#& I’ll try even though they can be really selective
rosesradio · 8 months
having a couple drinks & applying for new jobs is peak 20s experience tbh
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ferrstappen · 1 year
Max the wag (again)| Max Verstappen blurb
love note: I’ve loved the response to gossipy Max and (y/n) that I came up with this little piece 💘
summary: a new break up hits the paddock and Max and you are the best investigators.
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Canada GP, 2023
Max didn’t mean to overhear whatever was going on inside the four walls of Ferrari’s place on the track.
But if the information came his way, who was he to deny it?
He was mildly bored in between interviews and before FP1, not caring about interacting with people because you weren’t there, too many things to take care of, studying and being an intern didn’t allow you to be there with him. Still, he sent you silly pictures of him walking by himself (metaphorically since fans and workers were all over), he smiled at the WhatsApp sticker you sent him along with a picture of you, papers scattered all over your desk, iPad showing the F1 app.
While walking by Ferrari, he really really couldn’t help walking a bit slower as three engineers were enjoying a cigarette while loudly speaking to each other, motor and tool noises were ambient noise.
I heard she’d forgiven him once, after São Paulo last year.
What happened there? I keep hearing about it but i left to Abu Dhabi right after the podium.
Carlos and Norris contacted some girls and left with them or something along the way, kept it under wraps though but now? I think it was too much for her.
Shame, she was always polite and nice to everybody. She even knew our names!
And Carlos’ sister is getting married soon, he ducked it big time. I heard someone in the garage she decided to not go and his family is pissed.
It caught Max’s attention… he instantly recalled the conversation with you, trying to figure out if Carlos and Isa were still together. Clearly, they weren’t and the entire paddock was aware of it.
Maybe Christian could have more information about it.
But the first thing he did was to text you, announcing he had more information.
Info about what? Was your response, making Max’s eyes roll…
Sainz and girlfriend!
Max didn’t hear it, but you gasped at the simple text message. Max was very selective with the information he actually took seriously, and for him to tell you he heard something meant it was probably real.
Shut up! What did you hear? Who told you?!?!?
Max smiled, a smug grin knowing you were dying for the information, but he’d keep it for later, when he was laying on the hotel bed, fresh out of the shower, white t-shirt and shorts and ready to fall sleep. That’s when he was sharing the information.
He was surprised when you called him out of the blue and he chuckled, his gorgeous blue eyes getting smaller, little wrinkles forming, dimples showing.
“Hello schat, to what do I owe this pleasure?” Max teased, instantly taking in your neat hair, neutral make up and deep red lipstick… oh, what would he give to bite your lower lip and have his face and chest covered in faint red lipstick.
”don’t be coy! What did you hear? I heard the snippet of an interview and she sounded so broken it was so sad, but what did you hear?!” You rambled, making Max’s smile even bigger.
“I told you I’m sharing my discovery later, i’ll have to be in the car in thirty minutes or so,”
“I hate you so much, you can’t leave me hanging! I don’t want to ask her directly!” You complained like a toddler, noticing Max was just staring at you through the screen.
“I love you, I have to go,” Max said after he noticed part of the Red Bull PR team approach him. He was waiting for you to tell him you love him too, but your words weren’t exactly what he was expecting.
“Max babe, try to get info on Shakira and Hamilton!”
Honestly, you and Max were a match made in heaven.
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peachesofteal · 6 months
soap x cypher masterlist / 18+ mdni / dark and twisty themes overall but this is very soft / inspired by and written for @eilidh-eternal
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Johnny is fuming.
You've skipped his lab. Not only have you skipped his lab, but you didn't even let him know. Where are you? He hasn’t even see you in days, getting in late from an op last night, collapsing into bed exhausted. All he wanted was to see your face this morning, peering at him from between the sea of students.
"What?" He snaps, temper flaring, irritation running hot. The student, a transfer bomb tech from another unit, gulps. Get yerself together, he seethes. Ye're acting like a bloody fool. The tech voices a question, a complicated technical one, but easy to answer, and he rattles off a response before excusing everyone for the day.
He has more important things that need his attention.
He goes back and forth on punishment as he stalks over to the tech building. Overstimulation? Should he tie you to his bed and strap the head of a vibrator to your clit until you're crying? Denial? Humiliation? Should he shave your cunt, and then eat you out for hours, not letting you come once? Should he spank you until your ass is raw and you can't sit for a week?
Anger turns to worry when he steps onto your floor, and doesn't find you. You're not at your console. You're not in the bathrooms, or the break room. You're not anywhere.
He marches to Laswell's office, knocking twice before pushing the door wide, to her surprise.
"Cypher not in today?" He skips the pleasantries, and she gives him a knowing look.
'She's out sick." Sick? You're sick? His mind is already scrambling, and he barely hears her parting words as he makes for the door, anger draining from his body and being replaced with worry, fear. Why didn't you tell him?
He gets his answer easily enough when you answer his incessant knocking with both wrists in braces, KT tape stretched from the back of your hands to your knuckles. Your face is twisted up, brow furrowed, and he immediately steps forward, hesitant to touch you, but yearning to provide you comfort, to help. To fix.
“Oh, Cy.” He murmurs and you look down to your feet.
“‘m sorry I missed class, I couldn’t… I can’t type, or pick anything up, so-“
“It’s okay. Let’s not worry about that now.” He herds you gently, turning you back into your room, relaxing as he feels you lean into him, one of his hands cradling yours carefully. “Carpal tunnel?” He knows all about it, of course. He has your medical file memorized. Knows about the flare ups that are really bad, knows you’re a perfect candidate for surgery, even though from the looks of it, you’re avoiding that option. He always thought he’d cross that bridge when he came to it, getting you to have the procedures scheduled, but it seems like that bridge is coming up now.
“It’s bad.” You croak. You can’t even work the door handle, trying in vain to flex your fingers, his heart sinking at the agony on your face, when you start to crumple, tears starting in the corners of your eyes.
“Shhh, I’m here, I’m here, wee sweet.” His arms wrap around you, holding you there for a second, rubbing your back, your shoulders, trying to reassure you. “I’ll take care of ye.” He promises, shutting the door with a firm click, and leading you over to your bed, encouraging you to sit, keeping his touch as gentle as he can, as to not jostle you or your hands. “What do ye need?” He smooths a hand over your hair, and you sigh.
“Something to eat.” Oh, sweet Cy. How long have ye felt like this? This is his fault. He should have been here last night. “And some ice, maybe?”
“Have ye taken anything?” He’s already pulling out his phone, shooting a text out to cash in on a favor owed to him by another Sergeant, essentially using them as a delivery service for your needs. “What sounds good to eat?”
“I don’t know, I can’t pick up-“
“I’ll take care of that.” He’s unmoored by your suffering, but a select piece of him is secretly delighted he’ll get to feed you, wash your hair, help you with your clothes, take care of all your needs. His mouth practically waters. You chew on your lip, wincing as you shift and he moves with you, encouraging you to lay down your back, tired eyes blinking up at the ceiling. Poor baby, probably hasnae sleep a wink. “I’ll pick for ye, Cy.”
“Okay.” You whisper, eyes slipping closed. He leans, lips dotting across your forehead.
“I’ve got ye. Want the lights off?” You nod, and he gets up to flick them off, clicking on the little bedside lamp that has the yellow shade, the dim one that you like “Whit feels good for yer hands? Ice? Elevation?”
“Both.” He tacks ice onto the ‘to be delivered list’ and then grabs a pillow, tucking it into your side to place your one wrist on top, arranging your giant quilt on the other to do the same.
He fusses over you, making sure you’re comfortable, making sure you’re content, propping you up on more pillows when everything is dropped at your door, and he stashes the ice in the freezer for after he feeds you.
“Got some soup.” He tells you sweetly, and you brighten a little.
“What kind?”
“Yer favorite. The cream of mushroom.” You smile at him and he holds you there, indulging in your sweet expression, until it starts to fade, drooping with realization. Confusion.
“Wait… how do you know it’s my favorite?”
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vanishingstarrs · 8 days
twenty something
katsuki bakugo x reader, established relationship, just soft and pure vibes, down bad bakugo
( it was my bday on friday and i wanted to write something short and sweet, self indulgent for sure )
You didn’t care for birthdays.
You had never made a huge fuss over your own, anyway.
The last birthday party you remember having was back when you were still obsessed with fairy princesses and only spoke in broken sentences, likely only five.
Since then, it had really only ever been small dinners and hardly any presents. Your family never really had the means to do anything huge and you told yourself you never minded, that all you ever cared for was the acknowledgment of the day. And that was never skipped or glanced over, there was never a lack of love and you always felt grateful for another year.
It was true, you did feel that way and after the war those feelings only grew. You were more appreciative than ever, even more so for all the new friends and loved ones in your life.
Your boyfriend, Katsuki, especially.
And though you weren’t expecting anything, your boyfriend had other ideas. He’d come over the night before to make you dinner and give you a few gifts he’d gotten you. You swooned over his attention to detail, he cooked your favorite meal and got you things he knew you’d love.
“I know.” He sighed,“You might not wanna accept it, I know how you are, you think it’s too much, but I’m not returning it.”
He stood up, walking behind you and pulling the intricately detailed locket from the box you had just opened, he unclasped it and moved your hair aside to secure it onto your neck,“Open it.”
You listened, opening the locket and feeling your heart swell.
Your boyfriend had not only gone through the trouble to get both your initials engraved on the back of the necklace, but he’d already gone ahead and selected two of your favorite pictures. One was just your favorite photo of him and the second was one of you two together from the first date you’d gone on together. It’d taken you so long to convince him to take that picture with you and as a result was now one of your favorites.
“Thank you, my love.” You looked up and kissed his cheek,“I love it very much.”
“Just thought you should have something, just in case…”
You gave him a look,“We don’t think like that, love, but I appreciate the sentiment you were going for and I’ll cherish it, thank you.”
“You’re welcome, baby.” He gave you a small smile,“Alright, you can open the rest, this was the only major one, don’t worry.”
You smiled and shared another kiss before proceeding to go through the rest of the gifts he’d gotten you. You worked in the hospital and he’d gotten a few things that would be useful; a few cute pens, a new pair of comfy shoes you’d been wanting to try out since your feet were always killing you, and a brand new water bottle (your last one got crushed after you accidentally ran it over with your car) and with it he’d also gotten tons of adorable stickers to decorate it.
You smiled big when you pulled a Hello Kitty plush out of the next bag and he rolled his eyes like he hadn’t been the one to purchase it.
“Don’t think I’m feeding your addiction to that weird ass cat.” He scoffed,“Just thought this one was actually kind of cool.”
Cool was an understatement.
Hello Kitty was known for lots of collabs with many of your favorite shows and characters, but this one? This plush was dressed in your boyfriend’s hero costume and the tag on it had his hero agency’s name on it so it was definitely official and not just some knock off.
“Didn’t even know they made these.” He explained,“Don’t remember approving that shit.”
You blushed,“I might’ve seen the papers on your desk one day and signed for you…”
“What?!” He stood up, shocked.
You shrugged,“I didn’t know they were actually going to go through with it, Sanrio teases lots of collabs so when I never saw it in stores I just guessed they went a different route.”
“When were you even in my office?” He asked, curious instead of upset.
“About a month ago, baby, remember? You were asked to patrol last minute because Eijiro’s wife went into labor and we had planned to have lunch together so I ended up dropping off food just in case you got a chance to stop and eat. I think your assistant, what’s his name, dropped off the papers and since I saw the logo on it… and well, I couldn’t help peeking.” You told him the story, feeling slightly guilty.
He rolled his eyes,“You’re lucky I don’t give a shit about that kinda stuff, otherwise I’d—”
You gasped suddenly,“Oh. My. God! Baby, what if they ask you to do a photo shoot with Hello Kitty, herself?! Wouldn’t that be amazing?”
Your boyfriend couldn’t help chuckle at your excitement,“I suppose it would be, a little bit, and I promise if that happens you’ll be on set with me that day, don’t worry.”
“Thank you, sweetie.” You gave him a big kiss and he handed you one final bag.
“Last one.” He said.
You rose an eyebrow at him as you peeked inside,“A dress? Do we have an occasion?”
“Only the best day of the year.” Katsuki took your hand and pulled you up to give you a hug,“I wanted to celebrate with you today because I’m a selfish bastard and I like having you to myself.” You felt him check his watch,“It’s officially midnight and officially your birthday.”
He pulled away slightly, holding your waist with one arm and placing his other hand on your cheek, making you immediately lean into the warmth of his touch. The kiss he gave you was gentle and full of so much love, you already knew this was your favorite of all birthdays just for the fact that you were spending it with him.
You opened your eyes and his gaze gave you butterflies, you felt like you did on your first date.
“Happy birthday, my love.”
“Thank you, Katsuki.” Your cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so much.
“And I lied.” He said,“I do have one more thing for you, but it won’t be until later. We’ll sleep soon, and I’ll have a few more things to take care of before it, but I’d like you to take my card—”
“Baby, no…” You began to deny, he’d already gotten you enough.
“Yes.” He insisted,“You have a dress, all you need to do is find some accessories. Get some shoes, buy a new purse, hell buy yourself the whole store, baby, go fucking crazy. I’m asking nicely, and I’ll make sure you get something, trust me. And I want you ready by three, got it?”
You knew arguing with your boyfriend was pointless, that was one bad thing about the both of you, you were equally stubborn and fighting only ended when you got tired of it.
“Fine.” You relented.
True to his word, you went to bed soon after the gifts. Your boyfriend brought an overnight bag and you were happy to have him hold you in bed. When you woke up, however, his side of the bed was empty and in its place lay a birthday card.
You picked it up, smiling at the design he’d gone with and pictured him standing in front of the display for a long time before deciding. You opened it and out fell your boyfriend’s credit card, you rolled your eyes and set it aside to read the contents of the note.
Happy birthday, my pretty girl. I know you’re new to celebrating, but I plan to change that soon. You deserve the world and more, and I’ll do my best to make sure you get it.
P.S. Please enjoy this breakfast (see nightstand) and be dressed by 9! Mina will be stopping by to ensure you shop for all your needs.
P.P.S. I love you.
You quickly turned and found the aforementioned breakfast, a cup of hot coffee, and a beautiful bouquet of tulips decorated your nightstand. You smiled and snapped a photo, sending it to your boyfriend along with a thank you.
He must’ve just left to take care of whatever he was planning.
You tried not to think about it or your nerves and overthinking would definitely kick in. You ate your food and sipped your coffee in bed while checking and responding to any birthday messages, picking up immediately when you saw your parents calling. You almost teared up when they started singing happy birthday and laughed along with them, asking if you’ll see them later in the week for your annual dinner. They agreed and you finished the call with ‘I love you’s’.
By the time nine rolled around, you were ready and right on time was Mina’s knocking on your door. You opened it and got greeted with a hug.
“I heard free shopping trip and here I am!” She cheered,“Ready to do some damage?”
“Not quite.” You blushed,“What do you know about his plans?”
She shrugged,“Sworn to secrecy, dude, sorry.”
You scoffed and laughed as you said,“Whatever happened to chicks before dicks?”
You’d met Mina as a result of dating Katsuki and ever since then you’d hit it off with her as much as you had your boyfriend, you never really had too many close girlfriends and she was a very welcome surprise into your life.
“Doing this for my chick.” She elbowed you teasingly,“So grab ya bag, girl, we have places to be and money to spend!”
You listened, grabbing your purse and reluctantly taking your boyfriend’s card as per his request.
It didn’t take long for Mina to decide which stores you should head into. It did, however, take more than a few for you to actually want to buy anything. It wasn’t that you didn’t see things you liked, but it was hard for you to accept your boyfriend was paying for you.
You’d been brought up to be independent and though you knew the importance of being taken care of, it was hard not being the giver for once.
A pair of shoes eventually caught your eye and Mina caught on quick, calling over an associate with a mischievous smile,“My friend would love to see these in a size seven, please.”
“Right away, miss.”
The woman left to find them and you sighed,“I don’t know, Mina.”
“Girl, please, your man literally is begging you to spend some of his money and you’re hesitating? These shoes are to die for and he explicitly stated you should get some to match your dress. We already got a few cute pieces of jewelry, I think these would match perfectly to those.”
In the end, Mina convinced you. Or the saleswoman did, when she revealed the shoes you were trying on would actually go on sale next week and that she’d be happy to adjust the price for your special occasion.
For once, you’d been happy to reveal it was your birthday and you walked away even happier with your bargain made.
“That was so nice of her.” You beamed as you followed Mina around a purse store she liked.
You definitely didn’t need one of those, but your eyes wandered aimlessly to pass the time.
“Mhm.” She agreed before holding up a bag,“And how hot is this bag?! C’mon, Bakugo would want you to have this.”
You regretted turning around as you actually really liked the one she’d been trying to show you,“Nope, got a bag, but thanks.”
“And you have shoes and jewelry, babe, the whole point of this trip was to treat yourself.” Your friend countered. She was right and you hated it.
You sighed,“I know, but I bought stuff already…”
“A few inexpensive sterling silver rings off that lady’s booth outside and a pair of shoes marked way down from the original price, this would be an actual treat.”
