chaosb0x · 8 months
sometimes, I hate my mortal flesh
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chaosb0x · 1 year
So Orpheus and Eurydice's sad love story...
How would you convince Hades to give your lover back from the dead?
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chaosb0x · 1 year
Ok but...Imagine:
Y: I'm sorry, I was just trying to heat the dragon's egg! I didn't intend to light the kitchen on fire!
X: Well, next time--
Wait a minute, you were trying do to what???
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chaosb0x · 1 year
Prompt: Human's saliva is venomous, but the Earth's creature are not effected by it.
Sadly, the same couldn't be said for the organisms of other planets.
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chaosb0x · 1 year
Every single one of these is a mood.
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chaosb0x · 1 year
<<You’re done for, villain!>>
Villain sighed, rolling their eyes.
<<Alright, sure, whatever you say. Now what tactic could you possibly pull out of your ass this time? I’m sure it’ll be very ...powerful. Huh-uh. Definetly>> they deadpanned , looking both humored and bored at the same time.
Hero stared at them and smirked.
Villain frowned. <<What?>>
Then they turned around and a shocked cry came out of their mouth: <<Ayo, WHAT THE FUCK->>
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chaosb0x · 1 year
That’s so beatiful, it’s stunning.
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my steddie rendition of „La Belle Dame sans Merci” :]
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chaosb0x · 1 year
Short Story
The young king watched as his kingdom crumbled to the ground, until he air was filled with dust and ashes: 
The demon, with their face ethernally morphed in a terrifying grin that showed their cruel sharp theet, was observing him and the look od pyre desperation and sorrow.
Then they spoke, their voice too similar to the grumble of the earth to be even remotly human: 
<< Is that what you wanted? Is that what you sold your soul for?>>
The king was motionless, his eyes lost in the void. 
<<Not like- not like that>> he whispered as his voice dropped. His throat was sore and he felt ice cold and burning hot at the same time. << It wasn’t supposed to be like this...>>
If only he’d been able to rule it.
The demon remained silent, feeling the despair and the sad burning feeling of the boy.
<<Nothing you could ever have done would have saved this land,- long strings of shadows slowly began to shift, growing bigger and bigger reaching for the poor young ruler, -but don’t worry now, I’m sure you’ll like your place in the underworld>>
He choked a small gasp with red rimmed eyes, barely holding back his fear.
“The king of nothing” were whispering the shadows as he was absorbed by darkness.
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chaosb0x · 1 year
"You shouldn't be there" they said, looking at themself in the mirror of the bathroom. Nothing -or no one- answered. The apartment was empty, they were the only one here.
Or so it seemed, but they knew they weren't alone.For long seconds, silence filled the room.
"I am where I need to be".
They hissed, taking a moment to process the voice. It was raspy and deep and not the kind of one that a human should have. The voice wasn't theirs, but it came from their body, their mount, it was their tongue that moved. And it was terrifying.
"Why me?"
The creature inside them hummed softly, they felt it in the back of their mind, as present ad it would ever be. It was alive, and it was living in their body.
"We both want revenge"
The grin that stretched in their face looked so different from what their expression was usually like. They were sure the creature was feeling their fear.
"...and the feeling was so similar it allowed me to get inside you. You should be worried, feeling rage and regret so strongly that it accomuned you to a demon."
They were conscious about their shaking, but they couldn't bring themself to lie.
"I suppose I should"
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chaosb0x · 1 year
<<”I want you to be by my side when the time comes, it doesn’t matter if you were the one to kill me. I don’t want to be alone the moment I finally let death get the best of me.”
That’s what you said, right?>>
Their voice cracked
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chaosb0x · 1 year
Prompt: a God has taken a human form, but the mortals around them think it's just an abnormally strong power coming from them.
"...and then since the prophecy of the chosen one has been revealed, we've been waiting for the right person to arrive. We think you're the one, oh noble traveller!"
As the woman told the infamous story, her eyes were shining with such confidence and belief that the God almost felt bad about what they were about to say. No chosen one had ever existed, it was just a "prank" done with their wife, the Goddess of war, because they were both bored.
A hint of regret sparkled in their chest.
The villagers looked so desperate for help and hopeful for the tyrant to be punished for his crimes, that they couldn't bring themselves to say a word.
Well, they thought, I'll just have to put up a scene, won't I?
Oh, they were going to have so much fun with this.
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chaosb0x · 1 year
Dialogue Prompt
<<I think I lost my memory>>
<<you THINK??>>
<<Idk, is it weird if all I remember is sentence in ancient Egyptian? I can even remember the face of the person that said it, I don’t remember who they are tho, so...>>
<< [Person A], what the actual fuck-->>
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chaosb0x · 1 year
It's so fucking nice to be the only introvert in the family, makes me just want to go poof.
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chaosb0x · 2 years
Wearing matching socks is a social construct.
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chaosb0x · 2 years
The old history teacher was sitting on their chair, an image of an old map displayed on the whiteboard, explaining the first Peloponnesian war to the class.
<<They know it so well because clearly they were there>> muttered at one point a student, giggling.
The teacher heard them and sighed, adjusting their glasses. <<Well, of course, how could a noble not partecipate to such an important war for their own country?>>
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chaosb0x · 2 years
Villain Prompt
<<What do you want now?!>> they snapped, turning their focus away from their work. The villain was now staring at a very confused and very terriffied black dog.
Dumbfounded, they noticed the animal had a scar near its right eye, similar to the right hand’s one.
They realized, bittelry, that the other had been snooping around in their laboratory, leaving the captive hero unsupervised. 
As the alarm began to sound, the villain wondered why had they taken in such an idiot ad their assistant.
That’s because of your suppressed bleeding hearth, the voice in their head replied, and because of your daddy issues.
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chaosb0x · 2 years
This is literally my coffee machine.
I asked for espresso, not demon juice.
The metro sounds like thousands of damned souls screaming
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