever.
Few months later, one day you decided to go to your favourite coffee shop again. Maybe you had to start living again. Things were better, even if a little. Ordering your favourite drink, you sat down in a nice spot beside the window.
“Is this seat taken?” Your eyes went up to the silver haired man. You shook your head.
“If you want, you can always throw your drink on my face.” He spoke nervously. “At least that would give me a chance to buy you another.”
You couldn’t help but smile. The memories of your first meeting flashing in your mind, but also a reminder of the beginning of the lies.
“I know you said you can’t trust me. I understand that. Can you at least give me a chance to try to win your trust again? No matter how long it takes. I’ll keep trying.”
“I’m an Avenger now.” He said proudly. “I guess they are not too bad. Better than Hydra and the rest of the lot at least.”
“I’m happy to hear that.” You told him with a small smile on your face.
“We stopped a Hydra attack recently, saved some hostages, an old lady thanked me for saving her life. You have no idea how good that felt.” Your smile grew bigger.
“Your parents would be proud.” Pietro looked at you trying to control his tears, and stopping himself from taking you in his arms.
“Please дорогой, please give me one chance.”
“You- you won’t hurt me again.”
“Never. I only want to make you happy.”
You smiled and pushed your cup gently towards him. He took a sip.
“Sweet. Like you.” You smiled again.
“We can go out for Ice Cream, maybe?”
“It would mean the world to me дорогой”
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see-the-divine · 5 months
Marvel Fic Rec Masterlist
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Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Chances by @soulgazingwithbucky
Clean by @xoxoavenger
only you by @sunvmars
Peter Parker
dulcet by @jamespottersdaisy
hoax by @waitimcomingtoo
SLUT! by @/waitimcomingtoo
Infinitely You by @spider-stark
Pietro Maximoff
Maybe Things Could be Different Part 2 by @lifeasitis21
evermore by @memphisnovels
Thor Odinson
nothing... yet
Peter Quill
nothing... yet
53 notes · View notes
sokoviansimp · 9 months
Fear, Guilt, & Hope
Part 1.5 to Love's Triumph: A Maximoff Miracle
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✒ Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
✒ Summary: Wanda finds out that you're pregnant in the hospital while you fight for your life.
✒ Tags and Warnings: angst
✒ Author's Note: So, this takes place in the middle of the first part, here we see Wanda's POV while reader is unconscious in the hospital. You can all thank @xxxtwilightaxelxxx for this one. Hope you like it :)
✒ Word Count: 984
✒ Read Time: 5 minutes
Masterlist : Socials
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Wanda sat by your hospital bed, her heart heavy with worry. Her beloved wife lay unconscious, battered, and bruised from the battle they had fought against Hydra. The room was quiet except for the soft hum of medical equipment and the distant sounds of the hospital.
As she held your hand, Wanda's thoughts swirled with a mix of fear, guilt, and confusion. She couldn't bear to see you like this, so vulnerable, and it tore at her soul. Her mind replayed the events of the battle, the moment when she had found you buried beneath the rubble, unconscious and unresponsive. The image haunted her.
A nurse entered the room, a sympathetic look in her eyes. "Mrs. Maximoff, we've received the results of the tests we ran on your wife," she said gently.
Wanda nodded, her heart pounding. "What is it? Is she going to be okay?"
The nurse smiled warmly. "Physically, she'll recover. They both should be just fine, Y/N just needs a bit of time for her body to decide it’s time to wake up."
Relief washed over Wanda, but her mind hung on that one word, “I’m sorry, both?”
“Yes, both Y/N and the baby should be just fine.” the doctor clarified. 
Wanda's world seemed to spin. Baby? You’re pregnant? It was a mixture of joy and terror that washed over her. “We’re having a baby,” Wanda whispered as she smiled and looked down at you, her eyes filling with tears.
Tears of joy for the new life they had created together, but also tears of fear for what it meant for their future. Wanda had always been aware of the destructive power of her abilities, the chaos that lurked not only within her but around her. She had kept it at bay as best as she could, but now, with you carrying their child, the weight of responsibility bore down on her like never before.
The nurse's voice brought her back to the present. "I can imagine this is a lot to process. We have counselors available if you'd like to talk to someone."
Wanda nodded, her voice trembling. "Thank you, but I think I just need a moment alone with my wife, please."
Alone again, Wanda turned her attention back to you. Her heart ached with love and worry. She reached out to gently stroke your cheek, her thumb wiping away a stray tear that had fallen from her own eyes.
"Oh God, Y/N. This is what we’ve wanted for so long and- and now that it’s here, I-I don't know if I can do this," Wanda whispered, her voice filled with anxiety and self-doubt. "What have I done?" Wanda continued to herself, her voice shaking. She had always known that her powers were unpredictable, that they could bring destruction as easily as protection. But now, with you carrying their child, the reality of the situation was suffocating her.
She couldn't shake the fear that she might either unintentionally harm you or their unborn child, or not be enough to save one of you. Every memory of her past mistakes and the chaos she had caused haunted her like ghosts. The room seemed to close in around her, and she felt utterly powerless. What she had thought was a brilliant idea at one time with you by her side, is now something she can’t even fathom as a miracle but rather a curse. 
Wanda reached out, her trembling hand brushing your cheek as if seeking some kind of reassurance. "Please, Y/N," she whispered, tears streaming down her face. "Wake up. I need you."
Time seemed to crawl as Wanda sat there, her anxiety growing with each passing minute. She couldn't help but blame herself for your current condition. If she hadn't been so reckless during the battle, if she had been more aware of her surroundings, if she had seen that blue streak quicker then maybe she could’ve stopped it...
The blue streak, an all too familiar sight. It had to be her brother, she was sure of it. She had seen that exact display countless times before, whether it was to steal a purse from a display window for a girl he fancied, or a way to sneak past enemy lines. It was him, and yet all she had heard from her friends since his disappearance in Sokovia was that he was dead, gone, never coming back. Guilt washed over her like a tidal wave. She knew that wasn’t the case and yet she let them convince her of it. Her suspicions fell on deaf ears, and one day she let them persuade her that it was just a part of grief. 
If she had just stayed true to her instincts maybe you wouldn’t be lying in a hospital bed right now. Maybe she would’ve been prepared to face him. Once her thoughts had run through all the guilt of what she could’ve done differently to protect you, it swiftly drifted to what they had done to Pietro. Why was he with them? How? What kind of torture or manipulation had they subjected him to that he would fight against her, his own twin, and the Avengers? The thought filled her with a mixture of anger and sorrow. 
She was determined to save her brother from Hydra’s antics. As soon as she managed to temporarily push that other thought aside, it inevitably returned to remind her of the daunting reality: she was expecting a child. With her plate already seemingly overflowing, the added responsibility of saving her brother was surely a lot to balance. Surely a rescue mission will put an even larger target on her family’s back, but the tantalizing closeness to reuniting with him and the fact that he will be able to meet her future child fills her heart with a speckle of joy and just enough hope to keep her going.
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Grim Reaper - Pietro Maximoff X GN Reader
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Title: Grim Reaper
Pietro Maximoff X GN Reader
Additional Characters: Wanda, Tony, Clint, and the kid from Age of Ultron Pietro saved
| You Are Here | Part 2 | Part 3? |
WC: 722
Warnings: Death mentioned, blood mentioned, bullets mentioned, Pietro lives bruh, slight angst, and fluff
Everything was dark... And Cold. Pietro couldn't feel anything. Except for the cold. He wasn't sure if it was just him or if everything else was so cold too. What a strange thought. He slowly opened his eyes, finding himself in a void-like place, surrounded by nothing but darkness. It looked like nothingness, but there were stars in that emptiness. So...it wasn't nothingness after all. It's still cold though... He shivered as a breeze picked up around him. This place really isn't good for his health. Until he realized... Was he dead? He couldn't remember much... Only saving Clint and the child... Then... A cold feeling, it hurt. It hurt so much. It felt like a thousand knives stabbing into his skin, twisting into him and making him bleed. His breathing became ragged as his heart ached with a pain that only someone as strong as Pietro could endure. Suddenly, he heard a voice calling to him. A soft, sad voice that sounded like it was coming from far away. And yet, when he looked up from the ground, his scared eyes met yours. 
You stood before him, dressed in all black, with a sad smile, "Welcome to the Void, Pietro."
"The void?" Pietro quickly asked, "What is this? Who are you?" You gave him an amused look and smiled, your eyes filled with sadness.
"The void is a place between life and death," You spoke softly, pulling down your hood, "And I am your Grim Reaper." 
"So, I am dead?" He asked sadly, "I died."
You shook your head, "No, not dead per se... You're... In between it. And what you did was amazing, saving the child's life." 
He chuckled weakly, "Was it? I'm afraid I was a complete failure. I died."
"Of course, you weren't!" Your eyes flashed, "You saved the life of a small child who has suffered so much already, you saved that child from death."
Pietro looked down, "Then... What do I do now?" He asked, sighing, "I've left my sister alone."
You shook your head, "Pietro, this is not how your story ends. I can help you."
"How can you help me?" He exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air slightly, "I'm dead."
You hummed, "I can help you... By reincarnating you."
Pietro furrowed his eyebrows, taking a step closer, "Reincarnating me? Wouldn't that mean I'd be born again and be someone else? I won’t see my sister."
You shook your head again, "No, I'm sorry. I used the wrong words. I am... Going to bring you back to life. Though there are some cons to this."
Pietro shook his head as his eyes widened in disparity. "I don't care what happens, I want to be alive, I want to protect my sister."
You closed your eyes, "I don't do this often... I've only done this a couple of times. But, the only things that will last once you are reborn... Are the scars that you'll carry. Both physically and mentally."
He clenched his jaw and let out a heavy breath, "That's fine. Let's do it then."