“Yes, but… I mean he already got me this nice necklace and the dress and all the other little things, plus he’s planning who knows what, I don’t think I need a new purse, mine may not be designer but it’s held up and it’ll be fine for a while longer.” You explained.
“He has the means to,” Mina walked up to you and pulled your current bag off your shoulder to replace with the one she was trying to convince you on,“Plus no one ever needs a new purse, it’s a want and it’s okay to have those, you know.”
You remembered the birthday card. You deserve the world and more…
Looking at yourself in the mirror, you sighed. Mina walked up behind you and wrapped her arms around you, smiling and raising her eyebrows,“So…? Whatcha gonna do?”
She drove a hard bargain.
“You need to consider you might be in the wrong field.” You pushed her playfully as she looped her arm through yours and led the way to the cash register. Your heart might have actually broken while swiping your boyfriend’s card across and your fingers were definitely shaking as you typed in the pin for it.
You knew your boyfriend received alerts for any purchases, especially big ones, and you were just about ready to turn back around when you heard your phone ping, assuming the worst. He had to be pissed at that one.
my love: Glad to see Mina’s doing her job, don’t you dare feel guilty. You deserve this and more 🧡
You looked up to find Mina glancing at you and smiling,“Told ya.”
The last purchase you made was with your own money as you’d run out of your favorite blush and needed to replace it. You enjoyed lunch with your friend and she drove you back home where she proceeded to stake claim on your bedroom floor to get herself ready with you.
“You’re really not gonna tell me?” You asked your friend as you applied a light layer of foundation.
“I’m sure you could guess…” Mina shrugged as she curled her eyelashes,“But I really can’t say, all he told me was to take you shopping and keep you busy until three. He’s having a car pick us up.”
“You don’t even know?!” You turned around, shock written all over your face.
Mina snorted,“No, I’m trolling you, I totally know.”
You got ready in silence, save for some music Mina decided to play from a small portable speaker she brought with her.
Once the clock hit three, you were officially an anxious wreck. Your phone pinged.
my love: Your carriage awaits.
You made sure Mina was ready and that you weren’t forgetting anything before heading out, finding your “carriage” was your boyfriend’s car and he stood by the passenger door, holding the door open for you with a lazy smile. He was wearing nice clothes too and your eyes stuck to him like glue,“Wow.”
“Wow yourself.” He gave you a quick kiss, careful not to smudge your lipstick.
Mina fake gagged,“You two are disgusting.”
“Shut up and get in.” Katsuki told her before turning back to you, eyes soft,“You ready?”
You released a deep breath,“I guess so… I mean what am I even ready for?”
He smiled,“Don’t stress, just go with it. You’re about to find out anyway.”
It was hard not to, and you were sure your palms were sweating more than his as Katsuki always held your hand while driving.
You were quick to recognize the drive back to his house and relaxed a little bit, deciding he was right. Enough was enough, why not just go with it? You had amazing friends and an even better boyfriend, you deserved to get treated nicely. And he would never plan anything you weren’t ready for or wouldn’t like, as proven by the night before and the morning of shopping.
You didn’t see any cars or anything parked outside his house and you narrowed your eyes at him,“What’s going on? Seriously.”
He said nothing as he got out and opened your door for you, extending a hand out and helping you out of the car in your fancy new clothes and accessories. “Close your eyes.”
Mina nudged you from behind and you obliged quickly.
He held your hand and led you with one hand on your lower back as you dutifully kept your eyes closed, you heard the jingling of keys and figured Mina must be unlocking the door for you.
“Watch your step.” Katsuki warned you and you felt him help you regardless as you stepped into his house.
Not one second of warning was given before it happened.
You opened your eyes immediately, hands going up to your mouth as you found your entire group of friends in your boyfriend’s living room, wearing party hats and blowing noisemakers. Streamers and balloons littered the room and a cake with your name on it sat on a designated dessert table. You almost cried when you spotted your parents and two brothers in one section.
“Happy birthday, baby.” Katsuki whispered in your ear before you were tackled by your family first, then your friends, and even some of your work family had shown up to wish you another happy year.
You felt a little overwhelmed at first, but slowly you relaxed. It hit you how happy you were, how much joy had been brought on by everything your boyfriend had done. You hadn’t experienced this type of celebration in a long time and it was nice to be seen by those who you held dear. Your boyfriend hardly left your side as you spoke and got around to saying hi to everyone. “Don’t let him go.” Your mother even whispered into your hair as she hugged you tight and gave you kisses,“Good ones are hard to come by.”
“He’s the best.” You agreed with a huge smile.
You eventually split up as you spoke with a few of your friends and even some of his, happy to catch up with Kirishima’s wife.
You held her son and spouted baby nonsense to him as she spoke your ear off about how her husband and Katsuki had been thick as thieves planning the day months in advance, and how she’d even been roped into calling people and checking on their availability. You thanked her for being part of it and looked up to where the two men now stood away, somehow still looking mischievous. You didn’t doubt they might even already be planning the next thing.
The night went by in the blink of an eye.
You saw friends you hadn’t seen in a while, learned the hard truth of standing awkwardly in front of a cake while everyone sang happy birthday to you, ate amazing food and cake, had a couple drinks, and lastly opened a few more gifts from those who had brought one. (You may or may not have received a few more Dynamite x Hello Kitty collab items).
Katsuki held you from behind as you watched your and his friends mingle together,“Did I do a good job?”
“I don’t know how I’ll top it for yours.” You said back, turning around in his arms, placing yours around his neck,“You did amazingly, I never thought I would have this one day.”
“For the rest of your life, I promise you will.”
You didn’t know why, but it felt much heavier when he said that. Like he wasn’t just promising you a lifetime of birthday parties, but like he was promising something else. You thought back to the way he smirked at you across the room when you saw him talking to Kirishima and your heart skipped again. There was no way. You’d only been together for a little over a year…
And yet…
You pushed those thoughts away and allowed yourself to be happy in the now.
In his arms.
You kissed him,“I love you.”
You really couldn’t have asked for a better day, surrounded by the people who loved you— or for a better boyfriend, who made you feel seen in both little and big ways. Who went out of his way to ensure you were always happy and loved. You might just have a new favorite day of the year and it was all thanks to him.
“Happy birthday, gorgeous.”
Yup, you officially loved birthdays.
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soxcietyy · 8 months
Ghost Face
Yuta Okkotsu x fem reader
18+ minors dni
Description: You decide to watch a horror movie without Yuta being home. Though things go completely wrong. (Not good with descriptions)
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You sigh heavy as you hear Yuta telling you over the phone that he won’t be able to make it to your house for Halloween.
"The guys want to go around and scare kids tonight and apparently they need me to drive them around. Plus you wernt even planning on celebrating today, your in a bathtub and had plans to sleep while kids bang on your door." Yuta said.
He wasn’t wrong but he did need to know that. You couldn’t believe that he ditched you for his friends. "Obviously I was going to do something, I was planning on watching a horror movie with you but since your so busy I guess I’ll do it myself."
"Don’t be like that, I promise I’ll make it home before midnight." He said as if that was going to make things better.
"Common y/n you know I can’t leave the guys alone, don’t tell me your scared." He said the last part in an amused tone.
"Of course not, have fun Yu." You said before hanging up.
The sweet smell of your cinnamon and apple body wash filled the bathroom. Your body was completely covered in bubbles that filled the tub. The candles lit the place up dimly creating a cozy environment. You could doze off to sleep if you really wanted to but knowing your boyfriend wasn’t going to be here stopped you from it. Yuta was a people pleaser and since he didn’t go out with his friends much he sometimes prioritized them more than you. Not that you were jealous or anything but being alone on Halloween didn’t feel right. You couldn’t even call a friend over because they all had plans tonight. Hopefully tonight would go by like a breeze.
Stepping out you grab the towel and proceeded to dry yourself up. The quiet ringing filled your ears making you feel uneasy. Should it be this quiet on a Halloween night? Peering out the window the see the sun setting. Young kids ran door to door for candy that will be giving them a stomach ache if they ate too much of it. Blowing out every candle in the room somehow gave you an idea. You were going to make him feel bad for leaving you alone tonight.
Walking into your closet you looking through your selection of pajamas. You could go on theme or you could go for something he would want. You knew the perfect one, you pick out a silky black night gown. As basic as it was you knew this was Yutas favorite thing to see you in. This would surely make him run back home like a dog. You did your makeup as natural as you can, brush your hair and slip some sock on before going down stairs.
Digging in your pantry you find orange sugar cookies, Halloween candy, and other spooky things that would have him drooling over the phone. You place them in a tray neatly and bring them into the living room. You set the goods on the coffee table with a cup of Yutas favorite hot chocolate. You couldn’t help but giggle to yourself knowing how he would react when he came back home.
He would have a pouty face and drag his feet towards you. Being the clingy boyfriend he is he would wrap his big arms behind you and rest his head on the crook of your neck. Trying to convince you to have another scary movie night nonverbally. Yuta tends to not really say what he wants but would hint on it with his actions. You had to admit it was cute.
Jumping on the couch you cover your legs with a brown blanket that had silly ghost’s on it. The last thing you needed to make this perfect was putting on the movie obviously. Scrolling through the selection on your smart tv had you decided to watch a classic. That being the move "Scream". Being honest you wernt that great with horror movies, especially when watching them alone. Yuta would hold your hands knowing well that you would have them covering your eyes for half the movie.
Grabbing your phone you quickly snap a picture of you, the tv, the treats and the mug of hot chocolate. You wondered how long it would take him to respond. You send the picture and throw your phone on the other side of the couch. The second your click play on the movie a loud ding echos. You jolt from how loud it was and groan loudly as you pinch the bridge of your nose. If he was here he would of definitely be laughing his ass off.
Picking up your phone you look at the message to see his response.
Yuta <3: Your evil :( your going to regret doing that without me.
You let out a chuckle as you take a bite of a sugar cookie. Turning your attention to the window you see that it has gotten dark quick. Looking back at your phone you see that it was 10pm already. Maybe tonight was going to go by fast.
Forcing yourself to watch the whole move through was hard. You were tempted on changing it to something more cheerful. Something that wouldn’t have you paranoid at all.
When the movie finished you didn’t know if it was good or bad because you covered your eyes for the gory parts. You just couldn’t bring yourself to look at the tv. You really wanted to be brave and it through the whole movie without hiding away but you couldn’t. You weren’t made for this type of stuff. Maybe you should watch a cartoon to lift up your mood. Looking down at your mug you see that you needed a refill. Slipping out of the blanket you made your way to the hot chocolate machine and pour some milk in. Yuta would be home in a few minutes so that meant you had to clean up soon.
As you wait for the machine to warm up the milk and chocolate your phone begins to ring again making your heart jump out of your chest.
"For the love of god" you sigh as you snatch your phone from the counter and answer it.
"Hello?" You say not even bothering to see who called
"Hey darling how is it going?"
You pause and look to see that it has no caller ID.
"Who is this?"
"Does that really matter?"
"Yes it doe-"
"What are you doing?" He cuts you off
You hesitate before answering, it was probably some teens prank calling. Maybe you should humor them and go along with it.
"Making hot chocolate." You say as your pour the hot liquid in your mug.
"Isn’t that a Christmas thing?" He asks.
"Yea Im more of a Christmas girly but I’m about to watch a movie. Nothing goes better to watch a movie than hot coco on a cold Halloween night."
"Let me guess, a scary movie"
"Maybe, why do I need to tell someone who doesn’t want to identify themselves?"
"Do you like scary movies?"
You roll your eyes seeing he was ignoring that questions.
"Not really but I’m always up for anything depending on the mood."
"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asks.
"Yes I do kiddo, how even old are you to be asking me that? You don’t even know my age." You laugh as you set the mug down on the table.
"You look around my age."
You pause to process what he said. How would he know how you look…? Darting your eyes to each window made heart heart race. Scared to know if the next one would have someone standing in front of it. You look at the tv and then suddenly remember this scenario happened in the movie you just watched.
"Hahaha very funny asshole, how about you get a life and don’t ever call me again." You hang up and sit on the couch. Teens now clearly had a different sense of humor from back then.
You felt very uneasy after what just happened so you put on a cartoon. Things like this shouldn’t get to you. It was just a dumb little joke they where playing. Grabbing your cup you take a big sip of the warm drink and sink into the couch. Everything is going to be fine. Maybe you needed to rest, going to bed sounded great right now. Standing up you go around the house making sure the doors were locked and the curtains where closed. It wasn’t until you reached the last window where you noticed something strange. Looking out you saw something looking right at you. They sat on one of your lawn chairs as they faced your window. It was a person wearing a ghost mask.
You shut the curtains and make a run for it upstairs, stupid stupid teens playing pranks and stupid you for letting them work on you. You slam your door closed and quickly dig in your pocket. You were absolutely going to call the cop on that asshole. Digging your hand in your pocket caused you to gasp seeing you left your phone down stairs.
"Fuck, how am I so stupid” you mumble to yourself.
You sat in the corner contemplating on what to do next. You could open the window and start screaming. Maybe wait for Yuta to get home so he can scare them off. Or lastly grab your phone from down stairs. As bad as the last one sounded it was the most logical and fast option. Thinking about it the person was outside and had no way of getting inside. You were safe inside here so getting it shouldn’t be no big deal. Opening the door you peek down the hall and slowly make your way down. You vision began going in and out from the stress pooling in your head. You doubted you could reach your phone on time before something bad happened. On the last step you look into the living room, looking for your phone you spot it on the coffee table. Making another run for it you snatch it and unlock it with your shaking hands. You couldn’t believe that you actually did it. Before you could press any number you feel a presence behind you. Slowly turning around you see him standing there. The man with the stupid ghost face mask.
You let out a scream as he grabs your arms throwing your phone across the room. The both of you start wrestling causing you both to fall too the ground.
"Get the hell off of me!" You yell as your attempts became weaker. He held your arms over your head and brought his face closer to yours.
You let out a shaky breath as you felt him wrap his hand over your neck. Closing your eyes you began to pray. This was how you were going to go out, being chocked to death. Yuta would come home to your lifeless body. Just because you couldn’t defend yourself from an intruder That’s when you heard a soft cling above you. Opening your eyes you see a necklace with a ring on it over you.
"Yuta, you asshole. You scared the living hell out of me." You say breathing heavily with your chest rising up and down. That’s when you felt something hard in between your legs. Of course he had to get a hard on right now.
You watched as he unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. Pulling them down to reveal his length. You could tell he’d been thinking about doing this for a while seeing how his tip was leaking.
"Did I scary you that bad?" He asks, still not taking the mask off.
"Yea you made me scream" you lay under him trying to read him by his eyes only. As the both of you watch your breaths you began rubbing yourself against his shaft.
He let out a groan as you moved. "Fuck" he exhaled. "I think I can make you scream louder though"
He gripped your neck harder but not enough to completely cut your air flow. His other hand slipping under your silky gown. You could feel as his fingers intertwined with the string of your panties giving it a hard tug down. Taking them off of you he brought you closer to him so you could sit up. Doing so you felt how he directed you to turn around on all fours, making you look at yourself in the living room mirror. Looking in it you could see how he props himself up.
The mask still being fully on him made you excited. This was something new to the both of you. The way he was handling you, talking to you, and exhaling made you so desperate for him to enter you. You watched as he leaned over your back and forced you to look at him through the mirror.
"What did we learn today?" He asks.
"No movie night without you?" You say not breaking eye contact with the black holes that looked at you through the ghost mask.
"No darling” he grabs a fist full of your hair. "Never answer the phone to strangers, especially on a Halloween night." He said as he slammed right into to you.
You let out a cry as he rammed into you forcefully. Tears collecting in the corner of your eyes. He didn’t bother stretching you out nor warning you. He then proceeded to slam into you repeatedly. You could hear him panting in the back. How he gripped your hips and hair. How his balls smacked against your cunt. How you slowly began to forget how to think straight. All you could feel was the amazing pleasure. How he was using you however he wanted. His member reached places only his could touch. It wasn’t girthy but it was surely long.
He rolled his hips trying to find your g-spot. Still pulling your hair back all the way so he could see your face once he found what he was looking for. He mumbled under his breath saying how good you feel. How tight and right you were for him. How you were such a dumb girl for going down stairs to get your phone. Now having to suffers the consequences of a murdered fucking the hell out of you.
In the mirror you saw how he took his mask off. You could see his damped face and the sweat that rolled down his face from wearing the mask. He ran his fingers through his hair as he still kept it moving. He still wore the pants and black hoodie he left with. You couldn’t help but stare at him as he looked at you with a small smirk.
"Hope you like what you see," he says as he continued ramming into you. Your arms began to shake not being able to hold yourself up for any longer. You collapse like a baby deer In front of him. That putting no stop to what he was doing. Splitting your hair into two sections he held each with his hands. You felt close to orgasm as he abused your cunt. You claw at the carpet as your mind started to go completely blank. All you could find yourself doing was moaning his name out and feeling the pleasure.
Suddenly you hit you climax making you scream his name for him to stop. To let you cum all over his member. With a final slam he lets go of your hair causing you to collapse as you rode your orgasm.
"Let’s do that again." He said with a grin.
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
— pampered
Just had this silly little thing in my head about going to get manicures with Bakugou.
Warnings: none, fluff.
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x f!reader.
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Bakugou takes care of you.
