#lovely writing
mintys-musings · 9 months
dudeeeee i've also been obssessed with the idea of Rinne as a father for a bit let me ramble for a sec
So while Rinne is a little shit a lot of the time, it's mostly for play and he's actually a really dependable guy. Also as you said, one he's committed, he's really committed. I can just see him fantasizing about settling down and just living the rest of his life happily with his partner on the regular, but he's not necessarily on a timeline to do so. He thinks that when it come's, it comes, but if his partner were to one day express insecurity about their place in his life.... then might as well use that as an opportunity to reassure them, no?
He might talk big game about wanting to knock up his partner as dirty talk on occasion, he's an entirely different person if his intentions are to actually make a baby. He's a lot more gentle, talking about the future he wants and how badly he wants it with you. He is still Rinne of course and teases you, but the whole tone is much softer and much more affectionate than ever before. Even as he's balls deep into you, ready to fill you up and finish the deed, he's still telling you how much you mean to him.
Then of course, when you do end up pregnant, there's not a single soul that could get away from hearing about it. Everyone he knows is immediately informed- with glee- that Rinne Amagi is going to be a father. He doesn't treat you like a delicate little flower, but he's way more bendable to your whims. He'd be such a spouse-guy (gn wife-guy). Whatever his dear wants, he'd be out to fetch. Even in sex (which of course, he doesn't want to give up when your pregnant- you're more irresistible than ever!) he's perfectly willing to do whatever you want and go as long as you want. It's like he lives to serve you. Once again, he's not about to stop teasing you, but there's so much care behind every word that you can't even be mad at him.
And then, once the baby is born? Man... can you just imagine the sight of walking into the nursery and seeing him, messy hair and pajamas and all, sitting on a rocking chair with a tiny little baby on his chest? Talking to it so softly and lovingly while the baby coos and babbles back?
- @sucrows
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what if. what if i shdjfhfgudhfh
crow youre feeding me pls oh my god i wont him so badly. domestic rinne. domestic rinne my hole in tire whirled. crow. i have. so many feelings about rinne. too many people do not fucking understand him. you get me. you understand. i uogugghghhhh
i wanna write soft rinne content now ougghguhgh i spent like an hour this week ranting to my friend about how much i wanna write domestic and soft rinniki fic hhgsgbdghjjgg
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noenvyy · 1 year
Hi there! I saw your comment about having anosmia and wanting someone to describe smells like how people described color for blind people. I don't know how well I could do it or what smells you're curious about, but I thought I'd at least try. 🙂
Doesn't taste anything like it smells. It smells like morning. And like relief. A whiff inspires relaxation, which is funny considering the stimulation if you drink caffeinated. (Said by someone who hates the taste and won't drink it; still smells like everything will be okay.)
Fresh-cut grass:
Smells like summer. Like a warm breeze and blue skies. Like life and nature and green.
Chlorine (specifically a swimming pool):
Weirdly, it smells clean. It's a heavy smell, like you can feel it on your tongue, but not unpleasant. Smells like a poison (and technically is in large quantities), but doesn't feel bad.
Bad. Takes your breath right out of your lungs. Smells kind of like death or rot. Makes you want to claw your way away from it. Repulsion.
Smoke (like a campfire or burning leaves):
Smells like cool air and early nightfall. Faintly smells like a warm drink like spiced tea or cider. It also makes me think of black leather. Peace.
@chaotic---calm Holy cow!! This is so beautiful! I can't believe you put this together after seeing my post! Literally tearing up as I read these! It's summer where I am right now so I am going to be thinking about your descriptions of chlorine and grass and smoke 100% of the time! Your writing is beautiful!
Thank you so much!!🌸🌻🪷😭
If it's not too much trouble...any chance you might be able to describe the scene of jasmine and green tea? Since I can't smell, I've always been a little obsessed with picking a "signature scent" that I can wear so I can have some idea of what I smell like.
I am constantly drinking jasmine green tea so I kind of just decided whenever I pick scents to wear that I would go for the ones that have jasmine. Funny enough, I do have a sense of taste but I am sure that my tastebuds are probably also messed up in some way because of no smell.
I know what jasmine green tea tastes like to me, (kind of bright, maybe grassy, if I over steep it which I often do in order to taste it, it develops kind of a tangy mildly acidic flavor) but I am curious if the smell would be different. And of course I have no real idea what jasmine flowers smell like on their own.
Any chance you could take a whack at those two?....