Your face lit up brightly, and you nodded in affirmation. Slowly, you reached your hand out, and Pietro took it. You closed your eyes, and Pietro felt a weird sensation as if he was being pushed through space, and time passed by at regular speed. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was laying down on a cot, his sister staring down at him with wide worried eyes.
"Pietro! Are you alright?" She asked hurriedly, as Pietro groaned sitting up.
Looking down, he saw his suit, riddled with bullet holes, yet his skin was unharmed; only small scars left in their wake. He looked up to see his sister, also clad in her suit. Her hair fell messily, covering her eyes, and she had a teary expression. 
"What... Happened?" He asked, voice dry as he ran a hand through his hair.
"This person saved your life," Tony spoke up, gesturing for the person to walk forward and Pietro's eyes widened. 
There, you stood, hands clasped in front of you as you gave the man a small shy smile.
"My name is Y/N. And it's nice to meet you, Pietro." You gave him a knowing look.
Pietro couldn’t help but smile, "The pleasure is all mine."
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petitemistletoe · 1 year
Pairing: James Potter x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: angst!!!
Word Count: 1.8K+
Part 1
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“Yeah my name is James. What does that have to do with anything? Can someone please explain to me what the hell is going on?” Bucky had no idea the simultaneous unfolding that was occurring in yours and Pietro’s brains. 
“Have you ever been to England? To a town…to a neighborhood called Godric’s Hollow?” Pietro asked. 
“What’s going on?” Steve stepped forward to stand next to Bucky.
“No I’ve never been to England.” Bucky said with his arms crossed. 
“Actually,” Natasha cleared her throat, “Tony found the log that HYDRA used to keep track of where they sent you. They sent you to England in the 1980s to work under their British contact. Does that timeline match up?” She looked at you and Pietro. You nodded, feeling like all the blood had drained from your body.
“Do you have the name of this…British contact?” Pietro asked. Bucky looked panicked now, the way he did when his past with HYDRA was brought up. Natasha and Steve looked at Tony who had apparently left and was now re-entering the room with a leather bound book in hand.
“A guy named Tom Riddle.” Tony said, unusually serious.
“Oh my god,” You felt your knees go weak. 
“Who is Tom Riddle?” Steve asked. 
“Voldemort. The man who murdered our son.” Pietro’s hands were shaking, “I’m going to kill you.” Pietro lunged for Bucky. The entire room exploded with everyone talking over each other and yelling as Sam and Thor separated Pietro and Bucky. Steve ran to you and grabbed your shoulders. 
“You know that Bucky was under HYDRA influence and anything he did at that point is not his own fault. He’s a victim.” Steve was speaking very fast. 
“I don’t understand, though. I don’t understand why did you ask Voldemort to spare me?” You asked, tears in your eyes.
“I didn’t.” Bucky grit his teeth. 
“J-Pietro do you still have your wand?” You asked.
“He’s staring at you again.” James laughed, his arm heavy over your shoulders. You looked behind you as you strolled around the Black lake. It was some guy who worked with Filch. One of Dumbledore’s initiatives as headmaster was to make sure that there were programs at Hogwarts for squibs like Filch. There was a man that worked under Filch who seemed to be just a few years older than you and your friends. He was creepy, quiet, and kept to himself, with his body concealed under thick black robes and black gloves no matter how warm it got. He didn’t seem to like anyone or anything but he would stare at you from the shadows. When you made eye contact you would always smile and if you passed him in the hall you’d always say hello but something about him creeped you out. 
“Shut up,” you hit James’s shoulder playfully. 
“What?” James said with feigned innocence, “I don’t want to interrupt time with your boyfriend.”
“You’re such a dick,” you chuckled, but still felt uneasy and you looked back over your shoulder and saw the man staring at you. 
You and James walked down the path until the Three Broomsticks were in sight. You could see Sirius, Remus, and Peter making their way towards a table but you also saw the man again, staring from a tree next to the pub. You grabbed James’ arm and stopped walking.
“Can we go to Hog’s Head instead?”
“Hog’s Head? Why the hell would you we go there-oh,” James followed your eyes until he saw the man, “Alright, I’m going to talk to this bloke. This has gone on far too long.”
“No!” You tightened your grip on James’ arm, “Let’s just go. It’s not worth it.” You shook your head. James looked between you and the man for a moment before sighing.
“Alright,” The two of you walked down so you were close to the windows of the pub and James wrapped his knuckle on the glass of the window to get his friends’ attention, “Hog’s Head!” 
“Are you kidding me?” Sirius said, holding his mug of recently purchased butterbeer. Remus tapped his finger against the bottom of the glass and Sirius proceeded to chug the entire thing while Peter cheered. Then the boys raced out to meet you.
“Why are we going to Hog’s Head?” Remus asked. 
“Yeah I think I burned my throat,” Sirius wrapped his hand around his neck and stuck out his tongue. 
“It’s less crowded at Hog’s Head,” you shrugged. 
“Ah so the stalker’s back?” Sirius teased.
“Leave her alone,” James shoved Sirius as you all entered the darker pub.
“What exactly are you all saying?” Bucky took a step back as Pietro tried to take a step towards him, stopped by Thor’s heavy hand on his chest. 
“Voldemort told me that James wanted to spare me before he killed me.” You said
“I would never do that,” Pietro said at the same time as Bucky said, 
“What does that have to do with me?”
“I know you wouldn’t do that,” you said, looking back at Pietro, “Bucky what was your assignment for HYDRA? What were you doing for Tom Riddle?”
“I don’t know!”
“Do you have any veritaserum?” Pietro shook his head.
“No,” you thought for a moment, “but I do have a pensive.”
“What can I get you all?” The waitress at Hog’s Head asked.
“Uh four butterbeers and a firewhisky for me, love.” Sirius said, batting his eyelashes a bit.
“Alright then, five butterbeers.” The waitress rolled her eyes and disappeared behind the bar. The other boys were laughing at Sirius when you saw the man again through the window.
“I, uh, I’ll be right back. I see Lily Evans walking and I need to borrow her herbology book later tonight.” You said, rising from the booth.
“You want me to come?” James asked, a little half-heartedly as he was trying to put Peter into a headlock.
“No, no, I’m alright,” you hurried out of the pub. You marched directly up to the man which he obviously was not expecting because he tried to run but you pulled out your wand and yelled, 
“Petrificus totalus!”
The man dropped to the ground. You reversed the spell and stood over him with your arms crossed. 
“Why are you following me? Can you just leave me alone?”
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, pushing his hood back a little. You were able to see a part of face, his dark hair and eyes but that was all.
“Are you Russian? I’ve never seen a Russian at Hogwarts.” You didn’t want him to leave, now. You had too many questions. 
“I have to get back.” He ran before you could ask the rest of them.
“What the hell is a pensive?” Steve asked, his eyes practically shaking inside his head.
“We can extract his memories.” Pietro said.
“No fucking way,” Bucky crossed his arms.
“Yeah come on that’s a little ridiculous,” Sam said.
“I think you should do it,” Wanda said, looking strangely calm. You had to imagine she was scanning your brains to make sure you and Pietro had not been lying. 
“This man murdered my son. I don’t really care what he wants.” Pietro’s chest was heaving, “Accio wand!” Pietro’s wand flew into his hand and he pointed it at Bucky.
“James! Stop it!” You said, “Expelliarmus!” You couldn’t really explain how you were feeling on the inside. Some part of you, a large part of you, felt betrayed and nearly nauseous at the thought of Bucky being involved in the destruction of your life at Godric’s Hollow. But you also couldn’t help but still feel a strange sort of attachment to Bucky. You had dated Bucky for years and if Bucky was who you thought he was…he did save you.
“James,” you shoved James’s shoulder lightly. The first ray of sunlight was piercing through the darkness of the early morning and James had promised last night that he would practice quidditch with you. You lost your last shred of hope that James would honor that promise when he tossed his arm over his eyes and groaned. You shoved him again, “James! You promised we would play quidditch this morning!”
“Oh god it’s too early!” He mumbled. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled your body closer to his, “Just stay in bed, baby.”
“Come on! If you’re not coming then I’m going on my own,” you pulled yourself out of bed and shook at the chilly morning air. 
“It’s all foggy out! You know that means a dementor could be lurking around,” James said sleepily, propping himself up on his forearms but his eyes were still practically closed. 
“I’ll be alright, go back to bed.” You gave James a quick kiss on the forehead. 
“Shut the fuck up!” Sirius said, wrapping his pillow around his ears. You walked out to the quidditch pitch, broom in hand, waving your hand in front of your eyes to try to cut through the fog. It was cold-really, really, really cold-and you were shaking as you released the snitch and kicked off with your broom. You were out on the pitch for probably twenty minutes when you felt an intense cold wave run down your spine. You knew you should’ve landed your broom and ran like hell but you turned to see what was behind you. It was a dementor. And god damn were you cursing everything for leaving your wand in your bag down on the ground. You lost your balance and began to plummet towards the ground. You were able to fall in a way that saved your back from breaking but you knew you were due to see Madame Pomfrey. You crawled backwards from the dementor, hoping and praying someone would be out on this early Saturday morning. The dementor’s long finger was reaching its way towards your face when a silvery hand shot out and grabbed the dementor by the throat. The dementor seemed to pause and then flail, obviously confused. The hand threw the dementor backwards and then dropped your wand in your lap. You looked up and saw the man who had watching you all these months. 
“What are you waiting for?” He barked. You shook your head to clear it and yelled, 
“Expecto patronum!” You waited until the dementor had disappeared before you looked back at the man. “Okay, who the hell are you? How did you do that?”
“I can’t tell you,” the man mumbled, putting his glove back on. 
“What’s your name, at least?”
“Okay. Thank you, James.” 