And as much the media try to portray Dynamight in a less than favourable light, or cast aspersions on him unfairly. No one could deny the amount of love that he held for you.
Fans on internet were your biggest champions, photographs going viral for the way Pro-Hero Dynamight softened the moment he laid eyes on you, or the way he spoke about you during interviews as though you hung the moon and the stars in the sky to protect him from the darkness. Interviewers getting barely two word answers from him until they began to ask about you. Paparazzi pictures of you both together, holding the door open for you or carrying your handbag.
Making the big, mean, gruff Dynamight more human— shushing the critics, and unknowingly boosting his hero ranking.
And you’re lucky enough to be the one that gets to experience it behind closed doors too.
There are certain little things— tokens of his affection, that Bakugou enjoys doing for you. Things like making sure there’s a warm bath waiting for you when you get home from a long, rough day at work. Bringing home your favourite pastries from the bakery you like whenever his patrol route passes it by, sometimes even going out of his way to make it there although he’d never admit it to you. Making sure your AirPods are fully charged before your commute because he knows you always forget to charge them. And paying for you to get your nails done in whatever you can find the time.
His only request for this, as always, is to pick what colour that you get every time you visit. His lips curl into a smirk whenever you send him a photograph of the finished product, or even better— when they’re wrapped around his cock.
But Bakugou’s never once offered to come to the nail salon with you, often dropping you at the door with a kiss and his shiny metal card in hand as he finds something else to do for the time that it takes. Dutifully picking you up when you’re done and taking you home.
So you’re surprised when you find your boyfriend sitting beside you in one of the plush leather chairs as a nail tech files away at one of his hands. This time he’s seated beside you as you show him the selection of colour options in front of you, instead of the usual pictures on your phone. Completely off guard when he pulls out a picture of one of his agency logos on his phone, showing it to the woman doing your nails for her to try and replicate the black base paired with the signature orange cross across his chest.
“I wasn’t even going to get my nails done for another two weeks, you literally just paid for these.” You smiled as she continued to remove the old gel from your nails, soaking them as it gave you time to spin in your chair to watch your boyfriend.
“Yeah, but I wanted you to come with me.” He shrugged, swapping hands when the tech requested.
“So— What do you think?”
“Shits boring,” He scoffed, before his gruff features softened, “But I like doing it with you.”
“Maybe you can come with me more often then,” You grinned, “We can make it like date night.”
“Nah, I think I’ll leave it to you, sweetheart.”
“Imagine if the paps could see you now.” You laughed at the thought.
Picturing headlines splashed across all the daily gossip tabloids and news sites like Dynamight — soft hands for a soft heart, Pro-Hero Dynamight protects the hands that protect the city, What really lies beneath the gloves?
“They’d have a fuckin’ field day.”
“We should get matching colours, really give them something to talk about.”
“Piss off—” He sneered, although there was no real malice to his tone.
Bakugou’s manicure and hand massage was done far before your nails were complete, as he waited patiently beside you, a hand gripping your upper thigh as he watched the tech draw the intricate design onto your nails.
“They’re so perfect,” You gleamed as you held them up for him to see, the orange accented with streaks of glitter that made them sparkle as he opened the door for you to leave the salon.
“Now everyone will know that you’re mine.” He
“Like they don’t already.” You laughed as Bakugou opened the passenger door for you, leaning over it to steal a kiss as you took a seat inside.
“Yeah, but now everyone will.”
You’d wondered why Bakugou had been so eager to come with you to get your nails done, especially with the choice in design. Until the man you were in love with bent down on one knee in front of you, pulling out a shiny ring concealed in a black box from his pocket as you said yes.
Smirking in the background of one of your pictures as you held your hand up into the air, the ring now sitting pride of place on your hand while your nails shone in the evening light. Pictures that were certain to go viral by morning—
“I just wanted everything to be perfect like you.”
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fatkish · 2 months
I have no idea if requests are open right now but can I request something fluffy with Bakugou x reader? Like maybe we go on a date and he’s just going around buying us stuff because when we’re happy he’s happy lol.
Bakugou x Reader Arcade Date fluff
When you asked him to go out and spend quality time with you, even though he’s a Tsundere, he agreed
He wanted to show off to you so he decided to go to an arcade/mall.
He got somewhat dressed up, a button up shirt and nice pants but still in his typical edgy punk style.
He made sure to pay for everything, but if you wanted to pay and got mad at him for paying then he’d make a competition out of it. Seeing who can pay for things first or grab the bill first
You guys got to the arcade and he made sure to win lots of tickets so he could spoil you with prizes.
When you asked to play Dance Dance Revolution with him, even though it was embarrassing for him, he still played because your smile was worth it
When you played Skeeball, you asked to compete against him which of course he didn’t go easy on you, but who are we kidding, we love his competitiveness
With shooting games he always made sure to have your back. No dumba— ugly zombie loser is eating his date.
When lunch came around you guys ordered pizza. He made sure that you got whatever toppings you like even if he didn’t. He got you guys sodas to drink and if you asked to try his and drank from his straw, well, he wouldn’t really mind
When you saw a Photo Booth you dragged him into it and told him to take pictures with you. You selected whatever filters you wanted and of course if you told him to make a face he did
As the last picture was taken, you surprised him by kissing his cheek
When the pictures came out he demanded that you take it but he secretly keeps a copy of the pictures in his wallet
If the arcade has lazer tag then you can bet that he is going to win for you and keep you alive, unless you’re crazy and wanted to fight him. Then bring it on he ain’t holding back
If you got frustrated with the games or didn’t know how to play them then he’d take the time to show you how and encourages you quietly
If you beat some other person’s high score or took someone down in lazer tag, this boy is cheering for you saying “that’s my girlfriend/boyfriend/partner! Suck it loser!”
He’d be so damn proud to see you beat someone else but if they got upset with you he’d scare them off or if you were shy them he’d celebrate in his head
He’d get you the biggest stuffed animal possible with all the tickets. Or whatever else you’re into.
I know it’s short but I’ll likely add more once it comes to me.
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rebouks · 4 months
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Previous // Next
Hi Alex!
I don’t think it’s stupid or cheesy to miss someone, I miss you too! Going back to normal after being on holiday is always horrible, especially after this one, and especially having to go back to school, I’m not a big fan! Do you go to school too? I wanted to ask if you did but I couldn’t… it’s nothing personal, by the way, sometimes I just can’t speak to people and I don’t really know why. I thought it was my decision if I did or didn’t before I met you but maybe not. My parents n’ the teachers at school call it selective mutism but I won’t bore you with all that crap.
I can’t see your new teeth but they grow fast so maybe next time! If they don’t maybe you could get some gold one’s like your dad has, unless you don’t wanna look like a pirate lol.. my littlest sister has four teeth now, and I have all my big teeth! I haven’t counted the twins though cos they’d probably bite me if I tried haha!!
Ava is the tiny one with the blonde pigtails! She’s cute but she still sleeps and poops a lot haha, she’s sorta chill though and definitely doesn’t cry as much as Wren and Byrd used to (have you noticed we’re all named after birds yet? I guess my parents thought it was cute since our last name is Finch) Wren’s the ginger one with plaits! She’s pretty funny but she’s super grumpy sometimes and likes to bite and kick (not me though, she loves me) I think it’s cos she’s tired a lot cos she never sleeps at night, kinda like dad.. they’re twins but Byrd is way different, I couldn’t get a picture of him cos he kept running off, he’s crazy like that but he’s super snuggly and loves playing doctor! He likes to pretend to break my legs so I can’t go anywhere then fix them for me haha. Brothers and sisters are fun but they can be a pain in the butt sometimes! We have a cat called Lou too, his full name is Toulouse and he likes to bring us leaves from the garden and scream about ‘em, and he loves stealing food when you’re not looking.
Dad’s been teaching mom how to cook cos she sucks at it (don’t tell her I said that though cos I always pretend it’s not THAT bad) she’s sorta getting better though so I suppose the whole practice makes perfect thing pays off eventually. I got a school project to make a lame volcano that I didn’t wanna do as well, but my parents made me do it anyway.. we all know that real volcanoes aren’t full of baking powder and vinegar though so I dunno if there was much point to it but they seemed to think it was important so I did it anyway, at least I got a picture of it “going off” I guess. No one likes homework, even if it’s supposed to be fun, right?!
It’s cool you set Amber free!! I’m sure she’s happier wherever she is now so I guess you could just think of that when you miss her? The rocks are way cooler anyway! My aunt Aspen has loads of crystals too, sometimes she even charges them in the sun or the full moon.. I keep forgetting to ask her why but I’ll try and remember so I can tell you next time!
Hahaa your poor dad with those birds! I’ll definitely keep the picture cos it’s hilarious, Wren found it the funniest but don’t worry, I’ll keep the picture safe from her sticky hands! I have a hiding spot in the attic for all the stuff I don’t want them touching. I guess birdwatching is sorta fun sometimes but you’ve gotta be quiet (easy for me I guess.. hah!) I’m not sure there’s any other birds round here other than seagulls since we live right next to the sea, those are the ones you can hear the most anyway cos they never shut up! My dad jokes that he used to be a seagull in a past life cos he’s loud and greedy like they are lol.. he’s been building me a treehouse too, I bet that’d be good for birdwatching!! It’ll be super cool once he’s finished but it’s taking ages cos he mostly does it all by himself, I try n’ help sometimes but I’m still too small to carry or lift most things.. I wanna be as strong as him one day, he can build and fix almost anything (he swears a lot during it though haha!) Do you ever think about what you wanna be when you grow up? I don’t really think about that sorta stuff cos working sounds boring, especially if it’s as lame as school!!
I’m ten, by the way! How old are you and when’s your birthday? Mine’s February 22nd. I don’t think I have a favourite food, anything my dad makes is amazing cos he’s a good cook and my mom makes the BEST pancakes! We’re always stuffed after dinner but dad says (lies) that pudding goes in a different part of your stomach so there’s always room for cake haha.. I think I like it best when he makes spicy food but Wren and Byrd hate it so he doesn’t make stuff like that too often. It’s fun to see how much you can eat before your mouth feels like it’s on fire and I’ve decided I’m gonna beat him one day so he better watch out!!!
I didn’t know what to write at first but I guess I sorta ended up writing quite a lot since I had some catching up to do! Are you and your dad on holiday in the tower or are you living there for now? It sorta sounded like you’ve been there a long time, where do you usually live? What kinda stuff does your dad dig up for work? It’d be cool if he dug up dinosaur bones!! I watched something like that recently and they were HUGE!
It’s hard to think of questions on the spot but you can talk about anything you want too! I probably owe you a million answers as well so you can ask anything you want too! I had fun reading your letter and I’m glad we can be pen-pals even if we don’t get to see each other! Maybe next time we meet in person I’ll be able to say something, but writing would still be fun too so I guess it doesn’t really matter, right?
Love Robin c:
ps. I’m keeping the funny photo of you yelling at your dad and there’s nothing you can do about it!!
pps!! I don’t have a way to print out photos yet otherwise I’d have sent some new ones. Dad gave me an old polaroid ages ago but it’s still broken, his friend said he might be able to fix it though so hopefully I can use that next time. Mom said you can have some of our old ones and the ones from her disposable camera whilst we were on holiday for now though so I’ll send those to you as soon as they come back!
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charmandabear · 3 months
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Office Hours - Chapter Eight
When whining about season selection to your therapist turns into confronting the complicated ways that Astarion makes you feel, she challenges you to really explore what it is that you - or perhaps your subconscious - want.
Pairing: Astarion/f!Reader Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2.6k Tags/Warnings: imagined D/s dynamic, light bondage, ascended Astarion lines, vaginal fingering, masturbation
Thank god this girl is finally getting into therapy, am I right? I don't have a ton to say other than now that the major conflict I had planned is winding down, it's going to be a lot more about exploration from here on out.
Once again, Zaria is out here killing it with these screenshots!
Read on AO3 ~ Masterlist
You massage your temples in an attempt to ease your headache. Season selection has been going terribly – every meeting just ended with everyone talking in circles. Today, it’s Alfira’s turn to make her case as to why hers is the best choice.
“I just think that it would do our students a lot of good to have this outlet to talk about their mental health,” she insists, bleeding heart that she is.
“I’m not necessarily saying I disagree with you,” you begin, gears in your head turning as you formulate your thoughts. “But isn’t Heathers, like, dark to the point of troubling?”
“Well sure, it’s dark, but what do you mean troubling?” Her eyes are big and round, and you try to imagine someone as tender as Alfira blocking a scene like “Dead Girl Walking.” It’s not easy.
“I’ve seen the way teen girls talk about the character JD, it’s a little concerning.” You fold your arms and lean back in your chair, studying Alfira’s expression carefully as it twists into a frown.
“I mean, sure, some of them think he’s cute, but I don’t think anyone is looking at him and thinking ‘boyfriend goals.’” 
“Are you sure? Have you seen the TikToks for that one song? What’s-it-called, the ‘open the door’ song.” Your fingers twitch towards your phone, fighting the urge to pull up the app.
“Yeah, ‘Meant to be Yours,’ I’ve seen them, and I think they’re fairly harmless. They know it’s not real, you know?” She fiddles with the pen in her hand, not taking her eyes off you. You squirm, uncomfortable under her persistent gaze.
“Maybe you’re right. I don’t know.” You look down at your notes, giving yourself a second to think. “Something about the way they talk about JD makes me feel icky. JD as a character makes me feel icky. Besides,” you add quickly before she gets that puppy dog look in her eyes, “I don’t know if building around a theme of ‘mental health’ is specific enough to be interesting. I’m not even sure I can think of a classical play that fits into that.”
“Perhaps Hamlet?” Lucretious says with a smirk, and you groan loudly as others in the meeting titter.
“Gods, please, literally anything else,” you whine. 
The discussion continues, going absolutely nowhere, until the clock ticks over and everyone starts to pack up their things. Another meeting gone, and you’re no closer to having a season for next year. You put away your notebook and Alfira comes up beside you.
“Just think on it a little more,” she implores. “The kids have talked a lot about wanting to do Heathers, I’m just advocating for them.”
“But do you think it’s a good, timely choice? You, the professor?” you ask suspiciously, trying to scope out her intentions.
“I really do, yes. I think there’s a reason why they’re drawn to it right now.”
You chew on your lip and look at her a little longer. Then you sigh and acquiesce. “Fine, I’ll give it another read. It’s been a while since I’ve seen it, maybe there’s something I’m missing.”
“Thank you! I appreciate it, and I know the students do too,” she says, giving your arm a little squeeze. You soften, finding it difficult to perform your usual stubbornness with someone as sweet as Alfira.
Something is still gnawing at you, though, and you can’t figure out what.
You arrive at your therapist’s office a few minutes before your appointment. You sit in the waiting room, the white noise machine humming pleasantly. At 6:00 on the dot, Jaheira opens the door and waves you forward.
“Come in,” she says in her thick Russian accent. You walk past her into the office, which has a cozy, natural vibe. Between all of the plants and the bookshelves, you have no idea what color the walls are. You toe off your shoes and settle on the couch cross-legged as she sits across from you in an elegant red chair.
“So tell me, how are things going?” she asks, crossing her legs and letting her legal pad balance on her knee. You fidget uncomfortably, trying to figure out what to bring up first. But the season selection meeting is still so fresh in your mind, and you have so many thoughts bouncing around your head. Before you can stop yourself, you’re filling her in on all the details, including your feelings about Heathers.
“I just don’t understand why she’s so insistent on this musical, it’s not even really that good,” you grump, picking at your cuticles. She taps her pen to her mouth contemplatively.
“And this character that bothers you so much, JD? What is it about him specifically that gets under your skin? Surely you don’t feel this way about all bad guys in plays.” She tilts her head as she speaks and your eyes dart around the room, both avoiding her gaze and trying to gather your thoughts.
“I don’t know, there’s just something… Honestly, I think it’s the way these teen girls talk about him. I can totally see some of myself in them, too. I feel like if I were a teen when this musical came out I’d be foaming at the mouth for him.” You roll your eyes at the imaginary version of yourself you’ve conjured.
“Is that bad? To find the villain attractive?”
“It’s not just finding him attractive, it’s what qualities they find attractive. The toxicity, the obsessiveness, the violence. I don’t want them to take that into their real lives, you know?” Your words ring in your ears with double meaning and you quickly shut the errant thought down. Not Jaheira, though. She picks up on it immediately.
“We’re not talking about JD anymore, are we?” she asks softly and you fold your arms across your chest. You’re silent for a good long time, various thoughts and feelings barreling through your mind like a train, while she just watches you patiently. Finally, you muster up the energy to speak.
“I just… don’t like that I like it. Every time my body gets turned on by something terrible that he does, I feel betrayed. Like I’ve violated my own consent. It makes me feel sick,” you say in a very small voice, fixing your gaze on a small succulent on the coffee table in front of you.
“I believe you said last tenday that he thought it was all a game, correct?” she asks carefully, and you nod. She continues, “Well, what’s stopping you from playing along with him?”
You stare at her, that ringing in your ears coming back. Your stomach lurches, but you genuinely can’t tell if it’s from aversion or excitement.
“I mean, I don’t want to think of my relationship as a game,” you say with slight disgust. She shakes her head.
“Not the relationship, no, but perhaps other things. If you two agree on the rules ahead of time, find a safe way to tap out if need be, what’s to stop you from having fun?”
