#he is peter’s son
thatsprettylane · 7 months
It’s 2023 and I’m still angry about the lost Jackson Whittemore storyline.
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stxar-pvnk · 2 months
Sassy Peter is a MENACE.
not only is he a menace he's also a spitting image of Tony when he was younger.
Not his playboy days, or his snarky remark days.
The days where Tony would ramble on like the nerdy scientist he is.
So that's why, when rhodey comes back, seeing a nerdy little kid with curly brown hair that strikingly resembled tonys, He didn't question it.
He simply patted Peter on the back and went to go grab Tony to interrogate the poor man on why he kept his nephew from him.
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idk-bruh-20 · 10 months
Irondad fic ideas #155
Tony can be... a bit overbearing with his helicopter parent tendencies. To combat this, Peter sets up a small protocol with FRIDAY. 
Any time Tony wants to do something paranoid or invasive, FRIDAY is to send him a helpful article first, with titles like "Excessive Surveillance Can Harm Adolescent Development, Study Finds" and "Why Teens Need Privacy From Their Parents"
Peter leaves the choice of articles up to FRIDAY, trusting her to send ones that fit the situation.
While this protocol does get Tony to reconsider some of his more... extreme impractical requests, in most cases it fails to change his mind. Being hands-off about Peter's safety is not something he can do -- not when he knows the kinds of dangers this particular kid could face.
He's grateful for the insight that the protocol has given him, though. So instead of removing it, he decides to add to it. He asks FRIDAY to make it a two-way street. Now, whenever Peter complains about one of Tony's safety protocols, FRIDAY will send an article to help him understand
However, Tony doesn't anticipate the kinds of articles FRIDAY will choose. While she continues to send Tony studies and editorials, to Peter she sends news reports from Tony's past
Peter's mad that Tony has put trackers in everything he owns? -- "Tony Stark Still Missing: Inside Month Three of the Harrowing Search"
Peter hates the constant health monitoring that FRIDAY does when he's in the tower? -- "Death Wish or Death Sentence? Stark Behavior Tied to Secret Illness that Almost Cost Him His Life"
It goes on and on. For every seemingly insane overreach, there's a story, an experience Tony is trying to protect Peter from. 
They both still disagree about how much protection is too much, but at least they understand each other better now
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mikakuna · 3 months
imagine being so insensitive that you would blame a child for their death and openly talk about how badly behaved they were right in front of their grave. oh and on said child's birthday-- the day he would've turned 18 years old. you spend your first official late child's 18th birthday calling him brash and impulsive, implying he got himself murdered, instead of mourning the fact that today is the day your dead son would've reached a major milestone in his life.
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marvel-lous-guy · 1 year
Peter: Hey, Mr Stark?
Tony: yeah
Peter: If I was dying and needed one of your kidneys, would you give it to me?
Tony: In a heart-beat
Peter: okay, awesome!
Tony: ...you don't need a kidney do you?
Peter: No
Tony: Where's this coming from then?
Peter: ...can I pick the lab music-
Tony: absolutely fucking not.
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"Talk to Taylor, tell her how you're feeling. Find ways to reconnect."
9-1-1 S05E09 Past is Prologue.
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ghost-bison · 7 months
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The Alchemist, the Illusionist and the Necromancer - I feel like they would totally have a threesome
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musicanixety · 16 days
principal: I'm calling your father
peter, in trouble: what father I don't have a father!
peter: in fact my father is dead!
principal, now concerned: then who the hell-
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kelconfetti · 8 months
tony would say this to peter and peter would actually stop talking.
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tending-the-hearth · 3 months
a version of chronicles of narnia where those closest to the kings and queens get put into a sleep when the pevensies are brought back to their world, from which they're awoken only when their beloved four rules return, something à la sleeping beauty.
so the pevensie siblings return to narnia, and logically, it's been thousands of years. their closest friends, those they viewed as family, are, to their knowledge, dead, and they are completely alone now.
until peter and caspian encounter each other in the woods, and are about to get into their fight. it's the moment where peter's back is turned, and caspian has his word raised. lucy is screaming, tears in her eyes, susan and edmund are too far away to do anything, and there's a moment of chaos before caspian's strike is blocked by a larger, longer sword.
oreius, completely disgruntled and still very out of the loop, but only focusing on the fact that his king, his friend, his son, is in danger, glares daggers at caspian, not looking away for a second, even as tumnus gathers a now-relieved, sobbing lucy up in a tight hug, and edmund and susan shriek with joy upon seeing the beavers and mr. fox.
and any feeling of tension or fear immediately seeps out of peter, who drops the rock he had picked up, and stumbles to his feet and to oreius' side, being able to lean on the centaur for the first time in a year, and not have to worry about his safety or his siblings' safety. and oreius, without taking his eyes off of caspian and his followers, just puts an arm around peter.
and caspian remembers. he remembers the stories of the high kings and queens of narnia, and their beloved inner circle, and the absolutely terrifying centaur who called them sons and daughters of his heart, and he can't quite help but think about how utterly fucked he is.