“Oh my god,” things were piecing together in your mind, “it’s you. You were the watcher.” You looked up at Bucky.
“Who’s side are you on?” Pietro asked.
“Did you murder my son?” You asked Bucky. 
“I don’t know,” Bucky took a deep breath before looking deep into your eyes, “Take my memories. I want you to know.” 
@vilentia, @shadowbriar, @savagejane1, @white-wolf-buckaroo
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The Flip Side Part 5
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~9k
Summary: Your motivation to continue working as a mobster in Chicago is dwindling after the birth of your daughter.
A/N: India is growing on me a little. The food is great and I've seen a bunch of animals already... Now if only I could sleep and car rides weren't so wild... this chapter gets a little more angsty and exciting! Enjoy.
Warnings: vaguely suggestive content, angst, panic attacks, fluff, references to murder
It’s over an hour later before you and Wanda leave the bedroom. After making your wife come twice more in the shower, you both get dressed and check on your children. Natalya is still asleep surprisingly so you leave her for a few minutes while you go check on the dogs and Wanda goes to get a bottle ready. You’re quiet as you walk into the main room for the dogs. It’s still a little early, and the younger ones don’t like to be startled. You smile as you walk into the room and see that the three are already up and waiting to be let out. They have access to the roof from here, but they can’t get to the rest of the house unless this door is opened. 
As soon as it’s opened wide enough, Milo, Rudy, and Sully all run out to see what’s going on in the other parts of the house. You walk further into the room and look around for your older boys. You leave the main room and head toward the next to find that your shepherds as still snoozing away on their favorite bed. Sometimes they liked to come in here to get some space of their own, and you creep into the room so you can kneel down next to them. It’s not until you’re practically on top of them that you see that they’re not alone. 
A giant mass of black fur is situated between them and you almost call for Wanda to come see them just because of how cute they look. You restrain yourself because Fat Louise has already started to wake up, and you’re careful not to startle the trio as you reach out for the cat.
“Hi there. Good morning.” 
You watch as Boone and Rogue start to stir as Fat Louise kicks them as she stretches and yawns. You chuckle under your breath as Rogue grumbles and Boone sits up quickly. He’s usually faster to rise and you smile as you scratch your dog behind the ears and kiss his nose. 
“Hi buddy. Were you a good pillow?” 
Boone just yawns before he climbs off the bed and shakes himself out. You’re covered in dog hair rather quickly and you stand up to wipe it off your shirt with a sigh. Rogue is sitting up at this point and the three of you are on your way to breakfast when you hear Wanda call you. She doesn’t sound panicked, but you hurry nonetheless so you’re not keeping her waiting. 
“Y/n? Can you come here, please?” 
When you arrive to the kitchen you find that Wanda’s already gotten Natalya up and she’d started to feed her. Keyword started because you see that there’s been a bit of an accident, and Wanda was now covered in spit up. It was mostly on her back and you cringe slightly as you reach out for your daughter. 
“Little Nat. Did you eat too fast? Do you want me to hold her so you can clean up?” 
Wanda nods gratefully and you take Natalya into your arms and rock her gently. You don’t want to upset her possibly pissed off stomach and you wait until Wanda returns before trying again. This time goes better, but slower and you watch as Wanda feeds the dogs and Fat Louise before daring to bring up breakfast. 
“My little one, you’re too cute to spit up, okay? You need to take after me, baby girl.” 
Wanda’s rolling her eyes as she finishes putting together some food for Natalya to pick at before bringing your plates to the table. 
“I thought we didn’t want her to spill all over herself, Y/n.”
Your response is to simply stick your tongue out at your wife which just makes her laugh in amusement. You get Natalya situated in her chair before heading for the kitchen to grab her tiny bowls that Wanda had left in there. Her appreciative look is met with a smile and one of your own as you sit down beside your daughter to eat. 
“Thank you for cooking, Wands.”
As usual, the two of you go between eating, feeding Natalya, and chatting about plans for the day. You’d be happy to just sit around before cooking dinner a little later, but Wanda had other plans. As much fun as yesterday was, she wanted to get out a little today and check on the restaurant. You are only a little disappointed that you’ll be left home by yourself, but this feeling only lasts for two seconds before Wanda clarifies her meaning. 
“Maybe we can all go together?” 
Natalya makes both of you smile as she takes her empty bowl and bangs it on her tray table. You reach out to take it from her before gently banging it on the table in response. The dogs are looking at you in confusion and Wanda’s just shaking her head in amusement. You hand the bowl back to your daughter and wait until she tugs on it before giving it back to her. 
“Do you like that idea, Little Nat? Do you want to go on a family trip to Mommy’s restaurant?” 
When Natalya only offers you a gleeful laugh you smile wider before nodding in understanding. You’ll all go to the restaurant later to confirm that it’s still up and running, and to give your wife her fix. Maybe you’ll hang out for a bit and let her cook some. 
The morning goes by quickly after breakfast, and you and Wanda are on your way to the restaurant with Natalya your arms. You’d already reached out to Bucky and Steve and they confirmed that they’d be tagging along for this trip. You decide to drive and you give Nat a kiss on her little forehead before handing her to Wanda with a sigh. 
“Do we have everything?” 
After spending almost an hour preparing for the trip this morning, you feel like you’re leaving for the night instead of just a few hours. Wanda’s packed a large diaper bag with blankets, bibs, baby wipes, and a change of clothes and diapers for Natalya. There’s also some toys and snacks Wanda wanted to bring just in case. The back seat is completely full with all of the bags and Nat who sat securely strapped into her car seat. She was sleeping for now, but you had a feeling she would perk up when she got to the restaurant. 
She’d been there maybe two times in her life. First, she went there only days after leaving the hospital. It had been after closing, but Wanda had wanted to show off her beautiful daughter, and everyone had fawned over her. The next time she’d gone it was to visit her mom on a day she was at the restaurant dealing with a problem. She’d been frustrated, tired, and just wanted to be home with her baby, but she’d been pleasantly surprised when Pietro had showed up. 
Now that Nat was slightly older, Wanda wanted her to go back to see where she worked. She wanted her to get used to the smells and sounds, and she wanted her to meet whoever was working today. If Stella was there, she was guaranteed to get distracted by Natalya. 
Wanda nods in confirmation as she turns around to face front as you put the car into reverse. She glances down at you and sees that you’ve packed as well. Whenever you leave the house, you take at least one gun to have on you at all times. She also knows that you have at least three others in the car, but she’s never seen you use those. One’s in the glove compartment, the other is under your seat, and the third is in the back hidden from view and a safe distance from Natalya. At home you’re a little more relaxed and despite having guns stashed around the penthouse, you don’t often carry one on you. 
Despite not liking the idea of having guns in the house, especially with Natalya, she knows that it’s a necessary evil that will keep her family safe. She looks away from the gun on your hip as she reaches out to grab one of your hands once you’ve turned onto the main road. 
“I’m so excited we’re doing this.” 
As you turn to make sure there are no cars coming before you cross the intersection, you sneak a quick peek at your wife and can’t help but find her excitement endearing. She loved her job and you hated that she had to take such a long break from it. It brought her so much joy and seeing how just the idea of going back so drastically changed her mood, you wanted to do this more often. You know that Wanda loved your daughter and that she didn’t want to miss out on the chance to raise her. However, you also knew that if Wanda could have it both ways and raise your daughter while working in her kitchen she would be in heaven. 
“Me too, Wands.” 
After kissing her hand with a smile, you think about this for the rest of the ride to the restaurant. Wanda should be able to have more freedom to do what she wants. You know that Pietro loves to help out, but you’re Natalya’s mother and you should be more available. Wanda notices you’re frowning as you pull into the parking lot of her restaurant and you’re quick to look for Steve and Bucky. The duo is already here watching the doors and you circle the building so you can go in the back. You squeeze Wanda’s hand as you park and she sees that your frown’s been replaced by a smile as you shoot her a curious look.
“Ready for this, loves?”
Bucky smiles as he watches you and Wanda get out of the car, the former hurrying to grab your daughter. Wanda tries to protest but you just shake your head and tell her to go on and head in. She had been vibrating in excitement for the entire ride, so you knew she was anxious to see everyone. 
“Go ahead, Wands. We’ll be right behind you.” 
After shooting you one more questioning look, Wanda relents and heads inside. She smiles at Bucky before walking through the door he held open. As he let it fall shut, he walks over to where you’re grabbing the diaper bag and throwing it over your shoulder. Natalya is already in your arms and she’s looking around curiously at the unfamiliar place.
“Hey, Y/n.”
Natalya’s squirming makes it difficult to hold her while shutting the door, but Bucky takes care of that as you adjust your daughter on your hip. You shoot him a grateful look before kissing Natalya’s cheek with a sigh. 
“Thanks, Bucky. How goes it?” 
Following his lead through the back door, you lock the car on your way in as you wait for him to answer your vague question. He shrugs before mentioning that nothing new has been found out since you last spoke. The investigation was still ongoing and there were apparently no suspects yet. You weren’t sure if you were annoyed or relieved to hear this. 
“Where is the little one? Did you not bring her?” 
The sound of one of Wanda’s coworkers, Maria, makes you smile widely. She’s an older woman in her early-sixties, but Wanda’s known her since she first came to the U.S with her brother. She’d been one of her first foster moms and despite the difficult siblings and the stressful situation, the woman had always been the only foster parent she viewed as a mother-figure. When she’d opened her restaurant, she’d reached out to her and asked if she’d be interested in helping out. She’d been working alongside her ever since. 
Wanda’s laugh makes you realize that she really did need this visit today, and you’re quick to follow the sound of her voice to the kitchen. 
“Good to see you too, Maria. Yes, I brought her, Y/n should be here with her any second.” 