“What, like kink?” you ask with incredulity. It’s not something you had ever considered for yourself.
“You could call it that, but it doesn't need to be anything so formal. As long as you agree on your boundaries prior.” She looks at you with that penetrating stare again, like she can peer directly into your thoughts. “Can you trust this man?”
You genuinely don't know the answer to this question.
She doesn't let the silence linger for quite as long this time. She continues, “Try it on your own, first. Just fantasy. Give yourself permission to go as dark as you want. Just make sure you have a bottle of wine and a good friend on hand.” You immediately picture a smiley Shadowheart.
There's still something tugging at your mind, though.
“But doesn't it say something about my, like, feminist values if I want to get beat up in the bedroom?” You pick some lint off your sock so you don't need to look at her, but you steal a glance up at her anyway. She’s raising an eyebrow.
“What does it say?” she asks in that tone she uses when she's pushing back on one of your biases. You swallow your instinctive response and really think about an answer.
“I don't know, like I'm a bad feminist or something,” you finally mutter. Jaheira barks out a laugh.
“Please, what, do you think you're going to go to Feminist Thought Jail? That the Feminist Police are going to come and arrest you?” Her tone is snide but it makes you crack a smile nonetheless. She knows that you sometimes need a firm hand to keep your anxiety in line.
“Your homework,” she continues, glancing at the clock, “is to let yourself explore this fantasy, however you want. Whether it's just in your mind, or in writing, you can touch yourself or not, it's up to you.” Your cheeks redden slightly at getting “masturbate” as therapy homework. “Just make sure you're listening to your body. I think she knows what she wants more than that brain of yours.”
You take a deep breath and put your feet on the floor again, slipping your sneakers back on.
“Thanks, Jaheira.”
“You're welcome. It's literally my job. I'll see you next tenday, yeah?”
You nod, slinging your bag over your shoulder. You exit her office, ideas for your “assignment” bouncing around your head.
You get back to your apartment and kick off your shoes. You drop your bag and immediately head into the kitchen to pour yourself a drink. There’s absolutely no way you can do this stone cold sober. Your eyes flit between the fridge handle and the wine rack above it. Red or white? The image of Astarion licking your blood off his lips invades your mind.
Red. Obviously. Unfortunately. 
You catch yourself. You don’t need to be so judgmental. You like red, and if it adds to the experience because it makes you think of him, so be it.
Your desire to cringe is potent nevertheless.
You bring the glass into your bedroom and dim the lights in an attempt to set some sort of mood. You pull a candle out of a Bath and Bodyworks bag on your dresser, trying not to think about how much time you spent trying to find one with the right smell. You set the candle and your wine glass on your bedside table. You strike a match and watch as the wick catches light, the flame bobbing around like a chipper little parakeet. 
While staring off into space in the direction of the candle, you take a long, deep sip of wine. After a moment, you lie back on your bed and stare at your ceiling. Echoes of the fire dance across your vision. You take a deep breath, nervous about where you’re about to let your mind wander. 
You conjure up his expression from the night you saw Taming. That snide grin, fangs bared, blood dripping down his chin. You remember him closing his hand around your throat and something deep in your core constricts. You let your hand slide down your front, taking your time, and his words reverberate in your ears.
Little love, do you think you’re in control?
You unbutton your jeans and your hand slips below the waistband of your panties. You dip your middle finger into your slick and let out a shaky breath.
You insolent little brat. I will absolutely ruin you.
The thought brings a voiceless moan to your lips. Your ring finger joins your middle finger and they lazily run along your folds, spreading your wetness. 
Your eyes shoot open – you hadn’t even realized they were closed. You can feel the judgment, the anger, the frustration, all bubbling up inside of you. You take a deep breath, acknowledge it, and let your imagination take over again.
You visualize him smugly peering over his glasses at you, the round wire ones, and he points down to his feet.
On your knees, darling.
His voice in your mind is smooth like velvet, low with just a tinge of threat. You look up at him, your bound hands resting in your lap, a collar around your neck. He holds the leash.
Back in your bedroom, your back arches as you slide your middle finger into your cunt, just barely up to the second knuckle. You whimper at the thought of him pulling the leash tight. Your breath moves high into your chest, making your tits heave with the exertion. You move your other hand to your nipple, gently rolling it between your fingers as another needy moan works its way into your mouth. You savor this one slightly, lending it some of your voice.
The collar is replaced by his hand, his fingers tight on your neck. He pulls up on your jaw, bringing you to an upright position on your knees. He kisses you, rough and hungry, your hands twitching against their cuffs.
You let a second finger join the first inside your cunt, tilting your pelvis to get a better angle. Your jeans constrict your waist, and in a huff you shove them down past your hips and kick them off your feet. Your fingers immediately dive back into you and you groan, thinking about his hand yanking your hair back and exposing your neck to him.
In your fantasy you say something, anything, the words are garbled nonsense in your mind. But he laughs cruelly, a far cry from his high pitched giggle that you love so much.
“Don’t be stupid, darling,” he spits, and your legs fall open to let your fingers in further, the top of your palm coming into contact with your clit. Your hips cant into your hand, your throbbing pussy aching for more friction, more heat. 
“Fuck me, Astarion, make me yours,” you whine instinctually, his name sweet and bitter on your tongue. Your conscious mind recoils – do you want him to call you stupid? You’re already insecure about that as it is.
Fantasy, your subconscious coos. It’s just fantasy. You take a deep breath and give yourself permission to keep going.
He traps your naked body with his, caging you in without a means of escape. His eyes glint with something feral, like a predator, as he buries his nose into your hair. You squirm and moan for him, the line between fantasy and reality blurring. His fangs scrape across your jaw as his words spit rapidfire into your ear.
You precious little thing.
You’re mine, remember?
I shall lock you in a room and keep you all to myself.
You’re going to be wonderfully obedient.
Your fingers slide out of your cunt and you move their ministrations to your clit, rubbing in quick, small circles as his imaginary voice rattles in your brain. Your feet push against the mattress, pressing your hips into your fingers as you desperately chase release. Every part of you aches to be held down by him, his cold hands gripping your wrists as he fucks you senseless. His palm slapped across your mouth to muffle your cries of pleasure. His fangs deep in your neck as his cock thrusts even deeper.
Your hand stutters as it tries to keep pace with your fantasy, yearning to feel every inch of him across your body. Your stomach tightens and your pussy clenches and you come in a crashing wave all over your hand. You continue stroking yourself through the end of your climax, eventually succumbing to stillness. The only sensations you feel are the slowing throb in your cunt and your breath wracking through your lungs. 
You let your hand linger in the sticky mess between your legs, turning your head to face the flickering orange light from the candle. 
What do you want?
You’re very good at asking me that. I’m not sure you’re good at answering it yourself.
So… what do you want?
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perfectlyvalid49 · 1 month
Today is Yom HaShoah, which is Israel’s (and by extension large portions of the Jewish diaspora’s) Holocaust Remembrance Day. Back in January, I wrote this post for International Holocaust Remembrance Day, in which I basically said that I thought that International Holocaust Remembrance Day really should line up with Yom HaShoah, but that I choose to take the “Holy shit! Two cakes!” attitude towards it, because the Holocaust is certainly a large enough tragedy to support two remembrance days.
The one in January’s date was selected to be in remembrance of the day Auschwitz was liberated. Because that date was selected to celebrate a non-Jewish achievement, I think it should be a day for the goyim to focus on how they can do better. If it is in remembrance of what good allies they were, then it should be used as a day to do some learning and reflection in order to be better allies to us now, in the present.
But the one today is timed to commemorate the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. Yom HaShoah is the day we picked not just to remember the 6 million who died, but also the ones who decided to die fighting. It is a day to remember that we must stand up for ourselves, even if the price is high, because the price for not standing up for ourselves is higher.
In January I gave some topics for goyim to think about in remembrance of the day. Because today is the Jewish remembrance day, I will share what I am thinking about today as a Jew, and invite others to think about it too.
I saw a post a few days ago where someone commented on a different post about why Jews didn’t leave Germany after Kristallnacht, and how moving to another country because some people broke your window feels like an overreaction. And that you will always be overreacting until it’s too late. How do we know the difference between “just” broken windows and a sign to flee? Knowing antisemitism is on the rise globally, where would we even flee to? How do I help my children avoid the fate of their great-grandfather (who survived) or their great-great-grandfather (who did not)?
We picked this day to commemorate the Jewish victims of the Holocaust, but also to remember that even in the middle of one of the worst attacks on our people (and that’s fucking saying something) there were Jews who stood up and refused to accept their fate. I have seen many Jews say that they’re getting “1930s Germany” vibes from current events. If things are headed in the same direction, what can we do to fight our fate? Ideally with words now, so that we don’t have to fight with pistols and homemade explosives like they did in Warsaw.
The reason for a remembrance day like today is to acknowledge the past, but also to learn from it. What can we learn so that when we say, “We will outlive them” we can mean all of us, not just the ones who are lucky enough to be geographically removed from the worst of it, or to survive despite the odds?
This is a little more downbeat than I had hoped, which is unsurprising given the nature of the day. I like to try to stay positive though, so I’ll say this: Six million people were murdered. The Warsaw Ghetto uprising did not succeed in its goal of liberation. But the Nazis did not succeed in their goal of eliminating the Jews either. We did outlive them. We are still here to remember.
Am Yisrael Chai
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redrose10 · 4 months
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Chapter 14! Honestly I didn’t expect this go past 4 or 5 chapters in total so this is crazy, but I really appreciate all the feedback and love that I’ve received. I think this chapter and the next one are going to be quite the roller coaster ride.
Yoongi X Female Reader. CEO/Arranged Marriage AU
Summary: You were selected to marry the wayward CEO/Billionaire/Heir, Min Yoongi. You went into it with an open mind and heart determined to try and make it work. Yoongi on the other hand had no intention of ever letting you in let alone allowing himself to fall in love with you. Slowly you start to associate the smell of cinnamon and vanilla with the feelings of hurt and sorrow.
Word count: 2,018
Warnings: (May get updated as chapters progress): Arranged marriage, cheating/infidelity, hints of smut (Probably won’t get very explicit but we’ll see how it goes), Sexual Assault, Brief mentions of death, Reader grew up an orphan, General Angst, Swearing
Tag list: @gimeow @kam9404 @viankiss @baechugff @gaby-93 @kayleefriedchicken @igot7fairlyoddparents @jalexad @drrookie
“Alright, I just texted Suri to let her know that I told you about the baby and that you’re really upset and trying to leave. I asked if she wanted to come over and talk this through. She said she’s on her way.”, Yoongi said taking a seat next to you. You were still nervous about this whole thing. Even though the previous week had been spent doing everything to prepare. Making sure everyone’s stories matched up. Woo-Sung came over for dinner and he was even more handsome and charming in person which made Yoongi turn into a jealous rude jerk causing a small argument, but the two of you recovered quickly. Your bags were already packed and hiding out in your room. All you had to do was put your acting skills to the test when Suri got there and make it believable.
Yoongi noticed that you were still uncertain about the whole situation by the way you kept twisting your wedding ring around your finger. A nervous habit of yours that he had picked up. Gently he placed a hand on your thigh giving it a light squeeze.
“Text me when you get to Jimins and call me if you need anything at any point. I’ll keep you updated too.”
You nodded in acceptance, “I will Yoongi. I just hope everything goes smoothly.”
“We’ll make it wor-“
There was a knock at the door that interrupted you both.
He looked over at you with a sly smile, “Show time.”
He gave you a quick kiss before jogging over to the door. You ran off to your room to wait for Yoongi to join you. It had only been seconds, but already felt like hours.
Yoongi swung open the front door greeted by a smug Suri sipping on an Iced Americano.
“Glad to see you finally came to your senses.”, she said letting herself in.
Yoongi rolled his eyes closing the door behind her.
“Should you really be drinking coffee like that right now?”
“The doctor said a cup a day is fine. You’d know that if you bothered to show up at all for our baby.”
He had to take a deep breath and remind himself to stay calm before he snapped and ruined everything.
“So where is the little boyfriend stealer? Did she leave already? I definitely want to turn her room into the nursery.”
Yoongi couldn’t believe just how delusional Suri had become. He almost felt bad for her.
“She’s still packing some of her stuff.”, he responded.
“Good. I want her out of my house.”
“Alright Suri. That’s enough now. Let’s just relax.”
While she made herself something to eat Yoongi paced back and forth a little trying to calm his own nerves. He had been trying to put on an act for you, but deep down he was nervous himself. There was a lot riding on this and he knew how dangerous Suri could be.
“I’m gonna go check on Y/N.”, he said watching as Suri already made herself comfortable. Once he entered your room he felt a sense of relief when he saw you sitting on the bed.
“Ready?”, he whispered. You nodded.
He chuckled before taking a big breath and shouting, “Y/N, can we just stop and talk about this?”
“No Yoongi we can’t. You got another woman pregnant. Do you know how embarrassing that is for me?”
“I do know Y/N. I am so sorry. Just please let me try and fix this.”
“There’s no way to fix this. You have done nothing but hurt me since the day we met when all I wanted to do was to try and love you and make this work between us. Do you know how that has affected me? What that’s done to me? How many nights I was alone and I cried myself to sleep listening to you fuck other women? And now one of them is pregnant on top of it. From now on I am merely your date for the evening when it’s required of me. That’s all. I hate you Min Yoongi.”
When you were finished you were slightly out of breath and felt a burning sensation in your eyes as your vision blurred from the tears that were forming. At that moment you realized that maybe you weren’t acting so much after all. Yoongi seemed to realize too as he grabbed your hand and pulled you close to him wrapping his arms around you and burying his face in the crook of your neck. He squeezed you so tight you had a hard time catching your breath. “I’m so sorry Y/N. It will never happen again. I swear on everything that I will never intentionally hurt you again.”, he whispered in your ear.
When you pulled away he wiped away your tears before handing you the small bags you had already packed and opened the bedroom door for you giving you a kiss.
“Call me later.”, he mouthed.
“Go fuck yourself Yoongi.”, you yelled followed by a smirk that turned to a silent giggle watching him act dramatically hurt by your words.
Slamming the door you stormed off towards the entrance way not even paying Suri any attention, afraid that you might blow it all and laugh if you looked at her.
Once in the hallway you took a moment to catch your breath and compose yourself. You were quite proud of your little performance and it felt great to finally get some of that aggression out.
You texted Yoongi once you got to Jimins to let him know you were safe and to ask how everything went once you left. According to him Suri believed everything and was beyond happy you were out of the picture.
The following week should’ve been relaxing in theory, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. Yoongi called you every day and even snuck over to see you after work a couple times. He reassured you nothing had happened with Suri and he had managed to convince her to sleep in the other room without much of a fight. She seemed to just be basking in the glory of thinking she finally won. You also had the bonus of spending a lot of extra time with Jimin, the two of you spent most nights up late watching tv and snacking on various goodies while partaking in the occasional gossip.
Your worries came to the forefront of your mind on Friday and everything quickly came crashing down around you. It was the day before you and Woo-Sung were supposed to head over to Yoongi’s to get some more of your things. Jimin had headed to the office pretty early that day and you hadn’t heard from Yoongi yet so you spent the day alone.
While laying in bed you could hear your phone ringing from its spot on the table where it was charging. Really you wanted to just ignore it and let it go to voicemail, but then you got worried something could be wrong. Walking over you saw a familiar name flashing on the screen.
Mrs. Chan lived next door to you and Yoongi. She was a tiresome older woman who had more time on her hands than she knew what to do with which led to constant complaints on her part. Always little things that most people wouldn’t even notice. You once heard from the security guard that she complained to the manager of the apartment complex where you all lived that she didn’t like the color of the red lettering on the exit signs around the building. They were too bright and she demanded a more muted red be installed. It still makes you laugh thinking about it. The only reason she even had your number was because you watched her dog one time while she went on vacation a few months ago. Something you’ve regretted ever since. You weren’t really in the mood for her, but once again your anxiety got the best of you and you answered the call to make sure nothing bad happened back home.
“Hello Mrs. Chan. How are you doing?”
“Oh well I’d be a lot better if I didn’t have to walk past your husband and his mistress all over each other like a couple of horny teenagers out in the hallway of our apartment building.”
Your mouth went so dry you didn’t think you’d be able to breathe.
“Honestly dear, I don’t know why you let him act like that. You know if that was my husband, I’d put itching powder in every single pair of underwear he owned.”
Your brain was still having a hard time even forming words.
“Y/N, are you there?”
“Y- Yes Mrs.Chan. I’m sorry about that. Are you sure it was Yoongi.”
“Certain of it. I just saw him about ten minutes ago when I was coming back from visiting my daughter. He had his lips all over her, but I could recognize him. I could smell that cologne he always wears. You know, that cinnamon and vanilla smell. He was with that woman. You know long brown hair. Pale skin. I’ve seen her around many times. Looks like she’s starting to get a little bit of baby bump too. That’s definitely not a good look Y/N.”
The walls felt like they were closing in around you. It certainly sounded like she was describing Suri and who else would she be with other than Yoongi. You wanted to cry. You wanted to scream. You thought you were going to be sick. After all the begging and pleading and promising he did, he still went ahead and broke your trust and it didn’t even take a full week. For all you knew he probably slept with her the night you left for Jimins.