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stxar-pvnk · 13 days
Tony arguing with Peter
Tony: I told you to stay put! What did you do? Not stay put!
Peter: I had to save those lives Mr stark! They were in danger! A building was falling on them!
Tony: that doesn't mean you fling yourself under said building nearly crushing your body! You could've died!
Steve: son, if I may just add-
Steve: woah.
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #130
You know that trope where SI employees call Peter "Stark Jr."?
Fic where Tony learns about this and loves it. One night, at one of their weekly Ironfam dinners, he gleefully brags about it in front of May
In retaliation, May says to Tony, "Okay, Parker Sr."
No angst miscommunications, just hilarity. Everyone knows this is about the honor of being included in each other's families
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months
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Fragile! Handle with care! 🥺
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megamindsupremacy · 9 days
So. ive been going through your billy batson tag bc im very normal and super hinged about this kid and you ARE right about Billy growing up the normal way and how that would effect him, but I need us all to consider the opposite: The Magic went "Ah, he's pure of heart bc he is but a lad", and not *letting* him grow up. Billy being immortal but stuck as a kid forever. The realization everyone is going to grow up w/o him. That he is *always* going to be a kid. That could be a very bad time too.
OH MY HEART. you're so right and i'm kissing you on the mouth. okay i need to marinate in this now stand by
so I think it's fairly accepted now that the Wizard chose Billy to be Shazam when he was so young because all of the previous Champions were adults, and that went Badly (see: Black Adam). So obviously, if the adults can do the whole superhero thing, then we should give the role to a kid. But then, to take it a step further: if the adults can't do the superhero thing, then we should make the next Champion stay a kid.
And like, it takes a hot minute for Billy to notice. Say he became CM at 8 - he doesn't know the average rate of growth for a boy. He just thinks he's not getting as tall as quickly as his peers. It's not like there's adult supervision around to go "hello small small child, why are you still small and a child?" I could see him going at least a few years before realizing there might be something wrong. Then it takes him a little bit to figure out what exactly is wrong, and then a little longer to be in denial, before he finally has to come to terms with, yeah, he really is 8 years old for the rest of forever.
I wonder how it affects him, mentally? Because you could go one of two ways: either he stays mentally an 8 year old forever and doesn't mature, although he gains knowledge and experience with time, or he does mentally mature and becomes an adult, just stuck in the body of a child.
For angst reasons, I like the second one, but realistically, the whole reason he's in this mess is because the Wizard wanted someone who was pure of heart to stay pure of heart. Why go through all the trouble to not let him physically age but allow his mind to change? So now we have an eternally "both mentally and physically a child" situation.
I feel like, when you're that young, you can't really... process how devastating that is? He's only a little kid - at that age, you can't even imagine turning 18 yet, much less living out the rest of your life as an adult. He doesn't know what he's lost. So instead of Billy angst, it's outsider POV angst. Everyone is growing old and watching Billy stay the same as always. I imagine he reveals his identity at some point, a while into being Captain Marvel, and they have a Twilight moment of "I'm 8" "....how long have you been 8?" ("no, but actually, we've known you for 12 years, you can't actually be 8. what do you mean 'a wizard did it'."). Everyone is just quietly mourning the person Billy could have become, had he not been chosen to be the Champion of Magic, meanwhile Billy is living out the eternal childhood dream of Superpowers + Adult Body w/o Adult Responsibilities. It's tragic in a way Billy can never comprehend because of what the wizard did to him.
Feel free to add onto this post!
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marvel-lous-guy · 2 years
Peter: If there was a zombie apocalypse... couldn't you bite the zombie and it would turn back into a human?
Tony: ...what?
Peter: well,  if a zombie bites you, you turn into a zombie... so would a zombie turn into a human if a human bit it?
Tony: No, I didn't mean "what" as in elaborate. I meant it as in "how the fuck does your brain come up with this shit"
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
Not enough people talk about how Miles called out for Peter while Miguel was slamming him down on the train. A part of Miles still trusted and was looking for safety in Peter, at least enough to think he could’ve helped him…
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