You take this as your cue to come around the corner and walk into the bright open kitchen that you haven’t seen in a while. It’s busy as expected because the lunch rush is about to start, but that doesn’t stop everyone from turning toward you and Natalya. The first one to greet you is unsurprisingly the woman who was waiting anxiously for your daughter’s arrival and you smile before preparing to pass Natalya over. 
“Good to see you again, Maria. Here’s the little chonker.” 
Wanda is rolling her eyes as you shoot her a teasing smile that Maria just ignores in favor of reaching out for your daughter. She’s smiling brightly, and she coos at Little Nat who just smiles and reaches for her hair. You are going to be shocked if your daughter doesn’t have a thing for hair later in life. 
“Hi Y/n! How are you?” 
You smile before shrugging and saying that all’s been well, but you don’t really expect a response as Maria and another employee, Sophie start to fawn over your daughter.
“Oh, she has gotten bigger! She’s so adorable.” 
“She’s not too big, she’s perfect, isn’t that right? Oh, this hat is so cute."
Wanda watches happily as the duo kiss and squeeze on her giggling daughter. She looks to you before Bucky walks into the kitchen too with a sigh. Steve is up front talking to the hostess Stella, but the commotion from the back makes her realize that Wanda’s arrived. 
It wasn’t difficult to know when the brunette was here. It always went the same way since she’d been working here. The tall, built blonde named Steve would show up, sometimes with his friend Bucky, to make sure that nothing was amiss around or in the restaurant. Then Wanda would show up either by herself or with her daughter or brother. Occasionally you showed up as well, and as Stella walks into the kitchen she realizes which three of you are here. 
Wanda turns when she and Steve walk in, and she’s quickly pulled into a hug which she returns readily. 
“Stella, it’s good to see you. How have you been?” 
Wanda catches up with her friends and you and Steve talk as well, but about nothing specific. You’d already asked Bucky if there was anything of note with the investigation, but apparently they hadn’t found anything useful yet. You wonder how long it will take for the other shoe to drop, and you can’t help but feel anxious just at the thought. You try to distract yourself by focusing on Wanda and your daughter, but they’re still preoccupied at the moment. 
“Are you two coming over later for dinner?” 
You’d officially just invited Nat and Yelena, but you knew that Nat had told Bucky and Yelena would probably bring Kate. You weren’t opposed to more people coming. It would be nice to see everyone and a distraction from work would be nice too. 
Bucky brings your attention back to him when he shakes his head before claiming that he’ll be busy working. Given how much you’ve put on his plate you don’t doubt this and you shoot him an apologetic look before turning to Steve. He’s smiling as he watches Natalya get passed back to her mom. She’s still talking to Stella and Nat reaches out for the younger girl with a smile. 
“I can probably make it. I’ll see how some stuff goes later.” 
You’re nodding as you watch Wanda take your daughter to one of the stations near the back of the kitchen. She’s talking to some people before she gets this look that you know all too well. You’re already digging in the bag on your shoulder for Nat's carrier. You’re by Wanda’s side when she decides what she wants to make with Natalya. She’ll be doing all the work, but she loves to have her daughter with her as she enjoys being in her element. 
“Thanks, detka.” 
The kiss to your cheek makes you smile dopily and you help Wanda get Natalya situated on your wife’s back. She’s still a little restless, but you stand by watching Wanda get everything together to cook and you see that Natalya eventually just begins to watch. Wanda talks to her as if she can actually understand it as she describes her steps and cooks a meal that she hasn’t had in too long. She’s so passionate about what she’s doing that you feel yourself fall in love with her all over again. You just observe quietly and enjoy watching Wanda be carefree for a while. 
Natalya starts to pull on Wanda’s hair and she hears quiet whimpering in her ear that catches her attention. She turns slightly but can’t really see anything, but it catches your attention. 
“What’s wrong little one? Are you getting tired?”
Wanda hears you look in the diaper bag again for her pacifier and you whip it out with a smile before holding it up to your daughter. 
“Do you want this, little Nat? Want to take a nap?” 
A few minutes later, Natalya is asleep with her pacifier in her mouth, and Wanda sighs in content. She’s happy to be in her kitchen again, and she loves that you’re right by her side, holding her in your arms. You don’t say much as you just watch her cook, but your presence is enough to calm her and reaffirm her belief that you both needed this visit. 
“Are Bucky and Steve coming to dinner?” 
Your friends have wandered off at this point, but you knew they were nearby. Everyone else had to go back to work, but you and Wanda had all the time in the world to relax and just enjoy yourselves. You nod as you mention what Bucky and Steve told you while you play with your daughter’s fingers. 
“Yeah, Bucky can’t make it, but Steve wants his steak rare. Still kicking if we can manage it.” 
Wanda laughs out loud at this and rolls her eyes at the fact that she knows you’re only partially kidding. They were going to grill on the roof tonight, and Steve and Yelena’s favorite was steak while Wanda and Nat liked chicken and you preferred fish. You were excited to have your friends over to enjoy the last night you’ll have free for a while. Your schedule for the coming days was rough, but hopefully afterwards things would calm down for a while. You’ll be handing over more responsibilities soon and once you saw how they did you could see what else you could tweak. 
“You’re ridiculous. That’ll be your job, detka. I’m glad they can come though.” 
For the next hour Wanda finishes up what she’s cooking and you change Nat’s diaper in the office and feed her a bit before the three of you take off. You make the rounds and say goodbye to everyone before heading back home with Bucky and Steve as escorts. 
As you drive back home you steal glances at your wife who despite looking a little tired seems happy. She sighs as she relaxes into her seat and looks out the window. She brushes the back of your hand with her thumb and she hums when you ask her if she had a good time. You smile at how distracted she is, but you don’t bother to comment on it as you peek into the rearview mirror to see that Natalya is sleeping. 
“How about a quick nap and then I’ll start cooking?”
Once your family is back home and Wanda’s putting Natalya in the nursery for a nap, you realize that you could use one as well. It’s 4 now and you have a couple of hours before you need to start cooking for tonight. You’re mostly preparing sides since you’ll wait until everyone shows up to grill and have some drinks. You recall how you’ve already gone through one of your three bottles of sparkling cider that you keep in the house with a sigh. 
Wanda hasn’t kept alcohol in the house for years. She doesn’t drink much at all, and if she does, she buys just enough for her or their guests before pouring any remainder out. She’ll never keep alcohol around because she doesn’t want you to be tempted by it in any way. She knows that part of your recovery includes not being around people who drink, places where drinks are served, or anything of the sort. Most of the time when you have friends over, they bring non-alcoholic drinks, or Yelena just drinks some beforehand. That said, you still stick to your water or cider because even ‘non-alcoholic- beer and wine can have alcohol in it, and you’d been told to steer clear of that. 
“That sounds wonderful, but I’ll help too.” 
You’re too tired to argue and after confirming with your friends that they’ll come by around 6, you and Wanda retire to your bedroom with the baby monitor and a couple of dogs in tow. You’re yawning before you even see the bed, and you watch with a smile as Wanda sinks into it with a groan. She’d really done all of the work this afternoon. She’d cooked some side dishes for tonight that are still out on the counter, and then she’d made a dessert that is chilling. You had helped a little, but most of your focus had been on Natalya or watching Wanda. You knew that despite appreciating your assistance, Wanda could do all of this in her sleep and didn’t need your help. You mostly served as company and if you got a couple of samples while you were at it, you didn’t complain. 
“You already cooked a lot, so I get to do the heavy lifting.” 
Your wife just hums in acknowledgement, not really hearing what you’re saying as she curls up under the covers with a yawn. A hand reaches out for you and Wanda waits patiently as you take off your jacket and gun before sliding into bed next to her with a smile. 
You’re pulled into your wife’s arms and you just laugh as you indulge her and cuddle close to her with a smile. You kiss her forehead before stifling a yawn as you turn so your face is in her hair. She still smells like her shampoo and faintly of what she’d cooked earlier and you hum happily. 
“Night, Wands.” 
The response you get is an indiscernible mumble that just makes you smile widely as you close your eyes and try to sleep and mentally prepare for tonight. 
Detective Reese’s hope continues to dwindle as he watches his team search through the last dumpster on this block. After getting a call about the senator’s murder, he’d been working around the clock to try and find a suspect where there seemed to be no one. 
The entire thing was a brain buster. A few days ago, at the senator’s birthday party, they’d received a tip that someone was going to try to assassinate him. They’d upped his security and kept him under lockdown for nearly 36 hours before the threat was neutralized, or so they’d thought. 
When Logan Keen had turned up dead, they assumed that he was the one they were looking for. He’d been spotted at the party and after getting spooked he’d left. They’d found a rough sketch of his plan in the apartment along with a couple of rifles and they’d considered the case closed. They couldn’t tell if he’d been working for anyone, so they concluded he’d been acting alone and released a statement to the press. After hearing about this the senator had insisted on ending the lockdown, and short of forcing him into hiding there was nothing they could do. 
They should have known better.
Now he was facing threats of a demotion if he doesn’t figure out who did this within the next 12 hours. He isn’t super optimistic, but he still has a few things to do before he throws in the towel. He turns his head when he hears the commotion from down the alley. One of the two who had been dumpster diving are holding up something covered in coffee grounds and various fluids, but it’s easily recognizable. A few seconds later, the other holds up something else that had been wrapped in a plastic bag, and Reeves smiles in relief. 
A rifle and a silencer. 
“Let’s get this to the lab.” 
“Woah! Look out.”
Yelena laughs as she lets her dog Fanny run out of the elevator and into your house with very little warning. She and Nat had arrived and as expected they’d brought Fanny and food. You smile at your friends before pulling Yelena into a hug and taking one of her bags. She’s still carrying three more, but you don’t even bother trying to grab another one as Nat reaches out for you to mess up your already mussed hair. 