“Alright dear, well I have to get going. Just make sure you say something to your husband or next time I’m gonna get out the spray bottle.”
“Yes Mrs. Chan. Thank you for calling me.”
With shaking fingers you placed your phone back down in its place.
Biting your lip you chuckled to yourself while you replayed in your head what you just heard.
That was the very last straw. You no longer felt like just relaxing in bed. You don’t want to just sit here and cry and feel sorry for yourself. Jumping in the shower you scrubbed at your skin, shaved, and lotioned up. You put on some make up and added a few light curls to your hair. Then you started digging around through the hall closet where you knew Jimin stored various articles of clothing left behind by old girlfriends and one night stands. You hoped you could find something decent in your size since you only packed your comfy clothes and needed an outfit that was more risqué to go along with what you had planned. Thankfully you found a skin tight black silk dress and a pair of strappy heels. They were a size too big, but you’d have to make it work. Taking a final glance in the mirror you were happy with your work. You took off the large diamond ring that you’d been wearing since Yoongi gave it to you at the start of your marriage and placed it down on the dresser not wanting that reminder to follow you right now. You started walking towards the door and while you took the steps you pulled up your contact list on your phone scrolling for the name you were looking for, the one person who had really been getting under Yoongi’s skin recently.
Once you found it and clicked dial it only took a few rings for a familiar voice to answer.
Putting on your best fake smile you reached for the door handle while putting your plan in motion.
“Hey Woo-Sung, it’s Y/N. I was wondering if you were free tonight. Maybe we could hang out and get to know each other a little better. I could come over to your place if you’d like. Yoongi doesn’t have to know.”
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stories-and-chaos · 4 months
Shrike: Deal Makers
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[Hazbin Hotel reader insert as Alastor’s “darling life and death partner” Ace x ace relationship, both parties are moderately sex favorable.]
[One shot, word count 3629, Cw: violence, blood, death, attempted assault, cursing]
The sounds of Pentagram City, gunshots, screams, and explosions, were a vague drone from within your home. Alastor was perusing the newspaper while you looked over the selection on the bookshelf. You’d read all the books at least once. Many were worn from being read multiple times over the decades. None of them was immediately appealing though.
You heard the crackle of radio static as your husband noticed your hesitation. The lanky demon set aside the paper to focus on you. “Trouble deciding my dear?” he asked, the hint of amusement in his voice telling you he had thought of something interesting.
You looked over at him, relaxing at the breakfast table. “Just a bit bored darling. Anything in the news I should know?” You poured yourself some coffee before sitting across from him.
“Hmm, nothing unusual. The rabble securing space before Extermination Day.” The yearly event was roughly a month away and demons were stepping up their preparations. It was similar to humans boarding up their homes before an incoming hurricane. You couldn’t stop the force of nature (or Heaven), you had to try to weather through it. “I’ll admit I’m feeling some ennui myself.” He sipped his coffee before continuing.
“Although…I did have a thought for some entertainment, cher,” he mused, his smile becoming more of a smirk as he raised an eyebrow temptingly.
“Really? Do share Alastor, don’t leave me in suspense.” You leaned forward, both elbows on the table as you cupped your mug in both hands.
His grin widened. “We know how desperate demons get around now, yes? Souls are easy pickings. So, let’s play a game my dear Y/N.” Your eyes brightened at the prospect and you could feel your wings rustling in anticipation. He continued, “Let’s have a contest between the two of us, cher. Who can acquire the most souls before Extermination Day? The one who loses…” he glanced around your home, trying to think of a consequence.
“The one with fewer new souls does all the dishes for a month. By hand,” you suggested. Neither of you enjoyed washing dishes and being able to use your wind or his shadow tentacles made the chore moderately tolerable.
The two of you had played other games and contests in your afterlife. The stakes for losing were ultimately low between you. You were partners after all. Trapping one’s partner in a deal had no appeal to yourself or Alastor.
Deal making with any other demon? That was entertainment.
“Excellent!” His ears perked up and his antlers stretched slightly as he agreed. This would be a perfect way to alleviate your boredom.
An hour later, the two of you strolled together to a plaza in your shared territory. Alastor took your hand and pressed your talons to his lips. “Bonne chance, cher.”
You used a bit of wind to raise you up so you could easily give him a peck on the cheek. “May the best Overlord win.” You backed up enough not to knock him over with your downdraft and took to the sky. Alastor twirled his cane and strolled off in another direction, humming in amusement.
It was times like this that you missed Husk’s casino. It had been an easy hunting ground. You tend to ensnare souls over time. Offer something small that they desperately wanted. Again and again, building up favors with the other demon. Eventually the favors could only be paid with their soul. Or if they had managed to keep their debt to you to a minimum, they would come to a point where what they wanted wasn’t something small. And if you could provide multiple small deals, surely you could make a substantial deal with them, even if it meant their soul.
The casino had been perfect for that, giving you ample opportunity to tempt Sinners with enough cash for another hand or another roll of the dice. And they always came back for more. A favor to a delicate little thing like you was essentially free.
Until it wasn’t.
But sadly, Alastor owned Husk now and his casino was safely tucked away amid dozens of other strongholds of former Overlords. So you had to find other places to play the game.
Of course there were other places to gamble in Hell. But you didn’t have the same understanding with the proprietors; waltzing in to offer collateral to desperate patrons wasn’t encouraged. Bars and drug dens had just as many degenerate souls craving funds you could offer.
At the moment however, the whole city was clawing to avoid Extermination Day. Being out on the streets was second suicide. If you couldn’t secure a hiding place on your own, working for someone who could provide one was the best option. Protection was worth more than money for the majority.
While Alastor looked like a powerful Overlord, you weren’t immediately intimidating. Sometimes you wished you were of a similar mold to Carmilla or Zeezi. Few doubted them, their presence was so powerful. You were what you were however. You hadn’t let your form stop you yet.
Landing in a distant section of the pentagram, you kept your eyes and ears open for potential opportunities as you walked. Sure enough, you found a perfect chance. And it reminded you of how you met Alastor.
A much more run down neighborhood than you frequented, the Sinners here had no issue with committing atrocities in the streets. Case in point; a trio of demons cornered a much smaller one. “You don’t wanna be all alone on Extermination Day, do you babe?” one of them said. He looked like a skeleton held together by acidic gel. One bony hand was pressed against the wall, cutting off the small cat-like demon’s escape.
The cornered demon shook his head mutely, his eyes pinning in fear. One of the other Sinners, this one a blue and orange cyclops, spotted you. “Whatcha looking at birdie? You can come along too, you’re cute enough.” The third demon moved to grab your arm in a lizard claw. His yellowed scales gleamed as he swung you up to the wall.
You could have broken away, but where was the fun in that? Besides, this was an opportunity to establish yourself in this area.
“Oooo, two for one special. C’mon bitches, we’ll keep you nice and safe from the big bad angels. All you gotta do is work for us.” The skeleton grinned, a green haze leaking between his teeth. “Couple cuties like you, we’ll make you bigger stars than that spider twink.”
The demon next to you shrank into himself, unconsciously hiding behind your wing. You put on a concerned air. “Oh mais la cher, I don’t think you can keep yourselves safe. You all look rather…what’s the word…pathetic, that’s it!” The cat demon looked at you like you were insane.
“What the fuck did you say?”
“I said you all looked pathetic. Weak? Unable to perform? I can go on.” The skeleton pulled back his arm to slap you. Or he tried. The instant he moved, you produced a stiletto that you jammed into his throat. He stumbled back, blade dislodging, with green fluid bubbling out from this mouth and neck wound.
“Bones!” the cyclops yelped as the gel melted away from the demon. That was his name?! You felt more than justified removing such a cliche punk from the afterlife. Before he could do more than yell, you thrust the blade into his giant orange eye. It was a much more convenient target than the man you first killed decades ago. Retinal fluid gushed out as he screamed, flailing at the stiletto.
The lizard demon backed away. “Fuck this shit!” He skittered away on all fours, disappearing into the sparse crowd. You let him go. Dead demons told no tales after all. If you wanted demons looking to you for protection, then you needed tales to spread.
Your talons had fluid splashed all over. “Ew,” you said mildly. The gore didn’t scare you, you’d gotten over that fear in life. But that didn’t mean you enjoyed being covered in it. You flicked your hands back and forth, a bit of wind helping to get the worst off and dry your hands.
The cyclops continued to moan in pain next to the pile of bones that was his buddy. You delicately sidestepped around him, avoiding the splatter of blood and fluid he was making as he thrashed around. “W-w-wait! Wait wait please!” came a shaky call from behind you.
You couldn’t help but grin before twirling around. The cat demon had stumbled forward, reaching for you. “You…you saved me.”
“I suppose I did. You’re welcome, cher,” you said in an airy tone as you started to move away.
“No, please! Help me! I’m not gonna make it through Extermination Day, please I’ll do anything!” he called, fear mixing with hope in his voice. Apparently he was having a very bad time in Hell and saw you as a lifeline.
“Anything? That’s quite a lot to offer to a demon you just met.” You faced him fully. Drawn by the cyclop’s cries and the sense of drama, a small crowd started to gather. “What’s your name?”
“Y/N, the Singing Shrike.” There was a murmur in the crowd as some recognized your name. “If you’re willing to offer anything to an Overlord, then I’m willing to make a deal. My protection for your soul.” You held out your hand, still stained with retinal fluid and now emitting a silver light. “Do we have a deal?”
André’s ears flattened as he looked back and forth between your hand and the two demons, one dead and one dying, at your feet. “It’s a deal.” He clasped your hand firmly with his paw. There was a swirl of wind around you both that formed into a collar and chain on your new subordinate’s neck. It was only visible for a second. That’s one, you thought in satisfaction.
“Wonderful!” you chirped, clapping your hands once. “It’s always a delight to form new bonds, is it not? Now then, I’m feeling a bit parched. Let’s find something to drink while we discuss your future André.”
The reality of what he’d just done seemed to be sinking in, but he followed you anyway. It took a couple of blocks of walking before you found a decent looking coffee shop. You ordered two coffees, settled at an outdoor table and gestured at André to sit with you. The coffee was decent and you sipped the hot liquid before focusing on the cat demon.
“Now then. I’m sure you didn’t wake up this morning planning to sell your soul. You’re welcome to live and work wherever you like, so long as you understand that when I call you, you will be there. Follow my orders and we’ll get along fine. Now, what are your skills?”
It turned out he was a stage actor. He’d only been in Hell for a year and a half. The prospect of trying to survive Extermination Days every year made him a literal scaredy cat. Finding out he was an actor was a bonus. “That is perfect. Most of my followers are performers, you’ll fit right in, cher.” You penned an address on a card. “One of the theaters in my district. They’re auditioning after Extermination Day. I can set you up in our territory or you can keep staying where you are. Either way, I’ll call you on the Day to hold up my end of the deal.”
With that you sent him on his way; he said he’d take a look at your territory before deciding. Now you could drink your coffee and wait.
Before long, a female Sinner that had been in the crowd approached you. She looked like a luna moth, soft fluff and light green wings. “Miss Y/N? Are… are you… willing to make other deals?”
“Depending on the terms and the demon. Take a seat, cher, let’s talk.”
By the end of the day, you had five more souls in addition to André. The area you had come to wasn’t currently in dispute, but whoever was in charge was not doing a great job of maintaining any kind of order. So a decent handful were looking for someone, anyone, that could offer more security.
You were back home before Alastor and decided to start preparing dinner. Shrimp and grits sounded perfect after a day of negotiations. Alastor seemed to agree when he arrived. Over dinner the two of you compared your days.
Unsurprisingly, he had a slight number advantage already. But the game had just started and you weren’t about to concede to a mere three soul lead. He’d made a deal with a demon struggling to maintain a few blocks of territory. Once Alastor had the leader on a leash, the few souls he’d owned became Alastor’s as well.
For his part, your husband was thrilled at your disposal of two lowlifes and the lure you’d set in that area. “You’ve come a long way from a singer with a hat pin my dear.”
“So have you darling, from a radio host stalking the night with a knife.”
The month passed. Some days you returned to where you acquired André. Word had spread and other Sinners looking to avoid a second death came to offer their souls for safety. Other days you did offer small deals in other areas, building up to gaining a soul.
Some of your new demons spread word to their friends. And others heard of you from the lizard demon you let escape. Including the wannabe ruler of the neighborhood you were siphoning souls from.
There was a week left before Extermination Day and the end of your contest with Alastor. You had returned to the coffee shop you’d essentially taken over for negotiations. The owner had actually made a deal with you not too long ago, after witnessing you make so many without abusing your new subordinates. So she now had a source of better coffee and new machines due to be installed after Extermination Day. In the meantime she kept you and whoever joined your table supplied with drinks and snacks.
The crowd of Sinners approaching you now didn’t look like they were coming to negotiate however. They looked ready for a fight. One of the baristas whispered, “That’s the leader of the area and his gang, Miss.” You finished your drink and handed the cup to them. “Have everyone stay inside until I come in, cher.” The barista gladly dashed in the shop. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the workers and customers within scuttling about.
You leaned back in the metal chair as they came up to your table. The group of roughly a dozen demons was led by a skeleton with poisonously purple gel attaching all his joints. Fluid bubbled within the rib cage and a dull blue haze surrounded his shoulders. You simply waited, talons interlaced.
Your silence and slight smile irritated the tall creature. He was used to small female demons being intimidated by him and his goons. Evidently your calm was unnerving.
“So you're the bitch stealing all my people huh?” he finally hissed at you.
You tilted your head, “That’s a very interesting definition of ‘stealing.’ It’s rather difficult to steal something that doesn’t belong to anyone. And I can’t really blame any of the residents for coming to me after seeing the state of things here.”
He slammed a fist on the table, denting it. “First you kill my cousin, then you snatch away my people and now you insult me? I’m gonna show you your place girlie.”
His crowd of sycophants started hyping him up: “You tell her boss, fuck that bitch up, show her whatcha got Knuckles, she’s gotta pay for Bones.” This fool’s name was Knuckles? This lot was just sad if they couldn’t think of anything better.
The haze around his shoulders turned into flames as the bones of his hands grew. More flames erupted along his arms and fingers as his hands turned into spiked boxing gloves.
In response, you summoned dozens of stilettos into the air. They glimmered briefly before launching at the group. Squishy thuds were followed by cries of pain as the blades found their targets; eyes, throats, guts. Knuckles whipped his head around at his crew suddenly dropping in a dozen bloody messes.
You stood up, made sure of your footing, and leapt at the surprised bag of bones. You were too close to manage a flip, but a stab to the torso worked just fine. Or so you thought. As the leader stumbled down, carried by your momentum along with the sudden pain, the gel holding him together spewed fluid from the wound.
All that vibrant color was for a reason you realized as your hand burned with whatever the bastard was filled with splashed on your hand. “Fuck!” You kneed the skeleton in the jaw, sending him flat on his back, before quickly making a little whirlwind around your hand to get the fluid off.
Hissing through the pain, you planted a heeled foot on his skull. “Do you own any souls?” you asked roughly. Amazing how well the skeleton could show fear and confusion. You repeated the question, enunciating each word. He shook head. “Mais la, too bad.” You pulled your foot back slightly, turning his head. Then you kicked sharply with a gust for added power, twisting his head away and snapping his neck.
Stepping into the coffee shop, you called out, “All clear ladies and gentlemen. Zoe,” you gestured to the owner, “I need your last aid kit and the sink. And someone to clean up the mess.” You ran your burned hand under the water for a good twenty minutes, making sure you got all the acid(?) off. It was definitely a chemical burn but it was superficial. It would just hurt like a bitch.
Zoe helped you pay the area dry and wrap it in a clean bandage. “Are you going home Miss?” she asked nervously. You could guess any of the skeleton’s cronies that you hadn’t killed would be out for revenge once they realized he was dead. It was barely after lunch so there was ample time in the day for word to spread.
“And miss out on the next act?” You laughed as you settled back into your seat outside. “What kind of Overlord would I be if I left the job half done?” Only four demons came looking for trouble, but without you there that would have been even one too many.
Three joined their former boss in a heap of bodies. One, yet another gel connected skeleton with a blue color scheme, took a look at the pile of corpses, and decided selling his soul to you was the better option. Once you had the former grunt under your talon, you felt you could leave safely. You summoned a demon that had been with you for years. The hawk demon was used to being your occasional muscle. So you left the two of them to guard the shop. Meanwhile the body clean up decided burning the pile was their best option, especially with the acid skeleton mixed in. As you took off, they were lighting the gasoline drenched corpses on fire.
Alastor was home before you. Once he saw your bandaged hand he insisted on inspecting the wound. “Cher, how did this happen?” He asked, brows knitted as he unwrapped the bandage.
“Folly on my part. I didn’t realize the acidic looking demon was in fact, acidic.” Alastor examined the area and determined it was superficial as you thought. He applied ointment and rebandaged your hand. “At least now that I’ve killed that excuse for a gang leader it will be easier to acquire souls. I’ve got to close your lead cher.”
Your husband returned to the jambalaya he was preparing. “Are you still up to the contest my dear? I wouldn’t blame you for wanting to call it off now.”