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rocksandmirrors · 1 year
here's the wip still working on the rest
I wake up on the ground, in a cold sweat. Everything around me is blurry, and my body is shaking. "Gus?" A voice. Muffled, but I hear it. Slowly my vision comes back into focus, and there's someone standing over me. I can see clearly that it's actually two people. My dad puts his hand on my forehead. Next to him is The Owl lady. "You feelin' okay kid?" She furrows her brow. "Perry, how long has this been happening?" My dad shakes his head. "This is the first time that I know of. Gus, has this happened before?" he asks, a concerned look on his face. "Has what happened before? What's going on?" I start to panic, my heart beating faster and faster by the second. I start to back up against the wall, but there's something in the way. As I turn around, I see feathers protruding from my back, deep blue in color. I wanted to scream, to cry, to curl up on the floor, but I couldn't. I was frozen. My thoughts swim as I look down at my hands, covered in feathers with talons at my fingertips. "Gus, you need to calm down. Take a deep breath okay?" my dad reaches out and grasps my shoulder. "Remember what I taught you?" I did remember. Slowly I breathe in, then out. In, then out. "I was hoping it wouldn't pass on to him." 
oooh this is good!! is this something that runs in Gus' family?? no pressure ofc, but if you ever finish it i'd love to read it :)
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evidently-endless · 2 months
i think we should remind musicians they can absolutely make up little stories for their songs btw. it doesn’t have to be about them at all. you can invent a guy and put him in situations to music. time honoured tradition in fact.
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so-many-ocs · 6 months
[on the verge of having a complete breakdown] i need to make some kind of list or perhaps sort things into categories
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noperopesaredope · 7 months
I wish we had more female characters like Eleanor Shellstrop. One of the most unlikable people you've ever met. Read a Buzzfeed article on most rude things you can do on a daily basis and decided to use that as a list of goals. Makes everyone's day worse just by being there. Dropped a margarita mix on the ground and tried to pick it up, only to get hit by a row of shopping carts which pushed her into the road where she was hit by a boner pill delivery truck, killing her instantly. Cannot keep a romantic partner despite being bisexual. Had a terrible childhood but will die before she gets therapy. Best employee at a scam company. Just the worst but also can't help but root for her to improve.
Absolute loser. Girl-failure. Bad at almost everything. Literally perfect female character.
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palatial-monstrosity · 2 months
the self care industry will sell you face masks and teas and whatnot so i'm here to remind you not to forget the most important self care activity which is masturbation
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pink-heart-writes · 2 months
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mournfulroses · 3 months
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Vladimir Mayakovsky, from a letter featured in "Love in the Heart of Everything; The Correspondence between Vladimir Mayakovsky & Lili Brik, 1915-1930,"
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letsbeapoemtogether · 5 months
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Sunrise, Louise Glück
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multi-lefaiye · 1 year
[LIVE BROADCAST] PRIVATE - Silent Acknowledgement, Peculiar Patterns
PP: Just so we’re clear, I’m still livid that you didn’t tell the local group about Shores.
PP: However that is not why I’m calling you right now.
PP: I intercepted part of a deeply concerning transmission with more than a few replies originating from somewhere within our local group.
PP: Notable key phrases included “vulnerability in the system” and “how much we can unravel”. I think they were talking about the iterator behind the Flowing River pseudonym.
PP: It was an anonymous group with the name “Corruption of Gods”. All broadcast keys were encrypted.
PP: I agree, that’s why I’m telling you, so you can do something about it.
PP: …For?
PP: …Silent, you are pushing it. First Shores, and now this. Are you ever going to step up and act like our group senior?
PP: Oh no, you’re not going to squeeze your way around me like that. How many incidents are you going to allow to happen before you actually do something?
PP: …I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have made you overwork your systems like that.
PP: But please, something needs to be done. You’re the only one with the power to influence our local group.
PP: …Okay. I guess I can’t really ask for anything more.
PP: Goodbye for now, Silent.
[ - - ]
hon i love how you write dialogue,,, so so much <33
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Don’t let anyone who hasn't been in your shoes tell you how to tie your laces.
k.b. // unknown
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melpherno · 2 months
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what-iz-life · 29 days
Having an emotionally mature partner is TOP TIER. You're able to express yourself freely and openly. They don’t insult you. They don't give you the silent treatment. They don't become aggressive or manipulative. They listen, they respond—they patiently hold a safe space for you.
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perfectfeelings · 2 months
Repeat after me: My current situation is not my final destination.
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