“Hey there kiddo, you look like you just got out of bed.” 
Despite the fact that Nat was right, you roll your eyes in annoyance before turning to lead her down the hall toward the kitchen. Steve was already here and he was helping you get the meat together as Wanda finishes up putting out the food onto the counter. You’d thought about putting it outside, but then you’d have to deal with the dogs trying to get to it and since there were now 6 here, that sounded like a headache. You were determined to relax, so you decided to keep everything but the meat that would be on the grill inside so you didn’t have to chase after one of your dogs for trying to steal food. Once was enough. 
“Thanks, Nat. Love you too.” 
Wanda looks up as you say this and the redhead just messes up your hair again before you swat her hand away with a scowl. She smiles at the scene before looking to Yelena who’s setting her bags on the counter and unloading the surprising amount of food she’d brought. 
“Hey, is Kate not coming?” 
Yelena rolls her eyes before stopping what she’s doing to shoot Wanda an unimpressed look. Nat’s already laughing as you sigh in defeat before greeting your dog who came to sniff out the new food. 
“What, are we not enough for you, Wanda?” 
Your wife to her credit just smiles before putting the last dish on the counter beside the others. There was so much food here that you were sure to be eating left-overs for days. Wanda glances to the shepherds at your feet before glancing back to an expectant Yelena. 
“More than enough, Yelena. I just wanted to make sure that Y/n’s threat of interrogation didn’t scare her off.” 
You chuckle at this as you stand up from petting your dogs to head over to see if Yelena wanted help unloading things. You try not to think too hard about how you would have asked Kate about when she and Yelena were going to get married. It was irrational and you mostly wanted your friends to be happy, but you would be lying if you said them being married wouldn’t make you feel better. Your brief and sordid history with Kate wasn’t something that you wanted Yelena to find out about ever, but for some reason you thought it would be a softer blow to both Yelena and your face, if it happened after the couple got married. 
“Nah, she’s catching up on some shelter paperwork tonight. She promised she’ll be by soon.” 
Wanda smiles glad to hear this, but you’re a little confused about what paperwork Kate should be working on. As part of your impending retirement, you were transitioning more toward your shelter work over anything truly illegal. You had told Kate about this, minus the retirement part, but she was smart and could figure this out. Either way, she was supposed to tell you if anything major happened. You remind yourself to check in with her later, but for now you just settle on looking to Yelena with a frown. 
“Is she working on anything interesting?” 
Wanda watches the exchange between you and Yelena in amusement until you start emptying the bag that is apparently all alcohol. You don’t even notice at first and you’re three bottles in before you realize it. You look to the four bottles of wine and then the remaining two in the bag before you smile teasingly at Yelena. 
“Thirsty, are we?” 
Yelena just smiles back as she slides the bottles towards her and grabs a couple to put in the fridge. She had meant to start with this bag, but supposed it couldn’t be helped now. She just steers your attention away from them and to something more important.
“It was a busy week; you know how it is. Now where is my niece?” 
A brief look around confirms that Natalya is still with Steve as he goes back and forth between the roof and the kitchen to set things up. Little Nat is strapped to his chest, and when Big Nat sees him, she’s quick to greet her. In fact, both of your friends abandon you to see your daughter. You pretend to be annoyed, but honestly you can’t blame them. She’s pretty stinking cute. 
“Steve hand her over!” 
“Let me see my niece.” 
Your friends continue to fight over your daughter as you and Wanda finish up. Wanda puts away the rest of the wine and you grab a bag of dog treats that Yelena had brought. She loves to spoil them and after getting permission to feed Fanny, you find yourself in a sea of dog fur. 
“Everyone sit down! Sit!” 
You toss five treats into the air and then hand one to Sully who is cute but has no mouth-eye coordination. You pet each of the dogs before they run outside to follow the trio that is fawning over their niece. You smile widely as you hear Steve’s voice among the pitter patter of dog feet heading down the hall. 
“Natalya, do you want to cook with your Uncle Steve?” 
“No, she wants to cook with me!”
Wanda rolls her eyes but she quickly smiles as you grab her hand and follow your friends outside. 
“That’s not how it went at all!” 
You’re resting in one of your chairs with Boone’s head in your lap as your friends start to argue. They were all getting ready to eat and with Steve now standing at the grill, he’d had to give Natalya to someone else. He wanted to hold onto her but the heat from the grill and the splattering made it unsafe, so he’d given Yelena her much needed Little Nat time. 
“Yes, it did, Yelena. We all saw you fall down the stairs.” 
You smile at the memory of what Nat was talking about. It was a pretty standard supply run for you but your friends had been available to help. After business was over you and Yelena had spent some time wandering around one of the older buildings that you owned. After moving everything that you needed you and your best friend unfortunately decided to play hide and seek. The building was new to you both so you hadn’t known how treacherous it was in places, but you’d found out quickly when your game turned into tag and Yelena tried to escape down a flight of stairs. 
“Yeah, you landed on your ass and everything.” 
Yelena just glares at you as you say this from where you’re sitting with your wife. Wanda is sipping her drink to hide her amused smile while petting Rogue where he sits at her feet. She remembers hearing this story because you and Yelena had fought about it for nearly a week afterwards. She was still under the assumption that she’d won the game apparently. 
“But I still won. “
“How could you win if I found you?”
“You found me but didn’t tag me!” 
Yelena gestures at you as if to make a point and your response is to roll your eyes and hold your glass up with a smirk. Your friend has been drinking her wine like water, and you’re studiously ignoring it as you finish up your fizzy drink. You could use something else and you stand up with a sigh causing Boone to start and stand up in anticipation. You look to Wanda to see that she that she still has most of her drink left, so you look to your friends instead. 
“Anyone want another drink?” 
When the trio shake their head you and Boone head to the kitchen for a refill. You weave around the other dogs that follow you before deciding that you need to check on Fat Louise. She didn’t come outside with everyone, and you want to make sure she’s not causing trouble. You haven’t gotten used to having a cat around, and luckily she couldn’t jump on the counter like most, but she did like to scavenge. You’d found her chewing on your shoe one morning, and then playing with a dead bug the next, so you tried to keep things tidier for her. You’d also bought her some more toys and a wheel that you had a feeling she’d never use just in case she was bored. 
The most she’d been willing to do was play with the feather toy that you flung around the room for her to chase. The dogs of course tried to eat it, so it was only something she could do when you were around, not that you thought she really liked it that much. 
“Fat Louise. Where are you?”
Silence settles around the group as soon as you leave and the only sound comes from the grill or the dogs wrestling. Wanda sighs as she hears someone come to sit next to her in your spot. She knows who it is without looking but she still turns to check as she offers the redhead a smile. 
“How are you, Wands? Getting any more sleep?” 
As Wanda catches Nat up on how Little Nat has been doing for the past couple of weeks, Yelena walks over to Steve to see how the cooking’s going. She sneaks a peek around him and sees that everything looks as well as smells delicious. She tries to sneak some of the vegetables that are on the edge of the grill but Steve bats her hand away with a scowl. 
“They’re almost finished. Patience.” 
Yelena just rolls her eyes before downing the rest of her drink. Without any alcohol in this, she could honestly drink all 6 bottles tonight. Honestly depending on the day, she could drink 6 normal bottles. She walks over to the cooler for another drink with a sigh. She has to open a new bottle and she brings it over to Steve with a questioning look. 
“Do you want to help me finish this?” 
Steve shakes his head, but Yelena pours him some anyway. She always has conflicting feelings about drinking, even this around you. She knows that you’re doing better, but she’s sure that seeing anyone drink can be triggering on the wrong day. She’d made sure to check with Wanda first to see if it would be okay tonight, and she’d told her that it was fine.
“Come on, Steve. Drink up, Captain. I’m hungry.” 
Nat’s laughing when you return after tracking down your wayward cat. She’d been sleeping under your bed and you’d just left her alone since she wasn’t doing anything harmful. You’d refilled your drink and snuck some food before coming back outside with Boone on your heels. You smile when you see that Wanda and Nat are smiling, and you’re about to ask when Yelena practically tackles you from behind. You luckily manage to hold onto you drink and stay upright despite your knees protest. You groan in annoyance that quickly become curiosity when you see what’s in Yelena’s hand. Well not her drink, but the small gift bag that you’d just noticed she had. 
“Hey Y/n! Let’s open this. We brought it for Little Natalya.” 
Steve’s finished cooking at this point and after covering the food to keep it warm, he comes over to where you’ve all gathered. You sit next to Wanda on her seat while Nat and Yelena share one. Steve just stands by watching as you pass the bag to Wanda as you take out something in wrapping paper. You squeeze on it a little and shake it in front of Natalya with a smile. 
“What is this, little one? Is this for you?”
Everyone smiles as Natalya reaches out for the gift from where she sits in Yelena’s lap. She giggles and you almost hand it to her, but you figure you’ll just wait and open the small squishy gift that is probably a toy yourself. This is quickly confirmed when you rip off the paper and see a black and purple…
“What is this? A bat?” 
Yelena grins so widely that you realize this was definitely her idea and you can’t help but laugh at her enthusiasm. You really do appreciate how into the whole ‘auntie Yelena’ thing she is, and given Wanda’s smile you know she does too. 
“It’s a vampire bat. See the fangs?” 
You nod as you pretend to fly the little bat toward Natalya who grabs it immediately. She waves it around for a bit before putting it in her mouth. Nat smiles at her before deciding that it’s time for her turn. Wanda’s just smiles before reaching into the bag to see what’s Nat got. She pulls out a little grey fluffy onesie that has the words “I love my aunties (and uncles)” on it. 
“Nat this is so cute!” 