“Of course I am!” You smacked the table with your good hand. “I’m not about to let a little injury stop me! I’m having too much fun.”
Your prediction was accurate. Without the neighborhood’s erstwhile leader and Extermination Day less than a week away, already desperate demons were losing their shit. You kept your new muscle, Calve, with you. He proved to be a decent informant. He resented you of course; you’d taken out his whole gang including his cousins. Your charm wore him down and by the end of the week he had a grudging respect for you.
Extermination Day arrived. The night before you had ensconced all your new souls into your territory. Doors and windows were fortified; the angels liked easy pickings and extra barriers meant they often went looking for other targets. It was only when they couldn’t find demons in the open that they started breaking down entrances.
In relative safety, you and Alastor finished your final tallies. 122 new souls for you and 124 for him. The last six days had helped you catch up but he still managed to squeak by a win.
“Ah, I do feel bad, making you wash all the dishes when your hand is still injured,” he mused as screams filled the air outside.
You examined your freshly bandaged hand. “Well, if you are that concerned, you can continue with the chore until I’m healed up. Should only be a few more days. I’ll even add a few days onto my end as an apology.”
“Hmm,” Alastor hummed, thinking it over. He grinned as another shriek pierced the air. “It’s a deal.”
@whitewolfsoldat @edgyboi10000 @ch3sire-blu3 @clearly-awkward @badatpunz @bengewatch @chewbrry
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lithiumfae · 11 months
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✰ Charlie From The Cinema Club ✰
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i don’t give any description of reader other than her being a woman, i just added this pic because he looks like such a little loser in it 😭 enjoy <3. the smut felt kinda rushed, sorry :( hoping to hear feedback i’m nervous!!!!!
tags: friends to lovers, ooc robbie??????, sub coded charlie, smut, oral sex.
cw: charlie being kind of a 🚩 (he’s like a crazy obsessed bf), all in all alarming behavior if he were to be a real person. so if you’re uncomfortable w that don’t read <3 it’s nothing too bad though don’t worry, just feel like i needed to say that.
💫 — @quicksilversg1rl @roryculkinsgf @doddernix @milsthouqhts
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The cliche of being the new girl came with all that one could expect; the questioning glances from curious people couldn’t wait to see if their first impression was indeed accurate, along with the rumors about the “real” reason she moved towns, and of course which clique was going to take her in.
The cinema club was always looking for new members but the old members tried to steer clear from engaging with anyone that seemed like they had the potential to screw things up. For various reasons but mainly because even though they were a level under the glee club, they were quite selective. Not just anyone was allowed to enter their carefully crafted ecosystem.
Voice traveled fast after she arrived at Woodsboro. The news reaches Charlie’s ears a few days before the school year started. Robbie acting as more of a member of the gossip club also known as the cheerleaders than the cinema club, called him an uneventful Tuesday night.
“Fresh meat,” he said.
Immediately Charlie wanted to laugh. Robbie tended to pretend like he was an expert when it came to women, like he knew how to get girls when that couldn’t be furthest from reality.
“Fresh meat,” Charlie mocked him, making his voice sound nasally. “It’s a girl man, she’s not gonna be too interested in whatever it is you’re trying to do.”
“What? Like you’re a fucking pussy magnet or something.”
“At least I don’t try and fail to get some,” the bickering continued.
Robbie insulted him some more before sighing.
English class.
Having been sentenced by his undying love for Kirby to sit in front of her for years, he found himself yet again listening to her flirting with God knows who via phone call. Jill sat next to him, smiling at her and wiggling her eyebrows to match Kirby's smirk.
He was in the middle of letting out the most eye watering yawn of his life when he felt Jill slap his arm to get his attention.
“What is he doing?”
Robbie being the he in question.
Apparently he was indeed planning on getting with the new girl, if it wasn’t obvious by the way he managed to be the first one to help her find the only fucking classroom with a red door. The little fucker. He hadn’t mentioned the new girl looking like someone dragged her straight out of a fucking– vogue or whatever magazine that’s got the pretty girls on their pages.
They locked eyes and Robbie lifted one hand pointing at Charlie.
“Yo, move.”
What the fuck?
Was their friendship lacking that solid base that made Robbie willing to kick him to the curb just to impress a pretty girl?
“I can just sit in the back…”
“No it’s okay. I’ll take Robbie’s seat,” because fuck him really. He moved his things feeling a bit jittery knowing she was looking at him while he gathered everything.
After a couple weeks of sticking to her like a piece of chewed up gum, Robbie had somehow managed to convince her to join the Cinema Club. It took a lot of begging on his part and Charlie was sure she accepted out of pure pity. Whatever the reason was, now he saw her in class and at club meetings.
Even though Charlie thought Robbie’s approach was rather pathetic, honestly the guy was trying too hard, he couldn’t help but put a little more effort in his looks when he knew her eyes were going to be on him.
One day as they waited for the others to fill the room she asked him, “did you put something on it?” As she looked at his hair.
“Uh– This– yeah! I saw this video of a dude putting like, mousse or something,” he responded. “He said it helped with curls… made them fluffy… yeah.”
“Looks bouncy,” and oh god, he could have died at that very moment.
He cleared his throat trying to ignore the few seconds of silence. She smiled and added, “Do you like your hair long? I noticed Robbie keeps it really short.”
“Yeah he’s lazy like that,” he smiled too when he heard her laugh.
Charlie saw her stand up and start walking to the desk he was resting against. “Can I ask you a favor?”
She grabbed the bag on her shoulder and reached inside it pulling out a piece of paper. “Robbie gave me a list of movies to watch so I wouldn’t be lost when you guys talked about them,” she paused. “But I don’t know where to find them so I was wondering if you could help me with that. I don’t want to ask Robbie in case he gets the wrong idea since we spend so much time together already.”
“Umm, yeah, yeah. I can do that,” he would be a fucking fool if he rejected such an opportunity. He reached a hand to get her to pass him the list, “I think I have most of these at home…” he could feel her gaze on the side of his face. “I could, bring them tomorr– or you could go back to my place after school to pick them up,” she didn’t respond immediately and he realized what it had sounded like. “Not like that! Just– you know…”
“No I know, you’re not Robbie,” and she giggled, fucking giggled. She was teasing him. “Okay Charlie, wait for me after school then.”
She looked out of place in his room.
Like if someone was playing house with only one Barbie and the rest of the things in his room were all from the Transformers universe. Not that Charlie was even slightly similar to Optimus Prime, he resembled a littlest pet shop figurine. If he were to be honest with himself.
“Sit anywhere,” Charlie suggested feeling jittery. She walked to his bed and sat down as she watched him rummage through the pile by his speakers.
He wanted to curl into a little ball and squeal because of how he could feel her gaze burning into his back muscles.
Charlie heard his bed squeak when she moved to find a more comfortable position. “Have you watched all those movies?” She asked, pointing in his direction.
“The ones here,” he patted the pile he was taking CDs from. “The ones I haven’t, are here,” he pointed to the other pile to the right.
“How many movies have you watched?”
“Like, ever?” She nodded. “I don’t know, like, around two hundred? I think?”
“That’s crazy Charlie, Robbie said he’s watched like a thousand.”
Well fuck Robbie.
He forced a laugh, “to be fair Robbie’s got like, a problem or something. I mean, a thousand really?”
As she stood up from the bed she replied, “I’m so relieved you have the movies I need,” and Charlie felt like exploding all over the room when she kneeled beside him on the floor. “I don’t want to be out of the loop,” she smelled like fucking flowers and… sex? No. Too raunchy of a word for a girl like her. Flowers and something alluring. Fucking pheromones.
‘s gotta be.
He was brought back from the brief mind fog he was experiencing when he heard her murmur a “mhm?”
Charlie stared at her with his mouth open for a second, “I’m sorry?”
“Can you hurry? I need to go home in a minute” she smiled. “Sorry.”
“‘s cool,” he reached to the side to grab a random tote bag he could find. “Strict parents?”
“Kinda yeah. I mean it’s only me and my dad so he’s super protective of me.” She moved to help him put the CDs and tapes in the bag, “especially around this time of year when it gets dark early.”
“Lots of creeps hanging around,” he teased her. “I’m joking, probably just Robbie live streaming again. Though I’m not sure what’s worse, a murderer or Robbie.”
She hit his arm while smiling, “he’s not that bad.” She paused. “He’s very nice to me, not creepy at all. He's just… you know, a teenage boy I guess.”
“And so are you,” she said as she looked him in the eyes.
A beat of silence. “… and so am I,” he quickly stood up and clapped once. “A teenage boy that will walk you home if you want him to, though.”
Her hand lifted in the air inviting Charlie to help her stand up. “Okay,” she smiled again.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
He had never been totally normal in the head, never quite correctly wired.
When he was four he had a stuffed whale he took everywhere with him. They ate breakfast together, it sat on the sink while his mom gave him a bath. He was so attached to it that when the stuffed animal needed to be washed, Charlie cried until his mom let him skip school so he could sit in front of the washing machine and wait for it to be done.
That would serve as a taste of the type of person he would become in the future. Now a senior in high school the only fitting transition from his stuffed whale to a more grown up fixation had to be the girl who was everything he wanted in a woman.
She was gorgeous and she seemed to enjoy spending time with him.
Ever since the day he walked her home Charlie felt on edge. No reasonable explanation to make him feel such an emotion other than the mutual mention they shared every time they had a conversation.
One of his redeeming qualities was his ability to know when the delusions were clouding his judgment. Being self aware comes in handy when one happens to be a social reject. So he knew he wasn’t making it up, he wasn’t imagining it. He wasn’t imagining the way she would let her fingers fiddle with the collar of his shirt as if it was an unconscious action, or how she had wiped a stray eyelash off his face.
The signs were there.
The doubt made its appearance when he asked himself if she was doing it because she did in fact find him attractive or if all the attention she gave him was part of some big plan to humiliate him. After all, he had fallen victim to something similar in the past.
He would set himself on fire if a pretty girl asked him to so he had to be careful.
It was exciting to think she could actually be interested in him. And maybe it was a long shot but fuck, if it didn’t feel good to hope for the best.
If he were to expand on the self aware side of his personality, he would be forced to admit he was quite the obsessive guy. He liked Kirby for years on end, nothing she did or said to him could make him kill his undying love for her. He used to lay in bed and imagine what perfume she liked to wear the most, he would fantasize about how soft her lips would feel against his. He knew what she loved and hated. She liked her hair short and neat, she liked making fun of scary movies and she specially sporty guys with a tan. In short, she hated everything Charlie was so he never bothered.
But he would really fucking love it if this time around things played out differently.
She was not Kirby.
She didn’t make him feel like a tiny ratty chihuahua begging his master for attention. She seemed him out. She asked him questions about whatever shitty movie Robbie told her to watch.
One could think someone treating him like a human and not a bed bug would make him finally snap out of it, that he would stop acting so needy. On the contrary, this girl seemed to have revitalized his psycho tendencies with a spark fueled by pungent desperation.
After about two weeks of befriending her he had started dreaming about her, not wet dreams, he wouldn’t even think about disrespecting her in that way. But every night before going to bed he gets under the covers with a smile plastered on his otherwise blank face, eager to indulge in the mostly harmless pleasure that is to escape to dreamland to experience what he desires the most.
He saw himself doing mundane things.
He takes her to get her done, then they go buy food to have a picnic. They sit on a blanket as they eat fruit, he looks down at her knees and he sees her pants stained green by the grass that surrounds them. They laugh and they kiss, they giggle in each others arms
Some nights he dreams of her running her hands through his hair, he feels the warmth of her fingers on his scalp. In his dreams he doesn’t fear waking up and forgetting what everything felt like, he can allow himself that small pleasure. In his dreams he writes a letter and he reads it to her. When he wakes up he wishes humans were capable of reading while dreaming that way he could replicate said letter. Maybe the words written down contain the key to make her love him.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
Word travels fast, but it travels even faster when you have a camera surgically attached to your temple.
The entire day, Robbie had been acting weird, and staring at Charlie, whenever the latter opened his mouth. And because Charlie is a bit of an empath himself, he instantly knew his infatuation had been noticed by his best friend.
“Fuck is wrong with you man,” Robbie confronted him.
Ever the coward, Charlie moved to the side trying to walk closer to the classroom door.
“Dude we’re gonna be late.”
There’s not gonna be a club if I kill you right now,” Robbie looked down at him. “Let 's talk.”
“Talk about what?” Asked Charlie, choosing to play dumb.
Robbie furrowed his eyebrows and snorted before looking around in disbelief. “Well I don’t know, maybe we should talk about how you’re trying to steal my girl.”
“What girl Robbie?”
“You knew, you fucking knew about it. I called dibs.”
Now it was Charlie’s turn to snort, “dude. How old are we? Five?” He paused. “She just– I don’t know, she’s fun and she doesn’t look like she wants to die when I talk to her. What was I supposed to do?”
“You’ve liked Kirby for years! Why the change?”
“Robbie it’s not that serious, lower your voice,” people were starting to stare. He saw a couple of girls stop by a locker clearly pretending to look for something just to eavesdrop. “It’s not like she’s with you right now…”
The other boys, through his hands in the air, “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“That I didn’t like– steal her from you or anything,” he grabbed Robbie’s shoulder and smiled. “Maybe I’m just her type man, nothing wrong with you,” he tried to make the joke land but as his friend blinked at him a beat slower that usual he felt a bit more anxious.
“You weren’t Kirby’s type and you’re her type?”
“…Robbie I was joking,” said Charlie with an awkward laugh. His eyes darted around taking notice of the increasing number of people around them.
“Well I’m not fucking joking,” he got closer to his face. “Stay away, I’m being serious.”
So Charlie was left to deal with the stares and the scratchy throat he got every time he felt embarrassed or humiliated.
The encounter was brief but it left him buzzing the rest of the day, people briefly glanced at him with a little smile on their faces as if they knew something he didn’t. As if he wasn’t present when it all went down.
And honestly fuck Robbie for feeling so fucking entitled. What if he liked her knowing Robbie wanted to get with her too? Out of everyone that lived in Woodsboro the one that was the most deserving of having her was Charlie. Nobody else had taken the time to memorize shit about her. They don’t know anything about her.
Charlie does.
In record time he had learned more about her than anyone in her life, that he was sure of. Because Charlie took people seriously.
So who did Robbie think he was?
All his life he had to settle for the bare minimum when it came to girls and the amount of attention they let him enjoy. Even fucking Jill, the only ever girlfriend he’s ever had, kept him as a secret because she was probably embarrassed to be seen with Charlie from the cinema club. In the past after their breakup, he dealt with a lot of anger whenever he started thinking about their relationship. He would wonder how big of a loser Jill thought him to be if she was comfortable letting him interact with Kirby even after knowing that for years he harbored a crush for her. It’s like she knew there was not a chance of him ever cheating. Or maybe she thought Kirby would never look at him twice. Whatever it was, Jill didn’t take him seriously.
There seemed to exist a pattern of people seeing Charlie as a filler character in one of those cringy Disney romance movies. The comic relief if you will.
No one ever made outright mean comments about his appearance or the things he liked, but that wasn’t because they respected him, it had more to do with the fact that his peers saw him as the silly guy. That silly guy you know, the one that wasn’t even worth ridiculing.
He was under the impression that he had found a friend in Robbie. They cheered each other up whenever the way people ignored them became too much. They both liked the same geeky stuff. But he was willing to let go of him if it meant he had a chance with the girl of his dreams.
What the fuck would Robbie even do with a girl like her. He then remembered him saying how annoying it was when girls put that sticky stuff on their lips.
As if he has ever kissed a girl, the fucking virgin.
She was always wearing makeup, she wasn’t the girl for Robbie. He could never learn how to properly be hers. On the other hand, Charlie already was. In body and soul.
So honestly, fuck Robbie for thinking showing his teeth and growling like a rabid dog would be enough to get Charlie to back off.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
He saw her at the end of the school day as he was putting his things in his backpack. She poked her head past the door frame.
“Hey,” Charlie greeted her.
“Hi. Already heard all about what happened,” she said, making a face.
“… yeah. Robbie’s always been a bit of a diva.”
She walked into the room at a slow pace.
“I feel like you were collateral damage. This morning he waited for me outside the school because wanted to talk,” her face looked kinda funny with how serious she was. So unlike her. “Would you believe me if I told you he professed his undying love for me.”
Charlie continues packing his belongings to look like he didn’t care. “How romantic.”
“It was really weird because he was live streaming the whole time.”
“That’s Robbie for you,” he jokingly said.
“Did he do the sa–”
“Oh no, no. He wasn’t live streaming when he tried to bite my neck open.” Charlie heard her laugh and he looked at her. She looked too guilty for someone that hadn’t done anything wrong. For what reason? He wondered. He hoped she wasn’t feeling guilty for rejecting Robbie. “It’s okay he didn’t do anything too bad. I just think he got the wrong idea, you know.”
“Because we’re not like that, Robbie’s just fucking crazy.”
He stared at her for a second longer, he noticed she had that snarky little smirk on her face once again. Once again he wasn’t allowed in the running inside joke she was always cheesing about.
“My dad told me to invite you over tonight.”
And she had the nerve to act like that wasn’t a wild thing to say.
She laughed, “last weekend we watched two of the movies you recommended and he really likes them. I told him you’re a friend.
He is.
Charlie felt like Hulk Hogan, fight after fight coming his way. Letting Robbie yell at him in front of everyone was light work, but to risk his life by meeting her overprotective dad was a completely different way of self harm.
“I mean… why though.”
“I don’t know Charlie, maybe he was impressed by your taste in movies, you both have the same old man interests.”
“I also told him you were the same friend that walked me home the other day,” she bumped him with her shoulder.
“Did he call me a good boy for doing that?” He joked.
“Something like that,” she lifted a hand to grab a strand of his hair and she lightly pulled. “Come on, it’ll be fun and wholesome or whatever.”
He already knew he was going to accept but he was a little busy freaking out about what to wear or how to do his hair to voice out his answer. Sure his personality was great and he wasn’t sleazy like most guys his age but he was aware that his looks were completely the opposite of what a father would want for his daughter.
He was already thinking that far ahead.
Should he flat iron his hair? Wear a sweater vest?
“Is he gonna fucking shoot me or what?” He tries for a joke, adding an awkward giggle.
“Don’t make it weird silly,” she smiled. “We can watch a movie in my room after dinner.”
And okay, Charlie was what you would call socially inept but even his baby brain was able to pick up blatant offers such as that one.
“With your dad?”
“… no Charlie.”
He watches her exit the classroom leaving him to panic in the confines of his mind. He made his way to his house on autopilot.
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
At first he fully intended to put his hair in a ponytail, he was set on looking as pristine as a seventeen year old boy could look. But as he stares at himself in the mirror the more he realized how a guy that wore a ponytail was definitely not her type.
It made him look like a food delivery guy anyway.
He opted for his usual hairdo. The famous “book that has been read halfway through” Parted down the middle. A button down and khakis, sneakers on his feet.
While he ties his shoelaces he kept thinking back to when he walked her home.
He could see her dads silhouette from afar, he was being illuminated by the lights on the porch. Dude not only sounded scary he was also built like a fucking tank. So Charlie only walked her as far as his faint heart would allow it. Close enough so her dad could see she didn’t walk home alone but not close enough that Charlie could see his face.
He was now wondering if that had been a good choice. What if he gave off cowardly vibes. Which would be a correct assumption but not one Charlie would like to make.
Those few hours before he made his way to her house he moved around in his room like a ghost on debt. His palms clammy.
The final product was the usual Charlie get up plus cologne. Because no man is respectable if he doesn’t smell like a car air freshener personified.
Her dad said a total of five sentences to him the entire evening, but Charlie didn’t sense bad vibes or anything of the sort so he wasn’t too nervous. The only thing that felt mildly threatening were the slaps on the back the man gave him every time Charlie said something a bit funny. His spine and ribs threatened to fall apart after every slap. But hey, he did call him son at least once. A win is a win.
The girl seemed to be a fucking witch or something. It was like she had swapped here dad for a humanoid alien because soon after dinner she had reminded him of the groceries he needed to buy for the birthday party of one of his colleagues at work (Charlie wasn’t entirely sure, he was too busy staring at her tomato sauce stained lips), and her had just stood up and left. He left them home alone.
He dared leave his beautiful teenager daughter home alone with a dude that even knew the perfume she wore. Granted he wasn’t aware of said fact, but still.
Charlie counted his blessings.
She walked her dad to the door and he left after telling her to lock the door until he came back. Charlie would try to make an analogy about him leaving his daughter trapped with a lion inside the house if it wasn’t for the fact that he felt like the prey.
When she came back he was sitting on the couch with his hands under his thighs.
“…so,” she mocked him with a silly voice. “Charlie, can I ask you something?”
She waved her hand signaling him to scoot over to make space for her to sit down. “Are you and Jill still together?”
“Wha– what the fuck– who told you about Jill?”
“Is that a yes?”
He stood up from the couch as if it was burning him, he knew his failed relationship with Jill was going to come back and bite him in the ass. “No, what? We– not… anymore.”
“Okay, calm down Charlie,” she was quick to smile and pull him by the arm. “Just that it would be really awkward if I had been imagining it all.”
Imagining what.
“Imagining what,” he repeated out loud.
“Imagining us flirting like middle school kids for like the past, two weeks?”
He wasn’t sure if he was about to pee or explode all over the living room. He had a plan and timelines to follow until he was ready for his feelings to be out in the open like this.
“Ah… Th– I’m not with Jill anymore.”
She pulled at his arm again and he sat back down. “I’m sorry, just that I’m trying to figure out if you were secretly a player all along.”
He laughed. “Definitely not a player.”
“Robbie told me.”
“Man fuck Robbie,” he paused. “I could tell you so many things about Robbie.”
She moved even closer to him and tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. “Charlie I don’t care about Robbie,” she made another move on him and grabbed his sweaty hand. “Don’t think too much about it, I orchestrated this whole fucking thing just to get my dad out of the house tonight.”
He looked down at his lap. “I’m so confused right now.”
“How long do you think it takes someone to buy groceries and birthday balloons?”
“I’m a virgin.”
“Charlie I know!”
“You know?”
She giggled as she tucked one of her legs under herself, touching Charlie’s thigh with hers. “Look at you Charlie, of course I know.”
“Did Robbie–?”
“Shut up.”
“Okay, yeah.”
She hadn’t let go of his hand so she dragged him with her when she laid back on the couch. He awkwardly tried to get comfortable in between her legs.
Looking down at her he wondered if all the trials and tribulations he had endured were needed to be able to see such a woman gazing up at him. Her hands always seemed to find themselves worrying with his untamed hair, she was pushing it back, away from his face.
“I don’t mind it,” she said.
“I don’t care that you’re a virgin, it’s kind of charming actually.”
If it was said by anyone else he would have taken it as mocking, but she had never looked down at him for stuttering or sometimes avoiding eye contact.
“I’m about to be really charming. I don’t know what the fuck to do,” he noticed her eyelids sparkled under the pendant lamp hanging over them. She was so dreamy he would believe her if she told him they naturally did that and that it wasn’t make up.
“As long as you don’t think about Jill while kissing me…” she teased him.
He hovered his lips over hers before whispering, “never.”
They kissed and it wasn’t something cheesy and corny like you hear kisses be described in the movies, no sparkles or fireworks being set off. Instead Charlie felt hot all over and he had to cut the kiss short to take a deep breath. He noticed her moving her gaze all over his face.
“Yes please.” He replied.
He was supporting his weight on his forearms and she had one of her hands on his shoulder while the other one rested on the side of his neck. They kissed again and he was so aware of everything happening at the moment, he tried not to breathe too much on her face, he didn’t want his arms to give out and to squish her. Too much happening all at once, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
He felt the corners of her lips curving up when she noticed him pulling away for a second to catch his breath. If it wasn’t for the suffocating heat that was located in his pants he would describe the make out session as overall quite wholesome.
Next time he pulled away she held his face with both her hands, “you’re all red.”
“Oh yeah, it happens.”
“When you kiss Jill?”
He tried not to laugh but he couldn’t hold his smile so he retaliated by tickling her. He dived in again with more confidence now that their lips had warmed up against each another. His arms not being used to exercise or effort of any kind were starting to go numb so he moved to lay on his side. She was quick to get comfortable and mirrored his position all without stopping their kissing.
Feeling the tiniest bit bolder, Charlie grabbed her thigh and made her position it over his waist. He wanted her to consume him whole. The hair on his hairline was starting to stick to his forehead, and of course she noticed this.
“Are you hot?”
“A little yeah.”
Her hands pulled at the collar of his button down, “take it off.” She helped him slide it down his back and she threw it under the coffee table, the rush of it all made him laugh. “Not that I don’t like this but I really want to get to the good part.”
“Th– yeah, yeah. Cool. Okay.”
Whenever he felt uncertain about something he chose to copy what others around him were doing, the same thing was happening at that moment. He rose up with her and he watched her slip her clothes off.
She started by standing up and unbuttoning her pants and sliding them down her thighs, he watched her as she rushed to get rid of them. When she noticed he wasn’t moving she looked at him and said, “come on Charlie. You want me to undress you too? Like a little baby?”
“Yeah, no, sorry.”
She softly laughed and helped him with his pants anyway. And god, Charlie could have burst into flames from the sheer panic and excitement he felt when her hands made contact with the skin on his legs.
“I don’t– fuck I’m sorry, I don’t know what to do,” he lamely tried to excuse himself.
She seemed to ignore his words and didn’t bother to acknowledge them, she stood in front of him almost completely naked– she had kept her bra and her flowy blouse. As he paused for a second to take in the sight in front of him he let himself put his panic aside. He had gotten this far so she was clearly into him, he doubted his lack of experience was going to be a turn off.
Taking advantage of the moment of confidence he reached to touch her waist weakly pulling her towards him.
She moved to straddle him, “I know, I don’t care.”
They kissed again but this time around she moved from his lips all the way down his body. Her hands found his cock before her lips reached it.
“Woah– what, wait you don’t have to.”
“I kinda do, I don’t have lube. Do you?”
“Of course not, sorry.”
And fuck, during all the time he had known her he had never dared fantasize about her in any sexual scenario so he had nothing to compare to what he was seeing. She stopped for a second to just look at him. The view was downright sinful. Her precious face looked all different types of beautiful. Innocent, her eyes seemed glossy and alert. Expectant, for what was to come. And aroused, for what she was about to do.
“Don’t pull my hair,” she said.
And he wasn’t even thinking about doing it, how could he, when it was her job to pull his. The only one allowed to mess up anyone’s hair was her.
Instead he rested his arms on the backrest of the sofa. It felt programmed, the way he threw his head back the moment he felt the suffocating heat around his cock. He almost closed his legs on instinct.
“Ah–!” He moaned.
He knew she was only doing this to get him wet enough so they could fuck but he hoped she’d let him experience these feelings again sometime in the future. His own hand around his cock didn’t feel even remotely similar to the engulfing pleasure he felt all over his body, he thought nobody could compare to his own hands, after all who knew him better than himself? Oh but how wrong he was.
Attempting to regain some composure he tried to distract his mind by looking around the room, then down his body. The little makeup she was wearing on her lips was smeared down his chest and the marks disappeared before they reached where her lips currently were.
A failed attempt it was.
Her wet lips and the sounds they were making around him made him feel the pleasure from the tips of his hair down to his toes, it was strange and unlike anything he had ever felt.
She squeezed one of his knees before pulling him out of her mouth and going back to straddle him.
“I’m scared my dad is gonna knock on the door any moment now,” she said before coughing and when he looked at her lips he saw there was spit all around them so he wiped it with his thumb. “Sorry, it’s been a while.”
And for a moment she looked the tiniest bit embarrassed, Charlie wasn’t going to let that happen.
“It’s been forever for me you know,” she laughed and went in for a kiss but she stopped before their lips connected. “What?”
“Guys don’t like to kiss after you blow them.”
And that made no fucking sense to him, what. “Just kiss me, I’m scared, if you don’t kiss me I’ll die,” he joked.
“I like you a lot Charlie.”
He giggled like a fool so he covered his face with his hand. “Yeah.”
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
For the first round she rode him because he could not, for the love of god, get the hang of it quick enough. He lasted for all of five minutes. With his ears still ringing from his orgasm he almost had a heart attack when they heard someone yelling outside.
Thanks to whatever higher power there was, it wasn’t her dad doing a war cry getting ready to kill Charlie.
“Neighbors,” she said, laughing in his face.
“Stop laughing. My dick almost went inside my body.”
Her loud laugh made his ears hurt a little but the joy he was feeling drowned any existing annoyance. “That would be bad because how would you fuck me again before my dad gets home?”
“What? Like, now?”
“Yes, now dummy,” she laid her back on the couch before she continued, “but I’m exhausted, let’s do it like this.”
“Okay… kinda like what you did but, like this. Okay. Yeah. I can do it.”
It was simple really. It was nothing but a change of angles. Yes.
They were both equally as sweaty but unlike Charlie she looked alluring with the small droplets of perspiration littering the expanse of her chest. He couldn’t help himself, his head lowered over the apex of one of her breasts. A bit shy at first, he left a peck there. Her skin felt feverish.
Her soft moan encouraged him to indulge in his desire to keep doing that for a bit longer but on her other breast. This time he licked her nipple and like clockwork her fingers rushed to tangle themselves in his hair.
“This okay?” He whispered. She hummed letting him know her answer was positive so he continued. He only let up when the skin around her nipples looked pinkish and closer to painful than tender.
“Wrap your legs around me, help me,” she obliged, drawing him closer to her. He went in for a kiss to get rid of the nerves he felt right before sliding inside her.
They moaned in unison. Waiting to get his confidence back he let himself stare at her yet again.
“What?” She asked, moving her head to the side, as if to avoid his gaze.
“You’re just really fucking pretty. I haven’t had the time to freak out,” at his words she looked back at him and she caressed his face with her hand. Before adding to what he had said he grabbed one of her knees to start moving, “I’m so happy.”
It all felt so domestic, the chatter while he lazily thrusted, the way they were smiling at each other, he loved it.
They didn’t talk for a brief while.
Charlie had a lot more control like this, now both of his hands were resting on the back of her thighs and he was thrusting with more of a rhythm. The sounds both of their bodies combined made were so flustering, wet and arousing. His cock had never felt quite like this, he honestly thought he could go for hours if it wasn’t for the impending doom of her dad’s arrival.
“Can I– Can I go faster please?” He waited for her to nod before putting more of his weight on his hands to be able to fuck her with more force.
He slid in and out in a frenzy, he felt like he would die if he stopped to take a breather, the sound of her loud moans were not helping at all. Now he couldn’t stop staring at her pussy and the way it glistened with their combined slick, the sight was sure to plague his mind in the days to come.
He never thought he would be allowed to fuck the girl he had been obsessing over for weeks. He no longer would have to imagine what her skin smelled like, or how she would move her lips when they made out. He knew now. This was the equivalent of having your third eye open.
“Fuck Charlie!”
“Yeah baby?” He laughed. “Can I call you that?”
“You can call me anything I don’t fucking care, just keep fucking me.”
He paused for a second before replying, “then, can I call you mine?”
She stopped mid moan to laugh out loud and squeeze his cheeks. “Shut up.”
“Ah, Ah–” his pants filled the room.
“Charlie I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum. Please don’t stop.”
His thrusts were becoming weak due to the fatigue in his legs so he went back to supporting his weight on his knees. “Can you turn aro–” before he finished his sentence she was already moving. And fuck, her face was pretty to look at but her ass was going to haunt his dreams until the day he died.
“Come on, fuck me.”
And even though Charlie was a virgin, painfully so, he always preferred to watch shitty porn if the couples in the videos were doing it doggystyle. Something about being able to grab a woman’s hips with more strength aroused him more than anything.
He made quick work of sliding back inside her and this time he didn’t wait for her signal to start moving. For just a moment he let himself forget all about being Prince Charming and he allowed the more animalistic and primal side of him to come outside to play. His hips collided with her plush ass making loud sounds, the unmistakable singsong of just two passionate lovers blinded by the suffocating heat of their linked bodies.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! Ah! Charlie!”
“I know,” his voice came out whiny and desperate in tone. He wasn’t sure who was going to be the first one to let the tears flow down their cheeks. He felt like sobbing because of the overwhelming pleasure and other more innocent feelings in his heart. “Fuck I think I love you, what the fuck.”
His words seemed to make way for her pending orgasm from minutes ago before they changed positions. Her torso lifted up away from the couch and bumped into Charlie’s chest.
The sudden movement along with the cold feeling on his legs made him look down once again, he saw her leaking on his legs. Good god. “Sorry,” she tried to apologize when she noticed him with his head down.
“You keep on getting better huh?” Charlie rested his forehead on her shoulder. “You’re so fucking sexy, I’m going insane.”
They took a few seconds to catch their breath. She weakly massaged his scalp with her fingers. Charlie lifted his head from her shoulder to ask for a kiss.
“Pull out.”
“Mmm…” he groaned.
“Don’t be dumb, pull out so I can jerk you off. My dad’s been away for like an hour now,” He groaned again just to be funny. “Come on.
The sound her pussy made when he pulled out was nothing short of obscene. They were all sticky and sweaty. A mixture of bodily fluids that if it had been anyone else, Charlie wouldn’t have wanted them to touch his still hard cock.
She chose to sit on the carpet between his legs, the exhaustion was starting to catch up to her as well as she rested her face on her knees.
“It kinda hurts,” he said.
“Let’s make it stop then, yeah baby?”
At that he didn’t even bother voicing out his response, he just stared at her with her mouth open like he was trying to catch flies.
This time she didn’t need to add saliva to make the glide more pleasant, her juices had already taken care of that. Her hand closed around him and he felt like a virgin all over again, he was never going to get used to all her body parts touching him.
It didn’t take long before he lost control of his limbs, he was hunched over, gripping the couch cushions to keep himself from touching her as he didn’t want to bother her in any way.
“Ah– gonna cum,” he whined, his voice going higher than usual.
“Yeah? Gonna cum all over my fist?” He nodded like a dumb puppy. “Go on then. Don’t want my dad to find us like this right?”
“No baby, no. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!” The tip of his cock was a painful red shade almost purple, he had been hard for far too long. “Ah– Please, it hurts.”
“I’m not doing anything to stop you.”