You look to see what Wanda’s talking about and you smile widely at the sight of her holding up Little Nat’s new outfit. It’s so adorable and you know the moment you get back inside you’re changing her into it and taking a picture. 
“That’s so sweet. Thank you both, I know she’ll love them.” 
A large crowd surrounds the table where everyone sits down to eat dinner. The dogs have all chosen a person to sit by, even Natalya. Your daughter was now in Nat’s lap as she ate with one hand. One arm was wrapped around her niece to make sure she didn’t fall whenever she decided to wiggle. Her little vampire bat was still clutched in her hands. Rogue would sniff it occasionally before turning his attention to Wanda who pet him every now and then. 
“Where’s Pietro tonight? Working at the restaurant?” 
You’re about to nod in confirmation but Wanda speaks up before you get a chance. You can’t help but laugh at what she says, and you see smiles all around.
“More like flirting at the restaurant. Maria told me that if he’s not helping in the kitchen, he’s harassing Stella.” 
This sounds more likely than not because you knew that Pietro had a crush on the hostess. As far as you know it hadn’t gone anywhere, but it was fun to tease him about it. 
“That poor girl.” 
“You went there today, right? How was it?
 You’re smiling as you turn to Wanda to take over as you continue to eat. She tells your friends about taking Nat to the restaurant and having everyone love on her. The group at the restaurant really was like a second family, and Wanda continued to take her there because she wanted her daughter to have that. You space out a little as Wanda talks to your friends, and your mind wanders to work. 
Wanda’s gaze shifts to you briefly when she realizes that you’re no longer paying attention. You’re smiling as you think of something she probably won’t be able to guess. She’s about to ask you what’s on your mind, but Nat standing up distracts her. 
You briefly imagine what your life would be like if you stopped working and were able to spend time with your friends like this more often. You could help Wanda at the restaurant or you could even try to find something else to do. It seemed unlikely, but the possibility of it still excited you and you couldn’t help but smile to yourself. 
“Ugh, sorry someone’s calling.” 
After excusing herself, but keeping Natalya on her hip she wanders away toward the grill to answer the phone. She sees that it’s Bucky and she can’t help but fear that he has bad news. He knows that she’s here tonight and he wouldn’t be bothering her unless it was urgent. 
"Hey Buck-"
“Nat are you at Y/n and Wanda’s right now?” 
The urgency she hears in his tone makes her stiffen and she has to resist the urge to look back toward the table to where everyone is laughing at a joke that you’re telling. 
“Yes, we are. Why, what’s wrong?” 
As Nat listens to Bucky explain what’s happened, she nearly drops her phone in shock. She holds onto Little Nat tighter as she realizes that their night of relaxation is over. Particularly for you. She curses under her breath before she decides to ask the only question she can really think of at this point. 
“Have you called her lawyer?”
Bucky confirms that this had been the first call he’d made after finding out what the police had found. He’d been working on something completely unrelated when one of your contacts from the police station had called him. Apparently, a gun had been found near Jacobs’ residence, and bullets from the magazine had been matched with the ones that were dug out of the senator’s body. The gun was analyzed for prints and despite being in a dumpster through the rain and various other fluids some had been found on the magazine. Specifically, your finger prints had been found on the murder weapon.
“He thinks that they’ll wait until tomorrow to do it, but they’re going to arrest her soon.” 
This time Nat can’t stop herself and she turns briefly to see that you’re still distracted talking to Yelena, but Wanda is looking at her curiously. She looks away quickly because she can’t tell her before you, and she sighs heavily as she thinks about what to do next. 
“Did you want me to tell her?” 
Bucky considers this because he thought it might be easier to talk about in person, but if you had questions, he’s more likely to be able to answer them. He also doesn’t want to pawn this off on Nat. He was the one who figured it out and despite how poorly you’re going to react, he knows he has to tell you. 
“It’s okay, I’ll do it. Is she free to talk now? “
Nat immediately thinks no because you’re with your friends and family and it is not the time to talk about this. That said, this isn’t exactly something that can wait. Bucky didn’t say for certain that the police would wait until tomorrow and if they showed up before you were told about what happened you’d be furious and caught off guard. 
Nat curses again under her breath, bouncing Natalya on her hip as she wonders how the hell this happened. 
“This is fucking crazy. I feel like I’m going to be sick.” 
Bucky doesn’t say anything because he feels the same way. He has no idea how this had happened considering that you hadn’t killed Jacobs. You’d given up on him as soon as Logan failed and you hadn’t mentioned revisiting this let alone killing him. Not to mention, if you had done this it wouldn’t have been this sloppy. Leaving the murder weapon with prints near the scene. That was an amateur move and even in your early years you knew better than that. 
“I know. It’s fucked up. “
Nat tries to keep her expression neutral as she returns to the table with her phone still in her hand. She hands Natalya to Yelena who despite being confused takes her happily. Nat’s hand goes to your shoulder as she holds her phone out. 
“Bucky wants to talk to you.”
The smile you’d been wearing drops immediately, but you nod as you stand up before grabbing her phone. You excuse yourself and as you turn you miss Nat looking to her sister, Steve, and then Wanda who immediately realizes something is off. She is about to ask what’s going on but she hears your voice cut through the silence like a knife. 
“Wait, what!?” 
You’re not sure if you’re having a fever dream or if your luck is just that shitty, but Bucky telling you that you’re going to be arrested for murder tomorrow makes your head spin. You listen to what he says about the weapon being found and the plan to come find you tomorrow morning most likely. You don’t get to ask if he’s contacted your lawyer before he covers that too. 
“I called Gavin and he’ll be ready as soon as you need him. He’s already compiling evidence in your defense. “
That makes you pause and you just take a moment to process what Bucky’s told you so far. Senator Jacobs was killed and they had no suspects up until this afternoon when the murder weapon was found in a dumpster nearby his house. The murder weapon with your fingerprints on it. You certainly hadn’t killed Jacobs, you’d been at home with your family, and if you had killed him, you wouldn’t be this sloppy. Someone was trying to frame you, but why? 
Why would someone want to send you to jail? 
You consider what it would be like in jail and how the evidence they have could keep you there. You can’t imagine being away from your family, and you can’t imagine being in jail with people who you might have fucked over. You tense at the thought of going down for this which would be terrifying whether you did it or not, but what really scared you was the unknown. 
Whoever had done this wanted something from you, or simply wanted you out of the way. You weren’t sure which was worse, but the thought of leaving your family under someone else’s protection scared you. You couldn’t leave them. You couldn’t go to jail for something you didn’t do. You don’t realize that Bucky’s talking to you because you’re focusing all of your energy on breathing. Suddenly your chest feels tight and you can’t get enough air in your lungs. Your hands are shaking and you nearly drop Nat’s phone as you shake your head to try to stave off the panic attack you feel coming on.
“Fuck. How--.” 
You stop short as your breath catches and you’re falling before you even realize you’ve lost your footing. It’s only due to Wanda and Nat’s foresight to come stand nearby that keeps you from hitting the ground. 
Wanda grabs your arm to hold you up as Nat goes to your other side to help her. She realizes you’re panicking as soon as she sees your wide eyes and ragged breathing. You can’t focus on anything in front of you and you barely realize you’re being lowered to the ground. Wanda kneels down beside you as Nat quickly talks to Bucky before putting her phone in her pocket. 
“Y/n, detka can you look at me?”
She has no idea what’s going on, but given how worried Nat looked and how panicked you were she figured it was bad. She reaches out for you when you just continue to stare off into space, and she brings her hands to your face to try and get your attention. Nat looks to her sister and waves her over to see if your daughter’s presence will help. 
“Y/n breathe with me, okay? Just breathe.” 
When Wanda feels how warm your face is she’s quick to move her hands to your shoulders to push your jacket off. It’s a little chilly out, but she’s worried about you working yourself up even more, and the cold might snap you out of it. Wanda doesn’t notice Yelena appear over her shoulder with Natalya in her arms as she reaches for your hands. She watches you try to breathe deeply but you’re struggling and Wanda frowns as something occurs to her.
“Y/n, did you take your medications this morning?”
You are usually good about taking them given you’ve been on them for years, but sometimes it slipped your mind or you got busy. Sometimes you forgot to take both and other times you only took one. When she sees you try to think about it, she realizes that it doesn’t matter if you did or not, you should take at least one of them now to make you feel better. 
You’re shaking your head by the time Wanda turns to Nat and asks her to run and find them for her. She just nods and hurries inside, followed by a couple of dogs as Wanda turns back to you with a smile. She’s not sure what’s on your mind, but she can tell that you’re still running it over and over in your head so she tries another tactic. 
“Yelena, can I see, Natalya?” 
Her daughter is quickly put in her arms and Wanda smiles at her before kissing the top of her head. She looks to her before whispering under her breath. 
“We’re going to help your mom. Okay, little one?”
Natasha runs inside and immediately heads to her friends’ bedroom to look for your medications. She knew that you were on two, but she was pretty sure that you had a third that you took during situations like this. It had been a long time since she’d seen you have an attack like this and she was trying not to panic herself. Wanda was certainly worried too, but she was doing a good job of hiding it and being calm for you. Nat couldn’t help but wonder how many times she’d had to go through this with you. 
This entire thing was a mess and it would only get worse once Wanda realized what had triggered you. Nat tries not to think about that as she grabs the three bottles just in case she’s wrong about what Wanda wants and heads back outside. She nearly trips over one of the terriers that had followed her inside, and she curses before running out on the roof again. 
When she spots where you’re still sitting on the ground next to your wife, daughter, and favorite dog she can tell you’re doing a little better. 
“Now can you tell me three things that you hear, detka?” 
You’re breathing a lot better as you focus more on your wife than your intrusive panicky thoughts. You mutter some things under your breath that she doesn’t hear, but they make Wanda smile and she nods as she sets Natalya down in between the two of you. You notice her immediately and you reach out with a smile before Wanda asks another question. She sees you look behind her and she realizes that Nat is back and she turns as well to see what she brought. You’re doing better now, but it still wouldn’t be a bad idea for you to take at least the Ativan. 
“What about smell?” 
You’ve played this horrible game too many times you don’t need to ask for specifics. You just pick up your daughter who’s getting sleepy and hugging her tightly before kissing the top of her head. 
“Baby smell and my dinner.” 
Wanda holds her hand out for the bottles that Nat’s brought and she thanks her before looking them all over carefully. She sets two down before holding out the last one to you with a questioning look. You already know which bottle she’s handing you, but you look at it anyway with a sigh. Someone appears behind you and sets a glass of water next to you and you just smile appreciatively before looking back to your wife. 
“Now taste.” 
You open the bottle and take the chalky white pill with a grimace and a sip of water. You take a deep breath and try to push down your embarrassment at losing your shit in front of your friends. You’re not sure where they are, other than Nat standing behind Wanda, but you don’t bother looking. You shake your head before leaning toward your wife. 
“This bitter fucking pill.” 
Wanda smiles at you before meeting your lips for a quick kiss. You pull away with another sigh and look to Little Nat who’s starting to fall asleep in your arms, your wife who’s looking at you proudly, and then Big Nat who’s looking the part of a proud older sister. 
“Good job, detka.” 
As Wanda helps you stand up you realize that you’ve ruined dinner, or at least the mood. You don’t think that you will all be able to just sit back down and finish eating without talking about what threw you into a panic. Nat clearly knows and she’s on the same page as you despite wishing they could salvage this evening. She watches as you take a not-so-subtle glance at the last wine bottle in the cooler before you take a deep, steadying breath. You turn your attention to Wanda, but you’re really addressing everyone but Nat. 
“I guess I should tell you what all of this is about.” 
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mendesxruel · 2 years
𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒍𝒚, 𝑴𝒂𝒅𝒍𝒚, 𝑫𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒍𝒚 | 𝐏. 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐟𝐟
summary: angst + fluff, mention of an argument with Pietro and how it sorts out later
warnings: mentions of arguing, mention of breakfast
words: 430+
library account: @lolaslibrary | marvel masterlist
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Cuddling was very special for you and Pietro. It brought you peace and quiet, and for him, it felt good having you in his arms, he liked the warm feeling of keeping you protected.
It had become a habit for the two of you since you moved in together. It was always the same way: after you two clean up from having dinner, you’d put on your favourite, most comfortable set of pyjamas, snuggle underneath some blankets and wait for Pietro to do the same and come hold you.
Although, this night was different.
You didn’t want to think about the arguing that had happened an hour ago, it had been too much, so you just stayed quiet, internalising your feelings. You had even forgotten what it was all about - you didn’t exactly want to remember it - you were tired and just wanted to rest.
You could see Pietro pacing around the rooms from the corner of your eye. Instead of a fast, impatient pace, he walked around slowly.
Tilting your head slightly to the side, you noticed the bitter look on his face. He unconsciously tried to hide his distressed expression by staring at the floor, and running his hand through his hair and face, with a million thoughts in his head.
His body wasn’t racing around, but his mind was.
You didn’t have a superpower to read his thoughts, but they were filled with regret. However, he was too proud to apologise, for now.
Later, when your eyelids were already feeling heavy and you felt very sleepy, you sensed Pietro’s presence beside the bed.
You swallowed your pride and gazed at him, but when you did, he was already heading to the living room. You realised he had decided to sleep on the couch.
“Babe?” you whispered, tiredly.
He turned around quickly, like all he wanted to hear was you calling for him.
As he walked back to the bed, you grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the bed with you, and he snuggled beside you, burying his face in your neck.
“I’m so sorry, my love,” he mumbled onto your skin before placing a soft kiss on it, “I’ll make up to it, promise.”
That was all he could say before falling asleep.
Both of you were mature enough and had stopped being stubborn, giving in to holding each other that night.
The next morning, you woke up to breakfast in bed made by Pietro. After sorting everything out and him apologising again, you two went back to your usual routine: cuddling.
After all, you two loved each other, and that was all that truly, deeply mattered.
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please reblog if you liked! it helps the fic get around :)
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mcu-fan-fics-blog · 2 years
Routine ii
Mini Series 
Wanda Maximoff x Fem! Reader
Summary: Routines can get tiring quickly, especially when you’re the only one working towards keeping them.
Word Count: 1239 approx
A/n: Long time no see this series has finally made a comeback. I love it! See you all again soon love y’all loads <3. I hope you enjoy reading this. 
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Things didn’t go as Wanda had planned in the morning either. She had woken up early to make you both breakfast, but you were already up by the time she made her way down. You were looking solemn staring into your coffee mug. “Good morning.” she said as she sat down in front of you. The only sign that you had heard her was a small nod you sent her way. “Is this relationship easy for you?” You asked your voice, monotone and your eyes analytical. “What?”
Wanda was dumbfounded by your question. “Is this…” You signaled between the two of you. “Easy for you.” You repeat yourself. “I-i” Wanda hadn’t had any problem, she hadn’t felt any discourse, but the way you were looking expectantly at her told her otherwise. She wasn’t speechless much longer as her phone rang a couple of seconds after. When she saw the number she didn’t hesitate to answer. “Yes, yeah I’ll be right in.” You scoffed tossing your mug into the sink haphazardly not really caring how much noise you made. Wanda felt the determination radiating from you, but before she could even hang up the phone you were out the door. 
 At this point all you wanted was to make things easier on yourself. You left and just walked, and walked, and walked. You didn’t stop until your tired state finally caught up with you, you didn’t quite know where you were, but you were sure you could make your way back if you needed to. Kate was the first to reach out, this was the obvious choice, Wanda knew she could always get answers out of Kate, Kate being one of your closest friends.
Then came Natasha, weirdly enough she seemed genuinely shaken, finally came Tony. Wanda worked fast and you admired that about her. She worked fast, but it could never be enough would it? Tony’s text was straightforward and to the point. “I know where you are, would it kill you to text your wife and let her know that you’re fine?” You rolled your eyes, but conceded that point and shoot Wanda a text. “I’m fine you can stop the search party. I’ll be home, I’m sure there are more important things you have to deal with today.”  
After you sent the text you started making your way home. Allowing yourself to get lost in the city you loved. Slowly but surely you made it to an avenue that you recognized and quickly made your way home after that. You saw many things on your walk. Houses, schools, kids laughing, couples holding hands smiling at each other. It all made you smile, but soon thereafter left an empty feeling inside you. As you made it back to your building you made your way up the stairs not really wanting to be back home, if you could even call it that.
Any place with Wanda always felt like home, but now it all felt so bitter, empty, and cold. Before your keys could even open your door it twisted open. “Where have you been?” The question wasn’t reproachful, but you could tell that there was more going on underneath. “Nowhere…” You answered truthfully, you hadn't actually gone to any place in particular. She scoffs lightly, nodding, clearing the doorway letting you enter. “Clearly you’ve been nowhere. You had me worried Y/n you made me miss the briefing I had with Furry! All because you went nowhere?”  
You can’t help but scoff. “A meeting that I told you, you could attend. Important things and all..” You throw in her face, and she doesn’t seem to appreciate it. “Okay Y/n just spit it out already! Whatever this is, it's holding me back so let's get it out of the way.” You can’t help but chuckle thinking back to a couple of months, when your colleagues were still trying to talk you into not passing up that promotion. How vehemently you denied the idea thinking of the time that new position would take away. You weren’t ready to give up yet back then. “I’m holding you back!?” You say tiredly. “That’s rich coming from you! I’ve always dropped everything for you… always.” Tears stream down your face as the words come out. “I never asked you to Y/n! I never asked for any of this!” 
Your eyes snapped towards her, you watched her intently and wiped your tears away. Something flipped in that moment, she could feel it. You were right in front of her, but you’ve never felt so far. All you did was nod. “Fine.” There were so many things that you wanted to say, more so yell at her, but what would that bring? Nothing, it was no longer worth it. You’d realized it, you just had to wait for her to realize it’d be easier that way in the end..
“Fine?” She repeated trying to scan your eyes. You nodded averting your eyes from hers. “I’m going to shower, and sleep.” It was all you had said before you made your way, making an effort to walk around her. She nodded and tried to stifle the growing feeling of dread within her. She couldn’t do that, not when she realized that you weren't going to bed with her, when she saw the guest room door closed. She somehow managed to convince herself that it would all be fine, but did she really believe that? 
No she realized it when again she woke up alone in her bed, and with you nowhere to be seen. Another note left on the kitchen table for her. ‘Work called me in, don’t wait for me.’ It was simple yet she couldn’t help but read into it. She knew she said some harsh things yesterday, and you just took it. Why, was her question. You had given it much thought that night, that morning you would go to your boss and ask for that promotion beg if you had to. Much to your surprise you begging was not involved, your boss was glad she got to end the search for a new candidate, and happily gave into your request. This promotion was something that you hadn’t even discussed with Wanda. It was something that you felt didn’t merit a conversation. You’d never jeopardize your relationship, your marriage like that. There was only room for one of you to work crazy hours and travel for work. 