“I know, I know. I’m sorry, fuck,” one of his hands was hanging in the air, clenching on nothing. She saw it and linked their hands together. He was looking at her so intently waiting for her to get the words he was trying to say, he nodded, his eyes glossy with tear.
“Wanna kiss me?”
“Uh-huh,” he dumbly said, nodding again. And as they kissed for the hundredth time that night she sped up the speed of her other hand.
His cum slid down her closed fist and he felt the tears he was holding in slide down his cheeks, wetting her face too in the process. She kept kissing him until he had stopped whining and panting so desperately.
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
“Dad is gonna think an earthquake hit while he was gone,” she joked once they had parted.
Confused Charlie asked, “huh?”
“Look around, everything is messy. And my hands are all dirty.”
“Not only our hands, we’re all sweaty.”
“Right but we don’t have time to shower,” she pushed his sweaty and tangled hair away from his face. “So you’re gonna put your clothes back on and pretend nothing happened, like a good boy. Yeah?”
“…yeah,” he replied after a pause. “Like a good boy.”
“And I’m gonna do the same and wipe my hands clean with a napkin.”
It was like she had flipped a switch. In a quick moment she had changed back to the sweet girl he knew. Gone was the sex goddess he saw while cumming his brains out.
He did what she told him to do and also fixed the cushions on the couch. He watched her move around the living room like a working bee. Moving things here and there. He closed his eyes for a few minutes and when he opened them again she was standing in front of him holding a hair brush for him to grab.
“You look like you were electrocuted,” it was kind of silly the way he was back to feeling self conscious the moment he was fully clothed again. Like the angel she was, she noticed him looking a bit embarrassed so she added, “it’s cute Charlie.”
He smiled.
“Just that you can’t look like that when my dad is right outside the door.”
His scalp was on fire because of how quick and rough he brushed his hair to get it tangle free, all the while she laughed at him on her way to the door. Charlie discreetly whipped his face with his sleeve, just in case.
Her dad walked inside the house holding bags and bags of groceries. Charlie felt like making a run for it and just pushing the man aside to escape. For some stupid reason he felt like her dad somehow knew what they were getting up to while he was gone.
Once her dad carried all the groceries inside the house he put them on the kitchen counter and shouted, “Kids?”
Charlie almost pooped his heart out.
“Why are the windows open?”
Charlie looked at her in panic, she ignored him choosing instead to walk to the kitchen. “There was a cockroach flying around and Charlie helped me get rid of it. Huge thing. Really, I almost cried dad.
And the man laughed as he spoke loudly for Charlie to hear, “thanks kid, this girl is terrified of those. You’re a lifesaver.”
“… yes sir. Anytime… anytime.”
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tapwater118 · 13 days
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Has anyone ever heard of “Battle for Dream Island” (1990) before? Really obscure NES game, doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page (or hell, even a mention in one).
From what little I can find about it on the internet, Battle for Dream Island was an NES game released on January 1st, 1990, apparently made entirely by a pair of independent American developers. Never made all that many sales, but eventually it garnered a rather niche following on an obscure gaming forum, though it had long since dissipated. Unfortunately, seemingly nothing from the forum threads was archived, so all I have to go on are a few vague threads titles from a navigation page.
I, rather cliched like, bought this BfDI cartridge from a sleazy old guy at a flea market (along with Puzznic and Wario’s Woods for a bargain deal). I dumped the ROM and booted it up on an emulator to take some screencaps.
Upon pressing start, you are prompted to “Choose Contestant,” and have a choice between any of 20 playable characters (who are all everyday objects, for some reason). Each contestant has their own stats, and while you can feel the difference while playing, the overall impact of character choice is pretty negligible. (Also some of these guys don’t even have arms?? Weird design choice but okay.)
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Two screencaps of the character select screen. I went with Pin for my first playthrough cause idk she seemed kinda cute. I’m almost sure the stats are “Strength,” “Speed,” “Jump,” and “Skill.”
(Continued under cut)
While touting itself as a game show, BfDI is essentially a glorified minigame collection. The gameplay loop is as follows: You and the 19 other contestants play a minigame (referred to as “challenges”) to earn points based on how well you do (though I’m fairly certain the computer contestants just get a random amount of points for each challenge). Most of the challenges are various platforming segments, though some others fall more into puzzle game territory.
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Two of the challenges. The green “Win Tokens” can be collected for bonus points. LEFT: A horizontal platformer level. The grey wall in the middle of the screencap moves up and down. RIGHT: A challenge about climbing ladders while avoiding “acid spitballs.” The game pauses to scroll vertically a la Super Mario Bros. 2.
After each challenge, this speaker thing shows up (pretty sure he’s supposed to be like a game show host?) and tallies up everyone’s score. The contestant with the least score gets “eliminated” and removed from the game.
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The results screen. Leafy did rather poor on the last challenge, so she’s out of the game.
The game continues like this until you lose (have the least amount of points) and get booted to the game over screen, or until you are the last one left, in which case you win Dream Island! (Though of course in reality you just get booted back to the title screen. No Dream Island for you.)
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The victory screen, with the gates to Dream Island in sight. Feels more like the gates to hell given how Pin’s staring at me.
It’s a fairly easy game for NES standards (I won on my first try). Took me about 80 minutes on my first playthrough, though subsequent ones could take less than an hour as I knew what I was doing. The brevity and the fact it saves your high score gives BfDI a nice sense of replayability (though this is probably best done sporadically, as the challenges tend to get a bit samey after a couple of back-to-back playthroughs).
So yeah, just wanted to share this in case anybody else has heard of it. I’ll probably rip the sprites and upload them sometime later cause it doesn’t look like anybody’s done that yet.
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duskbats · 2 years
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i’m not sure if this is something that people are interested in, but i kind of wanted to make this as a personal thing anyway in case i end up losing all of my occult related mods one day. these are mods for occult sims that i have in my game and either can’t live without, or am excited to try out myself!
this is heavily inspired by many other wonderful must have mod lists, so thank you to everyone who has made one of these as this post will follow a similar layout and structure and inspired me to make my own. i’ll try my best to keep this post up to date! - updated 6th april 2024.
mods marked “new!” aren’t necessarily new mods, but are new additions to this list.
bloody bites & wounds.
i think i’d consider this my most essential vampire mod. it’s not for everyone, as it is quite gory, but i personally love that this adds levels of blood messiness depending on how much they drink etc. it’s pretty self explanatory otherwise!
vampires can kill.
this is a fun one that just made sense to me. i’m not one to have violence mods in my games, but sometimes a vampire can get a little carried away and drink more than they should, y’know? 
immersive vampires.
i’m a big fan of any mod that adds depth to the way sims can interact with each other, even if it doesn’t have a significant effect. this mod adds the ability for vampires to ask others more about vampires and confess that they’re a vampire etc.
vampire magic.
i still have yet to actually play with this mod, but it appealed to me after making my vampire the masquerade sims and the tremere clan as they’re known to be magic users of sorts. i also really like how this mod can add a special sage too, and you find out vampire spells by asking the sages!
vampire bloodlines.
reworks the vampire bloodlines a little bit, making each bloodline have a different weakness/strength level in regards to xp gain and energy drain when being exposed to sunlight.
vampire initiation ritual.
this is another mod i haven’t played with yet but i 100% plan to when the time is appropriate in my gameplay. this adds a special event for a vampire initiation, where you can invite other vampires to witness the turning of a human.
more drinks for vampires.
another mod that i’d consider essential for my gameplay, i’m always on the lookout for more vampire drinks and food as the game is lacking them! this mod only adds drinks though, featuring a simple glass of blood and a blood cocktail. these can also be accessed from the vintage glamour bar which i think is super handy.
vampire food set. & NEW plasma foods!
similar to the above mod, this features food specifically for vampires. i do wish there were more vampire recipes, though. i also wanted to mention srslysims’ cooking overhaul includes some vampire recipes too, and for those who enjoy playing with vampire toddlers, this mod is great!
plasma fruit override.
pretty self explanatory and simple. it makes the plasma fruit look more blood-like by making everything red, this is something i’ll only use sometimes depending on the vibe of the gameplay i’m doing with vampires as sometimes i want it to be more sims-like and keep with the purple theme. but i’m currently using this mod!
vampires weakness freedom.
this is something i like to be selective with with my vampires, some i want to give weaknesses and some i don’t. i used to use mccc to remove weaknesses after picking their powers but this one allows you to pick powers without requiring weaknesses, too! but you can still pick them if you’d like. i also highly recommend this creator’s other vampire mods, such as no friendship decay from hissing.
misc. vampire mods.
there are a few other minor vampire mods that i want to include but they’re not major enough for me to make a section for each, so i decided to link the creator i depend on the most for my vampire mods, zero. they have various mods that i find to be more quality of life things for vampires, such as the pass out animation being more dramatic, and many more.
alchemy overhaul.
once again, one of the most important mods for spellcasters i think! this mod allows you to create the outdoor retreat potions with the cauldron, adjusted the prices and ingredients and you can also purchase alchemy ingredients at the computer.
functional spellbook.
i actually adore this mod and every spellcaster of mine has one in their home! it’s very helpful for spellcasters that live in small homes as they can learn things from the book without having to walk all the way out to a big open space to practice spells in front of their neighbours.
expanded spells collection.
another handy mod that expands on pre-existing spells for your spellcasters. it adds more depth to certain spells such as allowing to clean pets with scruberoo, adding new types of summonable undead with necrocall and more.
craftable wands, brooms & tomes.
this one is completely new to me and i actually just found it when i was compiling this list, but it seems exciting to use and a great idea for running an alchemy shop. it’s pretty self explanatory, it allows you to craft certain wands and brooms with the woodworking table. tomes can be written on the computer like a regular book.
kids can perform magic. UPDATED (untested)
i know this mod used to work at some point, but i’m not 100% sure if it does anymore as i remember having some problems the last time i had a spellcaster child in my game. i was recently browsing this creator’s patreon and discovered that i THINK this mod has been updated? i haven’t been able to test it yet but here’s hoping! but if it does work or gets updated, this is a great mod as i never understood how magic for children wasn’t a thing in RoM already.
magic realm initiation rework.
i really like the sound of this mod as i never personally liked the “mote hunt” to become a spellcaster. this mod makes it so that each sage has a different task for spellcaster initiation.
misc. spellcaster mods.
similar to vampires, i depend on zero a lot for my spellcaster mods. they have many other minor quality of life mods or spellcasters as well that i highly recommend you check out if you play with spellcasters a lot!
i want to add a sidenote to this section to say i actually haven’t played with any of these mods yet as i have yet to play with werewolves in general, but i wanted to include werewolves in this list regardless as there are actually mods for them now!
this mod seems to essentially give the ability for werewolves to be spellcasters, but they’re called mooncasters. it seems a bit complicated to become a mooncaster, but this mod looks very well thought out and in depth!
werewolf blood kills vampires.
i put this in the werewolf section as it seems to be more beneficial for werewolves than vampires, considering it has dire consequences for vampires. but the mod name itself is pretty self explanatory!
werewolves can kill sims.
another self explanatory mod name, and similar to the vampires can kill mod. werewolves can attack and kill sims with this mod!
no relationship loss from werewolf reactions.
i never liked these features that EA adds that makes it so that all sims react negatively to occult sims, so i’m happy to have this addition in my game!
less furious werewolves.
another mod i have yet to experience, but it seems that werewolves’ fury meters fill up way too quickly so this seems like an important one.
fated mate changes.
changes the way a werewolf can find their fated mate. previously, the werewolf would have to use a romantic interaction to discover if a sim is their fated mate. now this mod can make it so that any interaction can find their fated mate. also makes it so that a werewolf can find a fated mate whether they’re an occult or not!
werewolf club activities.
allows you to add werewolf activities to a club, essentially making a club version of a werewolf pack!
werewolf tweaks. new!
pretty self explanatory. this mod features a few tweaks for werewolves such as giving vampires a venomous bite, more vicious rampages and even a tea to protect sims from werewolves.
werewolf bloodlines. new!
basically the same as the other bloodline mods included here, but for werewolves.
various occult mods.
this section will feature mods for other occults or multiple occults, considering i haven’t found enough to give them their own section yet. werewolves will be added once more mods are made and i’ve experienced them to see what mods i find useful.
occult activities.
this applies to both spellcasters and vampires, and i think it’s really useful! it allows vampires to go out hunting in a rabbit hole if you don’t feel like helping them hunt for sims to feed from, and spellcasters can forage for ingredients for their potions.
supernatural traits.
this is a great mod that allows you to add special traits to your supernatural sims. these can either add depth to a pre-existing occult sim (i.e, a vampire with a haunted trait) or make new occults all together (sort of).
enhanced aliens. CURRENTLY BROKEN - Causes wants & fears to not show up!
this mod adds some well needed features to aliens. it gives them powers such as mood boosting and draining other sims and mind control powers that allow them to command a sim to do things, plus some other stuff.
alien bloodlines.
this basically just adds bloodlines similar to those that spellcasters have to aliens, but i definitely think it’s worth using if you play with aliens!
ghastly ghosts.
something that i’ve ALWAYS wanted is the ability to make ghosts feel more unique, and this mod seemingly does exactly that. now only certain sims can see ghosts (children, occults & mediums) and ghosts can’t easily communicate with living sims anymore, making those sims that can see ghosts feel special.
dormant occult traits.
this allows sims who have a lineage of occults to be born with a dormant trait related to that occult, which is apparently something that came with werewolves. these dormant traits can be unlocked in certain ways and allows said sim to rediscover their lineage and become that occult!
various occult food.
this find was HUGE for me, considering i’m always wanting more food for vampires in particular. BUT this list features foods for other occults, too!
credit of course goes to all of the wonderful mod creators, and i want to credit those who have made mod lists before me as i was heavily inspired by those lists.
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newtonsheffield · 2 months
Molly, I think they absolutely redecorate, based on this picture. The woodwork, fluted column, and drapes make me think this is the Bridgerton House Drawing Room, but the leather chair and the red rug were not there before, and definitely feel much more like Anthony and Kate’s style.
And if we’re engaging in WILD speculation: looking at the Season 3 episode list, I might assume that this scene takes place in the episode “Joining of Hands” which is episode 7 of 8, so this makes me think that the the redecorating may be a part of a wider story arc involving Kate stepping into the role of Viscountess and Violet stepping back. (I don’t think it’ll be contentious or anything—quite the opposite actually! I think both women will be loving and supportive throughout one another’s journeys)
And if we want to engage in even WILDER speculation: we could assume that this will culminate in Violet moving out of BH at the end of the season, meaning we might just see her famous Farewell Masquerade, and Benedict’s meeting with his Lady in Silver!!
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What I need is Anthony walking into the room one day to find Kate and Violet entertaining a man who has wallpaper samples strewn about and several heavy rugs.
“Are we…? Redecorating?” Anthony asked a little hesitantly, bending to kiss his wife’s cheek.
“I’m considering it, Darling.” Kate hummed.
“Yes.” Violet said firmly at exactly the same time.
Kate’s lips quirked in a smile as Anthony made his way over to the biscuits set out.
“This is Mr Abbott, Darling. He was just trying to help us choose a rug that might match the wallpaper in your Chambers and something for in here.”
Anthony inclined his head to the man who said “Lord Bridgerton, Good day.”
Anthony looked quickly at the rugs, before he settled beside his wife. Squeezing himself in where there wasn’t room. “Well none of those match the wallpaper.”
Mr Abbott cleared his throat, “Lady Bridgerton had thought, perhaps, to change the wallpaper to something a little brighter. Gold perhaps.”
Anthony raised his eyebrows and the man seemed to shrink back. “Gold?”
“Gold.” Kate confirmed, “Your chambers are a little… dreary, Darling.”
Anthony could feel Kate watching him, waiting for his reaction to the very thing she’d tried to do in their home. He could feel his mother waiting to drag him from the room and likely give him a tongue lashing about how difficult it was for ladies to leave their family homes and try and settle somewhere else. He’d probably get an encore from Daphne at dinner tonight as well. But she really needn’t bother. Truth be told he was only curious. And perhaps it was a little funny to see Kate scoff at his attempt to be stern.
“If your Lordship agrees of course.” Mr Abbott said quickly. “I have, of course, a number of other samples for your perusal. Ladies often require approval from their husbands before we proceed and I had thought-”
Anthony scoffed, kissing Kate’s cheek again quickly before he stood. “Nonsense, whatever Lady Bridgerton selects will be lovely I’m sure. It’s high time the lord’s chambers were redecorated. I’m sure it’s very dated.” He turned to Kate, tapping his foot against the blue and gold rug, “If I might put in a little bid for this one though, love. And ah… I’ve always wanted one of those… big sort of… leather armchairs for in here.” He turned back to the other man. “Do you think you could help Lady Bridgerton procure me one of those?”
The man’s mouth fell open in surprise, floundering. “I… yes, Lord Bridgerton. Of course, sir.”
“Excellent! If you can make this job your first priority I’ll add a bonus to your invoice.” He turned back to Kate who was smiling at him still, “Will you be joining me for tea in the study later?”
“I will, yes.”
“Lovely. I’ll see you later then, darling.”
And when he left the room he heard Kate sigh, “I’m a little annoyed that he did pick the nicest rug. Now I won’t get to argue with him.”
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