But she never asked you for that consideration, she never asked you to put your goals and your aspirations on hold for her. So you didn’t see the reason to keep doing it, something did change that night. Wanda saw it all unfold painfully slow in the days to follow. How your drawers slowly emptied, how your side of the closet started to look bare. The fact that your side of the bed was still intact after a week. How now it seemed that she was always missing you now. Wanda was feeling incomplete while you were just going on with your life like nothing was off. Like if everything between you meant nothing it hurt. Watching you hesitate before you put your ring back on after washing the dishes, more so when she remembers how much you used to rush to get the ring back on. How she herself had to convince you to take it off in the first place. It hurt…
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lirarere · 1 month
Maybe, it's just me
Peter Maximoff\Quicksilver (X-Men) x reader
notes: well... I disappeared for a while due to burnout, please excuse me 😭 and yes, I know I've never said that I write for Marvel\X-Men, but I adore Peter, so enjoy?
warning: bad english, angst, frivolous attitude on Peter's part, reader doesn't know what to do, sadness, reader blames himself a little (a lot), Peter is in a panic and doesn't know what to do
words: 383
when you first met Peter, you were both teenagers, unencumbered, just enjoying your friendship and then typical teenage love.
but you grew up, but Peter didn’t, he was still an adult child, and you would tolerate it, but sometimes your quarrels were so stupid that it was funny. You began to be annoyed by his behavior; he constantly sulked like a child at every remark or advice.
you unconsciously began to move away from him to think more in silence, and he didn’t even notice, for a while at least.
you thought for a long time whether your thoughts were generally right or not, you didn’t want to change Peter, you didn’t want to force him to change for you, maybe we just outgrew love, or you became too serious, maybe Peter will find that person who will love him the way he is he is. all these thoughts were spinning in your head for a very long time, you didn’t know whether the problem was with him, or with you, or no one is to blame and it’s just fate.
In any case, Peter noticed your hesitation and the fact that you began to move away from him, a panic began in his head, which increased each time. you were too immersed in thinking about the essence of the problem, and he simply did not know how to approach you and talk to you.
Peter constantly put himself in danger, which made you very worried and angry at the same time, sometimes Peter didn’t take what you said seriously and laughed at your desire to start a family with him, it wasn’t out of malice and you knew it, but... it really upset you , you loved him and knew that he lovedyou, but your love seems to be too different and you have different priorities.
You decided to take a break from your relationship, you and Peter had a lot of things to think about, perhaps with the time you spend apart, you will understand what you need and what your priorities are, you told Peter this, directly.
you still didn’t know whether he understood or not, but he held on so as not to cry, he understood that the reason was in him, even if you told him the opposite.
two options, either there will be a second part, or I’ll leave it as an open ending, I just wanted a little angst with Peter.
sorry if this is very badly written, I will improve in the future!!
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tommiruewrites · 2 years
HI LOVLEY!! do you think you could do a pietro fanfic where reader and him are dating and the reader passes out/faints all of a sudden? maybe from not eating or exhaustion? thank you <33
Four Seconds
word count: 1k
requested: yes | no requests: open | closed request rules here
warnings: light mention of blood, very vague insinuation of violence, exhaustion, reader passes out, fluffy ending
a/n: sorry for the hold up, this took me an unnecessarily long amount of time to write lmao. hope this is what you were wanting :))
· • —– ٠ ☆ ٠ —– • · • —– ٠ ☆ ٠ —– • · • —– ٠ ☆ ٠ —– • ·
You slump against your seat in the Quinjet, still breathing heavy after the long mission. Fresh bruises start to form, littering your whole body in shades of purple and black. You can feel cuts and scrapes on your knuckles and face, leaving a dull sting in their wake. You attempt to curl further into yourself as your head throbs against your skull so aggressively that you can hear it.
You can vaguely make out your friends and teammates talking about the recent events. Preparing to go straight into a debriefing with Fury once the jet lands. All your muscles are tense and sore and your stomach burns with hunger. Still, all you can focus on is the fuzzy feeling in your head that leaves your body numb and tingly.
You hear a muffled voice from beside you, loudly piercing through the back of your head at the sudden noise.
"Hey, draga." His voice a bit softer now. Cutting through your mental fog and bringing your focus towards your silver-haired boyfriend. "How are you feeling?"
You groan in response at first, your energy level close to zero, "Hungry. Tired." Was all you could get out, voice scratchy in the back of your throat.
Pietro hummed in both agreement and understanding. "Sleep. We're almost there." He assures comfortingly. 
You shake your head, a bit more aggressively than necessary to try to 'snap yourself out of it', "Can't. We have to go to the debriefing."
"Do you know how pale you look right now? You can barely hold your own head up, iubi." He brushes your messy hair back to get a better look at your disheveled appearance. "I don't think Fury will appreciate seeing you drool all over the conference table." He teases lightly, trying to get you to laugh, or at the very least smile.
You barely even register the joke in your exhausted state. You somehow manage to get out a weak scoff in response, still not letting your eyes shut for more than a few seconds at a time. Pietro notices, of course. It's not like you to let that slide without a snarky remark or comment in return.
"When was the last time you've eaten? Or had any water?" He asks, now also noticing the dark circles under your eyes and your chapped and bloody lip that had previously been bust open.
You stay silent. You genuinely can't pinpoint when you had last even touched water. You can't tell if it's from your exhaustion or if it really has been that long.
"I don't know... I'll eat after the meeting."
Pietro goes to protest but you quickly shut him down, promising to get water on the way to the conference room. He watches you closely the whole flight, trying (and failing) to convince you to sleep.
- <> - <> - <> - <> - <> -
The Quinjet lands within the next fifteen minutes, but to you it feels like hours. Your shoulders are tense, and your limbs are shaky as you exit the aircraft. Pietro holds your hand to guide you towards the compound and ensure you don't fall over. Your feet ache with each step, causing you to walk a bit funny. He watches you closely as you walk into the building, noting how your eyes look glazed over and your legs wobble beneath you. 
"Want me to carry you, draga?" Pietro asks sincerely, concerned you might trip and hurt yourself.
You shake your head, "No. Thank you." Stubborn as always, "I can walk myself just fine." You mumble out groggily, barely even audible. An obvious lie.
As you make your way through the long hallways, you can feel yourself getting weaker by the second. Little gray squiggles and spots float in the edges of your vision. Your whole body feels heavy; Like you're carrying double your own weight, pushing your body down against your will. You use all your energy to force your eyes open, making them much wider than they should normally be. Even still you can feel your eyelids getting heavy. The more you walk, the more you can feel your vision starting to darken.
You grab Pietro's arm in an attempt to steady yourself as you feel your legs give out beneath you. All you can manage to get out is a weak whisper of his name before your vision blacks out completely. 
- <> - <> - <> - <> - <> -
You slowly come into consciousness again, feeling a pair of hands on your shoulders lightly shaking you. You can hear several muffled voices talking all around you. You haven't opened your eyes yet, but you can tell you're now on a bed and you can feel a pillow under your head. You hear Pietro repeatedly whispering your name frantically, and you slowly open your eyes. You're immediately blinded by the florescent overhead lights, squinting and blinking as you try to adjust. 
Pietro lets out a sigh of relief, grabbing your hand to rapidly kiss each knuckle. "Thank God, you're alive!"
You softly smile, "Of course I'm alive, don't be ridiculous."
His smile quickly turns back into a look of concern as he checks your body for injuries, "Are you alright? Can you move?" 
You laugh, still just as exhausted, "Yes, Piet, I'm fine. Thank you."
As your eyes adjust you finally look around to take in your surroundings. You're lying on a bed in Bruce's lab, Bruce and Nat hovering on either side of you. You look to the table next to you to see a massive pile of snacks and multiple bottles of water sitting on top of your favorite blanket.
"Damn, how long was I out?"
"Almost four seconds exactly." Bruce states factually, citing his notes.
You send a knowing look to Pietro who smiles back at you, an ever-so-slight tint of embarrassment dusting his cheeks. You go to grab a water bottle, but he quickly stops you, opening it for you before handing it back. The second you finish the bottle he's practically shoving a muffin down your throat, finally pulling a laugh out of you.
"Always the gentleman."
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claire7491 · 2 years
How I think marvel characters would react after you rejected them
(And they really liked you)
Tony Stark
"you.. dont like me? who tf doesn't like ME?"
acts chill in front of you but really isn't
frequent anxiety attacks
afraid that you'll leave him
just doesn't want things to be awkward between the two of you
thinks its all his fault, that he's not good enough
Natasha Romanoff
scared to fall in love again after that
not going outside/sleeping for a long time
wants to cry but no tears are coming out
Stephen Strange
"what? wh..why?"
trying to accept it because he just wants to see you happy
not getting enough sleep
attachment issues
afraid that his confession ruined your friendship
locks himself in his room
Peter Parker
"y-you don't..? oh okay."
stammers whenever you talk to him
crying on ned's shoulder
doesn't understand what he did wrong
blames himself
pools of tears.
Loki Laufeyson
"what?! how can you not like me?! is there someone else?!?"
angry at himself
not over you and will likely never get over you
blinking back his tears
no sleep
thinks that you like someone else and intends to... murder that someone else even though you dont like anyone.
Wanda Maximoff
"oh.. that's okay..!"
cries herself to sleep
wants to go to another reality where you like her back
just gets even crazier about you
doesn't want to give up on you
Clint Barton
"ah. okay then."
doesn't really know what to do or say
overall okay with it because he wants to respects your wishes even though its hard for him
a little devastated inside
zones out frequently, thinking about you
just wants you to be happy.
Kate Bishop
"and I really thought you liked me."
leaves the room whenever you enter
doesn't want to cry but can't help it
"why don't they like me back?"
Pietro Maximoff
instantly runs away without saying anything
vents out his feelings to wanda
doesn't know what else to do
can't help but bash his head into the wall
stares at you whenever you're around
Shang chi
laughs it off
"did I do something to make you not like me?"
zoning out
won't leave his room ever.
Bucky Barnes
gets angry when hes sad
punches the wall
blames himself
anger issues, emotional
Thor Odinson
respects your wishes
trying to get over you
just wants you to be happy
I rlly hate this one. 😭😭 what do y'all think?
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